us roan?s . AREA 2-3-37 (For Instructions see Reverse Side) 1. 1. NAME OF CITY Philadelphia SECURITY GRADE 0 AREA NO. 14 2. DESCRIPTION OF TERRAIN. 3 ILevel 3. FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. . . Close to town - Good transportation 4- DETRIMENTAL INFLUENCES. . Heavy obsolescence infilitretion of carding houses - converted dwellings. Many very large out of style houses of questionable value. Threatened with negro encroachment. 5- INHABITANTS: x? - a; Type -Glerks R.R. Men b. Estimated annual family c. Foreigneborn Nominal. - 5; d. Negro Threatening 3 Nationality) (fee or Io) . Infiltration of Threatenins' 1. Relief families Mpderatel; heavv' 3 g. Population is static. 6. BUILDINGS: -. a. Type or types 24 5 story rows b. Type of construction Brick Average age 55 - 40 years d. Repair FOOT 7, HISTORY: SALE VALUES - RENTAL VALUES PREDOM- Pneoom? YEAR RANGE INATING 5 RANGE INATING 5 1929 level $6000- 15,999 1005 '50 - 110- 75 1005 1954 - 56 low 2 5000 25 - 50 55 .45 June 1957 current 5099 Q9911- 12- 13. In. 15. Information for this form was obtained from Peak sale values occurred in 1322 and were 5 of the 1929 level. Peak rental values occurred in and were 5 of the 1929 level. a. Land .6. Dwelling units 85 c. Homeowners 5 SALES DEMANDActivity is Poor RENTALIEHAND: a. Fair b.5 story combination c. Activity is fair . Apts on 5rd floor NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. Types .. None b. Amount last year .. AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchasenegx D. Home building limited 0F DESIRABILITY NEXT 10-15 YEARS Donn out: 25 MUE- ?5&9 REMARKS: Street?llillhn Floreo?e Warrington Avenue were h3;;t_ and are settling badly. Infiltration of Jewish in.6 area have depressed values. No demand for large houses in _this section. Houses being converted into apartments. BaltimoEe Avenue is largelN basiness as well as 40th, 52nd, 56th and Greta Streets. FNMA .. f. It.? exudedfear. 193 (Over)