THE UNDER SECRETARY OF THE NAVY WASHINGTON DC 20350-1000 Charter for the Readiness Reform and Oversight Council Established January 2018 Purgose. The purpose of the Readiness and Reform Oversight Council (RROC) is to oversee and ensure the implementation of Strategic Readiness Review (SRR) and Comprehensive Review (CR) recommendations. This charter provides a framework for the RROC to serve as the senior Department of the Navy (DON) integration, advisory, and oversight body. This council will assess the overall health and effectiveness of DON efforts to reform and improve readiness. The RROC provides a foundation for integrating and prioritizing the recommendations from senior Department leadership, external and intemal assessments, and is underpinned by the Navy?s broad analytic community. Background. The DON readiness to ?ll?ll its roles and responsibilities in National Defense Strategies is affected by a complex interaction of many systems and systems of systems. This complexity mandates a holistic approach to determine these interactions, improve them, and measure their effectiveness in order to increase Navy and Marine Corps lethality. This reform effort is born out of several tragic incidents in 2017 across the Navy and Marine Corps. The associated systemic problems found in the United States Fleet Forces Command Comprehensive Review and the Strategic Readiness Review commissioned by the Secretary of the Navy, as well as other associated reports over the past decade are also center to these efforts. Budgetary pressures, decreasing combatant inventories, and a rising operational tempo over decades led to a gradual acceptance of lower readiness standards, until they became the new normal. Just as this ?normalization of deviation? took decades to manifest, the effort to reform and improve the Department of the Navy?s readiness will be long term in nature. The RROC is established to provide continuity to see reforms and recommendations through to effective completion, and thereby guard against similar ?xture trends and challenges that adversely impact the Department of the Navy?s readiness. Method. The RROC will organize working efforts along the ?Jnctional lines of effort reported on in the command and control, operations, manning and training, budgetary and ?scal, governance and industry best practices in learning. The recommendations and other recommendations from external and internal reports and the analytic community will be organized under these functional lines. Recommendations will be prioritized by the RROC to guide Program Objective Memoranda (POM) resource allocation. Existing policy and other governance constraints will be identi?ed for removal, change, or improvement by the Readiness Reform and Steering Group (RRSG) described below. Each reform effort will be underpinned by data analytics and metrics. Roles and Responsibilities. RROC: The Under-Secretary of the Navy (UNDERSECNAV) and the Vice Chief of Naval Operations (VCNO) will co-chair the RROC with the responsibility to assess the overall health and effectiveness of readiness reform tasks, approve closure of individual recommendations, modify priorities and desired outcomes, and resolve con?icting objectives and efforts. The RROC will report assessments to the Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV), the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO), and the Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC) on a frequent basis. The Director, Navy Staff (DNS) serves as the Executive Secretariat to the RROC to provide for scheduling, agenda, delivery of administrative support, and publishing of reports. RROC membership is as follows: i. Under Secretary of the Navy ii. Vice Chief of Naval Operations Commander, United States Fleet Forces Command iv. Commander, United States Paci?c Fleet v. Director, SRR Of?ce Readiness Reform Steering Group (RRSG): The Director of the Navy Staff (DNS), Director, Marine Corps Staff, and Deputy Director of the SRR Of?ce, will co?chair the RRSG. The RRSG is responsible for approving implementation plans and for concurrence and disposition of cross ?Jnctional and systemic issues, approval of changes in ownership of recommendations and reforms, presenting proposed recommendations and reforms to the RROC for closure, referral of issues to the RROC, identi?cation of policy and resource barriers, update and assessment of POM and Program Budget (PB) items related to the readiness reform effort and to vet and incorporate additional reports and analysis for review. The RRSG is responsible for the preparation of periodic assessments, along with preparing reports to Congress and other entities as directed by the RROC. RRSG membership is as follows: i. Director, Navy Staff ii. Director, Marine Corps Staff Deputy Director, SRR Of?ce iv. Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (DCNO) for Integration of Capabilities and Resources (N3) v. DCNO for Warfare Systems (N9) vi. Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) vii. Commander, Naval Surface Forces (SURFOR) Navy Inspector General (IG) ix. Chief of Legislative Affairs (CLA) x. Working Group Leads as described below xi. Director, Navy Analytic Of?ce Readiness Reform Working Groups (RRWG): RRWG ?mctional leads are reSponsible for the recommendations under their cognizance, establishing implementation plans and metrics, tracking and accomplishing recommendations and identi?cation of issues or recommendations requiring additional assignment of oversight or reassignment within functional areas, and prOposing closures to recommendations and reforms. Lead group responsibilities are assigned as follows: i. Command and Control: DCNO for Operations, Plans, and Strategy ii. Operations: DCNO for Operations, Plans, and Strategy Manning: DCNO for Manpower, Personnel, Training and Education (N1) iv. Training: DCNO for Manpower, Personnel, Training and Education (N1) v. Budgetary and Fiscal: ASN, Financial Management and Comptroller vi. Governance (Policy/Legislation): ASN, Manpower and Reserve Affairs vii. Learning Culture and Industry Best Practices: Chief of Naval Reserve (CNR) and Co- Leads as designated by the Secretary of the Navy. Meeting Periodicity Appendix A provides the calendar structure to support outcomes. Secretary Progress Reviews RROC: RRSG: RRWG: As determined by Working Group Lead. Reporting Reguirements Congress: A quarterly report to Congress on RROC progress is expected. This report begins 90 days from 18 January 2018. Reports will be prepared by the Chairs of the RRSG and submitted to SECNAV, CNO, and CMC through the RROC for approval. RROC: Reports to SECNAV, CNO, and CMC as directed. RRSG: report on progress to the RROC. RRWG: Report as directed to RRSG and as necessary. Effective Date. The RROC, RRSG, and associated shall operate according to this charter as of the date signed. Cetus mm The Honorable Thomas Mo William F. Moran Under Secretary Vice Chief of Naval Operations JAN 33 Z?l? Date Appendix A: USN Readiness and Reform Organization Appendix B: Readiness Oversight Schedule and Milestones Appendix C: Notional RROC Function Lead Progress Report