sol-?ute. nude- ?luv-Hui NS . AREA DESCRIPTION . Instructions see Reverse Side-II a; 1. NAME OF cm South Philadelphia SECURITY AREA N0. 2. DESCRIPTION OF TERRAIM Level - 3. FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. ?ood transportation close to commercial. and indu-striel arse. I4. DET-RIMENTAL Negro encroachment - heavy obsolescence. .5. INHABITANTS: a. Type Laborers - omen I Estimated annualimiily income-S 150 c.I Foreign-born Italian cl. Negro 4:23 I "'70 Nationality: {fee or to} e. Infiltration or" Italian 1. Relief - g. Population is increaSing__+ decreasing I I II static.- 6 . BUILDINGS: a. Type or types 3 b. Type or construction Moe c. Average age ?50 - '75 d. Repair poor 7. Hxsrony; SALE VALUES 2 PREDOM- - YEAR RANGE . marine 5 RANGE IHATING 5 1929' level MMOO ?5,990 on .. '75 in 100% 1:934:16. low 399 - 3.5mm .io_ Juhe 1937 current 1,909 - 41.9.00 _60_ 19 .. Mn 32 _55_ Peak sale values occurred in and were - of the logo-level; Peak rental values occorred in and were of the 1929 level. 8. OCCUPANCY: a. Land b. Dwelling units 9-3 c. Home mere . at 9. SALES DEMAND: a. mol- b.332 200;? cm c. Activity is 13001- 10. RENTAL DEMAND: a. fair be3 story rows 25?35 c. Activity is fair 11. CONSTRUCTION: a. Types 11" II 13. Amount last yesr 12. AVAILABILITY-QR: MORTGAGE FUNDS: I .3. Home purchase ?0?13 D. Home building 13. ,mm 01? RESIRAEILITY NEXT ire?15 YEARS downward 14. CLARIFYIMG REMARKS: ?m f? PmPertI-m this secl?ion at an? Mime. Manye-?hi? for years. Italians are slowly driving negr'oes out. Small streets . are principally 2 story rows. Considerable industry and small business in Ithe 15. llInformation for this form'Iwes'- Obtained from 333- H- Date June 8 1937_ (Over)