Great Lakes Protection Initiative: Restoring Areas of Concern Application Form For Office Use Only Project No.[Project number] Project Title: [English Title] Section 1: Project Background Please enter the required information in the fields available. There is no limit to the number of characters that can be used. The fields will expand as you type or copy/paste. The following details about the project will be used to inform the Minister’s Office and may also be posted on Environment and Climate Change Canada's website. Project Title (must not change for ongoing projects): Area of Concern (AOC): Lake: Watercourse: Watershed: Primary Contact: Name: Title: Address: Phone: Fax: E-mail: Legal Name of Business or Organization: 1 GST or Business Number, if applicable: Name of Individual with Signing Authority for Financial Agreements: Project Start Date: Project End Date: Project Status (new or ongoing): Member(s) of Parliament and Riding(s): Please refer to the “Electoral Districts” page at “”. Section 2: Project Details 1. Total Project Value (Both cash and in-kind contributions): 2. Amount of Funding Requested from Great Lakes Protection Initiative for the 2018/19 Fiscal Year: Amount of matching funding from other sources for the 2018/19 fiscal Year: Is this a multi-year Proposal? 3. Other Supporting Organizations List committed and proposed organizations (please spell out all acronyms). 4. Project Purpose (Enter a brief project purpose; 1 or 2 sentences maximum): 5. Priority Focus Habitat rehabilitation, rural non-point source control, contaminated sediment remediation, municipal wastewater treatment, urban stormwater/combined sewer overflow control, or monitoring to address status of beneficial use impairment and delisting targets. 6. Beneficial Use Impairment (BUI) Please check the latest RAP Implementation Workplan or Current Stage 2 Report for the BUIs that apply to your project. Explain how the project will assist with the restoration of beneficial uses within your AOC and achievement of delisting targets. 2 7. Remedial Action Plan Recommended Action Please check the latest RAP Implementation Workplan or Current Stage 2 Report. If the project is not on the workplan, please check with your local RAP Coordinator or Federal Lead to determine whether it warrants consideration. Explain how the project will assist with the completion of RAP recommended actions. 8. Key Project Activities List the key project activities that the project will focus on; maximum of one or two sentences for each activity. 9. Location Map Show project/site location(s) on an accompanying map. Please provide longitude and latitude coordinates. 10. Site Description Describe conditions within and adjacent to the area in which your project will be located. An overarching map showing the broader AOC restoration strategy is also recommended where possible. Provide aerial photographs showing outline of project to be rehabilitated. 11. Activities to be undertaken in fiscal year 2018/2019: Describe in detail the activities, methods and funding requirements related to each phase of the project (e.g. planning, planting, construction). If your project involves planting, please supply a planting plan outlining the species you will be using and where they will be planted on the site. For further information contact your AOC’s RAP Coordinator or Federal Lead (see Appendix 2). Identify if your project involves the further disbursement of funds (e.g., landowner stewardship programs). Describe the desired outcomes of the disbursements, proposed recipients, process for determining successful recipients and criteria for funding. 12. Results Itemize project activities, accomplishments, and final products for each year (e.g. for habitat projects: restore X kilometres of riparian habitat, implement X number of rural nutrient management plans, convert X hectares of land to conservation tillage, reduce annual phosphorus loading by X tonnes to X watershed(s), prepare final report). Ensure that you link planned activities to current RAP Implementation Workplans/Stage 2 reports. 13. Schedule of Activities Include a schedule of project activities and a timeline for your project. If the information is in a table format, include as a separate document to this proposal. 3 14. Performance Monitoring Describe monitoring, or other follow-up activities, designed to assess the project’s performance for 2018/19, and/or for a longer-term period. (Note: It is important to describe monitoring in the context of delisting criteria/targets/performance for your AOC). 15. Supporting Documentation Provide a list of other relevant information available such as water and sediment quality data, planting plans and construction designs, environmental assessment reports, and scientific publications. SUBMITTED: date Section 3: Project Budget Complete Appendix 1b - Cash Flow Statement for expenses related to your project. Note: The Great Lakes Protection Initiative supports up to one-third of the required resources for an Area of Concern project for each fiscal year. On the Cash Flow Statement, drop-down menus for Contributor Type, Cost Category and Expenditure Type have been included for your convenience. NOTE: IN-KIND: Include the value of “in kind” support in the appropriate column and describe it in a separate paragraph below. In-kind support refers to equipment, material, supplies, services, personnel/volunteer time, etc. provided to the project without cost to the project. For habitat creation and non-point source projects, the landowner contribution for land occupied by the project is calculated by: land rental cost/acre/year* x acreage x agreement length** where: * land rental cost is calculated at the average agricultural lease rate for that township ** agreement length is the length of the signed stewardship agreement (in years) or 10 years (if there is no written agreement) PYs (PERSON YEARS, DONATED SALARY CONTRIBUTIONS): should be indicated as an in-kind dollar value ($35,000 = 1 PY) (e.g. A volunteer assisting for 1 day = 0.04% PY = $140; 1 week = 2% PY = $700 ; 1 months = 8% PY = $2,800) Section 4: Measurable Achievements, COA Annex 1 and RAP Workplan Results 1. HABITAT REHABILITATION PROJECTS Identify the appropriate Remedial Action Plan result(s) and indicate specific benefits to priority sites in AOCs by providing data as per the table below. Also provide information that shows the extent to which the project will meet delisting criteria for the pertinent BUI (An example would be: this project addresses BUI criteria # 6 or 12 projects needed to meet the delisting criteria for Loss of Fish and Wildlife Habitat BUI). Indicate whether there will be 4 mechanisms (such as natural heritage policies, long term project oversight, etc.) to sustain the environmental gains of the project. Please complete the following tables, indicating the achievements planned for 2018/19. Type of Habitat Rehabilitated Total completed to date ** Planned for this fiscal year Wetland (ha) Riparian (km)* Prairie/Meadow (ha) Forest (ha) Number of Barriers to Fish Migration Removed/Mitigated Planned for entire project (#) * ** 2. Mitigated or removed to date ** Length of Potential Fish Habitat Unlocked Planned for this fiscal year (#) Planned for entire project (km) Total completed to date ** (km) Proposed for this fiscal year (km) Riparian habitat (1 km of stream rehabilitation on two shores = 2 km of riparian habitat rehabilitated). Total completed to date since project inception. CONTAMINATED SEDIMENT REMEDIATION PROJECTS Identify the specific benefits for each project by site. Include whether the following are in-progress or completed: site identification, identification of external contaminant sources, assessment of physical, chemical and biological effects, assessment of ecological risk, assessment of sediment management options, development of a sediment management strategy, development of an engineering design plan, demonstration of innovative technologies, clean-up implementation and monitoring, long-term monitoring and reporting. Describe the area and proposed volume of sediment being addressed. Indicate the potentially responsible parties, government lead agencies, funding sources and beneficial use impairments being addressed. Note: The Great Lakes Protection Initiative supports contaminated sediment projects from the assessment phase through to the development of a detailed engineering design. 3. MUNICIPAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND URBAN DRAINAGE CONTROL PROJECTS Identify the appropriate Remedial Action Plan result(s) and indicate specific benefits to priority sites in AOCs by providing data on reductions in pollutant loadings (phosphorus, suspended solids, oil and grease, and other relevant pollutants) as well as reduction in combined sewer overflows. Any data related to improvements in pertinent BUIs (particularly beach closings, aesthetics, algae production) would be helpful. Please note that the Great Lakes Protection Initiative does not 5 support capital infrastructure projects (e.g. sewers, sewage treatment plants, stormwater ponds, etc.) Please indicate whether the projects are recommended implementation actions as per the Remedial Action Plan for the Area of Concern, as well as whether there will be mechanisms (such as policies, effluent limits, application of technology to other sites) developed or established to sustain the environmental gains of the project. 6