FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGETIDN FOIXPA DELETED PAGE INFORMETION SHEET 1273T93-O Total Deleted Page(s} 7 Page Page Page Page Page Page Page b6; b6; b6; b6; b6; b6; Duplicate - Serial 9; Deleted Pagefs) NO Duplication Fee For this Page Ev. 3-25-32) . FBI ANSMIT VIA: PREOEDENCE: CLASSIFICATION: Teietype Immediate TOP SECRET . 1:1 Facsimile Priority SECRET 03 Routine _l:J CONFIDENTIAL UNCLAS UNCLAS Date [cg?'6 FM LOS ANGELES AENEW) (P) TO JACKSON PRIORITY BT UNCLAS CASELKAS EKTORTION-TEREATENING I LETTE .x R: 05 ?w VICTIM, KNOWN RADIO-RV. PERSONALITY RECEIVED LONG AND LETTER FROM AN MISSISSIPPI WHICH WAS POSTNARKED IN THAT CITY. THE WRITER THREATENED KASEE FOR NOT FOLLOWING HIS INSTRUCTIONS REGARDING MUSIC TO PLAY ON 73g RPECIW IRE IROGRAM AMERICAN FORTY. TEE WRITER INDICATES TEST HE FMIILIAK WITH BACKGROUND AND HIS RESIDENCE AND TRREATENED BODILY RARE TO HIM. . NOT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT HIM. 455mm: Ami-S- ON TELEVISION AND MOVIE GURES, A 16 INDIVIDUAL 1/ r/ @5535ng 7AA 336 ETC 336 1370 . z? 5 - - - Approved: fig) Transmitted . -. 7 C. PACE TNO (QAHNEW) UNCLAS STARE TS CONCERNED FOR HIS SAEETT. I MISSISSIPPI: NILL INTERVIEN LETTER AND CONDUCT APPROPRIATE BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION TO DETERMINE IR HE HAS THE NHERENITHALL AND MEANS TO CARRY OUT THREATS AGAINST RASEN NEO RESIDES IN LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA AND ADVISE LOS ANCELES. TN VIEN OP LACK OF DATA ON SUBJECT AND THE NATURE OF THE THREATS IN THE BE APPROACEED NITH CAUTION. ET if FBI-3403 [Rev. p" {Title} {File No.) 7? Date TO be returned Item . Filed Ya: No Diapasftion .. I . JW 4% {fl?r 5% 915b7C Fn-sm - - U32, 77 We Ax/ Field File No. 07" {31? (Msf? *l/zl/ 00 and File No. Date Received 2 535/ From 0F OF r'lfV' A ntrl. c-rn 6 By - . bile OF specter. TaBeRelurned Ves ReceiptGiven Yes Na No ?is Grand Jury Material- . on Disseminate Only 1 Na Pursuant to Rules Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure Description: . Miami xixmewsw wars: mm tempera 0U fidls -. -- .u I . .h-Iza?al?lsin i WWFH cmKEWMK I) 0% 7M: 99I??a?m ?g . . - b6 33m. Rim 3?09? 3 __Q?K11rw? . . maxim emm mm Rim Mu) M?m T5 HG FEW: WK FM gm? 5 ?gaoknm: Ragga Emmy Nam? m? Mm? Wm: RESWCT Hm Gav? my Mb. Wuw) mi HEW Hi?W??v?t NW1 AWL. q?ygyg $71}ng {got/Lb Mix-?9 ?fet-Odzir??z .?qu?v wggm- ?Linen-I m-?W?W?m .. 1 we: staacn?b .151?; Eutrfu'ulb .g H. .- I I 3' an: ?mfnylir?f?f'gz? ly.? . . I ?2:111?" m'h'fi1-: ?hmn??u; . .-. h?e?Y-f: i.n? .gi413:?: - - . nui- ?ht. . $14-$31 r_ r? . 1-.. 4 Irmt g' .- - . . E: :I'l?'lni .1 1. .L l'n Inf": .5 .3: u: .. . Hui-(as; thanrw'. lrl? .-.: ?lmin I??which-:52asJilo-I-a-l-IH?p-phIq?? I 11'. n: 1* "1.154-1-.- . . ?r j/ r. If." .. J. I ?p - I if . e; wh?H?Hh- I II- ga' 2 ?In. E- I .- nua- ., .-. .r -P .- Puff at: if." $113. . . 1"?3 o'n ., I- mega?*6 1. leaf; . .4-4 HQ . m" . 5 1- Law OFFICES 136 34319172 '31] DE Jr: 15.19172 DEC 34 FM JACKSON (P) T0 [.05 ANGELES (8-1.) ET UNCLAS 1 b5 - - an: 1.05 means. m: 1.03 AHEELESIELEIYPE Io JACKSOH DECEMBER 7, 1934; m: CALL. Les ANGELES cast AGENT 12,; 1934-. JAG HSGN mamas NEGAI IVE co-ucmume' POLICE DEPARTMENT THEY THE SUBJECT, A BLACK MALE, BATE OF BIRTH WAS ARRESTED FOR CARRYING A KNIFE, AND FINED FOR THE THEY FURTHER ADUISEB THAT THERE HERE no 1m ING THE area THAT HAS BEEN IRE ONLY I'au' AT ?15? 23c f? f/f*3 I: r_ SPMLIJEDHLI Hm. A 915813 1934 I I. -. PRIZE THO DE BM UNCLAS JN 913-862 INDICATES THAT THE SUBJECT RESIBES AT THAT HIS PEREEIE, 136 I370. OH L2, 1934, was 1R THE PRESENCE or HIS PARENTS RE THE ABOVE ADDRESS. ADVISED THAT HE was A LISTENER TO THE RAM-B EoerE BY CASEY EESEE. an we: HE REE ERITIEE T0 THAT EASIER BED ICATE A some to HIE AS FEATEREE THESE REEICRIIERS ER E-Is PROGRAM. WHEN DID NOT. HEAR HIE HE BECAME my MIGRY AND DECIBEB To ERITE KASEM A LETTER IE TELL am new HE FELT THAT HE HAD BEER THAT HE ERE- GONE was FAR IR ANGER MB Row REALIZES THAT HE ERR HERE A MISTAKE H13 CHOICE OF ERR-Es. HE FURTHER HBTED THAT HE KASEM as a AND ATTEMPT 1'0 HERE HIM In ANY WAY. DURING THE INTERVIEW, EKHIBIIEB a SEVERE SPEECH b6 b7: AND ATTEMPTEB T0 UTILIZE LURE RAMBLIHG BISCOURSE TB EXPLH 12: ARE FGR HIS ACT IoEs. BOTH HE ARE HIS PARENTS THAT HE IS RED NERVOUS mammal-,5 Bur AT THE SAME TIME IS PHYSICALLY NGNUIELENT. 11' SHGUL-D BE REIEE THAT IRE SBBJEGT AND HIS PARENTS WERE PAGE THREE BE UNCLAS sag-352- coanm. mm DURING THE INTERN-EH, mm at THE caucwsmu a: ma comma HIS PARENTS ADVISED THAT THEY mo-m'realmaxg sews cannsyammca Ann ACT NITIES. HO FURTHER IGAT ION IS CGNIEMPLATED. Fi?-533 FOLLWS. GGRSIBER SUBJEGT ARMEB ANB . .1 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION l/l?/SS Date of transcription 1 was interviewed in the presence of his parents, at his reSidence, which is located at Mississippi. After being advised of the identities or the in erviewing agents and the nature of the inquiry,l [provided the following information: advised that he was a devoted listener to the radio program hosted by CASEY KASEM. On two occasions during the spring and summer of 1984, he had written to KASEM requesting that KASEM dedicate a song to him. ,5 KASEM features these dedications on his radio program. indicated that his favorite music artists are ROBERT ELLIS ORRALL, CARLEEN CARTER, and KIM WILD and he wished his dedication.song to bi:fn;friginal work from one of these recording artists. ecr ec When Idid not hear his dedication, he became very angry and . to write KASEM lette to tell-him how he ?elt that he had been neglected. admitted that he had gone too far in expressing his anger an now realizes that he had made a mistake in his choice of words. He further noted that he respects KASEM as a radio broadcaster and would never attempt to harm him in any way. further indicated that in his iinal communication to SEM he did berate him by indicating that KASEM's stations should drop his program around the country because of his insensitivity. He admitted that he was extremely upset when he wrote these letters to KASEM but could not actually recall using threatening language that would indicate actual bodily harm. . by apologizing for his actions, and indicate that although he is a very anxious and nervous individual, he is physically non?violent and would never hurt CASEY KASEM or anyone in a physical manner. I lie described as a black male; date of birth I I5 feet, 9 inches tall; 170 pounds; black hair; .Wsmamrnt number [residence Mississippi; telephone number Investigattm on 12/12/84 Mississippiem? JN at. W?i SAI lad Inn?.? Th it SA WJFXIHC Date dictated 8 5 RM i5 document contains neither recommendations :10! conclusions of the FBI. It is the property 0! the FBI and is teased to Your agency: and its contents are not to be distributed outside Tyou." agency. 94* ??f?77?N b6 b6 b6 b7C 136 hi?: 8-26-82} . FBI VIA: PRECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATION: Teletype i3 Immediate TOP SECRET Facsimile Priority SECRET Routine CONFIDENTIAL DLWCUSEFTO cm Datel 85 TO: sac, Los ANGELES FROM: sac, JACESON (RUG) .v . I CASEY KASEM EXTORTION THREATENING 001 LOS ANGELES Re Jackson teletype to Los Angeles dated 12/13/84. Enclosed for Los Angeles are the original_an?_?n?_1 copy of an ?302 reflecting an interview with on 12f12/84 atl IMississippi. Also enclosed are the original interview notes. No further investigation contemplated this matter is being consi?ered RUD by the Jackson Division. - Los Angeles {Enc. 35? Jackson 9f 7 WJF/mcj '3 x; 3i? ?1:13:11.? 6? 1.1.111Approved: Transmitted Per {Number} {Time} 1.1.5. Government Prlnung o?loe: 1984?43 1-31: 3.16245 b6 b7C SEARCHED INDEXED - Addressee Los Angeles HLEQ OFHCE copy 2'3/ 94 Department of Justice 0 Federal Bureau of Investigation 11008 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90024 In Reply, Please Refer to )1 FHon 9A??79l January 28, 1985 c! Honorable Robert C. Bonner United States Attorney 1288 United States Courthouse 312 North Spring Street Los Angeles, California 98012 Attention: Assistant U.S. Attorney Re: I I Casey Casem - Victim; Extortion - Threatening Letter Dear Mr. Bonner: This letter serves to confirm a conversation which was conducted telephonically on January 25 l985 between Assistant United Stares Attornev (A and Special Agent of the Los Ange es Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation During this conversation SA advised AUSA of the circumstances surrounding the receipt of a reatening letter by television personality Casey Casem. Mr. Casem, a nationally known radio/television personality, received a long rambling and threatenin letter from an individual who signed his name as The letter expressed disa ointment in Mr. Casem or no playing records whichl had requested be played throughout the Unite tates on Mr. Casem's national radio program. The letter, which was rambling at times, becam threatening with every page. At one that he was going to re?enact the massacre ic occurred at a McDonalds Restaurant in San Ysidro, California and Mr. Casem would be one of the victims. Mr. Casem and members of his staff became concerned. was located and interviewed by Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of Inv stigation who determined that he is a black male who exhibited a severe speech impediment an attempted to utilize long rambling discourses to explain and apologize b6 136 . .. for his actions. He was interviewed in the presence of his parents and expressed a deep regret for having utilized the choice of words that he did and stated that he respects Mr. Casem and would never attempt to harm him in any way. parents were very cordially b5 and cooperative urlng interview and at the conclusion advised that they would monitor their son's correspondence and he more observant of his activities particularly those have written correspondence. I Iwas arrested by the police in for carrying a knife and was given a small fine inasmuch as there were no aggravating circumstance connected with the arrest. After hearing the circumstances surrounding the receipt of the letter, that he would not authorize prosecution in this matter inasmuch as] had not displayed any criminal intent nor mace any overt effort to carry out any threat. In view of the opinion of AUSA the Federal Bureau of Investigation is not conducting a rther investigation into this matter. Mr. Casem was advised of this opinion and will immediately notiff Bureau of Investigation in the event tha should continue the writing of threatening letters to 1m. Very truly yours, RICHARD T. BRETZING Special Agent in Charge 136 Spec1al ch Agent aw (?EMM:rhn A review on September 4, 1987, of the computerized Fil??_9i_?i??guxi_?epartment of Re nue revealed that date of birthl social b6 resident address b7C Louisr Missouri, 63130, surrendered her Missouri operator's license in Michigan on February 4, 1987. i MM:rhn 9A-2908 The following investigation was conducted by SA I I at St. Louisr Missouri, on September 11, b5 1987: Investiqation was conducted in the vicinity Ofl I St. Louisr Missouri. A teen?aged male living next door to] Iadvised that he did not know the Ifamily very well and that they had moved out ofl labout six months ago. He did not knowI by name, but based on her aqe, he stated that she mus: be] I luntil the entire family moved away. The Superintendent at the UNIVERSITY CITY POST OFF coversl Iadvised that thei family used to live at that address butr effective em er - 1986, their mail has been forwarded to Dec :[Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48105. 77% as .. TRANSMIT VIA: PRECEDENCE: 1? CLASSIFICATION: Teletype E1 Immediate El TOP SECRET Facsimite Ci Priority El SECRET it: AIRTEL Routine Ci CONFIDENTIAL DINEUEEFTO I3 UNCLAS Date 9,514,118.7? TO: SAC, LOS ANGELES (ATTN: FROM: sec, ST. LOUIS {gs?2908) I I aka; CASEY KASEM - EXTORTION (A) 00: ST. LOUIS Reference Los Angeles Division, to SA St. Louis Division on 9/4/87. ml Enclosed for Los Angeles?are the original and one copy of each of two inserts reflecting investigation conducted in St. Louis. lis now living in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and St. Louis is closing this matter. Los Angeles (Enols. 4) St. Louis TMM:rhn 1* 7% Approved: Transmitted - some EU {Number} (Time) 531thle FILED so 2 51987 W. b6 Indleas $eareh__$llp all (Rev. 7321 493)? TO: OFFICE SERVICES MANAGER . 1 6 Date 4 Social Security ll Subject 5/4? as? ft? 221ng Aliases Address Birth Date - Race Sex Male El Female Exact Spelling El Main Criminal Case Files Only El Restrict Locality of El All References El Criminal References Only El Main Security Case Flies Only El Main Security {If no Main, list all Security References] El Security References Only El Main Criminal (if no Main, list all Criminal References) File 3r Serial Number Remarks File a Serial Number Remarks ?fee; are; fa? i 1 i I Requested by Squad Extension File Na. GaneraW 66?s: El ISIS: a. WW Sears :1 i 'D'a'te Searched by Date Confidential El 0018: Searched by Date Searched by Dale El ELSUR Endless: Its: Searched by Date Searched by Date Consolidated by Date Reviewed by Date 1- Identical Ni - Net Identical Flle Review Symbele - Not identifiable - Unavailable reierenca was. aavsamrem PRIHTIHG FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGETIDN FOIXPA DELETED PAGE INFORMETION SHEET 1273T93-O Total Deleted Page Page Page Page 11 15 l? 18 b6; b6; b6; b6; Page(s} Deleted Page{s) No Duplication Fee For this Page Complaint Form . FBI-71 (Flatt. 2-13-86} Indicea: El Negative El See below NOTE: Hand print names legibiy; handwriting satisfactory remainder. I Subjects nemf?n? aiiases Character of case We?re/4i -- arms TaLEPrian? was I Complainant Protest Source I his I 6%5252/ @5263?? b'ro Compiaint received I I El Personal Telephonic Date Time 2 cc:? I I Address ct subject Weohone number Ftece Sex Height Hair Bulid Birth date a?d . 5 male 0 I I i 13 r'ty Number Age [11 Female Weight Eyes omp ex on {o i? . Soars, marks or other data i Facts of ?"15th f3} 43.34 Maggy/(7 3?49, were: Mar/E a; 5% my We: mi meg Mes/a, :gc. . 4% mhw?W 423'" EM if?y?w?w?z ?ames i 52242.5! gf??g ??ewz 279?: ?mar?v?x. 7:22 ear-Lies?) - i .525? - Wm ?3455 def. as A 94: geese-em a? as; Jugs-PM . '3 1093 lulu-t1 1p? ark-?g 259.7110 12m: mm received by} BLOCK ST MP . --I {Rem Date Tobe ?Ed a: Na . .- ?24. {Titlel'l EH (MEN mm . 0d . ,1 haw?r ?ispbsition it p. I {p win-fr 1. b6 b6 b7C F113 40 {Ram 4-2-35) . Field Flte No. . . 734 15?? Serial of Originating, Placement. 4 5' 4 a Date Reqeiee?r? //f/75 From . - . - 5 if. I 2 'madree?s': ,Gentributer)? . {Name of S?'e?eia! Agent) Tb Be Returned Yes Ne Given E1 Yes El Ne. . 1 Grand Jury material- Disseminate Only Pursuant to Ri?e Federal . of Criminai Procedure [3 Yes [3 Ne Title: Reference: (Communication Enclosing Materiel) I- E1 Ofi?inel-?etes re interview of_ 136 I370. b6 A CATALOG N0. a?m Ru 43-? 15Minulus 9n: Side nn1ng 11am b6 CATALOGNO, J/f! ?47? 7157-4-4- Urn-.2 Gagging-if [e F0640 (Rail. 3-18-89) Universal File Case Number 51?14 LA 7 9 Field Of?ce Acquiring Evidence . CV I Serial of Originating Document: . Date Received :1 72:7 4.3, . 135 From S4 bit: (name ctcanl??utcr} . cf Contributor} I (We: (Name of Special Agent} To Be Returned El Yes WNU Receipt Gwen Yes No Grand Jury Material- Disseminate Only Pursuant to Flute 6 Federal Flutes of Criminal Procedure El Title: 1 5e: amt; If: ?111 Wrens. CM 00 L14 Reference: (Cdmmunicaticn Enclosing Material) Description: Original notes re interview of 336 3378 eugm megawf Mia?) brim.-. i?mcmb ?Orr/Map ?gmgir 6524 AM 969% A, 136 WNHP I by {kt-?5956 A7 '1 Fun 3 .wmf. . a 1 (Rev. 3-13-39) ?3 a Universal File Case Number ?22.th Field Office Acquiring Evidence 22 xf? Serial of Originating Document Date Fro? Name of Contributor} (Audree'eeroontributcr) Br To Be Returned El Ys No Receipt Given Yes 1% Grand Jury Material - Di ee?rninate Oniy Pursuant to RLiie 6 Federairiminal Procedure Title: Reference: (Communication Enclosing Meienal) Description: Mginal cores re interview of WW ii 336 1370 (Rev. 8-18-39} 3 Universal File Case Number 51751419.- Field Office Acquiring Evidence, Serial of Originatin Document . Date - .6 Ma? Fro . ltributor} k/ a (Address of Contributor) BY To Be Returned El Receipt Given El Grand Jury Material a- Only Pursuant to Flule 6 Federal Flu! 'rninal Procedure El No Title: Reference: (Communication Enclosing Material) Description: Wilma! notes re interview of WM - . .nI-n?nr-E b6 Fi?-340 (Rev. 4-2-35] Field File NoSerial ii of Originating Document 00 andj?ile Na. Daie Received Premi- 8m (W - ri'. 1-1.4 (??dfess e? centributog. To: Be Returned EI- Yee "Eijeg' Given ?3 Yes Ne Gr'e?d Jury Materiei- Disseminate Only Pursuant to Rule. Federal Rules of. Criminal Procedure Yes No . Title: Reference: . - . -. g. fen-- . (Cemmunicetion Enclosing s. 1. a: . Keriginal- gtes {e interview .-..: . . - . . . . . .. at-.-- 137$ a; 6mm Hygw?g ?4d? [Ac-{wk fad-?26" (AMA (?aw .51? *3 5:416? fr- NW 74 /a7_ 5 We. My 74) @9747 (?waf?gew?hm 4" . . RF \Raf 0?er xx .8rmexr AN .rx 1UP \Kkr ksam? km QR Um U40 b6? To Be Returned Yes No Receipt Given, Yes CI No FBI-340 {Hem 4-2-36} Field File No. 727? ?1777. Serial ii of Originating Document 00 and File No. . . Date Receivee 7.3 From "(scariest-s. or contribute; 7; {Name of S?eoiel Agent}? - Grand Jury Material Disseminate Only Pursuant to Finis Federal Rules of Criminal Probedure [3 Yes El No Title: Reference: I Enclosing Materiai)? Description: 3 Original notes re interview of 57? @4427 -1. . W-7772: b6 FD ~41? (Rev. 1-13-88] that as . (Location) cam?57 (as (N acme] hereby (Address) authorize and Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, United States Department of Justice, to install a recording device on a telephone located at (Location) for the purpose of recording any conversation I may have on that telephone with on or about f?d/?f (Name of Subject(s)] (D ate) i understand that I must be a party to any conversation in order to record that conversation. I therefore agree not to leave the recording equipment un?attended or take any other action which is likely to result in the recording of conversations to which I am not a party. I have given this written permission to the above?named Special Agents voluntarily, and without threats or promises of any kind. . Wrtnesses: 4% be 6Q #92/ A?f ?70625 ?/69 f3 satjnoJ xvi: b6 .II II -1.. Bis-3?02 (Rev. 3?10?32) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date of transcription 1/12/93 On January 8, 1993, Special Agent be the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Los Angeles b7c Field Office interviewed CASEY KASEE, date of birth April 27, 1932, at his residence concerning a threatening telephoa 'received at his home on the evening of January 4, 1993, I I KASEM had telephoned the FBI on January 5, 1993, after receiving the call. According to KASEM, two (2) mysterious calls were actually received. The first call, which was automatically taped by his answering voice mail system, was received at approximately pm. The caller identified himself as old friend and asked KASEM to call him at The caller be emphasized that it was urgent that KASEM call him. KASEM did not reall the call much thought as he did not recognize the name and knew no one at that number. The second call, also taped, was received at approximately 8:00 pm. The same caller began the call with a "dumb blonde" joke. The caller then said words to the effect. "r lease Negativland" and "you?d better give the money back to The actual threat stated that unless KASEM authorized the 2g; KASEM's secretary inadvertently erased this second call. KASEM eXplained thati Nevertheless, the threat against [has upset them both very much. of curiosity, had dialed the above number on Janury S, 1993, during the evening hours. A male with a thick hispanic accent answered before she hung up. KASEM himself dialed the number on the mornin of January 6, 1993. He recognized the person who answered as KASEM stated that just before he said "hello?, Iapparen was talking to someone else and appeared to be directing that person to take 011 1/3/93 at LBS An eles California-Its! bF__?dJ gigs Deadhead 1y12/93 b6 b'i'C This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is {he properly of the FBI and is loaned to your agency: if. and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. (Rev. 11?15-83} CASEY KASEM .on 1/8/93 .Pase _2 something "backstage". EASE . ugh a personal friend found out that the number given by is located in Ohio b5 area. b7c KASEM then explained that he is currently involved in a business dispute with a group which calls itself Negativland Band. According to KASEM, about one year ago, this band included in their album, a cut from the band U2. Interspersed in this out were outtakes of one of old radio shows in which he was recorded while swearing and uttering profanities because of some problems with the show. At the time, KASEM was unaware that he had been recorded. However, the tape has been around for years and KASEM now considers it a joke. He stated that he has never asked any station not to play it. However, he pointed out the distinction regarding this current dispute. Negativland Band sold this record and released it through SST Record Company. Island Records which owns the label for U2, and KASEM, sought a court injunction against Negativland for marketing a product that is not their own for monetary gain without getting permission. KASEM considers it a simple act of theft and copyright violation. Negativland has pursued a publicity campaign making the dispute a free speech issue. The court injunction has forced Negativland to pull all of the disputed records out of circulation and SST Record Company ordered to pay. SST Record Company in turn is suing Negativland to recover its losses. KASEM feels that legally, the court injunction makes this a dead issue. However, the media push being launched by Negativland in the music industry has resulted in at least twelve (12) letters from different parts of the country being sent to KASEM asking him not to interfere with the band's first amendment right. KASEM showed interviewing agent all twelve letters, none of which are threatening in nature. He has replied to all of them, explaining his side of the story, through his legal firm, Armbruster, Adler, Brickin and Glushon (310) 201-0507. However, he believes that the publicity being enerated by Negativland has led directly to the phone call from Whether or b5 is associated with Negativland is unknown at this time. ch: 1.1% i {Rem 11?15?83) QA-IA-149979 Continuation own?332 of CASEY KASEM .On 1/3/93 .Page 3 KASEM advised that as far as he knows, Negativland Band has the addressl I He does not know any of the members personally. His secretary,l I heard the threatening b6 call on the answering machine but inadvertently erased it. b7c It was agreed that for the time being, KASEM would tape all incoming calls to the pertinent line, instructing the household not ok up that particular line. This was done in the hope that might call again and leave another message. The possibility was also discussed of placing a recording device on the pertinent telephone and answe inc eiery call in the hope of being able to speak directly with and eliciting more incriminating statements. For the time being, all incoming calls will be taped automatically and no consensual monitoring will take place. A copy of the first telephone call was made and has been placed in the 1A section of this file for evidentiary purposes. . . I Fri-36 (Rev. 11-17?33} . TRANSMIT VIA: PRECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATION: Teletype Ci Immediate TOP SECRET CI Facsimile Priority SECRET AIRTEL . El Routine CONFIDENTIAL E1 UNCLAS Date 1/14/93 .1 sac CLEVELAND SAC, Los Angeles I. CASEY KASEM VICTIM: - VICTIM: THREATENING TELEPHONE b6 00 LOS ANGELES b7c Re Los Angeles tele hone call of to Cleveland 53A on 1/13/93. Enclosed for Cleveland and San Francisco are two copies of a reflecting the interview of victim CASEY KASEM which took place on 1/8/93. Also enclosed for Cleveland is a Federal Grand Subpoena directing b3 For information of Cleveland, captioned matter was f: predicated upon a telephonic complaint made by victim.CASEY v< KASEM to FBI Los Angeles on 1/5/ own radio ion personality, and b5 are extremely upset over the threatening call that was received on the evening of 1/4/92 on one of their telephone lines,l 2 Cleveland (Enc. 3) 2 San Francisco (Enc. 2) - Los Angeles All SEARCHED - ENDEXED . SERIALIZE [327%- Appmved: Transmitted (Number) (Time?iLEB? . i I . A. As explained in enclosed communication, KASEM is involved in a legal dispute with a group called Negativland Band. The band claims that KASEM is infringing on their first amendment right and preventing them from making money. KASEM, through his attorneys, contends that the issue involves copyright infringement and outrigrt theft. Apparently, Negativland, from their home base I is promoting a vigorous publicity campaign against KASEM in order to pressure him into allowing them to use the recorded material in question. In fact, KASEM has received letters from across the country, none threatening in nature, questioning him as to why he is denying Negativland the right to make a living. At this point, KASEM considers the matter moot since a court injunction has ruled against Negativland. b5 However, it is this persistent, harassing campaign that KASEM b7C credits with causing the threatening telephone call and he wonders if there will be more such calls if Negativland continues to pursue this issue. As of this writing, only one threatening call has been received and that one was mistakenly erased. KASEM was told that the United States Attorney?s Office in Los Angeles would not prosecute under these conditions. If a case is to be built, then additional calls would have to be received and recorded. In the meantime, Los Angeles wishes to identify the subscriber to telephonel las well as to identify the members of Negativland Band in order for?appropriate investigation to be conducted. LEAD CLEVELAND DIVISION AT AKRDN. OHIG: Will expeditiously serve the Federal Grand Jury Subpoena to I b3 I as Thereafter, conduct appropriate investigation to identify a LNU at that number, his association, if any, with Negativland Band, and conduct logical interview concerning captioned matter. SAN FRANCISCO DIVISION Will contact I b6 identify them, and intervi regarding any knowledge they may have regarding in the Akron, Ohio area or the threat that was received by CASEY KASEM. 0 LOS ANGELES DIVISION AT LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA: Will maintain contact with victims CASEY and to determine if any b3 additional threatenin calls have been received, and once b6 g_ ie obtained from Cleveland, will make the return of service as directed by the United States Attorney's Office. at! 3-1 male, date of hirthl Numberl -1- FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 1/28/93 Date of transcription addressl the identity of the interviewing agents and of the nature and purpose of the interview, and provided the following information: residence I particular album. call and express their views. white 55 I Social Securit Account I present residence address Ohio, ermanent residence I Ohio, tl was advised of admitted that a few weeks ago, he called the ephone number of CASEY KASEM on occasions. had read in a newsletter put out by Negativeland Band b5 how KASEM was refusin to allow Negativeland Band to issue a 573 lsaid he became upset that KASEM supposedly champions Firs Amendment rights, but refused to support those ideals when this band is involved. The newsletter listed home telephone number and encouraged readers to showed the newsletter to the investigating agents and i was con irmed that the telephone number of KASEM was listed on at least pages 36 and 38 of that newsletter. I I whose middle name and nickname is first be called at approximately 9:00 p.m. and toied to convince KASEM to ch call him back as he was his "old friend Approximately 20 to 30 minutes later, one of dialed the number a ain and handed the phone to At that time, became admittedly abusive. He ar ed out the converse ion wi a "dumb blonde joke" to the effect of "what do you call a smart blonde? - A golden retriever." I then yelled at KASEM and swore at him on the telephone, using words to the effect of you?re a fucking dickhead. What did you do to . denied mentioningl I b5 I denied making any statement similar to ?give the b70_ money life of either KASEM and denied making any statement similar to a threat on the Investigation 11 1/27/93 MI I Ohio roar SA Sh. u- Iand Date dictated 1/2 7_f9 3 This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. 0 (Elev. 11?15?33} QA-LA-149979 b6 Continuation of of I I On 1/27/93 Page 2 b? for his behavior and called his actions "infantile". The calls were made in the presence of his roommate and friends I I I I white male, date of birth I Social Security Account Numberl I temporary residence addressI I Ohio, permanent residence addressl I IOhio,I Iwas also present during the . of confirmed the statements of . and confirmed that the telephone calls were made. confirmed that swore at KASEM and used abusive language but denied that said anything about or about money, or tha_ said anything to threaten anyone?s life. I white male, date of b5 Social Security Account Numberl tem orary b7: residence addressI I IOhio, permanent residence address] I I Ohio, was contactedl I was advised of the identity of the interviewin .agent and of the nature and purpose of the interview. admitted to having been present in the room henI cal ed the residence of CASEY KASEM. As best could recal",I used words to the effect of I hate you?, l?Fuck ]did not recallI _saying anything regardingI [or ?money" or threatening the life of anyone. Attempts to ccntactl I lwere unsuccessful. . I . CV CLEVELAND DIVISION At Akronr Ohio The following investigation was conducted by Special Agent SA) b3 33-6 A check withl I ch - Fri-35 (Rev. 11?11-33} - FBI TRANSMIT VIA: PRECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATION: CI Teletype Immediate El TOP SECRET Facsimiie El Priority I: SECRET ?1 i3 Routine El CONFIDENTIAL EB UNCLAS Ei UNCLAS Date 2/11/93 TO . SAC, Los ANGELES (seam?149979) rf' FROM SAC, CLEVELAND (9Armrl49979) (RUG) SUBJECT (LNUJ KASEM VICTIM: b6 THREATENING TELEPHONE CALLS: 00: LOS ANGELES Reference Los Angeles airtel to Cleveland dated 1/14/93, and 1/27/93 teloall between SA (Akron RA) and Los Angeles Case Agent. Enclosed for Los Angeles are the following items: 1. Or; inal and one copy of investigative insert regarding call to I 2. Original and one oonv of FD-302 regarding interview ofI . notes. There being no further investigation contemplated in the Cleveland Division, Cleveland is considering this matter RUG. Los Angeles (Eno. 5) Cleveland 36 weak Ii (4) stern-13% a: . Approved: Transmitted (Number) (Time) I 9 ?g MHZ 239" 0090 MRI 01622 PP FBILA DE FBILA #0040 1122110 ZNR 2221063 APR 93 FM FBI LOS ANGELES TO FBI SAN I BT UNCLAS CITE: SUBJECT: may KASEM VICTIM: THREATENING TELEPHONE CALL: 00: LOS ANGELES. RE LOS ANGELES AIRTEL TO SAN FRANCISCO DATED 1/14/93. FOR INFORMATION. REFERENCED COMMUNICATION REQUESTED THAT SAN FRANCISCO CONTACT AND INTERVIEW I AT REGARDING CAPTIONED MATTER WHICH APPEARS TO BE THE RESULT OF THEIR ONGOING LEGAL BATTLE WITH CASEY KASEM. TO DATE. LOS ANGELES HAS NOT RECEIVED ANY RESULTS FROM SAN FRANCISCO. SAN FRANCISCO IS REQUESTED TO CONDUCT INTERVIEWS AS SET 5. 1? ?ill/ f! 7 aamcwm INDEXED SERIALIZED 1:4 I 7/294? 94/ . b6 Had?n i?I?n? .. me b6 mm PAGE TWO DE FBILA 0040 UNCLAS IN REFERENCED AIRTEL AND SUBMIT RESULTS SO THAT L08 ANGELES CAN BRING THIS MATTER TO A LOGICAL CONCLUSION ET #0040 JUL 2 7 run?? :3 0022 MRI 00093 PP FBILA DE #0001 1840157 0301432 JUL 93 FM FBI L03 ANGELES UNCLAS i CITE: i SUBJECT: LNU: CASEY :35 THREATENING TELEPHONE 00: LOS ANGELES. RE LOS ANGELES AND TELETYPE TO SAN DATED 1/14/93 AND 4/22/93. i FOR LOS ANGELES HAS YET TO RECEIVE ANY RESULTS FROM SAN FRANCISCO 0N LEADS SET OUT IN REFERENCED TU 1NTERV1EW SAN FRANCISCO 13 ONCE REQUESTED TO CONDUCT PERTINENT INTERVIEWS AND SUBNIT ITS SD L03 0 My; -i Mi W9i?7? i - - .. 1- u? .5 PAGE TWO DE FBILA 0001 UNCLAS ANGELES CAN BRING THIS CASE TO A LOGICAL CONCLUSION. HT #0001 u?u?l?u?Lm?mji-H yum. .h-u add?u.? . 3 .. I. . . . (REV. 3-10-32} 3128/93 Date of transcription 0n 3fllf93.I I(White, male, born I ISSANI I Iwas contacted at his residence and adVised that the purpose of the interview was to discuss his knowledge of any threats which had been made himself or others to CASEY KASEM orI Iconsented to the interview and provided the following information. He has contacted other people and has asked that they contact KASEM to express their views on this matter. I Isaid that he has not threatened either CASEY or any means, nor does he know of any one else having one so. Isaid that he would discourage anyone from doing so if they men ioned it to him.l said that he does not know anvone bv the name ofI Iin the Ohio area, but added added that he regrets that KASEM has received threats. He said that he will contact the FBI in the future if he should hear anything further concerning threats against the KASEM .. Investigniion 3 I 11 93 ?t size/93 by Date dictated This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is {he property of the FBI and is ionned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. 136 137?: 136 1370 File ;_bs b7c i Flt-303 (REV. 3-10-32} 3/23/93 Date of transcription On t110!93.[ I(White, male, born b6 lwas contacted at his residence and advised that . the purpose of the interview was to discuss his knowledge of threats which may have been made by himself or others to CASEY KASEM or consented to the interview and provided the following information. b6 NEGATIVLAND BAND, had been involved in a legal dispute With Gears KASEM concerning the relea of a record which contained, in part, the voice of KASEM. is aware that ISLAND RECORDS has settled out of court concerning this matter and that the terms of this agreement prevent NEGATIVLAND BAND from getting any rights to this record. that KASEM is the only rpqiqtnn?n the release of this record. He has heard that others have written nears concerning their opinion on this matter. said that he does not know the location of b6 res1dence.l b7o 3/1o;93 a sac Investignt? a . by Date dictated 3 I 2 4 9 3 This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the. FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. I I b?C_ 1336021: {Rem 11-15-33} Q-A-LA-14997 9 Continuation P333 136 b?C not, in any way, threatened CASEY KASEM He has not sent any communications to KASEM which are threaten? 5 not made any threatening telephone calls to CASEY erl [said than he has no knowledge ef [or other indiv1dual hav1ng done SO. said that he does not an individual by the name of 0 would live or work ini Ohio. ?if? For-36 (Rev. 3?29-35FBI VIA: PRECEDENCE: CE Teletype Ci Immediate L?l TOP SECRET Facsimile El Priority I3 SECRET El AIRTEL {j amuse [j WGASEFTO Dme 7f7f93 TO SAC, SEATTLE FROM SAC, SAN FRANCISCO (ORA-2) (RUG) SUBJECT CASEY KASEM THREATENING TELEPHONE oo: LA Re Los Angeles airtel to San Francisco dated l[14/93 and teletypes dated 4/22f93 and 7f3j93. Enclosed for Seattle are 2 copies each of 302's showing interviews ofl I as well as 2 copies of referenced Los Angeles airtel (with enclosures) to provide background of captioned matter: Enclosed for Los Angeles are the original and one copy of the above 302?s and agent's interview notes. ADMINISTRATIVE: On 4x14xs3, advised that a review of San Franc' manual in ices showed no listing for eitherl I following investigation was conducted by AT OAKLAND CALIFORNIA: On 4f6/93 a computerized check was made of C11 (California Department of Justice arrest records} and CORPUS (Criminal Oriented Record Production System - which covers Alameda, CA Countv) and nol criminal record could be found for eitherl LLal lii?i3f76?_q?; -Seattle (Encl 6) Los Angeles (Encl' 1- San FranciSCO bi ?Wafer/AL?? b6 b7o_ 136 I NJ #fo .Approved: Transn??nd Err (Number) {Time} LEADS: SEATTLE: am WASHINGTON: Locate and interview Icencerning his knowledge of Ohio area or the threat that was receive: KASEM. by b6 11} a SEY fa Fneoz (1233. 3-1 (132) -1- 7/29193 Date of transcription on Julv 22. 1993. white male, date of birth:l Lb was contacted and interviewee. After eing adv1sed or the identit of the interviewing Agent and the nature of the interview, provided the following information: that he isi I made to CASEY and that he does not know who is res onsible for the rea and does not know anyone by the name of Iin the] IOhio, area. I explained that the NEGATIVLAND BAND had released a record that utilized an excerpt of a tape which had CASEY KASEM speaking out in obscenities. The release of this record has been in dispute, however, NEGATIVLAND BAND has published a pamphlet of all relevant information generated by the people involved in this matter and the conflict with CASEY KASEM. At first KASEM had spoken out that he supported the release based on the free speech issue, then lawyers said there will be no second release or we will sue. NEGATIVLAND BAND received a lot of media regarding this release and asked for the public?s support through the pamphlet the band published. Included in the pamphlet were work address and fax number. feels that thisl Iis an outraged fan who is taking the issue too lstated that approximately one month afterl .was in erviewed by the FBI, he saw the T.V. show which featured CASEY and and the threats she had been receiving last year by a female and now by a male. (telephonically) Investigation en 7 [23193 all File-ff he imemwmd 7(23/93 This document contains neither meantime nor conclusions of Ihe FBI. It is me property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. b6 b6 b'i'C v. QAHLA-149979 7/22/93 ,aa. b6 Continuation of of I (in HR: : etated that if an}r information regarding threats to the KASEMS came to his attention, he would report it to the FBI. e93:- ?77:277-42 - 12:95 Mar/73 1r . . i F1336 (Rev. 11-17-38) FBI TRANSMI VIA: PRECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATION: TeIetype 1:1 El TOP SECRET 1:1 Facsimile Priority El SECRET g} AIRTEL Routine CONFIDENTIAL DIMGASEFTO UNCLAS Date 7! 29f 93 SAC LOS ANGELES (QAHLA-149979) SEATTLE (RUC) (OLYMPIA) UBJECT (LNU) wt - b6 THREATENING TELEPHONE b7: 00: LOS ANGELES RE: San Francisco airtel to Seattle, dated July 7, 1993. Enclosed for Los Angeles is the origina- copies of an FD-302 settinq forth the interview of Inasmuoh all investigation has been completed in. the Seattle Division, this matter is considered RUG. Los Angeles (Enos. 3) - Seattle (l - SA MM?M?mifg J14. res/e. 24;) b7c; 57/2/73 Approved: Transmitted Per anmmea ??ma Memorandum 1h SAC, Los ANGELES the 8124}93 (P) From SA I I 136 CHANGED Subject: AKA CASEY Risen - - THREATENING TELEPHONE 00: Los ANGELES Title marked "Changed" to reflect true identity of subject previously carried as For information, iter contacted Assistant United States Attorney Complaint Unit, Los b6 ?es, concerning captioned matter. I was explained to AUSA that the case was predicated on a telephonic complaint by v1ct1m CASEY KASEM in early January, 1993 whereby he claimed that a death threat was made against The threat was related to an ongoing legal battle KASEM has been waging with Negativland Band based out of Oakland, California. The issue revolVes around copyright infringement and the first amendment. Investigation by the FBI determined the identity of the person who placed the call from Ohio and appropriate interviews were conducted. This person admitted calling the KASEM residence during the time in question but denied issuing any threat. Members of the band were also interviewed with negative results. There was only one alleged death threat made by phone and no recording of that call exists. Consensual monitoring of the KASEM residence phone was done, also with negative results. Based on the fact that only one call was received, AUSA insufficient evidence as the reason for declining b6 federal prosecution. 2 - Los Angeles . . U.S. Deparhnent of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation 11000 Wilshire Boulevard #1?00 In Reply, Please Refer EENW August 24, 1993 Honorable Terree A. Bowers United States Attorney 1200 United States Courthouse 312 North Spring Street Los Angeles, California 90012 Re: aka b5 Case Kasem - V1ct1m Victim Attention: Dear Mr. Bowers: This letter will serve to confirm in writing a telephonic conversation which took place on August 16. $993 between Special Agent (SA) of our office. During this conversa ion. the facts of referenced matter were made known to AUSA She as told that the case b6 involved a telephonic death threat against?r radio personality Casey Kasem. The threat was related to an ongoing legal battle Kasem has been waging with members of Negativland Band revolving around copyright infringement and the first amendment. She was also told that the FBI had identified the caller in Ohio and had interviewed him as well as members of the hand to which he had no affiliation. The individual admitted making the call but denied issuing a death threat. There was only one call involved. memo SERIALIZED. em 4 . . Based on the above facts, that there b6 was insufficient evidence and the case lacked prosecutive merit. Therefore, she declined federal prosecution since the case did not meet the required federal guidelines. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, CHARLIE J. PARSONS Special Agent In Charge b6 Supervisory Special Agent FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIXPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET 1273T93-U Total Deleted Page(s} Page 21 b6; Deleted Page{5) No Duplication Fee For this Page of- January 198i) Television Network 3000 West Alameda Avenue Burbank, California 91523 . _Dear Sir: I understand that on your staff, you have an announcer by the name of Casey Kasem. I am familiar with the man?s work on his radio and television programs. I want to give my opinion about the manHollywood party about i - I was visiting friends on the West Coast.I was disappointed because he seemed to be drinking most of the time and behaved like an ill mannered boor. He also admitted how he enjoyed abusing his own children. Naturally I?could not believe my own ears because I had always believed that he loved children. Now I will tell you that Mggy my girlfriend who did not go with me to California, adored Mr. Kasem bedg?gem?g?seemed on his show to be a very kind and decent man. Sadly she became disillusioned and depressed when she read that he deserted his wife and three kids to marry a girl young enough to be his own daughter. wary was so upset that she killed herself with a shotgun blast. by not being honest with his fans about his true feelings about his children and life, somehow caused Marst death. I would like to make a simple request. I want Casey Kasem fired June the following things will happen; I. I will make sure that viewers boycott your network. I know that right now you can not afford that 2. I would have Mr. Kasem blackballed from all media- I have some influential friends who could see that it happens. 3. He and his new wife and his three may suffer serious physical Consequences. I am sorry but I am not going to stand by and let a murderer be kept on your payroll. Either justice is done. or elseyou and Mr. Kasem widl pay. Thank you for edire this a concerned viewer I. ai NPRC nt Louis, Mlssourl 1 63132 3 Television Network National Broadcasting Compan . . . . .. I 1.. .. .. .14Burbank, 91523 1.. .ir1.. u.n. h. .11. cu} :5 .H.. 000 West Alameda Avenue California a. w. .. . ?her - ?T's . .1 . . 9m?.#1456343 .41alumniuunlI.r.51..) . arise 7 i Buiicy Exhibit - Inventory oil Property Acquir Evidence .. FD- i92 (Rev. Date Title and Character of Case I AKA: b6 CASEY Victim THREHTENING LETTER 00 Date Property Acquired Source From Which Propertyr Acquired Jan 1981 Victim Location of Property or Bulky Exhibit Reason for Retention of Property and Efforts Made to Dispose of Same Bulky Ex Room Evidence To Be Returned Agent Submitting Property or Exhibit Agent Aesigneci Case Yes 0 SA A 136 Description of Property or Exhibit . - - . 4 1A envelopes- conteing 5 letters w/ envelopes; greeaing car Refer 1?er 4'6? 7%a/f/ .- SEMIANNUAL CERTIFICATION T0 RETENTIGH OF PROPERTY (Initial and Date} "i Field File ii LA DU: a. CHAIN 0F POSSESSIGN [tern No. Name Name 1 Frey: To: Time: Date: From: To: Time: Date: From: To: Time: Dale: From: To: Time: Date: T. MALair, From: To: Timing 12From: To: Time: .. 1-2} Dlute?M-itFrom: To: Time: - 3 From: To: Time: Date: From: To: Time: Date: From: To: Time: Date: Hem No. Remarks GPO 19?? 0 - 295-813 1913-3403. (Rev. 3?12-74) I .1 UI-ESUB. AKAJ 013.3% a) . mere $11931; (FileNoJ Item IIfn?mi'AaIIPiled . I I Disposition 1. $2-81 Interview notes re 11/22/81 see eer. 6- 1k b6 .2. 7"Q-Ival' Irv}; n0+t25 Ft 7?3?3 17 (61/ . r?'r?ibt?i .1414. EM . er. (hi-1i 14d ~41 v4: Fee 4 Ell-34D REV. 16-- 1 Field File No. 52- #:9199425? ., no and File No. 65?3?? w/a/ Dam Received {Am/Ex From OF (ADDRESS Rafurned Yes Receipf Given I: Yes Description: Q.au8/ M?i/ RE: -St. Louis airtel to Los Angeles, 1/23/81. Umm Wm. U1 3 ?xxvm?mu .Vm . $9 \kwmm \Nmr ?\nu ENE Em .- 9N mpm?mcmg?xox?? :xumxmwGR, 9199 km? L99. mk?mu?gf?m? I 9 Wm U40 ..KEK. S. E. .S SS U40 i nurw . 1 1 mmr?rvwI111: 111111 Ii. Llrr! I- ill-rill I1l Fi?-340 REV. {6-14?77} ?al? Filei??a Id. :2 my?. Wand Fiia?t?g. 11 - h9r/ I559 52me '7 ~90 we! me IMME OF (ADDRESS OF b6 b'h: OF BFECIAL AGENT) ToBe?Mmad Yes Recap? Given Yes gal-G Mariam i mtg/u 53/ 451/ Hum ?can .790 Sum?. 35 4J9 i .16. 35% Penn??! ?my xvi-DE. n. i .1f?a} 4C Akin-(L. it?? mi~? b9?: 91:3?. .0. Mn CE .. $931?? Ni \ux?x .. 1 ?ng . C??wzJ/??c?l [1+3er FieldFileNe. CW7 045/453 my and File No. ?are Received ~61 3/ From I (NAME OF (ADDRESS OF {Iff?/ 04-? A Tn?e?elurned Yes mi No Ves No Receipt Given Yes ENG- Grund Jury Muferini- Disseminate Pursuant fee-Rules Federal Rules of Criminal Pratedure 1 Description: i I . M: 5E {?jlg?f?udi'f/ Giff, ,Lwere a ?57 MEL Lb? . 1. May 1981 American Top 40 P.O BOX 2000 Hollywood, California 90028 To Whom it May Concern: I am writing to say that I am truly sorry about all the trouble I have caused Hr. Kasem the last few months. I will admit I have been extremely depressed since Christmas when I found out that we. Kasem remarried Since I knew he had three kids from his first marriage and I was concerned~ for them. But there was absolutely no excuse for my acting the way I did. I even wrote the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce to protest the star that he was given because I could not accept the fact that his children were not there, to share it with him. I also sent a copy to watermark and mentioned that I would most likely kill myself by the time you receive this letter.? I really regret sending these two letters not because I could be Sent. to jail., I was warned by the FBI that I would be arrested if I threatened Mr. Kasem again.) but because I was so blind to the fact that I was hurting myself more by writing these terrible things about him. I have decided to pick up the pieces of my life and try to start over again; I did feel bad about his kids and hope that they are okayend that they do not hate their father. I hope he loves them. But I know now that the main thing is meal have to gain back my self respect and confidence. This afternoon, I am going to talk to a priest and I hope he can straighten me out. I need it. I regret the things I did because you all were very nice to me. If you want me to send you back all the things you sent me the record set, the shirts, the pictures) I will. I meant it es- the time when I said I enjoyed the show. I was very sincere when I sent the cake because I 'did enjoy the show. I am very sadi that this happened and I hope you accept my sincere apologies. I am especially sorry about the mean things I saidabuut we. Kasem and his family. If You all can not forgive me for my actions,I will understand. I Just want to stop dreading life t_ to the point where suicide seems the only alternative.9 lhank you $757. my 6M2 m?e 6/4, 900 9y .5 tf?iptrainf Form 71 (Rev. 3-29-le Indiees: Negative See below so" NOTE: Hand print names legibly; handwriting satisfactory for remainder; . - j? Suhject's name jm?'aliases Character of ease firmer/0,0 6/?55 4?33 5} ?rm/2M5): a! age/swam Complaint received ?Personal Telephonic Date f/ Time Md Address of subject Wdress and telenhnne number Race Sex Height Hair Build Birth date and . Male Age Weight Eyes Cemplexion Social Seeurity Number 39 Famale '33 :1 ?a Scars, marks or other data Facts of complainL-C- #2 9 A c.4535)! KIQSEWI. - - my a 35M W560 3/3- 97?7?103?00 I KQSEVMMW amid W/Mlimm 13L W?mr?wmmw LIAM WW lag-119W Action Ree?hmmended 1 smacasuAua-emn ?we: smtauten?jltm335 1370 136 . acme: 321911512 Rob5.9 92151512 A JAN 81 m?EFb FM LOS $163351. 55 (SA-6951) TO SI. LOUIS PRIORITY ET UNCLAS UNSUB, AKEU CASEY KASEM 10w - LETTER. 00: LOS ANGELES. {gamma suachr SENT SEVERAL THREATENINE LETTERS THROUGH THE U. S. ST. L0 BIS, MISSOLRI, THREQTENIHG VICTIM WHO IS NHTICMALLY mew TELEVISION RADIO ACE-EGUNCER. LETTERS THREATENED KASEM HIS WIFE ?11563 THREE CHILDREN WITH PHYSICAL WRITER K-ASEM 05' RBI bit? THE CAUSE 0F HIS GIRLFRIEND SUICIDE BECAUSE 0F HIS THE LETTER DRIED 11, 1981, IS SIGNED 0F POST OFFICE MISSOURI AND THE AUTHOR INDICMES THAT HE IS USING A FRIEND CFFICE BOX WHO IS A FAN OF i 4?54 ?rm .3- {a Siam If}? .13? Mat-33m - b6 1:36 1370 1:36 1370 .. I a . pl. PAGE TWO (LA BEL-695 1) UNCLES INVESTIGATION HAS DETERMINEDTHAT UNKNOWN SUBJECT IS UMDO WHITE FEMALE, 5?5" TALL AND . UISITED ST mos 0F KASEM LAST YEAR MED A swam EMPLOYEE REMEMBERS HER BEI ma FROM Elss'o LEI . ST. LOUIS IS REQUESTED TO DETERMINE THE IDENTITY 0F POST OFFICE 59x M1550 LEI MD DETERMINE IF THREET IS REAL. EASEE IS EXTREMELY COHCERNED FOR THE SAFETY OF HIS THREE CHILDREN. BI 91915552 SL 11' WFK b6 I . I TELEWPE ROOM SLOEEJ 5252939 LA DE 13 V2 11% ?83 2519582 JAN 32 3 FM ST. LOUIS T0 LOS ANGELES PRIORITY BI UNCLAS UNSUB, AKA CASEY EXTORTIOH- b6 b7c THREATENING LETTER, OO: -LOS ANGELES. RE LOS ANGELES TELETYPE TO ST. LOUIS, JANUARY 1981; AME ILOCATED AND ENTERVIEWED OH JANUARY 22, 1981. I I i ST. LOUIS TELEPHONE CALL TO LOS ANGELES, JANUARY 22, 1981. I SHE ADMITTED SENDING SEVERAL THREATENING LETTERS TO FOUR RADIO STATIONS IN CALIFORNIA AND ONE TELEVISION STATION IN NEW YORK. SHE SEET SIX OR SEVEN LETTERS TO VICTEN, THE FIRST BEING SENT ON DECEEBER 24, 198% AND THE LAST BEING SENT OE JANUARY 19, ?381. SAID SHE WAS IN LOVE WITH VICTIM AND SENT LETTERS BECAUSE SHE WAS ANGRY AT HIM FOR HIS THREE MHEN HE REMARRIED SHORTLY BEFORE LAST OHRISTNAS. SHE WAS SO ANGRY AT VICTIM THAT SHE TO DESTROY SHE WAS ALSO JEALOUS OF gamma 5. 15y! gigij? I . I 2 Fi?? . I i 136 If, .u-uu-H-i- PAGE TWO HIS NEW UIFE. SAID SHE WROTE LETTERS USING NAME 2: RHRR SRE ERUESIORER as A TOUGH ELRSR THE GIRLFRIEND, WAS ALSG FICTITIUUS. . VERY EROTISNALLY UPSET DURING IRIERUIEE AND SAID SHE ABOUT SEREIRR LETTERS. SHE HAS ER OBUIDUS PROBLEM AND SEER SHE PLANS TO SEE A SHE SRID SHE HAS R0 PLANS To CARRY our REE OF HER THREATS. CENTER, ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS HILL INCLUDE FULL INTERVIEW DETAILS IN FD-SBZ AND 5 DESCRIBED RS SLR, EHIIE be i DGBI HEIGHT REIERE ISE SSANI TELEPHOEEIJ AT FERERRL RECORDS WILL FORWARD TO L05 ANGELES WITH INTERVIEW NOTES UTA AIRTEL. BT Fo-aoa {new 3-34?! I: I FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date of transcriptlon 7 if Missouri, telephonq was interViewed at her place of employment, the Federal Records Center, 9700 Page Boulevard. She was advised of the identity of the interviewing Agent and the purpose of the interview, and she provided the following information: She advised that she went to California on a vacation in July of 1980. While she was in California, she met Casey Kasem and fell in love with him. She has been in love with him since that time, and she became extremely angry at him when he was married just prior to Christmas of last year, and left his three children with a former wife. She was very concerned because she thought he did not love his children. She was so angry at him that she wanted to "destroy him". She sent approximately six or seven threatening letters to Casey Kasem and the first letter was sent on December 24, 1980. The last letter was sent on January 19, 1981. She also sent approximately four letters to radio stations in California, and one letter to a tele- vision station in New York. She could not remember the names of these radio stations or the television station. She said the reason she sent the letters to these stations was that she wanted them to not use Kasem's program anymore. She said that the first letter she sent on December 24, was a very bad letter and she said some "horrible things? in it. In this letter she pretended guy namedl I She was fictitious and she imagined him to a rough-tough black guy". In some of the letters she sent to Kasem, she included photographs of his wedding, which she had cut out of People magazine. On these photographs, she wrote "deat to pigs". She felt that Kasem and were pigs. She was very jealous of Kasem's new Investigatlon on 14/22/81 at Hui?Swan LS 9A- 2 9 0 8 lay?SA w] l" mate dictated 1 /2 1/81 This document contains nelther recommendations nor conciusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and Is tonnes: in your agency: it and Its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency SL and she feels that she was jealous because Kasem's new wife is younger than she is. She said that she did not think Kasem would take the letters seriously, and she also did not think anyone would ever find out that she had written them. When the interviewing Agent asked her why she had put her Post Office Box Number on the envelopes, she replied that she did not know, but she thought that maybe she secretly wanted people to know that she had sent the letters. She said she has not been happy with herself since she sent the letters and she feels "terrible" about everything. She said the last letter she sent was last Monday, and she sent it against her better judgment. She said that this was going to be the last letter she would send. She said that since she began sending the letters, she has had a recurrent nightmare, which takes place in a courtroom. Casey Kasem has sued her for liable because of the things she has written about him in the letters and she has been found guilty. Kasem has sued her because he lost his job because of her letters. When she was sentenced, Kasem came up to her and said hope you burn in hell for what you did." At this point in her nightmare, she wakes up. She said she was so angry at Kasem that she had considered calling the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) and telling them that one of their announcers was going to be killed. However, she did not go through with this because she was afraid the telephone call would be traced. She said she had also considered buying a gun and going to California and shooting Kasem. She was influenced in this thinking by the shooting of John Lennon. However, she never purchased any weapon, and she said that she has no intention of going to California and shooting Kasem. She said that she is sure she could not shoot anyone. She advised that approximately nine years ago, she sent some threatening letters to television celebrity Monty Hall, because she was in love with him- She was very angry at Hall because he had stated that he was going to vote for George McGovern, and she was a big Nixon fan. .1- 6 SL She said that in one of the letters which she she had mentioned something about_ . being at a party. However, her fictitional b6 friend, Mary, was not at this party. Casey Kasem was at the Party and he got very drunk and made abusive comments about his family. She said that this party was something She made up in her mind and she had almost convinced her- self that the party actually occurred. She reiterated that she feels terrible about sending the threatening letters to Casey Kasem and she promised that she would never do it again. She advised that she is planning on seeing a in Granite City, Illinois, and she will do this within the next few weeks. The following description of was obtained from observation and interview: Name: I I b5 5 Race: Caucasian b7c? Sex: Female Height: Approximately 5'5" Weight: Approximately 150 pounds Date-of Birth: Social Security Number: Address: Telephone: Employment: Federal Records Center, 9?00 Page Boulevard, St. Louis County, Missouri to ch (Rev. 5-22-73} . F.- 1 . FBI PRECEDENCE: Teletype Immediate [j Facsimile Priority ET: AIRTIFEL Routine SUBJECT: UNSUB. aka, CASE: nebmm EXTORTION (A) 00: LOS ANGELES Iii-?P??h. teletype to Los Angeles, 1/23/81. I i Enclosed for Los Angeles ?go: I Los ANGELES (en?6951) ?ts/e? SAC, ST. (en?2908) (RUG) Re: Los Angeles teletype to St. Louis; l/2l/Bl, St. Louis telcall to Los Angeles, 1/22/81, and St. Louis . one no of an FD-302 regarding the interview of and interview notes. . l' 1 - Los Angeles (Enclosures - B?gfk?el CLAS SIFICATION: I: TOP SECRET SECRET I: CONFIDENTIAL UNCLAS I: {moms are the original and a St. Louis - (3) f, . 555mm new 3 same: . i' Transmitted r?g?mgl?sg 5 (Number) {Time} j? GOVERNMENT PRINTIN OFFICE: 1980-605-75 136 I370. LADQII 523% Ik+? PP SL DE LA t- mum?rm..- 1-.-.- 933*? he: . 353?} {5 2899312 Jam 81 . 3? F31 LOS ANGELES (9121-5951) -- S?m?ug a TO SI. PRIORITY ET UNCLAS TO, AKA 4" maps; CASEY KASEM - VICTIM, EXTORI ION - THEATENING LETTER, 00: LOS ANGELES REFER TO ST. LOUIS TELETYFE T0 L05 am?ELEs DATED JANUARY 23, 1981, TITLE MARKED CHENGED T0 gnaw TRUE IDENTITY OF SUBJECT WHICH was PREVIGUSLY EARRIED as axal MATTER REFERRED TO RUSA, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, on JANUARY 25, 1981, AND ausg ADVISED THAT HE WOU THIS TIME I HUSA MORE LETTER AITEMPTING LD DECLINE PROSECUTION 0F SUBJECT AT THE BEST INTEREST OF ADVISED THAT IF THE SUBJECT WRITES ONE OR COMMITS ANY GUERT ACT SUCH AS TO TELEPHONE 0R TO TRAVEL TO THE .- I36 137?: 9v??gvx-7 "3'95 3:39:53 it?? 1:55 b7C PAGE THO (SR-6951) UNCLAS LGCATIOH THAT HE WOULD VERY DEFINITELY ENTERIQIN THE IDEA 0F PROSECUTING THE SUBJECT UNDER THE EXTOHTIUN STATUTE. ACSA REQUESTED THAT BE RECCRTACTEC - RCT TR TT RAT DTETRISH THE EXCELLEHT EFFECT CHTAIHED BY ACEHT UISIT) ARC ADUTSE THE SUBJECT OF HIS CPIRIRR. TT :3 REQUESTED THAT THE AGENT ALRC CETERHTRE, ERCH THE SUBJECT THAT THE STRATETCARCE OF THE MONTH-0F CURE ARC, ARE. IT 13 REQUESTED THAT THE SUBJECT BE ASHER RHER HER UACRTION IS SCHEDULED IN RH EFFORT I0 QLERT THE VICTIM IN THE EVENT THE SUBJECT ATTEMPTS TO COME TO FOR THE INFORMATIGN OF ST. LOUIS, THE VICTIM RECEIVED THC LETTERS CR JANUARY 26, 1981, BUT IT APPEARS THAT THEY HERE MRILED CH JANUARY 9,'1981. CHE LETTER TR PARTICULAR-HAS EXTREMELY VICIOUS ARC POSITIVELY THE LIFE 0% THE ARC HIS IT IS ASSUREC THAT THESE ARE THE LETTERS THE SUBJECT To RRITTRC TH THE TRTERUTEH. 136 hi?: . *1 gm . up PRGE THREE (RR-5951) UNCLAS LEAD: .ST. LOUIS: RI ST. MISSOURI: RILL IELEPHONICALLY THE SUBJECT AND ADUISE LOS ANGELES UR THE RESULTS. ET 4- .. . -u v?l'wml?l! I TELEWPE 30%; 6.1-0 1" 9 q? ?1123 7- 15?? n? at, F: 31 I (ENC) TD L03 EQUINE M-hdM-a? .1 - b6 - 1:70 PB: I NEWLFS. 1 up. RH L03 TO ST. LOVES, Id 1. DWCL IEIQT OF AUSA 1'35?! J?m?j?r?W ?29, 1991. SUBJECT ELSE) 1 . PR ?crs MULLD 1M PROSECUICN. 99*0 M0 0F ANY 0R OF AMY StaJ?cT "qo?rr*oF "Tle TO 05? LOS AEGELES EITHER LIE-HT 053 THIS 6 Io Kasrw. Howrv??, 993? war BLEFF. . DFTS HOT xvow wnyu HILL T9 No? If. w?ww SHE DUES T?x? 0v -. ?r?f?vr Ag. rill)?, a ?v ..1 . 3135;; his i we I n. ?rm? (9 HO INTENT BF CM. ga?rw ?mn Ana um T0 9232?? 152 L31 .L h- I Fill-302 (Rev. 3-33?) . FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 2/2/81 l1?? Date of transcription I lAttornev at Law, I he I I was advised of the identity of the interviewer as being a Special Agent (SA) of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and wag advised as to the purpose of the interview. furnished the following information: On January 28, 1981, he was advised that a letter had been received which was addressed to Mr. Casey Kasem, care of American Top P.O. Box 2000, Hollywood, California, 90028. The letter which was postmarked St. Louis, Missouri, 8 Jan, 1981 was handprinted and similar to other letters received by Mr. Kasem which had been signed by This letter stated in part, "Kasem if you think my previous threats were pranks so did she, and look what happened to her The letter also contained an article which had been cut out of a newspaper which had a byline from the "Globe Democrat? staff writer which reported the murder of a T5 year old woman in her home on Christmas Day. The article related that the woman had received telephone threats over the past several years which advised her that she was going to be killed on Christmas Day. The woman was found strangled to death in her home at 4:00 p.m. on Christmas Day. The paragraphs concerning threatening phone calls and the woman trusting in God rather than telling the police about the calls and the actual murder itself were underlined in pen. The article which was, ?Continued on page was missing the continuation. Investigation on 1 at ??geles 3? Egypj a File #1 QE 5951'? 136 by SA 10 Date dictated 1/ 2 9 8 137?: This documem contains neither recornmendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is Ioaned to your agency: i1 and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agencih 2 Addressee L05 Angelas RFE/nlc (3) we: can 552e, II iN?i-igvil? :54 :L/i-r 0 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE .- a, when-'1- Wilshire Boulevard ?a?gWJm;?R??m' Los Angeles, California 93024 9 February 2, 1981 Honorable Andrea Sheridan Ordin RB: :gc United States Attorney Casey Kasem - victim U. S. Department of Justice Extortion Threatening U. 8. Courthouse, Room 1269 letter Los Angeles, California 90012 Attention: AUSA Dear Ms. Ordin: This letter serves to confirm a conversation which was conducted telephonicallv on January 28, 1981, between Special Agentl of the Los Angeles Office of the Federal Bureau of Tnveat-natjon and Assistant United I States Attorney CAUSA) of our office. the conversation, Specie gen advised AUSA of the circumstances surrounding the receipts of numerous letters which threatened the life of television notable Casey Kasem, his present wife, his ex-wife and his three children, Mr. Kasem recently married for the second time and the details of the wedding were carried in the December issue of ?People" magazine including a photograph of be, his bride, the Reverend Jesse Jackson and the best man Lieutenant Govenor Mike Curb. Shortly after the article appeared in "People" magazine, a series of letters which were addressed to various television stations, NBC Television . Studio, the Watermark Corporation which is Kasem?s corporation producing the ?American Top 40" radio program.which is syn? dicated to 600 stations, and'the "American Top l?u?television program.which is also widely syndicated. The letters make reference to Kasem's recent marriage and accuse him of physically abusing his three children and wishin that the children were dead. The author signed the lettersl land indicated b6 that he, Kasem, was responsible forl b7c recent suicide because of disillusionment with Kasem?s re- ported behavior?toward his first wife and their three children. Investigation at Burbank, California St. Louis, Missouri determined thatl I was in fact a year old woman named] Who was a long-time fan and ad- mirer of Kasem. I 1. . . I had _written the Watermark Studios in the early summer of and inquired of the studio if she would be permitted to visit the taping of one of Kasem programs since she was a fan and considered herself to be President of the Missouri chapter of the Casey Kasem Fan Club. The studio sent back a form letter advising her that if she ever visited Los Angeles, California that she would be welcome to sit in on one of the programs. The next day she arrived and was permitted to visit the studio and was introduced to Kasem. She was extended the usual courtesies and allowed to have her picture taken with Kasem and she departed the studio heading back to Missouri. Upon interview by a Special Agent of the Federal of Investigation at St. Louis, I admitted that she had written the letters threatening ifs of Kasem and members of his family. She stated that she was in love with Kasem and when she learned that he had married a woman who was younger than her she was bitterly disappointed and decided to ruin Kasemis reputation. She .regretted sending the letters and has been bothered by the fact that she wrote and did in fact mail the letters. She stated that she created whom she envisioned as a large black man who would give her information about Kasem. She stated that all the accusations about Kasem' behavior toward members of his family were created by her and were in fact untrue. She stated that she was intending to seek help in view of the fact that the most recent letters that she mailed, and, which probably had not been received by Kasem at the time of the interview, were the most vicious of all the letters she sent. She stated that she was disgusted with her behaviour in sending the last several letters. She stated that she did not want her mother or father to know what she had done and she was greatly fearful that her employer,_t the Federal Government at the National Record Processing Center at St. Louis, would find out what she had done and dismiss her. She stated that she had no intention of actually carrying out the threats, but aft er the death of the musician John Lennon, she thought about getting a gun and shooting Mr. Kasem, but she really knew that she could not do that and would never attempt it. Casev Kasem was alerted to the facts that it was she sent the letter and the admissions that b6 b6 1:6 I b7C she_ had made inasmuch as he was greatly concerned that she would, in fact, attempt to harm his wife and his three children. After hearing the circumstance ?ing the mailing of threatening letters AUSA I ha advised that he would decline prosecution ofl b7c for violation of the Extortion statute at this time. AUSA stated that in view of the fact that was seeking help and that she had not made any overt attempt to carry out the threat and in no way actually harmed Mr. Kasem or members of his family, that justice may not be most equitably served by prosecution of this woman if in fact the threatening letters and all other efforts by her to contact Kasem have sto ed. However, b6 stated that in the event thatl lcontinues her letter writing activity or commits any overt act in an effort to carry out her threats against Mr. seriously entertain the idea of prosecuting for violation of the extortion statute. He stated that should be made aware of the declination of prosecution With the stipulation that all activities on her part toward Mr Kasem or members of his family should immediately stop. Based on the opinion of AUSA Federal Bureau of Investigation at Los Angeles, California, will re? quest the St. Louis Federal Bureau of Investigation Office to advise the AUSA's opinion and mai tact with Kasem.for a 30 day period to determine if . activities have indeed ceased. In the event that she persists in continuing the threats, the Federal Bureau of Investi? gation at Los Angeles will reopen the matter and immediately advise . be . f\ r. v??i . Very truly yours, - . 1/:1 b< EDGAR N. BEST Special Agent in Charge Bv: I Supervisory Special Agent Fuse: tnev. ass-tn . . . FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 2f9/81 Date of transcription I I Attorney at Law,I I b5 I Iwas advised of the 573 identity of the interviewer as being a Special Agent of the Federal Bureau of "?vestidstinn and was advised as to the purpose of the interviews. Ifurnished the following information: As an attorney, he represents a well known television personality named Casey Kasem who is a television announcer, actor, and television producer. Kasem has a syndicated radio show known as the, ?American Top Forty?, and a television syndicated program called, ?American Top Ten?. Mr. Kasem is extremely well known in the entertainment industry across the nation and is highly respected as a professional and as a individual. The National Broadcasting Company, located at Burbank, California, received a type?written letter postmarked the eighth of January, 1981, at St. Louis, Missouri, with a return address 0 Louis, Missour 68132. The letter, which was signed?:?f??::ffj tells NBC that the author met b5 Casey Kasem at a party and that Kasem after drinking a lot 573 admitted how he enjoyed abusing his own children. The author then states that adored Kasem and Ef?f?j reading how Kasem deserted his wife and three children, was so upset that she killed herself with a shotgun blast. The author wanted Kasem fired by the end of June or he would make sure that the viewers boycott the network, would have Kasem blackballed from all the media, and that Kasem's new wife and three ?may suffer serious physical Consequences?. stated that none of the people involved b5 with Mr. asem had any idea of what the writer was talking about 573 or who the writer was. On January 14, 1981, a second letter which was addressed to Watermark, Incorporated, North Hollywood, California, was received and was signed, and below that was typed IOverland, Missouri 63114. This letter states that the writer still wants Kasem fired because of remarks made at a party. The writer included the Post Office Box and stated that it belonged to a lady who adores Casey hasem but who has no idea of what the writer is 1/14?15/81 Los Angeles, California Los Angeles Investigation on at File . b6 1 28 81 b? SAI Date dictated bl?: This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. a LA 51 doing by sending these letters. states that Kasem is extremely concerned b6 for the safety of his former wife and three children. He stated b7o that Kasem was divorced SOme time ago and has just recently remarried. He stated that the marriage was the topic of an article in a December 1980 edition of "People? magazine and this may have spurred the author to write the letters. SERIALS 9% ?r/w K?2?%ru wiif Fo-ecz mar. 3-3-37} . . . FEDERAL BUREAU OF 1 2/9/81 Date of transcription Cassy I Los Angeles, California, 462?6266, was advised of the identity of the interviewer as being a Special Agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and was advised as to the purpose of the interview. Mr. Kasem furnished the following information: Over the recent three weeks he has been the recepient i of numerous vicious and threatening letters. The letters which i are all signed have been sent to various radio and b6 television stations as well as to the Watermark Company and b70_ NBC Studios. The letters accused him of mistreating his three children and threaten his life, the lives of his children, and the life of his wife. During December of 1980 he was married and a photograph of the wedding ceremony was published in ?People? magazine and that is when the threatening letters started. Along with one letter was the photograph which had been cut out of ?People? magazine with threats inked across the face of the photo. In the early summer of 1980 the Watermark Studio received a request from the girl in Missouri which asked that she be allowed to visit the studio if she ever came to Los Angeles inasmuch as she was a fan of Casey Kasem and the American Top Forty radio program. The studio wrote back and told her that if she ever did come to Los Angeles she would be a guest at one of the programs. The next day she arrived from Missouri, met him, and was present durin one of the taping sessions of his program. She requested that be allowed to have her picture taken with him and he agreed. During the picture session she attempted to kiss him but he backed away from her and asked that she be looked after by someone else during the taping session and he insured that she was put in a cab and sent back to the airport. He did not have, nor has not since had, any contact with his woman. He is greatly concerned for the safety of the members of his family and fears that the girl who wrote these letters may come to Los Angeles and attempt to carry out the threats that she has made. 1/24/81 Los Angeles, California Los Angeles ea-essidFsa investigation on at File 311 SA {och 1X28f81 b5 i by Date dictated 137:: This document contains neither recommendations no: conclusions of the FBI. 1: is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agencv: it end its contents are not to be distributed outside your 399-1105"- I i 9?07 M551 u- .RGHED :3 SERIALIIEMEEU ?if: I: EB @381 -- b6 Fo-aoz (REV. . a . FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION II?ll Date of transcription I IAttorney at Law, I I I was advised of the identity of the interviewer as being a Special Agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and was advised as to the purpose of the interview. I Ifurnished the following information: Two more letters were received in the mail which were addressed to Casey Kasem and were The letters were more vicious and more menacing than those previously received. They instruct Kasem to quit his radio and television show and his NBC job, ?By_the end of June or else I?ll come out to California and kill you, your 'wife' and yhur three kids this is a promise I'll do it too because I know where you The letter was block printed in red ink. The other letter was written on six small pieces of paper and was handprinted and signed Among other threats the Writer states for you you're ugly anyway so a bullet thru your heart will be first and then I'll pour kerosene on your dead body and torch you until its The letters bore the return address on the envelope NPRC, St. Louis, Missouri, and were postmarked St. Louis, Missouri. b6 b?C lf28X8l Los Angeles, California Los Angeles Investigation on at File PF SA /cch lf28/Bl by Date dictated This document contains neither recommendations nor conciusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to IIrour agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. b6 9 ~54 9?0? u. .RGHEBW . UP FEB i 15:81 h? b7C #11} if?? Memorandum To From Subject I 019 SAC, LOS ANGELES (Cal) (0) D?e 5/1/81 SA b6 eve CASEY KASEM 1 VICTIM EXTORTIUN THREATENING LETTER 00: Los Angeles In January, 1981, the victim, a nationally known radio and television personality, began to receive threatening letters from an anonymous writer. Investigation determined the identity of the subject and an interview elicited a confession and that matter was presented to the United States Attorney (USA) at Los Angeles. On January 26, 1981, Assistant United States Attorney (AUSA) declined prosecution of the subject inasmuch as she had no prior criminal record and was submitting herself to treatment. The opinion of the AUSA recommended that the matter be followed for a 30 day period to determine if any other criminal activity was carried on by the subject. As.of 4/27/81, the victim advised that he had not receive any additional threatening letters or any contact om the subject whatsoever. Based on the opinion of the AUSA, who prosecution in this matter, is recommened the matter be closed. a mass sauna JILEBW 1931 kw?; ?t 1 6132662 7 (\QgZEEZECZ JUN 81 FM LOS ANGELES TO SI. LOUIS (SA-2938) PRIORITY BI UNCLAS CASEY KASEM - VICTIM, b6 Hm - THREATENING LETTER, 00: L05 ANGELES RE LCS ANGELES TELETYPE T0 ST. LOUIS, JANUARY 27, 1981. SUBSEQUENT T0 REFERENCED TELETYPE POINTING EMT THE CCNDITICNAL DECLINATION CF PROSECUTION BY LCS ANGELES HUSH THE A LETTER TO THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CONCERNING CAPTIONEB VICTIM. THE LETTER, MHICH DID NOT CCNTAIN THREATS AGAINST THE LIFE OF HASEM DR MEMBERS OF HIS FAMILY, ACCUSED HIM 0F RAPE, ALCOHOLISN AND SEXUAL QBUSE CF NEMBERS OFIHIS OWN FAMILY. INASMUCH AS THE LETTER HAS NOT DIRECTED TO KASEM. THE 69,; 9J/a/5? HUZED PAGE TWO (SR-6951) EROLRS MATTER OAS ROT TO THE SUSS. ON JUNE 25, 1981, UIOTIE EOUISEO THAT HE HRS RECEIVED A LETTER OF RPOLOET FROM THE SUBJECT RRTOR STATED THAT SHE WOULD NOT RRITE ANY MORE LETTERS. IN THE LETTER SHE STATED THAT SHE NAS SOIRS TO CONTACT A PRIEST AND STRSISRTER OUT HER LIFE. THE MATTER WAS REPRESENTED TO AUSA LOS RRSELES, CRLIFORNIR, IRRSMUOR RS THE LETTER TO KASEM WAS A THE CONDITIONS OF PROSECUTIVE DECLINATION ISSUED BY AUSA ADVISED THAT THE SUBJECT SHOULD BE REINTERVIENED CONCERNING THE VIOLATION OF THE PROMISE THAT SHE HAD MADE NOT TO RECONTACT KASEN. PARENTS SHOULD BE MADE ANARE OF THE CONTINUATION OF LETTERS TO THE VICTIM AND THE CONSEQUENCES EXPLHINED TO THEM IF THE SUBJECT CONTINUES WRITING THESE LETTERS. SUBJECT SHOULD AGAIN BE WARNED AGAINST b6 ch PAGE THREE (SA-6951) UNCLAS ANY CONTACT MADE BY HER WITH THE VICTIM IN THIS MATTER INASMUCH AS PROSECUTIDN WOULD I I I PUSITIUELY BE I VICTIM IS EXTREMELY CUNCERNED FOR THE SAFETY BF HIMSELF AND MEMBERS OF HIS FAMILY. ST. LOUIS MT ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI: MILL EXPEDITIOUSLY CONCERNING MATTERS SET FORTH ABOVE. WELEWPE ?90? '1 3? 19:2;2515 2 PP LA DE 1718452 JUL 81 FE ST. LOUIS (QA-ZSEBD (PF TD LOS ANGELES (SA-6951) ET EECLAS CASEY KASEM - VICTIM, EXTORTION - b6 INS LETTER, 00: LBS ANGELES. RE LUS AMGELES TELETYPE T0 ST. LOUIS, DATED JUNE 25, 1981. SUBJECT REINTERUIEHED AND DURING SANE ADVISED LETTER MAILED T0 CALIFORNIA, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, OH MAY 1951, AND TO THE mama 0N mm 28, 1981, HERE THE SAME LETTERS FGR HHICH SA ALREADY SPDKE TO HER 0m JUNE 2, ?931. REIMTERATED SHE HAD we INTENTIDNS 0F HARAING KASEN awn was SORRY ABOUT THE THINGS SHE HAD SAID. INDICATED SHE WAS NOT TRAVELLIAG TO CALIFORNIA THIS SUMMER FOR ANY PURPOSE. SHE HAS STRONGLY ADVISED ANY FURTHER LETTERS NUULD LEAD TO HER PROSECUTION. 0F IRTERUIEM 0F WILL BE FORWARDED UNDER SEPARATE COVER. ET ?2.9 1m! #2 i I b6 . Fi 12 (REV. 3-3-57} FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date of transcription 7/1 5/8 1 Missouri, telephone was contacted at the Federal Records Center, 9700 Page Boulevard, St. Louis, where she is employed as an After being advised of the identity of the Agent, she prov1ded the following: She recalled having been interviewed by Special Agentl earlier in the year concerning some letters she had written to Casey Kasem and again in June: 1981 concerning letters she had written to the Hollywood, California Chamber of Commerce and Kasem. During the latter contact she said she would not write any more letters and since that time insisted she had not. Regarding the letter sent to she wrote it on May 10, 1981 after she had seen asem on television with his new wife and during which he did not mention his former wife. became upset with Kasem, but waited until May 198 mail the letter. She also mailed a copy of the letter containing a suicide note to Kasem's production company. Because his shows seemed to bother she has ceased watching and is coping much better. On May 28, her letter of apology to Kasem and mailed it the same day. As a result of the she has continued to have the hi htmare which was described during a prior interview. Iadvised she recognizes she has 'lems and did go to see a I Ion June 8, 1981. However, she did not feel he pe her and did not return. She ha i i locating another through St. Raymond?s Maronite Church, 931 Lebanon, St. Louis, Missouri, within the next week and said she would contact the writer when she did. noted in April, l972 she went to Chicago to meet as she had fallen in love with him much as she fell for Kasem. However, she began writing anonymous threatening letters to him because they supported different political candidates. She estimated she sent five or six letters in all. Investigation on 7/8/8l at St? Lou-is MD - Fne 81' WEI [[me Date dictated 7/10/8l This document contalns neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be outside your agency- j; b6 b6 b6 SL b6 3 b?C_ was advised that to continue her writing of letters was not in her best interests as she either could be prosecuted under the Federal Extortion Statute or confined in a Federally run hospital. She was also informed any additional letters would necessitate interv? parents to which she pleaded the writer not to do. 'promised there would be no more letters and she Was not going to California this summer. kmac?anm smmzan JUL 2 0 1981 - Los magma; (I) . e? (Rev. 1-17?77) . 3' UNITED STATES ERNMENT Memorandum TO sec, LOS ANGELES (en?6951) DATE: 7/15/81 FROM SAC, ST. LOUIS 53 RUC SUBJECT: aka- cesm? (A) 00: LA Enclosed are 4 items. These items are forwarded your of?ce since: All logical investigation completed in this Division You were 00 at the time our case was Enclosures are described as follows: File Program 136 lit-TC Oriqinal and one copy of of interview with b6 Gis- ?Qq51'/5 amass" 3- anuzu Os Angeles 1. .IULZQ UEHC. 3 1-513: 1101113 DO NOT BLOCK STAMP ORIGINAL . . MBA/ping and interview notes . b6 2 Addressee 439 Los Angeles (SA-6951) RFB: -mmw mm 33533? 5 Ini'L 51% - 3.15 Datei We SEARQHED "ma FILED i UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 11000 Wilshire Boulevard I Los Angeles, California 90024 . October 20, 1931 Honorable Andrea Sheridan Ordin Re: I United States Attorney Extortion - Threatening U. S. Department of Justice Letter U. 8. Courthouse, Room 1269 Los Angeles, California 90012 Attention Dear Ms. Ordin: This letter serves to confirm a conversation which was conducted tele honicall on Jun323, 198l, between Assistant U. S. Attornevi Iof your office and Special Agentl of the Los Angeles Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. During this conversation ecial advised Assistant U. S. the circum~ stances surrounding the receipt a etter by the Hollywood, California Chamber of Commerce which concerned television noteable Casey Kasem.which accused Mr. Kasem of rape, alcoholism and sexual abuse of members of his own family. The letter was a continuation of a series of events which began in January of 1981, wherein Mr. Kasem received numerous threatening letters which were not signed. Investigation determined thatthe author of the letters was I Ian employee of the Federal Records Center at St. Louis, Missouri. I Was interviewed and admitted writing the letters and stated that she would not I 41 -b5 b6 make any further contact or write any letters with Mr. Kasem. On January 26, 1981, Assistant U. S. Attorney . your office declined prosecution ofl for violation of the Extortion Statute inasmuch as 's was seeking help and had not made any overt attempt to carry out the threats to Mr. his family. However, Assistant U. S. Attorney stated that in the event thatl Icontinued her letter writing activity or committed any overt act in an effort to carry out her threats against Mr. Kasem, he would very seriously entertain the idea of rosecuting dec her for violation of the Extortion Statute. was made clearly aware of the conditions attached to ?ination of prosecution concerning the cessation of all her threatening activities. The letter which was received at the Hollywood, California Chamber of Commerce did not threaten but made allegations against Mr. Kasem had made in the past and had herself refuted. On July 8, 198l, Iwas again inter? viewed and stated that she did write the letter and that she was sorry that she had. She stated that she did visit a in St. Louis, Missouri, but did not feel that the doctor had helped her. She was attempting to locate a different through the help of a Catholic priest at St. Louis, Missouri, and felt that she would receive appropriate consultation. She again stated that she would not make any addi- tional efforts to contact Kasem or anyone else concerning him and that the allegations that she had made were false. Prior tol interview, Assistant U.S. Attorne? lstated that inasmuch as the stipulation b6 b7c_ 3:16 1378 136 'should not contact Casey Kasem againr he felt at writing of a letter to the Hollywood, California Chamber of Commerce was not a violation of the conditions. made Assistant U. S. Attorney: was that 3?5 Assistant U. S. Attorney requested be interviewed and again warned about her letter writing activities insofar as violation of the Extortion Statute were concerned. Assistant U. S. Attorneyl Istated that b5 he would not authorize prosecution ofl inasmuch as this does not appear to be the type of matter which would best be resolved in Federal Court. He stated that after was interviewed, contact should be maintained wit Mr. Kasem to determine if her letter writing activities ceased. On October 17, 1981, in uirv determined that no further contact had been made by in connec? tion with Casey Kasem. In view of the opinion of Assistant U. S. Attorney the Federal Bureau of Investigation at Los b6 Angeles is not conducting any further investigation. Very truly yours, {it"hc EDGAR . BEST Special Agent in Charg Supervisory Special Agent 3*