UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REC.ION X ALASKA AME~IC:AN SAMCA G!JAM OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS 9152ND AVE.,SUITE3310 1-i'AWA!l IOAHO SEATTLE. WA 98:7-t-Hl\19 MO>JTAN.f\ NOV2 7 2017 l\:f,VAOA KORTHF.R:-1MARJA:--rA ;SL/\N;>S ORl',~O:--r W ASl-ilNGTON Dr. Sheila M. Stearns Interim President Office of the President University of Montana ivlissoula 32 Campus Drive Missoula, t\l!ontana59812-2522 Re: J.h1iversitr-.9-f.M9_m_ana Mis_s_qul] v rb )(6); (b)(7(C) Mark A. Farr Senior Equal Opporlunily Spec.:ialis( Enclosure UNITED ST ATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS REG!ON X 1\U\ SKA A \ 1E"-IC At-.:SA~~OA Gl~"AM HAWAII '115 2,m A \'E. , ~1!ITF 3310 SEAT!Ui, \·VA 98174-1099 IDA!-10 l>lON,A:-!A NIN ;\:) )\ NOR TH ERN M/\ RIA :-IA NOV2 7 2017 15L1\NUS OREGO N WAS J-:JNGTON {b)(6), (b)(7(C) Re: On iversitv of Montana M iss oul_a OCR Reference No. 10 l 82006 l) car !(b)(6); (b)(7(C) Thi s is to notify you th at tlic U.S . Department of Edu catio n (Department), Office for Civil Rights (O CR ) has completed its evaluati on of the complaint you filed agai nst Universi(y of Montana Missoula (Lmiversity) alleging that the university d is rjrninat e-d agai nstl basis of sex . OCR will investigate whether lhe university: {b)(6),(b )(7{C) !(here after , th~ sludent ) on the I. discrim inat ed against the student on the basis of sex \.vhcn it failed to res ond appropriatel y to inciden ts of sexual vio lence repo nc d by the student duri ng the (b < ); (b)(7{C) academic year. 2. discriminated against the student on the basis of sex \Nhen it failed to incidents of retnliation re ported by the stud en t during th~ {b)(5); (b)(7 'Spond appropriat ely academ .ic yea r. OCR has the authority to en fore.:.:Title IX of the Education Am en dments of 1972 (Title IX) and its impl ementin g regulation . Title IX prohibits discrimination on the. basis of se x in educational progrmns and activitie s receiving federal financial assis tance . T he un iversity is a rec ip ient of federal financ ial ass istance from this Department and is, therefore, ret1uiredto comply with Title IX. OCR will proceed with an invest igntion of this compl aint hecause the all ega tions rai se poss ible violations of Title lX . O CR's decis ion to open an inves tigat ion does not refl ect an opi nion by OCR regarding the merits of Lhe alleg ations or the university 's compli ance status with resp ect to federal civil rights laws. · Complaint allegations may be resolved in a varie ty of ways , including: • • an OCR -faci!it.nted rcsolulion betwe en the uni versity and the compla inant ("Early Com plaint Reso lution" ), wher e appro priate ; a voluntary \Vrittenagreem ent in which the university agrees to take remedial actions that OCR determines fully resolve the allegation consistent \.Vithapplicable legal standards; or Th e lJepartment of Educa i ion's 111iss'iu11 i." to promote stude-11.tacl,it'vemcnt rmd prep,u-atio11for glob a l compe tit iv euess liy fnst ering educ,1lio11al ex cellenc e mid ew;11ri11ge.qua/ accc;;s. ,vww.ed .gnv Page 2 - OCR Reference No. l O182006 • an investigation by OCR, resulti11g in findings and a determination as to whether the university is in compliance ,vith the applicable legal strmdards and, in the event non-compliance is found, a written agreement between OCR and the univer s ity in which the university commits to take specific steps to comply with applicable laws and regulations. It is OCR's responsibility to address the allegations in a fair and impartial manner consistent with the regulatory requiremems and OCR'::; Cas~ Processing A!anual. OCR is committed co resolving complaints as p:·omptly as possible. W e will be contacting the university to discuss the allegations. If you have any questions, please contact me by telephone at (206) 607-1607 or by e-mail at rnark.farr@ed .gov; or you may contact Tina Sohaili, Attorney, by telephone at (206) 607-1634 , or by e-mail at tina.sohaili'.~;ed.g ov. Sincerelv, l(b}(6}; (b}(7(C} (b}(6}; (b)( 7 (C} ~v1arkA. Farr Senior Equal Opportlmity Specialist I