~tate of ~£fu J)£rs£~ DEPARTMENT OF C ORRECTIO NS WHTITLESEY R OAD P0Box863 NJ 08625-0863 TRENTO N CHRIS CHRISTIE Governor KIM GUADAGNO GARY M. LANIGAN Lt. Governor Commissioner November 29, 2017 Sent via E-mail to: TBorden @aclu-nj .org Tess Borden ACLU-NJ P .O . Box 32159 Newark, NJ 07 I 02 Re: OPRA Request - Tracking # 14780 Dear Ms. Borden: The Department of Corrections has received your Government Records Request. Your request has been assigned Request ID No. 14780 for tracking purposes. You have requested the following records: I. copies of policies regarding bans, limitation or restrictions on publications on publications in DOC facilities; 2. documents identifying the names of books or publications have been banned, limited or restricted in any DOC facility ; and 3. copies of correspondence, reports, memos or other documents regarding The New Jim Crow. In response to item# I of your request, my office can provide the portion of NJ AC I OA Chapter 18 which addresses the topic of your request. My office can also provide the attached policy which generally applies to all NJDOC Facilities. The Prison Level Policies detailing the operations of the mailroom are exempt from disclosure pursuant to NJSA 47: lA-1 .1 "emergency or security information or procedures for any buildings or facility which, if disclosed, would jeopardize security of the building or facil ity or person therein", NJSA 47: I A- I . I "security measures and surveillance techniques which, if disclosed, would create a risk to the safety of persons [or] property" & NJAC: I OA:22-2.3(a)(9) All internal management procedures or any portion thereof including any portions of those procedures and/or any indexes or lists identifying the procedures re lated to the following; safety and security measures, inmate movement, staffing, investigative techniques, contraband detection, intelligence gathering techniques, structural or physical plant des igns, surveillance techniques, and search techniques. Records for item # 2 are attached. In response to item# 3 of your request, please be advised that the request is invalid and improper pursuant to MAG Entertainment LLC v. Di vision of Alcohol Beverage Control, 375 N.J. Super. 534 (App. Div. 2005). The Court in MAG stated, "OPRA is not intended as a research tool litigants may use to force government officials to identify and Ne w j ersey Is AJ1 EquElf Opportunity Employer • Printed on Recycled and Recyclable Paper Tess Borden OPRA 14780 November 29, 2017 Page 2 siphon useful information. Under OPRA, agencies are required to disclose only identifiable government records not other wise exempt. In short, OPRA does not countenance open-ended searches of an agency's files." Id. at 549. You have a right to challenge the decision by the Department of Corrections. At your option, you may either institute a proceeding in the Superior Court of New Jersey or file a complaint in writing with the Government Records Council (GRC). You may contact the GRC by toll-free telephone at 866-850-0511 , by mail at P.O. Box 819, Trenton, NJ 08625, by e-mail at grc@dca.state.nj .us, or at their web site at www.state.nj.us/grc. The Council can also answer other questions about the law. New jersey Is An Equal Opportunity Employer• Printed on Recycled and Recyclable Paper Denial of Access Appeal Info The New Jersey Open Public Records Act (N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1 et seq .) permits a person who be lieves he or she has been illegally denied access to a public reco rd to fi le a complaint with the Government Records Council (GRC), or file suit in Superior Court to challenge the decision and compel disclosure. This poster describes the procedures for taking these actions. To file a complaint with the Government Records Council: Co ntact the GRC by phone at: 1-866-850-0511, by e-ma il at grc@dca.state.nj .us, or review the GRC web site at www.nj.gov/grc for information and to regi ster your complaint. The GRC staff may be able to help resolve the problem over the phone. If not, you can receive a complaint form through the mail or from the web site. When you file the w ritten complaint, the GRC w ill offer you and the public agency nonadversarial, impartial mediation. If mediat ion is not agreed to or fa ils, the GRC w ill investigate t he complaint. The investigation may result in find ing s or a formal decision by the GRC, wh ich may include a hearing by t he Council. In some cases, the Council can award attorneys fees or fi ne a records custodian for failing to provide records. Details of this process are ava ilable from the GRC. There is no fee to file a complaint w ith the GRC. To file a complaint in Superior Court: A requ ester may start a summary (ex ped ited) lawsuit in the Superior Court. A written co mpla int and order to show cause must be filed with the court. The court requires a $200 filing fee, and you must serve the lawsuit papers on the appropriate public officia ls . The court w il l schedule a hearing and resolve the dispute. If you disagree with the court's decision, you may appea l the decision to the Appellate Division of Superior Court. If you are successful, you may be entitl ed to reasonable attorney fees. You may w ish to consult with an attorney to lea rn about initiating and pursuing a summary lawsuit in the Superior Court. http://www.state.nj.us/grc/register/appeal/ Newjersey Is An Equal Opportunity Employer • Pdnted on Recycled a11d Recyclable Paper 10A:18~'4~1 · MAili;'VISITS;'AND TELEPHONE ance.·is·;not: sUfficient:t~ p~y Jhe total. cost· of tiiailing :the legal correspondence, the cost of mailing shall be handled in accor- .·~g~:;~}!MU:1itrdP1~A~~r,;a~:. ;· ,;· · · . (d) The com~ctional facility shall ·not £orwarq ~eq ~.r registered mail, but shall reh1m·itto the sender:!o~,. :.-:·i} ·:'·:". :,·.~;.~; 1; ·:·.'~~'h.:::;~.T;i.' :. '.:: <.::.~ · H,·, · ·'; ;(e).-·.Legali,corre~p~µdence '-Shall; ~e foi:ward~:i'.'. ·_1;·· See: ·2~·N.J~R. 2769(a)1 29 NJ.it. 431l(c). · ' Inserted nonindigent references and subst~~tted N.~A.C. refei:eQ.~.~«?r · . specific ·handliD.g i.D.!iti'uctions. · ~).'.':1·1:.f:~:·,~.}·}~ ~ · ~J•:"*~ ~ ·~ "" 1'h l~~F~~;~f~firltl~i~~~tff~~~t·· materials and .·shall .as~~¢.;~;j4eycd~~(:of!maµj.iig: leMl ~c·q~~ spondence for indigenfiniilates'!~s·:aefuiea mN.:J.A:C;li oA:t2.2.. . . . ·.. ...... ;:-~.:l.~t~f i{~~)~; l!.J t:ni-.~~~i; u!n~~i~i t;.., ~:/t:rr 1 1~·~.~t~i~~~~ r : ~:,,,~, .. g.t.:1/ ~~!. ~ (b) .Th¢.: ~~~t of qi.aUi!!g· ~egal._q9n.-espq~den~.shall.~xtend 1 • oW.yttcff'.ii~_·91~s~(s(al;\Ctar~p(jst~g~~;m):1·!~hfill~hot~lµ~iµ~e:: ·~"::~:~~i~il~?:~~:::,,;~·}:,:;:ir'~{:;~';·(:; . :'~,: ':?' · or .·. 3. Prefe(ential mail; :~_://_~~:l~X¥~$~~~~i~~~;~:;:;~~;~~;;.j'.}~:~·-:~·:. :.~:!~ ~1~·,.:~.·;.:. . ;~·: :!: .: ·'L;._, r.::/;; · .Amended by1tl9.Q7 '.d.:43.1~'.effe.ctiVe:Ociober .6; 19.9Jj;):; ; .! .: :;(:-1 ·.. t) -:.·•.' ·.. See: 29N.J.R2769(a),·2~,N;J:.R..43j.J(c).: ·: ;i.:-.;!~\ .... ,.:.·t··;;,,.$ ;:; ,.... . Jn (a),· sub.stituted. N'J.f{:t:.. ~efefence'"fo~ 'specifi~·'haiidiirijf illshiic~· tions; in (b), inserted~i;e:ferenc~.:tQ,~$tandard postage;.,and deleted (c), relating to stattis as'.irii:iigefu'up9n.recei\iiilgjolf off~~. 'ai '.;~::::·. Amended by R,2002 d.407, effeciive'f>ecfomber 16;·~.o,bi: :~. ·,' .;\;.;,'·..- .. .-;: :. See: 34 N.J.R 3050(a), 34 NJ.R. 4444(b). . :'.:·/.":: ...... ;:· . , ~- . . ·: ...,:: · · In (b)~ inserted,i;:;ew 3 .an4;1'.~Cp~i.ti,eci.fQQ.ller 3 as ~i/;,_:- v ... ·! ~·•. 'i..". :~ ·.· .!;~-;.;,~i,J:,./:.~:~-~ >·!.:.::' ~ ~-:.:;;·::.;: ·. :· .;,i. :.' .:·;"~::. ....... : facilitr; J' \ . ... ,i ·-· -. ·" . ...... : :·.: .. ·. ·. 10A: 18-3.9 . 'F..P;rwar.@ig ~Iegat~Qrr,~sp~~d~ii~cJo an in-· mate transferred to another correctional fa- ~eg~1::c0rres~ondence:received.:thereaft~ ·shall~he::retu1n~d,~to. ."iN·l{;hxi,~Jt\ ·e·lt:-it.ibf·.:;Hfi the sender. 10A:18-3.llm~:.~o:s;warm,llg,}eg~l ·cor~espo~deµ~.e·;~ora~J:: :·.\1~·· ·..·i; '.u i~{'.~iinln~~e. rimandec.lto ~(clos·e·:c~tody;itihlt-.Jnn . When an inmate:is'i.£~~~e"d-'iei·:~ 1Mril1W]iii(~t°''aill~F · ~~cwtY.JJ?. ~»'1ll 1 .:¢P..J1~. .tir, ,~~...i~A~rnP-Pr~Y.A~~~t.e.4Jp,- .~l·~~t .· triaffor t''rioif°bff~ns~·-Of'for;.~•J.~ oiher.Feasbris ''fe''~i co~·. es~ f;riria~c~ i~~~~i~~a·~,t;;rtt}{~.·fuiri·~~;· ilflii~'idtri~gti6~~i;!:fJJfil& ~\~\S)·.i)1'0;\ l ' • I e : • shall be foiwarded to the other facility, upon the lllDlate's 1 1 1 ·:;~j!·;;,\~.';i~f; ,'; ;.,v;.;;;/,.~;~;;~; ;; ;;~:~;~ ~'.!i1~~;:ttk~~.,:'. ~n' ~~~~'.~~:~~1~~~i~1!~~~;~i~1T£~~~r~r~1~g1i · ..• •• .. · - -"' ': ••••~:.' ...p; .. :.o .:, - .J ... µ,-.;, ... "I'~" ~-~· .• ~.,s,.,.~.{..,.;•) •• "'"' .... ,\ .... ·-..l: ...~ ... "''·"·· •• •·..··~'· ;,., .. '!'...~·~t:.t•.. •••• 'r' •• _corr~sp~ndence when the inmate .i~,:;fp~~e~~t9.r~1~J8~.~'.i~¥i~·~· tody llD.lt. These ptoce~ures shall ~elude a form that the ~mate shall sign ·.before the·iimnateis :.traiisferred .toJthet~other. facili indicatina whethelditfuni~\t \.mheHhe :fe" ai ~oft~ 1 sponrence ·. ·:r, .rorwc:;d~lt '~· ~ i·~ :.:t: .·: ;·~ ~T:·~;~; :~ .:':::.ir~~~i·~;.1~i~~~:~:;~:;:~~:: Amended by R.2008 d.141, effective June 2, 2008 • S~e: ·39 N.J.R.. 5043(a), 40 ~UR. 3309(a). . . In (b), substi1;ute.d:;~~.~~gnated !~taff at'~ for i~~WtittAA·proc;edur~:shilll be developed by'' ·and ''that"·for "which", and inserted "shall develop writtenP.rocedures!',;J! iind: ::;f._;~i/.?;i,.:·::;; :.:.;.·;:,fr":,· . n ~:.·:-~~·.nfr; , ;> Amended.byR.20i7 d.007,.effectiveJanilary. 3,.2017... -.i.·· .), .... · .. ;" . ~~;=~M~~~'~1S~l~~~~~l~t}S~~~~~J.H~~~~<~t~~~-~ ~:1i~i~~::.:~~ mantled :ul 'a· detentioii'"facility'~: :1n (bX',substituted "cIOse eustody unit" for "detention facility". .:;,, '~·:;;:; >:' :. 10A:18".!3.UH::Foraar~ing l~gal correspondenc~ o.f~n ...; . ::;:)nmate.:who.has. escaped<.:·;u .' ·,:,,; i'·:i'.;'.\;ti!"·." .:..I . l•(Rtf.0s. ~. P~l correc~· ·~··, ...... , ,.. ,.g,.~··• .,, ..... "·r·P1.,, ......., .. ,. ., ·.; ilie ......... , .•.. tiona.I "facilitf to whlcti tile ·mm.ate. has 'been tiansferrecC; !·! !· r.·..•.-. ·•.:·..... ~. .·~i-· .·- -~,~ .. : : •. ~;-~.·.·. .. .. .·· ... · .,... · · , .. :· .,.. · · . cf'.Aiiy !'legal;. cofi~j(8iidence .··-reC<.~iveff :··'dftex> the three ;! ..... - nfolith'PedUBL!GATIO~S .. ·· ·.. · ..... • ·. . ..'., lOA:is-4.1 Notice to inmates (a) Inmates shall be informed of new or revised rules and procedures regarding the mailing aqd receipt of publications 18-13 Supp. 1-3-17 lOA!tS.;~U by pos'tiilg. appropriate ·notices in each housing area arid other areas of the correctional facility.:1··;·:'i:'!·A· H.·.: ;1,::r: · . .i.:~,; . .- .. :·; -10A:t$.;,~.3 · ;_: :Publicatioiisln ri :Ian~age ·otlier:t1ian:Eiig-'·1 .;: :· · ;;~:i"!/:."'~~- ~:,:-..;_~.lisli ;;-..; '-h~.t: -·:·~i·1Ai.:::_\ ·if .. ~, ...\';· ··.-~i~- ~. :.~r:~/t!;t.JrJ~.~.:rh:. '.:..:· :~(b) ·Notice, of·new.or ·.re~ed roles !and ;procedur(!~ .regardin1fpublications; ~shall be :giv~ ·.to :~each "Inmate Liaison.:Goin· All State correctional facilities 'shill 'perinit illcomlng"piiO-' .. {~ mitt~e:i!'I'hese~ COrilmittees ··shall .-be·:responsible·\for; notifying the inriiate pop~ation. '.:L:i·;~· :;;\·:· (c)dJuring~~~e;\_~~ssio~~i.~i:i~µ~atl9n;.;program,.'~new>in~ mates;:·sh~1bli.give1p1 descripn<>.~··and"explanation· of the rules • ,,. .j·.:r ; " . an.dipr9cedµr_es.~~gar9fugpuJ?'A~atjons . ·,.·; . . . ;.· ... ,1'.. •,~\,f 1 ..\.••\ •) • .,.~. ~.:}'• .t..~k·•t' t~/'r.'11• ~ ·~-. .i•• •:--.-:• · • ,._..,•-::,'.•.:,~:•~.: ;,.._~·l ::t!• ~ ::J: ._,•. · : • 1 ( •I >) ,.•. • ,.J ! :-: , · 'iita\ ·}fe~isir-J!~~-~artil~sfllilti"~~~~6r;~tf 0ffl~~~;R~~WJ?l~~a~~~I~~\~~:~:~~~'._:.;:~.;:.!f}~~;~:=~:~:'.::!::.1~:;;.;·~~~:.:·:::,:~'..·.·.:·/:0:·.·;· Aniended'byi.19·97a431,•eff~Ctiv.e~October 6,.1997. :c:,... See:('29;t:i.J.R..2762fa},.29.N.J.R..43il(c). 1,:1 ... :. .. ·• : .. •= ':!1 ..; ... :.. ·-r·i.. . . ·.. ; Ariieniiea liyit2o·os'd:141, efteCtiveiwie'2;20~~... .:~·:·-.-·-.:: .... .' : · ~ .:.~· ~ ~. :· See: 39 N.J.R. 5043(a), 40 N.J.R. 3309(11). Added(e). ~rr ;-.(· ~; :·,t~ .. ;t :~;:-:·:~·.-:-~~.~~~ h~·: _r:. ,-.~0tt_.t=:; ·}~ . 'L.~.i t,;:i:: :: 1"' · · ".~ · "'· ... : k \<•'i°'.'-· .:·~ '. I ......,.,,, .• • :,'c~::.::·:~·~... :)~ ';, :;•: .;.r.: "'-: ~< lOA:lS-4 ..2 .=:-.Limit~tion tiii.sotlrce·ofpublications' · ,. ,-.... :i. r(,;--.~. .. :.: ~ <~}.~-;.~:) · :;·:.11 ~--~:~·~. ~:·r.:J; . {:·.:fi~=~.-..-·· ·.1:~~~ · • ;~!_;~~·..• tz~,,~ ·. ,·.~'5 i. .. ·. ,.-~ >. ·. ·: , -.... (a) In.mates in ge~eral pop~ation sh~ be perrhlttecl to receive hardcover~ oooks?·pap'etback: :i..-bo&kS,\" magazmeS-·.i ·and .. : ; o~er, .~9ft.c<>yer:~Pl:f~R~~R.9.~J~:<>iii.aji ~lltl}Q#¥,e.f! s@rc~ gf,sate . only, such·as, but not .furiited·to,Jhe publisher;·. a book;club ora bookstore. -wati61i.~~~)r'teceive~ :·: ····~ . . . ·': :.- ·.· .:-~, ··1 •,-::;-.~·iu~:; :\flt ~i::!':·i ·..Ju~~~·.'/"'·,:;:_:·\·~. ~ ~Hr . ··:.·~~;~:-. ·.!' ...... ~. '"" ~,.·.,r: :!,.·, ·. (d). All books, magazines, publications aild':'newspapers must be prepai4 . . . . 1 -: ·.;·.;-!~~:\ .~\o. ·~;·.~n . ~.~-· .... ·;t:·, 1·::-:.:~·;;;·.~::~·l·~·~·~t~~;(:' :~:-~"c·;~.· ..r.;~ ·~~.:· lica~ons in. a larigu~ge~tiih~;:'.?t~ .]~~%~·it\~:.;~~::·~·~&'.i/iJ;t~''.·:::~: ·io_~;1g~~~4 ·:.\;._orft.P.~8~~'.~·El~~t::i \!.il ·:fit:;;h-1:,\~~> ·'' 1 " (.~:. 19;A:i.~-4.5 . Inspectfoil .orhicoming p:n'J?licatiotis ·. ... . . . · · hnfri::~:~{·~k:i!?. ~=::a-t;-~1i.:i:H.;d::·!'/t:1•)·) ·fo~i.';1}-.t:iiiH:iJ;:·i.1 ·"'i•y.~o~:·~i·t·t },~\ sp£~it~~~:~~~!i~~f~~ttfi*~~~ ~~fm~~~~!~~- reason .to believe that the publication~.cont~~:Jli:Sappfov~d co,itent (see N.J.A.c.· 10A:i8-4~9) an4,.Qi~·:pnb:,-upon the prior authorization of the Adniinistra~~f'or'qes~~~~~.i·.: ·. ··. · .: ·ir:r. :J :i.~Ort!i~.t.n~)i.'.!)i·:.i.'r'·: ·. . :._. (b) A confidential list of.the incoining,p~b~~atic;>~ ~.at are. re~d shall be maint.ained in th~ Special 'Irlve'stjgation~ ·Division or mail rooni?Of the correctional ·facilitjrj'•.o"t.\yherever·.the.. f' '' lli • ·d·... r<;. (.• ~ ~: ·.;. •• :·· •. :_. • ,;. confidentiality of the list can be inaiiitaiile " j •. ~··-' •l' <~ •I" ,: \I·. · • .; :.: • •·.:. ::•• ·~J~;~t?iti~~'.~~~ii ;~~~~~·-~do~~{6~~;9;~~:.:.i:~:~::~'.\ :_;~·~ ~~:: ·;: N,1e27.69(af'2~:h.r.1~it"¥13fl(~)? ·"·/,·.: .'.: 1 _~"::~1 t-;·t~;_!."! 1~ ·~ ~!7~~~~~ ~;:,:'·:·. ~:.n~f;t~~;::~ ~t~~·~;-~·::. _·;:' . . ;~ )~;F~;~~~!7\tI:~f( .,_ ·.~. See:. 29 1··( · •. , . · ! Amended by R.2ootd.407,:e£fective ne·cemoel16, ·2002::zr;~·='.ifi .. ,1 Se~: 3.4 N.J.R. 3050(a), 34 NJ.R. ~444(b). , . , . . ,.. . •. ;. .· :Jn'(a);:·substitrited-l'Achilimsti'ator'!fol"Superifttenaeiit". ··"..L-·1:">< : ;. ~. ~ !-;..~ · {.t:r.iy:)::·~ ·~.--:~r~.'~$ ~-~'. 1 ·!:~1~~-J·6 7~ i;. ~·~·f ~·-_·>)"'l.-'.~l 'Z·~··.~;:• ~!· ·."-_~- 4 i !. = ;.~·~E! ".{afJ.'hetsender's':~am~~~a aciare'ss·:atid th~·:mmat~~4 ·name ana nfii.n.Her· :siia11·~ppead~g1bty ·on the 'outSide .<>(aifhi cic?~:: . ing pii'b1iciat1ons:·i;: '"u. r._; .. ... :-t "·· .:r. . ·' 1 l:.i !.I _.;1.,:·: .. , i :·j .. ··. •. ,<:· i ..., :., .... : ·!.-~ 1;·: ....· .:.,"~-rie·' huii~tgi~.'h~~I ~d'ffililib~ Sll~1t-{~'-~ar;Otl:itht6~t­ .sid~>~f',tb.~1:ill€6Hllil'. :.:'iiblR:~ttditJ,Pri1'lieaiiJfu-. ~th6ilt."both 1 i- · tii~·1rifua:¥Ji~ ;iliin~ ·~a~iiffil>~i ~1'.i"~n Y~ f~tifrile·a-io:§fud~.n ' tf.!UJ-:·:-; 1 ':···/~·:··~~··,:!.a:·p ,·1.·~:.-,~:· .:·j~'.·:J ..:l:!Jf:.. "t'.:.:-~n· ::.:i.;:.;:;~_... -! :·~!: .'~ .-.: :-..~9J.~ ~e:~~d«?(V~~e ~~A~4f!rn~.s; ,,~~.1'o~. ~PP~~ .o~ _tJte outs1~e of the publi.~~~~P.~.:~~ .~~~¥-?:~i.~~1?)?1?~1J,~~)?P:~F}~2~~~ ex~ed to determine the 1dentlcy of tlie sender. ::· ... ·· ...... ~.'J':',:!'·l· :.;~. lOA:U~-4.7 u··. -.... ,.•. , . .·~:~·,·!' :·~.•·:.·;.· ··~:'" .-_.,.: ::· .... , . , '• . ·: ,., :· ii ·:;~f:' :·, · ·;Jrl "'"·: :,.: •,: .• ~ ! 18-14 ' (af outg·ofu~ 'j)ublicatioiis ·sh'an·be.revie\Vea iti>''detenm,ne th~ sender. ,!. 1 ~·;:". Ourgomg P'.Iblications 11i:kb are open~ pursu2Dt to this ST.!hchay.a sh2.Il once re"\·iewed and appro\·ed.. be rc!sealed and mailed promptly_ ( fj A confid;mial list of the ourgoing publications that are ~ead pr~r to this sclx:hapter shall be maiir~ in t."ie i!i\esttgai\e U!L~ or mail room cf:he correctional facility_ or uh;:&"e\·erthe cocfide~- ofme list can be~ IOA:l~.9 (a) Any incoming publication may be withheld in the mail room or tzken from an inmate·s possession if it falls within one of the following caiegories: J • The publication contains material that is detrimental to the security and·or order of the correctional facility because ir incites \ iolence based upon race. religion. creed or n.arioilality and a reasonable inference can be dra~ll, based upon the ex;>eric:nc:e and professional expertise of correctional administraun. thaI iI may resuh in the outbreak of \io]eoce "'ithin the faoliI.Y; :!.. ~ publicaiion contains information on the following subjects that. based upon the e.~e znd professional exp::rtise of coIRCiional administrators and custoey · st2ff and jmi~ed in the comext of a coo-eaioc.al facility and iis paramocm in:eresr in 5'.~-- ord::r and rer.abilitarion_ is decrimenI2J to the ~.:acure md ~ opaation of the correctiooal ~-= ~.! ~ R.1989 L"'Ci3. ~~c -~ 17_ 1919. ~ .:!I SJJt. :!771bL ~I SJ.R.. 101-lfc). AI Ci!J dd~ ref~ IO~~~ offiQI 31.L~~-: ~Scl UJ fd> ~ :::f~ wold 1:!1. re• -~k L1997d.-t:Cdf~-eOa.X-=6.. t99r_ ~ ~ sj_.R...?769taJ..~ SJ.R...-GllfcJ.. Ir. f CL ~ ~'tik."111 r.::!~ Ii:? ritkrrified ~ ;::;.'! in f L!J. izsa-~ -E~ ass:z.:d mId ~c.-_ -~ ~ iLVJ! dA07_ c!fcane De:::::::::!~ 16.. .2fi6!.. Se::: ~ Si..R.. 3050f 2 L:.l S".J.R... .J.U.lf ~L m(.0:Lsa..~-~--~-- (a) i ;i-= ofpwhlicarinec All ptopcd,? idaJtified aid icspxnrl inmmmcr pcb~ tiaus (see S".J_-\...C: 10...\:11-f..5 Zlii SJA..C. IOA:Il-f..6J .s&2ll be dbui&m:af ID_iailiQ• wi:bin oae c!z!" of1h::ir" n:c=ipc m the mail mom. CiCluding sttl.-ends ~ and cfmiog - u·eapoI:S: 111. Comrollcd dan~erous sclsances: f\·_ ~ plz:?S: ,.. Lod."pid.ing and or lockm~ ~·K-es- or ,i.. -~if:in~ C2I mi~ht pose z ~re:at to ~sea...~· facili:.y_ 3_ The ~IK:mon comains mform2!ion ""hidt ~ be 11.riII.e:n in~ ..f._ Thi! pr.:rbiiczioa comains m.farmatimi UJiJCt1 niJg Pr5m. offici:tl:i ~ &!- F.irSl _s.m.::n.fma:r .from ~ I:::::x::s=-s c::.1il :SGX ro (I[" 5:om gD'-~ az=..-j:s ~ otn..-=;s:~ er ~~~of R:Dc:s .:\&.ipColt R~ l:::c:c:zr= Y.:!!I ra ~~ P-~:5;: Of!icZs.. zn."f ~"§ ~ Jl:rt-ber 6. I 997. So:: :!9 ~d.R. !i"69(a).29 XJ.R.-13J lie). In (a) and 1bl. inserted reference to cmcrgen~· incidcnlS. ~ i:JCm:s "iolalce.. ar ~e or dis:upti•·e bdzl.icrfil\Laul: i. ~ cdix.:e:uc:tt: offices: ii. De?£™ ofCmm::tior:s~ orCom:cionzl f3cilit.!" ix••:•aes "\isi:rms amiar ,;ol- iii. 11:;1¥&!""£ er n.-_ {o) All propol.!' icfemffiM ~aolng pu&lic:a!iOl?S (see SJ_..\...C I0.:\:11-i.7) sf:all be sent to the post office~ one day of their- n:ceipc in lbe mail romJL excluding ~eeken.ds,. holidays and during emergency incideots.. ocme Lnir::d ~ C~-21 f2ciil:cy" ptogiau:s or prucedwcs.. 6. The pubficaiion camains ~ -..&idL based upon. the ~ and professioua[ e:qx:rtisc of axreaion.aI adminis:rarors and judged in the cont-~ of a axreaion.aI faciliiy and its paramount interest in security_ order and rehabilitatioo: i Taken. as a whole, appeals to a prurient interest in sex: . ii. Lacks. as a whole. serious literary. artistic. political or scientific ,·alue: and 18-15 Supp. 6-1-08 CORRECTIONS IOA:J~.9 3. . The publication shaU b~ given to the inmate within 48 hours if the shift commander disagrees with the determination of the staff member. iii. Depicts: in a patently offensive way~ sexual conduct including patently offensi"·e representations or descriptions of uhimate sex acts, masturbatio~ excretory functio~ lewd exhibition of ihe genitals, sadism or masochism. .,i_ The "rinen report shall be initialed and rerumed to the staff member if the shift commander agrees ~ith the detennination of the staff member. ·...\mc:!Mlcd ~- R.1997 d.431. cffcan-c Oa.obc:r 6..1997.. Sec:: 29 :sj.R. 2i69(a),. 29. ~;J..R. 43 ll(c). · Ill (a)h·~ insc:rtcd n:fcn:na: to lod.ing cbic.cs; in (a>1'i. subst::ul.ed -m. migbl pose_ faci]ir:y- fer -or a simibr namn:-: added (a~m: and ~ fmmcr(a):Sii as (a.S-n·.. -~Jn· R...2002 aU07. dfcah·c J>ccrmbcr 16.. ~2. Se=: 34 !d.R. 3050(a). 34. ~U.ll. .ui.t(b). Ammded tn· L.">008 d.I-il. dfcan-cJam: 2. 2008. Sec: 39 .s.i.R. ~a). 40 SJ..R. 3309Ca). · ~m&c lh: ~ pasagiaifG of(a)?.. 5. The staff member shaJI pro\;dc the sender~ \\ithin 7'2 hours of the \\ithholding. with a written notice which identifies: ii The reason for -ailhbolding 1he publication: and IQA:l 7-Ll I. r..a.- ~a.I .Je.nml c I 6. The Slaffmember shall pnnide 1he imnat.e.. widlln T2. hours of the -ailhbolding.. -aim a ~ no0ce that 1hc public:atioa h2s been llrilhhelcl The DCJ[ke must comzin the rie5 ACT.U Plz::s Scir. to ChalJc?g: Prism Cczsors!lip. H2:ma 11-. ~ 132 SJJJ. ~ 13. 3 (199~>- 10A: 18-U 0 The poblicaDon -aithheld: DL The right of 1hc sendc:r to appeal this decision -aidlln 10 C2lcndar days of lhc date ofme notic~ C1"11!15Rtfum ~-al of ptWcarioas,. sec 'SJ.A.C. i.. fo~iog: Coatrol of ptablicatiolls (a) Public2Iions \\"hich are "aithbeJd fium an inmate shall be disposed of in a Dl2DDtT ~ by the inm2le and at his or her expense_ (b) If the p:ibiicarioa is widlbeld pmSllaDl to SL.\..C IOA: 11-1.9~ il shall be tamed O\"cr ta tb: cona:Dooal faci5ry Sp:ciaI Im-~ I>n.isioa or Cemral Coa:rol for~ aaian.. .:\mi:::rid=f &;! R.19'17 d..-l:L ~= Oaobcr 6- I9'TT_ S=:: 2J SJJl. .!T69tal-29 ~J..L4: I If CJla tlr)..zlCDdi:&IX.L~ ~:a! ckked le) m Cd}.. .Adi - - ai~ ~ Sec: 32XJ..R..34E(i).. i. Same of the publicaiioo: IL Dz:e of1hc public:abm: llL Date of the 11.ithboldin~ and f\·_ A sratemC!J[ that me sender- has bc:n nolified of the -a-ithholding and of the right ta app:2l .:\mc:Ddcl k IL"'OO! t_.;o7_· ~ Dccn::!xr 16.. 200, - So:: 3-1 S]..K_ 3l_;saisifi4al llA:IS-Ll2 11.:\:11-Ul PrDadmre fGr Mwl&g widallcld ,_K ,- s (a) \\Dar. a p::blir:2Iiall "riolaf:s one ofmc c:::IAl§Xies c:ia=l ia. SJ..A..C 1~4::11-i..9 a:xl ii •idmdd lb: n;aiI room.. the m ~aaims&al be takccc The scdf" I N nrlwy 15ho •ialrl•Wls die ~ nmsc saDmJc a l5rim:n. -~ llO bli:r" tfat me end of tfie s&ffi: rQ dJe shift: Ci I If, !!@«fer ~ingL The publicaDon witldlcid; The immr.c-s name and nmnbcr' to ~ it wzs ~ ii. llL The.time and date of-aiihliokf'm~ and (a) 1111en a~ riJlz:5 ome ofdlc ~ cin:d XJ~C. 10..-':Il-l..9 and is RlllMCd fiam ~ inmau:-s prises~ m.e fDllatring aaiai s&a11 be taL-ai: 1- Thir: s:aff'IW mftrr 15lm ~cs the pabficaDiOll fim:i n.e iimae umsc submic a.~ RpOtt.. no ~man me end ofdie s&ifi: ID me sllifi: a+ •••wider ~=jng= Th: publication ~ed: 2. The decision of the Slaff member shall be l'e'icwed by the shift commander. Supp. 6-2-08 iL 1liClS 18-16 The imnze-s came and mc:nhcr fiom sham. it tCilithed; iii The time and date of the remo-,.-.¢ and n.-_ iv.. The category -ailic:h the publicarion violares. Pnw:::alarc for M..tR: ,_bficari.wc rai5al rr... aa m.aae·s p n= ill i. L rLi ir~isor'-_ The category v.hlc:h the publicaiion '\ioiates. 2- TilC decision of the staff member shall be reviewed by the shift commander. -10A:18-4.l6 3. The publication 1.shall ;., ~e ; returned . to ,the -.inmate within •48 hours if the shift commander clisawees with the • . ·,;·~, •. ~ ."'·=· ..:·~~ ..-·.,;,.f.:·,__;;~-·.j.:~·•{~·:; .,;.~ ~; ..t, ·~(~·~~·1 .:~if ·'t!··~l:>i.'·~'~ir··l· determmatlon of the staf~)P.:~9?~5: ~: ··.< .14:~;!:': ·~..i:.·i. ,,: r '." .:,:-. . . 1 , , i l·J-1·4:-tr Tlie: ·wrmciti=. iei)6it(8h·au "be' iiirfihl.ed""iilicl ''!kfum~(\ :to .. 1 . :, ith..lkst~·.ni,~g~r·;:if iJhe1.§J'At.liiP.9.~8P-4.ei:c~~~~ ;mtli)Ji~ determlliation of the staffmeniber. . · .(.R•:·.•.r ..·, s. . .{:~.-;~.::.~·.!~-~~ ...1~·.~ .(..t·~--~\~':'._.i:;~~·.iJfJ:..· ::;f L~--·1 ~-·~. ~~..;·}!·:·:t· ~:~.. JLL~:~ f.:.'l ·:·~.:~···; .. The staff member-=shall .provide the _i~at~{'~t~t.i~(7~ hours of the removal, with a written n~{~~~~;t~Wf~~-W~P~ fies: ,A}U~ ·:~i :.1·t'!1r~·,,~~.~,-... ;.~·~ . :. ::..:~!.~·-~ft;•.,~·~ H ~,,. ~ i'.·.!.i:!·r~:.:-,,/. . .~'.·!· i'; .;,_ -:J~. ,;:, .:•Th~.:P.hl~Aic~!i·~t~~~~}?:~#.(~:.~;;. :~.,,~.~·:-. ;~·;~~·;;:.;.:.t ,\, .. ·.' .:· ··',;,/;~:.~,;,~:::;~:~~:~:,=~~::b.=~;'~~:·;,~~::.· Amended b R.2002 d.407 etr'e1 i\ ..:-:;:! _·:h ;h:i."·~: ;.:·. ··· Iri:1he :iiittot;h.icl0ry:p8ragraph'.:of (a),. .tip98ted. the NJ;A~c~· reference; and in (a)l through (a)4, substituted "commaitder"1 for '~super\iisor".'.· : ":: 10A: 18-4.13 .::~~ppeat~µd.finaEdispo~itio,;1. ~:: i: ·~ J .~:. · ; ~ 1: · ';·'~(a): ..Whena:publicanon:J:l.~ b~en·.~P!Ji.eldin the_inail room or whe~ apubiica~~ri :has beeh;:removeckfrom the inniate's po~session, ~~ send~,r O! ~~te may appeal ~e actio~ ~(~he siilircomnfander'tcrtlie'Aihiiftlistiator Withllt1 o·caieridar "daY~ of the ciafe·hfi:be":iibtice: •;\i ,; ..,.y;: >.<.~;; . i :, -=·~..·:."' '•'::. i •::'.• .• 'it(~) ;the's:etj4ef odmnate ~}?.~11 ·~·e pefD#tted to ·subtjrit argui~nii'e·:·i-Aam1Distrafor ·that . the·:·challenged meiifS!I.·iii.iwnfui-& . -(b) For a period. not :to :(·,.-: excee4 thr~e W,.Q~th~,-·t;he.\cQ11'ec- =d a1i~~~ca~~~\g ffi~· 'b6We~~~ifficlliiY~W':Wh1c1i·~ili'~ :H•a\r t•·Hl,·;.i•.11.~'H ~·d••,rh'l .. 1"'~'. . ··ai 'fj'·'"ff ··~'fro ' .\; hich the'.irifuate is trans.1.eri'e .s au ·.1.or1 1 ....., •·r:,~·,'-'·' ·'•1•··1· P· •'..·l"lif< inmate.hasJbeen,trarisfeired.,·;!,}. ...;. . .. ........ ,, . .. i'1d .,:i·1/1i·1·;.:i . . .. .... :.-1 . • • . • • • , .... i :c.- :·. ·: .· :. ·:';:· ._ : '.•· ;; ~.~.;,,· . (c) Th~.A~s1;r~tQt ~f .de~i~e~,-1wb9.~.e :title .~,hiill:~9t be lower than Associate Administrator, Assistant Superintendent or Dire~tor of Custodf ftlie statT 1 ~ew~~fJit;id a, n9tifi~~~iP!l.ith~~! :t}+~, .Pu?.µ~tj~n: is,)e~g . returp.aj to i:he s~~er. · ,,; -.,:·"::·,:.' '.: . : ..:.,. · .,;,_. :,'.:·, "rn:··;. ·.-< (e) If a publication is found to be objectiotn:~bl~n8niy ::in.. Pa!'f :..aµ,4..~µ9!t. part ,~s easily. Sqla.f~Rl~Jn>ni .th:~ ~.e~t. ,oftl;te p~b1.\9.~H9A 1(~u94; as -~ AJ,agazine,-fµ1!9le,. etc.) ~~1 iµma~e s~a!J..J>e giv.~ t'1~.~~P;9i~e . ,of w4~~~r~:~9. allo"Y}µ~_.,corre~tio!t~. f~u~Hity t9,~~~is~ the.of.fencUng.m>rtipµ(s) or.to f~~feit his or her right to the publication. · :··~· )\ .. ' _./ ~~n4ed.b~ ~~1997 9.·~3.l~ eff~~ye .October.~' ;~~97. . See: 29.N.J.It 2769(a},'29 N.J.~ '431 t(c). . Iii'(bj,. si'ibstirute·a "silbmif at8iiri:ients" for"'argue'': . ~. 1 . ... ; Amen~ed.by R.2002-d.407; :effeCtive December 16, 2002.· r: See: 34 N.J.R. 3050(a), 34,~.J.R. 4~(b}.. , .. . . ,.~ ~~., i:'.;i·:o~,(~ . .. ·~1.:L~;J.: {~·-:· (Jj ~~}~~bli'iahi~i~lJgi~ba';~J~:tt~;thie~:~6Jtii 1~ai'e~ may be destroyed or place4 in the library of the correctioilhl facility from which the inn:iate .was transfe~ed. 10A:18-4.15 Forwarding p~P,ij~;t~q~ to_~J!.~Il!Jl.!~ ~~ -~· ,· leased o~ parole or at expiration ofina·ximum sentence·v~i;.::.~J.~~t--<;l (ntfo.1!'· L.r..-gr~:t\::'1 ~ ·:,· (a) ..1.h,e ·.correctional .facUity.:sJiall. ,ob~in.;aii ;.i,µm~~~' ~. J9rw.ar<;IAig -~d.dr~ss ..~t ~or. _aboµt,_fll:~. AAie."QfJAe;.~~~:.~~~~l~e op ·P.~Pl~ 9r.-a~. the· ~xpiratiop:Qf th~: ~~t~~~ . ~~~~ ..~~t;i~ tence. ·' i.j~·.: -;-. ·:;:w•='.·· :: :-·. ;;, ·;, \; : :-) '.e:l>;::li ·i7~i{; · ~.(1;>)·;Th~ jnJD~te shall. b.~.· .a$ed ·..wl;tether_: pubU.caJi.ons .i :receive(at tb~:Co1Tectio1;1al facility sP,Quld be· forw~d~4J9.bJ:m orJ1er... :\·t~- ......,· :.-.::::·•::,·:·: .. · :.: .:r:i-· '-:,:•.;":1•··.-,, . ·".;..· 1;:.'';'.::· 1 publiC::~nri:n~ a8~'s~iiot'~ofat~1 -tlic{c~fegotf mdiriated: 'iri 'thl:re.: p9r,t;q,;$~,~~ft)11-~b~r. .;-:;;',. •i·~··';t 1 (c) Upon the inmate's request, the co~Jg/f~~:·;fa~llify: ,•.J :·,: sballforw~dJ~e p:uQlications.t9 IW:µ_:Qr;]1er. :!: . ·:!J•i~ . 1 · _·,.J~ 'PribU~~1i~~j{;J;fu:!b~ . 1 r~~m:d~~{J<>;;·~f~:Ja.~~'.. 9t. 1 thr~j months from the date.:~~r--ili~ hililaie'~~rel~~~:··i:PL\~iica­ tions :r~c~iyed .thereafter! m~y.be ,qe$troyed. !lr pla~. i.n;J;he libraryiof.the-corr~ctional fa~ility;::·: L·:::··<·h.' !·•• :,.· i ·:·' ~":'.'~:. -.lf;ii;, )~~';-'f~i .. ·t;1 .. ;. 10A:18-4.16 Forwarding publications to an inmate reniab.ded.tO a ·Close.cristody"umf··.;1 .._1; r,•;!. :1·· 1 .-· .. ,•;\:· l ,.' :·. ~} ! \': · 1 1 : ' a i• 'r··.·:~\~.·.. ~· !t~; i~·: .':'·«.· ·'j or. (a) When an inmate is''reniandecfto coWitY jail other facility in which he or'.;sbe··is.:temp.o®ily; detain~d·'to ;~wait trial f~, a prior ~~~~e or for. 8:11Y ..~~4~Je~~!1~.'~ PlJ:b.!ira~ions receiVed' th€!1 ;ikiii~tl ~t tlie '6·orrectfonal'"facilitt'ghall.·? ,·'·b.e {• forwarded to the other facility, upon the inmate's·reqliest. ·· · for. 4. '· · . • t ~l f' • r I • (b) D~i . , ~i~Ef"staft': 1~t:t··fh~ ~otfecth~~~i ifacmtY.·:·shail ~ d~ veto · \\Tiff:"" '.rS·6~.~,~;::-:,:; i'._~,: ;. t· ~:·:,..: ;'. .' facility". lOA:1~4.17 . :a.ewrn-Qf pµl:Jll~atio,is .a.ddr~~sed.tQ an.. ; ... :H&!d:~~~:-;:;~;~!;j·{.;~~i~~:~~~t~~~::.~~g~~;ta:~:,·.::; :~ ~-, i- ):••y.i : ,..:._ t. t ·t . ,,(a.),,:All> ...,.,. -~RHg~t~~E-8,.t·(~;~~f,,·~~s~~.~. l'?.. ~ i_RW.~!~t-~~o ,9.~;. ~s­ ea.. 1ea·.froni a. oorrectionru 'facili . "'-shhll 'be 'returned :to. the .P,. ~·~a~'Wiili'.£h~irl.filelliSri-'ih~rtlig~ihf:JiW1§~6l 1~ii~~i=·in ·~&! .:ip-,; tody. '.;-i;;>·~nt;;-.:-.}<:t=~)1;::•luf:t' .!(.c -~·~:.f·i!;~rJ~itir; ~i!9 ::i'.u.-;)·~.ic·:~ si~~~,i~fl~ijili~t~r:·::~:!~:~i~::,l~. ( c) If 'the serider cannot be' idenfiliea/tlie 1 publlc~tlbif may ?\7)}q:Ji~~~~~! !~U1~~~~r~1·~HJ,~,.g~~w.?'c·P£fH~.~ R%W:9f·~R~i .f.~~n~~~,·.: r..:~~~:}:::.:·; -~,;.!.i: ··;n·:.'t'..~:J.:;,~hJ· :.mi .1ri h~;:::frk .,<~· ;;,~;:~·!,,}~_;:,~·.. ·i!:; · ,·-ar: .~:~\-~'~::~-~';r:·•r·~,. ·-·:.-·.,,~.~ ...,~,,~,; . . ~.!~~ ~~ .;.:-i~ ....· h~~" .· :· . . ;;_? > SUBciIAPTER.~5~'~.PA:CKA.GES '·~·.)t.-:i '.•(''' :~· ·J. ~.: :-: ''.>. :·. ··Ji~·.f_.=:.f(~;) ·~~;: .. /:.i~t· ~:tr·f:. ~: · i (c) During the admissibn ;·oneiltatioif:program{"-iiew·=.m- ml~t~r-s1-i~~~r'"'''~t~ ~V,~~.a,,~~e~~P.~9~. ~'4i~~~Im,i.}~,·~ P~ F~1e. ~.· es arid• roeeattres 'teaai'dirig"' 'ackages, . .,, 1' • ..•I·.' .:'~'·l:· •. ~' . . • i·:t.~~J.Ti'-l '.~~i·:r,,•:1-h·1.~:'':;i>~ii;;f:_.:.i.r ·:,; ·.:.": ;.. :;.: 1 ,~·v.r:·i ·-<:~::::.::. :;·, .. li(d) i·New' or rev~ed ·:Mes '..and 'procedures tegarcHrig pack:. ages shall be incorporated into: the ilextrevision :of the ·Inmate ~~p~gf::;i).i ;'1('.J;~··:·,,·:·;~~-:J:t!"t!\(\!;'•::,~; ~(,.'. ,,.~ :·1 ·;n·!o ·;-q 1~~:·~.~~~t7 ···~~,~~.ti-~~~-' ~~.:~~~~'~.e~.. ' .. :.·.::_:. ~. ·.·~ . d.··= \ , •• (.t ~:;~ ,.'~:·!:.':." . . ·t ··.:· :i .... ,· .;. ·' .. ,_., ..... J ance .with ·this seclion that. include a· Written 1iSt of items !.':'\.f',\ •'• ...:,,, . . • ~J:rl~P..m~¥i 1?;~ -!~9cr1~~ -~. ~ l?~9kagr;· ~~: . ;. .., ;'· . ·. . .. . , · ··2.:13A~linllt:oiithcfoiunb'er'ahd we1gbt"ofpackages which 11'.'~a.~H;, :. ':;!,.·_,:1,•, .. ·.j•,.•.: ,'."I , .. /; ,_-·~\."..,~J·~ ~·,.-; by'an ~riiilate·~ach"m"on~. :. : :i .-~-. :~· .-·i ·:.' . (b).,E~ch"·i~~t~--sh~i 'be gi~~ 'wriit~· notice '~i.packag~· · ,.,.,_•._, • •.•.•_·.·,,~···.~-:···.IJ,.•. ; .. t,'f .·• :. ··~ .. ~- ... \.·,·· .... ,~ . ~. • • . ~ ... _ . . . . . . ,. limitations as established:in·this secti¢nl · · · · · .... · ,,,,,.. • ~; •.! :{ f • ' • ~: :. ' ( ~ o • .. I ~ ·' • .·: • •· .. : : ,' · ' • • 1 .: .(~) :!tjP'~te~. '~P#.~;·riofb~ ;~~¥il~~d. ~0· receive' p~c~~$~~. ~x-; cept from an authonzed source of sate. Supp. 1-3-117 . :· .. ~····.~.· ·~)·~ .... .. q:(,:· ... .... - 1; . Amended by R.1998 d.301, effective June 15, 1998. (operative· October se:·,1'~1/f-li~~-;:z.t69(a)~'2~N.J.~:.143·1icc)} so:N.ij~./2209(a)~/ ~· ;·!·Added (c).··'.~~; :! ~..:b~.~~\~:;..:~. _.\ i :·' .1c.;·.1·~·;J,: 1.f~·n:·~d: /··. "~·,r.:~.r.-~~"',;~r:· ~.;. ·~n -:., ... :u ~·v~· See: 31N.J.R.833(a), 31N.J.R.1814(a). ...' J~alat~~~ailli~~!d:)~, ,$~}fl~;. }ap~~:.w-r-:~>.·~~~w~,~ ."~-*~ s~~er .:;,~·,:)',t:• ··:,1·}~ - ·· .. " . ... ,, ...... . L.:, ·\ ·;~,·:; .. ,. :::::;·1t .. ,; ,,_. ~· ·' :•i.;!;,i .• :·;· i. ::·,:. ' .·.,:•!-j,·1 ·i~i, '·\i·l:·'.(1?";~ ·•·. ,··i·.~h~·~:"'t ,·f. .. : .. ;::·"··t:.<.,-..1:..... ·\~ ~~A:~*~s:~ 1.jCi.e.~~f~.~~~·:9.tm~Pii?h~~·~~~~~.d.P.~~~ge~:·· .. '(a) ,-,:E~ecy iricomilig :package·: shiill: oe :cle~ly Di~ke'4: With tht." name and address of the source of sale and the "inri:tate' s 1 name and number. . . . · : ,.t·... :~·;. ~.1:;:.'.~·.::!'•;:.:::~1r;."t '-'-:-1·~· ·J· ·.:·P'i~·: ·. ,·~_: .. ~ .... ii~~h;'.t. ", •\ . .,..•, ;(b)' the 'mmate' s ·nafile·~ifud number -'or the "illn#e 0f the ·iri-. 1 ~~ may.'~~·receifed •"•J11: .. :" ii tUOi~d t<>";th~.:~~µ~~ iµi~~~~a fi,:~,~-e~de~;F~.~~ i~~@~~:~.; ··; ·h;, .ln:t~i::µ~: ~~:~~1:ll.~1:1~ p~qce,c.liµ;_~~ ~n~. #1:.~~cpprd­ ~.,• _. :(C:) -MY._pa9k.~e(s) . .~~p~i;v~a::fr~w. 1 ~ ;~~µrE~,.<:>.9i~r!~~ __an authorized source. of sale .shall. be ·.marked "Refused'~: and Ie.. ,,Jn._{~)L~~4,':~~~~~*'4~'~ ·h .:~:;ti1~i: ,. ~c~f~~~~/j€.~rreR#9.~~~(.fiapµ~!Y: ·/\~tY.fo?~ti:afo~· ·9~. Ci~i~~~· shall pr~~tilg.at~:1 .. :.:qi· ·:·..··.j . 1 ~,., .... ; .rt!l · i'.1;... ~.n r:: ;·f·; \?--~H !··~.~~rlli.'tt:i · {~.~if' ·.~:it:.:··f~ ~ ~\ ~r·! 16-(:~.•5 .... ·:. , :1 ·.I ~3.'i i.·;:>~:::; ..: ·. ~ •. -, . . ,(~) . ~Y. _it~mp(¢~t;r~1J~ci . ~W.~l:t:~ J Escape Plans I Maps Information that appears to be written in code Information that might be subject to prosecution under the laws of NJ or the United States Disrupts the orderly running of the Correctional Facility Incites violence, or destructive behavior or disruptive behavior towards other person(s) Stuff Maxim Don Diva FEDS - (Sweets) Gang Activity Gutter Magazine FHM This is not all inclusive! Any other publications found to have objectionable content should be brought to the attention of the Mailroom Sgt. READ YOUR HANDBOOK!!!!! You have it fora reason. 09/20/2012 THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS ARE NOT PERMITTED!!! 48 Laws of Power The 5016 Law 33 Strategies of War Art of War Art of Seduction MIM THEORY: The Official Theoridical Journal of the MAOIAST Internationist Movement csm> Books From: Mumia Abu-Jamal (Death Row Inmate) The following publications by Altariq Gumbs 251914C: "The Come Up" (STG) How to Keep Your Kids Away From Gangs l{illa (;iris & Manipulation by Blood No Books on Drugs & Chemicals Gang Activity BMF-The Rise & Fall of Big Meech & The Black Mafia Family (Inv.Riley) The butcher-(ANATOMY OF A MAFIA PSYCHOPATH) How To Hustle & Win Part 1 & How To Hustle & Win Part 2 Organized Crime in the United States cs6t. a.ucaton> More Forbidden Knowledge Angels of Death n11v•.ro11nson> Running with the Devil "I" The Creation of a Serial l{iller (per Sgt. R. Heaton) In The Minds of MURDERERS The World's Most Evil PSYSCHOPATHS DEAD & Buried WHAT TO DO WHEN THE SHIT HITS THE FAN YOUR SECRETS ARE MY BUSINESS MY INFAMOUS LIFE (the autobiography ofMOBB DEEPS PRODIGY) Prodigal Father Pagan Son - (per Lt. Rossiter) The Almighty BLACK P STONE NATION - cpcrLt.Rossitcr> Street Legends (STG) -(per Lt. Rossiter> "COCAINE NATION" WAR of the BLOODS in mv VEINS (STG) i'f\6~ ~> .•\E' R: -rk~ ~v..~c\>, ;;5N·.i[h1 "f e~"' L. r\ ~ t._,~P-J.! (ll"·"'~"'· ._cj>r Tri A.' r ~-;in T> /:/. , t/jl / c j\._.~ 1.::..c:.:· ' i~ ·1- c··-·., ._i_ l_.1 . ) Current banned magazines DON DIVA XXL· MAXIM FEDS ·PENTHOUSE HIGH TIMES BUlTMAN TRANSFORMATION D Cl)P ,. BOOTY HUSTLER BLACK DOLLS WINE SPECTACULAR ALL OTHER PUBLICATION IS NEED TO BE INSPECTED FOR DISAPPROVED CONTENT IF A PUBLICATION IS FOUND TO BE IN VIOLATION .. \ OF~lOA:lS-4.9, CONFISCATE THE PUBLICATION. ENSURE A MAILROOM MEMO CONFISCATION SHEET IS COMPLETED (SEND INMATE PINK COPY), AND THAT IT IS LOGGED INTO THE CONFISCATED ITEMS LOGBOOK. NJSP • 48 Laws of Power • Robert Green Books • Straight Stuntin • True Crime Books • Art of War • Art of Seduction • Books on Drugs and Chemicals • Gang Activity • Martial Arts • Para-Military/Guns • Stuff Magazine • Maxim Magazine • Don Diva Magazine • FEDS • Felon Fitness Magazine • Plumbing for Pros by Pros • Books on Body Language • Principles of War (Carl Vin Clausewitz) • Blood Rage (A Cultural History of Terrorism) • Angles of Death (Inside the Biker Gang's Empire) • Books on Bondage, Sadism, Torture (i.e. Taboo Magazine) • Books and/or publications published by current or former inmates that may be considered a security threat to the institution EJSP Stuff Maxim Don Divas Feds Inside/Out XXL-Check for content Vibe- Check for content FHM-Check for content As Is Magazine Banned Magazines XXL 1. BGM Magazine 12. 2. Don Diva 3. FEDS(Sweets) 4. Field and Stream 13. All Tattoo Magazines 14. FHM 5. HUSTLER 16. Vibe 6. Gutter 7. Hip Hop Weekly 17. Wired 8. Maxim 19. THE HUNTING MAJAZINE 9. Outdoor Life 10. Ph at Puffs 11. Popular Science 20. STUFF 15. Ozone 18. STRAIGHT STUNTIN Banned Publications Murderville 3 My Infamous Life autobiography of MOBB DEEPS Prodigy Orgainized Crime in the United States Pimpology Playin For Keeps Power1 Power 2 Prodigal Father Pagan Son Rules of the Game Running with the Devil Satanism Senseless Carnage So You ·c all Yourself a Man Squeeze Street Legends Take Money Tattoo Johnny Tears of a Hustler The 5 Percenters The 50th Law The Almighty Black Stone Nation The Butcher-Anatomy of Mafia Pshchopath The Cartel 2 The Cartel 3 The Come Up The Dirty Divorce 1 The Dirty Divorce 2 The Dirty Divorce 3 The Family Sparks The Fix The Last Narco (he New Jim Crow The Night Stalker The Prince The World of Fire and Ice The World's Most Evil PSYCHOPATHS Thirsty Thirsty 2 Thug Cry Thug Life Thugs Cry Trust No Bitch Ill Trust No Man Trust No Man 2 Urban Ink War if the BLOOD in my Veins What to do When the Shit Hits the Fan Young Guns Your Secrets Are My Business I , Altariq Gumbs r:. CASH CASH Al- Saadiq Banks I Updated 11/17/14 Banned Publications AUTHOR TITLE ii ." ' i·: il•I ljI . i· "I" The Creation of a Serial Killer 33 Stratefles of War 48 Powers of Law Angels of Death Animal Ill Art of Suductlon Art of War Bankroll Trilogy Black Panther Party Black Redemption Black Scarface Black Scarface 4 Block Party 3 Brick City Massacre Blood and Honor Blood By Blood Blue Rage BMF The Rise And Fall of Big Meech and the BMF Book Form Mumia Abu-Jamal Cocaine Nation Crime Pays Dancing with the Devil DEAD and Burled DMX authobiography Don't Mix the Bitter with the Sweet Dutch Gutter Hatchet HIUer's Army How to Hustle & Win Part 1 How to Hustle & Win Part 2 How to Keep Your Kids Away From Gangs In the Minds of Murderers International Movment It's No Secret Jay-Z My Infamous Life Kllla Girls Legend of Billy 0 Life and Death Lincoln Live From Death Row (Mumla Abu-Jamal) Lust, Love and Lies Manipulation by Blood Me and My Girls Merry Fuckin Xmas MIM Theory The Official Journal of MAOIAST Monster autobiography of an LA Gang Member More Forbidden Knowledge Moth to Flame Murderviiie Murderville 2 Altariq Gumbs Altariq Gumbs Russell Simmons Altarlq Gumbs Updated 11/17/14 I• ~tm .af ~iftr Wirsil! DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ADULT DIAGNOSTIC AND TREATMENT CENTER 8 Production Way Avenel, NJ 07001 INTER·OFFICE MEMORANDUM CHIUS Cffiusrm Governor GARYM. LANNIGAN Commissioner KIM GUADAGNO LT. Governor TO: FROM: DATE: October 6, 2014 SUBJECT: Banned Publications - Revised The below listed publications are banned and are not authorized for retention. Some of these have been banned for quiet some time while others have recently been banned.. The list is in keeping with NJ Administrative Code lOA:lS-9 and the NJ Penal Code 2C:47-10. · Also be advised. that the mailroom/package room staff will continue to screen all incoming publications for appropriateness. Questionable publications will be forwarded to this office for final review. Publications > STUFF )> HIM: King > Maxim > > XXL > Hot Male Couple: 2 > > > > > XY Manga Paperback and publication series Reiko: Zombie Shop (all volumes)· A Game of Thrones by Qeorge R. Martin Parents Magazine SY/elm C: E. Emrich, Associate Administrator S. Davis, Assistant Superintendent J. Slaughter, Assistant Superintendent Major White Major Kaminski Sgt. Smith, Mailroom Sergeant Package Room Officer Housing Unit Officers Payne #122430D/Il.C File New Jersey Is An Equal Opportunity Employer • Printed on Recycled and Recyclable Paper , EMCF BOOK & PUBLICATION BANNED LIST BOOKS: 1. TO HAVE AND TO KILL: THE MELANIE MCGUIRE STORY 2. UNDER LOCK AND KEY MAGAZINES: I.MAXIM 2.FHM 3. STUFF 4.XXL PUBLICATIONS THAT CONTAIN ANY OF THE FOLLOWING WILL BE DENIED: 1. EXPLOSIVES, WEAPONS, CONTROLLED DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ESCAPE PLANS, LOCK PICKING TECHNIQUES 7. ALCOHOL GANG RELEATED MATERIAL APPEARS TO BE WRlTTEN IN CODE ANY PUBLICATION THAT INCITES VIOLENCE TORWARDS LAW ENFORCEMENT, DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS PERSONNEL, OR CORRECTIONAL FACILITY PROGRAMS OR PROCEDURES NUDITY, LEWDNESS, SEXUAL ACTS OF ANY KIND, SADISM OR MASOCHISM, MASTERBATION. ALL OF THE ABOVE ARE TO BE REJECTED. EACH INTENDED RECIPIENT WILL BE GIVEN A PACKAGE SLIP NOTING THE REJECTED ITEMS, AND ALERTING THEM THEY CAN APPEAL THE REJECTION. ONCE APPEALS ARE EXHAUSTED THE INMATE HAS 5 DAYS TO INFORM STAFF HOW TO DISPOSE OF THE REJECTED ITEMS. (DESTROY OR MAIL OUT) THE ABOVE LIST IS NOT INCLUSIVE AND ANY QUESTIONABLE OR OBJECTIONABLE CONTENT SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE MAILROOM SUPERVISIOR. I .. The following publications as well as any other material mailed to inmates will be confiscated that elicits: sexual penetration, firearms, physical combat, manipulative techniques and any material that may pose a threat or harm any person In the institution. All material must come from the vendor of the material not a person, and hardcover materials are not allowed. Examples Include: Stuff Magazine Don Diva Penthouse magazines containing penetration Barely Legal Buttman Maxim XXL Guns and Ammo 48 Laws of Power The Art of War The Art of Seduction Behold the Pale Horse ~tate of ~e&t 3ferseu DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS WHllTLESEY ROAD P0Box863 TRENTON NJ 08625·0863 CHRIS CHRISTIE Governor KIM GUADAGNO Lt. Governor GARY M. LANIGAN Commissioner INTEROFFICE COMMUNICATION TO: Mailroom Officers and Communication Operators FROM: Trevor Beatty Administrative Major DATE: November 20, 2017 AA . .., /'!Pf'- 4-:::.- ~ / SUBJECT: Banned Publications Please view the following reminder. The below listed publications are banned and are not authorized for retention. Some of these have been banned for quite some time while others have been recently banned. The list is in keeping with the NJ Administrative Code 10A:184.9, 10A:18-9 and or NJ Penal Code 2C:47-10. Also be advised that you will continue to screen all incoming publications for appropriateness. Questionable publications will be handled in accordance with 10A:18-4.ll Procedure for handling withheld publications. The Following Magazines are Banned: Stuff Don Diva Straight Stuntin FEDS (Sweets) Gang Activity High Times Hunting Magazine Field & Stream Popular Science Final Call Phat Puffs Penthouse CC: Administration (3) Majors (2) Mail room Custody Staff Center Control; Shift Commander Maxim Gutter XXL FHM Hip Hop Weekly King All Tattoo Magazines Wired Vibe Ozone Outdoor Life Source Mid-State Correctional Facility Current Banned Books: • 48 Laws of Power • The Art of Seduction • The 33 Strategies of War • The Art of War • Penthouse Letters • 50 Shades of Grey Current Banned Magazines: • Buttman • • Don Diva Maxim • XXL • FEDS • Penthouse • High Times • • Playboy Straight Stuntin **All other publications will be inspected for disapproved content**