Request for Proposal no. 18-0018 Interim Operator for McDonogh 35 Senior High School Issued by: Orleans Parish School Board 3520 General DeGaulle Drive Suite 5055 New Orleans, Louisiana 70122 ORLEANS PARISH SCHOOL BOARD PURCHASING DEPARTMENT 3520 General De Gaulle Drive, Fifth Floor, Room 5038 New Orleans, Louisiana 70114 ADVERTISEMENT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 18-0018 INTERIM OPERATOR FOR MCDONOGH No. 35 SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Sealed proposals relative to the above will be received by email as a single PDF file to until 12:00 PM on Monday, March 26, 2018. The OPSB reserves the right to reject any or all submittals whenever such rejection is in its best interest in accordance with law. The provisions and requirements of this advertisement shall not be waived. FIRST INSERTION DATE: SECOND INSERTION DATE: THIRD INSERTION DATE: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2018 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2018 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2018 ANNOUNCEMENT The Orleans Parish School Board (OPSB) hereby gives notice that it is seeking responsive proposals to become the interim operator at the McDonogh 35 Senior High School building, located at 4000 Cadillac St., New Orleans, Louisiana 70122. SUBMISSION OF PROPOSAL One (1) electronic copy, including any required documentation must be received by the OPSB no later than Monday, March 26, 2018, at 12:00 PM. Each response and accompanying documentation shall be by email to as a single PDF file. This RFP does not commit the OPSB to award any contract or to pay any costs incurred in the preparation or delivery of the response. OPSB may ask for additional information from any applicant and/or all applicants as may be necessary or appropriate for purposes of clarification. Please direct any questions to: Orleans Parish School Board ATTENTION: Office of the Superintendent – McDonogh 35 RFP 3520 General DeGaulle Drive, Suite 5055 New Orleans, LA 70114 Telephone # (504) 359-8186 Email Address: Table of Contents Request for Proposal no. 18-0017 DO NOT REMOVE THIS PAGE Enrollment & Transportation Consulting Services Page 3 of 32 1.Summary and Background ...................................................................................................... 5 2.Proposal Guidelines ................................................................................................................ 6 3.Project Purpose and Description ............................................................................................ 7 4.Request for Proposal and Project Timeline ........................................................................... 11 5.Budget .................................................................................................................................. 10 6.Proposed Evaluation Criteria ...……………………………………………………… ....... ….11 Request for Proposal no. 18-0017 DO NOT REMOVE THIS PAGE Enrollment & Transportation Consulting Services Page 4 of 32 1. Summary and Background McDonogh 35 Senior High School is a district-operated senior high school serving students in grades 9-12 that has a storied history. Prior to 1917, during the era of segregated school systems in the Southern US, no public high school existed in New Orleans for African-American students. Those interested in pursuing an education beyond the eighth grade had to attend one of the city's three private secondary schools for blacks. In 1917, a group of concerned citizens petitioned the Orleans Parish School Board to turn a white elementary school into what we now know as McDonogh 35, an accredited 4 year high school. McDonogh 35 has served generations of high performing high school students and has a renowned legacy of excellence. As the Orleans Parish School Board (OPSB) transitions to a unified system, our core role is to serve as the authorizer, regulator, and oversight entity for public education in New Orleans. In order to achieve this, the district has undertaken extensive restructuring, examining all district functions and activities for alignment with our core duties. Part of this restructuring involves the responsible transition of its district-operated schools to stable, long-term operational status. During Spring 2018, OPSB will manage a RFP process that plans for the transition of McDonogh 35 out of direct-run status for the 2018-19 SY, while securing and enhancing the school’s legacy of excellence for the next century. This process will involve two separate solicitations, with a finalized plan for the transition of McDonogh 35 to be presented to the School Board and community in the spring of 2018, pending successful negotiations with the selected organizations in response to each solicitation: 1. Transitional entity, to manage wind-down of direct-run school, and ensure all current students are appropriately served during the transition period 2. Long-term entity, to operate the school, starting with a 9th grade academy in 2019, and growing to serve all HS grades via non-charter “contract” Please note that in order to facilitate an effective transition planning process, OPSB prefers that the same entity not be selected to serve as both the interim and long-term operator of McDonogh 35. The interim operator is responsible for transitioning McDonogh 35 from OPSB operation to the control of a long term operator over a gradual two to three-year period. The interim operator must:  Serve all current students (grades 10-12) in the 2018-2019 school year, and provide for responsible student transitions thereafter, with a maximum term not to exceed three academic years.  Ensure the academic and operational viability of the school during the transition period, which includes hiring qualified and effective educators and school site staff and offering appropriate curricular and extracurricular opportunities  Engage with the school community and alumni, while working on behalf of OPSB and the selected long-term operator to facilitate a successful transition, including the Request for Proposal no. 18-0017 DO NOT REMOVE THIS PAGE Enrollment & Transportation Consulting Services Page 5 of 32 maintenance and orderly conclusion of current fiscal, operational, and programmatic obligations of the school (e.g., NIET grant funding associated with the TAP program). Simultaneously, the long term operator is responsible for planning and executing the renewal of McDonogh 35 and ensuring a smooth transition of the school from operation by the interim operator over a two to three-year period. The interim operator would be the sole operator of McDonogh 35 and its facility in the 20182019 school year as it executes the transition from OPSB. However, in the 2019-2020 and 20202021 school years, both the current school and the long term operator’s new school will be colocated at the McDonogh 35 facility. The long term operator will be the facility’s lead operator during those school years, and the interim operator should defer to the long term operator vision and plan for the school. The transition of McDonogh 35 from interim operation to long term operation must be completed by the end of the contract term, which is not to exceed the 2020-2021 school year. To be eligible for consideration in this process, all proposals must: 1. Meet all statutory and policy requirements to operate a public school in Louisiana and Orleans Parish; 2. Demonstrate capacity as an interim operator, including ability to deliver quality academic instruction to high school students, financial sustainability, and appropriate operational experience; 3. Demonstrate strong plan for community engagement, including parent/family, student and alumni community voice; Proposal narratives and associated documentation may be submitted for consideration, in accordance with the requirements set forth in this RFP. 2. Proposal Guidelines Proposals may be submitted by email to Submissions may be addressed to the OPSB Superintendent. Emailed submissions should be in the form of a single PDF file, inclusive of the response and all accompanying documentation. Submissions will be accepted until 12:00pm CST on Monday, March 26, 2018. Any proposals received after this date and time will not be accepted or considered. If the organization submitting a proposal intends to outsource or subcontract any work, this must be clearly stated in the proposal, and must include a name and description of the organization(s) contemplated to be contracted. Contract terms and conditions will be negotiated upon selection of the winning response to this RFP, and are subject to all requirements of federal, state, and local laws, as well as applicable policies of the School Board. This RFP does not commit the School Board to award Request for Proposal no. 18-0017 DO NOT REMOVE THIS PAGE Enrollment & Transportation Consulting Services Page 6 of 32 any contract, nor to pay any costs incurred in the preparation or delivery of the response. OPSB staff may request additional information from any and/or all applicants, including original copies of any required certification statements, as may be necessary or appropriate for purposes of clarification. All submissions in response to this RFP may be subject to public disclosure, pursuant to the provisions of Louisiana Public Records law. 3. Project Purpose and Description The purpose of this RFP is to identify and select an interim operator for McDonogh 35 Senior High School’s transition from being a direct run district school to being run by a long term operator. Responsive proposals will answer the following questions:  Prior Experience Please describe your organization’s track records as it relates to operating schools.  Academic Model & Schedule (1) For all core content and mission-related subject areas: a. Identify the program model or curricula that you will use and your reasons for these choices, you may include as Attachment 1 data or research supporting your academic model; b. Identify the interim assessments you will use and how these align to the curricula; c. Describe your professional development plans for teachers and how they connect to the curricula and assessments. (2) Where has each identified core instructional component, program model or curricula been used before? What have been the results for students similar to those anticipated to be served by the school? a. If you are using an existing curricula, provide the curricula’s Louisiana Department of Education Curricular Review Score ( b. If the model or curricula has not been scored by LDE, what is the evidence base and/or logic model informing your curricular design choices? How will you ensure alignment between the curriculum and state standards, and how will you evaluate the effectiveness of its implementation? (3) Describe a day and year in the life of a student at McDonogh 35 during the time you operate the school. Request for Proposal no. 18-0017 DO NOT REMOVE THIS PAGE Enrollment & Transportation Consulting Services Page 7 of 32  Special Student Populations All schools are obligated to provide services to students with identified disabilities and English Learners under Federal law, and state law and BESE policy also mandate the delivery of services to students identified as gifted/talented. (1) Provide a special education plan describing how you will ensure that all special education students succeed at McDonogh 35. Describe plans for identifying, evaluating, and serving special education students. Include your staffing plan for special education. a. Instructional programs, practices, and strategies you will employ to provide a continuum of services; ensure students’ access to the general education curriculum; and ensure academic success for students with exceptionalities, b. Plans for promoting graduation for students with exceptionalities, c. Plan to develop partnerships and connect students with disabilities and their families to outside agencies, and d. Plan to discipline students with disabilities in an equitable and fair manner, in accordance with the IDEA. (2) Provide an English Learner plan describing how you will ensure that all English Learners succeed. Describe plans for identifying, evaluating, and serving English Learners. Include specific instructional programs, practices and strategies the school will employ to ensure success both academically and socially, as well as equitable access to the core academic program for these students. (3) Describe plans for identifying, evaluating, and serving gifted and/or talented students. If applicable describe the instructional programs, strategies, and supports that will be provided to ensure the success of intellectually gifted and/or talented students. (4) If identified, please provide as Attachment 2 the relevant job description(s) and, if applicable, Attachment 3, resumes for individuals responsible for Special Education evaluations and/or service provision.  High School Specific Questions State and District Graduation Standards (1) Detail each type of diploma McDonogh 35 will offer during the interim period. Describe how you will ensure every student is on a pathway to the diploma that best meets the individual student’s interests and post-secondary plans. Describe how you will implement the state’s required Individual Graduation Plan, as well as the requirements of Act 833 relative to high school completion for students with identified disabilities. Request for Proposal no. 18-0017 DO NOT REMOVE THIS PAGE Enrollment & Transportation Consulting Services Page 8 of 32 (2) Explain how the diploma pathways and credentialing offered by the school will ensure student readiness for postsecondary opportunities (college, trade school, military service, or entering the workforce). Supporting Success for All Students – Truancy Prevention, Remediation and Intervention (1) Explain what systems and structures you will implement for students in danger of dropping out and/or not meeting the proposed graduation requirements. Specifically describe any programs designed to support students who have fallen behind in credit accumulation or are at-risk of falling behind to encourage on-time graduation. (2) Describe your strategy for monitoring graduation requirements, scheduling, overall data checks, and subsequent remediation or credit recovery methods for students who may not be on track to graduate on time. (3) Describe any systems and interventions you will employ to decrease truancy.  Student Experience (1) McDonogh 35 has a long standing tradition and identity in the New Orleans community. Describe how you will integrate your work into that culture and how you will foster and maintain that culture. a. Describe your plan for recruiting staff. b. How will you ensure that you can attract and retain staff that understand the legacy and importance of McDonogh 35 in an environment where McDonogh 35 is transitioning from direct-run status? c. Describe the steps that you will take to invest staff in the vision for operating the school during the transition and to sustain their investment. d. Define the norms that will shape the interactions between administrators and teachers and among teachers, the reason each norm is important, and the steps that you will take to establish and reinforce these norms. e. OPSB prefers, but does not require, that the interim operator remain in the Teacher Retirement System of Louisiana (TRSL). Will you opt to remain in TRSL? (2) Similarly, describe the behavior expectations of students at McDonogh 35 as well as the practices that will foster and uphold those expectations. a. How will you develop school culture in an environment where you are an interim operator, transitioning the school from OPSB control to control of a long term operator. b. List and describe the values that will define your student culture. Provide your plan for instilling and maintaining student behavior expectations that correspond with these values. Request for Proposal no. 18-0017 DO NOT REMOVE THIS PAGE Enrollment & Transportation Consulting Services Page 9 of 32 c. Describe the system of policies and practices you will implement for setting and maintaining student behavior expectations and norms. d. Describe the procedures for due process when a student is subject to removal from the classroom or school, including a description of the appeal process that the school will employ and the plan for providing services to students who are out of the classroom (in-school or out-of-school suspensions) for more than 10 days i. This description should include a list, with definitions, of the offenses for which students in the school must (where non-discretionary) and may (where discretionary) be subject to removal from the classroom (in-school suspension) or the school (out-of-school suspension), respectively. e. Describe the practices you will use to support student’s social and emotional learning, and the alignment between these practices and their impact on student achievement (3) Describe the mechanisms and structures available to elevate student voice and leadership at your school.  Local Education Agency Obligations (1) All applicants must either have a plan to execute all LEA-related obligations in a manner consistent with applicable federal and state law, or must agree to participate in OPSB’s LEA and uphold all of the associated obligations detailed in OPSB’s LEA Agreement.  Family, Alumni & Community Engagement (1) Describe how you plan to uphold McDonogh 35’s rich legacy during the interim operation period? a. How will you engage with the McDonogh 35 alumni? (2) How will you share information with Parents/Guardians, alumni of the school, and community stakeholders?  Budget and Finance (1) Finances/Operations: a. Please attach a financial plan and budget. ** Attachment 4. b. Please draft a budget narrative that explains how you will remain financially solvent in an environment that involves transitioning from current OPSB operation to McDonogh 35 ultimately being operated by the long term operator. Attachment 5. c. List your annual management charge, including an itemized list of all individuals and/or services to be provided pursuant to such charge(s). d. How will governmental funds allocated to the school be accounted for and held? Whom will serve as the school’s fiscal agent? Request for Proposal no. 18-0017 DO NOT REMOVE THIS PAGE Enrollment & Transportation Consulting Services Page 10 of 32 e. What steps will be taken to maintain accurate records regarding assets purchased in whole or in part with governmental funds? f. What additional resources, if any, will be required beyond per-pupil MFP and applicable federal funds to operate the school? How will such resources be secured? ** Any financial assumptions essential to the budget should be included either within the budget document, or in a separate budget narrative, not to exceed two (2) typed, singlespaced pages.  Data Privacy How will the security of student information (data) be maintained? How will the interim operator comply with the provisions of R.S. 17:3913 and R.S. 17:3914 with respect to maintaining the privacy of personally-identifiable student information? Attachments (1) Attachment 1: Data or Research Related to Academic Model (2) Attachment 2: Job Descriptions (3) Attachment 3: Leadership Team Resume (4) Attachment 4: Financial Plan and Budget (5) Attachment 5: Budget Narrative 4. RFP and Project Timeline RFP Timeline: All proposals in response to this RFP are due no later than 12:00pm CT on Monday, March 26, 2018. The evaluation process will be completed and the Superintendent will forward a final recommendation to the School Board for its consideration during the April meeting cycle. Project Timeline: Proposals should be structured over a maximum three year term. 5. Proposal Evaluation Criteria Proposals will be reviewed and scored for responsiveness to the specific requirements of this RFP, as well as reviewed by OPSB administrative staff. The OPSB reserves the right to refuse to award any proposal which is deemed to be financially unviable, in its sole discretion. The evaluative rubric to be utilized in scoring all responses to this RFP is provided below. Category Overall Plan Details Overall quality of the proposal, and alignment with the educational purposes of OPSB and the facility, including Total Maximum Points 10 points Request for Proposal no. 18-0017 DO NOT REMOVE THIS PAGE Enrollment & Transportation Consulting Services Page 11 of 32   Financial & Operational Plans Academic Model and Schedule Demonstrated understanding of the local education context Fidelity to the School Board’s stated objective of transitioning operation of McDonogh 35 to a long term operator. Sustainability of the proposal’s financial plan, as measured by year 1 budget and annual budget projections  Budget narrative that demonstrates an understanding of the challenges of creating a budget during multi-phase transition  Alignment with School Board goals and policies relative to participation by Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) Strength and track record of delivering strong instruction and data-backed curricula Special Student Quality and strength of proposal for Populations delivering services to children with Plan exceptionalities  High School Specific Questions 20 points 10 points Track record of delivering quality services to children with exceptionalities in the past Strength of plan to deliver instruction aligned to state graduation standards  20 points 20 points Clear plan for truancy prevention and remediation  Student Experience Career readiness and vocation offerings or partnerships Plan that illustrates that the experience of high school students has been thoroughly considered.  10 points Plan for student voices to be heard and validated Request for Proposal no. 18-0017 DO NOT REMOVE THIS PAGE Enrollment & Transportation Consulting Services Page 12 of 32 Family, Alumni and Community Engagement Plan for family and community engagement 10 points Request for Proposal no. 18-0017 DO NOT REMOVE THIS PAGE Enrollment & Transportation Consulting Services Page 13 of 32 PROPOSAL COVER SHEET & CERTIFICATIONS Title of Proposal Name of Submitting Organization (Interim Operator) Address of Interim Operator Applicant Primary Contact Telephone Email Interim Operator Applicant Agent or Authorized Representative (if different) Telephone Email By my signature, I affirm that     I am an authorized representative of the above-named organization, This submission represents the original proposal of this organization, All information contained herein is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge, and that of any partnering organizations and if selected, the organization will in good faith operate McDonogh 35 as described herein. Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: ____________ Request for Proposal no. 18-0017 DO NOT REMOVE THIS PAGE Enrollment & Transportation Consulting Services Page 14 of 32 Orleans Parish School Board Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program (DBE) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES OVERVIEW AND ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES The Orleans Parish School Board (OPSB) would like to offer firms exciting business opportunities in Professional Services, Construction, and Goods and Services through its Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program. The DBE program’s policy intent is to assist disadvantaged businesses to attain a competitive edge and grow by providing equal access to contracts and procurement opportunities in the OPSB system. CERTIFICATION The OPSB is not conducting an independent certification process at this time. To be qualified as a DBE for OPSB contracts, a firm must be certified as a DBE by the Louisiana Unified Certification Program (LUCP) or any of the following five (5) agencies conducting DBE certification within the City of New Orleans. These five (5) are: The City of New Orleans, Sewage and Water Board of New Orleans, New Orleans Aviation Board, Housing Authority of New Orleans, New Orleans Regional Transit Authority (RTA) OUTREACH In recruiting potential Economically Disadvantaged Businesses part of our outreach efforts consist of reviewing the City of New Orleans SLDBE list which is updated periodically. Also by participating in trade shows/seminars pertinent to the services requested. During these seminars/trade shows we will distribute programmatic literature to hundreds of individuals and interact with them on a one-toone basis. Additionally, our DBE program will attend all programs sponsored by government and private entities where opportunities to network are maximized. Other outreach efforts include:  Conducting monthly vendor assistance meetings for potential clients as necessary  Conducting one-on-one vendor assistance meetings for potential clients as necessary GOOD FAITH EFFORTS A Bidder’s compliance with the requirement to make Good Faith Efforts to locate and engage the services of DBE businesses in connection with the Project shall be a matter of Bidder responsiveness. The Bidder can demonstrate that it has complied with the requirement by certifying to the DBE Executive Director or his/her designee in writing, that as of the date of the bid submittal: 1. The Bidder has selected and engaged the services of DBEs, in which case the certification shall include: a. The names and addresses of those enterprises engaged by the Bidder b. The value of the subcontract and c. A description of the work on the Project to be performed by such firm(s) and/or individuals, or Request for Proposal no. 18-0017 DO NOT REMOVE THIS PAGE Enrollment & Transportation Consulting Services Page 15 of 32 Orleans Parish School Board Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program (DBE) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES GOOD FAITH EFFORTS, continued If despite the Bidder’s Good Faith Efforts, the Bidder was not able to select and engage the services of such enterprises, in which case the Bidder shall include in its written certification the following: a. Affirmation that, prior to determining that it was unable to locate DBEs, the bidder consulted business registries including those identified by the School District; b. Affirmation that the bidder attended any pre-bid meeting scheduled to inform DBEs of subcontracting opportunities; c. A copy of the written notifications sent to DBEs soliciting their interest in being a subcontractor or supplier on the Project; d. The names, addresses, and telephone numbers of DBEs contacted, the date of such contact and the date set for receipt of bids from those businesses; e. A copy of the information or a description of the information provided to DBEs regarding the plans and specifications for the work proposed to be subcontracted and how that information could be accessed; f. A statement from the Bidder explaining why any DBEs contacted by bidder were not engaged g. Upon the Bidders application for waiver of the DBE goals, based on the above circumstances, the DBE Executive Director and Committee shall determine whether or not the bidder satisfied the good faith effort and shall make the appropriate recommendation. Upon written request of the DBE Executive Director, the bidder will attend a meeting of the Orleans Parish School Board to discuss the specific measures the Bidder has utilized in undertaking the Bidder’s Good Faith Efforts. CALCULATIONS 1. DBE participation will be counted toward meeting the goals as follows: a. The total dollar value of a direct contract or subcontract or indirect subcontract awarded to a certified DBE will be counted toward the applicable goal. b. In the case of a joint venture, the portion of the total dollar value of the contract equal to the percentage of the ownership and control of the DBE in the joint venture will be counted toward the applicable goal. c. Only DBEs that perform a commercially useful function in the work of a contract or subcontract or indirect subcontract will be counted toward the DBE goals. A DBE is considered to perform a commercially useful function when it is responsible for execution of a distinct element of work of a contract or subcontract and carries out its responsibilities by performing, managing, and supervising the work involved. If a DBE contractor subcontracts a significantly greater portion of the work of the contract than would be expected on the basis of normal industry practices, the DBE is presumed not to be performing a commercially useful function. The DBE may present evidence to rebut this presumption. d. The total dollar value of materials and supplies obtained from DBE suppliers and manufacturers will be counted toward DBE goals if the DBE assumes the actual and contractual responsibility for the provision of the materials and supplies. Request for Proposal no. 18-0017 DO NOT REMOVE THIS PAGE Enrollment & Transportation Consulting Services Page 16 of 32 Orleans Parish School Board Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program (DBE) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES CALCULATIONS, continued e. OPSB through the DBE Executive Director will review the contractor’s DBE involvement efforts throughout contract performance. Such review will include but will not be limited to, the contractor’s and the DBE’s quarterly statements of income from the District which shall document the portion of said income paid to DBE. The Contractor agrees to supply copies of any documentation the District requires in order to complete such a review. PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT As a result of our procurement management process, several activities are conducted on a monthly basis:     Reviewing other DBE agency's certified listings, matching their capabilities to upcoming contracts and encouraging these DBE businesses to seek recertification to update their certification status in order to be eligible for the Orleans Parish School Board DBE participation. Advise certified DBE vendors about bidding opportunities by submittal of written correspondence to these businesses Providing program information on the Orleans Parish School Board's website and other compliance enforcement forms for the vendors. Attend and participate in the Staff Contract Review Committee meetings DBE COMMITTEE The DBE Committee is responsible for setting the DBE participation goal for each project. The specific goal will be set on a project by project basis. Upon receipt of all information relative to and closing of the bid process the DBE Committee consisting of the DBE Executive Director, the Purchasing Department and the Head of the Department seeking the Procurement and in the case of Capital Projects the Executive Director of Operations shall then make a recommendation to the Superintendent as to whether the lowest bidder/respondent has agreed to satisfy the DBE contract goal or if not has demonstrated satisfactory good faith efforts to satisfy the DBE contract goal. In determining the percentage of participation by certified DBEs the DBE Committee shall consider the following:  The type or nature of the work required under the contract  The estimated dollar amount of the contract  The availability of subcontractors for the particular project  Whether the items of work have been broken down to the smallest reasonable components to facilitate DBE participation goal up to 35% (Thirty Five Percent) pursuant to the Board’s policy (the goal will be set on a project by project basis) INVOLVEMENT IN BID PROCESS The DBE Program is responsible for the following bid process: Request for Proposal no. 18-0017 DO NOT REMOVE THIS PAGE Enrollment & Transportation Consulting Services Page 17 of 32   Consult with the departmental representative on each contract to ensure that every item of work has been broken down to the smallest reasonable components to facilitate DBE participation. Attend pre-bid conferences and offer instruction, and clarification on DBE bid specifications procurement policy, and procedures for sub-contracting. Request for Proposal no. 18-0017 DO NOT REMOVE THIS PAGE Enrollment & Transportation Consulting Services Page 18 of 32 Orleans Parish School Board Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program (DBE) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES INVOLVEMENT IN BID PROCESS, continued          Answer questions posed by prime contractors at pre-bid conferences relative to DBE issues. Provide written responses to detailed questions posed by prime contractors on DBE issues. Consult with Legal Department before releasing responses, as they may have legal considerations Review participation summary sheets to determine if the percentage and DBE dollar amount of subcontract work reported is consistent with established goals. Review DBE vendor listing to determine if DBE firm listed on participation summary sheet is certified to perform required work. • Verify DBEs submitted responses which indicate that they were not interested in pursuing work with prime contractors. Make presentations to appropriate committees and full Board on bid disputes and other DBE participation concerns. Provide signed affidavits to Legal Department in instances where litigation is required in bid disputes. Participate as witnesses in depositions and court cases involving bid disputes. MONITORING After contracts are awarded and work has begun the DBE Office through the Executive Director monitors actual utilization of DBEs. This process is carried out by utilizing the following:          Review Board Reports for approved names of prime contractors, DBE subcontractors percentage of participation and areas of work to be performed Advise prime contractors in writing through the appropriate forms provided that the percentage and dollar amount of work to be performed on each contract, that any changes in DBE subcontractors will require prior DBE Office approval and that quarterly report forms on the status of contract expenditures will be submitted Advise DBE subcontractors in writing as to which prime contractor will be utilizing that firm, the dollar amount of participation, percentage of participation and notification that any changes in acceptances of the subcontract should be reported immediately to the DBE office Advise prime contractors of the need to complete quarterly compliance report two (2) weeks before due date Review quarterly compliance reports for instances of non-compliance Make follow-up phone calls to prime contractors to determine why participation is not in compliance Schedule meetings with both prime contractors and DBE subcontractors in instances of noncompliance or where problems are evident Send follow up correspondence detailing non-compliance and penalties for same Take required action in instances of fronting and non-compliance Request for Proposal no. 18-0017 DO NOT REMOVE THIS PAGE Enrollment & Transportation Consulting Services Page 19 of 32 Orleans Parish School Board Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program (DBE) OPSB DBE - FORM 1 DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (DBE) RESPONSIVENESS FORM RFP/RFQ/P.O./Bid/Solicitation/Other # Project Description Bidder/Respondent FOR BIDS: THIS COMPLETED FORM SHOULD BE FURNISHED TO THE OFFICE OF PURCHASING BY THE LOWEST BIDDER WITHIN TEN (10) DAYS OF THE BID OPENING. FAILURE TO COMPLETE THIS FORM PROPERLY MAY CONSTITUTE THE BID/OFFER AS BEING NON-RESPONSIVE AND SUFFICIENT CAUSE FOR REJECTION. FOR RFPS/RFQS: THIS COMPLETED FORM SHOULD BE FURNISHED TO THE OPSB-DBE OFFICE THROUGH THE OFFICE OF PURCHASING WITH YOUR PROPOSAL. FAILURE TO COMPLETE THIS FORM PROPERLY MAY CONSTITUTE THE BID/OFFER AS BEING NON-RESPONSIVE AND SUFFICIENT CAUSE FOR REJECTION. The undersigned bidder/respondent has satisfied the requirements of the bid specifications for the above-referenced Orleans Parish School Board project in the following manner. Please check the appropriate space: The bidder/respondent is committed to achieving a minimum of % DBE utilization on this contract. The bidder/respondent is unable to meet the DBE goal, but is committing to a minimum of _% DBE utilization on this project and is submitting evidence of good faith efforts to achieve DBE participation on DBE Form-2 and DBE Form 2(A). Name of Bidder/Respondent Firm: Telephone: Fax: E-Mail: By: (Signature of bidder's/respondent's authorized representative) , / _/ (Title)(Date) THE BIDDER/RESPONDENT IS COMMITTED TO UTILIZING DBE PARTICIPATION ON THE PROJECT IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER: COMPLETED BY BIDDER: The bidder/respondent is committed to utilizing the DBE FIRM NAMED BELOW for the Scope of Work as described below. The estimated dollar value of the scope of work is $ or % of the total dollar value of the contract. Use DBE Form-1(A) DBE Responsiveness- Additional DBEs if you are utilizing more than one (1) DBE firm to achieve the DBE participation percentage on the project. Name of DBE Firm: DBE Firm Owner or Contact: Telephone: DBE TYPE: Fax: SLDBE CERTIFIED; E-Mail: LAUCP DBE CERTIFIED SCOPE OF WORK ATTACHED or describe the work to be performed by the DBE firm. COMPLETED BY DBE FIRM: DBE AFFIRMATION. The above-named DBE firm affirms that it will perform the SCOPE OF WORK on of the contract for the estimated dollar value or contract percentage as stated above. By: , / (Signature of DBE firm's owner/authorized representative) (Title) If the bid respondent does not receive award of the prime contract, any and all representations in this form shall be null an d void. Request for Proposal no. 18-0017 DO NOT REMOVE THIS PAGE Enrollment & Transportation Consulting Services Page 20 of 32 _/ (Date) Orleans Parish School Board Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program (DBE) OPSB DBE - FORM 1A DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE RESPONSIVENESS ADDITIONAL DBE(S) FORM RFP/RFQ/P.O./Bid/Solicitation/Other # Bidder/Respondent _ Project Description FOR BIDS: THIS COMPLETED FORM SHOULD BE FURNISHED TO THE OFFICE OF PURCHASING BY THE LOWEST BIDDER WITHIN TEN (10) DAYS OF THE BID OPENING. FAILURE TO COMPLETE THIS FORM PROPERLY MAY CONSTITUTE THE BID/OFFER AS BEING NON-RESPONSIVE AND SUFFICIENT CAUSE FOR REJECTION. FOR RFPS/RFQS: THIS COMPLETED FORM SHOULD BE FURNISHED TO THE OPSB-DBE OFFICE THROUGH THE OFFICE OF PURCHASING WITH YOUR PROPOSAL. FAILURE TO COMPLETE THIS FORM PROPERLY MAY CONSTITUTE THE BID/OFFER AS BEING NON-RESPONSIVE AND SUFFICIENT CAUSE FOR REJECTION. THE BIDDER/RESPONDENT IS COMMITTED TO UTILIZING DBE PARTICIPATION ON THE PROJECT IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER The bidder/respondent is committed to utilizing the DBE FIRM NAMED BELOW for the Scope of Work as described below. The estimated dollar value of the scope of work is $ or % of the total dollar value of the contract. Name of DBE Firm: DBE Firm Owner or Contact: Telephone: DBE TYPE: Fax: SLDBE CERTIFIED; E-Mail: LAUCP DBE CERTIFIED SCOPE OF WORK ATTACHED or describe the work to be performed by the DBE firm. COMPLETED BY DBE FIRM-1: DBE AFFIRMATION: The above-named DBE firm affirms that it will perform the SCOPE OF WORK of the contract for the estimated dollar value or contract percentage as stated above. By: (Signature of DBE firm's owner/authorized representative) , / (Title) _/ (Date) The bidder/respondent is committed to utilizing the DBE FIRM NAMED BELOW for the Scope of Work as described below. The estimated dollar value of the scope of work is $ or % of the total dollar value of the contract. Name of DBE Firm: DBE Firm Owner or Contact: Telephone: DBE TYPE: Fax: SLDBE CERTIFIED; LAUCP DBE CERTIFIED E-Mail: SCOPE OF WORK ATTACHED or describe the work to be performed by the DBE firm. COMPLETED BY DBE FIRM: DBE AFFIRMATION: The above-named DBE firm affirms that it will perform the SCOPE OF WORK of the contract for the estimated dollar value or contract percentage as stated above. By: (Signature of DBE firm's owner/authorized representative) , / (Title) Request for Proposal no. 18-0017 DO NOT REMOVE THIS PAGE Enrollment & Transportation Consulting Services Page 21 of 32 _/ (Date) Orleans Parish School Board Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) OPSB DBE – FORM 2 EVIDENCE OF GOOD FAITH EFFORTS THIS COMPLETED FORM SHOULD BE RETURNED TO THE OPSB-PURCHASING OFFICE BY THE LOWEST APPARENT BIDDER WITHIN TEN (10) DAYS OF THE BID OPENING. RFP/RFQ/P.O./Bid/Solicitation/Other # Current Date / / Project Description BIDDER/ OFFERER (FIRM): Contact Person: Telephone: _ Address: City: State Zip E-Mail: To determine whether a bidder has demonstrated good faith efforts to reach the DBE utilization goal(s) on the above-referenced Orleans Parish School Board (OPSB) project, the DBE Office will consider, at a minimum, EVIDENCE OF GOOD FAITH EFFORTS as described in the table below. YES ( ) NO ( ) EVIDENCE OF GOOD FAITH EFFORTS PRE-BID MEETING(S): The bidder attended all pre-bid meetings scheduled by the OPSB to inform DBEs of contracting and subcontracting opportunities. SLDBE/DBE LIST(S): The bidder utilized the OPSB DBE Office’s list or lists of certified SLDBE and/or DBE firms found on,, or other state/City DBE lists. SMALL CONTRACT(S): The bidder selected specific portions of the work to be performed by DBEs in order to increase the likelihood of meeting the DBE goals (including breaking down contracts into smaller units to facilitate DBE participation). FOLLOW-UP: The bidder followed-up initial indications of interest by DBEs by contacting those DBEs to determine with certainty if they remained interested in bidding by providing proof of same. ADVERTISEMENT: The bidder advertised in general circulation and/or trade association publications concerning subcontracting opportunities, and allowed DBEs reasonable time to respond. INTERNET ADVERTISING: The bidder advertised DBE and/or subcontracting opportunities on internet portals that are accessible to DBEs and/or potential subcontractors. GOOD FAITH NEGOTIATIONS: The bidder negotiated in good faith with interested DBEs and did not reject DBEs as unqualified without sound business reasons based on a thorough investigation of their capabilities. INFORMATION: The bidder provided interested DBEs with adequate information about the plans, specifications and requirements of the subcontract. WRITTEN NOTICE(S): The bidder took the necessary steps to provide written notice in a manner reasonably calculated to inform DBEs of subcontracting opportunities and allowed sufficient time for them to participate effectively. Request for Proposal no. 18-0017 DO NOT REMOVE THIS PAGE Enrollment & Transportation Consulting Services Page 22 of 32 COMMUNITY RESOURCES: The bidder used the services of available community organizations, small and/or disadvantaged business assistance offices and other organizations that provided assistance in the recruitment and placement of DBE firms. RECORDS: The bidder has maintained the following records for CONTRACT each DBE that has bid on the subcontracting opportunity: 1. Name, address, and telephone number; 2. A description of information provided by the bidder or subcontractor; and 3. A statement of whether an agreement was reached, and if not, why not, including any reasons for concluding that the DBE was unqualified to perform the job. Orleans Parish School Board Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) OPSB DBE – FORM 2 EVIDENCE OF GOOD FAITH EFFORTS BACKGROUND A. POLICY It is the policy of the OPSB to ensure that DBEs, as defined herein, have an equal opportunity to receive and participate in OPSB contracts. It shall also be the policy of the OPSB: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To ensure nondiscrimination in the award and administration of OPSB contracts; To create a level-playing field upon which DBEs can compete fairly for OPSB contracts; To ensure that only firms that are DBE certified are permitted to participate as DBEs; To help remove barriers to the participation of DBEs in OPSB contracts; and To assist the development of firms that can compete successfully in the market place outside the DBE Program. B. DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (DBE) GOALS UP TO THIRTY FIVE PERCENT The OPSB establishes an overall goal up to 35% utilization of businesses that are socially and economically disadvantaged for all OPSB projects. C. DEFINITIONS 1. DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE Disadvantaged Business Enterprise or "DBE" refers to a firm that is certified through any DBE certification program recognized by OPSB as socially and economically disadvantaged. 2. STANDARDS OF GOOD FAITH EFFORTS The OPSB DBE office through the DBE Committee shall be responsible for determining whether the bidder has made demonstrated Good Faith Efforts to achieve the DBE goal. In order to be considered responsive to any solicitation for any OPSB contract, the bidder must, at a minimum, agree to use its Good Faith Efforts to fully comply with the DBE Program, including all reporting requirements Request for Proposal no. 18-0017 DO NOT REMOVE THIS PAGE Enrollment & Transportation Consulting Services Page 23 of 32 and any specific contract goals for DBE participation. In order for OPSB to evaluate the Good Faith Efforts made by the bidder, the following minimum information is to be provided before the contract is approved for award: a. A report of all proposals received from a joint venture of DBEs. The report shall indicate the action taken by the bidder in response to the submitted proposals that have been rejected, and the reason for rejection shall be indicated. b. Documentation of efforts to enter into agreements with DBEs for contracted work and efforts to arrange for a joint venture, partnership or other multientity relationship with DBEs. c. Documented contact with DBEs, associations, or business development organizations which disseminate information to DBEs. d. A copy of letters sent to groups in relevant market sectors notifying them of the bidder's intent to submit a proposal to the OPSB. e. Description of assistance provided by the bidder to DBEs: i. Review of Request for Proposal or other documents issued by OPSB. Review of the Scope of Work to be performed. Request for Proposal no. 18-0017 DO NOT REMOVE THIS PAGE Enrollment & Transportation Consulting Services Page 24 of 32 Orleans Parish School Board Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) OPSB DBE – FORM 2 EVIDENCE OF GOOD FAITH EFFORTS 2. STANDARDS OF GOOD FAITH EFFORTS, continued f. Documentation of any other effort(s) undertaken by the bidder to encourage the participation of DBEs. g. Overall operation of the bidder may be considered in evaluating the Evidence of Good Faith Efforts of the bidder to comply with the goals and intent of the disadvantaged business enterprise goals for the OPSB. h. Any other documentation to demonstrate Evidence of Good Faith Efforts to satisfy the objectives outlined above. D. ASSISTANCE You may contact the Orleans Parish School Board’s Disadvantaged Business Enterprise office for assistance with completing this or any other DBE form or document. All prime contractors are encouraged to use the following DBE lists: City of New Orleans, Sewage and Water Board of New Orleans, New Orleans Armstrong International Airport, Housing Authority of New Orleans, New Orleans Regional Transit Authority (RTA) and the State Department of Transportation (DOTD) DBE central registry list. You may also contact the OPSB DBE office for assistance in identifying available, capable, and approved DBE firms. E. CONTACT US Orleans Parish School Board DBE Office Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program 3520 General DeGaulle Drive, Suite 5055 New Orleans, LA 70114 (504) 304-5639 Office Request for Proposal no. 18-0017 DO NOT REMOVE THIS PAGE Enrollment & Transportation Consulting Services Page 25 of 32 Orleans Parish School Board Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program (DBE) OPSB DBE - FORM 2A DBE FIRM CONTACTED FORM EVIDENCE OF GOOD FAITH EFFORTS PAGE OF FOR BIDS/RFP/RFQ: THIS COMPLETED FORM SHOULD BE RETURNED TO THE OPSB-PURCHASING OFFICE BY THE APPARENT LOWEST BIDDER WITHIN TEN (10) DAYS OF THE BID OPENING. FAILURE TO COMPLETE THIS FORM PROPERLY MAY CAUSE THE BID TO BE NON-RESPONSIVE AND SUFFICIENT CAUSE FOR REJECTION. RFP/RFQ/P.O./Bid/Solicitation/Other # Bidder/Respondent _ Project Description Request for Proposal no. 18-0017 DO NOT REMOVE THIS PAGE Enrollment & Transportation Consulting Services Page 26 of 32 Orleans Parish School Board Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program (DBE) OPSB DBE - FORM 3 MONTHLY DBE UTILIZATION/PARTICIPATION REPORT Page RFP/RFQ/Bid/P.O./Solicitation/Other # of _ _ Project Description (Name) Contractor/Vendor Firm _DBE Participation Goal THE COMPLETED FORM SHOULD BE RETURNED TO THE OPSB-DBE OFFICE WITHIN SEVEN (7) DAYS OF THE END OF EACH MONTH DURING THE CONTRACT PERIOD. FAILURE TO SUBMIT THIS FORM MAY CONSTITUTE NONCOMPLIANCE WITH THE DBE CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS AND MAY BE SUFFICIENT CAUSE FOR CANCELLATION OF THE CONTRACT. Name, Address and Type of DBE Certified Firm Primary Contact Person (Name/Telephone) Scope of Work Performed (Attach scope/schedule if you need additional space) Dollar Amount of DBE Percentage of Total Bid/Proposal Component Request for Proposal no. 18-0017 DO NOT REMOVE THIS PAGE Enrollment & Transportation Consulting Services Page 27 of 32 Submitted by: _ Print Name of Owner or Officer Request for Proposal no. 18-0017 _ Signature / / Date DO NOT REMOVE THIS PAGE Enrollment & Transportation Consulting Services Page 2 of 32 _ Orleans Parish School Board Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program (DBE) OPSB DBE - FORM 4 DBE COMPLAINT FORM In an effort to improve oversight, accountability, and compliance on the Orleans Parish School Board’s procurements, the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Office facilitates the reporting of complaints and allegations of wrongdoing ("complaints") against the Orleans Parish School 1 Board’s Contractors . Complaints that may be reported include, but are not limited to: A. Contract, procurement, and grant fraud B. Non-compliance with DBE participation goals C. Environmental, health, and safety violations D. Racial, sexual, or other alleged discriminatory behavior E. Slow payments by the Orleans Parish School Board. F. Slow payments prime contractor to a subcontractor G. Computer crimes H. Product substitution and suspect/counterfeit parts I. Bribery, kickbacks, and gratuities J. False statements and/or false claims K. Conflicts of interest and ethics violations L. Theft and/or abuse of government property M. Violation(s) of criminal or civil law by any the Orleans Parish School Board contractor N. Other violations of City, State, or Federal laws and regulations Complainants are encouraged to provide relevant and specific details of their complaint including, but not limited to: A. The identity of the person, company, or organization that is the subject of the complaint; B. Relevant and specific details of the complaint; C. The City facility, department, contract, or program affected by the complaint; D. The contract number, contract description, or other identifying information related to the complaint; E. The date(s) of the alleged infraction(s) F. How the complainant is aware of the alleged impropriety; G. The identities of potential witnesses; and H. Any additional supporting documentation or relevant information regarding the complaint. Complaints may be reported by the Orleans Parish School Board employees, contractors, or the general public. Complaints may be filed via e-mail 24 hours a day, in person Monday through Friday between 8am and, or by mail. Complaints should be addressed to the OPSBDBE Program Executive Director. All formal complaints must be made in writing. Complaints with limited specificity or merit may be held in abeyance until further, specific details are reported. Upon receipt of a specific complaint, the OPSB- DBE Program Executive Director may take any one or more of the following actions: A. Open an investigation or review of the complaint; B. Report the matter to the OPSB Superintendent; C. Report the matter to the Office of the State Legislative Auditor D. Report the matter to the appropriate law enforcement. 1 Individuals who file a complaint are not required to identify themselves. However, persons who file complaints are encouraged to identify themselves in the event additional questions arise during an investigation. CONFIDENTIALITY The OPSB-DBE Office will protect the identity of complainants to the maximum extent possible by law. Employees who report allegations may specifically request confidentiality. 1 Contractors include construction contractors, professional services contractors, and non-professional services contractors, and certified DBE contractors. Orleans Parish School Board Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program (DBE) OPSB DBE - FORM 4 DBE COMPLAINT FORM RFP/RFQ/P.O./Bid/Solicitation/Other # _ Project Description_ Check one or more box: Contract, procurement, and grant fraud Non-compliance with DBE participation goals Environment, health, and safety violations Racial, sexual, or other alleged discriminatory behavior Product substitution and suspect/counterfeit parts Bribery, kickbacks, and gratuities False statements and/or false claims Violation(s) of criminal or civil law by OPSB’s contractor Theft and/or abuse of government Slow payments by the OPSB property Slow payments prime contractor to a Conflicts of interest and ethics subcontractor violations Other violations of City, State, or Computer crimes Federal laws and regulations Please provide relevant and specific details of your complaint and/or allegation of wrongdoing below. If you have documents to support your complaint or allegation of wrongdoing, attach them to this document. If you need additional space please use a separate page and attach it to this document. 2 Complainant (Name and/or Firm): Address: City Telephone: Fax: _ State _ Zip _ E-Mail: By: / (Signature) (Title) Office Use Only Date received by OPSB / /_____ Received by Initials Initial Action Taken on / (Date) Initial Action Taken Opened an investigation or review of the complaint Referred the matter to the full Board Reported the matter to the OPSB Superintendent /____ Reported the matter to law enforcement 3 / Orleans Pa Enterprise Program Orleans Parish School Board Disadvantaged Business OPSB DBE - FORM 5 REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF DBE REQUIREMENT BID/RFP/RFQ/P.O./Solicitation/Other# Current Date _/ / Project Description I hereby request that the DBE participation goal, pursuant to the Orleans Parish School Board’s DBE Policy be waived on the above-referenced project for the following reason(s): See DBE Form-2: Evidence of Good Faith Efforts and supporting documentation attached. Requested By ___________________________________ ______________________________ ___________ (Signature) (Title) Telephone E-Mail Reviewed By (Office of OPSB-DBE) (Date) (Signature) (Title) (Date) Telephone E-Mail Approved By (Superintendent) ______________________________________________________________________________ __ (Signature) (Title) (Date) Telephone E-Mail 4