Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI Case Master Report 16-3772 Date Initiated 06/21/2016 Primary Information Agency: WI Department of Justice Division: Div. of Criminal Investigation (DCI) Sensitive Cases: Div. of Criminal Investigation (DCI) Bureau: DCI Field Operations Bureau Section: DCI Milwaukee Field Office Lead LEO: Culver, John R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Backup LEO: Tijerino, Ricardo E SA (Milwaukee Special Assignments DCI / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Type Of Case: Public Integrity Case Sub Type: PI-Public Int -Misconduct in Public Office Case Description: Ozaukee County Court System Authorized Operators Name Klabunde, David R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Tijerino, Ricardo E SA (Milwaukee Special Assignments DCI / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Gibbs, Raymond R (Milwaukee Special Assignments DCI / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Korte, Roy R (WI Department of Justice / Wisconsin Department of Justice) Evers, Elizabeth E (WI Department of Justice / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Schmidt, Julie A (WI Department of Justice / Wisconsin Department of Justice) Jones, Shannon D (Milwaukee Special Assignments DCI / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Windorff, Ryan M (Appleton Narcotics DCI / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Steinke, Chelsea K (DCI Administrative Section / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Case Status Case Status: Open Case Status Date: 06/21/2016 Dissemination: Hidden 09/14/2017 13:30:37 Page 1 of 1 Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI Initiating Case Report 16-3772 Report Date: 06/21/2016 Primary Information Description: Ozaukee County Court System Occurrence From: 06/21/2016 00:00 Occurrence To: 06/21/2016 00:00 Reporting LEO: Culver, John R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Backup LEO: Tijerino, Ricardo E SA (Milwaukee Special Assignments DCI / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Approval Status: Approved Approved Date: 07/18/2016 Approved By: Shogren, Ryan T (DCI Field Operations / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Synopsis On Monday, May 9, 2016, DCI received a call from Judge Voilland, Circuit Court in Ozaukee County regarding a complaint of CCAP records being changed/tampered with. SA Nate Peskie made contact with Judge Voilland who explained that he had records of initial court findings being entered into CCAP and then changes being made altering those entries at a later date. Judge Voilland explained that he also forwarded his complaint to Chief Judge Randy Koschnick (Jefferson County). SA Peskie and SA Culver will conduct an in-person interview with Judge Voilland, contact Judge Koschnick for interview to determine the extent of any criminal activity. Narrative begins on the following page. 09/14/2017 13:30:37 Page 1 of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isconsin Department of Justice DCI Investigative 16-3772/1 Report Date: 06/28/2016 Primary Information Description: Interview of Judge Joseph Voiland on 6/10/2016 Occurrence From: 06/10/2016 12:15 Occurrence To: 06/10/2016 15:00 Reporting LEO: Culver, John R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Backup LEO: Peskie, Nathan T (Milwaukee Narcotics DCI / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Approval Status: Approved Approved Date: 07/27/2016 Approved By: Klabunde, David R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Addresses Relationship Interview Location Address 1201 S Spring St Ozaukee County Justice Facility, Port Washington, Wisconsin 53074 , United States of America Subjects Relationship Subject of Records Name Mueller, Mary Lou (Person) Bio White, Female DOB --- Narrative begins on the following page. 09/14/2017 13:30:38 Page 1 of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0DOOR\ KDG RUGHUHG &RPPLVVLRQHU %ROLQH QRW WR GR ZKDW -XGJH 9RLODQG KDG RUGHUHG -XGJH 9RLODQG UHIHUHQFHG DQ HPDLO PHVVDJH &RPPLVVLRQHU %ROLQH KDG VHQW WR -XGJH 9RLODQG RQ UHIHUHQFLQJ )$ -XGJH 9RLODQG SURYLGHG D FRS\ RI WKLV HPDLO WR 6$V &XOYHU DQG 3HVNLH ,Q WKLV HPDLO &RPPLVVLRQHU %ROLQH VWDWHG KH ZDV FRQWDFWHG E\ SKRQH E\ RQH RI WKH DWWRUQH\V RQ WKH /HHG\ FDVH DQG &RPPLVVLRQHU %ROLQH VWDWHG ³; Fri, 25 Se 2015 19:04:08 -0500 (CDT) Received: from 7 7 by (Postfix) with ESMTP id? for Fri, 25 Sep 2015 19:04:07 ?0500 (CDT) Date: Fri 25 Se 2015 19:04:07 0500 (CDT) From: To:joseph.voiland wicourts. ov 0193339540; Subject: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF?8 Content-Transfer?Encoding: 7bit Fwd: You are worried about 1 hearing Are you getting out of practice 6.318320% Ozaukee judge releases woman fellow judgejailed without cause PRINTTHIS NEWS AND OPINION Ozaukee judge releases woman fellow judge jailed without cause By Bruce Vielmetti of the Journal Sentinel Aug. 27, 2015 An Ozaukee County judge ordered a woman released from jail Wednesday after finding a fellow judge had ordered her held there indefinitely without legal grounds. An attorney for Leah Marie Goodman filed a writ of habeas corpus with Circuit Judge Paul V. Malloy. The writ is a centuries old means of challenging the legality of someone?s confinement. The petition and court records showed that Circuit Judge Joseph Voiland had sent Goodman, 28, to jail after a hearing Aug. 25 at which he told her he didn't believe her sworn testimony that she did not own or have access to guns. The hearing was a follow up in an earlier case where Voiland had issued an injunction ordering Goodman not to have contact with her daughter after the girl's father had filed a complaint alleging Goodman was abusive toward the girl. Voiland had earlier issued a civil arrest warrant at hearing for which Goodman had not been served notice. Court records show a Racine County sheriff's deputy tried twice to serve Goodman, who lives in Burlington, in late July but could not 12?3 6I1912U16 Ozaukee judge releases woman fellow judge jailed without cause locate her. Voiland later declared Goodman was evading service and he considered her effectively served. In his order granting Goodman's immediate release from the Ozaukee County Jail, Malloy noted that Voiland's order did not find Goodman in contempt, nor list conditions that, if met, would free her from any contempt. Goodman?s attorney, assistant public defender Rachel Boaz of West Bend, had indicated Voiland didn't even set another hearing date to check the status of the matter, and was then out of office until Sept. 4. In addition to freeing Goodman, Malloy referred the domestic injunction case that had been pending before Voiland for reassignment to another judge outside Ozaukee County. Voiland defeated longtime judge Thomas Wolfgram in 2013 after a campaign focused on the fact Wolfgrarn had signed a 2011 petition in support of a recall election for Gov. Scott Walker. The next year, Voiland withdrew his support for a former law firm colleague who was running for judge in Milwaukee County, who had also signed the recall petition, after conservatives criticized that support. A message to Voiland's chambers was not immediately returned Thursday. About Bruce Vieimetti Bruce Vielmetti writes about legal affairs. @ProofHearsay 5V4 414?224-2187 Find this article at: ntthis .cl ickahi ity. re: &title= Ozaukee+j udge+ rel eases+ wom an+ fel iow+i udge+? ai ed+without+ cause&ur ID: 541033262&action2 opt .. 2/3 Page 1 of 6 Joseph Voiland - Re: Judges Meeting Agenda for 2/24 From: MaryLou Mueller To: Joseph Voiland Date: 3/6/2014 6:30 PM - Subject: Re: Judges Meeting Agenda for 2/24 CC: Paul Malloy Judge, The clerk has apologized to you and has said she will not speak about your family case to the staff again. This is now an internal matter between me and my staff. Therefore, this matter is concluded between us. Thank you, (?17 Ozaukee County Clerk of Circuit Court I Register in Probate PO Box 994 1201 3 Spring Street Port Washington, WI 53074 Phone: 262-284~8409 or 262?238-8409 Fax: 262-284-8491 or 262-238?8491 MaryLou.Mueller?lwicourtsaov This electronic moi! message and any?ies transmitted Iwith it are confidentiai and are intended for the soie use of the individuai or entity to whom they are addressed. Dissemination, fohuarding, printing, or copying of this electronic moii without the consent of the sender is strictiy prohibited: if you are not the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this eiectronic maii in error; please immediateiy notify the sender by return maii. On Thursday, March 06, 2014 at 4:40 PM, Joseph Voiland wrote: Mary Lou: Following up on this as there has been no response received. Are you able to let me know, please Thank you, Joseph W. Voiland Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge joseph.Voiiand@wicourts.gov 262.? 1 8BED3C0u1?tSDistrict_3 1 00 1 Page 2 of 6 Joseph Voiland 3/4/2014 12:32 PM Mary Lou: Thank you for asking. By status, I mean this Friday I had asked if depending on what you found out, what might be the next step. At that time you indicated that you had conflicting stories from two of your clerks, and since the stories were conflicting, there was no next step. Then, however, you had the two clerks come into chambers and we learned that things weren't as you were told. You indicated the issue would be addressed on Monday. So, can you let me know how the issue has been addressed What do you believe the next step is Please let me know if you would like any more information from me, or if you believe I have misunderstood anything here. Thank you, Joseph W. Voiiand Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge joseph.voiiand@wicourtsgov 262.? MaryLou Mueller 3/4/2014 12:22 PM Judge, What do you mean by status? Ozaukee County Clerk of Circuit Court i Register in Probate PO Box 994 1201 8 Spring Street Port Washington, Wi 53074 Phone: 262-284?8409 or 262?238-8409 Fax: 262-284~8491 or 262~238~849i MaryLou.Mueller@wieourts.gov This eiectronic moi;t message and any files transmitted with it are confidentiai and are intended for the soie use of the individuai or entity to whom they are addressed. Dissemination, fonvarding, printing, or copying of this eiectronic maii without the consent of the sender is strictiy prohibited. are not the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this eiectronic maii in error; pieose immediateiy notify the sender by return maii. On Tuesday, March 04, 2014 at 12:05 PM, iosephVoiland wrote: I Mary Lou: 1 8BED3CourtsDistrict_3 1 00 1 6/19/2016 Page 3 of 6 Thank you for letting me know this. If you had the opportunity to address this on Monday or since then, are you able to let me know the status Thank you, Joseph W. Voiiand Ozaukee County Circuit CourtJudge ioseoh.voiiand@wicourts.eov 262-- Mary Lou Mueller 3/1/2014 12:58 PM Judge, Thank you for taking the time to meet with us regarding this event. it's important that we have a good working environment for all of our justice partners at the courthouse. As I told you on Friday before you left, i was very disappointed that things weren't as i was told.The issue will be addressed on Monday. Mary Lou Original message From: Joseph Voiland Date: 02/28/2014 5:12 PM To: MaryLou Mueller Cc: Paul Malloy Subject: Re: Judges Meeting Agenda for 2/24 MaryLou: Thank you for meeting again about this. When we last talked, to be clear, we concluded that this happened, how it happened, and that it won't happen again. What do you make of the fact that you first were told by your staff that this really did not happen, and when we met this afternoon we learned that it actually did Joseph W. Voiland Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge 262. Joseph Voiland 02/28/14 12:12 PM Following up having talked yesterday, would like to know what you were able to find out on how my personal family law matter was determined to be useful to the Clerk of Courts ?lm/W Cz/ Users/j 53 1 8BED3C01u?tsDistriot?3 1001 6/1 9/2016 Page 4 of 6 . meeting and depending on what you found out, what might be the next step. Joseph W. Voiland Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge joseph.yoiland@wicourtsgov 262.? Joseph Voiland 2/25/2014 3:10 PM Is there a certain time either of you would like Joseph W. Voiland Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge ioseph.voiland@wicourts.gov 262.? Joseph Voiland 2/25/2014 11:44 AM MaryLou: Thank you for your e-mail. Whenever you have time this afternoon, I am here. Thank you, Joseph W. Voiiand Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge joseph.voiland@wicourts.gov 262?- MaryLou Mueller 2/25/2014 9:03 AM Judge, When you and Judge Malloy have a free minute why don't we sit down and explore further what it is that you are looking for. have your "Improvement Opportunity? slip on this very same topic and i think that the three of us could make a plan to address any deficiencies in the communication process for the Judge's Meetings. I J) 1/3 )2 Ozaukee County Clerk of Circuit Court! Register in Probate PO Box 994 1201 8 Spring Street Port Washington. WI 53074 Phone: 2612-2848409 or 262-238-8409 Fax: 262?284?8491 or 262-238?8491 MawLouMueiler?wicounedov NOTJCP This electronic mail message and any files transmitted 1 8BED3CourtsDistrict_3 1 001 6/1 9/2016 Page 5 of 6 with it are confiden tiai and are intended for the soie use of the indiuiduai or entity to whom they are addressed. Dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this eiectronic moii without the consent of the sender is strictiy prohibitedtended recipient, be advised that you have received this eiectronic moii in error; please immediateiy notify the sender by return maii. On Monday, February 24, 2014 at 5:52 PM, Joseph Voiland wrote: In future months, will the Clerk of Courts be willing or able to provide further information about agenda items i didn?t receive any real response to the inquiry. Joseph W. Voiland Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge 262.- Joseph Voiland 02/24/14 11:27 AM There aren't any items that i want placed on the agenda. I was wondering if there is any additional information on any of the items that were placed on the agenda and what led them to be placed there. There are 3 or 4 of the items that i wonder what they are -- items Noswondered what they are and how they came up. ioseph W. Voiiand Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge joseph.yoiiand@wicourt5.goy 262.? Paul Malloy 2/24/2014 9:21 AM Joe, if you have an item that you want placed on the agenda you can ask Connie or Mary Lou. They usualiy put together an agenda of items that they feel we need to discuss as a group. Other items are done on a regular basis like rep rots or meetings with Adam or probation and parole people.Pau Joseph Voiland 2/22/2014 6:06 PM Connie: Thank you for sending the agenda. if you have any information regarding any ofthe agenda items what is on the table for discussion with regard to each/what led them to be placed on the agenda -- could you forward it on Thank you, Joseph W. Voiland Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge ioseph.voiland@wicourts.gov 262.- 18BED3C0u1?tsDistricL3 1001 6/19/2016 Page 6 of 6 Connie Mueller 02/21/14 3:30 PM This is your reminder that we have our meeting on Monday, February 24th from 12? 1 pm. Attached is the agenda. Lunch will be provided. Have a great weekend! Connie Connie Chief Deputy, Clerk of Courts 1201 S. Spring Street Port Washington, WI 53074 (262) 234/238~8410 Connie.Mueller@WlCOURTS.GOV CourtsDistrict_3 100 1 6H9f2016 Page 1 of 3 Joseph Voiland - Re: Branch 2 Judicial Assistant From: MaryLou Mueller To: Joseph Voiland Date: 1/10/2014 11:27 AM Subject: Re: Branch 2 Judicial Assistant CC: Jason Dzwinel; Paul Malloy Thank you for the follow up request. I think it is premature to have a plan to replace Sue when you haven't even given her a chance. In all fairness, she is an experienced clerk that can be of great assistance to you, if you allow her. Since we are a governmental agency we are limited to the number of positions in this department, nor do i have the ability to add, demote, or terminate without the consent of HR and sometimes the board. We would have to provide a sufficient business case to the Public Safety Committee and Finance Committee to be able to hire another staff person to be in the wings for the Deputy Clerk 5 position for your branch without terminating Sue or Kim. So the plan is for now; let's see how Sue works out for you. I . Ozaukee County Clerk of Circuit Court] Register in Probate PO Box 994 1201 8 Spring Street Port Washington, Wl 53074 Phone: 1262-2848409 or 26242386409 Fax: 262?284-8491 or 262-238-8491 This eiectronic moi! message and any ?ies transmitted with it are confidentiai and are intended for the safe use of the individuai or entity to whom they are addressed. Dissemination, fonaarding, printing, or copying of this eiectronic moi! without the consent of the sender is strictly prohibitedtended recipient, be advised that you have received this eiectronic maii in error; piease immediateiy notify the sender by return maii. On Friday, January 10, 2014 at 9:28 AM, Joseph Voiland wrote: MaryLou: Following up, can you please let me know a proposed time frame we have for this Thank you, 8CourtsDistrict_3 1001 6/19/2016 Page 2 of 3 Joseph W. Voiland Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge ioseoh.voiland@wicourtsgov 262.? Joseph Voiland 12/30/2013 4:36 PM MaryLou: lam ok with Sue assisting in Branch 2, or some combination ofSue and Kim, until the Branch 2 Deputy Clerk position is filled. i understand that you are focused on filling the Deputy Register in Probate position first, after which we will move on to fill the Deputy Clerk position. The new Deputy Clerk will learn your offices procedures rather than start straight in the Branch. Can you please let me know the time frame we have for this Thank you, Joseph W. Voiiand Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge joseph.voiiand@wicourts.gov 262-? Joseph Voiland 12/30/2013 11:49 AM Thank you for letting me know, and yes i would like to discuss how the position for Branch 2 Judicial Assistant (Assistants will be filled, and when. Can you let me know when you are available to talk about that? Thank you, Joseph W. Voiiand Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge joseph.voitand@wicourts.gov 262.? MaryLou Mueller 12/30/2013 10:06 AM Judge, 1 have sent your request to Sue Altendorf. We are making arrangements now for her to be situated back in the Branch 2 suite. Kim Granrath will continue to be your clerk in the courtroom until Sue receives medical clearance. Connie will be assigning additional desk work to Sue to fill up her time as needed. Kim will be at the desk in the courtroom until Sue is able to attend to those duties. Let me know if this is a problem or if you have concerns. . .2556}, Ozaukee County 6/19/2016 Page 3 of 3 Clerk of Circuit Court} Register in Probate PO Box 994 1201 8 Spring Street Port Washington, WI 53074 Phone: 202-284~8409 or 202-238?8409 Fax: 202?284-8491 or 26223843491 MaryLou.Mueller@wicourte.goy This eiectronic maii message and any files transmitted with it are con?dentiai and are intended for the sole use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. Dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this eiectronic moii without the consent of the sender is strictiy prohibited. 8? you are not the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this electronic mail in error; piease immediateiy notify the sender by return mail. On Monday, December 30, 2013 at 9:03 AM, Joseph Voiland wrote: MaryLou: lam sending this e?mail and it's not clear who to send things to in her absence. We have a request for an adjournment in 12CV224 for a January 3, 9:00 am status conference. The request is granted and it should be reset for a time during the last week of February. Are you able to let the attorneys know today Also, there was an earlier appearance in 12CV224 made by Attorney Richard Porter for the although his notice of appearance does not really identify the basis of which role the FDIC has. He has not yet been added to the service list. Is it possible to add him to the service list? Finally, who may I send requests to get cases calendered to i have a number of old cases that have been trying to get calendered, which remain unscheduled. Can you let me know Thank you, Joseph W. Voiland Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge Eoseoh.votiand@wicourts.gov 262.- 6/19/2016 Page 1 of 6 Joseph Voiland - Re: Branch II Calendar From: Joseph Voiiand To: Muelier, MaryLou Date: 11/10/2014 11:50 AM Subject: Re: Branch II Calendar We can talk in person, certainly. Can you bring with you copies of whatever directives staff wouid have used to come to the conclusion that they should make decisions without involving the court because certain attorneys told them to Joseph W. Voiiand Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge josephvoiland@wicourts.gov 262.- MaryLou Mueller 11/10f2014 11:41 AM Judge, Sorry, I took your email as you wanted to taik face to face. I would prefer talking face to face, so when you have time come see me or let me know when you are available and Iwill come to you. Okay? Diva Ozaukee County Cierk of Circuit Court] Register in Probate PO Box 994 1201 8 Spring Street Port Washington, WI 53074 Phone: 262?284-8409 or 262~238-8409 Fax: 262-284?8491 or 262-238?8491 This eiectronic maii message and any files transmitted with it are confidential and are intended for the sole use of the individuai or entity to whom they are addressed. Dissemination, fonvarding, printing, or copying of this eiectronic maii without the consent of the sender is strictiy prohibited. ifyoa are not the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this eiectronic maii in error; piease immediately noti?/ the sender by return mail. On Monday, November 10, 2014 at 11:32 AM, Joseph Voiiand wrote: Mary Lou: Foiiowing up on this. When we spoke on October 23,1 had reason to be concerned with the information you passed along to me about this. I still do. The first concern is that I was told a staff member beiieved she had to make a certain decision without ?le 1 00 1 3 6/19/2016 Page 2 of 6 invoiving the court because certain attorneys told her to. Is there a directive written or otherwise from your office to staff instructing them to do this, or not to do this If there is, what is the basis of the directive The second concern is that, while staff believed the request was timely, staff nevertheless rushed it through rather than take the time to notify the court prior to removing the date from the court calendar. If the request was timely, why was there a need to short circuit the process and go around the court? Underlying these concerns is that this is the latest in a long iine of actions by staff exercising authority that neither they, and in some cases the court, have under the statutes and supreme court rules. Those rules are the starting point, and I would ask that you ensure that staff foliows them. Piease let me know when I may expect to hear back from you. Thank you, Joseph W. Voiland Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge josephyoiland?wicourtsgov 262.? Joseph Voiiand 10/31/2014 4:40 PM Mary Lou: As you have been on vacation this past week, I did not want to take your vacation time with this, so I waited until the end of the week to follow up. When you return, you and I should follow up together. I am concerned that staff appears to believe that either they or certain attorneys have the authority to make decisions in piece of the court. I am concerned, as well, at the extent to which this has gone on, and the length of time for which it has gone on. Thank you, Joseph W. Voiland Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge ioseph.voiland@wicourts.qov 262? Joseph Voiland 10/24/2014 3:04 PM Mary Lou: Thank you for your email. As a foliow up, I am not asking for a verbatim recount of anything. I think you know that. I am also asking that we directiy address the issues, and not obfuscate them. In terms of your indication that staff did this because "An officer of the court represented to her it wasn't in the best interest of the court to hold the hearing," this is irrelevant to anything. It is outside staff's authority, and outside the authority of the parties, to make the decision. In terms of your indication here that "staff did iet you know about it by routing the confirming letter to the 1001 3 6/19/2016 Page 3 of 6 branch, the next day" that is off the mark. Of course I learned of it after the fact, which is whyI have sought to address it. In terms of how I would like to proceed in the future, I would like staff to follow the statutes and the supreme court ruies. Staff does not have any authority to apply the law to the facts in any case, and has no authority to make decisions reiating to a case. By saying that staff made a decision because "an officer of the court represented to her it wasn?t in the best interest of the court to hold the hearing," you?re reallyjust saying she made a decision she had no authority to make. Specificaliy with respect to adjournments, the rules expressly prohibit staff from even suggesting an adjournment; staff has no authority to grant one. In terms of a suggestion for putting together something in writing, my own suggestion is the supreme court rules wouid be a good place to start. Please let me know if there is any other way that you thinkI can help. Thank you, Joseph W. Voiiand Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge ioseph.voiland@wicourts.qov 262-? MaryLou 10/94/2014 1:56 PM Judge, Sorry for the delay with getting this out to you. And by the way, I thought I was 'clerking for you, not Judge Malloy today! Just a couple of points of clarification: When I said yes to all clerks know your 5 8t 10 day rule, I was only partialiy correct. I sent out the attached emaii regarding ex parte communication. I have not sent out an email giving specific direction regarding other possible scenarios. Whiie you and I have emailed back and forth regarding whati believe your policy is and you responded with ciarification in August, 1 have not gone beyond verbally instructing the management staff to your specific requirements as I believe them to be. Therefore, iets put together something in writing to share with the staff that ensures the calendaring for your branch meets your requirements. I have a very bad memory for verbatim conversation. I apologize I can not give a word for word of the conversation. However, I do believe it was not done with malice or contempt. She expiained she was operating under an understanding (from my verbal conversation) that there was an exception forjoint requests and it was entered before five days. She was surprised when looking at the case that it wasn?t five days before the hearing. This staff member dockets and handles many different court matters in many branches without incident. An officer of the court represented to her it wasn't in the best interest of the court to hold the hearing as it wasn?t yet clear the hearing wouid be required in the end. Sue was on vacation that day and she was assisting with the over flow for those clerks assigned to Branch 2 (who are stiil in the training stages)and was using her bestjudgment. The staff did iet you know about it by routing the confirming letter to the branch, the next day. Again, I apologize for not properly training the staff on the 5 St 10 day rule for your branch. This incident provides insight that further written communication is required to ensure your calendar is controlied by you 6/19/2016 Page 4 of 6 and not the Clerk's office. Please provide me with the information you would like specifically shared with the clerks and Iwill be happy to do so. Although I will be out of the office next week, I am available via email. Mary Lou: Thank you again for the information. Can you confirm exactly what the deputy clerk told you that she did Yesterday when we spoke, you indicated that she calculated that there are 5 business days from Wednesday of this week to Friday of this same week. Based on this, she decided to remove a set hearing from the Branch It calendar without letting me know anything about it. She was not assigned to clerk for Branch II the day she made these determinations. You also indicated that she did not exchange any e?mail with any of the parties or attorneys about this. Instead, everything was done either in person or over the phone. You don?t have any emails from her about this. Will you please confirm all of this in writing this morning i then may have some follow up. Thank you, Joseph W. Voiland Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge ioseph.voiland@wicourts.oov 262,- Ozaukee County Clerk of Circuit Court! Register in Probate PO Box 994 1201 8 Spring Street Port Washington, WI 53074 Phone: 262?284-8409 or 2632?2308409 Fax: 262284?8491 or 262-238?8491 This electronic mail message and any files transmitted with it are con?dential and are intended for the sole use of the individual or entity-to whom they are addressed. Dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this electronic mail without the consent of the sender is strictly prohibited. if you are not the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this electronic mail in error; please immediately noti?/ the sender by return mail. MaryLou Mueller 10/23f14 5:23 PM Judge I apologize for the actions of this office and accept responsibility for them. I have reviewed the 10 and 5 day rules with the deputy clerk that rescheduled the matter without the Court's knowledge or consent. I did stop by your office today multiple times to discuss this, but you have been very busy with yourjury trial and rightfully so. After 5:00 pm today while thejury was deliberating we discussed the matter and you informed me that you will let me know if you would like the parties called to be present for tomorrow's hearing. Which works well ?le://lC:/Users/j 1 00 1 3 6/19i2016 Page 5 of 6 because I will be your clerk for the day. See you tomorrow. Ozaukee County Clerk of Circuit Court! Register in Probate PO Box 994 1201 8 Spring Street Port Washington, 53074 Phone: 2622843409 or 2622386409 Fax: 262?284-8491 or 262-238?8491 I 2/ x. (we, mace/1!, Lam/?go This eiectronic moii message and any ?ies transmitted with it are con?dentiai and are intended for the sole use of the individuoi or entity to whom they are addressed. Dissemination, fonvarding, printing, or copying of this electronic mdii without the consent of the sender is strictiy prohibited. if you are not the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this eiectronic maii in error; please immediater noti?/ the sender by return maii. On Thursday, October 23, 2014 at 12:14 PM, Joseph Voiland wrote: Thank you for your response. Yes, the time periods are not being followed. Last minute change in case 14FA00197, State v. without the court's involvement. This is contrary to the statutes and the supreme court rules. Can you let me know how you suggest this be handled Thank you, Joseph W. Voiland Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge iosephvoiiand@wicourts.qov 262.? MaryLou Muelier 10/23f2014 11:15 AM Judge, Yes, the staff has been instructed to follow the 5 and 10 day time periods. Has something occurred to cause your inquiry? Perhaps there has been a misunderstanding that needs reinforcement of the ruie or is retraining required? If so, please provide details so I can provide for the proper response for the staff member(s) in question. Ozaukee County Cierk of Circuit Court! Register in Probate 6/19/2016 Page 6 of 6 1201 8 Spring Street Port Washington, WI 53074 Phone: 262-284?8409 or 262-238?8409 Fax: 2622848491 or MaNLou.Muetier@wicourts.qov 1 001 3 6/19/2016 Page 1 of 2 Joseph Voiland - Friday afternoon, Oct. 24 From: Joseph Voila nd To: Malioy, Paul Date: 10/31/2014 4:32 PM Subject: Friday afternoon, Oct. 24 Judge Malloy: I am following up on Friday afternoon, October 24. Given what happened, I ask that if anything I write here you disagree with, we communicate about that in writing rather than in a personal confrontation. First off, Iwant you to know that I forgive what you did to me on Friday afternoon. We saw each othertoday and have moved on for the better. For my own safety, and to say that it simply cannot happen again, I write this to recap what happened here this past Friday afternoon, along with a couple of events that lead up to it. We had ajudges meeting on September 22 during which inappropriate (and untrue) statements were directed at me in front of staff. Because I did not wish for the matter to escalate, I did not defend myself at that time. The District Court Administrator witnessed this, and relayed his concerns to the Chief Judge. Three days later, staff refused to provide me with records that I requested. The refusal was not because it was inappropriate for me to have the records. Rather, staff simply didn?t want me to have them. This was not the first time that staff acted in an insubordinate manner like this. The Chief Judge, you and me then met for lunch to discuss how we could remedy the situation going forward. In the Chief?s opinion, staff has been insubordinate because the environment existing at the courthouse allowed it. You agreed to fix it. On Friday afternoon, though, you entered my chambersjust before you went into a 3:30 wedding. You were yelling as ioud as I have heard anyone yell before. You did not like an e?mail that the clerk forwarded to you, from me. You were standing and appeared to be upset about a number of issues. One thing you alleged, again in a raised voice, was that my kids have been spending inappropriate time at the courthouse (which simply is not true more about that later). I asked if you realized how loud you were yelling. You responded that you didn't think anyone was around (it was Friday afternoon). Still in a raised voice, you raised the issue of having another lunch meeting with the Chief Judge. I indicated that I would be happy to talk with you about any issues if you would tone it down when you returned from the wedding. In my opinion, whether intentionally or unintentionally, you didn?t want me to follow up with the Clerk regarding the matters she and I were discussing last Thursday and Friday. While you said you were not sure anyone was around to hear you yeliing last Friday afternoon, here's the thing: I was around. I was three feet away from you. Whether anyone else could hear or not, I certainiy could. And I believe other people heard. We talked about a number of issues when you returned. We have different opinions on those issues, and I am sorry to have to say that it appears to me that some of yours are based more on gossip than on truth. That is my opinion and you may have your own. Many of the issues have to deal with dockets, and I intend to follow up separateiy with you about those. My hope is that we can get the facts straight, and respect that reasonable 1 00 1 3 6/192?2016 Page 2 of 2 people can disagree on the issues. The one specific issue I want to address here and now is my family-my kids. They have never been here at an inappropriate time. The last time the three of them were here was on the day of my investiture, more than a year ago. The oniy times they were here I was either off work, on vacation, or off the bench. When I learned that a visit from any of them at virtually any time troubled you or troubled anyone else, I let you know they would rarely ever return to visit. In any event, please let last Friday afternoon be the last time anyone goes after my family?my kids, whether in a raised voice or otherwise. By the way, many other people?s children have spent time in my chambers. For example, the public defender?s daughter, the granddaughter of the former Branch court reporter, several kids from the Ozaukee Children's Tour Club and Mom's Group I haven?t heard any issue taken with any of them. I end the same way I started, which is that I forgive what you did to me on Friday afternoon, Please do not iet it happen again. Iwill follow up with the Clerk of Courts, by separate e?mail, regarding the matters she and I were discussing last Thursday and Friday. Because she was on vacation this week, I did not want to take her time with work related issues. Thank you, Joseph W. Voiland Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge ioseph.voiiancl@wicourts.qov 262?? ?led? Cz/Users/ 5453B9B2C0urtsDistrict_3 6/19/2016 Page 1 of I Joseph Voiland - Re Friday the 24th. From: Paui Malloy To: Joseph Voiland Date: 11/3/2014 12:07 PM Subject: Re Friday the 24th. Dear Joe, I am writing in response to your email. 1 am sorry that you did not feel comfortablejust taiking with me about this when you were in my office last Friday afternoon. For my part1 am sorry thatI raised my voice with you. As you know there were two things that bothered me that Friday. First, was your response to what I thought was an appropriate email from Mary Lou. In my view she was seeking input from you about scheduling and you responded that she should look in the locai rules and state statutes. I did not think that response was heipful. The second issue and probably the bigger one was your comment to Chaz Rodriguez to the effect that you spent the last year doing it our way and now you are going to do it your way. You explained that not exactly what was said. I was not there and do not know what was said. However that was the information that was relayed to me As indicated to me it sounded like Sandy and I somehow do know how to do ourjobs. For my part I feel likeI have tried my hardest to meditate the issues that you have had with the front office. I will continue to do that as we move forward. I think that I see both sides of the disagreements and have tried to work things out in order to keep this system moving forward efficiently. I understand that you feet that people have tried to undermine your authority. I can understand your feeiing in that regard. Ijust have not seen it. I think we wiiljust have to agree to respectfully disagree on that issue. On the issue of your kids being present during work hours you need to understand that} never raised that issue With Nancy Stazkowsk or compiained about it. I got involved when she was here and saw your children here and was going to offer a resolution for County Board action prohibiting children from being in County Offices during working hours. At that point I thought it was wiser to discuss issue with you rather have it aired out in a County Board meeting. With regard to how often the kids were here and the other exampies you give of people having kids in the office, I am going let it be. I think we wiiljust need to agree to disagree on this issue. In conciuding Joe all I want is this County?s Court System to deliver a high quality product. I think we can do that as we move forward. filed/X C:/Users/j 545 7701 1CourtsDist1'ict?3 6/19/20] 6 Page 1 of 5 Joseph Voiiand Re: follow up regarding calendaring and Oct. 24 discussion From: Joseph Voiiand To: Malloy, Paul; Neimon, Michael Date: 12/22/2014 2:23 PM Subject: Re: follow up regarding calendaring and Oct. 24 discussion CC: Koschnick, Randy; Mueller, MaryLou Mike: I received this from Judge Malloy while I was ?between 1:00 2:00 today. I did take along some papers for a decision I?m writing, to work on while I waited. I didn?t necessarily want to makei- a public record, but apparentin have to. In any event, I believe the message may have been meant for you, as the saluation is Mike, but it went to my e? mail address apparently on accident. I?m happy to address any or all of this with you and the others I?ve copied on this e?mail. Pleasejust let me know when you?d like to talk. Thank you, Joseph W. Voiiand Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge ioseph.voiland@wicourts.gov 262.? Paul Malioy 12/22/2014 1:19 PM Mike, I got this from Joe. I am unaware of any one who has a difficult time getting into my court or any one of the other courts,except for Joe?s court. His timing on this is impeccable. He always seems to do this on his way out the door and right before the holidays. I do not give his opinion in this area a lot credence because I have never heard any one say they can not get a date in my court or Sandy?s. The reason people can not get a date in his court is that he has put so many road blocks in the way i.e. he needs to approve or do not schedule without court approvalgone because he has to Write a decision and there are to many interruptions here. Weicome to the real world. His reference to the New Graphic is typicai of him taking one point and thinking it is a big deal when in fact it has been an issue for years. Any way I would like to let him know my thoughts on this but am bound and determined to enjoy my holidays and not get into it with him. I guess in concluding my thought is if he couldjust work standard hours Monday through Friday there would not be an issue. Any thoughts?Paui Joseph Voiiand 12/22/2014 11:41 AM Judge: What I?m thinking is to address the needs of the District Attorney?s office regarding the division of prosecutors between the three branches along with the availability of the prosecutors to law enforcement outside of the courtroom. As set up at this time, the three prosecutors may be in ali three branches any number of days throughout any given month. Our intake process has something to do with this. It impacts the public?s access to the courts in a number of other case types, as weii. I believe the DA may have some thoughts on how ?le 620/2016 Page 2 of 5 this might be addressed. I can't speak for the DA, buti have observed similar concerns as stated in the News Graphic story. By the way, thank you and Paula for the extra copy of the News Graphic page on 6th Grade Grafton Basketball. Those coaches and kids put a tremendous amount of time into the game, it's always nice to see them recognized. Thank you, Joseph W. Voiland Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge ioseph.voiland@wicourts.gov 262. Paul Malloy 12/17/2014 10:23 AM Joelist. it hasjust been a very busy month and I have not had time to really sit down and think this through. i am always interested in ways to increase our efficiency. right now I think the big thing will be to work on going paperless. But if you want to let me know what you are thinking I should have sometime between the holidays. Thanks Paul Joseph Voiland 12/16/2014 7:02 PM Judge: Following up on this. Any thoughts on adjusting the master calendar to address the DA's office staffing issues Or on any other calendar issues? Thank you, Joseph W. Voiland Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge ioseph.voiland@wicourts.qov 262.? Joseph Voiland 11/24/14 4:28 PM Judge Malloy; I am following up with you regarding the issue of calendaring, one of the issues I indicated I would follow up separately on. You may have seen the issue regarding the fact that the District Attorney's Office is struggling with calendaring under existing court calendars all three DAs may be tied up at the same time in our three court branches. The News Graphic ran the story about a week before we spoke. One measure proposed was to increase DA staffing. In my View, we can't wait for DA staffing to be increased, because we don?t know whether or not it will be. There are things we can do with calendaring, right now, to help on that front. At this time last year, I asked for the chance to have input into our general court calendars. I was told I have no input, that the calendar for all three branches is a master calendar and is already established. There are tweaks we can make to the master calendar to fix the issue of three DAs being tied up at the same time in our three court branches. I would ask that we do so in time for the start of the 2015 calendar year. 6/20/2016 Page 3 of 5 In terms of the calendaring issue I discussed with the attorney you mentioned, that was in direct response to feedbacki received from the public regarding whether, and if, anyone believed any improvements were in order. I've received feedback asking for improvements in intake scheduling, chapter 515 81 54s,juvenilie cases, CHIPS cases, civil cases and criminal cases. I'm open to listening. I think there?s room for improvement in the general calendar. Finally, you mention the issue raised a year ago by Nancy Statkowski. Nancy's complaint always remained anonymous to me, although I had reason to believe Nancy had something to say. Her complaint was not based on reality; the kids were never here at any inappropriate time. I would have been happy to address that with her had she communicated with me about it. Please let me know if you believeI have anything wrong here, or if you would like to discuss anything at all. Thank you, Joseph W. Voiland Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge ioseph.voiland@wicourtsgov 262. Paul Malloy 11/3/2014 12:07 PM Dear Joe, I am writing in response to your e?mail. I am sorry that you did not feel comfortable just talking with me about this when you were in my office last Friday afternoon. For my part I am sorry thati raised my voice with you. As you know there were two things that bothered me that Friday. First, was your response to whatI thought was an appropriate e?mail from Mary Lou. In my view she was seeking input from you about scheduling and you responded that she should look in the local rules and state statutes.I did not think that response was helpful. The second issue and probably the bigger one was your comment to Chaz Rodriguez to the effect that you spent the last year doing it our way and now you are going to do it your way. You explained that not exactly what was said. I was not there and do not know what was said. However that was the information that was relayed to me As indicated to me it sounded like Sandy and I somehow do know how to do ourjobs. For my part I feel like I have tried my hardest to meditate the issues that you have had with the front office. I will continue to do that as we move fon/vard. I think that I see both sides of the disagreements and have tried to work things out in order to keep this system moving forward efficiently. I understand that you feel that people have tried to undermine your authority. I can understand your feeling in that regard. Ijust have not seen it. I think we wiiljust have to agree to respectfully disagree on that issue. On the issue of your kids being present during work hours, you need to understand thati never raised that issue with Nancy Stazkowsk or complained about it. I got involved when she was here and saw your children here and was going to offer a resolution for County Board action prohibiting children from being in County Offices during working hours. At that point I thought it was wiser to discuss issue with you rather have it aired out in a County Board meeting. With regard to how often the kids were here and the other examples you give of people having kids in the office, I am going let it be. I think we willjust need to agree to disagree on this issue. In concluding Joe all I want is this County's Court System to deliver a high quality product. I think we can do that as we move forward. Joseph Voiland 10f31/2014 4:32 PM Judge Mailoyf 6/20/2016 Page 4 of 5 I am following up on Friday afternoon, October 24. Given what happened, I ask that if anything I write here you disagree with, we communicate about that in writing rather than in a personal confrontation. First off, I want you to know that I forgive what you did to me on Friday afternoon. We saw each other today and have moved on for the better. For my own safety, and to say that it simply cannot happen again, I write this to recap what happened here this past Friday afternoon, along with a couple of events that lead up to it. We had ajudges meeting on September 22 during which inappropriate (and untrue) statements were directed at me in front of staff. Because I did not wish for the matter to escaiate, I did not defend myself at that time. The District Court Administrator witnessed this, and relayed his concerns to the Chief Judge. Three days later, staff refused to provide me with records thatI requested. The refusal was not because it was inappropriate for me to have the records. Rather, staff simply didn't want me to have them. This was not the first time that staff acted in an insubordinate manner like this. The Chief Judge, you and me then met for lunch to discuss how we could remedy the situation going forward. In the Chief?s opinion, staff has been insubordinate because the environment existing at the courthouse allowed it. You agreed to fix it. On Friday afternoon, though, you entered my chambersjust before you went into a 3:30 wedding. You were yelling as loud as I have heard anyone yeil before. You did not like an e-mail that the clerk forwarded to you, from me. You were standing and appeared to be upset about a number of issues. One thing you alleged, again in a raised voice, was that my kids have been spending inappropriate time at the courthouse (which simply is not true more about that later). i asked if you realized how loud you were yelling. You responded that you didn't think anyone was around (it was Friday afternoon). Still in a raised voice, you raised the issue of having another lunch meeting with the Chief Judge. I indicated that I wouid be happy to talk with you about any issues if you would tone it down when you returned from the wedding. In my opinion, whether intentionally or unintentionally, you didn?t want me to follow up with the Cierk regarding the matters she and I were discussing iast Thursday and Friday. While you said you were not sure anyone was around to hear you yeliing last Friday afternoon, here?s the thing: I was around. I was three feet away from you. Whether anyone else could hear or not, I certainly could. And I believe other people heard. We talked about a number of issues when you returned. We have different opinions on those issues, and I am sorry to have to say that it appears to me that some of yours are based more on gossip than on truth. That is my opinion and you may have your own. Many of the issues have to deal with dockets, and I intend to follow up separater with you about those. My hope is that we can get the facts straight, and respect that reasonabie people can disagree on the issues. The one specific issue I want to address here and now is my family~my kids. They have never been here at an inappropriate time. The last time the three of them were here was on the day of my inveStiture, more than a year ago. The only times they were here I was either off work, on vacation, or off the bench. When I learned that a visit from any of them at virtually any time troubled you or troubled anyone else, I let you know they would rarely ever return to visit. In any event, please let last Friday afternoon be the last time anyone goes after my family-my kids, whether in a raised voice or otherwise. By the way, many other people's children have spent time in my chambers. For example, the public defender?s daughter, the granddaughter of the former Branch court reporter, several kids from the Ozaukee Children's Tour Club and Mom's Group I haven't heard any issue taken with any of them. {'11ve OM 549 8294EC0urtsDistrictH3 100 I 3 . .. Page 5 of 5 I end the same wayI started, which is that I forgive what you did to me on Friday afternoon. Please do not let it happen again. I will follow up with the Clerk of Courts, by separate email, regarding the matters she and I were discussing last Thursday and Friday. Because she was on vacation this week, I did not want to take her time with work related issues. Thank you, Joseph W. Voiland Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge ioseph.voiland@wicourts.qov 262_ 630/2016 Page 1 of 1 Joseph Voiland - Re Correcting prior e-mail I From: Paul Mailoy To: Michael Neimon Date: 1/27/2015 10:06 AM Subject: Re Correcting prior e-mail CC: Joseph Voiland; Randy Koschnick Mike, I would like to correct the information in my email of December 22nd. 2014 . After meeting with Judge Voiiand ,1 no longer believe my comments about his availability during working hour or his court scheduling practices are accurate. There was a significant miscommunication between Judge Voiland and I and after getting more information from him I have a better understanding of what occurred. I now believe my statements were . incorrect. The fact is that he did work regular hours and his court scheduling practices were appropriate. I have apologized to him for any misunderstanding. Paul 1 6CourtsDistrictm3 1 00 1 3 6/20/2016 Page 1 of 1 Joseph Voiland Re: Ozaukee 767.405 Custody and Placement Studies m4 From: Randy Koschnick To: Joseph Voiland Date: 6/29/2015 11:19 AM Subject: Re: Ozaukee 767.405 Custody and Placement Studies Joe? I just spoke with Rhonda Gordon. She agrees 100% with our analysis on this issue and will take steps immediately to insure that your orders are complied with. She will suggest that her clients use the staff at Human Services for any pending cases in order to get them going She will also be working with the commissioner and other interested parties on setting up a long term solution, including a budget, protocol, etc. Please be sure to let me know if you don't see results within the next 1' ??lm-mm - Joseph Voiland 6/29/2015 10:04 AM Dear Judge Koschnick: Attached are two documents regarding an Order for a Custody and Placement Study, relating to our discussion of a week ago. The ?rst document is an order that a Study take p1ace, the second document indicates that a Study will not be done. I believe your oversight may be appropriate under 1 will give you a call, and hope that a short call from you to the director may bring a resolution. Thank you, Joe Voiland Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge josenh.voiEand?lwicourtsgov 6/19/2016 Page 1 of 1 Joseph Voiland Re: re Judges Meeting From: Paul Mailoy To: Marylou Mueller; Sandy Williams Date: 12/22/2015 8:38 AM Subject: Re: re Judges Meeting CC: Barry Boline; Joseph Voiland; Randy Koschnick So farI have asked Mary Lou to put the following on the agenda: 1) appointing county bar members or lawyers who office in the county first chance at court appointments,2)what goes into interpretor court (i.e.Spanish speaker or any one needing an interpreter), 3) continuing the currently criminal schedule that has been agreed to previously. Paul Sandy Williams 12/21/2015 3:40 PM I sent in a ton of stuff for our last meeting and none of them were on the agenda so I'm resubmitting those and won't add any more Paul Malloy 12/21/2015 11:10 AM Mary Lou can you look for a date for ajudges meeting. I would also ask if any of the people receiving this e?mail have anything they would like to put on the agenda to let Mary Lou and I know. Thanks. Paul 1 00 1 3 6/19/2016 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT OZAUKEE COUNTY AuthentlcatedJFiled . Ozaukee County Circu? STATE OF WISCONSIN, H. SHEBESTA, MAR --8 2016 Petitioners: Register in Probate and Case No.: 2016 FA 15 RYAN W. WILDING, Respondent. ORDER On February 16, 2016, the parties requested that this matter be referred to mediation on the issues of custody and placement. The court ordered the respondent to make a $200 deposit for mediation on or before February 22, 2016. The respondent has failed to make the deposit as ordered. IT IS ORDERED that the parties appear on March 22. 2016 at 2:00 am. to show cause as to why the temporary custody and placement orders entered on February 22, 2016 should not become the ?nal orders of the court due to the respondent?s faiiure to make the mediation deposit. Dated this 8?h day of March, 2016. BY THE COURT: vitae/a _B?a;rry goline Circuit Court Commissioner Ozaukee County Circuit Court 3 Date [35-13-2016 06432016 - 06?06~2016 05?24v2018 05244015 05-24%016 ?35-23~2016 Bot?tiiuerzts ?riots {Jitters Coon . . Officiai Event Court Reporter Order to appear Sam}, A Order to Aegear Motion hearing Petitioner Morgan Ztmmerrnann in court. Respondent Curtis E) Sanders in court. AttorneyRiK Kiuessenoori in court for Petitioner State of Wisconsin- Statement by Respondent asto motion. Response by Petitioner. Attorney Kitiesseaoorr advises of current order. regarding previous eisitatioo. Statement by Attorney regarding motion. Response by Respondent- Biscussion as to current A support order. Statement by Respondent as toeduoation. Statement oy Attorney Kiuessenoort as to previous commitment of Respondent. Discusstm's as to mediation. Court orders mediation. Respondent to deposit-the $200 with the Ozauttee County Clerk of Courts by Jury 1, 20m. ir-the Respondent does 00?" . not submit the $200 by Joty 1, 2015. his motion is-oenied.. Rem?mg Court addresses the Respondent as employment, arrears and shite stipend. Order to Appear preparer! and. submitted to the court for signature. Matter aojourneo'to July 18, 2015 a: 11:30 am. Change of address noti?cation - Curtis Sanders ADDRES anders Current: . Milwaukee. WI 53224-8818 United States. (Effective: 05-06-2013) Prior: 1201 8. Spring Sweet. do Ozaukee County .iaii= Port Washington. WI 530% United States A?idavit'or matting 3313133": ot maritno A?idawt of mailing MW Affidavit of mailing Af?davit of waiting. CheskiDisoursement $1,907.37 Chtto Support purge amount from Curtis E) Sanders. Case No. Wt SCTF Deposit receivers $1337.37 16R GUY-153 CHiio support purge amount received on behazf ofCurtis 0. Sanders Print at: Monday, June 20, 2016 12:20:19 AM Host: User: - 0643?2015 96-13?2015 was-20:5 {aim-ems. cam-mm mineasa 95-24-20 35 Ozaukee In Re: the Paiemity OIAIZ. Summary 0959 mm Pan-lies Ac?vilien 0523-1019 Financlaits mam-bra slim} 11.x Evan: 0:139: f0 appear mug: an? Harm ragmg Hum-r Hannah Zim?wznn}: mm Reset-sen: nuns r: Sanders a sum. m: I mesww'n cow! k: Fatima shl?i a! ?no Sim-nan: by Fae! moi as tr.- Respanse Ir; Feczaner Meme-f messmm 3531565 Mam-r5 mar. Swanson regar?kq me (am: ?stain. .aee rr-anihi Ram/w arch?g man. Ra 5:35:53 Discusskn 59:0 alum nipped mm. Warren: Rafa?Idea?? in edJF-umL {?lament Amine"; messenm as?: steam-5 ommeaem a! Raw-marl omssm as Ea 02m mug-?5 medatnn. map-andem :9 69.993! me 5209 me Ozauhea Gals-:7 can a! Courts Bf I. 2016. II Restorrjent 110?; an; swam $200 an? 25%. 35 mm is denied. Cowl addresses the. again! as ?rp?b??'neri anezls imj (Nd 91ml. Queue pr?pzrf? am subm new to me 901 sgnawa. mm: min! am to My 2015 a: 53 am change of address mam?emu?: 0 53m 245 AQ-BRE. Fried. Bumml mik?l?cei. ?5 5.3141515 Unzeo Sub {1595 1201 arias! area. fJ? Quakes Gourd; Jaz. ?nsh'ng?m. i'?ec?xi. man: 5:312: mom of mm; 3mm gram-1n; Drama; .7 - 455i?! ma?ng msxm?am - 51.3913? cum 34:99:! purge alumni #091 cm; i) Sewers. Ca?! WI: bemnecetm? 1mm CH1: slums.? puts: am?: renamed on taut! a! Cuts-'3 0 Sand calm ot?c?al calm Raped-r Sam; a War ?rm A warns Docs-Jr? Remy Page 1 of 1 Joseph Voiland - Re: Need to appoint director of family court services From: Paul Malioy To: Joseph Voiland; Sandy Williams Date: 4/5/2016 2:37 PM Subject: Re: Need to appoint director of family court services CC: Michael Neimon Joe and Sandy, I think under Sec 767.404 we need to formally appoint Barry as our Director Of family Court Services. Under 767.405 he meets the requirements. More importantly Barry has always been handling that responsibility.Through over site no paper work was completed when he was hired. Ithink wejust need to formally approve him for the record. Assuming neither of you feei the need to discuss this our next meeting would propose to do this by e?mail and assuming there is a consensus to send an order to Judge Koschnik for his signaturelf you feel we need to discuss this further please let me know. Thanks. Paul CDBACourtsDistrict_3 1001 6/19/2016 Page 1 of 1 Joseph Voiland - re E?mail from this morning. From: Paul Malioy To: Joseph Voiiand Date: 4/21/2016 2:37 PM Subject: re E?maii from this morning. CC: Michaei Neimon Joe can you get back to me on the e?mail from this morning. I want your thoughts on it before I do anything. I aiso have Barry holding off on sending any cases to mediation and /or?home studies. Thanks. Paul sers/j voilan/AppData/LocaUTemprP grpwise/ 571 8E5C4C0urtsDistrict_3 Page 1 of 1 Joseph Voiland - Re Mediation and family services From: Paul Malloy To: Barry Boline; Joseph Voiland; Sandy Williams Date: 6/1/2016 4:18 PM Subject: Re Mediation and famiiy services CC: Michael Neimon; Randy Koschnick; tmeaux@co.ozaukee.wi.us As i indicated in earlier e?mailsi am concerned about using section 767.405 stats. . as the outline for the family court services issue. i do not feel comfortable with the language In that the statute imposes the responsibility on the Director to personaliy perform home studies or mediations. From whatI have seen of the commissioner's calendari do not believe he has the time to prepare home studies or to do mediation. I also do not know how he could do that with out having a conflict in then hearing any further proceedings involving the coupie. Ithink the statute is written with the idea that the person doing the meditation or home study will be some one other than the Commissioner. With that in mind I met with Tom Meaux this morning about this issue and he is fine with us doing the studies in accordance with the statute provided that the County can recoup its reasonable expenses. However the County is not iooking to fund another position in order to comply with that statute. He made that perfectly clear and I concur with him. I am interested in how Sandy and Joe feel we can get past this problem with out compromising the effectiveness/ efficiency we have with our court commissioner. I would ask you to get back to me sometime tomorrow as we realiy need to get this resoived as I am aware there are now 8 meditations as well as a number of peopie calling for mediations Thanks. Paul. I ?le:/f/C:/Users/j 1001 6/1 9/2016 Page 1 of 1 Joseph Voiland - Fwd: director of family services.order.docx - Revised From: Paul Malloy To: Randy Koschnick Date: 6/2f2016 11:38 AM Subject: Fwd: director of family services.order.docx Revised CC: Barry Boline; Connie Mueller; Joseph Voiland; MaryLou Mueller; Attachments: director of family servicesordendocx; Connie Mueller.vcf Dear Judge Koschnick attached is the order pertaining to the appointment of Commissioner Boline as Director of family Services. If it meets with your approval i would ask you to sign it and return a copy to Mary Lou Mueller. I am providing copies of this e?mail to all of the other stake holders in the family law area. I have specifically included Ozaukee County Corporation Counsel as she has prepared the ordinance allowing the County to recoup it reasonable expense in completing the Custody studies. My hope is that will be in front of the public safety committee later in the month and be acted upon by the full County Board at its first meeting in July. Because the County has not budgeted any funds for these studies I have asked Commissioner Boline to hold off referring any matters to the department until the recoupment ordinance has been enacted. My hope is to avoid any unfunded bills that will need to be absorbed by the county Connie Mueller 6/2/2016 11:00 AM Connie Mueller Chief Deputy, Clerk of Courts 1201 S. Spring Street Port Washington, WI 53074 (262) 284/238-8410 Connie.Mueller@WICOU RTS.GOV 1001 6/19/2016 Page 1 of 1 Joseph Voiland - Re: Family Court Services conflicting orders From: Paul Malloy To: Joseph Voiland Date: 6/8/2016 9:28 AM Subject: Re: Family Court Services conflicting orders? Sure come over. Paul Joseph Voiland 6/8/2016 9:14 AM Paul we concluded our cases early this morning and if you are available there is something we may need to" discuss today. This morning the Court Commissioner stopped by to talk and indicated he is in a pickle because I ordered him to assign family court services matters and you ordered him not to assign them mediation/studies). Itold the Commissioner that possibly that wasjust your own preference, rather than an order, meaning there would be no conflict. The Commissioner indicated that you did in fact order him not to assign family court services matters. Hope we can resolve this soon as I do have cases where family court services are necessary. 1 will stop by soon this morning to talk. Thank you. Joe Voila nd Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge ioseph.voiland@wicou rtsgov Paul Malloy 6/8f2016 8:54 AM Randy, I agree the meeting is not necessary. Paul Joseph Voiland 6f7/2016 9:01 PM I agree with this, including that it makes further meetings unnecessary. 1001 6/19/2016 For Official Use STATE OF WISCONSIN, COURT, OZAUKEE COUNTY For Officia Use Filed Response to Order dated Ozaukee County In RE: the Paternity of H.L.F. June 15, 2016 Regarding fees Circuit Court June 17, 2016 Mary Lou Mueller Register in Probate Collected by Clerk of Courts Case No. 2011FA000284 Ozaukee County Clerk of Courts hereby responds to Honorable Joseph W. Voiland?s June ?15, 2016, order regarding fees Collected by the Clerk of Courts for a legal custody and physical placement study: On June 20, 2016, the Ozaukee County Finance Department will issue a separate batch of checks to comply with the Court's order directing the Clerk of Circuit Court to reimburse funds deposited by the parties for a legal cuStody and physical placement study that exceed the $300.00 fee required by statute for a legal custody and physical placement study plus any statutory interest. Separate checks in the amount of $350 each will be issued to each party. The parties deposited their court ordered deposit with Ozaukee County Department of Human Services. The Department of Human Services held the deposits in their Ozaukee County account number 4. The sum total of fees by the parties incident to any guardian ad litem investigation occurring between February 14, 2014 and July 8, 2015 for the above-mentioned matter will be filed separately from this response. 5. Parties and their attorneys are notified in writing by copy of this response. Distribution: Original Cour: ?my COPIGS Alisha Balsitis I a i Kevan Flood . . Meg Colleen 0"Marro, GAL Kirsten Louise Hildebrand Peter Ramirez Rik Kluessendorf, Child Support Rhonda Gorden, Ozaukee Co. Corporation Counsel Mary Lou Mueller Clerk of Circuit Courts June 17, 2016 STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT, OZAUKEE COUNTY In RE: the Paternity of H.L.F. Calculation of Guardian ad Litem Fees Case No. 2011FA000284 For Use Authenticated/Filed Ozaukee County Circuit JUN 17' 2815 Mary Lou Mueller Clerk of Circuit Court! ?egister?in?Probate Guardian ad litem fees Incurred between February 14, 2014 and July 8, 2015 - calculated as ordered in the Order Regarding Fees Collected by Clerk of Courts dated June 15, 2016 05/23/2014 06/13/2014 07/21/2014 08/08/2014 09/29/2014 10/09/2014 10/20/2014 12/01/2014 12/01/2014 12/19/2014 12/19/2014 02/10/2015 03/09/2015 Petition for Approval and Payment of Fees For services rendered April 12, 2014 to May 21, 2014 $1,361.50 Order for Payment of GAL Fees (based on above petition) Petition for Approval and Payment of Fees For services rendered May 22, 2014 to July 17, 2014 $1,918.00 Order for Payment of GAL Fees (based on above petition) Petition for Approval and Pa ment of Fees For services renders July 19, 2014 to September 25, 2014 $1,480.50 Petition for Approval and Pa ment of Fees For services rendere July 19, 2014 to October 7, 2014 $2,611.00 (includes previous petition) Order for Payment of Fees (based on 9/29/2014 Petition) Petition For Approval and Payment of Fees $1,361.50 $1 ,918.00 $1,480.50 For services rendered October 7, 2014 to November 26, 2014 $994.00 Amended Petition for Approval and Payment of Fees For services rendered September 26, 2014 to October 7, 2014 $1,130.50 Order for Payment of Fees (based on 12/01/2014 Amended Petition) Order for Payment of Fees (based on 12/01/2014 Petition) Amended Petition for Approval and Payment of Fees $1 ,130 .50 994.00 For services rendered November 27, 2014 to February 6, 2015 $1,368.50 Order for Payment of Fees (based on above petition) $1,368.50 Case No. 2011FA284 Calculation of Guardian ad Litem Fees 03/30/2015 04/20/2015 05/14/2015 06/08/2015 08/28/2015 09/18/2015 $2,953.50 Petition for Approval and Payment of Fees For services rendered February 6, 2015 to March 26, 2015 Order for Payment of Fees (based on above petition) Petition for Approval and Payment of Fees For services rendered March 27, 2015 to May 8, 2015 $1,585.50 Order for Payment of Fees (based on above petition) Petition for Approval and Payment of Fees For services rendered May 13, 2015 to August 25,2015 $591.50 Total $297.50 Portion through July 8, 2015 Order for Payment of Fees (based on above petition) Portion through July 8, 2015 Total of Guardian ad Litern Fees incurred between February 14, 2014 and July 8, 2015 Page 2 $2,953.50 $1,585.50 297.50 $13,089.50 These fees were paid by the Ozaukee County Clerk of Courts Office to the guardian ad lltem. Each party has been assessed one half of these fees. Kevin Flood has paid his portion in full. Alisha Balsitis is currently on a payment plan for her portion. The balance she owes for her portion of these fees at this time is $3,280.65. Submitted by Mary Lou Mueller, Clerk of Court calculated by CariAnne Mihalko, Controller cc: Alisha L. Balsitis Kirsten Louise Hildebrand (electronic) Meg Colleen O?Marro Kevin Flood Peter Ramirez (electronic) Rik i Kluessendorf Rhonda Gordan STATE or WISCONSIN CIRCUIT cover OZAUKEE COUNTY Humentlcateutrlled . State v. Kevin M. Flood Ozaukee County cm" Case No: JUN 1 5 20l5 Mary Lou Mueller Clerk of CirClxit Court! ORDER REGARDING FEES COLLECTED BY CLERK OF COURTS On February 14, 2014, the mother of the minor child first requested a legal custody and physical placement study be initiated, pursuant to statute, by the family court cormnissioner. No study was initiated at that time. On March 26, 2015, and again on May 26, 2015, this court ordered the initiation of a legal custody and physical placement study. At that time, the court had the mistaken belief that the county had established a fee schedule to recover its reasonable costs of providing family court services under Wis. Stat. On June 8, 2015, Ozaukee County Family Court Services wrote to the parties stating that Ozaukee- County Family Court Services does not provide legal custody and physical placement studies. Ozaukee County Family Court Services did not provide a copy of this correspondence to the court, but the parties subsequently notified the court that Ozaukee County Family Court Services refused to provide the services that the court ordered. Subsequently, the Ozaukee County Department of Human Services essentially volunteered to provide those services; without more, DHS has and had no obligation to do so. The record shows the DHS study began on or about July 8, 2015, some 18 months after the mother filed a statutory request for it to begin. By statute, the fee for the study is $300.00. Wis. Stat. The record indicates that a fee of $1,000.00 is on file. It is ORDERED, therefore, that the Clerk of Courts return the excess sum of $700.00 to the parties, divided equally, not later than June 20, 2016. It is further ORDERED that the Clerk of Courts shall identify the account in which the excess sum has been held and compute the statutory interest on the excess sum, if any, clue and owing to the parties. It is further ORDERED that by June 20, 2016, the Clerk of Courts shall calculate the sum total of any fees incurred by the parties incident to any guardian ad litem investigation occurring between February 14, 2014 and July 8, 2015, and shall notify the parties and the court in writing of that sum. Dated at Port Washington, Wisconsin, this (5fc?day of Ma? 2016. Jo Circuit Court Jud Authenticateleiled STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT, OZAUKEE COUNTY wagers? IN THE MATTER OF Amended 1 3 DOROTHY sszAFF Order and Notice of Hearing Mary Lou Mueller Name Clerk of Circuit Court; 11/24/1921 Case No. 999?5'37 in Probate Date of Birth A petition was ?led by [Name] Ozaukee County Dept. of Human Services requesting: temporary guardian of person. El estate. permanent guardian of person. Cl estate. standby guardian of CI person. - Ci estate. successor guardian of Cl person. CI estate. protective placement. protective services. involuntary administration of medication. For guardianship, the court is satis?ed as to compliance with ?54.34, WisconsinStatutes. THE COURT ORDERS: 1. The petition be heard before Circuit Court Judge Joseph W. Voiland Court Officiai, on [Date] June 27. 2016 . at [Time] 1:00pm. 01' when scheduled thereafter at [Location] Ozaukee County Justice Center. 1201 S. Spring Street. ROOM 228. Perl Washington. WI A copy of this order and the petition shall be served upon the individual and guardian, if any. and delivered to all interested persons and ail others entitled to notice. . A copy of the physician or report shall be ?led with the court and provided by the petitioner to the guardian ad litem and the attorney for the proposed ward or ward at least 96 hours before the timeof the hearing. For protective placement, if the individuai is developmentally disabled and is in or may be placed in a nursing or intermediate care facility. a copy of this order and the petition shall be served upon the appropriate board or designated agency. The board or agency shall submit to the court within 120 days of this order a plan for home or community-based care in the most integrated setting appropriate to the needs of the individual. . The individual, it able to attend, shall appear in person at the hearing, unless attendance is waived by the guardian ad litem and waiver is certi?ed in writing to the court. . For protective placement or protective services, a copy of the comprehensive evaluation and any independent comprehensive evaluation shall be provided at least 96 hours in advance of the hearing to the individuals guardian, agent under activated health care power of attorney, guardian ad Iitem, and to the individual or individuals attorney. NOTICE: if this is a Temporary Guardianship proceeding, the individual is noti?ed of the right to an attorney and the right to petition for reconsideration or modification of the temporary guardianship. If you require reasonable accommodations to participate in the court process due to a disability, please call 262?284?8409 at least 10 days prior to the scheduled court date. Please note that the court does not provide transportation. t. 5?3 553105:14 Order and Notice of Hearing 5438(6). 54.44t1), 55.09. 55.10. 55.11 and 55.14. Wisconsin Statutes This form shall not be modi?ed. it may be supplemented with additional material. Order and Notlce of Hearing Page 2 of 2 Case No. THIS IS A FINAL ORDER FOR PURPOSES OF APPEAL IF SIGNED BY THE GO Please check with attorneylpetitloner below for exact time and date. Name OfA?omeY?Peti?Wer Meircult Clrcuit Cou mlini sioner Rhonda K. Gordan, Corporation Counsel I . 1 Address Nari; Pdnled o?F?ped Ozaukee County Justice Center 3 1201 S. Spring Street, Port Washington, WI 53074 Date Telephone Number Bar Number 262-284-8300 1024368 GN-3110, 05PM Order and Notice of Hearing 5438(6), 54.426). 55.09. 55.10. and 5511(3). Wisconsln Statutes This form shall not be modi?ed. It may be supplemented with additional material. Page 2 01'2 IN THE MATTER OF: NOTICE OF HEARING: DOROTHY R. SIELAFF June 27, 2016 Please note: If this matter is not contested, it will be heard before Circuit Court Commissioner Barry J. Boline. If this matter is contested, it will be heard before Circuit Court Judge Joseph W. Voiland. Joseph Voiland - Re: Delegations Forms Page 1 of 5 From: To: Date: Subject: MaryLou Mueller Joseph Voiland 10/23/2013 11:38 AM Re: Delegations Forms HiJudge, After reviewing all ofthe updates, help program and speaking with CCAP help desk, it was determined that you will have to remove all of the forms from the e-signature section of the court official section, re-add them with the current designation of review for youriudicial dashboard, then add the individuals that you allow that designation. Let me know if you want assistance with that procedure. Ozaukee County Cierk of Circuit Court I Register in Probate PO Box 994 1201 8 Spring Street Port Washington, WI 53074 Phone: 262?284-8409 or 262?238-8409 Fax: 262?284-8491 or 262?238-8491 MaryLou.Mueilerialwicourtsaov This electronic mail message and any fiies transmitted with it are confidential and are intended for the soie use of the individuai or entity to whom they are addressed. Dissemination, fonuarding, printing, or copying of this eiectronic maii without the consent of the sender is strictiy prohibited. if you are not the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this electronic maii in error; piease immediateiy notify the sender by return maii. On Tuesday, October 22, 2013 at 2:56 PM, Joseph Voiland wrote: MaryLou: I have had a chance to review this. These forms require either my signature or my review. For any forms which the statutes authorize the Clerk or Deputy Clerk to execute, the Clerk or Deputy Clerk may sign. These are the forms that have the separate boxes to check for iudge/Clerk/Deputy Clerk. I note that have been listed on the distribution list for these, but I have not actually received a copy of any ofthem. I will need a copy of each of these forms once executed. For any forms which the statutes do not authorize the Clerk or Deputy Clerk to execute, I will need to Sign. 6/19/2016 Page 2 of 5 Thank you, Joseph W. Voiiand Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge joseph.voiiand@wicourts.gov 262.? MaryLou Mueller 10/14/2013 7:05 AM Judge, When we set up your CCAP security and designations we mirrored the other judges security and designations. The deputies that work in your courtroom are authorized to issue routine orders with your signature. In the old days, it was a rubber stamp on the prepared order, now the deputies have the ability to affix your e-signature to CCAP created documents. in CHIPS matters, Ozaukee judges have always appointed a GAL for child. And unless the court specifically requests a certain attorney for a child, the deputies have been authOrized to obtain a GAL based on availability of a small group of attorneys that do this type of work. These forms require your review: Arrest Warrant . My Review Required GF-14ZB Bench Warrant My Review Required Notice of Assignment ofJudge My Review Required Order to Cancel Warrant My Review Required Commitment Order My Review Required GF-148P Commitment Order - Payment Plans My Review Required GF-165 Bench Warrant Civil . My Review Required These forms do not: Delegated Judgment of eSignature/No Review Delegated Judgment of eSignature/NO Review Delegated CR-214 Judgment Deferred Under 961.47 eSignature/No Review Delegated CR-230 Judgment of Bail/Bond Forfeiture eSignature/No Review Delegated CR-244 Order for Presentence investigation Report (PSI) eSignature/NO Review Delegated CR 252 Order Modifying Court imposed Conditions of xt eSignamre/No Review Order Concerning Sentence Modification Geriatric/Terminal Delegated 5267B537CourtsDistrictm3 1001 3 619/2016 Order Concerning Sentence Adjustment CR-267 Order on petition to Expunge Court Record or Conviction CV- . . . 404 Injunction (Domestic Abuse) CV- 407 injunction (Harassment) OdEtd'T'fHearing Dismissal Order (ln'unction) 409 1 CV- . . 414 injunction (Child Abuse) . . 418 Dismissal Order (SF-105 Order to Garnishee Release of Garnishee GF-120 Order for Change of Venue Order Appointing Guardian ad Litem or Attorney Application for Specific Judicial Assignment GF 171 Judgment for Unpaid Fines, Forfeitures and Other Financial Obligations Court Order for intoxicated Driver Assessment and Driver -17 GF 6 Safety Plan GF-190 Order to Produce/Transport Notice of Overdue inventory Notice of Overdue Report or Annual Account 3530 Order to Show Cause (Guardian/Conservator) GN- Summary Hearing Findings and Order Continuing Protective 4120 Placement GN- 4130 Findings and Order Terminating Protective Placement 1 00 1 3 6/19/2016 Page 3 of 5 eSignature/No Review Delegated eSignature/No Review Delegated eSignature/No Review Delegated eSignature/No Review Delegated eSignature/No Review Delegated eSignature/No Review Delegated eSignature/No Review Delegated eSignature/No Review Delegated eSignature/No Review Delegated eSignature/No Review Delegated eSignature/No Review Delegated eSignature/No Review Delegated eSignature/No Review Delegated eSignature/No Review Delegated eSignature/No Review Delegated eSignature/No Review Delegated eSignature/No Review Delegated eSignature/No Review Delegated eSignature/No Review Delegated eSignature/No Review Delegated eSignature/No Review Page 4 of 5 JC- lnjunction (Child Abuse) DElegated 1692 eSignature/No Review Delegated 0rd 1? Examination A 1732 er 0 or ssessme" eSignature/No Review . . . . . Delegated 0 - 0 1747 iSpOSl iona er aw/ inance Violation eSignature/NO Review JD- Order for Revision of Dispositional Order Delegate?j 1786 eSignature/No Review JD- Order for Extension of Dispositional Order or Consent Decree Delegated 1787 (in Home Placement Only) eSignature/No Review Order for Extension of Dispositional Order or Consent Decree Delegated 1788 (Out of Home Placement Only) eSignature/No Review 10- Order for Change of Placement (In-Home to Out-of-Home Delegated 1789 Placement Only) eSignature/No Review Delegated 1790 Order for Change of Placement Out of Home to Out of Home eSignature/NO Review . Delegated 1791 Permanency Hearing order eSignature/No Review JD- . Delegated 1792 Order for Change in Placement ut of Home to in Home eSignature/No Review JD- Order for Change in Placement (In Home to In Home Delegated 1793 Placement Only) eSignature/No Review PR- . Delegated 1824 Notice of Overdue inventory eSignature/NO Review PR- . Delegated 1826 Notice of Summary Procedures Deadline eSignature/No Review pR_ . I Delegated 1832 Notice of Estate Administration Deadlines eSignature/NO Review PR- Delegated 1834 Order for Extensron of Time eSignature/NO Review PR- . . . . . Delegated 1916 Order Discontinumg Administration eSignature/NO Review Delegated 1917 Order to Show Cause (Probate) eSignature/No Review Delegated SC-502 Judgment/Notice of Entry of Judgment eSignature/NO Review Order for financial disclosure and financial disclosure Delegated statement eSignature/No Review Delegated eSignature/No Review 50506 50512 Writ of Restitution - Eviction SC-514 Writ of Replevin Delegated 6/19/2016 Page 5 of 5 eSignature/No Review Delegated TR-307 Default Judgment . . eSIgnature/No ReVIew This information can be found in the Case Management?Court Official section ofthe traditional CCAP software that the deputies use. If you would like to change the designation of any of the forms, we can do that. Let me know. .. ozaukee County Clerk of Circuit Court i Register in Probate PO Box 994 - 1201 8 Spring Street Port Washington, Wi 53074 Phone: 262-284-8409 or 262?238?8409 Fax: 262?284-8491 or 262-238?8491 MatyLou.Mueitertt?wicourtsuoy This electronic moii message and any fiies transmitted with it are confidentiai and are intended for the soie use of the indiuiduai or entity to whom they are addressed. Dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this eiectronic moii without the consent of the sender is strictiy prohibited. if you are not the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this eiectronic maii in error; pieose immediateiy notify the Sender by return maii. On Sunday, October 13, 2013 at 4:48 PM, ioseph Voiland wrote: how this order was electronically signed I did not sign it, electronically or otherwise. Thank you, Joseph W. Voiiand Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge joseph.voiland@wicourts.goy 262.? ?le:f/XC:/Users/j 1 6/19/2016 Print at: Sunda June 19, 2016 11:46:06 PM mJ (fawn am maukee-dbx?counsgr 'rA'p mum mam rsqum? mum? a 1:31: Hum?5m [21.311113 ?n ?erg-gqr-m g?tm??mgig Ign?gud?e??eemsioe?m E?p?'zd Bea-til Emma .l ck ll: ruhw ?pan-4a ma?a: - in he last-u {31: Al?: [51319;- Amway: ?ti-1m. iza; scream-rd: marge 99?; 1291 9395:? 3h . . as! FHIMSM Jccv?m ?ea?ah. em?mu Duran-arm . ?3 9&352415? u??M sloom?en wan-WSW ?Vim-?An n. Mali-m Ema: hummummamwm mawa :1 Gui?!? rad?; - mm I 5'37: ?manna 913?! My [59:13 EQLHOECFKE "n Create .laE'm?u rat- 5:?M6?v 5w. m: ?1st L?c?fgua may ml?m?na print 9.21; (.3: 935159.394: mm .msgen-M?iui an: ELECTROMCFLE imam?: $64 cs Sud-l; cetm??k Foams; of Baa-i usnxum lr'_ p. . . nam- . Own cm ?macaw- Ik?B-mm in in trauma Amy Emma Emmet. 32 lime Brad: 3 Emmiio?dmum; Roman conamheam Az-ziermgg'tz" .al?trmaaxmtzulnhlerm db d_ . PW ?yam '3 lhh?in?ltl?m. 5m? main-e, .15 m, (?emf m- mama sunrxnu cm A was ?3 Alum: 1mm; PM cur?m febr?m'mt mam: {mow [amindsn as grew}. shaman: mRitIin?frt?I?miEiR 6mm his-Knit Ca! erred su'phert ?ii naminsmucmm?mx. Parlwl I .. .. mm Wax: Eli?km 3 %rs mam?m?gia?ermw M. . . Page 1 of 2 Joseph Voiland - Re: traffic case warrants From: Joseph Voiland To: Boline, Barry Date: 9/11/2014 3:24 PM Subject: Re: traffic case warrants CC: Mailoy, Paul Barry: Judge Malloy and I had a chance to talk. Are you able to identify the other warrants in Branch 11 State Traffic cases that are of the type in 14TR2590 (Hervey~Peters) There is no judgment against the defendant in that case and no notice regarding ability to pay (345.47), so nothing to form the basis of the warrant. Once identified, those other warrants should be canceled. Please let me know if you believe we are missing anything or would otherwise like to talk. Thank you, Joseph W. Voiland Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge joseph.voiland@wicourtsgov 262.? Joseph Voiland 9/10/2014 2:47 PM Sure, stop by when you can. Paul and I believe there may be a memo from Corp Counsel to the Clerk of Courts. A warrant in a traffic case can certainly be issued, but I don?t believe of the type that we saw today. Joseph W. Voiland Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge iosephvoiland@wicourts.gov 262.? Barry Boline 9/10/2014 2:38 PM Iwould guess there are several per the discussion at the last judges meeting. We should talk. Joseph Voiland 9/10/2014 2:35 PM I had a return on warrant today for Ms. Hervey Peters. The warrant refers to section 785.04 of the statutes as the basis. 785.04 allows a remedial or punitive sanction upon (1) motion by "a person aggrieved"; (2) complaint by the district attorney; or (3) conduct "in the actual presence of the court." Because there was no identified person aggrieved, no complaint by the district attorney, and no conduct in the actual presence of the court, I quashed the warrant. The ADA agreed. The PD was present initially, but indicated she could not represent Hervey~Peters 6/19/2016 Page 2 of 2 as no charges were pending. Are there other such warrants out there in cases assigned to Branch Joseph W. Voiland Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge ioseph.voiiand@wicourtsgov 262.- ?leM/f grpwise/541 1BE99C0u1'tsDistrict_3 1 00 1 3 6/ 19/2016 Page 1 of 2 Joseph Voiland - warrants From: Joseph Voiland To: Koschnick, Randy Date: 9/22/2014 1:31 PM Subject: warrants Ozaukee File 2014TR2590, State v. Hervey?Peters Will you let me know if you see anything inappropriate in the minutes from 9?10~2014 Joseph W. Voiland Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge ioseph.voiland@wicourts.gov 262.? Paul Maiioy 9/12/2014 10:40 AM Ijust want to touch base with every one regarding the traffic warrants on and OWI (noncriminal).I apologize for not committing this new practice to writing earlier.That has resulted in some confusion in this area. Moving forward individuals who are issued a citation for one of the three violations set forth above and who fail to appear on their return date will be deemed to have plead no contest pursuant to statute. The default judgment wili be entered and the bond amount or other amount deemed appropriate by the commissioner will be imposed. The defendant will be given 20/30/60 days as deemed appropriate by the commissioner. If the defendant fails to pay within the time granted a warrant will be forwarded to the responsible judge and will be entered electronically by the assigned judge. The warrant will be bondable. I think this is consistent with the practiced previously followed involving the suspension of driving privileges as opposed to a warrant. Barry and I talked last night and he had arranged to withdraw the warrants that were issued upon non appearance. Individuals subject to those warrants will be given adjourned initial appearances and if they fail to appear on that date they will be processed in accord with the policy set forth above. It is my understanding that Barry has discussed this with Adam Gerol and he is fine in proceeding in this manner. I hope this clarifies this new procedure. I would note that in talking with Mary Lou she indicated that the use of warrants under the original procedure followed this week would have resuited in significant increase in people paying their forfeitures. Hopefully this wiil continue under the new protocol. After all that is what prompted our decision to change our practice. I also spoke with Connie and she will have this as an agenda item at next week meeting in case we need to do any follow up. If any of you have any questions before then please feel free to contact me. In addition, this may be something that we should review sometime in the spring to see if it affective in addressing our non?payment issue. Paul Barry Boline 9/12/2014 9:38 AM Per the conversation I had with Judge Malloy yesterday evening, all warrants I issued on pre~judgment traffic cases that have not been returned have been canceled, and new adjourned initial appearance dates have been issued for all those affected. If defendants appear at the adjourned date, they may enter pleas. if they do not appear, I will, pursuant to statute, enter defaultjudgments and give them time to pay. If they do not pay, twill refer the matters to the appropriate branch for enforcement by issuance of warrants. 6/19/2016 Page 2 of 2 Barry J. Boline Circuit Court Commissioner Ozaukee County barryboiine?wicourtsoov 1 CourtsDistrict_3 1 00 1 3 6/19/2016 Page 1 of 1 Joseph Voiland I am looking for some thoughts on entering an order that would stop a local resident from filing an endless number of actions without filing fees and [or service fees.This came up today because the sheriff and the clerk of courts are concerned about the From: Paul Malioy To: Barry Boline; Joseph Voiland; Michael Neimon; Randy Koschnick; Date: 10:35 AM Subject: I am looking for some thoughts on entering an order that would stop a iocai resident from filing an endiess number of actions without filing fees and /or service fees.This came up today because the sheriff and the clerk of courts are concerned about the I CC: JJohnson@co.ozaukee.wis.us I am looking for some thoughts on entering an order that would stop a iocal resident from filing an endless number of actions without filing fees and /or service fees.This came up today because the sheriff and the clerk of courts are concerned about the service and filing fees that are being waived. Since late 2015 he has filed 3 John Does a writ of mandamus and one small claims actions invoiving a former girl friend, and i believe a large claim against Fed Ex. in addition, each John Doe and the mandamus action required judicial time to prepare a response. Have any of you ever entered an order requiring filing from repeat fiiers to be screened before they are excepted. I would mention thatI am named in one of his John does so Iwould another Judge to do the screening. Thanks for any thoughts. 6/20/2016 Page 1 of 3 Joseph Voiland - Re: Probate and Guardianship Docket Review From: Marytou Mueller To: Joseph Voiland Date: 3/9/2016 1:18 PM Subject: Re: Probate and Guardianship Docket Review CC: Jaclyn McCoy; Julie Fedder Judge, The following matters have been set on your calendar for Order to Show Cause Hearings; 2012PR134, 2014PR109, 2015PR51, and 99PR14. Orders have been sent to your dash board. Matters set for a review hearing on your calendar; 13pr84, 15PR5, 15PR17, 15PR65 and 15GN83. 20156N74 has been followed up on their own and are set for hearing before the court commissioner. Order for dismissal has been drafted and placed in your mail box for 20156N63. 2015PR17 is still formal - Kim/Terry did some weird errors - but it is still formal. 7 - i. Ozaukee County Clerk of Circuit Court I Register in Probate PO Box 994 1201 8 Spring Street Port Washington, Wl 53074 Phone: 262~284~8409 or 262?238-8409 Fax: 262?284-8491 or 262-238-8491 MaryLou.Mtzeiier@wicourts.qov This electronic mail message and anyfiies transmitted with it are confidential and are intended for the soie use of the individuai I or entity to whom they are addressed. Dissemination, fonaarding, printing, or copying of this eiectronic maii without the consent of the sender is strictiy prohibited. if you are not the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this eiectronic moii in error; pieose immediateiy notify the sender by return maii. Joseph Voiland 3/9/2016 11:59 AM Following up on this. For hearings to be held April 6, notices will need to go out this week to allow time to comply. Please let me know if that is not possible. Thank you, Joe Voiland Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge joseph.voiiand@wicourtsgov Joseph Voiland 2/26/2016 2:42 PM Mary Lou: ?led/i 56E022BACourtsDist1'ict?3 1001 6/19/2016 Page 2 of 3 i have reviewed the general docket for probate and for guardianships. I am asking for your input on some ofthese matters, and to set certain matters for hearing. Please check in with the parties, if you would like, prior to sending the hearing notice. 2013PR000084 In the Estate of Mary Malinowski Please set for a review hearing April 6 at 8:30 am 2015PR000017 In the Estate ofJanice E. Garsha Is this back to informal? There is a suggestion in the record it is, but it is designated formal. What remains to be done and when? 2015PR000005 In the Estate of Barbara A Schiessle Looks like there were a of deadlines that passed without a satisfying record event. If that's the case, please set for review hearing April 6 at 8:30 am. 2015PR000065 In the Estate of Wellington Lewis Lash Anything left to be done? If yes, please set for review hearing April 6 at 8:45 am. 2012PR000134 In the Estate of James A Zech Was extended to December 31 to close. Looks like nothing was done. If that's correct, please set for dismissal calendar April 6 at 9:00. 2014PR000109 In the Estate of Deborah Heffner Same as above. Was extended to December 31 to close. Looks like nothing was done. If that?s correct, please set for dismissal calendar April 6 at 9:15. 2015PR000051 In the Estate of Ronald L. Casper Same as above. Deadlines were in October. Looks like nothing was done. If that's correct, please set for dismissal calendar April 6 at 9:30. 1999PR000014 In the Estate of Marvin Prochnow Nothing is calendared. Is there anything remaining to do in court on this case? 2015GN000083 In the Matter of David Jon Ciezki Foreign GN filed in December, does not appear to have been scheduled or acted upon. Anything to be scheduled? 20156N000074 In the Matter of Katherine E. Socha Foreign GN filed in November, does not appear to have been scheduled or acted upon. Anything to be scheduled? 20156N000063 In the Matter of Treanna A Ungewitter Abandoned by petitioner without objection. Please prepare order of dismissal and close. 6E022BACourtsDistrict_3 1 001 62?1 9/2016 Page 3 of 3 On the notice for each case scheduled, please include the following: "All past due papers, and any other required filings, must be filed 10 business days prior to this hearing." I realize this may take some time to review and complete. Please also take some time to review the probate docket in order to identify any other probate cases on file that need any action to be taken prior to rotating the probate docket this summer. Please send me a list of those cases and what needs to be done on each of them. We will calendar them for April to be sure there is time to complete anything that remains so that the docket is in the best order possible at the time of rotation. Make sense? Thank you again, Joe Voiland Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge joseph.voiiand@wicourts.gov 6E0228ACourtsDistriotm3 1001 6/19/2016 wt We? Page 1 of4 a a a JV, Emirate guf'c? gi?? K7) Joseph Voiland Re: Probate and Guardianship Docket Review From: MaryLou Mueller To: oseph?VEiil?a?rTweaam Date: 3/22/2016 3:37 PM Subject. Re: Probate??ua-rd anship Docket Review Sorry was still on my desk to do the Order to Show cause and when 3 went back into the case I saw that it was on the Commissioner's calendar and I thought i had made a mistake. I will send the Order to Show Cause to your dashboard and mail out today. Sorry for the inconvenience. Good catch Ki? 22.44 ex Ozaukee County Clerk of Circuit Court I Register in Probate PO Box 994 1201 8 Spring Street Port Washington, WI 53074 Phone: 262-284-8409 or 262-238?8409 Fax: 2632-2846491 or 262?238~8491 MaryLou.Muetter@wicourts.gov This electronic maii message and anyfiies transmitted with it are confidential and are intended for the soie use of the individuai or entity to whom they are addressed. Dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this eiectronic maii without the consent of the sender is strictiy prohibited. if you are not the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this eiectronic moi! in error; piease immediately notify the sender by return maii. Joseph Voiland 3/22/2016 3:34 PM Mary Lou: Following up on 13pr84 (Malinowski). it is the oldest of the formal probate cases. It was set for review hearing April 6, and a notice was sent stating that all past due papers were'to be filed to business days prior to the hearing. it no longer appears on the April 6 docket. Can you please look into this and let me know what happened? it should remain on the calendar for April 6. Thank you. Joe Voiland Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge iosephvoiiand@wicourts.gov MaryLou Mueller 3/9/2016 1:18 PM Judge, ?le 6/10/2016 Page 2 of 4 The following matters have been set on your calendar for Order to Show Cause Hearings; 2012PR134, 2015PR51, and 99PR14. Orders have been sent to your dash board. Matters set for a review hearing on your calendar; 13pr84, 15PRS, 15PR17, 15PR65 and 15GN83. 201SGN74 has been followed up on their own and are set for hearing before the court commissioner. Order for dismissal has been drafted and placed in your mail box for 20156N63. 2015PR17 is still formal - Kim/Terry did some weird errors but it is still formal. a- "i frieze.- .. yam-.2; Ozaukee County Clerk of Circuit Court I Register in Probate PO Box 994 1201 8 Spring Street Port Washington, 53074 Phone: 262-284-8409 or 262-238?8409 Fax: 262?284-8491 or 2622386491 This electronic moii message and an ?ies transmitted with it ore confidentiai and are intended for the soie use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. Dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this eiectronic mail without the consent of the sender is strictiy prohibited. if you are not the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this eiectronic maii in error; piease immediateiy notify the sender by return maii. Joseph Voiland 3/9/2016 11:59 AM Following up on this. For hearings to be held April 6, notices will need to go out this week to allow time to comply. Please let me know if that is not possible. Thank you, Joe Voiland Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge ioseoh.voiiande?wicourtsgov Joseph Voiland 2/26/2016 2:42 PM Mary Lou: I have reviewed the general docket for probate and for guardianships. lam asking for your input on some of these matters, and to set certain matters for hearing. Please check in with the parties, if you would like, prior to sending the hearing notice. 2013PR000084 In the Estate of Mary Malinowski Please set for a review hearing April 6 at 8:30 am 2015PR000017 In the Estate ofianice E. Garsha is this back to informal? There is a suggestion in the record it is, but it is designated formal. What 1001 3 6/10/2016 Page 3 of 4 remains to be done and when? 2015PR000005 in the Estate of Barbara A Schiessle Looks like there were a of deadlines that passed without a satisfying record event. if that's the case, please set for review hearing April 6 at 8:30 am. 2015PR000065 in the Estate of Wellington Lewis Lash ll Anything left to be done? if yes, please set for review hearing April 6 at 8:45 am. 2012PR000134 in the Estate ofJames A Zech Was extended to December 31 to close. Looks like nothing was done. if that's correct, please set for dismissal calendar April 6 at 9:00. 2014PR000109 In the Estate of Deborah Heffner Same as above. Was extended to December 31 to close. Looks like nothing was done. if that?s correct, please set for dismissal calendar April 6 at 9:15. 2015PR000051 in the Estate of Ronald L. Casper Same as above. Deadlines were in October. Looks like nothing was done. If that's correct, please set for dismissal calendar April 6 at 9:30. 1999PR000014 In the Estate of Marvin Prochnow Nothing is calendared. Is there anything remaining to do in court?on this case? 20156N000083 In the Matter of David Jon Ciezki Foreign GN filed in December, does not appearto have been scheduled or acted upon. Anything to be scheduled? 201SGN000074 In the Matter of Katherine E. Socha Foreign GN filed in November, does not appear to have been scheduled or acted upon. Anything to be scheduled? 201SGN000063 In the Matter of Treanna A Ungewitter Abandoned by petitioner without objection. Please prepare order of dismissal and close. On the notice for each case scheduled, please include the following: "All past due papers, and any other required filings, must be filed 10 business days prior to this hearing.? I realize this may take some time to review and complete. Please also take some time to review the probate docket in order to identify any other probate cases on file that need any action to be taken prior to rotating the probate docket this summer. Please send me a list of those cases and what needs to be done on each of them. We will calendar them for April to be sure there is time to complete anything thatlremains so that the docket is in the best order possible at the time of rotation. Make sense? 6F 1 66C5Cou1?tsDistrictu3 1 00 1 3 6/10/2016 Page 4 of 4 Thank you again, Joe Voiland Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge joseph.voiland@wicourts.gov ?leW/C :Msers/j 6F1 66CSCOurtsDistrict_3 1 00 1 3 6f10/2016 STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT, OZAUKEE - COUNTY In RE: the Paternity of H.L.F. Response to Order dated June 15, 2016 Regarding fees Collected by Clerk of Courts Case No. 2011FA000284 For Of?cial Use For-Official Use Filed Ozaukee County Circuit Court June 17, 2016 Mary Lou Mueller Register in Probate STATE OF WISCONSIN . CIRCUIT COURT OZAUKEE COUNTY In the Estate of Kenneth E. Goetschel Amended Order for Extension of Time lnformat Administration El Formal Administration Case No. 2015PR000079 STATE OF CIRCUIT COURT . OZAUKEE COUNTY El Amended In the Estate of Janice E. Garsha I Order for Extension of Time Informai Administration Format Administration Case No. 2015PR000017 Saturda June 18 2016 7:14:02 PM Print at: Host: User: Joseph W. IH'bllami: Age of Pending Esin'lu 75?- at 420 days I Pending oases - Jul 2015 to Jun 2016 Ta 'n Cm? 3 Circuit Court of Ozaukee County Barry J. Boline Court Commissioner 3h . x; OZAUKEE COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER Aug]; [3 1201 3. SPRING STREET 1 Po. sex 994 Lauri A. Vanden Berg PORT WASHINGYON WI 530% Authenticatelellad Ozaukee Countv Circuit JUN 3 2015 June 8! 2015 Mary Lou Mueller Clerk at Circuit'Courti Register in Probate Peter L. Ramirez Von Briesen 8: Roper 8.0.. 41 'l E. Wisconsin Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53202 Kristen L. Hildebrand Hildebrand Law Firm L.L.C. 7545 N. Port'Washington Road Milwaukee, WI 5321? Meg C. O?Marro O'Marro Law Office L.L.C. W175 M1117 Stonewood DriVe, Suite 203A Germantown, WI 53022 Re: Case Number 2011 FA284 Attorney Peter L. Ramirez contacted the office of the undersigned on Thursday, May 28. 2015. Ms. Klitzke contacted the of?ce of the undersigned on Wednesday, May 27, 2015. The Ozaukee County family court services office does not provide legal custody and physical placement studies. Ozaukee County does not have a cooperative agreement to establish such an office that provides legal custody and physical placement studies. The Director of Family Court Services does not have a contract with any person or public or private entity to provide legal custody and physical placement studies. Very Truly Yo Barry J. Bollne urs, PHONE: LOCAL 252.284.8409 METRO 262.238.3409 FAX: LOCAL 262,234,8491 METRO 262.238.8491 Judicial Deputy Clerk - FILED 05?22-2015 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT ozau??aukee cw? w: FAMILY COURT BRANCH or 0060 In re the paternity of F. STATE OF WISCONSIN, Petitioner, and ALISHA L. BALSITIS, Co-Petitioner, v. I Case No. 2011FA00284 KEVIN M. FLOOD, Respondent. ORDER mom APRIL 23, 2015 HEARING On April 28, 2015,:the ail-hearing on Respondent?s Motion and Order To Show Cause for contempt against (Io-Petitioner Alisha Balsitis Klitzke?). Present for the hearing were the following: Ms. Klitzlce by her attorneys Hildebrand Law Firm, LLC by Kirsten Hildebrand; Kevin Flood (?Mn Flood?) by his attorneys von Briesen Roper, 3.0. by Peter L. Ramirez; and Guardian ad Litem Meg O?Marro on behalf of the best interests of the minor child. The Court after having reviewed af?davits and other legal memoranda ?led by the parties, heard testimony from the parties and arguments of counsel makes the following ORDER: I 1. The co~petitioner Ms. Klitzke is in contempt of court for failing to abide by the March 26; 2015 Order relating to the Visitation/placement periods that were awarded to Respondent Mr. Flood on three dates. 2. ids a sanction for her failure to abide by the court order; Mr. Flood is entitled to an additional nine (9) hours of placement time to be used as he wishes. 3. As an additional sanction for Mr. Flood having to seek this relief, Ms. Klitzke shall pay to the law ?rm of von Briesen Roper, s.c. $5024.00 as fees for the Court?s for her contempt. Dated this day of May, 2015. BY. THE COURT: Honorable Joseph W. Voiland Circuit Court Judge Ozaukee Coonty, Wisconsin Doenment prepared by: Peter Ramirez, Esq. von Briesen Roper, 3.0. 411 E. Wisconsin Ave. Suite 1000 Milwaukee, W153202 Tel: (414) 287-!428 Fax: (414) 238?6689 Email: pramirez@vonbriesen.com 25 399108_1 .530 EX STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT OZAUKEE COUNTY FAMLY COURT BRANCH In re the paternity of KEVIN FLOOD 11 FA 000284 AuthenticatediFiled etltlonet?, 356 0- Ozaukee County Circuit and. ALISHA LEIGH BALSITIS I Mary Lou Mueller Respondent. Cierk of Circuit Court! Register in Probate NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION FOR CUSTODY STUDY To: Kevin McCutcheon Flod ch Attorney Peter L. Ramirez V011 Briesen Roper, S.C. 411 E. Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 1000 Milwaukee, WI 53202-4409 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the above?name Respondent, Alisha Balsitis, by her attorney, Kirsten L. Hildebrand of Hildebrand Law inn, LLC, will move the urt, before the Honorable Commissioner Boline presiding, on the of? day of 2014, soon thereafter as counsel can be heard and move for an order hol in that a custody study be ordered in the above-captioned matter. The primary issue of this litigation is the physical placement of the minor child. Speci?cally, the Petitioner has moved out of state and therefore the Respondent continues to have full time placement. The petitioner is making several allegations regarding contact in his Notice of Hearing and Motion to Enforce Placement Order, dated January 6, 2014, speci?cally matters related to the access to the minor child, and the performance of parental duties and responsibilities relating to the child. Therefore, it is in the best interest of all parties, including the child, that a legal custody and placement study he conducted in accordance with Wis. Stat. Sect. 767.1 1( 14) so that these matters can be evaluated properly. Dated this L?th day of February, I tt m?r/Kdi?sten Hildebrand eB-arNo.102 9 Attorney for Petitioner 0i iilivid Ll Whilst This document was drafted by: Hildebrand Law Firm 7545 N. Port Washington Road Milwaukee, WI 53217 Telephone: 414-409-7122 Fax: 414-409-7123 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT OZAUKEE COUNTY Flood - Balsitis Case No: 11FA284 ORDER OF REFERRAL FOR CUSTODY AND PLACEMENT STUDY Pursuant to Wis. Stat. the parties are. ORDERED to contact the Director of Family Court Services for the purposes of securing a Legal Custody and Physical Placement Study. The report on the study shall include the infomatim required by section including all factors relating to the best interest of the child with respect to custody and physical placement detenniriations set forth in section 767.416). This order supplements the March 26, 2015 order that a Legal Custody and Physical Placement Study shall take place. On or before June 15, 2015 the parties each shall make a deposit of $500.00 towards the cost of the study. Dated at Port Washington, Wisconsin, this 26 day of Mir . 2015. Amhanticatelelled . Ozaukee County Circuit MAY 2 2015 . MaWLou Mueller Joseph Miend Clerk of Circuit Court! Circuit Court Judge Register in Probate Print at: 'Wedhesday, February 24, 2016 3:57:30 PM Host: Usercourt record Datum enLa Summary Case notes Fenian Acti Meagan Mgmem. 2:11me84 so CID . A Total 850.00 maulpllon 8352 Amount 5406f tea W31 ?20?F?m0254 $500.69 Total $500.00 16R from Alhha Kllizke hr {JO-ii can Amount 611mm 85 Lrem Fee 201 :mea $50.91] In'ziasmn J-Jagtnem 2011511000234 50m Tulil ssun [#563133 Kliizlm [or $50.00 on 03-21-1015 Descl'tmiun case Amount Hammadan Fee $50011 Intereslon ngrnams 201 lFW?-t 50.00 Total $50.00 3351995" ?135? mm mm? $5010? ?Fl . Destination ms: mun! Guzman ad tram Fee Emil-"WE: 550 mines: on Mgrren? 20$lede sum ?fnul 550.00 Print at: Monday, June 20, 2016 12:21 :04 AM Host: Ozaukee 2014PA000004 In Re: the Paternity summary Case notes Parli as mu dues sour: Glacial Bat: Calm . Rupomt mama Fauna mun? h?n wuwmoomm Bah? 0503-213? Sam-Jae nl?SLpu?aEnn same mar 33%; - Fman a; adjudgment 95.97.2914 End-rugs ad'Facl. Wham at mam! JudgmenlorPalemw Egg: Mam of ?3.1159 . I Bum?. ta: Curtis 0 Sandra - pa1ermty ?Ger shared 4mm Winn I 05,24,213? am proposed ?aerial supperL med am foer la a: ?bulam' Hales 04.24.20? olFad. ana?usgmemoimtemly. med and tam?awed la murders I02. 331: magma? My. NEW ligating prep-used ordat undersuzyn-Ja. scanned and tom-draw tau. k?i??mp' omer . San)! J. 3.1-2 i-2?hl Farm!) Order mine Firs! heamg Fef?anet ?"9an Emma-mam ml Amway messth com fat Fatima Stale ?What-nah. [manner ?iesrerr?nu requests malapigrnem {mental?ed based on theng results Cums Sewers?: Sally J. H: mo 1: . . oedema: what 919211 (rarmmu re 9 pm earr 5km?; 21 20? pwmaqim mum-=1 Pig-ml? physical Mutton-ye pewsner respogdemto hasnp??rmnl a: Ra?: Limes. upon mason41132016 Court Record EVenie for 2011FA000284 in Ozaukee County search calendar pay fees online reports help view cart (0 items) aukee County Case Number 201 1 FA000284 rt Record Events What is KS Date Event Court Of?cial Court Reporter 01-30-2016 Notice Additional Text: Notice of intent to Refer Debt to the Department of Revenue collections program - Sent to Kevin Flood 01?30-201 6 Notice of Certification Additional Text: Kevin Flood's past due Guardian ad Litem debt has been certified to WI 80R tax intercept program. 01-30?201 6 Judgment For Unpaid Fine/forfeiture/other Amount 295.75 AdditiOnal Text: Kevin Flood's past due Guardian ad Litem debt 01-25-2016 Interim Financial sommary to child supt agency Voiland, Joseph W. 01-22-2015 Prop. order Additional Text: Proposed interim Financial Summary to Child Support Agency. Scanned/Fomarded to Branch 2 clerk. 01-22?2016 Received documents 01 42-2016 Order Voilandl joseph W. 01?13-2016 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: from Atty. Hildebrand 01?13~2016 Prop. order Voiland. Joseph W. 01-13-2016 Stipulation 01-13-2016 Notes Additional Text: The parties report they have an agreement on all issues that were set for trial on 1-13-16 therefore trial is removed from the calendar. Child support calculation to be resolved. Counsel to File stipulation- IF unable to resolve child support issue, counsel to schedule an initial hearing on the child support issue with the court commissioner. Clerk .iM advised counsel regarding sarne. 01-12-2016 Mediation agreement 01-12?2016 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: received from Atty. Ramirez regarding orders 12-08-2015 Order Voiland, Joseph W. Additional Text: courlsgovlcourlRecordEvents .do;jsessi onid=053831 AC E7613CF5C7C 1 FA000284&counin o=45&cao. . . 1132 4(13i2016 Court Record Events for 2011FA000284 in Ozaukee County i Proposed order filed by Attorney Hildebrand regarding 11/17/15 hearing. 11-23-2015 Objection Additional Text: Filed by Attorney Hildebrand regarding proposed order from 11/17/15 hearing. 114 92015 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: from Atty. Ramirez regarding proposed order under 5 day rule. 11-19-2015 Prop. order Voiiand, Joseph W. Additional Text: under 5 day rule 11-17-2015 Notice of. hearing Additional Text: Court trial at 01-1 3-201 6 08:30 am 11-17?2015 Status conference Voiianci, Joseph w. Klein, Anjanette AdditionalText: Petitioner Alisha Klitzke (Balsitis) in court with Attorney Kirsten Louise Hiidebrand. Attorney Meg Colleen O'Marro in court for Child H. t. F. Attorney Peter Ramirez in court for Respondent Kevin Flood. Atty Ramirez addresses request for petitioner to attend therapy and placement modificati0n. Atty Hildebrand addresses placement modification request and requests court to folio study recommendations. Atty O'Marro makes recommendation for shared placement. Atty Ramirez requests attorney fees. Court breaks for finai hearing to be scheduled. 2:27 pm/Court resumes with same appearances. Final hearing scheduled. Atty Ramirez addresses piaceme n1: for Thanksgiving. Response by Atty Hildebrand. Court sets temporary placement order. Court finds Atty Ramirez's request for placement modification was not filed timeiy. Court, on own motion, modifies placement schedule. Court orders parties to mediation. At the request of parties, mediator Judge Charles Kahn, to be completed on or before December 18, 2015. if parties mutually agree to change, parties may do so. Atty Ramirez to prepare order. Court trial scheduled for January 13, 2016 at 08:30 am. 11~05?2015 Request Additional Text: Request for Modification of Placement and for Ms. Balsitis to Commence Therapy Forthwith Pending the Trial of All issues Before the Court 11-05-2015 Lettersfcorrespondence Additional Text: From Attorney Ramirez 10?26?201 5 Notice of hearing Additional Text: Status conference at 11?17?2015 01 :30 pm 10-21?2015 Report Additional Text: Family Custody and Placement Study. Scanned/Femarded to Branch 2. 10-21-2015 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: Scanned/Forwarded to Branch 2. 10-21-2015 Notes Additional Text: Per court directive, no custody study is on file. A court hearing will be scheduled once the study is filed. 10?14-201 5 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: From Attorney O'Marro requesting a hearing. Scanned/Femarded to Branch 2. .govicouriRecordEvents .do;jsess ionid= 053831 AC E76130F507C E55172C4E876F8.render6?caseN (F 201 1FA000284&countyN o=45&cac. 2'32 41132016 Court Record Events for 201 'i FAOGO284 in Ozaukee County AdditionalText: To Kevin Flood/Alisha Balsitis regarding recoupment of GAL fees. 09?22?2015 Notice Additional Text: of intent to Refer Debt to the Department oF Revenue sent to Kevin Flood 09-22-2015 Notice oF Certification Additional Text: . Kevin Flood?s past due GAL Fee debt has been certi?ed to DOR tax intercept program. 09?22?201 5 Judgment For unpaid fine/Forfeiture/other Amount 3 792.75 Additional Text: Kevin Fiood's past due GAL fees 09-22-2015 Notes Additional Text: Check request sent to ?nance department For payment oF GAL Fees - $591.50 - Atty. O?Marro. 09-18-2015 Order for payment of GAL fees Boline, Barry J. Amount 591.50 08?28-201 5 Prop. order for payment of GAL fees Amount 591.50 AdditionalText: held under 10 day rule 08-28-2015 Petition Amount 591.50 Additional Text: For Approval and Payment of Attorney Fees (GAL) 08-28-2015 Received documents 07?24-2015 Check/Disbursement Amount 500.00 Additional Text: Payment From Kevin Flood For custody study forwarded to Dept. of Human Services. 07-16-2015 Order Voiland, Joseph W. 07-14-2015 Telephone conference Voiland, Joseph W. Ad ditioria! Text: record) Telephone conference held off the record with all counsel present. The custody study has begun and will be complete within 90 days. Matter will be set For cEerk?s review at this time. . - 07-13?2015 Notes AdditionalText: Check request sent to finance department For payment of mediation services - $405.00 -Atty. Podell._ E761SCF5070 8517204E876F8.render6?caseN 0:201 1FA000284&countyN o=45&cac. .. 3B2 41132016 Court Record Events for 2011FA000284 in Ozaukee County Additional Text: 15R 008665 Peter 5 Flood 07-06-2015 Invoice/Statement Amount $0.00 . Additional Text: for Mediation Services 07-06-201 5 Received documents 07?06?201 5 Termination of mediation Additional Text: Scanned and forwarded to CC for review. 07?02?201 5 Order Boline, Barry J. 07?01-2015 Notice of hearing Additional Text: Telephone conference at 07-14-2015 03:00 pm 07-01-201 5 Telephone conference Voiland, Joseph W- Additional Text: (off record} Conference call between court and counsel of record. Matter set for another telephone canference in July, notices wilt be mailed. Telephone conference scheduled for July 14, 2015 at 03:00 pm. 06-23-2015 Notice of hearing AdditionalText: Teiephone conference at 07-01-2015 08:30 am 06-23-2015 Lettersfcorrespondence AdditiOnal Text: From Attorney Ramirez to Judge 06-17-2015 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: Revised From Attorney Hildebrand regarding the court ordered study. 06-1?-2015 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: From Attorney Hildebrand regarding court ordered study. 06?16?201 5 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: To Alisha Balsitsis/Keuin Flood regarding recoupment of GAL fees. 06?16?2015 Notes Additional Text: Check request sent to finance department for payment of GAL fees - $1,585.50 - Atty. O?Marro. 06-09-2015 Lettersfcorrespondence Additional Text: From Attorney Ramirez regarding the ordered studies. Branch notified. 06-08-2015 Order for payment of GAL fees Boline, Barry J. Amount 5 1585.50 053831 AC 1FA000284&countyN o=45&cao 4f32 4r13r'2016 Court Record Events for 2011FA000284 in Ozaukee County I Additional Text: Atty Ramirez files in follow-up of order on custody placement study - forwarded to CC. 05?26-2015 Memorandum Additional Text: Legal Memorandum Opposing SanctiOn oFAttorney's Fees 05-26-2015 I Objection Additional Text: From Attorney Hildebrand 05-26-2015 Order VoiEand, Joseph W. Additional Text: of Referral for Custody and Placement Study 05-22-2015 Affidavit 05-22-2015 Prop. order Voiland, Joseph w. 05-22-2015 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: From Attorney Ramirez 05-14-2015 Prop. order for payment of GAL Fees Amount 1585.50 Additional Text: held under 10 day rule 05?14-2015 Petition Amount 1585.50 Additional Text: for Approval and Payment oF Attorney Fees 05-14-2015 Received documents 05-14-2015 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: From Attorney Ramirez. Branch clerk notified. 05-13-2015 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: From Attorney Hildebrand. Branch clerk notified. 05-11-2015 Af?davit I Additional Text: Affidavit oF Alisha Klitzke 05?11?2015 Letters/correspondence 05-08401 5 Notes Additional Text: Court stay of Order from 3/30/2015 is released per review hearing on 4/28/15. 05-07-2015 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: 5132 41132016 Court Record Events for 2011FA000284 in Ozaukee County Additional Text: Affidavit of Kevin M. Flood 05-01?201 5 Motion Additional Text: Motion to Lift the Stay of Court's March 301 2015, Order 05-01-2015 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: From Attorney Ramirez. Branch clerk notified. 04-30-2015 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: To Alisha Balsitis/Kevin Flood regarding recoupment of GAL fees- 04-30-2015 Notes Additional Text: Check request sent to finance department for payment of GAL fes $2,953.50 - Atty. O?Marro. 04-29-2015 Prop. Order Denied Voiland, Joseph W. AdditionalText: Document: Proposed Order- Proposed Order Filed by: Kirsten Louise Hildebrand Reason: Objection by guardian ad litern. objection on behalf of respondent, testimony on April 28, 2015 counsels against approval 04-28-2015 Exhibit list 04-28-2015 Review hearing Voiland, Joseph W. Klein, Anjanette Additional Text: Petitioner Alisha Baisitis in court with attorney Kirsten Louise Hildebrand. Respondent Kevin Fiood in court with attorney Peter Ramirez. Attorney Meg Colleen O?Marro in court for Child H. L. F.. Atty Ramirez calls Kevin Flood, sworn 8i testified. Cross exam by Atty Hiidebrand. Cross exam by Atty Omarro. Redirect. Discussion as to further witness'. Recess for lunch. Recalled, appearances same. Atty Ramirez calls Alisha Balsitis adversely. Cross exam by Atty Hildebrand. Cross exam by GAL Omarro. Redirect. Court examins witness. No further testimony. All exhibits moved into evidence. Final argunient by Atty Ramirez. Final argument by Atty Hildebrand. Court makes findings of contempt against petitioner. Court withholds on sanctions. Parties to start Family Steps by 5/8/15. Court's order stayed until Mr Flood contacts Family Steps. Verification to be sent to court. 04-28-2015 Exhibit 04-28-2015 Letters/correspondence 04-27-2015 Notice of motion, motion Additional Text: Notice of Motion and Motion to Strike Supplemental Affidavit of Kevin Flood 04?2??201 5 Letters/correspondence 04-24-2015 Affidavit Additional Text: Supplemental Affidavit of Kevin M. Flood in Support of Respondent?s Order to Show Cause for Contempt 04-24-2015 Affidavit of service Amount 0.00 Additional Text: Alisha Klitzke - Served I 04-24-2015 Letters/correspondence 04-23-2015 Affidavit AdditionalText: :Mvccawi couris .govlcouriRecordEvents .dojsessionid= 053831AC E76130 F5C7C 8517204E876F8.render6?caseN 0: 201 1 FA000284&counin o=45&cac 6(32 4f13i2016 Court Record Events for 2011FA000284 in Ozaukee County Additional Text: Affidavit of Alisha Kiitzke 04-23-2015 Memorandum Ad ditio nal'Text: Memorandum oF Law in Support of Co-Petitioner?s April 21, 2015 Request for Court Signature of the Mediation Agreement 04-23-2015 Letters/correspondence 04-22-2015 Memorandum Additional Text: Co-Petitioner's Memorandum of Law Opposing Contempt 04-22-2015 Letters/correspondence 04-22-2015 Received documents 04-22-2015 Report of GAL Additional Text: Guardian ad Litem Pretrial Report Letters/correspondence Additional Text: From Attorney Ramirez I 04~22~2015 Exhibit list Additional Text: ReSpondent's Trial Exhibits 04-22-2015 Report Additional Text: Respondent?s Pretrial Report 0 04-22-2015 Exhibit list Additional Text: {Io-Petitioner's (Alisha Balsitis) Exhibit List 04~22~2015 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: From Attorney Hildebrand 04-22-2015 Witness iist - plaintiff Additional Text: Co~Petitioner's (Alisha Balsitis} Pretriat Report Witness List 04?22?201 5 Report Additional Text: Co-Petitioner's (Alisha Balsitis) Expert Report 04-21-2015 Stipulation and Order Voiland, Joseph W. Additional Text: Mediation Agreement Regarding Temporary Order 04?21-201 5 Prop. order . Voiland, Joseph W. 04-21-2015 Letters/correspondence Voiland, Joseph W. 04-20-2015 Letters/correspondence W32 411312016 Court Record Events for 2011FA000284 in Ozaukee County 04-20?201 5 Order For payment of GAL Fees Boline, Barry .1. Amount $295350 04-111-2015 Received documents 04-1Y-2015 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: No objection by Atty O?Marro to remove 4/16 hearing with CC. 04-15*2015 Notes Additional Text: Pursuant to request and reSponse of counselI the Status Hearing scheduled For April 16, 2015 before Commissioner Boline is removed From the court calendar. 04-14-2015 Order to Show cause Voiland, Joseph W. 04-14-2015 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: From Attorney Ramirez. Branch 2's clerk notified. 04-13-2015 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: . From Attorney Ramirez. Court Commissioner's clerk noti?ed. Prop. order to Show cause Voiland, Joseph W. 04~08~2015 Notice of motion, motion Letters/correspondence 0408~201 5 Letters/correspondence 04-08-2015 Affidavit Additional Text: of Kevin Flood in Support of OTSC (w/exhibits) 04-07-2015 Af?davit 04-07-2015 Prop. order to show cause - Voiland, Joseph W. 04-03-2015 Lettersfcorrespondence Additional Text: From Attorney Ramirez. ScannedIForwarded to Branch 2. 04-03-2015 Received documents 04-03-2015 Other papers 04-03-2015 Other papers 04-02-2015 Letters/torreSpoodence Additional Text: From Attorney Ramirez. 03-31-2015 Letters/correspondence 03-30-2015 Prop. order for payment fees Amount $295 h?ps :z'Mccawicouris .govlcourtR E76130 0: 201 1FA000284&counin o=45&cao. .. 8l32 4!?!312016 Court Record Events for 2011FA000284 in Ozaukee County held Under 10 day rule. 03-30-2015 Petition Amount 2953.50 Additional Text: For Approval and Payment of Attorney Fees (GAL) 03-30-2015 Received documents 03-30-2015 Temporary order Voiland, Joseph W. 03-30-2015 Received documents 03~30~2015 Prop. temporary order Additional Text: From De Novo Hearings held on March 17, 23 and 26 - heid under Five day rule 03-30-2015 Lettersfcorrespondence Additional Text: From Hildebrand Law Firm stating the order has been reviewed and is reduesting proposed order be held under ?ve day rule 03-30-2015 Prop. temporary order Additional Text: Submitted by Attorney Ramirez, under the 5 day rule. Scanned/Forwarded to Branch 2. I 03-30-2015 Other papers 03-30-201 5 Other papers 03-30-2015 Case Converted to Electronic Filing 03-26?2015 Exhibit list Additioaal Text: Note: Exhibits 13 to 16 marked but not received; returned to Attorney Hildebrand 03-26-2015 Order Voiland, Joseph W. Additional Text: Pre Hearing Order copies given to parties in courtroom 03-26?201 5 Hearing De Novo . Voiland, Joseph W. Klein, Anjanette Additional Text: Petitioner Alisha Balsitis in court with attorney Kirsten Louise Hildebrand. Respondent Kevin Flood in court with attorney Peter Ramirez. Attorney Meg Colleen O'Marro in court For Chiid H. L. F.. Dr Roherty recalled to stand, sworn 8: testified. Cross examination by Attorney Ramirez. Cross examination by Attorney Omarro. Redirect. Attorney Hildebrand calls Aleisha Klitzke (Balsitis) sworn testified. Cross examination by Attorney Ramirez. Cross examination by Attorney Omarro. Redirect. Witness excused. Final requests by Attorney Ramirez. Final requests by Attorney Hildebrand. Recommendations by GAL Omarro. Court, sets temporary order. Attorney Ramirez to submit Order For court's signature under the 5 day rule. Court orders counsel to use 'electronic filing'. 2 03-25-2015 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: Atty Hildebrand advising of earlier time avaiiability For hearing on 3/26. Scanned 8: ForWarded to I32. 3 03-23-2015 Exhibit list Additional Text: Continuation oF De Novo Hearing (Note: exhbits - 12 returned to Atty Hildebrand marked but not received.) 4 03-23-2015 1 Notes Additional Text: Court orders Exhibit 2 con?dentiaE. .govlcouriRecordEvents .do;jsessi onid= 053831AC E76130 0:201 ?l FAGOO284&countyN o=45&oao. . . 9(32 4!13!2016 Court eoord Events for 2011FA000284 in Ozaukee oun?ry Additional Text: Petitioner Alisha l. Baisitis in court with attorney Kirsten Louise Hildebrand. Respondent Kevin Flood in court with attorney Peter Ramirez. Attorney Meg Colleen O?Marro in court for Child H. L. F.. Dr Charles Lodl sworn 8: testified. Examination continues. Cross examination of witness by Attorney Hildebrand. Cross examination ofwitness by GAL Omarro. Redirect by Attorney Ramirez. Kevin Flood sworn 8. testified. No cross by Attorney Hildebrand or Omarro. 12:22pm Recess for lunch. Recalled, appearances same. Attorney Hildebrand calls Dr Gerald Roherty sworn testified. Witness? taken out of order. Attorney Hildebrand calls Erin Perez telephonically, counselor. sworn 8.1 testified. Cross examination of witness by Attorney Ramirez. Cross examination by Attorney Omarro. Redirect. ReCess. Recalledl appearances same. Attorney Hildebrand calls Det. Jeffrey Vahsholtz sworn 3: testified. Cross examination by Attorney Ramirez. Cross examination by Attorney Omarro. Redirect. Attorney Hildebrand calls day care teacher. Cross examination by Attorney Ramirez. Cross examination by Attorney Omarro. Redirect. Recross by Attorney Ramirez. Dr Roherty recalled with continued examination. Testimony stopped for day. Statements by the Court as to qualifications of witness'. Continued hearing 3/26f15 at 9:30am. (5:15pm) (Boo-2015 Prop. order Additional Text: Execution of the Proposed Order Arising Out of the February 23, 2015 Hearing which was filed on March 12, 2015 has been denied by the court. 03-20-2015 Findings and order Boline, Barry J. Additional Text: Findings and Order Arising from February 23, 2015 Hearing 03-18-2015 Notes Additional Text: Scanned Exhibit 1, forwarded to Br 2 per SA instructions 03?18-201 5 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: To Alisha Balsitis/Kevin Flood regarding recouprnent of GAL fees. 03-18-2015 Notes Additional Text: Check request sent to finance department for payment of GAL Fees - $1,368.50 Atty. O'Marro. 03-18-2015 Notice of Certi?cation Additional Text: Alisha Baisitis' past due GAL debt has been Certified to WI DOR tax intercept program. 03-18-2015 Judgment for unpaid fine/forfeiture/other Amount? 1942.25 Additional Text: Alisha Balsitis? past due GAL fees. 03-17-2015 Exhibit list Additional Text: Exhibit 2 CD ?lnterview of HF by mother (NOT SCANNED or COPIED) CONFIDENTIAL 03-17-2015 Notice of hearing Additional Text: De Novo Review on March 23, 2015 at 08:30 am. 03-1T-2015 Notice of hearing Additional Text: Evidentiary hearing on April 28, 2015 at 08:30 am. Hearing De Novo Voiland, Joseph W. Klein, Anjanette Additional Text: Petitioner Alisha Balsitis in court with attorney Kirsten Louise Hildebrand. Respondent Kevin Flood in court with attorney Peter i. Ramirez. Attorney Meg Colleen O'Marro in court for Child H. L. F.. Atty Ramirez calls Dr. Charles todl sworn testified. Recess. Recalled, appearances same. Examination continues of Dr Lodl. Testimony stopped for the day. Court adjourns for further hearing. Continued Hearing De Novo scheduled for March 231 2015 at 08:30 am. Evidentiary Hearing scheduled for April 28, 2015 through May 10132 4113:2016 Court Record Events for 2011FA000284 in Ozaukee County 57 03-17-2015 Lettersfcorrespondence Additional Text: From Attorney Hiidebrand. Scanned/Fomarded to CC. 03-16-201 5 Affidavit AdditionalText: of Kirsten Hildebrand; Scanned and forwarded to 81:2 03-16-2015 Memorandum Additional Text: of Law in Opposition of Respondent?s Request For De Novo Hearing; Scanned and Forwarded to Br. 2 03-16?2015 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: From Attorney Hildebrand requesting motion be dismissed; Scanned and Forwarded to Br. 2 03?12-2015 Prop. order Additional Text: Scanned/Femarded to CC. 03-12-2015 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: From Attorney Ramirez. Scanned/Forwarded to CC. 03-12-2015 Received documents 03?1 2-2015 Notes Additionai Text: Hearing De Novo For 3/17/15 at 2pm remains on the calendar, per direction of the Court. 03-12-2015 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: Atty Hildebrand requesting adj of Hearing DeNovo set For 3/17 scanned Forwarded to 132. 03-10-2015 Received documents 03-10-2015 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: Letter From Attorney Ramirez with objection to Attorney Hildebrand?s adjournment reqUest of De Novo review hearing on 03/17/2015. Scanned and Forwarded to Branch 2 For review. 03439-2015 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: From Attorney O'Marro in regards to recent activity regarding the pending actions. Scanned/Forwarded to Branch 2. 03-09?2015 Receiveddocuments 03-09?201 5 Order For payment of GAL fees I Boiine, Barry J. Amount 1368.50 03-06-2015 Prop. findings and order Additional Text: Submitted by Attorney O'Marro, under the 5 day rule. Scanned/Forwarded to CC. 0306?2015 'ReCeived documents 03?04-2015 Letters/correspondence Additionai Text: courts.govicouriRecordEvents onid=053831AC E761 0: 201 1FA000284&countyN o=45&ca. .. 1 1l32 413.0016 Court Record Events for 201 in Ozaukee County Notes Additional Text: De Novo date set by Court. 02-25?201 5 Request For De Novo Hearing 02-25-2015 Affidavit Additional Text: oF Peter L. Ramirez in Support oF Respondents Request For a De Novo Hearing to Reinstate Respondents Placement Whiie Parties Await an Evidentiary Hearing. Scanned and Forwarded to Branch 2 For review. 02~25~2015 Notes Additional Text: Respondent's Request For De Novo Hearing 0F Commissioner Boiine?s Decision Denying Respondents Moti0n to Reinstate Placement Pending the Evidentiary Hearing. Scanned and Forwarded to Branch 2 For review and court date. 02-25-2015 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: Letter From Attorney Ramirez. Scanned and Forwarded to Branch 2 For review. 02?23?201 5 Order For mediation Boline, Barry J. Additional Text: Attorney Peggy Podell - Mediator 02?23-2015 Request For mediation Additional Text: Scanned/Forwarded to CC. 02-23-2015 Change 0F address notification Event Party Balsitis, Aiisha i. Additional Text: ADDRESS ENFO For Alisha i. Balsitis Current: 1691 Highiand Dr., Grafton, Wi 53024 United States (EFFective: 02-23-2015) Prior: Woodmere Ct. Apt. 3, Cedarburg, Wi 53012 United States 02-23-2015 Mediation Fee paid Amount 200.00 Additional Text: . 15R 002521 paid by Alisha Balsitis-Kiitzke 02-23-2015 Hearing Boline, Barry J. Electronic Court Reporting Additional Text: Petitioner Alisha Baisitis in court with Attorney Kirsten Louise Hildebrand. Respondent Kevin Flood in court with Attorney Peter Ramirez. Attorney Meg C. O'Marro-Felli in court for Chiid H. L. F.. Attorney Rik i Kluessendorf in court For Petitioner State of Wisconsin. Court addresses mediation. Attorney Hiidebrand to complete a Request For Court Ordered Mediation and submit with the deposit to the Clerk oF Courts office. Evidentiary Hearing adjourned For completion of mediation. Court addresses payment for GAL Fees. Court orders Alisha Baisitis to deposit her entire tax refund with the Clerk oF Courts office For past GAL Fees. Court orders Kevin Flood to pay the entire GAL Fees he owes within 30 days. Attorney O?Marro requests that the court enter an order for the child to have placement with her Father. Court denies request. Motion by Attorney Ramirez to compel. Court denies motion. Status hearing scheduled for April 16, 2015 at 1:30 am. 184 02-20-2015 Affidavit Additional Text: AFFidavit oF Peter L. Ramirez 185 02-20-2015 Motion Additional Text: Respondent?s Motion to Reinstate Placement and to Set a Schedule in the Event the Evidentiary Hearing is Adjourned. Scanned/Femarded to CC. E761 SC F5C7C 85172C4E876F8.render6?caseN 0:201 1FA000284&oounin . 12:32 411312016 Court Record Events for 2011FA000284 in Ozaukee County 02?17?201 5 Order Voiland, Joseph W. Additional Text: Arising out of 2/6/15 Hearing (modi?ed by the Court} 02-17-2015 Affidavit Additional Text: Affidavit of Peter L. Ramirez 02-12-2015 Notice of motion, motion Additional Text: Respondent Kevin M. Flood?s Notice of Motion and Motion to Compel Production of Recording 02-1 ?-201 5 Received documents 02-16-2015 Order to Seal Document Boiine, Barry J. 02-16-2015 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: - Letter from Attorney Hildebrand. Scanned and Forwarded to Branch 2 for review. 1 . 02-13-2015 Received documents 02-13-2015 Report Boiine, Barry J. 02-13-2015 Other papers I Boiine, Barry .1. Additional Text: Hospital Records Certi?cation 02-13-2015 Notice of hearing Additional Text: Hearing on February 23, 2015 at 08:30 am. 02-12?2015 Prop. order Additional Text: Scanned/Forwarded to CC. 02?12-2015 Affidavit Additional Text: Affidavit of Kirsten L. Hiidebrand in Support of Motion to Adjourn Evidentiary Hearing for the Purpose of Mediation. 02-12-2015 Notice of motion, motion Additional Text: . I Petitioner's Notice of Motion and Motion to Adjourn Evidentiary Hearing for the Purpose of Mediation. 02-12-2015 Letters/correSpondence Additional Text: From Attorney Hildebrand. Scanned/Forwarded to CC. 02-11-2015 Letters/correSpondence Additional Text: Letter from Attorney Ramirez with objection to Attorney Hildebrand's Proposed Order drafted after the 02/06[2015 hearing. Scanned and fowvarded to Branch 2 for review. 02-10-2015 Prop. order for payment of GAL fees Amount 1368.50 Additional Text: held under 10 day rule. .do;jsessionid= 05SBS1AC E76130 F5070 8517204E876F8.render6?oaseN o= 201 . 13.132 4(131?2016 Court Record Events for 2011FA000284 in Ozaukee County Amount 1368.50 Additiona! Text: Amended For Approval and Payment of Attorney Fees (GAL) 02?10-201 5 Received documents 02?10-2015 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: From Attorney Hildebrand. Scanned/Forwarded to CC. 02?10-20i Letters/correspondence Additional Text: From Attorney Ramirez. Scannedeorwarded to CC. 02-10-2015 Objection Additional Text: - Objection by Attorney O'Marro. ScannEd/Fomarded to CC. 02-10-2015 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: Atty Hildenbrand's objection to Atty Ramirez's CorrespondenCe and proposed order - scanned Forwarded to 82. 02-10-2015 Received documents 02-10-2015 Letters/corresp0ndence Additional Text: Atty Ramirez response to Atty Hiidebrand?s recent letter - scanned Forwarded to BE. 02-09-2015 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: From Attorney Ramirez to Commissioner Boline. Scanned/Forwarded to CC. 02-09-2015 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: received From Atty. Ramirez objecting to proposed order From Atty. Hildebrand, Scanned and Forwarded to Br. 2 02-09?201 5 Prop. order Additional Text: arising out oF the February 6, 2015 hearing From Atty. Ramirez, Scanned and Forwarded to Br. 2 02439?201 5 Received documents 02-09~2015 Prop. order Additional Text: I proposed order arising out of the February 6, 2015 de novo hearing by Atty. Hildebrand, Scanned and Forwarded to Br. 2 02-06-2015 Hearing De Novo Voiland, Joseph W. Klein, Anjanette Additional Text: Attorney Rik i KioessendorF in court For Petitioner State of Wisconsin. Petitioner Alisha Balsitis in court with attorney Kirsten Louise Hildebrand. Respondent Kevin Flood in court with attorney Peter Ramirez. Attorney Meg C. O?Marro?Feili in court For Chiid H. L. F.. Statements by counsel as to mediation. Court orders mediation and parties are referred to Family court commissioner For referral to mediator. 01-23-2015 Notes Additional Text: - Court denies Atty Ramirez's request to appear by telephone. Personal appearance is required. Clerk left message with Atty Ramirez. 01?22-201 5 Letters/correspondence htips ionid= 0531331AC E7613CF507C 8517204E876F8.render6?caseN 0: 203 1 FA000284&countyN . 14132 4H 3.?2016 Court Record Events for 2011FA000284 in Ozaukee County From Attorney Peter Ramirez requesting to appear by telephone for hearing on Feb 6, 2015; Scanned and Forwarded to Br. 2 01-19-2015 Findings and order - Boline, Barry J.- Additional Text: Findings and Order Arising out of the December 19, 2014 Hearing 01-19-2015 Notes Additional Text: Execution of the Proposed Findings and Order Arising out ofthe December 19, 2014 Hearing which was filed on January 2, 2015 has been denied by the court. 01-19-201 5 Notes Additional Text: Execution of the Proposed Findings and Order Arising out of the December 19, 2014 Hearing which was filed on December 25, 2014 has been denied by the court. 01-14-201 5 Letters/correspondenca Additional Text: Atty Hildebrand con?rms de novo hearing set for 2/6/15 at 1:30 pm 01?14~201 5 Notice of hearing Additional Text: Hearing De Novo on February 6, 2015 at 01 :30 pm. 01~13~2015 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: received From Atty. Hildebrand requesting a date for a de novo hearing, Scanned and forwarded to Br. 2 01?08-2015 Prop. ?ndings and order AdditiOnalText: Proposed Findings and Order Arising Out of the December 19, 2014 Hearing, submitted by Attorney Ramirez. Scanned/Forwarded to CC. - - 01-08-2015 Letters/corresporrdence Additional Text: From Attorney Ramirez 01-08-201 5 Received documents 01-07-201 5 NotiCe of motion, motion Additional Text: for DeNovo Hearing 01-07-201 5 Received documents 01-07-201 5 Affidavit in support of motion Additional Text: Affidavit of Kirsten L. Hildebrand in support of notice of motion and motion for de novo hearing, Scanned and forwarded to Br. 2 01-07-201 5 Notes Additional Text: proposed notice of motion and motion for de novo hearing and/or notice of motion and motion to order mediation, needs date, Scanned and forwarded to Br. 2 01-02-2015 Affidavit of mailing 01-02-2015 Letters/correSpondence AdditIOnal Text: Letter from Attorney Hildebrand with objections to the Guardian Ad Litem's Proposed Order atong with a Preposed Findings and Order Arising out of the 12/19/2014 Hearing. Scanned and forwarded to CC courts.govlcourlRecordEvents .d0;jseSS on1d=0531331AC E76130 F5870 85172C4E876F8.render6?caseN 0: 201 .. 15.!32 41132016 Court Record Events for 2011FA000284 in Ozaukee County Additional Text: Scanned and Forwarded to CC For review. 12-29-2014 Notes Additional Text: re-sent To Kevin Flood regarding recoupment oF GAL fees to new address 12-29-2014 Change oF address noti?cation Event Party Flood, Kevin Additional Text: ADDRESS INFO For Kevin Flood Pnovroeo BY uses Current?Mount Calvary, w: 5305? United States (Effective: 12-29-2014} Prion?Eden, WI 53019 United States 12?29?201 4 Return oF unciaimed/undetivered mail service Additional Text: To Kevin Flood regarding recoupment 0F GAL Fees. 12-26-2014 Prep.order Additional Text: Proposed Findings and Order Arising Out oF the 12f19f2014 Hearing, submitted under the 5 day rule. Scanned and Forwarded to CC 12-26-2014 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: Letter From Attorney O?Marro with Proposed Findings and Order Arising Out oF the 12/19/2014 Hearing, submitted under the 5 day rule. Scanned and Fowarded to CC 12-22-2014 AFFidavit oF mailing Additional Text: Alisha Baisitis Attorney Kirsten Hildebrand Kevin Flood Attorney Peter Ramirez . 12-19-2014 Order Boline, Barry J. Additional Text: Order on Hearing From December 4, 2014 - 12-19?2014 Stipulation and Order Boline, Barry J. Additio nal Text: Stipulation and Order to Change: Child Support 12~1 9-201 4 Received docurnents 12-19-2014 Re port oF GAL 12-19-2014 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: To Alisha Balsitis/Kevin Flood regarding recouprnent oF GAL Fees. 12-19-2014 Notes Additional Text: Check request sent to Finance department For payment of GAL Fees $2,124.50 - Atty. O'Marro. 12-19-2014 Order For payment 0F GAL Fees Boline, Barry J. Amount 994.00 AdditionalText; I For services provided October 7, 2014 through November 26, 2014. 12-19-2014 Order For payment of GAL Fees BolineI Barry J. Amount .do;J sessronrd= 053031AC E76130 F5070 8517204E876F8.render6?oaseN {1:201 1FA000284&oountyN . 16:02 4I13i2016 Court Record Events for 2011FA000284 in Ozaukee County Additionai Text: AMENDED For services provided from September 26, 2014 to October 7, 2014 12-19-2014 Status conference Boiine, Barry J. Electronic Court Reporting Additional Text: Petitioner Alisha Baisitis in court with Attorney Kirsten Louise Hildebrand and Attorney Derek Daron. Respondent Kevin Fiood in court with Attorney Peter L. Ramirez. Attorney Meg C. O'Marro?Felli in court for Child H. L. F.. Attorney Rik Kluessendorf in court for Petitioner State oF Wisconsin. Court addresses counsel. Recess called. Counsel met in chambers with Commissioner BoEine. 10:45 am/Case recalled with the same appearances. Requests by Attorney Hildebrand. Response by counsel. Orders rendered by the court. Evidentiary Hearing adjourned to February 23, 2015 at 8:30 am. Attorney O?Marro to prepare order and submit under the 5 day rule. 12?18-2014 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: Letter From Attorney O'Marro regarding State Bar Membership status with copy oF2015 State Bar Membership Card 12~1 8-201 4 Stipulation and prop. order to amend judgment Additional Text: PropOSed Stipulation and Order to Change Child SUpport filed by CSA. Scanned and Forwarded to CC 12-18?2014 Other papers 12-18-2014 Received documents 12-18-2014 Memorandum Additional Text: Memorandum of Law 12-18-2014 LettErs/correspondence Additional Text: . Letter from Attorney Ramirez regarding copy of ReSpondent?s Memorandum of Law 12412014 Received documents 12-11-2014 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: Letter from Attorney Ramirez regarding the twg-day contest hearing scheduled on 12/18/2014 at 8:30 am 12?16~2014 Received documents 12-16-2014 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: Letter from Attorney Hildebrand regarding Guardian Ad Litem's Proposed Order 12-15-2014 Motion Additional Text: for Reconsideration of Courts Decision on December 4, 2014 to Not Expand Respondent Kevin Flood Placement Time 12-15-2014 Proposed parenting plan - respondent 12?15-2014 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: Letter From Attorney Peter L. Ramirez regarding Proposed Parenting Plan 12-15?2014 Letters/correspondence Ad ditional Text: Atty Hildebrand Filing Eegal basis for admissibility of testimony of a witness - scanned Forwarded to CC. 12-15-2014 ReCeiVed documents 12-15-2014 Prop. order . 17I32 43'1312016 Court Record Evenls for 2011FA000284 in Ozaukee County Additional Text: w/propOSed order from hearing on 12/4 Filed by Atty O?Marro - scanned 81 held under the Five day rule 267 12-08-2014 Received documents 268 12-05-2014 Examining report Additional Text: Scanned forwarded to CC. 269 12?04-20?! 4 Final pro-trial Boline, Barry J. Electronic Court Reporting Additional Text: Respondent Kevin Flood in court with Attorney Peter L. Ramirez. Petitioner Alisha Balsitis in court with Attorney Kirsten Louise Hildebrand. Attorney Rik Kluessendori? in court for Petitioner State of Wisconsin. Attorney Meg C. O'Marro-Felli in Court For Child H. L. F. Parties address motion to exclude/limit doctor's testimony. Court denies motion to exclude testimony. Parties address motion For supervised placement. Atty Hildebrand addresses motion for mediation. Court denies motion For parties to attend mediation. Court denies motion to extend placement. Court wiil grant motion to allow Ms. Perez to testify. Parties address motion to suspend plaCement. Court denies rednest. Parties agree matter will need more than two days. Court breaks for parties to discuss continuation of hearing. 12:40 pro/Court resumes with same appearances. Matter to proceed on December 18?19, 2014 with continuance scheduled For February 25-27, 2015 with each day starting at 8:30 am. Court clari?es schedule at the request oF Atty Hildebrand: Atty Ramirez will address petition for enforcement and motion For modified placement in December. Atty Hiiderand's motion to suspend placement will be heard in February. Atty O?Marro to prepare order For this hearing. 12-03-2014 Receiveddocuments 12?03-201 4 Letters/correspondence AdditionalText: . received from Atty. Hildebrand, Scanned and Forwarded to cc. 12?01-201 4 Prop. order For payment of GAL Fees Amount 994.00 Additional Text: held under 10 day rule. 12-01?2014 Petition Amount 994.00 Additional Text: for Approval and Payment of Attorney Fees (GAL) 12-01-2014 Received documents 12-01-2014 Prop. order For payment of GAL Fees Amount 1130.50 Additional Text: AMENDED - held under 10 day rule. 12-01-2014 Amended petition Amount 0.00 Additional Text: - and Order for Approval and Payment of Attorney Fees by Atty. Meg O'Marro 12-01?2014 Received documents 11-24?201 4 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: From Atty. Gregory M. Hildebrand regarding mediation. Scanned/Forwarded to the Court Commissioner. 279 11-21?2014 Notice of hearin E76130 F5070 i35172C4E876F8.render6?caseN o= 18.02 4? 312016 Court Record EVenis for 2011FA000284 in Ozaukee County Final status/scheduling conference on December 4, 2014 at 11:00 am. 11?20?201 4 Received documents 11?20-201 4 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: from Atty. Peter Ramierez requesting a hearing be scheduled due to cancellation of mediation. Scanned?orwarded to the Court Commissioner. 11?1 4?201 4 Prop. Order Denied Additional Text: Preposed Order For Guardian ad Litem Fees 11?03?201 4 Letters/correspondence AdditioaalText: From Atty. Kirsten L. Hildebrand in regard to Respondent?s Counsel's October 31, 2014 letter. Scanned/Forwarded to the Court Commissioner. 10?31?2014 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: From Atty. Peter L. Ramirez regarding Mr. Flood's visitation rights. Scanned/Forwarded to Court Commissioner. 10?31-2014 Received documents 10-31-2014 I Report Additional Text: Child Protective Service Report; scanned and Forwarded to CC 10-31-2014 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: From Atty Hildebrand; scanned and Forwarded to CC 10-31-2014 Objection Additional Text: . From Atty Hildebrand re proposed order For 10-07?1 4 hearing; scanned and forwarded to CC 10-28-2014 Prop. order Additional Text: Proposed Order Regarding Respondents Placement. Scanned and Forwarded to CC For review. 10?28?201 4 Letters/correspondence AdditionalText: I Letter From Attorney Ramirez. 10-28-2014 Received documents 10-27-2014 Letters/correSpondence AdditionalText: To Alisha Balsitis/Kevin Flood regarding recoupment of GAL Fees. Notes Additional Text: Check request sent to Finance department For payment of GAL Fees - $1,480.50 Atty. O'Marro. 10-24-2014 Telephone scheduling conference Boline, Barry J. Electronic Court Reporting Additional Text: Attorney Kirsten Louise Hildebrand appears by telephone For Petitioner Alisha Balsitls. Attorney Peter L. Ramirez appears by telephone For Respondent Kevin Flood. Attorney-Meg C. O'Marro-Felli appears by telephone For Child H. L. F.. Attorney O?Marro- Feili advises the court oF present issues. Re5ponse by Attorney Hildebrand. ReSponse by Attorney Ramirez. Request For emergency relleFis denied. . :lMccawI courts.govlcourlRecordEvenle .dojsessioni dz?53831AC E76130 F5070 i35172C4E876F8.render6?caseN 0: 201 1 FA000284&counin o=45&ca. . . 1982 101312016 Cour: Record Events for 2011FA000284 in Ozaukee County Amount 1480.50 10-13-2014 Received documents 10-09-2014 Prop. order For payment of GAL Fees Amount 261 ?i .00 Additional Text: heidunder 10 day ruie. 10-09-2014 Petition Amount 2511.00 AdditionalText: - For Approval and Payment oF-Attorney Fees (GAL) - (inciudes hours From previous petition) 10-09-2014 Received documents 10-09-2014 Letters/correspondence AdditionalText: From Atty Hiidebrand confirming change of hearing date from 10-10-14 to 12-18-14 10-08-2014 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: Atty Hildebrand confirming hearing on 10/10 is rescheduled to 12/18 and 12/19 10-08-2014 Receiveddocuments 10-08-2014 Affidavit Additional Text: w/attached Exhibits 10?08?201 4 Brief 10-08-2014 Notice of motion, motion Additional Text: GAL's motion to deny petitioner's motion to exclude additional expert testimony of Dr. Lodl - scanned 8: all docs Forwarded to CC 10?07?201 4 Telephone conference BoiineI Barry J. Electronic Court Reporting Additional Text: Court held telephone conference call with Attorney Attorney Kirsten Louise Hildebrand and'Attorney Peter L. Ramirez in court on record. Attorney Hildebrand advises the court that they wouid like to adjourn the Evidentiary Hearing scheduled For October 9, 2014 and pursue mediation prior to the hearing. Evidentiary Hearing adjourned to December 18, 2014 and December 19, 2014. Court orders counsel to confirm dates for Evidentiary Hearing with Attorney O'Marro. Counsel to contact the court after mediation to schedule a status date to review mediation and address Attorney Hildebrand's motion. 10-06-2014 Received documents 10-06-2014 Letters/correspondence Additionai Text: From Atty Ramirez; scanned and Forwarded to CC 10-02-2014 Notice of motion, motion Additionai Text: Notice of Motion and Motion to Exclude Additional EXpert Testimony of Dr. Charles Lodl. Scanned and Forwarded to CC For review. 10-02-2014 Letters/correspondence Additionai Text: Letter From Attorney Hildebrand Scanned and forwarded to CC For review hilps?wccaml oouris.gow'courtRecordEvenis .dogsessi mick-053831 AC E76130 F5070 o=203 1 FA000284&oountyNo=45&ca. .. 20132 41132016 Court Record Events for 2011FA000284 in Ozaukee County 10-01-2014 Received documents 09-29-2014 Received documents 09-29-2014 Prop. order For payment 0F GAL Fees Amount $148050 Additionai Text: held under 10 day rule. 09?29?201 4 Petition Amount $148050 Additional Text: For Approval and Payment of Attorney Fees (GAL) 09-29-2014 Received documents 09-29-2014 Lettersfcorrespondence Additional Text: From Atty Ramirez; Scanned and Forwarded to CC 09-29-2014 Findings and order Boline, Barry J. Additional Text: Findings and Order Arising out oF the August 26, 2014 Hearing 09-26-2014 Report Additional Text: . Cedarburg Police Report; Scanned and Forwarded to CC 09-26-2014 Examining report Additional Text: Scanned and forwarded to CC 09-26-2014 Other papers . Additional Text: re Gerald Roherty, M.S.W., Scanned and forwarded to CC 09?26-201 4 Witness list - petitioner Additionai Text: Scanned and forwarded to CC 09-26-2014 Letters/correspondence Ad ditiona! Text: From Atty Hildebrand; scanned and Forwarded to CC 09-26-2014 Received documents 09?26-201 4 Witness list - respondent I 09?16?2014 Prop. order 09?16?2014 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: Atty O?Marro Files proposed findings orders From hearing on 8/26/14 under the Five day rule - scanned 8: Forwarded to CC. 08-26-2014 Scheduling conference Boline, Barry J. Electronic Court Reporting .dogsessionid= 053831AC E76138 0:20? 1 FA000284&oounin o=45&ca. .. 21132 4113:2016 Court Record Events for 2011FA000284 in Ozaukee County . . . Wisconsin. Attorney O?Marro advises the court as to current status. DiscussiOn by counsei. Court sets scheduling order. Attorney Meg O'Marro to prepare order and submit under the 5 day rule. Evidentiary Hearing scheduled For October 9, 2014 at 8:30 am. 08?25-2014 Letters/correspondence 'Additionai Text: I. From Atty. Ramirez to the Court Commissioner Scanned and Forwarded to CC. 08-25-2014 Received documents 08-25-2014 Affidavit in support of motion Additionai Text: Affidavit of Attorney Kirsten Hildebrand in support of motion to change August 26, 2014 scheduling conference date, Scanned and Forwarded to cc. . 08?25?2014 Motion Additional Text: to Change the August 26, 2014 Scheduling Conference Date. Scanned and Forwarded to cc. 08-20-2014 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: From Hildebrand Law Firm; Forwarded to scanning to be Forwarded to CC 08-13-2014 Notes Additional Text: Check request sent to Finance department For payment of GAL Fees - $1,918.00 - Atty. Q'Marro. 08-08-2014 Order For payment of GAL Fees Boline, Barry J. Amount 1918.00 08?04?201 4 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: Letter from Attorney Hildebrand. Scanned and forwarded to CC for review. 08-01-2014 Findings and order Boline, Barry J. Additional Text: . Findings and Order Arising Out oF the Juiy17, 2014 Hearing 07-31-2014 Received documents 07-31-2014 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: Confirmation of change of hearing received From Attorney O'Marro on 8/26f14 From 1:30 pm. to 1:00 pm. 07-30-2014 Notes Additional Text: Attorney O'Marro to contact counsel regarding changing the Scheduling Conference From 1:30 pm to 1:00 on August 26, 2014. 07-29-2014 Received documents 07-29-2014 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: received From Atty. O'Marro requesting rescheduiing of hearing, Scanned and Forwarded to cc. 07-21-2014 Pr0p. order Additional Text: for payment of Guardian ad Litern Fees neid under 10 day rule. 4 0?-21-2014 Petition 221132 411312016 Court Record Events for 2011FAOGD284 in Ozaukee County AdditionalT ext: For Approval and Payment of Attorney Fees (GAL) 07?21?2014 Received documents 07?21-2014 Prop. Findings and order Additional Text: arising out of the Juiy 17, 2014 hearing, Filed by Attorney O?Marro under Five day rule. Scanned and Forwarded to CC for review. 07-21-201 4 Letters/correspondence Additionai Text: Letter From Attorney O'Marro. Scanned and Forwarded to CC For review. 07-17-2014 Exhibit Boline, Barry J. Additional Text: Exhibits ?1 2 iocated in Exhibit Room on Shelf 07-17-2014 Stipulation For temporary order Boline, Barry J. 07?17?2014 Exhibit list Additional Text: Exhibits Sealed 07-11201 4 Order 1 Boline, Barry J. Additional Text: Order to Seal 074742014 Motion hearing I Soline, Barry J. Eiectronic Court Reporting Additional Text: . - Petitioner Alisha Baisitis in court with Attorney Kirsten Louise Hiidebrand. Respondent Kevin Flood in court with Attorney Peter L. Ramirez. Attorney Meg C. O'Marro-Felii in court For Child H. L. F.. Attorney Ramirez requests sequestration onitnesses. No objection. Court orders witnesses to exit the courtroom. Alisha Balsitis testifies under examination of Attorney Hiidebrand. Exhibit #1 marked. Objection by Attorney Ramirez. Objection sustained. Exhibit #2 marked. Exhibit #3 marked. Objection by Attorney Ramirez. Objection sustained. Cross examination by Attorney Ramirez. Recess cailed. Case reconvenes with the same appearances. Attorney Hildebrand advises that a stipulation has been reached to su5pend proceedings pending evaluations. Discussion as to evaluations. Scheduling conference set For August 26, 2014 at 1:30 pm. 07-16-2014 Notice of motion, motion Additional Text: Guardian Ad Litem Notice of Motion and Motion For Suspension oF Placement with Kevin Flood and Orders For Evaluations 07-16-2014 Affidavit Additional Text: of Kevin M. Fiood, Scanned and Forwarded to cc. 0?-16-2014 NotECe of motion. motion Additional Text: Respondent Father?s Notice oF motion and motion For mental examination oF co-petitioner mother, Scanned and Forwarded to cc. 07?16?201 4 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: received from Atty. Ramirez, Scanned and Forwarded to cc. 07?16-201 4 Letters/correspondence Additi0nalText: Amended letter From M- Rodriguezl Scanned and Forwarded to cc. 07-16-2014 AFfidavit in support of motion E76130F5CYC B51 1FA000284&countyNo=45&ca. .. 23.332 41132016 Court Record Events for 2011FA000284 in Ozaukee County 07?16-201 4 Notes Additional Text: Guardian Ad Litem Notice of motion and motion For susoension of placement with Kevin Flood and orders for evaiuations, needs date, Scanned and forwarded to cc. 07-16-2014 Letters/correspondence AdditionalText: received From M. Rodriguez requesting to replace pleadings faxed yesterday, Scanned and forwarded to cc. 07-16-2014 Notice of motion, motion Additional Text: Respondent Father's Notice of Motion and Motion for Mental Examination of ConPetitioner Mother 07-16-2014 Received documents 07?16-2014 Affidavit AdditionalText: of Kevin M. Flood, Scanned and Forwarded to cc. 07?1 6-2014 Notes Additional Text: Respondent Father's Notice of motion and motion For mental examination of co-petitioner mother, needs date, Scanned and forwarded to cc. 07-15-2014 Received documents 07-15-2014 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: received From Atty. Hildebrand regarding notification of parties For 7/1?/14 hearing, Scanned and Forwarded to cc. 07454014 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: received From Atty. Hildebrand regarding hearing oF7/17/14. Scanned and forwarded to cc. 07?1 1~2014 Notice of motion, motion Additional Text: Emergency Joint Notice of Motion and motion to su5pend placement with the reSpondent, 07-11-2014 Received documents 07?11?2014 Affidavit in support of motion 07-11-2014 Notes Additional Text: Emergency Joint Notice of MotiOn and Motion to Su5pend Placement with the Respondent scanned and Forwarded to CC. 06-18-2014 Notes Additio nal Text: Check request sent to finance department For payment of GAL Fees - $1,361.50 - Atty. O?Marro; 06-13~2014 Order For payment of GAL Fees Boline, Barry J. Amount 1361.50 06-11-2014 Received documents 06-11?2014 Lettersfcorrespondence Additional Text' hiips .do;1sess onid=053831AC E76130 F5070 85172C4E876F8.render6?caseN 0: 201 1FAGOO284&couotyN . 24132 4l13i2016 Court Record Events for 2011FA000284 in Ozaukee County 6 06~10~2014 Notes Additiooal Text: Telephone call received from Attorney Kristen Hildebrand's office; the Scheduling Conference previously set for July 7, 2014 has been rescheduled to August 4, 2014 at 11:00 am pending confirmation by Attorney O'Marro. 05-05?201 4 Notes AdditiooalText: Telephone conference with Attorney Kirsten Hildebrand's office, Attorney Peter Ramirez's office and Attorney Meg O'Marro, the Scheduling Conference set for July 18, 2014 has been rescheduled to July 7, 2014 at 11:00 am. Attorney Hiidebrand's office to send confirming letter. 05-23-201 4 Prop. order AdditionalT ext: Proposed Order for Payment of Guardian ad Litem Fees held under 10 day rule. 05-23-2014 Petition Amodni: 1361.50 Additlorial Text: for Approval and Payment of Attorney Fees (GAL) 05-23?201 4 Received documents 05-23-2014 Received documents 05~23~2014 Notes Additional Text: PROPOSED Temporary Stipulation and Order submitted by Attorney Hildebrand. Scanned/Forwarded to CC. 05-23-2014 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: . From Attorney Hildebrand requesting the July 17, 2014 court date be rescheduled, proposed stipulation attached to letter. Scanned/Forwarded to CC. 05-20-2014 Telephone conference Boline, Barry J. Electronic Court Reporting Additional Text: Attorney Kirsten Hildebrand in court for Petitioner Alisha Balsitis. Attorney Peter Ramirez in court For ReSpondent Kevin Flood. Attorney Meg O?Marro?Felii in court for Child H. L. F.. Attorney O?Marro advises the court of the present status of the case. Response by Attorney Ramirez and Attorney Hildebrand. The court orders a scheduling conference set for July 18, 2014 at 3:00 pm. Stipulation to be submitted to the court. 04-29?201 4 Received documents 04-29?201 4 Change of address notification Event Party Balsitis, Alisha Additiooal Text: ADDRESS INFO for Alisha Balsitis Current: Cedarburg, WI 53012 United States (Effective: 04-28- 2014} Prior: Cedarburg, WI 53012 United States 04-28-2014 Letters/correspondence AdditionalText: received from petitioner. 03-1 3?201 4 Order appointing GAL BolineI Barry J. 03-12-2014 Received documents 03-12-2014 - Letters/correspondence Additional Text: 4? 312016 - Court Record Events for 2011FA000284 in Ozaukee County 1 03-11?2014 Received documents 03-11-2014 Prop. order Additional Text: Appointing Guardian ad Litem or Attorney. Scanned/Forwarded to CC. (Original!) 03-11-2014 Petition for appointment of GAL Additio nal Text: (Original) 03?11?2014 Change of address notification Event Party Balsitis, Aiisha Additiorial Text: - ADDRESS 1 Cedarburg. WI 53012 United States (Effective103-11- 2014} Prior: Cedarborg, WI 53012 United States 03-11-2014 Notes AdditionalText: $1,500.00 GAL Fee paid on behalf of Alicia Balsitis by Hildebrand Law Firm LLC 03-11-2014 GAL deposit paid Amount 1500.00 Additional Text: 14R 003310 03-10-2014 Received documents 03-07-2014 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: Letter from Attorney Hildebrand confirming all parties have been Served copies. (Facsimile) 03-07-2014 Prep. order appointing GAL Additional Text: Filed by Attorney Hildebrand. Scanned and forwarded to CC For review. (Facsimile) 03-07-2014 Petition For appointment of GAL Additional Text: Filed by Attorney Hildebrand. Scanned and forwarded to CC For review. (Facsimile) 03-07-2014 Prop. order Additional Text: Execution of the Proposed Order on Hearing From February 17, 2014 received by the court on February 21, 2014 refused by the court. . 03-07-2014 Order Boiine, Barry J. Additional Text: Order on Hearing held on February 17, 2014 02-24-2014 Notice of motion, motion Additional Text: Respondent's Notica of Motion and Motion for Modification of Legal Custody and Physical Placement Based on NotiCe of Intent to Move With Minor Child 02-24-2014 Notice of motion, motion Additional Text: Respondent's Notice of Motion and Motion For Order Prohibiting Move or Removal i?ltiijANccaWI courts.govlcouriRecordEvenis .do;}se53I on1d= 053831AC E76130 o= 2011FA000284&countyN o=45&ca. .. 26(32 4!1312016 Court Record Events for 2011FA000234 in Ozaukee County Respondent's Notice of Motion and Motion for Modification of Legal Costoy and Physical Placement Based on Notice of inteut to Move with Minor Child, Filed by Attorney Ramirez. Scanned and forwarded to CC for review. 02-24-2014 Notes AdditiooalText: Proposed ReSpondent's Notice of Motion and Motion for Order Prohibiting Move or Removal, filed by Attorney Ramirez. Scanned and forwarded to CC For review. 02-24-2014 Notice Additional Text: Respondent?s Notice of Objection to Removal of Child, filed by Attorney Ramirez. Scanned and forwarded to CC For review. 02-24-2014 Return of unclaimedfundelivered mail service Additio nal Text: Reminder Notice: Alisha i. Balsitis N0 NEW ADDRESS FOUND 02-24-2014 Prop. order AdditionalText: Revised proposed order submitted by Attorney Ramirez. Scanned and forwarded to CC for review. 02-21-2014 Prop. order Additional Text: Submitted by Attorney Ramirez under 5 day rule. Scanned/Fomarded to CC. 0249-2014 Affidavit Additional Text: of Alisha Balsitis in support of notice of motion and motion to modify child support. 02-17-201 4 Notice of motion, motion Additional Text: - Notice of Motion and Moiton for Custody Study (Original) I Filed by Atty Hildebrand 02-1 7~201 4 Notice of motion, motion Additional Text: Notice of Motion and Motion to Modify Child Support {Original} Filed by Atty Hildebrand 02?17?2014 Notice of motion, motion Additional Text: Notice of Motion and Motion for Appointment of GAL (Original) I Filed by Atty Hildebrand 02~1 7-201 4 Motion hearing Boline, Barry J. Electronic Court Reporting Additional Text: Motion to Enforce Physical Placement Respondent Kevin Flood with Attorney Peter Luis Ramirez present by telephone. Attorney Kirsten L. Hildebrand appears by telephone for Petitioner Alisha Balsitis. Court reviews prior motions and motions recently filed by Attorney Hildebrand. Attorney Hildebrand requests that a GAL be appointed. No objection by Attorney Ramirez. Court orders the appointment of a GAL upon receipt of the deposit to be submitted by Alisah Balsitis to the Clerk of Courts office by March 2014. All motions and financial issues to be adjourned to the next court date. Motion to Enforce Physical Placement as well as all motions regarding placement and child support adjourned to May 20, 2014 at 9:30 am. Attorney Ramirez to prepare order and submit under the 5 day rule. 6 02-17-2014 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: Letter From Petioner addressed to Respondent. Scanned and forwarded to CC For review. 7 02-17-2014 Affidavit Additional Text: Affidavit of Alisha Balsitis in support of notice of motion and motion to modify child support, submitted by Attorney Hildebrand. Scanned and fowarded to CC For review. blips :Ihvccawr courts.govioouriRecordEvents .do;]sessionld= 053831AC E7613CF5C7C 35172C4E876F8.render6?caseN 0:201 1FA000284&countyN . 2782 4? 312016 Court Record Events for 2011FA000284 in Ozaukee County 02-14-2014 Notice of motion, motion Additional Text: Notice of Motion and Motion to Modify Child Support (Orignial) Fiied by Atty Hiidebrand 02-14-2014 Noticezof motion, motion Additional Text: Notice of Motion and Moiton for Custody Study (Facsimile) IFiied by Atty Hildebrand 02-14-2014 Notice of motion, motion Additional Text: Notice of motion and motion for appointment of Guardian ad Litem. Scanned and forwarded to CC for review. 02-14-2014 Notes Additional Text: . Proposed notice of motion and motion to modify child sopport. Scanned and forwarded to CC for review and courtdate. 02-14-2014 Notes Additional Text: Proposed notice of motion and motion for custody study. Scanned and Forwarded to CC For review and court date. 01-23-2014 Lett?rs/correspondence Additional Text: Frorn Attorney Hildebrand confirming the 1/23/2014 hearing has been RESCHEDULED to 2/17/2014 1:30 pm. 01-22-2014 Notice of retainer 01-22-2014 Affidavit of service Amount 0.00 Additional Text: Alisha Balsitis - Served 01-22-2014 Notice ofassignmentofjudge Mueiler, Mary Lou 01-22-2014 Judiciai transfer VoilandI W. 01-22-2014 Notes Additional Text: Telephone conference with Attorney Peter Ramirez's office and Attorney Kristen Hildebrand's office, agreement by counsel that the Motion to Enforce Physical Placement Hearing scheduled for January 23, 2014 can be adjourned past February 14, 2014 and has been rescheduled to February 17, 2014 at 1:30 pm. Order to Show Cause Hearing also adjourned to February 17, 2014 at 1:30 PM. Attorney Hildebrand?s office to send confirming ietter. 01-09~2014 Notes Additional Text: Court will not appoint mediator until after hearings on 1/23 at 3 pm. 01-0??201 4 Change of address notification Event Party Flood, Kevin Additional Text: ADDRESS INFO for Kevin Flood Current?Eden, 53019 United States (Effective: 01-07-2014) Prior: I MA 02115 United States - 01-052014 Motion Addltional Text: to Enforce Physicai Placement Order E76130 F5070 85172C4E876F8.render6?caseN o=201 1FA000284&oountyN . 28132 4113:2016 Court Record Events for 2011FA000284 in Ozaukee County AdditionalText: to Change Physicai Placement 01-06-2014 Order to show cause Boline, Barry J. 01 416-201 4 Request For mediation AdditionalText: Scanned/Forwarded to FCC. 08-23-2013 Notes AdditionalText: Pursuant to Attorney Ramirez, the Motion to Enforce Physical Placement and Order to Show Cause Hearing scheduled for September 3, 2013 was removed from the court caiendar. Attorney O'Marro noti?ed by the court. - 08-23-2013 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: Atty Ramirez withdrawing motions, requesting removal of hearings on 9/3 at 10:30 am - scanned 8: forwarded to FCC. 08*22~2013 Order appointing GAL Boiine, Barry J. 08-22-2013 Telephone conference Boiine, Barry J. Electronic Court Reporting Additional Text: Court heid conference cat! with Attorney Kristen Hildebrand and Attorney Peter Ramirez in court on the record regarding adjournment request. Attorney Ramirez requests the appointment of a GAL. Discussion regarding adjournment of motion. The cour orders the Enforce Physical Placement Hearing adjourned to September 3, 2013 at 10:30 am. with the Order to Show Cause Hearing and appointment of a GAL forthwith. 08?21-2013 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: Atty Ramirez re Atty Hildebrand's request for adj - scanned 8: forwarded to FCC 08-21-2013 Letters/correspondence Additional! Text: To Court Commissioner from Atty. Ramirez - scanned and forwarded to FCC. 08-21-2013 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: From Atty. Ramirez to the Court Commissioner scanned and Forwarded to FCC. 08-20-2013 Lettersicorrespondence Additional Text: From Atty. Hitdebrand to the Court Commissioner- scanned and forwarded to FCC. 08-12-2013 Motion Additional Text: Notice of Hearing and Motion to Enforce Physical Placement Order 08-12-2013 Application for Child Support Enforcement services 06-28-2013 Notice of retainer 06-18-2013 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: Atty Hildebrand confirming TOSC rescheduied to 9/3 at 10:30 am. 06-18?2013 Notes Additional Text: Telephone conference with Attorney Hitdebrand'ls office. the Order to Show Cause Hearing scheduled For juiy 26, 2013 has been rescheduled to September 3 2013 at 10:30 am. Attorney Hildebrand's of?ce to send confirming letter. .do;Jsesszonid=053331AC E76130 02201 1 FA000284&countyN o=45&ca. . . 29(32 4H3i2016 Court Record Events for 2011FA000284 in Ozaukee County Telephone conference with Attorney Hildebrand's officeI the Order to Show Cause Hearing scheduled For June 20, 2013 has been rescheduled to July 26 at 11:30 am. Attorney Hiidebrand's office to send confirming letter. 06-14-2013 Letters/correspondence Additional Text: Atty Hildebrand requesting adj of OTSC set For 6/20 scanned 8i Forwarded to FCC for review 06-14~2013 Notice of Appearance 05?23-201 3 Notes Additional Text: Kevin Flood was called to pick up Order to Show Cause papers 05-23-2013 Order to show cause Boline. Barry J. Additional Text: Order to Show Cause and Affidavit to Change: Physical Placement Original Only filed by Kevin M. Flood 3 Order to show cause hearing Boline, Barry J. Electronic Court Reporting Additional Text: Respondent Kevin Flood in court. Discussion regarding service. Kevin Flood advises the court that Alisha Balsitis has not been served. Court orders this matter dismissed. 01 04-201 3 Certificate of service Amount $000 Additional Text: non-service for Alisha Baisitis 12-26-2012 Order to show cause Boline, Barry J. Additional Text: Order to Show Cause and Affidavit to Change: Physical Placement, Visitation 12?26~2012 fee paid Amount 50.00 Additional Text: 12R 017843 09-18-2012 Change of address notification Event Party 'Flood. Kevin Additional Text: iooness INFO for Kevin Flood Current: 02115 United States (Effective: 09-18-2012} Prior: Eden, 53019 United States 07-05-2012 Affidavit of mailing Additional Text: Re: Alisha L. Baisitis Kevin M. Flood 07-02-2012 Order amendingjudgment/order Boline, Barry J. 06?21?201 2 interim Financial summary to child supt agency 06~21-2012 Motion hearing Boline, Barry 3. Electronic Court Reporting Additional Text: Sh/i i :49 Attorney Rhonda K. Gorden in court for Petitioner State of Wisconsin. Petitioner Aiisha Balsitis in court. Respondent Key Flood in court. Attorney Gorden addresses the Court and requests a support order. Court grants the request. Attorney Gordon to prepare the order under the five day rule. hiips 053331AC E76130 F5070 1FA000284&countyN o=45&ca. .. 30.82 411332016 ourt Record Events for 2011FA000284 in Ozaukee ounty From CSA 05-08-2012 Notice of hearing Additional Text: From CSA 05?08?201 2 Affidavit of mailing 04?04-201 2 Affidavit of mailing 03?22?201 2 Amended Additional Text: Order Amending Judgment/Order Copy to the CSA 03?22-2012 Change of address notification Event Party Flood, Kevin AdditionalText: ADDRESS For Kevin Flood Current: ?Eden, WI 53019 United States (Effective: 03-22-2012} Prior: I Boston, MA 02115 03-15-2012 Affidavit of mailing 03-13?2012 Order Boline, Barry of. Additional Text: Amending Judgment/Order Copy to the CSA 02-29?201 2 Interim ?nancial summary to child supt agency Additional Text: Copy to the CSA 02-27-2012 Motion hearing McManus, Darcy E. Electronic Court Reporting Additional Text: pm. Petitioner, pro se. Respondent, pro se, via telephone. Atty. Gorden for the State. Motion to set child support. Atty. Gorden stated that the respondent has a part-time job and asked the court to set child support. The court will Set Child support commencing March 1, 2012. Atty. Gorden wiil prepare the order and set this matter for review for May 17, 2012 at 9:00 am. 01-09-2012 Order to appear McManus, Darcy E. Additional Text: I Copies to the parties and the CSA 01-09-2012 Notes Additional Text: CSA rerrnoved the motion hearing scheduled for January 9, 2012 and rescheduled the hearing to February 2012 at 3:30 pm. 12-02-2011 Affidavit of mailing 12-01-2011 Received documents 11-28-2011 Other McManus, Darcy E. 11?28-2011 Order for support McManus, Darcy E. Additional Text: Copy to the CSA 11?03-2011 Motion hearing McManus, Darcy E. Electronic Court Reporting Additional Text: :20 am. Petitioner, pro 5e. Respondent, pro so, via telephone. Hearing to establish orders Atty. Gorden asks the court to set courts .govicouriRecordEvenis .dogsessioni E76130 0:201 1 FA000284&countyN . 31132 4113152016 Court Record EVents for 2011FA000284 in Ozaukee County 09-22-2011 Waiver of service Additional Text: Consent to Accept Mail 09-22-2011 Affidavit of mailing 09-13-2011 Af?davit of mailing 09-13-2011 Confidential petition addendum 09-13-2011 Summons and petition ccu ac! 03 th itet inormation on other Sites data extraction option I Court terms [1058 :H?wccawi courts.govfcourtRecordEvenis .do;jsess i onid=053i331AC E7613C F5070 BS172C4E878F8.render6?caseN o: 201 1 FAGOO284&countyNo=45&ca. . . 32132 Print at: Host: User: Sunda ,June19,201611:59:11 PM Ozaukee 2003GN000052 In the Matter of Anastasia Cummins Summary Case notes Fania: Acumen he: urn-ants - Com record FILTER ra? may: on Date an 23?4" Rnpamr 5 Jun m1 tans?a' {gig Return mar senate Marketa F?e Annual Rem on me Carmina mme Ward sMnuaIRe-panm me comm armeth Hmnah K2arn5 no new ADDRESS FOUND Wit! 10 man annual Kings $25211? afRsp-in'lommvm Change of mm ?dmf?n Anastasia Cummku 0745?21313 ADDR ermhs Cme?a?pmgim 32543 Dried Sara (Mamas-20131 Pm: Hebe! Springs. NZ F2543 Unlecl 51312: Manual reporlotpaion I ohm-201a mm mam 07-15-213? annual {eponmpersm Hie; 1'3 Upcn r531?? dark cubed gusnfan and mam GOLLTIEENS to canceled mess. Giant]: ?Hannan mama 06-07-113}: ms Guile Haber 72543 United States Enema: 03415-2011} 'Pl?oc Haber Spa-ms, 72-343 mm Order In Wu cause new-g . 53W J- [143?115-2013 ?9 ?Wm Gasman filed Ii. use may new: mean-11m aim-ma. [Eras (mm: Court tarp-356m sent? al Omar marm- cauE-z on guaruun and {.05st mm team at new-.9 Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI Memo to File 16-3772/3 Report Date: 06/28/2016 Primary Information Description: Contacts with Chief District Judge Randy Koschnick on 6/21/2016 and 6/23/2016 Reporting LEO: Culver, John R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Approval Status: Approved Approved Date: 07/31/2016 Approved By: Klabunde, David R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Synopsis On Tuesday, June 21, 2016 and on Thursday, June 23, 2016, Special Agent (SA) John R. Culver, Jr. had telephonic contact with Chief District Judge Randy Koschnick. On Tuesday, June 21, 2016, SA Culver contacted Judge Koschnick. SA Culver advised Judge Koschnick SAIC David R. Klabunde had assigned this investigation to SA Culver, that SAs Culver and Nathan Peskie had interviewed Judge Joseph Voiland in Judge Voiland's chambers on June 10, 2016, and that SA Culver had provided SAIC Klabunde with a summary of that interview. Judge Koschnick stated he had spoken with Judge Voiland a number of times. Judge Koschnick stated he had spoken only to Judge Voiland, CCAP Director Jean Bousquet and Andrea at CCAP about the matters brought forward by Judge Voiland which led Judge Koschnick to contact Attorney General Brad Schimel directly. Judge Koschnick stated he had spoken to no one else regarding these matters. Regarding matters related to Ozaukee County Family Court Services, which Judge Voiland had informed Judge Koschnick about, Judge Koschnick had spoken with the Ozaukee County Clerk of Courts. The Clerk of Courts stated her office takes in fees, which are set aside, but the County loses money rather than making money. Regarding the allegations that the Clerk of Courts had altered records, Judge Koschnick stated from what he had gathered he did not know if personnel were conspiring or if it was a matter of sloppy clerk work. Judge Koschnick stated Judge Voiland does have a number of valid complaints, and is changing things in Ozaukee County according to his statutory authority. Judge Koschnick stated he had told Juge Paul Malloy not to order Court Commissioner Barry Boline to disregard Judge Voiland's orders. Judge Koschnick stated he told Commissioner Boline he must follow Judge Voiland's orders unless such an order was illegal. SA Culver advised Judge Koschnick that Judge Voiland had advised SA Culver that violations of 946.12, Misconduct in Public Office were applicable to the actions of Commissioner Boline, Clerk of Courts Mary Lou Mueller and Judge Malloy. Judge Koschnick stated he would not take any action to change or shut anything down in Ozaukee County while the DCI was conducting a criminal investigation. SA Culver had advised Judge Koschnick that SA Culver was directed to open a case file and refer the information gathered to Assistant Attorney General Roy Korte for review for any possible criminal charges. On Tuesday, June 21, 2016, Judge Voiland contacted SA Culver and stated he had set up an appointment to meet with Judge Koschnick on Wednesday, June 22, 2016. Judge Voiland asked SA Culver if it was okay if he share the same documents with Judge Koschnick which Judge Voiland had shared with SA Culver on Monday, June 20, 2016. SA Culver advised Judge Voiland there was no reason SA Culver knew of that should prevent sharing those documents. On Wednesday, June 22, 2016, Judge Koschnick contacted SA Culver by phone. Judge Koschnick stated he had met with Judge Voiland for approximately five hours, in person and had viewed the aforementioned documents with Judge Voiland. Judge Koschnick stated he has some serious concerns and stated he thinks Judge Voiland is correct in many of his concerns. Judge Koschnick advised SA Culver he wished to speak with an attorney about how Judge Koschnick would address these concerns administratively. SA Culver advised Judge Koschnick that SAIC Klabunde had forwarded information to AAG Korte, and that SAIC Klabunde would advise SA Culver when AAG Korte had assigned an AAG to this case. Judge Koschnick stated he was concerned that there may be proof that the Clerk of Courts had altered and erased records using Judge Voiland's electronic signature without authority, in changing probate cases from formal to informal and back to formal without the Judge's approval, essentially making decisions only a judge can make. Judge Koschnick stated if this is proven, it would constitute misconduct in public office. SA Culver advised Judge Koschnick he would contact him as soon as an AAG was assigned to the case. 09/14/2017 13:30:43 Page 1 of 1 Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI Memo to File 16-3772/4 Report Date: 07/07/2016 Primary Information Description: Contact with Chief District Judge Randy Koschnick on 7/6/2016 Reporting LEO: Culver, John R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Approval Status: Approved Approved Date: 07/31/2016 Approved By: Klabunde, David R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Synopsis Special Agent (SA) John R. Culver, Jr. spoke with Chief District Judge Randy Koschnick, by phone, on July 6, 2016, at approximately 2:10 p.m. after Judge Koschnick had left SA Culver a voice mail message. Judge Koschnick stated he had been in Ozaukee County last week Friday (July 1, 2016) and had spoken to Judge Joseph Voiland. Judge Koschnick stated he is still concerned that the Clerk (of Courts) is still altering documents. 09/14/2017 13:30:43 Page 1 of 1 Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI Memo to File 16-3772/5 Report Date: 08/05/2016 Primary Information Description: Meeting at DCI HQ on 8/4/2016 with DAG, AAG, Judge Koschnick, Judge Voiland and Attorney Dan Kelly Reporting LEO: Culver, John R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Approval Status: Approved Approved Date: 08/30/2016 Approved By: Klabunde, David R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Synopsis On Thursday, August 4, 2016, an investigative meeting took place at DCI Headquarters, in the Attorney General's Conference Room. The following personnel were in attendance: Deputy Attorney General (DAG) Andrew C. Cook, Administrator for the Division of Legal Services, David V. Meany, Assistant Attorney General (AAG) Michelle L. Viste, DCI Special Agent in Charge (SAIC) David R. Klabunde, Special Agent (SA) John R. Culver, Jr., Chief District Judge of the Third Judicial District, Randy Koschnick, Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge Joseph Voiland, and Judge Voiland's attorney, Daniel Kelly. The discussion at this meeting focused on information presented by Judge Voiland, Attorney Kelly and Judge Koschnick regarding the possible evidence of criminal violations of Wisconsin Statutes by the Ozaukee County Clerk of Courts, Mary Lou Mueller. Administrator Meany and Judge Koschnick also discussed what had been done administratively to address purported problems, and what could be done administratively in the future, in areas where there is no evidence of criminal violations. The future investigative activities of DCI personnel was also discussed, which included obtaining records from CCAP personnel, and conducting interviews of the Ozaukee County Clerk of Courts and possibly of other Ozaukee County personnel. SAIC Klabunde asked AAG Viste what the applicable statutes to be considered would be that the Clerk of Courts had possibly violated. AAG Viste cited “Misconduct in Public Office”, in the alteration of public records in the Clerk of Courts exercising authority she didn’t have. AAG Viste advised SAIC Klabunde and SA Culver she would send them an email message with the specific Wisconsin statutes. The meeting concluded at 3:25 p.m. 09/14/2017 13:30:43 Page 1 of 1 Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI Interview 16-3772/6 Report Date: 09/06/2016 Primary Information Description: Meeting at CCAP Madison Office on 8/31/2016 Occurrence From: 08/31/2016 10:00 Occurrence To: 08/31/2016 11:30 Reporting LEO: Culver, John R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Approval Status: Approved Approved Date: 10/04/2016 Approved By: Klabunde, David R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Addresses Relationship Interview Location Address 110 E Main St Suite #500, Madison, Wisconsin , United States of America Subjects Relationship Interviewed Interviewed Name Bousquet, Jean (Person) Olson, Andrea M (Person) Bio 52 yr. old, White, Female White, Female DOB --- Narrative begins on the following page. 09/14/2017 13:30:43 Page 1 of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ransaction Log Record Details County: Ozaukee - Transaction #1459193988781 Table: CaseHist - Date: 2016-03?28 02:52:11 PM ppigmamme . . LBefdr'e "?iiht??r? caseNo - 2011 FAUDU31D caseType FA countyNo . 45 - ECR ctocho - - Petitioner Robert Roland Hanke in eventAmt ODD eventDate 2014-11-1? MH histSeqNo 51 inaertedDate 2014-11-1? . true userld {Co-l?n??eh caseNo caseType countyNo ctocho eventAmt euentDate hislSeqNo insertedDate pravRespCtofc userld Transaction Log Record Detaiis County: Ozaukee - Transaction #1459462157329 Table: CaseHist - Date: 2016-03-31 05:13:46 PM 2013PR000130 PR mug 0.00 2013-10-18 JUTR 20 2016-03-31 false 0432 gamma?Ea caseNo oaseType I oountyNo otocho eventAmt eventDate histSeqNo tnsertedDate prevRespCtofo use?d Transaction Log Record Details County: Ozaukee - Transaction #1459462272388 Table: CaseHist - Date: 2016-0361 05:17:00 PM "Leadi? fAft'?i 2013PR000130 PR 45 - 0.00 2014-07-13 JUTR 21 2016-03-31 false 2064 OZAUKEE COUNTY-45 Probate Court Record 03-31?2016 CIRCUIT COURT 10:21 am Name Date 01 Death Responsible 0.0. Case Number Emanuel Washington 03-11-2013 Joseph W. Vciiand Case Class 50101 Formal Proceedings Estate Value: Filing Datei'C.O. Disposition DatetCD. Disposition Next Action 10-13-2013 10-31-2016 02:00 pm Mary Lou Mueller Status ccnterence Party Type Name Address Clty St Zip AttorneinAL Decadent Emanuel Washington Grafton WI 53024 Special Administrator Thelma Franklin Miiwaukee WI 53206 0.0. Court Reporter TapefCounter Date Court Record Entries Amount Location 03-1 1?201 3 Date of death 10-1 32013 Petition tor special administration Formal Administration 1048-2013 Consent to serve 10?13-2013 Waiver and consent mam; Judicial transfer Paul V. Mailoyr 1 0-3-3201 3 Notes Clerk left message with petitioner regarding remainder waiver and consents. 11?11?2013 Waiver and consent 11?11?2013 Signature bond signed Mary Lou Mueller 11-11-2013 Order appointing special administrator Barry J. Boline 11-11-2013 Special administration letters issued 11-11-2013 Notice of summary procedures deadline Mary Lou Mueller 01-13-2014 Claims fee paid 3.00 143 000553 01-13-2014 Claim against estate 1777.07 Port Washington Ambulance Billing Office 01-14-2014 Claims fee paid 3.00 14H 00031 1 01-14-2014 Claim against estate 1823.31 Columbia St Mary's and it's Affiliates 04-23-2014 Ciaims fee paid 3.00 14H 00544? 04?28?201 4 Cover letter requesting completion of Acknowledgement portion of letter regarding Proof of Claim. 04232014 Claim against estate 223190 07432014 Judicial transfer W. Voiland 01-26-2015 Notice to close estate Mary Lou Mueller 01-29-2015 Change ct address notification 7e Mai;in 911? v?wimi 05?25-201 6 for Thelma Franklin PROVIDED BY USPS Current?Milwaukee, WI 53205 United States (Effective: 01?29-2015} Priorz? Milwaukee, WI 53218 United States Notice of hearing Status conference on July 15l 2016 at 03:30 pm. 12320013 Probate Court Record This form shall not be modified. It may be supplemented with additional material. Page 1 of 2 OZAUKEE Probate Court Record CIRCUIT COURT Name Date Of Death Responsible 0.0. 08-31-2016 10:21 am Case Number Emanuel Washington 08-11-2013 Joseph W. Voiland 2013PR000130 Case Class 50101 - Formal Proceedings Estate Value: 0.0. Court Reporter TapeiCounter Date Court Record Entries Amount Location 074 5-201 6 Status conterence Joseph W. Voiland Special Administrator Thelma Franklin not in court. Case called at Anjanette Klein 03:42pm with no appearances. Status conference scheduled for October 31, 2016 at 02:00 pm. 0??15-2016 Notice of hearing Status conference on October 31. 2016 at 02:00 pm. 12412008 Probate Court Record This term shall not be modified. It may be supplemented with additional material. Page 2 of 2 Wisconsin Circuit Court Access (WCCA) In the Estate of Emanuel Washington Ozaukee County Case Number 2013PR000130 Court Record Events Date Event Court Official Court Reporter 1 0?-15-2016 Notice of hearing Additional Text: Status conference on October 31, 2016 at 02:00 pm. 2 07-15-2016 Status conference Voiland, Joseph W. Klein, Anjanette Additional Text: Special Administrator Thelma Franklin not in court. Case called at 03:42pm with no appearances. Status conference scheduled for October 31, 2016 at 02:00 pm. 3 05-25-2016 Notice of hearing Additional Text: Status conference on July 15, 2016 at 03:30 pm. 4 01?29?201 5 Change of address noti?cation Event Party Franklin, Thelma Additional Text: ADDRESS INFO for Thelma Franklin PROVIDED BY uses Curre_ Milwaukee, WI 53206 United States (Effective: 01-29-2015) Prior: Milwaukee. WI 53218 United States 5 01-25-2015 Notice to close estate Mueller, Mary Lou 6 07-13-2014 Judicial transfer - Voiland, Joseph W. 7' 04-28-2014 Claim againstestate Amount $223?.90 8 04?28?2014 Letterslcorrespondence Additional Text: Cover letter requesting completion of Acknowledgement portion of letter regarding Proof of Claim. 9 04-28-2014 Claims fee paid Amount Page 1 of 3 3 .00 Additional Text: 10 14R 00544?r 01-14-2014 Claim against estate Amount 1829.31 Additional Text: Columbia St Mary's and its Af?liates 11 01-14-2014 Claims fee paid Amount 3.00 Additional Text: 14R 000611 12 01-13-2014 Claim against estate Amount 1777.07 Additional Text:- Port Washington Ambulance Billing Of?ce 13 014 32014 Claims fee paid Amount 3.00 Additional Text: 14R 000553 14 11-11-2013 Notice ofsummary.r procedures deadline Mueller, Mary Lou 15 11412013 Special administration letters issued 16 11?11-2013 Order appointing special administrator Boline, Barry J. 17 11?1 120113 Sig nature bond signed Mueller, Mary Lou Amount 0.00 13 11-11-2013 Waiver and consent 19 1043042013 Notes Additional Text: Page 2 of 3 Court Record Events for 2D13PRODD130 in Ozaukee County Clerk left message with petitioner regarding remainder waiver and consents. 20 10-18-2013 Judicial transfer Malloy, Paul V. 21 10-18-2013 Waiverand consent 22 10482013 Consent to serve 23 10-18-2013 Petition for special administration Additional Text: Formal Administration 24 08~11~2013 Date of death Page 3 of 3 Generated on 09-06-2016 at 06:28 pm Transaction Log Record Details County: Ozaukee Transaction #1458676726004 Table: DoclmageMetaData Date: 2016?03?22 03:15:05 PM ge'aiitmn Narne? illilefore" "Heifer" caseNo 2013PRDODUB4 countyNo 45 dateLastAcoess ed 2016-03?09 docld 879348 doeName Notice of Hearing (Probate) docSource ?ledReceiVed formNumber histSeqNo 6? imageSize 345T insertedBy insertedDate 2016-03-09 isCon?dentiaI false isDuPlex false isEFiling false isHidden false true I isSealed false orientation pages 1?1 paperSize sectionNo 1 signingStatus STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT In the Estate of Mary Malinowski OZAUKEE COUNTY Notice of Hearing (Probate) Case No.: 2013PROOUUB4 For ease; Use FILED 03-09-2016 COURT ORIGINAL This case is scheduled for: Review hearing Dzaukee County, WI Mary Lou Mueller Joseph W. Voiland Date Time 04-06-2016 08:30 am Court Official Location Room 228, Ozaukee County Justice Center 1201 8 Spring Street PO Box 994 Port Washington WI 530?4 Re Formal Proceedings All past due papers. and any other required filings, must be ?led 10 business days prior to this hearing If you require reasonable accommodations due to a disability in order to participate in the court process, please call at least 10 working days prior to the scheduled court date. Please note that the court does not provide transportation. Distribution Court Original Jane Miller Rebecca Smith Jane Miller Robert Olmr Herman A Fillinger Jr Address Ozaukee County Circuit Court Date: March 9, 2016 1001 Glen Oaks Lane Suite 242, Metruonl WI 53092 PO Box 134, Thiensville, WI 53092 1001 W. Glen Dal-ts La, Suite 242, Mequon, WI 53092 110 East Main Street, PD. Box 212, Port Washington, WI 530M ?Okauchee. WI 53069 1mm 0 Notice of Hearing (Probate) This form shall not be modi?ed. It may be supplemented with additional materlal. Service Ty pe Mail Notice Mail Notice Mail Notice Mail Notice Mail Notice Chapter Big and $9.03, Wisconsin Statutes Transaction Log Record Details County: Ozaukee Transaction #1456867785582 Tabla: CaseHist - Date: 2016-03-01 03:39:15 PM I I {Befora i I I . caseNa caseiypa 1 GM counlyNo 45 Substitution of Attorney evenmmt 0.00 eventDaie OP histSana 1s insarladData 2016-03-01 false I userld - Transaction Log Record Details County: Ozaukee - Transaction #1457041799674 Table: CaseHist - Date: 2016?03-03 04:00:43 PM .Column Name Before I Witter - caseNo 2016GN000005 caseType GN countyNo 45 Substitution of Attorney eventAmt 0.00 eventDate. 201 6-02-24 OP RFS histSeqNo 15 insertedDate 2016-03-01 false userld Column Name I branch Id caption caseNo caseType countyNo filingCtofoNo ?lingDate isCon?dential isElectronicFiling isExpunge isFilechoCtofe isPartySeal isSeal lastChargeSeqNo lastHistSeqNo lastF'artySeqNo IastRelSeq No respCtofCNo statCIsCode statueCode Transaction Log Record Details County: Ozaukee - Transaction #1457641489718 Table: Case - Date: 2016-03-10 02:25:58 PM ?Bebe . .. 2 In the Matter of John Doe 2016JDDUDDOE JD 45 - 2015-03-10 false false false false false false 0 0. 34001 34001 Name. branch Id caption caseNo caseType countyNo ?lingCtocho ?lingDate isCon?dential isEIectronicFiling isExpunge I isFiIe dWo Ctofc isPartySeal isS eal lastChargeS eq No No lastHistSeq No la stPartySeq No IastRelSeq No res pCtocho status Co de Transaction Log Record Details County: Ozaukee - Transaction #1459518042360 Table: Case - AM mi?Before 2 In the Matter of John Doe 2016JD000002 - JD 45 - 2016-03-10 false false false false false false Cara?tot: UP 34001 34001 Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI Interview 16-3772/7 Report Date: 09/07/2016 Primary Information Description: Meeting with Sara Ward-Cassady on 9/7/2016 Occurrence From: 09/07/2016 10:00 Occurrence To: 09/07/2016 11:10 Reporting LEO: Culver, John R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Approval Status: Approved Approved Date: 10/04/2016 Approved By: Klabunde, David R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Addresses Relationship Interview Location Address 110 E Main St #410 Tenney Building, Madison, Wisconsin 53703 , United States of America Subjects Relationship Interviewed Mentioned Mentioned Mentioned Name Ward-Cassady, Sara E (Person) Bousquet, Jean (Person) Mueller, Mary Lou (Person) Olson, Andrea M (Person) Bio White, Female 52 yr. old, White, Female White, Female White, Female DOB ------- Narrative begins on the following page. 09/14/2017 13:30:45 Page 1 of 4 :LVFRQVLQ 'LYLVLRQ RI &ULPLQDO ,QYHVWLJDWLRQ &DVH 5HSRUW &DVH 5HSRUW 1XPEHU 2Q :HGQHVGD\ 6HSWHPEHU 6SHFLDO $JHQW 6$ -RKQ 5 &XOYHU -U DQG $VVLVWDQW $WWRUQH\ *HQHUDO $$* 0LFKHOOH / 9LVWH PHW ZLWK 'HSXW\ 'LUHFWRU RI 6WDWH &RXUWV 6DUD :DUG &DVVDG\ DW KHU RIILFH ( 0DLQ 6WUHHW 6XLWH 0DGLVRQ :LVFRQVLQ 8SRQ DUULYDO LQ 6XLWH 6$ &XOYHU LGHQWLILHG KLPVHOI WR :DUG &DVVDG\ ZKLOH 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lwill attend. Thanks, TM Tom Meaux Ozaukee County Administrator 121 W. Main Street Port Washington, WI 53704 tmeaux@co.ozaukee.wi.us ESL?(office) (cell) file?/CJUsersr?j 1 00 3 9/152?2016 Page 6 of 9 From: Jason Dzwinel Sent: Tuesday, June 7, 2016 9:50 AM To: 'Ra ndy Koschnick' Marylou Mueller Paul Malloy (Paul.Malloy@wicourts.gov> Cc: Thomas Meaux Subject: RE: Request for Assistance Yes, we can meet in Room fit?200, Second floor of the ?old? courthouse portion ofthe Administration Center, Judge Jason From: Randy Sent: Tuesday, June 7, 2016 9:44 AM To: Jason Dzwinel Marylou Mueller Paul Malloy Cc: Thomas Meaux Subject: RE: Request for Assistance To con?rm, we'll meet at 12:30 pm. tomorrow at the Administration Center, 121 W. Main St, Pt. Washington. Randy R. Koschniek 9! 1 $201 6 Page 7 of 9 Chief Judge, District 3 Jefferson County Courthouse Branch 4 311 S. Center Avenue Jefferson, WI 53 549 920.674.?217 fax: 920.674.?523 randy.kosehniek@wieourts.gov Jason Dzwinel Subject: Re: Request for Assistance Iwill be planning on attending the meeting at 12:30.Paut MaryLou Mueller 6/6f2016 10:18 AM Works for me too. Thanks, Ozaukee County' Clerk of Circuit Court Register in Probate! Clerk of Juvenile Court PO Box 994 1201 8 Spring Street Port Washington, WI 53074 Phone: 262-284-8409 or 262-238?8409 Fax: 262-284-8491 or 262-238?8491 MarvLou.Mueller@wieourta.oov 9115/2016 Page 8 of 9 Like us on Facebook at Follow us on Twitter at @COCOzaukee NOTICE This electronic mait message and any ?ies transmitted with it are confidentioi and are intended ?For the sate use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. Dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this electronic moii without the consent of the sender is strictiy prohibited. ifyou are not the intended recipient he advised that you have received this etectront'c mail in error; piease immediater notify the sender by return mail. Randy Koschnick 6/6/2016 5:45 AM That's fine with me if it works for the others. Can we begin at 12:30? Randy R. Koschnick Chief Judge, District 3 Jefferson County Courthouse Branch 4 311 5. Center Avenue Jefferson, WI 53549 920.674.7217 fax: 920.674.7523 randv.koschnick@wicourts.gov Jason Dzwinel 06/04/16 3:10 AM 1 can make that work. Would you like to meet at the Administration Center? Sent from my iPhone On Jun 3, 2016, at 9:38 PM, Randy Koschnick wrote: I could meet between noon and 2 pm on Wednesday. Tuesday is a possibility if myjury trial settles which is a 50/50 possibility at this point. Sent from my U.S. CellularLE! Smartphone -- Original message 911572016 Page 9 of 9 From: MaryLou Mueller Date: 6/3/16 3:23 PM To: Paul Malloy Randy Koschnick Jason Dzwinel Subject: Request for Assistance "MaryLou Mueller" 06/03/2016 15:23 Good afternoon Gentlemen, I am so sorry to burden you with this information, but I am concerned with the actions of a judge and his demeanor to clerk of court's staff. On more than one occasion I have received reports from staff that ajudge has treated them in such a way that may be characterized as uncivil, abrasive, demeaning, or hostile. Another recent event has occurred and I no longer think we can chalk it up to inexperience or uniqueness. I do not wish to go into the specifics in this email, but I think it is time we have a discussion about the behavior and how to best address the issues. Would all of you be able to meet to discuss this in person during the week ofJune 6th outside of the Justice Center? Hg]. i. Ozaukee Count}.r Clerk of Circuit Court i Register in Probate:i Clerk of Juvenile Court PO Box 994 1201 8 Spring Street Port Washington, WI 53074 Phone: 262284-8409 or 2622368409 Fax: 2622646491 or 262-238-8491 Maanou.Muellertmwioourtseov Like us on Facebook at 473995279476442t Follow us on Twitter at @COCOzaukee This eiectronic mail message and any {ties transmitted with it are con?dentiat and are intended for the sate use of the individuei? or entityr to whom they are addressed. Dissemination, fonwrding, printing, or copying of this eiectronic maii without the consent of the sender is strictiy prohibited. ifyou are not the intended recipient, be ndw'sad that you have received this eiectronic maii in erren piease immediateiy notify the sender by return maii. 1001 9f15i2016 Page 1 of 1 Joseph Voiland - Clerk's Duty to File Court Orders 3: 16PR91 . From: Joseph Voiland To: Malloy, Paul Date: 7/18f2016 8:57 AM Subject: Clerk?s Duty to File Court Orders 8t 16PR91 Attachments: 16PR91 Foreman docket July 18 2016.pdf Paul: Attached is the record summary in a case currently assigned to Branch 2, 16PR91, generated this morning. Last week I executed two orders in this case. The clerk of courts office has refused or failed to file my orders. The case was filed as a formal probate in late June. My order set 90 days as the deadline to file claims (the minimum period allowed) and set a hearing 10 business days after that deadline. Due to the August 1 rotation, the order set this with Branch 3 on a date obtained from the clerk of court's office for Branch 3 probate hearings. I completed the first order on July 14, so now going on the 5th day since. The clerk of courts office still has not filed it and has not responded to my follow up requests. Further, I received a handwritten note from Judge Williams taking issue with my order, and suggesting thatI change it. I decided then to keep the case in Branch 2, and I executed an amended order to that effect. The clerk of courts office has failed or refused to file that order, as well. I believe the clerk of courts has a ministerial duty to file my orders, and that the clerk of courts knows this. Are you aware of any authority the clerk of courts has to refuse to file the court orders that I have executed? Would you like to be involved in resolving this matter, or would you prefer I continue to attempt to obtain compliance directly from the clerk of courts? Thank you. Joe Voiland Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge ?le 3Courtsl)istriot__3 100] 9f] 5/2016 Print at: Monday, July 18I 2016 8:51:33 AM Host: User: - - ?mm-1&2: . . . . -: ma-?torulmkuumyn 31m Dzaukee In Ihe Estale 0! Lawan E. Foreman Bummw cam nuns [Io-current: . Cour! :econi com cum DIN Eh? Cam [upon-r oz-u-z-JI'. gm? 1 m. mm hmnureykemd. I .- I Rmtd?mml 4 I 5 .g rm? 93.2.3? "scum cud Mud-Jrl?flt stir-rs] Jar-1 Ivar-71 :c?r rm 5w mun-Lace ?in .. . . Emits-MW ca-zbcala mm". I mus-nan Fiierl documenls DMD-uni Ml uruqma .a w- gag-v 3 Page 1 of 2 Joseph Voiland - Changes and promotion it": ..: a .. I From: MaryLou Mueller To: All Circuit Court Staff Date: 5:48 PM Subject: Changes and promotion in the COC CC: Barry Boline; Ozaukee - Judges Hello, July has been a very exciting month at the Dzaukee County Clerk of Court's office. We survived mandatory eFiling for civil, family, paternity and small claims. We have also done well with the criminal eFiling processes. Thank you for all of your hard work and progress we have made making a better court record, provide greater access to the court record and meeting our department's mission statement. Marilyn Baunoch has been working very hard learning probate and guardianships along with her regular duties as jury clerk and the self help clerk. I have been very impressed with her adaptability and work ethic. Marilyn will receive a pay grade promotion and be placed in the Deputy Register in Probate position. She will also be physically moving to the Court Commissioner's suite. Marilyn will continue her duties as jury clerk, deputy clerk of courts and deputy register in probate. Other changes will most likely evolve from this permanent placement of Marilyn. Please wish her continued success within the Clerk of Courts department. Devon Britton will move to the former file room to assist with the self help center. This will be a lateral move for Devon. This move will allow Devon to capitalize on her awesome customer service skills and enable her to produce valuable content for the court users and the clerk of court staff. Devon's assignments and physical move will depend on when Marilyn will be able to occupy her new space. I know I don't say it enough to each of you personally, but i can't say enough to anyone who will listen, what a wonderful job you all do. You exceed my expectations every day! Frank Fischer and Wendy Gregg of CCAP were so impressed with all of you. They even commented how self driven, prepared and engaged you are in your positions and the office. You all have made me proud of what we have accomplished. Thank you and keep up the good work! All the best, r" - ?exes are Ozaukee County Clerk of Circuit Court I Register in Probate! Clerk of Juvenile Court PO Box 994 1201 3 Spring Street Port Washington, WI 53074 Phone: 262-284-8409 or 262-238-8409 9/15/2016 Page 2 of 2 Fax: 262284-8491 or 262-238-8491 MawLou.Mueller@wicourts.qov Like us on Facebook at Follow us on Twitter at @COCOzaukee This eiectmnic mot! message and anyfiies transmitted with it are con?de-mini and are intended for the soie use ofthe individuoi or entity to whom they are addressed. Dissemination, printing, or copying of this eiectronic moii without the consent of the sender is strictiy prohibited. if you are not the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this eiectronir: mail in error; pieose tmmediatei?y notr?' the sender by return moii. 99/150016 ?ileum MLE. angina ad *0 see. Hug you, (wig Kigali ?s 14M 4,0 12 mm FILM ?t (Co/31%) an (3de mac em yaw? CW: ig?krd (-th ?55f mun-+1) e??cc?t?gcma) WA :15 comm/n" d?d any om baa: a ?nd me mac/3 m4 6% h, Mnum?mhd?l r5 {n-izr waft Aug? ?42. ?mali mnr? (tn/wad War/a 4% "#219016 State rolling forward with mandatory e-?ling Wisconsin Lawr Journal ?Wl Legal News 8: Resources aWJournal State rolling forward with mandatory e-filing .I. By: Erika Strebei, erika.strebel@wlstawjoumatcorn coJuIy 20, 2015 12:46 pm Flanked by older case ?les, Daaukee County Clerk of Circuit Court Mary Lou Mueller holds a laptop com uter while in the cierk's of?ce on Thursday at the Ozaukee County Jus ice Center. (Staff photos by Kevin Harnack) More than two weeks after the e-?ling of legal documents became mandatory In Dzaukee County, Clerk of Circuit Court Mary Lou Mueller is noticing the difference that comes from running a completely paperless "ear You courthouse. E-filtng will be mandatory in the following counties starting on the following dates: Coming soon to a county Judges and court staff now have quicker access to documents. Mueller estimates her clerks have cut their time opening snait mail by two-thirds. On occasion, they are sending back pleadings that iawyers in other counties mailed in rather than ?led electronically. Jefferson Aug. 1 Columbia Aug. 1 Adams Aug. 15 ?It?s a whole different software for the attorneys," Mueller said. ?So we had to pierce Aug, 15 change the process in that we are no longer the scanner the attorney ts." waupa'ca Aug, 15 Barron Sept. 1 Chippewa Sept. 1 Dunn Sept. 1 Florence Sept. 15 La Crosse Sept. 15 That additional responsibility for lawyers is likely to be the most noticeable I change around the state as ewfiling becomes mandatory in more and more counties. The rollout is deliberately being done in phases. The ?rst of the state's i?l counties to have mandatory e??iing were Dodge and Ozaukee counties. Dodge County began requiring it at the start of June and Ozaukee County a month later. Although the state now only mandates e~?ling of documents in civil, paternity, family and small?claims cases, Dodge and Ozaukee counties also now allow voluntary e~?ling in criminal caSes. Next up in the rollout will be Jefferson and Columbia counties, which are scheduled to join Dodge and Dzaukee counties on Aug. 1. Various other counties will follow later in August and in September. ?We?re really excited about where we are now and we feel like it has gone smoother than we expected,? said Jean Bousquet, chief information of?cer for the state courts. Court Consolidated Automation Programs, which tends to state courts? technology needs, plans to spend two weeks on average in each county helping to put mandatory e??ling systems in place. CCAP will send out representatives a week before e-?llng is officialiy scheduled to become mandatory and have them stick around a week after the start date just to make sure things are running well. Part of the reason the transition has been smooth so far, Bousquet said, is that most attorneys are already set up with an e-filing account. Bousquet said mat the accounts were needed so that lawyers would be able to report their completion of continuing-education requirements. areatory-e??lingi' 1f3 n. W21i2016 State rolling lorward with mandatory e?ling ?Wisoor?ein Law Journal Legal News St Resources Also, CCAP was able to work with the coorts and local bar associations to provide training before became mandatory. Ail this is not to say, though, that the transition has not been entirely without dif?culties. ?There are always people you miss, Boosquet said. ?There are some situations that have come up and will continue to come up that we'll have to address as we go." Bousquet said adopting e-?ling in Dodge and Dzaukee counties helped CCAP identify and straighten out kinks in the new system. For example, CCAP is working to make sure lawyers can get signatures from a series of people without needing to scan a document in again every time it needs to be signed by someone new. But not all the dif?culties and the two counties have encountered can be dealt with so easily. For one, changes to various legal forms can't be made without ?rst receiving of?cial approval. Then there are the complications that come with trying to integrate child?support agencies into the new system. Aaron Eloycl, of the Ozauicee County's Clerk of Circuit Court of?ce, works at his computer on Thursday at the Ozaukee County Justice Center. Ozaukee and 52 other counb'es in the state have already been offering voluntary e~ ?ling to attorneys. In general, the biggest dif?culty courts have had preparing for mandatory e-?ling has stemmed from the need to scan in often voluminous amounts of legal documents. That?s especially true if they haven?t done so already, said Marcia Vandercook, circuit court legal adviser. Dzaukee, Dodge and 51 other counties have less to be concerned about because they have been offering voluntary e-?ling to lawyers. The state, starting in 2008, began to allow voluntary e-?ling in anticipation of the current mandate. Judges and clerks in counties with voluntary e??ling have thus been preparing for years. Dodge County, for instance, has been paperless since 2015. Similarly, Dzaukee County started scanning in documents and working with electronic ?les in 2011 and went paperless in 2014. "The staff wasn't wild about it at the beginning but then they grew to love it,? Mueller said. "It was hard to transition from working with hard copies to electronic ?les. But now not one of them would go back." Living to tell the tale Margaret Zickhur Zolp, a Grafton attorney, suggested that lawyers and ?rms should prepare for mandatory e??ling by electronically ?ling documents in counties where e-?llng is still voluntary. That?s what her ?rm, Houseman 3t Feind, did white waiting for e-?llng to become mandatory in Uzaukee County. ?It's probably a good idea to start sooner or later," she said. ?We started two years ago and slowly implemented it into our practice so when it went live we were ahead of the learning curve." Another plate of advice for attorneys is to understand that the documents they ?le will be the only copies. Lawyers should take care that their submissions, which usually take the form of PDFs, are as readable as possible. Get your scanning mechanism down and make sure the court of?cials can trust your electronic file," Mueller said. his is our document forever. It has to stand the test of time and be readable and usable.? She recommends that lawyers work ciosely with court clerks and is now drawing up an e-?ling guide for attorneys ?ll: in her r'niirl' ?i21!2t}16 State rolling forward with mandatory e-tiling~Wisconsin Law Journal ?Wi Legal News 3. Resources r1u1'u- In My! Get a jump Clerks who haven?t yet started scanning in cases should begin as soon as possible, said Dodge County Clerk Hron. ?(Cierks and their staff) need to get used to having an electronic record as opposed to a paper she said. "If you're waiting for mandatory e??iing, you'll have way too many issues. You need to be proactiye." In the end, the shift to e-?ling is Hron said she has saved about $2,000 a year from not having to buy ?le raiders. ?that money has been put Change is commg toward buying a second computer screen for each of the judges and staff The t? '5 $20 Per workers at her courthouse, party per case, with exceptions for indigent parties and state, That second screen comes in handy, said Dodge County Circuit Court Judge municipal and other John Storck. He uses it so he can look at more than one case at a time. When government agenda; the matter before him is particularly complicated, it?s always possihie to go back to using paper documents. Pm 53 litigants m3? Still ?le bi? paper unless they submit more ?The key is don?t be afraid to press print when you need it," Storck said. ?Learni than 10 cases a year. how to put muldple documents on your screen at same time and learn how to manipulate those documents on your dashboard." By the end of 2am, all 7'1 counties will require electronic One source of concern for Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge Paui Mailoy is 5 filing for ciyig, paternity, famin that looking at a computer screen can take his attention away from what ls and smaIi?claims cases, happening in front of him in his courtroom. Mandatory e-filing for criminal, Ozaukee County District Attorney Adam Gerol, whose of?ce went live with the fgrfeiture' and traf?c cases Wm e-?ling system test week, agreed. He said that although he is thrilled to he start in 2017', dealing with less paper, there are drawbacks to legal professionals? spending more time on computers. The 903' is StatEWlde implementation of ail case ?The sad part, though, is when you walk into a courtroom," he said. ?You see types by the and of 2019, people staring at a screen as opposed to looking at the judge or each other." ratio-.7 51:213. mas-cam ml aofolowcra Edit TBQQEU with: was e?nuee manmeLLEe Copyright is) 2016 The Daily [toporter Publishing Co, 225 E. Michigan St, Suite 390, Milwaukee, WI 53202 Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI Investigative 16-3772/9 Report Date: 09/19/2016 Primary Information Description: Examination of Records - CCAP Response to AAG Viste's Request Letter Occurrence From: 09/19/2016 00:00 Occurrence To: 09/19/2016 00:00 Reporting LEO: Culver, John R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Approval Status: Approved Approved Date: 10/20/2016 Approved By: Klabunde, David R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Subjects Relationship Subject of Records Name Mueller, Mary Lou (Person) Bio White, Female DOB --- Narrative begins on the following page. 09/14/2017 13:30:48 Page 1 of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³HYHQW GDWH´ DQG ³GDWH UHFRUG ZDV DGGHG´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± GD\V 'HYRQ %ULWWRQ 3DJH 7KLV GRFXPHQW FRQWDLQV QHLWKHU UHFRPPHQGDWLRQV QRU FRQFOXVLRQV RI WKH 'LYLVLRQ RI &ULPLQDO ,QYHVWLJDWLRQ ,W LV WKH SURSHUW\ RI WKLV 'LYLVLRQ DQG LV ORDQHG WR \RXU DJHQF\ ,WV FRQWHQWV DUH QRW WR EH GLVWULEXWHG RXWVLGH \RXU DJHQF\ :LVFRQVLQ 'LYLVLRQ RI &ULPLQDO ,QYHVWLJDWLRQ &DVH 5HSRUW &DVH 5HSRUW 1XPEHU )$ ± GD\V &RQQLH 0XHOOHU )$ ± GD\V &RQQLH 0XHOOHU )$ ± GD\V &RQQLH 0XHOOHU 35 ± GD\V 0DU\ /RX 0XHOOHU *1 ± GD\V 0DU\ /RX 0XHOOHU 75 ± GD\V 1LFROH -R]ZRZVNL 75 GD\V -XOLH )HGGHU 75 GD\V -XOLH )HGGHU 75 GD\V -XOLH )HGGHU 75 GD\V -XOLH )HGGHU 75 GD\V -XOLH )HGGHU 75 ± GD\V 1LFROH -R]ZRZVNL 6$ &XOYHU REVHUYHG WKHUH ZHUH FDVHV OLVWHG LQ WKLV VSUHDGVKHHW ZLWK GLVFUHSDQFLHV EHWZHHQ WKH ³HYHQW GDWH´ DQG ³GDWH UHFRUG ZDV DGGHG´ ZKLFK ZHUH EHWZHHQ GD\V DQG GD\V 3DJH 7KLV GRFXPHQW FRQWDLQV QHLWKHU UHFRPPHQGDWLRQV QRU FRQFOXVLRQV RI WKH 'LYLVLRQ RI &ULPLQDO ,QYHVWLJDWLRQ ,W LV WKH SURSHUW\ RI WKLV 'LYLVLRQ DQG LV ORDQHG WR \RXU DJHQF\ ,WV FRQWHQWV DUH QRW WR EH GLVWULEXWHG RXWVLGH \RXU DJHQF\ STATE OF WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE BRAD D. SCHIMEL ATTORNEY GENERAL Andrew C. Cook Deputy Attorney General 17 W. Main Street P.O. Box 7857 Madison, WI 53707~7857 Michelle L. Viste Assistant Attorney General visteml@doj.state.wi.us 60812663406 FAX 608126742778 September 9, 2016 Mr. J. Denis Moran Director of State Courts 16E Capitol Building Post Office Box 1688 Madison, Wisconsin 53701?1688 Re: Request for Judicial Transfer Records Dear Mr. Moran: On August 31, 2016, Division of Criminal Investigations Special Agent John Culver and I met with CCAP Director Jean Bousquet and CCAP Deputy Director Andrea Olson to discuss CCAP records associated with an ongoing Wisconsin Department of Justice investigation. During the meeting, we learned that it would be possible for us to obtain additional records from CCAP that would assist Special Agent Culver in his continued investigation. At this time, the Department of Justice is requesting CCAP records associated with any judicial transfers to Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge Joseph Voiland from 2014 to the present. Speci?cally, in regards to these judicial transfers, we are requesting a report that shows the following: (1) case numbers of the transferred cases; (2) effective dates of the judicial transfers; (3) dates the transfers were docketed; and (4) user names of the individuals who docketed the judicial transfers. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns regarding this request. Once the report is compiled, if possible, please email it to Special Agent John Culver at culverjr@doj.state.wi.us. Sincerely, Michelle L. Assistant Attorney General MLVzajs Judicial Transfer Events Case number Event date Date record was added User name 1976FA016681 1982CF000425 1982FA000034 1982FA000255 1984FA000244 1986CF000008 1986FA000106 1989FA000301 1990CT000189 1992PA000011PJ 1992PA000037PJ 1993CF000007 1994CF000137 1994CM000440 1995CF000027 1995CF000083 1995CF000136 1995CF000147 1995CM000214 1995FA000214 1995FA000217 1996CF000170 1996CF000201 1996CF000226 1996CM000087 1996FA000027 1996FA000082 1996FA000289 1996FA000304 1996GN000014 1997CF000136 1998CF000054 1998FA000066 1999FA000196 1999FA000205 1999FA000282 1999FA000296 1999PR000014 1999TR002760 1999TR002761 2000CF000040 2000CF000054 2000CF000248 2000FA000008 2000FA000036 2000FA000073 2000FA000086 2000FA000138 2000FA000193 2014-07-25 2014-05-01 2014-01-22 2015-11-09 2014-11-24 2015-01-09 2016-05-13 2014-06-26 2014-05-13 2015-03-11 2014-06-11 2015-11-03 2014-05-15 2016-07-20 2015-01-08 2014-03-14 2014-10-17 2016-02-22 2016-07-20 2016-05-13 2014-01-31 2016-05-31 2014-05-16 2014-04-15 2016-07-20 2014-04-03 2014-12-18 2014-09-12 2016-05-13 2014-01-22 2015-04-13 2015-09-02 2015-03-17 2014-02-07 2014-09-29 2014-08-05 2014-02-28 2014-08-12 2014-08-28 2014-08-28 2014-03-21 2015-01-30 2016-03-08 2014-12-12 2014-11-10 2016-05-13 2014-07-18 2015-04-09 2014-03-20 2014-07-25 2014-05-01 2014-01-22 2015-11-09 2014-11-25 2015-01-09 2016-05-13 2014-06-26 2014-05-13 2015-03-11 2014-06-11 2015-11-03 2014-05-19 2016-07-20 2015-01-08 2014-03-18 2014-10-17 2016-05-06 2016-07-20 2016-05-13 2014-01-31 2016-05-31 2014-05-19 2014-04-15 2016-07-20 2014-04-03 2014-12-18 2014-09-12 2016-05-13 2014-01-22 2015-04-13 2015-09-02 2015-03-17 2014-02-07 2014-09-29 2014-08-06 2014-02-28 2014-08-12 2014-08-28 2014-08-28 2014-03-25 2015-01-30 2016-03-08 2014-12-13 2014-11-12 2016-05-13 2014-07-21 2015-04-09 2014-03-20 Baunoch, Marilyn Granrath, Kim Vanden Berg, Lauri Jozwowski, Nicole Wester, Terry Mueller, Mary Lou Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Baunoch, Marilyn Britton, Devon Vanden Berg, Lauri McCoy, Jaclyn Baunoch, Marilyn Freeland, Rebecca Fedder, Julie Altendorf, Sue Mueller, Connie Britton, Devon Freeland, Rebecca Fedder, Julie Britton, Devon McCoy, Jaclyn Baunoch, Marilyn Britton, Devon Freeland, Rebecca Baunoch, Marilyn Britton, Devon Vanden Berg, Lauri Fedder, Julie Vanden Berg, Lauri Britton, Devon Fedder, Julie Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Jozwowski, Nicole Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Mueller, Mary Lou Mihalko, Cari Anne Mihalko, Cari Anne Granrath, Kim Jozwowski, Nicole Britton, Devon Mueller, Connie Vanden Berg, Lauri Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Page 1 Judicial Transfer Events 2000FA000278 2000FA000324 2000ME000045 2000PA000015 2000PA000021PJ 2000PA000023PJ 2000PA000024 2000PA000025PJ 2000PA000026 2000PA000027PJ 2000PA000028 2000PA000028PJ 2000PA000029PJ 2000PA000030PJ 2000PA000031PJ 2000PA000032 2000PA000033PJ 2000PA000036 2000PA000039 2000PA000040 2000PA000041 2000PA000042 2000PA000043 2000PA000045 2000PA000046 2000PA000047PJ 2000PA000049 2000PA000050 2000PA000051 2000PA000052PJ 2000PA000053 2000PA000055 2001CF000149 2001FA000035 2001FA000039 2001FA000055 2001FA000061 2001FA000108 2001FA000225 2001FA000256 2001FA000289 2001FA000289 2001FA000329 2001FA000342 2001PA000002PJ 2001PA000004 2001PA000005 2001PA000006 2001PA000007 2001PA000009PJ 2001PA000010 2014-03-12 2014-09-17 2014-05-14 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2015-09-04 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2015-06-18 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-03-08 2014-10-02 2015-04-21 2015-11-23 2015-02-10 2015-07-06 2014-05-12 2014-10-13 2014-02-10 2014-05-13 2016-05-13 2014-03-14 2014-01-22 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2014-03-12 2014-09-17 2014-05-15 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2015-09-04 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2015-06-18 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-03-08 2014-10-02 2015-04-22 2015-11-23 2015-02-10 2015-07-06 2014-05-12 2014-10-13 2014-02-10 2014-05-13 2016-05-13 2014-03-17 2014-01-22 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 Britton, Devon Altendorf, Sue Mueller, Connie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Baunoch, Marilyn Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Britton, Devon Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Britton, Devon Jozwowski, Nicole Mueller, Connie Vanden Berg, Lauri Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Jozwowski, Nicole Vanden Berg, Lauri Britton, Devon Altendorf, Sue Fedder, Julie Baunoch, Marilyn Vanden Berg, Lauri Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Page 2 Judicial Transfer Events 2001PA000011 2001PA000013 2001PA000013PJ 2001PA000014 2001PA000016 2001PA000018 2001PA000021 2001PA000022PJ 2001PA000025PJ 2001PA000026PJ 2001PA000027PJ 2001PA000028 2001PA000029 2001PA000030 2001PA000031PJ 2001PA000032 2001PA000033PJ 2001PA000036PJ 2001PA000037PJ 2001PA000039PJ 2001PA000042PJ 2001PA000043PJ 2001PA000044PJ 2001PA000045PJ 2001PA000046PJ 2002CF000215 2002CF000225 2002CF000226 2002CF000250 2002CF000259 2002CF000269 2002CV000449 2002FA000009 2002FA000039 2002FA000053 2002FA000085 2002FA000148 2002FA000151 2002FA000237 2002FA000240 2002FA000249 2002FA000265 2002FA000317 2002GN000047 2002GN000068 2002GN000069 2002PA000002 2002PA000005 2002PA000006PJ 2002PA000007PJ 2002PA000008PJ 2016-05-19 2014-06-20 2014-06-20 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2014-02-10 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2015-06-18 2014-02-03 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2014-09-04 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2014-04-02 2016-02-04 2015-03-16 2015-01-14 2014-04-18 2014-02-19 2015-06-18 2014-04-15 2015-03-24 2016-05-13 2014-06-05 2014-02-14 2016-07-22 2014-10-14 2014-01-22 2014-01-13 2016-05-13 2014-10-09 2015-05-13 2014-01-22 2016-04-22 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2015-01-16 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2014-06-20 2014-07-02 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2014-02-10 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2015-06-18 2014-02-03 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2014-09-04 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2014-04-02 2016-02-04 2015-03-16 2015-01-14 2014-04-18 2014-02-19 2015-06-18 2014-04-15 2015-03-24 2016-05-13 2014-06-05 2014-02-14 2016-07-22 2014-10-14 2014-01-22 2014-01-14 2016-05-13 2014-10-09 2015-05-14 2014-01-22 2016-04-22 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2015-01-16 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 Fedder, Julie Britton, Devon Vanden Berg, Lauri Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Britton, Devon Altendorf, Sue Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Granrath, Kim Mueller, Connie Fedder, Julie Altendorf, Sue Britton, Devon Mihalko, Cari Anne Mihalko, Cari Anne Altendorf, Sue Britton, Devon Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Vanden Berg, Lauri Baunoch, Marilyn Jozwowski, Nicole Vanden Berg, Lauri Mueller, Connie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Granrath, Kim Vanden Berg, Lauri Baunoch, Marilyn Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Britton, Devon Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Page 3 Judicial Transfer Events 2002PA000011 2002PA000014PJ 2002PA000015PJ 2002PA000018PJ 2002PA000021 2002PA000021PJ 2002PA000022PJ 2002PA000026PJ 2003CF000003 2003CF000146 2003CF000154 2003CF000251 2003FA000009 2003FA000010 2003FA000022 2003FA000043 2003FA000102 2003FA000147 2003FA000151 2003FA000166 2003FA000278 2003FA000302 2003FA000305 2003FA000323 2003FA000338 2003FA000342 2003GN000052 2003GN000056 2003PA000049PJ 2004AD000007 2004CF000056 2004CF000066 2004CF000089 2004CF000100 2004CF000113 2004CF000128 2004CF000219 2004CF000295 2004FA000037 2004FA000049 2004FA000059 2004FA000068 2004FA000141 2004FA000164 2004FA000168 2004FA000248 2004FA000270 2004FA000308 2004FA000318 2004FA000329 2004GN000011 2016-05-19 2014-01-22 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2014-05-29 2015-05-19 2015-03-06 2014-01-29 2015-07-20 2014-07-09 2015-04-08 2016-08-23 2014-11-26 2014-01-22 2014-12-10 2014-03-11 2016-04-12 2015-01-16 2015-05-18 2016-05-13 2014-03-21 2014-11-11 2016-06-02 2015-12-23 2016-05-19 2014-05-27 2014-06-27 2015-09-14 2015-10-01 2015-03-13 2015-03-13 2015-01-06 2016-02-10 2014-02-10 2015-07-28 2015-07-06 2014-05-13 2016-05-13 2014-01-22 2014-03-24 2014-05-27 2014-05-13 2016-05-13 2016-07-07 2014-03-14 2014-10-22 2014-01-22 2016-05-19 2014-01-22 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2014-05-29 2015-05-19 2015-03-06 2014-01-30 2015-07-20 2014-07-09 2015-04-08 2016-08-23 2014-11-26 2014-01-22 2014-12-10 2014-03-11 2016-05-12 2015-01-16 2015-05-18 2016-05-13 2014-03-21 2014-11-11 2016-06-02 2015-12-23 2016-05-19 2014-05-28 2014-06-27 2015-09-14 2015-10-05 2015-03-13 2015-03-13 2015-01-06 2016-02-11 2014-02-10 2015-07-28 2015-07-06 2014-05-13 2016-05-13 2014-01-22 2014-03-24 2014-05-28 2014-05-13 2016-05-13 2016-07-07 2014-03-14 2014-10-22 2014-01-22 Fedder, Julie Vanden Berg, Lauri Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Baunoch, Marilyn Britton, Devon Baunoch, Marilyn Altendorf, Sue Vanden Berg, Lauri Mihalko, Cari Anne Altendorf, Sue Mueller, Connie Altendorf, Sue Vanden Berg, Lauri Altendorf, Sue Britton, Devon Mueller, Connie Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Fedder, Julie Britton, Devon Vanden Berg, Lauri Mueller, Mary Lou Baunoch, Marilyn Fedder, Julie Baunoch, Marilyn Mihalko, Cari Anne Britton, Devon Mihalko, Cari Anne Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Britton, Devon Mueller, Connie Mihalko, Cari Anne Britton, Devon Vanden Berg, Lauri Britton, Devon Fedder, Julie Vanden Berg, Lauri Britton, Devon Jozwowski, Nicole Britton, Devon Fedder, Julie Preisler, Sarah Britton, Devon Altendorf, Sue Vanden Berg, Lauri Page 4 Judicial Transfer Events 2004GN000014 2004GN000046 2004PA000035PJ 2004PA000038PJ 2004PA000040PJ 2005CF000146 2005CF000164 2005CM001312 2005CV000112 2005FA000024 2005FA000074 2005FA000105 2005FA000121 2005FA000122 2005FA000154 2005FA000206 2005FA000217 2005FA000247 2005FA000267 2005FA000273 2005FA000287 2005FA000308 2005FA000319 2005FA000338 2005FA000346 2005FA000361 2005FA000376 2005GN000020 2005PA000001PJ 2005PA000002PJ 2005PA000006PJ 2005PA000010PJ 2005PA000013PJ 2005PA000016PJ 2005PA000019PJ 2005PA000020PJ 2005PA000024PJ 2005PA000028PJ 2005PA000032 2005PA000034PJ 2005PA000038 2006CF000002 2006CF000027 2006CF000074 2006CF000108 2006CF000266 2006FA000002 2006FA000007 2006FA000011 2006FA000058 2006FA000059 2015-05-13 2016-03-11 2015-02-11 2014-01-22 2016-05-19 2015-05-29 2014-02-14 2014-07-30 2015-04-06 2014-09-16 2014-02-12 2016-01-29 2015-01-05 2014-06-04 2016-05-13 2014-01-22 2015-05-01 2014-05-30 2015-02-19 2014-01-22 2014-02-14 2014-02-07 2016-05-13 2015-03-13 2014-03-25 2014-03-13 2015-01-29 2014-01-22 2014-11-21 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2014-06-11 2016-05-19 2016-01-25 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-23 2016-07-06 2014-05-27 2014-03-06 2015-04-08 2015-11-30 2014-12-05 2014-02-14 2016-05-13 2016-06-17 2015-05-14 2016-03-11 2015-02-11 2014-01-22 2016-05-19 2015-05-29 2014-02-14 2014-07-30 2015-04-06 2014-09-16 2014-02-12 2016-01-29 2015-01-05 2014-06-04 2016-05-13 2014-01-22 2015-05-01 2014-06-02 2015-02-19 2014-01-22 2014-02-14 2014-02-07 2016-05-13 2015-03-13 2014-03-26 2014-03-13 2015-01-29 2014-01-22 2014-11-21 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2014-06-11 2016-05-19 2016-01-25 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-23 2016-07-06 2014-05-28 2014-03-07 2015-04-08 2015-11-30 2014-12-05 2014-02-14 2016-05-13 2016-06-17 Granrath, Kim Mueller, Mary Lou Britton, Devon Vanden Berg, Lauri Fedder, Julie Britton, Devon Granrath, Kim Granrath, Kim Mihalko, Cari Anne Vanden Berg, Lauri Jozwowski, Nicole Vanden Berg, Lauri Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Fedder, Julie Vanden Berg, Lauri Britton, Devon Jozwowski, Nicole Britton, Devon Vanden Berg, Lauri Vanden Berg, Lauri Britton, Devon Fedder, Julie Britton, Devon Baunoch, Marilyn Jozwowski, Nicole Britton, Devon Vanden Berg, Lauri Vanden Berg, Lauri Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Vanden Berg, Lauri Fedder, Julie Baunoch, Marilyn Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Boyd, Aaron Freeland, Rebecca Granrath, Kim Mihalko, Cari Anne Britton, Devon Jozwowski, Nicole Britton, Devon Granrath, Kim Fedder, Julie Preisler, Sarah Page 5 Judicial Transfer Events 2006FA000065 2006FA000085 2006FA000095 2006FA000133 2006FA000148 2006FA000159 2006FA000164 2006FA000179 2006FA000193 2006FA000196 2006FA000221 2006FA000257 2006FA000267 2006FA000269 2006FA000301 2006FA000309 2006FA000312 2006FA000315 2006FA000323 2006FA000330 2006FA000333 2006FA000354 2006FJ000004 2006FJ000005 2006GN000004 2006PA000001PJ 2006PA000003PJ 2006PA000005PJ 2006PA000009 2006PA000011 2006PA000014PJ 2006PA000016PJ 2006PA000019PJ 2006PA000020PJ 2006PA000021PJ 2006PA000023 2006PA000024PJ 2006PA000025PJ 2006PA000026PJ 2006PA000027 2006PA000027PJ 2006PA000028PJ 2006PA000029 2006PA000029PJ 2006PA000030PJ 2006PA000031PJ 2006PA000032PJ 2006PA000033PJ 2006PA000034PJ 2006PA000035PJ 2006PA000036PJ 2014-01-22 2015-06-15 2016-01-25 2015-04-10 2016-02-15 2015-02-19 2014-05-15 2016-07-29 2015-03-26 2015-07-21 2014-01-22 2016-05-13 2015-06-12 2014-12-02 2014-10-01 2014-04-14 2014-05-27 2014-01-22 2014-03-13 2015-01-08 2016-02-08 2016-05-13 2015-10-07 2015-10-07 2015-05-27 2014-11-26 2015-11-30 2014-11-26 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2014-03-05 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2014-03-14 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2014-02-04 2016-05-19 2014-01-22 2016-05-19 2014-06-11 2016-05-19 2015-04-10 2014-01-22 2015-06-15 2016-01-25 2015-04-10 2016-02-15 2015-02-19 2014-05-15 2016-07-29 2015-03-26 2015-07-21 2014-01-22 2016-05-13 2015-06-15 2014-12-02 2014-10-01 2014-04-15 2014-05-27 2014-01-22 2014-03-13 2015-01-08 2016-02-08 2016-05-13 2015-10-08 2015-10-08 2015-05-27 2014-11-26 2015-11-30 2014-11-26 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2014-03-05 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2014-03-14 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2014-02-04 2016-05-19 2014-01-22 2016-05-19 2014-06-11 2016-05-19 2015-04-10 Vanden Berg, Lauri Fedder, Julie Baunoch, Marilyn Jozwowski, Nicole Baunoch, Marilyn Boese, Marjorie Jozwowski, Nicole Mueller, Connie Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Vanden Berg, Lauri Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Vanden Berg, Lauri Britton, Devon Baunoch, Marilyn Britton, Devon Vanden Berg, Lauri Jozwowski, Nicole Britton, Devon Vanden Berg, Lauri Fedder, Julie Mihalko, Cari Anne Mihalko, Cari Anne Granrath, Kim Vanden Berg, Lauri Vanden Berg, Lauri Vanden Berg, Lauri Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Baunoch, Marilyn Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Vanden Berg, Lauri Fedder, Julie Vanden Berg, Lauri Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Page 6 Judicial Transfer Events 2006PA000037 2006PA000037PJ 2006PA000039PJ 2006PA000040PJ 2006PA000046 2006PA000047PJ 2006SC000135 2006TJ000086 2007CF000032 2007CF000128 2007CF000256 2007CM001239 2007CV000420 2007CV000427 2007CV000532 2007CV000552 2007FA000002 2007FA000006 2007FA000014 2007FA000027 2007FA000045 2007FA000055 2007FA000087 2007FA000122 2007FA000134 2007FA000137 2007FA000142 2007FA000184 2007FA000188 2007FA000233 2007FA000270 2007FA000277 2007FA000322 2007FA000325 2007FA000329 2007FA000363 2007FA000379 2007FA000381 2007FA000383 2007FA000389 2007FA000395 2007FA000397 2007PA000003PJ 2007PA000004PJ 2007PA000011PJ 2007PA000014PJ 2007PA000015PJ 2007PA000016PJ 2007PA000017PJ 2007PA000018PJ 2007PA000020PJ 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2014-07-24 2016-02-08 2016-05-19 2015-01-30 2015-10-12 2015-10-07 2014-10-28 2014-06-27 2014-01-29 2015-04-02 2015-07-07 2014-10-24 2016-05-12 2014-10-24 2014-10-29 2014-05-07 2014-05-19 2014-01-22 2014-04-17 2015-04-29 2014-01-22 2014-01-22 2014-01-29 2014-03-13 2014-09-29 2014-10-21 2014-01-22 2014-04-03 2014-01-22 2014-06-18 2014-08-28 2015-11-03 2016-05-31 2016-05-13 2015-01-05 2014-08-29 2015-06-24 2014-07-10 2014-04-28 2014-10-03 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2014-03-14 2015-08-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2014-07-25 2016-02-08 2016-05-19 2015-01-30 2015-10-12 2015-10-08 2014-10-28 2014-06-27 2014-01-30 2015-04-03 2015-07-07 2014-10-27 2016-05-12 2014-10-27 2014-10-29 2014-05-07 2014-05-19 2014-01-22 2014-04-17 2015-04-29 2014-01-22 2014-01-22 2014-01-30 2014-03-13 2014-09-29 2014-10-21 2014-01-22 2014-04-03 2014-01-22 2014-06-18 2014-08-28 2015-11-03 2016-06-03 2016-05-13 2015-01-05 2014-09-02 2015-06-24 2014-07-14 2014-04-29 2014-10-03 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2014-03-17 2015-08-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Baunoch, Marilyn Vanden Berg, Lauri Fedder, Julie Britton, Devon Jozwowski, Nicole Mihalko, Cari Anne Jozwowski, Nicole Mihalko, Cari Anne Granrath, Kim Altendorf, Sue Britton, Devon Mihalko, Cari Anne Britton, Devon Mihalko, Cari Anne Vanden Berg, Lauri Britton, Devon Jozwowski, Nicole Vanden Berg, Lauri Britton, Devon Fedder, Julie Vanden Berg, Lauri Vanden Berg, Lauri Mueller, Connie Jozwowski, Nicole Vanden Berg, Lauri Vanden Berg, Lauri Vanden Berg, Lauri Baunoch, Marilyn Vanden Berg, Lauri Britton, Devon Granrath, Kim Vanden Berg, Lauri Mueller, Connie Fedder, Julie Britton, Devon Granrath, Kim Britton, Devon Baunoch, Marilyn Baunoch, Marilyn Britton, Devon Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Baunoch, Marilyn Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Page 7 Judicial Transfer Events 2007PA000021 2007PA000022PJ 2007PA000024PJ 2007PA000026PJ 2007PA000027PJ 2007PA000029PJ 2007PA000030PJ 2007PA000031PJ 2007PA000039 2007PA000040PJ 2007PA000043PJ 2007PA000044 2007PA000047PJ 2007PA000048 2007PA000051PJ 2007PA000054PJ 2008CF000028 2008CF000032 2008CF000050 2008CF000054 2008CF000094 2008CF000147 2008CF000169 2008CF000175 2008CF000182 2008CF000184 2008CF000195 2008CF000209 2008CF000211 2008CF000220 2008CF000221 2008CF000274 2008CF000307 2008CV000153 2008FA000006 2008FA000031 2008FA000036 2008FA000050 2008FA000057 2008FA000062 2008FA000068 2008FA000070 2008FA000076 2008FA000104 2008FA000112 2008FA000117 2008FA000126 2008FA000137 2008FA000144 2008FA000152 2008FA000160 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2015-11-02 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2014-06-11 2015-10-23 2015-05-21 2015-09-23 2015-06-16 2015-09-23 2014-10-13 2015-09-14 2016-09-06 2014-06-19 2014-09-30 2015-11-18 2015-12-21 2015-12-18 2015-05-19 2014-03-14 2015-03-11 2014-06-25 2015-01-20 2016-02-09 2014-05-30 2014-04-08 2014-03-03 2015-06-10 2015-11-09 2014-03-24 2015-02-27 2014-06-06 2014-04-02 2014-01-22 2015-01-14 2014-02-03 2015-04-02 2016-01-04 2014-04-25 2014-06-10 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2015-11-02 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2014-06-11 2015-10-23 2015-05-21 2015-09-23 2015-06-16 2015-09-23 2014-10-14 2015-09-14 2016-09-06 2014-06-24 2014-10-01 2015-11-18 2015-12-21 2015-12-21 2015-05-19 2014-03-14 2015-03-11 2014-06-25 2015-01-22 2016-02-09 2014-05-30 2014-04-09 2014-03-03 2015-06-10 2015-11-10 2014-03-24 2015-02-27 2014-06-06 2014-04-02 2014-01-22 2015-01-14 2014-02-03 2015-04-02 2016-01-04 2014-04-28 2014-06-10 Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Vanden Berg, Lauri Britton, Devon Altendorf, Sue Fedder, Julie Altendorf, Sue Fedder, Julie Baunoch, Marilyn Britton, Devon Freeland, Rebecca Baunoch, Marilyn Baunoch, Marilyn Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Jozwowski, Nicole Britton, Devon Altendorf, Sue Altendorf, Sue Baunoch, Marilyn Mihalko, Cari Anne Vanden Berg, Lauri Baunoch, Marilyn Baunoch, Marilyn Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Baunoch, Marilyn Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Baunoch, Marilyn Vanden Berg, Lauri Britton, Devon Jozwowski, Nicole Boese, Marjorie Britton, Devon Baunoch, Marilyn Britton, Devon Page 8 Judicial Transfer Events 2008FA000175 2008FA000180 2008FA000186 2008FA000190 2008FA000230 2008FA000239 2008FA000246 2008FA000251 2008FA000260 2008FA000265 2008FA000296 2008FA000315 2008FA000353 2008GN000046 2008GN000059 2008ME000201 2008ME000208 2008PA000003 2008PA000005PJ 2008PA000008PJ 2008PA000011PJ 2008PA000015PJ 2008PA000020PJ 2008PA000022PJ 2008PA000026PJ 2008PA000030 2008PA000031PJ 2008PA000034PJ 2008PA000035 2008PA000040PJ 2008PA000045PJ 2008PA000049 2008PA000049PJ 2008SC000153 2008SC000218 2008SC000709 2008SC000752 2008SC000901 2009CF000029 2009CF000034 2009CF000042 2009CF000048 2009CF000084 2009CF000088 2009CF000091 2009CF000102 2009CM000746 2009CM000775 2009CM000812 2009CV000069 2009CV000186 2014-05-13 2014-02-03 2014-03-14 2014-03-10 2014-04-30 2014-05-27 2016-05-13 2015-03-26 2015-12-07 2015-05-13 2014-06-24 2015-11-24 2014-07-24 2015-09-30 2015-06-03 2014-04-25 2014-05-14 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2014-01-22 2014-06-11 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2014-07-16 2015-03-03 2014-12-29 2015-04-09 2015-10-07 2014-09-03 2014-01-28 2016-01-14 2014-08-04 2014-03-06 2014-10-28 2015-04-06 2014-03-24 2015-01-30 2014-02-26 2015-02-17 2016-05-16 2015-11-20 2014-05-13 2014-02-03 2014-03-17 2014-03-10 2014-05-01 2014-05-27 2016-05-13 2015-03-26 2015-12-07 2015-05-13 2014-06-25 2015-11-24 2014-07-24 2015-09-30 2015-06-03 2014-04-28 2014-05-15 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2014-01-22 2014-06-11 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2014-07-17 2015-03-06 2014-12-29 2015-04-09 2015-10-08 2014-09-03 2014-01-29 2016-01-14 2014-08-05 2014-03-07 2014-10-28 2015-04-06 2014-03-24 2015-01-30 2014-03-12 2015-02-18 2016-05-24 2015-11-20 Baunoch, Marilyn Jozwowski, Nicole Baunoch, Marilyn Altendorf, Sue Baunoch, Marilyn Britton, Devon Fedder, Julie Britton, Devon Fedder, Julie Britton, Devon Baunoch, Marilyn Vanden Berg, Lauri Jozwowski, Nicole Vanden Berg, Lauri Granrath, Kim Mueller, Connie Mueller, Connie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Vanden Berg, Lauri Vanden Berg, Lauri Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Baunoch, Marilyn Mihalko, Cari Anne Mihalko, Cari Anne Mihalko, Cari Anne Mihalko, Cari Anne Britton, Devon Granrath, Kim Mueller, Connie Mueller, Connie Mihalko, Cari Anne Altendorf, Sue Britton, Devon Mihalko, Cari Anne Altendorf, Sue Mihalko, Cari Anne Jozwowski, Nicole Wester, Terry McCoy, Jaclyn Page 9 Judicial Transfer Events 2009CV000293 2009CV000458 2009CV000469 2009CV000475 2009CV000538 2009CV000556 2009CV000946 2009CV000963 2009CV000970 2009CV000983 2009FA000004 2009FA000007 2009FA000030 2009FA000062 2009FA000088 2009FA000136 2009FA000144 2009FA000319 2009FA000366 2009FA000376 2009FA000393 2009FA000399 2009FJ000005 2009GN000006 2009GN000009 2009GN000017 2009GN000021 2009GN000029 2009GN000055 2009GN000057 2009GN000060 2009PA000006 2009PA000006PJ 2009PA000008PJ 2009PA000013PJ 2009PA000017PJ 2009PA000021PJ 2009PA000026 2009PA000045PJ 2009PA000060PJ 2009PA000063PJ 2009PR000119 2009SC000694 2009SC000719 2009SC001265 2009SC001393 2009SC001541 2010CF000027 2010CF000029 2010CF000035 2010CF000036 2014-12-12 2016-05-23 2016-05-06 2015-02-06 2016-03-01 2016-06-15 2014-07-07 2016-07-21 2014-05-16 2016-02-15 2016-01-06 2014-05-02 2016-04-14 2016-05-13 2015-02-12 2016-01-05 2015-03-30 2015-02-20 2015-01-08 2014-03-21 2014-01-22 2015-02-20 2015-10-07 2014-08-14 2015-05-13 2015-07-07 2014-10-21 2015-09-09 2016-07-27 2014-01-22 2016-07-08 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2014-07-22 2014-01-22 2016-05-19 2014-08-12 2015-10-12 2016-08-11 2016-07-05 2014-04-07 2014-01-24 2014-07-28 2016-05-23 2014-09-18 2015-03-11 2014-12-12 2016-05-23 2016-05-06 2015-02-06 2016-03-01 2016-06-15 2014-07-07 2016-07-21 2014-05-16 2016-02-15 2016-01-07 2014-05-05 2016-04-14 2016-05-13 2015-02-12 2016-01-05 2015-03-30 2015-02-20 2015-01-08 2014-03-21 2014-01-22 2015-02-20 2015-10-08 2014-08-14 2015-05-14 2015-07-07 2014-10-21 2015-09-09 2016-07-27 2014-01-22 2016-07-08 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2014-07-22 2014-01-22 2016-05-19 2014-08-12 2015-10-12 2016-08-11 2016-07-05 2014-04-07 2014-01-24 2014-07-28 2016-05-23 2014-09-18 2015-03-11 Mihalko, Cari Anne Boyd, Aaron Mihalko, Cari Anne Mueller, Connie McCoy, Jaclyn Britton, Devon Mueller, Connie Jozwowski, Nicole Britton, Devon Mihalko, Cari Anne Baunoch, Marilyn Baunoch, Marilyn Preisler, Sarah Fedder, Julie Britton, Devon Vanden Berg, Lauri Vanden Berg, Lauri Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Vanden Berg, Lauri Britton, Devon Mihalko, Cari Anne Meyer, Marilyn Granrath, Kim Mueller, Mary Lou Granrath, Kim Vanden Berg, Lauri Vanden Berg, Lauri Vanden Berg, Lauri Baunoch, Marilyn Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Baunoch, Marilyn Vanden Berg, Lauri Fedder, Julie Mueller, Mary Lou Jozwowski, Nicole Preisler, Sarah Preisler, Sarah Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Granrath, Kim Boyd, Aaron Jozwowski, Nicole Altendorf, Sue Page 10 Judicial Transfer Events 2010CF000066 2010CF000180 2010CF000184 2010CF000185 2010CF000193 2010CF000204 2010CF000213 2010CF000223 2010CF000236 2010CF000237 2010CF000261 2010CF000294 2010CF000304 2010CM000611 2010CM000754 2010CV000055 2010CV000108 2010CV000459 2010CV000470 2010CV000685 2010CV000814 2010CV000829 2010CV000838 2010CV000881 2010CV001000 2010CV001056 2010CV001071 2010FA000005 2010FA000024 2010FA000051 2010FA000059 2010FA000061 2010FA000083 2010FA000095 2010FA000108 2010FA000112 2010FA000133 2010FA000143 2010FA000150 2010FA000156 2010FA000164 2010FA000202 2010FA000206 2010FA000241 2010FA000250 2010FA000258 2010FA000269 2010FA000294 2010FA000323 2010FA000329 2010FA000334 2014-02-27 2015-03-02 2014-01-31 2014-08-11 2014-02-05 2015-08-12 2014-01-29 2014-05-07 2014-04-30 2014-09-18 2015-08-24 2014-02-20 2015-06-02 2014-10-24 2014-01-23 2014-02-28 2014-04-23 2014-12-01 2014-10-21 2014-04-07 2015-06-01 2014-03-21 2016-04-04 2014-02-04 2014-02-12 2014-04-22 2014-03-18 2014-10-03 2015-05-13 2015-04-08 2014-06-18 2014-07-22 2016-05-13 2016-01-20 2014-01-22 2016-05-13 2015-05-26 2014-10-29 2014-08-26 2014-11-11 2014-01-16 2014-06-23 2015-07-23 2014-08-29 2014-12-22 2014-01-20 2014-05-27 2014-07-15 2016-05-23 2015-06-12 2016-05-13 2014-02-27 2015-03-02 2014-01-31 2014-08-11 2014-02-05 2015-08-12 2014-01-30 2014-05-07 2014-05-01 2014-09-18 2015-08-24 2014-02-20 2015-06-02 2014-10-24 2014-01-24 2014-02-28 2014-04-23 2014-12-01 2014-10-22 2014-04-07 2015-06-01 2014-03-21 2016-04-04 2014-02-05 2014-02-13 2014-04-23 2014-03-19 2014-10-03 2015-05-13 2015-04-08 2014-06-18 2014-09-16 2016-05-13 2016-01-21 2014-01-22 2016-05-13 2015-05-26 2014-10-29 2014-08-26 2014-11-11 2014-01-17 2014-06-23 2015-07-23 2014-08-29 2014-12-22 2014-01-20 2014-05-27 2014-07-17 2016-05-23 2015-06-15 2016-05-13 Altendorf, Sue Haggenjos, Ellen Granrath, Kim Jozwowski, Nicole Mihalko, Cari Anne Britton, Devon Granrath, Kim Granrath, Kim Granrath, Kim Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Granrath, Kim Britton, Devon Baunoch, Marilyn Granrath, Kim Altendorf, Sue Britton, Devon Mihalko, Cari Anne Baunoch, Marilyn Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Jozwowski, Nicole Mihalko, Cari Anne Baunoch, Marilyn Baunoch, Marilyn Mihalko, Cari Anne Jozwowski, Nicole Britton, Devon Jozwowski, Nicole Vanden Berg, Lauri Baunoch, Marilyn Mueller, Connie Fedder, Julie Baunoch, Marilyn Vanden Berg, Lauri Fedder, Julie Britton, Devon Vanden Berg, Lauri Britton, Devon Vanden Berg, Lauri Mueller, Mary Lou Baunoch, Marilyn Fedder, Julie Granrath, Kim Vanden Berg, Lauri Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Baunoch, Marilyn Preisler, Sarah Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Page 11 Judicial Transfer Events 2010FA000345 2010FA000362 2010FA000376 2010FA000387 2010FA000396 2010FA000402 2010FO000612 2010GN000004 2010GN000005 2010GN000020 2010GN000028 2010GN000032 2010GN000036 2010GN000037 2010JC000007 2010JV000018 2010JV000029 2010ME000161 2010ME000163 2010PA000002PJ 2010PA000008 2010PA000010PJ 2010PA000013PJ 2010PA000014 2010PA000019 2010PA000022PJ 2010PA000023PJ 2010PA000027PJ 2010PA000043 2010PA000045PJ 2010PA000047 2010PA000050PJ 2010PA000054PJ 2010SC000671 2010SC000708 2010SC001065 2010SC001096 2010SC001099 2010SC001145 2010SC001275 2010SC001440 2010SC001526 2010TJ000021 2010TJ000110 2011AD000012 2011CF000024 2011CF000032 2011CF000057 2011CF000077 2011CF000083 2011CF000097 2015-06-29 2015-07-06 2014-01-22 2014-04-18 2014-10-16 2014-06-25 2014-01-22 2015-08-05 2016-07-28 2016-06-30 2016-05-25 2015-07-22 2015-09-30 2015-09-16 2015-11-24 2014-08-11 2014-08-11 2014-03-21 2014-04-11 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2014-01-22 2014-06-11 2014-01-22 2016-05-19 2016-03-01 2016-05-19 2014-06-11 2016-05-19 2016-01-21 2014-07-23 2014-05-12 2016-03-31 2014-03-19 2014-02-20 2014-04-10 2016-07-19 2016-07-19 2016-04-29 2016-01-11 2014-01-31 2014-04-24 2015-01-12 2014-01-29 2014-03-05 2016-01-07 2014-01-30 2015-06-29 2015-07-06 2014-01-22 2014-04-18 2014-10-16 2014-06-25 2014-01-22 2015-08-05 2016-07-28 2016-07-01 2016-05-26 2015-07-22 2015-09-30 2015-09-16 2015-11-24 2014-08-11 2014-08-11 2014-03-24 2014-04-11 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2014-01-22 2014-06-11 2014-01-23 2016-05-19 2016-03-02 2016-05-19 2014-06-11 2016-05-19 2016-01-22 2014-07-26 2014-05-15 2016-04-01 2014-03-19 2014-02-20 2014-04-16 2016-07-19 2016-07-19 2016-04-29 2016-01-11 2014-01-31 2014-04-24 2015-01-12 2014-01-29 2014-03-05 2016-01-08 2014-01-30 Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Vanden Berg, Lauri Baunoch, Marilyn Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Vanden Berg, Lauri Vanden Berg, Lauri Vanden Berg, Lauri Baunoch, Marilyn Baunoch, Marilyn Mueller, Mary Lou Vanden Berg, Lauri Vanden Berg, Lauri Mueller, Mary Lou Wester, Terry Wester, Terry Mueller, Connie Mueller, Connie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Vanden Berg, Lauri Vanden Berg, Lauri Vanden Berg, Lauri Fedder, Julie Mueller, Connie Fedder, Julie Vanden Berg, Lauri Fedder, Julie Baunoch, Marilyn Mihalko, Cari Anne Mihalko, Cari Anne Jozwowski, Nicole Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Mihalko, Cari Anne Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Mihalko, Cari Anne Mihalko, Cari Anne Granrath, Kim Mihalko, Cari Anne Baunoch, Marilyn Granrath, Kim Granrath, Kim Britton, Devon Granrath, Kim Page 12 Judicial Transfer Events 2011CF000127 2011CF000130 2011CF000132 2011CF000175 2011CF000201 2011CF000209 2011CF000212 2011CF000232 2011CF000233 2011CF000234 2011CF000255 2011CM000072 2011CM000290 2011CM000379 2011CM000629 2011CM000693 2011CV000019 2011CV000026 2011CV000238 2011CV000245 2011CV000366 2011CV000416 2011CV000486 2011CV000512 2011CV000522 2011CV000595 2011CV000610 2011CV000636 2011CV000647 2011CV000712 2011CV000726 2011CV000795 2011FA000007 2011FA000009 2011FA000016 2011FA000028 2011FA000034 2011FA000035 2011FA000040 2011FA000052 2011FA000054 2011FA000063 2011FA000067 2011FA000077 2011FA000091 2011FA000096 2011FA000106 2011FA000109 2011FA000126 2011FA000131 2011FA000159 2015-07-23 2014-04-11 2015-01-26 2014-05-12 2014-05-15 2015-01-15 2014-09-04 2014-03-04 2014-05-16 2014-03-05 2016-07-27 2015-10-15 2014-09-18 2015-09-21 2014-03-07 2014-02-24 2014-03-10 2014-02-17 2014-04-03 2015-08-14 2015-06-05 2014-06-27 2014-10-08 2014-10-08 2016-09-08 2014-07-10 2014-10-16 2015-01-06 2015-05-18 2015-11-30 2015-01-05 2014-06-20 2015-04-16 2014-12-09 2014-11-25 2014-12-03 2016-01-04 2016-03-01 2015-06-26 2016-07-29 2016-07-06 2015-12-09 2014-05-16 2015-07-07 2016-01-29 2014-04-03 2014-01-22 2015-02-16 2014-05-23 2014-05-06 2014-11-25 2015-07-23 2014-04-11 2015-01-27 2014-05-12 2014-05-19 2015-01-15 2014-09-04 2014-03-07 2014-05-16 2014-03-05 2016-07-27 2015-10-16 2014-09-18 2015-09-21 2014-03-07 2014-02-24 2014-03-11 2014-02-17 2014-04-03 2015-08-14 2015-06-10 2014-06-27 2014-10-08 2014-10-08 2016-09-08 2014-07-11 2014-10-17 2015-01-06 2015-05-18 2015-11-30 2015-01-08 2014-06-20 2015-11-05 2014-12-09 2014-11-25 2014-12-03 2016-01-04 2016-03-01 2015-06-26 2016-07-29 2016-07-06 2015-12-10 2014-05-16 2015-07-07 2016-01-29 2014-04-04 2014-01-22 2015-02-16 2014-05-23 2014-05-06 2014-11-25 Fedder, Julie Mihalko, Cari Anne Boese, Marjorie Baunoch, Marilyn Baunoch, Marilyn Baunoch, Marilyn Jozwowski, Nicole Mueller, Connie Altendorf, Sue Granrath, Kim Britton, Devon Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Altendorf, Sue Granrath, Kim Baunoch, Marilyn Baunoch, Marilyn Jozwowski, Nicole Baunoch, Marilyn Mihalko, Cari Anne Baunoch, Marilyn Baunoch, Marilyn Baunoch, Marilyn Mueller, Connie Baunoch, Marilyn Baunoch, Marilyn Britton, Devon Baunoch, Marilyn Jozwowski, Nicole Boese, Marjorie Baunoch, Marilyn Mueller, Connie Britton, Devon Vanden Berg, Lauri Fedder, Julie Baunoch, Marilyn Vanden Berg, Lauri Britton, Devon Preisler, Sarah Britton, Devon Vanden Berg, Lauri Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Vanden Berg, Lauri Baunoch, Marilyn Vanden Berg, Lauri Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Vanden Berg, Lauri Vanden Berg, Lauri Page 13 Judicial Transfer Events 2011FA000164 2011FA000170 2011FA000232 2011FA000270 2011FA000281 2011FA000284 2011FA000297 2011FA000301 2011FA000308 2011FA000310 2011FA000311 2011FA000313 2011FA000354 2011FA000371 2011GN000020 2011JC000002 2011JV000030 2011JV000063 2011ME000109 2011PA000003 2011PA000006PJ 2011PA000009PJ 2011PA000013PJ 2011PA000015PJ 2011PA000018PJ 2011PA000020PJ 2011PA000023 2011PA000026PJ 2011PA000028PJ 2011PA000030 2011PA000033PJ 2011PA000038 2011PA000043PJ 2011PA000044PJ 2011PA000046PJ 2011PA000048PJ 2011PA000049PJ 2011PA000052PJ 2011PA000053PJ 2011PA000056 2011PA000060PJ 2011PA000061PJ 2011PR000065 2011PR000066 2011SC000220 2011SC000570 2011SC000624 2011SC000656 2011SC000729 2011SC000789 2011SC000843 2014-12-16 2014-07-23 2014-09-29 2014-02-21 2014-02-07 2014-01-22 2014-09-10 2014-03-04 2014-01-29 2014-12-05 2014-05-13 2014-06-11 2014-01-22 2015-04-02 2014-09-03 2014-04-14 2014-08-11 2014-09-29 2014-01-31 2016-05-19 2014-04-30 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2014-06-11 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2014-10-09 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2015-09-15 2014-02-21 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2014-01-22 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2015-10-12 2014-08-12 2014-08-12 2014-04-07 2014-07-25 2014-09-22 2014-04-14 2015-04-09 2014-05-05 2016-01-11 2014-12-16 2014-07-24 2014-09-29 2014-02-24 2014-02-07 2014-01-22 2014-09-10 2014-03-04 2014-01-29 2014-12-05 2014-05-13 2014-06-11 2014-01-22 2015-04-02 2014-09-03 2014-04-15 2014-08-11 2014-09-29 2014-01-31 2016-05-19 2014-04-30 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2014-06-11 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2014-10-09 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2015-09-15 2014-02-21 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2014-01-22 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2015-10-12 2014-08-12 2014-08-12 2014-04-07 2014-07-25 2014-09-22 2014-04-14 2015-04-09 2014-05-06 2016-01-11 Vanden Berg, Lauri Baunoch, Marilyn Vanden Berg, Lauri Granrath, Kim Britton, Devon Vanden Berg, Lauri Vanden Berg, Lauri Britton, Devon Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Britton, Devon Baunoch, Marilyn Vanden Berg, Lauri Vanden Berg, Lauri Mueller, Mary Lou Granrath, Kim Wester, Terry Jozwowski, Nicole Mueller, Connie Fedder, Julie Vanden Berg, Lauri Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Vanden Berg, Lauri Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Vanden Berg, Lauri Britton, Devon Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Vanden Berg, Lauri Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Mueller, Mary Lou Mueller, Mary Lou Britton, Devon Baunoch, Marilyn Jozwowski, Nicole Britton, Devon Mihalko, Cari Anne Fedder, Julie Baunoch, Marilyn Page 14 Judicial Transfer Events 2011SC000882 2011SC000925 2011SC001061 2011SC001074 2011SC001083 2011SC001123 2011SC001143 2011SC001182 2011SC001218 2011SC001231 2011SC001255 2011SC001264 2011TP000019 2011TP000020 2011TR004118 2011TR004181 2011TR004182 2011TR004752 2011TR004753 2012CF000002 2012CF000007 2012CF000032 2012CF000034 2012CF000036 2012CF000040 2012CF000048 2012CF000064 2012CF000070 2012CF000079 2012CF000082 2012CF000096 2012CF000097 2012CF000103 2012CF000107 2012CF000108 2012CF000110 2012CF000114 2012CF000132 2012CF000178 2012CF000193 2012CF000210 2012CF000218 2012CF000236 2012CF000276 2012CM000015 2012CM000030 2012CM000384 2012CM000431 2012CM000455 2012CM000461 2012CM000480 2016-02-05 2014-04-07 2015-05-27 2014-05-09 2016-02-05 2015-05-11 2014-05-22 2014-05-02 2014-09-22 2016-04-14 2014-01-21 2014-04-15 2014-05-09 2014-05-09 2014-01-22 2014-01-22 2014-01-22 2014-01-22 2014-01-22 2014-05-15 2014-03-24 2015-03-20 2014-07-07 2014-07-11 2014-07-07 2014-01-21 2015-04-27 2014-02-10 2014-09-26 2016-01-04 2014-02-20 2014-03-17 2014-10-09 2014-06-11 2014-07-07 2014-06-11 2014-03-11 2014-06-11 2014-05-06 2015-12-16 2015-01-27 2015-01-07 2014-11-13 2014-01-27 2014-02-19 2014-09-18 2014-02-10 2014-08-18 2014-02-10 2014-12-09 2014-02-04 2016-02-08 2014-04-07 2015-05-27 2014-05-09 2016-02-08 2015-05-11 2014-05-22 2014-05-02 2014-09-22 2016-04-14 2014-01-21 2014-04-15 2014-05-09 2014-05-09 2014-01-22 2014-01-22 2014-01-22 2014-01-22 2014-01-22 2014-05-19 2014-03-24 2015-03-20 2014-07-07 2014-07-11 2014-07-07 2014-01-21 2015-04-27 2014-02-10 2014-09-26 2016-01-04 2014-02-20 2014-03-18 2014-10-13 2014-06-11 2014-07-07 2014-06-11 2014-03-12 2014-06-11 2014-05-06 2015-12-17 2015-01-27 2015-01-07 2014-11-18 2014-01-27 2014-02-19 2014-09-18 2014-02-10 2014-08-18 2014-02-10 2014-12-13 2014-02-05 Mihalko, Cari Anne Britton, Devon Fedder, Julie Britton, Devon Mihalko, Cari Anne Britton, Devon Jozwowski, Nicole Britton, Devon Jozwowski, Nicole Baunoch, Marilyn Altendorf, Sue Britton, Devon Mihalko, Cari Anne Mihalko, Cari Anne Vanden Berg, Lauri Vanden Berg, Lauri Vanden Berg, Lauri Vanden Berg, Lauri Vanden Berg, Lauri Baunoch, Marilyn Jozwowski, Nicole Boese, Marjorie Altendorf, Sue Vanden Berg, Lauri Altendorf, Sue Altendorf, Sue Britton, Devon Granrath, Kim Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Granrath, Kim Altendorf, Sue Mueller, Connie Baunoch, Marilyn Altendorf, Sue Baunoch, Marilyn Granrath, Kim Baunoch, Marilyn Granrath, Kim Britton, Devon Boese, Marjorie Altendorf, Sue Jozwowski, Nicole Granrath, Kim Mihalko, Cari Anne Jozwowski, Nicole Mihalko, Cari Anne Altendorf, Sue Granrath, Kim Mihalko, Cari Anne Altendorf, Sue Page 15 Judicial Transfer Events 2012CM000539 2012CM000572 2012CM000688 2012CM000780 2012CM000791 2012CM000826 2012CM000830 2012CV000013 2012CV000042 2012CV000045 2012CV000121 2012CV000159 2012CV000264 2012CV000332 2012CV000367 2012CV000434 2012CV000527 2012CV000551 2012CV000554 2012CV000565 2012CV000601 2012CV000619 2012CV000699 2012FA000014 2012FA000017 2012FA000031 2012FA000036 2012FA000042 2012FA000055 2012FA000057 2012FA000064 2012FA000078 2012FA000082 2012FA000097 2012FA000099 2012FA000106 2012FA000116 2012FA000124 2012FA000126 2012FA000138 2012FA000147 2012FA000158 2012FA000163 2012FA000174 2012FA000201 2012FA000217 2012FA000227 2012FA000231 2012FA000245 2012FA000257 2012FA000261 2014-06-30 2014-07-03 2015-01-06 2014-04-15 2014-05-30 2014-02-03 2014-03-19 2014-04-18 2015-01-12 2014-10-10 2016-04-04 2016-01-21 2016-08-08 2014-03-31 2015-09-24 2014-06-18 2014-09-18 2014-04-14 2015-10-21 2015-04-01 2015-11-04 2015-09-23 2014-05-16 2016-01-15 2014-01-22 2014-01-22 2014-06-26 2014-10-22 2015-03-30 2014-01-22 2014-06-17 2015-07-10 2015-02-25 2014-04-17 2014-10-15 2014-06-09 2014-01-31 2014-01-22 2015-03-10 2014-03-17 2016-05-13 2015-04-06 2014-01-22 2015-06-15 2014-06-18 2016-05-13 2014-01-31 2014-03-19 2016-05-13 2016-05-13 2014-11-05 2014-06-30 2014-07-03 2015-01-07 2014-04-15 2014-05-30 2014-02-04 2014-03-27 2014-04-18 2015-01-13 2014-10-13 2016-04-04 2016-01-21 2016-08-08 2014-03-31 2015-09-24 2014-06-18 2014-09-18 2014-04-14 2015-10-26 2015-04-01 2015-11-04 2015-09-23 2014-05-19 2016-01-15 2014-01-22 2014-01-22 2014-06-27 2014-10-22 2015-03-30 2014-01-22 2014-06-18 2015-07-10 2015-02-26 2014-04-17 2014-10-15 2014-06-09 2014-01-31 2014-01-22 2015-03-10 2014-03-17 2016-05-13 2015-04-06 2014-01-22 2015-06-15 2014-06-18 2016-05-13 2014-01-31 2014-03-20 2016-05-13 2016-05-13 2014-11-05 Mihalko, Cari Anne Mihalko, Cari Anne Jozwowski, Nicole Altendorf, Sue Baunoch, Marilyn Granrath, Kim Mueller, Connie Britton, Devon Baunoch, Marilyn Baunoch, Marilyn Mihalko, Cari Anne Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Baunoch, Marilyn Jozwowski, Nicole Britton, Devon Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Britton, Devon Fedder, Julie Baunoch, Marilyn Britton, Devon Vanden Berg, Lauri Vanden Berg, Lauri Baunoch, Marilyn Vanden Berg, Lauri Britton, Devon Vanden Berg, Lauri Baunoch, Marilyn Altendorf, Sue Boese, Marjorie Britton, Devon Vanden Berg, Lauri Jozwowski, Nicole Britton, Devon Vanden Berg, Lauri Britton, Devon Baunoch, Marilyn Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Vanden Berg, Lauri Vanden Berg, Lauri Britton, Devon Fedder, Julie Britton, Devon Baunoch, Marilyn Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Vanden Berg, Lauri Page 16 Judicial Transfer Events 2012FA000267 2012FA000270 2012FA000272 2012FA000300 2012FA000330 2012FA000334 2012FA000355 2012GN000069 2012JC000014 2012JV000097 2012ME000005 2012ME000114 2012ME000140 2012ME000174 2012PA000002PJ 2012PA000008PJ 2012PA000010PJ 2012PA000014PJ 2012PA000017PJ 2012PA000020PJ 2012PA000023 2012PA000024 2012PA000025 2012PA000033PJ 2012PA000035PJ 2012PA000037 2012PA000039PJ 2012PA000043PJ 2012PA000046PJ 2012PA000047PJ 2012PA000049PJ 2012PA000052PJ 2012PR000048 2012PR000097 2012PR000134 2012SC000094 2012SC000310 2012SC000660 2012SC000667 2012SC000738 2012SC000859 2012SC000875 2012SC001123 2012SC001126 2012SC001137 2012SC001200 2012SC001206 2012SC001228 2012SC001241 2012SC001295 2013CF000009 2014-03-14 2014-03-11 2014-12-05 2016-01-29 2014-02-11 2014-03-26 2015-03-25 2016-05-16 2014-05-22 2014-02-11 2014-06-16 2014-01-22 2014-03-21 2014-06-16 2016-05-19 2014-01-24 2016-05-19 2016-02-11 2014-06-11 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2014-01-22 2014-09-12 2016-05-19 2014-04-16 2014-06-04 2014-03-12 2014-09-15 2014-10-21 2014-08-12 2014-05-21 2014-07-31 2015-08-11 2016-05-25 2014-09-18 2014-11-25 2014-03-24 2014-01-23 2016-06-30 2016-06-09 2014-07-02 2014-05-09 2015-03-16 2016-04-04 2016-07-29 2014-05-30 2014-03-14 2014-03-11 2014-12-05 2016-01-29 2014-02-13 2014-03-27 2015-03-25 2016-05-16 2014-05-23 2014-02-11 2014-06-16 2014-01-22 2014-03-24 2014-06-17 2016-05-19 2014-01-24 2016-05-19 2016-02-11 2014-06-11 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2016-05-19 2014-01-22 2014-09-12 2016-05-19 2014-04-17 2014-06-04 2014-03-12 2014-09-15 2014-10-21 2014-08-12 2014-05-21 2014-07-31 2015-08-12 2016-05-25 2014-09-18 2014-11-25 2014-03-24 2014-01-23 2016-06-30 2016-06-09 2014-07-02 2014-05-09 2015-03-16 2016-04-04 2016-07-29 2014-05-30 Baunoch, Marilyn Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Vanden Berg, Lauri Granrath, Kim Baunoch, Marilyn Britton, Devon Mueller, Mary Lou Baunoch, Marilyn Granrath, Kim Mueller, Connie Vanden Berg, Lauri Mueller, Connie Mueller, Connie Fedder, Julie Britton, Devon Fedder, Julie Baunoch, Marilyn Vanden Berg, Lauri Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Vanden Berg, Lauri Vanden Berg, Lauri Fedder, Julie Baunoch, Marilyn Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Mueller, Mary Lou Granrath, Kim Mueller, Mary Lou Britton, Devon Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Preisler, Sarah Mihalko, Cari Anne Jozwowski, Nicole Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Preisler, Sarah Preisler, Sarah Fedder, Julie Britton, Devon Mihalko, Cari Anne Mihalko, Cari Anne Britton, Devon Baunoch, Marilyn Page 17 Judicial Transfer Events 2013CF000013 2013CF000014 2013CF000019 2013CF000046 2013CF000048 2013CF000051 2013CF000112 2013CM000001 2013CM000006 2013CM000036 2013CM000131 2013CM000269 2013CV000003 2013CV000041 2013CV000062 2013CV000068 2013CV000118 2013CV000121 2013CV000137 2013CV000174 2013CV000230 2013CV000254 2013CV000320 2013CV000333 2013FA000002 2013FA000006 2013FA000010 2013FA000024 2013FA000028 2013FA000086 2013FA000108 2013FA000135 2013FA000145 2013FO000108 2013FO000221 2013FO000225 2013FO000228 2013FO000232 2013GN000043 2013JV000002 2013PA000004PJ 2013PA000006PJ 2013PA000013PJ 2013PR000007 2013PR000012 2013PR000014 2013PR000043 2013PR000048 2013PR000055 2013PR000062 2013PR000063 2015-02-09 2015-07-17 2014-01-14 2015-07-08 2014-05-16 2014-01-22 2015-04-10 2014-02-14 2014-07-23 2014-05-28 2014-06-04 2015-12-18 2014-01-22 2014-04-15 2015-06-29 2014-01-20 2014-03-27 2014-04-09 2014-04-25 2014-02-18 2014-03-11 2014-10-09 2016-01-21 2016-04-19 2014-08-15 2014-06-20 2015-05-28 2014-01-22 2014-04-23 2014-01-22 2015-07-13 2014-01-22 2014-06-06 2014-01-06 2014-01-03 2014-01-08 2014-01-08 2014-01-08 2015-03-02 2014-03-21 2016-05-19 2014-06-11 2016-05-19 2014-08-12 2014-08-12 2015-05-22 2014-07-08 2014-08-12 2016-05-16 2014-08-12 2014-10-16 2015-02-11 2015-07-20 2014-01-22 2015-07-08 2014-05-19 2014-01-23 2015-04-10 2014-02-14 2014-07-23 2014-05-28 2014-06-05 2015-12-18 2014-01-22 2014-04-15 2015-06-29 2014-01-22 2014-03-27 2014-04-09 2014-04-25 2014-02-18 2014-03-11 2014-10-10 2016-01-21 2016-04-20 2014-08-15 2014-06-20 2015-05-28 2014-01-22 2014-04-24 2014-01-22 2015-07-13 2014-01-22 2014-06-06 2014-01-06 2014-01-03 2014-01-08 2014-01-08 2014-01-08 2015-03-02 2014-03-21 2016-05-19 2014-06-11 2016-05-19 2014-08-12 2014-08-12 2015-05-22 2014-07-08 2014-08-12 2016-05-16 2014-08-12 2014-10-16 Mihalko, Cari Anne Jozwowski, Nicole Granrath, Kim Jozwowski, Nicole Baunoch, Marilyn Granrath, Kim Britton, Devon Altendorf, Sue Granrath, Kim Baunoch, Marilyn Mihalko, Cari Anne Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Baunoch, Marilyn Britton, Devon Baunoch, Marilyn Altendorf, Sue Altendorf, Sue Britton, Devon Altendorf, Sue Baunoch, Marilyn Baunoch, Marilyn Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Vanden Berg, Lauri Baunoch, Marilyn Vanden Berg, Lauri Vanden Berg, Lauri Baunoch, Marilyn Vanden Berg, Lauri Britton, Devon Vanden Berg, Lauri Britton, Devon Altendorf, Sue Altendorf, Sue Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Altendorf, Sue Altendorf, Sue Fedder, Julie Vanden Berg, Lauri Fedder, Julie Mueller, Mary Lou Mueller, Mary Lou Mueller, Mary Lou Meyer, Marilyn Mueller, Mary Lou Mueller, Mary Lou Mueller, Mary Lou Granrath, Kim Page 18 Judicial Transfer Events 2013PR000071 2013PR000079 2013PR000084 2013PR000100 2013PR000114 2013PR000130 2013PR000132 2013PR000135 2013PR000142 2013PR000150 2013SC000051 2013SC000106 2013SC000134 2013SC000259 2013SC000290 2013SC000402 2013SC000463 2013SC000574 2013TR000390 2013TR000511 2013TR001200 2013TR001563 2013TR003146 2013TR003404 2013TR003464 2013TR003498 2013TR003500 2013TR003542 2013TR003544 2013TR003670 2013TR003672 2013TR003681 2013TR003682 2013TR003683 2013TR003684 2013TR003688 2013TR003769 2013TR003771 2013TR003772 2013TR003773 2013TR003800 2013TR003819 2013TR003842 2013TR003850 2013TR003887 2013TR003892 2013TR003893 2013TR003894 2013TR003921 2013TR003936 2013TR003952 2016-05-26 2014-08-12 2014-08-12 2014-08-12 2014-08-12 2014-07-13 2016-06-07 2014-08-12 2015-12-01 2014-08-12 2015-06-11 2014-04-14 2016-06-30 2015-03-19 2014-05-29 2014-01-22 2014-11-17 2014-01-22 2014-04-15 2014-03-21 2016-01-04 2014-03-21 2014-05-14 2014-01-07 2014-02-07 2014-02-26 2014-09-29 2014-01-06 2014-01-17 2014-01-08 2014-01-02 2014-01-08 2014-01-08 2014-01-02 2014-01-02 2014-03-04 2014-01-08 2014-02-10 2014-02-10 2014-02-10 2014-01-08 2014-01-03 2014-01-08 2014-01-08 2014-01-08 2014-01-22 2014-01-22 2014-01-22 2014-01-06 2014-01-07 2014-01-02 2016-05-26 2014-08-12 2014-08-12 2014-08-12 2014-08-12 2016-03-31 2016-06-07 2014-08-12 2016-02-15 2014-08-12 2015-06-12 2014-04-14 2016-06-30 2015-03-19 2014-05-29 2014-01-22 2014-11-17 2014-01-22 2014-04-15 2014-03-24 2016-01-04 2014-03-24 2014-05-14 2014-01-07 2014-02-10 2014-02-26 2014-09-29 2014-01-06 2014-01-17 2014-01-08 2014-01-07 2014-01-08 2014-01-08 2014-01-07 2014-01-07 2014-03-10 2014-01-08 2014-02-10 2014-02-10 2014-02-10 2014-01-08 2014-01-03 2014-01-08 2014-01-08 2014-01-08 2014-01-23 2014-01-23 2014-01-23 2014-01-07 2014-01-07 2014-01-08 Mueller, Mary Lou Mueller, Mary Lou Mueller, Mary Lou Mueller, Mary Lou Mueller, Mary Lou Mueller, Mary Lou Mueller, Mary Lou Mueller, Mary Lou Mueller, Mary Lou Mueller, Mary Lou Jozwowski, Nicole Britton, Devon Preisler, Sarah Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Vanden Berg, Lauri Mihalko, Cari Anne Vanden Berg, Lauri Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Britton, Devon Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Altendorf, Sue Jozwowski, Nicole Altendorf, Sue Jozwowski, Nicole McCoy, Jaclyn Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Altendorf, Sue Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Altendorf, Sue Altendorf, Sue Altendorf, Sue Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Page 19 Judicial Transfer Events 2013TR003953 2013TR003954 2013TR003957 2013UC000017 2014CV000488 2014FJ000008 2014FO000005 2014FO000007 2014FO000011 2014FO000014 2014FO000022 2014FO000069 2014FO000132 2014FO000141 2014FO000146 2014FO000155 2014FO000156 2014FO000157 2014FO000176 2014FO000188 2014FO000189 2014FO000190 2014FO000193 2014FO000201 2014FO000202 2014FO000203 2014FO000217 2014GN000027 2014GN000032 2014JC000025 2014JO000041 2014PR000005 2014PR000007 2014PR000013 2014PR000015 2014PR000018 2014PR000019 2014PR000021 2014PR000039 2014PR000048 2014PR000052 2014PR000059 2014PR000060 2014PR000062 2014PR000077 2014PR000078 2014PR000081 2014PR000081 2014PR000098 2014PR000112 2014PR000121 2014-01-02 2014-01-02 2014-01-28 2015-10-26 2014-12-18 2014-10-01 2014-02-11 2014-02-12 2014-02-05 2014-02-10 2014-04-09 2014-06-04 2014-10-03 2014-11-26 2014-10-07 2014-11-12 2014-11-12 2014-11-12 2014-11-10 2014-11-12 2014-11-12 2014-11-12 2014-11-12 2014-11-12 2014-11-12 2014-11-12 2014-11-12 2014-08-06 2014-08-01 2014-10-31 2014-09-23 2016-05-16 2014-08-12 2014-08-12 2014-08-12 2014-08-12 2014-08-12 2016-06-07 2014-08-12 2015-06-30 2014-11-06 2014-08-12 2016-05-16 2016-06-07 2016-06-07 2016-06-07 2016-05-16 2014-09-15 2014-09-23 2015-03-20 2015-01-20 2014-01-08 2014-01-08 2014-01-28 2015-10-26 2014-12-18 2014-10-08 2014-02-12 2014-02-12 2014-02-06 2014-02-10 2014-04-09 2014-06-04 2014-10-08 2014-11-26 2014-10-08 2014-11-13 2014-11-13 2014-11-13 2014-11-11 2014-11-13 2014-11-13 2014-11-13 2014-11-13 2014-11-13 2014-11-13 2014-11-13 2014-11-13 2014-08-22 2014-10-05 2014-11-18 2014-09-23 2016-05-16 2014-08-12 2014-08-12 2014-08-12 2014-08-12 2014-08-12 2016-06-07 2014-08-12 2015-06-30 2014-11-06 2014-08-12 2016-05-16 2016-06-07 2016-06-07 2016-06-07 2016-05-16 2014-09-15 2014-10-07 2015-03-26 2015-01-20 Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Altendorf, Sue Mihalko, Cari Anne Keefe, Debra Wester, Terry Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Britton, Devon Jozwowski, Nicole Jacoby, Diane Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Mueller, Mary Lou Mueller, Mary Lou Altendorf, Sue Mueller, Connie Mueller, Mary Lou Mueller, Mary Lou Mueller, Mary Lou Mueller, Mary Lou Mueller, Mary Lou Mueller, Mary Lou Mueller, Mary Lou Mueller, Mary Lou Mueller, Mary Lou Granrath, Kim Mueller, Mary Lou Mueller, Mary Lou Mueller, Mary Lou Mueller, Mary Lou Mueller, Mary Lou Mueller, Mary Lou Mueller, Mary Lou Granrath, Kim Granrath, Kim Mueller, Mary Lou Page 20 Judicial Transfer Events 2014TJ000017 2014TR000007 2014TR000010 2014TR000011 2014TR000043 2014TR000044 2014TR000060 2014TR000061 2014TR000063 2014TR000121 2014TR000122 2014TR000139 2014TR000147 2014TR000148 2014TR000158 2014TR000159 2014TR000160 2014TR000162 2014TR000168 2014TR000169 2014TR000170 2014TR000171 2014TR000172 2014TR000176 2014TR000190 2014TR000210 2014TR000219 2014TR000220 2014TR000221 2014TR000222 2014TR000235 2014TR000236 2014TR000238 2014TR000249 2014TR000260 2014TR000262 2014TR000286 2014TR000305 2014TR000306 2014TR000314 2014TR000319 2014TR000321 2014TR000324 2014TR000325 2014TR000335 2014TR000336 2014TR000337 2014TR000338 2014TR000344 2014TR000347 2014TR000365 2014-10-01 2014-01-08 2014-02-12 2014-02-12 2014-01-08 2014-01-08 2014-01-08 2014-01-08 2014-02-12 2014-01-13 2014-01-13 2014-01-14 2014-01-13 2014-01-13 2014-03-12 2014-01-31 2014-02-12 2014-04-03 2014-04-24 2014-04-24 2014-04-24 2014-04-24 2014-01-30 2014-02-12 2014-01-17 2014-06-26 2014-02-12 2014-02-12 2014-02-12 2014-02-12 2014-02-10 2014-02-10 2014-02-10 2014-02-05 2014-03-13 2014-02-12 2014-02-03 2014-02-10 2014-02-06 2014-02-10 2014-03-07 2014-03-05 2014-06-04 2014-02-18 2014-02-12 2014-02-12 2014-03-12 2014-03-12 2014-02-14 2014-03-12 2014-03-12 2014-10-01 2014-01-08 2014-02-12 2014-02-12 2014-01-08 2014-01-08 2014-01-08 2014-01-08 2014-02-12 2014-01-14 2014-01-14 2014-01-14 2014-01-14 2014-01-14 2014-03-12 2014-02-10 2014-02-12 2014-04-07 2014-04-24 2014-04-24 2014-04-24 2014-04-24 2014-01-30 2014-02-12 2014-01-17 2014-06-30 2014-02-12 2014-02-12 2014-02-12 2014-02-12 2014-02-10 2014-02-10 2014-02-10 2014-02-06 2014-03-19 2014-02-12 2014-02-06 2014-02-10 2014-02-06 2014-02-10 2014-03-10 2014-03-05 2014-06-04 2014-02-18 2014-02-12 2014-02-12 2014-03-12 2014-03-12 2014-02-14 2014-03-12 2014-03-12 Mueller, Mary Lou Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Altendorf, Sue Altendorf, Sue Altendorf, Sue Altendorf, Sue Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Altendorf, Sue Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Page 21 Judicial Transfer Events 2014TR000368 2014TR000371 2014TR000383 2014TR000384 2014TR000410 2014TR000413 2014TR000414 2014TR000415 2014TR000451 2014TR000460 2014TR000471 2014TR000475 2014TR000485 2014TR000487 2014TR000494 2014TR000519 2014TR000521 2014TR000529 2014TR000540 2014TR000544 2014TR000550 2014TR000555 2014TR000556 2014TR000570 2014TR000571 2014TR000587 2014TR000588 2014TR000589 2014TR000597 2014TR000651 2014TR000659 2014TR000660 2014TR000661 2014TR000665 2014TR000683 2014TR000684 2014TR000698 2014TR000725 2014TR000726 2014TR000767 2014TR000779 2014TR000790 2014TR000791 2014TR000795 2014TR000801 2014TR000802 2014TR000803 2014TR000806 2014TR000816 2014TR000848 2014TR000852 2014-03-12 2014-02-12 2014-03-12 2014-03-12 2014-02-12 2014-03-05 2014-03-05 2014-03-05 2014-03-10 2014-03-06 2014-03-03 2014-05-12 2014-03-12 2014-03-06 2014-02-25 2014-03-12 2014-03-06 2014-03-07 2014-03-12 2014-02-24 2014-03-05 2014-03-12 2014-03-12 2014-03-05 2014-03-05 2014-02-25 2014-03-07 2014-03-12 2014-04-11 2014-03-12 2014-02-28 2014-02-28 2014-02-28 2014-03-12 2014-03-12 2014-03-12 2014-04-09 2014-03-12 2014-03-06 2014-04-25 2014-03-07 2014-05-20 2014-04-09 2014-04-09 2014-04-09 2014-04-09 2014-04-09 2014-04-09 2014-03-19 2014-04-24 2014-04-07 2014-03-12 2014-02-12 2014-03-12 2014-03-12 2014-02-12 2014-03-05 2014-03-05 2014-03-05 2014-03-12 2014-03-06 2014-03-03 2014-05-12 2014-03-12 2014-03-06 2014-03-03 2014-03-12 2014-03-10 2014-03-10 2014-03-12 2014-02-24 2014-03-05 2014-03-12 2014-03-12 2014-03-05 2014-03-05 2014-03-03 2014-03-10 2014-03-12 2014-04-17 2014-03-12 2014-03-05 2014-03-05 2014-03-05 2014-03-12 2014-03-12 2014-03-12 2014-04-09 2014-03-12 2014-03-06 2014-04-28 2014-03-10 2014-05-20 2014-04-09 2014-04-09 2014-04-09 2014-04-09 2014-04-09 2014-04-09 2014-03-24 2014-04-24 2014-04-07 Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Baunoch, Marilyn Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Granrath, Kim Jozwowski, Nicole Page 22 Judicial Transfer Events 2014TR000857 2014TR000858 2014TR000883 2014TR000922 2014TR000923 2014TR000939 2014TR000940 2014TR000941 2014TR000942 2014TR000943 2014TR000944 2014TR000957 2014TR000968 2014TR000976 2014TR000983 2014TR000992 2014TR000993 2014TR000998 2014TR001031 2014TR001076 2014TR001104 2014TR001107 2014TR001113 2014TR001114 2014TR001115 2014TR001148 2014TR001152 2014TR001155 2014TR001156 2014TR001157 2014TR001163 2014TR001165 2014TR001167 2014TR001168 2014TR001181 2014TR001195 2014TR001206 2014TR001235 2014TR001239 2014TR001247 2014TR001272 2014TR001273 2014TR001286 2014TR001306 2014TR001316 2014TR001317 2014TR001318 2014TR001323 2014TR001324 2014TR001325 2014TR001327 2014-04-28 2014-04-28 2014-04-07 2014-04-03 2014-04-03 2014-03-24 2014-03-24 2014-03-24 2014-03-24 2014-03-24 2014-03-24 2014-04-09 2014-03-24 2014-04-09 2014-04-25 2014-04-09 2014-04-09 2014-04-07 2014-04-07 2014-04-10 2014-05-14 2014-04-09 2014-04-09 2014-04-09 2014-04-09 2014-05-12 2014-05-14 2014-05-14 2014-04-07 2014-04-09 2014-05-14 2014-05-20 2014-05-13 2014-05-13 2014-05-14 2014-05-29 2014-05-13 2014-04-23 2014-04-17 2014-05-12 2014-05-12 2014-05-09 2014-04-30 2014-06-11 2014-06-11 2014-06-11 2014-06-11 2014-05-06 2014-05-02 2014-05-06 2014-06-11 2014-04-30 2014-04-30 2014-04-07 2014-04-07 2014-04-07 2014-03-26 2014-03-26 2014-03-26 2014-03-26 2014-03-26 2014-03-26 2014-04-09 2014-03-26 2014-04-09 2014-04-28 2014-04-09 2014-04-09 2014-04-07 2014-04-07 2014-04-10 2014-05-14 2014-04-09 2014-04-09 2014-04-09 2014-04-09 2014-05-12 2014-05-14 2014-05-14 2014-04-07 2014-04-09 2014-05-14 2014-05-20 2014-05-13 2014-05-13 2014-05-14 2014-05-29 2014-05-13 2014-04-28 2014-04-17 2014-06-09 2014-05-12 2014-05-12 2014-05-05 2014-06-11 2014-06-11 2014-06-11 2014-06-11 2014-05-08 2014-05-05 2014-05-08 2014-06-11 Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Mueller, Connie Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Britton, Devon Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Page 23 Judicial Transfer Events 2014TR001333 2014TR001354 2014TR001360 2014TR001367 2014TR001376 2014TR001412 2014TR001446 2014TR001453 2014TR001454 2014TR001466 2014TR001501 2014TR001503 2014TR001510 2014TR001515 2014TR001524 2014TR001525 2014TR001536 2014TR001537 2014TR001614 2014TR001676 2014TR001677 2014TR001679 2014TR001693 2014TR001729 2014TR001739 2014TR001740 2014TR001741 2014TR001750 2014TR001758 2014TR001826 2014TR001852 2014TR001857 2014TR001919 2014TR001921 2014TR001930 2014TR001992 2014TR001996 2014TR002003 2014TR002108 2014TR002118 2014TR002119 2014TR002120 2014TR002126 2014TR002140 2014TR002156 2014TR002193 2014TR002235 2014TR002251 2014TR002253 2014TR002308 2014TR002385 2014-04-24 2014-05-14 2014-05-07 2014-06-11 2014-05-22 2014-04-28 2014-05-13 2014-05-09 2014-05-12 2014-05-05 2014-06-11 2014-06-11 2014-05-29 2014-06-04 2014-06-11 2014-05-12 2014-05-05 2014-06-09 2014-06-10 2014-05-19 2014-06-09 2014-07-09 2014-07-01 2014-06-05 2014-07-07 2014-05-22 2014-09-25 2014-07-08 2014-06-25 2014-07-09 2014-07-09 2014-06-19 2014-06-24 2014-07-07 2014-07-09 2014-05-28 2014-06-27 2014-07-08 2014-06-05 2014-07-09 2014-07-09 2014-07-09 2014-07-02 2014-06-25 2014-07-08 2014-07-09 2014-07-15 2014-11-11 2014-06-17 2014-06-11 2014-07-09 2014-04-24 2014-05-14 2014-05-08 2014-06-11 2014-05-22 2014-05-05 2014-05-13 2014-05-12 2014-05-12 2014-05-08 2014-06-11 2014-06-11 2014-05-29 2014-06-04 2014-06-11 2014-05-14 2014-05-05 2014-06-09 2014-06-10 2014-05-19 2014-06-09 2014-07-09 2014-07-01 2014-06-05 2014-07-07 2014-05-22 2014-09-26 2014-07-08 2014-06-25 2014-07-09 2014-07-09 2014-06-19 2014-06-24 2014-07-07 2014-07-09 2014-05-28 2014-06-27 2014-07-08 2014-06-05 2014-07-09 2014-07-09 2014-07-09 2014-07-02 2014-06-25 2014-07-08 2014-07-09 2014-07-16 2014-11-11 2014-06-17 2014-06-16 2014-07-09 Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Britton, Devon Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Britton, Devon Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole McCoy, Jaclyn McCoy, Jaclyn Britton, Devon Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Baunoch, Marilyn Baunoch, Marilyn Jozwowski, Nicole Baunoch, Marilyn Jozwowski, Nicole Mihalko, Cari Anne Baunoch, Marilyn Jozwowski, Nicole Baunoch, Marilyn Baunoch, Marilyn Jozwowski, Nicole Britton, Devon Baunoch, Marilyn Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Britton, Devon Baunoch, Marilyn Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Baunoch, Marilyn Jozwowski, Nicole Baunoch, Marilyn Baunoch, Marilyn Britton, Devon Altendorf, Sue Britton, Devon Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Page 24 Judicial Transfer Events 2014TR002409 2014TR002419 2014TR002420 2014TR002421 2014TR002492 2014TR002575 2014TR002576 2014TR002579 2014TR002586 2014TR002590 2014TR002655 2014TR002656 2014TR002694 2014TR002695 2014TR002702 2014TR002710 2014TR002713 2014TR002715 2014TR002722 2014TR002771 2014TR002772 2014TR002776 2014TR002777 2014TR002780 2014TR002782 2014TR002789 2014TR002790 2014TR002791 2014TR002792 2014TR002831 2014TR002867 2014TR002909 2014TR002917 2014TR002942 2014TR002943 2014TR002944 2014TR002945 2014TR002946 2014TR002950 2014TR002982 2014TR002983 2014TR003028 2014TR003045 2014TR003066 2014TR003119 2014TR003127 2014TR003128 2014TR003180 2014TR003198 2014TR003215 2014TR003217 2014-07-08 2014-08-13 2014-08-13 2014-08-13 2014-07-07 2014-08-08 2014-08-08 2014-07-08 2014-07-28 2014-09-10 2014-07-07 2014-07-16 2014-09-04 2014-09-04 2014-09-24 2014-08-13 2014-07-18 2014-07-11 2014-07-31 2014-07-14 2014-07-14 2014-09-10 2014-09-10 2014-07-15 2014-08-04 2014-07-14 2014-12-04 2014-10-08 2014-10-08 2014-07-24 2014-09-09 2014-09-03 2014-08-18 2014-09-10 2014-09-10 2014-09-10 2014-09-10 2014-08-06 2014-10-17 2014-08-27 2014-08-27 2014-08-28 2014-09-08 2014-08-28 2014-08-20 2014-09-10 2014-09-10 2014-10-09 2014-10-09 2014-09-04 2014-10-06 2014-07-08 2014-08-13 2014-08-13 2014-08-13 2014-07-07 2014-08-11 2014-08-11 2014-07-08 2014-07-29 2014-09-10 2014-07-07 2014-07-17 2014-09-04 2014-09-04 2014-09-25 2014-08-13 2014-07-23 2014-07-14 2014-08-01 2014-07-15 2014-07-15 2014-09-10 2014-09-10 2014-07-17 2014-08-05 2014-07-14 2014-12-04 2014-10-14 2014-10-14 2014-07-25 2014-09-10 2014-09-03 2014-08-28 2014-09-19 2014-09-10 2014-09-10 2014-09-10 2014-08-08 2014-10-20 2014-08-28 2014-08-28 2014-08-28 2014-09-08 2014-08-28 2014-08-20 2014-09-10 2014-09-10 2014-10-09 2014-10-09 2014-09-04 2014-10-08 Baunoch, Marilyn Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Baunoch, Marilyn Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Baunoch, Marilyn Baunoch, Marilyn Jozwowski, Nicole Baunoch, Marilyn Baunoch, Marilyn Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Altendorf, Sue Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Baunoch, Marilyn Baunoch, Marilyn Baunoch, Marilyn Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Baunoch, Marilyn Baunoch, Marilyn Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Keefe, Debra Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Mueller, Connie Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Granrath, Kim Baunoch, Marilyn Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Altendorf, Sue Altendorf, Sue Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Page 25 Judicial Transfer Events 2014TR003219 2014TR003250 2014TR003254 2014TR003322 2014TR003337 2014TR003349 2014TR003350 2014TR003368 2014TR003373 2014TR003417 2014TR003454 2014TR003455 2014TR003456 2014TR003458 2014TR003467 2014TR003470 2014TR003484 2014TR003485 2014TR003559 2014TR003560 2014TR003577 2014TR003631 2014TR003637 2014TR003691 2014TR003697 2014TR003698 2014TR003699 2014TR003700 2014TR003715 2014TR003716 2014TR003717 2014TR003726 2014TR003742 2014TR003743 2014TR003744 2014TR003746 2014TR003753 2014TR003784 2014TR003841 2014TR003867 2014TR003898 2014TR003902 2014TR003905 2014TR003906 2014TR003918 2014TR003942 2014TR003943 2014TR003944 2014TR003968 2014TR004020 2014TR004028 2014-10-07 2014-09-29 2014-10-01 2014-08-28 2014-09-22 2014-09-26 2015-05-07 2014-10-03 2014-09-02 2014-10-08 2014-10-08 2014-10-08 2014-09-15 2014-10-06 2014-10-08 2014-09-05 2014-09-08 2014-09-08 2014-10-14 2014-10-14 2015-04-09 2014-10-16 2014-10-20 2014-10-24 2014-11-26 2014-11-26 2014-11-26 2014-11-26 2014-11-12 2014-11-12 2014-11-12 2014-11-26 2014-11-11 2014-11-11 2014-12-19 2014-10-20 2015-07-29 2014-10-13 2014-10-07 2014-10-06 2014-10-23 2014-10-08 2014-11-12 2014-11-12 2014-10-03 2014-11-12 2014-11-12 2014-11-12 2014-11-05 2014-11-10 2014-10-20 2014-10-07 2014-09-29 2014-10-06 2014-08-28 2014-09-22 2014-09-29 2015-05-07 2014-10-03 2014-09-02 2014-10-08 2014-10-08 2014-10-08 2014-09-15 2014-10-07 2014-10-08 2014-09-08 2014-09-08 2014-09-08 2014-10-14 2014-10-14 2015-04-09 2014-10-16 2014-10-21 2014-10-24 2014-11-26 2014-11-26 2014-11-26 2014-11-26 2014-11-12 2014-11-12 2014-11-12 2014-11-26 2014-11-11 2014-11-11 2014-12-19 2014-10-20 2015-07-29 2014-10-13 2014-10-08 2014-10-07 2014-10-23 2014-10-08 2014-11-12 2014-11-12 2014-10-03 2014-11-12 2014-11-12 2014-11-12 2014-11-06 2014-11-11 2014-10-21 Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Mueller, Connie Jozwowski, Nicole Haggenjos, Ellen Britton, Devon Mueller, Connie Baunoch, Marilyn Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Baunoch, Marilyn Baunoch, Marilyn Haggenjos, Ellen Altendorf, Sue Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jacoby, Diane Jacoby, Diane Jacoby, Diane Jacoby, Diane Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jacoby, Diane Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Haggenjos, Ellen Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Britton, Devon Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Page 26 Judicial Transfer Events 2014TR004063 2014TR004067 2014TR004079 2014TR004092 2014TR004228 2014TR004280 2014TR004281 2014TR004303 2014TR004359 2014TR004366 2014TR004395 2014TR004397 2014TR004398 2014TR004406 2014TR004428 2014TR004431 2014TR004459 2014TR004462 2014TR004469 2014TR004528 2014TR004614 2014TR004624 2014TR004683 2014TR004762 2014TR004782 2014TR004786 2014TR004798 2014TR004799 2014TR004801 2014TR004804 2014TR004812 2014TR004829 2014TR004832 2014TR004833 2014TR004839 2014TR004895 2014TR004917 2014TR004919 2014TR004922 2014TR004925 2014TR004934 2014TR004960 2014TR004961 2014TR004964 2014TR004965 2014TR004966 2014TR004979 2014TR004980 2015CM000812 2015CM001019 2015FJ000006 2014-10-16 2014-12-01 2014-11-14 2014-10-27 2014-12-19 2014-12-10 2014-12-10 2015-02-16 2014-12-05 2014-11-24 2014-12-05 2014-12-10 2014-11-13 2014-11-18 2015-04-09 2014-12-09 2015-01-13 2014-11-13 2014-11-21 2015-10-30 2014-12-15 2015-03-06 2015-01-13 2015-04-09 2014-12-17 2015-03-09 2015-01-23 2015-02-02 2015-02-06 2015-02-09 2015-02-06 2015-02-09 2015-08-25 2015-08-25 2015-02-09 2015-02-10 2015-02-09 2015-01-30 2015-02-11 2015-02-05 2015-01-21 2015-02-10 2015-02-02 2015-02-11 2015-02-11 2015-02-09 2015-01-23 2015-03-02 2015-12-10 2016-07-19 2016-01-13 2014-10-16 2014-12-02 2014-11-18 2014-10-27 2014-12-19 2014-12-10 2014-12-10 2015-02-19 2014-12-05 2014-11-24 2014-12-05 2014-12-11 2014-11-18 2014-11-18 2015-04-09 2014-12-09 2015-01-13 2014-11-17 2014-11-21 2015-10-30 2014-12-15 2015-03-06 2015-01-13 2015-04-09 2014-12-17 2015-03-09 2015-01-23 2015-02-02 2015-02-06 2015-02-09 2015-02-06 2015-02-09 2015-08-26 2015-08-26 2015-02-09 2015-02-10 2015-02-09 2015-01-30 2015-02-11 2015-02-05 2015-01-21 2015-02-10 2015-02-02 2015-02-11 2015-02-11 2015-02-09 2015-01-23 2015-03-02 2015-12-17 2016-07-19 2016-01-13 Jozwowski, Nicole Wester, Terry Mueller, Connie McCoy, Jaclyn Altendorf, Sue Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Mueller, Connie Jozwowski, Nicole Wester, Terry Jozwowski, Nicole Mueller, Connie Mueller, Connie Mueller, Connie Haggenjos, Ellen Wester, Terry Britton, Devon Mueller, Connie Jozwowski, Nicole Mihalko, Cari Anne Boese, Marjorie Boese, Marjorie Britton, Devon Haggenjos, Ellen Boese, Marjorie Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Jozwowski, Nicole Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Jozwowski, Nicole Mueller, Connie Keefe, Debra Fedder, Julie Page 27 Judicial Transfer Events 2015FO000077 2015FO000089 2015FO000107 2015JV000044 2015PR000009 2015PR000012 2015PR000023 2015PR000038 2015PR000059 2015PR000066 2015PR000077 2015PR000085 2015PR000088 2015PR000097 2015PR000098 2015PR000125 2015PR000137 2015PR000141 2015PR000142 2015TJ000041 2015TJ000056 2015TR000004 2015TR000005 2015TR000015 2015TR000021 2015TR000025 2015TR000029 2015TR000084 2015TR000095 2015TR000132 2015TR000137 2015TR000144 2015TR000151 2015TR000153 2015TR000172 2015TR000196 2015TR000199 2015TR000201 2015TR000205 2015TR000207 2015TR000210 2015TR000211 2015TR000212 2015TR000270 2015TR000272 2015TR000296 2015TR000297 2015TR000320 2015TR000360 2015TR000382 2015TR000393 2015-09-02 2015-10-14 2015-11-24 2015-11-10 2015-08-14 2016-07-21 2015-11-04 2016-05-11 2015-09-14 2015-08-31 2015-08-06 2016-06-30 2015-06-18 2015-07-29 2016-03-21 2015-10-05 2015-12-14 2016-05-31 2016-05-24 2016-07-20 2015-10-15 2015-02-09 2015-01-21 2015-01-23 2015-01-08 2015-02-11 2015-01-13 2015-02-11 2015-03-12 2015-01-13 2015-02-05 2015-01-13 2015-02-05 2015-01-16 2016-05-05 2015-03-11 2015-02-26 2015-03-04 2015-02-26 2015-02-09 2015-02-09 2015-02-24 2015-02-24 2015-03-10 2015-03-11 2015-03-04 2015-03-11 2016-01-05 2015-03-10 2015-02-03 2015-03-16 2015-09-03 2015-10-14 2015-11-24 2015-11-10 2015-08-14 2016-07-25 2015-11-05 2016-05-16 2015-09-14 2015-08-31 2015-08-06 2016-07-01 2015-06-22 2015-07-29 2016-03-29 2015-10-05 2015-12-14 2016-05-31 2016-05-24 2016-07-20 2015-10-15 2015-02-09 2015-01-21 2015-01-23 2015-01-08 2015-02-11 2015-01-13 2015-02-11 2015-03-12 2015-01-13 2015-02-05 2015-01-13 2015-02-05 2015-01-16 2016-05-05 2015-03-11 2015-02-26 2015-03-04 2015-02-26 2015-02-09 2015-02-09 2015-02-24 2015-02-24 2015-03-10 2015-03-11 2015-03-04 2015-03-11 2016-01-05 2015-03-10 2015-02-03 2015-03-16 Baunoch, Marilyn Fedder, Julie Britton, Devon Mueller, Connie Mueller, Mary Lou Baunoch, Marilyn Baunoch, Marilyn Mueller, Mary Lou Mueller, Mary Lou Mueller, Mary Lou Mueller, Mary Lou Baunoch, Marilyn Mueller, Mary Lou Mueller, Mary Lou Mueller, Mary Lou Mueller, Mary Lou Mueller, Mary Lou Mueller, Mary Lou Baunoch, Marilyn Mihalko, Cari Anne Mihalko, Cari Anne Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Jozwowski, Nicole Boese, Marjorie Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Haggenjos, Ellen Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Jozwowski, Nicole Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Haggenjos, Ellen Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Fedder, Julie Page 28 Judicial Transfer Events 2015TR000394 2015TR000406 2015TR000414 2015TR000415 2015TR000417 2015TR000470 2015TR000493 2015TR000499 2015TR000500 2015TR000545 2015TR000565 2015TR000574 2015TR000627 2015TR000641 2015TR000662 2015TR000672 2015TR000674 2015TR000731 2015TR000740 2015TR000741 2015TR000753 2015TR000761 2015TR000829 2015TR001033 2015TR001051 2015TR001054 2015TR001055 2015TR001091 2015TR001097 2015TR001102 2015TR001120 2015TR001144 2015TR001145 2015TR001146 2015TR001149 2015TR001150 2015TR001170 2015TR001171 2015TR001262 2015TR001265 2015TR001360 2015TR001361 2015TR001391 2015TR001393 2015TR001420 2015TR001421 2015TR001422 2015TR001469 2015TR001479 2015TR001502 2015TR001503 2015-02-06 2015-03-06 2015-02-26 2015-02-11 2015-03-06 2015-02-11 2015-07-14 2015-02-11 2015-02-11 2015-02-11 2015-04-06 2015-07-14 2015-03-23 2015-03-11 2015-02-26 2015-03-09 2015-03-06 2015-08-19 2015-03-11 2015-03-11 2015-04-07 2015-04-03 2015-03-25 2015-05-13 2015-04-30 2015-05-13 2015-05-13 2015-04-30 2015-05-13 2015-08-19 2015-08-19 2015-05-13 2015-05-13 2015-05-13 2015-05-05 2015-05-05 2015-06-03 2015-06-03 2015-06-03 2015-06-08 2015-10-29 2015-10-29 2015-10-21 2015-05-26 2015-06-08 2015-04-30 2015-04-30 2015-10-21 2015-06-05 2015-06-10 2015-05-18 2015-02-06 2015-03-06 2015-02-26 2015-02-11 2015-03-06 2015-02-11 2015-07-14 2015-02-11 2015-02-11 2015-02-11 2015-04-06 2015-07-14 2015-03-23 2015-03-11 2015-02-26 2015-03-09 2015-03-06 2015-08-19 2015-03-11 2015-03-11 2015-04-07 2015-04-03 2015-03-25 2015-05-13 2015-05-04 2015-06-22 2015-06-22 2015-05-04 2015-05-13 2015-08-19 2015-08-19 2015-06-22 2015-06-22 2015-06-22 2015-05-05 2015-05-05 2015-06-04 2015-06-04 2015-06-04 2015-06-08 2015-10-30 2015-10-30 2015-10-21 2015-05-27 2015-06-08 2015-05-04 2015-05-04 2015-10-21 2015-06-08 2015-06-10 2015-05-18 Britton, Devon Britton, Devon McCoy, Jaclyn Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Haggenjos, Ellen Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Britton, Devon Fedder, Julie Haggenjos, Ellen Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Haggenjos, Ellen Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Britton, Devon Baunoch, Marilyn Britton, Devon Mueller, Connie Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Haggenjos, Ellen Haggenjos, Ellen Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Mueller, Connie Mueller, Connie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Haggenjos, Ellen Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Haggenjos, Ellen Mueller, Connie Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Page 29 Judicial Transfer Events 2015TR001508 2015TR001573 2015TR001581 2015TR001626 2015TR001628 2015TR001634 2015TR001673 2015TR001715 2015TR001721 2015TR001795 2015TR001856 2015TR001857 2015TR001872 2015TR001912 2015TR001989 2015TR002006 2015TR002076 2015TR002103 2015TR002104 2015TR002110 2015TR002132 2015TR002134 2015TR002138 2015TR002184 2015TR002224 2015TR002230 2015TR002239 2015TR002300 2015TR002318 2015TR002319 2015TR002373 2015TR002374 2015TR002379 2015TR002380 2015TR002388 2015TR002403 2015TR002451 2015TR002452 2015TR002536 2015TR002538 2015TR002544 2015TR002623 2015TR002646 2015TR002651 2015TR002664 2015TR002695 2015TR002696 2015TR002710 2015TR002721 2015TR002729 2015TR002745 2015-06-08 2015-06-10 2015-06-10 2015-07-02 2015-06-29 2015-05-26 2015-05-26 2015-05-26 2015-05-26 2015-06-30 2015-06-22 2015-07-22 2015-06-22 2015-06-23 2015-06-30 2015-07-06 2015-08-10 2015-06-29 2015-08-12 2015-08-12 2015-07-09 2015-07-09 2015-08-10 2015-08-07 2015-08-10 2015-06-29 2015-08-05 2015-07-06 2015-08-06 2015-07-06 2015-07-01 2015-07-01 2015-07-20 2015-07-20 2015-08-12 2015-07-21 2015-08-11 2015-08-11 2015-07-15 2015-07-27 2015-09-09 2015-08-25 2015-09-08 2015-09-08 2015-09-08 2015-09-08 2015-09-08 2015-08-12 2015-08-07 2015-08-03 2015-09-08 2015-06-08 2015-06-10 2015-06-10 2015-07-07 2015-06-29 2015-05-27 2015-05-27 2015-05-27 2015-05-27 2015-07-01 2015-06-22 2015-07-22 2015-06-22 2015-06-23 2015-07-01 2015-07-07 2015-08-10 2015-06-30 2015-08-12 2015-08-12 2015-07-09 2015-07-09 2015-08-10 2015-08-07 2015-08-10 2015-06-30 2015-08-06 2015-07-06 2015-08-07 2015-07-07 2015-07-01 2015-07-01 2015-07-21 2015-07-21 2015-08-12 2015-07-21 2015-08-11 2015-08-11 2015-07-15 2015-07-28 2015-09-09 2015-08-25 2015-09-08 2015-09-08 2015-09-08 2015-09-08 2015-09-08 2015-08-12 2015-08-07 2015-08-04 2015-09-08 Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Mueller, Connie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Britton, Devon Fedder, Julie Baunoch, Marilyn Fedder, Julie Mueller, Connie Baunoch, Marilyn McCoy, Jaclyn Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Cawley, Kelly Baunoch, Marilyn Baunoch, Marilyn McCoy, Jaclyn Baunoch, Marilyn Mueller, Connie Baunoch, Marilyn Mueller, Connie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Baunoch, Marilyn Baunoch, Marilyn Jozwowski, Nicole Britton, Devon Baunoch, Marilyn Baunoch, Marilyn Jozwowski, Nicole Baunoch, Marilyn Fedder, Julie Cawley, Kelly Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Baunoch, Marilyn Baunoch, Marilyn McCoy, Jaclyn Jozwowski, Nicole Page 30 Judicial Transfer Events 2015TR002747 2015TR002751 2015TR002765 2015TR002766 2015TR002769 2015TR002774 2015TR002790 2015TR002871 2015TR002903 2015TR002909 2015TR002953 2015TR002967 2015TR003003 2015TR003014 2015TR003022 2015TR003029 2015TR003038 2015TR003039 2015TR003047 2015TR003052 2015TR003085 2015TR003088 2015TR003121 2015TR003145 2015TR003177 2015TR003186 2015TR003188 2015TR003191 2015TR003203 2015TR003217 2015TR003218 2015TR003258 2015TR003294 2015TR003298 2015TR003304 2015TR003340 2015TR003532 2015TR003548 2015TR003580 2015TR003586 2015TR003588 2015TR003589 2015TR003590 2015TR003674 2015TR003678 2015TR003695 2015TR003714 2015TR003723 2015TR003732 2015TR004283 2015TR004316 2015-09-09 2015-08-04 2015-09-08 2015-09-09 2015-09-08 2015-08-17 2015-09-01 2015-09-17 2015-10-14 2015-09-28 2015-08-24 2015-10-05 2015-09-16 2015-10-13 2015-09-28 2015-10-14 2015-10-14 2015-10-14 2015-08-31 2015-10-12 2015-10-14 2015-10-13 2015-10-14 2015-10-08 2015-09-14 2015-11-18 2015-11-02 2015-10-15 2015-10-28 2015-11-11 2015-11-11 2015-11-11 2015-11-11 2015-11-11 2016-02-03 2015-11-11 2015-11-11 2015-11-11 2015-11-11 2015-12-21 2015-11-06 2015-11-06 2015-11-06 2015-11-10 2015-12-07 2015-10-30 2015-12-08 2015-12-22 2016-03-01 2015-12-07 2016-07-19 2015-09-09 2015-08-04 2015-09-08 2015-09-09 2015-09-09 2015-08-17 2015-09-01 2015-09-18 2015-10-14 2015-09-28 2015-08-31 2015-10-05 2015-09-16 2015-10-13 2015-09-28 2015-10-14 2015-10-14 2015-10-14 2015-08-31 2015-10-12 2015-10-14 2015-10-13 2015-10-14 2015-10-09 2015-09-14 2015-11-18 2015-11-04 2015-10-16 2015-10-28 2015-11-11 2015-11-11 2015-11-11 2015-11-11 2015-11-11 2016-03-18 2015-11-11 2015-11-11 2015-11-11 2015-11-11 2015-12-21 2015-11-06 2015-11-06 2015-11-06 2015-11-10 2015-12-07 2015-10-30 2015-12-08 2015-12-22 2016-03-01 2015-12-07 2016-07-19 Mueller, Connie McCoy, Jaclyn Jozwowski, Nicole Mueller, Connie Mueller, Connie Jozwowski, Nicole Baunoch, Marilyn Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Baunoch, Marilyn Mueller, Connie Jozwowski, Nicole Mueller, Connie Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Baunoch, Marilyn Jozwowski, Nicole Baunoch, Marilyn Mueller, Connie Fedder, Julie Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Britton, Devon Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Britton, Devon Mueller, Connie Mueller, Connie Jozwowski, Nicole Mueller, Connie Mueller, Connie Fedder, Julie Fedder, Julie Britton, Devon McCoy, Jaclyn McCoy, Jaclyn McCoy, Jaclyn Baunoch, Marilyn Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Mueller, Connie Baunoch, Marilyn Haggenjos, Ellen Cawley, Kelly Keefe, Debra Page 31 Judicial Transfer Events 2015TR004317 2016CF000055 2016CF000138 2016CM000005 2016CM000180 2016CM000248 2016CM000292 2016PR000039 2016PR000043 2016PR000050 2016TR000238 2016TR000646 2016TR000647 2016TR000931 2016TR000976 2016TR001302 2016TR001728 2016TR002022 2016TR002522 2016TR002694 2016TR002713 2016TR002714 (1601 rows) 2016-07-19 2016-07-19 2016-04-21 2016-07-19 2016-03-08 2016-07-19 2016-07-19 2016-06-02 2016-04-27 2016-06-16 2016-01-25 2016-04-13 2016-04-13 2016-03-16 2016-04-04 2016-04-18 2016-06-29 2016-06-14 2016-07-28 2016-08-31 2016-08-31 2016-08-31 2016-07-19 2016-07-19 2016-04-21 2016-07-19 2016-03-08 2016-07-19 2016-07-19 2016-06-02 2016-04-27 2016-06-20 2016-01-25 2016-04-13 2016-04-13 2016-03-16 2016-04-04 2016-04-18 2016-06-29 2016-06-14 2016-07-28 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 Keefe, Debra Keefe, Debra Fedder, Julie Keefe, Debra Mueller, Connie Keefe, Debra Keefe, Debra Baunoch, Marilyn Baunoch, Marilyn Mueller, Mary Lou Cawley, Kelly Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Baunoch, Marilyn Baunoch, Marilyn Cawley, Kelly Preisler, Sarah Jozwowski, Nicole Cawley, Kelly Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Jozwowski, Nicole Page 32 Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI Memo to File 16-3772/10 Report Date: 10/17/2016 Primary Information Description: AAG Viste's Letter to CCAP to Request Additional Records Reporting LEO: Culver, John R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Approval Status: Approved Approved Date: 10/20/2016 Approved By: Klabunde, David R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Synopsis On Wednesday, October 5, 2016, Assistant Attorney General (AAG) Michelle L. Viste emailed Special Agent (SA) John R. Culver, Jr. a letter, addressed to Mr. J. Denis Moran, Director of State Courts in Madison, Wisconsin. In this email message, AAG Viste advised SA Culver she had sent this letter to Mr. Moran, prior to sending the email message at 8:45 a.m. This letter referenced the previous request for judicial transfer records for Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge Joseph Voiland, which Mr. Moran had provided, and the current request for any judicial transfers to Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judges Paul Malloy and Sandy Williams from 2014 to present. Specifically, in regards to these judicial transfers, the letter requests a report that shows the following: (1) case numbers of the transferred cases; (2) effective dates of the judicial transfers; (2) dates the transfers were docketed; and (4) user names of the individuals who docketed the judicial transfers. SA Culver electronically attached a copy of this letter to this memo (See Attachments Section). 09/14/2017 13:30:49 Page 1 of 1 STATE OF WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE D. SCHIMEL 17 Main Street ATTORNEY GENERAL P.O. Box 7857 Madison, 53707-7857 Andrew C. Cook Deputy Attorney General Michelle L. Viste Assistant Attorney General visteml@doj.state.wi.us 668/266-3406 FAX 6081267-2778 October 5, 2016 Mr. J. Denis Moran Director of State Courts Office 16E Capitol Building Post Office Box 1688 Madison, Wisconsin 53701-1688 Re: Request for Additional Judicial Transfer Records Dear Mr. Moran: I previously requested and received CCAP judicial transfer records for Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge Joseph Voiland to assist in an ongoing Wisconsin Department of Justice investigation. Thank you for providing those records so quickly. In follow-up to my previous request, the Department of Justice is now requesting CCAP records associated with any judicial transfers to Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judges Paul Malloy and Sandy Williams from 2014 to the present. Specifically, in regards to these judicial transfers, we are requesting a report that shows the following: (1) case numbers of the transferred cases; (2) effective dates of the judicial transfers; (3) dates the transfers were docketed; and (4) user names of the individuals who docketed the judicial transfers. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns regarding this request. Once the reports are compiled, please email them to me at the above email address. SincerelyMichelle L. Viste Assistant Attorney General MLV1ajs Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI Examination of Records 16-3772/11 Report Date: 10/17/2016 Primary Information Description: CCAP Response from 10-05-16 Request and AAG Viste's Calculations for Three Judges Occurrence From: 10/10/2016 00:00 Occurrence To: 10/11/2016 00:00 Reporting LEO: Culver, John R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Approval Status: Approved Approved Date: 10/20/2016 Approved By: Klabunde, David R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Subjects Relationship Subject of Records Name Mueller, Mary Lou (Person) Bio White, Female DOB --- Narrative begins on the following page. 09/14/2017 13:30:49 Page 1 of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¶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isconsin Department of Justice DCI Interview 16-3772/12 Report Date: 10/27/2016 Primary Information Description: Walworth County Clerk of Circuit Court Sheila T. Reiff Occurrence From: 10/25/2016 10:00 Occurrence To: 10/25/2016 11:45 Reporting LEO: Culver, John R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Backup LEO: Jones, Shannon D (Milwaukee Special Assignments DCI / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Approval Status: Approved Approved Date: 11/14/2016 Approved By: Klabunde, David R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Addresses Relationship Interview Location Address 1800 County Road NN Walworth County Judicial Center, Elkhorn, Wisconsin 53121 , United States of America Subjects Relationship Interviewed Name Reiff, Sheila T (Person) Bio Unknown, Female DOB --- Narrative begins on the following page. 09/14/2017 13:30:50 Page 1 of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GHSXW\ FOHUNV RQ SDSHU ZLWK WKH DSSURYDO RI DOO IRXU :DOZRUWK &RXQW\ &LUFXLW &RXUW MXGJHV ZKR VLJQ WKH GRFXPHQW 5HLII VWDWHG WKH &KLHI 'LVWULFW -XGJH¶V VLJQDWXUH LV QRW RQ WKH IRUP 5HLII VWDWHG VKH EHOLHYHV WKH DSSURYDO RI WKH &KLHI 'LVWULFW -XGJH LV UHTXLUHG E\ 6WDWH VWDWXWH RU 6WDWH 6XSUHPH &RXUW 5XOHV 5HLII VWDWHG LI VKH ZDV WR UHVLJQ KHU SRVLWLRQ EHIRUH WKH HQG RI KHU WHUP WKH MXGJHV ZRXOG DSSRLQW KHU VXFFHVVRU 5HLII VWDWHG WKH MXGJHV DSSRLQWHG 5HLII DV WKH 5HJLVWUDU LQ 3UREDWH 5HLII VWDWHG WKH 'HSXW\ 5HJLVWHUV LQ 3UREDWH FDQ¶W SHUIRUP WKH GXWLHV RI WKH 5HJLVWUDU LQ 3UREDWH RU D &RPPLVVLRQHU LQ WKDW WKH GHSXWLHV FDQ¶W VLJQ RUGHUV EXW FDQ ILOH LWHPV SXW WKHP RQ WKH UHFRUG DQG KDQGOH JXDUGLDQVKLSV 5HLII VWDWHG VLJQDWXUHV LQ WKHVH PDWWHUV KDYH WR EH IURP WKH 5HJLVWUDU LQ 3UREDWH D &RXUW &RPPLVVLRQHU RU D MXGJH 5HLII SURYLGHG 6$ &XOYHU ZLWK D WZR SDJH GRFXPHQW XQVLJQHG ZKLFK 5HLII VWDWHG ZDV XVHG IRU WKH DSSRLQWPHQW DQG RDWK RI RIILFH IRU HDFK 'HSXW\ &OHUN RI &LUFXLW &RXUW LQ 5HLII 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WKHUH DUH WKUHH GHSXW\ UHJLVWHUV LQ SUREDWH ZKR DUH DOVR GHSXW\ FOHUNV RI FRXUW 7KH GHSXW\ UHJLVWHUV LQ SUREDWH DUH DVVLJQHG WR PHQWDO FRPPLWPHQW FDVHV MXYHQLOH FDVHV DQG JXDUGLDQVKLS FDVHV :KDW NLQG RI SRZHU GRHV WKH GHSXW\ KDYH" 5HLII VWDWHG WKH GHSXWLHV¶ GXWLHV LQFOXGH ILOLQJ VFKHGXOLQJ DQG UHFRUGV FDVH PDQDJHPHQW ZLWK MXGJHV DWWRUQH\V DQG ³SUR VH SHRSOH´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¶W NQRZ KRZ WKH FDVH FRXOG EH GHOHWHG 6$ &XOYHU DVNHG 5HLII LI D FOHUN ZKR KDG RSHQHG D -RKQ 'RH FDVH E\ PLVWDNH LQWHQGLQJ WR RSHQ D FDVH DV DQRWKHU W\SH RI FDVH FRXOG WKHQ FORVH WKH FDVH DQG GHOHWH LW 5HLII LQGLFDWHG LW ZRXOG EH SRVVLEOH WR FORVH WKH FDVH LQ D PDQQHU WKDW 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D ILOH LV GHVWUR\HG DQ HQWU\ LV PDGH LQ &&$3 ZKLFK VWDWHV ³ILOH GHVWUR\HG´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n the Matter of the Appointment of APPOINTMENT AND OATH OF OFFICE as Deputy Clerk of Circuit Court This is to certify that I, Sheila T. Reiff, Clerk of Circuit Court of Walworth County, in the State of Wisconsin, by virtue of the authority vested in me as said Clerk, have appointed and by these presents do hereby appoint to the office of and to be a DEPUTY CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT, for Walworth County. Said appointment to begin and become effective on the 29th day of August, 2016, and to continue until the first Monday of January, 2019, unless this appointment shall be terminated and revoked pursuant to law prior thereto, subject to said appointee taking and subscribing the following constitutional oath of office and the filing of said appointment and oath in the office of the Clerk of Circuit Court. Dated this day of I 2016. Sheila T. Reiff APPROVED: - Phillip A. Koss, Circuit Judge Br. I Daniel S. Johnson, Circuit Judge Br. II Kristine E. Drettwan, Circuit Judge Br. David M. Reddy, Circuit Judge Br. IV 1 STATE OF WISCONSIN ss COUNTY I, the undersigned, who has been appointed to the Office of DEPUTY CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT for Walworth County, but have not yet entered upon the duties thereof, swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Wisconsin and will faithfully discharge the duties of said office to the best of my ability. SO HELP ME GOD. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of 2016 Sheila T. Reiff Clerk of Circuit Court STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT I WALWORTH COUNTY In the Matter of the Appointment of APPOINTMENT AND OATH OF OFFICE as Deputy Clerk of Circuit Court/ Register in Probate This is to certify that I, Sheila T. Reiff, Clerk of Circuit Court of Walworth County, in the State of Wisconsin, by virtue of the authority vested in me as-said Clerk, have appointed and by these presents do hereby appoint to the office of and to be a DEPUTY CLERK OF CIRCUIT REGISTER IN PROBATE, for Walworth County. Said appointment to begin and become effective on the day of July, 2015, and to continue until the first Monday of January, 2019, unless this appointment shall be terminated and revoked pursuant to law prior thereto, subject to said appointee taking and subscribing the following constitutional oath of office and the filing of said appointment and oath in the office of the Clerk of Circuit Court. Dated this day of . 2 SHEILA T. REIFF, CLERK OF CIRCUIT REGISTER IN APPROVED: Phillip A. Koss, Circuit Judge Br. I James L. Carlson, Circuit Judge Br. II Kristine E. Drettwan, Circuit Judge Br. David M. Reddy, Circuit Judge Br. IV STATE OF WISCONSIN ss COUNTY OF WALWORTH) I, the undersigned, who has been appointed to the Office of DEPUTY CLERK OF CIRCUIT REGISTER IN PROBATE for Walworth County, but have not yet entered upon the duties thereof, swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Wisconsin and will faithfully discharge the duties of said office to the best of my ability. SO HELP ME GOD. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before Me this day of 2015 Sheila T. Reiff Clerk of Circuit Court/Register in Probate/Registrar Wisconsin Legi Iature: SCR. Chapter 72 left? Menu Miscellaneous Documents Supreme Court Rules SCR Chapter 72 SCR 72.01 SCR 72.02 SCR 72.03 SCR 72.04 SCR 72.05 SCR 72.06 CHAPTER SCR 72 RETENTION AND MAINTENANCE OF COURT RECORDS Retention of original record. Procedure for disposal of court records. Destruction of original court record after micro?lming or electronically or optically storing. Offer of title to historical society. Retention of court records maintained as of?cial or original information on electronic or optical storage systems. Expunction. Note: SCR Chapter 72 was adopted March 5, 1987, eff. April 1, 1987; amended June 14, 1993; November 3, 1997; April 1, 1993; July 1, 2005; July 1, 2010; January I, 2013; July 1, 2016. SCR 72.01 Retention of original record. Except as provided in SCR 72.03 to 72.05, the original paper records of any court shall be retained in the custody of the court for the following minimum time periods: (1) CIVIL CASE FILES. All papers deposited with the clerk of circuit court in every proceeding commenced under chs. 801 to 847, stats.: 20 years alter entry of ?nal order. CIWI. COURT RECORD. A history and index. of proceedings under chs. 301 to 847, stats.: 20 years alter entry of ?nal order. (3) CIVIL MINUTE RECORD. A brief statement of inaccurt proceedings commenced under chs. 801 to 847, stats, generally maintained in the case ?le: 20 years alter entry of ?nal order. (5) JUDGMENT DOCKET. A record of all money judgments: 20 years after initial docket entry. (6i LIEN CLAIMS. A statutory lien ?led for services performed or materials provided: 30 years after the date of ?ling the lien claim with the clerk of circuit court, except as provided in subs. (nag) and (Gag) CONSTRUCTION LIENS. A statutory lien claim ?led with the clerk of circuit court for services performed or materials provided for improvements, as de?ned in s. 779.01 (2) stats: 6 years alter the date of ?ling the lien claim with the clerk of circuit court. (6b) CONDOMINIUM LIENS. A statement of condominium lien ?led with the clerk of circuit court under s. 703.165 (3), stats, for unpaid assessments, including interest and actual costs of collection: 7 years after the date of ?ling the statement of condominium lien with the clerk of circuit court. (7) DELINQUENT ION, PUBLIC ASSISTANCE AND WORKERS COMP WARRANTS, AND DOCKETS. A record of delinquent unemployment compensation, public assistance, or workers compensation payments that have the effect of a ?nal judgment: 20 years after initial docket entry. (7m) DELINQUENT INCOME OR FRANCHISE TAX WARRANT DOCKETS. A record of delinquent income or franchise tax warrants or liens: '10 years from the date of ?ling with the clerk of circuit court for warrants or liens ?led before August 1, 198 l; permanent from the date of ?ling with the clerk of circuit court for warrants or liens ?led on August 1, 1981, to April 30, 2004; and 20 years from the date of ?ling with the clerk of circuit court for warrants or liens ?led on or alter May 1, 2004, unless renewed. If renewed, a new 20?year retention period begins from the date on which the renewal is ?led with the clerk of circuit court. (8) SMALL CLAIMS CASE FILES. All papers deposited with the clerk of circuit court in every proceeding commenced under ch. 799, stats: 20 years after entry of ?nal order or judgment for all cases, including contested cases, stipulated dismissals and default judgments; except 2 years from date of entry of judgment for cases dismissed because issue was not joined and the case was not disposed of by judgment or stipulation within 6 months from the original return date. SMALL CLAIMS COURT RECORD. A history and index of proceedings: 20 years after entry of ?nal order for 11/372016 7:28 PM Wisconsin Legislature: SCR Chapter 72 contested cases, stipulated dismissals, and default judgments; except 2 years from the date of entry of judgment for cases dismissed because issue was not joined and the case was not disposed of by judgment or stipulation within 6 months from the original return date. (10) SMALL CLAIMS RECORD. A brief statement of in-court proceedings commenced under ch. 799, stats., generaily maintained in the case ?le: 20 years after entry of ?nal orders for contested cases, stipulated dismissals, and default judgments; except 2 years ?om the date of entry of udgment for cases dismissed because issue was not joined and the case was not disposed of by judgment or stipulation within 6 months from the original return date. CASE FILES. - a ers oslte w1t er 0 Circuit court 1n eve rocee ll] commence un er 0 . 11]? Allpp 'ryp d?g 767, state: 30 years alter entry of judgment of divorce, legal separation, annulment, or paternity, or entry of a ?nal order, except that alter 30 years, for any case ?le for which related support or maintenance payments are continuing to be made, 7 years after ?nal payment or after an order terminating maintenance is ?led. 5 years after entry of judgment or entry of a ?nal order for dismissed divorces, legal separations, and annulments. (12) FAMILY COURT RECORD. A history and index of proceedings: (3) 30 years after entry of judgment of divorce, legal separation, annulment, or paternity, or entry of a ?nal order, except that after 30 years, for any court record for which related support or maintenance payments are continuing to be made, 7 years a?er ?nal payment or a?er an order terminating maintenance is ?led. 5 years after entry of udgment or entry of a ?nal order for dismissed divorces, legal separations, and annulments. {13} FAMILY COURT RECORD. A brief statement of in~court proceedings commenced under ch. 767, stats, generally maintained in the case file: 30 years after entry of judgment of divorce, legal separation, annulment, or paternity, or entry of a ?nal order, except that after 30 years, for any court minutes for which related support or maintenance payments are continuing to be made, 7 years a?er ?nal payment or after an order terminating maintenance is ?led. 5 years after entry of judgment or entry of a ?nal order for dismissed divorces, legal separations, and annulments. (14) MADJTENANCE AND SUPPORT PAYMENT RECORDS. Records of maintenance and support payments received by the clerk of circuit court: 30 years after entry of judgment of divorce, legal separation, annulment, or paternity, or entry of a ?nal order, except that after 30 years, for any payment records for which related support or maintenance payments are continuing to be made, 7 years after ?nal payment or after an order terminating maintenance is ?led. (15} FELONY CASE FILES. All papers deposited with the clerk of circuit court in proceedings commenced as felonies: 50 years after entry of ?nal judgment; except for Class A felonies, 75 years after entry of ?nal judgment. (16} FELONY COURT RECORD. A history and index of proceedings commenced as felonies: 50 years alter entry of ?nal judgment; except for Class A felonies, 75 years after entry of ?nal judgment. 17) ELONY MINUTE RECORD. A brief statement of in-court proceedings commenced as felonies, generally maintained in the case ?le: 50 years after entry of ?nal judgment; except for Class A felonies, 75 years after entry offinai judgment. (179) SEXUALLY VIOLENT PERSON COLMTMENTS. All papers deposited with the clerk of circuit court for the commitment of an inmate under ch. 980, stats: 75 years after entry of ?nal judgment. (17m) SEXUALLY PERSON COMMITMENT COURT RECORD. A history and index of proceedings for the commitment of an inmate: 75 years a?er entry of ?nal judgment. (17f) WOLENT PERSON RECORD. A brief statement of in?court proceedings for the commitment of an inmate, generally maintained in the case ?le: 75 years a?er entry of ?nal judgment. (18) MISDEMEANOR CASE FILES. All papers deposited with the clerk of circuit court in proceedings commenced as misdemeanors, including criminal traf?c offenses: 20 years a?cr entry of ?nal judgment. 19) MISDEMEANOR COURT RECORD. A history and index of proceedings commenced as misdemeanors, including criminal traf?c offenses: 20 years after entry of ?nal judgment. (20) MSOBMEANOR MINUTE RECORD. A brief statement of in?court proceedings commenced as misdemeanors, including criminal traf?c offenses, generally maintained in the case ?le: 20 years after entiy of ?nal judgment. (209) COMPLEX FORFEITURES. All papers deposited with the clerk of circuit court in proceedings commenced as complex forfeitures: 20 years alter entry of ?nal judgment. 20f8 ll/3f20l6 7:23 PM r-xwu-c: -: Wisconsin Legislature: SCR Chapter 72 (20m) COMPLEX FORFEITURE COURT RECORD. A history and index of proceedings commenced as complex forfeitures: 20 years alter entry of ?nal judgment. (20 r) COMPLEX FORFEITURE MENUTE RECORD. A brief statement of in-eourt proceedings Commenced as complex forfeitures, generally maintained in the case ?le: 20 years after cney of ?nal judgment. (24) CONSERVATION FORFEITURE AND ORDINANCE VIOLATION CASE FILES. All papers deposited with the clerk of circuit court in proceedings commenced as traffic forfeitures, conservation forfeitures, or ordinance violations, includingjuvenile ordinance violations: 5 years after entry of ?nal judgment. (24a) TRAFFIC FORFEITURE, AND ORDINANCE VIOLATION COURT RECORD. A history and index of proceedings commenced as traf?c forfeitures, conservation forfeitures, or ordinance violations, including juVenilc ordinance Violations: 5 years a?er ent1y of ?nal judgment. (24m) TRAFFIC FORFEITURE, CONSERVATION FORFEITURE, AND onernanca RECORD. A brief statement of in?eourt proceedings in actions commenced as traf?c forfeitures, conservation forfeitures, or ordinance Violations, includingjuvenile ordinance violations, generally maintained in the case ?le: 5 years after entry of ?nal judgment. (23) RECORDS OF JOHN DOE PROCEEDINGS. All papers deposited with the clerk of circuit court in proceed ings commenced as John Doe actions: 75 years after date of ?nal proceeding. (26m) RECORDS OF PROCEEDINGS COMMENCED UNDER S. 968.02 (3), STAT S. All papers deposited with the clerk Of circuit court in proceedings commenced under s. 968.02 (3), stats: 75 years a?er date .of? ?nal proceeding. {27} SEARCH WARRANTS. Except as provided under sub. (27m), orders signed by ajudge directing a law enforcement of?cial to conduct searches: 75 years a?er ?ling with the court, unless ?led With a case ?le. {27m) JUVENILE COURT SEARCH WARRANTS. Search warrants deposited with the juvenile court in proceedings under ch. 48 and 938, stats: 15 years after ?ling with the court, unless ?led with a case ?le. {28) RECORDS OF GRAND JURY PROCEEDINGS. All papers deposited with the clerk of circuit court in proceedings commenced under s. 756.10, 1995 stats, or s. 968.40, stats: 75 years after the date of ?nal proceedings. (29) CASE FILES. All papers deposited with the register in probate in proceedings commenced under chs. 851 to 8.79, stats: 75 years after entry of ?nal judgment or order or an order discharging the personal representative or trustee. (30) PROBATE COURT RECORD. A history and index of proceedings commenced under chs. 851 to 879, stats: 75 years after entry of final judgment or order, or an order discharging the personal representatiVe or trustee. (31) PROBATE MINUTE RECORD. A brief statement of in-court proceedings commenced under chs. 851 to 879, stats, generally maintained in the case ?le: 75 years after entry of ?nal judgment or order, or an order discharging the personal representative or trustee. (32) GUARDIANSHIP CASE FILES. All papers deposited with the register in probate in adult guardianship proceedings commenced under chs. 54 or 55, stats, or ch. 880, 2003 stats: 7 years alter tennination of guardianship; except 75 years after termination of guardianship if there was a ?rearm restriction ordered; and except 7 years after death of the ward if there was a ?rearm restriction ordered. All papers in juvenile guardianship proceedings commenced under chs. 48 or 54, stats, or ch. 880, 2003 stats: 7 years after the juvenile's 18th birthday; except 75 years after termination of guardianship if there was a ?rearm restriction ordered; and except 7 years a?er death of the ward if there was a ?rearm restriction ordered. (33) COURT RECORD. A history and index for adult guardianship proceedings commenced under chs. 54 or 55, stats, or ch. 880, 2003 stats: 7 years after termination of guardianship; except 75 years after termination of guardianship if there was a ?rearm restriction ordered; and except 7 years atter death of the ward if there was a ?rearm restriction ordered. A history and index forjuvenile guardianship proceedings commenced under chs. 48 or 54, stats, or ch. 880, 2003 stats: 7 years alter the juvenile?s 18th birthday; except 75 years alter termination of guardianship if there was a ?rearm restriction ordered; and except 7 years after death of the ward if there was a ?rearm restriction ordered. (34) GUARDIANSHIP MWJTE RECORD. A brief statement of in-court proceedings for adult guardianships commenced under chs. 54 or 55, stats, or ch. 880, 2003 stats, generally maintained in the case ?le: 7 years after termination of guardianship; except 75 years a?er termination of guardianship if there was a ?rearm restriction ordered; and except 7 years a?er death of the ward if there was a ?rearm restriction ordered. 3 018 11872016 7:28 PM -- c- v? ?ow-a Wisconsin Legislature: SCR. Chapter 72 4of8 A brief statement of in?court proceedings for juvenile guardianships commenced under ehs. 48 or 54, stats., or ch. 880, 2003 stats: 7' years alter the juveniie's 18th birthday; except 75 years alter termination of guardianship if there was a ?rearm restriction ordered; and except 7 years after death of the ward if there was a ?rearm restriction ordered. - (35) WILLS DEPOSITED FOR SAEEKEEPING. Will deposited by a testator with the register in probate of the mud of the county where the testator resides: 100 years after ?ling. (36) WILLS NOT ADMITTED TO PROBATE. Wills deposited after the death of a testator where there is no estate to probate: 100 years alter ?ling. (37) REGISTRY OF WILLS. An index kept by a register in probate of all wills deposited or delivered prior to probate: 100 years after ?nal entry. (38) MENTAL I CASE FILES. All papers deposited with the clerk of circuit court or register in probate in proceedings commenced under ch. stats: 7 years after entiy of ?nal order; except 75 years after termination of commitment if there was a ?rearm Restriction ordered. (39) MENTAL HEAITI-I COURT RECORD. A history and index of proceedings commenced under ch. 51, stats.: 7 years after entry of ?nal order; except 75 years alter termination of commitment if there was a firearm restriction ordered. (40) MENTAL HEALTH MINUTE RECORD. A brief statement of inaccurt proceeding commenced under ch. 51, stats, generally maintained in the case ?le: 7 years alter entry of ?nal order; except 75 years after termination of commitment if there was a ?rearm restriction ordered. (42) TERMINATION or PARENTAL RIGHTS AND CASE FILES. All papers deposited with the clerk of circuit court, register in probate or clerk of court forjuvcnile matters in every termination of parental rights and adoption proceeding: permanent. (42m) JUVENILES IN NEED OF AND AND CHILDREN IN NEED or PROTECTION AND CASE FILES. Except as provided in sub. (24), all papers deposited with the clerk-of circuit court, register in probate, or clerk of court for juvenile matters in proceedings commenced under ch. 43 or 938, stats.: 4 years after the 18th birthday of the juvenile or child; except 75 years after the adjudication of the juvenile or child if he or she was adjudicated delinquent for committing an act that would be punishable as a felony if committed by an adult; and except 75 years a?er the adjudication of the juvenile or child if he or she was adjudicated delinquent for committing an act that would be punishable as a misdemeanor if committed by an adult and there was a ?rearm restriction ordered or there was a requirement that the juvenile or child register with the Wisconsin Department of Corrections Sex Offender Registry. (43) JUVENILE COURT RECORD. A history and index of proceedings conunenced under ch. 48 or 93 8, stats: 4 years after the 18th birthday of the juvenile or child; except 75 years after the adjudication of the juvenile or child if he or she was adjudicated delinquent for committing an act that would be punishable as a felony if committed by an adult; and except 75 years atter the adjudication of the juvenile or child if he or she was adjudicated delinquent for committing an act that would be punishable as a misdemeanor if committed by an adult and there was a ?rearm restriction ordered or there was a requirement that the juvenile or child register with the Wisconsin . Department of Corrections Sex Offender Registry. (44) JUVENILE MINUTE RECORD. A brief statement of in-court proceedings in actions commenced under ch. 43 or 938, stats, generally maintained in the case ?le: 4 years after the 18th birthday of the juvenile or child; except 75 years alter the adjudication of the juvenile or child if he or she was adjudicated delinquent for committing an act that would be punishable as a felony if conunitted by an adult; and except 75 years after the adjudication of the juvenile or child if he or she was adjudicated delinquent for committing an act that would be punishable as a misdemeanor if committed by an adult and there was a ?rearm restriction ordered or there was a requirement that the juvenile or child register with the Wisconsin Department of Corrections Sex Offender Registry. (45) NON-CRIMINAL CASE EXHIBITS, PAPER, AND One year after the time for appeal has expired, provided that return of the exhibit has been offered to the pr?oil?ering party or unless all parties have stipulated to an earlier return of exhibits. (46) CRIMINAL AND JUVENILE CASE aleEI'rs, PAPER, AND NON-PAPER. Twenty-years after entry of ?nal judgment or until every person in custody as a result of the action or proceeding has reached his or her discharge date, provided that return of the exhibit has been offered to the proffering party. (46m) CRIMJNAL CASE EXHIBITS CONTAINING BIOLOGICAL MATERIAL SUBJECT TO FORENSIC DEDXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID TESTING UNDER S. 974.07, STATS. Any criminal case exhibit that is identi?ed by the parties, the clerk, or the court as containing biological material and that remains in the court's custody shall be retained until the later of 50 years after entry of ?nal judgment or until every person in custody as a result of the action or proceeding lli'3r'2016 7:28 PM Wisconsin Legislature: SCR Chapter 72 Sof8 has reached his or her discharge date, or until the court otherwise orders the disposition of the evidence under s. 757.54 (2) or 974.07, stats. (46m) CRIMINAL CASE EXHIBITS BIOI..OGICAL MATERIAL SUBJECT TO FORENSIC DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID TESTING UNDER S. 974.07, STATS. Any criminal case exhibit that is identi?ed by the parties, the clerk, or the court as containing biological material and that remains in the court's custody shall be retained until the later of 50 years a?er entry of ?nal judgment or until ever person in custody as a result of the action or proceeding has reached his or her discharge date, or until the court otherwise orders the disposition of the evidence under s. 757.54 (2) or 974.07, stats. (46r) Civil case exhibits for sexually violent person commitments under ch. 980, stats. For the length of time that the underlying case is retained pursuant to this rule. (47) COURT REPORTER NOTES. Verbatim stenographic, shorthand, audio or video notes produced by a court reporter or any other verbatim record of inaccurt proceedings: 10 years after the hearing. {43) RECEIPTS. A receipt for money received by the clerk of circuit court or register in probate: 7 years after issuance. (49) BANK TRANSACTIONS. Deposit slips, bank statements and canceled checks: 7 years after transaction. {50) TRUST ACCOUNT LEDOERS. Records of trust accounts maintained by a clerk of circuit court or register in probate: the retention period for case ?le item which the trust account emanates. (51) CERTIFICATES OF PAYMENT. A certi?cate or voucher authorized for payment by the court: 7 years after ?ling. (52) JURY PAYROLL. A record of jury fees paid: 7 years after ?ling. (53) JUROR QUESTIONNAIRES. A form sent to determine eligibility of prospective jurors: 4 years after panel service. (54) JURY ARRAY. A list of quali?ed persons selected to serve as jurors: 4 years alter panel service. (55) RECORD OF URORS. A record of jurors summoned to serve on juries: 4 years after panel service. (58) OATHS OF OFFICE. Oaths of of?ce required to be ?led with the clerk of circuit court by county of?cials: 7 years after expiration of term. {59) REGISTER OF OFFICIALS. A listing of the names and terms of appointment for court commissioners, deputy sheriffs, notaries public and municipal judges: 2 years after expiration of term. (60} RECORDS. Records of applications for US. citizenship and proceedings to grant US. citizenship: Transfer custody to the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. (61) COURT RECORDS NO LONGER CREATED, UTILIZED, OR MAINTAINED. Records no longer created, utilized, or maintained by the court for legal purposes: 20 years after repeal, modi?cation, supersession or amendment. (62) COURT RECORDS IN BOOK FORM. Court records kept in book form may contain various case and record types; depending upon the case and record type, one of the following shall be used to determine the longest minimum retention period as speci?ed under this rule: Beginning with the date of ?nal entry for the most recently disposed case. Beginning with the date of final entry for felony cases when maintained in books with other case types. Beginning with the date of the 18th birthday of the youngestjuvenile covered in the book when pertaining to proceedings commenced under chapter 48 of the statutes. (63) INQUEST RECORDS. Records of an inquest under s. 979.08, stats., including testimony, evidence, written instructions and ?ndings of probable cause or verdict: No retention; record is delivered to the coroner or medical examiner for safekeeping (64) INCARCERATED PERSON RECORDS. Prisoner litigation correspondence, pleading, and other documents kept until they are reviewed by ajudge to determine if the action can be filed without the payment of ?ling fees and court costs: 5 years after date of submission. NOTE: Sup. Ct. Order No. 09-02 states: ?'Ihe Comments to SCR 72.01 are not adopted, but will be published and may be consulted for guidance in interpreting and applying SCH 72.01." Comment, 2010: SCR 72.01 (23) contains a reference to s. 756.10, stats, which was renumbered s. 968.40, stats, by Sup. Ct. Order No. 96~03, 207 Wis 2d xv 1997); WE. Stat. 968.40 (1997). This reference is intended to clarify that-sub. (28) includes matters commenced before the statutory renumbering. SCRS 72.0] (32) through (34) contain references to ch. 830, which was repealed and replaced with Wis. Stat. ch. 54. 2005 Wis. Act 387, 100 (e??eetive May 25, 2006). These references are intended to clarify that subs. (32) through (34) include matters commenced before the statutory renumbering. Comment, 2012: Sup. Ct. Order No. 12~05 states that ?the Comment to SCR 72.0l {46) is not adopted, but will be published and may be consulted for guidance in interpreting and applying the rule." ?Exhibits,? as referenced in SCR 72.01 (45) and (46), refers to exhibits that are submitted to the court during a trial or hearing and are marked with an official exhibit sticker. Under this rule, ?exhibits? does not refer to documents that are attached to pleadings or other ?lings submitted to the court. Documents falling into the latter category are retained pursuant to the retention rule applicable to the court record. 11812016738 PM .N -. Wisconsin legislature: SCR Chapter 72 gov/misc/serf 72 Wisconsin's New Rules of Professional Conducl for Attorneys. Pierce Dietrich. Wis. Law. Feb. 2007. History: Sup. Ct. Order Nos. 93- 03 and 93?09, 176 Wis. 2d xvii (1993); Sup. Ct. Order No. 97-03, 216 Wis. 2d (1991i); Sup. Cl. Order No. 05-03, 2005 WI 66, 279 Wis. 2d xvii; Sup. Cl. Order No. 06401, 2006 WI 36, 287 Wis. 2d xxvii', Sub. Ct. Order No. 09-02, 2010 XVI 24, 322 Wis. 2d Sup. Ct. Order No. 12?05, 2012 WI 112, ?led 11-1-12, eff. 1-1-13. SCR 72.02 Procedure for disposal of court records. (1) A clerk of court, register in probate or other court records custodian may destroy records in his or her custody after minimum retention periods under SCR 72.01 have expired and after compliance with SCR 72.04. (2) Records defined as con?dential by rule or statute shall be destroyed in accordance with sub. (1) by burning, shredding or other means that will obliterate the records. SCR 72.03 Destruction of original court record after microfilming or electronically or optically storing. In this rule, ?suitably micro?lmed or microphotographed" means being miero?lmcd or microphotographed, to the extent practicable, in accordance with the minimum standards for micro?lming and mierophotographing as established by the American National Standards Institute. (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of SCR 72.01, any record of a court that has been suitably micro?lmed may be destroyed in accordance with SCH. 72.02 (1) or (2) 2 years a?er entry of ?nal order in the action for which the record is maintained or 2 years after ?ling for records not speci?cally related to court actions. (3) Any record of a court that has been electronically or optically stored and preserved in accordance with SCR 72.05 may be destroyed in accordance with SCR 7202(1) and (2) 48 hours after the record has been electronically or optically stored. A clerk of circuit court is not required to provide notice of destruction to the State Historical Society of Wisconsin when the record has been electronically or optically stored. Notice of to the State Historical Society of Wisconsin is required when the electronically or optically stored record will be destroyed once the retention period under SCR 72.01 has expired. Exhibits speci?ed in SCR 72.01 (45) and (46) of a documentary nature that are electronically or optically stored may be destroyed a?er 48 hours if the exhibit submitted to the court is a copy and not the original document. if the exhibit the court has received is an original document, the exhibit may be destroyed 180 days after entry of a ?nal order orjudgment, provided that it has been offered to the proffering party, unless the time for appeal has been extended under 53. 809.107, 809.30, or 309.32, stats. In the event of an extension, the exhibit may be destroyed 30 days alter the post-termination or post-conviction deadline has expired. I-[istory: Sup. (It. Order Nos. 93?08 and 93?09, 176 Wis. 2d xvii (1993); Sup. Ct. Order No. 12-05, 2012 WI 112, ?led 11?1?12, eff. 1?1413; Sup. Ct. Order No. 14-03, 2016 W129, tiled 4-28-16, eff. 7-1?16. SCR 72.04 Offer of title to State Historical Society of Wisconsin. The custodian of the court record, prior to its destruction under this chapter, shall give at least 60 days? notice of such destruction in writing to the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, which may preserve any records it determines to be of historical interest. Notice is not required for any records for which destruction has previously been approved by the State Historical Society of Wisconsin or in which the State Historical Society of Wisconsin has indicated, by blanket waiver, that it has no interest for historical purposes. History: Sup. Ct. Order No. [2-05, 2012 WI 112, flied Hal-12, eii?. 1-1-13. SCR 72.05 Retention of court records maintained as official or original information on electronic or optical storage systems. (1) In this rule: ?Accessible? means arranged, identified, indexed and maintained in a manner that permits the location and retrieval of the information in a readable format within a reasonable time by use of the proper hardware and softWare. ?Accurately reprod uce" means that, when displayed on a retrieval device or reproduced on paper, all information exhibits a high degree of legibility and readability. ?Authenticity? means actually and reliably what is claimed and implies the ability to substantiate what is claimed. ?Legible? means that, when displayed on a retrieval device or reproduced on paper, the quality of the letters, numbers or symbols enables the user to identify them positively and quickly to the exclusion of all other letters, numbers or symbols. (2) ?Readable? means that the quality of a group of letters, numbers or symbols is recognized as words, complete numbers or distinct symbols. 6 of8 111312016 7:28 PM Wisconsin legislature: SCR Chapter 72 (2) Court records speci?ed in SCR 72.0'[ and maintained as of?cial or original information on electronic or optical storage systems shall be retained in the custody of the court for the minimum time periods speci?ed in SCR 72.01. The system maintaining the court records shall meet all of the following requirements: The information retained shall be in a legible and accessible format capable of accurately reproducing the original, or of sustaining readability, for the time periods speci?ed in SCR 72.01. Operational and technical system procedures shall protect the authenticity, con?dentiality, accuracy and reliability of the information captured and provide the appropriate level of security to safeguard the integrity of the electronic or optically imaged information. The legibility and readability of a statistically signi?cant sampling of electronic or optically imaged records shall be veri?ed to ensure, to a 99.5% degree of con?dence, that the information or images are legible and readable. Original optical images that are not legible or readable shall be flagged and rescanned for optimum image enhancement. images shall contain the scanned notation ?best possible image". A suitable technical level of security shall be provided to protect electronic or optically imaged records that are required to be. sealed, impounded or con?dential and procedures shall be implemented to restrict access to only those persons authorized by statute or court order to access those records. Suitable hardware and software shall be provided to retrieve, read and timely reproduce on paper any record retained on electronic or optical storage systems. (1) Procedures shall be in place and timely implemented for the backup, recovery and storage of electronically or optically stored records to protect those records against media destruction or deterioration and information loss. For disaster recovery purposes, at least one electronically or optically stored backup copy of all automated or optically imaged records shall be maintained using accepted computer backup procedures; backup copies shall be stored in a separate location under appropriate environmental storage conditions; and a schedule to regularly update or supplement backup copies as a normal part of operations shall be implemented. At least one set of documentation for the electronic or optical systems that produced the automated or optically imaged records shall be maintained for the retention period of those records, and documentation shall be regularly updated or supplemented when revisions are made. Inspection of a statistically signi?cant sampling of electronic or optically imaged records shall be conducted at least once every 3 years to verify, to a 99.5% degree of confidence, that there has been no degradation of the electronic medium or of the image quality. A media retention and conversion review schedule shall be established to ensure that electronically or optically stored information is reviewed for data conversion or recertitication at least once every 3 years or more frequently when necessary to prevent the physical loss of data or technological obsolescence of the medium. Off-line electronic data or records stored on optical disk shall be transferred to new media or new optical disk and veri?ed prior to the expiration of one-half of the usc?il life of the original media or disk as determined by the manufacturer's certi?ed disk playback stability measured in years. (L) Court records electronically or optically stored, including records stored off-line and on backup media, that are cxpunged by court order under ss. 93 8.3 5 5 (4m) and 973.015, stats, shall be cxpunged by sealing or removing the record, obliterating the index to the record, or otherwise restricting access to the record. (3) Electronically or optically stored records with historical or research value beyond the retention periods speci?ed in SCR 72.01 shall be protected from destruction or media deterioration and transferred to the State Historical Society of Wisconsin in a standard universal format, together with technical documentation. (4) Records electronically or optically stored that have reached the minimum retention period speci?ed in SCR 72.01 and that do not have historical or research value may be destroyed. For the circuit court automation program or other electronic court data systems and for write?once-read?many-times optical disk systems, records should be organized and formatted to permit the off?line disk or optical disk as a whole to be destroyed. For write? once-read-manyntimes disks, the destruction or sealing of the speci?c index reference to the obsolete record is suf?cient. - A written plan shall be provided to the director of state courts for prior approval to ensure compliance with this rule before a new electronic or optical imaging system is implemented and before an existing system is enhanced. The plan shall indicate all of the following: That a feasibility study was conducted and an analysis made of the system's cost and conversion costs compared to ongoing current costs. (13) That a data migration plan has been developed for the retention period of electronically or optically stored 7 of3 11/3/2016 7:28 PM Wisconsin Legislature: SCR Chapter 72 records. If the system is an optical imaging system, that the custodian of the record has executed a statement of intent and purpose indicating all of the following: 1. The ease type of record and years to be reproduced or transferred. 2. The subsection of SCR 72.0] that pertains to the type of court record being imaged. 3. The physical disposition of the original paper records. 4. If the system is a county system, the county resolution or ordinance authorizing optical imaging. 5. The certi?cation of the records as received or created and transferred to optical disk format in the normal course of business. That the statement of intent and purpose was provided to the office of the director of state courts. History: Sup. Ct. Order Nos. 93?08 and 93?09, 1T6 1Wis. 2d xvii {1993); Sup. Ct. Order No. 9103, 2t6 Wis. 2d (1993); Sup. Ct. Order No. 12?05, 2012 WI 112, ?led 11-1-12, 1-1-13. SCR 72.06 Expunetion. When required by statute or court order to expunge a court record, the clerk of the court shall do all of the following: (1) Remove any paper index and non?nancial court record and place them in the case ?le. (2) Electronically remove any automated non?nancial record, except the case number. (3) Seal the entire case ?le. (4) Destroy expunged court records in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. History: Sup. Ct. Order No. 97?01 214 Wis. 2d Menu Miscellaneous Documents Supreme Court Rules SCR Chapter 72 Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules updated by the Legislative Reference Bureau. Current through all Supreme Court Orders entered on or before artery 7, 2016. Report errors at (603) 266-3561, FAX 264w6948. 3 of8 ttr'3f2016 7?28 PM MODEL RECORDKEEPING PROCEDURES CRIMINAL Arrest - Bench Warrant and Caniases .. Arrest Bench 2 Capias .. 2 Warrant Procedure .. 2 Disposition of an Outstanding Warrant .. 3 Bail Bonds .. 5 Signature Bond - Cash Bond Surety Bond - Secured by Signature Property Bonds Bond Forfeiture Criminal Case Initiation .. 7 Case Initiation Procedure Preparation for Court Hearing Initial Appearance . 3 Etc Maintenance Monitoring .. 9 Receipt and Entry of Subsequent Documents Hearinng rial Adjournments Scheduling Functions Case Monitoring Examination of Defendant to Determine Coninetenci,r to Stand Tria_l .. 12 Disposition and Post-Disposition .. 13 Receipt and Entry of Closing Orders Case Closing Victim Notification .. l4 Search Warrants .. l6 SW Case Type Executed Search Warrants Filed with the Clerk John Doe Proceedings .. 17 Exgunging Court Records .. 23 Criminal Model Reecrdkecping Procedures - - Criminal Table of Contents ARREST BENCH WAMANT AND CAPIASES A warrant is a written order by the court directing law enforcement to arrest an individual [Wis Stat. Arrest Warrant An arrest warrant is used when a person has not yet appeared in court or submitted to the court's jurisdiction. The court orders the individual?s arrest in order to bring the person before the court and to confer the court?s jurisdiction over the person. One of the specific, mandatory provisions of such warrants is that the warrant speci?es the crime and the statutory section allegedly violated. This can be accomplished by attaching a copy of the complaint or citation to the warrant per In criminal cases, a copy of the criminal complaint must be attached. A criminal complaint is the charging document that contains the charges listed and a probable cause statement. A complaint must be under oath. In non-criminal matters brought by citation there is not a probable cause statement and the citation is not under oath. Courts cannot issue arrest warrants without evidence of personal service and probable cause. Section ?345.36(2) also authorizes a warrant for non-appearance. I Therefore, in all cases in which the court issues an arrest warrant for failure to appear in to a citation, a court officer?s af?davit is completed and attached, indicating that the defendant was personally served with the citation and indicating the basis for issuing the citation (personal knowledge or information and belief). - Bench Warrant A bench warrant is issued when a person has previously appeared in court or submitted to the court?s jurisdiction, but fails to appear in court as required. A bench warrant is generally authorized from the bench and prepared by either the clerk?s of?ce or the district attorney, depending on local practice. It is not necessary to attach a copy of the complaint or citation, or an af?davit of the court of?cer, as with an arrest warrant. Capias . In Latin, capias means, "that you take." It is used to "take the body? before the court. Another term used is "body attachment." A capias is used to order law enforcement to arrest and bring a person before a court for failing to comply with certain court orders, including: Failure to appear (including witnesses, respondents in paternity or divorce actions); - Failure to pay ?nes, forfeitures, assessments, surcharges, and court costs only. For ?nancial obligations, the perSon arrested may be released with no ?irther court appearances upon paying the ?nancial obligation. Warragt Procedure The clerk will: 1. When a warrant is authorized or issued, enter on the court record the date the warrant was authorized or issued and the code for the warrant type. If the warrant involves a Criminal Model Recordkeeping Procedures 2 - Arrest Bench Warrant and Capias witness in a criminal case, select the correct warrant party. If it is a criminal or traffic/forfeiture case, the default party is the defendant. These event codes put the case in warrant maintenance status (SO-4): - AWI Arrest Warrant Issued 0 BWI Bench Warrant Issued - COMPW Complaint with Warrant Filed The following code is used for witnesses in criminal cases (no 804 status): 0 SI Summons Issued (can't print warrant from this court record event) 2. Based on local procedure, some counties authorize a warrant before it is issued. This allows time for the warrant to be prepared and signed. Print Arrest/?Bench War-ram; Copies A, B, or C), after entering the warrant authorizing or issuing event on the court record. Use either the case or warrant application. I Attach a copy of the complaint 0 Attach an Af?davit of Court Of?cer, if a citation. (See Form Summary GF- 142); I After printing, mark the appropriate checkboxes and complete fill?ins. 3. Have the warrant signed by ajudge or court commissioner. 4. If the warrant has previously been authorized, enter the warrant?issuing event on the court record. The case goes into WA maintenance on CCAP, when a warrant is issued. WA ?ashes on the ?rst case management screen. This alerts clerks that a warrant exists and must be recalled immediately, should the defendant appear. Outstanding warrants over a certain age should be forwarded to the prosecutor to determine whether the warrant should be dismissed. Each county may establish the period of time a warrant must be outstanding before it is sent to the prosecutor for review. Disposition of an Outstanding Warrant This procedure ensures that all records of outstanding arrestfbench warrants, capiases, etc., are cancelled after the defendant?s case is dismissed or the defendant is apprehended. The clerk will: 1. A?er a case is formally dismissed or a defendant is apprehended, update the court record using the CCAP ease or warrant application. These event codes take the case out of warrant maintenance status (804): I Warranthonunitmenthapias Cancelled WCCEE Warrant/Commitment/Capias Entered in Error Criminal Model Recordkeeping Procedures - 3 Arrest Bench Warrant and Capias I WCCS Warrant/Commitmenthapias Served 2. Notify the responsible agencies (police, sheriff, state patrol) that the warrant is no longer valid. Print Order to Cancel Warrant (GFJ45) to provide written notice to the responsible agencies. Request that all copies of the warrant be returned immediately to the clerk of courts. 3. Pull the case file and indicate on the court copy of the warrant the agency and the date the warrant was returned (or attach a copy of the order to cancel). Destroy all returned copies of the warrant. 4. Continue the process according to the procedures described for each case type. Criminal Model Recordkeeping Procedures - 4 - Arrest Bench Warrant and Capias BAIL BONDS A bail bond is a document signed by the defendant and/or a surety that guarantees the defendant?s return to court for further proceedings. The guarantee is secured with either a pledge or payment of money that can be forfeited upon a defendant?s failure to return or comply with the release terms. Signature bonds pledge the future payment of money. Cash, property or surety bonds require the delivery of money or some other assurance of payment. The court establishes the bond amount [?969.03; {$969.12} The elerlt will: Signature Bend I Prepare BaiifBond Commitment I Have the defendant sign the bond. A witness must also sign the bond; I Note on the bond the next appearance date; I Retain the original in the case ?le; distribute copies to the defendant and to any other party as determined by local procedure. Cash Band I Prepare Buff/Bond Commitment I Collect the money and give a receipt to the depositor; I Deposit funds in custodial account (Bond, TRDEP or I Bail money is returned to the person who posted the bond. lf sentencing has been imposed, ?nes and costs may be deducted from the bail money and the balance returned to the depositor Surety Bond Secured by Signature [?969.12] I Prepare BaiifBond Commitment I Have the surety sign the bond after the defendant signs it. A witness must also sign the bond; I Note on the bond the next appearance date; I After court approval, receive and ?le stamp the bond; I Retain the original for the case file; distribute copies to the defendant and surety and to any other party as determined by local procedure. Progerg Bonds I Prepare Bail/Bond Commitment Criminal Model Procedures - 5 - Bail Bonds Have the property owner sign the bond after the defendant signs it. A witness must also sign the bond; Receive the prepared real estate security and recording fee for bail bond. The defendant or the surety must pay the recording fee in advance. Make sure the property owner has signed the real estate security. Give a copy to the property owner. Deposit the recording fee using standard accounting procedures; Record the original real estate security in the Register of Deeds of?ce._ Upon return by the Register of Deeds, place it in the case ?le; Upon disposition of the case, receive the prepared release of security and recording fee. Record in the Register of Deeds of?ce. Upon return by the Register of Deeds, place it in the case file. Bond Forfeiture Criminal [?969.13] If a defiendant fails to appear for a mandatory court date, the court may order that posted money be forfeited to the county. The defendant or surety is entitled to 30 days for a forfeiture appeal. The court may schedule either a bail bond review date or a bail bond forfeiture hearing. If the defendant or surety takes no action within the 30 days, the judge may issue bail money forfeited. - Criminal Model Recordkeeping Procedures - 6 - Upon a court order forfeiting bail, prepare and mail Order and Notice ofBoif/Bond Forfeiture (CR-228) or Order and Notice of Bait/Bond Forfeiture and Order for Hearing Enter on the CCAP court record the notice of order forfeiting bond and schedule a Bail/Bond Review or a BailfBond Forfeiture Hearing in at least 30 days; When the 30-day period expires, prepare Judgment ofBoiI/Bond orfefture (C1223 0) listing the defendant and/or any sureties, if the defendant has not appeared and surrendered to the court during that time; Mail copies to the defendant and any sureties; Upon the court?s entering judgment against the defendant and/or surety, the clerk must sign the judgment. The original judgment is entered in the Judgment and Lien Docket or the cash is forfeited to the County Treasurer [?969. Bail Bonds CASE INITIATION Criminal cases are commenced by the ?ling of a complaint. The date of the initial appearance is normally determined by the district attorney using time periods allocated by the court. The law does not require that a complaint be ?led prior to the initial appearance, but the better practice is to do so. If a complaint is ?led at the initial appearance, create the case ?le after the appearance. For a criminal case consolidation with another county or in your county, see General Standards Consolidation of Cases. Case Initiation Procedure The clerk will: Receive the initiating document and any supporting papers. File stamp the ?rst page of the original complaint. Assign a case number using the Model Record Keeping numbering scheme by CCAP auto sequencing, by the interface with the District Attorney, or by selecting the next available pro-numbered case ?le from the felony, misdemeanor, or criminal traf?c series. If the complaint is ?led in open court, assign the number in court and notify the parties of the number assigned. In multiple defendant cases, if only one complaint is filed, make one photocopy for each defendant?s case ?le. Each defendant will have a separate case number. Check for outstanding warrants. If a warrant was issued, note the warrant status on the court record. See Disposition of an Outstanding Warrant, when apprehension or dismissal occurs. Enter the basic party and charge information on CCAP. Enter the arrest tracking number or arrest date and booking agency to facilitate the interface with C13. Enter the date and ?ling of the complaint and other documents on the court record. DO NOT enter the date of the initial appearance on the court record, unless the initial appearance has occurred. Place the ease documents in the ?le folder. Preparation for Court Hearing The clerk will: Criminal Model Procedures if In advance of the hearing, generate the calendar. Add any cases to the calendar that were scheduled after the calendar was prepared. Use the calendar to pull case ?le(s) to bring or send to the courtroom for use during the hearing. Generate CCAP Minutes 01) for use in court, unless the county is using In Court Appearance Processing. Bail Bonds INITIAL APPEARANCE At the initial appearance, the defendant?s rights are explained, the defendant is informed of the charges, and hail is determined. The defendant may request appointed counsel. The defendant may also plead guilty or no contest and be sentenced at this hearing [?970.01; ?970.02; ?969.03]. The clerk will: 1. Take minutes of the appearance, amount of bond, appointment of attorney, next appearance and any other relevant information. 2. Unless the case is dismissed or otherwise disposed of, the next appearance should be scheduled. The parties should be given a Hearing Notice 01). If the notice of next appearance cannot be completed during court, send the notice to the parties after the appearance. The district attorney is responsible for contacting law enforcement agencies. 3. After initial appearance, carry out follow-up work as necessary: . If a new hearing is required, schedule the new date on the CCAP calendar or with the scheduling clerk; - If bail is ordered, prepare a bail bond; I If the defendant did not appear and a warrant was issued, proceed with issuing the warrant; 6 If the defendant is ordered to jail, prepare a commitment; If the case is disposed of, prepare disposition or closing orders as instructed. See Criminal Case Receipt and Entry of Closing Orders. 4. Place minutes and other documents in the case file. 5. Update the CCAP court record with the hearing information and any next scheduled Criminal Model Recordkceping Procedures - 3 - activity. - Initial Appearance CASE MAINTENANCE MONITORING Receipt and Entrv of Subsequent Documents Once an initiating document has been ?led, subsequent documents are periodically received, entered on the court record, and placed in the case ?le. These papers may be filed in person or received through the mail or fan. The clerk will: 1. Receive, date stamp and, if appropriate, stamp "Filed" on the ?rst page. 2. Enter the date received and the event code of the "Filed" papers on the CCAP court record. 3. Take other appropriate action, which may be indicated in the paper?s contents. 4. Place the documents in the case tile and return the ?le to the shelf in case number order. Hearing or Trial The clerk?s recordkeeping. responsibility for all court hearings and trials is the same. It consists of taking concise minutes of the proceeding, updating the CCAP court record, and placing the minutes and case papers received during the hearing in the case file. The clerk?s responsibilities also include marking and keeping trial exhibits. The clerk will: 1. Take minutes on Minutes or or enter through In Court Appearance Processing. Review the minutes for any required scheduling actions, next activity, or review dates. Mark and list exhibits. Store exhibits in a secure location during and after triallhearing. See video Retention and Preservation of ii 'riol Exhibits. 3. If the judge orders a pro-sentence investigation, prepare the Order for Pris?sentence Investigation Report (CR-244) and Notice of Hearing (GFJ setting a sentencing date. Enter the date on the CCAP calendar system and monitor for compliance or completion. 4. If a next appearance date is given, prepare and distribute in the courtroom Notice of Hearing 01). 5. Update the CCAP court record, including entering the next activity date on the CCAP calendar and monitoring for compliance or completion. 6. Place the minutes and other case documents received during the hearing in the case file. Criminal Mode] Procedures - 9 - Case Maintenance Monitoring Adjournments A hearing or activity may be adjourned on either the court?s or a party?s request and rescheduled for a new date. The clerk?s responsibilities include updating the CCAP calendar and sending a new Notice of Hearing. The clerk will: 1. Receive notice and approval of an adj comment. 2. Reschedule or receive notice of the new hearing or review date. 3. Update the adjourned scheduled activity, noting the adjournment and schedule a new hearing or review date in accordance with local procedures. Scheduling Functions The court is responsible for scheduling criminal case activities as the cases proceed through the court system. These activities include initial appearance, preliminary examination, arraignment, pretrial and motion hearings, court and jury trials, sentencing, and post- disposition appearances. The clerk will: 1. In advance of the hearing, generate the appropriate CCAP calendar. 2. Print and distribute the calendar in accordance with local procedure. 3. Using the calendar, pull case file(s) to bring or send to courtroom for use during the hearing. Case Monitoring Case monitoring consists of regularly checking future activities to identify cases where a scheduled activity did not occur and to determine if any necessary follow-up action should be taken. The clerk will: 1. Each day, check CCAP Scheduled Activities for outstanding activities to be monitored or followed up from the previous day. 2. Review the court records of cases from the previous day to determine what action was to have occurred. 3. If the activity scheduled for the previous day was a hearing, determine whether an appearance was made and whether the clerk?s of?ce was noti?ed of the hearing results. Criminal Mode] Recordkeeping Procedures - It] - Case Maintenance Monitoring 0 If no appearance was made, notify the trial judge to determine the action to be taken; 0 If an appearance was made, determine the hearing results, including the next activity date. Schedule the next activity date and update the CCAP court record; i If an adjournment was granted, update the calendar with the new date. 4. On a regular schedule, from the CCAP Calendar application, prepare the Event and Activity Report This report lists pending cases. Criminal Model Reecrdkeeping Procedures - 11 Case Maintenance Monitoring EXAMINING DEFENDANT TO DETERMINE COMPETENCY TO STAND TRIAL If there is doubt regarding the defendant?s competency to stand trial, a hearing must be scheduled before the court [?97l . 14]. The clerk will: 1. Criminal Mode] Recordkeeping Procedures - 12 - If an examination is ordered, schedule the examination and prepare the order to transport to the appropriate facility. Schedule the date the examination report should be returned to the court. Receive the examination report in triplicate. File stamp original and place it in the case ?le. Forward copies to the district attorney and to the defendant?s counsel. If the report is not received by the expected date, notify the physician or facility and the judge. If the court orders the defendant institutionalized, prepare the commitment order. Schedule dates to monitor reviews of re-examination reports. Written reports of examination shall be furnished to the court: 0 Three months a?er the commitment date; a Six months after the commitment date; - Nine months alter the commitment date; and 0 Within 30 days prior to the commitment?s expiration. After the re?exarnination: 0 If the court determines the defendant is competent, resume criminal proceedings by scheduling the next court activity; I I If the court determines the defendant is not competent and not likely to become competent within 12 months or determines the defendant is not competent, but likely to become competent within 12 months, schedule further dates as ordered by the court and notify the judge when the date under which the calendar activity arrives. Examining Defendant DISPOSITION AND POST-DISPOSITION Receipt and Entry of Closing Orders The clerk will: 1. Enter the charge disposition and sentencing information on CCAP: I Judgment of conviction I Deferred Judgment I Deferred prosecution/Sentencing 2. Prepare or review the closing order and file/date stamp. If money has been applied to a fine or forfeiture that includes collect5 assessments, prepare Assessment Report (CCAP-IM). This report accompanies the Judgment of Conviction that is sent to the Department of Corrections. 3. Read the closing order to determine which governmental agencies should be sent a copy and distribute the order according to statute and local practice, Notify the Department of Transportation, Department of Corrections or County Sheriff. 4. Return bond to the person who posted it. Where bond is a surety of property, inform the register of deeds as to the bond discharge (Formal Release ofBond Security). The judge or established local procedure may allow the defendant to set up a payment schedule or a period of time to pay a ?ne, restitution, or other costs. Also see Disposition of an Outstanding Wan?ant. Case Closing A criminal case must be appealed within 120 days. After an entry of judgment, the case closing activity is performed. Case closing eliminates all documents from the case folder that are not official ease papers so that only essential case documents are retained for long term storage. See General Standards - Case Closing. Criminal Model Recordkceping Procedures [3 - Disposition and Post-Disposition NOTIFICATION (Imnate Release to Extended Supervision) if an inmate is serving a life sentence imposed under or 2. or a bifurcated sentence under ?973.01, he or she may petition the sentencing court for release to extended supervision after he or she has served a certain amount of the total sentence. Victims are entitled to notice when an inmate petitions for release to extended supervision. Clerks of circuit court shall provide victim noti?cation cards, without charge, for victitns to complete and return to the clerk to keep in the case ?le. This law applies only to those crimes committed on or o?erDccember 31?, 1999. Victim Notificatiog Procedm ?302.1 14(6)] The clerk will: 1. At the time of sentencing, attach a Victim Notification Cord (CR-240) to the front of the case ?le prior to giving it to the judge [or have the court clerk provide it to the victim(s) who are present in court that day]. This applies ONLY to those inmates serving a life sentence imposed under (1g) I or 2 or a bifurcated sentence under ?973.0l. 2. If the victim(s) are not present in court, mail a victim noti?cation card, without charge, to the victim?s last-known address. 3. Provide each victim a Victim Notice of Rights with the Victim Noti?cation Cord (CRHIMO) advising the victim of hisiher right to be noti?ed when an inmate ?les a petition for release to extended supervision. Instruct the victim(s) to complete and return the card and inform them of their need to update their address if they move so that the may be noti?ed in the ?lturc if an inmate ?les a petition. Print the case caption and case ?le number on the Wctim Notice of Rights so that the correct file is updated. As it could be many years (decades, in fact) before this document is used, and the victim may not remember the case number, it's particularly important to have the case caption and number on the card and the notice of rights form. 4. If the card is completed and returned to the clerk of court by the victim (the card must be returned to the court the inmate was convicted and sentenced in), place it in a sealed envelope, mark the envelope as con?dential, and note "victim noti?cation card" on it. 5. Place the sealed envelope in the case ?le. If the ?le is retrieved for review as a public record, remove the sealed envelope until it is returned. No court records or portions of records relating to a victim?s mailing addresses are subject to inspection or copying under ?19.35 (1). 6. If in 20 years victim noti?cation is required due to an inmate ?ling a petition for release to extended supervision: Criminal Model Recordkecping Procedures - l4 - Victim Noti?cation I Retrieve the ?le; - Pull the most recent Victim Noti?cation Card; Notify the victim via mail, phone or other appropriate communication. 7. Send a copy of the petition and, if a hearing is scheduled, a notice of hearing to the victim informing the victim that he or she may appear at the hearing. The notice must inform the victim how a written statement concerning the inmate can he made. I Send a copy of the petition to the victim?s last-known address within 7 days of the petition?s 1filing date; II If a hearing is scheduled, send the notice of hearing to the victim?s last-known address at least 10 days before the hearing date. 3. If unable to contact the victim, turn the available information over to the Department of Corrections? O??ice of Victim Services and Programs. Criminal Model Recordkceping Procedures - 15 - . Victim Noti?cation SEARCH WARRANTS Within 48 hours after a search warrant is executed, the search warrant must be returned to the clerk designated in the warrant. The warrant shall be accompanied by a written inventory of any property taken [Wis Stat. 9631?]. A search wan?ant that is not executed within 5 days after the issuance date is void [Wis Stat. An af?davit or complaint made in support of the issuance of the warrant, and a certi?ed transcript of any electronically communicated oral testimony requesting a warrant, must be ?led with the clerk within 5 days after the search warrant?s execution date [Wis Stat. Wis. Stat. 968170)]. SW Case Unexecuted Search Warrants Filed With the Clerk According to Wis. Stat. 963.21, unexecuted search warrants should not be ?led with the clerk. If an unexecuted. search warrant is ?led with the clerk, howeVer, the unexeeuted warrant and any accompanying documents must be kept as con?dential records in the SW case type. Each unexeeuted search warrant with its accompanying material should be given an SW case number within CCAP case management OTSWI, based on issuance date. A separate ?le folder does not have to be created for each assigned SW case number. Unexecuted search warrants and accompanying material can be placed in one annual SW ?le folder (063W, 078W). Once a search warrant has been executed it is no longer a con?dential record. If a criminal complaint related to the executed search warrant is subsequently ?led, transfer the executed search warrant and accompanying documents in the SW ?le to the new criminal case ?le. In CCAP case management, enter on the SW court record the criminal case number the executed search warrant was transferred to. If the search warrant is executed, but never results in a criminal complaint being ?led, then a GP case number should be opened and the contents of the SW ?le transferred to the new GF ?le. Ln CCAP case management, enter on the SW court record the GF case number the executed search warrant was transferred to. Executed search warrants should not be left as SW cases, as that case type is con?dential and once executed, search warrants are public record. If an unexeeuted search warrant ?led with the clerk is never executed, it permanently remains a con?dential SW ?le. Search warrants involvingjuveniles are kept separate and con?dential. Executed Search Warrants Filed With the Clerk If search warrants are handled properly and only ?led for the first time with the clerk after being executed, assign the executed search warrant a GF case number. If a criminal complaint related to the executed search warrant is subsequently ?led, transfer the contents of the executed search warrant from the GP ?le into the appropriate criminal ?le. In CCAP case management, enter on the GF court record the criminal case number the executed search warrant was transferred to. If no associated criminal complaint is ever ?led, then the executed search warrant remains in the file. Criminal Model Recordkeeping Procedures - [6 - Search Wan?anls JOHN DOE PROCEEDINGS [Wis Stat. 968.26] John Doe proceedings may be convened to determine whether a crime speci?ed under Wis. Stat. has been committed. John Doe cases are n_ot automatically con?dential records. (F or more information about making a John Doe case'contidential, see the ?Secrecy Order? section below.) Proceedings Filed Under the John Doe (JD) Case Type There are only three class codes that should be ?led in the JD case type: 1. 34001 John Doe cases commenced under Wis. Stat. 968.26(1m) or (2) 2. 34002 - Coroner?s inquests filed under Wis. Stat. 979.04 3. 34003 Requests to ?le criminal complaints under Wis. Stat. 968.028) The following cases should not be opened as JD eases: Petitions to initiate a procedure to waive parental consent prior to _a minor?s abortion (alca. ?Jane Doe? cases) filed under Wis. Stat. 48.257 a. See ?Waiving Parent Consent to Abortion? section of the Chapter 48 Juvenile Model Recordkeeping Procedures on CourtNet for more information 2. Criminal cases where a complaint is filed listing the unknown defendant as ?John Doe.? Open these using the applicable criminal case type and list the defendant party as ?John Doe.? The following procedures outline how cases ?led under the 34001 class code should be processed. I Initiating a John Doe Case Under Wis. Stat. 968.26 There are two ways a John Doe case may be initiated: 1. A district attorney (including a Department of Justice Attorney or special prosecutor) may request ajudge to convene a proceeding to determine whether a crime has been committed [Wis. Stat. or 2. A person who is not a district attorney may complain to ajudge that he or she has reason to believe that a crime has been committed [Wis Stat. Clerks should follow the appropriate procedure based on who initiates the John Doe case. Criminal Model Procedures 17 John Doe Proceedings May 2016 John Doe Request Filed by the District Attorney [Wis. Stat. Opening a John Doe Case Filed bv the District Attorney If a district attorney makes a request for a John Doe proceeding, the clerk will: I Open a JD case using the 34001 class code; Note: This class code should also be used for cases ?led by the Department of Justice or a special prosecutor. I Enter the ?lings into CCAP using the (Motion to request John Doe proceeding ??ted by DA court record event; I Enter the party names into the case; I Note: Do not simply enter ?John Doe? for the party name. Party names are not automatically con?dential and should be entered as the actual name of the party. The case caption will read ?In the Matter of John Doe.? I Give the ?ling to thejudge for hisr?her review. The suggested practice is to add a tickler to remind you to follow up with the judge at 30, 60, or 90 days depending on local practice. Judicial Review and Case Closigg Judge Finds There IS NOT Reason to Believe a Crime Has Been Committed I For a John Doe Petition ?led by the district attorney, ii'thejudge determines there reason to believe that a crime has been committed, the clerk will: I Close the case using the i (Case disposec? disposition code. I Enter the following explanation tor the disposition in the additional test: ?Judge did not ?nd reason to believe a crime has been committed.? STOP: In this scenario, the JD case has concluded and it is not necessary to proceed to the next step. Judicial Review and Case Closing Judge Finds There IS Reason to Believe a Crime Has Been Committed For a John Doe petition ?led by the district attorney, if the judge determines that there is reason to believe that crime has been committed, the clerk will: I Close the case using the 1 (Case disposes? disposition code after the criminal complaint is ?led; I Enter the following explanation for the disposition in the additional text: criminal case was opened.? if known, enter the criminal case number. I Open a criminal case using your local procedures; I If you know the case was commenced as a JD case, cross reference the 1) case and the criminal case; I I If there was a secrecy order in the case, the order is terminated at the initial appearance [Wis Stat. If the case was sealed, unseal the case by Criminal Model Recordkeeping Procedures 18 John Doe Proceedings May 2016 entering {Order to retrieve seated recomD and ORSP (Order to retrieve sealed party) into CCAP. NOTE: It is veg: important that clerks close John Doe cases in a timely manner. An}r case open longer than 6 months is subject to review under Wis. Stat. John Doe Request Filed by Person Other Than the District Attorney [Wis. Stat. 968268)] Opening a John Doe Case by a Person Other than the District Attornev [to person other than the district attorney makes a request for a John Doe proceeding, the clerk will: - Open a JD case using the 34001 class code; - Enter the ?lings into CCAP using the (Motion to request John Doe proceeding ?lled by non?DA) court record event; - Enter the party names into the case; Note: Do not simply enter ?John Doe? for the part}r name. Party names are not automatically con?dential and should be entered as the actual name of the party. The case caption-will read ?in the Matter of John Doe.? I Give the ?lings to thejudge for hisfher review. The suggested practice is to add a tickler to remind you to follow up with the judge at 30, 60, or 90 days, depending on local practice. udieial Review and Case Closing - Jndge Finds There IS NOT Reason to Believe a Crime Has Been Committed For a John Doe Petition ?led by a person other than the district attorney, if thejudgc determines there is not reason to believe that a crime has been committed and does not refer the matter to the district attorney.l the clerk will: - Close the case using the 1 (Case disposed) disposition code. I Enter the following explanation for the disposition in the additional text: ?Judge did not find reason to believe a crime has been committed and did not forward to the district attorney.? STOP: to this scenario, the JD case has concluded and it is not necessary to proceed to the next steps. Ajudge has a mandatoryI duty to refer a John Doe complaint to the district attorney only if the four corners of the complaint provide a sufficient factual basis to establish an objective reason to believe that a crime has been committed in the judge?sjurisdiction. Noseer v. Miller, 2010 WI App I42, 1] H, 329 Wis. 2d 724, T93 2G9. Criminal Mode] Recordkeeping Procedures - 19 - John Doe Proceedings - -- May 20 I6 Judicial Review Judge Finds There IS Reason to Believe a Crime Has Been Committed or a John Doe Petition ?led by a person other than the district attorney, ifthejudge determines there reason to believe that a crime has been committed, the clerk will: Following local procedure, forward a copy of the John Doe request to the district attorney and enter RTDA (Record transferred to District Attorney) into the CCAP court record. Set a future activity date for 90 days from the day the case is sent to the district attorney. Note: Under Wis. Stat. the district attorney shall determine to issue or refuse to issue charges within 90 days of the judge sending the case. The suggested practice is to tickle a review of the case every 90 days. If, after a designated amount of time determined by your county, the district attorney has not responded to the request, ask thejudge to write a letter asking for a reSponse. Maintain a copy of the letter in the tile, entering it into CCAP using the LET (Letters/correspondence) court record event. District Attorney Review and Case Closing District Attornev Issues Charges For a John Doe Petition tiled by a person otherthan the district attorney, if the district attorney determines to issue charges, the clerk will: I Close the case using the 1 (Case disposer? disposition code after the criminal complaint is ?led; I Enter the following explanation for the disposition in the additional text: ?District Attorney issued charges. A criminal case was opened.? if known, enter the criminal case number. 0 Open a criminal case using your local procedures; 0 If you know the case was commenced as a JD case, cross reference the JD case and the criminal case; 0 If there was a secrecy order in the case, the order is terminated at the initial appearance [Wis Stat. if the case was sealed, unseal the case by entering ORSR (Order to remove sealed record) and ORSP (Order to remove seated party) into CCAP. STOP: In this scenario, the ID case has concluded and it is not necessary to proceed to the next step. District Attorney Review and _Qgse Closing District Attorney Refuses to Issue Charges For a John Doe Petition filed by a person other than the district attorney, if the district attorney returns the case to the judge and refuses to issue chargg, the clerk will: 0 Receive all law enforcement investigative reports, the records and case ?les, and a written explanation for why the DA is refusing to issue charges and enter them into CCAP using the applicable court record events g. LETC (Letiers/correspondenee), REP (Report), 0P (Other papers), etc.); Criminal Model Recordkeeping Procedures - 20 - John Doe Proceedings May 2016 I Enter RRDA (Record Retw?ned?'om Dfsn?icr Attorney) and DA RIC (District Attorney Re?tses to Issue Charges) in to the CCAP court record; I Give the case to the judge for hisfher review. The suggested practice is to add a tickler to remind you to Follow up with the judge at 30, 60, or 90 days, depending on local practice; - Thejudge may determine that it is necessary to convene a proceeding to determine if a crime has been committed [Wis Stat. Ifthe judge convenes a proceeding, enter any additional materials collected by thejudge into the case; Iv At the end of the investigation, thejudge will either conclude the John Doe case or open a criminal case. Either way, close the ID case using the 1? {Case disposed) disposition code and enter a brief explanation of the disposition in the additional text g. ?Judge did not find reason to believe a crime has been committed? or ?Criminal charges issued. Case number [insert case number] was opened.? NOTE: It is veg: important that clerks close John Doe cases in a timely manner. Any case' open longer than 6 months is subject to review under Wis. Stat. 968.266). Secrecy Orders Sm- John Doe cases are not automatically con?dential. The judge may enter a secrecy order upon a showing of good cause by the district attorney. [Wis Stat. Because the statute does not de?ne what is meant by ?secrecy order,? if one is issued, important for the clerk to work closely with the iudge to determine what, exactl y, is secret in the case Are the court records sealed? Is there only a gag order in place? Are the party names sealed? Who is covered by the court order?) If the secrecy order is terminated, the identity of the subject of the proceeding may not be disclosed without the subject?s consent, unless a criminal case is subsequently ?led. [Wis Stat. in cases where the secrecy order is terminated, again, it is important for the clerk to work closely with the iudge to determine il?the subject?s name should be redacted from the ?le. Criminal Model Procedures 21 John Doe Proceedings - - May 20 [6 Request for Extension of Time or Expansion of Charges [Wis Stat. and 01)] Extension of Time No John Doe proceeding may last longer than the time periods outline below, unless an extension of time is granted through a review under Wis. Stat. 968.266): I . For eases initiated by the district attorney, the proceeding may last no longer than 6 months beginning on the day the district attorney ?les the request for a John Doe case [Wis Stat. or 2. For eases initiated by a person other than the district attorney, the proceeding may last no longer than 6 months beginning on the day the district attorney forwards all reports, records and case ?les to the judge, and an explanation of his or her refusal to file charges [Wis Stat. Exgansion of Charges No John Doe proceeding may investigate a crime that was not part of the original reqUest unless there is a review ?nding good cause to add specified crimes. [Wis Stat. If the clerk receives a request for extension of time or expansion of charges under Wis. Stat. 963.265), contact your district court administrator. Criminal Model Recordkeeping Procedures 22 John Doe Proceedings May 2016 EXPUNGING COURT RECORDS Expunction is the legal procedure by which a person who was under age 21 at the time they committed a misdemeanor may have the court record of the action removed. The court may order cxpunction at the time of sentencing, if the court determines the defendant will bene?t and society will not be harmed by the expungement, and dependent upon the defendant?s success?il completion of the sentence Expunging a record does not require destroying the record [130 Wis. 2nd 376]. Expunging means that the court's of?cial record is removed and kept in a separate, secure and restricted location 72.06]. It may only be viewed by court order. is affected by two acts of the 2003 Wisconsin legislature, as merged under effective 9-30-05, to add: ?This subsection does not apply to information maintained by the department of transportation regarding a conviction that is required to be included in a record kept under ?343.23 (2) The clerk will: 1. When a case has been ordered expunged and the defendant has satis?ed the eapungement conditions, remove any index card and non-?nancial paper court record and place them in the case ?le, along with the order. I- If the index and court record are on micro?lm or micro?che, restrict access to the film/?che or splice out/obliterate the image a?er placing a copy in the case ?le; It If the case is electronically or optically stored: Open the case to be expunged. Enter EXP - Expungement on the court record. This will remove any identifying information from the case, caption, party name and address, attorney name and address, additional text in court record events, scheduled activities and disposition text. If the expungcd case has been optically imaged, remove the imaged documents from the image storage unit. The above applies to electronicfoptical records stored off-line or on backup media. 2. An individual must have "Seal/Expunge Authority" to expunge an electronicfoptical record. Access to the record is restricted to those with sealfexpungement authority. 3. Seal the entire paper case file (tape shut or seal in a large envelope). Mark the folder FILE OPENED ONLY BY COURT and place in a secure area. Put an out?card or expunged file location if the county is using electronic ?le tracking with notation: 4. Destroying expunged court records is done in accordance with SCR 72. Criminal Mode] Recordkecping Procedures - 23 - Expunging Court Records Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI Interview 16-3772/13 Report Date: 11/02/2016 Primary Information Description: Fond Du Lac County Clerk of Circuit Courts Ramona Geib Occurrence From: 10/26/2016 09:50 Occurrence To: 10/26/2016 10:35 Reporting LEO: Jones, Shannon D (Milwaukee Special Assignments DCI / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Backup LEO: Culver, John R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Approval Status: Approved Approved Date: 11/14/2016 Approved By: Klabunde, David R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Addresses Relationship Interview Location Address 160 S Macy St Fond du Lac County Safety Building/Secure Detentio, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin 54935 , United States of America Subjects Relationship Interviewed Name Geib, Ramona (Governmental) Bio DOB --- Narrative begins on the following page. 09/14/2017 13:30:52 Page 1 of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³5DQGRP´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³2SHQ´ FDVHV IURP WKH SUHVLGLQJ -XGJH LQWR WKH QHZ -XGJH¶V QDPH *HLE UHODWHG )RQG GX /DF &RXQW\ ³,QWDNH -XGJH´ URWDWLRQ RFFXUV HYHU\ IRXU ZHHNV *HLE VWDWHG WKH -XGJHV GXULQJ WKHLU LQWDNH URWDWLRQ KHDU DOO W\SHV RI FDVHV *HLE LQGLFDWHG WKDW WKH FDVHV DVVLJQHG WR WKH -XGJHV GXULQJ WKLV URWDWLRQ DFWXDOO\ IROORZ ZLWK WKH -XGJH DIWHU WKH FRPSOHWLRQ RI WKH IRXU ZHHNV XQOHVV LW¶V D )HORQ\ FDVH *HLE UHODWHG WKHQ WKH -XGJHV ZLOO WKHQ GR D ³GUDZ´ WR GHWHUPLQH ZKR WKH FDVH VKDOO EH DVVLJQHG WR :KDW DUH WKH SURFHGXUHV IROORZHG IRU WKH DSSRLQWPHQW RI 'HSXW\ &OHUNV" *HLE UHODWHG DOO WKH FOHUNV KDYH WDNHQ DQ ³2DWK RI 2IILFH´ DW WKH EHJLQQLQJ RI KHU WHUP *HLE VWDWHG WKDW LI WKHUH ZHUH HYHU D QHHG WR KLUH D QHZ 'HSXW\ &OHUN +XPDQ 5HVRXUFHV RI )RQG GX /DF &RXQW\ ZRXOG SRVW WKH SRVLWLRQ ZLWKLQ WKH &OHUN RI &RXUW¶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¶V SROLF\ UHJDUGLQJ ³-RKQ 'RH´ FDVHV" *HLE VWDWHG KHU RIILFH FRPHV LQWR FRQWDFW ZLWK ³-RKQ 'RH´ FDVHV YLD WKH IURQW FRXQWHU RU PDLO *HLE LQGLFDWHG LI WKH\ FRPH LQ YLD WKH IURQW FRXQWHU RU PDLO WKH FDVH LV VHQW WR WKH ³,QWDNH -XGJH´ *HLE UHODWHG WKH FDVH FDQ WKHQ EH DVVLJQHG WR DQRWKHU -XGJH RU VWD\ ZLWK WKH ³,QWDNH -XGJH´ *HLE DGGHG PRVW ³-RKQ 'RH´ FDVHV HQWHU WKH V\VWHP YLD WKH 'LVWULFW $WWRUQH\¶V 2IILFH *HLE LQGLFDWHG XQGHU WKLV SURFHVV WKH 'LVWULFW $WWRUQH\ ZLOO WKHQ WDNH LW WR WKH ³,QWDNH -XGJH´ WR GHWHUPLQH LI WKHUH LV D QHHG IRU D KHDULQJ *HLE UHODWHG WKH ³-RKQ 'RH´ FDVH VWD\V DV VXFK XQOHVV WKHUH DUH FULPLQDO FKDUJHV *HLE LQGLFDWHG WKH FDVH FDQ EH ³VHFUHW´ RU ³QRQ VHFUHW´ WKH ILOHV DUH NHSW VHSDUDWH IURP RWKHUV DQG ORFNHG XS ZLWKLQ WKH 'LVWULFW $WWRUQH\¶V 2IILFH *HLE FRQFOXGHG E\ VWDWLQJ ³-RKQ 'RH´ FDVH QXPEHUV DUH XVHG ZLWKLQ )RQG GX /DF &RXQW\ *HLE VWDWHG WKHUH LV DQ DXWR VHTXHQFH QXPEHULQJ LQWHUQDO GDWDEDVH V\VWHP XWLOL]HG DQG WKLV QXPEHULQJ V\VWHP FDQ EH PDQXDOO\ DOWHUHG DGMXVWHG LQWHUQDOO\ LI QHHGHG *HLE UHODWHG IRU H[DPSOH LI WKH FDVH QXPEHU ³-' ´ ZDV SXOOHG DFFLGHQWDOO\ *HLE VWDWHG VKH FRXOG XVH WKH DXWR VHTXHQFH IXQFWLRQ ZLWKLQ &&$3 VHW LW WR ³ ´ DQG WKHQ UHXVH FDVH QXPEHU ³-' ´ IRU WKH QH[W ³-RKQ 'RH´ FDVH 7KH LQWHUYLHZ RI *HLE FRQFOXGHG DW D P 3DJH 7KLV GRFXPHQW FRQWDLQV QHLWKHU UHFRPPHQGDWLRQV QRU FRQFOXVLRQV RI WKH 'LYLVLRQ RI &ULPLQDO ,QYHVWLJDWLRQ ,W LV WKH SURSHUW\ RI WKLV 'LYLVLRQ DQG LV ORDQHG WR \RXU DJHQF\ ,WV FRQWHQWV DUH QRW WR EH GLVWULEXWHG RXWVLGH \RXU DJHQF\ Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI Interview 16-3772/14 Report Date: 10/26/2016 Primary Information Description: Fond du Lac County Probate Register Ardell Klaske Occurrence From: 10/26/2016 10:45 Occurrence To: 10/26/2016 11:42 Reporting LEO: Jones, Shannon D (Milwaukee Special Assignments DCI / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Backup LEO: Culver, John R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Approval Status: Approved Approved Date: 11/14/2016 Approved By: Klabunde, David R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Addresses Relationship Interview Location Address 160 S Macy St Fond du Lac County Safety Building/Secure Detentio, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin 54935 , United States of America Subjects Relationship Interviewed Name Klaske, Ardell (Governmental) Bio DOB --- Narrative begins on the following page. 09/14/2017 13:30:53 Page 1 of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LQ WKH IRUP RI D KHDULQJ RU D ZULWWHQ GRFXPHQW .ODVNH UHODWHG D KHDULQJ ZLOO WKHQ RFFXU DQG WKH FKDQJH RI WKH VWDWXV RI WKH FDVH IURP ³,QIRUPDO´ WR ³)RUPDO´ FRXOG WDNH SODFH EXW ZRXOG RQO\ RFFXU ZLWK D -XGJH¶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³,QIRUPDO´ WR ³)RUPDO´ QHHGHG GXULQJ WKHVH DFWLRQV .ODVNH VWDWHG 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.ODVNH VWDWHG VKH RQO\ KDV RQH 'HSXW\ 3UREDWH 5HJLVWHU .ODVNH LGHQWLILHG KHU DV %UHQGD :RHOIHO :KDW NLQG RI SRZHUV GRHV WKH GHSXW\ KDYH" .ODVNH LQGLFDWHG :RHOIHO KDV WKH VDPH SRZHUV DV WKH 3UREDWH 5HJLVWHU H[FHSW IRU WKH EXGJHW ZKLFK LV VROHO\ .ODVNH¶V UHVSRQVLELOLW\ DQG D FRXSOH RI UHSRUWV WKDW DUH JHQHUDWHG IRU WKH &RXQW\ RI )RQG GX /DF DQG WKH 6WDWH RI :LVFRQVLQ .ODVNH LGHQWLILHG KHU SHUVRQDO MRE GHVFULSWLRQV DV KDQGOLQJ DOO SUREDWH FDVHV WKDW DUH ³)RUPDO´ ³,QIRUPDO´ ³6SHFLDO $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ´ ³6XPPDU\ $VVLJQPHQW´ ³6XPPDU\ 6HWWOHPHQWV´ ³&RQILUPDWLRQ RI 0DULWDO 3URSHUW\´ JXDUGLDQVKLSV PHGLFDO HYDOXDWLRQV DGRSWLRQV DQG WKH EXGJHW $UH WKH MXGJHV LQYROYHG LQ DSSRLQWLQJ D 'HSXW\ 3UREDWH 5HJLVWHU" +DYH WKH\ EHHQ LQYROYHG LQ WKH SDVW" .ODVNH VWDWHG WKH -XGJHV KDYH WKH ILQDO ZRUG RQ WKH DSSRLQWPHQW RI WKH 'HSXW\ 3UREDWH 5HJLVWHU .ODVNH LQGLFDWHG +XPDQ 5HVRXUFHV ZRXOG QRW DOORZ WKH DSSRLQWPHQW WR RFFXU LI WKH -XGJHV GLG QRW DOO DSSURYH WR WKH DSSRLQWPHQW .ODVNH UHODWHG RQFH DQ LQGLYLGXDO LV DSSURYHG D ³/HWWHU RI $SSRLQWPHQW´ LV JHQHUDWHG DQG VLJQHG E\ WKH QHZ 'HSXW\ 3UREDWH 5HJLVWHU 3DJH 7KLV GRFXPHQW FRQWDLQV QHLWKHU UHFRPPHQGDWLRQV QRU FRQFOXVLRQV RI WKH 'LYLVLRQ RI &ULPLQDO ,QYHVWLJDWLRQ ,W LV WKH SURSHUW\ RI WKLV 'LYLVLRQ DQG LV ORDQHG WR \RXU DJHQF\ ,WV FRQWHQWV DUH QRW WR EH GLVWULEXWHG RXWVLGH \RXU DJHQF\ :LVFRQVLQ 'LYLVLRQ RI &ULPLQDO ,QYHVWLJDWLRQ &DVH 5HSRUW &DVH 5HSRUW 1XPEHU DQG -XGJHV .ODVNH VWDWHG WKH 'HSXW\ 3UREDWH 5HJLVWHU FRPSOHWHV DQ ³2DWK RI 2IILFH´ DQG RQFH VLJQHG D FRS\ LV ILOHG LQ WKH &OHUN RI &RXUWV RIILFH 7KH LQWHUYLHZ RI .ODVNH LQ WKH SUHVHQFH RI :RHOIHO FRQFOXGHG DW D P 3DJH 7KLV GRFXPHQW FRQWDLQV QHLWKHU UHFRPPHQGDWLRQV QRU FRQFOXVLRQV RI WKH 'LYLVLRQ RI &ULPLQDO ,QYHVWLJDWLRQ ,W LV WKH SURSHUW\ RI WKLV 'LYLVLRQ DQG LV ORDQHG WR \RXU DJHQF\ ,WV FRQWHQWV DUH QRW WR EH GLVWULEXWHG RXWVLGH \RXU DJHQF\ Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI Interview 16-3772/15 Report Date: 11/09/2016 Primary Information Description: Washington County Register/Registrar in Probate Denise Kist Occurrence From: 11/06/2016 10:30 Occurrence To: 11/06/2016 10:55 Reporting LEO: Jones, Shannon D (Milwaukee Special Assignments DCI / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Backup LEO: Culver, John R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Approval Status: Approved Approved Date: 11/14/2016 Approved By: Klabunde, David R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Addresses Relationship Interview Location Address 432 E Washington St Washington County Justice Center, West Bend, Wisconsin 53095 , United States of America Subjects Relationship Interviewed Name Kist, Denise (Governmental) Bio DOB --- Narrative begins on the following page. 09/14/2017 13:30:55 Page 1 of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³LQIRUPDO´ VWDWXV WR D ³IRUPDO´ VWDWXV" .LVW VWDWHG EHIRUH WKHUH ZHUH ³,1)´ QXPEHUV XVHG IRU QXPEHULQJ FDVHV 6KH LQGLFDWHG ³IRUPDO´ DQG ³LQIRUPDO´ FDVHV ZHUH NHSW LQ VHSDUDWH IROGHUV .LVW VWDWHG VLQFH ³35´ QXPEHUV DUH DVVLJQHG WR FDVHV DQG HYHU\WKLQJ LV NHSW WRJHWKHU LQ RQH FDVH ILOH .LVW LQGLFDWHG D FDVH FDQ EH FKDQJHG IURP DQ ³LQIRUPDO´ VWDWXV WR D ³IRUPDO´ VWDWXV LI WKHUH LV D SHWLWLRQ ILOHG DV D UHTXHVW IRU VXFK D FKDQJH RU LI HYHU D MXGJH EHFRPHV LQYROYHG ZLWK DQ ³LQIRUPDO´ VWDWXV FDVH .LVW VWDWHG RQFH D MXGJH EHFRPHV LQYROYHG WKH ³LQIRUPDO´ FDVH VWDWXV LV LPPHGLDWHO\ FKDQJHG WR D ³IRUPDO´ FDVH VWDWXV .LVW VWDWHG QHLWKHU WKH 5HJLVWHU 5HJLVWUDU LQ 3UREDWH QRU DQ\ RI WKH 'HSXWLHV KDYH WKH DXWKRULW\ WR FKDQJH DQ ³LQIRUPDO´ FDVH WR D ³IRUPDO´ FDVH VWDWXV .LVW DOVR UHODWHG DQ ³LQIRUPDO´ VWDWXV FDVH FDQ EH FKDQJHG WR D ³IRUPDO´ VWDWXV FDVH ZKHQ WKHUH KDV EHHQ D SHWLWLRQ RU D PRWLRQ ILOHG .LVW VWDWHG WKLV ZRXOG UHTXLUH D MXGJH WR UHYLHZ DQG WKH FDVH VWDWXV ZRXOG FKDQJH DIWHU WKH MXGJH LVVXHV DQ ³2UGHU WR &KDQJH´ IURP ³LQIRUPDO´ WR ³IRUPDO´ $UH SUREDWH FDVHV HYHU FKDQJHG IURP ³IRUPDO´ EDFN WR ³LQIRUPDO´ VWDWXVHV" :K\" .LVW VWDWHG D ³IRUPDO´ FDVH 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RI FDQGLGDWHV ZRXOG WKHQ EH LQWHUYLHZHG E\ .LVW DQG &OHUN RI &LUFXLW &RXUWV 7KHUHVD 5XVVHOO .LVW LQGLFDWHG ZKHQ D VHOHFWLRQ RI D FDQGLGDWH LV FRPSOHWHG .LVW ZRXOG KDYH WKH FDQGLGDWH WDNH DQ ³2DWK RI 2IILFH´ .LVW VWDWHG WKH FDQGLGDWH ZLOO WKHQ VLJQ WKH ³2DWK RI 2IILFH´ DQG EHIRUH WKLV EHFRPHV DQ RIILFLDO GRFXPHQW .LVW VWDWHG WKH 3UHVLGLQJ -XGJH QHHGV WR DSSURYH DQG VLJQ WKH ³2DWK RI 2IILFH´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³6WDWHPHQWV RI ,QIRUPDO´ ³'RPLFLOLDU\ /HWWHUV´ ³6LJQDWXUH RU 6XUHW\ %RQGV´ ³2UGHUV IRU ([WHQVLRQ ,QIRUPDO ´ DQG ³1RWLFHV WR &UHGLWRUV´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isconsin Department of Justice DCI Interview 16-3772/16 Report Date: 12/09/2016 Primary Information Description: Washington County Clerk of Circuit Court Theresa M. Russell Occurrence From: 11/07/2016 09:30 Occurrence To: 11/07/2016 10:25 Reporting LEO: Culver, John R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Backup LEO: Jones, Shannon D (Milwaukee Special Assignments DCI / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Approval Status: Approved Approved Date: 12/20/2016 Approved By: Klabunde, David R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Addresses Relationship Interview Location Address 432 E Washington St Washington County Justice Center, West Bend, Wisconsin 53095 , United States of America Subjects Relationship Interviewed Interviewed Related Name Hoefert, Wendy (Governmental) Russell, Theresa M (Governmental) Ohlis, Christine E (Governmental) Bio DOB ------- Narrative begins on the following page. 09/14/2017 13:30:56 Page 1 of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¶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³1R ´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³JURXS ILOHV´ EXW WKLV GRHV QRW KDSSHQ YHU\ RIWHQ DQG WKH OHQJWK RI WLPH WKDW PD\ SDVV ZRXOG EH OHVV WKDQ GD\V +RHIHUW VWDWHG GRFXPHQWV DUH ILOH VWDPSHG ZLWK D GDWH RU HOHFWURQLFDOO\ ILOHG WKURXJK WKH 6WDWH V\VWHP ,V EDFNGDWLQJ FDVHV DVVLJQPHQWV RU MXGLFLDO WUDQVIHUV FRPPRQ" +RHIHUW VWDWHG ³1R ´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¶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¶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¶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³RSHQHG LQ HUURU´ 5XVVHOO DQG +RHIHUW LQGLFDWHG WKDW RWKHU WKDQ D FDVH EHLQJ PLVWDNHQO\ RSHQHG DV D -RKQ 'RH FDVH WKH\ GLG QRW NQRZ RI D VFHQDULR ZKHUH D -RKQ 'RH FDVH ZRXOG EH RSHQHG DVVLJQHG WR D MXGJH FORVHG WKHQ GHOHWHG 7KH LQWHUYLHZ RI 5XVVHOO DQG +RHIHUW FRQFOXGHG DW D P 3DJH 7KLV GRFXPHQW FRQWDLQV QHLWKHU UHFRPPHQGDWLRQV QRU FRQFOXVLRQV RI WKH 'LYLVLRQ RI &ULPLQDO ,QYHVWLJDWLRQ ,W LV WKH SURSHUW\ RI WKLV 'LYLVLRQ DQG LV ORDQHG WR \RXU DJHQF\ ,WV FRQWHQWV DUH QRW WR EH GLVWULEXWHG RXWVLGH \RXU DJHQF\ Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI Memo to File 16-3772/17 Report Date: 12/22/2016 Primary Information Description: Contact with Chief District Judge Randy Koschnick on 12/15/2016 Reporting LEO: Culver, John R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Approval Status: Approved Approved Date: 01/03/2017 Approved By: Klabunde, David R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Synopsis On Thursday, December 15, 2016, District Court Judge Koschnick contacted SA Culver by phone. Judge Koschnick asked SA Culver about the status of the investigation. SA Culver advised Judge Koschnick that AAG Michelle Viste had analyzed and summarized the information regarding backdated cases (cases with backdated dates of judicial transfers) in Ozaukee County, from data obtained from CCAP personnel for the number of backdated cases for each of the three Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judges. SA Culver advised Judge Koschnick that this analysis showed a relatively even percentage distribution across the board for each of the three judges in regards to backdating. SA Culver referred to report #11 in this case file when explaining this data to Judge Koschnick. SA Culver advised Judge Koschnick that SA Culver had interviewed Clerks of Circuit Court and Registrars/Registers in Probate in Walworth, Fond Du Lac and Washington Counties regarding their standard practices in their respective offices. SA Culver advised Judge Koschnick the information gathered in these interviews indicated that backdating cases is not, or is only in a few rare cases, ever done in these counties. SA Culver advised Judge Koschnick that, after SA Culver and AAG Viste had recently discussed the investigation, SA Culver would interview Mary Lou Mueller and Connie Mueller in the near future. 09/14/2017 13:30:58 Page 1 of 1 Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI Interview 16-3772/18 Report Date: 12/22/2016 Primary Information Description: Ozaukee County Clerk of Courts/Probate Registrar Mary Lou Mueller on 12/22/2016 Occurrence From: 12/22/2016 14:10 Occurrence To: 12/22/2016 15:25 Reporting LEO: Culver, John R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Backup LEO: Windorff, Ryan M (Appleton Narcotics DCI / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Approval Status: Approved Approved Date: 01/07/2017 Approved By: Klabunde, David R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Addresses Relationship Interview Location Address 1201 S Spring St Ozaukee County Justice Facility, Port Washington, Wisconsin 53074 , United States of America Subjects Relationship Interviewed Mentioned Name Mueller, Mary Lou (Person) Mueller, Connie L (Governmental) Bio White, Female DOB ----- Narrative begins on the following page. 09/14/2017 13:30:58 Page 1 of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¶V 0LOZDXNHH 5HJLRQDO 2IILFH DQG SUHVHQWHG WKHLU FUHGHQWLDOV IRU KHU LQVSHFWLRQ 0XHOOHU LQYLWHG 6$V &XOYHU DQG :LQGRUII LQWR 0XHOOHU¶V RIILFH 6$V &XOYHU DQG :LQGRUII SURYLGHG 0XHOOHU ZLWK WKHLU EXVLQHVV FDUGV 6$V &XOYHU DQG :LQGRUII DGYLVHG 0XHOOHU RI WKH SXUSRVH RI WKH LQWHUYLHZ 0XHOOHU DVNHG 6$V &XOYHU DQG :LQGRUII LI WKH\ ZHUH UHFRUGLQJ WKH LQWHUYLHZ 6$ &XOYHU DGYLVHG 0XHOOHU WKH\ ZHUH QRW UHFRUGLQJ WKH LQWHUYLHZ 0XHOOHU VWDWHG VLQFH VKH ZDV UHSUHVHQWLQJ WKH &RXQW\ VKH ZRXOG OLNH WR KDYH WKH &RXQW\ $WWRUQH\ SUHVHQW GXULQJ WKH LQWHUYLHZ 0XHOOHU FDOOHG &RXQW\ $WWRUQH\ 5KRQGD *RUGHQ WR 0XHOOHU¶V RIILFH *RUGHQ DUULYHG LQ 0XHOOHU¶V RIILFH ZLWKLQ VHYHUDO PLQXWHV 6$V &XOYHU DQG :LQGRUII YHUEDOO\ LGHQWLILHG WKHPVHOYHV WR *RUGHQ DV 6SHFLDO $JHQWV ZLWK WKH :LVFRQVLQ 'HSDUWPHQW RI -XVWLFH 'LYLVLRQ RI &ULPLQDO ,QYHVWLJDWLRQ¶V 0LOZDXNHH 5HJLRQDO 2IILFH SUHVHQWHG WKHLU FUHGHQWLDOV IRU KHU LQVSHFWLRQ DQG HDFK JDYH *RUGHQ D FRS\ RI WKHLU EXVLQHVV FDUG $V 6$V &XOYHU DQG :LQGRUII DJDLQ H[SODLQHG WKH SXUSRVH RI WKH LQWHUYLHZ 6$ &XOYHU DGYLVHG 0XHOOHU WKDW KHU SDUWLFLSDWLRQ LQ WKH LQWHUYLHZ ZDV FRPSOHWHO\ YROXQWDU\ DQG WKDW 0XHOOHU ZDV QRW XQGHU 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¶V &RXUW 0XHOOHU VWDWHG ³,I \RX DUH D ZRPDQ \RX ZDQW WR JHW RXW RI KLV FRXUW URRP ´ 0XHOOHU DOVR VWDWHG LQ UHJDUGV WR WULDOV LQ -XGJH 9RLODQG¶V &RXUW SHRSOH KDG LQGLFDWHG LI DQ\WKLQJ LV FRPSOLFDWHG WKDW QR RQH ZDQWV WR EH LQ -XGJH 9RLODQG¶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isconsin Department of Justice DCI Interview 16-3772/19 Report Date: 12/22/2016 Primary Information Description: Deputy Clerk of Courts Connie L. Mueller on 12/22/2016 Occurrence From: 12/22/2016 15:30 Occurrence To: 12/22/2016 16:00 Reporting LEO: Culver, John R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Backup LEO: Windorff, Ryan M (Appleton Narcotics DCI / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Approval Status: Approved Approved Date: 01/07/2017 Approved By: Klabunde, David R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Addresses Relationship Interview Location Address 1201 S Spring St Ozaukee County Justice Facility, Port Washington, Wisconsin 53074 , United States of America Subjects Relationship Mentioned Interviewed Name Mueller, Mary Lou (Person) Mueller, Connie L (Governmental) Bio White, Female DOB ----- Narrative begins on the following page. 09/14/2017 13:30:59 Page 1 of 3 :LVFRQVLQ 'LYLVLRQ RI &ULPLQDO ,QYHVWLJDWLRQ &DVH 5HSRUW &DVH 5HSRUW 1XPEHU 2Q 7KXUVGD\ 'HFHPEHU 6SHFLDO $JHQWV 6$V -RKQ 5 &XOYHU -U DQG 5\DQ 0 :LQGRUII LQWHUYLHZHG 2]DXNHH &RXQW\ 'HSXW\ &OHUN RI &LUFXLW &RXUW &RQQLH / 0XHOOHU LQ KHU RIILFH 7KLV LQWHUYLHZ WRRN SODFH DW WKH 2]DXNHH &RXQW\ &ULPLQDO -XVWLFH &HQWHU ORFDWHG DW 6 6SULQJ 6WUHHW 3RUW :DVKLQJWRQ :LVFRQVLQ 2]DXNHH &RXQW\ $WWRUQH\ 5KRQGD *RUGHQ ZDV SUHVHQW GXULQJ WKH LQWHUYLHZ *RUGHQ OHG 6$V &XOYHU DQG :LQGRUII WR 0XHOOHU¶V RIILFH 0XHOOHU LQYLWHG 6$V &XOYHU DQG :LQGRUII DQG *RUGHQ LQWR 0XHOOHU¶V RIILFH $W DSSUR[LPDWHO\ S P 6$V &XOYHU DQG :LQGRUII YHUEDOO\ LGHQWLILHG WKHPVHOYHV WR 0XHOOHU DV 6SHFLDO $JHQWV ZLWK WKH :LVFRQVLQ 'HSDUWPHQW RI -XVWLFH 'LYLVLRQ RI &ULPLQDO ,QYHVWLJDWLRQ¶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¶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³,3´ 0XHOOHU VWDWHG WKLV FDVH W\SH LV ³LQFDUFHUDWHG SHUVRQ´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¶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isconsin Department of Justice DCI Interview 16-3772/20 Report Date: 02/15/2017 Primary Information Description: Judge Paul V. Malloy on 2/14/2017 Occurrence From: 02/14/2017 10:00 Occurrence To: 02/14/2017 10:53 Reporting LEO: Culver, John R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Backup LEO: Gibbs, Raymond R (Milwaukee Special Assignments DCI / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Approval Status: Approved Approved Date: 02/19/2017 Approved By: Klabunde, David R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Addresses Relationship Interview Location Address 1201 S Spring St Ozaukee County Justice Facility, Port Washington, Wisconsin 53074 , United States of America Subjects Relationship Mentioned Name Mueller, Mary Lou (Person) Bio White, Female DOB --- Narrative begins on the following page. 09/14/2017 13:31:01 Page 1 of 3 :LVFRQVLQ 'LYLVLRQ RI &ULPLQDO ,QYHVWLJDWLRQ &DVH 5HSRUW &DVH 5HSRUW 1XPEHU 2Q 7XHVGD\ )HEUXDU\ 6SHFLDO $JHQWV 6$V -RKQ 5 &XOYHU -U DQG 5D\PRQG 5 *LEEV LQWHUYLHZHG 2]DXNHH &RXQW\ &LUFXLW &RXUW 3UHVLGLQJ -XGJH 3DXO 9 0DOOR\ LQ KLV FKDPEHUV DW WKH 2]DXNHH &RXQW\ &ULPLQDO -XVWLFH &HQWHU 6 6SULQJ 6WUHHW 3RUW :DVKLQJWRQ :LVFRQVLQ 6$ &XOYHU KDG PDGH WKH DSSRLQWPHQW IRU WKLV LQWHUYLHZ ZLWK -XGJH 0DOOR\¶V DVVLVWDQW RQ 7KXUVGD\ )HEUXDU\ $W DSSUR[LPDWHO\ D P 6$V &XOYHU DQG *LEEV YHUEDOO\ LQWURGXFHG WKHPVHOYHV WR -XGJH 0DOOR\ DQG SUHVHQWHG WKHLU FUHGHQWLDOV IRU KLV LQVSHFWLRQ -XGJH 0DOOR\ LQYLWHG 6$V &XOYHU DQG *LEEV LQWR KLV FKDPEHUV 6$ &XOYHU SURYLGHG -XGJH 0DOOR\ ZLWK 6$ &XOYHU¶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¶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¶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³&&$3 IRUP´ RU LI D OHWWHU LV XVHG -XGJH 0DOOR\ VWDWHG D ORW RI WKLV LV KDQGOHG E\ WKH FOHUNV DQG WKDW WKH MXGJHV GRQ¶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³,¶P QRW JRLQJ WR VD\ LW QHYHU KDSSHQHG ´ -XGJH 0DOOR\ VWDWHG WKDW RYHU WLPH WKHUH ZDV D KXJH WUDQVLWLRQ IURP IRUPDO SUREDWH FDVHV WR LQIRUPDO SUREDWH FDVHV ZKLFK ZDV GRQH XQGHU WKH DXVSLFHV RI WKH 5HJLVWHU RI 3UREDWH -XGJH 0DOOR\ VWDWHG WKH QXPEHU RI ODZ\HUV LQYROYHG LQ SUREDWH FDVHV KDG GHFUHDVHG -XGJH 0DOOR\ VWDWHG KH ZDV QRW JRLQJ WR VD\ KH KDG WDONHG ZLWK WKH &OHUN DERXW HYHU\ H[WHQVLRQ -XGJH 0DOOR\ VWDWHG KH GRHVQ¶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¶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³, FDQ¶W VD\ WKDW QHYHU KDSSHQHG ´ 7KH LQWHUYLHZ RI -XGJH 0DOOR\ FRQFOXGHG DW DSSUR[LPDWHO\ D P 3DJH 7KLV GRFXPHQW FRQWDLQV QHLWKHU UHFRPPHQGDWLRQV QRU FRQFOXVLRQV RI WKH 'LYLVLRQ RI &ULPLQDO ,QYHVWLJDWLRQ ,W LV WKH SURSHUW\ RI WKLV 'LYLVLRQ DQG LV ORDQHG WR \RXU DJHQF\ ,WV FRQWHQWV DUH QRW WR EH GLVWULEXWHG RXWVLGH \RXU DJHQF\ Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI Memo to File 16-3772/21 Report Date: 09/29/2017 Primary Information Description: Text messages between Judge Joseph Voiland and SA Culver Reporting LEO: Culver, John R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Approval Status: Approved Approved Date: 10/02/2017 Approved By: Klabunde, David R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Synopsis Judge Joseph W. Voiland had initiated A text message conversation with Special Agent (SA) John R. Culver, Jr. on June 16, 2016. The last exchange of text messages was on January 12, 2017. Judge Voiland had texted copies of several documents to SA Culver in these text messages. The text messages also served to arrange meetings with Judge Voiland where he provided SA Culver with evidence (USB Drive, item number 16-3772/2.1) and documents. SA Culver captured screen shots of these text messages, emailed them to SA Culver's DOJ email address, and printed them (12 pages). SA Culver electronically attached these 12 pages to this report and sent the printed copies to DCIR (See Attachments Section). 10/30/2017 14:58:46 Page 1 of 1 "000 Verizon LTE 1:07 PM 85% - (414)_ G) Text Message Jun 16, 2016, 6:58 PM Hello sir. May I bring you a thumb drive later tomorrow (Friday)? Nathan suggested to follow up what works best for you. Happy to answer any follow up questions at your convenience. Yes, Judge. That would be fine. I can make that 7.500 PM work. What time were you thinking? Tomorrow may be later I am waiting on a new thing from Judge Koschnick to include {remarried 9 lhRR?l want 636% 0- 7:07:: PM "000 Verizon LTE 1:07 PM 84% (414) - G) (emerged subsequent ?n to our meeting in person last week). Alternatively, Monday (or the weekend) can meet you at any time and will have swam Koschnick info in hand. Your preference? How about Monday, Judge? Any time is fine. I will aim for the Miller Lite bottle cap about 9 am. on Monday. I can provide any follow?up and answer any questions, for as long or as short as you (a 13% 0 "000 Verizon LTE 1:07 PM 84% ?mn? require. Thank you so much, truly. Ok. See you then 7773 Judge. Thank you. Jun 21,2016,1:53 PM Thank you greatly for meeting with me yesterday. May share a copy of the thumb drive documents with Judge Koschnick to go over with? Thank you for coming to my office to do so PM Judge. I appreciate it. I don't see why you couldn't share any of the information with 318% "000 Verizon LTE 1:07 PM 84% - (414)_ CD Judge Koschnick. ljust found a missed call from him this morning on my phone. I am going to try to reach him when I get to my office in approximately 45 minutes. Sounds good. I asked because Koschnick has probably less than half what I mm gave to you, so would like to get it all to him since he's offering an opinion. Also wanted to get the OK from you. 0M He talked to me today 07:52: 29/7 ant-?l Inn 'I'mru: 4-: +n mew "000 Verizon LTE 1:08 PM (414)? and set up am. to get the info. Sep 14, 2016,11259 AM Hello sir. Is there a good time I could drop of a handful of additional papers for you? Sep14,2016,1:47 PM Sorry Judge, I was at SWAT training and just saw your text. I have a meeting outside the office tomorrow morning but will be back in the office at about iiam. I have an appointment in Pewaukee Friday morning and will be in 84% ?000 Verizon LTE 1:10 PM 84% - (414)_ morning but will be back in the office at about ?I?Iam. have an appointment in Pewaukee Friday morning and will be in the office about 1230pm and have to leave for the day about 3pm. Thank you for getting back to me. All sounds xu'm/y good. I will make it to you one of those times. Ok. Very good. Thank you. Sep15, 2016, 1:28 PM "000 Verizon LTE 1:10 PM 84% - (414)_ (D Wed, Oct 19, 5:22 PM "000 Verizon LTE 1:10 PM 84% - - (414)550?3163 6) Wed, Oct 19, 5:22 PM .Ozaukee 13FA236, letter dated Oct 14. Did ?5093 the image come through and is it readable? Yes, Judge it is "000 Verizon LTE 1:10 PM 84% I (414)_ G) Thur Dec 15, 3:33 PM Judge, I wanted to advise you that we plan to try to interview the Clerk of Courts Mary Lou Mueller and Deputy Clerk Connie Mueller on Monday 12/19 (without an appointment). Is there a way you could find out if both are working Monday without raising any suspicions? Also, Judge Koschnick called me today for an update and I advised him of these planned interviews. Thank you. "000 Verizon LTE 1:10 PM 84% I (4140? G) Thank you sir. Yes, I should be able to do that. It may be later - 0 today or In the morning. I am out of town at a Judicial conference. Ok. I agree. Tomorrow 74% would be fine. Thank you,Judge. Fri, Dec 16, 7:40 AM Monday and for the next two weeks one or the other is scheduled out. The only day both are scheduled in is Thursday December 22. Fri, Dec 16, 10:33 AM .L I. .. (39% 0 "000 Verizon LTE 1:10 PM 84% Cl! (414)_ CD Ok. Iwill advise you when we decide which day we will attempt these interviews. Thank you,Judge. Thu, Dec 22,1:03 PM Hello, Judge. I will be attempting those interviews at 130 pm in your building. Sun, Jan 1, 6:30 PM good 2017 to you. before I am back at work this week, are you able to tell me if these two interviews took place? Mon, Jan 2, 6:52 PM 636% "000 Verizon LTE 1:10 PM 84% El (414) (D Thank you Judge, and to you as well. We did complete the two interviews. Thu, Jan 12, 10:41 AM Forgot to tell you, the judicial commission dismissed the charges they (whoever) made against me. Don't know who exactly brought them. OK judge. AAG Viste contacted me and wants to meet with me lk?q?? about the case. I believe that meeting will take place next week Tuesday afternoon. Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI Case Closure 16-3772/22 Report Date: 09/29/2017 Primary Information Description: Case Closure Report Occurrence From: 09/29/2017 00:00 Occurrence To: 09/29/2017 00:00 Reporting LEO: Culver, John R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Approval Status: Approved Approved Date: 10/24/2017 Approved By: Klabunde, David R (DCI Milwaukee Field Office / Wisconsin Department of Justice DCI) Narrative begins on the following page. 10/30/2017 14:10:27 Page 1 of 2 :LVFRQVLQ 'LYLVLRQ RI &ULPLQDO ,QYHVWLJDWLRQ &DVH 5HSRUW &DVH 5HSRUW 1XPEHU 2Q 6HSWHPEHU $VVLVWDQW $WWRUQH\ *HQHUDO $$* 0LFKHOOH 9LVWH VHQW DQ HPDLO WR 6SHFLDO $JHQW 6$ -RKQ 5 &XOYHU -U DQG 6SHFLDO $JHQW LQ &KDUJH 6$,& 'DYLG 5 .ODEXQGH LQ ZKLFK VKH VWDWHG ³, DP MXVW ZULWLQJ WR FRQILUP ZLWK \RX WKDW WKH '/6 KDV FORVHG WKH 2]DXNHH &R FDVH DV D QRQ SURVHFXWLRQ 3OHDVH OHW PH NQRZ LI \RX KDYH DQ\ TXHVWLRQV ´ 6LQFH WKHUH ZLOO EH QR IXUWKHU LQYHVWLJDWLYH DFWLYLW\ LQWR WKLV PDWWHU , UHVSHFWIXOO\ UHTXHVW WKLV FDVH EH FORVHG 3DJH 7KLV GRFXPHQW FRQWDLQV QHLWKHU UHFRPPHQGDWLRQV QRU FRQFOXVLRQV RI WKH 'LYLVLRQ RI &ULPLQDO ,QYHVWLJDWLRQ ,W LV WKH SURSHUW\ RI WKLV 'LYLVLRQ DQG LV ORDQHG WR \RXU DJHQF\ ,WV FRQWHQWV DUH QRW WR EH GLVWULEXWHG RXWVLGH \RXU DJHQF\