2018 Call for New Quality Schools For New Schools Intending to Open in Fall 2019 or Thereafter Portfolio Management Team 1860 Lincoln St. 12th Floor Denver, CO 80203 portfolio.dpsk12.org 1 Contents An Important Message from the Superintendent ........................................................................................ 3 Quality Authorizing Process for New Schools ............................................................................................... 5 2018 Quality Authorizing Process Timeline .......................................................................................... 6 Equity across the DPS Family of Schools ....................................................................................................... 7 Considerations for School Developers .......................................................................................................... 7 Far Northeast Denver Considerations .................................................................................................. 8 Near Northeast Denver Considerations ................................................................................................ 8 Central Denver Considerations ............................................................................................................. 9 Southeast Denver Considerations....................................................................................................... 10 Southwest Denver Considerations...................................................................................................... 10 Northwest Denver Considerations...................................................................................................... 11 Districtwide Consideration.................................................................................................................. 12 Appendix A: Frequently Asked School Developer Questions about the Quality Authorizing Process ....... 13 Appendix B: The DPS Board of Education ................................................................................................... 16 Appendix C: New Schools Opened Since 2008-2009 and Approved Schools Not Yet Open ...................... 17 2 An Important Message from the Superintendent December 2017 Dear Community Members and School Developers, Just as the Denver Public Schools (DPS) is committed to strengthening our existing schools, we also believe new schools play critical roles for students and families in DPS. Over the past 10 years, new District-run and charter schools have helped us serve an increasing number of school-aged children in our city, provide opportunities that encourage families to choose our public schools over private options, and offer diverse models – from personalized learning to International Baccalaureate, from college prep to Montessori, from STEM to athletic-themed programs – that support families in finding a school that best meets their children’s needs and interests. Importantly, new schools also have played a critical role in ensuring families have access to high quality schools. Several years ago, for example, DPS made the difficult choice to replace Kepner Middle School in Southwest Denver, after significant improvement efforts there did not result in the gains we needed to see for our students. Through a community-based process, Kepner Beacon Middle School and STRIVE Prep Kepner were selected to serve as new programs on the Kepner campus, and both now offer highquality schools for students and families. New schools have and will continue to play an important role for families in Denver. And, we must be honest that some things are changing in our city. First, although Denver has been for many years the fastest growing urban school district in the nation, we are now experiencing and will continue to experience significant decreases in the number of schoolaged children in numerous parts of our city. As detailed in this year’s Strategic Regional Analysis (SRA), these shifts are being driven by numerous factors, most notably demographic changes, declining birth rates and skyrocketing housing costs that are driving many families with school aged children out of the urban core. Thanks to the hard work of community members who participated in the Strengthening Neighborhoods Initiative, our family of schools now has a set of recommendations to help guide us in this shifting landscape -- and build on important, new opportunities to create more integrated schools for families and students. Second, the Denver Public Schools – like all school districts in Colorado – works within a resourceconstrained environment. Colorado ranks near the bottom of all states – 47th in the nation – for public funding of its public schools. Thanks to Denver’s taxpayers, who overwhelmingly approved and supported new bond funding, we will have a finite set of resources to construct new facilities in the few pockets of our city where the number of school aged children may increase in future years. We do not, however, forecast a need for any new schools in those areas in the 2019-2020 school year; existing schools will meet those enrollment needs. Finally, and most importantly, our schools are serving students better; our students are growing more than their peers across the State, and, in 2016-2017, we saw a single-year improvement of 4.7% in the percentage of elementary students who met or exceeded expectations on CMAS English Language Arts (ELA). DPS is committed to taking action when schools, despite our best efforts to improve them, remain 3 persistently low performing. And, under the Board of Education policy that guides these decisions, DPS has not identified any schools for restart and replacement this year due to performance concerns. This is not to say that all is well and good. As our community-designed strategic plan, Denver Plan 2020, establishes, our fundamental goal is: “By 2020, 80% of DPS students will attend a high-performing school, measured by region using the district’s school performance framework.” On that measure, we have a very long way to go. Thirty-five thousand students in Denver still attend schools that are not yet meeting expectations for performance. The Denver Plan also reminds us that, to meet our goal, we must “expand high-quality school choices in all communities through differentiated supports for existing schools, new school strategies, turnaround efforts and strong accountability systems.” Historically, DPS has used the Call for New Quality Schools to identify specific needs for new schools in our city, for which the District would provide facilities to schools that best met those needs. Because DPS has a responsibility to target our limited public resources to the most acute needs of students in our city, we define needs for new schools on the basis of enrollment growth and restart conditions. Given current conditions, DPS is not making the promise of facility support in this year’s Call for New Quality Schools. We simultaneously recognize the important roles new schools have played and can continue to play for our students and families, as well as our responsibility under Colorado law to consider new school applications annually. The 2018 Call for New Quality Schools introduces the rigorous Quality Authorizing Process DPS offers for developers of new District-run and charter schools and provides important contextual information that we encourage school developers and community partners to consider as they design new programs. I thank you for your commitment to Denver’s students and families. Sincerely, Tom Boasberg Superintendent, Denver Public Schools 4 Quality Authorizing Process for New Schools The DPS Quality Authorizing Process follows best practice and guidance established by the DPS Board of Education, State Board of Education, and National Association of Charter School Authorizers. DPS utilizes “a comprehensive application process that includes clear application questions and guidance; follows fair, transparent procedures and rigorous criteria; engages parents and external experts in the review of applications;” and only approves “applicants who demonstrate a strong capacity to establish and operate a quality [] school.” Importantly, the DPS Quality Authorizing Process is open to all school developers, District-run and charter, in alignment with our commitment to equity across school types.   A District-run school is a public school with a governance structure directly connected to DPS. Its employees are employees of the District. A District-run school may seek flexibilities around its mission, curriculum staffing terms, schedule and other fundamental aspects of their school design. Depending on the type of flexibilities that the school requires in order to implement its program, the school may later seek Innovation Status under the terms of the Innovation Schools Act. A charter school is a public school that is incorporated as a non-profit organization and that is overseen by the governing board of the non-profit organization. The governing board of the nonprofit organization holds a contract with the DPS Board of Education to operate the school. Charter schools are publicly funded, do not charge tuition and are open to the public without discrimination or selective criteria. The Quality Authorizing Process includes: 1) Review of a written application against a public rubric that defines quality standards All school developers seeking to open a new school in Denver must submit a letter of intent and a written application on the timelines established by DPS. An Application Review Team (ART), comprised of internal and external experts, including parents/guardians, then evaluate applications against a publicly available rubric. The DPS rubric emphasizes excellence in School Culture, Teaching, Leadership, Education Program, and Governance/Finance and seeks to ensure a proposed new school has strong plans in place in each area, the capacity to execute with excellence and is thus likely to serve students well from Day One. The work of the ART is confidential and deliberative, as it supports deliberations of the Superintendent in delivering a recommendation and body of evidence to the DPS Board of Education. In the case of charter schools, applications also are reviewed by the District Accountability Committee (DAC), as is required by State law. The DAC makes an independent recommendation to approve or deny an application directly to the DPS Board of Education. Learn more about the DAC here. The ART and, in the case of charters, the DAC will schedule an interview with each applicant. The purposes of this interview are to ensure applicants can speak fully to their applications and answer clarifying questions reviewers may have. The interview is not an opportunity to introduce new evidence or make “verbal changes” to the written application. School developers and community members can find DPS’s new school application and rubric online. 5 2) Feedback from community members The new school application and rubric include important criteria related to community engagement in the development of an application and opportunities to present evidence of family support for the proposed new school. Applicants are responsible for engaging community and families and for meeting or exceeding the related standards defined in the application and rubric. To support the DPS Board of Education in making the ultimate determination to approve or deny a new school application, however: 1. DPS staff will host open meetings in each region of the city for which new schools are being proposed. Applicants will be asked to present at these meetings. DPS will promote these meetings broadly and collect feedback from community members on applicants. The Superintendent will include this community feedback as part of the body of evidence put forward to the DPS Board of Education with the recommendation. 2. The DPS Board of Education will host a Public Comment session as part of its normal meeting schedule, during which stakeholders may provide testimony regarding new school applicants directly to Board members. 3) A public vote by the DPS Board of Education Before casting votes to approve or deny a new school, the DPS Board of Education will consider the quality recommendation and body of evidence from the Superintendent, the recommendation of the DAC (in the case of charter schools), and public testimony. Applicants also will have the opportunity to present directly to the DPS Board of Education before votes are cast. 2018 Quality Authorizing Process Timeline This timeline is subject to change, based on the number of applications received and any unanticipated events that might require adjustments. To stay informed of any changes to the timeline or to request more information, please contact Jack Becker, DPS’s Manager of School Development. Item Call Document Released Application and Rubric Released Supplemental Application and Rubric Materials Released for TNLI programming Letters of Intent Due New School Applications Due Application Reviews & Applicant Interviews District Sponsored Community Events Superintendent Recommendations to DPS Board of Education DAC Recommendations to DPS Board of Education Applicant Presentations to DPS Board of Education Public Comment with DPS Board of Education DPS Board of Education Vote Dates December 21, 2017 December 21, 2017 No later than January 19, 2018 February 9, 2018 April 2, 2018 April 16-May 2, 2018 April 16-27, 2018 May 10, 2018 May 10, 2018 May 10, 2018 May 14, 2018 May 17, 2018 6 Equity across the DPS Family of Schools All DPS schools, regardless of governance type, have the same responsibility to serve all students and are held accountable in equitable ways. Denver refers to this commitment to equity across our family of schools as the “Three Equities”: 1. Equity of Opportunity means that the schools have access to equitable resources, most notably funding, support services from DPS and available facilities. (As Superintendent Boasberg established in his opening letter, no facilities are designated as available through the 2018 Call for New Quality Schools.) 2. Equity of Responsibility and Access means that all schools must offer equitable and open access to all students--regardless of socio-economic status, disability, home language or other status -and share an equal obligation in District-wide responsibilities, such as:  Access for students with more severe disabilities. Although these students historically lacked access to charter schools, numerous DPS charter schools now operate center programs to serve students with more significant disabilities, and such service is an expectation for all new schools.  Enrollment practices. All DPS schools use a common enrollment system, SchoolChoice, which helps to ensure families have equitable access to all schools in the city. In addition, charter contracts document shared expectations around other enrollment issues, most notable serving students who do not participate in the Choice process (i.e., those who move in mid-year.) 3. Equity of Accountability refers to the shared accountability system that applies to all schools through the School Performance Framework and the School Performance Compact. This system ensures a common set of expectations for academic performance across our family of schools. DPS especially encourages first-time charter school developers or charter school developers from outside Denver to review recent DPS charter contracts, available on BoardDocs, to better understand what it means to be a charter school in Denver. Considerations for School Developers As Superintendent Boasberg established in his opening letter, no facilities are designated as available through the 2018 Call for New Quality Schools, although facilities may become available in future Call cycles to support enrollment growth or restart needs that may emerge. In alignment with State law and DPS Board of Education policy, the Superintendent will recommend approval of new school applications that meet quality standards established in DPS’s Quality Authorizing Process to the DPS Board of Education. All applicants, District-run and charter, that are approved by the DPS Board of Education through the Quality Authorizing Process may participate in future community matching processes to be placed in an available District facility through future Call processes and under the terms of the Board’s Facility Allocation Policy. (See Appendix C for a listing of previously approved schools that have not yet opened.) Under State law, an approved charter school may open in a private facility that is appropriate for a public school. 7 As school developers work with community to design proposed programs, we encourage all parties to consider the full findings of the Strategic Regional Analysis, summarized and amended below. Far Northeast Denver Considerations Overall Enrollment: Far Northeast (“FNE”) Denver has been home to among the fastest growing populations of school-aged children in our city since 2012, yet growth is forecasted to stall going forward. Gateway will experience growth, but projected declines in Montbello and Green Valley Ranch will offset those gains at the regional level. When comparing the total number of forecasted resident students to the existing school capacity in the Far Northeast, there is a surplus of roughly 1800 seats; most of this excess capacity is at the high school level. Performance Analysis: The percent of FNE students attending a school that meets or exceeds expectations on the School Performance Framework (SPF) increased considerably in 2017, yet still falls short of the Denver Plan goal of 80%. In 2017, 48% of students in the region attended a blue or green school, compared to 31% in 2016. This rate is higher (50%) at elementary and middle school levels, compared to 46% of students at the high school level. Other Notes:     Academic Gaps: 74% of FNE students are attending a school that met or exceeded expectations on the 2017 SPF’s academic gaps indicator, which measures performance and growth of historically underserved student groups, including English language learners, students with disabilities, students in poverty and students of color. Choice Opportunity: FNE has numerous options at each grade level and is moving towards increased choice with the introduction of two new enrollment zones at the elementary level beginning in 2018-19, as well as the opening of a new DSST Middle School at the Noel campus. The region has generally high match rates; in 2017, 91% of students at transition grades were matched with their first or second choice of schools. This was lower at middle school, due largely to an imbalance in popularity of area programs. Feeder Patterns: Many of the most popular secondary programs in FNE offer services from 6th through 12th grades, which has limited students matriculating into standalone high schools in the region. The addition of a middle school program at McGlone Academy, however, is expected to help address this problem moving forward. Integration & Inclusion: FNE currently has transportation and enrollment conditions that may support applicants pursuing an integrated and inclusive school model. FNE currently has a middle school and high school enrollment zone, and DPS plans to form two new elementary school enrollment zones for the Gateway and Green Valley Ranch neighborhoods, effective for 2018-19. In addition, DPS operates the Success Express Shuttle in FNE. Success Express features a fleet of DPS buses that circulate through Far Northeast neighborhoods and offer students across grade levels three opportunities before and after school to catch a ride to schools and other trusted locations located along the route. Near Northeast Denver Considerations Overall Enrollment: Near Northeast (“NNE”) Denver is forecasted to have the most growth in the number of school-aged children in coming years, particularly at the elementary level. This growth is driven largely by the Stapleton community, while growth is slowing in Park Hill and surrounding 8 neighborhoods. In fact, there is currently significant excess elementary capacity in North Park Hill, and growth at the middle and high school levels is expected to slow due. Planned openings, most notably of Inspire Elementary and a new DSST High School at the Sandoval campus, are expected to be sufficient to meet enrollment needs in the near future. Performance Analysis: The percent of NNE students attending a school that meets or exceeds expectations on the School Performance Framework (“SPF”) increased considerably in 2017 and almost met the Denver Plan goal of 80%. In 2017, 77% of students in the region attended a blue or green school, compared to 66% in 2016. This rate was highest, 86%, at elementary school compared to 76% at middle and 58% at high school. Other Notes:     Academic Gaps: 77% of NNE students are attending a school that met or exceeded expectations on the 2017 SPF’s academic gaps indicator, which measures performance and growth of historically underserved student groups, including English language learners, students with disabilities, students in poverty and students of color. Choice Opportunity: NNE has numerous options at each grade level, with enrollment zones in much of the region at the elementary and middle school levels. The region generally has had match rates amongst the highest in the city; in 2017 92% of students at transition grades were matched with their 1st or second choice. This is largely due to the variety of high performing options and the rapid expansion of McAuliffe to meet interest. Feeder Patterns: No issues identified. Integration & Inclusion: NNE currently has enrollment conditions that may support applicants pursuing an integrated and inclusive school model. NNE currently has an elementary school and middle school enrollment zone. Central Denver Considerations Overall Enrollment: Central Denver is forecasted to experience considerable declines in the number of school aged children in coming years. This region already has the largest surplus of available seats in the city, most notably at the elementary level. Performance Analysis: The percent of students in Central Denver attending a blue or green school remained relatively constant from 2016 to 2017 and far off the Denver Plan goal of 80%. In 2017, 53% of students in the region attended a blue or green school, compared to 52% in 2016. Other Notes:     Academic Gaps: 53% of Central Denver students are attending a school that met or exceeded expectations on the 2017 SPF’s academic gaps indicator, which measures performance and growth of historically underserved student groups, including English language learners, students with disabilities, students in poverty and students of color. Choice Opportunity: Match rates are high in this region due to the excess of seats. The addition of an elementary enrollment zone will likely increase choice participation. There are also multiple options available at all grade levels. Feeder Patterns: No issues identified. Integration & Inclusion: Central Denver currently has transportation and enrollment conditions that may support applicants pursuing an integrated and inclusive school model. Central Denver 9 currently has a middle school enrollment zone, and DPS plans to form a new elementary school enrollment zone to include Five Points, Cole, Whittier and City Park West, effective for 2018-19. In addition, DPS operates the Success Express Shuttle in Central Denver. Success Express features a fleet of DPS buses that circulate through Central Denver neighborhoods and offer students across grade levels three opportunities before and after school to catch a ride to schools and other trusted locations located along the route. Southeast Denver Considerations Overall Enrollment: Southeast Denver (“SE”) is expected to have an increasing number of school aged children in coming years, and current capacity should be sufficient to meet these needs. Enrollment growth is forecasted due to the turnover of single family homes to younger families and the affordability of rental units in some areas of the region. Performance Analysis: The percent of SE students attending a school that meets or exceeds expectations on the School Performance Framework (“SPF”) increased in 2017 and was close to Denver Plan goal of 80%. In 2017, 71% of students in the region attended a blue or green school, compared to 67% in 2016. Much of this strong performance is driven by high quality elementary schools; 92% of elementary students attend a blue or green schools, compared to only 50% at middle school and 45% at high school. Other Notes:     Academic Gaps: 71% of SE students are attending a school that met or exceeded expectations on the 2017 SPF’s academic gaps indicator, which measures performance and growth of historically underserved student groups, including English language learners, students with disabilities, students in poverty and students of color. Choice Opportunity: There are high match rates in the region, particularly at the elementary and high school levels. However, there are low Choice participation rates at middle and high school levels, due to the limited choice options. There are only four middle schools and three high schools in the region with no enrollment zones at these grade levels. Feeder Patterns: No issues identified. Integration & Inclusion: SE currently has enrollment conditions that may support applicants pursuing an integrated and inclusive school model. SE currently has an elementary enrollment zone in a small geographic portion of the region. Southwest Denver Considerations Overall Enrollment: In Southwest Denver (“SW”), current capacity is generally aligned with enrollment; however, the number of school-aged children is expected to decline, as the cost of living rises in the region. This will create excess capacity. These declines are expected to be largest at the elementary level, which already has some excess capacity. Performance Analysis: SW Denver schools saw the largest increases in SPF performance from 2016 to 2017 and are now close to the Denver Plan Goal of 80% of students in blue or green seats. In 2017, 70% of students in the region attended a blue or green school, compared to 44% in 2016. This rate was highest at elementary, 89%, and large strides remain to be made at the middle and high school levels, where 64% and 36% of students attend a blue or green school, respectively. 10 Other Notes:     Academic Gaps: 78% of SW students are attending a school that met or exceeded expectations on the 2017 SPF’s academic gaps indicator, which measures performance and growth of historically underserved student groups, including English language learners, students with disabilities, students in poverty and students of color. Choice Opportunity: There are multiple choice options in SW Denver, and zone structures at the middle school level to support this. Match rates were high at 95%, although participation is low at the high school level given that options are largely either 6-12 programs or two boundary high schools. Feeder Patterns: Many of the most popular secondary programs in SW are 6-12s, which has limited students matriculating into standalone high schools in the region. In addition, there are two middle schools designed to be 6-12 programs ultimately without facilities for their high school programs currently. Integration & Inclusion: Southwest currently has enrollment conditions that may support applicants pursuing an integrated and inclusive school model. Southwest currently has access to two middle school enrollment zones, with portions of the region also accessing a high school enrollment zone. Northwest Denver Considerations Overall Enrollment: Northwest Denver (“NW”) currently has significant excess capacity, which is forecasted to worsen as the number of school aged children continues to decline, although more slowly than in recent years. Surpluses are most concentrated at the elementary level. Performance Analysis: The percent of NW students attending a school that meets or exceeds expectations on the School Performance Framework (“SPF”) declined in 2017 and is the lowest in the city, far from the Denver Plan goal of 80%. In 2017, 36% of students in the region attended a blue or green school, compared to 41% in 2016. This rate was highest at elementary schools, but still only at 44%, compared to less than 30% at the secondary level. Other Notes:     Academic Gaps: 29% of NW students are attending a school that met or exceeded expectations on the 2017 SPF’s academic gaps indicator, which measures performance and growth of historically underserved student groups, including English language learners, students with disabilities, students in poverty and students of color. Choice Opportunity: NW has the highest SchoolChoice match rates in the city (95%), but also has low participation rates due to the popularity of default schools. This is most evidenced at the high school level, where North High School is the boundary high school for much of the region and the likely option for students in this portion of the region not attending the STRIVE Middle Schools. Feeder Patterns: No issues identified Integration: NW currently has enrollment conditions that may support applicants pursuing an integrated and inclusive school model. NW currently has access to three middle school enrollment zones, with portions of the region also accessing a high school enrollment zone. 11 Districtwide Consideration DPS is currently examining the continuum of services it offers for students with significant social and emotional disabilities and possible steps DPS may need to take to improve and expand our offerings to better support these students across our city. Although that analysis is not yet complete, we know that, should the final analysis indicate that a new program is needed, authorizing such a program would necessarily include specialized factors not embedded in DPS’s standard Quality Authorizing Process. Educators, school developers and community partners who want to get involved are encouraged to contact Eldridge Greer, DPS’s Associate Chief of Student Equity and Opportunity. 12 Appendix A: Frequently Asked School Developer Questions about the Quality Authorizing Process Where do I find the new school applications and rubrics? Right here. Please note that if you are seeking to operate a Native Language Instruction/Transitional Native Language Instruction program, there will be supplemental materials released no later than January 19th, 2018; this supplement will also be ported on our website. Wow. The new school applications and rubrics cover a lot. Do you really need all of this? Yes, we really do -- per statute and/or DPS Board policy. Most importantly, we must ensure your proposed school will serve students well on day one. Wow. The application and standards of quality cover a lot. Does DPS provide any support? We do! We offer a series of workshops, webinars, screencasts and office hours for prospective applicants, designed to: ● ● provide relevant information and ensure all applicants have equitable access to information regarding the Call for New Quality Schools (CNQS) process improve the overall quality of applications received by clarifying expectations Applicant supports and additional resources for prospective applicants can be found on our website. We also strongly encourage charter applicants to connect with the Colorado League of Charter Schools for application development supports. What are some common missteps in applications? We cover a lot of this in the workshops, and, generally speaking, the best proposals are designed around student needs, demonstrate strong demand and community involvement, and offer exemplary approaches to teaching, leadership, educational program, school culture, and governance. Why do you want a letter of intent? Is it binding? Knowing how many applications we may receive helps us plan and coordinate each step in the quality review process. The letter of intent is not binding; if your team later decides not to submit a proposal after submitting a letter of intent, that’s OK. 13 What is an “Application Review Team”? How do they assess a proposal’s quality? Teams of 10-12 internal and external experts vet all new school proposals. We call these teams “Application Review Teams” (ARTs). ARTs generally include a parent/guardian from the region the proposed school aims to serve, an external consultant, and experts in English Language Acquisition, Special Education, curriculum and instruction, as well as legal, finance, governance, human resources and other areas. In making assessments about an application’s quality, all members of ARTs use the standards of quality embedded in each section of the publically available application materials. What can we expect in the applicant interview? A smaller group from the ART will ask a standard set of questions, along with any clarifying questions about your proposal. (Applicants may not introduce new evidence during the interview.) We recommend several experts from your founding team attend the interview, including the proposed leader(s). For charter applicants, the founding board’s president and treasurer also should be present. Representatives from the District Accountability Committee (DAC) will participate in interviews with charter applicants and will ask a series of interview questions. Why is the DPS hosting community engagement events? What can we expect? DPS wants to hear directly from families and community members about schools being proposed in their neighborhoods. Your team will be invited to present at these events, and DPS will invite families and community members on its contact lists. We’ll know more about the specific format, date, time and location as the event draws closer. Typically, however, your team would give a short presentation and answer any immediate questions from community members. Community members would complete a questionnaire providing feedback to the DPS Board of Education regarding your presentation. What other kinds of community outreach are we expected to do? As defined in the application and standards of quality, community involvement in the development of your school’s plan is critical, as is producing sufficient evidence of demand for the program. How you undertake community engagement and document evidence of demand is up to your team, and you must meet the quality standards established in the rubric. What will our presentation to the DPS Board of Education entail? We’ll know more once the meeting draws closer. Typically, however, your team would make a short presentation to the DPS Board of Education and answer any questions board members may have. What is Public Comment? 14 Public Comment is a time for families and community members to speak directly to the DPS Board of Education about their support for your proposed school. We’ll know more once the meeting draws closer. However, typically, your team will be asked to organize your supporters into a single group, which will have a few minutes to speak to the DPS Board of Education. Who makes the decision about an application’s approval? The DPS Board of Education makes the decision through a public vote. The Application Review Team provides its opinion about an application’s quality to the Superintendent and the senior leadership team. They consider the ART’s opinion, community input, and other factors and will deliver a public recommendation, with evidence, to the Board. The Board can agree or disagree with the staff’s recommendation in voting to approve or deny an application. The DAC will also make an independent recommendation directly to the DPS Board of Education. 15 Appendix B: The DPS Board of Education Anne Rowe District 1 Board President Anne_Rowe@dpsk12.org Barbara O’Brien At Large Vice President Barbara_Obrien@dpsk12.org Allegra “Happy” Haynes At-Large Happy_Haynes@dpsk12.org Angela Cobián District 2 Angela_Cobian@dpsk12.org Carrie A. Olson, PhD District 3 Secretary Carrie_Olson@dpsk12.org Jennifer Bacon District 4 Jennifer_Bacon@dpsk12.org Lisa Flores District 5 Treasurer Lisa_Flores@dpsk12.org 16 Appendix C: New Schools Opened Since 2008-2009 and Approved Schools Not Yet Open The District has approved 46 District-run school applications and opened 38 District-run schools, including a number of Innovation schools. The District has approved 74 charter school applications, and opened 51 charter schools; schools in italics have not yet opened. School Name School Type Grades Region School Focus 2008-2009 Cole Arts and Sciences Academy District-run (Innovation)1 ECE-8 NE Emphasizes learning through the arts and sciences Place Bridge Academy District-run (Innovation)2 ECE-8 SE Serves newcomers to our country, with over 30 languages and 40 countries represented among Place students Trevista District-run (Innovation)3 ECE-8 NW Focuses on rigorous instruction and helping all students succeed 2009-2010 Cesar Chavez Academy Charter K-8 NW Focuses on scholarship, leadership, and community involvement Denver Justice Academy Charter 6-12 NW Intensive pathway school with a focus on students who are involved with the criminal justice system or have not been successful in a traditional school setting KIPP Denver Collegiate High School Charter 9-12 SW Provides a rigorous curriculum, more time in school, and a strong culture of achievement Kunsmiller Creative Arts Academy District-run K-8 SW Focuses on the integration of the arts Math and Sciences Leadership Academy District-run K-5 SW Emphasizes science, math and technology STRIVE Prep Westwood Charter 6-8 SW College preparatory school that replicates a highperforming middle school Venture Prep Charter 6-12 NE Provides interactive student projects with an emphasis on arts and technology 2010-2011 Denver Green School District-run (Innovation)4 ECE-8 SE Offers a hands-on learning experience focused around issues of sustainability within the community 1 Cole Arts and Sciences Academy received Innovation Status in August 2009. Place Bridge Academy received Innovation Status in June 2015. 3 Trevista received Innovation Status in September 2012. 4 Denver Green School received Innovation Status in April 2010. 2 17 Denver Language School Charter K-8 SE Offers full language immersion in Mandarin Chinese and Spanish DSST: Green Valley Ranch MS and HS Charter 6-12 FNE Emphasizes science and technology and replicates one of Denver’s highest performing high schools Girls Athletic Leadership Schools (GALS) Denver Charter 6-8 NW Single-gender, college-preparatory school with a focus on movement Lake International District-run 6-8 NW Authorized International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program that prepares students for success in high school, college, and beyond SOAR Green Valley Ranch Charter K-5 FNE Offers holistic approach to education using the workshop model of instruction, extended learning time and added enrichment opportunities STRIVE Prep Sunnyside Charter 6-8 NW College preparatory school that replicates a highperforming middle school STRIVE Prep - Lake Charter 6-8 NW College preparatory school that replicates a highperforming middle school Summit Academy District-run (Innovation)5 6-12 SW Multiple Pathways Center targeted for students who are at-risk, over-aged, under-credited, and/or who have dropped out of school 2011-2012 Collegiate Preparatory Academy District-run (Innovation)6 9-12 FNE Offers students academically rigorous programming aimed at meeting their individual needs and providing them with the skills and abilities to succeed at top colleges and universities DCIS Elementary at Ford District-run (Innovation)7 ECE-5 FNE Replicates Denver’s world-class magnet program focused on international and cross-cultural affairs DCIS Secondary at Montbello District-run (Innovation)8 6-12 FNE Replicates Denver’s world-class magnet program focused on international and cross-cultural affairs Denver Center for 21st Century Learning (DC21) District-run (Innovation)9 6-12 NE Multiple Pathways Center offering accelerated and rigorous education for students seeking a relationshiporiented education DSST: Cole MS and HS Charter 6-12 NE Emphasizes science and technology and replicates one of Denver’s highest performing high schools 5 Summit Academy received Innovation Status in August 2011. Collegiate Prep Academy received Innovation Status in June 2011. 7 DCIS at Ford received Innovation Status in May 2011. 8 DCIS at Montbello received Innovation Status in May 2011. 9 DC21 received Innovation Status in June 2011. 6 18 High Tech Early College District-run (Innovation) 9-12 FNE Centers on applied rigorous learning and connections with industry professionals, and offers a 5th year of high school leading to an Associate degree 10 KIPP Northeast Denver Middle School (formeraly KIPP Montbello College Prep) Charter 5-8 FNE Offers students a rigorous curriculum, more time in school, and a strong culture of achievement Kunsmiller Creative Arts Academy High District-run 9-12 SW Expands the existing successful K-8 arts-integrated magnet program Noel Community Arts School District-run (Innovation) 6-12 FNE Offers academically rigorous programming complimented by a robust integrated arts focus 11 SOAR @ Oakland Elementary Charter ECE-5 FNE Offers holistic approach to education using the workshop model of instruction, extended learning time and added enrichment opportunities Swigert International School District-run (Innovation) ECE-5 NE Focuses on international affairs and is shaped through a community engagement process with the Stapleton community 12 University Prep – Arapahoe St. Charter K-5 NE Offers an academically rigorous, results-driven program, particularly focused on literacy Vista Academy District-run (Innovation) 6-12 FNE Multiple Pathways Center targeted for students who are at-risk, over-aged, under-credited, and/or who have dropped out of school 13 2012-2013 Creativity Challenge Community (C3) District-run (Innovation) K-5 SE Focuses on thinking creatively to solve problems, learning through partnerships with community organizations, and challenging each other 14 DSST: College View MS Charter 6-8 SW Emphasizes science and technology and replicates one of Denver’s highest performing high schools McAuliffe International School District-run (Innovation) 6-8 NE Focuses on international affairs and is shaped through a community engagement process with the Stapleton community 15 Monarch Montessori Charter E-5 FNE Offers a public Montessori educational program Rocky Mountain Prep Creekside Charter ECE-8 SE Emphasizes rigorous academic preparation, character development, and individualized support 10 High Tech Early College received Innovation Status in June 2011 Noel Community Arts received Innovation Status in May 2011 12 Swigert International School received Innovation Status in August 2011. 13 Vista Academy received Innovation Status in August 2011. 14 C3 received Innovation Status in April 2012. 15 McAuliffe International School received Innovation Status in March 2012. 11 19 Sims-Fayola International Academy Charter 6-12 FNE Provides a college preparatory, international studies program with daily character and leadership education STRIVE Prep - Green Valley Ranch Charter 6-8 FNE College preparatory school that replicates one of Denver’s highest performing middle schools STRIVE Prep Montbello Charter 6-8 FNE College preparatory school that replicates one of Denver’s highest performing middle schools STRIVE Prep - SMART Charter 9-12 SW College preparatory school that provides a challenging and relevant liberal arts education of high standards, structure, and accountability West Generation (Now West Early College) District-run (Innovation) 6-12 NW Nationally recognized Generation Schools model with a rigorous college- and career-readiness academic program 6-12 NW A rigorous, college- and career-focused education 16 West Leadership Academy District-run (Innovation) 17 2013-2014 Academy 360 Charter ECE-5 FNE Expeditionary Learning with an emphasis on health and wellness Downtown Denver Expeditionary School Charter K-5 NE (CBD) Offers students a downtown Expeditionary Learning experience STRIVE Prep – Excel Charter 9-12 NW College preparatory school that provides a challenging and relevant liberal arts education of high standards, structure, and accountability DSST: Byers MS Charter 6-8 SE Emphasizes science and technology and replicates Denver’s highest performing 6-12 DCIS- Fairmont District-run (Innovation) ECE-5 NW Replicates Denver’s world-class magnet program focused on international and cross-cultural affairs 6-12 NE Offers a public Montessori educational program at the secondary level 9-12 NE Multiple Pathways Center targeted for students who are at-risk, over-aged, under-credited, and/or who have dropped out of school with an emphasis on supporting students who transition out of the Gilliam Detention Center 18 Denver Public Montessori Jr./ Sr. High School District-run (Innovation) Compassion Road Academy District-run (Innovation) 19 20 16 West Generations Academy received Innovation Status in March 2012. West Leadership Academy received Innovation Status in March 2012. 18 DCIS-Fairmont in currently received Innovation Status in March 2013. 19 Denver Public Montessori Jr./Sr. High School received Innovation Status in March 2013. 20 Compassion Road Academy received Innovation Status in March 2013 17 20 Excel Academy District-run (Innovation) 9-12 SW 21 Multiple Pathways Center targeted for students who are at-risk, over-aged, under-credited, and/or who have dropped out of school 2014-2015 Denver Discovery Middle School District-run (Innovation) 6-8 NE Offers a project-based learning environment with a rigorous 21st century curriculum 22 DSST: Cole High School Charter 9-12 NE Emphasizes science and technology and replicates one of Denver’s highest performing high schools Girls Athletic Leadership Schools (GALS) Denver Charter 9-12 NE Single-gender, college-preparatory school with a focus on movement Highline Academy Northeast Charter K-8 FNE A charter replication school of the successful Highline Academy in SE Denver offering students a rigorous curriculum that incorporates Core Knowledge and character development High Tech Elementary School District-run (Innovation) ECE-5 NE Offers a project-based learning environment with a rigorous 21st century curriculum and high standards ECE-5 FNE Focus on college prep, reading, habits of discussion and critical thinking. K-5 SW Offers high academic expectations, instructional rigor, character development and cultural enrichment in elementary environment in STRIVE Prep network 23 Oakland Elementary District-run (Innovation) 24 STRIVE Prep - Ruby Hill Charter 2015-2016 Northfield High School District-run (Innovation) 9-12 NE Comprehensive High School with an International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program. 9-12 FNE Multiple Pathways Center targeted for students who are at-risk, over-aged, under-credited, and/or who have dropped out of school 9-12 FNE College prep high school program focused on blended learning 25 Legacy Options High School District-run (Innovation) 26 KIPP Northeast Denver Leadership Academy (Formerly Montbello Collegiate High School) Charter 21 Excel Academy received Innovation Status in August 2013. Denver Discover Middle School received Innovation Status in March 2015. 23 High Tech Elementary School received Innovation Status in February 2015. 24 Oakland Elementary School received Innovation Status in June 2014. 25 Northfield High School received Innovation Status in September 2015. 26 Legacy Options High School received Innovation Status in September 2015 22 21 KIPP Northeast Elementary (Formerly Montbello Elementary School) Charter E-4 FNE College prep elementary school program focused on blended learning High Tech Early College Middle School District-run 6-8 FNE/NE The District has since opted to not pursue the opening of this school. REACH Charter School Charter E-5 NE A full inclusion elementary program with wraparound services and differentiated instruction ROOTS Elementary Charter K-5 NE A personalized learning elementary with mixed grade levels Rise Up Community School (Formerly YouthBuild) Charter 9-12 SW A drop out recovery school serving as an Intensive Pathway program Joe Shoemaker Expeditionary School (Formerly Hampden Heights Expeditionary School) District-run (Innovation) E-5 SE An expeditionary learning school integrating environmental sciences Denver School of Innovation and Sustainable Design (DSISD) District-run (Innovation) 9-12 SE A competency-based approach to a small school Compass Academy (Formerly SWDCS) Charter 6-12 SW A partnership with City Year and JHU to serve students with wrap around services and 21st century learning opportunities DSST: College View HS Charter 9-12 SW Emphasizes science and technology and replicates one of Denver’s highest performing high schools Rocky Mountain Prep Southwest Charter E-5 SW Emphasizes rigorous academic preparation, character development, and individualized support Uhuru School for Authentic Learning Charter ECE-5 FNE This applicant has since surrendered its approval and did not open. 27 28 2016-2017 Academia Lincoln District-run 6-8 NA The District has since opted to not pursue the opening of this school. Banneker Jemison STEM Academy Charter K-5 NE This applicant has since surrendered its approval and did not open. 27 28 Joe Shoemaker Expeditionary School received Innovation Status in September 2015. Denver School of Innovation and Sustainable Design School received Innovation Status in September 2015. 22 Bear Valley International School District-run (Innovation) 6-8 SW Focused on personalized learning and International Baccalaureate/ Middle Years Program 29 DSST: Byers HS Charter 9-12 SE Emphasizes science and technology and replicates one of Denver’s highest performing high schools DSST: Henry MS Charter 6-8 SW Emphasizes science and technology and replicates one of Denver’s highest performing middle schools Kepner Beacon MS District-run (Innovation) 6-8 SW A blended learning approach that focuses on student leadership 6-8 NE College preparatory curriculum guided by the International Baccalaureate/ Middle Years Program 30 McAuliffe Manual MS District-run (Innovation) 31 Sandra Todd-Williams Academy District-run ECE Center FNE A three and four year old ECE program aimed at providing a foundation for students to ensure they are socially, emotionally, and academically ready for Kindergarten. STRIVE Prep – RISE Charter 9-12 FNE College preparatory school that provides a challenging and relevant liberal arts education of high standards, structure, and accountability STRIVE Prep – Kepner Charter 6-8 SW College preparatory school that provides a challenging and relevant liberal arts education of high standards, structure, and accountability University Prep Steele St. Charter K-5 NE College preparatory model focused on rigorous academics and strong school culture 2017-2018 Colorado High School Charter GES Charter 9-12 NNE A replication of Colorado High School Charter Osage, which is an Alternative Education Campus with a focus on small, hands-on, project-based learning environments. DSST: Conservatory Green HS Charter 9-12 NE Emphasizes science and technology and replicates one of Denver’s highest performing high schools Inspire Elementary School District-run (Innovation) K-5 NE Focused on building 21st Century Skills and creative thinking through design and personalization 6-8 FNE Expansion of McGlone Elementary School’s educational program that focuses on strong culture, high expectations, diverse communities, collaboration, critical thinking and problem solving. McGlone Academy serves ECE-8th grade. 32 McGlone Academy (6-8 Expansion) District-run (Innovation) 29 Bear Valley International School received Innovation Status in August 2016. Kepner Beacon received Innovation Status November in 2016. 31 McAuliffe Manual MS received Innovation Status in November 2016. 32 Inspire Elementary School received Innovation Status in August 2017. 30 23 Near Northeast Community Engagement School Charter 6-8 NE This applicant has since surrendered its charter contract and did not open. The Boys School of Denver (BOYS) Charter 6-8 NW A single-gender movement based program focused health and wellness to promote academic success and self-development. Approved to Open 2018 – 2019 5280 High School Charter 9-12 Central A high school program focused on project based learning and holistic wellness. Center for Talent Development at Greenlee District-run ECE-5 NW Emphasizes the identification and development of student talents through academics, enrichment and student pillars. DSST MS at the Noel Campus (Formerly DSST IX MS) Charter 6-8 FNE Emphasizes humanities and replicates one of Denver’s highest performing high schools KIPP Sunshine Peak Elementary Charter PK-4 SW A college prep and blending learning model with TNLI elements. Montbello Children’s Network at John Amesse District-run ECE-5 FNE A community-driven school partnership focused on academic outcomes and the arts through TNLI and personalized learning. Rocky Mountain Prep 4 Charter K-5 NW A replication of Rocky Mountain Prep’s rigorous personalized learning and character development model. The CUBE Charter 9-12 NNE A high school program focused on student centered, personalized learning, and interdisciplinary courses called “mash-ups.” Approved to Open 2019 or Beyond* Denver Elementary Community School 1 District-run K-5 NW/SW An application to serve a future TNLI elementary restart need that focuses on improving student outcomes through joyful, rigorous, and personalized instruction. Denver Elementary Community School 2 District-run K-5 NW/SW An application to serve a future TNLI elementary restart need that focuses on improving student outcomes through joyful, rigorous, and personalized instruction Denver Elementary Community School 3 District-run K-5 NW/SW An application to serve a future TNLI elementary restart need that focuses on improving student outcomes through joyful, rigorous, and personalized instruction Denver Elementary Community School 4 District-run K-5 NW/SW An application to serve a future TNLI elementary restart need that focuses on improving student outcomes through joyful, rigorous, and personalized instruction Downtown Denver Expeditionary Middle School Charter 6-8 NE Expeditionary Learning middle school features projectbased learning and field experiences 24 DSST VIII MS Charter 6-8 TBD Emphasizes science and technology and replicates one of Denver’s highest performing middle schools DSST X MS Charter 6-8 TBD Emphasizes science and technology and replicates one of Denver’s highest performing middle schools DSST XI MS Charter 6-8 TBD Emphasizes Humanities programing with DSST’s proven model. DSST VII HS Charter 9-12 SW Emphasizes science and technology and replicates one of Denver’s highest performing high schools DSST VIII HS Charter 9-12 TBD Emphasizes science and technology and replicates one of Denver’s highest performing high schools DSST IX HS Charter 9-12 TBD Emphasizes Humanities DSST X HS Charter 9-12 TBD Emphasizes science and technology and replicates one of Denver’s highest performing high schools DSST XI HS Charter 9-12 TBD Emphasizes Humanities Rocky Mountain Prep 5 Charter ECE-5 TBD A replication of Rocky Mountain Prep’s rigorous personalized learning and character development model. Rocky Mountain Prep 6 Charter ECE-5 TBD A replication of Rocky Mountain Prep’s rigorous personalized learning and character development model. STRIVE Prep Elementary School 4 Charter K-5 TBD Offers high academic expectations, instructional rigor, character development and cultural enrichment in elementary environment in STRIVE Prep network STRIVE Prep Elementary School 5 Charter K-5 TBD Offers high academic expectations, instructional rigor, character development and cultural enrichment in elementary environment in STRIVE Prep network STRIVE Prep Elementary School 6 Charter K-5 TBD Offers high academic expectations, instructional rigor, character development and cultural enrichment in elementary environment in STRIVE Prep network STRIVE Southwest Elementary School Charter K-5 SW Offers high academic expectations, instructional rigor, character development and cultural enrichment in elementary environment in STRIVE Prep network STRIVE Prep Far Northeast Elementary School Charter K-5 FNE Offers high academic expectations, instructional rigor, character development and cultural enrichment in elementary environment in STRIVE Prep network University Prep III Charter K-5 TBD A replication of University Prep’s college preparatory model, which focuses on rigorous academics and strong school culture. University Prep IV Charter K-5 TBD A replication of University Prep’s college preparatory model, which focuses on rigorous academics and strong school culture. 25 University Prep V Charter K-5 TBD A replication of University Prep’s college preparatory model, which focuses on rigorous academics and strong school culture. University Prep VI Charter K-5 TBD A replication of University Prep’s college preparatory model, which focuses on rigorous academics and strong school culture. *Note: Approved schools not yet open or not placed in a District facility are eligible to participate in community matching processes in the future. 26