NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH - STATE BOARD FQR PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT . .. i I TM THE MATTER STATEMENT or CF CHARGES 3155531,. Mt). JOHN SIEBERT, M.D.. the Respondent, was authorized to practice medicine in New York State on or about April 8. 1986? by the issuance of license number 165821 by the New York State Education Department. Flown'Ati?emona A. Respondent, a ptastio surgeon. treated Patient A. (patients toenti?ed in appendix attached) from on or about January 2000 through and including July 2006. Respondent treated Patient A at his private of?ces at 7'99 Park Avenue, New Y?rki NY and 50 East 715? Street. New York. NY and performed multipie aurgeriee on Patient A at Manhattan Eye, Ear, 8. Throat Hosp'rtai and Institute of Reconstructive Plastic Surgery, New York University Medical Center. 1. Between on or about June 2006, through on or about December 2008 Respondent engaged in an inappropriate intimate relationship with Patient A. OF CHARGES FIRSJZ M0 AL. . my": Reepondent is charged with committing professional misconduct as defined in NY. Educ. Law 6530(20) by engaging in conduct in the practice of the profession of! i fmedi?i?a that evidences moral un?tness to practice as ailegad in the facts of the i i I. Paragraphs 20?3 New York. New Roy ?a?aerson. Deputy Cbunsal Bureau of Professional Medina! Conduct