Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/23/2018 4:50:10 PM AbJTOHIO VARI AtiTUtiES ZHQAHOVA PUBLIC TRANSLATOR ANV COMMEKCi*l INTERPRETER RofyisytZfT&ds urv Comnv&rcvaA R e^i/yt'ry of TKe* $CCbC& of P&rMisinfaucrt' ENGLISH/ PORTUGUESE - REGISTER NO. 406 WW NO. 2.1609 - OCTOBER 21ST, 1943 AL/plva^ TrcciXu-^-C’y LVcUk>. - ME A v. pr’e/yLdsvsimtes Vu/rfr&sy 542 yaJjOL/ 1707 RLo- d-o JcLtfy&vt o - C&rvCro T&L: (21) 2253-2405 &• rn-c^Li: cU'pHcb&cU,phte/rpr&te/r PortUg'Weie' - ReiQ'i/yte'r&d/ asrucL 8oa/rcL of Tra^Le/ of the/ Stasto of V&rna/m/b-uscou/rvcLe/r nu/nvb&r $06 Alphas TrascUbQ&e/fr Ave/n/tiiLa/ P r&yvcle/n/Ce/ Va/rpa/y 5$2 ya/bas 1 707 ROo- d& Ja/rw/i/ro - Ce/n-troT&l.: 22 53 -2$05 E■ nvasul: cvlpha^a'lphcLtrouUMyo^/y.oO-m/.b-r Translation J22983/18 The document submitted for translation is an Addendum to the 00170.000435/2013 ?25, issued case number by the Special Department for Social Communication of the General Secretariat of the Presidency of The Republic of Brazil. —----- 00170.000435/2013-25 ...................................................... [Coat of arms] ——.........— Presidency of the Republic.............. ..............—........— General Secretariat-.................. -....... -.............................. Special Department for Social Communication -----PalScio do Planalto - 2° Andar - Saia: 207, - Bairro Zona Civico Administrativa.................................. -......... Brasilia-DF, CEP 70150-900 Phone: (61) 3411 ADDENDUM No. 0465488/2018/DENOR/SGC/SECOM/SG-PR—-....... Case no. 00170.000435/2013-25 .......................... ....... ADDENDUM NUMBER 04 TO CONTRACT NUMBER 01/2015, EXECUTED BETWEEN THE FEDERAL TrashfrV&tisO-nt tv' J229 83/18 Alphas Trasdsup&esf Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/23/2018 4:50:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/23/2018 4:50:10 PM ANTONIO OAR ANTUNES ZH0ANOVA SWORN PUBLIC TRANSLATOR V N«406 > ANTONIO VAKI ANTUNTS ZHBANOVA Sworn, Ptohrl/Oo Tra,n,ylcotor a,nd, Comnve,rc,yaA,1 ryte,rpre,te,r PortwfyiA&ye, ■ Irigi&y Ratyi/yte/red/ a,rvcl/ i3oa/rd/ of Trails of th/e- Stoute, of Pe,rtr^a/nvlruoo tA/wcbe/r y\,u,vyvb-v,r 406 Alpha, Trad/fA>$&e,y A^cn-tila, Pre,yid^,rote, Va,r#a,y 542 ya,ha, 1 707 ULo cLe/ Ja,yye,t,rO - Ce/vytrO TeA,.: 2253-2405 E" - nya,i,h: &ppKa&cbhphxt,trahl,u&oe,y. oony. b-r GOVERNMENT, by the special department OF SOCIAL COMMUNICATION OF THE GENERAL SECRETARIAT OF THE PRESIDENCY OF THE AND THE COMPANY REPUBLIC, COMUNICAQAO CORPORATIVA LTDA. CDN THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, through the SPECIAL DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL COMMUNICATION OF THE GENERAL SECRETARIAT OF THE PRESIDENCY OF THE REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL, enrolled with the CNPJ (Corporate Taxpayer Registration Number) under no. 09.234.494/0001-43, herein represented by its Special Secretary MARGIE) DE FREITAS GOMES, Brazilian, married, journalist, resident and domiciled in this city, Id. Card no. M5443968SSP/MG and CPF (Individual Taxpayer Registration Number) no. 664.698.056-04, in accordance with the competence set forth in article 1 of Ordinance No. 12, of June 6, 2017, published in the Federal Official Gazette of June 7, 2017, and the company CDN COMUNICAgAO CORPORATIVA LTDA., CNPJ No, 57.863,854/0001-19, with head office at 2 Tra,n,yla,tLio-n, in,' J2 298 3/1& Alpha, Tra^u^Oe-y Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/23/2018 4:50:10 PM t* (A Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/23/2018 4:50:10 PM ANTONJd VAHI ANTUblZS ZHSANOVA Swor n/ puAA/Oo Tra/rvybcntor a/rvcL Com/wie/rolct/l I ivterp re-tar Portuguese' - ZntfLe* K&fyi/¥te/r&d/ a/nd/ 8oa>rd/ op Trend*/ op the/ Sta/te/ op Ve/rrva/mbx**o u/hcLe/r Yi*A>ivi/be/r 406 A J/phot/ Trad/u^&e/y Ave/hOcLa/ Vre/yidLe/n/te/ Varfyay 542 ya/Las 1707 Rio cL& ja/n&i/ro - Ce-n-troTe/l.: 22 53-2405 E-nva/ui: a/Vpha&a/hphatrcucLwcoe/ Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima n° 2.601, 9° andar, conjuntos 91, 92 e 93, Jardim Paulistano, CEP 01451-000-S3O Paulo- SP, in this act represented by its Director, Mrs. YARA PERES SANTESTEVAM, Brazilian, single, journalist, bearer of Id. Card No. 4,694,394-8 SSP/SP, and CPF/MF No. 531.740.208-59, resident in S3o Paulo-SP, and by Mr. AFFONSO PRADO FILHO, Brazilian, divorced, accountant, holder of the National Driving License No. 00339068852 DETRAN/RJ, and CPF/M.F No. 702.322.107-72, resident in Rio de Janeiro-RJ, resolved to execute this Addendum to Contract No. 01/2015, of communication services to carry out advisory services in strategic communication planning, in the relationship with the international press and public relations abroad, as set forth in Case no. 00170.000435/2013-25, under the following terms and conditions:................................... 1. CLAUSE ONE - PURPOSE —- 1.1. The purpose of this Addendum is to extend the validity of Contract No. 01/2015 for a period of twelve (12) months. ........................................................ 3 Tra/n-yha/tvo-n/ n*'J22983/18 Alpha* Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/23/2018 4:50:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/23/2018 4:50:10 PM ANTONIO VAKI ANTUNTS ZH3ANOVA Sworn/ Pu/b-l/0o TrcuyyyUxsto-r a/rvd/ Com/me/rc/Oa/t Init&rpr&t&r Perrtutywew - IntfV&y w/Kwi^r wu/rnAre/r 406' Alpha/Tr&d/Uty&e/y Retywyt&r&cL a/rvd/ 8crcvrd/ erf TrowOe/ erf the/ Sta/te/ of Pe/rrva/m/b-u&o Ave/K/ULct/ Pre/yirtie/n/te/ Va/r^a/y 542 yo/la/ 1707 POoJa/yye/Oro- - Ce/A/troTe/l/.: 22 5 3 -2405 E• mo/01: ot'lpha@cUphastrad/u*>&e/y.oo-m/.b-r 2. CLAUSE TWO - TERM-...........................-............2.1. The validity of Contract No. 01/2015, is extended until January 16, 2019, as provided in Clause Six - Term, pursuant to article 57, item II, of Law No. 8,666/1993. 3. THIRD CLAUSE - BUDGET ALLOCATION........... 3.1. The estimated expenses ih the amount of R$ 30,666,635.47 will be charged to the resources allocated in the General Budget of the Federal Government for the year of 2018, as follows:—----• Program 2038 - Democracy and Improvement of Public Management, Budgetary Action 2017 - Institutional Communication, programmatic functional: 04.131.2038.2017.0001 - Institutional Communication................................................................ a) R$ 25,555,529.56 for the execution of the products and services provided for in item 1 of the Products and Services Table, considering the discount granted in the Proposal of Prices - Annex I of the Contract;-........................................................... b) R$ 5,111,105.91 of the amount established in item “a", for the execution, through suppliers, of 4 Tro/n/yOa/tOo-m/ tv* J22983/18 Alpha/ Trcud/u^&e^y Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/23/2018 4:50:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/23/2018 4:50:10 PM ANTONIO VAKI ANTUNES ZH3ANOVA Sworn/ Pusb-lsOo Trosn/ybastor cu'vd' Com/moroisasl lnste/rpre/tesr Portuguese' - Ingl&y P esfyi/yt&r&cL asnds "Boasrcis of T rcvde- of thes S taste' of Pe/rnsa/i*vbusoo u/tvcLesr n/U/tn/besr 406 Alphas Tra/dstMy&oy Avesn/t/cLas pre/yisdsestvtes Vasrga/y 542 ya/bas 1 707 P isa> P re/yVcbe/h/tei' Vargay 542 ydla/ 1707 P.yp- cL& Jcyrue/t/ro- - C&vytroTeA/.: 2253.-2405 E - wya/yb: cypp 1ycy@ alp Ka/traybiyoo^y. oo-ny. b-r 5.1. the other clauses and conditions of the original Contract, as well as of Addenda Nos. 01, 02 and 03, not modified by this instrument, are ratified. —.......——————----- ------ 6. CLAUSE SIX - PUBLICATION 6.1. CONTRACTOR shall —— provide a summary publication of this Instrument, pursuant to the sole paragraph of article 61 of Law No. 8,666 of June 21, 1993................................................. -...................... 6.2. In witness whereof, this Addendum is drawn up and made available electronically through the Electronic Information System - SEI, which, after being read and found to be in compliance, is electronically signed by the parties.—---- —— ------Document Electronically Signed ------------------------MARCIO DE FREITAS GOMES———--—— Special Secretary-.-—-----—-——————r—— Special Department for Social Communication of V the General Secretariat——-------------------:--™ Document Electronically Signed .............................. . YARA PERES SANTESTEVAM ------------- -------- -- CDN Comunicagao Corporativa Ltda......................... 6 Traz/^yba/tiio-fx n>'J22983/18 Alpha* Trasd'Usp&e-y Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/23/2018 4:50:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/23/2018 4:50:10 PM AtiTGNIG VAR I ANTUNZSZHSAbJGVA Swo-rvy PuArhiso T rasyvybo'to-r asryds Co-nytyvesrofasb Inite/rpr&t&r Portuguese' - I ri^leS H efyvyte/r&cL a/vfas ’boards of Trefahes of fh& S tastes of Pe/rnsosm/bwooi/svisds&r Y\sfAsvyitke/r 406 AhpKcy TrasdsUtyd-esy A'vesrisfahas Presyfase/n/tes Vasr^asy 5^2 yashou 1707 U fa- d/e/ JosYi&i/ro- - C&y'stroTeA/.-: 2253 -2405 E • wyosisb: cyhpjya^cyhpiyastrofasioc^e'y. c/o-ny. b-r Document Electronically Sighed AFFONSO PRADO FILHO-----—-———.......- -CDN Comunica£§o Corporativa Ltda.......................... [Sea/] - Electronically Signed-r-----Document Electronically Signed by AFFONSO PRADO FILHO, External User, on January 11, 2018, at 04:52 p.m., according to official time of Brasilia, based on article 6, paragraph 1 of Decree no. 8,539, of October 8, 2015. —-———---- -------[Seal] - Electronically Signed-—-—-———————-— Document Electronically Signed by YARA PERES SANTESTEVAM, External User, on January 11, 2018, at 04:55 p.m,, according to official time of Brasilia, based on article 6, paragraph 1 of Decree no. 8,539, of October 8, 2015. —........... ................[Sea/] - Electronically Signed--———-————-~—Document Electronically Signed by Marcio de Freitas Gomes, Special Secretary, on January 11, 2018, at 07:27 p.m., according to official time of Brasilia, based on article 6, paragraph 1 of Decree no. 8,539, of October 8, 2015. 7 Trasyi/yho/tfab/ to/ J22983/18 Alph/Os Trardsu^&e-y Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/23/2018 4:50:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/23/2018 4:50:10 PM ANTONIO VARI ANTUNZS ZH&ANOVA Swo-rn/ puAfLyo Tra/rvylato-r a/rvcL Comme/rc/LaA/1nte/rpre/t&r Portutfu&yt/ - In$l&y Refyi/yte/red/ ct/rvcL B&a/rd/ of TrcpcLe/ of the/ State/ of P&rrvasnvb-ivoou/ML&r r\AA/m/Jye/r 406 Alipha/ TrapUtM^d-e/y Ave/n/bcUn/ Pre/yOcLe/nte/ Varyay 542 ya/Un/ 1 707 RVo- d*/ Jout/ye/yrO' - Ce/ntroTe/h.: 2253-2405 E • vyya/i/h: alpha® ci/hphatrcyd/tA&oe/y. oo-ny. b-r The authenticity of the document can be checked by informing the verification code 0465488 and the CRC code 63B1A905 at:................................................ ( acao=documento_conferir&id_orgao_acesso_extern o=0) -................................................... ....... ..............-....... Reference: Case no. 00170.000435/2013-25 -------SEI no. 0465488 .......................................................... Rip de Janeiro, January 16, 2018. 8 Tra/toyl/cytyO-Yb n>'J22983/18 Alpha/ Trasd/U^&e-y Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/23/2018 4:50:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01 /23/2018 4:50:10 PM Copy of Addendum Number 4 to Contract Number 01/2015, Executed Between the Federal Government, By the Special Department of Social Communication of the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic, and the Company CDN Comunica^ao Corporativa Ltda. (Original Text in Portuguese) Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/23/2018 4:50:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/23/2018 4:50:10 PM 00170.000435/2013-25 PRESIDENCY DA REPUBLICA SECRETARIA-GERAL SECRETARIA ESPECIAL DE COMUNICACAO SOCIAL Palacio do Planalto - 2° Andar - Sala: 207, - Bairro Zona Civico Admiriistrativa Brasilia-DF, CEP 70150-900 Telefone: (61) 3411-1279 TERMO ADITIVO N° 0465488/2018/DENOR/SGC/SECOM/SG-PR Processo n° 00170.000435/2013-25 TERMO ADITIVO N° 04 AO CONTRATO N° 01/2015, QUE, ENTRE SI, FAZEM A UNIAO, POR INTERMEDIO DA SECRETARIA ESPECIAL DE COMUNICACAO SOCIAL DA SECRETARIA-GERAL DA PRESIDENCY DA REPUBLICA, E A EMPRESA CDN COMUNICACAO CORPORATIVA LTDA. A UNIAO, por iritermedio da SECRETARIA ESPECYL DE COMUNICACAO SOCIAL DA SECRETARY-GERAL DA PRESIDENCY DA REPUBLICA, inscrita no CNPJ n° 09.234.494/0001-43, neste ato presentada pelo seu Secretario-Especial MARCIO DE FREITAS GOMES, brasileiro, casado, jomalista, residente e domiciliado nesta cidade, RG n° M5443968-SSP/MG e CPF n9 664.698.056-04, de acordo com a competencia prevista no art.. 1° da Portaria n° 12, de 06 de junho de 2017, publicada no Diario Oficial da Uniao de 07 de junho de 2017, e a empresa CDN COMUNICACAO CORPORATIVA LTDA., CNPJ n° 57.863.854/0001-19, estabelecida na Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima n° 2.601, 9° andar, cohjuhtos 91, 92 e 93, Jardim Paulistano, CEP 01451-000-Sao PauloSP, neste ato representada pela sua Diretora a Senhora YARA PERES SANTESTEVAM, brasileira, solteira, jornalista, portadpra da Carteira de Identidade n° 4.694.394-8 SSP/SP, e do CPF/MF n° 531.740.208-59, residente em Sao Paulo-SP, e pelo Senhor AFFONSO PRADO Receivedby NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/23/2018 4:50:10PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/23/2018 4:50:10 PM FILHO, brasileiro, divorciado, contador, portador da Caiteira Nacional de Flabilitapao n° 00339068852 DETRAN/RJ, e do CPF/MF n° 702.322.107-72, residente no Rio de Janeiro-RJ, resolvem celebrar o presente Termo Aditivo ao Contrato n° 01/2015, de prestapao de servipos de comunicapao para realizapao de assessoria em planejamento estrategico de comunicapao, no relacionamento com a imprensa internacional e em relapoes publicas no exterior, cpnsoante consta do Processo n° 00170.000435/2013-25, mediante os termos e condipoes a seguir: 1. CLAUSULA PRIMEIRA - DO OBJETO 1.1. Constitui objeto do presente Termo Aditivo a prorrogapao do prazo de vigencia do Contrato n° 01/2015, por um periodo de mais 12 (doze) meses. 2. CLAUSULA SEGUNDA - DA VIGENCIA 2.1. O prazo de vigencia do Contrato n° 01/2015, flea prorrogado at6 16 de janeiro de 2019, conforme previsto ha Clausula Sexta - Da Vigencia, nos termos do artigo 57, inciso II, da Lei n° 8.666/1993. 3. CLAUSULA TERCEIRA - DA DOTAQAO ORCAMENTARIA 3.1. As despesas decorrentes estimadas em R$ 30.666.635,47 (trinta milhoes, seiscentos e sessenta e seis mil seiscentos e trinta e cinco reais e quarenta e sete centavos), correrao a conta dos recursos consignados no Orpamento Geral da UniSo para o exercicio de 2018, conforme segue: • Programa 2038 - Deniocracia e Aperfei^oamento da Gest^o Publica, A9ao Or9amentaria 2017 - Comunica9ao Institucional, funcional programitica: 04.131.2038.2017.0001 -Comunica9ao Institucional. a) R$ 25.555.529,56 (vinte e cinco milhoes, quinhentos e cinquenta e cinco mil quinhentos e- vinte e nove reais e cinquenta e seis centavos), para a execucSo dos produtos e serv^os previstos no item 1 da Tabela de Prel^os dps Produtos e Servipos, considerando o desconto concedido na Proposta de Prepos - Anexo I do Contrato; b) R$ 5.111.105,91 (cinco milhSes, cento e onze mil cento e cinco reais e noventa e um centavos) do valor previsto na alinea ‘a’, para execupao, por meio de fornecedores, de produtos e servipos elencados na Relapao de Itens de Infraestrutura e Logistica-Apendice IV do Projeto Basico. PARAGRAFO PRIMEIRO- Para cobertura da despesa prevista para o presente exercicio foi emitida a Nota de Empenho 2018NE800008, emitida em 10.01.2018. PARAGRAFO SEGUNDO - Para o proximo exercicio, correspondente ao periodo de vigencia do presente termo aditivo, as despesas correrao a Conta de dotapoes orpamentafias especificas para atendimentp de despesas de riiesma natureza. 4. CLAUSULA QUARTA - DA GARANTIA 4.1. A contratada tera que apresentar garantia no valor de R$ 613.332,71 (seiscentos e treze mil trezentos e trinta e dois reais e setenta e um centavos), correspondente a 2% (dois por cento) do Valor total do Contrato, no prazo de ate 20 (vinte) dias uteis, a contar da data da assinatura do presente Termo Aditivo, cabendo-lhe optar por qualquer uma das modalidades elencadas nos incisos I a III do § 1° do artigo 56 da Lei n° 8.666/1993. 5. CLAUSULA QUINTA - DA RATIFICA^AO 5.1. Ficam ratificadas as demais clausulas e condipoes do Contrato original, bem corho dos Termos Aditivos n° 01,02 e 03, nao modificadas pelo presente instrumento. 6. CLAUSULA SEXTA - DA PUBLICACAO Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/23/2018 4:50:10 PM / Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/23/2018 4:50:10 PM 6.1. A CONTRATANTE providenciara a publica?ao resumida do presente Instrumento, nos ternios do paragrafo unico do art, 61 da Lei n° 8.666, de 21 dejunho de 1993. 6.2. Para firmeza e como prova de assim haverem, eritre si, ajustado e contratado, e lavrado o presente Termo Aditivo, e disponibilizado por meio eletronico atraves do Sistema Eletronico de Informa?5es - SEI, o qual, depois de lido e achado conforme, vai assinado eletronicamente pelas partes. Documento Assinado Eletronicamente MARCIO PE FREITAS GOMES Secretario-Especial Secretaria Especial de Comunicapao Social da Secretaria-Geral Documento Assinado Eletronicamente YARA PERES SANTESTEVAM CDN Comunica9ao Corporativa Ltda Documento Assinado Eletronicamente AFFONSO PRADO FILHO CDN Comunicafao Corporatiya Ltda Documento assinado eletronicamente por AFFONSO PRADO FILHO, Usuario Externo, em 11/01/2018, bs 16:52, conforme horario oficial de Brasilia, com fundamento no art. 69, § 1®, do Decreto n9 8.539, de 8 de 2015. aim* So Documento assinado eletronicamente por YARA PERES SANTESTEVAM, Usuirio Externo, em 11/01/2018, bs 16:55, conforme horario oficial de Brasilia, com fundamento no art. 6e, § 19, do Decreto n9 8.539, de 8 de 2015. sUSATi W Documento assinado eletronicamente por M6rdo de Freitas Gomes, Secret£rio(a) Especial, em 11/01/2018, as 19:27, conforme horario oficial de Brasilia, com fundamento no art. 69, § 19, do Decreto n9 8.539. de 8 de outubro de 2015. m A autenticidade do documento pode ser conferida informando o cddigo verificador 0465488 e o cddigo CRC 63B1A905 no site: ( extemo.php? acao=documento conferir&id orgao acesso extemo=Q') Referenda: Processo n« 00170.000435/2013-25 Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 01/23/2018 4:50:10 PM SEI n9 0465488