Columbus Office We: Vern Riffe Center 77 S. High Street Public Utilities 13th Floor Crirninaljustice Columbus, Ohio 43215/6111 Civiljustice (614) 46618258 Government Accountability (800) 282/0253 Oversight (614) 71910000 (Fax) Rules Reference Rep 30?ohiohousecrov ohiohouse. gov Bill 611:2 Representative of Ohio?s 30th House District Majority Floor Leader January 25, 2018 Speaker Clifford A. Rosenberger 77 S. High Street 14th Floor Columbus, Ohio 43215 Dear Speaker Rosenberger and Members of the Ohio House of Representatives, 1 would like to express my deep regret and remorse for my remarks that took place on Tuesday evening at the Athletic Club of Columbus and for any shame that was brought upon the Ohio House of Representatives. 1 take full responsibility for my words in their entirety. The comments I made at the event were mine and mine alone. Speci?cally, to State Representative Candice Keller and former State Representative Diana Fessler, I offer my sincerest apologies for any distress or embarrassment I may have caused. My words were irresponsible as a member of this esteemed institution and as a member of House leadership. While my intention was to help honor a departing staffer who has loyally served the Ohio House for 15 years, I understand that my words caused great offense and have tarnished an otherwise celebratory event. I am again truly sorry to everyone in attendance, including staff, others not in attendance, and those who were the subject of my ill?advised commentary that were negatively impacted by my remarks. I look forward to offering my sincerest apologies in person at the next caucus. Sincerely, William J. Seitz