464-111! DE?-q?y?p $0103.10 0 :ms? US. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON. DC 204l0?3000 OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION Mr. Austin Evers . JAN 25 350)? American Oversight 1030 15th Street, NW B255 Washington, DC 20005 RE: Freedom of Information Act Request FOIA Control No.: Dear Mr. Evers: This letter is a final response to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request dated and received on June 28, 2017. You asked for copies of all decision memoranda, directives, or policy interpretations or guidance signed, approved, or otherwise adopted by Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson. Specifically, any document establishing, modifying, clarifying, or rescinding any HUD policy, legal or policy interpretatiOn, or practice, whether presented as a memorandum, letter, guidance document, or in any other form, March 2, 2017, to the date the present. Your request is granted in full. In a letter dated November 28, 2017, you were provided with copies of the following: 1. Federal Register, Volume 82 and recommendation sheet from the Office of General Counsel (OGC). 3 .1 2. . Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act (NO FEAR Act) Annual Report to Congress for the period October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2016, and recommendation sheet from the Office of Departmental Equal Employment Opportunity (ODEEO). 3. Letter responding to compliance requirements of Executive Order 13873, of March 28, 2017, entitled ?Promoting Energy Independence and Economic Growth (the Order) and recommendation sheets from the Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD). 4. Policy Statement Diversity and Inclusion and sheet from the Office of Administration (Admin). 5. Memorandum of Cooperation among HUD, Office of Government National Mortgage - Association (Ginnie Mae), the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan and the Urban Renaissance Agency, Japan; three congratulatory Secretary of HUD award letters; and recommendation sheet from the Office of Policy Development and Research. I I 6. FOIA request details report from the Office of the Executive Secretariat. espanol.hud.gov 7. Recommendation sheets for the Officesof the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Public and Indian Housing (PIH), Chief Procurement Officer (CPO), Faith-Based and Community Initiatives (FBCI), Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO), Housing, Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes Ginnie Mae, Sustainable Housing (SH), and Hearings and Appeals (OHA). - Enclosed are copies of the following: I - 1. Various memorandums and letters adopted by Secretary Carson and recommendation 1 sheet from the Office of the Executive Secretariat. 2. Letter to the Honorable Trey Gowdy from Acting Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations (CIR) Seth Appleton, memorandum from Secretary Carson to Deputy Secretary Pamela H. Patenaude, letter to the Honorable Catherine Cortez Masto from Secretary Carson, and recommendation sheet from CIR. 3. Recommendation sheet from the Office of Field Policy and Management (FPM). 4. Recommendation sheet from the Office of the Chief Information Officer (CIO). For your information, your FOIA request, including your identity and any information made available, is releasable to the public under subsequent FOIA requests. In responding to these requests, the Department does not release personal information, such as home address, telephone number, or Social Security number, all of which are protected from disclosure under - FOIA Exemption 6. . . If you have any questions regarding your request, you may contact Eugene McGirt at- (202) 402-4315. Thank you for your interest in the Department?s programs and policies. I Sincerely, Vilma Deborah R. Snowden Deputy Chief FOIA Officer Of?ce of the Executive Secretariat Enclosures TO : FOIA Branch FROM: SUBJECT: FOJA RECOMMENDA T IONS Control No. REQUESTER NAME: /1~ f+ - ~-O\Y\,J-3 f}-V~1 ,I\.) Gvef.-0 ~~'-J, ,cA-rJ fc<-A-rn 0 REQUESTERORGANIZATION: 6-H1 If cla rificati on is required, please do not cont act the requester directly without consult ati on with let the FOIA Sp ecialist ass igned to this r equest. If you need to sp ea k with the requester, you must the Under requester. the with the FOIA Specialist know beforehand and /or yo u both must speak Open Gov ernment Act, there are lim itations as to the number of times the requ est can be tolled and clarification is included in that count. on If estimated costs will exceed $25.00, please do not begin proce ssing. Fill out th e cost esti mate will anch pag e 3 of thi s re.:ommendati on sheet and return it to the FOIA Branch. The FOIA Br contact the requester a nd adv ise him /her of the estimated cost to proce ss the request and obtain approval to proceed. _ _ No docu ments (Describe your search~effort. This is equivalent to a denial, requirin g appeal.) ---X_A ttac hed are 2 copies of the requested documentat ion. (No Exemptions cited.) is I copy of the releasable porti ons of the respon sive documents (with reda ctions) and -Attached (I clean copy without redactiom ); the redac ted port ions are not releasa ble because of the exemption(s) identified below: ===A ttached isl copy of non releasable, unr ed acted docu ments that are r es pon sive to this request. (Exemptions are cited below with an explanation ofnonrelease. IT IS IMPERATIVE FOIA OFFI CE HA VE THES E COPIES.) •JTEM(S) THAT THE EXEMPT ION(S) USED *Additi onal item s may be listed at com ment s. HUD-17-0201-B-000001 Description of Search Efforts No requested documents should be provided to the requester because of the following: Exemption Basis: 5 USC 552(b)(l) - Allows withholding infonnation specifically authorized under criteria established by an Executive Order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense of foreign policy and which is in fact properly classified pursuant to such an Executive Order. == 5 USC 552(b)(2) - Allows withholding infonnation related solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of an agency. == 5 USC 552(b)(3) - Allows withholding of information prohibited from disclosure by another statute. (FOIA Exemption 3 can not stand alone. Please identify, in the "other" category below, the legal cite for the correlating statutory authority that prohibits disclosure). ; _ 5 USC 552(b)(4) - Trade secrets and commercial or financial information obtained from a person and privileged or confidential. _· 5 USC 552(b)(S) - Inter-agency or intra-agency memos or letters ...deliberative material...attorney work product...attomey-client material. (Explain what harm would be caused by disclosure). _ 5 USC 552(b)(6) - Personnel and medical files and similar files the disclosure of which would personal privacy. constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of _ 5 USC 552(b)(7) - Records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes, but only to the extent that the production of such law enforcement records or information: (circle as appropriate) A B CD E F. _ 5 USC 552(b)(8) - information contained in or related to examination, operating, or condition reports prepared by, on behalf of, or for the use of an agency responsible for the regulation or supervision of financial institutions. _ 5 USC 552(b)(9) - Geological and geophysical information and data, including maps, concem,ng wells. Other: Cite statutory authority to be given in correlation with FOIA Exemption 3 (e.g., HUD Refonn Act). _The requestor should be advised that a final determination cannot be made until. _______________ because _______________ _ HUD-17-0201-B-000002 ·II If estimated costs exceed $25.00, please. do not begin processing. Please complete the cost estimate portion below and return it, through the individual conducting the search, FOIA Liaison and Approving\Denying Official, to the FOIA Office. The FOIA Office will contact the requester and advise him/her of the esttmated cost to process the request and obtain approval to proceed. Step--~> Grade & Step of employee conducting search (Grade __ If more than one employee, please indicate (Grade __ Step _ hrs of Professional Search (Actual salary rate (hourly), plus 16% of salary rate of employee $__ _ hrs of Professional Review (Actual salary rate (hourly), plus 16% of salary rate of employee $__ hrs of Clerical Search (Actual sal~ry rate (hourly), plus 16% of salary rate of employee $ __ hrs of Clerical Review (Actual salary rate (hourly), plus 16% of salary rate of employee $ __ Programming Services Hours ______ X$35.00 $__ Computer Run Time Minutes ______ X25.00 $ __ (Print Time-only if infonnation taken from mainframe) $.___ (please describe below all costs involved to include Direct Contracting Cost ,:programming services, computer run time, etc.) . X $.18 Pages Number of photocopies Cost Estimate: Other Costs (Explain/Be specific) Act,ual Cost$ ----- OiQilai~ signed l)y: BRITTANIGROOMES ON/CN • BRITTANI GROOMES C • US , ," BRITTAN I ,~.9_~• .,.s :. 41: ./°,:. GROOMES ,9e1e: GovommontOU • Do;,orlmen: ousing and Ur1)sn OeYelopment, '1. olAdminiSlff~On 2017.12,07 09:0B:13 -0~00' Brittani Groomes .12£07/2017 Program Analyst Conducting Search (Please sign and print your name) Date 202-402-6129 Telephone Number Comments: FOIA Liaison Concurrence (Please sign and print your name) · Date Telephone Number (1y-r-- J,w,..t1'5;'2-(WAM ~ Approving\Denying Official (Please sign and print your name) NOTE: THE FOIA OFFICE MUST HAVE A CLEAN COPY OF THE RELEASABLE/ NONRELEASABLE DOCUMENTS. ALSO, PLEASE ENSURE THAT ALL OF THE SIGNATURES (Program Analyst, FOIA Liaison, and Approving/Denying Official) ARE COMPLETED, (SIGNED & PRINT) ON THE RECOMMENDATION SHEET. Revised: November 25, 2013 HUD-17-0201-B-000003 ) _ _ _ _ U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBA~ DEVEl,OPMENT WASHINGTONQC 20410.0500 QENERAI. COUNSEi, APR 3 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR: Sheila Greenwood, Chief of Staff FROM: Linda ~uty SUBJECT: Designation of Agency Official to Hear Requests for Secretarial Review Delegation of Authority pursuant to the Whistleblower Protection 1 Act General Counsel for Operations, CAO Enclosed are two proposed designations for the Secretary's signature. The Secretary has the authority to hear and rule on appeals from decisions by HUD' s Administrative Law Judges. The Secretary has previously delegated this authority to his Chief of Staff. The enclosed designation follows this previous practice and designates HUD's Chief of Staff as the agency official responsible for ruling on such requests for Secretarial Review. OGC's Officeof Hearingsand Appealsis responsiblefor reviewingsuch requests for review and providing recommended decisions to the Chief of Staff. The Whistleblower Protection Act requires the Secretary, within 30 days of receiving a report from the Inspector General concerning an allegation of prohibited reprisal against an employee of a contractor for engaging in protected whistleblowing activity, to determine whether to accept the findings of the Inspector General and, if the findings are accepted, to determine the appropriate action to be taken against the contractor. The Secretary may delegate this responsibility to another agency official. The enclosed delegation names the Secretary's Chief of Staff as the agency official responsible for making these determinations. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. I,: HUD-17-0201-B-000004 U.S. DEPARTMENTOF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, OC 204f0·0001 April 3, 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR: Sheila Greenwood, Chief of Staff. S FROM: Benjamin S. Carson, Sr., Secretary, S SUBJECT: 1/e~ ., Delegation of Authority to Chief of Staff under 41 U.S.C. § 4712 By this memorandum. I hereby delegate to the Chief of Staff the authority to make all Secretarial decisions under 41 U.S.C. § 4 712. "Enhancement of contractor protection from reprisal for disclosure of certain information," Under 41 U.S.C. § 4712, no later than 30 days after receiving a reJated Inspector General report, the Secretary shall make a determination regarding whether a federal contractor has subjected an individual to a prohibited reprisal. Prohibited reprisals include discharging, demoting, or otherwise discriminating against an employee for disclosing information to certain persons and bodies, such as a HUD employee responsible for grant or contract over.sight, a Member of Congress. an Inspector General. a court, or an authorized official of the Department of Justice or other law enforcement agency. that the employee reasonably believes is evidence of: • • • • • Gross mismanagement of a Federal contract or granf; Gross waste of Federal fu~ds; An abuse of authority relating to a Federal contract or grant~ A substantial and specific danger to public health or safety~ or A violation of law, rule, or regulation related to a Federal contract (including the competition for or negotiation of a contract) or grant. Secretarial authority under this statute includes the ability to order the contractor to take action, such as by abating the reprisal, to order the contractor to reinstale an individual to the position the individual held before the reprisal, and to order the contractor to pay the complainant the aggregate amount of all c.ostsand expenses associated with bringing the complaint regarding the reprisal. Authority: Section 7(d) of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Act, 42 u.s.c.3535(d). Effective date: This delegation is effective upon signature. www.hud.gov e.spanol.hud.gov HUD-17-0201-B-000005 ., .1.· U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON,DC 20410-0001 APPOINTMENTOF SECRETARIAL DESIGNEE FOR SECRETARIAL REVIEWS I, Benjamin S. Carso~ Sr., the Secretary of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, hereby appoint the Chief of Staff, whether serving on an acting or permanent basis, as the SecretarialDesignee for all Secretarial Reviews. ~ Benjamin S. Carson, Sr. Secretary, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Date: 'f-3-ll -------- HUD-17-0201-B-000006 ..-== InternalHUD Distribution: Identification Lines: Correspondence Code Originator Name Ch.:ng CAODB ~17/li Date Official RecordCopy Concurrcnce u, Concurrence Concurrence Cruci aoi _Simpsofll/v{t Shumway OG CAGO CAGDB/# // / l /,~ "3.<1.,1 U.S. lkpartment of Housing and Urban 0cvclopm nt Previous edition is obsolete. ' Concurr ence Concurrence Greenwood A 1r1 ' s fonn HUD·7l3 . 1 (I 1/02) HUD-17-0201-B-000007 ~--_.:·,•)':.'•.·:-. l'.S. DEP.-\RT\IE\T OF HOl'SI\G ..\\D l'RU..\:'.'\DEVELOP\IE.1'.T ' \\ -\Sfll:>:GTO:>:.DC ~(i-lF!-~OC•t ~:.* 11111111 ~} '·.<:~, • ..,c,·=··. ·:.: CHI Ff Hl'~l,\:S: C..\l'l'r ->.I.Of-HCI-.R MEMORANDUM FOR: APR2 5 2017 Ti:: Secro/ary , , a, tr.4 t 6f crv1 ?,;;,.., wanda A. Brooks, Chief Human 1 ; 1 ,. FROM: , ~, SUBJECT: ../<\CTIO~-POLICY . . -~ Capital Officer, A STATEMENT - Diversity and Inclusion ISSUE: The President's Executive Order 13583 (Order) established a coordinated governmentwide initiative to promote diversity and inclusion in the Federal workforce. This initiative must now he communicated to all HUD employees by issuance of a Policy Statement. FACTS: HUD is fully committed to chis initiative as evidenced by our implementation of the second phase of the Order by establishing our Inclusive Diversity Strategic Plan. Moreover, HUD recognizes that the true rnluc of di,,ersity is the potential to increase group intelligence. We know the real benefit of inclusion as a management strategy is to successfully bring together diverse groups of ideas, identities. and information to improve employee engagement and solve difficult problems. RECOMMENDATION: I recommend that you approve the issuance of this Policy Statement, and sign the attached memorandum to all HUD employees. CONTACT: If you have any question or concerns, please contact Michel1e Cottom, Office of Diversity and Inclusion, at 202-402-5627, or ~u.:.:~~L-:.it'. '.l;L\il1,_'!~1';l',1'-(: i,rJ~_;,'\. Attachment DECISION: j A/ / I/ I ( ,JI I // I.'•.~ /J Approve ll ____., ,' .·, .,,,------- ,,/ MAY17 2017 ://_;:~ '. - Disapprove www.hud.go, Date espanol.bud.go,· HUD-17-0201-B-000008 ?-,.\At:\; .j<. (:1-~) ....,~ ...:.it'-'",-:;.' U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, DC 20410-0001 MEMORANDUM FOR: All HUD Employees FROM: Benjamin S. Carson, Sr_ SUBJECT: POLICY STATEMENT-Diversity and Inclusion In accordance with Executive Order 13583 (Order). which establishes a coordinated governmentwide initiative to promote diversity and inclusion in the Federal workforce, I am issuing this Policy Statement. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development is fully committed to this initiative as evidenced by our implementation of the second phase of the Order by establishing our Inclusive Diversity Strategic Plan. Moreover, HUD recognizes that the true value of diversity is the potential to increase group intelligence. We know the real benefit of inclusion as a management strategy is to successfully bring together diverse groups of ideas, identities, and infonnation to improve employee engagement and solve difficult problems. Implicit in all this is the notion that diversity and inclusion go well beyond race, gender, and diversity of thought. However, it is the inex.tricable link between who we are and how we think that makes diversity and inclusion the fundamental ingredients that drive organization perf ormancc_ We will integrate diversity and inclusion goals and services within the broader objectives of the Department by ensuring that they align with the mission, objectives, strategies, and goals of HUD. We will develop broad. current. and inclusive workplace strategies based on broader, more current, and more inclusive definitions of diversity than the traditionally recognized diversity groups, using the views, values, and perspectives derived from demographically diverse affinity groups. We will control. monitor, and coordinate the advisory and consultative processes related to program initiatives and activities that examine systemic barriers to inclusion in all facets of the Department, to include: cultural norms, business practices, communications, leadership accountability, strategic recruitment, and work life. We will ensure that our services are provided in accordance with administrative laws, policies. regulations, and the Department's mission, functions, policies. and procedures_ Diversity and inclusiveness are the cornerstone of high organizational performance. Therefore, all executives, managers, supervisors, and employees are called upon to be role models who exhibit behaviors of acceptance, inclusion, and accountability_ To this end, all individuals are welcome at HUD regardless of age, color, d1sabthty, nahonal ongm, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation), parental status, www.hud.gov espanol.hud.gov HUD-17-0201-B-000009 2 family medical history. genetic information, political affiliation, and military service or nonmerit based factors. If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact the Office of Diversity and Inclusion at 202-402-5627 or via email at diversitvandinclu5ion@hud.gov. HUD-17-0201-B-000010 MEMORANDUM FOR: The Secretary FROM: Towanda A. Brooks. Chief Human Capital Officer, A SUBJECT: ACTION-POLICY STATEME!'\T- Diversity and Inclusion ISSUE: The President's Executive Order 13583(Order} established a coordinated governmentwide initiative to promote diversity and inclusion in the Federal workforce. This initiative must now be communicated to all HUD employees hy issuance of a Policy Statement. FACTS: HUD is fully committed to this initiative as evidenced by our implementation of the second phase of the Order by establishing our Inclusive Diversity Strategic Plan. Moreover, HUD recognizes that the true value of diversity is the potential to increase group intelligence. We know the real benefit of inclusion as a management strategy is to successfully hring together diverse groups of ideas, identities, and information to improve employee engagement and solve difficult problems. RECOMMENDATION: I recommend that you approve the issuance of this Policy Statement, and sign the attached memorandum to all HCD employees. Attachment I Internal I IUD Disttihurion: I I Idcnlifkation Lines: A : C.1.>llom:me: -1-~0-I 7 202--102-(X~98 Policy S1a1ement- Din:rsity and lnku!c,elopm~nt Pr.-vious.-di1ionis ohsok1e. form Ht.:D-71'.l.J(] 1/021 HUD-17-0201-B-000012 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING WASHINGTON.DC THE SECRETARY AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT 20410·0001 April 26. .:ul 7 Dr. AnJrcrt Evers Superintendent Cain:i Unit SLhuo! Distri1.:tl 2403 Dr. \fan in Luther King A, enue Cairn. 11.621) 14-1.+:6 Thank :-ou and the studenh r,f rhe Cairo Sd1unl Di;;iril'l for your thciughtful leuer:-,_ You·,e inspired the~e y(itmg mind:-.hy tca(·hing them ihJ\V t\1 make their voi.:~s heard. and I truly appreci:He th1.~pJssi(1n11lc>y hring tn this h:ry serit)Us is:-.llL'. Cairn. m ..1respecifkally the .1\lexander Coumy lk,u:-ing Authority (ACHA). has ric~n 1.mc t)f my priorities since day \me on thi:.-jch. r\~ had team-. of C\pcn~ '>carching for any \iahle solution to preserve atl.::lrdabl~houo.;ing1.)ppNtunitie;,in Cuiw. from n.'huilding ll) utilizing options for a nearly m:mufat:mrcd housing. Sadly. thert: are ,ery lirnited, iabk finc..1111.·ial b,rnkrupl housing autlrnrity. Th~re arc no economkally viahk strategies currently available to HUD to restore ACHA's financial health. Tenant prOLection vouchers art' the hcst immediate option to move families to safe and healthy living conditions. wc·rc providing mo\·ing expenses and intensive counsding to help families during this traumatic time. If there was another w..iy to keep ACHA ·s residents in d(·cent. safe. sanitary housing. we· d t.~xerl'isethat option. Relocating families i~ nnt something we do without extensive thought. research. and candidly. a fair amount of handwringing. We understand the deep ties and dev1.Hionfor the place where l)ll~ is born and raised. We (:m · t fed what the peopk of Cairo feel. but please understand this is not a decision without fc~ling. Abnormally high utility costs and generous employment and benefit agreements only compound ACHA · s financial condition. More than half ACHA · s units are uninhabitable due to a backlog of deferred maintenance. Additionally. a number of residents are no longer paying rent. funher exacerbating ACH:'\."scritical cash shonag~. As of last Felmiary. S.218.000 in rent payments went uncollected. As a result. ACHA has completely depleted its cash reserves and is unable to pay its hills. www.hud.gov HUD-17-0201-B-000013 Short of money. ACHA is increasingly unable co maintain the remaining public housing units it own::,. Without this triage efforc. the fate of the units not slated for demolition hang in the hala11c1..'. Built in I 941. the fvk Bride and Elmwood d~\'i!lopm~nts art' uninhabitable and require approximately S7.6 million in imrnedime improvements to make them suitable for occupancy. Repladng the units with new ClmStruction would cost approximately $70 million. ACHA annually recei \ \..'SS6 70.000 of Capital funds a\·ailable to finance rnpital improvcmc-nts. Despite our be~t dh>11s. we know that some families. y(mr students included. may ha\e ro move ouhide of Cairo. My hope v.:ould he that they ne,·er forget their Cairo roots and the inspiration you· ve pnwided. HUD-17-0201-B-000014 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING WASHINGTON. THE SECRETARY DC. AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT 20410·0001 August 17. 2017 The Honorabk Carherine C:ntez !\fasto UniLed Stati:s Senate Washington. DC 20510 Dear Senator Cortez Masco: Thank you for your k1ter inquiring ahout pnJpos(;·dchange~ to secLion223 uf the DeparLmcntof Housing and Urban Dneh.)pmem General Pmvbions in the Presidem·s Fiscal Year2018 Budget. which would amend set.:tion255 of the National Housing Act (NHA). Since 2014. HUD has taken steps to ensure Lhatlenders can gi\e digihle non-borrowing spouses of Home Equily Conversion Mortgage l HECM) borrowers an opportunity to remain in their marital homes follt)wing the demh of HECM borrowers. We remain committed to that goaL The goal of this General Provision is to support the HEC\1 program·s current prok·ctions for non-borrowing spouses v,.1hilealso affording HUD the ability t1.) modify or expand due anJ payable lkfcrrals of loans in cases the Secretary belieYes are warranted. The provision abo will strengthen the ahility of the Secretary to manage finantial risk. Specifically. the Gl·ncral Provision is needed for Lwo r1;·asons: • FirsL.suhscction (I) clarifies Lhat!he dcfiniti1.>nof a mortgagor under the HECM program is ,.,lightlydifferent from that u~ed in Lhchroa(kr NHA. This distinction is imponant and nc-cessary10 nperate in a fiscally sound manner. HECMs are originated based in p::trton the specific life expectancies of identified borrowers. As such. HECMs are not assumable or assignable. In concrnsc.the general definition of mortgagor in the :"-IHAincludes the borrowers· successors and assignees. The NHA definition makes sense for forward mongages as any successor or assignee to !he mortgage would assume the payment resp1)nsibilities. In the HECM program. however. where the HEC\1 loan is spccificalJy hased on Lheamount of time the original HECM borrower and thdr spouse arc t:xpecrcd to remain in the home. the definition would expose HUD and lhe Federal Housing Administration homw ..·ers an opportunity to remain in their marital homes following the death of HECM horro\.\'ers. We remain committed to that goa1. The goal of this General Provision is to suppo!1 the HECM program· s rnTTcntprotections for non-borrowing s1xmses while also affording HUD the ability to modify or expand due and payahlc deferrals of loans in cases the Secretary believes are warranted. The provision also will strengthen the abilily of the Secretary to manage financial risk. Specifically. the General Provision is needed for two reasons: • First. subsection ( J l clarifies thal the definiti(m of a mor1gagor under the HECM program is slightly different from that used in the hmadcr NHA. This distinclion is importanl and necessary to operate in a fiscally sound manner. HECMs are originalcd based in part on the specific lift: expectancies of identified borrowers. As such, HECMs are not assumable 1)r assignable. In contrast. the general definition of mongagor in the NHA includes the borrowers· su<:cessors and assignees. The NHA definition makes sense for forward mortgages as any successor or assignee lO the mortgage would assume the payment rcsponsibilitie~. In the HECM program. however. where rhe HECM loan is specifo.:ally based on the amount of time the original HECM borrower and rheir spouse are expected to remain in the hnme. the definition would expose HUD and th~ Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund to undue risk and cost. • Second. subsection (2) also provides the Secretary with discretion to provide deferrals lo include existing homeowner protections as well as other deferrals the Department might promulgate in the future. The current statutory language at subsection 255(j) of HUD-17-0201-B-000017 the NHA rd'ercnces only deferring due and payable status for the borrower· s spouse and docs nor explicitly provide for other eligibility criteria or types of deferrals. The proposed change provides Hl. 0 explicit authority to establish eligibility criteria allowing ir lo protect homeowners. inducting ;;illowingnon-bnn-owing spouses 10 remain in the family home. and manage financial risk. 1 ll1csc two subsections address an amhiguity that could result in the HECM program being required to provide further deferrals of due and payable status to parties other than the original HECM borrower's spouse. and enables HUD to more effectively manage risk to the Mutual Mongage Insurance Fund. We understand the proposed changes to section .2.:=i5 of the NHA are causing concern because the revised provision no longer contains an explicit reference to the homeowner" s spouse. Given t.harwe seek 1hccommon goal of maintaining prote~lit)ns for non-bcmowing spouses without exposing the FHA program to un C out: in: /~ 3. Smallwood, AHFD out: "-½7 4. Patenaude> SD 5. Greenwood, S Comments and/or Special Dispatch Instructions: Program Person to Contact for Questions: Jereon Brown Phone No: RoomNo: (202) 402-6628 10134 HUD-17-0201-B-000021 ... ., 'I ·•J' •• t '·.~) -..: ... \· ... ·, ~' . .. ' ' ..... ·~ I •., • J '. -.·· ~ / II ' ...' •. HUD-17-0201-B-000022 {.. U.S. DEPARTMENTOF HOUSINGAND URBANDEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, DC 20410-4000 OFJ-1C6OF l'UIJI.IC AFFAIRS October 19, 2017 MEMORANDUMFOR: The Secretary Shelia Greenwood, Chief of Staff, S From: Jereon Brown, General Deputy Assistant Secretary, PA SUBJECT: FolJow~up,Cairo Trip During the trip to Cairo, there was an agreement to examine the possibility of retaining several buildings within the Elmwood and McBride developments. Attached are the assessments. We have drafted a letter to make the Mayor and School Superintendentaware of the results and the Depanment of Housing and Urban Development's intention to proceed with the demolition. Attachments: 1. Building Assessments 2. Letter for Secretary Signature cc: Amy Thompson, Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs, PA Maren Kasper, Executive Vice President, Ginnie Mae, TA www.hud.gov espanol.hud.gov HUD-17-0201-B-000023 HUD-17-0201-B-000024 U . S . DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING W-"SMINGTON, THE ANO URBAN DEVELOPMENT D .C. 20410·0001 October 19, 2017 SECRETARY The Honorable Tyrone Coleman Mayor of Cairo 150 J Washington A venue Cairo , IL 62914-1811 Dear Mayor Coleman: Thank you for hosting the Department of Housing and Urban Develo pment (HUD) visit to your community. The city of Cairo and the Alexander County Housin g Authority (ACHA) remain among my highest priorities , as has been the case since the earlies t days of this administration. It was important that HUD witness the living conditions of the public housing residents in Cairo and hear their concerns. The passion and commitment many share for their hometown inspired our Department. The commitment Cairo residents have to their community, coupled with Cairo's strategic location at the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers, sugges ts that brighter days may indeed lay ahead for the city. But those brighter days require a real, sustain ed, market-driven economic development strategy that will rely upon both public and private investment. In the short term, HUD knows that the status quo is unsustainable and the ACHA cannot survive along its current path. As stated in April, the Department's teams of experts and consultants analyzed the financial viability of the housin g authority and there are simply no economicaJly viable strategies available to retain the ACHA's housin g stock in its present form. After visiting, HUD staff was directed to work with the ACHA to make every effort humanly possible to meet the immediate needs of the Elmwood and McBride residen ts and to develop a long-tenn plan for the ACHA. There have been some encouraging developments. First, the Stenger Building was recently purchased by Shawnee Enterprise . In late October, there will be an additional eight oneand two-bedroom units provided in the heart of Cairo. These units will be available for households relocating from Elmwood and McBride. FamiJies interes ted in relocating to this property can use their Tenant Protection Voucher . The Department encour ages families that want to stay in Cairo to make sure they sign up for their voucher assista nce so that they may take advantage of these opportunities. www.hud,ggy HUD-17-0201-B-000025 HUD-17-0201-B-000026 2 Following the discussion with ACHA, HUD has also instruc ted our staff to reexam ine the possibility of salvaging some of the Elmwood or McBride complexes. Unfortunat e ly, our latest analysis confirm s our prior assessment-rehabilitation is not a viable option and both developments must be vacated and demolished. The Department will ide ntify ACHA resources and alternative source s to rehabilitate family units at Theb es. The limited funding available from the ACHA , feedb ack from the community, extraordinary costs, and the lack of additional resour ces do not support rehabilitating vacant units at that development. Instead , the HUD team has been instru cted to focus on investing in the rem aining ACHA inventory to improv e the living conditi ons for remaining residents livin g in ACHA housing. HUD staff will continue to work to make certa in the reloca tion of res idents from the Elmwood and McBride complexes be completed as soon as possible. While the Department has not yet esta blished a definitive date for everyone to move from these properties, at some point in the very near future, we will have to set a date certain for all familie s to vacate Elmwood and McBride. · As a doc tor, I was trained to adhere to the Hippoc ratic Oath to "do no harm ." As HUD Secretary, I intend to follow this maxim. The Department cannot solve all of challenges facing Cairo; however , reloca ting those reside nts who ha ve been living in the most unacceptable and unsafe conditions must occur without further delay. HUD is providin g Tenant Protection Voucher s and supportive service s to Elwood and McBride household s. Use of a Tenant Protec tion Voucher, of course , does not mandate that folks leave Cairo or Alexander Co unty. That is a choice for indiv idual families to make and a function of the available housin g stock. At this time, with winter just around the corner, there is no choice but to think about the health and safety of resident s. If co nditions at Elmwood and Mc Bride continue to deteriorat e, the ACHA may be forced to use e merge ncy relocation. Otherwi se, residents must relocate and they should make those plans with all dispatch. The longer-term solutio n for Cairo and its residents is a separate que stion. That solutio n must be driven by more than the rehabilitat ion of feder ally assisted hou sing and must harnes s the private market It also requires creative thinkin g at the local, region al, state, and nation al levels. Visiting Cairo convinced the Department that over the horizon a bright er day awaits, and HUD loo ks forward to being a part of it. Sincer ely, /~ - Benjamin S. Carson , Sr. HUD-17-0201-B-000027 HUD-17-0201-B-000028 - li ·-- • ,\ Record of Clearances CTS ControlNumber: 1017-CAGEA-HQ-0l 136 Primary Program Office Assistant Secretary or Equivalent I. Daniel Baxter, Deputy Assistant General Counsel, Ethics and Appeals, CAGEA In: 2. Lindsey Allen, Assistant General Counsel, Ethics and Appeals, CAOEA LA ou•:9/u/17 3. Linda Cruciani, Deputy General Counsel for Operations, CAO •.Seth Zorc, Pci.nci pal Deputy General C.Ounsel, C 4. in: out: 6. in: 01'1: 11'1: out Comments and/01Special Dispatch lnstruciions: Please contact Jessica Wimberly, Ext.4272 or Wanda Glasper, Ext 2852 for package pickup Thank You. P,ogram Person to Contact for Questions: Lindsey A. Allen Phone No: Room No: (303)672~ 5066 2130 HUD-17-0201-B-000029 (ii). OF HOUSINGANDUllBAN DEVELOPMENT U.S.DEPARTMENT WASHINGTON,DC 20410-0SOO .... ....v> <-;. orna. OFGENERALCOUNSEi. SEP2 1 2017 'MEMORANDUMFOR: The Secretary THROUGH: Linda M.~puty General Cow,sel for ·operations, CAG ~-Al.tut, FROM: Lindsey A. AJlen,Assistant General Coahsel for Ethics SUBJECT: Designation of Beth A. Zorc as Designated Agency Ethics Official and Appeals, CAGEA Attached for_yoursignature is a letter to David Apol, Acting Director at the Office of ' Government Ethics (OGE), designating Beth A. Zorc, Acting General Counsel, to serve as ffi.JD 's Designated Agency Ethics Official (DAEO). Pursuant to 5 C .F.R. § 2638.104(a), the head of the ngen~y is responsible for infonning OGE of the name of the individuaJdesignated to serve as DAEO. Helen Kanovskyserved as the DAEO until her retirement on September 17, 2016. According to HUD's delegation of authority, the responsibility of serving as the agency's DAEO was delegated by the Secretary ~o·the General Counsel. Therefore. Beth Zorc, who is now Acting General Counsel, will serve as HUD's DAEO. Linda M. Cruciani, Deputy General Counsel for Operations, will remain the Alternate DAEO. We recommend you sign this letter. If you need additional infonnation. please contact Linda M . Cruciani at ex.tension 5108, or Lindsey A. Allen at (303) 672 ~5066. Attachment www.hud.gov cspanol.hud.gov HUD-17-0201-B-000030 U.S. DEPARTMENTOF HOUSINGAND URBAN DEVELOPMENT THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, OC 20410-0001 The Honorable David J. A pol Acting Director, Office of Government Ethics · 120 1 New York Avenue, N.W ., Suite 500 Wa shington, DC 20005-3917 Dear Mr . Apol: . . As required by 5 C.F.R. § 2638.104, please be infonn ed that the U.S. Department of , to serve Housing and Urban Developm ent has designated Beth A. Zorc, Acting Gen eral Counsel Counsel General Deputy , as the Designated Agency Ethics Official (DAEO). Linda M. Cruciani on of Delegati for Operations , will remain the Alternate DAEO. We have enclosed a copy of the Authority regarding the above de~ignation s. If you need additional infonnation, please contacCLindsey A. Allen , Assistant Gen eral · · Cciunsel, Office of Ethi cs and Appeal s, at (303) 672-5066. .... Sinc erely, ---- Benjamin S. Cai:son, r. ' ,: -~,. ...... En closure www .hud.gov espanol.hud.gov HUD-17-0201-B-000031 42462 Federal Register/Vol. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. FR-5543-0--01) Consolidated Delegation of Authority to the General Counsel AGENCY:Office of the Secretary; ACTION: Notice of Delegation o[ HUD. Authority. SUMMARY:On December 1, 2009, HUD publishP.d in the Federal Register a consolidated notice of delegation nf authority from the Secretary tu the General Counsel. Today's Federal Register notice updates the December 1, 2009, consolidated delegation of authority and supersedes all previous iiehigations of authority from the Secretary to the Gennral Counsel. DATES: Effective Date: July 9, 2011. FOR FURTHERINFORMATIONCONTACT:John P. Opitz. Associate General Counsel for Finance and Administrative Law. Office of General Counsel. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street, SW., Room 8150, Washington, DC 20410-0500. telephone number 202-708-Hl99. (This is not a toll-free number.) Individuals with speech or hearing impairments may access this number through T1'Y by callinK 1-B00-877-8339. SUPPLEMENTARYINFORMATION:On Decembur 1, 2009. at 74 FR 62801, HUD published a consolidated notice of delegation of authority from the · Secretary lo the General Counsel. Today's Federal Register notice updates the Dacemher 1, 2009, consolidated delegalion of authority nnd supersedes all previous delegations of authority from the Secretary to the General Coun~el. Published elsewhere in today's Federal Register is a redelegation of authority from the General Counsel to subordinate employees within the Office of General Counsel. Section A of this notice contains general delegations from the Secretary to the General Counsel. Section B of this notice contains a delegation from the Secretary to thA General Counsel regarding enforcement authority. In this section, the Secretary delegates authority to the General Counsel to issue suspensions, debarments, and limited denials or participation, under Z CFR Part 2424 (adopting the Office of Man.igement and Budget (0MB) guidance in subparts A through I of 2 CFR Part 180, as supp!P.mented by 2 CFR part 2424}. In a separate notice published in today's Federal Register. the General Counsel redelegates this authority to the Principal Deputy General Counsel, thA 76, No. 137/Monday, July 18, 2011/Notices Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of Deputy General Counsel for 1973, as amended. 29 U.S.C. 791 et seq.; Enforcement and Fair Housing. the the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as Director of the Departmental amended, 42 U.S.C. 6101 et seq.; and Enforccmt:nt Center, the Deputy Section 109 of the Housing and Director of the Departmental Community Development Act of 1974, Enforcement Center, and the Directors as amended, 42.U.S.C. 5301 et seq. of the Slltellite Departmental 6. Authorizing the General Counsel to Enforcement Centers. initiate a civil money penalty action Section C orthis notice contains a pursuant to Sections 102 and 103 of the delegation from the Secretary to the Department of Housing and Urban General Counsel when acting as the Development Reform Act of 19B9 (42 Dnsignated Agency Ethics Official. The Secretary previously named the General U.S.C. 3537.a(c). 3545); 24 CFR Part 4 in accordance with the provisions of 24 Counsel as HUD's Designated Agency CFR Part 30. Ethics Official (DAEO) and authorized 7. Authorizing the General Counsel to the DAEO to waive any provisions in 5 appoint and fix the compensation of a CFR Part 7501 (Supplemental Standards foreclosure commissioner or of Conduct for Employees of the commissioners and alternate Department of Hou~ing and Urban commissioners, in accordance with thA Development). See5 CFR 7501.102, 7501.103. The SecMtary has also named Multifamily Mortgage Foreclosure Act of 1981 (12 U.S.C. 3701 et seq.): 24 CFR the Deputy General Counsel for 27.10. Operations as the Alternate Designatocl HUD's program Assistant Secretaries Agency Ethics Official to act in the have also delegated authority to the absence of the DAEO. See 5 CFR General r.ounsel. The A:ssistant · 7501.102. In this notice, the Secretary Secretary for Housing-Federal Housing delegates the authority to the DAEO to Commissioner has delegated authority authorize the Alternate DAEO to to the General Counsel to issue a notice perform the waiver function of the of violation undor the terms of a DAEO in 5 CFR Part 7501 concurrently regulatory agreement; to issue a notice with the DAEO. . of 21 i;ause the seal of HUD to be affixed to Federal Tort Claims Act. 28 U.S.C. such document.c;a!;may require its 1346(b), 2671 et seq. and the Military application and to certify .that a copy of Consolidated Redelegation of Personnel and Civilian Employee!!' Authority to the Office of General any book, papi:ir.microfilm, or other Claims Act of 1974. 31 U.S.C. 3721 ct Counsel document is a true copy of that in the seq. 7. To act upon the appeals and issue files of HUD. AGENCY:Office of General Counsel. 14. To act as the designated official final determinations on appeals of HUD. under Section 5(al ofExer.utive Order denial of access or record correction ACTION:Notice of Rcdelcgation of 12630, Governmental Actions and under the Privacy Act of 1974, except Authority. appeals regarding records m~intained by Interference With Constitutionally HUD-17-0201-B-000033 --· U.S. DEPARTMENTOF HOUSINGAND URBANDEVELOPMENT THESECRETARY, WASHINGTON, OC 20410·~t The Honorable David J. Apol Acting Director, Office of Government Ethics 1201 New York Avenue, N.W., Suite 500 Washington. DC 20005~3917 Dear Mr. Apol: As required by 5 C.F.R. § 2638.104, pl~ase be infonned that the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has de~ignated Beth A. Zorc, Acting General Counsel, to serve as the Designated Agency Ethics Official (DAEO). Linda M. Cruciani, Deputy General Counsel for Operations, will remain the.Alternate DAEO. We have enclosed a copy of the Delegation of Authority regarding the above designations. · If you need additional information, please contact Lindsey A. Allen, Assistant General Counsel, Office of Ethics an·/.-:~,..:.· /·1,·' I --- ..- , ----- ,,:!',,71f:.---;;:&-!..---------__ . ----~------Approve · NOV1 6 ?017 / Disapprove Date HUD-17-0201-B-000036 LS. DEP..\RHtE~T OF HOLSING..\:\0 t.;RBAN0EVELOPME'.'iT WASHL'-GTO:'.OC 20410·2000 .>.SSISTANTSECRETARYrOR FAIR HOCS!"SG,\~D F.Qli.>.LOPPORn.NrrY O:tober 18, 2017 k . kt•r-..c_.,YY)~ MEMORA~DUM FOR: TheSecrctary ~ FROM: Anna:· aria Farias, ~ssistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal ~ 0,-4-- Opportunity, E SUBJECT: ACTIO~-Designation of a Representative for HUD to the United States Access Board ACTION BY: October 30, 2017 Section 502 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (the Act) established the United States Access Board (Board) as an independent Federal agency to ensure access for people with disabilities to federally funded facilities and oversee Federal standard-setting on accessible design. The Act designates the Secretary of HlJD as one of the Federal members of the Board. The Board meets six times a year; however, the work itself is ongoing, carried out by the Board members, Board staff, and designated Federal liaisons to the Board. In accordance with the authorizing statute, the Secretary may designate an official whose position is Executive Level IV or higher to serve on his behalf as a Federal member of the Board. Traditionally, the Secretary has delegated this responsibility to the Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO). Disability access issues are an important part of FHEO's mission, so I would be happy to serve in this role. We have taken the liberty of preparing a letter for your signature designating me to serve. The letter also states that Cheryl Kent, Special Advisor for Disability Policy in FHEO, will continue to serve as the Department's Liaison. Ms. Kent is the subject matter expert in this area and has served in this role for the past 30 years. RECOMMENDATION: I recommend that you sign the . Attachment ..,.._....,.~ION:~ :::-U:·-/7 .Gv~~ ( )ate HUD-17-0201-B-000037 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING WASHINGTON, AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT D.C. 20410-0001 THE SECRETARY November 16. 2017 The Honorable Deborah A. Ryan Chair l!nited States Access Board 1331 F Street, NW, Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20004·1111 Dear Madam Chair: I am writing to advise you I have designated Anna Maria Farias, Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, to serve as the voting member of the Access Board n:presenting the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Cheryl Kent, Special Advisor for Disability Policy, Office of Enforcement, Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, will continue to serve as the Department's liaison officer. The Department looks forward to continuing to work with you as a member of full participation on the Access Board. Sincerely, /4 .;t:-;::7 ?)~-- Benjamin S. Carson, Jr. HUD-17-0201-B-000038 lnh:mal J ll 'D Distribution: Cl1HJ11I'·1 I~-!) ; 52..10 ( irnss,) 5226 Srll\th 510-1 ldcmiticnion Lines: Kt'nl EDF Kc:nt: rikNamc: ' I 202--l0:27058 J :\FHF-EEC\KENT:Action.\iemo.Acccss Board.Designee.I0-4-17 Com.:spom.km:c Originator Code EDE Name KE~T Date Uni~ial R~c,1rdCl,P.,. C0ncurren,t' EDC'1 ' I \i\ \\\ ~) \:°\, Con.:urrcncc Concurn'.nc..: ED ',J:1 s;rtf1i - ,si'-1~,~-:f'-/ ·., I I U' (\mcum:ncc C('11currcnc~ riRE1::--.;1,: \LI\rf°\ L'S ~panmmtofl!,)U5Ingand l.'rban[),:,ek1pm.:n1 Pr~1·11ms cd11i,,n1sobsoktc. form I IUD-713.1 (I l:021 HUD-17-0201-B-000039 lnh:nrnl IILO lfolribu1ion: Chrnn F1ks l k.:lll s2-m I Grus~o 5J2& ; Srmth 5~U8 Grt'ene , l lJ!.I : ' I I : 1,kntifo.:atit•nLini;;:,; LOE K<'lll: 202--t0:2-7058 rikNamc: J :\fHE-EEC\KE;\JT:Rvan.Access Board Desiimee.1Q.4. 17 C orrL'.SponJcn,·,· Originator Cm1('urrcni:.: Concum:nc<". Co:~Tcnc.: Cud1: EDE ED :--Jilllll' KENT ~~~o\\\ Date Oflirnil lkc,lld C,.>py I.' s .. ED ~~1YfH ·' .. . ;. ·:~::..>/ \.., :. El , ,.~GREE\:E ·-· \:, ... -7~~ ' Concum:nc.: ..... - \ u.,., \ ,~-,-- . I Co1wum.'nC<' \ . _...,J ' \ ~~ ~\\'-\' I' -) \U D~ann).:m bf I fousing and l'rb,in Di:\'~lL•pm.:111 !J()/lf!Uf':j--I 'form IIUD-713.1 il l!i~) HUD-17-0201-B-000040 ... . y. s. c.awmtEHTOF HOUSING AND URMN toctO-OOOI. 0KV¢o~ME'NT • ~.A.e. . ··. . . . . JUN16 2017 ·.. THE SEClll!TARV .t:J:1:::-;:: : W~on. . . .. . . ·.·~Mr. < .. R. Perici . DC20s1~0010 ~.. ~ Praidenl:. : ~ ··.·i\/: ·.··.~-'° the h'lspectcr(1enenl Ac:i or 1971,I.amwritina to.~do. you with a copyof ·. ·.. ,tt-.tJ;S. ~. of.H~.:in.lUd>aa Developana·s O:fficeof ~ Oeneal(OIG) . · Semiamnw ~~con.- &>rthc~monthperiodof October1.2Qlft-Much lt. 2011. ..•.··:.fransrittuat is ~ly . ' ~OOffl'lendatioftS,, mandated ancidoanot indicaacqnement•• OIG·flndmpand . . ·... , . . , ,.C.hapec.r.1· of the enclosedteport delailsthe mtepity amcomp~program. Chapcm ·...../ , ~,~i.,QJG•s ~ipdve-attd aiditetlbrUt{au&bout cu Singttf1mily Housing. Public •'t ../diftjc:ii. .•..... ~.. . . udit·:raol~ ... .·,:'::··< ;~ . and thowhbtleblower ombudsmalipmgtain. .. . . . Uoo~:forWlrd to a ~~.:~:with 010ancJwitfl.~ . m,ftilftlling its mi&iionOil behalfof die America people. . <'> to IUppQrt HUD ..···· HUD-17-0201-B-000041 . 'i .. ··.. ~ ?· ·. ·; ~"-HOU5 .ING Pl'.PAIIDIENT U; • • I . W~, .ANDVAIIAN ·. OEVK~MENT D,C::.a4MtC>OOOI . ! JlJHJ 6 2017 I I l . • ,· . · ... .. . . . .:.·. ... .. .0.Ryan ' ::.; / -~~~Paul \ 't~;:S'~~1· ofthoHouse : .' · : ' · ot'ltepte*tt.lti.vea W~~ DC 20~1S-650t ·. .::..: ;r~ ~~speater. -... ·. : .,. -ICltM.~ ,. ~ ._:__• ..... ;·:::.: U.S. ~ ··:'.lbe_. ~ -ym with a ~9r: ~ to & of 1.978. l am..writm :Act f tnrpodoc~cn1(010) · 1pnicoo ·OevelopmaJt .thtNirr anci _. ·~fHotllift1 0 ,A)rdie~lhperiodor~1.201~31~2011. . ~-er,orito~ with OtG ffndfngsand not iudicate~t it statiltnrifymandatedind does. T~ . . : t ' ! f ~ , ;_:: ·integmyaod~~~ ~ ~ '.qie~~~ls~ I C)fi : Cf*ptcr •::_:.. -. · Public.... .~*~~, H~ .--4:~ :~~tbe . iin4~ ~ nity ·CoinJnu and ~ .·-.Indian .~ ' af~ .... incl~Jr ,.J,...___ RecO,v DiA*. HWi• ~tos ~ , ~ 11ow 1 ' $ ~ : . ~ '.. i1M 1 . · 1 _ 7.;.. s......_ .___ ru.-~; ... ·----~ ..,;. • ---a ~ ~- ..a::-L. r. ..... -.n -=,c..-:..~ -~~ ~-~ ···-- s ~WIIO .. ~,tohA rJn~~ .·.2~~-dacrioeOltY. Mtllii~ =.r-::·:~:. . -~· . --~~ ..1- ,- tiiti...·;~... tioliand -:·w. sli_,:_. 'aoituWe.,...ans. . ··j~ .it 8\ldittr ..•..• civil.. iaud_illi VN. -- ... . . . ·~vu. .w~ .. ! . ~· . . l~\IAUUJ-IDIUlli1Uu.J . U ~0 . . . :epi ~Ming pa~ai~ ~th 010 ~. ., ·. . ..J.t~ ~ 1 behalf of lhs ·Arnalc.11people ht_Mfliit"l·itsin~~ ; . ;· ~· ~ii'ecti~'auctit~futioni. ind thewbitdebloweiombudiman -witb.C~ ·. ! HUD .ail to support .,... Sincerely. ,: ! ... : . ~ ........· ...:•.· :·;._·_ .. . . ·. • • . ! - -- , : .• -;... . : ,: .: .. : ·::,,,1,,•,: ' ,,~ ! • .·.··.·.:,i_··,·: .. .:...·,.~ HUD-17-0201-B-000042 ~ 1 :·.: ' .· .. -.~ i ~:: ··:-.·: ·.. ·.. .. 'i .·.. · ... ::.:: ... ·· . ... t·\ =:::· :·.. ·.:: ·. . .:~· " ·®11 ~ . HUD-17-0201-B-000043 ~-. :. . . ······..·:. r· "c:l.FFICE.OF I MSPECTOR GE NERAl :, . ! .i ·... ) .:.· . ,•: · ':.:. . .-: i ,., . • • •.. .. 1 .., .. . ......., ~-:;;J~.. I. ~ I ...., i. .. : :··:<·: .. •,,,• ., ... t ,': • • ... .... U.S . OEPARTM£N1' Of HOUSING AND URBAN.. · DEVELOPMENT HUD-17-0201-B-000044 , '< Date: September 11, 2017 ROUTINGAND TRANSMITTALSLIP To: (Name, 0 building, Fi=, Initials .1.ce, rocrr. n.:.r:nber, ........ Agency Date I Pest) 0f2;T~~ ((_/ l i q ( 1. Courtney 2. Sheila Deput.y CFO, r· . -~r:ie:- :if Staff B. Timberlake, Greenwood, HJJ~Q 3126 ! 3. 4. 5. Action File Note and Return Approval For Clearance Per Conversation As Requested For Correction Prepare Reply Circulate For Your Information See Me Comment Investigate Coordination Justify X Signature Review REMARKS Secretary's transmittal letter for FY2019 0MB Submission FROM: (Name, org.symbol. Agency/Post) Room No.··Bldg. HUD HQ3260 Daniel Ballard, OCFOB Phone No. 202·402·5594 HUD-17-0201-B-000045 I U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING WASHINGTON. THE AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT D.C. 20410-0001 SECRETARY September 11, 2017 The Honorable Mick Mulvant!y Director Office of Management and Budget Eisenhower Executive Office Building 725 17th Street, NW, Room 252 Washington, DC 20503-0001 Dear Director Mulvaney: I am pleased to submit the proposed 2019 Budget for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). In developing this request, I took very seriously the funding guidance since I agree with concerns raised by you and tht! President for a fiscally sustainable, responsible Federal Budget that invests where evidence shows strong outcomes. I also thank you for the opportunity to propose new investments that support the Administration's goals as part of the HUD request. This request focuses funding on HUD's core mission and Administration priorities: • • • • Remove Lead and Other Health Hazards Enhance Rental Assistance End Homelessness Promote Economic Opportunity This request supports our most vulnerable population and will help place work-able families on a path to self-sustainability. It invests in proven solutions with returns on investment that exceed costs over time, through greater economic productivity and avoided medical costs. CriticalAdd-Backs Making progress on these goals requires new investments. However. at the base request level of $40.68 billion, HUD will need over half of the allowable S2 billion for new investments under guidance to avoid eviction or displacement of households currently served by HUD-even when carrying forward the same policies as in the 2018 Budget. This request prioritizes these households, and allocates over $1.08 billion to Rental Assistance and the Homelessness Assistance Grants. Without these adds, 297,000 families would be at risk of losing their HUD-17-0201-B-000046 vouchers. Housing would not be able to fully fund contract renewals and amendments for 41,900 project·based units, 5,000 Project Rental Assistance Contract (PRAC) units for the elderly. and 1.000 PRAC units for persons with disabilities renewing for the first time in 2019. Further, 11,400 individuals served through the Emergency Shelter Grant program and nearly 6,000 households currently receiving services through the Continuum of Care (CoC) program would no longer be supported. New Investments With over half of the new investment funding under target needed to avoid displacing hundreds of thousands of households. the request thoughtfully allocates the remaining resources, and, where most critical, additional amounts over guidance to key priorities in programs and initiatives where data show they would have the greatest positive impact, while keeping in line with the Administration·s overall policy goals. Remove Lead and Other Healrh Hazards HUD must continue to prioritize safe. healthy, and secure homes to protect a significant ponion of current and future generations of children from exposures to lead, while concurrently addressing multiple health hazards in these homes that contribute to such conditions as asthma, cancer, and/or unintentional injuries. As Secretary. this is one of my top priorities, and the request includes an increase of $350 million to Lead Hazard Reduction Programs, including S25 million to mitigate lead paint hazards in public housing. These new investments will generate a return on investment and benefits that exceed the costs. with higher wages, reduced medical costs, and lead-mitigation jobs for low.income workers. Through partnerships with Federal, philanthropic, and private partners, this new investment will serve as a catalyst for private investment in the Nation's housing stock. Enhance Rental Assistance HUD continues to seek rent reforms that will allow the rental assistance programs to operate in a fiscally responsible and sustainable manner. In the fiscal year 2019 submission, to meet the budgetary targets, HUD calculated its 2019 needs for its rental assistance programs using the proposals included in the 2018 President's Budget. However. HUD seeks larger reforms that will do more than just lower costs of these programs and proposes to alter these baseline reform assumptions with this rental reform proposal. HUD is pursuing reforms in three prongs: I. rental assistance reform, 2. the future of public housing, and, 3.improving organizational alignment of HUD's rental assistance functions. Reforms would include defining assistance in a manner that is consistent across programs and simplifies administration, while differentiating assistance for elderly, disabled. and work-able households. While HUD anticipates that these reforms could require additional funding over the 0MB guidance, the Department believes that such investment is critical to make meaningful reform to rental assistance programs without negatively impacting assisted families. including the elderly and disabled. Moreover, the Department believes that with the new proposal, additional funding needs ahove what is included in guidance will be less than the SI billion in critical add.back funding identified above that is needed to avoid displacement of hundreds of thousands of families. More detailed infonnation on the larger reform efforts will be included in the HUD reform submission to 0MB on 20 September. HUD-17-0201-B-000047 nce for mov ing Public Housing units to The request does include over $250 million withi n guida to subsidize conver sion under the Rental a more sustainable platfo nn . This includes S 100 mill ion not be able to convert on their O\\-n . Assis tance Demonstratio n Program for properties that would s, fundi ng to better enabl e Public The request also provides greate r support for inspection stability of responsible, but financially Hous ing Authorities to reposition assets. and ensur es the the $ 110 million set aside for reform s distressed PHAs . HUD also anticipates using a portion of rt overall enhan cements of HUD and initiatives under the new investment thresh old to suppo rental assistance programs. Promote Economic Opportunity e's heads. Our mission is to help build HUD' s mission is more than just putting a roof over peopl creating sustainable opportunities. flourishing communiti es by promoti ng self-su fficiency and e to self-sufficiency allow s HUD to Every person or family that graduates from HUD assistanc housing assistance. To enc ourage greater hdp other famili es who often \.vait years for any kind of additional investment s for pro gr.ams economic mobility. HUD is proposing $30 million in new y Self Sufficiency to expand the program that work , includ ing an addition al $20 million for Famil d the Job s Plus program. We are to Projec t-Bas ed Rental Assis tance, and $10 million to expan ion Centers, places that will act as also launching an effort to use private funds to create Envis Country. HUD is requesting a new hu bs for perso nal gro..vth. To addres s rising needs in Indian ing Block Grant program. investment of $50 million for the Native American Hous Ending Home lessness local partners to end homelessness. To HUD is committed to work ing with our federal, state, and by strengthen ing interagency end homelessness, we must build on what we know works ng First. In the last decad e, Housi collaboration and investing in proven appro aches, like it is a traged y that in a nation as homelessness has declined by l 00,000 individuals , but s. To conti nue our progr ess in this area, prosperous as ours anyone is forced to sleep on its street less Assis tance Grants for rapid rethe request includes an additio na l SI 00 million in Home ,000 house hold s), and incorpora te ho using. Thi s will serve more than 30,000 people (or 27 lies Progr am. funded through the lessons from the Supportive Service s for Veterans Fami nearly 50 percent redu ction in veteran Department of Veterans Affairs , which contributed to the successfu l for different po pulations, homelessness since 2010. Rapid re-housing has proven violence. This proposal will be on e of the including veteran s, families , and survivors of domestic adults appearing on the streets in corner stones of HUD 's strategy to rever se the rise of single many American communities. our most needy and to achieve good The purpose of our work is to provide service to some of s, we need to make tough choices and re sults. And where we have data show ing us what work ues the fiscal respons ibility laid out weigh such investmen ts. HUD' s 2019 Budget request contin functions. in 2018 and reflects a commitment to supporting critical ts and flexibilities with in guidance in The request also sets aside some amou nt of new investmen salaries and expenses, and infonn ation support of the HUD' s refonn efforts , for programmatic, s as our teams work closely together technology needs that will be defined in the coming month invest ments in l)perntions at HUD will to make Government more efficient and effective. New HUD-17-0201-B-000048 further reform plan goals on reslructuring. curing material weaknesses, reducing referrals, and improving working conditions for employees. These changes will enable HUD employees to focus on mission delivery, and enhance accountability and transparency. Funher, as Lhe Administration considers critical infrastructure needs nationwide. HUD sees an opportunity for CDBG funds to be utilized in this effort. My staff has been considering its work on refonn planning, including how to best target infrastructure development. and will reach out in the very near future to explain how current HUD programs could be the ideal delivery system for the nation's infrastructure projects. I look forward to our staffs' continued strong collaboration, and to further conversations with you on my vision for how this Department could best serve the Administration·s goals in the 2019 Budget. Enclosure HUD-17-0201-B-000049 .. -~ ,?: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Executive Secretariat Recordof Clearances OOEEO CTS Control Number: 2017-ODEEO-HQ-00513 Primary Program Office Assistant Secretary or Equivalent ; l. Denison, John (U) in: out: 2. Zorc, Bethany A (C) in: 3. Golrick, Janet (SD) 4. Greenwood, Sheila M (S) 5. Foster, Helen (Al) out: in: out: in: out: I in: out: Phone No.: Program Person to Contact for\Questions: I Room No.: ~ ~ lLJci..,~ ) . HUD-17-0201-B-000050 ; l ·= L_. .... ·-·-·-·.·-·-·· .. ···---.-·-··· .......~.-. ·--- .....•.. - ...~-·" ... ,_.lo-,,. ·.-: . , I .. t U.S. Departmentof Housing and Urban Development Recordof Clearances Executive Secretariat ODEEO \ CTS ControlNumber: ii;:~e~~-A~t/~q1 •f{t0i!~~-'···: Primary Program Office Assistant Secretary or Equivalent 2017-ODEEO-HQ-00513 Date: Comments: 1. Benison, John (U) in: 2. Zorc, Bethany A (C) out: m: 3. Golrick, Janet (SD) out: in: 4. Greenwood. Sheila M (S),, out: 5. Foster, Helen (Al) in: out: in: out: in: out: Comments and/or Special Dis,patch Instructions: Program Person to Contact for Questions: Phone No.: Room No.: HUD-17-0201-B-000051 ,. J U.S. Departmentof Housing and UrbanDevelopment Recordof Clearances Executive Secretariat ODEEO f;~a:~~Ji:~itf;~oi·~:~ri:ii:~:,;;j;.:i);1.;:~i·;):.::iff~ritb~ t;(/fl;tittfflii}I~;? ;\}fI~~,~~~;~~::Q~00513 Primary Program Office Assistant Secretary or Equivalent · Date: Comments: 1. Benison. John (U) in:-s-1~\ 2. Zorc, Bethany A (C) ~ out: in: 3. Golrick. Janet (SD) out: in: 4. Greenwood, Sheila M (S) out: 5. Foster, Helen (Al) in: out: in: out: in: out: in: out: Comments and/or Special Dispatch Instructions: Program Person to Contact for Questions: Phone No.: Room No.: HUD-17-0201-B-000052 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSINGANO URBANDEVELOPMENT . WASI-IJNGTON, DC 20410·0001 MAY3..f 2017 OfFJCE OF DEPARTMENTAL EQJALB-lR.OtMB'ffOl'FCm\JNITY '- l'vlEMORANDUM FOR: The Secretary , } ;\ p_~ FROM: John P. Benison, ~r ~ce of Departmental Equal Employment Opportunity, U SUBJECT: Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination Retaliation Act (No FEAR Act) Annual Report to Congress October I, 2015-September 30, 2016 and This memorandum requests your approval of the Department's Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act (No FEAR Act) annual report to Congress. FACTS: The Office of Departmental Equal Employment Opportunity (ODEEO) is responsible for submitting HUD's FY 2016 No FEAR Act annual report to Congress. The report, while focusing on FY 2016, covers the period of FY 2011 through FY 2016 and was prepared in accordance with the requirement~_oftitle II, section 203, of the No FEAR Act of 2002. The No FEAR Act (Public Law 107-174) and regulations at 5 CFR part 724, hold Federal agencies publicly accountable for violations of antidiscrimination and whistleblower protection laws. They require that the agencies post on their public websites, both quarterly and annually, statistical data relating to Federal-sector equal employment opportunity complaints. In addition, the agencies must notify employees, and applicants for employment, of their rights under Federal antidiscrimination and whistleblower laws. ' ' RECOMMENDATION: I recommend that you approve the Department's FY 2016 No FEAR Act annual report to Congress. CONTACT: For further information; please contact John P. Benison, Director, ODEEO, at 202402-6144, or Aisa K. McCullough, Deputy Director, ODEEO, at 202-402-5582. Attachment JUN1 3 2017 Disapprove / Date HUD-17-0201-B-000053 ANNUAL NOTIFI<..;ATION ANDFEDERAL EMPLOYEE ANDRETALIATION ACTOF2002 ANTIDISCRIMINATION (NO FEAR) REPORTTO CONGRESS FISCALYEAR2016 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBANDEVELOPMENT REPORTED BY THE OFFICE OF DEPARTMENTAL EQ!JAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY HUD-17-0201-B-000054 Table of Contents I . Executi ve Summary _ ____ _ _ _ ____ l _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ 2. Introduction _________________________ 3 3. Back grou nd _________________________ 7 4. Data and Res ults 7 _ _ _ _ _ ____ Complaint Activity and Disposition _ _ _ __ 7 Disciplinary Actions ___________________ Trend Analysis for EEO Complaint Data ___ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ 8-10 I0 Judgment Fund Reimbur sement s and Budget Adju stment s ______ 5. No FEAR Act Training _ __ 10 _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 6. Practical KnowledgeGained Through E)(perie nce and Actions Planned or Taken to Improve Complaint or Ci yil Rights Pro gram ------------- 7. Conclusion - - - - --'---- - - - - - - -- ll - - - - - - -- - 12 8. Appendices 15- 16 Appendix I: Summary of Federal Court Cases _ _ _ _ 17-26 Appendix 3: HUD 's Table of Off enses and Penalties _ _ _ _ _ 27-33 Appendix 2: Complaint Activity _ _ _ _ ____ . Appendix 4: Fonn er Secretary Castro's Policy Statements _ _ __ _ 34 Policy Statement-Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Statement-Alternative Dispute Resolution Policy Statement-Unlawful Harassment 0 HUD-17-0201-B-000055 Executive Summary The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development is hereby pleased to submit this "Annual Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act (No FEAR Act) Report to Congress for Fiscal Year 2016," in accordance with the requirements of title II, section 203, of the Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002, and section 5. part 724 of the Code of Federal Regulations (5 CFR § 724). HUD is committed to having a workplace where all employees, as well as applicants seeking employment with our organization. are given ·equal employment opportunity and are free from discrimination. This is reflected in HUD's current EEO Policy Statement, signed by former Secretary Julian Castro on March 17, 20 l 5, which states that, the Department: ... is committed to a work environment that promotes equal opportunity for all employees, job applicant.-., and those that benefit from HUD programs and acrivities-regardle,ss of their race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age (40 and over), disability. veteran status, protected genetic information, protected activity, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, marital status, or parental or pregnancy status. In addition. HUD is also committed to maintaining a work environment that is free from all forms of harassing conduct and inappropriate behavior, and to correcting any · harassing conduct before it becomes severe or pervasive. This is reflected in HUD's current Unlawful Harassment Policy Statement, also signed by former Secretary Castro on March 17, 2015. which states that the Department: ... will enforce a «zero tolerance" policy for harassing behavior, which extends to retaliation against any employee for making a good faith report of harassing conduct under this or any o~her policy or procedure, or for assisting in any inquiry into such a report. Secretary Carson will issue similar policy statements within the next several months. HUD-17-0201-B-000056 During Fiscal Year (FY) 2016, HUD employed 7,470 (7,346 permanent and 124 tempor ary) employees. There were S5 formal equal employment opportunity (EEO) complaints filed against the Department. This represent s a 33.3 percent reduction in complaint activity compared to the number of complaints ( 83) filed in FY 2015. The most frequent bases identified in complaints of discrimination during FY 2016 were, in descending ord er: (1) reprisal, (2) race, (3) sex, (4) disability, and (5) age . Simultaneously, the most frequent issues raised in complaints of discrimination) during FY 2016 were, in descending order : (1) harassment (non -se xual), (2) prom otion/nonselection, 1 (3) terms/conditions of employment, (4) reasonable accommodation, and (5) performance evaluation/appraisal. HUD's complaint activity fluctuated from FY 2011 through FY 2016 . The number of complaints filed and number of individuals filing complaints decreased within that span. In FY 2016, HUD reported six Federal court cases pending and zero Federal court cases filed. During FY 2016, there were 11 cases resolved under the various provisions in the No FEAR Act. In FY 2016, no HUD employees were disciplined for cases involved in Federal court for violating its policies of discrimination , retaliation, harassment, or other violations of the Antidiscriminat ion and Whistleblower Protection laws of the No FEAR Act. HUD continues to place strong emphasis on No FEAR Act training. HUD trains its employees on the No FEAR Act on a biannual basis, and employees will be trained again in FY 20 17. The Offi ce of Departmental Equal Employment Opportunity (ODEEO) assists HUD's leadership in shaping policies to protect the personal liberties of all employees by working int erdepend ently to develop policie s and plans; generating reports ; conducting annual multiyear studies; forecasting trends; assessing demographic s against various arbiters ; delive ring training and briefings ; conducting oversight; adjudicating EEO complaints; integrating civil rights, diversity, and inclusion into HUD initiati ves and activities; and submitting annual reports to internal and external customers, con stituent s, and stakehold ers. dres s ,''Term s of employment" refers 10 an employee's job responsibilities. to include workdays, hours, brea ks, code, vacation and sick da ys, and pay. 2 HUD-17-0201-B-000057 To foster continuous improvement, HUD fully engages the talents and competencies of employees through its HUD-wide Diversity Council, which operates under the leadership of the Deputy Secretary, who is appointed by the Secretary in support of Executive Order 13583. HUD's Diversity Council is committed to benchmarking and adopting best practices to promote a diverse and inclusive workforce by identifying and removing barriers to equal employment opportunities. consistent with merit system principles and other applicable laws and regulations. This report is prepared in accordance with section 203(a)(l) of the No FEAR Act, which requires Federal agencies to include in their annual report to Congress "the number of cases arising under each of the respective provisions of law covered by paragraphs ( 1) and (2) of section 20l(a) in which discrimination on the part of such agency was alleged." Office of Personnel Management (OPM) final regulations at 5 CFR 724.302 on reporting and best practices. issued on December 28, 2006. clarifies section 203(a)( l) of the No FEAR Act requiring that Federal agencies report on "the number of cases in Federal Court [district or appellate] pending or resolved ... arising under each of the respective provisions of the Federal Antidiscrimination and Wbistleblower Protection laws applicable to them ... in which an employee, former Federal employee, or applicant, alleged a violation(s) of these laws, separating data by the provision(s) of law involved." Introduction The overall mission of HUD is "to create strong, sustainable. inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all." HUD, a cabinet-level agency created in 1965, is tasked to engage new local and Federal partners, adjust policies and programs to better serve the American people. address common problems across a broader metropolitan geography, and transform the way we do business. HUD has been committed to accomplishing its mission in part by: preventing foreclosures. enhancing access to affordable housing. revitalizing distressed communities, working to strengthen the housing market to bolster the economy and protect consumers. meeting the needs for quality affordable rental homes. utilizing housing as a platform for improving the 3 HUD-17-0201-B-000058 quality of life. and building_inclusive and sustainable communities free from discrimination. To ensure that emp~oyment decisions are free from discrimination, HUD conducts periodic self-assessments as to the effectiveness of its EEO programs. These self-assessments are cond~cted through ODEEO's Affirmative Employment Division (AED). In a continuous effort to achieve a model EEO program, HUD continues to make great strides and improvements in addressing the six essential elements as defined by the Equal Emp~oyment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the removal of barriers to free and opep workplace competition. To maximize this effectiveness, I HUD seeks to achieve an exemplary EEO program, through its national scope and program office organizations, by eradicating discrimination, retaliation, and unconscious biases and mi~conduct in the workplace through the cultivation and execution of a proactive and' robust affirmative employment program. To establish the implementati~n and enforcement of the No FEAR Act, Federal agencies are requir~d to report, annually, on the following: Payment of settlements and judgments. I Federal agencies must reimburse the Judgment Fund fof payments made to employees, former employees, or applicants for Federal employment because of actual or alleged violations of Federal employment discrimination laws, Federal whistleblower protection laws, and I retaliation claims arising from the assertion of rights under those laws. Employee information and education. Federal agencies must provide annual written notification;·to their employees, former employees, and job applicants for employment concerning the rights and remedies available to them under the employment discrii,nination and whistleblower protection laws. ; Training for managers/supervisors and employees. Federal agencies must ' ensure that at least every 2 years, managers/supervisors and all other employees receive and compl~te the traming requirements regarding their rights and 4 HUD-17-0201-B-000059 remedies available under the employment discrimination and whistleblower protection laws. In addition. all new employees should receive the applicable training as part of the agency's new-employee orientation program. However, if an agency does not have a new-employee orientation program, all new employees must receive the applicable training within 90 days of their entry on duty. Annual Report to ;Congress. Federal agencies must submit an annual report to Congress, the EEOC, the Department of Justice (Attorney General), and OPM,setting forth information about the agency's efforts to improve compliance with employment discrimination and whistleblower protection laws, and detailing the status of complaints brought against the agency. and how cases were resolved and any disciplinary actions taken resulting from violations of discrimination and whistleblower protection laws. Posting of EEO·Complaint Data ~n the Internet. Federal agencies must post on the agency's public website summary statistical data relating to equal opportunity complaints filed against the agency.. Information to be posted by the agency includes. among other things: the number of complaints filed; the number of persons filing those complaints; the number of persons filing multiple complaints; the bases and issues alleged in the complaints; the average length of time it takes an agency to complete certain stages of the complaint process; the number of final agency actions in which discrimination is found. broken down by issue, basis, and whether a hearing was held; the number of pending complaints that were filed in:previous fiscal years. including the number of persons who filed those complaints; and the number of complaints in which an investigation was not -completed in a timely ·manner. In addition, Federal agencies must post year-end data for the 5 previous fiscal years for comparison purposes and to assess whether · and to what extent the Federal agencies are living up to their EEO responsibilities. Pursuant to congressional and statutory requirements, HUD is providing copies of this report to the following: 5 HUD-17-0201-B-000060 The Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives; The President pro ~emporeof the U.S. Senate; The Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs; U.S. Senate; The Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, U.S. House of \ Representatives; ; Each committee ofCongress with jurisdiction relating to the agency ' The Chair of the Equal EmploymentOpportunityCommission The U.S. Attom~yGeneral; and The Director of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. Thoughwe have made great strides and accomplishments in addressing and eradicating violations of employment antidiscrimination and whistleblower protection laws within HUD during FY 2016, HUD has niuch more work to do. The Department looks forward to continuing its support of these efforts in the years to come. John P. Denison, Director Office of Departmental Equal Employment Opportunity U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 451 7th Street,SW, Room 2102 Washington, DC 20410 6 HUD-17-0201-B-000061 Background The ODEEO is responsible for administering and ensuring agency compliance with Federal EEO laws, regula~ions, policies, and guidance that prohibit discrimination in the Federal workplace based on race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, genetic information, or reprisal. The ODEEO is also responsible for preparing the agency's ., annual No FEAR Act report. The Office of Inspector General (OIG), Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer (OCHCO), and the Office of Genera! Counsel (OGC) also play a role in implementing the No FEAR Act for HUD employees. Complaint Activity and,Disposition With respect to Federal court cases, during FY 2016, HUD had a total of six cases pending, zero new cases filed, and 11 cases resolved ensuing from antidiscrimination statutes listed in the No FEAR Act. Among the 11 cases resolved, one was settled, one was withdrawn. and nine were dismissed in favor of HUD. Disciplinary Actions Section 203(a)(4) of the No FEAR Act requires that agencies include in the annual report to Congress "the number 9f employees disciplined for discrimination. retaliation, harassment. or any other infraction of any provision of law referred to in paragraph (l)." For Federal court cases involving allegations of a violation of Antidiscrimination or Whistleblower Protection laws, 5 CFR 724.302 (a)(3) requires the agency to report the number of employees disciplined; The 5 CFR 724.102 defines discipline to include any one, or a combination, of the following actions: reprimand, suspension without pay, reduction in grade or pay, or removal. HUD did not reprimand any employees involved in FY 2016 Federal court cases. Employees can be disciplined for violating HUD policies for discrimination, retaliation. harassment, and/or other violations of the Antidiscrimination and Whistleblower Protection laws included in the No FEAR Act. HUD did not remove any employees from Federal service(see Appeodix J) 7 HUD-17-0201-B-000062 On July 28, 2014, Julian Castro was sworn in as the 16th Secretary of HUD. On March 17, 20 15, he issued his first EEO policy statement, which mandates "a zero tolerance standard for all types of discrimination,harassment, and civil rights violations in the workplace." Former Secretary Castro a)so issued a prevention of harassment policy statement, which defines harassing behavior; mandates ''zero tolerance" for harassing behavior; and instructs that "any employee who engages in unacceptable behavior or condones behavior that violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, including removal." These policies are intended to: {l) provide for a workplace where all HUD employees, and applicants for employment with the Department, are given equal employment opportunity and are free from discrimination; (2) require immediate and appropriate corrective action when violationsoccur; (3) provide points of contact for reporting and filing a complaint; (4) require training for the workforce: (5) and protect employees from retaliation. These statements have been posted on employee bulletin boards and on HUD's intranet and public websites. Other HUD policies require all employees to cooperate in EEO investigations. Similar policy statements will be issued by Secretary Carson within the next several months. Trend Analysis for EEO Complaint Data Year-end summary data for FY 2016 EEO complaint activity is included in Appendix 2. This section includes a 6-year (FY 2011 to FY 2016) trend analysis for EEO complaint data. pursuantto the No FEAR Act, section 1614.704. Overall, HUD's 6-year data snapshot shows that complaintactivity fluctuated, with no specific trend line in either a positive or negative direcHon. Complaint Activity During FY 2016, individualsfiled 55 complaints, with no repeat filers. HUD's complaint activity fluctuated from FY 2011 through FY 2016; however, the 55 complaints in FY 2016 reflect a 33.3 percentdecrease from the 83 complaints filed in FY 2015. Complaintsby Bases and Is.sues The most frequent bases of discriminationdwing FY 2016 were, in descending order: ( 1) reprisal, (2) race. (3) sex, (4) disability, and (5) age. The nwnber of complaints claiming these bases of discrimination remained the same but flucruatedin order during the 6-year period. 8 HUD-17-0201-B-000063 The most frequent issues raised in complaints during FY 2016 were, in descending order: ent, (4) (1) harassment (non-sexual), (2) promotionlnonselection, (3) tenns/conditions of employm ts reasonable accommodation and (5) performance evaluation/appraisal. The number of complain claiming these issues of discrimination fluctuated during the 6-year period. The number of 2016, complaints of Reassignment (Retirement) discrimination rose to a 6-year high of two in FY , while the number of complaints of Tenns/Conditions of Employment significantly declined dropping from 22 in FY 2015 to 8 in FY 2016. In summary. HUD' s complaints by issues during the 6-year period were, generally, top five consistent, with nonsexual harassment and evaluation/appraisal issues appearing in the of each year, respectively. In addition, the issues of promotion/nonselection, assignment top duties, terms/conditions of employment, and reasonable accommodation appeared in the five at least three times during the same period. Processing Time HUD's average investigation times during FY 2016 were more than allowed within ng times regulatory time frames un~er 29 CFR 1614. Specifically, HUD's investigation processi and for complaints pentiing during the fiscal year, pending where a hearing was requested, frames. pending where a hearing was not requested all exceeded the proscribed regulatory time d but HUD's 6-year data snapshot also revealed that inv~stigation processing times also fluctuate in a showed an overall declining trend line from FY 2011 through FY 2013, which resulted , decrease in processing times. However, since FY 2013, generally. the trend line has reversed resulting in an increase in proce ss ing times . In FY 2016, the average time for final actions was greater than the regulatory time d and frames. Specifically, the average time for a final action where a hearing was not requeste where a hearing was req~ested was beyond the regulatory time frame. However, as with investigations, final action(s) where a hearing was requested was below regulatory time frames from FY 2011 through FY 2013. 9 HUD-17-0201-B-000064 Final Agency Actions Finding Discrimin~tion In FY 2016, HUD issued three final agency decisions with a finding of discrimination (with a hearing). Pending Complaints In FY 2016, there were 145 pending complaints from previous fiscal years, filed by 137 complainants. Of the number of complaints pending, 20 were pending investigations; l was awaiting the complainant co exercise the option of a hearing or a final agency decision; 97 were pending a hearing before the EEOC; 23 were awaiting final agency actions. In addition, HUD had 123 appeals before EEOC's Office of Federal Operations. ComplaintInvestigations The ODEEO continues working proactively to curtail all potential negative trends. In the 6-yearperiod,the numberof pendingcomplaintswhere the investigation time exceeded the required tim~ frames also fluctuated, with an increase from 23 in FY 2011 to 27 in FY 2016. JudgmentFund Reimbursementsand BudgetAdjustments During FY 2016, HUD reimbursed a total amount of $900,000 to the Judgment Fund. The total reimbursement amount was derived from one case filed under Title VII. The 1 Department reimbursed within the prescribed period all monies owed the Judgment Fund for FY 2016, and no adjustments were made to the agency's budget for FY 2016. No Fear Ad Training Section202(c) of the No FEAR Act requiresFederalagenciesto providetrainingfor employeeson the rightsand remedieswlder Antidiscrimination or WhistleblowerProtectionlaws. Under 5 CFR 724.203, Federalagencieswere requiredto developa writtentrainingplan and to have trainedtheiremployeesby December 17,2006, and every2 yearsthereafter. Under implementing regulations,new employeesare to receiveNo FEARAct trainingwithin90 days of appointment througheitherthe Departme!lt'sorientationprogramor some otherNo FEAR Act trainingprogram. lO HUD-17-0201-B-000065 HUD requires employees to complete No FEAR Act training every 2 years. No FEAR Act training is available through the HUD Leaming Portal. The Portal is HUD's primary electronic platfonn to capture training data. During FY 2016. HUD continued placing a strong emphasis on the No FEAR Act by offering training on the topic to its entire workforce. Practical Knowledge Gained Through Experience and Actions Planned or Taken to Improve Complaint or Civil Rights Programs To maximize effectivene ss, HUD seeks an exemplary EEO and Diversity and Inclu sion Program. The ODEEO reside s within the Offi ce of the Secret ary, with a direct reporting line to the Secretary through the Deputy Secretary of HUD, and works independently in de ve loping poli c ies, procedures, and plan s; generating report s; conducting annual and multiyear studies; foreca sting trends; asse ss ing workforce demographics aga inst various arbiters; deliverin g training and bri efing s; con ducting oversight; adjudicating EEO complaints; integrating civil rights and diver sity and inclu sion into .HUD's initi ati ves and activities; and submitting annual reports to internal and ex.temal customers, constituents. and stakeholders. The ODEEO also ensures collaboration with HUD 's program offices (nationwide) , to help increase employees' awareness of their responsibilitie s in EEO and diversity and inclu sion program activities. HUD continues to obtain critical information through such sources as its annual Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey, to asses s the state of EEO and diversi ty and inclus ion through out the Department . During FY 2016. HUD successfully operated a complaint trackin g system (iComplaints), a web·based application for proc ess ing, managing, and reporting on EEO co mplaints . This automated system allowed HUD to track complaint status to ensure respon siv ene ss and leg al compliance. This system also allow ed HUD EEO program official s to retr ieve data and generate reports, including No FEAR Act data and the EEOC 462 Repo rt. Additionally, HUD implemented a 462 Qu arterly Reporting system as a strategy to review and assess the EEO complaint proce ss throughout the fiscal year. furthermore , in FY 2016, HUD laun ched E·file, which allows employees to sub mit an inform al EEO co mplai nt electronically instead of completing hard copy forms. II HUD-17-0201-B-000066 This makes the proce ss more efficient and confidential, and even allows complainants to track the status of their case. Through these ongoing reporting and auditing processes, HUD's EEO offices were encouraged to analyze their data and gain knowledge to make determination s on how best to address shortcomings on EEO complaint data and the compliance and timeline ss of EEO complaint activities. HUD will continue to develop and implement improvements in the recruitment, hiring, retention, and development of underutilized groups of people in the workforce, such as Hi spanics, veterans, and persons with disabilities. HUD continues to participate in various career fairs and outreach venues to increase recruitment and hiring of underrepresented and underserved communities. HUD has a cornerstoneresponsibilityfor promotingthe welfare and well-beingof all Americans. The deference and dignitywith which HUD treatsemployeesare critical to the successful completionof the mission. To foster continuous improvement, HUD fully engages the talents and competenciesof employeesthroughthe formation of a HUD-wideDiversityCoWlCil,under the leadershipof the Deputy Secretary,who is appointedby the Secretaryin support of Executive Order 13583. The pwpose of the Diversity Council is to develop and implement a more comprehensiveand integratedEEO and Diversityand InclusionStrategicPlan. The Diversity Council is committed to identifyingand adoptingbest practices to promote a diverse and inclusive workforce to identify and remove bairiers to equal employmentopportunities,consistent with merit system principles and other applicablelaws and regulations. HUD recognizes the criticalrole that trainingplays in raisingawareness and fostering behaviors. In addition to the No FEAR Act training,HUD offers employees and managers trainingcourseson the prevention of harassment in the workplaceand on labor relations. Conclusion HUD's meaningfuland measurableaccomplishmentshighlightedin this report are due in part to the No FEAR Act and strong and clear policy statements on fEO , ADR, unlawful harassment. whistleblowerrights, and No FEAR Act training. HUD continuesto hold management officials accountablefor compliance with EEO principlesand policiesby the placementof EEO critical elements in all senior executive service (SES) petfonnance standards. 12 HUD-17-0201-B-000067 Additionally,HUD offeredSexual HarassmentTrainingto its entire workforceduring FY 2015. Opportunityfor improvementcontinues to exist, which HUD will embrace by continuing to capture and report on it as part of HUD's commitment to merit systems principles, and to provide protection from prohibited personnel practices for all employees, under the law. 13 HUD-17-0201-B-000068 APPENDICES 14' HUD-17-0201-B-000069 APPENDIX 1: SUMMARY OF FEDERAL COURT CASES 15 HUD-17-0201-B-000070 Summary of Complaint Activity in Federal Court 1. The number of Federal court cases pending or resolved arising under each of the respective provisions of law covered by 5 CFR part 724.302(a)(l) a. Total Cases Pending: 6 b. Total Cases Filed: 0 c. Total Cases Resolved: 11 i. Dismissed in Favor of the Department: 9 ii. Settled in Favor of the-Complainants: l iii. Withdrawn: l 2. The amount of money required to be reimbursed by such agency under section 201 in connection with each of such cases, separately identifying the aggregate amount of such reimbursements attributed to the payment of attorney's fees, if any. a. $0 (Title VII/Rehab. Act) b. $0 (Title VII/ADEA) c. $0 (Title VII/ ADEA) ' d. $0 (Title VII) 3. Total Reimbursement to the Judgment Fund a. $0 (Title VII/Rehab. Act) b. $0 (Title VII/ ADEA) c. $0 (Title VII/ADEA) d. $900,000.00 (Title VII) 4. Attorney Fees (separately designated) a. $0 (Title VII/Rehab. Act) b. $0 (Title VII/ADEA) c. $0 (Title VII/ADEA) d. $0 (Title VII)' 5. There were no employees disciplined for discrimination, retaliation, harassment, or any other provision of the law referred to in Paragraph l. 6. There were no disciplinary actions taken against any employee in connection with Federal court cases during FY 2016 1. 'fltere were noemployees disctphned because of v1olatmgdepartmental pohcy. 8. There were no letters of reprimand issued. 16 HUD-17-0201-B-000071 APPENDIX 2: COMPLAINT ACTIVITY HUD-17-0201-B-000072 Comparative Data Previous Fiscal Year Data Complaint Act,vity Number of Complaints Filed Number of Complainants Repeat Filers 2011 98 2012 96 67 2013 91 91 1 1 0 68 2014 2015 2016 82 83 55 81 1 83 0 ss 0 Comparative Data Previous Fiscal Year Data Complaints by Basis Note: Complaints can be filed alleging multiple bases. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Race 48 47 40 47 Color 9 17 27 13 1 10 2 3 Reprisal 12 4 51 37 13 22 39 so Sex 42 32 33 31 PDA 0 0 0 30 24 0 National Origin 18 12 s 0 1 2 Age 37 20 Disability 43 24 8 0 30 1S Equal Pay Act 0 10 0 34 1 42 33 0 22 23 Genetics 0 Non-EEO 3 27 0 0 The sum of the bases may not equal total complaints flied. Religion 20 0 1 0 36 2S 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Comparative Data Previous Fiscal Year Data Complaints by Issue Note: Complaints can be filed alleging multiple bases. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Appointment/Hire s 1 s 7 6 '"':.s1t:,11ment or uut1es 6 7 18 15 Awards 1 0 1 0 6 0 0 7 The sum of the bases may not equal total complaints filed. 0 18 HUD-17-0201-B-000073 Conversionto Full Time/Perm Status Disciplinary Action 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o. ·t 1 ·: 1 <·4 2 2 3. 0 0 . '. '' Demotion Renrtmand .. ' '' ·4 .. Suscensron ··. ·' . . 1:. Removal.·... ... . ·: -~:· o,.. 1, .. .. ... .. .. ., ... .. Other.· ~-·= 3- .· 0 Duty Hours 2 : .. , Perf. Eval./Annraisal Examination/Test . <,_.·_Denied ·. · ·'.,,',,'·Dltetted·. .. . .. ReasonableAccommodation Disability Reinstatement ReliRiousAccommodation Retirement Sex-Stereotyping Telework Termination Terms/Conditionsof Emplovment Time and Attendance TraininR Other .. UserDefined-·Other..1' .. .. UserDefined..Other2 · UserDefined· Otht!r 3 UserDefined~Other4 ·.. Processing Time s (l'.·... ;,,.· .. 5 . O':i. :~. . 3-"· ·, .1·•· a 0 9 0 0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016. .. ··..n •.· ' ; 1 0 0 28 s a 1 0 1 0 0 1 .5 0 1 17 3·,: z· 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 4 1 3 3 :. ,1,· 3 27 \.o;-, J"Y . ... , :-,·4.'_. ·-r0' .,. 10 1 2 0 0 2 1 6 0 1 0 3 22 2 0 11 7 1S 5 .3 2 . CJ·.... 0 o.;;,. .. () . o, 0 O>·· .. Q O· 0:,: 0 1 19 12 0 0 1 0 0 1 22 2 .·.. · 2 9 0 0 1 0 0 1 ., :_· ..2 .. ·. 9 0 35'. \._·24-·· . 1·, 0 ·:: 1 0 42~: 2 20 0 0 '· 12 0 14 0 2· 1· .Q' ·,· :·. ., ;z_··.. ...z·',.; ··g· : . lt" .3· :, 0 16 0 0 ·.;•· ·0 4,..· 1·' .. (,2: 10 0 11 2011 Harassment .. ;''39-. .. Non-Sexual' ·.·.1 ·se><-Stereotyping 0 0 0 Teleworl< Termination 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Terms/Conditions of Employment Time and Attendance 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 ·o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Training Other - User Define User Defined - Other 1 User Defined - Other 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 User Defined - Other 3 User Defined - Other 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Io I 0 Io I 0 Io I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2016 2015 2014 2013 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2012 2011 Reasonable Accommodation Disability Reinstatement Religious Accommodation I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ComparativeData Pendin1ComplaintsFiled In PreviousFiscalYearsby Status Tota l complaints from previou s fis cal Years Total Complainants PreviousFiscalYear Data 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 82 78 80 78 94 109 145 92 108 132 131 7 1 3 9 22 20 1 62 1 5 66 72 3 83 5 12 14 13 1 90 19 1 97 23 80 89 97 108 111 123 Number complaintspending Investigation ROI Issued, pending Complainant's action Hearing Final Agency Action ,-,t"t''-dl .. nlUI 137 -- i;._ __ Office of Federal Operations 25 HUD-17-0201-B-000080 Comparative Data ,, ' Complaint Investigations Pending Complaints Where Investigations Exceed Required Time Frames PreviousFiscalYear Data 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 . 23 12 15 31 34 27 26 HUD-17-0201-B-000081 APPENDIX 3: TABLE OF OFFENSES AND PENALTIES 27 HUD's Table of Offenses and Penalties 4·.1. Introduction and Purpose end to A. The purpose of the Table of Offenses and Penalties (the Table) is to recomm and in the supervi sors andmanagers appropriate penalties for offenses listed herein and Standards of Ethical Conduct and to provide a framework for constructive rehabilitative discipline. The use of this Table as a guide will hel_p to ensure ncy in appropriatene ss of p~nalty in relation to the charge, as well as relative consiste a discipline throughout the Department A disciplinary action is intended as constructive device and, as such , should: 1. Correct offending conduct, attitude, or work habits; 2. Help to maintain discipline and morale; and 3. Be reasonable in its degree of severity. an employee commits B. Progressively stronger disciplinary actions are to be applied when . . that repeated offenses. When an employee received corrective action for an offense the same falls under one range of penalties , and later commits a different offense under not the first or another Nature of Offense, the latter is co·nsidered a second offense and and is given offense. For example, if an employee is charged with dismptive behavior insubordination an official reprimand (first offen se) and is subsequently charged with is (second offense), the appropriate penalty range for an insubordination charge a30- day suspen sion to removal. common types of C. The Table does not cover every possible offense, but it does list the more Examples of offenses and the range of penalties normally assessed for those offensC?s. fact that an additional offenses are discussed in the Standards of Ethical Conduct. The when an offense is not listed in the Table does not mean that a penalty cannot be imposed offense js committed. In such instance s, a reasonable penalty can be determined by comparison with those listed. 28 HUD-17-0201-B-000083 -·---. -- ·-··· D. HUD employees may be subject to criminal prosecution when there is evidence of a possible statutory violation. It is the policy of HUD that an employee who has been arrested and held for further legal action by a ·magistrate court or indicted by a grand jury for an offense that is job -related should be indefinitely suspended without pay pending the outcome of the judicial process, so as not to prejudice the employee's right to the due process in the criminal case. If the employee pleads guilty or is convicted, HUD may then proceed with a removal or other appropriate action. When evidence has been developed by HUD that indicates a possible statutory violation, the Office of Inspector General will refer the matter to the Department of Justice for further investigation and possible prosecution. If the Department of Justice declines to prosecute , the employee involved in the alleged wrongdoing may then be subject to an appropriate administrative action consistent with the penalties contained in the Table. E. The range of penalties described in the Table is intended to serve as a guide . Greater or lesser penalties than suggested may be imposed as circumstance s warrant. Any determination that the offense is "more serious" or "les s serious" should be based upon the factors described in paragraph 4-2 below, and must be ju stified in at least the decision notice. F. The servicing human resources office must be consulted for advice and assistance regarding the procedural requirements that must be followed when applying penalties, formal or infonnal._This consultation requirement includes securing advice on the merits of the charge( s), the appropriatenes s of the penalty being proposed, as well as consistency of penalty throughout the Department. In this connection, users of the Table . should review Handbook 0752.02 REV-3, Adverse Actions. 4-2. Application of the Table of Offenses and Penalties A. In selecting the appropriate penalty for a specific offense, responsible judgment must be exercised so that an employee wili not be penalized out of proportion to the offense. Supervisors and managers must be as consistent as possible when proposing and imposing 29 HUD-17-0201-B-000084 disciplinary or adverse actions and must not make arbitrary or capricious decisions. In more egregious situations, removal might be the appropriate penalty for the first offense of misconduct. B. The Douglas Factors should be considered in selecting a penalty. These factors are the following: I. The nature and seriousness of the offense. and its relationship to the employee's duties, position, and responsibilities, including whether the offense was intentional or technical or inadvertent, or was committed maliciously or for gain, or was frequently I repeated. 2. The employee's job level and type of employment, including supervisory or fiduciary role, contacts w,ith the public, and prominence of the position. 3. The employee's disciplinary record (within the past 3 years, or longer in more serious cases). I 4. The employee's past work record, including length of service, perfonnance on the job, ability to get along with fellow workers, and dependability. 5. The effect of the offense upon the employee's ability to perform at a satisfactory level and its effect upon the supervisor's confidence in the employee's ability to perform assigned duties~ 6. Consistency of ~he penalty with those imposed upon other employees for the same or similar offense. 7. Consistency of the penalty with any applicable agency table of penalties The notoriety of the offense or its impact upon the reputation of the agency. 8. The clarity with which the employee was on notice of any rules that were violated in committing lhe offense, or had been warned about the conduct in question. 9. Potential for the employee's rehabilitation. 10. Mitigating circumstances surrounding the offense, such as unusual job tensions, personality problems, mental impairment, harassment, or bad faith, malice or provocation on the part of others involved in the matter. 11. The adequacy and effectivenessof ultematlvesanctionsto deter such conduct in the future by the e~ployee or others. 30 HUD-17-0201-B-000085 4.3 Administrative Guidance A. One of the goals of personnel man agem ent is the early identification of probl ems so that they can be corrected with a minimum of adver sity. When a situation does require correction, supervisors and managers have a wide range of options. Minor miscon duct, for example, may be _corrected if the supervisor or manager talk s to the employee promptly about the misbehavior after the first instan ce. In some case s·, it may be helpful to refer the employee to a trained counselor from the Employee Assistance Program, who can help the employee identify and resolve the problem underlying the miscondu ct. When a more formal or seve re remedy is appropriate, measures such as an official reprimand will often convince the employee to change the undesirable behavi or. The se actions are less sev~re than short suspensions or adverse actions described in Handbook 0752.02 REV-3, Adverse Actions, and do not attach the permanent st igma to an employee's record that short suspensions or an adv erse acti on would. The more common form s of traditional di sc ipline, short of short suspension or adver se action, fall into the following major categories. These remedial corrective actions are most effective if they are taken as soon as possible after the misconduct occurs. l. An oral warning or admonishment. Thi s is nothing more than a face-to~face meeting where the supervisor or manager tells the employee about the misconduct and put s the employee on notice of the behavior that management expects. When this is done in a prompt, direct , and non-adversar ial way. it is _often all th at is required. 2. A writte n letter of caution. warning. counseling. admonishment, requirements, etc . Agencies refer to this disciplinary remedy by various names. It is essentially a written equi vale nt of the oral warning/admonishment des_cribed above and is often used to follow up on such a face-to.face meetm g. It 1snot put m the Offtctal Personnel Folder 31 HUD-17-0201-B-000086 (OPF). but it often warns the employee that more formal and severe action will result if the employee does 'not correct the behavior. Such letters must notify the employee whether or not it will be used when assessing a penalty for any future misconduct. 3. An official reprimand. This is a written warning to an employee, usually issued when prior. more informal discipline has not corrected the misconduct. or when the misconduct is considered too serious for informal remedies. A copy of the official reprimand is placed in the employee·s OPF for a period not to exceed 2 years. The official reprimand may be removed from the OPF in less than 2 years if it appears to have had the desired effect up on the employee; i.e .• no recurrences. improvement in situation. etc. If there are no longer supervisors in the chain of command who are familiar with the situation or the employee is reassigned to a different organization. the employee may appeal to the current first-level supervisor for removal of the official reprimand from the employee·s OPF after l year. under the same criteria described above. The official reprimand will normally warn the employee that failure to correct the offending behavior will result in more serious action. 8. Suspension penalties are without pay. Annual leave. sick leave, or leave without pay cannot be substitute for a period of suspension. C. Depending on the circumstances involved. consideration may be given to a reduction-in-grade action (demotion) or reduction in pay in lieu of removal. D. Proposed disciplinary actions resulting from violations of the ~tandards of Ethical Conduct may require consultation, in some instances, with an agency ethics official (Office of General Counsel) 4-4. Alcoholismand Drug Abuse When proposing an action based on alcohol- or drug-related misconduct. refer to'HUD·s DrugFree Workplace Plan; HUD Handbook 792.2 REV-2. Employee Assistance Program (EAP), dated August 12, 1997. and research current case law for guidance. 32 HUD-17-0201-B-000087 NOTE: The case law on alcohol- and drug-related misconduct is ever changing. Therefore. it is imperative that the current case law be researched before taking an action when alcohol- or drug-related misconduct is ~nvolved. 33 HUD-17-0201-B-000088 APPENDIX 4: FORMER SECRETARY POLICY STATEMENT 34 HUD-17-0201-B-000089 • U.S. DEPARTMENTOF HOUSINGANDUABANDEVELOPMENT THI SECAITARY WASHINGTON, CC 20410--0001 MAR17 2015 MEMORANDUM FOR: All HUD Employees FROM: JuliaRCostro~ SUBJECT: POLICY STATEMENT-Equal Employment Opponunity I am issuing this Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Policy Statement to illustrate my commitment that the U.S. Department of Housing and Urbnn Development is a workplace where all employees, as well as applicants seeking employment with our organization. are given equal employment opportunity and are free from discrimination. · Building on the founding Hou~ingAct of 1949. and through continued efforts in creating strong, sustainable, inclu!tivccommunities and quality affordable homes, HUD·s responsibilities tou~h the lives and dreams of all Americans. To do this work fairly and equitably, HUD is committed to a work environment that promotes equal opponunity for all employees. job applicant•. and those that benefit from HUD programs and activities-regardless of their race. color. sell, religion. nalional origin. age (40 ond over), disability, veteran status, protected genetic inform3tion. protected activity, sexual orientation. gender identity and expression. marital status. or parental or pregnancy status. HUD has a zero tolerance ~tandard for all types of discrimination. harassment, and civil rights violations in the workplace. We will continue to be vigilant in taking seriously all allegations of discrimination. retaliation. and harassment, and expect managers and leaders to respond promptly and appropriately to any reported concerns. All employees will continue to be held accountable for compliance with EEO laws and policies and for treating colleagues with respect. dignity. and professionalism. ft is HUD's policy that any employee who engages in inappropriate or unacceptable behavior or condones behavior that violates this EEO policy will be subject to disciplinary action. including removal. EnsW'ingthe principles of equal opportunity at HUD is a strategic imperative, and must be promoted through the fundamentals of fairness and equity. Managers and employees have a responsibility to foster positive. inclusive, and professional work environment that respects and values the differences of HUD's employees. and capitalizes on their diverse talents and fulfillment of their potential. I am confident that with all of us working together. HUD will continue to make important rtunit strides in safeguarding equal opportunity for all employees. A commitment to equal o www.hud.ao, npanol,hud.ao• HUD-17-0201-B-000090 .. progress and service to the American people. Thank you for your continued support and contribution in makin~ l-{UDil great place to work. HUD-17-0201-B-000091 • U.S. DEPAATMl!NTOP HOUSINGAND URBANDEVELOPMENT THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, DC 20410.000t UAR17 20\5 MEMORANDUMFOR: AllHUDEmp~ FROM: Julian Castro ~ SUBJECT: POLICY STATEMENT-Alternative Dispute Resolution . As an advocate of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). I pledge my commitment to maintain a healthy and safe environment within the U.S . Department of Housing and Urban Developmentthat fosters communication. trust. and a workplace where all employees, as well as applicants seeking employment with our organization, are treated with dignity and respect free from discrimination and hara.,smenl. ADR is the resolution of workplace disputes through infonnal, voluntary, consensual techniques(settlements, negotiations, arbitration. mediation, and facilitation) without litigation or fonnol administrative complaint proccs~ . ADR iJ designed to supplement, not limit or replace, the formal grievance and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) complaint procedures already established in the Department. Participation in ADR is strongly encouraged and may be initiated prior to, or after. the filing of a fonnnl EEO complaint through the traditional administrative processes. ADR can be a valuable tool to resolve EEO comptaints. grievances. and other unresolved disputes in the workplace. Manaaen and supervisors are required to use and participate in ADR as a tool to resolve disputes acthe earliest stage possible, and prevent and minimize the escalation of disputes in an expedicious, cost-effective, and mutually acceptable manner. Fairness of ADR is manifested by ineot"poratin1such principles as voluntariness, neutrality. confidentialicy,enforceability, nexibiHty. training. and evaluation. HUO's ADR program is available to all employees, fonner employees, and applicants for employment who believe tlU1tthey have suffered discrimination in the workplace b«ause of their race, color, national origin, religion, veteran status, sex (including pregnancy and gender identity). genetic infonnation. age (40 311dover). disability, or sexual orientation, or for participating in a protecte d activity in the EEO complaint process or having opposed a practice th.at is illegal under the EEO statutes. I fully endorse the use of ADR and encourage alt employees to work together to resolve workplace disputes. building a stronger HUD. I encourage all managers and supervisors to embrace my ADR philosophy, and I look forward to seeing the benefits of ADR throu www.hucl.g .. HUD-17-0201-B-000092 I U.S. DEPARTMENTOF HOUSfNGANDURBANDEVE LOPMENT THI! SECRETAAV WASHINQTOH, DC 20410-0001 MEMORANDUMFOR: UAR17 201~ All HUD Employees FROM: Julian Castro~ SUBJECT: POLICY STATEMENT- Unlawful Harassment [ am issuing this Prevention of Harassment Policy State ment as a means of demonstrating my commitment to assuring that the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development provides and maintains a work environme nt that is free from all forms of harassing conduct, and 10 prevent :my h,1r11ssincond g uct before it becomes ~cvcre or pervasive. This policy applies to all employees in their working relati onships and includes harassmel)( by coworkers, supervi~ors. or noncmployees. Harassment, whether sexual or nonsexual, is defined as any unwelcome verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct thnt is b11. ~ed on race, color. religion, sex (sexual orientation, gender identity and expression , marital ~tatus, parental status, or pregnnncy), national origin, age (40 or over). disability, veteran, or genetic infonnation. Hlirassment becomes unl11wfulwhen (l) enduring the offensive conduct becomes a condition of continued employment, or (2) the conduct is severe or pervasive enough to create 11work environment that a renson11bleperson would consider intimidating, hostile, or abus ive. Antidiscrimination laws also prohibit harassment against individuals in retaliation for filing a comp or participating in any way, in an investigation, proceeding laint of discriminat ion; testifying, , or a lawsuit under these laws: or opposing employment practices that they reasonably believ e discrimina'te against individuals, in violation of these law!I. HUD is committed to addressing and eliminating haras sing conduct. A hostile environment claim under Title VII usually requires show ing a pattern of offensive conduct. HUD will not wait for such 11pattern to emerge. Rath er, HUD will act before the haras~ing conduct becomes so pervasive and offensive as to const itute a hostile environment. It is HUD's policy that any employee who engages in unacceptable behavior or condones behavior that violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary actio n, including removal. HUD will enforce a "zero tolerance" policy for harnssing behavior, which extends to retaliation against any employee for making a good faith report of harassing conduct under this or any other policy or procedure, or for assisting in any inquiry into such a report. Complainls of retaliation will be handled pursuant to the Departmen t's statutory Equal Employm ent Opportunity (EEO) complaint process, and/or union colle ctive bargaining agreements covering harassment. www.hud.gov tspanol.hud.ao• HUD-17-0201-B-000093 T HOtmNO U.S. DEPARTMENor ANDURBANDEVELOPMENT DC 20410-0001 WASHINGTON. • FOR: MEMORANDUM The Secretary FROM: partmental John P. Denison, Di tor, Officeof De Equal EmploymentQpportunit}', U SUBJECT: icy Statements on Equal The Department's Fiscal Year 2017 Pol e Dispute Resolution, and EmploymentOpportunity, Alternativ Harassment (FY) 2017 rovalof the Department's Fiscal Year This memorandumrequests your app and unlawful , tion ortunity, alternative dispute resolu opp ent ym plo em al equ on s ent em stat · policy harassment. FACTS: ective 715 requires that the heads of Dir ent em nag Ma ity tun por Op ent ym Equal Emplo ements within ploymentopportunity (EEO) policy stat . The em al equ tten wri e issu es nci age l era Fed ure ationand in each subsequent year of ten 9 months of the agency heads' install olution, and a res e put dis O, alternative EE to nt me mit com s res exp to d nde statements are inte uld meet this nt. The attached policy statements wo me ass har tory ina crim dis of free e lac workp ·obligation for FY 2017. RECOMMENDATION: d FY 2017 policy statements on EEO, the attache I recommendthat you approve and sigo assment,as a means of complying with awful har O alternative dispute resolution, and unl HUD employees the Department's EE ffinn to all Management Directive 715, and to rea policies. · CONTACT: at tJohn P. Denison, Director. ODEEO. For further infonnation,please contac . y Director, ODEEO, at 202-402-5582 put De gh, llou Cu Mc K. a Ais or , 144 202-402-6 Attachments DECISION: JUL2 6 2017 ~Date www.fwd.&ov HUD-17-0201-B-000094 U.S. DEPARTMENTOF HOUSINGAND URBAN DEVELOPMENT THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, OC 20410-0001 JUL2 6 2017 --· MEMORANDUM FOR: All HUD Employees FROM: Benjamin S. Carson. Sr. SUBJECT: Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Statement Here at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, our reaffirmed and unwavering commitment to the principles of equal employment opportunity and eliminating unlawful discrimination in the workplace is vital for us in creating strong, sustainable, inclusive communities, and quality affordable homes for all whom we serve . On behalf of the Department, I pledge fair treatment and equality for all employees, and for job applicants seeking employment, regardless of race, color, religion , sex (including sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and pregnancy ), national origin, age (40 and over), disability, marital status, parental status, veteran status, genetic information, and reprisal. The Department's commitment toward eradic ating·housing insecurity and instability runs deep and, therefore, we must begin ta1cinga more holistic approach in the changing of human lives and providing enhanced opportunities for all, in promoting life, liberty, and the pursuit of happin ess. We will continue to be vigilant in cultivating a civil workplace that is free from discrimination, harassment, and retaliati on by instituting a "zero toleranc e" standard in addressing and eliminating all forms of harassing behavior, misconduct, discrimin ation, and retaliation . All HUD employe es must accept full responsibility and accountability for ensuring compliance with all nondiscrimination laws and policies . Failure to do so, may result in disciplinary action being taken, up to and including removal from Feder al service. In addition, managers and supervi sors bear a greater responsibility in safeguarding equal employment opportunity for all employees by taking prompt and appropriate action to enforce this policy when incidents involving workplace harassment and discrimin ation are brought to their attention. I wan t to thank you for your long-standing commitment and valued support toward fulfilling the miss ion of our Department. Together , our optimum efforts to act with integrity, perform ethically and professionally, and to treat others the way we would like to be treated, will allow us to meet our compliance requirements in all that we do and sustain us as a model employer. \ www.hud.gov espanol.hud.gov HUD-17-0201-B-000095 U.S. DEPARTMENTOF HOUSINGAND URBANDEVELOPMENT THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, DC 20410-0001 JUL2 6 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR: All HUD Employees FROM: Benjamin S. Carson, Sr. SUBJECT: Alternative Dispute Resolution Policy Statement ~- As we demonstrate true compassion for those we serve and are reminded to treat others the way we would like to be treated. the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development reaffirms its commitment to sustaining a harmonious and productive work environment, where all employees are treated with dignity and respect, we have trust and open communication. we work to prevent unnecessary conflicts, and we use alternative approaches and methods for resolving workplace disputes, where appropriate. Under the Administrative Dispute Resolution Act of 1996, agencies are authorized and strongly encouraged to use alternative dispute resolution (ADR) as a preferred option to traditional forms of dispute resolution. Encompassing a variety of problem-solving processes, ADR is designed to assist employees in resolving their workplace disputes collaboratively, fairly, and in an efficient and cost effective manner. It is a valuable tool that can be used to resolve a wide range of workplace disputes, including equal employment opportunity (i.e .• EEO) complaints, grievances, and team conflicts, by incorporating such principles as neutrality, confidentiality, enforceability. flexibility; training, and evaluation into the problem-solving processes. Employees and former employees of HUD, and job applicants for employment, are strongly encouraged to use ADR for all resolution attempts throughout the process and up to the point that the matter is adjudicated. Executives, supervisors, and managers have a duty to use and participate in ADR to resolve workplace disputes and sJ}ouldconsider such ADR techniques as mediation (most commonly used in the Department). facilitation. coaching, conciliation. negotiation, and settlements for the benefit of resolving all disputes. The benefits of using ADR may include decreasing time, cost. and other resources expended in resolving workplace disputes and increasing customer satisfaction. avoiding prolonged litigation. increasing productivity, and improving employee morale. Thanks for your active support, and let us continue to promote the use of ADR by helping to resolve workplace disputes between HUD employees. By helping parties identify their interests, communicate more effectively. and explore creative solutions, ADR will often lead to dmable oatwmes that will adcb:csseocryonc's interestandrebttild.. odcphtcerele:tienships. www.hud.gov espanol.hud.gov HUD-17-0201-B-000096 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, DC 20410-0001 JUL_2 6 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR: All HUD Employees FROM: SUBJECT : to The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Devel opm ent reaffirms its commitment and fostering an organization al culture that is free from all fonns of haras sing behavior promoting of values ship's leader misconduct , including sex ual hara ss ment, and that refl ects the s, ntractor fairness and respect, dignity, and civility in the workplace. All HUD em ployees, co fully support ext ernal stakeholders and anyone performing official work for the Department must e. workplac the in nduct co thi s poli cy and refra in from engaging in hara ssi ng behaviors and mis Th e Department ha s a "z ero tolerance" standard in addressing and eliminating all forms of haras sing beh av ior and misco nduct and/or di scr imin atio n . This po licy also pro vides e protection from retaliation again st any employee for making a good faith report of workplac tion investiga an with assisting for and/or e, cedur ha rass ment under this or any other policy or pro laws ination -discrim anti or fact-finding inquiry into such allegation of harassm ent. In addition, ent prohibit workplace haras sment against individuals in retaliation for filing an equal employm opportunit y complaint of discrimination; testifyi ng or particip ating in any way in an ctices that investigati on, proceeding , or lawsuit under these laws; or oppos ing employment pra they reasonably believe di scriminate aga inst individual s, in violation of these laws . Workplace haras sm ent is defined as any unwelcome or offen si ve treatment or conduct ing , (verbal , physical , psychological, or visual) that a re aso nable person would find intimidat e 's employe an to tal detrimen ho st ile, or abusiv e and that unr easo nably interferes with and is cs, work performanc e , profe ssi onal advancement, mental and phy sical health, and/or economi and creat ing an intimidatin g, ho stile, and offensive work environment. Hara ssing behavior gender ation, orient mi sconduct on the bases of race, color, religion, sex (includin g sexual par ental identity and expressions, and preg nancy ), national ori gin , age , disability, marital status, to hara ss an status, veteran status, gen etic infonnation, and/ or repri sal is prohibit ed. It is illegal or is past, the in sability di a applicant or empl oy ee beca use the appli cant has a disability, had ed believed to have a physical or mental impainnent that is not transitory and minor. Prohibit epithets har assing behavior and misconduct include, but is not limited to, off ensive jokes, slurs, contact, or ching tou me or name calling, undue attention, physi cal assaults or threats, unwelco ome inti111:idfttian,hullyieg, ridieule 9r IRQ~ke,y, iiisulls oc put-dowos caosrant or nnwek obje cts or offensive and a, medi al soci on questions about an individual's identity, mistreatment www.hud .gov espanol.hud .gov HUD-17-0201-B-000097 2 pictures. Civil and professional management feedback regarding an employee·s perfonnance does not conslitute harassment. Further, valid work perfonnance instruclions from a supervisor or other management official to an employee does not constitute harassment. . Executives, managers, and supervisors bear the leadership and accountability for taking swift. effective, and proportionate action to enforce this policy when they become aware of incidents involving workplace harassment. Preventing workplace harassment is everyone's responsibility, and all reports of harassing behavior and misconduct will be taken seriously and · handled appropriately. HUD employees who experience or witness harassing behavior or misconduct are encouraged to report the incident immediately to their first-line manager/supervisor (unless their first-line manager/supervisor is the alleged perpetrator) and/or the appropriate management official, the Office of Departmental Equal Employment Opportunity (ODEEO), and/or the Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer. Once the Department is aware of a claim of harassment, management will immediately conduct a prompt. thorough, and impartial investigation of the claim.· The Department, to the greatest ex.tent possible, will take every step to protect the confidentiality of the individual alleging harassment. Immediate corrective action will be taken if it is determined that harassment has occurred. Employees who believe they have been harassed may also initiate a complaint by calling ODEEO at 202-708-5921, or by using the e-file system on its hud@work webpage. HUD-17-0201-B-000098 --------------------. -------~-----,.=-.-----r.--t',. .. . .~ ;Record of Clearances U.S. Departmentof Housing and Utban Onelopment ExecutiveSecretariat .. ooeeo CT$ Control Ni.mber: l017•0DEEO-HQ-t0568 Comments: Date: Primary Program Office Assistant Secretaryor Equivalent 1. Benison, John (U) in~ 2. Zorc,Bethany A (C) ou~~;-\Zl1,t,\ in: 3. Golrick. Janet (SD) 1 1<3)1 ~ ~ ouDI 4. Greenwood, Sheila M (S) 5. Brooks, Towanda (A) 6. in:S,~ q. outS/t.5 / t ~tbl,,, in: out: in: out: Commentsand/or Special Dispatch Instructions: i>rogramPerson to Contact for Questions: Phone No. : Room No. : HUD-17-0201-B-000099 tR•cord of 1 Clearances ~..t ,,y. t.-~; ;,,in .. ·. ·. ·. :, .. '. .. , -: .1~- •' . : .. . . .. Primary Program Office Assistant Secretary or Equivalent -~ ··:· ·),....-~-~:~:-~t~~~.-:::• . ... ;, '; . .. : , U.S. Department of Houalng and Urban Devek>pment ExecutiveSecre1ariat Office of Administration CTS ControlNu~ - .... .. .... Initia 'Is: I 20l7-ODEEO -HQ-00568 Comments : Date : See Attachment 1. Benison, U in: out: Se,,. A\.\~'1met1+ 2. Brook s, A in: See Attachment out : 3. Zorc, C 4. Foster , Al /2~ in:¾ out: 'ir in: out: 5. Golrick, SD in: out : 6. Greenwood , S in: out: in: out: Comments and/Of Specia l Dlspatcl'l lnslructions: Pros,am Pensonto Contactfor OuestlOns; Denise L Hickmon PtloneNo : Room No: 402-6855 2102 HUD-17-0201-B-000100 __ ________________ , ;_ ;, ~:,__,.. ····------- I I r. <'.t ! U.S. Department of Housin9 and Urban Development • · <· - ~ecord of Clearances Exeeuliv. Secretallat OOEEO ' I CTS Control~ I = 2017-0DEEO-HQ-00!68 l. Benison,John(U) Comments: Date : Primary Program Office Assistant Secretary or Equivalent : in: 2. Zorc, Bethany A (C) . out: - 3. Golrick , Janet (SD) in: out: ' in : 4. Greenwood, Sheila M (S) 5. Brooks, Towanda (A) ' out: t' f,\\~ in : ~ fllllfl out : d,ln I ',/ 6. Cummin& Anthony (CAGES) in : out: in : out: ! ' ·j .j I. in : out : Comments and/or Special Dispatch Instructions : Program Person to Contact for.Questions: Phon e No .: Room No .: HUD-17-0201-B-000101 > I TO: FOIA Branch FROM: CIR SUBJECT: FOIA RECOMMENDATIONS Control No. 17-FI-HQ-01463 REQUESTER NAME: AUSTIN EVERS REQUESTER ORGANIZATION: AMERICAN OVERSIGHT If clarification is required, please do not contact the requester directly without consultation with the FOIA Specialist assigned to this request. If you need to speak with the requester, you must let the FOIA Specialist know beforehand and/or you both must speak with the requester. Under the Open Government Act, there are limitations as to the number of times the request can be tolled and clarification is included in that count. If estimated cost-;will exceed $25.00, please do not begin processing. Fill out the cost estimate on page 3 of this recommendation sheet and return it to the FOIA Branch. The FOIA Branch will contact the requester and advise him/her of the estimated cost to process the request and obtain approval to proceed. =No X documents (Describe your search-effort. This is equivalent to a denial, requiring appeal.) Attached are 2 copies of the requested documentation. (No Exemptions cited.) Attached is 1 copy of the releasable portions of the responsive documents ( with redactions) and ( I clean copy without redactions); the redacted portions are not releasable because of the ex.emption(s) identified below: ====Attached is 1 copy of nonreleasable, unredacted documents that arc responsive to this request. (Exemptions are cited below with an explanation of nonrelease. IT JS IMPERATIVE THAT THE FOIA OFFICE HAVE THESE COPIES.) *ITEM(S) EXEMPTION(S) USED *Additional items may be listed at comments. HUD-17-0201-B-000102 Description of Search Efforts No requested documents should be provided to the requester because of the following: __ Exemption Basis: .5 USC 552(b )( 1) - Allo.ws withholding information specifically authorized under criteria estab1ished by an Executive Order lo be kept secret in the interest of national defense of foreign policy and which is in fact properly classified pursuant to such an.Executive Order. __ 5 USC 552(b)(2) - Allows withholding information related solely to the internal personnel mles and practices of an agency. · == 5 USC 552(b)(3) - Allows withholding of information prohibited from disclosure by another statute. (FOIA Exemption 3 can not stand alone. Please identify, in the "other" category below, the legal cite for the correlating statutory authority that prohibits disclosure). _ 5 USC 552(b)(4) - Trade secrets and commercial or financial information obtained from a person and privileged or confidential. · _ 5 USC 552(b)(5) - Inter-agency or intra-agency memos or letters ...deliberative material...attomey work product...attoiney-client material. (Explain what harm would be caused by disclosure). _ 5 USC 552(b)(6) - Personnel and medical files and similar files the disclosure of which ~ould constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. _ 5 USC 552(b)(7) - Records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes, but only to the extent that the production of such law enforcement records or information: (circle as appropriate) A B C D E F. _ 5 USC 552(b)(8) - information contained in or related to examination, operating, or condition reports prepared by~on hehalf of, or for the use of an agency responsible for the regulation or supervision of financial institutions. _ 5 USC 552(b)(9) - Geological and geophysical information and data, including maps, concerning wells. I l I _ Other: Cite statutory authority to be given in correlation with FOIA Exemption 3 (e.g., HUD Refonn Act). ' _· _The requestor should be advised that a final determination cannot be made until =============================because _______________ _ HUD-17-0201-B-000103 J If estimated costs exceed $25.00, please do not begin processing. Please complete the cost estimate portion below and return it, through the individual conducting the search, FOIA Liaison and Approving\Denying Official, to the FOIA Office. The FOIA Office will contact the requester and advise him/her of the estimated cost to process the request and obtain approval to proceed. Cost Estimate: _ hrs _ hrs _ hrs hrs Grade & Step of employee conducting search (Grade __ Step ___ If more than one employee, please indicate (Grade __ Step of Professional Search (Actual salary rate (hourly), plus 16% of salary rate of employee S__ of Professional Review (Actual salary rate (hourly), plus 16% of salary rate of employee $__ of Clerical Search (Actual salary rate (hourly), plus 16% of salary rate of employee S__ of Clerical Review (Actual salary rate (hourly), plus 16% of salary rate of employee S__ Programming Services Hours ______ X$35.00 Computer Run Time Minutes ______ X25.00 (Print Time-only if information taken from mainframe) $--(please describe below all costs involved to include Direct Contracting Cost programming services, computer run time, etc.) x $.18 Pages· ____ Number of photocopies $__ $ __ Other Costs (Explain/Be specific) Actual Cost$ ___ Program Analyst Conducting Search (Please sign and print your name) Date _ Telephone Number Comments: FOIA Liaison Concurrence (Please sign and print your name) Date Telephone Number ~~ ff:1~1,,.i Ap~nying oc7ciai (Please sign and print your name)' NOTE: THE FOIA OFFICE MUST HAVE A CLEAN COPY OF THE RELEASABLE/ NONRELEASABLE DOCUMENTS. ALSO, PLEASE ENSURE THAT ALL OF THE SIGNATURES (Program Analyst, FOIA Liaison, and Approving/Denying Official) ARE CO:MPLETED, (SIGNED & PRINT) ON THE RECOMMENDATION SHEET. Revised: November 25; 2013 HUD-17-0201-B-000104 ) ) _ _ _ _ l'S. DEPART.\IE'.';T OF HOLS~G A~"Dt:RBA... " DEVELOP'.\lENT W.-\SHJ:--GTO;,i. IX .20.!IO-IOOO Off ICE OF CONGR[SSIO:--:->.L.-\~O ISTERGOVERN\IEc'{TAL RELATIO:\iS The Honorable Trey Gowdy Chairman Commitree on Oversight and Government Refonn U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515--6143 Dear Chainnan Gowdy: This letter is to provide notice of HUD Secretary Benjamin S. Carson, Sr. 's detem1ination that use of home-to-work transportation for Deputy Secretary Pamela Patenaude is appropriate. Under 3 I U.S.C. § I 344(b)(3 ), the Secretary is authorized to name a single principal deputy who can receive home-to-work transportation from the agency's appropriated funds when the Secretary determines that such transportation is appropriate. In this case. the Secretary has determined that home-to-work transpo11ation is appropriate for Deputy Secretary Patenaude and has autho1ized Deputy Secretary Patenaude to use home-to-\vork transportation. As required by 31 U.S.C. §1344(d)(4) and the Federal Management Regulation (FMR) §§ 102-5.l IO and 5.115, HUD is providing notification of this detennination. Please do not hesitate to contact me with ,my questions regarding this request. Sincerely, ------- 0:;-f t~c=>(:; / ./., Seth D. AppJ_~.1.00-·· •·Acting Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations Enclosure www.hud.go,· espanol.hud.gO\' HUD-17-0201-B-000105 U.S. DEPARTMENT OFHOUSINGANDURBAN01:VELOPMENT TH! SECRETARY WASri !'<:?. TON. )C W410·000 1 OCT2 0 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR: Pamela H. Patenaude, Deputy Secretary, SD FROM: Benjamin S. Carson, Secretary, S SUBJECT: Home-to-Work Transportation ~ This memorandum is to record my determination that use of home-to-work transportation for you is appropriate. The Secretary is authorized to name a single principal deputy who can receive home-to-work transportation from the agency's appropriated funds when the Secretary determines that such transportation is appropriate. See 31 U.S.C. § l 344(b)(3). I have detennined that home-to-work transportation is appropriate for you and authorize you to use home-to-work transportation. Subsequent notification of this determination will be transmitted to the appropriate Committees in the House of Representatives and the Senate within 60 days pursuant to 31 U.S.C. § 1344(d)(4)and Federal Management Regulation (FM R) §§ 102-5.110 and 5.115. Additional logs documenting use of home-to-work transportation will be maintained pursuant to FMR § 102-5.120. So Determined: &n ja~.~ .,..-~_,.-,,,# www.hud.gov eapanol,hud.gov HUD-17-0201-B-000106 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING WASHINGTON, THE SECRETARY AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT D.C. 20410-0001 August I 7. 2017 The Honorable Catherine Conez Ma.stl> United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 Dear Senator Cortez Masro: Thank you for your letter inquiring about proposed changes lO sect ion 223 of the Department of Housing and Urban Development General Provisions in the Presidem· s Fiscal Year 2018 Budget which would amend section 255 of the National Housing Act {NHA). Since 2014, HUD has taken steps to ensure that lenders can give eligible non-borrowing spouses of Home Equity Conwrsion Mortgage (HECM) borrowers an opportunity to remain in their marital homes following the death of HECM borrowers. We remain committed co that goal. The goal of this General Provision is to support the HECM program's current protections non-borrowing sp1)useswhile also affording HUD the ability to modify or expand due and payable deferrals of loans in cases the Secretary believes are warranted. The provision also will strengthen the ability of the Secretary to manage financial risk. for Specifically. cheGeneral Provision is needed forcwo reasons: • First. subsection (I) clarifies chat the definition of a mortgagor under the HECM program is slightly different from that used in the broader NHA. This distinction is important and necessary to operate in a fis~a11ysound manner. HECMs are originated based in part on the specific life expectancies of identified borrowers. As such. HECMs arc not assumable or assignable. In contrast. the gcnernl definition of mortgagor in the NHA includes the borrowers· successors and assignees. ll1c NHA definition makes sense for forward mortgages as any successor or assignee lO the ml.mgagcwould assume the payment responsibilities. In the HECM program. however. where the HECM loan is specifically hased on the amount of time the original HECM borrower and their spouse are expected to remain in the home. the definition would expose HUD and the Federal Housing Administration {FHA}Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund to undue risk and cost. • Second. subsection (2) also provides the Secretary with discretion to provide deferrals to include existing homeowner protections as well as other deferrals the Departmem might promulgate in the future. The current statutory language at subsection 255(j) of HUD-17-0201-B-000107 "'l the NHA references only deferring due and payable status for the borrower's spouse and does not explicitly provide for other eligibility criteria or types of deferrals. The proposed change provides HUD explicit authority to establish eligibility criteria allowing it to protect homeowners. including allowing non-borrowing spouses to remain in the family home. and manage financial risk. These two subsections address an ambiguity that could result in the HECM program being required to provide further deferrals of due and payable status to parties other than the original HECM borrower's spouse. and enables HUD to more cfft!ctively manage risk to the Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund. We understand the proposed changes to section 255 of the NHA are causing concern because the revised provision no longer contains an explicit reference to the homeowner·s spouse. Given that we seek the common goal of maintaining protections for non-borrowing spouses without exposing the FHA program to undue risk, we are available to work with you to refine the language to better accomplish these objectives and address any concerns. Sincerely. Benjamin S Carson. Sr. Identical Letter Sent lo: The Honorable Marco Rubio United States Senator HUD-17-0201-B-000108 TO: FOIA Branch FROM: ~~\soN ---Q.----CSRe<:)~'N SUBJECT: FOIA RECOMMENDATIONS ControlNo.11-- . I F~l..\.Q -o,L.\'-13 eveU:> REQUESTERORGANIZATION:ft-0)t?f--\GW ()/Gl.J\G-t\' I REQUESTERNAME: ~\J~tTN If clarification is required, please do not confa~t th'e requester directly without consultation with . the FOIA Specialist assigned to this request. If you need to speak with the requester, you must let the FOIA Specialist know beforehand and/or you both must speak with the requester. Under the Open Government Act, ther~ are limitations as to the number of times the request can be tolled and clarification is included in that count. If estimated costs will exceed $25.00, please do not begin processing. Fill out the cost estimate on page 3 of this recommendation sheet and return it to the FOIA Branch. The FOIA Branch will contact the requester and advise him/her of the estimated cost to process the request and obtain approval to proceed. _ho documents (Describe your searcbMeffort. T~is is equivalent to a denial, requiring appeal.) Attached are 2 copies of the requested documentation. (No Exemptions cited.) Attached is 1 copy of the releasable portions of the responsive documents (with redactions) and (1 clean copy without redactions); the redacted portions are not releasable because of the exemption(s) identified below: Attached is I copy of nonreleasable, unredacted documents that are responsive to this request. (Exemptions are cited below with an explanation of nonrelease. IT IS IMPERATIVETHAT THE FOIA OFFICEHA IIE THESECOPIES.) •ITEM(S) EXEMPTION(S)USED • Additional items may be listed at cornrn~nts. HUD-17-0201-B-000109 ,! Description of Search Efforts __ No r~quested documents should be provided to the requester because of the following: Exemption Basis: 5 USC 552(b)(1) - Allows withholding infonnation specifically authorized under criteria established by an Executive Order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense of foreign policy and which is in fact properly classified pursuant to such an Executive Order. ===5 USC 552(b)(2) - Allows withholding and practices of an agency. information related solely to the internal personnel rules · ===5 USC 552(b)(3) -Allows withholding ofinfonnation prohibited from disclosure by another · statute. (FOIA Exemption 3 can not stand alone. Please identify, in the "other" category below, the legal cite for the correlating statutory authority that prohibits disclosure). 5 USC 552(b)(4)-Trade secrets and commercial or financial information obtained from a person and privileged or confidential. · _ _ 5 USC 552(b)(5) - Inter-agency or intra-agency memos or letters ...deliberative material...attomey work product. ..attomey-client material. (Explain what harm would be caused by disclosure). ' Ii I _ 5 USC 552(b)(6)- Personnel and medical files and similar files the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. '1 _ S USC 552(b)(7) - Records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes. but only to the extent that the production of such law enforcement records or information: (circle as appropriate) A B CD E F. _ S USC 552(b)(8) - information contained in or related to examination, operating, or condition reports prepared by, on behalf of, or for the use of an agency responsible for the regulation or supervision of financial institutions. · _ 5 USC 552(b}(9)- Geologicaland geophysicalinformation and data, including maps, concerning wells. Other: Cite statutory authority to be given in correlation with FOIA Exemption 3 (e.g., HUD Reform Act). _The requestor should be advised that a final determination cannot be made until ______________ because ______________ _ HUD-17-0201-B-000110 If estimated costs exceed $25.00, please do not begin processing. Please complete the cost estimate portion below and return it, through the individual conducting the search, FOIA Liaison and Approving\Denying Official, to the FOIA Office. The FOIA Office will contact the requester and advise him/her of the estimated cost to process the request and obtain approval to proceed. Cost Estimate: Grade & Step of employee conducting search (Grade__ Step __ _,) Step ) If more than one employee, please indicate (Grade __ _ hrs of ProfessionalSearch (Actualsalary rate (hourly),plus 16%of salary rate of employee $ __ _ _ hrs of ProfessionalReview (Actual salary rate (hourly),plus 16%of salary rate of employee $__ _ hrs of Clerical Search (Actual salary rate (hourly), plus 16%of salary rate of employee $__ _ hrs of Clerical Review (Actual salary rate (hourly). plus 16%of salary rate of employee $__ _ Programming Services Hours ______ X$35.00 $__ Computer Run Time Minutes_____ X25.00 $__ (Print Time-only if information taken from mainframe) Direct Contracting Cost $--(please describe below all costs involved to include programming services, computerrun time, etc.) Pages ____ X $_18 Number of photocopies Other Costs (Explain/Be specific) Actual Cost $---- Program Analyst Conducting Search Telephone Number Date (Please sign and print your name) Comments: FOIA Liaison Concurrence (Please print your._11ame) siland ~ ~&>-i Date Telephone Number ,...._ .~ ... r,ss 1 1,\_____:)\--e_4,L... ~.S-~. Approving\Denying Official (Please sign and print your name) Title ~ A + *°~\;2~~ .- ~s"ts Date 6 ·--o~ '°20 ~--=+ NOTE: THE FOIA OFFICE MUST HAVE A CLEAN COPY OF THE RELEASABLE/ NONRELEASABLE DOCUMENTS. ALSO, PLEASEENSURE THAT ALL OF THE SIGNATURES (Program Analyst, FOIA Liaison, and Approving/Denying Official) ARE COMPLETED,(SIGNED & PRINT) ON THE RECOMMENDATIONSHEET. Revised: November 25, 2013 HUD-17-0201-B-000111 TO: FOIA Branch FROM: b 1ck~~ SUBJECT: ~o 12., FOIA RECOMMENDATIONS Control No. I Y-k??:> REQUESTER NAME: AGt<.:>1-irJ b-e.r3 REQUESTER ORGANIZATION: i\-vvJe n tO\n Ov..e...,..<",,.:3ht- u clarification is required, please do not contact the requester directly without consultation with the FOIA Specialist assigned to this request. If you need to speak with the requester, please inform the FOIA Specialist that is assigned to the FOIA request, so a conference call can be set up with the requester, SME and the FOIA Specialist. Under the Open Government Act, there are limitations as to the number of times the request can be tolled and clarification is included in that count. If estimated costs will exceed $25.00, please do not begin processing. Complete the cost estimate on page 3 of this recommendations sheet as soon as possible and return it to the FOIA Branch with the required signatures. The FOIA Branch will contact the requester and advise him/her of mated cost to process the request and obtain approval to proceed. the ef -¥-No documents (Describe your search-effort. Please provide a detailed explanation of why records could not be located and if possible where they may exist. This is equivalent to a denial, requiring appeal.) __ Attached are 2 copies of the requested documentation. (No Eremptions cited.) __ Attached is 1 copy of the releasable portions of the responsive documents (with redactions) AND (1 clean copy wit/tout redactions);the redacted portions are not releasable because of the exemption(s) identified below: __ Attached is 1 copy of nonreleasable, unredacted documents that are responsive to this request. (Exemptions are cited below with an explanation of non release. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT THE FOIA OFFICE HA VE A CLEAN COPY OF THE NONRELEASABLE RECORDS.) *ITEM(S) EXEMPTION(S) USED *Additional items may be listed at comments with clarification can be provided on a separate sheet. HUD-17-0201-B-000112 __ No requested documents should be provided to the requester because of the following: Exemption Basis: 5 USC 552(b )( 1) - Allows withholding information specifically authorized under criteria established by an Executive Order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense of foreign policy and which is in fact properly classified pursuant to such an Executive Order. __ 5 USC 552(b )(2) - Allows withholding information related solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of an agency. __ 5 USC 552(b)(3) - Allows withholding of information prohibited from disclosure by another statute. (FOIA Exemption 3 can not stand alone. Please identify, in the "other" category below, the legal cite for the correlating statutory authority that prohibits disclosure). 5 USC 552(b)(4) -Trade secrets and commercial or financial information obtained from a person and privileged or confidential. _ _ 5 USC 552(b)(5) - Inter-agency or intra-agency memos or letters ... deliberative material...attomey work product...attomey-client material. (Explain what harm would be caused by disclosure). _ 5 USC 552(b)(6) - Personnel and medical files and similar files the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. _ 5 USC 552(b )(7) - Records or inf onnation compiled for law enforcement purposes, but only to the extent that the production of such law enforcement records or infonnation: (circle as appropriate) A B C D E F. _ 5 USC 552(b )(8) - infonnation contained in or related to examination, operating, or condition reports prepared by, on behalf of, or for the use of an agency responsible for the regulation or supervision of financial institutions. _ 5 USC 552(b )(9) - Geological and geophysical information and data, including maps, concerning wells. Other: Cite statutory authority to be given in correlation with FOIA Exemption 3 (e.g., HUD Reform Act). _The requestor should be advised that a final determination cannot be made until _______________ because _______________ _ HUD-17-0201-B-000113 If estimated costs exceed $25.00, please do not begin processing. Please complete the cost estimate portion below and return it as soon as possible to the FOIA Branch. It also must contain signatures of the individuals conducting the search, FOIA Liaison and the Approving\Denying Official. The FOIA Branch will contact the requester and advise him/her of the estimated cost to process the request and obtain approval to proceed. Cost Estimate: hrs of Professional Search hrs of Professional Review hrs of Clerical Search hrs of Clerical Review at S52.00/hr at $52.00/hr at $24.00/hr at S24.00/hr = $__ = $__ = $__ = $ __ _ _ _ _ Hours at $35.00/hr = S___ **Programming Services _ ***Computer Run ;rime - Direct Cost of Conducting Search=$ __ _ (Print Time-only if information taken from a mainframe not a Laser Printer) $___ Direct Contracting Cost Number of photocopies __ (provide description of contractor's work on page 2) Pages at $0.10/page = $__ _ Other Costs (Explain/Be specific) $_____________ .._____ _ 202- l/oJ-85tK Program Analyst C (Please sign and pr Telephone Number Date A ( oving nymg eta ase sign and pri t your ame) ~ic.e_ Aus'o~ Tipd.V Title Telephone Number 12/B/ Jr:? Date ~ C..!O~ 13L)M~s~ Md /v1~"~ -~w;. ~ ** Computer programming is the process of writing computer programs in special code. ***Computer run time is the period of time that the computer program is running. HUD-17-0201-B-000114 PLEASE NOTE: THE FOIA OFF1CE MUST HA VE A CLEAN COPY OF THE RELEASABLE/NONRELEASABLE DOCUI\.1ENTS. PLEASE ENSURE THAT ALL OF THE SIGNATURES (Program Analyst, FOIA Liaison, and Approving/Denying Official) ARE COMPLETED, (SIGNED & PRINTED) ON THE RECOMMENDATIONS SHEET. THE RECOMMENDATION SHEET MAY BE SCAi'lNED AND EMAILED BACK TO THE APPROPRIATE FOIA SPECIALIST IF ALL SIGNATURES ARE OBTAINED PLEASE DO NOT PROVIDE DOCUMENTS DIRECTLY TO ANY FOIA REQUESTER. ALL RESPONSES MUST BE SENT FROM THE FOIA OFFICE. Revised: December 8, 2015 HUD-17-0201-B-000115 US. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, DC 20410-3000 1 OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION Mr. Austin Evers American Oversight . 103015'hStreet,NW NOV 28 2017 B255 Washington, DC 20005 RE: Freedom of Information Act Request FOIA Control No.: Dear Mr. Evers: This letter is an interim response to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request dated and received on June 28, 2017. You asked for copies of all decision memoranda, directives, 'or policy interpretations or guidance signed, approved, or otherwise adopted by Department Of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson. Specifically, any document establishing, modifying, clarifying, or rescinding any HUD policy, legal or policy interpretation, or practice, whether presented as a memorandum, letter, guidance document, or in any other form, March 2, 2017, to the date the present. Your request is granted in part. Enclosed are copies of the following: 1. Federal Register, Volume 82 and recommendation sheet from the Office of General Counsel (OGC). - 2. Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act (NO FEAR Act) Annual Report to Congress for the period October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2016, and recommendation sheet from the Office of Departmental Equal Employment Opportunity (ODEEO). 3. Letter responding to compliance requirements of Executive Order 13873, of March 28, 2017, entitled ?Promoting Energy Independence and Economic Growth (the Order) and recommendation sheets from the Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD). 4. Policy Statement Diversity and Inclusion and recommendation sheet from the Office of Administration (Admin). 5. Memorandum of Cooperation among HUD, Of?ce of Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae), the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan and the Urban Renaissance Agency, Japan; three congratulatory Secretary of HUD award letters; and recommendation sheet from the Office of Policy Development and Research. 6. FOIA request details report from the Office of the Executive Secretariat. espanol.hud.gov 2 7. Recommendation sheets for the Offices of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Public and Indian Housing (PIH), Chief ProcUrement Officer (CPO), Faith?Based and Community Initiatives (FBCI), Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (PI-IEO), Housing, Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes Ginnie Mae, Sustainable Housing (SH), and Hearings and Appeals (OHA). The following program offices did not have responsive records: CFO. PIH. CPO. FBCI. FHEO. Housing. Ginnie Mae. OHA. 0. SH. The Department is still searching for additional documents that are responsive to your request. Appeal rights will be provided to you in the Department's final response letter. For your information, your FOIA request, including your identity and any information made available, is releasable to the public?under subsequent FOIA requests. In responding to these requests, the Department does not release personal information, such as home address, telephone number, or Social Security number, all of which are protected from disclosure under FOIA Exemption 6. If you have any questions regarding your request, you may contact Eugene McGirt at (202) 402-4315. Thank you for your interest in the Department?s programs and policies. incerel y, Mal 639% Deborah R. Snowden Deputy Chief FOIA Of?cer Of?ce of the Executive Secretariat Enclosures TO: FOIA Branch .. Demo 3 044m 0 Deep SUBJECT: FOIA RECOMMENDATIONS Control No. REQUESTER NAME: MK. We REQUESTER ORGANIZATION: - If clari?cation is required, please do not contact the requester directly,r without consultation with the FOIA Specialist assigned to this request. If you need to speak with the requester, you must let the FOIA Specialist know beforehand andfor you both must speak with the requester. Under the Open Government Act, there are limitations as to the number of times the request can be tolled and clarification is included in that count. If estimated costs will exceed $25.00, please do not begin processing. Fill out the cost estimate on page 3 of this recommendation sheet and retu rn it to the 01A Branch. The FOIA Branch will contact the requester and advise himiher of the estimated cost to process the request and obtain approval to proceed. 0 documents (Describe your search-effort. This is equivalent to a denial, requiring appeal.) Attached are 2 copies of the requested documentation. (No Exemptions cited.) Attached is 1 copy of the releasable portions of the responsive documents (with and {i clean copy without the redacted portions are not releasable because of the exemption(s) identi?ed below: relea sable, un redacted documents that are responsive to this requestIMPERA TIVE THA THE (Exemptions are cited below with on explanation of nonreieose. 01A OFFICE HA VE THESE COPIES.) USED *Additional items may be listed at comments. D-17-0201-A-000001 a. . Put" 1? Description of Search Efforts No requested documents should be provided to the requester because of the following: Exemption Basis: . 5 USC 552(b)(l) - Allows withholding information speci?cally authorized under Criteria established by an Executive Order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense of foreign policy and which is in fact properly classi?ed pursuant to such an Executive Order. 5 USC 552(b)(2) - Allows withholding information related solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of an agency. 5 USC 552(b)(3) - Allows withholding of information prohibited from disclosure by another statute. (FOIA Exemption 3 can not stand alone. Please identify, in the ?other? category below, the legal cite for the correlating statutory authority that prohibits disclosure). 5 USC 552(b)(4) - Trade secrets and commercial or financial information obtained from a person and privileged or confidential. 5 USC 552(b)(5) - Inter-agency or intra-agency memos or letters work material. (Explain what harm would be caused by disclosure). 5 USC 552(b)(6) - Personnel and medical ?les and similar ?les the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. 5 USC 552(b)(7) - Records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes, but only to the extent that the production of such law enforcement records or information: (circle as appropriate) A F. 5 USC 552(b)(3) - information contained in or related to examination, operating, or condition reports prepared by, on behalf ofagency responsible for the regulation or supervision of ?nancial institutions. - 5 USC 552(b)(9) - Geological and geophysical information and data, including maps, concerning wells. Other: Cite statutory authority to be given in correlation with FOIA Exemption 3 (cg, HUD Reform Act). _The requester should be advised that a ?nal detennination cannot be made until because If estimated costs exceed $25.00, please do not begin processing. Please complete the cost estimate portion below and return it, through the individual conducting the search, FOIA Liaison and Approvinngenying Of?cial, to the FOIA Of?ce. The OIA Of?ce will contact the requester and advise himfher of the estimated cost to process the request and obtain approval to proceed. Cost Estimate: Grade Step of employee conducting search (Grade Step If more than one employee, please indicate (Grade Step of Professional Search (Actual salary rate (hourly), plus 16% of salary rate of employee ?3 of Professional Review (Actual salary rate (hourly), plus 16% of salary rate of employee Sm? of Clerical Search (Actual salary rate (hourly), plus 16% of salary rate of employee of Clerical Review (Actual salary rate (hourly), plus 16% of salary rate of employee 3; Programming Services Hours 3: Computer Run Time Minutes X25130 (Print Time-only if information taken from mainframe) Direct Contracting Cost (please describe below all costs involved to include programming services, computer run time, etc.) Number of photocopies Pages $.18 Other Costs (Explainx?Be Specific) Actual Cost 9 Dams 9;ng rat 93?s? ogram Analyst Conducting Search ate Telephone Number (Please sign and print your name) Comments: :35! 20/} 020%de Telephone Number 29 12 a/ aS/aa/9~ rovingDenying Of?cial Title - Date case sign and print your name) t, NOTE: THE FOIA OFFICE MUST HAVE A CLEAN COPY OF THE DOCUMENTS. ALSO, PLEASE ENSURE THAT ALL OF THE SIGNATURES (Program Analyst, FOIA Liaison, and Approvinngenying Of?cial) I ., COMPLETED, (SIGNED PRINT) ON THE RECOMMENDATION SHEET. Revised: November 25, 2013 HUD-17-0201-A-000003 $1.15an", ?91.51 3 ll- U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, or: 204100001 OFHCE OF DEPARTMENTAL EQJN. mm mm MEMORANDUM FOR: The Secretary 0 't FROM: John P. Benison, ector, Of?ce of Departmental Equal Employment Opportunity, SUBJECT: Noti?cation and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act (No FEAR Act) Annual Report to Congress October 1, EMS?September 30, 2016 This memorandum requests your approval of-the Department?s Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 Noti?cation and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act (No FEAR Act) annual report to Congress. FACTS: The Of?ce of Departmental Equal Employment Opportunity (ODEEO) is respOnsible for submitting FY 2016 No FEAR Act annual report to Congress. The repert, while focusing on FY 2016, covers the period of FY 201 1 through FY 2016 and was prepared in accordance with the requirements_oftitle 11, section 203, of the No FEAR Act of 2002. The No FEAR Act (Public Law 107-174} and regulations at 5 CFR part 724, hold Federal agencies publicly accountable for violations ofantidiscrimination and whistleblower protectioa laws. They require that the agencies post on their public websites, both quarterly and annually, statistical data relating to Federal-sector equal employment opportunity complaints. In addition, the agencies must notify employees, and applicants for employment, of their rights under Federal antidiscrimination and whistleblower laws. RECOMMENDATION: I recommend that you approve the Department's FY 2016 No FEAR Act annual report to Congress. CONTACT: For ?irther information, please contact John P. Benison, Director, ODEEO, at 202- 402-6144, or Aisa K. McCullough, Deputy Director, ODEEO, at 202-402-3582. Attachment DECISION: a/ Mppiirdve Disapprove GE Equal Ernploymen IPROGRAM STATUS REPORT ssocgonm m5?1 Pears CERTIFICATION at ESTABLISHMENT of CONTINUING EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY PROGRAMS 1. John P. Benison. Director am the Of?ce of Dapartmental Equal Employment Opporhmity. es-ozso-oo (insert name (Insert of?cial aboye} tilleiserlesi'grede above} Principal EEOI LLS. Dopartment of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Directoriomcial for (Insert Agencyi'Component Name above) The agency has oonduded an annual selfuassessment of Section 1'1? and Section 5m programs against the essential elements as prescribed by EEO If an essential element was not fully compliant with the standards of EEO a further evaluation was conducted and, as appropriate. EEO Plans for Attaining the Essential Elements of a Model EEO Program. are included with this Federal Agency Annual EEO Program Status Report. The agency has also analyzed its work force pro?les and conducted barrier analyses aimed at detecting whether any management or personnel policy, procedure or practice is operating to disadvantage any group based on race. national origin, Sex or disability. EEO Plans to Eliminate Identi?ed Barriers. as appropriate. are included with this Federal AgenCy Annual EEO Program Status Report. [certify that proper documentation of this assessment is in place and is being maintained for EEOC review upon request. John P. Ben ison, Director f?ce of Donal-unmet Equal Employment Opportunity 77? 0 L, US. Department oft-leasing and Urban Development (HUD) ML 5 Signature of Principal EEO DirectoriOf?cial Date Certi?es that this Federal Agency Annual EEO Program Status Report is in compliance with EEO . Dr. Benjamin S. Carson. Secretary 9 ?1.13. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) 8/34 In .YIH Signature of Agency Head or Agency Head Designee Date July 13,2017 TO: FOIA Branch FROM: Ariel Pereira, Associate General Counsel for Legislation 8.: Regulations SUBJECT: FOIA RECOMMENDATIONS Control No. REQUESTER NAME: Austin Evers REQUESTER ORGANIZATION: lt' clari?cation is required, please do not contact the requester directly without consultation with the FOIA Specialist assigned to this request. If you need to speak with the requester, please inform the FOIA Specialist that is assigned to the FOIA request, so a conference call can be set up with the requester, SME and the FOIA Specialist. Under the Open Government Act, there are limitations as to the number of times the request can be tolled and clari?cation is included in that count. If estimated costs will exceed $25.00, please do not begin processing. Complete the cost estimate on page 3 of this recommendations sheet assoon as possible and return it to the FOIA Branch with the required signatures. The FOIA Branch will contact the requester and advise hintiher of the estimated cost to process the request and obtain approval to proceed. No documents (Describe your search-effort. Please provide a detailed explanation of why records could not be located and if possible where they may exist. This is equivalent to a denial, requiring appeal.) Attached are 2 copies of the requested documentation. (No Exemptions cited.) Attached is 1 copy of the releasable portions of the responsive documents (with redactions) AND (1 clean copy without reductions); the redacted portions are not releasable because of the exemption(s) identified below: Attached is 1 copy of nonreieasable, unredacted documents that are responsive to this request. (Exemptions are cited below with an explanation of nonrelease. I I IMPERA TIVE THAT THE FOIA OFFICE HA VE A CLEAN COPY OF THE NONRELEA SABLE RECORDS.) EXEM USED July 13, 2017 If estimated costs exceed $25.00, please do not begin processing. Please complete the cost estimate portion below and return it as soon as possible to the FOIA Branch. It also must contain signatures of the individuals conducting the search, FOIA Liaison and the Approvingmenying Of?cial. The FOIA Branch will contact the requester and advise himfher of the estimated cost to process the request and obtain approval to proceed. Cost Estimate: of Professional Search at $52.00!hr of Professional Review at $52.00fhr of Clerical Search at $24.00/hr of Clerical Review at $24.00fhr ?Programming Services Hours at $35.00mr Si Run Time Direct Cost of Conducting Search 53 {Print Time-only if information taken from a mainframe not a Laser Printer) Direct Contracting Cost (provide description of contractor?s work on page 2) Number of photocopies Pages at i?fpage Other Costs (Exploitich specific) ?3 I Total Cost Comments: Telephone Number Program Analyst Conducting Search Date and print yo name) A ?1 0 POM ail; Me rr ce te Telephone Number (Plea sign and pri our nameQ Pereira Associate General Counsel for Legislation Regulations 7f13f2017_ Approving?xDenyin Official Title Date (Please sign and print your name) ul mew- lie-hum 6P0 Federal Registeerol. 82. No. 41lFriday. March 3. 201? 1' Notices 12.461 solely for questions regarding this notice. Individuals seeking information about other CBP programs should contact the CBP National Customer Service Center at or CBP Web site at For additional help: SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This proposed information collection was previously published in the Federal Register [81 FR 8558?] on Nevember 28. 2015. allowing for a 60-day comment period. This notice allows for an additional 30 days for public comments. This process is conducted in accordance with 5 CFR 1320.10. CBP invites the general public and other Federal agencies to comment on proposed andl or continuing information collections pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 [44 0.5113501 et seq]. The comments should address: Whether the collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information shall have practical utility: the accuracy of the agency's estimates of the burden of the collection of information: ways to enhanco the quality. utility. and clarity of the information to be collected; ways to minimize the burden. including the use of automated collection techniques or the use of other forms of information technology; and Ee] the annual costs to respondents or record keepers from the collection of information [total capitallstarlup costs and operations and maintenance costs]. The comments that are submitted will be summarized and included in the CBP request for OMB approval. All comments will become a matter of public record. In this document, CBP is soliciting comments concerning the following information collection: Title: Passenger and Crew Manifest [Advance Passenger Information System}. 0M3 Number: 1651?0038. Form Number: None. Abstract: The Advance Passenger Information System is an automated method through which 1.15. Customs and Border Protection receives information about passengers and crew onhoard inbound and outbound international flights before their arrival in or departure from the United States. APIS data includes biographical information for international air passengers arriving in or departing from the United States, allowing the data to be checked against CBP databases. The information is submitted for both commercial and private aircraft ?ights. APIS is authorized under the Aviation and Transportation Security Act. Public Law inf?3'1. Under this statute. air carriers operating a passenger flight in foreign air transportation to the United States must electronically transmit to GDP a passenger and crew manifest containing specific identifying data elements and any other information that DHS determines is reasonably necessary to ensure aviation safety. The speci?c passenger and crew identifying information required by statue consists of the following: full name: date ofbirth; gender; citizenship; document type: passport number; country of issuance and expiration date; and alien registration number where applicable. The APIS regulatory requirements are specified in 19 CFR 122.493. 122.49%. 122.4QC, 122.?5a.122.75b.a11d 122.22. These provisions list all the required APIS data. Respondents submit their electronic manifest either through a direct interface with CBP. or using eAl'lS which is a web-based system that can be accessed at Current Actions: This submission is being made to request an extension with no change to the burden hours or to the information collected. Type of?eview: Extension with no change. Affected Public: Businessos. Individuals. Commercial Airlines: Estimated Number ofHespondents.? 1.130. Estimated Number of Total Annual Responses: Estimated Time per Response: '10 minutes. - Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 30.7.2463. Airline Passengers {3rd potty}: Estimated Number ofRespondents: 134.050.5103. Estimated Number of Total Annual -Hesponses: 134.050.6163. Estimated Time per Response: 10 seconds. Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 496.931 Private Aircraft Pilots: Estimated Number of Respondents: 450.000. Estimated Number of Total Annual Responses: 480.000. Estimated Time per Response: 15 minutes. I Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 115.000. Dated: February 28. 201?. Seth Renkema, Branch Chief. Economic Brooch. US. Customs and Border Protection. 201141414? Filed anil BILLING cone 9111?1441 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. Federal Property Suitable as Facilities To Assist the Homeless AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: This Notice identifies underutilized. excess. and surplus Federal property reviewed by HUD for suitability for possible use to assist the homeless. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Juanita Perry. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Seventh Street SW.. Room 3'256. Washington. DC 2041a: telephone [202] sea?39m; TTY number for the hearing? and speech- impaired [202} [these telephone numbers are not toll-free]. call the toll?free Title if information line at or send an email to v. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In accordance with the December 12. 1933 court order in Notional Coalition for the Homeless v. Veterans Administration. N0. HUD publishes a Notice. on a weekly basis. identifying unutilized. underutilized. excess and surplus Federal buildings and real property that HUD has reviewed for suitability for use to assist the homeless. Today?s Notice is for the purpose of announcing that no additional properties have been determined suitable or unsuitable this week. Dated: February 23, 201?. Brian P. Fitzmaurice. Director. Division of Off ice of Special Needs Assistance Programs. IJoc. ran?cams Filed 3?2?17: 0:45 am] BILLING cooE aero?aT?P HUD-17-0201-A-000008 Abstract: Through the use of a Gornmunity Assistance Contact or Community Assistance Visit (CAO). FEMA can make a comprehensive assessment of a community?s ?oodplain management program. Through this assessment. FEMA can assist the community to understand the NFIP's requirements. and implement effective flood loss reductions measures. Communities can achieve cost savings through flood mitigation actions by way of insurance premium discounts and reduced property damage. A?ecteo? Public: State, local and Tribal Government. Number 3000. Number of itesponsos.? 3000. Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 4000. Estimated Cost: There are no annual costs to respondents operations and maintenance costs for technical services. There are no annual start-up or capital costs. The cost to the Federal Government is Comments Comments may be submitted as indicated in the ADDRESSES caption above. Comments are solicited to evaluate whether the proposed data collection is necessary for the proper performance ot'the agency. including whether the information shall have practical utility: (bl evaluate the accuracy of the agency?s estimate ofthe burden of the proposed collection of information. including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used: enhance the quality. utility. and clarity of the information to be collected: and minimize the burden of Ille colleution of information on those who are to respond. including through the use of appropriate automated. electronic, mechanical. or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. Dated: March 1. 201?. Richard W. Mattison. Records Management Program Chief} Mission Support. Federal Emergency Management Agency. Department of Homeland Security. ll-?R Doc.201??04444Fi1ed 3?6?17:s:4s am] BILLING cone 9111-524: Federal 82. No. 43iTuesday. March 201?iNotices DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. Announcement ot the Housing Counseling Federal Advisory Committee Notice of Public Meeting AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Housing?Federal Housing Commissioner. Department ofHousing and Urban Development ACTION: Notice of Housing Counseling Federal Advisory Committee Public Meeting. SUMMARY: This gives notice ofa Housing Counseling Federal Advisory Committee meeting and sets forth the proposed agenda. The Committee meeting will be held on Tuesday. March 14. 201?. The meeting is open to the public and is accossible to individuals with disabilities. Pursuant to 41 CFR 102-1150, notice for the March 14. 201?. meeting is being published fewer than 15 calendar days prior to the meeting as exceptional circumstances exist. It is imperative that the Committee hold its March 14. 201 meeting to accommodate the scheduling priorities ofkey participants so that they may begin the work of the Committee. Given HUD's need for the Committee?s advice. and the scheduling difficulties of selecting an alternative date. the agency deems it important for the advisory committee to meet on March 14, 201?. despite the late notice. DATES: The meeting will be held on Tuesday. March 14. 201? from 0:30 a.rn. to 5:30 p.m. Eastern Daylight. Time at HUD Headquarters. 451 ?th Street SW.. Washington. DC 20410 and via conference phone. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Marjorie George. Housing Program Technical Specialist. Office of Housing Counseling. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 200 Jefferson avenue. Suite 300. Memphis. TN 30103". telephone number [901] 544?41223 [this is not a toll-free number]. Persons who have dif?culty hearing or speaking may access this number via by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at [800] [toll-free number}. Individuals may also email HCFACComrnittee?lhudgov. INFORMATION: HUD is convening the meeting of the HCFAC on Tuesday. March 14.201? from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. EDT. The meeting will be held at HUD Headquarters. 451 2th Street SW.. Washington. DC 20410 and via conference phone. This meeting notice is provided in accordance with 12825 the Federal Advisory Committee Act. 5. Draft Agenda?Housing Counseling Federal Advisory Committee Meeting? March 14. 201? 1. Welcome II. Panel Discussions?Expanding Access to and Sustainability of HUD Housing Counseling Ill. Public Comment IV. HCFAC Discussion V. Next Steps VI. Adjourn Registration The public is invited to attend this one-day meeting or by phone. Advance registration is required to participate. To register to attend. please visit the following link: pevr. wufoo . co registro ti onf. After completing the pro?registration process at the above link. in-person attendees will receive details about the meeting location and how to access the building. The meeting is also open to the public with limited phone lines available on a ?rst-come. first+served basis. Phone attendees can call?in to the one-day meeting by using the following number in the United States: (800) 230? 1006 [toll-free number]. An operator will ask callers to provide their names and their organizational affiliations [if applicable] prior to placing callers into the conference line to ensure they are part of the pro-registration list. Callers can expect to incur charges for cells they initiate over wireless lines and HUD will not refund any incurred charges. Callers will incur no charge for calls they initiate over land-line connections to Lhe toll-free phone number. Persons with hearing impairments may also follow the discussion by first calling the Federal Relay Service [800} {toll?free number] and providing the FRS operator with the conference call number: [800] 230?1000. Comments With advance registration, members of the public will have an opportunity to provide oral and written comments relative to the four agenda topics for the Committee's consideration. To provide oral comments. please be sure to indicate this on the registration link. The total amount eftime for oral comments will be 15 minutes with each commenter limited to two minutes to ensure pertinent Committee business is completed. Written comments must he provided no later than March 201? to itCFACCommitteeEehud.gov. Please note. written statements submitted will 12825 Federal Registerittol. 82. No. 43i'l?uesday. March 7. 2017fNotices not be read during the meeting. The . Committee will not respond to individual written or oral statements; but. will take all public comments into account in its deliberations. Meeting Records Records and documents discussed during the meeting. as well as other information about the work ofthis Committee, will be available for public viewing as they become available at: committee! by clicking on the ?Committee Meetings" link. Dated: February 22. 201?. Banger Charles, General Deputy Assistant. Secretoryfor Housing. Doc. eon?oases Filed s?s?ir; ans am] BILLING CODE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR National Park Service PPWOC 4. Notice of Intent To Repatriate Cultural Items: Denver Museum of Nature 8: Science. Denver. CO AGENCY: National Park Service. Interior. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: The Denver Museum of Nature 3: Science. in consultation with the appropriate Indian tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations. has determined that the cultural items listed in this notice meet the de?nition of sacred objects. Linea] descendants or representatives of any Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian organization not identi?ed in this notice that wish to claim these Cultural items should submit a written request to the Denver Museum of Nature 3: Science. Denver, CD. If no additional claimants come forward. transfer ofcontrol of the Cultural items to the lineal descendants. Indian tribes. or Native Hawaiian organizations stated in this notice may proceed. DATES: Linea] descendants or representatives of any Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian organization not identi?ed in this notice that wish to claim these Cultural items should submit a written request with information in support oftbe claim to the Denver Museum of Nature St Science. Denver. CO at the address in this notice by April 0. 201?. soonesses: Chip Colwall. Senior Curator of Anthropology and NAGPRA Of?cer. Denver Museum of Nature ti: Science. 2001 Colorado Boulevard. Denver. CO 30205. telephone [303] 3.70? 5378. email SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: is here given in accordance with the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act 25 U.S.C. 3005, of the intent to repatriate cultural items under the control of the Denver. CD. that meet the definition of sacred objects under 25 U.S.C. 3001. This notice is published as part of the National Park Service's administrative responsibilities under NAGPRA. 25 U.S.C. 3003Edll3]. The determinations in this notice are the sole responsibility of the museum. institution. or Federal agency that has control of the Native American cultural items. The National Park Service is not responsible for the determinations in this notice. History and Description ofthe Cultural Item Around 1925. one cultural item was removed from an unknown wooded location. It had been given or sold to a local collector before Karen Petersen obtained it in 19%. Petersen sold it to Mary and Francis Crane on February 19. 19rd. and the Cranes donated it to the Denver Museum of Nature .8: Science on ivlay 27. 1983. In the 19505.1(aren Petersen and her husband Sydney Petersen spent their summers visiting Anishinaabe communities, camping out and buying crafts from tribal members. When she was able to sell items. she sold them through churches in St. Paul. MN. She also collected Anishinaabe objects for the Science Museum of Minnesota as a staff member from 1053 to 1964. The one cultural item 1 53?] is a water drum. It had been left in the woods for religious reasons. The drum has broken into six pieces but is still ceremonially significant today because ofthe etchings on the wood that contain a song or story. Museum accesaion, catalogue. and documentary records. as well as consultation with a representative of the Grand Portage Band of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, Minnesota. indicate that the one cultural item is Ojibwa and is from the Grand Portage Indian Reservation in northern Minnesota. Determinations Made by the Denver Museum of Nature 81 Science Officials of the Denver Museum of Nature it Science have determined that: In Pursuant to 25 U.S.C. the one cultural item described above is a specific ceremonial obiect needed by traditional Native American religious leaders for the practice of traditional Native American religions by their present-day adherents. - Pursuant to 25 U.S.C. 3001(2], there is a relationship ofshared group identity that can be reasonably traced between the sacred object and the Grand Portage Band of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe. Minnesota. Additional Requestors and Disposition Linea] descendants or representatives of any Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian organization not identi?ed in this notice that wish to claim this cultural item should submit a written request with information in support of the claim to IChip Colwell, Senior Curator of Anthropology and NAGPRA Of?cer. Denver Museum of Nature 8: Science. 2001 Colorado Boulevard. Denver. CO 80205. telephone (303] email Chip.Colwelf@dmns.org. by April 6. 201 After that date. if no additional claimants have come forward, transfer ofcontrol of the sacred object to the Grand Portage Band of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe. Minnesota may proceed. The Denver Museum of Nature 8: Science is responsible for notifying the Grand Portage Band of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe. Minnesota that this notice has been published. Dated: February 0. 201?. Melanie O?Brien. Manager. Notional NAGPHA Program. Hoe. 201 r?o-reoa Filed ans aml BILLING cooE 4312424- DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR National Park Service PPWOCRAD Notice of Inventory Completion: St. Joseph Museums. Inc., St. Joseph. MO AGENCY: National Park Service. Interior. ACTION: Notice. The St. ]oseph Museums. Inc.. has completed an inventory of human remains and associated funerary objects. - in consultation with the appropriate Indian tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations. and has determined that there is a cultural affiliation between the human remains and associated funerary objects and present-day Indian tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations. Linea] descendants or representatives of any Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian organization not identified in this notice. that wish to request transfer ofcontrol of these human remains and associated funerary objects should submit a written Federal Registeri?v'ol. 32, No. a?iFriday, March 1t]. EDIT/Notices households. This form is used by the USCIS to determine eligibility of an applicant to retain the status of an alien lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence. An estimate of the total number of respondents and the amount of time estimated for an average respondent to respond: The estimated total number of respondents for the information collection Form {?508 is 1.?28 and the estimated hour burden per response is hours. The estimated total number of respondents for the information collection Form is 200 and the estimated hour burden per response is .5 hours. is] An estimate ofthe total public burden {in hours} associated with the collection: The total estimated annual hour burden associated with this collection is 1,396 hours. An estimate of the totalr public burden {in cost) associated with the coiiection: The estimated total annual cost burden associated with this collection of information is $13324. Dated: March 2. 201?. Samantha Chief. Regulatory Coordination Division, US. Citizenship and immigration Services. Department of Homeland Security. - IFR Doc.291??04492 Filed am] BILLING cone DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Notice on Equal Access Regardless of Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, or Marital Status for Community Planning and Development Programs, Withdrawal AGENCY: Of?ce of Community Planning and Development, HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD announces the withdrawal of this proposed information collection published on September 2'1. 2015, for ?ll-days of public comment. and on lanuary 24. 2o17.for ail-days of public comment. to provide HUD with the opportunity to further review the need for the collection. DATES: Effective: March 10, 291?. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Norm Sucbar, Director, Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs, Office of Community Planning and Development, Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 'i'tb Street SW.. Washington, DC scare?race: telephone number 202??98?4390 [this is not a toll? free number]. Persons who are dealer hard ofhearing or have speech impairments can access this number via TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 3591-3521]. HUD published two Federal Register notices that solicited public comment on an information collection pertaining to ?Notice an Equal Access Regardless of Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity. or Marital Status for Community Planning and Development Programs." The first notice was published on September so. ante. at at FR 54939. and solicited public comments for a period of tiU-days. The second notico was published on January 24, 291?, at 82 FR ales, and solicited comments for flit-days. [In addition. HUD published a correction to the January 24. 201?. notice on February 291?. at 32 FR 9592.} This information collection is being withdrawn immediately while HUD further considers the need Jfor the information collection. HUD will provide for public comment. as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 should HUD decides to seek approval from the lOffice of Management and . Budget for this information collection. HUD also takes this opportunity to correct an error contained in the sections of both the Ianuary 24. 201?. notice and the February 291?. correction. This section of the notices incorrectly stated that that the notices were being published concurrently with final rule entitled "Equal Access in Accordance with an lndividual's Gender Identity in Community Planning and Development Programs.? The final rule was actually published on September 21. 2015. Date: March 2017.- Ann Marie Dliva. Dep tyAssistont Se cretmyfor Special Needs Programs. ire Doc. eon?oust Filed ainl BILLING CODE 4215?1574 13359 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. Notice oi Proposed Information Collection: Implementation Phase Review of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Youth Homelessness Prevention Initiative, Withdrawal AGENCY: Office of Community Planning and Iievelopment, HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD announces the withdrawal of this proposed information collection published on September 20, 2016. for Bil-days of public comment and on February 23. 2017, for Bil-days of public comment to provide HUD with the opportunity to further review the need for the collection. DATES: Effective Date: March 19. 201?. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Norm Suchar. Director. Of?ce of Special Needs Assistance Programs, Office of Comraunity Planning and Development. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 F'th Street SW.. Washington. DC telephone number 202*?08?4390 [this is not a toll? free number]. Persons who are deaf or hard of hearing or have speech impairments can access this number via TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of1995 [44 use 3501?3521], HUD published two Federal Register notices that solicited public comment on an information collection pertaining to ?Implementation Phase Review ofthe Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender anti Queer Youth Homelessness Prevention Initiative." The first notice was published on September 20, 2915. at 81 FR 5449?. and solicited public comments for a period of Ell-days. The second notice was published on February 23, 2013?, at 82. FR and solicited comments for SCI-days. This information collection is being withdrawn immediately while HUD further considers the need for the information collection. HUD will provide for public comment. as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. should HUD decide to seek approval from the Of?ce of Management and Budget for this information collection. HUD-17-0201-A-000011 I sat-rem. . i are 15532 for additional information. You may contact the Records Management Division for copies of the proposed collection of information at email address: FEMAdeformationsColiections- Mon ogcment?femo.dlts.gov. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Under Section 653 ofthe Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Stafford Act], 42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq, FEMA is authorized to provide assistance to States based on needs before, during, and after a disaster has impacted the State. For a major disaster, the Stafford Act authorizes FEMA to direct any agency to utilize its existing authorities and resources in support of State and local assistance response and recovery efforts. See 42 U.S.C. 51TtJIaltll. For an emergency, the Stafford Act authorizes FEMA to direct any agency to utilize its existing _authorities and resources in support of State and local emergency assistance efforts. See 42 USE. 5192(alttl. FEMA may task other Federal agencies to assist during disasters and to support emergency efforts by State and local governments by issuing a mission assignment to the appropriate agency. See CFR 205.5. 206.208. FEMA collects the information necessary to determine what resources are needed and ifa mission assignment is appropriate. The information collected explains which Stetets] require assistance, what needs to be accomplished. details any resource shortfalls, and explains what assistance is required to meet these needs. Collection of Information Title: Request for Federal Assistance Form?How to Process Mission Assignments in Federal Disaster Operations. Type of information Collection: Revision of a currently approved information collection. OMB Number: 1550?0041 Forms: FENIA Form [llU?tl??l?, Resource Roque st Form: FEMA Form Mission Assignment. Abstract: lfa State determines that its capacity to respond to a disaster exceeds its available resources, it may submit to FEMA a request that the work be accomplished by a Federal agency. This request documents how the response requirements exceed the capacity for the State to respond to the situation on its own and what type ofassistance is required. FEMA reviews this information and may issue a mission assignment to the appropriate Federal agency to assist the State in its response to the situation. Affected Public: State. local or Tribal Government. Federal Registeerol. 82, No. SQiWednesday, March 29, 2017iNotices Number ofltespondents: to. Number Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 4,425 hours. Estimated Cost.- The estimated annual cost to respondents for the hour burden is $301,055.52. There are no annual costs to respondents operations and maintenance costs for technical services. There is no annual start?up or capital costs. The cost to the Federal Government is Comments Comments may be submitted as indicated in the ADDRESSES caption above. Comments are solicited to evaluate whether the proposed data collection is necessary for the proper performanca of the agency- including whether the information shall have practical utility; evaluate the accuracy of the agency's estimate ofthe burden ofthe proposed collection of information, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; (cl enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected: and minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated. electronic. mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. Datod:Marcl122, so} it. Tammi Hines Acting. Records Management Program Chief, Mission Support. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security. Doc. coir?estate Filed am] BILLING i:er ant?244' DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. sis-594644414] Notice at Regulatory Waiver Requests Granted for the Fourth of Calendar Year 2015 AGENCY: Office ofthe General Counsel. HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: Section 10E. of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Reform Act of 19313 [the HUD Reform Act] requires llUD to publish quarterly Federal Register notices of all regulatory waivers that HUD has approved. Each notice covers the quarterly period since the previous Federal Register notice. The purpose of this notice is to comply with the requirements of section 106 of the HUD Reform Act. This notice contains a list of regulatory waivers granted by HUD during the period beginning on October 1, EDIE, and ending on December 31, ZUIS. FOFI FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For general information about this notice. contact Ariel Pereira, Associate General Counsel for Legislation and Regulations, Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Street SW., Room 10232. Washington, DC telephone 202??03?3055 (this is not a toll-free number]. Persons with hearing- Or speechoimpairments may access this number through by calling the toll? free Federal Relay Servico at 300?87?? 5339. For information concerning a particular waiver that was granted and for which public notice is provided in this document, contact the person whose name and address follow the description of the waiver granted in the accompanying list of waivers that have been granted in the fourth quarter of calendar year zoie. SUPPLEMENTARY msoeuanon: Section 106 of the HUD Reform Act added a new section l?lq} to the Department of Housing and Urban Development Act {42 U.S.C. 3535(qll, which provides that: 1. Any waiver of a regulation must be in writing and must specify the grounds for approving the waiver; 2. Authority to approve a waiver ofa regulation may be delegated by the Secretary only to an individual of Assistant Secretary or equivalent rank, and the person to whom authority to waive is delegated must also have authority to issue the particular regulation to be waived: 3. Not less than quarterly, the Secretary must notify the public of all waivers of regulations that HUD has approved, by publishing a notice in the Federal Register. These notices [each covering the period since the most recent previous notification] shall: a. identify the project. activity, or undertaking involved: b. Describe the nature of the provision waived and the designation of the provision; c. Indicate the name and title of the person who granted the waiver request: d. Describe brie?y the grounds for approval oftbe request: and e. State how additional information about a particular waiver may be obtained. Section 105 of the HUD Reform Act also contains requirements applicable to waivers of HUD handbook provisions D-1 7-0201-A-00001 2 Federal RegisterIVol. 82, No. EQKWednesday, March 2'3. 2017tNotices 15533 that are not relevant to the purpose of this notice. This notice follows procedures provided in HUD's Statement of Policy on Waiver of Regulations and Directives issued on Apri122,1991{56 FR 1533?]. In accordance with those procedures and with the requirements of section _106 of the HUD Reform Act. waivers of regulations are granted by the Assistant Secretary with jurisdiction over the regulations for which a waiver was requested. to those cases in which a General Deputy Assistant Secretary granted the waiver. the General Deputy Assistant Secretary was serving in the absence of the Assistant Secretary in accordance with the of?ce?s Order of Succession. This notice covers waivers of regulations granted by HUD from October 1. 2016 through December 31. 2018. For ease of reference. the waivers granted by HUD are listed by HUD program office [for example. the Of?ce of Community Planning and Development. the Office of Housing. and the Office ofPublic and Indian Housing, etc]. Within each program office grouping, the waivers are listed sequentially by the regulatory section of title 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations that is being waived. For example. a waiver ofa provision in 24 CFR part 53 would be listed before a waiver ofa provision in 24 CFR part Sift]. Where more than one regulatory provision is involved in the grant of a particular waiver request. the action is listed under the section number of the first regulatory requirement that appears in 24 CPR and that is being waived. For example, a waiver of both 53.?3 and ?58.?4 would appear sequentially in the listing under 58.73. Waiver of regulations that involve the same initial regulatory citation are in time sequence beginning with the earliest-dated regulatory waiver. Should HUD receive additional information about waivers granted during the period covered by this report [the fourth quarter ofcalendar year 2016} before the next report is published [the first quarter of calendar year 201?], HUD will include any additional waivers granted for the fourth quarter in the next report. Accordingly, information about approved waiver requests pertaining to HUD regulations is provided in the Appendix that follows this notice. Dated: March 24. 201?. Ariel Pereira. Associate General Counsel for Legislation and Regulations. Appendix? Listing of Waivers of Regulatory Requirements Granted by Of?ces of the Department of Housing and Urban Development October I. 2016 Through December 31. 2016 Note to Reader: More information about the granting ofthese waivers. including a copy of the waiver request and approval, may be obtained by contacting the person whose name is listed as the contact person directly after each set of regulatory waivers granted. The regulatory waivers granted appear in the following order: 1. Regulatory waivers granted by the Of?ce of Community Planning and Development. II. Regulatory waivers granted by the Office of Housing. Regulatory waivers granted by the Office of Public and indian Housing. Regulatory Waivers Granted by the Office of Community Planning and Development For further information about the following regulatory waivers. please see the name of the contact person that immediately follows the description of the waiver granted. 9 Regulation: 24 CPR ijectl?ctivity: Lafayette, LA. Nature ofl'teouirement: The regulation at 24 91.105tclt2] requires a 30-day public comment period prior to the implementation of a substantial amendment to a grantee's consolidated plan. Gran ted Hy: Harriet Tregoning. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development. Data Granted: December 6. 2015. Reason Waived.- Lafayette, LA City-Parish was affected by severe flooding August 11? 31. 2015, causing substantial property damage. A Presidenttally-declared disaster declaration was initially issued on August 14. 2016. Amendment No. 1 issued on August 16. 2016. included multiple. additional parishes. including Lafayette Parish. that were adversely affected by the severe storms and ?ooding that occurred for the effective period of August 11?31. 2016. The waiver was issued to reduce the required comment period to seven days to allow the City-Parish to expedite recovery efforts for low and moderate income residents affected by the ?ooding. Contact: Steve ]ohnson, Director, Entitlement Communities Division. Of?ce of Community Planning and Development. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 45] i?th Street SW.. Room T282. Washington. DC 20410, telephone [202] 402-4543. RegulationCPR Projecti?ctivity: Baton Rouge. LA. Nature The regulations CFR require a 30?day public comment period prior to the implementation ofa substantial alliendment t-n nr-nntr-n'e nlon lift-til l?l?t? amount of CDBG funds used for public services to no more than 15 percent of each grant, and prohibit grantees from carrying out new construction of housing, respectively. Granted lily: Harriet Tregoning. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development. Dore Gronted: Deoamber E, 2016. Reason Waived: Baton Rouge. LA City- Parish was affected by severe ?ooding August 11?31. 2016. causing substantial property damage. A Presidentially-declared disaster declaration was initially issued on August 14. 2016. The declaration covers the severe storms and ?ooding that occurred for the effective period of August 11?31, 2015.1?hese waivers. and accompanying statutory suspensions under Section 122 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, were granted to allow Baton Rouge to expedite recovery efforts for low and moderate income residents affected by the ?ooding by reducing the required public comment period to seven days; pay for additional support services for affected individuals and families, including, but not limited to, food, health. employment, and casa management services to help county residents impacted by the flooding; and allow grantees to use their CDBG funds for new housing construction to replace affordable housing units lost as a result of the storms and flooding. Contact: Steve Johnson. Director. Entitlement Communities Division, Of?ce of Community Planning and Development, Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Street SW, Room r232. Washington, DLJ 20410, telephone (202] 402?4543. I Regulation: 24 CFR Proj'ectf?ctivity: On December ?15. 2015, HUD issued CPD Notice implementing procedures to govern the submission and review ofconsolidated plans and action plans for FY 2017? funding prior to the enactmenth a FY 201? HUD appropriation bill. These procedures apply to any Entitlement, insular or Hawaii nonentitlement grantee with a program year start date prior to, or up to I30 days after. announcement of the FY 2017 formula program funding allocations for CDBG. ESE. HOME and HDPWA formula funding. Nature ofRequireme-nt: The Entitlement CDEG program regulation at 24 CFR authorizes a grantee to incur costs against its CDBG grant prior to the effective date of its grant agreement with HUD. L'nder this regulation. the effective date of a grantee's grant agreement is either the grantoe's program year start date or the date that the grantee?s consolidated planiaction plan is received by HUD. whichever is later. This waiver was issued to the extent necessary to treat the effective date ofa grantee's grant agreement as the grantees program year start date or date or the date that the grantee's consolidated planiaction plan is received by HUD. whichever is earlier. I Grants -H i. n? sSrircipa Deputy Planning and Development. Data Granted: December 15, 201e, for effect 2015. It f: 15534 Federal RegisterIVol. 82. No. SQlWednesday. March 29. 201? 1 Notices Reason Waived: Under the provisions of the Notice. a grantee's consolidated plant action plan may not be submitted to [and thus received by) HUD until Several months after the grantee's program year start date. delays in the enactment of FY 201.?r appropriations for the Department. and implementation of the policy to delay submission of FY 201.? Action Plans. may have negative consequences for CDEG grantees that intend to incur eligible costs prior to the award off?! 2017 funding. Some activities might otherwise be interrupted while im plcme ntiug th ese revised procedures. In addition, grantees might not otherwise be able to use CDBG funds for planning and administrative costs of administering their programs. In order to address communities' needs and to ensure that programs can continue without disturbance. this waiver was issued to allow grantees to incur pro?award costs on a timetable comparable to that under which grantees have operated in past years. This waiver is available for use by any applicable CDBG grantee whose action plan submission is delayed past the normal submission date because of delayed enactment ofF?r? 201 9' appropriations for the Department. This waiver authority is only in effect until August 10. 201?. Contact: Steve Iohnson. Director. Entitlement Communities Division. Office of Community Planning and Development, Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 i'th Street SW.. Room 7232. Washington. DC 20410. telephone {202} 402?45413. Ir Regulation: 24 CFR 5?5.403 and 24 CFR Projecth?lctivity: State of Texas. Nature ofReouire-ment; 24 CPR 5176.403lcl states that Emergency Solutions Crauts funds cannot be used to assist participants living in. or moving into. housing that does not meet Minimum Habitahility Standards. 24 CFR prevents ESG rental assistance Funds from being used to provide rental assistance in a unit that exceeds HUD determined Fair Market Granted By: Harriet Tregoning. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development Date Granted: November 21. 2010. Reason Waived: HUD granted a limited. conditional waiver of 24 CPR 57640303] in allow subrecipients to provide the legal services necessary to prevent eviction andtor obtain the necessary repairs to bring program participants' units up to the required standards and stabiliza them in their housing. In addition. because the state provided sufficient documentation of its subrecipients inability to provide adequate ESG rental assistance in units at or below FMR. HUD waived 24 CFR to allow subracipients in certain areas to provide ESE rental assistance for units with roots up to the payment standard adopted by the applicable PHPL. Contact: Shirley]. Henley. Director. Office or Community Planning and Development, Department ofHousing and Urban Development, 801 Cherry Street. Unit 45 Suite 2500. Room 2334. Fort Worth, TX- ?6102. telephone 073-5951. Regulation:CPD Notice ?14??10. Projectr?zich'vr?t Langworthy Field. Hopi-tinton. Rho 0 Island. Nature notice sets forth the transition front the use of the Decennial Census data to the American Communities Survey data by the Department and provides speci?c implementation guidance for State Community Development Block Grant program participants in doing so. This notice has an effective date for which this transition must occur for program participants. Granted By: Harriet Tregoning. Principal Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development. Date Granted: December 0. 2015. Hanson Waived: The Langworthy Field project has been funded out of multiple years funding and in order to finalize the project and comply with the area benefit national objective for the State Community Development Block Grant Program. the effective date of CPD Notice 14?10 needed to be waived and a new effective date he established. for this activity only. so that it may be completed. Contact: James Hoemann. Deputy Director. Office of State and Small Cities Division. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Street SW.. Room F134. Washington. DC 20410. telephone [202] 402?5716. II. Regulatory Waivers Granted by the Of?ce of Housing?Federal Housing Administration For further information about the following regulatory waivers. please see the name of the contact person that immediately follows the description of the waiver granted. . Regulation: 24 CPR Projectr'r'ictivfty: Leigh lohnsou Apartments. FHA Project Number 037'] Chicago. Illinois. Ferd ti: Dobson Housing Corporation [Owner] seeks approval to defer repayment of the Flexible Subsidy Operating Assistance Lean on the Subject project. Nature of Requirement: The regulation at 24 CFR 210.220fb] [1095]. which governs the repayment of operating assistance provided under the Flexible Subsidy Progmm for Troubled Properties. states ?Assistance that has been paid to a project owner under this subpart must bo repaid at the earlier of the expiration of the term of the mortgage. termination of mortgage insurance. prepayment of the mortgage. or a sale of the project.? Granted Ey:Edward L. Golding. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Housing. Date Granted: November 3, 2016. Reason Waived The owner requested and was granted a waiver of the requirement to repay the Flexible Subsidy Operating Assistance Loan in full when it became due. Deferring the loan payment will preserve this affordable housing resource for an additional 20 years through the execution and recordation ofa Rental Use Agreement. Contact: Marilynne Hutchins. Senior Account Executive. Office of Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Street SW.. Room 017M. Washington, DC 20-1-10. telephone [202]. 402?4323. Regulation: 24 CFR Federal Financing Bank I Risk Sharing Initiative. Substantial Rehabilitation. New York State Housing Waivers of certain provisions of the Risk Sharing Program regulations for 14 projects utilizing the Federal Financing Bank Risk Sharing Initiative in calendar year 1 2015. Nature of Requirement:The 24 CFR part 255.200lblli-1} Substantial Rehabilitation. The Department will permit the revised definiticrn ofsubstantial rehabilitation in the revised MAP Guide published on January 29. 2016. such that SIR is: Any scope of work that either: Exceeds in aggregate cost a sum equal to the ?base per dwelling unit limit' times the applicable High Cost Factor. or Replacement of two or more building systems. 'Replacemeut? is when the cost of replacement work exceeds 50 percent of the cost of replacing the entire system. The base limit is revised to 51 5.000 per unit for 2015. and will be adjusted annually based on the percentage change published by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. or other inflation cost index published by HUD. Granted By: Edward L. Golding. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Housing. Dots- Granted: October 2016. Reason Waived: Necessary to effectuate the Federal Financing Bank Risk Sharing initiative between Housing and Urban Development and the Treasury Department." FFE announced in Fiscal Year 2014. The approval and execution oftha FFB Risk Sharing Agreement will facilitate the expansion of the program to increase the supply of affordable rental housing and to assist in the preservation of existing of rental housing. Under this initiative, FFB provides capital to participating Housing Finance Agencies to make multifamily loans insured under the FHA Multifamily Risk Sharing Program. Contact: Daniel Sullivan, Acting Director. Office of Multifamily Production. Office of Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 i?th Street SW.. Room 5134. Washington. DC 20410. telephone {202] 402?13130. chulotfon: 24 CFR 205.200fcll2}. Federal Financing Bank Risk Sharing Initiative. Equity Taker Outs. New York State Housing Finance Agency Waivers of certain provisions of the Risk Sharing Program regulations for 14 projects utilizing the Federal Financing Bank Risk Sharing initiative in calendar year 2010. Nature of Repairs-meet: Equity take-outs for existing projects [re?nance transactions}: Permit the insured mortgage to exceed the sum ofthe total cost of acquisition. cost of financing. cost of repairs. and reasonable transaction costs or "equity take-outs." in re?nances of HFA-?nanccd projects and those outside of portfolio if the result is preservation with the following conditions: 1. Occupancy is no less than 03% for previous 12 months: 2. No defaults in the last 12. months of the HFA loan to be re?nanced: It. A 20 year affordable housing deed restriction placed on title that conforms to the sszic] statutory definition: D-1 7-0201-A-000014 Federal RegisteriVol. 62, No. EQiWednc-sday. March 29, 2017fNotlces 4. A Property Capital Needs Assessment must be performed and funds es crowed for all necessary repairs, and reserves funded for future capital needs; and 5. For projects subsidized by Section El Housing Assistance Payment contracts: a. Owner agrees to renew HAP contractfs] for 20-year term. [subject to appropriations and statutory authorization. and b. in accordance with regulations found in 24 CPR and Housing Notice 2012?14-?Use of "New Regulation" Section E- Housing Assistance Payments Contracts Residual Receipts ofOffset Project- Based Section El Housing Assistance Payments. if at any time determines that a project?s excess funds (Surplus cash] after project operations. reserve requirements and permitted distributions are met, must place the excess funds into a separate interest-bearing Upon renewal of a HAP Contract the excess funds can be used to reduce future HAP payments or other project operationstpurposes. When the HAP Contract expires, is terminated. or any extensions are terminated. any unused funds remaining in the Residual Receipt Account at the time of the contract's termination mu st be returned to HUD. Granted By: Edward L. Golding. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Housing. Date Granted: October sets. Reason Waived: Necessary to effectuate the Federal Financing Bank Risk Sharing Initiative between Housing and Urban Development and the Treasory Department! FEB announced in Fiscal Year 2014. The approval and execution ofthe PFB Risk Sharing Agreement will facilitate the expansion of the program to increase the supply of affordable rental housing and to assist in the preservation of existing of rental housing. Under this Initiative, FFB provides capital to participating Housing Finance Agencies to make multifamily loans insured under the FHA Multifamily Risk Sharing Program. Contact: Daniel I. Sullivan. Acting Director. Office of Multifamily Production. Of?ce of Housing. Department ofHousing and Urban Development, 451 2th Street SW.. Room 6134, Washington. DC 20410. telephone (202} 462?6130. 0 Regulation: 24 CPR 266.410ie]. ProjectrActivity: New York State Housing Finance Agency an approved Section 542(c] Housing Finance Agency Risk Sharing Program participant under the authority of Section 542(cl. and implementing regulations under 2:1 CFR part 266. requested a waiver of 24 CFR Section 266.410fe]. which requires insured mortgages to be fully amortized over the term ofthe mortgage. The waiver request was for Ocean Bay Apartments. a 1.400?unit public housing conversion in Arvene. New York. which is utilizing the Rental Assistance Demonstration Program. All units are affordable in the property. The property Suffered severe losses resulting from Superstorm Sandy. and has been operating with temporary heating equipment since that time. The waiver of the requirement would permit the HPA to structure the loan with a 40-year amortization with a term of 35 years. In addition, has elected to use a Level 11 risk level [90?10] with an insured risk share mortgage of $92 million. Nature of Requirement: Section 26o.410[e} governs the amortization. which the mortgage must provide for complete amortization regularly amortizing over the term of the mortgage]. Granted By.- Edward L. Golding, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Housing. Date Granted: December 29, 2016. Reason Waived: New York State Housing Finance Agency requested and was granted waiver of the requirement for Ocean Bay Apartments in order to ful?l the Firm Cortntiitment condition issued on November 22, 2016. which required an approval of the waiver or it would become null and void. The app reval of the waiver for a longer amortization period ensured that the RAD project can both be financed and meet required debt service coverage ratios. In addition. granting the waiver helped preserve affordable housing and furthered Superstorm Sandy rehabilitation efforts. Therefore, under the authority of 24 CPR 5.110. HUD waived 24 CPR anaemic] to permit a 35-year term with a 40?year amortization for Ocean Bay Apartment. Tire waiver approval is subject to the following renditions: Accordance - with 24 CFR 266.200Ed]. the mortgage may not exceed an amount supportable by the lower of Section 6 or comparable unassisted market rents; f2] occupancy is no less than 93 percent for previous 12 months; no default in the last 12 months of the HFA loan to be re?nanced: Due to the project being subsidized by Section a Housing Assistance Payment contracts: Owner agrees to renew HAP contract for 20-year term. [subject to appropriations and statutory authorization. etc.) and the project excess funds [surplus cash] shall be held or disbursed in accordance with the RAD Program requirements pursuant to Notice PIH 2012? 32 REV-2. Contact: Donald Billingsley, Acting Director. Program Administration Division, Of?ce of Multifamily Production. Office of Housing. Department of Housing and Urban . Development. 451 'rth Street SW.. Room 6142. Washington, DC 20410. telephone [202] 402?7125. 0 Regulation: 24 CPR Rhode Island Housing and Mortgage Finance Corporation, an approved Section 542ic] Housing Finance Agency Risk Sharing Program participant under the authority of Section 542fc] and implementing regulations under 24 CFR part 266 requested a waiver of 24 CPR Section 266.410ie}. which requires mortgages insured to be fully amortized over the term of the mortgage. The waiver of the requirement would permit the HPA to provide loans for three preservation transactions that would amortize over 30 to 40 years, but mature within '1 3? to 25 years to go into effect on November 1. 2015 for a one?year period. Nature ofHequirement: Section 2661410fel governs the amortization, which the mortgage must provide for complete amortization regularly amortizing over the term of the mortgage]. Created By: Edward L. Golding. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Housing. 15535 Date Granted: November 23. 2016 [original waiver]; December 29. 2016 (amended waiver}. Reason Waived: Rhode Island Housing and Mortgage Finance Corporation requested and was originally granted waiver of the requirement in order to provide flexibility for three preservation projects in the organization's portfolio that do not meet the requirements of the 542(c] Risk Sharing Initiative Program. Therefore. under the authority of 24 CPR 5.110. HUD waived 24 CPR 266.410iu} to permit a term as short as 17 years to 25 years [?Balloon Loans?) for three projects in the organization's portfolio. HUD amended the original waiver Since Rhode Island Housing and Mortgage Finance Corporation requested that the provision related to transactions being in the organization?s portfolio be deleted from the waiver approval. HUD approved the amended waiver request which is subject to the same conditions of the original approval: Rhode Island Housing and Mortgage Finance Corporation must elect 50 percent or more of the risk of loss on all transaction; the waiver is in effect front November 1, 2016 to November 1. 201?; in accordance with 24 CPR the mortgage may not exceed an amount supportable by the lower of Section 6 or comparable unassisted market rents: the HFA must comply with regulations stated in 24 CFR 266.211] for insured advance or insurance upon completion transactions; the projects must comply with Davis-Bacon labor standards in accordance with 24 CFR 266.225; all other requirements of CFR 24 266.410 remain applicable and the waiver is only applicable for substantial rehabilitation of three existing loans in the HFA's portfolio: and all affordable housing deed restriction for 20 years must be recorded. Contact: Donald Billingsley. Acting Director, Program Administration Division. Office of Multifamily Production. Office of Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 461 7th Street SW.. Room 6142. Washington. DC 20410?6000. telephone: {202] 40247125. 0 Regulation: 24 CPR 266.620Ecl. Projectf?criviry: Federal Financing Bank Risk Sharing initiative, Termination of Mortgage Insurance. New York State Housing Finance Agency Waiver-s of certain provisions of the Risk Sharing Program regulations for 14 projects utilizing the Federal Financing Bank Risk Sharing Initiative in calendar year 2016. Nature of Requirement: The 24CPR part 266.620fe] Termination of Mortgage Insurance. As required by the Initiative. New York State Housing Finance Agency agrees to indemnify HUD for all amounts paid to if"the HFA er its successors commit fraud. or make a material misrepresentation to the Commissioner with respect to information culminating in the Contract oflnsurance on the mortgage. or while the Contract ofinsurance is in existence." Only Level I HFAs are eligible for PFB financing. thereby ensuring the HFA maintains financial capacity to perform under the indemnification agreement. If the HFA loses its rating. HFA must post the required reserve account as outlined in CPR 256.1i?ibl D-1 7-0201-A-00001 5 t. .- 15536 'Federal Registertitol. 82. No. SQKWednesday. March 29. 2017tNotices Created By: Edward L. Golding. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Housing. Date Granted: October 2011i. Reason Waived: Necessary to effectuate the Federal Financing Bank Risk Sharing Initiative between Housing and Urban Development and the Treasury Department! FFB announced in Fiscal Year 2014. The approval and execution ofthe FFB Risk Sharing Agreement will facilitate the expansion of the program to increase the supply of affordable rental housing and to assist in the preservation ofexisting of rental housing. Under this Initiative. FFB provides capital to participating Housing Finance Agencies to make multifamily loans insured under the FHA Multifamily Risk Sharing Program. Contact: Daniel Sullivan. Acting Director. Office of Multifamily Production. Office of Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 2th Street SW.. Room 6134, Washington. DC 20410. telephone [202j 402?5130. 0 Regulation: 24 CFR 290.30fa]. Projectf?ctivity: Miramar Court Apartments. FHA Project Number 012? 571231.?. Bronx. New York. Housing Associates. L.P. (Owner) seeks approval to waive the noncompetitive sale of a held multifamily mortgage. Natale ofHeauirement: The regulation at 24 CPR 290.30fa]. which governs the sale of HUD-held mortgages. states that ?[ejscapt. as otherwise provided in Section HUD will sell HUD?held multifamily mortgages on a competitive basis." Granted tip-Edward L. Golding. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Housing. Date Granted: November 14. 2015. Reason Waived: The owner requested and was granted a waiver ofthe non-competitive sale ofa HUD-held multifamily mortgage. A waiver allows the Department to assign the mortgage to the owner?s new mortgagee to avoid paying mortgage recording tax in the State of New York. Contact: Cindy Bridges. Senior Account Executive. Of?ce ofI-lousing. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 7th Street SW. Room 5168. Washington. DC 20410. telephone [202] 402-2503. . Regulation: 24 are cements]. VOA Living Center of Lake City. Lake City. FL. Ptoject Number; Nature of Requirement: Section 391.1?uld] prohibits amendment of the amount of the approved capital advance limds prior to closing. Granted By: Edward L. Golding. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Housing. Date Granted: November 13. 2015. Reason Wm?ved: The project is economically designed and comparable in cost to similar projects in the area. and the sponsortowner has exhausted all efforts to obtain additional funding from other sources. Contact: Alicia Anderson. Branch Chief. Grants and New Funding. Office of Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 7th Street SW.. Room 5133. Washington. DC 20410. telephone [202} 0 Regulation: 24 CFR BEIiJSt?tfa]. Projectfx?ictivity: Teaneck Senior Housing. Teaneck, Project Number: Nature of Requirement: Section 391.130la] prohibits Officers or Board members of either the Sponsor or the Owners [or Borrowers. as applicable] to have any financial interest in any contract with the Owner or in any firm which has a contract with the Owner. This restriction applies as long as the individual is serving on the Board and for a period of three years following resignation or ?nal closing. whichever occurs later. Granted By: Edward L. Golding. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Housing. Date Granted: October 24. 2016} Reason WaivedrThe integrity ofthe Section 202 or Section 811 program is not jeopardized and the service to be provided would not otherwise be readily available. They meet HUD requirements. Contact: Alicia Anderson. Branch Chief. Grants and New Funding. Office of Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 2th Street SW.. Room G130. Washington. DC 20410. telephone (202] 402-5232. 1- Hegui'ntfon: 24 CFR 891.165. Prm?ecta?Activity: VOA Living Center of Lake City. Lake City. Project Number: Nature oftteauireinent: Section 891.165 provides that the duration of the fund reservation oftho capital advance is 1ft- months from the date of issuance with limited exceptions up to SE months. as approved by HUD on a caseiby-case basis. Granted By: Edward L. Golding, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Housing. Date- Cranted: December 1 3. 2016. Reason Waived: Additional time was review the initial closing package. Contact: Alicia Anderson. Branch Chief. Grants and New Funding. Of?ce of Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 2th Street SW.. Room 5138. Washington. DC 20410. telephone [202] . Regufotion: 24 CPR am .1as. Projeethctivity: Rosa Parks ll Senior Housing. San FranciSco. CA. Project Number: Nature ofRequirementr?Section 891.165 provides that the duration of the fund reservation ofthe capital advance is 13? months from the date of issuance with limited exceptions up to 315 months, as approved by HUD on a case-by?casc basis. Granted By: Edward L. Golding. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Housing. Date Granted: Decomher 28. 2015. Reason Waived: Additional time was needed for the Tax Credit Limited Partners to pay the Owner its contributions in May 201? for the construction loan. Contact: Alicia Anderson. Branch Chief. Grants and New Funding. Of?ce of Housing. Department off-loosing and Urban Development. 451 2th Street SW.. Room 5138. Washington. DC 20410. telephone [202] Ill. Regulatory Waivers Granted by the Office ofPublic and Indian Housing For further information about the following regulatory waivers. please see the name of the contact person that immediately follows the description of the waiver granted. I Regulation: 24 CFR 902.503. Projectr'dctivity: Chattanooga Housing Authority in Chattanooga. "Tennessee, requested a waiver of 24 CFR 932.503 so that it could continue- using Small Area Fair Market Rents beyond the end of the demonstration period. Nature afHe-ouirement: 24 CFR 932.503 establishes the regulatory requirement for the setting of payment standards and schedules for the Housing Choice Voucher program. Granted By: Lourdes Castro Ramirez. Principal Deputy Asaistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. Date Granted: November 22. 201 6. Reason Waived: This regulation was waived since without a waiver. the agency would have to cease using SAFMHS which had been in effect since October 2012 and could preacnt a hardship on families. Contact: Becky Primeaux. Housing Voucher Management and Operations Division. Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs. Of?ce of Public and Indian Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 ?th Street SW.. Room 4215. Washington. DC 20410. telephone [202) 0 Regulation: 24 CFR 932.503. Projectt?Activity: lonsiug Authority of Cook County in Chicago. Illinois. requested a waiver of 24 CFR 032.503 so that it could continue using Small Area Fair Market Rents beyond the end of the demonstration period. I Nature- 24 CFR [132.503 establishes the regulatory requirement for the setting ofpayment standards and schedules for the Housing Choice 1trencher program. Granted By: Lourdes Castro Ramirez. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and lndian Housing. Date Granted: November 22. 2013. Reason Waived: This regulation was waived since without a waiver. the agency would have to cease using SAFMRs which had been in effect since October 2012 and could present a hardship on families. Contact: Becky Primeaux. Housing 1Voucher Management and Operations Division. Offi0e of Public Housing and 1iv'oucher Programs, Office of Public and lndian Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 2th Street SW.. Room 4216. Washington, DC 20410. telephone [2oz] roe?04:1 I Regulation: 24 CPR 932.503fa] and ProjectA-?ictivity: San Francisco Housing Authority in San Francisco. California. requested a waiver of these regulations so that it could allow payment standards of 120 percent of the 201? Fifith percentile fair market rents for its families. Nature af?eqoirenient: These regulations limit the amount of exception payment standards that may be established for the public housing agency. Granted By: Lourdes Castro Ramirez, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. Date Granted: December 21. 2010. Reason Waived: Higher payment standards were warranted since the utilization of VASH vouchers was only 20 percent and the D-1 7-0201-A-00001 6 vacancy rate in San Francisco was less than one percent. ContactrIlecky Primeaux. Director, Housing Voucher Management and Operations Division. Office of Public Housing and ldoucher Programs. Of?ce of Public and Indian Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Street sw.. Room 4216. Washington. DC 20410, telephone (202] roe?047?. 0 Regulation: 24 CPR Chicago Housing Authority in Chicago. Illinois. reducsted a waiver of 24 CPR 932.505Id] so that it could approve an exception payment standard amount above 120 percent of the fair market rents as a reasonable accommodation. Nature ofHequireme-nt: 24 CPR 952.505ld] states that a public housing agency may only approve a higher payment standard for a family as a reasonable accommodation if the higher payment standard is no more than 120 percent of the PMR for the unit size. Granted By: Lourdes Castro Ramirez, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. Date Granted: October 3. 201 6. Reason Waived: This regulation was waived as a reasonable accommodation to allow a disabled participant to receive housing assistance and pay no more than 40 percent of its adjusted income toward the family share. Contact: Becky Primeaux. Housing Voucher Management and Division. Office ofPublic Housing and Voucher Programs. Of?ce of Public and Indian Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Street SW.. Room 4215, Washington. DC 2041U, telephone [202] I Regulation: 24 CPR 932.505ld]. Projectr?rtctivity: San Diego Housing Commission in San Diego, California, requested a waiver of 24 CPR so that it could approve an exception payment standard amount above 120 percent of the fair market rents as a reasonable accommodation. Nature ofiiequirernent: 24 CPR 932505ld] states that a public housing agency may only approve a higher payment standard for a family as a reasonable accommodation if the higher payment standard is no more than 120 percent ofthe PMR for the unit size. Granted Ry: Lourdes Castro Ramirez. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. Date Granted: October 11, 2016. Reason Waived: This regulation was waived as a reasonable accommodation to allow a disabled participant to receive housing assistance and pay no more than 40 percent of its adjusted income toward the family share. Contact: Becky Primeaux. Housing Voucher Management and Operations Division. Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs. Office of Public and Indian Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 7th Street SW.. Room 4216, Washington. DC 20410, telephone {202) Regulation: 24 CPR 932.505ldl. Projectf?ctivity; Orange County Housing Authority in Santa Ana. California. requested Federal Registerr'Vol. 82. No. EQJWednesday. March 29. ZOIPINotices 15537 a waiver of24 CPR so that it could approve an exception payment standard amount above 120 percent ofthe fair market rents as a reasonable accommodation. Nature ofl'tequirenrent: 24 CPR 982.505[d] states that a public housing agency may only approve a higher payment standard for a family as a reasonable accommodation ifthe higher payment standard is no more than 120 percent of the FMR for the unit size. Granted By: Lourdes Castro Ramirez. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. Date Granted.- Novernber 15. 2016. Reason Waived.- This regulation was waived as a reasonable accommodation to allow a disabled participant to receive housing assistance and pay no more than 40 percent of its adjusted income toward the family share. Contact: Becky Primeaux. Housing ll.i'ourd'u'ir Management and Operations Division, Of?ce of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Street SW., Room 4216. Washington. DC 20410, telephone [202] roa?osrr. Regulation: 24 CPR ssasostdi. Projectr?dctivity: Chicago Housing Authority in Chicago. Illinois. requested a waiver of 24 CPR 902.505[d] so that it could approve an exception payment standard amount above 120 percent of the fair market rents as a reasonable accommodation. Nature of Requirement: 24 CFR 932.505tdl states that a public housing agency may only approve a higher payment standard for a family as a reasonable accommodation if the higher payment standard is no more than 120 percent of the PMR for the unit size. Granted By: Lourdes Castro Ramirez, Principal Deputy Assistant Sacretary for Public and Indian Housing. Date Granted: November 23, 2015. Reason Waived: This regulation was waived as a reasonable accommodation to allow a disabled participant to receive hausiug assistance and pay no more than 40 percent of its adjusted income toward the family share. Contact: Becky Primeaux. Housing Vauchcr Management and Operations Division. Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs. Of?ce of Public and Indian Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 ith Street SW., Room 4216. Washington. DC 20410, telephone '[202] roamarr. 4- Regulation: 24 CPR 932.505ld]. Projectr'Activity: Vermont State Housing Authority in Montpelier. Vermont. requested a waiver of Es CFR 932.505td] so that it could approve an exception payment standard amount above 120 percent of the fair market rents as a reasonable accommodation. Nature ofRequir-cment: 24 CPR 932.505Ed) states that a public housing agency may only approve a higher payment standard for a family as a reasonable accommodation if the higher payment standard is no more than 120 percent of the FMR for the unit size. Granted By: Lourdes Castro Ramirez. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. Date Granted: November 23. 2015. Reason Waived: This regulation was waived as a reasonable accommodation to allow a disabled participant to receive housing assistance and pay no more than 40 percent of its adjusted income toward the family share. . Contact: Becky Primeaux. Housing Voucher Management and Operations Division. Uf?co of Public Housing and. Voucher Programs. Of?ce of Public and Indian Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 ?th Street SW.. Room 4216. Washington. DC 20410. telephone [202?] rea?oarr. 0 Regulation: 24 CPR 932.505ld]. Projectlectivity: Housing Authority of Grays Harbor in Aberdeen. Washington. requested a waiver of 24 CPR 982.5??idl so that it could approve an exception payment standard amount above 120 percent of the fair market rent as a reasonable accommodation. Nature ofHeouirement: 24 CPR 982.505{d] states that a public housing agency may only approve a higher payment standard for a family as a reasonable accommodation if the higher payment standard is no more than 120 percent ofthe FMR for the unit size. Granted By: Lourdes Castro Ramirez. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. Dore Granted: November 29. 2016. Reason irt?aived: This regulation was waived as a reasonable accommodation to allow a disabled participant to receive housing assistance and pay no more than 40 percent of its adjusted income toward the family share. Contact: Becky Primeaux. Housing Voucher Management and Operations Division. Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs. Office of Public and Indian Housing. Department of l-Iousing and Urban Development. 451 7th Street SW.. Room 4216. Washington. DC 20410. telephone [202] Regulation: 24 CPR QEZ?t?iSld]. Projectf?ctivity: Chicago Housing Authority in Chicago. Illinois. requested a waiver of 2-1 CFR 932.505[d) so that it could approve an exception payment standard amount above 1 20 percent of the fair market rent EFMR) as a reasonable accommodation. Nature ofRequirement: 24 CPR 982.505ld] states that a public housing agency may only approve a higher payment standard for a family as a reasonable accommodation if the higher payment standard is no more than 1 20 percent of the FMR for the unit size. Granted Hy: Lourdes Castro Ramirez. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. Date Granted: December 1. 2016. Reason Waived: This regulation was waived as a reasonable accommodation to allow a disabled participant to receive housing assistance and pay no more than 40 percent of its adjusted income toward the family share. Contact: Becky Primes-.11. Housing Voucher Management and Operations Division, Of?ce of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, Of?ce of Public and Indian Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 ?th Street SW.. Room 4211'}, Washington. DC 20410. telephone [202] .703?04??. D-17-0201 7 i II 15538 I Regulation: 24 CFR 932.505[dl. City of Des Moines Housing Services Department Des Moines. Iowa, requested a waiver of 24 CFR 932.505[dl so that it could approve an exception payment standard amount above 120 percent of the fair market rant as a reasonable accommodation. Nature of?equirement: 24 CPR 932.505l'd] states that a public housing agency may only approve a higher payment standard for a family as a reasonable accammodation iftbe higher payment standard is no more than 1120 percent of the PMR for the unit size. Granted By: Lourdes Castro Ramirez, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and indian Housing. Dore Granted December 1, 2016. Reason Waived: This regulation was waived as a reasonable accommodation to allow a disabled participant to receive housing assistance and pay no more than 4i] percent of its adjusted income toward the family share. Contact: Becky Primeaux. Housing Voucher Management and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, Of?ce of Public and Indian Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 2th Street SW., Room 4216. Washington. DC 20410. telephone [202] res?047?. - Regulation: 24 CPR Holden Housing Authority in Holden. Massachusetts, requested a waiver of 24 CFR asesostd] so that it could approve an exception payment standard amount above 121:! percent of the fair market rent as a reasonable accommodation. Nature of Requirement: 24 CPR 982.505[d] states that a public housing agency may only approve a higher payment standard for a family as a reasonable accommodation ifthe higher payment standard is no more than no percent of the FMR for the unit size. Granted By: Lourdes Castro Ramirez. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. Date Granted: December 1,2016. Reason lilr'oivedrThis regulation was waived as a reasonable accommodation to allow a disabled participant to receive housing assistance and pay no more than 40 percent of its adjusted income toward the family share. Contact: Becky Primeaux. Housing Voucher Management and Operations Division. Of?ce ofPublic Housing and Voucher Programs, Office of Public and Indian Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Street SW.. Room 4216. Washington. DC 204m. telephone (202] - Regulation: 24 are sazsosid]. Proj'ecthc-tivity: Chicago Housing Authority in Chicago. Illinois. requested a waiver of 24 CFR 932.505ld] so That it could approve an exception payment standard amount above 120 percent of the fair market rent as a reasonable secommodation. Nature- offiequirement: 24 CPR 982.505idl states that a public housing agency may only approve a higher payment standard for a family as a reasonable accommodation if the higher payment standard is no more than 120 percent of the PMR for the unit size. Created By: Lourdes Castro Ramirez. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. Date Granted: December a. ems. Reason Waived.- This regulation was waived as a reasonable scoommodation to allow a disabled participant to receive housing assistance and pay no more than 40 percent of its adjusted income toward the family share. Contact: Becky Primeaux, Housing Voucher Management and Operations Division, Office ofF'ublic Housing and Voucher Programs, Office of Public and Indian Heusing. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 7th Street SW.. Room 4216. Washington, DC 20410. telephone (202] I Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505Ed]. Projectf?cti'vity: Colorado Departmant of Local Affairs in Denver, Colorado, requested a waiver of 24 CFR 932.505de so that it could approve an exception payment standard amount above 12D percent of the fair market rent as a reasonable accommodation. Nature of?equr'rement: 24 CPR states that a public housing agency may only approve a higher payment standard for a family as a reasonable accommodation if the higher payment standard is no more than 120 percent of the FMR for the unit size. Granted By: Lourdes Castro Ramirez, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. Date Granted: December Ft, 2016. Reason Waived-This regulation was . waived as a reasonable accommodation to allow a disabled participant to receive housing assistance and pay no more than 40 percent of its adjusted income toward the family share. Contact: Becky Primeaux. Housing Voucher Management and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs. Of?ce of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 2th Street SW.. Room 4216. Washington, DC 20410. telephone [2:32] 703?0422. I Regulation: 24 CFR 932.505fd]. Projectfi?ictivity: Housing Authority of Skagit County in Burlington. Washington, requested a waiver of 24 CPR seasonal} so that it could approve an exception payment standard amount above ten percent of the fair market rent as a reasonable accommodation. Nature of Requirement: 24 CPR assassin) states that a public housing agency may only approve a higher payment standard for a faintly as a reasonable accommodation ifthe higher payment standard is no more than 120 percent ofthe FMR for the unit size. Granted By: Lourdes Castro Ramirez. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. Date Granted: December 21}. 2016. Reason Waived: This regulation was waived as a reasonable accommodation to allow a disabled participant to receive housing assistance and pay no more than so percent of its adjusted income toward the family share. Contact: Becky Primeaux. Housing Voucher Management and Operations Division. Of?ce ofPublic Housing and Federal Registerr?Vel. 82, No. SQJWednesday, March 29. Voucher Programs, Office of Public and Indian Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street SW., Room 4216. Washington. DC 20410. telephone [292] 208?0477. I Regulation: 24 CFR seasons]. The Waterloo [loosing Authority in Waterloo, iowa. requested a waiver of 24 CPR 985.1oitai so that it could submit its Section Eight Management Assessment Program certification after the deadline. Nature 24 CFR 985.101fa) states a FHA must submit the HUD?required SEMAP certification form within so calendar days after the end of its fiscal year. Created By: Lourdes Castro Ramirez. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. Date Granted'Octobcr 12. 2016. Reason Waived: This waiver was granted for the WHA's fiscal year ending Iune 30, 2015. The waiver was approved because of circumstances beyond the control and to prevent additional administrative burdens for the PHA and ?eld'office. Contact: Becky Primeaux. Housing Voucher Management and Operations Division. Of?ce ofPublic Housing and Voucher Programs. Office of Public and Indian Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street 3W.. Room 4216. Washington. DC 2041f], telephone [202] 7113?0421 . Regulation: 24 CFR gastritis]. Allen Metropolitan Housing Authority in Lima, Ohio. requested a waiver of 24 CPR 98539113) so that it could submit its Section Eight Management Assessment Program certification after the deadline. Nature of?m?fuirement: 24 CFR 985.1011a] states a PHA must submit the HUD-required SEMAP certification ferm'within 60 calendar days after the end of its ?scal year. Created By.- Lourdes Castro Ramirez. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. Date Granted: October 25, 2016. Reason Waived: This waiver was granted for the fiscal year ending June 30. 2016. The waiver was approved because of circumstances beyond the AMHA's control and to prevent additional administrative burdens for the PIIA and field office. Contact: Becky Primeaux. Housing Voucher Management and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs. Of?ce of Public and Indian Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Street SW.. Room 4215, Washington. DC 20410, telephone [202] 208?11421 - Regufotion: 24 CPR Denbam Springs Housing Authority (OSHA) in Denham Springs. LA. requested a waiver of 24 CFR so that it could submit. its Section Eight Management Assessment Program certi?cation after the deadline. Nature offi?equiremenr: 24 CPR 985.101fal states a FHA must submit the HUD-required SEMAP codification form within an calendar days after the end of its ?scal year. Granted By: Lourdes Castro Ramirez. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. D-17-0201-A-000018 Federal Registert?itol. 82. No. SQIWednesday. March 20. 201?!Notices Date Granted: December El. 2010. Reason Waived: This waiver was gran ted for the DSHA's fiscal year ending September 30. 2016. The waiver was approved because of circumstances beyond the DSHA's control and to prevent additional ad ministrative burdens for the PHA and field of?ce. Contact: Becky Prinicaux. Housing 1|tl'oucl'icr Management and Operations Division. Office ofPublic Housing and Voucher Programs, Office of Public and Indian Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 7th Street SW.. Room 4215. Washington. DC ZIMIU. telephone [202) ?03?04?7. - Regulation: ea CFR 902.22 and 902.25 Proj'ectfx?icti'vity: Duson Housing Authority [LA?iSfl]. Nature of Requirement: Physical inspections are required to ensure that public housing units are decent, safe. sanitary and in good repair. as determined by an inspection conducted in accordance with HUD's Uniform Physical Condition Standards Baseline inspections will have all properties inspected regardless of previous PHAS designation or physical inspection scores. Granted By: Lourdes Castro Ramirez. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. Date Granted: November 23. 2015. Reason Waived: The Duson Housing Authority requested to be waived from ?scal year 2016 physical inspections and physical condition scoring of propertyt units for its fiscal year end oftviarch st. 2016. The HA is located within the Lafayette Parish. impacted by the 201s Louisiana severe ?ooding. and was Presidentially-Dcclarcd Federal Disaster Area. Pursuant to 24 CPR 5.110. the that was granted a waiver for good cause of its 2016 physical inspection and its 2016 PHAS physical condition indicator score for the FPS March 31. 2015. The HA was advised that March .11. 2017. would be the baseline year to determine its eligibility for Small PHA Deregulation and that a new inspection would he required upon that date. Contact: Dan Ann R. Walker, Acting Program Manager. NASS. Real Estate Assessment Center. Office of Public and Indian Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 550 12th Street SW., Suite 100. Washington, DC 20410, telephone (20214754905. I- Hegulotion: 24 CFR 902.22 and 902.25. ProjectJAorivt'ty: Housing Authority of the Town of Eralh Nature of Requirement: Physical inspections are required to ensure that public housing units are decent. safe. sanitary and in good repair. as determined by an inspection conducted in accordance with Uniform Physical Condition Standards Baseline inspections will have all properties inspected regardless of previous PHAS designation or physical inspection scores. I Granted By: Lourdes Castro Ramirez. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. Date Granted: December 16. 2016. Reason Woi'ved:The Housing Authority of the Town ot'Erath (HA). requested to be waived from fiscal year 201E physical inspections and physical condition Scoring of properlytiunits for its fiscal year end of December 31. 2016. The HA is located within the Vermilion Parish. impacted by the 2015 Louisiana severe ?ooding. and was Presidentially-Doclarcd Federal Disaster Area. Pursuant to 24 CPR 5.110. the HA was granted a waiver for good cause ofits 201B physical inspection and its 2016 physical condition indicator score for the December 31. 2016. The HA was advised that December 31. 2017. would be the baseline year to determine its eligibility for Small FHA Deregulation and that a new inspection would be required upon that data. Contact: Dee Ann R. Walker. Acting Program Manager. NASS. Real Estate Assessment Center. Office of Public and Indian Housing. Department ofHousing and Urban Development. 550 12th Street SW. Suite 1UU. Washington. DC 20410. telephone (202] 4175-27903. Heguiutt'on: 24 CPR 902.22 and 002.25. Projectr?dctt'vity: Housing Authority of the City ofEunice Nature of Requirement; Physical inspections are required to ensure that public housing units are decent. safe. sanitary and in good repair. as determined by an inspection conducted in accordance with HUD's Uniform Physical Condition Standards Baseline inspections will have all properties inspected regardless of previous PHAS designation or physical inspection scores. Granted By: Lourdes Castro Ramirez. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. Dots Grunts-d: December 16. 2015. Reason Waived: The Housing Authoriton the City ofEunice requested to be waived from fiscal year 21115 physical inspections and physical condition scoring of propertyt?units for its ?scal year end of September 30. 2016. The HA is located within the St. Landry Parish. impacted by the 2016 Louisiana severe flooding. and was Presidentially-Declared a Federal Disaster Area. Pursuant to 24 CPR 5.110. the HA was granted a waiver for good cause of its 2016 physical inspection and its 2016 PHAS physical condition indicator score for the PYE September 30. 2016. The HA was advised that September 30. 201?. would he the baseline year to determine its eligibility for Small PHA Deregulation and that a new inspection would be required upon that date. Contact: Doe Ann R. Walker. Acting Program Manager. NASS. Real Estate Assessment Center. Of?ce of Puhlir: and lndiao Housing. Department ofHousing and Urban Development. 550 12th Street SW.. Suite 100. Washington, Dt". 20410. telephone (202] are?rent}. Doc. zen?nines Filed atnl nouns cone 4210?51-9 15539 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Bureau of Land Management 22f] MOtt 4500101134] Notice of Intent To Prepare an Envircmmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Deep South Expansion Project. Lender and Eureka Countles. NV AGENCY: Bureau of Land Management, Interior. acnon: Notice. SUMMARY: Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1959. as amended and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1926. as amended. the Bureau of Land Management Mount Lewis Field Of?ce. Battle Mountain. Nevada. intends to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement to analyze the potential impacts ofapproving the proposed Deep South Expansion Protect in Lander and Eureka Counties. Nevada. This notice announces the beginning of the scoping process to solicit public comments and identify issues and alternatives; and serves to initiate public consultation. as required. under the National Historic Preservation Act DATES: This notice initiates the public scoping process for the EIS. Comments on issues may he submitted in writing until May 1. 201?. The datets} and location[s} of any scoping meetings will be announced at least 15 days in advance through local media. newspapers and the BLM Web site at: In order to be considered during the preparation of the Draft EIS. all comments must be received or postmarked prior to the close of the ail-day scoping period or 15 days after the last public meeting. whichever is later. - Comments received after the close of the 30-day scoping period will be considered as long as they are received or postmarked prior to 15 days after the last public meeting. The BLM will provide additional opportunities for public participation upon publication of the Draft E15. ADDRESSES: You may submit comments related to the proposed Deep South Expansion Project by any oftlie following methods: 0 Email: on th EIS?bim .go to Fox: 0 Mail: 50 Bastian Road. Battle Mountain. NV 89620 D-1 7-0201-A-00001 9 Au-ruI-nn-nu Federal Registeri?Vol. 82. No. tiUfThursday, March 30. 20171Notices 15711 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. Fair Market Rents for the Housing Choice Voucher Program and Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program Fiscal Year 2017; Revised AGENCY: Office ofthe Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research, HUD. ACTION: Notice of Revised Fiscal Year 2017 Fair Market Rents and Discussion of Comments on FY 201? FMRs. SUHMAHY: This notice updates the FY 201 FMRs for Portland. ME HUD Metro FMR Area and Vallejo Fair?eld, CA Metropolitan Statistical Area as requested by commenters. In addition to announcing these revised FY 201? FMRs, this notice also includes HUD responses to the comments received regarding the FY 201 3? FMRS. DATES: Effective Date: The revised FY 201 FMRs for Portland, ME, HMFA and Vallejo-Fair?eld, CA, MSA are effective on Maj,r 1. 201?. FOR FURTHER Questions on how to conduct FMR surveys or concerning further methodological explanations may be addressed to Marie L. Lihn or Peter B. Kahn. Economic and Market Analysis Division, Office of Economic Affairs, Office of Policy Development and Research, telephone 2024024409. Persons with hearing or speech impairments ma}r access this number through by calling the toll-free Federal Role}r Service at 800?322?8339 [toll-free]. Questions related to use of FMRs or voucher payment standards should he directed to the respective local HUD program staff. For technical information on the methodology used to develop FMRs or a listing of all FMRs, please call the HUD USER information line at 800? 245?2691 [toll-free] or access the information on the HUD USER Web site: FMRs are listed at the 40th or 50th percentile in Schedule E. For informational purposes, 40111 percentile recent-mover rents for the areas with 50th percentile FMRs will be provided in the HUD FY 201? FMR documentation system at query and 501h percentile rents for all FMR areas are published at pertair?durosetsf??per?tmf. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On August 26. 2016, HUD published the FY 2012 FMRs. requesting comments on the FY 201? FMRs. and outlined procedures for requesting a reevaluation of an area's FY 201? FMRs [lit FR 58952]. This notice revises FY 201.7r M5 for two areas that requested reevaluation and provided data to HUD to allow for a reevaluation, and provides responses to the public comments HUD received on the previous notice referenced above. 1. Revised FY 201 5" FMRS The FMRs appearing in the following table supersede the use of the FY 2016 FMRs for Portland, ME HUD Metro FMR Area and 1|trialleitZt-Fairfield. CA Metropolitan Statistical Area The updated FY 201? FMRs are based on surveys conducted in December 2010 by the area public housing agencies and re?ect the estimated 40th percentile rent levels trendcd to April 1. 201 The FMRs for the affected area are revised as follows: 201 fair market rent area by number of bedrooms in unit 23R 38R Portland, ME. HMFA 911 1023 CA MSA . . B30 1 035 1301 1294 1755 1884 1 906 2230 The FMR Schedules are amended as shown in the Appendix to this notice and are available on the HUD USER Web site: portaifo?atosets/?nrhout. The FMR Schedules will not be codified in 2st CFR part 303. II. Public Comments on FY 2111?? FMRs A total of 20 comments were received and posted on regulationsgov. fillpso?f tvww.regu in lionsgo vfdocket?D=HUD- 2016-0093. Fourteen of these comments were requests for reevaluation of the FY 201? FMRs for 11 FMR areas. HUD approved requests for nine metropolitan areas and declined them for two metropolitan areas [where the requesterts] did not administer more than 50 percent of the housing choice voucher families in the metropolitan area. as required] in a posting on October 3. 2016 available at fmr201 7fAreos-where-FY201S-FMHs- These nine areas were granted approval to continue to use FY 2010 FMRs until the reevaluation of the FY 20'1? FMRs has occurred. Each metropolitan area was given until Ianuar}.r 6. 201? to provide HUD with the data to reevaluate the FY 2101? FMRs. One area. the Dallas, TX HUD Metro FMR Area which uses Small Area FMRs under a court settlement. has alreadyr been reevaluated and its FY 201? Small Area FMRs have been updated [01 FR 2012?], effective December T, 2016. This notice updates FY 2013? FMRs for two additional areas. The remaining Six areas did not provide HUD data to complete a reevaluation. and their FY 201? FMRs are unchanged from the amounts provided in the August so, am F5 notice. In accordance with the reevaluation procedures outlined in the August 20, 2010 FY 201? Fair Market Rent notice [81 FR 58052. Section V. Requests For FMR Rcevaluations. item HUD posted a listing of these six areas where data was not submitted and announced that the FY 201? FMRs for these areas became effective on january Q, 201 7 fmr201' rfAreas?Where-FYeot become-effectivepd?. Most of the other comments discussed inaccuracies of the FMRs and a need for more current data. Several of the comments addressed HUD's specific request for public comment on ?on what should be considered ?material changes? in FMR estimation methods for purposes of triggering public notice and comment under In addition, there was a request for a change in a geographic area de?nition for a metropolitan area in which parts of the area are not contiguous. HUD has summarized the comments where posaible and provides reaponSes to thesa comment groups in greater detail below. General Comments Comments: FMRs do not represent accurate on?the?ground rental market prices. The accuracy of FMRs is a function of the underlying data set and 21. is Ihe Housing Opportunities Through Moder-titration not of 20115 (Pub. L. 114?201. approved July 29. 2010}. g: -f . 15712 Federal Registeerol. 82, No. 60fThursday. March 30, 201?.tNotices the methodology used to convert the data set to the Flviiuts, and the source of the data is unchanged from last year. Response: The American Community Survey continues to be the primary source of gross rent data used in the calculation of the FMRs as it is the only known statistically reliable data source that provides comprehensive information on gross rents paid collected in a consistent manner nationwide. The ACS data HUD acquires is adjusted for housing quality and calculated at the 40th percontile rent for the FMR areas. HUD does point out that the data used to calculate FY 2011' FMRs is one year more current than the data used to calculate FY 2010 HUD uses the most current AC8 data available when calculating the FMRs. As an example, consider the publication timeline for the FY 201.7 FMRs. The FY 201? FMRs were calculated in june and July of 2010 for publication in August 2015, but the 2015 ACS data was not released until September through December of 2010. Therefore, during calculation of FY 2011' FMRs. the 2014 ACS data was the most current available AC5 data. HUD augments the most current available ACS data with the annual change in gross rents measured by the Bureau of Labor Statistics' Consumer Price Index [measured between 2014 and 201.5 in the FY 201? FMR example}, and a forecasted trend factor to align the calculated FMRs with the Fiscal Year for which the FMRs are effective. Comments: Inaccurate FMRs have strong negative impacts on ability to serve Housing Choice Voucher participants. Low-income families that rely on the HCV program will feel the greatest impact in areas where the published FMRs are too low relative to actual costs. These low FMRs cause cost burdens for voucher?assisted households to increase, sometimes to the point of forcing low-income families to seek housing in areas with greater concentrations of poverty and lower- quality housing stock. HUD Response: HUD is aware of the impacts when FMRs are too high or too low and strives to limit inaccuracies and year-to-year fluctuations in FMRs. HUD continually reviews its methodology and expects to propose changes in a future Federal Register notice. Comments: HUIJ's previous statements about making further changes that would be refleded in its FY 2011' FMRs, were not acted upon. There are erratic fluctuations in values within the same bedroom size in the same county, in opposite directions year over year. which do not accurately reflect many local housing markets. There are fluctuations in FMR values in opposite directions between different bedroom sizes within the same year and there are erratic ?uctuations in opposite directions year over year that have had the effect of largely cancelling each other out over this three?year period. in a way that does not accurately reflect gross rent values in many rental housing markets. This commenter also expressed concern in the large variations in differences between the FY 201? Unadjusted rents and the FY 201? Final FMRB. HUD Response: HUD's initial plan for Proposed FY 2012 FMRs included several changes to the FMR cultulatien methods to address these criticisms of however. with the enactment of the Housing Opportunities Through Modernization Act (Pub. L. 114?201, approved Iuly 20. 2015] which changed the FMR publication process. there was insufficient time to publish a notice of proposed material change. review comments, and post FY 2017 FMRs with a made}; delayed effective date (as is all now required], and still meet the mandated October 1. 2010 effective date for FY 2017 FMRs [which is unchanged]. Therefore, HUD published FY 201? FMRs with no methodology changes. and expects to pro ose them in a forthcoming notice. implemented the state non- metropolitan minimum FMR standard to ensure that voucher holders have access to suitable rental housing units where the rent paid is sufficient to cover the long-term operating and capital requirements for the dwelling. Areas where the state non-metropolitan minimum rent is applied have based unadjusted rents that are below a reasonable level for these long-term commitments. State non-metropolitan minimum rents are calculated as the population weighted median bedroom rent calculated from the data speci?c to each non-metropolitan county in a state. The Final 2 bedroom FMR for an area becomes the state non-metropolitan minimum if the rent calculated based on the county level data is below the minimum: therefore. depending on the distribution of county-level unadjusted rents. certain counties could have considerable differences between their unadjusted rent and their published FMR. Unadjusted rents are made available to PHAs solely for the purpose of setting ?at rents for their public housing portfolios. Comments: FMRs are deeply flawed and the changes HUD has taken regarding annual adjustment factors are still insufficient. Actions taken by the Senate Appropriations Committee are an attempt to force to make deeper and broader improvements to its FMRs. The Senate FY 201? Appropriations bill (Pub. L. 114F223. approved on September 29, 2016] appropriates $41.5 million to HUD to pay for local rental market surveys of areas affected by changing economic conditions and natural disasters. HUD Response: The funds in the Senate appropriations bill referenced by the commenter are for the American Housing Survey, which focuses on housing quality and other demographic issues rather than rents. This is a longitudinal survey with limited local data and the funds cannot be redirected for rent surveys in areas affected by changing econotnic conditions and natural disasters. The HUD appropriations previously used to conduct rent surveys to adjust FMRs have not been made since 2012. Comments: Ever since HUD used its discretionary authority to adopt each new OMB area for purposes. starting in FY 2006. rent estimates have gone haywire. To calculate the FY 2015 FMRs, HUD incorporated DMB's latest metropolitan area de?nition from 2013. As a result. there are counties previously designated by HUD as non-metro that HUD subsequently designated as metropolitan and vice-versa. FMR areas and SAFMR areas artificially in?ate rent values in non?metropolitan areas and arti?cially de?ate FMR values in metropolitan areas. HUD Response: in 2000. when HUD applied new metropolitan area definitions based on the 2000 Decennial Census to the FMRs, HUD was following longstanding past practice. HUD modi?ed FMR areas in accordance with updated 0MB area definitions after the 1980. and 1990 Decennial Censuses. incorporation of the 2010 Decennial Censns'based area definitions into the FY 2010 FMRs continued longstanding past practices. The updated OMB area de?nitions' changes in area geography. and especially changes from non-nietmpolitan to metropolitan area designations, are important in providing consistency across all federal programs. HUD specifically considers the impact of area de?nition changes on Fair Market Rent levels and other program parameters when implementing metropolitan area definition changes. and specifically deviates from OMB definitions to prevent large changes when Sufficient local data is available. Comments: HUD should use more timely data when calculating FMRs. HUD should work to develop a method to incorporate more recent data into its D-17-0201-A-000021 is" 13.; Federal Registerr?Vol. 32, No. SUIThursday. March 30. 2U17fNotices 15713 published FMRs rather than continue to rely on FHA-funded studies to correct inaccuracies in FMRs. The ADS ?ve- year and one-year datasets do not possess adequate external validity for calculating current non-regulated rents for all FMR areas. Additionally. the ACE dataset fails to capture key data on housing quality to ensure that calculations are based on the relevant population. This omission greatly alters the FMR estimates and leads to underestimation of the current housing costs. PHAs are not well suited to conduct surveys and compile sophisticated statistical analyses. This is a function that would be better suited for HUD's Office ofPoliCy Development and Research - HUD Response: There is no other data on gross rents paid that is consistently collected on a nationwide basis, available to HUD. and more timely than the ACS dataset. recognizes the housing quality data limitations of the ACS dataset and uses a combination of ACS survey responses and a public housing ?cut-oft" rent calculated from HUD administrative data to identify and eliminate these low rent units from the distribution of gross rents paid before a 40th percentile rent is calculated. The rationale for using this "cut-off" rent is that units with gross rents below these amounts are either of insuf?cient quality to meet the housing quality standards for units occupied by voucher holders. or are representative of an assisted tenant's Out of pocket expenses and not a true measure ofthe market gross rent for the unit. Eliminating these units from the distribution before the 40th percentile rent is calculated raises the stub percentile rent for the area. As discussed earlier. HUD currently lacks funding and the mechanisms necessary to collect rent data by a more specialized survey method. Comments: The effective date for new FMRs should be 60 days from publication. not 31] days. HUD has offered only a 30-day period for PHAs to submit a request for reevaluation of the FMR for their regions. should provide at least at} days for PHAs to make a reevaluation request. Further. PHAs should be able to choose to continue to use the prior year FMR or use the new FMR for which they requested a reevaluation. Otherwise. a FHA seeking reevaluation whose FMR has increased is. in effect. penalized for requesting reevaluation because it must continue to use the prior year?s lower FMR. HUD Hesponse: HDTMA requires that FMRs become effective no less than 30 days following their publication. In order to provide additional time for Files to implement newly effective Small Area FMR rule [81 FMR 8056?] provides that all PHAs have up to three months from the date when the new FMRs go into effect in which to update their payment standards if a change is necessary to fall within the basic range of the new FMRs. Regarding the timing of reevaluation requests. the FY 201 FMRs were delayed due to the HDTMA-tnandated changes in FMR?publication requirements an procedures. Based on timing constraints. HUD provided the longest window possible for making the FY 201'? FMRs effective and for providing a request for FMR reevaluation. Finally. provisions within HDTMA govern the process for FMR reevaluation requests. Specifically, HDTMA states: ?The Secretary shall establish a procedure for public housing agencies and other interested parties to comment on such fair market rentals and to request. within a time specified by the Secretary. reevaluation oftlie fair market rentals in a jurisdiction before such rentals become effective." [emphasis addedl. Therefore, HUD may not make the newly calculated FMRs effective when a valid reevaluation request is received. Practically speaking. allowing a FHA to use the higher of the previous year or current year FMR would also create significant issues for quality control and program audit activities. Comments: HUD should allow interested stakeholders to comment on the utility component of FMRs. We recommend that HUDI provide PfL?ts with the utility data it gathers from the annual FMR calculations so that PHAs may evaluate the percentage change in the utility component from year to year. HUD Response; HUD receives ADS data on gross rents paid from the Census Bureau to determine FMRs. The utility component is embedded in this gross rent and not separately available. The inflation adjustments HUD applies to the ADS data includes indices for rent and utilities. While the rent and utility in?ation indices can he found in the FMR documentation system. they only serve to inflate the gross rents HUD receives from the ALIS. and are not separate estimates of the utility component of gross rent. Section 108 of HDTMA charges HUD with collecting data on utility consumption and costs in local areas to the extent that HUD can do so cost efficiently. HUD is reviewing what can be accomplished cost efficiently and will release these data when they become available. Comments: HUD should take an expansive view of what constitutes a "material change" estimation methods. It is unlikely that HUD can predict the impact of changes in FMR methodology for every FMR geography:- Tbe "material change? criteria should not be based on either the number of FMR areas impacted or a triggering threshold based on the number of areas whose FMRs would change by a certain percentage before HUD is required to get comments on a ?material change". Only changes that impact how a FHA can spend money [since PHA payment standards are based on should be required to be considered material. HUD Response: appreciates this comment and HUD is taking an expansive view on what constitutes a "material change? and intends to provide an opportunity for public comment on all FMR methodological changes in forthcoming proposed notices of material changes in FMR calculations. Moreover, HUD points out that most method changes do not occur in one direction and are not static. That is. FMRs in some areas will go up and some areas will go down as a result of calculation changes. and these changes may mean that an area that went up one year will go down the next year. Comments: HUD should consider smoothing-out the sharp swings in rents from the year-to-year caused by year-to- year changes in the determination ofthe recent mover factor. Such large changes affect planning and management efforts. HUD Response: HUD may assess the need to propose changes to the FMR estimation methodology related to data integrity in a forthcoming notice of Proposed Material Change that should reduce such large year-to-year swings that can arise from the one-year recent mover data. Comments: The bonuses for three- bedroom. four-bedroom and higher bedroom-count units, ostensibly to help the largest and most diffiCult?to-house families find units. should not be used without qualification. HUD's policy signals to every developer that a greater profit is to be found in the production of high bedroom-count units. The per? room rent differential offered by HUD for a titres-bedroom unit is five times as attractive [per room] as the one offered for a single-bedroom unit. and thus binders our ability to respond to local housing market conditions. HUD Response: The bonuses applied to the ratios used to calculate the FMRs for higher bedroom-count units have been an important means of serving the relatively small group of large-sized families dependent on vouchers. While appreciate the comment. HUD does not believe the bonuses should be eliminated, even for certain areas. at, a- .. 12? 15TH: Comments Specific to Puerto Rico Comments: HUD should not use multiple non-contiguous geographical areas as an FMR Area nor apply a single FMR to non-adjacent geographical areas. HlIlJ's use of non-contiguous county equivalents [municipiosl in a metropolitan area does not conform to the adjacency standard governing the designation of metropolitan and nomnetropolitan areas. HUD Response: The county removed from the Barranquitas Aibonito- Q'nebradillas FMR area was not removed because it is not a contiguous area. it was removed because OMB removed it from this metropolitan area. 0MB kept the remaining non-contiguous county [municipio], Maunabo. in the metropolitan area. and did not follow the adjacency criteria for this metropolitan area. Both counties [municipiosl have been in the metro area at least as far back as 2006. Functionally. removing Mattnabo Municipio from the current FMR area will not change the effective FMR for the municipio as there is insuf?cient data to calculate a stand?alone FMR for the rnunicipio and the state non- metropolitan minimum would still be used. Comments: The use of the Consumer Expenditure Survey heat use index as a proxy to adjust the ?Rent of primary residence" statistic to remove the in?uence of utilities has a depressing effect in a tropical area. HUD Response: longstanding use of the CES heat use index helps HUD estimate the portion of gross rent attributable to shelter cost and the portion attributable to utility costs. The commenter suggests that methodology has the effect of lowering FMRs in tropical areas. However. given recent economic trends, increasing the influence of utility costs in the calculation of gross rents in Puerto Rico at this time would further depress rents. not raise them. More fundamentally, HUD's use of the heat use index to ?remove? the influence of utilities from the ?rent of primary residence component" of gross rents is necessary because the rent of primary residence index captures some utility costs for units where utilities are included in the rent payment. Therefore. HUD must determine how much utility costs are embedded in the rent of primary residence so as to not double count the in?uence of utility costs changes when constructing a gross rent inflation factor. To summarize how the CES heat use index is used in the calculation of FMRs: FMRs are gross rent estimates. Gross rents include the cost of the shelter plus the cost of the necessary utilities for the dwelling unit. In order to produce an FMR that comports with the statutory requirements of calculating the FMRs ?based on the most recent available data trended so the rentals will be current for the year to which" they apply.? HUD uses data from the American Community Survey on gross rents paid. updated by the change in gross rents measured through the CPI and trended using a national forecast of expected growth in gross rents. In order to calculate a gross rent increase factor using CPI data, HUD must determine how to combine the CPI's measurement of the ?rent of primary residence? and the ?fuels and utilities? component of Housing. This step is complicated by the fact that some of the rents reported in the survey used to generate the CPI data for "rent of primary residence? already include utility costs. To cleanly separate the two components of ?rents? and ?utilities.? it is necessary to factor out any utility costs reported as rents. HUD uses the CES best use index to estimate this amount. Several years ago. HUD began using CPI "rent" and "utilities" components measured solely for Puerto Rice to calculate Puerto Rico's gross rent increase factor. However. because no local measure is known to exist that could serve as the equivalent of the CES best use index. HUD uses the South Census Region CES information as a proxy in Puerto Rico. For the relevant time period [2014 to 20215], the "rent of primary residence" statistic measured across all ofPuerto Rico increased by 0.4? percent while the ?fuels and utilities? component of housing declined by 14.75 percent. Given the large decrease in fuels and utilities - measured in Puerto Rico, every combination of the two CPI components to obtain a measurement of the change in gross rents where the weight on the "rent of primary residence? component is 95 percent or less for Puerto Rico yields an overall negative CPI update factor [less than Therefore, as stated above, increasing the in?uence ofutility costs in the calculation of gross rents in Puerto Rico in 201? would further depress rents, not raise them. 11]. Environmental Impact This Notice makes changes in FMRs for two FMR areas and does not constitute a development decision affecting the physical condition of specific project areas or building sites. Accordingly. under 24 CFR 50.19Ecliol, this Notice is categorically excluded from environmental review under the National Environmental Policy act of 1959f421l.5.?. 4-321]. Federal Registeri?r?ol. 82., No. BOIThursday. March 30. 201?{Nolices Dated: March 23. 201?. Matthew E. amnion. General Deputy Asaistonf Secretoryfor Policy Develop in rent 5* Research. IFR Doc. 2017?05293 Filed 3?29?1?:5145 aml BILLING CODE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Fish and Wildlife Service 31 1 0000] Information Collection Request Sent to the Office of Management and Budget for Approval; lniurious Wildlife; Importation Certification for Live Fish and Fish Eggs AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, interior. ACTION: Notice; request for comments. summer: We (us. Fish and wildlife Service] have sent an information Collection Request to the Office of Management and Fludget for review and approval. We summarize the below and describe the nature of the collection and the estimated burden and cost. This information collection is scheduled to expire on March 2017. We may not conduct or sponsor and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. However. under OMB regulations. we may continue to conduct or sponsor this information collection while it is pending at OMB. DATES: You must submit comments on or before May 1, 2017. ADDRESSES: Send your comments and suggestions on this information collection to the Desk Of?cer for the Department of the interior at OIRA at [202] 395?5805 [fax] or [email]. Please provide a copy of your comments to the Service Information Collection Clearance Officer. 11.3. Fish and Wildlife Service, MS BPHC, 5275 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church. VA 22041? 3fl03 {mail}. or modonno_houcum@ fwsgov [email]. Please include ?1013? in the subject line of your comments. You may review the ICE online at httpa'fwn-wmegfnfogov. Follow the instructions to review Department of the interior collections under review by OMB. FOR FURTHER INFORMATIDN CONTACT: Madonna Baucum, at inodonno_ boucontcl?vsgov [email] or 2503 {telephone}. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: was; "i 1 6408 EDD World Trade Center: Norfolk. Virginia 23510. The Port of Virginia's Web site is; httpu?r? mmvportofvirgi nfa .comr". This meeting will be broadcast via a web enabled interactive online format and teleconference line. To participate via teleconference. dial 1?855?475? 2449'; the pass code to join is H54 Ztiit. Additionally. ifyou would like to participate in this meeting via the online web format. please log onto and follow the online instructions to register for this meeting. If you encounter technical dif?culties. contact Mr. Ryan Owens at {202] 302?43565. For information on facilities or services for individuals with disabilities. or to assistance at the meetings. contact the individual listed in Pas Fuentes IN Foauarlou conracr below as soon as possible Instructions: You are free to submit comments at any time, including orally at the meetings, but if you want committee members to review your comment before the meetings. please submit your comments no later than April 20. 201?. We are particularly interested in comments on the issues in the ?Agenda? section below. You must include ?Department of Homeland Security" and the docket number in your submission. Written comments should be submitted using the Federal eRulemaking Portal: ifyou encounter technical dif?culties. contact Mr. Ryan P. Owens. Comments received will be posted without alteration at including any personal information provided. You may review a Privacy Act notice regarding the Federal Docket Management System in the March 24. 20(15 issue of the Federal Register {re FR 15086). Docket Search: For access to the docket to read documents or comments related to this notice. go to wooeregulationsgov, and use in the ?Search? box. press Enter. and then click on the item you wish to view. FOR FURTHER IMFoeMartoN coarser: Mr. Ryan Owens. Alternate Designated Federal Of?cer of the National Maritime Security Advisory Committee. EMS Martin Luther King Ir. Avenue SE. Washington. DC 20593. Stop rear. Washington. DC 20593?7681; telephone 202-3?2?1103 or email usagmii. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Notice of this meeting is in compliance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act. [Title 5. United States Code. Appendix]. The National Maritime Security Advisory Committee operates under the authority of as H.313. rot 12. The National Maritime Security Advisory Committee provides advice. consults with. and makes recommendations to the Secretary of Homeland Security. via the Commandant of the Coast Guard. on matters relating to national maritime security. A copy of all meeting documentation will be available at homeport.trscaniifNMSAC by April 25. 2017. Alternatively. you may contact Ryan Owens as noted in the Foo FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT SBCHOH above. Agenda of Meeting Day 1 The Committee will meet to review. discuss and formulate recommendations on the following issues: (1) Security and Partnerships in the Port Of Virginia. The Committee will receive a presentation from the Port of Virginia providing review of how the Port of?tr'irginia is partnering to implement security strategies. Container Security. Non-Intrusive Inspectionr'Radiation Portal Monitors. The Committee will discuss. receive a briefing and provide recommendations on Custoan and Border Protections efforts to implement non-intrusive inspection in US ports. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. The increase in the use of unmanned aerial vehicles within ports has introduced the need to provide guidance on how to identify and report potential suspicious activity associated with these vehicles. The Conunittee will discuss. receive a brie?ng and provide guidance. Seafarer Access. The Committee will receive a follow-on brief from a discussion at the last October 2016 public meeting. Regulatory Update. The Committee will receive an update brief on regulatory efforts to date. Public Comment period. Day 2 The Committee will meet to review. discuss and formulate recommendations on the following issues: Extremely Hazardous Cargo Strategy. in July. the Coast Guard tasked the Committee to work with the Chemical Transportation Advisory Committee to assist in the development of an Extremely Hazardous Cargo Strategy Implementation Plan. The Committee will discuss and receive an update front the Extremely Hazardous Cargo Working Group on their efforts. Federal Registerr?Vol. 82. No. ESITuesday. April 4. ZOIHNolices Cyber Security. The Committee will discuss and receive a brief on the current efforts to implement cyber security strategies. Cascadia Horizon. The Committee will discuss and receive a brief on the results of the Coast Cuerd's participation in the Cascadia Rising National Level exercise. Public comment period. Public comments or questions will be taken throughout the meeting as the Committee discusses the issues and prior to deliberations and voting. There will also be a public comment period at the end of the meeting. Speakers are requested to limit their comments to 5 minutes. Please note that the public comment period may end before the period allotted. following the last call for comments. Contact the individual listed in the FOFI FURTHER INFoeuarioN CONTACT section above to register as a speaken Dated: March 29. 301?. VB. Gifford. lr. Captain. US. Coast Guard. Director of . inspections and Compliance. i ti-?R Doc. Filed 4?s?tr: ens aml sauna cone 9110-04-9 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. Mortgages Review Board: Administrative Actions AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Housing?Federal Housing Commissioner. Department of Housing and Urban Development ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: In compliance with Section ofthe National Housing Act. this notice advises of the cause and description of administrative actions taken by HUD's Mortgages Review Board against HUD-approved mortgagees. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Nancy A. Murray. Secretary to the Mortgages Review Board. 451 Seventh Street SW.. Room H?133i?3150. Washington. DC 20410?8000; telephone [202] roe?2224 [this is not a toll-free number]. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll- free Federal Information Service at {one} INFORMATION: Section 202tc]{5] of the National Housing Act [12 U.S.C. requires that HUD "publish a description of and the cause Federal RegisteriVol. 32, No. BBiTuesday, April 4, EON/Notices 16409 for administrative action against a HUD- approved mortgagee" by HUD's Mortgages Review Board (?Board?). In compliance with the requirements of Section this notice advises of actions that have been taken by the Board in its meetings from October 1. 2015 to September 30, 2016. l. Civil Money Penalties, Withdrawals Approval, Suspensions, Probations. Reprimands, and Administrative Payments 1. ArnCap Mortgage, Ltd, Houston, TX {Docket No. 1 54389?114]?! Action: On June 10, 2010, the Board voted to accept the terms of a settlement agreement with ArnCap Mortgage, Ltd. [?AmCap?l that required AmCap to pay a civil money penalty in the amount of $252500: {bl pay an additional $25,000; and lo) refrain from making any claim for insurance bene?ts andior indemnify for all losses associated with three insured loans. The settlement did not constitute an admission of liability or fault. Cause: The Board took this action based on the following violations of requirements alleged by HUD: AmCap falsely certified to that it had complied with all HUDIFHA regulations in its 2013 and 2014 annual certi?cations; fb] failed to timely notify HUD of four incidents in which AmCap and its employees were sanctioned by the states of Utah and Oklahoma; [cl failed to ensure the correct branch identi?cation number was used when originating four FHA insured mortgage loans: failed to perform quality control reviews for 43 loans that had early payment defaults: to] failed to perform the required management response to address material appraisal de?ciencies identi?ed in the quality control report for one loan: {fl failed to include all of the borrower?s liabilities in determining the debt to income ratio for one loan: [Bl failed to properly document the source ofclosing funds for two loans; and [it] failed to question the appraiser's use of properties as comparables that were not of the same quality as the subject modular home for one loan. 2. BoncFirst. Oklahoma City. 0K iDocket No. r35] Action: [in August 25, 2010. the Board voted to seek civil money penalties against BancFirst. The Board entered into a settlement agreement with BancFirst that required BancFirst to pay a civil money penalty in the amount of$17.000 without admitting fault or liability. Cause: The Board took this action based on the following violations of requirements alleged by HUD: BancFirst failed to properly notify it had acquired CSB Bancshares. Inc. and its subsidiary bank, Bank of Commerce; and falsely certi?ed to that it had complied with all regulations in its March 1, 2010 annual certi?cation. 3. Bank ofEnglano?, Little Rock, .r?lFt |{Docket No. 16-1 Action: On August 25, 2015, the Board voted to accept the terms of a settlement agreement with Bank of England Pursuant. to the terms ofthe settlement, EOE was required to pay a civil money penalty in the amount of 55.500: and [bi refrain from making any claim for insurance benefits andi?or indemnify HUDIFHA for the life of the loan on all losses associated with one HUDIFHA insured loan. The settlement did not constitute an admission of liability or fault. Cause: The Board took this action based on EDE's alleged violation of requirements by its failure to verify and adequately document the borrowers? source offunds for closing for two loans. 4. Branch Banking anaI Trust Company. Greensboro, NC [Docket No. 15?0025? Action: On September a. 2010, the Board voted to release Branch Banking and Trust Company ["BBier?) from any civil money penalties or administrative actions as part of a settlement between and the United States that required to pay the United States $33,000,000. The settlement did not constitute an admission of liability or fault. Cause: The Board took this action based on alleged failure to properly originate. underwrite and conduct quality control reviews for HUDIFHA insured loans in violation of requirements. 5. City First Mortgage Services, LLC, Bountiful. UT [Doc at No. Action: On March 10, 2015. the Board voted to accept the terms ofa settlement agreement with City First Mortgage Services, LLC (?City First?) that required City First to pay a civil money penalty in the amount of 3:35.000 without admitting fault or liability. Cause: The Board took this action based on the following violations of requirements alleged by HUD: City First failed to comply with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles by inappropriately placing two real estate properties. and the mortgage loans secured by those properties, on its 2012 and 2013 balance sheets; falsely certified to HUDIFHA that City First had complied with all regulations in its 2014 annual certification: (cl failed to notify HUD that City First entered into a consent order with and paid a fine to the State of Illinois. Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, Division ofBanking; and failed to notify HUD that City First entered into a settlement agreement with and paid a penalty to the Department of Business Oversight for the State of California. 6. First Heritage Financial. Trevose, PA [Docket No. id?U?t?l??MH} Action: On August 25, 2016, the Board voted to accept the terms of a settlement agreement with First Heritage Financial, LLC ("First Heritage"]. The settlement agreement required First Heritage to pay a civil money penalty in the amount of $120,500: and [bl refrain from making any claim for insurance bene?ts ondior indemnify HUDFFHA for the life of the loan on all losses associated Willi 30 HUDIFHA insured loans. The settlement did not constitute an admission of liability or fault and the Board executed the settlement agreement on January 3. 2017. Cause: The Board took this action based on the following violations of HUDIFHA requirements alleged by HUD: First Heritage falsely certified to that First Heritage had complied with all regulations in its 2015 annual certi?cation: failed to notify HUD that First Heritage entered into a consent agreement and order with and paid a fine to the Department of Banking. Securities Compliance office: and [cl submitted false loan certi?cations for its loan ?les by allowing an individual whose mortgage loan license had been suspended and cancelled to process the origination of insured loans. 7. First Mortgage Coin pan y. Okfah onto City, OK {Docket No. 10?1523} Action: On August 25. 2016. the Board voted to accept the terms of a settlement agreement with First Mortgage Company ("First Mortgage?). Pursuant to the terms of the settlement agreement, First Mortgage was required to pay a civil money penalty in the amount of $5,000 withOut admitting fault or liability. Cause: The Board took this action based on First Mortgage's alleged violation of llUDiFHr?t requirements by its failure to notify HUD that First Mortgage entered into a consent order 16410 Federal RegisteriVol. 82, No. ?SlTuesday. April 4. ZUIFlNotices with and paid line to the State of Washington's Department ofFinancial Institutions. 3. Franklin American Mortgage Company. Franklin, 1N [Docket No. 15? Action: On November 20. 2015, the Board voted to release Franklin American Mortgage Company from any civil money penalties or administrative actions as part ofa settlement between FAMC and the United States that required FAME to pay the United States 320.000.000. The settlement did not constitute an admission of liability or fault. Cause: The Board took this action based on alleged failure to properly originate. underwrite. and conduct quality control reviews for insured loans in violation of requirements. 9. Freedom Mortgage Corporation, Mount Laurel. Ni [Docket No. 15?0034? Action.- On March 10, 2016. the Board voted to release Freedom Mortgage Corporation from any civil money penalties or administrative actions as part of a settlement between FMC and the United States that required FMC to pay the United States $1]3.000.000. The settlement did not constitute an admission of liability or fault. Cause: The Board took this action based on FMC's alleged failure to properly originate. underwrite. and conduct quality control reviews for insured loans in violation of requirements. 10. Golden Empire Mortgage, Inc, Bakersfield, CA [Docket No. 16?1620? Action: On August 25. 2016. the Board voted to accept the terms of a settlement agreement with Golden Empire Mortgage. inc. Pursuant to the terms of the settlement agreement, GEMI was required to pay a civil money penalty in the amount of 5128.000; and (bl refrain from making any claim for insurance bene?ts andlor indemnify HUDFFHA for all losses associated with six insured loans. The settlement did not constitute an admission of liability or fault. Cause: The Board took this action based on the following violations of requirements alleged by HUD: is] employed a branch manager who was indicted for bank fraud during his tenure with GEMI: [bl continued to originate loans that were ineligible for insurance due to continued employment of the indicted manager; and (cl failed to notify HUD that branch manager had been indicted for bank fraud. til. Hssc'eani: USA iva, Depew. NY {Docket No. 164076?113} Action: On January 20, 2016, the Board voted to release HSBC Bank USA NA from any civil money penalties or administrative actions as part of a settlement between HSEC and the United States that required HSBC to pay the United States $100,000,000. The settlement did not constitute an admission of liability or fault. Cause: The Board took this action based on alleged failure to properly service insured loans in violation ofl-lUDll-"HA requirements. 1'2. Hearty Bank. Middletown. CT [Docket No. 1 6?1 590 Action: On August 25. 2016. the Board voted to accept the terms of a settlement agreement with Liberty Bank. Pursuant to the terms of the agreement. Liberty Bank was required to pay a civil money penalty in the amount of $8.500 without admitting fault or liability. Cause: The Board took this action based on Liberty Bank's alleged violation of requirements by its failure to comply with merger notification requirements. 13. Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company. Buffalo. NY [Docket No. 16* ooao-FC} Action: On March 10. 2016. the Board voted to release Manufacturers and Traders Company from any civil money penalties or administrative actions as part of a settlement between and the United States that required MEET to pay the United States $64,000,000. The settlement did not constitute an admission of liability or fault. Cause: The Board took this action based on alleged failure to properly originate. underwrite, and conduct quality control reviews for insured loans in violation of HUDKFHA requirements. 14. Meodowbrook Financial Mortgage Bankers Corporation, Garden City. NY {Docket No. t?-tB?I?M?l Action: On August 25. 201.6. the Board voted to accept the terms of a settlement agreement with Meadowbrook Financial Mortgage Bankers Corporation that required to pay a civil money penalty in the amount of55.000. Cause: The Board took this action based on alleged violation of requirements by its improper approval of an insured mortgage for an ineligible too?borrower as the co-borrower was a non-permanent resident alien and was not going to occupy the property as a principal residence. 15. Mortgage Services HI, Bloomington. lL {Docket No. 15?18i4?M?l Action: On lFictoher 22. 2015. the Board voted to accept the terms of a settlement agreement with Mortgage Services It]. that required to pay a civil money penalty in the amount of $3.500 without admitting fault or liability. Cause: The Board took this action based on alleged violation of requirements by its failure to obtain a payoff statement for a subordinate lien that was to be paid off with the proceeds of a HUDIFHA insured mortgage. 16. Claw-en Loan Servicing. LLC. West Palm Beach. FL {Docket No. 15?1636- Action: On lune 2, 2016. the Board entered into a settlement agreement with chen Loan Servicing. LLC (?Bowen?) that required chen to pay a civil money penalty in the amount of 356042.000; lb} reimburse HUD in the amount of 313225.825 for losses HUD incurred on three HUDKFHA insured loans; and [c]I reimburse HUD in the amount of $2,000 for loss mitigation incentive fees with respect to two FHA insured loans. The settlement did not constitute an admission of liability or fault. Cause: The Board took this action based on the following violations of requirements alleged by HUD: chen failed to comply with HUD's loss mitigation requirements with respect to seven loans: failed to send letters to borrowers' attorneys notifying them of the availability of loss mitigation for four loans: failed to conduct and document that it performed a management committee review prior to referring loans to foreclosure for 3? loans: failed to complete foreclosures within the required time frames. without seeking an extension of time from HUD for 13 loans: failed to timely disburse escrow funds for insurance and taxes. resulting in penalties or late fees accruing to the borrower. for five loans: improperly charged borrowers fees that were not in accordance with requirements for 52 loans; failed to check the Limited Denial of Participation and System for Award Management exclusion lists prior to approving a Home Federal Registeerol. 32. No. 63tTuesday. April 4. 2017fNotices 15411 affordable Modification Program failed to produce or retain portions of the servicing files as required by HUD for five loans: failed to comply with HUD document requests; failed to acourately report 38 loans in Single Family Default Monitoring System sent delinquent borrowers outdated HUD documentation; failed to implement a quality control program that contained all of the elements required by and [ml failed to timely report to HUD a regulatory action by multiple state attorneys general and the CFPB. i .7. Peoples Bank, Overland Park. KS {Docket No. 15?1 Action:0n October 22, 2015. the Board voted to accept the terms of a settlement agreement with Peoples Bank that required Peoples Bank to pay a civil money penalty in the amount of $5,000; and refrain from making any claim for insurance benefits andtor indemnify HUDIFHA for all losses associated with one HUDKFHA insured loan. The settlement did not constitute an admission of liability or fault. Cause: The Board took this action based on Peoples Bank?s alleged violation of requirements by its failure to reconcile discrepancies with respect to veri?cation of a borrower?s employment. 18. inc. Sandy. UT [Docket Action: [in October 22, 2015. the Board voted to accept the terms of a - settlement agreement between Inc. and the United States that required to pay the United States 351.032.214.96. of which. HUD will receive 31110133351 paid over two years. The settlement did not constitute an admission of liability or fault. Cause: The Board took this action based on nannies alleged violation of HUIJIFHA requirements by its failure to properly underwrite and conduct quality control reviews on HUDIFHA insured loans. 1 9. Regions Bank. Hoover. AL. {Docket No. Action: [in September 9. 2016. the Board voted to release Regions Bank (?Regions?) from any civil money penalties or administrative actions as part of a settlement between Regions and the United States that required Regions to pay the United States $52.400.000. The settlement did not constitute an admission of liability or fault. Cause: The Board took this action based on Regions' alleged failure to properly originate. underwrite. and conduct quality control reviews for insured loans in violation of requirements. 20. Hen asant Bank. Birmingham. AL {Docket No. Action: On August 25. 2016, the Board voted to accept the terms of a settlement agreement with Renasant Bank {"Renasant?] that required Renasant to pay a civil money penalty in the amount of $12,000 without admitting fault or liability. Cause: The Board took this action based on the following violation of HUDIFHA requirements alleged by HUD: Renasant failed to comply with merger notification requirements: and [bi falsely certified to that Renasant had complied with all regulations in its 2015 annual certification. 21. Ross Mortgage Corporation, Troy. MI [Docket No. 5?1 Action: On April 21. 2016. the Board voted to accept the terms of a settlement agreement with Ross Mortgage Corporation that required RMC to: Pay a civil money penalty in the amount of $97,500; pay a sum of $321500: to) pay $1,325,000 to reimburse HUD for losses that it has suffered. or anticipates that it will suffer, with respect to 20 HUDHFHA insured loans; and indemnify HUD for 33 HUDIFHA insured loans. The settlement did not constitute an admission of liability or fault. Cause: The Board took this action based on the following violations of HUDIFHA requirements alleged by HUD: RMC failed to obtain adequate documentation to verify the source of funds or failed to clarify and resolve discrepancies in the documentation prior to the loans' approval for FHA insurance for loans: accepted and used faxed documents front an undisclosed source without obtaining a copy of the original documents or verifying the authenticity of the information provided for 24 loans; submitted false certifications regarding the origination and processing of seven HUDIFHA insured mortgage loans; failed to comply with requirements regarding the prohibition on property ?ipping. or failed to obtain and submit to HUD a complete second appraisal for three loans; failed to consider the borrower's liabilities in the underwriting analysis and to verify and document whether the borrower met HUDIFHA requirements relating to income. credit. and cash investment for six loans; it] failed to provide adequate documentation to ensure the borrowers were Current for the month due prior to closing on the land contract being refinanced for one loan; charged a cammitment fee without a written guarantee that ensured the loan terms would not change for a de?nite period of time for ten loans; and failed to implement a quality control plan that was in compliance with requirements. 2.2. SeanrityNational Mortgage Company. Salt Lake City. UT {Docket No. 16?00 Action: On September 9. 2016. the Board voted to release SecurityNational Mortgage Company from any civil money penalties or administrative actions as part of a settlement between SNMC and the United States that required SNMLI to pay the United States 54.250.000. The settlement did not constitute an admission of liability or fault. - Cause: The Board took this action based on SNMC's alleged failure properly originate. underwrite. and conduct quality control reviews for insured loans in violation of HUDIFHA requirements. 23. Sutherland Mortgage Services. Inc. Houston. TX {Docket No. ?ction: On August 25. 2016. the Board voted to seek civil money penalties against Sutherland Mortgage Services. Inc. The Board entered into a settlement agreement with 5M5 that required SMS to pay civil money penalties in the amount of $23,500. . Cause: The Board took this action based on the following violations of requirements as alleged by HUD: SMS failed to timely submit its annual audited financial statement and supplemental reports; failed to notify HUD of quarterly net operating losses exceeding 20%; and [cl failed to notify HUD of a sanction imposed by the State of Oklahoma. 24. TD Bank Group, Falmonth, ME [Docket No. Action: (in March ?10. 2016. the Board voted to accept the terms of a settlement agreement with TD Bank Group l'Tn Bank") that required ?11] Bank to pay a civil money penalty in the amount of $221,000 and indemnify HUD for losses incurred for fourteen insured loans. The settlement did not constitute an admission of liability or fault. Cause: The Board took this action based on the following violations of HUDKFHA requirements as alleged by HUD: TD Bank failed to resolve discrepancies regarding the borrower's employment and bank documents with respect to one loan: failed to a, 16412 Federal Registerf?v?ol. 82. No. 63fTuesday, April 4, 201NNotice-s adequately document the income audior stability ofborrower income for two loans; [cl failed to properly document a gift for one loan; failed to properly record a Mortgage Insurance Certificate for one loan; is] failed to ensure that borrowers met credit eligibility requirements with respect to four loans: it] failed to confirm that borrowers in refinance transactions had made all mortgage payments on loans being re?nanced within the month due for the prior 12. months for 11 loans; failed to document the mortgage loan payoff statements for ?ve loans: and failed to obtain a Certi?cation for Individual Unit Financing as required for condominium approval. 25. United Shore Financial Services. LLC., Troy Mi {Docket No. Action:0n December '17, 2015. the Board voted to accept the terms of a settlement agreement with United Shore Financial Services, LLC that required USFS to pay a civil money penalty in the amount of $110,500: and refrain from making any claim for insurance benefits andfor indemnify HUD for losses incurred for twenty-four insured loans. The settlement did not constitute an admission of liability or fault. Cause: The Board took this action based on the following violations of requirements alleged by HUD: USFS failed to adequately document the income or stability of income used to qualify borrowers for nine loans; failed to adequately document the source of funds used for the down payment, closirtg costs, or payment of debt prior to closing for eight loans; failed to consider all of the borrowers' liabilities in the underwriting analysis for six loans; idl failed to resolve discrepancies or irregularities with respect to social security numbers and payslubs for one loan: to) failed to correctly calculate the maximum mortgage amount for one loan; if) failed to properly check the Credit Alert Veri?cation Reporting System by entering the wrong social security number and consequently approving one loan; failed to comply with property ?ipping waiver requirements for one loan; {It} failed to submit accurate loan level data in FHA Connection for six loans; and charged borrowers for credit reports in amounts that exceeded USFS's actual costs for ten loans. II. Lenders That Failed To Timely Meet Requirements for Annual Recertification of Approval but Came Into Compliance Action: The Board entered into settlement agreements with the lenders listed below. which required the lender to pay a civil money penalty without admitting fault or liability. Cause: The Board took this action based upon allegations that the lenders listed below failed to comply with annual recerti?cation requirements in a timely manner. 1. lat Constitution Bank, Cranbury. [$3,500] {Docket 2. lat Reliant Home Loans, inc. Costa Mesa. CA [$3,500] [Docket No. 3. ADK Bancorp, Inc., Westminster. CA [53500] (Docket 4. Anchor Mortgage, LLC, Daniel island, SC [sa,soo} {Docket 5. Approved Funding Corp. Brooklyn, NY [$0,500] [Docket No. 15?1 silt?MET] Arcstono Financial. lnc.. Los Angeles, CA [$4.500] [Docket No. TI Arcstone Financial. Inc., Los Angeles. ca [$3,500] [Docket No. 3. Associated Credit Union oiTexas. League City, TX {54,500} [Docket No. 16-1?34- 9. Audubon Savings Bank. Audubon. [$3.500] [Docket No. I 5?1 10. Aurora Financial lGroup. Marlton. NJ ($4,500) {Docket 11. Bank TFists, Sartell, MN {$3.500} {Docket No. 12. Bay Bank. FEB, Timonium. MD ($4,500) {Docket No. if --I 13. BCB Community Bank, Bayonne, NJ [$16,000] {Docket No. 15-] 14. BondCorp Realty Services. Inc.. Newport Beach, CA [$4,250] {Docket No. 15- 15. Boulder Valley Credit Union, Boulder.- co reason] {Docket No. 15-1 ass?Mini '15. Bridgeview Mortgage Corporation. Franklin Square, NY [50.500] I?ocket No. 15?1 17. Cache Valley Bank. Logan. UT [$3.500] {Docket No. ?1 4-1 ass?MET} '13. Castle Mortgage Corporation. San Diego. CA [54,500] [Docket No. td-Ieeo?MHT} 10. CBC Federal Credit Union. Oxnard, CA [Docket No. is-isaa?MHTI 20. CenterBank, Milford, OH [53.50011'Dockct No. Central Bank, Tampa, FL [$3.500] [Docket No. 22. Central Bank and Trust, Lander. WY marker No. is?isso-MHTI 23. Chicago Financial Services, Inc., Chicago. IL [$3.500] {Docket No. 24. Citizens National Bank of Creator St. Louis, Maplewood, MC [$3.500] [Docket No. 25. Citizens Trust Bank. Atlanta. GA. [$3.500] [Docket No. 15-1 25. City Savings Bank Trust. Deridder, LA. $8.500] {Docket No. Clark County Credit Union, Las Vegas. NV {Docket No. is?razaMs'ri 20. Community First National Bank, Manhattan. KS [$3.500] {Docket No. 15- F. 29. Community Resource Credit Union, Baytown, TX {$4,500} (Docket No. 16? 30. Community State Bank, Saint Charles, Ml [$3.500] {Docket No. i 31. Congressional Bank. Bethesda, MD [$8,500] {Docket No. 32. Cooperative de Ahorro Credito La Puertorriquena, San luau, PR (53,500] [Docket No. 15?1 33. CoVantage Credit Union. Antigo, WI [scene] [Docket No. 1 s?issr?MHTI 34. Crescent Mortgage Company, Atlanta, CA (54. 500] [Docket No. 15-1 sea-nan 35. Cross River Bank, Teaneck. NJ [$3,500] [Docket No. 36. Directors Financial Group, Newport Beach, CA [$4.500] illustrative. Is- DSW Mortgage, lnc.. Boulder. CO [$4,500] {Docket No. 16?1 38. Eagle Mortgage 8: Funding Inc.. Memphis. TN [$3,500] [ID013ka No. 30. Express Solutions Mortgage Corporation. Cabo Rojo. PR [33.500] {Docket No. te- isi 40. Fifth Third Bank, Cincinnati. OH [$3.500] {Docket No. is?i ass?MRI? 41. First Bank of the Palm Beaches. West Palm Beach, FL [$3.500] [Docket No. 15? teas?MHTI 42. First Capital Bank of Kentucky, Louisville, KY [$3,500] [Docket No. Is- 43. FirstCity Bank of Commerce, Palm Beach Gardens, FL [$3,500] [Docket No. 15? 44. First Mariner Bank, Baltimore. MD {$3,500} iDoclcetNo. rs?raarr 45. First National Bank, Southlake, TX [$7,500] {Docket No. '45. First National Bank,Cortez.Cor1ez,C0 [$4,500] [Docket No. 47. First National Bank, USA. Boutte. LA {$3,500} {Docket No. 43. First NBC Bank, New Orleans, LA {sense} {Docket No. 49. First State Bank, Omaha. {Docket No. 15?1 ass-MET} 50. First Utah Bank, Sandy, UT [$0.500] [Docket No. 15?1 51. Forbix Financial, Flowood, MS [$3,500] {Docket No. 52. Freedom of Maryland Federal Credit Union. Bel Air, MD [$4,500] {Docket No. 16-1 53. Fremont Bank. Fremont, CA [$3,500] {Docket No. 15-1 ass?Mari 54. Global Bancorp dibia Now Rate Lending, lrvine, CA [$8.500] {Docket No. 15?1967? rear} 55. Green Bank, N.A., Houston. TX [$4.500] . [Docket No. 16?1 56. Guaranty Bank FSB, Milwaukee, WI [33.500] [Docket No. 57. Guardian Savings Bani: FSB, Cincinnati. UH [53.500] [Docket No. 50. Cult Atlantic Funding Group, inc., Davie. FL [$3.500] {Docket No. as. Federal Credit Union, Rapid City, SD [54.500] [Docket No. 16?1654? tit). Home Bank, N.A., Lafayette, LA {$0.500} {Docket No. 1? 6?1 51. Home Federal Bank, Shreveport. LA an Federal Register/Vol. 82. No. ESITuesday. April 4. EDITINotices 1 6413 52. E33. 54. BE. EB. 69. FT). TI. 72. Y3. T4. .75. 'i'ii. T7. F8. F9. 8t[53.500] {Docket No. Home Savings Bank. Madison. WI lesson] {Docket No. is?icss?Msr} HR Mortgage Corp. Caguas. PR [$3.500] {Docket No. 15?1925? chriaBank. Lafayette. LA [$3.500] {Docket No. 1 5?1 . Integrity Financial Services of Tampa Bay. lnc.. Largo. Fl. {$4,500} {Docket No. International Bank ofCommerce, Laredo. TX [53.5ti?] {Docket No. iServe Residential Lending LLC. San Diego. on {Docket No. 16?1313- Legends Bank. Clarksville. TN {Docket No. 15-1 Liberty Mortgage lCorporation. Birmingham. AL {Docket No. Magnolia Bank. Magnolia. KY {$3.500} {Docket No. 15?1 Marketplace Home Mortgage. LLC. Edina. MN [$35013] {Docket No. 16-1 Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company. Spring?eld, MA ($3.500) {Docket No. MCT Credit Union. Port Neches. TX [$3.5ooi {Docket No. MK Lending Corp. Los Angeles. Cti [$3.500] {Docket No. 1 6?1 Mortgage Trust. Inc.. Portland. OR [$3.500] {Docket No. Nationwide Mortgage Bankers, Inc.. Lebanon. [$3.500] {Docket No. It?? IQGZ-MHTI Northwest Bank of Rockford. Loves Park, IL [$3.500] {Docket No. PFL. inc.. San Antonio. TX [asses] {Docket No. looser-Mort Paci?c. Premier Bank, lWl?B. Cti. (53.500) {Docket No. 15?1 Zia-Mitt? Pacific Transportation Federal Credit Union. Carson. CA ($3.500) {DocketNo Parks Heritage Federal Credit Union. Glenn Falls. NY {Docket No. to- Phenix-Cirard Bank. Plienix City. AT. [$3.500] {Docket No. Platinum Bank. Lubbock. TX [$3.500] {Docket No. 35-1 PMAC Lending Services. Inc, Chino Hills. CA ($3.500) {Docket No. 15?1 .751? Ready Mortgage Lenders LLC. Miami. FL. lessee) {Docket No. 1.541849-MRTJ Ross Mortgage Company. Westborougb. MA [$3.500] {Docket No. Scient Federal Credit Union. Crotoo. CT .500] {Docket No.1 5-1 Seattle Metropolitan Credit Union, Seattle. WA [$3.500] {Dockiet No. 15? Socket Capital LLC. Newtown. PH. [53.500] {Docket Security-Plus Federal Credit Union. Baltimore. MD [at noon] {Docket No. 15- . Southeast Funding Alliance. int-s. Orlando, FL [53.5130] {Docket No. 15? ISBIL-MHTJ . Southern Crescent Mortgage and investment Corporation. Fayetteville. GA {Docket 93. SpiritBank. Tulsa. Ck {$3.500} {Docket No. 94. Standard Paci?c Mortgage Inc. Irvine. CA ($4.500) {Docket No. 95. Sterling United Federal Credit Union. Evansville. IN {Docket No. 15? 19544MRTJ 9o. Supreme Funding Corporation. Arcadia. CPL [$3.500] {Docket .No. 9T. Teloo Triad Community Credit Union. Sioux City. 1A {Docket No. 15? 93. Texas Tech Federal Credit Union. Lubbock. TX [sesoo] {Docket No. 1'5- 99. United Texas Bank. Dallas. TX {$3.500} {Docket No. 15?1 5 100. University First Federal Credit Union. Salt Lake City. UT {$3.5titi} {Docket No. I 101. US. Financial lIiiroup. loo. Lake Charles. LA [$3.500] {Docket No. '102. Wall Financial. Inc. Los Angeles. CA {Docket Nair?issH?MHTJ 103. West One Capital Group. inc. Newport Beach. CA [$3.500] {Docket No. NH. West Town Bank 3: Trust. Frederick. MD . [53.500] {Docket No. 105. Willamette Valley Bank. Salem. OR (54.500) {Docket No. 1 6?1 106. Winona National Bank. Winona. MN leases) {Docket No. Lenders That Failed To Meet Requirements for Annual Recerli?cation Approval Action: The Board voted to withdraw the FHA approval of each of the lenders listed below for a period of one year. Cease: The Board took this action based upon allegations that the lenders listed below were not in compliance with HUD's annual recerti?cation requirements. 1. ACNE Bank. PA {Docket No. 1 2. Adams Mortgage. LLC. Colorado Springs. CO {Docket No. .1 5? 3. Advance Mortgage Bankers. Bayamon. PR {Docket No. 4. Advantage Financial Mortgage Bankers. lnc.. Robbinsville. NI {Docket No. 15- 5. Agree Capital Corporation. Fresh Meadows. NY {Docket No. 1741809? MRTI . B. All} Federal Savings Bank.Wiln1ington. DE {Docket No. 12?1 Air Force Federal Credit Union. San Antonio. TX {Docket No. B. AllQuest Home Mortgage Corporation. Houston. TX {Docket No. tit. Amara Mortgage Corporation. Milford. Ml {Docket No. 10. American investors Bank Mortgage. Eden Prairie. MN {Docket No. 17-1810? Americas Mortgage LLC. Wheat Ridge. CO {Docket No. 1 T) ?i 2. Anchor Funding Corporation. Noreross. CA {Docket No. I 7-1 13. Bank of Commerce. Yukon. OK {Docket No. 14. Bank ofManhattan. NA. El Segundo. CA {Docket No. I 7?1 15. Bank of Union. El Reno. UK {Docket No. 15. Bank Tennessee. Connanmwn. TN {Docket No. Bankers Financial Group. Inc.. Bowie. MD {Docket No. I "lB. Bankers Mortgage and Investment. Group. Inc. Overland Park. KS {Docket No. 1'5? tees?mart ?19. Battery Park City.r Authority. New York. NY {Dooket No. 1 7?131 20. Beacon Federal. East Syracuse. NY {Docket No. 12?1! 21. Berkshire Bank. Wyomissing. PA {Docket No. 16-1 22. Biopharmaceutica Coop. Carolina. PR {Docket No. ts-t?st-Mt-tt?l' 23. Blanco National Bank. Spring Branch. TX {Docket No. 24. BondCorp Heler Services. inc, Newport Beach. CA {Docket No. 25. Boulevard Bank. Ncosho. MD {Docket No. it .7?1 Eli. Buffalo Trace Area Development District. Mayaville. KY {Docket No. Funding Corporation. Naperville. IL {Docket No. i res?MRT} 23. Carnegie Mortgage. LLC. lrvine. CA {Docket No. 1 7?1 29. Cavalier Mortgage Group, Inc. Raleigh. NC {Docket No. I s? I 30. Chicago Banoorp. Chicago. IL {Docket No. 31. Citizen Home Loans'of America. Dayton. OH {Docket No. 1 2+1 32. Citizens National Bank. N.A.. Bossier City. La {Docket No. 15?1 res?Mar] 33. ClearSpring Loan Services. inc, Dallas. TX {Docket No. 16-1653-MRTJ 34. CMS Bank. White Plains. NY {Docket No. i res-MET] 35. Cobalt Mortgage. Kirkland. WA {Docket No. 1' TI 36. Colonial American Bank. Shrewsburv. {Docket No. I 37. Community Bank?Wheatoo Glen Ellyn. Glen Ellyn. 1L {Docket No. 17?1814- 33. Corridor Mortgage Company. LLC. Bristol. Pa. {Docket No. w-reos-MHTI 39. Covenant Bank, Leeds. Al. {Docket No. I at]. Day Air Credit Union. Kettering. CH {Docket No. 1 5-1 s: 41. Dexter Credit Union. Central Falls. RI {Docket No. 42. Doral Bank, San Iuan. PR {Docket No. 43. Hotel Financial Corporation. San Juan. PR {Docket No. 74 44. Evergreen Credit Union. Portland. ME Docket No. 1' 2?1 mat?MR 45. Farmers Bank 3: Trust Company. AR {Docket No. 15?191?- Farmers Citizens Bank. Dublin. OH {Docket No. I 2?1 47. Financial Group LLC. Nashville. TN {Docket No. 1 2?1 255?? 4t}. FedTrust Mortgage LLC. Farmington Hills. MI {Docket No. 1 Fat FirstBank. StrasbLu-g, VA {Docket No. JSIS-JWHW 4F. 16414 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 53. 59. til. 62. till. 54. SS. 55. 57. GS. 59. 1'0. Tl. 7'2. F3. 7?5. 75. SW. 73. F9. 80. Ill. 3 83. 84. First Capital Mortgage Group. lnc.. Pittsburgh. PA {Docket No. 1174 1?63- First Century Bank. N.A.. Cainesville. CA {Docket 1V0. First Choice Bank. Cerrilos. CA {Docket No. 15?1 First Commercial Bank. Oklahoma City. OK {Docket No. First Financial Services. Charlotte. NC {Docket No. First Florida Credit Union. {acksonville. FL {Docket No. 1??1 First National Bank. Camdenton. MCI {Docket No. First Savings Bank of Perkasie. Perkasie, FA {Docket No. I First Southern Capital Development Corporation. Honcho Palos CA {Docket No. 1 75 First State Bank Mortgage Company. LLC. Clinton Township. MI {Docket No. Federal Savings, Brooklyn. NY {Docket No. 1 Florida Bank ofConirnerce. Orlando. FL {Docket No. Foundation First Bank. Omaha. NE {Docket No. 1 5?1 7?4 1? Frontier State Bank. Oklahoma City. OK {Docket No. Cateway Bank, F.S.B., Oakland. CA {Docket No. Cencor Mortgage. lnc.. Scottsdale. AZ {Docket No. 1 Global Advisory Group. lnc.. Everett. WA {Docket No. 17?1 rescuer} Grand Bank. Hamilton. {Docket No. 15-1 Guaranteed Home Mortgage Company, lnc.. White Plains, NY {Docket No. Hana Financial. lnc.. Los Angeles. CA {Decket No. 1 .7?1 31 Harbor National Bank. Mt. Pleasant, SC {Docket No. I tee?Mn Harvard Home Mortgage. lnc.. Annapolis. MD {Docket No. 1 Heritage Bank, Joneshoro. AR {Docket No. 1 :r?r yrs-MR1"; Hickory Point Bank and Trust. F.S.B.. Decatur. lL {Docket No. Home Federal Bank. Nampa, ID {Docket No. 15?1 arm?.1431? Home Loan Center. lnc.. lrvine. CA {Docket No. 1 rag?MR1] Homeowners Mortgage of America. lnc.. ]acksonville. FL {Docket No. 1 Housing Authority of the Usage Tribe. Hominy. 0K {Docket No. Hudson City Savings Bank. Paramus, NJ {Docket No. in?nity Federal Credit Union. Westbrook, ME {Docket No. 1 7-1 74 7-3431? Integrated Financial Group. lnc.. Newtown PA {Docket No. I Kenilworth Financial. Oakbrool-z. Terrace. IL {Docket No. 12?1 . Lafayette Federal Credit Union. Kensington. MD {Docket No. 16?1553- Lake Federal Bank, FSE. Hammond, IN {Docket No. Landmark Credit Union. New Berlin, WI {Docket No. 1' ,7?1 FED-MR 55. Lending Solutions. lnc.. Duluth. CA {Docket No. 1 6?1 55. LCE Community Credit Union. Marietta, GA {Docket No. Liberty Bank of Arkansas. loneshoro. AR {Docket No. 1 7?1 Fiat?MR HE. Loan One Mortgage Co. lnc.. Westerville. OH {Docket No. 59. Main Street Financial. lnc.. Indianapolis. IN {DocketNo 90. Medallion Mortgage Company LLC. Agoura Hills. CA {Docket No. 17?177? MEN 91. Menna Company. Marietta. GA {Docket No. 15?1 32. Meridian Lending Corporation. Lone Tree. CO {Docket No. 1 7?1 rein-MM? 913. Metropolitan National Bank. Springfield. MO {Docket No. 94. Midwest Mortgage Capital. LLC, Saint Louis. MO {Docket No. 15?1 95. Minneapolis Community Development Agency. Minneapolis, MN {Docket No. QB. Monument Bank. Rockville. MD {Docket No. Mortgage Factory. lnc.. Houston. TX {Docket No. 93. Mortgage House, San juan. {Docket No. 99. Mortgage Investors Corporation, Saint Petersh urg. {Docket No. 16-1 .74 Mortgage Resources, lnc.. Chester?eld, MO {Docket No. 101. MVB Bank. lnc.. Bridgeport. WV {Docket No. 1??1 102. Naugatuck Valley Savings and Loan. Naugatuck. CT {Docket No. 16-1755? 103. NE Moves Mortgage. LLC. Waltham, MA {Docket No. 1 1114. Nebraska Investment Finance Authority, Lincoln. NE {Docket No. North Jersey Federal Credit Union. Totowa. Ni {Docket No. 106. Northwest Georgia Bank. Ringgold. CA {Docket No. ts-rsra?MHTJ HF. NYMEU Federal Credit Union. Frederick. MD {Docket Na. 15?1 795- H13. Oasis Bank. SSE. Houston. TX {Docket No. too. One Mortgage. lnc.. Irving. TX {Docket No. t7?1?t16-MH 11 1 1t]. Palmetto South Mortgage Corpomtion. Columbia. SC {Docket No. 9'37? 111. Patriot Bank Mortgage. lnc.. Houston. TX {Docket No i 112. Heaven Capital. lnc.. Olympia. WA {Docket No. 1 FL I so 113. R35 Mortgage Corporation. San loan, PR {Docket No. 114. Red Stone Agency Lending. LIE. New York. NY {Docket No. 12?1 115. Reliant Mortgage Company. LLC. Beverly MA {Docket No. 116. Renew Financial Corporation ll. Allentown. PA {Docket No. 1??1824? a 11?. Resource Mortgage Flanking LTD. Tarrytown. NY {Docket No. 17-11188- 11a. Resurgent Capital Services. LP. Creenville. SC {Docket No. 12?12953? Federal RegistertVol. 82. No. B3tTuesday. April 4. 201?{Notices 119. Reverse Mortgage USA, Dallas TX {Docket No. 17-1 120. Houndpoint Mortgage Company. Charlotte. NC {Docket No. 1.7?1 745- Mar} 121. Bank. Clennville. GA {Docket No. 15? 122. Sanford Institution for Savings. Sanford. ME {Docket No. 1.2?1 1 23. Sehaefter Mortgage Corporation, Londondorry. NH {Docket No. 1 7?1 325? 124. Seasons Federal Credit Union. Middletown. CT {Docket No. 15-1333- 125. Sherburne State Bank. Saint Cloud. MN {Docket No. 12E. Sides Financial, LLC. Greensboro. NC {Docket No. 15?131 i?Mtt?r'j 127. Solera National Bank. Colorado Springs. CO {Docket No. 1 126. Southern Bank. Poplar Bluff. MCI {Docket No. 1 .7?1 HES-M1111 129. Southern Puget Sound inter Tribal Housing Authority, Shelton. WA {Docket No. i 131}. Summit Bank. Little Rock. AR {Docket No. 1 31. Texas Bay Area Credit Union. Houston. Tx {Docket No. 17?1 rte?MRI! 133. The First National Bank Layton. Layton. UT {Docket No. 1 .7?1 rse-Mtti'? 133. The Harbor Bank of Maryland. Baltimore, MD {Docket No. 15?1714? 13-1. 'i?rust One Mortgage Corporation. twine. CA {Docket No. 135. TXL Mortgage Corporation. Houston. TX {Docket No. 1 2?1 res?M11111 136. United Bank. West Springfield, MA, {Docket No. 15-1 13?. Union Federal Savings Bank. North Providence, RI {Docket No. 17?1503- MRTI 135. Valley Bank. Davenport. lA {Docket No. 139. Valley National Bank. Tulsa. OK. {Decks-t No. 1411. Virginia Heritage Bank. 1|v?ienna. VA {Docket No. 1-11. Vist Bank. Reading. PA {Docket No. 1 7? 1-12. Visterra Credit Union. Moreno Valley. on {Docket No. rs?r 143. Washington First Bank. Reston. VA {Docket No. 16?1 5'9 144. WCS Funding Croup.1nc.. Baltimore. MD {Docket No. 15?1 9 S-MHTI 145. Western Heritage Bank. N.A.. Las Cruces. NM {Docket No. tr?tsoi?MRTJ 143. Wingspan Portfolio Advisers. LLC. Dallas. TX {Docket No. 147. Your Community Bank. New Albany. {Docket No. Dated: March 30. 201?. Genger Charles. General Deputy Assisto nt Secretary. for Commissioner. Chairmen. Mortgages Review Board. nee. ants?oases Filed 3145 am] BI CODE 4210-61?51 . in. em ,4 1702s Federal RegisteriVol. 32, No. B?lFriday, April 201? iNotices application form. However, applications must include the following information: - The applicant's full name, I home and business phone numbers. I preferred email address, I home and business mailing addresses, 0 current position title and organization. a rasume or Curriculum vitae, I and the membership category of interest member of a recognized professional association or organization representing ?ood hazard determination firms). - The TMAC shall meet as often as needed to fulfill its mission, but not less than twice a year. Members may be reimbursed for travel and per diem incurred in the performance of their duties as members ofthe TMAC. All travel for WAC business must be approved in advance by the Designated Federal Officer. The Department of Homeland Security does not discriminate in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, political af?liation, sexual orientation. gender identity. marital status, disability and genetic information, age, membership in an employee organization, or other non- merit factor. DHS strives to achieve a widely diverse candidate pool for all its recruitment actions. Current DHS and FEMA employees will not be considered for membership. Federally registered lobbyists will not be considered for SGE appointments. Dated: March 31, 201?. Roy Wright, Associate Administrator. Federal insurance and Mitigation Administration. Doc. 201?-0?03l3 Filed am] BILLING coo: sue?124: DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Doc Re! No. Fi??599540411] Eli-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Appalachia Economic Development Initiative AGENCY: Office of Community Planning and Development HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act, HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notiCe is to allow for El] days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: lune B, 201?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andior OMB Control Number and should be sent. to: Colette Pollard, Reports Management Officer, QDAM, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Street SW., Room at 7'6, Washington. DC 20410?5000; telephone [202] 402?3400 [this is not a toll?free number] or email at for a copy of the proposed forms or other available information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may accoss this number through TTY by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at [300} 5339. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Iackie L. Williams, Office of Rural Housing and Economic Development. 451 Street SW., Washington. DC 20410; email Jackie.Williamsielfiudgov telephone [202] This is not a toll?free number. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at [500] 0339. Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Pollard. INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the infomation collection described in Section A. A. Overview oflnformation Collection Title of information Collection: Appalachia Economic Development Initiative. 0MB Approval Number: 2506?0201. Type ofHeouest: Revision of currently approved collection. Form Number: SF 424; HUD HUD HUD 2881]; HUD 2990: HUD 2991; HUD 2903; HUD HUD ZFDBI: and HUD 221'300. Description of the need for the information and proposed use: The purpose of this submission is for the application for the Appalachia Economic Development initiative grant process. Information is required to rate and rank competitive applications and to ensure eligibility of applicants for funding. Semi-annual reporting is required to monitor grant management. Respondents: 50. Estimated Number ofRespondents: 50. Estimated Number of Responses: 50. Frequency of Response: 1. Average Hours per Response: 12.55. Total Estimated Burdens: 627.5. Estimated Burden: Total annual .. Burden cost matrumenls Respondems res-bill'lies Brigpaongg hours Hourly rate per instrument 50 1 50 2.60 130.00 25.00 $3,250.00 50 1 50 3-20 150.00 25.00 4,000.00 50 1 50 2.00 100.00 25.00 2,500.00 50 1 50 0.00 0.00 00.00 00.00 50 1 50 0.00 0-00 00.00 00.00 HUD-2393 50 1 50 0-00 0.00 00.00 00.00 50 1 50 0.50 25.00 25.00 625.00 50 1 50 1.25 52.50 25.00 1,502.50' HUD-27300 50 1 50 3.00 150.00 25.00 3,750.00 Total 50 1 50 12.55 02?.50 25.00 15,507.50 B. Solicitation of Public Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: [it] Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility; The accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection ofinformation; D-17-0201-A-000031 Federal Registerit?ol. 02, No. B?lFriday. April 7. 201 '7 Notices 1702?? Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity of the information to be collected: and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond; including through the use ofappropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. C. Authority Section 350? ofthe Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: March 24. 201?. Clifford Ta?'et1 Gen eral Deputy Assis tan Secreta ryfor Community Planning and Development. Doc. eon?omen Filed 3:45 am] BILLING 4210-6?: DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. tie-Day Notice of Proposed lntormation Collection: Delta Community Capital Initiative Office ofCommunity Planning and Development (CPDJ. HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is sacking approval from the Office of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 60 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: June 6. 201?. ADDRESSES: interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andlor OMB Control Number and should be sent to: Colette Pollard, Reports Management Officer. QIJAM, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 F?th Street SW.. Room 4175. Washington. DC 20410?5000: telephone 202?402?3400 [this is not a toll-free number] or email at for a copy of the proposed forms or other available information. Persons with hearing or Speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll? free Federal Relay Service at [800] 8339. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Iackie L. Williams. Of?ce of Rural Housing and Economic Development. 451 ?th Street SW.. Washington. DC 20410; email jockie.Williams@liud.gov telephone 202??03?2200. This is not a toll-free number. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this ESTIMATED BURDEN number through by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at [300] 8339. Copies of available documents submitted to 0MB may be obtained from Ms. Pollard. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: ThiS notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. A. Overview of' Information Collection Title oflnforinotion Collection: Delta Community Capital Initiative. OMB Approval Number: 2500?0200. Type of Request: Revision of currently approved collection. Form Number: SF 424: HUD 424GB: HUD ase?CBW; IIUD 2380; HUD 2900'. HUD 2991: HUD 2903; HUD HUD 2705i; and HUD 2T300. Description of the Need for the Information and Proposed Use: The purpose of this submission is for the application for the Delta Community Capital Initiative grant process. Information is required to rate and rank competitive applications and to ensure eligibility ofapplicants for funding. Semi-annual reporting is required to monitor grant management. Respondents: 50. Estimated Number of Respondents: 50. Estimated Nuriiber of Responses: 50. Frequency ofHesponse: 1 . Average Hours per Response: 12.55. Total Estimated Burdens: 62.7.5. I Annual Total Burden per Total annual Hourly rate" Instruments ens responses responses response hours instrument 50 1 50 2.00 130.00 25.00 $3,250.00 50 1 50 3.20 150-00 25.00 4,000.00 50 1 50 2.00 100-00 25.00 2.50000 50 1 50 0.00 0.00 00.00 00.00 50 1 50 0.00 0.00 00.00 I 00.00 HUD-2903 50 1 50 0.00 0.00 00.00 00.00 HUD-2904A 50 1 50 0.50 25.00 25.00 525.00 50 1 50 1.25 52.50 25.00 1552.50 50 1 50 3.00 150.00 25.00 3350.00 Total 50 .. 50 12.55 52150 25.00 15.68150 B. Solicitation ofPublic Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will have ractical utility; The accuracy oft agency's estimate oftbe burden of the proposed collection ofinforrnalion: Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity of the information to be collected: and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those uan on: in illi't'ltlEl'l the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission ofresponses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these queslit?t?iti . JuaTth'l'Hl'l'B In. Won-ml!" luau-rm Federal Registeri'v'ol. 82. No. April ZUIFINotices 1?02'? Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity of the information to he collected: and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond; including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. C. Authority Section 350? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: March 24. 201?. Cli?ord Ta?et. General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Comm nity Plan :1ng an 0' Developer en t. IFR Doc.201??07000 riled she?4 It; 3:45 am] cone atria-she DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND UFIBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. Bil-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Delta Community Capital Initiative AGENCY: Office of Community Planning and Development HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Of?ce of Management and Budget (OMB) for the information collection described beloiw. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 00 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: lune ii. 201?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andfor 0MB Control Number and should be sent to: Colette Pollard, Reports Management Officer. QDAM. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 ?tl1 Street SW.. Room 41 5?5. Washington, DC 20410?5000; telephone 202?402?3400 [this is not a toll-free number] or email at Colette.PoHord@hud.g0v for a cepy of the proposed forms or other available information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at {800] 877? 8330. Fan EH INFORMATION coarser: Jackie L. Williams. Phil. Office of Rural Housing and Economic Development. 451 Street SW.. Washington. DC 20410; email telephone 202??00-2200. This is not a toll-free number. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this ESTIMATED BURDEN number through TTY by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at [800] 8330. Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Pollard. msonnsnon: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. A. Overview of Information Collection Title of Information Collection: Delta Community Capital Initiative. OMB Approval Number: 2505?0200. Type of Request." Revision of currently approved collection. Form Number: SF 424: HUD HUD HUD 2580; HUD 2000: HUD 2901'. HUD 2993: HUD HUD 217061: and HUD 2?300. Desoription of the Need for the Information and Proposed Use: The purpose of this submission is for the application for the Delta Community Capital Initiative grant process. information is required to rate and rank competitive applications and to ensure eligibility of applicants for funding. Semi-annual reporting is required to monitor grant management. Respondents: 50. Estimated Number of?espondents: 50. Estimated Number of Responses: 50. Frequency of Response: Average Hours per Response: 12.55. Total Estimated Burdens: 527.5. Annual Total Burden per Total annual Burden c1351 instruments Hes ancients Hood rate or responses responses response hours if ingt?lment 50 1 50 2.50 130.00 25.00 $3250.00 50 1 50' 3.20 .I 150.00 25.00 4,000.00 50 1 50 100.00 25.00 2,500.00 HUD-2990 50 1 50 0.00 - 0.00 00.00 00.00 HUD-2991 50 1 50 0.00! 0.00 00.00 00.00 50 1 50 0.00 0.00 00.00 00.00 50 1 5 50 0.50 25.00 25.00 525.00 50 1 50 1.25 52-50 25.00 1.562.50 50 1 50 3.00 150.00 25.00 Total 5t} .. 50 12.55 52150 25.00 15.58150 B. Solicitation of Public Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information Will have ractical utility: The accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information: (3) Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity ofthe information to be collected: and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond: including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. cg. permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. 17028 Federal Registeri?lr'ol. 32, No. SEE/Friday. April C. Authority wenvxegoiationsgov. or by address listed under ADDRESSES. The Section 3507 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: March 24, 2017. Clifford TalIet. General Deputy Assistant Secretary. Doc. Filed ass?1?: 3:45 aml BILLING aria?EH: DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Fish and Wildlife Service [Docket No. 7?001 6: EH Endangered Species; Receipt of Applications for Permit AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior. ACTION: Notice of receipt ofapplications for permit. SUMMARY: We, the US. Fish and Wildlife Service. invite the public to comment on applications to conduct certain activities with endangered species. With some exceptions. the Endangered Species Act prohibits activities with listed species unless Federal authorization is acquired that allows such activities. We also invite the public to comment applications for approval to conduct certain activities with bird species covered under the Wild Bird Conservation Act. DATES: We must receive comments or requests for documents on or before May 8, 2317. ADDRESSES: Submitting Comments: You may submit comments by one of the following methods: I Federal eRulemaking Portal: httpo?f Follow the instructions for submitting comments on Docket No. 0 US. mail or hand-delivem: Public Comments Processing. Attn: Docket No. L15. Fish and Wildlife Service Headquarters. MS: 5275 Leesburg Pike. Falls Church. VA 22041-3803. When submitting comments, please indicate the name of the applicant and the you are commenting on. We will post all comments on wavmeguiotionsgov. This generally means thatwe will post any personal information you provide us [see the Public Comments section below for more information}. 1fiewing Comments: Comments and materials we receive will be available for public inspection on http:/f appointment. between 8 am. and 4 Monday through Friday. except Federal holidays. at the US. Fish and Wildlife Service. Division of Management Authority, 5275 Leesburg Pike. Falls Church, VA 22041?3803: telephone FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Endangered Species Applications: joyce Russell. Government Information Specialist. Division of Management Authority. US). Fish and Wildlife Service Headquarters, MS: IA: 52?5 Lcesburg Pike. Falls Church, Vie 22041? 3803: telephone 703?35??2023: facsimile ?03-358-2280. if you use a telecommunications device for the deaf call the Federal Relay Service at SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: I.r Public Comment Procedures A. How do i request copies of applications or comment on submitted applications? Send your request for copies of applications or comments and materials concerning any of the applications to the contact listed under ADDRESSES. Please include the Federal Register notice publication date, the number. and the name of the applicant in your request or submission. We will not consider requests or comments sent to an email or address not listed under ADDRESSES. If you provide an email address in your request for copies of applications. we will attempt to respond to your request electronically. Please make your requests or comments as speci?c as possible. Please confine your comments to issues for which we seek comments in this notice, and explain the basis for your comments. Include Suf?cient information with your comments to allow us to authenticate any scientific or commercial data you include. The comments and recommendations that will be most useful and likely to influence agency decisions are: Those supported by quantitative information or studies; and Those that include citations to. and analyses of, the applicable laws and regulations. We will not consider or include in our administrative record comments we receive after the close ofthe comment period [see or comments delivered to an address other than those listed above [see B. May review comments submitted by others? Comments, including names and street addresses of respondents. will be available for public review at the street public may review documents and other information applicants have sent in support of the application unless our allowing viewing would violate the Privacy Act or Freedom of Information Act. Before including your address. phone number. email address. or other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be aware that your entire comment?inclu ding your personal identifying information?*may be made publicly available at any time. While you can ask us in your comment to withhold your personal identifying information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so. Background To help us carry out our conservation responsibilities for affected species. and in consideration of section lo[a1[t][a] of the Endangered Species Act of 19?3. as amended [16 [1.513. 1531 at seq]. along with Executive Order 1353?5. "Delivering an Efficient. Effective, and Accountable Government." and the President's Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies of lanuary 21. EDDIE?Transparency and Open Government FR 4585; Jan. 26. 2009}, which call on all Federal agencies to promote openness and transparency in Government by disclosin information to the public. we invite pu lic comment on these permit applications before final action is taken. Permit Applications Endangered Species We invite the public to comment on applications to conduct certain activities with endangered species. With some exceptions, the Endangered Species Act [16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq; prohibits activities with listed species unless Federal authorization is acquired that allows such activities. Applicant: Denver Zoological Foundation. Denver. CO: The applicant requests a permit to export one male captive-bred red- cheeked gibbon {Nomoscus gobrieila e] for the purpose of enhancement of the survival of the species. This noti?cation covers activities to be conducted by the applicant over a ivyear period. Applicant: Stanford University. Stanford. CA: The applicant requests an amendment their permit. to include import of biological samples of mouse lemurs [Microcebus coquereii] and Coqucrel's mouse lemur [Miran coqucrelil from Switzerland. for the purpose of enhancement of the species through ?mini?! Ml mull-Ill GHQ Federal Registeri?tiol. 32, No. EQKWednesday. April 12, 201 .7 i Notices 17'673 Affected Public: Individuals and Households. Estimated Number of Respondents: 24,096. Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 8.095. Estimated Cost: The estimated annual non-labor cost to respondents far expenditures on training. travel, and other resources is $31,104.00. There are no annual start-up or capital costs. The cost to the Federal Government is Dated1ApriI5,201?. Tammi Hines. Acting Records Management Branch Chief, Mission Support. Federal Emergency Management Agency. Department of Homeland Security. IFR Doc. Filed 0:45 am] BILLING cone am-aa?P DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. Announcement of Funding Awards for the Self-Help Homeownership Opportunity Program Fiscal Year 2016 AGENCY: Of?ce of the Assistant Secretary fer Community Planning and Development, HUD. Notice of funding awards. SUMMARY: In accordance with section of the Department of Housing and Urban Development notifies the public of funding decisions made by the Department in a competition for funding under the Notice of Funding Availability (NOFAI for the Self-Help Homeownership Opportunity Program This announcement contains the names of the awardees and the amounts of the awards made available by HUD. FOFI FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: lackie L. Williams, Director. Office ofRural Housing and Economic Development, Office of Community Planning and Development, 451 Seventh Street SW., Room 7?240. Washington, DC 20410?3?000: telephone (this is not a toll free number]. Hearings and speech-impaired persons may access this number via TTY by calling the Federal Relay Service toll-free at SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: SHOP is authorized by Section 11 of the Housing Opportunity Program Extension Act of 1090 [Public Law 104?120. as amended, 42 U.S.C. 12805 note]. Funding for this NOFA is provided by the ?Transportation, Heusing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act. 2015" (Public Law 113?236. Division K, approved December 16, 2014]. The competition was posted to grantsgov 19] on Thursday. August 10, 2016. Applications were rated and selected for funding on the basis of selection criteria contained in that notice. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance number for this Self-Help Appalachia Economic Development Initiative program is 14.247. The Self- Help Horueownership Opportunity Program SHOP funding is intended to facilitate and encourage innovative homeownership opportunities on a national and geographically-diverse basis. The program supports self-help housing programs that recluire a signi?cant amount of sweat equity by the homebuyer toward the construction or rehabilitation of his or her home. Volunteer labor is also required. Eligible applicants for SIIUP funding include national and regional non-profit organizations and consortia with experience facilitating homeownership opportunities on a national, geographically-diverse basis through the provision of self-help homeownership housing programs. The funds made available under this program were awarded competitively through a selection process conducted by HUD. In accordance with section 102Ia] HI of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Reform Act of 1909 (103 Stat. 106?. 42 use. 3545}. the Department is publishing the grantees and amounts of the awards in Appendix A to this document. Dated: March 2017. Clifford Ta?et. Gen eroi Deputy Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development. I Appendix A FY 2016 Self-Help Homeownership Opportunity Program Grantees Reform Act of 1939. this announcement Homeownership Opportunity Program emspg' Grantee State Amount awarded Housing Assistance Council DC 51.145.625.00 Tierra Del Sol Housing Corporation {Consortium} NM 1,219,200.00 Community Frameworks WA 1,6?628000 Habitat for Humanity Intemationat. Inc. . GA 5,696,895.00 Doc. 2m r?arsaz Filed aml BILLING cone 4210-0745 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. Announcement of Tenant Protection Voucher Funding Awards for Fiscal Year 2016 for the Housing Choice Voucher Program - AGENCY: Office ofthe Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. HUD. ACTION: Announcement of Fiscal Year 2016 awards. In accordance with the Department of Housing and Urban Development Reform Act of 1069, this document notifies the public of Tenant Protection Voucher funding awards for Fiscal Year 2016 to public housing agencies [PI-hits} under the Section 8 Housing Choice 1|Joucher Program The purpose of this notice is to publish the names and ddresses of awardees, and the amounts oftbeir non-competitive funding awards for assisting households affected by housing conversion actions, public housing relocations and replacements. moderate rehabilitation replacements, and HOPE relocations. FDR FURTH EH INFORMATION CONTACT: Milan Usdinec?Deputy Assistant Secretary. Office ofPublic Housing and Voucher Programs, Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Seventh Street SW.. Room 4204, Washington, DC 20410?5000, telephone [202] 402?1330. Hearing- or speech-impaired individuals may call TT?rr number at [600] 027?7539. [Only the ?600? telephone number is toll-free] SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The regulations governing the HCUP are published at 24 CFR 932.. The purpose of this rental assistance program is to assist eligible families to pay their rent for decent, safe. and sanitary housing in the private rental market. The regulations for allocating housing assistance budget authority under mm? In minimum pain I I Federal RegisteriVol. 82. No. BQiWednesday, April 12. 2017'iNotices 17673 Affected Public: Individuals and Households. Estimated Number of Hespon dents: 24,095. Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 3.095. Estimated Cost: The estimated annual non?labor cost to respondents for expenditures on training. travel. and other resources is $31,104.00. There are no annual start-up or capital costs. The cost to the Federal Government is Dated: April 5. 2017. Tammi Hines. Acting Records Management Branch Chief. Mission Support. ederai Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security. Doc. Filed 4?11 8:45 am] BILLING CODE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. Announcement of Funding Awards for the Self-Help Opportunity Program Fiscal Year 2013 AGENCY: Office ofthe Assistant Secretary for Communit}F Planning and Development. HUD. ACTION: Notice of funding awards. SUMMARY: In accordance with section 102[a][4l[C] of the Department of Housing and Urban Development notifies the public of funding decisions made by the Department in a competition for funding under the Notice of Funding Availability for the Self-Help Homeownership Opportunity Program This announcement contains the names of the awardees and the amounts of the awards made available by HUD. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jackie 1.. Williams+ Director, Office of Rural Housing and Economic Development, Office of Community Planning and Development, 451 Seventh Street SW.. Room i240, Washington, DC 204104000; telephone [202] Wit?2290 [this is not a toll free number]. Hearing? and speech-impaired persons may access this number via TTY by calling the Federal Relay Service toll-free at SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: SHOP is authorized by Section 1] of the Housing Opportunity Program Extension Act of 1996 [Public Law 104?120, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 12805 note}. Funding for this NDFA is provided by the ?Transportation, Housing and Urban Development. and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2015" [Public Law 113?235, Division K. approved December 10, 201-1). The competition was posted to grants. gov 19] on Thursday, August 10, 2015.- Applications were rated and selected for funding on the basis of selection criteria contained in that notice. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance number for this Self-Help Appalachia Economic Development Initiative program is 14.24? The Self- Help Homeownership Opportunity Program SHOP funding is intended to facilitate and encourage innovative home-ownership opportunities on a national and geographically?diverse basis. The program supports self-help housing programs that require a significant amount of sweat equity by the homebuyer toward the construction or rehabilitation of his or her home. Volunteer labor is also required. Eligible applicants for SHOP funding include national and-regional non-profit organizations and consortia with experience facilitating homeownership opportunities on a national, geographically-diverse basis through the provision of self?help bomeownership housing programs. The funds made available under this program were awarded competitively through a selection process conducted by HUD. In accordance with section 102Ea] of the Department of I teasing and Urban Development Reform Act of 1080 (103 Stat. 1987. 42 U.S.C. 3545]. the Department is publishing the grantees and amounts of the awards in Appendix A to this document. Dated: March 201?. Clifford Tat-Tet. Depu ty Assiston Secretary for Community Planning and Development. Appendix A FY 2010 Self-Help Homeownersbip Opportunity Program Grantees Reform Act of 1939. this announcement Homeownership Opportunity Program emsp; Grantee - State I Amount awarded Housing Assistance Council .. or; $1 Assessor: Tierra Del Sol Housing Corporation (Consortium) NM 1,279,200.00 Community Frameworks .. we Habitat tor Humanity International, Inc. GA I 5,393,395.00 Doc. 2tl?l?-D?392 Filed 4-11?17: 82-15 am] BILLING CODE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Doc ket No. Announcement of Tenant Protection Voucher Funding Awards tor Fiscal Year 2015 for the Housing Choice Voucher Program AGENCY: Of?ce of the Assistant Secretary for Public and indian Housing, HUD. ACTION: Announcement of Fiscal Year 2015 awards. SUMMARY: in accordance with the Department of Housing and Urban Development Reform Act of 1939. this document notifies the public of'l?enant Protection Voucher funding awards for Fiscal Year 2010 to public housing agencies under the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program The purpose of this notice is to publish the names and addresses of awardees, and the amounts of their non-competitive funding awards for assisting households affected by housing conversion actions, public housing relocations and replacements, moderate rehabilitation replacements, and HOPE VI relocations. FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Milan Dzdinec. Deputy Assistant Secretary. Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Seventh Street SW.. Room 4204, Washington, DC. 20410?5300, telephone [202] 402?1380. liearing- or speech?impaired individuals may call HUD's number at [800) (Duly the ?300" telephone number is toll-free] so PPLEMENTAHY iNFoaMimou: The regulations governing the HCVP are published at 24 CFR 932. The purpose oftbis rental assistance program is to assist eligible families to pay their rent for decent, safe, and sanitary housing in the private rental market. The regulations for allocating housing assistance budget authority under 1 15674 Federal Registeri'Vol. 82. No. EQIWednesday. April 12. Section 2130.1] ofthe Housing and Community Davelopment Act of 1 9374 are published at 24 CFR part ?01. suhpart D. The FY 2015 awardees announced in this notice were provided HCVP tenant protection voucher funds on an as-needed. non-competitive basis. not consistent with the provisions ofa Notice of Funding Availability TPV awards made to PHAs for program actions that displace families living in public housing were made on a ?rst- come. basis in accordance with PIH Notice 2002-10. ?Voucher Funding in Connection with the Demolition or Disposition of Occupied Public Housing Units.? and PIH Notice 2015?04. "Implementation of the Federal Fiscal Year 2015 Funding Provisions for the Housing Choice 1Voucher Program.? Awards for the Rental Assistance Demonstration were provided for Rental Supplement and Rental Assistance Payment Projects [RAD?Second Component] consistent with PIH Notice 2012?32 ?Rental Assistance Demonstration? Final Implementation. Revision Announcements of awards provided under the NDFA process for Mainstream, Designated Housing. Family Uni?cation and Veterans Assistance Supportive Housing programs will be published in a separate Federal Register notice. Awards published under this notice were provided: to assist families living in HUD-owned properties that are being sold: to assist families affected by the expiration or termination of their Project?based Section 0 and Moderate Rehabilitation contracts; to assist families in properties where the owner has prepaid the HUD mortgage: to assist families in projects where the Rental Supplement and Rental Assistance Payments contracts are expiring [RAD?Second Component]: to provide relocation housing assistance in connection with the demolition of public housing; to provide replacement housing assistance for single room occupancy units that fail housing quality standards to assist families in public housing developments that are scheduled for demolition in connection with a HUD-approved HOPE VI revitalization or demolition grant; and to assist families consistent with PIH Notice 2015?12. ?Funding Availability for Tenant-Protection Vouchers for Certain Art-Risk Households in Low- Vacancy Areas?Fiscal Year 2015? and PIH Notice 2015?02. ?Funding Availability for Tenant?Protection Vouchers for Certain Art-Rile Households in Low-Vacancy Areas? Fiscal Year 201 A special administrative fee of $200 per occupied unit was provided to PHAs to compensate for any extraordinary HCYP administrative costs associated with Multifamily Housing conversion actions. The Department award ed total new budget authority of sseeronsr to recipients under all of the above mentioned categories for 9.505 housing choice vouchers. This budget authority includes $1,405,023 of unobligated commitments made in FY 2015. These funds were reserved by September ?30. 2015. but not contracted until FY 2015. and thus have been included with obligated commitments for FY 2015. In accordance with Section of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Reform Act [103 Stat. 103?. 42 USE. 3545], the Department is publishing the names and addresses of awardees. and their award amounts in Appendix A. The awardees are listed alphabetically by State for each type of award. Dated: April 201?. lamina A. Bryon. General Dep uty Assistant Seemth for Public on 0' Indian Housing . Appendix A SECTION RENTAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS ANNOUNCEMENT OF AWARDS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015 Housing agency I Address Units Award Special Fees Special Fees?At?Risk Households CA: COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES HOUSING AUTH .. I C.D.C. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES. T00 W. MAIN i .. $11,200 STREET. ALHAMBRA. CA 91501. NY: TOWN OF SROOKHAVEN DEPT OF HSG COMM FARMINGYILLE. NY 11?33 22.200 Total tor Special Fees?A1~Risk Households i .. 33.400 Spaniel CA: COUNTY OF CONTRA COSTA HSG AUTH 3133 ESTUDILLO ST.. PO. BOX 2T59. MARTINEZ. 2.200 CA 94553. CD: OF ENGLEWOOD HOUSING AUTHORITY 5 3450 SOUTH SHERMAN ST. #101. ENGLEWOOD. .. 5.500 CO 00110. CT: HARTFORD HOUSING AUTHORITY 150 OVERLOOK TERRACE, HARTFORD. CT 05105 . .. 2.400 CT: HSG AUTH OF CITY OF NEW HAVEN 350 ORANGE STREET. NEW HAVEN. CT 05511 .. 53.200 FL: CITY OF MIAMI. DEPT. OF COMM DEYEL 444 SW. 2ND AVENUE. 2ND FLOOR. MIAMI. FL .. 5.500 33130. IA: CHARLES CITY HOUSING AND REDEVEL 501 CEDAR TERRCE SOUTH. CHARLES CITY. IA 2.000 - 50515. IA: SPIRIT LAKE LOW RENT HSG AGENCY .. . 710 LAKE ST., SPIRIT LAKE. IA 51350 .. 2.200 IA: DUSUOUE DEPT OF HUMAN RIGHTS .. 350 W. 5TH 312. DUBUOUE. IA .. 1.500 52001. IL: CHICAGO HOUSING AUTHORITY 60 EAST VAN BUREN ST.. 11TH FLOOR. CHI- 5.000 caeo. IL sosos. IL: HSG AUTHORITY FOR LASALLE COUNTY PO. BOX 732. 525 EAST NORRIS DRWE. .. 2.500 TAWA. IL 51350. i IL: MENARD COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY 101 W. SHERIDAN ROAD. PETERSBURG. IL 625?5 a . .. 1.200 IN: HA KOKOMO 219 E. TAYLOR ST PO. BOX 120?, KOKOMO. IN 45903 .. 2.200 Federal Register/Vol. 32. No. SQIchnesday. April 12. 201?fNotices SECTION 3 RENTAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS ANNOUNCEMENT OF AWARDS FOR FISCAL YEAR HWSing 39303)? Address Unitg Award IN: INDIANAPOLIS HOUSING AGENCY 1313 N. MERIDIAN STREET, INDIANAPOLIS. IN .. 3.000 43202. KS: WICHITA HOUSING AUTHORITY 332 N. RIVERVIEW, WICHITA. KS 37203 .. 3.300 KY: LOUISVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY 420 SOUTH EIGHTH STREET, LOUISVILLE. KY .. 35,000 40203. KY: MAYFIELD HOUSING AUTHORITY 312 BROOKSIDE DRIVE. PO. BOX 4?4. MAYFIELD. 2.300 KY 42033. LA: TALLULAH (CITY PHA 204 NORTH CEDAR STREET. TALLULAH. LA ?1232 .. 1.000 ME: MAINE STATE HSG AUTHORITY 353 WATER STREET. AUGUSTA. ME 04330 .. 3.300 MI: MICHIGAN STATE HSG. DEV. AUTH P.O. BOX 30044. LANSING. MI 43303 .. ?.300 MN: CAMBRIDGE ECONOMIC DEVE AUTHORITY 121 SOUTH FERN STREET, CAMBRIDGE. MN .. 3.300 55003. MO: HOUSING AUTH OF KANSAS CITY. MISSOURI 320 MAIN STREET. SUITE ?01. KANSAS CITY. MO .. 1.200 34103. NC: GREENSBORO HOUSING AUTHORITY PO. BOX 2123?. GREENSBORO. NC 2?420 23.300 ND: STUTSMAN COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY 300 2ND ST. JAMESTOWN. ND 53401 .. 3.300 ND: HOUSING AUTH OF THE COUNTY OF RAN- PO. BOX 5. ASHLEY. ND 53413 .. 2.200 SOM. ND: STARK COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY 1143 WEST VILLARD. PO. BOX 10?, DICKINSON. 2.400 ND 53302. ND: RICHLAND COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY 230 3TH AVENUE WEST. WEST FARGO. ND 53073 2.200 ND: COOPERSTOWN HOUSING AND REDE PO. BOX 203. COOPERSTOWN. ND 53425 1.200 ND: DICKEYISARGENT HOUSING AUTHORITY PO. BOX 324. 309 NORTH 2ND. ELLENDALE. ND 400 53433. ND: MCHENRYIPIERCE COUNTYHOUSING AUTH CEO MINOT HOUSING AUTHORITY. 103 BURDICK 3.300 EXPRESSWAY. MINOT. ND 53?01. NE: OMAHA HOUSING AUTHORITY 1305 HARNEY STREET. OMAHA. NE 63102 .. 4.300 NJ: NEW JERSEY DEPAR OF COMMUNITY AF- 101 SOUTH BROAD STREET. PO. BOX 051. .. 4.300 FAIRS. TRENTON. NJ 03325. NY: CITY OF NEW YORK DEPT OF HSG PRESE 3 100 GOLD STREET. ROOM 501. NEW YORK. NY .. 1.300 DEV. 10033. NY: VILLAGE OF MANLIUS CIO CHRISTOPHER COMMUNITY. 330 JAMES 2.200 STREET. SYRACUSE. NY 13203. NY: NYS HSG TRUST FUND CORPORATION 33?40 STATE STREET. ALBANY. NY 1220? .. 11.200 OH: CINCINNATI METROPOLITAN HSG. AUTH .. 16 WEST CENTRAL PARKWAY. CINCINNATI. OH 14.300 45210. OH: LUCAS MHA PO. BOX 47?. 435 NEBRASKA AVENUE. TOLEDO. .. 3.000 OH 4333?. OH: LORAIN MHA 1300 KANSAS AVENUE. LORAIN. OH 44052 3.300 SD: ABERDEEN HOU 3 REDEV COMMISSION 2324 3RD AVE. SE.. ABERDEEN. SD 5?401 2.300 SD: LAWRENCE COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY 1220 CEDAR STREET. #113. STURGIS. SD 5??35 .. 1.000 SD: VERMILLION HOUSING 3 REDEVELOPMENT I. PO. BOX 332. 14 WEST MAIN STREET. .. I400 VERMILLION. SD 57033. TN: MEMPHIS HOUSING AUTHORITY PO. BOX 3334. MEMPHIS. TN 33103 .. ?1.300 TN: TENNESSEE HOUSING DEV AGENCY 502 DEADERICK STREET. 3RD FLOOR. NASH- .. 3.000 VILLE. TN 31243. VA: RICHMOND REDEVELOPMENT 3 HIA 301 CHAMBERLAYNE PARKWAY. PO. BOX 2533?. 23.400 RICHMOND. VA 23231. WA: HA OF THE CITY OF BREMERTON 300 PARK AVENUE. BREMERTON. WA 9333? .. 3.000 WA: HOUSING AUTH OF THE CITY OF TACOMA 302 SOUTH STREET. SUITE 2C. TACOMA. WA .. 3.300 03405. WA: HOUSING AUTH OF THE CITY OF YAKIMA 10 N. 3TH AVE. YAKIMA. WA 33302 3.400 Total Ior Special Feaa?Opt-Ouls?ermlnalions 400.300 Special Fees?Prams CA: COUNTY OF SAN MATEO HSG AUTH 234 HARBOR BLVD.. BLDG. A. BELMONT. CA .. 1.400 34002. CT: NORWALK HOUSING AUTHORITY MONROE STREET. NORWALK. CT 03353 1.300 IL: CHAMPAIGN COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY r. 205 WEST PARK AVENUE. CHAMPAIGN. IL 31320 20,300 IL: HSG AUTHORITY OF THE COUNTY OF DEKALB 310 N. 3TH STREET. DEKALB. IL 30115 .. 3.400 IL: DUPAGE COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY ?11 EAST ROOSEVELT ROAD. WHEATON. IL .. 21.200 3013?. IN: HOUSING AUTH CITY OF MISHAWAKA PO. BOX 134?. MISHAWAKA. IN 43543 .. ?.300 MA: BOSTON HOUSING AUTHORITY 52 CHAUNCY STREET. BOSTON. MA 02111 .. ?.300 MA: CAMBRIDGE HOUSING AUTHORITY 3?5 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE. CAMBRIDGE. MA .. 34,400 02139. I MA: SPRINGFIELD HSG AUTHORITY 25 SAAB COURT. PO. BOX 1509. 8.300 MA 01101. MA: PLYMOUTH HOUSING AUTHORITY PO. BOX 353?. PLYMOUTH. MA 02331 .. 3.300 Mla- HRG HB CHURCH ST.. GARDNER, MIR .. BUG 157675 Federal Registerr?Vol. 82, No. ?WWednesday. April 12, 2017I?Nolices SECTION 8 RENTAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS ANNOUNCEMENT OF AWARDS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015??Continued Housing agency Address Units Award MD: HOUSING AUTHORITY OF BALTIMORE CITY .. 41? EAST FAYETTE STREET, BALTIMORE, MD .. 1200 21201. MN: MINNEAPOLIS PHA . . 1001 WASHINGTON AVE. NORTH, MINNEAPOLIS, 600 MN 55401. MN: WORTHINGTON HRA 919 TENTH STREET, WORTHINGTON, MN 5518? .. .. 2,000 NEEILIESG AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ASHE- P.O. BOX 1398, ASHEVILLE, NC 29802 20,500 Nd: MIDDLETOWN HOUSING AUTHORITY 2 OAKDALE DRIVE PLAZA. MIDDLETOWN. NJ .. 6,200 07749. NY: HA OF SYRACUSE .. 515 BURT STREET. SYRACUSE. NY 13202 .. 5.200 NY: THE CITY OF NEW YORK .. DEPT OF HSG PRES 9 DEV 100 GOLD STREET, .. 90,500 ROOM 501, NEW YORK, NY 10039. OH: MEDINA MHA .. 950 WALTER ROAD, MEDINA. OH 44255 .. 9,500 WA: HOUS AUTH OF THE CITY OF VANCOUVER .. 2500 MAIN STREET, #200, VANCOUVER, WA .. 11,900 99550. WA: HOUS AUTH OF THE CITY OF YAKIMA 810 N. 5TH AVE., YAKIMA. WA 99902 15.400 Total Ior Special Fees?Prepays 323,400 Speoial FeestAD Conversions CT: NORWALK HOUSING AUTHORITY 24V2 MONROE STREET, NORWALK. CT 05955 .. 30,500 MA: BROOKLINE HOUSING AUTHORITY 90 LONGWOOD AVE.. BROOKLINE. MA 02145 .. 5,900 ME: PORTLAND HSG AUTHORITY 14 BAXTER BOULEVARD. PORTLAND, ME 04101 7. .. 20.000 NY: HA OF SYRACUSE .. 515 BURT STREET. SYRACUSE. NY 13202 43.500 NY: NYS HSG TRUST FUND CORPORATION 3840 STATE STREET, ALBANY. NY 12207 70,000 Total for Special Conversions .. 1?0,000 Special Fees?Helocation-Hent Supplement MA: CAMBRIDGE HOUSING AUTHORITY . 5T5 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE. CAMBRIDGE. MA 15.200 02139. MA: WORCESTER HOUSING AUTHORITY 40 BELMONT STREET. WORCESTER, MA 01505 23,200 NY: CITY OF NEW YORK DEPT OF HSG PRES 81 100I GOLD STREET, ROOM 501, NEW YORK. NY 23.200 DEV. 10039. NY: CITY OF FULTON .. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT, 125 W. .. 5.200 BROADWAY, FULTON, NY 13059. NY: NYS HSG TRUST FUND CORPORATION 33?40 STATE STREET, ALBANY, NY 12207 3,000 Total for Special Fees?Relocation-Ftent Supple- 17,800 merit. Total for Special Fees . . 1,010,200 Moderate Rehabilitation and Public Housing TP Mod Rehab?HAD CT: NORWALK HOUSING AUTHORITY 24V: MONROE STREET, NORWALK. CT 05955 153 3,179,555 Total 101' M00 153 3,178,656 Mod Replacements AZ: CITY OF TUCSON 310 NORTH COMMERCE P.O. BOX 27'210. TUCSON, AZ 95745 41 245,3?0 CA: OAKLAND HOUSING AUTHORITY 1519 HARRISON ST., OAKLAND, CA 94512 9 9?,913 CA: ALAMEDA COUNTY HSG AUTH 22941 ATHERTON STREET, HAYWARD, CA 94541 17 245,159 CO: HOUS AUTH OF THE CITY AND COUNTY OF GRANT STREET, DENVER, CO 90203 50 595,909 CO: AURORA HOUSING AUTHORITY 10?45 E. KENTUCKY AVENUE, AURORA, CO 44 419,155 90012. DC: DE. HOUSING AUTHORITY 1133 NORTH CAPITOL STREET NE, WASH- 2 21,791 INGTON. DC 20002. FL: MIAMI DADE HOUSING AUTHORITY T01 NW. 1ST COURT. 15TH FLOOR. MIAMI, FL 19 33135. FL: CITY OF MIAMI, DEPT-OF COMMU DEVE 444 SW. 2ND AVENUE, 2ND FLOOR, MIAMI. FL 5 90,293 33130. ME: AUGUSTA HSG AUTHORITY 33 UNION STREET SUITE 3. AUGUSTA, ME 04330 2 3.1?3 MI: DETROIT HOUSING COMMISSION 1301 EAST JEFFERSON AVENUE. DETROIT, MI 1 1156 4820?. MO: ST. LOUIS COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY 9955 NATURAL BRIDGE, ST. LOUIS. MO 53121 14 34.912 MT: MT DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 5 25.29? P.O. 200545, 301 S. PARK, HELENA, 59520. - Federal RegisteeroL 92. No. 69fWednesday. April 12. 201?!N0tices 1767'? SECTION 3 FIENTAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS ANNOUNCEMENT OF AWARDS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2016?Continued Housing agency Address Award ND: BURLEIGH COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY 410 SOUTH 2ND STREET. BISMARCK. ND 56504 10 55.034 ND: BARNES COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY 120 12TH STREET NW.. VALLEY CITY. ND 53072 .. 6 23.300 NE: HOUSING AUTHORITY OF LINCOLN 5T00 ST.. P.O. BOX 532?. LINCOLN. NE 63505 10 43.932 NY: CITY OF NORTH TONAWANDA .. CFO BELMONT HOUSING RESOURCES. 1195 MAIN 3 11.52? ST. BUFFALO. NY 14209. OH: CUYAHOGA MHA 3120 KINSMAN ROAD. CLEVELAND. OH 44104 3 19.231 OH: DAYTON METROPOLITAN HA 400 WAYNE AVE.. PO. BOX 3150. DAYTON. OH 33 1T4.531 45401. PA: ALLENTOWN HOUSING AUTHORITY 1339 ALLEN STREET. ALLENTOWN. PA 13102 11 26.324 PA: WESTMORELAND COUNTY HSG AUTHORITY RD. BOX 223 SOUTH GREENGATE RD.. 5 22.36? GREENSBURG. PA 15601. PA: YORK CITY HOUSING AUTHORITY 31 S. BROAD STREET. YORK. PA 1T405 13 T1000 RI: PROVIDENCE A 100 BROAD ST. PROVIDENCE. R102903 T4 553.659 SC: CITY OF SPARTANBURG HIA PO. BOX 2323. SPARTANBURG. SC 29304 105 532.433 TN: HSG DEV AGENCY ELIZABETHTON 5 PO. BOX 63?. ELIZABETHTON. TN 3T644 2 6.432 TX: HOUSTON HOUSING AUTHORITY - 2640 FOUNTAIN VIEW. HOUSTON. TX 2T05T 11 26.090 TX: AMARILLO HOUSING AUTHORITY PO. BOX 1921. 509 E. 7TH. AMARILLO. TX 79105 6 33.052 VA: DANVILLE REDEVELOPMENT AND HFA PO. BOX 1426. DANVILLE. VA 24543 12 61.903 WI: WISCONSIN HOUSING 3 ECONOMIC DEVEL- FUD. BOX 1723. MADISON. WI 53701 33 156.245 OPMENT AUTHORITY. Total MOO Replacements 55? 3.953.206 MTW HelocationfReplacement NC: HA OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE PO. BOX 36T95. 1301 SOUTH BOULEVARD. 30 2T4.406 CHARLOTTE. NC 23236. PA: PHILADELPHIA HOUSING AUTHORITY 12 SOUTH 23RD STREET. PHILADELPHIA. PA 353 2.956.010 19103. Total for MTW ReIc-cationfReplacement 393 3.230.416 Replacement KY: LOUISVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY 420 SOUTH EIGHTH STREET. LOUISVILLE, KY 22 162,425 40203. Total for MTW Replacement 22 152.4?5 Relocation?(Sunset Provision) WA: PENINSULA HOUSING AUTHORITY 2603 FRANCIS ST.. PORT ANGELES. WA 93362 21" 152.292 Total for Relocation?{Sunset Provision} .. 2? 152.292 Relocation?Sunset GEORGIA DEPT. OF COMMU 60 EXECUTIVE PARK SOUTH, NE.. SUITE 250. AT- 3? 2633?? RENTAL. LANTA. GA 30329. KY: NEWPORT HOUSING AUTHORITY 301 SOUTHGATE. P.O. BOX 459. NEWPORT. KY 50 250.234 41022. TX: HOUSING AUTHORITY OF EL PASO 5300 PAISANO. EL PASO. TX ?(9905 46 219.14? WA: PENINSULA HOUSING AUTHORITY 2603 S. FRANCIS ST.. PORT ANGELES. WA 93362 5 23.202 Total TOT .. 133 761.990 Replacement AL: MOBILE HOUSING BOARD PO. BOX 1345. MOBILE. AL 36633 114 310.226 AL: I-IA ANNISTON PO. BOX 2225. ANNISTON. AL 36202 101 501.665 CA: SAN FRANCISCO HSG AUTH 1315 EGBERT AVE. SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94124 .-. 521' 9.492.500 FL: HA FORT LAUDERDALE CITY 43? SW. 4TH AVENUE. FORT LAUDERDALE. FL 93 910.313 33315. GA: HA MACON .. PO. BOX 4923. 2015 FELTON AVENUE. MACON. 390 2.234.493 GA 31203. GA: GEORGIA DEPT. OF COMM 30 EXECUTIVE PARK SOUTH. NE.. SUITE 250. AT- 1'0 499.221r AL. LANTA. GA 30329. IL: MADISON COUNTY HA 1609 OLIVE STREET. COLLINSVILLE. IL 32234 9? 533.411 IN: GARY HA 573 BROADWAY, GARY. IN 46402 42 253.245 IN: EAST CHICAGO HA .. 4920 LARKSPUR DR.. P.O. BOX 493. EAST CHI- 332 1.945.143 CAGO. IN 45312. KY: NEWPORT HOUSING AUTHORITY 301 SOUTHGATE. PO. BOX 459. NEWPORT. KY 25 125.332 410T2. 12628 Federal RegisteriVol. 52. No. Sill/Wednesday. April 12. 2017iNoticcs SECTION ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS ANNOUNCEMENT OF Awanos FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015?Contlnued Housing agency Address Units Award KY: CAMPBELL COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY PO. BOX 72424. NEWPORT. KY 410?2 55 375.259 MA: SPRINGFIELD HSG AUTHORITY 25 SAAB COURT. PO. BOX 1509. SPRINGFIELD. 45 329,511 MA 01101. MD: OUEEN COUNTY HSG AUTHORITY PO. BOX 250. 205 EAST WATER STREET. CEN- 24 223.?94 TREVILLE. MD 2151?. NC: HA OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE PO. BOX 35?95. 1301 SOUTH BOULEVARD. 43 359.015 CHARLOTTE. NC 25235. NY: WHITE PLAINS HOUSING AUTHORITY .. 223 DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. BLVD.. WHITE 90 1.101.222 PLAINS. NY 10501. . DH: DAYTON METROPOLITAN HA 400 WAYNE AVE. PO. BOX EWSCI. DAYTON, OH 49 259.226 45401. OR: NORTHEAST OREGON HOUSING AUTHORITY PO. BOX 335?. LA GRANDE. OR 97550 12? 552.410 SC: HA COLUMBIA .. 191? HARDEN STREET. COLUMBIA. SC 29204 .. 27M. . 1.552.041 TN: HA MURFREESBORO .. 415 NORTH MAPLE STREET. MURFREESBORO. 25 130.213 TN 32130. TX: HOUSING AUTHORITY OF EL PASO . 5300 PAISANO. EL PASO. TX 29905 15 95.504 TX: GALVESTON HOUSING AUTHORITY 4700 BROADWAY. GALVESTON. TX 72551 31 243.933 TX: TEXAS CITY HSG AUTHORITY 51? SECOND AVENUE NORTH. TEXAS CITY. TX 15 91.393 77590. VA: NORFOLK REDEVELOPMENTS HIA 201 GRANBY ST.. PO. BOX 955. NORFOLK. VA 10 32.635 23501. VT: BRATTLEBORO HOUSING AUTHORITY 100 MELROSE TERRACE. PO. BOX 22?5. 25 144.02? BRATTLEBORO, VT 05301. VT: VERMONT STATE HOUSING AUTHORITY ONE PROSPECT STREET. MONTPELIER. VT 55 3?4,055 05502. Total Ior Replacement 2.595 22.399.134 Witness Relocation Assistance FL: BROWARD COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY 4?50 NORTH STATE ROAD LAUDERDALE 1 21.335 LAKES. FL 33319. MD: MONTGOMERY CO HOUSING AUTHORITY 10400 DETRICK AVENUE. KENSINGTON. MO . 4 59.054 20595. NY: THE MUNICIPAL HOUS AUTH CITY OF 1511 CENTRAL PARK AVE. PO. BOX 35. 1 17.304 KERS. NY 10710. WV: MARTINSBURG HOUSING AUTHORITY 1?03 S. PORTER AVENUE. MARTINSBURG. WV 1 14.521 25401. Total tor Witness Relocation Assistance 1" 142.225 Choice Neighborhood Relocation (Sunset Provision) OH: CINCINNATI METROPOLITAN HSG. AUTH 15 WEST CENTRAL PARKWAY. CINCINNATI. OH 119 715.05? 45210. TN: MEMPHIS HOUSING AUTHORITY PO. BOX 3554. MEMPHIS. TN 35103 300 1.542.035 Total tor Choice Neighborhood Relocation [Sun? 419 2.351092 set Provision}. Total for Moderate Rehabilitation and Public 4.412 35.33?.435 Housing TP. i Multifamin Housing TP Certain Alt-Risk Households Lowr Vacancy CA: COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES HOUSING AUTH .. CDC- COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES. 1'00 W. MAIN 55 555.543 STREET. ALHAMBRA. CA 91501. NY: TOWN OF BROOKHAVEN DEPT OF HSG ONE INDEPENDENCE HILL. FARMINGVILLE. NY 111 COMM. 11135. Total for Certain At-Risk Households Low Va- . .. 15? canny. Choice Neighborhood Relocation?(Sunset Provision) TN: MEMPHIS HOUSING AUTHORITY PO. BOX 3554. MEMPHIS, TN 35103 55 751.795 WI: HA OF THE CITY OF MILWAUKEE PO. BOX 324. 509 NORTH BROADWAY. MIL- 150 904.325 WAUKEE. WI 53201. D-17-0201-A-000041 Federal RegisterIVol. 52. No. 59fWednesday. April 12. 201?!Notioes ?17679 SECTION 8 RENTAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS ANNOUNCEMENT OF AWARDS FOR FISCAL YEAR Housing agency Ao?dtess Units Award Total for Choice Neighborhood Relocation?(Sunset 2 Provis'ton}. 35 1?585'623 New Housing Conversion Rent Supplement MA: CAMBRIDGE HOUSING AUTHORITY 575 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE. CAMBRIDGE. MA 7'5 1.211.309 02139. MA: WORCESTER HOUSING AUTHORITY 40 BELMONT STREET, WORCESTER. MA 01605 115 ?14.560 NY: CITY OF NEW YORK DEPT OF HSG PRESE 100 GOLD STREET. ROOM 501. NEW YORK. NY 141 - 1.555.549 10035. NY: CITY OF FULTON .. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT., 125 W. 41 1?1.103 BROADWAY. FULTON. NY 13059. NY: NYS HSG TRUST FUND CORPORATION 35?40 STATE STREET, ALBANY. NY 1220? .. 15 145.001 Total for New Housing Conversion Rent Supple- .. 359 3.900.52? mont. Prepayment?RAD IL: WINNEBAGO COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY .. 351? DELAWARE STREET. ROCKFORD. IL 51102 1. 0 130.2?2 NY: HA OF SYRACUSE 516 BURT STREET. SYRACUSE. NY 13202 215 1.319.196 NY: NYS HSG TRUST FUND CORPORATION 33?40 STATE STREET. ALBANY. NY 1220? 394 4.339.3?0 WI: RACINE COUNTY HA 33? MAIN STREET. RACINE. WI 53403 0 244.325 Totai for Prepayment?RAD 612 6.033.153 Fro-payment Replacement IN: HOUSING AUTH CITY OF MISHAWAKA P.O. BOX 134?. MISHAWAKA. IN 46546 35 171.?62 MA: CAMBRIDGE HOUSING AUTHORITY 5?5 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE. CAMBRIDGE. MA 15 239.0?4 02139. MA: PLYMOUTH HOUSING AUTHORITY P.O. BOX 353?. PLYMOUTH. MA 02351 34 345.359 HOUSING AUTH OF THE CITY OF YAKIMA 510 6TH AVE. YAKIMA. WA 95902 375.365 Total Ior Pro-Payments Replacement .. 154 1.132.561 Pro-payment Vouchers CA: COUNTY OF SAN MATEO HSG AUTH 254 HARBOR BLVD. BLDG. A. BELMONT. CA 103.395 94002. CA: CITY OF SANTA MONICA 1901 MAIN ST., STE. A. SANTA MONICA. CA 90405 0 ??2.230 CT: NORWALK HOUSING AUTHORITY 2415 MONROE STREET. NORWALK. CT 05556 9 121.905 IL: CHAMPAIGN COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY 7. 205 WEST PARK AVENUE. CHAMPAIGN. IL 61520 23 1?1.004 IL: HSG AUTHORITY OF THE COUNTY OF DEKALB 310 N. 5TH STREET. DEKALB. IL 50115 4? 332.554 IL: DUPAGE COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY ?11 EAST ROOSEVELT ROAD. WHEATON. IL 105 315.034 5013?. MA: BOSTON HOUSING AUTHORITY 52 CHAUNCY STREET. BOSTON. MA 02111 36 497.445 MA: CAMBRIDGE HOUSING AUTHORITY 5?5 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE. CAMBRIDGE. MA 40? 02139. MA: SPRINGFIELD HSG AUTHORITY 25 SAAB COURT. P.O. BOX 1609. SPRINGFIELD. 44 322.255 MA 01101. MA: GARDNER HSG AUTHORITY 116 CHURCH ST. GARDNER. MA 01440 3 1?.5?2 MD: HOUSING AUTHORITY OF BALTIMORE CITY .. 41? EAST FAYETTE STREET. BALTIMORE. MD 35 303.340 21201. MN: MINNEAPOLIS PHA 1001 WASHINGTON AVE. NORTH, MINNEAPOLIS. 3 25.443 MN 55401. MN: WORTHINGTON HRA 519 TENTH STREET. WORTHINGTON. MN 5515? .. 10 35.300 MS: MISS REG All PO. BOX 135?. OXFORD, MS 35555 0 454.530 NC: HSG AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ASHE- PO. BOX 1395. NC 25502 103 515.392 VILLE. NJ: MIDDLETOWN HOUSING AUTHORITY 2 OAKDALE DRIVE PLAZA. MIDDLETOWN. NJ 31 33?.355 0??43. NY: HA OF SYRACUSE 515 BURT STREET. SYRACUSE. NY 13202 26 157.335 NY: THE CITY OF NEW YORK .. .. DEPT OF HSG PRESERVATION 3 DEV 501. NE 403 5.034.452 YORK. NY 10035. OH: MEDINA MHA .. 550 WALTER ROAD. MEDINA. OH 44255 43 220.573 WA: HOUS AUTH OF THE CITY OF VANCOUVER .. 2500 MAIN STREET. #200. VANCOUVER. WA 59 392.041 95560. Total for Pro-Payment Vouchers . 1.398 I 17680 Federal Registeernl. 52, NC. April 12., SECTION 5 RENTAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS ANNOUNCEMENT OF AWARDS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015?Coniinued Housing agency Address Award Rant Supplement?RAD MA: BROOKLINE HOUSING AUTHORITY I 90 LONGWOOD AVE., BROOKLINE, MA 02145 29 321553 ME: PORTLAND HSG AUTHORITY 14 BAXTER BOULEVARD. PORTLAND, ME 04101 .-. 100 ?40.550 Total for Rent SupplemenI?RAD I 129 1,115,433 TerminationIOpt-out Vouchers CA: COUNTY OF CONTRA COSTA HSG AUTH 3133 ESTUDILLO ST., PO. BOX 2259. MARTINEZ, 11 132.35? CA 94553. CO: CITY OF ENGLEWOOD HOUSING AUTHORITY 3450 SOUTH SHERMAN ST. #101, ENGLEWOOD, 25 204.12? CO 50110. CT: HARTFORD HOUSING AUTHORITY 150 OVERLOOK TERRACE. HARTFORD, CT 05105 3? 315,225 CT: HSG AUTH OF CITY OF NEW HAVEN 350 ORANGE STREET, NEW HAVEN, CT 05511 266 3,534,524 FL: CITY OF MIAMI, DEPT. OF COMMUN DEVE 444 SW. 2ND AVENUE, 2ND FLOOR, MIAMI, FL 25 353,942 33130. IA: CHARLES CITY HOUS AND REDEVE 501 CEDAR TERRCE SOUTH. CHARLES CITY, IA 10 3?,915 50515. IA: SPIRIT LAKE LOW RENT HSG AGENCY T10 LAKE ST. SPIRIT LAKE, IA 51350 11 25.529 IA: DUBUOUE DEPT OF HUMAN RIGHTS 350 W. 5TH 312, DUSUOUE, IA 9 43,453 52001. IL: CHICAGO HOUSING AUTHORITY 50 EAST VAN BUREN ST., 11TH FLOOR, CHI- 25 253.540 CAGO, IL 50605. IL: HSG AUTHORITY FOR LASALLE COUNTY PO. BOX 252, 526 EAST NORRIS DRIVE, OT- 14 22.351 TAWA, IL 51350. IL: MENARD COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY 101 W. SHERIDAN ROAD, PETERSBURG, IL 525?5 5 30,0?0 IN: HA KOKOMO 219 E. TAYLOR ST., PO. BOX 1207, KOKOMO. IN 11 49.12? 45903. IN: INDIANAPOLIS HOUSING AGENCY 1919 N. MERIDIAN STREET, INDIANAPOLIS, IN 40 195,5?5 45202. KS: WICHITA HOUSING AUTHORITY .. 332 N. RIVERVIEW. WICHITA. KS 5?203 49 250.523 KY: LOUISVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY 420 SOUTH EIGHTH STREET, LOUISVILLE, KY 125 1,323,259 40203. KY: MAYFIELD HOUSING AUTHORITY 312 BROOKSIDE DRIVE, PO. BOX 424, MAYFIELD, 14 57.055 KY 42055. LA: TALLULAH (CITY OF) PHA 204 NORTH CEDAR STREET, TALLULAH. LA 71252 5 20,453 ME: MAINE STATE HSG AUTHORITY 353 WATER STREET. AUGUSTA, ME 04330 34 214.255 MI: MICHIGAN STATE HSG. DEV. AUTH PO. BOX 30044, LANSING, MI 45909 39 235,320 MN: CAMBRIDGE ECON DEVE AUTHORITY 121 SOUTH FERN STREET. CAMBRIDGE, MN 15 95,939 55005. MO: HOUS AUTH OF KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI 920 MAIN STREET, SUITE 3?01. KANSAS CITY. MO 5 40,352 54105. NC: GREENSBORO HOUSING AUTHORITY PO. BOX 2125?, GREENSBORO, NC 22420 .. 145 775.947 ND: STUTSMAN COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY .. 300 2ND ST JAMESTOWN. ND 55401 15 55.235 ND: HOUS AUTH OF THE COUNTY OF RANSOM P.O. BOX 5. ASHLEY. ND 55413 11 30.325 ND: STARK COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY 1149 WEST VILLARD, PO. BOX 10?. DICKINSON, 12 54,571 ND 55502. NO: RICHLAND COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY 230 5TH AVENUE WEST. WEST FARGO. ND 55025 11 31,503 ND: COOPERSTOWN HOUS AND REDE P.O. BOX 205, COOPERSTOWN, ND 55425 .. 5 ND: HOUSING AUTHORITY PO. BOX 524. 309 NORTH 2ND, ELLENDALE. ND 2 5,150 55435. ND: MCHENRYIPIERCE COUNTY HOUS AUTH CEO MINOT HOUSING AUTHO, 105 BURDICK EX- 33 155.905 PRESSWAY. MINOT, ND 551'01. NE: OMAHA HOUSING AUTHORITY 1505 HARNEY STREET, OMAHA. NE 55102 24 135,595 NJ: NEW JERSEY DEPART OF COMM AFFAIRS 101 SOUTH BROAD STREET. P.O. BOX 051. 23 22?,351 TRENTON. NJ 05525. NY: THE CITY OF NEW YORK DEPT OF HSG PRES 5 DEV, 100 GOLD STREET, 9 105,555 ROOM 501, NEW YORK, NY 10035. NY: VILLAGE OF MANLIUS CID CHRISTOPHER COMMUNITY, 950 JAMES 11 44.15? STREET, SYRACUSE. NY 13203. NY: NYS HSG TRUST FUND CORPORATION 35?40 STATE STREET, ALBANY, NY 1220? -. 55 541,335 OH: CINCINNATI METROPOLITAN HSG. AUTH 15 WEST CENTRAL PARKWAY, CINCINNATI, OH 1'3 439,549 45210. OH: LUCAS MHA PO. BOX 435 NEBRASKA AVENUE, TOLEDO, 40 202,101 OH 4359?. OH: LORAIN MHA 1500 KANSAS AVENUE, LORAIN, OH 44052 .. 15 109.35? PA: ALLENTOWN HOUSING AUTHORITY 1339 ALLEN STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA 15102 0 50.039 SD: ABERDEEN HOUSING 5 REDE COMMI 2324 3RD AVE. SE, ABERDEEN, SD 51'401 14 35.335 SD: LAWRENCE COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY -. 1220 CEDAR STREET, #113, STURGIS, SD 52255 .-. 5 22.153 SD: VERMILLION HOUSING 5 REDEVELOPMENT .. PO. BOX 352, 14 WEST MAIN STREET, 3? 222.449 VERMILLION. SD SWISS. Federal Registeerol. 82, No. SQEWednesday. April 12. 2017INotices 17681 SECTION 8 ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS ANNOUNCEMENT OF Awaeos FOR FISCAL YEAR 2016?Continued Housing agency Address Units Award TN: MEMPHIS HOUSING AUTHORITY PO BOX 3664 MEMPHIS TN 38103 350 .. . . . .. 2.309.174 TN: TENNESSEE HOUSING DEV AGENCY 502 DEADERICK STREET, 3RD FLOOR. 15 29 630 VILLE. TN areas. RICHMOND REDEVELOPMENT 8: WA 901 CHAMBERLAYNE PARKWAY. P.O. BOX 20007. 132 RICHMOND. VA 23201. WA: HA OF THE OF 600 PARK AVENUE, BREMERTON. WA 93337 30 220.331 WA: HOUS AUTH OF THE CITY OF TACOMA 002 SOUTH STREET1 SUITE 2C, TACOMA. WA 40 422.010 98405. WA: HOUS AUTH OF THE CITY OF YAKIMA 010 6TH AVE. YAKIMA, WA 03002 22 136,551 Total for TerminationrOpt-out Venetiers 2.003 14.994004 Total for Housing TP .. 5.098 110.940.1013 CPD TPV SRHeplewment CO: FORT COLLINS HSG AUTH 1215 W. MOUNTAIN AVE. FORT COLLINS. CO 12 9?,598 30521. OH: CUYAHOGA MHA 0120 KINSMAN ROAD. CLEVELAND, OH 44104 3 10.0T4 VO: VIRGIN ISLANDS HOUSING AUTHORITY PO. BOX 2653. ST. THOMAS. VI 00001 . . . 7" 00.2?3 SEATTLE HOUSING AUTHORITY 120 SINTH AVENUE NORTH. PO. BOX 19020. T4 402.333 ATTLE, WA 90109. Total tor SRO?Replacement 95 673,8?8 Total for CPU TPV 95 673.3?3 Grand Total 9,606 85,920.66? Doc. 2012?02390 Filed am] BILLING CODE 4210?6743 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Office of the Secretary 0510100000 WES [1110120] Land Buy-Back Program for Tribal Nations Under Cobell Settlement AGENCY: Office ofthe Secretary. Interior. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: The Land Buy?Back Program for Tribal Nations will host its annual Listening Session on April 25, 201?. at the Tulalip Resort Casino?s hotel in Tulalip, Washington. As described below, the Program hopes to receive feedback from tribes and individuals on critical issues related to Program implementation, future efforts to reduce land fractionation. and its 2016 Status Report. DATES: The Listening Session will take place from '1 p.m. to 5 pm. on April 25. 201?. at the Tulalip Resort Casino?s hotel in Tulalip. WA. ADDRESSES: The Listening Session will beheld at the Tulalip Resort ICasino's hotel. 10200 Quil lCede Blvd. Tulalip, WA 98271. The 2010 Status Report on the Program is available at Submit written feedback on the Program by email to buybackprogrom?? ios.doi.gov or by mail to US. Department of the Interior Land Buy- Back Program for Tribal Nations. 1340 Street NW.. WIS-4543. Washington. DC 20240. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Tribal staff can contact Michael Estes at [202] 042-0012 or at buybackprogrem? iosdcigov with questions regarding Program implementation. Landowners should contact the Trust Bene?ciary Call Center at 1?808?023?0830 with questions or to express their interest in Program participation. Persons who use a telecommunications device for the deaf may call the Federal Relay.r Service at 1?800?022?0330 to contact the above individual during normal business hours. The Service is available 24 hours a day. seven days a week. to leave a message or question with the above individual. You will receive a reply during normal business hours. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: I. Background The Land Buy-Back Program for Tribal Nations [Buy-Back Program] is the Department of the Interior?s {Department} collaborative effort with Indian Country to realize the historic opportunity afforded by the Cobalt Settlement?a $1.0 billion Trust Land Consolidation Fund?to compensate individuals who willingly choose to sell fractional land interests for fair market value. Consolidated interests are immediately restored to tribal trust ownership for uses benefiting the reservation community and tribal members. Since the Program began making offers in December 2013. more than $1.1 billion has been paid to landowners. over 680,000 fractional interests have been consolidated [representing a 23 percent reduction}. and the equivalent of nearly 2.1 million acres of land have been transferred to tribal governments. Tribal ownership is now greater than 50 percent in more than 13.500 tracts of land. The Program recently released its annual Status Report, which highlights the steps taken to date to consolidate fractional interests: def. go visitesfdoi . ploodsf2016_bu y-boclr _progrcm jin ol_ 0.pdf}. The Buy-Beck Program's implementation schedule currently includes 105 locations through mid- 2021. which reflects more than 05 percent of all landowners with fractional interests and more than 00 percent of both the purchasable fractional interests and equivalent acres army-pane lm'llnl'l I I I: Federal RegisteriVol. 32, No. F?f'l?hursday, April 13. 2017i?Nc-tices 17851 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No, Housing Trust Fund Federal Register Allocation Notice AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development. HUD. ACTION: Notice of corrected ?scal year 2013 funding allocations. SUMMARY: The Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2003 established the Housing Trust Fund to be administered by HUD. Pursuant to the Federal Housing Enterprises Financial Security and SOundness Act of 1002 [the Act], as amended by HERA, Division A, eligible HTF grantees are the 50 states, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, and the United States 1v?irgin Islands. FDFI FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Virginia Sardone, Director, Of?ce of Affordable Housing Programs, Room 7134, Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Seventh Street SW.. Washington, DC 20410-2000; telephone {202] 203-2634. (This is not a toll-free number.) A telecommunications device for hearing- and speech-impaired persons is available at 3333 (Federal Information Relay Service}. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Section 1131 of HERA Division A amended the Act to add a new section 1332 entitled ?Affordable Housing Allocations" and a new section 1333 entitled ?Housing Trust Fund." HUD's implementing regulations are codified at 24 CFR part 93. in accordance with Section of the Act, this notice announces the formula allocation amount for each eligible HTF rantee. Congress authorized the HT with the stated purpose of: locressin and preserving the supply of rental ousing for extremely law?income families with incomes between 0 and 30 percent of area median income and very low- income families with incomes between 30 and 50 percent of area median income. including homeless families, and increasing homeownership for extremely low-income and very low- income families. Section 133?r ofthe Act provides for the HTF {and other programs] to be funded with an affordable housing set aside by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The total set-aside amount is equal to 4.2 basis points {.042 percent] of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's new mortgage purchases. a portion of which is for the HTF. Section 1333 of the Act directs HUD to establish, through regulation, the formula for distribution of amounts made available for the HTF. The statute specifies the factors to be used for the formula and priority for certain factors. The factors and methodology HUD uses to allocate HTF funds among eligible grantees are established in the HTF regulation. HTF formula allocations for Fiscal Year 2015 totaling $173,591,160 were announced in the Federal Register on May 5, 2010 [31 FR 221135]. After announcing these formula allocations, HUD discovered an error in its calculations for American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, and the United States Virgin Islands. allocates HTF resources for these four Insular Areas on a pro rata demographic basis because comparable housing needs data do not exist for such jurisdictions. In determining the Fiscal Year 2013 HTF allocations, HUD inadvertently used. renter populations data rather than renter households data, so that the pro rate allocation for each Insular Area was based on the ratio of between its renter population and the national total of renter households. This error inflated the allocations for Insular Areas in the aggregate amount of $120,013. The over- allocation to Insular Areas occurred at the expense of certain states for which allocations were reduced to ensure that other states reached the $3,000,000 minimum. is required to correct the error for the Fiscal Year 2010 HTF grants. Accordingly, the HTF allocations for the Insular Areas are reduced as follows: America Samoa, - 3053?: Guam ?$55,330; Northern Marianas, $23,470; and 11i'irgin Islands, $32,543. In addition, the formula allocations for 15 states and the Commonwealth of l?uerto Rico increased Appendix A to this notice provides the names and the corrected amounts of the Fiscal Year 2013 HTF awards. Dated: April 10, 201?. Clifford Taffel, General Deputy Assistant Secretoiyfor Comm unity Planning and Development. APPENDIX A: FY 2016 HOUSING TRUST FUND ALLOCATION AMOUNTS Dri inal FY 2013 Corrected FY 2015 . Percenl difference Name tonflula allocation formula allocation D'?erence Alabama .. $3,000,000.00 $3,000,000.00 $0.00 0.00 Alaska .. 3,000,000.00 3,000,000-00 0.00 0.00 Arizona 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 0.00 000 Arkansas .. 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 California 10,123,14400 1015343359 23,235.50 023 Colorado 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 Connecticut . . 3,000,000.00 3,000,000-00 0.00 000 Delaware 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 District of Columbia 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 0.00 000 Florida 4,533,321.00 3,431.00 0.13 Georgia 3,314,312.00 3,313,324.00 4,032.00 0.12 Hawaii 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 Idaho .. 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 0.00 I 0.00 Illinois .. 4,302,012.00 4.310.053.00 3,043.00 0.13 Indiana 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 lowa 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 0.00 000 Kansas .. 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 0-00 0.00 Kentucky 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 Louisiana .. 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 Maine .. 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 0.00 0-00 Maryland .. 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 Massachusetts .. 3,410,530.00 3,423,716.00 4,204.00 0.12 he 17852 Federal RegisteriVol. 02, No. 30fThursday, April 13, 2017INotices APPENDIX .0: FY 2010 HOUSING TRUST FUND ALLocsnoN AMOUNTS?Continued Ori inal FY 2015 Corrected FY 2016 . Percent di?erence Name forrgula allocation formula allocation D'?arence Michigan 3,522,022.00 3,523,343.00 5,125.00 0.15 Minnesota . 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 Mississippi 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 Missouri 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 Montana 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 Nebraska 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 Nevaoa 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 New Hampshire 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 New .Iersey .. 3,333,500.00 3,330,203.00 4,301.00 0.13 New Mexico .. 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 New York .. 3,013,003.00 7,033,024.00 19,901.00 0.20 North Caroiina 3,200,235.00 3,204,215.00 3,000.00 0.12 North Dakota . 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 Ohio . . 3,340,530.00 3,343,502.00 0,024.00 010 Oklahoma 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 Dragon 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 3,002,205.00 3,000,300.00 0,403.00 0.13 Rhode Island 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 South Carolina .. 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 South Dakota 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 Tennessee .. 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 Texas .. 4,330,304.00 4,300,430.00 11,112.00 0.23 Utah .. 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 vermont .. 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 Virginia 3,130,030.00 3,142,430.00 2,000.00 0.03 Washington 3,243,321.00 3,240,002.00 2,041.00 0.00 West Virginia 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 Wisconsin 3,004,550.00 3,003,004.00 2,520.00 0.00 Wyoming 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 Pueno Ftioo 320,054.00 323,510.00 1,405.00 045 America Samoa 12,321.00 2,354.00 ?0,503.00 ?37.05 Guam .. 33,000.00 22,230.00 55,330.00 31.20 Northern Marianas .. 35,335.00 12,205.00 ?23,430.00 ?05.00 virgin Islands 50,502.00 24,010.00 ?32,540.00 -53.54 13002013433403 Filed 4?12?13: 0:45 aml BILLING cooE 4210-03-0 INTER-AMERICAN FOUNDATION Sunshine Act Meetings TIME AND DATE: April 24, 201?, 0:00 a.m.?12r30 p.1n. PLACE: Inter-American Foundation, 1331 Ave, Suite 1200, NW., Washington, DC 20004. STATUS: Meeting, ofthe Board of Directors, Open to the public. MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED: I Approval of the Minutes of the November 14, 2010, Meeting of the Board of Directors 8: Advisory I Management Report I FY 2013?2022 Strategic Plan I Advisory Council I Adjournment CONTECT PERSON FOR MORE INFORMATION: Paul Zimmerman, General Counsel, [202) 533??118. Paul Zimmerman, General Counsel. Doc. 2013?03505 Filed 4?11?13: 4:15 pm] BILUNG CODE 3025-014 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Bureau of Land Management LISSHI 0400001 TI. HAG tit?0090] Notice 01? Public Meeting tor the John Day?Snake Resource Advisory Council, Oregon Bureau of Land Management, Interior. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: [n accordance with the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1030 and the Federal Advisory Committee Act of1032, the LLB. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management John Day? Snake Resource Advisory Council will meet as indicated below. DATES: The John Day?Snake RAC will hold a public meeting on Thursday and Friday, May 13 and 10, 2013. starting at 0 c.rn. Pacific Daylight Time both days. ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at the Grand Geyser Hotel. 1090 Main Street, Baker City, OR MEN. The telephone conference line number for the meeting is 1?856?650?5051, Participant Code: 3000001. FOR FUFITHEFI INFORMATION CDNTACT: Lisa Clark, Public Affairs Officer, BLM Prineville District Of?ce, 3050 NE 3rd St.. Prineville, Oregon 07354; (541) 410? 5300; or lmclork@blm.gnv. Persons who use a telecommunications device for the deaf may call the Federal Relay ServiCe at H300) to contact the above individual during normal business hours. The FRS is available 20 hours a day, seven days a week, to leave a message or question with the above individual. You will receive a reply during normal business hours. SUPPLEHEHTAFIY INFoaMnnoN: The [ohn Day Snake RAC consists of 15 members appointed by the Secretary of the Interior. "their diverse perspectives are represented in commodity. conservation, and general interests. They provide advice to BLM and Forest Service resource managers regarding management plans and proposed resource actions on puhlic land in central and eastern Oregon. This meeting is open to the public in its entirety. Information to be distributed to -I- Federal Registeerol. 82, No. it BlFriday. l'tpril 21. ZDl7lNotices ts to Mail. Submit written-comrraen 13. Of?ce of Policy an . I Regulatory Coordination Division. 20 Massachusetts Avelrgae NW.. Washington. DC 205294 1 FOR FURTHER IMFOFIMRTIGN CDNTAET. USCIS, Office of Policy and Stra egy. Regulatory Coordination Division. Samantha Deshomo?les. Chmiief, 20 Massachusetts Avenue Ni. ., Washington. DC 213529?2140. telephone number 202?2iz?337T {This is notta toll-free number. Comments are an accepted via telfep 1. note contact in crime I. is solely for ivr no notice. It is not for status inquiries. Applicants information about the status a Status 'dual cases can check Case . lIJlr?iffriie. available at the Web site at or USCIS National Customer Service Center at 1333]. INFORMATION: Comments You may access the information collection instrument with instructions, or additional information by Tvisiting the Federal eRulemaking Portal site at: and enter in the search box. Regardless of the method used for submitting comments or material. all submissions will be posted, without change, to the Federal eRuIemaking Portal at and will include any personal information you provide. Therefore. submitting this information makes it public. You may wish to consider limiting the amount of personal information that you provide in any voluntary submission you make to DHS. DHS may withhold information provided in comments from public viewing that it determines may impact the privacy o'fan individual or is offensive. For additional information. please read the Privacy Act notice that is available via the link in the footer of ov. Written comments an suggestions form the public and affected agencies should address one or more of the followin four points: Eva uate whether the proposed collection ofinforniation is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility; Evaluate the accuracy ofthe clarity of the information to be collected: and collection of information on those who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated, hone message]. Please on provided here guiding policy and .25 hours to Dated: April ?lfi. 201?. samamha 'nation Division ear I . I Strategy. U.S. Citizteiphip and immigration Services. Departmen Homeland Security. Dec. 201 Filed 4?20e1?:1il:45 am! Enhance the quality. utility. and Minimize the burden of the BILLING coee ther electronic. mechanical. or 5 Dr 'cal collection technique of information technology. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND l: permitting electronic submission 0 URBAN DEVELOPMENT responses. Overview of This Information Collection Type of Information Collection; Extension, Without Change.lof a Currently Approved Collection. 'l lColleotion: . ml Hanging '[El for Designated Secretary for Helgisjgg Fede i I a Epsrliilges. Parents. and Sons and Daughters of Certain Military Personnel, halo?: Nance. 1Veterans. and Enlistees. 3 A Ienc arm number, ifany. and this component ofthe DHS sponsoring the collection: Paperwork Reduction Act, Hill) is [it] Pit-bill? Who Wm be ?Skefl requesting comment from all interested or Tali?le to respond: ?35 05 a brief parties on the proposed collection of abstract; Primary: Individuals or inf?rm?tmnt Th? purp?s? ?r Ihi? mum lmusemlds' The information to he is to allow for SD days ofpublic collected under the PM will be used by comment. USCIS to determine eligibility of diECreliD??IY deferred action on a case DATES: Comments Due Date: June 20. by-case basis. for certain family 3'31?? members of military personnel who . ADDRESSES: Interested persons are currently serve on active duty or in the invited to submit comments regarding Selected Reserve of the Ready Reserve, this proposal. Comments should refer to military personnel who previously the proposal by name andlor OMB served on active duty or in the Selected Control Number and should be sent to: Reserve of the Ready Reserve [who were Colette Pollard. Reports Management not dishonorahly discharged] whether Of?cer. QDAM. Department of Housing they are living or deceased, and Delayed and Urban Development, 451 ?th Street Entry Program enlistees [as well SW., Room 41%, Washington. DC as DEP enlistees themselves]. 2041 telephone 202?4t12?340t?t An egg-mate mm! number of [this is not a toll-free number] or email respondents and the amount of?me at for a copy of estimated for an average respondent to lhe Prop?sed forms 01? ?3th available respond: The egg-mated mm] number of information. Persons with hearing or respondents for the information 51399911 impairmems 9133? 3106855 this collection is 250 and the number through by calling the toll- estimated hour burden per response is free Federal Remit Septic-3 at [800} 2.15 hours: 1.9 hours to comply with the 3339' FDFI FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Daniel I. Sullivan, Acting Director. Office of Multifamily Productions. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 7th Street SW.. Washington. DC 20410. telephone [202] 402-6130: email, at Daniel.l.5ollivan@ hodgov or telephone 202?402?5130. [Docknt No. Hit-5001 41-09] 50-Day Notice of Proposed Intormat?on Collection: Application ?tor Insurance for Cooperative an Condominium Housing aoeucr: Office of the Assistant the Of?ce of Management and Budget for the information collection complete the form. An estimate oftlie total public burden {in hours} associated with the collection: The total estimated annual hour burden associated with this collection is 53?.5 hours. (7) An estimate oftlie total public SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from described below. In accordance with the agency?s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used: This is not a number. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at [sea] burden in cost} associated with the collection: The estimated total annual cost burden associated with this collection ofinformation is $18.?50HUD-17-0201-A-000047 Mail. Submit written comments to DHS. USCIS. Office of Policy and Strategy. Chief. Regulatory Coordination Division. 20 Massachusetts Avenue NW.. Washington. Dc 20529?21413. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: USCIS. Office of Policy and Strategy. Regulatory Coordination Division. Samantha Deshommes. Chief. 20 Massachusetts Avenue NW.. Washington. DC 205294140. telephone number [This is not a toll-free number. Comments are not accepted via-telephone message]. Please note contact information provided here is solely for questions regarding this notice. It is not for individual case status inquiries. Applicants seeking information about the status of their individual cases can check Case Status Online, available at the USCIS Web site at or call the USCIS National Customer Service Center at 1333]. SUPPLEMENTARY IN FORMATION: Comments You may access the information collection instrument with instructions. or additional information by visiting the Federal eRulemaking Portal site at: and enter in the search box. Regardless ofthe method used for submitting Comments or material. all submissions will be posted. without change. to the Federal eRulemaking Portal at and will include any personal information you provide. Therefore. submitting this information makes it public. You may wish to consider limiting the amount of personal information that you provide in any voluntary submission you make to UHS. DHS may withhold information provided in comments from public viewing that it determines may impact the privacy of an individual or is offensive. For additional information. please read the Privacy Act notice that is available via the link in the footer of http?wmvregulations. av. Written comments an suggestions from the public and affected agencies should address one or more of the followin four points: Eva?uate whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency: including whether the information will have practical utility: Evaluate the accuracy of the agency?s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information. including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used: Federal Registeerol. 82. No. TElFriday. April 21. Enhance the quality. utility. and clarity of the information to he collected; and Minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond. including through the use of appropriate automated. electronic. mechanical. or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology, permitting electronic submission of responses. Overview ofThis Information Collection Type of Information Collection: Extension. Without Change. of a Currently Approved Collection. Title of the FormlCollectian: Discretionary Options for Designated Spouses. Parents. and Sons and Daughters of Certain Military Personnel. Veterans. and Enlistees. Agencyform number, ifuny. arid the applicable coniponcnt of the DHS sponsoring the collection: USCIS. Affected public who will be asked or required to respond, as well as a brief abstract: Primary: Individuals or households. The information to be collected under the PM will be used by USCIS to determine eligibility of discretionary deferred action on a case- by-case basis, for certain family members of military personnel who currently serve on active duty or in the Selected Reserve of the Ready Reserve. military personnel who previously served on active duty or in the Selected Reserve of the Ready Reserve [who were not dishonorahly discharged] whether they are living or deceased. and Delayed Entry Program enlistees [as well as DEP enlistees themselves]. An estimate ofthe total number of respondents and the amount of time estimated for an average respondent to respond: The estimated total number of respondents for the information collection is 250 and the estimated hour burden per response is 2.15 hours; 1.9 hours to comply with the guiding policy and .25 hours to complete the form. [ii] An estimate of the total public burden {in hours}r associated with the collection: The total estimated annual hour burden associated with this collection is 53?.5 hours. An estimate of the total public burden lin cost] associated with the collection: The estimated total annual cost burden associated with this collection of information is $18350. 201? Notices 1 Dated: April 18. 201?. Samantha Deshomraes. Chief] Regulatory Coordination Division. Office ofPolicy and Strategy. US. Citizenship and immigration Services. Department of Homeland Security. Doc. 201. Filed 4?20-1. 3:45 am] BILLING CODE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Application for Mortgage insurance for Cooperative and Condominium Housing AGENCY: Of?ce ofthe Assistant Secretary for Housing?federal Housing Commissioner. HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Office ofManagement and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for SD days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: June 2t]. 2017'. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andlor OMB Control Number and should be sent to: Colette Pollard. Reports Management Officer, QDAM. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 ?th Street SW.. Room 4175. Washington. DC i' telephone ace?aoa?asoa [this is not a toll-free number] or email at ColettePoliardE?hudgov for a Copy of the proposed forms or other available information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at [300] 3339. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Daniel]. Sullivan. Acting Director. Office ofIviultifamily Productions. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 ?th Street SW., Washington. DC 20410, telephone {202] 402-61 30; email, at Danicl.l.3ullivon@ hudgov or telephone 202?402-6130. This is not a toll-free number. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at [800] Federal Registeerol. 02, No. FSiFriday, April 21, ZUINNotices Copies ofavailable documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Mr. Sullivan. SUPPLEMENTAHY INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. A. Overview ofInformalion Collection Title of Information Collection: Application for Mortgage insurance for Cooperative and Condominium Housing. . OMB Approval Number: 2502?0141. Type of?eouest: Extension of a currently approved collection. Form Number: 03201. Descn'ption.oir the need Jfor the information and proposed use: The information collected on the "Application for Mortgage Insurance for .Cooperalive and Condominium Housing" form is used to analyze data, cost data. drawings, and specifications to determine cooperative or condominium project eligibility for FHA mortgage insurance. Respondents: Business or other for pro?t. Estimated Number of Respondents: 20. 3 Estimated Number of Responses: 20. Frbquency of?esponse: On Occasion. Average Hours per Response: 4 hours. Total Estimated Burdens: 00 hours. B. Solicitation of Public Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility; The accuracy of the agency?s estimate of the bur_d an of the proposed collection of infri?Fmatioii; Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity of the information to be collected: and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection ofinformation on those who are to respond; including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology, permitting electronic submission of responses. 13767 HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. C. Authority Section 350? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1005. 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: March 0, 201?. Genger Charles, General Deputy Assistant Secretaryfor Housing. ll-?R Doc. zen?ester Filed 4-20-17: 3:45 aml BILLING CODE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 30 Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Survey of Market Absorption of New Multifamily Units AGENCY: Of?ce ofthe Chief Information Of?cer. HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: The Department of Housing and Urban Development is seeking approval from the Of?ce of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act, HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 30 days ofadditional public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: May 22, 201 T. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andlor OMB Control Number and should be sent to: HUD Desk Of?cer, Office of Management and Budget, New Executive Of?ce Building. Washington. DC 20503; fax: 202?395-5006. Email: OIRA_Submission@ombeopgov. FDFI FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Anna Guido, Reports Management Of?cer, QDAM, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 ?th Street SW.. Washington. DC 20410; email Anna Guide at Anno.P.Cuido@hud.gov or telephone 202?402?5535. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at [800} 077?0339. This is not a toll-free number. Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Guido. SUPPLEMENTARY will submit the proposed information collection package to OMB for review. as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 [as U.S.C. Chapter 35. as amended]. A. Overview of Information Collection Title of information Collection: Survey of Market {absorption of New Multifamily Units. OMB Approval Number: 2528-0013. Type ofilequest: Extension of currently approved collection. orm Number: Description of the need for the information and proposed use: The Survey of Market Absorption provides the data necessary to measure the rate at which new rental apartments and new condominium apartments are absorbed; that is, taken off the market, usually by being rented or sold. over the course of the ?rst twelve months following completion of a building. The data are collected at quarterly intervals until the twelve months conclude, or until the units in a building?are completely absorbed. The survey also provides estimates of certain characteristics. including asking rentl price. number of units, and number of bedrooms. The survey provides a basis for analyzing the degree to which new apartment construction is meeting the present and future needs of the public. Members of a?ected public: Rental AgenislBuilders. Estimated Number of Respondents: 12,000 yearly {maximum}. Estimated Time per Response: 15 minuteslinitial interview and 5 minutes for any subsequent interviews {up to three additional, if necessary}. Frequency of Response: Four times [maximum]. Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 0,000.00 [12,000.00 buildings is 30 minutes]. Estimated Total Annual Cost: The only cost to respondents is that of their time. The total estimated cost to HUD in FY 2017' is Respondent?s Obligation: Voluntary. Legal Authority: The survey is conducted under Title 12. United States Code, Section 17012. Information Number of Frequency of Responses Burden hour Annual burden Hourly oost Annual cost collection respondents response per annum per response hours per response SONIA 12.000 4 40,000 .125 [30 minutes' total 6,000.00 $35.74 $214,440.00 divided by 4 inter- views}. mun-11,1119 us GPO 18970 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 1] 60?Day Notice of Pro posed Intormation Collection: Compliance Inspection Report and Mortgagee?s Assurance of Completion AGENCY: Of?ce ofthe Assistant Secretary for Housing?Federal Housing Commissioner, HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMHARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act, HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose ofthis notice is to allow for fit} days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date:jt1ne 2U, 201?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name endior OMB Control Number and should be sent to: Colette Pollard, Reports Management Officer. QDAM, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Street SW., Room 4176, Washington, DC snare?soon; telephone 202?402?34?l?l [this is not a toll-free number) or email at Coiette.Poiiord@hud.gov for a copy of the proposed forms or other available information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll? free Federal Relay Service at [300} 833?}. FOR FURTHER INFORHATION CONTACT: Cheryl Walker, Director, Home Valuation Policy Division, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Street SW., Washington, DC 20410; email at Cheryi.B.Woiker@ hudgov or telephone 202??08?2121. xtiBBD. This is not a toll-free number. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at [sea] Copies ofavailable documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Pollard. SUPPLEMENTARY This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. Federal 82, No. FoiFriday, April 21, A. Overview of Information Collection Titie of information Collection: Compliance Inspection Report and Mortgagee?s assurance of Completion. OMB Approvoi Number: 2502?0189. Type ofRequest: Extension of currently approved collection. Form Numbers: HUD 92051, 92300. Description of the need for the information and proposed use: Accurate and thorough property information is critical to the accuracy of underwriting for the mortgage insurance process. This information collection is needed to ensure newly built homes financed with FHA mortgage insurance are constructed in accordance with acceptable building standards and that de?ciencies found in newly constructed and existing dwellings are corrected. Respondents: Business or other-for- pro?t. Estimated Number of?espondents: 4,574. Estimated Number of Responses: 25,959. Frequency of Response: On occasion. Average Hours per Response: Total Estimated Burdens: 4,?20. B. Solicitation of Public Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility; The accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information; Ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond; including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. C. Authority Section 350? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, as U.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: March 23, 2017. Gouger Charles, General Depu ty Assistant Secretary for Housing. Doc. 2017?03131 Filed aml BILLING cooE 421o?s't?P 2017I?Notices DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Bureau of Indian Affairs sunset at cassette] Rate Adjustments for Indian irrigation Projects AGENCY: Bureau of Indian Affairs. Interior. I ACTION: Notice of proposed rate adjustments. SUMMARY: The Bureau of Indian Affairs owns, or has an interest in. irrigation projects located on or associated with various Indian reservations throughout the United States. We are required to establish irrigation assessment rates to recover the costs to administer. operate, maintain, and rehabilitate these projects. We request your comments on the proposed rate adjustments. DATES: Interested parties may submit comments on the proposed rate adjustments on or before June 20, 201?. ADDRESSES: All comments on the proposed rate adjustments must be in writing and addressed to: Yulan jin, Chief. Division of Water and Power. Office of Trust Services, Mail Stop 1849 Street NW., Washington, oc specie, Telephone [202} 219?0941. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For details about a particular irrigation project, please use the tables in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section to contact the regional or local office where the project is located. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The first table in this notice provides contact information for individuals who can I give further information about the irrigation projects covered by this notice. The second table provides the current 2016 irrigation assessment rates. the proposed rates for Calendar Year 201?, and proposed rates for subseQuent years where these rates are available. What is the meaning of the key terms used in this notice? In this notice: Administrative costs mean all costs we incur to administer our irrigation projects at the local project level and is a cost factor included in calculating your operation and maintenance assessment. Costs incurred at the local project level do not normally include Agency, Region. or Central Office costs unless we state otherwise in writing. Assessable acre means lands designated by us to be served by one of Federal Registeerol. 32, No. ?3lFriday.' April 21. 201TlNotices B. Solicitation of Public Comment This notice solicits comments from members ofthe public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility: The accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information; Ways to enhance the quality, utility. and clarity of the information to be collected: and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond. including the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology, cg. permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. C. Authority Section 350? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. Date: March 21. 2017. Anna P. Guido. Department reports Mon ngement Officer. O?lce oftlie Chieflnformatiou U?icer. IFR Doc. 201L-03121 Filed 4?2o?1r:a:45 am] BILLING c:er sate?sun DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. all-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Evaluation of the Section 311 Protect Rental Assistance Program, Phase II AGENCY: Office of Policy Development and Research. HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment front all intErested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 60 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: lune so, 201?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are I invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andlor OMB Control Number and should he sent to: Anna P. Guido, Reports Management Officer. QDAM. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 7th Street SW.. Room 41 re. Washington. DC 20410?5000; telephone [202} 402?5534 [this is not a toll-free number} or email at Anna.P.Guido@hud.gov for a copy of the proposed forms or other available information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll? fraa Federal Relay Service at [300] 37?7? 8339. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Anna P. Guido. Reports Management Officer, QDAM. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Street SW.. Washington. DC 20410: email Anna P. Guido at Anno.P.Guido@ hudgov or telephone {202] 402?5535. This is not a toll-free number. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at (300] Copies of available dUCuments submitted to OMB may he obtained from Ms. Guido. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. A. Overview of Information Collection Title of Information Collection: Evaluation of the Section 311 Project Rental Assistance Program. Phase II. OMB Approval Number: 2523?0309. Type ofRequa-st: Substantial revision of currently approved collection. Form No mooann. Description of the need for the information and proposed use: The Office of Policy Development and Research, at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development is proposing a revision of currently approved data collection activity as part of the evaluation of the Section 311 Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities [Section 811] Project Rental ?ssistance Program. The Section 311 supportive housing model provides people with disabilities affordable housing and access to appropriate. voluntary supportive services. The traditional Section 311 Project Rental Assistance Contract program awarded interest-free capital advances and contracts for projectwhaSEd rental assistance to nonprofit organizations to develop supportive housing. The Section 311 PRA program is a new approach to supportive housing that provides project?based rental assistance to state housing agencies for the development of supportive housing for extremely low-income persons with disabilities. Housing agencies must have an interagency partnership agreement with the state health and human service agency and the state Medicaid provider to provide services and supports directly to residents living in units funded with Section 311 PEA. This evaluation is the second phase of a two-phase evaluation. Phase evaluated the early implementation of the Section 311 PRA Program in the 12 states that were awarded the first round of PRA grants. The OMB Approval Number for Phase I is 2523?0309. HUD is now undertaking the second phase of the Section 811 PRA evaluation. The second phase will continue to evaluate the implementation of the Section 311 PRA Program. but will also assess the program's effectiveness and its impact on residents and will be limited to six states. The evaluation of the Section 311 PM Program. including the assessment of its effectiveness compared to the traditional Section 311 PRAC Program, I is mandated by the Frank Melville Supportive Housing Investment Act of 2010. This Federal Register Notice provides the opportunity to comment on the revision of the approved information collection activity for the second phase of the Section 311 PRA evaluation. Data collection for the second phase of the evaluation of the Section 311 PRA Program includes in?person surveys with residents assisted by the Section 311 PM and PRAC programs and in- person interviews with staff from Pl-ti'l program participating agencies [property owners or managers of properties where Section 311 PRA residents live. manager?level staff at organizations that provide supportive services to PRA residents. and manager- level staff at Public Housing Authorities that committed housing subsidies for the PRA program]. The purpose of the interviews is to assess the implementation experience of the Section 311 Project Rental Assistance program and the program?s impact on residents. Participation in the resident survey is voluntary for PRA and PRAC residents. Respondents: Residents assisted with Section 311 program. Section 311 property managers. supportive service providers. and Public Housing Authorities. Total Estimated Burdens: Researchers will administer resident surveys for an average of 45 minutes with an additional 30 minutes needed to schedule the call and conduct D-17-0201-A-000051 6% Federal Registerf'ilol. 82, No. TofFriday, April 21. Ecli?fNotices 13?69 prescreening questions with the respondent. The total burden for the 485 Section 511 residents is 505 hours. The average burden of interviews for property managers and service providers is one hour. with an additional half-hour to schedule the cal] and compile information needed to complete the interview. The average burden for Public Housing Authorities is 3U minutes with an additional 30 minutes needed to schedule the call and compile information for the interview. The total burden hours for property owners is 35 hours, the total burden hours for service providers is .72 hours, and the total burden hours for Public Housing authorities is 12 hours. The total reSpondent burden for these data collection activities is .720 hours. ESTIMATED HOUR AND COST BURDEN DF COLLECTION - Number of Frequency of Responses Burden hour Annual Hourly cost Annual Information (in?ection respondents response per ann um per response burden hours per response cost Section 811 Property Owner 24 1 1 1.5 35 $35.63 $953.53 Service Provider Man- a or 45 1 1 1.5 7'2 45.43 Pubic Housing Au- thority Manager 12 1 1 1 12 41.40 496.51] Section 511 residents 480 1 1 1.25 sec 9.21 5.526.110 Total 564 3?20 10,252.44 Based on the assumptions and table below we calculate the total annual cost burden for this information collection to be $10,252.44. For staff of participating agencies, we estimated their cost per response using the most recent [May 2515] Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Employment Statistics median hourly wage for selected occupations classified by Standard Occupational Classification codes. To estimate hourly wage rates for property owners and managers of properties where Section 311 residents live. we used the occupation code Property, Real Estate, and Conununity Association Managers [11?940]. with a median hourly wage of $25.53. For managers of service providers of Section 511 residents, we used Medical and Health Services Managers [11-9111, with a median hourly wage of $45.43. Per Public Housing Authority managers, we used the Administrative Services Manager [11?310]. with a median hourly wage of $41.4o. . Median hourly Respondent Occupation title wag; rate 1' Section 511 Property Manager Property. Heal Estate, and Community Association Managers 11?940 25.53 Service Provider Manager Medical and Health Services Managers 11?911 45.43 Public Housing Authority Manager Administrative Services Manager .. 11?310 41.40 Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Employment Statistics (May 2515}, Section 511 PRA and PRAC households participating in the Section 511 evaluation will range in employment position and earnings. but national data indicate the population has very low incomes. According to 2515 HUD Picture of Subsidized Households Data mvwhuo' user. gov/portoi/dotosetsf the average per person household income for Section 511 residents in the six states where the study is being conducted was $10.5?3. but only six percent of PRAC residents report wages as a major source of household income [current data on PR5 participants is not yet available}. We estimated the hourly wage burden for Section 311 residents. at $5.21, the average expected prevailing minimum wage in the six states where the evaluation is being conducted Louisiana?$125 [federal minimum wage]: Maryland?155%; Minnesota? 5550: We assumed an unweighted average as the survey sample will comprise of approximately 50 residents from each of the six states. [Source: US. Department ofLaborl Wage and Hour Division, Minimum Wage Laws in the States? Ianuary 201?, B. Solicitation of Public Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whedier the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have ractical utility: The accuracy oft agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information: Ways to enhance the quality. utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond; including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology, permitting electronic submission of responses. encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. C. Authority Section 355? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1955, 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: March 1-1, 201?. Matthew E. Amman. General Depo 13; Assistant Secretoryfor Policy. Development and Research. Doc. sot r?oaiza Filed 4?20?1 11:45 am] BILLING CODE 4210?61?1: .- urrI-rhrich ?vtfte or. Su? Federal Registeerol. 82. No. 75lFriday. April 21. 201? {Notices 18767 Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Mr. Sullivan. This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in - Section A. A. Overview of Information Collection Title of Information Collection: Application for Mortgage Insurance for Cooperative and Condominium Housing. OMB Approval Number: 2502?0141. Type of Request: Extension of a currently approved collection. Form Number: 93201. Description oftlie need for the information and proposed use: The information collected on the ?Application for Mortgage Insurance for Cooperative and Condominium Housing" form is used to analyze data. cost data. drawings. and speci?cations to determine cooperative or condominium project eligibility for FHA mortgage insurance. Respondents: Business or other for pro?t. Estimated Number ofRespondents: 20. Estimated Number ofli'esponses: 20. Frequency of Heaponse: On Occasion. Average Hours per Response: 4 hours. Total Estimated Burdens: 30 hours. B. Solicitation of Public Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members ofthe public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on . the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility; The accuracy of the agency?s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information: Ways to enhance the quality, utility. and clarity of the information to be collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond; including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. C. Authority Section 350?r of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: March 0, 201?. Gouger Charles. General Deputy Assistant Secretoryfor Housing. - IFR Doc. 2017?03122 Filed am] BILLING cons 421W-P DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 30 Day Notice of Pro posed Information Collection: Survey of Market Absorption of New Multifamily Units AGENCY: Office ofthe Chief Information Officer. HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: The Department of Housing and Urban Development is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 30 days of additional public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: May 22. 2017. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andior OMB Control Number and should be sent to: HUD Desk Officer, Of?ce of Management and Budget. New Executive Office Building, Washington, DC 20503; fax: 202?305?5300. Email: OIHA _Submission@omb.eop.gov. FDR FURTH EFI INFORMATION CONTACT: Anna Guido. Reports Management Of?cer. QDAM. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 ?th Street SW.. Washington, DC 20410: email Anna Guido at Annu.P.Guido@ltud.gov or telephone 202?402?5535. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at [300} This is not a toll?free number. Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Guido. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: HUD will submit the proposed information collection package to OMB for review. as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1005 [44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. as amended]. A. Overview oflnformation Collection Title of information Collection: Survey of Market Absorption of New Multifamily Units. OMB Approval Number: 2523?0013. Type ofRequest: Extension of currently approved collection. Form Number: Nlt?i. Description of the need for the information and proposed usegThe Survey of Market Absorption provides the data necessary to measure the rate at which new rental apartments and new condominium apartments are absorbed: that is. taken off the market. usually by beingrented or sold. over the course of the first twelve months following completion of a building. The data are collected at quarterly intervals until the twelve months conclude. or until the units in a building are completely absorbed. The survey also provides estimates of certain characteristics, including asking rentl price. number of units. and number of bedrooms. The survey provides a basis For analyzing the degree to which new apartment construction is meeting the present and future needs of the public. Members ofcffected public: Rental Estimated Number of Respondents: 12.000 yearly [maximum]. Estimated Time per Hespensa: 15 minuteslinitial interview and 5 minutes for any subsequent interviews [up to three additional, if necessary]. Frequency ofliesponse: Four times [maximum]. Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 5,000.00 (12,000.00 buildings 30 minutes]. Estimated Total Annual Cost: The only cost to respondents is that of their time. The total estimated cost to HUD in FY 2017' is 51.120.000. Respondent's Obligation: Voluntary. Legal Authority: The survey is conducted under Title 12, United States Code. Section 1 7012. Information Number of Frequency of Responses Burden hour Annual burden Heurly cost Annual cost collection respondents response per annum per response hours per response SDMA 12.000 4 48.000 .125 {30 minutes? total 6.00000 $35.74 5214.44000 divided by 4 inter- views}. v.5 ?Hi?-t terse? Federal Registeerol. 82, No. April 21, 2017lNotices B. Solicitation of Public Comment This notice solicits comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection ofinformation is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility; The accuracy of the agency?s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information: Ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected: and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection ofinformation on those who are to respond, including the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology, permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to those questions. C. Authority Section ass? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of1'I-l'35, 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. Date: March 21, 2015'. Anna P. Guido, Department reports Management Officer, Office of the Chief Information Officer. Doc. zoir?osiri Filed use?17:13:45 am] cone 4210-87-43 -. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 60-Day Notice oi Proposed Information Collection: Evaluation of the Section 811 Project Rental Assistance Program. Phase II AGENCY: Of?ce of Policy Development and Research. HUD. ACHON: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Of?ce of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act, HUD is requesting comment. from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose ofthis notice is to allow for days of public comment. Continents Due Date: June 20, .7. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andior OMB Control Number and should be sent to: Anna P. Guido. Reports Management I{Itfficen QDAM, Department of llousing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street SW., Room 413%, Washington. DC 20410-6001): telephone [202} 402?5534 [this is not a toll-free number} or email at Anna.P.Guido@hud.gov for a copy of the proposed forms or other available information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll~ free Federal Relay Service at [800) at?? 3339. FOR FURTHER CONTACT: Anna P. Guido. Reports Management Officer, QDAM. Department of [loosing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street SW., Washington, DC 20410; email Anna P. Guido at Anna.P.Guido@ hudgov or telephone [202] 402?5535. This is not a toll-free number. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at [300] 87??8339. Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Guido. INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. A. Overview of Information Collection Title oflnforniotion Collection: Evaluation of the Section 311 Project Rental Assistance Program, Phase OMB Approval Number: 2523?0309. Type ofHe-oocst: Substantial revision of currently approved collection. Form Number: Description ofthe needfor the information and proposed use: The Office of Policy Development and Research, at the US. Department of Housing and Urban Development is proposing a revision of currently approved data collection activity as part of the evaluation of the Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities {Section 811] Project Rental assistance Program. The Section 311 supportive housing model provides people with disabilities affordable housing and access to appropriate, voluntary supportive services. The traditional Section 811 Project Rental Assistance Contract program awarded interest?free capital advances and contracts for project-based rental assistance to nonprofit organizations to develop supportive housing. The Section 311 Pita. program is a new approach to supportive housing that provides project-based rental assistance to state housing agencies for the development of supportive housing for extremely low-income persons with disabilities. Housing agencies must have an interagency partnership agreement with the state health and human service agency and the state Medicaid provider to provide services and supports directly to residents living in units funded with Section 311 PRA. This evaluation is the second phase of a two-phase evaluation. Phase I evaluated the early implementation of the Section 311 PM Program in the 12 states that were awarded the ?rst round of PEA grants. The OMB Approval Number for Phase is 2528?0309. HUD is now undertaking the second phase of the Section 811 PM evaluation. The second phase will continue to evaluate the implementation ofthe Section 31] PRES. Program, but will also assess the program's effectiveness and its impact on residents and will be limited to six states. The evaluation of the Section 311 PRA Program, including the assessment of its effectiveness compared to the traditional Section 811 PRAC Program, is mandated by the Frank Melville Supportive Housing Investment Act of 21111]. This Federal Register Notice provides the opportunity to comment on the revision of the approved information collection activity for the second phase ofthe Section 811 PM evaluation. Data collection for the second phase ofthe evaluation of the Section 311 PRA Program includes surveys with residents assisted by the Section 811 PM and PRAC programs and in- person interviews with staff from PRA program participating agencies [property owners or managers of properties where Section 811 PRA residents live. manager-level staff at organizations that provide supportive services to PRA residents, and manager- level staff at Public Housing Authorities that committed housing subsidies for the PRA program]. The purpose of the interviews is to assess the implementation experience of the Section 811 Project Rental Assistance program and the program's impact on residents. Participation in the resident survey is voluntary for PRA and residents. Respondents: Residents assisted with Section 811 program, Section 311 property managers, supportive service providers, and Public Housing Authorities. Total Estimated Burdens: Researchers will administer resident surveys for an average of 45 minutes with an additional 30 minutes needed to schedule the call and conduct Federal Registeerol. 82, No. ?8lTuesday, April 25, in accordance with 35 USS. 20!] and CFR part 404, as well as for further development and evaluation under a research collaboration. Potential Commercial Applications - Diagnostics - Vaccines Competitive Advantages .- One-dose vaccine I- Ease of manufacture - Can be included in multivalent flavivirus vaccines Development Stage I In vivo data available l[animal] Inventors: S. Whitehead [Nli?tlD], S. Woodson A. Pletnev K. Tsetsarkin A. Durbin [Johns Hopkins University] intellectual Property: HHS Reference No. Provisional Patent application Number 52l30?,1 F0, ?led March 11, 2015, PCT Patent Application TBA ?led March 11, 201?. Licensing Contact: Peter Soukas. 301-594?3?30; petersoukas?lnihgov. Collaborative Research Opportunity: The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases is seeking statements of capability or interest from parties interested in collaborative research to further develop, evaluate or commercialize norovirus diagnostics or vaccines. For collaboration opportunities. please contact Peter Saukas, I.D., percusoukos?nilhgov. Datad1Aprillz, 261?. Suzanne Frisbie, Dep ury Director, Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Office, National institute ofAllergyand infectious Diseases. IFR Filed s?ss?ir: 3:45 am] BILLING CODE 4140?014 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. Notice of Multifamin and Healthcare Loan Sale (MHLS AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Housing?Federal Housing Commissioner. HUD. ACTION: Notice of sale oftwo multifamily and eight healthcare mortgage loans. SUMMARY: This notice announces intention to sell two unsubsidized multifamily and eight. unsubsidized healthcare mortgage loans, without Federal Housing Administration insurance, in a competitive, sealed bid sale on or about April 26, 201? 201??1 or Loan Sale]. This notice also describes generally the bidding process for the sale and certain persons who are ineligible to bid. DATES: A Bidder's Information Package was made available on or about March 29, 201?. Bids for the loans must be submitted on the bid date. which is currently scheduled for April 25, 201? between certain specified hours. HUD anticipates that an award or awards will be made on or before May 1, 201?. Closing is expected to take place between May 4 and May 3, 201?. ADDRESSES: To become a quali?ed bidder and receive the RIP, prospective bidders must complete. execute, and submit a Con?dentiality Agreement and a Qualification Statement acceptable to HUD. Both documents will be available on the HUD Web site at mmhudgov/ fholoansales. Please fax or email as well as mail executed original documents to Watkins Realty Partners. LLC: 15 Watkins Realty Partners, LLC. etc The Debt Exchange, 33 Federal Street. 10th Floor, Boston, Ma 021 1?1, Attention: MHLS 201 Sale Coordinator, Fax: 1?9?8?96??850?. Email: .7- itiidebtscom. Foe roan-lea INFORMATION coarser: John Lucey, Director, Asset Sales Of?ce, Room 3135, US. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20410? 3000: telephone 202?402?3021 Hearing- or speech-impaired individuals may call 202?703?4504 These are not toll-free numbers. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: HUD announces its intention to sell, in MHLS 201??1, ten [10] unsubsidized mortgage 'loans [Mortgage Loans] consisting of seven first lien healthcare notes and one associated 2nd lien healthcare note secured by six assisted living facilities located in various locations within the U.S. mainland and one assisted living facility in St. Thomas. US. Virgin islands. Additionally, HUD intends to sell in MHLS 201 T?l two first lien multifamily notes secured by two multifamily properties located in Fayetteville, North Carolina and Williinantic. Connecticut. The Mortgage Loans are non-performing mortgage loans. The listing of the Mortgage Loans is included in the RIP. The Mortgage Loans will be sold without FHA insurance and with HUD servicing released. HUD will offer qualified bidders an opportunity to bid competitively on the Mortgage Loans. The Mortgage Loans wil be stratified for bidding purposes into several mortgage loan pools. Each pool will contain Mortgage Loans that generally 190?5 have similar performance, property type, geographic location. lien position and other characteristics. Qualified bidders may submit bids on one or more pools of Mortgage Loans or may bid on individual loans. The Quali?cation Statement describes the entitieslindividuals that may be qualified to bid on the Mortgage Loans if they meet certain requirements as detailed in the Qualification Statement. Some entitieslindividuals must meet additional requirements in order to be quali?ed to bid, including but not limited to: Any mortgageelservicer who originated one or more ofthe Mortgage Loans; a mortgagor or an operator, with respect to any HUD insured or subsidized mortgage loan (excluding the Mortgage Loans being offered in the Loan Sale] who is currently in default, violation, or noncompliance with one or more of requirements or business agreements: a limited partner, nonmanaging member, investor andtor shareholder who owns a 1% or less interest in one or more ofthe Mortgage Loans, or in the project securing one or more of the Mortgage Loans: and any of the aforementioned entities'l individuals' principals, af?liates, family members, and assigns. Interested entitieslindividuals who fall into one of these categories should review the lQualification Statement to determine whether they may be eligible to qualify to submit a bid on the Mortgage Loans. Other entitiesl individuals not described herein may also be restricted from bidding on the Mortgage Loans, as fully detailed in the Qualification Statement. The Bidding Process The BIP describes in detail the procedure for bidding in MHLS 201??1. The BIP also includes a standardized non-negotiable loan sale agreement {Loan Sale Agreement}. As part of its bid, each bidder must submit a minimum deposit of the greater of One Hundred Thousand Dollars {$100,000} or ten percent of the aggregate bid prices for all of such Bidder?s bids. In the event the Bidder's aggregate bid is less than One Hundred Thousand Dollars the minimum deposit shall be not less than fifty percent of the Bidder?s aggregate bid. HUD will evaluate the bids submitted and determine the successful bidls] in its sole and absolute discretion. If a bidder is successful, the bidder?s deposit will be non-refundable and will be applied toward the purchase price. with any amount beyond the purchase price being returned to the bidder. Deposits will be returned to 19076 unsuccessful bidders after notifiction to sucessful bidders on or before May 1, 201?. Closings are expected to take place between May a. 2.01? and May a, 201?. These are the essential terms of sale. The Loan Sale Agreement, which is included in the RIP, contains additional terms and details. To ensure a competitive bidding process, the terms of the bidding process and the Loan Sale Agreement are not subject to negotiation. Due Diligence Review The describes the due diligence process for reviewing loan ?les in MHLS EDNA. Quali?ed bidders will be able to access loan information remotely via a high-speed Internet connection. Further information on performing due diligence review of the Mortgage Loans is provided in the BIP. Mortgage Loan Sale Policy HUD reserves the right to add Mortgage Loans to or delete Mortgage Loans from MHI.S 2017?1 at any time prior to the Award Date. HUD also reserves the right to reject any and all bids, in whole or in part, without prejudice to right to include the Mortgage Loans in a later sale. The Mortgage Loans will not be withdrawn after the award date except as is speci?cally provided for in the Loan Sale Agreement. This is a sale ofunsubsidized mortgage loans, pursuant to Section zone) of the Departments of 1Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development. and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act of 199? [12 U.S.C. Mortgage Loan Sale Procedure HUD selected a competitive sale as the method to sell the Mortgage Loan. This method of sale optimizes HUD's return on the sale of these Mortgage Loans, affords the greatest opportunity for all quali?ed bidders to bid on the Mortgage Loans, and provides the most ef?cient vehicle for HUD to dispose of the Mortgage Loans. Bidder Eligibility In order to bid in the sale, a prospective bidder must complete, execute and submit both a Con?dentiality Agreement and a Quali?cation Statement. acceptable to HUD. The following individuals and entities are among those ineligible to bid on the Mortgage Loans being sold in MHLS 2017-1: 1. A mortgagor or operator with respect to one or more of the Mortgage Loans being offered in the Loan Sale, or Federal Registerf'ttol. 32, No. F'Bf'l?uosday, April 25, 2013?t?Notices an Active Shareholder (as such term is defined in the Quali?cation Statement}; 2. Any individual or entity, and any Related Party [as such term is defined in the Qualification Statement] of such individual or entity. that is a mortgagor or operator with respect to any of HUD's multifamily andtor healthcare programs {excluding the Mortgage Loans being offered in the Loan Sale] and that has failed to file financial statements or is otherwise in default under such mortgage loan or is in violation or noncompliance of any regulatory or business agreements with HUD and fails to cure such default or violation by no later than April 12, 2017; 3. Any individual or entity that is debarred. suspended, or excluded from doing business with HUD pursuant to Title 2 ofthe Code of Federal Regulations. Part 2424: 4. Any contractor, subcontractor andi? or consultant or adviser [including any agent, employee, partner, director, principal or affiliate of any of the foregoing] who performed services for. or on behalf of. HUD in connection with MHLS Emir-1: 5. Any employee of HUD, a member of such employee's family, or an entity Owned or controlled by any such employee or member of such an employee?s family: 5. Any individual or entity that uses the services, directly or indirectly. of any person or entity ineligible under provisions through above to assist in preparing its bid on any Mortgage Loan; An FHA-approved mortgagee, including any principals, affiliates, or assigns thereof, that has received FHA insurance benefits for one or more ofthe Mortgage Loans being offered in the Loan Sale; 3. An FHA-approved mortgagee and! or loan servicer, including any principals, affiliates, or assigns thereof. that originated one or more of the Mortgage Loans being offered in the Loan Sale if the Mortgage Loan defaulted within two years of origination and resulted in the payment ofan FHA insurance claim; 9. Any af?liate. principal or employee of any person or entity that, within the two-year period prior to April 1, 201.7. serviced any Mortgage Loan or erformed other services for or on behalf oft-IUD; 10. Any contractor or subcontractor to HUD that otherwise had access to information concerning any Mortgage Loan on behalf of HUD or provided services to any person or entity which. within the two-year period prior to April 1. 201?, had access to information with respect to the Mortgage Lean on behalf of HUD: andt'or 11. Any employee, officer, director or any other person that provides or will provide services to the prospective bidder with respect to the Mortgage Loans during any warranty period established for the Loan Sale. that serviced the Mortgage Loans or performed other services for or on behalf of HUD or within the two-year period prior to April 1.. 201?, provided services to any person or entity which serviced. perforated services or otherwise had access to information with respect to any Mortgage Loan for or on behalf of HUD. Other.entitiest?individuals not described herein may also be restricted frOm bidding on the Mortgage Loans. as fully detailed in the Qualification Statement. The Qualification Statement provides further details pertaining to eligibility requirements. Prospective bidders should carefully review the Quali?cation Statement to determine whether they are eligible to submit bids on the Mortgage Loans in MIILS 1. Freedom of Information Act Requests HUD reserves the right, in its sole and absolute diSCretion, to disclose information regarding MHLS 2011?1, including, but not limited to. the identity of any successful bidder and its bid price or bid percentage for the Mortgage Loans, upon the closing of the sale ofthe Mortgage Loans. Even if HUD elects not to publicly disclose any information relating to MHLS sow?1. HUD will have the right to disclose any information that is obligated to disclose pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act and all regulations promulgated thereunder. Scope of Notice This notice applies to MHLS 201 and does not establish policy for the sale of other mortgage loans. Dated: April ?19. 201?. Genger Charles. General Deputy Assistant Secretoryfor Housing. Doc. 2a1v-oean Filed 4?21-17; 11:15 am] BILLING eons data?sr?p u: inseam.? em DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT Federal Registerf?ir'ol. 82. No. Tie/Tuesday. April 25. ZUIHNotices [Docket No. Announcement of the Housing Counseling Federal Advisory Committee Notice of Public Meeting AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Housing?Federal Housing Commissioner. Department of Housing and Urban Development ACHON: Notice of Housing Counseling Federal advisory Committee (HCFACJ public meeting. SUMMARY: This gives notice of a Housing Counseling Federal Advisory Committee meeting and sets forth the proposed agenda. The Committee meeting will be held on Monday. May 15, 201?. The meeting is open to the public and is accessible to individuals with disabilities. DATES: The in?person meeting will be held on Monday. May 15. 2th? from 3:30 a.m. to 5:30 pm. Eastern Daylight Time at Constitution Center. Federal Housing Finance Agency, 400 Seventh Street SW.. Washington. DC 20024 and via conference phone. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mariorie George. Housing Program Technical Specialist, Office of Housing Counseling, US. Department of Housing and Urban Development. zoo ]efferson Avenue. Suite Memphis. TN 33103: telephone number (901] 544?4225 [this is not a toll-free number]. Persons who have difficulty hearing or speaking may access this number via TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at [30nd 822?8339 [toll-hes number]. Individuals may also email HCFACCommittee?hud.gov. SUPPLEMENTARY HUD is convening the meeting of the on Monday, May 15. 201? from 3:36 am. to 5:30 pm. EDT. The meeting will be held at Constitution Center. Federal Housing Finance Agency. 40ft Seventh Street SW.. Washington. DC 20024 and via conference phone. This meeting notice is provided in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act. 5 U.S.C. App. 10la][2]. Dra? Agenda?Housing Counseling Federal Advisory Committee Meeting-? May 15, 201 1? 1. Welcome ll. Panel Discussions?Expanding Access to and Sustainability of HUD Housing Counseling Public Comment W. IICFAC Discussion V. Next Steps Elana-?uh! Registration The public is invited to attend this . one-day meeting ill-person or by phone. Advance registration is required to participate. To register to attend. please visit the following link: registrotion-SIEJ After completing the pre?registration process at the above link. imperson attendees will receive details about the meeting location and how to access the building. The meeting is also Open to the public with limited phone lines available on a first-come, first-served basis. Phone attendees can call-in to the onesday meeting by using the following number in the United States: [800] 230? 1024 (toll-free number]. An operator will ask callers to provide their names and their organizational af?liations [if applicable} prior to placing callers into the conference line to ensure they are part of the pro-registration list. Callers can expect to incur charges for cells they initiate over wireless lines and HUD will not refund any incurred charges. Callers will incur no charge for calls they initiate over landrline connections to the toll-free phone number. Persons with hearing impairments may also follow the discussion by ?rst callng the Federal Relay Service [800] 972?8339 [toll-free number] and providing the FRS operator with the conference call number: [890] 230-1024. Comments With advance registration. members of the public will have an opportunity to provide oral and written comments relative to the four agenda topics for the Committee?s consideration. To provide oral comments. please be sure to indicate this on the registration link. The total amount of time for oral comments will be 15 minutes with each commenter limited to two minutes to ensure pertinent Committee business is completed. Written comments must be provided no later than May 5. 201? to HCFACCommittee?ihudgov. Please note. written statements submitted will not be read during the meeting. The Committee will not respond to individual written or oral statements: but. will take all public comments into account in its deliberations. Meeting Records Records and doCuments discussed during the meeting. as well as other information about the work of this Committee. will be available for public viewing as they become available at: r?n mm i'ttiep/ 19077 committee. ospx?cid= 24 92&oid= 77 by clicking on the ?Committee Meetings" link. Dated: April12. 201?. Gouger Charles. General Deputy Assistant. Secretaryfor Housing. Doc. 2012?08331 Filed aml cools 4210-674! DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Fish and Wildlife Service 1 Receipt of Application for Incidental Take Permit; Low-Effect Habitat Conservation Plan tor the Phillips 66 Cal Coast Pipeline Replacement Project. Santa Barbara County. California AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior. ACHON: Notice ofreceipt of permit application; request for comments. SUMMARY: We. the 1.3.3. Fish and Wildlife Service. have received an application from Phillips ea Pipeline LLC. for an incidental take permit under the Endangered Species Act of 1973. as amended. The permit would authorize take of the federally endangered California tiger salamander [Santa Barbara distinct population segment] and the threatened California red?legged frog. incidental to otherwise lawful activities associated with the Cal Coast Pipeline Replacement Protect Habitat Conservation Plan. We invite public comment. DATES: Written comments should be received on or before May 25. 201?. ADDRESSES: You may download a copy of the draft habitat conservatism plan and draft low?effect screening form and environmental action statement on the internet at or you may request copies of the documents by US. mail to our Venture. office, or by phone [see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION coNTacT}. Please address written comments to Stephen P. Henry. Field Supervisor. 1venture Fish and Wildlife Office. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2493 Fortola Road. Suite B. 1'Iii-intura. CA QSUDB. You may alternatively send comments by facsimile to (805] 644-3958. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Rachel Henry, Fish and Wildlife calling BIBS ass?er . SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: We. the US. Fish and Wildlife Service [Service]. In urn-Inna lie-mm '4 t: Federal Registerfllol. 82, No. 52-! Monday, May 1. 2017 Notices 2.0371 DEPARTMENT oI= HOMELAND SECURITY US. Customs and Border Protection [1651?t103't] illgencyI Information Collection Activities: Entry of Articles for Exhibition AGENCY: U.S. Customs and Border Protection Department of Homeland Security. ACTION: Notice and request for comments: extension of an existing collection ofinformation. SUMMARY: The Department of Homeland Security, US. Customs and Border Protection will he submitting the following information collection request to the Of?ce ofManagenient and Budget for review and approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The information collection is published in the Federal Register to obtain comments born the public and affected agencies. DATES: Comments are encouraged and will be accepted (no later than June 30. to be assured ofconsideration. ADDRESSES: Written comments andlor suggestions regarding the itemlsl contained in this notice must include the OMB Control Number 1551?003? in the subject line and the agency name. To avoid duplicate submissions, please use only one of the following methods to submit comments: [ll Email. Submit comments to: PHA@cbp.dhs.gav. Mail. Submit written comments to CBP Paperwork Reduction Act Officer, US. Customs and Border Protection. Of?ce of Trade, Regulations and Rulings. Economic Impact Analysis Branch, at} Street NE, 10th Floor. Washington. DC 20229?11??. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Requests for additional information should be directed to Paperwork Reduction Act Of?cer. U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Office of Trade. Regulations and Rulings, Economic Impact Analysis Branch, 90 Street NE. 10th Floor, Washington, DC 20229- 11?, or via email Please note that the contact information provided here is solely for questions regarding this notice. Individuals seeking information about other CBP programs should contact the CBP National Customer Service Center at 377?227?5511, 3339, or Web site at clip. go SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: CBF invites the general public and other Federal agencies to comment on the proposed andlor continuing information collections pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of less [as 3501 et seq]. Written comments and suggestions from the public and affected agencies should address one or more of the following four points: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance ofthe functions ofthe agency, including whether the information will have practical utility; the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection ofinformation, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used: suggestions to enhance the quality, utility. and clarity of the information to be collected; and suggestions to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated. electronic, mechanical. or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology, permitting electronic submission ofresponses. The comments that. are submitted will be summarized and included in the request for approval. All comments will become a matter of public record. Overview ofThis Information Collection Title: Entry of Articles for Exhibition. OMB Number: 1851?0031 Form Number: None. Current Actions: Chif-l proposes to extend the expiration date ofthis information collection with no change to the burden hours or to the information collected. Type ofRevis-w: Extension [without changel Affected Public: Businesses. Abstract: Goods entered for exhibit at fairs, or for constructing, installing, or maintaining foreign exhibits at a fair, may be free of duty under 19 U.S.C. 11152. In order to substantiate that goods qualify for duty-free treatment, the consignee of the merchandise must provide information to CBP about the imported goods, which is specified in 19 CFR 147.11fc]. Estimated Number of Hespon dents .- 50. Estimated Number ofli?esponses per Respondent: 50. Estimated Number of Total Annual Responses: 2,500. Estimated Time per Response: 20 minutes. Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 832. Dated: April 25. 2017. Seth Renkema. Branch Chief, Economic impact Analysis Brooch, U. 3. Customs and Border Protection. Doc. zen?nears Filed a?ae-tr: this am; BILLING cooE Qtt?i?M?F DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT {Docket No; Federal Housing Administration (FHA): Indefinite Deferral of Implementation of the Small Building Ftisk Sharing Initiative AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Housing?Federal Housing Commissioner, HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMAHV: This notice advises the public that HUD is deferring implementation of the Small Building Risk Sharing Program authorized by Section 542(h] of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992, to facilitate the financing of small multifamily properties. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CDNTACT: Donald Billingsley, Of?ce of Multifamily Housing Programs, Office of Production, Department ofHousing and Urban Development. 451 ?th Street SW.. Room E5148. Washington. DC 20410: email address Donald.A.Billingsley@ hudgov and telephone number [202] 402-7125 (this is not a toll-free number]. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll- .free Federal Relay Service at 3335]. INFORMATION: The ?Small Building Risk Sharing Initiative Final Notice? [Final Notice] was published on July 16. 2015 at 30 FR 421GB, following an initial notice published for public comment on November 4, 2m 3, at 3'8 FR 66043. The Final Notice announced implementation ofan Initiative under the Risk Sharing Program. authorized by Section 542th] ofthe Housing and Community Development Act of 1992, to facilitate the financing of small multifamily properties. While applications were received pursuant to the Final Notice, HUD never implemented the program. In addition. it is not clear whether the program is still needed under current economic conditions. HUD therefore indefinitely defers the applicability of the Final Notice implementing the Small Buildings Risk Sharing Program [the ?Initiative"] under Section 542%] of the fli- 20372: 201 fNotices Federal Registerf'v'ol. 32. No. May 1. Housing and Community Development Act of 1992 and will not accept additional applications at this time. HUD may in the future proceed with the program or a revised program: however, HUD would. at a minimum. have to determine the following before proceeding: [at If the Initiative is still needed to provide debt financing to small. affordable properties. or Whether the availability of long-term. low-cost permanent ?nancing to support small properties has increased substantially since the Initiative was first proposed. specifically through new and expanded federally hacked financing programs offered through Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: The regulatory requirements and restrictions that would be imposed on property ownersi?borrowers participating in the Initiative regarding tenant rents and incomes, and whether these requirements would impose unfair and inappropriate economic burden on small property owners who provide affordable market rents but do not otherwise receive a government funded housin subsidy: ether existing Federal Housing Administration multifamily lending programs, including the newly expanded Tax Credit Pilot Program which supports new construction and substantial rehabilitation projects, adequately serve the debt ?nancing needs of small properties that support affordable rental housin and, If the provisions 0 the Initiative as published adequately acc0unt for HUD's share of risk assumed for loans originated under the Initiative. or need to be modified in a revised Initiative notice. Dated: April 24. 201?. Gouger Charles. Dept: ty Assistant scraton for Housing. iFRDoc,201T?oa721 Filed 4?Zli-1?: 8:45 am] cone DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR [Fund 1rxo4523wx; Functional Area: Funds Center: Secretary?s Indian Water Flights Office; Proposed New Information Collection: OMB Control Number Indian Water Flights Settlements: Economic Analysis AGENCY: Of?ce of the Secretary. Secretary?s Indian Water Rights Of?ce. ACTION: 30?day notice and request for comments. SUMMARY: The Secretary?s Indian Water Rights Of?ce (SIWROJ has submitted an information collection request to the Office ofManagement and Budget to complete a new information collection to identify and track social and economic changes that occur as a result of the implementation of enacted Indian water rights settlements DATES: The OMB is required to respond to this information collection request within on days but may respond after 3f] days. For maximum consideration, written comments should be received on or before May 31. 201?. ADDRESSES: Please submit comments by either fax [202] 3954806 or email [OlHA__Submissio n@omb.eop.govl directly to the Of?ce of Information and Regulatory Affairs, OMB, Attention: Desk Officer for the Department of the Interior. Additionally. please provide a copy of your comments to Rachel Brown. U.S. Department of the Interior, 1349 Street M5 Washington. DC 20240. fax 5970. or by electronic mail to Hie-brownie) usbrgov. Please mention that your comments concern the Indian Water Rights Settlements: Economic Analysis, OMB Control Number toeannaw. FOR FURTHER CONTACT: T0 request a copy of the information collection request. any explanatory information and related forms. see the contact information provided in the ADDRESSES section above. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Th3 Paperwork Reduction Act {44 U.S.C. 3501-3521] and OMB regulations at 5 CFR part 1320 provide that an agency may not conduct or sponsor a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Until OMB approves a collection of information. you are not obligated to respond. In order to obtain and renew an OMB control number. Federal agencies are required to seek public comment on information collection and recordkeeping activities [see 5 CFR tszoatd] and 1320.12tal]. As required at 5 CFR the SIWRO published a 50-day notice in the Federal Register on October 2016 {81 FR and the comment period ended December to. 2015. The SIWRO received no comments. The SIWRO now requests comments on the following subjects: 1. The following are examples of the types of questions that SIWRO may use in the information collection: Was the infrastructure included in the agreement put in place: is the infrastructure functioning as expected: if water leasing is allowed for under the agreement. is such leasing taking place, and with whom: what are the perceived benefits to the tribal nations. local communities and other parties to the settlement: to what extent have economic and social benefits been realized from any infrastructure or other arrangements or agreements implemented pursuant to the settlement: are the bene?ts ofthe actions taken under the settlement expected to continue in the future: have there been any unintended consequences of the actions taken under the settlement. If commenters would like speci?c questions asked during the targeted interviews, SIWRO encourages that those questions be submitted as comments on this ICE. 2. Whether the collection of information is necessary for the proper functioning of the SIWRO. including whether the information will have practical'utility: 3. The accuracy of the SIWRO's estimate of the burden of collecting the information, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used: 4. The quality, utility and clarity of the information to be collected: and 5. How to minimize the information collection burden on those who are to respond. including the use of appropriate automated. electronic. mechanical. or other forms of information technology. Please send comments as directed under and DATES. Please refer to OMB control number toas? ONEW in your correspondence. Before including your address, phone number. email address, or other personal identifying information in your comment. you should be aware that your entire comment?including your personal identifying in formationeumay be made publicly available at any time. While you can ask us in your comment to withhold your personal identifying information from public review. we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so. The following information pertains to this request: Title: Indian Water Rights Settlements: Economic Analysis. Form: None. OMB Control Number: None. Abstract: The Secretary's Indian Water Rights Office is tasked with overseeing and coordinating the Federal Government's Indian water rights settlement program and is undertaking a study on the economic outcomes associated with Indian water rights settlements. The purpose of the study is to identify and track social and economic changes that occur as a result of the implementation of enacted settlements. The Of?ce of lndian Water Rights is located within the Secretary?s ?fl-M19 Insertion-un?t -.. cec- .r 20912. Federal Registerl'v?ol. 82, No. a?l'l?hursday, May 4, 2017lNotices or Housms AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. Operations Notice for the Expansion of the Moving To Work Demonstration Program Solicitation oi Comment; Waiver tie-vision and Reopening 01 Comment Period AGENCY: Office of Public and Indian Housing, HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: This notice revises the parameters of three waiver provisions and reopens the comment period for HUD's Ianuary 23, 201? Federal Register notice entitled ?Operations Notice for the Expansion ol'the Moving To Work Demonstration Program Solicitation of Comment." DATES: Comment due date: The comment deadline for the January 23. 2017 notice, as revised by this notice, is June 5, 201?. FOR FURTHER Marianne Nazzaro, Of?ce of Public and Indian Housing. Department ofIIousing and Urban Development, 451 'r'th Street SW., Room 4130, Washington, DC 20410; email address mtw-info@ hudgov. INFO RHMTION: I.- Background The demonstration program was established under Section 204 of Title of section tolls] of the Omnibus Consolidated Rescissions and Appropriations Act of 1995, Public Law 104?134 [approved April 20, 1906]. The demonstration was significantly expanded under the ants MTW expansion statute, Section 239 of Division L. Title IV of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016, Public Law 114?113 (approved December 18. 2015} [2016 MTW expansion}. The 2016 MTW expansion authorizes HUD to expand the WW demonstration program from the current level of as PHAs to an additional 100 PHAs over a period of seven years. On Ianuary 23, 2.01? [82 FR 0056], HUD published in the Federal Register a notice that sought comment on the proposed methods of operations for PHAs joining the MTW demonstration through the EDIEMTW expansion. Included in that notice are appendices that list available waivers, and the parameters of those waivers. These include Appendix A, ?General Waivers" [02 FR 807M et seq]. and Appendix B, ?Conditional Waivers? [82 FR 80?ti et seq]. Genera] waivers are those that will be granted without HUD review beyond the MTW appliCation review. Conditional waivers are those waivers that will be granted following additional HUD review and approval. This notice makes a revision to one of the Appendix A waivers, and two of the Appendix waivers. ti. Revisions to Parameters of Waivers a. Appendix A: General Waivers For the waiver entitled ?Authorizations Related to Family Self Suf?ciency.? one of the available activities listed in'the fourth column is: "The Agency is authorized to develop its own recruitment and selection procedures for its FSS In the ?fth column, ?Parameters,? the corresponding statement as originally published [82 FR 8072 [January 23, 201?? reads: Recruitment, eligibility, and selection policies and procedures must be consistent with the Department's nondiscrimination and equal opportunity requirements. Agency may not require families to participate in the program as a condition of receiving housing 'HSsistance. Agency may not include current work status. work history andlor source of income as part at the selection criteria. "Family" is not limited to families with a member who is able to work full time. but is de?ned broadly so as not to exclude families with a member who is disabled but able to work, disabled but unable to work, or working as a caregiver for a family member with a disability. This statement is revised by this notice to remove the second sentence and add two new sentences in its place. so that the statement reads [emphasis added]: Recruitment, eligibility, and selection policies and procedures must be consistent with the Department's nondiscrimination and equal opportunity requirements. A FHA may moire F55 participation mandatory- by waiving the statutory and regulatory de?nition of 58 family or participating family which is ?a family that resides in public housing or receives assistance under the rental C?l'll?t?i? or rental voucher programs, and that elects to participate in the F95 program? {24 CPR 984.103lbll. The Agency may not moire FSS participation mondatoryfor individuals that do not meet the definition of on eligible family at Section oflhe US. Housing Act of193? use? not}, 42 U.S.C. 1437ufnll3l. and those exempted from the Community Service Requirement under Section 12fcll2ilrll. (H). and [El ofthe 1?93? Act, 42 U.5.C. is}, and (El. ifthe Agency requires participation as a condition for housing subsidy, the Agency must develop and adopt a non-compliance policy and a hardship exemption policy and conduct an impact analysis in accordance with MTW guidance prior to the implementation of the activity. ifun Agents}; terminates the housing subsidy or tenancy ofu family for alleged violation ofmandotory F35 participation, it will provide a notice at least 60 days prior to the date of termination informing the family that it is entitled to a hearing under the procedures stated in the Agency's Grievance Procedure CFH part 956, subpart Bl. Any resulting termination of assistance or tenancy must be based on the noncompliance policy, and there shall be no termination of tenancy or assistance if such action would result in hardship for the family under the hardship policy. The noncompliance policy may not include minor infractions as a basis for termination of tenancy or subsidy. An Agency may not include current work status, work history andlor source of income as part of the selection criteria. "Family" is not limited to families with a member who is able to work full time, but is de?ned broadly so as not to exclude families with a member who is disabled but able to work, disabled but unable to work, or working as a caregiver for a family member with a disability. B. Appendix B: Conditional Waivers For waiver 3 under the ?Activities Related to Public Housing" heading, entitled Requirements,? the ?rst sentence of the "Available activities" statement as originally published [82 FR 80.79 [January 23, 201 reads: Work Requirement The Agency may implement a work requirement for public housing residents between the ages of 1a and as. This sentence is revised to read: Work Requirement (PHI: The Agency may implement a work requirement for public housing residents between the ages of 18 and 61. For waiver 5 under the ?Activities Related to Housing Choice Vouchers? heading. entitled 3r Requirements," the ?rst sentence of the ?Available Activities? statement as originally published [82 FR 80?0 [January 23, 201?]} reads: Work Requirement 8i The Agency may implement a work requirement for HCV and Pity residents lmtween the ages of 13 and 54. This sentence is revised to read: Work Requirement a FB?t-?l: The Agency may implement a work requirement for and PHV residents between the ages of 1a and s1. Dated: May 2. 201?. [amino A. Bryon, General Deputy Assistant Secretaryfor Public and lndian Housing. :e Federal Registerr?iiol. 82. No. B?iThursday, May 4, 2017?r?Notices 20913 APPENDIX A . [Note: Comments are being accepted on the original notice and appendices published at 82 FR 8056 (January 23. 201?). until the comment deadline in this notice. These excerpts from Appendices A and are provided to show the context of the changes described in this notice] NO. IWaiver name Waiver description Flegu lations waived Availabl activities Parameters Activities Related to Public Housing and Housing Choice Vouchers Authorizations Related to Family Self Sufficiency. The Agency is authorized to operate any of Its existing self-sufficiency and training programs. including its Family Self-Sufficiency Program and any successor pro- grams exempt from certain HUD program requirements. if the Agency receives dedicated tund- ing for an FSS coordinator. such funds must be used to employ a self?sutficlency coordinator. in de- veloping and operating Such pro- grams, the Agency is authorized to establish strategic relationships and partnerships with local private and public agencies and service providers to leverage expertise and funding. In implementing this waiver. the Agency must execute a contract of participation. or other locally developed agreement. that is at least 5 years but no more than to years. However. notwith- standing the above. any funds granted pursuant to a competition must be used in accordance with the NOFA and the approved appli- cation and wont plan. Certain provi- sions of Section 23 ot the 193? Act and 24 CFR east. Waive Operating a Required F55 Program (Both).- Ttte Agency is authorized to waive its require- ment to operate the traditional F55 program. Alternative to Program Coordinating Corner-ides (Both): The Agency is authorized to create an allemative structure for securing local re- sources lo support an FSS pro gram. Aiiematr've Family Seiecti'orr Proce? dures (Both): The Agency is au- thorized to develop its own recruit- ment and selection procedures for its FSS program is}. Modify or Eiiminal's the Contract oi Participation [Both]: The Agency is authorized to modify the terms oi. or eliminate the contract of pa rtict- palion. in lieu oi as local term. Recruitment. eligibility. and selection policies and procedures must be consistent with the Department's nondiscrimination and equal op- portunity requirements. A FHA may make F55 participation man- datory by waiving the statutory and regulatory definition of FSS family or participating family 1which is "a family that resides in public housing or receives assistance el voucher programs, and that elects to participate in the F55 program" {24 CFR The Agency may not make FSS participation mandatory for individ- uals that do not meet the definition of an eligible family at Section 23tnit3) ot the US. Housing Act oi 193? {193? Act) (42 U.S.C. 1437uinttaii. and those exempted from the Community Service File; quirement under Section rat. (or and of the 193? Act. 42 USE. iMTJicli?liA}. and (El. It the Agency requires FSS partici- pation as a condition tor housing subsidy. a hardship policy and im- pact analysis must be developed and adopted in accordance with MTW guidance prior to the imple- mentation oi the activity. It an Agency terminates the housing subsidy or tenancy or a lamin tor alleged violation of mandatory FSS participation. the family will be entitled to a hearing under the Agency's Grievance Procedure [24 CFFI part see. subpart Bi. An Agency may not inolude current work status, wont history andior source of income as pan oi the selection criteria. "Family" is not limited to families with a member who is able to work lull time. but is defined broadly so as not to ex- clude families with a member who is disabled but able to work, dis~ ableo but unable to work. or went? ing as a caregiver [or a family member with a disability. The Agency may modify the to of the contract of participation to align with adjustments made to its F55 programis} using MTW flexi- bility. Further. the Agency may discontinue use ot the contract of penicipation and instead employ a locally?developed agreement that oddities the terms of participation. D-17-0201-A-000061 under the rental certificate or rent-' 4.3. ..I 20914 Federal Registerr?Vol. 32, No. esrThut-sday. May 4, ZOINNotices hr. [Note: Comments are being accepted APPENDIX A EXCEFtPT?Cor'ltinued on the original notice and appendices published at 32 FR 8056 (January 23, 201?} until the comment deadline in this notice. These excerpts from Appendices A and are provided to show the context of the changes described in this notice] ND. Waiver name waiver description Regulations waived Available activities Farmeters Policies for Addressing increases in Family income {Both}: The Agency is authorized to set its own peti- cies tor addressing increases in tamin inseme during participation in the F53 program. Calculating FSS Credits {Both}: The Agency is authorized to create al- ternative methads for computing the family?s FSS credit. Disbursement of Savings (Both): The AgencyI mat.I set its own policies tor when savings funds can be disbursed to participants. Consistent with the goals and struc- ture at its MTW FSS program, the Agency can set policies for wheth- er income increases are recog- nized tor purposes ot increasing rent or changing the amount at tunds moved to ascrowisavings through the program. The Agencv may not use income increases during participation In the F55 program to change a family's eligi- bility status for purposes at partici? pation in the FSS program or tor the receipt public housing or HCV assistance. The Agency may.I set policies to defer income increases to savings GP. to allow partlcipants to earn savings deposits based on meet- ing certain program milestones. Such policies must he made clear to participants in writing prior to starting their participation in the program. Consistent with the goals and struc- ture of its MTW FSS program. the agency,r can set policies for when savings are disbursed to partici- pants. This could mean all lands are disbursed at once. or at cer- tain key points at participation. Such policies must he made clear to participants in writing prior to stoning their participation in the program. 1?5; ?t .9 3 Federal Registeerol. 82, No. ?Bt?l'hursday, May It. 2015?fNotices 20915 3 APPENDIX No. I Waiver name Waiver description Regulations waived Available activities Parameters Activi?eo Related to Public Housing 3 .. PH?Work The Agency is authorized to im? I Certain provisions of Work Requirement (PH): The Residents must have the oppor- Require- element a requirement that a Section 3 of the 193? Agency may implement a work tunity to utilize the provisions of merits. specified segment of its public Act and 24 CFR requirement tor public housing the Agency?s Grievance Proce- housing residents work as a condition of tenancy subject to subject to all applicable Fair Housing Requirements and the mandatory admission and pro- hibition requirements imposed by sections Era?573' of the Quality Housing and Wont Fie- sponsibility Act of 1998 and Section 423 of Public Law 105?275. Those individuals are empt from the Community Service Requirement in accord- ance with Section t?tcl?zlim. to: and of the 1513? Act are also exempt from the Agency's work redulrement. 960.206. residents between the ages of 13 and 61. The requirement shall be no less than 15 hours of work per week and no more than 30 hours of work per week. Work requirements shall not be applied to exclude. or have the effect of excluding. the admission of or participa+ tion by persons with disabilities or families that include persons with disabilities. Wort: require- ments shall not apply to person with disabilities or tamilies that include persons with disabil- ities. However. persons with disabilities and families that in- clude persons with disabilities must have equal access to the fuli range of program services and other incentives. dure to resolve a dispute re- garding a determination that a resident has failed to comply with the won-c requirement. The Agency must update its ACDP to include a description ol the circumstances In which resi- dents be attempt for the requirement and hardship poli- cies. The ACUP should include a description of what is consid- ered work as well as other ec- tivitios that shall be considered acceptable substitutes for wont. Services. or referrals to serv- ices. muet be provided by the Agency to support preparing families to comply with this re- quirement. The hardship policy in the should apply to residents who are actively try- ing to comply with the Agency's work requirement. but are hav- ing difficulties obtaining work or an acceptable substitute. The ACOP should also describe the consequences of lailure to comply with the won: require- ment. Agencies may not imple- ment the PH-Woric Require- ments Waiver on individuals exempted from the Community Service Requirement under Section iztcitzttai. and While the work requirements do not apply to persons with dis- abilities or families that include a person with disabilities. such persons and families are not precluded trorn won-ting or en- gaging in substitute activities {such as caring for a family member who is disabled]. Fie- gardless ol the level at engage- ment with work or substitute activities. persons and families that include persons with dis- abilities must have equal ac- cess to services or referral to services to support their efforts to obtain work or an acceptable substitute. and any other serv- ices or other incentives associ- ated with the program. I i. . 20916 Federal Registeri?v?ol. 32. No. 85i?Thursday. May 4. APPENDIX EXCEHPT?Continued No. Waiver name |ii'ifaiver description Regulations waived Available activities Parameters Activities Related to Housing Choice Vouchers HCVA The Agency is authorized to im- Certain provisions of Work Requirement The Agency must update its Ad- ministrative Plan to include a PBV- plement a requirement that a Ili'lI'orl-i Fte- specified segment of its. quirements. and residents work as a condition of tenancyr subject to all applicable Fair Housing Fle- Sections BtoltiltaL BtojttattF}. and of the 1533? Act and 24 CFR 932.303. quirements. 952.3119 and 933 Support F. The Agency may Implement a work requirement for titllir and PBlv? residents between the ages of 13 and 61. The re- quirement shall be no less than 15 hours of wort: per week and no more than 30 hours of work per week. The Agency shall provide supportive services to assist families obtain employ- ment or an acceptable sub- stitute. Work requirements shall not he applied to exclude. or have the effect of excluding. the admission of or participa- tion by persons with disabilities or families that include persons with disabilities. Wort-c require- ments shall not apply to per- sons with disabilities or families that include persons with dis abilities. However. persons with and families that in? clude persons with disabilities must have equal access to the full range of program services and other incentives. description of the cir- cumstances In which families shall be exempt from the re- quirement. The Administrative Plan must also include a hard- ship policy. The Administrative Plan should include a descrip- tion of what is considered were as well as other activities that shall be considered aocoptable Substitutes for work. or referrals to services. must be provided by the Agencyr to support preparing families for the lamination of assistance. The hardship policy in the Ad- ministrative Plan should apply to families who are actively try- ing to comply with the work requirement. but are hav- ing diilicutties obtaining work or an acceptable substitute. The Administrative Plan should also describe the consequences of failure to comply with the work requirement. Doc. zen?cows Filed 5?3?17: 3:45 am! BILLING GODE 421 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Bureau of Land Management Albuquerque District Resource Advisory Council; Postponement of Meeting AGENCY: Bureau of Land Management. Interior. ACTION: Notice. the Interior. through the BLM. on a variety otplanniug and management issues associated with public land management in BLM's Albuquerque District. Additional information is available in the meeting notice published on April 10, 201? (32 FR 172m. Authority: 5 U.S.C. Appendix 2. Patrick Wilkinson. Acting Assistant Director. Communications. Doc. 2017-09006 Filed 5-:Hr: 6:45 aml cope earn?see SUMMARY: The May 1. 201?. Albuquerque District Resource Advisory Council meeting has been postponed. DATES: The meeting was scheduled for May 1. 201?. in Socorro. New Mexico. and will be rescheduled at a later date. We will publish a future notice with the new meeting date and location. Foe CONTACT: Jack River. Forester. ELM Albuquerque District Office. [505] or by email at jriver?iblmgov. Persons who use a telecommunications device for the deaf may call the Federal Relay Service at to leave a message or question for Mr. River. The FRS is available 24 hours a day. .7 days a week. You will receive a reply during normal business hours. SUF?F?LEli?lElil'l'iliFl'llr INFORMATION: The 10- member council advises the Secretary of DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Bureau of Land Management [1 TI LLW0500000.L1 8200000.)! Dominguez-Escalente National Conservation Area Advisory Council. Colorado; Postponement of Meeting AGENCY: Bureau of Land Management. Interior. ncnou: Notice. SUMMARY: The May 3, 201?, Dominguez- Escalante National Conservation Area Advisory Council meeting has been postponed. DATES: The meeting was scheduled for May 3. 201?. in Delta. Colorado, and will he rescheduled at a later date. We will publish a future notice with the new meeting date and location. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Collin Ewing, Advisory Council designated Federal Official. 244? 3049; or by email at sewingf?blmgov. Persons who use a telecommunications device for the deaf may call the Federal Relay Service at 1-300- to leave a message or question for Mr. Ewing. The FRS is available 24 hours a day. 7 days a week. You will receive a reply during normal business hours. SUPPLEMENTARY The 1th member council advises the Secretary of the Interior. through the BLM. on a variety of planning and management issues associated with the Resource Management Plan process for the Dominguez-Escalante and Dominguez Canyon Wilderness. Additional information is available in the meeting notice published on April 1 2. act? {as FR 17533]. Authority: 5 Appendix 2. Patrick ?lilkinson. Acting Assistant Director. Comm unicotions. Doc. 20117-09009 Filed 3:45 aml BILLING CODE 4310-54-1? ua-r-n-In - Mr? I Isl-Q 21093 ._?Federal RegisterIVol. 83. No. SQfWednesday, May 10, 2017fRules and Regulations Dated: May 4. 201 r. Anna K. Abram. Dep Commissioner for Policy. Pionning, Legisiorion, and Anol'ysis. IFR Doc. Filed am] BILLING CODE 4164?01-9 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Food and Drug Administration 21 CFR Part 522 [Docket No. New Animal Drugs; Withdrawal of Approval ot a New Animal Drug Application Food and Drug Administration, HHS. ACTION: Noti?cation of withdrawal. SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration is withdrawing approval of a new animal drug application This action is being taken at the sponsors' request because these products are no longer manufactured or marketed. DATES: Withdrawal of approval is effective May 22, 201?. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Suiaya Dessai, Center for Veterinary Medicine Food and Drug Administration. 1519 Standish PL. MD 20355. 240?402-5?31. sujoyo.dessoi?lfdohhsgov. INFORMATION: Sioux Biochemical, Inc., 204 Third St. NW., Sioux Center, IA 51250 has requested that FDA withdraw approval of NADA 009?505 for F.S.H.-P [follicle stimulating hormone} Powder for Injection because the product is no lon er manufactured or marketed. 'lglierefore. under authority delegated to the Commissioner of Food and Drugs - and redelegated to the Center for Veterinary Medicine, and in accordance with 514.116 Notice of withdrawal of approval of application [21 CFR 51a.116]. notice is given that approval of NADA 000?505, and all supplements and amendments thereto, is hereby withdrawn. effective May 22, 201?. Elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register, FDA is amending the animal drug regulations to re?ect the voluntary withdrawal ofapproval of this application. Dated: May a. 201?. Anna K. Abram. Deputy Comm issioner for Policy, Planning. Legislation. and Analysis. IFR Doc. 20?] Filed s-s-tr; ass am] BILLING cooE 4154-13141 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND UFIBAN DEVELOPMENT 24 Part 15 [Docket No. Fn-5sBs-c?oa] FIIN Revision of Freedom of Iniormation Act Regulation; Correction AGENCY: Office of the Secretary, HUD. ACTION: Final rule; correction. SUMMARY: On January 12. 201?. HUD issued a final rule amending HUD's Freedom of Information Act regulation to implement the FDIA Improvement Act of 2010. which enacted a range of procedural changes, including a change to the procedures for withholding information and an amendment to one of the nine FOIA exemptions that authorizes an agency to withhold various records from disclosure. After publication, HUD discovered that a portion of the regulation was not published as intended. Speci?cally, the published rule deleted several of the nine statutory FOIA disclosure exemptions and duplicated another. HUD also noticed minor technical changes required elsewhere in its regulations. This document corrects HIID's Ianuary 12, 201 ?nal rule and makes the minor technical changes. DATES: E?ective: May 10, 2017. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Helen Coff Foster. Chief Administrative Officer. Office of Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street SW.. Room 6100, Washington. DC 20410?0500, telephone number 1?202-402?6333 [this is not a toII-free number}. Hearing- or speech-impaired individuals may access this number via TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at telephone number [this is a toll-free number]. SUPPLEMENTARV On January 12. 201? [82 FR 3523]. HUD issued a final rule amending Freedom of Information Act regulation at 24 CFR part 15 to implement the FOIA Improvement Act of 2016 (Pub. L. 114?135. approved June 30, 2015] [2010 Act]. Upon review of the published rule, determined that $515.10? was not published as intended. The amendatory instruction excluded three of the nine statutory FOIA exemptions [5 U.S.C. 55203)] and included a duplicate exemption in HUD's January 12. 2017, ?nal rule sought to restructure 15.10? by adding paragraph to provide that HUD shall withhold information only ifit is reasonably foreseeable that disclosure would harm an interest protected by an exemption, or if disclosure is prohibited by law. HUD also sought to redesignate the undesignated introductory text as paragraph redesignate paragraphs Ea] through [il as [blf'll through and amend redesignated paragraph the deliberative process privilege. to add a sunset clause after 25 years. As discussed abOve. ?nal rule did not accurately restructure 15.10? as intended. This ?nal rule resistors in whole 15.10?r to re?ect the changes required by the 2016 Act to the deliberative process privilege exemption, and restores all other FUIA disclosure exemptions. In addition, HUD is fixing an incorrect Web site link in 15.101, removing two misplaced words in 15.105, and correcting the number of days a FOIA requester has to appeal an adverse determination in 15.109ta], consistent with the change HUD made in List of Subjects in 24 CFR Part 15 Classi?ed information, Courts, Freedom of information, Government employees. Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. Accordingly. 24 CFR part 15 is corrected by making the following correcting amendments: PART ACCESS TO HUD RECORDS UNDER THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT AND AND PRODUCTION OF INFORMATION BY HUD EMPLOYEES 1. The authority for part 15 continues to read as follows: Authority: 42 U.S.C. 5 U.S.C. 552. ism {Amended} I 2. In remove the link and add in its place the link [Amended] I 3. In 15.105, in paragraph remove the word ?and? and in paragraph [dilZHv] remove the word ?and?. I 4. Revise 15.10? to read as follows: 15.1 0? Documents generally protected from disclosure. is} HUD shall withhold information only if HUD reasonably foresees that disclosure would harm an interest protected by an exemption as provided in paragraph (bl of this section. or disclosure is prohibited by law. l-[tll] will consider whether partial disclosure of information is possible whenever N. Federal Registerl?v?ol. 82. No. BQlWednesday. May 10. 2017lRules and Regulations itUD determines that a full disclosure of a requested record is not possible, and will take reasonable steps necessaryr to segregate and release nonexernpt information. Nothing in this section requires disclosure of information that is otherwise prohibited from disclosure by law. or otherwise exempted from disclosure as provided in paragraph [bll3] ofthis section. The FOIA contains nine exemptions [5 U.S.C. 552ml] that authorize agencies to withhold various records from disclosure. With regard to certain types of records. HUD generally applies the exemptions as follows: Classified documents. Exemption 1 [5 l_l.S.C. 552Eb]{1]l protects classi?ed national defense and foreign relations information. HUD seldom relies on this exception to withhold documents. However. where applicable. HUD will refer a request for records classified under Executive Order 13526 and the pertinent records to the originating agency for processing. HUD may refuse to confirm or deny the existence of the requested information if the originating agency determines that the fact of the existence of the information itself is classified. internal agency rules and practices. Exemption 2 [5 1.1.5513. 552lh]t2]l protects records relating to internal personnel rules and. practices. Information prohibited from disclosure by another statute. Exemption 3 [5 U.S.C. protects information that is prohibited from disclosure by another Federal law. HUD generally will not disclose competitive proposals prior to contract award. competitive proposals that are not set forth or incorporated by reference into the awarded contract [see 41 U.S.C. 49332]. or. during the selection process, any covered selection information regarding such selection, either directly or indirectly [see 42 U.S.C. 3537a]. {til Commercial orfinancial information. Exemption 4 [5 U.S.C. protects trade secrets and commercial or ?nancial information obtained from a person and privileged or con?dential. HUD will handle this type of information as provided by 15.103. Certain interogency or intra- agency communications. Exemption 5 [5 U.S.C. 552(bllol] protects interagency or infra-agency communications that are protected by legal privileges, such as the attorney-client privilege. attorney werk- product privilege. or communications reflecting the ageHCy's deliberative process. The deliberative process privilege shall not apply to records created 25 years or more before the date on which the records were requested. Personal privacy. Exemption ti (5 U.S.C. protects information involving matters of personal privacy. This information may include personnel. medical. and similar files the disclosure ofwhich would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. Names, addresses. telephone numbers. and email addresses of persons residing in public or assisted housing or ofborrowers in FHA-insured single family mortgage transactions generally will not be disclosed. La enforcement records. Exemption [5 U.S.C. ??zlbh?l protects certain records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes. This exemption protects records where the production could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings: for example. the names of individuals who have filed fair housing complaints. The protection of this exemption also encompasses. but is not limited to, information in law enforcement files that could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy; the names of confidential informants. and techniques and procedures for law enforcement investigations. or guidelines for law enforcement investigations if such disclosure could reasonably be expected to risk circumvention ofthe law. Supervision offinonciol institutions. Exemption 3 [5 U.S.C. 552lb][3]] protects information relating to the supervision of financial institutions. For purposes ofExemption ti. HUD is an "agency responsible for the regulation and supervision of financial institutions? for purposes of monitoring fair housing compliance. Wells. Exemption 9 [5 U.S.C. 552th[91] protects geological information on wells. 1 5.1 09 [Amended] I 5. In remove the number "so" and add in its place the number Dated: May 4. 201?. Aaron Santa Anna, Assistant General Counsel for Regulations. IFR Doc. Filed s?s?i r: 3:45 and sauna cooe 4210474: 21695 DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND Coast Guard 3'3 CFH Part 165 [Docket No. Safety 20 ne. Chicago Harbor. Navy Pier East. Chicago. IL AGENCY: Coast Guard. ACTION: Notice of enforcement of regulation. SUMMARY: The Coast Guard will enforce the Navy Pier East Safety Zone within the Chicago Harbor on June 201?. This action is necessary and intended to ensure the safety of life and property on navigable waters [Him to, during. and immediately after the fireworks display. During the enforcement period listed below. the Coast Guard will enforce restrictions upon, and control movement ofvessels that transit this regulated area with the approval from the Captain ofthe Port Lake Michigan. cares: The regulation in 33 CFR 165.933 will be enforced from 3:45 pm. until 9:45 p.m. on June 2'7. 201?. FDFI FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: If you have questions about this notice of enforcement. call or email LT Lindsay Cook. Waterways Management Division. Marine Safety Unit Chicago. at 630? 936?2155. email address Dotti-DC- MS UChlcogo-Watenvoys?uscgmil SUPPLEMENTARY The Coast l(hired will enforce Safety Zone: Chicago Harbor. Navy Pier East. Chicago. IL listed in 33 CFR 155.933. on June 2017 from 8:45 p.111. until 9:45 for a barge based ?reworks display. This action is being taken to provide for the safety oflife and property on navigable waterways before. during. and immediately after the fireworks display. As specified in 33 CFR 165.933 this safety zone encompasses all waters of Lake Michigan within Chicago Harbor between the east end of Navy Pier and the Chicago Harbor breakwater bounded by coordinates beginning at 41?53?3?" at, oartss?za? w; then south to 41?53'24" N.. 08??.35?26? then east to 41?53?24" N.. ?37?35?55? W.: then north to 41?53?37" N.. earnest." then back to the point of origin (NAD 33]. During the enforcement period. no vessel may transit this regulated area without approval from the Captain of the Port Lake Michigan or a Captain of the Port designated representative. Vessels and persons granted permission to enter the safety zone shall obey all lawful orders or directions of the Captain of the Port Lake Michigan. or his or her on-scene representative. Office ofPolicy and Strategy. and immigration ISerwces. Depo Homeland Security. Doc. 2017-09573 Filed 5?10-12: tints amt BILUNG CODE 9111-ET-P If! DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. tion Ell-De Notice of Proposed Informs Colledtion: Section a Renewal Policy Guide AGENCY: Of?ce of the Assistant Secretary for Housing?Federal Housing Commissioner. HUD. ACTION: No tice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act, HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for so days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: July to. 2017. ADDRESSES: interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andtor OMB Control Number and should be sent to: Colette Pollard, Reports Management Officer: QDAM, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 2th Street SW., Room 4176. Washington. DC 20410?5000: telephone 202?402?3400 [this is not a toll?free number] or email at Colette?ollord?lhudgov for a copy of the proposed forms or other available information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at 3339. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CUNTACTC Katherine Nzive. Director, Program Administration Division, Of?ce of Asset Management and Portfolio Oversight, Department ofHousing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street SW.. Washington. DC 20410; email Katherine Nzive at Katherine A. or telephone 202.402.3440. This is not a toll-free number. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at [sou] arr- 8339. SUPPLEMENTARY termination: Thlb?D notice informs the public that is seeking approval OMB information collection descri 1 Section A. A Overview of Information Collection Title of Fatf?ftm?: wal Policy Gulde~ Section Reno 058.? . OMB A rovol Number; 25D2- - Type of?ng-quest: Extension of currently appgoved collection Form Nam era: Contract Renewal Request Form . $24 OOAF Pent Adjustment Worksheet HUD-sees} Lelters to Owner?Agents [Options 1 and 3] (Auto OCAF Letters] Letters to Owner?Agents [013110115 2 and 4] [Auto OCAF Letters] Request to Renew Using Non-Section Units in the Section 3 Project as a Market Rent Ceiling Request to Renew Using FMR as Market Ceiling One Year Notification Owner Does Not lntend To Renew One Year Notification Letter Owner Intends To Renew Use Agreement {Him?9534] - Projects Preparing a Budget?Based Rent Increase Basic Renewal Contract?One Year Term Basic Renewal Contract?M ulti-Year Term Renewal Contract for Mark-Up-To- Market Project Housing Assistance Payments Preservation Renewal Contract sass} Interim [Pull] Mark-To-Market Renewal Contract (1 Interim [Lite] Merk-To-Market Renewal Contract Full Mark-To-Merket Renewal Contract Watch List Renewal Contract 9643} Project Based Assistance Payments Amendment Contract Moderate Rehabilitation Project Based Section Housing Assistance Payments Extension of Renewal Contract Consent to Assignment of HAP Contract as Security for Freddie Mac Financing Consent to Assignment of HAP Contract as Security for FNMA Credit Enhancement Consent to Assignment of HAP Contract as Security for Financing Consent to Assignment of HAP Contract . as Security for FNMA Financing [HUD?asst} 2201 5 I I I - it, 201?tNotices Mil Federal Register i Vol. 32, No. Eli] 1' Thursday, May 1 newal Contract under C?pies or available documanls oreOption Two for Capital Dated: may 3' 2011 submitted to OMB may be obtained Rppairs auditor casts S?manma thun?meii? {on Division from Ms. Pollard. Chief, Regulatory oor me i' to Renewal Contract under One or Option Two for Capital Repairs andior Acquisition?fPosiltI-UD- i Rehabilitation Rents at Closing 82 I toJOriginal Section ti Housuli-gUD? Assistance Payments Contract 93184] Description ofthe need for the1 information and proposed use: is 1 modifications of the Section renews policy and recent legislation are 1 implemented to address the essentia requirement to preserving low income rental housing affordability and availability. The Section Renewal Policy Guide will include recent I il legislation modifications for renewmg of - - expiring Section 8 policyiies] Guidebook, as authorized by the 24 CFR part 401 and 24 CFR part em. The Multifamily Housing Reform and Affordability Act of 199? (AMHRAJ for fiscal year 1993 l[Pub L. ?15?65. enacted on October 199?]. Feqilired that expiring Section 8 project-based t: assistance contracts be renewed under - MAHRA. Established in the MAHRA policies renewal of Section ti projects based contracts rent are based on market rents instead of the Fair Market Rent standard. MAHRA renewals submission should include :3 Rent Comparability Study Ifthe RC5 indicated rents were at or below comparable market rents, the contract was renewed at current rents adjusted by Operating Cost Adjustment Factor unless the Owner submitted documentation justifying a budget?based rent increase or participation in Mark?Up-To-Market. The case is that no renewal rents could exceed comparable market rents. If the RC3 indicated rents were above comparable market rents. the contract was referred to the Office of Affordable Housing Preservation for debt restructuring and! or rent reduction. The Preserving Affordable Housing for Senior Citizens and Families Into the 215i Century Act of 1999 [public law ins?rs, enacted on October 2B, 1999], modified The Section Renewal Policy Guide sets forth six renewal options from which a project owner may choose when renewing their expiring Section 8 contract: Option One?Mark-Up-To- Market. Option Two?Other Contract Renewal with Current Rents at or Below Comparable Market Rents, Option Th roe?Referral to the Of?ce of Affordable Preservation (UAHP), Option nlr? In ?gm-nu Hummer-It orB/_ Dated: May it, 2017. Samantha Deshommes. Chief. Regulatory Coordination Division, Office ofPoh'cy and Strategy. U. 5. Citizenship on intmigro lion Services. Deportm ent of Homeland Security. Doc. 201??095?3 Filed s?io-ir: ans aml BILLING cool: sin-9H: DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 60-Day Notice of Proposed Intormation Collection: Section Renewal Policy Guide AGENCY: Of?ce of the Assistant Secretary for Housing?Federal Housing Commissioner, HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Office ofManagement and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for an days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: July 10. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this propose]. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andtor OMB Control Number and should be sent to: Colette Pollard, Reports Management Of?cer; QDAM. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 i?th Street SW., Room Washington, DC 20410?5000; telephone 202?402?3400 [this is not a tollufree number] or email at Colettel?oflord?ihudgov for a copy of the proposed forms or other available information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at 3339. FOR FURTHER CONTACT: Katherine Naive. Director, Program Administration Division. Office of Asset Management and Portfolio Oversight. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 i'th Street SW., Washington. DC 2041a: email Katherine Nzive at Katherine A. N2ive?hudgov or telephone 202.4?2.3440. This is not a toll-free number. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at BETA 3339. Federal Registerf?v'ol. 32, No. SDIThursday, May 11. ZUiNNotices Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Pollard. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. A. Overview oflnforrnation Collection Title of information Collection: Section Renewal Policy Guide. OMBA provoi Number: 2502?0531 Type 0 Request: Extension of currently approved collection Form Num hers: Contract Renewal Request Form 9524] OCAF Rent Adjustment Worksheet Letters to Owner-Agents [Options 1 and 3} [Auto OCAF Letters] Letters to Owner-Agents {Options 2 and 4] [Auto OCAF Letters] Request to Renew Using Non-Section Units in the Section 3 Project as a Market Rent Ceiling Request to Renew Using FMR's as Market Ceiling One Year Noti?cation Owner Does Not To Renew One Year Notification Letter Owner Intends To Renew Use Agreement . Projects Preparing a Budget-Based Rent Increase Basic Renewal Contract?One Year Term Basic Renewal ContracthultirYear Term Renewal Contract for Mark-Up-To? Market Project Housing Assistance Payments Preservation Renewal Contract Interim [Full] Mark-To-Market Renewal Contract {HUD-Qtis?l interim [Lite] ark-To-Market Renewal Contract Full ark?To-Market Renewal Contract Watch List Renewal Contract 9643] Project Based Assistance Payments Amendment Contract Moderate Rehabilitation Project Based Section Housing Assistance Payments Extension of Renewal Contract Consent to Assignment of IIAP Contract as Security for Freddie Mac Financing Consent to Assignment of HAP Contract as Security for FNMA Credit Enhancement Consent to Assignment of HAP Contract as Security for Financing Consent to Assignment of HAP Contract . as Security for FNMA Financing 22015 Addendum to Renewal Contract under Option One or Option Two for Capital Repairs andt'or Acquisition Costs Addendum to Renewal Contract under Option One or Option Two for Capital Repairs andfor Acquisition?wPos-t- Rehabilitation Rents at Closing 93182] Rider to Original Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Contract 93134] Description of the needfor the information and proposed use: The modi?cations of the Section 3 renewal policy and recent legislation are implemented to address the essential requirement to preserving low income rental housing affordability and availability. The Section 8 Renewal Policy Guide will include recent legislation modifications for renewing of expiring Section policyiies] Guidebook, as authorized by the 24 CFR part 401 and 24 CFR part 402. The Multifamily Housing Reform and Affordability Act of 1997 for fiscal year 1998 (Pub. L. enacted on October 199?}. required that expiring Section project-based assistance contracts be renewed under MAI-IRA. Established in the MAE-IRA policies renewal of Section 3 project- based contracts rent are based on market rents instead of the Fair Market Rent standard. MAHRA renewals submission should include a Rent Comparability Study If the RC3 indicated rents were at or below comparable market rents, the contract was renewed at current rents adjusted by Operating Cost Adjustment Factor unless the Owner submitted documentation justifying a budget-based rent increase or participation in Mark?Up-To-Market. The case is that no renewal rents could exceed comparable market rents. Ifthe RC5 indicated rents were above comparable market rents, the contract was referred to the Of?ce of Affordable Housing Preservation for debt restructuring andtor rent reduction. The Preserving Affordable Housing for Senior Citizens and Families Into the 21st Century Act of 1999 [public law 106?34. enacted on October 20, 1999]. modified MAI-IRA. The Section Renewal Policy Guide sets forth six renewal options from which a project owner may choose when renewing their expiring Section 8 contract: Option One-FMark-Up-To- Market. Option Two?Other Contract Renewal with Current Rents at or Below Comparable Market Rents, Option Three?Referral to the Office of Affordable Preservation Option a? ?iz'tr L. ?ner-r} 22916 Federal Registera?Vol. 82, No. 99iThursday, May 11, 291?!Notices Four- Renewal of Projects Exempted From OMHAR, Option Five?Renewal ofPortfolio Reengineering Demonstration or Preservation Projects, and Option Six?Opt Outs. Owners should select one of six options which are applicable to their project and should submit contract renewal on an annual basis to renew contract. The Section Renewal Guide sets forth six renewal options from which a project owner may choose when renewing their expiring Section 8 contracts. Option One Option Two [Other Contract Renewals with Current Rents at or Below Comparable Market Rents Option Three [Referral to the Office of Multifamily Housing Assistant Restructuring? Option Four [Renewal of Projects Exempted from Option Five [Renewal ofPortfolio Reengineering Demonstration or Preservation Projects] Option Six [Opt-Outs} Respondents: Business or other for profit and non profit. Estimated Number of Respondents.- 25,439. Estimated Number of Responses: 25,439. Frequency off-tesponse: On occasion. Average Hours per Response: 1 hour. Total Estimated Burden: 24,699. E. Solicitation ofP-ublic Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members ofthe public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance ofthe functions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility; The accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information: (9) Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity ofthe information to be collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond: including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology, permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. doth-army: Section 359? ofthe Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. 4-1 U.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: May 9, 291?. Genger Charles, General Dep uty Assistant Secretoryfor Housing. IFR Doc. 2o17?nssor Filed aml BILLING cone 4210-67?1: DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Office of the Secretary [Docket No. Fla-view of Certain National Monuments Established Since 1999: Notice of Opportunity for Public Comment AGENCY: Of?ce of the Secretary. Interior. ACNE-N: Notice; ltequest for comments. SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of the Interior is conducting a review of certain National Monuments designated or expanded since 1999 under the Antiquities Act of 1999 in order to implement Executive Order 13?92 of April 26, 291?. The Secretary of the Interior will use the review to determine whether each designation or expansion conforms to the policy stated in the Executive Order and to formulate recommendations for Presidential actions, legislative proposals, or other appropriate actions to carry out that policy. This Notice identi?es twenty? seven National Monuments under review and invites comments to inform the review. DATES: To ensure consideration, written comments relating to the Bears Ears National Monument must be submitted before May 29, 291?. Written comments relating to all other National Monuments must be submitted before July 19, 291?. ADDRESSES: You may submit written comments online at httpa?t weevregufetionsgov by entering 291 ??9992? in the Search bar and clicking ?Search,? or by mail to Monument Review, U.S. Department of the Interior, 1849 Street NW., Washington, DC 29249. FOR FURTHER Randal Bowman, 292?299?1995, INFORMATION: Executive Order rarer FR 29429. May 1, 291?}, directs the Secretary ofthe Interior to review certain National Monuments designated or expanded under the Antiquities Act of 1999, 54 use sensor?senses {sci}. Speci?cally, Section 2 ofthe Executive Order directs the Secretary to conduct a review of all Presidential designations or expansions ofdesignations under the Antiquities Act made since January 1. 1999, where the designation covers more than 199,999 acres, where the designation after expansion covers more than 1.99.999 acres, or where the Secretary determines that the designation or expansion Was made without adequate public outreach and coordination with relevant stakeholders, to determine whether each designation or expansion conforms to the policy set forth in section 1 of the order. Among other provisions, Section 1 states that designations should re?ect the Act?s ?requirements and original objectives" and ?appropriately balance the protection of landmarks, structures. and objects against the appropriate use of Federal lands and the effects on surrounding lands and communities." 82 FR 29429 [May 1. 291?]. In making the requisite determinations, the Secretary is directed to consider: [ii The requirements and original objectives of the Act, including the Act's requirement that reservations of land not exceed ?the smallest area compatible with the proper care and management of the objects to be protected?; [ii] whether designated lands are appropriately classified under the Act as "historic landmarks, historic and prehistoric structures, [or] other objects of historic or scienti?c interest"; the effects ofa designation on the available uses of designated Federal lands. including consideration of the multiple-use policy of section ofthe Federal Land Policy and Management Act [43 U.S.C. as well as the effects on the available uses of Federal lands beyond the monument boundaries: (iv) the effects ofa designation on the use and enjoyment of nonLFederal lands within or beyond monument boundaries; [vi concerns of State, tribal, and local governments affected by a designation, including the economic development and ?scal condition ofaffected States. tribes, and localities; [vi] the availability of Federal resources to properly manage designated areas: and {vii} such other factors as the Secretary deems appropriate. 82 FR 29429?29439 [May 1, 291?]. The National Monuments being initially reviewed are listed in the following tables. .- -- . Am in museum Hun-arm 2234s Federal Register-filo]. 32. No. QZlMonday, May 15, ZUITlNotices [Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance Program Nos. 93.392, Cancer Construction: 93.393. Cancer Cause and Prevention Research: 93.394, Cancer Detection and Diagnosis Research: 93.395. Cancer Treatment Research: 93.396. Cancer Biology Research: 9339?. Cancer Centers Support: 93.398, Cancer Research Manpower; 93.399, Cancer Control, National Institutes ofllealth, Dated: May 9, 2m 7. Melanie]. Pantoja. Program Analyst, Office of Federal A dvisory Committee Policy. Doc. sols?oases Filed 5-12?t?: am] BILLING GODE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services lcontrol Number Agency Information Collection Activities: New Collection: Independent Evaluation of the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) Program aaeucv: us. Citizenship and Immigration services, Department of Homeland Security. action: 30-Day notice. The Department ofHomeland Security U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services will be submitting the following information collection request to the Of?ce of Management and Budget for review and clearance in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of ?1995. The purpose of this notice is to allow an additional so days for public comments. DATES: The purpose of this notice is to allow an additional 30 days for public comments. Comments are encouraged and will he accepted until June 14, 2017. This process is conducted in accordance with 5 CFR 1320.10. ADDRESSES: Written comments andl or suggestions regarding the itam[s] contained in this notice. especially regarding the estimated public burden and associated response time. must he directed to the OMB USCIS Desk Of?cer via email at oira_submission@ ombeopgov. Comments may also be submitted via fax at [202] 395?5396. {This is not a toll-free number.) All submissions received must include the agency name and the OMB Control Number 151 You may wish to consider limiting the amount of personal information that you provide in any voluntary submission you make. For additional information please read the Privacy Act notice that is available via the link in the footer of FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: USCIS, Of?ce of Policy and Strategy, Regulatory Coordination Division. Samantha Deshommes. Chief. 2U Massachusetts Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20529?2140, Telephone number [202] 2?2?83?? {This is not a toll-free number; comments are not accepted via telephone message]. Please note contact information provided here is solely for questions regarding this notice. It is not for individual case status inquiries. Applicants seeking information about the status of their individual cases can check Case Status Unline. available at the USCIS Web site at mewuscisgov, or call the USCIS National Customer Service Center at [300] TTY [fl?fl] 767?1833. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Comments The information collection notice was previously published in the Federal Register on February 23, 201?. at 32 FR 114m, allowing for a ?ll-day public comment period. USCIS received two comments in connection with the so- day notice. You may access the information collection instrument with instructions, or additional information by visiting the Federal eRulemaking Portal site at: and enter in the search box. Written comments and suggestions from the public and affected agencies should address one or more of the following four points: Evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions ofthe agency, including whether the information will have practicalutility; Evaluate the accuracy of the agency?s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used: Enhance the quality, utility..and clarity ofthe information to be collected; and Minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated, electronic. mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. Overview of this Information Collection: i 1) Type of information Collection Request: New Collection. Title ofthe Form/Collection: Independent Evaluation ofthe Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements Program. Agencyfortn number, Jerry, and the applicable component ofthe DHS sponsoring the collection: (3?1503; USCIS. Affected public who will be asked or required to respond. as well as a brief abstract: Primary: Federal Government: or Slate, local or Tribal Government. The SAVE program is a voluntary program for federal, state, and local government agencies to assist participating agencies with verifying the immigration status of the benefit's applicants. The SAVE program has expanded into a nation-wide program that conducts immigration status veri?cations. An estimate of the total number of respondents and the amount of time estimated for an average respondent to . respond: 3 SAVE Evaluation Site Visit Protocols Questionnaire?550 respondents responding at an estimated 2f} minutes per response. SAVE Evaluation Web Survey?240 respondents responding at an estimated 2 hours ?15 minutes per response. An estimate ofthe totalpublic burden [in hours} associated with the collection: The total estimated annual hour burden associated with this collection is F21 hours. An estimate of the total public burden {in cost] associated with the collection: The estimated total annual cost burden associated with this collection of information is 50.00. Dated: May ?10, 201?. Samantha Deshommes. Chief. Hegulotory Coordination Division. Office of Policy and Strategy. US. Citizenship and immigration Senrices. Department of Homeland Security. Doc.201??on7?i Filed 5?12u1?: 8:15 and BILLING cone sin-st DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. Fa?eeaa?N?oi] Reducing Regulatory Burden; Enforcing the Regulatory Reform Agenda Under Executive Order AGENCY: Of?ce of the Secretary. HUD. ACTION: Notice; request for comment. SUMMARY: in accordance with Executive Orders 13TH. ?ReducingRegulaiic-n and Controlling Regulatory Costs." and :?lgi 1; Federal RegisteriVol. 62. No. QZiMonday. May 15, 2017iNotices 22345 ?Enforcing the Regulatory Reform Agenda." Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review." HUD is reviewing its existing regulations to assess their compliance costs and reduce regulatory burden. As required by Executive Order HUD is in the process of establishing a Regulatory Task Force charged with identifying agency regulations that should be repealed. replaced. or modi?ed. As part ofthis review. HUD invites public comments to assist in identifying existing regulations that may be outdated. ineffective. or excessively burdensome. itUD's goal in conducting the review is to make the Department's regulations more effective and less burdensome in achieving HUD's mission to create strong. sustainable. inclusive communities. and quality affordable homes for all. DATES: Comment Due Date: lane 14. 201?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this notice to the Regulations Division. Of?ce of General Counsel. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Street SW.. Room ?102376. Washington. DC 20410+05t3ll Communications must refer to the above docket number and title. Electronic Submission of Comments. Interested persons may submit comments electronically through the Federal eRuleuiaking Portal at HUD strongly encourages commenters to submit comments electronically. Electronic submission of comments allows the commenter maximum time to prepare and submit a comment. ensures timely receipt by HUD. and enables HUD to make them immediately available to the public. Comments submitted electronically through the nowvmeguiotionsgov Web site can be viewed by other commenters and interested members ofthe public. Commenters should follow the instructions provided on that site to submit comments electronically. Note: To receive consideration as public comments. comments must be submitted through one of the two methods specified above. Again. all submissions must refer to the docket number and title of the notice. No Facsimile Comments. Facsimile (fax) comments are not acceptable. Public inspection ofPubiic Comments. All properly submitted comments and conununications submitted to HUD will be available for public inspection and copying between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays at the above address. Due to security measures at the Hill} Headquarters building. an appointment to review the public comments must be scheduled in advance by calling the Regulations Division at 202??03?3055 [this is not a toll-free number]. Individuals with speech or hearing impairments may access this number via by calling the Federal Relay Service at 8339 {this is a toll-free number]. Copies ofall comments submitted are available for inspection and downloadng at regulationsgov. FOR FURTHER lN FORMATION CONTACT: Ariel Pereira, Associate General Counsel for Legislation and Regulations. Office of General Counsel. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 7th Street SW.. Suite roses. Washington. DC 20410; telephone number 202?402?5133 [this is not a toll- free number]. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through by calling the Federal Information Relay Service. toll- free. at INFORMATION: I. Background A. HUD's Regulatory Mission HUD plays a signi?cant role in the lives offamilies and in communities throughout America. HUD's mission is to create strong. sustainable. inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all. Consistent with that mission. HUD has statutory responsibility for a wide variety of regulations. regulatory programs and initiatives aid the creation of suitable living environments. and help to ensure that all citizens have access to decent. safe. and sanitary housing. 5. The Regulatory Reform Agenda: Executive Orders 13?? and 137?? On January SD. 201?. President Trump issued Executive Order 13??1. entitled ?Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs."1 Executive Order 13??1 provides that "it is essential to manage the costs associated with the governmental imposition of private expenditures required to comply with Federal regulations.? 2 Toward that end. Executive Order 13??1 directs that "for every one new regulation issued. at least two prior regulations be identified for elimination.? 3 Consistent with these policy goals. on February 24. 201?. President Trump issued Executive Order entitled ?Enforcing the Regulatory Reform 1Executive Order tart] was subsequently published in the Federal Register on February 3. 201?. at 32 FR 9339. 2 Section 1 of Executive Order 1 337i. 3 id. Agenda.? 4 The purpose of the Executive Order is to alleviate unnecessary regulatory burdens placed on the American people. Executive Order builds upon other Administration regulatory reform efforts and. in particular. the policy announced by the President in Executive Order 13771. Executive Order 137?? directs each agency to establish a Regulatory Task Force to evaluate existing regulations and identify those that may merit repeal. replacement. or modification. Section 3(dl of the Order provides that. at a minimum. each task force must attempt to identify regulations that: 1. Eliminate jobs, or inhibit job creation: 2. Are outdated. unnecessary. or ineffective; 3. Impose costs that exceed benefits: 4. Create a serious inconsistency er otherwise interfere with regulatory reform initiatives and policies: 5. Are inconsistent with the requirements of section 515 of the Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act. 2001 (44 U.S.C. 3515 note]. or the guidance issued pursuant to that provision. in particular those regulations that rely in whole or in part on data. information. or methods that are not publicly available or that are insufficiently transparent to meet the standard for reproducibility; or 6. Derive from or implement Executive Orders or other Presidential directives that have been subsequently rescinded or substantially modi?ed. This Implementation of Executive Order HUD is in the procass of establishing its Regulatory Task Force. As the Task Force commences its work. HUD seeks suggestions for speci?c current regulations that may be outdated. ineffective. or excessively burdensome. and. therefore. warranting repeal, replacement. or modi?cation. ExeCutive Order encourages such public input. providing that "each Regulatory Reform Task Force shall seek input and other assistance. as permitted by law. from entities signi?cantly affected by Federal regulations. including State. local. and tribal governments. small businesses. consumers. nonv governmental organizations. and trade associations." 5 The following is the list oftopics on which HUD specifically seeks comments. The topics represent a preliminary attempt to identify issues 4 The Executive Order was subsequently published in the Federal Register on March 1. 201?. at B2 FR12265. tSection Sta] of Executive Order D-17-0201-A-000071 Federal RegisteriVol. 32, No. QEfMonday, May 15, 201? {Notices raised by HUD's effort to evaluate and identify regulations that merit repeal, replacement. or modi?cation. Comments should reference a specific regulation by citation to the Code of Federal Regulations, and provide information on the perceived problem and the rationale for any recommended solution. This is a nonexhaustive list that is meant to assist in the formulation of comments and is not intended to limit the issues that commenters may choose to address. 1. Are there any regulations that should be repealed, replaced, or modi?ed? 2. For each regulation identified in question number 1, please identify whether the regulation: Results in the elimination of jobs. or inhibits job creation; Is outdated, unnecessary, or ineffective; Imposes costs that exceed bene?ts; Creates a serious inconsistency or otherwise interferes with regulatory reform initiatives and policies; Is inconsistent with the requirements or regulations of section 515 ofthe Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act. 2001 [44 U.S.C. 3515 note], which requires that agencies maximize the quality. objectivity, and integrity of the information [including statistical information] they disseminate: or [fl Derives from or implements Executive Orders or other Presidential directives that have been subsequently rescinded or substantially modified. 3. What factors should I-IUD use when considering how to prioritize rules when implementing the regulatory offsets required by Executive Order 13771? 4. Are there any HUD regulatory requirements that have been overtaken by technological developments? Can new technologies be used to modify, streamline. or do away with these requirements? 5. Are there any existing HUD requirements that duplicate or conflict with requirements of another Federal agency? Can the requirement be modi?ed to eliminate the conflict? a. What are the estimated total compliance costs of the HUD regulations to which you or your organization must comply? This should include the costs of complying with information collections. recordkeeping, and other requirements subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 35111-43522]. Dated: May 9, 201?. Baniamin S. Carson, 51:. Secretary. Doc. 201T?ntii'3t1 Filed 5?12?1?: tees am] BILLING CODE FOUNDATION Sunshine Act Meetings TIME AND DATE: May 22, 2017, 11:00 pm. PLACE: Via tale-conference hosted at Inter-American Foundation. 1331 Ave. NW., Suite 1200, North Building. Washington, DC 20004. STATUS: Meeting of the Board of Directors. Open to the Public. MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED Resolution to Approve 2013?2022 Strategic Plan. FOR DIAL-IN INFORMATION CONTACT: Karen Vargas. Executive Assistant, {202) 524- 8869. CONTACT PERSON FOR MORE INFORMATION: Paul Zimmerman. General Counsel, [202] ass?r113. Paul Zinunerman. General Counsel. Filed s?t 1?1r; 1 1:15 am] DUDE mas-014 INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION Notice of Receipt of Complaint; Solicitation of Comments Relating to the Public Interest nesucv: us. International Trade Commission. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that the US. International Trade Commission has received a complaint entitled Certain Pool and Spa Enclosures, UN 3223,- the Commission is soliciting comments on any public interest issues raised by the complaint or complainant?s ?ling pursuant to the Commission?s Rules of Practice and Procedure. Foe FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Lisa R. Barton, Secretary to the Commission, US. international Trade Commission, 500 Street SW.. Washington, DC 20435. telephone [202] 205-2000. The public version of the complaint can be accessed on the Commission's Electronic Document Information System at and will be available for inspection during official business hours [8:45 a.m. to 5:15 in the Office of the Secretary. U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 Street SW.. Washington. DC 20436. telephone {202] 235?2300. General information concerning the Commission may also be obtained by accessing its Internet server at United States International Trade Commission at . The public record for this investigation may be viewed on the Commission?s Electronic Document Information System at Hearing-impaired persons are advised that information on this matter can be obtained by contacting the Conunission?s TDD terminal on [202] 205?1310. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Commission has received a complaint and a submission pursuant to 210.8[b] ofthe Commission?s Rules of Practice and PrOCedure filed on behalf of Aqua Shield. Inc. on May 10,2011 The complaint alleges violations of section 33? of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 133?} in the importation into the United States. the sale for importation. and the sale within the United States after importation of certain pool and spa enclosures. The complaint names as respondents Inter Pool Cover Team of the Czech Republic; ?lukov HZ Spol. SRO. of the Czech Republic; Alukov. Spol. 5.12.0. of Elevakia; Pool 8: Spa Enclosures. LLC of Monroe 'I?ownsbip. and I?oolAndSpo.corn of Las Vegas. NV. The complainant requests that the Commission issue a limited exclusion order, a cease and desist order. and impose a bond upon respondents? alleged infringing articles during the [30-day Presidential review period pursuant to 19 U.S.C. Proposed respondents. other interested parties. and members of the public are invited to file comments, not to exceed ?ve pages in length, inclusive of attachments, on any public interest issues raised by the complaint or 210.8[h] filing. Coiurnents should address whether issuance of the relief speci?cally requested by the complainant in this investigation would affect the public health and welfare in the United States. competitive conditions in the United States economy, the production of like or directly competitive articles in the United States. or United States consumers. In partiCUlar, the Commission is interested in comments that: (ii Explain how the articles potentially subject to the requested remedial orders are used in the United States: [ii] identify any public health. safety, or welfare concerns in the United States u. smug-n luau-uni 2.2558 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. Ell-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Reporting for HUD Research. Evaluation, and Demonstration Cooperative Agreements AGENCY: Office ofPolicy Development and Research, HUD. ACTION: Notice: Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is seeking approval from the Of?ce ofManagement and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comrnenls from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 60 days of public comment. cares: Comments Due Date: [uIy 201 7. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andlor OMB Control Number and should be sent to: Anna P. Guido. Reports Management Of?cer. QDAM. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 7'tb Street SW.. Room 41rd. Washington. DC zoom?soon: telephone {202) 402?5534 {this is not a toll-free number} or email at for a copy of the proposed forms or other available information. Persons with hearing or Federal Registeerol. 82. No. Q?lTuesday. May 15. 2013?fNotices speech impairments may access this number through TTY by?calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at {300] 3339. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Anna P. Guido, Reports Management Of?cer. QDAM. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 i'th Street SW.. Washington. DC seem; ertteil Anna P. Guide at Attno.P.Guido@ hudgov or telephone [202] 402?5535 [this is not a tolldf'ree number]. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll?free Federal Relay Service at SWAABSSQ. Copies of available decoments submitted to OMB may he obtained from Ms. Guido. This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. A. Overview of Information Collection Title of Information Collection: Reporting for HUD Research. Evaluation. and Demonstration Cooperative Agreements. OMB Approval Number: 2528?0295]. Description oftlte neeaI for the information and proposed use: intends to establish cooperative agreements with quali?ed forvprofit and nonprofit research organizations and universities to conduct research. demonstrations. and data analysis. PDlicR will issue a Notice ofFunding Availability describing the cooperative research program. Management of cooperative agreements for research and demonstrations will require periodic reporting of progress. This information collection will be limited to recipients of cooperative agreements. Type ofHequesl; (Le. new. revision 01? extension of currently approved collection]: Renewal. Age-trey or?m embers: No agency forms will be used. The quarterly reporting will be accomplished through a short narrative report. Respondents: HUD anticipates that approximately organizations will be selected for cooperative agreement award. Recipients of the cooperative agreements will be the sole members of the affected public for the reporting requirement. Members of A?ected Public: For-profit and nonpro?t organizations that apply to participate under the cooperative research agreements NDFA. Estimated Number of Respondents frequency of response, and hours of response: HUD anticipates that a maximum of 10 organizations will receive cooperative agreements. Quarterly progress reporting. other mandatory federal reporting and recordkeeping requirements are estimated at 36 labor hours annually for each awardee during the life ofthe agreement. The total estimated burden for progress reporting by all participants is 360 hours annually. Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 360. Estimated Total Annual Cost: The only cost to the respondents is that of their time. . - Number of Frequency of I Responses Burden hour Annual burden Hourly Cost Informal'm colleen? respondents response per annum per response hours per response Cost Quarterly Reports Other Reports Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 350 B. Solicitation of Public Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility; The accuracy of the agency?s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information: Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity of the information to be collected: and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond. including the use of appropriate collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submissiOn ofresponses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response_to these questions. Authority: Section 350? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. 44 LI.S.C. chapter 35. Dated: May 3. 2013?. Matthew E. Ammon, General Deputy Assistant Secretaryfor Policy Development and Research. IFH 2m r?osesr Filed 5-15?11: 3:45 am] BILLING CODE HTHT-P Federal RegisteriVol. 82. No. May 16. 201WNDUCES DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Doc ket ND. 60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Resident Opportunity and Self-Sufficiency Service Coordinator Program Evaluation AGENCY: Office ofPolicy Development and Research, HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comments from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose ofthis notice is to allow for so days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: July EDIT. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andior OMB Control Number and should be sent to: Anna P. Guido. Reports Management Officer, ODAM. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 17th Street SW.. Room 417m, Washington. DC 20410?5033; telephone [2'02] 402?5534 [this is not a toll?free number} or email at Anno.P.Guido@bud.gov for a copy of the proposed forms or other available information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at [see] 8339. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Anna P. Guido. Reports Management Officer. QDAM. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Street SW.. Washington. DC 20410; email Anna P. Guide at Annol??uidot? hudgov or telephone (202) ace?5535 [this is not a toll-free number}. Persons tvith hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at {300) 8?7?8339. Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Guido. SUPPLEMENTARY INFonuarton: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. A. Overview of Information Collection Title oflnformotion Collection: Resident Opportunity and Self- 22.559 Sufficiency Service Coordinator Program Evaluation. OMB A provai Number: Pending. Type a He uest: New. Farm Num er: No forms. Description of the need for the information and proposed use: HUD is conducting this study under contract with the Urban Institute and its subcontractors Consulting]. The project is an evaluation of the'Resident Opportunity and Self-Sufficiency Service Coordinator program operated by grantees across the country. It will include a national web- based survey and in?person site visits to select grantees. Since 2008. the SC program has provided information and referral for families. elderly. and disabled residents in public housing by funding local Service Coordinators to link residents to resources that they need to become independent and self- suf?cient. The purpose of the program is to leverage existing local public and private services to increase income. reduce or eliminate welfare assistance. work towards economic independence and housing self?sufficiency. and improve living conditions and ability to age in-place for elderly and disabled residents. To date. there has been no HUD-funded evaluation of this program. A GAO study across several HUD self? sufficiency programs published in 2013 found that the program lacked enough quality data on participation and outcomes ?to determine whether it was meeting goals of the effective and efficient use of resources? in improving resident self?suf?ciency and independence. They recommended improving the data reporting process and developing a strategy for regularly analyzing participation and outcome data. This project helps implement GAO's recommendations by: Assessing improvements in program processes and reporting since changes were made to the program's logic model in FY 2014: examining the breadth and depth of program implementation by current service coordinators across all grantee types; and analyzing current reporting requirements and performance metrics to improve future program outcome evaluation. To do so. this study will use a full population survey of current service coordinators funded through grants made in FY 2013. FY 2014. and FY 2015. and site visits to select grantees. A web-based survey will allow the study team to investigate important Service Coordinator program characteristics not included in grant applications or current reporting tools. in order to provide generalizable evidence on the ?effective and efficient use of resources" all service coordinators. These include SC quali?cations and experience, program management structure. resident intake and assessment processes. services offered. partnerships utilized and leveraged, and case management data systems and outcome evaluation tools used to track participant activities and outcomes. Since there is no centralized database of service coordinator contact information. this must first be obtained through a brief online sot-vet.r sent to each grantee contact person. Site visits to seven high-performing grantees will include onsile observations and interviews with grantees. service coordinators. and program partners. as well as focus groups with program participants to gather context?specific data on both program processes and outcomes to aid in identifying best practices and common challenges across grantees. Respondents: For the survey. 330 grantee contact persons and 840 service coordinators [assumes met} response rate from total estimated population of 1200] at grantee site visit locations. as staff and partners. and 1t]? public housing residents. Estimated total number of hours needed to prepare the information collection including number of respondents. frequency of response. hours of response. and cost of response time: Based on the below assumptions and tables, we calculate the total burden hours for this study to be 1.243.50 hours and the total cost to be $32,915.18. Whereas many grantee contact persons in HUD's database are a PHA Executive Director. PHA Division Director, or the Chief Executive Officer of the grantee. we estimated their cost per response by using the most recent (May 2015] Bureau of Labor Statistics. Occupational Employment Statistics median hourly wage for the labor category. CbiefExecutives [11?1011]: $34.19. Whereas service coordinators and other grantee staff and service partners have a range of experience and skills. we averaged the median hourly wage for two labor categories: The Social and Community Service Manager (1 1?9151) median hourly wage ofSB?ja. and the Community and Social Service Specialists. All Other {Zlel?ggl category with a rate of $20.14. This produces an average of both median hourly wage rates equal to $25.34. 22560 Federal Registerfir'ol. 82. No. 03fTuesday. May 10. 201?fNotices er I |.{attverage espon ent Occu alien ?3 our)? mew-3"? SOC owe wage rate hourly wage rate Grantee Contact Person Chief Executive .. 11?1011 $84.10 $34.19 ROSS Service Coordinator Partners Social and Community Services Manager 11?9151 30.54 25.34 Coon'imunity and Social Service Specialist. All 21?1090 20.14 ther. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics. Occupational Employment Statistics {May 2015]. Hourlyr costs for public housing resident focus group participants were estimated using FY 2015 HUD 30% Income Limit for All Areas calculations from the Office of Policy Development and Research through HUD's Web site located at This identi?es income limits by county for extremely low income households earning at or below 30% of their county median income. These limits are adjusted by household sizes of up to eight household members. We averaged the county median values to produce a national average median income by household size for extremely low income households. Based on the program emphasis on increasing family self-sufficiency. and independent living and aging in place for the elderly and disabled. we estimate that: - 20% of potential respondents will live alone [21 respondents] with an average median income of 513.531 - 10% will reside in a 2-person household [11 respondents] with an average median income of $15,404. 0 30% will reside in a 3-person household [32 respondents] with an average median income of $121395. 30% will reside in a 4-person household [32 respondents] with an average median income of 5510.305. 0 10% will reside in a 5-person household [11 respondents] with an average median income of $20,822. To produce a basic hourly rate. we divide the average median annual income amount by 1.950 work hours per year. equaling 5 days at 3?.5 hours per week for each of the 52 weeks out of the year. All assumptions are reflected in the table below. Hourly cost . . Number of Fre uenc of Burden hour Annual burden Total cost Inmrmat'on muect'c'n respondents rgsponsye per response hours pal resg'mse ($21 ROSS Grantee Contact Person Survey i 330 1 0.25 32.5 84.19 6.04560 ROSS Service Coordinators Survey 1840 1 1.0 840 25.34 21,235.60 ROSS Site Visit?Staff and Partners 55 1 2.0 112 25.34 2.838.051 HUD Residents living alone 21 1 2.0 42 15.94 291.45 HUD Residents in 2-person household 11 1 2.0 22 7.93 1?4.40 HUD Residents in 3-person household 32 1 2.0 B4 0.92 510.00 HUD Residents in 4-person household T. 32 1 2.0 04 9.90 633.50 HUD Residents in 5-person household 11 1 2.0 22 10.70 235.40 Total 1,333 .. 32.9?5.18 ?The full population is estimated at 1.200 service coordinators. The number of respondents is based on anticipated response rate 01 rest. B. Solicitation ofPublic Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members ofthe public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility: [211113 accuracy of the agency?s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information; Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity ofthe information to be collected: and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond. including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 350? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. 441 USE. chapter 35. Dated: May Ft. 201?. Matthew E. Amman. Genera! Dope 1y Assistant Secretory for Fall r: y. Development and Research. Doc. zen?oases Filed 5-15-1?: 3:45 am] BILLING eons TRADE COMMISSION [Investigation Nos. (Fourth Review? Helical Spring Look Washers From China and Taiwan; Determinations On the basis of the record 1 developed in the subject ?ve-year reviews. the United States International Trade Commission determines. pursuant to the Tariff Act of 1.030 (?the Act?). that revocation of the antidumping duty orders on helical spring lock washers from China and Taiwan would be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of material injury to an industry in the United States within a reasonably foreseeable time. Background The Commission. pursuant to section 7511c] ofthe Act {is 0.3.0. instituted these reviews on November 1. 2016 (31 FR 'i'5851] and determined on February 0. 2017 that it would conduct The record is defined in sec. 202.211] of the ?Commission?s Rules of Practice and Procedure [10 CPR AJTHIHCAIKD Hr 30;. nan" Federal RegistertVol. 82,-No. sotFriday. May 19, so]? i Notices burden ofthe collection of information on those who are to respond; including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. HIID encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section .150? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. 44 Chapter 35. Date: May ?12. 201?. Conger Charles, General Secretoiyfor Housing. IFR Filed s?is?ir: ens aml sauna cone 421 a?e?r-P DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 2] 60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Mortgagee's Application for Partial Settlement AGENCY: Of?ce of the Assistant Secretary for l-iousi ng-Federal Housing Commissioner. HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act, HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 60 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: July 13. 201?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andior OMB Control Number and should be sent to: Colette Pollard. Reports Management Officer. QDAM. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Street - SW.. Room 4i FE, Washington, DC 2o41 e?sono; telephone sea?soaussoo [this is not a toll-free number] or email at Coiettc.Poiiord@bud.gnv for a copy of the proposed forms or other available information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at {300] 3339. FOFI FUHTHEFI IN FD HMATION CONTACT: ]ames Chasten, Accountant. Multifamily Claims Branch. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street SW., Washington. DC 20410; email James Chesten at budgov or telephone This is not a toll-free number. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at [800) Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Mr. Chasten. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. A. Overview of Information Collection Title of Information Collection: Multifamily Mortgagee?s Application for Partial Settlement. OMB A provai Number: 2502?0421 Type 0 Request: Extension of currently approved collection. Form Number: Description of the need for the information and proposed use: Begin settlement process. This information collected on the subject form, 253? {Morlgagee's Application for Partial Settlement?Multifamin Mortgage]. provides the required information to determine the partial amount. This amount is computed in accordance with the foregoing statutory provisions and regulations promulgated there under in 24 CFH 20'? Contracts Rights and Obligations. Respondents: Business and other for profit. Estimated Number of Responder: ts: ?l 1 5. Estimated Number of Responses: 11 5. Frequency of?esponse: 1. Average Hours per Response: 29. Total Estimated Burdens: .29. B. Solicitation ofPublic Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance ofthe functions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility; The accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information; [Lil Ways to enhance the quality. utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond: including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology, permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these quastions. Authority: Section 350? ofthc Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: May 12,2?1?. Genger Charles, Generoi Deputy Assistant Secretaryfor Housing. Doc. row?1 [122a Filed am} BILLING cons tam?arm DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND UFIBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 3] 1D-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Certificate of Housing Counseling: Homeownership and Certificate of Housing Counseling: Home Retention AGENCY: Of?ce of the Assistant Secretary for Housing?Federal Housing Commissioner, HUD. ACTION: Announcement notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: May 30. 201?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andior OMB Control Number and should be sent to: Colette Pollard, Reports Management Officer. QDAM, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street 5W.. Room 41 Washington. DC 20410?5000: telephone sea?aoz?asnn {this is not a toll?free number] or email at ColettePoiiordlt?budgov for a copy of the proposed forms or other available information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at [801]} 3339. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Colette Pollard. Reports Management Officer. QDAM, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 'i'th Street SW.. Room 41 F6, Washington. DC 20410?5000: telephone 2(12?402?3400 [this is not a toll-free number] or email at Coiette.Poiiord@bud.gov for a copy of the proposed forms or other available I-r'i-r-n? Federal RegistertVol. 82. No. May 19. 2017'tNotices 23063 information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at [Still] 8339. Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Pollard. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. A. Overview of Information Collection Title offnfarmation Collection: Certi?cate of Housing Counseling: Homeownership and Certificate of Housing Counseling: Home Retention. OMB A rovol Number: 2502?0601 Tvpe oJPEequest: Emergency Reinstatement Re nest. Form Numberfs 9911.. Description ofthe need for the information and proposed use: The forms are currently in the process of being revised as part ofa home counseling and mortgage industry initiative to issue a housing counseling certi?cate when a borrower has received counseling for either home ownership or home retention. Due to a misunderstanding in communication that occurred in August 2015, both of these forms were discontinued by OMB as of 1331.915. when the 8313 was mistakenly forwarded to OMB. Due to the critical nature of this high-level project HUD is now at a disadvantage and cannot afford the time delay that can adversely impact the benefits of this program. HUD is now seeking an Emergency Reinstatement Request to be able to facilitate the original collection that will afford HUD the opportunity to begin work on a revision package that will detail the forms modi?cations and their intended use. Upon approval. OMB will be able to reinstate OMB Control Number 2502?060? and reissue a new expiration date. Respondents: Estimated Number ofRespondents: Individual and Households. Estimated Number of Responses.- 332.030. Frequency ofResponse: At least once. but could vary. Average Hours per Response: .25 hours. Total Estimated Burdens: 208.0%. E. Solicitation ofPublic Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility: The accuracy of the agency?s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information; Ways to enhance the quality, utility. and clarity of the information to be collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond; including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology, permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 35d? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, 44 1.1.51]. Chapter 35. Dated: May 15. 201?. Gouger Charles, Gen emf Deputy Assistant Secretaty?jr Housing. IFR Doc. tow-10224 Filed 5?13?1r:s:4s aml BILLING CODE saw-ans INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION [investigation No. {Fou Review? Furturyl Alcohol From china: Scheduling of an Expedited Five-Year Review AGENCY: United States International Trade Commission. action: Notice. SUMMARY: The Commission hereby gives notice of the scheduling of an expedited review pursuant to the Tariff Act of 1930 (?the Act?) to determine whether revocation of the antidumping duty order on furfuryl alcohol from China would be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of material injury within a reasonably foreseeable time. DATES: Effective April It}. 201 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Amelia Shister [202?205?204?. Of?ce of Investigations, U.S. International Trade Commission. soo Street SW.. Washington. DC 2D43o. Hearing- impaired persons can obtain information on this matter by contacting the Commission?s TDD terminal on 202a 205-131 D. Persons with mobility impairments who will need special assistance in gaining access to the Commission should contact the Office of the Secretary at 202?205?2900. Garters] information concerning the Commission may also be obtained by accessing its Internet server The public record for this review may be viewed on the Commission's electronic docket (131315} at SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Background?On April it]. 201?. the Commission determined that the domestic interested party group response to its notice of institution [82 FR 140. January 3. 201 of the subject five-year review was adequate and that the respondent interested party group response was inadequate. The Commission did not find any other circumstances that would warrant conducting a full review.?I Accordingly, the Commission determined that it would conduct an expedited review pursuant to section T?ttcitft] of the Tariff Act of 1930 [19 U.S.C. For further information concerning the conduct of this review and rules of general application. consult the (.Iommission's Rules of Practice and Procedure, part 201, subparts A and [19 CFR part 201].or1d part 20?, subparts A. D. E. and [19 CFR part Staff roped?A staff report containing information [tormenting the subject matter of the review will be placed in the nonpublic record on lune 2E5, 201?. and made available to persons on the Administrative Protective Order service list for this review. A public version will be issued thereafter. pursuant to section of the Commission?s rules. Written submissions?As provided in section 20?.62ld) ofthe Commission's rules. interested parties that are parties to the review and that have provided individually adequate responses to the notice of institution.3 and any party other than an interested party to the review may file written comments with the Secretary on what determination the Commission should reach in the review. Comments are due on or before lune 2'3. Z?t? and may not contain new factual information. Any person that is neither a party to the five?year review nor an interested party may submit a brief written statement [which shall not 1 a record of the Commissioners votes. the Commission's statement on adequacy. and any individual Cmumissionet's slalements will be available from the Office of the Secretary and at the Commission's Web site. 2 1|dice Chairman David S. iohanson voted to conducl a full review. The Ctnmui?sion has found the responses submitted by Penn A Kent LLC to be individually adequate. Comments from other interested parties will not be accepted {see 19 CPR 10?.52Idlt2?. u: ?mmi? ?page . .a Federal RegisteriVol. 82, No. Q?iFriday, May 19. 2017 iNotices DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: HUD-Owned Real Estate- Good Neighbor Next Door Program AGENCY: Of?ce of the Assistant Secretary for Housing? Federal Housing Commissioner. HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the foice of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordanCe with the Paperwork Reduction Act, HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 60 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: July 13, 201?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andior OMB Control Number and should be sent to: Colette Pollard, Reports Management Officer, QDAM, Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 'i?th Street SW., Room 413?6. Washington, DC telephone 202?402-3400 [this is not a toll-free number] or email at Coiette.Pollatd@hud.gov for a copy of the proposed forms or other available information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll? free Federal Relay Service at (300} 8339. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: lvery W. I-Iimes. Director, Office of Single Family Asset Management, Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 ith Street SW.. Washington, DC some; email Ivery W. Himes at or telephone option 3. This is not a to11~free number. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at ?it?3339. Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Pollard. INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HDD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. A. Overview of Information Collection Title of information Collection: i-itiD- Owned Real Estate-Good Neighbor Next Door Program. 0MB Approval Number: 2502?05?0. Type of Request: Revision. Form Numbers: 549, Description oftlte needfar the information and proposed use: The information collection is used in binding contracts between the purchaser and HUD in implementing the Good Neighbor Next Door Sales program. The respondents are purchasers of single family HUD-owned properties, who are teachers, law enforcement officers and ?refightersi emergency medical technicians that meet the eligibility criteria under the Good Neighbor Next Door Sales program. Affected Public: Individuals or household. Estimated Number of Respondents: 5 .105. Estimated Number ofHesponses: 5:105. Frequency of Response: On occasion. Average Hours per Response: 2 minutes, Total Estimated Burdens: US. B. Solicitation ofPublic Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility; The accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information: Ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to he collected: and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond: including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology, permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 350? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. as U.S.C. Chapter 35. Date: May 11, 2017. Genger Charles, General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Housing. Doc.201??16223 Filed am] BILLING cone data?sire DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Comprehensive Listing of Transactional Documents for Mortgagors. Mortgagees and Contractors; Federal Housing Administration Healthcare Facility Documents: Proposed Revisions and Updates of Information Collection AGENCY: Of?ce of the Assistant Secretary for Housing?Federal Housing Commissioner, HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMAFW: HUD is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HDD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 60 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: July 13, 201?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this notice. Communications must refer to the above docket number and title. There are two methods for submitting public comments: 1. Submission of Comments by Mail. Comments may be submitted by mail to the Regulations Division, Office of General Counsel, Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 'i'th Street SW., Room 1?27t?i, Washington. DC rosin?0500. 2. Electronic Submission of Comments. Comments may be submitted electronically through the Federal eltulemaking Portal at mvwmeguiotionsgov. HUD strongly encourages commenters to submit comments electronically. Electronic submission of comments allows the commenter maximum time to prepare and submit a comment, ensures timely receipt by HUD. and enables HUD to make them immediately available to the public. Comments submitted electronically through the Web site can be viewed by other commenters and interested members of the public. Commenters should follow the instructions provided on that site to submit comments electronically. Note: To receive consideration as public comments, comments must be submitted through one of the two methods speci?ed Federal Registeerol. 82. No. QElFriday, May 19, 2017 lNotices 23059 above. Again, all Submissions must refer to the docket number and title nfthe notice. No Facsimile Comments. Facsimile {fax} comments are not acceptable. Public Inspection of Public Comments. All properly submitted comments and communications will be available for public inspection and downloading at under the docket number for this notice. FOR FUFITHEFI INFORMATION CONTACT: John M. Hartung, Director, Policy. Risk Management and Lender Relations Division, Office of Residential lCane Facilities, Office of Healthcare Programs. Of?ce of Housing. LLB. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 1222 Spruce Street, Room 3.203, St. Louis, MD 63103?2336; telephone [314] 418?5238 [this is not a toll-free number). Persons with hearing or speech disabilities may access this number through by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at (800} 82%- 8339. SUPPLEHENTAFW ENFOHMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. A. Overview of Information Collection Title of In formation Collection: Comprehensive Listing of Transactional Documents for Mortgagors. Mortgagees and Contractors. OMB Approval Number: 2502?0505. 'l'ype ofllequest: Revision Request. Form Number: 0f) Hlle?Qil?le?ORCF'. HUD-91 1 ORCF. ORCF, 92479-DRCF, nun?eonza?ORCF. URCF. HUD?sesas?oacr. I?tuo?zzesA?DRCF, 1mg 111-URCF, slilz?URCF, HUD?snia?oacs, URCF, ezaas?URCF, ORCF, DRCF. llUD?ee?cl?ORCF. asem-oacr?Rt, 1 . DRCF, ORCF, DRCF, HUD-2532-DRCF, DRCF. ORCF, DRCF, DRCF. QZSZEATORCF, URCF, DRCF, 941ml Description of the Need for the Information and Proposed Use The issuance of this notice is modeled on the public review and input process that HUD utilized in the establishment of the healthcare facility docoments for Section 232 of the National Housing Act [Section 232} program. On March 2013. at 3?8 FR 15229. after solicitation of comment, I-IUD published in the Federal Register a notice that announced the approval of the healthcare facility documents under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 [as U.S.C. 3501-3526] and an assignment ofa control number, 2502? 0605. by the Office of Management and Budget The final collection received a 12-month approval. Following OMB approval. on February 2014, at FR 11114, HUD solicited additional comment before seeking a 35- month approval. After the appropriate comment and response periods. the healthcare facility documents were approved for a 36*month renewal, as of June 30, 2014, with an expiration of Iona 201?. he required by 5 CFR 1320.3[dli1] and consistent with HUD's process utilized when establishing the healthcare facility documents. is soliciting comments from members of the public and interested parties on the renewal olthe revised healthcare facility documents. The healthcare facility documents include 156 documents going through the FHA process and available for review at: All of the documents that are the subject of this notice are also listed above. All documents are presented online in redlinelstrikeout format, so that the reviewer can see the changes proposed to be made to the documents. A majority ofthc documents are being renewed, and some include edits that were made to address changes in policies in recent years or to address inconsistencies across documents and other Program Obligations the Section 232 Handbook 4232.1]. The collection also includes new additions to fold in tools previously only found in the Multifamily Housing document collections, as well as to create consistent formats for submitting information to that was not previously captured in the 2t114 document collection, but that is required by ORCF. A few obsolete documents are being removed as well. These include resources that are no longer relevant to ORCF or duplicate information already found in other documents. Pm example would include documents specifically related to ?Blended Rate" transactions. ORCF updated its policies after determining that, consistent with FHA Multifamily Housing's approach, an otherwise eligible transaction could come within either the Section 2230?] criteria or the Section 232 Substantial Rehabilitation criteria and that. therefore, a blending of the loan-to-value criteria of those two programs is not necessary. A brief summary ofthe more significant changes per documentation category is provided below. Federal Registeerol. 82. No. Q?lFriday. May ?19. ZOIWNotices I Lender Not-roti'veszhe edits consist primarily of changes to remove program guidance from the narratives and to incorporate updated underwriting standards specific to. for example. special use facilities. I onso ldoteo' changes consist of streamlining the form and revising language to incorporate the changed policy in the new previous participation regulation with new de?nitions such as Controlling Participant. I Construction documents?Several documents are proposed that will replace the current versions of the Multifamily forms still in use. such as a new Borrower Certification for Early Startl Early Commencement of Construction projects. I Undenvriting docum ents?A new form was addedwNew Fair Housing Marketing Plan document?which provides the Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan Requirements. DRCF removed one obsolete document (Agreement for Payment of Real Property Taxes) that is more specific to multifamily housing. and not relevant to healthcare facilities. as well as the Certi?cate of Need for Health Facilities and Schedule of Facilities Owned. Operated or Managed. which both contained duplicative information provided in other documents. The new Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan was vetted with FHED: other HUD programs had unique for their programs. and this new form is meant to accomplish the same for healthcare facilities. Appraisal information will also be collected via a new spreadsheet that is similar to a collection method used by the multifamily housing "wheelbarrow". I Accounts Receivable documents?Edits include changes made to the intercreditor Agreement form to address an ongoing issue of how operators should disclose any cross- defaults between the AR loan and the loan. I Master Lease documents?Changes include adding two new forms: 'l?erminati on and Release of Cross- Default Guaranty of Subtenents? Proposed and Amendment to HUD Master Lease [Partial Termination and Releasei?i?roposed to reflect the 232 Handbook policy related to a release of a project from a master lease. I Closing documents?Edits were made to the Surplus Cash Note and Subordination Agreement?[Financing] to restrict distributions when there is secondary ?nancing. - Security Deed of Trust?Edits were made to the exculpation provision in the Security instrumenthortgage Deed of Trust to re?ect Multifamily's form and reduces the need to amend the document when the Regulatory Agreement?Borrower paragraph 38 is changed. New residential care facilities versions of Certi?cate of Actual Cost as well as a Rider to Security In strument?LIHTC? were incorporated into the collection to replace Multifamily versions still in use which did not reflect DRCF policy. I Regulatory Agreement for Fire Safety?A new Regulatory Agreement for Fire Safety projects and a Management Agreement Addendum. as well as formalization of a Lender Certification for Insurance Coverage. to incorporate current samples already in place were added to the documentation collection. I Escrow documents?New proposed escrow forms for long-term debt service reserves and Off-Site Facilities were also added. I Asset Management documents? Change of participant application documents were revised to streamline the documents needed for a change in title ofmortgaged property, change of operator or management agent. or complete change of all the parties. Documents still being used in the Multifamily format were incorporated into this collection. to speci?cally address DRCF policy. New Lender Narratives were also added for the addition ofAccounts Receivable. for Requests to Release or Modify Original Loan Collateral and Loan Modifications [along with a corresponding Certi?cation]. New forms were also added to incorporate existing samples in use for 232 Healthcare Portal Access. and noti?cation to CIRCF. by the Servicer and Operator of developing concerns within a project. I Supplemental loan documents? All 241a loan documents that have been in use as samples are now made a part of the documentation collection for OMB approval. Note: makes no changes to the Legal Opinion and Certi?cation Documents. Respondents (Le. o?ected public}: Borrowers:Ir sponsors. general contractors. lenders. and others involved in residential healthcare facility projects. Estimated Number of Respondents: 5.468. Estimated Number of Responses: 24.459. Frequency of Response: 703. Avero eHours er Responsa: 5.21. Total stlmote B. Solicitation of Public Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection ofinformation is necessary for the proper performance ofthe functions of the agency. including whether the information will have ractical utility; The accuracy of agency?s estimate ofthe burden of the proposed collection of information; Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity ofthe information to be collected: and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond; including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission ofresponses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section ssor of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: May 11,2011 Gouger Charles. General Deputy Assistant Secretory for Housing. Doc. raw-10229 Filed 5?13?1 r. 3:45 aml BILLING cooE dzt??GT?P DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 60-Day Notice of Pro posed Information Record of Employee Interview AGENCY: Office of Labor Standards and Enforcement. 17PM. HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval for the proposed information collection requirement described below. and will be submitting to the Office of Management and Budget for review. as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act. The Department is soliciting public comments on the subject proposal. DATES: Comments Due Dole: July ?18. 201 ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andlor OMB Control Number and should he sent to: Saundra A. Green, Administrative Of?cer. foice of Field Policy and Management. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 57th Street SW.. Washington. DC 20410, Room 2120 or this is not a number or email at mm 11? with-Ir!" mum 23058 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. Fs-soo1?n?1o] 60-Day Notice of Proposed lniormation Collection: HUD-Owned Real Estate- Good Neighbor Next Door Program AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Housing- Federal Housing Commissioner. HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose ofthis notice is to allow for so days of public comment. - DATES: Comments .Due Date: Iuly 18. 201?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andfor OMB Control Number and should be sent to: Colette Pollard. Reports Management Of?cer. QDAM. Department of Housing and Urban Development. t1?51 i?th Street SW.. Room 41375. Washington. DC 20410?5000: telephone 202?402?3401] {this is not a toll-free number] or email at Coiette?oiiardrtehud . gov for a copy of the proposed forms or other available information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at [sec] 577? 3335]. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: [very W. Himes. Director. Of?ce of Single Family Asset Management. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Tr?th Street SW.. Washington. DC 20410; email Ivery W. Himes at fvery.W.Himes@huti.g0v or telephone 202??08?1672. option 3. This is not a toll-free number. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at [800] Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Pollard. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. A. Overview oflnformation Collection Title ofinj'ormntion Collection: HUD- Owned Heal EstatevGood Neighbor Next Door Program. Federal Registertiv?ol. 82, No. May 19. OMB Appra vai Number: 2502?0570. Type of?cauest: Revision. Form Numbers: 9549?3. HUD-854943. Description of the need for the information and proposed use: The information collection is used in binding contracts between the purchaser and HUD in implementing the Good Neighbor Next Door Sales program. The respondents are purchasers of single family HUD-owned properties. who are teachers, law enforcement of?cers and ?re?ghtersfemergency medical technicians that meet the eligibility criteria under the Good Neighbor Next Door Sales program. Affected Pubiic: Individuals or household. Estimated Number ofHespontients: 5.105. Estimated Number of Responses: 5.155. Frequency of Response: On occasion. Average I'l'mirs per Response: 2 minutes. Total Estimated Burdens: NS. B. Solicitation ofPublic Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agenCy. including whether the information will have practical utitity; The accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information; Ways to enhance the quality, utility. and clarity of the information to be collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond: including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or. other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. authority: Section 350? ofthe Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, 44 USC. Chapter 35. Date: May 201 Gouger Charles. Caner-oi Deputy Assistant Secretoryfor Housing. Doc.2c1??10223 Filed am] BILLING cons dzlo?sr?e 201? {Notices DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT {Docket No. 60-Day Notice of Pro posed Information Collection: Comprehensive Listing of Transactional Documents for Mortgagors. Mortgagees and Contractors; Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Healthcare Facility Documents: Proposed Revisions and Updates of Intormation Collection AGENCY: Of?ce of the Assistant Secretary for Housing?Federal Housing Commissioner. HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the |Office of Management and Budget for the information collection . described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 60 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: July 18. 2017. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this notice. Communications must refer to the above docket number and title. There are two methods for submitting public comments: .1. Submission of Comments byMoii. Comments may be submitted by mail to the Regulations Division. Of?ce of General Counsel. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Street SW.. Room 1(1276. Washington. DC 20410-0500. 2. Electronic Submission of Comments. Comments may be submitted electronically through the Federal ekulemaking Portal at wmeguiationsgov. HUD strongly encourages commenters to submit comments electronically. Electronic submission of comments allows the commenter maximum time to prepare and submit a comment. ensures timely receipt by HUD. and enables HUD to make them immediately available to the public. Comments submitted electronically through the mmreguiationsgav Web site can be viewed by other commenters and interested members of the public. Commenters should follow the instructions provided on that site to submit comments electronically. Note: To receive consideration as public comments. comments must be submitted illi?Ollgh one ofthe two methods specified D-17-0201-A-000081 mun-Km uo mun mm .2 sense" Federal RegisteriVol. 82, No. Q?lFriday. May 19, 2t]1?lNotices I Lender Narratives?The edits consist primarily of changes to remove program guidance front the narratives and to incorporate updated underwriting standards specific to. for exam 1e. 5 ecial use facilities. I onso idated Certi?cations?The changes consist of streamlining the form and revising language to incorporate the changed policy in the new previous participation regulation with new de?nitions such as Controlling Participant. 0 Construction documents?Several documents are proposed that will replace the current versions of the Multifamily forms still in use. such as a new Borrower Certification for Early Start;r Early Commencement of Construction projects. I Undenvriting documents?A new form was added?New Fair Housing Marketing Plan document?which provides the Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan Requirements. ORCF removed one obsolete document [Agreement for Payment of Real Property Taxes] that is more speci?c to multifamily housing, and not relevant to healthcare facilities. as well as the Certi?cate ofNeed for Health Facilities and Schedule of Facilities Owned. Operated or Managed. which both contained duplicative information provided in other documents. The new Af?rmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan was vetted with other HUD programs had unique for their programs, and this new form is meant to accomplish the same for healthcare facilities. Appraisal information will also be collected via a new spreadsheet that is similar to a collection method used by the multifamily housing ?wheelbarrow?. I Accounts Receivable documents Edits include changes made to the Intercreditor Agreement form to address an ongoing issue of how operators should disclose any cross- defaults between the AR loan and the HUD loan. 0 Master lease documentsa-Changes include adding two new forms: Termination and Release ofCross- Default Guaranty of Subtenants?u Proposed and Amendment to HUD Master Lease [Partial Termination and Releasel?Proposed to reflect the 2152 Handbook policy related to a release of a project from a master lease. I Closing documents?Edits were made to the Surplus Cash Note and Subordination Agreement?[Financing] to restrict distributions when there is secondary ?nancing. I Security ant/Mortgage Deed of Trust?Edits were made to the exculpation provision in the Security InstrumentiMortgage Deed of Trust to reflect Multifamily?s form and reduces the need to amend the document when the Regulatory Agreement?Borrower paragraph 38 is changed. New residential care facilities versions of Certificate of Actual Cost as well as a Rider to Security Instrument?LIHTC? were incorporated into the collection to replace Multifamily versions still in nee which did not re?ect ORCF policy. I Regulatory Agreement for Fire Safety??A new Regulatory Agreement for Fire Safety projects and a Management Agreement addendum. as well as formalization of a Lender Certi?cation for Insurance Coverage. to incorporate current samples already in place were added to the documentation collection. I Escrow documents?New proposed escrow forms for long-term debt service reserves and Off?Site Facilities were also added. I Asset Management doc omen ts? Change of participant application dDCuments were revised to streamline the documents needed for a change in title of mortgaged property, change of operator or management agent. or complete change of all the parties. Documents still being used in the Multifamily format were incorporated into this collection, to specifically address ORCF policy. New Lender Narratives were also added for the addition Receivable. for Requests to Release or Modify Original Loan Collateral and Loan Modifications {along with a corresponding Certi?cation]. New forms were also added to incorporate existing samples in use for 2132 Healthcare Portal Access, and noti?cation to ORCF. by the Servicer and Operator of developing concerns within a project. I Supplemental Loon documents? All 241a loan dotZuments that have been in use as samples are now made a part of the documentation collection for OMB approval. Note: HUD makes no changes to the Legal Opinion and Certi?cation Documents. Respondents (is. affected public}: general contractors. lenders, and others involved in residential healthcare facility projects. Estimated Number of Respondents: 5.468. Estimated Number of Responses: 24.459. Frequency of?esponse: res. Average Hours or Response: 5.21. Total Estimate Burden: arm. Solicitation ofPublic Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the follmving: Whether the proposed collection ofinfornlation is necassary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have ractical utility: The accuracy of agency?s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection ofinformation; Ways to enhance the quality. utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection ofinformation on those who are to respond; including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology, permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 3507 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: May 1?1. 201?. Genger Charles. Gen emf Depot Assistant Secretary for Housing. Doc.2t11??1D229 Filed am] BILLING cons 4210?674- DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. FH?aeos?N?ot] 60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Record of Employee Interview Office of Labor Standards and Enforcement, FPM. HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: Hill.) is seeking approval for the proposed information collection requirement described below, and will be submitting to the Of?ce of Management. and Budget for review. as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act. The Department is soliciting public comments on the subject proposal. DATES: Comments Due Date: Italy 13, 2017'. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andlor OMB Control Number and should be sent to: Saundra A. Green. Administrative Officer. Of?ce of Field Policy and Management, Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 i'th Street SW., Washington, DC 20410. Room 2120 or reasons?553?]. this is not a toll-free number or email at '51- Federal Registeerol. 82. No. Q?lFriday, May 19, Soundro??reen?ihudgov or a copy of the proposed forms or other available information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number though by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at [800] 8339. FDFI FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Colette Pollards. Reports Management Officer, QDAM, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street SW., Washington, DC 20410, telephone [202} 402?3400 {this is not a toll-free number} or email Colette Pollard at Colette.Pollord@hud.gov for copies of the proposed forms and other available information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number though TTY by calling the toll? free Federal Relay Service at [800] 8339. The Department is submitting the proposed information collection to OMB for review, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. as amended}. This Notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected agencies concerning the proposed collection of information to: Evaluate whether the proposed collection is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility: Evaluate the acouracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information; Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and Minimize the burden ofthe collection of information on those who are to respond: including the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology, permitting electronic submission of responses. This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. A. Overview oflnformation Collection Title of information Collection: Record of Employee Interview. OMB Approval Number: 2501?0009. Description of the need for the information and proposed use:'fhe information is used by HUD and agencies administering HUD programs to collect information from laborers and mechanics employed on projects subjected to the Federal Labor Standards provisions. The information collected is compared to information submitted by the respective employer on certi?ed payroll reports. The comparison tests the accuracy of the employer's payroll data and may disclose violations. Generally, these activities are geared to the respondent's benefit that is to determine whether the respondent was underpaid and to ensure the payment of wage restitution to the respondent. Agency form numbers, if applicable: Estimation of the total numbers of hours needed to prepare the information collection including number of respondents, frequency of response, and hours of response: Estimated number of burden hours is 5,000. Estimated number of respondents is 20,000, the estimated number of responses is 20,000, the frequency of response is on occasion, and the burden hour per response is .25. Authority: The Paperwork Reduction Act of1995,44 U.S.C.. Chapter 35, as amended. Dated: May 1. 2017. Pamela Globes-Spring. Director, Office of Labor Standards and Enforcement. Dammit?1022'] Filed 5-13?17: 0:45 am] BILLING DEPARTMENT oF HOUSING AND URBAN 1 [Docket No. . 60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Technical Suitability of Products Program Section 521 of the National Housing Act AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Housing- Federal Housing Commissioner, HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 60 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: July 10, 201?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andlor OMB Control Number and should be sent to: Colette Pollard, Reports Management IIHficer, QDAM, Department oiHousing and Urban Development. 451 'i'th Street SW., Room 41TH. Washington, DC 20410?5000", telephone 202?402?3400 [this is not a toll-free number] or email 201 i Notices 23 061 at Colette.Pollord@hud.gov for a copy of the proposed forms or other available information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at [300] 8339. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Pamela Beck Donner, Administrator. Office of Manufactured Housing Programs, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Street SW.. Washington. DC 20410. telephone 202- 4024112. This is not a toll-free number. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at [500} Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Donner. su PFLEMENTARV This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. .. A. Overview of Information Collection Title ofinfonnotion Collection: Technical Suitability of Products Program Section 521 of the National Housing Act. OMB A rovel Number: 2502?03 1 3. Type a uest: Extension. Form Num Description of the need for the information and proposed use: This information is needed under Technical Suitability of Products Program to determine the acceptance of materials and products to be used in structures approved for mortgages insured under the National Housing Act. Respondents: Business or other for? pro?t. Estimated Number of Respondents: 50. Estimated Number of Responses: 50. Frequency ofHesponse: 1. Average Hours er Response: 26. Total Estimate Burdens: 2,200. B. Solicitation of Public Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility: The accuracy of the agency?s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information; (3) Ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected: and Ways to minimize the Mun-tram in mm I. 23062 burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond; including through the use ofappropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Sectiori ofthe Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. Date: May '12. 201?. Genger Charles. General Dapu ty A ssistant Sacretoiyfor Hausing. IFR Doc. 20112-10222 Filed 5-in-1 it: 3:45 aml BILLING ditto?61L? DEPARTMENT OF AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 60-Day Notice of Proposed Intormatlon Collection: Mortgages-?5 Application for Partial Settlement AGENCY: Office ofthe Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal Housing Commissioner. HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Of?ce oll?vianagement and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 60 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: July 13. 201?. successes: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andlor OMB Control Number and should be sent to: Colette Pollard, Reports Management Officer. QDAM. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Street SW.. Room 4176, Washington. DC 20410-5000: telephone [this is not a toll?free number] or email at Coiettefoiiordtahudgov for a copy of the proposed forms or other available information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at 8339. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: lames Cbasten. Accountant. Multifamily Claims Branch. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Street Federal Registeri?iiol. 82. No. galFriday. May 19. SW.. Washington. DC 204m: email iames Chasten at Jameson astenti.I hudgov or telephone This is not a toll-free number. Persons Willi hearing or speech impairments may access this number through by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at (800] Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may he obtained from Mr. Chasten. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. A. Overview of Information Collection Title of Information Collection: Multifamily Mortgagee's Application for Partial Settlement. 0MB Approval Number: 2502-10421 Type of Request: Extension of currently approved collection. Form Number: Description of the need for" the information and proposed use: Begin settlement process. This information collected on the subject form. 253? [Mortgagee's Application for Partial Settlement-Multifamily Mortgage]. provides the required information to determine the partial amount. This amount is computed in accordance with the foregoing statutory provisions and regulations promulgated there under in 24 CFR 20? (El. Contracts Rights and Obligations. Respondents: Business and other for profit. Estimated Number ofRespondents: 115. Estimated Number of Responses: 115. Frequency of Response: 1. Average Hourscper Response: 29. Total Estimate Burdens: .29. B. Solicitation ofPuhlic Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance ofthe functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility: The accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information; Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity of the information to be collected: and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond; including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission ofresponses. 201? iNotices HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 3507 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: May 12. 201?. Genger Charles. General Deputy Assistant Secretoqfor Housing. IFR Doc. 2017?40228 Filed aml coo-E DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. -N-1 3] 10-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Certificate of Housing Counseling: Homeownership and Certificate of Housing Counseling: Home Retention AGENCY: Office ofthe Assistant Secretary for Housing?Federal Housing Commissioner. HUD. ACTION: Announcement notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 10 days of public comment. Comments Due Date: May as. 2017. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andlor OMB Control Number and should be sent to: Colette Pollard. Reports Management Officer. QDAM. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Street SW., Room 41%. Washington. DC 20410-5000: telephone 202?402?3400 [this is not a toll-free number} or email at ud. gov for a copy of the proposed forms or other available information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at (son) 87?? 3339. FOR FURTHER IN FORMATION CONTACT: Colette Pollard. Reports Management Officer. QDAM. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 7th Street SW.. Room 41175. Washington. DC telephone [this is not a toll-free number] or email at Colettel?ollordti'hudgov for a copy of the proposed forms or other available ?mnlm .Wm Soundro??reenitilhudgov or a copy of the proposed forms or other available information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number though by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at [300] 3339. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Colette Pollards. Reports Management Officer. QDAM, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Street SW.. Washington. DC 20410, telephone [202] 402?3400 {this is not a toll-free number] or email Colette Pollard at Colette.Pollord@hud.gov for copies of the proposed forms and other available information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number though TTY by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at (800] 8339. so PPLEMENTAHY INFORMATION: The Department is submitting the proposed information collection to OMB for review. as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 [44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. as amended}. This Notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected agencies concerning the proposed collection of information to: Evaluate whether the proposed collection is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility; Evaluate the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information; Enhance the quality. utility. and clarity of the information to be collected; and Minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond: including the use ofappropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection-described in Section a. A. Overview of Information Collection Title of in Jformation Collection: Record of Employee Interview. OMB Approval Number: 2501-0009. Description of the need for the information and proposed use: The information is used by HUD and agencies administering HUD programs to collect information from laborers and . mechanics employed on projects subjected to the Federal Labor Standards provisions. The information collected is compared to information submitted by the respective employer on certified payroll reports. The comparison tests the accuracy of the Federal Registeerol. 82. No. eelFriday. May 19, employer?s payroll data and may disclose violations. Generally. these activities are geared to the respondent's benefit that is to determine whether the respondent was underpaid and to ensure the payment of wage restitution to the respondent. A gen cy form numbers. if applicable: Estimation of the total numbers of hours needed to prepare the information collection including number of respondents. frequency and hours ofresponse: Estimated number of burden hours is 5,000. Estimated number of respondents is 20.000. the estimated number of responses is 20,000, the frequency of response is on occasion, and the burden hour per response is .25. Authority: The Paperwork Reduction Act U.S.C.. Chapter 35. as amended. Dated: May 1. 2017. Pamela GIekas-Spring. Director. Office of Labor Standards and Enforcement. Doc. 2017?10221 Filed aiLonc no as ditto?674' DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 5] 60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Technical Suitability of Products Program Section 521 of the National Housing Act AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Housing- Federal Housing Commissioner. HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose ofthis notice is to allow for 50 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: July 18, 2017?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andi?or OMB Control Number and should be sent to: Colette Pollard. Reports Management Officer. QDAM. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 2th Street Room 41in. Washington. DC telephone 202?402w34?? [this is not a toll-free number] or email 201.7lNolices 23061 at Colotte.Pollord@hud.gov for a copy of the proposed forms or other available information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at [800] 8.72-? 8339. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Pamela Beck Danner. Administrator. Of?ce ofManufactured Housing Programs, Department ofHousing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street SW.. Washington. DC 20410. telephone 202? 402?7?11 2. This is not a toll-free number. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at [800] 8?7?8339. Copies of available doCuments submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Danner. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. A. Overview of Information Collection Title oflnformotion Collection: Technical Suitability of Products Program Section 521 of the National Housing Act. OMB A rovol Number: 2502?0313. Type 0 a nest: Extension. Form Nam er: Desoription of the need for the information and proposed use: This information is needed under ilUD's Technical Suitability of Products Program to determine the acceptance of materials and products to be used in structures approved for mortgages insured under the National Housing Act. Respondents: Business or other for- pro?t. Estimated Numbor ofHespondents: 50. Estimated Number ofHesponses: 50. Frequency of Response: 1. Average Hours er Response: 26. Total Estimate Burdens: 2.200. B. Solicitation ofPublic Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency.? including whether the information will have practical utility: The accuracy ofthe agency?s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information; Ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and Ways to minimize the 23062 burden ofthe collection of information on those who are to respond; including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. authority: Section 3507 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. Date: May 12, 201?. Gouger Charles. General Deputy?ssistanr Secretary for Housing. IFR Doc. 2017?10222 Fileti am] BILIJNG coDE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 50-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Mortgagee?s Application for Partial Settlement AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal Housing Commissioner, HUD. acnou: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Of?ce of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for ED days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: luly 13, 201?. Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andfor OMB Control Number and should be sent to: Colette Pollard. Reports Management Of?cer. QDAM. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 F'th Street SW.. Room 4176, Washington. DC telephone 202?402?3401] [this is not a toll-free number] or email at Colette.Poliord@hud.gov for a copy of the proposed forms or other available information. Persons with hearing or Speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at [300] 3339. FOR FURTHER INFORMADON CONTACT: lames Chasten. Accountant. Multifamily Claims Branch. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Street Washington. DC 2mm: email James Chasten at iomeschosten?ii hudgov or telephone 202?402?7208. This is not a toll-free number. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through by calling the toll?free Federal Relay Service at [800] Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Mr. Chasten. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. A. Overview of Information Collection Title of Information Collection: Multifamily Mortgagee's application for Partial Settlement. OMB Approval Number: 2502414213. Type of??equest: Extension of currently approved collection. Form Number: Description of the need for the information and proposed use: Begin settlement process. This information collected on the subject form. 253? [Mortgagee's Application for Partial Settlement-Multifamily Mortgage). provides the required information to determine the partial amount. This amount is computed in accordance with the foregoing statutory provisions and regulations promulgated there under in 24 CFR 20? Contracts Rights and Obligations. Respondents: Business and other for pro?t. Estimated Number ofResp-ondents: 1 '1 5. Estimated Number ofResponses: 115. Frequency af?espanse: 1. Average Hours per Response: 2'3. Total Estimated Burdens: .29. B. Solicitation ofPublic Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility; The accuracy ofthe agency?s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information: Ways to enhance the quality, utility. and clarity of the information to be collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond; including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques at other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission ofresponses. Federal RegisterIVol. 82. No. QBiFriday. May 19. 2017fNotices HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Aulhorily: Section 350? ofthe Paperwork Reduction Act of was. 44 Chapter 35. Dated: May 1 2. 201?. Genger Charles. General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Housing. IFR Doc. zotr-iozza Filed am] BILLING cooe azto?sr?P DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. Fa?som?N?ts] Hit-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Certificate of Housing Counseling: Homeownership and Certificate of Housing Counseling: Home Retention AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Housing?Federal Housing Commissioner. HUD. ACHON: Announcement notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. in accordance with the Paperwork'Reduction not. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 10 days ofpuhlic comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: May 30. 231?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andr'or OMB Control Number and shnuld be sent to: Colette Pollard. Reports Management Of?cer. QDAM. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 ?th Street SW.. Room 41343, Washington. DC 20410?5060; telephone 202?402?3400 [this is not a toll-free number] or email at Colette.Poiiord@ftud.gov for a copy of the proposed forms or other available information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at [Still] 3339. For: FURTHER Isroauarlos coarser: Colette Pollard. Reports Management Of?cer. QDAM. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 'i?th Street SW.. Room 4176. Washington. DC 20410-5000: telephone [this is not a toll-free number] or email at for a copy of the proposed forms or other available department has taken to meet their staffing needs state assistance programs. other grant programs. etc]. Other Selection Information Awards will be made using the results of peer-reviewed applications as the primary basis for decisions. regardless of activity. However. there are some exceptions to strictly using the peer review results. The applicant's prior AFG. SAFER. and grant management performance will also be taken into consideration when making recommendations for award. All final funding determinations will be made by the Administrator of FEMA, or the Administrator's designee. Fire departments and other eligible applicants that have received funding under the PPAS Grant Program in previous years are eligible to apply for funding in the current year. However, DHS may take into account an applicant?s performance on prior grants when making funding decisions on current applications. Once every application in the competitive range has been through the technical evaluation phase, the applications will be ranked according to the average score awarded by the panel. The ranking will be summarized in a Technical Report prepared by the AFC: Program Office. A Grants Management Specialist will contact the applicant to discuss andtor negotiate the content of the application and SAM.gov registration before making ?nal award decisions. Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2229. Robert I. Fenton, Acting Administrator. Federal Emergency Management Agency. Doc. zoir?iossa Filed 5-19-17; 3:45 aml BILLING cons DEPARTMENT OF HOUEING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. Sit-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Evaluation of the Rental Assistance Demonstration Program, Phase 2 AGENCY: Office ofthe Chief information Officer. HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD submitted the proposed information collection requirement described below to the Office of Management and Budget for :n ut'll'l?? Federal Registeerol. 82. No. 971Monday. May 22. 201.71Notices Paperwork Reduction Act. The purpose of this notice is to allow for an additional 3U days ofpublic comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: June 21. 201?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andtor OMB Control Number and should be Sent to: HUD Desk Of?cer. Of?ce of - Management and Budget. New Executive Office Building. Washington. DC 20503: fax: 202?395-6806. Email: OIRA_SLIbmissioni?lombeopgov. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Anna P. Guido. Reports Management Officer, QDAM. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 ?th Street. SW.. Washington. DC 20410; email Anna P. Guido at Anno.P.Guido@ hodgov or telephone 202402?5535. This is not a toll-free number. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at 87??8339. Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Guido. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the collection described in Section A. The Federal Register notice that solicited public comment on the information collection for a period of on days was published on September 3. 2015 at 31 FR 6215?. A. Overview of information Collection Title of Information Collection: Evaluation of the Rental Assistance Demonstration. Phase 2. OMB A prov-sf Number: Pending. Type a He nest: 25 Eli-New. Form Alum er: No forms. Description of the need for the information and proposed use: The Rental Assistance Demonstration program was established in mom to stem the loss of Public Housing units and other subsidized housing arising from a backlog of capital needs. The program helps to convert at-risk Public Housing properties to two different forms of Project-Based Section 8 l-lousing Assistance Payments contracts?either Project-Based Voucher or Project-Based Rental Assistance [l?BRAJ?giving Public Housing Authorities more flexibility to access private and public funding sources. reducing their reliance on limited appropriations. The RAD authorizing statute rennin-is HUD to 2328'? assess the impact of the program on: The preservation and improvement of former Public Housing units, in particular their physical and financial condition. the amount of external capital leveraged as a result of such conversions. and the residents living in properties at the time of conversion. To comply with this statutory requirement and examine whether the program?s objectives are being achieved. HUD will be collecting and analyzing quantitative and qualitative data from primary and secondary sources related to the following: The physical and ?nancial condition of 24 RAD properties selected for the study and 48 non?RAD properties selected for comparison; the implementation of the program. including the capital needs and amount ofexternal funding leveraged: and the experience with. and effect on. residents. The first phase of the evaluation has been completed. and relied on information collected in accordance wi?i OMB control number 2523-0304. Under Phase 1. HUD surveyed PHAs about their experiences with RAD and began enrolling Public Housing residents to track them for Phase 2 of the study. The information collection effort occurred early in the RAD implementation process: while it provided useful information about how PHAs were approaching RAD. further information collection is necessary to understand the results of RAD. The second phase of the evaluation is now under way to answer questions about effects of RAD three to four years after its launch. This notice announces HUD's intent to collect additional information: A Survey of residents of RAD properties and follow-op interviews with PHA staff. This information will inform HUD. Congress. and other interested parties about how PHAs and residents are experiencing RAD now that proiects have been converted, and whether or not it is achieving its intended objectives. Respondents file. affected public): This information collection will affect approximately 400 households that have been enrolled in the RAD tenant study [enrollment was approved under OMB control number 2523?41304] and approximately 100 PHA staff. including Executive Directors and other high?level staff at PHAs participating in RAD. The tenant survey is expected to take 1 hour and wil 0 ch househol expected to take 1 hour and will be conducted one time. 23288 Federal Registeri?v'ol. 82, No. ilvlonday, May 22. 2017'lNotices . . Number of i Frequency - Responses Burden hour Annual Hourly mmatlon consent)? respondents of response per annum per response burden hours [zigzag Annual cost Survey of RAD tenants 400 lCine time 1 I 0.50 400 $12.33 $2,540.00 Interviews with FHA staff One time 1 I 1.50 36 $54.24 1 ?52.64 Total 424 .. 500 $4,498.64 B. Solicitation of Public Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members ofthe public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility; The accuracy of the agency?s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information; Ways to enhance the quality. utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on [boss who are to respond; including using appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology, permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 350'? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of1095,44 USU. Chapter 35. Dated: May 15. 201 17. Anna P. Guido, Department Reports Management O??icer, [Wine of the Chief information Of?cer. Doc. 2013?10362 Filed 5?19?1?:li:45 am] en.me cooE listed American burying beetle incidental take permit applications. The applicants anticipate American burying beetle take as a result of impacts to habitat the species uses for breeding. feeding, and sheltering in Oklahoma. The take would be incidental to the applicants' activities associated with oil and gas well field and pipeline infrastructure (gathering. transmission. and distribution]. including geophysical exploration [seismic], construction, maintenance. operation, repair. decommissioning, and reclamation. If approved, the permit would be issued under the approved American Burying Beetle Amended Oil and Gas Industry Conservation Plan Endangered Species Act Section 1 HE) Permit Issuance in Oklahoma. DATES: To ensure consideration. written comments must he received on or before lune 21, 201?. ADDRESSES: You may obtain copies of all documents and submit comments on the applicants? incidental lake permit applications by one of the following methods. Please refer to the proposed permit number when requesting documents or submitting comments. 0 US. Mail: Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Endangered Species-HEP Permits, PO. Box 130E, Room S034, Albuquerque. NM 8.7103. 0 Electronically: fw2_ltcp_permits@ fws. gov. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Fish and Wildlife Service [Fws-ez-ss?aetr?Nadr: sane] Incidental Take Permit Application Received To Participate in American Burying Beetle Amended Oil and Gas Industry Conservation Plan in Oklahoma AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service. Interior. ACTION: Notice of availability: request for public comments. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Marty Tuegel. Branch Chief, by U.S. mail at: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Environmental Review Division. PD. Box 1306, Room 5034. Albuquerque. NM 8.7103; or by telephone at 505?243? 5551. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Introduction Under the Endangered Species Act, as amended (15 U.S.C. 1531 et seq; Act]. we, the US. Fish and Wildlife Service. invite the public to comment an incidental take permit applications to take the federally listed American SUMMARY: Under the Endangered Species Act, as amended [Act), we, the US. Fish and Wildlife Service. invite the public to comment on federally burying beetle [Nicropltoras americanus] during all and gas well field infrastructure geophysical exploration [seismic] and construction, maintenance, operation. repair, and decommissioning, as well as oil and gas gathering, transmission. and distribution pipeline infrastructure construction, maintenance. operation. repair. decommissioning. and reclamation in Oklahoma. If approved, the permits would he issued to the applicants under the American Burying Beetle Amended Oil and Gas industry Conservation Plan Endangered Species Act Section i?iaj??B} Permit issuance in Oklahoma. The original ICP was approved on May 31, 2014, and the ?no significant impact" ?nding notice was published in the Federal Register on Iuly 25, 2014 [79 FR 43504]. The draft amended ICP was made available for comment on March El. 2016 [31 FR 12113], and approved on April 13. 2010. The and the associated environmental assessmenti?nding of no signi?cant impact are available on the Web site at south westfesfoklahontafABBiCP. However. we are no longer taking comments on these ?nalized, approved documents. Applications Available for Review and Comment We invite local, State, Tribal, and Federal agencies, and the public to comment on the following applications under the ICP. for incidentally taking the federally listed American burying beetle. Please refer to the appropriate permit number leg, Til?123456] when requesting application documents and when Submitting comments. Docornents and other information the applicants have submitted with this application are available for review. subject to Privacy Act {5 USC. 552a] and Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552] requirements, Permit TE23351C Applicant: Targa SouthDK NGL Pipeline, LLB. Tulsa. OK. Applicant requests a permit for oil and gas upstream and midstream production. including oil and gas well field infrastructure geophysical exploration [seismic] and construction. maintenance. operation, repair, and decommissioning, as well as oil and gas gathering, transmission. and distribution pipeline infrastructure mquHI-I' nun-ulna GPO Federal Registerr'Vol. 82. No. 99 r?Wednesday. May 24. 2017 1 Notices 2383'? accordance with the agency's Bedrooms Nonglwatm Elevator procedures. lithe agency has received V- Section {12 and acted upon or will act upon a SAVE and 1 54,410 6?,391 verification and you do not believe the 51831?? galliimml ?2 2 81.947 response is correct. you may make an 3 99.433 105.013 lnfoPass appointment for an in-person The ?0113? amounts in these SECHUHS 4* 110-772 ?5359 interview at a local USCIS of?ce. Detailed information on how to make corrections. make an appointment, or submit a written request to correct records under the Freedom of Information Act can he found on the SAVE Web site at save, then by choosing ?For Benefits Applicants? from the menu on the left. selecting ?Save Resources." followed by Fact Sheet for Benefit Applicants." Doc. 2o1r-1nr4e Filed am] BILLING cope sm-sr-P DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. Annual Indexing of Basic Statutory Mortgage; Limits for Multifamin Housing Programs AGENCY: Of?ce of the Assistant Secretary for Housing?Federal Housing Commissioner. HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: In accordance with Section 205A of the National Housing Act. HUD has adjusted the Basic Statutory Mortgage Limits for Multifamily Housing Programs for Calendar Year 2015. DATES: Effective January 1. 2015. FDR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Daniel J. Sullivan, Acting Director, Office of Multifamily Development. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Seventh Street SW., Washington. DC 2041 Iii?35130. telephone [202} 402?5130 [this is not a toll-free number]. Hearing or speech-impaired individuals may access this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Information Relay Service at [sea] err?ease. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The FHA Down Payment Simplification Act of 2002 (Pub. L. 1517?325. approved December 4. 2052] amended the National Housing Act by adding a new Section 255A [12 U.S.C. Nil-1a}. Under Section 205A. the following are affected: 1. Section aortcitsiiA] (12 U.S.C. ll. Section tj.S.C:. 1 r1 5e [blizliAlh ill. Section [ta USE. 1715lc . IV. Section ['12 USCJ are the base per unit statutory limits for FHA's multifamily mortgage programs collectively referred to as the ?Dollar Amounts.? they are adjusted annually [commencing in 2054] on the effective date of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau?s adjustment of the ?gure in the Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act of 1994 (Pub. L. 153?325. approved September 23. 1994}. The adjustment of the Dollar Amounts shall be calculated using the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers as applied by the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection for purposes ofthe above-described HDEPA adjustment. HUD has been noti?ed of the percentage change in the used for the HOEPA adjustment and the effective date of the HOEPA adjustment. The percentage change in the is and the effective date of the HOEPA adjustment is January 1. 2015. The Dollar Amounts have been adjusted correspondingly and have an effective date of January 1. 2015. The adjusted Dollar Amounts for Calendar Year 2015 are shown below: Basic Statutory Mortgage Limits for Calendar Year 2515 Multifamily Loon Programs Section EDT?Multifamily Housing Section 20? Pursuant to Section 2231i]? Purchase or Refinance Housing Section 22U?Housing in Urban Renewal Areas Bedrooms Non-elevator Elevator 550.515 555.921 1 55.955 55.255 2 55.541 50.053 3 52.355 150.253 4+ scare ?3.359 Section 213?Cooperatives Bedrooms Non?elevator Elevator 0 555.291 1 53.122 55.042 2 ?3.12? 30.35? 3 97,443 103.592 4+ 108.555 114.044 Section 234?Condominium Housing Bedrooms Non-elevator Elevator It} 555.552 $53.75? Section Income Housing Bedrooms Non-elevator Elevator l] $50.2?3 5354.305 1 5?,055 52.255 2 53,981 75.1'02 3 85.582 9?.932 4+ 9?.335 107.501 Section 231?Housing for the Elderly Bedrooms Nor-elevator Elevator t] $54305 1 Hum 53.433 52,255 2 53,808 3 ?5.?59 9?,932 10?,501 4+ .. 90.2?8 Section 207?Manufactured Home Parks For Space?523,191 Dated: May 201?. Gouger Charles. General Deputy. Assistant Secretoryfor Housing. Filed 5-23-1r: 3:45 am] BILLING cone DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Bureau of Alcohol. Tobacco. Firearms and Explosives Number 1140?0013] Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed sCollection eComments Requested; Application for Tax-Exam pt Transfer of Firearm and Registration to Special Occupational Taxpayer, ATF Form 3 (5320.3) AGENCY: Bureau of Alcohol. Tobacco. Firearms and Explosives. Department of Justice. ACTION: 30?Day notice. SUMMARY: The Department ofJustice Bureau of Alcohol. Tobacco. Firearms and Explosives will submit the following information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget for review and approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The proposed information Collection was previously published in the Federal Register on March 14. 2111?. allowing for a 55-day comment period. D-17-0201-A-000089 norms-cana- us uni?um Hr- ?run hart! it. *3 ederal Registeri?tiol. 82, No. lollFriday, May 26, 243?? Waukesha tie-os- asses). President. Village at Sussex The Honorable Gregory L. Goetz, Village Matwarieez Oak Court. Sus- sent, WI 53039. Village Boa rd, WI 53039. . June 23, eon Main Street, Sussex. ionic. 550490 IFR Doc. 201L101 :79 Filed am] BILLING CODE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Immigration and Customs Enforcement Bureau Agency Information Collection Activities: Extension, Without Change. of an Existing Information Collection; Comment Request AGENCY: US. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Department of Homeland Secority. ACTION: sorDay notice of information collection for review: Form No. t?333, Dhligor Change of Address; 0MB Control No. 1653?0042. The Department of Homeland Security, 11.8. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is submitting the following information collection request for review and clearance in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The information collection is published in the Federal Register to obtain comments from the public and affected agencies. Comments are encouraged and will be accepted for sixty days until Iuly 25. 201?. Written comments and suggestions regarding items contained in this notice and especially with regard to the estimated public burden and associated response time should be directed to the Department of Homeland Security Scott Elmore, Forms Management Office. US. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, act I Street NW.. Mailsiop 5800. Washington. DC 205364-5800. Written comments and suggestions from the public and affected agencies concerning the proposed collection of information should address one or more ofthe following four points: Evaluate whether the proposed. collection ofinforrnation is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility: Evaluate the accuracy ofthe agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information. including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; Enhance the quality, utility. and clarity of the information to be collected: and Minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology, permitting electronic submission of responses. Overview of This Information Collection Type of Information Collection.- Extension. without change, of a currently approved information collection. Title of the Ubligor Change of Address. Agencyform number, if any, and the applicable component of the Department off-fomcland Security sponsoring the collection: Form 1?133; U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. A?ccted public who will be asked or reguireo? to respond. as well as a brief abstract: Primary: Individual or Households. Business or other non- profit. The data collected on this form is used by ICE to ensure accuracy in correspondence between ICE and the obligor. The form serves the purpose of standardizing obligor noti?cation of any changes in their address, and will facilitate communication with the obligor. An estimate ofthe total number of respondents and the amount oftime estimated for an average respondent to respond: 12.000 responses at ?15 minutes [.25 hours} per response. An estimate ofthe'total public burden [in hours] associated with the collection: 3.000 annual burden hours. Dated: May 23. 201.7. Scott Elmore. Flirt Clearance Of?cer, Office of the Chief In formation Of?cer. US. Immigration and Customs En forcement. Department of Homeland Security. Doc. 201??10352 Filed am] BILLING CODE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. Proposed Changes to the Methodology Used for Estimating Fair Market Rents AGENCY: Office ofthe Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research. HUD. ACTION: Notice of Proposed Material Changes for Estimation of Fair Market Rents summer: Section of the United States Housing Act of 193? requires the Secretary to publish periodically. but not less than annually. adiusted to be effective on October 1 of each year. The primary uses of FMRs are to determine payment standards for the Housing Choice Voucher program, to determine initial renewal rents for some Expiring projectdbased Section contracts. to determine initial rents for housing assistance payment contracts in the Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy program. and to serve as rent ceilings for rental units in both the HOME Investment Partnerships program and the Emergency Solutions Grants program.- HUD also uses FMRs in the calculation of maximum award amounts for Continuum of Care grantees and in the calculation of flat rents for Public Housing units. In furtherance of that effort. HUD proposes several methodological changes in this notice and seeks public comment on the proposed changes. DATES: Comment Due Date: June 26, 201?. ADDRESSES: HUD invites interested persons to submit comments regarding the proposed changes to the calculation of the FMRs to the Regulations Division, Office of General Counsel, Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Seventh Street SW., Room 1023?5. Washington, DC 20410?0001. Communications must refer to the above docket number and title and should contain the information specified in the ?Request for Comments? section. There are two methods for submitting public comments. 1. Submission of Comments by Mail. Comments may he submitted by mail to the Regulations Division, Office of General Counsel, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 L?s 24373 201? Notices Federal Registeerol. 82. No. t?tlFriday. May 26. i?th Street SW.. Room 10226. Washington. DC 20410?0500. Due to security measures at all federal agencies, however. submission of comments by mail often results in delayed delivery. To ensure timely receipt of comments. HUD recommends that comments submitted by mail be submitted at least two weeks in advance of the public comment deadline. 2. Electronic Submission of Comments. Interested persons may submit comments electronically through the Federal eRulemaking Portal at HUD strongly encourages commenters to submit comments electronically. Electronic submission of comments allows the commenter maximum time to prepare and submit a comment. ensures timely receipt by Hill]. and enables HUD to make them immediately available to the public. Comments submitted electronically through the Web site can be viewed by other commenters and interested members of the public. Commenters should follow instructions provided on that site to submit comments electronically. Note: To receive consideration as public comments. comments must be submitted through one of the two methods speci?ed above. Again. all submissions must refer to the docket number and title of the notice. No Facsimile Comments. Facsimile comments are not acceptable. Public Inspection 3' Public Comments. All property submitted comments and communications regarding this notice submitted to HUD will be available for public inspection and copying between 3 am. and 5 pm. weekdays at the above address. Due to security measures at the HUD Headquarters building. an advance appointment to review the public comments must be scheduled by calling the Regulations Division at 202?208? 3055 {this is not a toll-free number}. Individuals with speech or hearing impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the Federal Relay Service at Copies of all comments submitted are available for inspection and downloading at l1rrp?rvuw.regulationsgov. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Questions on this notice may he addressed to Maria L. Lihn or Peter B. Kahn of the Economic and Market Analysis Division. Office of Economic Affairs. Of?ce of Policy Development and Research. HUD Headquarters. 451 7th Street SW.. Room 3208. Washington. DC 20410: telephone number 2022?402? 2409 [this is not a toll-free number]. or they may be reached at tamed?liqu hudgov. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access HUD numbers through TTY by calling the Federal Relay ServiCe at {toll- free]. For technical information on the methodology used to develop FMRs or a listing ofall FMRs. please call the HUD USER information line at 800? 245?2691 [toll-free] or access the information on the HUD USER Web site do li trnl. Electronic Date Availability. This Federal Register notice will be available electronically from the HUD User page at dotosets/fmr?Jitml. Federal Register notices also are available electronically from the US. Government Printing Of?ce Web site. Complete documentation of the impact of these methodology changes and calculation of hypothetical FY 201? FMRs 1 with these changes are available at Small Area Phillis for all metropolitan FMR areas incorporating these material changes in methodology have also been calculated and are available at: littps:ll Changes to FMR calculations prescribed in the Small Area rule {81 FR 3056?] are not incorporated into the calculation of hypothetical FY 201? FMRs. SUPPLEMENTARY INFonluanon: I. Background Section 8 ofthe United States Housing Act of 193? [42 U.S.C. 1432f]: authorizes housing assistance to aid lower-income families in renting safe and decent housing. Housing assistance payments are limited by Fair Market Rents established by HUD for different geographic areas. In the Housing Choice 1Voucher program. the FMR is the basis for determining the "payment standard amOunt? used to calculate the maximum subsidy for an assisted family. See 24 CFR 982.503. also uses the FMRs to determine initial renewal rents for sorne expiring project-based Section 3 contracts. initial rents for housing assistance payment contracts in the Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy program. rent ceilings for rental units in both the HOME Investment Partnerships program and the Emergency Solution Grants 1 HUD will provide a set of FY 201? FMRs calculated with all the methodological changes proposed in this notice for the public to review. The with all the proposed changes will be referred to as FY 2017 hypothetical FMRs. program. calculation of maximum award amounts for Continuum of Care grantees. and calculation of flat rents in Public Housing units. In general. the PMR for an area is the amount that would be needed to pay the gross rent [shelter rent plus utility costs] of privately owned. decent. and safe rental housing ola modest [non-luxury] nature with suitable amenities and is set at the 40th percentile ofthe distribution of gross rents for recent movers. HUD's FMR calculations represent HUD's best effort to estimate the 40th percentile gross rents paid by recent movers into standard quality units in each FMR area. In recent years. commenters have expressed a number of concerns about FMRs. Some have pointed out that FMRs are a primary operating parameter in the Hi3".Ir program and that extreme year?to-year ?uctuations in FMRs can cause difficulties in program operations. Additionally. concerns have been raised that the FMRS are either not timely enough or not based on enough local information. HUD is proposing several changes to the manner in which HUD calculates FMRs in order to improve the FMR estimates and to address the concerns of commenters noted at the beginning of this paragraph. II. Procedures for Developing FMRs Section of the USHA requires the Secretary of HUD to publish FMRs periodically. but not less frequently than annually. Section as amended by the Housing Opportunities Through Modernization Act of 201E (Pub. L. 114?201. approved July 29. 2016]. requires that HUD publish for comment in the Federal Register a notice of proposed material changes in the methodology for estimating FMRs and a notice containing HUD's ?nal decisions regarding such proposed substantial methodological changes and responses to ublic comments. 811 August 26. 201E. HUD announced the publication of the FY 2012 FMRs. requested comments on the FY 201'? li?Mtts. and requested public comment on what should be considered ?material changes? in FMR estimation methods for the purpose oftriggering public notice and comment under HUTMA [ill FR 58-952]. Following a review of public comment on what should be considered "material changes". HUD determined that initially any change in PMR calculation methods should be subject to public comment. HUD. thus. responded to the comments in a notice published March 30. 2017'. stating that HUD would not take a position on what FMR changes would be considered material and that HUD would initially D-17-0201-A-000091 a3. in Federal Registerf?lfnl. 82, No. 101fFriday, May 26, EDIFINotices 243379 request comment on all FMR method changes [82 FR 15 F1 While HUD recognizes that year-to?year fluctuations in FMRs may cause operational dif?culties in program operations, HUD seeks to improve the FMR calculation methods, using as much local information as possible while trying to preserve stability in the estimates. In an effort to address these concerns and recognizing that addressing one issue may impact another issue, HUD proposes several methodological changes and requests public comments on those changes through this notice, in compliance with HOTMA. FMR Methodology Changes This section provides a brief overview of how HUD computed the FY 201? FMRs and three proposed changes to this methodology. To calculate the FY 201?r FMRs, HUD assigned each area a two-bedroom standard quality base rent from the 2010?2014 5-year American Community Survey tabulations. Each base rent was updated with a recent mover adjustment factor calculated front the 1- year 2014 ACS data. The 2014 ACS recent mover data is adjusted to be ?as of" FY 201? using local or regional ConSumer Price Index [CPU-measured changes in gross rents measured between 2014 and 201 5 and a nationally forecasted trend factor measuring the expected growth in gross rents from 2015 to FY 201?. For complete information on how HUD determines FMR areas. and on how HUD derives each area?s FY 2017' FMR. see the online documentation at frnr.html#201 ?_query. The following is a summary of the two general changes to the calculation methods HUD is proposing to incorporate into the calculation of FY 2018 FMRs and a third change specific to the calculation of Small Area FMRs. The first method change is in the .manner in which HUD selects American Community Survey estimates for use in the calculation of FMRs. Currently, HUD uses an ACS estimate if the error ofthe estimate is less than half the size of the estimate itself. HUD is proposing to require that each AC8 estimate used in the calculation of FMRs be based on at least one hundred [100) survey responses. In other words, this notice proposes to couple the error ratio criterion with an additional review oftbe number of survey observations supporting the ACS estimate. If the survey data does not meet both criteria, HUD will use an average of the three most recent years of data. The second method change focuses on the way that HUD calculates the ?recent mover factor." Currently, HUD calculates the ?recent mover factor" based on a geographic area that is sometimes larger titan an FMR area when the two-bedroom recent mover rents are not statistically reliable. HUD is proposing the use of ?all-bedroom? recent mover rents as the basis for the recent mover factor when the two- bedroom recent mover rents are not statistically reliable 100 or more observations and a margin of error that is smaller than half of the estimate itself] before moving to a larger encompassing geography for the recent mover factor. Finally, HUD is proposing to use the gross rent estimates calculated by ZIP Code Tabulation Areas where statistically reliable, to estimate Small Area FMRs directly rather than the "ratio" method HUD used in FY 201 and earlier SAFMR estimates. FY 2018 F'Mfi Proposed Changes A. Base Year Rent Changes Since FY 2012, HUD has used the 5- year ACS data to determine base roots for most FMR areas. HUD used 2010? 2014 ACS data, released in December 2015, in the FY 2011? FMR calculations. HUD evaluates the statistical validity of the ACS data before using the information in the calculation of FMRs. HUD proposes to update these statistical reliability criteria. Previously, used AC3 estimates for two-bedroom unit rents within the FMR area where the margin oferror of the estimate was less than half the size of the estimate itself a margin of error of less than 50 percent]. HUD now proposes to couple this "margin of error" test with an additional test based on the number of survey observations supportng the estimate. The Census Bureau does not provide HUD with an exact count of the number of observations supporting the ACS estimate; rather, the Census Bureau provides HUD with categories of the number of survey responses underlying the estimate, including whether the estimate is based on more than 100 observations. Using these categories. HUD proposes that AC5 rent estimates must be based on at least 100 observations in order to be used as base rents. For areas in which the 5-year AC5 data for two-bedroom, standard quality gross rents do not pass the statistical reliability tests have a margin of error greater than 50 percent or fewer than 100 observations}. HUD will use an average of the base rents over the three most recent years [provided that there is data available for at least two of these years],2 or if such data is not available, using the two-bedroom rent data within the next largest geographic area, which for a non-metropolitan area would be the state non-metro area rent data. B. Recent Mover Factor Changes HUD is proposing changes to the calculation of the recent mover factor that include a change to the statistical reliability assessment of ACS recent mover data [consistent with the change for base rents] and a change in the data used when the number of ?two? hedroom? observations within the FMR area is insufficient. The following describes the current process for calculating the recent mover factor, and the propoaed revisions, HUD historically based FMRs on gross rent data for recent movers [those who have moved into their current residence in the last 24 months]. However, due to the way in which the {Zensus Bureau constructs the 5-year AC3 data. HUD developed a new methodology for using recent mover data to calculate FMRs in FY 2012. As of FY 2012, HUD assigns all areas a base rent, which is the two- bedroom. standard quality 5-year ACS gross rent estimate. and then applies a recent mover factor in order to calculate recent mover gross rents and publish them in accordance with 24 CFR 388.113. HUD calculates the rec-ant mover factor as the ratio of the 1-year recent mover gross rent to the 5-year standard quality gross rent for the recent mover factor area. HUD does not allow recent mover factors to reduce the standard quality base rent; therefore, if the 5-year standard quality rent is larger than the comparable 1-year recent mover rent. the recent mover factor is set to 1. Applying the recent mover factor to the standard quality base rent produces a recent mover two-bedroom gross rent for the FMR area that is ?as of" the most recent AC8 year. In general, HUD has used the 1-year ACS-based two-bedroom recent mover gross rent estimate from the smallest geographic area encompassing the FMR area for which the estimate is statistically reliable to calculate the recent mover factor? HUD calculates 2 Using i-?Y 201? as an example. the three years or ACE. data in question are sore. 2013 and 2014. The 2?12 data are adjusted to be denominated in 2014 dollars using the growth in CPI-based gross rants tneasured between 2012 and 2014. Similarly. the 2013 gross rent data is adjusted to 2014 denominaled dollars using Ihe growth in CPI-based gross rents measured between 2013 and 2014. currently assesses recent mover cslilimlns to he slnlistically reliable if the margin of error of Continued ?aao Federal Registeerol. 32. No. lollFriday. May 26. EDITINotices some areas recent mover factors using data collected solely within the FMR area. However, HUD currently bases other areas' recent mover factors on larger geographic areas if this is necessary to obtain statistically reliable estimates. When data from a larger geographic unit is required. data from progressively larger areas is considered until a statistically reliable result is obtained. The order of consideration depends on the type of area for which the recent mover factor is being calculated. For metropolitan FMR areas that are subareas of larger metropolitan areas. the order is the FMR area. the metropolitan area. the aggregated metropolitan parts of the state. and the entire state. Metropolitan areas that are not divided follow a similar progression from FMR area data. to data from the aggregated metropolitan parts of the state, to state-level data. In non- metropolitan areas. HUD bases the recent mover factor on data from within the FMR area, or from the aggregated non-metropolitan parts of the state. or if that is not available, from the whole state. HUD proposes to modify the test of statistical reliability for ACS recent mover data in the same manner as the proposed change discussed under base rents. In addition, when an FMR area does not have statistically reliable two- bedroom data. HUD proposes that before using data from a larger geographic area to calculate the recent mover factor, HUD would ?rst check to see if the data aggregated across "ail-bedroom? count units is statistically reliable for the FMR area. If so. HUD will use the ?all- bedroom? data to calculate the recent mover factor instead of moving to the next larger geography. Incorporating "all?bedroom" rents into the recent mover factor calculation when statistically reliable two-bedroom data is not available preserves the use of local information to the greatest extent possible. However. where statistically reliable ?ail-bedroom" data is not available, HUD will continue to use data from the larger geographical areats], as described above. 2. Sm oi'i' Area Fair Market Rents Methodology Changes Currently. HUD calculates Small Area Flles1 using a rent ratio determined by dividing the median gross rent across all ustitrulte is smaller than half the size of the estimate itself ii.e.. less than More information regarding the history of Small Area FMRs. including information concerning the Small Area EMF. Demonstration is available at; srnoilorco?'no'exhlmi. bedrooms for the Small Area ZCTAs by the similar median gross rent for the parent metropolitan area of the ZIP code. In order to maintain stability in the rent ratio, HUD averages the three most Current rent ratios and multiplies this averaged rent ratio by the most recent two-bedroom FMR for the parent metropolitan area. HUD is proposing updates to the calculation of Small Area FMRs that are consistent with the other proposed methodology changes in this Notice. A. Alternative to the Rent Ratio Method In order to use more local data, HUD is proposing to calculate Small Area FMRs directly from the standard quality gross rents provided to HUD by the Census Bureau for ZCTAs, when such data is statistically reliable. instead of using the current rent ratio calculation. For each ZCTA with statistically reliable gross rent estimates, using the expanded test ofstatistical reliability proposed elsewhere in this notice estimates with margins of error ratios below 50 percent and based on at least 100 observations}. HUD will calculate a two- bedroom equivalent soth percentile gross rent using either one-, two-. or three-bedroom gross rent data. The order preference for using the gross rent distribution data would be: Two- bedroom gross rents, one-bedroom gross rents. and three-bedroom gross rents. If either the one-bedro om or three- bedroom gross rent data is used because the two?bedroom gross rent data is not statistically reliable. the one-bedroom or three-bedroom 40th percentile gross rent will be converted to a two-bedroom equivalent rent using the bedroom ratios for the ZCTA's parent metropolitan area. in order to add increased stability to these Small Area FMR estimates, HUD will average the latest three yea rs of gross rent estimates.5 For without usable gross rent data. HUD will continue to calculate Small Area FMRs using the rent ratio method currently employed. For ZCTAs re ying on the rent ratio method in small areas where the standard quality median gross rent is not statistically reliable], HUD will continue its current practice of substituting the median gross rent for the county containing the ZCTA in the numerator of the rent ratio calculation. The denominator remains the median gross rent for the ZCTA's parent 5For example. for [hypothetical] F?t? 201 1? FMRS using this melhotlology. HUD would average the gross rents from 2012. 2013 and 2014 5-Year AC5 estimates. The 2012 and 2013 gross rent would be adiusleti to 201-! dollars using Ihe metropolitan area's gross rent CPI adjustment factors. - metropolitan area [discussed below in section 171}. HUD will continue to multiply this rent ratio by the current two-bedroom rent for the entire metropolitan area containing the small area to generate the current year two- bedroom rent for the small area. HUD will continue to use a rolling-average of ACE data irt calculating the Small Area FMR rent ratios. HUD believes coupling the most Current data with previous years' data minimizes excessive year-to- year variability in Small Area FMR rent ratios due to sampling variance. Therefore, HUD will update the rent ratios each year. B. to Metropolitan Area Link HUD is also proposing to change the linkage between a ZCTA and its parent metropolitan area. Currently. HUD links each ZCTA to its parent OMB-defined Core Based Statistical Area (CBSAJ. Going forward, HUD proposes to link each ZCTA to its published FMR area; that is. each ZCTA will be linked to its parent HUD Metropolitan Fair Market Rent Area if it exists. If no parent HUD FMR exists, the ZCTA will continue to be linked to its parent CESA. This change is being proposed to take advantage of the more localized recent mover factors for subareas of OMB-defined metropolitan areas when available. New, hypothetical FY 201'? Small Area FMRs incorporating all proposed calculation changes are available at . IV. Request for Public Comments on Changes HUD continually strives to calculate FMRs that can serve as an effective program parameter while meeting the statutory requirement to use ?the most recent available data." Therefore. HUD is requesting speci?c comments on these methodological changes. notng that objectives are to: Limit volatility in annual FMR changes by adding an observation count requirement of at least 100. and by averaging prior year real data when the new requirements for statistical reliability are not met: improve the use of local data in calculating the recent mover factor by allowing the use of "alhbedroom" observations in the calculation of the recent mover factor before using data from a larger area; and involve the use of more local data in the calculation of Small Area FMRs when possible, including by using ZCTA gross rents and melting changes to the rent ratio calculation. These methodology changes are not monodirectional: for example, the Federal RegisteriVol. 82, No. 101fFriday, May 26. zuttiNotices . Z4331 application ofa stricter statistical significance test may lower rents in an area. while the use of the more local ?all-bedroom" recent mover factor may increase rents in the same area. In addition, HUD solicits comments on the possible effects of changes in FMR methodology on the achievement of fair housing and other civil rights goals and objectives, including increasing mobility of low?income persons to areas of high opportunity and lower poverty, and whether other methodological changes might better ensure appropriate fair housing outcomes. HUD respectfully requests that comments ?led in response to this notice remain focused on the proposed calculation changes. Hypothetical FY 201? FMRs and Small Area FMRs. using these new methodology changes. are published at and respectively. V. Environmental Impact This notice proposes changes in the way FMRs are calculated and does not constitute a development decision affecting the physical condition of speci?c project areas or building sites. Accordingly, under 24 CFR 50.19Iclf?l. this notice is categorically excluded from environmental review under the National Environmental Policy Act of tens (42 U.S.C. 4321). Dated: May a. 201?. Matlhew E. Amman. General Deputy Assistant Secretoryfor Policy Development and Research. We 5r25?1?:?:45 cons DEPARTMENT OF THE INTEFIIOFI Fish and Wildlife Service [Docket No. Farm on Endangered Species; Marine Mammals; Receipt of Applications for Permit AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service. Interior. ACTION: Notice of receipt of applications for permit. SUMMAHV: We, the US. Fish and Wildlife Service. invite the public to comment on applications to conduct certain activities with endangered species. With some exceptions, the Endangered Species Act ESA prohibits activities with listed species unless Federal authorization is acquired that allows such activities. DATES: We must receive comments or requests for documents on or before June 26. 201?. ADDRESSES: Submitting Comments: You may submit comments by one of the following methods: a Federal eHuiemokiag Portal-http? Follow the instructions for submitting comments on Docket No. - US. mail or hand-delivery: Public Comments Processing, Alta: Docket No. 1.1.8. Fish and Wildlife Service Headquarters. MS: 52?5 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church. VA 22041?3803. When submitting comments. please indicate the name of the applicant and the you are commenting on. We will post all comments on This generally means that we will post any personal information you provide us [see the Public Comments section for more information]. Viewing Comments: Comments and materials we receive will be available for public inspection on wmvregulotionsgov, or by appointment. between 8 am. and 4 Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays, at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Division of Management Authority. Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041?3303; telephone ?03?3 558?2095. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: [oyce Russell. Government Information Specialist. Division of Management Authority. U.S.- Fish and Wildlife Service Headquarters, MS: IA: oars Leesburg Pike. Falls Church, VA 22041- 3803; telephone facsimile roe-ssa?szao. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: 1. Public Comment Procedures A. How do irequest copies of applications or comment on submitted applications? Send your request for copies of applications or comments and materials concerning any of the applications to the contact listed under ADDRESSES. Please include the Federal Register notice publication date. the PET- number. and the name of the applicant in your request or submission. We will not consider requests or comments sent to an email er address not listed under ADDRESSES. If you provide an email address in your request [or copies of applications. we will attempt to respond to your request electronically. Please make your requests or comments as specific as possible. Please con?ne your comments to issues for which we seek comments in this notice. and explain the basis for your comments. Include suf?cient information with your comments to allow us to authenticate any scienti?c or commercial data you include. The comments and recommendations that will be most useful and likely to influence agency decisions are: Those supported by quantitative information or studies; and Those that include citations to, and analyses of. the applicable laws and regulations. We will not consider or include in our administrative record comments we receive after the close of the comment period [see DATES) or comments delivered to an address other than those listed above [see H. May I review comments submitted by others? Comments. including names and street addresses of respondents. will be available for public review at the street address listed under ADDRESSES. The public may review documents and other information applicants have sent in support of the application unless our allowing viewing would violate the Privacy Act or Freedom of Information Act. Before including your address. phone number. email address, or other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be aware that your entire comment?including your personal identifying information?may be made publicly available at any time. While you can ask us in your comment to withhold your personal identifying information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so. II. Background To help us carry out our conservation responsibilities for affected species, and in consideration of section of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended [16 U.S.LI. 1531 et seq], along with Executive Order 135.?6, ?Delivering an Efficient, Effective, and Accountable Government." and the President?s Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies of January 21. EGGS?Transparency and Open Government (74 FR 4635'. Ian. 26, 2099}, which call on all Federal agencies to promote openness and transparency in t'lovernment by disclosing information to the public, we invite public comment on these permit applications before final action is taken. Federal RegisterI?Vo]. 82, No. i?2fTuesday. May 30. 2017fRules and Regulations 24521 Question 2: State whether you provided the information that you submitted to the CFTC pursuant to a cooperation agreement with the CFTC, or with any other agency or or anization. guestien 3: State whether you provided this information before you [or anyone representing you} received any request. inquiry or demand that relates to the subject matter. of your submission ti) from the CFTC. [ii] in connection with an investigation, inspection or examination by any registered entity. registered futures association or self? regulatory organization. or in connection with an investigation by the Congress. or any other federal or state authority. Question 4: State whether you are currently a subject or target of a criminal investigation, or whether you have been convicted of a criminal violation. in connection with the information that you submitted to the CFTC and upon which your application for an award is based. Question 5: State whether you acquired the information that you provided to the CFTC from any individual described in Questions 1 through 4 ofthis section. Question 5: If you answered yes to any of Questions 1 through 5 of this section. please provide details. Section G: Entitlement to Award This section is optional. Use this section to explain the basis for your belief that you are entitled to an award in connection with your submission of information to the CFTC. or to another agency in connection with a related action. Specifically. address why you believe that you voluntarily provided the CFTC with original information that led to the successful enforcement ofa judicial or administrative action filed by the CFTC. or a related action. Refer to 165.9 oftha regulations for further information concerning the relevant award criteria. Section 23tc][1][B] of the Commodity Exchange Act and ?165.9{a] of the CFTC's regulations require the CFTC to consider the following factors in determining the amount of an award: The significance of the information provided by a whistleblower to the success of the CFTC action or related action: the degree of assistance provided by the whistleblower and any legal representative of the whistleblower in the action or related action: the programmatic interest of the CFTC in deterring violations of the Commodity Exchange Act {including regulations under the Act] by making awards to whistleblowers who provide information that leads to the successful enforcement of such laws; whether the award otherwise enhances the ability to enforce the Commodity Exchange Act. protect customers. and encourage the submission ofhigh quality information from whistleblowers: and potential adverse incentives from oversize awards. Address these factors in your response as well. Section H: Claimant's Declaration You must sign this Declaration ifyou are submitting this claim pursuant to the CFTC whistleblower program and wish to he considered for an award. If you are submitting your claim anonymously. you must do so through an attorney. and you must provide your attorney with your original signed Form wn?are. Section I: Counsel Certi?cation If you are submitting this claim pursuant to the CFTC whistlehlower program anonymously. you must do so through an attorney, and your attorney must sign the Counsel Certification Section. Issuer] in Washington. DC. on May 22. 201?. by the Commission. Christopher I. Kirkpalrick. Secretory of the Commission. Note: The following appendix will not appear in the Code of Federal Regulations. Appendix to Whistlebluwer Awards Process?Commission Voting Summary (in this matter. Acting Chairman Giancarlo and Commissioner Bowen voted in the af?rmative. No Commissioner voted in the negative. Doc. Filed seza-tr: 3145 aml cooE asst-om: DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND UFIBAN DEVELOPMENT 24 Parts 23. 30. 130. and 3232 [Docket No. Fi??594245412] FIIN 25D1-ADTB Inflation Catch?Up Adjustment of Civil Monetary Penaltyr Amounts Final Rule and Adjustment of Civil Monetary Penalty Amounts for 2017 AGENCY: Office of the General Counsel. HUD. ACTION: Final rule. scanner: This rule makes final the interim ?nal rule. published on lune 15, 2016. to amend civil monetary penalty regulations. The interim final rule applied a new methodology to calculate civil money penalties as mandated by the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act Improvements Act of 2(115. starting with a ?catch up? adjustment to correct previous inaccuracies: removed three obsolete civil monetary penalty provisions; and made a technical change to the existing codified regulation implementing the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act. The changes from the interim final rule made final by this ?nal rule continue to be effective as of August to. 2016. In addition. this rule provides for 201? inflation adjustments of civil monetary penalty amounts required by the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act Improvements Act of 2015. and makes three technical amendments and a conforming statutory change. DATES: Effective date: June 29. 201?. Applicability date: The applicability date for catch-up adjustment was August 15. 2616. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dane Narode. Associate General Counsel. Of?ce of Program Enforcement, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 125i] Maryland Avenue SW.. Suite Still, Washington. DC 20024; telephone number see?2454141 (this is not a toll- free number]. Hearing- or speech- impaired individuals may access this number via TTY by calling the Federal Information Relay Service. toll-free. at BOD-37743339. SUPP LEMENTAHY I. Background A. The June 15. 2015. interim Rule The Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act Improvements Act of EDIE [2015 Act} (Pub. L. 1144754] amended the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act of 199i] [28 U.S.C. 2451 note] requiring all Federal agencies to issue an interim final rule implementing changes to their civil money penalties. Ciu June 15. 2015. pursuant to the requirements of the 2015 Act. HUD published an interim final rule for public comment. entitled ?Inflation Catch?Up Adjustment of Civil Monetary Penalty Amounts? [81 FR 38931]. The 2015 Act required agencies to make an initial catch-up adjustment by interim ?nal rule. using a new methodology designed to correct inaccuracies in the previous method of computing in?ation adjustments. In order to address these inaccuracies. the 201 5 Act excluded adjustments made under the law prior to its amendment. and it provided that the initial catch-up adjustment was the percentage by which 3 I #3 24522 Federal Registeri?Vol. 82. No. 102/Tuesday. May 30. 2012fRules and Regulations the Consumer Price Index for the month of October 2015 exceeded that of the month of October of the calendar year during which the amount of the CMP was originally established or otherwise adjusted under a provision of law other than the Federal Civil Money Penalties In?ation Adjustment Act of 1990. Increases in the initial catch-up adjustment were capped at 150 percent ofthe amount of the Ell/[F in effect as of the date of enactment ofthe 2015 Act. The interim ?nal rule established the new adjusted penalty amount for each provision under which HUD is authorized to assess 3 [81 FR 38935?38930]; removed the obsolete OMP provisions that were codi?ed at 24 CFR 30.30, 30.55. and 30.59 [81 FR 38935); and made a correction to 24 CFR 28.10 to include liability for causing a false claim or statement to be made. in addition to liability for making a false claim or statement FR 38935]. The public comment period for the interim final rule closed on August 15. 2018. The interim ?nal rule became effective on August 16. 2015. The August 18. 2018. effective date for the amendments made by the interim ?nal rule is unchanged. received one comment in response to the interim final rule. but it was not actually relevant to any issue in the interim ?nal rule.1 B. This 20.1? inflation Adjustment After the catch-up adjustment, the 2015 Act requires agencies to make subsequent annual adjustments for in?ation ?notwithstanding section 553 of title 5, United States Code.? Section 553 refers to the Administrative Procedure Act. which might otherwise require a delay for advance notice and opportunity for public comment on future annual inflation adjustments. The first of these subsequent adjustments is for 201 2. The annual adjustment is based on the percent change between the US. Department of Labor's Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers for the month of October preceding the date ofthe adjustment. and the for October of the prior year [28 U.S.C. 2451 note. section Based on that formula, the cost-of-living adjustment multiplier for 201? is 1.01938.2 Pursuant to the 2015 Act, adjustments are rounded to the nearest dollar.3 II. This Final Rule This rule makes ?nal the June 15. 2018, interim rule. In addition. this rule makes the required 201? ini?lation adjustment. Since HUD is not applying these adjustments retroactively. the 2010 increases being ?nalized apply to violations occurring prior to the effective date ofthis final rule [and on and after the effective date of the 2016 interim rule] and the 2015" increases apply to violations occurring on or after this rule?s effective date. Along with the 201i1r inflation adjustment in this ?nal rule. HUD also makes conforming and technical amendments to 30.5. 30.10. 30.35. 30.39. and 30.80. Speci?cally. references to the former mortgage assignment procedures [in 30.35}. Urban Homesteading program [in 30.5 and 30.80]. and the Loan Correspondent program [in ?30.30} are removed, as those programs have been ended and are no longer active. In addition. the Helping Families Save Their Homes Act of 2009 [Pub. L. 111? 22] amended the HUD Reform Act of was [12 definition for ?knowing or knowingly" as it applies to civil money penalties against mortgagees. lenders. and other participants in FHA programs. This rule amends the definition for ?knowing or knowingly" in 30.10 to include the 2009 statutory de?nition. For each component. HUD provides a table showing how the penalties are being adjusted for 201? pursuant to the 2015 Act. to the ?rst column. HUD provides a description of the penalty. In the second column (?Statutory Citation."] HUD provides the United States Code statutory citation providing for the penalty. In the third column {"Regulatory citation?]. HUD provides the Code of Federal Regulations citation under title 24 for the penalty. In the fourth column (?Previous Amount"]. HUD provides the amount of the penalty pursuant to the interim rule implementing the "catch-up? adjustment {81 FR 38931. June 15. 2018]. In the fifth column, (?2012 Adjusted Amount?) HUD lists the penalty after applying the 201?r inflation adjustment. . 2017 Adjusted tatuto cita citation Prevrous amount Description 5 ry tron (24 amount False Claims 3. State- Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1996 {31 ?28.10 $10381 $10.95? merits. USO. 3802(ail1n. Advance Disclosure of Department 0! Housing and Urban Deveiop- ?3020 818.939 $19,246 Funding. ment Act (42 U.S.C. 3537mm). Disclosure of Subsidy Department of Housing and Urban Develop- ?30.25 918.936 $19,246 Layering. ment Act {42 U.S.C. 3545(0). .FHA Mortgagees and HUD Fletorm Act of 1999 {12 LJ.S.C. 1?35t?- ?30.35 Per Violation: $9.469 Per Violation: 59.623 Lenders Violations. 14tall2jj. Per Year: $1,993,510. Per Year: 51.924.589 - Other FHA Participants HUD Fielorm Act of 1989 (12 U.S.C. 1?35f? ?3036 Per Violation: $9.488 F'er Violation: $9.923 Violations. Per Year: 51.893.810. Per Year: 91.924.589 Indian Loan Mortgagees Housing Community Development Act at 1992 ?330.40 Per Violation: $9.468 Per Violation: $9.623 Violations. (12 USE. Per Year: $1 ?93,610. Per Year: 91.924599 Multilamilya Section HUD Relorm Act of 1999 (12 USO. ?l?35f? ?30.45 $42,310 $48,114 202 or 811 Owners 15(c}(2}j. Violations. Ginnia Mae Issuers 8 HUD Fletom'i Act of 1989 (12 U.S.C. 1T23itojj ?330-50 Per Violation: 99.458 F'er Violation: $9.823 Custodians Violations. Per Year: 31,993,610. Per Year: 31.924589 Title I Broker 3. Dealers HUD Ftetorrn Act of 1989 (12 U33. 1?03) {330.50 Per Violation: $9.488 Per Violation: $9.523 Violati0ns. Per Year: $1,993,610. Per Year: $1,924,599 1 The comment is available for public inspection at: :r'r'nwwmeguinlion agovfdoclret 2015-0052. 2 Office of Management and Budget. 31?17?11. Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies. implementation of the 20]? annual adjustment pursuant to the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act. omba?memomndofz?t {October ems [241.329] October 2015 CPI-U parses) Louisa] "29 2401 note. Ellis Federal Registerlt?ol. 52. No. iUZlTuesday. May 39. 2912lRules and Regulations 24523 Description Statutory citation I Previous amount 291? Adju?ted {24 amount Lead Disclosure Viola- Title X?Ftesidential Lead-Based Paint Hazard ?39.55 $15.?73 $1194? tion. Reduction Act cl 1992 (42 USS. Section BOwnars Viola- Multifamily Assisted Housing Ftetorm and At- ?39.59 $35,794 $31395 tions. tordability Act of 199? [42 U.S.C. 11992)}- Lobbying Violation The Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 (31 {$51499 I'vtin: 819.935 Max: Min: $19.245 Max: U.S.C.. 1352]. 215159.351. $192,459 Fair Housing Act Civil Fair Housing Amendments Act oi 1958 [42 No Priors: $19.25? One No Priors: $29.111 One Penalties. LLSE. 3512(gjtittl. Prior: $49.45? Two or Prior: $59,275 Two or More Priors: $98335. More Priors: $199,554 Manulactured Housing Housing Community Development Act of 197'4 ?3252_19 Per lillotation: $2.759 Per Violation: $2.295 Flegulations Violation. '{42 U.S.C. 5419]. Per Year: 93.431599. Per Year: 33.493335 justi?cation for Final Rulemaking for the 29] 2' Adjustments HUD generally publishes regulations for public comment before issuing a rule for effect. in accordance with its own regulations on rulemaking in 29 CFR part 19. However. part '19 provides for exceptions to the general rule if the agency ?nds good cause to omit advanced notice and public participation. The good cause requirement is satisfied when prior public procedure is ?impractical, unnecessary, or contrary to the public interest" [see 24 CFR 19.1]. As discussed. this final rule adopts without change the amendments offered for public comment in the june 15. 2195. interim ?nal rule. In addition. this rule makes the required 291? in?ation adjustment. which HUD does not have discretion to change. Moreover. the 2915 Act specifies that a delay in the effective date under the Administrative Procedure Act is not required for subsequent annual adjustments under the 2915 Act. HUD has determined. therefore. that it is unnecessary to delay the effectiveness of the 291? inflation adjustments to solicit prior public comments. As discussed in the preamble to the June 15. 2915. interim final rule. section rial ofthe Department of Housing and Urban Development Act [42 U.S.C. 3535loll requires that any HUD regulation implementing any provision ofthe Department of Housing and Urban Development Reform not of 1999 that authorizes the imposition of a civil money penalty may not become effective until after the expiration of a public comment period ofnot less than 59 days. HUD met this separate 69-day delay requirement for implementing civil money penalties when HUD implemented the new 2915 Act penalty calculation in its lune 15. 2915. interim ?nal rule. Moreover. and as noted above. the 291? inflation adjustments are made in accordance with a statutorily prescribed formula that does not provide for agency discretion. Accordingly. a delay in the effectiveness of the 291? in?ation adjustments in order to provide the public with an opportunity to comment is unnecessary because the 2915 Act exempts the adjustments from the need for delay and. in any event. HUD would not have the discretion to make changes as a result of any comments. I?ll. Findings and Certi?cations Regulatory Review?Executive Orders 12366 and 13.553 Under Executive Order 12955 [Regulatory Planning and Review]. a determination must be made whether a regulatory action is signi?cant and. therefore. subject to review by the foica of Management and Budget in accordance with the requirements of the order. Executive Order 13553 [Improving Regulations and Regulatory Review] directs executive agencies to analyze regulations that are ?outmoded. ineffective. insuf?cient, or excessively burdensome. and to modify. streamline. expand, or repeal them in accordance with what has been learned. Executive Order 13553 also directs that. where relevant. feasible. and consistent with regulatory objectives. and to the extent permitted by law. agencies are to identify and consider regulatory approaches that reduce burdens and maintain flexibility and freedom of choice for the public. As discussed above in this preamble. this ?nal rule adjusts existing civil monetary penalties for in?ation by a statutorily required amount. As a result of this review. OMB determined that this rule was not significant under Executive Order 12955 and Executive Order 13553. Regulatory Flexibility Act The Regulatory Flexibility Act [5 U.S.C. 591 ct seq.) generally requires an agency to conduct a regulatory ?exibility analysis of any rule subject to notice and comment rulemaking requirements. unless the agency certifies that the rule will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. Because HUD has determined that good cause exists to issue this rule without prior public comment. this rule is not subject to the requirement to publish an initial or ?nal regulatory ?exibility analysis under the RFA as part of such action. Unfunded Mon dates Reform Section 292 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 4 requires that an agency prepare a budgetary impact statement before promulgating a rule that includes a Federal mandate that may result in the expenditure by State. local. and tribal governments. in the aggregate. or by the private sector. of $199 million or more in any one year. If a budgetary impact statement is required, section 295 of Wild also requires an agency to identity and consider a reasonable number of regulatory alternatives before promulgating a rule.5 However. the UMRA applies only to rules for which an agency publishes a general notice of proposed rulemaking. As discussed above. HUD has determined. for good cause. that prior notice and public comment is not required on this rule and. therefore. the UMRA does not apply to this final rule. Executive Order 1 3132. Federalism Executive Order 13132 [entitled ?Federalism?] prohibits an agency from publishing any rule that has federalism implications if the rule either imposes 2 t2 HUD-1740201-A-000097 '5 in. 24524 Federal Register it Vol. 82, No. lUZiTuesday, May 30, 2017iRules and Regulations substantial direct compliance costs on State and local governments and is not required by statute, or the rule preempts State law, unless the agency meets the consultation and funding requirements of section 9 of the Executive Order. This rule will not have federalism implications and would not impose substantial direct compliance costs on State and local governments or preempt State law within the meaning of the Executive order. Environmental Review This interim ?nal rule does not direct, provide for assistance or loan and mortgage insurance for, or otherwise govern, or regulate, real property acquisition, disposition, leasing, rehabilitation, alteration, demolition, or new construction. or establish, revise, or provide for standards for construction or construction materials, manufactured housing, or occupancy. Accordingly, under 24 CFR this final rule is categorically excluded from environmental review under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1959[42 U.S.C. 4321]. List of Suhiects 24 For! .28 Administrative practice and procedure, Claims. Fraud. Penalties. 24 CFR Part 30 Administrative practice and procedure. Grant programs?housing and community development, Loan programs?housing and community development, Mortgage insurance. Penalties. 24 CFH Port 8? Government contracts, Grant programs, Loan programs, Lobbying. Penalties, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. 24 CPR Port 180 Administrative practice and procedure, Aged, Civil rights, Fair housing. Individuals with disabilities. Investigations, Mortgages, Penalties, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. 24 CFR Part 3282 Administrative practice and procedure, Consumer protection, Intergovernmental relations, Manufactured homes, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. Accordingly, for the reasons described in the preamble. HUD adopts as final the interim ?nal rule published on lune 15, 2015,61! 81 FR 38931, and further amends 24 CFR parts 23. 30. 3?.130, and 3292 as follows: PAFIT OF THE PROGRAM FRAUD lCl'ti'lL REMEDIES ACT OF 1986 I 1. The authority citation for part 29 continues to read as follows: Authority: 23 use. 2451 note; 31 use. 3301?3912;42 0.3.9. I 2. In 23.10, revise the introductory text of paragraphs and to read as follows: 28.10 Basis for civil penalties and assessments. i 9r it A civil penalty olnot more than $19.95? may be imposed upon any person who makes, presents, or submits, or causes to he made, presented, or submitted, a claim that the person knows or has reason to knowcivil penalty of not more than $19.95? may be imposed upon any person who makes. presents, or submits. or causes to be made. presented. or submitted, a written statement that: i i i i PART MONEY PENALTIES: CERTAIN PROHIBITED CONDUCT I 3. The authority citation for port 30 continues to read. as follows: Authority: 12 0.3.0. 1?01q?1,1?03,1?23i, and inst?15: 15 U.S.C. trira: 23 U.S.C. 1 note and 2461 note; 42 14372?1 and 3535ld}. 30.5 [Amended] I a. In 30.5, remove paragraph and redesignate paragraphs and [fl as paragraphs and le]. respectively. 30.1 [Amended] I 5. to 30.19. add at the end ofthe definition of "Knowing or Knowingly" the sentence ?For purposes of 30.35 and 30.35, knowing or knowingly is de?ned at 12 U.S.C. I ii. In ?39.20, revise paragraph to read as follows: 539.29 Ethical violations by HUD employees. II 11' if Maximum penalty. The maximum penalty is $19,246 for each violation. I In 39.25. revise paragraph [hi to read as follows: 30.25 Violations by applicants for assistance. it 0' i' [bl Maximum penalty. The maximum penalty is 519,245 for each violation. I 9.1a 39.35, remove the words 203.650 through 203.654" in paragraph (all?) and add in their place 203.554"; and revise the first sentence in paragraph to read as follows: ?39.35 Mortgagaos and lenders. 9r Amount ofpenoiry. The maximum penalty is $9.523 for each violation, up to a limit of $1,924,599 for all violations committed during any one-year period39.35, remove the words "or correspondent" in paragraph {bilal and revise the first sentence in paragraph to read as follows: ?339.35 Other participants in FHA programs. [cl Amount ofpenoity. The maximum penalty is $9.623 for each violation. up to a limit of $1,924,599 for all violations committed during any one-year period30.40, revise the first sentence in paragraph to read as follows: ?39.49 Loan guarantees tor Indian housing. i? i Amount ofpenolt?y. The maximum penalty is $9.523 for each violation, up to a limit of $1,924,599 for all violations committed during any one-year period. it '0 11. In 30.45, revise paragraph to read as follows: 5 39.45 Multifamily and section 292 or 911 mortgagors. it? at i 'k Maximum penalty. The maximum penalty for each violation under paragraphs and of this section is $48,11439.59. revise the ?rst sentence in paragraph [cl to read as follows: 539.59 GNMA issuers and custodians. I- I Amount ofpenoity. The maximum penalty is $9,523 for each violation, up to a limit of $1,924,589 during any one- year period. I 13.111 39.59, revise paragraph to read as follows: 539.69 Dealers or sponsored third-party originators. 1; it i? it Amount ofpenoity. The maximum penalty is $9,923 for each violation. up to a limit for any particular person of $1,924,589 during arty one-year period. I 14. In 30.65, revise paragraph to read as follows: Federal RegisterIVol. 82, No. 102fTuesday, may 30, 2012fRules and Regulations 30.65 Failure to disclose lead-based paint hazards. i: 1' [bl Amount ofpenolty. The maximum penalty is $12,942 for each violation. I 1:3. In 30.68. revise paragraph to read as follows: sass Section 3 owners. ?1 1: i! I- i Maximum pen city. The maximum penalty for each violation under this section is 537,396. .. 1' Il- [Amended] I 16.111 30.20, add the word "and" after paragraph remove paragraph and redesignate paragraphs and as paragraphs Ii}. (ii. and respectively. PART RESTRICTIONS ON LOBBYING I The authority citation for part 8? continues to read as follows: Authority: 23 U.S.C. ?1 note; 31 U.S.C. 1352; 42 IJ.S.C. I 18. In 82.400, revise paragraphs and lie] to read as follows: Penalties. Any person who makes an expenditure prohibited herein shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $19,245 and not moretllan $192,459 for each such expenditure. [to] Any person who fails to file or amend the disclosure form [see appendix to be filed or amended if required herein, shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $19,246 and not more than $192,459 for each such failure. First offenders under paragraphs or of this section shall be subject to a civil penalty of$19.246. absent aggravating circumstances. Second and subsequent offenses by persons shall be Subject to an appropriate civil penalty between $19,246 and $192,459. as determined by the agettCy bend or his or her designee. a- s: it- PART Huo HEARING PROCEDURES FOR er'IL RIGHTS MATTERS I 19. The authority citation for part 1130 continues to read as follows: Authority: 23 U.S.C. 1 note; 29 LI.S.C. 294-: 42 U.S.C. 5301-5320. and 6103. I 20. In 130.621, revise paragraphs and (3) to read as follows: 5130.631 Assessing civil penalties for Fair Housing Act cases. n- $20,111, if the respondent has not been adjudged in any administrative hearing or civil action permitted under the Fair Housing Act or any state or local fair housing law, or in any licensing or regulatory proceeding conducted by a federal, state. or local governmental agency, to have committed any prior discriminatory housing practice. $59,226, if the respondent has been adjudged in any administrative hearing or civil action permitted under the Fair Housing Act, or under any state or local fair housing law. or in any licensing or regulatory proceeding conducted by a federal, state, or local government agency. to have committed one other discriminatory housing practice and the adjudication was made during the 5-year period preceding the date of filing of the charge. $100,554, ifthe respondent has been adjudged in any administrative hearings or civil actions permitted under the Fair Housing Act, or under any state or local fair housing law, or in any licensing or regulatory proceeding conducted by a federal, state, or local government agency, to have committed two or more discriminatory housing practices and the adjudications were made during the 2-year period preceding the date of ?ling of the charge. i 1' PART HOME PROCEDURAL AND ENFORCEMENT REGULATIONS I 21. The authority citation for part 3282 continues to read as follows: Authority: 28 U.S.C. 1 note: 28 U.S.C. 2461 note; 42 U.S.C. and 5424. I 22. Revise 3282.10 to read as follows: Civil and criminal penalties. Failure to comply with these regulations may subject the party in question to the civil and criminal penalties provided for in section 611 of the Act, 42 U.S.C. 5410. The maximum amount of penalties imposed under section 611 ofthe Act shall be $2.295 for each violation, up to a maximum of $3,493,233 for any related series of violations occurring within one year from the date of the ?rst violation. Dated: May 22, 2017?. Bethany 11. Zero. Principoi Deputy General Counsel. Doc.Zl?l17?1105F. l-?ilcd s?ea?tr: 3:45 am] BILLING CODE 4210-614: 24525 DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Coast (3 uard 33 CFR Part 165 [Docket Number RIN Satety Zone; Buttan Carnival; Buttan Outer Harbor, Buffalo, NY AGENCY: Coast Guard, DHS. ACHON: Temporary ?nal rule. SUMMARY: The Coast |Guard is establishing a temporary safety zone on Lake Erie, Buffalo Outer Harbor, Buffalo, NY. This safety zone is intended to restrict vessels from a portion of the Outer Harbor during the May 23, 201? ?reworks display. This temporary safety zone is necessary to protect mariners and vessels from the navigational hazards associated with a fireworks display. DATES: This rule is effective from 8:45 pm. until 9:45 pm. on May 23, 201?. ADDRESSES: To view documents mentioned in this preamble as being available in the docket, go to http:/x? type [1403 in the box and click Click on Open Docket Folder on the line aesociated with this rule. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: If you have questions on this rule. call or email LT Michael Collet, Chief of Waterways Management, LLS. Coast Guard Sector Buffalo; telephone 843?9322. email . SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: I. Table of Abbreviations CFR Code of Federal Regulations DHS Department of Homeland Security FR Federal Register NPRM Notice of proposed rulemaking Section U.S.C. United States Code II. Background Information and Regulatory History The Coast. Guard is issuing this temporary rule without prior notice and opportunity to comment pursuant to authority under section 4(a) ofthe Administrative Procedure Act [are] {5 U.S.C. 553th?. This provision authorizes an agency to issue a rule without prior notice and opportunity to comment when the agency for good cause finds that those procedures are "impracticable, unnecessary. or contrary to the public interest." Under 5 U.S.C. the Coast Guard ?nds that Federal Register/Vol. 32, No. i?aiWednesday, May 31, 2013?fNotices comments in connection with the su- day notice. You may access the information collection instrument with instructions, or additional information by visiting the Federal eRulemaking Portal site at: http:?wnovregulationsgov and enter in the search box. Written comments and suggestions from the public and affected agencies should address one or more ofthe following four points: Evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility; Evaluate the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information. including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used: Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity ofthe information to he collected; and (4) Minimize the burden ofthe collection of information on those who are to reapond, including through the use ofappropriate automated. electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology, permitting electronic submission of responses. Overview ofThi-s Information Collection Type of information Collection Request: Revision of a Currently Approved Collection. Title of the Formeollection: Application To Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status, Adjustment of Status Under Section 245(i], and Confirmation of Bone Fide job lOffer or Request for Job Portability Under INA Section 204m. dgeneyform number, if any, and the applicable component of the DHS sponsoring the collection: Form 1?485, Supplement A. and Supplement 1 to Form USCIS. I Affected public who will be asked or required to respond, as well as a brief abstroct: Primary: Individuals or households. The information collected is used to determine eligibility to adjust status under section 245 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, and to confirm a bona fide job offer or a request for job portability under INA Section 20am. An estimate of the total number of respondents and the amount oftime estimated for on average respondent to respond: Form Has?552.599 respondents responding at an estimated [3 hours '15 minutes per response. Form 1?485 Supplement respondents responding at an estimated 1 .hour and 15 minutes per response. Form [?485 Supplement respondents responding at an estimated 1 hour per response. Biometrics Processing?An estimated 522,039 respondents will he required to provide biometrics which requires an estimated 1 hour and 10 minutes per response. An estimate of the total public burden (in hours) associated with the collection: The total estimated annual hour burden associated with this collection is 4,762,893" hours. An estimate of the total public burden {in cost} associated with the collection: The estimated total annual cost burden associated with this collection of information is $233,341,451 Dated: May 24. 2017. Samantha Deshommes. Chief. RegulatoryCoordinntion Division. Of?ce ofPoiley and Strategy, US. Citizenship and immigration Services, Department of Homeland Security. IFR Doc. 201?-11103 Filed am] BILLING cooE sin?sr?P DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT what No. Housing Counseling Certification Examination Availability and Change To Codification Examination Cost AGENCY: Office ofthe Assistant Secretary for Housing?Federal Housing Commissioner. HUD. ACHON: Notice ofAvailability of the HUD Certified Housing Counselor Examination. SUMMARY: This notice follows publication of the ?Housing Counseling: New Certification Requirements? final rule, issued on December 14, 2am, which requires that HUD announce the availability of the Housing Counselor Examination and start the 36*month time-period for individuals and Housing Counseling Agencies to come into compliance with the final rule's certification requirements. The ?nal rule also noted that would provide notice of any changes to the cost of the Housing Counselor Examination. Through this notice, HUD is announcing that the HUD Certified Housing Counselor Examination will be available starting on August 1, 2017, and that as ofAugusl 1, 2020. housing counseling required by or provided in connection with HUI) programs may only he provided by HUD certified housing counselors working for participating agencies approved to provide such housing counseling by Office of Housing Counseling. This notice also announces a reduction to the cast of the Housing Counselor Examination. DATES: Availability of HUD Certified Housing Counselor Examination: August 1, 201?. FOR FLIFITHEH INFORMATION CONTACT: Lorraine Griscavage?Frisbee at Office of Housing Counseling, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and Urban Development. 302 Carson Street, Las Vegas, Nevada 89161, telephone number 702-356-2125 [this is not a toll-free number}. Persons with hearing or speech challenges may access this number through TTY by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at 8339. Questions can also be addressed to Lorraine Griscavage-Frisbee, Office of Housing Counseling. at housingcounseling@hud.gov. Please include ?Housing Counseling Program: Certification Examination? in the subject line of the email. SUPPLEIHIENTARY INFORMATION: 1, Background Section 106 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 [12 U.S.C. 1701):} {Section too] was amended by Subtitle of title XIV of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act [Public Law 111?4303, 124 Stat. 137'6, approved Iuly 21, 21110) to strengthen and improve the effectiveness of housing counseling that is required under or provided in connection withllUD programs [Section 1GB amendments], The Section 106 amendments require that individuals providing housing counseling required under or provided in connection with HUD programs be certified by taking and passing an examination administered by HUD's Of?ce of Housing Counseling certi?ed housing counselors] {12 U.S.C. 1 7nlxieii. On December 14, 2016, HUD published a final rule implementing the Section 106 certi?cation requirements. The final rule states, in part, that within 36 months of the issuance of the certification examination housing counseling required by or in connection with HUD programs may only be provided by HUD certi?ed housing counselors working for HUD?approved housing counseling agencies I 'l HUD?approved organizations, intermediaries. multistale organisations. state housing finance. .- I 4? riff"; Federal RegisteeroI. 82, No. 1032'Wednesday, May 31. 2017fNotices that are approved to provide such housing counseling by Office of Housing Counseling. See 31 FR 90532. The ?nal rule also provided that the cost for taking the examination would be $100 for online testing at the examinee's location and 5140 at a proctoring site, and any future changes to the cost would be announced by Federal Register notice. This notice announces the availability of the certification examination beginning August 1, 201.7. This Notice also provides the deadline of August 1. 2020 [36 months) within which all housing counselors and HCAs must satisfy the certi?cation requirements in the final rule. This notice also - announces that the cost for taking the examination has been reduced. The cost for online testing at the examinee's location will now be $60 and at a proctoring site the cost will be $100. Information about the examination, including registration, costs. and examination locations is available at mvwhudhousirtgcounseior'scom. As required by Section 106 and regulations, as ofAugust I, 2020, housing counseling required by or in connection with programs may only be provided by IIUD certi?ed housing counselors working for HCAs that are approved to provide such housing counseling by Office of Housing Counseling. ll. Tribes As HUD noted in the final rule, application of the of the Section 106 certi?cation examination requirements will only apply to Indian tribes and tribal entities after HUD undergoes tribal consultation and addresses the participation of tribes in Housing Counseling Program in future rulemaking or guidance, as appropriate. Dated: May 24, 201.7. Gouger M. Charles, General Deputy Assistant Secretoryfor Housing. Doc. 2012-11213 Filed 5? aml BILIJNG cops 4210?67?5: agencies, and their branches and affiliates [collectively referred In as I lousing Counseling Agencies, or DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Fish and Wildlife Service 3-2111 FXE5111 30900000?1 Agency Information Collection Activities: OMB Control Number 1013? 0095; Endangered and Threatened Wildlife, Experimental Populations AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior. aenou: Notice: request for comments. SUMMARY: We Fish and'Wildlife Service, Service] will ask the Office of Management and Budget to approve the information collection [16] described below. As required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1905 and as part of our continuing efforts to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, we invite the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on this 1C. This is Scheduled to expire on October 31. 201 We may not conduct or sponsor and you are not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. DATES: To ensure that we are able to consider your comments on this 1C. we must receive them by Iuly 31. 201?. ADDRESSES: Send your comments on the IE to the Service Information Collection Clearance Of?cer, US. Fish and Wildlife Service. 5225 Leosburg Pike, MS: EPHC. Falls Church. VA 22041? 3303 [mail]: or [email]. Please include "1015?0005" in the subject line of your comments. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Service Information Collection Clearance Of?cer, at [email] or [703] 358?2503 [telephone]. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: I. Abstract Section 10?) of the Endangered Species Act of 1023 as amended [15 U.S.C. 1 531 et sec-.1. authorizes the Secretary of the interior to establish experimental populations of endangered or threatened species. Because individuals of experimental populations are protected under the ESA, the information we collect is important for monitoring the success of reintroduction and recovery efforts. This is a conform collection [meaning there is no designated form associated with this collection). Information collection requirements for experimental populations of vertebrate endangered and threatened species are found in 50 CFR 17.84. We collect three categories 24989 of information, which are specific to each species and are described within 50 CFR 117.84: General take or removal. Take is defined by the BSA as ?ttol harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap. capture, or collect, or to attempt to engage in any such conduct.? In this EC, take most commonly takes the form of human-related mortality, including unintentional taking incidental to otherwise lawful activities highway mortalities]; animal husbandry actions authorized to manage the population translocation or providing aid to sick, iniured, or orphans individuals): take in defense of human life: take related to defenSe of property [if authorized]; or take in the form of authorized harassment. Specimen collection, recovery, or reporting ofdead individuals. This information documents incidental or authorized scienti?c collection. Most of the information collected addresses the reporting ofsightings ofexperintental population animals or the inadvertent discovery of an injured or dead individual. Depredation-related take. Involves take for management purposes where livestock depredatien is documented, and may include authorized harassment or authorized lethal take of experimental population animals in the act of attacking livestock. See 50 CFR 12.84 for specific provisions of harassment for each species within this section. The information that we collect includes: - Name, address. and phone number of reporting party. I Species involved. in Type of incident. - Quantity of take. 0 Location and time of the reported incident. 1- Description of the circumstances related to the incident. Service recovery specialists use this information to determine the success of reintroductions in relation to established recovery plan goals for the experimental populations of vertebrate endangered and threatened species involved. In addition. this information helps us to assess the effectiveness of control activities in order to develop better means to reduce problems with livestock for those species where depredation is a problem. 11. Data OMB Control Number: 101 E's-0005. Title: Endangered and Threatened Wildlife, Experimental Populations, 50 CPR 17.84. Service Form Numberi?s}: None. D-17-0201-A-000101 man-m Jo- ore} a zsesesst?t Dated: May 25. 2019'. Anna Snou?'er. Dept: ty Director. Of?ce ofFerierol A rivisory Committee Policy. 2012-11350 Filed 5-31?12: 13:45 and BILLING Gone l140?01-P DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND Federal Emergency Management Agency [Docket ID: 2?0009: OMB No. 1660-006 2] Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request; Statetr LocaIlTribal Hazard Mitigation Plans AGENCY: Federal Emergency Management t?igenc?y1 DIIS. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: The Federal Emergency Management Agency will submit the information collection abstracted below to the {'lffice of Management and Budget for review and clearance in accordance with the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The submission will describe the nature of the information collection. the categories of respondents. the estimated burden the time. effort and resources used by respondents to respond] and cost. and the actual data collection instruments FEMA will use. DATES: Comments must he submitted on or before ]uly 3. 201?. ADDRESSES: Submit written comments on the proposed information collection . to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget. Comments should he addressed to the Desk Of?cer for the Department of Homeland Security. Federal Emergency Management Agency. and sent via electronic mail to oira.sobniission@ omb.eop.gov. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Requests for additional information or copies of the information collection should be made to Director, Records Management Division. 500 Street SW.. Washington. DC 20422?3100. or email address Ft-IMA-informationCollections- Monagement?femeditsgov. Dr. Kathleen Smith. Chief. Planning and Safety Branch; Planning. Safety and Building Science Division: Risk Management Directorate; Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration: FEMA [202] 646?4322. Federal RegisteriVol. 82. No. tuelThursday. June 1. 201? {Notices SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This information collection previously published in the Federal Register on March 201? at 32 FR 12323 with a 00 day public comment period. No comments were received. The purpose ofthis notice is to notify the public that FEMA will submit the information collection abstracted below to the Office of Management and Budget for review and clearance. Collection of Information Title: StatelLocallTribal Ila za rd Mitigation Plans. Time of information collection: Revision of a currently approved information collection. OMB Number: 1550?0082. Form Titles and Numbers? Not applicable. Abstract: In order to be eligible for Certain types of Federal Emergency Management Agency non- emergency assistance. State, local. and Indian Tribal governments are required to have a current FEMA-approved hazard mitigation plan that meets the criteria established in 44 CFR part 201. Affected Public: State. local or Tribal government. Estimated Number off-Iespondents: 56. Estimated Total Annual Borden Hours: 222,366 hours. Estimated Cost: The estimated annual cost to respondents for the hour burden is 3112701527. The estimated annual capital starlrup cost to respondents is $11.901,120. The estimated annual operations and maintenance cost to respondents is $15,540.200. The estimated annual non-labor cost to respondents is The estimated cost to the Federal Government is 51.205242. Dated: May 22. 201?. Richard Mattisen. Records Management Program Chief. Mission Support. Federal Emergency Agency. Department ofHomeland Security. Filed am] BILLING cooE sin-see DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Federal Emergency Management Agency [Internal Agency Docket No. Docket ID Nevada; Amendment No. 2 to Notice of a Maior Disaster Declaration AGENCY: Federal Emergency Management Agency. DHS. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Nevada dated March 22'. 201?. and related determinations. DATES: Effective Date: May 12. 201?. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dean Webster. Office of Reaponse and Recovery. Federal Emergency Management Agency. 500 Street SW.. Washington. DC 20472. [2'02] 645?2833. 5U PFLEMENTAHY INFORMATION: The of a major disaster declaration for the State of Nevada is hereby amended to include the following areas among those areas determined to have been adversely affected by the event declared a major disaster by the President in his declaration of March 201?. Churchill and Storey Counties for Public Assistance. The folloiving Catalog ofFederal Domestic Assistance Numbers arc to be used for rcporting and drawing funds: 02.030. Community Disaster Loans: 02.031. Cora Brown Fund: 92.032. Crisis Counseling; 92.033. Disaster Legal Services; 92.034. Disaster Unemployment Assistance 02.046. Fire Management Assistance Grant: 92.043. Disaster Housing Assistance to Individuals and Households In Presidentially Declared Disaster Areas; 92.049. Prostdentially Declared Disaster Assistance? Disaster Housing Operations for Individuals and Households; 5312.050. Prasidentially Declared Disaster Assistance to Individuals and Households?Other Needs: 92.035. Disaster Grants?Public Assistance [Presidentially Declared Disasters}: 92.039. Hazard Mitigation Grant. Robert I. Fentun. Acting Administrator. Federal Emergency Managemen Agency. Doc. 2017-11219 Filed s?ai?ir. 3:45 aml BILLING cons 9111?23?5- DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: American Healthy Homes Survey II AGENCY: Office of the lChief Information Officer. HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Of?ce of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 30 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: luly 3. 301 ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andior OMB Control Number and should be sent to: HUD Desk Of?cer. Office of Management and Budget. New Executive Office Building. Washington, DC 20503: fax: 202?395-5806, Email: OIHA Submissiontelombeopgov. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: inez C. Downs. Reports Management Officer, QMAC. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 I?th Street SW.. Washington. DC 2041f]; email inez C. or telephone 202?402? 8046. This is not a toll-free number. Person with hearing or speech impairments may access this number Federal RegisteriVol. 82. No. toeiThursday. June EcttiNotices through TTY by calling the toll?free Federal Relay Service at [300} Copies of available documents submitted to OMB maybe obtained from Ms. Downs. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. The Federal Register notice that solicited public comment on the information collection for a period of 60 days was published on December 3. 2016 at 81 FR A. Overview of Information Collection Title of information Collection: American Healthy Homes Survey II. OMB Appro vat Number: 2539?New. Type of Request: New collection. Form Number: None. 25299 Description of the need for the information and proposed use: The information collected through this survey will be used to estimate existing levels of key environmental contaminants in the nation?s housing. including lead levels in paint. dust. soil and water. and mold and pesticide levels in dust. Two procedures to determine mold present in homes will be compared. For the ?rst time. data will be collected to estimate formaldehyde concentrations in indoor air in a nationally representative sample ofhomes. The survey is particularly important for allowing the tracking of progress in reducing the prevalence of lead-based paint hazards in US. housing. This is a collaboration between HUD and EPA. Frequency of Submission: On occasion. Number of Annual Hours per respondents responses response Burden hours Initial Recruitment Only T64 1 0.25 191 initial Recruitment and Full Survey Participants Reporting Burden sea 1 3.?5 2.250 Total .. 2.441 'i'otal Estimated Burden Hours: 2.441. B. Solicitation of Public Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members ofthe public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility; The accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection ofintormation: Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity of the information to be collected: and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond: including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission ofresponscs. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. C. Authority: Section of the Paperwork Reduction not of1995. 44 H.513. Chapter 35 Dated: May 23. 201?. Inez C. Downs. - Department Reports Management O?icer. Office of the Cit icf information Of?cer. Doc. 2017?1139? Filed 5-31?17; Bola am] BILLING cone DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Fish and Wildlife Service Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Draft Texas Coastal Bend Shortgrass Prairie Mum-Species Recovery Plan: including Slender Rush-Pea (Ho?mannseggia tensile) and South Texas Ambrosia (Ambrosia cheiranthilolio] AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service. Interior. ACTION: Notice of availability; request for comment. summer: We, the us. Fish and Wildlife Service [Service]. announce the availability of our draft Texas Coastal Bend Shortgrass Prairie Mold-Species Recovery Plan that includes the slander rush-pea [Hoffmonnseggia teneiia] and South Texas ambrosia [Ambrosio chefranthiTolia]. Both species are listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act of 19?3. as amended {Act}. Slender rush?pea and South Texas ambrosia are currently found in remnant patches ofshortgrass prairie within the Texas Coastal Bend in Nueces and Kleberg Counties. Texas. The draft recovery plan includes specific recovery obiectives and criteria that. when achieved, will enable us to remove both species from the list of endangered and threatened plants. We request review and comment on this plan from local. State. and Federal agencies; tribes: and the public. We will also accept any new information on the status of the slender rush-pea and South Texas amhrosia throughout their ranges to assist in finalizing the recovery plan. DATES: To ensure consideration. we must receive written comments on or before July 31, 201?. However. we will accept information about any species at any time. ADDRESSES: If you wish to review the draft recovery plan. you may obtain a copy by any one ofthe following methods: internist.- Download the file at til westr?esi 13-? ?Vim? Wm Elli]: 5. 25298 I Dated: May 26, 2017. Anna Snou?er. Dept! ty Director, Officc of Fed croi Advisory Committee Policy. IFR Doc. 201??11350Fllad aml BILLING CODE 4140-01-9 DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Federal Emergency Management Agency [Docket ID: OMB No. 1660?0062] Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Fteq uest: State! Localfrribal Hazard Mitigation Plans AGENCY: Federal Emergency Management Agency. DHS. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: The Federal Emergency Management Agency will submit the information collection abstracted below to the Of?ce of Management and Budget for review and clearance in accordance with the requirements ofthe Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The submission will describe the nature of the information collection, the categories of respondents, the estimated burden the time, effort and resources used by respondents to respond) and cost, and the actual data collection instruments FEMA will use. DATES: Comments must be submitted on or before luly 3. 201?. ADDRESSES: Submit written comments on the proposed information collection to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, |Office of Management and Budget. Comments should be addressed to the Desk Of?cer for the Department of Homeland Security. Federal Emergency Management Agency. and sent via electronic mail to oiro.submission@ ombeopgov. FOR FUFITHEH INFORMATION CONTACT: Requests for additional information or copies ofthe information collection should be made to Director. Records Management Division. 500 Street SW.. Washington. DC 20410?3100, or email address FEMA?informotion-Coiiections? Or. Kathleen Smith, Chief, Planning and Safety Branch; Planning. Safety and Building Science Division; Risk Management Directorate: Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration: FEMA {202] 545?4311. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: information collection previously published in the Federal Register on March 201? at 32 FR 12823 with a 00 day public comment period. No comments were received. The purpose of this notice is to notify the public that FEhiiA will submit the information collection abstracted below to the Office of Management and Budget for review and clearance. Collection of Information Titie: StateiLocaliTribal Hazard Mitigation Plans. Type of information collection: Revision of a currently approved information collection. OMB Number: 1660-0062. Form Titles and Numbers: Not applicable. Abstract: In order to be eligible for certain types of Federal Emergency Management Agency non- ernergency assistance. State. local, and Indian Tribal governments are required to have a current FEMA-approved hazard rniligation plan that meets the criteria established in 44 CFR part 201. Af?icted Public: State, local or Tribal government. Estimated Number ofResponda-nts: 56. Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 227.366 hours. Estimated Cost: The estimated annual cost to respondents for the hour burden is $11.2?9.027. The estimated annual capital start-up cost to respondents is 93.11.901.120. The estimated annual operations and maintenance cost to respondents is $10.540.2?0. The estimated annual non-labor cost to respondents is 52.755310. The estimated cost to the Federal Government is $1,?05,242. Dated: May 22. 201?. Richard Mattison, Records Management Program Chief. Mission Support. FederalEmergencyMonogement Agency. Department of Homeland Security. Doc. i-?ilod 5-31-15: 5:45 BILLING coca 9111-52-;- or HOMELAND secuanv Federal Emergency Management Agency [Internal Agency Docket No. Docket ID 7-0001] Nevada; Amendment No. 2 to Notice of a Maior Disaster Declaration AGENCY: Federal Emergency Management Agency. DHS. ACTION: Notice. Federal RegisteriVol. 82. No. l?diThursday, June 1, 2017'iNotices SUMMARY: This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Nevada dated March 201 7. and related determinations. DATES: Effective Dole: May 12. 201?. FOFI FUFITHEFI INFORMATION CONTACT: Dean Webster, Of?ce of Response and Recovery. Federal Emergency Management Agency. 500 Street SW.. Washington. DC ZDATZ, [202] I345w2833. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The of a major disaster declaration for the State of Nevada is hereby amended to include the following areas among those areas determined to have been adversely affected by the event declared a major disaster by the President in his declaration of March 212011 Churchill and StoreyI Counties for Public Assistance. The following Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Numbers are to he used for reporting and drawing funds: 9?.030. Community Disaster Loans: 97.031. Cora Brown Fund: 91032. Crisis Counseling; 9?.033. Disaster Legal Services; 07.034. Disaster Unemployment Assistance 97.045, Fire Management Assistance Grant; 91048. Disaster Housing Assistance to individuals and Households In Presidentially Declared Disaster Areas: 01049. Fresidontially Declared Disaster Assistance? Disaster Housing Operations for Individuals and Households; 91050, Presidentially Declared Disaster Assistance to Individuals and Households?Other Needs; 01036. Disaster Grants?Public Assistance (l?residentially Declared Disasters]: 01030, Hazard Mitigation Grant. Robert]. Fenian, Acting Administrator. Federal Emergency Management Agency. Doc. 2011-11219 Filed 5-31-1?: 3:45 ant] BILLING CODE 9111-234? DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. Fe?sser?N-an 30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: American Healthy Homes Survey It AGENCY: Office of the Chief Information Officer, HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Office ofManagement and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act, HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 30 days of public comment. un?t? '5 Hr" Federal RegisteriVol. 32, No. luafThursday, June 1, 201?fNotices DATES: Comments Due Date: july 3. 201?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andr?or OMB Control Number and should be sent to: HUD Desk Officer, Office of Management and Budget, New Executive Office Building, Washington, DC 2.0503; fax: 203?395?5305. Email: UIHA Submission?lombeopgov. FDFI FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Inez C. Downs, Reports Management Of?cer, QMAC. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 ?th Street SW.. Washington, DC 20410; email inez C. Downsfi'llhuo'gov, or telephone 202?402-? seas. This is not a toll-free number. Person with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at [300} 3??~8339. Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Downs. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. The Federal Register notice that solicited public comment on the information collection for a period of fit] days was published on December 8. 2016 at El] FR 83700. A. Overview of Information Collection Title of Information Collection: American Healthy Homes Survey 11. OMB Approval Number: Type of?equesi: New collection. Form Number: None. Description of the need for the information and proposed use: The information collected through this survey will be used to estimate existing levels ofkey environmental contaminants in the nation?s housing. including lead levels in paint. dust, soil and water. and mold and pesticide levels in dust. Two procedures to determine mold present in homes will be compared. For the first time, data will be collected to estimate formaldehyde concentrations in indoor air in a nationally representative sample of homes. The survey is particularly important for allowing the tracking of progress in reducing the prevalence of lead-based paint hazards in U.S. housing. This is a collaboration between HUD and EPA. Frequency of Submission: On occasion. 25299 Number of Annual Hours per respondents responses response Burden hours Initial Recruitment Only 7'64 1 0.25 191 Initial Recruitment and Full Survey Participants Reporting Burden EDD 1 3.?5 2,250 Total Estimated Burden Hours: 2,441. B. Solicitation oanblic Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A. on the following: Whether the proposed collection ofinformation is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility; The accuracy of the agency?s estimate of the burden ofthe proposed collection of information; (3) Ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond: including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. C. Authority: Section 350'? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35 Dated: May 23, 201?. inez C. Downs. Department Reports Management Officer. Office ofthe Chief information Officer. Doc. eon?11397 Filed 5?31?11: 11:45 am] BILLING 4210?61-9 DEPARTMENT OF THE Fish and Wildlife Service 2-ES?2tl?l FKES1 1 1 Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants: Draft Texas Coastal Bend Shortgrass Prairie Matti-Species Recovery Plan: Including Slender Flush-Pea (Hoffmannseggia tenella) and South Texas Ambrosia (Ambrosia ohelranthifolia} AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service. Interior. ACTION: Notice of availability; request for comment. SUMMARY: We. the US. Fish and Wildlife Service [Service], announce the availability of our draft Texas Coastal Bend Shorlgrass Prairie Mold-Species Recovery Plan that includes the slender rush-pea [Ho ffmonnseggio tensile] and South Texas ambrosia {Arnbrosio cheironthifolio}. Both species are listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended [not]. Slender rush-pea and South Texas ambrosia are currently found in remnant patches ofshortgrass prairie within the Texas Coastal Bend in Nueces and Kleberg Counties, Texas. The draft recovery plan includes speci?c recovery objectives and criteria that, when achieved, will enable us to remove both species from the list of endangered and threatened plants. We request review and comment on this plan from local, State. and Federal agencies; tribes; and the public. We will also accept any new *information on the status of the slander rush-pea and South Texas ambrosia throughout their ranges to assist in ?nalizing the recovery plan. DATES: To ensure consideration. we must receive written comments on or before July 31, 2017. However, we will accept information about any species at any time. ADDRESSES: If you wish to review the draft recovery plan, you may obtain a copy by any one of the following methods: Intern elf: Downl on the file at ws. gov! so wes ties! Electronic . r,nt . mung-Ir lulu-Marlon GVQ DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Small Area Fair Market Rent Demonstration Evaluation AGENCY: Office of the Chief Information Officer, HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD submitted the proposed information collection requirement described below to the Office of Management and Budget for review, in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. The purpose of this notice is to allow for an additional 3U days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: July 3, 2017. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name auditor OMB Control Number and should be sent to: HUD Desk Officer, Office of Management and Budget. New Executive Of?ce Building. Washington, DC 20503: fax: 202?395?5806. Email: OiHA_Snbmissi on@omb.eop. go v. FOR FURTHER CONTACT: Anna P. Guido, Reports Management Of?cer, QDAM, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Ftli Street SW., Washington. DC 20410; email Anna P. Guido at Anno.P.Guido@ hodgov or telephone This is not a toll-free number. Persons Federal Registeri?Vol. 32, No. 105KFriday, june 2, 2017iNotices 25611 with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at 8?7?3339. Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Guido. IN FORMAHON: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. The Federal Register notice that solicited public comment on the information collection for a period of EU days was published on September 21, Z?l? at 31 FR 54929. A. Overview of Information Collection Title ofinformotion Collection: Small Area Fair Market Rent Demonstration Evaluation. OMB A provoi' Number: Pending. Type He nest: 2528?New. Form Nam or: No forms. Description of the need for the information and proposed use: HUD generally publishes a single FMR for each metropolitan area and provides public housing agencies with discretion to very local voucher payment standards between 90 and 110 percent of the Fair Market Rent [unless HUD approves an exception]. The demonstration is testing the alternative approach of setting FMRs at the ZIP Code level. The core hypothesis is that this will significantly expand the ability of Housing Choice Vouchers holders to access housing in neighborhoods with high-quality schools. low crime rates, and other indicators of opportunity. as well as integrated neighborhoods in furtherance of goal of affirmatively furthering fair housing. HUD is evaluating the SAFMR demonstration and an important consideration in this evaluation is how voucher holders and landlords perceive the shift from traditional ares-wide FMRs to SAFMRs. HUD will look into whether both existing and new voucher holders understood how the change to using SAFMRs affected their housing options and whether it led movers to search in new neighborhoods or affected the rate of moving of existing voucher holders. Similarly, HUD wants to know whether landlords were aware of the change in the HCV program and whether this affected their willingness to rent to voucher holders and the level at which they set rents. In order to address these perceptions, FD tenants and 35 landlords will be interviewed in the areas served by the five Pl [As that are in the SAFMR demonstration: Housing Authority of Cook County Housing Authority of the City of Long Beach Chattanooga Housing Authority: Town of Mamaroneck Housing Authority; Housing Authority ofthe City of Laredo and two PHAs from the Dallas metropolitan area?Dallas Housing Authority and the Plano Housing Authority To build rapport during recruitment. by acknowledging the value of their time. an incentive payment of $20 for tenants and $40 for landlords will be made. 250w Federal Registerf?ltol. 32, No. 1051?Friday. June 2, WIFE-Notices Exhibit A-2: Number of Respondents, Estimated Burden and Estimated Cost of 1 Evaluation of the small Area FMR Demonstration espondent Burden for the Responsive Non-Response 'EtaLou?s 5i? 3 ?3 :3 130 HC?v?Holders Telephone .. It Individual {Sammy 1'00 i'tl 1 to 0.03 5.00 530 1 030 0.00 50.40 50.00 $1.25 $405.00 |filialISicriptji Recruitment Individual Confirmation T0 T0 1 T0 0.20 14.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 14.00 $125 $101.50 EmailiLetter . .. ln- rson Inlgf?ew 70 0 0.00 0.00 52.50 $7.25 $300.03 Landlords Telephone individual 115 35 1 35 0.03 2.00 140 1 140 0.00 11.20 14.00 $32.31 $450.34 Redui?anenl individual Continuation 000 0.00 700 $32.31 $229.67 EmailiLel?ler Individual $32.01 $001.20 ?Flo .L 2- - .i teen-ii veil}. The average hourly wage rate for HCV Holders {$125} is based on the current Federal minimum wage. The average hourly rate for Landlords ($32.31) is based on the average hourly rates for Property. Real Estate. and Community Association Managers (Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics. May 2015 National Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates.) B. Solicitation oanhlic Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of intonnation described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the inforliiation will have practical utility; The accuracy of the agency?s estimate ofthe burden of the proposed collection of information: Ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity ofthe information to be collected; and (4) Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond; including using appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 350? cfthe Paperwork Reduction Act 001995. 44 LI.S.C. Chapter as. Dated: May 25. 201?. Anna. P. Guido. Department Reports Management Officer. Office of the Ch is!" information O?icer. Doc. 201?-11305 Filed 611;?: 8:45 am] BILLING '30 DE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Fish and Wildlife Service [FWS?Ha?Es-smr?Noso; - FIES111 70] Proposed Habitat Conservation Plan for South Sacramento County. California: Joint Draft Environmental Impact Statementi'Environmenial Impact Report AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior. ACTION: Notice of availability; receipt of permit application; request for public comment. SUMMARY: We, the US. Fish and Wildlife Service, announce the availahility of a draftenvironmental impact statement and draft environmental impact report Federal Registerr?Vol. 32. No. 103?r'Tuesday. June 6, zeirfNotices . . Number of Response?Isl? Total burden Purpose of submission respondants respondent Burden hours hours Notification of Intent for Qualifying Other Practitioner to Use Schedule Ilt. W, or Opioid Drugs for the Maintenance and Detoxification Treatment of Opiate Addiction by a ?Oualifying Other Practitioner? under 21 USO. BEStg?EJ?Physician Assistants .. 590 1 .OE-E- 39 Total .. 1 .406 .. 93 Written comments and recommendations concerning the- proposed information collection should be sent by July 5, 2017 to the SAME-ISA Desk Of?cer at the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. Of?ce of Management and Budget To ensure timely receipt of comments, and to avoid potential delays in OMB's receipt and processing of mail sent through the US. Postal Service, commenters are encouraged to submit their comments to OMB via email to: ubmissionfd?ombeop. gov. Although commenters are encouraged to send their comments via email, commenters may also fax their comments to: 202?395?7235. ComIrtenters may also mail them to: Office of Management and Budget, OffICe of information and Regulatory Affairs, New Executive Office Building. Room 10102. Washington, DC 20503. Summer King. Statistician. Doc. Filed 6?5?1 7: 82:15 am} CODE 4152-204? DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. Solicitation of Appointment Nominations to the Housing Counseling Federal Advisory Committee AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Housing?Federal Housing Commissioner. Department of Housing and Urban Development ACTION: Notice of Solicitation of Appointment Nominations. SUMMARY: The Department of Housing and Urban Development established the Housing Counseling Federal Advisory Committee on April 14. 2015. This notice invites the public to nominate individuals to fill one vacancy representing the real estate industry for a three-year term. DATES: Please submit nominations as soon as possible. but no later than lune 21 2o1r. ADDRESSES: Nominations must be in writing and submitted via email to Individuals that do not have internet access may submit nominations to Marjorie George, Housing Program Technical Specialist. US. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Housing Counseling, Office of [Jutreach and Capacity Building. 200 Jefferson Avenue. Suite 300. Memphis. TN 33103. FDFI FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Marjorie Georger Housing Program Technical Specialist, Office ofHousing Counseling. US. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 200 Jefferson Avenue, Suite 300, Memphis, TN 38103; telephone number 544-4228 [this is not a toll?free number]. Persons who have difficulty hearing or speaking may access this number via TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at [800] [toll?free number]. Individuals with questions may also email and in the subject line write application question." SUPPLEMENTARY I. Background and Authority The Housing Counseling Federal Advisory Committee is congressionally mandated to provide advice to the Office of Housing Counseling [Pub. L. 111?203]. The HCFAC provides the OHC valuable advice regarding its mission to provide individuals and families with the knowledge they need to obtain, sustain. and improve their housing through a strong national network of HUD- approved housing counseling agencies and HUD-certified counselors. The HCFAC, however. has no role in reviewing or awarding of OHC housing counseling grants and procurement contracts. The HCFAC is subject to the requirements of the Federal Advisory Committee Act [5 U.S.C. Appendix}. 41 CFR parts ?ml?ti and 102?3, and Presidential Memorandum ?Final Guidance on Appointments of Lobbyists to Federal Boards and Commissions,? dated June 18.21311], along with any relevant guidance published in the Federal Register or otherwise issued by the Office of Management and Budget The HCFAC shall consist of not more than 12 individuals appointed by the Secretary. The membership will equally represent the mortgage industry, real estate industry. consumers. and HUD- approved housing counseling agencies. Each member shall be appointed in his or her individual capacity for a term of 3 years and may be reappointed at the discretion of the Secretary. Of the 12? members first appointed to the HCFAC in EDIE. 4 were appointed for an initial term oft year, 4 were appointed for a term of 2 years, and 4 were appointed for a term of 3 years. The initial 12 appointments were made by the Secretary on Inns 1, 2016. and the one- year appointees terms will expire on May 31, 201?. This notice indicates the Secretary's decision to reappoint to new three-year terms the original appointees for conSurner, mortgage, and housing counseling and to solicit applications to address a vacancy for real estate due to a withdrawal from consideration. Nominations for the Housing Counseling Federal Advisory Committee HUD is seeking nominations for an individual whose experience is representative of the real estate industry to fill one vacancy. Individuals may nominate themselves. Nominees must he citizens. and cannot be employees of the U.S. Government. All nominees will be serving in their "individual capacity" and not in a "representative capacity.? therefore, no Federally?registered lobbyists may serve on the Individual capacity. as clari?ed by OMB. refers to individuals who are appointed to committees to 1 Sec re Fit on Appointments of Lobbyists to Federal Boards and Commissions?); and 7?9 FR sit-tin {?Revised Guidance on Appointment of Lobbyists to Federal Advisory Committees. Boards. and Commissions"!: see also bonrds-ond-commissions [?Lobbyist on Agency Boards and 15st: FR 417482 (?Revised Guidance on Appointment of Lobbyists to Federal advisory Commiltues. Boards. and Commissions"l [clarifying that federally registered lobbyists may not serve on advisory committee. board. or Commission in an ?individual capacity"). exercise their own individual best judgment on behalf of the government, such as when they are designated as Special GovernmentEmployees as defined in 13 U.S.C. 202(a]. Nominations to the HCFAC must be submitted via a form available on the Of?ce of Housing Counseling's Web site federal advisory page at: dexch ongejnj'ofprogrom sf Each nominee will be required to include the following information: a Name. title. and organization of the nominee and a description of how the applicant is representative of the real estate industry; 0 Nominee's mailing address. email address. and telephone number; 0 A statement summarizing the nominee's qualifications [including unique experiences. skills and knowledge the individual will bring to the and reasons why the nominee should be appointed to the A statement confirming that the nominee is not a registered federal lobbyist; and A statement agreeing to submit to any pre-appointment screenings HUD might require of Special Government Employees. as defined in 18 [1.313. 202. Nominations should be submitted via email to HCFACnppiicotiont?hodgov. Individuals that do not have internet access may submit nominations to Marjorie George. Housing Program Technical Specialist. US. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Of?ce of Housing Counseling, Office of Outreach and Capacity Building, 200 Jefferson Avenue. Suite Memphis. TN 33103. All Nominations must be received no later than June 2.1. 201?. HCFAC members will be required to adhere to the conflict of interest rules applicable to Special Government Employees as such employees are defined in 1 U.S.C. Z?zla]. The rules include relevant provisions in Title 18 ofthe US. Code related to criminal activity. Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch (5 CFR part 2635] and Executive Order 1257?! [as modified by Executive Order 12.731]. Therefore. applicants will be required to submit to pro-appointment screenings relating to identity of interest and financial interests that HUD might require as shown above. If selected. HCFAC members will also be asked to complete'form UGE Form 450 [Con?dential Financial Disclosure Report]. Members ofthe HCFAC shall serve without pay but shall receive travel expenses including per diem in lieu of Federal Registeerol. 32. No. inNTuesday. June S. 2017fNotices subsistence as authorized by 5 U.S.C. 557113. Regular attendance is essential to the effective operation of the HCFAC. Please note this Notice is not intended to be the exclusive method by which HUD will solicit nominations and expressions of interest to identify quali?ed candidates: however. all candidates for membership on the will be subject to the same evaluation criteria. Selection and Meetings After all nominations. have been reviewed. HUD will publish a notice in the Federal Register announcing the appointment ofthe member. Member selection will be made by the Secretary and will be based on the candidate's quali?cations to contribute to the accomplishment of the HCFAC's objectives. HCFAC selection will be made based on factors such as expertise and diversity of viewpoints that are necessary to effectively address the matters before the HCFAC. Membership on the HCFAC is personal to the appointee members serve at the discretion ofthe Secretary. The estimated number of meetings anticipated within a ?scal year is two. Additional meetings may be held'as needed to render advice to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office of Housing Counseling. All meetings will be announced by notice in the Federal Register. The meetings may usa electronic communication technologies for attendance. Dated: May 31. Gouger Charles. General Deputy Assistant. Secretoryfor Housing. IFR Doc. Filed aml BILLING eons ?ttest?P INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION [Investigation No. Certain Hybrid Electric Vehicles and Components Thereof; Commission Decision Not To Review an Initial Determination Granting a Motion for Limited Intervention AGENCY: US. International Trade Commission. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that the U.S. International Trade Commission has determined not to review the presiding administrative law judge?s initial determination [Order No. which granted a 2611'? motion for limited intervention in the above?captioned investigation. FOFI FUHTHEFI INFORMATION CONTACT: Sidney A. Rosenzweig. Of?ce of the General Counsel. U.S. International Trade Commission. SUD Street SW.. Washington, DC 20435. telephone [202] Copies of non-confidential documents filed in connection with this investigation are or will be available for inspection during official business hours [8:45 am. to 5:15 pro.) in the Office of the Secretary. US. International Trade Commission. 500 Street SW.. Washington. DC 2.0436. telephone {202] 205?2000. General information concerning the Commission may also be obtained by accessing its Internet sorver at The public record for this investigation may be viewed on the Commission's electronic docket at edis. usitcgov. Hearing-impaired persons are advised that information on this matter can be obtained by - contacting the Commission TDD terminal on (202] 205?1810. SUPPLEMENTARY INFOHMRTION: The Commission instituted this investigation on March 10. EM based on a complaint. supplemented by letters. filed by Paice LLC and libel] Foundation. Inc. both of Baltimore. Maryland [collectively. ?Paicc?]. 82 FR 13353 (Mar. 1D, 201?]. The complaint. as supplemented. alleged violations of section 337 ofthe Tariff Act of 1930. as amended [19 U.S.C. 133?]. in the importation into the United States. the sale for importation. or the sale within the United States after importation of certain hybrid electric vehicles and components thereof by reason of the infringement of certain claims of five United States patents. The notice of . investigation named as the respondent Ford Motor Company of Dearborn. - Michigan The Office of Unfair Import Investigations was not named as a party. I On April 2017. Paice ?led a motion with the for a recommendation to the United States District Court for the District of Columbia to issue an order:r commission pursuant to Article 1.7 of the United Statesilapan Consular Convention to obtain discovery from the Toyota Motor Corporation of Aichi Prefecture. japan On April 11. 2o17. Ford opposed the motion. That same day. non-party Toyota moved to intervene in this investigation for the purpose of submitting a concurrently filed opposition to the motion. See 19 CPR 210.1301} May 2. 2'017. the presiding granted Toyota?s motion as the subjectll']. {"Irder No. 5 [May 2. 291?]. Federal Registeerol. 52. No. toQIThursday. [one B. 2015?fNotices inde?nitely for future access. This information does not meet the federal definition ofa record as it is not evidence of the organization. functions. policies. decisions. procedures. operations. or other activities. This information is duplicated copies of record content preserved for convenience to facilitate new record creation 44 U.S.C. 3301. As subsequent phases of EDM are completed. the applicable data retention policies for those records will be evaluated and maintained for associated systems. TECHNICAL. sun PHYSICAL SAFEGUAHDS: HUD has developed a system security plan of controls for ensuring and protecting Microsoft Azure Government lCloud in accordance with applicable laws. End users cannot directly access the Enterprise Master Data Warehouse used in EDM. Data exchange with other HUD systems is precisely specified and occurs only through secure interfaces. of data both at rest and in motion is enabled on a selective basis. EDM is subject to compliance with all Federal requirements and adheres to its approved system security plan Hecoeo access HUD allows persons [including foreign nationals] to seek administrative access under the Privacy Act to information maintained in EDM. Individuals seeking noti?cation of and access to any record contained in this system ofrecords. or seeking to contest its content. may submit a request in writing to the HUD Chief Freedom of Information Act Officer or GCIO PDIA Officer. lfan individual believes more than one component maintains Privacy Act records that concern him or her. the individual mayr submit the request to Helen Goff Foster. Chief Privacy Of?cerfSenior Agency IIlif?cial for Privacy. 451 Seventh Street SW.. Room 101 as. Washington. no 20410. telephone number [2'02] ans-sass. When seeking records about yourself from this system of records er any other HUD system of records. your request must conform with the Privacy Act regulations set forth in 24 CFR part 18. You must JFirst verify your identity. meaning that you must provide your full name. current address. and date and place ofbirth. You must sign your request. and your signature must either be notarized or submitted under 28 11.3.6. 1745. a law that permits statements to be made under penalty of perjury as a substitute for notarization. in addition. your request should: Explain why you believe HUD would have information on you. Identify which Office of HUD you believe has the records about you. (cl Specify when you believe the records would have been created. Provide any other information that will help the FDIA staff determine which HUD office may have responsive records. if your request is seeking records pertaining to another living individual. you must include a statement from that individual certifying their agreement for you to access their records. Without the above information. the HUD PDIA Office may not be able to conduct an effective search. and your request may he denied due to lack of specificity or lack of compliance with applicable regulations. RECORD PROCEDURES: The Department?s rules for contesting contents of records and appealing initial denials appear in 24 CFR part 16. Procedures for Inquiries. Additional assistance may be obtained by contacting Helen Goff Foster. Senior Agency Of?cial for Privacyr?Chief Privacy Of?cer. 451 Seventh Street SW.. Room 10139. Washington. DC 20411]. or the HUD De partmental Privacy Appeals Of?cers. Of?ce of General Counsel. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Seventh Street SW.. Washington. DC 2041i]. NOTIFICATION HUG ED URES: See ?Records Access Procedures" above. EIEMPTIDNS PHOMULGATED Foe THE SYSTEM: None. HISTORY: Not Applicable. Dated: May 4. 201?. Helen Goff Foster. Senior Agency Officioifor Privacy. IFR Doc. zoi 7?1 193? Filed s-r-tr: 3145 am] an.me cone 4210-67?9 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. seas-N431] Privacy Act of 19?4; System of Records: Loan Review System AGENCY: Office of Administration. HUD. acnoe: Notice ofa New System of Records. SUMMARY: In accordance with the Privacy Act of 19M. the Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Lender Activities and Program Compliance provides public notice it proposes to establish a new 26705 system. Department of Housing and Urban Development system of records titled. ?Loan Review System DATES: Effective Date: This system will become effective July 10. 2017. Comments Due Dore: July it]. ADDRESSES: You may submit comments. identi?ed by docket number and title. by one following method: Federal e-Huiemoking Portal: rcgul'o tions. gov. Follow the instructions provided on that site to submit comments electronically. Fax: 202?319?3365. Email: privacy?hudgo v. Mail: Attention: Housing and Urban Development. Privacy Office; Marcus Smallwood. The Executive Secretariat; 451 Seventh Street SW.. Room 10139! Washington. DC 20410. instructions: All submissions received must include the agency name and docket number for this Federal Register document. The general policy for comments and other submission from members of the public is provide three submissions for public viewing on the internet at as they are received without change. including any personal identi?ers or contact information. For: FURTHER INFORMATION coarser: For general questions please contact: Marcus Smallwood. Acting. Chief Privacy Of?cer. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Seventh Street SW.. Washington. DC 204210; telephone number 202-?03-1515 for privacy issues please contact; SUPPLEMENTARY The LRS will provide a unified loan review process to improve HUD's ability to identify and mitigate loan-level risk and fraud in its Federal Housing Administration Title 11 Single Family Housing program. The LRS will implement the newly developed Loan Quality Assessment Methodology [Defect Taxonomy] and will provide a standard approach for all loan reviews in order to: I Communicate clear policy messages to involved counterparties; - Encourage lending to FHA targeted populations: 0 Provide feedback on the effectiveness of FHA's underwriting policies; and I Provide a communication channel for lenders to view and respond to review findings. The LRS will include policy automation. electronic case management. automated workflows. event-driven communications. enhanced reporting and advanced business intelligenceianalytics. The LRS 1O zsre?f? Federal Registerl'Vol. 32, No. ioef'i?hursday, June 3, ZDiTr?Notices - will support holistic risk management through monitoring performance and policy compliance of lenders, including identification of key performance characteristics. risk drivers and comparative performance across counterparties. Reviews will include both loan and lender reviews. Loan reviews will be focused on both underwriting and servicing activities and will provide reviewers with questions to help drive a standardized review across FHA Single Family Homeownership Centers. This system of records is operated by Department of Housing and Urban Development Of?ce of Lender Activities and Program Compliance. and includes personally identifiable information provided by or about individuals from which information is retrieved by a name or unique identifier. This notice incorporates Federal privacy requirements and HUD policy requirements. The Privacy Act provides certain safeguards for an individual against an invasion of personal privacy by requiring Federal agencies to protect records in an agency system of records from unauthorized disclosure. ensure that information is current for its intended use, and that adequate safeguards are provided to prevent misuse of such information. The notice re?ects the Department's focus on industry best practices in protecting the personal privacy ofthe individuals covered by each system notification. This notice states the name and location of the record system. the authority for and manner ofits operations, the categories of individuals it covers, the records it contains. the sources of the information for those records, the routine uses made ofthe records, and the system of records exemption types. In addition. the notice includes the business address of the HUD of?cials who will inform interested persons of the procedures whereby they may gain access to andlor request amendments to records pertaining to them. The routine uses that apply to this publication are reiterated based on past publication to clearlyr communicate how HUT.) continues to conduct some of its business practices. In accordance with 5 U.S.C. ??zialielittlii HUD has provided a report of this new system to the Of?ce of Management and Budget the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, and the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform as instructed by OMB Circular No. A?ltlB. ?Federal Agencies Responsibilities for Review. Reporting, and Publication under the Privacy Act." SYSTEM NAME AND NUMBER: Loan Review System sscunrn' CLASSIFICATION: Unclassi?ed. but sensitive. LOCATIUN: [.oan Review System is hosted at the Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Seventh Street SW., Washington. DC 20413. or at the locations of the service providers under contract with HUD. Paper records will be stored in the designated secure National Archives and Records Administration Federal Records Centers. SYSTEM MANAGEMS): Marcus Smallwood. Acting. Chief Privacy Of?cer. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street SW., Washington. DC 20410: telephone number 202?402-6531. AUTHORITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE Section 203 of the National Housing Act [12 rise. tron-1. treats], trestr], and 42 U.S.C. 3543 "Preventing fraud and abuse in Department of Housing and Urban Development programs? [enacted as part of the Housing and Community Development Act of 193?]; and 31 U.S.C. 1701 {The Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1985). PUHPossts} OF THE SYSTEM: The purpose ofthe Loan Review System is to build on existing Federal Housing Administration Title II Single Family loan review efforts, align the documentation of loan review results across counterparties. and incorporate the newly developed Loan Quality Assessment Methodology {Defect Taxonomy]. The Defect Taxonomy provides a standard approach for all FHA Title II loan reviews for Single Family Housing Programs in order to: - Communicate clear policy messages to involved counterparties; 0 Encourage lending to FHA targeted populations; a Provide feedback on the effectiveness ofii?HA underwriting policies; - Support holistic risk management through monitoring performance and policy compliance of lenders; and 9 Identify key performance characteristics, risk drivers and comparative performance across counterparties. The FHA Title II reviews will include both loan and lender reviews that focus on both underwriting and servicing activities to provide HUD reviewers with the questions to help drive standardized reviews across FHA Homeownership Centers. It will additionally provide communication channels for lenders to view and respond to issues found in the reviews. The LRS will manage Title II Quality Control Reviews: Title II test case loan reviews, various Title post- endorsetnent loan reviews. Title lender monitoring reviews. and Title II loans reported by lenders due to instances of fraud and misrepresentation or other material findings [commonly known as ?self- reports?]. LRS is not designed to manage any aspect of standard [non-test case] loan origination or endorsement processes. Following a transition. LRS will merge the loan review workload management functions performed by the Underwriting Review System, and the Approval Recertification, Review Tracking System into a single integrated application. In addition. IRS will assume the lender reporting functions managed in the Neighborhood Watch Early Warning System. CATEGORIES OF INDIVIDUALS COVERED BY THE SYSTEM: The categories of individuals covered by the system include Mortgagors [Borrowers] who have obtained a mortgage insured under the Department of Housing and Urban Development Housing Administration Single Family mortgage insurance program: Mortgages [Lender] staff Appraisers, Underwriters and Loan Officers involved in appraising. underwriting or servicing the mortgage; and HUD Employees involved in the loan review process. CATEGORIES OF RECORDS IN THE SYSTEM: The categories of records maintained by the system include: I Mortgogor (Borrower): Borrowerisl Full Name, Borrow-arts] Social Security number. Borrowe?s] Date of Birth, income, Credit Score, Non-Borrowing Spouse Social Security number. Mortgages {tender Institution}: Originating, Underwriting andr' or Servicing Mortgages Institution 1D, Institution Name, institution Type. Institution Status, Branch Type. Branch ID, Nationwide Multistate Licensing System ID. - Mortgages Appraiser: First Name. Last Name, Middle Name. Suffix. - Mortgages Underwriter: First Name. Last Name. Middle Name. Suffix. Federal Housing Administration FHA Underwriter ID. D-17-0201-A-000111 .?i'tl Federal Registeri'v?ol. 82. No. toeiThursday, June 8, 201?!Notices 25707 - Mortgages Loon O?icer: First Name. Last Name. Middle Name, Nationwide Multistate Licensing System ID. 6 HUD Employees; Names and identi?cation of all HUD employees with access to the system records. Also, identification information is stored for employees who work with mortgage applications through Federal Housing Administration Connection. a Case Federal Housing Administration Case Number, Case Established Date. Case Reinstatement Date. Case Type. I (lose Property: Easement Code, Neighborhood Percentage Owned, Neighborhood Predominate, Price. Subdivision Indicator, Property Acquisition Date. Property Street. Property Conversion Type, Rural Neighborhood (lode, Neighborhood Single Family Home Percentage. Subdivision Lot Indicator, Building Type. Date of Sale or Transfer, Sale Amount. Year Built, City, Zip. Geocode Flag, Underserved Indicator. Block. Lot. House Number. Street Number. - Servicing Status: Servicing Status. Claims, and Indemnification Agreements. RECORD SOURCE CATEGORIES: Mortgagors, appraisers, mortgagee staff, underwriters, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development employees provide data to the originating source systems. The originating source systems then pass select data onto the Enterprise Data Management LRS includes direct interfaces to these systems: a PINE?Enterprise Data Management - F1 T?Computerized Homes Underwriting Management System I Connection - FEB?Lender Electronic Assessment Portal The originating source systems application for Insured Mortgage?Forms HUD HUD 92544, Model Notice Informed Consumer Choice Disclosure, Model Pre-Insurance Review Checklist for Lender Insurance. sounNE uses OF RECORDS MAINTAINED IN THE srsrem, INCLUDING CATEGORIES or usess AND THE Puaeoses or soon uses: In addition to those disclosures generally permitted under 5 U.S.C. Section 552ath of the Privacy Act, all or a portion of the records or information in this system may be disclosed to authorized entities, as determined to be relevant and necessary. outside the Department of Housing and Urban Development as a routine use pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a[b][3]: - 1. To appropriate agencies, entities, and persons for disclosures compatible with the purpose for which the records in this system were collected. as set forth by Appendix Routine Use Inventory Notice published in the Federal Register [30 FR 8133??8184?l,: a. To the National Archives and Records Administration or to the General Services Administration for records having enough historical or other value to warrant continued preservation by the United States Government. or for inspection under Title 44 U.S.C. 2904 and 2905. b. To a congressional office from the record of an individual. in response to an inquiry from that congressional office made at the request of that individual. c. To contractors performing or working under a contract with HUD, when necessary to accomplish an agency function related to this system of records. Disclosure requirements are limited to only those data elements considered relevant to accomplishing an agency function. Individuals provided information under these routine use conditions are subiect to Privacy Act requirements and disclosure limitations imposed on the Department. d. To the Department of lusticefDOI] when seeking legal advice for a HUD initiative or in response to DDJ's request for the information, after either HUD or determine that such information relates to DCll's representatives of the United States or any other components in legal proceedings before a court or adjudicative body, provided that, in each case. the agency also determines prior to disclosure that disclosure of the records to DUI is a use of the information in the records that is compatible with the purpose for which HUD collected the records HUD on its own may disclose records in this system of records in legal proceedings before a court or administrative body after determining that the disclosure of the records to the court or administrative body is a use of the information contained in the records that is compatible with the purpose for which HUD collected the records. 2. To HUD business partners [Mortgageesl to ful?ll their business arrangements with HUD for managing quality control review responsibilities associated with FHA-insured single family mortgage loans. Information that is accessible to Mortgagees through LRS is limited only to records where the Mortgagee is the originating, underwriting. servicing or holding institution of record. This information may only be accessed through an FHA Connection user ID and password. 3. To appropriate agencies. entities. and persons as necessary when: HUD suspects or has confirmed that there has been a breach of the system of records. HUD has determined that as a result of the suspected or con?rmed breach there is a risk of harm to individuals. HUD [including its information systems, programs, and operations}, the Federal Government. or national security: and [cl The disclosure made to such agencies, entities, and persons is reasonably necessary to assist in connection with HUD efforts to respond to the suspected or confirmed breach or to prevent, minimize, or remedy of such harm. 4. To another Federal agency or Federal entity, when determines that information from this system of records is reasonably necessary to assist the recipient agency or entity in: Responding to a suspected or confirmed breach or. Preventing, minimizing. or remedying the risk of harm to individuals, the recipient agency or entity [including its information systems. programs, and operations}, the Federal Government. or national security, resolting from a suspected or confirmed breach. POLICIES AND PRACTICES FDR STOFIAGE or: RECORDS: Mitigation documentation will be stored using the enterprise content management platform [Alfresco software] in the Azure cloud environment. Automated records are also stored and maintained in the Azure cloud environment. Paper hinders collected for reviews will be stored in the designated secure Federal Records Centers. which are used to store paper binders reviewed for endorsement. POLICIES AND PHAcrlces FUR RETRIEVAL oF RECORDS: Records are retrieved by Federal Housing Administration case number or Loan Review System review identification number. POLICIES AND PRACTICES FOR HETENTIIJN AND 0F RECORDS: Electronic records of cases established are retained and disposed of in accordance with the Department of Housing and Urban Development approved Records Retention and Disposition Schedule approved by the National Archives and Records Administration Privacy Act! Freedom of Information Act disclosures are retained in accordance with the 12 q, zeroii?e 7" Federal Registerlt?ol. 32, No. IDQIThiirsday, June it, 201FKNotices NARA General Schedule. Schedule 15 Item ta. permits HUD to delete when no longer for agency use. Longer retention periods exist for original content in source systems. TECHNICAL, AND PHYSICAL SAFEEUARDS: Automated records are maintained in secured areas within the system. Access is limited to authori zed personnel with a need-to?know based on unique FHA Connection User IDs and con?dential passwords. Physical entry by unauthorized person is restricted though the use of locks. guards, passwords, andior other scourity measures. Paper records are maintained and secured, limited access and monitored areas. RECORD access PROCEDURES: For information, assistance, or inquiry about records. contact Marcus Smallwood, Acting. Chief Privacy Of?cer 451 Seventh Street SW.. Room 10139, Washington, DC 20410, telephone number [202] 700?3054. When seeking records about yourself from this system of records or any other Housing and Urban Development system ofrecords. your request must conform with the Privacy Act regulations set forth in 24 CFR part You must first verify your identity. meaning that you must provide your full name, address, and date and place of birth. You must sign your request, and your signature must either be notarized or submitted under 23 U.S.C. 1746, a law that permits statements to be made under penalty of perjury as a substitute for notarization. In addition, your request should: a. Explain why you believe HUD would have information on you. b.1dentify which Of?ce you believe has the records about you. c. Specify when you believe the records would have been created. d. Provide any other information that will help the Freedom of Information Act stafl' determine which HUD office may have responsive records. If your request is seeking records pertaining to another living individual, you must include a statement from that individual certifying their agreement for you to access their records. Without the above information, the HUD FOIA Of?ce may not conduct an effective search. and your request may be denied due to lack of specificity or lack of compliance with regulations. CONTESTING RECORD PROCEDURES: The Department's rules for contesting contents of records and appealing initial denials appear in 24 CFR part 15. Procedures for Inquiries. Additional assistance may be obtained by contacting Marcus Smallwood, Acting. Chief Privacy Officer, 451 Seventh Street SW., Room 10130, Washington, DC 20410. or the HUD Departmental Privacy Appeals Of?cers. Office of General Counsel, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street SW., Washington DC 20410. NOTIFICATION PaoCEDunes: individuals seeking noti?cation of and access to any record in this system of records, or seeking to contest its content, may submit a request in writing to the component's FOIA Officer, whose contact information can be found at under ?contact? if an individual believes more than one component maintains Privacy Act records about him or her, the individual may submit the request to the Chief Privacy Of?cer, HUD, 451 Seventh Street SW., Room 10130, Washington, DC 20410. PHOMULGATED FOR THE SYSTEM: None. Hieronr: None. Dated: May 4. 2013?. Helen Golf Foster, Senior Agency Officiolfor Privacy. Doc. 2017?11935 Filed aml enunc cone DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. Notice of HUD Vacant Loan Sales [HvLs 201 L2) AGENCY: Of?ce of the Assistant Secretary for Housing?Federal Housing Commissioner, HUD. acnoa: Notice of sales of reverse mortgage loans. SUMMARY: This notice announces intention to competitively offer multiple residential reverse mortgage pools consisting of approximately 885 reverse mortgage notes secured by properties with an aggregate broker price opinion ofapproxintalely $120 million. The sale will consist of due and payable Secretary-held reverse mortgage loans. The mortgage loans consist offirst liens secured by single family. vacant residential properties, where all borrowers are deceased and no borrower is survived by a non-borrowing spouse. The Department has verified the death of borrowers by obtaining a death certificate or a notice of death for each and verified vacancy through its review of interior Broker Price Opinions where available and. where unavailable, exterior BPOs. This notice also describes the bidding process for the sale and certain persons who are ineligible to bid. This is the second sale offering of its type and the sale will be held on June 21. 201?. DATES: For this sale action, the Bidder?s Information Package was made available to quali?ed bidders on May 23. 201?. Bids for the HVLS 201??2 sale will be accepted on the Bid Date of June 21. 201? [Bid Date}. HUD anticipates that will be made on or about june 26, 201? (the Award Date]. ADDRESSES: To become a qualified bidder and receive the RIP, prospective bidders must complete. execute. and submit a Con?dentiality Agreement and a Qualification Statement acceptable to HUD. Beth documents are available via the HUD Web site at: nowviiudgov/s?oonsoies or via: verdi'ossetsoles.com Please mail and fax executed documents to 1v'erdi Consulting, Inc.: 1v?erdi Consulting, Inc., 8400 Westpark Drive. 4th Floor. McLean. VA 22102. Attention: HUD SFLS Loan Sale Coordinator. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION coarser: John Lacey, Director, Asset Sales Office, Room 3135, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street SW.. Washington. DC 20410?5000; telephone 202??08?2025. extension 392?. Hearing- or speech-impaired individuals may call 202e703?4594 These are not toll-free numbers. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: HUD announces its intention to sell in HVLS 201?-?2 due and payable Seeretary-held reverse mortgage loans. The loans consist of first liens secured by single family, vacant residential properties, where all borrowers are deceased and no borrower is survived by a non- horrowing spouse. A listing of the mortgage loans is included in the due diligence materials made available to quali?ed bidders. The mortgage loans will be sold without Federal Housing Administration insurance and with servicing released. HUD will offer qualified bidders an opportunity to bid competitively on the mortgage loans. The loans are expected to be offered in five regional pools. The Bidding Process The BIP describes in detail the procedure for bidding in HVLS 2017?2. The EIP also includes a standardized non-negotiable Conveyance, Assignment D-1 7-0201-A-0001 13 ?rmware: GPO asses Evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions ofthe agency, including whether the information will have practical utility; Evaluate the accuracy of the agency?s estimate of the burden ofthe proposed collection ofinformetion, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; - Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and Minimize the burden of the collection ofinformatian on those who are to respond, including through the use ofappropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology, permitting electronic submission of responses. Overview of This inform ation Callection Type oflnformation Collection Bequest: Extension, Without Change, of a Currently Approved Collection. Title of the FarmlColls-ctian: Verify. Agencyfarm number. if any, and the applicable component ofthe DHS sponsoring the collection: (3?1499: Affected public who will be asked or required to respond, as well as a brief abstract: Primary: Individuals or households. This form is used by employees in the United States to enter data into the Verification information System to ensure that the information relating to their eligibility to work is correct and accurate before beginning new employment. An estimate of the total number of respondents and the amount aftirne estimated for on average respondent to respond: The estimated total number of respondents for the information collection Form C?s-1499 is 250,000 and the estimated hour burden per response is hours (5 minutes]. Of this 250,000, an estimated rsnao respondents will need to correct information that may have been entered incorrectly to continue using myE- 1|Jerify: this estimated burden per response is 0833 hours {5 minutes]. Of this 250,000, an estimated 1U,tlt]0 respondents may be required to pursue further action to correct their records at the appropriate agency; this estimated burden per response is 1.183 hours. Of this 250.000. an estimated 25sec respondents will be required to provide additional information for a second Authentication Check; this estimated burden per response is .25 hours (15 minutes}. An estimate of the total public burden (in hours} associated with the collection: The total estimated annual hour burden associated with this collection is 45,153 hours. An estimate of the total public burden {in cost} associated with the collection: The total estimated annual public burden associated with this collection is 0 dollars. Dated: ]une 2,331? Samantha Deshommes. Chief. Regulatory Coordination Division, D?'ice of Policy and Strategy, US. Citizenship and lrnmigrntion Services, Department of Homeland Seeirrity. Doc. 201??11359 Filed e-r-ir: ens aml BILLING cons Qtt?l?M?P DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. Fn?Beos-N?azl Privacy Act of 1974: Enterprise Data Management System of Records AGENCY: Of?ce of Administration, HUD. ACTION: Notice of a new system of records. SUMMARY: HUD proposes to add a new system ofrecords to its inventory of systems of records, subiect to the PrivaCy Act of 1974, as amended. This action is necessary to meet the requirements of the Privacy Act to publish in the Federal Register notice of the existence and character of records maintained by HUD. This system of records notice authorizes HUD's Enterprise Data Management to collect and maintain information. goal is to upgrade data management. data warehousing, data mining and data security capabilities from current outdated legacy database to a more advanced warehouse model. DATES: In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552a[e][4] and the public is given a 30-day period in which to comment. Therefore, submit comments on or before July 10, 201?. ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by docket number and title. by one of the followin methods: - Federal e?Ralema ing Portal:http:ll wavregulationsgav. Follow the instructions provided on that Site to submit comments electronically. II Fax: 202?6134?3365. - - Mail: Attention: Housing and Urban Development, Privacy Of?ce, Marcus Smallwood, 'l?he Executive Secretariat, 451 Seventh Street SW.. Room 10139, Washington. DC 20410. Federal Registerl?r?ol. 82, No. loelThursdey, June 3, 2017lNotices instructions: All submission received must include the agency name and docket number for this Federal Register document. The general policy for comments and other submission from members of thepuhlic is make three submissions available for public viewing on the Internet at as they are received without change, including any personal identifiers or contact information. Docket: For access to the docket to read background documents or comments received, please visit http:/l regain ti ons.gov. FOR FURTHER CONTACT: Marcus Smallwo?od. Chief Privacy Officer, 451 Seventh Street SW., Room 10139, Washington, DC 20410, telephone number Individuals who are hearing- and speech-impaired may access this number via TTY by calling the Federal Relay Service at [this is a toll-free number]. su PFLEMENTAFW meoeusnou: In accordance with the Privacy Act of 19174, 5 U.S.C. 552a, the Department of Housing and Urban Development Of?ce of Chief Information Officer proposes to establish a new HUD system of records titled. ?Enterprise Data Management System of Records." This system of records is operated by HUD's and it will be developed in several phases. The initial phase includes personally identifiable information about borrowers of Federal Housing Administration insured single?family mortgages, employees of FHA?approved lending institutions, third-parties associated with transactions such as appraisers and HUD personnel associated with single family transactions. 0610 is establishing an EDM environment. The EDM environment includes a modern "Data Lake"; which is a centralized data environment to onboard HUD data for use in analytical reporting. The EDM also serves as the centralized environment for systems to consume data from HUD systems [eliminating point to point interfaces]. In accordance with Section 203. National Housing Act, Public Law 73- ers: and 42 [1.313. 3543, titled "Preventing fraud and abuse in Department of Housing and Urban Development programs" enacted as part ofthe Housing and Community Development Act of 198?, the EDM and data lake enables HUD data consumers to gain new insights that will allow HUD to better identify trends and previously unknown risk drivers, thus D-1 7-0201-A-0001 14 are Federal Registerl?v?ol. 82, No. loel'l?hursclay. Jane B. ZDIWNotices 26?03 strengthening its risk management and fraud prevention framework. EDM extracts data from multiple source systems for analysis and reporting. The EDM will provide query and reporting tools that aid in supporting HUD's oversight activities, market and economic assessment. public and stakeholder communication. planning and performance evaluation. policies and guidelines promulgation, monitoring and enforcement. Making data available from the HUD source systems will involve Data Extraction. 't'ransformation. and Load into the EDM environment. The type of HUD source system tog. mainframe, relational database management system hierarchical} will determine the approach and the tools that will be used to extract the data. EDM extracts data from multiple source systems for analysis and reporting. The EDM will provide query and reporting tools that aid in supporting oversight activities. market and economic assessment. public and stakeholder communication, planning and performance evaluation. policies and guidelines promulgation. monitoring and enforcement. The following lists the type of information collected from Source Systems for the initial phase of EDM: - Mortgagors: Name. addresses. date of birth. social security number. and raciali'ethnic background [if disclosed] which are supplied by lenders through Automated Underwritin Systems during the mortgage app ication and underwriting process. - Parties Involved with Transaction: Name, addresses. and identifying numbers which are supplied by the lender or the individual. I- Mortgage Details: Data regarding current and former FHA. insured mortgages which includes underwriting data. such as: Loan-to-value ratios and expense ratios; original terms. such as: Mortgage amount, interest rate. term in months; status ofthe mortgage insurance; and history of payment defaults. ifany. This information is provided by the lender at the time of closing, and also maintained by the loan servicer. HUD Employees: Names and identi?cation of all HUD employees who have access to the system records. Also. identification information is stored for employees who work with mortgage applications through FHA Connection. - Aggregated measures of the data stated above to enable statistical reporting and analysis of trends. II. Privacy Act The Privacy Act embodies fair information practice principles in a statutory framework governing how the Federal Government collects, maintains. uses. and disseminates individuals? records. The Privacy Act applies to information that is maintained in a ?system of records.? A ?system of records? is a group of any records under the control of an agency from which information is retrieved by the name of an individual or by some identifying number. symbol, or other identifying particular assigned to the individual. lo the Privacy Act. an individual is de?ned to encompass US. citizens and lawful permanent residents. As a matter of policy. extends administrative Privacy Act protections to all individuals. excluding persons who are not United States citizens or lawful permanent residents from the protections of the Privacy Act regarding personally identifiable information. when systems of records maintain information on US. citizens. lawful permanent residents. and visitors. This new public notice allows HUD to organize and re-publish up~to-date and accurate information about this system of records. The notice correction incorporates Federal privacy requirements. and HUD policy requirements. The Privacy Act provides certain safeguards for an individual against an invasion of personal privacy by requiring Federal agencies to protect records contained in an agency system of records from unauthorized disclosure. ensure that information is current for its intended use. and that adequate safeguards are provided to prevent misuse of such information. Additionally, the updates reflect the Department's focus on industry best practices in protecting the personal privacy of the individuals covered by each system noti?cation. In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552a[r). HUD has provided a report of this system of records to the Office of Management and Budget and to Congress. the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. and the House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight as instructed by Paragraph Tb of OMB Circular No. "Federal Agency Responsibilities for Review. Reporting. and Publication under the Privacy Act." December 23. 2?016. SYSTEM NAME AND NUMBER: Enterprise Data Management (EDM) SECURITY Unclassified. but sensitive. SYSTEM LOCATION: EDM is hosted at the Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street SW.. Washington. DC 20410, or at the locations of the service providers under contract with HUD. srerM nasacsets}: Mark Hayes. Chief Technology Of?cer. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Save-nth Street SW.. Room 4165. Washington, DC 20410.. 202?402?"525. AUTHORITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE SYSTEM: The system is maintained in accordance with Section 203. National Housing Act, Public Law Tit?41F]. and 42 U.S.C. 3543 titled ?Preventing fraud and abuse in of Housing and Urban Development programs.? enacted as part of the Housing and Community Development Act of 198? which permits the collection of Social Security Numbers. PuePo3E(s) or THE overeat: EDM replaces HUD's current data storage. retrieval and warehousing capabilities. EDM will be implemented in phases across HUD. and the first phase is to directly support the new Loan Review System It will collect data from certain specified source systems and return it to LRS. Subsequent phases will collect data from other source systems. and ultimately will replace all existing data warehouses across HUD. CMTEGOHIES OF INDIVIDUALS COVERED BY THE SYSTEM: The initial phase of EDM will cover individuals who have obtained a mortgage insured under single family mortgage insurance programs. individuals who have assumed such a mortgage. and individuals involved in appraising. underwriting. or servicing the mortgage [commonly referred to as ?mortgageeflender?]. CATEGORIES OF HECOHDS IN THE SYSTEM: The initial categories of records maintained by the system include: I Appraiser: First Name. Last Name. Middle Name, Suf?x. Case Borrowertsl: Borrowerlsl Full Name, Borrowerls] Social Security number. Non-Borrowing Spouse Social Security number. 0 Loan Officer: First Name. Last Name. Middle Name. 0 Case Property: Basement Code. Neighborhood Percentage Owned, 15 zeroes: Neighborhood Predominate. Price. Subdivision Indicator, Property Acquisition Date, Property Street. Property Conversion Type. Rural Neighborhood Code. Neighbourhood Single Family Home Percentage. Subdivision Lot Indicator. Building Type, Date of Sale or Amount. Year Built. City. Zip. Geocode Flag. Underserved Indicator. Block. Lot. House Number, Street Number. 0 FHA Case Information: Federal Housing Administration Case Number. |Case Established Date. Case Reinstatement Date. Case Type, Originating Mortgagee 1D. Sponsor Mortgages ID. Loan Officer Nationwide Multistate Licensing System ID, Underwriter Name. Underwriter ID. - Mortgagee [Lender] Branch: Branch Type. Branch 113. Mortgagee Institution ID, Mortgages institution Name. Mortgagee Institution Type. Mortgagee Nationwide Multistate Licensing System ID. Mortgages Status. 9 HUD Employees: Names and identification of all HUD empIOyees who have access to the system records. Also. identi?cation information is stored for employees who work with mortgage applications through FHA Connection. I Servicing Status: Servicing Status, Claims. and Indemni?cation Agreement. necoao SOURCE CATEGORIES: Mortgagors, appraisers. mortgagee staff . underwriters. and HUD employees provide data to the originating source systems. The following originating source systems then pass their data to the Enterprise Data Warehouse used in EDM: A43?Single Family Insurance System I A43C?Single Family Claims I F1??(Iomputerized Homes Underwriting Management System at Ft Connection i F1 Mortgage Scorecard a F42D?Single Family Default Monitoring System I Equity Reverse Mortgage Information System I PEG?Lender Electronic Assessment Portal - P3o3?Loan Review System [th8} ROUTINE uses or aecoaos MAINTAINED IN THE SYSTEM, INCLUDING careeontes OF usERs AND PURPOSES OF sucH uses: In addition to those disclosures generally permitted under 5 U.S.C. Section 552ale ofthe Privacy Act, all or a portion of the records or information in this: custom may he disclosed outside HUD as a routine use pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552afb][3] as follows: 1. To appropriate agencies. entities. and persons to the extent such disclosures are compatible with the purpose for which the records in this system were collected, as set forth by Appendix Routine Use Inventory Notice published in 80 FR 81837. 2. To appropriate agencies. entities, and persons when: HUD suspects or has confirmed that the security or con?dentiality of information in a system of records has been compromised: HUD has determined that because of the suspected. or con?rmed compromise there is a risk of harm to economic or property interests, identity theft or fraud. or harm to the secority or integrity of systems or programs [whether maintained by HUD or another agency or entity] that rely upon the compromised information; and The disclosure made to such agencies. entities. and persons is reasonably necessary to assist in connection with efforts to respond to the suspected or con?rmed compromise and prevent. minimize. or remedy such harm for purposes of facilitating responses and remediation efforts in the event ofa data breach. 3. To appropriate agencies. entities. and persons when HUD suspects or has con?rmed that there has been a breach of the system of records. HUD has determined that as a result ofthe suspected or con?rmed breach there is a risk of harm to individuals. HUD [including its information systems. programs, and operations], the Federal Government. or national security; and the disclosure made to such agencies. entities. and persons is reasonably necessary to assist in connection with efforts to respond to the suspected or confirmed breach or to prevent. minimize. or remedy such harm. 4. To another Federal agency or Federal entity, when HUD determines that information from this system of records is reasonably necessary to assist the recipient agency Or entity in responding to a suspected or confirmed breach or preventing, minimizing. or remedying the risk of harm to individuals. the recipient agency or entity {including its information systems. programs. and operations}, the Federal Government. or national security. resulting from a suspected or con?rmed breach. 5. To the National Archives and Records Administration or General Services Administration Federal Register/Vol. 32. No. toefThursday. June 8. pursuant to records management inspections being conducted under the authority of44 U.S.C. 2904 and 2905. E. To a congressional office from the record. of an individual in response to an inquiry from that congressional office made at the request of the individual to whom the record pertains. To appropriate agencies, entities. and persons when: HUD suspects or has confirmed that the security or confidentiality of information in the system of records has been compromised: Hill) has determined that as a result of the suspected or confirmed compromise. there is a risk Ofidentity theft or fraud. harm to economic or property interests, harm to an individual, or harm to the security or integrity of this system or other systems or programs [whether maintained by HUD or another agency or entity] that rely upon the compromised information; and The disclosure made to such agencies. entities, and persons is reasonably necesaary to assist in connection with efforts to respond to the suspected or confirmed compromise and prevent. minimize. or remedy such harm. B. To contractors and their agents. grantees. experts. consultants. and others performing or working on a contract. service. grant. cooperative agreement. or other assignment for HUD. when necessary to accomplish an agency. function related to this system of records. Individuals provided information under this routine use are subject to the same Privacy Act requirements and limitations on disclosure as are applicable to HUD of?cers and employees. POLICIES AND FOR STORAGE or necoaos: EDM will be stored in compliance with 36 CFR 1235.10 regulations on recordkeeping management controls in a Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program compliant network. There are no paper records associated with EDM. POLICIES AND PRACTICES FOR RETRIEVAL OF Recoaos: In this initial phase of EDM. information is retrieved from EDM by FHA Case Number as the key identi?er. User access to query information in the EDM does not exist. EDM supports only system?to-System interfaces. POLICIES AND essences FUFI AND DISPDSA EIobsessionsassess a EDM is retrieved from originating recordkeeping systems and is retained mac-HE" inde?nitely for future access. This information does not meet the federal definition of a record as it is not evidence ofthe organization, functions. policies. decisions. procedures. operations, or other activities. This information is duplicated copies of record content preserved for convenience to facilitate new record creation 44 U.S.C. 3301. As subsequent phases of EDM are completed. the applicable data retention policies for those records will be evaluated and maintained for associated systems. ADMII-Ilsrnanvs. TECHNICAL, AND PHYSICAL SAFEGUAHDS: - HUD has developed a system security plan of controls for ensuring and protecting Microsoft Azure Government Cloud in accordance with applicable laws. End users cannot directly access the Enterprise Master Data Warehouse used in EDlvl. Data exchange with other HUD systems is precisely specified and occurs only through secure interfaces. of data both at rest and in motion is enabled on a selective basis. EDM is subject to compliance with all Federal requirements and adheres to its approved system security plan RECDRD ACCESS PROCEDURES: HUD allows persons [including foreign nationals] to seek administrative access under the Privacy Act to information maintained in EDM. Individuals seeking noti?cation of and access to any record contained in this System ofrecords. or seeking to contest its content. may submit a request in writing to the HUD Chief Freedom of Information Act Officer or OCIO FOIA Of?cer. if an individual believes more than one component maintains Privacy Act records that concern him or her. the individual may submit the request to Helen Goff Foster. Chief Privacy Officerr?Senior Agency Official for Privacy. 451 Seventh Street SW., Room 10139, Washington. DC 20410. telephone number [202] 402?6333. When seeking records about yourself from this system of records or any other HUD system of records. your request must conform with the Privacy Act regulations set forth in 24 CPR part 15. You must first verify your identity. meaning that you must provide your full name. current address. and date and place ofbirth. You must sign your request. and your signature must either be notarized or submitted under 2.8 U.S.C. 13?45. a law that permits statements to be made under penalty of perjury as a substitute for notarization. In addition, your request should: Ia] Explain why you believe HUD . . . A n'la-l Inn-"1. :ntr'rr-I'r'i-I-Tlnn nn Federal Register/Vol. 32. No. IUSIThursday. lune ti. zetNNotices Identify which Of?ce of HUD you believe has the records about you. [cl Specify when you believe the records would have been created. Provide any other information that will help the FOIA staff determine which HUD office may have responsive records. If your request is seeking records pertaining to another living individul. you must include a statement from that individual Certifying their agreement for you to access their records. Without the above information. the HUD FOIA Office may not be able to conduct an effective search. and your request may be denied due to lack of speci?city or lack of compliance with applicable regulations. CONTEETING RECORD PROCEDURES: The Department's rules for contesting contents of records and appealing initial denials appear in 24 CFR part 16. Procedures for Inquiries. Additional assistance may be obtained by contacting Helen Goff Poster. Senior Agency Official for Privacnyhief Privacy Officer. 451 Seventh Street SW.. Room 10139. Washington. DC 20410. the HUD Departmental Privacy Appeals Of?cers. Of?ce of General Counsel. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Seventh Street SW.. Washington. DC 23410. NOTIFICATION PROGEDUFI E5: See ?Records Access Procedures? above. PROMULGATED FOR THE SYSTEM: None. HISTORY: Not Applicable. Dated: May It. 2ot7. Helen Goff Foster. Senior Agency Oj?cioffor Privacy. Doc. File 3145 am] BILLING cooE data?sr-P DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. seas-N41] Privacy Act of 191%; System of Records: Loan Review System (LBS) AGENCY: Office of Administration. HUD. acnou: Notice of a New System of Records. SUMMARY: in accordance with the Privacy Act of 197%. the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Of?ce of Lender Activities and Program Compliance provides public nnl?ir?n it to establish a new 26705 system. Department of Housing and Urban Development system of records titled. ?Loan Review System DATES: E?fective Date: This system will become effective July 10. 201?. Comments Due Date: July 10. 201?. ADDRESSES: You may submit comments. identified by docket number and title. by one following method: Federal e?Hulemoking Portal: wusvmegufotionsgov. Follow the instructions provided on that site to submit comments electronically. Fax: 202?619?8365. . Email: Mail: Attention: Housing and Urban Development. Privacy Of?ce; Marcus Smallwood, The Executive Secretariat; 451 Seventh Street SW.. Room totitQ: Washington. DC 20411]. instructions: All submissions received must include the agency name and docket number for this Federal Registrar document. The general poliCy for comments and other submission from members ofthe public is provide three submissions for public viewing on the internet at as they are received without change. including any personal identi?ers or contact information. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For general questions please contact: Marcus Smallwoot?l. Acting. Chief Privacy Officer. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Seventh Street SW.. Washington. DC 20410: telephone number 202??08?15] 5 for privacy issues please contact: SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The LES will provide a unified loan review process to improve HUD's ability to identify and mitigate loan-level risk and fraud in its Federal Housing Administration Title II Single Family Housing program. The LRS will implement the newly developed Loan Quality Assessment Methodology [Defect Taxonomy) and will provide a standard approach for all loan reviews in order to: I Communicate clear policy messages to involved counterparties; 0 Encourage lending to FHA targeted populations; - Provide feedback on the effectiveness ofFHA?s underwriting policies; and 0 Provide a communication channel for lenders to view and respond to review findings. The IRS will include policy automation. electronic case rnanaacnaesrlaeetse??GGWS' event-driven communicauons. enhanced reporting and advanced business intelligencet?analytics. The LRS mm H: mm g. 26sec - Federal Register/Vol. 32. No. toefThursday. June 5. 201WNotices is any principal ofany entity or individual described in the preceding sentence: to] any employee or subcontractor of such entity or individual during that six-month period. or any entity or individual that employs or uses the servicrm of any other entity or individual described in this paragraph in preparing its bid on such reverse mortgage loan. Freedom of Information Act Requests HUD reserves the right. in its sole and absolute discretion, to disclose information regarding HVLS 2012?2, including. but not limited to. the identity of any successful qualified bidder and its bid price or bid percentage for any pool of loans or individual loan. upon the closing of the sale of all the Mortgage Loans. Even if HUD elects not to publicly disclose any information relating to SFLS 2012?2. HUD will disclose any information that HUD is obligated to disclose pursuant to the Freedom of information Act and all regulations promulgated thereunder. Scope of Notice This notice applies to HVLS 2012?2 and does not establish policy for the sale of other'mortgage loans. Dated: June 2. 201?. Genger Charles. General Deputy?ssistonl Secretoryfor Housing. Doc. 2017-11944 Filed aml BILLING cons DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. Section 5 Housing Assistance Payments Program-Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 Inflation Factors for Public Housing Agency (FHA) Renewal Funding AGENCY: Of?ce of the Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research. HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: This notice establishes Renewal Funding In?ation Factors to-adjust Fiscal Year 2017 renewal funding for the Tenant-based Rental Assistance or Housing Choice Voucher Program of each public housing agency as required by the Consolidated Appropriations Act. 20:1 7. The notice apportions the expected percent change in national Per Unit Cost for the HCV program. 3.92%. to each FHA based on the change in Fair Market Rents for their operating area to produce the FY 201? RFIFs. FY 2017? methodology differs in part from that used in FY 2016; HUD improved the national PUG forecast by removing the reliance on historical PUG data and independently projecting growth in gross rents and tenant incomes. DATES: Dots: June 19. 201?. FOR FUHTH EH INFORMATION CONTACT: Miguel A. Fontanez. Director. Housing Voucher Financial Division. Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs. Office of Public and indian Housing. telephone number 202?402?4212; or Peter B. Kahn. Director. Economic and Market analysis Division, Of?ce of Policy Development and Research, telephone number 202?402?2409, for technical information regarding the development of the schedules for speci?c areas or the methods used for calcalating the in?ation factors. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 2th Street SW.. Washington. DC 20410. Hearing- or speech-impaired persons may contact the Federal Relay Service at 3339 (Other than the TTY number. the above-listed telephone numbers are not toll free.) SUPPLEMENTARY I. Background Division K, Title II ofthe Consolidated Appropriations Act. 2017 requires that the HUD Secretary, for the calendar year 2017 funding cycle. provide renewal funding for each public housing agency based on validated voucher management system (HMS) leasing and cost data for the prior calendar year and by applying an inflation factor as established by the Secretary, by notice published in the Federal Register. This notice provides the FY 2017' in?ation factors and describes the methodology for calculating them. Tables in PDF and Microsoft Excel formats showing Renewal Funding In?ation Factors - will be available electronically from the HUD data information page at: Methodology RFIFs are used to adjust the allocation ofHousing Choice Voucher program funds to PHAs for local changes in rents. utility costs. and tenant incomes. To calculate the RFIFs. HUD first forecasts a national inflation factor. which is the annual change in the national average Per Unit Cost HUD then calculates individual area inflation factors. which are based on the annual changes in the two- bedroom Fair Market Rent for each area. Finally. HUD adjusts the individual area inflation factors to be consistent with the national inflation factor. HUD has refined its methods for predicting in?ation factors over time. In FY 2012, HUD changed from using a Consumer Price Index historical gross rent index?based factor known as Annual Adjustment Factors to using a forecasting model that was based on historical levels of PUC and incorporated forecasted economic indices as explanatory variables to predict future levels HUD continued to use the forecasting model adopted in FY 2012 through FY 201E to calculate a national PUG inflation factor. |Consistent with HtlL?l's statement in the FY 2MB Renewal Funding Inflation Factor Notice that it planned to change its in?ation factor methodology in FY 2013?. HUD has now implemented a revised methodology to calculate a national PUG in?ation factor that does not rely on historical values of PUG. See 81 FR 22295. The objective of the revised methodology is to determine the amount by which baseline funding for HGVs currently under lease needs to increase to maintain the same number and quality of leased vouchers. The prior methodology bad the disadvantage of incorporating the lower per-unit costs calculated during economic downturns into future projections. which resulted in a failure to account for higher per- unit costs during economic recoveries. The revised methodology instead calorilates a ?notional? PUG by taking the difference between national gross rent and 3D percent ofnationai average HGV tenant income. as described below. The in?ation factor is then calculated as the annual change in national PUG. The notional PUG is calculated following the some basic formula that is used. to calculate the voucher subsidy. The subsidy is the difference between total gross rent [which is the total of the unit?s contract rent plus utilities expenses required to make the unit habitable?principally electricity andl'or heating fuel] and the tenant rent contribution [which is calculated as 30% of tenant income]. However, the change in the notional PUG is calculated using forecasts incorporating economic indicators. in part using the same methodology used to calculate the national FMR trend factor. so that it reflects forward-looking cost projections rather than backward-looking data. The base level of the national PUG is the two-bedroom national average FMR less 3i} percent ofthe national average tenant D-1 7-0201-A-0001 18 income measured using HUD administrative data. Future values of the notional PUG are calculated as the difference between the forecast of gross rent [using a national average] and the forecast of the tenant rent contribution [calculated as 30% ofthe national average forecast of tenant adjusted gross income}. An accurate PUG forecast depends upon the interaction of the three factors mentioned above that determine the voucher subsidy amounts: Rents and utility expenses?together. gross rents? and tenant incomes. Note that if tenant incomes grow more strongly than gross rents. voucher costs will grow more slowly than gross rents. This typically does not occur. as tenant incomes have historically grown more slowly than gross rents. However. modeling the growth in gross rents and tenant incomes independently is an improvement ofthe prior methodology, which forecasted PUC changes directly, essentially assuming that gross rents and tenant incomes grow at the same rates. In contrast. the new model expressly captures differences in expected growth rates of the three relevant factors: Rent ofprimary residence. utilities associated with renting a housing unit, and tenant incomes. HUD calculates a gross rent index forecast by combining two indices that independently forecasts using date front the A rent of primary residence index and a housing?fuels and utilities index. The Rent of Primary Residence Index component series is weighted at 80 percent. or 0.8 times, and is estimated from quarterly data on residential ?xed investment from the National Income and Product accounts. and civilian employment from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The Housing?Fuels and Utilities index component series a forecast of quarterly utility expense growth. is weighted at 21] percent. or [12 times. and is estimated using the quarterly average spot price in dollars per barrel of West Texas Intermediate Crude oil. the quarterly national average price in dollars per short ton of bituminous coal. the quarterly average Henry Hub price of natural gas in dollars per million ETUs. and the overall level of the Consumer Price Index lagged by 2 quarters. The changes predicted by the gross rent index forecast are then applied to a ?base? gross rentefor this year. the FY 2018 national voucher-weighted average two-bedroom ?inflate? the FY 2016 national average gross rent to its proiocted FY 20] 7 amount. - a Federal Register-{Vet 82, No. l?QIThursday. lune 3. 201?/Notices HUD forecasts quarterly average tenant household incomes (sourced from HUD administrative data} using a model that includes a seasonal difference and seasonal moving average factor. The other independent variables are BLS's civilian employment and unemployment rate data. As stated above. the notional PUC is the difference between the national average gross rent forecast less 30% of the national average voucher tenant household income forecast. The national in?ation factor is the annual change in the national average PUC predicted for the current calendar year [in this case divided by the national average PUC for the prior year (in this case 2016]. The Calendar Year 201? FHA HCV allocation uses 3.97 percent as the national in?ation factor. Forecast components for each economic series used in the model in FY 2017 were taken from the FY 2017? OMB Midsession Review Economic Assumptions. The Use of In?ation Factors HUD then calculates individual geographic area in?ation factors for each FHA administering the HCV program to account for relative differences in the changes oflocal rents so that HCV funds can be allocated among FHAs according to local costs. HUD does so by assigning each PHA an inflation factor calculated for its FMR areais} and then adjusting these individual in?ation factors to be consistent with the national forecast. The in?ation factor for an individual geographic area is based on the annualized change in the area?s FMR between FY 2016 and FY 2017.1 These changes in FMRs are then scaled Such that the voucher-weighted average of all individual area inflation factors is equal to the national inflation factor. the expected annual change in national PUC from CY 2016 to CY 2017 [now calculated using the revised "notional methodology described abovel. and also such that no area has a factor less than one. For PHAs operating in multiple FMR areas. HUD calculates a voucher-weighted average in?ation factor based on the count of vouchers in each FMR area administered by the FHA 'The F?r' 231? in?ation factors use the one-year change in FMRs measured between FY 201a and FY 201?. As noted in the FY stun "Section ti Housing Assistance Payments Program-Fiscal Year am a Inflation Factors for Public Housing Agency [PliAl Renewal Funding" notice. used the annualized two-year change in FMRs measured between FY 2014 and FY 2016 because the FY15 predicted in?ation rate was negative. The notice also stated that Htil] intended future inflation factors to be based on the one-year change in i-?MRs. 26711 as captured in HUD administrative data as of September 30. 2016. HUD subsequently applies the calculated individual area inflation factors to eligible renewal funding for each based on VMS leasing and cost data for the prior calendar year. IV. Geographic Areas and Area De?nitions dis explained above. in?ation factors based on area FMR changes are produced for all FMR areas and applied to eligible renewal funding for each FHA. The tables showing the RFIFs. available electronically from the HUD data information page, list the in?ation factors for each FMIR area on a state?by- state basis. The inflation factors use the same OMB metropolitan area definitions. as revised by HUD, that are used in the FY 20]? FMRs. PHAs should refer to the Area De?nitions Table on the following Web page to make certain that they are referencing the correct in?ation factors: user.orgr?p or?tol/ do to se FY2191 The Area Definitions Table lists areas in alphabetical order by state. and the oeunties associated with each area. In the six New England states. the listings are for counties or parts of counties as de?ned by towns or cities. HUD is also releasing the data in Microsoft Excel format to assist users who may wish to use these data in other calculations. The Excel file is available at dotosetsfr??rji??htmt. Environmental Impact This notice involves a statutorily required establishment of a rate or cost determination which does not constitute a development decision affecting the physical condition of speci?c project areas or building sites. Accordingly. under 24 CFR this notice is categorically excluded from environmental review under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 {42 U.S.C. 4321]. Dated: June 2. 201?. Matthew Amman. General Deputy Assistant Secretory for Policy Development on Research. Filed 6?74718315 am] BILLING CODE ulHT?f? 19 NARA General Records Schedule. Schedule 15 Item la. permits HUD to delete when no longer for agency use. Longer retention periods exist for original content in source systems. ADMINISTHAHVE, TECHNICAL. AND PHYSICAL SAFEGUAHDS: ?uton?iated records are maintained in secured areas within the system. Access is limited to authorized personnel with a need-to-know based on unique FHA Connection User IDs and con?dential passwords. Physical entry by unauthorized person is restricted though the use of locks. guards. passwords. andi?or other security measures. Paper records are maintained and secured. limited access and monitored areas. necoso access For information. assistance. or inquiry about records. contact Marcus Smallwood. Acting. ChiefPrivacy Officer 451 Seventh Street SW.. Room 10139. Washington. DC 20410. telephone number [2'32] When seeking records about yourself from this system of records or any other Housing and Urban Development system of records, your request must conform with the Privacy Act regulations set forth in 24 CFR part 16. You must first verify your identity. meaning that you must provide your full name, address. and date and place of birth. You must sign your request. and your signature must either be notarized or submitted under 23 U.S.C. 1246. a law that permits statements to be made under penalty of perjury as a substitute for notarization. In addition. your request should: a. Explain why you believe HUD would have information on you. b. Identify which Office of HUD you believe has the records about you. c. Specify when you believe the records would have been created. d. Provide any other information that will help the Freedom of Information Act staff determine which HUD office may have responsive records. If your request is seeking records pertaining to another living individual. you must include a statement from that individual certifying their agreement for you to access their records. Without the above information. the HUD FOIA Of?ce may not conduct an effective search. and your request may be denied due to lack of specificity or lack of compliance with regulations. CDNTESTING aecoao PROCEDURES: The Department?s rules for contesting contents of records and appealing initial denials appear in 24 CFR part 16, Federal Registert?v'ol. 82. No. ioetThursday. June 8. 2012tNotices Procedures for Inquiries. Additional assistance may be obtained by contacting Marcus Smallwood. Acting. Chief Privacy Of?cer. 451 Seventh Street 5W.. Room 10139. Washington, DC 20-110. or the HUD Departmental Privacy Appeals Officers. Office of General Counsel. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Seventh Street SW., Washington DC Zild'l?. PROCEDURES: Individuals seeking noti?cation of and access to any record in this system of records. or seeking to contest its content. may submit a request in writing to the component's FOIA Officer, whose contact information can be found at under "contact" ifan individual believes more than one component maintains Privacy Act records about him or her. the individual may submit the request to the Chief Privacy Of?cer. HUD. 451 Seventh Street SW.. Room 10139. Washington. DC 20410. sxsuenoss enouumnea eon THE one. HISTORY: None. Dated: May it. 201 7. Helen Goff Faster. Sem? or Agency Official for Privacy. IFR Doc.201T?11035 Filed a?r?t r; ans am] BILLING CODE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. Notice of HUD Vacant Loan Sales LS 2017?2} Office of the Assistant Secretary for Housing?Federal Housing Commissioner. HUD. ACTION: Notice ofsales of reverse mortgage loans. SUMMARY: This notice announces intention to competitively offer multiple residential reverse mortgage pools consisting of approximately 085 reverse mortgage notes secured by properties with an aggregate broker price opinion ofapproxirnately $120 million. The sale will consist of due and payable Secretary-held reverse mortgage loans. The mortgage loans consist of first liens secured by single family. vacant residential properties. where all borrowers are deceased and no borrower is survived by a non-borrowing spouse. The Department has verified the death of borrowers by obtaining a death certi?cate or a notice of death for each and verified vacancy through its review of interior Broker Price Opinions where available and. where unavailable. exterior BPOs. This notice also describes the bidding process for the sale and Certain persons who are ineligible to bid. This is the second sale offering of its type and the sale will be held on june 21. 2017. DATES: For this sale action. the Bidder's Information Package was made available to quali?ed bidders on May 23. 201 Bids for the HVLS 2012?2 sale will be accepted on the Bid Date of June 21. 201? [Bid Date]. HUD anticipates that award[s] will be made on or about June 26. 201'? [the Award Date]. ADDRESSES: To become a quali?ed bidder and receive the BIP. prospective bidders must. complete. execute. and submit a Confidentiality Agreement and a Qualification Statement acceptable to HUD. Both documents are available via the HUD Web site at: httpo?t? Whudgow?s?oonsoles or via: http:/x? wwvv. verdiosse tsofes. corn Please mail and fax executed documents to Verdi Consulting, Verdi Consulting. Inc.. 8400 Weslpark Drive. 4th Floor. McLean, VA 22102. Attention: HUD SFLS Loan Sale Coordinator. Fax: FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: John Lucey. Director. Asset Sales Of?ce. Room 3135, Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Seventh Street SW.. Washington. DC 20410?8000; telephone 202?208?2025. extension 3927. Hearing- or speech-impaired individuals may call 202-208?4594 These are not toll-free numbers. SUPPLEMENTARY HUD announces its intention to sell in HVLS 2012?2 due and payable Secretary-held reverse mortgage loans. The loans consist of first liens secured by single family. vacant residential properties. where all bormwers are deceased and no borrower is survived by a non- horrowing spouse. A listing of the mortgage loans is included in the due diligence materials made available to quali?ed bidders. The mortgage loans will be sold without Federal Housing Administration insurance and with servicing released. HUD will offer quali?ed bidders an opportunity to bid competitively on the mortgage loans. The loans are expected to be offered in five regional pools. The Bidding Process The El? describes in detail the procedure for bidding in HVLS 2012?2. The BIP also includes a standardized non?negotiable Conveyance. Assignment D-1 7-0201-A-000120 we: Federal Registeri?Vol. 32, No. luefThursday, lane 8. Eon/Notices 267?09 and Assumption Agreement for HVLS 20137?2 Qualified bidders will be required to submit a deposit with their bid. Deposits are calculated based upon each quali?ed bidder?s aggregate bid price. HUIJ will evaluate the bids submitted and determine the successful bid, in terms ofthe best value to HUD, in its sole and absolute discretion. If a quali?ed bidder is successful, the qualified bidder's deposit will be Hen- refundable and will be applied toward the purchase price. Deposits will be returned to unsuccessful bidders. This notice provides some of the basic terms ofsale. The CAA. which is included in the BIP, provides comprehensive contractual terms and conditions. To ensure a competitive bidding process, the terms of the bidding process and the CAA are not subject to negotiation. Due Diligence Review The describes how quali?ed bidders may access the due diligence materials remotely via a high?speed Internet connection. Mortgage Loan Sale Policy HUD reserves the right to remove mortgage loans from Emit?2 at any time prior to the Award Date. HUD also reserves the right to reject any and all bids, in whole or in part, and include any reverse mortgage loans in a later sale. Deliveries ofniortgage loans will occur in conjunction with settlement and servicing transfer, approximately 30 to 45 days after the Award Date. The HVLS min?2 reverse mortgage loans were insured by and were assigned to HUD purSuent to section 255 of the National Housing Act, as amended. The sale of the reverse mortgage loans is pursuant to section 204(g} of the National Housing Act. Mortgage Loan Sale Procedure HUD selected an open competitive whole?loan sale as the method to sell the mortgage loans for this specific sale transaction. For HVLS 201??2, HUD has determined that this method of sale optimizes HUD's return on the sale of these loans; affords the greatest opportunity for all qualified bidders to bid on the mortgage loans: provides the quickest and most ef?cient vehicle for HUD to dispose of the mortgage loans, which are currently accruing significant holding costs: and serves as the most appropriate vehicle for reducing both the costs borne by the Department and the number of Secretary-held loans. Bidder Ineligibility In order to bid in HVLS as a qualified bidder, a prospective bidder must complete, execute and submit both a Confidentiality Agreement and a Qualification Statement acceptable to HUD. In the Qualification Statement, the proSpective bidder must provide certain representations and warranties regarding the prospective bidder. including but not limited to til the prospective bidder?s board of directors, [ii] the prospective bidder's direct parent, the prospective hidder?s subsidiaries, [ivi any related entity with which the prospective bidder shares a common of?cer, director, subcontractor or sub-contractor who has access to Con?dential Information as defined in the Confidentiality Agreement or is involved in the formation ofa bid transaction (collectively the ?Related Entities"], and the prospective bidder?s repurchaso lenders. The prospective bidder is ineligible to bid on any of the reverse mortgage loans included in 2017?2 ifthe prospective bidder, its Related Entities or its repurchase lenders, is any of the following. unless other exceptions apply as provided for in the Quali?cation Statement. 1. An individual or entity that is currently debarred, suspended, or excluded from doing business with HUD pursuant to the Governmentwide Suspension and Debarment regulations at 2 CFR parts 130 and 2424: 2. An individual or entity that is currently suspended, debarred or otherwise restricted by any department or agency of the federal government or of a state government from doing business with such department or agency: 3. An individual or entity that is currently debarred, suspended. or excluded from doing mortgage related business, including having a business license suspended, surrendered or revoked, by any federal, state or local government agency, division or department: 4. An entity that has had its right to act as a Government National Mortgage Association ["Ginnie Mae?) issuer terminated and its interest in mortgages backing Ginnie Mae mortgage-backed securities extinguished by Ginnie Mae; 5. An individual or entity that is in violation of its neighborhood stabilizing outcome obligations or post?sale reporting requirements under a Conveyance, Assignment and Assumption Agreement executed for any previous mortgage loan sale of HUD: ii. An employee of Of?ce of Housing, a member of such employee's household, or an entity owned or controlled by any such employee or member of such an employee's household with household to be inclusive of the employee's father. mother, stepfather, stepmother, brother. sister, stepbrother. stepsister, son. daughter, stepson, stepdaughter, grandparent. grandson, granddaughter, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother?in- law, sisteriin-law, son-in-law, daughter- in-law, ?rst cousin, the spouse ofany of the foregoing, and the employee?s spouse: A contractor, subcontractor andior consultant or adviser [including any agent, employee, partner, director, or principal of any ofthe foregoing] who performed services for or on behalfof HUD in connection with the sale; 8. An individual or entity that knowingly acquired or will acquire prior to the sale date material non? public information, other than that information which is made available to Bidder by HUD pursuant to the terms of this Qualification Statement, about mortgage loans offered in the sale; 9. An individual or entity that knowingly uses the services, directly or indirectly. of any person or entity ineligible under 2| through it) to assist in preparing any ofits bids on the mortgage loans: or It}. An individual or entity which knowingly employs or uses the services of an employee of HLID's Office of Housing [other than in such employee?s official capacity}. The Qualification Statement has additional representations and warranties which the prospective bidder must make, including but not limited to the representation and warranty that the prospective bidder or its Related Entities are not and will not knowingly use the services, directly or indirectly, of any person or entity that is, any of the following [and to the extent that any such individual or entity would prevent the prospective bidder from making the following representations, such individual or entity has been removed from participation in all activities related to this sale and has no ability to influence or control individuals involved in formation of a bid for this sale]: An entity or individual is ineligible to bid on any included reverse mortgage loan or on the pool containing such reverse mortgage loan because it is an entity or individual that: (at Serviced or held such reverse mortgage loan at any time during the six-month period prior to the bid, or D-17-0201-A-000121 261.710.: [bj is any principal of any entity or individual described in the preceding sentence; to] any employee or subcontractor of such entity or individual during that six-month period; or id] any entity or individual that employs or uses the services of any other entity or individual described in this paragraph in preparing its bid on such reverse mortgage loan. Freedom of Information Act Requests HUD reserves the right. in its sole and absolute discretion, to disclose information regarding HULS 201??2, including. but not limited to. the identity of any successful qualified bidder and its bid price or bid percentage for any pool of loans or individual loan, upon the closing of the sale of all the Mortgage Loans. Even if HUD elects not to publicly disclose any information relating to SFLS 201 HUD will disclose any information that HUI) is obligated to disclose pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act and all regulations promulgated thereunder. Scope of Notice This notice applies to HVLS 201 and does not establish policy for the sale of other mortgage loans. Dated: June 2. 201?. Genger Charles, General Deputy Assistan Secretoryfor Housing. It?s Doc. ems?1194s Filed s-r-ir: one am! BILLING CODE dit?r?l'wp DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. Section 3 Housing Assistance Payments Frog ram-Fiscal Year (FY) 2017' Inflation Factors for Public Housing Agency (FHA) Renewal Funding AGENCY: Of?ce of the Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research, HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: This notice establishes Renewal Funding In?ation Factors to adjust Fiscal Year 201 it renewal funding for the Tenant-based Rental Assistance or Housing Choice Voucher Program ofeach public housing agency as required by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 201?. The notice apportions the expected percent change in national Per Unit Cost for the program. to each FHA based on the change in Fair Market Rents {tiMRl for their operating area to produce the FY 2015? RFIFs. FY 2015? methodology differs in part from that used in FY 2010: HUD improved the national PUC forecast by removing the reliance on historical PUC data and independently projecting growth in gross rents and tenant incomes. DATES: Effective Dererjune is, 201?. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Miguel A. Fontanez. Director, Housing Voucher Financial Division. Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, Office ofPublic and Indian Housing, telephone number 202?402?4212: or Peter B. Kahn, Director, Economic and Market Analysis Division, Office of Policy Development and Research, telephone number 202?402?2409. for technical information regarding the development of the schedules for specific areas or the methods used for calculating the inflation factors. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Street SW.. Washington, DC 20410. Hearing- or speech-impaired persons may contact the Federal Relay Service at 3339 [Other than the "800" number. the above-listed telephone numbers are not toll free] SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: 1. Background Division K. Title II of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 20] 3" requires that the Secretary, for the calendar year 2011? funding cycle. provide renewal funding for each public housing agency based on validated voucher management system leasing and cost data for the prior calendar year and by applying an in?ation factor as established by the Secretary, by notice published in the Federal Register. This notice provides the FY 201? inflation factors and describes the methodology for calculating them. Tables in PDF and Microsoft Excel formats showing Renewal Funding inflation Factors will be available electronically from the data information page at: II. Methodology RFIFs are used to adjust the allocation of Housing Choice Voucher program funds to PHAs for local changes in rents. utility costs. and tenant incomes. To calculate the HUD first forecasts a national inflation factor, which is the annual change in the national average Per Unit Cost HUD then calculates individual area in?ation factors. which are based on the annual changes in the two- Federal Registeerol. 82, No. 100fTbursday, June 8. 20171Notices bedroom Fair Market Rent lFIvtR] for each area. Finally. HUD adjusts the individual area inflation factors to be consistent with the national in?ation factor. HUD has refined its methods for predicting in?ation factors overtime. In FY 2012. HUD changed from using a Consumer Price Index historical gross rent index-based factor known as Annual Adjustment Factors to using a forecasting model that was based on historical levels of PUC and incorporated forecasted economic indices as explanatory variables to predict future levels of PUC. continued to use the ferecasting model adopted in FY 2012 through FY 2016 to calculate a national PUG inflation factor. Consistent with statement in the FY 2016 Renewal Funding In?ation Factor Notice that it planned to change its inflation factor methodology in FY 2017. HUD has now implemented a revised methodology to calculate a national PUG in?ation factor that does not rely on historical values of PDQ. See 31 FR 22295. The objective ofthe revised methodology is to determine the amount by which baseline funding for liC?v?s currently under lease needs to increase to maintain the same number and quality of leased vouchers. The prior methodology had the disadvantage of incorporating the lower per-unit costs calculated during economic downturns into future projections, which resulted in a failure to account for higher per- unit costs during economic recoveries. The revised methodology instead calculates a ?notional? PUC by taking the difference between national gross rent and 30 percent of national average tenant income. as described below. The inflation factor is then calculated as the annual chan in notional PUC. The notional US is calculated following the same basic formula that is used to calculate the voucher subsidy. The subsidy is the difference between total gross rent [which is the total of the unit?s contract rent plus utilities expenses required to make the unit habitable?principally electricity andl'or heating fuel] and the tenant rent contribution (which is calculated as 30% of tenant income]. However. the change in the notional PUC is calculated using forecasts incorporating economic indicators, in part using the same methodology used to calculate the national FMR trend factor. so that it reflects forward-looking cost projections rather than backward-looking data. The base level ofthe notional PUC is the two-bedroom national average FMR less 3? Prestartinealanamm r-r- I Federal Registerlitol. 32, No. lune subject to the related laws (CESTI or require an Environmental ?ssessment take an average of 4 hours to complete. 16, 2017 Notices 27'719 Total Estimated Burdens: hours or $255,391. . . Number of Frequency of Responses Burden hour Annual Hourly cost Informat'on respondents response per annum per response burden hours per response Annual Cost EXEHWDUCENST 2.454 1 2.454 45 1.3435 $33.33 $5,1344 1,473 1 1.4?8 4 5,912 33.33 197.04? Total 3,332 1- 3.932 T3525 33.33 258,391 B. Solicitation ofPublic Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have ractical utility; The accuracy oft agency?s estimate oftbe burden of the proposed collection of information; Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity of the information to be collected: and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond; including through the use ofappropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 350'? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. 44 IJ.S.C. Chapter 35. Date: lune 12. EDIT. Clifford Taffet. General Deputy Assistant Secretoryfor Community Planning and Development. lFt-t Doc. 201??125?1 Filed 5?15?17:B:45:rm] BILLING oops azra?sr?p DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 50-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Congressional Earmarks AGENCY: Office of Community Planning and Development HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 50 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: August 1 5. 201?. Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name author OMB Control Number and should be sent to: Colette Pollard. Reports Management Officer. QDAM. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Street SW.. Room 417'6. Washington, DC telephone 202?402?3400 [this is. not a toll-free number] or email at Colettc.Pollarri@nurl.gov for a copy of the proposed forms or other available information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at 3339. FDFI FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Anupama Abhyankar. Grants Management Specialist, Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 ?th Street SW.. Washington. DC 20410: email t?mupama Abhyankar at Anupama?bhyankarfithudgov or telephone 202?402-3981. This is not a toll-free number. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at [800] 3339. Copies ofavailable documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Pollard. INFORMATION: This notice infarms the public that is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. A. Overview of Information Collection Title of information Collection.- (Ilongressional Earmark Grants. 0MB A provol Number: 2506?01?9. Type a Request: Extension ofa currently approved collection. Form Number: HUD 27"053. Description of the needfor the information and proposed use: The Department's Office of Policy Development and Coordination administers congressionally mandated grants, known as earmarks. Theso projects have been identi?ed in the annual appropriation of funds to the Department and in the accompanying conference reports or congressional record accompanying each appropriation. Earmarks generally fall into two categories: Economic Development Initiative-Special Project and Neighborhood 1initiative grants. Office of Policy Development and Coordination and its Environmental Officers in the field use this information to make funds available to entities directed to receive funds appropriated by Congress. This information is used to collect. receive. review and monitor program activities through applications. semi-annual reports. and close out reports. The information that is collected is used to assess performance. Grantees are units of state and local government. nonprofits and Indian tribes. Respondents are initially identified by congresa and generally fall into two categories: Economic Development Initiative-Special Project grantees and Neighborhood Initiative grantees. The agency has used the application. semi-annual reports and close out reports to track grantee performance in the implementation of approved projects. Respondents (is. affected public]: 450. Estimated Number of Respondents.- 450. Estimated Number of Responses: 900. Frequency of Response: 2. Average Hours per Response: .50. Total Estimated Burdens: annual burden hours 450 cost $15.0?5. Federal Register/Vol. 82, No, 115fFriday, June 16, 20172?Notices . . Number of - Fre uen Inform 0y esponses ur en hour Annual Hourl cost am no em'on respondents of response per annum per response burden hours per regponse Annual 003? 450 2 900 ,5 450 $33.50 $15,0?5 B. Solicitation of Public Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility: The accuracy of the agency?s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information: Ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond; including through the use ofappropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology, cg, permitting electronic submission of response-s. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these quastions. Authority: Section 350? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, 44 LI.S.C, Chapter 35. Date: lune ?12. 201?. Clifford Taffet. General Deputy Assistant Secretoryfor Community Plan ning and Development. 110?. Doc. 201?-?125?2 Filed aml BILIJNG CODE eztu?ar?P DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Fish and Wildlife Service [Doc ket No. (FIR-201 7?0019; FKI A1 6T1090tl?i10?1 56-5: Endangered Species; Marine Mammals: Issuance of Permits AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior. ACTION: Notice of issoance of permits. summer: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service [Service], have issued the following permits to conduct certain activities with endangered species, marine mammals, or both. We issue these permits under the Endangered Species Act and Marine Mammal Protection Act anonesses: Documents and other information submitted with these applications are available for review, suhiect to the requirements of the Privacy Act and Freedom of Information ENDANGERED SPECIES not, by any party who submits a written request for a copy of such documents to: US. Fish and Wildlife Service, Division oflvtanagement Authority, Branch of Permits, MS: 1A, 52?5 Leeshurg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041: fax {?03l 358? 2281. To locate the Federal Register notice that announced our receipt of the application for each permit listed in this document, go to wmvregulotionsgov and search on the permit number provided in the tables below in SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION. FOR FU BTHEH INFORMATION CONTACT: loyce Russell, [7'03] 355?2023: (telephone): {roe} ass-2231: [fax]; [email]. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On the dates below. as authorized by the provisions of the ESA, as amended [15 U.5.C. 1531 et seq], andt?or the MMPA. as amended [15 USS. 1301 et seq), we issued requested permits subject to certain conditions set forth therein. For each permit for an endangered species, we found that the application was filed in good faith, the granted permit would not operate to the disadvantage of the endangered species. and the granted permit would be consistent with the purposes and policy set forth in section 2 of the ESA. Permit number Applicant Receipt of application Federal Register notice Maire A. Malone Eli FR 032103; November 21. 201E January 09, 201?. 240058 Gerard Z. Siatkowski .. 31 FR 27169; May 5. 2015 January 09. 201?. 021290 Museum of Wildlife and Fish Biology 91 FR 832103; Nov 21, 2010 January 201?. 111430 Pedro Salazar Sr 91 FR 90854; Dec 15, 2016 February 09, 201?. 052220 Smithsonian National Zoological Pant 81 FR 96?23; December 1, 201B February 13, 201?. 054030 .. US Geological Survey 81 FR 703959: November 4, 2015 February 23, 201?. 941369 Miami Seaquan'um dba Festival Fun Parks, LLC 81 FR 90364: December 15, 201E March 02, 201?. 124990 Robert Behrend .. 31 FR 92045; December 20, 2016 March 01. 201?. 123300 Ian K. Brimhall .. 31 FR 92845; December 20, 2016 March 06. 201?. MARINE MAMMALS Permit number Applicant Receipt of application Federal Register notice Permit issuance date 1 15550 .. British Broadcasting Corporation 021520 SeaWorld LLC .. 31 FR 92345; December 20, 81 FR 66991, September 29, February 15, 201?, March 2, 201?. 16, 201?? iNotices Federal RegisteriVol. 82. No. llsiFriday. lune . Number of Frequency oi Flesponses Burden hour Annual Hourly cost Informatl?n colleen? respondents response per annum per response burden hours per response Annual cost Total .. 100.596 .. B. Solicitation of Public Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information desoribed in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necesaary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility; The accuracy of the agency?s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information: Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity of the information to be collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond; including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 1150? ofthe Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. as U.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: [one 12. 201?. Clifford Ta?'et. Gen eroi Deputy Assistant Secretoryfor Coaunu airy Planning and Development. [Fit llnc. zen?125m Filed am] BILLING oops 421HT-P DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HDPWA) Program AGENCY: Of?ce of Community Planning and Development. HUD. ACTION: Notice. sounder: HUD is seeking approval from the Of?ce ofManageinent and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act, HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 50 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: August 15. 201?. ADDRESSES: interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andi?or OMB Control Number and should be sent to: Colette Pollard. Reports Management Officer. QDAM. Department ofHousing and Urban Development. 451 ?th Street SW., Room alre, Washington. DC 20410?500?; telephone (this is not a toll-free number] or email at for a copy of the proposed forms or other available information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at H339. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Lisa Steinhauer. Community Planning and Development Specialist. Office of HIW AIDS Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 ?th Street SW.. Washington. DC 2?410: email Lisa Steinhauer at [iso??teinhouer?i hudgov or telephone 202?402?5131. This is not a toll?free number. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll?free Federal Relay Service at Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Pollard. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. A. Overview of Information Collection Title of Information Collection: Housing Opportunities for Persons With AEDS Grant Application Submission, Recordkeeping. and Reporting. . OMB Approval Number: 25116?013 3. Type ofHeq-uest; Revision of currently approved collection. Form NumberrllUD?aml??E, HUD- 4011043, and Description oftlre need for the information and proposed use: The current paperwork reduction act approval under OMB Control No. 2508? 0133 covers both the HOPWA formula and competitive grant programs. The competitive grant program includes new competitive grants and renewal grants. The information collection requirements pertain to grant. application submission requirements which will be used to rate applications. determine eligibility. and establish grant amounts. HOPWA plans to continue using form HUD?stillo?B. HOPWA Competitive ?pplication a Renewal ofPermanont Supportive Housing Project Budget Summary. as a component of determining applicant eligibility and establishing grant amounts for competitive grants. Limited technical edits are proposed for form competitive and renewal application submission also require submission of the following forms: and Form is currently covered under OMB approval number 2506- 0112. The addition of narratives to address the ?ve HUD standard rating factors will allow HUD to rate application and further determine eligibility and establish grant amounts. Applicants applying for competitive funds are required to respond to these five rating factors in narrative form. These narratives will complement the currently approved budget summary form. and allow HUD to determine if applicants are proposing projects within statutory and regulatory limitations. The ?ve HUD standard rating factors include: Factor 1: Capacity of the Applicant and Relevant Organizational Staff; Factor 2: Needextent of the Problem: Factor 3: Soundness of Approach: Factor 4: Leveraging Resources: and Factor 5: Achieving Results and Program Evaluation. New HDPWA competitive applicants will be required to respond to each rating factor within the page limits establish in the grant solicitation. HOPWA renewal applicants will also be required to respond with narratives. but the information will be more limited and focused on continued complianco with the HOPWA program activities originally awarded until their initial grant application. The reporting and recordkeeping for both HDPWA formula and competitive grant programs are also included in this approval. Technical edits are proposed for forms and and are limited to updating outdated references and information currently contained in the forms. Grantees provide annual information on program accomplishments that supports program evaluation and the ability to measure program bene?ciary outcomes 35-? Federal Registeri?v?ol. 32. No. tiSiF?ridav. Iune 1.6. 201?iNotices 277?1? related to: Maintaining housing stability; preventing homelessness; and improving access to care and support. Competitive grantees report through the Horwa Annual PerformanCe Report Formula grantees report through 110-1]. the HOPWA Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER). Grantees are required to report on the activities undertaken only. HUD systematicallyr reviews and conducts data analysis in order to prepare national and individual grantee performance pro?les that are not only used to measure program performance against benchmark goals and objectives. but also to communicate the program's achievement and contributions towards Departmental strategic goals. Completed technical edits incorporated into forms covered by this proposed information collection. as discussed above. I. HOPWA Competitive Application 8: Renewal of Permanent Supportive Housing Project Budget . Summary a. Cover page description. The statement, ?Selections of applications for funding under the HOPWA Program are based on the rating factors set forth in the for Housing and Community.r Development Programs and the criteria established in the annual HOPWA renewal notice for those permanent supportive housing grantee's seeking renewal funding.? changed to. ?Selections ofapplications for funding under the HOPWA Program are based on the rating factors set forth in the published Notice of Funding Award and the criteria established in the annual HOPWA renewal notice for eligible permanent supportive housing grantees seeking renewal funding.? This edit re?ects a change in Departmental process that now each program office releases a NOFA when funding is available to be awarded. b. Cover page description. The public reporting burden was updated on the budget form to show the number of hours it would take to complete the renewal grant application versus the new competitive grant application. c. Transparency Act Compliance. This section of the form was removed. All grantees are required to enter this information into Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act Subaward Reporting System so it is no longer necessary to collect this information here. (1. Applicant Certi?cations. Language from Appendix A of24 CFR part was added to cover the certification regarding lobbying for all applicants. ll. HOPWA Annual Performance Report (APR) a. Cover page and Overview pages. i. Descriptive paragraph. The number of burden hours was updated. ii. Recordkeeping. HMIS overview of HOPWA elements were updated to re?ect Current elements. Filing Requirements. The physical address was updated to include the number. iv. Program Income. The citation was updated to reflect new 2 CFR 20!] requirements. b. Part 2: Grantee Narrative and Assessment. i. E. Unmet Housing Need. This section was removed. Grantees are no longer required to report on local unmet need. c. Part 3: Summary Overview of Grant Activities. i. Section 3: Households. The link to HUD?published area median income was updated. HUPWA Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report a. Cover page and Overview pages. i. Descriptive paragraph. The number of burden hours was updated. ii. Hecordkeeping. HMIS overview of HOPWA elements were updated to re?ect current HMIS elements. Filing Requirements. The physical address was updated to include the correct room number. iv. Program income. The citation was updated to reflect new 2 CFR 200 requirements. b. Part 1: 5. Grantee Narrative and Performance Assessment. i. d. Unmet Housing Need. This section was removed. Grantees are no longer required to report on local unmet need. c. Part 3. Accomplishment Data. i. Opening paragraph. References to reporting in IDIS were removed. Grantees are no longer required to use IDIS for the reporting of Accomplishment Data. d. Part Summary Overview of Grant Activities. i. Section 3: Households. The link to HUD-published area median income was updated. Respondents fie. in?ected public]: HGPWA competitive and renewal grant applicants. and all HOPWA formula. competitive. and renewal grantees. Number of Inlormallon collection respondents Frequency.r of response Burden hour per response Responses El' a burden hours Annual Hourly cost per reaper-.5a Annual cost HOPWA Ftenewal Ap- plication 20 HDPWA Competitiv Application 40 Annual Progress Report (APR) 99 lo?D Consoli- dated Annual Per- formance and Eval- uation Report (GAPEH) Recordkeeping for Competitive, Fle- newal, and Formula Grantees Grant Amendments {budget change. as- tension, ot early tero mination420 $23.05 $10.01 100 1.300 23.35 42,930.00 5.445 23.85 129,863.25 5.248 23.85 125.164.30 13.520 324.53?.00 180 4,203.00 Total 552 25.?13 53?.105. I.va 27713 Renewal grants are awarded for a three-year operating period. Currently. there are 82 eligible renewal grantees. The number ofrespondents listed for HOPWA renewal applications represents one?third ofthe renewal grantees. or the estimated number of grantees projected to renew HOPWA grants each year. The number of respondents listed for HDPWA competitive appliCations represents the number of respondents expected to submit an application if funding becomes available in the next three years. Form the APR is submitted by all renewal and competitive grantees on an annual basis. The number ofrespondents for the APR include 82 renewal grantees, eight current HOPWA competitive grantees. and nine potential competitive grantees. if funding becomes available. HOPWA grantees and applicants may be required to respond to more than one piece of information collection. The total number ofrespondents include: 82 Renewal grantees, eight current IIDPWA competitive grantees. 40 potential competitive applicants. and 128 current HDPWA formula grantees. The total of 552 total annual responses captures each unique response from the 253 respondents. Pill annualized costs re?ect staff time spent on tasks in the table. The hourly rate is based on a 9 for Rest of United States. 26,213 hours $23.35 $632,105.05. B. Solicitation ofPublic Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility: The acouracy of the agency?s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information: [3i Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity of the information to be collected: and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond: including through the use ofappropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 350? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. 44 tl.S.C.. Chapter 35. Federal Registeerol. 32. No. li?lFriday. Iune 16. ZUITJNotices Dated: June 12. 2017'. Cli?'ord Taffet. Geneml Depn ty Assistant Secretoryfor Community Planning and Development. lFRDoc. eon?1256's Filed e-15?tr: 8:45 aml BILLING cone 4210?61-9 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Doc ket No. 60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: HUD Environmental Review Online System (H AGENCY: Office of Community Planning and Development HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget for the inform ation collection described below. in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for Bi] days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: August 15. interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andlor OMB Control Number and should be sent to: Colette Pollard. Reports Management Of?cer. QDAM. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 'l'th Street SW.. Room 41.?6. Washington. DC 204104000: telephone 202?402?3400 [this is not a toll-free number) or email at Colettel?olloro'hurfgov for a copy of the proposed forms or other available information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll- f'ree Federal Relay Service at [800] 8339. FOR FUFITHEFI INFORMATION Elisabeth Zepeda. Senior Environmental Specialist. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 7th Street SW.. Washington. 20410: email Elizabeth Zepeda at Elizabeth.G.Zepeda@hurl.gov or telephone 202?402?3983. This is not a toll-free number. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through by calling the toll? free Federal Relay Service at [300) 8339. Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Pollard. SUPPLEMENTARY unseat-antics: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval front OMB for the information collection described in Section A. A. Overview of Information Collection Title oflnformation Collection: HUD Environmental Review Online System OMB A provol Number: 2506?0202. Type a Request: Extension of currently approved collection. Form Number: None. Description of the need for the information and proposed use: 24 CFR part 55. ?Environmental Review Procedures for Entities Assuming HUD Environmental Responsibilities" requires units ofgeneral local government receiving HUD assistance to maintain a written environmental review record for all projects receiving funding documenting compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPAL the regulations of the Council on Environmental Quality. related federal environmental laws. executive orders. and authorities. and Part 58 procedure. Various laws that authorize this procedure are listed in 24 CFR 53.193]. 24 CFR part 50. ?Protection and Enhancement of Environmental Quality." implements procedures for HUD to perform environmental reviews for proiects where Part 53 is not permitted by law. Under Part so. HUD staff complete the environmental review records. but they may use any information supplied by an applicant or contractor. provided HUD independently evaluates the information and is responsible for its accuracy and prepares the environmental ?nding. The HUD Environmental Review Online System allows users to complete. store. and submit their environmental review records and documents online. HEROS is currently optional for Responsible Entity and other non?HUD users. who may continue to use paper- based environmental review formats: however. HUU staff in many of?ces are required to use to complete their environmental reviews. Respondents flit. o?ected public]: The respondents are state and local governments receiving HUD funding who are required to complete environmental reviews. Estimated Number of Respondents: 3.932. Estimated Number ofHesponses: 1. Frequency of Response: 3.932. Average Hours per Response: 1Varies depending on level ofreview [see table below]. Reviews that are exempt or categorically excluded not subject to the related laws and authorities tat-1e roughly minutes to complete. Reviews that are categorically excluded D-1 7-0201-A-000127 Ii:- mu.? ?mu-Arno GPO 2771s? i Renewal grants are awarded for a three-year operating period. Currently. there are 82 eligible renewal grantees. The number of respondents listed for HOPWA renewal applications represents one-third ofthe renewal grantees. or the estimated number of grantees projected to renew HDPWA grants each year. The number of respondents listed for HDPWA competitive applications represents the number of respondents expected to submit an application if funding becomes available in the next three years. Form the APR is submitted by all renewal and competitive grantees on an annual basis. The number of respondents for the APR include 82 renewal grantees, eight current HOPWA competitive grantees. and nine potential competitive grantees, if funding becomes available. HOPWA grantees and applicants may be required to respond to more than one piece of information collection. The total number of respondents include: 82 Renewal grantees. eight current HDPWA competitive grantees. 40 potential competitive applicants. and 128 current HOPWA formula grantees. The total of 552 total annual responses captures each unique response from the 258 respondents. All annualized costs re?ect staff time spent on tasks in the table. The hourly rate is based on a 9 for Rest of United States. 26.3713 hours $23.85 $637,105.05. H. Solicitation of Public Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is neCessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility: The accuracy of the agency?s estimate of the burden ofthe proposed collection of information; Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity of the information to be collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond: including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 350? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 15195. 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: June 12. ZION. Cli?'ord Taffet, Gen erol Dcpu ty Assistant Secretory for Comomnr'ty Planning and Development. 2569 Filed 3:45 atnl BILLING CODE 4210?5743 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. FH?ssas?N?os] 60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: HUD Environmental Review Online System (HEDGE) AGENCY: Office of Community Planning and Development HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Of?ce of Management and Budget for the information collection desoribed below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for ED days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: August 15. 201?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andlor OMB Control Number and should be sent to: Colette Pollard. Reports Management Officer. QDAM, Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 ?th Street SW.. Room 41m. Washington. DC 20410?5000; telephone 202?4?2?340t] [this is not a toll-free number] or email at for a copy of the proposed forms or other available information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll? free Federal Relay Service at [800] 3339. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Elizabeth Zepeda. Senior Environmental Specialist. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 'l?th Street SW.. Washington. DC 2.0410; email Elizabeth Zepeda at Elizobeth.G.Zepeda@hud.gov or telephone This is not a toll?free number. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at [800] 3339. Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Pollard. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the Federal Registe??v?ol. 82. No. li?lFriday. June 16. 2017lNotices information collection described in Section A. A. Overview of Information Collection Title of Information Collection: HUD Environmental Review Unline System OMB A provol Number: 2505?0202. Type cliffs-quest: Extension of currently approved collection. Form Number: None. Description of the need for the information and proposed use: 24 CFR part 53. "Environmental Review Procedures for Entities Assuming HUD Environmental Responsibilities" requires units of general local government receiving HUD assistance to maintain a written environmental review record for all projects receiving HUD funding documenting compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act the regulations of the Council on Environmental Quality. related federal environmental laws. executive orders, and authorities. and Part 53 procedure. 1Various laws that authorize this'procedure are listed .in 24 CPR 24 CFR part 50. ?Protection and Enhancement of Environmental Quality.? implements procedures for HUD to perform environmental reviews for projects where Part 58 is not permitted by law. Under Part 50. HUD staff complete the environmental review records. but they may use any information supplied by an applicant or contractor. provided HUD independently evaluates the . information and is responsible for its accuracy and prepares the environmental ?nding. The HUD Environmental Review Online System allows users to complete. store. and submit their environmental review records and documents online. HEROS is currently optional for Responsible Entity and other non?HUD users. who may continue to use paper? based environmental review formats: however. HUD staff in many of?ces are required to use HERBS to complete their environmental reviews. Respondents (Le. affected public}: The i respondents are state and local governments receiving HUD funding who are required to complete environmental reviews. Estimated Number of Respondents: 3.93 2. Estimated Number of Responses; Frequency ofResponse: 3,932. Average Hours per Response: Varies depending on level of review [see table below]. Reviews that are exempt or categorically excluded not subiect to the related laws and authorities (CENST) take roughly 45 minutes to complete. Reviews that are categorically excluded . subject to the related laws or require an Environmental Assessment Federal Registerlilol. 82. No. 115lFriday, June 16, 201FlNotices take art average of 4 hours to complete. Total Estimated Hurdens: hours or 3253.391, 27719 . . Number of Frequent: oi Hes onses Burden a I Inbmamn on once Hourl cost so ?no? respondents response per annum per response burden hours per regponse Annual Cost reviews 2.454 . ?l 2,454 . 45 1,340.5 $33.33 $5.1344 TEVIBWS L473 I 1.478 4 5.912 33.33 197.04? Total 3.932 3.932 .. 33.33 253.391 B. Solicitation ofPublic Comment This notica is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of informatittn is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have rectical utility; The accuracy of the agency?s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information: Ways to enhance the quality. utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection ofinformation on those who are to respond; including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 350? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. Date: June 12, 201?. Clifford Tamil. General Deputy Assistant Secretory for Comm unity Planning and Development. Doc. 2017?12er Filed aml BILLING cooE aeta?sr?P DEPARTMENT OF Housme nun unaau DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Congressional Earmarks AGENCY: Of?ce of Community Planning and Development HUD. ACTION: Notice. summer: HUD is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for the information collection described below. In accordaHCc with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose ofthis notice is to allow for on days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: August 15. 201. T. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andlor OMB Control Number and should he sent to: Colette Pollard. Reports Management Of?cer. QDAM. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Ir'th Street SW.. Room 417'6. Washington, DC 20410?5090}. telephone 202?402?3400 [this is not a toll-free number] or email at Colette.Pollordtritlrudgov for a copy of the proposed forms or other available in formation. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll? free Federal Relay Service at {ans} 3339. FOR FURTHER IN FORMATION CONTACT: Anupama Abhyankar. Grants Management Specialist. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Street SW.. Washington. DC 20410; email Anupama Abhyankar at Anupomo?bhyonlror?lt udgov or telephone 202?4132?398'1. This is not a toll-free number. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service stiletto] 8339. Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Pollard. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. A. Overview of Information Collection Title of information Collection: Congressional Earmark Grants. OMB rt provol Number: 250M179. Type ojpltequest: Extension of a currently approved collection. Form Number: Elf?42%: 1 237053, Description of the need for the information and proposed use: The Department's Office of Policy Development and Coordination administers congresaionally mandated grants. known as earmarks. These projects have been identified in the annual appropriation of funds to the Department and in the accompanying conference reports or congressional record accompanying each appropriation. Earmarks generally fall into two categories: Economic Development Initiative-Special Project and Neighborhood Initiative [Nil grants. HIJD's Of?ce of Policy Development and Coordination and its Environmental lli'if?cers in the field use this information to make funds available to entities directed to receive funds appropriated by Congress. This information is used to collect. receive. review and monitor program activities through applications. semi-annual reports, and close out reports. The information is collected is used to assess performance. Grantees are units of state and local government. nonprofits and indian tribes. Respondents are initially identi?ed by congress and generally fall into two categories: Economic Development initiative-Special Project grantees and Neighborhood Initiative [Ni] grantees. The agency has used the application. semi-annual reports and close out reports to track grantee performance in the implementation of approved projects. Respondents o??ected public]: 450. Estimated Number of Respondents: 45G. Estimated Number ofResponss-s: son. Frequency of Response: 2. Average Hours per Response: .50. Total Estimated Burdens: annual burden hours 45!] cost $1 5.075. D-1 7-0201-A-000129 Federal Registeerol. 32, No. 115tFriday, lune 16, 2015?lNotices 27'715 Annuauzeo DATA COLLECTION Bur-roan Ftesponses Total Instrument rSlumber of per numbm of Hours per Total burden Spondems respondent responses hours Standard DSP Monitoring Tool 136 4 544 3 1.632 Section A: Fix 25 4 100 100 Section Total 135 .. T23 1,310 Please note this notice supersedes the one that was published on ?l12l15. Written comments and recommendations concerning the proposed information collection should be sent by July 201? to the SAMHSA Desk Of?cer at the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. Office of Management and Budget To ensure timely receipt of comments, and to avoid potential delays in DMB's receipt and processing of mail sent through the U.S. Postal Service, commenters are encouraged to submit their comments to OMB via email to: Although commenters are encouraged to send their comments via email. cammenters may also fax their comments to: Commenters may also mail them to: Of?ce of Management and Budget. Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, New Executive Office Building, Room 10102. Washington, DC 20503. Summer King. Statistician. Doc. 2017-12519 Filed 15?17mm am] BILLING cooe 4162-20?9 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 60-Day Notice ot Proposed Information Collection: State Community Development Block Grant (CDEG) Program AGENCY: Of?ce of Community Planning and Development (CPD). HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Of?ce of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act, HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 60 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: August 15. 201?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andlor OMB Control Number and should be sent to: Colette Pollard, Reports Management. Officer, QDAM. Department. of Housing and Urban Development, 451 itth Street SW., Room 4151-). Washington. DC telephone 202?402?3400 [this is not a toll-free number] or entail at Colette.Pollord@lrud.gov for a copy of the proposed forms or other available information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at [300] B339. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Iames Hoemann, Deputy Director, State and Small Cities Division, Office of Block Grant Assistance, 3th Floor, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 'Fth Street SW., Washington, DC. 20410: email Iames Haemann at. james.e.lloemonn@nud.gov or telephone 202?402?5?15. This is not a toll?free number. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at [300] 8339. lCopies of available documents submitted to 13MB may be obtained from Mr. Hdemann. SUPPLEMENTAHV rusoeuarron: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. A. Overview of Information Collection Title oflnfarrnotlon Collection: State Community Development Block Grant Program. OMB Approval Number: 2505?0035. Type elite-quest: Revision ofa currently approved collection. Form Number: Description of the need for the information and proposed use: The Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended requires grant recipients that receive CDEG funding to retain records necessary to document compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements on an on-going basis. The statute also requires [Section that HUD conduct an annual review to determine whether states have distributed funds to units of general local government in a timely manner. Additionally, Section 915 of the Cranston?Gonzalea National Affordable Housing Act of 1990. prescribes a consultation with representatives of the interests of the residents of the colonies. Respondents affected public]: This information collection applies to 50 State CDBG Grantees {49 states and Puerto Rico but not Hawaii]. Estimated Number of Respondents.- 50. Estimated Number of Responses: 3,654. Frequency of?esponse: Ongoing. Average Hours per Response: 2?.53. Total Estimated Burdens: 100.509. . . Number of Frequency ol Responses Burden hour Annual Hourly cost '"fmmal'o" museum respondents response per annum per response burden hours per response Annual cost Record-Keeping: ?State .. 50 Clo-going Ongoing 126.00 1550 $34.58 $261 ?79.00 ?Locat Gavem- 3.500 Clo-going Clo-going -. 20.13 92,700 34.53 3,205,550.00 merit. Timely Distribution 50 1 1 2.50 . 130 34.53 4,495.40 Colonies Consultation 54 1 1 4.00 215 34.58 1469.23 27'.er Federal Registeerol. 82. No. 115lFriday. June to. 201?lNotices . . Number of Frequency of Responses Burden hour Annual Hourly cost Informal? Wham" respondents response per annum per response burden hours per response Annual cost Total 100.596 B. Solicitation ofPublic Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility". The accuracy of the agency?s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information: Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity of the information to be collected: and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond; including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of informaticIn technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 350'? of the Paperwork Reduction notorious. 44 U.3.C. Chapter 35. Dated: lune 12. 201.7. Clifford Ta?'et. General Deputy Assistant'Secretoryfor Community Planning and Development. Doc. coir?125m Filed s?ts?t 3:45 am] BILLING asto?sr-P DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. ?ll-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Housing Opportunities tor Persons With AIDS Program AGENCY: Office of Community Planning and Development. HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Of?ce of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for ED days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: August 15. 201?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited. to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andlor OMB Control Number and should be sent to: Colette Pollard, Reports Management Of?cer. QDAM. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 ?th Street SW.. Room 41376. Washington. DC 20410?5000; telephone 202?402?3400 [this is not a toll-free number] or email at for a copy of the proposed forms or other available information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through by calling the to1l+ free Federal Relay Service at [son] 5339. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Lisa Steinhauer. Community Planning and Development Specialist. Of?ce of AIDS Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 F?th Street SW.. Washington. DC 20410: email Lisa Steinhauer at Liso.A.Steinhoner@ hudgov or telephone 202?4112?5181. This is not a toll-free number. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service Ell Copies ofavailable documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Pollard. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. A. Overview of Information Collection Title oflnformntion Collection: Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS Grant Application Submission. Recordkeeping. and Reporting. OMB Approval Number; 2505?0133. Type ofRequest: Revision of currently approved collection. Form Mum her: 1 1 Iii?B. 4011043, SF?d?d. and Description of the need for the information and proposed use: The current paperwork reduction act approval under OMB Control No. 2506? 0133 covers both the HOPWA formula and competitive grant programs. The competitive grant program includes new competitive grants and renewal grants. The information collection requirements pertain to grant application submission requirements which will be used to rate applications. determine eligibility. and establish grant amounts. HDPWA plans to continue using form til?B. HUPWA Competitive Application lit Renewal of Permanent Supportive Housing Project Budget Summary. as a component of determining applicant eligibility and establishing grant amounts for competitive grants. Limited technical edits are proposed for form competitive and renewal application submission also require submission of the following forms: 817424: and Form is currently covered under approval number 25ml? 12. The addition of narratives to addreSs the five HUD standard rating factors will allow HUD to rate application and further determine eligibility and establish grant amounts. Applicants applying for HUD competitive funds are required to respond to these ?ve rating factors in narrative form. These narratives will complement the currently approved budget summary form, and allow HUD to determine if applicants are proposing projects within statutory and regulatory limitations. The five HUD standard rating factors include: Factor 1: Capacity of the Applicant and Relevant Organizational Staff; Factor 2: NeedlExtent of the Problem; Factor 3: Soundness-of Approach; Factor 4: Leveraging Resources; and Factor 5: Achieving Results and Program Evaluation. New HOPWA competitive applicants will be required to respond to each rating factor within the page limits establish in the grant solicitation. HUPWA renewal applicants will also be required to respond with narratives. but the information will be more limited and foottsed on continued compliance with the HOPWA program activities originally awarded until their initial grant application. The reporting and recordkeeping for both HDPWA formula and competitive grant programs are also included in this approval. Technical edits are proposed for forms and aililtl?D. and are limited to updating outdated references and information currently contained in the forms. Grantees provide annual information on program accomplishments that supports program evaluation and the ability to measure program beneficiary outcomes ?THIN-marl II mml?? mm? can: 27356? Federal Registerl?llol. 82. No. ll?lMonday. June 19. 2017I?Notices the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility; The accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information; Ways to enhance the quality, utility. and clarity of the information to be collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond. including through the use ofappropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology, permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 350? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: May 30. 201?. Inez Downs. Department He ports Mo nogemenr O?icer. Office of the Cl: lef In formation Of icer. IFR Doc. 2017?12505 Filed s?ts?ir: 6:45 aml BILLING coca arm?sm- DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Multifamily Prolect Accounting Reports AGENCY: Office of the Chief Information Officer. HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD submitted the proposed information collection requirement described below to the Of?ce of Management and Budget for review. in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. The purpose of this notice is to allow for an additional 30 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: luly 19. 201?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andlor OMB Control Number and should be sent to: HUD Desk Officer, Office of Management and Budget. New Executive Of?ce Building. Washington. DC 205?3: fax: 202?395?5306. Email: OlHA_Submissionrliiombcopgov. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Inez C. Downs. Reports Management Officer. QMAC. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Street SW.. Washington. DC 20410; email Inez C. Downs at lne2.C.Doers@lIud.gov or telephone 202?402?3046. This is not a toll-free number. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at 3339. Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Downs. SUPPLEMENTARY This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval front OMB for the information collection described in Section A. The Federal Register notice that solicited public comment on the information collection for a period of 60 days was published on February 24. Z?liat 82 FR 11595. A. Overview oflnformation Collection Ti lle of Information Collection: Multifamily Project Accounting Reports. OMB Approval Number: 250241108. Type of Request: Revision of a currently approved collection. Form Number: HUDA 93480. and HUD-93481. Description of the need Jfor the information and proposed use: This information is necessary for HUD to monitor compliance with contractual agreements and to analyze cash flow trends as well as occupancy and rent collection levels. Respondents: Business and Other for profit and non-pro?t entities. Estimated Number ofHespondenls: 12.222. Estimated Number of Responses: 87.939. Frequency of Response: Average Hours per Response: 0.08 hours. Total Estimated Burdens: 7.041. B. Solicitation ofl?ohlic Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility; The accuracy of the agency?s estimate ofthe burden of the proposed collection of information: Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity of the information to be collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond: including using appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 350? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. as LI.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: May 23. 201?. Inez C. Downs. Department Reports Management Officer. Office of the Ch lefloformullon Officer. Doc. l-?ilcd s?is?1T:s:4s BILLING cooE 4210-6745 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 30-033; Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Allocation of Operating Subsidies Under the Operating Food Formula: Data Collection AGENCY: Office ofthe Chief information Officer. HUD. ACTION: Notice. HUD has submitted the proposed information collection requirement described below to the Office of Management and Budget for review. in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. The purpose of this notice is to allow for an additional 30 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: Iuly 19. 201?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andlor OMB Control Number and should be sent to: HUD Desk Officer. Office of Management and Budget. New Executive Office Building. Washington. DC 2?503: fax: 202?395?5805. Email: FOR FURTHER IN FORMATION CONTACT: Colette Pollard. Reports Management Officer. QOAM. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Nb Street SW.. Washington, DC 20410; email Colette Pollard at ColettePollora?Ed} udgov or telephone 202?402?3400. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through by calling the toll?free Federal Relay Service at [800] This is not a toll-free number. Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Pollard. INFonuArloN: This notice informs the public that HUD has submitted to OMB a request for approval of the information collection described in Section A. The Federal Register notice that solicited public comment on the information collection . . a. for a period of 50 days was published on December 21. 201 6 at 81 FR 03598. A. Overview of information Collection Title of Information Collection.- Allocation of Operating Subsidies under the Operating Fund Formula: Data Collection. OMB A provoi Number: Type ofDRequest: Revision of currently ap raved collections. arm Number: and Respondents: State, Local or Tribal Government, Public Housing Agencies Description of the need Jfor the information and proposed use: Public Federal RegisteriVol. 82, No. iiBtMonday. June 19, 201?;?Notices Housing Agencies (PHAS) use this information in budget submissions which are reviewed and approved by HUD field offices as the basis for obligating operating subsidies. This information is necessary to Calculate the eligibility for operating subsidies under the Operating Funding Program regulations. as amended. The Operating Fund is designed to provide the amount of operating subsidy needed for well- managed PHAs. PHAs submit the information electronically with these forms. Three changes occurred with the form First. respondents requested to provide the total number of 27857 units for all projects under the Annual Contributions Contract Second, aligned the requirements for Limited lv?acancy (Section 2. Line 14} to 24 CFR 090.150. Finally, respondents may enter the Resident Paid Utilities benefits for Energy Performance Contracts in a separate line [Section 3. Part E, Line 02]. There is one change to the HUD eliminated the Frozen Rolling Base checkbox in Section 1 and instead the respondents indicate a Rolling Base Consumption Level Category for each utility. Total Estimated Burdens: Burden . Number of Frequency of Responses Annual Hourly cost Hermann" Canadian respondents response per annum gigg?gg burden hours per response Annual cost 1000 0.?5 5.250 5,250 $30.98 162.645 ?,000 ?l 0.75 5,250 5.250 30.08 162.645 Total .. 10,500 025,290 B. Solicitation ofPublic Comment This notice solicits comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility: The accuracy of the agency's estimate ofthe burden of the proposed collection of information: Ways to enhance the quality. utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond. including the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology, permitting electronic submission ofresponses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 350? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1905. 44- LT.S.C. Chapter 35 as amended. Dated: june '13, 2017. Colette Pollard, Department Reports Management Officer, Office of the Chief information Officer. Doc. 201?-12?20 Filed e?ie?17;s;4s am] BILLING 00 0210-6743 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 30?Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: HUD Conditional CommitmenttDirect Statement of Appraised Value AGENCY: Office of the Chief information Of?cer, HUD. acuon: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act, HUD is requesting from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose ofthis notice is to allow for 30 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: July 19. 20127. soonesses: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andtor OMB Control Number and should be sent to: HUD Desk Of?cer, Office of Management and Budget. New Executive Office Building, Washington. DC 20503; faxz202?395?5305, Email: OHM Submission?iamheopgov. FOR FURTHER CONTACT: Colette Pollard. Reports Management Officer, QMAC, Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 7th Street SW.. Washington, DC 20410: email ti?olette Pollard?itiudgov, or telephone 202?402?3400. This is not a toll-free number. Person with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at (800] Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Pollard. SUPPLEMENTARY tNFoeMAnou: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. The Federal Register notice that solicited public comment on the information collection for a period of 60 days was published on December 20. 2015 at 81 FR 92839. 11. Overview of information Collection Title of Information Collection: HUD Conditional CommitmenttDirect Endorsement Statement of Appraised Value. OMB Approval Number: 2502?0494. Type off-"tequcst: Revision of currently approved. Form Number: HUD 92800.5b. Description of the need for the information and proposed use; Lenders must provide to loan applicants either a completed copy of form or a copy of the completed appraisal report, at or before loan closing. Form HUD 02500.53 serves as the mortgagee's conditional commitmentidirect endorsement statement of value of Flint mortgage insurance on the property. The form provides a section for a statement ofthe property?s appraised value and Federal Register! lv?ol. 32. No. tloihrlonday. June 19. 201? iNotices 2.?855 Descri mm of information collection Number of Responses Total annual Hours er lespandems Year responses responFsa Tma' hours HUD Form No. 2510?001 HUD?527'55?Sample Contract Admin. Partnership Agree- ment 40 1 40 HUD-52551HFSS Application 800 1 800 all; 1 20; Subtotal {Application} .. Action Plan .. 10 1 will aid Lift; of Participation . 900 10 9.000 .25 2 250 Account Credit Worksheet T50 50 3?.500 .85 31:3?5 HUD?104%rant Agreement? mu 1 700 Not. Mia Annual Fteport {Narrative} .. I 3?00 1 700 1 700 HUD?S?d?a?Femily Fteport (OMB No. . .. i 900 50 45.000 0 0 Subtotal {Program Hepor?ngf?ecordkeoping) .. .. 12.1 34.925 Total .. 14.9 36.?39 'HUD?toed. Awardiatmendment is completed by HUD stall. signed by the recipient of the grant. and returned to HUD. This form is a certifi- cation and HUD ascribes no burden to its use. Burden hours for forms showing zero burden hours in this collection are re?ected in the OMB approval number cited or do not have a reportable burden. E. Solicitation ofPublic Cemment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility; The accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection ofinforrnation?. Ways to enhance the quality. utility, and clarity of the information to be collected: and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond. including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. encourages interested parties to Submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 3507 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. 44 USE. Chapter 35. Dated: June 13, 201?. Colette Pollard. Deportment Reports Management Officer. D?fice of the Chicfinformoti'on Of?cer. lion. ?irt-12721 Filed 5?15?123; 3:45 am] coon 421 D-ET-P DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Contractor's Requisition- Project Mortgages AGENCY: Office of the Chieflnformation Officer. HUD. ACTION: Notice. sunuaav: HUD submitted the proposed information collection requirement described below to the Office of Management and Budget for review. in accordanco with the Paperwork Reduction Act. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 30 days of public comment. I DATES: Comments Due Dore: [uly 10. 201?. ADDRESSES: interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andior OMB Control Number and should be sent to: HUD Desk Officer. Office of Management and Budget. New Executive Office Building, Washington. DC 20503: fox:202?395?5306. Email: OIRA Submission?ombcopgov FOR FURTHER INFORMAITION CONTACT: Inez C. Downs. Reports Management Of?cer. QMAC. Department ofHOusing and Urban Development. 451 Zith Street SW.. Washington. DC 20410: email insz.C. Downst'ilhudgov. or telephone 202?402?- 8046. This is not a toll?free number. Person with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at [000] Copies ofavailable documents submitted to OMB may he obtained from Ms. Downs. su Peteuenraav This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval front OMB for the information collection described in Section A. The Federal Register notice that solicited public comment on the information collection for a period of 50 days was published on January 31. 201? at 82 FR 8338. A. Overview of Information Collection Title of information Collection: Contractor's Requisition-Protect Mortgages. OMB Approval Number: 2502?0023. Type of?equest: Extension of currently approved. Form Number: HUD-02448. Description of the need for the information and proposed use: Contractor's Submit a application for distribution of insured mortgage proceeds for construction costs. Multifamily Hub Centers ensure that the work is actually completed satisfactory. Respondents: Business or other for- pro?ts. Estimated Number of Respondents: 1.325. Estimated Number of Responses: 15,900. Frequency of Response: '12. Average Hours per Response: 5. Total Estimated Burden: 05.400. El. Solicitation ofFuhlic Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members ofthe public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of era-stiff- the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility: The accuracy of the agency?s estimate of the burden ofthe proposed collection ofinforrnation: Ways to enhance the quality. utility, and clarity of the information to he collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond. including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology, permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 350? ofthe Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. as U.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: May 30, 201?. Inez C. Downs. Department Reports Management O?icer. Office of the Ch ief Information O?icer. Doc. EUR-12635 Filed 6-16-1?: 8:45 am] BILLING arm?31+- DEFARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 9] 30-Day Notice at Proposed Information Collection: Multifamily Project Accounting Reports Of?ce of the Chief information Officer. HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD submitted the proposed information collection requirement described below to the Of?ce of Management and Budget for review. in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. The purpose of this notice is to allow for an additional 3f] days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: Iuly 19. 201?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name audior Control Number and should be sent to: HUD Desk Officer. Office of Management and Budget. New Executive Office Building. Washington, DC 2(1503; fax: 202?395?5306. Email: OIRAJSubmission@omb.eap.gov. FOR FURTHER Inroeuarlou counter: Inez C. Downs, Reports Management Of?cer. QMAC. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Street SW., Washington. DC 20410: email Inez C. Downs at inez.C.Downs@hud.gov or telephone 202?4012148645. This is not a toll-free number. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at 8339. Copies ofavailable documents submitted to OMB may be obtained front Ms. Downs. 5U PPLEMENTAHY INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. The Federal Register notice that solicited public comment on the information collection for a period of so days was published on February 24. 2?17at 32 FR 11595. A. Overview of Information Collection Title of information Collection: Multifamin Project Accounting Reports. OMB Approval Number: 2502?01 Eli}. Type of Request: Revision ofa currently approved collection. Form Number: HUD- 93450. and HUD-93481. Description of the needT for the information and proposed use: This information is necessary for HUD to monitor compliance with contractual agreements and to analyze ca sh flow trends as well as occupancy and rent collection levels. Respondents: Business and Other for profit and non-profit entities. Estimated Number of Respondents: 12.222. Estimated Number of Responses.- Frequency of Response: Average Hours per Response: 0.03 hours. Total Estimated Burdens: 7.04]. B. Solicitation of Public Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility: The accuracy ofthe agency?s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection ofinformation; Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity of the information to be collected: and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection ofinformation on those who are to respond: including using appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic Federal Registeronl. 82. No. il?flvionday. [one 19, submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to so hmit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 350? ofthe Paperwork Reduction Act of?lQQE. 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: May 23. 201?. Inc: (3. Downs. Llepartm ent Reports Management Officer. Office of the Chieflnformotion Of?cer. Doc. 2017?12533 Filed 6?15?17:B:e5 am] BILLING CODE arm-she DEPARTMENT oFHousmG AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 30-Day Notice of Pro posed Information Collection: Allocation of Operating Subsidies Under the Operating Fund Formula: Data Collection Of?ce of the Chief Information Officor, HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD has submitted the proposed information collection requirement described below to the Of?ce of Management and Budget (OMB) for review. in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. The purpose of this notice is to allow for an additional 30 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: July 19. 201 7. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andior OMB Control Number and should be sent to: HUD Desk Of?cer. Of?ce of Management and Budget. New Executive Office Building. Washington. DC 20503; fax: 202?395?5806. Email: FDFI FURTHER IN CONTACT: Colette Pollard, Reports Management Of?cer. QDAM, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 45] ?lth Street SW.. Washington. DC 20410; email Colette Pollard at hudgov or telephone Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at [800] This is not a toll-free number. Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Pollard. INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD has submitted to OMB a request for approval of the information collection described in Section A. The Federal Register notice that solicited public comment on the information collection Federal Registeerol. 82, No. ll?lMonday. June 19. 2015?iNotices Evaluate the accuracy ofthe agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information, includin the validity of the methodo ogyr and assumptions used: Enhance the quality. utility. and clarity ofthe information to be collected; and Minimize the burden of the collection ofinformation on those who are to respond. including through the use of appropriate automated. electronic. mechanical, or other technological Collection techniques or other forms of information technology, permitting electronic submission of responses. Overview of This Information Collection Type oflnformotion Collection Request: Revision of a Currently Approved Collection. Title of the FormiCollection: Application for permission to reapply for Admission into the United States After Deportation or Removal. Agencyform number, tinny. and the applicable component of the DHS sponsoring the collection: 1-212. USCIS. Affected public who will be asked or required to respond, as well as brief abstract: Primary: Individuals or households. Form 1?212 is necessary for USCIS to determine whether an alien is eligible for and should be granted the bene?t ofconsent to reapply for admission into the United States. Furthermore. Form 12 form standardizes requests for consent to reapply and its data collection requirements ensure that, when filing the application, the alien provides the basic information that is required to assess eligibility for consent to reapply. An estimate of the total none or of respondents and the amount of time estimated for an average respondent to respond: The estimated total number of respondents for the information collection 1?212 is 4.183; the estimated hour burden per response is 2 hours. The estimated total number of respondents filing with Customs and Border Patrol for the information collection [?212 is 82: the estimated hour burden per response is 2.33 hours. The estimated total number of responses for the biometric collection is 100, and the estimated hour burden per response is 1.1? hours. An estimate of the total public burden (in hours} associated with the collection: The total estimated annual hour burden associated with this collection is hours. An estimate ofthe total public burden i in cost} associated with the collection: The estimated total annual cost burden associated with this collection of information is $533,334. Samantha Deshommes, Chief, Regulatory Coordination Division. O?ice of Policy and Strategy. US. Citizenship and immigration Services. Department of Homeland Security. Doc. eon-12525 Filerl s?te?ir: $145 am] cone srtt-sr-P DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program AGENCY: Of?ce of the Chief Information Officer, HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 30 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: July 19. 201 7. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andlor OMB Control Number and should be sent to: HUD Desk Officer, Office of Management and Budget, New Executive Office Building. Washington. DC 20503; fax: 202?395-6805. Email: Oil-13A Submissiondlombeopgov. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Colette Pollard, Reports Management Officer. QMAC. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 7th Street SW.. Washington. DC 20410:. email Colette Pollurd?thudgov, or telephone 202?402?3400. This is not a toll-free number. Person with hearing or speech impairments. may access this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at [300] Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Pollard. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. The Federal Register notice that solicited public comment on the information collection for a period of 60 days was published on October 24. 2018 at at FR r3131. A. Overview of information Collection Title oflnformotion Collection: Family Self?Sufficiency (F55) Program. OMB Approval Number: 257??Ut?8. Type of Request: Reinstatement without change. of previously approved collection fer which approval has expired. Form Number: film?52650, saest. HUD-52652, HUD?soosa. 2830. HUD 52?55. 313?424. Description of the need for the information and proposed use: The FSS program, which was established in the National Affordable Housing Act of promotes the development of local strategies that coordinate the use of public housing assistance and assistance under the Section rental certificate and voucher programs [now known as the Housing Choice Voucher Program) with public and private resources to enable eligible families to increase earned income and ?nancial literacy, reduce or eliminate the need for welfare assistance. and make progress toward economic independence and self-sufficiency. Public Housing Agencies. Indian Tribesl Tribally Designated Housing Entities consult with local of?cials to develop an Action Plan, enter into a Contract of Participation with each eligible family that opts to participate in the program. compute an escrow credit for the family, report annually to HUD on implementation of the FSS program. and complete a funding application for the salary of an FSS program coordinator. Respondents: Public Housing Agencies, TribeslTribaIly Designated Housing Entities, State or Local Governments. ESTIMATED ANNUAL REPORTING AND RECOHDKEEPING BURDEN . . . . . Number of Responses Total annual Hours per of information collection respondents per year resp?nges responae Total hours SHEA?Application for Federal Assistance .. son 1 one 0.75 Boo SF ot Lobbying Activities .. . so 1 4a 0.1? Federal Register! Vol. 82, No. ?11 tifMonday, June 19. 201'? {Notices 27855 . . . Number of Responses Total annual Hours per Description of Information collection respondents per year responses response Total hours HUD Form (OMB No. 2510?001 1) .. 300 1 sec 0 HUD?52755??-Sample Contract Admin. Partnership Agree- ment 40 1 4o t11'i'r Application .. 800 1 BUG 1.5 1,200 Subtotal {Application} .. .. 2.8 1.814 Action Plan .. 1o 1 1t] 10 100 of Participation 900 9.000 .25 2.250 HUDu52652-?Escrow Account Credit Worksheet 1?50 50 3?.500 .35 31.375 HUD?1044?Grant Agreem ent .. T00 1 rec NM. Nita Annual Report {Narraliyel 1'00 1 red 1 rec Fieport (OMB No. QDD I 50 45,000 Subtotal {Program FleportingtF-?teoordkeepingl .. .. 12.1 34,925 Total .. 14.9 36,739 is completed by HUD start, signed by the recipient oi the cation and HUD ascribes no burden to its use. Burden hours for forms showing zero burden hours in this collection are reflected in the OMB approval number cited or do not have a reportable burden. B. Solicitation ofPublic Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the cnllecLion of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility; The accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden ofthe proposed collection of information: Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity ofthe information to be collected: and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond. including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology, permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 3507 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. 4:1 Chapter 35. Dated: lune 13, 261?. Colette Pollard. Department Reports Monogcrricrrt Of?cer. Office of the Chief information Officer. Doc. 201?-12?21 Filed s? 1 a one still sauna cone DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Contractor's Requisition- Project Mortgages AGENCY: Office of the Chief Information Officer, HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: submitted the proposed information collection requirement described below to the Office of Management and Budget for review, in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. The purpose of this notice is to a110w for 30 days of public comment. DATES: Cornrrients Due Date: July 19. 2017. ADDRESSES: interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name undi?or OMB Control Number and should be sent to: HUD Desk Of?cer. Office of Management and Budget, New Executive Office Building. Washington. DC 20603: Email: OIRA Submissiond?ombeopgov FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: lnez C. Downs. Reports Management Officer. QMAC. Department of [leasing and Urban Development. 451 i'th Street SW.. Washington. DC 2041i]: email inc-2.0 Downsdih urigov. or telephone 202?402? tioct?. This is not a toll~free number. Person with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at (BUD) Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Downs. grant. and returned to HUD. This form is a certifio SUPPLEMENTARY This notice informs the public that is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. The Federal Register notice that solicited public comment on the information collection for a period of 6f] days was published on Ianuary 31. 201? at 82 FR 8333. 11. Overview of Information Collection Tide of Information Collection: Contractor?s Requisition-Project Mortgages. OMB Approve! Number: 2502?0026. Type ofHeque-st: Extension of currently approved. Form Number: Description of the needfor the information and proposed use: Contractor?s submit a application for distribution of insured mortgage proceeds for construction costs. Multifamily Hub Centers ensure that the work is actually completed satisfactory. Respondents: Business or other for- profits. Estimated of?cspondents: 1.325. Estimated Number of Responses: 1 5.900. Frequency of Response: 12. Average Hours per Response: 6. Total Estimated Burden: 95,400. E. Solicitation of Public Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members ofthe public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of 27858 as: f" other required FHA disclosures to the homebuyer, including speci?c conditions that must be met before HUD can endorse a firm commitment for mortgage insurance. HUD uses the information only to determine the eligibility of a property for mortgage insurance. Respondents affected public}: Business. Estimated Number of Respondents: 1 80 0. Estimated Number afitesponses: 928,119. Frequency offiesponse: On occasion. Average Hours per Response: 12. Total Estimated Burden: 111, are. R. Solicitation ofPuhlic Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members ofthe public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility; The accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information; Ways to enhance the quality. utility, and clarity of the information to be collected: and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond. including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology, permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. 44 ll.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: May 23, 2017. Colette Pollard, Department Reports Management O?icer, U?ice of the Ch ile information Officer. Doc. 2017?1263? Filed s? 'l e?ir; risks am] I BILLING CODE Federal RegisteriVol. 32, No. 11Eilvtonday. lune 19, 201?il\lotices DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: FHA-insured Mortgage Loan Servicing for Performing Loans Including: Collection and Payment of Mortgage Insurance Premiums, Escrow Administration, Providing Loan Information and Customer Services, Assessment at Post Endorsement Fees and Charges and Servicing Section 235 Loans AGENCY: Office of the Chief Information Officer, HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD submitted the proposed information collection requirement - described below to the Office of Management and Budget for review, in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 30 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: July 19, 2017. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andt'or OMB Control Number and should be sent to: HUD Desk Officer. Of?ce of Management and Budget, New Executive Office Building, Washington. DC 2ti5l33', fax:202?395r5806. Email: OHM Submission?emb.eop.gav. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: 11182 C. Downs, Reports Management Of?cer. QMAC, Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 37th Street SW., Washington. DC 20411"); email: Inez. C. Downs@hud.gov, or telephone 202?402? 8045. This is not a toll?free number. Person with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at [30(1) Copies ofavailable documents submitted to OMB may be obtained . from Ms. Downs. . SUPPLEMENTARY inroeuarion: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. The Federal Register notice that solicited public comment on the information collection for a period of Ed] days was published on Ianuary 31, 2?173t 82 FR 3837. A. Overview of Information Collection Title of information Collection: FHA- Insured Mortgage Loan Servicing for Performing Loans Including: Collection and Payment of Mortgage Insurance Premiums, Escrow Administration. Providing Loan Information and Customer Services, Assessment of Post Endorsement Fees and Charges and Servicing Section 235 Loans. OMB Approval Number: 2562?0583. Type of Request: Revision of currently approved. Form Number: i-Il 11.14300. ?lfii, l?l?A. 102. 114. Description of the need for the information and proposed use: This information request is a comprehensive collection for mortgagees that service Federal Housing Administration insured mortgage loans and the mortgagors, who are involved with collection and payment of mortgage insurance premiums, payment processing. escrow account administration, providing loan information and customer service. assessing post endorsement fees and charges and servicing Section 235 loans. Respondents fie. a?ected public}.- Servicers of FHA-insured mortgages. Estimated Number of Respondents: 12,924. Estimated Number of Responses: Frequency of Response.- Average Hours per Response: 30 minutes. Total Estimated Burden: 2,644,446. B. Solicitation of Public Comment This notice is soliciting comments from memberscf the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility; The accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information: Ways to enhanca the quality, utility. and clarity of the information to be collected; and I Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond, including through the use ofappropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology, permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, 44 USC. Chapter 35. 38 f" Federal Register/Vol. 82. No. 115fMonday, June 19, 201?/Notices Dated: May 23, 201?. Ines C. Downs. Department Reports Management Of?cer. O?ice of the Ch ief Information Officer. Doc. 201?-iaee3 Filed B?le?1?:Ei:45 am] BILLING cone data?sr?P DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT {Docket No. 60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Requirements tor Designating Housing Projects AGENCY: Of?ce of the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing, PIH. HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Office oIManage-ment and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act, HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 50 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: August 18, 2017. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andror OMB Control Number and should be sent to: Colette Pollard, Reports Management Officer. QDAM, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Zith Street SW., Room 4176, Washington, DC 20410?5000: telephone 2?2-402?556?1 {this is not a toll-free ntunber] or email at Coiette.PoHard@hud.gov for a copy of the proposed forms or other available information. Persons Willi hearing or speech impairments may access this number through by calling the toll? free Federal Relay Service at [800] 3339. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Arlette Mussington, Of?ce ofPolicy. Programs and Legislative Initiatives. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street SW., Room 317-3, Washington. DC 20410; telephone is not a toll?free number). Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number via TTY by calling the Federal Information Relay Service at [80(1) 8339. Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Mussington. SUPPLEMENTARY This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. A. Overview of Information Collection Titie of Information Collection: Requirements for Designating Housing Projects. OMB Approval Number: 257??0192. Type ofHequest: Revision of a currently approved collection. Form Number:None. Description of the needfor the information and proposed use: The information collection burden associated with designated housing is required by statute. Section to of the Housing Opportunity and Extension Act of 1996 modi?ed Section 7 of the US. Housing Act of 133? to require Public Housing Agencies to submit a plan for designation for HUD approval before a projectfs] can be designated as either elderly only. disabled only. or elderly and disabled. In this plan. PHAs must document why the designation is needed and provide the following information: 1. Description of the designated housing plan; 2. Justification for the designation; 3. Availability of alternative housing resources for the non?designated populationfsl; 4. Impact on the availability of accessible housing; 5. A statement that existing tenants in good standing will not be evicted: 6. A statement ofthe resources that will be made available if the PHA offers voluntary relocation benefits: and Information describing how the DHP is consistent with any outstanding court orders, lawsuits, investigations, Voluntary Compliance Agreements or Letters of Finding. Respondents effected public]: State. or Local Government. Estimated Number ofHespond'ents: 39. Estimated Number of Responses: 1. Frequency of Response: On Occasion. Average Hours per Response: 15 hours. Total Estimated Burdens: 585 hours. B. Solicitation of Pu blic Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility: The accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information; 27859 Ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology, permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these - questions. Authority: Section 350? ofthe Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: lune 201?. Merrie Nichols-Dixon. Director, Of?ce of Poficy, Programs and Legislative Initiatives. Doc. Zen-122118 Filed 6-15-1?: 3:45 am] BILUNG CODE um?er?P DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. FR-JE anon-on Ell-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Grant Drawdown Payment Voice Activated AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian I-Iousing. PIH. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Of?ce of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 60 days of public comment. Public and Indian Housing Grant recipients use the payment vouchers to request funds from HUD through the LOCCSIVRS voice activated system. The information collected on the form serves also as an internal control measure to ensure the lawful and appropriate disbursement of Federal funds. DATES: Comments Due Date: August 13. 201?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andior OMB Control Number and should be sent to: Colette Pollard. Reports Management Officer, QDAM. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street SW., Room 41m. Washington, DC ED41??5t?l??; telephone 202?402?5584 [this is not a toll-free number} or email at Colette.Poilord@hud.gov for a copy of i A'J'l'l-lrh'l'lCATID U1 Mid-ilkFederal RegisterIVoI. 32, No. ll?fMonday, lune 19, EDITINotices 27859 Dated: May 23. 201?. Inez C. Downs, Reports Management Officer. Office of the Chief information Of?cer. IFR Doc. 201??1 2393 Filed ti??lti+1?; 3:45 am] BILLING cons 4210?61?13 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. Odd?N412] 50-Day Notice ot Proposed Information Collection: Requirements for Designating Housing Projects AGENCY: Of?ce of the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. PIH. HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Of?ce of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 60 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: August 18, 2017. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andt?or OMB Control Number and should be sent to: Colette Pollard. Reports Management Of?cer, QDAM. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Street SW.. Room 41%. Washington, DC 20410?5000: telephone 202?402?5564 [this is not a toll-free number} or email at Colette.FoHord@hud.gov for a copy of the proposed forms or other available information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at 3339. FOR FURTHER IN FORMATION Arlette Mussington, Office of Policy. Programs and Legislative initiatives, Department of Housing and Urban Development, =15] ?th Street SW.. Room BUB, Washington, DC 20410; telephone zoo?aoZ?ai on, [this is not a toll-free number]. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number via TTY by calling the Federal Information Relay Service at [300] 8339. Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Mussington. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval front OMB for the information collection described in Section A. A. Overview of Information Collection Title of Inform otion Collection: Requirements for Designating Housing Projects. OMB Appro vol Number: 2597?0192. Type ofRequest: Revision of a currently approved collection. Form Number: None. Description of the need for the information and proposed use: The information collection burden associated with designated housing is required by statute. Section 10 of the Housing Opportunity and Extension Act modified Section of the LLB. Housing Act of 193? to require Public Housing Agencies (Piles) to submit a plan for designation for HUD approval before a projectls] can be designated as either elderly only. disabled only. or elderly and disabled. In this plan, PHAs must document why the designation is needed and provide the following information: 1. Description of the designated housing plan: 2. Justification for the designation: 3. Availability of alternative housing resources for the non?designated populationls]; 4. Impact on the availability of accessible housing: 5. A statement that existing tenants in good standing will not be evicted: B. it statement of the resources that will be made available if the PHA offers voluntary relocation bene?ts; and 7. information describing how the DHP is consistent with any outstanding court orders. lawsuits, investigations, Voluntary Compliance Agreements or Letters of Finding. Respondents (is. affected public]: State, or Local Government. Estimated Number ofHespon dents .- 39. Estimated Number of Responses: 1. Frequency ofResponse: On Occasion. Average Hours per Response: 15 hours. Total Estimated Burdens: 535 hours. B. Solicitation of Public Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility: The accuracy of the agency?s estimate ofthe burden of the proposed collection of information; Ways to enhance the quality, utility. and clarity of the information to be collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate autOmated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Suction 350? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. 44 U.S.C. Cilaplor 35. Dated: lune 7, 2017. Merrie Nichols-Dixon. Director, Office of Policy. and legislative Initiatives. Doc. 201?-1271Et Filed 3:45 anti BILLING cone 42ttl?6??P DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 50-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Grant Drawdown Payment 1tiniest.- Activated AGENCY: Of?ce of the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing, PIH. HUD. ACTION: NDIICB. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Office ofManagement and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose ofthis notice is to allow for 50 days of public comment. Public and lndian Housing Grant recipients use the payntEnt vouchers to request funds from HUD through the LOCCSIVRS voice activated system. The information collected on the form serves also as an internal control measure to ensure the lawful and appropriate disbursement ofFederal funds. DATES: Comments Due Dots: August 18, 201?. sooeesses: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andfor 0MB Control Number and should be sent to: Colette Pollard. Reports Management Of?cer. QDAM. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Street SW., Room 41 76, Washington, DC 2?4lO-5ll?ll?. telephone [this is not a nurttherl or email at Cofette.Poliord@hud.g0v for a copy of D-1 7-0201-A-000140 avarith Federal Registeerol. 82. No. lift/Monday. lane 19. Z?lrfNotices the proposed forms or other available information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through Tr't? by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at [300] 8339. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Pirlette Mussington. Uffico of Policy. Programs and Legislative Initiatives. PIH, Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 .7th Street SW.. [L?Enfant Plaza. Room 2205], Washington. DC 20410; telephone 202? 402?4109. {this is not a toll-free number). Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number via TTY by calling the Federal Information Relay Servica at {801]} 8339. Copies ofavailable documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Mussington. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. A. Overview of Information Collection Title offnformorion Collection: Grant Drawdown Payment VRS Voice Activated. OMB Approval Number: Type ofiiequesf: Extension of currently approved collection. Form Norribers: 50030? NN. RSDE. RSDF. sooao?PHTa; SUUHU-URP: - Description of the needfor the information and proposed use: Grant recipients use the applicable payment information to request funds from HUD through the LOCCSIVRS voice activated system. The information collected on the payment voucher will also be used as an internal control measure to ensure the lawful and appropriate disbursement of Federal funds as well as provide a Service to program recipients. Respondents: PHAs. state or local government. Tribes and tribally designated housing entities. Frequency of T. we per Form 50080? Number of responses response Gram F?me respondents idg??gmnf {15 minutes Burden hours per program] We?) Capital Fund sense?esp 3,100 eases .25 hours 11,625 Operating Fund 50030? 3,100 85,200 .25 hours 21sec OFND. Resident Opportunities and Supportive Serv- 5 14 .25 hours 3.5 ices (ROSS) RSDE. Flesidenl Opportunities and Supportive Serv- 5 28 .25 hours 7 ices (F1055) Resident Opportunities and Supportive Serv- 50080?80 482 5.?84 .25 hours 1.445 ices (ROSS) SC. 1 Public Housing Technical Assistance 12 134 .25 hours 33.5 Hope 'v'i sooao?uae 1nd 1.020 .25 hours 255 Family Salt-Sufficiency EDDBD-FSS 70D .25 hours Indian Housing Block Grant 351 4,332 .25 hours 83 Indian HOME 5 60 .25 hours 15 Traditional Indian Housing Development 32 3-84 .25 hours 96 4,302 151.356 36.954 B. Solicitation of Public Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collecti on of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection ofinforrnation is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility; The accuracy of the agency's estimate ofthe burden of the proposed collection of information; Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity of the information to be collected: and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond. including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Aulhorily: Section 350? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. 44 USE. Chapter 35. Dated: lune 7, 201?. Merrie Nichols-Dixon. Director. D??ice of i?oficy. Programs and legislative initiatives. IFR Doc. 201??12?19 Filed 5?15-17; 3:45 am! BILLING cons DEPARTMENT OF THE Fish and Wildlife Service Agency Information Collection Activities: OMB Control Number 1018- 0102; National Wildlife Refuge Special Use Permit Applications and Reports AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service. Interior. ACTION: Notice: request for comments. summer: We Fish and Wildlife Service] will ask the Office of Management and Budget to approve the information collection described below. As required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 and as part of our continuing efforts to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, we invite the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on this IC. This IC is scheduled to expire on June 30. 201?. We may not conduct or sponsor and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. DATES: To ensure that we are able to consider your comments on this 1C. we must receive them by July ?19. 2'01 .7. ADDRESSES: Send your comments and suggestions on this information collection to the Desk Ufficar for the Department of the Interior at DIRA at [202] 395?58?? [fax] or HUD-17-0201-A-000141 Federal Registeerol. 82. No. tlofMonday. June 19. 201NNotices 27857 for a period of 60 days was published on December 21. 2010 at 81 FR 533598. A. [herview of Information Collection Title of Information Collection: Allocation ofOperating Subsidies under the Operating Fund Formula: Data Collection. OMB A Number.- Type a Request: Revision of currently approved collections. Form Number: and Respondent's." State. Local or Tribal Government. Public Housing Agencies Description oftlte needfor the information and proposed use: Public Housing Agencies [Pl-ins} use this information in budget submissions which are reviewed and approved by HUD field offices as the basis for obligating operating subsidies. This information is necessary to calculate the eligibility for operating subsidies under the Operating Funding Program regulations. as amended. The Operating Fund is designed to provide the amount of operating subsidy needed for well- managed PHAs. submit the information electronically with these forms. Three changes occurred with the form HUD?sans. First, respondents requested to provide the total number of units for all projects under the Annual Contributions Contract Second. aligned the requirements for Limited Vacancy {Section 2, Line 14] to 24 CFR 990.150. Finally. respondents may enter the Resident Paid Utilities benefits for Energy Performance Contracts in a separate line {Section 3. Part 13. Line 02]. There is one change to the HUD eliminated the Frozen Rolling Base checkbox in Section 1 and instead the respondents indicate a Rolling Base Consumption Level Category for each utility. Total Estimated Burdens.- Burden . . Number of Frequency of Responses Annual Hourly cost Conem'on respondents response per annum gigging; burden hours per response Annual Com 1000 1 0.?5 5.250 5,250 $30.93 152.645 RUDD ?l 0.?5 5.250 5.250 30.95 152.645 Total 10.500 .. 325,290 B. Solicitation of Public Comment This notice solicits comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection ofinformation is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility: The accuracy ofthe agency?s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection ofinformation: Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity of the information to be collected: and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection ofinforrnation on those who are to respond. including the can of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 350? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35 as amended. Dated: lune 13. 2017. Colette Pollard. Department Reports Management Of?cer. Office of the Chieffnformatinn Officer. Filed s-is-ir: 3:45 am] cooE saw-e DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. ~22] Notice of Proposed Information Collection: HUD Conditional CommitmenUDirect Statement of Appraised Value AGENCY: Office ofthe Chief Information Officer. HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 30 days of public comment. DATES: Due Date: July 19. 2017. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andfor OMB Control Number and should be sent to: HUD Desk Of?cer. Office of Management and Budget. New Executive Office Building. Washington. DC 20503: fax:202?395?5805. Email: OIHA Submission?omb.eap.gov. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Colette Pollard. Reports Management Officer. QMAC. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 i'th Street SW., Washington. DC 20410; email ?otette Pallardtahudgov, or telephone 202?402-3400. This is not a toll-free number. Person with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at [800] 377?3339. Copies of available submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Pollard. SUPPLEMENTARY mr-?onuarron: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. - The Federal Register notice the solicited public comment on the information collection for a period of 50 days was published on December 20. 2015 at 81 FR 92339. A. Overview of Information Collection Title oflnformotr'on Collection: HUD Conditional CommitmenttDirect Endorsement Statement of Appraised Value. OMB A provol Number: 2502?0494. Type offline-quest: Revision of currently approved. Form Number: HUD 92300.5b. Description of the needfor the information and proposed use: Lenders must provide to loan applicants either a completed copy of form or a copy of the completed appraisal report. at or before loan closing. Form HUD 92800.53 serves as the mortgagee?s conditional commitmentldirect endorsement statement of value of FHA mortgage insurance on the property. The farm provides a section for a statement of the property's appraised value and sea other required FHA disclosures to the homebuyer. including specific conditions that must be met before HUD can endorse a firm commitment for mortgage insurance. HUD uses the information only to determine the eligibility of a property for mortgage insurance. Respondents fie. affected public}: Business. Estimated Number ofRespondents: 1800. Estimated Nurtiber of Responses: 928.119. Frequencyr of Response: On occasion. Average Hours per Response: 12. Total Estimated Burden: 111. 3?4. B. Solicitation ofPublic Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility: The accuracy of the agency's estimate ofthe burden ofthe proposed collection of information; (3) Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity of the information to be collected: and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond. including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission ofresponses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 350? of the Paperwork Reduction Antof1995.44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: May 23. BUN. Colette Pollard, . Department Reports Management Of icer. Office of the Cb is}" information Officer. Doc. to 17?1258? Filed 5?16?17: 3:45 aml sumac coca 4210-674 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: FHA-Insured Mortgage Loan Servicing for Performing Loans Including: Collection and Payment of Mortgage Insurance Premiums. Escrow Administration. Providing Loan Information and Customer Services. Assessment of Post Endorsement Fees and Charges and Servicing Section 235 Loans AGENCY: Of?ce of the Chief Information Of?cer. HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMHARY: HUD submitted the proposed information collection requirement described below to the Of?ce of Management and Budget for review. in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. The purpose ofthis notice is to allow for 30 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: Iuly 19. 201?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andlor OMB ConLrol Number and should be sent to: HUD Desk Of?cer. Office of Management and Budget. New Executive Of?ce Building. Washington. DC 20503: Email: OIRA ubmissio n@om b. eop. go V. FOFI FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Inez C. Downs. Reports Management Officer, QMAC. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Street SW.. Washington. DC 20410: email: fries. C. Downs?iliudgov. or telephone 202?402? 3046. This is not a toll-free number. Person with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at (soot Fi??8339. Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Downs. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. The Federal Register notice that solicited public comment on the information collection for a period of?? days was published on Ianuary 31. 201Fat 82 FR 383?. A. Overview of Information Collection Title of information Collection: FHA- lnsured Mortgage Loan Servicing for Performing Loans Including: Collection Federal RegisteriVol. 32. No. liBIMonday. lane 19. Eot?Notices and Payment of Mortgage Insurance Premiums. Escrow Administration. Providing Loan Information and Customer Services. Assessment of Post Endorsement Fees and Charges and Servicing Section 235 Loans. OMB Approval Number: 2502?0583. Type of Request: Revision of currently approved. Form Number: 100. 101. 102. 114. Description of the need Jfor the information and proposed use: This information request is a comprehensive collection for mortgage-es that service Federal Housing Administration insured mortgage loans and the mortgagors. who are involved with collection and payment of mortgage insurance premiums. payment processing. escrow account administration. providing loan information and customer service. assessing post endorsement fees and charges and servicing Section 235 loans. Respondents (Le. affected public}: Servicors of FHA-insured mortgages. Estimated Number of Respondents: 12.924. Estimated Number of Responses: 714913.091. Frequency of Response: Average Hours per Response: 30 minutes. Total Estimated Burden: 2.644.446. B. Solicitation of Public Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members ofthe public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility: The accuracy of the agency?s estimate of the burden ofthe proposed collection of information; Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity of the information to be collected; and (4) Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond. including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 350? ofthe Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. 44 USE. Chapter 35. D-1 7-0201-A-000143 2?856 Federal Reysteerol. 82. No. 116tMonday. June 19. 201WNotices the agency. including whether the toll-free number. Persons with hearing information will have practical utility; or speech impairments may access this The accuracy of the agency?s number through by calling the toll- estimate of the burden of the proposed free Federal Relay Service at [800] collection of information; B339. Ways to enhance the quality. Copies of available documents utility. and clarity of the information to submitted to OMB may be obtained be collected: and from Ms. Downs. Ways to minimize the burden of This the collection of information on those notice informs the public that is who are to respond. including through seeking approval from OMB for the the use of appropriate automated information collection described in collection techniques or other forms of Section A, information technology, permitting The Federal Register notice that electronic submission of responses. solicited public comment on the HUD encourages interested parties to information collection for a period of tit] submit comment in response to these days was published on February 24. questions. 201?at 32 FR 11595. Au?l?riti? Section 35?? 0f ?19 P?p?mmk A. Overview oflnformation Collection Reduction Act of 1995. 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: May 3t]. 20: Inc: C. Downs. Department Reports Monagem ant Of?cer. Office ofthe Chief in formation Of?cer. Doc. 20117-12585 Filed Iii-1541?: 3:45 am] BILLING CODE 4210?674 Title of Inform otion Collection: Multifamily Project Accounting Reports. OMB Approval Number: 2502-0108. Type ofHequ-est: Revision ofa currently approved collection. Form Number: HUD- 93480. and HUD-93481. Description of the need for the information and proposed use: This information is necessary for HUD to monitor compliance with contractual agreements and to analyze cash flow 30-Day Notice of Proposed Information treatises well as occupant-r end rent Collection: Multifamily Project Belief-th levels. Accounting nepans Respondents: Business and Other for pro?t and non-profit entities. AGENCY: Office of the Chief Information Estimated Number of Respondents: Of?cer. HUD. 12,222+ ACTION: Notice. Estimated Number of Responses: 3.7.999. SUMMARY: HUD submitted the proposed Frequency ngespmise; information collection requirement Average Hours per Response: one described below to the Of?ce of hours Management and Budget (OMB) for Total Estimated Burdens: F.041. review, in accordance with the . . . . Paperwork Reduction Act. The purpose sullcnalm? of comment of this notice is to allow for an DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND UFIBRN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. This notice is soliciting comments additional Ill] days of public comment. from members of the public and affected DATES: Comma.an Due Date: In?. 19! parties concerning the collection of 201?. Information described in Section A on the following: ADDRESSES: mmr?Sl?ld PBFSOHS are Whether the proposed collection invited to submit comments regarding of information is necessary fm. the this proposal. Comments should refer to pmper Performance Of the functions of - the Pmposal by name audit?- UMH the agency. including whether the Control Number and should be sent to: information will have practical utility; HUD Desk Officer. Office of The accuracy of the agency?s Mwagemem and Eudgms New estimate of the burden of the proposed Executive Of?ce Building. Washington. collection of DC 20503: fax: 202-395?5306. Email: ways to enhance the quality utility. and clarity of the information to Fort FURTHER CONTACT: Inez be collected; and C. Dorms. Reports Management Officer. Ways to minimize the burden of QMAC. Department of llousing and the collection of information on those Urban Development. 451 I?ll: Street SW.. who are to respond: mcludmgusmg Washington. DC attain; email Inez C. appropriate automated collection Downs at inez.C.Dowrts@hud.gov or techniques or other forms of information telephone 292-402?8046. This is not a technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 3507 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of?lQQE, 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: May 23. 201?. Inc: C. Downs. Department Reports Monogram out car. Offica ofthe Chief Information Of?cer. Doc- zen?12633 Filed am] BILLING cooE 421HT-P DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT {Docket No. 30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Allocation of Operating Subsidies Under the Operating Fund Formula: Data Collection Office of the Chief Information Officer. HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD has submitted the proposed information collection requirement described below to the Of?ce of Management and Budget for review. in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. The purpose of this notice is to allow for an additional 30 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: luly 19. 201?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andi'or OMB Control Number and should be sent to: HUD Desk Officer. Office of Management and Budget. New Executive Office Building. Washington. DC 20503; fax: 202?395?5806. Email: FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Colette Pollard. Reports Management Of?cer. QDAM. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 'i'th Street SW.. Washington. DC 20410; email Colette Pollard at Colette.Pollord@ it udgov or telephone 202?402?340t}. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at Bill?3339. This is not a toll-free number. Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Pollard. SUPPLEMENTARY This notice informs the public that HUD has submitted to OMB a request for approval ofthe information collection described in Section A. The Federal Register notice that solicited public comment on [he information collection D-1 7-0201-A-000144 Federal RegisteriVol. 32. No. ll?tMonday, June ?19. EclitNotices Dated: May 23, 201?. Inez C. Downs, - Department Reports Management Of?cer. Of?ce ofthe Chieftnformntion Of?cer. Doc. 201??12593 Filed 8:45 ant] BILLING cooa azie?sr?P DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 60-Day Notice ol Proposed information Collection: Requirements for Designating Housing Proieets AGENCY: Of?ce of the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing, PIH, HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Office ofManagement and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpoSe ofthis notice . is to allow for 60 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: August 18, 2017. ADDRESSES: interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Documents should refer to the proposal by name andior OMB Control Number and should be sent to: Colette Pollard, Reports Management Officer. QDAM. Department oft-loosing and Urban Development. 451 Street SW., Room eti?, Washington, DC 20410?5000; telephone 202-402?5584 [this is not a toll-free number] or email at Colette.PoIIard@hud.gov for a copy of the proposed forms or other available information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at 8339. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Arlette Mussington. Office of Policy, Programs and Legislative Initiatives. PIH. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 ith Street SW., Room SHE. Washington, DC 20410: telephone 202?402?4109, [this is not a toll-free number). Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number via by calling the Federal Information Relay Service at Billie 8339. Copies of available docoments submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Mussington. su PPLEMENTAHY IN This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from CIMH for the information collection described in Section A. A. Overview of Information Collection Title of Information Collection.- Requirements for Designating Housing Projects. OMB Approval Number: 192. Type of?equest: Revision ofa currently approved collection. Form Number: None. Description of the need for the information and proposed use: The information collection burden associated with designated housing is required by statute. Section ?10 of the Housing Opportunity and Extension Act of 1996 modified Section 7 ofthe US. Housing Act of 193? to require Public Housing Agencies [PI-Lats] to submit a plan for designation for HUD approval before a projectis) can be designated as either elde?y only. disabled only, or elderly and disabled. In this plan. PHAs must document why the designation is needed and provide the following information: 1. Description ofthe designated housing plan; 2. Justi?cation for the designation; 3. Availability ofalternative housing resources for the non-designated populationlsl: 4. Impact on the availability of accessible housing: 5. A statement that existing tenants in good standing will not be evicted: B. A statement of the resources that will be made available ifthe offers voluntary relocation bene?ts: and Information describing how the DHP is consistent with any outstanding court orders, lawsuits, investigations. Voluntary Compliance Agreements or Letters of Finding. Respondents (is. affected public}: State, or Local Government. Estimated Number of Respondents: 39. Estimated Number of Responses: 1. Frequency ofHesponse: Un Occasion. Average Hours per Response: 15 hours. Total Estimated Burdens: 585 hours. B. Solicitation of Public Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility: The accuracy of the agency?s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information: Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity of the information to be collected: and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection ofinformation on those who are to respond, including through the use ofappropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 350? of the Paperwork Reduction Actof1995.44 II.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: June 7, 201?. Merrie Nichols-Dixon, Director, Office ofFoticy, Programs and Legislative Initiatives. IFR Doc. 20?] Filed 6?16?17: 8:45 ant] BILLING cone 4210-674 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. Eta-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Grant Drawdown Payment Req Voice Activated AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing, PIH, HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. In accOrdance with the Paperwork Reduction Act, HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 60 days of public comment. Public and Indian Housing Grant recipients use the payment vouchers to request funds from HUD through the voice activated system. The information collected on the form serves also as an internal control measure to ensure the lawful and appropriate disbursement of Federal funds. DATES: Comments Due Date: ?ugust 18. 201?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andi'or OMB Control Number and should be sent to: Colette Pollard. Reports Management Officer, QDAM, Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Street SW.. Room 4175. Washington. DC telephone 202?4?2?55?4 [this is not a toll-free number] or email at Colette.Poiiard@hud.gov for a copy of D-1 7-0201-A-000145 271359 urwm Elm-n Wm GPO - a. do he: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Of?ce of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose ofthis notice is to allow for on days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: ?ugust 21. 201?. ADDRESSES: interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andlor OMB Control Number and should be sent to: Colette Pollard. Reports Management Of?cer. QDAM. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 7th Street SW.. Room 4175, Washington, DC 20410?5000: telephone 202402?3400 [this is not a toll?free number] or email at Coiette.Pollard@liud.gov for a copy of the proposed forms or other available information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through by calling the toll- iree Federal Relay Service at (300} 8339. FOR FURTHER IN FORMATION CONTACT: Name: Harry Messner, Title: Program Analyst. Division: Of?ce of Asset Management and Portfolio Oversight, Email: liarrymossnerfilh ud. gov. Phone Number: 202?402?2626. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Street SW.. Washington, DC 2041i]. This is not a toll-free number. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at 877?8339. Copies of available documents Submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Pollard. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. A. Overview of Information Collection Title oflnformotion Collection: Rent Schedule?Low Rent Housing. OMB Approval Number: 2502?0u12. Type of Request: Revision of currently approved collection. Form Number: Rent Schedule?Law Rent Housing. Description of the need for the information and proposed use: This information is necessary for HUD to ensure that tenant rents are applied in accordance with Hth] administrative procedures. Federal Registeerol. 32. No. 11?lTuesday, June 20, Entithotices Respondents: Owners and managers of subsidized low income housing proiects. Estimated Nut'?fJEii' ofBespondents: 2.455. Estimated Number of Responses: 2,465. Frequency ofHesponse: Annually, or on occasion. Average Hours per Response: 5.33. Total Estimated Burden: 13,133. E. Solicitation ofPuhlic Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility; The accuracy ofthe agency?s estimate of the burden of the pro posed collection of information; Ways to enhance the quality. utility, and clarity of the information to be collected: and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond; including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submisaion of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 351]? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: lune 14.20171 Genger Charles, General Deputy Assistant Secrets ryfor Housing. IFR Filed aml BILLING cooE ditHT?P DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Application for Resident Opportunity and Self Sufficiency Grant Forms AGENCY: Of?ce of the Chief Information Officer, HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Of?ce of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all intereated 28087 parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 30 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date-July 2E1. 201?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name audior OMB Control Number and should be sent to: HUD Desk Officer, Office of Management and Budget. New Executive Office Building. Washington. DC 20503:fox: 202?395-5305. Email: Submissiont?omheop. gov. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Colette Pollard. Reports Management Of?cer. QMAC, Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 7th Street SW.. Washington. DC 20410: email Colette v. or telephone 202?402?3400. This is not a toll?free number. Person with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at [sea] Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Pollard. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. The Federal Register notice that solicited public comment on the information collection for a period of EU days was published on December 20. 2016 at 31 FR 92843. A. Overview of Information Collection Title of information Collection: Application for the Resident Opportunities and Self Sufficiency Program. OMB Approval Number: Type of Request: Revision of currently approved. Form Number: ROSS Grant Application forms: HUD 52?52: HUD 9501!]; SF?l.l.l., 2994?91. Description of the need for the information and proposed use: The forms are used to evaluate capacity and eligibility of applicants to the ROSS program. Respondents: affected public] Public Housing nuthorities. Tribesl Tribe Designate Housing Entities. Public Housing resident associations. and nonprofit organizations. Estimated Number ofli'espondents: 35D. Estimated Number ofResponses: 350. D-1 7-0201-A-000146 - 28033 Frequency of Response: 1 . A veroge Hours per Response .- 5 on rs. Tomi Estimated Burden: 19 l] B. Solicitation of Public Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance ofthe functions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility: The accuracy ofthe agency's estimate ofthe burden ofthe proposed collection of information: Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity of the information to be collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond: including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission ofresponses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 350? ofthe Paperwork Reduction Act of less. 44 USE. Chapter 35. Dated: May 23, 201?. l[Colette Pollard. Department Reports Management Officer. O?ice of the Chiefinformotion Officer. Doc. 2017?12323 Filed am] sauna CODE 4210?674 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Fish and Wildlite Service FRESH 1 130300000?1 Endangered Species Recovery Permit Applications AGEHDY: Fish and Wildlife Service. Interior. ACTION: Notice of receipt of permit applications: request for comment. SUMMARY: We. the US. Fish and Wildlife Service. invite the public to comment on the following applications to conduct certain activities with endangered species. With some exceptions. the Endangered Species Act [Act] prohibits activities with endangered and threatened species unless a Federal permit allows such activity. The Act also requires that we invite public comment before issuing recovery permits to conduct certain activities with endangered species. DATES: Comments on these permit applications must be received on or before July 20. 2017. ADDRESSES: Written data or comments should be submitted to the Endangered Species Program Manager, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Region 3. 2800 Cottage Way. Room SaCramento. CA 95825 (telephone: 915?414?6464: fax: 915?414?6485]. Please refer to the respective permit number for each application when submitting comments. FOR FUFITHER INFORMATION Daniel Marquez. Fish and Wildlife Biologist: see ADDRESSES {telephone: fax: ?50?43 1?9824]. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The following applicants have applied for scientific research permits to conduct certain activities with endangered species under section of the Act [?16 U.S.C. 1531 et .9ng. We seek review and comment from local. State. and Federal agencies and the public on the following permit requests. Applicants Permit No. Applicant: Shannon Rose Kieran The applicant requests a new permit to take [harass by survey. capture. handle. release. collect vouchers. and collect branchiopod the Conservancy fairy shrimp [Hronchinecto conservetio). longhorn fairy shrimp (Bronchinecto iongiontenno}. and vernal pool tadpole shrimp [Lepidurus pockordi] in conjunction with survey activities and genetic research throughout the range of the species in California and Oregon for the purpose of enhancing the species? survival. Permit No. 5 Applicant: Jason Berkley. Chino. California The applicant requests a permit renewal to take [harass by survey. capture. handle. and release] the San Bernardino Merriam's kangaroo rat [Dipotiomys merrioini porvus]: take [harass by survey and locate and monitor nests] the southwestern willow ?ycatcher [Empiricth extimus}; and take [locate and monitor nests} the least Bell?s vireo (Vireo in conjunction with survey and population monitoring activities throughout the range of the species in California and Arizona for the purpose of enhancing the species? survival. Permit No. i Applicant: Matthew Hirkala. Carmichael. California The applicant requests a permit renewal to take [harass by survey. Federal Registeri'v?ol. 32. No. ili?z?Tuesday. lune 20. ZUIWNotices capture. handle. release. collect vouchers. and collect hranchiopod the Conservancy fairy shrimp longhorn fairy shrimp (Bronchitis-eta iongionteono]. San Diego fairy shrimp {Bronchinecto sorrdiegonensis}. Riverside fairy shrimp woottoni]. and vernal pool tadpole shrimp [Lepidurus pockordi) in conjunction with survey activities throughout the range of the species in California for the purpose of enhancing the species? survival. Permit No. Applicant: San Diego Natural History Museum. San Diego, California The applicant requests a permit renewal and amendment to remolvei reduce to possession on Federal lands the following plant taxa in coniunction with survey activities, establishment and maintenance of a living collection or seed bank. and research throughout the range of the species in California for the purpose of enhancing the species' survival. porisiu'i var. goodmoniono [Oxytheco p. var. [Cushenhury oxytheca] a Acmispon dendroideus var. troskioe [Lotus cl. subsp. imskioe) [San Clemente island lotus} i munzii [Munz's onion) I pumiio [San Diego ambrosia] I Arctostophyios gianduioso subsp. crossifoiio [Del Mar manaanita] a Arenorio poiudicoio [marsh sandwort] I Astrogoius oihens [Cushenbury milk- vetchl Astrogoius hrountooii [Eraunton's milk-vetch) - Astrogoius ientigioosus var. [Coachella 1|tialley milk- vetch) Astrogoius pycoostochyus var. ionosissimus [Venture Marsh milk? vetCh] Astrogoius tener var. titi (coastal dunes milk-vetch] 1- .dstrogoius tricorinotus [triple-ribbed milk?vetch] Atripiex coronota var. nototior [San lacinto Valley crownscale) - Herbert's nevim'i [Neviu's harberry] I Coiystegio stebbinsii {Stobbins' morning-glory] Cortex oibido [white sedge] offinis subsp. neglects [Tiburon paintbrush] 9 Cercocorpus trnsio?oe [Catalina island mountain?mahogany] Chloropyv'on moritimum subsp. moritimum [Cordyionthus moritimus subsp. moritirnusl [salt marsh bird's- beak} v- Anne-trump u: mun: GM 23086 Respondents (is. affected pubiic}: Business and other non-pro?t. Estimated Number of Hespendents: 2,?no,aas. Estimated Number of ileSponses: 9,250. Frequen ey of Response: Annual. Average Hours per Response: 1. Total Estimated Burden: 9,250. B. Solicitation of Public Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility: The accuracy ofthe agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information; Ways to enhance the quality. utility, and clarity of the information to be collected: and . Ways to minimize the burden the collection of information on those who are to respond: including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology, permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 350? ofthe Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: lune 1a. 201?. Genger Charles, General Dept: ty Assistant Secretoryfor Housing. Filed 5-19?17: 3:45 aml BILLING CODE 4210?51?15 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Public Housing Financial Management Template AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing, PIH. HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking apprc-val from the Office ofManagement and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information for Applicantt?Tenant?s Consent to the Release of Information and the Authorization for the Release of InformationtPrivacy Act Notice. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 60 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: ?ugust 21, 201?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andtor OMB Control Number and should be sent to: Colette Pollard, Reports Management Officer, QDAM, Department ofHousing and Urban Develoliinent, 451 Street SW., Room 413th, Washington, DC 20410-5000; telephone 202-402-5564 [this is not a toll-free number] or email at Colette.Poftord?lhudgov for a copy of the proposed forms or other available information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at (800] 8339. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Arlette Mussington, Of?ce of Policy. Programs and Legislative Initiatives. PIH, Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 ?th Street SW.. [L'Enfant Plaza. Room 2205], Washington. DC 20410; telephone 202? 402?4109, [this is not a toll-free number}. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number via TTY by calling the Federal Information Relay Service at [800] 3339. Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Mussington. SUPPLEMENTARY INFoauanon: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. A. Overview of Information Collection Title of Information C'oiiection: Public Housing Financial Management Template. OMB A provoi Number: 2535?0101 Type a Request: Extension of a currently approved collection. Form Number: Nita. Description ofthe need Jfor the information and proposed use: To meet the requirements of the Uniform Financial Standards Rule [24 CFR part a, subpart and the asset management requirements in 24 CFR part 990, the Department developed ?nancial management templates that public housing agencies use to annually submit electronically financial information to HUD. HUD uses the financial information it collects from each FHA to assist in the evaluation and assessment of the overall Federal Registeri?v'ol. 32, No. 11?!Tuesday. Iune 20. 201?iNotices condition. Requiring Pl-L'lts to report electronically has enabled HUD to provide a comprehensive financial assessment of the PHAs receiving federal funds from HUD. Respondents:Public Housing Agencies Estimated Annut?d Reporting and Hecordireeping Burden: The estimated number of respondents is 3,916 PHAs that submit one unaudited financial management template annually and 3.533 PHAs that submit one audited financial management template annually, for a total of SKI-154 responses. The average number of hours for each PITA response is 5.33 hours, for a total reporting burden of 39,?21 hours. B. Solicitation of Public Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility: The accuracy of the agency?s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information: Ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection ofinfomiation on those who are to respond; including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology, permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. authority: Section ssor ofthe Paperwork Reduction no ofiEleS, 44 Chapter 35 as amended. Dated: lune Men-ia- NicholstDixon. Director. Office of Policy, Programs and tegisiotiveinitiatives. 2017-12321 Filed am] BILLING cooe rain?5L9 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. FR?Eoot?N?te] eo-Day Notice oi Proposed Information Collection: Rent Schedule?Low Income Housing; Form AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Housing?Federal Housing Commissioner, IIUD. mum-calm In Wm- meat Federal Registeri?Vol. 82. No. iithuesday. June 20. 2013'2Notices Respondents (to. a?ected public}: Business and other non-profit. Estimated Number ofRespondents: Estimated Number of Responses: 9.250. Frequency of Response: Annual. Average Hours per Response: 1. Total Estimated Burden: 9.250. B. Solicitation ofPuhlic Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concarning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility; The accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information; Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity of the information to be collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond; including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology, permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 350? ofthe Paperwork Reduction not of1995. as U.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: lune .14. 201?. Genger Charles. General Deputy Assistant Secrets ryfor Housing. [Fit Doc.201??12325 Filed 3:45 aml BILLING CODE 4230-574 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. Fa?aoa4?N-os] 60-Day Notice of Proposed Intormation Collection: Public Housing Financial Management Template AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. Pll-l. HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Office oflvtanagement and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information for Applicanti'l'enant?s Consent to the Release of Information and the Authorization for the Release of Informalionr?Privacy Act Notice. The purpose ofthis notice is to allow for days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: August 21. 201 ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andfor OMB Control Number and should be sent to: Colette Pollard. Reports Management Officer. QDAM. Department oil-loosing and Urban Development. 451 Street SW.. Room 4176. Washington. DC telephone 202?402?5564 [this is not a toll-free number] or email at for a copy of the proposed tonne or other available information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll- freo Federal Relay Service at 877- 8339. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Arlette Mussington. Office of Policy. Programs and Legislative Initiatives. Pll-I. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 45] Fill Street SW.. [L?Enfant Plaza. Room 2206]. Washington. DC 20410; telephone 201% 402?4109. [this is not a toll-free number]. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number via TTY by calling the Federal Information Relay Service at 87?- 3339. Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained From Me. Mussington. SUPPLEMENTARY Isroaiusnou: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. A. Overview of [nformation Collection Title of information Collection: Public Housing Financial Management Template. OMB Approval Number: 2535?01023?. Type ofHequest: Extension of a Currently approved collection. arm Number: Nita. Description of the need for the information and proposed use: To meet the requirements of the Uniform Financial Standards Rule [24 CFR part 5. subpart and the asset management requirements in 24 CFR part Elfin. the Department developed financial management templates that public housing agencies use to annually submit electronically ?nancial information to HUD. uses the ?nancial information it collects from each FHA to asaist in the evaluation and assessment of the overall condition. Requiring PHAs to report electronically has enabled HUD to provide a comprehensive financial assessment of the PI-lrts receiving federal funds from HUD. Respondents: Public Housing Agencies Estimated Annual Reporting and Hecarrikeeping Burden: The estimated number of respondents is 3.9?i6 PHAs that submit one unaudited financial management template annually and 3.538 PHAs that submit one audited financial management template annually. for a total of 7.454 responses. The average number of hours for each PHA response is 5.33 hours. for a total reporting burden of 39.?21 hours. B. Solicitation of Public Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility: The accuracy of the agency?s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information; Ways to enhance the quality, utility. and clarity of the information to be collected: and Ways. to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond; including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section ssor ofthe Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. 44 [13.0 Chapter 35 as amended. Dated: lune 201?. Merrie Director. Office of Policy. Programs and Legislative initiatives. [Flt one. ems?12321- Filed s?iu-ir: 8:45 am] BILLING cooE data?6H:- DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 3] 60-Day Notice ot Proposed Information Collection: Rent Schedule?Low Income Housing; Form HUD-92453 AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Housing?Federal Housing Commissioner. HUD. ?59? ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget for the information collection described below, In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for days of public comment. OATES: Comments Due Date: August 21, 201 7. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andlor OMB Control Number and should be sent to: Colette Pollard. Reports Management Officer. QDAM. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Street SW., Room airs, Washington. DC 20410?5000; telephone 202?402?3400 (this is not a toll-free number] or email at Colette.Pollard@liud.gov for a copy of the proposed forms or other available information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at {800] 3339. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Nome: Harry Messner. Title: Program Analyst. Division: Office of Asset Management and Portfolio Oversight. Email: Phone Number: Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Street SW.. Washington. DC 20410. This is not a toll-free number. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll?free Federal Relay Service at [800] Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Pollard. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. A. Overview of Information Collection Title of Information Collection: Rent Schedule?Low Rent. Housing. OMB Approval Number: 2502?0012. Type of Request: Revision of currently approved collection. Form Number: Rent Schedule?Low Rent Housing. Description of the needfor the information and proposed use: This information is necessary for HUD to ensure that tenant rents are applied in accordance with HUD administrative procedures. Federal Registeerol. 82. No. June 20. 2UirlNotices Respondents: Owners and managers of subsidized low income housing projects. Estimated Number ofRespondents: 2.455. Estimated Number ofRosponsos: 2.465. Frequency oflfesponse: Annually. or on occasion. Average Hours per 5.33. Total Estimated Burden: 13.133. B. Solicitation of Public Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties_concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility: The accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden oftbe proposed collection of information; Ways to enhance the quality, utility. and clarity of the information to be collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond; including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authorily: Section 350? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of teen. 44 LLSC. Chapter 35. Dated: lane 14. 201?. Genger Charles. General Deputy Assistant Secretoryfor Housing. Doc. 201142324 Filed am] sauna coo-e 421o-sr?P DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Application for Resident Opportunity and Self Sufficiency Grant Forms AGENCY: Of?ce of the Chief Information Officer. HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARV: HUD is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget for the infarmation collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested 28087 parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notico is to allow for 30 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: July 20. 201?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit. comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andlor OMB Control Number and should be sent to: HUD Desk Officer. Of?ce of Management and Budget. New Executive Of?ce Building. Washington. DC 20503; fax: Email.- OIRA Submission@omb.eop.gov. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Colette Pollard. Reports Management Officer. QMAC. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 F'th Street SW., Washington, DC some; email Colette Pollord?hud.gov. or telephone 202?402?3400. This is not a toll?free number. Person with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll~free Federal Relay Service at [800} Copies of available documents submitted to OMB maybe obtained from Ms. Pollard. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. The Federal Register notice that solicited public comment on the information collection for a period of days was published on December 20. 2016 at 3'1 FR 92343. A. Overview of Information Collection Title of information Collection: Application for the Resident Opportunities and Self Sufficiency Program. OMB A proval Number: Type a Request: Revision of currently approved. Form Number: ROSS Grant Application forms: HUD 521752; HUD 52?53; 93010: 517?424: 2994-11. Description offlie need for the information and proposed use: The forms are used to evaluate capacity and eligibility ofapplicants to the ROSS program. Respondents: affected public] Public Housing Authorities. Tribes! Tribe Designate Housing Entities. Public Housing resident associations. and nonprofit or anizations. Estimate Number of Respondents: 350. I Estimated Number of Responses: 350. in mutant hit-In?ll- Federal Registeerol. 82. No. ll'i'lTuesday. lune ZOtWNotices 28085 Telephone number (202] 27?2?331'7 {This is not a toll-free number; comments are not accepted via telephone message]. Please note contact information provided here is solely for questions regarding this notice. It is not for individual case status inquiries. Applicants seeking information about the status oftheir individual oases can check Case Status Unline. available at the USCIS Web site at or call the USCIS Notional Customer Service Center at 315?5283; TTY [300) T57-1833. Comments The information collection notice was previously published in the Federal Register on March is. 201?. at 32 FR 13652, allowing for a 60-day public comment period. USCIS did receive comments in connection with the day notice. You may access the information collection instrument with instructions. or additional information by visiting the Federal eRulemaking Portal site at: and enter in the search box. Written comments and suggestions from the public and affected agencies should address one or more of the following four points: (1) Evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility; Evaluate the accuracy of the agency's estimate ofthe burden of the proposed collection of information. including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; Enhance the quality, utilityI and clarity olthe information to he collected; and Minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond. including through the use of appropriate automated, electronic. mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. Overview of This Information Collection Type of information Collection Request: Extension, Without Change. of a Currently Approved Collection. Title of the Formi?Coiiectian: Request for Certi?cation ofl?vlilitarypr Naval Service. (3) Agencyform number, if any, and the applicable component of the DHS sponsoring the collection: USCIS. l4] Affected public who will be asked or required to respond. as well as a brief abstract: Primary: Individuals or households. USCIS uses the information collected through Form N425 to request a verification oftbe military or naval service claim by an applicant filing for naturalization on the basis of honorable service in the U.S. armed forces. An estimate of the total number of respondents and the amount of time estimated for on average respondent to respond: The estimated total number of reapondents for the information collection is and the estimated hour burden per response is .333 hours. . (B) An estimate oftbe total public burden {in hours] associated with the collection: The total estimated annual hour burden associated with this collection is 3.330 hours. An estimate of the total public burden {in costlI associated with the collection: The estimated total annual cost burden associated with this collection of information is $245,000. Dated: June 14. 2017. Ierry Rigdon. Deputy Chief. Regulatory Coordination Division. Office of Policy and Strategy. U.S. Citizenship and immigration Services. Department ofliorneiand Security. [Fit lloc. Filed 5?19?1?1ti:45 am] BILLING CODE 9111-97-P DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: 'I'echnical Processing Requirements for Multifamily Project Mortgage Insurance AGENCY: Of?ce ofthe Assistant Secretary for Housing?Federal Housing Commissioner. HUD. ACTION: Notice. summer: HUD is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for so days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: August 21. 201 7. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Garments should refer to the proposal by name andlor OMB Control Number and should be sent to: Colette Pollard, Reports Management Officer. QDAM. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 ith Street, SW.. Room 41%. Washington. DC 213410?5000: telephone 202?402?3400 [this is not a toll-free number] or email at Colette.Pollard@l1ud.gov for a copy of the proposed forms or other available information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at 3339. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Sylvia Cbatman, Of?ce of Multifamily Housing, Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 ith Street SW., Washington. IJC 20410; email I sylvia.s.chatman@hud.gov or telephone 202?402?2994. This is not a toll-free number. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may ascess this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at [500] 877?8339. Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Cbetman. SUP PLEMENTAHY INFORM ATIDN: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. A. Overview of Information Collection Title of information Collection: Technical Processing Requirements for Multifamin Project Mortgage Insurance. OMB A proval Number: 2502?0594. Type ofp?equest: Extension of currently approved collection. Form Number: 2458. HUD-92443. HUD- 3305. 2415. FHA- 1710. and FHA. 2459. Description of the Need for the information and Proposed Use: The information collection is analyzed by HUD during the four technical discipline phases of an application for mortgage insurance?underwriting. valuation, architectural. and mortgage credit analysis. HUD performs each phase during the application prone-5s to ensure the ?nancial, physical. and environmental soundness of the project. as well as the potential insurance risk. Sponsors. mortgagors and contractors are required to undergo a thorough examination to determine their solvency. reliability. past experience. and dependability to develop. build. and operate the type of multifamily housing project they propose. D-17-0201-A-000151 28086 Respondents (Le. affected public}: Business and other non-profit. Estimated Number off-lespondents; 2300.395. Estimated Number of Responses: 9.250. Frequency of Response: Annual. Average Hours per Response: 1. Total Estimated Burden: 9.250. B. Solicitation of Public Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members ofthe public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility: The accuracy of the agency's estimate ofthe burden ofthe proposed collection of information; Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity of the information to he collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond; including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 3507 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. 44.- U.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: June 14. 201?. Gouger Charles. General Deputy Assistant Secretaiyfar Housing. Doc. 2017-12325 Filed 6?19?17; 3:45 am] BILLING cooE ?lm-P DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Public Housing Financial Management Template AGENCY: Of?ce of the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. PIH. HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information for ApplicantiTeuant's Consent to the Release of Information and the Authorization for the Release of InformationiPrivacy Act Notice. The purpose of this notice is to allow for tit] days of public comment. DATES: Cornments Due Date: August 21. 201?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name author OMB . Control Number and should be sent to: Colette Pollard. Reports Management Officer. QDAM. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 ?th Street SW.. Room 41 7?6. ?r?v'ashinglon. DC telephone 202402?5554 {this is not a toll-free number] or email at Colettc.Pollard@liud.gov for a copy of the proposedforms or other available information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at 87?? 8339. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Arlette Mussington. Office of Policy, Programs and Legislative Initiatives. PIH. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 'i'th Street SW.. [L'Enfant Plaza. Room 2205]. Washington. DC 20410; telephone 202? 402?4109. [this is not a toll-free number]. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number via TTY by calling the Federal information Relay Service at [Still] 8339. Copies of available documents submitted to until may be obtained from Ms. Mussiugton. I SUPPLEMENTARY msoeuanou: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. A. Overview of Information Collection Title oflnfarmation Collection: Public Housing Financial Management Template. OMB Approval Number: Type ofHeauest: Extension of a currently approved collection. Form Number: Description of the need for the information and proposed use: To meet the requirements of the Uniform Financial Standards Rule {24 CFR part 5. subpart Ill and the asset management requirements in 24 CFR part 990. the Department developed financial management templates that public housing agencies [Pt-Intel use to annually submit electronically financial information to HUD. HUD uses the financial information it collects from each PHA to assist in the evaluation and assessment ofthe overall Federal Registeri'v?ol. 82. No. 117iTuesday. June 20, ZDINNotices condition. Requiring Ell-[As to report electronically has enabled HUD to provide a comprehensive financial assessment of the PHAs receiving federal funds from HUD. Housing Agencies. Estimated Annuai Reporting and Recordlrecping Burden: The estimated number of respondents is 3.916 PHAs that submit one unaudited financial management template annually and 3.536 PHAs that submit one audited financial management template annually. for a total of 7.454 responses. The average number of hours for each PHA response is 5.33 hours. for a total reporting burden of 39.?21 hours. B. Solicitation of Public Comment This notice is soliciting comments horn members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility; The accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information: Ways to enhance the quality. utility, and clarity ofthe information to be collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond: including through the use ofappropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of' information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. liUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 350? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of?lQQS. 44 U.S.G. Chapter 35 as amended. Dated: lune I. 201?. Merrie Nichols-Dixon, Director. Of?ce of Policy. Programs and legislative niti olives. IFR Doc. 2011?12321 l-?iled ti-?tS?l?i: ans am] BILLING cool: 4210-674 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND UFIBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. FH?Gnot Ail-18] Eo-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Hent Schedule?Low Income Housing; Form HUD-92453 AGENCY: Office ofthe Assistant Secretary for Housing?Federal Housing Commissioner. HUD. Federal Registeri?v?ol. 82, No. ?liltiIWednesday, june 21, I 201 7' a? Proposed Rules 28279 number usiu?osus; the collections of information in part 312, including 312.41. 312.57, 312.58, 312.62. and. 312.120, have been approved under OMB control number 0910-43014; and the collections of information in 31 2.1.40 have been approved under OMB control number oats?oars. The use ofelectronic records, electronic signatures, and electronic systems (as described in the draft guidance] would not result in any new costs, including capital costs or operating and- maintenance costs because sponsors and others already have experience using computer-based equipment and software necessary to be consistent with the draft guidance. [11. Electronic Access 4 Persons with access to the Internet may obtain the draft guidance at norwjdogovf?rugstuidonee CompiionceRegulo toryinformotioni? Guidonces/defouirhim. mmfdogo vaio ogi csBi oo' Vo ccin esl? CuidonceComplionceRegulotory Devicefieguloiionond?uidonce/ or. Dated: June ?Ir, 2111?. Leslie Knit. Associo to Commissioner for Policy. Doc. amt?12611 Filed am] aiLuno cooe steam?P DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT 24 CFR Part 3235 [Docket No. Fa-suzs-n-an Interpretative Bulletin tor Modet Manufactured Home Installation Standards Foundation Requirements In Freezing Temperature Areas Under 24 one measure) AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Housing?Federal Housing Commissioner, HUD. ACTION: Notice of proposed installation interpretative Bulletin l??lulTr'. SUMMARY: The purpose of this proposed Interpretative Bulletin is to provide guidance for designing and installing manufactured home foundations in areas subject to freezing temperatures with seasonal ground freezing, in accordance with the Model Manufactured Home Installation Standards, wherever soil conditions are susceptible to frost heave. Specifically. this guidance is being provided for designing and installing manufactured home foundation systems in areas where frost susceptible seasonally frozen ground conditions are encountered and when footings do'not extend below the frost depth at the site. These types of foundation systems include monolithic slab systems. ?frost- protected shallow foundations?, foundations, and alternative foundation systems that include foundation variations termed by industry as frost free footing systems or frost free foundations Guidance is also being provided in this interpretative bulletin for installing manufactured home foundations, when non-frost susceptible soil conditions are available at the site to protect foundations against the effects of frost heave. DATES: Comment Due Date: August 21. 201?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this Interpretative Bulletin to the Regulations Division. Office of General Counsel, Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC roam-uses. Room 10225. Washington, DC 20410? 0500. Communications must refer to the above docket number and title. There are two methods for submitting public comments. All submissions must refer to the above docket number and title. 1. Submission of Comments by Mail. Comments may be submitted by mail to the Regulations Division, Office of General Counsel. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 2th Street SW., Room 10226, Washington, DC Edam-0500. 2. Electronic Submission of Comments. Interested persons may submit comments electronically through the Federal eRulemaking Portal at wwreguiotionsgov. HUD strongly encourages commenters to submit comments electronically. Electronic submission of comments allows the commenter maximum time to prepare and submit a comment, ensures timely receipt by HUD. and enables HUD to make them immediately available to the public. Comments submitted electronically through the Web site can be viewed by other commenters and interested members of the public. Conunenters should follow the instructions provided on that site to submit comments electronically. Note: To receive consideration as public comments. comments must be submitted through one of the two methods specified above. Again, all submissions must refer to the docket number and'title of the rule. No Facsimile Comments. Facsimile comments are not acceptable. Public Inspection of Public Comments. Pill properly submitted comments and submitted to HUD will be available for public inspection and copying between 3 am. and 5 pm. weekdays at the above address. Due to security measures at the HUD Headquarters building. an advance appointment to review the public comments must be scheduled by calling the Regulations Division at 202-203? 3055 (this. is not a toll-free number]. Individuals .with speech or hearing impairments may access this number through by calling the Federal Information Relay Service at 3339. Copies of all comments submitted are available for inspection and downloading at FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT: Pamela Beck Donner, Administrator, Office of Manufactured Housing Programs, Office of Housing, Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Seventh Street SW.. Washington, DC 20410; telephone [202] 205?45409 [this is not a toll-free number]. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number via TTY by calling the toll free Federal Relay Service at 3389. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: I. ackground The National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 [42 U.S.C. 54?1-542?] {the Act] as amended in 200D authorizes the Department to establish Model Manufactured Home Installation Standards [installation Standards] and establish an installation program to enforce those Installation Standards. The Installation Standards are at 24 CFR part 3285, and installation in freezing temperature areas is covered at 32o5.312(bl. Section titlalall3] of the Act as amended in 2000 also created the Manufactured Housing Consensus Conunittee Section canons] of the Act directs HUD to provide the with an opportunity to review any HUD proposed Interpretative Bulletin and to provide written comments to the Department for a period of up to 120 days. Frost-protected shal ow foundations have been successfully used both domestically and internationally in residential and commercial applications for over 50 years as a means to avoid deeper and more costly foundation systems. However, as a result of meant I problems and inquiries related to the proper design, use. and installation of r. 28280 manufactured home frost protected foundation systems in areas subject to freezing temperature conditions, HUD commissioned a study and report to assess both foundation design and installation practices for manufactmed homes located in temperature areas with seasonally frozen ground. HUD previded the MHCC with a report of its ?ndings on October 25. 2016. entitled ?An Assessment ofDesign and Installation Practices for Manufactured Homes in Climates with Seasonally Frozen Ground" prepared by SEBA Professional Services. LLC huddoc?d: 10-374 S-Frost-free- Foundpd?, and announced it would form the basis for an Interpretative Bulletin to be issued on the subject The study and resulting report found some key factors needed for long-term and consistent success require special considerations that are often neglected. particularly for designs and installations that rely on well-drained and non-frost susceptible soil conditions. These factors include appropriately engineered installation details, site investigation practices, ful?llment ofresponsibilities by all parties associated with manufactured home installation, and verification procedures to ensure that important design conditions are actually being achieved in practice. Accordingly. this Interpretative Bulletin was developed for the purpose of clarifying requirements and providing practical guidance for the manufactured housing industry when designing or setting foundations for manufactured homes in locations subject to freezing temperatures with seasonal ground freezing. HUD also indicated at the October Z?th meeting of the MHCC, that it would consider any comments received from the MHCC on the report and scheduled a teleconference on November 28, 2016. with the Regulatory Subcommittee of the MHCC and with the MHCC on December 12, sets. to receive feedback and recommendations from the subcommittee and MHCC. As a result of those discussions, the Regulatory Subcommittee recommended that HUD draft an Interpretative Bulletin for the December 12, 2016, teleconference with the full MHLII, taking into consideration the comments from the Regulatory Subcommittee teleconference and subsequent comments from the MHCC. A large part ofthe discussion focused on what constitutes acceptable engineering practice. Some members of the subcommittee expressed concerns on whether the SEIIASCE 32?01 32] Standard should exclusively define accepted engineering practice or if other engineering alternatives should be allerved. During the December 12. 201B, conference call with the MHCC. the committee developed and approved the following recommendations and comments to its draft. Interpretative Bulletin. These comments were also approved by a subsequent letter ballot. The ballot results were provided to HUD by the MHCC's Administering Organization on January 23, 21317. response to each of the points raised by the MHCC is as follows: 1. Tone of the needs to be more positive. HUD Response: A statement has been added above to indicate that frost protected shallow foundations have been successfully used both domestically and abroad for than 50 years. 2. The focus of the IE should be to inform and educate. HUD'Response. HUD believes that the IE focus is both informative and provides education to all respective participants in the installation process. 3. The IR should focus on compliance with 3285. HUD Response: The guidance in the IB does focus on both foundation design guidelines and compliance with the provisions for foundations in freezing temperature areas in 3235.312[b] ofthe Model Installation Standards. 4. The IE should be simpli?ed [too HUD Response: HUD does not agree as the guidance cannot be further simplified in this proposed IE, since it is both practical and technical and, in general. provides a recipe for compliance with the Model Installation Standards. 5. definition and FPSF definition. HUD Response: A definition has been added for 3 Frost Protected Shallow Foundation However. as there is no generally recognized definition of a frost free foundation HUD is requesting comments from the public on a suitable technical de?nition and has reserved a space in the IB for a definition of the term. 6. Clarify site specific foundation. HUD Response: A site speci?c foundation means a foundation system that has been designed for a specific site. Target audience should be installers, local jurisdiction. regulators. and manufacturers. Response: HUD agrees and focused the four options in the i8 on those entities and organizations. Federal Register/Vol. 82, No. IIBJ?Wednesday, June 21, ZD?lWProposed Rules 3. The problem doesn't seem to appear in all states and how to solve that problem. HUD Response: Comments are being requested on other veri?able strategies that may not be addressed in this IE that have been effective and successfully used in other states. Ensure additional cost are not incurred due to IE. HUD Response: This 113 has been developed to clarify the intent of the standards with technical concepts that will avoid costly foundation and structural repairs due to frost heave. to. Reference to actual designs and specific engineering language in the IE should be removed. HUD Response: Reference to actual designs has been removed from the IE. However, it remains necessary to utilize some engineering terminology to explain certain aspects ofthe foundation options contained in this IE. 11. Ensure IE doesn't exceed reasonable accepted engineering practice as required in 3235.31 HUD Response: HUD believes that all aspects and options contained in this 113 conform to acceptable engineering practice. 12. Remove reference to the SEEA report from the IE. HUD Response: HUD agrees and has taken out the SEEA report. 13. Remove Local Authority Having Jurisdiction where the plan approval is not required and in HUD administered states 3286.3. HUD administered installation program] from the IE. HUD Response: HUD does not agree with this recomn'tendation as an can both require plan approval and establish provisions which exceed the requirements of HUD's Model installation Standards in states where HUD administers the installation program. MHCC also provided HUD With the speci?c suggested text revisions to the Interpretative Bulletin. The MHCC suggested revisions are available at [Appendix However, HUD did not agree with or accept the MHCC recommendation to delete the statement regarding the ASCE 32-th Standard generally providing the bases for acceptable engineering practice {see page It) of Appendix HUD consolidated MHCC recommendations for manufacturers on Recommended Practices and Procedures (see page 11 of Appendix HUD deleted the Recommendations for Retailers and Installers as recommended by the MHCC [see page 12 of Appendix HUD did not accept the MHCC recommendation regarding deleting Federal Regi?eerol. 82. No. itBIWednesday. June 21. 201WProposed Rules statements regarding the assignment of design responsibilities to local authorities [see page 13 also did not accept the MHCC recommendation to delete the statement regarding submitting the foundation plan to the local authority having jurisdiction if applicable but did delete the statement regarding the sealing of foundation plans by an engineer or architect that is licensed in the state where the installation is occorring [see page 13 of Appendix HUD modi?ed the language for regulatory officials and inspectors based in part on recommendations of the MHCC [see page 14 of Appendix HUD accepted the editorial revisions recommended by the MHCC for Option 1 (see page 15 of Appendix E): and HUD also accopted the MHCC recommendation to delete the requirements for vents in skirting to be automatically closing (see page to of Appendix HUD has considered the above recommendations and comments from the MHCC and included them where it deemed appropriate in the text of the interpretative Bulletin. II. The Interpretative Bulletin This guidance is being issued in response to numerous requests. inquiries, and questions regarding how to comply with HUD's requirements for foundations in freezing temperature areas. in accordance with 24 CFR 3235.312[b) of the Model Manufactured Home Installation Standards. when footings do not extend below the frost depth at the site. Engineered foundations designs such as monolithic slab systems 3282.31 placed on a layer of well drained undisturbed ground or fill material that is not susceptible to frost and frost protected shallow foundations which are insulated foundations l? that rely on insulation to prevent ground freezing as well as other alternative foundation systems including industry termed "frost free foundations" have great appeal and potential in freezing temperature areas as a cost-effective means of installing manufactured homes on seas onally- frozen ground. Understandably. their use has been promoted and increased in recent years as a means for reducing manufactured housing installation costs when compared to using conventional or proprietary foundation support systems in heezing temperature areas. However, some key factors important to their long-term and consistent success require special considerations that are often neglected. particularly for designs and installations. These factors include appropriately engineered installation details, site investigation practices. and verification procedures to ensure that important design conditions are actually being achieved in practice. Important factors or design considerations in any frost?protected foundation include: - Clarity oftechnical requirements: - definite criteria for determining soil frost susceptibility and soil moisture sob-surface drainage conditions: and 4- guidance on water table depth to determine if the site is suitably well drained. in addition. for foundations being placed on non-frost susceptible soil. it is also necessary to provide guidance on appropriate site-speci?c details such as the depth of non-frost-susceptible soil or fill layers required for the frost depth encormtered at the site and the layout of sob-surface drainage, when sub-surface site conditions are not well drained. Clari?cation and accuracy ofroles during the site testing and installation process also play an important part in ensuring that frost-protected foundation designs meet the requirements of HUD's Manufactured Ilome Model Installation Standards in 24 CFR 3285.312. The HUD commissioned study reviewed a selection of representative alternative foundation plans including designs in current use for consistency with the HUD code. the ASCE 32 standard titled Design and Construction of Frostl Protected Shallow Foundations. and generally accepted engineering practice. These reviews and additional technical information [including terminology and technical references] are included in an engineering assessment report at the URL provided in this notice. Thus. the report provides both a reference and technical basis for the guidance and recommendations included herein. A summary of key findings from the engineerin assessment are as follows: 0 One the reviewed designs demonstrated an appropriate application of the HUD code and ASCE 32 standards technical requirements for frost protection of foundations. Thus. it is possible to develop a compliant design in accordance with acceptable engineering practice or ASCE 32. All other reviewed designs contained a number of flaws or non- conformances. including: 0 A lack of clarity of technical requirements in manufacturer installation instructions. details. and notes; 0 Missing or vague criteria for identification and measurement of soil frost susceptibility; 0 Missing or vague guidance for determining soil moisture. sub-surface 23231 drainage conditions. and water table depth in relation to determining ifthe site is ?well drained? and suitable for an installation; and 0 Missing guidance to direct appropriate site Speci?c adjustments of important installation details - depth of non-frost-susceptible soil or fill layers and layout of sub-surface drainage when re uired}. A number oft installation designs reviewed showed a pattern of confused roles and responsibilities, often assigning design decisions and site engineering evaluations to local regulatory of?cials who are typically neither qualified nor trained in foundation engineering or soil mechanics and engineering. Furthermore, they are not charged with such responsibilities because it may pose a con?ict of interest enforcers making design and construction decisions or judgments on matters they will be enforcing] and a potential conflict with state engineering practice laws (Le, conducting engineering or design activities for which they are not licensed]. Consequently. this practice can lead to an incorrect selection of the proper foundation and drainage system for the site. Consequently. most of the reviewed alternative foundation designs including designs were found to be not in conformance with the HUD Code and the ASCE 32 reference standard for frost?protection of shallow foundations. In addition. one state's installation rules were reviewed and provisions related to design and installations were found to be similarly non-compliant. Thus. a need exists to clarify requirements and provide guidance for proper and compliant applications designs as an alternative to a conventional [frost depth] footing or a conventional FPSF design using insulation to protect against ground freezing in accordance with acceptable engineering practice or the ASHE 32 standard. In view of the above. each organization involved in the process of foundation design. approval. and installation has responsibilities that need to be met. Key areas and responsibilities for each organization or entity are as follows: - Manufacturers need to ensure their foundation designs fully comply with 24 CFR 3285. Model Manufactured Home Installation Standards (HUD Code] by use of acceptable engineering practice or applicable provisions ofthe SEIIASCE 32?01 Standard. Design and Construction ofFrost-Protected Shallow Foundations 32]. In general, the basis and design principles for acceptable engineering practice should ,1 ,t 28282 be consistent with the provisions of the ASCE 32 Standard. However. this Interpretative bulletin is not intended to preclude the use of other alternatives such as engineered foundation designs provided they result in comparable protection against frost heave that would be provided by the ASCE 32 Standard. I Manufacturers should review and, as appropriate. delete or revise any installation instructions that rely exclusively on surface drainage to prevent the effects of frost heave. as such installations do not comply with acceptable engineering practices or ASCE 32. - Manufacturers should inform installers in their installation instructions and on all approved foundation plans that prior to beginning the installation. a site-speci?c soil test or other evidence is required to determine soil frost susceptibility, the water table level. and sub-surface drainage conditions. - Retailers should verify that the installations are performed only by licensed installers. I- Design professionals and Design Approval Primary Inspection Agencies need to ensure that foundation designs comply with all aspects ofthe HUD Code as provided in 24 CFR 3285.312. Designs that rely on surface drainage exclusively or do not specify the means of assessing frost susceptibility ofsoils and their sub- surface drainage characteristics should be disapproved or revised to meet the provisions of this Interpretative Bulletin. Frost. protected foundation designs that were approved prior to the effective date of October 2a, 2008. of HUD's Installation Program. should be reviewed and rerapproved for compliance with 24 CFR 3255. Additionally, design and installation responsibilities may not be delegated to local regulatory authorities. I Installers should consider all sites in freezing temperature areas as frost susceptible unless a soil test or other evidence is provided to prove the site is non-frost susceptible. II To ensure compliance with acceptable engineering practices or ASCE 32, installers should never install a new home on a site that. has conditions not covered in the manufacturer's installation instructions or the DAPIA approved engineered foundation plan. and should bring the specific site conditions to the professional engineer or registered architect of record for assessment or obtain the services of another professional engineer or registered l-n nous-lac: ti-m qito cnnditinns and adequacy ofthe foundation design for the site. Once the plan is updated to address site conditions and sealed, it should be sent to the manufacturer and its DAPIA for approval. The plan should then be submitted to the LAHJ. as applicable. Installers should not use any design that assigns responsibility to them for assessing frost susceptibility and sub-surface drainage conditions without proper soil analysis. - Regulatory officials and inspectors should reject installation plans that require them to take on any aspect of design responsibility. He site is claimed to have soil that is non-frost susceptible and that is well-drained. soil tests or other evidence must be provided to the regulatory of?cial andl'or inspector. Manufacturer's installation instructions including DAFIA approved engineered foundation plans should be available on-site during inspections. If these plans are not available. the home cannot pass inspection. I In areas where no set local frest depth is determined, the depths corresponding with the Air Freezing Index [Figure 1) may be used. 0 Installation rules in both states and local municipalities should be compared to the ASCE 32 standard and the HUD Code to ensure conformity. In view ofthe above described concerns. this Interpretative Bulletin was developed for the purpose of clarifying requirements and providing practical guidance for the manufactured housing industry when designing or setting foundations for a manufactured home in locations subject to freezing temperatures with seasonal ground freezing. This guidance is intended for ?rst-time installations. not replacement installs when current foundations exist on site. In summary. in order to resolve the identi?ed problems and previously discussed concerns in this Preamble associated with certain foundation designs and installation practices in temperature areas subiect to freezing. all responsible parties in the process should follow the guidance in this Interpretative Bulletin. These concerns and issues involve designers, manufacturers, installers. and regulatory authorities. The most important factor in reducing problems are properly designed installation instructions giving appropriate direction and details for installers to implement and regulatory officials to verify and inspect. Because this over-arching concern is applicable to all methods ofinstallation related to foundation speci?c recommendations and guidance for various design and installation options Federal Registeero]. 82, No. il?r'Wednesday, June 21, 2012/Proposed Rules are provided in the Interpretative Bulletin. Request for Comments: HUD "is soliciting comments from the public on the following: . How should the term frost free foundation be defined for use and context with this Interpretative Bulletin? 2. fire there any other alternative engineered foundation designs. including floating engineered slab designs and pile foundation systems. etc. that should be included for use with this Interpretative Bulletin? If so. under what conditions and criteria should these systems be ermitted? 3. Please provi information on other strategies. that are currently not included in this proposed Interpretative Bulletin, that have been successfully used or employed to resist the effects of frost heave. Installation Interpretative Bulletin 7" Foundation Requirements in Freezing Temperature Areas This Interpretative Bulletin is being issued to provide guidance for all parties associated with designing and installing manufactured home foundation systems in areas subject to freezing temperatures in accordance with 24 CFR 3235.312th of HUD's Model Manufactured Home Installation Standards. De?nitions Frost Free Foundation [Reserved]. Frost Protected Shallow Foundation means a foundation protected from frost heave by insulating the foundation in accordance with acceptable engineering practice or with the provisions in SEIIASCE 32?01. Design and Construction of Frost Protected Foundations 32] to retard frost penetration below the foundation in order to allow shallower footing depths to be used. Use of well drained non-frost susceptible soils is also included as for certain applications monolithic slab systems. alternative foundations]. I. Recommended Practices and Procedures The following recommendations. practices and procedures should be followed by all parties involved in manufactured home installations in order to ensure that foundations installed in freezing temperature areas are not i . 0m W1 til? ltffiqumjl 5 Model Manufactured Home Installation Standards. Federal Register/Vol. 82, No. 118lWednesday, June 21, ZUIHProposed Rules 23283 1. Recommendations for Manufacturers Manufacturers should require that design professionals who submit plans to them for approval. as required by 24 CFR develop foundation frost-protection installation methods that comply with applicable provisions of the Model Manufactured Home Installation Standards. 24 CFR or To ensure consistent and effective conformance, options with detailed guidance for complying designs are provided below and should be followed These directions should also be incorporated into their Manufacturer?s Installation Instruction manual as required by 24 CFR I Current Frost Fre Foundation installation instructions that rely exclusively on surface drainage as a means of foundation frost-protection should either be removed from the manufacturer's installation instructions or immediately revised, - Manufacturer?s installation instructions for monolithic slab and alternative foundation designs including designs should indicate that. prior to commencement of installation, the steps to be taken to verify through soil tests or existing site soil records that the site soil is nun?frost-susceptible and that a ground water assessment should be done to verify that the soil is ?well- drained? with a water table depth consistently and sufficiently below the frost line. In To facilitate installations in locations subject to freezing, manufacturer instructions should have at least one example of an acceptable foundation system for frost susceptible and nonvfrost susceptible soil conditions for use in freezing temperature areas. These designs are to have a design professional's seal, and if not previously part of the manufacturer?s installation instructions, be approved by the manufacturer and its Design Approval Primary Inspection Agency 2. Recommendations for Design Professionals and DAPIAs Foundation frost-protection methods used for installation designs need to comply with Model Manufactured Home Installation Standards by use of acceptable engineering practice or the ASCE 3.2 standard. To ensure consistent and effective conformance, alternatives with detailed guidance for development of complying designs by manufacturers and for DAPIA review and approval are provided in the next section of this Interpretative Bulletin, ?Design Options, Compliance Checklists, and Installation Practices". I Alterntive foundation designs including designs that rely exclusively on surface drainage as a means of foundation frost-protection should be rernoved from manufacturer's installation instructions and its DAPIA approval withdrawn or be immediately revised. I Alternative foundation designs that do not specify appropriate means of assessing the frost-susceptibility of soils and their subsurface drainage characteristics on a site-specific basis should either be removed from use and the manufacturer?s installation instructions and approval withdrawn or immediately revised. - Alternative foundation designs including designs that assign design responsibilities to local regulatory authorities, such as assessing site drainage, water table depth, or soil frost-susceptibility should be removed from use and the manufacturer's installation instructions and DAPIA approval withdrawn or immediately revised. 3. Recommendations for Installers When installing a new home on a site that has conditions not covered in the manufacturer's installation manual or in a DAPIA approved alternative engineered foundation plan, the special site conditions should be brought to the attention of the engineer or architect of record. If there is no engineer or architect of record, a licensed engineer or licensed architect should he retained to evaluate the conditions and then design a plan to install the home. Once this plan is finalized and sealed, it must be sent to the manufacturer and its DAPIA for approval per 24 CFR The plan should also be submitted to the for approval if applicable. - Installers should never install manufactured homes using alternative foundations or installation designs that rely exclusively on surface drainage as a means of frost rotection. - Installers shou never initiate an installation where the instructions require them to take on design responsibility of assessing soil frost? susceptihility and Sub?surface drainage conditions withOut proper soil testing and analysis. Instead, installers should verify that appropriate soil testing and site assessment for use of any given foundation design has been completed prior to initiating an installation. I Prior to installation of an alternative foundation including an engineered system that is not included in the manufacturer's installation instructions. installers need to verify that the installation plan is stamped by an engineer or architect of record as well as approved by the manufacturer and its DAPIA. - Installers should only use foundation plans that have been approved by the manufacturer and its DAPIA on or after January 1, 2009, the effective date of HUD's installation program. 4. Recommendations for Local Regulatory Officials and Inspectors Regulatory of?cials and inspectors should verify compliance with manufacturer DAPIA approved installation designs including provisions for subsurface drainage, water table depth, requirements for non- frost-susceptibility ofsoils. etc., when required by the design for a given site. I: Where a site is claimed to have non- host-Susceptihle and soils as a basis for setting foundation pads or footings above the design frost depth. evidence should be required including soils tests or pro-existing site specific soil records and site sub-surface drainage and groundwater investigation by a quali?ed soils laboratory or soils engineering professional or geologist. Single site soil samples may be taken by the installer or by qualified soil engineering professionals with the soil tests done by a quali?ed soils engineering laboratory or soils engineering professional. The standard for non-frost susceptible soil is that no more than 6% by mass can pass through a #200 sieve in accordance with ASTM 11422?63i2??7l32, Standard Test Method for Particle?Size Analysis of Soils - Regulatory of?cials should assure that any DAPIA approved alternate foundation plans and the manufacturer installation instructions are on site and available during inspections. If approved installation plans are not available on site during inspections, the home cannot pass inspection. In areas where the local frost depth is unavailable, or not documented. local regulatory officials should consider permitting design frost depths to be determined in accordance with Table 1. Design Frost Depth for Footings and Figure 1. U.S. Air Freezing Map Index. II. Design Options, Checklists and Installation Best Practices Option Checklist for Conventional Footings in Freezing Temperature Areas HUD Code. 24 CFR I Obtain the local-design frost depth for footings from either of the following; I 23284 Federal RegisteriVol. 32, No. HEIWednesday, lune 21. ZDIWPr-oposed Rules 0 The local authorityr having jurisdiction 0 Use Table 1 with the site?s Air- Freezing Index from Fi ure or 0 Consult with a registers professional engineer, registered architect. or registered geologist. It When using Table 1 and Figure 1 to determine frost depth for footings. the depth of interior pier footings complying with footnote [hi of Table 1 may be taken as one-half the depth required in Table 1. Based on the required frost depth for footings. dig the footing to the frost depth. It Check the soil hearing at depth of the footing with a torque probe, pocket penetrometer or other suitable testing device. - Based on the tested soil bearing value, properly size the footing A list of AFI values for various states and counties can be found in the 2015 International Residential Code Table R403.3[2j. published by the International Code Council. Inc.. and used as the model building code for most states. according to the manufacturer?s installation instructions or use the Table in 24.- CFR 3285.202 in the HUD Code. In Place footing pads and construct piers or supports at locations specified in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. - Backfili as needed and grade the site as required for drainage in accordance with 24 CFR 3235.203: 0 Crown the finish grade at the centerline of the foundation '13 Slope grade a minimum of "frinch per foot for a minimum distance of 10 feet away from the home perimeter. TABLE FROST DEPTH FODTINGS ?5 . . Minimum ?at-treealng Index de [see Figure 4] (inc?esy 1,009 24 Tilers Faosr DEPTH Foe FOOTINGS a?Continued Ai r-freezing index [see Figure 4] (in (?135) 1 32 2,000 40 2,500 45 ?These design frost depths are intended to he used for protection of building foundations against frost heave and are not applicable to site or street utilities or other non-building ap- plications. I21These design frost depths tor footings shall he pennitted to be halved for footings interior to the building perimeter and located within an enclosed space. Where skirting is used to on- close the spaoe. the skirting shall be insulated to a minimum [1.000 to 2.500 AFI) or Ft- 10 [>2,500 AFI) and vents shall be capable of closing at outdoor temperatures below 40 CF {which necessitates use of a ground vapor barrier). BILLING CODE 421 HY-P Federal RegisteerCIl. 82, N0. IIBIWednesday, June 2'1, 201?;?Pmp05ed Rules 28235 more}: All OF THE lvaEA? RETURN PERIOD Figure 1. US. Air Freezing Index Map (based on Steurer, 1989 and Steur?L?-? an I I-ll- FAME In? f; I 28288 Option Ch eckfist for Monolithic Slob Systems in Freezing Temperature Areas HUD Code. 24 CFR 3235.3 Pro-Installation Preparations: I Before initiating installation, verify that the installation instructions are designed {sealed} by a registered professional engineer or registered architect. and approved by the manufacturer and its DAPIA. 9 When applicable. verify that the has accepted and approved the foundation and installation plan and all applicable permits are obtained. For designs that rely on well-drained sites and use of existing soils to frost depth that are non-frost susceptible, verify the following before initiating installation: 0 The non-frost-susceptible condition ofexisting soils above the frost depth and below the base of the slab at each site has been veri?ed by site soil records or tested by a soils engineer or geologist or tested in accordance with ASTM D422 and determined to have a fines mass content of less than 6% by mass passing a sieve for the specific installation site or the development as a whole. A soils report should be provided by the engineer or soil lab of record for verification. 0 Alternatively. conduct such testing as follows: Ubtain a minimum of two soil samples per installation site {one at each end of the foundation area] and from any borrow materials on site used as fill. A materials report from a quarry may be used when material is supplied from a licensed quarry. When conducting borings for soil samples. take a minimum of one pint {plastic bag full] ofsoil from depths of one foot and at the determined frost depth or at the frost depth as determined from Table Design Frost Depth for Footings. Continue each boring to two feet below the determined frost depth [as measured from the proposed finish grade} to determine if the water table is present. 3} Deliver or send the soil samples to a soils laboratory for particle size testing per ASTM D422. Ii- lfthe soils laboratory report indicates greater than 6% ?nes by mass passing a #2012} sieve. then the soil at the site is frost susceptible and either footing to frost depth or one of the alternative foundation options [see free-Foundpd? for frost susceptible soil conditions should be used. 0 The water table condition of the site has been assessed by the engineer or architect ofrecord and documentation provided of the water table being at least two feet below the determined frost depth. Alternatively. make this determination using soil borin as described above. 0 the water table is higher than two feet below the determined frost depth. a network of drainage pipes sloped to drain to daylight or an engineered drainage system must be placed at the base of non-frost-susceptible fill clean gravel or crush rock] placed to a depth equal to the local frost depth. 0 Alternatively. a site speci?c foundation design can be prepared and sealed by a professional engineer or registered architect or geologist and approved by the manufacturer and its Such foundation designs are to comply with the provisions of the ASCE 32 Standard or with accepted engineering practice that will result in comparable performance to the frost protection afforded by the ASCE 32 Standard. 0 Save documentation of all ofthe above and provide to the for verification as re uired. For designs at rely on well- drained sites and use of fill materials to frost depth that are non-frost susceptible. verify the following before initiating installation: 0 The slab base and foundation fill materials are speci?ed by the engineer or architect of record as non-frost susceptible such as clean gravel or crushed rock or other suitable material with no more than 5% fines by mass passing a #260 sieve per ASTM D422 test method. Non-frost susceptible subgrade materials are to be filled from the frost depth to the slab base for the entire extent of the slab plus any over di . - 30 The water table condition of the site has been assessed by the engineer or architect of record and documentation provided of the water table being at least two feet below the determined frost depth. Alternatively. this determination can be made using soil horings as described above. an Ifthe water table is higher than two feet below the determined frost depth. a network of drainage pipe sloped to drain to daylight or an engineered drainage system should be placed at the base of non-frost- susceptible fill clean gravel or crash rock] placed to a depth equal to the determined frost depth. 0 Save documentation of all of the above and provide to the for veri?cation as required. installation Phase: Excavate slab area to frost depth 01' only to the bottom of the slab's non- frosl-susceptible base layer if existing soils have been determined to be non- Federal Registerf?v?ol. 82, No. tlafWednesday. June 21. ZONIProposed Rules frost susceptible down to frost depth during the pro-installation preparation phase [see above]. - Place foundation drains sloped to drain to daylight or an engineered drainage system at the bottom of the non?frost-susceptible base or fill material layer. 0 Place the non-frost-susceptible fill and base materials, compacting as required by the manufacturer's installation instructions andr?or the engineer or architect of record. Do not initiate fill placement where compaction requirements and methods are not speci?ed. Obtain compaction requirements. as needed, from the engineer or architect of record. The minimum requirement is 90% compaction per 24 CFR 3285.201 although the engineer or architect of record or may require a higher compaction level based on the ?ll material used. In Construct the reinforced monolithic slab in accordance with the manufacturer?s installation instructions or according to the manufacturer and DAPLA approved installation instructions and plans. - Backfill as needed and grade the site as required for drainage: 0 Slope grade 3 minimum of ?fz-inch per foot for a minimum distance of feet away from the home perimeter. Option Checklist for Frost Protected Shallow Foundations {Insulated Foundations} HUD Code. 24 CFR Pre-fnstollotfon Preparations: Ir Before initiating installation. verify that the installation instructions are designed (sealedl and certi?ed by a registered professional engineer or registered architect. approved by the manufacturer and its DAPIA. 0 Also. verify that the instructions include an approved installation design complying with one of the following bases for the proposed installation design, as permitted in the HUD Code: 0 Complies with acceptable engineering practice or the ASCE 32 standard by use of properly-speci?ed insulation materials and sized in accordance with the local temperature area and located around the perimeter of the foundation with insulated skirting and closeable vents or the entire foundation pad is insulated where there is no skirting or the skirting is not insulated or the skirting has non-closing vents. Non-frost-susceptible base materials are used at a minimum thickness required by acceptable engineering practice or 32. and insulation materials are protected Federal Registeerol. 82, No. 118lWednesday, June 21, 201Tr'z'Proposed Rules against damage in accordance with acceptable engineering practice or ASCE 32 0 Complies with acceptable engineering practice to prevent the effects of frost heave in accordance with acceptable engineering practice or in a manner equivalent to the insulation provisions in the ASCE 32 standard. Note: Designs which place insulation materials in a discontinuous fashion. Such that exposed slab edges or other types of thermal bridging occursr do not meet the requirements of the 32 standard or the HUD Code provisions that allow the use of?acceptable engineering practice to prevent the effects of frost heave.? I Obtain foundation insulation materials as speci?ed in the installation instruction and verify the correct type is received. Commonly accepted insulation materials include Extruded S) and Expanded of various ?types? in accordance with ASTM CHE and ASCE 32 standards. 0 Insulation material conformance with the specified type should be verified by product labels or a certification from the insulation manufacturer. Materials commonly stocked in supply stores may not be the correct ?type? even though it may be the correct ?kind? XPS or Note: There is no need to determine the frost susceptibility of underlying soils to frost depth in the insulated foundation design approach when the foundation and ground insulation provisions 32 are satis?ed. installation Phase: I Excavate the foundation area to the correct shallow foundation depth as indicated in the manufacturer's installation instructions or by the engineer or architect of record [generally the foundation depth need not exceed 12? to 15" below ?nish grade]. I Place speci?ed non-frost- susceptible base material and provide drainage pipes around the perimeter. at a minimum of 4 inches [within the base material layer) as required by the installation instructions. Pipes need to be run to day-light or have a mechanical means of draining the water. Sequence the foundation slab or pad construction and insulation placement in accordance with the design approach indicated on the manufacturer's installation instructions. Where sub-slab insulation is required, this will need to be placed before slab construction. Perimeter insulation may be placed after slab construction. Fitter construction of the slab and supports and placement of the home, t-lnn chirtinn taritli closeable vents as required by the manufacturer?s installation instructions. Where the foundation slab is entirely insulated with horizontal below ground insulation [the design does not rely on perimeter insulation only], no skirting is required. - Place wing insulation [extending outward horizontally underground from the perimeter of the foundation] as required by the installation instructions. Depending on the design approach and temperature severity, wing insulation may or may not be required. - Provide protection of any exposed exterior insulation or within to inches ofthe ?nish grade surface. I Backfill as needed and grade the site as required for drainage: 0 Slope grade a minimum of lie-inch per foot for a minimum distance of it} feet away front the home perimeter. Option Checklistfor Alternative Foundations on Non-Frost Susceptible Soils Including Frost Free Foundations HUD Code. 24 CFR 3235.2 Pro-Installation Preparations: - Before initiating installation. verify that the installation instructions are designed (sealed) by a professional engineer or registered architect, and approved by the manufacturer and its DAPIA. The Lee] can require that the plans also be reviewed and sealed by an engineer or architect in the state where the installation is to occur. in When applicable, verify that the has accepted and approved the alternative foundation and installation plan and all applicable permits are obtained. The installation design needs to comply with one of the following conformance options for the proposed installation design as permitted in Model Manufactured Home Installation Standards: 0 Complies with acceptable engineering practice or the ASCE 32 standard by use of'non-frost-susceptible site soils or ?lls {adequately tested and veri?ed as defined in ASCE 32] and that such soils or fills extend to the determined frost depth with provision for adequate surface and subgrade drainage especially where underlying soils are poorly drained audior the water table is within two feet of the design frost depth. Note: Reliance solely on surface drainage to prevent the effects of frost heave without verification of non-frost-susceptible fill materials or existing non-frost susceptible soils to frost depth does not comply with the design principles of the ASHE 32 standard or Code?s allowanca for ?acceptable engineering practice to prevent the effects of Ernst 2823'? For designs that rely on well- drained soils and sites and use of existing soils to frost depth that are non? frost susceptible, verify the following before initiating installation: 0 The non-frost-susceptihle characteristic ofexisting soils above the determined frost depth at each site has been tested by a soils engineer or geologist or tested in accordance with ASTM D422 and determined to have a ?nes mass content of less than 6% passing a #200 sieve for the speci?c installation site or the development as a whole. A soils report should be provided by the engineer or soil lab of record for veri?cation. 3 Alternatively. conduct such testing as follows: Obtain a minimum of two soil samples per installation site [one at each end oithe foundation area] and from any borrow materials on site used as fill. A materials report from a quarry may he used when material is supplied from a licensed quarry. 3e When conducting borings for soil samples, take a minimum of one pint [plastic bag full] ofsoil from depths of one foot and at the determined prescribed frost depth or as determined from Table 1. Design Frost Depth for Footings. Continue each boring to two feet below the determined prescribed frost depth [as measured from the proposed finish grade] to determine if the water table is present. 3* Deliver or send the soil samples to a soils laboratory for particle size testing per ASTM D442. 3-- If the soils laboratory report indicates greater than lines by mass passing a #200 sieve, then the soil at the site is frost susceptible and either a footing to frost depth or a manufacturer and DAPIA approved alternative foundation for frost susceptible soil conditions must be used. 0 The water table condition of the site has been assessed by the engineer or architect of record and documentation provided of the water table being at least two feet below the determined frost depth. Alternatively. make this determination using soil borin as described above. 0 I the water table is higher than two feet below the determined frost depth. a network ofdrainage pipes sloped to drain to daylight or an engineered drainage system should be placed at the base of non-frost?susceptible till clean gravel or crush rock] placed to a depth equal to the determined frost depth. 0 Nine foundatlon esign can be prepared and sealed by a professional engineer or registered architect or geologist and a i 2.8238 approved by the manufacturer and its DAPIA. Such Foundation designs are to comply with the provisions of the ASCE 32 Standard or with accepted engineering practice that will result in comparable performance to the frost protection afforded by the ASCE 32 Standard. "3 Save decumentation of all of the above and provide to the for veri?cation as re uired. I For designs at rely on well- drained sites and use of fill materials to frost depth that are non-frost susceptible. verify the following before initiating installation: 0 The slab base and foundation fill materials are speci?ed by the engineer or architect of record as non-frost susceptible such as clean gravel or crushed rock or other suitable material with no more than 5% fines by mass passing a seas sieve per ASTM 11442 test method. Non'frost susceptible subgrade materials are to be filled from the frost depth to the slab base for the entire extent of the slab plus any over di . g) The water table condition of the site has been assessed by the engineer or architect of record and documentation provided of the water table being at least two feet below the determined frost depth. Alternatively, this determination can be made using soil borings as described above. 3* If the water table is higher than two feet below the determined frost depth. a network ofdrainage pipe sloped to drain to daylight or an engineered drainage system should be placed at the base of non-frost-susceptible fill clean gravel or crush rock} placed to a depth equal to the local frost depth. 0 Save documentation ofall of the above and provide to the for veri?cation as required. Installation Phase: I Excavate area under foundation or slab to frost depth or only to the bottom of the non?frost-susceptible base layer it existing soils have been determined to be non-frost susceptible down to frost depth during the pro-installation preparation phase (see above]. - Flace foundation drains sloped to drain to daylight or an engineered drainage system at the bottom of the nonsfrost-susceptible base or ?ll material layer. a Place the non-irosl?susceptible fill and base materials. compacting as required by the manufacturer's installation instructions andr?or the engineer or architect of record. Do not initiate fill placement where compaction requirements and methods are not specified. Obtain compaction requirements. as needed. from the engineer or architect of record. The minimum requirement is 90% compaction per 24 CFR 3235.201 although the engineer or architect of record or may require a higher compaction level based on the fill material used. Construct the alternative foundation system in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions or according to the manufacturer and DAPIA approved installation instructions and plans. 0 Backfill as needed and grade the site as required for drainage: 0 Slope grade a minimum of 1/2'lI1Ch. per foot for a minimum distance of in feet away from the home perimeter. Note: The above procedures also apply to designs where a monolithic slab is not used and pier footing pads are placed directly on nonv?ostsasceptible soils or ?ll materials clean gravel or crushed rock] to the determined frost depth. This Interpretative Bulletin is issued pursuant to 24 CPR 3285.2 and 3285.312be of Model Manufactured Home Installation Standards. Dated: lune 15. 201?. Genger Charles. General Deputy Assistant Secretoryfor Housing. IFR Doc. 201?-12964 Filed am] BILLENG CODE 4210?6745 DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Coast Guard 33 CFR Part 165 [Docket umber HIM Safety Zone; Cleveland Dragon Boat Festival. Lake Erie. Cleveland. OH AGENCY: Coast Guard, DHS. ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking. SUMMARY: The Coast Guard proposes to establish a temporary safety zone on Lake Erie, Cleveland. OH. This safety zone is intended to restrict vessels from a portion ofthe Cleveland Inner Harbor on Lake Erie during the Cleveland Dragon Boat Festival on August 12. 2017. This proposed rulemaking would prohibit persons and vessels from being in the safety zone unless authorized by the Captain of the Port Buffalo or a designated representative. We invite your comments on this proposed rulemaking. Federal Registeri?v?ol. 82. No. tiBI?Wednesday. June 21. ZUIWProposed Rules DATES: Comments and related material must be received by the Coast t'iuard on or before July ?1 1. 2U17. ADDRESSES: You may submit comments identi?ed by docket number 201 r?aaoo using the Federal eRulemaking Portal at See the "Public Participation and Request for Comments? portion of the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section for further instructions on submitting comments. Fuan-I ea INFORMATION CONTACT: It? you have questions about this proposed rulemaking. cell or email LT Ryan Iunod. Marine Safety Unit Cleveland. US. Coast Guard; telephone 216?93?? 0124. email SUPPLEMENTARY I. Table of Abbreviations CPR Code of Federal Regulations Department of Homeland Security FR Federal Register NPRM Notice of proposed rulemaking Pub. L. Public Law Section U.S.C. United States Code Background. Purpose, and Legal Basis On February 22. 2(117. the Cleveland Dragon Boat Association noti?ed the Coast Guard that it will be holding the Cleveland Dragon Boat Festival from 8 am. through 3 pm. on August12.201?. The dragon boat races are to take place in Lake Erie. off of Wendy Park located on Whiskey Island. Cleveland, OH. The course will consist of 3 racing lanes of sea meters in length that run parallel to the shoreline. The Captain of the Port Buffalo has determined that a boating race event on a navigable waterway will pose a significant risk to participants and the boating ublic. The purpose of this rulema ing is to ensure the safety of vessels and the navigable waters within the race course during heats ofthe scheduled event. Vessel traffic will be allowed to pass through the safety zone between heats. The Coast Guard proposes this rulernaking under authority in 33 U.S.C. 1231. Discussion ofProposed Rule The COTP proposes to establish a safety zone from 8 am. through 3 pm. on August ?12. 201?. that would be effective and enforced intermittently. The safety zone would cover all navigable waters of Lake Erie. off of WhiskEy Island. Cleveland. OH inside an area starting on shore at position N.. Vii? extending in a straight line to the break wall at position 41?sa'12" rt. {181?43'14" Federal Register'i?tlol. 82, No. IIBJWednesday. June 21. 201:?fNotices 28333 Office oflvtanagement and Budget. Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. New Executive Office Building. Room 10102. Washington, DC 2.0503. Summer King. 5 iafisl?icion. IFR Doc. 201??1205l?l Filed sea?1?: ans am] BILLING cooE 4162-20-9 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request Periodically, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration will publish a summary of information collection requests under OMB review, in compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act [44 USE. Chapter 35]. To request a copy ofthese documents. call the SAMHSA Reports Clearance Of?cer on [240] Project: 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health No. 0930?0110]? Rovision The National Survey on Drug Use and Health is a survey of the US. ciVilian. non-institutionalized population aged 12 years old or older. The data are used to determine the prevalence of use of tobacco products, alcohol, illicit substances. and illicit use ofprescription drugs. The reenlts are used by SEMI-ISA. the Office of National Drug Control Policy federal government agencies, and other organizations and researchers to establish policy. direct program activities. and better allocate resources. While NSDUH must be updated periodically to reflect changing substance use and mental health issues and to continue producing current data. for the 2018 NSDUH only the following minor changes are planned: At the request of ONDCP. re-inserted the marijuana marketplace module, previously included in the 2014 NSDUH [as well as prior years}, into the respondent-administered po?ion of the 2018 questionnaire; the addition of four new questions. asked only of respondents age 18 and older, about the perception of problems with and recovery from rtrugialcohol and mental health problems; and included other minor wording changes to improve the flow of the interview. increase respondent comprehension or to be consistent with text in other questions. The marijuana marketplace module consists of a series of questions that seek to gather data such as the location. quantity. cost and type of marijuana being purchased aeross the nation. This module is unchanged from the version last included in the 2014 NSDUH. As with all NSDUHINHSDA surveys conducted since 1999. the sample size of the survey for 2018 will be sufficient to permit prevalence estimates for each of the ?fty states and the District of Columbia. Prior to 2002. the NSDUH was referred to as the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse The total annual burden estimate is shown below. ESTIMATED BURDEN FOR 2018 NSDUH Instrument Number oi Total number Hours per Total burden respondents respondent of responses response hours Household Screening 133.536 1 133,505 0-083 11,083 Interview 6?,50? 1 6150? 1.000 67.50? Screening Veri?cation .. 4.008 1 4,008 0.06? 269 interview Verification 10.125 1 10,126 0.06? EJB Total 133.586 .. 215,22? T9542 Written comments and recommendations concerning the proposed information collection should be sent by July 21, 201? to the SAMHSA Desk Officer at the Of?ce of Information and Regulatory Affairs. Office of Management and Budget To ensure timely receipt of comments. and to avoid potential delays in OMB's receipt and processing of mail sent through the U.S. Postal Service. commenters are encouraged to submit their comments to OMB via email to: Off-til _Submission?lombeopgov. Although commenters are encouraged to send their comments via email. commenters may also fax their comments to: Commenters may also mail them to: Office of Management and Budget, Of?ce of Information and Regulatory Affairs. New Executive Office Building. Room 10102. Washington. DC 20503. Summer King. Statistician. lFI-i Doc. 2017?12909 Filed 5-20-15?: 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4162-204? DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. Authority To Accept Unsolicited Proposals for Research Partnerships AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research. HUD. ACTION: Notice. This notice announces that Office of Policy Development and Resaarch has the authority to accept unsolicited research proposals that address current research priorities. In accordance with statutory requirements, the research projects must be funded at least 50 percent by philanthropic entities or Federal. state. or local government agencies. This notice announces that HUD is accepting research proposals and provides a general description of information that should be included in any research proposal. DATES: Proposals may be submitted at any time and will be evaluated as they are received. Available funds will be awarded as proposals are received. evaluated. and approved. until funds are exhausted. ADDRESSES: You may submit comments. identified by docket number and title} by email, at: ResearchPortnershipsO hudgov. or by mail, at: Attention: Housing and Urban Development. Office of University Partnerships. 451 Street SW.. Room 8226. Washington, DC 20410. 2 3334 Federal Registeri?v?ol. 82. No. IIBIWednesday, June 21, 2017/Notices FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kinnard Wright, Grant Specialist, Room 6226. 451 Seventh Street SW., Washington. telephone number 202?4022-2495. or Madlyn Wohlman-Rodriguez, Grant Specialist. Room 3226, 451 Seventh Street SW.. Washington, DC 20410. telephone number 202?402?5939. ATTENTION: Persons with speech or hearing impairments may call the Federal Relay Service TTY at SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 291?, [Pill]. L. 115?31, enacted May 5.2o17] 201.? appropriation} authorizes to enter non?competitive cooperative agreements for research projects that are aligned with research priorities and that will help inform policies and programs i. Program Description HUD developed the Research Partnerships vehicle to allow greater flexibility in addressing important policy questions and to better utilize external expertise in evaluating the local innovations and effectiveness of programs impacting residents of urban, suburban, rural and tribal areas. Through this notice, HUD can accept unsolicited research proposals that address current research priorities and allow to participate in innovative research projects that inform policies and programs. These projects are meant to align with research priorities and help HUD answer key policy and programmatic questions in ways that can inform new policy and program development efforts. It. Research Priorities The documents that establish a framework for HUD's research priorities are the HUD Strategic Plan 2.018de which specifies the Department?s mission and strategic goals for program activities; and the HUD Research Roodmap: 201 Update ResearchRoadmop-Zdi 7Upo?otepd?. which is the most recent integration of diverse stakeholder viewpoints into a ?ve-year research agenda. developed and published this research agenda to focus research resources on timely, policy-relevant research questions that lie within the Department's area of comparative advantage. This focus on comparative advantage has a corollary, which is the accompanying need for to collaborate with other research organizations to support their comparative advantage in areas that are mutually important. The Roodrnop Update identi?es research projects that PDELR is considerng for the near future under 12 focus areas: Housing Affordability [Markets] Housing Affordability [Programs] Policy Lessons from Moving to Work Expansion Energy and Resilience Education Health Mobility (B) Place-based Strategies Crosscutting?i-?air Housing [10] Crosscutting?Building Technology [11] Crosscutting?Dther [12] Data Infrastructure The authority that Congress provided HUD to enter noncompetitive cooperative agreements for research is a central tool for fulfilling the Roodmop?s vision for research collaboration. Potential research partners are encouraged to develop research proposals that inform important and emerging policy and program objectives of HUD that are not otherwise being addressed and that focus on HUD research priorities. A few examples of potentially useful research topics are presented in the following list for each of HUD's Current strategic goals. A. Strengthening Housing Markets: Horne-ownership and Housing Finance. HUD is interested in research in diverse areas of homeownership and housing finance: 1. Improving outcomes for struggling homeowners and communities in the areas of foreclosures. mortgage modification protocols, and real?estate owned properties; 2. Finding ways that are safer for both borrowers and lenders to extend mortgage credit to first?time homebuyers and homeowners with less-tban-stellar credit; 3. Updating federal support structures for single-family and multifamily housing finance in a reformed housing ?nance system; and 4. Strengthening models of public? private partnership to increase availability of mortgage capital and ensure sustained homeownership and wealth accumulation by low?income and disadvantaged homebuyers. B. A?ordobie Quality Rental Housing. HUD is interested in research that improves the efficiency and effectiveness ofHUD's housing programs public housing, Housing Choice Vouchers, assisted multifamily programs, and FHA insurance): 1. Improving program operations and responses to chattging market conditions; 2. 1dentifying rent subsidy approaches that could meet housing needs more efficiently and support self-sufficiency. such as by leveraging opportunities for rent reform experiments when extending Moving To Work flexibilities to additional housing agencies; 3. Better understanding how programs and tenant outcomes are affected by tenant and landlord behavior, supports. and the framing of choices; and 4. Strengthening models of public- private partnership to increase production and preservation of decent. safe, and affordable housing in neighborhoods of opportunity. C. Housing as a platform for improving quality of life. HUD is interested in how housing matters for human outcomes, and speci?cally how HUD-provided housing assistance. and HUD collaborations with public and private partners. can best improve quality oflife of assisted residents and produce spillover benefits for other systems and communities: 1. Improving educational outcomes of children and adults. and early learning, child development. and parenting; 2. Improving health and wellness outcomes and integration with health systems; 3. Increasing economic security and self?suf?ciency. including work participation and asset development by able-bodied residents: and 4. Improving housing stability for vulnerable populations, including the elderly, people with disabilities. homeless families and individuals, and those individuals and families at risk of becoming homeless. D. Resilient and inclusive communities. HUD is interested in collaborative. innovative, evidence- based approaches to deal with-long- standing and emerging community development challenges in suburban. rural and tribal areas: leveraging cost-effective housing technology in HUD?funded housing or other housing to reduce energy costs, improve disaster resilience, and improve tenant outcomes; 2. Cost-effective approaches to address the public health burden of lead paint. lead dust in soil, and asthma triggers in housing and communities: 3. Strengthening fair housing outcomes in local markets, including through public-private partnerships: 4. Strengthening community resilience in the face of climate change. disasters, pestilence and energy shocks: and 5. Promoting reduction ofregulatory barriers to affordable housing and integrated mixed-income communities. Federal Registerl'ilol. 82, No. 11BlWednesday. june 21, 201TlNotices 28335 HUD Research Assets HUD has made. and continues to make. signi?cant investments in ?Research Assets," as'described below. including program demonstrations and in the production of datasets. is interested in seeing these assets leveraged in ways that may. or may not. be specifically referenced in the Hoadmep Update or HUIJ's Strategic Plan. Such studies demonstrate a broader usefulness of Research Assets that further increases the return on these investments for the taxpayer. In considering potential research partnerships, urges organizations to consider ways to take advantage of key research assets, HUIJ's data infrastructure. that the Hoodm'op Update identi?es as part of HUD's comparative advantage. A. HUD demonstrations. HUD values demonstrations as a method for evaluating new policy and program initiatives and significantly advancing evidence-based policy. especially when rigorous random-assignment methods are feasible. HUD also is interested in research opportunities that take advantage of completed and ongoing demon strations. For example. regarding the Moving to Opportunity demonstration. researchers continue to answer relevant policy questions using the existing data. Examples of demonstrations that are underway include Family Options. the Rental Assistance Demonstration. Pre-Purchase Counseling Outcome Study, and Rent Reform. Electronic versions of published HUD research can be found at B. HUD data infrastructure. HUD makes signi?cant investments to improve and support the nation's housing data. so submitting institutions are encouraged to consider opportunities to use HUD-sponsored survey data and administrative data. The American Housing Survey is one of HUD's largest research investments. The AHS provides a wealth of data on size and composition of the nation?s housing inventory that researchers could use more effectively to address questions about housing market dynamics. C. HUD administrative data linkages. has partnered with the National Center for Health Statistics to longitudinally link administrative records for rental assistance participants with the National Health Interview .?iurvey. the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. and associated NCHS linked ?les for Medicare. Medicaid. and mortality data. These data resourcns are available thrOugh the NCHS research data centers HUD and the Census Bureau have entered an interagency agreement for the Center for Administrative Records Research and Applications to link data from demonstrations and administrative systems with survey data and other administrative records. Pl'iticl't encourages research partnerships that effectively use data assets through public use data or restricted access arrangements with CARRA or NCHS research data centers. Further information is available at: hilt)le IV. Proleclion of Human Research Subjects HUD will require successful applicants to comply with requirements of the federal Common Rule [24 CFR part for protecting human research subjects when applicable. Compliance may require grantees to seek review and approval of research plans by an Institutional Review Board For research requiring on review. work plans shall identify the IRB that the awardee will use and factor in the necessary cost and time involved in that review. HUD will require awardees to provide appropriate assurances and certi?cations of compliance before human subject?s research begins. A. Privacy. Submission of any information to databases (whether Web site. computer. paper. or other format] of personal identifiable information is subject to the protections of the Privacy Act of 1974. You should also check to ensure you meet slate and local privacy regulations. B. Cost Sharing. The Uniform Administrative Requirements. Cost Principles. and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards. set forth in 2 CFR part ZUU. shall apply to this Federal award. Cost sharing or matching means the portion of project. costs not paid by Federal funds [unless otherwise authorized by Federal statute.) Applicants should refer to 2 LIFE Zilli?iih for specific requirements. Data Only Requests. For those who are interested in requesting only HUD data [no funds]. a HUD data license agreement will be required. To obtain a copy ofthe data license application go to the following Web site: firms-ll for research that is in alignment with one of the research priorities listed in this notice. Applications may be submitted to HUD at Dotoljcense@hnd.gov. . D. Upon receipt. the application will be forwarded to the appropriate office for review and approval. A HUD data license is not required to use the HUENCHS linked datasets. but a HUD research partnership can support waivers of NCHS fees for the research data center if a research proposal is accepted by NCHS. V. Description of Awards A. Available Funds. HUD is making approximately 81 million available for Research Partnerships. Additional funds may become available for award because of HUD's efforts to recapture unused funds or use carryover funds. Use of these funds will be subject to statutory constraints. B. Number owaards. The number of awards will be based on the number of proposals HUD reviews. approves. and funds. C. Period ofPeigfortnance. The period of performance will be determined by the applicant's proposal and subject to negotiation by HUD. D. Type ofFunding instrument. Cooperative Agreement. VI. Eligibility Information A. Eligible Applicants. Eligible applicants under this Notice include academic institutions. philanthropic entities. state and units of local government. not-for-pro?t and for-profit institutions located in the United States. For-profit firms are not allowed to earn a fee make a profit from the project). B. Cost Sharing. Cost sharing is required for research projects to be eligible for funding through HUD's non- competitive cooperative agreement authority. Research projects must include at least a 50 percent cost share from philanthropic organizations. Federal. state. local government agencies. or a combination of these entities. For the purposes of the cost- sharing requirement. HUD defines a philanthropic entity as the subset of 501(c)(3) organizations that directly fund research activities. These include private foundations. educational institutions that may have a separate foundation. public charities. and operating foundations. Philanthropic entities may include foreign entities. HUD will not count waiver of overhead or similar costs as cost-sharing contributions. Proposal and Submission Information A. Proposal Subrtilssion. All proposals should be submitted P's-ta? 28336 electronically to Research Partnershipsiftlhudgov or mail to Department ofHousing and Urban Development. Of?ce of University Partnerships, 451-.7th Street SW., Room 3225. Washingtonf DC 20410, ATTENTION: Research Partnerships. B. Content and Form of Proposal Submission. Proposals should contain suf?cient information for to identify whether the research would meet statutory requirements for cost sharing and alignment with the research priorities identified in Section II of this Notice. At a minimum, proposals must include: 1. Proposal Abstract. Applicants should provide a Proposal Abstract with the project title, the names and af?liations of all investigators, a summary of the objectives, study design and expected results, and the total funds requested. 2. Points of Contact. Applicants should clearly identify the name ofthe entity[s] submitting the proposal and detailed contact information for the point of contact: 3. Key Personnel. Applicants should provide information on key personnel that will be engaged with the proiect. HUD will assess the quali?cations of key personnel to carry out the proposed study as evidenced by academic and professional background, publications, and recent [within the past 5 years] research experience. The proposed Principal Investigator must directly represent and be compensated directly by the applicant for his or her role in the proposed study. Publications andior research experience are considered relevant if they required the acquisition and use ofknowledge and skills that can be applied in the planning and execution oftbe technical study that is proposed. 4. Research Proposal Description. Applicants should provide a clear description of the research project. including the methodology being used, and its alignment with the PDtirR research priorities identi?ed. Specific components should include: a. Clearly and thoroughly describe your proposed study and its design. and identify the major objectives; b. The study should be preSented as a logical sequence of steps or phases with individual tasks described for each phase; c. Your narrative should reflect the relevant literature, which should be thoroughly cited in your application. Your proposed study will be lodged in part on the soundness of the underlying body of research upon which it is based and the clarity and soundness of your summary and interpretation of this research base: d. Describe the methodological and statistical basis for your study design and demonstrate that you would have adequate statistical power to test your stated hypotheses and achieve your study objectives: 9. Discuss your plans for data management. analysis. and archiving; f. You should identify any important ?decision points" in your study plan: g. You should describeilist deliverables and associated tirneframes: and b. You should demonstrate that it is clearly feasible to complete the study within the proposed period of performance and successfully achieve your obiectives. 5. Budget. Applicants should provide a detailed budget with line items including the amount ofthe HUD share and the contributions ofany partners [cost sharing component] andior the submitting institution. HUD strongly- encourages using form to detail your budget request. The form is available at: Proposals for research partnerships that have already been to as part ofa grant competition are ineligible as the subject of a non-competitive cooperative- agreement. C. Review and Selection Process. 1. Proposals that meet all the threshold requirements will be eligible for review and rating. 2. Proposals will be reviewed by individuals who are knowledgeable in the ?eld covered by the research proposal. 3. As required by the statutory authority within the appropriations bill, HUD will report each award provided through a cooperative agreement in the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act Sub-award Reporting System created under the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006. Dated: lune 15. 201?. Matthew E. Amman. Gen eral Deputy Assistant Secretoryfor Policy Development and Research. Doc. Filed 3:45 aml BILLING cooE 421041-er Federal Registert?ifol. 32, No. 118iWednesday, June 21, 2017iNotices DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND UFIBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket NO. Notice of Annual Factors for Determining Public Housing Agency Administrative Fees for the Section 0 Housing Choice Voucher, Mainstream, and Moderate Rehabilitation Programs AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing, HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: This Notice announces the per unit fee rates for use in determining the on-going administrative fees for housing agencies administering the Housing Choice Voucher 5 Year Main stream, and Moderate Rehabilitation programs, including Single Room Occupancy. during calendar year 201?. DATES: Effective Date:]anuary 1, 2017. FOR FURTHER IN FORMATION CONTACT: Miguel Fontanez, Director, Housing Voucher Financial Management Division, Of?ce of Public Housing and Voucher Programs. Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban Development. Room 4222, 451 Seventh Street SW., Washington. DC 20410?0000, telephone number 202?? 402?2034. [This is not a toll-free number]. Hearing or speech impaired individuals may call TTY number 1 877-83317. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: A. Background This Notice provides the Department?s methodology used to determine the CY 201? administrative fee rates by area, which the Of?ce of Housing Voucher Programs will use to compensate public housing agencies for administering the HCV programs. B. CY 201:r Methodology For CY 201?, in accordance with the Consolidated Appropriation Act. 201? (Pub. L. 115?31], administrative fees will be earned on the basis of vouchers leased as of the first day of each "month. This data will be extracted from the Voucher Management System at the close of each reporting cycle and validated prior to use. Two foe rates are provided for each PHA. The first rate, Column A. applies to the first 2200 voucher unit months leased in CY 201?. The second "rate. Column B, applies to all remaining voucher unit months leased in C'r' 2m 2. The fee rates established for CY 201?. using the standard procedures, in some D-1 7-0201-A-000166 m-Im_ in null-um a 28335 Federal RegisteriVol. 82, No. 113iWednesday, Intro 21. 2017/Notices electronically to Research Partnershipsralhodgov or mail to Department of Housing and Urban Development. Office of University Partnerships. 451 2th Street SW.. Room 3226. Washington, DC 20410. ATTENTION: Research Partnerships. E. Content and Form of Proposal Submission. Proposals should contain suf?cient information for PDiicR to identify whether the research would meet statutory requirements for cost sharing and alignment with the research priorities identi?ed in Section II of this Notice. At a minimum. proposals must include: 1. Proposal Abstract. Applicants should provide a Proposal Abstract with the project title. the names and affiliations of all investigators. a summary ofthe objectives. study design and expected results. and the total funds requested. 2. Points of Contact. Applicants should clearly identify the name of the entityls] submitting the proposal and detailed contact information for the point of contact: 3. Key Personnel. Applicants should provide information on key personnel that will be engaged with the project. HUD will assess the quali?cations of key personnel to carry out the proposed study as evidenced by academic and professional background. publications. and recent {within the past 5 years] research experience. The proposed Principal Investigator must directly represent and be compensated directly by the applicant for his or her role in the proposed study. Publications andfor research experience are considered relevant if they required the acquisition and use of knowledge and skills that can be applied in the planning and execution of the technical study that is proposed. 4. Research Proposal Description. Applicants should provide a clear description of the research project. including the methodology being used. and its alignment with the research priorities identified. Speci?c components should include: a. Clearly and thoroughly describe your proposed study and its design. and identify the major objectives: b. The study should be presented as a logical sequence of steps or phases with individual tasks described for each phase; c. Your narrative should reflect the relevant literature, which should be thoroughly cited in your application. Your proposed study will be judged in part on the soundness of the underlying body of research upon which it is based and the clarity and soundness of your summary and interpretation ofthis research base; d. Describe the methodological and statistical basis for your study design and demonstrate that you would have adequate statistical power to test your stated hypotheses and achieve your study objectives; e. Discuss your plans for data management. analysis, and archiving; f. You should identify any important "decision points" in your study plan: g. You should describellist deliverables and associated timeframcs; and h. You should demonstrate that it is clearly feasible to complete the study within the proposed period of performance and successfully achieve your objectives. 5. Budget. Applicants should provide a detailed budget with line items including the amount of the HUD share and the contributions of any partners [cost sharing component) audior submitting institution. HUD strongly encourages using form to detail your budget request. The form is available at: ttud-form-ss?scbw?. Proposals for research partnerships that have already been to HUD as part of a grant competition are ineligible as the subject ofa non-competitive cooperative agreement. (3. Review and Selection Process. 1. Proposals that meet all the threshold requirements will be eligible for review and rating. 2. Proposals will be reviewed by individuals who are knowledgeable in the ?eld covered by the research proposal. 3. As required by the statutory authority within the appropriations bill, HUD will report each award provided through a cooperative agreement in the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act Sub-award Reporting System created under the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of ZODE. Dated: Juno 15.20117. Matthew E. Amman. General SecretoryforPoticy Development and Research. ire Doc.201??1294E Filed am] BILLING CODE 421 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. Notice of Annual Factors for Determining Public Housing Agency Administrative Fees for the Section 3 Housing Choice Voucher, Mainstream, and Moderate Rehabilitation Programs AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing, HUD. action: Notice. SUMMARY: This Notice announces the per unit fee rates for use in determining the on-going administrative I fees for housing agencies administering the Housing Choice Voucher 5 Year Mainstream. and Moderate Rehabilitation programs. including Single Room Occupancy, during calendar year 201?. DATES: Effective Date: January 1. 201?. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Miguel Fontanaz. Director. Housing Voucher Financial Management Division. Office of Public Housing and lv?oucher Programs. Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban Development. Room 4222. 451 Seventh Street SW., Washington. DC 2041043000. telephone number 202? 402?2934. {This is not a toll?free numbcr]. Hearing or speech impaired individuals may call number 1 [sea] arr?asst. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: A. Background This Notice provides the Department?s methodology used to determine the CY 201? administrative fee rates by area. which the Of?ce of Housing Voucher Programs will use to compensate public housing agencies for administering the HCV programs. B. CY 201? Methodology For CY 201?. in accordance with the Consolidated Appropriation Act. 2017 (Pub. L. 115?31], administrative fees will be earned on the basis of vouchers leased as of the first day of each month. This data will be extracted from the Voucher Management System at the close of each reporting cycle and validated prior to use. Two fee rates are provided for each FHA. The first rate. flolurnn A. applies to the ?rst 2200 voucher unit months leased in CY 201?. The second rate. Column B. applies to all remaining voucher unit months leased in CY The fee rates established for CY 2111?. using the standard procedures. in some D-1 7-0201-A-000167 Federal Registerflv?ol. 32. No. 113fWednesday. lune cases resulted in fee rates lower than those established for CY 2013. In those cases. the affected PHAs are being held harmless at the CY 2013 too rates. The fee rates for each PHA are generally those rates covering the fee areas in which each has the greatest proportion of its participants. based on Public Housing Information Center data submitted by the FHA. in some cases. PHAs have participants in more than one fee area. If such a PHA so chooses. the PHA may request that the Department establish a blended fee rate schedule that will consider proportionately all areas in which participants are located. Once a blended rate schedule is established. it will be used to determine the fee eligibility for all months in CY 201?. The Pl-iAs were advised via PIH Notice 201??0?. and other electronic communications on June 0 and June 13. 201?, about the terms for applying for blended fee rates and the deadline date for submitting such requests. PIIAs that operate over a large geographic area, defined as multiple counties. may request a higher administrative fee rate if eligible under the circumstance. The PHAs were advised via PIH Notice 2017?0?, and via electronic communication on June 13. 201?. about the terms for applying for higher fee rates and the deadline date for submitting such requests. This information will also be described in the CY 201? funding implementation notice. Accordingly. the Department issues the per voucher unit fee rates to be used to determine administrative fee eligibility for the programs identified in this Notice. These fee rates are posted on HUD's Web site at: under Program Related Information. Any questions concerning this Notice should be directed to the PHA's assigned representative at the Financial Management Center or to the Financial Management Division at hudgou C. MTW Agencies Where an MTW Agency has an alternative Formula for calculating HCV Administrative Fees in Attachment A of their MTW Agreements. HUD will continue to calculate the HCV Administrative Fees in accordance with that MTW Agreement provision. Dated: June 15. 201?. Iemine A. Bryon. Gen and Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and incline Housing. Column A Column 3 FHA rate rate AK901 $94.54 $33.24 AL001 33.35 59.59 AL002 34.33 30.54 AL004 33.01 53.31 AL005 .. 35.15 30.50 AL003 .. 33.01 53.51 911.00? 33.01 53.51 AL003 32.21 53.03 AL011 32.21 53.05 AL012 33.01 I 53.31 ALE-14 32.21 53.03 34.3? I 30.53 AL043 33.01 53.31 AL049 .. 33.01 53.31 AL050 33.01 53.31 AL052 32.21 53.03 AL053 .. 32.21 53.03 AL054 .. 33.01 53.31 AL030 32.21 53.03 AL031 .. 33.01 53.31 AL033 33.35 53.53 AL033 33.01 53.31 AL039 33.35 53.53 33.35 53.53 ALUTS 52.35 53.19 ALUTE 32.21 53.03 33.01 55.31 AL055 .. 33.35 53.59 AL090 32.21 53.03 32.21 53.03 AL033 32.21 53.03 AL105 32.21 53.05 32.21 53.03 AL112 32.21 53.03 AL114 .. 52.21 53.03 AL115 32.21 53.03 AL113 32.21 53.03 AL113 32.21 53.03 AL121 .. 52.21 53.03 AL124 52.35 53.13 AL125 33.35 59.59 AL129 33.01 55.31 AL131 33.01 55.51 AL133 33.01 53.51 AL133 33.01 53.31 AL152 33.01 53.31 AL154 32.21 53.03 AL155 .. 32.21 53.03 AL130 32.21 53.03 AL165 55.30 31.42 AL133 34.33 30.54 .. 32.21 53.03 33.01 53.31 32.21 55.03 .. 32.21 53.03 AL131 .. 32.21 53.03 AL192 .. 32.21 53.03 .. 34.33 30.54 AR002 .. . . 33.03 33.53 AR003 52.33 53.22 A3004 .. 33.03 33 .53 A3003 33.03 33.53 59.3? 55.39 53.5? 55.33 AH015 31.30 5?.22 A3013 53.3? 55.39 32.33 53.22 53.33 55.?0 21, 201??Notices 2333? FHA Column A Column El rate rate A3024 . .. 34.2? 59.93 A3031 aeaa' 53.22 A3033 . .. 59.3? 1 55.39 A3034 . .. 32.33 53.22 A3035 59.3? 55.39 59.3? 55.39 A3039 . .. 59.3? 55.39 A3041 . 33.03 33.53 A3042 . .. 32.33 53.22 A3052 59.3? 55.39 A3059 59.3? 55.39 A3033 59.3? 55.39 . . . 59.3? 55.39 A9082 . . . 59.3? 55.59 AR104 . . . 52.33 53.22 59.3? 55.39 A9121 . . . 59.3? 55.39 A3131 . . . 32.33 53.22 AR135 59.3? 55.39 AR152 59.3? 55.69 AH151 59.5? 55.39 AR133 32.33 53.22 A9166 59.5? 55.59 A3170 33.03 33.53 . 33.03 33.53 59.3? 55.59 59.3? 55.39 . .. 32.33 53.22 A9200 59.3? 55.39 A3210 59.3? 55.39 AH214 59.3? 55.39 A3215 59.3? 55.39 AF1223 59.3? 55.39 A3224 . 59.3? 55.39 A3225 59.3? 55.39 32.33 53.22 A9240 59.3? 55.39 A9241 32.35 53.22 A3252 33.03 33.53 . . 59.3? 55.39 A5234 34.2? 59.93 A3235 . 59.3? 55.39 . 59.3? 55.39 A2001 . . 33.?1 54.12 A2003 53.71 54.12 A2004 3?.92 33.39 A2005 33.?1 34.12 A2003 . ?5.12 ?0.12 A2003 54.4? 50.54 A2009 33.?1 34.12 A2010 33.?1 34.12 A2013 ?3.33 ?1.24 A2021 33.?1 34.12 A2023 5?.39 53.5? A2025 . . . 3?.92 33.39 A2023 . .. 53.?1 54.12 A2031 .. 33.?1 34.12 A2032 . 33.71 34.12 A2033 3?.92 33.39 A2034 53.45 52.33 A2035 ?3.33 ?1.24 53.45 52.33 A2041 ?5.12 ?0.12 A2043 .. 91.99 35.3? A2045 53.44 52.33 A2330 39.?1 34.12 23333 Federal Registerf?v'ol. 92. No. 1197chnesday. June 21. 2017719055135 .1 Column A rate 00:10an 9 rate PHA Column A rate Column 9 rate Column A PHA rate Column rate 92901 C0921 09001 09002 09004 09005 C9005 09007 C9003 09009 .. 0.4010 09011 09014 C9019 C9021 C9022 c.4023 09024 C9025 09027 C902 C9030 09031 09032 C9035 139039 C9041 09043 09044 0.4052 C9053 09055 0.4059 C9053 C9050 0.4951 0.4062 09053 09054 .. . CAGES C9055 C9057 C9053 09070 C9071 C9072 09073 09074 C9075 0.4075 C9077 C9079 04.092 09035 09033 C9092 09093 09094 C9095 . 09102 C9103 C9104 C9105 09105 09109 09110 75.12 72.55 117.52 117.52 117.52 117.52 99.25 31.39 39.25 39.55 93.75 117.52 117.52 117.52 93.75 114.75 93.75 75.94 35.54 35.24 93.75 91.99 75.95 117.52 117.52 101.25 117.52 35.21 102.03 73.70 39.25 57.53 117.52 73.91 102.03 117.52 117.52 117.52 117.52 73.25 117.52 105.03 101.74 102.03 102.03 117.52 117.52 31.39 71.52 117.52 117.52 102.03 117.52 117.52 114.75 105.03 117.52 117.52 34.34 114.52 90.51 114.52 117.52 117.52 117.52 31.99 117.52 117.52 117.52 117.52 91.99 105.03 117.52 . 70.12 57.94 109.70 109.70 109.70 109.70 33-30 75.42 33.30 53.59 37.51 109.70 109.70 109.70 97.51 107.09 97.51 71.92 79.94 90.43 97.51 75.42 71.29 109.70 109.70 94.49 109.70 79.53 95.22 73.45 93.30 53.03 109.70 59.99 95.22 109.70 109.70 109.70 109.70 73.04 109.70 99.05 94.95 95.22 95.22 109.70 109.70 75.42 55.34 109.70 109.70 95.22 109.70 109.70 107.09 93.05 109.70 109.70 79.72 105.99 75.23 105.99 109.70 109.70 109.70 75.42 109.70 109.70 109.70 109.70 75.42 99.05 109.70 C9111 C9114 C9115 09117 C9113 C9119I C9120 0.4121 C9123 09125 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . ., 09125 09129 09131 C9132 C9135 C9143 C9144 09149 C9151 C9155 00001 00002 00023 00040 00051 00052 00057 00059 1 00051 - 00070 00071 00072 00079 00037 l00090 00095 00101 00999 00911 CT001 CT002 07003 CT004 CT005 0T005 07007 07003 CT011 CT013 CT015 01017 CT013 CT019 CT020 CT023 117.52 1 17.52 105.03 117.52. 117.52 117.52 1 17.52 117.52 117.52 102.03 117.52 99.25 102.03 105.09 117.52 95.21 73.25 99.25 99.25 105.09 72.59 57.14 74.90 54.12 32.43 72.53 54.12 57.30 54.12 73.15 57.39 72.93 99.01 73.15 74.90 54.12 72.59 72.53 72.59 35.02 72.53 72.53 72.59 32.49 32.49 57.30 72.53 74.90 99.01 57.39 94.53 54.12 79.15 57.14 72.53 94.55 101.35 99.13 93.24 39.13 50.21 101.35 99.13 99.13 73.30 93.24 99.13 94.55 94.55 37.49 101.35 101.35 99.13 109.70 109.70 93.05 109.70 109.70 109.70 109.70 109.70 109.70 95.22 109.70 93.30 95.22 99.05 109.70 79.53 73.04 93.30 99.30 99.05 57.94 52.55 59.91 59.94 75.97 57.94 59.34 53.29 59.94 72.95 52.91 57.34 92.42 72.95 59.91 59.94 57.94 57.34 57.94 79.35 57.4 57.94 57.94 75.97 75.97 53.23 57.94 59.91 92.42 52.91 53.37 59.94 72.95 52.55 57.94 33.25 94.51 33.13 91.59 33.13 74.35 94.51 33.19 53.15 73.05 91.59 93.13 99.25 3.25 91.55 94.51 94.51 93.19 07024 CT025 07027 CT023 07029 07031 07032 . .. CT033 0T035 07040 0T041 0T042 CT047 CT043 CT049 CT051 CT052 CT053 GTE-59 CT051 l0T0 53 0T0 57 l0T0 53 00330 DE001 DE002 DE003 DE005 FL001 FL002 FL003 FLUID-1 FL005 FL007 FL009 FL009 FL010 FL011 FL013 FL015 FL017 FL015 FL019 FL023 FL024 FL025 FL025 FL030 FL03 1 FL032 FL033 FL034 FL035 FL037 FL041 FL045 FL045 FL047 FL049 FL053 FL057 FL052 73.30 59.13 94.55 59.13 95.24 94.55 75.30 39.13 39.13 99.13 39.13 39.13 39.13 39.13 93.24 90.21 99.13 99.13 39.13 94.55 39.13 73.30 73.30 93.24 93.24 39.13 39.13 109.35 109.35 37.50 77.35 97.50 37.50 77.35 59.40 73.25 73.25 75.52 99.42 73.44 30.41 77.54 93.09 50.93 102.09 55.21 99.42 59.57 70.54 70.54 77.54 73.44 30.41 73.44 70.54 50.93 93.09 73.44 59.33 50.04 75.52 73.25 59.57 59.40 73.05 73.05 59.77.02 59.33 50.04 59.33 75.01 - 73.73.03 53.13 35.25 53.15 91.59 33.25 73.03 33.13 33.13 93.19 33.13 93.13 93.13 93.13 91.39 74.35 93.13 93.13 93.13 33.25 33.13 73.03 73.03 91.59 91.59 33.13 33.13 102.54 102.54 31.75 72.20 31.75 31.75 72.20 54.77 59.37 59.37 71.41 92.30 53.55 75.05 72.45 35.93 55.91 95.30 50.95 92.30 55.50 55.94 55.94 72.45 59.55 75.05 53.55 55.94 55.91 55.35 50.55 55.42 55.03 71.41 59.37 55.50 54.77 72.95 72.95 55.50 71.90I 55.42 55.03 55.42 70.01 53.37 Federal Register/Vol. 32. No. 113I'Wednesday. June 21. 2017INOtices 28339 PHA Column A rate Column rate FHA Co1umn A rate Column rate FHA Column A rate Column 9 rate FL063 FL066 FLUBB FLUBQ FL072 FL073 FL079 FLOBD FL063 FL092 FL093 FL102 FL105 FL106 FL109 FL110 FL113 FL110 FL119 FL141 FL144 FL201 FL202 FL661 FL336 [36001 86004 (39.006 {34264 (3.6269 {36901 P0003 IAGD4 16022 |6023 6664 9942 9942 595? 65.64 6096 ?3.44 6621 ?626 9609 ??64 9609 ??64 6604 ?652 595? ?626 6641 ?652 6936 695? ?644 9609 ??64 ?491 ?102 9609 7626 6696 6015 10209 99.42 595? ?652 6636 9642 ?626 6515 6615 6615 ?943 6615 6515 ?9.43 ?9.43 6516 6515 7943 T943 T943 ?943 7943 7643 7943 7943 ?943 6515 ?943 110.60 104.26 11663. 11664 11?45 11633 6316 6641 6316 6663 ?604 ??51 6?29 ?662 6L45 9260 9260 5560 61.45 5691 6655 6665 663? 6666 ?246 6666 ?246 5623 5660 663? ?605 5642 5560 6655 6666 ?646 6992 ?190 ?260 6666 663? 5691 ?4-61 9660 9220 5560 71.41 5542 9260 662? 6660 6060 6060 ?412 6660 6060 ?412 ?412 6020 6660 74.12 ?412 ?412 ?412 ?412 74.12 ?412 ?412 ?412 6660 ?4.12 103.42 9?33 10905 10906 10963 10905 5695 6L96 5695 6216 ?096 ?235 6290 69?1 IEUSU I6042 IAU45 I4049 |6050 '6054 |6084 16096 IA100 IA106 IA113 IA114 IA119 [9132 IA135 IDUUS ID013 ID021 ID901 IL002 lL006 1L009 1L012 IL014 1L015 ILUEE EL051 n16316 ?391 6316 ?055 6316 6316 ?691 6316 6316 6316 6316 6613 6665 6316 63.16 6616 7691 6616 6?39 53.15. 75.04' 6616 6616 6316 ?655 6316 6616 6316 6316 ?604 ?691 6344 6662 ?930 ?930 ?930 6901 9641 ?3?6 6?.22 6663 7655 ?655 5905 6360 6994' 6332 564? 7055 7055: 6?06 9641 9341 9341 6?22 6312 6994 6523 6994 5905 564? 564? 66?3 564? 564? 56.4? 5905 6660 564? 5905 9641 9641 564? 5695 6696 5695 6535 5695 5695 6696 5695 5695 5695 5695 6659 6212 6695 5695 5695 6696 5695 6290 5695 ?696 5695 5696 5696 6565 5695 5695 5695 5695 ?096 6696 5921 5956 ?402 ?402 74.02 6442 6?1? 6624 6233 6145 6565 6525 5512 5966 6526 5946 545? 6525 6565 6260 6?1? 6?1? 6?1? 6273 5946 6626 6145 6526 5512 546? 545? 5949 545? 545? 546? 5512 6L26 545? 5512 611? 611? 545? IL066 IL069 IL090 IL091 1L120 1L130 1N004 INUUS "6022 lN025 IN026 IN029 IN041 IN046 IN050 IN056 IN056 1N060 . 564? 6916 66?2 564? 564? 564? 6?06 6202 5969 6202 564? 564? ?402 9641 564? 9641 665? 564? 9641 9641 ?6?6 9641 9641 6560 564? 6?06 564? ?3?6 5905 9641 ?655 9641 94.21 9641 5020 5564 5162 5L62 6L51 54.12 5020 6?92 6?92 5953 54?6 53?? 6L51 5620 5666 5476 5L62 55.13 6653 5953 56?6 6?92 5620 5110 56?? 5020 5020 5620 5620 5620 5L10 5255 5614= 5620 5669 5020 5941 5620 545? 5621 5946 545? 545? 646? 6260 5166 5672 5166 545? 545? 6909 611? 545? 611? 6400 546? 611? 6664 611? 6?1? 6123 545? 6260 545? 6664 5512 6?1? 6665 6?92 6?1? 4665 5194 463? 463? 5?41 5052 4665 6340 6340 5556 5111 5019 5?41 4665 500? 5111 463? 55.56 5656 5016 6640 4665 4??0 463? 5019 4665 4665 4665 4666 4665 4??0 4904 5241 4665 5631 4665 5544 4665 D-1 7-0201-A-000170 26340 Federal 62, No. 1167Wednesday. June 21. 2017711400035 FHA Column A rale Column 9 7316 FHA Column A rate Column 6 tale PHA Column A rate Column 1916 IN076 IN060 IN06 IN094 1N100 K3001 K3002 K5004 K3006 K3017 K5036 K5041 K3053 K5066 K5073 . K5091 K5149 K3159 K5161 K5162 K5165 K5166 K5167 K5166 K5169 K5170 KY001 K7006 K7007 K7011 K1701 2 KY015 KY017 11.170121 KY022 KY026 KY027 K7065 K7040 KY047 KY053 KY056 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KY071 K7121 KY132 K7166 KY136 KY137 KY136 K7140 K7141 KY150 KY157 K7160 KY161 51.10 52.55 - 51 .51 51.51 50.20 50.20 50.20 50.20 51.95 54.75 53.76 51.51 61.94 57.92 62.40 54.75 54.75 54.75 54.75 61.94 64.01 54.75 54.75 61.94 62.40 54.?5 . 54.75 61.94 54.75 l61.94 54.75 54.75 54.75 54.75 62.40 54.75 59.56 54.76 65-96 53.77 56.77 59.56 65.10 53.77 66.66 53.77 56.77 53.77 53.77 53.77 56.77 56.77 56.77 56.77 56.77 65.96 59.76 56.77 53.77 56.77 59.55 66.66 65.66 66.66 53.77 53.77 65.93 53.77 59.96 56.77 56.77 56.77 59.96 47.70 49.04 57.41 57.41 45.65 45.65 45.65 45.65 46.46 51.11 50.16 57.41 57.61 54.07 56.24 51.10 51.10 51.10 51.10 57.61 59.74 51.10 51.10 57.61 56.24 51.10 51.10 57.61 51.10 57.61 51.10 51.10 51.10 51.10 56.24 61.10 55.56 51.13 61.53 50.19 50.19 55.56 60.76 50.19 52.41 50.19 50.19 50.19 50.19 50.19 50.19 50.19 50.19 50.19 50.19 61.53 55.79 50.19 50.19 50.19 55.56 62.41 62.41 62.41 50.19 50.19 61.53 50.19 55-95 50.19 50.19 50.19 55.96 K7153 K7159 LA002 LAD03 LA004 L4006 L4009 LA012 L401 3 LAUBS L9024 LA029 LA062 04033 LA036 LA037 LAU45 04.061F L4074 L9075 L9094 . .. . . LA101 LA103 . . . LA104 LII-114 LA115 LA120 LA122 LA162 L9159 L9166 LA155 LA166 LA171 LA173 LA176 . LA161 LA162 LA166 LA166 LA169 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .r LA190 LA192 LA195 LA196 LA199 . . LA204 LA206 56.77 56.77 59.56 56.96 69.69 56.42 75.46 55.31 55.31 65.61 75.46 69.69 69.69 65.61 64.69 65.61 64.69 65.61 64.69 64.69 69.72 65.31 65.31 65.61 64.69 64.69 65.61 64.69 69.69 64.69 65.61 75.46 69.69 65.31 64.59 64.69 64.69 65.31 65.61 64.69 64.69 65.61 64.69 64.59 64.69 65.61 64.69 65.61 64.69 65.31 65.61 65.61 65.31 65.31 65.61 69.69 64.69 66.42 65.61 69.69 64.69 55.31 66.42 64.69 66.92 64.69 65.61 75.46 75.415 75.46 75.46 65.31 65.31 50.19 50.19 55.56 51.56 65.22 63.07 70.43 50.95 50.95 60.95 70.46 65.22 66.22 60.95 60.36 60.95 60.36 60.95 60.36 60.36 65.06 60.96 60.95 60.95 60.36 60.36 60.95 60.66 65.22 60.36 60.95 70.46 66.22 60.95 60.66 60.66 60.66 60.95 60.95 60.66 60.66 60.95 60.66 60.66 60.36 60.95 60.36 60.95 60.66 60.95 60.95 60.95 60.95 60.95 60.95 65.22 60.36 66.67 60.95 65.22 50.36 60.95 63.67 60.36 62.47 60.36 60.95 70.46 70.46 70.46 70.43 60.95 60.95 LA212 LA215 LA220 LA222 LA229 L4262 LA266 LA266 LA242 1.191247 L4246 L9256 LABBE L4669 54906 MA001 M19002 M14006 M5005 M19005 M19007 MA006 MA010 M14012 M14013 M5014 M4015 M4016 111114017 . M9019 M4020 M5022 . . M5023 M19024 M4027 M9026 M19029 MA032 M9034 11.11.4035 M4065 M14067 M19039 M5040 M91041 .. .. . M4042 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .r M4046 MA047 M5046 M9050 . . M5061 M4056 M9054 M4055 66.92 64.69 69.72 65.61 64.69 64-69 75.46 64.69 64.69 64.69 66.42 64.69 64.69 69.69 64.69 64.69 64.69 64.69 64.69 66.92 64.69 64.69 65.31 66.42 69.69 69.69 112.39 121.46 121.46 112.69 110.56 112.69 112.69 112.69 112.39 121.46 121.46 121.46 121.46 121.46 110.56 121.46 121.46 121.46 121.46 112.69 121.46 112.69 121.46 121.46 112.69 121.46 121.46 121.46 112.69 112.69 121.46 112.69 112.39 121.46 112.69 121.46 112.69 121.46 121.46 121.76 121.76 121.46 112.39 112.39 121.46 121.46 121.46 62.47 60.36 65.06 60.95 60.36 60.66 70.43 60.66 60.36 60.36 66.67 60.36 60.36 65.22 60.36 60.66 60.36 60.36 60.66 62.47 60.66 60.36 60.95 66.67 65.22 65.22 104.91 116.37 116.37 104.91 106.21 104.91 104.91 104.91 104.91 116.67 116.67 116.67 116.67 116.67 103.21 113.67 113.67 113.67 116.67 104.91 116.67 104.91 113.67 113.67 104.91 116.67 116.67 116.67 104.91 104.91 1 16.37 104.91 104.91 113.67 104.91 113.67 104.91 113.67 116.37 113.65 113.65 113.37 104.91 104.91 1 16.37 116.67 116.37 D-17-0201-A-000171 Federal RegisterKVoi. 82. Nu. 118!Wednesday. June 21. 20171190111333 23341 FHA Ccrumn A rate Column 5 rate M13956 M3959 M4939 M4061 M4963 M5935 M5963 M5969 M4070 M4071 M40712 M39753 M3974 M3975 MA939 M3931 M19034 111113.935 M3935 M4933 M5039 M3991 M3992 M91993 M91934 M4095 M11996 M14993 M4999 . . . . . . . . M91191 M3193 M14199 M14119 M19111 M91112 M4115 M9113 MA119 . . .. .. M14121 . . . . . . MA122 M3125 M51 2? M5134 M3139 M4149 M4154 M5155 M4179 .i M5114 M9139 M5131 . . M4133 121.43 121.43 121.43 112.39 121.43 121.43 121.43 112.39 121.43 121.43 121.43 121.43 121.43 121.43 121.43 121.43 112.39 112.39 112.39 112.39 112.39 112.39 112.39 112.39 112.39 112.39 112.39 112.39 121.43 121.43 121.43 121.43 121.43 112.33 121.?3 112.33 121.43 121.43 112.39 121.43 112.39 112.39 112.39 112.39 121.43 121.43 121.43 121.43 121.43 121.43 121.43 121.43 121.43 112.39 112.39 121.43 112.39 121.43 121.43 121.43 121.?5 112.39 121.43 121.43 121.43 121.43 121.43 119.53 112.39 121.43 121.?3 121.?5 112.39 113.3? 113.3? 113.3? 104.91 113.3? 113.3? 113.3? 194.91 113.3? 113.3? 113.3? 113.3? 113.3? 113.3? 113.3? 113.3? 104.91 104.91 104.91 104.91 104.91 194.91 194.91 104.91 194.91 104.91 104.91 104.91 113.3? 113.3? 113.3? 113.3? 113.3? 194.33 113.55 194.33 113.3? 113.3? 194-91 113.3? 104.91 194.91 194.91 104.91 113.3? 113.3? 113.3? 113.3? 113.3? 113.3? 113.3? 113.3? 113.3? 194.91 104.91 113.3? 194.91 113.3? 113.3? 113.3? 113.55 194.91 113.3? 113.3? 113.3? 113.3? 113.3? 193.21 194.91 113.3? 113.55 113.35 104.91 FHA Column A rate Culumn rate PHA Column A rate Column 5 rate M21339 M3331 .. M3332 MAE-33 M91991 .. M0991 M0992 M0903 M0994 M0993 M0999 M0913 M0914 M0915 M0913 M0919 M0921 M0922 M0923 M0924 M0925 M0923 M0929 M0932 M0933 M0934 M0991 ME991 ME992 ME993 ME994 ME995 ME993 ME993 ME999 ME911 ME915 ME913 ME929 ME921 ME939 ME991 M1993 M1995 M19915I M1993 M1999 M1919 M1929 M1931 M1932 M1935 M1939 M1949 M1945 121.43 112.39 112.39 112.39 121.43 32.12 32.12 199.33 199.33 34.42 199.33 52.09 73.33 ?3.30 109.35 3?.39 32.12 ?3.33 93.15 109.35 32.12 109.35 32.12 32.12 54.42 3?.59 32.12 32.12 32.12 102.33 52.92 52.92 99.94 32.92 ?1.52 ?5.42 ?1.52 53.15 ?2.59 37.93 99.94 ?2 .59 39.19 99.94 ?2.59 52.92 54.59 3?.93 55.15 51.7? 55.25 55.25 55.25 55.31 35.25 55.13 53.39 53.3? 53.3? 53.3? 55.23 53.3? 51.50 55.39 53.32 53.3? 55.25 55.40 55.25 65.26 . 35.25 55.25 53.3? 113.3? 194.91 194.91 194.91 113.3? ?3.34 73.34 192.54 192.54 l39.11 192.54 5?.95 59.94 53.33 102.54 31 ?5.54 53.94 33.94 102.54 ?5.54 192.54 ?5.54 75.54 50.11 31 ?5.54 ?5.54 75.54 95.52 53.?3 53.?3 93.29 53.?3 153.74 71.32 55.?4 51 32.05 93.29 74.?4 93.29 53.?3 39.29 32.93 51 5?.54 50.91 59.91 50.91 52.09 50.91 52.42 53.10 50.2? 50.2? 50.2? 30.91 59.2? 5?.50 53.19 54.90 59.2? 60.91 52.35 50.91 59.91 60.91 30.91 50.2? M1943 M1949 . M1959 . M1951 M1952 M1955 M1953 M1959 M1960 M1961 M1054 MI 055 M1939 M1934 M1939 M1093 M1094 M1199 M1112 M1119 M1120 M1121 M1132 M1153 M1194 M1193 M1991 MN091 MN992 MN993 . MN995 . . MN993 . MN913 MN921 19191932 MN934 111191933 MN949 MN063 MN035 MNDQO MN191 MN123 MN144 MN151 MN152 MN153 M14154 MN153 . - . - -.-. . . 55.26 53.3? 53.3? 65.26 65.25 65.25 62.5? 65.23 57.?3 53.14 53.3? 51.59 31.39 53.14 59.?9 35.23 51.59 53.3? 55.25 35.25 55.25 53.3? 51.59 53.3? 53.3? 55.39 53.14 53-3? 55.25 55.25 52.5? 52.5? 53.3? 53.3? 52.5? 51.50 52.5? 55.25 35.53 35.53 53.33 53.?3 33.33 ?3.39 71.41 53.92 35.23 63.65 35.63 53.33 53.24 35.33 35.53 ?0.94 35.33 ?1.41 5091 502? 502? 6091 6991 6991 5349 5991 5392 542? 59.2? ?25? 5?59 5392 5?59 542? 5531 5392 5392 5991 5?59 59.2? 5091 5591 5391 592? 5150 552? 502? 5349 54.2? 59.2? 5091 5991 5349 5349 502? 502? 5349 5?59 5340 5091 ?99? ?99? 5945 5435 5945 5419 5419 3341 5410 5554 5410 54J0 54J5 3993 5440 5941 ?99? 5945 5903 5440 5449 54.19 54.19 54.19 799? ?99? 5523 ?99? 5410 5419 5364 D-1 7-0201-A-000172 23342 Federal Rogistera'Vol. 32. No. ?llBr'Wodnesday. June 21. ZUIHNotioos FHA Column A rate Column 9 rate PHA Column A rate Column 3 rate Column A FHA rate Column 3 rate M14161 MN163 MN153 MN176 .. MN172 M61173 M14174 MN176 M14177 M14173 .. MN179 MN136 111111132 MN134 MN136 .. MN191 M14192 M14133 M14200 11.161203 M14212 MN219 MN226 MN301 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. M14302 M0601 M0002 M0003 M0669 M0610 M0614 M0016 M0017 M0040 M0053 M0053 M0065 M0072 M0674 M0129 M0133 M0145 M0149 M0133 M0196 M0192 M0193 M0193 M0199 M0260 M0204 M0206 . 60.62 35.66 73.36 57.9? 63.65 66.32 57.9? 65.63 66.33 65.23 57.9? 57.9? 57.9? 57.9? 66.32 57.9? 57.9? 57.9? 35.63 57.9? 57.9? 57.9? 57.9? 55.14 57.9? 66.32 35.63 35.63 63.65 63.24 35.63 35.63 35.63 63.72 61.94 66.96 63.72 63.72 66.96 66.34 60.96 66.34 66.96 66.34 61.94 61.94 66.34 66.34 61.94 66.90 66.34 66.34 66.34 66.34 66.34 66.34 66.34 66.34 66-34 66.96 66.34 66.34 61.94 61.94 61.94 60.96 63.72 60.34 66.96 61.94 63.72 66.34 56.76 79.9? 66.41 54.10 59.41 56.76 54.16 79.97 56.36 66.93 54.16 54.16 54.16 54.16 56.76 54.16 54.16 54.16 79.9? 54.16 54.16 54.16 54.16 66.66 54.16 54.16 56.76 79.9? 79.9? 59.41 59.63 79.9? 79.9? 79.9? 59.46 57.31 56.34 59.46 59.46 56.34 56.32 56.34 56.32 56.34 56.32 57.61 5?.31 56.32 56.32 57.31 56.34 56.32 56.32 56.32 56.32 56.32 56.32 56.32 56.32 56.32 56.34 56.32 56.32 57.31 57.31 57.31 56.34- 59.46 56.32 56.34 57.31 59.46 56.32 M0210 M0212 M0213 M0215 M0216 M8064 M5065 .. M8065 M8030 M8040 M8653 M8095 M8103 M5126 MT003 MT664 MT666 MT633 MT636 MT901 N0001 ?0002 140003 610009 610011 NOD12 NCO13 1110014 140015 1110620 140621 1110622 140625 610632 610635 NCU39 610056 1110059 NCUBE 1110676 140671 140672 NC675 1110031 1110093 NC102 NCHB NC120 NC134 66.34 66.34 61.94 66.34 61.94 66.96 66.96 66.34 63.72 61.6? 63.46 61.6? 64.2? 61.6? 61.6? 63.46 61.67 74.31 61.67 74.31 61.6? 61.6? 63.46 31.97 72.5? 67.?1 76.73 63.73 69.11 73.76 69.11 31.9? 63.61 75.26 69.64 59.43 65.21 63.61 69.64 64.65 65.21 65.21 75.23 59.43 63.61 59.43 63.61 59.43 75.26 63.61 59.43 59.43 59.99 62.63 62.43 66.39 69.64 65.21 69.64 65.63 62.63 65.46 59.43 59.43 65.21 63.61 59.43 63.61 65.63 75.23 59.43 75.23 65.69 56.32 56.32 57.31 56.32 57.31 56.34 56.34 56.32 59.46 57.66 59.1? 57.66 59.96 57.66 57.66 59.17 57.66 69.31 57.66 69.31 57.66 57.60 59.1? 76.51 67.74 63.19 73.43 59.54 64.49 63.35 64.49 76.51 53.31 76.26 64.43 55.4? 66.6? 56.31 64.43 59.7? 66.6? 66.3? 76.26 55.47 53.61 55.4? 53.31 55.4? 76.26 56.61 55.4? 55.4? 55.99 5?.91 56.31 61.97 64.43 66.3? 64-43 61.29 5?.91 61.64 55.4? 55.4? 60.6? 56.61 55.47 53.31 61.29 76.26 55.47 76.26 61 .29 NC133 610139 NC141 NC145 NC147 ?0149 NC151 NC1S5 NC161 NC164 NC155 NC166 140173 . .. 610901 610001 1510002 NDO16 N6611 N0612 140616 N6621 N0024 N0626 N0023 N0636 ND631 N0635 1110035 1113633 N0040 NDD44 0652 6654 D655 1.10961 NE001 NE002 NE003 NEG-64 NE010 NE033 195094 NE100 NE164 NE114 NE126 63.61 59.43 59.43 63.61 59.43 63.61 59.43 59.43 63.61 59.43 59.43 59.94 63.61 59.43 66.39 59.43 59.43 62.43 75.23 59.43 59.43 66.54 63.61 63.61 59.43 73.30 71.41 71.41 71.41 73.46 71.41 71.41 71.41 73.36 71 .41 71.41 71.41 71.41 73.46 71.41 71.41 71.41 71.41 71.41 71-41 71.41 71.41 71.41 71.41 71.41 71.41 71.41 71.41 71.41 71.41 71.41 71.41 71.41 71.41 73.46 67.39 66.51 66.29 65.64 65.64 65.64 65.64 65.64 65.64 65.64 65.64 65.64 65.56.31 55.4? 55.4? 53.31 55.4? 53.31 56.4? 56.4? 53.31 55.4? 55.4? 55.95 53.31 55.4? 61.9? 55.4? 55.4? 53.31 70.26 55.4? 55.4? 56.51 56.31 53.31 55.47 63.41 66.64 66.64 66.64 63.56 66.34 66.64 66.64 63.41 66.64 66.64 66.64 66.64 63.56 66.64 66.64 66.64 66.64 66.64 66.64 66.64 66.64 65.64 66.64 66.64 66.64 66.64 66.64 66.64 66.64 66.64 66.64 66.64 66.64 66.56 62.96 62.67 61.67 61.27 61.27 61.2? 61.2? 61.2? 61.2? 61.2? 61.2? 61.2? 61.2? Federal Reglsierf'v'oi. 82. No. 118JWednesday, June 21, ZONINotices 28343 Column A Column Column A FHA rate rate FHA rate 031%" FHA 0073;.? A 60:11:? NE123 .. 65.64 61.27 NJ063 66.33 31.04 NY020 . . .. .. 76.36 71.74 NE141 .. 65.64 61.27 NJ065 107.03 99.94 NY021 63.12 63.53 NE143 65.64 61.27 NJ066 .. 106.31 99.67 NY022 76.36 71.74 NE150 .- 65.64 61.2? 109.38 102.10 110,10 1 102.77 NE153 67.39 62.90 NJ063 106.31 99.67 NY025 76.36 71.74 NE157 65.64 61.27 NJ070 109.33 192.10 15.117027 .. 70.73 66.02 NE174 67.39 62.90 NJ071 109.3 192.10 NY026 .. 76.36 71.74 NE175 .. 66.63 62.13 NJ073 37.69 31.76 11.17033 .. 76.36 71.74 NE179 .. 65.64 61.27 NJ074 37.69 31.76 147034 .. 64.75 60.45 NE130 65.64 61.27 NJ075 109.33 192.10 147035 .. 110.10 102.77 NE161 .. 65.64 61.27 NJ077 91.16 35.09 147041 30.92 75.53 NH001 39.56 63.59 NJ063 .. 91.16 35.09 NY944 60.92 75.53 NH002 95.17 66.32 NJ034 .. 109.33 102.10 147045 .. 66.57 60.79 NH003 .. 92.76 36.53 NJ036 .. 106.31 99.67 NY043 55.97 52.24 NH004 92.76 36.53 NJ063 .. 196.31 99.67 NY049 96.37 91.62 NH005 102.26 95.43 NJ039 109.33 102.10 NY050 .. 110.10 102.77 NH006 92.76 66.56 NJ090 109.33 102.10 NY051 .. 96.37 91.62 NH007 .. 30.54 75.17 NJ092 .. 106-31 9967 147054 75.60 70.57 NH003 .. 92.76 36.56 NJ095 .. 197.03 99.94 147057 110.10 102.77 NH009 33.14 77.59 NJ097 .. 109.33 102.10 147059 .. 64.75 60.45 NH010 95.56 39.19 NJ099 .. 106.31 99.67 NY060 .. 71.63 66.91 NH011 73.30 63.42 NJ102 .. 106.31 99.67 517061 .. 64.61 60.31 NH012 76.03 72.36 NJ105 .. 106.31 99.67 NY062 .. 93.37 91.62 NH013 92.76 36.56 NJ106 .. 109.33 102.10 1117065 .. 65.46 61.10 NH014 .. 92.76 36.56 14.1103 .. 106.31 99.67 NY066 .. 65.96 61.57 NH015 73.30 63.42 NJ109 106.31 99.67 NY067 .. 62.43 53.26 NH016 73.30 63.42 NJ110 109.33 102.10 1117063 .. 61.17 57.03 NH022 112.39I 104.91 NJ112 199.33 102.10 NY070 .. 66.11 61.71 NH633 95.17 33.32 NJ113 106.31 99.67 147071 .. 73.14 63.26 NH901 69.53 63.60 NJ114 .. 109.33 102.10 147973 .. 72.77 67.92 NJ002 106.61 99.67 NJ116 .. 37.60 31.76 1117077 .. 110.10 102.77 NJ003 106.61 99.67 NJ204 37.69 31.76 147079 72.77 67.92 11.1004 91.16 35.09 NJ212 104.94 97.94 1117034 95.71 39.32 NJ006 109.33 102.10 NJ214 .. 107.03 99.94 NY035 .. 110.10 102.77 NJ007 107.03 99.94 NJ215 .. 67.39 31.76 147036 .. 110.10 102.77 NJ003 107.06 99.94 NJ360 107.06 99.94 1117067 60.15 56.14 NJ009 91.16 35.09 NJ661 109.36 102.10 N7063 .. 110.10 102.77 NJ010 37.60 31.76 14.1362 106.61 99.67 NY069 30.92 75.53 NJ011 109.33 102.10 NJ902 104.94 97.94 NY091 66.11 61.71 NJ012 91.16 35.09 NJ912 106.31 99.67 NY094 .. 110.10 102.77 NJ013 109.33 102.10 NM001 75.73 70.63 NY096 71.63 66.91 14.1014 .. 90.32 34.31 NM002 .. 56.66 54.77 NY102 70.73 66.02 NJ015 91.16 35.09 NM003 60.10 56.09 147103 .. 66.57 30.79 NJ021 109.33 102.10 NM006 75.62 70.76 NY107 .. 70.73 36.02 NJ022 109.33 102-10 NM009 39.62 33.63 147109 .. 64.75 60.45 NJ023 106.61 99.67 NM020 59.37 55.41 147110 95.71 69.32 NJ025 106.31 99.67 NM030 53.63 54.77 N71 11 .. 110.10 102.77 11.1926 91.16 35.09 NM933 53.63 54.77 N71 13 .. 110.10 102.77 NJ030 .. 91.16 65.09 NM939 53.63 54.77 NY114 95.71 69.32 NJ032 106.31 99.67 NM050 39.62 33.63 NY117 .. 110.10 102.77 11.1.1033 109.33 102.10 NM957 75.73 70.63 147120 110.10 102.77 NJ035 109.36 102.10 NM061 53.66 54.77 147121 110.10 102.77 NJ036 91.16 35.09 1411-1063 59.37 55.41 517123 110.10 102.77 NJ037 106.31 99.67 NM066 74.52 69.55 NY125 93.37 91.62 NJ039 106.31 99.67 NM067 .. 53.63 54.77 147127 .. 110.10 102.77 NJ042 109.33 102.10 NM077 .. 75.73 70.63 NY126 .. 110.10 102.77 NJ043 109.33 102.10 NM033 62.57 53.40 117130 .. 110.10 102.77 NJ044 109.33 102.10 1417001 76.96 73-70 NY132 110.10 102.77 NJ046 107.03 99.94 NV013 63.70 32.79 117134 93.37 91.62 NJ047 109.33 102.10 NV905 73.96 73.70 NY137 .. 93.37 91.62 NJ043 107.06 99.94 NY001 . 70.73 66.02 1117133 .. 95.71 39.32 NJ049 36.33 31.04 NY002 .. 66.11 61.71 1117141 .. 110.10 102.77 NJ050 106.31 99.67 NY003 110.10 102.77 NY146 .. 110.10 102.77 14.1051 37.60 31.76 NY005 .. 95.71 39.32 147147 110.10 102.77 NJ052 106.61 99.67 NY006 64.75 60.45 NY143 .. 95.71 39.32 NJ054 107.93 99.94 NY009 76.36 71.74 NY149 .. 110.10 102.77 NJ055 . . 109.36 102.10 NY012 .. 76.36 71.74 NY151 110.10 102.77 NJ056 . . 107.03 99.94 147015 .. 76.36 71.74 NY152 .. 110.10 102.77 14.1053 67.60 61.76 1117016 67.07 62.60 NY154 110.10 102.77 14.1059 90.32 64.31 147017 59.01 55.07 NY155 .. 110.10 102.77 NJ060 107.03 99.94 1117013 62.55 53.33 1117153 93.37 91.32 ?.1061 .. 31.04 ?7019 54.75 50.45 1117159 110.10 102.77 D-1 7-0201-A-000174 23344 Federal Register/Vol. 82. No. ll?fWednesday. lune 201?.1Notices Column A Column 3 Column A Column Column A Column FHA rate rate P20 rate rate FHA rate tale NY150 95.71 39.32 0H022 51.01 55.94 0111139 52.72 53.54 NY155 110.10 102.77 0H024 .. 55.55 52.37 OK142 51.01 55.95 NY175 .. 102.77 0H025 .. 59.07 54.45 011145 59.92 55.93 NY402 .. 53.30 53.74 0H025 .. 57.55 53.74 014145 51.50 57.50 111114-03 .. 55.71 52.00 0H027 .. 59.07 54.45 011901 52.72 53.54 NY404 .. 55.11 51.71 DH023 50.32 55.30 013001 .. 73.11 72.39 NY405 .. 55.11 51.71 0H029 .. 55.55 52.33 013002 73.11 72.39 NY405 .. 30.92 75.53 0H030 .. 55.55 52.37 0131003 30.32 75.44 111111403 .. 75.35 71.74 UH031 .. 57.94 53.41 013005 75.22 70.21 1117409 .. 55.11 51.71 0H032 .. 57.23 53.45 013005 . 39.75 I 33.73 11111413 .. 71.53 55.91 0H033 .. 55.55 52.37 0131007 77.33 1 72.17 14-7415 .. 75.35 71.74 0H034 57.25 53.45 0121003 I 33.35 73.27 NY417 .. 54.75 50.45 0H035 55.55 52.37 0121011 33.35 73.27 NY421 75.35 71.74 0H035 55.91 53.12 01-1014 33.35 73.27 NY422 75.35 71.74 0H037 55.55 52.37 013015 39.17 33.23 NY424 75.35 71 .74 0H033 . . 55.55 52.41 013015 73.11 72.39I 11-17427 .. 75.35 71 .74 0H039 .. 55.55 52.37 0171017 73.32 53.90 147428 .. 75.35 71 .74 0H040 55.55 52.37 013019 79.29 74.00 1411430 75.35 71 .74 0H041 55.55 52.37 013020 50.32 75.44 11-17431 75.35 71.74 0H042 59.07 54.45 0121022 73.11 72.39I NY433 55.97 52.24 DH043 .. 55.51 51.14 03.025 31.31 75.35 NY443 54.75 50.45 0H044 59.49 55.52 03027 73.32 53.90 147447 75.35 71.74 0H045 . 55.55 52.37 013023 73.11 72.39 147449 55.11 51.71 0H045 .. 55.55 52.37 013031 31.24 75.34 147501 75.35 71.74 0H047 .. 53.55 52.37 013032 77.33 72.17 NY503 . 75.55 71.74 DH049 .. 55.55 52.41 013034 35.22 30.47 1111504 70.73 55-02 01-1050 55.55 52.37 1313.001 51.13 57.05 117505 57.07 52.50 0H053 .. 55.55 52.37 1371.002 37.50 31.75 147512 75.35 71.74 01-1054 .. 59.03 55.10 P141003 59.27 55.32 1117513 75.35 71.74 0H055 .. 55.55 52.37 P191004 74.51 53.52 NYS15 75.35 71.74 0H053 55.55 52.37 1:01.005 51.13 57.05 147519 75.35 71.74 0H059 55.51 51.14 1714005 51.13 57.05 NYE21 70.73 55.02 0H050 .. 55.55 52.37 17.41007 57.30 91.75 1117522 50.15 55.14 0H051 .. 57.95 54.09I 13.4003 75-35 71.25 117527 70.73 56.02 0H052 .. 51.01 55.94 13.4009 72.75 57.90 15.111529 35.57 30.79 01-1053 55.55 52.37 P4010 51.13 57.05 147530 71.53 35.91 01-1055 .. 55.55 52.37 13.4011 74.51 59.52 147532 75.35 71.74 01-1057 55.55 52.37 13.4012 37.50 31.75 117534 54.75 50.45 0H059 .. 55.55 52.37 1314.013 74.22 59.27 1517535 76.35 71.74 0H070 55.51 51.14 13.131014 51.13 57.05 1517533 73.35 71.74 0H071 .. 53.55 54.07 P4015 51.13 57.05 NY541 .. 51.17 57.03 0H072 55.55 52.37 PA015 57.21 52.73 NY552 .. 54.75 50.45 0H073 59.07 54.45 PA017 51.13 57.05 114111557 75.35 71.74- 01'1074 53.24 54.35 P3013 51.13 57.05 1117551 .. 75.35 71.74 0H075 .. 55.55 52.37 P4019 52.74 53.55 1111552 75.35 71.74 DH073 .. 55.55 52.37 P4020 53.35 54.29 NY554 75.35 71.74 DH077 55.55 52.37 9.4021 52.74 53.55 NY530 75.55 71.74 DH073 55.55 52.37 2.4022 70.09 55.41 110.10 102.77 OH079 55.51 51.14 P4023 37.50 - 31.75 1517339 59.01 55.07 01-1030 .. 53.03 54.15 P1111024 - 74.51 59.52 15.17391 .. 110.10 102.77 01-1031 .. 53.53 54.53 PA025 51.71 57.59 147392 110.10 102.77 01-1052 55.79 53.00 P111027 .. 53.43 54.57 117395 110.10 102.77 l01-1033 55.51 51.14 1:14.023 79.57 74.27 NY904 110.10 102.77 0H035 53.55 54.07 P4029 53.13 55.97 NY912 55.11 51.71 0H035 .. 55.55 52.37 P4030 59.27 55.32 0H001 55.51 51.14 01-1330 59.07 54.45 13.4031 54.51 50-30 01-1002 59.43 55.52 01-1332 59.07 54.45 P191032 52.35 53.19 01-1003 .. 59.07 54.45 0K002 52.72 53.54 13.4033 51.71 57.59 0H004 .. 55.33 52.41 0K005 .. 51.01 55.95 P4034 55.55 52.21 0H005 51.01 55.94 014.005 .. 59.92 55.93 13.4035 75.35 71.25 01-1005 53.55 54.07 014024 . 59.92 55.93 P4035 77.54 72.35 0H007 .. 57.94 53.41 01-1027 59.92 55.93 13.4037 57.21 52.73 0H003 59.49 55.52 0K032 59.92 55.93 9.4.033 59.27 55.32 0H009 55.55 52.37 0K033 51.01 55.95 3.4039 71.31 57.03 0H010 .. 55.55 52.37 01(044 .. 59.92 55.93 13.4041 51.55 57.45 0H012 59.07 54.45 01(052 .. 59.92 55.93 13.4042 59.27 55.32 0H014 59.90 55.90 014057 59.92 55.93 PAD-43 59.27 55.32 0H015 55.33 52.41 0111073 51.01 55.95 P4044 59.27 55.32 0H015 53.53 54.53 0K095 51.50 57.50 P3045 52.25 53.09 01-1013 .. 53.53 54.53 0111095 .. 59.92 - 55.93 P3045 57.50 31.75 0H019 .. 59.95 55.95 01(099 59.92 55.93 13.4047 59.27 55.32 OH020 57.20 53.39 01(111 .. 59.92 55.93 13.4043 72.32 57.50 0H021 51.01 1 55.94 0K113 59.92 55.93 13.4050 50.03 55.03 Federal RegisterKVOL Na. llafWednesday, June 21, 2017719081135 28345 FHA Cofumn A rate Column 8 rate PHA Coiumn A rate Column 8 rate P4052 P4053 P4054 P4055 P8058 P8057 P9058 . P9050 P4053 P4084 P8055 P8057 .. P8055 P8071 P8073 PA074 9.4075 9.4078 9.4077 P4075 PAD 79 13-91050 P8051 138.052 P9057 PA091 P9092 138.559 HI003 H1004 HI005 H1010 H1011 HI012 H1014 .. . H1015 H1018 H1017 H1020 H1024 H1027 H1025 H1029 H0010 H0012 H0013 87.80 78.35 52.25 80.90 82.25 59.55 59.27 51.71 59.55 52.25 82.25 52.25 50.08 52.25 74.81 50.08 54.51 72.75 59.27 50.08 78.35 74.81 80.90 98.71 81.71 50.90 74.51 70.44 59.78 58.48 59.55 74.22 83.17 59.55 77.54 70.70 50.22 87.50 110.58 110.58 110.58 110.58 105.54 110.58 110.58 95.15 110.58 110.58 110.58 110.58 105.84 110.58 110.55 110.58 110.58 110.58 110.58 110.58 110.58 1 10.55 110.58 110.58 1 10.58 1 10.58 1 10.58 79.49 73.98 79.49 73.98 73.98 79.49 73.98 79.49 81.78 71.28 58.09 55.83 58.09 55.58 55.32 57.59 55.58 58.09 58.09 58.09 55.08 58.09 59.52 55.05 50.30 57.90 55.32 58.08 71.28 59.82 58.83 90.27 57.59 58.83 l59.52 55.74 55.80 54.57 55.58 59.27 77.52 55.58 72.38 55.98 55.21 81.75 103.21 103.21 103.21 103.21 98.59 103.21 103.21 89.74 103.21 103.21 103.21 103.21 98.59 103.21 103.21 103.21 103.21 103.21 103.21 103.21 103.21 103.21 103.21 103.21 103.21 103.21 103.21 74.19 59.03 74.19 89.03 89.03 74.19 59.03 74.19 H0018 - . . . - . . - 0024 0025 . . . - . H0028 H0030 H0031 0032 H0033 H0035 H0037 H0038 H0039 H0040 H0041 H0042 H0043 H0044 H0045 H0045 . - . H0047 H0049 H0050 H0052 H0053 . . . . H0054 .. . H0055 H0058 H0057 H0058 H0059 H0080 H0081 H0052 . . . H0055 H0055 H0057 H0088 H0059 H00 H0071 F100 72 H0073 H0074 H0 077 H0080 H0081 H0082 90053 90901 H091 1 SC001 80004 79.49 79.49 79.49 73.98 73.98 79.49 81 .22 79.49 79.49 79.49 79.49 79.49 73.98 79.49 79.49 73.98 73..22 73.98 73.95 73.95 79 .49 79 .49 73.95 79 .49 73.95 . 79.49 - 79.49 73.95 79.49 79.49 73.95 79.49 73.98 73.98 73.98 73.98 I 73.98 73.98 79.49 79.49 73.98 73.98 73.98 73.95 73.98 79.49 73.95 79.49 73.98 73.98 79.49 73.98 79.49 73.95 79.49 79.49 79.49 79.49 79.49 57.85 88.59 82.51 82.81 74.19 74.19 74.19 89.03 89.03 74.19 75.81 74.19 74.19 74.19 74.19 74.19 89.03 74.19 74.19 89.03 59.03 59.03 74.19 89.03 74.19 89.03 74.19 59.03 74.19 75.81 75.81 89.03 59.03 59.03 74.19 74.19 59.03 74.19 59.03 74.19 74.19 59.03 74.19 74.19 59.03 74.19 89.03 89.03 89.03 89.03 89.03 89.03 74.19 74.19 89.03 89.03 89.03 59.03 59.03 74.19 59.03 74.19 89.03 89.03 74.19 89.03 74.19 59.03 74.19 74.19 74.19 74.19 74.19 83.33 54.01 58.43 58.43 50018 30024 FHA 30028 $0030 3003 1 30032 SC034 30035 50048 80058 30057 50059 50911 .. 50010 .. 50011 $0014 30018 30021 . . . . $0025 50034 $0035 50030 50039 .. 30043 50045 30048 80055 80057 80058 80059 TN001 TN002 TN003 TN008 TN007 TN012 TN013 TN 028 TN035 TN038 TN042 TN054 TN052 TN005 TN005 TN075 TN079 TN088 - . TN113 Column A rate Column 8 rate 8281 8545 8281 8159 5281 52.81 52.81 8281 51.59 8904 5281 8785 8281 5389 5281 8159 5251 5159 8159 5251 5159 52.81 5159 8904 5281 5904 5185 8785 5159 8859 5457 5182 51.82 8487 8182 8182 8182 8747 8182 8182 5487 5182 8182 8182 8182 8182 8182 8182 8182 8182 54.27 5959 5995 8515 7122 5959 5959 5995 5850 7122 5850 58.50 71.22 5959 5850 5959 5850 5995 5959 5959 7122 5995 5995 58.43 80.80 58.43 57.48 58.43 58.43 58.43 58.43 57.48 84.43 58.43 53.33 58.43 59.82 58.43 57.48 58.43 57.48 57.48 58-43 57.48 58.48 57.48 84.43 58.43 54-43 53.33 53.33 57.48 54.01 50.35 57.59 57.89 50.35 57.89 57.89 57.59 82.88 57.89 57.89 50.35 57.89 57.59 57.59 57.89 57.89 57.89 57.89 57.89 57.89 59.98 55.82 55.98 80.80 88.47 55.82 55.52 55.98 54.80 85.47 54.80 54.80 88.47 55.82 54.80 55.82 54.80 55.98 55.82 55.82 55.47 55.95 55.95 89'91 19'91 999W). 3L11 9391 39'99 993)?. 9999A 9391 9119 9617311. 9919 9919 393)?. 9999 9393.9 L399 9917.31 L399 91'6?9 3999 9999 39939 3319 9919 3999 9999 199W) L399 91199 ?'99 6999 999W). 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L399 593)? 3319 9919 919)?. 3991 9191 1739)?. 9999 3919 11931 119)? 9991 9119 999311 91:11 39831 L399 ESLQ 17931 La-gg i (EL-SQ -. aalg 0819 .. til-GK]. 1991 9919 939)?. L399 953)?. 3919 #331 9999 11-139 939)? L399 3319 9319 9991 9119 339)? L399 313)?. 3319 9919 919)? L399 W11 91'91 993211 9991 9119 999)? L399 W11 91'51 L199 91111 999)? Ball; DELQ ngxi lagg gr?g .. 1393de RUSS Brag l?uxl L399 W?tr1 9161 693)?. 91"99 LL91 999)? 13;; Era; ilgxi Balls .. ?52de ?9.19 veal 90m?- .. pg'g; 3319 [DE-lg .. 933)?? 8399 9119 .. .. Bum?- L399 9969 999)? 9915 var-Lg ream. Wt; 9.1-9939 1:139 35m 3319 cue-Lg I - - mam lip-99 33? mam 9519 911- L9 151720. 3319 0919 993)? 0909 arse um; 9191 6er 91m 613: a 191 6 umnjog uwmoo a uwmog oun|03 a uwnlog uni?es VH9 5331101911102 ?12 aunf ?a?iepsaupengu 10A {13159993 {empad 91mg Federal Register Vol. 92, No. 115 {Wednesday June 21, 2.017 {Notices 28347 FHA Column 5 Column 5 FHA column A Column 3 summer: We. the U.S. Fish and rate rate rate rate Wildlife Service, invite the public to comment on applications to conduct 3:33; Eng: . . . 43.33 certain activities with endangered 95535 Illhilltillii 24:51 55:54 wuss 5555 50.00 With some Exceptiu?ss the V5040 53.55 50.11 woes 52:55 45:55 Endangered [335] F'T'Z'hibits VA041 114.51 5954 w|1g5 5310 ??39 activities with listed species unless 5.5042 ., 55359 5552 w|201 Federal authorization is ac uired that 55.52 55 55 I VA044 54.66 51.01 59.31 55.35 allows such actiwtles. 109.85 102.54 WIEGA 53.?3 50.14 IWB . - . 53901 I 6159 630? megs 5285 4933 reqile5t5 5331? 32133 51333 33:32 13:33. 2L 20?- VTUDZ T593 ?4.04 was 5352 5024 ADDRESSES: VT003 52.05 T555 001214 71 _14 55.40 Submitting Comments: You may VT004 51.24 T553 WI219 .. 53.52 55.55 submit comments by one of the WI21Q 59.31 55.35 following methods: - - w1221 52.55 45.53 1 I. . E305 "(5.05 $9.99 w|222 52.35 4933 hits-ff 0793i 35:23 instructions for submitting comments 555001 .. 55:05 55.20 w|233 52:35 49:33 0" Bucket NO- 151.4002 55.05 5530 may 5335 5025 i U.S. mail or hand?delivery: Public WADDB 93.95 75.35 Comments Processin . Attri: Docket No. WI241 .. 52.85 49.33 3 79-27 73-9? 50242 52.55 45.53 U.S. Fish and WADDS 30-71 75-35 WI244 55.03 54.15 Wildlife Service HeadquartersEgg; 33:? Egg-?33 54.05 50.45 Chum-h. 05 220414303 W1243 52.85 49.33 - - 1.55011 55.55 55.20 w|256 5235 4933 ?{th Submitting 9115.012 ?3.33 53.43 w|9?1 52 as 49 33 the name of the EPEllLd?-t and 1145914 .. 51.12 51.95 woma 5?:20 53:39 will post all comments on 1151119101? .. 53.32 59.55 wy0?4 5935 55,95 wwmeguiotionagov. This generally 1?92? 1'33? W005 5730 5339 means that we will post any personal 1515.020 54.22 50.49 55.52 55.5? information you provide us [see the WAGE 7.333 633% 1119005 51.25 5?.18 Public Comments section below for . 155055 55.55 15.55 mm: 5930 55 90 ?ef?ng Comlflenfs- 5301111119?? arid 15.4035 55.05 55.20 57 53'20 material?? rye receive WIN be avai ab 5 WAD42 75.24 1'1 .15 5?:00 53:20 for public inspection on WAD49I 56.?4 50.94 wv?? 5319 5432 or by WA054 30.71 75.35 wv?s?i 5100 53.20 appnintment? belwegn B. a_m_ and 4 WAD55 73-02 53-?5 155035 .i .. 55.15 54.52 pm. Monday through Friday. except 792? 7333 W037 59.95 55.95 Federal holidays, at the U.S. Fish and WAW 32-50 77-9? 1.55055 5120 55.35 Wildlife Service. Division of WADB4 25.55 20.05 mug 57.120 5339 Managemem?uthomy? 52m Leesburg will)? Egg: 5m? 532? Pike. Falls Church. VA 22041?3503; wines 53:52 55355 $332 telth?nB 703?353-2095 WIUDS ?1.14 56-40 007093 57:20 52:72 Foe FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: wm?? 51-15 57-03 mum 101133 9355 Brenda Tapie. Program ?"011 5373 50-14 W013 57.20 52.?2 Administrator, Division of Management WINE 5236 4933 Authority. US. Fish and Wildlife 30117-12952 FllE?d 9?20?1723245 SET-vice Headquarters, Win31 5235 BILLING CUBE Him?P Leesburg Pike. Falls Church. VA 22041? Wl?dB .. 53.32 50.24 I 1 58 2023. 152145 52.55 45.33 3333?- BF {"19 703-3 - 52.5? 45.44 facsimile ?03?355?2250. WI048 -. 52-35 49-33 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR SUPPLEMENTARY INFoamnoN: 551550 55.55 25.5? WIDE-4 59.31 55.35 Fish and Wildufe service 1. Public Comment Procedures WIDES .. 53.32 50.24 A HOW do {request copies of 53.?3 50.14 [Docket NO. . 53-?3 51114 5011111161]! 011 submitted WIDTH 52.86 49.33 I ma min" WI053 .. 53.92 59.55 Endangered ?eoeipt of send 3mm request for copies of 511051 52.55 45?nations to wlgge 5235 49133 AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife WHEY 52.95 45.33 interior. . . - Please include the Federal Register . 5 49. - .. 2:32 59:: ACTION. Notice of receipt of applications mum publicatmn date. the WI150 52.95 49.33 for Penmls' number. and the name of the applicant MD 20892. 301-322?5340, julioberzhonskoyoblnihgov. Nome ofCommittee: National Institute on Drug Abuse Special Emphasis Panel; Expanding Medication Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorders in the Context of the Opioid STR lIflrants Dore; Jilly 25, 2017. Time: 12:00 pm. to 3:00 pm. Agendo:To review and evaluate grant applications. Place: National institutes ofHeaIth. Neuroscience Center, 5001 Executive Boulevard. Rockville, MD 20052 {Telephone Conference Call]. Contact Person: Hirorni Ono. Scienti?c Review Officer. Of?ce of Extramural PoliCy and Review, National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institutes of Health, DHHS. 0001 Executive Boulevard. Room-9233.1vlSC 0550. Bethesda. MD 20302, 301?327?5320, hirorni.ono@nih.gov. {Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance Program Nos; 93.2179. Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs. National institutes of Health, HHS) Dated: lune 19. 201?. Natasha M. Copeland. Program Analyst, O?ice ofFei-iernl A o'visory Committee Policy. IFR Doc. 2e1r?1sora Filed snil BILLING cons tine-m4: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES National Institutes of Health National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases; Notice of Closed Meetings Pursuant to section 10(d] of the Federal Advisory Committee Act, as amended [5 USE. App]. notice is hereby given of the following meetings. The meetings 'will be closed to the public in accordance with the provisions set forth in sections and Title 5 U.S.C., as amended. The grant applications and the discussions could disclose confidential trade secrets or commercial property such as patentable material, and personal information concerning individuals associated with the grant applications, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. Nome ofCommittee: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Special Emphasis Panel; NIAID CLINICAL TRIAL PLANNING GRANT [nae]. Dole: Iuly 17, 201?. Time: 2:00 p.111. to 5:00 pm. Agenda: To review and evaluate grant applications. Place: National Institutes of Health, 5601 Fishers Lane. Rockville. MD 20802 {Telephone Conference Call]. Contact Person: Zhuqing [Charlie] I.i. Scientific Review Of?cer, Scientific Review Program. Division of Extramural Activities. Routn #354113. National Institutes of HealtthIAID, 5501 Fishers Lane, Bethesda. MD 20592?9323. [2410} 559-5003. zhuqing.li@nih.gov. Nome ofCommiltee: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Special Emphasis Panel; LIMITED COMPETITION: MECHANISTIC ANCILLARY STUDIES I. Date: July 13, 2012. Time: 9:30 am. to 5:00 pm. Agenda: To review and evaluate grant applications. Piece: National Institutes of Health. 5601 Fishers Lane. 20S02 (Telephone Conferenco Call]. Contact Person: Zhuqing [Charliel Li. Scientific Review Officer. Scientific Review Program, Division ofExtramural Activities. Room #30413. National Institutes ofllealthiNIAID, 5501 Fishers Lane. Bethesda, MD 20892?0323. [240] 663?5068. zhuor?ngli?nihgov. [Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance Program Nos. 03.855, Allergy, Immunology. and Transplantation Research: 03.355. Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Research, National Institutes of Health. Dated: June 19, 201?. Natasha M. Copeland, Program Analyst. Office ofFederoi Advisory Committee Policy. - Doc. 2012?1302? Filed BILLING CODE tun?ei?P DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. Housing Trust Fund Federal Register; Allocation Notice AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development. HUD. ACTION: Notice of Fiscal Year 2017 Funding Awards. SUMMARY: The Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2003 established the Housing Trust Fund to be administered by HUD. Pursuant to the Federal Housing Enterprises Financial Security and Soundness Act of 1992 [the Act]. as amended by HERA, Division A, eligible HTF grantees are the 50 states. the District of Columbia. the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, American Samoa. Guam, the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, and the United States Virgin Islands. In accordance with Section of the Act, this notice announces the formula allocation I amount for each eligible I-ITF grantee. Federal Register-{Vol 82, No. 1201?Friday, lune 23, 2012iNotices FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Virginia Sardone, Director. Office of Affordable Housing Programs. Room 2164, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street SW., Washington. DC 20410?7000: telephone [202] mil?2.534. [This is not a toll-free number.) A telecommunications device for hearing- and speech-impaired persons is available at 300?32?? 8330 {Federal Relay Service). SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: 1131 of HERA Division A amended the Act to add a new section 1332' entitled ?Affordable Housing Allocations? and a new section 1333 entitled "Housing Trust Fund." implementing regulations are codi?ed at 24 CFR part 03. Congress authorized the HTF with the stated purpose of: Increasing and preserving the supply of rental housing for extremely low-income families with incomes between 0 and 30 percent of area median income and very low- inceme families with incomes between 30 and 50 percent of area median income. including homeless families, and increasing homeownership for extremely low-income and very low? income families. Section 133? of the Act provides for the HTF [and other programs] to be funded with an affordable housing set-aside by Fannie Mae and I-?reddie Mac. The total set- aside amount is equal to 4.2 basis points (.042 percent] ofFannie Mae and Freddie Mac?s new mortgage purchases. a portion of which is for the HTF. Section 1333 of the Act directs HUD to establish. through regulation. the formula for distribution of amounts made available for the HTF. The statute specifies the factors to be used for the formula and priority for certain factors. The factors and methodology HUD uses to allocate HTF funds among eligible . grantees are established in the HTF regulation. The funding announced for Fiscal Year 201ir through this notice is $219,168,32394. This amount includes $12,702,242 of unobligated Fiscal Year 2015 HTF funds that will be reallocated by formula, which are comprised of $32,203 from American Samoa, Guam, and the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, three Insular Areas that declined their Fiscal Year 2015 allocations and $12,555,440 of Sequestered Fiscal Year 2010 funds. HUD may add any amounts that may become available to these FY 2012 HTF allocation amounts. Appendix A to this notice provides the names of the grantees and the amounts of the awards. er" I Dated: June 20. 201?. Clifford Taffet. General Dope ty A ssistortt Secretoryfor Comm unity Planning and Developm ent. Appendix A: FY 20] 7 Housing Trust Fund Allocation Amounts Grantee FY 201? Allocation Alabama Alaska 3,000,000 Arizona Arkansas California ..- 23.2231 1494 Colorado 3,154,331 Connecticut ..- 3,000,000 Delaware District of Colum? bia 3.000.000 Florida 1653.948 Georgia 4,427,950 Hawaii 3.000.000 Idaho Illinois Indiana . .31 7 Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine 3,000,000 Maryland Massachusetts .r?4,604,550 Michigan Minnesota Mississippi 3,000,000 Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey 5,599,220 New Mexico New York 14,790,240 North Carolina 4.433.351 North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma 3,000,000 Oregon 3.143.231 Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia .341 Washington ..??4.129.304 West IU'inginia 3,000,000 Wisconsin Wyoming American Samoa .. Guam 62,355 N. Mariana Islands 34.503 Puerto Ftico Virgin Islands ..- Total 219.16.373.94 Federal Registeerol. 32. No. 120lFriday. June 23. 201.7iNotices Doc. 201?-13?130 Filed am] arLLiuo cope HID-ELF DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Bureau of Land Management 20000 Agency Information Collection Activities; OMB Control Number 1004- 0103; Mineral Materials Disposal AGENCY: Bureau of Land Management. Interior. ACTION: Notice; request for comments. SUMMARY: In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction not, the Bureau of Land Management provides 60- day notice. invites public comments on, and plans to request approval to continue. the collection of information from applicants for authorization to purchase mineral materials from public lands. The Office of Management and Budget has assigned control number 1004?0103 to this information collection. Please submit comments on the proposed information collection by August 22. 201?. ADDRESSES: Comments may be submitted by mail. fax. or electronic mail. Mail: US. Department of the Interior._Eureau of Land Management, 1349 Street NW., Room 2134LM. Attention: Iean Sonneman, Washington. DC 20240. Fax: Jean Boone-man at 202?- 245?0050. Electronic mail: Icon Sonnemonialbimgov. Please indicate "Attn: 1004?0103" regardless of the fornt of your comments. FOR FURTHER CONTEST: George Brown. Division of Solid Minerals. at 202?912??113. Persons who use a telecommunication device for the deafmay call the Federal Relay Service at 1?300?3i'7?3339, to leave a message for Mr. Brown. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: 0MB regulations at 5 CFR 1320, which implement provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501?3521, require that interesfcd members of the public and affected agencies he given an opportunity to comment on information collection and recordkeeping activities [see 5 CFR 1320.3[dland This notice identifies an information collection that the BLM will he submitting to OMB for approval. The Paperwork Reduction Act provides that an agency may not conduct or spousal- 28675 a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. Until OMB approves a collection of information. you are not obligated to respond. The ELM will request a 3-year term of approval for this information collection activity. Comments are invited on: The need for the collection of information for the performance of the functions of the agency; the accuracy ofthe agency's burden estimates; ways to enhance the quality, utility and clarity of the information collection: and ways to minimize the information collection burden on respondents. such as use ofautomated means of collection ofthe information. a summary of the public comments will accompany our submission of the information collection requests to OMB. Before including your address. telephone number. email address, or other personal identifying information in your comments, be advised that your entire comment?including your personal identifying information?may he made publicly available at any time. While you can ask in your comment to withhold from public review your personal identifying information. we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so. The following information is provided for the information collection: Title: Sale of Mineral Materials [4-3 CFR part 3600). 0MB Control Number: 1004?0103. Summary: The Mineral Materials Act, 30 U.S.C. 601 and 502, authorizes dispotials of mineral materials {such as sand, gravel. and petrified wood] from public lands. This information collection request pertains to minors] sales contracts in accordance with regulations at 43 CFR part 3000. Frequency of Collection: On occasion. Forms: 3000?9. Contract for the Sale of Mineral Materials. Estimated Number and Description of Respondents: An estimated 235 businesses annually submit applications to purchase or use mineral materials from public lands. Estimated Annual Responses: 3,330. Estimated Annual Burden Hours: 5.834. Estimated Annual Non-Hour Costs: $141,592. The following table details the individual components and respective hour burdens of this information collection request: m1 ill-mum- mi I lumen: Federal Registerivol. 82. No. 122lTuesday, June 2017iNotices DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Control Number 151 5?0003] Agency Information Collection Activities; Extension, Without Change, of a Currently Approved Collection: Discretionary Options for Designated Spouses, Parents, and Sons and Daughters ol Certain Military Personnel, Veterans, and Enlistees AGENCY: US. Citizenship and Immigration Services, Department of Homeland Security. ACTION: 30-Day notice. SUMMARY: The Department of Homeland Security U.5. Citizenship and Immigration Services will be submitting the following information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget for review and clearance in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The purpose of this notice is to allow an additional 30 days for public comments. DATES: The purpose of this notice is to allow an additional 30 days for public comments. Comments are encouraged and will be accepted until July 201?. This process is conducted in accordance with 5 CFR 1326.10. ADDRESSES: Written comments andlor suggestions regarding the item[sl contained in this notice. especially regarding the estimated public burden and associated response time, must be directed to the OMB USCIS Desk Officer via email at dhsdeslcof?cer@ ornbeopgov. All submissions received must include the agency name and the OMB Control Number 1615?0008 in the subject line. You may wish to consider limiting the amount of personal information that you provide in any voluntary submission you make. For additional information please read the Privacy Act notice that is available via the link in the footer of FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: USCIS. Office of Policy and Strategy. Regulatory Coordination Division. Samantha Deshommes, Chief. 20 Massachusetts Avenue NW.. Washington. DC 20529?2140. Telephone number [202] 222?837? [This is not. a toll-free number: comments are not accepted via telephone message]. Please note contact information provided here is solely for questions regarding this notice. it is not for individual case status inquiries. Applicants seeking information about the status of their individual cases can check Case Status Online. available at the USCIS Web site at or call the USCIS National Customer Service Center at [800} 375?5283; [800] 76??183.?l. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Comments The information collection notice was previously published in the Federal Register on April 201?, at 82 FR 081370, allowing for a ISO-day public comment period. USCIS did not receive any comments in connection with the 50-day notice. You may access the information collection instrument with instructions, or additional information by visiting the Federal eRulemaking Portal site at: and enter in the search box. Written comments and suggestions from the public and affected agencies should address one or more of the following four points: Evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility: Evaluate the accuracy of the agency?s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information. including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; Enhance the quality. utility, and clarity ofthe information to he collected: and Minimize the burden of the collection ofinformation on those who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated, electronic. mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology. cg, permitting electronic submission of responses. Overview of This Information Collection Type oflnformotion Collection Redirect: Extension. Without Change, of a Currently Approved Collection. Title of the Form/Collection: Discretionary Options for Designated Spouses. Parents. and Sons and Daughters of Certain Military Personnel. 1lieterans. and Enlistees. Agencyform number. if any. and the applicable component of the DHS sponsoring the collection: USCIS. Affected public who will be asked or required to respond. as well as a brief obstruct: Primary: Individuals or households. The information to he 29091 collected under the PM will he used by USCIS to determine eligibility of discretionary deferred action on a case- by-case basis. for certain family members of military personnel who currently serve on active duty or in the Selected Reserve of the Ready Resarve, military personnel who previously served on active duty or in the Selected Reserve of the Ready Reserve [who were not dishonorany discharged] whether they are living or deceased, and Delayed Entry Program enlistees [as well as DEP enlistees themselves]. An estimate oftho total number of respondents and the amount oftinre estimated for on average respondent to respond: The estimated total number of respondents for the information collection is 25D and the estimated hour burden per response is 2.15 hours: 1.9 hours to comply with the guiding policy and .25 hours to complete the form. An estimate of the total public burden {in hours} associated with the collection: The total estimated annual hour burden associated with this collection is 53?.5 hours. An estimate of the total public burden {in cost} associated with the collection.- The estimated total annual cost burden associated with this collection of information is $18350. Dated: June 22. 201?. [erry Rigdon, Deputy Chief, Regulatory Coordination Division. Office ofPolicyond Strategy. U.S. Citizenship and immigration Services. Department of Homeland Security. Doc. 2017?13410 Filed 6-26?17: 13:45 am] BILLING cons s111-erre DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Transfer and Consolidation oi Public Housing Programs and Public Housing Agencies AGENCY: l[Jffice of the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for days of public comment. D-17-0201-A-000181 ill- 2 9092 DATES: Comments Due Date: August 28. 201 7. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andior OMB Control Number and should be sent to: Colette Pollard. Reports Management Of?cer. QDAM. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Street SW.. Room 4175, Washington. DC 204to?saso; telephone [this is not a toll-free number} or email at Coiette.Poiiord@hud.gov for a copy of the proposed forms or other available information. Persons with hearing or Speech impairments may accoss this number through TTY by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at 37?? 3339. FOR FURTHER CONTACT: Ariette Mussington. Office ofPolicy. Programs and Legislative Initiatives. PIE-I. Department oft-loustng and Urban Development, 451 Tr'th Street SW.. [L?Enfant Plaza. Room 2206]. Washington. DC 20410; telephone 202? 44324109. [this is not a number}. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may acuess this number via TTY by calling the Federal Information Relay Service at [800] 8339. Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Mussington. INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. A. Overview of Information Collection Title of information Collection; Public Housing Program?Transfer and Consolidation ofPublic Housing Programs and Public Housing Agencies. OMB Approval Number: 2557?0230. Type ofRequest: Extension of a currently approved collection. Form Number: No form is used to collect this information. Forms collected with information incidental to this collection are: HUD 53012?3. Federal RegistErtVol. 32. No. 122i'l'uesday. June ZOE/Notices 52540. Description of the need for the information and proposed use: State legislatures or other local governing bodies may from time to time direct or agree that the public interest is best served if one public housing agency codes its public housing program to another PHA. or that two or more PHAs should be combined into one multijurisdictional FHA. This proposed information collection serves to protect HUD's several interests in either transaction: Insuring the continued used of the property as public housing; that HUD's interests are secured; and that the operating and capital subsidies that HUD pays to support the operation and maintenance of public housing is properly paid to the correct FHA on behalf of the correct properties. In addition to submitting documentation to HUD, are required to make conforming changes to Public Housing Information Center Total Estimated Burdens: TOTAL BURDEN Houe EsTiileTEs Foe PHAs Estimated Number of transfer or consolidation ac~ Number of Frequency at ?rfer?g? Ann?gfingi??en lions respondents requuemant? requirement mama] {hours} 3 Transfers 1 12a ran 2 Consolidations 4 1 200 E100 Subtotals .. it) 320 1 .520 *The frequency shown assumes that the receiving or consolidated FHA makes one for all other PHAs involved in either the trans- far or consolidation. 3. Solicitation of Public Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection ofinformation is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility: The scouracy of the agency?s estimate ofthe burden of the proposed collection of information: Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity oftbe information to be collected: and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond; including through the use ofappropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 35b? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: [one 201?. Merrie Nichols-Dixon. Director. Office ofPoiicy. Programs and Legislative initiatives. IFR Doc. Bow?13450 am] BIL LING CGDE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Fish and Wildlife Service 040'. FXES1 1 1 000] Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Availability of Proposed Low-Enact Habitat Conservation Plan; Lakes at St. Sebastian Preserve. Brevard County. FL AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service. Interior. ACTION: Notice of availability: request for commentsiinfmmation. SUMMARY: We, the US. Fish and Wildlife Service {Service}. have received an application for an incidental take permit under the Endangered Species Act of 195?3, as amended [Act]. Atlantic Coast Paladin Estates. and Micco Road Investments. LLC etc the Kelsey Group are requesting a 10-year WWIID U1 xi 2r Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and Minimize the burden of the collection ofinformelion on those who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology, permitting electronic submission of responses. Overview of This Information Collection Type oflnformotion Collection Request: Extension, Without Change. of a Currently Approved Collection. Title of the FormiCollection: Report on Naturalization Papers. Agency form number, ifany, and the applicable component of the DHS sponsoring the collection: N?s; USCIS. Affected public who will be asked or required to respond, as well as a brie}r abstract: Primary: State and Local Government. Section 339 of the Immigration and Nationality Act requires that the clerk of each court that administers the oath of allegiance notify USCIS of all persons to whom the oath of allegiance for naturalization is administered. within 30 days after the close ofthe month in which the oath was administered. This form provides a format listing the number of those persons to and provides accountability for the delivery of the certi?cates ofnaturalization as required under that section of law. An estimate of the total number of respondents and the amount oftirne estimatedfor an average respondent to respond: The estimated total number of respondents for the information collection N?a is lot] with an estimated 12 responses per respondent annually. and the estimated hour hurden per response is 0.5 hours. to] An estimate oflhe total public burden {in hours} associated with the collection: The total estimated annual hour burden associated with this collection is 960' hours. An estimate of the total public burden {in cost} associated with the collection: The estimated total annual cost burden associated with this collection of information is $4,800. Dated: June 22. 201?. Jerry Rigdon. Dept.- ly Chief, Regulatory Coordination Division, Of?ce of Policy and Strategy. US. {Jilizenslrip and immigration Services. Depomnent of Homeland Security. use Doc. :01 3?1 34?? Filed 3:45 am] sauna cone or "rift?P Federal Registeerol. 32, No. l23lWednesday, June 23, ZDITlNotices DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. Notice of Regulatory Waiver Requests Granted for the First Quarter of Calendar Year 201? AGENCY: Office of the General Counsel, HUD. Notice. SUMMAHW Section 106 of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Reform Act of 1939 [the HUD Reform Act] requires HUD to publish quarterly Federal Register notices of all regulatory waivers that HUD has approved. Each notice covers the quarterly period since the previous Federal Register notice. The purpose of this notice is to comply with the requirements of section 105 of the HUD Reform Act. This notice contains a list of regulatory waivers granted by HUD during the period beginning on lanuary 1, 201?, and ending on March 31, 2o1r. FOR FURTHER CDNTECT: For general information about this notice, contact Aaron Santa Anna, Assistant General Counsel for Regulations, Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 17th Street SW., Room 1027'6, Washington, DC 2041043500. telephone 202??08-3055 (this is not a toll-free number]. Persons with hearing- or speech-impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll! free Federal Relay Service at 3339. For information concerning a partiCular waiver that was granted and for which public notice is provided in this doCument, contact the person whose name and address follow the description ofthe waiver granted in the accompanying list of waivers that have been granted in the ?rst quarter of calendar year 201?. INFORMATION: Section 105 of the Reform Act added a new section 5'qu to the Department of Housing and Urban Development Act [42 U.S.C. 3535(qll, which provides that: 1. Any waiver of a regulation must he in writing and must specify the grounds for approving the waiver; 2. Authorityto approve a waiver of a regulation may be delegated by the Secretary only to an individual of Assistant Secretary or equivalent rank, and the person to whom authority to waive is delegated must also have authority to issue the particular regulation to be waived; 3. Not less than quarterly. the Secretary must notify the public of all waivers of regulations that HUD has approved, by publishing a notice in the Federal Register. These notices [each covering the period since the most recent previous notification] shall: a. Identify the project. activity, or undertakin involved; b. Descri the nature of the provision waived and the designation of the provision; c. Indicate the name and title oflthe person who granted the waiver re nest: d. Describe briefly the grounds or approval of the re nest; and e. State how ad itional information about a particular waiver may be obtained. Section 1GB of the HUD Reform Act also contains requirements applicable to waivers of HUD handbook provisions that are not relevant to the purpose of this notice. This notice follows procedures provided in Statement of Policy on Waiver of Regulations and Directives issued on Apri122.1991[56 FR 1533?]. In accordance with those procedures and with the requirements of section 106 of the HUD Reform Act. waivers of regulations are granted by the Assistant Secretary with jurisdiction over the regulations for which a waiver was requested. in those cases in which a General Deputy Assistant Secretary granted the waiver, the General Deputy Assistant Secretary was serving in the absence of the assistant Secretary in accordance with the of?ce's Order of Succession. This notice covers waivers of regulations granted by HUD from Ianuary 201? through March 31, 201?. For ease of reference, the waivers granted by HUD are listed by HUD program of?ce [for example, the Office of Community Planning and Development, the Of?ce of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, the Office of Housing, and the OffiCe of Public and Indian Housing, ctc.]. Within each program office grouping, the waivers are listed sequentially by the regulatory section of title 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations that is being waived. For example, a waiver of a provision in 24 CFR part 58 would be listed before a waiver of a provision in 24 CFR part 570. Where more than one regulatory provision is involved in the grant of a particular waiver request, the action is listed under the section number of the first regulatory requirement that appears in 24 CPR and that is being waived. For example, a waiver of both 56.73 and 53.74 would appear sequentially in the listing under 58.?3. Waiver of regulations that involve the same initial regulatory citation are in 29303 2939;; it- time Sequence beginning with the earliest-dated regulatory waiver. Should HUD receive additional information about waivers granted during the period covered by this report [the first quarter of calendar year 201?] before the next report is published [the second quarter of calendar year 201?], HUD will include any additional waivers granted for the first quarter in the next report. Accordingly, information about approved waiver requests pertaining to HUD regulations is provided in the Appendix that follows this notice. Dated: lune 23. 201?. Ariel Pereira, Associate General Counsel for Legislation and Regulations. Appendix Listing of Waivers of Regulatory Requirements Granted by Of?ces of the Department of Housing and Urban Dovelopment january 1. 201'? Through March 31., 2017 Note to Reader: More information about the granting ofthese waivers, including a copy ofthe waiver request and approval, may be obtained by contacting the person whose name is listed as the contact person directly after each set of regulatory waivers granted. The regulatory waivers granted appear in the following order: 1. Regulatory waivers granted by the Office of Community Planning and Development. ll. Regulatory waivers granted by the Of?ce of Housing. ill. Regulatory waivers granted by the Of?ce of Public and Indian Housing. 1. Regulatory Waivers Granted by the Office of Community Planning and Development For further information about the following regulatory waivers, please see the name of the contact person that immediately follows the description ofthe waiver granted. 4* Regulation: 24 CPR 02.2. Prej'ecti?Activity; The City of Cainesville. Florida requested a waiver of 24 CPR 92.2 paragraph talliv), which states that of?cars or employees ofa government entity may not be of?cers or employees ofa community housing development organization The City requested this waiver to permit the Mayor ofthe City of Archer, Mr. Corey Hafris, Florida to act as the Executive Director of the City of Gaincsville?s only CHDD. Nature of Requirement: Paragraph [3]?in of the de?nition ofa CHDO in the HOME regulations at 24 CPR 92.2 prohibits an employee of a governmental entity from serving as an employee ofa CHDO. This provision ensures that there is no conflict of interest between a participating jurisdiction and a CHE-OI that received HOME Funding from the participating jurisdiction. The provision also guarantees that a CHDO is indeed a community-based and community controlled organization. Granted Hy.- Harriet Tregouiug, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Date Granted: January 10, 201?. Reason Waived: Mr. Harris is currently the Mayor ofArcher Florida; a City within Alachua County and a wholly separate and nonlcontiguous entity from the City of Gainesville. Mr. Harris is also the Executive Director ole?lDC; the only designated CHDO in the City of Cainesville. The City of Cainesville does not expend HOME funds outside of the City?s limits, including the City of Archer. Further. Mr. Harris, as the Mayor of the City ofArcha-r and as the Executive Director of NHDC, has no official decision- making authority or influence in the City of Gainesville's funding decision's. The City Stated that NHDC is the only viable within the City ofCainesville's jurisdiction, and the exclusion as its CHDO would create hardship. The waiver permitted Mr. Harris to remain in both position and enabled the City of Cainesville to retain its only CHDO. Contact: Virginia Sardone. Director, Of?ce of Affordable Housing Programs, Office of Community Planning and Development, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street SW., Room 210-1, t-?liashington, DC 20410, telephone [202] I Regulation: 24 CPR The City ofDaly. California requested a waiver of 24 CFR 02.252tdlti]. which requires ti participating jurisdiction to establish maximum allowances for utilities and services [excluding telephone] and update the allowances annually. The City requested this waiver to allow use of utility allowance established by local public housing agency for a HOME-assisted project under construction?Sweeny Lane Apartments. Nature of Heq'nirernentr'l?he regulation at 24 CPR 02.252tdlt1] requires participating jurisdictions to establish maximum montth allowances for utilities and services [excluding telephone} and update the allowances annually. Participating jurisdictions must use the HUD Utility Schedule Model or otherwise determine the utility allowance for the project based on the type of utilities used at the project. Consequently, participating jurisdictions are no longer permitted to use the utility allowance established by the local FHA for HOME-assisted rental projects for which HOME funds were committed on or after August 23. 2013. Created By: Harriet Tregoning, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary. D. Date Granted: lanuary 10,2012. Reason Waived: The HOME requirements for establishing a utility allowances conflict with Project Based 1|v'oucher program requirements. Consequently, it is not possible to use two different utility allowances to set the rent for a single unit and it is administratively burdensome to require a project owner establish and implement different utility allowances for HOME- assisted units and assisted units in a project. Contact: Virginia Sardona, Director. Office of Affordable Housing Programs, Of?ce of Conununity Planning and Development, Department ofl-lousing and Urban Development. 451 Seventh Street SW., Room Federal Registerr?Vol. 02, No. i23fWednesday, june 28, 2012/Notices F154. Washington, DC 20410, telephone [202] f?fl?E?fitl. flegufai?ion: 24 CPR The City of Sacramento, California requested a waiver of 24 CFR 92. 02.252tdli'll. which requires a participating jurisdiction to establish maximum allowances for utilities and services [Excluding telephone] and update the allowances annually. The City requested this waiver to allow use of the utility allowance established by the local public housing agency for two existing HUME projects?Sierra Iifista Apartments and Washington Plaza Apartments. Nature ofHe-qniretnent: The regulation at 24 CPR 02.252tdltil requires a participating jurisdiction to establish maximum allowances for utilities and services [excluding telephone) and update the allowances annually. Participating jurisdictions must use the HUD Utility Schedule Model or otherwise determine the utility allowance for the project based on the type of utilities used at the project. iConsequently. participating jurisdictions are no longer permitted to use the utility allowance established by the local PHA for HOME-assisted rental projects for which HOME funds were committed on or after August 23, 2013. Granted Byrl-iarriet Tregoning. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, D. Date Granted?anuary 19. 201?. Reason 'Wai?vea?: HUD acknowledges that the HOME requirements for establishing a utility allowance con?ict with Piojcct Based Voucher program requirements. In addition, HUD recognizes that it is not possible to use two different utility allowance to set the rent for a single unit and it is administratively burdensome to require a project owner establish and implement different utility allowance for HOME-assisted units and non- HOME assisted units in a project. Contact: Virginia Sardone, Director. Of?ce ofAfforrlable Housing Programs. Office of Community Planning and Development. Department ofHousing and ilrban Development, 451 Seventh Street SW.. Room 2104, Washington, DC 20410. telephone [2023 I Regulation: 24 CFR The county ofSan Mateo, California requested a waiver of 24 CFR 92. 92.252ldll?ll. which requires a participating jurisdiction to establish maximum allowances for utilities and services {excluding telephone] and update the allowances annually. The county requested this waiver to allow use ofutility allowance established by local public housing agency for a HUME project under construction?Sweeny Lane Apartments. Nature of?equirement: The regulation at 24 CPR 02.252tdlill requires participating jurisdictions to establish maximum allowances for utilities and services [excluding telephone] and update the allowances annually. A participating jurisdiction must use the HUD Utility Schedule Model or otherwise determine the utility allowance for the project based on the type of utilities used at the project. Consequently, participating jurisdictions are no longer permitted to use the utility 1: allowance established by the local PHA for HOME-assisted rental projects for which HUME funds were committed on or after August 23. 2013. Granted By.- Harriet Tregoning. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary. D. Date Granted: Ianuary 19. 2017. Reason Waived: HUD acknowledges that the HUME requirements for establishing a utility allowance conflict with Project Based Voucher program requirements. in addition, HUD recognizes that it is not possible to use two different utility allowances to set the rent for a single unit and it is administratively burdensome to require a project owner establish and implement different utility allowances for HUME-assisted units and non- HDME assisted units in a project. Contact?Uii-ginia Sardone. Director. Office of Affordable Housing Programs. Office of Community Planning and Development. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street SW.. Room F164, Washington, DC 20410. telephone {202] II Regulation: 24 CPR 92.252Idlt1]. Projecli?lictivily: The Hennepiu County Consortium requested a waiver of 24 CFR 92. 92.252fdlt1]. which requires a participating jurisdiction to establish maximum allowances for utilities and services [excluding telephone] and update the allowances annually. The consortium requests this waiver to allow use the utility allowance established by the local Metropolitan Council Housing Authority for Indian Knoll Manor. a HOME-assisted rental project. Nature of Requirement: The regulation at 24 CFR requires participating jurisdictions to establish maximum allowances for utilities and services [excluding telephone} and update the allowances annually. A participating jurisdiction must use the HUD Utility Schedule Model or otherwise determine the utilityr allowance for the project based on the type of utilities used at the project. Consequently. participating jurisdictions are no longer permitted to use the utility allowance established by the local public housing agency for HOME-assisted rental projects for which HOME funds were committed on or after August 23, 2131.3. Gran ted By: Cliff Ta ffet. General Deputy Assistant Secretary. D. Date Cmnted:Fehntary 1 3. 201?. Reason Waived: HUD acknowledges that the HUME requirements for establishing a utility allowance con?ict with Project Based 1voucher program requirements. In addition. recognizes that it is not possible to use two different utilityr allowances to set the rent for a single unit and it is administratively burdensome to require a project owner establish and implement different utility allowances for HUME-assisted units and non? I-TDME assisted units in a project. Contact: Virginia Sardooe. Director. Of?ce ofAt'l?ordable Housing Programs. Of?ce of Community Planning and Development, Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Seventh Street SW., Room 716-1, Washington. DC 20410. telephone lanai Regulation: 24 CFR Federal Registerf?llol. 82, No. 123lWednesday, June 28. 20137lNotices Project/Activity: The City of New Orleans. Louisiana. requested that HUD waive the HUME program expenditure requirement at 24 CPR The City requests this waiver to provide additional time to expend HOME funds that the City committed to fill binding gaps in multiple phases of its Choice Neighborhoods Initiative grant. Currently. Phases it and VI ofthe Choice Neighborhoods initiative project and one other multi-family redevelopment project adjacertt to the Chi! project have a funding gap ofapprosimately $4 million dollars. Nature ofliequirernent.'This provision requires that a participating jurisdiction expend its annual allocation funds within ?ve years after HUD notifies the participating jurisdiction that HUD has executed the jurisdiction?s HOME Investment Partnerships Agreement. Granted Hy: Harriet Tregoning. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary. D. Dole Grooted:janua.ry El. T. Henson Waived: As of October 31. 21315. the City had an expenditure shortfall of 51123.net]. The deohligation of $3.1 23,350 of HUME funds would create an undue hardship by jeopardizing the completion of the Choice Neighborhoods Initiative project and limiting the number of one-for-one replacement units. The City has presented an aggressive plan to improve its HDME performance by using HUME funds to close funding gaps in the Choica Neighborhoods Initiative projects and has shown progress in increasing its HUME expenditure rate in recent months. Contact: Virginia Sardonc. Director. Office ofAffordable Housing Programs. Office of Community Planning and Development. Department ofl?lousing and Urban Development. 451 Seventh Street SW.. Room i?ltia, Washington. DC 20410. telephone [202] 3?03 2634. 0 Regulation: 24 CPR Projectt?Activity: City of Atlanta. Georgia?- Atlanta Lettuce Project. Nannie ofltequiremenf: 24 CFR establishes guidelines to evaluate whether certain activities will demonstrate a minimum level of public bene?t. Activities covered by these guidelines must either create or retain Full-time equivalent. permanent jobs or provide goods or services to low? and moderate-income persons residing in areas served by the businesses assisted by the covered activities. If the public bene?t is based on jobs created or retained. 24 CFR provides that any covered activity is ineligible for Community Development Block Grant assistance if the amount of CDBG assistance exceeds seduce per full-time equivalent. permanent job created or retained. Granted By.- Harriet Tregonin g. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development. Date Granted: Ianuary '12. 201?. Reason Waived: HUD waived the regulation because the city provided information on other. public benefits. beyond the creation of jobs, that would be generated by the project and accrue to fulurc employees as well as residents of the immediate neighborhood and the larger Atlanta 29305 community. These bene?ts include the following: The project will be located in an area designated and prioritized by the city for redevelopment in recent years: the median household income for the area is 519.153. c.0n1pared with the median household income for the city the project will be located in an area with a poverty rate greater than so percent; tJ'Ie project will turn a three-acre vacant brownfield into a viable business: the project will partner with a community development corporation to provide excess produce from the project to local residents unable to afford such produce in grocery stores; the project, with help from local partners. will provide wraparound services to assist employees with own and with life skills training, financial literacy. tax assistance. and other services; employees of the project will own shares in the project and will he incentived through bonuses based on production and sales. both ofwhich Will onahle employees to build assets and wealth over time; the project will donate excess produce to the Atlanta Cornmunity Food Bank: the project will partner with Food Well Alliance. at local non-profit organization to provide produce to local farmers? markets with customers who use Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Pro ram and Ii.Illomen. Infants. and Chi dren bene?ts. Contact: Paul Webster. Director, Financial Management Division; Office of Community Planning and Development, Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 i?th Street SW.. Room 7173. Washington, DC some. telephone [2oz] nos?sass. I Regulation: 24 CFR Projecti?Activity: City of Texnrl-tana. Texas?Hotel Grim Lofts Project. Nature ofli'equirement: 24 CPR provides national objective criteria for an eligible activity carried out for the purpose of providing or improving permanent residential structures which. upon completion, will be occupied by low- and moderate-income households. lfthe structure contains two dwelling units. at least one must be so occupied. and if the structure contains more than two dwelling units. at least 5?1 percent ofthe units must be so occupied. I Granted By: Harriet Tregoning. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development. Dots Granted: [county 3. 201?. Reason Waived: HUD waived the regulation because disapproval ofthe waiver would have resulted in an undue hardship and adversely affected the purposes ofthc Housing and Community Development Act of 1974. as amended. Requiring 51 percent of the units to be occupied by LMI persons would have reduced the conventional debt financing available for the project by $1.1 million. a funding gap for which the city would not have been able to find another source. Therefore. the project could not be completed and would not create any affordable housing units. Additionally. the project will assist the city in its efforts to meet its community and economic development objectives as Outlined in its 2013?2017 Consolidated Plan and 2016 Annual Action Plan. which identified the downtown area as an area with a high 39306 ?11 percentage of low-and moderate-persons and very few affordable housing opportunities and recommended the development of housing units within mixed-use properties to meet this need. Additionally. this building has been vacant for almost thirty years and its redevelopment will serve as a catalyst for revitalization efforts in the city's downtown. HUD granted the waiver with the following mandatory conditions: The city must provide written noti?cation to the Fort Worth Regional Of?ce ofits adoption and publication ofits standards for determining affordable rents; the city must require the project developer to record a use restriction .against the project property that will impose a ten-year affordability requirement. requiring at least 20 percent of the units to be occupied by lell households: the city will conduct annual. on-site monitoring to verify compliance with the conditions for the duration of the affordability period: the city will provide HUD Financial Management Division and the Regional Office a status report not later than 15 days from the end of each quarter during the construction and lease-up period. and through the affordability period ifrequired by the Regional Of?ce. that includes updates on construction completion. Section funds disbursement. initial occupancy of LMI units, and any other information as required by the Regional Office. The actions required under conditions and must be completed prior to HUD's guarantee of a note or other obligation pursuant to the loan guarantee commitment for the project. Contact: Paul Webster. Director. Financial Management Division. Of?ce ofCommunity Planning and Development. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 2th Street SW.. Room 2120, Washington. DC 20410. telephone [202] 402?4503. I Regulation: 24 CFR 578.?- and 24 CFR erasitlltil. Multnomah County. Home Forward. Nature oftiequi'remont: ?24 CPR 573.3 de?nes permanent housing as housing where the program participant is the tenant on a lease for a term of at least one year. which is renewable for terms that are a minimum of one month long. Provisions at 24 CFR of the Continuum of Care Program interim rule states: For project- based. sponsor-based. or tenant-based rental assistance. program participants must enter into a lease agreement for a term of at least one year. which is tenuinabie for cause.? Granted By; Harriet Trogoning. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development. Data Granted: january 17. 201?. Reason Waived: Many landlords in Multnomah lCounty. OR offer month to month lease terms as opposed to full year leases and the county has an extremely low vacancy rate. Because of the tight rental - market. Home Forward is finding it increasingly difficult to identify landlords willing to alter their policies regarding length of lease terms when considering permanent supportive housing applicants. Contact: Renee Ryles. Director. Office of Field Management. Office of Community Planning and Development. Department of Federal Registeri?Vol. 82. No. 123fWe-dnesday. Iune Housing and Urban Development. 451 7th St. SW. Room 2152. Washington. DC 20410. telephone [202) 402-4500. 0 Regulation: 24 CFR Projecth ctivi'ty: The State of Tennessee? Tennessee Housing Development Agency. Nature ofReouirement: Under 24 CPR ESG rental assistance cannot be provided unless the rent is equal to or less than the PMR established by HUD. Granted By: Clifford Taffet. General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development. Data Granted: February 16. 201 Henson Waived: HUD has determined that the rental vacancy rate in Tennessee after the wild?res is extraordinarily low. Waiving the PMR for Rapid Re-housing under ESG will make more units available to individuals and families in need ofpermanent housing. Contact: Mary C. Wilson. Director. Of?ce of Community Planning and Development. Dapartnient of l-iousing and Urban Development. 210 Locust Street SW.. Suite 300 Knoxville. TN 32002. - Regulation: 24 CFR f?rojecth?lctivity: The State of Oregon? Oregon Housing and Community Services. Nature offteouirement: Under 24 CPR rental assistance cannot be provided unless the rent is equal to or less than the FMR established by HUD. Granted fly-Clifford Taffet. Genera] Deputy Assistant Secretary far Community Planning and Development. Dole Granted: March 1. 2017. Reason Waived: High rental costs and low vacancy rates result in a shortage of affordable housing units. Allowing ESE rental assistance funds to be used for units with rents up to the payment standard adopted by the local PHA will inerease housing options. Contact: Renee Ryles. Director. Office of Field Management. Office of Planning and Development. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 2th St. SW.. Room 2152, Washington. DC 20410. telephone [202] 402-4000. 11. Regulatory Waivers Granted by the Of?ce of [lensing?Federal Housing Administration [Fl-[Al For further information about the following regulatory waivers. please see the name of the contact person that immediately follows the description of the waiver granted. 0 Regulation: 24 CFR 232.2. ProjectrActivity: The Stratford at Beyer Purl-z [Stratford] is a memory care facility. The facility does not meet the requirements of 24 CFR 232.? "Bathroom" of FHA's regulations. The project is located in Modesto. CA. Nature offloquireinent: The regulation mandates in a board and care home or assisted living facility that the not less than one full bathroom must he provided for every four residents. also. the bathroom cannot be accessed from a public corridor or area. Granted By: Conger M. ICharles. General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Housing. Date Granted: February 1 .7. 2017. Reason Waived:The project is for memory care. all rooms have half-bathrooms and the resident to full bathroom ratio is 2:1. The project meets the State of lII?Ialifornia?s 25. zoirfNotices Licensing requirements at least one bathtub or shower for each ten residents. Contact: Vance T. Morris. Operations Manager. Of?ce of Healthcare Programs. Office of Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Seventh Street SW.. Room 233?. Washington. DC 20401. telephone [202] 402?2419. 0 Regulation: 24 CFR and 24 CFR 242.53fbltiv]. New York Presbyterian Hospital. FHA Project Number 012?10044. New York. NY. The Borrower has requested an extension of the quarterly and annual deadlines to submit financial statements to HUD. Nature of?eaui'remant: 24 CFR states that. with regard to ?nancial reporting requirements for hospitals with Flint-insured loans. quarterly unaudited financial reports must be ?led with HUD within 40 days following the and of each quarter of the mortgagor's fiscal year. 24 CFR states that. also with regard to financial reporting requirements for hospitals with FHA-insured loans. board?certified annual financial results must be filed with HUD within 120 days following the close of the fiscal year [if the annual audited financial statement has not yet been ?led with Granted by: Genger Charles. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Housing H. Reason Waived: The Borrower requested and was granted waivers ofthese HUD requirements governing financial reporting. 24 CFR 242.53tbltii] was waived in order to allow the Borrower to submit quarterly unaudited ?nancial reports to HUD up to 60 days following the end of each quarter of the mortgagor?s fiscal year. CFR was waived in Order to allow NYP to submit board?certified annual ?nancial results to HUD up to 150 days following the close of the fiscal year [if the annual audited financial statement has not yet haen ?led with The Borrower is a very complex organization. including multiple hospital entities and campuSes. 2.500 beds. over 0.500 affiliated physicians. The extension of reporting requirements will allow the Borrower sufficient time to coordinate its ?nancial reports among its numerous operating entities. and will align reporting requirements with its other taxable bond issues. Contact: Vance Morris. Operations Manager. Of?ce of Healthcare Programs. Office of Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 2th Street SW.. Room 233?. Washington. DC 20401. telephone [202] 402?2419. - flegufotfon: 24 CFR Federal Financing Bank Risk Sharing lnitiative. Substantial Rehabilitation. Massachusetts Housing Partnership Waivers of certain previsions of the Risk Sharing Fragrant regulations for an additional 15 projects for a total of 20 projects utilizing the Federal Financing Bank Risk Sharing Initiative in calendar year 201?. Nature of Requirement: The 24 CFR part 265.200lblt2] Substantial Rehabilitation. The Department will permit the revised definition of substantial rehabilitation in the revised MAP Guide published on january 29. 2015. such that SIR is: Any scope of work D-1 7-0201 a I that either: Exceeds in aggregate cost a sum equal to the ?base per dwelling unit limit" times the applicable High Cost Factor. or [bi Replacement oftwo or more building systems. ?Replacement? is when the cost of replacement work exceeds 50 percent ofthe cost ofrepiacing the entire system. The base limit is revised to $15,000 per unit for 2015. and will be adjusted annually based on the percentage change published by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. or other inflation cost index published by HUD. Granted By: Gender Charles. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Housing. H. Date Granted: March 31, 2017. Reason Waived: Necessary to effectuate the Federal Financing Bank Risk Sharing Initiative between Housing and Urban Development and the Treasury Departmentt FFB announced in Fiscal Year 2014. The approval and execution ofthe FFB Risk Sharing Agreement will facilitate the expansion ofthe program to increase the supply of affordable rental housing and to assist in the reservation of existing of rental housing. Un or this Initiative. FFB provides capital to participating Housing Finance Agencies to make multifamily loans insured under the FHA Multifamily Risk Sharing Program. Contact: Daniel J. Sullivan. Acting Director. Of?ce of Multifamily Production. Office of Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Seventh Street SW.. Room G134. Washington. DC 20410. telephone [202] 402-5130. I Regulation: 24 CFR Federal Financing Bank Risk Sharing Initiative, Equity Take- Outs. Massachusetts Housing Partnership Waivers of certain provisions of the Risk Sharing Program regulations for an additional 15 projects for a total of 20 projects utilizing the Federal Financing Sank Risk Sharing initiative in calendar year 201?. Nature of Reg uirement: Equity take-outs for existing projects [refinance transactions]: Permit the insured mortgage to exceed the sum of the total cost of acquisition. cost of ?nancing. cost of repairs. and reasonable transaction costs or ?equity take-outs" in re?nances of HFA-financed projects and those Outside of portfolio if the result is preservation with the following conditions: 1. OccupanCy is no less than 93% for previous 12 months; 2. No defaults in the last 12 months of the HFA loan to he re?nanced: El. A 20-year affordable housing deed restriction placed on title that conforms to the Slecl-statutory de?nition; 4. A Property Capital Needs Assessment must he performed and funds escrowed for all necessary repairs. and reserves funded for future capital needs: and 5. For projects subsidized by Section 8 Iiousing Assistance Payment contracts: a. Owner agrees to renew HAP contractts) for 20-year term. {subject to appropriations and statutory authorization. etc..i. and b. In accordance with regulations found in 24 CFR and Housing Notice 201 2?14?L?se of "New Regulation" Section a Housing Assistance Payments Federal Registerf?v'ol. 132. No. 1232?Wednesday. Iune 2s. 201?;?Notices Contracts Residual Receipts ofOffset Project? Based Section ti Housing Assistance Payments, if at any time MHP determines that a project's excess funds [surplus cash] after project operations. reserve requirements and permitted distributions are met. MHF must place the excess funds into a separate interest?hearing account. Upon renewal of a HAP Contract the excess funds can be used to reduce future HAP payments or other project operationsfpurposes. When the Contract expires. is terminated. or any extensions are terminated. any unused funds remaining in. the Residual Receipt Account at the time of the contract's termination must he returned to HUD. Granted By: Gender Charles. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Housing. Date Granted: March ?31. 2017. Reason Waived: Necessary to effectuate the Federal Financing Bank Risk Sharing Initiative between Housing and Urban Development and the Treasury Department.? FFB announced in Fiscal Year 2014. The approval and execution of the Risk Sharing Agreement will facilitate the expansion of the program to increase the supply of affordable rental housing and to assist in the preservation of existing of rental housing. Under this Initiative. FFB provides capital to participating Housing Finance Agencies to make multifamily loans insured under the FHA Multifamily Risk Sharing Program. Contact: Daniel J. Sullivan. Acting Director. Office of Multifamily Production. Office of Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street SW.. Room 0134. Washington. DC 20410. telephone [202] 402-5130. 0 Regulation: 24 CFR Financing [tank Risk Sharing initiative. Substantial Rehabilitation, Massachusetts Housing Partnership Waivers of certain provisions ofthe Risk Sharing-Program regulations for an additional 15 projects for a total of 20 projects utilizing the Federal Financing Bank Risk Sharing initiative in calendar year 201?. Nature offiequirements: The 24 CFR part 266.200[d] Ilnderwrite Section 3 Rents. Projects receiving section it rental subsidies or other rental subsidies. For refinancing of Section 202 projects, and for Public Housing Authority projects converting to Section through the Rental Assistance Demonstration Initiative. the Department will permit MHP to underwrite the ?nancing using current or to be adjusted project-based Section 8 assisted vents. even though they exceed the market rates. This is consistent with HUD Housing Notice 04-214. "Amendments to Notice 02?16; Underwriting Guidelines for Refinancing of Section 202. and Section roars Direct Loan Repayments?. which grants authority only to those lenders re?nancing with mortgage programs under the National Housing Act. Granted fly: Conger Charles. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Housing. Date Granted: March 31. 201?. Reason Waived: Necessary to effectuate the Federal Financing Batik Risk Sharing Initiative between Housing and Urban Development and the Treasury Departmenti 2930? PPS announced in Fiscal Year 2014. The approval and execution of the FEB Risk Sharing Agreement will facilitate the expansion of the program to increase the supply ofaffordahle rental housing and to assist. in the preservation of existing of rental housing. Under this initiative. FFB provides capital to participating Housing Finance Agencies tHFAsl to [nuke multifamin loans insured under the FHA Multifamily Risk Sharing Program. Contact: Daniel Sullivan. Acting Director. Of?ce of Multifamily Production. Of?ce of Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Seventh Street SW.. Room 6134. Washington. DC 20410. telephone [202] 402?0130. I Regulation: 24 CFR 266.020tel. Federal Financing Bank Risk Sharing Initiative. Termination of Mortgage insurance. Massachusetts Housing Partnership Waivers of certain provisions ofthe Risk Sharing Program regulations for an additional 15 projects for a total of 20 projects utilizing the Federal Financing Bank Risk Sharing Initiative in calendar year 201 Nature of Requirement: The 24 CFR part 20562009] Termination of Mortgage Insurance. As required by the Initiative. Massachusetts Housing Partnership agrees to indemnify HUD for all amounts paid to FFE if?the HFA or its successors commit fraud. or make a material misrepresentation to the Commissioner with respect to infon'nation culminating in the Contract of Insurance on the mortgage. or while the Contract oflnsurance is in existence." Granted by:Genger Charles, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Housing. Date Granted: March 31. 201?. Reason Waived: Necessary to effectuate the Federal Financing Bank Risk Sharing Initiative between Housing and Urban Development and the Treasury Department! FEB announced in Fiscal Year 2014. The approval and execution ofthe FFB Risk Sharing Agreement will facilitate the expansion of the program to increase the supply of affordable rental housing and to assist in the preservation of existing of rental housing. Under this Initiative. FFB provides capital to participating Housing Finance Agencies to make multifamily loans insured under the FHA Multifamily Risk Sharing Frogrartt. Contact: Daniel I. Sullivan. Acting Director. Office ofMultifamily Production. Office off-loosing. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Seventh Street sw. Room 0134. Washington. DC 20410. telephone {202] Regulatory Waivers Granted by the Of?ce of Public and Indian Housing For further information about the following regulatory waivers. please see the name of the contact person that immediately follows the description of the waiver granted. 0 Regulation: 24 CFR 5.801 and 24 CFR 902 Projecir?rlctivfty: Housing Authority of the City of Deoham Springs Nature ofHequirmnent: The regulation establishes certain reporting compliance zesgs 3 dates. The audited ?nancial statements are required to be submitted to the Real Estate Center no later than nine months after the housing authority?s ?scal year end in accordance with the Single Audit Act and OMB Circular A433. Granted By: Iemine A. Bryon. General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. Date Granted: February 13. 201 Reason Waived:Housing Authority of the City ofDenham Springs requested reliefol financial condition scoring and its financial reporting requirements for the fiscal year end ofSeptembcr 3D. 2015. The records and building contents were all destroyed during the storm disaster of October 2016. Therefore. the HA was approved until March 31. 2017. to Submit its unaudited ?nancial statements. Also. the HA was approved until January 31. 2013. to submit its audited financial statements to HUD. which only permits the extension for filing. The PASS audited ?nancial submission extension does not apply to Single Audit submissions to the Federal Audit Clearin house: the HA is required to meet the Single Audit due data. Contact: Dec Ann R. Walker. Acting Program Manager. NASS. Real Estate Assessment Center. Of?ce of Public and lndian Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 550 12th Street SW.. Suite 100. Washington. DC 20410. telephone {202} - Regulation: 24 CPR 5.301 and 24 CPR ProjeclfAeti'vity: Louisiana Housing Authority (LASDBI Nature of Requirement: The regulation establishes certain reporting compliance dates. The audited ?nancial statements are required to be submitted to the Real Estate Assessment Center no later than nine months after the housing authority's ?scal year and in accordance with the Single Audit Act and OMB Circular Granted By: lemine A. Bryon. General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and lndian Housing. Date Granted: March a. 201?. Reason Waived: Louisiana Housing Authority a Section S-only agency. requested reliefof ?nancial condition scoring and its ?nancial reporting requirements for the fiscal year end (FYE) of December 31, 2016. The HA requested relief for redirecting agency resources to permit assistance to families that were affected by the severe storm and ?ooding during the 201E storm disaster. There fore. the HA was approved until June 30. 2013'. to submit its unaudited ?nancial statements. The HA has until lanuary 31. 2913.!0 submit its audited ?nancial statements to HUD, which only pen-nits the extension for ?ling. The FASS audited ?nancial submission extension does not apply to Single Audit submissions to the Federal Audit Clearinghouse; the HA is required to meet the Single Audit due data. Contact: Dee Ann ll. Walker. Acting Program Manager. MASS. Real Estate Assessment Center. Of?ce of Public and lndian Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 550 12th Street SW.. Suite 100. Washington. DC 20410, telephone tans] arsaraos. Federal Registeerol. 32. No. 123lWednesday. lune - Hegelotr'orr: 24 CFR 5. 24 CPR 5.301. and 24 CFR 902.33lt3). ProjecttActivityr Housing Authority of the City of Lumberton lNCU?ldrl. Nature of Requirement: The regulation establishes certain reporting compliance dates. The audited ?nancial statements are required to be submitted to the Real Estate Assessment Center no later than nine months after the housing authority's tHAi ?scal year and in accordance with the Single Audit Act and OMB Circular Physical inspections are required to ensure that public housing units are decent. safe. sanitary and in good repair. as determined by an inspection conducted in accordance with Uniform Physical Condition Standards Baseline inspections will have all properties inspected regardless of previous PHAS designation or physical inspection scores. Granted Hy: lamina A. Bryon, General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and lndian Housing. Date Created: March 22. 201?. Reason Waived: Housing Authority of the City of Lumberton requested to be waived olits unaudited financial requirements for its ?scal year end of March 30. 2017. and all physical inspection and physical condition scoring for fiscal years and FY 201?. The computers. records and building contents were all destroyed during the 201s storm disaster. Therefore. the HA was approved until September 30. 201? to submit its unaudited financial statements for March SD. 2017. Since only occupied units are inspected. a waiver of physical inspection is not required for vacant public housing units. However. physical inspections for all projects are expected to resume for the HA's FYE March 30. 2018. Contact: Dee Ann R. Walker. Acting Program Manager. NASS. Real Estate Assessment Center. Office of Public and Indian Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 55012th Street SW., Suite 100.Wasl'lington.DC 20410. telephone t2o2] Regulation: 24 CPR and assauslhuzitt]. Project?f?ctivity: Boone County Housing Authority in Columbia. Missouri. requested a waiver of 24 CPR 932.305le[1] and 932.3osthilsitii so that HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing units will not be required to have an in-person follow up inspection it the unit fails the initial inspection. Nature ofl?tequirement: These regulations state that a FHA must inspect a unit prior to initial leasing to ensure that it meets housing quality standards Granted Hy.- Jemina A Bryonn?eneml Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and lndian Housing. Date Granted:February 13. 2017. Reason Waived.- Due to long distances between the FHA and its units and between units. this regulation was waived so that the AHA could use other methods {photographs repair receipts] to determine that repairs were made to ensure the unit rneots HQS. Contact: Becky t?rimeaux. Housing Voucher Management and Operations 23, EDIPantices Division, Of?ce of Public Housing and 1ir'oucher Programs. Office of Public and lndian Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Seventh Street S?iu?il.1 Room 4216. Washington. DC 20410, telephone [202} 208-0422. 0 Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505ldl. Projecti?Activity: Housing Authority of the County of Salt Lake in Salt Lake City. Utah, requested a waiver of 24 CFR 952.505ldi so that it could approve an exception payment standard amount above 120 percent of the fair market rents as a reasonable accommodation. Nature ofRequirement: 24 CFR 982.505[d] states that a public housing agency may only approve a higher payment standard for a family as a reasonable accommodation if the higher payment standard is no more than 120 percent of the FMR for the unit size. Created By: lemine A. Bryon. General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and lndian Housing. Date Granted: January 30. 201?. Henson Waived: This regulation was waived as a reasonable accommodation to allow a disabled participant to receive housing assistance and pay no more than 40 percent of its adjusted income-toward the family share. Contact: Becky Primeaux. Housing Voucher Management and lCiperations Division. llZJIf?ce of Public Hausing and Voucher Programs. Of?ce of Public and Indian Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Seventh Street SW.. Room 4215. Washington. DC 20410, telephone [202] 0 Regulation: 24 CFR 932.505Ed]. Praiactr?Activity: Housing Upportun ities Commission ofl'vlontgomery County in Kensington. Maryland. requested a waiver of 24 CFR 982.505ld] so that it could approve an exception payment standard amount above 120 percent of the fair market rents as a reasonable accommodation. Nature of Requirement: 24 CPR 932.505Edl states that a public housing agency may only approve a higher payment standard for a family as a reasonable accommodation if the higher payment standard is no more than 1 20 percent ofthe FMR for the unit size. Created By: lemine A. Bryon. General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. Date Granted: February 21. 2017. Reason Waived:This regulation was waived as a reasonable accommodation to allow a disabled participant to receive housing assistance and pay no more than 40 percent of its adiusted income toward the hard] share. Contact: Becky Primeaux. Housing Voucher Management and Operations Division. lt'if?ce of Public Housing and Voucher Programs. Office of Public and lndian Housing. Department ofHousing and Urban Development. 451 Seventh Street SW.. Room 4216.. Washington. DC sacno. telephone [202] 208-0477. Regulation: 24 CFR 982.505ldl. l?rojeethctivity-r Fairfax County Department of Housing and Community Development in Alexandria. Virginia. requested a waiver of 24 CFR a. 932.505ld] so that it could approve an - exception payment standard amount above 1 20 percent of the fair market rents as a reasonable accommodation. Nature of HequlrEment: 24 CPR 932.505Edl states that a public housing agency may only approve a higher payment standard for a family as a reasonable accommodation if the higher payment standard is no more than 120 percent of the FMR for the unit size. Granted By: Jemine A. Bryon, General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. Date Granted: March 3. 201?. Reason Waived: This regulation was waived as a reasonable accommodation to allow a disabled participant to receive housing assistance and pay no more than 40 percent of its adjusted income toward the Family share. Centacr: Becky Prim eauir, Housing Voucher Management and Operations Division, Of?ce of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, Of?ce of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street SW., Room 4216, Washington, DC 20410. telephone [202] 203?0422. 0 Regulation: 24 CFR Projecti?Activity: Portage Metropolitan Housing Authority in Ravenna, Ohio, requested a waiver of 24 CFR 032.505{dl so that it could approve an exception payment standard amount above 120 percent of the fair market rents as a reasonable accommodation. Nature of?equirement: 24 EFR 082.505[d] states that a public housing agency may only approve a higher payment standard for a family as a reasonable accommodation if the higher payment standard is no more than 1 20 percent oflhe FMR for the unit size. Granted By: Icmine A. Bryon, General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. Date Granted: March 0, 2012. Reason Waived This regulation was waived as a reasonable accommodation to allow a disabled participant to receive housing assistance and pay no more than 40 percent of its adiusted income toward the family share. Contact: Becky Primeaux, Housing Voucher Management and Operations Division, Office ofl?uhlic Housing and Voucher Programs, Office of Public and Indian Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street SW., Room 4216, Washington, DC 20410, telephone [202} 205?0422. 0 Regulation: 24 CFR 933.205lhl. New York City Housing Authority in New York City, New York. requested a waiver of 24 CFR 903. 205lhl so that it could extend the term of a project-based voucher housing assistance payments contract. Nature of Requirement: 24 CFR 083. 205le states that extensions after the initial extension are allowed at the end of any extension term provided that no more than 24 months prior to the expiration of the previous extension contract, the public housing agency agrees to extend the term, and that such extension is appropriate to continue providing affordable housing for "Federal Registerl'v?ol. 82, No. 123lWednesday, June 23, 2012lNotices low-income families or to expand housing opportunities. Granted By: Jemine A. Bryon, General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and lndian Housing. Date Granted: March 2, 2m 2. Reason Waived: This waiver was granted so the owners ofthe project could secure ?nancing through low-income housing tax credits. Contact: Becky Primeaux, Housing Voucher Management and Operations Division. Of?ce of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, Of?ce of Public and [ndian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street SW.. Room 4210, Washington, DC 20410, telephone [202] 203?0422. I- l-legulotfon: 24 CFR 983,55[b) and Projecti?Activlty: Housing Authority of Clackanias lCounty in Oregon lCity, Oregon. requested a waiver of 24 (FR 9133.55be and 983.153la] so that it could execute an Agreement to enter into a Housing Assistance Payments contract prior to the completion of a subsidy layering review for a project-based voucher new construction development. Nature of Requirement: These regulations state that the public housing agency may not enter into an or housing assistance payments [i-lAP] contract until HUD or a housing credit agency approved by HUD has conducted any required subsidy layering review and determined that the Pot? assistance is in accordance with HUD subsidy layering requirements. Granted By: lcrnine A. Bryon. General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and indian Housing. Date Granted: March 22. 2012. Reason Waived: This waiver was granted to allow demolition activities and site preparation to commence prior to Portland?s rainy weather season which has a detrimental effect on housing development. Contact: Becky Primeaux, Housing Voucher Management and. Operations Division. Of?ce ofPublic Housing and Voucher Programs, Of?ce of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Seventh Street SW., Room-1210, Washington, DC 20410, telephone [202] 203?0422. 0 Regulation: 24 CPR 935.101la]. ProjectrActivity: Housing Authority of East Baton Rouge Parish requested a waiver of 24 CFR 035.101la] so that it could submit its Section Eight Management Assessment Program certification after the deadline. Nature ofli'eqoirement: 24 CPR states a FHA must submit the HUD-required SEMAP certification form within E30 calendar days after the end of its fiscal year. Granted By.- Lourdes Castro Ramirez. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. Dare Granted: January 11, 201?. Reason Waived: This waiver was granted for the HAEHRP's ?scal year ending September 30. 2016. The waiver was approved because of Ur] August 14, 2010, President Dhama signed a Meier Disaster Declaration for the area that 29309 includes the HAEBRP. Agency resources were diverted to relief and recovery efforts. Contact: Becky Primeaux, Housing Voucher Management and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, Office of Public and inclian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street SW., Room 4210. Washington, DC 20410, telephone [202] 208-0422. 0 Regulation: 24 CFR 085.101la]. Projectf?crfvity; The Lincoln Housing Authority in Bowling Green. Missouri. requested a waiver of 24 CPR 935.101ta] so that it could submit its Section Eight Management Assessment Program certification alter the deadline. Nature of?'equirement: 24 CPR 985.101ta] states a FHA must submit the HUD-required SEMAP certification form within 60 calendar days after the and of its ?scal year. Granted By: lamina A. Bryon. General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. Date Created: February 6. 2012. Reason Waived: This waiver was granted for the ?scal year ending September .10, 2015. The waiver was approved because of circumstances beyond the PHA's control and to prevent additional administrative burdens for the FHA and ?eld office. Contact: Becky Primeaux, Housing Voucher Management and Operations Division. Of?Cc of Public Housing and Voucher Programs. Office of Public and Indian Heusing, Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Seventh Street SW., Room 4210. Washington, DC 20410, telephone {202] 203?0422. - Regulation: 24 CPR 085.101tal. ProjectlActivity: Hendry County Housing Department in Lattelle. Florida. requested a waiver of 24 CFR 985.101{a] so that it could submit its Section Eight Management Assessment Program certification after the deadline. Nature of Requirement.- 24 CPR 935.101(a] states a FHA must submit the HUD-required SEMAP certification form within 60 calendar days after the and of its ?scal year. Granted By: icmine A. Bryon, General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. Date Gmnted: February '13, 201 2. Henson Waived: This waiver was granted for the HCHD's ?scal year ending September 30, 2016. The waiver was approved because of circumstances beyond the PHA's control and to prevent additional administrative burdens for the PHA and ?eld of?ce. Contact: Becky Primeaux, Housing Voucher Management and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, Office of Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street SW.. Room 4216, Washington. DC 20410. telephone [202] 208?0422. - Regulation: 24 ecstatic]. Housing Authority of the City of Leesville in Leesvillc, Louisiana, requested a waiver of 24 CPR 035.101la] so that it could submit its Section Eight Management Assessment Program certi?cation after the deadline. 29330. Nature of Requirement.- 24 CFR 085.101la) states a PHA must submit the HUD-required SEMAP certi?cation form within 00 calendar days after the end of its ?scal year. Created By: Jemine A. Bryon. General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. Date Granted: March 2. 2017. Reason Waived: This waiver was granted for the HACL's ?scal year ending September 30. 2010. The waiver was approved because beyond the PHA's control and to prevent additional administrative burdens for the FHA and ?eld office. Contact: Becky Primeaux, Housing Voucher Management and Operations Division, Of?ce of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, Of?ce of Public and Indian Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street SW.. Room 4218, Washington. DC 20410. telephone [202] 208?0477. I Regulation; 24 CPR 905.101la]. Housing Authority of the City of Nanticokc in Nanticoke. requested a waiver of 24 CFR 935.101fa] so that it could submit its Section Eight Management Assessment Program certification after the deadline. Nature ofl'teouirement: 24 CFR 935.101[a] states a PHA must submit the HUD-required SEMAP certification form within 80 calendar days after the end ofits ?scal year. Granted Hy: Iomine A. Bryon, General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. Date Granted: March 2. 2017. Reason Waived: This waiver was granted for the HACN's ?scal year ending September 30. 2016. The waiver was approved because of circumstances beyond the i'HA?s control and to prevent additional administrative burdens for the FHA and ?eld of?ce. Contact: Becky Primeaux. Housing Voucher Management and Operations Division, Office ofPublic Housing and Voucher Programs, Of?ce of Public and Indian Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street SW.. Room 421b,.Washington, DC 20410. telephone [202] 200?0472. Regulation: 24 CFR Scranton Hmrsing Authority in Scranton requested a waiver of 24 CFR 035.101fa] so that it could submit its Section Eight Management Assessment Program certi?cation after the deadline. Nature af?sqairement: 24 CFR 005.101ta] states a FHA must submit the HUDarequired SEMAP certification form within tit] calendar days after the end of its ?scal year. Granted By: Iemine A. Bryon. General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. Date Granted: March El. 201?. Reason Waived: This waiver was granted for the fiscal year ending September 30. 2010. The waiver was approved because of circumstances beyond the control and to prevent additional administrative burdens for the PHA and ?eld of?ce. Contact: Prinieaux. Housing Voucher Management and Operations Division. Of?ce ofPuinc Housing and Voucher Programs. Of?ce of Public and Federal Registert?v?ol. 02. No. 123tWednesday. June Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Seventh Street SW., Room 4210, Washington. DC 20410. telephone (202] 208?0427. I Regulation: 24 CFR 005.101Ea]. Housing Authority of the City of Lumberton (HACLI in Lumherton. North Carolina. requested a waiver of 24 CPR 935.101la] so that it could submit its Section Eight Management Assessment Program ISEMAP) certi?cation alter the deadline. Nature afilequirement: 24 CPR 985.101Ea] states a PHA must submit the HUD?required SEMAP certification form within 60 calendar days after the end of its'?scal year. Created By: [amine A. Bryon. General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. Date Granted: March 21. 2017. Reason Waived: This waiver was granted for the ?scal your audio March 201?. The waiver was approvediecausc of circumstances beyond the PHA's control and to prevent additional administrative burdens for the FHA and ?eld of?ce. Contact: Becky Primeaux, Housing Voucher Management and Operations Division. Of?ce of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, Of?ce of Public and Indian Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Seventh Street SW.. Room 4210. Washington. DC 20410. telephone [202] 700?0427. - Regulation: 24 CFR 935.101ta]. Columbus Housing Authority in Columbus. Nebraska. requested a waiver of as CPR 905.101[a] so that it could submit its Section Eight Management Assessment Program certification after the deadline. Nature ofHeqairema-nl: as CFR 935.101[a] states a FHA must Submit the HUD-required SEMAP codification form within I50 calendar days after the end of its ?scal year. Granted By: lamina A. Bryon. General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. Date Granted: March 30. 2013'. Hanson Waived: This waiver was granted for the ?scal year ending September 30. 2010. The waiver was approved because of circumstances beyond the control and to prevent additional administrative burdens for the PHA and field of?ce. Contact: Becky Primeaux. Housing Vouchol? Management and Operations Division, Of?ce of Public Housing and 1doucher Programs, Of?ce of Public and indian Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street Room 4216. Washington, DC 20410, telephone [202] roa?uarr. 0 Regulation: 24 CFR 935.101la]. Profectt?Actit?rity: Beaver Housing Authority in Beaver. Utah. requested a waiver of 24 CFR 005.101la] so that it could submit its Section Eight Management Assessment Program certification after the deadline. Nature ofRequirement: 24 CPR 035.101ta] states a PHA must submit the HUD?required SEMAP certification form within 00 calendar days after the and of its ?scal year. Granted By: lemine A. Bryon. General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. 20. 201 7 1 Notices Date Created: March 30. 201?. Reason Waived: This waiver was granted for the ?scal year ending September 30. 2016. The waiver was approved because ofcircumstances beyond the PHA's control and to prevent additional administrative burdens for the FHA and ?eld of?ce. Contact: Becky Primeaux. Housing Voucher Management and Operations Division, Of?ce of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, Of?ce of Public and Indian Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street SW.. Room 4216, Washington. DC 20410. telephone [2021 roe?045's. - Regulation: 24 CFR nose. Projectfr'ictivity: Submission of the Annual FHA Plan. Nature of?aquirement: Public Housing Authorities are required to submit an Annual PI-IA Plan 25 days before the commencement of their fiscal year. Granted By: [amine A. Bryon. Date Granted: February 13. 201 2. Reason Waived: The Housing Authority of the City of Sustained major damages to their administrative of?ces and public housing units due to ?ooding caused by Hurricane Matthew. Lumberton. North Carolina was included in the Presidential Disaster Declaration As a result: HACL requested a waiver of 24 CFR 903.5 and an extension of time to submit the Annual FHA Plan. The Department found that good cause existed pumuant to 24 CFR 5.110 to grant the waiver and extend the time for submission of the Annual PHA Plan. Contact: Bernita James. Of?ce of Public Housing and Voucher Programs. Office of Public and Indian Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Seventh Street SW., Room 4208, Washington. DC 20410. telephone [202} 402?2169. Doc. 2012?13552 Filed 6422-1 8:45 aml CODE 421M242 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Fish and Wildtife Service 544225; 91 100?3240? GRNT Announcement of Public Meeting via Teleconference: North American Wetlands Conservation Council AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior. . ACTION: Notice of meeting. SUMMARY: The North American Wetlands Conservation Council will meet via teleconference to select North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) US. Standard grant proposals for recommendation to the Migratory Bird Conservation Commission. This meeting is open to the public. and interested persons may present oral or written statements. DATES: . Federal Registeerol. 32. No. July 6. 2017tNotices Office of Management and Budget control number 1652?0050, abstracted below that we will submit to OMB for an extension in compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act The describes the nature of the information collection and its expected burden. In accordance with the Implementing Recommendations of the sill Commission Act of [9111 Act). which required TSA to develop and implement a pian to inspect critical pipeline systems. TSA is seeking to continue its collection of critical facility security information. DATES: Send your comments by September 5. soonesses: Comments may be emailed to TSAPRAtEdhsgov or delivered to the Tea PRA Officer. Of?ce of Information Technology TSr?t?ll. Transportation Security Administration. so: South 12th Street. Arlington. VA FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Christina A.Walsh at the above address. or by telephone (5ft) 23-2062. SUPPLEMENTAHV INFORMATION: Comments Invited In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 [44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq]. an agency may not conduct or sponsor. and a person is not required to respond to. a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The ICR documentation will be available at upon its submission to OMB. Therefore, in preparation for OMB review and approval of the following information collection. TSA is soliciting comments Evaluate whether the proposed information requirement is necessary for the proper performance ofthe functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility; Evaluate the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden: l3] Enhance the quality. utility. and clarity of the information to be collected; and is] Minimize the burden ofthe collection of information on those who are to respond. including using appropriate automated. electronic, mechanical. or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology. Information Collection Requirement OMB Control Number 1552-0050; Critical Facility Information of the Top me Most Critical Pipelines: The gift 1 Act speci?cally tasked TSA to develop and implement a plan for reviewing the pipeline security plans and an inspection of the critical facilities ofthe IUD most critical pipeline systems.1 Pipeline operators have determined which facilities qualify as critical facilities based on guidance and criteria set forth in the TSA Pipeline Security Guidelines published in April 2011. To execute the Act mandate. TSA visits critical pipeline facilities and collects site-specific information from pipeline operators on facility security policies. procedures. and physical security measures. TSA is seeking OMB approval to continue to collect facility security information during the site visits using a Critical Facility Security Review form. The CFSR will look at individual pipeline facility security measures and procedures.2 This collection is voluntary. Information collected from the reviews will be analyzed and used to determine and weaknesses at the nation's critical pipeline facilities. areas to target for risk reduction strategies, pipeline industry implementation of the voluntary guidelines. and the potential need for regulations in accordance with the Act provision reviously cited. TSA is also seeking I?va approval to continue its follow up procedure with pipeline operators on their implementation of security improvements and recommendations made during facility visits. During critical facility visits. TSA documents and provides recommendations to improve the security posture of the facility. TSA intends to continue to follow up with pipeline operators via email on their status toward implementation of the recommendations made during the critical facility visits. The follow up will be conducted between approximately 12 and 24 months after the facility visit. The information provided by operators for each information collection is Sensitive Security Information (SSH. and it will be protected in accordance with procedures meeting the transmission. handling. and storage requirements of 531 set forth in 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. The annual burden for the approval of the information collection related to the CFSR form is estimated to be 32!} hours. 1 See sec. 155? of the sin not {Put}. L. 121 Stat. see. are. Aug. a. sour]. codi?ed at U.S.C. 120?. 3 The CFSR differs from a Corporate Scourin Review conducted by in another pipeline information collection that looks at corporate or security management plans and practices. Sec UMH Control No. 1e52? nose at for the PEA approval of information collection for pipeline CSRs. TBA will conduct a maximum of St] facility reviews each year, with each review taking approximately 4 hours [30 This is a change from the 9D facility reviews that was previously conducted. The annual burden for the approval of the information collection related to the follow up on the recommendations made to facility operators is estimated to be still) hours. TSA estimates each operator will spend approximately 5 hours to submit a response to TSA regarding its voluntary implementation of security recommendations made during critical facility visits. lfa maximum of 80 critical facilities are reviewed each year. and Tea follows up with each facility operator between approximately 12 and 24 months following the visit. the total annual burden is 40!] [80 5] hours. The estimated number of respondents will be 30 for the CFSR form and 80 for the recommendations follow-up. for a total of 160 respondents. The total estimated burden is F20 hours annually. 32f} hours for the CFSR form. plus 400 hours for the recommendations follow- up procedure. Consistent with the requirements of Executive Order Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs. and ED Enforcing the Regulatory Reform Agenda. TSA is also requesting comments on the extent to which this request for information could be streamlined to reduce this burden. Dated: lune 3D. 2017. Christine A. Walsh. TEA Popenvork Reduction Act Of?cer, Of?ce offnformo lion Technology. IFR DUE. 201??l4159 am] BILLING 9110-05-11 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Exigent Health and Safety De?ciency Correction Certification AGENCY: Of?ce of the Chiefinformation Officer. HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD submitted the proposed information collection requirement described below to the Office of Management and Budget for review. in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 30 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: August 201?. 91 Federal Registeerol. 32. No. lzalThursday. Iuly ti. 2017lNotices 31343 ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andlor OMB Control Number and should be sent to: HUD Desk Of?cer. Office of Management and Budget, New Executive Office Building. Washington. DC EDEUS: fax:202?395?58tl?. Email: Submissionolombeopgov FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Colette Pollard. Reports Management Officer. QMAC. Department ofHousing and Urban Development. 451 Street SW., Washington, DC 20410; email Colette.Pollord@ltud.gov. or telephone This is not a toll-free number. Person with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll?free Federal Relay Service at [eon] Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Pollard. SUPPLEMENTARY This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. The Federal Register notice that solicited public comment on the information collection for a period of days was published on December 20. 2015 at 81 FR 92343. A. Overview of Information Collection Title of information Collection: Exigent Health and Safety Deficiency Correction Certi?cation. OMB Approval Number: Type ofllequest: Revision of currently approved collection. Form Number: None. Description of the need for the information and proposed use: HUD's Uniform Physical Condition Standards regulation [24 CFR part 5. suhpart provides that HUD housing must be decent. safe, sanitary. and in good repair. The UPCS regulation also provides that all area and components of the housing must be free of health and safety hazards. HUD conducts physical inspections of the HUD~funded housing to determine if the UFCS standards are being met. Pursuant to the UPCS inspection protocol, at the end of the inspection [or at the end of each day of a multi-day inspection] the inspector provides the property representative with a copy of the ?Notification of Exi gent and Fire Safety Hazards Observed" form. Each exigent health and safety deficiency that the inspector observed that day is listed on the form. The property representative signs the form acknowledging receipt. FHAs are to correctlremedylact to abate all EH3 deficiencies within 24 hours. Using the electronic format. PHAs are to notify HUD within three business days ofthe date of inspection. which is the date the FHA was provided notice of these de?ciencies. that the deficiencies were correctedlremediedlacted on to abate within the prescribed time frames [24 CFR part 902]. Respondents: (to. affected public] Public Housing Agencies. Estimated Number ofHespona?en ts: 3000. Estimated Number ofResp on ses: 7 1. Freon en cy of Response: Once er year. Average Hours per Response: .28 hours (approximately 1? minutes]. Total Estimated Burdens: erase. B. Solicitation ofPublic Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection ofinformation is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility: The accuracy of the agency's estimate ofthe burden of the proposed collection of information: Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity ofthe information to be collected: and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond: including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology, permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 3507 of the Paperwork Reduction Actof1995,44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: June 29. Colette Pollard, Department Reports Management Officer. Office of the Cit ief in formation Officer. Doc. zen-14179 Filed 5:45 am! BILLING CODE sate-arm DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Insurance Application for the Origination of Reverse Mortgages and Related Documents AGENCY: Office of the Chieflnforrnation UffiCer, HUD. ACHON: Notice. summer: HUD is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act, HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose ofthis notice is to allow for 30 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: August 201?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andlor OMB Control Number and should be sent to: HUD Desk Officer, Office of Management and Budget. New Executive Office Building. Washington. DC 20503; Email: Ol?rl Snbmission@omb.eop.gov. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Colette Pollard. Reports Management Of?cer, QMAC. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Street SW., Washington, DC 20410: email Colette Pollord@liud.gov, or telephone 202?402?3400. This is not a toll-free number. Person with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through "l'l'Y by calling the toll-free l-?erleral Relay Service at [800] Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Pollard. su INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection descdbed in Section A. The Federal Register notice that solicited public comment on the information collection for a period of days was published on November 22, EDIE at 51 FR 33362. A. Overview of Information Collection Title of information Collection: Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Insurance Application for the Origination of Reverse Mortgages and Related Documents. OMB Approval Number: 2502?0524. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andior OMB Control Number and should be sent to: HUD Desk Officer. Office of Management and Budget. New Executive Of?ce Building. Washington, DC 20503; faxz202-395?5300. Email: OIRA Submissionltijom b. so p. gov FOR FUFITHEFI IN FORMATION Colette Pollard. Reports Management Of?cer. QMAC. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 7th Street SW.. Washington. DC 20410: email Colette.Poiiord@hucl.gov. or telephone 202?402?3400. This is not a toll-free number. Person with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at [800] Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may he obtained from Ms. Pollard. SUP PLEMENTAHY This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. The Federal Register notice that solicited public comment on the information collection for a period of 60 days was published on December 20. 2010 Eli 31 FR. 92843. A. Overview oflnformation Collection Title oflnformntion Collection: Exigent Health and Safety Deficiency Correction Certi?cation. OMB Approval Number: Type ofBequest: Revision of currently approved collection. Form Number: None. Description of the need for the information and proposed use: Uniform Physical Condition Standards regulation [24 CFR part 5. subpart G) provides that HUD housing must be decent. safe, sanitary, and in good repair. The UPCS regulation also provides that all area and components of the housing must be free ofhealth and safety hazards. HUD conducts physical inspections of the HUD-funded housing to determine if the UPCS standards are being met. Pursuant to the UPCS inspection protocol, at the end of the inspection [or at the end of each day ofa multi-day inspection} the inspector provides the property representative with a copy of the ?Notification of Hxigent and Fire Safety Hazards Observed? form. Each exigent health and safety de?cienCy that the inspector observed that day is listed on the form. The property representative signs the form acknowledging receipt. PHAs are to correctlremedylact to abate Federal Registeri'v?ol. 32. No. izsiThursday. july ti. ZDIHNotices all EHS deficiencies within 24 hours. Using the electronic format. PHAs are to notify HUD within three business days of the date of inspection, which is the date the PHA was provided notice of these deficiencies. that the deficiencies were correctediremediedlacted on to abate within the prescribed time frames [24! CFR part 002]. Respondents: affected public} Public Housing Agencies. Estimated Number of?espondents: 3000. Estimated Number of?esponses: 97'1 . Frequency of?esponse: Once per yeah Average Hours per Response: .29. hours [approximately 1? minutes]. Total Estimated Burdens: 252.90. B. Solicitation ofPuinc Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility: The accuracy of the agency's estimate ofthe burden ofthe proposed collection of information; Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity of the information to be collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond: including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 3507 ofthe Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: lune 29. 201?. Colette Pollard. Department Reports Management Officer. Of?cc of the Chief information Officer. Ilttc. Filed am] BILLING cooE 31343 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 30-Day Notice of Proposed Intormation Collection: Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) Insurance Application for the Origination of Reverse Mortgages and Related Documents AGENCY: Office of the Chief Information Officer. HUD. ADTIDN: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction dict. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 30 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: August 7. 201?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name audior OMB Control Number and should be sent to: HUD Desk Of?cer. Of?ce of Management and Budget. New Executive Office Building. Washington, DC 20503: fax:202?305?5800. Email: OIRA Submission??amheopgov. FOFI FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Colette Pollard. Reports Management Officer. QMAC, Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Street SW.. Washington. DC 20410; email Colette or telephone 202-402?3400. This is not a toll-free number. Person with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at (300] Slit?3339. Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Pollard. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMLTION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. The Federal Register notice that solicited public comment on the - information collection for a period of 60 days was published on November 22, 2016 at Ell FR 03852. A. Overview ofInformation Collection Title of information Collection: Home Equity Conversion Mortgage insurance Application for the Origination ofReverse Mortgages and Related Documents. OMB Approval Number: 2502?0524. 31544" 1" Federal Registerf?v?ol. 82. No. 123iThursday. July 6. EUIYKNotices Type ofHaquesi: Reinstatement. with change. ofpreviously approved collection. Form Number: 92300.5E, Fannie Mae FNM??lfl?fi. maa. [104d FNiuta?iorsq Description of the need for the information and proposed use: The Home Equity Conversion Mortgage program is the Federal Housing Administration?s reverse mortgage program that enables seniors who have equity in their homes to withdraw a portion of the accumulated equity. The intent of the HECM Program is to ease the financial burden on elderly homeowners facing increased health. housing. and subsistence costs at a time of reduced income. The Currently approved information collection is necessary to screen mortgage insurance applications to protect the FHA insurance fund and the interests of consumers and potential borrowers. Speci?c forms and related documents are needed to determine the eligibility of the borrower and proposed mortgage transaction for insurance endorsement. Form HUD-92902. Certificate of HECM Counseling has been revised to: Include a property address line for purchase transactions. remove the reference to Saver' as current feature of the program, and include a certi?cation warning concerning the actions that may be taken against anyone who knowingly submits a false, fictitious. or fraudulent claim and the penalties ofthose actions. Respondents affected public]: Business or other for profit. Estimated Number of Respondents: 1.503. Estimated Number of Responses: 30.000. Frequency ojResponse: On occasion. Average Hours per Response: 3.41 hours. Total Estimated Burden:11.368.4ee. B. Solicitation ofPublic Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility; The accuracy of the agency?s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information; Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity ofthe information to be collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond: including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of yd?f?f?l?tl?? technology. permitting clactronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 350? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: June 29. 201?. Colette Pollard, Department Reports Management Officer. O?ice oftire Chieflnformotion O?icer. Filed am] BILLING CODE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Understanding Flapid Fle- Housing Study AGENCY: Office of the Chief Information Of?cer. HUD. acnon: Notice. SUMMARY: HUI) is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose ofthis notice is to allow for 3U days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: August 201?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit cements regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andior OMB Control Number and should be sent to: HUD Desk Of?cer. Office of Management and Budget. New Executive Office Building, Washington. DC fax: 202?395?5805. Email: OIHA_Submission@om heopgov. FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Anna P. Guido. Reports Management Officer. QMAC. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 ?th Street SW.. Washington. DC 20410; email Anna P. Guido at Anno_P._Guido@ hodgov or telephone 202?402?5535. This is not a number. Person with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll?free Federal Relay Service at Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Guido. INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that Hill} is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. The Federal Register notice that solicited public comment on the I information collection for a period of Bi] i days was published on February it. 201? at 82 FR 0591. A. Overview of Information Collection Title of Information Collection: Understanding Rapid Re-Housing Study. OMB A prove! Number; Type nine nest: New. Form Nurn or: No Forms. Description of the need for the information and proposed use: Rapid Re-Housing is an increasingly popular approach for using the homeless assistance system to reduce i and and homelessness in communities across the United States. Several studies have examined program outcomes. 1. HUD's Rapid Re-Housing for Homeless i Families Demonstration Program report i and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs? research brief Impact and Performance of the Supportive Services for Veteran Families Program: Results from the FY 2013 Program Year measured RRH outcomesthe active interventions tested in - the Family Options Study Several local studies have also assessed RRH. Collectively. the research conducted to date has produced varied evidence of the outcomes for participants receiving this type of assistance. The Understanding Rapid Re?Housing Study provides an opportunity to existing research on RRH programs. extend the analysis of data from the Family Options Study [2016]. provide a detailed Examination of all rapid re-hOusing programs nationwide. and conduct qualitative research with a small sample of families and individuals who receive HRH. The ?rst two objectives will utilize existing literature and data that have already been collected. To examine the nation's RRH programs. we will rely on currently existing Annual Program Reports from local Continuums of Care [CoCs] and administer a web~based survey to programs. To accomplish the fourth objective. we will conduct in- depth interviews and ethnographic research with households. This notice announces HUD's intent to collect information through the following Federal RegisteriVol. 82. No. 'lZBiThursday. July 5. 2017?INotices Type ofRequest: Reinstatement. with change. of previously approved collection. Form Number: 92902. Fannie Mae Description of the need for the information and proposed use: The Home Equity Conversion Mortgage program is the Federal Housing Administration?s reverse . mortgage program that enables seniors who have equity in their homes to withdraw a portion of the accumulated equity. The intent of the HECM Program is to ease the financial burden on elderly homeowners facing increased health. housing, and subsistence costs at a time of reduced income. The currently approved information collection is necessary to screen mortgage insurance applications to protect the FHA insurance fund and the interests of consumers and potential borrowers. Specific forms and related doCuments are needed to determine the eligibility of the borrower and proposed mortgage transaction for Fl-lA?s insurance endorsement. Form Certificate of HECM Counseling has been revised to: Include a property address line for purchase transactions. remove the reference to Saver? as current feature of the program. and include a certification warning concerning the actions that may be taken against anyone who knowingly submits a false. fictitious. or fraudulent claim and the penalties of those actions. Respondents lie. affected public]: Business or other for pro?t. Estimated Number of Respondents: 1.603. Estimated Number of?cspanscs: Frequency of Response: On occasion. Average Hours per Response: 3.41 hours. . Total Estimated Burden: 11,366,400. B. Solicitation ofPublic Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members ?of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility; The accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information: Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity of the information to be collected: and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond: including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. humor-Hy: Section 350? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: lune 29. 201?. Colette Pollard. Department Reports Management Officer. O?ice of the Chief Information Officer. ice Doc. Filed am] BILLING CODE 4210-514: DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Understanding Rapid Fle- Houstng Study AGENCY: Office of the Chief Information Officer. HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Of?ce of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for El} days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: August 231?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andior OMB Control Number and should be sent to: HUD Desk Officer. Office of Management and Budget. New Executive Office Building. Washington. DC 205031fax: 2024954805. Email: FDFI FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Anna F. Guido. Reports Management Officer. QMAC. Department of llousing and Urban Development. 451 i'th Street SW., Washington. DC 20411]: email Anna P. Guido at Anna_F._Guido@ hudgov or telephone 202?402?5535. This is not a toll-free number. Person with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at {300] Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Guido. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the infermatiou collection described in Section A. The Federal Register notice that solicited public comment on the information collection for a period of days was published on February 201 Ell 82 FR 3531. A. Overview oflnformation Collection Title of Information Colleen? on .- Understanding Rapid Re-Housiug Study. OMS A proval Number: Type a He nest: New. Form Nam er: No Forms. Description of the need for the information and proposed use: Rapid Rte-Housing is an inereasingly popular approach for using the homeless assistance system to reduce and and homelessness in communities across the United States. Several studies have examined RRH program outcomes. HUD's Rapid RerHousing for Homeless Families Demonstration Program report and the US. Department of Veterans ?ffairs' research brief Impact and Performance of the Supportive Services for Veteran Families Program: Results from the FY 2013 Program Year measured RSI-I outcomes. and HRH was one of the active interventions tested in the Family Options Study Several local studies have also assessed Collectively. the research conducted to date has produced varied evidence of the outcomes for participants receiving this type of assistance. The Understanding Rapid Rel-Housing Study provides an opportunity to existing research on programs. extend the analysis of data from the Family Options Study tame]. provide a detailed examination of all rapid re?housing programs nationwide. and conduct qualitative research with a small sample of families and individuals who receive RRH. The first two objectives will utilize existing literature and data that have already been collected. To examine the nation's RRI-I programs. we will rely on currently existing Annual Program Reports from local Continuums of Care [CoCsl and administer a web-based survey to RRH programs. To accomplish the fourth objective. we will conduct in- depth interviews and ethnographic research with households. This notice announces I-IUD's intent to collect information through the following methods: Study investigators [from Abt Associates] will administer a program- level web-based survey. which will include two separate sets ofquestionsu? a short set questions for CUC program staff. and an ill-depth set of questions for RRH program staff. "the survoy will be administered to all (Soils and HRH programs nationwide. To describe the program models in place, the use of progressive engagement. and strategies for RRH in ii gilt rental markets. the study investigators will conduct in?depth telephone follow-up interviews with approximately 20 RRH programs. In addition. investigators will conduct one-time in-person in-depth interviews with a sample of six households in shelter who have been offered RRH but have not yet started to receive it. 16 households who are Federal Registerr?Vol. 32. No. izer'Thursday. July 6. 2il17r'Notices receiving HRH assistance, and six households that have already transitioned from RRH to permanent housing. Finally. to understand their experiences both during RRH and once RRH assistance ends. and investigators will conduct ethnographic research with 16 households. This will include in- person interviews. household observations. quarterly check-ins. and the completion of housing journals. Respondents: Information collection for the program-level web survey will involve program staff from all CoCs [approximately 400] and all RRH programs nationwide [approximately 2.400 programs]. Approximately 20 RRH programs will be involved in the in? depth follow-up interviews. information collection for the qualitative research 31345 will affect approximately 28 households. From the completed 23 interviews, study investigators will invite all 16 households receiving RRH to continue in the applied ethnographic component ofthe study [and we assume that 15 will complete the ethnographic research activities]. Their one-time in?depth interviews will provide a baseline against which investigators will analyze data to be collected over the suba?equent 1 5 months. Those data will include participant observation. housing journals. quarterly family updates. and two follow-up interviews. BesPOHdenis fie? affected public}: Continuum of Care Collaborative Applicants. rapid re-housing program directors. and participants of rapid re- housing programs. . . Number of Frequency of Responses Burden hour Total Hourly cost '"mrmat'on respondents response per annum per response burden hours per response Coat Program Data Collection Web-based Program 5 Survey?CoCs .. 400 1 400 0.33 - 133.30 $34.0? $4,541.53 Web-based Program Survey?HRH Pro- grams 2.400 1 2,400 0.50 1,200.00 22.69 27,226.00 In-depth Program I Interviews 20 1 20 . 2.00 40.00 22.69 90?.60 Participant Data Collection Understanding FIFIH Study Participation Consent Form .. 23 1 28 0.08 2.20 10.15 22.74 One-time FtFli-t Program - Participant Interviews 26 1 20 2-30 64.40 10.15 653.66 Understanding FtFii-i Study Ethnography Partici ant Consent Form 16 1 15 0.03 1.23 113.15 12.99 Ethno ra hic Interviews andngirsing Joumats 16 2 32 3.50 112.00 10.15 1.136.130 Household Obser? V?llOl?iE 16 4 Ed- 3.00 192.013 10.15 1,943.30 Quartert House- hold Li'pdates 16 5 80 0.1? 13.60 10.15 133.04 Total .. 3.053 .. 1.75330 .. 36.59016 It. Solicitation ofPuhlic Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section at on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the Functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility: The acouracy of the agency's estimate ofthe burden ofthe proposed collection ofinformation?. Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity of the information to be collected: and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond: including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic Submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 350? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1905. 44 ii.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: June 21. 2017?. Anna P. Guido. Department Reports Management Officer. Office Chiefinformoticn O?icer. Doc.201??14220 Filed 2-5-17; 3:45 am] BILLING CODE 4210-1674 Vi Wilma-'1 (.71.) ?in 51620 Federal RegisteriVol. 62, No. IZQiFriday. [uly F. 2012iNotices seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. The Federal Register notice that solicited public comment on the information collection for a period of 60 days was published on April 2, 201? at 82 FR A. Dverview of Information Collection Title of Information Collection: Appalachia Economic Development Initiative. OMB A provai Number: 2506-0201. Type of?oquest: Revision of a currently approved collection. Form Number: SF 424; HUD HUD sea?CBW; HUD 2900: HUD 2993; HUD HUD 22061.: and HUD 22300. Description of the need for the information and proposed use: The purpose of this submission is for the application for the Appalachia Economic Development Initiative grant process. Information is required to rate ESTIMATED BURDEN and rank competitive applications and to ensure eligibility of applicants for funding. Semi?annual reporting is required to monitor grant management. Reapondents li.e. affected public]: 50. Estimated Number of Respondents: 50. Estimated Number of Responses: 50. Frequency ofHespoHSe: 1. Average Hours per Response: .TB. Tomi Estimated Burdens: 52?.5. Total Estimated Burdens: 522.5. Annual Total Burden er Total annual .. Burden cost '"Stmmems Respondan's responses responses responge heurs Hourly rate per instrument 50 1 50 2.60 130.00 31.02 64.13660 50 1 50 3.20 160.00 31.82 5,091.20 50 1 50 0.00 0.00 00.00 00.00 50 60 0.00 0.00 00.00 00.00 50 1 50 0.00 0.00 00.00 00.00 50 1 50 0.50 25.00 31.32 T3050 50 1 50 1.25 62.50 31.32 1.92525 50 1 50 3.00 150.00 31.32 4,273-00 Total .. 1.32 527.50 31.82 16,766.62 B. Solicitation ofPublic Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility; The accuracy of the agenCy's estimate ofthe burden of the proposed collection of information; Ways to enhance the quality, utility. and clarity of the information to be collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond: including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology, permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 3507 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of1905.44 Chapter 35. Dated: June 21. 201?. Anna P. Guido. Department Reports Managem an! Officer. Office of the Chiefinformalion Officer. 1FR Doc. 2017?14291 Filed 2?6?17:6:45 aml BILLING cone 4211:4574 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 6] 30-Day Notice of Proposed lnl?ormation Collection: Alfirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan AGENCY: Office of the Chief Information Of?cer, HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: This notice solicits public comment for a period of 30 days. consistent with the Paperwork Reduction that of 1995 on the Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan forms. On December 5. 2016, HUD solicited public comment for a period of 60 days on the AFHMP forms. The 60-day notice commenced the notice and comment procoss required by the FHA in order to obtain approval from the Office of Management and Budget for the information proposed to be collected by the AFHMP forms. This 30-day notice takes into consideration the public comment received in reaponso to the 60-day notice. and completes the public comment process required by the PRA. With the issuance of this notice. and following consideration of additional public comments received in response to this notice. HUD is complying with the PRA renewal requirements. and the forms will undergo the public comment process every 3 years to retain OME- approval. DATES: Comment Due Date: August 2111?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andior OMB Control Number and should be sent to: HUD Desk Officer, Of?ce of Management and Budget, New Executive Of?ce Building. Washington, DC 235133; fax: 202?395?5306. Email: ores Submission @omh.eop.gov. FOR FURTHER or telephone 202?402-6046. This not a toll-free number. Person with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at (600] 622?6339. 1. Electronic Submisaion of Comments. Interested persons may submit comments electronically through the Federal eRulemaking Portal at wonvreguiotionsgov. HUD strongly encourages comments-rs to submit comments electronically. Electronic submission ofconunents allows the commenter maximum time to prepare and submit a comment. ensures timely receipt by HUD, and enables HUD to make them immediately available to the public. Comments submitted electronically through the Web site can be viewed by other commenters and interested members of the public. Comments should follovir the Federal Register/Vol. 82. No. 129lFriday. July 7. instructions provided on that site to submit comments electronically. Note: To receive consideration as public comments. comments must be submitted through one of the two methods speci?ed above. Again. all submissions must refer to the docket number and title of the notice. No Facsimile Comments. Facsimile (FAX) comments are not acceptable. Public Inspection of Public Comments. All properly submitted comments and communications submitted to HUD will be available for public inspection and copying between 3 am. and 5 p.111. weekdays at the above address. Due to security measures at the HUD Headquarters building. an advance appointment to review the public comments must be scheduled by calling QDAM at 202?402?3400 [this is not a toll free number]. Individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing and individuals with speech impairments may access this number via TTY by calling the toll? free Federal Relay Service at [300] 3339. Copies ofall comments submitted are available for inspection and downloading at wruvregulotlonsgov. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Bil-Day Notice for the AFHMP Forms On December 5. 2016. at 81 FR 37581. HUD published its 60-day notice. the first notice for public comment required by the PEA. to commence the process for renewal of the AFHMP Forms. The 50-day public comment period ended on February 3. 201 and HUD received one public comment. The following section. Section A. responds to the issues raised by the public commenter. and Section provides HUD's estimation of the burden hours associated with the AFHMP forms. and further solicits issues for public comment which are required to be solicited by the PRA, Submission Requirements Under the AFHM Regulations [24 CFR part 200. subpart all applicants for participation in Federal Housing Administration subsidized and unsuhsidized housing programs that involve the development or rehabilitation ofmultifamily projects or manufactured home parks offive or more lots. units. or spaces must submit an AFHM Plan on. a prescribed form. In addition. all applicants for participation in FHA subsidized and 'unsubsidized housing programs that involve the development or rehabilitation of single family housing or condominium or cooperative units that intend to sell five or more properties in the next year, or sold five or more properties in the past year. and where a lender is submitting initial applications for HUD mortgage insurance. must submit one of several agreements or statements. among which is an AFHM Plan on a prescribed form. A. Public Comment on the AFHMP Forms and UD '5 Responses Comments The commenter stated that the single- family form 935.213 is ineffective because the form cannot be used for activities occurring outside of a fixed census tract. The commenter suggests that the form be revised to contemplate activities that offer tenants a choice in housing location such as Tenant Based Rental Assistance or down payment assistance. The commenter further stated that the AFHMP forms should include the to racial categories reported to HUD as required by the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008. HUD response: HUI) appreciates the commenter's views and input. HUD notea that the forms were not intended for use for tenant-based rental assistance and down payment assistance programs and declines to make revisions to allow for the use of the forms for such programs at this-time. In regard to the commenter's concern that the form does not include all 16 racial categories that are reported to HUD under other programs. notes that the form includes the five minimum racial categories required by OMB for the collection and presentation of federal data on race. The Department declines to add the additional racial categories at this time. B. Overview of information Collection Under the FHA. HUD is required to report the following: 'l'itle oflnformotion Collection: Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan. OMB Approval Number: 25294013. Type oj'Request: Reinstatement without change. ofpreviously approved collection for which approval has expired. Form Number: 935.2B. 935.20 Description of the need for the information and proposed use: The Department of Housing and Urban Development is requesting that the Office of Management and Budget approve the extension of forms: Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan?Multifamily Housing. HUD-935.23 Af?rmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan?Single Family Housing. and Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan? Condominiums or Cooperatives. These 201 7 Notices 31521 forms assist HUD in fulfilling its duty under the Fair Housing Act to I administer its programs and activities relating to housing and urban development in a manner that affirmatively furthers fair housing. by promoting a condition in which individuals of similar income levels in the same housing market area have available to thorn a like range of housing choices, regardless ofrace. color. national origin. religion. sex. disability. or familial status. This collection also promotes compliance with Executive Order 11063. which requires Federal agencies to take all necessary and appropriate action to prevent discrimination in federally inslured and subsidized housing. Under the AFHM Regulations [24 CFR part Elli). subpart all applicants for participation in Federal Housing Administration subsidized and unsubsidized housing programs that involve the development or rehabilitation of multifamily projects or manufactured home parks of five or mere lots. units. or spaces must submit an AFHM Plan on a prescribed form. In addition, all? applicants for participation in FHA subsidized and unsubsidized housing programs that involve the development or rehabilitation of single family housing or condominium or cooperative units that intend to sell five or more properties in the next year. or sold five or more properties in the past year. and where a lender is submitting initial applications for HUD mortgage insurance. must submit one of several agreements or statements. among which is an AFHM Plan on a prescribed form. Ifthis information was not collected. it would prevent from ensuring compliance with affirmative fair housing marketing requirements. Respondents: Applicants for FHA subsidized and unsubsidized housing programs. Estimated Number ofRespondents: 8.030 935.2A: [in an annual basis. there are approximately 300 respondents that submit new plans. 4.02m respondents that review their existing plans and submit updated plans. and 3.720 respondents that review their existing plans. but are not required to submit updated plans. HUD 3: C: On an annual basis. there are approximately 3U respondents that submit new plans.) Estimated Number of Responses: ELUHU. Frequency of Response: 1 per annum. Average linurs per Response: The average hours per response is 3.16 hours. {For the the hours per response are: 5 hours [new plans), 4 haurs {review and update plans}. and 2 hours {review of existing plans only]. h! - 31622 For the 935.25 8: C, the hours per response is 6 hours]. Total Estimated Bunions: 25,540 hours. Federal Registeri?Vol. 32. No. 129lFriday. July T. ZUINNotices Information Number o1 Frequent: Flee rises Bord collection respondents of responsye per igloom ?Gigipgifiieper Annual 005* 3,050 1 8.050 New 5 a 500 .. New 1.300 Respondents: Respondents- Review Only 2 Flevlews Only $35ihow [professional New [535 4 son] 4- [515 2 3.?20. 1440. work]. it 300) $51500. Reviews Up- Fleview it Up- Steinem [Clerical work} Reviews {535 2 3,72ol data 4 4,030. date 15.120. $260,400. $1.25 per report mailing Updates [$35 a 2 dose] [$15 2 $4.030] 5411.050. Malling Costs $1.25 4.330 $5,412.50. Annual Cost 551.500 $260,400 $411,060 55.41150 $?23.4?2.50. Gavernment: Government: 538.5?fhour' {proles~ New ($33.55 3 500) sional work].. [51155 0.5 300] 53?.35550. tclerical Reviews it Updates ll$3t3LL5ti 3 went]. 3-: 4.030) {51155 0.5 it 54.030i 550.11.553.65. Annual Cost 531336.50 5501553135 $533,390.15. 30 1 39 E- 130 Respondents: 8: 0 (Condos and {lo-Ops]. $35mour {professional (535 4 30) ($15 2 301 wont}. $5.160. $15lhour [clerical work} $1.25 at so $37.50. $1.25 per report mailing Annual Cost $5.150 $5150 - 55.19150. Government: Government: $33.55lhour {protes- Annual Coat {$38.55 3 301 sional work}. [$1155 0.5 30] $3333.65. {clerical work]. Total 8.000 1 each 3,050 Avg_o13.15 25.540 .. Avg. ol $2833 Respondents: sraaero. Government: $542.523.ao. B. Solicitation ofPuiJlic Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have rectical utility: The accuracy oft agency's estimate ofthe burden of the proposed collection of information: Ways to enhance the quality, utility. and clarity ofthe information to be collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond, including through the use ofappropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting ?Rate for G5 12 Step 5 {$35.56rhourl based on the salary information available on 2 Rule for as a step 5131 1550mm} based on the salary information available Utl electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 350? ofthe Paperwork Reduction Act of1995. 44 USS. Chapter 35. Dated: 111115.r 3. 2017. Inez C. Downs. Department Reports Monogcment Of?cer. O??ice of the Chieflnformotion Of icer. Doc.201??14239 Filed r?s-tr: 5:45 am] BILLING cools DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Implementation of the Housing for Older Persons Act of 1995 (Hope) AGENCY: Df?co of the Chief Information Of?cer, HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD submitted the proposed information collection requirement described below to the Of?ce of Management and Budget for review. in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. The of this notice is to allow for an additional 30 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: August IF. 201' ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andi'or OMB Control Number and should be sent to: HUD Desk Of?cer. Office of Management and Budget. New Executive Office Building, Washington. DC 20503: fax: 202?395?5305. Email: OlRA_Submission?omheoogov FDR FURTHEFI INFORMATION, CONTACT: Inez C. Downs. Reports Management Of?cer. QMAC. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 ?th Street SW.. Washington. DC 20410; email Inez (3. Downs at lnez.C.Dorvns@hud.gov or telephone 202?4102431345. This is not a toll-free number. Persons with hearing or speech impairments ma}.r access this number through by calling the toll? aggrieved person?s allegations under the Fair Housing Act. A. Overview of Information Collection Titie offnformotion Coiiection: Housing Discrimination Information Form. OMB Controi Number: 2529?0011. Type ofHequest: Extension of a currently approved information collection. Form Number: Description ofihe need for the information and proposed use: HUD uses the Housing Discrimination Information Form [Form] to collect pertinent information from persons wishing to file housing discrimination complaints with HUD under the Fair Housing Act. The Fair Housing Act makes it unlawful to discriminate in the sale, rental. occupancy. advertising. or insuring of residential dwellings: or to discriminate in residential real estate?related transactions; or in the provision of brokerage services. based on race, color, religion. sex. handicap [disability]. familial status, or national origin. Any person who claims to have been injured by a diSCriminatory housing practice, or any person who believes that he or she will be injured by a discriminatory housing practice that is about to occur, may file a complaint with HUD not later than one year after the alleged discriminatory housing practice occurs or terminates. The Form promotes consistency in the collection of information necessary to contact persons who file housing discrimination complaints with HUD. It also aids in the collection of information necessary for initial assessments of authority to investigate alleged discriminatory housing practices under the Fair Housing Act. This information may subsequently be provided to persons against whom complaints are ?led [?respondents?]. as required under Section 81 of the Fair Housing Act. . Agencyform numbers, ifopplicobie: Form [English]. Form Form [Chinese], Form HUDJQOEJC [Arabic], Form [Vietnamese]. Form [Cambodian]. Form [Korean]. Form HUD- 903.1RUS [Russian]. and Form 903?1 [Somali]. Men?theirs of affected public: individuals or households; businesses or other for-pro?t, not-for?profit institutions: State, Local. or Tribal Governments. Estimation ofthc totoi number of hours needed to prepare the information cottection. including the number of Federal RegistertVoI. 32, No. 129iFriday. July 7, respondents, frequency of response, and hours of responses: During FY 2016. HUD staff received approximately 14.216 information submissions from persons wishing to file housing discrimination complaints with HUD. Telephone contacts accounted for 1,548 of this total. The remaining 12,563 complaint submissions were transmitted to HUD by mail, in-person. by email, and via the Internet. HUD estimates that an aggrieved person requires approximately 45 minutes in which to complete this Form. The Form is completed once by each aggrieved person. Therefore, the total number of annual burden hours for this Form is 9,501 hours. 12.663 >6 1 [frequency] .45 minutes [.75 hours] 9,501 hours. Annualized cost burden to compioinonts: HUD does not provide postage?paid mailers for this information collection. Accordingly. persons who choose to submit this Form to HUD by mail must pay the prevailing cost of First Class Postage. As of the date of this Notice. the annualized cost burden per person, based on a one?time submission ofthis Form to HUD via First Class Postage. is Forty-Nine Cents per person. During FY 2016, FHEO staff received approximately 3.450 submissions of potential complaint information by mail. Based on this number, HUD estimates that the total annualized cost burden for aggrieved persons who submit this Form to HUD by mail is $1,690.50. Aggrieved persons also may submit this Form to in person, by facsimile, by email, or electronically via the Internet. Status of the proposed information coiiection: Renewal of a currently approved collection ofpertinent information from persons wishing to file Fair Housing Act complaints with HUD. B. Solicitation ofPublic Comments This Notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the fol lowing: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility: The accuracy of the agency?s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information; Ways to enhance the quality. utility, and clarity of the information to be collected: and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond; including the use 201?:?Notices 31619 of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology, cg, permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comments in responso to these questions. . Authority: Section 350? ofthe Paperwork . Reduction Act of 1995, 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. as amended. Dated: Iuly 3. 2017. M. Director. Cy?jfice ofEnforcement. FHEO. 5 Doc. zoir?nsoo Filed nm] BILLING CODE 4210-674:- DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Appalachia Economic Development Initiative AGENCY: ffice of the Chief Information Officer, HUD. sorrow: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Of?ce of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act, HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 30 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: August F, 203? 7. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andtor OMB Control Number and should be sent to: HUD Desk Of?cer. Office of Management and Budget, New Executive Office Building. Washington, DC 20503; fax: 202?395?530?. Email: OIHA Submission@omh.eop.gov. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Anna P. Guido, Reports Management Officer, QMAC, Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 ith Street SW., Washington. DC 20410: email Anna P. Guido at Annaf?uido?i hudgov or telephone 2(12?402?5535. This is not a toll-free number. Person with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at [300} Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Guido. SUPPLEMENTARY msoauanou: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. The Federal Register notice that solicited public comment on the information collection for a period of 50 days was published on April T. 2017 at 32 FR 117025. A. Overview of Information Collection Title ofl?nformation Collection: Appalachia Economic Development Initiative. Federal RegisteriVol. 82. No. 129/Friday. Iuly OMB A pro vol Number: 2505?0201. Type ojp?equest: Revision of a currently.r approved collection. Form Number: 81" 424; HUD HUD HUD 299i]: HUD 2991: HUD 2993: HUD 2994A: HUD 27051; and HUD 2.7300. Description of the need for the information and proposed use: The purpose of this submission is for the application for the Appalachia Economic Development initiative grant process. Information is required to rate Bunsen 201? {Notices and rank competitive applications and to ensure eligibility of applicants for funding. Semi-annual reporting is required to monitor grant management. Respondents affected public]: 50. Estimated Number of Respondents: 50. Estimated Number of Responses: Frequency of Response: 1. Average Hours per Response: .76. Total Estimated Burdens: 522.5. Total Estimated Burdens: 527.5. Annual Total Borden er Total annual .. Burden cost Insmmems Respondents responses responses responiio hours Hourly rate per instrument HUD-42453 50 1 50 2.50 130.00 31.02 54.13650 50 1 50 3.20 150.00 31.02 5,091.20 50 1 50 0.00 0.00 00.00 00.00 HUD-2991 50 1 50 0.00 0.00 00.00 00.00 50 1 50 0.00 0.00 00.00 00.00 50 1 50 0.50 25.00 31- .32 790.50 HUD-27051 .. 50 1 50 1.25 02.50 31.32 1.9?525 HUD-27300 50 1 5'0 3.00 150.00 31.32 43103.00 Total .. 1.32 527.50 31.32 15300.52 B. Solicitation ofPublic Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section it. on the following: {it Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility: The accuracy of the agency's estimate ofthe burden ofthe proposed collection ofinformation: Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity of the information to be collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond; including through the use ofappropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. perntitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. authority: Section 350? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: [one 21.. 2017?. Anna P. Guido. Departm eat Reports Mon ogement Officer. Office oftne Chieflnformation Officer. Doc. Eon?14291 Filed t?a?ir; az45 aml sauna cool: DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. a] 30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan AGENCY: Of?ce of the Chief information Officer, HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: This notice solicits public comment for a period of 30 days, consistent with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 on the Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan terms. On December 5. 2018. HUD solicited public comment for a period of on days on the AFHMP forms. The Eli-day notice commenced the notice and comment process required by the PM in order to obtain approval from the Office of Management and Budget for the information proposed to be collected by the AFHMP forms. This 30-day notice takes into consideration the public comment received in response to the 60-day notice. and completes the public comment process required by the PRA. With the issuance of this notice, and following consideration of additional public comments received in response to this notice. HUD is complying with the PRA renewal requirements. and the forms will undergo the public comment process every 3 years to retain OMB approval. DATES: Comment Due Date: August 201?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andi'or OMB Control Number and should be sent to: HUD Desk Officer. Of?ce of Management and Budget. New Executive Of?ce Building. Washington. DC 20503; fax: 202?395?5306. Email: DIHA Submission @ombcopgov. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Inez.C.Downs@hud.gov or telephone 202?402?8045. This not a toll-free number. Person with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at [800] 8??4339. 1. Electronic Submission of Comments. Interested persons may submit comments electronically through the Federal eRulemaking Portal at ti ons. gov. HUD strongly encourages commenters to submit comments electronically. Electronic submission of comments allows the commenter maximum time to prepare and submit a comment. ensures timely receipt by HUD. and enables HUD to make them immediately available to the public. Comments submitted electronically through the Web site can be viewed by other commenters and interested members of the public. Comments should follow the D-17-0201-A-000201 are? updating with each new housing transaction within the facility or community. and that the number of such transactions per year might vary significantly depending on the size and nature of the facility or community. HUD also estimated the average number of housing transactions per year at ten [10] transactions per community. HUD concluded that the publication of policies and procedures is likely to be a onetime event. and in most cases will require no additional burden beyond what is done in the normal course of Federal Registeri?s?ol. 32. No. izsiFriday. July business. The estimated total annual burden hours are 5,500 hours. Estimation of the total numbers of hours needed to prepare the information collection including number of respondents. frequency of response, and hours of response: Please see table below. Type of collection activity Number of respondents Frequency of Total annual responses hours Burden hour per response Total annual Hourly cost burden hours per response Annual cost One: Publication of and adherence to policies and procedures that demonstrate the in- tent to operate as 55- or-older housing Two: Collect age verification data for at least one occupant per unit to meet the minimum ?30? requirement Three: Periodic updates of occupancy records 1 .000 1 1 .000 1 1 .000 1 1 1 .000 2000 $21.30 3342.60000 1.000 21.30 21.30000 2.500 21.30 53.25000 Total Burden Hours and Costs 3.000 5.500 117,150.Solicitation ofPublic Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection ofinformation is necessary for the proper performance ofthe fitnctions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility: The accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of informationI Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity of the information to be collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond: including using appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 3507 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: July 3. 201?. Inez C. Downs. Department Reports Management O?'icer. Office oft-be Chieffnjormorion Of?cer. Doc. coir?14sz Filed BILLING cone sate??Le DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT {Docket No. 30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Delta Community Capital Initiative AGENCY: Office ofthe Chief Information Officer, HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the foice of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act, HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 30 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Dots: August 201?. Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andior OMB Control Number and should be sent to: HUD Desk Of?cer. Office of Management and Budget. New Executive Of?ce Building. Washington. DC 20503; fax: 202?395?5500. Email: OIRA Submission?iombeoogov. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Anna F. Guido. Reports Management Officer. QMAC. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Tr'th Street SW., Washington. DC 20410; email Anna P. Guido at AnnoPCuido?i hudgov or telephone 202?402?5535. This is not a toll-free number. Person with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through by Calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at [800] Copies of available documents submitted to 0MB may be obtained from Ms. Guido. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. The Federal Register notice that solicited public comment on the information collection for a period days was published on Apr117.201? at 82 FR 13"027. A. Overview of Information Collection Title of Information Collection: Delta Community Capital Initiative. OMB Approval Number: 2505?0200. ?l?ype ofHequest: Revision ofa currently approved collection. Form Number: SF 424; HUD 424GB: HUD liUl) 2900: HUD 2901: HUD 2993'. HUD HUD 27061: and HUD 27300. Description of the need for the information and proposed use: The purpose of this submission is for the application for the Delta Community lCapital Initiative grant process. information is required to rate and rank competitive applications and to ensure eligibility of applicants for funding. 1:1" i" Federal RegisteriVol. 02, No. lzefFriday, July 7, 201? {Notices 3162.5 Semisannual reporting is required to monitor grant management. Respondents file. affected publici??. Estimated Number ofRespondents: 50. Estimated Number of Responses: 50. ESTIMATED BURDEN Frequency of Response: 1. Average Hours per Response: .305. Total Estimated Burdens: 52?.5. Annual Total Burden er Total annual .. Burden cost Instruments Respondents responses responses responge hours Hourly rate per instrument 50 1 50 2.00 130.00 $31.02 $4,100.60 50 1 50 3.20 100.00 31.02 5,001.20 50 1 50 0.00 0.00 00.00 00.00 50 1 50 0.00 0.00 00.00 00.00 HUD-2003 50 1 50 0.00 0.00 00.00 00.00 50 1 50 0.50 25-00 31.02 790.50 HUD-27061 50 1 50 1.25 02.50 31.02 50 1 50 3.00 150.00 31.02 Total .. 1.32 527.50 31.02 16365.32 B. Solicitation ofPublic Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public: and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility; The accuracy of the agency?s estimate ofthe burden ofthe proposed collection of information; Ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity ofthe information to be collected: and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond: including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 350? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1005, as U.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: lune 21.20117. Anna P. Guido. Department Reports Management Officer, Of?ce ofthe Chief information Officer. Doc.201??14290 Filed 1:13:45 am] BILLING CODE 421D-GT-P DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Fish and Wildlife Service [nvs?ee?ES?zatr?Noes; street 1 1 Notice of Availability of a Draft Candidate Conservation Agreement, Draft Candidate Conservation Agreements With Assurances, and Draft Environmental Assessment for Activities Within Eddy County, New Mexico, and Culberson County, Texas AGENCY: l-?ish and Wildlife Service. Interior. ACTION: Notice ofavailability: request for comments. SUMMARY: This notice advises the public that the Center ofExcellence in Hazardous Material Management applicant] and the New Mexico State Land Office applicant] have applied to the Fish and Wildlife Service {Service} for two separate enhancement of survival permits pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1023. as amended [Act]. The permit application includes draft programmatic candidate conservation agreement with assurances for the Texas hornshell and other covered species [the Rio Grande River cooter, gray redhorse. blue sucker, and Pecos springsnail) in west Texas and southeast New Mexico. A separate permit application includes a draft programmatic candidate conservation agreement with assurances for the Texas hornsheil and other covered species [the Rio Grande River cooter. gray redhorse. blue sucker. and Pecos springsnail} that is valid only on New Mexico State trust lands. Additionally, the Service received a draft candidate conservation agreement for the Texas hornshell and the other covered species from the Bureau of Land Management that. would address threats to these species on Federal land in southeastern New Mexico. The CCAAs. and associated permits. would authorize incidental take resulting from voluntary activities to restore. maintain, enhance. or create habitat for the covered species. The Service also announces the availability ofa draft environmental assessment that has been prepared to evaluate the permit application in accordance with the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act. We are making the permit application packages, including the draft CCA, draft CCAAs. and draft EA, available for public review and comment. DATES: We ?rill accept comments received or postmarked on or before August 201?. Any comments we receive after the closing date or not postmarked by the closing date may not be considered in the ?nal decision on this action. ADDRESSES: Persons wishing to review the application may obtain a copy by writing to the Regional Director. U.5. Fish and Wildlife Service. PD. Box 1300. Room 4012, Albuquerque. NM 02103, or by emailing fw2_hcp permi ts@fws. gov. Obtaining Documents: 0 Internet: You may obtain copies of the draft EA, draft CCA. and draft CCAA on the Fish and Wildlife Services [Service] Web site at rvww.fws.govfsouth wesir?es/newm exico. 1- U.S. Mail: A limited number of RDM and printed copies of the draft EA, draft CCA. and draft CCAA are available, by request, from the Field Supervisor, by mail at New Mexico Ecological Services Field |Office, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 2105 Osuna NE, Albuquerque. NM 02113: by phone at 505?340?2525: or by fair at 505?340? 2542. Please note that your request is in reference to the draft Candidate Mill-(rum mm GPO aisle? e- Federal Registeri?ir?ol. 82, No. ?iZQ/Friday. July 7. 201 Notices loading of software is involved in making the finished x-ray systems in the United States. Until all ofthe components are put together into the completed system. it will not have the character of an x-ray system. and the individual components cannot carry out the functions of an x-ray system ofproducing radiographic images suitable for making a diagnosis. We also find it highly significant that the information provided indicates the assembly and installation of the xiray System require a signi?cant articunt oftime. in that it usually takes about 4 to 5 days on-site in complete. its in HQ H219597, after the assembly and programming of the US. and foreign made components are completed in the United States, the foreign made components all lose their individual identities and connected together will create a distinct new product. an x-ray system, which is capable of providing radiographic images for diagnostic purposes. Consuquently. we ?nd that a product with a new name, character. and use is produced by the operations performed in the United States to make the x?ray system. and thus the country of origin of the DEX-Ascend Digital x-ray system is the United States. HOLDING: Based on the information presented. the imported components that are used in the manufacture ofthe DRX-Ascend Digital x-ray system are substantially transformed as a result of the assembly operations and the software installation performed at an on-site location in the United States. Therefore, the country of origin of the DEX-Ascend Digital Radiography zit-ray system for government procurement purposes is the United States. Notice of this final determination will be given in the Federal Register, as required by 19 CFR Any party-at-interest other than the party which requested this ?nal determination may request. pursuant to 19 CFR with. that UHF reexamine the matter anew and issue a new final determination. Pursuant to 19 CFR any party-at- interest may. within at] days ofpublication of the Federal Register Notice referenced above, seek judicial review of this final determination before the lLiourt of International Trade. Sincerely. Alice A. Klpel. Executive Director. Regulations and Hello gs. Office of Trade Doc. 20135-14310 Filed aml BILLING CODE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Comment Request; Housing Discrimination Information Form; HUD-903.1, HUD?aoa?1_Somali AGENCY: Office ofthe Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: The proposed extension of the currently approved information collection for Housing Discrimination information Form HUD- QUBJA, HULL- QUEJKUR. and 903~1_Somali will be submitted to the Office ofManagement and Budget for review. in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. HUD is soliciting comments from all interested parties on the proposed extension of this information collection. DATES: Comment Due Date: September 5. 201?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposed information collection. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andfor OMB Control Number. and should be sent to Inez (3. Downs. Departmental Paperwork Reduction Act Officer. QMAC. US. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Street SW.. Room 4186. Washington. DC 2n41e?20ee: telephone number [2112] 402?8046 [this is not a toll-free number]. or email at inez.C.Downs@ hudgov for a copy of the proposed forms or other available information; or to Colette Pollard. Departmental Paperwork Reduction Officer. QMAC, US. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Street SW.. Room 4135. Washington. DC 20-410e2fiilil?. telephone number [202] 402-3400 [this is not a toll-free number], or email at Colettc.Pollord@htid.gov for a copy of the proposed forms or other available information. Hearing or speech impaired individuals may access both numbers via TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service 31:1 3339. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Turner Russell. Department ofHousing and Urban Development. 451 Street SW., Room 5214. Washington. DC seine?zone; telephone number [202] 402-45995 [this is not a toll?free number]. [tearing or speech impaired individuals may access this number via by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at: 1 [800] Fi??8339. SUPPLEMENTARY HUD is submitting this proposed extension ofa currently apprcived information collection to the OMB for review. as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1395 [44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. as amendedl. This Notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected agencies concerning the proposed extension of the collection of information regarding alleged discriminatory housing practices under the Fair Housing Act [42 U.S.C. et seq]. The Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in the sale. rental, occupancy, advertising. and insuring of residential dwellings; and in residential real estate-related transactions; and in the provision ofbrokerage services. based on race. color. religion, sex. handicap [disability], familial status. or national origin. Any person who claims to have been injured by a discriminatory housing practice. or who believes that he or she will be injured by a discriminatory housing practice that is about to occur, may file a complaint with HUD not later than one year after the alleged discriminatory housing practice occurred or terminated. HUD has designed Housing Discrimination Information Form to promote consistency in the documents that, by statute. must be provided to persons against whom complaints are ?led, and for the convenience of the general public. Section 103.25 of Fair Housing Act regulation describes the information that must be included in each complaint ?led with HUD. For purposes of meeting the Act'sene-year time limitation for filing complaints with HUD. complaints need not be initially submitted on the Form that HUD provides. Housing Disclrimination Information Form HUD-903.1 (English language], [Spanish language]. [Chinese language]. [Arabic language], [Vietnamese language]. [Cambodian language]. [Korean language]. [Russian language], and HUD?Q?3?14[Somali language} may be submitted to HUD by mail. in person. by facsimile. by email, or via the Internet to HUD's Office of Fair Housing and iiqual Opportunity staff uses the information provided on the Form to verify authority to investigate the ms- Federal Registerl?llol. 32, No. 129lFriday. July aggrieved person?s allegations under the Fair Housing Act. A. Overview of Information Collection Title of Information Collection: Housing Discrimination Information Form. OMB Control umber; 2529~0011. Type ofHequest: Extension of a currently approved information collection. Form Number: Description of the need for the information and proposed use: HUD uses the Housing Discrimination Information Form [Form] to collect pertinent information from persons wishing to file housing discrimination complaints with HUD under the Fair Housing Act. The Fair Housing Act makes it unlawful to discriminate in the sale. rental. occupancy, advertising. or insuring of residential dwellings: or to discriminate in residential real estate-related transactions; or in the provision of brokerage services, based on race. color. religion. sex, handicap [disability], familial status, or national origin. Any person who claims to have been injured by a discriminatory housing practice, or any person who believes that he or she will be injured by a discriminatory housing practibe that is about to occurl may file a complaint with HUD not later than one year after the alleged discriminatory housing practice occurs or terminates. The Form promotes consistency in the collection ofinformation'necessary to contact persons who ?le housing discrimination complaints with HUD. It also aids in the collection ofinforrnation necessary for initial assessments cfHUD's authority to investigate alleged discriminatory housing practices under the Fair Housing l?tct. This information may subsequently be provided to persons against whom complaints are filed [?respondents?]. as required under section 31 ofthe Fair Housing Act. Agencyform numbers, ifupplicoble: Form [English], Form HUD- 903.1A [Spanish]. Form HUD-903.113 [Chinese]. Form (Arabic). Form [Vietnamese], Form [Cambodian], Form [Korean], Form 903.1RUS [Russian], and Form 903?1 {Somali}. Members of affected public.- lndividuals or households: businesses or other for-profit. not?for?pro?t institutions: State, Local, or Tribal Governments. Estimation of the total number of hours needed to prepare the information collection, including the number of respondents, frequency ofresponse, and hours of responses: During FY 2016, HUD staff received approximately 14,215 information submissions from persons wishing to file housing discrimination complaints with HUD. Telephone contacts accounted for 1.548 of this total. The remaining 12.568 complaint submissions were transmitted to HUD by mail, in-person, by email, and via the Internet. HUD estimates that an aggrieved person requires approximately 45 minutes in which to complete this Form. The Form is completed once by each aggrieved person. Therefore. the total number of annual burden hours for this Form is 9,501 hours. 12.1353 1 [frequency] .45 minutes hours] 9,501 hours. Annualized cost burden to complainants: HUD does not provide postage-paid mailers for this information collection. Accordingly, persons who choose to submit this Form to HUD by mail must pay the prevailing cost of First Class Postage. As of the date of this Notice, the annualized cost burden per person, based on a one-time submission of this Form to HUD via First Class Postage. is Forty?Nine Gents per person. During FY 201 E, FHEO staff received ap proximately 3.450 submisaions of potential complaint information by mail. Based on this number, HUD estimates that the total annualized cost burden for aggrieved persons who submit this Form to HUD by mail is $1 ?90.50. Aggrieved persons also may submit this Form to HUD in person. by facsimile, by email, or electronically via the Internet. Status ofthe proposed information collection: Renewal ofa currently approved collection of pertinent information from persons wishing to file Fair Housing itct complaints with HUD. B. Solicitation ofPublic Comments This Notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection ofinformation is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility; The accuracy of the agency?s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information; Ways to enhance the quality, utility. and clarity of the information to be collected: and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond: including the use 201? lNotices 31619 of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology, permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comments in response to these questions. Authority: Section 350?? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, 44 U313. Chapter 35. as amended. Dated: July 3, 2D17. M. Grosso, Director, Office of En forcem ent. FHED. IFR Doc. ems?1430a Filed r-s-ir; 3:45 am] amuse coca Hie?674' DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Appalachia Economic Development Initiative AGENCY: Of?ce of the Chief Information Officer, HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget 'for the information collection - described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act, HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 30 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: August 201?. ADDRESSES: interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andlor OMB Control Number and should be sent to: HUD Desi: Officer, Office of Management and Budget, New Executive Of?ce Building, Washington. DC fax: Email: Submissionl'dlombeopgov. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Anna P. Guido, Reports Management Of?cer, QMAC. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 ith Street SW., Washington, DC 20410: email Anna P. Guido at Anno.P.Guido@ hudgov or telephone 202?402?5535. This is not a toll?free number. Person with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at 3?7?8339. Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Guido. SUPPLEMENTARY INFDFIMJLTIUN: This notice informs the public that HUD is Federal RegisteriVol. 82, No. 1291Friday. july zotranlices For the 935.23 3: C. the hours per response is 6 hours]. Total Estimated Burdens: 25.540 hours. Information Number of Pro usnc Ftes rises Burden hour or Annual burden r1 collection respondents oi reciaponslis responsep hours Annual thpigp?san 3.050 1 8,051) New 5 .. New Laos Respondents: Respondents: Fteyiew Only 2 r: Reviews Only $35ihour [professional New {535 4 300] {$16 at 2 I440. worch 300} $51,500. Review it Up- Review it Up- sternum {clerical work} Hoviews {see it 2 at area] data 4 at. 4.1330. date 16.120. $250,400. $1.25 per report mailing Updates [$35 2 4.030] i516 2 at $4.030] 5:11 1,060. Mailing Costs 2 51.25 4.330 $5412.50. Annual Cost 2 $51,600 $250,400 $411 .060 $5.412.50 Govemment: Government: $33.56?wur? {proles- New {$33.56 3 300} slonal worki. {51155 0.5 300) $313305]. 331?.55ri?rour2 [clerical Reviews it Updates 2 {$38.55 3 work]. 4,030) 0.5 3-: 54.030} $501,553.55. Annual Cost 531335.50 $501,553.55 $538,390.15. HUD-935.20 30 1 30 6 180 Respondents: Respondents: 8. 0 {Condos and (Do-Ops). $35mour {prolessional {$35 :4 4 r-c 301 {516 2 30] work}. $5.150. Slefhour [clerical work} 51.25 30 $137.50. $1.25 per report mailing Annual Cost $5,160 53150 55.19150. Government: Government: $33.55Fhour [protes- Annual Cost {$33.56 3 30} Sional work). {$1155 a: 0.5 30} $3333.65. $1?.55.ibour {clerical wont]. Total 8.000 1 each 8.050 Avg. 013.16 25.540 .. Avg. ol 523.73 Respondents; Government $542,623.80. B. Solicitation of Public This notice is soliciting comments from members ofthe public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have ractical utility: The accuracy oft agency?s estimate oithe burden of the proposed collection of information; Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity of the information to be collected: and (4) Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond. including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. cg. permitting 1 Rate [or {.13 12 Slop 5 based on the salary information available rm '1 Raisin-1- CS 5 step on the salary information available on DPMgov. electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Aulhority: Section 350? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of1995.44 0.3.0. Chapter 35. Dated: July 3. 201?. Inez C. Downs. Department Reports Monogram an! Officer. Of?ce of the Chie?nformotion Officer. IFR Doc. 2017?14235] aml BILLING CODE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT {Docket NO. 30-Day Notice of Pro posed Information Collection: Implementation of the Housing for Older Persons Act of 1995 (HOPA) Office ofthe Chief Information Officer. HUD. acnou: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD submitted the proposed information collection requirement described below to the Of?ce of Management and Budget for review. in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. The purpose oftbis notice is to allow for an additional 30 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: August 2017. ADDRESSES: interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andr?or OMB Control Number and should be sent to: HUD Desk Officer, Of?ce of Management and Budget. New Execatiye Office Building. Washington. DC 20503; fax: 202?395?5306. Email: FOR FURTHER CONTACT: Inez C. Downs. Reports Management Officer. QMAC. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Street SW.. Washington. DC 20410: email Inez CI. Downs at or telephone 202410243045. This is not a number. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll- 1. .. 2. Federal RegisteriVol. 82, No. lZQr?Friday, July .7. Z??l?Notices 31623 free Federal Relay Service at 8339. Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Downs. SUPPLEMENTARY This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. The Federal Register notice that solicited public comment on the information collection for a period of til] days was published on December 13. ZUIB at 31 FR 89954. A. Overview of Information Collection Title ofl'nformation Cofiection: Implementation of the Housing for Older Persons Act of 1995 OMB A provai Number: 2529?0045. Type a Request: Extension without change of a currently approved collection. Form Number: None. Description of the need for the information and proposed use: The Fair Housing Act [42 U.S.C.3601 ct seql. prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental. occupancy, advertising, insuring, or financing of residential dwellings based on familial status [individuals living in households with one or more children under 18 years of age]. However, under it of the Act. Congress exempted three categories of ?housing for older persons" from liability for familial status discrimination: Housing provided under any State or Federal program which the Secretary of HUD determines is "specifically designed and operated to assist elderly persons [as defined in the State or Federal program)"; housing "intended for. and solely occupied by persons 52 years of age or older"; and housing "intended and operated for occupancy by at least one person 55 years of age or older per unit ['55 or older' housing].? In December 1995, angress passed the Housing for Older Persons Act of 1995 [Public Law'104??B, toe STAT. rarJ as an amendment to [he Fair Housing Act. The HDPA modified the ?55 or older" housing exemption provided under ?3507lbll21lCl of the Fair Housing Act by eliminating the requirement that a housing provider must offer ?significant facilities and services specifically designed to meet the physicai or social needs of older persons." In order to qualify for the exemption. a housing community or facility must meet each ofthe following criteria: At least 80 percent of the occupied units in the community or facility mustbe occupied by at least one person who is 55 years of age of older: the housing provider must publish and adhere to policies and procedures that demonstrate the intent to operate housing for persons 55 years of age or older; and the housing provider must demonstrate compliance with ?rules issued'by the Secretary for veri?cation ofoccupancy. which shall . . . provide for [age] veri?cation by reliable surveys and affidavits." The HUPA did not significantly increase the record-keeping burden for the ?55 or older? housing exemption. It describes in greater detail the documentary evidence which HUD will consider when determining. in the caurse of a familial status discrimination complaint investigation. whether or not a housing facility or community qualified for the "55 or older? housing exemption as of the (late of the alleged Fair Housing Act violation. The HOPA information collection requirements are necessary to demonstrate a housing provider's eligibility to claim the ?55 or older" housing exemption as an affirmative defense to a familial status discrimination complaint filed with HUD under the Fair Housing Act. The information will be collected in the normal course of business in connection with the sale. rental, or occupancy of dwelling units situated in qualified senior housing facilities or communities. The requirement that a housing provider must demonstrate the intent to operate a ?55 or older? housing community or facility by publishing, and consistently enforcing. age verification rules. policies and procedures for current and prospective occupants reflects the usual and customary practice of the senior housing industry. Under the HOPA. a ?55 or older" housing provider should conduct an initial occupancy survey of the housing community or facility to verify compliance with the ?80 percent occupancy" requirement, and should maintain such compliance by periodically reviewing and updating existing age verification records for each occupied dwelling unit at least once every two years. The creation and maintenance of such occupancyfage veri?cation records should occur in the normal course of individual sale or rental housing transactions, and should require minimal preparation time. Further, a senior housing provider?s operating rules. policies and procedures are not privileged or confidential in nature. because such information must be disclosed to current and prospective residents. and to residential real estate professionals. The HDPA exemption also requires that a summary of the occupancy survey results must he made available for public inspection. This summary need not contain con?dential information about individual residents; it may simply indicate the total number of dwelling units occupied by persons 55 years of age or older. While the supporting age verification records may contain confidential information about individual occupants. such information would be protected from disclosure unless the housing provider claims the ?55 or older" housing exemption as an affirmative defense to a jurisdictional familial status discrimination complaint filed with HUD under the Fair Housing Act. Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity will only require a housing provider to disclose such con?dential information to HUD if and when HUD investigates a iurisdictional familial status discrimination complaint filed against the housing provider under the Fair Housing Act, and if and when the housing provider claims the ?55 or older" housing exemption as an af?nnative defense to the complaint. Members of affected pubiic:The HOPA requires that small businesses and other small entities that operate housing intended for occupancy by persons 55 years of age or older must routinely collect and update reliable age veri?cation information necessary to meet the eligibility criteria for the HUPA exemption. The record keeping requirements are the responsibility of the housing provider that seeks to qualify for the HDPA exemption. Estimation of the total numbers of hours needed to prepare the information collection, inciuding the number of respondents. frequency of response, and hours of response: The HDPA information collection requirements are the responsibility of the individual housing facility or community that claims eligibility for the ?55 or older? housing exemption. The HOPA does not authorize HUD to require submission of this information by individual housing providers as a means of certifying that their housing communities or facilities qualify for the exemption. Further. since the HOPA has no mandatory registration requirement. HUD cannot ascertain the actual number of housing facilities and communities that are currently collecting this information with the intention of qualifying for the HOPA exemption. Accordingly, HUD has estimated that approximately 1.001] housing facilities or communities would seek to qualify for the HOPA exemption. HUD estimated the occupancytage verification data would require routine 31?23 updating with each new housing transaction within the facility or community. and that the number of such transactions per year might vary signi?cantly depending on the size and nature of the facility or community. HUD also estimated the average number of housing transactions per year at ten [10] transactions per community. HUD concluded that the publication of policies and procedures is likely to be a one-time event. and in most cases will require no additional burden beyond what is done in the normal course of Federal Registerf'ifol. 32.. No. lzetr?riday. July 201WNotices business. The estimated total annual burden hours are 5.500 hours. Estimation of the total numbers of hours needed to prepare the information collection including number of respondents, frequency of response, and hours of response: Please see table below. Type of collection activity Num her at respondents Frequency of response Total annual responses hours Burden hour per response Total annual burden hours Hourly cost per response Annual cost One: Publication of and adherence to policies and procedures that demonstrate the in- tent to operate as 55- or-older housing Two; Collect age verification data tor at least one occupant per unit to meet the HOPA's minimum ?80" requiremenl Three: Periodic updates of occupancy records 1 .000 1.000 1.000I 1 1 .000 2 1 1 .000 1 1 1.000 2.50 2.000 $21.30 $415000!) 1,000 21.30 21.300.00 2.500 21.30 53.250.00 Total Burden Hours and Costs . . . 3.000 5.500 . . . . . 7,150.00 B. Solicitation of Public Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection ofinforrnation is necessary for the pro per performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility; The accuracy of the agency's estimate oftho burden ofthe proposed collection of information; Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity of the information to be collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection ofinformation on those who are to respond; including using appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 350? of the Paperwork Reduction Act oI1995.-44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: Iuly 3. 201?. Inez C. Downs. Department Reports Menage-m ent Of?cer. Office oflhe Cln'efi?nformntion Officer. Doc. Filed 7?5?17:?:45 am] cone seiner-e DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND UFIBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Delta Community Capital Initiative AGENCY: Office of the Chief Information Officer, HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork. Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 30 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: August 2017. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name author OMB Control Number and should be sent to: HUD Desk Of?cer. Office of Management and Budget, New Executive Office Building. Washington, DC 20503: fax: Email: CUBA Submissiontl?rom b.eop.gov. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: none P. Guido. Reports Management Officer. QMAC. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Street SW.. Washington, DC 20410: email Anna P. Guido at Anno.P.Guido@ hudgov or telephone 202?402?5535. This is not a toll?free number. Person with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at Copies of available dociirnents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Guido. su This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. The Federal Register notice that solicited public comment on the information collection for a period of ?ll days was published on April it. 201? at 82 FR A. Overview of Information Collection Title oflnformotion Collection: Delta Community Capital Initiative. OMB Approval Number: Type of Request: Revision of a currently approved collection. Form Number: SF 424?. HUD 424C313: HUD HUD 2990: HUD 2951'. 2993?, HUD 2094A: HUD 25?051: and HUD 2?300. Description of the need for the information and proposed use: The purpose of this submission is for the application for the Delta Community Capital Initiative grant process. Information is required to rate and rank competitive applications and to ensure eligibility of applicants for funding. mining-q?. u: drum? Inn-um GPO applicants and three for UFA applicants]. Federal RegisteriVol. 32, No. 131iTuesday. July 2012i?Notices Toioi Estimated Burdens: 1,245 hours. B. Solicitation of Public Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance oftho .functions of the agency. including whether the information will have ractical utility; The accuracy of the agency?s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection ofinformation: Ways to enhance the quality, utility. and clarity of the information to be collected: and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond; including through the use ofappropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. HUI) encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 350? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of tens, 44 USC. chapter 35. Dated: June 23. 2017. Ralph Gaines. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretoryfor Community Planning and Development. Doc. 2012-14502 Filed amt sauna cons azio?sr?p DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. Fa?sser-H?so] 30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Application for Mortgage insurance for Cooperative and Condominium Housing AGENCY: Of?ce of the Chief information Of?cer. HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD submitted the proposed information collection requirement described below to the Of?ce of Management and Budget for review, in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 30 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: August 10. 201 ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andior OMB Control Number and should be sent to: HUD Desk Officer. Office of Management and Budget. New Executive Office Building, Washington. DC 20503; fax: Email: FOR FURTHER INFORMATION coarser: Inez (1. Downs. Reports Management Of?cer. QMAC, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 2th Street SW., Washington. DC 20410; email iliez.C.Downs@hud.gov, or telephone masses?aorta. This is not a toll?free number. Person with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at [300) 822?8339. Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained front Ms. Downs. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. The Federal Register notice that solicited public comment on the information collection for a period of 60 days was published on Apri121, 201? at 52 FR 18?65. A. Overview of Information Collection Title ofinformation Collection: Application for Mortgage Insurance for Cooperative and Condominium Housing. OMB Approval Number: 2502?0141. Type of Request: Extension of a currently approved collection. Form Number: Description afthe needfor the information and proposed use: The information collected on the Application for Mortgage Insurance for Cooperative and Condominium Housing form is used to analyze data. cost data. drawings. and specifications to determine cooperative or condominium project eligibility for FHA mortgage insurauco. Respondents (is. effected public): Business or other for pro?t. Estimated Number of Respondents: 2f}. Estimated Number of Responses: 20. Frequency ofHesponse: On occasion. Average Hours per Response: 4 hours. Total Estimated Burden: SD hours. B. Solicitation ofPublic Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of 32009 the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility; The accuracy of the agency's estimate ofthe burden of the proposed collection of information; Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity of the information to be collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond: Including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit cemrnent in response to these questions. Authorily: Section 350? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: June to. 201?. Inez Downs. Department Reports Mun agemcnt Of?cer. Of?ce of the Chief information Officer. IFR Doc. 2017?14497 Filed am] BILLING coos ?ier-arm DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Compliance Inspection Fleport and Mortgages-'5 Assurance of Completion nocncr: Of?ce ofthe Chief Information Officer. HUD. ACTION: Notice. HUD is seeking approval born the Office of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 30 days of public DATES: Comments Due Date: August it]. 201?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andtor OMB Control Number and should be sent to: HUD Desk Officer. Office of Management and Budget. New Executive Office Building. Washington. DC 20'503: fax: 202e395?5f?l??. Email: OIHA Submissionbiombeopgov. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Colette Pollard. Reports Management Of?cer. OMAC. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 45] 2th Street Federal Registeri?v'ol. 82. No. till/Tuesday. July 11, ZUITiNotices applicants and three for UFA applicants]. Total Estimated Burdens: 1,245 hours. B. Solicitation of Public Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public: and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility: The accuracy ofthe agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection ofinformation; Ways to enhance the quality. utilityI and clarity of the information to be collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond; including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 3507 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. as U.S.C. chapter 35. Dated: lune 28. Ralph Gaines. Principoi Depu ecretory for and Development. Doc. aotr?Hsoz Filed ??10?1?:8:45 am] BILLING 4210?67?9 DEPAFITMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 30-Day Notice ot Proposed Information Collection: Application tor Mortgage Insurance for Cooperative and Condominium Housing AGENCY: Of?ce of the Chief Information Of?cer. HUD. acnon: Notice. HUD submitted the proposed information collection requirement desoribed below to the Of?ce of Management and Budget for review, in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. The purpose ofthis notice is to allow for 30 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: August 10. 2017. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andtor OMB 32009 Control Number and should be sent to: HUD Desk Of?cer, Office of Management and Budget. New Executive Office Building, Washington. 11220503; fax: 202?395?5808, Email: OIHA Submissiont?lomoeopgov. FOR FURTHER INFOHMDTION CONTACT: Inez C. Downs, Reports Management Officer, QMAC. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Street SW.. Washington. DC 20410: email tnez.C.Dotvns@irud.gov, or telephone 202?402?8045. This is not a toll-free number. Persmt with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at [800] Copies ofavailable documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Downs. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that IIUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection desoribed in Section A. The Federal Register notice that solicited public comment on the information collection for a period of 60 days was published on April 21. 201? at 32 FRIETEB. Overview oflnformation Collection Title offnfor?motion Collection: Application for Mortgage Insurance for Cooperative and Condominium Housing. OMB Approval Number: 2502?0 141. Type of?equest: Extension of a currently approved collection. Form Number: Description of the need for the information and proposed use: The information collected on the Application for Mortgage Insurance for Cooperative and Condominium Housing form is used to analyze data, cost data. drawings. and specifications to determine cooperative or condominium project eligibility for FHA mortgage insurance. Respondents lie. affected public}: Business or other for profit. Estimated Number of Respondents: 20. Estimated Number ofResponses: 20. Frequency of Response: On occasion. Average Hours per Response: 4 hours. Total Estimated Burden: hours. B. Solicitation of Public Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary far the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility: The accuracy of the agency?s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information; Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity of the information to be collected: and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond: Including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission ofresponses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section ofthe Paperwork Reduction Actor-1995.44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: lune 15, 201?. Inez C. Downs. Department Reports Management O?r?icer. Office ofrhe Ch ieftnfo rmotion Officer. Doc. 201?-14?l?37 Filed 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4210-5?34 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 30-Day Notice ot Proposed Information Collection: Compliance Inspection Report and Mortgages-?5 Assurance of Completion AGENCY: Of?ce of the Chief Information Officer. HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Of?ce of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 30 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: August 10. ZITI 7. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andior OMB Control Number and should be sent to: HUD Desk Officer. Of?ce of Management and Budget. New Executive Office Building, Washington. DC 20503: fax: 202-395?5303, Email: FOR FUHTHEFI Colette Pollard. Reports Management Officer. QMAC. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Street D-1 7-0201-A-00021 320101" Federal Registerf?v?ol. 82, No. 131f'l'uesday, luly 11, ZUIHNotices SW., Washington. DC 20410; email Colette .or telephone This is not a toll?free number. Person with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at [800) Copies ofavailable documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Pollard. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. The Federal Register notice that solicited public comment on the information collection for a period of ED days was published on April 21, 201.7 at 32 FR 13??0. A. Overview of Information Collection Title of in Jformation Collection: Compliance Inspection Report and Mortgagee's Assurance of Completion. OMB A grove.l Number: 2502?0189. Type of equest: Revision of a currently approved collection. Form Number: 92300. Description of the need for the information and proposed use: Accurate and thorough property information is critical to the accuracy of underwriting for the mortgage insurance process. This information collection is needed to ensure newly built homes ?nanced with FHA mortgage insurance are constructed in accordance with acceptable building standards and that de?ciencies found in newly constructed and existing dwellings are corrected. Respondents i a?ected public}: Business or other for pro?t. Estimated Number of Respondents: 4,5?4. Estimated Number of Responses: 26,969. Frequent: ofilesponse: [Jo occasion. Average ours or Response: .115. Total Estimate Burden: 4.?20. B. Solicitation ofPublic Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will have rectical utility; The accuracy of tlie agency?s estimate of the burden of ,the proposed collection of information; - Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity of the information to be collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond: including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology, permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 351]? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. 44 USC. Chapter 35. Dated: lune 20, 2|]17. Colette Pollard, Dep artmant Reports Management Officer. Of?ce of the Chief information Of?cer. Doc. auras-144m} Filed am: cooe qzto?sr?P DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND UFIBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Callection: Condominium Project Approval Document Collection AGENCY: Office of the Chief Information I Uf?car, IIUD. ACTION: Notice. I SUMMARY: HUD submitted the proposed information collection requirement described below to the Of?ce of Management and Budget for review, in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. The purpose of this notice is to allow for an additional 313 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: August 10, 20] F. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andior OMB Control Number and should be sent to: HUD Desk_0fficer. Of?ce of Management and Budget, New Executive Office Building, Washington, DC 20503: fax: 202-395-5305. Email: FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Colette Pollard, Reports Management Officer, QMAC, Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Street. SW.. Washington, DC 20410: email Colette Pollard?lhudgov or telephone 202-402?3400. This is not a toll-free number. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Pollard. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. The Federal Register notice that solicited public comment on the information collection for a period of days was published on February 14, 2'31? at 32 FR 10536. A. Overview ofInformation Collection Title of Information Collection: Condominium Project Approval Document Collection. OMB Approval Number: Type of Request: Reinstatement with change of a previously approved collection. Form Number: 541. 935.2c, and Description of the need for the information and proposed use: The Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 moved the insurance of a single unit condominium from Section 234 to Section 203 of the National Housing Act This change required that HUD establish new regulations for condominium project and unit approval. To approve a proiect andt'or insure a unit within an FHA- approved project, certain documentation and data are required for review and approval or denial. Therefore, requiring a speci?c collection item is appropriate. Further, the information collected will be used for performance, risk, market trending. and other analyses. Respondents (to. affected public}: Business and other for pro?t. Estimated Number ofRespon dents: Estimated Number of Responses: 10,000. Frequency of Response: Biennialty. Average Hours per Response: 3. Total Estimated Burdens: 3,1 recon. B. Solicitation of Public Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility: The accuracy of the agency?s estimate ofthe burden of the proposed collection ofinformation; Ways to enhance the quality. utility, and clarity of the information to be collected: and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond; including using appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information Hml?l? m, szqia? 3. SW.. Washington, DC 20410: email Colette ud.gov, or telephone 202?402?3400. This is not a toll-free number. Person with hearing or speech impairments may accesa this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at [300] Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Pollard. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. The Federal Register notice that solicited public comment on the information collection for a period also days was published on April 21. 201? at 32 FR 13??0. . A. Overview oflnformation Collection Title of Information Collection: Compliance Inspection Report and Mortgagee's Assurance of Completion. OMB A pro val Number: 2502?0139. Type a Request: Revision of a currently approved collection. Form Number: 1, 92300. Description of the needfor the information and proposed use: Acourate and thorough property information is critical to the socuracy of underwriting for the mortgage insurance process. This information collection is needed to ensure newly built homes financed with FHA mortgage insurance are constructed in accordance with acceptable building standards and that de?ciencies found in newly constructed and existing dwellings are corrected. Respondents lie. effected public}: Business or other for pro?t. Estimated Number of Respondents: 4.6?4. Estimated Number ofHesponses: 26.969. Frequent: ofRespanse: On occasion. Average ours or Response: .175. Total Estimate Burden: 4.?20. B. Solicitation ofPublic Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected partiEs concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information .is necessary for the- proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have ractical utility: The accuracy oft agency's estimate ofthe burden of the proposed collection of information: Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity of the information to be collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those Federal Registeerol. 82. No. 131l'l'uesday, July 11. BUN/Notices who are to respond: Including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 350? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1005. 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: lune 20, 201 Colette Pollard, Department Reports Management Of?cer, Office of the Chief in formation Officer. Doc. am ?-'14495 Filed r?io?ir: 0:115 am] BILLING cone 4210?574 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Condominium Project Approval Document Collection AGENCY: Office of the Chief information Officer. HUD. Notice. HUD submitted the proposed information collection requirement described below to the Office of Management and Budget for review. in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. The purpose of this notice is to allow for an additional 30 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: August 10. 201?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andlor OMB Control Number and should be sent to: HUD Desk Of?cer, Of?ce of Management and Budget. New Executive Of?ce Building. Washington. DC 20503; fax: 202*395-5806. Email: FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Colette Pollard, Reports Management Officer, QMAC. Department of Housing and Urban DevelopmentI 451 Street SW., Washington. DC 20410: email Colette Pallard?ihudgov or telephone 202?402-3400. This is not a toll-free number. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through by calling the toll?free Federal Relay Service at [300} Silt?5339. Copies of available dostiments submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Pollard. SUPPLEHENTAFW INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in. Section A. The Federal Register notice that solicited public comment on the information collection for a period of 60 days was published on February 14, 201'}' at 32 FR 10536. A. Overview of Information Collection Title of information Collection: Condominium Project Approval Document Collection. OMB Approval Number: 2502?0610. Type of Request: Reinstatement with change of a previously approved collection. Form Number: 2541, 93520. and Description of the need for the information and proposed use: The Housing and Economic Recovery Act of sons (HERA) moved the insurance of a single unit condominium from Section 234 to Section 203 of the National Housing Act This change required that HUD establish new regulations for condominium project and unit approiral. To approve a project andlor insure a unit within an FHA- approved project. certain documentation and data are required for review and approval or denial. Therefore, requiring a speci?c collection item is Further. the I information collected will be used for performance. risk. market trending. and other analyses. Respondents (is. affected public}: Business and other for profit. Estimated Number of Respondents: 10.000. Estimated Number of Respo nses: 10,000. Frequency of Response: Biennially. A veroge Ho urs per HeSpon se: 3. Total Estimated Burdens: 3 ,1 H.000. B. Solicitation ofPublic Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: . Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the preper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the I information will have practical utility; The accuracy of the agency?s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information: Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity ofthe information to be collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond: including using appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms ofinformation D-1 7-0201-A-00021 2 Federal RegisteriVol. 32., No. laiiTuesday. July 11, ZGiriNotices 32011 technology. permitting electronic submission ofresponses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 350? ofthe Paperwork Reduction Actof1995. 44 USC Chapter 35. Dated: June 20. 201?. Colette Pollard. Department Reports Mon ogement O?icer. Office of the Chief information Officer. Doc. zen-14494 Filed 3:45 am] BILLING CODE 4210?614 TRADE COMMISSION {Investigation Nos. and 731? Till?1341 {Finaln Hardwood Plywood From China; Scheduling at the Final Phase of Countervatting Duty' and Antidumping Duty Investigations AGENCY: United States international Trade Commission. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: The Commission hereby gives notice of the scheduling of the final phase of antidumping and countervailing duty investigation Nos. and 731-TA-1341 {Final} pursuant to the Tariff Act of 1930 (?the Act?) to determine whether art industry in the United States is materially injured or threatened with material injury, or the establishment of an industry in the United States is materially retarded. by reason of imparts of hardwood plywood from China, provided for in heading 4412 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States. preliminarily determined by the Department of Commerce to he subsidized and sold at less-than-fair? value.1 DATES: Effective June 23. 201?. FOFI CONTACT: Drew Dusbkes [202?205?3229]. Office ofInvestigations. US. International Trade Commission, 500 Street SW.. Washington. DC 20436. Hearing- impaired persons can obtain information on this matter by contacting the Commission's TDD terminal on 202- 205?1810. Persons with mobility impairments who will need special assistance in gaining access to the Commission should contact the Office of the Secretary at 202?205?2000. 1 For purposes of these investigations. the Department otCommerce has defined the suhivcl merchandise as hardwood and decorative plywood. and certain veneered panels. For Commerce's complete scope. see 82 FR 20029. lune 23.2m 7. General information concerning the Commission may also be obtained by accessing its internet server The public record for these investigations may be viewed on the Commissions electronic docket at hitps?edisnsitcgo v. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Bockground.??The final phase of these investigations is being scheduled pursuant to sections math} and .731fb] ofthe Tariff Act of 1030 ['19 U.S.C. 152?ldlb] and 1673d[b]l. as a result of affirmative preliminary determinations by the Department of Commerce that certain benefits which constitute subsidies within the meaning of section 703 of the Act (?19 U.S.C. 1671b] are being provided to manufacturers, producers. or exporters in China of hardwood plywood. and that such products are being sold in the United States at less than fair value within the meaning of section 233 of the Act [19 U.S.C. 1623b]. The investigations were requested in petitions filed on November 18, 2015. by the Coalition for Fair Trade of Hardwood Plywood.2 For further infonnation colleerning the conduct of this phase of the investigations. hearing procedures. and rules of general application. consult the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure. part 201, subparts A and [19 CFR part and part 20?, suhparts A and [19 CFR part Participation in the investigations and public service fist?Persons, including industrial users of the subject merchandise and. if the merchandise is sold at the retail level, representative consumer organizations, wishing to participate in the final phase of these investigations as parties must file an entry of appearance with the Secretary to the Commission, as provided in section 201.11 ofthe Commission?s rules, no later than 21 days prior to the hearing date specified in this notice. A party that ?led a notice of appearance during the preliminary phase of the investigations need not file an additional notice of appearance during this final phase. The Secretary will maintain a public service list containing the names and addresses of all persons. or their representatives. who are parties to the investigations. Limited disclosure of husineas proprietary information under on administrative protective order ?The Coalition for Fair Trade of Hardwood Plywood consists ofColnmhia Forest Products. Greensboro, North Carolina; Commonwealth Plywood lnc.. Whitehall. New 1rork: Murphy Plywood Co. Eugene. Oregon: Roseburg Forest Products Co.. Roseburg. States Industries, Inc,. Eugene. Oregon: and Timber Products Company, Spring?eld. Oregon. and service fist?Pursuant to section of the Commission's rules, the Secretary will make BPI gathered in the final phase of these investigations available to authorized applicants under the APO issued in the investigations, previded that the application is made no later than 21 days prior to the hearing date specified in this notice. Authorized applicants must represent interested parties, as de?ned by 19 U.S.C. 1622(9). who are parties to the investigations. A party granted access to BPI in the preliminary phase of the investigations need not reapply for such access. A separate service list will he maintained by the Secretary for those parties authorized to receive BPI under the APO. Shaftr reports?The preheating staff report in the final phase of these investigations will be placed in the nonpublic record on October 11, 201?, and a public version will be issued thereafter, pursuant to section 202.22 of the Commission's rules. Hearing?The Commission will hold a hearing in connection with the final phase of these investigations beginning at 9:30 am. on Thursday, October 26, 201 r. at the us. International Trade Commission Building. Requests to appear at the hearing should be filed in writing with the Secretary to the Commission on or before October 10, 201?. A nonparty who has testimony that may aid the Commission's deliberations may request permission to present a short statement at the hearing. All parties and nonparties desiring to appear at. the hearing and make oral presentations should participate in a prehearing conference to be held on October 25, 2017. at the U.S. International Trade Commission Building, if deemed necessary. Oral testimony and written materials to be submitted at the public hearing are governed by sections 201.136]. and 202.24 of the Commission?s rules. Parties must submit any request to present a portion of their hearing testimony in corner-o no later than 2 business days prior to the date of the hearing. Written arty who is an interested party shal submit a preheoring brief to the Commission. Prehearing briefs must conform with the provisions of section 207.23 ofthe Commission's rules: the deadline for ?ling is October 18. 201?. Parties may also file written testimony in connection with their presentation at the hearing. as provided in section 207.24 of the Commission?s rules. and posthearing briefs, which must conform with the provisions of section 207.25 of the Commission's rules. The deadline for D-1 7-0201-A-00021 3 Federal Registeerol. 82, No. 131l'l'uesday. July 11, 2017lNoticeS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Colette Pollard. Reports Management Of?cer, QMAC, Department of Housing and Urban Development 451 37th Street SW.. Washington, DC 20410; email Colette Pallerd?hud.gov, or telephone 202?402?3400. This is not a toll-free number. Person with hearing or Speech impairments may access this number through by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at [sea] 377?3339. Copies of available documents submitted to OMB maybe obtained from Ms. Pollard. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in. Section A. The Federal Register notice that solicited public comment on the information collection for a period of El] days was published on January 24. 201 at 32 FR BEEN). A. Overview of Information Collection Title of information Collection: FHA- Insured Mortgage Loan Servicing Involving the Claims and Conveyance Process. Property Inspectionl Preservation OMB Approval Number; 2502?Dtt29. Type of Request: Revision of currently approved collection. Form Number: t. SGDUZ. 9539. Description of the need for the information and proposed use: This information collection consists of the claims and conveyance process involving mortgage loan servicers: mortgagees. who service Federal Housing Administration insured mortgage loans and the mortgagors. who are the homeowners. Respondents li.a.. affected public): Servicers of FHA-insured mortgages. Estimated Number of Respondents: 35?. Estimated Number ochsponses: 1.193.153. Frequency ofResponse: Average Hours per Response: 3t) minutes. Total Estimated Burden: 1.066.532. B. Solicitation ofPuhlic Comment I This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: - Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility; The accuracy of the agency's estimate ofthe burden ofthe proposed collection of information; Ways to enhance the quality, utilityr and clarity of the information to be collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection ofinformation on those who are to respond: Including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 350?? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: June 21. 201?. Colette Pollard. Department Reports Management D?icer. D?ice oftlte Chief information O?icer. Doc. 2017?14495 Filed entl BILLING cons DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 60-Day Notloe of Pro posed Information Collection: Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Grant ApplicationuContinuum of Care Registration Office of Community Planning and Development. HUD. ACTION: Notice of proposed information collection. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 5G days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: September '11. 201?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. lComments should refer to the proposal by name andior OMB Control Number and should he sent to: Colette Pollard. Reports Management Of?cer. QDAM, Department of Housing and Urban Development. 45] till Street SW., Room 413?5. Washington. DC 20410?5000; telephone {202} 4(12?3400 [this is not a toll-free number} or email at CollettePoliardl?lhudgov for a copy ofthe proposed forms or other available information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at [800] 8339. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Sherri Boyd. Senior Program Specialist. Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs. Office of Community Planning and Development. Department olHousing and Urban Development. 451 23th Street SW.. Room Washington. DC 2041b: telephone [202] sea?earn [This is not a toll-free number). Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at 8339. Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Boyd. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. A. Overview of Information Collection Title of Information Collection: Continuum of Care Program Registration. OMB Approval Number: 2506?0132. Type ofrequest: Revision. Form Number: Not Applicable. Description of the need for the information and proposed use: This submission is to request an extension of an Existing Collection in use without an OMB Control Number for the Recordkeeping for HUD's Continuum of Care Program. Continuum of Care Program recipients will be expected to implement and retain the information collection for the recordkeeping requirements. The statutory provisions and implementing interim regulations govern the Continuum of Care Program recordkeeping requirements for recipient and subrecipients and the standard operating procedures for ensuring that Continuum of Care Program funds are used in accordance with the program requirements. To see the regulations for the new Program and applicable supplementary documents, visit Homeless Resource Exchange at hoped! wwn'. on ecdenfofre-so urcefz'ti earth? coo-program-interim?ruiet?. Respondents (is. effected public}: States, units of local governments. private nonpro?t organizations, and public housing authorities. Estimated Number of Respondents: 410 Respondents. Estimated Number of Responses: ?no responses per year. Frequency of?esponse: Once a year. Average Hours per Response: Two to three hours per response {two for most ft a- .5 .- Jr ?i 32009 applicants and three for UFA applicants]. Total Estimated Burdens: 1,245 hours. B. Solicitation of Public Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility; The accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden ofthe proposed collection of information; Ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected: and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond; including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology, permitting electronic submission ofresponses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section of the Paperwork Reduction Actof1995,44 U.S.C. chapter 35. Dated: June 23. 2017'. Ralph Gaines. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretoryfor CommunityPlonning and Development. Doc. 201?. 14502 Filed 3:45 am] CODE 421HT-P DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 30-Day Notice of Pro posed Information Collection: Application for Mortgage Insurance for Cooperative and Condominium Housing AGENCY: Office of the Chief Information Of?cer, HUD. acnoN: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD submitted the proposed information collection requirement described below to the Office of Management and Budget for review, in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. The purpose ofthis notice is to allow for 30 days of public comment. oaTEs: Comments Due Date: August to. 201?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andfor OMB Federal Register/Vol. 32, No. 131iTuesday. July 11, 201?iNotices Control Number and should he sent to: HUD Desk Officer, Office of Management and Budget. New Executive Office Building. Washington, 20503: fax: 202?395?5805, Email: 01321 Suhmission?omb.eop.gov. FOR FURTHER IN FORMATION CONTACT: Inez C. Downs. Reports Management Of?cer, QMAC. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 ?th Street SW., Washington, DC 2041:]; email location or telephone 202?402-8046. This is not a toll-free number. Person with hearing or Speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at [800] B??-t3339. Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Downs. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval front OMB for the information collection described in Section A. The Federal Register notice that solicited public comment on the information collection for a period of Bi] days was published on ?pril 21, 2017 at 32 FR 13?66. A. Overview of Information Collection Title oftnformotion Collection: Application for Mortgage Insurance for Cooperative and Condominium Housing. OMB Approval Number: 2502-0141. Type af?equest: Extension of a currently approved collection. Form Number.- 201. Description of the need for the information and proposed use: The information collected on the Application for Mortgage insurance for Cooperative and Condominium Housing form is used to analyze data. cost data. drawings. and speci?cations to determine cooperative or condominium project eligibility for FHA mortgage insurance. Respondents fie. affected public}: Business or other for pro?t. Estimated Number of Respondents: 20. Estimated Nurrtber of Responses: Frequency ofResponse: On occasion. Average Hours per Response: 4 hours. "Total Estimated Burden: so hours. B. Solicitation ofPublic Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility; The accuracy of the agency?s estimate ofthe burden of the proposed collection of information; Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity ofthe information to be collected; and Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond: Including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 350? of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: June 15. 201?. C. Downs. Department Reports Managem ent Officer. Office of the Chief Informa tion Of?cer. Doc. Filed aml BILLING cooE 4210-6743 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. all-Day Notice 01 Proposed Into rmation Collection: Compliance Inspection Report and Mortgagee?s Assurance of Completion. AGENCY: Of?ce ofthe Chief Information Officer. HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Of?ce of Management and Budget for the information collection desoribed below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for St] days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: August 10, 201?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andior OMB Control Number and should be sent to: HUD Desk Of?cer, Office of Management and Budget, New Executive Office Building. Washington. DC fax: 203-395?5806. Email: OLHA Submission@omb.eop.gov. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Colette Pollard, Reports Management Of?cer, QMAC, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7?th Street D-1 7-0201-A-00021 5 Aim-tun) an. mun?nun mum-m on, Federal Registeri?Vol. 02. No. 131f'l?ucsday, Iuly 11. 201WNotices 32007 information collection requests under 0MB review. in compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act [44 Chapter 35]. To request a copy ofthese documents. call the SAMHSA Reports Clearance Of?cer on [240] are?124:1. Project: National Mental Health Study l-?ield The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services administration plans to conduct a methodological field test for a potential national mental health study. provisionally named the National Mental Health Study The NMHS will use mental disorder assessments similar to studies last conducted over a decade ago in the National Comorbidity Survey? Replication among adults in 2001?2003 and the National Comorbidity Survey- Adolescent supplement among adolescents in 2001?2002. SAMHSA is collaborating with the National Institute of Mental Health to implement this field test. The purpose of the NMHS Field Test is to test the procedures for a potential NMHS. The field test consists of three general components. The first component is sample selection using a household screener. The household screener will be used to determine eligibility of individuals and to make selections of individuals to recruit for participation in the second component. The second component consists of an in?person survey ofthe selected adult and adolescent respondents. The NMHS procedures vary somewhat between adults [aged 18 or older] and adolescents [aged 13 to For all respondents. the in?person assessment [using either the adult or adolescent instrument] will be conducted primarily using audio computer-assisted self- interviewing with an emphasis on respondents completing the interview in a single session. In addition to the adolescent inrperson assessment. guardians of adolescent respondents will receive an additional web or phone interviews [the patient instrument]. The final component consists ofa telephone clinical reappraisal of a selected subgroup of adult and adolescent respondents. with an additional parentfguardian reporting for adolescents. The NMHS field test will include 1.200 English speaking respondents? 000 adults and 300 adolescents in the United States excluding Alaska and Hawaii. Approximately 210 parentalr legal guardians of adolescent respondents will complete an additional parent interview. A subsample of approximately 150 adult and adolescent respondents and 50 parent respondents will complete a telephone-based clinical reappraisal follow-up interview. In addition. a subsample of completed screening and interview cases will he re- contacted for a lirieftelephnne interview to verify that interviewers followed proper protocols when collecting data. The sample size supports testing of field procedures, sampling algorithms. and data processing steps. The total annual burden estimate is shown in the table below. ANNUALIZED ESTIMATED BURDEN FOFI THE NATIONAL MENTAL HEALTH STUDY FIELD TEST Flesponses I Total number Hours or Total burden Instrument resuponbdeiits respgihem of responses responFi-te hours Household Screening .. 2.331 1 2.331 0.003 193 Interview {including interviews with Adults and Adoles- cents) .. 1.200 1 1.200 1.083 1.300 Parent Interview .. 210 1 210 0-500 105 Clinical Interview .. I 150 1 150 1.000 150 Clinical Parent Interview .. 50 50 0.500 25 Screening Verification ..- .. 142 1 142 0.06? 10 Interview Verification . .. 180 1 100 0.05? 12 Total .. 4.263 4.263 .. 1.?05 Written comments and recommendations concerning the proposed information collection should be sent by August 10. 2017 to the SAMHSA Desk Of?cer at the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. Office of Management and Budget To aneure timely receipt of comments. and to avoid potential delays in OMB's receipt and processing of mail sent through the LLS. Postal Service. commenters are encouraged to submit their comments to OMB via email to: OIRA?Submission?iomheopgov. Although commenters are encouraged to send their comments via email. commenters may also fax their comments to: 202-395?3?205. Commenters may also mail them to: Office of Management and Budget. Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. New Executive Of?ce Building. Room 10102. Washington. DC 20503. Summer King. 5 to tisticion. IFR Doc. zeta-mart Filed BILLING cone 4162?20?9 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: FHA-Insured Mortgage Loan Servicing Involving the Claims and Conveyance Process. Property InspectiontPreservation AGENCY: Office of the Chief Information Officer. HUD. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 30 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: August 10. 2017. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andtor OMB Control Number and should he sent to: HUD Desk Of?cer. Office of Management and Budget. New Executive Offico Building. Washington. DC. 20503: fax: 202?305-5006. Email: OIRA Subntissiont?ombeoogov. 320913? a Federal Registeerol. 32. No. 131lTuesday. July 11, 201?lNotices FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Colette Pollard. Reports Management Officer. QMAC. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 Street SW.. Washington, DC 2041i]: email Colette Pollardiathud. gov. or telephone 202?402?34??. This is not a toll-free number. Person with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at [sea] Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained From Ms. Pollard. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. The Federal Register notice that solicited public comment on the information collection for a period of days was published on January 24. 201? at 82 FR 8200. A. Overview of Information Collection Title of Information Collection: FHA- Insured Mortgage Loan Servicing Involving the Claims and Conveyance Process. Property Inspection! Preservation. OMB Approval Number: 2502-0429. Type ofltequest: Revision of currently approved collection. orm Number: . 50002. 9539. Description of the need for the information and propossd use: This information collection consists of the claims and conveyance process involving mortgage loan servicers; mortgagees. who service Federal Housing Administration insured mortgage loans and the mortgagors. who are the homeowners. Respondents li.e.. affected public}: Servicers of FHA-insured mortgages. Estimated Number of Respondents.- 35?. Estimated Number of Responses: 1.198.168. Frequency ofli'esponse.? Average Hours per Response: 30 minutes. Total Estimated Burden-1.086.582. B. Solicitation of Public Comment This notice is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected parties concerning the collection of information described in Section A on the following: (1) Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency. including whether the information will have practical utility: rThe accuracy of the agency?s estimate of the burden ofthe proposed collection of information; Ways to enhance the quality. utility. and clarity of the information to be collected; and [at Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond: Including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. permitting electronic submission of responses. HUD encourages interested parties to submit comment in response to these questions. Authority: Section 350? ofthe Paperwork Reduction _Act of1995.44 U.S.C. Chapter 35. Dated: june 21. Colette Pollard. Department Reports Management O?icer. O?ice oftlre Chieflnformation O?'lcer. Doc. 2011-14495 Filed ??1lJ?1?:3:45 am! BILIJNG cool: 4210-6743 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. 50- Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Continuum at Care Homeless Asst stance Grant Application?Continuum of Care Registration AGENCY: Of?ce of Community Planning and Development, HUD. ACTION: Notice of preposcd information collection. SUMMARY: HUD is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 60 days of public comment. DATES: Comments Due Date: September 11. 201?. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name andlor OMB Control Number and should be sent to: Colette Pollard, Reports Management Officer. QDAM. Department of Reusing and Urban Development. 451 7th Street SW.. Room 41m. Washington. DC 204l?-5?00: telephone [202] 402?3400 [this is not a toll-free number) or email at Coltette.Pollard@hurigov for a copy ofthe proposed forms or other available information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at [see] 8339. FOR FURTHER INFOHNIATION Sherri Boyd. Senior Program Specialist. Of?ce of Special Needs Assistance Programs. Office of Community Planning and Development. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 451 7th Street SW.. Room 7264. Washington. DC 20410; telephone [202} [This is not a toll-free number]. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll- free Federal Relay Service at 8339. Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Boyd. SUPPLEMENTAHV IN Foauanon: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. A. Overview of Information Collection Title oflnfonnotion Collection: Continuum of Care Program Registration. OMB Approval Number: 2506?0182. Type ofrequest: Revision. Form Number: Not Applicable. Description of the need for the information and proposed use: This submission is to request an extension of an Existing Collection in use without an OMB Control Number for the Recordkeeping for HUD's Continuum of Care Program. Continuum of Care Program recipients will be expected to implement and retain the information collection for the recordkeeping requirements. The statutory provisions and implementing interim regulations govern the Continuum of Care Program recordkeeping requirements for recipient and subrecipients and the standard operating procedures for ensuring that Continuum of Care Program funds are used in accordance with the program requirements. To see the regulations for the new Program and applicable supplementary documents. visit Homeless Resource Exchange at coc-progrom-interim-rule/. Respondents (Le. a?ected public}: States. units oflocal governments. private nonprofit organizations. and public housing authorities. Estimated Number of Respondents: 41o Respondents. Estimated Number of Responses: 410 responses per year. Frequency ofltesponse: Once a year. Average Hours per Response: Two to three hours per response [two for most D-1 7-0201-A-00021 7 it): l?til?i Ht'attelt $an 1' law it I its it'eett 1t'. l?l??if? l'lxlt?li H. Fl ll? l'itll?. Littlillittl X11, 'l-H l'lili N?tNlli: Austin liters RJ t?Jl It Ut'et'sieltt ll' elaril'ieatinn is required. please dit nut euntaet the requester direetly withqu ennsultatiun with the Hill-X Hpeeialist assigned ta this request. It?ji'tiu need In speak with the requester. please in l'urnt the FUIA Specialist that is assigned tn tlte FUIA request, a eunl?erenee eall ean he set up with the requesten SHE and the FOL-1 Hpeeialist. Under the ()pen (internment Aet. there are litnitatinns as It} the nuntlter ul' times the request ean he lulled and elaril'ieatiun is ineluded in that enunt. ll? estimated eusts will please do nut hegin praeessing. the enst estimate tin page 3 (If this reettluntendatinns sheet as as pnssihle and return it to the liraneh ith the required signatures. The FUIA Branch will euntaet the requester and advise hinu'her til" the estimated enst tn prneess the request and tihtain approval to Fm deeunteitts (1}eserihe l?lease preside a detailed esplattatian tit'whji' reenrds enultl nut he ltieated and if pnssiltle wltere tlteji' may exist. This is equivalent tn a denial. requiring appeal.) are 2 etipies the requested litit't'in?fi'ltuh (that; is eupy iil?tlte releasalile purtiuns itt'tlte respunsis'e thtL?th?ttUttls' (with redaerirmsi l} (l dean eupy without redm'tirms). the redaeted pnt'timts are nut releasable lteeause itt' the ideittilied heltm: is eiipjs' unredaeted that are respunsit'e tn this request. are t't'tett frei?uii' it Hit it; ITIS TH THE ["011 Hi I THE Rh? liXl?Kll?lltiNtf?itl'?lzlJ ?.ttl-tlitinttal items mat be listed at with he prm'ided mt a separate sheet. HUD-17-0201-A-000218 3 13.5.: 3.5; a: w?tE?i Zn 3 :2 2.2::3 2:23;: F7. ran: 3:5: 3. LEE: 23:: I - 1.623513. 2.35.? nihii?i 2:74. E. 7.2.: 1:25 3 12:3. 5 Zn: I 15.32.:3:13.: A rim.-. - 2:35. Egrziz? HEEL H: $21335; 2:5, .5: . Tub. $237.; I .2225; E. :13332: 2.13:ENE: .5 E: nhw?msi. SF. If $231: - :37.ma?wizzg5.31.5.2?: E. :755c: 127:: E3 :cmn; E. .17 - E. Er.sz E. 7.25.: :54: 5:5: E11356: Fir. - :EEni E9. E5 L325. En: Er. 353:: SEE I. 357:? - 2. 55:37.: E: 9.9.3 2.2.3373: 3. En: 7.: 9:67. .2. I r. H. 75.. 32::3 - 555.27.: E. <12..an 351:?:5? 2.. 3.. E. 5F. ??232 E. p.15 - Tczr?ii ma?irvi?: 3255?: 21:2.? 37.. win: 35:11:51: 13;} 3 22.2.3 22 .. LEE: in: Lc?qzizpiz: 5:52 i i I I UL ?own; II'ei-ililnuletl (1|.th exceed please {in begin prneesaing. Please L?nmpiete the emit estimate pnrtinn helnw and return it as men :15 pnssihle tn the Brunei]. It ulm enntuin denaturex Hi the individuals enmiueting the search. FINA Liaisnn and the :1m1rm'illgilh?n} 111;: Of?cial. The Hill Brnneh will Contact the requester and :uh'ise himi?her {if the Estimated ensl In prneehx Ille request and nhtuin appruvnl tn {11:11 i'H'iilHiliL". i'rniensiunill Search 111353.01} hr 5 C) 0 uli?t'uit?simuii Review an SilliU'hr- 5 0 In}? L?rI'L'iUi'iL'ill Henreh 0' 0 11h; nliflerieu] Review in $24.:1Hfhr 75' ?ilire;I'nniniine Hen ieen Inin'i:r LII 535.11?. hr T5 0 'innpulel' Run iine CUSI Health 3 l?rini lime?uni} il' taken mm: ;1 mainframe nnI il I?I'inler} 2 ipriw iLiL? work on page 2} Mnnher Pages L11 I page Hiher that? He speeiliei nu ?I?nlul (?nsi 53 ('innlnean: . [)enelriee (1531131 7 3:34:114447 ['rnernm Anni'xni (.?nmineling Search Ilnte I'eielihune Number I. I?leuw ?wien and prim 3min name: Dir. l?i??H . . I. . .. Kimmy? iJnIe [J?lenw 9,11 and print 3min Hume] Hing lilliiclJ?i?k Lieu. L1. ?1 ?x1? 4 w. in 79 liuisun ('nnenrrenee Date eiephnne Number and pl'inl r'l- if Clix-.15 !|er l'nwnmin Hrnulxh. ('hiei?i lunnin L'npitui {H?lieer DillL? (?umputer programming is the prucess ufwriting cumputcr prugmnu in special mile. Computer run time is the period of time that llu- computer program is running, FOIA OFFICE MUST HAVE A CLEAN COPY OF THE PLEASE ENSURE THAT ALI. OF THE (Program Analyst, FUIA Liaisun, and Official) ARE (SIGNED AND EMAILED BACK TO THE APPROPRIATE IF ALI. ARE PLEASE DO NOT PROVIDE DIRECTLY TO ANY FUIA REQU ESTER. A LL MUST BE SENT FROM THE FOIA OFFICE. Raised: Deccmhur 8. 2015 D-17-0201-A-000221 HE Li? 93? LLS. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT THE WASHINGTON, DC 3041 {litlmt MEMORANDUM FOR: All HUD Employees FROM: Benjamin S. Carson, Sr. SUBJECT: POLICY and Inclusion In accordance with Executive Order 13583 (Order), which establishes a coordinated govemmentwide initiative to promote diversity and inclusion in the Federal workforce, I am issuing this Policy Statement. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development is fully committed to this initiative as evidenced by our implementation of the second phase of the Order by establishing our Inclusive Diversity Strategic Plan. Moreover, HUD recognizes that the true value of diversity is the potential to increase group intelligence. We know the real bene?t of inclusion as a management strategy is to successfully bring together diverse groups of ideas, identities, and information to improve employee engagement and solve difficult problems. Implicit in all this is the notion that diversity and inclusion go well beyond race, gender, and diversity of thought. However, it is the link between who we are and how we think that makes diversity and inclusion the fundamental ingredients that drive organization performance. We will integrate diversity and inclusion goals and services within the broader objectives of the Department by ensuring that they align with the mission, objectives, strategies, and goals of HUD. We will develop broad, current, and inclusive workplace strategies based on broader, more current, and more inclusive definitions of diversity than the traditionally recognized diversity groups, using the views, values, and perspectives derived from demographically diverse af?nity groups. We will control, monitor, and coordinate the advisory and consultative processes related to program initiatives and activities that examine systemic barriers to inclusion in all facets of the Department, to include: cultural norms, business practices, communications, leadership accountability, strategic recruitment, and work life. We will ensure that our services are provided in accordance with administrative laws, policies, regulations, and the Department?s mission, functions, policies, and procedures. Diversity and inclusiveness are the cornerstone of high organizational performance. Therefore, all executives, managers, supervisors, and employees are called upon to be role models who exhibit behaviors of acceptance, inclusion, and accountability. To this end, all are welcome at HUD regardless ot age, color, disability, national origin, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation), parental status, edger?es panol.hud.gov d: ?i family medical history, genetic information, political affiliation. and military service or nonmerit based factors. If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact the Office of Diversity and Inclusion at 202402-5627 or via email at diversitvandinclusion@hud.gov. TO: FOLA Branch FROM: Danielle Arigoni 01A RECOMMENDATIONS . Control No. SUBJECT: REQUESTER NAME: Austin Evers REQUESTER ORGANIZATION: If clari?cation is required, please do not contact the requester directly without consultation with the FOIA Specialist assigned to this request. If you need to speak with the requester, please inform the FOIA Specialist that is assigned to the FOIA request, so a conference call can be set up with the requester, SME and the FOIA Specialist. Under the Open Government Act, there are limitations as to the number of times the request can be tolled and clari?cation is included in that count. If estimated costs will exceed $25.00, please do not begin processing. Complete the cost estimate on page 3 of this recommendations sheet as soon as possible and return it to the FOIA Branch with the required signatures. The FOIA Branch will contact the requester and advise himfher of No documents (Describe your search-effort. Please provide a detailed explanation of why records could not be located and if possible where they may exist. This is equivalent to a denial, requiring appeal.) 3 Attached are 2 copies of the requested documentation. (No Exemptions cited. Attached is 1 copy of the releasable portions of the responsive documents (with. reductions). AND (1 clean copy without reductions); the redacted portions are not releasable because of the exemption(s) identified below: Attached is 1 copy of nonreleasable, unredacted documients that are responsive to this request. (Eremptions are cited below with an explanation of non release. IT IS IMPEM TIVE THA THE FOIA OFFICE HAVE A CLEAN COPY OF THE NONKELEASABIE RECORDS.) USED *Additional items may be listed at comments with clarification can be provided on a separate sheet." If estimated costs exceed $25.00, please do not begin processing. Please complete the cost estimate portion below and return it as soon as possible to the FOIA Branch. It also must contain signatures of the individuals conducting the search, FOIA Liaison and the Approving?iDenying Of?cial. The FOIA Branch will contact the requester and advise him?ier of the estimated cost to process the request and obtain approval to proceed. Cost Estimate: hours of Professional Search at $52.00fhour hours of Professional Review at $52.00fhour :7 hours of Clerical Search at $24.0(lfhour hours of Clerical Review at $24.00fhour ?Programming Services: hours at $3 5.003111. 55 Run Time: Direct Cost of Conducting Search (Print Time?only if information taken from a mainframe not a Laser Printer) Direct Contracting Cost: {provide description'of contractor?s work on page 2) Number of photocopies: Pages at SOJDfpage 3 Other Costs (ExplainIBe speci?c): I Total Cost: Comments: ?anielle Arigoni 6X29X17 202-402e3097 Program Analyst Conducting Search Date Telephone Number (Please Sign and print your name) - WAG 7 202-402-4704 FOIA Liaison Concurrenee at Telephone Number (Please sign and print your name) mi 302?402?3097 Approving?tDenying Of?cial Title . Date Telephone Number (Please sign and print your name) REQUEST ITEMIZED RESPONSIVE DOCUMENT LIST Request Number: FOIA Requester Name: Please provide an explanation for each item that is requested in the FOIA request for responsive documents. Request Item Determination Exemption(s) If no documents are found, please provide where the}r can be located (Provide all and where in the of?ce the search applicable was performed. exemptions) Signed guidance by Have only one such SOHUD example; was forwarded a copy of this signed letter by OGC (which took the lead on dra?ing and running through ExeeSee) . Computer programming Is the process of writing camputer programs in special code. ?a Camputcr run time is the period of time that the computer program is running. PLEASE NOTE: THE FOIA OFFICE MUST HAVE A CLEAN COPY OF THE RELEASABLEINONRELEASABLE DOCUMENTS. PLEASE ENSURE THAT ALL OF THE SIGNATURES (Program Analyst, FOIA Liaison, and Approving/Denying Of?cial) ARE COMPLETED, (SIGNED PRINTED) ON THE RECOMMENDATIONS SHEET. PLEASE DO NOT PROVIDE DOCUMENTS DIRECTLY TO ANY FOIA REQUESTER. ALL RESPONSES MUST BE SENT FROM THE FOIA OFFICE. Revised: 2016 T0: FOIA Branch 4 .I 1 a. I FROM: Norm Suchar, Director, Special Needs Assistance Pro grams'i? i 3i SUBJECT. FOIA RECOMMENDATIONS I 7 Ii} Control No. 1463 I. REQUESTER NAME: Austin R. Evers REQUESTER ORGANIZATION: News Media. Educational or Non-Commerical If clari?cation is required, please do not contact the requester directly without consultation with the FOIA Specialist assigned to this request. If you need to speak with the requester, please inform the FOIA Specialist that is assigned to the FOIA request, so a conference call can be set up with the requester, SME and the FOIA Specialist. Under the Open Government Act, there are limitations as to the number of times the request can be tolled and clari?cation is included in that count. If estimated costs will exceed $25.00, please do not begin processing. Complete the cost estimate on page 3 of this recommendations sheet as soon as possible and return it to the FOIA Branch with the required signatures. The FOIA Branch will contact the requester and advise himiher of the estimated cost to process the request and obtain approval to proceed. No documents (Describe your search-effort. Please provide a detailed explanation of why records could not be located and it? possible where theyr may exist. This is equivalent to a denial, requiring appeal.) - __XX_Attached are 2 copies of the requested documentation. i No Exemptions cited.) Attached is '1 copy of the releasable portions of the responsive documents {with reductions) AN (I clean copy without redaction the redacted portions are not releasable because of the exemption(s) identified below: Attached is 1 copy of nonreleasable, unredacted documents that are responsive to this request. (Exemptions are cited beiow with an explanation of nonreieose. IT IS IMPERA TIVE THAT THE (HA OFFICE HAVE A CIEAN COPY OF THE NONRELEASABLE RECORDS.) USED *Additional items may be listed at comments with clarification can be provided on a separate sheet. Description of Search Effons: {Must be completed for all FOIA requests) SNAPS search the Correspondence Tracking System (CTS), and located 2 Folders 01370, and No requested documents should be provided to the requester because of the following: Exemption Basis: 5 USC 552(b)(1) - Allows withholding information specifically authorized under criteria established by an Executive Order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense of foreign policy and which is in fact properly classified pursuant to such an Executive Order. 5 USC - Allows withholding information related solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of an agency. 5 USC 552(b)(3) Allows withholding of information prohibited from disclosure by another statute. (FOIA Exemption 3 can not stand alone. Please identify, in the ?other? category below, the legal cite for the correlating statutory authority that prohibits disclosure). 5 USC 552(b)(4) - Trade secrets and commercial or financial information obtained from a person and privileged or confidential. 5 USC 552(b)(5) - Inter-agency or intra?agency memos or letters work material. (Explain what harm would be caused by disclosure). 5 USC 552(b)(6) - Personnel and medical files and similar ?les the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. 5 USC 552(b)(7) - Records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes, but only to the extent that the production of such law enforcement records or information: (circle as appropriate) A F. 5 USC 552(b)(8) - information contained in or related to examination, operating, or condition reports prepared by. on behalf ofagency responsible for the regulation or supervision of financial institutions. 5 USC 552(b)(9) - Geological and geophysical information and data, including maps, concerning wells. Other: Cite statutory authority to be given in correlation with FOLA Exemption 3 HUD Reform Act). The requester should be advised that a final determination cannot be made until because If estimated costs exceed $25.00, please do not begin processing. Please complete the cost estimate portion below and return it as soon as possible to the FOIA Branch. It also must contain signatures of the individuals conducting the search, FOIA Liaison and the Approvingmenying Of?cial. The 0111 Branch will contact the requester and advise himfher of the estimated cost to process the request and obtain approval to proceed. Cost Estimate: - hours of Professional Search at $52.00?iour I hours of Professional Review at $52.00fhour hours of Clerical Search at hours of Clerical Review at $24.00fhour 33 ?Programming Services: hours at $35.00fhr. 58 *?Computer Run Time: Direct Cost of Conducting Search 33 (Print Time-only if information taken from a mainframe not a Laser Printer) Direct Contracting Cost: - (provide description of contractor?s work on page 2) Number of photocopies: Pages at $0.10!page Other Costs (ExplainIBe speci?c): - i Total Cost: Comments: (hf-?x _06f30i? 17 202-402-4351_ Program Analysi/Conducting Search Date Telephone Number Caroline Yv Brown, Program Support Specialist) 1:1. 13 ans. ADE-Staci? Date Telephone Number Approvi gmenving Of?cial Title (Tonya Proctor, Duty Director, SNAPS) Miriam Scars - 717:! 7 202-402-4704 FOIA Liaison Concurrence Date Telephone Number - (Please sign and print your name) Computer programming is the process of writing computer programs in Special code. Computer run time is the period that the computer program is running. I PLEASE NOTE: THE FOIA OFFICE MUST HAVE A CLEAN COPY OF THE RELEASABLEINONRELEASABLE DOCUMENTS. PLEASE ENSURE THAT ALL OF THE SIGNATURES (Program Analyst, FOIA Liaison, and Approving/Denying Official) ARE COMPLETED, (SIGNED PRINTED) ON THE RECOMMENDATIONS SHEET. PLEASE DO NOT PROVIDE DOCUNEENTS DIRECTLY TO ANY FOIA REQUESTER. ALL RESPONSES MUST BE SENT FROM THE FOIA OFFICE. Revised: 2017 D-17-0201-A-000231 .. . FOIA REQUEST ITEMIZED RE FOIA Request Number: FOIA Requester Name: Austin R. Evers Please provide an explanation for each item that is requested in the FOIA request for responsive documents. Request ltem(s) Determination and Item Response List Exemption{s) No Documents (Provide document or ?le name) Provide all Determination applicable exemptions) (If no documents are found, please provide where they can be located and where in the of?ce the search was performed.) All decision NA NA memoranda, directives, or policy interpretations or guidance signed, approved, or otherwise adopted by secretary Carson. This request includes any document establishing, modifying, clarifying, or'rescinding any HUD policy, legal or policy interpretation, or practice, whether presented as a memorandum, letter, guidance document, or in any other form. Please provide all responsive records from March 2, 2017 to present. Correspondence Tracking System (CTS) a the a n? 3? (v {heat-v99! U. 5. DEPARTMENT OF AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT wnemmorow, THE SECRETARY May 12, The Honorable Mick Mulvaney Director Of?ce of Management and Budget 725 17th Street, NW Washington, DC 20503 Dear Mr. Molvaney: I am submitting this letter to you in compliance with the requirements of Executive Order 13873, of March 28, 2017, entitled ?Promoting Energy Independence and Economic Growth" {the Order). Section 2 of the Order requires that agencies submit to the Director of the Of?ce of Management and Budget either a plan to review agency actions that potentially burden the development or use of domestically produced energy resources, or a written statement that the agency does not have such agency actions. The Department of Housing and Urban Development has completed the required review of its agency actions, as that term is de?ned in the regulations, orders, guidance documents, policies, and other similar agency actions) and determined that none of agency actions potentially burden the development or use of domestically produced energy resources. Specifically, HUD reviewed title 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations, its website materials (including mortgagee letters, handbooks, and other guidance), and its publications in the Federal Register. Please feel free to contact Bethany Zero, Principal Deputy General Counsel, at 202-402-4213, should you or your staff have questions regarding this matter. Sincerely, Benjamin S. Carson, Sr. seam?Am) We tam US. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT DC 25410-7013? OFFICE OF PULNHENG AND . JUN '2 201? Ms. Tracey Charniere 1507 Street Santa Monica, CA 90401-2605 Dear Ms. Chamiere: On behalf of Secretary Benjamin S. Carson, Sn. thank you for your letters concealing your housing choice voucher with the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (HACIA). Speci?cally, your letter states, among other things. that HACLA denied your request to transfer your Shelter Plus Care voucher to another city and allegations of mistreatment. The Department is reviewing this matter. Upon completion of the review, you will receive a ?nal response. - Sincerely. Thank you for your interest in the Department?s programs. Ann Marie Oliva Deputy Assistant Secretary for Special Needs mmudgof?espmudw TO: Branch FROM: Office of the Chief Financial Officer SUBJECT: FOIA RECOMMENDATIONS Control No. li-Fl-HQ-{ll463 REQUESTER NAME: Austin Evers REQUESTER ORGANIZATION: American Oversight If clarification is required, please do not contact the requester directly without consultation with the FOIA Specialist assigned to this request. If you need to speak with the requester, please inform the FOIA Specialist that is assigned to the 01A request, so a conference call can be set up with the requester, SW and the FOIA Specialist. Under the Open Government Act, there are limitations as to the number of times the request can be tolled and clari?cation is included in that count. If estimated costs will exceed $25.00, please do not begin processing. Complete the cost estimate on page 3 of this recommendations sheet as soon as possible and return it to the FOIA Branch with the required signatures. The FOIA Branch will contact the requester and advise himfher of the estimated cost to process the request and obtain approval to proceed. documents (Describe your search-effort. Please provide a detailed explanation of why records could not be located and if possible where they may exist. This is equivalent to a denial, requiring appeal.) Attached are 2 copies of the requested documentation. {No Exemptions cited.) Attached is 1 copy of the releasable portions of the responsive documents {with redactions) AND clean copy without reductions); the redacted portions are not releasable because of the exemption(s) identi?ed below: Attached is 1 copy of nonreleasable, unredacted documents that are responsive to this request. (Exemptions are cited below with an explanation ofnonreieose. I IS IMPERATIVE THAT THE OIA OFFICE HAVE A CLEAN COPY OF THE NONRELEASABLE RECORDS.) USED *Additional items may be listed at comments with clari?cation can he provided on a separate sheet. HUD-17-0201-A-000235 Description of Search Efforts LMust be completed for all FOIA reguestsi As Liaison for OCFO. I spoke to Sarah Lyberg. our then~ Acting DCFO. and she said that this is not within the purview of OCFO. It would be something that executive offices and executive secretary would manage. In that event. we are responding with a negative response. No requeSIed documents should be provided to the requester because of the following: Exemption Basis: 5 USC 552(b)(1) - Allows withholding information speci?cally authorized under criteria established by an Executive Order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense of foreign policy and which is in fact property classi?ed pursuant to such an Executive Order. 5 USC Aliows withholding information related solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of an agency. 5 USC - Allows withholding of information prohibited from disclosure by another statute. Exemption 3 can not stand alone. Please identify, in the ?other? category beiow, the legal cite for the correlating statutory authority that prohibits disclosure). 5 USC 552(b)(4) Trade secrets and commercial or ?nancial information obtained from a person and privileged or confidential. 5 USC - Inter-agency or intra-agency memos or letters work material. (Explain what harm would be caused by disclosure). 5 USC - Personnel and medical ?les and similar ?les the disciosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. 5 USC 552(b)(7) - Records or information compiled for taw enforcement purposes. but only to the extent that the production of such law enforcement records or information: (circle as appropriate) A F. 5 USC - information contained in or related to examination. operating, or condition reports prepared by, on behalf ofagency responsibie for the regulation or supervision of ?nancial institutions. 5 USC - Geological and geophysical information and data, including maps. concerning wells. Other: Cite statutory authority to be given in corretation with FOIA Exemption 3 HUD Reform Act). The requestor should be advised that a ?nal determination cannot be made until because If estimated costs exceed $25.00, please do not begin processing. Please complete the cost estimate portion below and return it as soon as possible to the FOIA Branch. It also must contain signatures of the individuals conducting the search, FOIA Liaison and the Approvinngenying Of?cial. The FOIA Branch will contact the requester and advise himfher of the estimated cost to process the request and obtain approval to proceed. Cost Estimate: of Professionai Search at $52.00fh1- of Professional Review at $52.00th of Clerical Search at $24.00fhr of Clerical Review at $24.00fhr 3 ?Programming Services Hours at $35.00r?hr Run Time Direct Cost of Conducting Search (Print Time-only if information taken from a mainframe not a Laser Printer) Direct Contracting Cost (provide description of contractor's work on page 2) Number of photocopies Pages at $0.10fpage Other Costs (ExplainIBe specific) 3 Total Cost Comments: qukL-Lurhmj; ji_ Program Analyst Conducting Search Date Telephone Number Michael S. litaschiatore -- -- . I 202-402-2333 FOIA LiaisonJConcurrence Date Telephone Number Michael S. Raschiatore Emilie indexer a; I a} Approvinngenying Of?cial Title Date - George .iTomchick, Computer programming is the process of writing computer programs in special code. Computer run time is the period of time that the computer program is running. PLEASE NOTE: THE OIA OFFICE MUST HAVE A CLEAN COPY OF THE DOCUMENTS. PLEASE ENSURE THAT ALL OF THE SIGNATURES {Program Analyst, FOIA Liaison, and Approvinngenying Of?cial) ARE COMPLETED, (SIGNED 8c PRINTED) ON THE RECONIMENDATIONS SHEET. THE BECOMIENDATION SHEET NIAY BE SCANNED AND EMAILED BACK TO THE APPROPRIATE FOIA SPECIALIST IF ALL SIGNATURES ARE OBTAINED PLEASE DO NOT PROVIDE DOCUMENTS DIRECTLY TO ANY FOIA REQUESTER. ALL RESPONSES MUST BE SENT FROM THE FOIA OFFICE. Revised: December 8, 2015 From: Raschiatore, Michael 5 Sent: 26 Oct 201? 16:42:16 +0000 To: McGirt, Eugene A;Lawrence, Weston J;Hunt, Lorraine Subject: RE: FOIA Request HiEugene, I spoke to Sarah Lyberg, our Acting DCFO, and she said that this would be something that executive of?ces and executive secretary would manage. In that event, I believe we have a negative response. Please advise if I am in error. Mike From: McGirt, Eugene A Sent: Thursdav, October 26, 201? 12:18 PM To: Lawrence, WestonJ Raschiatore, Michael Hunt, Lorraine (Lorraine.D.Hunt@hud.gov> Subject: FOIA Request Hello Good People. Attached is a FDIA request asking for ?all decision memoranda, directives, or policy interpretations or guidance signed, approved, or otherwise adopted bv Secretary Carson. This request includes any document establishing, modifying, clarifying, or rescinding anv HUD policy, legal or policy interpretation, or practice, whether presented as a memorandum, letter, guidance document, or in any other form. Please provide all responsive records from March 2, 2017, to the date the search is conducted.? The request has gone to each program office at HUD and the FOIA Office is receiving a response from each of?ce. You only have to focus on CFO and send any documents signed by Secretary Carson related to F0. Thanks. TO: Office of the Executive Secretariat, Office FROM: The Office of Public and Indian Housing. SUBJECT: FOLA RECOMMENDATIONS) Controi No. REQUESTER NAME: Austin Evers REQUESTER ORGANIZATION: American Oversight If clari?cation is required. please do not contact the requester directly without consultation with the FOIA Specialist assigned to this request. If you need to speak with the requester, please inform the FOIA Specialist that is assigned to the FOIA request, so a conference call can be set up with the requester, and the FOIA Specialist. Under the Open Government Act. there are limitations as to the number of times the request can be tolled and clari?cation is included in that count If estimated costs will exceed $25.00. please do not begin processing. Complete the cost estimate on page 3 of this recommendations sheet as soon as possible and return it to the FOIA Branch with the required signatures. The FOIA Branch will contact the requester and advise himiher of the estimated cost to process the request and obtain approval to proceed. No documents (Describe your search-effort. Please provide a detailed explanation of why records could not be iocated and if possible where they may exist. This is equivalent to a denial. requiring appeal.) Attached are 2 copies of the requested documentation. {No Exemptions cited. Attached is copyr of the releasable portions of the responsive documents (with reductions) AND (I clean copy without reductions); the redacted portions are not releasable because of the exemption[ s) identified below: Attached is copy of nonreleasahie, unredacted documents that are responsive to this request. (Eremptions are cited below with an explanation ofnonreieose. I IS THAT THE OIA OFFICE HA VE A CLEAN COPY OF THE NONRELEASABLE REC 0RDSJ inns/1(5) USED *Additional items may be listed at comments with clarification can be provided on a separate sheet. D-17-0201-A-000241 Description of Search Efforts Must be completed for all FOIA requests) PlH?s Office of Policy Program cf: Legislation Per Merrie Nichols-Dixon. Deputy Director [202-402- 4673). this office has no responsive docs for this request. PlI-l?s Office of Field Operations Per Gail Ballard. Staff Assistant (202-402-413 30}. this office has no responsive docs for this request. Office of Public Housina Voucher Proararns Per Chanda Bethea. Office Administrator (202- 402?5810). this office has no responsive docs for this request. Of?ce of the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing Per Pasha Mensah. Office Administrator, (202-402-5480). this office has no responsive docs for this request. PlI-l?s Capital Program Division Per Martina J. Arias. (202-402-4187). this office has no responsive docs for this request. No requested documents should be provided to the requester because of the following: Exemption Basis: 5 USC 552(b)( l) - Allows withholding information specifically authorized under criteria established by an Executive Order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense of foreign policy and which is in fact properly classified pursuant to such an Executive Order. 5 USC Allows withholding information related solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of an agency. 5 USC 552(b}(3) - Allows withholding of information prohibited from disclosure by another statute. Exemption 3 can not stand alone. Please identify. in the ?other? category below. the legal cite for the correlating statutory authority that prohibits disclosure). 5 USC - Trade secrets and commercial or financial information obtained from a person and privileged or confidential. 5 USC 552(b)(5) Inter-agency or intra-agency memos or letters worl-t material. (Eitplain what harm would be caused by disclosure). 5 USC 552(b)(6) - Personnel and medical files and similar files the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. 5 USC 552(b)(7) - Records or inforination compiled for law enforcement purposes. but only to the extent that the production of such law enforcement records or information: circle as appropriate) A F. 5 USC 552(blt3) information contained in or related to examination. operating. or condition reports prepared by. on behalf ofagency responsible for the regulation or supervision of financial institutions. 5 USC 552(b}(9] - Geological and geophysical information and data. including maps. concerning wells. Other: Cite statutory authority to be given in correlation with Exemption 3 HUD Reform Act}. The requestor shouid be advised that a ?nal determination cannot be made until because If estimated costs exceed $25.09, please do not begin processing. Please complete the cost estimate portion below and return it as soon as possible to the FOIA Branch. It also must contain signatures of the individuals conducting the search, FOIA Liaison and the Approvingmenying Of?cial. The FOIA Branch will contact the requester and advise himfher of the estimated cost to process the request and obtain approval to proceed. Cost Estimate: of Professional Search at 352.002?hr of Professional Review at $52.00z?hr of iericai Search at $24.00fhr of Clerical Review at $24.00/hr 3 ?Programming Services Hours at 83300th 5 Run Time - Direct Cost of Conducting Search 8 (Print Time-only if information taken from a mainframe not a Laser Printer) Direct Contracting Cost 5 (provide description of contractor?s work on page 2) Number of photocopies Pages at $0.10fpage Other Costs (ExplainfBe specific) 5 Total Cost Comments: Jones .. -. . - . - u. a Program Analyst Conducting Search Date Telephone Number (Please sign and print your name) . in] Jug}, fl a, ni?h; a nag .. . - FOIA Liaison Concurrence Date Telephone Number (Please sign and print your name) an {v.2 . I .- Acting Correspondence Unit .- Daniella D. Mango Chief Approving?iDenying Official Title Date (Please sign and print your name) HUD-17-0201-A-000243 Computer programming is the process of writing computer programs in special code. Computer run time is the period of time that the computer program is running. PLEASE NOTE: THE FOIA OFFICE MUST HAVE A CLEAN COPY OF THE RELEASABLEINONRELEASABLE DOCUMENTS. PLEASE ENSURE THAT ALL OF THE SIGNATURES Program Analyst, FOIA Liaison, and Approving/Denying Of?cial) ARE COMPLETED, (SIGNED PRINTED) ON THE SHEET. THE RECOMMENDATION SHEET MAY BE SCANNED AND EMAILED BACK TO THE APPROPRIATE OIA SPECIALIST IF ALL SIGNATURES ARE OBTAINED PLEASE DO NOT PROVIDE DOCUNIENTS DIRECTLY TO ANY FOIA REQUESTER. ALL RESPONSES MUST BE SENT FROM THE FOIA OFFICE. Revised: December 8, 2015 From: Bethea, Chanda Sent: 25 Oct 201? 19:50:35 +0000 To: Snowden, Deborah R;McGirt, Eugene A Cc: Mungo, Daniella D;Jones, X;Ozdinec, Milan M;Bastarache, Danielle Subject: FW: Attachments: 1?-1463 - American Oversight From: Bethea, Chanda Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2017 3:45 PM To: Snowden, Deborah Subject: RE: From: Nicholsdixon, Merrie Sent: Thursday, October 19, 201? 9:56 AM To: Fontanez Sanchez, Miguel A Bastarache, Danielle Cc: Ozdinec, Milan Subject: Importance: High Everyone, Wire just received the following FOUL Please advise whether or not we have any does that pertain to this request. My thoughts are that would have this information. 1 just wanted to clarify. Request it Action Office HO Request Type FOIA Request Owner :McGirt, Eugene On Behalf Of Requester Categorv News Media, Educational or Non?Commercial Reference Received Mode PAL Perfected Request :Yes Disposition Accepted Date Delivery Date Closed Date Total Days on Hold :0 Days Remaining :-53 Request Age Delivery Mode Multi-Track Type Priority Media Request Status Perfected Final Disposition Discretionary Release Made 0 Discretionary Comments Discretionary Codes Denial Authority Expedite Requested :Yes Expedite Status Expedite Start Date Expedite End Date Expedite Description Adjudicate Days {Expedite} Retention Expired Date Custom Fields: Responsible PO Details Responsible Programlsl :S?foice ofthe Secretary Program Office Details Program Office Due Date :07f10f201? Description of the Request All decision memoranda, directives, or policy interpretations or guidance signed, approved, or otherwise adopted by Secretary Carson. This request includes any document establishing, modifying, clarifying, or rescinding any HUD policy, legal or policy interpretation, or practice, whether presented as a memorandum, letter, guidance document, or in any other form. Please provide all responsive records from March 2, 201?, to the date the search is conducted. VX r, . . ill ll Chanda M. Bethe-a, MBA Office Administrator Office of Public Housing and Housing Voucher Programs U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 451 ?th Street, SW, Room 4204 Washington, DC 20410 Main: 202-?08-1380 Direct: 202-402-5810 Fax: 202-708-0690 Note: This information transmitted is intended only for personis} or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential andfor privileged material. ?tnv review, re?transmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking action in reliance upon the information by persons other than the intended recipients! including cc's, is prohibited. If you receive this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer. From: Snowden, Deborah Sent: 25 Oct 2017 19:31:38 +0000 To: Jones, X;Bethea, Chanda Cc: McGirt, Eugene A Subject: 17-1463 - American Oversight Importance: High Please provide a status on this ease heforo COB today. Thanks Deborah R. Snowdeo Deputy Chief" FOIA Of?cer Ol'liee of'tho Executive Secretariat 2024023606 From: Snowdeo. Deborah Sent: Vt-"edoesday, October 25. 201? PM To: Mungo. Daniella Cc: MeGirt. Eugene A {Eugene.A.MeGirt@hud.gov3> Subject: [27-1463 - American Oversight Importance: High This requester has just filed a lawsuit against the Department due to non?response. Please provide me with the status of this request today. Thank you. Deborah R. Snowden Deputy Chief FOIA Of?cer Office of the Executive Seeretariat TO: FOIA Branch ,Hill il SUBJECT: . FOIA RECOMMENDATIONS Control No. ha - - REQUESTER NAME: Austin Evers FROM: REQUESTER-ORGANIZATION: American Oversight 2clari?cation is required, please do not contact the requester directly without consultation with the FOIA Specialist .assigned to this request. If you need to speak with the requester, please inform the FOIA Specialist that is assigned to the FOIA request, so a conference call can be set up with the requester, SME and the FOIA Specialist. Under the Open Government Act, there are limitations as to the number of times the request can be tolled and clarification is included in that countestimated costs will exceed $25.00, ple?hse do not begin processing. Complete the cost estimate on page 3 of this recommendations sheet as soon as possible and return it to the FOIA Branch with the required signatures. The FOIA Branch will contact the requester and advise him/her of the estimated cost to process the request and obtain approval to proceed. No documents (Describe your seal'rch-effort. Pleaseprovide a detailed explanation of why records could not be located and if possible where they may exist. This is equivalent to a denial, requiring appealcopies of the requested documentation. (N0 Exemptions cited.) - I- 3 i5 Attached is 1 copy of the releasable portions of the responsive documents with reductions) AND (1 clean copy without reductions); the redacted portions are not releasable because of the exemption(s) identified below: g, Attached is 1 copy of nonreleasable?, unredacted documents that are responsive to this request. (Exemptions are cited below with an explanation of nonrelease. IT IS IMPERA TI VE THAT THE FOIA OFFICE HA VE A CLEAN COPY OF THE NONRELEASABLE RECORDS.) - USED .Ig ll *Additional items may be listed at commehts with clarification can be provided on a separate sheet. k: . HU . .. if liar Description of Search Efforts (Must be completed for all FOIA requests): Searched PRISM Contract Database 5! No requested documents should be pfbvided to the requester because of?the following: - Exemption Basis? 5 USC 552(b)(1) - Allows withholding information specifically authorized under criteria established by an Executive Order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense of foreign policy and which is in fact properly classified pursuant to such an Executive Order. 5 USC 552(b)(2) - Allows withholding information related solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of an agency. - 5 USC - Allows withholding of information prohibited from disclosure by another statute. (FOIA Exemption 3 can not stand l'alone. Please identify, in the ?other? category below, the legal cite for the correlating statutory authority that prohibits disclosure). 5 USC 552(b)(4) - Trade secrets and commercial or financial information obtained from a person and privileged or confidential. 5 USC 552(b)(5) Inter?agency or intra-agency memos or letters work material. (Explain what harm would be caused by disclosure). 5 USC 552(b)(6) - Personnel and medical files and similar files the disclosure of which would I constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. 5 USC 552(b)(7) Records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes, but only to the extent that the production of such law enforcement records or information: (circle as appropriate) A F. 5 USC 552(b)(8) information contained in or related to examination, operating, or condition reports prepared by, on behalf ofagency responsible for the regulation or supervision of financial institutions. - gi 5 USC 552(b)(9) - Geological and geophysical information and data, including maps, concerning wells. - Other: Cite statutory authority to be given in correlation with FOIA Exemption 3 Reform Act). - - The requestor should be advised that a final determination cannot be made until - because D-17-0201-A-000251 1.5 of Professional Search at $52.00/hr of Professional Review at $52.00ihr of Clerical Search at $24.00ihr of Clerical Review at $24.00Ihr I MProgramming Services Hours at $35.00/hr *?**Computer Run Time Direct Cost of Conductng Search (Print Time-only if information taken frorri a mainframe not a Laser Printer) - I Direct Contracting Cost 55 (provide description of contractor?siwork on page 2) I 'Number of photocopies Pages at $0.10/page Other Costs (Explain/Be specific) 3 Total Cost 55 l: . Comments: We have no documents responslve to this request. I . i ii - 202-708-1290 Telephone Number My Program Analyst Conductng Search Date Date . . Telephorie Number Jimmy Scott - Chiefi Procurement Of?cer Appi?oving\Denying Official Title 1 I Date Keith W. Surber . II moi-l a Computer programming is the process of writing computer programs in special code. Computer run time is the period of time that the computer program. is running. PLEASE NOTE: THE FOIA OFFICE MUST HAVE COPYTOF THE DOCUMENTS. PLEASE ENSURE THAT ALL OF THE SIGNATURES (Program Analyst, FOIA Liaison, and Approving/Denying Offic1al) ARE COIVIPLETED, (SIGNED PRINTEDION THE RECOMNIENDATIONS SHEET. THE RECOMMENDATION SHEET MAY BE SCANNED AND EMAILED BACK TO THE APPROPRIATE FOIA SPECIALIST IF ALL SIGNATURES ARE OBTAINED PLEASE DO NOT PROVIDE DOCUNIENTS DIRECTLY TO ANY FOIA REQUESTER. ALL RESPONSES MUST BE SENT ROM THE FOIA OFFICE. (Revised:Dec SepZ, 2016) .. .. - . From: Wade, Paulette Sent: 16 Oct 201? 14:20:09 +0000 To: McGirt, Eugene A Cc: Scott, Keith Subject: RE: FOIA Request don?t have any docs responsive to this request; please remove from our queue. and have a marvelous mon! 😊 poufm?c ?23. Wade ?aws? 5M #56 Doom? emf 0W2 ?25, S. gage-:me at; Wow?wga and '35an Ewcgo?mmz 2027* $02* 6520 airways, don'f forge? to foogh, #19 good for the soot!? 366? From: McGirt, Eugene A Sent: Monday, October 16, 2017 10:12 AM To: Wade, Paulette Subject: RE: FOIA Request Greetings, How's it going on this marvelous moo? prayerfully, all?s well with ya! I don?t think we have any docs for this, but I?ll check with Keith and get back with you Emma 27. Wade Wm 24mng go): {:63 Bogota Md 055m: 75'. S, Eemcmoz? of ?fmaosg and We? anefo?mt 202?- 4302 - 6.520 ofwoys, don forge? to foogh, it": good for the soul 365' From: McGirt, Eugene A Sent: Monday, October 16, 2017 9:45 AM To: Wade, Paulette Subject: FOIA Request Hi Sis', Attached is a FOIA request asking for "all decision memoranda, directives, or policy interpretations or guidance signed, approved, or otherwise adopted by Secretary Carson. This request includes any document establishing, modifying, clarifying, or rescinding any HUD policy, legal or policy interpretation, or practice, whether presented as a memorandum, letter, guidance document, or in any other form. Please provide all responsive records from March 2, 201?, to the date the search is conducted.? The request has gone to each program office at HUD and the FOIA Office is receiving a response from each of?ce. You only have lo locus on CPO and send any documents signed by Secreiary Carson related to CPU. Thanks, From: Wade, Paulette Sent: 16 Oct 201? 14:09:44 +0000 To: McGirt, Eugene A Subject: RE: FOIA Request Greetings, How's it going on this marvelous nion? prayerfully, all?s well with ya! I don?t think we have any docs for this, but I?ll check with Keith and get back with you positivism Wade Wm ?eeces: gm, emf 05W: 35, S. Pam'sme 3g Warmer?- mar: 25% @wcfa?um: 20?- WE - 6520 airways, do?? forget to iaugh, #19 good for the soul?" 366? From: McGirt, Eugene A Sent: Monday, October 16, 2017 9:45 AM To: Wade, Paulette Subject: FOIA Request Hi Sis?, Attached is a FOIA request asking for ?all decision memoranda, directives, or policy interpretations or guidance signed, approved, or otherwise adopted by Secretary Carson. This request includes any document establishing, modifying, clarifying, or rescinding any HUD policy, legal or policy interpretation, or practice, whether presented as a memorandum, letter, guidance document, or in any other form. Please provide all responsive records from March 2, 2017, to the date the search is conducted,? The request has gone to each program of?ce at HUD and the FOIA Office is receiving a response from each office. You only have to focus on CPU and send any docin'nenls signed by Secretary ("arson related to CPU. 'l'hanks. TO: FOIA Branch PROM: Center of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships Conttoi?N?o. l? FI?i-iQ-tii-Lo} REQLIESTER NAME: Austin Et'ers REQUESTER ORGANIZAT 101%: American Ot'ersight If clari?cation is required, please do not contact the requester directly without consultation with the FOIA Specialist assigned to this request. If you need to speak with the requester, you must let the FOIA Specialist know beforehand andfor you both must speak with the requester. Under the Open Government Act, there are limitations as to the number of times the request can be tolled and clarification is included in that count. If estimated costs wiil exceed $25.00, please do not begin processing. Fill out the cost estimate on page 3 of this recommendation sheet and return it to the FOIA Branch. The FOIA Branch will contact the requester and advise him?her of the estimated cost to process the request and obtain approval to proceed. No documents (Describe your search-effort. This is equivalent to a denial, requiring appeal.) Attached are 2 copies of the requested documentation. (.1122 Eremptitms cited.) Attached is 1 copy of the reieasahlc portions ot?the responsive documents (with reductith and if deem Cth}; u'irhont re?ections}: redacted portions are not releasable because of the exemptionts} identi?ed below: Attached is 1 copy ot?non releasable, nnredacted documents that are responsive to this request. {Exemptions are cited {action with or: exploitation of?itourefease. ITIS THAT THE FUIA OFFICE HA VE THESE EXEMPTION USED *Additional items may be listed at comments. Since Secretars' Carson appointment to the Department. the Faith~Based Office has not had am: of the requested items signed. approt'ed or otherwise adopted ?or the Secretar'r. requested documents should he provided to the requester because of the following: Exemption Basis: 5 USC - Allows withholding information speci?cally authorized under criteria established by an Executive Order to be ltept secret in the interest of national defense of foreign policy and which is in fact properly classified pursuant to such an Executive Order. 5 SC - allows withholding intonnation related solely to the internal personnel rules and practices ofan agency. 5 USC - Allows withholding of information prohibited from disclosure by another statute. (FOEA Exemption 3 can not stand alone. Please identify. in the ?other? category below. the legal cite for the correlating statutory authority that prohibits disclosure). 5 USC 552(b}(4} Trade secrets and commercial or tinanciai information obtained front a person and privileged or contidentiai. 5 S?tblt?l - Inter-agency or memos or letters ?deliberative work material. {Explain what harm would be caused by disclosure). 5 USC S?itbit'ol - Personnel and medical tiles and sitniiar files the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. 5 ?SEtbl-?I? - Records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes. but only to the extent that the production of such law enforcement records or information: (circle as appropriate) A F. b; :3 USC iSEt?bltS'} - information contained in or related to examination, operating. or condition reports prepared by. on hehalt?ofagency responsible for the regulation or supervision oflinancial institutions. 5 l, 53C SSEtbth} - Geological and geophysical information and data. including maps, concerning wells. Other: Cite statutory authority to be given in correlation with FOIA Exemption 3 leg, HI. Reform Act). The requestor should be advised that a final determination cannot be made until because If estimated costs exceed please do not begin processing. Please complete the cost estimate portion below and return it. through the individual conducting the search, FOEA Liaison and Approving?tDeny-?ing Of?cial. to the FOIA Office. The FOIA Office will contact the requester and adyise himfher of the estimated cost to process the request and obtain approval to proceed. Cost Estimate: Grade 8: Step of employee conducting search (Grade Step if more than one employee. please indicate {Grade Step of Protessional Search {Actual salary rate {hourly}. plus 16% ofsalary rate ot'cmployee ot'Prot'essional salary rate {hourly}, plus use-s of salary rate of employee ofClericai Search (Actual salary rate {hourly}. plus 16% of salary rate of employee ot?Clerical Review {Actual salary rate {hourly}. plus 16% ol'salaty rate of employee 33 Programming Seryices Hours X33300 Computer Run Time Minutes X25100 (Print lime-only it'intortnation taken from mainframe} Direct Contracting Cost {please describe below all costs involved to include programming seryices. computer run time. etc} Number ot? photocopies Pages $.18 Other Costs {ExplainiBe specific) Actual Cost July 11, 2017 202?708?2404 Pro-grain] Analyst Conducting Search Date Telephone Number {Please sign and print your name} Comments: F013 Liaison Concurrence? Date Telephone Number {Please sign and print yo ur name} git-w: Pauhaljneoht ?Trnecun+ Juh51132017 Approx-?inngenying Of?cial Title Date (Please sign and print your name} NOTE: THE FOIA OFFICE MEST HAVE A CLEAN COPY OF THE RELEASABLEJ NONRELEASABLE DOCUMENTS. ALSO, PLEASE ENSURE THAT ALL OF THE SIGNATURES (Program Analyst. 01A Liaison. and Approvingt?Denying Of?cial) ARE COMPLETED, 8: PRINT) ON THE RECOMMENDATION SHEET. Revised: November 25, 2013 HUD-17-0201-A-000258 Request Information: Request Action Office Request Type Request Owner On Behalf Of Requester Category Reference Received Mode Requested Date Original Receiyed Date Received Date Perfected Request Disposition Accepted Date Delivery Date Closed Date Original Target Date Target Date Estimated Deiiyery Date Total Days on Hold Days Remaining Request Age Delivery Mode Mum?Track Type Prlority Request Status Final Disposition Discretionary Reiease Made Discretionary Comments Discretionary Codes Denial Authority Expedite Requested Expedite Status Expedite Start Date Expedite End Date Expedite Description Adjudicate Days (Expedite) Retention Expired Date Repert Date: 953?295?251? Time: 8:15:15 JAM Request Details Report HQ FDIA McGir?t, Eugene News Media, Educational or NonCon?imer?cai PAL DEEZBEEOIF Yes DWZ 15201 0755213201 7? 0?}?2732313 :9 :19 1 i .I. PAL Media Perfected :No TED Address 1 Address 2 {tie-nowi Zip Code Shipping Address: Address 1 Address 2 City State Country Zip Code Other Address: Name Organization Address 1 AddreSs 2 City State Country Zip Code Phone Action History luv- Kid C) lEIh Street NET in Ln District of Coiornpie United States 213-0135 19363 15th Street NW 8255 Washington Bistrict of Coiurneie United States 20005 1 United States Action Comment Action Taken By Action Date-{Time RequestJ-Note- due to FOIA Branch by Juiy Maggi! Eugene Assigned McGirt. Eugene Liiesggn Request]:Note- due to FDIA Office by July Eugene Assigned Eugene Perfected it:;::t::jthe Request is changed to Eugene Extension Reason New Approvaix?Denial Compieted Extension Extension Approvalf?eniai Completion for Day's TargEt Date Date Status Note Note Note Extension Date Nd Extensions ?pprd. FDIA Documents Details in Request Foider File Redaction Document Cabinet Folder Name Disposition Layer Name No. of Pages Date Added Review Codes Drawer Status No folders have been added to this request. FDIA Documents Details in Review Log File Cabinet No. of Date Redaetion Folder Name Disposition Comments Drawer Pages Added Codes No Folders have been added tp this request. Page Details: it? 0? pages attached to request folder 0 it at pages attached td request ?elder partial redactions of pages attached te request fpider with fuii redactidns CI it of pages attached to request fe-ider without redactidns C- of documents delivered 21* pi pages reviewed of pages delivered Applied Redaction Code Details: Redaction Code Description No. of Pages Used No Page with panial redactions was added to this request. Fully Applied Redaction Code Details: Redaction Code Description No. of Pages Used No Page with full redectiphs was added to this request Manually - Partially Applied Re?ection Code Details: Redaction Code Description NO partially applied redaction cede details qund Manually - Fullilr Applied Redaction Code Details: Redaction Code Description No fully applied redaction cede details Found Applied - Dther Redaction Code Details: D-17-0201-A-000261 Correspondence Log Dispatched Action Subgect File Name User States Mode E-masi Date Date {'Fl?l E. I LAL Hates? fem. Racer-?ed PAL L-eivzegeeie G55'2tir'?u? arm?mi HUD-112C: Request Deserzption . . Admin, D, .j 1 eceie 3 iAttacnmentj \Dec I Acmm HI. 0e 28 CI 1? Consultation Review Log . . Due Created Imported . . . Rewew ID Locatlomts) Referred date Date Date Disposition Accepted Date Status No censuitation review leg records fou ed Requests For Documents: Request Due Date date He Request For Documents Eng detaiis foams ID Location?) Referred Status Comments Datument Illeliwervgir log: Deiivery Eh Dispatched ID User Mode Status Ty pe mail Date Date No Sentiment delivery leg details found. From: Greene, Jacqueline Sent: 11 Jul 2017 13:45:36 +0000 To: McGirt, Eugene A Subject: FW: FDIA Request Attachments: Requests Details Report 1463.doc, ATT00001.htm See message below from the Director of Faith?Based. Thank You! From: Lincoln, Paula A Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 201? 3:19 PM To: Greene, Jacqueline ciacquelineM.Greene@hud.gov> Cc: Douglass, BJ. <8.J.Douglass@hud.gov> Subject: FW: FDIA Request Jackie The Center does not have response documents for this request. Thank you From: "Greene, Jacqueline ciacqueline.M.Greene@hud.gov> Date: June 30, 201? at 3:41:20 AM EDT To: "Lincoln, Paula Cc: "Douglass, Subject: FW: FOIA Request Paula and BJ this is a FOIA Request and they are request something from all offices. From: McGirt, Eugene A Sent: Friday, June 30, 201? 8:40 AM To: Greene, Jacqueline Subject: FOIA Request Attached is a FOIA request asking for ?all decision memoranda, directives, or policy interpretations or guidance signed, approved, or otherwise adopted by Secretary Carson. This request includes any document establishing, modifying, clarifying, or rescinding any HUD policy, legal or policy interpretation, or practice, whether presented as a memorandum, letter, guidance document, or in any other form. Please provide all responsive records from March 2, 201?, to the date the search is conducted.? Reguest Details Report Request Information: Request Action Office Request Type Request On Behalf Of Requester Category Reference Received Mode Requested Date Original RECeived Date Received Date Perfected Request Disposition Accepted Date Delivery Date Closed Date Driginal Target Date Target Date Estimated Delivery Date Total Days on Hold Days Remaining Request Age Delivery Mode Multi?Track Type Priority Request Status Final Disposition Discretionary Release Made Discretionary Comments Discretionary Codes Denial Authority Expedite Requested Expedite Status Expedite Start Date Expedite End Date Expedite Description Adjudicate Days (Expedite) Retention Expired Date HQ FOIA McGirt, Eugene News Media, Educational or NonCommerical PAL 06:23:201? 06:23pm? 06f28f201? Yes D?f2?f2?1? G?f2?f201? 19 1 PAL Media Perfected IND TBD Report Date: 06/29x'2? 17-" Time: 8:15:16 AM Custom Fields: Responsible PD Details Responsible Program(s) S-le?ce of the Secretary Program Office Details Program Office Due Date :07f10f201? Description of the Request All decision memoranda, directives, or policy interpretations or guidance signed, approved, or otherwise adopted by Secretary Carson. This request includes any document establishing, modifying, clarifying, or rescinding any HUD policy, legal or polity interpretation, or practice, whether presented as a memorandum, letter, guidance document, or in any other form. Please provide all responsive records from March 2, 201?, to the date the search is conducted. Sub-requests Default Requester Information: Requester Name Job Title Created Date Requester Login Default Category Evers, Austin U3fl?f2?ll? News Media, Educational or NonCommerical Organization American Oversight {work Phone :(202) 869-5246 Work Phone 2 . Mobile Fax E-Mail Address: Addres 1030 15th Street NW 5 1 Addres 2 City Washington State District of Columbia Country United States Zip nge 20005 Billing Address: Addres 1030 15th Street NW 5 1 Addres :8255 5 2 City Washington State District of Columbia Country United States Zip Code 20005 Shipping Address: Addres 1030 15th Street NW 5 1 Addres :5255 2 City Washington State District of Columbia Country United States Zip Code 20005 Other Address: Name - Organization Address 1 Address 2 - Cit?,r State Country United States Zip Code Phone - Fax - E-Mail Aotion Historyr Action [Re-Assign Request] :Note- New Assigned [Re-Assign Request] :Note- New Assigned Perfected [Re?Assign Request] :Note? New Assigned [Assign Request] Note-New Comment Response clue to FDIA Branch by July 10, 201?. Response due to FDIA Office by July 10, 201?. Status of the Request is changed to 'Perfected' Eugene, requester asked for a fee waiver; also original incoming request is scan in under correspondence log. Please notify program office to review entire request that is scan in correspondence log. Thanks Sandi Incoming Requests Assigned Perfected Request is marked as_Auto Perfected upon Assigned Rammed Request is receiyed yia Seryice Assign . . Assigned To By Date (UserIGmup) McGirt, Eugene HQ Rodriguez Aida . McGirt, Eugene (Primary) Snowden, Deborah HQ Wright, Sandra HQ Harpe, A . 06(2Qy?201? McGirt, Eugene HQ McGirt Eu one i 9 08504153 AM Snowden, Deborah HQ Wright, Sandra HQ McGirt, Eugene HQ Snowden, Deborah HQ . 06f29f201? Wright, Sandra {13,1153 AM Wright, Sandra HQ Action Taken By McGirt, Eugene McGirt, Eugene McGirt, Eugene McGirt, Eugene NcGirt, Eugene Wright, Sandra Wright, Sandra Walker, Terri Walker, Terri Admin, Admin Admin, Admin Admin, Admin Action Office Action DatefTime 06j29j201? 08:13:33? AM 0629201? 08:13:3? AM 08:04:53 AM 06j29j201? 08:04:53 AM 06f29f201? 08:02:40 AM 06f29f201? 0?:21:53 AM 06j29j201? 0?:21:53 AM 0628201? 09:32:04 AM 06j28j201? 09:32:04 AM 06j28j201? 09:08:27 AM 06f28f201? 09:08:2? AM 06f28f201? 09:08:27 AM Request Comments Status Response due to FOIA Branch by Perfected July 10, 201?. Response due to FOIA Office by July 10, 201?. Perfected Eugene, requester asked for a fee waiver; also original incoming request is scan in under correspondence log. Please notify Assigned program office to review entire request that is scan in correspondence log. Thanks Sandi . . Incoming . Walker, Terri 09:32:,? AM Wright, Sandra HQ Requests Recewed Admin HQ Admin, Admin Queue, AHFD - Exec - Received Sec FOIA Office Link Requests Received Target Request Request Request Type Requester Name Primary User Date Date Status No link requests found Extension Ingiamn Day #:ret ApprovalfDenial Completed Extension Extension ApprovalfDenial Completio . 9 Date Date Status Note Note Note Extension Date No Extensions found. FDIA Documents Details in Request Folder File . . . . . No. of Date Redactlon Document 3323:: Folder Name Disposltlon Layer Name Pages Added Codes Review Status No folders have been added to this request. FOIA Documents Details in Review Log File Cabinet Folder Name Disposition Comments Is: 2; Egszd Redaction Codes Drawer 9 No folders have been added to this request. Page Details: of pages attached to request folder of pages attached to request 0 folder with partial redactions of pages attached to request folder with full redactions of pages attached to request folder without redactions a of documents delivered of pages reviewed a of pages delivered Partiallyr Applied Redaotion Code Details: Redaction Code Description No. of Pages Used No Page with partial redactions was added to this request. Fullv Applied Redaction Code Details: Redaction Code Description No. of Pages Used No Page with full redactions was added to this request Manually - Partially Applied Redaction Code Details: Redaction Code Description No partiallv applied redaction code details found Manually - Fully Applied Redaction Code Details: Redaction Code Description No fullv applied redaction code details found Manually Applied - Dther Redaction Code Details: Redaetion Code Description No other applied redaction code details found Fee Details Pavment Status Last Invoice 000 Amount Last Invoice No Charges Number Last Invoice Date Pre- Payment 0.00 Amount Total Invoiced Cost Estimated 0'00 Cost Not Charged by the Agency Total Amount Paid Interest Due Balance Due Total Refund 0.00 Amount Amount Requester Willing to Pay Fee Waiver Yes Requested Fee Waiver Status Fee Waiver - Start Date Fee Waiver - End Date Willing to Pay All No Fees Adjudicate Days (Fee - Waiver) [1.00 0.00 0.00 25.oo Fee Details Description: Fee Items Extended Charge Type Unit Rate Value Quantity No Fee Details have been Found for this Request. Work Hours (Record Search Processing Costs) Program Office Created By Rate Hours Total Cost Comments D-17-0201-A-000271 No Record Search Processing Cost details found Work Hours (Staff Processing Costs) User Name Activity Created By Rate Hours Total Cost Comments No staff processing cost details found. Transfer Details: Transfer To Transfer By Transfer Date Comment No transfer request details found for this request. Correspondence Log Dispatched Action Subject File Name User Status Mode E-mall Date Date Request Description PAL Request Admin, DEIZSIZUZL UEIZBIEGI 7 7 Received PAL (Form) Forrn.pdf Admin . . . 55:13:; af?liate? 233:2: pee 36/28/201 Memos}.pdf Consultation Review Log . . Created Imported Disposition Reuiew ID Location{s} Referred Due date Date Date Accepted Date Status No consultation review log records found Requests For Datuments: ID Location(s) Referred Request Due Status Comments Date date No Request For Documents log details found Document Delivery log: ID User Mode Status Denver" E-mail D'sPatched Date Type Date No document delivery log details found. TO: Office of the Executive SecretariatiFOIA Of?ce FROM: Jeanine Worden, CACA, Associate General Counsel for Fair Housing SUBJECT: FOLA RECOMMENDATIONS Control No. 1-01463 REQUESTER NAME: Austin R. Evers REQUESTER ORGANIZATION: American Oversight If clari?cation is required, please do not contact the requester directly without consultation with the FOIA Specialist assigned to this request. If you need to speak with the requester, please inform the FOIA Specialist that is assigned to the FOIA request, so a conference call can be set up with the requester, Slit/IE and the FOIA Specialist. Under the Open Government Act, there are limitations as to the number of times the request can be tolled and clari?cation is included in that count If estimated costs will exceed $25.00, please do not begin processing. Complete the cost estimate on page 3 of this recommendations sheet as soon as possible and return it to the FOIA Branch with the required signatures. The FOIA Branch will contact the requester and advise himther of the estimated cost to process the request and obtain approval to proceed. No documents (Describe your search-effort. Please provide a detailed explanation of why records could not be located and if possible where the}r may exist. This is equivalent to a denial, requiring appeal.) Attached are 2 copies of the requested documentation. (No Exemptions cited.) Attached is 1 copy of the releasable portions of the responsive documents with reductions) AND (I clean copy without reductions); the redacted portions are not releasable because of the exemption{s) identi?ed below: Attached is 1 copy of nonreleasable, unredacted documents that are responsive to this request. (Exemptions are cited below with an espionotion of nonreiease. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT THE 01A OFFICE HA VE A CLEAN COPY OF THE NONRELEASABLE RECORDS.) USED *Additional items may be listed at comments with clarification can be provided on a separate sheet. HUD-17-0201-A-000274 Description of Search Efforts {Must be completed for_r-_Ill FOIA reouestst No Responsive Records. Requester is seeking responsive records from March 2, 201'}ll to present date regarding all decision memoranda, directives, or policy interpretations or guidance signed, approved, or otherwise adopted by Secretary Carson. This request includes any document establishing, modifying, clarifying, or rescinding any HUD policy, legal or policy interpretation, or practice, whether presented as a memorandum, letter, guidance, document, or in any other form. We conferred with the Office of General Counsel: Office of Fair Housing management team to include: the Associate General Counsel, the Assistant General Counsels, and the Deputy Assistant General Counsels as to this request. The management team confirmed no knowledge of any such documents within the Office of Fair Housing. No requested documents should be provided to the requester because of the following: Exemption Basis: 5 USC 552(b)(1) - Allows withholding information speci?cally authorized under criteria established by an Executive Order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense of foreign policy and which is in fact properly classified pursuant to such an Executive Order. 5 USC 552(b)(2) - Allows withholding information related solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of an agency. 5 USC 552(b)(3) - Allows withholding of information prohibited from disclosure by another statute. (FOIA Exemption 3 can not stand alone. Please identify, in the ?other? category below, the legal cite for the correlating statutory authority that prohibits disclosure). 5 USC 552(b)(4) - Trade secrets and commercial or ?nancial information obtained from a person and privileged or confidential. 5 USC 552(b)(5) Inter?agency or intra-agency memos or letters work material. (Explain what harm would be caused by disclosure). 5 USC 552(b)(6) - Personnel and medical files and similar ?les the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. 5 USC 552(b)(7) - Records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes, but only to the extent that the production of such law enforcement records or information: (circle as appropriate) A F. 5 USC 552(b)(8) - information contained in or related to examination, operating, or condition reports prepared by, on behalf ofagency responsible for the regulation or supervision of fmancial institutions. 5 USC 552(b)(9) - Geological and geophysical information and data, including maps, concerning wells. Other: Cite statutory authority to be given in correlation with FOIA Exemption 3 HUD Reform Act). __The requestor should be advised that a final determination cannot be made until because If estimated costs exceed $25.00, please do not begin processing. Please complete the cost estimate portion below and return it as soon as possible to the FOIA Branch. It also must contain signatures of the individuals conducting the search, FOIA Liaison and the Approvingmenying Of?cial. The OIA Branch will contact the requester and advise himfher of the estimated cost to process the request and obtain approval to proceed. Cost Estimate: of Professional Search at $52.00fhr of Professional Review at $52.00lhr SZERO of Clerical Search at SZERO of Clerical Review at $24.00?n **Programming Services Hours at $35.00th Run Time Direct Cost of Conductng Search (Print Time?only if information taken from a mainframe not a Laser Printer) Direct Contracting Cost (provide description of contractor?s work on page 2) Number of photocopies Pages at $0.10fpage ZERO Other Costs (Explaim'Be specific) Total Cost Comments: No Responsive Records - To a L. Wright Paralegal Specialist July 5, 2017 (202) 402-6700 FOIA Liaison Concurrence Date Telephone Number (Please sign and print your name) .Hz??7 ociate General Counsel for Fair Housing Approving enying Of?cial HUD-17-0201-A-000276 Computer programming is the process of writing computer programs in special code. Computer run time is the period of time that the computer program is running. PLEASE NOTE: THE FOIA OFFICE MUST HAVE A CLEAN COPY OF THE RELEASABLEINONRELEASABLE DOCUMENTS. PLEASE ENSURE THAT ALL OF THE SIGNATURES (Program Analyst, FOIA Liaison, and Approving/Denying Of?cial) ARE COMPLETED, (SIGNED 8: PRINTED) ON THE RECOMMENDATIONS SHEET. THE RECONIMENDATION SHEET MAY BE SCANNED AND EMAILED BACK TO THE APPROPRIATE FOIA SPECIALIST IF ALL SIGNATURES ARE OBTAINED PLEASE DO NOT PROVIDE DOCUMENTS DIRECTLY TO ANY FOIA REQUESTER. ALL RESPONSES MUST BE SENT FROM THE FOIA OFFICE. Revised: December 8, 2015 TO: Office of the Executive SecretariatiFOIA Of?ce FROM: Jeanine Worden, CACA, Associate General Counsel for Fair Housing SUBJECT: FOLA RECOMMENDATIONS Control No. 1-01463 REQUESTER NAME: Austin R. Evers REQUESTER ORGANIZATION: American Oversight If clari?cation is required, please do not contact the requester directly without consultation with the FOIA Specialist assigned to this request. If you need to speak with the requester, please inform the FOIA Specialist that is assigned to the FOIA request, so a conference call can be set up with the requester, Slit/IE and the FOIA Specialist. Under the Open Government Act, there are limitations as to the number of times the request can be tolled and clari?cation is included in that count If estimated costs will exceed $25.00, please do not begin processing. Complete the cost estimate on page 3 of this recommendations sheet as soon as possible and return it to the FOIA Branch with the required signatures. The FOIA Branch will contact the requester and advise himther of the estimated cost to process the request and obtain approval to proceed. No documents (Describe your search-effort. Please provide a detailed explanation of why records could not be located and if possible where the}r may exist. This is equivalent to a denial, requiring appeal.) Attached are 2 copies of the requested documentation. (No Exemptions cited.) Attached is 1 copy of the releasable portions of the responsive documents with reductions) AND (I clean copy without reductions); the redacted portions are not releasable because of the exemption{s) identi?ed below: Attached is 1 copy of nonreleasable, unredacted documents that are responsive to this request. (Exemptions are cited below with an espionotion of nonreiease. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT THE 01A OFFICE HA VE A CLEAN COPY OF THE NONRELEASABLE RECORDS.) USED *Additional items may be listed at comments with clarification can be provided on a separate sheet. HUD-17-0201-A-000278 Description of Search Efforts {Must be completed for_r-_Ill FOIA reouestst No Responsive Records. Requester is seeking responsive records from March 2, 201'}ll to present date regarding all decision memoranda, directives, or policy interpretations or guidance signed, approved, or otherwise adopted by Secretary Carson. This request includes any document establishing, modifying, clarifying, or rescinding any HUD policy, legal or policy interpretation, or practice, whether presented as a memorandum, letter, guidance, document, or in any other form. We conferred with the Office of General Counsel: Office of Fair Housing management team to include: the Associate General Counsel, the Assistant General Counsels, and the Deputy Assistant General Counsels as to this request. The management team confirmed no knowledge of any such documents within the Office of Fair Housing. No requested documents should be provided to the requester because of the following: Exemption Basis: 5 USC 552(b)(1) - Allows withholding information speci?cally authorized under criteria established by an Executive Order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense of foreign policy and which is in fact properly classified pursuant to such an Executive Order. 5 USC 552(b)(2) - Allows withholding information related solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of an agency. 5 USC 552(b)(3) - Allows withholding of information prohibited from disclosure by another statute. (FOIA Exemption 3 can not stand alone. Please identify, in the ?other? category below, the legal cite for the correlating statutory authority that prohibits disclosure). 5 USC 552(b)(4) - Trade secrets and commercial or ?nancial information obtained from a person and privileged or confidential. 5 USC 552(b)(5) Inter?agency or intra-agency memos or letters work material. (Explain what harm would be caused by disclosure). 5 USC 552(b)(6) - Personnel and medical files and similar ?les the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. 5 USC 552(b)(7) - Records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes, but only to the extent that the production of such law enforcement records or information: (circle as appropriate) A F. 5 USC 552(b)(8) - information contained in or related to examination, operating, or condition reports prepared by, on behalf ofagency responsible for the regulation or supervision of fmancial institutions. 5 USC 552(b)(9) - Geological and geophysical information and data, including maps, concerning wells. Other: Cite statutory authority to be given in correlation with FOIA Exemption 3 HUD Reform Act). __The requestor should be advised that a final determination cannot be made until because If estimated costs exceed $25.00, please do not begin processing. Please complete the cost estimate portion below and return it as soon as possible to the FOIA Branch. It also must contain signatures of the individuals conducting the search, FOIA Liaison and the Approvingmenying Of?cial. The OIA Branch will contact the requester and advise himfher of the estimated cost to process the request and obtain approval to proceed. Cost Estimate: of Professional Search at $52.00fhr of Professional Review at $52.00lhr SZERO of Clerical Search at SZERO of Clerical Review at $24.00?n **Programming Services Hours at $35.00th Run Time Direct Cost of Conductng Search (Print Time?only if information taken from a mainframe not a Laser Printer) Direct Contracting Cost (provide description of contractor?s work on page 2) Number of photocopies Pages at $0.10fpage ZERO Other Costs (Explaim'Be specific) Total Cost Comments: No Responsive Records - To a L. Wright Paralegal Specialist July 5, 2017 (202) 402-6700 FOIA Liaison Concurrence Date Telephone Number (Please sign and print your name) .Hz??7 ociate General Counsel for Fair Housing Approving enying Of?cial HUD-17-0201-A-000280 Computer programming is the process of writing computer programs in special code. Computer run time is the period of time that the computer program is running. PLEASE NOTE: THE FOIA OFFICE MUST HAVE A CLEAN COPY OF THE RELEASABLEINONRELEASABLE DOCUMENTS. PLEASE ENSURE THAT ALL OF THE SIGNATURES (Program Analyst, FOIA Liaison, and Approving/Denying Of?cial) ARE COMPLETED, (SIGNED 8: PRINTED) ON THE RECOMMENDATIONS SHEET. THE RECONIMENDATION SHEET MAY BE SCANNED AND EMAILED BACK TO THE APPROPRIATE FOIA SPECIALIST IF ALL SIGNATURES ARE OBTAINED PLEASE DO NOT PROVIDE DOCUMENTS DIRECTLY TO ANY FOIA REQUESTER. ALL RESPONSES MUST BE SENT FROM THE FOIA OFFICE. Revised: December 8, 2015 D-17-0201-A-000281 TO: FOIA Branch FROM: - i SUBJECT: FOIA 5 Control No. - REQUESTER NAME: i REQUESTER ORGANIZATION: If clari?cation is required, please do not contact the requester directly without consultation with the FOIA Specialist assigned to this request. If you need to speak with the requester, please inform the FOIA Specialist that is assigned to the FOIA request, so a conference call can be set up with the requester, SME and the FOIA Specialist. Under the Open Government Act, there are limitations as to the number of times the request can be tolled and clari?cation is included in that count. If estimated costs will exceed $25.00, please do not begin processing. Complete the cost estimate on page 3 of this recommendations sheet as soon as possible and return it to the FOIA Branch with the required signatures. The will contact the requester and advise himfher of the estimated cost to process the request and obtain approval to proceed. 3 No documents (Describe your search-effort. Please provide a detailed explanation of why? records could not be located and if possible where they may exist. This is equivalent to a denial, requiring appeal.) Attached are 2 copies of the requested documentation. (No Exemptions cited.) Attached is cop},r of the releasable portions of the responsive documents (with reductions) AND (I clean copy with out reductions); the redacted portions are not releasable because of the exemption(s) identi?ed below: Attached is cop}r of nonreleasable,unredacted documents that are responsive to this request. (Exemptions are cited below with an explanation of nonreiense. IT IS IMPERATIVE HAT THE FOIA OFFICE HA VE A CLEAN COPY OF THE NONRELEASABLE RECORDS.) USED *Additional items may be listed at comments with clarification can be provided on a separate sheet. . it i Description of Search Efforts {Must be completed for all FOIA reguestsz No requested documents should be provided to the requester because of the following: Exemption Basis: 5 USC 552(b)(1) Allows withholding information speci?cally authorized under criteria established by an Executive Order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense of foreign policy and which is in fact properly classified pursuant to such an Executive Order. 5 USC 552(b)(2) Allows withholding information related solely to the internal persomiel rules and practices of an agency. 5 USC 552(b)(3) - Allows withholding of information prohibited from disclosure by another statute. (FOIA Exemption 3 can not stand alone. Please identify, in the ?other? category below, the legal cite for the correlating statutory authority that prohibits disclosure). 5 USC 552(b)(4) - Trade secrets and commercial or financial information obtained from a person and privileged or confidential. - 5 USC 552(b)(5) Inter?agency or intra-agency memos or letters material._..attorney work material. (Explain what harm would be caused by disclosure). 5 USC - Personnel and medical files and similar files the disclosure of which would constitute a'clearlyr unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. 5 USC 552(b)(7) - Records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes. but only to the extent that the production of such law enforcement records or information: (circle as appropriate) A F. 5 USC 552(b)(8) - information contained in or related to examinations, operating, or condition reports prepared by, on behalf ofagency responsible for the regulation or supervision of financial institutions. 5 USC 552(b)(9) - Geological and geophysical information and data, including maps, concerning wells. . Other: Cite statutory authority to be given in correlation with Exemption 3 HUD Reform Act). The rcqucstor should be advised that a final determination cannot be made until because I .l I IJ If estimated costs exceed $25.00, please do not begin processing. Please complete the cost estimate portion below and return it as soon as possible to the FOIA Branch. It also must contain signatures of the individuals conducting the search, FOIA Liaison and the ApprovingiDenying Of?cial. The 01A Branch will contact the requester and advise himi'her of the estimated cost to process the request and obtain approval to proceed. ii Cost Estimate: of Professional Search at $52.00fhr ii of Professional Review at $52.00?1r 75 of Clerical Search at $24.002hr of Clerical Review at $24.00th ?Programming Services Hours at $35.00/hr - Run Time Direct Cost of Conducting Search f! (Print Time-only if information taken fromlila mainframe not a Laser Printer) 3 i Direct Contracting Cost (pi-ovide description of contractor?s work on page 2) Number of photocopies Pages at $0.:Q10fpage - :1 Other Costs (ExplainfBe speci?c) 4 Total Cost 3 Comments: - I Program Analyst Conducting Search Date Telephone Number (Please a?oat ur name) I . 1f) - 4:2 alga i7 saws-02909 FOIA Liaison Coneurrenee iDate Telephone biumber (Please sign and print your nameApprovingiDenying Official Title Date (Please sign and print your name) I I i Computer programming is the proeiess of writing computer programs in special code. Computer run time is the period of time that the computer progrzam is running. .H i! r, I PLEASE NOTE: THE FOIA OFFICE MUST HAVE A CLEAN COPY OF THE RELEASABLEINONRELE ASABLE DOCUMENTS. PLEASE ENSURE THAT ALL OF THE SIGNATURES {Program Analyst, FOIA Liaison, and Approvinngenying Of?cial) ARE COMPLETED, (SIGNED 8.: PRINTED) ON THE RECOMMENDATIONS SHEET. II THE RECOMMENDATION SHEET MAY BE SCANNED AND EMAILED BACK TO THE APPROPRIATE FOIA SPECIALIST IF ALL SIGNATURES ARE OBTAINED PLEASE DO NOT PROVIDE DOCUMEENTS DIRECTLY TO FOIA REQUESTER. ALL RESPONSES MUST BE SENT FROM THE FOIA OFFICERevised: December 3, 2015 - . . I Jan ii fl d'l' .5 FOIA REQUEST ITEMIZED RESPONSIVE xi LIST (To be Completed by Program Of?ce Staff) i; 1 FOIA Request: mun-PHI- Requester Name: Austm Eyers Please provide an explanation for each item that was requested and be sure to Eompletehall hf til-1t?colditlnsi for each record. Search Efforts Request Item Determination Exemption (5) (Provide all applicable exemptions) All decision NIA NIA memora nda, directives, - I Emails from attached. or policy interpretations or guidance signed, approved, or otherwise adopted by Secretary Carson. This request includes any document establishing, modifying, ciarifying, or rescinding any HUD policy, legal or policy interpretation, or practice, whether presented as a memorandum, letter, guidance document, or in any other form. Please provide all responsive records from March 2, 2017, to the date the search is conducted. TO: Eugene McGirt AHFDA FROM: Of?ce of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes - SUBJECT: FOIA RECOMMENDATIONS Control No. REQUESTER NAME: Austin Evers REQU ESTER ORGANIZATION: If clari?cation is required, please do not contact the requester directly without consultation with the FOIA Specialist assigned to this request. If you need to speak with the requester, please inform the FOIA Specialist that is assigned to the FOIA request, so a conference call can be set up with the requester, SME and the FOIA Specialist. Under the Open Government Act, there are limitations as to the number of times the request can be tolled and clarification is included in that count. If estimated costs will exceed $25.00, please do not begin processing. Complete the cost estimate on page 3 of this recommendations sheet as soon as possible and return it to the FOIA Branch with the required signatures. The FOIA Branch will contact the requester and advise himiher of the estimated cost to process the request and obtain approval to proceed. No documents (Describe your search-effort. Please provide a detailed explanation of why records could not be located and if possible where they may exist. This is equivalent to a denial, requiring appeal.) Attached are 2 copies of the requested documentation. (No Exemptions cited. Attached is 1 copy of the releasable portions of the responsive documents (with reductions) AND (I clean eapy without reductions); the redacted portions are not releasable because of the exemption(s) identi?ed below: Attached is I copy of nonreleasable, unredacted documents that are responsive to this request. (Exemptions are cited below with on expionotion ofnonreiease. I IS IMPERA Til/F THA THE FOIA OFFICE HAVEA CLEAN COPY OF THE NONRELEASABLE RECORDS.) USED *Additional items may be listed at comments with clarification can be provided on a separate sheet. Description of Search Efforts (Must be completed for all FOIA requests} Accessed HUD Of?ce of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes? ?les of decision memoranda, directives, or policy interpretations or guidance from March 2, 2017, to July 3, 2017. No requested documents should be provided to the requester because of the following: Exemption Basis: 5 SC 552(b)(l) Allows withholding information speci?cally authorized under criteria established by an Executive Order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense of foreign policy and which is in fact properly classi?ed pursuant to such an Executive Order. 5 USC 552(b)(2) - Allows withholding information related solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of an agency. 5 USC 552(b)(3) - Allows withholding of information prohibited from disclosure by another statute. (FOIA Exemption 3 can not stand alone. Please identify, in the ?other? category below, the legal cite for the correlating statutory authority that prohibits disclosure). 5 USC 552(b)(4) - Trade secrets and commercial or ?nancial information obtained from a person and privileged or con?dential. 5 USC 552(b)(5) - Inter-agency or intra-agency memos or letters work material. (Explain what harm would be caused by disclosure). 5 USC 552(b)(6) - Personnel and medical ?les and similar ?les the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. 5 USC 552(b)(7) - Records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes, but only to the extent that the production of such law enforcement records or information: (circle as apprOpriate) A F. 5 USC 552(b)(8) information contained in or related to examination, operating, or condition reports prepared by, on behalf ofagency responsible for the regulation or supervision of ?nancial institutions. 5 USC 552(b)(9) - Geological and geophysical information and data, including maps, concerning wells. Other: Cite statutory authority to be given in correlation with FOIA Exemption 3 HUD Reform Act). _The requestor should be advised that a ?nal determination cannot be made until because If estimated costs exceed $25.00, please do not begin processing. Please complete the cost estimate portion below and return it as soon as possible to the FOIA Branch. It also must contain signatures of the individual conducting the search, FOIA Liaison and the Approving?tDenying Of?cial. The FOIA Branch will contact the requester and advise himfher of the estimated cost to process the request and obtain approval to proceed. Cost Estimate: Grade Step of employee conducting search (Grade IS Step 10) 0.1 of Professional Search (Actual salary rate (hourly), plus 16% of salary rate of employee $8.73 0 of Professional Review (Actual salary rate (hourly), plus 16% of salary rate of employee $0 Run Time Minutes 25.00 $0 (Print Time?only if information taken from a mainframe not a Laser Printer) Number ofphotocopies Pages 0 $.18 $0 Other Costs (Explaim?Be speci?c) NIA Mm Estimated Cost $8.73 Warren Friedman 'Fx'3r?2017 202-404-7574 Program Analyst Conducting Search Date Telephone Number (Please sign and print your name) Cpl} critsiL rm M- e" .2- 2 Ishlev Niack 202?402?3299 Liaison Concurrence Date Telephone Number (Please sign and rint your name) Warren Friedman Sr. Adviser 7(6/2017 Approvinngenying Of?cial Title Date (Please sign and print your name) Computer programming is the process of writing computer programs in special code. Computer run time is the period of time that the computer program is running. TO: FOIA Branch FROM: Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA) SUBJECT: FOLA RECOMMENDATIONS Control No. 17-FI-HQ-01463 REQUESTER NAME: Graham Kates REQUESTER ORGANIZATION: If clari?cation is required. please do not contact the requester directi}r without consultation with the OIA Specialist assigned to this request. If you need to speak with the requester, please inform the FOIA Specialist that is assigned to the FOIA request, so a conference call can be set up with the requester. SME and the FOIA Specialist. Under the Open Government Act. there are limitations as to the number of times the request can be tolled and clari?cation is included in that counL If estimated costs will exceed $25.00. please do not begin processing. Complete the cost estimate on page 3 of this recommendation sheet as soon as possible and return it to the FOIA Branch with the required signatures. The FOIA Branch will contact the requester and advise himfher of the estimated cost to process the request and obtain approval to proceed. documents (Describe your search-effort. Please provide a detailed explanation of why records could not he located and if possible where they may exist. This is equivalent to a denial, requiring appeal.) Attached are 2 copies of the requested documentation. (No Exemptions ti'ii?t?d. Attached is 1 copy of the releasable portions of the responsive documents (with reductions} AND (I clean copy without reductions): the redacted portions are not reieasabie because of the exemptionts) identified below: Attached is 1 copy of nonreieasahle. unredacted documents that are responsive to this request. {Exemptions are cited beimt' ain't an explanation of'nwireiecise. IT IS IMPERATIVE THA THE FOIA OFFICE HA VE A CLEAN COPY OF THE NON RELEA SABLE RECORDS.) USED *Additional items mayr be listed at comments with clari?cation can be provided on a separate sheet. Description of Search Efforts (Must be completed for all FOIA requests} Email was sent to relevant offices in Ginnie Mae. those offices have determined that Ginnie Mae does not have any documents establishing. modifying. clarifying. or rescinding any HUD policy. legal or policy interpretation. or practice. whether presented as a memorandum. letter. guidance document. or in any other form by Secretary Carson. No requested documents should be provided to the requester because of the following: Exemption Basis: 5 USC 552tb)(l) - Allows withholding information specifically authorized under criteria established by an Executive Order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense of foreign policy and which is in fact properly classified pursuant to such an Executive Order. 5 USC 552(bll2} - Ailows withholding information related solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of an agency. 5 USC - Allows withholding of information prohibited from disclosure by another statute. (FOIA Exemption 3 can not stand alone. Please identify. in the ?other? category below. the iegai cite for the correlating statutory authority that prohibits disclosure}. 5 USC 552(b)(4) - Trade secrets and commercial or financial information obtained from a person and privileged or confidential. 5 USC 552(b)(5) - or intra-agency memos or letters work materiai. Explain what harm would be caused by disclosure). 5 USC 552(b](6] - Personnel and medical files and similar files the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. 5 USC 552tbil7) - Records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes. but only to the extent that the production of such law enforcement records or information: {circle as appropriate} A F. 5 USC information contained in or related to examination. operating, or condition reports prepared by. on behalf ofagency responsible for the regulation or supervision of financial institutions. 5 USC Geological and geophysical information and data. including maps. concerning wells. Other: Cite statutory authority to be given in correlation with FOIA Exemption 3 HUD Reform Act). The requester should be advised that a final determination cannot be made until because D-17-0201-A-000291 If estimated costs exceed $25.00. please do not begin processing. Please complete the cost estimate portion belowr and return it as soon as possible to the FOIA Branch. It also must contain signatures of the individual conducting the search, FOIA Liaison and the Approy?inngenying Official. The FOIA Branch will contact the requester and advise himfher of the estimated cost to process the request and obtain approval to proceed. - Cost Estimate: Grade 8: Step of employee conducting search (Grade Step If more than one employee. please indicate {Grade Step of Professional Search (Actual salary rate [hourly]. plus 16% of salary rate of employee of Professional Review {Actual salary rate (hourly). plus 16% of salary rate of employee 5 of Clerical Search {Actual salary rate {hourly}. plus 16% of salary rate of employee 5 of Clerical Review {Actual salary rate {hourly}. plus 169': of salary rate of employee 5 ?Programming Services Hours 535.00 55 Run Time Minutes 25.00 3 {Print Time-only if information taken from a mainframe not a Laser Printer] Direct Contracting Cost 8 |[?please describe below all costs involved to include programming sen-ices. computer run time. etc.) Number of photocopies Pages 8.18 Other Costs tEsplainr?Be specific) Actual Cost a; - nasa? r' Program Analyst'Conducting Search Date Telephone Number (Please sign and print your name} Comments: FOIA Liaison Concurrence Date Telephone Number (Please sign and print your name) Approving?Denying Official Title Date (Please Sign and print your name) Computer programming is the process of writing computer programs in special code. Computer run time is the period of time that the computer program is running. PLEASE NOTE: THE FOIA OFFICE MCST HAVE A CLEAN COPY OF THE RELEASABLENONRELEASABLE DOCUMENTS. PLEASE ENSURE THAT ALL OF THE SIGNATURES Program Analyst. FOIA Liaison, and Approvinngenying Of?cial} ARE COMPLETED, SIGNED 8.: ON THE SHEET. PLEASE DO NOT PROVIDE ANY TO ANY FOIA REQUESTER. Revised: February 24, 2014 01A Recommendation Skeet {Rel-riser! December 8, 2015) 0: POM. Brooch. O?ice of the Executive Secretariat (ExecSec) FROM: O??ice of Policy and Research SUBJECT: RECOMMENDA TIONS REQUESTER NAME: Austin Evers REQUESTER ORGANIZATION: American Oversight FOIA NUMBER: i7?Fi?HQ-0i463 If clarification is required, please do not contact the requester directly without consultation with the FOIA Specialist assigned to this request. If you need to speak with the requester, please inform the FOIA Specialist that is assigned to the FOIA request, so a conference call can be set up with the requester, SME and the FOIA Specialist. Under the Open Government Act, there are limitations as to the number of times the request can be tolled and clarification is included in that count. If estimated costs will exceed $25.00, please do not begin processing. Complete the cost estimate on page 3 of this recommendations sheet as soon as possible and return it to the FOIA Branch with the required signatures. The FOIA Branch will contact the requester and advise himiher of the estimated cost to process the request and obtain approval to proceed. No (Describe your search-effort. Please provide a detailed explanation of why records could not be located and if possible where they may exist. This is equivalent to a denial, requiring appeal.) Attoch ed ore 2 copies of the requested documentation. {Need e?ective redaction). Attached is i copy of the releasable portions of the responsive documents (with redactions) AND (1 clean copy without reductions); the redacted portions are not releasable because of the exemption(s) identified below: Attached is i rope of nonreleasable, unredacted documents that are reSponsive to this request. (Exemptions are cited beiow with an explanation of tionreieose. IT IS 1M PERA TI VE THA THE OFFICE HA VE A CLEAN COPY OF THE SABLE RECORDS. MEWS) ere-we nos-?r5; cseo Revised: December 8, 295. per EtecSec Updated Signature Line {Approving/Deriving Q?icioi}: November 20! 7, per 1 01A Recommendation Sheet (Revised December 8, 20.35) 2 *Additional items may be listed at comments with clari?cation can be provided on a separate sheet. Description of Search Efforts {Must be completed for all FOIA requests Correspondence Program Coordinator for searched her email records for relevant items for the period March 2, 2017 to October 28, 201?, as well as hard copy ?les of completed correspondence and FOIA requests. Following are the ?ndings, which includes an additional, relevant document: *3 April 2017: Secretary signed letters of congratulations to recipients of the 2017 Secretary?s Housing and Community Design Award (4 recipients). The award is given in conjunction with the American Institute of Architects April 2017: Secretary signed letters of congratulations to recipients of the 201? Secretary's Award for Public-Philanthropic Partnerships, given in conjunction with the Council on Foundations (10 recipients). . May 2017: Secretary signed letter of congratulations to recipient of the 201'? Award for Excellence in Historic Preservation (l recipient). June 20] 7: Secretary as one signatory to the Memorandum of Cooperation between HUDtGinnie Mae and the Japan Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and the Japan Renaissance Agency, on research and exchange of information on aging in place. is August 2017: Suspension of Small Area Fair Market Rent (FMR) Regulations. .O .1 No requested should be provided to the requester become. ofthejollowing: hiteorption Basis: :7 55.2mm): Allows withholding information specifically authorized under criteria established by an Executive Order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense of foreign policy and which is in fact properly classi?ed pursuant to such an Executive Order. 5 552(blf2l: Allows withholding information related solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of an agency. 5 USE 552(c)(3): Allows withholding of information prohibited from disclosure by another statute. (FOIA Exemption 3 can not stand alone. Please identify, in the ?other? category below, the legal cite for the correlating statutory authority that prohibits disclosure). 5 USC .?ifftinteijs Trade secrets and commercial or ?nancial information obtained from a person and privileged or con?dential. 5 US Inter?agency or intra~agency memos or letters work material. (Explain what harm would be caused by disclosure). Revised: December 8, EMS. ,oer ExerSet. Updated Signature Line (Approvin e/Denjrr'ng O?ir tot): November F. per D4 FOIA Recommendation Sheet Revised December 8, 2015) 3 5 USC Personnel and medical ?les and similar files the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. 5 USC Records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes, but only to the extent that the production of such law enforcement records or information: (circle as appropriate) A F. 5 USC 552(c)(8): Information contained in or related to examination, operating, or condition reports prepared by, on behalf ofagency reSponsible for the regulation or supervision of ?nancial institutions. 5 USE Geological and geophysical information and data, including maps, concerning wells. Cite statutory authority to be given in correlation with FOIA Exemption HUD Reform Act). The requester shouid be advised that afinai determination cannot be made untii because If estimated costs exceed $25.00, please do not begin processing. Please complete the cost estimate portion below and return it as soon as possible to the FOIA Branch. It also must contain signatures of the individuals conducting the search, FOIA Liaison and the Appmvingmenying Of?cial. The FOIA Branch will contact the requester and advise himt?her of the estimated cost to process the request and obtain approval to proceed. ost Estimate: 3 hours of Professional Search $52.00/hr. .. $_156.00__ hours of Professional Review $52.00thr. .. hour of Clerical Search $24.00thr. .. hours of Clerical Review $24.00r'hr. .. Programming Services__ hours $35.00fhr. .. Computer Run Time.- Direct Cost of Conducting Search .. (Print time-only if information taken from a mainframe not a Laser Printer) Revise-rt: December it. 2dr :7 . per Erec?et- ti 5" . ?rstuteri tgnamrr Lure Again :5 Deming CL: H) tern arr 0 per Pi)ch 01A Recommendation Sheet Revised December 8, 2015) Direct Contracting Cost: Provide description of contractor's work on Page 2) .. Number of photocopies: Other Costs (ExplainiBe speci?c) Pages at $0.10ipage .. Total Cost 156.00 Comments: We Song Arlene ong Craig Date Correspondence Program Coordinator (Piease sign and print your name) 5? if 7 is: Todd Richardson Date Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy Development FDIA Liaison oncurrence fPt'ease sign and print your name) . n+1! i 16]? ?ee M. Richardson Date Acting Generatr Deputy Assistant ecretar}I for Poiicy Deveiopment and Research Approving/Denying O?iciai (Piease sign and pn?nt your name) Revised: Derernuer 8. 29125. per ErecSec Updated Signature Line (ApprovingtDenjp-ing U??iciai): November 20?, per Jimmi? (2336 #09 Telephone Number 2m?) {f bl J-e Telephone Number has Telephone Number FOIA Reconunendotimz Sheet {Rex??ed Denierrtber 8. 20.15 5 Computer programming is the process of writing computer programs in special code. Computer run time is the period of time that the computer program is running. PLEASE NOTE: THE FOIA OFFICE MUST HAVE A CLEAN COPY OF THE RELEASABLEINONRELEASABLE DOCUMENTS. PLEASE ENSURE THAT ALL OF THE SIGNATURES (Program Analyst, OIA Liaison, and Approvinngenying Official) ARE COMPLETED, (SIGNED 8c PRINTED) ON THE RECOMNIENDATIONS SHEET. THE RECOMNIENDATION SHEET MAY BE SCANNED AND EMAILED BACK TO THE APPROPRIATE FOIA SPECIALIST IF ALL SIGNATURES ARE OBTAINED PLEASE DO NOT PROVIDE DOCUMENTS DIRECTLY TO ANY FOIA REQUESTER. ALL RESPONSES MUST BE SENT FROM THE FOIA OFFICE. Revised: December 2545. per Ererfee Updated ngnarure Lme in}: ammu- 20!? per Memorandum of Cooperation US. Department of Housing and Urban Development Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae); Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan and Urban Renaissance Agency, Japan (UR) June 26, 2017 June 30, 2017 Tokyo, Japan Washington, DC Memorandum of Cooperation among the United States Deparnnent of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae), a Molly-Owned Corporation of HUD, of the one part; the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan (MLIT) and the Urban Renaissance Agency, Japan (UR), of the other part The US. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae), a wholly-owned corporation of the one part; the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan (MLIT) and the Urban Renaissance Agency of Japan (UR), an incorporated administrative agency under thejurisdiction of MLIT, of the other part (HUD, Ginnie Mae, MLIT, and UR collectively hereina?er referred to as the ?Participants?); DESIRING to strengthen their cooperative relationship in the ?elds of aging communities for the mutual bene?t of the Participants; THROUGH the exploration of solutions to problems of mutual concern and the exchange of information on policies, research, and programs in this ?eld; Have reached the following decision: Section 1 Scope of Cooperation The scope ofcooperation under this Memorandum of Cooperation (hereinafter referred to as the may include research and the exchange of information involving: 1. Innovations in housing policyr and urban planning approaches to aging in place and community development for older adults; Inclusive housing and urban development strategies for older adults in Japan and the United States; and 3. Effective partnership among the public sector, private sector and nonpro?t organizations in achieving success?ll aging in place. to Additionally, the Participants plan to consider ?Jture research cooperation on broader topics regarding housing and urban policy, based on future discussion and the result of the research within this scope of cooperation. Section 2 Cooperation Methods The cooperation stipulated in Section 1 is intended to include utilization of the following methods: 1. Development of further understanding of housing and urban development needs of older adults in Japanese and American contexts; Examination of current aging in place approaches for elderly housing and to community development; 3. Production of relevant and well?deveJOped analytical research reports on the topic of aging in place in residential urban areas in Japan and the United States; 4. Hosting of joint seminars, workshops and conferences on aging communities in Japan and the United States; and Any other form of cooperation that may be jointly,r decided upon by the Participants. U: Section 3 Implementation Framework With a view to promoting cooperation under the MOC, the Participants intend to encourage and strengthen direct contacts and cooperation between the two countries? government agencies, research institutes, and associations. D-17-0201-A-000301 Section 4 Consultation The Participants intend to hold consultations upon the request of any participant on any matter relating to the contents of the MOC, and intend to jointly endeavor to resolve, in the spirit of cooperation and mutual trust, any dif?culties or misunderstandings which may arise. Id to Section 5 Cooperation Meeting The Participants have decided to hold meetings to discuss ways to cooperate, exchange expertise and coordinate joint research under the MOC. Cooperation meetings are expected to be held once a year, or on an alternative schedule to be determined by mutual consent of the Participants, in Japan or the United States, with the meeting date, place and agendas to be jointly determined through consultation of both Participants. During the cooperation meetings, additional supplementary meetings may be held to exchange information and expertise in specific areas. Each Participant intends to bear its own travel, accommodation and other expenses associated with attending cooperation meetings. Section 6 Implementation Activities under the MOC are intended to be conducted in accordance with relevant Japanese or US. laws and regulations, and with the prior approval of the Participants, to the extent allowed by applicable laws. Subject to the applicable public disclosure laws and regulations of the respective Participants, each Participant intends to treat con?dential and personally identi?able information received from the other Participant in con?dence and take all reasonable measures to preserve its confidentiality and integrity and to safeguard the information against accidental or unauthorized access, use or disclosure. 3. The activities conducted under the MOC are subject to the availability of personnel and appropriated funds of each Participant. 4. Each Participant to the MOC bears its own expenses in connection with the preparation, negotiation, and exocution of the MOC. Neither Participant will be responsible to the other party for such expenses. 5. The Participants intend to coordinate public statements with regard to the MOC. No Participant to the MOC intends to enter into any publicity regarding the MOC unless the Participants consult in advance on the form, timing, and contents of any such publicity, announcement, or disclosure. 6. The MOC is an expression of intent only and does not obligate funds, personnel, services, or other resources of any Participant, nor does it create any binding obligations under international or domestic law. Therefore, the MOC does not grant any third party any bene?t, legal or equitable right, remedy, or claim. 1 To oversee and implement the MOC, MLIT designates the Policy Research Institute as the primary research entity. 8. To conduct research work to implement the MOC, the Participants can contract out the research work partially or entirely to the outside entities andfor researchers with the consent of all the Participants. Each individual representative of the Participants acts in his or her of?cial capacity with respect to the performance of activities under the MOC. HUDIGinnie Mae employees do not intend to claim to represent or speak for NEITHJR, and MLITKUR employees do not intend to claim to represent or speak for I-lUDfGinnie Mae. Section 7 Commencement, Discontinuation, and Modi?cation i. The cooperation under the MOC commences upon signatures of all Participants and continues until any of the Participants, of either part, decides to discontinue cooperation under the MOC. A Participant Should endeavor to provide ninety (90) days advance written noti?cation to the others of its intention to discontinue the MOC. 2. The MOC may be modi?ed by mutual written consent of all Participants. Signed in Tokyo on June 26, 2017, and signed in Washington, DC on June 30, 205?, in qUEdruplicate, in the English language. FOR. THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF FOR THE MINISTRY OF LAND, HOUSING AND URBAN INFRASTRUCTURE, TRANSPORT DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM OF JAPAN ..-- 7Y2 BENJAMIN S. CARSON, SR. RETICHI ISEB SECRETARY FOR DEPARTMENT OF MMSTER OF LAND, INFRASTRUCTURE, HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT TRANSPORT AND TOURISM OF JAPAN OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FOR THE GOVERNTVIENT FOR THE URBAN RENAISSANCE NATIONAL MORTGAGE AGENCY, JAPAN ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF MRICA MAREN M. KASPER MSAHIRO NAKAJIMA, ACTING PRESIDENT, GOVERNMENT PRESIDENT, URBAN NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION RENAISSANCE AGENCY, JAPAN Memorandum of COOperation Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan Urban Renaissance Agency, Japan US. Department of Housing and Urban Development and Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae); June 26, 2017 June 30, 2o17 Tokyo, Japan Washington, DC Memorandum of Cooperation among the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan (MLIT), the Urban Renaissance Agency, Japan (UR), of the one part; the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae), a Wholly-Owned Corporation of HUD, of the other part The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan and the Urban Renaissance Agency of Japan (UR), an incorporated administrative agency under the jurisdiction of MLIT, of the one part; the US. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mac), a wholly-owned corporation of HUD, of the other part UR, HUD, and Ginnie Mae, collectively hereinafter referred to as the ?Participants?); DESIRING to strengthen their cooperative relationship in the ?elds of aging communities for the mutual bene?t of the Participants; THROUGH the exploration of solutions to problems of mutual concern and the exchange of information on policies, research, and programs in this ?eld; Have reached the following decision: Section 1 Scope of Cooperation The scope of cooperation under this Memorandum of Cooperation (hereinafter referred to as the may include research and the exchange of information involving: l. Innovations in housing policy and urban planning approaches to aging in place and community development for older adults; 2. Inclusive housing and urban development strategies for older adults in Japan and the United States; and 3. Effective partnership among the public sector, private sector and nonpro?t Organizations in achieving successful aging in place. Additionally, the Participants plan to consider future research cooperation on broader topics regarding housing and urban policy, based on ?lture discussion and the result of the research within this scope of cooperation. Section 2 Cooperation Methods The cooperation stipulated in Section 1 is intended to include utilization of the following methods: 1. Development of further understanding of housing and urban development needs of older adults in Japanese and American contexts; 2. Examination of current aging in place approaches for elderly housing and community development; 3. Production of relevant and well-developed analytical research reports on the topic of aging in place in residential urban areas in I span and the United States; 4. Hosting of joint seminars, workshops and conferences on aging communities in Japan and the United States; and 5. Any other form of cooperation that may be jointly decided upon by the Participants. Section 3 Implementation Framework With a vievvr to promoting cooperation under the MOC, the Participants intend to encourage and strengthen direct contacts and cooperation between the two countries? government agencies, research institutes, and associations. Section 4 Consultation The Participants intend to hold consultations upon the request of any participant on any matter relating to the contents of the MOC, and intend to jointly endeavor to resolve, in the spirit of cooperation and mutual trust, any difficulties or misunderstandings which may arise. to Section 5 Cooperation Meeting The Participants have decided to hold meetings to discuss ways to cooperate, exchange expertise and coordinate joint research under the MOC. Cooperation meetings are expected to be held once a year, or on an alternative schedule to be determined by mutual consent of the Participants, in Japan or the United States, with the meeting date, place and agendas to be jointly determined through consultation of both Participants. During the cooperation meetings, additional supplementary meetings may be held to exchange information and expertise in speci?c areas. Each Participant intends to hear its own travel, accommodation and other expenses associated with attending cooperation meetings. Sec?on 6 Implementation - Activities under the MOC are intended to be conducted in accordance with relevant Japanese or U.S. laws and regulations, and with the prior approval of the Participants, to the extent allowed by applicable laws. Subject to the applicable public disclosure laws and regulations of the respective Participants, each Participant intends to treat con?dential and personally identi?able information received from the other Participant in con?dence and take all reasonable measures to preserve its con?dentiality and integrity and to safeguard the information against accidental or unauthorized access, use or disclosure. 3. The activities conducted under the MOC are subject to the availability of personnel and appropriated funds of each Participant. 4. Each Participant to the MOC bears its own expenses in connection with the preparation, negotiation, and execution of the MOC. Neither Participant will be responsible to the other party for such expenses. 5. The Participants intend to coordinate public statements with regard to the MOC. No Participant to the MOC intends to enter into any publicity regarding the MOC unless the Participants consult in advance on the form, tinting, and contents of any such publicity, announcement, or disclosure. 6. The M00 is an expression of intent only and does not obligate ?rnds, personnel, services, or other resources of any Participant, nor does it create any binding obligations under international or domestic law. Therefore, the MOC does not grant any third party any bene?t, legal or equitable right, remedy, or claim. 7. To oversee and implement the MOC, MLIT designates the Policy Research Institute as the primary research entity. 8. To conduct research work to implement the MOC, the Participants can contract out the research work partially or entirely to the outside entities andfor researchers with the consent of all the Participants. Each individual representative of the Participants acts in his or her official capacity with respect to the performance of activities under the MOC. MLITIUR employees do not intend to claim to represent or speak for IIUDf?Ginnie Mae, and HUDIGinnie Mae employees do not intend to claim to represent or speak for MITIUR. Section 7 Commencement, Discontinuation, and Modi?cation 1. The cooperation under the MOC commences upon signatures of all Participants and continues until any of the Participants, of either part, decides to discontinue cooperation under the MOC. A Participant should endeavor to provide ninety (90) days advance written noti?cation to the others of its intention to discontinue the MOC. 2. The MOC may be modi?ed by mutual written consent of all Participants. Signed in Tokyo on June 26, 2017, and signed in Washington, DC on June 30, 201?, in quadruplicate, in the English language. FOR THE MISTRY OF LAND, FOR THE U.S. DEPARTNIENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE, TRANSPORT HOUSING AND URBAN AND TOURISM OF JAPAN DEVELOPNIENT i F, 7u KEIICHI BENJAMIN S. CARSON, SR. MINISTER OF LAND, INFRASTRUCTURE, SECRETARY FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT AND TOURISM OF JAPAN HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FOR THE URBAN RENAISSANCE FOR THE GOVERNIVIENT AGENCY, JAPAN NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED OF AMERICA MASARIRO NAKAHMA, M. RASPER PRESIDENT, URBAN RENAISSANCE ACTING PRESIDENT, GOVERNMENT JAPAN NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION D-1 7-0201-A-00031 Ir f; U. 5. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, DC. 20410-000I THE SECRETARY April 24. 2017 Mr. John M. Thatch Principal Dahlin Group Architecture Planning 5865 Owens Drive Pleasanton. CA 94588-3942 Dear Mr. Thatch: I am pleased to inform you that Dahlin Group Architecture Planning?s design for Monteverde Senior Apartments has been selected to receive the 2017 Secretary?s Housing and Community Design Award for Excellence in Affordable Housing Design- Congratulations on behalfof the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the American institute of Architects (MA). This award recognizes architecture that demonstrates overall excellence in terms of design in response to both the needs and constraints of affordable housing. The winning project for this year will be announced publicly on April 28, 2017. A presentation ceremony will take piace as part of the awards program at 7, the AIA Conference on Architecture 2017. in Orlando. Florida. HUD and would be honored if you were present at the ceremony to accept your well-deserved award. An staff member will contact you soon with more details about the eyent- To maximize the impact of the announcement of the award. I would be appreciative if you would not release any information to the media until the AIAJHUD Secretary?s Awards have been announced on April 23. Congratulations. again, on yom superb work! Sincerely, Benjamin S. Carson. Sr. HUD-1 7-0201-A-000311 in ?l U. 5. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON. c. TH SECRETARY April 24. 201? Ms. Denise Spencer President and Chief Executive Officer Community Foundation of the Lowcountry 4 Northridge Drive. Suite A Hilton Head Island. SC 29926-381 1 Dear Ms. Spencer: On behalf of the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Council on Foundations. 1 would like to personally congratulate you on being selected as one of the winners of the 2017 Secretary's Award for Public-Philanthropic Partnerships. These awards recognize excellence in partnerships that have both transformed the relationships between the public and private sectors and led to measurable benefits in housing and community development for low- and moderate-income families in America?s cities. suburbs. and rural areas. Your initiative demonstrated a strong cross-sector partnership that included locally driven outcomes, lasting impact in the community. evidence-based innovation. and transferability to other geographies and sectors. A presentation ceremony will take place as part of the awards program at the Council on Foundations Annual Conference in Dallas. Texas. on April 25. 201?. HUD and the Council would be honored if you were present at the ceremony to accept your well-deserved award. A staff member from HUD will contact you soon with more details about this event. To maximize the impact of the announcement of this award. I would be appreciative if you would not release any information to the media until the awards have been announced on April 25. Thank you for the outstanding work you are leading, and congratulations on receiving this award. Sincerely. Benjamin S. Carson. Sr. gov D-1 7-0201-A-00031 2 t- '90 6-- I tn Hill 3 lo 9% Devil? all; 4.1 0 I in June 26, 201??r Mr. Sean Closkey President TRF Development Partners 1601 East Preston Street Baltimore, MD 21213-2816 Dear Mr. Closkey: On behalf of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP), I would like to congratulate you on being selected to receive the 2017 Secretary?s Award for Excellence in Historic Preservation for your work on the East Baltimore Historic II project. The award recognizes success in advancing the goals of historic preservation, while providing affordable housing andlor expanded economic opportunities for low-and moderate-income families and individuals. A presentation ceremony will take place as part of the ACHP meeting in Washington, DC, on July 21, 201?. HUD and ACHP would be honored to have you participate, as well as any partners that made signi?cant contributions to the success of the project. An ACHP staff member will contact you soon with more details about the event. Please note that, to maximize the impact of the announcement of the award, there is an embargo on this information until the awards presentation takes place. Congratulations to TRF Development Partners for its outstanding efforts to preserve America?s heritage in keeping with the goals and spirit of the National Historic Preservation Act. Sincerely, Milford Wayne onaldson, FAIA Benjamin . arson, Sr. Chairman Secretary Advisory Counc on Historic Preservation US. Department of Housing 1 and Urban Development D-1 7-0201-A-00031 3 T0: FOIA Branch FROM: Of?ce of Hearings and Appeals SUBJECT: FOIA RECOMMENDATIONS Control No. IT-FI-HQHOI463 REQUESTER NAME: Austin R. Evers, Executive Director REQUESTER ORGANIZATION: American Oversight If clarification is required, please do not contact the requester directly without consultation with the FOIA Specialist assigned to this request. If you need to speak with the requester, you must let the FOIA Specialist know beforehand audior you both must speak with the requester. Under the Open Government Act, there are limitations as to the number of times the request can be tolled and clari?cation is included in that count. If estimated costs will exceed $25.00, please do not begin processing. Fill out the cost estimate on page 3 of this recommendation sheet and return it to the FOIA Branch. The FOIA Branch will contact the requester and advise himther of the estimated cost to process the request and obtain approval to proceed. No documents (Describe your search-effort. This is equivalent to a denial, requiring appeal.) Attached are 2 copies of the requested documentation. (No Exemptions cited.) Attached is 1 copy of the releasable portions of the responsive documents (with redoctions) and (I clean copy without reductions); the redacted portions are not releasable because of the exemption(s) identi?ed below: Attached is 1 copy of nonreleasable, unredacted documents that are responsive to this request. (Exemptions are cited below with an explanation ofnonreieose. IT IS IMPERA TIVE THA THE FOIA OFFICE HA PF THESE COPIES.) USED *Additional items may be listed at comments. D-1 7-0201-A-000314 Description of Search Efforts Conducted a search of the of?ce shared drive and consulted with the Chief Administrative Law Judge regarding his records. No requested documents should be provided to the requester because of the following: Exemption Basis: 5 USC 552(b)(i) - Allows withholding information speci?cally authorized under criteria established by an Executive Order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense of foreign policy and which is in fact properly classi?ed pursuant to such an Executive Order. 5 USC 552(b)(2) - Allows withholding information related solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of an agency. 5 USC 552(b)(3) - Allows withholding of information prohibited from disclosure by another statute. (FOIA Exemption 3 can not stand alone. Please identify, in the ?other? category below, the legal cite for the correlating statutory authority that prohibits disclosure). 5 USC 552(b)(4) - Trade secrets and commercial or ?nancial information obtained from a person and privileged or con?dential. 5 USC 552(b)(5) - Inter-agency or intra-agency memos or letters work material. (Explain what harm would be caused by disclosure). 5 USC 552(b)(6) - Personnel and medical ?les and similar ?les the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. 5 USC 552(b)(7) - Records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes, but only to the extent that the production of such law enforcement records or information: (circle as appropriate) A F. 5 USC 552(b)(3) - information contained in or related to examination, operating, or condition reports prepared by, on behalf ofagency responsible for the regulation or supervision of financial institutions. 5 USC 552(b)(9) - Geological and geophysical information and data, including maps, concerning wells. Other: Cite statutory authority to be given in correlation with FOIA Exemption 3 HUD Reform Act). The requestor should be advised that a ?nal determination cannot be made until because D-1 7-0201-A-00031 5 If estimated costs exceed $25.00, please do not begin processing. Please complete the cost estimate portion below and return it, through the individual conducting the search, FOIA Liaison and Approving?lDenying Official, to the FOIA Of?ce. The FOIA Of?ce will contact the requester and advise himther ofthe estimated cost to process the request and obtain approval to proceed. Cost Estimate: Grade 8; Step ol?cmployec conducting search (Grade Step 1 11? more than one employee. please indicate (Grade Step #4 ofProt?essional Search (Actual salary rate (hourly). plus 16% of salary rate ot?employec ii of Professional Review (Actual salary rate (hourly). plus 16% of" salary rate of employee 53 ol?CIerical Search (Actual salary rate (hourly), plus 16% of salary rate ol?employee 01? Clerical Review (Actual salary rate (hourly). plus 16% of salary rate ofetnployee Programming Services Hours X35500 8 Computer Run Time Minutes X2300 5 (Print 'I?ime-only if intermation taken from mainframe) i'e i? ra? it os tease escriie wa sin i D: ctCott ct th [l to 11 cost volv dto melud programming services. computer run time, etc.) Number ofphotocopics Pach $.18 Other Costs (Esplaim?Be speci?c) Actual Cost ?3 /f {moi/web 3v? _2a2?254?aeoa ?Ciuthia Mates, Docket Clerk Program Analyst Conducting Search Date Telephone Number (Please sign and print your name) Comments: "7i at "El/.55- t'l't- 11:27:31? _202?2se?aoco '?SE?ttll?? Gluvna. Attorney-Advisor FOIA Liaison Date Telephone Number (Please sign and print your name) MM . Jer??h Mahoney. Ch' US. Administrative Law Judge Appr -ing\Deaying Ot'l' rial Title Date (Please sign and print ur name) D-1 7-0201-A-00031 6 NOTE: THE FOIA OFFICE MUST HAVE A CLEAN COPY OF THE NONRELEASABLE DOCUMENTS. ALSO, PLEASE ENSURE THAT ALL OF THE SIGNATURES (Program Analyst, FOIA Liaison, and Approvinngenying Of?cial) ARE COMPLETED, (SIGNED PRINT) ON THE RECOMMENDATION SHEET. Revised: November 25, 2013 TO: FOIA Branch FROM: ?ees SUBJECT: FOIA RECOMMENDATIONS Control No. if} g?ggiigf REQUESTER NAME: see; a gage-E are REQUESTER ORGANIZATION: If clari?cation is required, please do not contact the requester directly without consultation with the FOIA Specialist assigned to this request. If you need to speak with the requester, you must let the FOIA Specialist know beforehand and/or you both must speak with the requester. Under the Open Government Act, there are limitations as to the number of times the request can be tolled and clari?cation is included in that count. If estimated costs will exceed $25.00, please do not begin processing. Fill out the cost estimate on page 3 of this recommendation sheet and return it to the FOIA Branch. The FOIA Branch will contact the requester and advise him/her of the estimated cost to process the request and obtain approval to proceed. No documents (Describe your search-effort. This is equivalent to a denial, requiring appeal.) Attached are 2 copies of the requested documentation. (No Exemptions cited. Attached is 1 copy of the releasable portions of the responsive documents (with redactions) and (I Clean copy without redactions); the redacted portions are not releasable because of the exemption(s) identified below: Attached is 1 copy of nonreleasable, unredacted documents that are responsive to this request. (Exemptions are Cited below with an explanation ofnonrelease. IT IS IMPERA TIVE THAT THE FOIA OFFICE HAVE THESE COPIES.) EXEMPTIOMS) USED *Additional items may be listed at comments. D-1 7-0201-A-00031 8 9: Description of Search Efforts: t? ear/ruin: seem merrier?; art" undergoing? wretiaigreniiante ?rmness agrarian ?grif?ivi?ti?i?? . Egg-sitar arr; safetwrii?it?rtt?i?i?i?? ?ne/ii: {graf?ti/rear? Var?eeifw?i intrastate/r? {Irv I I VA 3 ti?. I areas/rt- iitiji to time gates No requested documents should be provided to the requester because of the following: Exemption Basis: 5 USC 552(b)(1) Allows withholding information specifically authorized under criteria established by an Executive Order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense cf foreign policy and which is in fact properly classified pursuant to such an Executive Order. 5 USC 552(b)(2) Allows withholding information related solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of an agency. 5 USC 552(b)(3) Allows withholding of information prohibited from disclosure by another statute. (FOIA Exemption 3 can not stand alone. Please identify, in the ?other? category below, the legal cite for the correlating statutory authority that prohibits disclosure). 5 USC 552(b)(4) Trade secrets and commercial or financial information obtained from a person and privileged or confidential. 5 USC 552(b)(5) Inter?agency or intrauagency memos or letters work material. (Explain what harm would be caused by disclosure). 5 USC 552(b)(6) - Personnel and medical files and similar files the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. 5 USC 552(b)(7) Records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes, but only to the extent that the production of such law enforcement records or information: (circle as appropriate) A F. 5 USC 552(b)(8) - information contained in or related to examination, operating, or condition reports prepared by, on behalf ofagency responsible for the regulation or supervision of financial institutions. 5 USC 552(b)(9) Geological and geophysical information and data, including maps, concerning wells. I Other: Cite statutory authority to be given in correlation with FOIA Exemption 3 HUD Reform Act). The requester should be advised that a final determination cannot be made until because D-1 7-0201-A-00031 9 if estimated costs exceed $25.00, please do not begin processing. Please complete the cost estimate portion below and return it, through the individual conducting the search, FOIA Liaison and Approvingmenying Of?cial, to the FOIA Of?ce. The FOIA Office will contact the requester and advise him/her of the estimated cost to process the request and obtain approval to proceed. Cost Estimate: Grade Step of employee conducting search (Grade Step If more than one employee, please indicate (Grade Step of Professional Search (Actual salary rate (hourly), plus 16% of salary rate of employee of Professional Review (Actual salary rate (hourly), plus 16% of salary rate of employee 8 of Clerical Search (Actual salary rate (hourly), plus 16% of salary rate of employee of Clerical Review (Actual salary rate (hourly), plus 16% of salary rate of employee Programming Services Hours Computer Run Time Minutes X2500 (Print Time?only if information taken from mainframe) Direct Contracting Cost (please describe below all costs involved to include programming services, computer run time, etc.) Number of photocopies Pages $.18 Other Costs (Explain/Be speci?c) Actual Cost eel aa a a: a? liiee??ei?er Program Analyst Conducting Search ?ate Telephone Number (Please Sign and print your name) Comments: FOIA Liaison Concurrence Date Telephone Number (Please Sign and print your name) ApprovingDenying Official Title Date (Please sign and print your name) NOTE: THE FOIA OFFICE MUST HAVE A CLEAN COPY OF THE NONRELEASABLE DOCUNIENTS. ALSO, PLEASE ENSURE THAT ALL OF THE SIGNATURES (Program Analyst, FOIA Liaison, and Approving/Denying Of?cial) ARE COMPLETED, (SIGNED PRINT) ON TIDE RECOMMENDATION SHEET. Revised: November 25, 2013 HUD-17-0201-A-000320 Department of Housing and Urban Development Guidance Documents Issued by the Of?ce of Housing Since Jan. 1, 2008 HUDO170 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review HSG FHA FAQ (active) - FHA provides access to its active FAQs 2008-2017 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending through a search engine. 1.935 active FAQs. HSG FHA FAQs (inactive. not 011 website) FAQs 2008-2017 FAQ Not Signi?cant (FAQs are no removed from the search engine because they are expired or longer in use) superseded. 2.164 FAQs are in this database. HSG Housing Counseling FAQs 2008-2017 FAQs Not Signi?cant Pending HSG FAQs 2008-2017 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Roster Appraiser Application 2008-2017 Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending HSG HUD HOC Reference Guide a guide that was developed to 2008-2012 Reference Guide Not Signi?cant (revoked) provide guidance and assistance to all individuals and organizations involved in the FHA Single Family lending process. HSG FHA Info FHA maintains a vollmtary email subscription 2012-2017 Newsletter Not Signi?cant Pending that is uses to alert stakeholders of policy and procedure updates. training and events. etc. 502 archived FHA Info messages. HSG Lender Insight was a newsletter targeted to lenders but is no 2013-2017 Newsletter Not Signi?cant (no longer longer being published. It ran ?'om June 2013-J1me 2017. active) HSG Ten-Year Wairantv Providers 12/5/2017 Information Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Homeow1=1er's Guide to Success 12/2017 Consumer Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG ARM SDK v1.50 - November 1 2017 11/1/2017 CMS Not Signi?cant Pending HSG CMS compliant vendors 10/13/2017 Information Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Undelwn'ting Considerations for Existing Mixed Finance 10/6/17 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending Proiects HSG September 30. 2017 - HUD CMS Developer Notice: Fiscal 9/30/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Year 2018 Reference Now Avai_lab1e HSG September 26. 2017 - HUD CMS Developer Notice: Fiscal 9/26/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Year 2018 Reference and Database Software Ulggade HSG Housing Counseling Works 9/2017 Research Not Signi?cant Pending HSG LRS Quick Reference Guide for the Loan Review System. 8/23/2017 Reference Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG July 25: 2017 - HUD CMS Developer Notice: Production 7/25/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Maintenance July 25. 2017 11 PM HUD-17-0201-C-000001 HUD0171 Issuing Name of Document (I-Iyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance ONIB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review HSG July 14. 2017 - HUD CMS Developer Notice: New Activity 7/ 14/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Type Reference Values Published for FY 2017 Comgrehensive Grant HSG ARM V14.11.5.0 Release Notes July 12. 2017 7/12/2017 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG HUD Certi?ed Housing Counselor Application Process 7/2017 Certi?cation Not Signi?cant Pending Application Process HSG ARM 5.0 Interface Control Document - J1me 23. 2017 6/23/2017 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG June 22. 2017 - HUD CMS Developer Notice: ARM Version 6/22/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 14.11.50. NOFA 2017 Grant Reference Values. and ARM Pilot Maintenance Window HSG LRS Fact Sheet for the Loan Review System. 5/ 15/2017 Informational Fact Not Signi?cant Pending Sheet HSG Housing Counseling Disaster Program Guide 5/1/2017 Disaster Recovery and Not Signi?cant Pending Emergency Preparedness HSG Claim Overlgagnent Instructions 4/5/2017 Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Accormting Brief #22: Financial Data Schedule (FDS) 4/2017 Accormting Brief Not Signi?cant Pending Reporting Requirements for Proiects Converting Under the Rental Assistance Demonstration Program HSG Changes to Aggcy User Interface for HCS 2/15/2017 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Partial Waiver of Mortgagee Letter 2011-22. Attachment 1: 2/7/2017 Waiver Not Signi?cant Pending Condominium Project Approval and Processing Guide. Section 2.1.9 HSG The First-Time Homebuyer Education and Corulseling 1/2017 Research Not Signi?cant Pending Demonstration HSG Housing Counseling Agencg Eligibility Tool 1/2017 Toolkit Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Single Family Housing Policy Hagdbool; 4000.1 12/30/2016 Handbook Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Disaster Recovery Flyers 12/2016 Outreach Not Signi?cant Pending HSG ARM V14.8.6.0 Release Notes - November 10 2016 11/10/2016 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Housing Counseling Federal Advisory Cormnittee 11/2016 General Information Not Signi?cant Pending HSG V14.8.5.0 Release Notes - October 17. 2016 10/17/2016 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG HUD Form 9902 9/1/2016 Form Not Signi?cant Pending HSG HCS Instructions Quick Reference Guide (How to change 8/8/2016 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending yorn' age_ncy's cor_1tact information} HSG Cormnentary: How Housing Counseling. Financial 8/2016 Research Not Signi?cant Pending Education. and Consumer Guardrails Can Support Respor_isible Eorrowers UD-17-0201-C-000002 HUDO172 Issuing Name of Document (I-Iyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance ONIB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review HSG The Edge: Initial Findings of the First-Time Homebuver 7/2016 Research Not Signi?cant Pending Education and Cormseling Demonstration HSG The First-Time Homebuyer Education and Counseling 6/2016 Research Not Signi?cant Pending Demonstration: Early Insights HSG HUD First-Time Homebuver Study 6/2016 Research Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Housigg Counseling Works 6/2016 Research Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Biarmual Continuing Education Requirements 6/3 0/2016 HUD Exchange OHC Not Signi?cant Pending page posting HSG HUD Intermediaries Providing HECM Origination and 5/30/2016 HUD Exchange OHC Not Signi?cant Pending Default Counseling Natiogwide page posting HSG Housing Counseling Literatru?e Review 5/2016 Research Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Counseling Guidelines for HECM Borrowers with 4/2016 HECM Not Signi?cant Pending Delinguent Property Charges HSG The Evidence 011 Homeownership Education and Cormseling Spring 2016 Research Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Appraisal Report and Data Delivery Guide 3/ 15/2016 Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Enviromnental Review Requirements for First Component 3/1/2016 Quick reference guide Not Signi?cant Pending Cor_1versior_1? HSG V14.7.5.0 Release Notes - March 1. 2016 3/1/2016 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Emergech Preparedness Guide for Housing Counseling 3/2016 Disaster Recovery and Not Signi?cant Pending Agencies Emergency Preparedness HSG Emergency Preparedness and Recovery Resoru?ces for 3/2016 Disaster Recovery and Not Signi?cant Pending Housing Counseling Agencies Emergency Preparedness HSG Waiver of Requirements of Mortgagee Letter 2011-22. 1/5/2016 Waiver Not Signi?cant (expired) Condominium Project Approval and Processing Guide. Insru?ance Reguirements HSG Reverse Mortgage Financing 11/30/2015 OIG General Bulletin Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Reverse Mortgage Financing 11/30/2015 OIG General Bulletin Not Signi?cant Pending HSG 27-May-15 5/27/2015 Meeting Notes Not Signi?cant Pending HSG 9902 Projection Training Guide 12/10/2014 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Quick Interface Setug Reference Guide - December 4. 2014 12/4/2014 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Slunmary of Recent Research: Housing Counseling Works - 12/2014 Research Not Signi?cant Pending Sustainable Homeownership HSG ARM 5 Schema Change Log - November 5. 2014 11/5/2014 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Housigg Counseling Statistics 9/2014 Research Not Signi?cant Pending HSG 23-Sep-14 9/23/2014 Meeting Notes Not Signi?cant Pending HSG 3-Sep-14 9/3/2014 Meeting Notes Not Signi?cant Pending UD-17-0201-C-000003 HUD0173 Issuing Name of Document (I-Iyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance ONIB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review HSG 29-] 111-14 7/29/2014 Meeting Notes Not Signi?cant Pending HSG 24-J1m-14 7/24/2014 Meeting Notes Not Signi?cant Pending HSG 1 7/1 1/2014 Meeting Notes Not Signi?cant Pending HSG TI-486: FHA Consolidation of Title I and Title II Lender 3/ 18/2014 Title I Letter Not Signi?cant Pending Identi?cation Numbers HSG TI-485: Modi?cations to the Home Energy Retro?t Loan 9/ 18/2013 Title I Letter Not Signi?cant Pending B?ot Program PowerSaver Pi_lot Prom) HSG Don't Be A Victim of Loan Fraud 9/9/2013 Consumer Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG HCS Suballocatior=1 Guide 7/2/2013 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG How Housing Cormselors Can Help Fight Loan Modi?cation 6/27/2013 OIG General Bulletin Not Signi?cant Pending Scam HSG Report 011 the Housing Counseling Stakeholders onun 9/2012 Research Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Foreclosru'e Cormseling Outcome Study: Final Report 5/2012 Research Not Signi?cant Pending Housng Counseling Outcome Evaluation HSG Pre-Plu?chase Cormseling Outcome Study: Research Brief 5/2012 Research Not Signi?cant Pending Housing Counseling Outcome Evaluation HSG Homewise Study: Now's the Time 4/2012 Research Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Condominium Project Approval and Processigg Guide 6/3 0/2011 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG TI-484: Title I Manufacnu'ed Home Loan Program 6/20/2010 Title I Letter Not Signi?cant Pending Clari?cation and Guidance HSG User Manual: To explore HCS capabilities and to address 6/2010 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending questions about system available for different gages of usersE glease refer to the latest HCS User Manual. HSG HCS Agency Relgorting Module disclosure statement 5/18/2010 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG HUD Housing Counseling Handbook 7610.1 5/2010 Handbook Not Signi?cant Pending HSG New RESPA Rule FAQs 1/2010 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending HSG TI-483: Change to Periodic (Ammal) Insrn?ance Premium 12/30/2009 Title I Letter Not Signi?cant Pending Collection and Billing Process Imglementation of Paxgov HSG TI-482: Revised Appendix 13 - Rider for Collection of 6/12/2009 Title I Letter Not Signi?cant Pending Insrn?ance Premiums Apper_1dix 13 HSG Fair Lending Consumer Guide 4/23/2009 Fair Lending Not Signi?cant Pending HSG TI-481: Changes to the Title I Manufactlu?ed Home Loan 4/ 14/2009 Title I Letter Not Signi?cant Pending Program HSG TI-480: Increased Maximum Loan Limits for Title I 3/3/2009 Title I Letter Not Signi?cant Pending Manufacnu?ed Home Loans HSG Report 011 the State of the Housing Cormseling Industry 9/2008 Research Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Approval Innglementation Schedule No Date Listed Schedule Not Signi?cant Pending UD-17-0201-C-000004 HUDO174 Issuing Name of Document (I-Iyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review HSG Intermediary Reportigg Too? No Date Listed Toolkit Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Intermediarx Orientation Toolkit No Date Listed Toolkit Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Intermediarx HUD Eligibilig Criteria Toolkit No Date Listed Toolkit Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Intermediary Quality Control Toolkit No Date Listed Toolkit Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Sample Budget Form No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Model Frurding Ageements and Fee Structrn?es No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Model Flurding Processes that with OMB Circular No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending A-110 HSG Supervisory Monitoring Guidance for Housing Cornrseling No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending Agencies HSG Model Compliance Monitoring Procedru?es that Compr with No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending OMB Circular A-133 HSG Overview of Performance Reporting No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Fonr_1 HUD-9910 (excel) No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Form HUD-9910 (pdf) No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending HSG HUD Form 9902: Housing Comrseling Agency Activity No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending Report and Desk Guide HSG Model Personal Information and Data Release Forms: Basic No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending Elements and Best Practices HSG Housing Counseling Agency Disclosm?e Forms: Required No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending Elements and Best Practices HSG Protecting PH Capacity Building Guidance 011 Protecting No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending Privacy Information HSG gli?rt Action Plan: Reguired Elements and Best Practices No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Sample Persormel Activity Report No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Sample Completed Persornrel Activig Report Timesheet No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Model Persornrel Activity Reports that Comply with OMB No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending Circular A-122 HSG Developing a Housing Counseling Work Plan For HUD No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending Approval HSG Disaster Relief tions for FHA Homeowners No Date Listed Consumer Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG No Date Listed Consruner Guide Not Signi?cant Pending sheets-and?videos HSG Best Practices for Expanding Housing ormseling Services No Date Listed General Capacity Not Signi?cant Pending Building Guidance 5 HUD-17-0201-C-000005 HUDO175 Issuing Name of Document (I-Iyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review HSG Establishing a Non-Pro?t Entry: A Step-By?Step Guide for No Date Listed General Capacity Not Signi?cant Pending Organizations Laimching a Local Housing ormseling Building Guidance Agency HSG HUD 101: Orientation Guide for New HCAs No Date Listed General Capacity Not Signi?cant Pending Building Guidance HSG ?cies 0g Web List No Date Listed Consumer Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG HECM Cormseling Resoru?ces gage No Date Listed HECM Not Signi?cant Pending HSG For Yoru? Protection: Get a Home Insgection gEnglish) No Date Listed Consumer Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG For Yoru? Protection: Get a Home Insgection gSEanish} No Date Listed Consumer Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Ten Important Questions to Asl_< Yoru? Home Inspector No Date Listed Consumer Guide Not Signi?cant Pending (English) HSG Ten Important Questions to Ask Yoru? Home Inspector No Date Listed Consumer Guide Not Signi?cant Pending (Spani=sh) HSG Homebuxer Handbook: The Home Inspection No Date Listed Consumer Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG How to Become a HUD-Approved Housing Counseling No Date Listed General Information Not Signi?cant Pending Agency HSG HUD-Approved Intermediaries. Multi-State Organizations. No Date Listed General Information Not Signi?cant Pending State Housing Finance Agencies HSG Housing Counseling Program Description No Date Listed General Information Not Signi?cant Pending UD-17-0201-C-000006 Department of Housing and Urban Development Guidance Documents Issued by the Of?ce of Housing Since Jan. 1, 2008 HUDO170 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review HSG FHA FAQ (active) - FHA provides access to its active FAQs 2008-2017 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending through a search engine. 1.935 active FAQs. HSG FHA FAQs (inactive. not 011 website) FAQs 2008-2017 FAQ Not Signi?cant (FAQs are no removed from the search engine because they are expired or longer in use) superseded. 2.164 FAQs are in this database. HSG Housing Counseling FAQs 2008-2017 FAQs Not Signi?cant Pending HSG FAQs 2008-2017 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Roster Appraiser Application 2008-2017 Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending HSG HUD HOC Reference Guide a guide that was developed to 2008-2012 Reference Guide Not Signi?cant (revoked) provide guidance and assistance to all individuals and organizations involved in the FHA Single Family lending process. HSG FHA Info FHA maintains a vollmtary email subscription 2012-2017 Newsletter Not Signi?cant Pending that is uses to alert stakeholders of policy and procedure updates. training and events. etc. 502 archived FHA Info messages. HSG Lender Insight was a newsletter targeted to lenders but is no 2013-2017 Newsletter Not Signi?cant (no longer longer being published. It ran ?'om June 2013-J1me 2017. active) HSG Ten-Year Wairantv Providers 12/5/2017 Information Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Homeow1=1er's Guide to Success 12/2017 Consumer Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG ARM SDK v1.50 - November 1 2017 11/1/2017 CMS Not Signi?cant Pending HSG CMS compliant vendors 10/13/2017 Information Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Undelwn'ting Considerations for Existing Mixed Finance 10/6/17 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending Proiects HSG September 30. 2017 - HUD CMS Developer Notice: Fiscal 9/30/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Year 2018 Reference Now Avai_lab1e HSG September 26. 2017 - HUD CMS Developer Notice: Fiscal 9/26/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Year 2018 Reference and Database Software Ulggade HSG Housing Counseling Works 9/2017 Research Not Signi?cant Pending HSG LRS Quick Reference Guide for the Loan Review System. 8/23/2017 Reference Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG July 25: 2017 - HUD CMS Developer Notice: Production 7/25/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Maintenance July 25. 2017 11 PM HUD-17-0201-C-000001 HUD0171 Issuing Name of Document (I-Iyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance ONIB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review HSG July 14. 2017 - HUD CMS Developer Notice: New Activity 7/ 14/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Type Reference Values Published for FY 2017 Comgrehensive Grant HSG ARM V14.11.5.0 Release Notes July 12. 2017 7/12/2017 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG HUD Certi?ed Housing Counselor Application Process 7/2017 Certi?cation Not Signi?cant Pending Application Process HSG ARM 5.0 Interface Control Document - J1me 23. 2017 6/23/2017 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG June 22. 2017 - HUD CMS Developer Notice: ARM Version 6/22/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 14.11.50. NOFA 2017 Grant Reference Values. and ARM Pilot Maintenance Window HSG LRS Fact Sheet for the Loan Review System. 5/ 15/2017 Informational Fact Not Signi?cant Pending Sheet HSG Housing Counseling Disaster Program Guide 5/1/2017 Disaster Recovery and Not Signi?cant Pending Emergency Preparedness HSG Claim Overlgagnent Instructions 4/5/2017 Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Accormting Brief #22: Financial Data Schedule (FDS) 4/2017 Accormting Brief Not Signi?cant Pending Reporting Requirements for Proiects Converting Under the Rental Assistance Demonstration Program HSG Changes to Aggcy User Interface for HCS 2/15/2017 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Partial Waiver of Mortgagee Letter 2011-22. Attachment 1: 2/7/2017 Waiver Not Signi?cant Pending Condominium Project Approval and Processing Guide. Section 2.1.9 HSG The First-Time Homebuyer Education and Corulseling 1/2017 Research Not Signi?cant Pending Demonstration HSG Housing Counseling Agencg Eligibility Tool 1/2017 Toolkit Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Single Family Housing Policy Hagdbool; 4000.1 12/30/2016 Handbook Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Disaster Recovery Flyers 12/2016 Outreach Not Signi?cant Pending HSG ARM V14.8.6.0 Release Notes - November 10 2016 11/10/2016 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Housing Counseling Federal Advisory Cormnittee 11/2016 General Information Not Signi?cant Pending HSG V14.8.5.0 Release Notes - October 17. 2016 10/17/2016 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG HUD Form 9902 9/1/2016 Form Not Signi?cant Pending HSG HCS Instructions Quick Reference Guide (How to change 8/8/2016 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending yorn' age_ncy's cor_1tact information} HSG Cormnentary: How Housing Counseling. Financial 8/2016 Research Not Signi?cant Pending Education. and Consumer Guardrails Can Support Respor_isible Eorrowers UD-17-0201-C-000002 HUDO172 Issuing Name of Document (I-Iyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance ONIB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review HSG The Edge: Initial Findings of the First-Time Homebuver 7/2016 Research Not Signi?cant Pending Education and Cormseling Demonstration HSG The First-Time Homebuyer Education and Counseling 6/2016 Research Not Signi?cant Pending Demonstration: Early Insights HSG HUD First-Time Homebuver Study 6/2016 Research Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Housigg Counseling Works 6/2016 Research Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Biarmual Continuing Education Requirements 6/3 0/2016 HUD Exchange OHC Not Signi?cant Pending page posting HSG HUD Intermediaries Providing HECM Origination and 5/30/2016 HUD Exchange OHC Not Signi?cant Pending Default Counseling Natiogwide page posting HSG Housing Counseling Literatru?e Review 5/2016 Research Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Counseling Guidelines for HECM Borrowers with 4/2016 HECM Not Signi?cant Pending Delinguent Property Charges HSG The Evidence 011 Homeownership Education and Cormseling Spring 2016 Research Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Appraisal Report and Data Delivery Guide 3/ 15/2016 Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Enviromnental Review Requirements for First Component 3/1/2016 Quick reference guide Not Signi?cant Pending Cor_1versior_1? HSG V14.7.5.0 Release Notes - March 1. 2016 3/1/2016 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Emergech Preparedness Guide for Housing Counseling 3/2016 Disaster Recovery and Not Signi?cant Pending Agencies Emergency Preparedness HSG Emergency Preparedness and Recovery Resoru?ces for 3/2016 Disaster Recovery and Not Signi?cant Pending Housing Counseling Agencies Emergency Preparedness HSG Waiver of Requirements of Mortgagee Letter 2011-22. 1/5/2016 Waiver Not Signi?cant (expired) Condominium Project Approval and Processing Guide. Insru?ance Reguirements HSG Reverse Mortgage Financing 11/30/2015 OIG General Bulletin Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Reverse Mortgage Financing 11/30/2015 OIG General Bulletin Not Signi?cant Pending HSG 27-May-15 5/27/2015 Meeting Notes Not Signi?cant Pending HSG 9902 Projection Training Guide 12/10/2014 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Quick Interface Setug Reference Guide - December 4. 2014 12/4/2014 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Slunmary of Recent Research: Housing Counseling Works - 12/2014 Research Not Signi?cant Pending Sustainable Homeownership HSG ARM 5 Schema Change Log - November 5. 2014 11/5/2014 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Housigg Counseling Statistics 9/2014 Research Not Signi?cant Pending HSG 23-Sep-14 9/23/2014 Meeting Notes Not Signi?cant Pending HSG 3-Sep-14 9/3/2014 Meeting Notes Not Signi?cant Pending UD-17-0201-C-000003 HUD0173 Issuing Name of Document (I-Iyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance ONIB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review HSG 29-] 111-14 7/29/2014 Meeting Notes Not Signi?cant Pending HSG 24-J1m-14 7/24/2014 Meeting Notes Not Signi?cant Pending HSG 1 7/1 1/2014 Meeting Notes Not Signi?cant Pending HSG TI-486: FHA Consolidation of Title I and Title II Lender 3/ 18/2014 Title I Letter Not Signi?cant Pending Identi?cation Numbers HSG TI-485: Modi?cations to the Home Energy Retro?t Loan 9/ 18/2013 Title I Letter Not Signi?cant Pending B?ot Program PowerSaver Pi_lot Prom) HSG Don't Be A Victim of Loan Fraud 9/9/2013 Consumer Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG HCS Suballocatior=1 Guide 7/2/2013 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG How Housing Cormselors Can Help Fight Loan Modi?cation 6/27/2013 OIG General Bulletin Not Signi?cant Pending Scam HSG Report 011 the Housing Counseling Stakeholders onun 9/2012 Research Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Foreclosru'e Cormseling Outcome Study: Final Report 5/2012 Research Not Signi?cant Pending Housng Counseling Outcome Evaluation HSG Pre-Plu?chase Cormseling Outcome Study: Research Brief 5/2012 Research Not Signi?cant Pending Housing Counseling Outcome Evaluation HSG Homewise Study: Now's the Time 4/2012 Research Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Condominium Project Approval and Processigg Guide 6/3 0/2011 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG TI-484: Title I Manufacnu'ed Home Loan Program 6/20/2010 Title I Letter Not Signi?cant Pending Clari?cation and Guidance HSG User Manual: To explore HCS capabilities and to address 6/2010 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending questions about system available for different gages of usersE glease refer to the latest HCS User Manual. HSG HCS Agency Relgorting Module disclosure statement 5/18/2010 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG HUD Housing Counseling Handbook 7610.1 5/2010 Handbook Not Signi?cant Pending HSG New RESPA Rule FAQs 1/2010 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending HSG TI-483: Change to Periodic (Ammal) Insrn?ance Premium 12/30/2009 Title I Letter Not Signi?cant Pending Collection and Billing Process Imglementation of Paxgov HSG TI-482: Revised Appendix 13 - Rider for Collection of 6/12/2009 Title I Letter Not Signi?cant Pending Insrn?ance Premiums Apper_1dix 13 HSG Fair Lending Consumer Guide 4/23/2009 Fair Lending Not Signi?cant Pending HSG TI-481: Changes to the Title I Manufactlu?ed Home Loan 4/ 14/2009 Title I Letter Not Signi?cant Pending Program HSG TI-480: Increased Maximum Loan Limits for Title I 3/3/2009 Title I Letter Not Signi?cant Pending Manufacnu?ed Home Loans HSG Report 011 the State of the Housing Cormseling Industry 9/2008 Research Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Approval Innglementation Schedule No Date Listed Schedule Not Signi?cant Pending UD-17-0201-C-000004 HUDO174 Issuing Name of Document (I-Iyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review HSG Intermediary Reportigg Too? No Date Listed Toolkit Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Intermediarx Orientation Toolkit No Date Listed Toolkit Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Intermediarx HUD Eligibilig Criteria Toolkit No Date Listed Toolkit Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Intermediary Quality Control Toolkit No Date Listed Toolkit Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Sample Budget Form No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Model Frurding Ageements and Fee Structrn?es No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Model Flurding Processes that with OMB Circular No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending A-110 HSG Supervisory Monitoring Guidance for Housing Cornrseling No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending Agencies HSG Model Compliance Monitoring Procedru?es that Compr with No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending OMB Circular A-133 HSG Overview of Performance Reporting No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Fonr_1 HUD-9910 (excel) No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Form HUD-9910 (pdf) No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending HSG HUD Form 9902: Housing Comrseling Agency Activity No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending Report and Desk Guide HSG Model Personal Information and Data Release Forms: Basic No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending Elements and Best Practices HSG Housing Counseling Agency Disclosm?e Forms: Required No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending Elements and Best Practices HSG Protecting PH Capacity Building Guidance 011 Protecting No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending Privacy Information HSG gli?rt Action Plan: Reguired Elements and Best Practices No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Sample Persormel Activity Report No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Sample Completed Persornrel Activig Report Timesheet No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Model Persornrel Activity Reports that Comply with OMB No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending Circular A-122 HSG Developing a Housing Counseling Work Plan For HUD No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending Approval HSG Disaster Relief tions for FHA Homeowners No Date Listed Consumer Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG No Date Listed Consruner Guide Not Signi?cant Pending sheets-and?videos HSG Best Practices for Expanding Housing ormseling Services No Date Listed General Capacity Not Signi?cant Pending Building Guidance 5 HUD-17-0201-C-000005 HUDO175 Issuing Name of Document (I-Iyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review HSG Establishing a Non-Pro?t Entry: A Step-By?Step Guide for No Date Listed General Capacity Not Signi?cant Pending Organizations Laimching a Local Housing ormseling Building Guidance Agency HSG HUD 101: Orientation Guide for New HCAs No Date Listed General Capacity Not Signi?cant Pending Building Guidance HSG ?cies 0g Web List No Date Listed Consumer Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG HECM Cormseling Resoru?ces gage No Date Listed HECM Not Signi?cant Pending HSG For Yoru? Protection: Get a Home Insgection gEnglish) No Date Listed Consumer Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG For Yoru? Protection: Get a Home Insgection gSEanish} No Date Listed Consumer Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Ten Important Questions to Asl_< Yoru? Home Inspector No Date Listed Consumer Guide Not Signi?cant Pending (English) HSG Ten Important Questions to Ask Yoru? Home Inspector No Date Listed Consumer Guide Not Signi?cant Pending (Spani=sh) HSG Homebuxer Handbook: The Home Inspection No Date Listed Consumer Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG How to Become a HUD-Approved Housing Counseling No Date Listed General Information Not Signi?cant Pending Agency HSG HUD-Approved Intermediaries. Multi-State Organizations. No Date Listed General Information Not Signi?cant Pending State Housing Finance Agencies HSG Housing Counseling Program Description No Date Listed General Information Not Signi?cant Pending UD-17-0201-C-000006 Department of Housing and Urban Development Guidance Documents Issued by the Of?ce of Housing Since Jan. 1, 2008 HUDO170 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review HSG FHA FAQ (active) - FHA provides access to its active FAQs 2008-2017 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending through a search engine. 1.935 active FAQs. HSG FHA FAQs (inactive. not 011 website) FAQs 2008-2017 FAQ Not Signi?cant (FAQs are no removed from the search engine because they are expired or longer in use) superseded. 2.164 FAQs are in this database. HSG Housing Counseling FAQs 2008-2017 FAQs Not Signi?cant Pending HSG FAQs 2008-2017 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Roster Appraiser Application 2008-2017 Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending HSG HUD HOC Reference Guide a guide that was developed to 2008-2012 Reference Guide Not Signi?cant (revoked) provide guidance and assistance to all individuals and organizations involved in the FHA Single Family lending process. HSG FHA Info FHA maintains a vollmtary email subscription 2012-2017 Newsletter Not Signi?cant Pending that is uses to alert stakeholders of policy and procedure updates. training and events. etc. 502 archived FHA Info messages. HSG Lender Insight was a newsletter targeted to lenders but is no 2013-2017 Newsletter Not Signi?cant (no longer longer being published. It ran ?'om June 2013-J1me 2017. active) HSG Ten-Year Wairantv Providers 12/5/2017 Information Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Homeow1=1er's Guide to Success 12/2017 Consumer Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG ARM SDK v1.50 - November 1 2017 11/1/2017 CMS Not Signi?cant Pending HSG CMS compliant vendors 10/13/2017 Information Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Undelwn'ting Considerations for Existing Mixed Finance 10/6/17 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending Proiects HSG September 30. 2017 - HUD CMS Developer Notice: Fiscal 9/30/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Year 2018 Reference Now Avai_lab1e HSG September 26. 2017 - HUD CMS Developer Notice: Fiscal 9/26/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Year 2018 Reference and Database Software Ulggade HSG Housing Counseling Works 9/2017 Research Not Signi?cant Pending HSG LRS Quick Reference Guide for the Loan Review System. 8/23/2017 Reference Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG July 25: 2017 - HUD CMS Developer Notice: Production 7/25/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Maintenance July 25. 2017 11 PM HUD-17-0201-C-000001 HUD0171 Issuing Name of Document (I-Iyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance ONIB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review HSG July 14. 2017 - HUD CMS Developer Notice: New Activity 7/ 14/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Type Reference Values Published for FY 2017 Comgrehensive Grant HSG ARM V14.11.5.0 Release Notes July 12. 2017 7/12/2017 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG HUD Certi?ed Housing Counselor Application Process 7/2017 Certi?cation Not Signi?cant Pending Application Process HSG ARM 5.0 Interface Control Document - J1me 23. 2017 6/23/2017 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG June 22. 2017 - HUD CMS Developer Notice: ARM Version 6/22/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 14.11.50. NOFA 2017 Grant Reference Values. and ARM Pilot Maintenance Window HSG LRS Fact Sheet for the Loan Review System. 5/ 15/2017 Informational Fact Not Signi?cant Pending Sheet HSG Housing Counseling Disaster Program Guide 5/1/2017 Disaster Recovery and Not Signi?cant Pending Emergency Preparedness HSG Claim Overlgagnent Instructions 4/5/2017 Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Accormting Brief #22: Financial Data Schedule (FDS) 4/2017 Accormting Brief Not Signi?cant Pending Reporting Requirements for Proiects Converting Under the Rental Assistance Demonstration Program HSG Changes to Aggcy User Interface for HCS 2/15/2017 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Partial Waiver of Mortgagee Letter 2011-22. Attachment 1: 2/7/2017 Waiver Not Signi?cant Pending Condominium Project Approval and Processing Guide. Section 2.1.9 HSG The First-Time Homebuyer Education and Corulseling 1/2017 Research Not Signi?cant Pending Demonstration HSG Housing Counseling Agencg Eligibility Tool 1/2017 Toolkit Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Single Family Housing Policy Hagdbool; 4000.1 12/30/2016 Handbook Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Disaster Recovery Flyers 12/2016 Outreach Not Signi?cant Pending HSG ARM V14.8.6.0 Release Notes - November 10 2016 11/10/2016 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Housing Counseling Federal Advisory Cormnittee 11/2016 General Information Not Signi?cant Pending HSG V14.8.5.0 Release Notes - October 17. 2016 10/17/2016 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG HUD Form 9902 9/1/2016 Form Not Signi?cant Pending HSG HCS Instructions Quick Reference Guide (How to change 8/8/2016 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending yorn' age_ncy's cor_1tact information} HSG Cormnentary: How Housing Counseling. Financial 8/2016 Research Not Signi?cant Pending Education. and Consumer Guardrails Can Support Respor_isible Eorrowers UD-17-0201-C-000002 HUDO172 Issuing Name of Document (I-Iyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance ONIB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review HSG The Edge: Initial Findings of the First-Time Homebuver 7/2016 Research Not Signi?cant Pending Education and Cormseling Demonstration HSG The First-Time Homebuyer Education and Counseling 6/2016 Research Not Signi?cant Pending Demonstration: Early Insights HSG HUD First-Time Homebuver Study 6/2016 Research Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Housigg Counseling Works 6/2016 Research Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Biarmual Continuing Education Requirements 6/3 0/2016 HUD Exchange OHC Not Signi?cant Pending page posting HSG HUD Intermediaries Providing HECM Origination and 5/30/2016 HUD Exchange OHC Not Signi?cant Pending Default Counseling Natiogwide page posting HSG Housing Counseling Literatru?e Review 5/2016 Research Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Counseling Guidelines for HECM Borrowers with 4/2016 HECM Not Signi?cant Pending Delinguent Property Charges HSG The Evidence 011 Homeownership Education and Cormseling Spring 2016 Research Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Appraisal Report and Data Delivery Guide 3/ 15/2016 Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Enviromnental Review Requirements for First Component 3/1/2016 Quick reference guide Not Signi?cant Pending Cor_1versior_1? HSG V14.7.5.0 Release Notes - March 1. 2016 3/1/2016 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Emergech Preparedness Guide for Housing Counseling 3/2016 Disaster Recovery and Not Signi?cant Pending Agencies Emergency Preparedness HSG Emergency Preparedness and Recovery Resoru?ces for 3/2016 Disaster Recovery and Not Signi?cant Pending Housing Counseling Agencies Emergency Preparedness HSG Waiver of Requirements of Mortgagee Letter 2011-22. 1/5/2016 Waiver Not Signi?cant (expired) Condominium Project Approval and Processing Guide. Insru?ance Reguirements HSG Reverse Mortgage Financing 11/30/2015 OIG General Bulletin Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Reverse Mortgage Financing 11/30/2015 OIG General Bulletin Not Signi?cant Pending HSG 27-May-15 5/27/2015 Meeting Notes Not Signi?cant Pending HSG 9902 Projection Training Guide 12/10/2014 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Quick Interface Setug Reference Guide - December 4. 2014 12/4/2014 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Slunmary of Recent Research: Housing Counseling Works - 12/2014 Research Not Signi?cant Pending Sustainable Homeownership HSG ARM 5 Schema Change Log - November 5. 2014 11/5/2014 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Housigg Counseling Statistics 9/2014 Research Not Signi?cant Pending HSG 23-Sep-14 9/23/2014 Meeting Notes Not Signi?cant Pending HSG 3-Sep-14 9/3/2014 Meeting Notes Not Signi?cant Pending UD-17-0201-C-000003 HUD0173 Issuing Name of Document (I-Iyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance ONIB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review HSG 29-] 111-14 7/29/2014 Meeting Notes Not Signi?cant Pending HSG 24-J1m-14 7/24/2014 Meeting Notes Not Signi?cant Pending HSG 1 7/1 1/2014 Meeting Notes Not Signi?cant Pending HSG TI-486: FHA Consolidation of Title I and Title II Lender 3/ 18/2014 Title I Letter Not Signi?cant Pending Identi?cation Numbers HSG TI-485: Modi?cations to the Home Energy Retro?t Loan 9/ 18/2013 Title I Letter Not Signi?cant Pending B?ot Program PowerSaver Pi_lot Prom) HSG Don't Be A Victim of Loan Fraud 9/9/2013 Consumer Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG HCS Suballocatior=1 Guide 7/2/2013 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG How Housing Cormselors Can Help Fight Loan Modi?cation 6/27/2013 OIG General Bulletin Not Signi?cant Pending Scam HSG Report 011 the Housing Counseling Stakeholders onun 9/2012 Research Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Foreclosru'e Cormseling Outcome Study: Final Report 5/2012 Research Not Signi?cant Pending Housng Counseling Outcome Evaluation HSG Pre-Plu?chase Cormseling Outcome Study: Research Brief 5/2012 Research Not Signi?cant Pending Housing Counseling Outcome Evaluation HSG Homewise Study: Now's the Time 4/2012 Research Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Condominium Project Approval and Processigg Guide 6/3 0/2011 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG TI-484: Title I Manufacnu'ed Home Loan Program 6/20/2010 Title I Letter Not Signi?cant Pending Clari?cation and Guidance HSG User Manual: To explore HCS capabilities and to address 6/2010 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending questions about system available for different gages of usersE glease refer to the latest HCS User Manual. HSG HCS Agency Relgorting Module disclosure statement 5/18/2010 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG HUD Housing Counseling Handbook 7610.1 5/2010 Handbook Not Signi?cant Pending HSG New RESPA Rule FAQs 1/2010 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending HSG TI-483: Change to Periodic (Ammal) Insrn?ance Premium 12/30/2009 Title I Letter Not Signi?cant Pending Collection and Billing Process Imglementation of Paxgov HSG TI-482: Revised Appendix 13 - Rider for Collection of 6/12/2009 Title I Letter Not Signi?cant Pending Insrn?ance Premiums Apper_1dix 13 HSG Fair Lending Consumer Guide 4/23/2009 Fair Lending Not Signi?cant Pending HSG TI-481: Changes to the Title I Manufactlu?ed Home Loan 4/ 14/2009 Title I Letter Not Signi?cant Pending Program HSG TI-480: Increased Maximum Loan Limits for Title I 3/3/2009 Title I Letter Not Signi?cant Pending Manufacnu?ed Home Loans HSG Report 011 the State of the Housing Cormseling Industry 9/2008 Research Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Approval Innglementation Schedule No Date Listed Schedule Not Signi?cant Pending UD-17-0201-C-000004 HUDO174 Issuing Name of Document (I-Iyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review HSG Intermediary Reportigg Too? No Date Listed Toolkit Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Intermediarx Orientation Toolkit No Date Listed Toolkit Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Intermediarx HUD Eligibilig Criteria Toolkit No Date Listed Toolkit Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Intermediary Quality Control Toolkit No Date Listed Toolkit Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Sample Budget Form No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Model Frurding Ageements and Fee Structrn?es No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Model Flurding Processes that with OMB Circular No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending A-110 HSG Supervisory Monitoring Guidance for Housing Cornrseling No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending Agencies HSG Model Compliance Monitoring Procedru?es that Compr with No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending OMB Circular A-133 HSG Overview of Performance Reporting No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Fonr_1 HUD-9910 (excel) No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Form HUD-9910 (pdf) No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending HSG HUD Form 9902: Housing Comrseling Agency Activity No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending Report and Desk Guide HSG Model Personal Information and Data Release Forms: Basic No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending Elements and Best Practices HSG Housing Counseling Agency Disclosm?e Forms: Required No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending Elements and Best Practices HSG Protecting PH Capacity Building Guidance 011 Protecting No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending Privacy Information HSG gli?rt Action Plan: Reguired Elements and Best Practices No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Sample Persormel Activity Report No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Sample Completed Persornrel Activig Report Timesheet No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Model Persornrel Activity Reports that Comply with OMB No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending Circular A-122 HSG Developing a Housing Counseling Work Plan For HUD No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending Approval HSG Disaster Relief tions for FHA Homeowners No Date Listed Consumer Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG No Date Listed Consruner Guide Not Signi?cant Pending sheets-and?videos HSG Best Practices for Expanding Housing ormseling Services No Date Listed General Capacity Not Signi?cant Pending Building Guidance 5 HUD-17-0201-C-000005 HUDO175 Issuing Name of Document (I-Iyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review HSG Establishing a Non-Pro?t Entry: A Step-By?Step Guide for No Date Listed General Capacity Not Signi?cant Pending Organizations Laimching a Local Housing ormseling Building Guidance Agency HSG HUD 101: Orientation Guide for New HCAs No Date Listed General Capacity Not Signi?cant Pending Building Guidance HSG ?cies 0g Web List No Date Listed Consumer Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG HECM Cormseling Resoru?ces gage No Date Listed HECM Not Signi?cant Pending HSG For Yoru? Protection: Get a Home Insgection gEnglish) No Date Listed Consumer Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG For Yoru? Protection: Get a Home Insgection gSEanish} No Date Listed Consumer Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Ten Important Questions to Asl_< Yoru? Home Inspector No Date Listed Consumer Guide Not Signi?cant Pending (English) HSG Ten Important Questions to Ask Yoru? Home Inspector No Date Listed Consumer Guide Not Signi?cant Pending (Spani=sh) HSG Homebuxer Handbook: The Home Inspection No Date Listed Consumer Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG How to Become a HUD-Approved Housing Counseling No Date Listed General Information Not Signi?cant Pending Agency HSG HUD-Approved Intermediaries. Multi-State Organizations. No Date Listed General Information Not Signi?cant Pending State Housing Finance Agencies HSG Housing Counseling Program Description No Date Listed General Information Not Signi?cant Pending UD-17-0201-C-000006 Department of Housing and Urban Development Guidance Documents Issued By The Of?ce of Community Planning and Development Since Jan. 1, 2008 HUDO140 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance 0MB Significant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review CPD Neighborhood Stabilization P1'0gra111 Policy Alerts 2009-2014 Policy statements Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Neighborhood Stabilization P1'0gra111 FAQs 2008-2016 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Of?ce of Special Needs Assistance Programs (SNAPS) FAQs 2010-2017 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending (note: FAQS that have been superseded are no longer on HUD ?3 website) CPD HOPW A Frequently Asked Questions 2011-2017 FAQs Not Signi?cant Pending CPD DBG-DR Fact Sheet FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Pennanent Housing Placement Seiyices Fact Sheet 01/2008 Fact Sheet Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Short-Tenn Rent. Mortgage. and Utility (STRMU) Assistance 01/2008 Fact Sheet Not Signi?cant Pending Fact Sheet CPD Administering HOPW A Housing Assistance Fact Sheet 01/2008 Fact Sheet Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Sho1t-Te1m Suppo1ted Housing Fact Sheet 01/2008 Fact Sheet Not Signi?cant Pending CPD 2007 0C Debrie?1=1g Score 2/ 13/2008 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD 2007 Summary of Homeless Competition Awards Report 2/26/2008 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending CPD National APR Data: Operating Year 2006 3/1/2008 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending CPD The Second to Congress 3/1/2008 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending CPD 2008 HOPWA Fo1111ula Perfonnance Grant Agreement Operating 04/2008 Operating Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending Distinctions CPD Notice PIH 2008-37: Reporting Requirements for HUD VASH 4/1/2008 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HMIS Data Standards: Changes in the March 2010 fmal from the 4/8/2008 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending July 2009 Draft CPD HMIS Checklist of Policy Decisions. Teclmical Speci?cations. 4/ 14/2008 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending and Documents CPD Supp01tive Housing Program Desk Guide 7/1/2008 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD 2007 to 011% 7/1/2008 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HMIS Data Standards: Checklist 8/8/2008 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HMIS Data uali Plan Worksheet 9/30/2008 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HMIS Data Integration Web Links 9/30/2008 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD New Competitive Grant Operating Instructions 2008 (not on 10/2008 Operating Not Signi?cant (expired) HUD ?5 website) CPD HOPWA PrOgram Administration Toolgt 10/2008 Toolkit Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Enhancing HMIS Data Quality 10/ 14/2008 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending HUD-17-0201-D-000001 HUDO141 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review CPD HUD Equipment Certi?cation Form: Hurricane Katrina 10/14/2008 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending Purchased Equipment: Long-Term Loan Pro gram Form CPD HUD Equipment Transfer Form: Hurricane Katrina Purchased 10/ 14/2008 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending Eguipment: Long-Tenn?Loan Plow CPD HOPWA 101 Training 01/2009 Training Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HOPWA Best Practices Day Series 01/2009 Training Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HPRP Fund Formula Allocations 2/23/2009 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HPRP Substantial Amendment Fomr 19) 3/18/2009 HUD Forms Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HPRP Certi?cations 3/ 18/2009 HUD Forms Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing P1?0g1?a111 05/2009 Fact Sheet Not Signi?cant Pending (HPRP) Opportunities for HOPWA Grantees Sponsors CPD New HPRP Fact Sheet for HOPW A Grantees 5/1/2009 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HPRP QPR Questions Template 5/ 18/2009 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals Tools and Templates CPD Rural oC Guidebook 6/1/2009 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD HPRP QPR Data Elements OlVIB-Approved 6/ 16/2009 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD First Quarter 2009 Homelessness Pulse Project Report 7/1/2009 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending CPD 2008 to Congress 7/1/2009 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HMIS Recipient Reporting Data Model v.3 8/18/2009 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD ?p's Recoverv Act Reportipg Overview 8/ 18/2009 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Valid 1.0.2 Instance File 8/28/2009 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Second Quarter 2009 Homelessness Pulse Project Report 9/1/2009 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HPRP QPR HMIS Prog?anmring Instructions 9/3/2009 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD HMIS Bed Utilization Tool 2010-2011 9/25/2009 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD 2009 HMIS and Awards 9/30/2009 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending CPD 2009 HOPWA Formula Performance Grant Agreement Operating 10/2009 Operating Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending Instructions CPD Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) Frequenth Asked 10/1/2009 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending Questions CPD Understanding Human Services Utilization: Opportunities for 10/1/2009 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending Data Sharing between Federallv Funded Programs CPD HPRP HMIS Data Collection Template Instructions 10/ 15/2009 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HPRP HMIS Data Collection Templates (Intake. Inconre. 10/ 15/2009 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending Financial Assistance. Housing Services. Exit) 2 HUD-17-0201-D-000002 HUDO142 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review CPD HOPWA AER Trairrg Modules 11/2009 Training Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HOPW A APR Training Modules 11/2009 Training Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HMIS ornrna-Se arated Value SV Standard 11/ 18/2009 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending (Obsolete) CPD HPRP Supplemental Guidance - Avoiding 12/7/2009 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Errors in e-snaps Manuals CPD HUD NSP Policv Alert: Guidance on Section 106 for NSP Land 01/2010 Policy Alert Not Signi?cant Pending Birking CPD Third Quarter 2009 Homelessness Pulse Project Report 1/1/2010 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Using IDIS OrrLine for the Emergencv Shelter Grants Program 2/16/2010 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending (Part 1: Setting Up Projects and Activities. Funding Activities) CPD Strategies for Improving Homeless People's Access to 3/1/2010 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending Mainstream Bene?ts and Services CPD Staff Certi?cation of Eligibility for HPRP Assistance 3/19/2010 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HMIS Fact Sheet 3/29/2010 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Announcement of Funding Awards for the HUD-VASH Pro 3/31/2010 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending for FY 2008 and 2009 CPD 2010 HOPWA Forn_rula 04/2010 Operating Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HMIS XML 3.0 Schema Directorv 4/1/2010 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD e-snaps Training Guide: HPRP Quarterly Performance Reporting 4/5/2010 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD IDIS Instructions for HPRP Grantees 4/ 13/2010 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD ED Homelessness Data Exchange 5/4/2010 Websites Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HMIS Project Topics and Tools 5/4/2010 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HMIS Process Guide 5/28/2010 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD HPRP Area Median Income (AIVII) Limits - Changes Between 6/9/2010 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending 2009 and 2010 CPD HUD-HHS Joint Letter orr Recovery Act Funds - HPRP and 6/ 17/2010 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending TAN CPD 2009 to 011% 6/21/2010 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HMIS orrnna-Separated Value (C SV) Fornrat v. 3.02 (Based on 7/1/2010 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending March 2010 Data Standards) CPD Notice of FY 2009 Implementation of the Veterans Homelessness 7/ 14/2010 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Prevention Demonstration PrOgram CPD HUD Press Release: HUD and VA Launclr $15 Million 7/22/2010 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending P1?0g1'anr to Prevent Veterans Homelessness. 3 UD-17-0201-D-000003 HUDO143 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review CPD Homeless Management Information Systems: 7/22/2010 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Guide Manuals CPD Strategies to Expedite Environmental Reviews for NSP2 07/26/2010 Memo Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) 08/2010 Oversight Guide Not Signi?cant Pending Grantee Oversight Resoru?ce Guide CPD HOPW A Oversight Trang 08/2010 Training Not Signi?cant Pending CPD From Intake to Analysis: A Toolkit for Developing a Continuum 8/5/2010 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending of Care Data Quality Plan CPD HPRP OPR Instructions 9/30/2010 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD e-snaps APR Help: For Organizations Using e-snaps for the First 10/1/2010 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD e-snaps APR Help: Instructions for Adding/Deleting Users 10/1/2010 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD HUD-VASH Notice to ontinuums of Care 10/1/2010 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending CPD First Quarter 2010 Homelessness Pulse Report 10/1/2010 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HPRP OPR Reporting Updates - 05 10/5/2010 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD Common HUD Ternrs and Acronyms 10/26/2010 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD 1\?Ieasuring Performance of Homeless Workshop 2011 10/26/2010 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HEARTH Amendments to McKinney-Vento Act The 10/27/2010 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending Transition Issues Workshop CPD HEARTH Amendments to McKirme r-Vento Act The 10/27/2010 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending Transition Issues Workshop Exercise 2 CPD HMIS Data Quality Monitoring Plan 10/27/2010 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HMIS Informed Consent Statement 10/27/2010 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Applying the Lessons of to Shape oC Programs 10/27/2010 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Rural Governance and Mana Handout 1 10/27/2010 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Rural Governance and Mana Handout 2 10/27/2010 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Overview of SecurityMonitoring for Homeless Progranrs 10/27/2010 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HMIS Data Quality Accuracy Standard Handout 10/27/2010 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HMIS Data Element Completeness Worksheet 10/27/2010 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Data Quality Timeliness Standard Handout 10/27/2010 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HMIS Grant and Project Administration: Budget Exercise 10/27/2010 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HMIS Grant and Project Information: Governance Handout 10/27/2010 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HMIS Governance Models 10/27/2010 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Diversifying Your HMIS Budget Exercise 10/27/2010 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Contract Considerations with HMIS Vendor 10/27/2010 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending 4 HUD-17-0201-D-000004 HUDO144 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review CPD Worksheet for Software Capacity Evaluation 10/27/2010 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Homeless Street Count Survey 10/27/2010 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Using HMIS for PIT Counts Handout 10/27/2010 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Self Suf?ciency Outcomes Matrix 11/1/2010 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Ladder of Inference and Protocols for Skillful Inquiry 11/1/2010 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HMIS Data Qualig? De?nition of a Record 11/3/2010 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD 2010 and Achievement Awards 11/4/2010 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD e-snaps APR Help: Authorized Representative Changes 11/ 19/2010 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Guidance for Counting Veterans During the 2011 PIT Counts of 12/8/2010 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending Homeless People CPD Guidance for Counting Unaccompanied Homeless Children 12/8/2010 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending During 2011 PIT Counts of Homeless People CPD 2011 Housing Inventory Count (HIC Instructions 12/ 16/2010 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD APR Guida1=rce for oC Grants with 9V Providers 2/1/2011 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HMIS Budgeting and Staf?ng Toolkit 3/17/2011 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD 2011 HIC Instruction Guide 3/27/2011 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD 2011 HOPWA Formula Olgerating Instructions 04/2011 Operating Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Post-Award Operating Instluctions for the FY 2011 HOPWA 05/2011 Operating Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending Renewal Grant Awards - Performance Grant Agreement CPD VASH Plus: A Brief Review of a Successful Strategy for 5/4/2011 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending Inrplementing the HUD-VASH Program in Washington. DC . CPD VHPD HMIS Data Collection Template Instructions 5/6/2011 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD VHPD Summary of Data Standard Applicability and Collection 5/6/2011 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending Requirements CPD VHPD HMIS Data: PrOgram Exit Fonn 5/6/2011 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD VHPD HMIS Data: Prog?am Intake Form 5/6/2011 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD VHPD HMIS Data Quality Standards and Policies 5/6/2011 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD HPRP Year 1 Summary 6/14/2011 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending CPD IDIS Online Reports: Tools for HPRP Financial h?lanagenrent 6/ 14/2011 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD HMIS XML Schema Package VZ.7 (Deprecated) 6/ 14/2011 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Guidance for Merging 0C 5 6/24/2011 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD oC Full APR Grant Guide 6/30/2011 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals HUD-17-0201-D-000005 HUDO145 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review CPD HOPWA Performance Mana?ent a1_1d Ionnitoring 07/2011 Resource Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HPRP Data Collection and Reporting 7/9/2011 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Geog'aphic Assignnents of HPRP Desk Of?cers 7/22/2011 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Guidance 011 HPRP Sub grantee Data Collection and Reporting 8/1/2011 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending for Victim Service Providers CPD HPRP APR HMIS Speci?cations 8/ 15/2011 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD HPRP Eligibility Determination and Documentation Guidance 8/ 18/2011 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Status Report 011 HPRP Spending Toward 2-Year Expenditure 8/22/2011 Data and Limits Not Signi?cant Pending Deadli_ne Sorted by Grantee State ar_1d by Percent of Fruwrawn CPD Status Report 011 HPRP Spending Toward 2-Year Expenditure 8/22/2011 Data and Limits Not Signi?cant Pending Deadline Sorted by Percent of Funds Drawn CPD Status Report 011 HPRP Spending Toward 2-Year Expenditure 8/22/2011 Data and Limits Not Signi?cant Pending Deadline Sorted by Projected Gap CPD Memo 011 Guidance 011 Options and Conditional Contracts for 08/26/2011 Memo Not Signi?cant Pending Purchase of Real Property for Enviromnental Reviews CPD Notice PIH 2011-53: Reporting and Portability Requirements for 9/1/2011 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending the HUD-VASH Pro gram CPD Notice PIH 2011-50: Project Basing HUD ASH 9/1/2011 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HPRP APR Questions Template 9/30/2011 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals Tools and Templates CPD 51C Barrier Design Guidance for HUD-assisted Projects Near 10/2011 Guidebook Not Signi?cant Pending Hazardous Facilities CPD Post-Award Operating Distinctions for the FY 2011 HOPWA 10/2011 Operating Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending New Projects Competitive Awards CPD HOPW A Performance Reporting Update 10/2011 Resource Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Emergech Shelter Grant Data Collection Instructions and 10/19/2011 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending Templates CPD Emergency Shelter Grant PrOgram Descriptor Data Dictionary 10/25/2011 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending Tool CPD e-snaps HPRP APR Guidebook 10/25/2011 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD HOPW A Financial Mana gement Online Training Overview 11/2011 Training Not Signi?cant Pending ebinar CPD 2012 oC heck-up Self Assessment Surveys 11/1/2011 HUD Forms Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Tool 11/4/2011 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) PrOgram Resource Page 11/ 15/2011 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending 6 HUD-17-0201-D-000006 HUDO146 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review CPD for t1_1e Continuum of Care oC) ILad 11/18/2011 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Six oC heck-up Stakeholder Groups 11/ 18/2011 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD oC heck-up: Key Points for oC Leads and Local 11/ 18/2011 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending Stakeholders CPD oC heck-up Self-Assessment Glossaiv of Terms 11/ 18/2011 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Guidance 011 Pulse Proiect 11/ 18/2011 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD oC heck-up Resource page 12/1/2011 Websites Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Calculating Unmet Need for Homeless Individuals and Families 12/1/2011 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD APR XML to SV Parser 12/19/2011 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD FY2012 HOPWA Formula Operating Instructions 01/2012 Operating Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Criteria for De?nition of At Risk of Homelessness 1/5/2012 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD 2012 PIT and HIC FAQs 1/ 10/2012 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Notice 011 Limitation 011 Use of Funds to Serve Persons De?ned 1/ 17/2012 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending as Homeless Under Other Federal Laws CPD A Guide to Counting Sheltered Homeless People (Revised 2012) 1/ 17/2012 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD Video Message from HUD Secretary Donovan Message to 2/3/2012 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending HUD's Emergech Solutions Grants (ESG) Recipients 011 the Importance of Rapid Re-Housing CPD 2012 HIC and PIT of Homeless Persons Data Collection 2/ 13/2012 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Guidance CPD Emergech Solutions Grants (ESG) Program Certi?cations 2/ 14/2012 HUD Forms Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Certi?cation of Local Govermnerrt Approval for Non-pro?t 3/2/2012 HUD Forms Not Signi?cant Pending Organizations Receiving ESG funds from State Recipients CPD FY2012 SNAPS Progranrs Updates 3/5/2012 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Checklist of Requirements for the ESG Substantial Amendment 3/12/2012 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending to the FY 2011 Annual Action Plan (Appendix F3) CPD 2012 HIC and PIT Data Submission Guidance 3/30/2012 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HOPWA Guide for Conducting Voluntary Consumer Satisfaction 04/2012 Resource Not Signi?cant Pending Survev CPD Post-Award Operating Instructions for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 04/2012 Operating Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending HOPWA Renewal Grant Awards - Performance Grant Agreement CPD HUD-VASH Resource Guide for Permanent Housing and 4/4/2012 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Lillical Care Manuals CPD Vendors: Performance Measures in t1_1e oC 4/6/2012 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HMIS Data Standards Comparison Worksheet 5/1/2012 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals HUD-17-0201-D-000007 HUDO147 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review CPD The Homeless De?nition and Eligibilitv for SHP. SPC. and ESG 5/21/2012 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD Using IDIS for Ernergerrcv Shelter Grants Program and ESG 6/8/2012 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Pr0gram CPD HOPWA 20: Housing Irmovations irr 07/2012 Resource Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Submitting a Final HPRP Report in FederalReportirrg. gov and e- 7/2/2012 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending snaps CPD HEARTH Act Implementation Updates 7/ 13/2012 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Introductory Guide to the oC PrOgram 7/ 14/2012 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD FY2012 Grant Inventory Worksheet (GIW) Instructions and 7/ 19/2012 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending Rental Assistance Budget Worksheet CPD oC Grant I_nventow Worksheet (GIW) I_nst1uctional Guide 7/ 19/2012 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Continuum of Care (C oC) Program Resource Page 7/2 7/2012 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD PrOgrammatic Crosswalk of Changes: oC . SHP. SPC Program 7/30/2012 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Regulations Manuals CPD HOPWA ebinar Series: Using IDIS for the HOPWA Formula 08/2012 Training Not Signi?cant Pending Grant Pro gram Webirrar CPD ebinar: HIV Housing Care Continuum Initiaitve Webinar 08/2012 Training Not Signi?cant Pending Series and Workbook CPD Geo Codes and Prelim=inarv Pro Rata Need A=mourrts 8/2/2012 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Leasing and Rental Assistance Tool: Transition Guidance for 8/6/2012 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Existing SHP Grantees Using Leasing Funds for Transitional or Permanent Housing CPD oC Program Funding for HMIS User Guide and FAQs 8/6/2012 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Assistance: A 8/6/2012 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending Comparison of HPRP and ESG Requirements CPD Continuum of Care Check-up: 2012 Participation Summary 8/20/2012 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD FY2013 Transportation. Housing and Urban Development 8/30/2012 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Funding Bill Appropriations Report CPD Using IDIS Online for the Emergech Solutions Grants (E SG) 9/1/2012 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Pr0gram CPD Emergency Solutions Grants State Recipient Consultation with 9/ 12/2012 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending ontinuums of Care CPD FY2012 oC Merger Discussion Guide 9/ 13/2012 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD FY2012 oC Merger Finar_rcial Worksheet 9/ 13/2012 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending HUD-17-0201-D-000008 HUDO148 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review CPD HPRP Reporting Peiiods and Deadlines 10/1/2012 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD Status Report 011 HPRP Spending Toward 3-Year Expenditure 10/26/2012 Data and Limits Not Signi?cant Pending DeadLine Sorted bv Projected Gap CPD Status Report 011 HPRP Spending Toward 3-Year Expenditure 10/26/2012 Data and Limits Not Signi?cant Pending Deadline S01ted bv Percent of Funds Drawn CPD Status Report 011 HPRP Spending Toward 3-Year Expenditure 10/26/2012 Data and Limits Not Signi?cant Pending Deadli_ne Somed bv Grantee State a1_1d bv Percent of Fluids Drawn CPD Fair Market Rent and Income Limits Mobile Application 10/29/2012 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Establishing and Operating a 0C 11/27/2012 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD oC Governance Crosswalk of Changes: oC PrOgram. SHP. 11/27/2012 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending and PrOgram Regulations CPD Safe Haven Fact Sheet 11/27/2012 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD FY2012 0C Pr0g_ram Competition oC Ranking Tool 12/3/2012 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD ESG Checklist of Requirements for the Homelessness Portions of 12/5/2012 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending Consolidated Plan Annual Action Plan CPD 2012 Volume 1 - PIT Estimates of Homelessness in the 12/10/2012 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending U.S. CPD Environmental Review Processing During Emergencies and 12/11/2012 Memo Not Signi?cant Pending Following Disasters CPD 2011 and Supplemental Reports 12/12/2012 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending CPD 2013 HIC and PIT Count of Homeless Persons Data Collection 12/31/2012 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Guidance CPD 2013 HIC and PIT of Homeless Persons Data Collection 12/31/2012 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Guidance: Supplemental Guidance 011 Counting Homeless Youth CPD HOPWA Rental Assistance Guidebook 01/2013 Guidebook Not Signi?cant Pending CPD 2013 PIT Count Poster 1/1/2013 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HPRP Year 2 Summary 2/7/2013 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending CPD RAD Mod Rehab - PBRA HAP Part I 2/ 14/2013 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HOPWA Financial Mana gement Training for HOPW A Grantees 03/2013 Guidebook Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Adoption of FEMA and Other Federal Environmental Reviews 03/04/2013 Memo Not Signi?cant Pending and Processing for Hurricane Sandv Supplemental (HR. 152) Activities CPD Rapid Re-Housing: ESG vs. oC Guide 3/6/2013 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals HUD-17-0201-D-000009 HUDO149 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review CPD 2012 0C Renewal Grant Awards 3/13/2013 Press Releases and Not Signi?cant Pending News CPD Applicable Requirements for Rental Assistance and Housing 3/20/2013 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending Relocation and Stabilization Services Matrix CPD 3/21/2013 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD 2013 HIC and PIT Data Subn_nssion Guidance 3/29/2013 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HPRP Grantee Contact Information 4/9/2013 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD oC Program Grants Administration User Guide 4/11/2013 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD Building the Bridge to the Future: Lessons Learned from HPRP 5/6/2013 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending Video CPD Rural Housing Stability Assistance Program Fact Sheet 5/7/2013 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD 2013 Formula Operating Instructions (not on HUD ?3 website) 06/2013 Operating Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending CPD 2013 Renewal Operating Instructions (not on HUD ?5 website) 06/2013 Operating Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Frequgtlv Asked uestiorrs FA 6/1/2013 Fact Sheets and FAQs Not Signi?cant Pending CPD ESG Rent Reasonableness and Fair Market Rent 6/4/2013 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD CPD IV?Iemorandum: Guidance for Determining Eligibilitv for 6/23/2013 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Permanent Supportive Housing for Persons Participating in ertain=Departrnent of Veteran's Affairs Programs CPD ESG Pr0granr Components Quick Reference Guide 6/24/2013 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD oC heck-111g: 2012 National Results 7/15/2013 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Guidance 011 Duplication of Bene?t Requirements and Provision 7/25/2013 Policy Statement Not Signi?cant Pending of DBG Disaster Recoversr (DR) Assistance CPD ESG Aggregation Tool 8/1/2013 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD ?2013 Geo Codes a1_1d Preliminary Pro Rata Need Amounts 8/23/2013 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD oC 2.0 Training Materials 9/1/2013 Webinars and Virtual Not Signi?cant Pending Trainings CPD 2012 Volume 2 - Estimates of Homelessness in the US. 9/1/2013 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending CPD 0C Merger Financial Worksheet 9/10/2013 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Medicaid 101 for Organizations Receiving Funds Under 10/2013 Resource Not Signi?cant Pending HOPWA. ESG. oC CPD Medicaid 101 for Organizations Receiving Funds Under the 10/1/2013 Fact Sheets and FAQs Not Signi?cant Pending HOPWA. ESG. and oC PrOgranrs CPD HOPWA onfrdentialitv User Guide 11/2013 Guidebook Not Signi?cant Pending CPD 2013 Part 1 - PIT Estimates of Homelessness in the US. 11/ 13/2013 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending CPD FY 2013 oC Program Competition oC Ranking Tool 12/16/2013 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending 10 HUD-17-0201-D-000010 HUDO150 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review CPD 2013 Continuum of Care (C oC P1'0gram Competition: 0C 12/ 16/2013 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Annual Renewal Demand (ARD) and ARD Less 5 Percent CPD Applicability of the Updated Phase I Standard ASTM 1527-13 01/2014 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Best Practices: Sharing Infomlation to End Veteran 1/6/2014 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Homelessness CPD Changes in ESG Recipient Funding Status Between FY 2012 and 1/9/2014 Data and Limits Not Signi?cant Pending FY 2015 CPD 2013 - FY 2014 Continuum of Care Application: Additional 1/ 14/2014 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Guidance for Questions 3A. Objectives 1 through 4 CPD Approved PIT Count Data for the FY 2013 - FY 2014 NOFA 1/ 15/2014 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Continuum of Care (C oC Program 2/6/2014 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD The Economic Impact of the American Recovery and 2/ 18/2014 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending Rei_nvest111ent Act Five Years Later Fi_na1 Report to 011% CPD 2014 HIC and PIT Data Submission Guidance 3/31/2014 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD 2014 Formula Operating Instructions (not on HUD ?5 website) 04/2014 Operating Instructions Not Signi?cant (expired) CPD ebinar: A Discussion 011 onfidentialit 1 Re uirements and 04/2014 Training Not Signi?cant Pending Issues CPD ESG Ivlinimum Habitabilitv Standards for Emergencv Shelters 4/2/2014 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending and Permanent Housing CPD oC APR Questions Template 4/2/2014 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Environmental Review FAQs 05/2014 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending CPD 2014 Renewal Operating Instructions (not on HUD ?3 website) 05/2014 Operating Instructions Not Signi?cant (expired) CPD Approved HIC Data for the FY 2013 - FY 2014 NOFA 6/9/2014 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HOPWA ebinar Series: Using IDIS for HOPW A ompetive 07/2014 Training Not Signi?cant Pending Grant Pro gram Webinar CPD oC Program SSO/Housing Component Decision Tool 7/15/2014 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Letter from Ann Oliva to Grant Recipients. oC Leaders and 7/16/2014 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Stakeholders CPD FY2014 Geo Codes and Preliminaiv Pro Rata Need Amounts 7/ 18/2014 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Svstem Perfomiance Measures in Context 7/22/2014 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD Rapid Re-Housing Brief 7/22/2014 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD SNAPS In Focus 7/25/2014 Guidance Press Not Signi?cant Pending Releases and News CPD Housing First in Pennaneut Suppo1tive Housing Brief 7/28/2014 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD Getting to Work Pamphlet 09/2014 Guidebook Not Signi?cant Pending 1 1 HUD-17-0201-D-000011 HUDO151 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review CPD Getting to Work: A Training Curriculum for Service 09/2014 Training Not Signi?cant Pending Providers and Housing Providers CPD FY 2014 oC PrOgram Competition oC Ranking Tool 9/9/2014 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD 2015 PIT Count Poster 9/10/2014 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD 2014 HMIS Data Standards Mappir=1g 9/26/2014 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD 2014 oC Prelimirrar Pro Rata Need PPRN Annual 10/2/2014 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Renewal Demand (ARD). and ARD Less 2 Percent Amounts CPD SNAPs - HOPWA TA Announcement: Housing Health 11/6/2014 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Initiative CPD 2014 Part 1 - PIT ELimates of Hor_11eless11ess in tl_1e U.S. 12/16/2014 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending CPD DBG-Entitlement FAQs 2015 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending CPD e-snaps oC APR Guidebook for Planning Projects 2/12/2015 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD oC Rent Reasonableness and Fair Market Rent 2/17/2015 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD Coordinated Entrv Policv Brief 2/19/2015 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending CPD 2013 Part 2 - Estimates of Homelessness in the US. 2/24/2015 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HOPW A HMIS Manual 03/2015 Guidebook Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Coordinated Entry and HMIS gs 3/3/2015 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Point-in-Time Cour_1t Guide 3/6/2015 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD e-snaps APR Guidebook for Grant-Funded PrOgrams 3/6/2015 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD e-snaps APR Guidebook for HMIS Dedicated Projects 3/6/2015 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD FY 2015 Geo Codes and Preliminary Pro Rata Need Amounts 3/ 16/2015 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD 2015 HIC and PIT Data Submission Guidance 3/23/2015 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD FY 2015 Merger Financial Worksheet 3/24/2015 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD FY 2015 Geo Codes Claimed and Uri-claimed 3/30/2015 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD 2015 Fonnula Operating Instructions (not on HUD ?5 website) 04/2015 Operating Instructions Not Signi?cant (expired) CPD ESG and Consolidated Plan Conforming Amendments: An 4/24/2015 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Overview of Changes CPD 5/5/2015 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD The Business Case for Partnering with Public Housing Agencies 5/8/2015 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending to Serve People Who Are CPD 0C and PHA Collaboration: Strategies for 0C 5 to Start the 5/8/2015 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending Partner?ship onversatior_r 12 HUD-17-0201-D-000012 HUDO152 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review CPD Letter from HUD to PHA Executive Directors on Increasing 5/22/2015 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending HUD-VASH Utilization CPD RH for Youth: Vallev Youth House Program Pro?le 5/29/2015 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending CPD RRH for Youth: The Salvation Armv's Youth Counts Program 5/29/2015 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending Pro?le CPD RRH for Youtl_r: Pathf_rnders Pro?le 5/29/2015 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending CPD RH for Youth: Northwest Youth Services PrOgranr Profile 5/29/2015 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Memo: Use of HOPWA Funds for Participation at 2015 06/2015 Memo Not Signi?cant Pending Conferences CPD milv Optior_rs Studv 7/8/2015 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending CPD 2013 oC Start Up Trainings: Trainers Guide 7/22/2015 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Pavrnent Standards and Fair Market Rents (FMR) FAQs 7/30/2015 Fact Sheets and FAQs Not Signi?cant Pending CPD ESG-CAPER SV Requirements 7/31/2015 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Guidance for HOPWA Fornrula Grantees: IDIS Transition from 08/2015 Guidebook Not Signi?cant Pending First-In-First-Out (FIFO) to Grant-Based Accounting (GBA) CPD Grant Based Accounting for HOPW A Grantees ebirrar 08/2015 Training Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Letter from HUD to PHA Executive Directors 011 HUD-VASH 8/4/2015 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Extraordinarv Administrative Fees CPD Vets/(iiHorne Toolkit: Identi inc and Enoaoino Homeless 9/3/2015 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending Veterans CPD Toolkit: Housing Stabilitv 9/3/2015 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Vets/(ZHorne Toolkit: Connecting to Permanent Housing 9/3/2015 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Vets/(ZHorne Toolkit: Effective Homeless Crisis Response 9/3/2015 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending Svstenrs CPD oC APR and ESG APER Table Shells 9/10/2015 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD 2015 oC Progarn orngetition oC Ranking Tool 9/ 17/2015 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD FY 2015 oC -PHA Crosswalk Report 9/23/2015 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD 2015 oC Prog?arn orngetition ARD Report 10/1/2015 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Determining Status of Youth 10/2/2015 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD Calculations for HMIS Questions in the FY 2015 oC 10/29/2015 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Application Manuals CPD 2015 oC -Con Plan Jurisdiction and ESG Recipient 10/30/2015 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Crosswalk Manuals CPD HOPWA Short-Term Rent. Mortgage. and Utilitv STRMU) 11/2015 Guidebook Not Signi?cant Pending Assistance CPD Income Eligibilitv. Income. Rent Calculation worksheet 11/2015 Resource Not Signi?cant Pending 1 3 HUD-17-0201-D-000013 HUDO153 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review CPD Conditional Award Recipients: Issues and Conditions and 11/6/2015 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending Amendments Guide CPD Coordinated Entry and Victim Service Providers FAQs 1 1/ 10/2015 Fact Sheets and FAQs Not Signi?cant Pending CPD 2015 Part 1 - PIT Estimates of Homelessness in the US. 11/ 19/2015 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Generation Tool Version 3.7 11/20/2015 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Memo: Use of HOPW A Grant Funds for Participation at the 2016 12/2015 Memo Not Signi?cant Pending National Conference on Social Work and CPD Memo: Applicability of Section 8 Requirements to Rental 12/2015 Memo Not Signi?cant Pending Assistance Funded through the Housing Opportunities for Person with ADDS Pr0grani CPD 2014 Part 2 - Estimates of Homelessness in the US. 12/8/2015 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Ending Veteran Homelessness in New Orleans: Lessons from a 12/11/2015 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending City that Reached tl_1e National Goal a Year Early CPD Recovery Housing Policy Brief 12/ 14/2015 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Key Considerations for oC in Changing Recipients 12/ 17/2015 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD DRGR Roll Out: User Account Roles and Setup 1/2016 Grant Award Program Not Signi?cant Pending Reporting System Guidance CPD DRGR Roll Out: Creating an Action Plan Strategy 1/2016 Grant Award Program Not Signi?cant Pending Reporting System Guidance CPD DRGR Roll Out: System Introduction and Oveiyiew 1/2016 Grant Award Program Not Signi?cant Pending Reporting System Guidance CPD DRGR Roll Out: DRGR Drawdown Module Guide 1/2016 Grant Award Program Not Signi?cant Pending Reporting System Guidance CPD DRGR Roll Out: DRGR QPR Module Guide 1/2016 Grant Award Program Not Signi?cant Pending Reporting System Guidance CPD DRGR Roll Out: DRGR Action Plan Module Guide 1/2016 Grant Award Program Not Signi?cant Pending Reporting System Guidance CPD Capacity Building Grant PrOgram Work Plan Guidance 01/2016 Grant Award Program Not Signi?cant Pending Implementation Guidance CPD Converting Site-Based Proiects Under 15- or 20-Year Use 1/7/2016 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Restiictions Without Having to Repay Funds 14 HUD-17-0201-D-000014 HUDO154 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review CPD Guidar_rce for Recipients: Grant Based Accountgg 1/8/2016 Fact Sheets and FAQs Not Signi?cant Pending CPD 2016 HIC and PIT Data Submission Guidance 2/26/2016 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Using IDIS Online for the HOPW A 03/2016 Guidebook Not Signi?cant Pending CPD System Performance Measure 7: Destination Classi?cation 3/16/2016 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Coordination and Collaboration for 0C 5 and 011 Plan 4/18/2016 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending Jurisdictions Guide and Video CPD Limited Scope Environmental Review oC 4/21/2016 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD FY 2016 Geo Codes and Preliminary Pro Rata Need Amounts 4/22/2016 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD FY 2016 b?ier?ger Financial Worksheet 4/27/2016 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Understanding Access to Care and Support Prezi 05/2016 Training Not Signi?cant Pending CPD e-snaps Functionality Resources 5/5/2016 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD Creating a Zip File and Capturing a Screenshot Resoru'ce 5/25/2016 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD DUNS Number and Resource 5/25/2016 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HPRP Year 3 Summar and APR Anal 'sis 6/13/2016 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Performance Measures: FY 2015 Data Submission 6/ 15/2016 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Guidance Manuals CPD HMIS Data Standards Tutorial 6/ 17/2016 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD eC art SV Export Submission Steps for Subrecipients 6/21/2016 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD eC art (ESG-CAPER Annual Reporting Tool) FAQs 6/29/2016 Fact Sheets and FAQs Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Memo: Use of HOPWA Grant Funds for Participation at the 07/2016 Memo Not Signi?cant Pending HOPWA Af?nity Listening Session in Conjunction with the 2016 National Ryan White Conference on Care and Treatment CPD Send Red. Not Blue: The Homeless Resident 7/5/2016 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending CPD The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996 7/5/2016 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending and HUD's Homeless Assistance Pro 'ams CPD 7/6/2016 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending Measures CPD Fact Sheet 7/6/2016 Fact Sheet Not Signi?cant Pending CPD oC Alternate Formula Testi1=1g Tool 7/20/2016 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD oC Proposed Formula Impacts by oC 7/20/2016 Data Not Signi?cant Pending CPD FY 2016 PrOgram Competition oC Ranking Tool 7/22/2016 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD FY 2016 CoC-Con Plan Jurisdiction and ESG Recipient 7/29/2016 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Crosswalk Manuals CPD 2016 PIT Estimate of Veteran Homelessness in the US. 7/29/2016 Data and Limits Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Section 108 Loan Guarantee Progam Financing Fee AOs 08/2016 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending 1 5 HUD-17-0201-D-000015 HUDO155 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review CPD Memo: Use of HOPW A Grant Funds for Participation at the 2016 08/2016 Memo Not Signi?cant Pending United States Conference 011 AIDS CPD FY 2016 oC Program Competition Final ARD Report 8/8/2016 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HUD. HHS. and Joint Letter Regarding Immigrant Access 8/11/2016 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending to Housing and Services CPD The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996 8/ 18/2016 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending (PRWORA) and HUD's Homeless Assistance Programs Fact Sheet CPD 2016 oC -PFLA Crosswalk Report 8/23/2016 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD Coordinated Entry and Youth FAQs 8/24/2016 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Ending Youth Homelessness: A Guidebook Series 8/26/2016 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD 2016 Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP) 8/30/2016 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending FAQs CPD apacitv Building Grant PrOgram Reporting Guidance 09/2016 Grant Award Program Not Signi?cant Pending Reporting Guidance CPD APR Generation Tool Version 4.1 9/20/2016 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Notice on Equal Access Regardless of Sexual Orientation. 9/20/2016 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Gender Identity. or Marital Status for HUD's PD Programs CPD oC HMIS Data Collection Templates 10/4/2016 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD oC Program Environmental Review Flow Chart 10/7/2016 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD 2015 Part 2 - Estimates of Homelessness in the US. 10/25/2016 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending CPD eC art (ESG-CAPER Annual Reporting Tool) and Guide 10/31/2016 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending Version 5 CPD HOPWA Grantee Impact Tool 11/2016 Resource Not Signi?cant Pending CPD 2016 Youth Homelessness Demonstration 11/1/2016 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending Policv FAQs Governance CPD 2017 PIT Count Poster 11/2/2016 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Promising Practices for Counting Youth Experiencing 11/9/2016 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Homelessness in the Point-in-Time Counts Manuals CPD Crosswalk of Key Federallv-?mded Child and Youth Homeless 11/9/2016 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending Contacts CPD 2016 Part 1 - PIT ELimates of Hor_nelessness in the US. 11/ 17/2016 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Flowchart of HUD's De?nition of Chronic Homelessness 11/28/2016 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Model PIT Count Surveys for Youth Experiencing Homelessness 11/29/2016 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Point-in-Time Count Implementation Tools 12/ 1 5/2016 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending 1 6 HUD-17-0201-D-000016 HUDO156 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review CPD Point-in-Time Mobile Application: A Guide for Using Mobile 12/15/2016 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Applications for Point-in-Time Counts Manuals CPD Effective Strategies for Implementing State ESG Programs: 12/21/2016 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending Lessons Learned erm State CPD Veterans Count Data Guidance Tool 12/22/2016 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD HOPWA IDIS Naming Convention Tool 1/30/2017 Resource Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Enhance Eaer Childhood Program and Svstem Integration with 2/3/2017 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending the Continuum of Care Coordinated Entrv Process CPD Section 108 Underwriting Guidelines for hrcome-Producing 03/2017 Manual Not Signi?cant Pending Projects CPD 2016 apacitv Building Grant Programs Operating Guidance 3/2017 Grant Award Program Not Signi?cant Pending Management Guidance CPD 2017 HIC and PIT Count Data Submission Guidance 3/1/2017 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Coordinated Entry Self-Assessment 3/8/2017 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD oC APR: Sage HMIS Reporting Repositow Templates 4/3/2017 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Adding and Deleting Registrants in e-snaps Resource 4/4/2017 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD Collaborative Applicant Primaw Contact Update Resource 4/4/2017 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD Project Applicant Authorized Representative Update Resource 4/4/2017 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD oC Program Proj ect Transfers Resource 4/4/2017 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD Putting the Applicant Pro?le in Edit-Mode in e-snaps 4/4/2017 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD Grant Inventory Worksheet (GIW) Instructions 4/4/2017 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Svstem Performance Measures: FY 2016 Data Submission 4/4/2017 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Guidance CPD FY 2017 GeOgraplric Codes 4/7/2017 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD oC Program Registration Detailed Instructions and Navigational 4/ 10/2017 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Guide Manuals CPD FY 2017 GIW Change Fonn 4/12/2017 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Sage APR Guidebook for Grant-Funded PrOgrams 4/ 19/2017 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD ESG Income Limits 4/24/2017 Data and Limits Not Signi?cant Pending CPD oC Data Quality Brief 5/4/2017 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending 1 7 HUD-17-0201-D-000017 HUDO157 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review CPD Memo: Use of HOPW A Grant Funds for Participation at the 2017 5/5/2017 Memo Not Signi?cant Pending National Conference on Social Work and CPD Coordinated Entry for Youth Brief 5/9/2017 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD Guide for Engaging Youth in Decision Making 5/9/2017 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD Using a Housing First Philosophv When Sewing Youth 5/9/2017 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD Rapid Re-Housing for Youth Suite 5/9/2017 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Federal Criteria and Benclunarks Review Tool 5/25/2017 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HMIS Standard Reporting Te1?111i11010gv Glossar?v 6/1/2017 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Coordinated Entry Core Elements 6/15/2017 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD oC Applicant Pro?le Navigational Guide 6/22/2017 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD System Performance Improvement Briefs 7/5/2017 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD System Performance Measures: HMIS Review Handout 7/ 13/2017 Fact Sheets and FAQs Not Signi?cant Pending CPD 7 oC PrOgrarn Competition Estimated ALD Report 7/14/2017 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending CPD 2017 Continuum of Care (C oC PrOgranr Competition 7/14/2017 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending NOFA: What's New. Changes. and Highlights CPD HOPW A Modernization: What orrnnunities Need to Know 7/17/2017 Training Not Signi?cant Pending CPD New Project Application Detailed Instructions and Navigational 7/ 18/2017 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending we Manuals CPD Renewal Project Application Detailed Instructions and 7/ 18/2017 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Navigational Guide Manuals CPD Budgets - Project Application Navigational Guide for the 0C 7/ 18/2017 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Pro gram Competition Manuals CPD oC Planning Project Application Detailed Instructions and 7/ 18/2017 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Navigational Guide Manuals CPD oC Prioritv Listing Detailed Instructions and Navigational 7/ 18/2017 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Guide Manuals CPD Project Applicant Pro?le Navigational Guide for oC Program 7/ 18/2017 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Competition Manuals CPD UFA Costs Project Application Detailed Instructions and 7/ 18/2017 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Navigational Guide Manuals CPD FY 2017 Crosswalk Report 7/20/2017 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD 2017 Geo Codes and Preliminary Pro Rata Need Amounts 7/21/2017 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending 1 8 HUD-17-0201-D-000018 HUDO158 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review CPD Process for Completing FY 2017 Renewal Project Application 7/21/2017 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Screens Manuals CPD oC Application Detailed Instructions and Navigational Guide 7/27/2017 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD How to Complete the HUD Form 2880 in e-snaps 7/28/2017 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD How to Access the Project Application 7/31/2017 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD Project Application Appeal Process Navigational Guide for the 7/31/2017 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending oC Program Competition Manuals CPD Master List Template and Benchmark Generation Tool 8/7/2017 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD HOPWA Pr0gra1n Data Update 8/7/2017 Resource Not Signi?cant Pending CPD The HOPW A Institute: Housing?s Role in Ending the HIV 8/9/2017 Training Not Signi?cant Pending Epidemic Tampa. FL CPD 2016 Submission Report 8/8/2017 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD ?2017 oC Con_rpetitior_1 Project Appl_ication Templates 8/ 15/2017 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Project Rating and Ranking Tool 8/25/2017 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD oC APR and ESG APER HMIS PrOgramming Speci?cations 8/28/2017 Guidance Tools and Not Signi?cant Pending Templates CPD Joint Letter 011 HOPWA and Ryan White Data Integration 8/30/2017 Resource Not Signi?cant Pending CPD CPD Memo: Use of HOPWA Grant Funds for Participation at the 9/1/2017 Memo Not Signi?cant Pending 2017 United States Conference 011 AIDS CPD HOPWA Formula Grant Buster: An Ovewiew of Updates 9/8/2017 Training Not Signi?cant Pending to_tl_1e New HOPW A CPD Project Set Up Tool 9/ 18/2017 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Housing First Assessment Tool 9/20/2017 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD oC Program HMIS Manual 9/26/2017 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD ESG Pr0gram HMIS Manual 9/26/2017 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD HUD-VASH PrOgrarn HMIS Manual 9/26/2017 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD RHY Program HMIS Manual 9/26/2017 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD VA Pro grams HMIS Manual 9/26/2017 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals 1 9 HUD-17-0201-D-000019 HUDO159 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review CPD Introductory Guide to the AHAR 9/28/2017 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD 2017 Data Mapping Instiuctions 10/3/2017 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD 2017 HDX Eiror Guide 10/4/2017 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD Sage ESG APER Guidebook for ESG-funded Programs 10/ 16/2017 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD ESG APER: Sage HMIS Reporting Repository Template 10/ 16/2017 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending CPD FAQs 10/17/2017 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending CPD _2017 Frequently Asked Questions 10/20/2017 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending CPD FY 2017 Rural Capacity Building Program NOFA FAQs 11/2017 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending CPD System Perfonnance IV'Ieasures Specs and Table 11/7/2017 Tools and Templates Not Signi?cant Pending Shells CPD HOPW A PrOgram HMIS Manual 11/7/2017 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD Final HMIS Pro eci?cations PATH Aimual Re ort 11/7/2017 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD PATH PrOgram HMIS Iylanual 11/21/2017 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals CPD 2016 Pan 2 - Estimates of Homelessness in the US. 12/1/2017 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending CPD PIT and HIC Data Since 2007 12/6/2017 Data and Limits Not Signi?cant Pending CPD 2017 Part 1 - PIT Es=timates of Homelessness in the US. 12/6/2017 Best Practices Not Signi?cant Pending CPD 2017 HMIS Data Standards 12/20/2017 Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Pending Manuals Guidance CPD Equal Access and Gender Identity Rule Training Webinar Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Transcript Materials CPD Equal Access Decision Tree Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Materials CPD Equal Access Expectations Training Scenarios Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Materials CPD Equal Access for Transgender People: Supporting Inclusive Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Housing and Shelters Materials CPD Equal Access Self-Assessment for Shelters and Projects Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Materials CPD ESG Envirormiental Review Info Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Materials CPD HUD GIS Tool Tutorial Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Materials 20 HUD-17-0201-D-000020 HUDO160 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Office (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review CPD Perfonnance Measures Application Guide Guides and Training Not Signi?cant Materials 2 1 HUD-17-0201-D-000021 Department of Housing and Urban Development Guidance Documents Issued by the Of?ce of Community Planning and Development Since Jan. 1, 2008 HU00091 Document Number Title/Brief Description Document Type Date of Issuance 0MB Signi?cant Determination Regulatory Task Force Review 2017-14 Lrunp Drawdovvn Requirements in the Block Grant (CDBG) Prog'am 2017-13 Notice 12/20/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Notice for Interpreting the Limits of the Floodway for Linear In?'astructure Projects Complying with HUD Floodplain Management RegrrlatiorrsE 24 CFR Part 55 2017-12 Notice 12/18/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Implementation of the Housing Opportunity Tln?ough Modernization Act Changes to the Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS Progam (Revised) Notice 11/08/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending 2017-11 Determining a Program Participant?s Rent Contribution. Occupancy Charge or Utility Reimbru?sement in the Corrtinrumr of Care Program when the Program Participant is Responsible for the Util_ities Notice 10/23/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending 2017-10 Sub-awarding Emergech Solutions Grants Program Funds to Public Housing Agencies and Local Redevelopment Authorities 2017-09 Notice 10/23/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Management of Community Development Block Grant Assisted Real Property Notice 10/18/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending 2017-08 Notice for Housing hrventory Count (HIC) and Point-in-Time (PIT) Data Collection for Corrtirrururr of Care (C oC) Program and the Solutions Grants (ESG) Prog'am 2017-07 Notice 09/20/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Use of Development Block Grant (CDBG) Frurds to Assist Individual Development Accounts 2017-06 Notice 08/15/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Using ommrurity Planning and Development Program (CPD) funds for Disaster Response and Recovery 2017-05 Notice 06/01/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Guidance for HTF Grantees on Fiscal Year 2017 Housing Trust Fund (HTF) Allocation Plans 2017-04 Notice 05/31/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Reporting Requirements in Integrated Disbru?sement and Information Online System (IDIS) for Sectiop 108 Loan Guarantee Recipients 2017-03 Notice 05/26/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Instructions for Urban County Quali?cation for Participation in the ormnrurity Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program for Fiscal Years (FYs) 2018-2020 Notice 04/12/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending 2017-02 Procedru?al Guidance for Fiscal Year 2017 HOPWA Permanent Supportive Housing Renewal Grant Applications 2017-01 Notice 02/16/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Notice Establishing Additional Requirements for a Continuum of Care Centralized or Coordinated Assessment System 2016-19 Notice 01/23/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Balcony Policy under 24 CF 51: Subpart as it Applies to Parts 50 gird 58 Regarding Building Facades Exposed to Noise Notice 12/22/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending HUD-17-0201-D-000022 Commrurity Plamiing and Development Guidance Docmrrents Since an. 1. 2008 00092 Year's (FYS) 2017-2019 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2016-18 Guidance 011 Submitting Consolidated Plans and Annual Action Plans Notice 12/ 15/216 Not Signi?cant (expired) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 2016-17 Implementation of the Housing Oppommitv Tln?ough Modernization Notice 11/01/2016 Not Signi?cant (superseded Act Changes to the Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS by 2017-12) Progam 2016-16 Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Areas (NRSAS) in the Notice 09/21/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending Cormnurri Develo Block Grant CDBG Entitlement Pro ?am 2016-15 Allocating eligible costs and identifying HOME-assisted units in Notice 08/25/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending multi-rmit HOME rental and homeownerslrip development projects 2016-14 Requirements for Housigg Trust Fund Environmental Provisiogs Notice 08/08/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 2016-13 Notice for Housing Inventory Cormt (HIC) and Point-in-Time (PIT) Notice 08/08/2016 Not Signi?cant (superseded Data Collection for Corrtimuun of Care (C oC) Program and the by 2017-08) Emergency Solutions Grants Progam 2016-12 Errvirormrental Review Procedures for Self-Help Notice 08/08/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending (?20111an Progam (SHOP) under 24 CFR Part 50 and Part 58 2016-11 Notice 011 Prioritizing Persons Experiencing Chronic Homelessness Notice 07/25/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending and Other Vuhrerable Homeless Persons in Permanent Supportive Housing 2016-10 Reporting Requirements for the State Performance and Evaluation Notice 05/05/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending Report (State PER) 2016-09 Duplication of Bene?ts Guidance for Connmmitv Development Notice 05/12/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending Block Grant Disaster Recoverv (CDBG-DR) awards to Homeowners and Businesses that Received Unanticipated Assistance from Small Business Administration Loans a?er Receiving CDBG-DR Awards 2016-08 Timel_v_ Distribution of State CIABG Fugds Notice 04/29/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 2016-07 Guidance for HTF Grantees on Fiscal Year 2016 Housing Trust Notice 04/26/2016 Not Signi?cant (expired) (HTF)Allocation Plans 2016-06 Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG- Notice 04/20/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending DR)-Rebuild bv Design: Guidance regarding content and format of materials for approval of CDBG-DR Action Plan Amendments releasing funds for construction of Rebuild bv Design (RBD) proiects. including glidance for Bene?t-Cost ALalvsis. 2016-05 Instructions for Urban ormtv Ouali?catiorr for Participation in the Notice 04/ 14/2016 Not Signi?cant (superseded Connmmitv Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program for Fiscal by 2017-03) HUD-17-0201-D-000023 Plamring and Development Guidance Doc1unents Since Jan. 1. 2008 00093 Document Number Title/Brief Description Document Type Date of Issuance 0MB Signi?cant Determination Regulatory Task Force Review 2016-04 Additional Transition and Implementation Guidance for Recipients of Planning and Development (CPD) for 2 CFR Part 200. Uniform Administrative Requirements; Cost Principles. and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards Notice 04/13/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 2016-03 Procedru?al Guidance for Fiscal Year 2016 HOPWA Permanent Supportive Housing Renewal Grant Applications 2016-02 Notice 03/21/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending Guidance for Cate gorizing an Activig; as Maintenance for Compliance with HUD Enviromnental Regllations= 24 CFR Parts 50 and 58 Notice 02/08/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 2016-01 Guidance orr Submitting Consolidated Plans and Annual Action Plans for Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 Notice 01/28/2016 Not Signi?cant (expired) 2015-ll Requirements for the Development and Implementation of HOME Underwriting and Subsidy Layering Guidelines 2015-10 Notice 12/22/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Notice for Housing Inventory Cormt (HIC) and Point-in-Time (PIT) Data Collection for Continuum of Care Program and the Emergency Solutions Grants Prog'am 2015-09 Notice 11/18/2015 Not Signi?cant (superseded by 2016-13) Requirements for Committing HOME Funds 2015-08 Notice 11/13/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Closeout Instructions for Tax Credit Assistance Program (TCAP) Grants Notice 10/16/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 2015-07 Guidance for Charging Pie-Application Costs of Homeowners. Businesses. and Other Qualifying Entities to CDBG Disaster Recovery Grants 2015-06 Notice 09/15/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Timely Distribution of State DBG Fluids Notice 06/22/2015 Not Signi?cant (replaced by 2016-08) 2015-05 Transition Policy for Low-Moderate Income Surmnary Data Updates (1111'ng Fiscal Year 2015 for Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) grantees and Neighborhood Stabilization Program NSP2. and NSP3) grantees Notice 04/21/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 2015-04 Instructions for Urban County Quali?cation for Participation in the Connmmity Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program for Fiscal Years (FY52 2016-2018 2015-03 Notice 04/17/2015 Not Signi?cant (superseded by 2016-05) Interim Policy 011 Maximum Per-mrit Subsidy Limits for the HOME Progam Notice 03/17/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 2015-02 Appropriate Placement for Transgender Persons in Single-Sex Emergency Shelters and Other Facilities 2015-01 Notice 02/20/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Standards for Fiscal Year 2015 HOPWA Permanent Supportive Housing Renewal Grant Agplications Notice 01/20/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending HUD-17-0201-D-000024 Corrnmurity Plamiing and Development Guidance Docrunents Since Jan. 1. 2008 00094 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2014-17 Guidance for Charging Pie-Award Costs of Homeowners. Notice 11/ 14/ 14 Not Signi?cant (superseded Businesses. and Other Qualifying Entities to CDBG Disaster by 2015-17) Recovery Gr?apt_s 2014-16 Use of CDBG Funds for Code Enforcement Activities Notice October Not Signi?cant Pending 2014 2014-15 Guidance orr Submitting Consolidated Plans and Arnrual Action Plans Notice 10/21/2014 Not Signi?cant (expired) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 2014-14 Notice for Housing Inventory Cormt (HIC) and Point-in-Tirne (PIT) Notice 10/02/2014 Not Signi?cant (superseded Data Collection for Continurun of Care (C 00 Program and the by 2015-10) Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Prog?am 2014-13 Guidelines for Conducting Income Sruveys to Determine the Notice 09/23/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending Percentage of Low- and Moderate-Income (LMI) Persons in the Service Area of a Development Block Grant Frmded Activity 2014-12 Notice 011 Prioritizing Persons Experiencing Chronic Homelessness Notice 07/28/2014 Not Signi?cant (superseded and Other Vuhrer'able Homeless Persons in Permanent Supportive by 2016-11) Housing and Recordkeeping Requirements for Docrnnenting Chronic HLnJeless Status 2014-11 Transition Policy for. Low/Moderate Income Data Updates Notice 06/ 10/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending dru?ing Fiscal Year 2014 for the Entitlement Grantees and Nonentitlernent Hawaiian ormty Grantees of the ormrrunity Development Block Grant Prog?arn 2014-10 Transition Policy for Low/Moderate Income Sunmrary Data Updates Notice 06/10/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending dru'ing Fiscal Year 2014 for the State Cormnunity Development Block Grant Prom 2014-09 Effective Date of Moving Ahead for Progress in the let Centruy Act Notice 06/10/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending (MAP21) Changes to Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Proper? Acquisition Policies Act of 1970: as amended (URA) Paynrent Limits and Housing Payment Eligibility Criteria 2014-08 Operating Guidance for Implementing FY2012 and FY2013 HOME Notice 04/ 18/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending Appropriations Reguirements 2014-07 Instructions for Urban County Ouali?catiorr for Participation in the Notice April 2014 Not Signi?cant (superseded ornrnunity Block Grant (CDBG) Program for Fiscal by 2015-04) Yea_rs (FYS) 2015-2017 2014-06 Timely Distribution of State CDBG Fluids Notice 03/ 10/2014 Not Signi?cant (replaced by 2015-06) HUD-17-0201-D-000025 Conmnmity Planning and Development Guidance Docrunents Since Jan. 1. 2008 00095 Document Number Title/Brief Description Document Type Date of Issuance 0MB Signi?cant Determination Regulatory Task Force Review Srumnarv of Signi?cant Changes Contained in HUD Notice CPD 13- 002: Procedin?es for Designation of Consortia as a Participating Jurisdictiop for t1_1e Program 2014-05 Memo 03/07/2014 Not Signi?cant (rmderlying notice expired) Internal Administrative Process for HUD Review of Appeals Filed Under the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Propertv Acquisition Policies Act of 1970. as amended. (URA) (42 U.S.C. SS 4601 et seq.) and Section 104(d) of the Housing and Development Act of 1974: as amended: (HCD Act (42 U.S.C. 5304gdn Handbook 1378.0 - Revised Chapter 1 Notice 02/25/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 2014-04 Implementing Risk Analyses for Monitoring Plarniing and Development Grant Prog?ams in FY 2015 and 2016 2014-03 Notice 03/01/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending Implementing Enviromnental Risk Analysis for Monitoring HUD Part 58 Programs 2014-02 Notice 03/01/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending Closeout Instructions for Development Block Grant (CDBG) Prog?ams Grapt_s Notice 02/11/2014 Not Signi?cant (expired) 2014-01 Notice 011 Appeals for the FY 2013 - FY 2014 Continuum of Care Pr?ogarn Competition 2013-11 Notice 01/28/2014 Not Signi?cant (expired) Notice for Housing Inventory Cormt (HIC) and Point-in-Time (PIT) Data Collection for Continumn of Care Program and the Ernergencp Solutions Grants (ESG) Notice 11/27/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by 2014-14) 2013-10 Guidance orr submitting Consolidated Plans and Armual Action Plans for Fiscal Yea_r (FY) 2014 Notice 12/13/2013 Not Signi?cant (expired) 2013-09 Implementing Risk Analyses for Monitoring Conmnmig Plarming and Development Grant Prog'ams in FY 2014 2013-08 Notice 10/25/2013 Not Signi?cant (expired) Notice on Appeals for the FY2012 Contimunn of Care 0C) Progam Competition 2013-07 Notice 01/18/2013 Not Signi?cant (expired) Allocating Staff Costs Between Program Administration Costs vs. Activitv Deliverv Costs in CDBG 2013-06: Notice 08/23/2013 Not Signi?cant (expired) Guidance for Submitting the Portions of the CAPER Related to Homelessness and the ESG Progam 2013-05 Notice 08/22/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending Guidance for Charging Pre-Award Costs of Homeowners. Businesses. and Other Qualifying Entities to CDBG Disaster Recoverv Grail?ts Notice 07/30/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by 2014-17) 2013-04 Instructions for Urban Cormtv Quali?cation for Participation in the DBG Program for FYs 2014-2016 2013-03 Notice 05/15/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by 2014-07) Timell Distribution of State CDBG Fluids Notice 04/29/2013 Not Signi?cant (expired) HUD-17-0201-D-000026 Planning and Development Guidance Doc1unents Since Jan. 1. 2008 00096 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2013-02 Procedures for Designation of Consortia as a Participating Notice 04/ 19/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending Jru?isdiction for the HOME Mow 2013-01 Using CDBG Fluids to Develop Energy Star?-Certi?ed Housing Notice April 2013 Not Signi?cant Pending Units 2012-12 Submission of Federal Financial Report - Stagard Form?425 Notice 06/ 19/2012 Not Signi?cant (expired) 2012-11: Envirornnerrtal Review Processing for Emergech Solutions Grants Notice 06/ 15/2012 Not Signi?cant (expired) (ESG) Frogs FYM 2012-10 Distribution of State CDBG Frurds Notice 05/08/2012 Not Signi?cant (replaced by 2013-03) 2012-09 Use of IDIS to Submit the Copsolidated Plan Notice 04/31/2012 Not Signi?cant (expired) 2012-08 Guidelines for Administering the State CDBG Colonias Set-Aside Notice 04/ 17/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 2012-07 Operating Guidance for Implementing FY 2012 HOME Notice 05/08/2012 Not Signi?cant (superseded Appropriation Reguir'ernents by 2014-08) 2012-06 Process for Tribal Consultation in Projects that are Reviewed Under Notice 06/ 15/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 24 CFR Part 58 2012-05 Instructions for Urban County Quali?cation for Participation in the Notice 03/ 15/2012 Not Signi?cant (superseded CDBG Program for FYs 2013-15 by 2013-04) 2012-04 Closeout Instructions for Development Block Grant Notice 02/ 13/2012 Not Signi?cant (superseded Promrs Grar_rt_s by 2014-02) 2012-03 Guidance orr Resale and Recaptiu?e Provision Requirements under the Notice January Not Signi?cant (expired) HOME Progam 2012 2012-02 Implementing Risk Analyses for Monitoring Plarnring Notice January Not Signi?cant (expired) and Grant Programs in FY 2012 and 2013 2012 2012-013 Closeout Instructions for HPRP Grants (HPRP Closeout Notice) Notice 07/ 13/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 2012-01 Notice 011 Limitation 011 Use of Funds to Serve Persons De?ned as Notice 01/ 17/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending Under Other Federal Laws 2011-10 Waiving Statutory Envirornrrental Review Requirements for the Notice 12/ 1 5/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending Indian Housing Block Grant Program for Tribes that Have Envirornnerrtal Review Responsibilities under 24 FR Part 58 2011-09 Promoting Partnerships to Utilize Housing as a Platform for Notice 09/20/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending PII-I-11-51 Improving ggiralig of Life 2011-05 Distribution of State CDBG Frurds Notice 07/28/2011 Not Signi?cant (replaced by 2012-10) 2011-03 Reporting Requirements for the State Performance and Evaluation Notice 06/01/2011 Not Signi?cant (replaced by Report 2016-10) HUD-17-0201-D-000027 Connmurity Planning and Development Guidance Doc1unents Since Jan. 1. 2008 00097 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2011-02 Instructions for Urban Cormty Quali?cation for Participation in the Notice 04/28/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program for FYs by 2012-05) 2012-2014 2011-01 Guidelines for Administering the State Conmnmig; Development Notice 02/08/2011 Not Signi?cant (expired) Block Grant (CDBG) Colonias Set-Aside 2010-04 Tax Credit Assistance Program (TCAP) Reallocation of Funds (Not Notice 12/06/2010 Not Signi?cant (expired) on HUD ?3 website) 2010-03 Distribution of State CDBG Fluids Notice 09/24/2010 Not Signi?cant (replaced by 2011-05) 2010-02 Instructions for Urban County Quali?cation for Participation in the Notice 04/ 16/2010 Not Signi?cant (expired) (CDBG) Progam for FYs 2011-2013 2010-01 Distribution of State CDBG Notice 04/15/2010 Not Signi?cant (replaced by 2010-03) 2009-07 Standards for FY2010 HOPWA Permanent Supportive Housing Notice 12/ 23/2009 Not Signi?cant (expired) Renewal Grant Applications 2009-05 CPD Guidance for Buy Anrerican Requirement of the American Notice 10/07/2009 Not Signi?cant (expired) Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 2009-04 Implementing Risk Analyses for Monitoring CPD Grant Programs in Notice 08/24/2009 Not Signi?cant (expired) $2010 and 2011 2009-03 Implementation of the Tax Credit Assistance Program (TCAP) Notice 05/04/2009 Not Signi?cant (expired) 2009-02 Instructions for Urban Cormty Quali?cation for Participation in Notice 04/ 24/2009 Not Signi?cant (expired) CEBG for FYs 2010- 2009-01 Standards for FY 2009 HOPWA Permanent Supportive Housing Notice 01/2 7/2009 Not Signi?cant (expired) Renewal Grant Applications 2008-06 Implementing Risk Analyses for Monitoring Plarming and Notice 10/20/2008 Not Signi?cant (expired) Development Grant Prog?ams in FY 2008-05 Implementing the New Freedom Initiative and Involving Persons Notice 05/02/2008 Not Signi?cant (expired) with Disabilities in the Preparation of the Consolidated Plan through Citizen Participation 2008-04 Instructions for Urban Quali?cation for Participation in Notice 05/02/2008 Not Signi?cant (expired) DBG for FYs 2009-2011 2008-03 Standards for FY 2008 HOPWA Permanent Supportive Housing Notice 02/ 28/2008 Not Signi?cant (expired) Renewal Grant Applications 2008-02 Relocation and Real Property Acquisition Requirements to Assist Notice 02/ 26/2008 Not Signi?cant (expired) with Recovery and Relief for Presidentially Declared Disaster Areas 2008-01 Procedures for Designation of Consortia as a Participating Notice 02/11/2008 Not Signi?cant (superseded Jrnisdiction for the HOME Prog?am (Supersedes CPD Notice 07-04) by 2013-02) HUD-17-0201-D-000028 Department of Housing and Urban Development Mortgagee Letters Issued by the Federal Housing Administration Since Jan. 1, 2008 - REVISED Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2017-01 Reduction of Federal Housing Administration (FFLA) Amrual Mortgagee 01/09/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Mortgage Insurance Premium Rates Letter 2017-02 Annual Base City High Cost Percentage and High Cost Area Mortgagee 01/11/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Revisions for 2016 Letter 2017-03 Federal Housing Administration FHA Loan Review stern - Mortgagee 01/11/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Implementation and Process lrangg Letter 2017-04 Section 232 PrOgr'am - 232 Portal Mortgagee 01/11/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2017-05 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage HEC M) Claim Type 22 (C T-22) Mortgagee 01/ 18/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Assigrment Requests Letter 2017-06 Servicing of FHA-insured Mortgages 011 Properties Encurnbered with Mortgagee 01/19/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Pronerty Assessed Clean Energx Obligation Letter 2017-07 Suspension of Mortgagee Letter 2017-01 - Reduction of Federal Mortgagee 01/20/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Housing Administration FHA Amrual Mortgage Insurance Letter Premium (MIP) Rates 2017-08 Effective Date of of the Federal Housing Mortgagee 03/23/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Administration?s Loan Review System. and Change in Effective Date Letter for Timefrarne for Conducting Pie-Endorsement Mortgage Reviews for Unconditional DE Authority 2017-09 Implementation of the NA Tool -- Delayed Mortgagee 04/ 19/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2017-10 Additional Period of Eligibility for 20301) Mortgage Insurance for Mortgagee 04/26/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Disaster Victims Letter 2017-11 of January 2017 Home Equity Conversion Mortgagee 08/24/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Mortgage (HEC M) Final Rule Letter 2017-12 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage HEC M) PrOgranr: Mortgage Mortgagee 08/29/2017 Economically Pending Insurance Premium Rates and Principal Limit Factors Letter Signi?cant Submitted to OMB: 08/23/2017 RIN: 2502-AZ15 2017-13 Extension of Temporary Approval Provisions for the Federal Mortgagee 08/30/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Housing Administration (FHA) Project Approval Letter Process HUD-17-0201-D-000029 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1, 2008 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2017-14 Annual Revisions to Base City High Cost Percentage. High Cost Mortgagee 08/31/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Area and Per Unit Substantial Rehabilitation Threshold for 2017 Letter 2017-15 Extension of Initial Disaster Foreclosure l\~Ioratorium for Properties Mortgagee 10/20/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending in Speci?ed Areas Impacted by Hurricanes Harvey. Irma. and Maria Letter 2017-16 2018 Nationwide Forward Mortgage Limits Mortgagee 12/07/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2017-17 2018 Nationwide Home Equity Conversion Mortgage HEC M) Mortgagee 12/07/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending m8 Letter 2017-18 Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Mortgagee 12/07/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2016?01 Additional Extension of Certain Tirneframes in cornrectiorr with Mortgagee 01/12/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending Mortgagee Letter 2015-11 (Loss Mitigation Guidance for Home Letter Equity Conversion Mortgages in Default due to Unpaid Property Charges) and Mortgagee Letter 2015-26 2016-02 date of Preservation and Protection Re uirernents and Cost Mortgagee 02/05/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending Reimbursement Procedures for Title 11 Forward Mortgages and Letter Home Equity Conversion MS) 2016?03 Single Family Foreclosure Policy and Pr?ocedru'al Changes for HUD Mortgagee 02/05/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending Title 11 Forward Mortgages and Reverse Mortgages Letter 2016-04 Automatic Extensions to HUD's Initiation of Foreclosure Timeline Mortgagee 02/05/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2016-05 Additional Guidance related to Mortgagee Letter 2015- Mortgagee 02/12/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 15. Mortgagee Optional Election (MOE) Assigmnent for Home Letter Equity Conversion Mortgages (HECMs) with an FHA Case Number assigned prior to August 4. 2014 2016-06 Revised HUD 92900-A Addendum to Uniform Residential Mortgagee 03/ 15/2016 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Loan Application Letter Sing/e amin Housing Policy Handbook (HUD Handbook 40001)) 2016-07 Expanded Permissive Loss Mitigation for Home Equity Conversion Mortgagee 03/20/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending Mortgages HEC Ms) and Ivlortgagee?s Optional Extension to Letter Submitting a Due and Payable Request 2016-08 Student Loans Mortgagee 04/ 13/2016 Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) HUD-17-0201-D-000030 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2016-09 Delivery of Advice of Pavrnerrt and Title Approval Mortgagee 06/22/2016 Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2016-10 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HEC M) PrOgrarn - Servicing Mortgagee 07/ 13/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending Fee Set- Aside Growth Rate. Third Party Property Tax Veri?cation Letter Fees. and Financial Assessment ar_rd Propertv Charge Require?merits 2016-11 Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Mortgagee 07/ 19/2016 Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook Submitted to OMB: 4000.1) 06/ 1 7/2016 RIN: 2502-ZA14 2016-12 203(k) Rehabilitation Mortgage Insurance PrOgram: 203(k) Mortgagee 08/10/2016 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Consultant Draw Inspection Fee Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2016?13 Extension of Temporary Approval Provisions for the Federal Mortgagee 08/24/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending Housing Administration (FHA) ondorniniurn Proiect Approval Letter Process 2016-14 Updates to FHA's Loss Mitigation Retention Options and Mortgagee 08/24/2016 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Miscellaneous Mortgage Servicing Policy Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2016?15 Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Condominium Project Mortgagee 10/26/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending Approval Owner Occupancy Requirement Letter 2016-16 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Pr?Ograrn: Source for lO-Year Mortgagee 10/27/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending QBOR Swap Rate Letter 2016-17 National Servicing Center Address Change for the Tulsa. Oklahoma Mortgagee 11/02/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending Of?ce Letter 2016?18 Use of Professional Em lo er Organizations Mortgagee 11/28/2016 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2016-19 2017 Nationwide Home Equity Conversion Mortgage HEC M) Mortgagee 12/01/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending Limits Letter 2016-20 2017 Nationwide Forward Mortgage Limits Mortgagee 12/01/2016 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2016?21 Direct Endorsement PrOgram - Timeframe for Conducting Pre? Mortgagee 12/ 14/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending Endorsement Mortgage Reviews for Unconditional Direct Letter Endorsement Authoritv HUD-17-0201-D-000031 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1, 2008 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2016-22 Extension of Implementation Date of Selected Sections of Handbook Mortgagee 12/01/2016 Not Signi?cant (superseded by 4000.1 Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2016?23 Lender Responsibilities in Servicing Section 242 Loans Mortgagee 12/01/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2016-24 Processing Fee for Assumptions Mortgagee 12/07/2016 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2016-25 2017 Nationwide Forward Mortgage Limits Correction for Special Mortgagee 12/22/2016 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Exception Areas (Alaska. Hawaii. Guam. and the Virgin Islands) Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2016-26 Implementation of the NA Tool: Automating Capital Needs Mortgagee 12/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending and Related Policy Changes Letter 2015-01 Reduction of Federal Housing Administration (FFLA) annual Mortgagee 01/09/2015 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Mortgage Insurance Premium MIP rates and Tern orar Case Letter HUD Handbook ancel_lation Authority 4000.1) 2015-02 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage HEC M) Pr0gram: Policy Mortgagee 01/09/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Guidance and Certi?cations for Eligible and Ineligible Non- Letter 1_301rowing HEC Spouses and Season?g Requirements Guidance 2015-03 Mortgagee Optional Election Assignment for Home Equity Mortgagee 01/29/2015 Not Signi?cant (rescinded?no Conversion Mortgages HEC Ms) with FHA Case Numbers assigned Letter longer active) prior to Angust 4. 2014 2015-04 Reduction of Federal Housing Administration (FFLA) annual Mortgagee 02/04/2015 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Mortgage Insurance Premium (MIP) rates and Temporary Case Letter HUD Handbook Cancellation Authority 4000. 1) 2015-05 Notice of PrOgram Eligibility for HUD Insured Housing Pr0grams for Mortgagee 02/06/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending All People Regardless of Sexual Orientation. Gender Identity or Letter Marital Status as Re uired HUD's 11al Access Rule 2015-06 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage HEC M) - Delay in Effective Mortgagee 02/26/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Date for Financial Assessment and Property Charge Frmding Letter Requirements for the Pavrnent of Certain Property Charges 2015-07 Trial Pavrnent Plans Associated with Loss Mitigation Loan Mortgagee 03/ 18/2015 Not Signi?cant (superseded by lviodi?cation Options for Forward Mortgages Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2015-08 Mortgagee 03/26/2015 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000. 1) UD-17-0201-D-000032 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1, 2008 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2015-09 Home Equity Conversion Monga ge HEC M) Program Life Mortgagee 03/27/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Expectancy Set-Aside Growth Rate and Clari?cation to Section 3.98 Letter of the HEC Fin?ancial Assessn_rent a1_1d Property We Guide 2015-10 Home Equity Conversion Mo?gage (HEC M) Due and Payable Mortgagee 04/23/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Policies Letter 2015-11 Loss Mitigation Guidance for Home Equity Conversion Mortgages Mortgagee 04/23/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending (HEC Ms) in Default due to Unpaid Property Charges Letter 2015-12 Mortgagee Optional Election Assignnent for Home Equity Mortgagee 04/30/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Conversion Mortgages HEC Ms) with FHA Case Numbers assigned Letter prior to August 4. 2% 2015-13 Implementation of Pay. gov for lV'Iultifamily Program Fees Mortgagee 05/ 1/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2015-14 Implementation of Pay. gov for Hospital Facilities Program Fees Mortgagee 05/11/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2015-15 Mortgagee Optional Election Assignnent for Home Equity Mortgagee 06/ 12/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Conversion Mortgages HEC Ms) with an FHA Case Number Letter assigred prior to August 4. 2% 2015-16 Underwriter Approval Delegation Mortgagee 08/ 12/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2015-17 HUD REO Purchasing Mortgagee 08/26/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2015-18 Single Family Partial lairn Documentation and Delivery Mortgagee 09/01/2015 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Requirements Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2015-19 Minimum Responsibilities of Servicers of Section 242 Loans Mortgagee 09/03/2015 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4232.1) 2015-20 Revision of Notice to Occupants of Pending Acquisition (NOPA) Mortgagee 09/ 15/2015 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2015-21 Automatic Extensions to Initiation of Foreclosure Tirnelirre Mortgagee 09/28/2015 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2015-22 New Standards for Energy Ef?cient Homes (EEH) ?Stretch Ratio? Mortgagee 09/30/2015 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Policy: Incorporating the Departnrent of Energy's (DOE) Home Letter HUD Handbook Energy Score 4000.1) HUD-17-0201-D-000033 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2015-23 New Single Mortga gee Compliance Manager (MC M) Mortgagee 10/01/2015 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2015-24 Single Foreclosure Policv and Procedural Changes for HUD Mortgagee 10/01/2015 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Title 11 Forward Mortgages and Reverse Mortgages Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2015-25 1111plementation of Electronic Submission of Davis-Bacon Wage Rate Mortgagee 10/05/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending er?tifrcations Letter 2015-26 Extension of Certain Tirnefrarnes in cornrectiorr with Mortgagee Mortgagee 10/ 16/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2015-11. Loss Mitigation Guidance for Home Equity Letter Conversion Mortgages HEC Ms) in Default due to Unpaid Property Charges 2015-27 Additional Temporary Approval Provisions for Federal Housing Mortgagee 1 1/ 13/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Administration (FFLA) Condominium Proiect Approval Letter 2015-28 Amrual Base Cit Hi0 1 Cost Percenta 0e and High Cost Area Mortgagee 11/ 18/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Revisions for 2015 Letter 2015-29 2016 Nationwide Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HEC M) Mortgagee 12/09/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Limits Letter 2015-30 2016 Nationwide Forward Mortgage Limits Mortgagee 12/09/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2014-01 ?Save Your Home: Tips to Avoid orec/osure? - Brochure for Mortgagee 1/10/2014 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Delinquent lV'Iortgagors Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2014-02 Revised Manual Underwriting Requirements Mortgagee 1/21/2014 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2014-03 Electronic Signatures Mortgagee 1/30/2014 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2014-04 Revisions to Large Loan Risk Mitigation Policies Mortgagee 2/28/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2014-05 Standardized Multifamily FHA Mortgage Insurance Applications Mortgagee 2/28/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2014-06 Portfolio and Master Lease Guidance Mortgagee 4/ 17/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2014-07 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage HEC M) Program: Non- Mortgagee 4/25/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending Borrowing Spouse Letter HUD-17-0201-D-000034 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2014-08 Guidance on Nonpro?ts Assisting Government Entities in Providing Mortgagee 4/29/2014 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Secondary Financing in oniunction with FHA-Insured Mortgages Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2014-09 Annual Recerti?cation and Post-Approval Updates Mortgagee 5/27/2014 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2014-10 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HEC M) Pr0gram - Prohibition Mortgagee 6/18/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending on Misleadin0 or Dece tive Program Descri tions or Advertisino and Letter Prohibition on Restriction of Mortggor's Freedom of Choice 2014-11 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HEC M) Pro gram: Limit on Mortgagee 6/ 18/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending Insurability of Fixed Interest Rate Products under the HEC Letter Plow 2014-12 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage HEC M) Pro gram: New Mortgagee 6/27/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending Principal Limit Factors Letter 2014-13 Voluntar Termination of FHA Mortgage Insurance Mortgagee 7/3/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter (superseded?in part?by HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2014-14 Annual Base City High Cost Percentage and High Cost Area Mortgagee 7/7/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending Revisions for 2014 Letter 2014-15 Updated Requirements for Pie-Foreclosure Sales (PFS) and Deeds in Mortgagee 7/10/2014 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Lieu (DIL) of Foreclosure Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2014-16 Electronic Retention of Foreclosure-Related Documentation Mortgagee 7/23/2014 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2014-17 Extension of Temporary Approval Provisions for the Federal Mortgagee 8/29/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending Housing Administration (FHA) Project Approval Letter Process 2014-18 Revisions to Large Loan Risk Mitigation Policies Mortgagee 9/4/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2014-19 New Single Farnilv Loan Servicing Contractor Mortgagee 9/ 18/2014 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2014-2O Section 232 Program - Implementation of Pay. gov for Program Fees Mortgagee 9/ 18/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2014-21 Revised Changes to the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HEC M) Mortgagee 11/ 10/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending PrOgram Requirenrents Letter HUD-17-0201-D-000035 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1, 2008 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2014-22 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HEC M) Financial Assessment Mortgagee 11/ 10/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending and Property Charge Requirements Letter 2014?23 FHA Re?nance of Borrowers in Negative Equity Positions: Pr0gram Mortgagee 11/ 14/2014 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Extension Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2014-24 Increasing Use of FHA's Claims Without Conveyance of Title Mortgagee 11/26/2014 Not Signi?cant (superseded by (CWC OT) Procedures Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2014-25 Federal Housing Adnmiistration Maximum Loan Limits Effective Mortgagee 12/5/2014 Not Signi?cant (superseded by January 1. 2015 through December 31. 2015 Letter HUD Handbook -- Attachment 1 - Areas at Ceiling and Above 4000.1) -- Attachment 2 - Areas Between Floor and Ceiling 2013-01 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage PrOgram - Consolidation of Mortgagee 1/30/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending Pricing Options and Principal Limit Factors for Fixed Interest Rate Letter lV?lOitgages Mortgagee Letters 2013-02 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage HEC M) PrOgram - Amended Mortgagee 1/30/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending Late Request for Endorsement Procedures Letter 2013-03 Extension of Implementation Date for Mortgagee Letter 2012-22. Mortgagee 1/31/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Revisions to FHA's Loss Home Retention Options Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2013-04 Revision of Federal Housing Administration (FHA) policies Mortgagee 1/31/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by concerning cancellation of the aimual Mortgage Insru'ance Premium Letter HUD Handbook and increase to the annual MIR 4000.1) 2013-05 Manual Underwriting for Loans with Decision Credit Score Below Mortgagee 1/31/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by 620 and Total Fixed Payments to Effective Income Ratio Exceeding Letter HUD Handbook 3 00% 4000. 1) 2013-06 Extension of Disaster Moratorium and Suspension of Evictions for Mortgagee 1/31/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Speci?ed Proverties Impacted by Hurricane Sandy Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2013-07 HUD Of?ce of lVIultifamily Development Radon Policy Mortgagee 1/31/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2013-08 Hurricane Sandy/Superstonn Response - Expedited Processing for Mortgagee 2/ 5/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending EA Multifamily Mortgage Insurance Application_s Letter 2013-09 Concentration of Principal Risk: Principals with Insured Assets Mortgagee 3/8/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending Greater than $250 Million Letter 2013-10 Lender Insurance Program (not available on website) Mortgagee 4/ 10/2013 Not Signi?cant (previously Letter superseded in full by Mortga gee HUD-17-0201-D-000036 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review Letter 2013-12. which was itself superseded by HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2013-11 Additional Guidance for the Origination and Servicing of FHA- Mortgagee 4/11/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by insured Loans in Presiderrtiallv-Declared Maior? Disaster Areas and Letter HUD Handbook Speci?c Requirement for Hurricane Sandy Affected 4000.1) 2013-12 Lender Insurance Program Mortgagee 5/1/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Attaclnnent - Lender Insurance Guide Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2013-13 Lender Delegation of Non-Critical Repair Administration Mortgagee 4/18/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2013-14 Cash Investment and Secondary Financing Requirements - Mortgagee 5/9/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by - Acceptable Documentation for Funds Provided by Federal. State. or Letter HUD Handbook Local Govermnents. their Agencies or 4000.1) 2013-15 Updated Delinquency/Defarrlt Status Codes for the Single Family Mortgagee 5/9/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Default lV'Ionitoring System: Special Forbearances and Trial Payment Letter HUD Handbook Plans: New Reporting Requirement for Non-Incentivized Loan 4000.1) 2013-16 Subordination of Partial Claim Liens Associated with Federal Mortgagee 5/ 14/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Housing Administration (FHA) Streamlined Re?nances Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2013-17 Interest Rates for Loss Mitigation Home Retention Options Mortgagee 5/ 14/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2013-18 Updated Clari?cation Regarding Title Approval at Conveyance Mortgagee 5/31/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2013-19 Partial Claim Documentation and Delivery Requirements Mortgagee 5/31/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2013-20 Good Neighbor Next Door Sales Program Mortgagee 6/12/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2013-21 FHA's Proposed Tier Ranking System 11; Request for Comments Mortgagee 6/ 12/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) UD-17-0201-D-000037 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1, 2008 HUDOO10REV Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2013-22 Extension of Unemployment Special Forbearance Mortgagee 6/27/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2013-23 Updated Pie-Foreclosure Sale (FPS) and Deed in Lieu (DIL) of Mortgagee 7/9/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Foreclosru?e Requirements Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2013-24 Handling of Collections and Disputed Accounts Mortgagee 8/15/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2013-25 Collections and Disputed Accounts -- TOTAL Mortgage Scorecard Mortgagee 8/ 15/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by User Guide Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2013-26 Back to Work - Extenuating Circumstances Mortgagee 8/ 15/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2013-27 Changes to the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Pr0gram Mortgagee 9/3/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending Requirements Letter 2013-28 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage HEC M) Financial Assessment Mortgagee 9/3/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending and Property Charge Guide Letter Attachment 2013-29 Application of Unused Borrower Funds from an Escrow Account 011 Mortgagee 9/ 5/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by an Existing Mortgage in FHA-Insured Refinance Transactions Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2013-30 Annual Base City High Cost Percentage and High Cost Area Mortgagee 9/9/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending Revisions for 2013 Letter 2013-31 Extension of Temporary Authority for 1V1ultifamily Hubs to Process Mortgagee 9/ 18/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending Waiver Requests Pertaining to the 3-Year Rule for Section 223(0 Letter Re?nancing or Acquisition of Affordable lV-Iultifamily Rental Housir_1g 2013-32 Update to Loss Mitigation Home Retention Options Mortgagee 9/20/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2013-33 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Pr'Ogram's Mandatory Mortgagee 9/25/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending Obligations. Life Expectancy Set-Aside Calculation. and Purchase Letter Transactions 2013-34 Delayed Implementation of Participation Requirement" Section Mortgagee 9/27/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by included in Mortga gee Letter 2013-23. Updated Pie-Foreclosure Sale Letter HUD Handbook (PFS) and Deed in Lieu (DIL) of Foreclosure Requirements 4000.1) 10 HUD-17-0201-D-000038 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1, 2008 HUDOO11REV Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2013-35 FHA Consolidation of Title I and Title Lender Identi?cation Mortgagee 9/27/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Numbers Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2013-36 Eligible Properties in Presidentiallv Declared Major Disaster Area Mortgagee 9/27/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending Super Storm Sandy for 203(k) insured mortgages Letter 2013-37 Revised Insttuctions - Hurricane Sandy/Superstorm Response Mortgagee 9/27/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending Expedited Processing for FHA lylultifamily Mortgage Insurance Letter Applicati_ons 2013-38 Single Family Foreclosure Policv and Procedm?al Changes for HUD Mortgagee 10/28/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Title II Fonvard MOHgages and HEC Reverse Mortgages; Letter HUD Handbook Reasonable Diligence Requirements: HUD's Schedule of Allowable 4000.1) Attorney Fees 2013-39 Methods of Communication with Bon?owers Mortgagee 10/28/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2013-40 Loss Mitigation during the Foreclosru?e Process Mortgagee 11/1/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2013-41 Lender Self-Reporting Requirements Mortgagee 11/ 13/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2013-42 Extension of Annual Receiti?cation Filing Deadline for Title I and Mortgagee 11/27/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Title II Lenders and Mortgagees with a December 31. 2013 Fiscal Letter HUD Handbook Year End 4000.1) 2013-43 Federal Housing Administration lVlaximum Loan Limits Effective Mortgagee 12/6/2013 Not Signi?cant (rescinded?no January 1. 2014 tln?ough December 31. 2014 Letter longer active) -- Attachment 1 - Areas at Ceiling and Above -- Attachment 2 - Areas Between Floor and Ceiling 2013-44 HUD Single Family Real Estate Owned (REO) Propeities: Updates Mortgagee 12/6/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by on Ordering New Appraisals and laii?cation on omparables Used Letter HUD Handbook for Appraisals 4000.1) 2013-45 Delay in Effective Date for Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Mortgagee 12/20/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending (HEC M) Financial Assessment Requirements and Fluiding Letter Requirements for the Payment of Property Charges 2013-46 FHA's Tier Ranking System 11: Final Notice and Responses to Mortgagee 12/30/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Comments Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 11 UD-17-0201-D-000039 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDOO12REV Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2012-01 Multifamily Low Income Housing Tax Credit Pilot Program Mortgagee 2/3/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2012-02 Closing a Loan in the Name of an FHA-Approved Mortga gee Acting Mortgagee 2/ 10/2012 Not Signi?cant (superseded by as a Sponsored Third-Party Originator (TPO) Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2012-03 Miscellaneous Underwriting Issues Mortgagee 2/28/2012 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2012-04 Single Family Mortgage Insurance: Annual and Up-Front Mortgage Mortgagee 3/6/2012 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Insurance Premium -- Changes Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2012-05 FHA Refinance of Borrowers in Negative Equity Positions: Program Mortgagee 3/13/2012 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Enhancements Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2012-06 lranges to FHA's Occupied Conveyance Procedures Mortgagee 3/ 16/2012 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2012-07 New Single Family Loan Servicing Contractor Mortgagee 4/2/2012 Not Signi?cant (superseded Letter by HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2012-08 Policv Regarding Interest Rate Swap Termination Fees Associated Mortgagee 4/26/2012 Not Signi?cant (superseded by with Debt to be Re?nanced in Connection with and Letter HUD Handbook hilirrltifanrily Mortgage Insurance Applications 4232.1 and 4615.1 2012-09 Annual Base City High Cost Percentage and High Cost Area Mortgagee 4/24/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending Revisions for 20_12 Letter 2012-10 hiliiscellaneous Underwriting Issues- Rescission of Disputed Accounts Mortgagee 6/15/2012 Not Signi?cant (superseded by and Collection Accounts Guidance Mortgagee Letter 2012-3 Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2012-1 1 lari?cation Regarding Title Approval at Conveyance Mortgagee 6/20/2012 Not Signi?cant (superseded Letter by HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2012-12 Responsibilities of Mortgagees in Regard to State and Local Laws Mortgagee 6/20/2012 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2012-13 Extension of Temporary Authority for IVIultifamily Hubs to Process Mortgagee 7/3/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending Waiver Requests Pertaining to the Three-Year Rule for Section Letter 12 HUD-17-0201-D-000040 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1, 2008 HUDOO13REV Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 223(f) Re?nancing or Acquisition of Affordable Multifamily Rental Housing 2012-14 Extension of Implementation Date for Mortgagee Letter 2012-11. Mortgagee 7/31/2012 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Clari?cation Regarding Title Approval at Conveyance Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2012-15 Documentation Requirements for Income froru the Social Security Mortgagee 8/17/2012 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Administration (SSA) Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2012-16 Multifamily Housing and Healthcare Facilities Implementation of Mortgagee 8/23/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending Paygov for A1_mual Mortgage Insru?ance Premiums Letter 2012-17 Home Equity Reverse Mortgage Information Technology (HERMIT) Mortgagee 9/11/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending System for the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HEC M) Letter 2012-18 Temporary Approval Provisions for the Federal Housing Mortgagee 9/ 13/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending Administration (FHA) Condominium Project Approval Process Letter 2012-19 Hazard and Flood Insurance Requirement Reminder Mortgagee 9/20/2012 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2012-20 Underwritino Instructions for Pro'ects ouver?tino Assistance as art Mortgagee 10/ 10/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending of the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) P1'0gra1n Letter 2012-21 Extension of Implementation Date for Mortgagee Letter 2012-11. Mortgagee 10/31/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending Clari?cation Regarding Title Approval at Conveyance Letter 2012-22 Revisions to Loss Mitigation Home Retention Options Mortgagee 11/ 16/2012 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2012-23 Guidance for FHA-Approved Mortga gees Originating and Servicing Mortgagee 11/16/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending Mortgages in Presidentially-Declared Major Disaster Areas Letter (superseded?in part?by HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2012-24 Secondary Financing Eligibility Requirements for Internal Revenue Mortgagee 11/21/201 Not Signi?cant Pending Code (IRC) Section 1 15 Entities - (Superseded in part by HUD Letter Handbook 4000.1) 2012-25 Revised Requirements for Project Capital Needs Assessments. Mortgagee 11/21/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending Estimated Reserves for Replacements and Remedies for Accessibility Letter De?ciencies 2012-26 Federal Housing Administration Maximum Loan Limits. Effective Mortgagee 12/6/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending Period: January 1. 2013. tln?ough December 31. 2013 Letter 13 HUD-17-0201-D-000041 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1, 2008 HUDOO14REV Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2012-27 Revised Recerti?catiorr Fee Calculation for FHA-Approved Branch Mortgagee 12/ 1/2012 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Of?ces Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2012-28 Restatement and Update of Flood Zone Requirements for Federal Mortgagee 12/11/2012 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Horrsirrg Administration (FHA) Insured Mortgages Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2012-29 Interim Reporting Requirements for Small Supervised Lenders and Mortgagee 12/21/2012 Not Signi?cant (superseded by ees Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2011-40 Large Loan Risk Mitigation Policies Mortgagee 12/29/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2011-39 Federal Horrsirrg Administration lVlaximum Loan Limits Effective Mortgagee 12/2/2011 Not Signi?cant (rescinded?no October 1. 2011 tln?ouglr December 31. 2012 Letter longer active) -- Attachment 1 - Areas at Ceiling and Above -- Attachment 2 - Areas Between Floor and Ceiling 2011-38 Secondary Financing Eligibility Requirements for IRC Section 115 Mortgagee 11/30/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Nonpro?ts Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2011-37 Extension of and Reporting Dates Regarding Trial Mortgagee 10/ 18/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Payment Plan for Loan Modi?cations and Partial under Letter HUD Handbook Federal Housing Administration?s Loss lylitigation Program 4000.1) 2011-36 of HUD Headquarters concurrence of affordable housing Mortgagee 9/23/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending programs with borrowers whose household exceeds 115 Letter percent of the area (AMI) 2011-35 Annual Mortgage Insruance Premium for Loans With Terms of 15 Mortgagee 9/21/2011 Not Signi?cant (rescinded?no Years or Less and a Loan to Value (LTV) ratio of 78 Percent 01' Less Letter longer active) at Origination 2011-34 Revised Lender Approval Requirements Mortgagee 9/23/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2011-33 Mortgage Record Changes and Data Reconciliation Mortgagee 9/6/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2011-32 Underwriting Policies and Procedures for Space and Mortgagee 9/1/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending Income in HUD-Insured Multifamily Projects Letter 2011-31 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage HEC M): Revised Form HUD Mortgagee 8/26/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 92902. Certi?cate of HEC orurseling and Clari?cation of Letter Counseling Guidance 14 HUD-17-0201-D-000042 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1, 2008 HUDOO15REV Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2011-30 The Uniform Appraisal Dataset (UAD) and appraisal reporting fonns Mortgagee 8/22/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2011-29 Federal Housing Administration's (FHA) Maximum Loan Limits Mortgagee 8/19/2011 Not Signi?cant (rescinded?no Effective October 1. 2011 through December 31. 2011 Letter longer active) -- Attachment 1 - Areas at Ceiling and Above Attachment 2 - Areas Between Floor and Ceiling 2011-28 Trial Payment Plan for Loan Modi?cations and Partial Claims under Mortgagee 8/15/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Federal Housing Administration?s Loss Mitigation PrOgranr Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2011-27 HUD Amendment to the American hlstitute of Architects (AIA) Mortgagee 8/15/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending Document 108 (formerly 8 1-1994). Standard Form Agreement Letter Between Owner and Architect for a Federally Funded or Federally Insured Project (Amendment) -- Attaclnnent 2011-26 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage HEC M) Counseling: Mortgagee 8/12/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending Intermediaries hicluded on the HEC Counselor List Letter 2011-25 Alternative Reporting Requirements for Small Supervised Lenders Mortgagee 7/28/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded by and Clari?cation of Requirements for Supervised Lenders in Parent- Letter HUD Handbook Subsidiary Relationships 4000.1) 2011-24 Armual Base City High Cost Percentage and High Cost Area Mortgagee 7/22/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending Revisions for _2011 Letter 2011-23 Unemployment Special Forbearance: Temporary Program Changes Mortgagee 7/7/2011 Signi?cant (superseded by and Clari?cations Letter HUD Handbook Submitted to OMB: 4000.1) 07/01/2011 RIN: 2502-ZA11 2011-22 ondorniniurn Approval Process for Single Famin Housing Mortgagee 6/30/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending Consolidation and Update of Approval Requirements Letter -- Attaclnnent -- Guide 2011-21 Revised Instructions for Preparing American Land Title Association Mortgagee 6/20/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending (ALTA)/Arnerican Congress on Surveying and Mapping (ACSM) Letter Land Title Sruvey for HUD Multifamily Housing Programs -- Attachment 1 - HUD Survey Instructions and Report (HUD-92457A-M) -- Attaclnnent 2 - Surveyor's Report (HUD-9245 7M) 15 HUD-17-0201-D-000043 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDOO16REV Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2011-20 Termination of the HOPE for Homeowners (H4H) Program Mortgagee 6/10/2011 Not Signi?cant (Inactive) Letter 2011-19 Financing of Transaction Costs for Real Estate Owned Properties Mortgagee 4/28/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded by (REO) Purchased under FHA $100 Down Sales Incentive Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2011-18 Elimination of FFLA's origination fee cap for the 203(k) Mortgagee 4/26/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Rehabilitation Mortgage Insurance PrOgr'am Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2011-17 Use of Logo. Name and Acronym in Advertising Mortgagee 4/15/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2011-16 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage ?Rescission of Mortgagee Mortgagee 4/5/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2008-3 8? recourse for repaym_ent of debt Letter 2011-15 Revision to Pr?ocedru?es for Partial Payment of Claims of Section 232 Mortgagee 3/11/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending Mortgg? Letter 2011-14 Subordination. Non-Disturbance and Agreements Mortgagee 2/18/201 1 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2011-13 Revision of Mortgagee Letter ML 10-30 Extension of Tern orar Mortgagee 2/ 17/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending Authority for Multifamily Hubs to Process Waiver Requests Letter Pertaining to the T11_ree-Year Rule for 2011-12 Tier Ranking Scores - Incentive Round 42 Mortgagee 2/14/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2011-11 FHA Refinance Transactions Mortgagee 2/ 14/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2011-10 Annual Mortgage Insurance Premium Changes and Guidance on Mortgagee 2/14/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending Case Numbers Letter 2011-09 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage HEC M) Counseling: Waiver of Mortgagee 2/4/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending HEC Counseling Fees and Activities Included in the Time Letter Recorded Portion of the HECM Counseling ertifrcate 2011-08 FHA Single Family Insurance Claims Accounts Receivable Mortgagee 1/21/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded by (ARS) Remittances: Paygov Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2011-07 Elimination of the Master Appraisal Report (MAR) Mortgagee 1/ 12/201 1 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 16 HUD-17-0201-D-000044 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDOO17REV Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2011-06 Claim Process for FFLA Re?nances of Borrowers in Negative Equity Mortgagee 1/12/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Positions (ADP Codes 821. 822. 831. or 832) Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2011-05 Revised Audited Financial Statement Reporting Requirements for Mortgagee 1/5/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Supervised Lenders in Parent-Subsidiary Structlu'es and New Letter HUD Handbook Financial Reporting Reguir?enrents for 1V1ultifan_rily Mortgagees 4000.1) 2011-04 FFLA Capture of Nationwide Mortgage Licensing and Mortgagee 1/ 5/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Registry (NMLS) Information Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2011-03 Extension of Temporary Guidance for Condominium Policy Mortgagee 1/5/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2011-02 Quality Control Requirements for Direct Endorsement Lenders - Mortgagee 1/5/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending (Superseded in part by HUD Handbook 4000.1) Letter 2011-01 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Property lrarge Loss Mitigation Mortgagee 1/3/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending Attachment: Model Letter Letter Attachment: Corporate Advance Procedures 2010-43 Flood Zone Requirements Mortgagee 12/28/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by -- Appendix Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2010-42 Federal Home Loan Bank - Affordable Housing PrOgram. Mortgagee 12/28/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Homeownership Set-Aside Grant Program Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2010-41 Construction Speci?cations Institute (CSI). hr'laster'Forrnat Editions Mortgagee 12/8/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2010-40 2011 FHA Maximum Loan Mortgagee 12/1/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending Attaclnnent 1 (Areas at Ceiling and Above) Letter Attachment 2 (Areas Between Floor and Ceiling) 2010-39 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HEC M) Settlement Mortgagee 11/ 19/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending Statement Closing Certi?cation Letter Attachment - ADDENDUM TO HUD-1 SETTLEMENT STATEMENT 2010-38 Mortgagee Eligibility Requirements and Clari?cation of Mortgagee 11/ 17/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Electronic Annual Certi?cation Requirements and Procedures Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2010-37 Mortgagee 1 1/8/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter Prospective HEC Borrowers a List of HEC Counseling Agencies 1 7 HUD-17-0201-D-000045 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1, 2008 HUDOO18REV Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2010?36 Requirements for Combined Loan Amounts Mortgagee 10/22/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2010?35 Borrower Certification for FFLA Re?nance of Borrowers in Negative Mortgagee 10/8/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Eguim Positions Letter HUD Handbook -- Attaclnnent 4000.1) 2010-34 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage PrOgrarn Introducing HEC Mortgagee 9/21/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending Saver; Mortgage Insurance Premiums and Principal Limit Factor Letter Changes for HEC Star_1dard 2010?33 FHA Connection Enhancements to Support Sponsored Third Party Mortgagee 9/21/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Originations (Sponsored Originations) Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2010?32 Revision to Policy for Partial Payment of Claims and Mortgage Mortgagee 9/ 15/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending Modi?cations Letter 2010?31 Annual Base ity High Cost Percentage and High Cost Area Mortgagee 9/2/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending Revisions for 2010 Letter 2010?30 Revised Temporary Authority for Multifamily Hubs to Process Mortgagee 9/2/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending Waiver Requests Pertaining to the Three-Year Rule for Section Letter 223(f) to A_llow for Acquisitions.? 2010?29 Minimum Credit Scores and Loan-to-Value Ratios Mortgagee 9/3/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2010?28 Changes to FHA Mortgage Insurance Premiums Mortgagee 9/1/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2010?27 Renewal of Special Authority for Eligibility of Projects for Mortgage Mortgagee 8/30/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending Insurance where Construction has Started Originally Established by Letter Mortgagee Letter 2009-26 and Housing Notice 2009-12 2010?26 Further Policy Guidance to Defer Submission of Final Architectural Mortgagee 8/ 13/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending Plans and Speci?cations Introduced by Mortgagee Letter 2008-l9. Letter Streamlined Processing of Multifamily Mortgage Insurance Applications Involving Low Income Housing Tax Credits 2010-25 Processing Instructions for Re?nancing Cooperative Housing Mortgagee 8/11/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending Projects under Section_207 pursuant to Section_223(f) Letter 2010-24 Combined Loan-to-Value Requirements for Re?nance Transactions Mortgagee 8/6/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter 2010?36) 2010-23 FHA Re?nance of Borrower's in Negative Equity Positions Mortgagee 8/6/2010 Economically (superseded by Letter Signi?cant HUD Handbook 4000.1) 18 HUD-17-0201-D-000046 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDOO19REV Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review Submitted to OMB: 05/26/2010 RIN: 2502-ZA08 2010-22 Home Equity Conversion Moneage HEC M) Proaram Submission of Mortgagee 7/20/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending Case Binder Documents Letter Attachment - Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Required Docrunents for Endorsement 2010-21 HUD Multifamily Risk Mitigation Mortgagee 7/6/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending Attachment A - Sample Schedule of Real Estate Owned Letter Attachment 1; - Sample Schedule of Mortgage Debt 2010-20 Implementation of Final Rule FR 5356-F-02. "Federal Housing Mortgagee 6/11/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Administration: Continuation of FPLA Refonn--Strengthening Risk Letter HUD Handbook Management throth Responsible FHA-Approved Lenders" 4000.1) 2010-19 Streamline Re?nance Transactions and FHA TOTAL Scorecard Mortgagee 5/27/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2010-18 Update of Property and Presewation Requirements and Cost Mortgagee 5/ 13/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Reimbursement Procediu?es Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2010-17 Updated HUD REO Lead-Based Paint Appraisal Reporting Mortgagee 5/5/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Requirements Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2010-16 Introduction of the Mortga gee Compliance Manager Mortgagee 4/20/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by (MC M) and the P260 Internet Portal Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2010?15 FHA Case Number and FHA Roster Appraiser Assigmnents Mortgagee 4/20/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2010-14 Electronic Signatiu?es 011 Third Party Documents Mortgagee 4/ 8/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2010?13 Appraisal Update and/or Completion Report (Fannie Mae Form Mortgagee 3/31/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by 1004D/Freddie Mac Form 2005) Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2010?12 Use of pavgov for Lender Approval Application Fees Mortgagee 3/29/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 19 HUD-17-0201-D-000047 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDOOZOREV Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2010?11 Availability of Treasury Success Payments for FHA-HAMP Mortgagee 3/26/2010 Signi?cant Pending hv'lodi?cations Letter Submitted to OMB: 02/05/2010 RIN: 2 502-A1 8 7 2010-10 Revision to Criterion 4 of the Form HUD 92264-A. ?Supplement to Mortgagee 3/ 16/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending Proiect Aglvsis? Letter 2010-09 Tier Ranking Scores Incentive Round 38 Mortgagee 3/8/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by - Attaclnnent Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2010-08 HUD REO Appraisal Validity Period and Second Appraisals Mortgagee 3/8/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2010-07 Revisions to Model Home Equity Conversion Mortgage HEC M) Mortgagee 3/1/210 Not Signi?cant Pending Loan Agreement (Loan Agreement) and Fannie Mae Form 1009. Letter Residential Application for Reverse Mortgages (Fannie Mae Form 10092 Attachments 0 FannieMae Form 1009 0 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Loan Agreement 0 Exhibit 1 - Payment Plan 0 Exhibit 2 - Schedule of Closing Costs 0 Exhibit 3 - Repair Rider 2010?06 Extension of Mortgagee Letter 2009-22 Revised Temporary Mortgagee 2/ 17/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending Authority for lV'lultifamily Hubs to Process Waiver Requests Letter Pertaining to the Three-Year Rule for Section 223g :2 2010?05 Annolurcernent of the FHA Nonpro?t Data IVIanagernent System Mortgagee 1/28/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2010-04 Loss Mitigation for Irmninent Default Mortgagee 1/22/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2010-03 hr'ior'tgagee Approval for Single Farnilv Programs - Extended Mortgagee 1/21/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Procedures for Terminating Underwriting Authority Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2010-02 Increase in Upfront Premiums for FHA Mortgage hisurance Mortgagee 1/21/2010 Signi?cant Pending Letter 20 HUD-17-0201-D-000048 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDOOZ1REV Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review Submitted to OMB: 01/ 15/2010 RIN: 2502-ZA03 2010-01 Extension of Authority for Processing Pre-application Firm Invitation Mortgagee 1/11/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending and Firm Extension Requests Letter 2009-53 Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) and FHA Related Mortgagee 12/30/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Policies Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-52 Short Sales and Short Pay Offs Mortgagee 12/ 16/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-51 Adoption of the Appraisal Update anchor Report (Fannie Mortgagee 12/7/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Mae 1004D/Freddie Mac Form 442/March 2005) Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-50 2010 FHA Maximum Loan Limits Mortgagee 11/25/2009 Not Signi?cant (rescinded?no -- Attachment I - At Ceiling and Above Letter longer active) -- Attachment - Between the Floor and Ceiling 2009-49 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Pr0gram: Subordinate Liens Mortgagee 11/ 18/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2009-48 Second Appraisal Reporting Requirements Mortgagee 11/18/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-47 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage HEC M) Counseling Mortgagee 1 1/ 6/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Standardization and Roster Final Rule Letter 2009-46a Temporary Guidance for Condominium Policy Mortgagee 11/6/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2009-46b Condominium Approval Process for Single Housing Mortgagee 11/6/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2009-45 Introduction of HUD's Web-Based Training Application: Electronic Mortgagee 10/27/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Class (I?ss) 011 Loss Mitigation and Servicing Sgstem Letter 2009-44 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HEC M) Program -- Mortgagee 10/23/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Clari?cation of Debenture Interest Calculation for HEC Claim Letter Type 21: Claim Filing Instructions for HEC Claim Types 21 and a lairn Type 21 - Filing Instructions 0 laim Type 24 - Filing Instructions 21 HUD-17-0201-D-000049 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDOOZZREV Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2009-43 HOPE for Homeowners Program - Comprehensive Guidance Mortgagee 10/20/2009 Economically (rescinded?no Letter Signi?cant longer active) 0 Exhibit A 0 Exhibit Submitted to OMB: 0 Exhibit 07/17/2009 0 Exhibit RIN: 2502-ZA02 2009-42 Sub-Servicing of FHA-insiu?ed Mortgages Mortgagee 10/ 19/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-41 Appraisal perfonnance standards and sanctions Mortgagee 10/19/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-40 Policv and Procediu?es 011 IVIultifamilv Mo?gage Insurance Mortgagee 10/19/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Applications Involving Master Lease Stiuctiu?ing to facilitate the use Letter of Tax Credits 2009-39 Updated Claim Filing and Delinquencnyefault Reporting Mortgagee 10/9/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Requirements For FHA's Making Home Affordable Modi?cation Letter HUD Handbook Program (FHA-RAMP) 4000.1) 0 Appendix 1 - Delinquency/Default Status Codes 0 Appendix 2 - Delinquency/Default Reason Codes 0 Appendix 3 - Claim Filing Assistance for Loss Mitigation Claims 2009-38 Update 011 Eligibilitv Requirements for Nonpro?t histiumentalities Mortgagee 10/8/2009 Not Signi?cant (rescinded?no (115 Waiver) Letter longer active) 2009-37 Flood Zone Requirements and Responsibilities of FPLA Mortga gees Mortgagee 10/1/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by and Appraisers Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-36 Revised Eligibility Mortgagee 9/23/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-35 Loan Modi?cation Mortgagee 9/23/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 22 HUD-17-0201-D-000050 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDOOZ3REV Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2009-34 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HEC M) - Principal Limit Mortgagee 9/23/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Factors Letter 2009-33 Annual Base City High Cost Percentage Revisions effective January Mortgagee 9/18/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending l. 2009 Letter 2009-32 Revised Streamline Re?nance Transactions Mortgagee 9/18/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-31 Strengthening ounterparty Risk Maria Mortgagee 9/ 18/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-30 Appraisal Validity Periods Mortgagee 9/18/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-29 Appraisal Portability Mortgagee 9/18/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-28 Appraiser Independence Mortgagee 9/18/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-27 Multifamily Housing Accelerated Processing Guide: Chapter 9. Mortgagee 9/18/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Environmental Review Letter 2009-26 Eligibility of Projects for Mortgage Insurance where Construction Mortgagee 8/26/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending has Started Letter 2009-25 Electronic Annual Certi?cation to Replace Title II Yearly Mortgagee 8/24/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Veri?cation Report Letter HUD Handbook -- Attachment 4000.1) 2009-24 Housing Tax Credit Coordination Act of 2008 Mortgagee 7/29/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2009-23 Making Home Affordable Program: FPLA's Home Affordable Mortgagee 7/30/2009 Signi?cant (superseded by Modi?cation Loss Mitigation Option Letter HUD Handbook Attachment - Guidelines for FHA-HAMP Submitted to OMB: 4000.1) 06/22/2009 RIN: 2502-ZA01 2009-22 Mortgagee 7/29/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Waiver Requests Pertaining to the Tln'ee-Year Rule for Section Letter 223(f) 23 HUD-17-0201-D-000051 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDOOZ4REV Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2009-21 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Re?nancing of Existing Loans Mortgagee 6/30/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2009-20 Processing Pie-Application Firm Invitation and Firm Mortgagee 6/26/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Extension Requests Letter 2009-19 Condominium Approval Process - Single Family Housing Mortgagee 6/ 12/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2009-18 Energy Ef?cient Mortgages - Increase in the Dollar Amount of Mortgagee 6/ 10/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Energy Ef?cient Improvements Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-17 Accuracv of Lender Data for FHA-approved Mortgagees Mortgagee 5/22/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-16 Ivianufactured Housing Policy Guidance - Property and Underwriting Mortgagee 5/21/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Eligibilitv Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-15 Using First-Time Homebuver Tax Credits for the Downpavment Mortgagee 5/29/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending 0 IRS Form 5405 Letter 0 IRS Tax Credit 2009-14 Online Versions of Handbooks 4155.1. Mortgage Credit Analysis for Mortgagee 4/9/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Mortgage Insurance: and 4155.2. Lenders' Guide to Single Family Letter Mortgage Insurance Processing 2009-13 Guidance on FHA Model Mortgage Form for New Mexico Mortgagee 4/ 10/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-12 IV?Iortgagee IVIonitoring Mortgagee 4/2/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-11 Final HEC for Pru'clrase Program Mortgagee 3/27/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Attaclnnent Letter 2009-10 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Pr?Ogram: Clari?cation of Home Mortgagee 3/27/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending ui Conversion Mortgage ounselino Issues Letter 2009-09 Adoption of Market Conditions Addendrun (Fannie Mae Form Mortgagee 3/23/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by 1004MC/Freddie Mac Form 71) and Appraisal Reporting Letter HUD Handbook Requirements for Properties located in Declining Markets (PDF) 4000.1) Worc=1) 2009-08 Limits on ash-Out Re?nances Mortgagee 3/ 12/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 24 HUD-17-0201-D-000052 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDOOZSREV Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2009-07 Loarr Limit Increases for FHA Mortgagee 2/24/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending 0 Attachment I - Counties at the Ceiling Letter 0 Attachment II - our_rties l_3etween_the Floor and eili_ng 2009-06 Temporary Authority for Multifamily Hubs to Process Waiver Mortgagee 2/6/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Requests Pertaining to the Three-Year Rule for Section 23?) Letter 2009-05 Project Lifeline Initiative's Impact on FHA's Foreclosure Time Mortgagee Not Signi?cant (superseded by Frames (not available 011 website) Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-04 Tier Ranking Scores - Incentive Round 34 Mortgagee 1/ 16/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-03 HOPE for Homeowners Origination and Servicing Guidance Mortgagee 1/6/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Supplement Letter 09-43 0 Attachment 1 - Shared Appreciation Note 0 Attachment 2 - Model H4H 0 Attachment 3 - Shared Eguity Note 0 Attachment 4 - FHA HOPE for Homeowners Attachment to FHA Loan Underwriting and Transmittal Summary 0 Attachment 5 - HOPE for Homeowners Consumer Disclosure and Certi?cation Form - Attachnrent 6 - HOPE for ertifrcation Attachment 7 - Appreciation Worksheet 2009-02 o-branded Outreach Materials Mortgagee 1/7/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-01 Arnrual Renewal of FHA Approval Mortgagee 1/6/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2008-43 Pie-Foreclosure Sale (PFS) PrOgrarn - Utilizing the PFS Loss Mortgagee 12/24/2008 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Mitigation Option to Assist Families Facing Foreclosru'e Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 0 Appendix A 0 Attachment 2 0 Attachment 3 25 UD-17-0201-D-000053 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDOOZGREV Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 0 Attaclnnerrt 4 0 Attachment 5 Attacln_nent 6 2008-42 Implementation of 24 CFR Parts 200 and 242. Revisions to the Mortgagee 12 19/2008 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Hospital Mortgage Insurance Program: Final Rule [Docket No. FR- Letter 24 FR part 242) RJN 2502-A122 (not on website) 2008-41 Termination of FHASecure Mortgagee 12/ 19/2008 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2008-40 Re?nance Transactions: New Maximrun Mortgage Calculation Mortgagee 12/ 15/2008 Not Signi?cant (superseded by (Word) (PDF) Letter HUD Handbook -- Attachment -- Loan-to-Value and Combined Loan-to-Value 4000.1) Mortgage Arnormt Calculation Comparison 2008-39 Revised Eligibility Requirements for FHA Roster Appraisers Mortgagee 12/ 17/2008 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2008-38 Home Equity Conversion Mortgages HEC Ms) - Clari?cation Mortgagee 12/5/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending regardinO borrower's recoru'se for re a nent of HEC loan debt and Letter termination of a 2008-37 Property Flipping Prohibition Exemption in Presiderrtially-declared Mortgagee 11/24/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Maior Disaster Areas in lVlidwestern States Letter 2008-36 2009 FFLA Maximum Mortgage Limits Mortgagee 11/7/2008 Not Signi?cant (rescinded?no -- I -- FHA Loan Limits for Areas AT CEILING AND Letter longer active) ABOVE -- Attachment II - FHA Loan for Areas BETWEEN CEILING AND FLOOR 2008-35 HECM Mortgage Limits - Effective Immediately Mortgagee 11/6/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2008-34 HEC Origination Fee - New Limits Mortgagee 10/31/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2008-33 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HEC M) for Pru'chase Pr0granr Mortgagee 10/20/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2008-32 Use of FHA Loss Mitigation During Bankruptcy Mortgagee 10/17/2008 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 26 HUD-17-0201-D-000054 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDOOZ7REV Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2008-31 2008 Update of Presewation and Protection Guidelines. and Cost Mortgagee 10/ 16/2008 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Reimbursements Letter HUD Handbook Attachment -- Properties Securing FHA Insured Mortgages 4000.1) 2008-3O HOPE for Homeowners Sen/icing Guidance Mortgagee 10/1/2008 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter 09-43) 2008-29 HOPE for Homeowners Oligination Guidance Mortgagee 10/1/2008 Not Signi?cant (superseded by -- Attachments ._zip_ Letter 09-43) 2008-28 Prohibition 011 1\/101tgagee Funded Home Eguig Conversion Mortgagee 9/29/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending MOHgage HEC M) Counseling Letter 2008-27 Treble Damages for Failure to Engage in Loss Mitigation Mortgagee 9/26/2008 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2008-26 New York State Consolidation. Extension. and Modi?cation Mortgagee 9/25/2008 Not Signi?cant (rescinded?no Agreement (C EMA) Letter longer active) 2008-25 Converting Existing Homes to Rentals-Underwriting Mortgagee 9/ 19/2008 Not Signi?cant (rescinded?no Letter longer active) 2008-24 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage HEC M) PrOgram - Mortgagee 9/16/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Requirements 011 Mortgage Originators Letter 2008-23 Revised Downpavment and lVlaximum Mortgage Requirements Mortgagee 9/ 5/2008 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2008-22 l\~ioratorium on Risk-Based Premiums for FHA Mmtga ge Insurance Mortgagee 9/4/2008 Not Signi?cant (rescinded?no Letter longer active) 2008-21 FHA Loss Mitigation Pr0gram Updates Mortgagee 8/14/2008 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2008-20 Management and Marketing Change for the Philadelphia Mortgagee 8/ 14/2008 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Homeownership Center (Philadelphia HOC) Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2008-19 Streamlined Processing of Multifamily Mortgage Insurance Mortgagee 7/22/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Applications Involving Low Income Housing Tax Credits Letter 0 Attachment 1 - Special Conditions 0 Attachment 2 - Requirements applicable to the submission of deferred Drawings and Speci?cations 0 Attachment 3 - January 17. 2007 Of?ce of Multifamily Housing Programs Memorandlun 0 Attachment 4 - J1me 21. 2007 Of?ce of Multifamily Housing Programs Memorandum 27 HUD-17-0201-D-000055 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDOOZBREV Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2008-18 Termination of Telephone Access to Credit Alert Interactive Voice Mortgagee 7/11/2008 Not Signi?cant (rescinded?no Response System (C AIVRS) Letter longer active) 2008-17 N011 FHA-approved Mortgage Brokers - Forward Mortgages Mortgagee 6/20/2008 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2008-16 Risk-Based Premiums for FHA Mortgage Insurance Mortgagee 6/11/2008 Not Signi?cant (rescinded?no Letter longer active) 2008-15 FFLA Loan Underwriting and Transmittal Summary. Form HUD- Mortgagee 5/22/2008 Not Signi?cant (superseded by 92900-LT and Addendum to Uniform Residential Loan Application. Letter HUD Handbook form HUD-92900-A 4000.1) 2008-14 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Progranr - Non FHA-Approved Mortgagee 5/ 16/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Mortgage Brokers Letter 2008-13 Expa ion 0 FHAS ure Mortgagee 5/7/2008 Not Signi?cant (rescinded?no -- Atta clnnerrt - FHA Re?nance Programs Comparison Matrix Letter longer active) 2008-12 Home ui Conversion Mortgage HEC Program: Counselino Mortgagee 5/6/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Fee Letter 2008-11 Nontraditional Credit Veri?cation and Evaluation Mortgagee 4/29/2008 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2008-10 Update to Mortgagee Letter 2004-40 Single Family Real Estate Mortgagee 4/ 15/2008 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Owned (Property Disposition) National Ivlanagernent and Marketing Letter HUD Handbook ontractors 4000.1) 2008-09 Second Appraisal Requirements/Limits on Cash-Out Refnrances (not Mortgagee Not Signi?cant (superseded by available 011 website) Letter 2009-48) 2008-08 Home Equity Conversion Mortgages - Fixed Interest Rate Mortgagee 3/28/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2008-07 Update to Mortgagee Letter 2004-40 Single Family Real Estate Mortgagee 3/25/2008 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Owned (Property Disposition) National I\-Ianagernent and Marketing Letter HUD Handbook Contractors 4000.1) 2008-06 Temporary Loan Limit Increase for FFLA Mortgagee 3/6/2008 Not Signi?cant (rescinded?no -- Attachment 1 - FHA mortgage limits are at the ceiling Letter longer active) -- 2 - FHA mortgage limits are in between the ceiling and the ?oor 2008-05 Tier Ranking Scores - Incentive Rorurd 30 (ML not on Mortgagee Not Signi?cant (superseded by website) Letter HUD Handbook Attaclnnerrt - Tier 1 Lenders for Rornrd 30 4000.1) 28 HUD-17-0201-D-000056 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDOOZQREV Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2008-04 FHA Multifamily Statutow Loan Limit Adjustments and Changes in Mortgagee 2/11/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Annual Base ity High Cost Percentage for FHA-Insured Letter Iviultifan_1ilv Housing in High-Cost Aim 2008-02 2008 FHA h?laximum Mortgage Limits Mortgagee 1/ 18/2008 Not Significant (rescinded?no -- Attachment I Letter longer active) -- Attach_1nent 2008-01 New Single Familv Loan Servicing Contractor Mortgagee 1/11/2008 Not Significant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 29 UD-17-0201-D-000057 Department of Housing and Urban Development Mortgagee Letters Issued by the Federal Housing Administration Since Jan. 1, 2008 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2017-01 Reduction of Federal Housing Administration (FFLA) Amrual Mortgagee 01/09/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Mortgage Insurance Premium Rates Letter 2017-02 Annual Base City High Cost Percentage and High Cost Area Mortgagee 01/11/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Revisions for 2016 Letter 2017-03 Federal Housing Administration FHA Loan Review stern - Mortgagee 01/11/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Implementation and Process lrangg Letter 2017-04 Section 232 PrOgr'am - 232 Portal Mortgagee 01/11/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2017-05 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage HEC M) Claim Type 22 T-22) Mortgagee 01/18/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Assigrment Requests Letter 2017-06 Servicing of FHA-insured Mortgages 011 Properties with Mortgagee 01/19/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Pronerty Assessed Clean Energx Obligation Letter 2017-07 Suspension of Mortgagee Letter 2017-01 - Reduction of Federal Mortgagee 01/20/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Housing Administration FHA Amrual Mortgage Insurance Letter Premium (MIP) Rates 2017-08 Effective Date of of the Federal Housing Mortgagee 03/23/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Administration?s Loan Review System. and Change in Effective Date Letter for Timefrarne for Conducting Pie-Endorsement Mortgage Reviews for Unconditional DE Authority 2017-09 Implementation of the NA Tool -- Delayed Mortgagee 04/ 19/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2017-10 Additional Period of Eligibility for 20301) Mortgage Insurance for Mortgagee 04/26/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Disaster Victims Letter 2017-11 of January 2017 Home Equity Conversion Mortgagee 08/24/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Mortgage (HEC M) Final Rule Letter 2017-12 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HEC M) PrOgl?anr: Mortgage Mortgagee 08/29/2017 Economically Pending Insurance Premium Rates and Principal Limit Factors Letter Signi?cant Submitted to OMB: 08/23/2017 RIN: 2502-AZ15 2017-13 Extension of Temporary Approval Provisions for the Federal Mortgagee 08/30/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Housing Administration (FHA) Project Approval Letter Process HUD-17-0201-D-000058 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 00002 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2017-14 Annual Revisions to Base City High Cost Percentage. High Cost Mortgagee 08/31/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Area and Per Unit Substantial Rehabilitation Threshold for 2017 Letter 2017-15 Extension of Initial Disaster Foreclosure l\~Ioratorium for Properties Mortgagee 10/20/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending in Speci?ed Areas Impacted by Hurricanes Harvey. Irma. and Maria Letter 2017-16 2018 Nationwide Forward Mortgage Limits Mortgagee 12/07/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2017-17 2018 Nationwide Home Equity Conversion Mortgage HEC M) Mortgagee 12/07/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending m8 Letter 2017-18 Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Mortgagee 12/07/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2016?01 Additional Extension of Certain Tirneframes in cornrectiorr with Mortgagee 01/12/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending Mortgagee Letter 2015-11 (Loss Mitigation Guidance for Home Letter Equity Conversion Mortgages in Default due to Unpaid Property Charges) and Mortga gee Letter 2015-26 2016-02 date of Preservation and Protection Re uirernents and Cost Mortgagee 02/05/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending Reimbursement Procedures for Title 11 Forward Mortgages and Letter Home Equity Conversion MS) 2016?03 Single Family Foreclosure Policy and Pr?ocedru'al Changes for HUD Mortgagee 02/05/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending Title 11 Forward Mortgages and Reverse Mortgages Letter 2016-04 Automatic Extensions to HUD's Initiation of Foreclosure Tirneline Mortgagee 02/05/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2016-05 Additional Guidance related to Mortgagee Letter 2015- Mortgagee 02/12/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 15. Mortgagee Optional Election (MOE) Assigrnnent for Home Letter Equity Conversion Mortgages (HECMs) with an FHA Case Number assigned prior to August 4. 2014 2016-06 Revised HUD 92900-A Addendum to Uniform Residential Mortgagee 03/ 15/2016 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Loan Application Letter Single amin Housing Policy Handbook (HUD Handbook 40001)) 2016-07 Expanded Permissive Loss Mitigation for Home Equity Conversion Mortgagee 03/20/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending Mortgages HEC Ms) and Ivlortgagee?s Optional Extension to Letter Submitting a Due and Payable Request 2016-08 Student Loans Mortgagee 04/ 13/2016 Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) UD-17-0201-D-000059 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 00003 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2016-09 Delivery of Advice of Pavrnent and Title Approval Mortgagee 06/22/2016 Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2016?10 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HEC M) PrOgrarn - Servicing Mortgagee 07/ 13/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending Fee Set- Aside Growth Rate. Third Party Property Tax Veri?cation Letter Fees. and Financial Assessment ar_rd Property Charge Require?merits 2016-11 Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Mortgagee 07/ 19/2016 Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook Submitted to OMB: 4000.1) 06/ 1 7/2016 RIN: 2502-ZA14 2016-12 203(k) Rehabilitation Mortgage Insurance PrOgrarn: 203(k) Mortgagee 08/10/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending Consultant Draw Inspection Fee Letter 2016-13 Extension of Temporary Approval Provisions for the Federal Mortgagee 08/24/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending Housing Administration (FHA) ondorniniurn Project Approval Letter Process 2016?14 Updates to FHA's Loss Mitigation Retention Options and Mortgagee 08/24/2016 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Miscellaneous Mortgage Servicing Policy Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2016-15 Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Condominium Project Mortgagee 10/26/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending Approval Owner Occupancv Requi_rement Letter 2016?16 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Pr0granr: Source for lO-Year Mortgagee 10/27/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending LIBOR Swap Rate Letter 2016-17 National Servicing Center Address Change for the Tulsa. Oklahoma Mortgagee 11/02/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending Of?ce Letter 2016-18 Use of Professional Emplover Organizations Mortgagee 11/28/2016 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2016?19 2017 Nationwide Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HEC M) Mortgagee 12/01/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending Limits Letter 2016-20 2017 Nationwide Forward Mortgage Lirnits Mortgagee 12/01/2016 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2016?21 Direct Endorsement Pro 'arn - Tirnefrarne for orrductino Pre- Mortgagee 12/ 14/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending Endorsement Mortgage Reviews for Unconditional Direct Letter Endorsement Authority HUD-17-0201-D-000060 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 00004 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2016-22 Extension of Date of Selected Sections of Handbook Mortgagee 12/01/2016 Not Signi?cant (superseded by 4000.1 Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2016?23 Lender Responsibilities in Servicing Section 242 Loans Mortgagee 12/01/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2016-24 Processing Fee for Assumptions Mortgagee 12/07/2016 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2016-25 2017 Nationwide Forward Mortgage Limits Correction for Special Mortgagee 12/22/2016 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Exception Areas (Alaska. Hawaii. Guam. and the Virgin Islands) Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2016-26 Implementation of the NA Tool: Automating Capital Needs Mortgagee 12/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending and Related Policy Changes Letter 2015-01 Reduction of Federal Housing Administration (FFLA) annual Mortgagee 01/09/2015 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Mortgage Insurance Premium MIP rates and Tern orar Case Letter HUD Handbook ancel_lation Authority 4000.1) 2015-02 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage HEC M) Pr0gram: Policy Mortgagee 01/09/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Guidance and Certi?cations for Eligible and Ineligible Non- Letter 1_301rowing HEC Spouses and Seasoning Requirements Guidance 2015-03 Mortgagee Optional Election Assignment for Home Equity Mortgagee 01/29/2015 Not Signi?cant (rescinded?no Conversion Mortgages HEC Ms) with FHA Case Numbers assigned Letter longer active) prior to Angust 4. 2014 2015-04 Reduction of Federal Housing Administration (FFLA) annual Mortgagee 02/04/2015 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Mortgage Insurance Premium (MIP) rates and Temporary Case Letter HUD Handbook Cancellation Authority 4000. 1) 2015-05 Notice of PrOgram Eligibility for HUD Insured Housing Pr0grams for Mortgagee 02/06/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending All People Regardless of Sexual Orientation. Gender Identity or Letter Marital Status as Re uired HUD's 11al Access Rule 2015-06 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage HEC M) - Delay in Effective Mortgagee 02/26/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Date for Financial Assessment and Property Charge Frurding Letter Requirements for the Pavrnent of Certain Property Charges 2015-07 Trial Plans Associated with Loss Mitigation Loan Mortgagee 03/ 18/2015 Not Signi?cant (superseded by lviodi?catiorr Options for Forward Mortgages Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2015-08 Mortgagee 03/26/2015 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000. 1) HUD-17-0201-D-000061 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 00005 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2015-09 Home Equity Conversion Monga ge (HEC M) Program Life Mortgagee 03/27/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Expectancy Set-Aside Growth Rate and Clari?cation to Section 3.98 Letter of the HEC Financial Assessment and Property Charge Guide 2015-10 Home Equity Conversion Mngage (HEC M) Due and Payable Mortgagee 04/23/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Policies Letter 2015-11 Loss Mitigation Guidance for Home Equity Conversion Mortgages Mortgagee 04/23/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending (HEC Ms) in Default due to Unpaid Property Charges Letter 2015-12 tional Election Assi nnent for Home nit Mortgagee 04/30/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Conversion Mortgages HEC Ms) with FHA Case Numbers assigned Letter prior to August 4. 2014 2015-13 hliplementation of Pay. gov for Multifamily Program Fees Mortgagee 05/ 1 1/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2015-14 Implementation of Pay. gov for Hospital Facilities Program Fees Mortgagee 05/11/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2015-15 tional Election Assi nnent for Home nit Mortgagee 06/12/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Conversion Mortgages HEC Ms) with an FHA Case Number Letter assigned prior to August 4. 2014 2015-16 Undeiwn'ter Approval Delegation Mortgagee 08/ 12/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2015-17 HUD REO Purchasing Mortgagee 08/26/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2015-18 Single Family Partial Claim Documentation and Deliyeiy Mortgagee 09/01/2015 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Requirements Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2015-19 Responsibilities of Seiyicers of Section 242 Loans Mortgagee 09/03/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2015-20 Revision of Notice to Occupants of Pending Acquisition (NOPA) Mortgagee 09/ 15/2015 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2015-21 Automatic Extensions to Initiation of Foreclosure Timeline Mortgagee 09/28/2015 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2015-22 New Standards for Energy Efficient Homes (EEH) ?Stretch Ratio? Mortgagee 09/ 30/2015 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Policv: Incorporating the Depaitment of Energy's (DOE) Home Letter HUD Handbook Energy Score 4000.1) 2015-23 New Single Family Monga gee Compliance Manager (MC M) Mortgagee 10/01/2015 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) UD-17-0201-D-000062 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 00006 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2015-24 Single Family Foreclosure PoliCV and Procedural Changes for HUD Mortgagee 10/01/2015 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Title 11 Forward Mortgages and Reverse Mortgages Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2015-25 Implementation of Electronic Submission of Davis?Bacon Wage Rate Mortgagee 10/05/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Certi?cations Letter 2015-26 Extension of Certain Tirneframes in connection with Mortgagee Mortgagee 10/ 16/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2015-11. Loss Mitigation Guidance for Home Equity Letter Conversion HEC Ms in Default due to Urr aid Pro ert hargg 2015-27 Additional Temporary Approval Provisions for Federal Housing Mortgagee 1 1/ 13/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Administration (FFLA) Condominium Proiect Approval Letter 2015-28 Annual Base City High Cost Percentage and High Cost Area Mortgagee 11/ 18/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Revisions for Letter 2015-29 2016 Nationwide Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HEC M) Mortgagee 12/09/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending ?ts Letter 2015-30 2016 Nationwide Forward Mortgage Limits Mortgagee 12/09/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2014-01 ?Save Your Home: Tips to Avoid orec/osure? - Brochure for Mortgagee 1/10/2014 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Delinquent Mortga gors Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2014-02 Revised Manual Underwriting Requirements Mortgagee 1/21/2014 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2014-03 Electronic Signatures Mortgagee 1/30/2014 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2014-04 Revisions to Large Loan Risk Mitigation Policies Mortgagee 2/28/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2014-05 Standardized Multifamily FHA Mortgage Insurance Applications Mortgagee 2/28/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2014-06 Portfolio and Master Lease Guidance Mortgagee 4/ 17/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2014-07 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage HEC M) Program: Non- Mortgagee 4/25/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending Borrowing Spouse Letter 2014-08 Guidance on Nonpro?ts Assisting Government Entities in Providing Mortgagee 4/29/2014 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Secondary Financing in oniunction with FHA-Insured Mortgages Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) UD-17-0201-D-000063 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 00007 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2014-09 Annual Receiti?cation and Post-Approval Updates Mortgagee 5/27/2014 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2014-10 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HEC M) Program - Prohibition Mortgagee 6/18/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending on Misleading or Deceptive Pr0gram Descriptions or Advertising and Letter Mbition or_1 Restriction of 1\?Iortggor?s Fr?eedor_11 of Choice 2014?11 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HEC M) Pr0gra111: Limit 011 Mortgagee 6/ 18/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending Insurabilit of Fixed Interest Rate Products under the HEC Letter Pr?Ograrn 2014?12 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HEC M) Pr0gra111: New Mortgagee 6/27/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending Principal Limit Factors Letter 2014-13 Voluntary Termination of FFLA Mortgage Insurance Mortgagee 7/3/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter (superseded?in part?by HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2014?14 Aimual Base City High Cost Percentage and High Cost Area Mortgagee 7/7/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending Revisions for 2014 Letter 2014-15 Updated Requirements for Pie-Foreclosure Sales (PFS) and Deeds in Mortgagee 7/10/2014 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Lieu (DIL) of Foreclosure Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2014-16 Electronic Retention of Foreclosure-Related Documentation Mortgagee 7/23/2014 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2014-17 Extension of Temporary Approval Provisions for the Federal Mortgagee 8/29/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending Housing Administration (FHA) Condominium Proiect Approval Letter Process 2014?18 Revisions to Large Loan Risk Mitigation Policies Mortgagee 9/4/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2014-19 New Single Family Loan Servicing Contractor Mortgagee 9/ 18/2014 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2014-20 Section 232 Pr0gram - Implementation of Pay. gov for Program Fees Mortgagee 9/ 18/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2014?21 Revised Changes to the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HEC M) Mortgagee 11/ 10/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending Progam Requ_ire111ents Letter 2014-22 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HEC M) Financial Assessment Mortgagee 1 1/ 10/ 2014 Not Signi?cant Pending and Property Charge Requirements Letter HUD-17-0201-D-000064 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 00008 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2014-23 FHA Refinance of Borrowers in Negative Equity Positions: Program Mortgagee 11/ 14/2014 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Extension Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2014-24 Increasing Use of FHA's Claims Without Conveyance of Title Mortgagee 11/26/2014 Not Signi?cant (superseded by WC OT) Procedures Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2014-25 Federal Housing Administration Maximum Loan Limits Effective Mortgagee 12/5/2014 Not Signi?cant (superseded by January 1. 2015 tlu?ough December 31 2015 Letter HUD Handbook -- Attachment 1 - Areas at Ceiling and Above 4000.1) -- Attachment 2 - Areas Between Floor and Ceiling 2013-01 Home Equity Conversion Mongage PrOgram - Consolidation of Mortgagee 1/30/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending Pricing Options and Principal Limit Factors for Fixed Interest Rate Letter Mortgages Mortga gee Letters 2013-02 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage HEC M) Program - Amended Mortgagee 1/30/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending Late Reguest for Endorsement Procedures Letter 2013-03 Extension of Implementation Date for1\~101tgagee Letter 2012-22. Mortgagee 1/31/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Revisions to Loss Home Retention Options Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2013-04 Revision of Federal Housing Administration (FHA) policies Mortgagee 1/31/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by concerning cancellation of the annual Mnga ge Insurance Premium Letter HUD Handbook (MIP) and increase to the annual MIP 4000.1) 2013-05 Manual Undeiwriting for Loans with Decision Credit Score Below Mortgagee 1/31/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by 620 and Total Fixed Payments to Effective Income Ratio Exceeding Letter HUD Handbook 43 00% 4000.1) 2013-06 Extension of Disaster lyloratorium and Suspension of Evictions for Mortgagee 1/31/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Speci?ed Properties Impacted by Hurricane Sandy Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2013-07 HUD Of?ce of Multifamily Development Radon Policy Mortgagee 1/31/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2013-08 Hurricane Sandy/Superstonn Response - Expedited Processing for Mortgagee 2/5/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending FHA lV'Iultifamily MOHgage Insurance Applications Letter 2013-09 Concentration of Principal Risk: Piincipals with Insured Assets Mortgagee 3/8/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending Greater tl_1an $250 Letter 2013-10 Lender Insurance Program (not available 011 website) Mortgagee 4/ 10/2013 Not Signi?cant (previously Letter superseded in full by Mortga gee Letter 2013-12. which was itself UD-17-0201-D-000065 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 00009 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review superseded by HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2013-11 Additional Guidance for the Origination and Servicing of FHA- Mortgagee 4/11/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by insured Loans in Presidentially-Declared Major Disaster Areas and Letter HUD Handbook Speci?c Requirement for Hurricane Sandy Affected ormnunities 4000.1) 2013-12 Lender Insurance Program Mortgagee 5/1/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Attachment - Lender Insurance Guide Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2013-13 Lender Delegation of Non-Critical Repair Administration Mortgagee 4/18/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2013-14 Minimum Cash Investment and Secondary Financing Requirements - Mortgagee 5/9/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by - Acceptable Documentation for Funds Provided by Federal. State. or Letter HUD Handbook Local their Agencies or Instrumentalities 4000.1) 2013-15 Updated Delinquency/Default Status Codes for the Single Family Mortgagee 5/9/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Default lV'Ionitorino stem: ecial Forbearances and Trial Pa ment Letter HUD Handbook Plans: New Reporting Requirement for Non-Incentivized Loan 4000.1) Modi?cations 2013-16 Subordination of Partial Claim Liens Associated with Federal Mortgagee 5/ 14/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Housing Administration (FHA) Streamlined Re?nances Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2013-17 Interest Rates for Loss Mitigation Home Retention Options Mortgagee 5/ 14/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2013-18 Updated Clari?cation Regarding Title Approval at Conveyance Mortgagee 5/31/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2013-19 Partial Claim Documentation and Delivery Requirements Mortgagee 5/31/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2013-20 Good Neighbor Next Door Sales Program Mortgagee 6/ 12/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2013-21 HA's Proposed Tier Ranking System 11: Request for ormnerrts Mortgagee 6/ 12/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2013-22 Extension of Unemplovment Special Forbearance Mortgagee 6/27/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) HUD-17-0201-D-000066 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDOO10 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2013-23 Updated Pre-Foreclosru?e Sale (PFS) and Deed in Lieu (DIL) of Mortgagee 7/9/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Foreclosure Requirements Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2013-24 Handling of Collections and Disputed Accounts Mortgagee 8/15/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2013-25 Collections and Disputed Accounts -- TOTAL Mortgage Scorecard Mortgagee 8/ 15/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by User Guide Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2013-26 Back to Work - Extenuating Circumstances Mortgagee 8/ 15/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2013-27 Changes to the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Pr0gram Mortgagee 9/3/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending Requirements Letter 2013-28 Home ui Conversion Mortgage HEC Financial Assessment Mortgagee 9/3/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending and Property Charge Guide Letter Attachment 2013-29 Application of Unused Borrower Funds from an Escrow Account 011 Mortgagee 9/ 5/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by an Existing lViortgage in FHA-Insured Re?nance Transactions Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2013-30 Annual Base City High Cost Percentage and High Cost Area Mortgagee 9/9/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending Revisions for 2013 Letter 2013-31 Extension of Temporary Authority for lVIultifamily Hubs to Process Mortgagee 9/ 18/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending Waiver Requests Pertaining to the 3-Year Rule for Section 223(0 Letter Re?nancing or Acquisition of Affordable Multifamily Rental Housng 2013-32 Update to Loss Mitigation Home Retention Options Mortgagee 9/20/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2013-33 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Pr'Ogr?am?s Mandatory Mortgagee 9/25/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending Obligations. Life Expectancy Set-Aside Calculation. and Purchase Letter Transactions 2013-34 Delayed Implementation of Participation Requirement" Section Mortgagee 9/27/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by included in Mortga gee Letter 2013-23. Updated Pie-Foreclosure Sale Letter HUD Handbook (PFS) and Deed in Lieu (DIL) of Foreclosure Requirements 4000.1) 2013-35 FHA Consolidation of Title I and Title II Lender Identi?cation Mortgagee 9/27/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Numbers Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 10 UD-17-0201-D-000067 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDOO11 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2013-36 Eligible Properties in Presidentially Declared Maior Disaster Area Mortgagee 9/27/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending Super Storm Sandy for 203(k) insured moitga ges Letter 2013-37 Revised Instructions - Hurricane Sandy/Superstorm Response Mortgagee 9/27/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending Expedited Processing for FHA Multifamily Mortgage Insurance Letter Applications 2013-38 Single Family Foreclosure Policy and Procedru?al Changes for HUD Mortgagee 10/28/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Title 11 Forward Mortgages and HEC Reverse Mortgages: Letter HUD Handbook Reasonable Diligence Requirements; HUD's Schedule of Allowable 4000.1) Attorney Fees 2013-39 Methods of with Borrowers Mortgagee 10/28/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2013-40 Loss Mitigation during the Foreclosru?e Process Mortgagee 11/1/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2013-41 Lender Self-Reporting Requirements Mortgagee 11/ 13/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2013-42 Extension of Annual Recerti?cation Filing Deadline for Title I and Mortgagee 11/27/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Title II Lenders and Mortgagees with a December 31. 2013 Fiscal Letter HUD Handbook Year End 4000.1) 2013-43 Federal Housing Administration Maximum Loan Limits Effective Mortgagee 12/6/2013 Not Signi?cant (rescinded?no January 1. 2014 tln'ough December 31. 2014 Letter longer active) -- Attachment 1 - Areas at Ceiling and Above -- Attachment 2 - Areas Between Floor and Ceiling 2013-44 HUD Single Family Real Estate Owned (REO) Properties: Updates Mortgagee 12/6/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by on Ordering New Appraisals and Clari?cation on omparables Used Letter HUD Handbook for Appra? 4000.1) 2013-45 Delay in Effective Date for Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Mortgagee 12/20/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending (HEC M) Financial Assessment Requirements and Fruiding Letter Requir?nrents for the Payment of Property hargg 2013-46 FHA's Tier Ranking System 11: Final Notice and Responses to Mortgagee 12/30/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Comments Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2012-01 Multifamily Low Income Housing Tax Credit Pilot Program Mortgagee 2/3/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 11 HUD-17-0201-D-000068 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDOO12 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2012-02 Closing a Loan in the Name of an FHA-Approved Mortga gee Acting Mortgagee 2/ 10/2012 Not Signi?cant (superseded by as a Sponsored Third-Party Originator (TPO) Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2012-03 Miscellaneous Underwriting Issues Mortgagee 2/28/2012 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2012-04 Single Family Mortgage Insurance: Annual and Up-Front Mortgage Mortgagee 3/6/2012 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Insurance Premium -- Changes Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2012-05 FHA Refinance of Borrowers in Negative Equity Positions: Pr0gram Mortgagee 3/ 13/2012 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Enhancements Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2012-06 Changes to FHA's Occupied Conveyance Procedures Mortgagee 3/ 16/2012 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2012-07 New Single Family Loan Servicing Contractor Mortgagee 4/2/2012 Not Signi?cant (superseded Letter by HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2012-08 Policv Regarding Interest Rate Swap Termination Fees Associated Mortgagee 4/26/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending with Debt to be Re?nanced in Connection with Healthcare and Letter Multifamily Mortgage Insurance Applications 2012-09 Annual Base City High Cost Percentage and High Cost Area Mortgagee 4/24/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending Revisions for 2012 Letter 2012-10 Miscellaneous Underwriting Issues- Rescissiorr of Disputed Accounts Mortgagee 6/15/2012 Not Signi?cant (superseded by and Collection Accounts Guidance (lylortgagee Letter 2012-3) Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2012-11 Clari?cation Regarding Title Approval at Conveyance Mortgagee 6/20/2012 Not Signi?cant (superseded Letter by HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2012-12 Responsibilities of Mortgagees in Regard to State and Local Laws Mortgagee 6/20/2012 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2012-13 Extension of Temporary Authority for Multifamily Hubs to Process Mortgagee 7/3/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending Waiver Requests Pertaining to the Tln'ee-Year Rule for Section Letter 223(0 Re?nancing or Acquisition of Affordable Multifamily Rental Housing 12 UD-17-0201-D-000069 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDOO13 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2012-14 Extension of Date for h?lor'tgagee Letter 2012-11. Mortgagee 7/31/2012 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Clari?cation Regarding Title Approval at Conveyance Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2012-15 Documentation Requirements for Income from the Social Security Mortgagee 8/17/2012 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Administration (SSA) Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2012-16 Multifamily Housing and Healthcare Facilities of Mortgagee 8/23/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending Paygov for Annual hr'lortgage Insurance Premiums Letter 2012-17 Home Equity Reverse Mortgage Information Teclmologv (HERMIT) Mortgagee 9/11/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending System for the Home Equity Conversion Mortga ge (HECM) Letter 2012-18 Temporary Approval Provisions for the Federal Housing Mortgagee 9/ 13/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending Administration (FFLA) Condominium Project Approval Process Letter 2012-19 Hazard and Flood Insurance Requirement Reminder Mortgagee 9/20/2012 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2012-20 Underwriting Instructions for Projects Converting Assistance as part Mortgagee 10/ 10/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending of the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Pr?Ogram Letter 2012-21 Extension of 1111 Date for Letter 2012-11 Mortgagee 10/31/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending Clari?cation Regarding Title Approval at Conveyance Letter 2012-22 Revisions to Loss Mitigation Home Retention Options Mortgagee 11/16/2012 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2012-23 Guidance for FHA-Approved Mortga gees Originating and Servicing Mortgagee 11/ 16/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending Mortgages in Presidentially-Declared Major Disaster Areas Letter (superseded?in part?by HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2012-24 Secondary Financing Eligibility for Internal Revenue Mortgagee 11/21/201 Not Signi?cant Pending Code (IRC) Section 115 Entities - (Superseded in part by HUD Letter Handbook 4000.1) 2012-25 Revised Requirements for Project Capital Needs Assessments. Mortgagee 11/21/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending Estimated Reserves for Re and Remedies for Accessibili Letter De?ciencies 2012-26 Federal Housing Adnrinistration Maximum Loan Limits. Effective Mortgagee 12/6/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending Period: arruary 1. 2013. through December 3 1. 2013 Letter 2012-27 Revised Recertification Fee alculatiorr for FHA-Approved Branch Mortgagee 12/11/2012 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Of?ces Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 13 UD-17-0201-D-000070 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDOO14 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2012-28 Restatement and Update of Flood Zone Requirements for Federal Mortgagee 12/ 1/2012 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Housing Administration (FHA) Insured Mortgages Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2012-29 Interim Reporting Requirements for Small Supervised Lenders and Mortgagee 12/21/2012 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Mortga gees Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2011-40 Large Loan Risk Mitigation Policies Mortgagee 12/29/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2011-39 Federal Horrsirrg Administration Maximum Loan Limits Effective Mortgagee 12/2/2011 Not Signi?cant (rescinded?no October 1. 2011 through December 31. 2012 Letter longer active) -- Attachment 1 - Areas at Ceiling and Above -- Attachment 2 - Areas Between Floor and Ceiling 2011-38 Secondary Financing Eligibility Requirements for IRC Section 115 Mortgagee 11/30/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Nonpro?ts Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2011-37 Extension of Implementation and Reporting Dates Regarding Trial Mortgagee 10/ 18/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Payment Plan for Loan Modi?cations and Partial Claims under Letter HUD Handbook Federal Housing Administration?s Loss 1\??Iitigation PrOgrarn 4000.1) 2011-36 Elimination of HUD Headquarters concurrence of affordable housing Mortgagee 9/23/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending programs with borrowers whose household income exceeds 115 Letter percent of the area median income (AMI) 2011-35 Annual Mortgage Insurance Premium for Loans With Terms of 15 Mortgagee 9/21/2011 Not Signi?cant (rescinded?no Years or Less and a Loan to Value (LTV) ratio of 78 Percent or Less Letter longer active) at Origination 2011-34 Revised Lender Approval Requirements Mortgagee 9/23/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2011-33 Mortgage Record Changes and Data Reconciliation Mortgagee 9/6/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2011-32 Underwriting Policies and Procedures for ormnercial Space and Mortgagee 9/1/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending Income i_n HUl?nsured Projects Letter 2011-31 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage HEC M): Revised Form HUD Mortgagee 8/26/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 92902. Certi?cate of HEC Counseling and lari?cation of Letter Counseling Guidance 2011-30 The Uniform Appraisal Dataset (UAD) and appraisal reporting forms Mortgagee 8/22/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 14 HUD-17-0201-D-000071 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDOO15 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2011-29 Federal Housing Administration's (FHA) Maximum Loan Limits Mortgagee 8/19/2011 Not Signi?cant (rescinded?no Effective October 1. 2011 though December 31. 2011 Letter longer active) -- Attachment 1 - Areas at Ceiling and Above -- Attachment 2 - Areas Between Floor and Ceiling 2011-28 Trial Payment Plan for Loan Modi?cations and Partial Claims under Mortgagee 8/15/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Federal Housing Administration?s Loss Mitigation PrOgrarn Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2011-27 HUD Amendment to the American Institute of Architects (AIAQ Mortgagee 8/15/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending Document 108 (formerly 1 8 1-1994). Standard Fornr Agreement Letter Between Owner and Architect for a Federally Funded or Federally Insru'ed Project (Amendment) -- Attachment 2011-26 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HEC M) Counseling: Mortgagee 8/12/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending Intermediaries Included on the HEC Counselor List Letter 2011-25 Alternative Reporting Requirements for Small Supervised Lenders Mortgagee 7/28/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded by and Clari?cation of Requirements for Supervised Lenders in Parent- Letter HUD Handbook Subsidiarv Relationships 4000.1) 2011-24 Armual Base City High Cost Percentage and High Cost Area Mortgagee 7/22/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending Revisior_rs for 2w Letter 2011-23 Special Forbearance: Temporary Program Changes Mortgagee 7/7/2011 Signi?cant (superseded by and larifrcations Letter HUD Handbook Submitted to OMB: 4000.1) 07/01/201 1 RIN: 2502-ZA11 2011-22 Condominium Approval Process for Single Housing Mortgagee 6/30/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending Consolidation and Update of Approval Requirements Letter -- Attaclnnent -- Guide 2011-21 Revised Instructions for Preparing American Land Title Association Mortgagee 6/20/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending (ALTA)/Arnerican Congress on Surveying and Mapping (ACSM) Letter Land Title Sruvey for HUD Multifamily Housing Programs -- Attaclnnent 1 - HUD Survey Instructions and Report (HUD-92457A-M) -- Attaclnnent 2 - Surveyor's Report (HUD-9245 7M) 2011-20 Termination of the HOPE for Homeowners (H4H) Mortgagee 6/10/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 15 UD-17-0201-D-000072 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDOO16 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2011-19 Financing of Transaction Costs for Real Estate Owned Properties Mortgagee 4/28/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded by (REO) Purchased under FHA $100 Down Sales Incentive Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2011-18 Elimination of FFLA's origination fee cap for the 203(k) Mortgagee 4/26/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Rehabilitation Mortgage Insurance PrOgrarn Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2011-17 Use of HA Logo. Name and Acronym in Advertising Mortgagee 4/15/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2011-16 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage ?Rescission of Mortgagee Mortgagee 4/5/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2008-3 8? Borrower?s recourse for repayment of HEC debt Letter 2011-15 Revision to Procediu'es for Partial Payment of Claims of Section 232 Mortgagee 3/11/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2011-14 Subordination. Non-Disturbance and Attomment Agreements Mortgagee 2/ 18/201 1 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2011-13 Revision of Mortgagee Letter ML 10-30. Extension of Temporary Mortgagee 2/17/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending Authority for Multifamily Hubs to Process Waiver Requests Letter Pertaining to the Tln?ee-Year Rule for Section 223m1 2011-12 Tier Ranking Scores - Incentive Round 42 Mortgagee 2/14/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2011-11 FHA Refinance Transactions Mortgagee 2/ 14/201 1 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2011-10 Amrual Mortgage Insurance Premium Changes and Guidance on Mortgagee 2/14/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending Case Numbers Letter 2011-09 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HEC M) Counseling: Waiver of Mortgagee 2/4/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending HEC Counseling Fees and Activities Included in the Time Letter Recorded Portion of the HEC Counseling Certi?cate 2011-08 FHA Single Family Insurance Claims Accounts Receivable Mortgagee 1/21/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Subs stern ARS Remittances: Pa 1111 lementation Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2011-07 Elimination of the Master Appraisal Report (MAR) Mortgagee 1/12/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2011-06 Claim Process for FHA Re?nances of Borrowers in Negative Equity Mortgagee 1/12/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Positions (ADP Codes 821. 822. 831. or 832) Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 16 UD-17-0201-D-000073 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDOO17 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2011-05 Revised Audited Financial Statement Reporting Requirements for Mortgagee 1/5/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Supervised Lenders in Parent-Subsidiary Structures and New Letter HUD Handbook Financial Reporting Reguirernents for Multifamily Mortgagees 4000.1) 2011-04 FHA Capture of Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System and Mortgagee 1/5/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Registry (NMLS) Information Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2011-03 Extension of Temporary Guidance for Condominium Policy Mortgagee 1/5/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2011-02 Quality Control Requirements for Direct Endorsement Lenders - Mortgagee 1/5/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending (Superseded in part by HUD Handbook 4000.1) Letter 2011-01 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Property Charge Loss Mitigation Mortgagee 1/3/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending Attachment: Model Letter Letter Attachment: Corporate Advance Procedures 2010?43 Flood Zone Requirements Mortgagee 12/28/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by -- Appendix Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2010?42 Federal Home Loan Bank - Affordable Housing PrOgranr. Mortgagee 12/28/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Set-Aside Grant Program Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2010?41 Construction Speci?cations Institute (C SI). MasterFonnat Editions Mortgagee 12/8/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2010-40 2011 FHA Loan Limits Mortgagee 12/1/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending Attachment 1 (Areas at Ceiling and Above) Letter 2 (Areas Between Floor and Ceiling) 2010?39 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HEC M) HUD-1 Settlement Mortgagee 11/ 19/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending Statement Closing Certi?cation Letter Attachment - ADDENDUM TO HUD-1 SETTLEMENT STATEMENT 2010-38 Mortgagee Eligibility and larifrcation of Mortgagee 11/ 17/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Electronic Annual Certi?cation Requirements and Procedures Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2010-37 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage HEC M) Program: lari?catiorr Mortgagee 11/ 8/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending of Policies Regarding the Requirement that HECM Lenders Provide Letter Prospective HEC Borrowers a List of HEC Counseling Agencies 2010-36 Requirements for Combined Loan Amounts Mortgagee 10/22/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 1 7 UD-17-0201-D-000074 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDOO18 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2010-35 Borrower erti?cation for FHA Re?nance of Borrowers in Negative Mortgagee 10/8/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Eguim Positions Letter HUD Handbook -- Attachment 4000.1) 2010-34 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Pr0g1'am Introducing HEC Mortgagee 9/21/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending Saver; Mortgage Insurance Premiums and Principal Limit Factor Letter Changes for Star_1dard 2010-33 FHA Comiection Enhancements to Support Sponsored Third Party Mortgagee 9/21/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Originations (Sponsored Oiiginationsz Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2010?32 Revision to Policy for Partial of Claims and Mortgage Mortgagee 9/ 15/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending Modi?cations Letter 2010-31 Annual Base City High Cost Percentage and High Cost Area Mortgagee 9/2/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending Revisior_rs for gm Letter 2010-30 Revised Temporary Authority for Multifamily Hubs to Process Mortgagee 9/2/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending Waiver Requests Pertaining to the Three-Year Rule for Section Letter 23(1) to Allow for Acquisitions.? 2010?29 Credit Scores and Loan-to-Value Ratios Mortgagee 9/3/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2010?28 Changes to FHA Mortgage Insurance Premiums Mortgagee 9/1/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2010-27 Renewal of Special Authority for Eligibility of Proiects for Mortgage Mortgagee 8/30/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending Insurance where Construction has Started Originally Established by Letter Mortgagee Letter 2009-26 and Housing Notice 2009-12 2010-26 Further Policy Guidance to Defer Submission of Final Architectru'al Mortgagee 8/ 13/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending Plans and Speci?cations Introduced by Mortgagee Letter 2008-19. Letter Streamlined Processing of Multifamily Mortgage Insurance Algglications Involving Low Income Housing Tax Credits 2010-25 Processing Instructions for Re?nancing Cooperative Housing Mortgagee 8/11/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending Projects rlgder Section?207 pursuar_1t to Section 223 Letter 2010?24 Loan-to-Value Re for Re?nance Transactions Mortgagee 8/6/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter 2010-36) 2010?23 FHA Re?nance of Borrowers in Negative Equity Positions Mortgagee 8/6/2010 Econonrically (superseded by Letter Signi?cant HUD Handbook 4000.1) Submitted to OMB: 05/26/2010 18 UD-17-0201-D-000075 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDOO19 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review RIN: 2502-ZA08 2010?22 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HEC M) Pro gram Submission of Mortgagee 7/20/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending Case Binder Documents Letter Attachment - Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Required Docrunents for Endorsement 2010?21 HUD 1V1ultifann'1y Risk Mitigation Mortgagee 7/6/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending Attachment A - Sample Schedule of Real Estate Owned Letter Attachment - Sample Schedule of Mortgage Debt 2010-20 Implementation of Final Rule FR 5356-F-02. "Federal Housing Mortgagee 6/11/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Administration: Continuation of FPLA Refor?111--Str?engthening Risk Letter HUD Handbook Management through Responsible FHA-Approved Lenders" 4000.1) 2010-19 Streamline Re?nance Transactions and FHA TOTAL Scorecard Mortgagee 5/27/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2010?1 8 Mortgagee 5/13/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2010-17 Updated HUD REO Lead-Based Paint Appraisal Reporting Mortgagee 5/5/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Requirements Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2010-16 Introduction of the Mortga gee Compliance Manager Mortgagee 4/20/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by (MC M) and the P260 Internet Portal Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2010?15 Case Number and FHA Roster Appraiser Assignments Mortgagee 4/20/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2010?14 Electronic Signatru?es 011 Third Party Documents Mortgagee 4/ 8/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2010?13 Appraisal Update and/or Completion Report (Fannie Mae Form Mortgagee 3/31/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by 1004D/Freddie Mac Form 442,1"1V1arch 2005) Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2010?12 Use of paygov for Lender Approval Application Fees Mortgagee 3/29/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2010?11 Availability of Treasury Success Payments for FHA-HAMP Mortgagee 3/26/2010 Signi?cant Pending Letter 19 UD-17-0201-D-000076 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 00020 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review Submitted to OMB: 02/05/2010 RIN: 2502-Al 87 2010?10 Revision to Criterion 4 of the Form HUD 92264-A. ?Supplement to Mortgagee 3/ 16/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending Proiect Analysis" Letter 2010-09 Tier Ranking Scores Incentive Round 38 Mortgagee 3/8/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by - Attachment Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2010-08 HUD REO Appraisal Validity Period and Second Appraisals Mortgagee 3/8/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2010-07 Revisions to Model Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HEC M) Mortgagee 3/1/210 Not Signi?cant Pending Loan Agreement (Loan Agreement) and Fannie Mae Fonn 1009. Letter Residential A lication for Reverse Mortgages Fannie Mae Fonn 10092 Attachments 0 FannieMae Form 1009 0 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Loan Agreement 0 Exhibit 1 - Payment Plan 0 Exhibit 2 - Schedule of Closing Costs 0 Exhibit 3 - Repair Rider 2010-06 Extension of Mo?gagee Letter 2009-22 Revised Temporaiy Mortgagee 2/ 17/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending Authority for Multifamily Hubs to Process Waiver Requests Letter Peitaining to the Three-Year Rule for Section?223g 2010-05 Announcement of the FHA Nonpro?t Data Management System Mortgagee 1/28/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2010-04 Loss Mitigation for Default Mortgagee 1/22/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2010-03 Mortgagee Approval for Single Family Programs - Extended Mortgagee 1/21/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Procedures for Terminating Underwriting Authority Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2010?02 Increase in Upfront Premiums for FHA Mortgage Insurance Mortgagee 1/21/2010 Signi?cant Pending Letter Submitted to OMB: 01/ 15/2010 20 HUD-17-0201-D-000077 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDOOZ1 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review RIN: 2502-ZA03 2010-01 Extension of Authority for Processing Pre-application Finn Invitation Mortgagee 1/11/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending and Firm Extension Requests Letter 2009-53 Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) and FHA Related Mortgagee 12/30/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Policies Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-52 Short Sales and Short Pay Offs Mortgagee 12/ 16/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-51 Adoption of the Appraisal Update and/or Completion Report (Fannie Mortgagee 12/7/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Mae Form 1004D/Freddie Mac Form 442/March 2005) Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-50 2010 FHA Maximum Loan Limits Mortgagee 11/25/2009 Not Signi?cant (rescinded?no -- Attachment I - At Ceiling and Above Letter longer active) -- Attachment II - Between the Floor and Ceiling 2009-49 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage PrOgranr: Subordinate Liens Mortgagee 11/ 18/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2009-48 Second Appraisal Reporting Requirements Mortgagee 11/18/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-47 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HEC M) Counseling Mortgagee 11/6/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Standardization and Roster Final Rule Letter 2009-46a Temporary Guidance for Condominium Policy Mortgagee 11/6/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2009-46b Approval Process for Single Family Housing Mortgagee 1 1/ 6/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2009-45 Introduction of HUD's Web-Based Training Application: Electronic Mortgagee 10/27/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Class (EC lass) orr Loss Mitigation and Servicing System Letter 2009-44 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HEC M) Pr0grarn -- Mortgagee 10/23/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending lari?cation of Debenture Interest Calculation for HEC laiin Letter Type 21: Filing Instructions for HEC Claim Types 21 and 24 lairn Type 21 - Filing Instructions 0 Claim Type 24 - Filing Instructions 2009-43 HOPE for Homeowners Program - Guidance Mortgagee 10/20/2009 Economically (rescinded?no Letter Signi?cant longer active) 0 Exhibit A 21 UD-17-0201-D-000078 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 0002 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 0 Exhibit Submitted to OMB: 0 Exhibit 07/17/2009 0 Exhibit 2502-ZA02 2009-42 Sub-Servicing of FHA-insru'ed Mortgages Mortgagee 10/ 19/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-41 Appraisal performance standards and sanctions Mortgagee 10/19/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-40 Policy and Procedtu?es 011 lVIultifamilV Mortgage Insurance Mortgagee 10/19/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Applications Involving Master Lease Structiu?ing to facilitate the use Letter of Tax Credits 2009-39 Updated Claim Filing and Deli11quencW'Default Reponing Mortgagee 10/9/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Requirements For Making Home Affordable Modi?cation Letter HUD Handbook Program (FHA-RAMP) 4000.1) 0 Appendix 1 - Delinquency/Default Status Codes 0 Appendix 2 - Delinquency/Default Reason Codes 0 Appendix 3 - Claim Filing Assistance for Loss Mitigation Claims 2009-38 Update 011 Eligibility Requirements for Nonpro?t histiumentalities Mortgagee 10/8/2009 Not Signi?cant (rescinded?no (115 waiver) Letter longer active) 2009-37 Flood Zone Requirements and Responsibilities of FFLA Mortgagees Mortgagee 10/1/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by and Appraisers Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-36 Revised Eligibility Mortgagee 9/23/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-35 Loan Modi?cation Mortgagee 9/23/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-34 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage HEC M) - Principal Limit Mortgagee 9/23/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Factors Letter 2009-33 Annual Base ity High Cost Percentage Revisions effective anuaiy Mortgagee 9/ 18/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending l. 2009 Letter 22 UD-17-0201-D-000079 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 00023 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2009-32 Revised Streamline Re?nance Transactions Mortgagee 9/18/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-31 Strengthening ounteipartv Risk Mana gement Mortgagee 9/18/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-30 Appraisal Validitv Peiiods Mortgagee 9/ 18/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-29 Appraisal Portability Mortgagee 9/18/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-28 Appraiser Independence Mortgagee 9/18/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-27 lV'IultifainilV Housing Accelerated Processing Guide: Chapter 9. Mortgagee 9/18/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Enviromnental Review Letter 2009-26 Eligibilitv of Projects for Mortgage Insurance where onstiuction Mortgagee 8/26/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending has Started Letter 2009-25 Electronic Annual Certi?cation to Replace Title II Yearly Mortgagee 8/24/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Veri?cation Report Letter HUD Handbook -- Attachment 4000.1) 2009-24 Housing Tax Credit Coordination Act of 2008 Mortgagee 7/29/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2009-23 Home Affordable Program: FHA's Home Affordable Mortgagee 7/30/2009 Signi?cant (superseded by Modi?cation Loss Mitigation Option Letter HUD Handbook Attachment - Guidelines for FHA-HAMP Submitted to OMB: 4000.1) 06/22/2009 RIN: 2502-ZA01 2009-22 Revised Authon'tv for lVIultifamilv Hubs to Process Mortgagee 7/29/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Waiver Requests Pertaining to the Three-Year Rule for Section Letter 223(f) Apartments 2009-21 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Re?nancing of Existing Loans Mortgagee 6/30/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2009-20 Processing Pre-Application Finn Invitation and Firm onunitnient Mortgagee 6/26/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Extension Requests Letter 23 HUD-17-0201-D-000080 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 00024 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2009-19 Condominium Approval Process - Single Housing Mortgagee 6/ 12/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2009-18 Energy Ef?cient Mortgages - Increase in the Dollar Amount of Mortgagee 6/10/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Energy Ef?cient Improvements Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-17 Accuracv of Lender Data for FHA-approved Mortgagees Mortgagee 5/22/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-16 Manufactured Housing Policy Guidance - Property and Underwriting Mortgagee 5/21/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Eligibility Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-15 Usirrg First-Time Homebuver Tax Credits for the Downpaymerrt Mortgagee 5/29/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending 0 IRS Fornr 5405 Letter 0 IRS Tax Credit 2009-14 Online Versions of Handbooks 4155.1. Mortgage Credit Analysis for Mortgagee 4/9/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Mortgage Insurance; and 4155.2. Lenders? Guide to Single Family Letter Mortgage Insurance Processing 2009-13 Guidance on FHA Model Mortgage Form for New Mexico Mortgagee 4/ 10/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-12 hrvior'tgagee lVIonitor?ing Mortgagee 4/2/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-1 1 Final HEC for Pru'clrase Program Mortgagee 3/27/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Attachment Letter 2009-10 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage PrOgranr: Clari?cation of Home Mortgagee 3/27/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Equity Conversion Mortgage Counseling Issues Letter 2009-09 Adoption of Market Conditions (Fannie Mae Form Mortgagee 3/23/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by 1004MC/Freddie Mac Form 71) and Appraisal Reporting Letter HUD Handbook Requirements for Properties located in Declining Markets (PDF) 4000.1) (Word) 2009-08 Limits on ash-Out Re?rrarrces Mortgagee 3/ 12/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-07 Loarr Limit Increases for FHA Mortgagee 2/24/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending I - Counties at the Ceiling Letter 0 Attachment II - ounties Between the Floor and Ceiling 24 HUD-17-0201-D-000081 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 00025 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2009-06 Temporary Authority for Multifamily Hubs to Process Waiver Mortgagee 2/6/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Requests Pertaining to the Three-Year Rule for Section 223(0 Letter 2009-05 Project Lifeline Initiative's Impact on FHA's Foreclosure Time Mortgagee Not Signi?cant (superseded by Frames (not available 011 website) Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-04 Tier Ranking Scores - Incentive Round 34 Mortgagee 1/16/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-03 HOPE for Homeowners Oiigination and Sen/icing Guidance Mortgagee 1/6/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Supplement Letter 09-43 0 Attachment 1 - Shared Appreciation Note 0 Attachment 2 - Model H4H Pie-Endorsement 0 Attachment 3 - Shared Eguity Note 0 Attachment 4 - FHA HOPE for Homeowners Attachment to FHA Loan Undeiwriting and Transmittal 5111111118le 0 Attachment 5 - HOPE for Homeowners Consumer Disclosm?e and eiti?cation Fonn 0 Attachment 6 - HOPE for Homeowners erti?cation Attachment 7 - Appreciation WOI'ksl_1e_et 2009-02 o-branded Outreach Materials Mortgagee 1/7/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2009-01 Annual Renewal of FHA Approval Mortgagee 1/6/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2008-43 Pie-Foreclosure Sale (PFS) Proeram - Utilizing the PPS Loss Mortgagee 12/24/2008 Not Signi?cant (superseded by hv'iitigation Option to Assist Families Facing Foreclosme Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 0 Appendix A Attaclnnent 0 Attachment 2 0 Attachment 3 0 Attachment 4 0 Attachment 5 25 UD-17-0201-D-000082 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 00026 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review Attaclnnent 6 2008-42 Implementation of 24 CFR Parts 200 and 242. Revisions to the Mortgagee Not Signi?cant Pending Hospital Mortgage Insurance Program: Final Rule [Docket No. FR- Letter RIN 2502-A122 (not on website) 2008-41 Termination of FI-MSecure Mortgagee 12/ 19/2008 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2008-40 Re?nance Transactions: New Maximum Mortgage Calculation Mortgagee 12/ 15/2008 Not Signi?cant (superseded by (Word) (PDF) Letter HUD Handbook -- Attachment -- Loan-to-Value and Combined Loan-to-Value 4000.1) Mortgage Arnomit Calculation Comparison 2008-39 Revised Eligibility Requirements for FHA Roster Appraisers Mortgagee 12/ 17/2008 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2008-38 Home Equity Conversion Mortgages HEC Ms) - lari?cation Mortgagee 12/ 5/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending regarding borrower's recom?se for repayment of HEC loan debt and Letter tennination of a HEC moltga ge 2008-37 Propeny Flipping Prohibition Exemption in Presidentiallv-declared Mortgagee 11/24/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Maior Disaster A_reas in Midwestern States Letter 2008-36 2009 FHA Maxinuun Mortgage Limits Mortgagee 11/7/2008 Not Signi?cant (rescinded?no -- Attachment I -- FHA Loan Limits for Areas AT CEILING AND Letter longer active) ABOVE -- Attachment II - FHA Loan Limits for Areas BETWEEN CEILING AND FLOOR 2008-35 HEC Mortgage Limits - Effective Immediately Mortgagee Il/ 6/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2008-34 HECM Origination Fee - New Limits Mortgagee 10/31/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2008-33 Home Equity Conversion Mo?gage HEC M) for Piu?chase Program Mortgagee 10/20/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2008-32 Use of FHA Loss Mitigation Durin0 Bankiu tc Mortgagee 10/17/2008 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2008-31 2008 Update of Presewation and Protection Guidelines. and Cost Mortgagee 10/ 16/2008 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Reimbursements Letter HUD Handbook Attaclm -- Properties Securing FHA Insured Mortgages 4000.1) 2008-30 HOPE for Homeowners Servicing Guidance Mortgagee 10/1/2008 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter 09-43) 26 HUD-17-0201-D-000083 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 00027 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2008-29 HOPE for Homeowners Origination Guidance Mortgagee 10/ 1/2008 Not Signi?cant (superseded by -- Attachments Letter 09-43) 2008-28 Prohibition orr Mortgagee Funded Home Equity Conversion Mortgagee 9/29/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Mortgage (HEC M) Counseling Letter 2008-27 Treble Damages for Failure to Engage in Loss hr'litigation Mortgagee 9/26/2008 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2008-26 New York State Consolidation Extension. and Modi?cation Mortgagee 9/25/2008 Not Signi?cant (rescinded?no Agreement Letter longer active) 2008-25 Converting Existing Homes to Rentals-Under'writing Instructions Mortgagee 9/ 19/2008 Not Signi?cant (rescinded?no Letter longer active) 2008-24 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HEC M) Program - Mortgagee 9/ 16/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Requirements 011 lVlortgge Originators Letter 2008-23 Revised Downpavrnent and Maximum Mortgage Requirements Mortgagee 9/5/2008 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2008-22 Moratorium orr Risk-Based Premiums for FHA Mortgage Insurance Mortgagee 9/4/2008 Not Signi?cant (rescinded?no Letter longer active) 2008-21 FHA Loss Mitigation Pr?Ogram Updates Mortgagee 8/14/2008 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2008-20 Management and Marketing Change for the Philadelphia Mortgagee 8/ 14/2008 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Horneownership Center (Philadelphia HOC) Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2008-19 Streamlined Processirro of Mortgage Insurance Mortgagee 7/22/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Applications Involving Low Income Housing Tax Credits Letter 0 Attachment 1 - Commitment Special Conditions 0 2 - Requirements applicable to the submission of deferred Drawings and Speci?cations 0 Attachment 3 - January 17. 2007 Of?ce of Multifamily Housing Programs Memorandum - 4 - June 21. 2007 Of?ce of Multifamily Housing Programs Memorandrun 2008-l8 Termination of Telephone Access to Credit Alert Interactive Voice Mortgagee 7/11/2008 Not Signi?cant (rescinded?no Response System (C AIVRS) Letter longer active) 2008-l7 Norr FHA-approved Mortgage Brokers - Forward Mortgages Mortgagee 6/20/2008 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 27 HUD-17-0201-D-000084 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 00028 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2008-16 Risk-Based Premiums for FHA Mortgage Insurance Mortgagee 6/11/2008 Not Signi?cant (rescinded?no Letter longer active) 2008-15 FHA Loan Underwriting and Transmittal Form HUD- Mortgagee 5/22/2008 Not Signi?cant (superseded by 92900-LT and Addendum to Uniform Residential Loan Application. Letter HUD Handbook form HUD-92900-A 4000.1) 2008-14 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Pr0gram - N011 FHA-Approved Mortgagee 5/16/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Mortgage Brokers Letter 2008-13 Expa 11s io 11 FHAS cure Mortgagee 5/7/2008 Not Signi?cant (rescinded?no -- Atta - FHA Re ?nance Programs Comparison Matrix Letter longer active) 2008-12 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage HEC M) Pro gram: Counseling Mortgagee 5/6/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2008-11 Nontraditional Credit Veri?cation and Evaluation Mortgagee 4/29/2008 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2008-10 date to Mortgagee Letter 2004-40 Sinole Farnil Real Estate Mortgagee 4/ 15/2008 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Owned (Property Disposition) National hilanagernent and Marketing Letter HUD Handbook Contractors 4000. 1) 2008-09 Second Appraisal Requirements/Limits on Cash-Out Refmances (not Mortgagee Not Signi?cant (superseded by available 011 website) Letter 2009-48) 2008-08 Home Equity onversiorr Mortgages - Fixed Interest Rate Mortgagee 3/28/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Letter 2008-07 Update to Mortgagee Letter 2004-40 Single Family Real Estate Mortgagee 3/25/2008 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Owned (Property Disposition) National lVlanagenrent and Marketing Letter HUD Handbook Contractors 4000. 1) 2008-06 Temporary Loan Increase for FHA Mortgagee 3/6/2008 Not Signi?cant (rescinded?no -- Attachment 1 - FHA mortgage limits are at the ceiling Letter longer active) -- Attachment 2 - FHA mortgage limits are in between the ceiling and the ?oor 2008-05 Tier Ranking Scores - Incentive Rormd 30 (ML not on Mortgagee Not Signi?cant (superseded by website) Letter HUD Handbook Attachment - Tier 1 Lenders for Round 30 4000.1) 2008-04 FHA Multifamily Statutonr Loan Limit Adjustments and Changes in Mortgagee 2/11/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Annual Base City High Cost Percentage for FHA-Insured Letter Multifamily Housing in High-Cost Areas 2008-02 2008 FHA Maximum Mortgage Limits Mortgagee 1/ 18/2008 Not Signi?cant (rescinded?no -- Attachment I Letter longer active) -- Attachment II 28 HUD-17-0201-D-000085 Federal Housing Administration Mortgagee Letters Since Jan. 1. 2008 00029 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2008-01 New Single Fainilv Loan Sewicing Contractor Mortgagee 1/11/2008 Not Signi?cant (superseded by Letter HUD Handbook 4000.1) 29 HUD-17-0201-D-000086 Department of Housing and Urban Development Guidance Documents Issued by the Of?ce of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity Since Jan. 1, 2008 HUD0201 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce Issued (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review FHEO Rental Assistance Demonstration Resource Desk. 2008-2017 FAQs Not Signi?cant Pending Frequently Asked Questions FHEO FAQs 2016-2017 FAQs Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO Instructions and Guidance for FHAP ?Contributions 2008 FHAP Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Agencies?: Allocation of FY2008 Fair Housing Assistance Program (FHAP) Fluids (Not on HUD ?5 website) FHEO FHAP Case Payment Amounts 2008 (Not on HUD ?s 2008 Guidance Not Signi?cant (Superseded website) by FHAP Case Payment Amounts 2009) FHEO Standards for Timeliness and Quality 2008 (Not on 2008 Guidance Not Signi?cant (Superseded HUD ?s website) by Standards for Timeliness and Quality 2009) FHEO Criteria for Processing 2008 (Not on HUD ?3 website) 2008 Guidance Not Signi?cant (Superseded by Criteria for Processing 2009) FHEO FHAP Guidance 2008 (Not on HUD ?s website) 2008 Guidance Not Signi?cant (Superseded by 2009 FHAP Guidance) HUD Joint Statement 011 Reasonable Modi?cations Under 3/5/2008 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending the Fair Housing Act FHEO FY2009 Flmding Guidance for Fair Housing 2009 FHAP Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Assistance Program (FHAP) ?Contributions Agencies? (Not on HUD ?s website) FHEO FHAP Case Payment Amounts 2009 (Not on HUD ?s 2009 Guidance Not Signi?cant (Superseded website) by FHAP Case Payment Amounts 2010) HUD-17-0201-D-000087 HUDOZOZ Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce Issued (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review FHEO Standards for Timeliness and Quality 2009 (Not on 2009 Guidance Not Signi?cant (Superseded HUD ?s website) by Standards for Timeliness and Quality 2010) FHEO Criteria for Processing 2009 (Not on HUD ?s website) 2009 Guidance Not Signi?cant (Superseded by Criteria for Processing 2010) FHEO FHAP Guidance 2009 (Not on HUD ?s website) 2009 Guidance Not Signi?cant (Superseded by 2010 FHAP Guidance) FHEO FY2010 Funding Guidance for Fair Housing 2010 FHAP Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Assistance Program (FHAP) ?Capacity Building Agencies? (Not on HUD ?3 website) FHEO FHAP Case Payment Am01mts 2010 (Not on HUD ?s 2010 Guidance Not Signi?cant (Superseded website) by FHAP Case Payment Am01mts 2011) FHEO Standards for Timeliness and Quality 2010 (Not on 2010 Guidance Not Signi?cant (Superseded HUD ?5 website) by Standards for Timeliness and Quality 201 l) FHEO Criteria for Processing 2010 (Not on HUD ?s website) 2010 Guidance Not Signi?cant (Superseded by Criteria for Processing 201 1) FHEO FHAP Guidance 2010 (Not on HUD ?5 website) 2010 Guidance Not Signi?cant (Superseded by 201 FHAP Guidance) FHEO Af?nnatiV-?e lVIarketing. Tenant Selection. and Lease 6/2010 Checklist Not Signi?cant Pending Compliance Checklist FHEO FY2011 Criteria for Processing (Not on HUD ?s FY2011 FHAP Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending website) FHEO FY2011 Standards for Timeliness (Not on HUD ?s FY2011 FHAP Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending website) FHEO NSP Problem Solving Clinics -NSP 2011 Training Not Signi?cant Pending Workshop HUD-17-0201-D-000088 HUD0203 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce Issued (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review FHEO Criteria for Processing 2011 (Not on HUD ?s website) 2011 Guidance Not Signi?cant (Superseded by Criteria for Processing 2012) FHEO FHAP Guidance 2011 (Not on HUD ?s website) 2011 Guidance Not Signi?cant (Superseded by 2012 FHAP Guidance) FHEO FHAP Case Payment Amormts 2011 (Not on HUD ?s 2011 Guidance Not Signi?cant (Superseded website) by FHAP Case Payment Amounts 2012) FHEO Standards for Timeliness and Quality 2011 (Not on 2011 Guidance Not Signi?cant (Superseded HUD ?s website) by Standards for Timeliness and Quality 2012) FHEO FY2011 Funding Guidance for Fair Housing 2011 FHAP Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Assistance Program (FHAP) ?Contributions Agencies? (Not on HUD ?s website) FHEO Complaint Filing (Not on HUD ?5 website) 2011 FHAP Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO FY2011 Flmding Guidance for Fair Housing 2011 FHAP Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Assistance Program (FHAP) ?Capacity Building Agencies? (Not on HUD ?5 website) FHEO Section 3 Frequenth Asked Questions 7/18/2011 FAQs Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO FY2012 Criteria for Processing (Not on HUD ?s FY2012 FHAP Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending website) FHEO FY2012 Standards for Timeliness (Not on HUD ?s FY2012 FHAP Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending website) FHEO FHAP Case Payment Amounts 2012 (Not on HUD ?s 2012 Guidance Not Signi?cant (Superseded website) by FHAP Case Payment Amormts 2013 FHEO Standards for Timeliness and Quality 2012 (Not on 2012 Guidance Not Signi?cant (Superseded HUD ?3 website) by Standards for Timeliness and Quality 2013) HUD-17-0201-D-000089 00204 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce Issued (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review FHEO Criteria for Processing 2012 (Not on HUD ?s website) 2012 Guidance Not Signi?cant (Superseded by Criteria for Processing 2013) FHEO FHAP Guidance 2012 (Not on HUD ?s website) 2012 Guidance Not Signi?cant (Superseded by 2013 FHAP Guidance) FHEO FY2012 Fimding Guidance for Fair Housing 2012 FHAP Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Assistance Program (FHAP) ?Contributions Agencies? (Not on HUD ?s website) FHEO RAD RPCA Training 1/08/2012 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending HUD Assisted housing for persons with disabilities under 6/29/2012 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Olmstead implementation efforts to provide options rather than institutional settings. FHEO RAD Conversion Case Studies 11/16/2012 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO RAD Tax Credit Case Studies 11/30/2012 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO General Webi=nar with a Focus 011 Relocation 12/14/2012 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO FY2013 Criteria for Processing (Not on HUD ?s FY2013 FHAP Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending website) FHEO FY2013 Standards for Timeliness (Not on HUD ?s FY2013 FHAP Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending website) FHEO A New Assessment Process to Af?nnativelv Fluther 2013 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Fair Housing FHEO Standards for Timeliness and Quality 2013 (Not on 2013 Guidance Not Signi?cant (Superseded HUD ?s website) by Standards for Timeliness and Quality 2014) FHEO FHAP Case Payment Amormts 2013 (Not on HUD ?s 2013 Guidance Not Signi?cant (Superseded website) by FHAP Case Payment Amomits 2014) FHEO Criteria for Processing 2013 (Not on HUD ?s website) 2013 Guidance Not Signi?cant (Superseded by Criteria for Processing 2014) HUD-17-0201-D-000090 00205 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce Issued (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review FHEO FHAP Guidance 2013 (Not on HUD ?s website) 2013 Guidance Not Signi?cant (Superseded by 2014 FHAP Guidance) FHEO FY2013 Fimding Guidance for Fair Housing 2013 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Assistance Program (FHAP) ?Contributions Agencies? (Not on HUD ?s website) HUD Joint Statement on Accessibility (Design and 4/30/2013 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Construction) Requirements For Covered l\v=1111tifaniilv Dwellings?Under The Fair Housi1_1g Act FHEO Application and Award Policies and Procedures Guide 6/2013 Handbook Not Signi?cant Pending for FHIP Grantees FHEO Finding Partners: Oveiyiew of Procurement for RAD 7/25/2013 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending Conversions FHEO RAD 101 for PHAs 8/ 1/2013 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO of the RAD Inventory Assessment Tool 8/8/2013 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO Oven'iew of Portfolio and l\v?Iultiphase 8/ 15/2013 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO Refresher 011 Completing a PHA RAD Application 8/22/2013 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO Oveiview of1\?1aximum Supponable First Mortgage 9/12/2013 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending Tool FHEO Overview of the Revised RAD Inventon' Assessment 9/ 19/2013 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending Tool FHEO Oveiview of the Mod Rehab Address Database 9/26/2013 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO Update 011 the First Component of RAD 11/7/2013 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO Oven'iew of the RAD Closing Process for PHAs 12/19/2013 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO FY2014 Criteria for Processing (Not on HUD ?s FY2014 FHAP Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending website) FHEO FY2014 Standards for Timeliness (Not on HUD ?s FY2014 FHAP Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending website) FHEO FHAP Case Payment Amormts 2014 (Not on HUD ?s 2014 Guidance Not Signi?cant (Superseded website) by FHAP Case Payment Amounts 2015) FHEO Standards for Timeliness and Quality 2014 (Not on 2014 Guidance Not Signi?cant (Superseded HUD ?5 website) by Standards for HUD-17-0201-D-000091 00206 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce Issued (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review Timeliness and Quality 2015) FHEO Criteria for Processing 2014 (Not on HUD ?s website) 2014 Guidance Not Signi?cant (Superseded by Criteria for Processing 2015) FHEO FY2014 Fair Housing Assistance Program (FHAP) 2014 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Flmding Guidance (Not on HUD ?s website) FHEO RAD Pr0gra111 Update 2/28/2014 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO FAQs Accompanying Af?rmative Fair Housing 6/2014 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending Marketing Plan Guidance and Instluctions for Section 811 Project Rental Assistance Demonstration (PRA Demo) PrOgrams FHEO Introducing the Tax Credit Fast Track 7/22/2014 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO Introducing the Tax Credit Fast Track- Slides ??om JulV 7/22/2014 Slides Not Signi?cant Pending 22. 2014 Webinar FHEO Oven'iew of the RiiD Relocati01_1 Requirem_ents Notice 7/25/2014 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO Quick Reference Guide for Proiects Converting to 10/2014 Quick Reference Not Signi?cant Pending Project-Based Voucher Assistance FHEO FHAP Case Payment Amounts 2015 (Not on HUD ?s 2015 Guidance Not Signi?cant (Superseded website) by FHAP Case Payment Amormts 2016) FHEO Standards for Timeliness and Quality 2015 (Not on 2015 Guidance Not Signi?cant (Superseded HUD ?s website) by Standards for Timeliness and Quality 2016) FHEO Criteria for Processing 2015 (Not on HUD ?s website) 2015 Guidance Not Signi?cant (Superseded by Criteria for Processing 2016) FHEO FHAP Guidance 2015 (Not on HUD ?s website) 2015 Guidance Not Signi?cant (Superseded by 2016 FHAP Guidance) FHEO RAD Guide to Choosing Between Project-Based 2/27/2015 RAD Tool Not Signi?cant Pending Vouchers (PBVs) and Project Based Rental Assistance (PBRA) for Public Housing Conversions HUD-17-0201-D-000092 00207 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce Issued (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review FHEO Relocation Training for RAD 1st Component Public 3/24/2015 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending Housing Conversions FHEO Guide to the RAD Plivsical Condition Assessment 3/30/2015 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO FHAP Guidance 2014 (Not on HUD ?5 website) 4/6/2015 Guidance Not Signi?cant (Superseded by 2015 FHAP Guidance) FHEO Transmittal Memo: FY2015 Guidance Package for the 4/06/2015 Guidance Memo Not Signi?cant Pending Fair Housing Assistance Program (Not on HUD ?s website) FHEO Ovelview of the Revised RAD Notice for CHAP 6/ 1 7/2015 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending Awardees- Public Housing FHEO Ovelview of the Revised RAD Notice for CHAP 6/17/2015 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending Awardees Mod Rehab/ SRO FHEO Ovelview of the Revised RAD Notice for CHAP 6/17/2015 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending Awardees -Rent FHEO RAD Environmental Review Process Training for 6/ 18/2015 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending FLAP Awardees FHEO Ovelview of Rent Setting -Second Component (Slides 6/27/2015 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending Onlv) FHEO Executive Summarv of Final AFFH Rule 7/2015 Executive Summaiy Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO FH Rule Fact Sheet 7/2015 Fact Sheet Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO RAD Live Rent Adjustments for Second 7/10/2015 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending Component Conversions FHEO RAD Live Public Housing Conversions 7/ 10/2015 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO RAD Initial Year Funding Tool Oveiview 8/14/2015 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO Quick Reference Guide for Ivlultifamilv Housing 10/2015 Quick Reference Not Signi?cant Pending Requirements (PBRA) FHEO Introduction to Af?nnativelv Furthering Fair Housing 10/08/2015 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending and the New Rule FHEO Section 811 Project Rental Assistance Pro gram 10/8/2015 Training Not Signi?cant Pending Af?nnative Fair Housing and Plan FHEO Quick Guide SPEARS 10/23/2015 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HUD-17-0201-D-000093 00208 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce Issued (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review FHEO FH Fact Sheet: How Program Participants Can 11/2015 Fact Sheet Not Signi?cant Pending Collaborate 011 their AFFH Submissions FHEO FH Fact Sheet: Community Participation and 11/2015 Fact Sheet Not Signi?cant Pending Af?imativelv Furthering Fair Housing (Guidance for Consolidated Plan Program Participants) FHEO FH Fact Sheet: Transitioning to the New AFF 11/2015 Fact Sheet Not Signi?cant Pending Process (Guidance for Consolidated Plan Program Participants) FHEO Procedures of the New AFFH Process 11/ 13/2015 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO FH Rule Guidebook 12/2015 Guidebook Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO FH Fact Sheet: The Fair Housing Planning Process 12/2015 Fact Sheet Not Signi?cant Pending Under the AFFH Rule FHEO User Interface Registration Instluctions 12/2015 Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO FH Palticipation Requirements for 12/ 1/ 2015 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending Consolidated Plan Pr0gram Participants ebcast FHEO FH CommunitV Palticipation Requirements for 12/ 1/ 2015 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending Public Housing Agencies Webcast FHEO FY2016 Criteria for Processing (Not on HUD ?s FY2016 FHAP Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending website) FHEO FY2016 Standards for Timeliness (Not on HUD ?s FY2016 FHAP Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending website) FHEO FY2016 Payment Am01mts for FHAP Complaint FY2016 FHAP Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Processing (Not on HUD ?s website) FHEO FHAP Case Payment Amounts 2016 (Not on HUD ?s 2016 Guidance Not Signi?cant (Superseded website) by FHAP Case Payment Am01mts 2017) FHEO Standards for Timeliness and Quality 2016 (Not on 2016 Guidance Not Signi?cant (Superseded HUD ?s website) by Standards for Timeliness and Quality 2017) FHEO Criteria for Processing 2016 (Not on HUD ?3 website) 2016 Guidance Not Signi?cant (Superseded by Criteria for Processing 2017) HUD-17-0201-D-000094 00209 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce Issued (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review FHEO The Fair Housing Planning Process under the AF FH 1/11/2016 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending Rule ebcast FHEO User Interface Quick Guide 2/2016 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO Oven'iew of the Assessment of Fair Housing Webcast 3/24/2016 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO AF FH Fact Sheet 04/2016 Fact Sheet Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO Presewation Options for Section 336 Propeities 4/2016 Guidebook Not Signi?cant Pending OGC Guidance 011 Application of Fair Housing Act 4/4/2016 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Standards to the Use of Criminal Records bv Providers of Housing and Real Estate-Related Transactions FHEO FHAP Guidance 2016 (Not on HUD ?s website) 4/26/2016 Guidance Not Signi?cant (Superseded by 2017 FHAP Guidance) FHEO Transmittal Memo: FY2016 Guidance Package for the 4/26/2016 Guidance Memo Not Signi?cant Pending Fair Housing Assistance Program (Not on HUD ?3 website) FHEO FH User Interface (U1) Webcast 4/27/2016 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO Guidance on HUD's Review of Assessments of Fair 6/2016 Guidance on Reviews Not Signi?cant Pending Housing FHEO Initial Year Funding Tool 7/ 13/2016 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending OGC Guidance on Application of Fair Housing Act 9/13/2016 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Standards to the Enforcement ofLocal Nuisance and rune-Free Housing Ordinances Against Victims of Domestic Violence Other Crime Victims. and Others Who Require Police or Emergech Services OGC Guidance 011 Fair Housing Act Protections for Persons 9/ 15/2016 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending with Limited English Pro?ciencv FHEO Discussion of RAD 1st Component Revised Fonns 10/14/2016 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending C_m_1t1'acts FHEO FAQ of HUD's Business Registry 11/4/2016 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending HUD Joint Statement on State and Local Land Use Laws and 11/10/2016 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Practices and the Application of the Fair Housing Act FHEO RAD Fair Housing. Civil Rights. and Relocation 11/ 17/2016 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending Notice FHEO Session 1: RAD Fair Housing. Civil Rights. 12/1/2016 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending and Relocation Notice HUD-17-0201-D-000095 HUDOZ10 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce Issued (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review FHEO Session 2: RAD Fair Housing. Civil Rights. 12/15/2016 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending and Relocation Notice FHEO FY2017 Criteria for Processing (Not on HUD ?s FY2017 FHAP Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending website) FHEO FY2017 Standards for Timeliness (Not on HUD ?s FY2017 FHAP Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending website) FHEO FY2017 Payment Amounts for FHAP Complaint FY2017 FHAP Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Processing (Not on HUD ?s website) FHEO LOC Secru?ity Procedlu?es (FHAP) (Not on HUD ?s FY2017 FHAP Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending website) FHEO FHAP Case Payment Amounts 2017 (Not on HUD ?s 2017 Guidance Not Signi?cant (Superseded website) by FHAP Case Payment Amormts 2018) FHEO Standards for Timeliness and Quality 2017 (Not on 2017 Guidance Not Signi?cant (Superseded HUD ?s website) by Standards for Timeliness and Quality 2018) FHEO Criteria for Processing 2017 (Not on HUD ?s website) 2017 Guidance Not Signi?cant (Superseded by Criteria for Processing 2018) FHEO Interim Guidance for Pr0gram Participants 011 Status of 1/2017 Interim Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Assessment Tools and Submission Options FHEO Interim Guidance for Program Palticipants 011 Status of 1/2017 Interim Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Assessment Tools and Submission Options FHEO Session 3: RAD Fair Housing. Civil Rights. 1/11/2017 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending and Relocation Notice FHEO RAD Notice Revision Training: Public Housing 2/21/2017 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending Conversions FHEO RAD Notice Revision 3 Training: Mod Rehab. Rent 2/23/2017 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending Supp. and RAP Conversions FHEO Guidance 011 RAD Letters of Interest 3/15/2017 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO Resource Desk Training: Inputting Project Ownership 3/24/2017 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending 10 HUD-17-0201-D-000096 HUDOZ11 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce Issued (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review FHEO Converting l\v'loderate Rehabilitation and Moderate 4/15/2017 Fact Sheet Not Signi?cant Pending Rehabilitation SRO Contracts Under RAD Second Component FHEO FHAP Guidance 2017 (Not on HUD ?s website) 5/30/2017 Guidance Not Signi?cant (Superseded by 2018 FHAP Guidance) FHEO Transmittal Memo: FY2017 Guidance Package for the 5/30/2017 Guidance Memo Not Signi?cant Pending Fair Housing Assistance Program (Not on HUD ?3 website) FHEO FH-T Known Issues 111V 2017 7/2017 Technical Summaiy Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO FH Data and Mapping Tool 9/2017 Resom'ce Links Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO FH-T User Guide 9/2017 User Guide Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO AF FH-T Data Documentation 9/2017 Technical Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending September 201 7 FHEO Known Issues September 2017 9/2017 Technical Suimnaiy Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO FH-T Data Documentation 9/29/2017 Technical Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending September 2017 FHEO Data Documentation (AF FHT0003. 9/29/2017 Technical Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Septe11_1ber 2017 FHEO Mod Rehab Processing Guide 10/1/2017 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO (Clari?cation: HUD Announces Changes to the AF FH 10/ 16/2017 Clari?cation Not Signi?cant Pending Data and Mapping Tool FHEO RAD PBV Quick Reference 11/2017 RAD Tool Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO Completion Celti?cation and RAD 11/9/2017 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending Minority Concentration Analvsis Tool: Live FHEO FH-T Data Docum?tation 12/2017 Resource Links Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO AFFH-T Raw Data 12/2017 Technical Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO AF FH-T Known Issues 12/2017 Technical Summary Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO Using CNA e-Tool for RAD Transactions 12/7/2017 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO FH-T Data Documentation (FHT0004) 12/ 13/2017 Technical Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending November 201 7 FHEO HUD Announces New Features in the AF 12/ 19/2017 A1mouncement Not Signi?cant Pending Assessm=ent Tool User Qterface FHEO AFFH-T Known Issues December 2017 12/20/2017 Technical Summaiy Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO Tentative 2018 Schedule for AF FH Regional Trainings 12/26/2017 Announcement Not Signi?cant Pending 1 1 HUD-17-0201-D-000097 HUD0212 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce Issued (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review FHEO FY2018 Criteria for Processing (Not on HUD ?s FY2018 FHAP Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending website) FHEO FY2018 Standards for Timeliness (Not on HUD ?s FY2018 FHAP Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending website) FHEO FY2018 Payment Am01mts for FHAP Complaint FY2018 FHAP Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Processing (Not on HUD ?5 website) FHEO LOC Secm'ity Procedln?es (FHAP) (Not on HUD ?s FY2018 FHAP Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending website) FHEO FY2018 FHAP Complaint losm?e Review Form (Not FY2018 FHAP Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending on HUD ?s website) FHEO FY2018 FHAP Complaint losm?e Review Form FY2018 FHAP Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Conciliation (C losm?e Code 16) (Not on HUD ?s website) FHEO FY2018 FHAP Complaint Closm?e Review Form FY2018 FHAP Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Failm?e to Cooperate (Closure Code 04) (Not on HUD ?s website) FHEO FY2018 FHAP Case losm?e Review Form Lack of FY2018 FHAP Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Jurisdiction (LOJ) (C losm?e Code 02) (Not on HUD ?s website) HEO FY2018 FHAP Case losm?e Review 01m No Cause FY2018 FHAP Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending (Closure Code 25) (Not on HUD ?s website) FHEO FY2018 FHAP Case losm?e Review F01m Post Cause FY2018 FHAP Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending (Not on HUD ?s website) FHEO FY2018 FHAP Complaint Closure Review F01m Trial FY2018 FHAP Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending ommenced (C los1u?e code 10) (Not on HUD ?s website) FHEO FY2018 FHAP Complaint losm?e Review Form FY2018 FHAP Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Inability to Locate Complainant (Closure Code 03) (Not on HUD ?s website) FHEO FY2018 FHAP Complaint losm?e Review Form FY2018 FHAP Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Unable to Locate Respondent (C losm?e Code 03) (Not on HUD ?s website) HEO FY2018 FHAP Complaint Closure Review F01m FY2018 FHAP Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Withdrawal With Resolution (Closure Code 18) (Not on HUD ?s website) HUD-17-0201-D-000098 12 HUDOZ13 Issuing Office Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance (handbook, FAQ, etc.) OMB Signi?cant Determination Regulatory Task Force Review FHEO 8 FHAP Case Closure Review Form Withdrawal Without Resolution (Closure Code 06) (Not on HUD ?3 website) 8 FHAP Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO 2018 Capacity Building Agreement Schedule of Articles (Not on HUD ?s website) FY2018 FHAP Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO 2018 Contributions Agreement Schedule of Articles (Not on HUD ?5 website) FY2018 FHAP Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO Guidelines for Rent Setting in RAD 2 Properties FHEO Unknown Guidelines Not Signi?cant Pending Mod Rehab New Construction Agreement PBV Unknown Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO Sample Noti?cation Letter to Residents for Prospective Conversion of Housing Choice Vouchers to Project Based Rental Assistance FHEO Unknown Sample letter Not Signi?cant Pending Sample Noti?cation Letter to Residents for Prospective Conversion of Housing Choice Vouchers to Project Based Vouchers Unknown Sample letter Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO Sample 30-Dav Noti?cation Letter to Residents for Prospective Conversion of Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation (Mod Rehab) Assistance to Project- Based Rental Assistance Unknown Sample letter Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO Sample 30-Day Noti?cation Letter to Residents for Prospective Conversion of Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation (Mod Rehab) Assistance to Project- Based Vouchers Unknown Sample letter Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO Sample 30 Dav Noti?cation Letter to Residents for Prospective Conversion of Rent Supplement (Rent Supp) and Rental Assistance Pavinent (RAP) assistance to Project Based Rental Assistance Unknown Sample letter Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO Sample Noti?cation Letter to Residents for Prospective Conversion of Rent Supplement (Rent Supp) and Rental Assistance Pavment (RAP) assistance to Project Based Vouchers Unknown Sample letter Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO Sample Noti?cation Letter to Residents for Retroactive Conversion of Regular Vouchers to Project Based Vouchers Unknown Sample letter Not Signi?cant Pending 13 HUD-17-0201-D-000099 HUDOZ14 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce Issued (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review FHEO Sample Noti?cation Letter to Residents for Retroactive Unknown Sample letter Not Signi?cant Pending Conversion of Regular Vouchers to Project Based Vouchers FHEO LIHTC Fast Track Submission Checklist for Unknown Checklist Not Signi?cant Pending PHAs FHEO LIHTC Conversion Overview Template Unknown Template Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO Model Fonn Opinion of Counsel Unknown Model Form Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO Release from Declaration of Restrictive Covenants Unknown Sample Legal Not Signi?cant Pending Docmnent FHEO Termination of Amendment to Annual Unknown Sample Legal Not Signi?cant Pending Qntributions C01_1t1?act Docmnent FHEO Termination of Regulatow and Operating Agreement Unknown Sample Legal Not Signi?cant Pending Docmnent FHEO Sample RAD Resident Infonnation Notice (RIN) Unknown Sample App Material Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO RAD Rent Bundling Worksheet Unknown Sample App Material Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO RAD Ponfolio Application Unknown Sample App Material Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO RAD Application Unknown Sample App Material Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO Manv to One Application Unknown Sample App Material Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO RAD l\~Iaximum Suppo?able First Mortgage Unknown RAD Tool Not Signi?cant Pending Tool FHEO Affordable Housing Preservation Through RAD Unknown Fact Sheet Not Signi?cant Pending FHEO RAD for Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Properties: Unknown Fact Sheet Not Signi?cant Pending Kev Facts about the Second Component of the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD 2) 14 HUD-17-0201-D-000100 Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Register Notices Issued by HUD Since Jan. 1, 2008 00030 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review 201 7- Allocations. Common Application. Waivers, Notice 12/2 7/201 7 Not Signi?cant Pending 5.2mm: gvo . giFR- 27960 and Alternative Requirements for 2017-12-27r?pdf?2017-27960ndf Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Grantees: State of Texas Allocation 2017- Notice of Intent To Prepare a Draft Notice 12/18/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending 27194 Envirornnental Impact Statement (EIS) for the NDRC Ohio Creek Watershed Project in Norfolk Virginia 2017- Family Self-Suf?ciency Performance Notice 12/12/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending 26696 Measurement System (?Composite Score?) 2017- Notice for Suspension of Small Area Fair Notice 12/12/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending 26695 Market Rent (Small Area FMR) Designations: Solicitation of 2017- The Performance Review Board: Correction Notice 11/30/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending 25818 2017- The Performance Review Board Notice 1 1/21/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending 25186 2017- Revocation of Orders of Succession for the Notice 11/17/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending 25024 Of?ce of the Deputy Secretary 2017- Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Notice 11/8/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending 24330 Program-Armual Adjustment Factors. Fiscal Year 2018 2017- Annual Indexing of Basic Statutory Mortgage Notice 1 1/7/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending 24171 Limits for Multifamily Housing Programs 2017-1 2017- Notice of Certain Operating Cost Adjustment Notice 11/2/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending 23901 Factors for 2018 2017-1 2017- Notice of Multifamily Loan Sale Notice 10/31/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending 23677 (MLS 2018-1) 2017- Statutorily Mandated Designation of Dif?cult Notice 10/26/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending 23306 Development Areas and Quali?ed Census Tracts: Revision of Effective Date for 2015 Designations 2017- Drafting a New Federal Strategy To Reduce Notice 10/24/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending 23039 Childhood Lead Exposures and Impacts: 2017-10-24?pdf?2017-23039ndf Request for Information HUD-17-0201-D-000101 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDOO31 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review 2017- Rental Assistance Demonstration: Notice of Notice 10/23/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending 23042 Extensions for PHAs in Presidentially 3017-10-335Ddf'3017-33043-Ddf Declared Disaster Areas 2017- Availability of HUD's Fiscal Year 2015 Notice 10/20/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Service Contract Inventory 2017-lO-ZOdef?QO17-22844Ddf 2017- Relief From HUD Requirements Available to Notice 10/6/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending 21600 PHAs To Assist With Recovery and Relief Efforts on Behalf of Families Affected by Hmricanes Harvey. Inna. Maria and Future Natural Disasters Where Maj or Disaster Declarations Might Be Issued in 2017 2017- Statutorily Mandated Designation of Dif?cult Notice 9/11/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending 9pc.eov?deVSx?Dk 19188 Development Areas and Qualified Census 3017-09-1 Tracts for 2018 2017- Fair Market Rents for the Housing Choice Notice 9/1/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending 18431 Voucher Program. Moderate Rehabilitation 301709-011136153017-1843 1-Ddf Single Room Occupancy Program. and Other Programs Fiscal Year 2018 and Adoption of Methodology Changes for Estimating Fair Market Rents 201 7- Rental Assistance Demonstration: Notice of Notice 8/ 23/ 201 7 Not Signi?cant Pending Imps apo . 17857 Increase in Cap and Rent Setting 2017- Allocations. Application. Waivers, Notice 8/7/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending 16411 and Altemative Requirements for Conmnmity Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Grantees 2017- Mortgage and Loan Insurance Programs Notice 7/26/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending 15668 Under the National Housing Act-Debenture Interest Rates 2017- Disabled and Low-Income Veterans Housing Notice 7/12/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending 14630 Rehabilitation and Modi?cation Pilot 3017'07-1351x113017-14630-Dc1f Program; Solicitation of Comments on Program Design 201 7- Housing Trust Fund Federal Re gister; Notice 6/23/201 7 Not Signi?cant Pending Imps apo . QVFR- 13 Allocation Notice 201 7- Authority To Accept Unsolicited Proposals Notice 6/21/201 7 Not Signi?cant Pending mum. gvo . for Research Partnerships HUD-17-0201-D-000102 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00032 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review 2017- Notice of Armual Factors for Determining Notice 6/21/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending 12952 Public Housing Agency Administrative Fees 301 for the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher, Mainstream. and Moderate Rehabilitation Programs 2017- Notice of HUD Vacant Loan Sales (HVLS Notice 6/8/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending 11944 2017-2) 2017- Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Notice 6/8/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending 11936 Program-Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 In?ation Factors for Public Housing Agency (PHA) Renewal Flmding 2017- Housing Cmmseling Certi?cation Notice 5/3 1/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending s'v?WMKi 2pc . 11213 Examination Availability and Change To Certi?cation Examination Cost 2017- Proposed Changes to the Methodology Used Notice 5/ 26/ 201 7 Not Signi?cant Pending 10907 for Estimating Fair Market Rents 2017- Annual Indexing of Basic Statutory Notice 5/24/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending 10558 Mortgage: Limits for Multifamily Housing Programs 201 7- Reducing Regulatory Burden: Enforcing the Notice 5/ 1 5/ 201 7 Not Signi?cant Pending 5.2mm: gvo . 09730 Regulatory Reform Agenda Under Executive Order 13777 2017- Operations Notice for the Expansion of the Notice 5/4/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending 09139 Moving To Work Demonstration Program 301 Solicitation of Waiver Revision and Reopening of Comment Period 2017- Federal Housing Administration (FHA): Notice 5/1/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending gpo . 08721 Indefmite Deferral of Implementation of the Small Building Risk Sharing Initiative 2017- Notice of Multifamily and Notice 4/25/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending 08411 Healthcare Loan Sale (MHLS 2017-l) 201 7- Housing Trust Fluid Federal Register Notice 4/ 1 3/201 7 Not Signi?cant Pending Uvnnv. goo . gv?FR- Allocation Notice 201 7.1)df 201 7- Annomicement of Tenant Protection Voucher Notice 4/ 1 2/ 201 7 Not Signi?cant Pending gpo . EVFR- 07390 Funding Awards for Fiscal Year 2016 for the Housing Choice Voucher Program 2017- Mortga gee Review Board: Administrative Notice 4/4/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending r'r?mwr 2pc . 06642 Actions HUD-17-0201-D-000103 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00033 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review 2017- Fair Market Rents for the Housing Choice Notice 3/30/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending 06298 Voucher Program and Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program Fiscal Year 2017: Revised 2017- Additional Clarifying Guidance. Waivers. Notice 2/8/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending 02585 and Altemative Requirements for Grantees in 301 Receipt of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Disaster Recovery Grant Funds Under the Disaster Relief Appropriations Act. 201 3 2017- Mortgage and Loan Insurance Programs Notice 1/24/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending 01547 Under the National Housing Act-Debenture 301 7'01441136553017-01547-Ddf Interest Rates 2017- Operations Notice for the Expansion of the Notice 1/23/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending 01310 Moving To Work Demonstration Program Solicitation of 2017- HUD Approval of Requests for Transfers of Notice 1/19/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending ll?psnh?nv. 01260 Multifamily Housing Project-Based Rental 301 Assistance. or Insured Debt. and Income-Based Use Restrictions 201 7- Rental Assistance Demonstration: Revised Notice 1/ 19/201 7 Not Signi?cant Pending Imps apo . 1 Prograln Notice 201 2017- Allocations. Common Application. Waivers. Notice 1/ 18/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending 01007 and Altemative Requirements for Conmnmity Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Grantees 2017- Waiver of Requirements for the State of New Notice 1/17/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending 00710 York: CDBG Disaster Recovery Grants for Recovery of Lower Manhattan 201 7- Af?rmativer Furthering Fair Housing Notice 1/ 1 3/201 7 Not Signi?cant Pending goo . 00713 Assessment Tool for Public Housing Agencies: Annormcement of Final Approved Docrunent 201 7- Affmnatively Furthering Fair Housing: Notice 1/ 1 3/201 7 Not Signi?cant Pending Imps apo . QVFR- 00714 Annormcement of Renewal of Approval of the Assessment Tool for Local Governments 2016- Notice of Certain Operating Cost Adjustment Notice 12/27/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 31206 Factors for 2017 HUD-17-0201-D-000104 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00034 Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Grantees Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review 2016- Housing Opportrmity Through Modernization Notice 12/20/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 30627 Act of 2016: Solicitation of orr 3016-13-305Ddf?3016-30637-Ddf Implementation of Public Housing Income Limit: Extension of Comment Period 2016- Request for and Notice 12/20/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 30622 Recommendations on a Revised 3016-13-301'06153016-30633-Ddf Methodology To Track the Extent to Which Moving to Work Agencies Continue To Serve Substantially the Same Nrunber of Eligible Families 2016- Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Notice 12/20/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 30618 Program-Armual Adjustment Factors. Fiscal Year 2017 2016- Federal Housing Administration (FHA): Notice 12/ 14/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 29757 Direct Endorsement Program Timeframe for Conducting Pre-Endorsement Review 2016- Relief From HUD Requirements Available to Notice 12/12/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 29642 Public Housing Agencies To Assist With 3016-13-13?Ddf?3016-39643-Ddf Recovery and Relief Efforts on Behalf of Families Affected by Severe Storms and Flooding in Louisiana 2016? Housing Opportrmity Through Modernization Notice 12/6/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 29208 Act of 2016: Initial Guidance; Correction 3016-13-061?Ddf?3016-39303-Ddf 2016- HUD Program Evaluation Policy-Policy Notice 12/6/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 29215 Statement 2016- Implementation of the Tribal HUD-VA Notice 12/6/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 29211 Supportive Housing Program: Technical 3016-13-06.? (if/30164931 1- df Correction 2016? Housing Opportimity Through Modernization Notice 11/29/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 28593 Act of 2016: Solicitation of on Implementation of Public Housing Income Limit 2016- Notice of HUD Vacant Loan Sales (HVLS Notice 11/23/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 28244 2017-1) 2016? Allocations. Application. Waivers, Notice 1 1/21/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 27969 and Alternative Requirements for HUD-17-0201-D-000105 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00035 Housing and Urban Development Compliance With the National Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review 2016- Small Area Fair Market Rents in Housing Notice 1 1/16/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 27112 Choice Voucher Program Values for 3016-11'165Ddf'3016-37113-Ddf Selection Criteria and Metropolitan Areas Subject to Small Area Fair Market Rents 2016- Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Notice 11/14/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 27348 Notice Regarding Fair Housing and Civil 3016-11445136153016-37343-Ddf Rights Requirements and Relocation Requirements Applicable to RAD First Component-Public Housing Conversions: Solicitation of Comment 2016- Fair Market Rents for the Housing Choice Notice 11/7/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 26874 Voucher Program and Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program Fiscal Year 2017: Revised 2016? Section 184 Indian Housing Loan Guarantee Notice 11/1/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 26331 Program Increase to Armual Premium 2016? Affmnatively Furthering Fair Housing: Notice 10/24/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 25637 Extension of Deadline for Submission of Assessment of Fair Housing for Consolidated Plan Participants That Receive a Comnnmity Development Block Grant of $500.000 or Less 2016- The Performance Review Board Notice 10/20/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 25413 2016? Statutorily Mandated Designation of Dif?cult Notice 10/17/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 25056 Development Areas and Quali?ed Census Tracts for 2017 2016? Notice of Certain Operating Cost Adjustment Notice 10/5/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 24070 Factors for 2017 2016? Affmnatively Furthering Fair Housing: Notice 9/28/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 23449 Assessment Tool for States and Insular Area- 2016-09-28/Pdf/2016-23449-Pdf Information Collection: Solicitation of Comment First 30-Day Notice Under Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 2016? Notice of Web Availability: Memorandum of Notice 9/26/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 23014 Understanding Regarding US. Department of 3016-09-361?Ddf?3016-33014-Ddf HUD-17-0201-D-000106 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00036 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review Environmental Policy Act and Related Laws and Authorities 2016? Eligibility of Independent Students for Notice 9/21/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending - 22727 Assisted Housing Under Section 8 of the US. 3016-09-31506153016-33737-Ddf Housing Act of 1937: Additional Supplementary Guidance 2016- Af?rmativer Furthering Fair Housing: Notice 9/20/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 22594 Assessment Tool for Public Housing 3016-09-305Ddf?3016-33594-Ddf Agencies-Information Collection: Solicitation of Comment 30-Day Notice Under Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 2016? Notice of Single Family Loan Sales (SFLS Notice 9/8/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 21661 2016-2) 2016- Single Family Mortgage Insurance: Revision Notice 9/7/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 21226 of Section 203(k) Consultant Fee Schedule- 3016-09-075Ddf?3016-31336-Ddf Solicitation of 2016? Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program Notice 9/2/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 21106 Application Notice of Emergency Approval of an Information Collection. and 60-Day Notice To Extended Approval 2016- Fair Market Rents for the Housing Choice Notice 8/26/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 20552 Voucher Program. Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program and Other Programs Fiscal Year 2017 2016? Af?nnatively Furthering Fair Housing: Local Notice 8/23/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 20125 Goverrnnent Assessment Tool-Information Collection Renewal: Solicitation of 30-Day Notice Under Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 2016? User Fee Schedule for the Technical Notice 8/19/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending Imps goo . 19868 Suitability of Products Program-Revisions in 3016-08-195Ddf'3016-19863-Ddf the User Fees Assessed to Manufacturers of Materials and Products 2016? Additional Clarifying Guidance. Waivers, Notice 8/ 15/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 19394 and Alternative Requirements for Grantees in 3016-03-155136153016-19394-Ddf Receipt of Commrmity Development Block Grant (CDBG) Disaster Recovery Grant HUD-17-0201-D-000107 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00037 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review Funds Under the Disaster Relief Appropriations Act. 20 1 3 2016? Final Fair Market Rents for the Housing Notice 7/29/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 17932 Choice Voucher Program and Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program Fiscal Year 2016; Revised 2016- Mortgage and Loan Insurance Programs Notice 7/27/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 17783 Under the National Housing Act-Debenture Interest Rates 2016? Notice of Healthcare Loan Sale Notice 7/11/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 16258 (HLS 2016-1) 2016- Availability of Fiscal Year 2014 Notice 6/ 24/ 2016 N01 Signi?cant Pending 15018 Service Contract Inventory 2016? Tribal Notice 6/23/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 14896 Consultation Policy 2016? Notice of Intent To Prepare a Draft Notice 6/20/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 14524 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Rebuild by Design Meadowlands Flood Protection Project in Bergen Cormty. New Jersey 2016- Allocations. Application. Waivers, Notice 6/17/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 14110 and Alternative Requirements for Conmnmity Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Grantees 2016- Notice of Neighborhood Stabilization Notice 6/14/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 14062 Program; Changes to Closeout Requirements Related to Program Income 2016- Authority To Accept Unsolicited Proposals Notice 6/13/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 13945 for Research Partnerships 2016? Notice of National Disaster Resilience Notice 6/7/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 13430 Competition Grant Requirements 20 16-13430.pdf 2016- Notice of Aged Delinquent Portfolio Loan Notice 5/ 1 7/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 11616 Sale (ADPLS) 2016? Mortga gee Review Board: Administrative Notice 5/ 1 1/ 2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 11045 Actions 2016-05-1 1045.pdf 2016? Housing Trust Fund Federal Register Notice 5/5/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 10508 Allocation Notice HUD-17-0201-D-000108 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00038 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review 2016- Request for Speci?c Policy Proposals and Notice 5/4/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 10454 Methods of Research and Evaluation for 3016-05-045Ddf?3016-10454-1X11 MTW Demonstration Expansion: Extension of Comment Period 2016- Final Fair Market Rents for the Housing Notice 5/3/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 10333 Choice Voucher Program and Moderate 3016-05-03v?Ddf?3016-10333-Ddf Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program Fiscal Year 2016; Revised 2016? Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Notice 5/3/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 10328 Program-Armual Adjustment Factors. Fiscal 3016-05-03??Ddf?2016-10328-Ddf Year 2016 2016? Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Notice 4/ 1 5/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 08780 Program-Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 In?ation 3016-04-15513(153016-08780-Ddf Factors for Public Housing Agency (PHA) Renewal Frmding 2016? Af?rmativer Furthering Fair Housing Notice 4/ 14/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 08565 Assessment Tool for Public Housing 3016-04-145Ddf?3016-08565-Ddf Agencies Solicitation of 60-Day Notice Under Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995: Correction 2016? Request for Speci?c Policy Proposals and Notice 4/4/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 07663 Methods of Research and Evaluation for MTW Demonstration Expansion 2016- Announcement of Tenant Protection Voucher Notice 3/29/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 07070 Funding Awards for Fiscal Year 2015 for the 301603495136153016-07070-Ddf Housing Choice Voucher Program 2016- Af?rmativer Furthering Fair Housing Notice 3/23/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 06492 Assessment Tool for Public Housing 3016-03-35-?Ddf?3016-06493-Ddf Agencies Solicitation of Cormnent-60-Day Notice Under Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 2016- Af?rmativer Furthering Fair Housing Local Notice 3/23/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 06600 Govermnent Assessment Tool-Information 30 16-03-331?Ddf?30 16-06600-Ddf Collection Renewal: Solicitation of Comment-60-Day Notice Under Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 2016? Af?rmativer Furthering Fair Housing Notice 3/11/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 05521 Assessment Tool for States and Insular HUD-17-0201-D-000109 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00039 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review Areas: Solicitation of Notice Under Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 2016- Tribal HUD-VA Supportive Housing Notice 3/2/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 04627 Program Awards. Fiscal Year 2015 2016- Additional Clarifying Guidance. Waivers and Notice 2/12/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 02913 Alternative Requirements for Grantees in Receipt of Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Fluids Under Public Law 113-2 for the Submission of Expenditure Deadline Extension Requests and Urgent Need Certi?cation Extensions and for the Provision of Interim Mortgage Assistance by the State of New York 2016- Mortgage and Loan Insurance Programs Notice 2/ 12/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 02870 Under the National Housing Act-Debenture 3016-03-131'Ddf'3016-03370-Ddf Interest Rates 2016- Final Fair Market Rents for the Housing Notice 2/ 8/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 02383 Choice Voucher Program and Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program Fiscal Year 2016; Revised 2016- Rental Assistance Demonstration Notice 2/ 5/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 02172 Alternative Requirements or Waivers: Alternative Requirements for Use of Public Housing Units for the San Francisco Housing Authority C1-2016- Changes in Certain Multifamily Mortgage Notice 2/4/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 01511 Insurance Prelnjluns 2016-02-04/Ddf/C1-2016-015l 1.1)df 2016- Final Fair Market Rents for the Housing Notice 2/3/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 01920 Choice Voucher Program and Moderate 2016-03-03v?Ddf?3016-01930-Ddf Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program Fiscal Year 2016; Revised 2016- Changes in Certain Multifamily Mortgage Notice 1/28/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 01511 Insurance Pfennle 1.1)df 2016- Alternative Requirements for the Family Notice 1/25/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 01374 Uni?cation program (pup) 2016- Armouncement of Requirements and Notice 1/ 1 3/ 2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 00520 Registration for ?Irmovation in Affordable 3016-01-131'Ddf'3016-00530-Ddf 10 HUD-17-0201-D-000110 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00040 Commrmity Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Under Public Law 113-2: ?Buyout? and ?Acquisition? Activities; Assistance to Agricultural Enterprises; and State of Colorado Waiver for Toruism Promotion Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review Housing Student Design and Planning Competition" 2015- Af?rmativer Furthering Fair Housing Notice 12/31/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 32680 Assessment Tool: Annorurcement of Final Approved Docrunent 2015- Promise Zones Initiative: Third Rormd Notice 12/18/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending ,v'xwmv. goo . 31884 Selection Process 1884-Ddf 2015- Statutorily Mandated Designation of Difficult Notice 12/17/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 31766 Development Areas and Quali?ed Census 1766-Ddf Tracts: Revision of Effective Date for 2015 Designations 2015- Final Fair Market Rents for the Housing Notice 12/11/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 31319 Choice Voucher Program and Moderate 3015-13-1 1506115301531319-Ddf Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program and Other Programs Fiscal Year 2016 2015- Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Notice 12/10/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 31202 Standards: Request for Recommended 3015-13-101?Ddf?3015-31303-Ddf Changes 2015- Statutorily Mandated Designation of Difficult Notice 11/24/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 29953 Development Areas and Quali?ed Census Tracts for 2016 2015- Notice of Armual Factors for Determining Notice 11/23/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 29812 Public Housing Agency Administrative Fees 3015-1 for the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher. Mainstream, and Moderate Rehabilitation Programs 2015- Armual Indexing of Basic Statutory Mortgage Notice 1 1/18/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 29469 Limits for Multifamily Housing Programs 3015-1 1-1311361530154946943611 201 5- Guidance. Waivers. and Alternative Notice 1 1/ 1 8/201 5 Not Signi?cant Pending ,W/mm: gpo . girl-?R- 29487 Requirements for Grantees in Receipt of 3015-11-131?Ddf?3015-39487-Ddf HUD-17-0201-D-000111 11 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDOO41 Prospective Multifamily Housing and Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review 2015- Notice of Single Family Loan Sales (SFLS Notice 11/18/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 29436 2016-1) 2015-1 2015- Notice of Intent To Prepare an Enviromnental Notice 11/17/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 29464 Impact Statement (EIS) For the East Side 3015-1 1-17.1061530154946443611 Coastal Resiliency Project. City of New York NY 2015- Fair Housing Initiatives Program-Fiscal Year Notice 1 1/ 9/ 201 5 Not Signi?cant Pending gvo . 28457 2016-Solicitation of Comment 2015- The Performance Review Board Notice 1 1/2/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 27861 201 5- Implementation of the Tribal HUD-VA Notice 10/21/201 5 Not Signi?cant Pending n?r'mwr 2pc . gr?FR- 26748 Supportive Housing Program 201 5- Federal Housing Administration (FHA): Notice 10/ 1 5/201 5 Not Signi?cant Pending Lin-mm goo . 26167 Points of Contact for Lienholders To Ensure Payment of Taxes Liens and Other Types of Liens on FHA Acquired Single Family Properties 201 5- Federal Housing Administration (FHA): Notice 10/ 1 5/201 5 Not Signi?cant Pending Mm?: 2pc. 26169 Points of Contact To Ensure Payment of 3015-10-15W'Ddf'3015-36169-Ddf Taxes and Homeowners Association Fees and Other Property Charges That Have Not Arisen to Lien Status on FHA Acquired Single Family Properties 2015- Notice of Deadlines for Installers' Licenses Notice 10/14/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 26143 Under the HUD Manufactured Housing 3015-10-14?Ddf?3015-36143-Ddf Installation Program 2015- Notice of Certain Operating Cost Adjustment Notice 10/13/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Factors for 2015-1043de172015-26016pdf 201 5- Multifamily, Health Care Facilities, and Notice 10/ 2/ 201 5 Not Signi?cant Pending wifmwr 9pc . 25149 Hospital Mortgage Insurance Premiluns for Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 2015- Notice of Intent To Prepare an Enviromnental Notice 9/30/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 24850 Impact Statement for the Lambert Houses Redevelopment Project, Bronx. NY 201 5- Retrospective Review-Improving the Notice 9/ 1 0/ 201 5 Not Signi?cant Pending 9pc. 22762 Previous Participation Reviews of 3015'09-105136153015437611361f HUD-17-0201-D-000112 12 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00042 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review Healthcare Program Participants Informational Conference Call 2015- Proposed Fair Market Rents for the Housing Notice 9/8/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 22023 Choice Voucher Program. Moderate 3015-09-031?06153015-33033-Ddf Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program and Other Programs: Fiscal Year 2016 2015- Notice of Intent To Prepare Draft Notice 9/4/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 22021 Envirornnental Impact Statement (EIS) for 3015-09-041'Ddf'3015-33031-Ddf the Rebuild by Design Hudson River Project: Resist. Delay. Store. Discharge in the City of Hoboken. Township of Weehawken and City of Jersey City. New Jersey 2015- Additional Clarifying Guidance. Waivers. Notice 9/1/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 21651 and Alternative Requirements for Grantees in 3015-09-011?Ddf?3015-31651-Ddf Receipt of Commruiity Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Fluids Under the Disaster Relief Appropriations Act. 2013: Correction 2015- Additional Clarifying Guidance. Waivers. Notice 8/25/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 21065 and Alternative Requirements for Grantees in 2015-08-35513df'3015410651361f Receipt of Commruiity Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Fluids Under the Disaster Relief Appropriations Act. 2013 2015- Rental Assistance Demonstration Notice 8/24/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 20826 Alternative Requirements or Waivers: Waiving the Minimum Rent and Security Deposit Requirements for the Housing Authority of Baltimore City's Speci?ed RAD Projects 2015- Notice of Second Extension of Time for Notice 8/ 13/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 19858 Completion of Manufacturer Noti?cation and Correction Plan 2015- Mortgage and Loan Insurance Programs Notice 8/7/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 19391 Under the National Housing Act-Debenture 3015-03-071?Ddf?3015-19391-Ddf Interest Rates 2015- Required Elements for Submission of the Notice 8/6/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 19286 Uni?ed or Combined State Plan and Plan 3015-03-061Ddf?3015-19386-Ddf HUD-17-0201-D-000113 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDOO43 Social Resiliency Initiatives for Tottenville Shoreline. Staten Island. NY Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review Modi?cations Under the Workforce Iimovation and Opportunity Act 2015- Promise Zones Initiative: Proposed Third Notice 7/29/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 18626 Romld Selection Process Solicitation of 301507-395136153015-18636-Ddf 201 5- Federal Housing Administration (FHA): Notice 7/ 16/201 5 Not Signi?cant Pending ,?emm: goo . 17464 Small Building Risk Sharing Initiative Final Notice 2015- HUD Administrative Fee Formula-Extension Notice 7/ 16/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 1 of Public Comment 20 1 1 5-1 2015- Notice of Single Family Loan Sales Notice 7/15/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 17271 (SFL52015-1) 2015- HUD Administrative Fee Formula- Notice 6/26/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 15765 Solicitation of 30 1 5416-3611361530 1 5'15765-Ddf 201 5- Rental Assistance Demonstration: Revised Notice 6/ 26/ 201 5 Not Signi?cant Pending Mm?: Epo . 1 Program] Notice 764.1)df 2015- The Third United Nations Conference on Notice 6/9/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending ll?pss-mew?. 14035 Housing and Sustainable Urban 301506-095136153015-14035-Ddf Development. Solicitation of Expressions of Interest From Technical Experts and Organizations to Co-Lead Policy Units 2015- Guidance and Instructions for Extension Notice 5/11/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 11260 Requests of 24-Month Expenditure Deadline 3015-05-1 1360-Ddf for Comnnmity Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) Grantees 2015- Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) Notice 4/29/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 10019 Program: Mortgagee Optional Election Assignment for Home Equity Conversion Mortgages (HECMs) With FHA Case Numbers Assigned Prior to August 4.2014- Response to 2015- Availability of Fiscal Year 2013 Notice 4/20/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 08945 Service Contract Inventory 2015- Notice of Intent To Prepare an Enviromnental Notice 4/20/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 09007 Impact Statement (EIS) for Coastal and HUD-17-0201-D-000114 l4 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDOO44 Between the US. Department of Housing and Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review 2015- Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Notice 4/20/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 09011 Prograrn-Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 In?ation Factors for Public Housing Agency (PHA) Renewal Frmding 2015- Tribal Government To Govennrrent Notice 4/8/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 08068 Consultation Policy: Solicitation of Public 3015-04-031'06153015-08063-Ddf Comment 2015- Mortga gee Review Board: Administrative Notice 4/6/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 07868 Actions 201 5- Additional Clarifying Guidance. Waivers, Notice 4/ 2/20 1 5 Not Signi?cant Pending gno . avFR- 07622 and Alternative Requirements for Grantees in Receipt of Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Fluids Under the Disaster Relief Appropriations Act. 2013 201 5- obs-Plus Pilot Initiative Notice 3/ 1 3/201 5 Not Signi?cant Pending apo . QVFR- 05763 2015- Notice of Intent To Conduct a Violence Notice 3/13/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 05764 Against Women Act (VAWA) and Housing 3015-03-131?Ddf?3015-05764-Ddf Opportrurities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) Project Demonstration 2015- Applicability of Davis-Bacon Labor Notice 3/9/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 05462 Requirements to Projects Selected as Existing Housing Under the Section 8 Proj ect-Based Voucher Program-Guidance 201 5- Rental Assistance Demonstration Notice 2/ 25/ 201 5 Not Signi?cant Pending 2pc . 03780 Alternative Requirements or Waivers: 3015-03-35W?Ddf?3015-03780-Ddf Waiving and Specifying Alternative Requirements for the 20 Percent Portfolio Cap on Proj ect-Basing and Certain Tenant Protection and Participation Provisions for the San Francisco Housing Authority's RAD Projects 2015- Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Notice 2/9/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 02622 Adjustment Factors. Fiscal Year 2015 2015- Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Notice 2/6/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 02469 Act of 1988-Computer Matching Program 3015-03-065Ddf?3015-03469-Ddf HUD-17-0201-D-000115 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDOO45 Changes Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review Urban Development (HUD). Of?ce of Inspector General (OIG) and the Of?ce of Personnel Management (OPM) 2015- Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (I-IECM) Notice 2/6/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 02452 Program: Mortgagee Optional Election 3015-03-061?Ddf?3015-03453-Ddf Assignment for Home Equity Conversion Mortgages (HECMs) With FHA Case Nmnbers Assigned Prior to August 4. 2014- Solicitation of Comment 2015- Mortgage and Loan Insurance Programs Notice 1/30/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 01774 Under the National Housing Act-Debenture 3015-01-301?Ddf?3015-01774-Ddf Interest Rates 201 5- Rental Assistance Demonstration Notice 1/ 29/ 201 5 Not Signi?cant Pending 5.2mm: gvo . 01640 Updated Application Review and 3015-01-3950df?3015-01640-Ddf Commitments To Enter Into Housing Assistance Payment Contracts (CHAPS) Issuance Process for First Component RAD Transactions 2015- Section 8 Housing Assistance Programs Notice 1/14/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 00353 Proposed Management and Occupancy 3015-01-145Ddf?3015-00353-Ddf Review Schedule 201 5- Final Fair Market Rents for the Housing Notice 1/ 12/201 5 Not Signi?cant Pending N?mwr 2pc . 25FR- 00198 Choice Voucher Program and Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program Fiscal Year 2015: Revised 2015- Third Allocation. Waivers. and Alternative Notice 1/8/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 00109 Requirements for Grantees Receiving 3015-01-081?Ddf?3015-00109-Ddf Conmumity Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) in Response to Disasters Occurring in 2013 2014- Waivers and Alternative Requirements for Notice 12/29/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 30342 the Family Self-Suf?ciency Program 2014- Notice of Healthcare Loan Sale Notice 12/8/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 28701 2014- Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Notice 11/4/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 26198 Standards: Request for Recommended 3014-11-0415Ddf?3014-36193-Ddf HUD-17-0201-D-000116 16 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00046 Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program and Other Programs Fiscal Year2015-Corrected Schedule Addendum Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review 2014- Third Allocation. Waivers. and Alternative Notice 10/ 16/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 24662 Requirements for Grantees Receiving Commrmity Development Block Grant (CDBG) Disaster Recovery in Response to Hurricane Sandy 2014- Additional Waivers and Alternative Notice 10/ 7/ 2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 23967 Requirements for Grantees in Receipt of 3014'10'075Ddf?30144396743? Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Under the Disaster Relief Appropriations Act. 2013 2014- Section 184 Indian Housing Loan Guarantee Notice 10/7/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 23969 Program New Armual Premium 2014- Final Fair Market Rents for the Housing Notice 10/ 3/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 23677 Choice Voucher Program and Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program Fiscal Year 2015 2014- Statutorily Mandated Designation of Dif?cult Notice 10/ 3/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 23684 Development Areas and Quali?ed Census Tracts for 2015 2014- Notice of Certain Operating Cost Adjustment Notice 10/2/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 23475 Factors for 2015 2014? Announcement of Requirements and Notice 9/30/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 23279 Registration for ?Irmovation in Affordable Housing Student Design and Plarming Competition? 2014- Administrative Guidelines: Subsidy Layering Notice 9/26/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 22971 Reviews for Section 8 Project-Based Voucher 1 Housing Assistance Payments Contracts and Mixed-Finance Development 2014- Promise Zones Initiative: Second Round Notice 9/23/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending Application Process 569.0df 2014- Performance Review Board Notice 9/ 1 7/ 2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 22217 17.pdf 2014- Proposed Fair Market Rents for the Housing Notice 8/26/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 20212 Choice Voucher Program. Moderate HUD-17-0201-D-000117 17 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00047 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review 2014- Notice of Multifamily Healthcare Notice 8/ 19/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending Loan Sales 2014? Proposed Fair Market Rents for the Housing Notice 8/ 1 5/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 19390 Choice Voucher Program. Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program and Other Programs Fiscal Year 2015 2014- Mortgagee Review Board: Administrative Notice 8/1/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 18268 Actions: Correction 2014? Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS) Notice 7/24/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 17463 Capital Final Scoring Notice: 3014-07-345Ddf?3014-17463-Ddf Reinstitution of Five Points for Occupancy Sub-Indicator: Correction 2014- Mortgage and Loan Insurance Programs Notice 7/21/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 17078 Under the National Housing Act-Debenture 3014-07-311?Ddf?3014-17073-Ddf Interest Rates 2014? Mortga gee Review Board: Administrative Notice 7/16/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending N?mwr 2pc . 16722 Actions 2014? Additional Clarifying Guidance. Waivers. Notice 7/1 1/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 16316 and Alternative Requirements for Grantees in 3014-07-1 Receipt of Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Fluids Under the Disaster Relief Appropriations Act. 2013 2014- Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Notice 7/11/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 16315 Multifamily Rental Project Closing 3014-07-1 15-Ddf Docmnents: Notice Armormcing Approval of Revised Docrunents 2014? Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) Notice 7/ 10/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 16154 Program: Limit on Insurability of Fixed 30 14-16154-Ddf Interest Rate Products Under the HECM Program-Solicitation of Comment 2014? Notice of Calendar Year (CY) 2014 Armual Notice 7/3/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 15712 Factors for Determining Public Housing Agency Administrative Fees for the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher and Moderate Rehabilitation Programs 2014- Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS) Notice 7/2/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 15586 Capital Fluid Interim Scoring Notice: 3014-07-031'06153014-15536-Ddf HUD-17-0201-D-000118 18 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDOO48 Comment Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review Reinstitution of Five Points for Occupancy Sub-Indicator and Request for 2014? Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers: Revised Notice 6/ 18/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 14167 Implementation of the HUD-VA Supportive Housing Program Technical Correction 2014? Annual Indexing of Basic Statutory Mortgage Notice 6/ 1 7/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 14170 Limits for Multifamily Housing Programs 30 14-06-1 71"Ddf/30 14-141 70.1)df 2014- Second Allocation. Waivers, and Alternative Notice 6/3/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 12709 Requirements for Grantees Receiving 3014-06-035Ddf?3014-13709-Ddf Conmnmity Development Block Grant (CDBG) Disaster Recovery in Response to Disasters Occurring in 2013 2014? Correction to Federal Housing Notice 5/23/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 12027 Administration (FHA): Homeowners Armed With Knowledge (HAWK) for New Homebuyers Contact Information 2014? Notice of Single Family Loan Sales Notice 5/23/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 12034 2014? Federally Mandated Exclusions From Notice 5/20/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 1 1688 Income-Updated Listing 20 14-05-20w?pdiZO 14-1 l688.pdf 2014- Federal Housing Administration (FHA): Notice 5/15/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending Epo . 11152 Homeowners Armed With Knowledge 1 153-Ddf (HAWK) for New Homebuyers 2014? Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) Notice 5/2/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 10102 Program: Non-Borrowing Spouse- Solicitation of 2014? Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Notice 4/28/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 09543 Program- Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 In?ation 3014-04-331?Ddf?3014-09543-Ddf Factors for Public Housing Agency (PHA) Renewal Fimding 2014? Final Fair Market Rents for the Housing Notice 4/18/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 08895 Choice Voucher Program and Moderate 30 14-04-131'Dd17'30 14-08895-Ddf Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program Fiscal Year 2014; Update 2014- Promise Zones Initiative: Proposed Second Notice 4/17/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 08772 Romld Selection Process Solicitation of 30 14-08773-Ddf HUD-17-0201-D-000119 19 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00049 Community Development Block Grant Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review 2014- Adoption of Updated Standard ASTM Notice 4/ 16/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 08629 1527-13 Standard Practice for Enviromnental 3014-04-16n?Ddf?3014-08639-Ddf Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessruent Process 2014- Preliminary Affordability Detennination- Notice 4/ 1 5/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 08562 Energy Ef?ciency Standards 2014- Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Notice 4/2/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 07366 Impact Statement (EIS) and Notice of Public 3014-04-035Ddf?3014-07366-Ddf Scoping Meeting for the Beach Wastewater Collection System. Galveston Cormty. Texas 2014? Multifamily. Health Care Facilities. and Notice 3/31/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 2pc. 07153 Hospital Mortgage Insurance Premiums for Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 2014? Clarifying Guidance. Waivers. and Notice 3/2 7/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 21m. 06850 Alternative Requirements for Grantees in 3014-03-37v?pdf?3014-06850-Ddf Receipt of Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Frurds Under the Disaster Relief Appropriations Act. 2013 2014- Authority To Accept Unsolicited Proposals Notice 3/21/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 06243 for Research Partnerships 3014-03-31r?Ddf?3014-06343-Ddf 2014? Section 184 Indian Housing Loan Guarantee Notice 3/ 5/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 04513 Program Increase in the Loan Guarantee Fee 2014? Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Notice 2/18/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 03461 Program-Annual Adjustment Factors. Fiscal 3014-03-1359(153014-03461Ddf Year 2014 2014- Request for on the 2015 American Notice 2/4/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 02193 Housing Survey Metropolitan Samples 2014? Request for omment on Proposed Changes Notice 1/28/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 01594 to the Survey of New Manufactured (Mobile) Home Placements Data Collection Methodology 2014- Mortgage and Loan Insurance Programs Notice 1/23/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 01329 Under the National Housing Act-Debenture 3014-01-3350df?3014-01339-Ddf Interest Rates 2013- Allocations. Waivers. and Alternative Notice 12/ 16/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 29834 Requirements for Grantees Receiving 20 HUD-17-0201-D-000120 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00050 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review Disaster Recovery in Response to Disasters Occurring in 2013 2013- Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS) Notice 12/16/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending mum: goo . 29837 Capital Fimd Interim Scoring Notice: 3013-13-16/061530134983743611 Reinstitution of Five Points for Occupancy Sub-Indicator and Request for Comment 2013- Notice of Multifamily Loan Sale Notice 12/ 10/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 29440 (3414520144) 2013- Armouncement of Requirements and Notice 1 2/ 5/ 201 3 Not Signi?cant Pending apo . QVFR- 29067 Registration for ?Iimovation in Affordable Housing Student Design and Planning Competition? 2013- Second Allocation. Waivers, and Alternative Notice 1 1/ 1 8/201 3 Not Signi?cant Pending gvo . 27506 Requirements for Grantees Receiving Conmnmity Development Block Grant (CDBG) Disaster Recovery in Response to Hurricane Sandy 2013- Statutorily Mandated Designation of Dif?cult Notice 11/18/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 27505 Development Areas for 2014 3013-11'135136153013-37505-Ddf 2013- Performance Review Board Notice 1 1/14/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending gvo . 27259 2013- Small Multifamily Building Risk Share Notice 1 1/4/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 26328 Initiative: Request for 3013'1 2013- Final Fair Market Rents for the Housing Notice 10/ 3/ 201 3 Not Signi?cant Pending n?r'mwr 2pc. 24155 Choice Voucher Program and Moderate 3013-10-03J?Ddf?3013-34155-Ddf Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program Fiscal Year 2014 2013- Annual Factors for Determining Public Notice 9/30/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 23748 Housing Agency Administrative Fees for the 3013-09-301'Ddf'3013-33 743-Ddf Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher and Moderate Rehabilitation Programs: Notice of Availability on HUD's Web site 2013- Multifamily, Healthcare Facilities. and Notice 9/26/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 23473 Hospital Mortgage Insurance Premiiuns for 3013-09-3650df?3013-33473-Ddf Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 2013- Notice of Certain Operating Cost Adjustment Notice 9/16/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 22458 Factors for 2014 21 HUD-17-0201-D-000121 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDOOS1 Assistance Contracts Award Process and Solicitation of Applications Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review 2013- Changes to the Home Equity Conversion Notice 9/ 12/201 3 Not Signi?cant Pending Epo . EIFR- 22213 Mortgage Program Requirements: Financial 3013-09-135Ddf?3013-33313-Ddf Assessments-Solicitation of Comment 2013- Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Notice 9/10/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 22024 Healthcare Facility Doc1unents: Notice of Information Collection-Proposed Documents Eligible for Electronic Submission 2013- Fair Housing Initiatives Program-Fiscal Year Notice 9/9/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 21857 2013 Application and Award Policies and Procedures-Solicitation of 2013- Availability of HUD's Fiscal Years 201 1 and Notice 8/27/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 20834 2012 Service Contract Inventories 2013- The Violence Against Women Notice 8/6/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending .Vi'vnnx'. goo . 18920 Reauthorization Act of 2013: Overview of 3013-08-065Ddf?3013-18930-Ddf Applicability to HUD Programs 2013- Proposed Fair Market Rents for the Housing Notice 8/ 5/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 18792 Choice Voucher Program. Moderate 3013-03-05506153013-18793-1le Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program and Other Programs Fiscal Year 2014 2013- Additional Waivers and Alternative Notice 8/2/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 18643 Requirements for Hlun'cane Sandy Grantees 3013-08-0350df?3013-18643-Ddf in Receipt of Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Funds 2013- Rebuild by Design-Competition and Notice 7/ 29/ 201 3 Not Signi?cant Pending 2pc . Registration 2013- Mortgage and Loan Insurance Programs Notice 7/24/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 17773 Under the National Housing Act-Debenture Interest Rates 2013- Notice of Multifamily Notice 7/24/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 17775 Healthcare Loan Sale. (MHLS2013-2) 3013-07-34N?Ddf53013-17775-Ddf 2013- Federal Housing Administration (FHA): Notice 7/9/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending Mix-mm goo . 16483 Single Family Quality Assurance-Solicitation 3013-07-095Ddf?3013-16483-Ddf of Information on Quality Lending Practices 2013- Armouncement of Issuance by HUD of Notice 7/ 3/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 16073 Notice of Senior Preservation Rental 3013-07-035Ddf?3013-16073-Ddf 22 HUD-17-0201-D-000122 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00052 Sandy Grantees in Receipt of Community Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review 2013- Supportive Housing for the Elderly Senior Notice 7/3/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 16074 Preservation Rental Assistance Contracts: 60- Day Notice of Information Collection 2013- Rental Assistance Demonstration: Final Notice 7/2/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 1 Program} Notice 2013- Notice of Single Family Loan Sales Notice 6/10/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 13697 2013-06-10.15pdf52013-13697 .pdf 2013- Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Notice 6/10/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 13555 Program-Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 In?ation 30 13' 13 5 554x11 Factors for Public Housing Agency (PHA) Renewal Frmding 2013- Allocations. Waivers. and Alternative Notice 5/ 29/ 201 3 Not Signi?cant Pending 5.1mm: apo . 12683 Requirements for Grantees Receiving Corrmumity Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery in Response to Disasters Occurring in 2011 or 2012 2013- Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Notice 5/22/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 12174 Program-Annual Adjustment Factors. Fiscal 1 741x11 Year 2013 2013- Notice of Formula Allocations and Program Notice 5/21/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 11999 for Neighborhood Stabilization Programs 1 and 3 and NSP3) Formula Grants: Amendment 2013- Annual Indexing of Basic Statutory Mortgage Notice 5/ 6/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 10676 Limits for Multifamily Housing Programs 2013- Final Fair Market Rents for the Housing Notice 4/3 0/201 3 Not Signi?cant Pending 11.5mm: goo . 10171 Choice Voucher Program and Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program Fiscal Year 2013: Revised 2013- Notice of Intent To Change the Notice 4/30/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 10057 Operating Model of the Of?ce of Multifamily Housing 2013- Notice of Intent To Close 16 Field Offices Notice 4/26/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 09799 2013- Clarifying Guidance. Waivers. and Notice 4/ 19/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 09228 Alternative Requirements for Hurricane 3013-04-191136153013-09333-Ddf 23 HUD-17-0201-D-000123 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00053 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Funds 2013- Mortga gee Review Board: Administrative Notice 4/ 1 1/201 3 Not Signi?cant Pending .Vw?vnnx?. goo . 08520 Actions 2013-04-1liDdf?ZO13-08520Ddf 2013- Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS): Notice 4/1 1/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending Imps 290 . 08519 Capital Fund Final Scoring Notice 2013-04-1 2013- The Performance Review Board Notice 3/ 29/ 201 3 Not Signi?cant Pending .Vi'vnnx'. goo. 07265 2013- Notice of Formula Allocations and Program Notice 3/11/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 05526 Requirements for Neighborhood Stabilization Program Grants: Correction 2013- Allocations. Cormnon Application. Waivers, Notice 3/5/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 05170 and Altemative Requirements for Grantees 3013-03-05v?Ddf?2013-05170-Ddf Receiving Commrurity Development Block Grant (CDBG) Disaster Recovery Fluids in Response to Hurricane Sandy 2013- Notice of Single Family Loan Sales Notice 3/ 5/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 05086 (SFL32013-1) 2013- Notice of Multifamily Notice 3/1/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 04816 Healthcare Loan Sale. Second Offering (MHLS201 3-1) 2013- Federal Housing Administration (FHA): Notice 2/ 12/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 03205 PowerSaver Home Energy Retro?t Loan Pilot Program: Extension of Pilot Program 2013- Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Risk Notice 2/ 6/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 02667 Management Initiatives: Changes to 3013-03-065Ddf?2013-02667-Ddf Maximrun Loan-to-Value Financing Solicitation of Cormnent E3-2013- Request for Comment on the Redesign of the Notice 2/1/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending Alnefican Housing Survey 2013- Housing Choice Voucher Program; Of?ce of Notice 1/ 3 0/201 3 Not Signi?cant Pending 01891 Public and Indian Housing Announcement of Funding Awards for Fiscal Year 2012 2013- Mortgage and Loan Insurance Programs Notice 1/ 22/ 201 3 Not Signi?cant Pending nifmw. 2pc . 01 187 Under the National Housing Act-Debenture 20 13-01-221?pdf520 13-01 18 7 .pdf Interest Rates 2013- Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Notice 1/ 1 8/ 201 3 Not Signi?cant Pending 9pc . 01063 Standards Program 24 HUD-17-0201-D-000124 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00054 Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program Fiscal Year 2013: Revised Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review 2013- Federal Housing Administration (FHA) First Notice 1/10/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 00357 Look Sales Method Under the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (N SP): Increased Discormt on Sales Price for Certain Properties and Clari?cation of Effective Dates 2013- Supportive Housing for the Elderly; Advance Notice 1/8/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 00072 Notice of Senior Preservation Rental Assistance Contracts Award Process 2012- Public Housing Operating Subsidy-Appeals Notice 12/21/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 30803 20 12-12-2 12-30803.Ddf 2012- Healthy Home and Lead Hazard Control Notice 12/20/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 30704 Grant Programs Data Collection: Progress Reporting 2012- OneC PD Teclmical Assistance and Capacity Notice 12/18/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 30475 Building Needs Assessment 2012- Public Housing Operating Budget. Notice 12/18/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 30479 Supporting and Related Forms 2012-12-187Ddf?2012-30479Ddf 2012- Federally Mandated Exclusions from Income: Notice 12/ 14/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 30210 Republication of Corrected Listing 10.pdf 2012- Self-Help Homeownership Opporttmity Notice 12/3/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 29152 Program (SHOP) Grant Monitoring 2012-12-03ipdf72012-29152.pdf 2012- Survey of New Manufactured (Mobile) Home Notice 12/3/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 29155 Placements 20 12-29 1 55.1)df 2012- Regulatory and Administrative Waivers Notice 11/30/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 29036 Granted for Multifamily Housing Programs To Assist With Recovery and Relief in Sandy Disaster Areas 2012- Regulatory and Administrative Waivers Notice 11/30/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 29038 Granted for Public and Indian Housing Programs To Assist With Recovery and Relief in Superstonn Sandy Disaster Areas 2012- Final Fair Market Rents for the Housing Notice 11/29/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 28920 Choice Voucher Program and Moderate df/2012-28920. df 25 HUD-17-0201-D-000125 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00055 Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program Fiscal Year 2013 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review 2012- Notice of Neighborhood Stabilization Notice 11/27/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 28642 Program; Closeout Requirements and 2012-1 Recapture 2012- Application for the Transfer of Physical Notice 11/23/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 28366 2012-1 2012- Multifamily Housing Mortgage and Housing Notice 11/23/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 28372 Assistance Restructming Program (Mark to Market) 2012- Notice of Multifamily and Notice 11/23/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 28502 Healthcare Loan Sale 2012- Previous Participation Certi?cation Notice 11/23/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 28375 2012-11-235pdf72012-28375pdf 2012- Request for Information 011 Adopting Smoke- Notice 11/23/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 28519 Free Policies in Public Housing Agencies 2012-1 (PHAs) and Multifamily Housing: Reopening of Public Comment Period 2012- Requirements for Lead-Based Paint Hazards Notice 11/23/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 28376 in Federally Owned Residential Properties and Housing Receiving Federal Assistance 2012- Final Fair Market Rents for the Housing Notice 11/20/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 28086 Choice Voucher Program for Small Area Fair df Market Rent Demonstration Program Participants: Fiscal Year 2013 2012- Notice of Intent To Prepare an Enviromnental Notice 11/ 16/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 27987 Impact Statement (EIS) for the Halletts Point Rezoning Project. Queens, NY 2012- Notice of Intent To Prepare an Enviromnental Notice 11/16/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 27985 Impact Statement for the HOPE SF Development at Slumydale and Velasco Public Housing Developments. San Francisco. CA 2012- Notice of Certain Operating Cost Adjustment Notice 10/16/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 25289 Factors for 2013 2012- Final Fair Market Rents for the Housing Notice 10/ 5/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 24618 Choice Voucher Program and Moderate 26 HUD-17-0201-D-000126 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00056 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review 2012- Additional Waiver Granted to and Alternative Notice 10/4/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 24426 Requirement for the Town of Union. New 3013-10-041?Ddf?3013-34436-Ddf York's CDBG Disaster Recovery Grant 2012- Request for Information on Adopting Smoke- Notice 10/4/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 24430 Free Policies in PHAs and Multifamily Housing 2012- Rental Assistance Demonstration: Processing Notice 9/28/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 23910 of Conversion Requests Submitted Under the 3013-09-331?Ddf?3013-33910-Ddf Partial Rental Assistance Demonstration Notice 2012- Statutorily Mandated Designation of Dif?cult Notice 9/28/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 23900 Development Areas for 2013 2012- Performance Review Board Notice 9/25/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 23569 2012- Mortga gee Review Board: Administrative Notice 9/10/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 22126 Actions 2012- Notice of Intent To Conduct Af?rmativer Notice 9/5/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 21840 Furthering Fair Housing Demonstration in Baltimore. MD. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA) 2012- Changes in Certain Multifamily Housing and Notice 8/ 1 5/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 20045 Health Care Facility Mortgage Insurance Premiluns for Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 2012- Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS): Notice 8/9/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 19335 Physical Condition Scoring Notice and Revised Dictionary of De?ciency Definitions 2012- Proposed Fair Market Rents for the Housing Notice 8/ 3/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 18874 Choice Voucher Program and Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program Fiscal Year 2013 2012- Continururr of Care Homeless Assistance Notice 7/31/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 18527 Grant Application; Continurun of Care 2012-07-3 Application 2012- Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Notice 7/ 30/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 18526 Grant Application-Technical Submission 2012- Notice of Armual Factors for Determining Notice 7/ 30/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 18581 Public Housing Agency Administrative Fees 3013-07-301'06153013-18581-Ddf 27 HUD-17-0201-D-000127 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00057 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review for the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher and Moderate Rehabilitation Programs 2012- Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Notice 7/30/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 1853 8 Application Form 3 8.1)df 2012- Rental Assistance Demonstration: Final Notice 7/26/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 18307 Program Notice 2012- Federally Mandated Exclusions From Income Notice 7/24/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 18056 2012- Mortgage and Loan Insurance Programs Notice 7/20/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 17781 Under the National Housing Act-Debenture Interest Rates 2012- Credit Watch Termination Initiative; Notice 6/29/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 16036 Termination of Direct Endorsement (DE) 3013-06-395Ddf?2013-16036-Ddf Approval 2012- Credit Watch Termination Initiative; Notice 6/29/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 16041 Termination of Origination Approval Agreements 2012- Strong Cities. Strong Communities National Notice 6/ 14/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 14503 Resource Network Pilot Program Advance Notice and Request for Comment 2012- Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS): Notice 6/11/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 14143 Capital Interim Scoring Notice: Request 2012-06-1 for 2012- Notice of Multifamily and Notice 5/22/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 12389 Healthcare Loan Sale 2012- Mortgagee's Certi?cate of Fees and Escrow Notice 5/11/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 11517 and Surety Bond Against Defects Due to 3013-05-1 ln?Ddf?ZO 13-1 1517-Ddf Defective Material and/or Faulty Workmanship 2012- Notice of Intent To Prepare a Enviromnental Notice 5/2/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 10580 Impact Statement (EIS) for the HOPE SF Development at Potrero Terrace and Potrero Annex Public Housing Development. San Francisco. CA 2012- Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Notice 4/23/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 9692 Program-Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 In?ation Factors for Public Housing Agency (PHA) Renewal Flmding 28 HUD-17-0201-D-000128 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00058 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review 2012- Statutorily Mandated Designation of Notice 4/20/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 9630 Quali?ed Census Tracts for Section 42 of the Intemal Revenue Code of 1986 2012- Allocations. Common Application. Waivers, Notice 4/ 16/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 9094 and Altemative Requirements for Development Block Grant (CDBG) Disaster Recovery Grantees Under the Department of Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Act. 2012 2012- Department of Housing and Urban Notice 4/ 16/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 9092 Development Summary of Public 3013-04-16J?Ddf?3013-9093-Ddf Response to Public and Fina12012-201 5 Enviromnental Justice Strategy 2012- Authority To Accept Unsolicited Research Notice 4/ 1 3/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending Proposals 2012- Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Notice 4/ 1 3/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 8971 Program-Annual Adjustment Factors. Fiscal 3013-04-1350(153013-8971Ddf Year 2012 2012- Federal Housing Administration (FHA): Notice 4/12/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending goo. 8679 Multifamily Accelerated Processing 3013-04-13?Vvdf?3013-8679-Ddf Lender and Underwriter Eligibility Criteria and Credit Watch for MAP Lenders 2012- Changes in Certain Multifamily Housing and Notice 4/ 10/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 8570 Health Care Facility Mortgage Insurance 30 13-04-105'061530 13-8570-Ddf Premiums for Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 2012- Rental Assistance Demonstration: Extension Notice 4/4/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 8210 of Public Comment Period and Clari?cation of Demonstration Components 2012- Notice of FHA Debenture Call Notice 3/27/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 7326 2012- Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers: Revised Notice 3/23/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 7081 Implementation of the HUD-VA Supportive 3013-03-335Ddf?3013-7031Ddf Housing Program 2012- Notice of Realignment/Merger of Five Notice 3/22/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 6939 Regional Audit Of?ces: Boston. MA Will 3013-03-33?Ddf?3013-6939-Ddf Merge With New York. NY: and the Gulf HUD-17-0201-D-000129 29 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00059 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review Coast Region Will Merge With Atlanta. GA and Fort Worth. TX 2012- Notice of Reclassi?cation of Five Regional Notice 3/22/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 6970 Of?ces to Investigative Field Offices: Seattle. 3013-03-33106153013-69701)? WA: New Orleans. LA: Baltimore. MD: Tampa. and Detroit. MI: Closure of Two Investigative Field Of?ces: Louisville. KY and Jacksonville. FL: and Closure of Two Sub-Field Of?ces: Long Island. NY: and Central Islip. NY 2012- Notice of Reclassi?cation of One Notice 3/22/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 6964 Investigative Field Of?ce to Regional Of?ce: 3013-03-331?136153013-6964-Ddf Denver. CO 2012- Protecting Tenants at Foreclosure Act: Notice 3/ 15/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 6297 Additional Guidance on Noti?cation Responsibilities Under the Act With Respect to Occupied Conveyance 2012- Rental Assistance Demonstration: Notice of Notice 3/ 8/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 5626 Web Availability and Request for 30 13-5636?Ddf 2012- Mortga gee Review Board: Administrative Notice 2/24/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 4328 Actions 2012- Credit Watch Termination Initiative Notice 2/2/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 2344 Termination of Direct Endorsement (DE) Approval 2012- Credit Watch Termination Initiative Notice 2/2/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 2345 Termination of Origination Approval Agreements 2012- Mortgage and Loan Insurance Programs Notice 1/27/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 1818 Under the National Housing Act-Debenture 30 13-18 134x11 Interest Rates 2012- Notice of the FY 2011 Substantial Notice 1/27/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 1710 Amendment Process and Other Related 3013-014711361530131710-Ddf Information for Recipients of Emergency Solutions Grants Program Funds 2011- Annual Indexing of Basic Statutory Mortgage Notice 12/22/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 32811 Limits for Multifamily Housing Programs 1-Ddf 2011- Federal Housing Administration (FHA) First Notice 12/1/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 30890 Look Sales Method Under the Neighborhood 301 1-13-015Dd17'301 1'30890-Ddf 30 HUD-17-0201-D-000130 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00060 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review Stabilization Programs (N SP) Technical Assistance: Availability of Universal Name and Address Identi?cation Number (NAID) 2011- Notice of Single Family Loan Sales Notice 11/29/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 30775 (SFL82012-1) 2011- The Performance Review Board Notice 11/29/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 30620 2011- Notice of Multifamily and Notice 11/18/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 29920 Healthcare Loan Sale 2011- Clari?cation of Duplication of Bene?ts Notice 11/ 16/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 29634 Requirements Under the Stafford Act for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Disaster Recovery Grantees 2011- HUD Draft Environmental Justice Strategy. Notice 11/16/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 29518 Extension of Public Period 2011- Statutorily Mandated Designation of Dif?cult Notice 10/27/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 27817 Development Areas and Quali?ed Census Tracts for 2012 2011- Notice of Certain Operating Cost Adjustment Notice 10/26/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 27816 Factors for 2012 2011- Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS): Notice 10/ 13/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 26516 Proposed Physical Condition Interim Scoring Notice 2011- HUD Draft Envirormiental Justice Strategy Notice 10/7/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 25938 2011- Final Fair Market Rents for the Housing Notice 9/30/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 25052 Choice Voucher Program and Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program Fiscal Year 2012 2011- Safe and Healthy Homes Investment Notice 9/14/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 23400 Partnerships: Request for Comments 2011- Notice of Single Family Loan Sales Notice 9/9/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 23032 (SFL82011-3) 2011- Credit Watch Termination Initiative: Notice 8/25/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 21720 Termination of Direct Endorsement (DE) 201 1-2 1 720.1)df Approval 2011- Request for Quali?cation (RFQ) for the Notice 8/23/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 21439 Fellowship Placement Pilot Program 201 1-08-23n?pdf5201 1-21439.pdf 31 HUD-17-0201-D-000131 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDOOG1 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review 2011- Additional Waiver Granted for the State of Notice 8/22/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 21418 New York's CDBG Disaster Recovery Grants-The Drawing Center 2011- Proposed Fair Market Rents for the Housing Notice 8/ 1 9/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 20932 Choice Voucher Program and Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program Fiscal Year 2012 2011- Mortgage and Loan Insurance Programs Notice 8/4/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 19735 Under the National Housing Act-Debenture 201 1-08-04?pdfx?201 1-19735.pdf Interest Rates 2011- Notice of Multifamily Loan Sale Notice 8/4/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 19736 1-2) 2011- Mortga gee Review Board: Administrative Notice 7/ 29/ 201 1 Not Signi?cant Pending 19293 Actions 201 1- Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Notice 7/11/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 17233 Mortgage Insurance Premiruns for Multifamily Housing Programs. Health Care Facilities and Hospitals and Credit Subsidy Obligations for Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 2011- Credit Watch Termination Initiative; Notice 6/3 0/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 16489 Termination of Direct Endorsement (DE) Approval 2011- Credit Watch Termination Initiative; Notice 6/ 3 0/ 201 1 Not Signi?cant Pending 16518 Termination of Origination Approval 201 1-06-30r?pdf?201 1-16518.pdf Agreements 2011- Notice of Single Family Loan Sales Notice 6/17/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 15029 1-2) 2011- Energy Performance Contracting-Request for Notice 6/8/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 14049 Comments on Proposed Guidance and Policy Clari?cations 2011- Use of Small Area Fair Market Rents for Notice 6/8/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 14123 Project Base Vouchers in the Dallas TX Metropolitan Area 2011- Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Notice 5/10/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 1 1263 Program-Renewal Frmding Armual 201 1-1 1263 .pdf Adjustment Factors, Fiscal Year 2011 2011- Notice of Multifamily Loan Sale Notice 4/29/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 10465 (NILSZOI 1-1) 201 1-10465.pdf HUD-17-0201-D-000132 32 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00062 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review 2011- Credit Watch Termination Initiative; Notice 4/20/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 9502 Termination of Direct Endorsement (DE) Approval 2011- Credit Watch Termination Initiative: Notice 4/20/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 9504 Termination of Origination Approval Agreements 2011- Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program- Notice 4/20/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 9501 Demonstration Project of Small Area Fair Market Rents in Certain Metropolitan Areas. Discussion of Comments. and Request for Participation 2011- Additional Allocations and Waivers Granted Notice 4/ 14/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 91 18 to and Alternative Requirements for 2010 301 1'91 18?Ddf Conmnmity Development Block Grant (CDBG) Disaster Recovery Grantees 2011- Changes to the Public Housing Assessment Notice 4/12/201 1 Not Signi?cant Pending 8597 System (PHAS): Management Operations Scoring Notice 201 1- Federal Housing Administration (FHA): Notice 3/31/201 1 Signi?cant Pending 7551 Notice of FHA PowerSaver Home Energy Retro?t Loan Pilot Program Submitted to OMB: 01/26/201 1 RIN: 2502- ZA09 2011- Notice of FHA Debenture Call Notice 3/29/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 7279 2011- Reallocation of American Recovery and Notice 3/23/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 6762 Reinvestment Act Capital thds-Capital 301 1-03-335Dd17'301 1'6763-Ddf Grant Program Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 2011- Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Notice 3/16/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 6065 Program-Contract Rent Annual Adjustment 30 1 1'03- 1 61"Ddfn?30 1 16065 Factors (AAFs). Fiscal Year 2011 2011- Request for Comments on Trend Factor Notice 3/9/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 5263 Methodology Used in the Calculation of Fair Market Rents 33 HUD-17-0201-D-000133 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00063 Information Collection: Comment Request Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review 2011- Emergency Homeowners' Loan Program: Notice 3/4/201 1 Not Signi?cant Pending 4817 Armouncement of Activation of Program and Availability of Emergency Assistance 2011- Notice of Healthcare Loan Sale Notice 3/ 1/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 4408 1-1) 2011- Annual Indexing of Basic Statutory Mortgage Notice 2/24/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 4146 Limits for Multifamily Housing Programs 2011- Changes to the Public Housing Assessment Notice 2/23/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 2657 System (PHAS): Capital Scoring Notice 201 1'02'235Ddf?201 1-2657.pdf 2011- Changes to the Public Housing Assessment Notice 2/23/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 2656 System (PHAS): Financial Condition Scoring Notice 2011- Changes to the Public Housing Assessment Notice 2/23/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 2658 System (PHAS): Management Operations Scoring Notice 2011- Changes to the Public Housing Assessment Notice 2/23/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 2633 System (PHAS): Physical Condition Scoring Notice 2011- Notice of Single Family Loan Sales Notice 2/23/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 4029 1-1) 2011- Federal Housing Administration (FHA): Notice 2/3/201 1 Not Signi?cant Pending 2434 Temporary Exemption From Compliance With FHA's Regulation on Property Flipping Extension of Exemption 2011- Credit Watch Termination Initiative: Notice 1/25/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 1527 Termination of Direct Endorsement (DE) Approval 2011- Credit Watch Termination Initiative Notice 1/24/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 1360 Termination of Origination Approval Agreements 2011- Mortgage and Loan Insurance Programs Notice 1/24/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 1358 Under the National Housing Act-Debenture 201 1-1358.pdf Interest Rates 2010- Mortga gee Review Board: Administrative Notice 12/27/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 32443 Actions 2010- Quality Control Requirements for Direct Notice 12/21/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 32015 Endorsement Lenders; Notice of Proposed 34 HUD-17-0201-D-000134 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00064 Changes in Warehouse Lending and Other Loan Funding Mechanisms Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review 2010- Technical Suitability of Products Program Notice 12/21/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 32014 Section 521 of the National Housing Act: Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Corrnnent Request 2010- Federal Housing Administration (FHA): Notice 12/ 16/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 31507 Notice of FHA PowerSaver Home Energy 3010-131650615301031507-Ddf Retro?t Loan Pilot Program: Extension of Period Soliciting Expressions of Interest 2010- Federal Housing Administration (FHA): FHA Notice 12/ 8/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 30687 Maxirruun Loan Limits for 2011 3010-13-08??Ddf?2010-30687-Ddf 2010- Notice of Intent To Prepare Envirornnental Notice 12/8/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 30844 Impact Statement for the HOPE SF 3010-13-035Ddf?3010-30844-Ddf Development at Alice Grif?th Public Housing Development. San Francisco. CA 2010? Notice of Web Availability and Opportrmity Notice 12/ 8/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 30689 for Public Cormnent 011 Updated Guidance for the Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly and Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons With Disabilities Programs Draft Notice 2010? Rehabilitation Mortgage Insurance Notice 12/6/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 30497 Underwriting Program Section 203(k); Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Comment Request 2010? Tax Credit Assistance Program-Reallocation Notice 12/6/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 30498 of Funds 2010- The Performance Review Board Notice 12/3/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 30331 2010- Policies and Procedures Pertaining to Notice 11/24/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 29654 Changes in Listing Brokers Participating in the Federal Housing Administration (F HA) Management and Marketing 111 Program 2010- Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act Notice 11/24/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 29663 (RESPA): Solicitation of Information on 3010-11'345Ddf'3010-39663-Ddf 35 HUD-17-0201-D-000135 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00065 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review 2010- Emergency Homeowners' Loan Program: Notice 11/ 12/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 28552 Notice of Allocation of Fimding for Substantially Similar State Programs 2010- Allocations and Common Application and Notice 11/ 10/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 28421 Reporting Waivers Granted to and Alternative Requirements for Conmnmity Development Block Grant (CDBG) Disaster Recovery Grantees Under the Supplemental Appropriations Act. 2010 (Pub. L. 111-212) 2010- Federal Housing Administration (FHA): Notice 11/10/2010 Signi?cant Pending 28015 Notice of FHA PowerSaver Home Energy 3010-1 1-10/Ddf/3010-38015-Ddf Retro?t Loan Pilot Program: Request for Submitted to Comments and Expressions of Interest 09/27/2010 RIN: 2502- ZA09 2010- Notice of Certain Operating Cost Adjustment Notice 11/8/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending Factors for 2010-l 2010- Credit Watch Termination Initiative Notice 11/2/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 27548 Termination of Origination Approval 3010-1 Agreements 2010- Credit Watch Termination Initiative; Notice 11/2/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 27549 Termination of Direct Endorsement (DE) Approval 2010? Notice of Intent To Prepare a Draft Notice 11/2/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 27680 Environmental Impact Statement for the West Coast Recycling Group Project in West Sacramento. Yolo Corurty, CA 2010? Protecting Tenants at Foreclosure Act: Notice 10/28/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 27309 Guidance 011 Noti?cation Responsibilities 30 10-37309Ddf Under the Act With Respect to Occupied Conveyance 2010- Additional Waivers Granted to and Notice 10/22/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 26777 Alternative Requirements for the State of 3010-10-33x?Ddf?3010-36777-Ddf Illinois' CDBG Disaster Recovery Grant Under Public Law 110-329 36 HUD-17-0201-D-000136 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00066 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review 2010- Notice of F01mula Allocations and Program Notice 10/ 19/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 26292 Requirements for Neighborhood Stabilization 3010-10-195Ddf'3010-36393-Ddf Program Formula Grants 2010- Notice of Web Availability and Opportunity Notice 10/ 14/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 25904 for Public for Revisions to the Section 8 Renewal Policy Guide Book 2010- Credit Watch Termination Initiative Notice 10/4/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 24829 Termination of Direct Endorsement (DE) Approval 2010- Credit Watch Termination Initiative Notice 10/4/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 24827 Termination of Origination Approval Agreements 2010? Final Fair Market Rents for Fiscal Year 2011 Notice 10/4/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 24465 for the Housing Choice Voucher Program and Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program 2010- Notice of Voluntary Request To Indicate Notice 9/24/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 23863 Intent To Apply for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 Choice Neighborhoods Grant Program 2010- Statutorily Mandated Designation of Dif?cult Notice 9/21/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 23577 Development Areas and Quali?ed Census Tracts for 2011 2010- Notice of Intent To Prepare a Draft Notice 9/17/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 23 181 Environmental Impact Statement for the 30 10-09- 1 7N'Ddfx?30 10-33 18 1 Sunset Area Connmmity. City of Renton. WA 2010- Notice of Single Family Loan Sale (SFLS Notice 9/17/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 23132 2010) 2010- Notice of Multifamily and Notice 9/9/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 22399 Healthcare Loan Sale (MI-ILS2010-2) 2010- Statutorily Mandated Designation of Dif?cult Notice 9/9/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 22535 Development Areas and Quali?ed Census 30 10-33535-Ddf Tracts for 2011 2010- Notice of Neighborhood Stabilization Notice 8/27/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 21402 Program Reallocation Process Changes 3010-08-375Ddf'3010-31403-Ddf 2010- Credit Watch Termination Initiative Notice 8/13/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 20068 37 HUD-17-0201-D-000137 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00067 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review 2010- Proposed Fair Market Rents for the Housing Notice 8/4/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 19084 Choice Voucher Program and Moderate 20 10-08-0411?pdf620 10-19084.pdf Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program Fiscal Year 2011 2010- Financial Standards for Housing Agency- Notice 7/27/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 18400 Owned Insurance Entities 2010- Mortga gee Review Board: Administrative Notice 7/26/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 18156 Actions 2010? Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS): Notice 7/23/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 18126 Asset Management Transition Year 2 Extension 2010- Disclosure of Adjustable Rate Mortgages Notice 7/19/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 17577 (ARMS) Rates 2010? Federal Iabor Standards Questionnaire(s); Notice 7/ 1 9/ 2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 17573 Complaint Intake Form 73 .pdf 2010? Insured Healthcare Facilities 232 Loan Notice 7/19/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 17574 Application 2010- Quality Control for Rental Assistance Notice 7/19/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 17mm: gpo . 17569 Subsidy Determinations 2010? Semi-Armual Labor Standards Enforcement Notice 7/ 1 9/ 2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 17571 Report-Local Contracting Agencies (HUD 2010-07-195pd??2010-175 7 1.pdf Programs) 2010? Teclmical Processing Requirements for Notice 7/19/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 17576 Multifamily Project Mortgage Insurance 2010- Mortgage and Loan Insurance Programs Notice 7/ 16/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 17440 Under the National Housing Act-Debenture Interest Rates 2010? Federal Housing Administration (FHA) First Notice 7/15/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 17335 Look Sales Method for Grantees, Nonpro?t Organizations. and Subrecipients Under the Neighborhood Stabilization Programs (N SP) 2010- Federal Housing Administration Risk Notice 7/15/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 11mm: gpo . 17326 Management Initiatives: Reduction of Seller Concessions and New Loan-to-Value and Credit Score Requirements 2010? Administrative Guidelines: Subsidy Layering Notice 7/9/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 16827 Reviews for Proposed Section 8 Project- 38 HUD-17-0201-D-000138 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00068 Response System Access Authorization Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review Based Voucher Housing Assistance Payments Contracts 2010- Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Family Notice 7/7/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 16503 Self-Suf?ciency (FSS) Program 2010- Public Housing Aimual Contributions Notice 7/7/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 16524 Contract 20 10-07-075pd?20 10-16524.pdf 2010? Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS): Notice 7/7/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 16505 Management Operations Certi?cation 2010- Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Institutions Notice 6/29/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 15714 Assisting Conmnmities 2010- Green Retro?t Program of Title XII of the Notice 6/29/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 15713 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 20 10457713.pdf 2009 2010? Maintenance Wage Rate Wage Notice 6/29/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 15715 Recommendation and Maintenance Wage 20 10-06-29xpdf/20 10-1 5 7 1 5 .pdf Survey; Report of Additional Classi?cation and Wage Rate 2010- Mortgage Insurance Termination; Notice 6/29/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 15712 Application for Premium Refund or Distributive Share Payment 2010? Youthbuild Program Notice 6/ 23/ 2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 15094 2010? Section 8 Random Digit Dialing Fair Market Notice 6/15/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 14282 Rent Surveys 2010-06-15.5Ddf72010-l-1282Ddf 2010- Energy Conservation for or Notice 6/ 8/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 13693 Leased Project-Audits. Utility Allowances 2010- Housing Counseling Outcomes Study Notice 6/ 8/ 20 1 0 Signi?cant Pending hunk: gpo . 13695 2010- Operating Fimd Subsidies Allocation Notice 6/ 8/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 13694 Formula 2010? Report of Excess Income and Notice 6/2/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 13113 Annual Report of Uses of Excess Income (Correction) 2010- Request Voucher for Grant Payment and Line Notice 6/2/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 13112 of Credit Control System (LOCCS) Voice 39 HUD-17-0201-D-000139 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00069 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review 2010- Application and Re-certi?cation Packages for Notice 5/24/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 12435 Approval of Nonpro?t Organizations in FHA Activities 2010- Capital Advance Program Submission Notice 5/24/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 12439 Requirements for the Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly and the Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons With Disabilities 2010- FHA Lender Approval. Amrual Renewal. Notice 5/24/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 12442 Periodic Updates and Required Reports From FHA Approved Lenders 2010? Owner of Record and Re-Sale Data To Notice 5/24/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 12449 Preclude Predatory Lending Practices (Property Flipping) 011 FHA Insured Mortgages 2010- Federal Housing Administration Notice 5/21/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending ,W/u-xmz gDo . 12148 Temporary Exemption From Compliance With FHA's Regulation on Property Flipping 2010? Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) Notice 5/18/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 2pc . 11733 2010- Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program- Notice 5/ 18/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 11731 Demonstration Project of Small Area Fair Market Rents in Certain Metropolitan Areas for Fiscal Year 2011 2010? Uniform Physical Standards Physical Notice 5/18/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 1 173 7 Inspection Requirements 20 10-05-1 Sr'pdfx?ZO 10-1 173 7.1)df 2010- Final Notice on Ending the ?Hold-Harmless" Notice 5/17/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 11638 Policy in Calculating Section 8 Income 2010'05'175Ddf52010-1 1638.1)df Limits Under the United States Housing Act of 1937 2010- Report of Excess Income and Notice 5/17/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 11637 Annual Report of Uses of Excess Income 2010- Web Survey of the Recipients of Section 108 Notice 5/17/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 11621 Funds 2010-05-171?Ddf?2010-1 1621.1)df 2010? Fair Housing Initiatives Program Notice 5/11/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 11076 2010- Tracking the Use of CDBG Homeowners and Notice 5/7/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 10747 Small Landlords Disaster Assistance Grants 40 HUD-17-0201-D-000140 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 D0070 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review 2010- FHA-Insured Mortgage Loan Servicing of Notice 5/4/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 10322 Payments. Prepayments. Terminations. Assumptions and Transfers 2010- Multifamily Housing Service Coordinator Notice 5/4/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 10421 Program 2010? Request for Withdrawals From Replacements Notice 5/4/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 10419 Reserves/Residual Receipts Fimds 20 10-05-04w?pdfx?20 10-10419.pdf 2010- FHA TOTAL Mortgage Scorecard Notice 4/28/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 9852 2010? Public Input on Reform of the Housing Notice 4/22/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 9309 Finance System 2010- Ginnie Mae Multiclass Securities Program Notice 4/ 13/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 8319 Docmnents 2010? Notice of Change in Defmitions and Notice 4/9/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 813 1 Modi?cation to Neighborhood Stabilization 20 10-04-09w?pdfx?20 10-8 13 1 .pdf Program (N SP) 2010? Credit Watch Termination Initiative Notice 4/ 8/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 8029 2010- Family Report. MTW Family Report Notice 4/ 8/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 8017 2010? Public Housing Contracting With Resident- Notice 4/ 8/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 8007 Owned Businesses/Application Requirements 2010- Delegated Processing for Certain 202 Notice 4/2/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 7487 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Projects 2010- Housing Finance Agency Risk-Sharing Notice 4/2/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 7488 Program 2010- Insured Healthcare Facilities 232 Loan Notice 4/2/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 7483 Application 2010? Notice of Modi?cations to US. Notice 4/2/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 7485 Under the World Trade Organization Government Procurement Agreement To Implement Agreement With Canada Regarding Section 1605 of the Recovery Act (Buy American Requirement) Applicable to Development Block Grant Recovery 2010? Notice of Modi?cations to US. Notice 4/2/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 7490 Under the World Trade 41 HUD-17-0201-D-000141 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDOOY1 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review Organization Government Procurement Agreement To Implement Agreement With Canada Regarding Section 1605 of the Recovery Act (Buy American Requirement) Applicable to Public Housing Capital Fimd Recovery Formula and Competitive Grant Programs 2010- Notice of FHA Debenture Call Notice 3/ 3 1/ 2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 7096 20 10-03-3 1.5pdff20 lO-7096.pdf 2010- Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Notice 3/31/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 7099 Impact Statement for the Yesler Terrace 2010-03-3 Redevelopment Project 2010- Federal Labor Standards Payee Veri?cation Notice 3/17/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending and Pay-Inent Processing 2010- Notice of Multifamily and Notice 3/ 1 7/ 2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 5810 Healthcare Loan Sale 2010- Final Fair Market Rents for the Housing Notice 3/15/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 5593 Choice Voucher Program and Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program for Fiscal Year 2010: Revised Correction 2010- Final Fair Market Rents for the Housing Notice 3/11/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 5168 Choice Voucher Program and Moderate 3010-03-1 Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program for Fiscal Year 2010: Revised 2010- Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Notice 3/3/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 4386 Tenant Data Collection: Responses To 3010-03-0350df?3010-4336-Ddf Advance Solicitation of Comment on Data Collection Methodology 2010- Cooperative Share Loan Insurance Notice 3/1/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 4155 2010- Fungibility Plan and Follow-Up Reporting To Notice 3/1/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 4158 Implement Section 901 on Voucher Fluids for 3010-03-015Ddf?3010-4158-Ddf Displaced Hurricane Katrina and Rita Families 2010- Multifamily Default Status Report Notice 3/1/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 4152 HUD-17-0201-D-000142 42 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00072 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review 2010- Single Family Mortgage Insurance Premium, Notice 3/ 1/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 4154 Single Family 2010- Eligibility of a Nonpro?t Notice 2/24/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 3608 Corporation/Housing Consultant Certi?cation 30 10-03-3450dfn?20 10-3 608.1)df 2010- Housing Cormseling Training Program Notice 2/24/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 3611 2010? Low Income Housing Tax Credit Tenant Notice 2/24/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 3609 Database 2010- Rent Schedule-Low Rent Housing Notice 2/22/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 3403 2010- Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Notice 2/ 10/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 2991 Program-Contract Rent Annual Adjustment 20 10-02-105pdfr'20 10-299 1 .pdf Factors. Fiscal Year 2010 2010? Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Notice 2/10/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 2990 Program-Renewal thding Annual Adjustment Factors. Fiscal Year 2010 2010? Sustainable Communities Plarming Grant Notice 2/10/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 2979 Program Advance Notice and Request for Comment 2010? Annual Indexing of Basic Statutory Mortgage Notice 2/4/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 2361 Limits for Multifamily Housing Programs 2010- Mortgage and Loan Insurance Programs Notice 2/2/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 2114 Under the National Housing Act-Debenture 20 10-02-0211?pdfx?20 10-21 14.pdf Interest Rates 2010- Af?rmative Fair Housing. Marketing Notice 1/26/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 1423 (AF HM) Plan-Multifamily Housing. Af?rmative Fair Housing Marketing (AF HM) Plan-Single Family Housing and Af?rmative Fair Housing Marketing (AF HM) 2010- Enterprise Income Veri?cation (EIV) System Notice 1/26/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 1419 User Access Authorization Form and Rules of Behavior and User Agreement 2010? Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) Notice 1/26/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 1420 System-Debts Owed to PHAs and Tenninations 2010- Maintenance Wage Rate Wage Notice 1/26/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 1485 Recommendation and Maintenance Wage 43 HUD-17-0201-D-000143 HUDOOY3 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review Survey: Report of Additional Classi?cation and Wage Rate 2010- Section 8 Management Assessment Program Notice 1/26/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 1421 (SEMAP) Certi?cation 1 .pdf 2010- Utility Allowance Adjustments Notice 1/26/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending 1422 2010? Mortga gee Review Board: Administrative Notice 1/21/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending .Vi'vnnx'. goo . 1091 Actions 2010-267 Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS): Notice 1/ 12/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending Asset Management Transition Year 2 Information 2010-283 Notice of Intent To Prepare a Draft Notice 1/11/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending Enviromnental Impact Statement for the 20 10-01-1 15Dd?'20 10-283 .pdf Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza Redevelopment Project E9-30414 Impact of Housing and Services Interventions Notice 12/22/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending for Homeless Families E9-29955 Survey of New Manufactured (Mobile) Home Notice 12/16/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Placements 2009-l2-16.19pdf7E9-29955pdf E9-29531 Notice of Sale of Multifamily and Notice 12/11/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Healthcare Loans 2009-12-1 1 .pdf E9-29532 Public Housing Mortgage Program: Notice of Notice 12/11/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Web Publication 2009-12-1 1.15pdeE9-29532pdf E9-29364 NEPA ARRA Section 1609(c) Notice 12/9/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Reporting" Is the Name of the Attached Copy for This Collection E9-293 70 Request for Occupied Conveyance Notice 12/9/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending 70.1)df E9-29367 Revitalization Area Designation and Notice 12/9/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Management E9-28784 The Performance Review Board Notice 12/1/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending 2009-12-01r?pd??E9-28784pdf E9-27859 Neighborhood Networks Management and Notice 11/ 19/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Tracking Data Collection Instruments E9-27858 Neighborhood Stabilization Program 2 Notice 11/19/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending (NSPZ) E9-27856 Recovery Act Reporting for the Conmnmity Notice 11/19/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Development Block Grant Program for 2009-1 44 HUD-17-0201-D-000144 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00074 Implementation Guidance for Section 901 of the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations To Address Hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico. and Pandemic In?uenza Act. 2006. as Revised by Section 11003 of the Consolidated Security. Disaster Assistance. and Continuing Appropriations Act. 2009 To Include Calendar Years 2008 and 2009 Program Fimds Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review Indian Tribes and Alaska Native Villages (ICDBG) E9-27857 Recovery Act Reporting for the Native Notice 11/ 19/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending American Housing Block Grant (NAI-IBG) Competitive Program E9-27416 Recovery Act-Green Retro?t Program for Notice 11/ 16/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Multifamily Housing. Notice of Closing of Application Solicitation E9-27224 Contract and Subcontract Activity Reporting Notice 11/ 13/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending on Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) 2009-1 E9-27227 Debt Resolution Program Notice 11/13/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending 2009-11-13x?pdf?E9-27227pdf E9-27228 Direct Endorsement Underwriter/HUD Notice 11/13/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Reviewer-Analysis of Appraisal Report 2009- 1 1-1 7 228 .pdf E9-27229 Request for Approval of Advance of Escrow Notice 11/13/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Funds 2009-1 1-131Ddf?E9-27229Ddf E9-27225 Standardized Form for ?Race and Ethnic Notice 11/13/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Data Collection" 2009-1 1-1 5 .pdf E9-27226 Technical Processing Requirements for Notice 11/13/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Multifamily Project Mortgage Insurance 2009-l 1-13s?pd??E9-27226pdf E9-27340 Notice of Certain Operating Cost Adjustment Notice 11/ 12/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Factors for 2010 E9-27093 Notice of Program Requirements for Notice 11/ 12/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Community Development Block Grant 2009- l- 1 .pdf Program Fimding Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009: Reallocations E9-26864 Extension and Expansion of HUD's Notice 11/9/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending 2009-1 45 HUD-17-0201-D-000145 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00075 Development Areas and Quali?ed Census Tracts for 2010 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review E9-26117 Annual Performance Report and Annual Notice 10/30/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Homeless Assessment Report 2009- 10-303pdf5E9-261 1 7 .pdf E9-26181 Reconsideration of Waivers Granted to and Notice 10/ 30/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Alternative Requirements for the State of Mississippi Under Public Laws 109-148 and 109-234 E9-261 19 Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re- Notice 10/29/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Housing Program (HPRP) Quarterly and Annual Performance Reporting E9-26115 Public Housing Operating Subsidy-Stop-Loss Notice 10/29/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending and Appeals 2009- 10-295pdf/E9-261 15 .pdf E9-26129 Public Housing Reform Act: Changes to Notice 10/29/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Admission and Occupancy Requirements E9-25733 Development Block Grant Notice 10/27/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Recovery (CDBG-R) Program E9-25735 Tax Credit Assistance Program (TCAP) Notice 10/27/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending E9-25227 HOME Investment Partnerships Program Notice 10/21/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending E9-25230 Multifamily Contractor's/Mortgagor's Cost Notice 10/21/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Breakdowns and Certi?cations 2009- 10-2 E9-25223 Public Housing Operating Fimd Program: Notice 10/21/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Operating Budget and Related Form 2009-10-2 ls?pdfx?E9-25223pdf E9-24805 Application for the Transfer of Physical Notice 10/15/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Assets 2009- 10-1 E9-24806 Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Notice 10/15/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Standards Program E9-24808 Public Housing Mortgage Program Notice 10/ 15/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending 2009-10-15x?pd??E9-24808pdf E9-24298 FHA-Insured Mortgage Loan Servicing Notice 10/8/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Involving the Loss Mitigation Programs E9-24139 Request for on Ending ?Hold Notice 10/7/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Harmless" Policy in Calculating Income Limits Under Section 3 of the United States Housing Act of 1937: Correction E9-23967 Statutorily Mandated Designation of Dif?cult Notice 10/6/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending 2009- 1 .Ddf 46 HUD-17-0201-D-000146 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00076 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review E9-23477 Final Fair Market Rents for Fiscal Year 2010 Notice 9/30/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending for the Housing Choice Voucher Program and Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program E9-22964 Healthy Home and Lead Hazard Control Notice 9/23/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Grant Programs Data Collection-Progress Reporting E9-22342 Multifamily Mortgage Insurance Premiums Notice 9/17/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending (MIPS) and Credit Subsidy Obligations for Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 E9-22345 Certi?ed Eligibility for Adjustments for Notice 9/16/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Dalnage 01? Neglect 2009-09- 1 6de?E9-22345 .pdf E9-22348 Multifamily Housing Mortgage and Housing Notice 9/ 16/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Assistance Restructuring Program (Mark to Market) E9-22351 Previous Participation Certi?cation Notice 9/16/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending E9-22077 Request for on Ending ?Hold Notice 9/ 14/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Harmless" Policy in Calculating Income 3009-09-14r?Ddf?E9-33077-Ddf Limits Under Section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 E9-2l958 Notice of National Exceptions to Section Notice 9/11/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending 1605 of the Recovery Act (Buy American 3009-09-1 lv?DdeE9-31953-Ddf Requirement) Applicable to Public and Indian Housing Recovery Act Funds E9-21730 Legal Instructions Concerning Applications Notice 9/9/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending for Full Insurance Bene?ts-Assigmnent of Multifamily Mortgages to the Secretary E9-21703 Notice of Application for Designation as a Notice 9/9/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Single Family Foreclosure Commissioner 3009-09-091?Ddf?E9-31703-Ddf E9-21211 Notice of Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 Opportunity Notice 9/2/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending To Register and Other Important Information for Electronic Application Submission for of Care Homeless Assistance Programs E9-20157 Notice of Noncompetitive Sales Notice 8/21/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending of Assets 2009-08-2 5 7 .pdf 47 HUD-17-0201-D-000147 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00077 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review E9-19488 Additional Allocations and Waivers Granted Notice 8/ 14/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending to and Alternative Requirements for 2008 3009-08-145Ddf'E9-19483-Ddf Development Block Grant (CDBG) Disaster Recovery Grantees E9-1924l Title I Property Improvement and Notice 8/ 12/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Manufactured Home Loan Programs E9-19238 Accountability in the Provision of HUD Notice 8/ 1 1/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending 3009-03-1 3 Disclosure/Update? E9-19243 Application for HA Insured Mortgage Notice 8/ 1 1/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending ?Hope for Houleowners? 2009-08-1 9243 .Ddf E9-19239 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) Notice 8/ 1 1/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Loan/Application Register 2009-08-1 1 9239.1)df E9-18507 Proposed Fair Market Rents for the Housing Notice 8/4/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Choice Voucher Program and Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program Fiscal Year 2010 E9-17854 Housing and Economic Recovery Act of Notice 7/28/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending 2008: Pilot Program for Automated Process 1 for Borrowers Without Suf?cient Credit History: Solicitation of Comments on Program Design E9-17855 Multifamily Project Applications and Notice 7/28/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Construction Prior to Initial Endorsement E9-17853 Notice of Certi?cation and Fturding of State Notice 7/28/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending and Local Fair Housing Enforcement Agencies Under the Fair Housing Assistance Program: Request for Comments E9-17482 Application for Fee or Roster Personnel Notice 7/22/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending (Appraisers and Inspectors) Designation and Appraisal Report Forms E9-17490 Budget-Based Rent Increase Notice 7/22/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending E9-17325 Mortgage and Loan Insurance Programs Notice 7/22/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Under the National Housing Act-Debenture Interest Rates E9-17484 Pre-Foreclosure Sales Program Notice 7/22/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending 48 HUD-17-0201-D-000148 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00078 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review E9-16542 Af?rmativer Furthering Fair Housing and Notice 7/ 1 3/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Fair Housing Plans: Notice of Informal 3009-07-135Ddf/E9-16543-Ddf Meeting E9-15879 Opinion by Cormsel to the Mortgagor (FHA) Notice 7/6/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending 2009-07-06.! df/E9-15879. df E9-15562 Section 8 Contract Renewal Policy-Guidance Notice 7/ 1/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending for the Renewal of Project-Based Section 8 Contracts E9-15478 Housing Choice Voucher Program Notice 6/30/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending E9-14909 Protecting Tenants at Foreclosure: Notice of Notice 6/24/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Responsibilities Placed on 3009-06-3450df/E9-14909-Ddf Successors in Interest Pursuant to Foreclosure of Residential Property E9-14360 Notice of Allocations. Application Notice 6/ 19/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Procedures. Regulatory Waivers Granted to and Alternative Requirements for Emergency Assistance for Redevelopment of Abandoned and Foreclosed Homes Grantees Under the Housing and Economic Recovery Act. 2008: Revisions to Neighborhood Stabilization Program (N SP) and Teclmical Corrections E9-13095 Builder's Certi?cation of Plans. Notice 6/4/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Speci?cations? and Site E9-13098 Insurance Termination Request for Notice 6/4/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Mortgage E9-13092 Personal Financial and Credit Statement Notice 6/4/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending deE9-13092. df E9-13096 Request for Acceptance of Changes in Notice 6/4/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Approved Drawings and Speci?cations E9-12811 Housing for Older Persons Exemption From Notice 6/2/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Familial Status Discrimination Prohibitions of the Fair Housing Act E9-12482 Public Housing Agency (PHA) Lease and Notice 5/29/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Grievance Requirements 3009-05-395Ddi7'E9-13433-Ddf E9-12486 Requirements for Lead-Based Paint Hazards Notice 5/29/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending in Federally Owned Residential Properties and Housing Receiving Federal Assistance 49 HUD-17-0201-D-000149 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00079 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review E9-12479 Screening and Eviction for Drug Abuse and Notice 5/29/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Other Criminal Activity 3009-05-39W?Ddf139-13479-Ddf E9-12483 Waiver of Certain Requirements in the Notice 5/29/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Competitive and Noncompetitive Native 3009-0549513615139-13433-1)df American Housing Block Grant and the Indian Development Block Grant Programs Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 E9-12339 Mark-to-Market Program: Requirements for Notice 5/28/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Connmmity-Based Non-Pro?t Organizations 39 and Public Agencies E9-12337 Mortgagee's Certi?cation of Fees and Escrow Notice 5/28/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending and Surety Bond Against Defects Due to Defective Materials and/or Faulty Workmanship E9-11684 Disaster Housing Assistance Program-Ike Notice 5/20/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Grant Agreement) 1684.Ddf E9-11553 Supplement to Application for Federally Notice 5/ 19/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Assisted Housing 2009-05- 1 15 53.1)df E9-9731 Mortga gee Review Board; Administrative Notice 4/29/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Actions 2009-04-29/pdf/E9-973 1 .Ddf E9-9677 Request for Recommendations Regarding Notice 4/29/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Administrative and Procedural Changes To Expedite the Approval of Applications for FHA-Insured Multifamily Mortgages Involving Low-Income Housing Tax Credits or Tax-Exempt Bonds E9-9465 Notice of Multifamily and Notice 4/24/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Healthcare Loan Sale (MI-1LSZOO9-2) E9-9304 Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Notice 4/23/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Grant Application E9-9305 FHA-Insured Mortgage Loan Servicing Notice 4/23/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Involving the Claims and Conveyance Process. Property Inspection/Preservation E9-9121 Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Title Notice 4/21/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending I Manufactured Home Loan Program: Noti?cation of Availability of Program 50 HUD-17-0201-D-000150 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00080 Termination. (2) Suspension, or (3) Reinstatement Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review Reform Implementation and Request for Comments E9-9031 FHA-Insured Mortgage Loan Servicing for Notice 4/20/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Performing Loans: MIP Processing, Escrow 3009-04-301'0615139-9031-Ddf Administration. Customer Service, Servicing Fees and 235 Loans E9-9029 FHA-Insured Mortgage Loan Servicing of Notice 4/20/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Delinquent. Default and Foreclosure With Service Members Act E9-8183 Deed-in-Lieu of Foreclosure (Corporate Notice 4/ 1 0/ 2009 Not Signi?cant Pending ,W/u-xmz gno . Mortgagors or Mortgagors Owning More Than One Property) E9-8 84 Final Fair Market Rents for the Housing Notice 4/ 10/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Choice Voucher Program and Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program for Fiscal Year 2009: Revised E9-7888 Training Evaluation Form Notice 4/ 8/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending 2009-04-08/ df/E9-7888. df E9-7651 Armual Indexing of Basic Statutory Mortgage Notice 4/6/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Limits for Multifamily Housing Programs 3009-04-061'0615139-7651-Ddf E9-7041 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Notice 3/30/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Tenant Data Collection; Advance Solicitation of on Data Collection Methodology E9-6814 FHA Lender Approval. Ammal Renewal. Notice 3/27/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending hung/45mm: Periodic Updates and Noncompliance 141Ddf Reporting by FHA Approved Lenders E9-6813 HUD Acquisition Regulation (HUDAR) Notice 3/27/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending E9-6705 2502-0001 Personal Financial and Credit Notice 3/26/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Statelnent 2009-03 5.1)df E9-5413 Master Appraisal Reports (MARS) Notice 3/13/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending E9-4692 Assistance Payment Contract-Notice of (1) Notice 3/ 5/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending 2009-03-05.def7E9-4692.pdf 51 HUD-17-0201-D-000151 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 HU00081 811 Capital Advance/Loan Funds Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review E9-4694 Mortgagee's Notice 3/5/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Slumnary of Assistance Payments Due E9-4531 Applications for Housing Assistance Notice 3/4/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Payments: Special Claims Processing 1 .pdf E9-4529 Owner Certi?cation With HUD Tenant Notice 3/4/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Eligibility and Rent Procedures E9-3954 Housing Counseling Program Notice 2/25/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending E9-3583 Development Grant (CDBG) Notice 2/20/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Entitlement Program .pdf E9-3588 State Development Block Grant Notice 2/20/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending (CDBG) Program E9-3216 Allocations and Common Application and Notice 2/ 13/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Reporting Waivers Granted to and 2009-02-1Sr?pd??E9-32 16.1>df Alternative Requirements for Conmnmity Development Block Grant (CDBG) Disaster Recovery Grantees Under 2008 Supplemental CDBG Appropriations E9-2863 I-IECM Cormseling Client Survey Notice 2/11/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending E9-2281 Multifamily Housing Procedures for Projects Notice 2/4/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Affected by Presidentially-Declared Disasters 1 .pdf E9-2280 Telecommlmications Services in Multifamily Notice 2/4/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Housing Projects 139-1927 Notice ofHUD-Held Multifamily and Notice 1/ 29/ 2009 Signi?cant Pending Healthcare Loan Sale E9-1823 Continutun of Care Homeless Assistance Notice 1/28/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Grant Application-Contimuun of Care 2009-01-28/pdf/E9- 1823.pdf Registration E9-1549 Continutun of Care Homeless Assistance Notice 1/26/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Grant Application-Technical Submission 2009-01-26w?pd??E9-l 549.1>df E9-1553 Contract's Requisition-Project Mortgages Notice 1/26/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending E9-1569 Rehabilitation Mortgage Insurance Notice 1/26/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Underwriting Program Section E9-1556 Requisition for Disbursement of Sections 202 Notice 1/26/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending 2009-01-26x?pd??E9-l 5 56.Ddf 52 HUD-17-0201-D-000152 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00082 Guidance for Section 901 of the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations To Address Hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico. and Pandemic In?uenza Act. 2006. as Revised by Section 11003 of the Consolidated Security. Disaster Assistance. and Continuing Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review E9-1555 Single Family Premium Collection Notice 1/26/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending E9-991 Mortgage and Loan Insurance Programs Notice 1/ 16/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Under the National Housing Act-Debenture 1 .pdf Interest Rates E9-3 74 Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Notice 1/12/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Pro gram-C ontract Rent Aimual Adjustment 2009-0 1 - 1 ZI'pdfr'E9-3 74 .pdf Factors. Fiscal Year 2009 E8-31389 S.A.F.E. (SAFE) Mortgage Licensing Act: Notice 1/5/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Noti?cation of Availability of Model Legislation E8-30463 Study of Capital Needs in the Public Housing Notice 12/23/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Program 2008-12-235pdfx?E 8-30463 .pdf E8-30293 Construction Complaint-Request for Notice 12/22/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Financial Assistance 8-30293 .pdf E8-30294 Local Appeals to Single-Family Mortgage Notice 12/22/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Limits 8-3 0294.1)df E8-30295 Manufactured Housing Dispute Resolution- Notice 12/22/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending State Certi?cation Form: Information for Federal Manufactured Housing Dispute Resolution E8-30292 Multifamily Financial Management Template Notice 12/22/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending E8-30185 Additional Allocations for Midwest Flood Notice 12/ 19/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Conmnmity Development Block Grant 2008- 8-3018 5 .pdf (CDBG) Disaster Recovery Grantees under the Supplemental Appropriations Act. 2008 E8-30177 Notice of Multifamily and Notice 12/18/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Healthcare Loan Sale 2008-12-185pdf/E 8-3017 7 .pdf E8-29947 Disaster Housing Assistance Program Notice 12/17/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending (DI-IAP) for Hmn'cane Ike E8-29949 Extension of HUD's Implementation Notice 12/ 17/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending 53 HUD-17-0201-D-000153 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00083 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review Appropriations Act. 2009 To Include Calendar Years 2008 and 2009 Program Funds E8-29813 Waiver of Regulations Issued by HUD Notice 12/ 1 7/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Restatement of 2008- 12-1 7.0de 8-298 13.1)df E8-29624 Inspector Candidate Assessment Notice 12/ 15/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Questionnaire 2008- 12-1 5/1)de 8-29624pdf E8-29426 Reconsideration of Waivers Granted to and Notice 12/12/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Alternative Requirements for the State of 3008-13-135Ddf?E8-39436-Ddf Mississippi?s CDBG Disaster Recovery Grant Under the Department of Defense Emergency Supplemental Appropriations To Address Hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico. and Pandemic In?uenza Act. 2006 E8-29307 Mortgagee's Request for Extension of Time Notice 12/11/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Requirements 2008-12-1 8-29307 .pdf E8-29305 Procedures for Appealing Section 8 Rent Notice 12/11/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Adjustments 2008-12-1 ls?iDdf/E 8-29305 .Ddf E8-29306 Single Family Mortgage Insurance on Notice 12/11/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Hawaiian Homelands 2008-12-1 L51)de 8-29306 .pdf E8-28868 Notice of Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 Opportunity Notice 12/5/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending To Register Early and Other Important 3008-13-051?Ddf?E8-38863Ddf Information for Electronic Application Submission Via Grants. gov E8-28236 CDBG Urban County/New York Towns Notice 12/2/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Quali?cation/Requali?cation Process 843336 E8-27806 Subterranean Termite Treatment Builder's Notice 11/24/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Certi?cation and Guarantee. and the New Construction Subterranean Termite Soil Treatment Record E8-27871 The Housing and Economic Recovery Act of Notice 11/24/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending 2008 Applicability to HUD Public Housing. 3008-1 1'34x'13d17?E8'37371 Section 8 Tenant-Based Voucher and Section 8 Project-Based Voucher Programs E8-27678 Loss Mitigation Evaluation Notice 11/21/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending E8-27474 The Performance Review Board Notice 11/ 19/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending 54 HUD-17-0201-D-000154 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00084 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review E8-27129 Public Housing Capital Fund Program Notice 11/14/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending 2008-1 E8-26655 Notice of Certain Operating Cost Adjustment Notice 11/10/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Factors for 2008-1 1- 1 8-2665 5.1)df E8-25736 Loan Guarantees for Indian Housing Notice 10/29/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending E8-25570 Final Fair Market Rents for Fiscal Year 2009 Notice 10/28/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending for the Housing Choice Voucher Program and Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program: Teclmical Correction E8-25366 Credit Watch Termination Initiative Notice 10/24/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending 2008-10-2-?15 df/ES-25366. df E8-25104 2009 American Housing Survey Notice 10/21/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending 2008-10-21/ df E8-24367 Congressional Eannark Grants Notice 10/ 15/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending 2008-10-155 df?E8-24367. df E8-24535 Reconsideration of Waivers Granted to and Notice 10/ 15/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Alternative Requirements for the State of Louisiana's CDBG Disaster Recovery Grant Under the Department of Defense Emergency Supplemental Appropriations To Address Hluricanes in the Gulf of Mexico. and Pandemic In?uenza Act. 2006 E8-24371 The Performance Review Board Notice 10/ 15/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending 2008-10-155pd?E8-243 71 .pdf E8-23 664 Reconsideration of Waivers Granted to and Notice 10/7/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Alternative Requirements for the State of Alabama's CDBG Disaster Recovery Grant Under the Department of Defense Emergency Supplemental Appropriations To Address Hluricanes in the Gulf of Mexico. and Pandemic In?uenza Act. 2006 E8-23459 Moving to Work Demonstration Notice 10/6/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending E8-23476 Notice of Allocations. Application Notice 10/6/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Procedures. Regulatory Waivers Granted to and Altemative Requirements for Emergency Assistance for Redevelopment of Abandoned 55 HUD-17-0201-D-000155 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00085 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review and Foreclosed Homes Grantees Under the Housing and Economic Recovery Act. 2008 E8-23172 Customer Satisfaction Surveys Notice 10/2/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending 2008- 1 8-23 1 72.1)df E8-23174 Request for Credit Approval of Substitute Notice 10/2/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Mortgagof E8-22793 Final Fair Market Rents for Fiscal Year 2009 Notice 9/29/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending for the Housing Choice Voucher Program 3008-09-395Ddf/E843793Ddf and Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program E8-22333 Multifamily Mortgage Insurance Premiums Notice 9/24/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending (MIPS) and Credit Subsidy Obligations for Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 E8-21394 Notice of FHA Debenture Call Notice 9/15/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending E8-21226 Notice of Reclassi?cation of Four Notice 9/ 12/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Investigative Field Offices to Regional Of?ces: Cleveland. OH: Baltimore. MD: Tampa. and Seattle. WA E8-21092 Allocations and Application and Notice 9/11/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Reporting Waivers Granted to and 3008-09-1 df Alternative Requirements for Midwest Flood Development Block Grant (CDBG) Disaster Recovery Grantees Under the Supplemental Appropriations Act. 2008 E8-21023 Management Review of Multifamily Housing Notice 9/10/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Projects E8-20299 Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Notice 9/3/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Single Family Mortgage Insurance: Announcement of Moratorium 011 Risk-Based Premimns E8-203 22 Statutorily Mandated Designation of Dif?cult Notice 9/ 3/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Development Areas and Quali?ed Census Tracts for 2009 E8-195 74 Energy Ef?cient Mortgages Notice 8/22/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending 2008-08-22/pdf/E8-195 74.pdf 56 HUD-17-0201-D-000156 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00086 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review E8-19349 Notice of HUD's Policy on Quality Notice 8/21/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Assurance Review (QAR) of Electronic Application Submission Difficulties E8-18751 Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS): Notice 8/21/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Asset Management Transition Year 2008-08-215pdf/E8-1875 1 .pdf Information and Uniform Financial Reporting Standards (UFRS) Information E8-18281 Reconsideration of Waivers Granted to and Notice 8/8/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Alternative Requirements for Community 2008-08-085pdf5E8-18281.pdf Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Grantees Under Public Laws 109-148 and 109-234 E8-17742 Mortgage and Loan Insurance Programs Notice 8/4/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Under the National Housing Act-Debenture 1 7742.1)df Interest Rates E8-16910 Annual Progress Reports for Empowerment Notice 7/24/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Zones 2008-07-245Ddf/E 8-169 10.1)df E8-16909 HUD-Administered Small Cities Program Notice 7/24/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Performance Assessment Report 1 6909.pdf E8-16912 Requirements for Single Family Mortgage Notice 7/24/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Instruments 2008-07-245Ddf/E 8-16912.Ddf E8-16327 Application for Notice 7/17/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending 2008-07- 1 71"pdfr'E 8- 6327 .pdf Relocation Assistance for Person 138-163 26 Certi?cation of Multifanrily Housing Notice 7/ 1 7/ 2008 Signi?cant Pending Compliance With State and Local Housing 2008-07-17v?pdfiE 8-16326.pdf Codes E8-16328 Land Survey Report for Insured Multifamily Notice 7/17/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Projects E8-16325 Multifamily Insurance Benefits Claims Notice 7/17/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Package E8-16017 Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Notice 7/ 15/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Requirements 8-16017.pdf E8-15663 OIG Fraud Alert: Bulletin on Charging Notice 7/10/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Excess Rent in the Housing Choice Voucher 57 HUD-17-0201-D-000157 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00087 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review E8-13691 Capacity Building for Notice 6/ 1 8/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Development and Affordable Housing 2008-06-1811?pdfx?E 8-13 691 .pdf Grants: Amendment E8-13397 Household Outcomes Survey for FEMA's Notice 6/ 16/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Alternative Housing Pilot Program 2008-06- 1 6.15Ddf/E 8- 13 397 .pdf E8-13005 Proposed Fair Market Rents for the Housing Notice 6/ 12/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Choice Voucher Program and Moderate 8-13005.pdf Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program Fiscal Year 2009 E8-12886 Annual Adjustment Factor (AAF) Rent Notice 6/ 10/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Increase Requirement 8- 1 2886.12df E8-12650 Public Housing Financial Management Notice 6/6/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Template 2008-06-06/pdfiE 8-12650.pdf 138-12294 Notice ofHUD-Held Multifamily and Notice 6/3/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Healthcare Loan Sale (MHLS2008-2) E8-11897 Data Collection for the Housing Cormseling Notice 5/29/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Outcome Evaluation 8-1 1897 .pdf E8-11551 Public Housing Admissions/Occupancy Notice 5/23/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Policies and Procedures E8-11640 Public Housing Inventory Removal Notice 5/23/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Application 2008-05-231?pdf1?E 8-1 1640 .pdf E8-11639 Research Plan for a Study of Rents and Rent Notice 5/23/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Flexibility 8- 1 l639.pdf E8-11541 Certi?cation and thding of State and Local Notice 5/22/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Fair Housing Enforcement Agencies 2008-05-22u?pdfr?E 8-1 1541.pdf E8-10532 Application and Reporting for Hospital Notice 5/13/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Project Mortgage Insurance/ Section 242 E8-10533 Credit Watch Termination Initiative Notice 5/ 13/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending E8-10625 Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Notice 5/13/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Single Family Mortgage Insurance: Implementation of Risk-Based Premiums E8-105 34 Self-Help Homeownership Opportunity Notice 5/13/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Program (SHOP) Grant Monitoring E8-103 34 Loan Guarantee Recovery Established Notice 5/8/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Pursuant to the Church Arson Prevention Act of 1996 8- 03 34.1)df 58 HUD-17-0201-D-000158 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 00088 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review E8-10333 Section 5(11) Homeownership Program for Notice 5/8/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Public Housing: Submission of Plan and Reporting 08-1220 Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers: Notice 5/6/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Implementation of the HUD-VA Supportive Housing Program E8-9763 Indian Housing Block Grant (HBG) Notice 5/5/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Evaluation 2008-05-05/pdf/E 8-9 763.1)df E8-9764 Relocation and Real Property Acquisition, Notice 5/5/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Recordkeeping Requirements Under the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970. as Amended (URA) E8-9540 Notice of Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 Opportunity Notice 4/30/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending To Register and Other Important Information for Electronic Application Submission for Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Programs E8-9235 Use Restriction Agreement Monitoring and Notice 4/28/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending 2008-04-2 8.151)de 8-92 3 5.1)df E8-8830 Mortgagor's Certi?cate of Actual Cost Notice 4/23/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending E8-8318 Renewal Annual Progress Notice 4/17/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Reporting 2008-04-1 71"pdf/E 8-83 18 .pdf E8-8200 Disaster Housing Assistance Program Notice 4/ 16/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending (DHAP) E8-8190 HUD Loan Sale Bidder Quali?cation Notice 4/16/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Staternent 2008-04-16/pdf/E 8-8190.pdf E8-7400 Capacity Building for Notice 4/9/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Development and Affordable Housing Grants E8-6930 Requirement for Contractors To Provide Notice 4/3/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Certi?cates of Insurance for Capital Program 2008-04-03/Ddf/E8-6930-0df Projects E8-6694 Congregate Housing Services Program Notice 4/1/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending 2008-04-01/pdf/E 8-6694.pdf E8-6560 Examination Guidance Notice 3/31/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending 2008-03-31r?pdf?E8-6560pdf 59 HUD-17-0201-D-000159 HUDOOBQ HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review E8-6173 Request for Prepayment of Direct Loans on Notice 3/26/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Section 202 and 202/8 Projects E8-5910 Notice of Certi?cation and Funding of State Notice 3/24/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending and Local Fair Housing Enforcement Agencies Under the Fair Housing Assistance Program: Request for Comments E8-5620 Section 3 Complaint Processing thctions Notice 3/20/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending E8-5458 Housing Counseling Program-Application for Notice 3/ 19/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Approval as a Housing Counseling Agency E8-5362 Alternative Housing Pilot Program Notice 3/ 18/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Evaluation Baseline Survey 2008-03-1Sipdf?ES-5362pdf E8-5435 Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act Notice 3/18/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending (RESPA) Website Complaint Questionnaire E8-5364 Request for Prepayment of Direct Loans on Notice 3/18/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Section 202 and 202/8 Projects E8-4600 Multifamily Mortgage Insurance Premiums; Notice 3/ 10/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Withdrawal of Proposal To Implement 2008-03-10hDdf?E8-4600pdf Changes in Mortgage Insurance Premiums for FY2008 E8-4724 Notice of Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 Opportunity Notice 3/10/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending To Register Early and Other Important Information for Electronic Application Submission Via Grants. gov E8-4307 Subpoenas and Production in Response to Notice 3/ 6/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Subpoenas or Demands of Courts or Other Authorities E8-4308 Third-Party Docrunentation Facsimile Notice 3/ 6/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Transmittal Form E8-4180 Delinquent Loan Reports Notice 3/ 5/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending E8-4057 Application for Healthy Homes and Lead Notice 3/4/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Hazard Control Grant Programs and Quality Assurance Plans E8-4062 Housing Counseling Program-Biemiial Notice 3/4/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Agency Performance Review 2008-03-04hpdf5E8-4062.pdf E8-3 524 Continuation of Interest Reduction Payments Notice 2/25/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending hung/?mm: After Re?nancing Section 236 Projects 60 HUD-17-0201-D-000160 HUD Federal Register Notices Since Jan. 1. 2008 D0090 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Citation/URL Number Type Publication Determination Force Review E8-3148 Technical Suitability of Products Program Notice 2/20/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Section 521 of the National Housing Act E8-2833 Notice of Multifamily and Notice 2/ 1 5/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Healthcare Loan Sale (MI-1LS2008-1) E8-2514 Mortgage and Loan Insurance Programs Notice 2/ 1 1/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Under the National Housing Act-Debenture 2008-02-1 Interest Rates E8-2288 Tribal Colleges and Universities Program Notice 2/8/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending E8-2215 Annual Indexing of Basic Statutory Mortgage Notice 2/7/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Limits for Multifamily Housing Programs E8-1911 Final Fair Market Rents for the Housing Notice 2/1/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Choice Voucher Program and Moderate 2008-02-01/DdffE 8-191 1.Ddf Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program for Fiscal Year 2008: Revised for Selected Areas E8-1783 Consolidated Plan and Annual Performance Notice 1/31/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Report for Grantees 2008-01-3 8-1 783.1)df E8-1700 Credit Watch Termination Initiative Notice 1/31/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending 2008-01-3 E8-1580 Application for Technical Assistance for Notice 1/ 30/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Conmnmity Plamiing and Development 2008-01-30/Ddf/E8- 1 580.Ddf (CPD) Programs E8-934 Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Notice 1/22/2008 Not Signi?cant Pending Program-Contract Rent Annual Adjustment 8-934.pdf Factors. Fiscal Year 2008 61 HUD-17-0201-D-000161 Department of Housing and Urban Development HUDO161 All Participant Memoranda (APMs) and Multiclass Participant Memoranda (MPMs) Issued by Ginnie Mae Since Jan. l, 20081 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2017-07 High Balance Loans APM 12/ 15/2017 Pending 2017-06 Pooling Eligibility for Refinance Loans and Monitoring of Prepay APM 12/07/2017 Pending Activity 2017-05 Additional HMBS Data Elements APM 10/ 17/2017 Pending 2017-04 Availability of Disaster Pass-Through Assistance and Delinquency APM 10/04/2017 Pending Ratio Exemptions for Quali?ing Portfolios 2017-03 Buyout Authority for Loans Impacted by Hruricane Maria for Single- APM 10/04/2017 Pending Family Issuers 2017-02 Buyout Authority for Loans Impacted by Hurricane Harvey and APM 09/21/2017 Pending Hurricane Irma for Sipgle-Fan_1ily Issuers 2017-01 Periodic Update to Document Custody Plow APM 01/06/2017 Pending 2016-07 High Balance Loans APM 12/21/2016 Pending 2016-06 MS Reporting Cycle APM 11/17/2016 Pending 2016-05 Pooling Eligibility for Streamlined Re?nance Loans APM 10/ 19/2016 Pending 2016-04 Implementation of Streamlined Investor Reporting Phase APM 06/07/2016 Pending 2016-03 Crutailment of the Targeted Lending Initiative APM 04/ 15/2016 Pending 2016-02 Modi?ed Loan Documentation?Revised Subordination Reguirements APM 02/01/2016 Pending 2016-01 Implementation of the Document Custodg Manual APM 02/01/2016 Pending 2016-01 Notice Regarding Girmie Mae Reviews of Collateral Modi?cations of MPM 01/27/2016 Pending Multifamily and Healthcare Loans Backing Ginnie Mae MBS in REMICs 2015-22 Discontinuing Reviews of Collateral Modi?cations of Multifamily and APM 12/30/2015 Pending Healthcare Loans Backing Gimiie Mae MBS in REMICs 2015-21 Document Custody Manual Revised Effective Date and Clari?cation of APM 12/28/2015 Pending Docrnnentation Reguirements for Modi?ed Loans 2015-20 Multifamily Loan Section of the Act Data Field Update and Prospectus APM 12/10/2015 Pending Revisions 2015-19 New Tirnefrarne for Submission of Custodial Accorurt Veri?cations APM 12/03/2015 Pending 2015-18 Updates to tl_1e Authentication Process Used in GirmieNET APM 11/17/2015 Pending 2015-17 Updates to Allowable Delegable Responsibilities Between Issuers and APM 11/17/2015 Pending Subservicer 2015-16 Updates to Assigmnent Agreement Form in the Pool Transfer System APM 10/ 13/2015 Pending 2015-15 Implementation of Streamlined Investor Reporting APM 09/18/2015 Pending Documents without a direct link can be found at s://vmw. inniemae. ox/siteassets/alh?e l.as UD-17-0201-D-000162 GNMA Guidance Docrunents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUD0162 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Significant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2015-14 Changes in Issuer Business Status APM 09/01/2015 Pending 2015-13 Document Custodian?s Certi?cation of Fonn HUD 11708 Releases APM 08/ 18/2015 Pending 2015-12 Revised Document Custody Mam APM 07/23/2015 Pending 2015-11 Prior Approval and RFS Testing Requirements for Transfer of Servicing APM 07/20/2015 Pending Responsibilities 2015-10 HMBS Pools and PET Eligibility APM 06/01/2015 Pending 2015-09 SC RA Relief Reirnbru'sement Policies Update APM 05/ 12/2015 Pending 2015-08 Pay. gov Credit Card Transaction Limits APM 04/29/2015 Pending 2015-07 Update to Secruiti_zation of USDA Sectior_r 538 Multifamily Loans APM 04/ 10/2015 Pending 2015-06 Clari?cation of Requirements for Custodial Funds and Custodial APM 04/03/2015 Pending Accounts 2015-05 Eligibility Requirements for Pools Issued for Immediate Transfer APM 04/0120/15 Pending 2015-04 Issuer Operational Performance Pro?le and Update to Appendix APM 02/ 12/2015 Pending 2015-03 Periodic MBS Guide Maintenance Revisions to Appendix VI-19. RFS APM 02/02/2015 Pending Issuer Report of Pool and Loan Data 2015-02 Periodic MBS Guide Maintenance HMBS Data Elements APM 01/21/2015 Pending 2015-01 New HMBS Data Elements - Non?Borrowing Spouse and Property APM 01/21/2015 Pending Charges Set-Aside 2015-01 Program Changes to Enhance the Girmie Mae Platinum Program: MPM 09/04/2015 Pending Reduced Guarantee Fees and Reduced Minimrun Aggregate Remaining Principal Balance 2014-20 Different Interest Rate Change Dates Allowed in HMBS Armual ARM APM 12/18/2014 Pending Pools 2014-19 Pledge of Servicing Acknowledgnent Agreement Update APM 12/ 16/2014 Pending 2014-18 Data Elements APM 11/20/2014 Pending 2014-17 Periodic Progle Maintenance APM 11/07/2014 Pending 2014-16 New Issuer Net Worth and Liguidig Reguirements APM 10/ 17/2014 Pending 2014-15 Demonstrated Participation Reguirement APM 10/16/2014 Pending 2014-14 New Single-Family Data Elements APM 09/03/2014 Pending 2014-13 Military Orders Documentation for SC RA Relief Reimbru'sement APM 08/26/2014 Pending Pruposes 2014-12 Changes to ARM Interest Rate Adjustment Reguirements APM 08/ 14/2014 Pending 2014-11 Electronic Issuer Application -- New Application Cormection: Revised APM 07/22/2014 Pending MBS Issuer Eligibility Requirements 2014-10 Periodic Guide Maintenance APM 07/10/2014 Pending 2014-09 gnpie Mae MISMO Adoptiop Update APM 06/30/2014 Pending UD-17-0201-D-000163 GNMA Guidance Docrunents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUD0163 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2014-08 Prohibition orr Pooling of HECM loans that provide for futru'e draws at APM 05/29/2014 Pending a ?xed rate of interest: HMBS Prospectus and MBS Guide Revisions 2014-07 Change in the administration of the London Interbank Offered Rate APM 05/27/2014 Pending (LIBOR) from the British Bankers Association (BBA) to the ICE Administration 1 ICE 2 2014-06 Clari?cation to the General Loan Buyout Pol_ic_y APM 05/ 16/2014 Pending 2014-05 we Mae Systems Modernization Update: Pool Transfer System APM 05/ 14/2014 Pending 2014-04 Pooling of HECM loans that provide for futru?e draws at a ?xed rate of APM 04/01/2014 Pending mterest 2014-03 Grace Period for Completion of Master Agreements; Modernized Pool APM 03/2720/ 14 Pending Transfer Sgstem Armounced 2014-03 Change in Methodology Used to Calculate Final Distribution Date for MPM 09/ 12/2014 Pending Accretion Directed Classes in Gimrie Mae Multifamily REMIC and MX Transactions and Revised Accorurtants? Agreed-Upon Procedures Report 2014-02 Complete and Timely Submission of Master Agreements APM 03/07/2014 Pending 2014-02 Fee for Transactions with Separately Collapsible Security Groups MPM 09/11/2014 Pending 2014-01 Electronic Notes and Mortgages APM 02/27/2014 Pending 2014-01 Change in Sponsor Representation Regarding Mortgage Loan MPM 03/12/2014 Pending Delinquency Status and Trustee?s Determination of LIBOR Using the ICE LIBOR Method 2013-11 Revised Custodian Manual APM 12/23/2013 Pending 2013-10 Modernization Updates and Reguired User Actior_r? APM 11/01/2013 Pending 2013-09 ES Prospectus Updates APM 10/23/2013 Pending 2013-08 we Mae Modernization Update APM 08/ 13/2013 Pending 2013-07 MBS Guide Updates: Of?ce Name Changes APM 08/05/2013 Pending 2013-06 Release of Loan-Level Information APM 07/31/2013 Pending 2013-06 Amrormcement of Updates to All Parts of the Girmie Mae Multiclass MPM 12/31/2013 Pending Secruities Guide 2013-05 MBS Guide Updates: Chapter 3 Electronic Submission of Insru'ance APM 06/25/2013 Pending and Financial and removal of outdated net worth and e- Access requirements 2013-05 The Exclusion of Non SF MBS Pool Types as Collateral in the Girnrie MPM 12/03/2013 Pending Mae Platinrun Securities 2013-04 Delayed Effective Date of Revised Docrunent Custodian Manual APM 06/ 14/2013 Pending 2013-04 HMBS Prospectus Updates MPM 10/23/2013 Pending 2013-03 HMBS Reporting Reguirement New Data Elements APM 05/28/2013 Pending HUD-17-0201-D-000164 GNMA Guidance Docrunents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDO164 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2013-03 Release of Loan-Level Information MPM 07/31/2013 Pending 2013-02 Revised Document Custodian Manual APM 04/05/2013 Pending 2013-02 Change in Policy Allowing Trust Assets to be Subject to a Repurchase MPM 07/31/2013 Pending Agreement between Pool Wire Dates and Closing Dates 2013-01 HMBS Reporting Reguirement APM 04/05/2013 Pending 2013-01 Change in Policy Regarding Increased Minimum Denomination MPM 02/28/2013 Pending Designation of Weighted Average Coupon Classes in Single-Family Transactions 2012-11 Servicernernbers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) APM 11/ 16/2012 Pending 2012-10 Updates to the Ginnie Mae Mortgage-Backed Secrn?ities Guide 5500.3. APM 11/16/2012 Pending Rev.1 2012-09 Electronic Submission of Issuers? Insru'ance and Annual Audited APM 06/05/2012 Pending Financial Documents 2012-08 Issuance of Multiple Issuer Pools - Advance Publication of CUSIP and APM 05/ 17/2012 Pending Pool Nur_11ber's 2012-07 Single-Family Data Elements - A. Pooling Loans; B. Pool and APM 05/03/2012 Pending Loan Level Reporting; C. Clari?cation of Data Definitions 2012-06 Transmitting Fluids Through Pay. gov - New Limit on Credit Card APM 04/23/2012 Pending Transactions 2012-05 Strict omgliance with Ginnie Mae Reporting Reguirernents APM 04/23/2012 Pending 2012-04 Accelerated Release of Data Disclosru'e and Publication of APM 03/22/2012 Pending Consolidated Disclosru'e Data Dictionary 2012-03 Address Change for Submission of Fidelity Bond and Errors APM 03/07/2012 Pending Omissions Insru?ance Documents 2012-02 Issuance of Multiple Issuer Pools - Advance Publication of CUSIP and APM 02/0720/12 Pending Pool Numbers - Roll-out of Alphanrnneric Pool Numbers 2012-01 Alphanumeric Pool Numbers APM 01/24/2012 Pending 2012-01 Redemption Price Payable in Connection with Redemption of Ginnie MPM 09/26/2012 Pending Mae Multiclass Callable Trust Pass-Through Secruities May Include a Prernirun: Redemption Date May be as Early as the Third Distribution Date 2011-17 Extension of Temporary Expansion of Ginnie Mae?s Targeted Lending APM 10/25/2011 Pending Initiative for Loans in Disaster Areas Created by Hrmicane Katrina 2011-16 Revisions to Institution-Wide Capital Requirements APM 09/ 3 0/2011 Pending 2011-15 Change to Investor Reporting Timeline APM 09/30/2011 Pending 2011-14 Update to Appendix VI-19. Reporting and Feedback System (RPS) APM 08/30/2011 Pending Issuer Report of Pool and Loan Data UD-17-0201-D-000165 GNMA Guidance Doc1unents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUD0165 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Significant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2011-13 Expanded Buyout Policy for Loans Subject to Trial Payment Plans APM 08/26/2011 Pending 2011-12 Clari?cation Determining Loan Eligibility for Issuance of Girmie Mae APM 06/30/2011 Pending Securities 2011-11 Mortgage Insru?ance and Letters of Credit for Uncerti?ed Pools APM 06/22/2011 Pending 2011-10 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) Mortgage-Backed APM 06/ 10/2011 Pending Securities (HMBS) - Changes to the Servicing Fee Margin 2011-09 Expanded Pool Types - High Balance Loans APM 05/27/2011 Pending 2011-08 Update to Mortgage-Backed Secruities Guide. 5500.3. Rev. 1 APM 05/20/2011 Pending Guide"). Appendix VI-19. Reporting and Feedback System Issuer Report of Pool and Loan Data 2011-07 Widely Held Fixed Investment Trust Reporting Migration from e- APM 05/05/2011 Pending Access to Girmie Mae?s Enterprise Portal 2011-06 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage-Backed Securities (HMBS) - APM 04/ 15/2011 Rescinded by Changes to the Servicing Fee Margin APM 2011-10 2011-06 Changes to the British Bankers? Association LIBOR Calculation MPM 09/02/2011 Pending 2011-05 Single-Farnily Pool Issuance New Data Elements to be Collected on APM 04/08/2011 Pending the Schedule of Pooled Mortgages 2011-05 Formula Changes for the Calculation of Weighted Average Data for MPM 08/ 18/2011 Pending Platinum Secruities 2011-04 Determining Loan Eligibility for Issuance of Girmie Mae Securities APM 04/05/2011 Pending 2011-04 Inclusion of Certain Girmie Mae Mortgage-Backed Secruities MPM 07/ 19/2011 Pending Pools Backed by Federal Housing Administration Section 242 Loans as Eligible Collateral for Girmie Mae Multifamily REMIC Transactions 2011-03 HMBS Mandatory Purchase Events APM 03/24/2011 Pending 2011-03 Prohibiting Current Month Girmie Mae II Multiple Issuer Pools as MPM 06/02/2011 Pending Collateral for Current Month Girmie Mae II Platiruun Pools 2011-02 Loan-to-Value (LTV) Clari?cation APM 01/ 12/2011 Pending 2011-02 Changes to the British Bankers? Association LIBOR Calculation MPM 06/02/2011 Pending 2011-01 New Financial Requirements Home Equity Conversion Mortgage- APM 01/07/2011 Pending Backed Securities (HMBS) 2011-01 Inclusion of Adjustable Rate Mortgage Pools as Eligible Collateral in MPM 06/02/2011 Pending Single-Farnily Forward REMIC Transactions in the Girmie Mae Multiclass Secmities Program 2010-27 Changes to Single Family Multiple Issuer Pooling Deadline APM 12/29/2010 Pending 2010-27 Changes to Single Family Multiple Issuer Pooling Deadline APM 12/29/2010 Pending 2010-26 Servicemernbers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) APM 12/23/2010 Pending 2010-25 Issuer Alphanumeric Pool Nlunber Test Site APM 12/21/2010 Pending 5 HUD-17-0201-D-000166 GNMA Guidance Docrunents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDO166 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Significant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2010-24 Federal Holiday Clari?cation APM 12/21/2010 Pending 2010-23 Adoption of Data Standards APM 12/08/2010 Pending 2010-22 New Financial Requirements Multifamily Issuers APM 11/29/2010 Pending 2010-21 Data Disclosrn?e - Loss Mitigation Loans APM 11/ 15/2010 Pending 2010-20 Federal Housing (FHA) Short Refnrance Program APM 11/08/2010 Pending 2010-19 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Program HECM Saver APM 11/08/2010 Pending 2010-18 New Girnrie Mae Title I Manufactrn'ed Home Loan Program to Launch APM 11/01/2010 Pending October 1. 2010 2010-17 New Financial Requirements Single Issuers APM 10/22/2010 Pending 2010-16 Pool Issuance Changes to Required Data APM 10/22/2010 Pending 2010-15 Reduction in Pool Processing Time APM 09/24/2010 Pending 2010-14 Extension of Temporary Expansion of Girnrie Mae?s Targeted Lending APM 09/ 17/2010 Pending Initiative for Loans in Disaster Areas Created by Hurricane Katrina 2010-13 New Release Date for Data Disclosure APM 08/20/2010 Pending 2010-12 Issuance of Multiple Issuer Pools on a Flow Basis APM 07/ 19/2010 Pending 2010-11 Changes and Clari?cations to HMBS Certi?cation Requirements APM 07/01/2010 Pending 2010-10 Girnrie Mae Pool Processing Steps and Related Timeframes APM 06/22/2010 Pending 2010-09 Changes to Multiple Issuer Pooling Requirements APM 06/ 18/2010 Pending 2010-09 Data Disclosrn'e - Loss Mitigation Loans MPM 11/15/2010 Pending 2010-08 HMBS Accornrtirrg Reporting - Migration from e-Access to APM 06/10/2010 Pending Gimrie Mae?s Enterprise Portal (GMEP) 2010-08 Federal Housing Administration?s (FI-LA) Short Refnrance Program MPM 11/08/2010 Pending 2010-07 New Girnrie Mae Title I Manufactrn'ed Home (MH) Loan MBS APM 06/10/2010 Pending Program 2010-07 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Program HECM Saver MPM 11/08/2010 Pending 2010-06 Changes to Multiple Issuer Pooling Requirements APM 05/28/2010 Pending 2010-06 The Exclusion of HECM MBS REMIC Transactions as MPM 09/02/2010 Pending Collateral in the Girnrie Mae Multiclass Securities Program 2010-05 New Ginnie Mae Issuer Application Form APM 05/21/2010 Pending 2010-05 New Release Date for Data Disclosure MPM 08/20/2010 Pending 2010-04 Clari?cation of Pooling Eligibility for FHA 203(k) Loans APM 05/ 18/2010 Pending 2010-04 Arnrorurcemerrt Concerning the Inclusion of Home Equity Conversion MPM 05/ 13/2010 Pending Mortgage-Backed Secruities and Underlying Certi?cates from I-HECM MBS REMIC Transactions as Eligible Collateral for the Girnrie Mae Securities Program 2010-03 Girnrie Mae?s Business Applications Migrating from e-Access to Gimrie APM 03/05/2010 Pending Mae Enterprise Portal UD-17-0201-D-000167 GNMA Guidance Docrunents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUD0167 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Significant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2010-03 Armormcernerrt of Update to Certi?cation Requirement for Girnrie Mae MPM 05/ 13/2010 Pending Multiclass Secruities Transactions Backed by Girmie Mae Home Equity Conversion Mortgage-Backed Securities 2010-02 Increased Net Worth Reminder APM 02/02/2010 Pending 2010-02 Announcement of Updates to the Gimrie Mae Multiclass Securities MPM 01/26/2010 Pending Guides Regarding Ginnie Mae Modi?able Securities 2010-01 Clari?cation of Ginnie Mae?s Role Regarding Loan Modi?cations APM 02/02/2010 Pending 2010-01 Annormcement of Updates to Part of the Ginnie Mae MPM 01/26/2010 Pending Secruities Guide Regarding Girmie Mae Callable Secruities Transactions 2009-20 Updated Corporate Guaranty and Representations Warranties APM 12/28/2009 Pending Agreements 2009-19 e-Noti?cation Application Migrating to Ginnie Mae's Enterprise Portal APM 11/12/2009 Pending 2009-18 Extension of Temporary Expansion of Girnrie Mae's Targeted Lending APM 10/01/2009 Pending Initiative for Loans in Disaster Areas created by Hurricane Katrina 2009-17 Girmie Mae's Enterprise Portal APM 09/29/2009 Pending 2009-16 Reminder of October 1. 2009 RFS Implementation Date APM 09/22/2009 Pending 2009-15 Direct Access to Ginnie Mae Data Disclosures APM 08/27/2009 Pending 2009-14 Buyout Policy Changes to Support the FHA Home Affordable APM 07/3 0/2009 Pending Modi?cation Program 2009-13 Clari?cation of Girnrie Mae Policy on Unique Loan Identi?cation APM None Pending Nrunbers 2009-12 Pooling Parameters for High Balance Loans APM 06/25/2009 Pending 2009-11 Girmie Mae's Reporting and Feedback System Testing and APM 06/09/2009 Pending Accelerated Reporting Tirnelines 2009-10 Gimrie Mae's Reporting and Feedback System (RFS) Issuer Testing APM 04/02/2009 Pending Schedule 2009-09 Update Regarding Ginnie Mae's New Reporting and Feedback System APM 03/ 13/2009 Pending 2009-08 GimrieNET 11706 File Format Update APM 03/13/2009 Pending 2009-07 Updates Regarding the Servicemernbers Civil Relief Act APM 02/11/2009 Pending 2009-06 Introduction of Pool Numbers APM 02/11/2009 Pending 2009-05 Clari?cations to APM 08-25: Pooling Parameters for Permanent Higher APM 02/11/2009 Pending Loan Limits 2009-04 Removing ACH Blocks for Pay. gov APM 02/05/2009 Pending 2009-03 New GinnieNET Pool Issuance File Layout Reminder APM 02/05/2009 Pending 2009-02 Hope for Homeowners 40-Year' Loan APM 01/ 16/2009 Pending 2009-01 Girmie Mae Delinquency Rate Thresholds H4H Loans APM 01/16/2009 Pending HUD-17-0201-D-000168 GNMA Guidance Docmnents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDO168 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Significant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2008-28 Reporting and Feedback System Testing APM 12/24/2008 Pending 2008-27 End-of-Year Tax Reporting Corrections APM 12/23/2008 Pending 2008-26 Supplemental Data Disclosure APM 12/23/2008 Pending 2008-25 Pooling Parameters for Permanent Higher Loan Limits APM 11/20/2008 Pending 2008-24 Changes in Policy Regarding Physical Certi?cates APM 11/ 13/2008 Pending 2008-23 Change to Gimlie Mae?s Policy for Pooling Repurchased Loans APM 11/07/2008 Pending 2008-22 Implementation of New GinnieNET Pool Issuance File Layout APM 11/07/2008 Pending 2008-21 Changes to Giimie Mae's Loan Matching Process APM 10/28/2008 Pending 2008-20 Targeted Lending Initiative Inquiry Enhancement APM 10/20/2008 Pending 2008-19 Introduction of New Electronic Payment System APM 10/02/2008 Pending 2008-18 HOPE for Homeowners Mortgage Insurance Program APM 10/01/2008 Pending 2008-17 Changes to the New Issuer Application and Gimiie Mae Net Worth APM 09/ 12/2008 Pending Requirements 2008-16 Issuer Training for Ginnie Mae's Reporting and Feedback System APM 09/11/2008 Pending 2008-15 GirmieNET Enhancements for High-Balance Pool Types APM 08/26/02008 Pending 2008-14 Secmitization of Pilot Rural Development Construction Loans APM 08/ 15/2008 Pending 2008-13 Updated Issuer Technical Reporting Speci?cations for Ginnie Mae's APM 08/15/2008 Pending Reporting and Feedback System 2008-12 Delay in Reporting and Feedback System Implementation and APM 07/ 18/2008 Pending Web-based GinnieNET Layout 2008-11 Changes to WHFIT Tax Reporting Requirements APM 07/ 16/2008 Pending 2008-10 FHASecure Expansion APM 07/11/2008 Pending 2008-09 Reduction in Multifamily Pool Processing Time for Multifamily Pools APM 06/ 19/2008 Pending 2008-09 Aimouncement of Updates to Part of the Girmie Mae Multiclass MPM 12/01/2008 Pending Secmities Guide Regarding Ginnie Mae Platimnn Securities Transactions 2008-08 Ginnie Mae Portal Registration APM 05/ 12/2008 Pending 2008-08 Introduction of New Electronic Payment System MPM 11/21/2008 Pending 2008-07 Assigmnent of Unique Loan IDs for Testing and Production Purposes APM 03/28/2008 Pending 2008-07 Changes in Policy Regarding Physical Certi?cates MPM 11/13/2008 Pending 2008-06 Pooling Parameters for New Temporary Higher Ceiling Mortgages: APM 03/20/2008 Pending Further Information 011 ARM Pooling and Exclusion of MIP from TBA Ceiling Level: Responses to Frequently Asked Questions 2008-06 Inclusion of Home Equity Conversion Mortgage-Backed Secm?ities MPM 04/29/2008 Pending as Eligible Collateral for the Ginnie Mae Multiclass Seculities Program UD-17-0201-D-000169 GNMA Guidance Doc1unents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUD0169 for REMIC Co-Sponsors Who Become REMIC Sponsors Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Issuance Determination Force Review 2008-05 New Ginnie Mae 11 Pool Type APM 03/06/2008 Pending 2008-05 Enhancements to Ginnie Mae Program Wiring Instructions MPM 04/28/2008 Pending 2008-04 Required Reissuance of Tax Statements Due to Improper Listing of APM 03/03/ 2008 Pending Ginnie Mae as Retmn Addressee 2008-04 Inclusion of Ginnie Mae Jtunbo Pools as Eligible Collateral MPM 04/21/2008 Pending for the Gimlie Mae Multiclass REMIC Program 2008-03 LIBOR Index is Now Available for Forward Market Adjustable Rate APM 02/21/2008 Pending Mortgage (ARM) Products 2008-03 Annormcement of Updated Multifamily and Single Family Base MPM 04/11/2008 Pending Offering Circulars for Ginnie Mae?s REMIC and MX Transactions and Multiclass Securities Guide 2008-02 Reporting and Feedback System and GinnieNET System Updates APM 01/ 18/2008 Pending 2008-02 The Bank of New York?s Role as Tiustee in the Ginnie Mae Multiclass MPM 02/08/2008 Pending REMIC Program 2008-01 Enhancements to the Ginnie Mae Program Wiring Instructions APM 01/18/2008 Pending 2008-01 MPM: Ann01mcement of the Reduction in Ginne Mae Guarantee Fee MPM None Pending UD-17-0201-D-000170 Department of Housing and Urban Development Guidance Documents Issued by the Of?ce of Housing Since Jan. 1, 2008 HUDO170 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review HSG FHA FAQ (active) - FHA provides access to its active FAQs 2008-2017 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending through a search engine. 1.935 active FAQs. HSG FHA FAQs (inactive. not 011 website) FAQs 2008-2017 FAQ Not Signi?cant (FAQs are no removed from the search engine because they are expired or longer in use) superseded. 2.164 FAQs are in this database. HSG Housing Counseling FAQs 2008-2017 FAQs Not Signi?cant Pending HSG FAQs 2008-2017 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Roster Appraiser Application 2008-2017 Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending HSG HUD HOC Reference Guide a guide that was developed to 2008-2012 Reference Guide Not Signi?cant (revoked) provide guidance and assistance to all individuals and organizations involved in the FHA Single Family lending process. HSG FHA Info FHA maintains a vollmtary email subscription 2012-2017 Newsletter Not Signi?cant Pending that is uses to alert stakeholders of policy and procedure updates. training and events. etc. 502 archived FHA Info messages. HSG Lender Insight was a newsletter targeted to lenders but is no 2013-2017 Newsletter Not Signi?cant (no longer longer being published. It ran ?'om June 2013-J1me 2017. active) HSG Ten-Year Wairantv Providers 12/5/2017 Information Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Homeow1=1er's Guide to Success 12/2017 Consumer Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG ARM SDK v1.50 - November 1 2017 11/1/2017 CMS Not Signi?cant Pending HSG CMS compliant vendors 10/13/2017 Information Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Undelwn'ting Considerations for Existing Mixed Finance 10/6/17 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending Proiects HSG September 30. 2017 - HUD CMS Developer Notice: Fiscal 9/30/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Year 2018 Reference Now Avai_lab1e HSG September 26. 2017 - HUD CMS Developer Notice: Fiscal 9/26/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Year 2018 Reference and Database Software Ulggade HSG Housing Counseling Works 9/2017 Research Not Signi?cant Pending HSG LRS Quick Reference Guide for the Loan Review System. 8/23/2017 Reference Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG July 25: 2017 - HUD CMS Developer Notice: Production 7/25/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Maintenance July 25. 2017 11 PM HUD-17-0201-D-000171 HUD0171 Issuing Name of Document (I-Iyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance ONIB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review HSG July 14. 2017 - HUD CMS Developer Notice: New Activity 7/ 14/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Type Reference Values Published for FY 2017 Comgrehensive Grant HSG ARM V14.11.5.0 Release Notes July 12. 2017 7/12/2017 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG HUD Certi?ed Housing Counselor Application Process 7/2017 Certi?cation Not Signi?cant Pending Application Process HSG ARM 5.0 Interface Control Document - J1me 23. 2017 6/23/2017 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG June 22. 2017 - HUD CMS Developer Notice: ARM Version 6/22/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 14.11.50. NOFA 2017 Grant Reference Values. and ARM Pilot Maintenance Window HSG LRS Fact Sheet for the Loan Review System. 5/ 15/2017 Informational Fact Not Signi?cant Pending Sheet HSG Housing Counseling Disaster Program Guide 5/1/2017 Disaster Recovery and Not Signi?cant Pending Emergency Preparedness HSG Claim Overlgagnent Instructions 4/5/2017 Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Accormting Brief #22: Financial Data Schedule (FDS) 4/2017 Accormting Brief Not Signi?cant Pending Reporting Requirements for Proiects Converting Under the Rental Assistance Demonstration Program HSG Changes to Aggcy User Interface for HCS 2/15/2017 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Partial Waiver of Mortgagee Letter 2011-22. Attachment 1: 2/7/2017 Waiver Not Signi?cant Pending Condominium Project Approval and Processing Guide. Section 2.1.9 HSG The First-Time Homebuyer Education and Corulseling 1/2017 Research Not Signi?cant Pending Demonstration HSG Housing Counseling Agencg Eligibility Tool 1/2017 Toolkit Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Single Family Housing Policy Hagdbool; 4000.1 12/30/2016 Handbook Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Disaster Recovery Flyers 12/2016 Outreach Not Signi?cant Pending HSG ARM V14.8.6.0 Release Notes - November 10 2016 11/10/2016 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Housing Counseling Federal Advisory Cormnittee 11/2016 General Information Not Signi?cant Pending HSG V14.8.5.0 Release Notes - October 17. 2016 10/17/2016 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG HUD Form 9902 9/1/2016 Form Not Signi?cant Pending HSG HCS Instructions Quick Reference Guide (How to change 8/8/2016 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending yorn' age_ncy's cor_1tact information} HSG Cormnentary: How Housing Counseling. Financial 8/2016 Research Not Signi?cant Pending Education. and Consumer Guardrails Can Support Respor_isible Eorrowers UD-17-0201-D-000172 HUDO172 Issuing Name of Document (I-Iyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance ONIB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review HSG The Edge: Initial Findings of the First-Time Homebuver 7/2016 Research Not Signi?cant Pending Education and Cormseling Demonstration HSG The First-Time Homebuyer Education and Counseling 6/2016 Research Not Signi?cant Pending Demonstration: Early Insights HSG HUD First-Time Homebuver Study 6/2016 Research Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Housigg Counseling Works 6/2016 Research Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Biarmual Continuing Education Requirements 6/3 0/2016 HUD Exchange OHC Not Signi?cant Pending page posting HSG HUD Intermediaries Providing HECM Origination and 5/30/2016 HUD Exchange OHC Not Signi?cant Pending Default Counseling Natiogwide page posting HSG Housing Counseling Literatru?e Review 5/2016 Research Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Counseling Guidelines for HECM Borrowers with 4/2016 HECM Not Signi?cant Pending Delinguent Property Charges HSG The Evidence 011 Homeownership Education and Cormseling Spring 2016 Research Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Appraisal Report and Data Delivery Guide 3/ 15/2016 Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Enviromnental Review Requirements for First Component 3/1/2016 Quick reference guide Not Signi?cant Pending Cor_1versior_1? HSG V14.7.5.0 Release Notes - March 1. 2016 3/1/2016 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Emergech Preparedness Guide for Housing Counseling 3/2016 Disaster Recovery and Not Signi?cant Pending Agencies Emergency Preparedness HSG Emergency Preparedness and Recovery Resoru?ces for 3/2016 Disaster Recovery and Not Signi?cant Pending Housing Counseling Agencies Emergency Preparedness HSG Waiver of Requirements of Mortgagee Letter 2011-22. 1/5/2016 Waiver Not Signi?cant (expired) Condominium Project Approval and Processing Guide. Insru?ance Reguirements HSG Reverse Mortgage Financing 11/30/2015 OIG General Bulletin Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Reverse Mortgage Financing 11/30/2015 OIG General Bulletin Not Signi?cant Pending HSG 27-May-15 5/27/2015 Meeting Notes Not Signi?cant Pending HSG 9902 Projection Training Guide 12/10/2014 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Quick Interface Setug Reference Guide - December 4. 2014 12/4/2014 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Slunmary of Recent Research: Housing Counseling Works - 12/2014 Research Not Signi?cant Pending Sustainable Homeownership HSG ARM 5 Schema Change Log - November 5. 2014 11/5/2014 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Housigg Counseling Statistics 9/2014 Research Not Signi?cant Pending HSG 23-Sep-14 9/23/2014 Meeting Notes Not Signi?cant Pending HSG 3-Sep-14 9/3/2014 Meeting Notes Not Signi?cant Pending UD-17-0201-D-000173 HUD0173 Issuing Name of Document (I-Iyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance ONIB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review HSG 29-] 111-14 7/29/2014 Meeting Notes Not Signi?cant Pending HSG 24-J1m-14 7/24/2014 Meeting Notes Not Signi?cant Pending HSG 1 7/1 1/2014 Meeting Notes Not Signi?cant Pending HSG TI-486: FHA Consolidation of Title I and Title II Lender 3/ 18/2014 Title I Letter Not Signi?cant Pending Identi?cation Numbers HSG TI-485: Modi?cations to the Home Energy Retro?t Loan 9/ 18/2013 Title I Letter Not Signi?cant Pending B?ot Program PowerSaver Pi_lot Prom) HSG Don't Be A Victim of Loan Fraud 9/9/2013 Consumer Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG HCS Suballocatior=1 Guide 7/2/2013 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG How Housing Cormselors Can Help Fight Loan Modi?cation 6/27/2013 OIG General Bulletin Not Signi?cant Pending Scam HSG Report 011 the Housing Counseling Stakeholders onun 9/2012 Research Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Foreclosru'e Cormseling Outcome Study: Final Report 5/2012 Research Not Signi?cant Pending Housng Counseling Outcome Evaluation HSG Pre-Plu?chase Cormseling Outcome Study: Research Brief 5/2012 Research Not Signi?cant Pending Housing Counseling Outcome Evaluation HSG Homewise Study: Now's the Time 4/2012 Research Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Condominium Project Approval and Processigg Guide 6/3 0/2011 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG TI-484: Title I Manufacnu'ed Home Loan Program 6/20/2010 Title I Letter Not Signi?cant Pending Clari?cation and Guidance HSG User Manual: To explore HCS capabilities and to address 6/2010 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending questions about system available for different gages of usersE glease refer to the latest HCS User Manual. HSG HCS Agency Relgorting Module disclosure statement 5/18/2010 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG HUD Housing Counseling Handbook 7610.1 5/2010 Handbook Not Signi?cant Pending HSG New RESPA Rule FAQs 1/2010 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending HSG TI-483: Change to Periodic (Ammal) Insrn?ance Premium 12/30/2009 Title I Letter Not Signi?cant Pending Collection and Billing Process Imglementation of Paxgov HSG TI-482: Revised Appendix 13 - Rider for Collection of 6/12/2009 Title I Letter Not Signi?cant Pending Insrn?ance Premiums Apper_1dix 13 HSG Fair Lending Consumer Guide 4/23/2009 Fair Lending Not Signi?cant Pending HSG TI-481: Changes to the Title I Manufactlu?ed Home Loan 4/ 14/2009 Title I Letter Not Signi?cant Pending Program HSG TI-480: Increased Maximum Loan Limits for Title I 3/3/2009 Title I Letter Not Signi?cant Pending Manufacnu?ed Home Loans HSG Report 011 the State of the Housing Cormseling Industry 9/2008 Research Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Aplgr?oval Innglementation Schedule No Date Listed Schedule Not Signi?cant Pending UD-17-0201-D-000174 HUDO174 Issuing Name of Document (I-Iyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review HSG Intermediary Reportigg Too? No Date Listed Toolkit Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Intermediarx Orientation Toolkit No Date Listed Toolkit Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Intermediarx HUD Eligibilig Criteria Toolkit No Date Listed Toolkit Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Intermediary Quality Control Toolkit No Date Listed Toolkit Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Sample Budget Form No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Model Frurding Ageements and Fee Structrn?es No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Model Flurding Processes that with OMB Circular No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending A-110 HSG Supervisory Monitoring Guidance for Housing Cornrseling No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending Agencies HSG Model Compliance Monitoring Procedru?es that Compr with No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending OMB Circular A-133 HSG Overview of Performance Reporting No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Fonr_1 HUD-9910 (excel) No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Form HUD-9910 (pdf) No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending HSG HUD Form 9902: Housing Comrseling Agency Activity No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending Report and Desk Guide HSG Model Personal Information and Data Release Forms: Basic No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending Elements and Best Practices HSG Housing Counseling Agency Disclosm?e Forms: Required No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending Elements and Best Practices HSG Protecting PH Capacity Building Guidance 011 Protecting No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending Privacy Information HSG gli?rt Action Plan: Reguired Elements and Best Practices No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Sample Persormel Activity Report No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Sample Completed Persornrel Activig Report Timesheet No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Model Persornrel Activity Reports that Comply with OMB No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending Circular A-122 HSG Developing a Housing Counseling Work Plan For HUD No Date Listed Sample Not Signi?cant Pending Approval HSG Disaster Relief tions for FHA Homeowners No Date Listed Consumer Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG No Date Listed Consruner Guide Not Signi?cant Pending sheets-and?videos HSG Best Practices for Expanding Housing ormseling Services No Date Listed General Capacity Not Signi?cant Pending Building Guidance 5 UD-17-0201-D-000175 HUDO175 Issuing Name of Document (I-Iyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review HSG Establishing a Non-Pro?t Entry: A Step-By?Step Guide for No Date Listed General Capacity Not Signi?cant Pending Organizations Laimching a Local Housing ormseling Building Guidance Agency HSG HUD 101: Orientation Guide for New HCAs No Date Listed General Capacity Not Signi?cant Pending Building Guidance HSG ?cies 0g Web List No Date Listed Consumer Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG HECM Cormseling Resoru?ces gage No Date Listed HECM Not Signi?cant Pending HSG For Yoru? Protection: Get a Home Insgection gEnglish) No Date Listed Consumer Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG For Yoru? Protection: Get a Home Insgection gSEanish} No Date Listed Consumer Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG Ten Important Questions to Asl_< Yoru? Home Inspector No Date Listed Consumer Guide Not Signi?cant Pending (English) HSG Ten Important Questions to Ask Yoru? Home Inspector No Date Listed Consumer Guide Not Signi?cant Pending (Spani=sh) HSG Homebuxer Handbook: The Home Inspection No Date Listed Consumer Guide Not Signi?cant Pending HSG How to Become a HUD-Approved Housing Counseling No Date Listed General Information Not Signi?cant Pending Agency HSG HUD-Approved Intermediaries. Multi-State Organizations. No Date Listed General Information Not Signi?cant Pending State Housing Finance Agencies HSG Housing Counseling Program Description No Date Listed General Information Not Signi?cant Pending HUD-17-0201-D-000176 Department of Housing and Urban Development Guidance Documents Issued by the Of?ce of Housing Since Jan. 1, 2008 00098 Document Number Title/Brief Description Document Type Date of Issuance 0MB Signi?cant Determination Regulatory Task Force Review 2017-06 Annual Revisions to Base City High Cost Percentage. High Cost Area and Per Unit Substantial Rehabilitation Threshold for 2017 2017-05 Notice 08/31/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Reauthorization Act of 2013 Additional Guidance for Multifamily Owners and Management Agents Notice 06/30/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending 2017-04 Implementation of tl_1e CNA Tool -- Delaxed Implementation 2017-03 Notice 04/19/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Rental Assistance Demonstration Final Implementation. Revisior_1_3 2017-02 Notice 01/12/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Annual Base City High Cost Percentage and High Cost Area Revisions for 2016 Notice 01/11/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending 2017-01 Administrative Guidance for Multifamily Property Assessed Clean Energg PACE) 2016-18 Notice 01/11/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending Implementation of the CNA Tool: Automating Capital Needs Assessments. and Related Policy Changes Notice 12/30/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending (amended by 201 7-04) 2016-17 PIH 2016-17 Rental Assistance Demonstration Notice Regarding Fair Housing and Civil Rights Requirements and Relocation Requirements Applicable to RAD First Component Public Housing Conversions Notice 11/10/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 2016-16 Policy for Amended and Restated Use Ag?eement for Multifamily Projects Subiect to the Low-Income Housing Preservation and Resident Homeownership Act of 1990 2016-15 Notice 10/28/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending Processing Guide for Previous Participation Reviews of Prospective Multifan_1ily Housing and Healthcare Progams' Participants 2016-10 Notice 10/20/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending Reminder of Requirements Pertaining to Lead-Based Paint Inspection and Disclosure Fonns. and Noti?cation of Upcoming Inspections Notice 10/3/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 2016-09 Streamlining Administrative Regulations for Multifamily Housing Progams Notice 10/3/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 2016-08 Family Self Suf?ciency Program in Multifamily 0 Attachment A: FSS Contract of Participation - Attachment B: FSS Individual Training and Services Plan (ITSP) 0 Attachment C: FSS Escrow Calculation Account Credit Worksheet 0 Attachment D: MF FSS Reporting Tool (Quarterly) 2016-07 PIH 2016-12 Notice 08/26/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending Funding Availability for Tenant-Protection Vouchers for Celtain at Risk Households in_Low-Vaca1_1cy A_reas - FY16 Notice 08/18/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending HUD-17-0201-D-000177 Housing Guidance Docrunents Since Jan. 1. 2008 00099 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of Issuance 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Determination Force Review 2016-06 Implementation of the Standardized Firm Commitment Templates for Notice 05/25/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending Additional Section 220. 221(d)(4). 231. 241 2016-05 Revision of Tenant Participation Requirements in accordance with 24 Notice 03/31/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending CFR Part 245 2016-04 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) Program: Loss Notice 02/5/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending Mitigation Guidance for HECMs in Default due to Unpaid Property Charges 2016-03 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) Program: Home Equity Notice 02/5/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending Conversion Mortgage Due and Payable Policies 2016-02 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) Program: Non- Notice 02/5/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending Borrowing Spouse. Mortgagee Options for Home Equity Conversion Mortgages (HECMs) with FHA Case Numbers assigned prior to ?gust 4. 2% 2016-01 Passbook Savings Rate Effective Februarx 1. 2016 Notice 01/19/2016 Not Signi?cant Pending 2015-14 Cancellation of Materials Release Nos: 1225d 1287a 1311a and Notice 12/20/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 1338 2015_13 Cancellation of Structru?al Engineering Bulletin Nos.: 689 Rev. 11. Notice 12/20/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Rev. 9. 1059 Rev. 6 1074 Rev. 4 1101 Rev. 6 and 1113 Rev. 4 2015-12 Amendment to the De?nition of Tuitiog Notice 12/10/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 2015-11 Annual Base City High Cost Percentage and High Cost Area Notice 11/ 18/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Revisions for 2015 2015-10 Guidance for Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) and Owners of Notice 11/2/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Federally-Assisted Housing orr Excluding the Use of Arrest Records in Housing Decisions 2015-09 Implementation of Electronic Submission of Davis-Bacon Wage Rate Notice 10/5/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Certifications 201 5-08 Underwriter Aggroval Delegation Notice 08/ 1 2/ 20 1 5 Not Signi?cant Pending 2015-07 Fruiding Availability for Tenant-Protection Vouchers for Certain At- Notice 04/23/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Risk Households A_reas - Fiscal Year 2015 2015-06 Program Eligibility in Multifamily Assisted and Insru?ed Housing Notice 07/ 13/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Prog'arns in Accordance with Equal Access Rule 2015-05 Guidance for Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) Program Notice 07/6/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Cormselors providing cormseling to prospective HECM mortgagors. and their Non-Borrowing Spouses 2015-04 Methodology for ornpleting a Multifamily Housing Utility Analysis Notice 06/22/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 0 Attachment A (revised 0 Attachment 09/9/2015) 2 HUD-17-0201-D-000178 Housing Guidance Docrunents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDO100 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of Issuance 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Determination Force Review 2015-03 Transferring Budget Authority of a Project-Based Section 8 Housing Notice 04/3/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Assistance Payments Contract rurder Section 8(bb)( 1) of the United States Housng Act of 1937 2015-02 Reguir'ed Actions for Multifamily Housing Projects Receiving Notice 03/2/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Failing Scores from Real Estate Assessment Center SREAC) 2015-01 Notice of Program Eligibility for HUD Assisted and Insured Housing Notice 02/6/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending Programs for All People Regardless of Sexual Orientation. Gender Identig 01? Marital Status as Reguired bx Egual Access Rule 2014-17 Guidance for Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) Program Notice 12/9/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending Counselors in providing cormseling to prospective HECM rnortgagors. their Non-Borrowing Sgouses and Heirs 2014-16 Waiting List Administration Notice 11/28/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 2014-15 Passbook Savings Rate Effective February 1. 2015 and Establishing Notice 10/31/2014 Not Signi?cant (superseded Futru?e Passbook Savings Rates by 2016-01) 2014-14 Transferring Budget Authority of a Project-Based Section 8 Housing Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded Assistance Payments Contract rmder' Section 8(bb)(1) of the United by 2015-03) States Housing Act of 1937 (Not on HUD ?s website) 2014-13 Revisions to Large Loan Risk Mitigation Policies Notice 09/4/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 2014-12 Implementation of Tenant Participation Requirements in accordance Notice 09/4/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending with 24 CFR Part g? 2014-11 Extension of Temporary Approval Provisions for the Federal Notice 08/29/2014 Not Signi?cant (expired) Housin Administration FHA Pro'ect A roval Process 2014-10 Update to Housing Notice 2011-18. Processing Guidance for the Notice 08/20/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly and Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities Programs 2014-09- Relocation Requirements wider the Rental Assistance Demonstration Notice 07/ 14/2014 Not Signi?cant (superseded PIH 2014-17 Progam. Public Housing in the First Component by 2016-17) 2014-08 Armual Base City High Cost Percentage and High Cost Area Notice 07/7/2014 Not Signi?cant (expired Revisions for 2014 12/31/2014) 2014-07 Funding for Tenant-Protection Vouchers for Certain At-Risk Notice 05/20/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending House1_rolds i?ow-Vacancy Areas - 2014 Appropriatior_rs Act 2014-06 Guidance orr Nonpro?ts Assisting Government Entities in Providing Notice 04/09/2014 Not Signi?cant (superseded Secondary Financing in with FHA-Insru?ed Mortgages by HB 4000.1) 2014-05 Use of the Limited Denial of Participation (LDP) Notice 03/25/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 2014-04 Funding for Tenant-Protection Vouchers for Certain At-Risk Notice 02/4/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending Households in Low-Vacancy Areas - Revision 3 HUD-17-0201-D-000179 Housing Guidance Docmnents Since I an. 1. 2008 HUD0101 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of Issuance 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Determination Force Review 2014-03 Revisions to Large Loan Risk Mitigation Policies (Not on HUD ?5 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded website) by 2014-13) 2014-02 Standardized Multifamily FHA Mortgage Insm?ance Applications Notice 02/28/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 2014-01 HUD Real Estate Owned SREOZ Lead Disclosm'e Reguirements Notice 01/ 10/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending 2013-29 Exclusive Listing Period for HUD Real Estate Owned (REO) Notice 11/20/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded Properties Marketed as "I_nsrued" or "Insured with Escrow" by HB 4000.1) 2013-28 Revised Instiuctions - Htuiicane Sandy/Superstonn Response - Notice 09/27/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending Expedited Processing for FHA Multifamily Mortgage Insurance Applications 2013-27 Aimual Base City High Cost Percentage and High Cost Area Notice 09/9/2013 Not Signi?cant (expired) Revisions for 2013 2013-26 Bipder to HUD-92323-ORCF. Operator Secu_rity Ag?eement Notice 09/ 6/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 2013-25 Updated Guidelines for Continuation of Interest Reduction Payments Notice 08/23/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending after Refmancing: "Decoupling." as allowed by the National Housing Act. under Section 2361 2; 2 2. 2013-24 Section 811 Proiect Rental Assistance (PRA) Occupancy Interim Notice 08/23/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending Notice 2013-23 Change in Ammal Financial Statement (AFS) Submission Notice 08/8/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending Requirements for Some Multifamily Housi1_1g Projects 2013-22 Back to Work - Extenuating (Superseded in part by Notice 08/ 15/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending HUD Handbook 4000.1) 2013-21 Implementation and approval of owner-adopted admissions Notice 07/25/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending preferepces for individuals or families experiencing homelessness 2013-20 Affumatively Furthering Fair Housing Demonstration in Baltimore. Notice 07/26/ 2013 Not Signi?cant Pending Maiylanda Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA) Refen'ed to as Affordable Housing (AH) Demonstratiop 2013-19 Loan Hub and National Notice 06/ 17/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 2013-18 Piu?chaser Financing and Closing Costs Payable by HUD in Notice 06/ 12/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded Connection with Competitive Sales of HUD-owned Single Family by HB 4000.1) 2013-17 Updated Requirements for Prepayment and Refmance of Section 202 Notice 05/30/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending Direct Loans 2013-16 Exemption of Aimual Financial Statement Submission for HUD- Notice 05/23/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending Assisted Propeities with Section 515 Rtu'al Rental Housing Mortgage Financipg 2013-15 HUD Single Family Nop-Judicial Foreclosru?e Statute Notice 05/ 14/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 2013-14 Lender Delegation of Non-Critical Repair Administration Notice 04/ 1 8/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 4 HUD-17-0201-D-000180 Housing Guidance Docrunents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDO102 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of Issuance 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Determination Force Review 2013-13 Extension of Housing Notice 2012-04: Extension of Housing Notice Notice 04/5/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 2011-05 - Policies and Procedures for the Deferred Repayment of Operatig Assistance Flex_ible Subsidy Loans 2013-12 Delegated Processing Procedru'es Notice 04/ 13/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 2013-11 HUD Employee h?ases of HUD-owned Single Properties Notice 04/3/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 2013-10 Housing Notice Reinstatement - Disallowance of Discounts dining Notice 04/3/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded Competitive _Bid Periods by I-IB 4000.1) 2013-09 Housing Notice Reinstatement - Dollar Home Sales to Local Notice 04/3/2013 Not Signi?cant (superseded Governments Program by HB 4000.1) 2013-08 of a 15 Percent Discount to Neighborhood Notice 03/8/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending Stabilization Program (N SP) Grantees Purchasing Uninsru?able Properties Through HUD's First Look Prom 2013-07 Concentration of Principal Risk; Principals with Ins1u?ed Assets Notice 03/8/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending Greater than $250 Million 2013-06 Enterprise Veri?cation (EIV) Sgstem Notice 03/8/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 2013-05 Hruricane Sandy/Superstornr Response - Expedited Processing for Notice 02/ 12/2013 Not Signi?cant (expired) FHA Multifamilx Mortgage Insurance Agglications 2013-04 Fiscal Year 2013 Interest Rate for Section 202 and Section 811 Notice 02/6/2013 Not Signi?cant (expired) Capita_l Advache Proiects 2013-03 ED Of?ce of Multifamily Development Radon Policy Notice 01/31/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 2013-02 Collection Procedru?es for Delinquent Section 201 Flexible Subsidy Notice 01/31/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending Loans 2013-01 Honre Equity Conversion Mortgage Program - Consolidation of Notice 01/30/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending Pricing Options and Principal Limit Factors for Fixed Interest Rate Mortgg 2012-28 Extension of Housing Notice 2011-31: Policy for Treatment of Notice 11/21/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending Proceeds Resulting ??om the Sale of FHA-insru?ed or Secretary-Held formerly I_nsru'ed Pr?oiects by Non?pro?t Owners 2012-27 Revised Requirements for Proiect Capital Needs Assessments. Notice 11/21/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending Estimated Reserves for and Remedies for Accessibility De?ciencies 2012-26 Extension of Housing Notice 2011-25. Enterprise Notice 11/21/2012 Not Signi?cant (Expired) Veri?cation (EIV) You Broclrru?e - Requirements for Distribution and Use 2012-25 Policy for Anrerrded and Restated Use for Multifamily Notice 11/21/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending Projects Subiect to the Low-Income Housing Preservation and Resident Homeownership Act of 1990 (LIHPRHA) 5 HUD-17-0201-D-000181 Housing Guidance Docmrrents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDO103 Document Number Title/Brief Description Document Type Date of Issuance 0MB Signi?cant Determination Regulatory Task Force Review 2012-24 Collection Procedures for Delinquent Section 202 Direct Loans Notice 11/11/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 2012-23 Secondary Financing Eligibility Requirements for Internal Revenue Code Secti01_1 115 E_ntities Notice 11/21/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 2012-22 Further Encouragement for to Adopt Optional Smoke-Free Housing Policies 2012-21 Notice 10/26/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending Implementation of Tenant Participation Requirements in accordance with 24 CFR 245 Subpart and HUD Handbook 4381.5 REV-2 "The Management Agent Handbook? 2012-20 Notice 10/17/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending Underwriting Instructions for Projects Converting Assistance as part of the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Prog?am Notice 10/11/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 2012-19 Extension of Housing Notice 10-26. Subordination of Section 202 Direct Loans (Not on HUD ?s website) Notice 09/21/2012 Not Signi?cant (Expired) 2012-18 Extension of Housing Notice 2011-34: Extension of Housing Notice 2010-26 Subordination of Section 202 Direct Loans Notice 09/21/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 2012-17 Extension of Housing Notice 2011-27: Expansion of Real Estate Assessment Center Authority to Approve or Deny Requests to Defer Partial Year Submissions of Armual Financial Statements 2012-16 Notice 09/14/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending Extension of Housing Notice 2011-24: Reissuance of Revised Protocol for Placing a Flag in the Active Partner's Performance System (APPS) when a Property Receives a Physical Inspection Score below 60 but Above 30 Notice 09/6/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 2012-15 Funding for Tenant-Protection Vouchers for Certain At-Risk Households in Low-Vacar_1cy A_reas Request for ormnents 2012-14 Notice 09/5/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending Use of ?New Regulation? Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) Contracts Residual Receipts to Offset Project-Based Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Notice 08/3/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 2012-13 Envirornnerrtal Processing Notice for Fiscal Year 2010/2011 Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly and Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities Award Recipients Notice 07/12/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 2012-12 Extension of Temporary Authority for Multifamily Hubs to Process Waiver Requests Pertaining to the Three-Year Rule for Section 223( f) Refinancing or Acquisition of Affordable Multifamily Rental Housngl Notice 07/3/2012 Not Signi?cant (expired) 2012-11 PIH 2012-28 State Registered Lifetime Sex Offenders in Federally Assisted Houng Notice 06/11/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending 2012-10 Guidelines for Assumption. Subordination. or Assigmnent of Mark- to-Market (M2M) Loans in Transfer of Physical Assets (TPA) and Re?nance Transactions Notice 05/9/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending HUD-17-0201-D-000182 Housing Guidance Docrurrents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDO104 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of Issuance 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Determination Force Review 2012-09 Supplemental Information to Application for Assistance Regarding Notice 05/9/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending Identi?cation of Member. Friend or Other Persons or Organization Supportive of a Tenant for Occupancy in HUD Assisted Housng 2012-08 Updated Requirements for Prepayment and Re?nance of Section 202 Notice 05/4/2012 Not Signi?cant (superseded Direct Loans by 2013-17) 2012-07 Annual Base City High Cost Percentage and High Cost Area Notice 04/24/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending Revisions for 2012 2012-06 Notice Requiring Owners with Project-Based Section 8 Rental Notice 04/25/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending Assistance Contracts or Section 202 or 811 Project Rental Assistance Contracts or Rental Assistance Payments or Rent Supplement Contracts to Obtain D1111 and Bradstreet Number System (DUNS) Mber?s aer to register Central Contractor Registration (CCR) 2012-05 Guidelines 011 Addressing Infestations in HUD-insru?ed and Assisted Notice 04/23/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending Multifarnilx Housing 2012-04 Extension of Housing Notice 2011-05. Policies and Pr?ocedru?es for Notice 03/ 1/2012 Not Signi?cant Pending the Deferred Repayment of Operating Assistance Flexible Subsidy (extended by ILans 2013-13) 2012-03 Guidance orr Eligibility for Tenant Protection Vouchers Following Notice 02/24/2012 Not Signi?cant (expired) Certain Housing Conversion Actions 2012-02 Collection Procedru'es for Excess Income Receivables and Fornr Notice 02/ 10/2012 Not Signi?cant (expired) HUD-93104. Month_ly Report of Excess Income 2012-01 Multifamin Low Income Housing Tax Credit Pi_lot Prom Notice 02/3/2012 Not Signi?cant (expired) 2011-36 Large Loan Risk Mitigation Policies Notice 12/29/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded by 2014-13) 2011-35 Hub and National Loan Corrnnittees Notice 12/29/2011 Not Signi?cant (expired) 2011-34 Extension of Housing Notice 2010-26. Subordination of Section Notice 12/8/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 202 Direct Loans (extended by 2012-1 8) 2011-33 Pru?chaser? Financing and Closing Costs Payable by HUD in Notice 11/22/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded Connection with Sales of HUD-owned Single Family by I-IB 4000.1) Properties 2011-32 Collection Procedru'es for Delinguent Section 202 Direct Loans Notice 11/22/2011 Not Signi?cant (expired) 2011-31 Policy for Treatment of Proceeds Resulting from the Sale of FHA- Notice 11/10/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending insured or Secretary-held formerly insru?ed Projects by (extended by Nonpro?t Owners 2012-28) 7 HUD-17-0201-D-000183 Housing Guidance Docrunents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDO105 Document Number Title/Brief Description Document Type Date of Issuance 0MB Signi?cant Determination Regulatory Task Force Review 2011-30 Use of Reserve for Replacement Accounts in Restructru?ed Mark-to- Market Properties Notice 10/19/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending 2011-29 Implementation of Tenant Participation Requirements in accordance with 24 CFR 245 Subpart and HUD Handbook 4381.5 REV-2 ?The Mana gernent Agent Handbook" 2011-28 Notice 10/13/2011 Not Signi?cant (expired) Fiscal Year 2010 Armual Operating Cost Standards Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly and Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities Progams 2011-27 Notice 10/4/2011 Not Signi?cant (expired) Expansion of Real Estate Assessment Center Authority to Approve or Deny Requests to Defer Partial Year Submissions of Amnlal Financial Statements Notice 10/3/2011 Not Signi?cant (expired) 2011-26 Combined Fiscal Years 2010 and 2011 Policy for Capital Advance Authorim Assignments. Instructions and Program Requirements for the Section 202 and Section 811 Capital Advance Programs. Application Processing and Selection Instructions, and Processing Schedule Notice 09/23/2011 Not Signi?cant (expired) 2011-25 Enterprise Income Veri?cation (EIV) You Brochure - Requirements for Distribution and Use 2011-24 Notice 09/20/2011 Not Signi?cant (expired) Reissuance of Revised Protocol for Placing a Flag in the Active Partners Performance System (APPS) When a Property Receives a Phxsical Inspection Score Below 60 but Above 30 2011-23 Notice 09/13/2011 Not Signi?cant (expired) Underwriting Policies and Procedru'es for Space and Income in HUD-Insru?ed Multifamily Proiects 2011-22 Notice 09/1/2011 Not Signi?cant (expired) Extension of Housing Notice 2010-17. Revised Procedru?es for Requesting Inspections from the Real Estate Assessment Center 2011-21 Notice 08/24/2011 Not Signi?cant (expired) Enterprise Income Veri?cation (EIV) System Notice 08/17/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded by 2013-06) 2011-20 Guidelines 011 Bed Bug Control and Prevention in HUD Insured and Assisted Multifamily Housing Attachment 2011-19 Notice 08/16/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded by 2012-05) HUD Employee Purchases of HUD-Owned Single Family Properties (Not on HUD ?5 website) Notice 08/17/2011 Not Signi?cant (expired) 2011-18 Updated Processing Guidance for the Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly and Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities Progams Notice 08/15/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending (updated by 2014-10) HUD-17-0201-D-000184 Housing Guidance Docrurrents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDO106 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of Issuance 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Determination Force Review 2011-17 HUD Amendment to the American Institute of Architects (ALA) Notice 08/ 15/2011 Not Signi?cant (expired) Document B108 (formerly B181-1994). Standard Form Agreement Between Owner and Architect for a Federally Frurded or Federally Insured Project (Amendment) 2011-16 Extension of the Dollar Home Sales to Local Goverrnnents Program Notice 08/ 12/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded by HB 4000.1) 2011-15 Disallowance of Discormts dru?ing Competitive Bid Periods Notice 08/09/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded by HB 4000.1) 2011-14 Extension of Notice 2010-13. Overview of Hub and National Loan Notice 07/22/2011 Not Signi?cant (expired) Connrrittee 2011-13 Armual Base City High Cost Percentage and High Cost Area Notice 07/22/2011 Not Signi?cant (expired) Revisions for 2.011 2011-12 Extension of Notice 2010-11. HUD Risk Mitigation Notice 07/ 15/2011 Not Signi?cant (expired) Notice 2011-11 Revisions to Handbook 43 50. 1: Chapter 6: Conducting Management Notice 06/28/2011 Not Signi?cant (expired) Reviews Attachment 2011-10 Requirements for Docrunenting the Review and Setting of Rents for Notice 06/22/2011 Not Signi?cant (expired) onunercial Space in HUD Properties at Appropriate Levels as Approved by 2011-09 Revised Instructions for Preparing American Land Title Association Notice 06/20/2011 Not Signi?cant (expired) (ALTAz/American Congress 011 Surveying and Mapping (ACSM) Land Title Sruvey for HUD Multifanrily Housing Programs 0 Attachment 1 - HUD Survey Instructions and Report (HUD- 92457A-M) 0 Attachment 2 - Surveyor's Report (HUD-9245 7M) 2011-08 Policy Clari?cation Regarding Pension Plan Expenses Charged to the Notice 02/28/2011 Not Signi?cant (expired) Proiect Operating Accorurt 2011-07 Subordination. Non-Distru?bance and Attornnrent Agreements Notice 02/ 18/2011 Not Signi?cant (expired) 2011-06 Revision of Mortgagee Letter ML 10-30. Extension of Notice 02/ 17/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded Authority for Multifamily Hubs to Process Waiver Requests by 2012-12) Pertainng to the Tln?ee-Year Rule for Section 223(f)l 2011-05 Policies and Procedru'es for the Deferred Repayment of Operating Notice 02/ 14/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded Assistance Flexible Subsidy Loans by 2013-17) 0 Appendix 1 - Checklist for Program Center Review 0 Appendix 2 - Waiver Request Memorandrun 0 Appendix 3 - Waiver Approval 9 HUD-17-0201-D-000185 Housing Guidance Docmnents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDO107 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of Issuance 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Determination Force Review 2011-04 Elimination of Hub and National Loan Committee Reviews for Notice 02/ 14/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending Section 223(a)( 7) Transactions (extended and revised by 201 1- 35) 2011-03 Policies and Procedures for the Conversion of Ef?ciech Units to Notice 02/ 1/2011 Not Signi?cant (superseded One-Bedroom Units by 2013-17) 0 Attachment 1 - Project-Based Section 8 HAP Amendment of Renewal Contract 0 Attachment 2 - 236 Interest Reduction Program (IRP) OCFO Change Control Form for 0 Attachment 3 - Owner's Certi?cation As To Compliance With Tenant Procedures In 24 CFR 245 0 Attachment 4 - Steps for Recon?guring Section 8 Contracts in Unit Conversions Attachment 5 - Unit Conversion Agreement Attachment 6 - Certi?cation: No Permanent Relocation Of Residents 2011-02 Revitalization Area Evaluation Criteria - Single Family Property Notice 01/24/2011 Not Signi?cant (expired) Disposition 2011-01 Notice Requiring Owners with Project-Based Section 8 Rental Notice 01/5/2011 Not Signi?cant (expired) Assistance Contracts or Section 202 or 811 Project Rental Assistance Contracts to Obtain and Bradstreet Nlunbering System (DUNS) Numbers and to register in the Central Contractor Registration (C R) Attachment A 2010-26 Subordination of Section 202 Direct Loans Notice 12/20/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by 2013-17) 2010-25 Construction Speci?cations Institute (C SI). MasterForinat Editions Notice 12/8/2010 Not Signi?cant (expired) 2010-24 HUD Single Family Non-Judicial Foreclosru?e Statute Notice 11/30/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by HB 4000.1) 2010-23 Extension of Housing Notice 09-15. Implementation of the Notice 11/9/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded Violence Against Women and Justice Department Reauthorization by 2017-05) Act of 2005 for the Multifamily Project-Based Section 8 Housing Assistance Pagnents Progarn 2010-22 Guidelines for Assumption. Subordination. or Assigirnent of Mark? Notice 09/30/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending (updated to-Market (M2M) Program Loans in Transfer of Physical Assets and restated by (TPA) and Re?nance Transactions 2012-10) 2010-21 Optional Smoke-Free Housing Policy Implementation Notice 09/ 15/2010 Not Signi?cant (expired) 10 HUD-17-0201-D-000186 Housing Guidance Docrunents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDO108 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of Issuance 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Determination Force Review 2010-20 Armual Base City High Cost Percentage and High Cost Area Notice 09/2/2010 Not Signi?cant (expired) Revisions for 2010 2010-19 Revised Temporary Authority for Multifamily Hubs to Process Notice 09/2/2010 Not Signi?cant (expired) Waiver Reguests Pertaining to the Three-Year Rule for Section 223 to Allow for Ac 11isitions.l 2010-18 Renewal of Special Authority for Eligibility of Proiects for Mortgage Notice 08/30/2010 Not Signi?cant (expired) Insurance where Construction has Started Originally Established by Mortgagee Letter 2009-26 and Housing Notice 2009-12 2010-17 Revised Procedures for Requesting Inspections from the Real Estate Notice 08/23/2010 Not Signi?cant (expired) Assessmin Cerg? 2010-16 Fruther Policy Guidance to Defer Submission of Final Architectru?al Notice 08/ 13/2010 Not Signi?cant (expired) Plans and Speci?cations Introduced by Mortgagee Letter 2008-19. Streamlined Processing of Multifamily Mortgage Insru?ance Applications Involving Low Income Housing Tax Credits 2010-15 Processing Instructions for Re?nancing Cooperative Housing Notice 08/11/2010 Not Signi?cant (expired) Proiects Under Section 207 pru?suagt to Section 2231:) 2010-14 Policy and Procedru?e for Prepayment and Re?nancing of Section 202 Notice 07/27/2010 Not Signi?cant (expired) Projects Flurded prior to 1975 0 Attachment 1 - Authorities 0 Attachment 2 - Calculation of Project Bene?ts 2010-13 Overview of Hub and National Loan Committees Notice 07/ 19/2010 Not Signi?cant Pending (extended and revised by 2011- 35) 2010-12 Delegation of Authority to Approve Certain ornpliance. Disposition Notice 07/9/2010 Not Signi?cant (expired) and Enforcement (CDE) Plags 2010-11 HUD Multifamily Risk Mitigation Notice 07/6/2010 Not Signi?cant (expired) 0 Attachment A - Sample Schedule of Real Estate Owned 0 Attachment - Sample Schedule of Mortgage Debt 2010-10 Enterprise Incorne Veri?cation (EIV) System Notice 07/1/2010 Not Signi?cant (superseded by 2013-06) 2010-09 Expansion of Real Estate Assessment Center Authority to Approve or Notice 06/25/2010 Not Signi?cant (expired) Deny Requests to Defer Partial Year Submissions of Armual Financial Statements 11 HUD-17-0201-D-000187 Housing Guidance Docrurrents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDO109 Document Number Title/Brief Description Document Type Date of Issuance 0MB Signi?cant Determination Regulatory Task Force Review 2010-08 Implementation of Refmement of Income and Rent Determination Requirements in Public and Assisted Housing Programs: Implementation of the Enterprise Income Veri?cation - Amendments: Final Rule 0 Final Rule 2009 0 Application for a Socia_l Secru?ity Card Notice 04/13/2010 Not Signi?cant (expired) 2010-07 Revision to Criterion 4 of the Form HUD 92264-A. "Supplement to Proiect Aglvsis" Notice 03/16/2010 Not Signi?cant (expired) 2010-06 Hospital Mortgage Insurance: Section 223(f) Re?nancing in Conjunction with Section 242 Financing - Amendments to Threshold Criteria Notice 02/22/2010 Not Signi?cant (expired) 2010-05 Extension of Housing Notice 09-08 Temporary Authority for Multifamily Hubs to Process Waiver Reguests Pertaining to the Three-Year Rule for Section 223(i) Notice 02/17/2010 Not Signi?cant (expired) 2010-04 Revised Protocol for Placing a Flag in the Active Partners Performance System (APPS) When a Property Receives a Physical Inspection Score Below 60 but Above 30 0 Attachment 1: Project Owner's Certi?cation That The Physical Condition Of The Project Is In Compliance With The Physical Condition Standards 0 Attachment 2: Bi-Weekly Re-inspection Report 2010-03 Notice 01/22/2010 Not Signi?cant (expired) Fiscal Year 2009 Armual Operating Cost Standards - Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly and Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities Prog?ams 2010-02 Notice 01/11/2010 Not Signi?cant (expired) Enterprise Income Veri?cation (EIV) You Brochru?e - Requirements for Distribution and Use Notice 01/11/2010 Not Signi?cant (expired) 2010-01 Extension of Authority for Processing Pie-application - Firm Invitation and Firm Commitment Extension Requests Notice 01/11/2010 Not Signi?cant (expired) 2009-20 Enterprise Income Veri?cation (EIV) System Notice 12/7/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded by 2013-06) 2009-19 Fiscal Year 2009 Policy for Capital Advance Authorim Assiggnnents. Instructions and Program Requirements for the Section 202 and Section 811 Capital Advance Programs. Application Processing and Selection Instructions. and Processing Schedule. 2009-18 Notice 12/7/2009 Not Signi?cant (expired) Policy and Procedru?es on Multifamily Mortgage Insru'ance Applications Involving Master Lease Structuring to facilitate the use of Tax Credits Notice 10/ 9/2009 Not Signi?cant (expired) 12 HUD-17-0201-D-000188 Housing Guidance Docmnents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDO110 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of Issuance 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Determination Force Review 2009-17 Closing Costs Paid by the US. Department of Housing and Urban Notice 10/8/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded Development by 2011-33) 2009-16 Exclusion from Armual Income of Temporary Ernploynrent ??om the Notice 10/2/2009 Not Signi?cant (expired) US. Census Bru?eau 2009-15 Implementation of the Violence Against Women and Justice Notice 10/ 1/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded Department Reauthorization Act of 2005 for the Multifamily Proiect- by 2017-05) Based Section 8 Housing Assistance Paggrents Progam 2009-14 Multifamily Housing Accelerated Processing Guide: Chapter 9: Notice 09/ 18/2009 Not Signi?cant (expired Envirornnental Review 9/3 0/2010) 2009-13 Supplemental Information to Application for Assistance Regarding Notice 09/ 15/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 2009-36 Identi?cation of Famin Member. Friend or Other Person or (reinstated and Organization Supportive of a Tenant for Occupancy in HUD Assisted extended by Housipg 2012-09) 2009-12 Eligibility of Projects for Mortgage Insru'ance where Construction has Notice 09/10/2009 Not Signi?cant (expired) Started 2009-11 State Lifetime Sex Offender Registration Notice 09/9/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded PIH 2009-35 by 2012-11) 2009-10 Delegated Processing Procedru'es Notice 08/ 19/2009 Not Signi?cant (expired) 0 Appendix 1 - Proposed Delegation Of Processing 0 Appendix 2 - Delegated Processing Agreement 0 Appendix 3 - Certi?cations 2009-09 Housing Tax Credit Coordination Act of 2008 Notice 07/29/2009 Not Signi?cant (expired) 2009-08 Temporary Authority for Multifamily Hubs to Process Waiver Notice 07/27/2009 Not Signi?cant (expired) Requests Pertaining to the Three-Year Rule for Section 223g 2009-07 Fiscal Year 2009 Social Secru?ity's One-Time Economic Recovery Notice 07/27/2009 Not Signi?cant (expired) Payments Excluded from Income 2009-06 Guidelines for Assumption. Subordination. or Assignment of Mark- Notice 07/1/2009 Not Signi?cant (expired) to-Market (M2M) Program Loans in Transfer of Physical Assets (IPA) and Re?nance Transactions 2009-05 Hospital Mortgage Insurance: Section 223(f) Refmancing in Notice 07/1/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded Conjunction with Section 242 Financing by 2010-06) 2009-04 Closing Costs Paid by the US. Department of Housing and Urban Notice 06/09/2009 Not Signi?can (superseded Development by FIB 4000.1) 2009-03 Exclusion of Deferred Department of Veterans Affairs Disability Notice 05/27/2009 Not Signi?cant (expired) Bene?ts from Annual Income 2009-02 Green Retro?t Prog?am for Multifamily Houng Notice 05/ 13/2009 Not Signi?cant (expired) 13 HUD-17-0201-D-000189 Housing Guidance Docrunents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDO111 Document Title/Brief Description Document Date of Issuance 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Type Determination Force Review 2009-01 Revitalization Area Evaluation Criteria Single Family Property Notice 1/9/2009 Not Signi?cant (superseded Disposition by 2011-02) 2008-11 Cancellations of Structru?al Engineering Bulletin Nos. Notice 11/6/2008 Not Signi?cant (expired) 2008-10 Cancellations of Materials Release Nos. Notice 11/6/2008 Not Signi?cant (expired) 2008-09 Accounts Receivable Financing Notice 11/ 17/2008 Not Signi?cant (expired) Attach_ments (.Zip ?le) 2008-08 Fiscal Year 2008 Armual Operating Cost Standards - Section 202 Notice 10/2/2008 Not Signi?cant (expired) Supportive Housing for the Elderly and Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities Programs 2008-07 Implementation of the Violence Against Women and Justice Notice 09/30/2008 Not Signi?cant (expired) Department Reauthorization Act of 2005 for the Multifamily Proiect- Based Section 8 Housir_1g Assistar_1ce Paerents Prom 2008-06 Fiscal Year 2008 Policy for Capital Advance Authority Assigmnents. Notice 09/23/2008 Not Signi?cant (expired) Instructions and Program Requirements for the Section 202 and Section 811 Capital Advance Programs: Application Processing and Selection Instructions. and Processing Schedule 2008-05 Fiscal Year 2008 Economic Stimulus Payments (Tax Rebates) Notice 08/ 18/2008 Not Signi?cant (expired) Excluded ??om Income 2008-04 Guidelines for Assumption. Subordination. or Assignment of Mark- Notice 07/31/2008 Not Signi?cant (expired) to-Market (MZM) Program Loans in Transfer of Physical Assets (TPA) and Re?nance Transactions 2008-03 Enterprise Income Veri?cation (EIV) System Notice 06/25/2008 Not Signi?cant (superseded by 2013-06) 2008-02 FY 2008 Grant Extension Procedru?es for Service Coordinator and Notice 05/ 12/2008 Not Signi?cant (expired) Congegate Housipg Services Progam Grantees 2008-01 Fiscal Year 2008 Interest Rate for Section 202 and Section 811 Notice 04/29/2008 Not Signi?cant (expired) Capital Adva=nce Projects 14 HUD-17-0201-D-000190 Department of Housing and Urban Development HUDOZ15 Guidance Documents Issued by the Of?ce of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes Since Jan. 1, 2008 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Form of Guidance ONE Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce Issued (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review 2017 New Grantee Orientation Resources 11/20/2017 Guidance for new Not Signi?cant Pending OLHCI-H-I grantees Policy Guidance 2017-04: Of?ce 9/18/2017 Guidance for Not Signi?cant Pending of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes grantees Grant Procurement Standards Policy Guidance 2017-03: Treating 8/25/2017 Guidance for Not Signi?cant Pending 0-Bedroom Pie-19: 78 Units with a Child grantees under Age 6 under Lead Hazard Control Grant Policy Guidance 2017-02: 8/4/2017 Guidance for Not Signi?cant Pending Checklist for Determining Subrecipient or grantees Contractor Classi?cation for Policy Guidance 2017-02 Policy Guidance 2017-02: 8/4/2017 Guidance for Not Signi?cant Pending Determining Subrececipient or Contractor grantees Classi?cation Policy Guidance 2017-05: Income 6/8/2017 Guidance for Not Signi?cant Pending Veri?cation Guidance grantees Addressing Mold After a Natural Disaster 4/25/2017 Post-disaster recovery Not Signi?cant Pending information videos for the public Healthy Homes Basics app (Google play) 3/15/2017 Guidance app for Not Signi?cant Pending homeowners Healthy Homes Basics app (iTunes) 3/ 15/2017 Guidance app for Not Signi?cant Pending homeowners Healthy Homes Partners app (iTunes) 3/ 15/2017 Guidance app for housing Not Signi?cant Pending and health stakeholders Lead and Healthy Homes: Top 10 Resources 3/ 10/2017 Flyer for housing and Not Signi?cant Pending health stakeholders HUD-17-0201-D-000191 HUDOZ16 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce Issued (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review 2017 PrOgram 1\~Ianager School Resources 3/1/2017 Guidance for new and Not Signi?cant Pending ongoing grantees Policv Guidance 2017-01: Fact 2/16/2017 Guidance for Not Signi?cant Pending sheet 011 LHC Grants Dust-Lead Policv grantees Guidance 2017-01 Policv Guidance 2017-01: New 2/ 16/2017 Guidance for Not Signi?cant Pending Polin for Dust-Lead Action Levels for Risk grantees Assessment and leai'agg Overcoming Obstacles to Policies for 2/10/2017 Guidance for developers Not Signi?cant Pending Preventing Falls bv the Eldeer of policies re seniors The Lead-Safe Housing Rule 1/ 13/2017 Guidance for HUD- Not Signi?cant Pending assisted housing providers Supporting Smoke-free Resources 11/20/2016 Links to resources for Not Signi?cant Pending housing providers Policy Guidance 2016?02: 10/28/2016 Guidance for Not Signi?cant Pending Clari?cation 011 Identifving and Addressing grantees Lead in Drinking Water Policv Guidance 2016-01: Purpose 8/31/2016 Guidance for Not Signi?cant Pending and Use of Healthv Homes Supplemental grantees Funding 7 Steps to a Healthv Home 6/30/2016 Guidance ?yer for the Not Signi?cant Pending public About hitegrated Pest IVIanagement 6/30/2016 Technical guidance Not Signi?cant Pending booklet for the public Healthv Homes Pro gram Brochure 6/30/2016 Guidance ?yer for the Not Signi?cant Pending public Help Yourself to a Healthv Home- Booklet 6/30/2016 Technical guidance Not Signi?cant Pending booklet for the public Making Homes Healthier for Families 6/30/2016 Guidance webpage for the Not Signi?cant Pending public Prevention and Safe Removal ofBedbugs 6/30/2016 Technical guidance Not Signi?cant Pending booklet for the public HUD-17-0201-D-000192 HUDOZ17 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce Issued (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review Protect Your Familv from Lead in Your 6/30/2016 Booklet provided by Not Signi?cant Pending Home Booklet seller or renter of pre- 1978 housing Safe Pest Control 6/30/2016 Guidance ?yer for the Not Signi?cant Pending public Restoring Your Home After a Natural 6/ 12/2016 Post-disaster recovery Not Signi?cant Pending Disaster information videos for the public Returning to Your Storm-Damaged Home 6/12/2016 Post-disaster recovery Not Signi?cant Pending information videos for the public Guidance 011 OMB Grants Regulations - Help 6/1/2016 Guidance for Not Signi?cant Pending grantees on 2 FR 200 The ABCs of Pest Control: Allergens. Baits 5/10/2016 Guidance video for Not Signi?cant Pending and Cockroaches housing providers Healthv Homes 1nsiderv2 4/13/2016 E-newsletter for housing Not Signi?cant Pending and health stakeholders Mold and lVIoisture Problems in Housing - 2/10/2016 Guidance video for Not Signi?cant Pending Not a Dw Problem housing providers Triggers in the Home 1/27/2016 Guidance Video for the Not Signi?cant Pending public Making vour Horne Lead Safe 1/27/2016 Guidance video for the Not Signi?cant Pending public Preventing Slips. Trips and Falls 1/27/2016 Guidance Video for the Not Signi?cant Pending public Healthv Homes Newsletter v.1 1/ 13/2016 E-newsletter for housing Not Signi?cant Pending and health stakeholders Healthv Homes Good Health 1/8/2016 Guidance Video for the Not Signi?cant Pending public HUD Partnership in Achieving HealthV 10/23/2015 Guidance video for Not Signi?cant Pending Homes housing providers Disaster Recoverv Toolkit 10/ 15/2015 Guide to information Not Signi?cant Pending resources for housing and health stakeholders HUD-17-0201-D-000193 HUDOZ18 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce Issued (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review Implementing and Enforcing Smoke-Free 9/18/2015 Guidance video for Not Signi?cant Pending Housing Policies housing providers Asthma Intervention and Workshops 7/26/2015 Links to resources for Not Signi?cant Pending housing and health stakeholders Consumer Tips for Post-Disaster Home 6/12/2015 Guidance booklet for the Not Signi?cant Pending Restoration public Guide for Team Leaders to Help Disaster 5/20/2015 Guidance brochure for the Not Signi?cant Pending Victims Get Back to a Healthv Home public Important Information for Volunteers in 5/20/2015 Guidance brochure for the Not Signi?cant Pending Helping Disaster Victims Get Back to a public Healthv Home Rebuild Healthv Homes 5/ 1/2015 Guidance booklet for the Not Signi?cant Pending public Healthv Home Rating Svstem 4/15/2015 Guidance for housing and Not Signi?cant Pending health stakeholders Policv Guidance 2015-01: 4/ 10/2015 Guidance for Not Signi?cant Pending Clari?cation of Costs for and LHRD grantees Grant PrOgrams Policy Guidance 2015-02: Updated 4/ 10/2015 Guidance for Not Signi?cant Pending Line of Credit Control System grantees Reimbursement Top 10 Tips for Rebuilding Healthv Homes 4/8/2015 Guidance ?yer for the Not Signi?cant Pending After a Disaster public 8 Tips for Keeping a Healthv Home 3/31/2015 Guidance ?yer for the Not Signi?cant Pending public About Allergies 3/31/2015 Guidance ?yer for the Not Signi?cant Pending public About Asthma 3/31/2015 Guidance ?yer for the Not Signi?cant Pending public About Carbon 1\~Ionoxide 3/31/2015 Guidance ?yer for the Not Signi?cant Pending public About Home Safetv 3/31/2015 Guidance ?yer for the Not Signi?cant Pending public HUD-17-0201-D-000194 HUDOZ19 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce Issued (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review About Lead 3/31/2015 Guidance ?yer for the Not Signi?cant Pending public About Mold 3/31/2015 Guidance ?yer for the Not Signi?cant Pending public About Radon 3/31/2015 Guidance ?yer for the Not Signi?cant Pending public CHANGE IS IN THE AIR: An Action Guide 2/20/2015 Guidance booklet on Not Signi?cant Pending for Establishing Smoke-Free Public Housing implementing smoke-free and lV'Iultifamily Properties public housing rule Asbestos: Worker and Employer Guide to 12/20/2014 Guidance brochure for Not Signi?cant Pending Hazards and Controls home repair contractors (English) Asbestos: Worker and Employer Guide to 12/20/2014 Guidance brochure for Not Signi?cant Pending Hazards and Recommended Controls home repair contractors (Spanish) Homeowner?s and Renter?s Guide to Asbestos 12/20/2014 Guidance brochure for the Not Signi?cant Pending Cleanup after Disasters (English) public Homeowner?s and Renter?s Guide to Mold 12/20/2014 Guidance brochure for the Not Signi?cant Pending Cleanup after Disasters (English) public Homeowner?s and Renter?s Guide to Mold 12/20/2014 Guidance brochure for the Not Signi?cant Pending Cleanup after Disasters Spam?sh) public Homeowner?s and Renter?s Guide to 12/20/2014 Guidance brochure for the Not Signi?cant Pending Reducing Lead Hazards after Disasters public (English) Homeowner?s and Renter?s Guide to 12/20/2014 Guidance brochure for the Not Signi?cant Pending Reducing Lead Hazards after Disasters public (Spanish) Homeowner?s and Renter?s Guide to 12/20/2014 Guidance brochure for the Not Signi?cant Pending Reducing Radon after Disasters (English) public Homeowner?s and Renter?s Guide to 12/20/2014 Guidance brochure for the Not Signi?cant Pending Reducing Radon after Disasters (Spanish) public Homeowner's and Renters guide to Asbestos 12/20/2014 Guidance brochlu?e for the Not Signi?cant Pending Cleanup after Disasters (Spanish) public HUD-17-0201-D-000195 00220 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce Issued (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review Lead: 'Worker and Employer Guide to 12/20/2014 Guidance brochure for Not Signi?cant Pending Hazards and Recommended Controls home repair contractors (English) Lead: Worker and Employer Guide to 12/20/2014 Guidance brochure for Not Signi?cant Pending Hazards and Recommended Controls home repair contractors (Spanish) Mold: Worker and Employer Guide to 12/20/2014 Guidance brochure for Not Signi?cant Pending Hazards and Recommended Controls home repair contractors (English) Mold: \Vorker and Employer Guide to 12/20/2014 Guidance brochure for Not Signi?cant Pending Hazards and Recommended Controls home repair contractors (Spanish) Radon: Worker and Employer Guide to 12/20/2014 Guidance brochure for Not Signi?cant Pending Hazards and Recommended Controls home repair contractors (1234311) Radon: Worker and Employer Guide to 12/20/2014 Guidance brochure for Not Signi?cant Pending Hazards and Recommended Controls home repair contractors (Spanish) Policy Guidance 2014-01: 11/5/2014 Guidance for Not Signi?cant Pending Eligibility of Units for Assistance grantees Restoring Your Home After A Natural 9/25/2014 Guidance Video for the Not Signi?cant Pending Disaster public Returning to Your Flood Damage Home 9/25/2014 Guidance video for the Not Signi?cant Pending public Policy Guidance 2013-04: Lead 10/1/2013 Guidance for Not Signi?cant Pending Hazard Evaluation and Control of Lead Dust grantees Hazards in Caipeting Policy Guidance 201307: Income 10/1/2013 Guidance for Not Signi?cant (Superseded by Veri?cation Guidance grantees Guidance 2017-05) Policy Guidance 2013-05: Use of 9/30/2013 Guidance for Not Signi?cant Pending Lead Hazard Control funds in non-targ_et grantees housing and other prohibited activities Policy Guidance 2013-01: 4/22/2013 Guidance for Not Signi?cant Pending Conducting Lead-Based Paint Inspections and grantees HUD-17-0201-D-000196 HU00221 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce Issued (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review Risk Assessments for Lead-Based Paint and Lead-Based Paint Hazards Policy Guidance 2013-03: Grant 4/22/2013 Guidance for Not Signi?cant Pending Amendments Procedures for grantees Grantees Policy Guidance 201302: Revised 4/1/2013 Guidance for Not Signi?cant (Superseded by Line of Credit Control System (LOCC S) grantees Guidance 2015?02) Advancing Healthy Housing A Strate gv for 2/4/2013 Guidance for housing and Not Signi?cant Pending Action health stakeholders Policy Guidance 2012-05: Close 12/12/2012 Guidance for Not Signi?cant Pending Out Procedures for Grantees grantees Policy Guidance 2012-06: Section 11/28/2012 Guidance for Not Signi?cant Pending 3 Submission Procedures grantees Policy Guidance 2012-02: Using 10/19/2012 Guidance for Not Signi?cant Pending Funds to Remediate Lead-Based grantees Paint Hazards in Previously Assisted Units Policy Guidance 2012-03: 10/ 19/2012 Guidance for Not Signi?cant Pending Eligibility of Units Counted as Match grantees Contribution Policy Guidance 2012-01: 10/ 15/2012 Guidance for Not Signi?cant (Superseded by Administrative and Indirect Costs for grantees Policv Grant Pr0g_ra1ns Guidance 2015-01) Healthv Housing Reference lV'Ianual 9/5/2012 Guidance manual for Not Signi?cant Pending home maintenance industiy Guidelines for the Evaluation and Control of 7/20/2012 Guidance for providers Not Signi?cant Pending Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Housing (2012 and maintainers of pre- Edition) 1978 housing Lead Rule Compliance Advisor 6/1/2012 Guidance for providers Not Signi?cant Pending and maintainers of pre- 1978 housing Lead Free Kids HUD (stvle 1) 6/11/2010 Guidance Video for the Not Signi?cant Pending public HUD-17-0201-D-000197 0022 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce Issued (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review Lead Free Kids HUD (stvle 2) 5/7/2010 Guidance video for the Not Signi?cant Pending public Lead Free Kids HUD (stvle 3) 5/7/2010 Guidance Video for the Not Signi?cant Pending public The Renovation. Repair and Painting Rule 3/15/2010 Guidance for Not Signi?cant Pending assisted housing providers Grant Start?up Guidance 11/15/2009 Guidance for new Not Signi?cant Pending OLHCI-H-I grantees What?s the difference between a Risk 11/ 15/2009 Guidance for new LHC Not Signi?cant Pending Assessment and a Lead Inspection? grantees Policv Guidance 2008-03: 11/23/2008 Guidance for Not Signi?cant Pending Conducting Lead Inspections and Risk grantees Assessments Prior to Environmental Review/Request for Release of Funds Policy Guidance 2008-04: Use of 11/22/2008 Guidance for Not Signi?cant Pending Grant Funds for units covered by grantees pending or ?nal Section 1018 Lead Qisclosure Rule Enforcement Actions Policy Guidance 2008-02: 11/6/2008 Guidance for Not Signi?cant Pending Undertaking Minimal Rehabilitation using grantees Grant Funds Policv Guidance 2008-01: 11/26/2008 Guidance for Not Signi?cant Pending Liquidating contractual obligations during the grantees Closeout Period HUD-17-0201-D-000198 Department of Housing and Urban Development Guidance Documents Issued by the Of?ce of Public and Indian Housing Since Jan. 1, 2008 HUDO176 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review PIH Explanation of anuarv Obligations 12/26/2017 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH PASS 1\~Iultifamily Guide 12/15/2017 Guide Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Guidance 011 the Faircloth Limit 12/11/2017 Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending PIH SF-424 List of Certi?cations and Assurances 12/09/2017 Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY18 PPLA HUD-52722 Excel Tool User Guide 12/06/2017 User Guide Not Signi?cant Pending PHI CY18 Pie-populated non-unit status data. data to be 12/06/2017 Data Not Signi?cant Pending used for completing operating subsidv submissions. PIH CY 18 Pie-populated Unit Status Data Eligible Unit 12/06/2017 Data Not Signi?cant Pending Months (First of Month or BOM) PIH CY 18 Pie-populated Unit Status Data Eligible Unit 12/06/2017 Data Not Signi?cant Pending 1\??Ionths (End of Month or EOM) PIH Rolling Base Adjustment - Guidance 12/05/2017 Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Rolling Base Adjustment - Sample Calculation 12/05/2017 Sample Calculations Not Signi?cant Pending PIH EPCs: Capturing the resident-paid utilities (RPU) 12/05/2017 Instructions for Sample Not Signi?cant Pending incentive 011 Forms HUD-52723 (Example) Calculation PIH Grants Evaluation Guidebook 12/2017 Guidebook Not Signi?cant Pending PH-I User Manual for the Activity Planning Module 11/ 13/2017 User Manual Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Project SOAR I=Education Navigators Handbook 11/2017 Handbook Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Implications to ?Days to Relocation? 11/2017 FAQs Not Signi?cant (included in PIH Notice 2017- 22) PIH REAC Inspection Checklist Version 3 10/28/2017 Checklist Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Explanation of November and December Obligations 10/25/2017 Explanations Not Signi?cant Pending PH-I Updated REAC Inspection Brief 10/23/2017 Bulletin Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 17 Final Eligibilitv bv State/Territorv 10/13/2017 Flmding Amounts Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Correcting Data Anomalies 10/10/2017 Technical Notes Not Signi?cant Pending PIH October Obligation Detailed Calculatior_1 Reports 10/05/2017 Reports Not Signi?cant Pending PIH REAC Compilation Bulletin (CB) RAPID 4.0 10/02/2017 Photographic Job Aid/ Not Signi?cant Pending Version 3 and Archive of Superseded CBs Bulletin PH-I Forms 52723 52722 PHA submission schedule 09/27/2017 Submission Schedule Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY18 Operating Subsidy Inventorv 09/27/2017 Inventory Not Signi?cant Pending HUD-17-0201-D-000199 HUDO1T7 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Significant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review PIH CY 18 Operating Subsidy hiyentory Guidance 09/27/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Explanation of October Obligations 09/21/2017 Explanations Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 17 Final Eligibility as of 7 09/05/2017 Flmding Amounts Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 17 Final Eligibility as of 7 by 09/05/2017 Funding Amomits Not Signi?cant Pending State/"Territory PIH CY 17 Final E_ligibility Guidance 09/05/2017 F1u1ding Amounts Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY18 PFLA HUD - 52723 8; 52722 Teclmical Notes 08/10/2017 Technical Notes Not Signi?cant Pending PIH August and September Obligation Detailed 08/06/2017 Reports Not Signi?cant Pending Calculation Reports PIH New Proiect 07/31/2017 List of New Projects Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 17 Interim Eligibility as of 0724/17 07/24/2017 Fimding Am01mts Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 17 Interim Eligibility as of07/24fl7 by 07/24/2017 Flmding Am01mts Not Signi?cant Pending Stateu'Teu'itory PIH Explanation of Allgust and September Obligations 07/24/2017 Explanations Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2017 PFLA HUD-52723 Excel Tool 07/ 17/2017 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2017 PHA HUD-52722 Excel Tool 07/ 17/2017 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending PIH July Obligation Detailed Calculation Reports 07/02/2017 Reports Not Signi?cant Pending PIH aircloth Limit: 1\~Iaxi111um Number of Units Eligible 06/30/2017 Allowable Faircloth Not Signi?cant Pending for CY17 Operating Subsidy Limit PIH Explanation of July Obligations 06/26/2017 Explanations Not Signi?cant Pending PIH June Obligation Detailed Calculation Reports 06/06/2017 Reports Not Signi?cant Pending PIH UPCS-V Protocol v.2._5 06/05/2017 Protocol Not Signi?cant (superseded by cun?ent published version of UPC S-V Protocol) PIH Changes to Inspection Protocol (V. 2.0 to 2.5) 06/05/2017 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Project Submission and Revision Deadlines 06/01/2017 Submission Schedule Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Environmental Review Compliance Monitoring Plan 05/26/2017 Monitoring Plan Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Explanation of June Obligations 05/25/2017 Explanations Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 2017-04: Income Limits under the Native American 05/ 18/2017 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Housing Assistance and Self-Detennination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA) PIH FSS Guidebook for IVIultifamily Owners 5/2017 Guidebook Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Explanation of May Obligations 04/20/2017 Explanations Not Signi?cant Pending HUD-17-0201-D-000200 HUDO178 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review PIH Phase Ila and 11b Protocol 04/12/2017 Bulletin Not Signi?cant Pending PHI 2017?07: FY 2017 ICDBG NOFA Guidance 04/07/2017 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grant Closeout Apr 2017 Guidance document Not Signi?cant Pending Procedures PIH Explanation of April Obligations 03/20/2017 Explanations Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 17 Prelin_1inarv E_ligibilitV as of 03""15/17 03/ 15/2017 Flurding Amounts Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 17 Prelirninarv Eligibility as of by 03/ 15/2017 Funding Amounts Not Signi?cant Pending State/Territory PHI EPCs: Capturing the resident-paid utilities incentive 03/05/2017 Instructions for Sample Not Signi?cant Pending orr Forms HUD-52723 Lample) Calculation PIH Explanation of March Obligations 02/26/2017 Explanations Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 2017?03: Certifying Of?cers for ER 1mder 24 CFR 02/ 15/2017 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Part 58 Published. PIH 2017-02: 2016 IHBG Compliance Supplement 02/ 13/2017 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Amendment PHI EPCs: Processing COCC Adjustments for an Existing 02/05/2017 Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending Energy Performance Contract PIH CY 2017 EDSC Guidance 02/05/2017 Policy Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2017 EDSC List 02/05/2017 List of Eligible PHAs Not Signi?cant Pending PH-I CY 2017 ARE Guidance for PHAs 02/05/2017 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Appeals for Changing Conditions 02/05/2017 Policy Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2017 Formula Income 02/05/2017 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2017 erating Subsidv Inventory Guidance 02/05/2017 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH SF-424 List of Certi?cations and Assurances 02/05/2017 Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Rolling Base Adjustment - Guidance 02/05/2017 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Rolling Base Adiustrnerrt - Sample Calculation 02/05/2017 Instructions for Sample Not Signi?cant Pending Calculation PIH FSS Program Guidebook 2/2017 Guidebook Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Explanation of Februarv Obligations 01/31/2017 Explanations Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2017 Operating Subsidv Inventory 01/20/2017 Template Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2017 Pre-populated 11011 unit status data. data to 01/20/2017 Data Not Signi?cant Pending be used for completing CY 17 operating subsidV submissions PIH CY 2017 Pre-populated Unit Status Data Eligible 01/20/2017 Data Not Signi?cant Pending Unit Months (First of Month or BOM) HUD-17-0201-D-000201 HUDO179 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Significant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review PIH CY 2017 Pre-populated Unit Status Data Eligible 01/20/2017 Data Not Signi?cant Pending Unit Months (Last of Month or EOM) PIH CY 2017 UEgr?atioLi Factor Calculatior_1 01/20/2017 Data Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 2017-01: Indian omm1mity Development Block 01/11/2017 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Grant (ICDBG) Imminent Threat (IT) program. PIH CY 2017 PHA HUD 52723 8; 52722 Technical 01/11/2017 Technical Notes Not Signi?cant Pending Notes PIH CY-17 New Projects Guidance (PDF) 01/05/2017 Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending PIH FSS Training Announcement 01/2017 Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Explanation of anuarv Obligations 12/26/2016 Explanations Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2017 PHA HUD-52723 Excel Tool User Guide 12/ 16/2016 User Guide Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2017 PHA HUD-52722 Excel Tool User Guide 12/ 16/2016 User Guide Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 1__3xplanation of December Obligations 12/05/2016 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Forms 52723 52722 submission schedule 11/14/2016 Submission Schedule Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Choice Neighborhoods/RAD Development Protocol Nov 2016 Guidance document Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 2016-06: Indian omm1mity Development Block 10/28/2016 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant (Replaced by Grant (ICDBG) Imminent Threat (1T) program. 2017-01) PIH 2016?05: Tribal HUD VASH Record Keeping at 10/ 14/2016 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Initial Occupancy PIH 1__3xplanation of November Obligations 09/30/2016 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2016 Final Eligibilitv as of 09/27/2016 Final Flmding Amormts Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2016 Final Eligibilitv Guidance 09/27/2016 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH New Proiect L0g 09/ 19/2016 List of New Projects Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Updated Phase 11a Protocol (not available on HUD ?5 09/2016 Bulletin Not Signi?cant (superseded website) by updated protocol) PIH CY 2016 PHA HUD-52723 Excel Tool 08/31/2016 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2016 PHA HUD-52722 Excel Tool 08/31/2016 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Physical Assessment (PASS) Technical 08/31/2016 Technical Review and Not Signi?cant Pending Review and Database Adiustn?_nt Database Adjustment PIH UPCS Training 08/31/2016 Training Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Explanation of September and October Obligations 08/29/2016 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2016 Interim Eligibility as of 08""22/16 08/22/2016 Interim Flmding Not Signi?cant Pending Amormts PIH 2016 Interim HUD-527233 as 08/22/2016 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending HUD-17-0201-D-000202 HUDO180 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review PIH Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grant Planning Tool 08/2016 Guidance doc1unent Not Signi?cant Pending PHI Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grant Budget 08/2016 Guidance document Not Signi?cant Pending Guida1_1g PIH Explanation of July and August Obligations 06/27/2016 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 2016?04: Tribal HUD VASH Rental Assistance 06/22/2016 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Payments (RAP) Contract Requirements PIH 2016 Update to UPCS Guidance Protocol 05/23/2016 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending Clari?cations PIH Relocation and Real Property Acquisition 1\Ionitoring 04/22/2016 Monitoring Plan Not Signi?cant Pending Plan PIH Section 504 Accessibility 1\/Ionitoring Plan 04/22/2016 Monitoring Plan Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Explanation of May and June Obligations 04/22/2016 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PH-I 2016?03: Posting of Fiscal Year 2016 Notice of 04/ 14/2016 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Flmding Availability for the Indian omm1mity Development Block Grant Program PIH Faircloth Limit: Guidance 011 Number of 04/05/2016 Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending Units Eligible for CY2016 Operating Subsidy PIH Department of Housing and Urban Development 04/04/2016 Policy Not Signi?cant Pending Tribal Consultation Policy PIH 2016?02: Income Limits wider the Native American 04/01/2016 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant (Replaced Housing Assistance and Self-Deteimination Act of by 2017-04) 1996 PIH Capital Fund Guidebook 04/01/2016 Guidebook Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Explanation of April Obligations 03/29/2016 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH RAD and Energy Performce Contracts FAQs 03/03/2016 FAQs Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Explanation of March Obligations 02/26/2016 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 2016?01: Using of IEIBG, Title VI, and ICDBG to 02/24/2016 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Fund Broadband Activities PIH REAC Inspector PIV Card FAQs 02/22/2016 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending PIH EDS Submission Upload Tool - User Guide 02/ 15/2016 Handbook Not Signi?cant Pending PHI CY 2016 Inventory Validation Workbook 02/05/2016 Workbook Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Data to be used for completing CY 2016 operating 02/05/2016 Data Not Signi?cant Pending subsidy submissions HUD-17-0201-D-000203 HUDO181 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Significant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review PIH EPCs: Processing COCC Adjustments for an Existing 02/05/2016 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending Energy Performance Contract PIH EPCs: Capturing the resident-paid utilities incentive 02/05/2016 Instructions for Sample Not Signi?cant Pending 011 form HUD-52723 (Example) Calculation PIH CY 2016 Inventorv Guidance 02/05/2016 Inventory Overview Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Guidance for New Projects 02/05/2016 Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Appeals for Chang Market Conditions 02/05/2016 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2016 Formula Income 02/05/2016 Explanation/Methodolo Not Signi?cant Pending gy PIH Guidance 02/05/2016 Policy Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY2016 Asset Repositioning Fee (ARF) 02/05/2016 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending Implementation Guidance for Field Of?ces PIH CY 2016 PHA HUD 52723 8; 52722 Technical 02/04/2016 Technical Notes Not Signi?cant Pending Notes PIH SF-424 Guidance 02/04/2016 Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2016 PFLA HUD-52723 Excel Tool User Guide 02/02/2016 User Guide Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2016 PHA HUD-52722 Excel Tool User Guide 02/02/2016 User Guide Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Explanation of Februarv Obligations 01/27/2016 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Bedbug Infestation Inspection Protocol 01/21/2016 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2016 Pre-populated Unit IVIonths: First of Month 01/13/2016 Data Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2016 Pie-populated Unit Last of Month 01/ 13/2016 Data Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Draft Lead-Based Paint l\??Ionitoring Plan 12/28/2015 Monitoring Plan Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Explanation of anuarv Obligations 12/17/2015 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2016 UEL In?ation Factor Calculation 12/06/2015 Data Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Labor Standards 1V?Ionitoring Plan 10/26/2015 Monitoring Plan Not Signi?cant Pending PIH October thru Dec Obligation Letters 10/05/2015 Final Funding Amounts Not Signi?cant Pending PIH RFP Technical Review Checklist 10/1/2015 HUD Checklist Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Draft Completeness Checklist 10/1/2015 HUD Checklist Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Draft Technical Checklist 10/1/2015 HUD Checklist Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Choice Neighborhoods Environmental Review FAQ 10/2015 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 1__3xplanation of Final Obligations 09/24/2015 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Faircloth Limit: 1\v'1aximum Number of Units Eligible 09/13/2015 Allowable Faircloth Not Signi?cant Pending for CY2016 Operating Subsidv Limit PIH 2015-05: ICDBG FY 2015 NOFA Guidance 09/10/2015 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending PIH General Instructions to Monitoring Plans 09/03/2015 General Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending HUD-17-0201-D-000204 HUDO182 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Significant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review PIH Explanation of September Obligations 09/01/2015 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2015 Interim Eligibility as of 08/18/2015 Interim Flmding Not Signi?cant Pending Amount PIH Final Eligibility Report as of 08/18/15 08/18/2015 Report Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 2015?04: Updated reporting requirements for the SF- 07/31/2015 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending 425 Federal Financial Report (FFR) PIH New Proiect L=og 07/27/2015 List of New Projects Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Occupancv Tenant Files Review Fonns 07/17/2015 Monitoring Plan Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Occupancv Review Form 07/ 15/2015 Monitoring Plan Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2015 PHA HUD - 52723 8: 52722 Technical 07/15/2015 Technical Notes Not Signi?cant Pending Notes PIH Explanation of 111V Angust Obligations 06/30/2015 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 2015-03: Discontinuation of Word Version of the 05/20/2015 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Indian Housing Plan/Annual Performance RepOIt (HUD-5273 7) PIH Explanation of June Obligations 04/29/2015 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Section 30 Guidebook 04/28/2015 Guidebook Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 2015-02: Mold NOFA Guidance (lV?IS-Word) (PDF) 04/20/2015 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 2015?01: Income Limits under the Native American 04/06/2015 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant (Replaced by Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 2016-02) 1996 PIH 2015-01a: Income Limits under the Native American 04/06/2015 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant (Replaced by Housing Assistance and Self-Deteimination Act of 2016-02) 1996 PIH CY 2015 PHA HUD - 52723 52722 Technical 04/05/2015 Technical Notes Not Signi?cant Pending Notes PIH CY 2015 PHA HUD - 52723 Excel Tools Version 04/05/2015 Not Signi?cant Pending 2.08 PIH CY 2015 PHA HUD 52722 Excel Tools Version 04/05/2015 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending 2.08 PIH Explanation of April Obligations 03/24/2015 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2015 PFLA HUD 52722 Excel Tools Version 03/21/2015 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending 2.07 PIH CY 2015 Pre-populated Unit lVlonths: Last of Month 03/05/2015 Data Not Signi?cant Pending HUD-17-0201-D-000205 HUDO183 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review PIH CY 2015 PHA HUD - 52722 Excel Tools Version 03/02/2015 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending 2.06 PIH CY 2015 Pre-populated Mor_1ths: Fi_rst ofMor_1m 03/01/2015 Data Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Father?s Day Initiative FAQ 03/2015 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Explanation of March Obligations 02/27/2015 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2015 PHA HUD - 52723 Excel Tools Version 02/ 15/2015 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending 2.05 PIH CY 2015 PHA HUD-52722 Excel Tool Version 2.04 02/11/2015 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending PHI CY 2015 PHA HUD 52722 Excel Tool Version 02/11/2015 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending 2.04 PIH CY 2015 PHA HUD - 52723 Excel Tools Version 02/11/2015 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending 2.04 PH-I CY 2015 PHA HUD 52723 Excel Tools Version 02/08/2015 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending 2.03 PIH CY 2015 Inventorv Validation Workbook 02/05/2015 Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending PHI CY 2015 Operating Subsidv Project Inventory 02/05/2015 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2015 PHA HUD-52723 Excel Tool Version 2.01 02/05/2015 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2015 PHA HUD - 52723 Excel Tools Version 02/05/2015 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending 2.02 PH-I Appeals for Changing Market Conditions 02/05/2015 Policy Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2015 Formula Income l\??1ethod010gv 02/05/2015 Methodology Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Asset lVIanagement Fees for with One Project 02/05/2015 Noti?cation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Guidar=1ce to Assist PHAs in C0111 leting SF-424 02/05/2015 Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Guidance for New Projects 02/05/2015 Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending PIH EPCs: Processing COCC Adjustments for an Existing 02/05/2015 Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending Energy Performance Contract PIH EPCs: Capturing the resident-paid utilities incentive 02/05/2015 Instructions for Sample Not Signi?cant Pending 011 Forms HUD-52723 (Example) Calculation PIH EDSC Guidance 02/05/2015 Policy Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Explanation ofFebruary Obligations 01/29/2015 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2015 PHA HUD-52723 Excel Tool User Guide 01/ 14/2015 User Guide Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2015 PHA HUD-52722 Excel Tool User Guide 01/ 14/2015 User Guide Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Indian Housing Plan and Annual Performance Report 01/2015 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Form Guidance HUD-17-0201-D-000206 HUDO184 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Office (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review PIH Updated Phase Protocol (not available on HUD ?5 01/2015 Bulletin Not Signi?cant (superseded website) by updated protocol) PIH Explanation of anuarV Obligations 12/24/2014 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 2015 Operating Fund Submission Schedule V1.4 11/03/2014 Submission Schedule Not Signi?cant Pending PH-I 2014?12: Consolidation of OMB Circulars 09/29/2014 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Explanation ofFinal Obligations and Proration 09/29/2014 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending (October through December) for CY 2014 PIH 2014-11: Guidance for the Word and Excel Versions 09/22/2014 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending of the Indian Housing Plan/Annual Performance Report Attaclnnent PIH CY 2015 UEL In?ation Factor Calculation 09/12/2014 Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Reserve Accormts for Administration 08/14/2014 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending and Planning PIH Useful Life and Binding Commitments 08/ 13/2014 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2014 PHA HUD-52722 Excel Tools Version 08/ 13/2014 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending 1.13.1 (New Projects 5) PIH The Voice Response System (VRS) of 08/12/2014 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending the Line of Credit Control System (LOC S) is being replaced by the Electronic Line of Credit System S) throughout Housing and Urban Development (HUD). PH-I CY 2014 PHA HUD 52723 Excel Tools Version 08/11/2014 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending 1.6.1 (New Projects 5) PIH CY 2014 PHA HUD-52723 Technical Notes 08/11/2014 Technical Notes Not Signi?cant Pending PHI CY 2014 PHA HUD-52722 Teclnrical Notes 08/11/2014 Technical Notes Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Explanation of August and September Obligations 07/29/2014 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2014 PHA HUD-52723 Excel Tools Version 1.6 07/24/2014 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending (New Projects 4) PH-I CY 2014 PHA HUD-52722 Excel Tools Version 07/23/2014 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending 1.13 (New Projects 4) PIH 2014-07: Federal Financial Report - Standard Form 07/21/2014 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending 425 Instructions and Guidance for IHBG Program PHI DS Line De?nition Guide 07/01/2014 Handbook Not Signi?cant Pending HUD-17-0201-D-000207 HUDO185 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review PIH 2014-06: Fiscal Year 2014 Notice of Funding 06/13/2014 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Availability for the Indian Community Development Block Grant Program PIH Protecting Personal Information 06/05/2014 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Explanation of June and Obligations 05/29/2014 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PH-I CY 2014 PHA HUD 52723 Excel Tools Version 04/29/2014 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending 1.5 (New Projects 3) PIH CY 2014 PHA HUD-52722 Excel Tools Version 04/29/2014 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending 1.12 (New Projects 3) PHI CY 2014 PHA HUD-52722 Excel Tools Version 04/03/2014 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending 1.11.1 (New Projects PIH Explanation of April and May Obligations 03/28/2014 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH REAC Inspection Checklist Version 2 (not available 03/28/2014 Checklist Not Signi?cant (superseded on HUD ?5 website) by REAC Inspection Checklist V3) PIH 2014-03: Insurance Requirements 03/20/2014 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending PHI CY 2014 PHA HUD 52723 Excel Tools Version 03/ 19/2014 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending 1.4 (New Projects 2) PIH Explanation of October tlnu December Final 03/11/14 Explanations Not Signi?cant Pending Obligations PIH CY 2014 Final Eligibilitv Report considering Flat 03/ 10/2014 Eligibility Amormts Not Signi?cant Pending Rents PIH CY 2014 PHA HUD - 52723 Excel Tools Version 03/04/2014 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending 1.3.1 (New and Revised PELs) PHI Explanation of March Obligations 02/27/2014 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 2014-02: Preparing to Submit Grant Applications 02/26/2014 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2014 PHA HUD-52722 Excel Tools Version 02/20/2014 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending 1.10 (New and Revised PELs) PH-I CY14 Project Inventory 02/05/2014 Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Asset Repositioning Fee (ARF) - PHA Guidance 02/05/2014 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2014 Fonnula Income 1\~Iethod010gv 02/05/2014 Explanation/Methodolo Not Signi?cant Pending gy PIH Appeals for Changing IVIarket Conditions 02/05/2014 Policy Not Signi?cant Pending 10 HUD-17-0201-D-000208 HUDO186 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review PIH Asset 1\=Ianagement Fees for PFLAs with One Project 02/05/2014 RegulatOIy Not Signi?cant Pending Requirement PIH Guida1_1ce to Assist PHAs in Completing SF-424 02/05/2014 Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2014 EDSC P1'0g1'am 02/05/2014 Policy Not Signi?cant Pending PIH EPCs: Processing COCC Adjustments for an 02/05/2014 Not Signi?cant Pending Existing Energy Performance Contract PIH EPCs: Capturing the resident-paid utilities incentive 02/05/2014 Instructions for Sample Not Signi?cant Pending 011 Fonns HUD-52723 (Example) Calculation PIH FAQs related to Subsidy Processing 02/05/2014 FAQS Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 2014-01: Income Limits 01/30/2014 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant (Replaced by 201 5-0 1 a) PIH Choice Neighborhoods Plainiing Grant Budget 01/2014 Guidance docmnent Not Signi?cant Pending Guidance PIH Explanation of anuarV and FebmarV Obligations 12/31/2013 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2014 PHA HUD-52722 Excel Tools Version 1.9 l2/ 19/2013 Fonns Not Signi?cant Pending (New Projects 1) PH 2013?10: Federal Supply Som?ces 12/ 18/2013 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2014 PHA HUD-52722 Excel Tools Version 1.8 12/18/2013 Fonns Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2014 PHA HUD - 52723 Excel Tools Version 12/ 17/2013 Fonns Not Signi?cant Pending 1.2 (New Projects 1) PIH New Projects/Units 12/ 13/2013 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2013 Fonnula Income l\~Iethod010gv 12/05/2013 Explanation/Methodolo Not Signi?cant Pending gy PIH CY 2014 HUD-52723 Excel Tool User Guide 12/03/2013 User Guide Not Signi?cant Pending PIH FASS PH User Guide 12/01/2013 Manual Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Operating Subsidy Forms Submission Schedule for 11/14/2013 Submission Schedule Not Signi?cant Pending CY2014 PIH CY 2014 PHA HUD-52723 Excel Tools Version 1.1 11/ 14/2013 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2014 PHA HUD-52722 Excel Tools Version 1.7 11/08/2013 Fonns Not Signi?cant Pending PHI CY 2014 PHA HUD-52722 Excel Tool User Guide 11/08/2013 User Guide Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2014 UEL In?ation Factor 11/05/2013 Data Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Unit Status Data Guidance 10/25/2013 Data Not Signi?cant Pending PH-I Guidebook 10/2013 Guidebook Not Signi?cant Pending PIH New Project 09/25/2013 Listing of New Projects Not Signi?cant Pending 1 1 HUD-17-0201-D-000209 HUDO187 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Significant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review PIH 2013-09: Indian Housing Block Grant Model 09/ 13/2013 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Activities PIH Technical Notes for HUD-52722 and 52723 (082213) 09/05/2013 Technical Notes Not Signi?cant Pending (New Proiects 5) PIH OA Question of the Month 03/2010 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending 09/201 3 PIH Explanation of September Obligations 08/27/2013 Explanations Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 2013-08: Criminal History Guidance 08/ 19/2013 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending PIH FASS-PH XML User Guide 07/26/2013 Handbook Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 2013-07: Indian and Tribal Preference in 07/11/2013 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Employment and Contracting in IHBG PIH User Access Authorization Form Instructions 07/2013 User Manual Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Final Operating Fund PIC Unit Status Report for CY 06/30/2013 Status Report Not Signi?cant Pending _2014 (July 2012 to June 2013) PIH New Project/Units Guidance 06/06/2013 Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Explanation of June thru Aug Obligations 05/28/2013 Explanations Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 2013-06: Useful Life and Binding omnritrnents 05/ 10/2013 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant (Replaced by PIH 2013-05: Calculating Annual Income for Purposes of 05/06/2013 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Eligibility under NAHASDA Attaclnnerrt PH-I EPIC FAQs 04/28/2013 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Explanation of Mav Obligations 04/27/2013 Explanations Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 2013?04: Guidance for the Indian Housing 04/25/2013 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Plan/Annual Performance Report Attachr_nent PIH 2013-03: Income Limits 04/19/2013 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant (Replaced by 2014-01) PIH Explanation of April Obligations 04/01/2013 Explanations Not Signi?cant Pending s'stem Manual 04/2013 User Manual Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 2013-02: Voluntary Use of 03/ 18/2013 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Explanation of March Obligations 02/27/2013 Explanations Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2013 EDSC PrOgrarn 02/06/2013 Policy Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Appeals for Changing Market Conditions 02/05/2013 Policy Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Asset Fees for PHAs with One Project 02/05/2013 Regulatory Not Signi?cant Pending Requirement PIH Guidance to Assist PHAs in SF-424 02/05/2013 Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending 12 HUD-17-0201-D-000210 HUDO188 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review PIH EPCs: Processing COCC Adjustments for an 02/05/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending Existing Energy Performance Contract PIH 2013-01: Fiscal Year 2013 Notice of Funding 01/22/2013 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Availability for the Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG) Program PIH Summary of Green Physical Needs 01/10/2013 Training Not Signi?cant Pending Assessment, 1/10/2013 PIH CY 2013 PHA HUD-52723 Excel Tools (Version 01/05/2013 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending 2.6) (New Projects 5) PIH Operating Fund PIC Unit Status Final Report for 01/05/2013 Not Signi?cant Pending 2013 (July 2011 to June 2012) PIH Unit Status Data Guidance. Technical Notes 01/05/2013 Technical Notes Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Explanation of Initial Calendar Year (Jan. and Feb.) 12/20/2012 Explanations Not Signi?cant Pending (CY) 2013 Obligations PH-I Technical Notes for HUD-52722 and 52723 12/20/2012 Technical Notes Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2013 PHA HUD-52723 Excel Tools (Version 12/20/2012 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending 2.5) (New Projects 4) PHI CY 2013 PHA HUD-52722 Excel Tools (Version 12/20/2012 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending 1.6) (New Projects 4) PIH CY 2013 PHA HUD-52722 Excel Tools (Version 12/20/2012 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending 1.7) (New Projects 5) PIH CY 2013 Interim Eligibility Notes and Report 12/10/2012 Notes an Repo?s Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2013 UEL In?ation Factor 12/05/2012 Data Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Technical Notes for HUD-52722 and 52723 11/29/2012 Technical Notes Not Signi?cant Pending PHI CY 2013 PHA HUD-52723 Excel Tools (Version 11/29/2012 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending (New Projects 4) PIH CY 2013 PHA HUD-52722 Excel Tools (Version 11/29/2012 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending 1.5) (New Projects 4) PH-I EPIC FAQs 10/22/2012 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Tech=nical Notes for HUD-52722 and 52723 10/ 18/2012 Technical Notes Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2013 PHA HUD-52723 Excel Tools (Version 10/ 18/2012 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending 2.3) PIH CY 2013 PHA HUD-52722 Excel Tools (Version 10/ 18/2012 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending 1.4) 13 HUD-17-0201-D-000211 HUDO189 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review PIH Operating SubsidV Forms Submission Schedule for 10/03/2012 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending CY2012 PIH CY 2012 PHA HUD-52723 Excel Tool Version 1.2 10/03/2012 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Carryover Funding 2012/2013 Obligations 09/30/2012 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending Explanation PH-I Explanation of October through December Final 09/25/2012 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending Obligations PIH CY 2013 PHA HUD-52722 Excel Tool User Guide 09/20/2012 User Guide Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Teclmical Notes for HUD-52722 and 52723 09/20/2012 Technical Notes Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2013 PHA HUD-52723 Excel Tools (Version 09/20/2012 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending 2.2) PIH CY 2013 PHA HUD-52722 Excel Tools (Version 09/20/2012 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending 1.3) PIH Data to be used for completing CY 2013 operating 09/11/2012 Data Not Signi?cant Pending subsidV submissions PIH CY 2013 PHA HUD-52723 Excel Tool User Guide 08/27/2012 User Guide Not Signi?cant Pending Pm Technical Notes HUD-52723 ver?. 082212 - New 08/22/2012 Technical Notes Not Signi?cant Pending Projects PIH 2012-05: General Section to HUD's FY2013 NOFAS 08/20/2012 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending for Discretionary Programs PH-I Financial Reporting Training Manuals 08/01/2012 Manual Not Signi?cant Pending PIH EPCs: Processing COCC Adjustments for an Existing 07/21/2012 Methodology Not Signi?cant Pending EnergV Performance Contract PIH EPCs: Capturing the resident-paid utilities incentive 07/21/2012 Instructions for Sample Not Signi?cant Pending 011 Fornrs HUD-52723 (Example) Calculation PIH Teclnrical Notes HUD-52723 ver. 062712 - New 07/20/2012 Technical Notes Not Signi?cant Pending Projects-Version 1.9 PIH Green Physical Needs Assessment Webinar 07/05/2012 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending PH-I PNA Summary Webinar 07/05/2012 Webinar Not Signi?cant Pending PIH EPIC User Guide 06/28/2012 Guidebook Not Signi?cant Pending Pm Explanation of ulV through September Obligations 06/27/2012 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Technical Notes HUD-51723 ver. 0627_12 - New 06/27/2012 Technical Notes Not Signi?cant Pending Projects PIH Operating SubsidV Forms Submission Schedule for 06/10/2012 Schedule Not Signi?cant Pending CY2013 14 HUD-17-0201-D-000212 HUDO190 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review PIH CY 2013 PHA HUD-52722 Excel Tools (Version 06/06/2012 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending 1.1) PIH CY 2012 PHA HUD-52722 UEL Excel Tools 06/06/2012 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending Version 1.8- for New Projects PIH Technical Notes HUD-52723 - New Projects 05/09/2012 Technical Notes Not Signi?cant Pending PH-I CY 2012 PHA HUD-52722 UEL Excel Tools 05/06/2012 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending Version 1.7 PIH CY 2012 PHA HUD-52723 Excel Tools Version 05/06/2012 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending 1.10 - for New Projects PHI 2012?04: Income Limits 05/04/2012 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant (Replaced by 2013-03) PIH Explanation of April through June Obligations 03/26/2012 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH New Protocol for Scattered Site properties 03/ 10/2012 Noti?cation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2012 PHA HUD-52723 Excel Tools Version 1.8 03/09/2012 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending - for New Projects and Regrouped Projects PIH Technical Notes HUD-52723 - New Projects 03/09/2012 Technical Notes Not Signi?cant Pending PHI CY 2012 PHA HUD-52722 UEL Excel Tools 03/09/2012 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending Version 1. PIH CY 2012 PHA HUD-52722 Excel Tools Version 1.2 03/09/2012 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending New Projects and Existing Projects PH-I CY 2012 PHA HUD-52723 Excel Tools Version 03/05/2012 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending 1.1 1 PIH Implementation of the Public Housing Assessment 02/22/2012 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending System (PHAS) Interim Rule PHI Implementation of the Public Housing Assessment 02/22/2012 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending SVsten_1 Interim Rule PIH Allocation Adjustment and Hardship Set-Aside 02/05/2012 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending Funding PH-I CY 2012 PHA HUD-52722 UEL Excel Tools 02/05/2012 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2012 PHA HUD-52723 Excel Tools Version 02/05/2012 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending 1.12 - for New Projects PIH Operating Fund Financing Program Web Guidance 02/05/2012 Policy Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Guidance: CY 2012 Formula Income 1\??Iethodologv 02/05/2012 Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending and Guidance PIH Guidance: Appeals for Changing lV?Iarket Conditions 02/05/2012 Policy Not Signi?cant Pending 15 HUD-17-0201-D-000213 HUDO191 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review PIH Guidance: Asset Management Fees for PHAs with 02/05/2012 Policy Not Signi?cant Pending One Project PIH Guida1_1ce to Assist PHAs in Completing SF-424 02/05/2012 Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Guidance: CY 2012 EDSC PrOgrain 02/05/2012 Policy Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Explanation of Febmarv and March Obligations 01/31/2012 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH EPIC FAQs 01/22/2012 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 2012-03: Monitoring Plans for Recipients 01/ 19/2012 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending PHI Technical Notes HUD-52723 - New Projects 01/12/2012 Technical Notes Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 20_l2 PHA UEL Excel Tools 01/12/2012 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending Version 1.5 PIH 2012?01: Federal Financial Rep011 (FFR) - Standard 01/05/2012 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant (Replaced Form 425 for Indian Housing Block Grant Program by 2014-07) PIH 2012-02: Federal Financial Report (FFR) - Standard 01/04/2012 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant (Replaced Form 425 by 2015-04) PIH Explanation of Initial Calendar Year (CY) 2012 12/29/2011 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending Obligations PIH Tech_nical Notes HUD-52723 - New Projects 12/01/2011 Technical Notes Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2012 PHA HUD-52723 Excel Tools Version 1.7 12/01/2011 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending - for New Projects and Regrouped Projects PH-I CY 2012 PHA HUD-52722 UEL Excel Tools 12/01/2011 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending Version 1.3 Existing Projects, New Projects and Regrouped Projects PIH CY 2012 PHA HUD-52722 UEL Excel Tools 12/01/2011 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending Version 1. Existing Projects, New Projects and Regrouped Projects PIH CY 2012 PHA HUD-52723 Excel Tools Version 1.9 12/01/2011 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending - for New Projects PIH CY 2012 PHA HUD-52723 Excel Tools Version 1.3 11/18/2011 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending - for New Projects PIH CY 2012 PHA HUD-52723 Excel Tools Version 1.4 11/ 18/2011 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending - for New Projects and Regrouped Projects PIH Technical Notes HUD-52723 - New Projects 11/18/2011 Technical Notes Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2012 PHA HUD-52723 Excel Tools Version 1.5 11/ 18/2011 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending - for New Projects and Regrouped Projects 16 HUD-17-0201-D-000214 HUDO192 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Significant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review PIH CY 2012 PHA HUD-52723 Excel Tools Version 1.6 11/18/2011 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending - for New Projects and Regrouped Projects PIH Forms 52723 52722 sub1_nission sc1_1edule 11/10/2011 Submission Schedule Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 201 1-07: Revised Guidance for the Indian Housing 11/03/2011 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Plan/Annual Performance Report Attachment PIH Teclmical Notes HUD-52723 - New Projects 11/01/2011 Technical Notes Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 201 1-06: Notice of Flmding Availability for ICDBG 10/ 14/2011 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Program PIH CY 2012 PHA HUD-52723 Excel Tool User Guide 10/06/2011 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 2012 PHA HUD-52722 UEL Excel Tools 10/06/2011 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending Version 1.10 PIH Data to be used for completing CY 2012 operating 10/05/2011 Data Not Signi?cant Pending subsidy submissions PIH CY 20_12 PHA HUD-52722 Excel Tool User Guide 10/04/2011 User Guide Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 2011-05: General Section to HUD's FY 2012 NOFAs 09/30/2011 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending for Discretionary Programs PIH Explanation of October through December Final CY 09/21/2011 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending 2011 Obligations PIH QA Inspector Process (Physical Inspection Quality 09/16/201 1 Video Woutube) Not Signi?cant Pending Assm'ance Training Video) PIH CY 201 1 PHA HUD-52722 Excel Tools 08/02/2011 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 201 1 Technical Notes 011 HUD-52722 and 52723 08/02/2011 Technical Notes Not Signi?cant Pending PIH REAC Inspection Checklist Version 1 (not available 08/2011 Checklist Not Signi?cant (superseded 0n HUD ?5 website) by REAC Inspection Checklist V2) PIH Data to be used for completing CY 2011 operating 07/28/2011 Data Not Signi?cant Pending subsidy submissions Part 2 PIH UEL In?ation Factor 07/22/2011 Data Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 201 1 PHA HUD-52722 Excel Tool User Guide 07/21/2011 User Guide Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Data to be used for completing CY 201 1 operating 07/21/2011 Data Not Signi?cant Pending subsidy submissions PIH 2011-04: Income Limits 07/14/2011 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant (Replaced by 2012-04) 17 HUD-17-0201-D-000215 HUDO193 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Significant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review PIH l\=1ethodology for determining CY 201 1 Formula 07/01/2011 Explanation/Methodolo Not Signi?cant Pending income gy PIH Explanation of July through Sep. 2011 Obligations 06/29/2011 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 201 PHA HUD-52723 Excel Tools 06/10/2011 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending PIH CY 201 1 PHA HUD-52723 Excel Tool User Guide 06/10/2011 User Guide Not Signi?cant Pending PIH EPCs: Capturing the resident-paid utilities incentive 06/09/2011 Instructions for Sample Not Signi?cant Pending on Forms HUD-52723 {Lampl? Calculation PIH Operating Subsidy Fonns Submission Schedule for 06/06/2011 Submission Schedule Not Signi?cant Pending CY201 PIH UEL In?ation Factor 06/06/2011 Not Signi?cant Pending PIH FAOs related to Subsidy Processing 06/03/2011 FAQS Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Frequently Asked Questions 06/03/2011 FAQs Not Signi?cant Pending PIH FAQs related to Subsidy Processing 06/03/2011 FAQs Not Signi?cant Pending PIH FAQs related to Subsidy Processing 06/03/2011 FAQs Not Signi?cant Pending PIH FAQs related to Subsidy Processing 06/03/2011 FAQs Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Financial Indicator Analysis Guide 06/01/2011 Handbook Not Signi?cant Pending PIH REAC Inspection Brief (not available on HUD ?5 06/2011 Bulletin Not Signi?cant (superseded website) by updated Inspection Brief 10/ 23/ 20 1 7) PIH 2011-03: Indian Housing Plan/Annual Performance 05/ 1 1/2011 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Report Attaclnnent PIH CY 201 1 Guidance: Asset 1\?Ianagement Fees for 05/09/2011 Policy Not Signi?cant Pending ?iAs with Or_1e Project PIH Sample RF 05/1/2011 Sample Docrunent Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Sample legal reyiew 05/1/2011 Sample Document Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Sample Cost Reasonableness Certi?cation 05/1/2011 Sample Document Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Explanation of May and June 2011 Obligations 04/29/2011 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 201 1-02: Notice of Funding Availability for ICDBG 04/25/2011 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Program PIH 2011-01: General Section to HUD's FY 2011 NOFAs 04/15/2011 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending for Discretionary Programs PIH Clari?cation 011 De?nition of ?Sulplus Cash? 04/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Explanation of April Calendar Year CY) 201 1 03/17/2011 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending Obligations 18 HUD-17-0201-D-000216 HUDO194 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review PIH Operating Fund and EPC Guidance 03/ 14/2011 Memo Not Signi?cant Pending Sample EPC Debt Repavment Certi?cation 03/1/2011 Sample Docmnent Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Frequentlv Asked Questions (FAQs) 02/15/2011 FAQs Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Operating Subsidy Calculation for Mixed Finance 02/11/2011 Methodology Not Signi?cant Pending Projects Brie?ng PIH Explanation of ebiuarv and March Calendar Year 02/07/2011 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending (CY) 2011 Obligations PIH Guidance to Assist PHAs in Completing SF-424 02/07/2011 Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending CY 201 1 PHA Guidance for Appeals for Changing 02/05/2011 Policy Not Signi?cant Pending Market Conditions PIH CY 2011 EDSC Pr0gra1n 02/05/2011 Policy Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH EPCs: Processing COCC Adjustments for an Existing 02/05/2011 Methodology Not Signi?cant Pending Energy Perfonnance Contract PIH and Veri?cation for EPC Guidance 01/21/2011 Memo Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 2010-10: Federal Financial Report 12/23/2010 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant (Replaced 11/16/2009 by 2015-04) PIH Explanation of Initial Calendar Year (CY) 2011 12/22/2010 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending Obligation PIH Final CY 2010 Explanation of Obligations and 11/01/2010 Explanations Not Signi?cant Pending Proration PIH 2010-9: Federal Supply Resom?ces Guidance 10/ 12/2010 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant (Replaced by 2013-10) PIH Understanding UPCS Protocol for Inspecting 10/2010 Photographic Job Aid Not Signi?cant Pending Electrical Devices PIH 2010-8: Electronic Posting of Guidance Documents 09/24/2010 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Final 2010 Funding Reconciliation l\?1etliod010gv 09/20/2010 Explanation/Methodolo Not Signi?cant Pending gy PH-I EPC Approval Process 08/12/2010 Process Map Not Signi?cant Pending PIH EPC Development Process 08/12/2010 Process Map Not Signi?cant Pending PIH PHA-Managed EPC Development Process 08/12/2010 Process Map Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 2010-7: Notice of Funding Availability for ICBDG 08/04/2010 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Program PIH 2010-6: Enviromnental Protection Agency (EPA) - 06/30/2010 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) Rule - orrection/U pdate 19 HUD-17-0201-D-000217 HUDO195 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review PIH 2010-5: General Section to HUD's FY 2010 NOFAs 06/ 1 7/2010 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending for Discretionary Programs PIH 2010-4: Income Limits under the Native American 06/04/2010 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant (Replaced by Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 2011-04) 1996 PIH Explanation of June 2010 Obligation 05/25/2010 Explanations Not Signi?cant Pending PH-I 2010?2: New ICDBG Reporting Requirements 05/07/2010 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 2010-3: Affordable Housing Activities and 05/07/2010 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Administrative Expenses PHI 2010?1: EPA - Renovation, Repair, and Painting 05/05/2010 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending (RRP) Rule PIH Audit and PILOT data 04/27/2010 Data Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Data to be used for completing CY 2010 operating 04/23/2010 Data Not Signi?cant Pending subsidy submissions PIH FAQs related to CY r3010 Subsidy Processing 04/21/2010 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Guidance: Asset Management Fees for PHAs with 04/ 15/2010 Regulatory Not Signi?cant Pending One Project Requirement PIH Utilitv Baseline Review Process 04/08/2010 Process Map Not Signi?cant Pending PIH SAGIS and Operating Fund Deadline Extension 03/22/2010 Submission Not Signi?cant Pending Instructions PH-I SAGIS Implementation for CY 2010 and important 03/22/2010 Implementation Not Signi?cant Pending related information Instructions PIH Rental Income In?ation Factor 02/23/2010 Data Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Elderly/Disabled Service Coordinator Program 02/05/2010 Policy Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending (Forms HUD-52723. Section 3. Line 07. CY 2010) PIH EIV FAQs 02/2010 FAQs Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Additional Guidance: Asset l\~Ianagement Election 01/11/2010 Policy Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending and Asset Management Fee Add-011 for CY 2010 PH-I Guidance to Assist PHAs in Completing SF-424 01/05/2010 Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending PIH New Projects/Units Guidance 01/05/2010 Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending PHI Audit Cost Guidance for Mixed Finance Projects 01/05/2010 Policy Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH EPCs: Processing COCC Adjustments for an Existing 01/05/2010 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending EnergV Performance Contract PIH EPCs: Capturing the resident-paid utilities incentive 01/05/2010 Sample Calculation Not Signi?cant Pending 011 Forms HUD-52723 - CY 2010 20 HUD-17-0201-D-000218 HUDO196 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Significant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review PIH Elevator Equipment Room Inspection Protocol 01/2010 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Explanation of Initial CY 2010 Obligation 12/28/2009 Explanations Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 2009-1 1: Annual Reporting Under the American 12/02/2009 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Recovery and Reinvestment Act PIH CY 2009 Submission Schedule and Supplemental 10/31/2009 Submission Schedule Not Signi?cant Pending Information PIH UILIn?ation Factor 10/23/2009 Data Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 2009-10: Procedru?es for Amending Competitive 10/05/2009 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Applications PIH 2009-9: Reporting Requirements under the American 09/3 0/2009 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Recovery and Reinvestment Act PIH Final CY 2009 Proration Explanation 09/28/2009 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Final 2009 Funding Reconciliation 09/28/2009 Methodology Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 2009-8: Posting Signs and Recovery Act Project Sites 09/09/2009 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 2009-7: Applicability of Buy American and Davis- 07/07/2009 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Bacon Requirements to Recovery Act Programs PIH Updated CY 2009 Proration 06/08/2009 Formula for Proration Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 2009-6: Notice of Funding Availability for the 05/28/2009 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending ICDBG Program PIH 2009?5: Notice of Funding Availability for NAHBG 05/27/2009 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Recovery Act Program PIH 2009-4: Notice of Funding Availability for ICDBG 05/22/2009 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Recovery Act Program PIH Explanation of Secor_rd CY 2009 Obligation 04/30/2009 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 2009-3: Income Limits rmder the Native American 03/26/2009 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant (Replaced by Housing Assistance and Self? Determination Act 2010-4) PIH UPCS Inspection Protocol General Liabilitv 03/ 16/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded Insurance Requirement by revised notice) PIH 2009-1: Preparing to Submit Grant Applications 03/04/2009 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 2009-2: Affordable Housing Activities and 03/04/2009 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Administrative Expenses PIH Operating Subsidy Calculation for Mixed Finance 02/11/2009 Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending Projects Brie?ng PIH Operating Subsidy Calculation for Mixed Finance 02/11/2009 Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending Projects Brie?ng 21 HUD-17-0201-D-000219 HUDO197 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review PIH Operating Subsidy Calculation for Mixed Finance 02/11/2009 Not Signi?cant Pending Projects Brie?ng PIH Operating Subsidy Calculation for Mixed Finance 02/11/2009 Methodology Not Signi?cant Pending Proiects Brie?ng PIH CY 2009 PHA HUD-52723 Excel Tools 02/05/2009 Forms Not Signi?cant Pending PH-I New Projects/Units Guidance 02/05/2009 Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Elderly/"Disabled Seiyice Coordinator PrOgram 02/05/2009 Policy Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending (Fonns HUD-52723. Section 3. Line 07. CY 2009) PIH CY 2009 PHA HUD-52723 Excel Tool User Guide 01/29/2009 User Guide Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Exlglanation of Initial CY 2009 Obligation 12/23/2008 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending PIH UEL In?ation Factor 10/30/2008 Data Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 2008?4: Accounting for Fixed Asset Depreciation and 10/09/2008 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Related Issues PIH Further Infonnation on CY 2008 3rd Quarter 09/27/2008 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending Obligation PHI Final Calendar Year CY 2008 Operating Subsidy 09/25/2008 Reconciliation Not Signi?cant Pending Obligation: Reconciliation Methodology Methodology PIH Explanation ofFourth and Final Funding Cycle CY 09/10/2008 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending 2008 Obligation PIH 2008 Operating Subsidy Preliminaly Eligibility 08/25/2008 Submissions Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Supplemental Infonnation on CY 2008 3rd Quarter 06/06/2008 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending Obligation PIH FY 2008 ICDBG 05/16/2008 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Excel Tool SAGIS Data Validation PHA User 05/01/2008 User Guide Not Signi?cant Pending Guida? PIH 2008-02: Income Limits 04/ 16/2008 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Explanation of Third Funding Cycle CY 2008 04/05/2008 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending Obligation for July through September PIH 2008-01: Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LII-ITC) 02/11/2008 Program Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Ruling PHI Explanation of Second Funding Cycle CY 2008 02/05/2008 Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending Obligation for March through June PIH Elderly/Disabled Seiyice Coordinator PrOgram 02/05/2008 Policy Explanation Not Signi?cant Pending (Fonns HUD-52723. Section 3. Line 07) 22 HUD-17-0201-D-000220 HUDO198 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Significant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review PIH PHA-wide Calculated PILOT and Audit Cost for 02/05/2008 Funding Amounts for Not Signi?cant Pending 2008 based on FDS Audit PIH _2008 Interim Fundin_g FAQs 02/04/2008 FAQs Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Initial Funding for Fiscal Year 2008 and Timing of 01/05/2008 Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending SAGIS Funding Data Submissions PIH Project Level Frozen Formula Income Worksheet 01/05/2008 Worksheet Instructions Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Inspector Helpful Hints (not available on HUD ?s 01/2008 List Not Signi?cant (superseded website) by REAC Inspection Checklist V1) PIH Utilitv Expense Level Calculator Calculator") 10/05/07 Worksheet Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 7576.1 Audits of Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) Unavailable Handbook Not Signi?cant (cancelled) and Indian Housing (Not available on HUD ?s website) PIH 2014-04: Federal Financial Report - Standard Form Unavailable Program Guidance Not Signi?cant (Replaced by 425 Instructions and Guidance for IHBG Program 2014-07) (not available on HUD ?5 website) PIH Waiver Instruction Unavailable Instruction Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Appeal Instruction Unavailable Instruction Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Frequentlv Asked Questions 2008-2017 FAQS Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Training 2008-2017 Training Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 1V1ultifamilv REAC News 2008-2017 Highlights Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Accounting Briefs 2008-2017 Accormting Briefs Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Gerrerallv Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) - 2008-2017 Instruction Not Signi?cant Pending lvers PIH Program Entitv Reporting in the FDS 2008-2017 Instruction Not Signi?cant Pending PIH EPIC Activity Planning Quick Reference Guides ongoing Reference Guide Not Signi?cant Pending PIH EPIC Activity Module FAQ FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Choice Neighborhoods Notice of Funding 2010-2017 FAQ Not Signi?cant Pending Availabilitv (NOFA) FAQ PIH MTW Expansion FAQs 2016-2017 FAQs Not Signi?cant Pending PIH UPCS-V Preser_1tations 2016-2017 Training Not Signi?cant (archives) PIH Quarteer Conference Calls (archived) 2016-2017 Conference Calls Not Signi?cant (archives) PIH 2017 Formula Funding bv (MS?Excel) FY18 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending PIH FY2017 Letter to Executive Directors FY17 Letter Not Signi?cant Pending 23 HUD-17-0201-D-000221 HUDO199 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Significant Regulatory Task Of?ce (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review PIH FY2017 Capital Fund Program Timeline FY17 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending PIH FY2017 Capital Fund Processing Guidance for PHAs FY17 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending (MS Word) PIH Inspection Software Guide 2017 User Manual Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Salesforce L0g-Iu Guide 2017 User Manual Not Signi?cant Pending PIH UPCS-V V2.5 Decision Trees 2017 UPC S-V V2.5 Decision Not Signi?cant Pending Trees PIH UPCS-V Exam4 Inspections Demo 2017 Demo Video Not Signi?cant Pending PIH V. 1.0 Decision Trees 2016 Decision Trees Not Signi?cant (superseded by UPC S-V V2.5 Decision Trees) PIH FAQs 2016 FAQs Not Signi?cant (superseded by UPC S-V FAQs) PIH UPCS-V FAQs 2016 FAQs Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Protocol V2.0 2016 Protocol Not Signi?cant (superseded by V2.5 UPC S-V Protocol) PIH UPCS-V Protocol v.1.5 2016 Protocol Not Signi?cant Superseded by V2.0 UPC S-V Protocol PIH Protocol V. 1.0 2016 Protocol Not Signi?cant (superseded by V1.5 UPC S-V Protocol) PIH Changes to Inspection Protocol 1.5 to 2.0) 2016 Guidance Not Signi?cant (superseded by Protocol Change Tracker 2.0 to 2.5) PIH UPCS-V Draft Decision Trees 2016 Draft Decision Trees Not Signi?cant (superseded by UPC S-V V1.0 Decision Trees) PIH Timely Obligation of Capital Funds and PHAS 2015 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Capital Fund Indicator Scoring PIH USER GUIDE for PHAs: iNtegrated Assessment 2015 User Manual Not Signi?cant Pending (NASS) 24 HUD-17-0201-D-000222 00200 Issuing Name of Document (Hyperlinked) Date Issued Form of Guidance OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Office (handbook, FAQ, etc.) Determination Force Review PIH TimelV Obligation of Capital Funds and PHAS 2015 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Capital Fund Indicator Scoring PIH USER GUIDE for PHAs 2015 User Manual Not Signi?cant Pending iNteoirated Assessment (NASS) PIH Clari?cation of Capital Fund-troubled PHAS 2014 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Designation PH-I Rejected ?nancial and management operations 2014 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending sub1n=issions PIH Phase Protocol (not available on HUD ?5 website) 2014 Bulletin Not Signi?cant (superseded by updated protocol) PIH Public Housing SAC Training Materials 2013 Training Materials Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Rejected Financial and lV-Ianagement Operations 2013 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Submissions: PH-I Rejected Financial and lVIanagenient Operations 2013 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending Sub1n_issions: PIH MTW FAQs 2012 FAQs Not Signi?cant Pending PHI PHA Occupancv Percentage Calculations 2012 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending PIH PHA Occupancv Percentage Calculations 2012 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Demolition/Disposition Technical Assistance 2011 TA package Not Signi?cant Pending Package PH-I EIV Training and Technical Assistance 2011 Technical Assistance Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Initial EIV Training Presentation 2011 Training Material Not Signi?cant Pending PIH PHAS Interim Training Guide 2011 Training Guide Not Signi?cant Pending PH-I PHAS Interim Training Guide 2011 Training Guide Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Regulatory Waiver Requests Submitted To 2011 Guidance Not Signi?cant Pending REAC PHI Conversion Guide 2008 Desk Guide Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Conversion Training 2008 Training Materials Not Signi?cant Pending PIH Conversion FAQs 2008 FAQS Not Signi?cant Pending 25 HUD-17-0201-D-000223 Department of Housing and Urban Development Guidance Documents Issued by the Of?ce of Public and Indian Housing Since Jan. 1, 2008 HUD0112 Document Title/Brief Description Date of Document OMB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Issuance Type Determination Force Review 2017-27 Public Horrsing Operating Subsidy Eligibility Calculations for 12/08/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Calendar Year 2018 2017-26 Federal Fiscal Year 2017 Frmding Provisions for the Housing 12/05/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Choice Voucher Program Award of Remaining Set-Aside 2017-25 Application of HUD Notice SD-2017-01 to the Section 184A 11/30/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Native Hawaiian Housing Loan Guarantee Program and the Native Hawaiian Housing Block Grant Program for Properties Located within the Boundaries of the Waikoloa Maneuver Area Formeer Used Defense Site 011 the Island of Hawai?i 2017-24 Guidance orr Third-Party Agreements Public 11/29/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Housigg Propertv 2017-23 Updates to Flat Rent Reguirements 11/30/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2017-22 Guidance orr Eligibilig for Asset-Repositioning Fee (ARF 2 11/08/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending when Public Housing Units Are Approved for Demolition. Disposition. or Transitioned to Horneownership 2017-21 Implementation Guidance: Housing Opportunitv Tln'ough 10/30/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Modernization Act of 2016 (HOTMA) -- Housing Choice Voucl_1er (HCV) agd Voucher Provisior_1? 2017-20 Housing Through Modernization Act of 2016 10/27/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending (HOTMA) - Housing Quality Standards (HOS) Implementation Guidance 2017-19 EXTENSION to Register Qterest for HUD-VASH 10/26/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2017-18 Housing Choice Voucher Program - Guidance on 09/07/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Manufactru'ed Home Sgace Rentals 2017-17 Registration of Interest for HUD-VASH Vouchers 09/01/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2017-16 Changes to the Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) Formula 08/ 17/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Regulations 2017-15 Indian Housing Block Grant Formula FCAS _Da_ta 08/17/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2017-14 Indian Housing Block Grant Formula Needs per?ta 08/17/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 2017-13 Guidance orr Lead Safe Housing Rule Pertaining to 08/10/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2017-01 Elevated Blood Lead Levels for the Public Housing. Housing Choice Voucher. and Project-Based Voucher Programs 2017-12 Administrative Guidance for Effective and Mandated Use of 08/04/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending the Entergrise Income Veri?cation Sgstem HUD-17-0201-D-000224 Public and Indian Housing Guidance Documents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDO113 Document Number Title/Brief Description Date of Issuance Document Type 0MB Signi?cant Determination Regulatory Task Force Review 2017-ll Guidance 011 Reporting Public Housing Agency Executive omgensation Information for Calendar Year 2016 2017-10 07/18/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Implementation of the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2017 Fmrding Provisions for the Housing Choice Voucl_1er Progam 2017-09 06/28/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Amendment - Public Housing Operating Subsidy Eligibility Calculatior_rs for Caler_rdar Year 2017 05/31/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2017-08 Violence Against Women (VAWA) Reauthorization Act of 2013 Guidance 2017-07 05/19/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Guidance Related to (1) Eligibility for Potential Shortfall Funding Under the Calendar Year (CY) 2017 Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) Renewal Set-Aside for the Housing Choice Voucher (HC V) Program and (2) CY 2017 Administrative Fees 04/26/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2017-06 Cash Mana Requirements for the Housing Choice Voucher Prog'am 2017-05 03/23/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Income exclusion under temporary Census employment and Census access 03/07/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2017-04 Limitations orr Paurrents to In?uence Federal Transactions for PIH Programs and PHA Anti-Lobbying Certi?cation and Disclosure Requirements 2017-03 03/03/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending HUD Guidance 011 Instituting and Enforcing Smoke-Free Public Housing Policies 2017-02 02/15/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Self-Petitioner Veri?cation Procedures 01/19/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2016-23 Requirements for PHAs removing all public housing rurits and guidance orr either the termination of the ACC or the continuation of the gublic housing Erogg?am 12/07/2016 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2016-22 Envirormrental Review Requirements for Public Housing Agencies 12/05/2016 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2016-21 Guidance 011 Automation of Capital Frurd Program 5-Year Action Plans and Budgets in the Activigl Planning Module of Energy Performance and Information Center (EPIC) 12/02/2016 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2016-20 2 CFR 200.31 1) Disposition Instructions for the Public Housing Agency (PHA) Retention of Certain Public Housing Real Property (that is no longer used or was never used for public housing dwelling purposes) Free from Public Housing Use Restrictions 11/29/2016 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending HUD-17-0201-D-000225 Public and Indian Housing Guidance Documents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDO114 Document Title/Brief Description Date of Document 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Issuance Type Determination Force Review 2016-19 Public Housing Operating Subsidy Eligibility Calculations for 11/29/2016 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Calendar Year (CY) 2017 2016-18 Guidapce oLull Flexib_ility for E_lig_jble Small PHAs 11/ 14/2016 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 2016-17 Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Notice Regarding 11/ 10/2016 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending HSG 2016-17 Fair Housing and Civil Rights Requirements and Relocation Requirements Applicable to RAD First Component Public Housing Conversions 2016-16 Public Housing Agency Executive Compensation Collection 11/08/2016 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Calendar Year 2% 2016-15 Amendment - Public Housing Operating Subsidy Eligibility 10/04/2016 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Calculations for Calendar Year 2015 2016-14 Guidance 011 the Public Housing Agency (PHA) salary 10/03/2016 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending restriction?in annual appropriations 2016-13 Guidance orr Properg and Casualg Insurance Issues 09/20/2016 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending PIH 2016-12 Funding Availability for Tenant-Protection Vouchers for 08/ 18/2016 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) HSG 2016-07 Certain at Risk Households in Low-Vacancy Areas - FY16 2016-11 Set-Aside Funding Availability for Project-Basing HUD- 07/01/2016 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending VASH Vouchers 2016-10 Revl Public Housing Operating Subsidy Eligibility Calculations for 06/09/2016 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Calendar Year 2016 2016-09 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Family Moves with 06/06/2016 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Continued Assistance. Family Brie?ngs. and Voucher Suspension 2016-08 Inventory Management System/PIH Information Center 05/06/2016 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Family Self-Suf?ciency (FSS) Reporting and FSS Prog?am Portability Provisiog 2016-07 Extension - Total Development Costs (TDC) for Affordable 05/04/2016 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Housing rurder the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA) 2016-06 Administering the Self-Certi?cation Flexibility when Verifying 04/07/2016 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Service and Self-Suf?ciency Requirement (C SSR) Compliance 2016-05 Streamlining Administrative Regrlations for Progams 04/07/2016 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Adr?istered by Public Housing Agencies 2016-04 Implementation of the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2016 03/ 10/2016 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Funding Provisiops for the Housing Choice Voucl_1er Prog?am HUD-17-0201-D-000226 Public and Indian Housing Guidance Documents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDO115 Document Number Title/Brief Description Date of Issuance Document Type 0MB Signi?cant Determination Regulatory Task Force Review 2016-03 Emergency Safety and Secru'ity Grants Annual Funding Noti?cation and Application Process 03/09/2016 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2016-02 Enhanced Voucher Reguirements for Over-housed Families 03/04/2016 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2016-01 Uni?cation Program and Fanrily Self Suf?cierrcy Demonstration 01/15/2016 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2015-22 Process for Public Housing Agency Voluntary Transfers and onsolidatiorrs of Housing Choice Vouchers. Five-Year Mainstream Vouchers: Project-Based Vouchers and Project- Based Certi?cates 0 Attachment 1 - Checklist HCV Transfer or Consolidations - Attachment 2 - Additional Questions - Details for HCV Transfers 12/16/2015 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2015-21 Amendment to the De?nition of Tuition 12/10/2015 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2015-20 Public Housing Operating Subsidy Eligibility Calculations for Calend_ar Year 2016 12/13/2015 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2015-19 Guidance for Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) and Owners of Federally-Assisted Housing orr Excluding the Use of Arrest Records in Housing Decisions 11/02/2015 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2015-18 Availability of New and Revised Public Housing Agency (PHA) Five-Year and Annual Plan Templates and Other Fomrs - HUD-50075-5Y HUD-50075-HCV HUD-50075-HP HUD-50075-SM HUD-50075-ST HUD-50077-CRT-SM HUD-50077-ST-HCV-HP HUD 50077-SL - 50077-CR 10/23/2015 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2015-17 Use and Regorting of Administrative Fee Reserves 10/06/2015 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2015-16 Financial Reporting Requirements for the Housing Choice Voucher Program Submitted through the Financial Assessment for Public Housing and the Voucher Management System 10/01/2015 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2015-15 Section 184 Indian Loan Guarantee Pr'og'am Disaster Pol_ic_y 09/ 24/ 20 1 5 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending HUD-17-0201-D-000227 Public and Indian Housing Guidance Documents Since an. 1. 2008 HUD0116 Document Title/Brief Description Date of Document 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Issuance Type Determination Force Review 2015-14 Guidance 011 Reporting Public Housing Agency Executive 09/ 1 1/2015 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Compensation Information 0 Attachment 2015-13 Changes to Flat Rent Requirements -- FY 2015 Appropriations 09/08/2015 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded by 2017-23) 2015-12 Administering the Corrnnunity Service and Self-Suf?ciency 08/ 13/2015 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Requirement (CSSR) 2015-11 Set-Aside Funding Availability for Project-Basing HUD- 06/26/2015 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending VASH Vouchers 2015-10 Project-Basing HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing 06/ 12/2015 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded (VASH) Voucl? by 2017-21) 2015-09 Extension -- Total Development Costs (TDC) for Affordable 06/04/2015 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Housing rmder the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA) 2015-08 Administrative Requirements for Investing Indian Housing 05/08/2015 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Block Grant Fur_r? 2015-07 Funding Availability for Tenant-Protection Vouchers for 04/23/2015 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Certain At-Risk Households in Low-Vacancy Areas - Fiscal Year 2015 2015-06 US. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) 04/23/2015 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Privacy Protection Guidance for Third Parties 2015-05 Project-Based Voucher (PBV) Grridance 04/01/2015 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded by 2017-21) 2015-04 Expiration of Temporary Compliance Assistance for Public 03/ 12/2015 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Housing and Housing Choice Voucher Programs -- Temporary Compliance Assistance 2015-03 Implementation of the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2015 02/21/2015 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Funding Provisions for the Housing Choice Voucher Progam 2015-02 Extension: Administrative Guidance for Effective and 01/09/2015 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded Mandated Use of the Enterprise Income Veri?cation (EIV) by 2017-12) Systerg 2015-01 Indian Housing Block Grant Program: Guidance and 01/09/2015 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Procedru?es for Environmental Reviews rmder Part 50 2014-26 Asset Building and Financial Literacy Resources 10/21/2014 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2014-25 Over Subsidization in the Housing Choice Voucl_rer Prom 10/ 16/2014 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2014-24 Process for Public Housing Agency Voluntary Transfers and 09/23/2014 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Consolidations of the Public Housing Program HUD-17-0201-D-000228 Public and Indian Housing Guidance Documents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDO117 Document Number Title/Brief Description Date of Issuance Document Type 0MB Signi?cant Determination Regulatory Task Force Review 2014-23 Set-Aside Funding Availability for Project-Basing HUD- VASH Vouchers 09/17/2014 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2014-22 Section 184 Indian Loan Guarantee Program Processing Guidelines 09/16/2014 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2014-21 Depository Ageements for Investing and Administering Indian Housing Block Grant ngBG) 131ng 09/15/2014 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2014-20 Program Eligibility Regardless of Sexual Orientation. Gender Identity or Marital Status as Required by HUD's Equal Access Rule 08/20/2014 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2014-l9 Public Housing Operating Subsidy Eligibility Calculations for Calendar Year 2015 2014-18 08/19/2014 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Guidance orr Orr-Site Utility Teclmologies And the Rate Reduction Incentive in Public Housigg PIH 2014-17 HSG 2014-09 08/08/2014 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Relocation Requirements under the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Program, Public Housing in the First Component 07/14/2014 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded by 2017-17) 2014-l6 Extension -- Total Development Costs (TDC) for Affordable Housing under the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA). 2014-15 06/19/2014 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Administrative and Planning Expenses in the Indian Housing Block Grant SIHBGZ Progam 06/19/2014 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2014-14 Voluntary conversion assessment for public housing agencies witl_1 fewer than 250 gublic housing rmits 2014-l3 06/18/2014 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Funding for Tenant-Protection Vouchers for Certain At-Risk Households i?ow-Vacancx Areas - 2014 Appropriatiorls Act 2014-12 05/20/2014 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Changes to Flat Rent Reguirements - 2014 Aplgr?olgriations Act 2014-ll 05/19/2014 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Section 184 Indian Loan Guarantee Program Processing Guidel'gres 05/09/2014 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2014-10 Privacy Protection Guidance for Tl_1ird Parties 2014-09 04/30/2014 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Emergency Safety and Secruity Grants Armual Frurdirrg Noti?cation and Application Process 05/12/2014 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2014-08 Reinstatement and Revision of Accessibility Requirements for Native American Progams 2014-07 04/30/2014 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Revision to PIH 2013-16 - Public Housing Operating Subsidy Eligibility Calculations for Calendar Year 2014 06/25/2013 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2014-06 Financial Audit Requirements for Tribal Participants in Public and Indian Housing Progams 04/16/2016 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending HUD-17-0201-D-000229 Public and Indian Housing Guidance Documents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDO118 Document Number Title/Brief Description Date of Issuance Document Type 0MB Signi?cant Determination Regulatory Task Force Review 2014-05 Implementation of the Federal Fiscal Year 2014 Funding Provisior_1s for the Housing Choice Voucl_1er Progam 03/18/2014 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) 2014-04 Funding for Tenant-Protection Vouchers for Certain At-Risk Households in Low-Vacancg Areas - Revisior_1 2014-03 02/ 04/ 20 14 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Set-Aside Funding Availabilitv for Proiect-Basing HUD- VASH Vouch 02/ 04/ 20 14 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2014-02 Providing Assistance to Non-Low-Income Families under the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA) 2014-01 01/24/2014 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Guidance orr Reporting Public Housing Agencv Executive Compensation Information 01/09/2014 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2013-30 Exclusion from Income of Pavments under Recent Tribal Trust Settlements 12/17/2013 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2013-29 Providing Interim thding to Recipients of Indian Housing Block Grants 12/17/2013 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2013-28 Guidance 011 the Use of Outside Soru?ces of Funds in the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program 2013-27 12/16/2013 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Voluntary Relinguishment of Enhanced Voucher Assistance or Regular Housing Choice Voucher Assistance in Exchange for Project-Based Voucher Assistance in Multifamilv Housing Conversion Actions 12/04/2013 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2013-26 Extension: Public Housing and Housing Choice Voucher Progams - TerpporarV Compliance Assistance 2013-25 11/05/2013 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Notice of Armual Factors for Determining Public Housing Agency Administrative Fees for the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher and Moderate Rehabilitation Progams 09/27/2013 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) 2013-24 Revised Eligibility Requirements for Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Contract Renewal Set-Aside Funding for Categorv 1. Shortfall Fimds - Notice PIH 2013-12 - Implementation of the Federal Fiscal Year 2013 Frurding Provisions for the Housing Choice Voucher Pro g?am 09/13/2013 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) 2013-23 Extension: Administrative Guidance for Effective and Mandated Use of the Enterprise Income Veri?cation (EIV) Svstem 08/30/2013 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) 2013-22 Micro-Purchase Process for Purchases of Less Than $5.000 bv Indian Housing Block Grant Recipients 08/23/2013 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2013-21 Guidance 011 the use of Tenant Participation Fluids 08/23/2013 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending HUD-17-0201-D-000230 Public and Indian Housing Guidance Documents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDO119 Document Title/Brief Description Date of Document 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Issuance Type Determination Force Review 2013-20 Processing requests for regulatory waivers through appropriate 08/08/2013 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending ?eld of?ces 2013-19 Revised Policies and Procedru?es for Special Prupose Housing 08/01/2013 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Choice Vouchers for Non-Elderly Disabled Families and Other Special Populatiorg 2013-18 Revision for Requests for Exception Payment Standards for 08/01/2013 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Persons with Disabilities as a Reasonable Accormnodation 2013-17 Housing Choice Voucher (HC V) Pr0gram -- Review of 07/02/2013 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Existing HOS Requirements and the Use of Photos to Improve HOS oversight 2013-16 Public Housing Operating Subsidy Eligibility Calculations for 06/25/2013 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Calendar Year 2014 2013-15 Guidance 011 housing individuals and families experiencing 06/ 10/2013 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending homelessness through the Public Housing and Housing Choice Voucher progams 2013-14 Disaster Housing Assistance Program - Sandy 06/10/2013 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Operating Requirements 2013-13 Extension: Administrative Guidance for Effective and 06/01/2013 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Mandated Use of the Enterprise Income Veri?cation (EIV) System 2013-12 Implementation of the Federal Fiscal Year 2013 Funding 05/23/2013 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Provisions for the Housing Choice Voucher Progam 2013-11 Process for Requestir_1g Subsidy Layering Reviews 05/10/2013 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2013-10 Emergech Safety and Secruity Frurding as it Relates to the 05/03/2013 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act. 2013 [Public Law 113-61 2013-09 Use of Operatigg Reserves for Capital Igprovements 04/24/2013 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2013-08 Fturding for Tenant-Protection Vouchers for Certain At-Risk 04/ 12/2013 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Households in Low-Vacancy Areas Final Implementation (amended by HSG 2014-04) 2013-07 Agreements with Responsible Entities and Timing for 03/05/2013 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Environmental Reviews 2013-06 Radon Information for P31 Progams 02/04/2013 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2013-05 Extension -- Total Development Costs (TDC) for Affordable 01/30/2013 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Housing rurder the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996 2013-04 Guidance 011 Veri?cation of Excluded Income 01/28/2013 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending HUD-17-0201-D-000231 Public and Indian Housing Guidance Documents Since an. 1. 2008 HUDO120 Document Number Title/Brief Description Date of Issuance Document Type 0MB Signi?cant Determination Regulatory Task Force Review 2013-03 Public Housing and Housing Choice Voucher Programs - Temporary Compliance Assistance 0 FAQ - 3/1/2013 01/22/2013 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) 2013-02 Baseline Methodology for Moving to Work Public Housing Agencies 01/10/2013 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2013-01 Section 184 Indian Housing Loan Guarantee Program's Loan Limits Effective anan 1. 2013. 2012-49 01/09/2013 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Providing Interim Funding in Fiscal Year 2013 to Recipients of Indian Housing Block Grants 2012?48 12/12/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending HUD Frurding for Non-Presiderrtially Declared Natru?al I=)isasters 11/28/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2012-45 Recipient Inspection of Housing Units Assisted Under the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA) 2012-44 11/02/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Section Eight Mana Assessment Progam Guidance 2012-43 10/25/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Draft Notice Extending Use of Op Reserves for Cap Imgrovemerrts 2012?42 10/25/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Housing Choice Voucher Family Moves with Continued Assistance 10/25/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2012-41 Processing Information for the Submission of Housing Factor Plans 2012?40 09/28/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Assisted Living Units in the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program 09/28/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2012-39 Frurding for Tenant-Protection Vouchers for Certain At-Risk Housel_rolds i?sow-Vacagcy A_reas -- Request for Comments 2012-38 09/10/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded by 2013-08) Emergech Safety and Security Funding as it Relates to the Full-Year ontirruirrg Appropriations Act. 2012 [Public Law 112-3 61 09/07/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2012-37 Extension -- Recipient Inspection of Housing Units Assisted under the Native American Housing Assistance and Self Determination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA) and Those Assisted Ugder the United States Housir=rg Act of 1937. 2012-36 08/26/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) SUPPLEMENTAL NOTICE to PIH Notice 2012-16 Request for Applications rurder the Moving to Work Demonstration Prog?am for Fiscal Year 2011 08/27/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending HUD-17-0201-D-000232 Public and Indian Housing Guidance Documents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDO121 Document Title/Brief Description Date of Document 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Issuance Type Determination Force Review 2012-35 Federal Fiscal Year 2012 Funding Provisions for the Housing 08/21/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Choice Voucher Progran -- Award of Remaining Set-Aside Funds 2012-34 Waiting List Administration 08/ 13/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2012-33 Extension of Notice PIH 2010-51 . Over Subsidization in the 08/08/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Housing Choice Voucher Prog?am 2012-32 Rental Assistance Demonstration -- Final Implementation - 01/ 12/2017 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Revision 3 2012-31 Assisted housing for persons with disabilities under Ohnstead 06/29/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending implementation efforts to provide conmnmity-based options rather than institutional settings 2012-30 Public Housing Operating Subsidy Ehgibility Calculations for 06/22/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Calend_ar Year 2% 2012-29 Estabhshing the Passbook Savings Rate 06/21/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2012-28 State Registered Lifetime Sex Offenders in Federally Assisted 06/11/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Housing 0 Attachient 2012-27 Calendar Year 2012 $20 Million Set-Aside for Financial 06/08/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Hardship due to Public Housing Operating Subsidy Allocation Adjustment 0 Attachment A 0 Attachment B1 0 Attachment B2 2012-26 Extension: Administrative Guidance for Effective and 06/01/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Mandated Use of the Enterprise Income Veri?cation (EIV) System 2012-25 Non-Smoking Policies in Public Housing 05/29/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2012-24 Rent to Owners in subsidized projects rmder the Housing 05/22/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Choice Voucher (HCV) program 2012-23 Line of Credit Control Response System 05/21/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending for the Indian Housing Block Grant Progam 2012-22 Supplemental Information to Application for Assistance 05/09/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Regarding Identi?cation of Family Member. Friend or Other Persons or Organization Supportive of a Tenant for Occupancy ?1 HUD Assisted Housir_1g HUD-17-0201-D-000233 10 Public and Indian Housing Guidance Documents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDO122 Document Number Title/Brief Description Date of Issuance Document Type 0MB Signi?cant Determination Regulatory Task Force Review 2012-21 Financial Reporting Requirements for the Housing Choice Voucher Program Submitted through the Financial Assessment Public Housing and the Voucher Management Svstem 05/10/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2012-20 Revocation of Notice PIH 2012-19 (Implementation of Funding for Tenant-Protection Vouchers for Certain At-Risk Households in Low-Vacancy Areas) 05/02/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2012-19 Implementation of Funding for Tenant-Protection Vouchers for ertaig At-Risk Households in Low-Vacar_rcv Areas 2012-18 03/16/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant (revoked by 201 2-20) Rental Assistance Demonstration -- Partial Implementation and Request for Com=ments 03/08/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2012-17 Guidelines 011 Bedbug Control and Prevention in Public Housing 02/28/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2012-l6 Request for Applications rurder the Moving to Work Demonstration Progg'am for Fiscal Year 2011 2012-15 02/27/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Streamlining Administrative Practices in the Housing Choice Voucher Progam 2012-14 02/27/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Guidance on Public Housing salary restrictions in HUD's Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2012 Appropriations Act (PL. 112Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2012-l3 Extension - Administering the Comrmurim Service and Self- Suf?ciencg Reguirement (CSSR) 2012-12 02/22/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Indian Housing Plan/Annual Performance Report Form -- Form HUD-5 2 73 7 02/22/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2012-11 Process for Public Housing Agency Volrmtary Transfers and onsolidatiorrs of Housing Choice Vouchers. Five-Year Mainstreanr Vouchers. Proiect-Based Vouchers and Proiect- Based Certi?cates 02/15/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2012-10 Veri?cation of Social Security Numbers (S SNs). Social Secruitv (SS) and Supplemental Secru?itv Income (SSI) Bene?ts; and Effective Use of the Enterprise Income Veri?cation (EIV) Svster_n's Identitv Veri?cation Report 02/14/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2012-09 Implementation of the Federal Fiscal Year 2012 Frurding Provisions for the Housing Choice Voucher Progam 2012-08 02/08/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Guidance for Obtaining HUD Consent for Takings of Public Housing Property by Eminent 02/03/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending HUD-17-0201-D-000234 11 Public and Indian Housing Guidance Documents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDO123 Document Number Title/Brief Description Date of Issuance Document Type 0MB Signi?cant Determination Regulatory Task Force Review 2012-07 Demolition/disposition of public housing and associated requirements for PHA Plans. resident consultation. Section 3 and application processing 2012-06 02/02/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Recapture Provisions for the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA) Funds Authorized under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 01/31/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2012-05 Implementation of Statutory Change to the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996 related to Income 2012-04 01/31/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Effective Use of the Enterprise Income Veri?cation (EIV) System?s Deceased Tenants Report to Reduce Subsidv Pavment Administrative Errors 2012-03 01/1/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Housing Choice Voucher -- Horneownership Option 10 Year Asset Exclusion 2012-02 01/27/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Guidapce op Public Housing Operating 2012-01 01/20/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Income Exclusion of Kinship. and Other Guardiansh=ip Care Pavments 01/06/2012 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2011-69 Prohibition on Exceeding Statutory Limitation of the Number of Public Housing Units 2011-68 12/27/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Extension of Notice 2010-49: Protecting Tenants at Foreclosru'e Act Guidance on New Tenant Protections 2011-67 12/16/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Implementation of New Cash Management Requirements for the Housing Choice Voucher Program 2011-66 12/09/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Terminal Guidance 011 Disaster Housing Assistance Program - Ike and Extension Operating Requirements 2011-65 12/07/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Timelv Reporting Requirements of the Family Report (form HUD-50058 and form HUD- 50058 MTW) into the Public and Indian Housing Information Center 11/30/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2011-64 Dun and Bradstreet Universal Nrunbering SVstem (DUNS) Requirement 2011-63 11/30/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Extension--Tota1 Development Costs (TDC) for Affordable Housing under the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996 11/02/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2011-62 Extension of Cost-Test and Market Analyses Guidelines for the Voluntary Conversion of Public Housing Units Pru'suant to 24 CFR Part 972 11/02/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending HUD-17-0201-D-000235 12 Public and Indian Housing Guidance Documents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDO124 Document Title/Brief Description Date of Document 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Issuance Type Determination Force Review 2011-61 Extension--Guidance on requirement for PHAs to record 11/01/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending crurent Declaration of Trusts (DOTS) against all public housing property and guidance on adding and removing public housing units and other property from the Armual Contributions @tract (ACC). 2011-60 and Bradstreet Universal Numbering System (DUNS) 10/28/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending requirement 2011-59 Reporting of Administrative Fee Reserves 10/27/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2011-58 Extension--Certi?catiorr of accru?acy of data in the Inventory 10/24/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Managernent/Public Housing Information Center System used to calculate the Capital Fund forr=nula allocation 2011-57 Instructions for Public Housing Agency 011 Fiscal Year End 10/06/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Changes 2011-56 Emergency Safety and Secru?ity Funding as it Relates to the 10/04/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Department of Defense and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act. 2011 [Public?Law 112-10] 2011-55 Public Housing Operating Subsidy Calculations for Calendar 09/26/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Year 2012 0 Attachment 2011-54 Guidance on the Project-Based Voucher Program 09/20/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded by 2017-21) 2011-53 Reporting and Portability Requirements for the HUD-Veterans 09/20/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Affairs Supportive Housing SVASH) Progam 2011-52 Reporting. Trunover. and Other Requirements for the Family 09/20/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Uni?cation Progam PIH 2011-51 Promoting Partnerships to Utilize Housing as a Platfornr for 09/20/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending CPD 2011-09 1111 rovin uali of Life 2011-50 Project-Basing HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing 09/ 15/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded Vouch by 2015-10) 2011-49 Extension Recipient Inspection of Housing Units Assisted 08/26/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) rmder' the Native American Housing Assistance and Self Detemrination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA) and Those Assisted Under the United States Housing Act of 1937 2011-48 Guidance on Reporting Public Housing Agency Executive 08/26/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending (partially Compensation Information and Conducting superseded by Analysis 2014-01) - Attachment HUD-17-0201-D-000236 l3 Public and Indian Housing Guidance Documents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDO125 Management Tool and as a Lease Provision for Certain Public Housing Buildings Document Title/Brief Description Date of Document 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Issuance Type Determination Force Review 2011-47 Transactions between Public Housing Agencies and their 08/ 17/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Related Af?liates and 2011-46 PHA Determinations of Rent Reasonablerress in the Housing 08/ 17/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Choice Voucher (HCV) of PIH Notices 2009-51 and 2010-18 2011-45 Parameters for Local. Non-Traditional Activities under the 08/ 15/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Moving to Work Demonstration Program PIH 2011-44 Guidance on Lead-Based Paint Renovation, Repair and 07/29/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2011-01 Painting (RRP) Rule. Lead Safe Housing Rule. and the EPA-HUD Lead Disclosru?e Rule 2011-43 Extension-- Administrative Requirements for Investing Indian 07/21/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant (replaced by Housing Block Grant Frlg? 2015-08) 2011-42 Depositorv Agreements for Recipients of the Indian Housing 07/21/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Block Grant Prog'am 2011-41 Extension-- Demonstration Program - Self-Determined 07/21/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Housing Activities for Tribal 2011-40 Extension-- Limiting Housing to Indian Families or Tribal 07/21/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Members when using Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) fllIldS 2011-39 Accessibilitv Requirements for Native American Programs: 07/21/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973: Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; Architectru?al Barriers Act of 1968: and Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988. 2011-38 Public Housing Develogment Cost Limits 07/20/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2011-37 Extension: Infomration and Procedru?es for Implementation of 07/ 13/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Capital Fluids Recovery Competition Grants 2011-36 Guidance orr Energ Performance Contracts 07/08/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2011-35 Extension: Consolidated Guidance on Disaster Housing 06/30/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded Assistance Program - Ike and Extension Operating by 2011-66) Requirements 2011-34 Extension - Continuation of Disaster Voucher Program (DVP) 06/28/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Houng Assistagce Payments 2011-33 Use of Work Preferences as a Public Housing Waiting List 06/24/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending HUD-17-0201-D-000237 l4 Public and Indian Housing Guidance Documents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDO126 Document Title/Brief Description Date of Document 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Issuance Type Determination Force Review 2011-32 Policies and Procedures for Special Purpose Housing Choice 06/ 14/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded Vouchers for Non-Eldeer Disabled Families and Other Special by 2013-19) Populations PIH 2011-31 Guidance orr non-discrimination and equal opportunig 06/ 13/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending FI-IEO 2011-1 requirements for PHAs 2011-30 PHA Mortgaged Projects: Procedru?es for Section 30 Mortgage 06/11/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Transactions 0 Attachment 2011-29 HOS Inspections for the Housing Choice Voucher Program and 06/03/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Guidance Related to Electrical Outlets 2011-28 ost- Savings Measures in the Housing Choice Voucher 05/27/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending (HC V) Progra? 2011-27 Implementation of the Federal Fiscal Year 2011 Frurding 06/02/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Provisions for the Housing Choice Voucher Progam 2011-26 Extension--Establishing a Micro Pru'chase Process for 05/25/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded Pru'chases Less Than $5000 for Indian Housing Block Grant by 2013-22) II-IBG) Recipients 2011-25 Extension: Administrative Guidance for Effective and 05/30/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Mandated Use of the Enterprise Income Veri?cation (EIV) System 2011-24 Capital Frurd Progam Awards 05/ 10/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending 2011-23 Indian Housing Plan/Annual Performance Report Form - Form 04/28/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending HUD-52 73 7 (extended by 0 Attachment 2012-12) 2011-22 Promotion of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) as an 04/26/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending envir'onmentally-sormd. economical and effective means to address a maj or resident concern 2011-21 Line of Credit Control System/Voice Response System 04/22/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant (replaced by for the Indian Housing Block Grant Program 2012-23) 0 Attachment 1 0 Attachment 2 0 Attachment 3 0 Attachment 5 0 Attachment 6 0 Attachment 7 0 Attachment 8 2011-20 Extension of Notice PIH 2008-12 . Enhanced Voucher 04/22/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Requirements for Over-housed Families HUD-17-0201-D-000238 15 Public and Indian Housing Guidance Documents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDO127 Document Title/Brief Description Date of Document 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Issuance Type Determination Force Review 2011-19 Extension of Notice PIH 2010-11 . Requests for Exception 04/22/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded Payment Standards for Persons with Disabilities as a by 2013-18) Reasonable Accorrnnodation 2011-18 Asset-Repositioning Fee 04/ 12/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded by 2017-22) 2011-17 Extension of Notice PIH 2010-08 . Renewal of Project-Based 03/31/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Certi?cate Housing Assistance Paggrents Contracts 2011-16 Public Housing Operating Subsidy Calculations for Calendar 03/ 18/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Year 2011 2011-15 Implementation of Statutory Change to the Native American 03/18/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996 (extended by (NAHASDA) related to Income 2012-05) 2011-14 Guidelines for Undertaking Financing Unsecru'ed by Public 02/24/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Houng Assets 2011-13 Implementation of the Public Housing Assessment System 02/22/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Interim Rule 2011-12 Reissuance of PIH Notice 2009-31 - PIH Implementation 02/ 17/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Guidance for the Buy American Requirement of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 including Process for Applg'ng Exception_s 2011-11 Extension - Administering the Service and Self? 02/11/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Suf?ciency Requirement (CSSR) (extended by 2012-13) 2011-10 Appeals rmder the Operating Fluid Program for Calendar Year 02/11/201 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) 2011 2011-09 Recaptru?e Provisions for Native American Housing Block 02/08/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Grant (NAHBG) Fluids Authorized rmder the American (extended by Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 2012-06) 2011-08 Extension--Guidance for Obtaining HUD Consent for Takings 01/28/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) of Public Housing by Eminent Domain 2011-07 Guidance orr Development Sub-Module Reporting 01/28/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) grer Validation 2011-06 Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination 01/27/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Act (N AHASDA) Interim Funding for Tribes or Tribally Designated Housing Entities (TDHE) in Fisca_l Yea; (FY) 2w 2011-05 Amendment to PIH Notice 2010-40 on Set-Aside Funding 01/27/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Availability for Proiect-Basing HUD-Veterans Affairs Suggortive Housing Vouchers HUD-17-0201-D-000239 l6 Public and Indian Housing Guidance Documents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDO128 Document Title/Brief Description Date of Document 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Issuance Type Determination Force Review 2011-04 Reissuance of PIH Notice 2009-12 - Information and 01/21/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Procedru?es for Processing American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Capital F1u_1d Formula Grants 2011-03 Housing Choice Voucher Family Moves with Continued 01/ 19/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Assistarg 2011-02 Extension: Guidance - Veri?cation of Social Secru?ity Nrunbers 01/ 12/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) (SSNs). Social Security (SS) and Supplemental Secruity Income (SSI) Bene?ts 2011-01 Rent to Owners in subsidized projects under the Housing 01/12/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded Choice Voucl_1er (HCV) prom by 2012-24) 2010-51 Over Subsidization in the Housing Choice Voucher Program 01/01/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending (extended by 2012-33) 2010-50 Effective Use of the Enterprise Income Veri?cation (EIV) 01/01/2011 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded System's Deceased Tenants Report to Reduce Subsidy Paggnent by 2012-04) Administrative Errors 2010-49 Protecting Tenants at Foreclosru?e Act - Guidance 011 New 12/28/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Tenant Protections (reinstated by 2011-68) 2010-48 Extension -- Cost-Test and Market Analyses Guidelines for the 10/01/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded Voluntary Conversion of Public Housing Units Pru'suant to 24 by 2011-62) FR Part 972 2010-47 Total Development Costs (TDC) for Affordable Housing under 11/19/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending the Native American Housing Assistance and Self- (extended by Determination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA) 2011-63) 2010-46 Performance of Physical Needs Assessments by Public 11/10/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Housing Authorities 2010-45 Financial Reporting Requirements for the Housing Choice 10/29/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Voucher Program Submitted through the Financial Assessment for Public Housing and the Voucher Management System. 2010-44 Revision and Extension of Guidance orr requirement for PHAs 10/20/ 2010 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded to record crurent Declaration of Trusts (DOTs) against all by 2011-61) public housing property and guidance on adding and removing public housing wits and other property from the Annual Contributions Coltract (ACC) HUD-17-0201-D-000240 l7 Public and Indian Housing Guidance Documents Since an. 1. 2008 HUDO129 Document Title/Brief Description Date of Document 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Issuance Type Determination Force Review 2010-43 Continuation of Disaster Voucher Program (DVP) Housing 10/ 19/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Assistance Payments (extended by 2011-34) 2010-42 Certi?cation of accru'acy of data in the Inventory 10/ 13/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Housing Information Center used (extended by to calculate the Capital Frurd formula allocation 2011-58) 2010-41 Using Errergv Star to Promote Energy Ef?cierrcy in Public 10/ 12/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Housing 2010-40 Set-Aside Funding Availability for Proiect-Basing HUD- 09/28/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing Voucm 2010-39 Process for Public Housing Agency Voluntary Transfers of 09/28/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Housing Choice Vouchers. Project-Based Vouchers and Proiect-_Based Certi?cates 2010-38 Income exclusion under temporary employment by US. 09/22/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Census Bru?eau 2010-37 Operating Fund Program: Guidance on Demonstration of 09/07/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Successful Conversion to Asset Management to Discontinue the Reduction of Operatigg Subsidy. Year 5 Applications 2010-36 Extension - Recipient Inspection of Housing Units Assisted 08/31/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) under the Native American Housing Assistance and Self Determination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA) and Those Assisted Under the United States Housing Act of 1937 2010-35 Demonstration Program - Self-Determined Housing Activities 08/ 17/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending for Tribal Governments (extended by 2011-41) 2010-34 Information and Procedures for of Capital 08/10/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Funds Recovery Competition Grants (extended by 201 1-3 7) 2010-33 Reinstatement - PIH Notice 2009-6 (TDHEs) - Administrative 08/06/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant (replaced by Requirements for Investing Indian Housing Block Grant 2015-08) Frurds 2010-32 Limiting Housing to Indian Families 01' Tribal Member's when 08/06/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending using Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) ?urds (extended by 2011-40) 2010?31 Reinstatement - PIH Notice 2009-7 (TDHEs) - Depository 08/06/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Agreements for Recipients of the Indian Housing Block Grant (extended by (IHBG) Progam 201 1-42) HUD-17-0201-D-000241 l8 Public and Indian Housing Guidance Documents Since an. 1. 2008 HUDO130 What You Should Know About EIV Guide (with signatlu?e block) 0 What You Should Know About EIV Guide (without sigpatm?e blole Document Title/Brief Description Date of Document 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Issuance Type Determination Force Review 2010-30 Transactions between Public Housing Agencies and their 08/02/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Related Af?liates and Instrurnentalities 2010-29 Request for Applications wider the Moving to Work 07/30/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Demonstration Program 0 MTW Optional Eligibility Worksheet 2010-28 Extension of Notice PIH 2009-23 - Requirement for 07/30/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Desigpation of Public Housing Projects 2010-27 Reinstatement of PH-I Notice 2009-05. Accessibility 08/27/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Requirements for Native American Programs: Section 504 of (extended by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973' Americans with Disabilities 2011-39) Act of 1990: Architectlu?al Barriers Act of 1968: and Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 2010-26 Non-Discrimination and Accessibility for Persons with 08/26/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Disabilities 2010-25 Timely Reporting Requirements of the Family Report (form 08/07/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded HUD-50058 and form HUD- 50058 MTW) into the Public and by 2011-65) Indian Housing Information Center 2010-24 Emergency Safety and Security Funding as it Relates to the 06/28/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Onmibus Appropriations Act. 2009 [Public Law 111-8] and the Consolidated Appropriations Act. 2010 [Public?Law 111-117] 2010-23 Project-Basing HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing 06/25/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant (restated by Vouchers 201 1-50) 2010-22 Consolidated Guidance on Disaster Housing Assistance 06/ 17/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded Program - Ike and Extension Operating by 2011-66) Requirements 2010-21 Processing Information for the Submission of Replacement 05/24/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Housing Factor (RHF) Plans 0 Attachment 2010-20 Public Housing Development Cost Limits 05/24/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) 0 IDC Housipg Cap wits for FY 2m 2010-19 Administrative Guidance for Effective and Mandated Use of 05/17/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded the Enterprise Income Veri?cation (EIV) System by 2017-12) HUD-17-0201-D-000242 l9 Public and Indian Housing Guidance Documents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDO131 Document Title/Brief Description Date of Document 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Issuance Type Determination Force Review 2010-18 Revision to HUD Notice PIH 2009-51 PHA Determinations of 05/ 10/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded Rent Reasonableness in the Housing Choice Voucher (HC V) by 2011-46) Prog?am - Cormable Ugassisted Units in the P1?en_1i? 2010-17 Extension-Establishing a Micro Pru?chase Process for Pm'chases 05/07/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded Less Than $5.000 for Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) by 2013-22) Recipients 2010-16 Voucher Management System Enhancements and Reporting 05/06/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Reguirements 2010-15 US. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) 05/06/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Privacy Protection Guidance for Tl_1ird Palm 2010-14 HUD Fruiding for Non-Presidentially Declared Natm'al 04/28/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Disasters 2010-13 Reinstatement and Extension of Notice PIH 2008-12 . 04/ 19/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Enhanced Voucher Reguirements for Over-housed Families 2010-12 Reporting Requirements for the HUD-Veterans Affairs 04/ 13/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant (revised by Supportive Housing Program 2011-53) 0 Attach_ment 2010-11 Requests for Exception Payment Standards for Persons with 04/13/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded Disabilities as a Reasonable Accommodation by 2013-18) 2010-10 HOS Inspections for the Housing Choice Voucher Program and 03/31/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Guidance Related to Electrical Outlets 2010-09 Effective Use of the Enterprise Income Veri?cation (EIV) 03/30/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded System's Deceased Tenants Report to Reduce Subsidy Payment by 2012-04) Admi_nistrative Errors 2010-08 Renewal of Project-Based Certi?cate Housing Assistance 03/26/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Paurrents Contracts (extended by Attach?t 2011-17) 2010-07 Reporting of Administrative Fee Reserves 03/ 12/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant (reissued as 2011-59) 2010-06 Changes to Unit Reporting in Public Housing Information 03/08/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Cer_1ter (PIC) 2010-05 Implementation of the Federal Fiscal Year 2010 Funding 02/ 16/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Provisions for the Housing Choice Voucl_1er 2010-04 Extension--Guidance for Obtaining HUD Consent for Takings 01/22/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) of Publ_ic Property by Eminent Domain HUD-17-0201-D-000243 20 Public and Indian Housing Guidance Documents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDO132 Document Title/Brief Description Date of Document 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Issuance Type Determination Force Review 2010-03 Guidance - Veri?cation of Social Security Nrunbers (SSNs). 01/20/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded Social Secru?ity (SS) and Supplemental Secru?ity Income by 2012-10) Bene?ts 2010-02 Appeals tmder the Operating Program for Calendar Year 01/20/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) 2010 2010-01 Extension of the?Disaster Voucher Program 01/05/2010 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) 2009-52 Protecting Tenants at Foreclosure Act Guidance on New 12/ 15/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Tenant Protections 2009-51 PHA Determinations of Rent Reasonableness in the Housing 12/11/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded Choice Voucher (HCV) Program - Comparable Unassisted by 2011-46) Units in the Premises 2009-50 Statutory Changes to the Native American Housing Assistance 12/03/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) and Self-Determination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA) 2009-49 Line of Credit Control System/Voice Response System 12/02/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (replaced by for the Indian Housing Block Grant Prom 2011-21) 2009-48 Administering the Communi? Service and Self-Suf?ciency 11/25/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Requirement (CSSR) 2009-47 Public Housing Operating Subsidy Calculations for Calendar 11/19/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Year 2010 2009-46 Federal Financial Report - Standard Form 425 11/ 16/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) - 0 Instructions 0 FR Attachment 0 FR Attachment Instructions 2009-45 Submission of Calendar Year 2009 Notices of Intent and 11/06/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Fungibility Plans by PHAs in Hturicane Katrina and Rita Disaster Areas Authorized to Combine Section 8(0) and Fluiding Under Section 901 of 2006 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations. as Extended by 2008 Emergency and Supplemental Appropriations 2009-44 ost- Savings Measures in the Housing Choice Voucher 10/23/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded (HCV) Pm? by 2011-28) 2009-43 Renewable energy and green construction practices in Public 10/16/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Housing 2009-42 Extension-Cost-Test and Market Analyses Guidelines for the 10/16/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded Voluntary Conversion of Public Housing Units Pursuant to 24 by 2011-62) CFR Part 972 HUD-17-0201-D-000244 21 Public and Indian Housing Guidance Documents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDO133 Document Title/Brief Description Date of Document 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Issuance Type Determination Force Review 2009-41 Processing requests for regulatory waivers 10/05/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) 2009-40 Distribution of Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 Administrative Fee 09/29/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Funding for Housing Choice Voucher Family Self-Suf?ciency SS) Plow Coordi1_1ator Salaries 2009-39 Prohibition on Public Housing Agencies Charging Application 09/25/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Fees 2009-38 Independent Auditor Report Submission for Public Housing 09/22/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Agencies 2009-37 Treatment of Income for Participants of Public Housing and 09/24/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Section 8 programs that qualify for payment adjustments under the American Recover; and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) 2009-36 Supplemental Information to Application for Assistance 09/ 15/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (restated by Regarding Identi?cation of Family Member. Friend or Other 2012-22) Person or Organization Supportive of a Tenant for Occupach in HUD Assisted Housing PIH 2009-35 State Lifetime Sex Offender Registration 09/29/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded 2009-11 by 2012-28) 2009-34 Supplemental Asset Management Financial Reporting 09/08/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Information - Transition Year 1 2009-33 Capital Fupd Prom Awards for FY 2009 09/02/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) 2009-32 Operating Program: Guidance on Demonstration of 08/26/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Successful Conversion to Asset Management to Discontinue the Reduction of Operating Subsidy. Year 4 Applications 2009-31 PIH Implementation Guidance for the Buy American 08/21/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (reissued by Requirement of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2011-12) of 2009 including Process for Applying Exceptions 2009-30 Extension Recipient Inspection of Housing Units Assisted 08/ 19/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) under the Native American Housing Assistance and Self Determination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA) and Those Assisted Under the United States Housing Act of 1937. 2009-29 Request for Applications rmder the Moving to Work 08/19/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Demonstration Prom 2009-28 Guidance 011 requirement for PHAs to record crurent 08/ 14/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Declaration of Trusts (DOTS) against all public housing (extended by property and guidance 011 adding and removing public housing 2011-61) units and other property from the Annual Contributions Con_tract (ACC) HUD-17-0201-D-000245 22 Public and Indian Housing Guidance Documents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDO134 Document Title/Brief Description Date of Document 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Issuance Type Determination Force Review 2009-27 Total Development Costs (TDC) for Affordable Housing ruider 08/ 10/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) the Native American Housing Assistance and Self- Detemrination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA) 0 Attachment (Total Development Cost Limits) 2009-26 Implementation of the Federal Fiscal Year 2009 Funding 08/04/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Provisions for the Housing Choice Voucher Program Award of Remaining Set-Aside Ftu? 2009-25 Energy Investment Guidance Under American Recovery and 07/3 0/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act) of g009 (HR. 1) 2009-24 Transactions between Public Housing Agencies and their 07/23/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Related Alrliates and Instrumentalities 2009-23 Extension of Notice PIH 2008-10 - Requirement for 07/21/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Desigration of Public Housing Projects 2009-22 Over Subsidization in the Housing Choice Voucl_1er Prom 07/21/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) 2009-21 Non-Smoking Policies in Public Housing 07/ 17/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (reissued rmder 2012-25) 2009-20 Guidance 011 the Asset-Repositioning Fee Under 24 CFR 07/17/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) 990.190(h) and Guidance on Re-occupying Public Housing Units Proposed or Approved for Demolition. Disposition. or Transition to Homeownership 2009-19 Extension - PIH Notice 2008-26 - Income exclusion under 06/30/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) temporary= engploxment bx US. Census Bru'eau 2009-18 State and Local Law Applicability to Lease Terminatiorrs in the 06/22/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Housing Choice Voucher (HC V) Prom 2009-16 Guidance 011 Energy Performance Contracts. including those 06/ 12/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (replaced by with terms up to 20 I\gears 2011-36) 2009-15 Extension - Guidance 011 Integrated Pest Management (IPM) 05/ 18/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded by 2011-22) 2009-14 Establishing a Micro Purchase Process for Pru'chases Less than 05/ 18/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded $5000 for Indian Housing Block Grant ngBG) Recipients by 2013-22) 2009-13 Implementation of the Federal Fiscal Year 2009 Funding 05/06/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Provisions for the Housing Choice Voucher Progam 2009-12 Information and Procedures for Processing American Recovery 03/ 18/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (replaced by and Reinvestm?t Act Capital Fugd Formula Grants 2011-04) 2009-11 Project-Basing HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing 03/ 16/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (restated by Vouc?'s 2010-23) HUD-17-0201-D-000246 23 Public and Indian Housing Guidance Documents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDO135 Document Title/Brief Description Date of Document 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Issuance Type Determination Force Review 2009-10 Appeals under the Operating Fund Program for Calendar Year 03/05/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) 2009 2009-09 Using ENERGY STAR to Promote Energy Ef?ciency in 03/05/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded MC Housir=1g by 2010-41) 2009-08 Extension of the Disaster Voucl_rer Progam 02/24/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) 2009-07 Reinstatement - Depository Agreements for Recipients of the 03/05/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (restated by Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) Prog?am 2010-31) 2009-06 Administrative Requirements for Investing Indian Housing 03/05/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (restated by Block Grant (IHBG) Funds 201 0-3 3) 2009-05 Extension - PIH Notice 2008-6 (TDHEs) - Accessibility 01/26/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Requirements for Native American Programs: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973: Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990: Ar?chitectru?al Barriers Act of 1968: and Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 2009-04 Limiting Housing to Indian Families or Tribal Members When 01/26/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (restated by Using Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) funds 2010-32) 2009-03 Submission of Calendar Year 2008 Notices of Intent and 01/ 16/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Fungibilig Plans by PHAs in Hruricane Katrina and Rita Disaster Areas Authorized to Combine Section 8(0) and Funding Under Section 901 of 2006 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations. as Extended by 2008 Emergency and Supplem_ental Appropriations 2009-02 Operating Program: Calculation of Transition Frurding 01/16/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Amormts for Calendar Year 2009 2009-01 Guidance for Obtaining HUD Consent for Takings of Public 01/02/2009 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Housing Property by Eminent Domain 0 Extension Notice 2008-47 Public Housing Development Cost Limits - (.pdf) (.doc) 12/22/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) 2008-46 Certi?cation of accru'acy of data in the Inventory 12/ 10/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Management/Public Housing Information Center System used to calculate tl_1e Capital formula allocation 2008-45 Disaster Housing Assistance Program-Dee Case 12/10/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded Management Guidelines by 2011-66) 2008-44 Veri?cation of Social Secruity (SS) and Supplemental Secruity 12/04/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Income (SSI) Bene?ts 2008-43 Housing Choice Voucher Portability Procedru?es and Corrective 12/03/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Actions HUD-17-0201-D-000247 24 Public and Indian Housing Guidance Documents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDO136 Document Title/Brief Description Date of Document 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Issuance Type Determination Force Review 2008-42 Line of Credit Control System/Voice Response System 12/24/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) for the Indian Housing Block Grant Program 0 Extension Notice 2008-41 Public Housing Agency (PHA) Five-Year and Annual Plan 11/ 13/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Process for all PHAs 2008-40 Income exclusion of kinship care payments when foster 11/04/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded children are placed with relatives. by 2012-01) 2008-39 Processing Changes for Voucher Management System (VMS) 11/03/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Data - Housing Choice Voucher Program 2008-38 Disaster Housing Assistance Program - Ike 10/ 14/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded Operating Reguirements by 2011-66) 2008-37 Reporting Requirements for the HUD-Veterans Affairs 10/14/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Supportive Housing Progam 2008-36 Extension of the Disaster Voucher Prog?am 10/01/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) 2008-35 Cost-Test and Market Analyses Guidelines for the Vollmtaiy 08/20/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant Pending Conversion of Public Housing Units Pursuant to 24 CFR Part (extended by 972 2011-62) 2008-34 Total Development Costs (TDC) for Affordable Housing under 08/20/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded the Native American Housing Assistance and Self- by 2009-27) Detennination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA) 0 Attachment 2008-33 Public Housing Operating Subsidy Calculations for Calendar 08/ 13/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Year (CY) 2009 2008-32 Reinstatement of Notice 2006-19= Recipient Inspection of 08/08/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Housing Units Assisted Under the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA) and Those Assisted Under the United States Housing Act of 1937 2008-31 Operating Fluid Program: Guidance on Demonstration of 07/ 17/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Successful Conversion to Asset Management to Discontinue the Reduction of Operating Subsidy. Year 3 Applications 2008-30 Income exclusion of Kinship Guardian Assistant Payments 07/14/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded and other alardianship care pagnents by 2012-01) 2008-29 Extension of the Disaster Voucher Prog'am 07/08/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) HUD-17-0201-D-000248 25 Public and Indian Housing Guidance Documents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDO137 Document Number Title/Brief Description Date of Issuance Document Type 0MB Signi?cant Determination Regulatory Task Force Review 2008-28 Extension - Housing Choice Voucher Program - Enhanced Vouchers - Adjustment of Voucher Housing Assistance Payments for Certain Families that Received "Preservation" Voucher Assistance as the Result of an Owner Prepayment or Voluntary Termination of Mortgage Insru?ance for a Preservation Eligible Property in Federal Fiscal Year (FY) 1997. FY 1998.a1_rd FY 1999 07/02/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) 2008-27 PIH 2007-15 Regarding the Applicabilim of Public Housing Development Requirements to Transactions between Public Housing Agencies and their Related Af?liates and 2008-26 07/02/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Income exclusion under temporary emplounent by US. Census Bureau 06/24/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) 2008-25 Renewable energy and green construction practices in Public Housigg 06/11/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) 2008-24 Extension - Guidance 011 Integrated Pest Management 05/26/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded by 2011-22) 2008-23 Exclusion of tax rebates from the Internal Revenue Service under the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 2008-22 05/16/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Guidance 011 Energy Performance Contracts. including those with terms up to 20 years 2008-21 04/25/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (updated by 2009- 1 6) Disaster Housing Assistance Program (DHAP) Revisions to the Operating Requirements and Processing Guidance for Phase 3 Families; Suspension of the Incremental Rent Transition Requirement for Phase 2 and Phase 3 Families: Supplemental Guidance orr Pre-Transition and Case Management Fees and Use of Disaster Information System (DIS) Information to Determine Family Unit Size under the Subsidy Stam?ds 04/16/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) 2008-20 Over Subsidization in the Housing Choice Voucher Program 04/16/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded by 2009-22) 2008-l9 Extension Process for Public Housing Agency Volrurtary Transfers of Housing Choice Vouchers. Project-Based Vouchers and Project-Based Certi?cates 03/30/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) 2008-l8 Information on Upcoming Rulemaking Associated with the Public Housing Assessment System as a Result of the Conversiog to Asset Management 2008-l7 03/31/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Guidance 011 Disposition of Excess Equipment and Non- Dwelling Real Proger? under Asset Management 03/27/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) HUD-17-0201-D-000249 26 Public and Indian Housing Guidance Documents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDO138 Document Number Title/Brief Description Date of Issuance Document Type 0MB Signi?cant Determination Regulatory Task Force Review 2008-16 Guidance orr Asset Management Provisions in the Consolidated Appropriations Act. 2008 03/25/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) 2008-15 Implementation of Federal Fiscal Year 2008 Funding Provisions for the Housing Choice Voucl_rer Progam 2008-l4 03/25/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Renewal of Project-Based Certi?cate Housing Assistance Pamrents Contracts 0 Attachment 03/20/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) 2008-13 Requests for Exception Payment Standards for Persons with Disabilities as a Reasonable Accommodation 03/ 18/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) 2008-12 Enhanced Voucher Requirements for Over-housed Families 03/ 10/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (superseded by 2016-02) 2008-11 Reporting Requirements and Sanctions Policy under the Public Housing Program for the Family Report (Form HUD-50058) to the Of?ce of Public and Indian Housing (PIH) Information C_enter (PIC) 02/ 1 5/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) 2008-10 Extension of Notice PIH 2007-1 - Requirement for Desigration of Public Housing Projects 02/06/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) 2008-09 Financial Reporting Requirements for the Housing Choice Voucher Prog?am Submitted through the Financial Assessment for Public Housing and the Voucher Mana gernent System 01/30/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) 2008-08 Limiting Housing to Indian Families or Tribal Members when using Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) fluids 01/30/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) 2008-07 Certi?cation of accru'acy of data in the Public Housing Information Center System used to calculate the Capital Fluid formula allocation in Fiscal Year 2008 01/25/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) 2008-O6 Reinstatement - PIH Notice 2006-38 - Accessibility Requirements for Native American Programs: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973: Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990: Architectural Barriers Act of 1968: and Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 01/24/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) 2008-05 Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act (N AHASDA) Interim Frurding for Tribes or Tribally Designated Housing Entities (TDHE) in Fisca_l Yea;~ (FY) 2008 01/23/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) HUD-17-0201-D-000250 27 Public and Indian Housing Guidance Documents Since Jan. 1. 2008 HUDO139 Management Guidelines Document Title/Brief Description Date of Document 0MB Signi?cant Regulatory Task Number Issuance Type Determination Force Review 2008-04 Allocation of Funds Remaining under the Fiscal Year (FY) 01/22/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) 2007 $100 Million Set-Aside and Availability of Special Fees for Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) Needing Additional Fluids in the Operation of the Housing Choice Voucher (HC V) Prog?am 2008-03 Guidance 011 Appeals under 24 CFR part 990. Subpart G. for 01/ 18/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Calendar Year 2008 2008-02 Guidance for Obtaining HUD Consent for Takings of Public 01/ 16/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) Housing Property bV Eminent Domain 2008-01 Disaster Housing Assistance Program (DHAP) Case 01/04/2008 Notice Not Signi?cant (expired) HUD-17-0201-D-000251 28