MONMOUTH COUNTY UNIFORM POLICY DRUG TESTING OF LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL JANUARY 24, 2018 II. TABLE OF Policy Statement 2 Implementation 3 A. Definitions 3 B. Applicability 3 C. Noti?cation of CD8 Testing Procedures 4 D. Random CDS Testing for Law Enforcement Of?cers 5 E. Specimen Acquisition Procedures 6 F. Specimen Collection: Applicants, Trainees, Sworn LEOs 7 G. Submission of Specimens for Analysis 9 H. Analysis of Specimens 9 1. CDS Test Results (Negative v. Positive) 10 J. Consequences of a Positive Test Result 11 K. Consequences of Refusal to Submit to a CDS Test 12 L. Officer Who Resigns/Retires After Testing Positive or Refusing Test 12 M. Record Keeping 12 N. Central Drug Registry 13 ATTACHED FORMS Attachment A: Drug Screening Applicant Notice and Acknowledgment Attachment B: Drug Screening Medication Information Attachment C: Random Drug Screening Acknowledgment Attachment D: Noti?cation to the Central Drug Registry Page 1 1. POLICY STATEMENT The purpose of this policy is to establish a uniform policy and respective procedures for the implementation of mandatory drug testing for all Monmouth County law enforcement agencies. Law enforcement agencies have a legal responsibility and management obligation to ensure a drug free and safe work environment; as well as paramount interest in protecting the public by ensuring that its' employees have the physical stamina and emotional stability to perform their assigned duties. A requirement for employment must be an employee who is free from drug dependence, illegal drug use or drug abuse. Also, liability could be found against the agency and the employee if we fail to address and ensure that employees can perform these duties without endangering themselves, other officers or the public. Finally, there is suf?cient evidence to conclude that use of illegal drugs, drug dependence, and drug abuse seriously impairs an employee's performance and general physical and mental health, places fellow employees at risk, and causes the public to lose con?dence in the police to properly perform their duties. The Attorney General Guidelines mandate drug testing if reasonable suspicion exists. Therefore, each municipal law enforcement agency shall include in its Rules Regulations as defined in N.J.S.A. 40Azl4-118, and every Monmouth County law enforcement agency shall include in appropriate standard operating procedures a provision that individual law enforcement of?cers will be ordered to submit to a drug test when there is reasonable suspicion to believe that the of?cer is illegally using drugs. While the Attorney General?s Guidelines on Drug Testing does not require law enforcement agencies to drug test applicants, nor does it require law enforcement agencies to implement a random drug testing program for sworn of?cers, such testing is a requirement for Monmouth County law enforcement agenmes. Whether it involves reasonable suspicion or random selection, these Rules Regulations/SOP?s/Policy shall also provide that a negative result is a condition of employment as a sworn of?cer and that a positive result will result in the officer?s termination from employment, inclusion of the of?cer?s name in the Central Drug Registry and the officer being permanently barred from future law enforcement employment in NJ. Page 2 II. POLICY IMPLEMENTATION A. DEFINITIONS . APPLICANT: A person who applies for a position as a law enforcement officer who, if appointed, will be responsible for the enforcement of the criminal laws of this State and will be authorized to carry a firearm under N.J.S.A. 2C: 39-6. CENTRAL DRUG REGISTRY: This is the statewide data base that is maintained by the NJ SP in which the names and corresponding information of all law enforcement applicants, trainees and/or sworn of?cers who test positive for any of the substances delineated in this Directive, or the corresponding AG Directive, are to be reported and recorded. . RANDOM SELECTION: Random selection shall be defined as a method of selection in which each and every sworn member of the agency (EXCLUDING TRAINEES IN A POLICE ACADEMY AND SWORN OFFICERS ON EXTENDED LEAVE), regardless of rank or assignment, has an equal chance to be selected for drug testing each and every time a selection is conducted. (NOTE: For the purposes of this Policy, ?extended sick/injury leave? is defined as an illness/injury in which the of?cer?s return is not anticipated for at least one month from the date of the selection process.) . SWORN OFFICER: Persons who are responsible for the enforcement of the criminal laws of this State, come under the jurisdiction of the Police Training Act and are authorized to carry a firearm under N.J.S.A. 2C: 39-6. . TRAINEE: A person who is employed by the agency and is subject to the Police Training Act while they attend a mandatory basic training course. . APPLICABILITY 1. APPLICANTS: Although drug testing of applicants is not mandated by the AG Guidelines, such testing is a requirement for law enforcement agencies in Monmouth County as part of the screening process of applicants for the position of a law enforcement officer. The testing will occur once a conditional offer of employment is made. 2. TRAINEES: a. Random: Trainees are required to submit one or more urine specimens for testing while they attend a mandatory basic training course. All drug testing conducted during mandatory basic training will comply with the rules regulations established by the Police Training Commission (PTC). b. Reasonable Suspicion: Individual trainees may also be required to submit a urine specimen for testing when there is reasonable suspicion to believe that the trainee is illegally using drugs. A trainee shall be ordered to submit to a Page 3 drug test based on reasonable suspicion only with the approval of the County Prosecutor, the Chief Executive Officer of the of?cer?s agency or the Academy Director. 3. SWORN LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS: a. Urine specimens shall be ordered from a sworn law enforcement of?cer when there is reasonable suspicion to believe that the of?cer is illegally using drugs. Urine specimens shall not be ordered from an officer without the approval of the County Prosecutor or the Chief Executive Officer of the of?cer?s agency. b. Urine specimens may be ordered from sworn law enforcement officers who have been randomly selected to submit to a drug test, during a regularly scheduled and announced medical examination or a ?tness for duty examination. However, the collection and analysis of these specimens obtained via medical or ?tness for duty exams are not governed by this policy. C. NOTIFICATION OF CDS TESTING PROCEDURES 1. APPLICANTS: As part of the application process, the agency will notify applicants in writing that drug testing is part of the screening process and that a negative test result is a condition of employment. Additionally, the applicant will be advised in writing as to the ramifications of a positive test result or a refusal to submit a sample, which are: a. Applicant being dropped from consideration for employment; b. Cause the applicants name to be reported to the Central Drug Registry; c. Preclude the applicant from being considered for future law enforcement employment for a period of two (2) years. Additionally, the noti?cation shall indicate that if the applicant is already a sworn law enforcement officer with another agency and the of?cer tests positive for illegal drug use, the officer?s employing agency will be noti?ed of the test results and the officer will be terminated from employment and permanently barred from future law enforcement employment in NJ . 2. TRAINEE: All trainees shall be given written notice that drug testing will take place while he/she attends the basic police academy and that a negative test result is a condition of employment. This notice also informs the trainee of the rami?cations of a positive test result or a refusal to submit a sample, which are: a. Trainee being terminated from employment. b. The inclusion of the trainee?s name in the Central Drug Registry. c. The trainee being permanently barred from future law enforcement employment in NJ. 3. SWORN LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS REASONABLE SUSPICION TESTING: Page 4 a. Testing Required: Individual law enforcement officers will be ordered to submit to a drug test when there is a reasonable suspicion to believe that the of?cer is illegally using drugs. b. Required Documentation: Before an officer may be ordered to submit to a drug test based on reasonable suspicion, a written report that documents the basis for the reasonable suspicion shall be prepared. The County Prosecutor or the Chief Executive Officer of the of?cer?s agency shall review the report before a reasonable suspicion test may be ordered. Under emergent circumstances, approval may be given for a reasonable suspicion test on the basis of a verbal report. c. Negative Test Result Required for Employment: A negative result is a condition of employment, as delineated in the agency?s Rules Regulations/SOP?s/Policy. d. Refusal to Submit or Positive Test Result: If the officer refuses to submit to a drug test based on reasonable suspicion after being lawfully ordered to do so or produces a positive result from a drug test, the employee will be: 1) terminated from employment; 2) included in the Central Drug Registry; 3) permanently barred from future law enforcement employment in NJ. RANDOM CDS TESTING FOR SWORN LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS: Each agency?s Rules Regulations/SOP?s/Policy will include statements/ provisions addressing the following issues: 1. ELIGIBILITY FOR DRUG TESTING: With few exceptions, all sworn members of the agency are eligible for random drug testing, regardless of rank or assignment. The method of random selection shall ensure that every sworn officer in the agency has an equal chance to be selected for testing each and every time a selection takes place. Officers who are on extended sick/injury leave and trainees in the police academy will be excluded from the agency random selection. (NOTE: Such reason for such exclusions shall be documented. Trainees are subject to the academy's drug screening process.) 2. TO BE TESTED: The Rules Regulations/SOP?s/Policy shall delineate the frequency in which random drug testing shall occur (minimally bi-annually) and state the number of sworn of?cers to be selected each time a random selection takes place. This can be expressed as either a number of sworn of?cers or a percentage of sworn of?cers, which in every case shall be less than the total number of sworn officers employed by the agency. 3. MONITORING THE SELECTION PROCESS: The Rules Regulations/SOP?s/Policy shall delineate a monitoring process for the selection process, to include a representative of the collective bargaining unit. 4. CONFIDENTIALITY OF THOSE TO BE TESTED: The Rules Regulations/SOP?s/Policy shall indicate that any member of the agency Page 5 E. who discloses the identity of an officer selected for random testing or the fact that a random selection is scheduled to take place prior to the collection of urine specimens shall be subject to discipline. RANDOM SELECTION SYSTEM: The agency shall adopt a lottery system, whereas each officer?s social security number will be assigned a numerical number and marked on a ball, which is selected from a container. The agency could also perform the random selection via a computerized software that ensures compliance with the random provisions of this Directive. SYSTEM OF COLLECTION OF URINE SPECIMENS: The agency?s Rules Regulations/SOP?s/Policy shall establish a system to collect urine specimens from selected officers in a prompt, efficient and confidential manner. REFUSAL TO PARTICIPATE IN RANDOM CDS TESTING: The agency?s Rules Regulations/SOP?s/Policy shall indicate that any sworn of?cers who refuse to submit to a drug test when randomly selected are subject to the same penalties as those of?cers who test positive for illegal drug use. SPECIMEN ACQUISITION PROCEDURES 1. DESIGNATION OF RESPONSIBILITIES: a. The agency shall designate a member of its staff to serve as monitor of the specimen acquisition process. The monitor shall always be the same sex as the individual being tested. In the event there is no member of the same sex available from the agency, the agency may request that a member of the same sex from another agency serve as monitor of the process. . Monitor?s Responsibilities: 1) Ensuring that all documentation is fully and accurately completed by the individual submitting the specimen. 2) Collecting specimens in a manner that provides for individual privacy while ensuring the integrity of the specimen. 3) Complying with chain of custody procedures established for the collection of urine specimens and their subsequent submission to the NJ State Toxicology Lab within the Division of Criminal Justice for analysis. APPLICANT: a. Prior to submission of a specimen, an applicant for a law enforcement position shall execute the appropriate form consenting to the collection and analysis of his/her urine for illegal drugs. This form shall clearly state that a negative result is a condition of employment and the rami?cations of a positive result. . Once there has been a conditional offer of employment, the applicant will be required to complete the medical questionnaire form prior to submission of a Page 6 specimen; and, list all medications both prescription and over-the?counter (non- prescription) that were ingested within the last thirty (30) days. The conditional offer of employment is a prerequisite for completion of this form. However, applicants who have not received a conditional offer of employment can be required to complete a medical questionnaire if, following submission of their specimen to the State Toxicology Lab for analysis, the law enforcement agency receives a report indicating that the specimen tested positive for controlled substance. 5. TRAINEE: a. Prior to submission of a specimen, the academy staff shall have the trainee complete the applicable form which clearly states that a negative result is a condition of employment and the rami?cations of a positive result. b. The Trainee will be required to complete a medical questionnaire form which clearly describes all medications, both prescription and over-the-counter (non- prescription) that were ingested within the past thirty (30) days. 6. SWORN LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: Prior to submission of a urine specimen, sworn law enforcement of?cers shall complete a medical questionnaire describing all medications, both prescription and over-the-counter (non- prescription) that were ingested within the past thirty (30) days. F. SPECIMEN COLLECT ION: APPLICANTS TRAINEES SWORN LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS 1. CONFIDENTIALITY OF PROCESS: Throughout the test process, the identity of the individual applicants, trainees and sworn law enforcement of?cers shall remain con?dential. Individual specimens shall be identi?ed throughout the process by use of social security numbers. At no time shall an individual?s name appear on any form or specimen container sent to the State Toxicology Lab. 2. CONTAINERS TO BE UTILIZED: Specimens will be collected utilizing equipment and supplies approved by the State Toxicology Lab. Under no circumstances may a specimen be collected and submitted for analysis in a specimen container that has not been approved by the State Toxicology Lab. 3. SPECIMEN ACQUISITION: Urine specimens will be acquired and processed in accordance with procedures established by the State Toxicology Lab. a. The monitor shall inspect the appropriate forms for accuracy/completeness. b. The monitor and the person voiding the sample shall inspect the package in which the specimen bottle is contained to ensure that it is intact. c. The applicant, trainee or sworn of?cer shall empty his/her pockets and thoroughly wash his/her hands prior to the voiding of the sample. (1. The package containing the specimen bottle shall be broken and the applicant, Page 7 trainee or sworn of?cer shall complete the specimen label in pencil. This label shall be placed inside the specimen bottle prior to the voiding of the sample. e. The applicant, trainee or sworn officer shall void into the specimen collection container (50ml). f. After a specimen has been produced, the applicant, trainee or sworn of?cer shall seal the specimen container and deliver it to the monitor. The monitor shall con?rm that the specimen is not adulterated. This includes inspection of the specimen bottle and veri?cation of the temperature of the voided sample via the temperature strip on the specimen bottle. A temperature reading in the range of 90-100 degrees must be reached from 30 seconds after sample is voided and will remain up to 5 minutes after sample is voided. If the temperature is not within this range in the given time frame, the sample is considered to be adulterated and is to be discarded and a new specimen will be obtained while the monitor witnesses the voiding of the specimen. The circumstances surrounding the discarding of the adulterated specimen and the witnessing of the voiding of a new sample must be documented. g. Once the monitor is satis?ed that the required documentation is accurate/complete and he/she has inspected the specimen container to determine that a specimen has been produced, the monitor shall take possession of the specimen, ensure proper chain of custody procedures are adhered to and ensure that it is delivered to the State Toxicology Lab for analysis within one working day. For transportation purposes, the specimen should be placed in a cooler containing ice pack and transported in this manner. 7. MONITOR WITNESSING OF VOIDING OF SAMPLE: Applicant, trainee or sworn officer will void without the direct observation of the monitor unless there is reason to believe that the individual will adulterate the specimen or otherwise compromise the integrity of the test process. Under these circumstances, the production of a specimen may be directly observed by the monitor. The facts underlying the belief that an individual may adulterate a specimen or compromise the integrity of the test process must be documented by the person making that decision. 8. UNABLE TO PRODUCE A SPECHVIEN: Applicants, trainees or sworn of?cers that initially are unable to produce a urine specimen may remain under the supervision of the test monitor until the monitor is satis?ed that the applicant, trainee or sworn of?cer cannot produce a specimen. While the individual is under supervision, the monitor may allow the individual to drink ?uids in an attempt to induce the production of a specimen. If the individual remains unable to provide a specimen after a reasonable period of time, the monitor may have the individual examined by a doctor to determine whether the inability to produce a specimen was the result of a medical or physical in?rmity or constituted a refusal to cooperate with the drug testing process. Page 8 9. SECOND SPECIMEN: Trainees and sworn law enforcement officers shall provide the monitor with a second urine specimen at the same time the ?rst specimen is collected. a. The second specimen shall be collected in the same fashion as the ?rst specimen. The monitor shall take possession of the second specimen and place it in a secured refrigerated storage area. b. The agency shall maintain possession of the second specimen for a period of sixty (60) days or until the agency receives noti?cation from the State Toxicology Lab that the first specimen tested negative for the presence of CD8. 0. The second specimen shall be released by the agency under the following circumstances: 1) The agency is noti?ed by the State Toxicology Lab that the ?rst specimen tested positive for and 2) The agency is informed by the individual whose specimen tested positive that the individual wishes to have the specimen independently tested; and 3) The trainee or officer must designate a lab that is licensed as a clinical lab by the NJ Dept. of Health under the NJ Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act to conduct the independent test; and a representative of the licensed clinical lab designated by the individual takes possession of the second specimen in accordance with accepted chain of custody procedures within sixty (60) days of the date the specimen was produced. SUBMISSION OF SPECIMENS FOR ANALYSIS 1. LAB TO CONDUCT ANALYSIS: The State Toxicology Lab within the Div. of Criminal Justice will constitute the sole facility for the analysis of law enforcement drug tests. Law enforcement agencies are not permitted to use any other facility or lab for purposes of analyzing urine specimens. The State Toxicology Lab must reject specimens that it has reason to believe have been subject to tampering. TIME CONSTRAINTS FOR SUBMITTING SAMPLES: Urine specimens should be submitted to the State Toxicology Lab within one (1) working day of their collection. In the event a specimen cannot be submitted to the lab within one (1) working day of its collection, the agency shall store the specimen in a controlled access refrigerated storage area until submission to the State Toxicology Lab. Although the AG Guidelines authorize commercial couriers for the submission of specimens to the State Toxicology Lab, it is the policy of Monmouth County that specimens are submitted by agency personnel only. ANALYSIS OF SPECIMENS The State Toxicology Lab will utilize the following test procedures to analyze urine specimens for law enforcement agencies: Page 9 1. INITIAL TEST: All specimens will be subject to an initial test utilizing ?uorescence polarization immunoassay analysis. CONFIRMATION TEST: Those specimens that test positive for CD8 following the ?uorescence polarization immunoassay shall be subject to a gas chromatography/mass spectrophotometry analysis to con?rm the presence of the CD8. 2. MEDICAL REVIEW OF POSITIVE RESULTS: In the event a specimen is con?rmed to be positive for a controlled substance following gas chromatography/mass spectrophotometry, a medical review of?cer at the lab shall compare the test results with the medical questionnaire submitted with the specimen to determine whether any substance listed on the questionnaire would explain the test result. The medical review of?cer may direct the PD to obtain additional information from the individual being tested concerning the medications listed on the questionnaire. In the event the questionnaire does not explain the test result, the medical review officer shall issue a report indicating that specimen tested positive. 3. SUBSTANCES TEST IS TO IDENTIFY: The State Toxicology Lab shall analyze each specimen for the following substances and their metabolites: amphetamine/methamphetamine; barbiturates; benzodiazepine; cannabinoids; cocaine; methadone; Opiates; and Sgroids, when appropriate and at the discretion of the agency?s executive 0 men 4. STEROIDS: a. Random Testing: Agencies retain the option to incorporate the testing for steroids into their random drug testing program. my? b. Reasonable Suspicion Drug Testing: The testing for the presence of steroids is mandatory whenever there is reasonable suspicion that the officer is utilizing such drugs. 5. ANALYSIS PROTOCOL: The analysis of each specimen shall be done in accordance of procedures adopted by the State Toxicology Lab. These procedures shall include but not be limited to security of the test specimens, chain of custody, metabolite cut-off levels and the issuance of test reports. CDS TEST RESULTS V. POSITIVE) 1. NEGATIVE RESULTS: When the results are received from the lab and they are negative, the designated officer will generate a letter indicating that the results were indeed negative, attach a copy of the lab report to this letter, place it in an envelope and seal it. This envelope will then be delivered to the of?cer involved. Page 10 2. POSITIVE RESULTS: Noti?cation of the Agency of Positive Test Result: The State Toxicology Lab shall notify the agency of any positive test results from the specimens submitted for analysis. Said reports shall be in writing and sent to the agency within fifteen (15) working days of the submission. Medical Review Required Prior to Notification of Agency: The State Toxicology Lab shall not report a specimen as having tested positive for a controlled substance until the specimen has undergone a con?rmatory test and the medical review of?cer has reviewed the results of that test with the medical questionnaire pertinent to that specimen. Notification of Person Tested: The agency shall notify the applicant, trainee or sworn of?cer of the results of a positive test result as soon as practical after receipt of the report from the State Toxicology Lab. Upon request, the individual may receive a copy of the lab report. 3. RESUBMISSION OF SAMPLE FOR Under no circumstances may the agency or an individual resubmit a specimen for testing or ask that a particular specimen within the possession of the State Toxicology Lab be re-tested. J. CONSEQUENCES OF A POSITIVE TEST RESULT 1. APPLICANT: When an applicant tests positive for illegal drug use: a. The applicant shall be immediately removed from consideration for employment; and b. the applicant shall be reported to the Central Drug Registry by the agency to which the individual applied; and the applicant shall be precluded from consideration for future law enforcement employment by any law enforcement agency in NJ for a period of two (2) years. Where the applicant is currently employed by another agency as a sworn law enforcement of?cer, the of?cer's current employer shall be noti?ed of the positive test result. Under these circumstances, the of?cer's current employer is required to dismiss the of?cer from employment and also report his/her name to the Central Drug Registry. 2. TRAINEE: When a trainee tests positive for illegal drug use, subject to rules adopted by the Police Training Commission; a. b. C. the trainee shall be immediately dismissed from basic training and suspended from employment by his/her appointing authority; and the trainee shall be terminated from employment as a law enforcement of?cer, upon ?nal disciplinary action by the appointing authority; and the trainee shall be reported to the Central Drug Registry; and the trainee shall be permanently barred from future law enforcement employment in NJ. 3. SWORN LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: When a sworn law enforcement Page 11 of?cer tests positive for illegal drug use; a. the Of?cer shall be immediately suspended from all duties; and the officer shall be terminated from employment as a law enforcement of?cer, upon final disciplinary action; b. the officer shall be reported to Central Drug Registry; and c. the of?cer shall be permanently barred from future law enforcement employment in NJ. CONSEQUENCES OF A REFUSAL TO SUBMIT TO A CDS TEST: 1. APPLICANTS: Applicants who refuse to submit to a drug test during the pre- employment process shall be immediately removed from consideration for law enforcement employment and barred from consideration for future law enforcement employment in NJ for a period of two years from the date of refusal. In addition, the agency shall forward the applicant's name to the Central Drug Registry and note that the individual refused to submit to a drug test. TRAINEES: Trainees who refuse to submit to a drug test during basic training shall be immediately removed from the academy and immediately suspended from employment. Upon a ?nding that the trainee did in fact refuse to submit a sample, the trainee shall be terminated from law enforcement employment and permanently barred from future law enforcement employment in NJ. In addition, the agency shall forward the trainee's name to the Central Drug Registry and note that the individual refused to submit to a drug test. SWORN LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: Sworn law enforcement officers who refuse to submit to a drug test ordered in response to reasonable suspicion or random selection shall be immediately suspended from employment. Upon a ?nding that the of?cer did in fact refuse to submit a sample, the of?cer shall be terminated from law enforcement employment and permanently barred from future law enforcement employment in NJ. In addition, the PD shall forward the trainee's name to the Central Drug Registry and note that the individual refused to submit to a drug test. OFFICER WHO AFTER TESTING POSITIVE 0R REFUSING TEST A sworn law enforcement officer who tests positive for illegal drug use or refuses tO submit to a drug test, and who resigns or retires in lieu of disciplinary action or prior to completion of ?nal disciplinary action, shall be reported by the agency to the Central Drug Registry and shall be permanently barred from future law enforcement employment in New Jersey. RECORD KEEPING 1. MAINTENANCE OF RECORDS: The Internal Affairs unit of each agency shall maintain all records relating to drug testing of applicants, trainees and law enforcement officers. Said records shall be maintained with the level Of con?dentiality and security required for internal affairs ?les pursuant to the AG Page 12 Guidelines on ?le security. 2. FILE CONTENTS: The drug testing records shall include but not be limited to: . the identity of those ordered to submit urine samples; . the reason for that order; the date the urine was collected; the monitor of the collection process; . the chain of custody of the urine sample from the time it was collected until the time it was received by the State Toxicology Lab; the results of the drug testing; . copies of notification to the subject; . for any positive result - if applicable, documentation from the of?cer?s physician that the medication was lawfully prescribed and does not render the of?cer un?t for duty; i. for any positive result or refusal, appropriate documentation of disciplinary action. A) (12ng 5?00?" 3. RANDOM DRUG TESTING: The file shall also include the following information: a. a description of the process used to randomly select officers for drug testing; b. the date the selections were made; a copy of the document listing the identities of those selected for drug testing; 0. a list of those who were actually tested; and d. the date(s) those officers were tested. N. CENTRAL DRUG REGISTRY 1. NOTIFICATION REQUIRED: The agency shall notify the Central Drug Registry of the identity of the applicants, trainees and sworn law enforcement of?cers who test positive for illegal use of drugs or refuse an order to submit a urine sample. 2. DOCUMENTATION NEEDED FOR NOTIFICATION: Noti?cations to the Central Drug Registry occur by the employing agency completing attachment of the Attorney General?s Law Enforcement Drug Testing Policy in its entirety and sending it to the address indicated on the bottom of the attachment. 3. ACCESS TO INFORMATION CONTAINED IN CENTRAL DRUG REGISTRY: Access to this information in this registry is limited to: a. in response to an inquiry from a law enforcement agency as part of the background investigation process for prospective or newly appointed personnel; or b. in response to a court order. Page 13 Attachment A DRUG SCREENING THROUGH URINALYSIS APPLICANT NOTICE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I, understand that as part of the pre-employment process, the will conduct a comprehensive background investigation in an effort to determine my suitability to fill the position for which I have applied. I understand that as part of the pre-employment process, I will undergo drug testing through urinalysis. I understand that a negative result is a condition of employment. I understand that refusing to supply the required samples or producing a positively con?rmed test result for the presence of illegal drugs will result in the rejection of my application for employment. I understand that in case of a positive result, my name will be forwarded to a central drug registry maintained by the Division of State Police and will be made available only upon court order or as part of a background investigation for a law enforcement position. I understand that a confirmed positive test result indicating the presence of drugs will bar me from securing law enforcement employment for a period of two (2) years. I understand that after this two (2) year period, a positive test result may be considered in evaluating my ?tness for future law enforcement employment. I understand that if I am currently employed by a law enforcement agency and I produce a positive test result for illegal drug use, my current employer will be noti?ed of the positive test result. I hereby acknowledge receipt of a copy of the Drug Use and Testing Policy and agree to undergo drug testing through urinalysis. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE SIGNATURE OF WITNESS DATE Attachment DRUG SCREENING MEDICATION INFORMATION In order to ensure the accuracy of established urine screening and con?rmation procedures, I am providing the following information: A. During the past thirty (30) days I have taken the following medication prescribed by a physician. Name of Medication Prescribing Physician Date Last Taken 1. 2. 3. B. During the past thirty (30) days I have taken the following non-prescription medications (cough medicine, cold tablets, aSpirin, etc.) Non-Prescription Medication Date Last Taken 1. 2. 3. Signature of Witness Social Security Number and Initials Date Date Attachment RANDOM DRUG SCREENING THROUGH URINALYSIS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I, understand that I have been randomly selected to submit to a con?dential drug test in accordance with the I understand that as part of this process, I will undergo drug testing through urinalysis. I understand that if I refuse to undergo the testing, I will be immediately suspended from employment. Upon ?nal disciplinary action, if it is found that I did in fact refuse to submit to a drug test, I will be terminated from employment with and permanently barred from future law enforcement employment in New Jersey. In addition, the shall forward my name to the central drug registry with a note that I refused to submit to a drug test. Failure to take the test for any reason, including resignation, shall be deemed a refusal. I understand that a negative result is a condition of continual employment with the I understand that an of?cial monitor from the shall be responsible for ensuring the proper collection of the specimen(s) in a manner that provides for individual privacy. I understand that I shall provide the monitor with a second urine specimen at the same time the ?rst specimen is collected, which will be stored in a secured refrigerated storage area for a period of sixty (60) days or until the receives noti?cation from the New Jersey State Medical Examiner Toxicology Laboratory that the ?rst specimen tested negative for the presence of controlled dangerous substances. I understand that if I produce a positive test result for illegal drug use, the second specimen can be released in accordance . Further con?rmation of a positive test result, will be just cause for termination from my law enforcement position and I will be permanently barred from law enforcement employment in New Jersey. I have read and understand the information contained on this acknowledgement form and I agree to undergo drug testing through urinalysis. SIGNATURE OF EMPLOYEE DATE SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER SIGNATURE OF WITNESS DATE ATTACHMENT NOTIFICATION TO THE CENTRAL DRUG REGISTRY Type or Print AGENCY SUBMITTING AGENCY PHONE ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CONTACT PERSON TITLE PHONE PERSON TO BE ENTERED LAST NAME FIRST NAME INITIAL GENDER RACE EYE COLOR DOB SSN SBI NUMBER (IF KNOWN) THIS PERSON WAS: El APPLICANT El TRAINEE El SWORN OFFICER . RANDOM SWORN OFFICER - REASONABLE SUSPICION ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP REASON FOR NOTIFICATION THE PERSON LISTED ABOVE El TESTED POSITIVE FOR (IDENTIFY SUBSTANCE) OR REFUSED TO SUBMIT A URINE SAMPLE DATE OF THE DRUG TEST OR REFUSAL DATE OF FINAL DISMISSAL OR SEPARATION FROM AGENCY CERTIFICATION (Must be completed by Chief or Director. Must be notarized with raised seal) I hereby af?rm that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Print Name Title Signature Sworn and subscribed before me this day of (Seal) (6/01) Mail to: Division of State Police State Bureau of Identi?cation Central Drug Registry PO Box 7068 West Trenton, New Jersey 08628-0068