Approved For 05 6 - 457/ 13 Humber- 1960 mm FOR: Deputy Dinetor/Sugport SUBJECT Hietory 01? the CIA Cornerstone 280x Felleuing the symbolic placing of the Corneretone Box at the laying of the CIA Cor-mmtone by the heeident of the United. States, Dwight D. Eisenhower, en 3 November 19:39, the but was removes. from ite Intel: 5116. taken into cuetddy until amh time as the Cornerstone was: pamently At that time, the Cornerstone 130x contained only that material which was listed in the pregrem of the Ceremony, minus the mierefilm 0f the newspapers of 3 Ewember, the tape recording of the cormretone ceremony, an: the photographs of that mansion. 2.. Despite the Diameter-?e Jerking mm}: to the President (recorded an the tape) that the contents of the 1m were there were no classified. doemnte 1n the Comeretcme Boat. Friar to the ceremony, tasteful eeneidemtion had been given te the decmente which were to be included. in the 30:. After consultation with the gammy Directors and the Inspeetor General, Mr. ?lter Pforzhemer, the curator of the CIA luetarieal Intelligenee Collection, had. drawn up a: list of proposed -- materials for inclusion in the Box, eut-Jeet to the approval. of Mr. Mae, ?1 Xmluded 0n the list were a considerable number of classified deem?ts, 15113633 in the field at Rational Estimtea. It we finally detezni - not t0 include any clamsi?ed miter-1&1 in the Cornerstone Be: at t' of eontrozt the Seemrity Office would have over the new build: -- - the ban: we firs?ly put into the Cornerstene. Late in Septen'w A the coutreetere advised tint they were virtually at the point . :r At the requeest of the Of?ce or the EDP, there was Wed to 0f the Bax; theme medals whieh are armed for distinguished service in the fiel? of intelligence Wig: the National Security heal: the ?etimehed Inte nigenee (Erase, the Matingnahed Intellige?ee new, the late 1115mm Star, and the Intelligenee of Writ; together with a desenption ei? these meals mad; the certificates which 330W them when awarded; am also a copy of the certifieete I?ex?t with Distinction and: the Certificate of writ. ?i?he emplete 3.1% of the regiments 0f the Comratene 1303:: is amended. as Tab A, 3.. ?t this time, meomidemtien wee aleo given to the proper Fmeemt?en of the mutants: of the Garneretem Bax me its ultimate emailing.) There had, keen 0, general feeling that the copper hex, furnished: is}? the miteesteg m: not of the desired stem? 11: me rather the email ?ag- the enumerate, end its comer we net sufficiently mick :0 withstand the ueliling 0f the tag without seriouelg em $125; the were enclosed. On the other bane, it had to be 0f the vacuum; mm t0 fit into the 1:10:23 provide? for it behind. the Carma-n meme elem For them rename, Mm H. Gasman :iAcy?., Mintemt B?r-lgeter/ 303mm, made em'angmem, through the cm reehnusel Diwemng METER Iii: C1 i: PE: C163 E: 14 Approved For Release 2006/10/31 CIA-RDP84-00490R000100090084-5 25x1 9 ?Approved For Release 2006/10/31 CIA-RDP84-OO499ROOD100090084-5 with the Rational Bureau of Stonderds to prepare a new copper box, whose 31633 are about an eighth of on ineh thick. The box has been oonatrueted from thirty pounds of eopyer. The manetic tape recording of the Cornerstone Ceremony and the formal opening of the contractors? bids on the building has been placed in a steel box with a quarter inch oteel plate on top and hottm, and a 1/3 inch steel plate on the aides. A description of the Cornerstone Box and its preparation, written by the Bureau of Standards, in atteohed hemwith as Tab 3. is. On 20 October 1960, Bk. Lloyd and it. Pforzheimr, one u: ?b tuo3mmhero of the Technical Services Division staff, went to the Mtioml Bureau 0: and placed the material in the Cornerstone Boa me Boa: eaten and than welded into place by Bureau. of Standards employees. This one under the sapemhion of George A. winger, Chief of the Corrosion Seotion, hhtellurgy Division, National Biz-eon of W, and helvin Rmnoff of his staff. Pictures of the oereaony were taken. The cowl.- box was then buffed ?by Bk. Zieda, also 3? Bureau Employee. In?orihed inatmtion whioh reads as follows: 1'01: To Open: Cut Carefully Rear Top Bo Not ?ee Tomb 5. 2 Eovemher, Colonel L. H. White, Deputy Director/Support, momma by hh?. Mom! and. Mr. Hershemr, inserted. the Cornerstone Box into ito hitch, end. the Cornerstone the then lowered. into place. of the Mieipanta, - w: hr. Jmee A. Garrison, Direetor of Iaogiotiea, Eh?. Chief of the Building Planning Staff, and other a :if, as well. he of the mhiteoto god throw lucky yennieo into the hitch with the Em.1?hotogropho were taken. 25x1 water Hoit?heit?er Wotar/Hietorieel Intelligence? Collection Approved For Release 2006/10/31 CIA . Approved For Release 2006/10m: 5 99mm (F comm Copy of Memorandum for Presidont Franklin D. Roosevelt from 32.30:? Gemral mum J. Donovan, Director of the Office of Strategic dated 18 Ember 191m, regarding the establishment of a. gamut centralized intelligenoe service and eupy or bemoan: from President Roosevelt to General Donovan, dated 5 April 19165, directing that General Donovan - his plan with the appropriate officials of the Govemnt. Copy of President may 39 Tum": keeutive Letter of 22 January 19%, eetamnhing the Hetioml Intelligenoe Authority and we Central Intelligenoe Granny. 7 enema of General (then Lieutenant Gene-m1) Hoyt s. Vandenherg, Director of Central Intelligence, before the Senate Omittee on Amen Services, on 29 April 191:7, in support of the onetime or the prepooed Rational Beeurity Act of 19h? to establish the Central Intelligenoe 332m?? A Text and Mention of Statutes and Mention Cir-den relating specifioelly to the Central Intelligenee Agency, including molding and Appropriations Acts for the construction of the new CIA Building. Wtion of the CIA seal and its official desoription. "Hillim J. Donovan and the National; Security." A meal: by Allan H. Dulles, Director of Central Intelligence, to the Erie Commty hr Atomistion, Mfelo, the York, ll- Hay 1.959.. Aerial photOgraphn of the aim. of the on Building site at the time of the Cornerstone Ceremow. Copy of the erohiteot?e drawing of the CIA Building an it will appear when emleted. Imitation to. the ceremony, copy of the Prom, tape recording of the WW, selected photographs of the eeremonm and copy of pamphlet entitled "me Cornerstone Ceremony," containing the speeches mode on the occasion. Intelligenoe Star, and. the Intelligence mm of Aerie; together with a description of these meals and the certificates uhioh one then when Med; and also a. copy of the Certifieate of Merit with Bietinetion and. the Certificate of "out. GIAWLUSEMLY Approved For Release 2006/10/31 - *Approved For Release CIA-RDP84-OO499RQOD100090084-5 Wad of construction or Hats]. Bags Used to Contain these Articles Th3 steel box: Vhicb contains the mine tape was constructed from A151 umber 1020 steal. an platea'for the sides, top and hottmofthebuxmdomrmm cuttoaizeandmedgeamm. weld. method. I outer container was fabricated comer plates which wane domed by Helium welds (inert. gas ttmgaten are mummr lined with asbestos paper (Med at for 48 hours), the contents inserted in the hp: and the 11:1 1153 welded in tame. Wins the Operation of sealing the 1.11:1, the container mm the temperature inside the hm. Prior to; Wine the copper m, the opemtim were performed. on a bax which contained 313.1131? articles. Before opening the box: to examine ?he eoments, 11-. was. totally 1mm in water to week for 12am. V?Ifha baa: was made am sealed at the Rational Bureau of Standards. Approved For Release 2006/10/31 x; was warm muse 214,. 1961 i m; 3mm car max. MIME seem: an acumen; of the ?aw Builaing in; when, ?rginia? Per yen? infamtion them is emlmad a. memes.- tien an the subject as excer?ted from the report. mde ten: the i?raeei?ant on July 18, 3.961 by time President?s Famign Exterlligence A?viaary Beard. Befere the recmneatian is msmtea to the Freei- aem: fer final mum, it: wule ?9e appreciatmi if you weld mibmit year "views and emnte thereon. It is" mqmeteci that your views anti adamant; be provided 136 this office and to the Presi?ent'e ?bre-15:1 hatrelligence Mviaery Board. "by Amt 21, 1961. 3/ Merge Bundy $616331.? w: Freei?ent?s Fania: mtelligence M?mry Board (Attention: Mr. meme Celene) Approved For Release 2006/10/31 290/5 w, 6 Approved Eer Release 2006/10/31 :7 61 5976 Approved For, Release 2006/10/31: CIA- RDP84- 550/5 hm W?hmm?emwt?mm?gmmw Where Wihke (a tame- that we methane Iawtmw,tm2~em the as: wmmzawermm meme when?: itwhe ?if 13 Muir: Approved For Release 2006/10/31 CIA-RDP84-00499R000100090084-5 Mame? 30;? I