Manage APR 9 ?1952 rant-Ia? a ?mama (man 331' 0 . . (route mush f?r 1" Tollqn Callahan Gapt._PA1316? D.?orrtg?: 13135 5331: nsquxsw run 13 323133 en. . RESEARCH (err-a Records) Heinlet dated larch 15, 1962, furnishing case writeups to be and instructions re gara? phrasing material from - 0n march 26, 1962, thewmteups nerd delivered to in Dublin, Ireland. At this ting furnished an 11-page rough draft article whieh is enolosed herein for the Bureau. i i - in_nost sincere in the preparation of these- articles and states he_wou1d appreciate-it very lush if_thekz. Bureau will suggest-any changes whiah will keep the articles withinthq bounds of authenticity am-aeouraey; -) The Bureau is re?nested to review the enclosed artiele- and.udvise the London Office or any suggested changes, additionn. or deletions. . 41) 4 Bureau Eno.) (1 Foreign LiaiSOn - sent direct) 1 London. - I JTHmol (5) O, . A 1533 ?h - ir;_l pocket: 'importance o??Abel to the.?ommun ?x6?x motto is ?Twe never give up." They don't always ?getntheir_.--. . .sud?essful.- -4 SEX ?ne FBI FILES). lCapt. P.D..O'Donnell. I. THE HOLLOW EICKEL Colonel ABEL. "Sorry: memy", the old lady said," I don't have aHyri?change.?Can1 you break this.d5llar bill The studious-looking newsboy quic?ly counted the coins in his? There were not enough. "I?ll ask across the hall" he said. . uwu in with such a Simple conversation was begun one of?the most sensational spy-hunts in history, ending in victory for the ihyincible FBI with the breaking up of? "gigantic in New . . Yorki Russia's most valuable master spy was caught'gith all his . I . equipment, and there followed in this year,Vl962, the uniQue sequel. 4 I. m. Colonel Rudolf Ivanovich Abel; the.master-spy was_dramati?glfy . I I . 9/,7 exchanged for the U-2 pilot, Gary Powers,_aptly disclosing.the 9? - ists. I . er? 4" Lao?F? i - i The case continues, straigh1from the files of the FBI, whose 59?? . neithergdo the Mounties - but bulldog-lTEe the FBI ne?epmmw- releases their grip on a case, and in this one man" were nevermso in the apartment y?wpp ies/across the hall from the one occupied There wefe?two lad w" by Jimmy's customer. By pooling the coins in their purses they were mu) aide to give the newsboy change far a dollar. After he had cofl??tEd for the newspapers Jimmy left the apartment house jingiihg?several .. . . coons in his pocket. One of the coin?Vseemed to have a pecuiiar 2 n- etw" and Jimmy cocked his head to one side. Was he jipp?df Testing ?ff . I . i the_weight of it on his middle finger, it than an ordinary nickel. Ihen he drOppe it on the floor. It sp?t apart! Laid bar??Qas a tiny slip of celluldfd picture of a series/of num?grs:_ This happened on June 23? 1953, as the deli?gry boy for the 7>th . "Brooklyn agle" knocked on the door of one of his customers in the .1 af? apartment building at 3405: roster Avenue, Brooklyn, New York. Only tm5ydays later FBI Special Hg? ?ark Waters (fictitiousstening to this story as a detective of the New York police ri?e was talking to him about another?i?yestigation. It was a hot, h??id WedneSday, but at all ears. How did the/detective cOme across this of "intelligence". x. - 4m?. It was all very simple said the detective as he handed across the coin and the misro- phot?graph. "Jimmy is going steady with Alice, We. I we.? and her father is a cop in my precinct. 'bhe told her Dad, he told . me,P?nd I'm telling you", . Waters carefully put away the coin and?5i:ture, but didn?t?forget?; . rev? to turn it in to the NEW York'FBT'office. There they_were most interestEd and at once set up an in?estigation,) The FBI?;;perts h0wever coulngT/make anything out of the that it showed t??ycolumns of typeWritt??wnumbers. But they did scent war So the coin and 5T2ture quickly we to the Washington I, FBI labbratory. - Hollow coins occasiona?y come to notice of law ?sh: and they he mimmw 3' are also used in "magic" acts, but this was the finst time the FBI . l_ p?fw 7_ came across/zfnickel quite like this one. It had auti::whole drilled 1n-the of so that something like a needle could be inserted to for?e the nickeffopen. The.revef?ewside had been' another n?c?el minted around 151:: but in effort to decipher the micrOphotograph failed. ,?he only thing they could - 1 - be certain ofvfaswthat the numbers were typed on a foreign machine. . G?man Waters interviewed the two old ladies, but their reply was, Why, we've never seen a hollow coin - or for that matter, . I . even heard of one before". The FBI investigated all novelty _Wa~ Stores? but no luck there either. One salesman said, "It's no I ?uid,? - . i . . suitable for a magib trick. The hollowed out area is too small -v to hide aside from a tiny piece of paper." From 1953 t6f1957 Continuing efforts were made to soIvemfhe . WI mystery of the hollow coin. former-Spies who had "gone West" could shed no l?ght on the case, and all roads seemed t5?TEad to one be blind alley after a??ther. Yet the relentless FBI continued to search for clues impellgd by their intense devotion tdm?3untry and b