OEP 5500-FM-OG0114 ot/2015 ry COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTI ENT OF EI{VIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAT' OF OIL ANO GAS I/IANAGEIIIENT pennsytvania 2407749 USEONLY SURFACE ACTIVITIES INSPECTION REPORT Permit or DEP Office Scranton District Off ce ESCGP # Add.ess 321 Sprucastreel Sujte 300 Project # Farm Name & Well # Scranton. PA 18503 Addaess 917 State Route 92 North Tunkhannock, PA 18657 Ste ing Price lV V. 1. 1 Oper. Name Southwestern Energy Production Company Responsible Afton Official/Phon€ 115-20031 Req. # 570-9964200 County Susquehanna County Municipality Lenor Twp Latitude 41.4346"N other lnfo Longitude 75" 39 21 .2" w E AOMIN Adminislrative / File Rev ew RESTR - sne Restorano. E CEI- Compliance Evaluation INCOT lncjdeniResponse RTNC - Routine / Comp ele l.sp€clion PREOP - Preope.ation lnspeciDn D COMPL - Complainl lnspecton Facility: E Single-WsllPad I Mu ti-WellPad E qpelne E Ceniratized tmpo!.dmenr-Waste Esrorage Ves*l E Slream Class/WetcEh6d: Sp*iat Proteclion? Psrmits/Auth: _Type: Chap 93 Oes: EESCGP? OJoint DCr E Pha*: D P€-construdion E Convenlional GeneEtPemit: Type E OG-57 E OP EN _S OU RC E I Consrruclion E Drit/A[ E Restoren/prod E Aba.doned E ptu99.9 E lJnco.ventionalshaler Marcelius flcB"l oi O&G GeneEl lh6to.aiion3 (oonfd:"tx$ta:0on I R v We Ctl A Okpcd S.ctlon liV Siie lO Sign 3211(o)oGA E E E Residual Waste '7a 54 trtrtr 1A2A trtrtr Control D.irrins Pemit on sire 3211(a)oGA cD E Co6tol& DisDcalPlan '78 55 tr tl D 321r(h)OGA o E E Pemanenlslabilization'102.22(a) E I tr '76 56 tr D tr waierMomt Pran 3211(m)OGA E tr tr Site 3215(a)oGA E E tr 32r5(b)OGA fl E tr fl tr tr corosio. Contor Reo 3218 4(a)OGA n Tl n Foodphin R6fidions P.eopeGtional lnsp€d 3215{0OGA 3258(a 1)OGA Sscuon SdllRd.eao Pollutioraldischarqe 401CSL 4o2csL Poinl Sour@ Polluiion 301/307CSL I RV fl tl tr fl El El DisDosalofd nnn .9133 tr tr tr '9134 D n o D E tr s..&tU l R v EEE 1x&r.achmont!.ttttt&d'on I ..R-.v E&SPranAd€quare .r02.4(b)(5) E E E 10s.r 1 n rl E .r02 4(bx1) Mi.imize E&S El El tr 'r0542(d) D E E .1025 D tr tr ESCGP Obtained SpeoalPrcledion 1024{b)(6) Etr El 105.51 tr tr tr '102.7 n tr n BlltP s Desrqned,lmp, '1A211 trtrtr 10546 ft E E Temp Site Siabilizaiion '102.22(b) E tr tr '105.44 E E tr E&S E&S Pran On-siie 1024(b)(8) trtrtr sile t= BtoElrcn . R= 321 Remaks tr tr tr . v=violaxoi ' Pipeline lnslalled <25 ft. r2tPa.Code NOVIO 105 OirTank llcl(inos '7861 tr tr tr .78 62 tr tr tr Coniainment swirrA 301 unco. w€rlconran. 32182(a)oGA Wabrsuooaa':. S.c-don E El El tr tr tr t .R . SWM =SolidW6re Y '78 51t 3218(a)Oc+ '78 5r(h) E El El a.cuoh I i ,\d . 7 -1- '78 63 n n n '7AU trtrtr 314 D E E .1XlA= Oil &Gd Act tr 57 tr tr tr '78 60 n n tr '78 CSL=Clcm Slream t29t2015 ljw Y 5500-FMaG011a 0rl20t5 Remalks: OP EN _S OU RC E V. 1. 1 On 229115, the Depanment conducted an inspection of the SWN Price 1V Well Site located in Lenox Twp., usquehanna County. Present during the inspeclion was Rich Gulyas, SWN Construction Supervisor. The lV has been successtully plugged and abandoned. The Well Site Restoration Report has been submitted to lhe Department. The site has been retumed to near original contours and has achieved permanent stabilization as defined in Chapter '102.22(C). The access road which covers less than 1 acre will stay in place as per the landowneds request. The Departmentfinds the site to have been successfuUy reclaimed/restored. Gene Rickard -- _ ifiin lEhro_ -___'--__ ----. ,qpect?list Date of lnspection 7f29nu5 tmel Phone: 570-346-5534 SWN Field Office 917 State Route 92 North Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania l865T South\ ,est€rn Energu. luly 31, 2015 MAIL NUMBER 7014 12OO OOOl 6404 8396 Mr. Gene Rickard Water Quality Specialjst Pennsylvania Department of Environmental protection Scranton District Office - Oiland Gas Management program 321- Spruce Street Suite 300 Scranton, PA 18503 RE: Redling 6275291and price lVWellSite Restoration Reports Dear Mr. Rickard, iEGETUED V. 1. 1 BY CERTIF]ED lr& ..rr0r5 !Er* OP EN _S OU RC E swN Production company, LLC (swN pc) is submitting to the pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) these well site Restoration Reports for both the Redling 627529 1 and price 1v Natural cas Well Pads located in Lenox and Thompson Townships (respectively), Susqu;hanna County, pennsylvania. peran onsite inspection ofthe locations on luly 29,2015, Rich Gulyas (Senior planning Operations Analyst-SWN pC) relayed that it was acceptabre to send this on to you prior to receivinS the inspection and that these could be closed by you upon the receipt of these documents. Attached to the wellsite Restoration Report iorthe Redling 627529 1 are supportjng Surface Activity tnvestigation Reports performed by the pADEp as supporting documentation. Please let me know ifyou have any questions. Sincerely, A),() Afton Sterling RECEIVED Regulatory Supervisor cc: file AUG 20 20i5 olL T GA,g I{GRO Mike O'Donnell, PADEp (emajl) Brian Bailey, PADEp (email) f-V' Ir qlr r..c. rE! ri,-t dors rE sE dt q,t rrrrr !o, rm o 6d'!tE !6.G rit d*t. v*j+. 8000,PiJt,ooGM0075 9/2012 COIIIIIUONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA OEPARTIIIENT OF ENVIRONiiENTAL PROTECTION OFFICE OF OtL ANO GAS MANAGEMENT Pennsylvania DEP USE ONLY Well Site Restoration Report A. Operator and Well lnformation DEP ID} SWN Prod!.lion Com Please raad instructions on back belorc completing this form, We lAPl# (Permil / Reg) 316622 WellFam Name A 10000 Enerqy Drive 37-1't5-20098 Well# Price 1V c(v I sPnng 77389 Lenox Twp 832-796-4818 V. 1. 1 832-7S6 1000 X E. Pit Dis B. Land Application of Tophole Water pH Describe pit dosurc procedures Pit was completely removed from the localion and all materalwas disposed ofal a PADEP approved landfill. G. Off-site Waste D Typei E Dririns Fruid (803) Amount: ! F6c,ng Fuid I o'r- (8oa) "p.",ry oisposalwel (04) ! E Landfil (05) n 1924 cubic yards sewaqe Ireatmenl Plant (10) Subbase. material: bedrock Brie Pit liner, Treatment Plant (12) other(08) matenal: plastic Pit dimensions (feet) Length OP EN _S OU RC E E X Wilkes Bane, Pennsylvania Amount: $j;[,.,., Qty: lliethod of disposal or reuse Al site remediation actvities approved by PADEP ECB Program 117 101247 Waste-to-soil ratio Hauler lntormation Chemical analysis oI wasle 1000 Dunham Drive Cadmi'rm (Cd) Nickel (Ni) Copper (cu) Zlnc (zn) 18512 D. On.site Dis osal - Drill Cuttin s or Waste Location of center of disposal area in relation lo the well cou6e - degrces Dsr.ne N/A feei Describe the meterial disposed, inclLrding additives RECEiVED Lead (Pb) u GA8 *liacRo I Oil and Grease vt Spec. Cond G. Site Restoration I All earth distlrbance activ(ies at lhe site aulhorized by the Well Permil are cornpleled, the sile has been stabilized and Post Constructon Stormwaler lvlanagement B[,'lPs have been installed for all earlh disturbance actrviles 0 Acres of land incapable of being immediately used for riculiural use/reserve or forest reserve activities OEP USE ONLY Lined pil, complele Seclion E El Dustins Land applic€lion, complete Sectron F fl f applicable. Unlined pil, complete Secuon E Well Operator's Signature 12 lvercury (Hs) UrJ E Deplh (by volume): N/A N&L Specjalized Transporlaton and Haulinq Dunmore 37 Width: F. Land Application Area: Lenoth: N/A iacility lnformation city mils Thickness: 30 Solidificalion E other RECEIVEO Ith -g20ts (ua ftE .. m: 6 2 I b-Mffg??t? . 5:15;. fA-(bm? 77% Pm" cue lw [71?9334]? , 4 )N rL-4( -t ",Y }. r D--ur{ J ! -f,: r", OP EN _S OU RC E V. 1. 1 ),r #tr ry tri''qs*' 4{Ff- + "l "s 5*,t-,? t( E- .L /./ S---.. tr".29ci - tArt-t,\ . etr $ -.-t PROGRAM q? com: YIN IL 2 FILE NAM ?533w TYP I COUNMMUNI COMMENTS i *mnawwoo "r MNHOD HdAl NM 3 WW 00MB 31H pennsytvania DEPAff N4ENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL )rts PROTECTION OIL AND GAS PROGRAM l.b PROGRAf, FILE NAME November 1 7, 20 1 4 917 State Routr 92 North Tunkhaaoock, Re PA TYPE COUNTY coilltlENTS 18657 ktter of Altemative Remcdiation Approval Price 1V Drill Cuttings Pit eFACTS PF# 768933 L@ox Township, Susqu€hanna County Dee Ms. Sterlingr V. 1. 1 Ms. Afton Sterling Soulhwestem Eaergy OP EN _S OU RC E The Depaftoent of EnviromeDtal Protection (DEP) has received and revie*ed the documeot titled "summary of fusk Ass€ssmeDt-A-rsedc iD Soil aDd Bedrock" (rcport), for the Foperty rcferenced above. Thc rcport was pepared by Crroundwater & Enviromenta.l Seffices, lnc ard submitr€d to DEP. The report has been reviewed in accordarrce with AlterEtive Remediation provision of the dopartment policy document 800-5000-001 Addressing Spills aod Relea.ses at Oil & Ga-s well Sills or Access Roads. DEP has rvigwed the subject document in accordance v/ith Altemative Renediation provision ofthe department policy document 800-5000-001 Ad&essing Sllls and Releases at Oil & Gas Well Sites or Acless Roads. No technicat deficiencies were trotgd. Response acttors conducted undel the Altemativc Remediation provision do not qual-ry for the rcli;fof envtonmenlal liability provided by the Laad Recycliag and Environmental Remediation Standards AcL If you would like to take the additionai actions neoessary to m€et all of the Equirements and receivc the relief of liability provided by the Land Recyoling ard Environmental Remediation Stardards Act you should contact the Regioml Program Mamger the Enviromental Clearup and Brownfields Ptogmm, No technical deficiencies werc noted. of Response actions conducted unde, the Altemative Remodiatiotr provision do nor qualifu for the reli;f of ervircbmental Jiability provided by the Land Recyoling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act. lfyou u/ould like to take fie additional actions oecessary to meet all ofthe requirements and receive the relief of liability provided by the Land Reoycling and En-vtonmental Remerliatiotr Statrdards Act you should contsct the Regional Program Managel the Enviro neiltal Cleanup and Brownfields Pro$am. of 208 WestThlrd skeet I Wllllamsport, PA 17701-6+A 570.327 3636 Fax 570.327.3420 www.d€pweb.state.pa.us U Ms. Aim Srerli:og lltY.rxtla _,_ -,,- _ itAFo4rq Nov€,mb€,! 17, 2014 :]JE lUtlook+avra,tlteosi*iogprrio tDcreddffirrtdffi&rqp€rty ad qacorrage yor lo esqcLrs$olgh.dlhisgoccar.If foul$f et- f qu&s or D€€d furfu iafm*ion 1 SiDcerEly, J€mif€iMoaB RegioDd Prograa MaDryr Oil od Gas Progru, - --- __ - +nailal splsnicl@s'sovcby rrih5irlU()C C. Soo&€q GlolrdwBtEr & BEvit@€dl Scf,ticcs,Itrc. koox TowD6hb, Susqulhons Couaty Iioly OP EN _S OU RC E @: eS @I.!\ddtSby V. 1. 1 d P*1*[,:x"]Y-?*-?.*^ r,tEtao PROTECTION aa t/nfu ro itiouronmenud FRoM ou"roi""'"al'*"notf,$-tl DATE RE Novernber 17' 2014 Allemalive Remediation Review eill",ti"g splft -A Releases at or Aocess Roads TechnicaL Memo SumlIiary oFACTS PF #768933 "7 V. 1. 1 P""H5il?"l,ffili'"Iiliil"**",f,t' crouP Manager oil & Gas Well Sit€s OP EN _S OU RC E Price 1V Drill Cuttiags Pit Lenox Tomship, Susquehanna County Properfy Owtrer Name and Site Addreca: Soutlwestem Energy, 917 SR Tmkhannock- PA 92 North, 18657 Standaid Sought Altemative Remediation rmder department policy docum€nt 800-5000-001 Addressing Spills and Releases at Oil & cas Well Sites or Accoss Roads. Thc Departmfit exercised its discretion 10 deviale &om this policy due to circumstances at thc request of Oil and Gas program. Properfy Sizo: 1 aorc Project Site History: Drill Cuttings Pit was remediated at request oflandowner. Site Finding$ Pit was excavated aod attaiment samples were collected. Elevated levels alseflic werc detected. Site Cleanup of Ilistory: Crew! excavated drill c[tting pit at request of latdowner. Dircussion of Cleanup Inyolyed and Demonstration of AttafumeEi a risk assessme t was perforned for both the pit and the entire well pad for srs€niq risk was below the departEeDt!s target trumbers. DEP Aclion Approval: Letter dated Noyember l7,Z0l4 DEP Cotrtsctr Site Cotrtact Ceryd F. Olenick, AAon Sterting phonq 570-826_249t Phone: NA Phoner 866-507-1411 OP EN _S OU RC E V. 1. 1 Sit€ Cotrsultanl: Holly C. Smoker pc pennsytvania DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROIECNON Oil and Ju,ly G'as Program 28,2014 Re: V. 1. 1 Ms. Aftotr Ste hg Southwestem EnetgY 917 Stale Routc 92 North TunkhaDnock, PA 18657 I-etter of Technical Defi ciencY Price lV Cuttings Pit Reclamation eFACTS PF# 768933 Lennox Township, Susqueharma Courty Dear Ms. Sterliag: (DEP) bas received and reviewed.the-April 8' 2014 The DeDarfttrent of Enviroirnental Protection suboitted iv c.,ti,rg' rit n*-r"^"*n Reports"' *hich were previouslv& prcparcd bv G'o,191.-1* in" o.p""y reference-d above The report was 's"i;;"l, r,". and s,rbmitrJ io otr. m. report tus oeen reviewed in accordance 800-500M01' i"."ai""oo p-'isio" ot tl" a"partmenr iolicv document oil a cas will sires or Access Roads"' iJ#"f;ilil'.:r;"; OP EN _S OU RC E ifilrj?r, ;.;;-rr_J; t,i"aiil-"*" :i-.#ffi-fii;; ili.is!. * deficiencies: The dooumeDl includes thc following technical incorrecr,ly detqmined' Chaptel 250'707(ax )(i) The background staldard for arseoic was imiacrtd orea and rn (10) samples from a reouies the colleclion often tl0) sampresirom the oolv two (2) backgrourd samples were uffot"i bv the at1; i" i*'li'"ient to ievelop the background standard' l l)' ffi;;;;ni J#il :fi;;;;;;;iuni 2)- Literatue tlat t"l"'"" 'r'i"[ clai$ that attainment samples were indicative t.'tltit*d reports dealt with arscmc ooncentrahoDs in was submitted to suppot your ii*#tu.il*rii"..a""* rr'i groundwatel the Remediation provision do Dot qualifu for Reslonse actioos corducEd under the Al@rnative iand Recycling and snviroomental Remediation iy .er ief of environmental liahility p.o,riaea actions necessarv to meet all orthe to "aarional "r" ptovided by the taod Recycling and *ai"*rve the reliefofliabilitv ncgional Program Manager of a'"rl'ot] t'i lHli:ililiril;;,,iJiii'J i#i[-.r. ;H;;r#;i.;;;]uiioo ti sr*a*at '"t-ta "o"u"t Program the Environmental Cleanup and Brownfrelds 'n" PA 17701_62148 208 West Thlrd Street I Willlamsport' s70.327.3636 I Fax 570 327 '3420 P' o'rd!n tuqrd .P4d l{' Aa, www oepweb slate Pa'us IvIs. A-fton S&ding -2- July28,20l4 We look foMardlo assistitrg you h the rerhediation ofthis plope(ty and eacourago you to contaE{ us throwhout this process. If you have auy que"stioos oi oeed frrther Simcnely, .'eD f.r M€ons Rcgional Prograo Maoarer Oil and c.! ftoEer - fili#"i&"g- OP EN _S OU RC E Cc: Jonaifer Meaus, Oil.nd Gas Eric Srpey, ECBp Todd Vdlaca, Oil &d cas Holty C. Srnoks., cES iaroilaton V. 1. 1 frffi *"""t ti"'u r' orl"i"r',-i;6 bv^#il *!rffi:il?J" * tv pennsylvania DEPAF-NI,IENT OF E'\MRONMENTAL PROTECTION MEMO ';) lvin En! TO FROM DATE RE DEP Projeot Manager l\ly .f\0, '1\ ' 28,2014 1'4 , { .cll 'f V. 1. 1 oomental Pro$am Moaager Licensed Professionai Ceologist lvtanager trF"61 or Environmental Group Ir{anager Aftemalive Remediation ReYiew Ad&essing Spills and Releases at Oil & Cas Well Sites or Access Roads Technical Memo Sornmrry ; :' eFACTS PF #tfr+l€ 7 Price 1V Drill Cuttings Pit Reolasrtior Lennox Towmhip, Susquehaolra County t'. ' OP EN _S OU RC E Proper{r Owner Name ,.nd Site Addreca: Southwestm Energ, 917 SR 92, Tunkhannoc! Statrdrrd Sought Altemative Remediation lmder depaieent policy tlooumenl 800-5000-001 Addressing Spills and Releases at Oil & Gas We[ Sites or Access Roads Prop€rty Size: { acres Project Site Eirtory: Drill cuttings disposal pit on a@tural gas well padSite Findings: Remoyal of&ill cutting and closue ofpit Site Cleanup History: Rernoval of ddll cutting pit. Discussion of Cleauup Invoked .trd D€monslrotion of Attainmen* Cuttings pit was exoav?tion uoder the direotion of Oil and Gas personnel. Insuffioiont numbers (2) of baokgound samples wef,e collected. Appiovrlffcch cal D€Iicietrcy Letter: Deficiency letter {ent, irNuflicient number background samplos collected. Contact Gerard F. Oletrid<, LPG Site Contact: AAon Sterling DEP Sit. Consdllanti Holly C. Smoko of Phone: 570.826.2498 Phonel NA Photrer 866.507.1441 Marc B ii'il"o'#it".o"' From: Sent Ca: fr subiect: o'' 2013 12:s5 PM ,f;.:i;{'ffi $:'Tf u:1i:fr"JiEriqorenick'Gerard;Thompson' V. 1. 1 Coo Ms. Slocum, and responds as follows' the August 7' 2013 report reviewed program Ec&B The Departments Northeast Region often samples and the stattstical proper procedure requiresa minimum determined, incorrectry was 1). soirbackground 'nu"n'i q"ntir" test or other appropriate method5' analysi\ of the sampling resurts ry rhe wircoxl"n "nO iut is elevated in the site bedrock' 2). No literature was referenced to support the argument that arsenic 3). Dri cuttinss were subject to TCLP analysis, butthis is not compatible with the Department's Statewide Health Standards which are based on total concentrations. Aluly OP EN _S OU RC E 4). The August 7, 2013letter report states that the sample collected at TP-2 was ofthe drillcuttings material, while the 12,2013 report states thatTP-2 was collected belowthe pit liner. Please clarify. 5). Domestic well water samples were submitted to bolster the claim that the pit did not impact groundwater. These results do not support the claim that the local bedrock has elevated arsenic levelt since one would reasonably expect that was the case groundwater would have elevated levels ofarsenic. 6) lt is reasonable if to conclude that the drillcutting pit did not impact domesticwellt since they are down gradient approximatery 650 feet {horizontar) and unknown verticar distance. The pit has onry been in existence 5 years However, since there is not a Sroundwater monitoring wel nearthe pit rocation, the concrusion that Sroundwater has not been impacted in a more immediate vicinity ofthe pitthis area cannot be reasonably drawn as no analytical evidence to prove that statement was provided. ln follow_lrp to the above described deficiencies in the report submitted, it is recommended that swN contact Gerard Olenick ofthe Northeastern Region EC&B program at 570.826.2498 for further guidance. Marc Cooley I Environmental Group lyanager Department of Environmental protection North Central Regional Office I 208 West Third Street Suite t01 Wi ramsport pA -t7701 Phone: 570.327.0553 Faxt 570.327,3420 www.deoweb.itate.pa.us 1 2:46 pM GoodAfternoon Marc, ff ! ::i[fj: " *" ifthe Depanment has anv comments rerardins the price 1v Addendum Report received on V. 1. 1 Thank You, Reagyn Slocum Regulatory Lead SWN e.lliil€*ie.n 917 Siate Route 92 North Tunkhannock, PA '18657 Ofrice: 570-996-4229 Cell:570-5744224 www-swn.com Reaqvn S locum OP EN _S OU RC E ' &nqBJ! Notice:Thise-mailmaycontainprivilegedand/orconfidentialinformationandisintendedonlyforthe\you may not JJ"a""". tfyo., *" not the addressee oi the person responsible for delivering it to the addressee' please notify ;;y ;; di;;i; ,hi communication to anyone else lf you.received this communication io erlor' del€te the original message ftom your system' us'iirmediately by telephone or retum e-mail and promptly Thank you! 2 From: Reagyn Slocum lmaiho:Reaqyn Slocum@SWN.COMI Senu Thurday, september 05, 2013 2:46 PM Aor cooley, [larc B ..: Dave Svieeley; Jeff Whitehair Subjectr Price 1V Cuttinss Pit Good Aftemoon Marc, Iam checking in to see ifthe Depanment has any comments regarding the Price 1V Addendum Report received on Autust 3,2013. V. 1. 1 ThankYou, Roagyn Slocum Regulatory Le€d SWn sqlJia,ioaleal1 E!6Bg: ff-v' 917 State Route 92 North Tunkhannock, PA 18657 Office: 57G996-4229 Cell:570-5744224 www,swn.@fil Reaovn Slocum@swn.com aotice: OP EN _S OU RC E This e-mail may contain pdvileged and/or confidential iafonnatioa aud is intended only for the addr€ss€e, If you are not the addressee or the person responsible for delivering it to the addressee, you llray not copy or distribute this coEmurdcation to atryone else. If you received this cosmuoication in eror, please ootiry us immediately by telephone or retum e-mail aod promptly delete the original message from your system. Thank you! 1 COMMONWEALTH OT PENNSYLVAMA Deprrtoent of Environmental protection Northealt RegioDd Ollice September3,20l3 SUBJECT: TO: ECBP- Land Recycling Program Alternative Remediation Review Merno Price lV Pit Reclamation Southwestem Energy Susquehanna County Jennifer Means Environmental prograrn Maiager Eastem Oil and Gas District 'l-fo ,l- rrs ' FROM: Cerard F. Olenick I\1;l Licensed professional Geologist THROUGH: Marc Cooley, V. 1. 1 570-826-2511 RECEIVED sEP 10 20i3 ofl- & GAS xcRo OP EN _S OU RC E Environmental Group Manager, Operations Section Eastem Oil and Gas Dishict Eric.supey cc-- sl 1f Environmental Cleanu'p B & Brownfields progam Manager fi-ll I O Thomas M. Thompso , Licensed Professional Gtolo"gist Manager Report preprred for: Southwestem Energy 917 State Roure 92 Norrh Tunkhanaock, pA 18657 Report preprred by: Groundwater & EnviroDmental Services, Inc. 1500 Sycamore Road, Suite 360 Montousville, pA 17754 Srpiect Sjte Historv: Southwesterr Energr (SWN) watrted to rechim ! historical cutting pia. Test pits were excrvrtea ai .be Oritt cuttirg, pii, t p fr""" t""pl wa. etrcoutrrered at a drprh of3 bgs, and in addirion a linerwas " encountereo at the DonoD or thc pit (depth urknown). ra i! utrktrowD the dist*cc betreen the bottom prr rttrer end t[e bottom ofthe excavaaion (bedrock). A third tiner wrs encountered bqq a-hj: wis_ as the pad liner. The drilt cuttings pit *", t" 1t,2 r deplh ot 12 r I l7ideDtificd x 37 for totrl removal 1924 cubic yrrds oimaterial "r"""*"a dril Price lV Pit -2- September 3,2013 Samolins: V. 1. 1 Two te.t pit saEpler were collccted prior to re.hmrtiotr activates, Tp_l ws! collected above the liner (bottom liner?) rnd Tp-2 was collected below the liner. TPJ hrd elevrted levels of arsenic (> non-rBidetrtial SHS), while Tp-2,s rrseDic was slightly sboye the residentiol SHS. Two backgroutrd samples were collected d2 bgs, which would place their collection at or trear the well pad liDer, only BKG-2 have elevated arsenic levels above the residetraial but belorv the noD-residetrtid SHS. Tlirtectr aatritrEent samples wcre collected from the excayation; Sample! SS-2 SS{ were srturated so the thirteerth saEple (SS-IS) wrs collected. Nine of the aDd attaitrment s.mples were aboye the tron-residential SHS direct coDtact, with leyels as high as several hundred mg/kg. The remaining samples were above the residential SHS direct cgtact. All samples were above thi soil to groundwater pathway MSC, with SS-2 rDd 55-6 (saturated) their standard would biUlO,t the geoeric value of the soil to grou[dweter pathway Dumber. OP EN _S OU RC E Two bediock srmples were also collected; these resulb rre above the residentirl SHS, but below numerous rttaitrment srmple results. Finally, the four samples of the drill cuttings were submitted for RCRA Toxicity Chancterirtic Leechitrg procedure CfCLp). Thfu procedure is comno[ly used to determiDe if r material ir characteristicolly hazardous for disposal. Findinqs: Southwestem Energy and their consultant GES aftempt to make the aryument that the elevated. axsenic levels, found after the pit \ras remediated, are naturaliy occurring in site soils and bedrock, based on their sampling ofsoils, bedrock, groundwater and drill cuttings. l). Soil background was incorrectly determined, proper procedue requires a minimum of ten samples and the statistical analysis ofthe sampling results by the Wilcoxon Rank Sum and Quantile test or other appropriate methods. This was [ot done. 2). No litemtue was referenced to support their argument that alsenic is elevated in the site bedrock. 3). Drill cunings were subject ro TCLP analysis, but this is not compatible with the Deparhnent's State wide Health Standards which are based on total co[centrations. Price I V Pit 3- September 3,2013 4). The August 7, 2013 letter report states that the sample collected at Tp-2 was ofthe drill cuttings material, while the July I 2, 20 I 3 report siates that Tp-2 was collected below the pit liner. V. 1. 1 5). Domestic well waler samples were submitted to bolster their claim that the pir did not impact groundwater. These results do not support their claim that the local bedrock has elevated arsenic levels, one would reasonably expect ifthat was the case groundwater would have elevated levels ofarsenic. 6). I1 is reasonable to conclude that the drill cutting pit did rot impact domestic wells, since they are down gradient approximately 650 feeiftorizontal) and unknown vertical distance. The pit has only been in existence 5 years. However, since there is not a grormdwater monitoring well near the pit location that same colclusion is not reasonablv dmwn. Recommendation: OP EN _S OU RC E Southwqtern Etrerry failed to make a defensible argumetrt that elevrted rrsenic is presctrt in site soih and bedrock Th€se reports were reviewed ltnder. the rlternativ€ remediation proc$s, tro Act 2 relief of li&bility is available under this process, and Southwestertr Ererg/ has failed to demoDstrate that the drill cutting pit wrs cloled with no impact to th; enyironmc[t- r, uu !{ qg u EuEu'dul,dtoHonP *- H ; f,8 n Fr ig; [[ [tltlB$r$;[[EI rEt, B yr s rr F i * P E* ," x rRB$lH:lEXt[ i sOOI\rhd rHfls,Hs P ** ; oo 8.EP E Fl : H 3i d E o,d A rt -io -i .- 5 n Ir,8Bu{[ ' Igi;[[ et i Tf+[;[t[: lii Ef g s l:: 9[s:r]u m P... X X Yv o 5 or --E' Vr+H ts o rtz t, rt; oto :,i f ' rr. o ;j' o o (t *; ,f oFu o Fh = v) Fr o H s t:E *3 * J -;.szaP, i 5. - ^rJ uo H ihrp 6 P.n "rz o o' ;-5 dAt i, ts?d ooPranrto ;D n o ;d o (i El a< ^ia q ::! !? ? PgI i nP ; 95 -. o'J lo Flo: o P3o rC or Ol\J .lo o@ EP P : LT s

5(D a 0r4Hr-h ofl.r- d r 3 U< oFoo rt o;6*6iiE.^orprp oed 5 l g i"ltl , 10 10 54.1 10.6 98.9 1 119.3 1,1 n.5 2A.3 47.9 08.3 B,g 88.7 24.3 109.1 1N.5 OP EN _S OU RC E 13S.7 10.6 10.8 243 V. 1. 1 -13.3 -lst Ro,, ()s, Y0 -13.3 7.1 -7.1 -7.1 27.5 47.9 68-3 88.7 -7.1 10s., -7 _1 129.5 -7.1 -7.1 ,lth Row (x, Y0 Yt) -3.1 ,t6 17.3 s7.f {6 68.1 46 78.5 s8.9 119.3 OP EN _S OU RC E '130.7 RoU 00, vu Ro, {&, Y0 V. 1. 1 (xt (xi Yi) Row 00, m Goordinates of 3-D Systematlc Random Sampling Points nts that are not within the area of contamination should be dir oth Rottr XL 11.8 22.1 65.4 70.s ss.7 21.7 18.8 4.7 17.6 15.9 16.6 20.4 1.2 4-6 11.9 6.8 1.0 5.4 0,3 zl YI 0.3 32.4 8.4 29.7 11.0 47.1 u.2 4.9 67,5 28.S 3.4 s't.9 39.2 33.3 36.0 34.2 11_7 10s.4 131,6 134.7 OP EN _S OU RC E 107.2 139.7 x Yi V. 1. 1 Note: Sampling -lsl x. 4.4 8.0 10.9 Row 2l Yl 1.3 5-1 0.5 5,1-3 3.4 1-8 114.O 127.6 3.9 8.7 a3 11.1 n umber of v netate another grouP of d ata sets if the 3rd zl 2t YI xt, 6.0 48-8 35,9 4A-7 58.1 7S-2 56.6 0.6 4.1 gts 54.3 57.2 116-7 55.s 0.8 ffi.4 10.6 OP EN _S OU RC E 12S.0 V. 1. 1 scarded. You will need to xi, YI zt xi, -id YI 1r Triangular Grid Sampiing Points LIJ Tdrngul.r Gdd llode Coodlnab€ X (Ev€nRou/) X Y (Odd Row) -10 € -8 -7 .6 4 4 ^r.1 17.3 7.1 275 -3 -2 s7.7 47.5 -1 sa-l @.3 -7.1 94.9 88.7 ,00.1 28.3 o i 2 110.3 130-7 3 4 5 a 7 a I - 129.6 46' V. 1. 1 -13.3 OP EN _S OU RC E 10 g to 6. -o 6 -9 @ o .v, o g =o c (L E q, V. 1. 1 ?. EA P EN E 6N OP EN _S OU RC E o. E 6 ut E fr a2 totr EdI Ee= d (, 6 E, E o o U' E Y6EB"9 *d b E 6J'E z> g E E E E E .9 c ATTACHMENT LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORTS rllt Bm.rcuueRr lY/RNe.rvncs, LAB lD:08'00380 'SA LAB lD:39-00401 'CV A BWMi NElWORK INC. LAAORATO RY 2566 Pennsylvania Ave. . Sarre, PA l8a,r0 {570) 88a-01 69 . Fd: (570) 384{71 7 SEND DATA TO: Reagyn Slocum ADDRESS: 917 State Rouie 92 Norlh Tunkhannock. PA 18657 DATE: 06/05/201315:30 Lab lO: 13060536{014 SAMPLE: TP.I Samd6Time:0 0t20139:55 SAMPLED AY: HCS @@ 895!rx Page I ot 2 st@ Analvsrs stan 10.00 06/06/1319:09 < 2.0o mg/kg 2,00 06/0 1319:0s 06/07x3 0.10 u6/06/1314:45 O6/07X3 MED SA Lab !D: 06/0ry1314:,15 1 0d0t201 3 9:55 !et@ Ecsr/! NSF SA 306053M01 B OP EN _S OU RC E Samplo Tine: st@ Analvsis Stan AlalsisEd Anahsl' o.2M 06/06r'1310:30 06101113 54.4 06/06/13 9:55 0&07/13 sPc-cv 5.44 06/06/13 9:55 0&07/13 SPC-CV SPC.CV EPA60lOB EPA60lOB EPA6010g EPA60'OB EPA60lOB EPA60lOB EPA60lOB 10,9 06/06/139i55 0&07/13 o.414 06/0d139:55 0d0d13S:55 0d10/13 od07/13 sPc-cv 272 5.44 06/0&13 9:55 06/07/13 sPc-cv 5.44 06/06/1 3 9:55 06/07/13 EPA60IOB 54.4 06/06/1 3 9:55 SPC.CV SPC.CV EPA60IOB 5.,14 06/0€i/13 9:55 06/07/13 txlo7113 9.4 0d06i/13 9:55 0d10/13 BES,CV EPA6010B 272 06/06/13 9:55 06/10/13 sPc-cv 2460 mg/kg.dry EPA6010B 5.44 06106/139:55 06/07/13 1780 mg^g-dry EPA60lOB 299 0&0&139:55 06/10/13 SPC CV SPC.CV EPA6I)IOB 21.4 0d06/13 9:55 06/07/13 EPA60lOB 3.81 0670d139:55 w071't3 EPA 601OB 299 l)dodl39:55 00/10/13 $2 mqn(g dry 115 mg/kgiry 2.60 mqrkg dry 29300 mgikg-dry has be6n perrormed unde, NE LAp cenirEar,on. rhe anarysis has mer rrEBr lT^11u:llT:t!99 untess olnerwrse noted on he Anatvlicat Bepori. '^[ii,: CV . Aenchma( Anatf Gs. tnc. Cenrer Valey, pAi SA Benchmark = Engs but slhin anrualy ventied tnd al SPC.CV SPC-CV sPc-cv sPc,cv sPc-cv or rhe requremenrs or Anaty,tics, tnc. Sayre, pA range Limil ot doleclion inc@ased due to malnx int6ner6nce and spik6 reovery data MANAGER &drdi EPA300.0/9056A 14200 m!r'kqdry MS A4alsl!-E!C EPA300.O/9056A SAMPLED BY: HC.S ^ ol2 11.2 mg/kg % sM254.0G JAMPLE: TP.l REMARKS: 1 06/07/13 MED,SA 06/07/13 NSF SA 11.9 I9!! PAGE: PWS ID# TEST REPORT RECEIVED FOR LAB BY: CMS Isl 13060536 PO#: (570) 996-4229 PHONE FAX: wo#: V. 1. 1 NAME: COMPANY: Soulhweslem Energy Company DATE 6/1420t' LAB lD:08-00380'SA LAB lD:39-00401 'CV zAtBrNcHueRr lVrANnlrrrcs,INC. A BWMi NETWOR( 2566 Pennsylvania (570) 8a+0169. LABORATORY Aw. . Sayre, PA 184,() td: (570) 884.0717 SEND DATA TO: Reagyn Slocum COITPANY: Southwest€m EnergyCompany ADDRESS: 917 State Boute 92 North Tunkhannock, PA 18657 PHONE FAX: wo#: 13060536 PAGE: 2 ol2 PO#: TEST REPOBT (570) 996-4229 RECEIVED FOR LAB BY: CMs DATE: 06/0t201315:30 EPA60lOB EPA60IOB PWS ID# Page 2 of 2 5.44 06i/0d13 9:55 0do7/13 13.6 0d0d139:55 06/07/13 0G/6/13 S:55 06/10/13 OP EN _S OU RC E 8.33 mg,4gdry V. 1. 1 NAME: SPC.CV SPC.CV SPC,CV REMARKSI Wherelh€ analytical msrhod has been performsd underNELAP ceriilicalion, th€ analysis has met allot lhe requiremenis ol NELAP unless oth€n ise noied on lhe Anal)1ical Feporl. CV = Benchmark Analyiics,lnc. Centervalley, PA; SA = Bonchmark Analytics, lnc. Sayrc, PA valu€ abov€ elibralion rdge bur wittin onually vedlied line4 rag€ ' ^t Ms Limil ot d€l€cllon incrgased due lo malnx interleEnce MANAGEB 0,,., ad spike rocovery data nA\q,7>at-- Cdie Drvn, qrolty e DATE 6no/2011 $ L. s EqHE -ETE E6!tr H IJJ = o E s l (r 1 He E* E * g- 3 EE=9s !l ;*;E;U 3a (o d) ?d{ r/o o ag E: t: !2 E E# o 9qf9 3 '6 z E ie 3 6 = a .! E .= = = g I E .E rI I t E 9. FF. -9 o o o- '6 :tt o EEEE E I ao o e' I e '65 t I E dl 6 L E .L e = e -\ E UJ e : I o : E. I ! { t F F 5 ial t M o 0= v = (vl s 2 b :q! ea ff8 -C) F k k .lt' rn o o u. o o ti.- o (L o { E go o a E UJ (! z. o o o 't io t! k ! l- ='Eg; E o F at, :, C) F { OP EN _S OU RC E I I =E386 E E lr ia t ee *'= s E E E a- ESEr? a3!6a I o ao k l{ AG E- V. 1. 1 o iz ;*E ;E E a o o o J ra) = (t, o E o = z o I I a = E :; r< * = F E F E I = LAB D:08-00380'SA .$" D:39'00401 'CV o BENCHMARK ANALYTICS,INC. A AWMi NETWORK LABORATORY 2566 Psnnsylvania (570) 8aa-0169. Aw. . Say6, PA l8S4O Fd: (570) 848'0717 SEND DATA TO: NAME: Reagyn Slocum COMPANY: Southwestem EnergyCompany ADDRESS: 917 State Route 92 North Tunkhannock, PA 18657 PAGE: 1 LablD: 13060529{014 Samde fime: 06/012013 12:55 SAT,iPLE: TP.2 SAMPLED BY: HCS V. 1. 1 DATE: 06/05/201315:30 RECEIVED FOR LAB BY: C[,lS PaSe $.oa Analvsis Slan a!!Lsi!-Ed A4altsI 06/07113 MEO,SA 53.3 mg/kg 10.@ < 2,00 mq/kq 2.00 06/06/1316:41 06/07/13 NSF-SA 06/07/13 MEO,SA UllXed sM2540G 0&0d1314:.t5 sM254!G Ssmdo Tlme: 0d0t2013 SAMPLED BY: HCS EgltJ! 2800 mg,&gd.y 13.1 mg/kq dry 23.3 mg/kgnrY 18-l mgikOiry 35900 $60 mg^giry m!r'kg-dry 2000 mqikg{ry 253 mg/kgtry 06/07h3 NSF-SA lDi 13060529-001B OP EN _S OU RC E Lab JAMPLE: TP-z 1 1 2:55 slos aldlsri AleqdlslaI Analvsis End 0,181 06/0d1310:30 06107t13 EPA60lOB EPA60lOB EPA60lOB 10.8 06/06/13 9:55 06/07/13 SPC,CV 1.08 0d0613 9:55 06/07/13 2.17 06/0d13 9:55 0d07/13 sPc cv SPC{V EPA 60lOB 0-103 06/06/13 9:55 06/10/13 sPc-cv EPA60lOB EPA60lOB ,4.2 0d06/l3S:55 N!0711X 1.08 06/0d13 9:55 06/07n3 SPC.CV SPC.CV EPA60lOB EPA60108 1.08 06/06/13 9:55 06/07/13 sPc-cv 54.2 0d0d139:55 SPC.CV 1.08 06/06/1 3 9:55 0d07/13 06/07^3 EPA60lOB EPA60lOB EPA60lOB EPA60108 l0_a l)d0d139:55 0d1cr/13 BES.CV 54.2 Od06/13 9:55 06/10/r 3 SPC{V 1.06 06/0&13 9:55 06to7113 SPC CV 59.6 (]d(]d13 9:55 0d10/r3 EPA60106 EPA60lOB EPA60IOB EPA60lOB 4.34 Od0&13 9:55 o6t0711x 0.759 06/07 3 59,6 06/0d13 9:55 Od06/13s:55 sPc'cv sPc-cv sPc'cv 06/10/13 SPC'CV 1.08 0d0d13 9:55 06/07/13 sPc-cv Ueued SPC CV REMARKS: whs€theanalytcalmethodhasbeenperfolmedL]nderNELAPcenilicalion,theanalysishasmetallollherequifem€ntsoi a; NELAP untess oltreMss noisd on ihs Analy'cal Reoon' L Cv. a"r"nr",t l"alytics, lnc. cenlervall€v, PAi SA = Benchmark V.lue &ve calibralion Enge but wthin dnoallv venied linear lange MANAGER I of2 0&o&1314:4s 0d06/1318:41 B!!$ 13.0% I9!I ol2 PWS ID# TEST BEPORT I9!! 13060529 PO#: (570) 996-4229 PHONE FAX: wof: n/, Analyllcs lnc Savr€ PA DATE: 6/tM0l3 LAB lD:08-tx)380'SA ,^\LAB lD:39-0M01 'CV zAtBrrucnuem \Y/RNnrvrrcs, INC. A BWMi NE-TWORK t A60RATORY 2566 Pennsylv ia Ave. ' Sayr€, PA18840 (s70) 88&0169. Fu: {570) 888 0717 SEND DATA TO: Reagyn Slocum COMPANY: Southwesteh EnergyCompany ADDRESS: 917 Stale Route 92 North Tunkhannock, PA 18657 PHONE: FAX: (570) 996-4229 TEST REPORT DATE: 06/05/201315:30 PAGE: 2d2 PWS tD* Pase 2 2.t1 c6to7t13 sPc,cv 06 16/13 9i55 odt0/13 SPC CV Wherethe analytjcal method has been perlormed LrnderNELAP certilicalion, theanalysis has met allol lh€ requtem€nts ol NELAP unless oheMso noied on ihe Analyical BeporL Cv = Benchma* analylrcs. lnc. Centervalley, PAi SA = Benchmark Analytics, lnc. SayG, PA ^' t Value above calibraiion range but wilhin annually MANAGER of2 06/0&13 9:55 OP EN _S OU RC E EPA60lOB REMARKS: 13060529 PO#: Price 1V RECEIVED FOR LAB BY: CMS wo#: V. 1. 1 NAME: wrned finear range DATE: 6/to20l3 E I 9s ^ EEE 6;H6 -F66 3E" E A*Eo Hg o ) a 5 i.i k 6M E e 6d 3 6 E eg I I6 crt N lr, h B e (o o (v, 6 E E I 3 I3 d E o E = E R E 2 E€ bE 9E 3e E ie tE ea 9E E 9o qe a !: --e 7 I C o e E o s E .'* E @ o- = o a .66 ki arl (, = o a [! = a o r,- (J 5 E E ,9 -9 a E E d rii LIJ '6 6 'i 'c E o o F o_ d .9 6e :tf tl E E a E 6 ? , E o F OP EN _S OU RC E 9 V. 1. 1 Y'L d $ 1') F f- E o o t u, g 't 5 o o E o o 1 s n z r o o '= c o g U' .b = & E 2 2E E P I = o ii ii q = z t ni E E 14 { a o o- o E c, a o o ID g'El; q, o a, e 1 a' = a Q f, : E E I e OR'-ffifffilf.u. A BWMi NETWORK FcrntylvaE (5/0) 088{169 ' LA EORATORY AvE. . S5yle. PA la04o F.r (670) 666{tlt June 14, 2013 Attu: Reagyu Slocum Southwestem Ene4y Compatry 917 Statc Routc 92 North Tunlhannock, PA 18657 Dear Reagyn Slocum: V. 1. 1 2566 OP EN _S OU RC E The enclosed collected rcsr report for vork older 13061250 is a rcplacemenr for a tcst report sent esrlier, We reporEd lower detection limits for Tharllium and Selcnium on the fr*tions request€d. we apologize for a6y inconvenience this may have caus€d. The.nk you for using Beflcbma* Amli'tics, lno. y Yours, 04!; \/\^ Canie Dcvis Quality A.ssurance Offi c.€r o LAB lD: 0E-00380'SA lD: 3940401 'CV AB BENCHMARK ANALYTICS,INC. A BWMi NETWONK 25€6 Pai$3rtvanh (570) 33e-o16e. tue TAAOBATORY . Sayr€. PA 160a0 Fa (t0) 6t6or1? SEND DATA TO: Reagyn Slocum Tunl$annock, PA 18657 PHONE: Price WO*l '13061250 PAGE: 1of15 PO#: CORRECTED TEST REPORT (570) SS64229 Pws tD# lv RECEIVED FOR LAB SAMPLE: SS"5 SAllFllD 8Y: rrb lo: 13lEi?5O{014 Srrde HCS L3 lre: 06/1012013 9.0g G.rD 5!@ 10.1* !&us! sn 5a0G 2&5 m9/*9{ry PA30t .0/$!6A 1r.1 €PAa0o.d9o6aa ?21 0.t0 BE!l! stp540G &e&dEd 06/ilfi314:50 Gfll/13'14:50 06/1 1/13 OP EN _S OU RC E 09.06% wghl. L.I SAMPLE: SA{ &irvir;9!n 06/11X313:00 0,19€ EPA 60108 r2m0moa8nry Eriunr mgl(!d.Y KEO-SA IE/IZI3 JGWSA 08/1213 JGW-SA 06/1213 KED.SA Anahsis End AnaUd: 0011211tr 1/t3 &45 Bl12l13 06/11/13 0:45 Bl1?1tr sPc-cv sPc-cv 06?t 9.9. 06/1 1/13 8:4i tal'2113 SPC4V EPA aotoE 0,497 06/11/13 0t5 sPc.cv 3!10 mg/kgdry EPA 60IOB 240 (Et1/136145 06t2111 06/12l1t rB^Eiry 21.1rvtg-dy EP 1.97 06/11/110:45 06112J1X sPc{v sPc{v rl3 6:45 6fl Vt3 8:45 00112t13 sPc-cv 0/.i112113 SPC4V 06,2J11 sPc.cv EPA ,o 1 t0108 60100 '110^[-drl ' oG/t EPA 60109 I1r0 nE € dry 2590 rE/kEdrY EPA .oIOA 19.7 EPA!01oc a.9T €PA60106 49.7 (Erll/136:45 240 06rrri!&lui EPA 60lOB a,5 7 oryr1fl3a:45 EPA @1OB 27X 06/13/13 sPc.cV 6112113 06/t2l r3 SPGCV SPOCV 6/13/tl src-cv < 398 mg/kg.dry EPA'fiOA 3.96 l,as trB/kgdry < zai mg/lq{ry EPA@tOB EPA60IOB 3.46 0G/11Xie.5 6/1i/13 0:45 oo/t ,13 €lrrai 21tr ogi1/13 6:45 < ARKS: 19.7 EPA 601OE 15.a RE wra1l sPc,cv 06/lrti sPc{v finalx SPCCV ',1 er9the€nr ytic€lm€th6dhsb€€nPs'lormedunderNELAPcedilicalion,th.in.ly6bnasm€lellofthe.equirgme.l.o' I\ELAP unbsr o$erwi6e noled on h€ Alalytrcal Repon cv = E€ndha,k Amlvtics, hc. ceoter vslley, PA: sA = Bsnclvrrlrt anerylrcl, lnc :ji:ye t'A -^' \ v.ld .DN sliDraiion Bn{e bd *nhi. amu.ll, eriGed ti"tt R FiPD @Lioa acc.pted eoov.ry limiE I,IANAGER cxft C,-"fut- Drris. !!Ei 6/r?13 05/10U 013 9:03 E$sl 8c!d 28.0 l.:25 4!eEEE41 lD: 13061250'001B S.mple [i4e: SAMPTEO BY: HCS &d P8gp I of 15 DATE: 06/101201313r17 BY JMH V. 1. 1 NAME: COMPANY: Souo wE3bm Eneroy Company ADDRESS: 917 St to Routo 92 Nodh o';rrv Asume OIr@ EnO' DATE: 6/t1/2013 LAB lD: /{Q o 08{0380'SA lo: 3s-00401 'CV BENCT.IMARK ANALYTICS,INC. A EWMI NE I!^,/ONK LABORATONY a/€. . srye, PA 148.40 6m) €66{'r@ ' F!. (5rO} 86t4717 2566 Penmylvanla SENO DATA TO: Reagn Slocum wo* 13061 250 . PAGE: 2 Tunkhannock, PA 19657 PT.E' POI: PwS CORRECTED TEST REPORT (570) 996.4229 PHONEj FAX: lV rn!/to.dry 20.4 EPA €OIOA ag^giry < 2.40 EFA6oIOS 121hthj4 Till: 6.mDlc &rl G13! s!@ a:45 6AA1a sPc-cv sP&cv Aft.lvrl. si.n A..rvsE End @ll'l: c6,t11tls 1.t25 ll.5 06fir/i3la:s 6n2hI EPAloo,00056A 2.Xl 08/11/t3lai54 5U2510G 0.10 06/1 1/13 l 06/i2x3 06/rzt3 l..3b 6/1S2019 mglig{ry slaE AElYsie St d 0247 0&l1x3 t3:00 6/tzt3 sPGCV Gt12t1a SPG{V 11.1 06111fi38:45 06t12/13 sPc'cv o57l lE!1/14 i:45 an1u13 SPGCV EPA (X)'IOB 26 06/i1l1! o:rtl 06t12t11 EPA TOIOB 5.71 06/11/13E15 6/1?ti3 sPc.cv sPc.cv EFACOIOB 5.7r 6/lln3 0:as 6117t1tr src-cv SIOB 57.1 oGrr1/r30.5 G/12/tC sPc.cv EFA 6010S 5,71 06/1'1./r3 &45 06/12/13 src-cv EPA 6OiOB 57.', G/l1/l!6:45 06t12lll SPC€V sPc-cv 57.', 5Zi ngagdry EFA 60IOE 147 m!/kqFdry EP 60108 EPAd'16 EPA 39.0 m!r'lgry EPAMIOB 2* O6/t1l138:45 06/12/13 1g9O mgr(gdrY EPA 0olOB 5:11 0G/11/i9aa5 6t't2J1E SPGCV 2i0O tllg/lo]., EPA ll.t 06/1't/13 0:45 6n4fi3 sPc-cv 'O1IIB tlE anslyrE Whsre th€ tnaMcal mefiod has b€.n PerlbdEd (x}der NELNr cerolicatror ' Report' nol6d on th. Andy'i, NELAP unba. ctlE(ti!€ V.lr. t6@ Anatli6,Inc. c.lilrtodr g. Center V8lley, but wihin 0d'117J14 5.71 60108 mo/t!4ry AaalY.i. End AlebEl: 06/ll/13l:.5 6/tl/1!a:,as EP mglb{ry 20€flr,rvlFry ark anulv FA: *if'd SA = h't lrEt all ol Bench'nafi antlYl'(s' roc $vr€' lh! €qutEma{6 of r^ lhcr E'EE 4rltid. .G6!aed €oovdY lina. MANAGER KEI)LSA 9108 !@ql Britd < 0.247 a:25 JGW-SA JGW-SA tO: 13612504028 Semple l_drcr ,,81nt/rg4.y /.iCV=Bench ' 0cn2/13 KEDSA EPA!@.0'9O5EA 2080 RPO oa/i/ra 2aa nlAgJry trtg/rg{ry !6.74 % ll/ghl t4200 R SPGCV o0/!2r1? sit2!!toc SAMPIEO BYI HCS REMARKS: &Og 6t12t1X 13,3% SAMPLE: Sg4 Bll I 06ill/136ra5 mfl1/'n6:45 OP EN _S OU RC E SoEs oerloAol uelisl 8o!d < 2.31 * 2.14 9.Sa trb lD: i3O€12504024 SAMPLE: C9€ SA PLEOAY: HCS tof 2oflt DATE 06/10/201313:17 RECEIVEO FOR LAB BYi JMH Chb.n. of15 V. 1. 1 i AME: COMPANY: Southu/.stem Eneqy Company ADoRESS: 917 State Route 92 Norh L,,d; DATE: &11n0tJ q#Hiffi"- lA\lO: 39-OO4O'1 'CV (570) 6E6{18s'Fax (5?0) ffi+071'. SENO DATA TO: iffiils, $ftui.ffikx,'r-' OATE: 06/10/2013 13:17 RECEIVEO FOR LAB BY: JMH EPA @1OB < EPA 6OIOE a.00 hg/i{gdrY t4/tg{ry 11-2 msng{i} < 314 < 2.56 nsikgdry tfe msr(gdry lpre PAGE: 3of 15 IDf PWS Page 3oft5 o6ti?lls spc-cv oe/lr6!845 06rizi3 SPC CV 06/11/13&45 o6ri3/i3 sPc-cv SPGCV OGJ11/1311:45 EPA 60iOB 3ia EPA 601OB 571 mrl1/138:45 o6i12rl3 EPA 60lOB ?,E6 0611't/1! &45 c6112,13 src-cv EPA 60108 't1,1 oG/t1/130:'15 06t12X3 SPC-CV lan iD: 1306125G0o1'A gr2 OP EN _S OU RC E ss-s l3o8l250 PO*: REFORT CORRECTED IEST (570) 9S64229 PHONE: FAX: WO#: V. 1. 1 LAB lDi OE{03S0 'SA SAMPIED EY: S.mple Tim€: 06/1(y20! 3 HF 84rd! &d Lrb SAMPLE: $S-9 106 0U11/1314;50 EPA300.04056A sM2s40G 2.17 06/!l/l! l4:4, lD Icll B!!4! . [disr fig,lq-dry 60tos EPA 601OB EPA 5OlIE 3!0(l nl'r(giry n 5.12 't0.2 0.512 EPA @1A8 AnelvlisGd 08llil313:00 c6t12t1a t/t3 6:a5 oa/t'll1$6:45 c6t1211X 06/1rr3 sPc-cv sPc-cv 06/11ll3e4t 06/12/t3 sPc{v 6/1r136r.5 06/12]13 SPC$V 6/l rt3 3:/t5 6!1211X SPC-CV 06/1 1/13 8l/6 0G/12113 spi.cv src.cv 26.8 m0&edry EPAfl)iOB 512 06111/138.t5 0EI12/13 308m mg/tg.dry !21 mg/tg{ry EPA €OIO€ 51.2 06ll ri3 8:45 06/1?]13 sPc-cv EPA 601OB 5.t2 fil12l1X sPc EPA 60108 51,2 (911/i3 6:45 06/1 1/13 6i.5 6,11211t sPc-cv REMARKS: merhod haE been perlormed under N ELAP c€f fication, the afidysia hrs met all of l,rt.la olherwi€€ noEd on ltl€ AnalYlical tupod. Centorvslley, PAi SA = 8€ndmsd( Analyli€, lnc. Sevre, PA Beachmadr analyricE, Var€ abov. clnbri'tibn Enq. bul lnin ..nus]y vsdfed lineir rahgc FPO ouE&,e.co€Pt d Eco*ry tnlE A,aV= R tle snatytcat MANAGER A!!H-: anrleiE-qad oG/'l 51.2 5.12 Where NETAP A!!Mf KED-SA 06rrz13 JGW-SA o6/1znt JGW-SA o6nz13 KEISA o€/11/1314:25 0.253 EttA EPA60IOB 180 06i!2rt i306125C00!B 0,253 mgrkSdry lrEm mgftg{ry a!9tEEElg 1:25 EPA3m.Urqt6A simde rhe: 06110120l! 9J? SAMPLED EY: HCS Aneh,slt St6n o€/11/1 sM2540G 16.1 figlhg.dry chbice sL@ U@ed $e requirernenB of hc /a h,'^; u. D@ (:!h. Drvn. Qu_alry a*uffi u,lis DArEi - 6/)4/2ot - cv BENCHMARK ANATYTICS' INC. -' :".'*'"1 ml' T;JiIlf fJ 860'07r? LAB lD: OB-00380 'SA rD: 39-00401 'CV nF 25€B (570) 08&0169'Far (5?0) SEND DATA TO: wo V. 1. 1 POdr CORRECTED TEST REFORT (570) 996'4229 13061250 PAGE: 4ofl$ iffiis iii[#ffiixYr"tr-' PHONE: FAX: t PWs lo# Page 4 DATE: 06/10/201313:17 RECEIVED FOR LAB BYI JMH oarlx36r.5 06x2/r3 5.12 06fltt130:45 6112/13 EPA 60IOB 281 odlt/138i45 0g/13/13 EPA 60lOB 4.09 06/ll/136:4i cf,t1AlX SPGCV sPc.CV 60t04 3.5C 06Ill/13 0:45 06/12/13 sPc.cv 201 tll8i45 SPC4V 261 mg,'rg4ry EPA 60TOE 0€113/13 5,12 0&r1/i! ea5 sPc.cv ngrkg!ry EPA 60108 06/1Ui3 EPA TNTOB Lfi 0fl11/138;45 06/12/t3 SPGCV EPA60TOB 10.2 . 06/1rlt 8i!5 cf,tM1 sPc-cv nlgttgdry EPA 08/r OP EN _S OU RC E 11 E d,:tt{/Ii.g4.tl L.b lD: 1306125G0044 S.mpb lime: 06r'1041013 915 SAMPLE: SS4 SAMFLEO BY: HCs si,r25400 06% 19.8 nglqdry 90,45 * Lab SAMPLE: SS4 Sa.lp& I.d Ec&! 06/ll/1314150 06.,12113 JGW.$A EP4300.0,€0564 06/11/1314:50 o6xzt3 sMz5.0G rl10 06fi 1/13 la:25 06/1211 KED-SA 4.e3 sr@ A4s&lgitlad EPA GOIOS 51.5 06/11fler3to l]dtl/13 8:45 A!!]jEI'EBI AETTIJ 06/12113 KW.CV 0611115 SPC.CV 60i0S 5.15 06/lil130145 EPA 6OlOB 10.3 06/11,I138:45 06/ri/13 sPc-cv 06/i2i3 sPc"cv EPA€OlOB 0.515 06/11/1aE:,15 06/12X3 SPC.CV EPA 60108 256 06/1 1/13 0r4i EPA 6010S 5,15 06h t/13 0:45 5-15 06/1 06rtz13 sPc-cv 0€/rzr3 sPc-cv 06/1213 sPccv EFA mgngiry JGW-SA 1306125G0o48 6/1012013 915 t&NDod rndkgdry Analv5i! 2,21 01t17 154 Erd &EL: 06/1213 KEoSA AnaLis Sian 11.1 lo: rm: 06/ll/1314:25 EEAsoO0/S06&\ Wgtt SAMPIfD BY: HCS slss rEisc 8Ec! E! sPc-cv sPc-cv zfi 2q30 zina 1/r3 6:.15 REMARKS: lvlrers the emlytical mglhcd h6s been psrfttrmed under NELAP ce fcrlion, lh€ cnatiis has met all oflhe rEquiremenE of NELAP unl$E o$eMi6e nd€{ on $e Analytical R€por! CV = Benonm.* Analyli:s, lnc. Cenrcr Vatley, PA: 3,{ - Bendmar* Anrlytics, lnc, Seye, pA z1' - R VelE aDow calibr.Un r8n{E but wilhin sn"ually wdli€d flPO liHr r3rrgg oulire e..€rbd l.co$ry iimt5 Lu44. MANAGER cMi! Dlvii, Qualir,v l5 EFA 6OIOB EPA 60lOE 21.0 hg,lq-dry . of anu@E Ofllcar DATE: 6/14/2013 LAB lD: 08-00300 'SA \lO:39"00a01 -CV oRi[?v+fd$r... A i BWM 2556 NETWORK LABOII'ATONY P€r'Byvinb (570) AYe, ' s.vre, PA 16640 668{169 ' Falc (570) €€€{'17 SEND DATA TO: NAME: Reagyn Slocum COMPANYT Soqlhwestem Energy company AOORESS: 917 Sbh Route 92 Nodh TunkhanrDck, PHONE: FAX: Price PA 18657 CORRECTED TEST REPORT (570) 9964229 oATE: O6/'10i2013 13:17 RECEIVED FOR tAB BYI JMH rdl(gnry 315m PAGEI 5of15 nt,t!tsdry < 51.5 Pasc 5 60I@ 61.5 o6ill/13&45 5.t5 06/11/136:a5 EPA 601OE 51.6 06/1 1/13 6:.5 6l12t1X w12113 o6ni/13 6/11/13 6:,15 6n2h! 4530 nql(gdry EPA 60'tOS 3050 mg/todry EPA i3.0 mglkg.dry < 2.56 mg/tgdry 263 06/11/136:45 06/ir13 EPA EOlOB 4.12 06/11/rt gr5 6!12t13 331 281 ogi l/13 3i45 EPA 60108 5.15 06h1/1!6:45 Q€/r3/.rl o 1a1x dIiOE 2_50 06rl'l/13 8:rl5 @t12t13 SPCCV SPGCV EPA 6I}IOB 10.3 0d1lfi3 fitl2t13 sPc4v w1a1x G{2?13 E:a5 Lab lD: 130€i25GO05A SAMPI-E SS.7 SATTPLEO BY: Hcs sampr€ Tln : o6fior2o'13 9:18 SLCD Ed 8E!t ,11.1v0 20 4 88 r'E/kg.d'y 0l % 4rlled An6h,sis Stan sM254{G 0&11/13 :25 l &ebE!: 06t1?r3 XED-SA An.lvBB En €PA3OO 019056A 11.3 06/11/1314:50 06/12/13 JGI/V-SA EPA3llo,0/9056,q 2.26 06/'ll/13 1150 06fi2r3 3M25atE \lvohl. o10 .06/1rll31.:25 06/12 3 JGW-SA KEO-$A L.b rDr 13O6t2gloOSE SAMPLE: SS-7 sEhde SAMPTED SY: HCS &J sPc-cv sPc-cv sPc.cv sPc-cv sPc-cv sPc-cv sPc-cv sPc,cv EPA €O1OE EPA mg/tg{ry 644 SPGCV 5-15 mg,*g{ry < 263 T rn€: 06/i012013 s:16 u4st scag 0.224 Amh6b Sisrl o&11/1913:oo 06/12/i3 EPA60lOB w,3 ry1lrll0id5 06nz1r sPc.cv mgngdry EPA 6010S 9.r3 06/ri/130:45 ,25 mgng{ry mgAgnry EPA 601OB r9,5 EPA 6010S 0,e?3 Q6/r1l13 6/5 tb/1 t/1 3 6r45 sPGcv 06/1213 sPc-cv 06/12,13 sPc-cv EerU! ii[Agldty 0.3E0 13600 293 ms/l€{ry 6 20 KW-CV oo/ivti REMARKS: where ths enetyiicat memod has b€sn pefformgd under NEIAP ceniticaton, the analysit h6s mst all of the r€quirctnentE of NFLAP unless otllerwlse noGd on th€ Anavical R€Po.r. cv = Benchmark Anatytc6, nc centsrvoley, PA. SrA:8Bnchm6ft Analvt'cs.loc Styrc, PA va,E .boY€ 6al6r.tio. langE bd ,nn'n .muqry r€nfed lrnear r3nge a R RPO qr&ide sc.soEd MANAGER of l5 $'Og OP EN _S OU RC E l80a trtg^s-dry PWS tD# EPA €O1OE EPA mg'l(g{,ry 3O1 . 13061250 PO* lV Zinc w@: V. 1. 1 l E@wry lhb N'd"4. DATE: 14/2013 tAB lD: 08-00380'SA lD: 39 00401 'cV oRiu?+if8*f^.. rwMi I{ETViOBK tAgORAI,ORY "zifl6 "! P"."v,r"n" (5?0) 6€€41€E e* 'F ' ' sEYr€' PA 168'0 (570) 083{717 SENO OATA TO: Reagyn Slocum iolrtplNY: sorthwe"tem Energy compehy NAME: iooness stzst"cni,S;z,gX9 13061250 PAGE: 6 ol 15 PO*r CORRECTED TEST REPORT (5?O) 996-1229 PHONE: FAXi wb*: PWs lD# Page 6 OATE: 06/10201313:17 REC EIVED FOR LAB BY: JMH V. 1. 1 FQ sPc4v 6t12llx SPGCV .17 15.3 ng&gFdry EPA 601OE 9.73 06/11/106i5 06r/1 Vl3 0:45 30.. me/ftgiry 41300 mg/kgdry EPA 6{)1OE 9.73 06/11r13 8:45 fillaix sPc-cv EPA 60104 97.3 08/11/136r.5 06112/13 EPA €01(E 973 06/1 1li 3 0:45 {liit1211X SPGCV SPc-CV 6{!lod 97,3 o8/1 tl13 9i45 @/l t/13 E:.5 06lr1/116:45 08/13r13 sPc-cv 116/12]13 SPC4V EPA 60IOE ,r87 EPA GOIOE 9,73 EPA 6O1OE 535 4.32 mgngdry EPA 6OiOE 432 . 08/l i1040{ry EPA @IOS < 535 mqr'kgiry EPA GOlOE OP EN _S OU RC E i89o gaoirY 2000 mgng.dry < < 6.01 20.3 sPC-CV 1/'13 8145 c6nalt 6.61 0&11/136:45 0611?/13 SPC4V sPGCV 06/i rl3 0G113/t3 0d11/136:45 06/1ri3 &45 m/12/13 sPc4v sPccv EPA EO1OE 5t5 9.r3 2:t0 !6t1 14 SPCJV fl!OE 10.5 06/11/i3 0:45 AlX src-cv EPA t SAMPLEI SS.3 & lDl 13sr2f&0061 Sampl! TirE: 06/l SAMPLED SY: HCS 0/'2013 &21 [!b!C E!E!t rl.1* sM2540G t b lD: i306125O@68 s.mlre lime: 08/i0l2oi3 $AIFLED BY: HCS E!!!t l22m urg/tg{ry 9:21 Udild EPASO'OE 6:45 G Gnb slaq AmNsB Erd AE!!dI 11.2 06/11/131425 06/11/131.t50 06/12113 KED$A lE/12lt3 JG\i\lSA 225 06/11/131,1:50 06,t2l13 J6w's,A 0.r0 ON11l1l11:25 06/12/13 KEDSA $M2510G SAMPLE: SS.S sPc-cv 6/13r!3 EPA 6O1OE mgllgdrY ng/Ig'dry < 2.70 I!G! 0g/12/13 EPA 60106 EPA &d G€b s!@ AiiryEi3 Stad 0,166 odll/1313:m 61.4 06llV136:a5 8/1?13 KW.CV o6/rzls sPccv REMARKS: Where the analylical rFlt od has b€en p€rlofircd under NELAP cedificalmo.lhr anarEis has mEl ellofthe rcqqiremeds of NELAP unleBs olheMlse notad on th€ Analytical Repod Benchma Anslyii.s. tnc. Celnervaley, PA' SA = E€nchmFr An5tytics, lnc. Sayre, PA Value ,bore calikalion range bul within dr.ualy vanfr6d linot rang. /.\Cv= R RPo dGid. *eptec,lco*ry rimits DATE: MA AGER Cei. tlilis. of 15 Quclny A$@e O,f6 6/l4n0l3 o !1rD: 39-00401 'CV BENCHMARK ANALYTICS,INC. A EWMi NETWOR( . 2566 LAEORATO Pe.Grlani. AE. S.ye. (570) 68&0189 . PA Fa* (570) €lF?17 SEND DATA TO: wO#: l,lAME: Reagyn Slocum ADDRESS: rgy company 917 State Routr 92 North Tunkhannock, PA 16657 coMPAilY: soutlw€stsm En POli: PWS lD# FAX Price 1V EPA 801OE 5.1.1 00/1 1/13 6:45 06,1!113 165 mg^odrY EPA60lOB EPA 00roB 10.3 6n2J1X sPc4v sPc cv 0.514 OG/lr/138:a5 oo/i 1/i3 0145 6112lt3 sPc.cv EPA60IOB 251 @/11/r3 E:.r:, 6t12!1X sPc4v $106 5.14 (E/11/14 6:.5 6!12t13 SPGCV 60108 5-1.t o€/1n13 8:45 q611?]13 sPc-cv EPA OOlOB 51.4 06/l r/13 8:45 06/12/13 6PGCV 5.63 nE/rgdrY rr9i(!3ry 2o2oo l3 EPA mg/l(!{ry 7 EP 23,6 trtg/tgdry !0800 mCl(gdry !0104 514 06/13/13 sPc-cv EPA 60109 251 mr 1h3lias o6J12,/13 sPGCV EPA 60109 514 06/11/138:45 0€/r2/11 SPC.CV EPA 601OB 263 oc/r3n3 sPc.cv EPA 60109 0641/116:45 06111il3€;45 06/12/13 EPA GOIOB 3.60 w12113 SPGCV SPc.CV < 3.60 .ngng.dry 06/rt/1t6:.5 ngrgdry EPA 6O1OE 2t3 0611y13 sPc-cv 322 n,a/!(edt, EPA 601OE 1.14 06/11n36145 6/11/13 0:45 06/t2n3 06J!Zi3 SPC-cV SPC.CV 06/12l13 sPc.cv Epa 601(E mg/kgjry OP EN _S OU RC E EPA 5trom9&0{,Y isso ng/It{ry 2280 m!/l(c{.Y < 289 516 mg/r.!'aly EPA6010€ ?.51 EPA 60IOB 103 Lra lDr l3oBl2&{O7A Sa$olo l1nP: 0611012013 0:24 SAiIPLE: SS.t &qMPLEO BY: HCS udic Serc! 5.9 0o,11/133:45 06/r 113 6:45 anrt6irsFd .f,,t'l1 L EPA!o.('In$A r0.6 EPA$.0/90554 213 stt&5a0G solrd! 5!90 sM25r0G % 19 4 mg,l(gdrY % 6ll2lt! sPc{v od11/116:45 0€,hll130:/t5 190 Id of l5 m!/tg dry 115 anc Psgc ? DATE: 06/10,201313:17 RECEIVED FOR LAB BY: JMH Barium 13061250 PAGE: 7of15 CORRECTED TEST REPORT (570) 9964229 PHONE: RY 168(l V. 1. 1 LAB lD: 08-00380 'SA 14124 Oe11/t314:aO 06/111314i50 O6/t ln! 14:25 AadEBllO Ao3tGt: 66?13 KEDSA tE/1Zta JGW-SA 06/12./13 JGW-SA 06/12,13 (EDSA .T$m,*;;*fiSp$fr ;iffi ,,-:T:T,trn**ha3me'ia'r' her€qurc.en'1E'r R Rm ootld. aci€r'Ld r"ov(ry rl' ritt MANAGER C,-t Lq-'--" c-sk lieis. Qfuir, (:'mqd ^J,Eue DATE &t4/201J BlxcHu,trm \JreNerrrrcs, INC. A EWMI NETWORK LAEORATORY LAB rD: 08-00380 'SA l z)-(r D:39{0401 'CV 2560 P.inrylva,ia Aw. . Sayl!, PA l6t/t0 F.r (570) 3a3{717 (570) 8804160 . SEND OATA TO: Reaoyn Slocum WO#: NAr,lE: COMPAiIY: sootu/6.t m Energt, Company ADDRESS: 917 Slata Route92 Nortl Tunkh.nnock, PA 18857 PHONE: FAX: Prke PAGE: I PO#: lV GblD: ! 3< 2!O00rs Timi 6/10/2013 9:24 STqMPLE: SS.1 SAIUPITD gYr HCS SstrrCE IrI EP @roa 06/t3/tt l/13 E:45 (E/l2/l3 EPA 60106 0.rlr 06/1r/r3aia6 116,42N3 EPA 6010e 211 06/l ifi3 8:45 0&lrrl SPG CV m/t!{ry EPA @1OE a.l1 06a! 1/13 C:46 06!12111 sPc-cv 2as mgAedy EPA60t06 ..41 Grrl/l!ara!, 6t12/1,1 sPc4v EPA 60108 ,18.1 06/1'l/13 8:45 6112t1X src4v EPACO!OE a.a1 (6/1v13tras c6/12/13 sPc4v EPA 601OB , t,1 06/11/l! E:45 00/13/13 OP EN _S OU RC E dig/&{ry rig/ts{ry mgit(gJry 136 lr}l,rgdry EPA Ot09 i950 maI(edty EFA 60r€ a60O EPA 6OtOE 21l[nqttgdty . 3.65 s04g,dry EFA 60r0S 933 mctt9dry 251 filctgnry t SAMPLE: 8S.TO S.mpE SAMPTED BYi HCs D 6/1trr3t:.! ..tt E/irl!ta5 (E/12r3 sPc-cv sPc-cv sPc-cv 266 00/1vl! Er4s 06/1v13 src4V 06/11/13t:45 06t12t1t 06112113 sPc-cv sPc'cv sPc-cv 3.&5 3.37 08/11/13&/t5 EPA d,1O9 265 6rll/118ia5 EPA60lOE r,tr EPA 60108 2.11 06/11/13 8:45 6,1211t EPA 6010s 9.62 06t1riaA:45 06/12/13 o6a1M201a 027 slQq slr26aoc NELAP ccr{fcathn, \ryh€re tho anaMc.l nelhod h.3 beeo Pedo.m€d Und€r bul $ur'n 241 0,jn2115 EPA 60100 iD@ B#ffi ,1'II.^ smu'i' l.nlbd = line" 0 clrl3 06/12113 *.,chm,t $e analYllt A,,,v'tics, rnc An.lvsE sl.n Gnlnl la:25 has met gll ol s'v;' An.l6l. End s/t2/13 carE .n.b*ztls$,qdirr.AljlliN A!qt![: I .-g -= --= 6 { I\ M ? ln a \ I -l = (\ E z, U' +i E. .t d oc r () 9 -{ E g 3 I ! o { \\ f t 5 o E T N I!'! o f I A E-gE bE' lb (., EE g i @ o Ig E 3 1E= # lF' l. 3' +: Dt, o o A 3 a J E v, o o z E t'a! q !r, $ 'b I E$ Ei*- * 8h6 B6E q o v o s t A I .a ; & E o 3 (o -{ c, { i( a = t,! ot 9l 8t (- (! ID I o :, at 3 o e a o' o a =1t o x oc c= o 4 o ! o = o o F ! o o c a (o o N zo -t 3 c, V. 1. 1 E t T 5 E II @ m P , : { = o d o) (,r dB E n E !!l + F EE hfi *EE,E a* 6 j zz OP EN _S OU RC E t -t o 5 ID z H ; n E * z .D o d ? p. I o .{ o g , ral o -t a o , a o g x -! F o tr l4 6' 6 T !CT @ ql o B o o o I 3 n (! J= t2 to -{ ; o a = E z lF E, a, _t! E , - Q ,l EE a flEEEg A{ ct 5 6 srn c 'lr -rg 4 P8EE3 2 '*-a-I EEgg 6 *$Ett d * -l qE n I L ,f;8? dE{' IY EEEE 6= * o t- t I 3 E It I E -{ ttt 5 .E g q :, o o o o c o n o a c 4 5 I Lo Q 6J> .:i g;BB H ee OE a ta 6EE gs 'o 9l., EEEA ,, ! g :t o qH :J H=39 {o Io l- a I a -t { s a OP EN _S OU RC E l, -d E ._ tP EOH e x sIEEg 4 H IEEE; I B6 , ilg H p* EE E B : oiH? dBl' eEsE 6f P I LAt tu: u!-uu:ru, "v\ LAB lD: 30{X}1Ol 'CV Benchmark Analytics, lnc. Eastern Dlvision Work Order: 1r 100206 2566 Pennsylvanla A\re. Sayre, PA 188'10 Phone: (570) 88&0169 Fax (570) 8884717 SEND DATA TO: Jasoo Pelhck COMPANY: Soulh!,!,$bm Energry Company ADDRESS: 917 StatE RouE 92 llorlh Tunkhannook. PA 18657 PHONET wo#: 111m206 PAGE: 1of7 PO*: PWS tD# TEST REPORT (570) 996-1606 QA1 6r8-3028 DDll0, BB Pad !.b lD: 11too2o6{o1a S,AIIPIE: ?tlc! 0H- .rE ll'r3 S.mpl6 Tino: 1oO2l2O11 13:00 SAI'IPLED 8Y: JJP EPA !.b lD: Prlcs GB'llt E llu8 I!91 0.10 1110020&001B Gilb tlob: PLE: Pdcc 10/!2/2011 13S This 6.,nd€ m3 6tl-irtt s4zEd 1O,qHt 17i10 10/!ry11l}}5 ro/o7/1! JLESA cFnlre, SlmtrgTh!6: 1U02f2011 13:00 !4d - u#t' sl/lr 73.3.2 sw840 7.3 12 fier'Kg'drY Freadiva 7.5 Re.dl/n Sdnd. S4d6 Nola l-hle s'nPI' $at r€r'Ksd.t S6iicB, 6mrY2Ed I-E! sanpt 4cuod 4o5oo mCxg ti/doa'6o'E 4o3ao mdxg EPA 9071 EPA 9O7I ffigggry,r,*rum:ff Parfl€td b lbi Amnoola NELAC sl@ lt30 12 .ArElGlE St 10/06/'11 rt 10/13/110:00 t6r,vslE Etd t$!i,sl roltg!l 2'293, NJ PAOIo) slos Amt€I. start anghEr. End 1d12i1111t26 10/12/11 10/rz111oso 1ot1n11 :::[::"' "'6 r6qu A!!!d: rsmeds'I cdn€d sdpl' notdstillEd .- rmiis' LfB % R@wry bdo{ t'sPbnco ,1€ II r6!t nE) b€ b&E dloi. DATE: MAMGER aoddcElC lEsld: 1.5 (PA lnc', lllld.!16!5rin. PA 1110020O{O1D 13tm 10/022011 Trn6: RrEr[ m shri llhlD: SAIVIPLE: P.lc6 6r+ra,rE llu3 SAIIPLED aY: JJP Pend 1ot06i1t lab IO: 1l 1OO200{01C llur IEI N U v JLE.SA $9q lnlvsb s!v8461030 oe{(}13!, r1223) SATTPLEo BY: JJP Total Im.: usd l9lllbUllV ' sM2640G Ed 44@j lolt/ll!! JLESA ro/o/v!l lc-sa OP EN _S OU RC E SrnPl6 SAIPLED BY: JJP SAT 0.1 I of? 1o/07/1i ,o/1{i110:18 9I5C Solds AIdv.rs 8!.EE.sd 10,!6/1 1 13:05 s!r2640c t?.0% $.n<1242C aH Vn.tE .0.1% tmPte, slgs Udtcl B4! E! % Pagc DATE: 10/03/2011 20:00 RECEIVED FOR LAB BY TJC V. 1. 1 NAIJE t0D4/2011 LAD IU: (D.VTAbU OA LAB lD: 3+0GO1 'CV Benchmafl( Anal)ntcs, lnc. Eastern Division 2566 Pennsylvania Av6. SaYtB, PA 188,tO Work Orden 111002)6 Phone: (570) 88&0169 Far {570) 88&0717 SEND OATA TO: l'.lAME: wo# 11 COMPANY: SouturesErn Energrco.npdly ADDRESS: 9i7 Slate Rout6 92 Nortr PAGE: 2d7 TunktEnnock, PA PO#: FAX: DDll0, hbck '18657 PWS tD# TEST REPORT (570) 996n606 (.281 618-3028 BB Pad DATEi 10,/0g20r RECEIVED FOR LAE BY: TJC Samd. tlot : Ihi5 6eplo uie -Elyzed by l\lifrb.c Laborab.i6, lB s3nd. Tim.: SAMPLED BYI JJP 8e! 1€! 20:00 Ed.. PA 10/O2t2O 11 P'qE2of7 (2t000o4 l0020eo0lE Lr! lD: 1l SAI,IPLE: Pdc! €+l-lrar.rltu3 l t00206 V. 1. 1 PHONE: Jason t3O0 !d90!d Grab $!Q An tcb Sran &rIEE&C A4eE: 10/r&1, CPH€A 10/i8/1r cPflsA EPA 8082 0.07 1o/1&!1a22 P@121 EPA 6082 0.07 1U1A111a,2, PCB-1232 EPA 8082 0.07 1U1U11B:22 EPA A)82 0.07 10h8lll al}2 PCBn21l{l EPA 8OA2 0.07 1Ol1El\At22 PCB125a EPAAO@ 0-07 1U1U11a:22 1Cr/1&1t CPH-SA 10 a/1r cPHsA PCB-1260 EPA 3OA2 0.07 1U1A111A22 10/1e11 CPHSA PCB10r6 < 0.07 PCI.1212 < 0.07 mg/KgFd.y OP EN _S OU RC E SAMPLE: PrlcD €l SAIVIPLED BY: Iest Total ' mdKedry org-b L.blD:11100d01F arc.llu3 sand€ TLno: 1o/oz20l JJP tuE&s < BEIX s,oohlng samFdNoic: nis arnore ias arrrueab enervii=r l l3:@ !M!d sw8,loso23 gpcl Analvds 5.00 Sbn l0/o6/t116:00 Anrids End 44de[ t0/06/11 s'dve. trc., aodisii iA (3lt04tr) SAITPLEi Prlc. 6H{arc.llu3 Lrb lO: 11'10020&{)01G S.mple Tkn.i 10,0212011 13S0 SAMPLED BYI JJP I!61 10/1s11 CP$SA 10/1&fi CP*SA Beli 12o$ ugl(e{ry 8061 pc'/Kgnry $oq ldlood Al4dlsEd EPA 200.4 1?01 lol19/119:00 EPA 2@.8 E5.05 10/19/1 't EPA200.8 57t4 1U19/11 9:00 9r0 A4#c!!d AMi 1oE0l11 JRA-CV 1012011 JRA-CI/ 10/20xr REi'ARKS: WherB tl6 adythC method has JFiA-cv b€6n pefomed under NELAP c€rt'icaUon, the analysis ha3 met all of th€ requlrem€nlE of til€ NELAC standed unl€6s otherwiso noted on ihs Analylical Report ' CV = B€ncrma* Analytics, lnc. Center Valley, PA SA = B€Irhmalk Analylrcs, Inc. SafE, PA B N U Y AlElyb d€trcl€d h tl€ assodabd lllr{1od Abnr Par lder is not NEIAC cdli€d AmnmL saole mt dlslilled LFB % Rowy b€hii a@pb.e limils. Tn6 r&ll may b. U6€d kP. MANAGER DATE: t0/242011 L-l\o ru: uat{rJJot _5A LAB lO: 39{0401 rcV Benchmark Anal)ftics, lnc' Eastern Division 2566 Pennsylvania Ave. Sayre, PA 18840 WorkOrder:111mr6 Phonq (570) 8884169 Fax {570168&0717 SEND DATA TO: wo# Jason Petbcl PAGE: 3d7 COti.tPANY: Soutttneste.n Ene,lv cornpany ADoRESS: 917 state Rotjie 92 lbnh Tunkhannoc*, PA 18657 PO* PWS ID# TEST REPORT (570 996- 1606 1) 618-3028 PHONE: FAX: ODI 10, BB Pad DATE: 10/03/201'1 20:m RECEIVED FOR t-AB BY: TJC TCt t.ech.it SATTPLE: ol Prl6 Lsb lD: 1l1002!t0011 6}}l.'crillu' S.mple $\Ii,PLED BY: JJP < i.r.tarY- TCIP.rda.lld amiM -TCIP @dactsd lo/05f20!1 !:30 0,olp8 mgA EPA @1OB o.o2o 1u12!1114',.20 10./13/11 on25 1ol1z1111t2o GSR-CV GSR.CV < 0.025 msr'L EPA 6OIOB 10/13/11 m9^ 1W1?/1111120 10/1'11 GSR6V < 0.125 EPA @18 < 0.010 nq/L EPA €01OB 14:20 10/13/11 <0.010 mg[ EPA6OIOB oo10 1O/1Zil1420 lo/11/!1 <0.010m9[ EPA @1OB O.O1O 1tyl2/l1 14:20 10/1111 OIOA 0.025 1O/1ZI 1,1:20 10/13/11 < 0.025 mg/L EPA GSRCV GSR4V GSR€V GSR4V < 0.025 mgr'L EPA @IOB < 0.050 mg/L EPA @1OB EPA@1OB &t < 0,125 mq^ nlg/t Borolt _ 0.726 _ TCI-P ooicbd TCLP ert_a.r.d CadBtum C$rcnrum - TCLP €ld3ci€d _ TCIP .,rtEcbd €d..r.d CoPF - TCIP .r'!.'Ed llln 'TCLP od d.d Co66lt ' TCI.P LrBd - TCLP qr.ac&d i\jsnga*6. ' TclP €dacl6d rblYhd-ut _lq,'ntact'd NLl(.l ' TCLP oitEcbd S€lsium ' TCLP .dtcLd Sllv.t _ TCLP olEacted Th6[bm _ TqLP €td'c!€d e(raclld nn et Ec{6d -TCIP Ibnhn - TCLP ZE 0j25 OP EN _S OU RC E Bory$@ A t6k sE t aoal!6ls!!9 4!*n: 10/18/1111:50 10/18/11 r(w4v EPA@1OE <0.100mgr'L TCLP .r(nad.d - TCLP .liect d * mvt EPr€o$B 0-029 ndl EPA@1OB 0.135 iEr'L EPA @106 1-.19 GSR-CV GSR€V 10/13/11 GSR4V GSR4V EPA @]OB oo25'to/1zll14:20 0.100 10f/l1 14:20 10'1311 10/1Y11 GSR-CV EPA€O1OB 0.050 10/121114:20 10/13/11 GSR€V 0,025 1011211j4:m 10ul3/l I gsR-cv na23 1}t'lzl1',l1120 10/13/',11 GSR4V EPA 5OIOB ng/L EPA @1OB < 0.025 EPA @1OB 0.061 ntg/L o025'lO/121114:20 10/10rll GSR4V GSR4V 10/1311 o o5o lMZ!1f i2o ' GSR€T 1011l,11 ' o.ozs lol1?, .ll1,.2a lO13/11 mg^ <0.100 mg^ < 0.060 ms,t < 0.025 GSR6V 11Y13/11 EPA 60109 < 0,200 mg/L o.O1O 'to/12/11 GSR-CV O.Om 1Ol1Zl1'l14t2O o.Oz) llylzl1 1a:20 O20O 10/12/1114:20 REIJIARXS: has mst atl of th€ roquirem3nb perfomsd under NEIAP csdfioalion' the ana[aii6 v{helB the anaMcal method has beon *a,vlics,' nc savrs' PA d v";i*Str*##ffi*"JB,l$ff !f EI,""W'I#",* ^, B A.alyE d6!.ct t i. tE .slodated Mehod Bltnk N Parlnet€r 16 not NELAC cortfied U Arnmoia 6.mPl6 notdblillsd teo{ ac"gbne llmlls Th€ t€rlt t *g 'i ""*r*v MANAGER of? GSR4V Arlimorry _'rCLP Ext_actd . slaq 3 0.125 11lt2ll114"2A 1063fl1 o.too 1o/1zl I 1,tro l0ri3/11 0.125 1N1?/1114:20 10/13/11 EPA @106 d.-TCLP 6nEd.d Plt, O.Ooos < 0.125 Ing/L B.!im "-- line: UsosE! IE! 11100206 V. 1. 1 f.lAlJE: mav bG blassd lo''/' DATE: t0/24/2011 LAt lu: t 6-(jUllBU ^tia Benchmark Analytics, lnc. Eastem Dlvision LAB lD: 39{040'l 'CV 2566 Pennsrvania Ave. SayE, PA 188,10 Phono: (570) Far work Order: I tloo206 888{169 (5701 EEE-.0717 SENO OATA TO: w@ NAMEi Jasm Pe{ock COMPANY: SootirEstetnEnqEycompany PAGE: 4d7 ADDRESS: 9i7 St te Rotrb 92 North Tunkhannoclq PA 18657 PO* FAX: PWS ID* TEST REPORT (570) 996-1606 (281) 61E-3028 DOl10, BB Pad SAri,lPtE: TCLP L..dr& SAIfLED BY: sanC. ,1n.. l0/o5/201 I 9:3o letuc 8E1t E6ntf*8lto (Urtrt.) < 0.001 ntgil < 0.001 mgtL H4r.6h. .codd. < 0.0()l Edh < 0.dr2 mg i4dro,!/d{or < 0.m1 q'l..d€n€ (l6dr) ng/L 8081A EPA06]A EPA 80ElA EPA E06lA EPA O@1 A4a!Ei!.lbd aE&i!.E!4 10n7n177:1a loDTnt Oml 10o7/rl 0.001 10^)7lt'111:16 l0/07/ll hg,L og,L < 0006 ng/L 0.001 < 0.002 0,@2 lq^)7r11'l:t8 10/0711ll:la t0/o7l1t 18:17 EPA < 0-10 mg/L EPA@7oC EPA < 0.10 ngr'L 2,:1,&Td.hlo6Dndd -- 2,4,$Td(,llorophdrol < 0.10 P€nbdbrcfhdd < 0.50 Ea70C EPA 8470C EPA E270C EPA 8270C ng/L mg^ < 0.r0 ngr'L 6.73€ 23.1'C 1uo7l11 EPA8e76 sil4500H+a CPILSA cPH-SA CPI{SA 10m8/ll cPttsA cPrlsA 0.005 1c,/,(l7h11A117 10tr€/11 cPft-sA 0.10 1U 121114:30 1U12111 0.10 1w1v114:36 1ulu11 RHH.SA RHH.SA 0.10 10112,1143A 1U12111 RHH€A 0,10 10/1zl1:138 1U12111 1u12t111:g tu12l1',l RHH-sA RHH.9A RHH.sA 0.10 0.10 1N121114:u 1U12J11 0.10 4.9 - "1ll11tli1 1U121114i* 10112111 0,10 10/12/11 0.50 1d1uf 0.10 1Ul2J114rA 0.r0 ' l(tri2nl EPA8a70C EPAA2ToC EPA@7oC EPA@7oC ^Mi CPH-SA 10g7l11 itii!- 2.'l.IrhMll'r H€E.hlart .rrr.r1. 800tA EPA6C70C "am a:38 ta Fu{+sA RHI}SA 1U12111 RHH.sA 1u121'11 R}IBSA 1U12111 RHBSA 10112111+3A 1oll?',i1 RHTI-SA t0/01118:,lO K'GSA l0/05/1'l REMARKS: Whe.6 the anatytcatmothod has besn performed under NELAP codicatlon, tno snsl^ris has m€t all ofth€ l€qutEm6nE of lh6 NELAC siandad unl6s3 otherwls€ not€d on the An€lvtrcal Rsport CV = Banchmafl( Analytcs, lnc. Center Vall€y, PA; SA = B€nchms* Analytcs' lnc. Sav€, PA An tb d€!.cLd h lhc asso(bt€d MsaDd Blant ' B N U v P.l!nd.r b not NEIAC c€r!fied, Ammonia sEmd. not dFlilled LfA % MANAGER of? 11Y07/!1 0.002 OP EN _S OU RC E ,4l@l/d-CElol Nltobda. _r.6.ii*rlqolddl*k' llla 8o{t',tA EPASoA'A <0,!0mg{L pH Elqq EPA - L4DldtloDb..':a6 Ho(.EhldD.$!n. 4 Lit lD: 1110026{01J Gr.b ot Pdc. 8H.llarc.llu3 JJP I.EI ' Prg. DATE: 10/032011 m:00 RECEIVED FOR t-AB BY: TJC V. 1. 1 PHc[{E 11100206 R€covdy b6low sco€Pb.@ llml6. ThE reerl nav b6 Ua$d lo{. DATEi 1021D011 LAt' ru: uu{ruraru _5A LAB lD: 3+{D401 'CV Benchmark Analytics, lnc. Eastem Divlsion 2566 Pennswania Ave. Sayre, PA 18&O Work Order 11100206 Ptpne: (570) 88&0169 Fax (5701888{717 SENO DATA TO: MlrE: Jasoo P6tloc* COMPANY: Soot}tlrEsbn En€rgy Company ADDRESS: 917 Srab Ro(xe 92 Nor$r TunktEruEck, PA 18657 FAx SAT,PLED 8Y: TJC JJP Ptl..6fl-tt rc.llu3 - TcLP.,ea.bf,' sampl. tlote: Tl s smph so .mhzed smdclrre lOUs/? 1e30 bv ADarv!61 uded S!@ AEE!.ltEd Srtlc.., !nc. Ml(Blsbn! PA trb lD: 1 10O2OeO01L TIn.: 10/05201t 9:50 (P 22_293' OP EN _S OU RC E Id B.nz.n. 2€ub,r6s c€.t4r.tadbdde ctJdDbsEgr. cu@hm 1.2-Dlchloodhan6 1.1-Old oro.rh4e Tdd l)@ih6s T6t'.chlooe0He Mn,l chldide .. S*ltple Not6: Ihe tenr€rat . ot !E Etd !4EEi: M "' P4010) E!!!I < o,O2 mgll .OmES/L < o.o2 hdl < o.o2 mgr'L < 0.42 mdl :qg2m!&, - U' 9. o o E (o 6 d ct z o (r! o :1 @ c El tr> i* tr rl TB eo e,ErB9 T5 E ==838 !d tll E E BECEg EP s4 c o Ea3g OB EEEE , E gEHE E1 a REEEgA a il c ao o d= OP EN _S OU RC E d o o I