BUZZ FEED Rosalind Adams Follow up from BuzzFeed News Media?isush Sat, Fat: 3. at 4:55 AM To: Ftosalind Adams Co: John Templon sjohntemoloni?ouzzteedaoma Hi Rosalind, The ISU will not give an interview or oon'ln'lent on the EuazFeed analysis. However please reier to the statement below: The oioseiy' monitors the Jiudging oi Figure Skating Events and has a robust evaiuation and reporting prosedure in piase (see Communioation 3395}. The appoints an Dttisrats Assessment Commission whose rote is to observe the behavior at the Judges during sompetitions and report any errors assording to the Fianges of Grade ot Esesution?s or the Fianges of Program Component scores. The sanoetiation oi HHD?ymi?r' maites it possihte to trace not oniy the ouatity otjudging. but aiso any bias. Judges who make mistaires and-tor are over mart-ring sitaters reseive a naming and can he penaiized by the The thnpis Winter Games Pyeongtfihang EMS is the suimination ot the Diyrnpie ovate and years of preparation tor the athietesI theretore it is the iSti's priority to do its utmost to guarantee a fair resuit during this important event. Best regards. HTS ISU Website Media team IEU videos Te 1+4121 512 as as E-mail: mediai?isuph 55ml?" I'll-lb