LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION October 27, 2017 Mr. Darren Mire RSD-Dryades YMCA 2220 Oretha C. Haley Blvd. New Orleans, LA 70113 Dear Mr. Mire: During the summer of 2017, potential testing irregularities at James Singleton Charter School were reported to the Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE). The accusation stated that students were receiving cepies of the LEAP test prior to taking the test, teachers and staff were taking the test for students, and test administrators were coaching students during the test. The LDOE began an investigation, including interviewing all school staff involved in testing, interviewing students, as well as reviewing documentation regarding testing. During this review, the discovered the following students at James Singleton Charter School received accommodations that were not properly documented on the Individualized Education Program (IEP) or the individual Accommodation Plan (IAP), as required by federal law and BESE policy. _w A Louisiomot BLtes f? r- .. A was Ian-?- .2 .e hf?: .-- - t- a . .51? HighLOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION - onresult of the ?ndings, the tests listed above will be voided and count as a zero for accountability. The LDOE inquiry will continue and LDOE reserves the right to void additional tests if ?nther ?ndings are discovered. As required by the BBSE Test Security Policy, Bulletin 118, Chapter 3 Section 311.A.3.i and Bulletin 746, Chapter 9 Section 908, James Singleton Charter School must, within 30 days of receipt of this letter, provide a detailed report of the occurrences including: a written plan of action describing how the situation will be prevented in the future; and, if appropriate, documentation of any personnel action associated with the educator in question. Please contact Bryan Gendron at (225) 342-7685 or assessment@la.gov with any questions or OOHOCITIS, w} . Sincere] y, [J?s-?rm Jessi Baghian As stant Superintendent Academic Policy and Analytics cc: Em Cooper, Director of Assessment and Accountability Administration Louisiana Beiieves POST OFFICE BOX 9:466:11: BATON ROUGE, LA 7053041 9-3-55. 2 l.6??i?53.2721