TOP SECRET STRAP1 I I Speaker identification systems (SID) Resul t: A couple of months ago we deployed a 5-way speaker id system aga inst a network of high level individuals involved w ith the Afghan narcotics trade. The system has been put to imag inative use by OP I-LANG /OPI-SC in that it is running against a w hole zip code that brings in a large amount of traff ic . T his has enabled some speculative task ing of further selectors seeking more communica tions for these targets and allow ing the lingu ists to effectively filter out unw anted calls . The princ ipal , the main subject of SOCA OP BRABILLA , was arres ted last wee k in Jakarta and is now to stand trial in the US on charges related to the narcotics industry and support ing attac ks on US sold iers in Afghanistan . The speaker id system contribu ted to th is success by identify ing 2 new numbers for this principal target and thus helped to keep track of his activities right up to the time of his arrest. 2 of 6 This informationis exempt from disclosureunder the Freedomof InformationAct 2000 and may be subjectto exemptionunder other UK informationlegislation.Referdisclosurerequests to GCHQ on (non-sec)or email TOP SECRET STRAP1 TOP SECRET STRAP1 The system will now be re-built to target the remain ing 4 narco barons and will hopefully produce some similarly effective results . I - I 3 of 6 This informationis exempt from disclosureunder the Freedomof InformationAct 2000 and may be subjectto exemptionunder other UK informationlegislation.Referdisclosurerequests to GCHQ on (non-sec)or email TOP SECRET STRAP1