0TBBBBIL: EJH 2OIBDOTBBB 0I/05/IB #58 AN ACT 1 2 3 4 5 6 5B (Oif and Gas) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in development, further providing for wel-lreporting requi-rements. The General- Assembly of the Commonweal-th of Pennsylvania Amending Title hereby enacts as fol-l-ows: Section 1. Section 3222 of Titl-e 58 of the Pennsylvania 7 Consofidated Statutes ís amended by adding a subsection to read: B S 3222. Well- reporting requirements. 9 10 (e) 11 (1) A well operator shall- annuallv report the fol-lowinq information rel-atinq to its natural qas operations in L2 13 L4 Itr J-J 76 Communitv and oubfic resource impact. -- unconventional formations to the department: (i) The amount the well operator has expended or agreed to pav for temporarv water suppl-ies for residents ancl oth ers (ii) I1 1B affected bv the operations. The impact of the operations on infrastructure and public resources, including, but not l-imited to, the 2O1"BDO7BBB 1 followinq: 1 Pubficlv owned parks, forests, 2 (A) 3 and wildlife same lands areas. (B) National or State scenic rivers (C) National natural fandmarks. 4 5 (D) Habitats of rare and endansered flora and fauna and other critical- communiti-es. (E) Historical and archaeolosical sites listed 6 1 B on the Federal or State list of historic pl-aces. (F) Sources used for public drinkinq suppfies. (G) Drainaqe svstems. 9 10 11 (H) Energy facilities T2 which generate and distribute power. (I) Sewer svstems. 13 14 (J) 15 Transportation facifities, includinq roads, bridqes and raj-l-s (K) Water supply facilities. 76 I1 (iii) 1B The number of nondisclosure agreements the L9 well operator has siqned with individuals 20 that the operations have harmed their health or 2L contaminated their drinkinq water or otherwise )) who claimed damaqed ZL+ their propertv. (2) The initial report shal-l- incl-ude the information reguired under paragraph (1) for cafendar Vears 2012 through 25 2017 26 (3) The department shall make reports under this subsection availabfe on the department's publicly accessible 2B Internet website 29 Section 2. This act shall take effect in 60 days. ZJ .A . 2OIBDOTBBB 2