Ronald G. Rios Freeholder Direo?or Carol Barrett Bellante Gopuly Dire-czar Kenneth Ammo Charles Kenny H. James Poles Charles E. Tomaro Blanquita B. Valenti 9% hv-Ef 9 333? ??ao 2'33; ozgw?g" COUNW 9F MBBLESEX DEPARTMENT (3F PUBLIC SAFETY HEALTH Gf?ce of the medical Examine? R. James Poles Chairperson, Public Safo?y and Hoof?z Commiit?oe John A. Puiomona Comfy Adminfsoazor Joseph W. Kriszo Qopa?monr Hoot} Diaoe Kariok. MD. Comfy Medfmi Examiner Alex Zhang? Mi}. Fmehwers Medical Examiner Lauren P. Thoma. Mil Assistant Medical Examiner 134543976 HARDEN, Timo?hy WBENBUM I met today ?om 10:88 to 11:10 am. at tho Middlesox County Medical Emmioor?s Of?ce with. Jennifer Lipp, Lieutooant Jef?ey Hughes #1243 Dotoo?vo Sergeant Rocco Samorgola #1533 and Detective David B0323 Jr #196. I had requeste? the: meeting so that I could ask. for the Monmouth County E?rosooutor?s Of?ce to get more speci?c informatioo as to how oxoo?y Timothy Harden was being remained at tho limo that he suffered a cardiopulmonmy arrest on 95f 15. I oxolained that based on the infonnatioo that I currently havo, I would classify the manner of death as because i could not exclude the resimiot 13::ng to doa?x as I ciid not know exactly what each of the involved is: the rosiraint were: doing in the several minutes prior to cardiopulmonary ms?doath. Speci?cally: I asked than io clarify that they were not compressing Timothy Hardeo?s oock or chest duriog that limo. Shortly a?or tho meeting onded, I additionally emailed AP Lipp to also ask that tho o?icoro clarify that Timothy?s nose and mouth were not being occluded during 2122:: limo period. I si'aiod that although I had the morossion that the Howell police officors woro not oomprossing Timotlzy Hardon?s neck or chest or limiting the airflow in his nose and mouth {luring tho rooming booed on audio recordings available from the police as well as statomeots by moo-?law enforcement bystanders, I needed to have those things explicitly asked abooi; Elloz'iog our moo?og} I discovered that I did not have tho typed statements of Howoll Patricia Troy and John Smith Jr. Those statements were then given to me. It is my understanding ma}: the Momnooth County Prosecutor?s Of?ce will be aoemp?ng to question the o?ioors iovolvoo to ascertain how they were restraining Timothy Harden, particularly near 311d 3: tho {limo ho soffomd a cardiomlmonary most. MM {/ygy? Diane Kodak, MD ?age 1 of 5;