C:'-JJTED STATESDEPARTME NT OF EDUCA rION ,, R I f. l O'\ \'\',,\', OFFICE FOR ClVlL RK,HTS ,11-,-... ,u ,:1 01'E PETI ICOAT LAN[ 1010\\'AL>l l'T STREET,su re 320 \.J BR \'>r- \ t lK I \IH l\1\ KAl\'SA5C I fY, i\1()6 -1106 "l •l T111J \1,1 °1 \ September 26, 2017 Sent via email tdtL',.,fudcn t ,,chiL'H•mcnt .,nd p rt'pn f,•r ,..;inb,,J (1>111p<'t iti, bv f,1,;tcring L'duc.itinnal t''-Ccllc ncc ,1nd L'n,w·in~ L'qu,,I ,1ccc·,,. \,\ "\V\\ .l'd.~l '\ ' \ ' II L'nt·, , Page 2 - ... lk ,.,tudcnt ,llhi,•\ ·enwnt ,tnd prcp,1 r.1ti, 111i,•r ~It,b,11rnl11f'd1l i\ ,·11< '"" lw i,1,..t<•rin gl•duc,1tio11<1 I L''.\Cl'lll'llCL' ,111cl L't1:-u1 ing L'qu,1l .:1ccL'":--· WI\'\\· l'd.~t I\' 7 Page 2 ... r_l<_l< _c_ ) ____ ____.l - 07 162027 Under OCR's Case Processing Manual at Section 11O(b), OCR will administratively close a comp laint when the same allegations have been filed by the complainant against the same recipient with state or federa l court . 1 Therefore, OCR is closing the individua l allegation of this comp laint effective the date of this letter. An OCR comp laint may be re-fi led wit hin 60 days following tennination of the court proceeding if there has been neither a decision on the merits nor a sett lement of the comp laint allegat ions. Dismissal with prejudice is considered a decision on the mer its. OCR is also dos ing the systemic allegation as to whether the College failed to promptly and equitably respond to other complaints, repo1ts and/or incidents of sexual assault / violence of which it had notice; and as a result , other students were subjected to a sexually hostile environment. OCR has not obtained sufficient evidence to supp01i either an individua l or sys temic finding. OCR is closing the systemic issue pu rsuant to CPM Section 110(o) because there are no cu1Tent allegations appropriate for further investi gation and resolution. Th is Jetter sets forth OCR 's detem1ination in an individual OCR case. This letter is not a fom1al statement of OCR policy and should not be relied upon, cited, or construed as such. OCR 's fonnal policy statements are approved by a duly authorized OCR official and made available to the pub lic. The complainants may have the right to file a private suit in federa l court whether or not OCR finds a violation. Under the Freedom of Information Act , it may be necessary to release this document and related con-espondence and records upon request. In the event that OCR receives such a request , we will seek to protect , to the extent prov ided by law, personally identifiable infonnation, which, if released, could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarran ted invasion of personal pnvacy. If you have any questions, please contact Nate Hicks , Equa l Oppo1iunity Specialist, at (816) 2680583 (voice) or (877) 521-2 172 (telecommunications device for the deaf) , or by ema il at natc.hicks (a;ed. !.!OV. Supervisory Attorney I The Case Processing Manual is available on OCR's website at http: ·. 1\-w11 .ed.!.!OI" abo ut 'offices. Iis1·ocr tdocs ,ocrcpm.htm I.