Received by Registration Unit. 02/05/2018 5:07:55 PM 5% DINANT Media Contact: Roger Pineda 2239-8800 wWw.dinant.corn DINANT RETAINS INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION ON SUSTAINABILITY Company Recognized Again for Extellence in Traceability and Emissions Controls TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS, February 5, 2018: Corporation Dinant has retained'two prestigious International Sustainability and Carbon Certi?cations - ISCC EU and ISCC Plus in recognition of the sustainability of" its raw materials and products, the traceability of its sopply chain, and its control of gr?eenhoUse gas emissions. The audits of Dinant?s African Palm oil plantations and extraction mills in the Lean and Agua?n regions of .. Honduras were carried out by an independent third-party certification body, which determined that the ?company?s facilities meet the stringent legal requirements of the European Union?s. Renewable Energy Directive and Fuel Quality Directive. Company Spokesman, Ragejr Pined'a, Commented, "Once again, Dinant has been externally audited by a neutral and credible organizatibn and found to be in compliance with its social and environmental obligations. EU and Plus are two highly coveted certifications. lam delighted With the impressive results of the Significant resources we have invested to meet stringent international standards regarding the economic, environmentaland social impact of our African Palm all business; the sustainability af'our supplies; and our engagement" with all localstakeholders.? In addition to the standard ISCC audit, Dinant underwent an invdepth Social Impact Assessment and a-Lan?d Title Legal Review. This was in response to complaints made to the ISCC by two Agu?n peasant movements who claimed legal ownership of some Dinant plantations and alleged that they had been involved in social conflicts With the Company. The ISCC audits found Dinant to be compliant on both fronts. Roger Pineda continued, "There. are few sustainability certifications which go to such depth, especially - regarding the social impact assessment and the land title review. The auditor's confirmed that people impacted by our operations can talk to us, personally or anonymously, via our Regional Grievance Mechanisms in ways that are convenient to them. We listen to everyone and do our best to provide constructive solutions. Of course, while We are really'proud of the progresswe?re making, we know there is 'still more. work'to be done.? About Corporacidn Dinant Dinant is a family-owned consumer products manufacturer founded in Honduras in 1960. Its products are sold across Central America and the Dominican Republic. The company employs 7,200 people worldwide, supports a further 22,000 livelihoods, and centribut'es significantly to the Honduran economy. All Dinant-operating facilities in Honduras have . been granted ISO-14001 and OHSAS 18001 certifications fortheir environmental management systems and occupational health 8: safety. Dinant is implementing the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights, an internationally accepted benchmark that strictly governs how the company vets, recruits and trains its security Men and women. In addition, Dinant has removed all ?rearms from thesecurity guards at its plantations, extraction mills and manufacturing plants. Page] of 2 Received by Registration Unit 02/05/2018 5:07:55 PM Received by Registration Unit 02/05/2018 5:07:55 PM A . 5% DIWT I DINANT RETAINS INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION ON SUSTAINABILITY Company Recognized Again'for Excellence in Traceability and Emissions Controls Dinant?s biogas recovery unit at its oil extraction mill in the Agua?n has enabled the company to reduce its use of fassll fuels by 6 million gallons since 2008. . This material is distributed by Tricuro LLC on behalf of Corporaci?n Dinant. Additional information is available at the Department of Justice, Washington, DC. Page 2 of 2 3? Received by Registration Unit 02/05/2018 5:07:55 Reoeived by. Registration Unit- 02/05/2018 5:07:55 PM DINANT Contacto d? Prensa: Roger-Pineda 2239-8800 ll DINANT MANTIENE CERTIFICACION INTERNACIONAL EN SOSTENIBILIDAD La compar?iia es reconoa'da una vez m?s por su excelencia en ?Tfazabilidad Controles de Emisiones TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS, 5 de febrero de 2018: Corporaci?n Dinant ha mantenido dos 'prestig-iosas de Sustentabilidad Carbono - ISCC EU ISCC Pl?u?s - ein "reconocimiento a la sastejniblilidald. de sus mat?ri?as pr'imas ?y produ?ctos, la trazabil'idad de su c?adena de suministro su control do Emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. Las aUditorias de las plantaciones plantas de extraccion de palma africana de Dinant en las regiones Lean Agu?n de~ Honduras fueron llevadas a cabo par un organismo de certificacion independiente que determin? que las' instalaciones de la compa?la cumplen con los est?rictos requisites legales de la Directiva de Energias Renovables de la Uni?n Eur?opea la Direct'iva do Cal'idad del Combustible. El portavoz de la compa?ia, Roger Pineda; corhent?: "Una vez mds, Dinant ,ha sido auditado exterhamente por Una organizaci?n neu'tfal creible que ha encontrad?o que cumple can 505 obligaciOnes sociales ambientales. (SC EU ISCC Plus son dos certi?caciones altamente codiciadas. Estoy complacido con las impresionantes resultados de los importantes recursos que hemos invertido para cumph?r con los internocionales- estn'ctos en relacion con el impacto econdmito, ambienta! social de huestro hegocio de ac?eite de palma africana; la sostenibilidad de nuestros suminis'tros; nuestro relacimamiento con todas las partes interesadas locales. Adem?s de la auditoria est?nda?r de ISCC, Dinant .se someti? a una evaluaciOE profunda d'e impacto social una revision legal del titulo de la tierra. Esto fue ?n respuesta a las quejas hechas a ISCC por' dos movimientos campesinos del Agu?n que. reclamyaban la propiedad legal de'algunas plantacionesde Dinant alegaron que estaban envueltos en conflictos sociales con la compa?ia, Las auditoria?s dye [SCCdetemfjinaronque Dinant se evncu'e'n'tra en en ambos frames." Roger Pineda contin "Hay pacas certificdciones de sostenibilidad que Megan a talprofundidad, espec?ialmehte en - relacicin a la de impacto soa?al la revision de titulos de propiedad de la tierra. Los auditores con?rmaron que las personas impactadas por nuestras operaciones pueden hablar con hosotros, personal 0 an?nimamente, a trav?s de nuestros mecanismos reg?iOnales de reclamationes; en fom'ms que les resulten convenientes. Escuchamos a todos hacemos nues?t?r?o mejor asfuerzo para . proporcionar soluciones constructivas. Por supUesta, aunque estamos muy orgullosos del progreso que. estamos Iogrando, sabemos que ado queda trobajo por hacer. Acerca Corporation Dinant . . Dinant es una em presa familiar fabri?cante de productos de consumo, fundada en Honduras eyvn 1960. Sus productos se venden por todo Centroam?r'ica RepL?Jblica Dominicana. La compa?la emplea 7,200 colaboradores en varias partes del mundo, provee el 'suStento' a 22,000, contri?buye sign'i'ficativa'me'nte a la economu'a Ho'ndure'?a. Todas'las instalaciones operativas de Di'nant . en Honduras han recibido las certi?caciones ISO 14001 OHSAS 18001 por sus?si's'temas de g'e'S'ti?n ambiental salud seguridad ocupacional; Dinant est? implementa?ndo los Principios Voluman'os' en Segur?idad Derechos Humanos, un punto de referen?cia aceptado 'internacionalmente, que rige estrictamente la formva en que la compa?l'a veta, contrata ent'r?na Ios hombres mujeres de su se?guridad. Adem?s, Dinant ha eliminado el uso de todas las armas de fuego, de los guardias de seg'u'ridad en sus pla?ntaciones, plantas de extrac?ci?n plantas de manufactura- . P?glna 1 de 2 Received Registration Unit 02/05/2018 5:07:55 PM Received by ARA Registration Unit 02/05/2018 5:07:55 PM .A DINANT 1 . - IDINANT MANTIENE CERTIFICACION INTERNACIONAL EN SOSTENIBILIDAD La compar?iia es reconOCida una Vez m6: por su excelencia en Trazabilidad Contra/es de Emisiones La unidad de recuperacidn de biogds de Dinant, en su planta de extraccidn de Ac'elite en el Agudn, ha permit/do a la compa?/a reducir su uso de combustibles fdsiles en 6 mi/lones de galones desde el 2008. Este material as distribuido por Tricuro LLC en nombre de Corporaci?n Dinant. Informati?? a'dicic'nnal est?? disponible En el Departamento de Justicia, Washington, DC. . . P?gina 2 of 2 00? I Received by Registration Unit 02/05/2018 5:07:55 PM