Great Lakes Protection Initiative: Restoring Areas of Concern Application Instructions for Contribution-Based Funding Restoring Areas Of Concern THE GREAT LAKES PROTECTION INITIATIVE The goal of the Great Lakes Protection Initiative is to target the most significant environmental challenges affecting Great Lakes water quality and ecosystem health by delivering on Canada’s commitments under the Canada-United States Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. The Initiative focuses on eight priority areas for action: • Working with others to protect the Great Lakes • Restoring Great Lakes Areas of Concern • Preventing toxic and nuisance algae • Assessing and enhancing the resilience of Great Lakes coastal wetlands • Evaluating and Identifying at risk nearshore waters • Reducing releases of harmful chemicals • Engaging Indigenous Peoples in addressing Great Lakes issues • Increasing public engagement through citizen science To assist in achieving this goal, Environment and Climate Change Canada is making funding available to support action by others to: • Prevent toxic and nuisance algae: Increasing participation in the application of phosphorus load reduction measures by demonstrating innovative approaches and best practices and promoting broad uptake and application. • Reduce releases of harmful chemicals: Increasing participation in the application of beyond-compliance measures to reduce releases of chemicals of mutual concern (CMCs) by developing, implementing, assessing and promoting use of innovative approaches. • Engage Indigenous Peoples in addressing Great Lakes issues: Enhancing Indigenous capacity to address Great Lakes issues through projects that engage Indigenous peoples at the community level. • Increase public engagement through citizen science: Enhancing Canadians’ knowledge of and engagement in addressing Great Lakes issues through participation in citizen science. Restore Areas of Concern: Supporting action at the local level to restore water quality and aquatic ecosystem health by implementing projects identified in Area of Concern Remedial Action Plans. • For more information, visit 2 Restoring Areas Of Concern CONTEXT: RESTORING AREAS OF CONCERN Areas of Concern are specific locations designated by Canada and the U.S. under the 1987 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (GLWQA) where water quality and ecosystem health have been severely degraded by human activity at the local level resulting in a range of issues (e.g. closures, loss of habitat for fish and wildlife, negative effects on fish and wildlife populations, restrictions on fish consumption, effects on drinking water). Restoring Areas of Concern contributes to the improvement of Great Lakes water quality and ecosystem health as well as the environmental, economic and social wellbeing of local communities in the basin. OBJECTIVE An objective of the Great Lakes Protection Initiative is to restore the water quality and aquatic ecosystem health of Canadian Great Lakes Areas of Concern (AOCs). To assist in achieving this objective, Environment and Climate Change Canada is making funding available to support action at the local level to restore water quality and aquatic ecosystem health by implementing projects identified in AOC Remedial Action Plans. ELIGIBLE RECIPIENTS Applicants may include: • Conservation Authorities • Indigenous communities or their governments • Indigenous organizations or associations • Municipalities • Non-governmental organizations • Not for profit and for profit organizations • Research, academic and educational institutions TYPES OF PROJECTS ELIGIBLE FOR FUNDING Remedial Action Plans have been developed for each Canadian Great Lakes AOC. These plans identify projects required to restore AOC water quality and aquatic ecosystem health, including projects that contribute to directly eliminating identified “beneficial use impairments” by: • Restoring degraded habitat • Remediating contaminated sediment • Reducing point and non-point pollution Refer to Appendix 2 for 2018-19 Remedial Action Plan websites and contacts. 3 Restoring Areas Of Concern FUNDING DETAILS • • • • • Funding is available on an annual basis. Funding can provide up to one-third of total project cost. The maximum amount available for any one project is $2.9 million per fiscal year. Projects may be multiyear in nature, to a maximum duration of three years. The maximum level (stacking limit) of total government (federal, provincial, territorial and municipal assistance for the same eligible expenditures) assistance for a project will not exceed 100% of the total eligible expenditures of the project. ELIGIBLE COSTS Only costs which can be directly attributed to carrying out the project will be eligible for funding, including: • Human resource costs, including salaries and benefits; • Management and professional service costs, such as accounting, monitoring, communications, official languages translation, audit and legal charges; • Travel; • Material and supplies costs; • Printing, production and distribution costs; • Equipment and Capital Assets purchase or rental; • Vehicle rental and operation costs; • Contractors required to perform activities related to the project; • Cost associated with land acquisition or other means of land securement (i.e. leases, easements, covenants or servitudes); • A reasonable share of overhead and/or administrative costs; • Any GST/HST that is not reimbursable by Canada Revenue Agency and any PST not reimbursable by the provinces; and, • Other incremental expenditures directly related to the project (as pre-approved by Environment and Climate Change Canada). Costs, other than those herein allowed, are ineligible unless specifically approved in writing by the Minister of the Environment or his/her representatives at the time of project approval. For all costs, only those deemed to be a reasonable share for completing the project shall be considered eligible. SELECTION METHOD Project proposals will be reviewed and final decisions made by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC). Project proposals will undergo a two-stage review process: 4 Restoring Areas Of Concern 1) Administrative Review by ECCC to ensure applications are complete and meet program eligibility requirements; and, 2) Project Evaluation by ECCC against evaluation criteria. ECCC may seek advice on proposal submissions from external advisors with knowledge and expertise relevant to the proposal. Administrative Review To be considered eligible for funding, project proposals must meet the following requirements: • Proposed project addresses priorities of Remedial Action Plan of a remaining AOC. • Proponent is eligible to receive funding. • Matching funding (a minimum of 2/3 of project costs) is identified. • Geographic scope is limited to Canadian Areas of Concern. • Previous year(s) work is on track or complete. • Funding will not be used for land acquisition or capital works. The purpose of the 2018/19 Call for Proposals is to solicit project proposals that implement actions identified in the AOC’s most current Remedial Action Plan and/or Work Plan, contributing to the restoration of Beneficial Use Impairments (BUIs) and the eventual delisting of the AOCs. Proposals must clearly demonstrate the project will contribute to the restoration of BUIs or address delisting targets for an AOC. Project Evaluation Eligible project proposals will be assessed on the extent to which proposals meet the following evaluation criteria: Relevance: • Proposed project contributes to Canada-Ontario Agreement on Great Lakes Water Quality and Ecosystem Health (COA) goals as well as results and commitments for AOCs. • Proposed project addresses Remedial Action Plan goals and priorities (e.g. is necessary for re-designating a BUI; is a priority action for a Remedial Action Plan document; and/or addresses a monitoring or assessment gap). • Proposed project needs to be undertaken now to be effective. Project Feasibility: • Proposed project is technically feasible. • Proposed project timeline and work plan is realistic. • Proposed project goals are measurable and the objectives are precisely stated. • Activities within the proposed project support the goals and objectives. • Required permits have been received or identified. Financial Value: • Proposed budget is realistic. 5 Restoring Areas Of Concern • • • Proposed project has good value for total dollars spent. Proponent and its project partners are contributing more than the required minimum. Partnership funding / support is in place. Project Team Capacity: • Proponent’s capacity (time, expertise, staff and partners) to carry out the proposed project. • Proponent and project partners’ ability to access necessary expertise. • Proponent’s history of successfully implementing similar projects. Additional Benefits: • Proposed project links to other restoration / monitoring projects in the AOC. • Proposed project includes innovative approaches that could accelerate achievement of delisting. • Proposed project includes public outreach, stewardship or education which would benefit the Remedial Action Plan. Project implementation can begin after notification of project approval, pending the execution of project agreements or contracts where applicable. DESCRIPTION OF APPLICATION FORM SECTIONS The Application Form has 4 sections: • • • • Section 1: Project Background Section 2: Project Details Section 3: Project Budget Section 4: Measurable Achievements, COA Annex 4 and RAP Work Plan Results In Section 1: Project Background, provide: • Basic information about your group and mandate; • Contact details for the proposed project; and, • The project title, AOC location, proposed start and end dates and project status. In Section 2: Project Details, provide: • Total project value: Both cash and in-kind contributions. • Amount of funding requested from the Great Lakes Protection Initiative for the 2018/19 fiscal year, the amount of matching funding from other sources for the 2018/19 fiscal Year; and, whether it is a multi-year proposal. • List the supporting (partner) organizations • Project purpose statement (in one or two sentences). 6 Restoring Areas Of Concern • Priority focus - fish and wildlife habitat rehabilitation and stewardship; contaminated sediment assessment and remediation; or innovative approaches to improving municipal wastewater effluent quality. • Beneficial use Impairment - Please check the latest Remedial Action Plan Implementation Workplan or Current Stage 2 Report for the Beneficial Use Impairments (BUIs) that apply to your project. Explain how the project will assist with the restoration of beneficial uses within your AOC and achievement of delisting targets. • Remedial Action Plan Recommended Action - Please check the latest Remedial Action Plan Implementation Workplan or Current Stage 2 Report. If the project is not on the workplan, please check with your local Remedial Action Plan Coordinator or Federal Lead to determine whether it warrants consideration. Explain how the project will assist with the completion of Remedial Action Plan recommended actions. • Key project activities - List the key project activities that the project will focus on (maximum of one or two sentences for each activity). • Location map - Show project/site location(s) on an accompanying map. Please provide longitude and latitude coordinates. • Site description - Describe conditions within and adjacent to the area in which your project will be located. An overarching map showing the broader AOC restoration strategy is also recommended where possible. Provide aerial photographs showing outline of project to be rehabilitated. • Activities to be undertaken during 2018/19 fiscal year and each subsequent year for multi-year project proposals - Describe in detail the activities, methods and funding requirements related to each phase of the project (e.g. planning, planting, construction). If your project involves planting, please supply a planting plan outlining the species you will be using and where they will be planted on the site. For further information contact your AOC’s Remedial Action Plan Coordinator or Federal Lead. • Disbursement of funds - Identify if your project involves the further disbursement of funds (e.g. landowner stewardship programs). Describe the desired outcomes of the disbursements, proposed recipients, process for determining successful recipients and criteria for funding. • Results - Itemize project activities, accomplishments and final products for each year (e.g. for habitat projects: restore X kilometres of riparian habitat, implement X number of rural nutrient management plans, convert X hectares of land to conservation tillage, reduce annual phosphorus loading by X tonnes to X watershed(s), prepare final report). Ensure that you link planned activities to current RAP Implementation Workplans/Stage 2 reports. • Schedule of activities - Include a schedule of project activities and a timeline for your project. If the information is in a table format, include as a separate document to this proposal. • Performance monitoring - Describe monitoring, or other follow-up activities, designed to assess the project’s performance for 2018/19, and/or for a longer-term period. (Note: It is important to describe monitoring in the context of delisting criteria/targets/performance for your AOC). 7 Restoring Areas Of Concern • Supporting documentation - Provide a list of other relevant information available such as water and sediment quality data, planting plans and construction designs, environmental assessment reports and scientific publications. In Section 3: Project Budget, complete the Cash Flow Statement provided in the Application Package for expenses related to the proposed project. On the Cash Flow Statement, dropdown menus for Contributor Type, Cost Category and Expenditure Type have been included for your convenience. Instructions are provided in the Application Form on how to include “inkind” support in the Cash Flow Statement. In Section 4: Measurable Achievements, provide a more fulsome description of the proposed project in terms of the anticipated results and achievements and how the project would contribute to the Area of Concern’s Remedial Action Plan and/or to results and commitments under Annex 4: Areas of Concern of the Canada Ontario Agreement on Great Lakes Water Quality and Ecosystem Health. Further details and instructions are provided in the Application Form. Other Instructions Applicants are encouraged to provide the details necessary to give a full response to each section of the Application Form but should be as concise as possible. Completed Application Forms must not exceed 30 pages and response material should be presented in a clear, logical and well organized manner. Please ensure that all sections of the Application Form are complete prior to submission. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. Applicants may include additional information or documents with the application (e.g. examples of possible end products, photographs, maps, etc.). If additional material is submitted, it must be clearly marked and referenced accordingly in the relevant section of the application. All such material must be submitted in a PDF format. Deadline and Submission Instructions Applications are due by 11:59 p.m. EST on March 15, 2018. Late submissions will not be considered. Applications can be submitted via e-mail to: Once approvals have been confirmed, all applicants (both successful and unsuccessful) will be notified in writing. If your project is approved, you will be contacted to negotiate a Contribution Agreement, which outlines the terms and conditions of funding. We will work towards completing this process within 40 working days. Please note that meeting this standard for the development of a Contribution Agreement is a shared responsibility and 8 Restoring Areas Of Concern largely depends on you submitting all required documentation to Environment and Climate Change officials in a diligent and timely fashion. If your project is approved for funding, expenditures made by your organization towards the project after the date of official notification and before the Contribution Agreement is signed may be considered for reimbursement. For clarification on any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact 9