Received by Registration Unit 01/23/2018 9. 43: 23 PM THIS MATERIAL Is DISTRIBUTED BY OKINAWA PREFECTURE Dc INC. ON BEHALF or THE PREFECTURE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Is AVAILABLE AT THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. WASHINGTON, DC. LawSuit seeking to su'spend acts of cmshin?g reefs 1) With regard to construction of the Futenrna replacement facility. the Japanese national government needs to gain a permission from Okinawa Prefectural Govemment(OPG) to crush reefs in addition to the approval of the public surface water reclamation permit. he}. . 2) Three years ago, on July 11, 2014, Tokyo filed an application to OPG seeking a permission to reefs for the construction of the FRF. On August 28, 201-4. OPG approved the reef crushingwhose permission is effective until March 31, 2017. I Since February 2017an before the permission would expire, OPG repeatedly gave administrative guidance to Tokyo, informing them that they will need to ?le another application to OPG for crushing reefs. However, Tokyo notified OPG that they would not make an application for new permission, and pressed ahead with work to build sea walls without gaining the aforementioned permit. 4) Tokyo explained the reason why they did not make an application for new permission was that the decision by the local fisherman association to renounce parts of their fishery rights made the fishery rights in waters in construction areas disappear 5) But, three years ago, Tokyo made the same application to OPG even thOugh parts of fishery rightsihad been renounced. OPG has never made the reef crushing permissicns unnecessary when parts of fishery rights are given up; 6). OPG as an administrative body, cannot ignore an action without any permission obtained. Therefore OPG filed a lawsuit against Tokyo seeking suspension of crushing reels 0 The lawsuit was ?led on July 24, 2017. The ?rst oral proceedings will be held on October 10, 2017. - Received by Registration Unit 01/23/2018 9:43:23 PM ?1 Received by Registration Unit 01/23/2018 9: -:43 23 PM THIS MATERIAL IS DISTRIBUTED BY OKINAWA PREFECTURE DC OFFICE THE OKIVNAWAV PREFECTURE. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE AT THE DEPARTMENT OF JUST ICE. WASHINGTON, DC. Law5uit seeking to suspend acts of crushing reefs With regard to construction of the Futenma replacement facility. the Japanese national government needs to gain a pennission from Okinawa Preteetural Government(OPG) to crush reets In addition to the approval of the public su riace water reclamation permit. 2) Three years ago, on July 11, 2014, Tokyo tiled an application to OPG seeking a permission to crush reefs for the construction of the FFIF. On August 28. 2014.0PG approved the reet crashing whose permission is effective until March 31, 2017. 3) i' Since February 2017 just before the permiSs'i'on would expire. OPG repeatedly gave administratiVe guidance to Tokyo informing them that they will need to ?le another application to OPG for crushing reefs. Howeve-n Tokyo notified OPG that they would not make an application for new permission, and pressed ahead with work to build sea walls without gaining the aforementioned permit. 4) Tokyo explained the reason why they did not make an application for new permission'was that the decision by the local tishenhan association to renounce parts of their fishery rights made the ?shery rights In waters in I construction areas disappear. 5) . .But. three years ago. Tokyo made the same application to OPG even though parts of fishery rights had been renounced. OPG has never made the reef crushing permissions unneCessary when parts of fishery rights are given up, 6) i OPG as an administrative body, cannot ignore an ac?on Without any permission obtained. Therefore, OPG ?led a lawsuitagainst Tokyo seeking suspension of crushing reefs. The lawsuit was filed on July 24, 2017. The first oral proceedings was held on October 10, 2017. Received by Registration Unit 01/23/2018 9:43:23. PM I i' .. Re Unit . THIS MATERIAL IS DISTRIBUTED BY OKINAWA PREFECTURE DC OFFICE. INC. ON OF THE OKINAWA ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE AT THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, . WASHINGTON OC. ?Wkly-hr?. magma . nu? . . - WM #?amgez 1+2 i=1 a as? i Received by Registration Unit 01/23/2018 9:43:23 PM THIS MATERIAL Is DISTRIBUTED BY OKINAWA PREFECTURE 0: OFFICE, - 71 INC. ON BEHALF OF THE OKINAWA . . LNFORMANON IS AVAILABLE AT THE DEPARTM OF JUSTICE, WASHINGTON Dc. . iw? - Biatze?is?ai Elms 9.1m a Emma dti??i? 4.274 1.62% Ema 23,743 =an 8.98% 1:53;: - 2,033 aani 0.77%: . 2.095 0.79% Kim 13.266 =an 5.02% ?ask-1111a 14.744 5.56% 1.205 and 0.46% ENE 35 am 0.01% 3.539 1.34%. LUBE 3,669 1:16 3.28% 131556: 23 91.1 0.01%; E1916 - 4.666 sad 1.77% 5616519: . 166.092 as"; 70.3695 3 264,405 100.00% 55:1 - ems-3292341619) mag. am I 2 Received by Registration Unit 01/23/2018 9:43:23 PM x? Raceived Registration Unit 01/23/2018 9:43:23 PM Eammneaaina?m?ga I A. mng?a?miai?g ssh-?rm" 2028: 288%: 21* 1. 264.405 1-0? 100.00% 007% pg anti-Em 1 78.313 29.82% - 0.02% am; 318832-1213. 188.092 70.38% i 8.16% 3:1 8 38100218232883 '1 82005588. 1510:3282 mamas?.53. am?swm?wtsc. manta/8. 2 3, ReceiVed by Registration Unit 01/23/2018 9:43:23 PM ReceiVed'by ARA Registration Unit 01/23/2018 9:43:23 PM Ea?ki??- 41mm Isa-ma an mm km mu an; 42-214 541th mm" "?315; nudism? Minna am am I): ?t mammal? an an simuwrwi?? ms #14 than at: am eatenmagma at: Hm: arc-4m -T-M sin?2mm may um lanai. 9911: 1.951? aw 313mm "Magi. #31 mama was at as will mm ms at maintain at: with aim: =an xmmi?i? it! Hit! imp; use mm seam no mum 3.1m -T-n1? 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J?lm-I?Ch? 2 i .1}:Mtu. or. . 2" am. mama?3nsaomemmeme. mi: mm 3m mum-?n ?3 33:36:33? $3116. 3mm, lamina mm mm 3382*331 as aw Insomnia mm mm manna 245 as? mm mamas?: h?hh unmask am: art-m 96m in an anagram mm mm was an am. mm Ham :r-ni ?manuals. mm mm aamxnn mm 185.092 15M - tel?. Ell-Bl. 405' 'w-ur' Received by Registration Unit" 01/23/2018 9:43:23 PM EH ?l"E Received by Registration Unit 01/23/2018 9:43:23 PM . 371122923337 BEE - . an an in mm in ?wen as mm mm 7.274 at manque} w: as; #377: at $7.7 (ma-um?: an mm mm. amen. mm. 1mm 92.288 am (if-Il?l??l} mm #1777. 27mm. ?8199! 2.594 am mammal?: an at.? 8333;23- 763. 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IKEAk?a'EL?5w'??tbm?l?b?55. (1) C23 Ste-Edi am :Ihl?ll?tl 9% mm mm 36.554 41"! ?l?bZh-tya- ems mu Human - sas mm mm autumn ms we mean an man man 3111mm: :2 haw-paw mm mm gum. assume maze am minimum an. mm mm. Lam-1m .. ?.63 an nu name-r attainmewmwi mu ?mm '33: and minimum ail mu as. 535 {mi await a: mu :325553: 319 77-? 44-97-49-be Mu if 1 ?Eva? mutt MW HHililiiR sac squat ?new 1.355 mm minim? mm ?mm in mint Hangar 615 g; mu 1:33;; sauna an mm mm 552 mane-ml at: :93 man 55:15 1.558 952mm Ma an and 4.305 am mamas an ?am mm 2.121 am wanna in mi! lam an mm 1.277 as?: 1553; animus: :38: ?51894th 4 mum? an mu Luann 245 ?mm" mm mm gamma: 2 nimmi ?2;;th ?am? mm mm mm ?lli?l?il a? . am: 31m 41-14:; Imam? am mun maxim .147 (mama: . aura mu 56m 254 salt mun I: ?0 185.222 and . nu man an nai.m=m [93? Received by Registration Unit 01/23/2018 9:43:23 PM - wt" Received by Registration Unit 01/23/2018 9: 43: 23 PM THIS MATERIAL IS DISTRIBUTED BY OIGNAWA PREFECTURE DC OFFICE INC. ON BEHALF OF THE OKINAWA PREFECTURE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE AT TH 5' DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, WASHINGTON, DC. PetitiOn? 'Sep 11,2017 Okinawa Prefectural, Government Received by Registration Unit 01/23/2018 9:43: 23 PM I Received by Registration Unit 01/23/2018 9:43:23 PM I (Draft) Ref. No.1o7 September 11', 2017 Request Concerning Revision of SOFA We, the Okinawa Prefectural Government, understand that the Japan? S. security arrangement has contributed to maintaining peace and stability in Japan and East Asia. Okinaiva accounts for only 0.6% of the total land area of Japan, however, 70.38% of the facilities for theexclusive use of the US. forces in Japan are aver-concentrated in our prefecture and the people of Okinawa continue to shoulder the excessive burden of hosting the bases. Many of the 11.8. basics in Okinawa are located in the vicinity of residential areas and crimes committed by the US service members and civilian components as well as incidents, accidents, and environmental problems derived from the bases have affected peeple' daily lives. Therefore, consolidation of the bases and revision of SOFA are crucial issues of the prefecture] government Every. time incidents and accidents caused by US. service members I and'civilian components take place. we. the Okinawa Prefectural Government, have repeatedly urged both? the?Government of Japan and the to. implement preventive measures, enforce stricter discipline and enhance education programs. However, it is not too much to say that the situations remain totally unchanged. 2 . Under such circumstances, anger among residents of Okinawa is reaching the limit due to a cruel murder committed by a 11.8. civilian component in April last year and a crash landing of an Osprey in, last December among other incidents. Therefore. we would like to call on both governments to fully understand the status quo in Okinawa, review SOFA and immediately work on reducing the excessive basebosting burdenpimposed on Okinawan residents by consolidating the U.S. bases etc. We believe such efforts will lead to t-befundamental Solution tothe base issues. - . Concerning SOFA. it has not been revised for more than half a century Received by Registration Unit 01/23/2018 9:43:23 PM Received by Registration Unit 01/23/2018 9:43:23" PM since its conclusion'in 1960. Although the governments of span and the U.S. signed "Environmental Agreement to Supplement and ?Agreement to Supplement the-Japan-U.S. SOFA on Environmental Stewardship?, we believe that their effectiveness remain insuf?cient and whenever sinumber of the base related issues arise, they are addressed by improving implementation of SOFA. After requesting revision of SOFA in 2000, the Okinawa Prefectural Government newly arranged our requests in corporation with local municipalities and based on changes in circumstances Therefore, we would like to request your sincere efforts "in revision of. SOFA as we make the following requests. Takeshi Onege Governor of Prefecture Received by Registration Unit . 01/23/2018 Received by Registration Unit 01/23/2018 9:43:23 PM Articles of the SOFA RevisiOns Sought 1. ARTICLE 1 (De?nition of son Status Personnel) I4 Requests by the Okinawa Prefectural . (1) With respect to the agreement concluded by the government of Japan and the United States to supplement SOFA on CiVilian Components. information related to the content of the noti?cation written in Article 5 and the periodical report on civilian component in order to secure transparency concerning its operation should be released. (2)Article 1 shall specify detailed information includins the total numbEr of the LLB. Forces members. employees and their dependents. as well as classi?cations by services and municipalities. shall he provided for local governmental bodies. 3 (3)Article 1 shall specify that consideration shall be given so that the clari?cation of the de?nition of civilian employees (lees not the all'ect arrest of personnel not subject to SOFA inside the U. S. Forces facilities and areas. 2 ARTICLE 2 (Permit, Decision, Return and Special Use of Facilities and Areas). {1 Reguests by the Okinawa Prefectural Governmen? (1) Article 2 shall specify that the governments of Japan and the United. States shall Confer with relevant municipalities and take their opinions into consideration when both governments have plans such as providing new facilities and areas to the US. Forces. changing its intended usage, reclaiming facilities and areas, extensively alternating land shape and newly constructing or repairing structures on a large-scale. (2) Article 2 shall specify that if ?reqnest is made by the concerned local governing bodies to maintain security oflocal citizens? lives and improve welfare, regarding the content of agreement on each facility and area which is to be concluded by-the Japan-US. Joint Committee. the Japanese Government and the United States Government shall examine this request. . (3) Article 2 shall specify that the Japanese Government and the United States Government shall hear the opinion of the concerned local governing bodies and shall Received by Registration Unit 01/23/2018 Received by Registration Unit 01/23/2018. 9:43:23 PM respect their intentions when conducting the examination mentioned above. Further, it shall specify. that the Japanese Government and the United States Government shall hear the opinion of the concerned local governing bodies and shall respect their intentions when examining the return of the facilities and areas as well. (4) Article 2 shall specify that the agreement concerning each facility and area. which is to be concluded by the Japan-US. Joint Committee, shall state detailed description such as the scope of facilities and areas as well as the purpose of use and the conditions of use-for the facilities and areas, Article 2. shall also. specify that the Government of Japan (GOJ) examines these cements on a regular basis. 3 . ARTICLE 3 Management of in and outside of Facilities and Areas) Requests by the Okinawa Prefectural Government] . (1) Article 3 shall Specify that the'U.S. forces shall provide the local gOVerning bodies with any necessary and appropriate support for performance of duties, which includes entering the facilities and areas by reporting in advance. Mex-more. it shall specify that in Cases of emergency, immediate entrance can be made by the local governing bodies without notice in advance. (2) Article 3 shall specify that information on incidents or accidents stemming from activities by US. forces. such as aircraft accidents. mountain forest ?res and oil leakage that may give impact on public safety or environment shall be provided to the concerned local governing bodies and local residents, even in cases ivhe?n they occur inside the facilities and areas It shall also specify that appropriate measures shall be taken for prevention of disaster from spreading. (3) Article 8 shall specify that Japanese law. Such as Air Navigation Law, shall be applied when activities. including exercises. training as well as maintenance and construction of facilities by US. forces are carriedout. (4) Article 3 shall specify that detailed and concrete information pertaining to US. Forces comings and cx?erCises shall be swiftly provided to contented local bodies and local residents in advance. (5)Article 3 A shall specify that the following environmental items be newly established. (Environmental Preservation of Facilities and Areas) Received by Registration Unit 01/23/2018 9:43:23 PM Received by Registration Unit 01/23/2018 9:43:23 PM (D The United States shall be responsible for preventing any kind of'pollution, arising from activities by the US. Forces, such as soot and smoke. polluted Water, red soil. waste disposal and PCB. Further, the United States shall be respOusible for taking necessary measures for preperly'preaerving the natural environment.? . Eartha, for all activities of US. forces in Japan. Japanese law concerning enViro'rimental preservation shall be applied. When developing plans for the facilities and areas, the US. Forces shall minimize any impact the plans may have on people. plant and, animals. soil, water. air and cultural assets. Further, before and after implementing projects based on the concerned plan, the impact of the concerned projects shall be surveyed, predicted or measured and evaluated regularly. The survey results shall also be released. Moreover, both the governments of Japan and the United States, on the basis of the concerned survey . results, shall discuss measures for environmental presewation. (3 In regards to environmental pollution stemming from Forces' activities. the United States shall be responsible for taking appropriate restorative measures. Responsibility for the expenses arising from such measures shall be discussed between the governments of Japan and the United States. (6)With regards to the ?Amemenl to Supplement the Japan-US. Status of Forces Agreement on Environmental Stewardship," concluded by the governments of Japan and United States, the following items shall be taken into consideration. C1) In the event of incidents or environmental pollution, the agreement shall-sable concerned lo'cal governmental bodies to swittly access the site and conduct joint Surveys such. as sanipling. Furthermore, the process of environmental surveys and decontamination shall be explained to the relevant local municipalities in advance. Continuation surveys and ?xed period monito?ng shall be conducted after decontamination when concerned local governmental bodies require such. - Pertaining to the access to facilities and ms before land return, an onsile survey shall be permitted at least three (3) years or more before the return in order to promote smooth reutilization of rounded land. The access shall be allowed as soon as it is practical a?er the Japan-Dis,7 Security Consultative Committee or Japan-US: Joint committee agree on land return. Fu?hcn?nore, 3 Received by ARA Registration Unit 01/23/2018 9:43:23 PM Received by Registration Unit Ol/23/2018 9:43:23 PM procedures pursuant to the agreement to supplement the Japan-US. SOFA on Environmental Stewardship have been interrupting surveys on cultural assets. Therefore, Article 3 shall also specify procedures for admission to facilities and areas so that surveys on cultural assets shall be smoothly conducted by the concerned local governmental bodies. (3 Along with cultural asset excavation. surveys shall be conducted based on the i above items when environmental pollutions and abandoned articles are detected. In addition, investigations shall be carried out in order to ensure safety of excavation. 4. Article 4 (Return, Restoration and Compensation of Facilities) . IQ 'Reguests by the Okinawa Prefectural Govern?men? i? (1)In regards to the return of the facility?ee) and areats) in use by the US. forces, the governments of Japan and the United States shall conduct joint surveys in advance on items such as environmental pollution. environmental destruction and disposal of unexploded shells etc. caused by US. forces activities. Further, when such things as environmental pollution is con?rmed. necessary measures shall be taken by the governments of Japan and the United States (or developing and implementing restorative plans, such as environmental clean-up. Responsibility for hearing the expenses of these shall be discussed between both the governments of Japan and the United States. (2)With respect to land planned to be returned, Article 4 shall specify that the governments of Japan and the United States shall provide concerned local governmental bodies with all information on the land including usage history such as modi?cation, construction of buildings, and waste disposal. (3)With regard to agreement to supplement the Japan-U3. Status of Fame: Ayeement on Environmental Stewardship, concluded by the governments of Japan and U.S., following items shall be taken into consideration. G) In the event of con?rming incidents or environmental pollution, the agreement shall enable concerned local governmental bodies to swiftly access the site and conduct joint survey such as sampling. Furthermore, process of environmental surveys and decontamination shall be explained for the relevant local 4 Received by Registration Unit 01/23/2018 9:43:23 PM . Received by Registration Unit 01/23/2018 9:43:23. PM municipalities in advance. When concerned local governmental bodies r?eq'uire, con?rmation survey and ?xed period monitoring shall be conducted after decontanunatlon . As to access to facilities and areas before land return, onsitje survey shall be permitted at least three (3) years or more before the return in order to promote smooth reutilization of returned land.? The access shall be allowed as soon as practical after Japan-U.S. Security Consultative Committee Dr- Japan-US. Joint conunittee agree on land return Furthermore, procedures pursuant to agreement to supplement the span-U S. SOFA on Environmental Stewardship have been interrupting survey on cultural assets. Therefore, ARTICLE 3 shall also specify procedures for admission to facilities and areas so that survey on cultural assets shall be smoorhly conducted by the concerned local gavemmental bodies. 6) Along with cultural asset evacuation. surveys shall be conducted based on the I abOVe items when environmental pollutiona and lost articles are detected. In addition, investigations shall be carried out in order to con?rm safety of evaduation- 5 (Access to Ships and Aircra?e as well as Mo'vement) El Requests by the Okinawa Prefecture] Govern-intend (1) Article 5 shall specify that. except in cases of emergency, U.S. forces shall be prohibited from the use of civilian airports and ports. in order to secure smooth routine operation of commercial air-crafts and commercial ships as well as maintain their safety.- Article 5 shall also stipulate that domestic law shall be applied to U.S. FOrces in the event of using airports or ports. (2) Articles shall stipulate that "access to" and "movement" written under this article shall not include any activity that is considered, in essence, as exercise and/or training. 6ARTICLE 9 (Emigration and Immigration by U. 8. Armed Forces and Related Personnel) - 1.: Requests by the Okinawa Pr'el'ectur'al Gtwemm? Article 9 shall specify that Japanese law shall apply to inspection of persons, animals and plants as well as to public health of persons. 7.ARTICLE 18 (Taxation) Re_guests by the Okinawa Pre'fectur?al Governmeml Received by Registration Unit 01/23/2018 9:43:23 PM Received by Registration Unit 01/23/2018 ?9:43:23 PM Article 13 shall specify that private vehicles and light-weight'vehicles of members of the US. armed forces. civilian employees and their dependents shall be taxed at the same rate as private vehicles of Japanese people. 8Article 15 (Non-appropriated'Fund Organisations) L1 Requests by the Okinawa Prefecmral Government! . Article 15 shall specify that its Paragraph 3 he revised so that services. provided by organizations within the facility?es) and srea(s), shall be restricted in the same way with the sales of merchandise, when they are provided to the Japanese. 9Article 17 (Cnmmal' Jurisdiction) . [4 Requests by the Okinawa Prefectural Government] (1) Article 17 shall specify that if there is any request from the Japanese authorities for 1 transfer of the suspect's custody before charges are issued. U.S. military authorities shall swiftly respond to this. (2) ARTICLE 17 shall specify that Japanese of?cials shall exercise rights to inVestigate. seize and examineUS. Forces properties outside the US. bases. (3) ARTICLE 17 shall specify that necessary control shall be taken under the leadership of Japanese of?cials at accident sites outside facilities and areas. 10 . ARTICLE 18 (Civil'ltight of Claims). it Requests by the. Okinawa Prefectural Government} (1) Article 18 shall specify that when?damage arises due to act or illegal act by the members. employees, or their dependents of the US. armed forces. during the time they are not carrying out the performance of of?cial duties. and if such things as the amount of compensation for damage to be paid to the damaged party does not satisfy the ?nal decision amount made at court, both the governments of Japan and the United States shall bear the responsibility for covering the difference of the amount. Article 18 shall also specify that the Japanese and the United States governments shall discuss their responsibilities in bearing the expenses for covering the de?cit of the compensation amount. (2) Article 18 shall specify that when there is an order by the Japanese court, the US. authorities shall seize the US. armed forces member-8? or employees? rights of claim for 6 Received by NSD/FARA'Registration Unit. 01/23/2018 9:43:23 PM Received by Registration Unit 01/23/2018 9:43:23 PM bene?ts such as salaries to be paid to them, and turn them over to the Japanese authorities. 11 Article 25 (The Japan-US. Joint Cemmittee) I-l Requests by the Okinawa Prefecture] Government] (1) Article 26 shall. specify that the agreements made at the Japan-U3. Joint Committee shall be immediately announced to the public. (2) In the event where matters that impact residents living in the vicinity of facilities and areas are discussed at the Japan~ULS.v Joint Committee. the governments of Japan and the United States shall bear opinions ?i'orn concerned local municipalities and respect their opinions. Furthermore. Article 25 shall specify that the Local Special Committee shall be established within the Joint Committee. Also, the representatives of the local authorities who own facilities and areas shall be the members of the special committee. Received by Registration Unit 01/23/2018 9:43:23 PM Received by Registration Unit 01/23/2018 9:43:23 PM THIS MATERIAL IS DISTRIBUTED BY OFFICE, INC. ON BEHALF OF THE OKINAWA ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE AT THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, DC. Lieutenant General Lawrence D. Nicholson [English translation of the original Japanese document] Ref. 161 December 13, 2017 Commanding Of?cer Marine Expeditionary Force I United States Forces Japan Re: Lost Parts from a CH-53E (Protest) . This memo is pertaining to the accident which took place appro?mately 10:09 on December-A13, where a CPI-53E lost its component in Futenrna Daini Elementary School in GinOwan City. At the time of the accident, physical education class was conducted on the ground and a fourth-grade school student eu??ered a scratch in the accident, though this aocidentcould result in a serious accident involving many lives of children.TherefOre, we cannot contain our indignation. In addition, a component, which seems to be a CH-53E part, was found in a neighboring nursery school December 7. These accidents were repeated in a short period of time in nursery and elementary schools, which should be safe places for children. Such events signi?cantly shocked the people of Okinawa Prefecture who are forced to live near the US. bases and cannot be tolerated. Aircrafts belonging to MCAS Futenma repeatedly caused accidents within one year, including a crush? an emergency landing, a ?ame and a crush landing. It indicates that the us. threes giVe top priority to their OperatiOns and diaregar'd safety issues. Therefore, anxiety among the people of Okinawa Prefecture has been growing more than ever before. We, the Okinawa Prefectural Government, strongly protest the U. S. forces regarding the accident. We call for an urgent inspection of all aircrafts, ?ight suspension and release of the cause of the accident. We also urge the US. military to implement effective measures and enforce thorough safety management to prevent the recurrence (if such accidents as well as fundamental review of safety measure Takeshi Onaga Governor of Okinawa Prefecture Note: This document has been translated from the Japanese original for? reference purposes only. In the event of any discrepancy between this translated document and - original, the original shall prevail. Received by Registration Unit 01/23/2018 9:43:23 PM . 58233 zamanaas c?ozwwso. 93.81: m: ?m?m?sm 5m. ?wammamm?m .UIVVN . . I .w . a I . g?gmsam?nw?nuc? . ??AMWU?wcw4o . 582% 53:38 9.: 28on p.38 2.: Received by Registration Unit 01/23/2018 9:43:23 PM. [English translation of the original Japanese. document] Ref. :-161 December 13,- 2017 Mr. Joel Ehrendreich Consul General Consulate General of the United States, Naha Re: Lost Parts from a CH-53E (Protest) This memo is pertaining . to the accident which. took place approximately 10:09 on December 13, where a CPI-53E lost its component in Futenrna Daini Elementary School in Ginowan City. . At the time of the accident, physical education class was conducted on the ground and a fourthegrade school student su?'e'red a scratch in the accident, though this accid?entcould result in a serious accident involving - many lives of children.Therefore, we cannot contain our indignation. In addition, a component, which seems to be a CH-53E part. was found in a neighboring nursery school in December 7. These accidents were repeated in a short period of time in nursery and elementary schools, which should be safe places for children. Such events signi?cantly shocked the people of Okinawa Prefecture who are forced to live near the U. S. bases and cannot be tolerated. Air'cra?s belonging to MCAS Futenma repeatedly caused accidents within one year, including a crush, an emergency landing, a ?ame and a crush landing. It indicates that the US. forces give top priority to their Operations and disregard safety issues. Therefore, anxiety among the people of Okinawa Prefecture has been growing more than ever before We, the Okinawa Prefecture] Government, strongly protest the U. S. forces regarding the accident. We call for an urgent inspection of all aircrafts, ?ight suspension and release of the cause of the accident. We also urge the US. military to make sure to implement effective measures and enforce thorough safety management to prevent the recurrence of such accidents as well as fundamental review of safety measure Takeshi Onaga G0vernor of Okinawa Prefecture Note: This document- has been translated from the Japanese original for reference purposes only. In the event of any discrepancy between this translated document and the Japanese original, the original shall prevail. Received by Registration Unit 01/23/2018 9:43:23 PM Received by Registration Bnitw01/23/2018 9:43:23 PM . . 1313 ?alk.Ibk?T? m. CHI- ETEd?uzmsr (HIE) EDTBD omnf BEEKE -. ETED - . Received by Registration Unit 01/23/2018 9:43:23 PM Received by Registration Unit 01/23/2018 9:43:23 PM Results of the Lower House Election Okinm?relaled mus MATERIAL IS DISTRIBUTED BY ox'mAwA pammne oc OFFICE. INC. ON BEHALF OFTHE QKINAWA PREFECTURE. ADDITIONAL . INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE AT THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, Subject: Results of the Lower House EIectio: DC From: T'akao Aheren Date: 2017/10/23 19:03. To: "Manyin. Mark" CC: 5 (u enQprefskinaw BOO: *ww? Dear Mark san, I hope you are doing well. I am sending the information you requested last time about the results of the Lower House Election (Okinawa-related) as attached. There are two seats in the excel file, English and Japanese. I hope these information helps. Have a safe trip to Japan! Best regards, . Takeo Aha?re?n Takao-Aharen Deputy Director Okinawa Prefecture washington D.C. Office 1161 Connecticut Avenue NH. Suite 450, Hashington, DC 26036 Phone: 202-753-5653 Our Website English Japanese ww. ref.ok'inawa. . . 1 - 48th LH Election Okinawa?xst I I 26.4 KB 201'7r?122322 9:50 Received by Registration Unit 01/23/2018 9:43:23 PM . Received. by Registration Unit 01/23/2018 9:43:23 PM awazuamn?mmusnaaxatwama> was: 10822Ht81 1 ama- maamugaaigai . - aimm?amaws&?m Ra 3?3 m: . (munwummum;01 Ea ?gm (mnnwumumaxw 55?ng mu 3 as: gamma xma mall m: I a nest gamma: - am simwea?nz.azmm?on muczm nu 9&2 namummaeamannadur macaw an Ban nanamnuza?enuxaur ans zn? xmnu km :xum? mu-m?ua run? mane #uze as: n?nmmn-a2 In?na wazzu?x nawamu-ma #asa mm: Inn swam mm sax amesuav