OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL STATE OF ILLINOIS Lisa Madigan ATTORNEY GENERAL January 25, 2018 Via electronic mail Mr. Andrew D. Johnson FOIA Officer Superintendent of Schools Jasper County CUSD # 1 609 South Lafayette Street Newton, Illinois 62448 ajohnson@jccl. org RE: FOIA Request for Review —2018 PAC 51228 Requester: Mr. John Kraft, Edgar County Watchdogs Date of FOIA Request: January 4, 2018 Dear Mr. Johnson: The Public Access Bureau has received the enclosed Request for Review of the response by the Jasper County Community Unit School District # 1 ( School District) to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request submitted by Mr. John Kraft. We have determined that further action is warranted. On January 4, 2018, Mr. Kraft submitted a FOIA request to the School District seeking all e- mail addresses ending in " @jccul. org" and the names and employment positions of all individuals associated with those e- mail addresses with the exception of students. On January 11, 2018, the School District provided links to online staff directories. Mr. Kraft disputes the completeness of the School District' s response. He asserts that his request seeks not only the e- mail addresses of administrative staff but of all individuals issued a School District e- mail account. As required under section 9. 5( c) of FOIA ( 5 ILCS 140/ 9. 5( c) ( West 2016)), please provide a description of the measures that were taken to search for responsive records, including the specific recordkeeping systems that were searched and personnel who were consulted. In your response, please clarify whether there are additional individuals ( excluding students) who have a School District e- mail address that are not listed in the online directories. 500 South Second Street, Springfield, Illinois 62701 • ( 100 West Randolph Street, Chicago, 1001 Fait Min rarhnndale Illinois, 60601 • ( nhnnie K) Onl • ( FI 217) 782- 1090 • TTY: ( 217) 785 - 2771 • 312) 814- 3000 • TTY: ( 312) 814- 3374 • cs 5/ 0 - MIM • TTV ( AI RI cooleni • car Fax: ( 217) 782- 7046 Fax: ( 312) 814- 3806 rhi or Mr. Andrew D. Johnson January 25, 2018 Page 2 This information must he submitted to our within seven (7) business days after receipt of this letter. Under "[t]hc Public Access Counselor shall forward a copy oi'the answer to the person submitting the request for review, with any alleged confidential information lo which the request pcnains redacted from the copy. The requester may, bul is not required to. respond in 5 ILCS 140/9 5(d) (West 2016). If you claim that any portion of your written response is confidential, please send two versilms ofyour response letter: a complete copy for this office's confidential review and a redacted version suitable for this office to forward to the requester. Please Contact me at (312) 814-5206 if you have questions or would like lo discuss this matter. Thank you. Very truly yours, 7" TERESA LIM Assistant Auomey General Public Access Bureau cc: Via mall Mr. John Krafi Pub LAccess 913% John Krak Sent: Survdayl January 14,2013 1209 PM To: Public Axe"; Publit Access If. Kirk Allen Subjen: Requefl lo! Review (Jasper CUSD) 1-14-2018 Aflachmmu: 2018_01_ll,14_40_09 udl, FOIA RequeSl (Jasper Coumy School Dislnu 4'1] - 1-4-ZDIE pdl; PAC, Please consider this a Request lor Review nl alleged rreedom ol lunar-nation Act vloliflunsl Public Body: Jasper Counry CUSD Dale 0! alleged violations: lanuary 11, 2018. Smemem a! has: submitted a FOIA Requesr an January 4. 2013 My request was simple, consisled of: "copy of all email addresses ending in @iccuz org and the names and emplaymenlpasiliom af the people associated with (or "owning"; them -- wirh (he afsrudent emailaddrexsa: -- I do not warn srudenr email addresses. The Disrricr's response included website links for email addresses cl staff at each schouli Thax is no whal I asked fol, asked (Orig email addresses, not Just (hose of the administrative Slaffi There is a! least 1 email address no! contained in (he unline lists provided [jriddlecchculorg -- belongs to a Newlnn Police Officel), which means there may be more. The requesr and all communicarlons ls anacned, Electron": gmkfigfi John Klak JASPER COUNTY CUSD #1 609 S. LAFAYETTE STREET NEWTON, IL 62448 ANDREW or JOHNSON, supmmnuou'r mums-mun magnum January 11,2013 Mlil RE: RESPONSE TO FOIA REQUEST Dear MI. Klan: Thank you {or wming Iasycr Counly Communhy um. School Dislricl No. 1 mm your mqucsl {or information pulsuml l0 [he Illinois Firm/am a/Infammrian Ac! 5 ILCS 140/1 :1 mp, receivcd on January 4, 2018. You rcqutswd Ih: {allowing I "Copy of an email addresses eudmg in @'ggur org Ind ms names sud smpluymmr poslliom or Ihe people with (or "owning'j |hem wixh Illa exceplion ol' sludcm :mall -1 do no! mm sludml mun Your requesl ls granlad. Slaflermail duecwrics for lhe adminiskalicn office and each School an: available cnlin: at m: web addressa. Iaspsr kl 2 i! m/Cmumcl-Us d1 .iasncr has"; 2 uslndeuncI-Us Insgenkl 2 \Il usdlIas cr.k12.1l Junior-Hi This response is imsuuea [u be fully raspcmive your specific requen. In hm muundmlood your quI=S| in any Wy,p1eas: clarify your requesl in wrmug Io me Sincerely, @gwfiw Ande Officn Superiman al'Sclwols mm mm cc. Mm 5mm rou Raw-st timer many school hm m- M201: um nurwar, January mm 12 3mm In accordance wim the Freednrn or lnlormafiun Act am requestingthe renewing "you are not the row officer p'ease forward ta the For/A oflrceras required bv statute Electromc comes requested, Copyoflhe lollowlnz: l. Copy orall email ending in @jccul mg and the names and positions of the prom: associalcd with (or "uwning") them -- with (he ofstudent email addresses -- I do not wam sludcm email addresses. Elemanlc copies are requestedt This is mu a commercial request. Tm; rs also a request for fee warver, should any tees be Imposed, as this tniormatron bears on the public busmess oilasper county and wm be used to intorm c-llzens or the nf thetr pubhc and or their and responsibilrues, qualify as both media and non 1170/]! under the deflnitinn: in Sermon ("Cammelclal purpose"), Sent-rm 2 I'Wews media"). Secrran 2 1g) ("Recurran requeslar"), anaSectran ("vatumrnam request"; afrhe madam olIn/armak/'an Act, for the purposes a] being exempt to the provisions o/smran 3,1 {Requests far cammzm'al purposes], section 3.2 requesters), Semen 3.5 (Valuminaus requests], and Section 6 (Aufhalily ta ken Thanks, John Kraft 1 From: Andy Johnson To: John Kraf Date: Thursday, January 11, 2018 2: 46: 59 PM Attachments: 2018 01 11 14 40 09 odt Have a Blessed Day! Jasper County School District # 1 Superintendent Andrew D. Johnson t