MEGAN TOOKER Executive Director 8.: Legal Counsel IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE BOARD An Independent Agency of the Executive Branch 510 East 12'1', Suite 1A BOARD MEMBERS: Des Moines, Iowa 50319 James Albert, Chair Telephone 515-231-4028/Fax 515-281-4073 Iohn Walsh, Vice Chair Carole Tillotson Jonathan Roos Mary Rueter January 25, 2018 The Honorable Kim Reynolds Capitol Building 1007 E. Grand Avenue Des Moines, IA 50319 Dear Governor Reynolds, In November, you asked the Ethics Board to review whether Kim or Connie Schmett violated any law within the Ethics Board?s jurisdiction. The purpose of this letter is to detail the Board?s findings and conclusions. BACKGROUND Connie Schmett is a member of the Health Facilities Council and the Cultural Trust Board.i Her husband, Kim Schmett, serves as chair of the Iowa Employment Appeal Board.ii In addition to their official duties, the Schmetts have a political consulting company called Schmett and Associates. In the fall of 2016, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia hired Schmett and Associates (as well as several other ?rms) to lobby the U.S. Congress and encourage elected officials to vote against the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act. This legislation narrows the scope of foreign sovereign immunity and allows foreign states to be sued in U.S. federal courts under some circumstances for supporting international terrorism. Several media outlets reported on the lobbying efforts by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Some of these reports alleged United States veterans were recruited to travel to Washington DC. to lobby against this bill. Some veterans claimed they were not told the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia paid for their trip. Schmett and Associates? work on behalf of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia necessitated Kim and Connie to register as foreign agents under the Foreign Agents Registration Their ?lings indicate they were paid $101,500 for work done on behalf of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Neither Kim nor Connie traveled to Washington DC for this work. Kim reports Connie did most of the work for this client. ANALYSIS The Ethics Board has the authority to ?set standards for, investigate complaints relating to, and monitor the ethics of officials, employees, lobbyists, and candidates for office in the executive branch of state government.?iv Kim?s service on the Employment Appeal Board and Connie?s service on the Health Facilities Council and the Cultural Affairs Board qualify them as executive branch officials.v The Ethics Board?s jurisdiction is limited to the application of Iowa Code chapters 68A and 68B, Iowa Code section 8.7, and rules in Iowa Administrative Code chapter 351.Vi The Ethics Board does not have authority to interpret or enforce federal law and we do not consider whether Kim or Connie complied with federal law. a. Con?icts of interest regarding outside employment and activities Iowa Code section 68B.2A prohibits any person who serves the state from engaging in an outside employment or activity that is in con?ict with the person's official duties and responsibilities. The statute describes situations in which an unacceptable con?ict could exist: 1. The outside employment or activity involves the use of the state's resources, including time, facilities, equipment, and supplies. 2. The outside employment or activity involves the promise or acceptance of consideration for the performance of any act the person would be required or expected to perform as part of the person?s regular duties or during the hours which the person performs service or work for the state. 3. The outside employment or activity is subject to the of?cial control, inspection, review, audit, or enforcement authority of the person during the performance of official state duties. Kim is the chair of the Iowa Employment Appeal Board, which is considered a full?time board and he receives a salary of $80,000. He also does consulting work for Schmett and Associates and is an adjunct professor at William Penn University. Kim acknowledges he and the other two board members do not keep regular office hours and frequently work from home. The Board?s primary duty is hearing unemployment appeal claims. The Board meets on most days of the work week and the typical meeting lasts for approximately half an hour. The rest of board members? time is spent reviewing cases for the next meeting. The Ethics Board?s staff reviewed three years? worth of Employment Appeal Board meeting minutes. Kim attended nearly every meeting in that time and the vast majority of the Board?s decisions were made within forty days. In short, it appears Kim is performing the essential duties of his position. The Ethics Board found no evidence that Kim was using state resources for his consulting work or his teaching responsibilities. The Ethics Board found no evidence that Kim has been paid by anyone other than 2 the State of Iowa for any act that he is required or expected to do at the Employment Appeal Board. The Ethics Board found no evidence Kim took any of?cial action or performed any of?cial duty with respect to his consulting or teaching work. Connie serves on both the Health Facilities Council and the Cultural Affairs Board. She does not receive compensation for her service on the Council or Board. The Ethics Board found no evidence that Connie used state resources for her consulting work nor did the Ethics Board ?nd any evidence she was paid by anyone for any act she was required or expected to perform as part of her duties at the Council or Board. The Ethics Board found no evidence Connie took any official action or performed any of?cial duty with respect to her consulting work. Additionally, nothing in Iowa Code chapter 68B prohibits an executive branch official or employee from engaging in an outside employment or activity that requires the person to register under the federal Foreign Agents Registration Act."ii However, House File 2018 was recently introduced in the Iowa House and would add a new section to chapter 68B prohibiting of?cials and state employees from simultaneously being a registered Foreign Agent. b. Sales or leases by regulatory agency of?cials and employees Iowa Code section 68B.4 requires an of?cial or employee of any regulatory agency to obtain the consent of the regulatory agency before selling any goods or services to individuals or entities subject to the regulatory authority of the agency he or she serves. The Employment Appeal Board and the Health Facilities Council are part of regulatory The Ethics Board found no evidence Schmett and Associates does consulting work for individuals or entities regulated by the Department of Public Health or the Department of Inspections and Appeals. Therefore, the Schmetts were not required to obtain the consent of either the Department of Public Health or the Department of Inspections and Appeals before engaging in consulting services. c. Ban on certain lobbying activities Iowa Code section 68B.5A provides restrictions on lobbying activities by certain government of?cials and employees. The level of restriction depends on the individual?s position. A person who serves as ?the executive or administrative head of an agency of government? shall not act as a lobbyist during the time in which the person serves unless the person is designates by the agency to represent the official position of the agency.ix Moreover, any person subject to these restrictions shall not become a lobbyist within two years after the termination of service to the state.x A ?lobbyist? is an individual who receives compensation or is the designated representative of an organization or government agency to encourage the passage, defeat or modi?cation of legislation, a rule or an executive order by members of the general assembly, a state agency, or any statewide elected official.xi ?Statewide elected of?cial means the governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, auditor of state, treasurer of state, secretary of agriculture, and attorney general of the state of Iowa.?xii Kim and the other two board members of the Employment Appeal Board are the executive or administrative heads of the Employment Appeal Board and thus subject to the restrictions described above.xjji Consequently, Kim may not lobby members of the general assembly, a state agency or any statewide elected of?cial except in his of?cial capacity as chair of the Employment Appeal Board and he may not lobby those individuals in any capacity for two years following the termination of his service on the Board. The Ethics Board found no evidence Kim has lobbied state employees or of?cials during his service on the Employment Appeal Board. Kim signed an af?davit to that effect (see attached) and his lobbying work through Schmett and Associates appears to be limited to lobbying the federal government. The Ethics Board has previously opined section 68B.5A does not apply to lobbying activities in a jurisdiction outside of Iowa.? Thus, the Ethics Board found no evidence Kim violated section 68B.5A. Connie serves on the Cultural Trust Board and the Health Facilities Council. The Supreme Court of Iowa has held the restrictions on lobbying in section 68B.5A do not apply to members of part-time boards or commissions.? Thus, the restrictions in section 68A.5A do not apply to Connie. Nevertheless, the Ethics Board found no evidence she acted as a lobbyist before state government during her service on the Cultural Trust Board and the Health Facilities Council. She signed an affidavit to that effect as well (see attached). d. Personal ?nancial disclosure statements Iowa Code section 68B.35 requires certain state government of?cials and employees to file annual personal ?nancial disclosure statements. These officials and employees are required to list each business, occupation or profession in which the person is engaged and the nature of that business, occupation or profession, unless already apparent.xvi They are also required to list any other sources of income that produce more than $1,000 annually in gross income)? According to the Ethics Board?s rules, shall be considered a violation of Iowa Code section 68B.35 for an individual holding a designated position in the executive branch to ?le a disclosure statement containing false or fraudulent information.?KVi? The Ethics Board?s rules direct its staff to contact each executive branch agency annually to determine which persons are required to file personal ?nancial disclosure statements.xjx Iowa Code section 68B.35 requires members of the Employment Appeal Board and the Health Facilities Council to file personal financial disclosure statements with the Ethics Board.xx Thus, Kim is required to file annual financial statements during his service on the Employment Appeal Board and Connie is required to file annual financial statements during her service on the Health Facilities Council.xxi Connie?s term on the Health Facilities Council began in 2013 and she should have filed a personal financial disclosure statement for that year. However, the Department of Public Health failed to inform the Ethics Board?s staff in early 2014 that Connie had been appointed to the Health Facilities Council in 2013. Consequently, the Ethics Board?s staff did not notify Connie that she was required to file a personal financial disclosure statement for the year 2013. Therefore, we don?t fault her for not filing one. Connie did file a statement for 2013 on November 21, 2017. The rest of Connie?s personal financial disclosure statements were timely filed. However, she failed to disclose all of her ?nancial activity on her statements for 2015 and 2016. In both years, she failed to disclose she did consulting work for Schmett and Associates. She also failed to disclose social security income for 2015 and 2016 and IPERS income for 2016. Finally, she failed to disclose income she received in 2016 from an investment account that she inherited. Connie has amended her 2015 and 2016 reports and the Ethics Board?s staff has reviewed the Schmetts? tax returns to ensure their personal financial disclosure statements are now complete. Connie claims her omissions were merely an oversight. Kim?s term on the Employment Appeal Board began in 2014. He has timely ?led personal financial disclosure statements for 2014, 2015, and 2016. His statements were consistent with his tax returns except that he failed to disclose income from an annuity he inherited in 2016. He amended his statement to include the annuity. e. Campaign contributions It is fair to say Connie and Kim are long?time political activists. They regularly give campaign contributions to state and federal campaign committees, co?hosted a fundraiser for the Kim Reynolds for Iowa committee and were among a long list of that committee?s county co? chairs. Connie has volunteered on presidential campaigns and Kim is active in the Westside Conservative Club, a breakfast group that meets 5 twice a month. Nothing in the Ethics Board?s jurisdictiOn prohibits executive branch officials or employees from engaging in political activity during their service or employment with the State of Iowa. However, there are some state government positions that are banned from engaging in political activities. (see attached list) For example, the members of the Public Employment Relations Board are prohibited from engaging in any political activity while holding office.xxij However, the members of the Employment Appeal Board are not prohibited by statute from engaging in political activities. Given the fact the Employment Appeal Board is a full-time quasi?judicial board, the Iowa legislature may want to consider banning the Board?s members from engaging in political activity. Finally, during our review of the Schmetts? activities, we discovered Connie has given campaign contributions to state and local campaign committees under both the name Connie Schmett and'Connie Russell. (see attachment) Connie?s legal surname is Schmett and it has been since 1994 when she and Kim married. However, Connie has maintained a checking account under the name Connie Russell throughout her marriage and has given campaign contributions from this checking account, causing campaign committees to report contributions from Connie Russell instead of Connie Schmett. Connie provided an affidavit to the Board explaining she uses this checking account for her household expenses as well as campaign contributions. The Ethics Board?s staff reviewed examples of several months? worth of bank statements and confirmed this is an active checking account, which is used for everyday expenses. Connie denies any intent to misrepresent her identity. Iowa Code section 68A.501 states ?[p]ersons requested to make a contribution at a fundraising event shall be advised that it is illegal for a person to make a campaign contribution in excess of twenty??ve dollars without providing the person?s name and address.? Iowa Code section 68A.502 states person shall not make a campaign contribution in the name of another person.? We do not believe Connie has violated either of these provisions by giving contributions using her former name because that is not the name of ?another person? and section 68A.501 applies to anonymous contributions given by way of fundraising events like ?pass the hat.? CONCLUSION The Ethics Board has reviewed Kim and Connie Schmett?s activities to determine whether they are complying with Chapters 68A and 68B of the Iowa Code. We find that Kim made one omission and Connie made several omissions on their personal financial disclosure statements. We reprimanded Connie and ordered her to pay a civil penalty in the amount 6 of $250 for ?ling false personal financial disclosure statements. Nothing in the Ethics Board?s jurisdiction prohibits the Schmetts from lobbying the federal government while they serve the State of Iowa. Nothing in the Ethics Board?s jurisdiction prohibits the Schmetts from engaging in outside employment activities provided those outside activities do not create a con?ict?of?interest with their state positions. Nothing in the Ethics Board?s jurisdiction prohibits the Schmetts from engaging in political activity or making political contributions. The Ethics Board finds Iowa law does not expressly prohibit giving campaign contributions under one?s former name. At our next board meeting, we will consider whether to recommend any changes to Iowa Code chapters 68A and 68B in light of our investigation into this matter. On behalf of the Board, James A. Albert, Chair 5 Connie is serving her second term on the Cultural Trust Board. Her ?rst term began on May 1, 2011 and her second term will end on April 30, 2021. Her term on the Health Facilities Council began on May 1, 2013 and ends on April 30, 2019. Kim is serving a six-year term on the Employment Appeal Board. His term began on May 1, 2014 and ends on April 30,2020. 22 U.S.C. 611 et. seq. i? Iowa Code Id. (de?ning ?of?cial? to include ?members of boards or commissions as de?ned under section 7E.4). See generally id. 683.32A. See 22 U.S.C. 611 et seq. The Health Facilities Council is part of the Department of Public Health and the Employment Appeal Board is part of the Department of Inspections and Appeals. Both agencies are regulatory agencies. Iowa Code 1* Iowa Code Id. 3? Id. xii Id. See id (de?ning ?agency? to include a board). 3i? IECDB A0 2005-03; see also IECDB A0 2002-09 (opining the term ?lobbyist? does not apply to individuals lobbying before other states or the federal government). XV Iowa Fann Bureau Fed?n v. Envtl. Prof. Comm'n, 850 403, 413 {Iowa 2014) (?the narrowest ban on lobbying contained in section does not apply to members of boards or commissions?) ?i Iowa Code xvii Id Iowa Admin Code r. xix See Id. r. Iowa Code xxi Members of the Cultural Trust Board are not required to ?le personal ?nancial disclosure statements. See id. xxii Iowa Code COUNTY OF POLK ss STATE OF IOWA Each of the undersigned individuals being duly Si follows: 1. I am at least elghteen (18) years of age, and upon my personal knowledge. arr-L111 on oath, deposes and states as .nake the following statement based 2. Since at least 2013, I have not served as a lo Code section with regard to any members otL agency or any statewide elected of?cial. FURTHER, AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. bliylst, as that term is de?ned in Iowa the Iowa general assembly, a state at We wd??m? Tomb L. Se Signed and sworn to before 111 ?n Janu WW ConnieL. Sehmett. Notary Public 1! in and for said State My commisaib ep1:1es (fi/?/XJ FURTHER, AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. Qp/?w- 18 Date . KimD. Schmett Signed and sworn to In?ow Jam 2018 2D. Schmett. EVE - i Notary Public i and or said State .. (3ng 9:73 My commissi AFFIDAVIT COUNTY OF POLK ss STATE OF IOWA The undersigned being dul sworn on oath, deposes a 1d states as follows: I. I am at least eighteen (18) years of age, and i intake the following statement based upon my personal knowledge. 2. My given name was Connie L. Bishop. In august, 1964, I married Gary Robert Russell and became Connie L. Russell. Gary Russell and Illd verced in July, 1985, but my name continued to he Connie L. Russell, and both of my children tad the last name Russell. 3. On October 2, 1994, I married Kim Schmett.? Tlthough my married name became 1 Connie L. I have continued to utilize the last Selnnett? in various contests. ne Russell and/er used ?Russell- 4. Because I had been known as Connie Russel for thirty years including through much of my professional life and during a time when I rl ted in and became more active in . I . many people know or refer to me as Connie Russell 1 Connie Russell?Schmett. I. 5. When Kim and I married, we kept our main maintained separate bank accounts. We have also maintainer and investments since the time ofour marriage. bank accounts and have always separate ownership of real estate i 6. I started an account at West Bank in the late i9703 or early l9803 when my legal name was Connie L. Russell. This is the same bank aceortn . I change my name on the account when I married Knn. I that I have today, and I did not 7. The West Bank account is my primary account, and I utilize it for all of my household expenses, Medicare. house payments, insurand, payments and other expenses. It is also the account from which I have made political organizations. The West Bank account was not created for purpose of making political donations. 8. Slag, Account Statement and Cancelled Checks l?rom Statement and Cancelled Check, attached as Exhibit. 1. W1 top of the checks, I did not consistently do so. ?ee Cancell 1Eixhibil 2. 9. I have written numerous checks over the yet onations to various campaigns or nor was it ever used solely for the utilizing the name Connie Russell. 3ebruary, 2007 and October, 2017 Li] 3( I sometimes add ?Schmett? to the Checks to Campaigns, attached as The address utilized for the West Bank account that is listed at the top of the checks (10141 Lincoln Avenue, Clive, Iowa) has been the stiltnile address that have lived at since Gary Russell and I built the home in 1979, and I remained hit 1985. 10. i he home even after we divorced in In various contexts since marrying Kim in Olftober, 1994, I have held myself out as Connie Schmett, Connie Russell or Connie Russell-Sc ninett or otherwise did not correct anyone when I was referred to as Connie Russell or Connie I the ownership and mortgage documents for my home, I all (although it is spelled incorrectly as ?Russll? on the Assessor?s website). Website, Deed and Mortgage Documents for 10141 Lincoh Exhibit 3. 11. I i .htssell-Schmett. For example, in 1 listed as Connie Russell?Solution See Assessor?s Avenue, Clive, Iowa, attached as In issuing checks to political campaigns onoiganizations, I did not intend to mislead anyone regarding my identity or misrepresent my id tity. I believed that many people knew me by both Connie Russell and Connie and niy checks bore the address at which I have lived for almost 40 years and where I continue to live. I 12. Furthermore, I did not utilize the West Banli I donations on behalf of or for other individuals, and I wait donations. The funds in the West Bank account were [laid I I I I compensation for serwces I performed or from retirement I: d? .hecking account to make campaign mt reimbursed by anyone for such 3 that I earned or received tlu'ough er e?ts. 1 FURTHER, AFFIANT SAYETH NOT(Eli/r: 5" Ix. Date onnie L. Solon neitt Signed and sworn to before me on jlanu'n I iy ,20l8 by Connie L. Sehmelt. ?/Ucz/ YK T5 K.-. - ?Notary Public I 511di said State My commissien expires: i/2/Z?7 - Government Positions Banned from Political Activities These statutes are under the Board's jurisdiction and are not enforced by the Board. This information is being provided as a service only. This is not intended to be an inclusive list. Refer to the Code of Iowa for all official information. Rule 351?1.4 Members and staff of the Iowa Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board IC Legislative Service Agency The director and all other employees of the legislative services agency shall not participate in partisan political activities and shall not be identi?ed as advocates or opponents of issues subject to legislative debate except as otherwise provided by lavv or by the legislative council. IC 8A.102 Department of Administrative Services The director shall not be a member of any local, state, or national committee of a political party, an officer or member of a committee in any partisan political club or organization, or hold or be a candidate for a paid elective public office. The director is subject to the restrictions on political activity as provided in section 8A.416 IC 16.7(1) Iowa Finance Authority The executive director shalinot directly or indirectly exert influence to Induce any other officers or employees of the state to adopt a political view, or to favor a political candidate for office. IC 16A.5 Economic Pretective and Investment Authority The executive director shall not, directly or indirectly, exert influence to induce other officers or employees of the state to adopt a political view, or to favor a political candidate for office. IC 16A.5 Economic Protective and Investment Authority Executive dlrector??staff 1. The governor, subject to confirmation by the senate, shall appoint an executive director of the authority, .who sIhIaIlI serve a four-year term at the pleasure of. the governor. _.The executive director shall not, directly or indirectly, exert Influence to induce other officers or employees of the state to adopt a vIlew, or to favor a . I - political candidate for office. IC 20.5(1) Public Employment Relations Board member shall engage in any political activity while-holding IC Emergency Management Any employee of an organization for emergency management shall not become a candidate for- any partisan elective office. (Organizations of emergency management are also prohibited from certain political activities under IC 29C.16) IC 80.2 Department of Public Safety The commissioner shall not engage In any other trade, business, or, profession, nor. 3 engage in any partisan or political activity. IC 80E.1 Drug Policy Coordinator . The coordinator shall not engage in political activity while holding the office. IC 86.4 Division of Workers' Compensation It shall be unlawful IforIthe commissioner or a chief deputy workers' compensation commissioner to espouse the election or appointment of any candidate Ito any political I IC 978.3 IPERS CEO The chief executive of?cer shall not be a member of a political committee, participate in a political campaign, or be a candidate for a partisan elective of?ce, and shall not . I contribute to a political campaign - 1c 996.2(3) IOWA LOTTERY AUTHORITY The lottery games shall be operated and managed in a manner that provides continuing entertainment to the public, maximizes revenues, and ensures that the lottery Is operated with integrity and dignity and free from political influence. IC 123.17 Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission members, officers, and employees of the division shall not, while holding such office or position . . . directly or indirectly, use their of?ce oremployment to influence, persuade, or induce any other of?cer, employee, or person to adopt their political views or to favor any particular candidate for an elective or appointive public of?ce; nor, directly or indirectly, solicit or accept, In any manner or way, any money or other thing of value for any person seeking an elective or appointive public office, or to any political party or any group of persons seeking to become a political party. 175.7(2) Agricultural Development and Marketing The executive director shall not, directly or indirectly, exert influence to induce any other of?cers or employees of the state to adopt a political view, or to favor a political candidate for of?ce. IC 217.5 Department of Human Services The director shall not engage in political activity while holding this position. IC 307.11 Department of Transportation The director shall on or under a committee of a political party, or contribute to the campaign fund of any person or poilticai'party. IC 421.1A Property assessment appeal board ?Generai Counsel General counsel shall not be a member of a political committee, contribute to a political campaign, participate In a politIcal campaign IIbe Ia candidate for partisan polltitaiII . office. IC 421.3 Department of Revenue The serve on or under any committeevof any political partIonr -: I I contribute to the campaign fund of any person or political party. IC 474.10 General Counsel of Utilities Board During employment the counsel shall not be. _a member of a pollticai committee, contribute to _Ia political campaign fund. .., participate In a political campaign, or. be a candidate for a political of?ce IC Consumer Advocate (appointed by attorney general) The advocate shall not be a member of a political committee or contribute to a political campaign fund. take part in political campaigns or be a candidate for a p_olitical Office. IC 904.107 Department of Corrections The director shall not be a member (are political committee, partic-Iinate in a political campaign, be a candidate for a partisan elective office, andshali not contribute to a political campaign fund The director shall not hold any other of?ce under federal or state Date Contributed By- Address City Received By Amount 12/29/2017 Russell, Connie 10141 Lincoln Ave Clive #2107 Schneider for State Senate $100.00 10/22/2016 Russell, Connie 10141 Lincoln Ave Clive #1737 Hagenow for Iowa House $50.00 4/19/2016 Russell, Connie 10141 Lincoln Ave. Clive #9156 Polk County Republican Central Committee $250.00 7/28/2015 Russell, Connie 10141 Lincoln Ave Clive #9156 Polk County Republican Central Committee $60.00 8/ 20/ 20 14 Russell, Connie 10141 Lincoln Avenue Clive #9156 Polk County Republican Central Com mittee $200.00 7/ 15/2014 Russell, Connie 10141 Lincoln Avenue Clive #9156 Polk County Republican Central Committee $50.00 11/13/2013 Russell, Connie 10141 Lincoln Avenue Clive #9156 Polk County Republican Central Committee $450.00 9/26/2013 Russell, Connie 10141 Lincoln Ave. Clive #1991 Friends for Landon $250.00 7/24/20 13 Russell, Connie 10141 Lincoln Avenue Clive #9628 Polk County Republican Women?s Club $25.00 5/31/2013 Russell, Connie 10141 Lincoln Avenue Clive #9156 Polk County Republican Central Committee $300.00 10/ 24/ 2012 Russell, Connie 10141 Lincoln Ave Clive #9156 Polk County Republican Central Committee $250.00 10/18/ 2012 Russell, Connie 10141, Lincoln Clive #2102 Citizens For Williams $100.00 3/10/2012 Russell, Connie 10141 Lincoln Ave Clive #9156 Polk County Republican Central Committee $40.00 11/19/2011 Russell, Connie 10141 Lincoln Avenue Clive #5140 Governor Branstad Committee $65.00 11/16/2011 Russell, Connie 10141 Lincoln Avenue Clive #1977 Mullen For Senate $35.00 10/ 15/ 2010 Russell, Connie 10141 Lincoln Ave Clive #1654 Garrett for Statehouse Committee $25.00 9/28/2010 Russell, Connie 10141 Lincoln Avenue Clive #9156 Polk County Republican Central Committee $25.00 5/19/2010 Russell, Connie J. 10141 Lincoln Avenue Clive #9156 Polk County Repubiimn Central Committee $750.00 8/28/2008 Russell, Connie 10141 Lincoln Avenue Clive #1521 Zaun for lowa Senate $100.00 12/ 20/ 2005 Russell, Connie 10141 Lincoln Avenue Clive #1521 Zaun for lowa Senate $125.00 1/9/ 20 04 Russell, Connie 10141 Lincoln Ave. Clive #1224 Sievers For State House $25.00 9/10/20 03 Russell, Connie 10141 Lincoln Ave Clive #1224 Sievers For State House $30.00 $3,305.00 Date Contributed By Address City Received By Amount 12/23/2017 Schmett, Connie 10141 Lincoln Avenue Cl ive #1953 Friends of Whitver $100.00 12/12/2017 Schmett, Connie 10141 Lincoln Ave Clive #1737 Hagenow for Iowa House $75.00 6/21/2016 Schmett, Connie 10141 Lincoln Ave Cl ive #1737 Hagenow for Iowa House $125.00 5/19/2015 Schmett, Connie 10141 Lincoln Ave Clive #1991 Friends for Landon $250.00 10/14/2014 Schmett, Connie 10141 Lincoln Ave. CI ive #1737 Hagenow for Iowa House $50.00 3/18/2014 Schmett, Connie 10141 Lincoln Ave Clive #9628 Polk County Republican Women's Club $45.00 8/20/2012 Schmett, Connie 10141 Lincoln Ave Clive #1949 Iowans for Stogdill $25.00 2/24/2012 Schmett, Connie 10141 Lincoln Ave CI ive #9156 Polk County Republican Central Committee $20.00 9/7/2011 Schmett, Connie 10141 Lincoln Ave Clive #13935 Gtizens For Weaver $50.00 8/10/2011 Schmett, Connie 10141 Lincoln Avenue Clive #9156 Polk County Republican Central Committee $288.00 6/18/2011 Schmett, Connie 1014 Lincoln Avenue Clive #13965 Citizens for Jon Kallen $100.00 6/7/2011 Schmett, Connie 10141 Lincoln Avenue Clive #9156 Polk County Republican Central Committee $250.00 2/8/2011 Schmett, Connie 10141 Uncoln Avenue Cl ive #9156 Polk County Republican Central Committee $20.00 1/23/2010 Schmett, Connie 10141 Lincoln Avenue Clive #9156 Polk County Republican Central Committee $20.00 Date Contributed By Contributed By Address Contribute Received By Amount 5/ 1 5/ 2017 Schmett. Kim 10141 lincoln Ave Clive #5173 Kim Reynolds for iowa $100.00 4/5/2017 Schmett. Kim 3: Connie 10141 Lincoln Ave Clive #18491 The Committee to Elect Chad Airhart $140.00 11/28/2016 Schmett. Kim 10141 Lincoln Avenue Clive #5140 Governor Branstad Committee $150.00 10/28/2016 Schmetl. Kim 10141 Lincoln Ave. Clive #9156 Polk County Republican Central Committee $50.00 10/7/2016 Schmett. Kim 10141 Lincoln Avenue Clive #1953 Friends of Whitver $100.00 7/9/2016 Schmett. Kim 10141 Lincoln Ave. Clive #5123 Northey for Iowa Agriculture 5100-00 4/9/2016 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Ave. Clive #9156 Polk County Republican Central Committee $16-00 4/3/2016 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Ave. Clive #9156 Polk County Republican Central Committee $120.00 3/15/2016 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Ave Clive #9156 Polk County Republican Central Committee $20.00 2/4/2016 Schmett, Kirn 10141 Lincoln Ave Clive #9156 Polk County Republican Central Committee $40.00 12/11/2015 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Ave Clive #1737 Hagenovr for iowa House 550-00 10/22/2015 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Avenue Clive #9156 Polk County Republican Central Committee $175.00 8/ 14/ 2015 Schmett, Kim 10141 ljncoln Avenue #9156 Polk County Republican Central Committee $125.00 7/28/2015 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Ave #9156 Polk County Republican Central Committee $60.00 5/16/2015 Schmett, Kim 8: Connie 10141 Uncoln Ave Clive #18491 The Committee to Elect Chad Airhart $80.00 5/7/2015 Schmett. Kim 8: Connie 10141 Lincoln Ave. Clive #9049 Dallas County Republican Central Committee $75.00 2/9/2015 Schmett, Kim Er Connie 10141 Llncaln Ave. Clive #9049 Dallas County Republican Central Committee $25.00 10/2 2/ 2014 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Ave. Clive #5154 Moslman for State Auditor $100.00 10/20/2014 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Avenue I Clive #5140 Governor Branstad Committee $565.00 10/2/2014 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Avenue #5140 Governor Branstad Committee 510000 8/21/2014 Schmett. Kim 10141 Lincoln Avenue Clive #5176 Adam Greg for lowa $100.00 7/ 14/2014 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Ave. Clive #5123 Northey for Iowa Agriculture $100.00 5/29/2014 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Avenue Clive #9156 Polk County Republican Central Committee $750.00 5/2 2/2014 Schmett. Kim 10141 Lincoln AVenue Clive #5140 Governor Bra nstad Committee $200.00 2/20/2014 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Avenue Clive #5140 Governor Bra nslad Committee $200.00 1/21/2014 Schmett, Kim 10141 Uncoln Avenue CIlvo #5158 Pate for lowa $500.00 11/21/2013 Schmett, Kim Connie 10141 Lincoln Ave Clive #18491 The Committee to Elect Chad Airhart $150.00 11/13/2013 Schmett. Kim 10141 Lincoln Avenue Cllva #9156 Polk County Republican Central Committee $250.00 11/13/2013 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Avenue Clive #1521 Zaun for lowa Senate $50110 11/12/2013 Schmett, Kim 10141 Uncoln Avenue Clive #9628 Polk County Republican Women's Club $40.00 11/9/2013 Schmett, Kirn 10141 Uncoln Avenue Clive #2126 Bob Anderson For Sta te Senate $50.00 11/6/2013 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Ave Cliva #1654 Garrett for Statehouse Committee $50.00 10/ 18/2013 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Ave Clive #1334 Watts for House $100.00 9/10/2013 Schmett. Kim 10141 Lincoln Avenue Clive #9156 Polk County Republican Central Committee $250.00 9/10/2013 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Avenue Clive #9156 Polk County Republican Central Committee $15.00 9/5/2013 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Ave Clive #13293 The Committee to elect Scott Cirksena $50.00 9/3/2013 Schmett, 10141 Lincoln Avenue Clive #9628 Polk County Republican Women's Club $15.00 8/14/2013 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln AyeHUe Clive #5140 Governor Branstad Committee $125.00 7/13/2013 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Ave. Clive #5123 Northey for Agriculture $50.00 5/31/2013 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Avenue Clive #9156 Polk County Republican Central Committee $300.00 4/18/2013 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Avenue Clive #9156 Polk County Republican Central Committee $500.00 4/4/2013 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Clive #5137 Friends of Matt Schultz $100.00 2/5/2013 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln AVenue Clive #9156 Polk County Republican Central Committee $525.00 11/20/2012 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Ave Clive #2107 Schneider for State Senate $100.00 11/19/2012 Schmett, Kim 10141 ljncoin Avenue Clive #5140 Governor Branstad Committee $165.00 11/15/2012 Schmett, Kim 8: Connie 10141 Lincoln Ave. Clive #9049 Dallas County Republican Central Committee $70.00 10/25/2012 Schmett. Kim D. 10141 Lincoln Avenue Clive #40018 Citizens For Good Government $100.00 10/ 17/2012 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Ave Clive #1996 Carley for Iowa 5100-00 8/ 13/2012 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Ave Clive #9156 Polk County Republican Central Committee $10.00 7/16/2012 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Ave Clive #9156 Polk County Republican Central Committee $35.00 7/16/2012 Schmett. Kim 10141 Lincoln Ave Clive #9156 Polk County Republican Central Committee $70.00 6/15/2012 Schmett. Kim 8: Connie 10141 Uncoln Ave Clive #18491 The Committee to Elect Chad Airhart $135.00 6/2/2012 Schmett. Kim 10141 Lincoln Ave Clive #1654 Garrett for Statehouse Committee $50.00 5/25/2012 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Ave Clive #9156 Polk County Republican Central Committee $750.00 4/21/2012 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Ave Clive #9156 Polk County Republican Central Committee $40.00 3/26/2012 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Avenue #9628 Polk County Republican Women's Club $12.00 3/10/2012 Schmett, 10141 Lincoln Ave Clive #9156 Polk County Republican Central Committee $10.00 3/10/2012 Schmett, Kim 10141 Uncoln Ave Clive #9156 Polk County Republican Central Committee $10.00 10/12/ 2011 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Avenue Clive #9106 Johnson County Republican Central Committee $20.00 10/4/2011 Schmett, Kim Connie 10141 lJncoln Ave Clive #18491 The Committee to Elect Chad Airhart $100.00 8/8/2011 Schmett, Kim D. 10141 Lincoln Avenue Clive #1724 Kapuclan for State Senate $100.00 7/15/2011 Schmett. Kim 10141 Lincoln Ave. CliVe #1123 Raecker for State Representative Committee $100.00 11/2/2010 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Avenue Clive #5140 Governor Bra nstad Committee $200.00 10/22/2010 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Avenue Clive #5140 Governor Branstad Committee $50.00 10/15/2010 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Ave Clive #18491 The Committee to Elect Chad Airhart $100.00 7/10/2010 Schmett, Kim 10141 Llnc0ln Ave. Clive #5123 Northey for Iowa Agriculture $50.00 6/29/2010 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Ave. Clive #1737 Hagenow for Iowa House 5100-00 5/13/2010 Schmetl, Kim 10141 Uncoln Ave Clive #18491 The Committee to Elect Chad Alrhart 525-00 4/28/2010 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Avenue Clive #9156 Polk County Republican Central Committee $40.00 1/23/2010 Schmett, Kim 10141 Uncoln Avenue Clive #9156 Polk County Republican Central Committee $10.00 11/7/2009 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Avenue Clive #5140 Governor Branstad Committee 540-00 10/29/2009 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Ave Clive #1334 Watts for House $50.00 9/22/2009 Schmett, Kim 10141 Uncoln Avenue Clive #1521 Zaun for lowa Senate 550-00 3/1/2003 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Ave Clive #1666 Va ndall for Iowa House $20.50 8/11/2007 Schmett, Kimberly 10141 Uncoln Ave clive #1705 Klein for Statehouse 5100-00 7/19/2007 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Ave. Clive #5123 Northey for Iowa Agriculture 550-00 7/2/2007 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Ave Des Molne #6155 Iowans for Tax Relief PAC (form erlv TaXpavers Unite $20.00 1/7/2007 Schmett, Kim D. 10141 Lincoln Avenue Clive #1612 Citizens for Gronstal $100.00 10/30/2006 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Avenue Clive #5136 Rod Roberts for Governor $25.00 7/13/2006 Schmett, 10141 Lincoln Ave. Clive #1123 Raecller for State Representative Committee $125.00 5/12/2006 Schmett, Kim 10141 Uncoln Ave. - Clive #5123 Northev for Iowa Agriculture $100.00 12/10/2005 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Avenue Clive #1521 Zaun for Iowa Senate 5100-00 11/1/2004 Schmett, Kim 10141 ljncoln Ave. Clive #1123 Raeclier for State Representative Committee $15.00 10/21/2004 KIM 10141 LINCOLN AVE CLIVE #952 Lundby For Iowa Senate $50.00 9/16/2004 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Ave Clive #440 Volunteers for Maggie Tinsman $35.00 3/4/2004 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Avenue Clive #1521 Zaun for Iowa Senate 5100-00 7/2 5/2004 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Avenue Olive #1499 Meisterling for State House 550-00 21/11/2004 KIM 10141 LINCOLN AVE CLIVE #952 Lundby For Senate $50.00 117/2004 Schmett, Kim 0 10141 Lincoln Ave. Clive #1147 Boal for Iowa House $50.00 1/2/2004 Schmett, Kim 0 10141 Lincoln Ave Clive #868 Jacobs Committee $50.00 12/22/2003 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln AVE Clive #964 Angelo for Senate $30.00 10/12/2003 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Ave. Clive #1319 Putney for Senate 550-00 9/19/2003 Schmett, Kim 10141 Lincoln Ave Des Molne #6155 Iowans for Tax Relief PAC (formerly Taxpayers Unitd $200.00 $10,673.50