State of Maine Waiver of Competitive Bidding Request Form Form Instrugtions: Please provide the requested information in the white boxes below. This form is to precede all contract requests that are not the direct result of a competitive bid process. James Miller 10A 20170426*3255 ACAP~Aroostook County Community-Action- Program Presque Isle, ME After School Experience and Program .. 9 Y- below Piease mark the appropriate box next .t_e the justlf' cation which applies to. this speCIf'c request ?The procurement pt goods pr services by the State for county commissmners pursuant to Title 30-A sectio {124, involves the expenditure of 500 pr less, and the. interests of the State weald beSt be. served The Director of. the Bureau of General Sewices l-S, authorized the Governor, or the Governors deSIgnee _:_r_n_ake purchases Without competitive bidding because, in the opinion (if the. Governor or the Governors designee, an emergenCy exists that requires the immediate procurement of goocls pr services; jf. Citing the above Juggf?cabon signing below, I signi?/ as the Governor?s designee there is an emergency for this- Wagyer bf Competitive that necessitates this non-competitive procurement. Bidding request please heVe the Signature: requesting Deperhnents is Commissioner or Chief Erecutive (as the Governor?s 'b?esrgnee 9 Pr mted Name: Date: Sign and date an the. right unit or. Item of supply, or brand Of. that unit or item, is procurable by the State from oriiy one DitIt'appears to be in the best interest of the State to negotiate for the procurement of. petroleum products purchase is part Of cooperative progect between the State and the UniverSIty Of. Maine. System the Maine Community College System, the. Maine Maritime Academy, Or a. private, nonprot? regionally accredite institution of hIgher education with a main campus in this State involvmg An activity assisting a state agency and enhancmg the ability of. the univerSity system, community colleg system, Maine Maritime Academy, or a. private, nonprot? regionaily accredited ?institution of higher ' with a main campus. in this State to ful?l its miSSIOl'l pf teaching, research and public serwce (2) A Sharing of. project responSIbilities and when . If Citing the above Justif' cation ._i'pr this sole source request please note. that the specrfc approval of. the Governors O??ice is. requrred ._in accordance With Evecuhve 01der26 Order to Enhance Competitive Bidding? 777e approval most be documented .on of Purchases form found here mains doe? .. . . . The procurement bf _.gopds, _or servrces involves expenditures of. $110, 000 or less, in case the Bureau Of General Services may. accept orel proposals or bids,? - - - The procurement bf- .gopds or Services involves expenditures of $10, 000 Or less, and procurement from .a Single Shoerce is the most economitai, effective and appropriate means (if fui?liing a demonstrated need If a different authorization spec1fcally allows for this Willing and Qualii? ed Competitive procurement, please prbvide that mferenCe here m. Page 1 of 3 Rev. 7/ 13/ 2016 State of Maine Waiver of Competitive Bidding Request Form Identify, and fully describe, the spec1fc probiem, requrrement . eecl the resulting non ompetrtive contract would address and which makes the goods or services necessary Explain how the requesting Department determined that the goods Or. servrces are critical and/or essential to agency responsibilities or operations The Department issued a Request for Proposai (#201510185) in November of 2015 but did not receive suf?cient proposals to support the program in geographic areas other than Southern Maine. The Department needs to provide this service statewide to provide programs focusing on improving employment and independence outcomes for youth. These activities are reasonably calculated to accomplish TANF purpose 3 and 4. These programs help maintain the relationship between staying in school and lowering teen pregnancy rates. 3r. OfOther Pu?blic Resources .. ..- Please expiarn how the requesting Department concluded that sufferent staff ng, {Within the State of Maine? government or other governmental entities (legal other state or federal agencues) external to the requesting Department which would be able to address the Identlf ed need more efFCIently and effectively than the identlf ed vendor . . . . . . .. Current staf?ng structure and resources would not be sufficient, nor do they have the expertise for meeting the needs identified in this contract. 4 Cost .. . . Since waiver of competitive bidding 15 being requested for this procurement please explain how the requestm Department conducted the negatiated costs fees or rates are fair and reasonabie - . . . . --.. - .- - All costs are consistent with competitive awards from RFP (#201510185). E5 Future Competition Please describe potential._opportunl_ _Iesw .rch may be aval able to _oste future,? .. - .. . All services will be competitively bid in alignment with the end of the procurement period of RFP #201510185 with a contract resulting for April 1, 2019. BPB7WCB Page 2 of 3 Rev. 7/13/2016 State of Maine Waiver of Competitive Bidding Request Form 6 Uniqueness .: .. .. .. . . __Please explaIn if the goods or serwces reqwred areunlque to a speCIFc vendor .DescrIbe the mque quali?cations, and/or expertise of the vendor and how those particuiar ._Ijnigue factors address the speCIfc need. above If the vendor has unique equ1pment faculties, or proprletary data also explain the of these particular This vendor was selected to provide services to support the ?Improving Outcomes for Youth" programs statewide. As mentioned above, the significance of this agreement is due to geography. Rural areas of the state have a need for this service, and this vendor can implement services immediately for a two year timeframe until a new RFP can be issued. g7i (Complete only if Is the Statutory Justlf'catton marked on Page 1) 1? gznformatlon as to how it was determined this vendor is the best optlon to address this time-senSItIve precarernen .Sig nature of. 3; By signing below, I y'gnilj/ that my Department requests, and I approve of, this Department's Commissmner Waiver of Competitive Bidding. [or Chief . . (or deSIgnee $1193.}: Commissioner' 5 0che) BP37WCB Page 3 of 3 Rev. 7/13/2016