a !, EXTE¡ÛDEÐ . ;",,"990. TO NOVEMBER 15 ) A for the eæart âppl¡câbl¿ 2OL7 Under section ðö1(o), 62?, or 4947(a[1] ot the Intàrnal Êewnus Code (except privatê Do not enter social eacurit¡r numbcrs on lhis lorm as lt may be made ÞÉpstmoñt gl tho 1fèassy B , Return of Organization Ëxempt From lncome ånd C Name of organrzatron NATTONAL RIGHT ?O WORK LEGAI, DEFENSE ÀI{D EDUCÀTTON FOUIÍDATION, rNC. Dorns busrness as AÏ¡SO KNöIIIN Às ìfÀTIONÀr, RrGl{ï' Number and street {or P.0, box rf marl s not delruered lo strest addross) ¡pÕ lRoonúsurte BRÀDÞOCK RD -.8-OO1 Crty or town, state or provtnc€, cou¡try, and ZIP or forergn postal code SPRTNGFTELD. VÄ 2276î FNameandaddressof porìcrÊatoffrcerllARK A. MIX fe oo G gþssrãcarleS ì ll(a) ls lhs a lor guþordtnâtos? Yee à ffi No - lJo å hst (see rnstruchons) I Brefly descnbe tha oçanrzatÐn's mrsslon or most stgnrÍcånl âcltvtttes 2 3 4 5 I Checkthrs box Þ f lhe organrzalmn dlscontlnued ordßposèd ol Number of voltng mÞmbefs of lhe governrng body (Part Numb€r of tndopend€nt volfig mðmbê.s ol thê 1b) Tolal number of rndrvlduals employod ln çalBndar yeai Totål nurnber of volunteers (esllmate rl necossary) 7 a TotÂî unrêlat€d buslness revenu€ ftom pârt 25Vo ot i].s (Part V, 295,368. 1 1 .l 1 6.299.'11,O. rx hnes 6 <332.63?. ö 2O Total 21 Total AU6 0 X, ùne 1 X, lnç 26) Under 2 ?0t7 Þf; 6A innlnr ol Cu¡rant Yerr 2D .91-0. 455. tr t.772 ^ 6,il 19 .r97. 860. rncludrno accompanyrng schedul¿s and s1älemenls, and all ralolmatron ol "348-lr .013 - ?! lo lho best of 1 _585-3f 1g .08( ßty and beltef, rt rs has Sign llere PnntÍype Ch.d name Poid Pfe!års r Uso 0r1y ô32oor Írrm'saddress¡ ir"1r,r! 7900 füËSlltpÀRK DR, STE T4 LHA For Papcrworlt Reduction Act l{otlce, seg the oopêrâte instructions. vÚ) rorrn 990 €oto) ß rì ÐËrgÞIsE RTGXÌT gË10 fJv"u ffi¡o ör Ìf oYes,' descnbe lhese n€w servrces on Sahedule O Dld thê organlzâton ceâså üonduçltng, or Ínakð SronrEant chängê8 ff ¡Yes,'r desc¡bâ these changÞs on Schedule O { Descnþe the organ¿alÐn's progrsm servrce accomp¡shmsnts loraach ol ils thrae Seclrcn 501(c)(3) and 5O1 (c)(4) organzâtþns are requrred lo report the amounl of 4Ð (co¿" rfr how t 3 Includrng çrtntê ol gêfvrcês? f-]ye* lKlro as moa*ured Þy €xpsn$gg the totâl expensês, ând I -)(Exppnaeai 4b (co¿o ) (txpenws ¡lc {coce 4d Other proEram s€rvrcas (Oescnbe rn Schedule O ) ) (navowS ) {aovuuai rorm9Slzoto¡ 032002 ü.t1'lð 4 I NÀTIONAI, RTGHT TO I ls thê oËanuat¡on tl 'Yeg,'æmdele WORK dèstnbed ln seôtton 501(cX3) or 4947þ)(1) (oth9r than å prlvâts fc4¡fldâtton)? 4 Sclt€du/e ls thð ofgannâtÐn rÞquüêd 10 cômplüþ scr¡edlJ/o q flchêdtJtþ ol contnÞutorg¿ 3 ú dtrêc't or rndlrect polúrcat campargn actrvrtìes on behatf puþlrc offrce? r/'Yeq'çp¿p¿e¡r Schsduig C. Partt 4 Ðeçüqn SOIíCIS) organizations, Drd $e oig-anuåtnn ongage tn lobbylng ast¡viltesr dunng th6lâx yeår7 ll 'Yos,n comptèla Schëdutê Ç, Pafl tt ls the organtzalnn a sectnn S01(cX4), 501{cX6), or 501(cX6) organrzatron that rècsrvês membershrp srmrhr amo{ints as dgtined ur RÖvênuê Ptocêdur€ 98,19? /f 'yês, ' comptêtê Eëhedutê ilt Dd lhe orgânlzâtþn matntarn any donor advrsed lunds or any slmf ar funds or donors have provrde edv¡ç6 on tho dr$lnbuton or tnye$lmênt of amounts m such funds or Schedule üd ihe orgånrzatrpn tetè,ve or hold ¿ congervat 9n ea$emênl, tncludtng easômênts to the envrronm€nt, hÞtoflc land areas, or hßtoflc struclures? It oyeq' D, Part ll Drd lhe organzaton ongage 5 6 7 I Drd tho organEallon mantårn collÊcttans of works ol art, ttÉtoncal smìlar assel$? ,f 4 of 5 lo 0, Pafl t 7 complatë I Scñedule ü, Partt,l â lho oroanÌzatlon roport âñ âmôunt ln Pâtt X, hnê 2f , for escrow or amounts not hsted rn P¿rt X, or ptovlde credû couns€llng, debt âs å cuêlôdrân D¡d ,l 6 for nggÖtrâtþn sorurcâs? oa s 'Yês, " complètê Schedule D, Pad lV 10 Drd the ofganrzahon, drrectþ 1f lf tho oÌganEatton's answer to any of the followrng quèêttons orthrough a rÞlalgd organtzåtton, endowments, or quasr€ndowm€nt8? ,f 'Yes,' cornplefa âss€ts rn èndowmentg, pêf rt.}Êll6nt ΀rnporaÛly 19 x Schedule D, Pâr1s Vl, Vll, Vlll, [X, orX ãs appllgâble o D¡d thê orgârìEalËn reporl än åmâunl for land, burldrngs. and equrpment tl'Yes,' complete Schadulê rn Ð, Patt Vl þ ùd lhe organl¿at$n c a3ssÌs r€ported ¡n Parl X, Ûne 1ô? l/'Yes, Ord tht trganË,äton ropolt âir âmgunt for assèts reportêd rn Pad X. ftne'16? /t'yes,- d Ord tho 6tçrjttttê3 In Drd the organrzâlÞnra êeparale J2 ùat re 5% or more ol És lotål X, lrnê 13 thst ß 5% or more of ts totai lla Schedulø D, Part X, ltn6 ts 50¿6 or mor€ of ts total asspt$ r€parted ¡n D, of X,\ne 25? fi 'Yeg'complele Scåedule O, Pârt x for lhe tax year rnclude a foolnolB ìhâl addressss (A8C 740)? n'Yes,o comglate Scàedu/a D, Pa¡l X ståtômênts fbr th e lat yêer7 ll "Yes,' coñplatë frnanctal the orgânl¿atron's lrabllfiy for Drd lhe organlzalþn oblarn undsr Scâedule4 Pa¡tsXland b ll'Yes," and í 14a Dtd the b ùd the "No' tn otnorc? 12â, then çomqlettng Schedule Dt PartÊ Xl and )U rs optronal conp,6tê sc/t€du/Þ g or ag€nls outsrde of the Unted States? XAX¡il2 ,l Irb {4a f4b on Pari repoft ll of ;t 'r3 'Zes, " ll Did iha 1ô frf X êxpêrigés ot frËl€ thân $10,00O {rOm graôtrnâkng, fundrâr$ng. b¡J$néss, oulsld€ thê Unt€d Slates, or aggregale forergn rnvsstmênls valu€d al $100,O{r0 have tnvestment, 1ö x audt€d frnåncËl statenìonts lor thê tâx yèar? tfi the ls tho oroanlzåtron lld tlc +qa Wa* lhe organaatron 13 llâ- x llh Pan Vl¡ organ,zâtÐn ropoìt an arnount Parl X, lrne 162 lt uYes,' cornplête Drd lhe atgant¿at$n rêpçrt åñ ç I 12a report an arrÐunt ior (A), Íße 3, morê than $5,000 ol grants or other assrstanc€ to or lor any Scl¡edula F, Parls lt and lV column {A), hne 3, more than $5,000 of aggfþgât€ grants or othsr asilstanco to 'Yes," complete Scåeduls F, Parts lll ancl lV l5 lÊ of morê thån $15,000 of oxpêns€s for prolessronâl fundrarslng servÉès ön Pärt lX, 17 oolumn (A), ltîos 6 '18 Þd the organzatron 1c and 8a? ll 'Yes,' 19 ùd "Y6s, " co¡¡rpJele Scâedu/e G, Parf I moro tlìan $15,000 total ol fuodrâÉng Svont gross rncome ând conl¡bu ons on Psrt Vlll, lr1€s Sc/¡edule G, Pari ll the orgafiEâtron repoß moro thâî $15,0@ of grosg rncornê lrom gåmtng achvthÉs on Pârt Vlll, hrrô 9a? 17 1e lf 'Yes,' 1g rom 990 €ote) 09?0os tt.l1-rô 5 I RTGHT TÔ ÐET'ENSE ''?,. I Yuo þ,1 2O¿ Drd thê orgqnEâlton oÞêråte onô or more hospilalfaei¡ltes? ll 'Yês.\ æimplÞte Schedule H lf oYesl tô tne 20a, did thB ÐrganEslnn âtlach e copy Of rts audded frnancrãÌ stat€ments 1o lhlg râtvm? Ðtd the organi¿atßn rÞpört morø lhån $5;Ûq) af grânts or ollier asalslËnco domeetrcigoveminent on Part lX, cotumn (,4),ine 12 ll 'Yes;' complete Schedute I, Pa¡ts I and tl h 21 r¡iÈ?,1, n æ and former ofÍcÐrs, dlleçlor6, truslees, key er¡pbyees, and htghest compensated omployeesl lÍ B ScheduÌe J 2¡þ b c Dld the organtzatron have a tax-exðmpt bond rêsue wnh ãn outstândmg pnncrpal la91 day of lhe year, thÊl was ßsued after December 31 ,29V2? tf 'Yes,* answçr hnes Þ4ã Schedule K. lf "Noa, go tó lne 25Ê Drd the organrzåtron r.lve$t any proceeds of lax.sxempt bonds båyoßd a Ord the orgaßsâtron marntan an escrow account other thôn a refundtng zAb penod at any trme dunng ihe defeaso 2àâ âny lax-exempt bonds? d Þtd the organüatrön act d$ an "on bohÊlf ot" tssuêr for bond6 2d'd 25a Seation 5o'llcxa), 501(oX4), and sol(c)(2g) otga¡trattons, Ðtd the trånsacrrôn wilh a dÉquâlúed pêrson dunng thê yaâfl tf "Yes,'comple¡e b L, Føtt wlh ls ths orgâflrzal¡on awåle thât il engag€d tn 8n exc€ss bgîetrt 27 formêr offrcêrs. drrèclors, lrusteÈs, key employèês, h€hÊsl çompeasätsd complete Scâedule L, Pul ll ofícer, drroctor, Dd thÞ organËâtron provtdo a grant pr othor for of åny of ìhosÞ parsonê? /f 'Yôs, ' cû¡rp,êle Was lhe otganrzatron â pårty lo a busrnesi contnbutþns? // 'lês, " Drd the otgânr¿atron 2tl k@y 27 wih ore parùes (seo Schedule tf dtrÊclor, L Pârr lV Scfedø/e L, Pa¡7 2n^ tV or key empþyse? If "YeS," co¡nplete $cñedule L, Patt lV key employee (or a famrly member lhereof) wes an offreer, ll "Yes,' complête Schadule M er olher çlmrlar assets, or quaffred cungeryatron D¡d thê orgânEåtron Schedule or gÌ âf ilr net esselse ll 'Yes,' canplete 32 Sched¡/¡ê w, ûâöt'ons 301, 34 drsregarded as separale from lhe organEatþn under R€guhtþns own 10@6 'Ye$"" cotTtþlels Scâ€du/e R, Part 301 ìo any Waa th€ or Taxable Þnlily? ,t I :üt 'yÊs,' comglê¡s schadute Ê, Pâtt 1,, ill, or lv, and z]l Part havg a 3i!þ bll æ dd rhr ths SeclionSOl(cX3) ll "Yes,'Gomplètø x âÐ more than 25% of Drd thê Drd the Dg and c6ase operalons? ll 'Ygs,' comþlète VA 2eb 2k L, Part lV drroctor, lru8l€e, or dtrecl o¡ 31 to âny current Qr drsqualúed peßona? ll "Yes,' L, Fart or ksy b A famrly mefnbor of a cun&ût Ðr c An entrty of whtch a cun€nt or fonner Drd lhe organxatron ^Yas,- cott'tpløte lilng A current or former offrcer, drreçlor, re 30 ll employee, süþstänlral , orto a 35% controlled sntrty or fåmrly member contnbutor or employeg thereof, a gtanl Tor applrcåblç 23à n a pnor year. and 2Iib Þrd the organøatron repôrt ariy åmount ofl Part X, lno 5, F, or rnâìruttrons bonefrt t a drsquaffred Forms 990 æ 'Ír an rn lhat th6 lnnsacfton has flol been rsparted on any of the Schedule L, Parl I 3E x than s100,000 and snlily wthrn tho meanrng of sectron 5'12(bX13l? f9cåtve any pâyilênt from or ëflgage rn any tranêâcttön wth å Çofìrollod ôntñy z(b)(lt)? r/ uYøs,o completø Scñeduie H, FañV, lne 2 35â f¡8b Ðrd the organlzalron mâke any lransler8 to ân sxsmpt ngn.chafllable rolatgd oroanlzatton? F, Pârt V, lnê 2 3Íl 37 more than 57o of ils aDlwnBs through an enlny lhât ts not e ¡elat€d oroenlzatton ånd lhËt rs t¡ealgd as a patlnershrp lor lødotal ncomo Ìa¡ purposes? l/ 'Yos, ' complste Scltedvle R, Parl Vl 38 ord iho organrzatlon çomplate SchedulÐ O and provde explanatrons Drd thB orgânlzalron rn Sohadule O for Part g? Vl. hnes 11b and 19? ââ x rorm 990 ¡20t6¡ ô3?OOd r,r"1t"10 6 RIGHT TO 1a Enlerlhe numbei reponed tn Êôi 3 of Form 1 û96 Ënter,$,f nol applþabl€ þ Entot lh6 numbÞr ot Forû$ W-2G rnçluded tfl l,nê 1å Entêr.0, rf Röt àpptrcåbtb ç Drd the orþanvatÉn qomply wrth backup wnhholdrng rules for reporlabl€ paymsñts to 2a b 3s b rb (gamblng) wrnnrngs lo pme wnlar6? Enter lhe number of emþloyeeÐ leponed on Ëoim W.3, TrânsmÌttÂl ot Wage and Tax frlçd for the calandai year endtng wrth or wrlhrh tho yoar covarêd by thß rorurn lf at least one ts reporled on hne 2a, dd lhe organzatron ile all requrred fedêral êmploymsnt tax NÇte. ll ths sum of ltnes J a and ?a ts grôatsr lhan 250, you may be requtr€d to e.tlr€ Dld ths organnâtton havê unrelaled busrness grpsg tncomo Of $1,000 or morÊ dqnng lf 'Yes,' has n fhd a Form gg0.T for lhrs year? ,l .No," lo rnê S b, provde an X o 1tì 4â At âny trmo dunng th€ b 5s b c 6a b cålôndär yêâr, dtd the orgântzatton hsvè an tntêrËsl n, or a of Itngncral accoußt rn a foregn cnuntry (such ao a bank account, $Bcurilßs or other frnancnl lf "Yes.u Ðnter tho nam6 of tho forergn counìry, a 4s Þ See rnstructtong lorfr[ng requrements for FtnCËN Form 114, Rêpott of Wäs tho orgÉrnxât¡oo a pâny to a prohtbfåd ta¡( shplt€r lransactton at Drd any laxabls pârty notfy the organrzatron that tt wås or ts a pafty lo a lf "Y€s," to hne 5a or5b, Nl rs requrred to bå flsd ,,M8 , l,IT /.4L ,.¡fß,, Ct , GÀ, l.L I KY, ¡i{4 to msk€ tts Foms 1023 (or 1024 tl appltcabte),990, and 990'T (sectron 5{)l(c)(3)s only) avarlable how you lîäde thoss avarlablo Check äll thât âpply ol thÉ form 990 tho slatå8 17 l-r91 18 S€Çtron 6104 19 so, how) thê orgent?atron mâdo fis lovgmrng docurnonl3, confltct ol tnter€st poltcy, slalêrnenls avârlåblg io rhê pubfc dunng the tax year m Staìo lhô namo, addro$s, and telephone nurnb9r of lho person websrte Dssônbå rn t: Another's S0hËdul6 O whðlhår (ând websrlo ffi Upon request {-,1 Otner (exptaln rn Sclredule O) f wlo pgs$ô$Sgs thè orqeDrzahon's books and reCords 'nHE ORêAtirrzÀTtôN - 1û!-12.1-8q1 ft 8OO1 BRÀDDOCK RD- NO. 600- SPRTNGFIETJD. VA 22]-60 ô3å009 r1.tl-1ô SET SCHEDUÍJB O FOR FI}LL IIST OF SÎAîBS I Lmü and fnânctal > Forn S0 (2016) Eðport compÞñgettôfi ,l0r Iô comp9nsalron Fox from o Lrst åll of the organrzatþn's lonner offtog¡9, key employees, and hlghost compensaled employees repoÊablÊ compeneâlton fiom the organaahon and any related organtzaìtons . bst all of the organEallon's formor dirnctors or ült9leea that recerved, tn lhe dtroctor or mor€ lhan $10,000 gf reportabls çempensatÞfl from lhe organzatron and eny relafod L.rsl persons tn tho fgllowt'tg ordgr tndtvtduãl lw$l.ees or dtrêctors, tnsìftubonal truôtêe$, and former such persons. (Al {B} Name and Ïrtle Avetago hÖuÊ pet (Dl wÞsk ldþ aol chçdr ba,ç mtes+ otftcd 6ttd (lrst any th6 hcx¡r* tor relâted belov¡ {1) RËËD E. LÀESON (2) üÀRK A. ìárr( sÍEUË ilïnogll {d) PÀTÎT åUFFErI SÀl{DßÀ CRÀIIDAI,¡/ (6) FVÀ LYNNE BNÃNT (9) FßFDERICX I¡" (11) ( tTAO x 149 .989. þ# DUROSS x from thg ofgânEñtton pnd r€låtod 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 18,231. id0 REYNOLDS x o 0 0. 0 0 x 0 0 X 0 0 0. 0 x 0 0 X 0 0 x 0. 0 x 1f,?-318. 0 x 9G - 286. 0 x / D ttÀRX ÌrCcRÀNE 0.¿10 t13) t0 X VTCTOR 8ENESE {15) KfËK S¡rEl,L6Y RÀY}'OND olhor compensetþn t) x 1.00 {16) åmÖunt of r8c) x tLzt {14) ccrnpân$attôn ftom relslÖd organüâtr0nÞ 0-¿o X 110) i¡osEPu (F) Eslrmaied DTSÐRO (?, }II¡¡LIM IT. (8) {E} Beportabh oçannatrons "x (5) compênêated efnployees, Ë l¡" (3) the orgânEatron, (w-u109sMrsc) lN2/1 É ã f ne) $1@,000 of morÞ J. {1?) FåîRICß T. 1 0 .00 l 0 LÀJËI'NËSSE iIR. 40.00 S8UMENS 40.00 x rom 990 laoro¡ 9 NATIONÀI, RT€HT 10 WORK LEGAI, DEFENSE (A) {c} {B) Name ând Averago hours per wê€k {l sl ãny hcurs lot tfle rslâtÊd Po$ttþn (do nól €hec* morè b€¡, mteÈs otlìçêl ¡rd lhæ oîû Þs*n rê b¡lll ff ¡ d(gcttr/trt $iæ) {D} {E} Reporläblê Rôportâblê tFt amÕunt Þl çomp9nsåtron ftöm ths oihêr cor*pencatron Trom the - Ë E organrzalrofi ând relãled ofganËåttons É Ë* ne) (18) Ë. CÀITERON (19) C. TÀUA¡{ÀN 40. 0i ) c!{ApPaLr 40,00 (21) R. Cr,ÀrR ¿0.00 I22I J. RÀUDABÀUçI¡ ¿0.00 (20) u. sÊ; qs t F x 1'6"t .37 4. 0 X :t-7 4 .2',t2. 0 0 X l-6s,592. 0 3-66.556. û L.294.023. lb c $ub-total ? Tolal numbÊr of rndrvrduale (rncludrng 3 Drd 0. 284-.1-t'. 0 Total lrom conünuation sheets to Part Vll, Seclion A { 0 0 t.294.023. ksled 4 who røcerved more than $10O,O00 of reportabfe Yes lne 4 3 For other çompensåtron fra$ lho organtzatrÐn J forsucl¡ ìndw¡dual and 5 No or hrghest compensated employeo on Þrd any pelson hsted on [ne'lâ recerve or x 4 lrom any untelated organizatron or rñdtvrdual lor sÉrvrÇe$ s J Section B. I Complete ìhn for your iompensatod tndspandËnt conlrâctors thät retêìv€d more thän the tA) Name and MERRI $1 00,000 of compensatron lrom the LYNCH, tr.19,51 'REEDOT'I (c) {s) âddress Descnphon DRIVE, SUTTE oT serurcos Gompenselron F¡ru8s T}IENT MAN^â.G EMEÑT 2 Total numbor ol rnd€pêndent contractors (rncludrng bul nol Ùmrt€d lo thos€ hsted ãbov6) who recelvsd mor€ than rorm 990 laot 632008 1l-J1-tO 10 o¡ NÀTIONÀI¡ RIGHT TO WORK frEcAIJ DBFENSE rf Schedulê to lne rn (Al Ïotal fev?nuÐ (B) Relatäd or exempt funclron rev€nue 1 0) â Fedêratêd æmpa€ns b Membersfup dues c Furìdrâtstng evênts d Eèlâtêd orgafìrzA:ons e Government gränls (cofllnbulrons) I All otherconlnbulrons, gttls, çranls, and stmtlaf anounts nol rncluded ¡bov¿ o g 1â 1b 1Ë 1d 1e 1l ñamsh çontrrbutþtìË ¡nchjdâd n lrrÞs 1& 85 lt I 503 lusiness Codr OJ ö '5 q¿1 r l!ô Aa k9 905 b .õ'ç c êO E> at d, ttb d o 6 o. f All other progrâm sêrvrce fovçnue 2r1 s 4 lnv€slmenl rncoñe (rncludrng dlvdends, tntêre8t, âûd othôr slmrlâl âmounts) lnconte from Inveslrngnl of lax,oxênìÞt bond procÞeds 5 Êoyallres 6a Gross renls qoc I <6 50 l-à > {rì Real b Less rental Êxp€nsos c Flental rnoome or (loss) d Net rental rncome or (hss) GrÖss amount from sales of aesets olher than rnvenlory 7â b Less cost 0r othsr basË and sales expons€s c Garn or (loss) d Nel gan or q¡ Ð 8ã rncludrng $ r¡) OJ Fart lV, o b o <89 (loss) Oross rncomê ffom ¡101 ev€îts of Seq l¡ Less; b I â b a b lusiness Code 11 I b c d e All oth€rróv6n!¡ê Total. Add hnes 114.11d s 093 611 2t\ soÊ ¿65ô. torm 032000 r't''t1-"r0 11 9S) leote¡ PEFENSE TO wt. I j:¿ai,,rl+aaaaa.r:.:.:::n 130 .000 , snd domeslrt ggvernmenls, See Part lV,lms ?1 2 1 .0 , 000. -;i::.::::.:t/'' ":.,.: :::::,.::i Grants arld other assrstançe to dorßestlc rndvduàß 3 4 õ SêË Pårl lV, ¡nè 27 i¡ Grants and other asslstqnce to foreqn orgatìizattons, forq€n governments, end forstgn t.:,) :',;::,1 ¡ndrvrduals Sê€ Part lV, hnee 15 and '16 Benefrts pa¡d to orfor rnâmber,s "'4#i¡1i",,. Conìpensatron otcunent offcêrs, dtrgclorg, 6 Compensatron n0t rncludoúabovÊ, lo drsquâltfËd .i1i?."' .: !"íî1.1ï : r::ìJii.,\ pers0ns descnÞ0d rn secüon a958(cX3)(9) l:: ,ì i, Othersalafiss änd wages 6S.067. ,,tl Pensron plan aocruals and cgnrrbutrons (rnclude Other employee b€nefrts ¿44..il"35 127 &.- 10 Payroll laxes 2û"g:,i;t 11 Fees lor servrces {nonemployees}, . 423.88ri 115 . ?9Ti '!,:;¡ 23I -296 - , b Lagal 86.4\2.- ,9,'¡r- 582 - Accountng d Lobbyng Õ a Prolessronal fundralsrn0 $eryrcgs. $Bs Part lV, lno 17 column (A) amounl, hne fust 'l'lg 12 Adverlrsrng and promolron r3 Ofùce 14 lnfonnalron ìechnology 10yo Ëloyaltres 16 Occupancy '17 Trävêl Pâymênls of travel of 1S for any ledeml, Conforences, '+:':rirí¡':n9 expenses 54.907. 7 . 22"*, htorg*l 21 Paymåntsfo Ineurance 24 0lher 000. 131.596. 100.33?. 37.3 b c ^1a8. 27 .1.78. .915. 878. 22.950. 31.670, 3.996. 5,656. .73r, 97L. L28 48. I 6_dö, 4.1.78. â,7 .OO7 . 37 .35{. 5 .384. d All olherexponses hnes'l 2t 24ø 6 .013 .7 t5. 5.400 .681. 53 33 4( tL7 .776, 291 J0¡nt co6t8. Complele lhn hne only rf the or0anüalron reÊorled n column (8) educålronal ¡ornt costs kom a çqmbned and fundrarsrn0 solcrlatron. 188, Élll20t0 1 Itemr¿e exponsss 0n æ 21.82r. 151 - 8d9. 1-34.058. 4 27.8 9. 18.5t a e 410 . 19 .000 . êxpGns€s DsplecratÞn, H' 10. å! or local 6. ?0 13.ù11 786. 6 , ?30. L30 .262. 292 .52 6 . 1A a; :ï.r+," 0l eçenses !5 n 130.2 lñvestû1ênl mânâgemont lees g Olher {lllne 119 amountexceedg ,:. ,ì¡ 6 Mânagëm€nt f . "ií,iË :::::.. ""3.i,0s.û'.955 sectnn 401(k) anl 403(b) empioyer contrrbulrans) I 61I /al:::;!1' persons (as deined under secùon 4958(fX1)) and 7 I .¡llìt: ''"j,iiiiì,.,il#, ;:49t,989. 523.255. t^Jslees, and key employaes 151.080 5C1 0 romr 990 pote¡ 1t.tt-t6 L2 NÀTIONÀIJ RIGHE TO WORK LEGATJ DEFENSE Check rf Schedul6 rn thrs {A) B€grnnrng of yôar 1 2 3 4 5 6 út Gash.non.rntoroôt"bsaflng Savmga and temporuy cash rnvestments 2 Paedggs and granle recervable, net a.a. 2.*12.6' .r''l Àccóunts recelvable, nel Loan$ afld othår roce¡vablês from cunent and form€r offrcsrs. dtrectore, trustees, key empfoyeee, and hrghest compercatêd êmployees Compleìe Part ll ol gchedule L Loans and other rec€vables lfom olhet dtsqualrfled persons {aa dofiñêd under $ectþn 4958(f)(1)), persons descnbed rn secüon 495StcX3)(B), and contflbutlng : omployers and spoñsÞnôg organrzêtlons ot $Êctron 5ol(c)(9) vóluntäry employoes' beneltctary organEatþns (see ¡nstr) CornÞleto Part ll of tt o ô y€ar 7 NÖlè,$ ând loans recelvable, nel ê lnvenloneÊ forsale or use I Prepard axpenees and dof€rród chårg€s loa Land, burldrngs, and oqupmont. cost or othe¡, I 88"6r o Þasr8 Çompleto PartVl 0f SÖh6drilê D b Less accumulâlsd deprscraùon l(}c tt 13 Investmenle - pubhcly tfadâd secuflhgg lnvêstmonls ' othÉr sêcuntrse, S6@ pårt lV, lno 11 lnv@$tms{'*s ' p.ogram-feletod See Part lV lne 11 14 lnlângrble assets r5 Olherassets See Part lV, hne tl ?otâl âssets. Add ùnos 1 thfouÖh 15 lmuÉt 1t 12 16 lt 10 f9 * 2l o !J E n o ¿ 14 ?04.615 )o -q10 Á65 ^ 1_303.¿1( Þefened rov6nu6 Unsêou€d notgs Olhor håbrlrllos N of pèrsons Ð. partres 7s,000. partres L Tôtäl Þ58), chs{s( here (, î ¡a ! c 9 lf lf ID  18.ÛAL.528. 81 . 574. 2'.1L .',l58 thât lines s0 Caprlal Pard.rn o¡ Bêtârrod Ïotâl nst 334.r.95. 25 _712.6ô5 - ,â anc n rt 31 A2 ct 2 íXt U vt LXJ Temporanly o .h } nes 33 and 34. 27 ?_ß ,^ 24 to rêlâtod thtrd 17-24) Gomplote Part X of o o c 1-183"8¿ 2t Ð Schedula D ù 1? drrectOrs, lrusteÊs, partras, and other 9ñ 831-( 'tA to Escrow or cuslodÊl accounl Loans and olher pâyables to 24 15 1ô 't9 Tax-oxempt bond habrfn¡es S€ôurod ffortgäges ( 13 Accounts payable and accruod €xpensê3 Orants päyablo 23 . 12 ksy omplÖye€s, hrghEst Completê Pâñ ll ol ,¡f 15.7s0 3O SFÀS 11? (ÀSC 96S). oheck trere through 34. or cunenl funds or land, burldrng, or equrpmenl fund 27 2A 1 29 2'.t 4 .7 78 Þ l**-l 3(l 3l 32 acürmulated rncori€. or ôthêf fundô 19 . 1S? .860. b¿lances Total habtl{res ând nol âssGls/fund bÁlãncôê 33 20 .6t rorm 9901æto¡ (12011 11-11.1fi 13 NATIONAIJ RTGHT TO WORK IJEGÀIJ DEFENSE Rec.onciliation Net Assets Totel revênue (must equal Fad VIll, column (A), ltne 12) Total expense$ (must ?qual Part lX, qglumn þ), ltne 25) Flevenue less expenses Subtract lrne 2 from llne 1 N€t assets or fund balances at begtnntîg of year (must equal Part X, l¡ne 33, column iA)) Nel unreahzed garns (losses) on tnvestûìents 1 2 3 4 5 6 762 Ëlonatéd ssrvrces and usp af faÇthtes T Investmenl expenses Pnor perrod adlustrnents Other changes rn net assets or fund bâlances (explatn ]n Schedule O) NÊl assets or fund balances at end of year ÇomblnÞ llnes 3 through I (must equal 7 I Ð 10 Ê g 0 lrr rt Financial StatEmçnts and Hçporting E or nots t0 Yee No 2a 2a þ x b a separate lf "Yês," chÞck â bôx b€low to rndrcale whêthër the frnãncral basrs, consoltdaled basts, or bolh: lTì c $eparate basrs l_l conaohdated thal assumes responsrbrlily for overerght of the audfi, lf 'Yes" to Ine 2a or 2b, does the organlzatl0n âccounlailt? revrcw, or comprlatton of fis frnanctal ståternentg lf lhe organrzatron changed eûhar ls 3a As a résult ol â lederal award, was the b Acl and OMB CrrcularA.l33? lf 'Yês,'' drd the organkalnn undorgo 2c X dunng the låx yââr, explan rn Schedule O. audrt or audrtË f,s âet torth rn the Srngle Âudtt of to 3ã audrt lf ihe orgânlzäìron drd not undorgo the roqurred audû -q.h rorm 990 kolo) t32û12 r1"'r1.1ó 1.4 SCHËDULÊA QÞpiltment ôt lhG löìöMl fitren¡)e Complete il the organrration ls a Êection 501{cll3) organization or a 494?(a)(1) nonsxûmÞt çhãr¡tåble ùust" ro Form 990 or Form geo--Ez. A 900 âñd rfs Trssry Þ Attsc¡ Ðârvic¿ Nâme ol the organi:ation OMÞNo 1540Ð047 Public Charity Status and Public Support (Form 000 örg9ö.EZ) to Publlc N-qTTONÀIì RTGTTT TO T{ORK I,EGÀT"' ÐNFENSE number thß part must The , 2 3 D. 4 thê hosprtåi's nårn€, crty, and ståle 5E An organuatton operatèd for tñe benefit of a colleçe or untver€rty owned or ô sectlon l7qbXf )(AXty). (Complele Pat tl) A lðdêrä1. slato, or local governmeil or govêfÊmôntät unf descnbçd An organ*alron that normally receNes a substanttal part ol {ts 7 rêttion J?qbX1)lÀXvi), (Complete Part s gE 1ûF _ I I I f2 [: r A communrty trusl descnbed rn descnbed rn 1ro(bX1)(AXvl. ¡n the general publrc doscnbed unü a rn ll,) laot¡on f 70{hxf XANvi}- {Complot€ An agncultural rsseârch organl¿atþn dógcnbed tn séôüofl t70(bXlXAX¡x) or uflrversny ot â non.lând.grant college of agncultufê (s€ê Ëntar the rn u¿th â land,grant cotlegô and stâte ol thê college or unrvarsfty An organzatron that normåify rec€N€s: (1) more lhan 33 ftom conlnbut¡ons, mambe¡shlp fees, and groes recerpts from actrydles relatod to ß$ €xampt h¡nctrong'sub¡Ðctto than 33 1/370 of rtç suppqrt from gross tnveetmsnt rncomê and unrólatod bu$nes$ taxablê rncorns (lÊss $octìon 511 tåx) âcqurred byihê ofgahrzâtron alterJune 30, 1975 S"" section 5O9(a)(2). (Compl€le PaÉ lll An organzatron organrred and operaled sêêt¡on g0g(ä)(41. for pubilc pêrförm An organzaton organreed and operated of, to the functrons of. or to carry out thê purposês oî on€ or more pubhcly suppo¡têd organEâlþns ftnes 12a through 12d tñat d@scnbes r E 5os{ax2). Sêê såctlôn soolâN3), Ghsckthè box rn lypet,Aôupportrlg n çt organßatron. You mrt-rl Tlpe ll. A supportrng F. rn control ar managorûent The o tf I Ëntêr rn afld complete lnes 1?a, 12f, and 129 by ûs sqpportêd organEâlron(s), typrcålly by gilng a ma¡onty of the drreators orlrustôes of thê suþportlng of suppodrng the supportêd organnatron(s) b bya conneclron wth rts suppoÉed organrzatron(sJ, by havng In thg Ðame per+ons that canlrol or mânage the supported operaled rn connectron u/ilh, ând functþnâUy mtogrolcd $¡ûh, Yoù must completo Pa¡t M $e'cfons A, D, and f, ofgântzâtÐn op0ratgd tn Çonngclþn wilh ftg silppoflgd ofganl:âtrcn(s) 0enêrâlly must satrsfy â dþtnbutron rôeurrement änd ärT attontìvéhess Part lV, Sectaons A and Þ, ând Part Va wntten determrnallon from tbe tñS lhat rt rs a Typo l, Type ll, Type lll (aeq Ll'lA For Päpêrwork Reduct¡oñ Act Notioo, see tho Instrüclionå lor Fo¡m 9gO or 99O-FZ. oseo¿r oo-21.10 Schèdulê A (Form 89o or 98O'Ez.\Ð1ø '15 NÀTIONÀTJ RTGHT TO [{ORK I,EGAIJ DEFENSE (Oomptôlt only f you chscked the box on lne 5, 7, or I of Part I or I the organrzatron falled to fals to qualúy und€r tho lests fsted b€low, pìease compl€te Part llt ) t0rt A. Caleodar year {or liscal year ùooinnilg in} I 2 3 Þ êrfls, gråñts, cÞr'rtnbuttons, and momþ€r3hrp fBog rgcerved (Ðo nol rncludê âny'unusual granls o) Ial2012 {c.r2014 {bt 2013 ",'rrÌtålr*ü16 fdì 2015 ,:l:-... :../;.iì,.!iltja) ? 5ôg ? 2A? 898 6 2,'2 155 Lqà å¡;,].1?1 T9{ Tax rsvenues lovÉd fÞrthgorgånr¿ålrgn's þen€flt änd erthef påtd to or expsndBd on tts bêhalf ;- 'rÍ1f"l*3Ê ,+ "ritr 86 å '+,,:.:,:4 r,Ë'ë ,¡i!:l¡ The value ol servrcss Õr lâcrlrtres lt! furnrshed by e govemmenlal unrt to the orgânr¿atÞn wfiñout chârge 4 5 organEatrqn a:.:. ::::::1.. ,::'::ll ? 509 Total. Add lnes 1 through 3 The portron of total conlnbulrons by each person (other than a govsrnm€ntal unt of publrcly supporled orgânlzatron) rncluded on hne 1 that excoeds 2Yo ol lhe ,::ìt::::::::::1 7 ).87 355. 898. ã:,, 222 tn' - s 271:."¿iIì*:á rl 536 ' 858 .ìir, ;i:..ì;lt, ";::t::l âmounl $hown on ltne 11, column f) .:...t' .:?.a:t: '..,:.¡-.....iËt!ry C¡leilår 7 I yÊar (0r li3cai yoer ùet¡nr¡f0 ln] > Amounts ftom i¡ne 4 Gross mcome frotn lntet{ist. d¡vdends, payments receved on tal2O12 rht 2û13 ? s09 8sd.i 7 tq't 75\ 6, 45.'': t9i, securfles loâns, rEnt$, royâfues and rncome Trom stmrlâr sources I Net rnçome from unrelaltd busrnÊgs ofcapilal assets (Ëxplarn rn Part Vl) 11 Total aupport Add lln¿s 7 ''@:j,,,, l:::= =3:, .t1 ,"Ê€,5;::- The and me€tB thê b 1ú/o morâ, ând rf lhe lf rhe qualfigs tôsl - ând 61 358.529. A1 1 {0 drv¡ded by ltne 11, â0t6. 17â r¡¡tt,î,4i,\ frrst. seoond, thnd, from stop here, 'lho b 3ft ..,. 91 .8?g 223 .90s ,,2 12 Gross recepts ffÖm felaled 13 Firotlive yearo. lflhe Form 18¿ 33 1/3P/o .795. 'ìts, or loss from lhe sale 1d Fubtrc support 15 Pubhc support 427 "'..,= ê"{=tÞ,,,. busnsss rs regularly camâd on Olher lncome Do not rnclude garn 469.343 ¡f 535 86t. ,,, actrvltles, whelhgr or not ths t0 ",.-@' ?.! 27 -ß65 38s.001 4 2'r1 1qt lourth, or frtth tÐ( year as a sectþn column 501 (c)(3) t¿ (li) A, Part ll. ùne 14 6 15 dd not chÞck rhe box on lno '13, and lrnÊ 14 ts 33 1l3o/o Or n\orë, check thrs o/q bor and publrcly supportøó organ¿al,an drd not check a box on ltns 13 or'16a, and hn6 15 t6 33 1l3o/o or morà, chèck thte bÖx ås a pubhcly supportâd orgf,nRatron test - 20f6. ff lhe oroailnälion dd nol çhçck a box on frne 13, 16a, or T 6b, ånd hne 14 ts 1ff26 or mors, *lacls-andcrrcumålåncoso teet, check thrs box and slop hcre, Exptarn rn Þart Vl how lhe organrzatron lesl The organrzatron quaùfros as a pubhcly supportod organtzatton test - 2015. lltha organrzatron dd not chack a bóx on hns 13, 1öâ, 16b, ör 17a, ând lnê 1S rs lOyo or moets the "factgand.ctrcumstaflcÊs'tgsl, che0k thig box and Etop h€rc. Explan rn Part Vl how the o¡gÊntzôtþn rnôols lhé ^fâcts'änd'çrrDumstancss* test The organr¿atron quôl¡tìeÊ 0s a pubholy supporr¿d organtzatrcn >m >ff >Ël > f] $chedule À (Ëorm gg0 or9É0-EZ) 2016 0320:2 00:2t"1û 15 NÀTIONAIT RIGHÎ TO IIORK I,EGÀL DEFENSA on (Compleìe only rf you checked the box on lrne 10 ol Parl I or Þ Calendsr yoar (ol lisqal yoar bsqinning in) I lâ12012 rf the organÊetton larled to qualrf, under lbì 2013 lr:12O14 ll" lf the farls lo frll 2O15 GÉts, granls. contnbufrons, and memÞershrp føet recervod" (Do not rnclude any ounuguâl grarìts.") 2 Gross roçgrpt$ frqm adml$stonsl msrchâtdFB sold or servnes per, formod, or Íâcrhttes fumr$hed ln êny act¡vrty lhat 16 rêtätod to thô oÍganËattoñ's tax.exempt purpose 3 Gross recerpts from acltvtres that âtë ñot an ufitÞlat€d trado or bus, r¡egg under sectlon 513 4 Tax rovonúes ltvæd lor the orEanrzalron's benåf:l ãnd €th€r patd to or øxpendod ôn tlß bshalf 5 Thê väfue of s€rvrc€s or lacthlt€s furntshed by a govornmenlal unil thê orgânt2aìþn w¡thout chärgo 6 lo Total. Add hnes 1 through 5 7a ,funounts rncluded on hnss 1, 2. and 3 roceryed from drsqualded perclons b Anor¡hls rnc¡udod qt ltnea 2 ând 3 t¿øvod ftorn Þih6 thån rÌs$tålrlied pàsoni lh*t goqlq ot tå,000 or ë,(e99d lhâ c Add hnes la '19É ol lh8 and 7b Galendar yoar (or fisosl year boginn¡a0 iß) I > Amounts lrom lme 6 Joa Gross rncÐme fom tntetêrt, drvrdends, paymonts reoetv€d on secuÍtres loans, rentf , royalÌtes and nceme from stmrlaf sln¡rcos b Unreläted buslnoss l¿xäble {less sectron acgutred Sl'l taxss} from âÎIff June 3Û, 1975 cAdd lrnes l0aand 10b 11 12 Net rncome l¡Qm unrelatsd aotrv¡lras nol whölher ot not re0ulady Oth€r rncorfte. rncludé or loes from th¿ assels (Explâtn 13 lol¿l Eu¡porl. 14 Flrst I,ddr2) {Àdd lf lhê organrzatron's frr€t, $âcond, lhrrd, lourth, or fißh tax year as â se€itron 501(cX3) organEatþn, of r5 supporl g (lrnë g, column (D drvrded by lrne 13, column (l)ì 1? 18 lnveslmenl ncomo for2016 (hne 10c, colurnn (f) drvrdod by hne 13, colurnn (f) lnvâ$ÎnËnt rîÖÞrne påfcâf)tàgþ lrom 2016 Schådut9 A. Perl lll, llno 1 7 lga &3 1/f/c support teets - ?O16. lf the orgånrzelþn drd not châck lhô box on hno 14, ând hne 15 rs mor€ than 33 113%, ând llne 17 rs nol morê thàn 33 1/370, chsck thrs Þox and sloÞ h€rê, The orgmr:alron qua fias as a publcly supported organrzalsn b $3 l/S/o suÞport iesls - 2015, ll tho organl:alron drd not check a box on hne 14 or fins 19a, and rne 16 rs more than 33 1f3yo, and lrno 18 ls not more lhan 39 1l?o/o, ahsck thrß box and 6top here, The organrzaton qualfìoe as a pubhcly supporled organrzatrgn 2O 9AþÃlê ,õtrñ.iâl¡ôË lf tho ôrô2ñr7åfióñ .ir.l ñôl ôhâ.k â ììôr nn lno 1á 1 9â. ôr 1gb- chôck ìhns bôx ånd -s6ê rìstruclrôni f >[: tf T-l Schedulç À (Form 9fl0 or 990-EZl ?01ô 0320?3 0â'21-Jt L1 NÀTroNA¡., Rrc¡rr ,þo wonx IJEGå¡ DEFENSB SuBportlng Organizations (Complete only tl you checked a box tn lne 12 on Part I lt you checked 12a ol andB. lf you0hfckôd12bofPânt,complêtêSëctþns,\ândG ìf Pul l, complsle yÖutfiêckedl2cof Partl, Ëtf Section A. All Yes 1 À¡o all of lho organrzatÐn'e supporred organlzalrons hsted by name rn tho organzatton's documer¡ts? lt *No, ' dâscnbe n Pa¡t Vl how îhê suppottèd organzatnns are dêsgnâtvd Ú class or purpose, descnþs lha desrynalroñ ll hÊtanç end Ççnlnst lg rcteíanshp' explatn 2 the orgânEaton havè any supported organrzatþn that dogs not hâvê an lFlS determrnatron of the supporled under geciron 50Ð(aX1) or l2l" lí 'Yes," explan n Pa¡tVl how the organzat¡on 3a argdnrzaløn lva$ dêscnÞ€d rn sectpn 509(a)(1, or {2) D¡d the orçanzatron havo a supported organzatron degç¡tbpd (b) and (c) b I Drd 2 tn t ãnswer sectpn 5O1(cX4), bslow 3s suppon€d organEatton qualfted salrsfÞd ths publrc suppoñ teetg under seaton 5û0io)(ä)? /f'Yet," 501(cX4), (5), Drd th€ organPatton conftrm that eacb W when ¿nd how âh organÄat on mads thg dele¡mtnatton" ¡ Dld the orgaôËâttôn åûsrJ¡,€ lhåt âll súpport to such organzatrons we$ paftVl whal controß the o,gahrzâlton put,n n thè Unnêd Ståtês ('foro€n and Í you checked 12a or 12b n Part I, answer {b} and purpose8? ¡tå c ll nYes," n (l was. drcrøtøn ¿b sr&s used delermlnâtron ltte orgânãal,on usqd lo¡ seÖfrór, I 7o(c)(2)(B) 4?. thê tåx y6âr? ff "Yes,. Dtd thÞ orgäñl¿atlÐn add, sub$túute, or rrmovè answer (b) and (c) below thè torègn ëuch contrþl and Þrd the organËalron support êny fcrêrgn supporled orgañr¿atton that does n P€'I'iW what undèr soctrons 501{oX3) and 509(aX1) or (2}z I/ apphcable) detail n nuñbêts ôf the guppëttød (nù the authonty underthþ b lt to mak€ Dd the oçanzatlon hsve ulltrnätê control and drscre¡on rn supportod organÉâl,on? lf "Yes,'descobë Ø Pa VT hçw thë despûe beng aonlûlled ar supery,sed by or tn connaçtþn ta þnsuro lhat ail sttpperl iô the lorego supported purposss 5s 3ê explan ,n Wâs âny süpported örganrzâùon not organrzed 'Yes," b 170(cX2XB) 0 thè nâmes ànd ËlN Part al fñe /êâsÕ¡le /oreåcft sücrr åctrcn, suçh Ðcttoô; and {v) how thê actton accompfsfied (such es by to the 5a organz€lon part of a class already Type I or Type ll only. Wae any added 5b dßsrgnated In thÊ c 0 boyond the organzaìon's control? grants or tho provrston ol sorvtçes or facilrtro$) Substltutrons onþ. Was lhe Drd ths organrzâlþn anyone other lhan (r) Ãr lo rndrvrduåls thât âr€ pârt of ths chârilablô class tts ($ other aupporùng orgsnRàttons that also suppofted orgänËätrons? tl uYes,'provda delatl þenefrted by one or more or support ôr bsnêfn n ParlVl, 7 6 provde Drd thê (defrned rn regard to a I or olfier smfar payfnent to a ôubstanlräl contflbutor 00nlíbulor? Ord tbe ff loan Pafl Drcl a drsqualrfred rn 7 ilns 7? I 9a n any enttty ln whrch had an rnt€r6gt? lÍ "Yes,' provde dota,l rn PsAVl. (as defrned rn hne ga) hâve an ownershrp rnteresl tn, or derve any personal bensfrt oh from, assots rn r¡vhrch tho supportng orgånrzalron also had an rnierorl? ll 'Yøç,' ptovtdø dotail n Parl W, Was tho organtzalron subject lo lhe excess busrness holdrngs rules ot seclron 4943 bacauso of sectron 4843(fJ ftegardtng Sn coñân Typo ll supporùng organraatrons, ând all TypÞ lll non.tunctÐnally tntograled supporttng organtzatrons)? b 4958) not descnbed ' prowde detaù n PañVl. (as defrned rn kna 9a) hoH a controllng tnter€sl Drd one or more ths suppodrng 10ã rn sçctron 990 or99GEZ) tn c person (as defrnsd or rndrrgctly at any trne dunng lhe lax year by one or nìÐrg as defrned ln secl¡on 4946 (other than toundalron nunagars and orgañr¿attons descnbsd Ða Þ lo nnmber of a subslantnl conlßbutor, or aïU/o controlled enttty wûh ' camplele Part I of Schedule L (Fam 990 or 990-EZ) l/' lzeg' answer l Ob below, 1Oâ Dd lhe oEâdlzatrÖn håv€ äny êxcêss buslnsss holdrngs rñ lho lax yoar? lUse Schedu/o Ç, Fom 4720, to 'toh Schôdule A (Fo¡m 032021 oc'21'16 18 9ÐO or 98O.EZ) æ10 'l I gft of ccnlnþutloï from any of the fo,llowrn¡ persons? who dlrectly or tndrrectly conlrols, €dher àlone or together wrlh Þersons descnbed bêlow, the govern¡ng body of s supportçd organzallon? Has tho ÖrgårìruåtrÒn âccop(od ä å A person b , rn (Þ) þ A lamily member ol a peraon descnbed rn (a) abovo? Pd the dlrectors, trußtéeg, or membershrp of one of more supported otganuattons have the power regularly appornt 0f elect at laâ$l a maJorrty of lho organüatlon's dtrectors or trustêos tax y€aÉ Il "No,' descnbø tn PsrtVI howlhe supportød otganzatton(s) efleclwely çontrolled lhe örganz.elþn's octtwtes lf the organíæùon had mørc lhan one descnbe dunng tho or hoy tl¡e powers to appont andlot remove d¡rectorc or trusless wer€ organ,zatþns and what c.ond,tþns or.cs{rcf/ons¡ 2 and í any, apphed to such the tax yoar Dd the organlzâtron oporäto for thø bônef¡t of any supportèd organEêhon organ¡zationlsl that operatêd, supewrsed, or corÌtroll€d tho supporttng part VI how ptþvtdtng sach beneût camêd oul the purposes öf the 1 the suppoled lt 2 1 Were a mâpnty o{ the organrzalron's duøctors or trugteos or trusìêës of each or managemenl also e ofthe organrzaton's supported drlectors il1 Pañ ol tha suppoing orga\Ealtan u/ag y€stÉd /n så/ne W hÒw control or nnanaged 1 Þ. Alt t 2 g D¡d the orgânlzalþn provrde to sach of ttg organËáton's lax year, (ù a \âiliên not.Õe yêar, (il) å copy of the Form gg0 fhat was orgântzatton's governng documpnts rn Were any ot the ofgant¿stlon's organzatron(s) or f t) gervtng on the thê þrganÊat,Ön /¡,ranúå,aed â c/ôsê By reagon ol the relatronshrp by tha last day of the f¡lgd as of of srgnrfrcaflt vorûê tn thô I ûr el€cted by the supported organkalþn? ll'No,'explan n Parlvl how body of a ths ta¡ the extçnl not provtously provrded? eûher rn ffth rnonth ofthe ÞrÖvdád durrng lhe píor notÍrcaùon, ând (il0 copFs ot th€ lhe tyÞô wlh the supporled organzaløn(s), supported organøattons havé a drrôctrng thô uso ol lh€ organËåtton'g rncom€ ol ass€tc åt ell ß PartW D tñe role the organ,¿Írtonb å Section 1 Qheckthø box next å The b e The us6d to såtrst lt,ê lntegtal Part Te$t dunng thç yeaßso ,4srrucfþrlsr. below. $upport€d erganrzstþns Cofiprets lnÊ g ôôfôw. enlrty öescrôe n Part Vt how you supported a gotßmmënt eñî,ly (sëè Complete [lne ïhe 2 AÇtrvrllss -fosl a Þrd subslaïhally 2 (a)and (ø) Yes åclrvrlrss dunng thô tAx yêâr drtêctly funhor tho ex€mpl purpos€s of orgånrzâtron was rÊsponstvê? ll 'Yes,' thgn n Pâft vl ìdonw tho ìôw lhose sctrv¡trcs drrectr! fuIfhêred tà€nexernpt plltpos€s, was /espons,ye ¿o fàose suppoded aqaneat,ons, and how thø argannat,on b Drd the actrvrtres of the organzaùon's ¡eãsons for l¡e g a b datêûtnad subslanl//,ty allol rls €cùyrl,€s. (a) coßstrtut€ aÕtNiltes that, but for tlls organEalron's lnvolveilent, onè or morâ org€nEalron(s) would havo boen engaged ,¡n'ì ll'Yes," axplatn n part VI tlte ?þ fs supported organr'Ë.lßn(s) wovld ùave øngaged rn these nvotvement. pos¡t¡on lhal actutties Þut lor the otgan&at,on 's 2h Paront ol suppoftgd ofg¿ntraløns Answer (Q and þ) èelow. Drd the organnalron have th€ pow€r to regularly appornt or €lect a ma¡onty of the ofltcère, drrectors, or trustsss of each ol lhe supporled organxatrons? Ftawde detatls rn Put VI. Drd tho organìzatron exercrs€ a 3å substantsl degree of dneCt¡on over th€ polcnr, programs, and actrvÍres ol each 3h Schedule A ô32O23 O9-?1.16 19 (Foffi S9O or 99GÉ2) 20iS NÀTIONÀT RIGHT TO WORK T,EGAL DEFENSE Check here rf the organrzalron satrsñed the lntogral Part 1 lesl as a quaarfyng trust on Nov 20, 197Ð rn Parl insùuct¡ons. All Year (A) Pnor Yoâr Sect¡on À - Adjusted Nêt lflcome T 2 3 à 1 5 û Porlron ol operatrng expensês pard or rncurred for produclron 9r collaçtlon ol gtoss ¡ncoms or lor mänagernent, congeryåtton, or 6 7 å (8) Current Year (opitonal) $oction 3 - Minimum Asset Amount 1 A0gregàte farr markel yâluo oT âll non-oxompl.u$ö âÈs€ts (s€å for e Discount clatmed for blockàge or othar Ìne 4 ol from tãsh deemod held for êxempt uce Ynler'l.1l2%o arnount, Irne 5 S'eclion C - Dleùibul¿b,ô.AmouÐt lax DistributableArnourit- Currenl Year ¡nÖomÊ 6 7 Gh6ck her€ rf lhe current unless subjecl to organrzatron's frrst as a non.functronalry rntegrat€d Type lll supporttßg organtzâtlon (seê Sclredule A (Form 99O ö32020 00-21-1ô 20 or $Cö-EZ!ñ16 NÀTTONAL RTGHT TO WORK 2 T-,EGA'J Amounts pard io pórform äctrvny that drrectly furlhers ôxempt purposes of suÞportêd n Add I Ðrslíbutrons lo attênltv€ suppo(éd organ¿alons 1o whroh the ofganrzatþn ts responsrvÐ (í¡¡) Ðiçtriþutable Section Ë - P¡shíbut¡on Allocätions {$eÊ ¡nstruêtionË) 2 Amounl föÍ 2010 Unde¡drslnbutrons, rf any, tor years pnor to 2016 (reason. of lrnes ôa and 4 Drstnbutrons for 2016 from Sectron D, to 5 yoals pnol Remarnrng underd any Subtract lrnas 39 and 6, lrne ?. For gfeater 6 7 ãxtess çarryovêf to.?01?. Add hnes 3¡ c Schedule A (Forrn 9€O or 99O"EZ) 2O16 03202? Og-21-r0 2t NATIONAT RTG¡{I TO WORK LEGÀI, DEFANSB 1, 8sâû18 09.?1-t0 22 $chedule A {Form ÐSO or ü0s..8:) ?01ß Supplemental Financial Statements tYeg" SCHËDUIE f) (Forrn 8OO) Complete if the Parì ¡V, l¡nó E, on Fórm 7r8, 11of 11lr 1 so, 12â,çt 12Jt, to Publìc D¿påftrunl ôl rhû îråsury Nameofthsorsañ¡zåt¡on NATIONAÍJ RIGHT 1!O IIORK T,EGAL ÐEFÊNSÊ Ðonor I ânÊwerêd "YÉs'on Form number or Oth@r P€rt ftne 6. Dodor advlsâd funds I aÇco{lnt8 Total nurnÞêr al end of yÊâr Aggr€gâtê våluè of coDttbuttûns to (dunng yeår) Aggregate value of granls from (dunng year) 2 3 4 Aggregale våluê at end ot year Þtd the organnatron rnlorm all donors aad dofrot advtsors In wnttno that the asset$ t1 ar€ lho organlzallon's property, gubtoct to thê organtzatron's ôxclusrvo legal Drd the olgantzatron rnlorm all grantees, donors, and donor advrsors rn granl funds can tor chantable purpos€$ end not foftho bônêÍt of ?ho donof of donof any othêr pufposê ã I rt tf tho 2 B d thå orgânrâtÐn hold a ¡¡o contftbulton tn tho form of e tu Totâl numbet ol conseûãtron €eserants rn 2h rncludod 811T106, and 2ô not on a hßtonc slruslure the Nafronal Fe$stsr 2d , or târmrnated by lhe organzatron dunng the tax Number of conôêrvatron €â$emen¡s year) 4 Numbórof stâlês wh6r,o próp€rty 5 6 Does lhe organ¡zatron hava a wntten vrôlâtons, ånd ônlorôëmënt of lhe Slaff and volunleer hours to 7 Amount ofexponsês I ÞoBseechconservåtron 9 f*l y"u l-l cêrtf¡sd hÊtonc struôtu16 Preservatron of open spaoe Complete lrnês 2a through 2d day of the tax ysal Ìsted no hrstorrcally rmportant land aroa Frotocton of natural haþ¡lqt b Totat acreag€ r€slncled by conservatron t Number of cohsêrvalrôrl ea$Ömóntg on â Ç€rtfÉd d Number of cônssrvatron €asemenìs ¡noluded ln 3 v." [**l []-ì IV hne 7. Purpose{s) of consefvaton eåsem€nts held by the organrzâtron (check afl Preservatron of land for publc uso {e g , rocroatron or oducaìon) fll Ü [_l funds rnonrlonng, rnspectton, handhng of regardrng of vrolatons, and enforcrng cons€rvaton easements dunng the year of vrolatrong, and enforcrng conseryatron easêments dunng the year >$ and ÊôÇtton ln Pad Xlll, rgported on abovâ $alrsfy the requrr€rnçnls ol sectron 170(hX4XBXù l-_l 1 y". f]l Ho ÐasemÞnts rn ûs r€v€nue and expense stafement, and balance sheet, ând organzalnn's frnancEl slstemeîts that deÊcnbês th€ organlzallon's âccqJntrng for rnçlude, rl or 'Yes" on Form 1a lf lo üs llnånoBl etet€m€nts ìhat descnÞes lhese rteme, under SFAS 1 16 (ASC 958), to roport n lts royeruo statemrnl and bahnce shoot woûs ol ar1. hrslorrcal held for pubhc oxhrbrtton, €ducalron, or rêsearch rn furtherance of pubkc sørvrc€, provrde tha followrng amounts blf tfÞagurôs, Þr (i) 2 a b Ëlevenue li¡) Assels rtgrYrs Form 990, Part Vlll, lrno >$ >$ 1 ¡ncluded rn Form 990, Parl X lf thè orgânlzâl¡ôn roceryed or held works ol ån, htstorlÐål tlåâsutês, or olhêr stmilär assels lor ltnâncral gârn, provrde tho tollowmg amounts t€qurred lo b€ report€d under SFAS 1 16 (ASC 958) relatrng to th€se û€ms. Revenue rncluded on Form 9S0, Pårl Vlll, lne 1 $ Assots rncluded rn Form 990. Part X $ LHA For Paperwerk Feduction Aol Notíco, 3ee thè lnsUuctlon$ lor Form ð{12051 L under SFAS 1 1 6 (ASç 9581. not to report ln rls rovenue stalement ard balancê she€t works o{ art, held lor pub[c exhrb¡llon, ôduoälron. or resaarch ril lurlhêränc€ of publtc sèwrcê, provrds, m Part Xlll, Or rglaìrng to thè$6 Part lV ùnrt €OO. 00.20.tô 27 Schedule O (Form 9O0) 20'16 NATIONAIJ RIGIItr TO WORK I'EGÂ'T, DEFENSH of llistorical or Other Ustng lhe organnaton's acqusilnn, âcc€aaron, and other records, cfreck any of the followtng that âfe ä 3 ilems (chock all that apply) a l-l Pubhc b [J scnouny research [--l d E ext'rbrtron r ffi Loârt or êxóhâÉgè programs otr'rt Freservatron for future genèrâtrons Provrde a dgscnpllon of thê olgânHåtron's colþçtþns and explan how thêy further the Dunng thè year, drd thÞ orgânËâtton soÌcû or rçc€rve donalþns ôf art, hrsloncäl trðasules, or 4 5 Escrow and Custodiol ArrangEmenta. Coñpþtê reported an amount on Form la b c d o I 2a Parl d @0, thê organrzatron anewered fs thê orgânEalton an agenl, lrustâê, custodlan or ofhèr ¡ntermedtary for on Form 990. Part Xr lf ''Yås," axplårn the ârrângeûêilt rn Part Xlll ând comp¡êio thô fôlk)wlng tâbtê. â3$Gls I, or f]Y"" l-.] Ho lc 'lrt 1ê rl Ëndrng balanca Drd the organzatron rnclude an amounl on Form 990, Part X, ltne ?1' lor habrhty? 'Yes" on Form b c d e not B€grnnrng bâlanc€ Addrtrone dunng the ysar Drstnbutrons dunng the yoar lel Cunent vear 'le lV, l¡no lne 21 Two veârË bâck ::.,.: ''\âta1Å,4 1[S t?â' Begrnnrng of year balance IV hne lcl lliï:Pi¡or vear 1 Yes No ô. {dì Thro¿ vsars back 1'tC ût¿ 1q1 n?1 tt Át, ¡!4 003 _ 375 ô?¡l - Cantrrbuttorìû Net ;nv€stnÌ€nl earnrngs, gans, and losses '1.:,,- 3å <6 i1 i0¡1 , .#t;.í Grant$ or 6cholårshtps Olher axpendttures lor factlfires ls 9s? 1{t ?¿q ãnd proglams AdmrnBtrâhvåexp€Rses I g End of yaar balance 2 F ovde thê eötmåtËd p€rcentage of a Board desrgneted or b Fermanent endowmenì Þ c Temporarrly restflcted i+;"¡i_- 10¡t (?f ."1:r::J1qG 1?, column (a)) hetd as. The percenlages on hnes 3a Are there endowment rn that arB hsld and admrnrstersd tor the organzatron lhe by, (i) unrelaled (t¡) rolaþd b fi oYes'on hne as requrred on Schedule uYes" on Form (al Cost 0r othår basB lñveslmênt) 'lâ Rt hne 11a See Form Part lne'10 (bl Cost or othêr {c} Accumulated basrs (other) depreclelton (d) Book value 430 ,000. b 146 , 09, 3 d Equrpment 209 lCotumn (dl musl eou¿l Form 99O Pa¡! X. ¿olumn l9l. hnø lD¿ .80:I 13 8.758 " 5û0. 2Ð3 AtC. 1-t . I Schedule D (Forio0g0l 2018 c3æ52 08.20-10 28 NÀÌÍ'IONÀL RIGHT lnvestments 10 I^IORK ITEGAL DEFENSE Othar answered "Yes" on Form d the securlty at Pâd 1 Part 1b. (c) Method of valualren: { (b) Book valu6 öf 33cunty) value (1) Frnancial denvatrvês (?) Çlosely.held ßquÄy rnterests (3) Other lnvestments - Program Belatød. of rnv€Stment f ths Book valua of valuatron: Cosl or ânôwef8d "Yes" on 11d See Ëorm Pârt markeÌ valuê line 16 þ) Book value See 11 11 f. (b) *ook value 326 .461. 326 . 2, Llabthty lor unc€riaìn tax postrons ln Part Xlll, provrde 46r. thË tê¡al of the footnot€ to tho organ¿ãtlon's l¡nanc¡al statorno¡ts that rÐpons tho Schedule D (Form 99O) 2O16 63?053 08.20'16 29 WORK 'l T,ËGAL DÉFENSË ûnånclaf stålen¡enlç â Amounts rncluded on hnd.l but nól on Form 99QPartVlll, a Net unrealrzed gàrns (lóssð$) on nvêstm€ilts b ltne 12 2)t Sonated servrceÈ and use otfactlútês c FlècÖvânês of p¡Öryåar grants d Other (Þescrrbe rn Part Xllf ) e 2c, 2d Add lrnøs 2a through 2d 3 Subtract lrne 2e from llne 1 4 Arfiounts nêludod on Fom 990, Pêrt Vlll, hne 12, but not on ltnê 1 a lnveslmenl expenses nol lncluded on Form 990, Paß Vlll, ltne 7b b Other (Descnbe n Part Xlll ) c Add lrnes 4a and 4b per pøt rf the Part lV answered'Yes"on Fonn 'I Tolål expênsès ând lossos për âudrted trnåncþl åtål€menl3 2 Amounts rnclud*d on lrne 1 but not on Form 990, Parl lX, lno ?5 â Donåt€d $orvtçês ånd use of facllnroo b Pnoryearadlustments ç Othgrlosses d Other (Descttbe rn Part Xlll ) s Add lneç 2a through 2d 3 Sublfact lrnô 2ê from l,no 1 on frRÈ 4 Amoúnts rncluded on Form gg0, Part lX, ine 25, 7b å lnveslm6ñt oxpsnses not tncluded on F'orm 090, b Olher {Descrrbe n Part Xlll) c Add llnes 4â ånd db b 2..è. ,.1 tè 3 1 áh {a 4 Provrde thå dêscnptrons requrred PaÉ ùnes 2d and 4b. and Part Xll, hnes 2d and Bs!Bá4 I;, 3,5, complels il1, 4, Part lV, I¡nes Îb end 2b, Pañ V, Ìne 4; Parl 6. n13,' X, Ine 2; Part Xl, lo provde any addttronal tnlormalron 0È'2e.10 30 $chod*le D lForm gg0) 2016 IE it ?awn mam 9:03 {0613 c1 alnpaqos 9 . . . - SDIO SINOIEVGHROQ. HELL NI HSH ?30sz 331031311 DJ: um: NI 0110.?! . - unneuuoml I mx mad} 9 953d 9 8 I 6 Hummus: NOIIYDQCIE CLIW 9103 I055 mm: a alnpeuas HSNHEHG MOM O.I. .LHEJIH WNOIILVN scltEDULE Grants and Othêr Assistance to Organizations, Governments, and lndividuals in the United States I (Forr* 90O) Cornplete if the organization ans¡¡rared "Y6sts on Fo{nì 9fl0, Part lV, líne > Attacft to Fortn gg0, ÈoTr€s¡y O@ðrlmñt ol lntsDsf Femue Sæ@ Name of tñe organtzâtþn NAT Part I lhs OÞên to Public Employer identifi cåtÉan numb¿r ârftoußt of the grarts or assßtancê, the grantees' eilgrbrÌrty for the grants or asststaflce, and the select¡on tv Grar¡ts and Öther thal rêceryed morê Gorærnments- Cornptête {b} EfN ôf gÖver¡ftênt '. tc) IRC BôclÐrr (.f ¿ppÌ¡cablsJ {d}Áftount of cäsh grânt INC- - 5211 f fre organzatron answer€d "Yes' {e} Anìo,unt of if) Metrlod of valuâtpn (boûK åsst.slancs FMV, apprarsal. other) noñ-tâsh [-THo on Form gg0, Pe¡t lV, line 21. foÉ any (h¡ Purposê of grcnt (g) DescnÞtron of noncash ¿ssrstencê or assetåncê .! ìj TäT CEN"ER O¡{ NAÎTO}IàL lE v"" or (a) Namo and address ol organzatron POLTCY. 22 T{ORK LEGÃ,T, DEFANSE. R c¡rlena used 1o award f or Grants I Doès Part ll 2f OMÐ 4,¡o 1545"ô04? LÀEOR POR? ROYÀL RD. 51- 0175 805 r01{c}f 3} 26-?1 0q1 ßf, iûllalfl! -1s ürr 5011cì{3t ?5 '' 25 , {ì00 lrll n FOI'NÐÀTEOÑ FOR ÀPPLIEÐ CONSSNVåÎIVE LËÀ.ÞERSIIIP - PO BOX . û.. I$STTîUTE POR ¡,ÀBOR RSLÂTIONS RESEãRCH - 5211 PORT NÀETONåÍ¿ ROYÀL ROÀD, SUITË 510 s 2-13 0 3s 6s 000 ô I { t I r T I l l i i 2 Eîter totål numbe¡ of ssclron 501(c)(3) and govÊmrîBnt orgãnlzeltons ltsted 3 Eftter tÕtâl numbef ôf ôthêr ôrcañËäll{ìns lslêrt rn thÊ knê 1 tåhlÉ LHA }n the irne 1 tãbtê L For Paperwork Redustion Acl Notfce, see lhe lnstuctions for Ëorm 99O. 932f01 ri-ot-1& l] Schedule l{Fofm 99o¡ (æ16} 32 NàTIONåTJ RIGIIS EO IIORK LEGà5' DEFE!¡sB Fotn[ÐÀtrzoN, rt{c. Achsdulô I lFom SIG!{20161 .atùD EDncATroN I Pstttt I Grants a:rd Other Assisiance to Domestic lndv¡'dr¡¿ls, Oo¡nptrete Pårtfflø¡ dtl€ !ryisluaùon 59*158.8i8â5 answered Yes" oo Form 9Sl, Part lV, Irne Pâùå:'2 22 spaçg ts needed. þ) lùrnberof (al ÏypÉ of grant or r€üpÉnts # w {c}Amouît ot fdlAmoünt ofnoc- casñgrãRl câSr ass¡stancê (el Method of valuat@n (f, þook, FMV, appra¡sa¡, oth6r) ..4W r I t" d Å 9aâllr' n 6ar2fút 1t{l-to þh*- &b r Jfu *: 33 i i I Compensätion lnformation STHÉDULË J (Form 9S) For rertåiô Off¡cafs, Diroclors, Trustees, Key Employees, and tlighest Þ Öomplet¿ It the D6pslmÐl ol the Treôåry NameoftheofganEaùon OMB1{o lä4$-00r7 Gompênsäted Ërnployees organ¡zâlion answerod ilYest on Forrfl 99o, Parl lV, llne ÞAttach to Form 990. to Publrc NÀTI0NAL RIGIIT TO !,IORK I/EGÀI* ÐEFBNSF îumber I Yas 1a Pâd Vll, SechonA, lrne ta f tie organrzatron provded any of the followrng te or lor a perÐon Complete Parl lllto provrde any relevant rnformåtþn regardrng lhese Gheck the approprate box(es) Frrst-class or charter lravel fl E b 2 Tax tndemnilicalron arìd gross.up payments DrBcr€lronary ðpendrng account Påymênts lor xeann or social fsçs Þersonal gervrces drreclors, lndrcate whrch, f åny, of tho folfowrng ths f llflg organEâÍron CFO/Exacutws Drroclor Chack all thal apply Do nol check âny eçtablrsh compsnsatron of the CEO/Executtvô ûråclor, but commrnee m Lf lndependent cornponsalrcn consullant Itr explarn thr organ,¿âtton rÉqutro substânùalton pnor lô rermbursrng or trueÎê€s, and offrcers, lncludrng thÉ Cfo/Ëxecutrve Drrector, regardrng lhe 3 as, fegårdrng päymsnt lf any of tho boxès çn hnê 1a arc chocked, dtd ths organEatþn fôllovú E rBrrnburs€ment or provrsron of all of lhe expenses desçnbed above? lf Drd for persenal of personäl Housrng E I--l E Travef for comÞânìôn$ 2 on the the oroanualton'g moihods usod organrzatton to m Compensatron F fort 4 a b c Þunng lhe year, drd any pÊrson hsted on Form Rpprovatby A, hn€ 1a, or tomp€nsalron cÐmrn ittee wth rsspac't to lhe ùfrng orgânEalron or a retated orgânËattþn Reçe¡ve a sêvorance påymênl or 4â Parlrcrpate In, or focgrve paymont from, p]¿in? db Pa;trctpate rn, or rccatv€ paymenÈ lrom, êe and provde lf "Yes" to any of hnes 4a.c, hçt tho 6 or study l-f, äg0 ol other organrzatrons amounts lor êach ûem Only sactlon 601(c)(3), For persons lstad on Form rn Part lll oomplete linos Sg" organEatron pay or accru€ eny comp€nsalton conlrngont on the revênues s Ihg organËatron? b Any relatod grganEahon? ll 6 nYes" on lrn6 5â 5â 5b or For persons 1A d¡d the organxatton pãy of accrue any compensatton çonlmgsnl 0n a ïhe 6a b Any related 7 lf 'Y¿s'on Íne 6a Far lrstsd on not Inas 5 and I 0 lf "Yas'on lne 8, drd 0b lr Såctron A, knå la, " doscnbe rn Part drd th9 orgânlzålton provtds åny îonñxed pâymenìs lf I on Form 990, Parl Vll, päd or âcöruêd pur$vant to a cofìträ{Î ihât was subrect to ìhe rn Regulåùons s€ctpn 53 49584(aX3)? lf nYes,o descnbo rn Pari lll also follow lhe r€butlâblÊ presumplrcn procadure doscnb€d ln T,,,, x-. B I LHA For Paperwor* 032ltr Acl Notioe, see the lnßfuction$ lor Form 99û. 00"00-1ô 34 Schedule J (Form 9OO) 20le ùTÀTIONÀ.T, RTG¡IT TO TÍORK tËGÂT, ÐEFENSE Part lt Use For 6ach rnd¡vfdual t¡rhosê Do not frst any rndrvlduals thät aren't Note: The sum cf columns (B)O-û4 rf addûtonal bg r¿port€d cn Scñedute.,,, rêÞort compensatroE frorn thê olganzatron ofl row Form 990. PaÉ Vll *sled rnd¡vlchlel r$ust equal tho lotal âmôunt of Form 99O, Part Vll. Sectror of W-2 and/or 1O99-MISC coßrp€nsatton {rl pàrB *ffio**.'.'.. (A) ñcsntlvs {1) 12) uñ,RK À. HlX RÀYüOIID J. T,ÀiIEU¡TESSE .'R {i} {¡} ({t G, cÀt{ËRo¡r tAUBr4Àrf t:t' .i ;i 1ßå:,31 1 . o. (5) n, (?) .I. cfiÀPPELL ctÀrR RÃgDÀBÀÎ'GI¡ .¡iìiriÌ {¡I L72 "958. il¡t G {¡} 1-66 -582 líit G t¡) ¡¡u - 155 . 4s5. G compensatJon 22.¿98 0 0. L:*.l$]r3.*üÊ$ "'iûi /J¡. II G 26.74r. .$i$?'0, $$t\i'$ 0 .iiii'ii. 0 4.6.fl!2. 0; Gi 101. 0 ùl$ltni.âS#Ê" .u,,i rlliEy , il ¡\ìi iit ,,iiä,ril .::. .ii riri" 23-3 .7 06 , 0, 0 9ß3. 0 , 0. 14.279. 19 . 062. ß^ - 21? - qO9. 0 û 210 :631 ,iiixi;iillii,, - 0. 0 :;!ff' - 0 17.496. 24ììfi98?. '"iv o \w0 ID llrliil 2tt.t89 0 0 - 0 18_70S- - E - 9U4- 2û1 _¿43- û. o- x,L(f[i¡¡,.. ' 0 2L7 .a83 - 0 25 -1fJ6 ( 0 o 0. lri:: 0r {liffih,,:l:,'éßT û 4.767 (F) Çompensalrorl m cofumn (B) ;eported as defened on pnor Form g9O t72.48'1. 0 - 28 . 098. t- liiliijtr o;i¡ii., lliliù coffpensatron CI. L7 6 0 {ËXHD} Ð. {D .272. {E} Total of cotumns bånêfrts 0, (t.) a¡d (Ð amounts for lhat tnd¡vrdual (Ð) Nontaxãble 0 ti) !iít t¡it {5} r¡, ç t1ð,6:,917' iN' ¡Li$. 45?. ',,t1ìì. ,t:Lrfj{ ¿fifiliii" 0 ti¡Ì i3) 8. .,,iil119,1;$89. lrne 1a, applrcabls column (D) Ölh¿fdetered fèpürtâbþ :ì,:!.ç,ffPêruålûn rs needed and from related organrzat¡ons. descnÞed m the tnstrucùoßs, on fow (C) Rêtrçrnentand (iiilOther (ii) Boflus A An (t) ,g nil ti' ti¡l il, ii. {i) nn .,,:litii ' {Ð ltit {¡) ¡¡it {¡} fi¡l {Ð fin .i {¡) tílÌ {¡} t¡n Schedule J (Forn 99û) 20f6 ô321t2 oe.Oltð 35 9€ 9L0A h66 t$reCù $l€f¡8(' cttase a$ìreltcs Ì¡orlÉü¡oruìfauorpFptsfsEloJlJBdBr {lFt9lârocgsv flUedrolpu€¡€pu€¡¿tqgÞ9'qç'E9b'Þ.Þt.Ê'qtgf sgullue¿¡olpambe¡ 'u9 laü¡o¡ur Êr¡l g$^o¡d lllued ssNggsg EE9ilT xtç¡r oar aãHÐIä TgNoÍif,rx SCHËDULE M (Form 990) Noncash Gontributions ) Þ Name of the organlzatton 1 Complete if ìhe organ¡zalions answerad 'Yâs,,on Form 990, part lV, lines 2g Attach to Form 9g0. To Publio NATIONAIJ RTGHT TO WORK LEGÀL DEFENSE number (r) {b} Number ol 1 2 3 4 5 6 ? 8 I 10 11 OMB No 1346-0047 Noncesh contnbuÙoÀ corllnbutrons or amÖunts reported 0n ,tÊñe a^ñl.rhr 11ôñ Ëorm 99ô Þâd Vlll hne tô Art - Works of art Atl' Htstoñcâllreâsures Arl'Fractronalrnterêsts Books and pub oätrons Clothing and household goods Cars and other vehtcles Boats and planes lnlelleotuatproperty x Secuntres. Publcly traded $eçuntros . Closety held stock Secuntros . Parlnorshrp, LLC, or 9 trust rnterests 12 Secunt¡es - Mrsôèllânôous 13 15 Oua[fred conservalon contnbutron l-lrslorrc struclurês Q.¡alfed conservalion contnbutton - Other Beaf esiats . Resrdent¡al 16 Fìeal estate - Öommercral 17 tg Reãl sstate 'Other 0ollectrbles t9 Food rnventory 21 Taxrdermy 14 n n n Orugs and medrcal supphes Hrstoncal artúacls Sctontrfrc specrmons 24 26 Archeofogrcal artfacls 26 öthsr ?7 æ ) ) Other ) Other ( ( ( Number ol Forms 82&3 rêceryqd by dunng the lax year for conlnbutons for whch lhe organßatton completed Forrn 8283, Parl lV, Donee Acknowlêdgement Y¿s 3Oa Dunng tho year, dtd the organraalÌen rocelve by conlnbuton añy propêdy fêported tn Pert l, hnes 1 through 28, that lt must hold for at leasl three yeårs from tþe date of the rnrttal Çonlnbutton, and vì¡hrch tsn't requtred to be used for exernpi purpôs€g for lh6 onttre holdtng perÐd? 3Oa b lt "YeS,: descnbe the arrang€ment tn Part ll 31 Oo€sthâ organr¿âtþn havo a gút acceptance 32a Does lhe polrcy tbal requrre$ thq rovrow of any nonslandard coñtnbut¡ons? organtzalron hue or uså thrrd pârtres or relåted orgânrzatrons to solictt, process, or sÊll noncä.sh çontnbulrons? b 33 31 32À lf "Yes," descnbo Part lt. lf the organtzatton drdn't reporl an arnount x rn rn column (c) for a type ol prop€rly for whrch column (a) rs chocked, il LHA Ëor Paperwork Heduction Act Not¡ce, sse lhe lnstrucliona lor Form gg0, 3'.l Schedulo M (Forrn åSOl (2016) NÀTIONA,L RIGH? TO WORK IJEGÀL DEFENSE lnfOfmation. Provrde the ¡nlormaùon requrred by Part l, hnos 30b, 32b, ând 33, Ëari l, column (b), thp numÞer ol conlr¡bulron8, tha numbor of rlemö r€ô6ved, or ã thts part lor any addIronal rnformä1ron. t$ rn organlzatÐn complete Schedule M (Form 9gO¡ {2016) ô3214¿ O6-e3-r0 38 SCHfÞULË O {Form 9gO or g€O-ËZ) Þepårttôût ct lhâ Ítêâsury Name of the organzâtlon THE to Plrblic NÀTIONA,L RIGHT TO WORK I,ËGAT, DETENSE DENT GIVAS HI number FTNÀL ÀPPRôVÀ LHA For Papårwork Reduc-tlon Ad Notlca, see the lnskuct¡ons for Ëonn gÊo or Bgo-Ë2, 39 Schedule O lForm S00 or 900-Ë2) (2016¡ Schedule 0 {Form 990 or (2016} Page 2 Name of the organization NATIONAL RIGHT TO WORK LEGAL Emptoyer identi?cation number AND EDUCATION FOUNDATION, INC. 59-1583325 EORM 990, PART VI. LINE 17. LIST OF STATES RECEIVING COPY OF FORM 990: a a a. FORM 990. PART VI, SECTION C, LINE 19: THE FOUNDATION MAKES ITS AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC UPON REQUEST. IT MAKES ITS GOVERNING DOCUMENTS AND CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC IF AND TO THE EXTENT LEGALLY REQUIRED TO DO SO. mm: 03-25- Schedule 0 [Form 990 or 999-521 {2016) 4