Jan.10. 2018 110.5046 P. 2 SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY LAW MORRIS-COUNTY IHB OF NEW JERSEY, Plaintift, VS. WILETREDO GUZMAN NO. 1740?0053674: Defendant(s). 9W (Sexual Assault Second Degree) The Grand Jurors of the Sate of New Jersey, for the County of Morris, upon their oaths present that WC) GUZMAN, between December 1, 2014 and June 11, 2015, in the Township of Roekeway, in the County of Moods, aforesaid, and within the Jurisdiction of this Court, knowingly did commit an act or acts of semial penetration upon - . born July 16, 1999, a ehild at least 13 years of age, but less than 16 years of age, and the defendant, WHEREDO GUZMAN, being at least four (4) years older than sped?ca?y by performing cunnilingus on ., a crime of the Second Degree, contrary to the provisions of MEL. and against the peace of this State, the Government and dignity of the same. 952 ET TWO (Sexual Assault Seeond Degree) The Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for the County of Mords, upon their oaths present that WC) GUZMAN, between December 1, 2014- end June 11, 2015, in the Township of Rookawzy, in the County of Morris, aforesaid, and within the jmisdic?on of this Court, did commit an act or acts of sexual penetration upon born July 1 6, 1999, a child at least 13 years of age, but less than 16 years of age, and the defendant, WHEREDO GUZMAN, being at least four (4-) years older than L, speci?cally by having emal intercourse with L, a. Crime of the Second Degree, contrary to the provisions of Mi and against the peace of this State, the Govemrnent and dignity of the same. QOUNT THREE (Endangering the Welfare of a Child Third Degree) The Grand Jurors of the Stem of New Jersey, for the (30me of Morris, upon their oaths present GUZMAN, between December 2014 and June 11, 2015, in the Township ofRockeway, in the County of Morris, aforesaid, andwithin the jurisdiction of this Court, knowingly did engage in sexual conduct which wound impair or debaueh the morals of a child under the age of 18, to wit: ., born July 16, 1999, a collie of the Third Degree, cootrary to the provisions ofm and against the peace of this State, the Government and dignity of the same. - Jan.10. 2018 No.5046 P. 3 FDUR (Endangering the Welfare of a Child Third Degree) The Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for the County of Morris, upon their oaths present that WREDO GUZMLAN, betweea December 1, 2014 and june 11, 2015, .131 the Tomship of Rockaway, in the County of Morris, aforesaid, and within the jurisdietion of this Court, knowingly did cause harm to a child under the age of 18, that is, honiJuly16, 1999, malnng an abused or neglected child as de?ned in 9:6?1, RS. 9:6?3 and PL. 1974, e. 119, 5.1, by performing any indecent, immoral or unlawful act or deed that may tend to dehaueh or endanger or degrade ?die morals of the child, speci?cally by providing with a controlled dangerous substance or controlled dangerous substance analog and alcohol, a crhne of the' Third Degree, contrary to the provisions of 5 2C: and against the peace of this State, the Government and dignity of the same. COUNT FIVE (Endangering the Welf?l'? of a Child - Third Degree) The Grand jurors of the State of New jersey, for the Comery of Mom, upon their Baths present that WILFREDO GUM, between September 1, 2014 and Inns: 11, 2015, in the Township of Rockaway, in the County of Moods, aforesaid, and within the jurisdiction of this Court, knowingly did engage in sexual conduct which would impair or dehaueh the morals of a child under the age of 13, to wit ., horn july 13,1997, a crime of theThi'rdDegree, contrary to the provisions of and against the peace of this State, the Government and dignity of the same. COUNT SIX (Enduigecing the Welfare of a Child Third Degree) The Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for the County of Morris, upon their oaths present that W0 GUM, between September 1, 2014 and June 11, 2015, in the Township of Roekaway, in the County of Morris, aforesaid, and Within the jurisdiction of this Court, knowingly did cause harm to a child under the age of 18, that is, ., born-July 13, 1997, maldng an abused or neglected child as de?nedinRS. 9:6?1, RS. 9:64: 1974, e. 119, s.1, 821), by Performing any indecent, immoral or unlawful act or deed that may tend to dehauch or endanger or degrade die morals of the child, speci?cally by providing .. with a controlled dangerous substance or controlled dangerous substance analog and alcohol, a crime of the Third Degree, contrary to the provisions of 2C: and against the peace of this State, the Government and dignity of the same. ~JarrlO. 2018 . . No.5046 R4 (Of?cial Misconduct Second Degree) The Grand jurors of the State of New Jersey, for the County of Morris, upon their oam? present that WHEREDO GUM, on or about February 15, 2015, in the Township of Rockaway, in the County of Morris, aforesaid, and within the jurisdiction of this Court, being a public servant, that is, a police of?cer, and acting with purpose to obtain a bene?t for himself or another, speci?cally emotional, mental, and/ or: physical sexual grati?cation, did commit acts relating to his office but'consiituiing unauthorized exercises of his of?cial functions, knowing that such acts were committed in an unauthorized manner, Speci?cally, while on duty, knowingly did engage in sexual acts with? ., a child under the age of 16, and ., a child under the age of 18, at the Rockaway Hotel, a crime of the Second Degree, contrary to the provisions of ma 2C:30-2a, and against the peace of this State, the Goyemrnent and dignity of the same. CO (Of?cial Misconduct Second Degree) The Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for the County of Morris, upon their oaths present that WC) GUM, between December 1, 2014 and ?rst 11, 2015, in the Township of Rochaway, in the County of Morris, aforesaid and within the 'yurisdiction of this Court, being a public servant, that is, a police officer, and acting with purpose to obtain a bene?t for himself or another, speci?cally emotional, mental, and/or physical sexual grati?cation, did commit acts rt?zt'mg to his o?ce but consiituiing unauthorized ererdses of his o??cial functions, knowing that such acts were committed in an unauthorized manner, aped?cally, while on duty, lniowingly did engageinserualactswith. ,a childundertheage of16, and 8.3., a. childunderthe age of18, at a residence while i. was babysitling other minor children, a crime of the Scoond Degree, contrary to the provisions 015111;; 2030-221, and against the peace of this State, the Government and dignity of the same. QQ I 13 (Of?cial Msconduct Second Degree) The Grand jurors of the State of New Jersey, for the County of Morris, upon their oaths present that WEDO GUM, between December 1, 2014 and June 11, 2015, in the. Township of Rockaway, in the County of Morris, aforesaid, and within die jurisdiction of this Court, being apublic servant that is, a police of?cer, and acting with purpose to obtain abene?t for himself or another or to injure or to deprive another of a bene?t, speci?cally emo?oual, mental, and/or physical sexual grati?cation, did commit acts relating to his of?ce but cons?tu?ng Unauthorized exercises of his of?cial functions, knowing that such acts were committed in an unauthorized manner, speci?cally by supplying . and children under the age of 21, a Controlled Dangerous Substance or Controlled Dangerous Substance Analog and alcohol, a crime of the Second Degree, contrary to the provisions of N. I .3. 2030?29., and against die peace of this State, the Grove-moment and dignity of the same. _Jan.10. 2018 . No. 5046 P. 5 LET TEN (Of?cial Second Degree) The Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for the Comaty of Moods, upontheir oaths Present that GUZMAN, between September 1, 2014 and June 11, 2015, in the Tomship in the County of Morris, aforesaid, and within the jurisdiction of this Court, being a public servant, that is, a police of?cer, and aciing with purpose to obtain a bene?t for himself or another, knowingly refrains tron: perfonning a duty which is imposed upon him by law or is clea?y inherent in the nature of his of?ce, speci?cally by not arresting, or. at minimum, not reporting for smoking Msnjusna in his presence, a crime of the Second Degree, contrary to the provisions of 31:3, 2C:30?2b, and against the peace of this State, the Government and dignity of the same. COUNT EIEVEN (Of?cial Misconduct Second Degree) The Grand Jutots of the State of New Jersey, for the County of Moms, upon their oaths present ?dist WC) GUZMAN, on or about February 15, 2015, in the Township of Rodraway, in the County of Morris, aforesaid, and within the jusisdiction of this Court, being a public servant1 that is, a police of?cer, and aeting with purpose to obtain a hme?t for himaelf or another, speci?cally emotional, mental, and/or physical sexual grati?cation, did commit acts relating to his o??ce but constitunng Imauthorized exercises of his of?cial functions, knowing that such acts wees committed in an unauthorized manner, speci?cally by allowing . a child under the age of 18, to take custody and/or connol of a handgun that he was med with while in unifom and on duty, a crime of the Second Degree, contrary: to the provisions of 2C:30?2a, and against the peace of this State, the GoveMent and dignity of the same. COUNT 1 SEE (Of?cial Misconduct -- Second Degree) The Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for the Comaty of Morris, upon their oaths present that W0 GUZNLAN, between September 1, 2014 and June 11, 2015, in the Township of Rod-tawny, in the County of Morris, aforesaid, and within the jurisdiction of this Court, being a public servant, that is, a police o??cer, and ac?ng with purpose to obtain a bene?t for himself or another, speci?cally emotional, mental, and/or physical sexual grati?cation, did commit acts relating to his o??ce but unan?iorizsed exercises of his of?cial functions, knowingr that such acts were committed in an unauthonzed manner, speci?cally, while on duty, allowing a child under the age of 18, to enter his duty patrol car, and engaging in sexual acts with . WhLu: in said patrol car, a crime of the Second Degree, contrary to the provisions of 2C:30-2a, and against the peace of this State, the Government and dignity of the sanie. _Jan.10. 2018 510.5046 P. 6 INT THIRTEEN (Of?cial Misconduct v? Second Degree) The Grand Jurors of the Statue of New Jersey, for the County of Moods, upontheir oaths present that WILFREDO GUZMAN, between. September 1, 2014 and June 11, 2015, in the Township of Booleaway, in the County of Morris, aforesaid, and within the jurisdiction of this Court, being a public servant, that is, a police of?cer, and acting with purpose to obtain a bene?t for himself or another, speci?cally emotional, mental, and/DI physical sexual grati?catiOn, did commit acts telatlng to his of?ce but constimting mautho?zed exercises of his of?cial ?mctions, knowing that such acts Were committed in an unauthorized manner, speci?cally by bringing 1- to the Rockaway Police Departuient Sub?Station located at the Rockawey Tomquate Mall while 011 duty for the purpose of engaging in actual acts, and engaging io sexual acts while there with ., a crime of the Second Degree, contrary to the Provisions of Ed ?5 2C: 30?22., and against the peace of this State, the Govmlment and dignity of the same. COUNT FOURTEEN (Official Mscond?uct Second Degree) . The Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for the County of Morris, upon their oaths present that WC) GUM, on or about April 22, 2017, in the TOWnShip of Rockaway, in the County of Morris, aforesaid, and Within the jurisdiction of this Court, being a public servant, that is, a police o?icer, and acting with purpose to obtain a bene?t for himself or another, speci?cally emotional, mental, and/or physical sexual grati?cation, did commit acts relating to his of?ce but constinning unanthozizcd exercises of his o?cial functions, knowing that such acts were committed in an unauthorized manner, speci?cally by contacting- uWh?? on duty for the purpose of engaging in sexual acts with and at the Rockaway Police Departincnt Sub?Station located at the Rockaway Townsquare Mall, a crime of the Second Degree, contrary to the provisions of ms, 2C: 30-29, and ??31351: the Ponce of this State, the Govemment7 the same. Com Prosecuros LM/mag CASE SUPERIOR COURT OF NEWJERSEY (mm DWISION CRIMINAL) MORRIS COUNTY 1111}? 2017 Session, Panel THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY, Plaintiff, VS. WEFREDQ GUZIVMN Defendmt(s)_ INDICIMENT FOR Sexual Assault (2 Counts), Endangering the Welfare of a Child (4 Couiltsj, 21nd Of?cial Msconduct (8 Counts} FBEDRIC M. COUNTY PROSECUTOR A TRUE 3/ a; Prasented tO Grand Jury: October ?12, _Reportex: ?udio RECEIVED um: Us 1?11? moms GAVEL COMPUTER ROOM Wd9l 8105 9t09'0N Jan.10. 2018 No.5046 P. 8 SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY LAW DIVISION-WCREIHNAL MORRIS COUNTY THE STATE os new JERSEY, Passe V3- (scram moicmtem NO. Defendant(s). WEE. (Of?cial Misconduct Second Degree) The Grand Jurors of the State of New jersey, for the Comty of Morris, upon their oaths present that WIIEREDO between the dates of March 14, 2016 and March 21, 2017, in the Township of Rockaway, in the County of Morris, aforesaid, and Within the jurisdiction of this Court, being a public servant, that is, a police of?cer, and acting with purpose to obtain a bene?t for himself or another, speci?cally emotional, mental, and/ or physical sexual grati?cation, did commit acts relating to his of?ce but constituting unauthorized exercises of his of?cial functions, knowing that such acts were committed in an unauthorized manner, speci?cally, soliciting a prostitute while on duty, a crime of the Second Degree, conttary to the provisiom of MS 2030?221, and against the peace of this State, the Government and dignity of the same. COUNT. TWO (Of?cial Misconduct Second Degree) The Grand jurors of the State of New Jersey, for the County of Morris, upon their oaths present deaf WELFREDC) GUZMAN, between the dates of March 14, 2016 and March 21, 2017, in- the Township of Rockaway, in The County of Morris, aforesaid, and within the jurisdiction of this Court, being a public servant, that is, a police of?cer, and acting with purpose to obtain a bene?t for himself or anomet, speci?cally emotional, mental, andX or physical seXual grati?cation, knowingly refrained from performing a duty which is iInposed upon him by law or is clearly inherent in the nature of his office, speci?cally by not arresting a prostitute, a crime of the Second Degree, contrary to the provisions of IS. .S. 2C130?2b, and against the peace of this State, the Government and. dignity of the sense. 2018 No.5046 P. 9 (Endange?ng the Welfare of a. Child Third Degree) The Grand Jurors of the State of New Jersey, for the County of Morris, upon the}: oaths present that WC) GUZMAN, between the dates ofFebl-uary 14, 2015 and April 23, 2017, in the Township of Rockaway, in the County of Mania, aforesaid, and Within the junsdiction of this Court, did knowingly possess, knowingly View or knowingly have under his comic], through any means, including the Internet, an item or items depicting the sexual exploitation or ah?se of 9. child, a mime of the Third Degree, contrary to the provisions of N. .5. and against the peace of this State, the Government and dignity of the same. FRED M. I MD CO PROSECUTOR IM/mag