CITY COU NCIL COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIPS CITY OF CHICAGO rlr)tJNr.itr r;HAMRFFI (- ll.L I ,)t,j'',t)l DANIEL S" SOLIS " ir '- ,rr i i_) r Monday, December l1th, 2Ot7 Ms. Joanne Moy, Director United Chinatown Organization Chinatown Square Association 2133 S China Pl. Chicago, tL 60616 Dear Ms. Moy, Thank you for your letter dated, November 24th,2A17 . I was very concerned to learn of the property tax issue that the Chinatown Square is currently with, I am sensitive to howthis very pressing issue should take priority over and above any faced other matters within the community. Therefore, at this time, I encourage the community to focus all their time and efforts on resolving this unfortunate financial burden for the {ssociation and its members. Like always, I will endeavor to assist the commurrity in any way possible, if so requested. lvery much look forward to becomtng better acquainted with the United Chinatown Organization, its directors and nrernbers. Respectf u lly, ./) t ./j ,/i j/ '':,, '/.a :j !'fi44s4*_7---,,/ l-/\ / ' Daniel Solis 1 Alderman, 25'" Ward Chairman, Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards CC: Commissioner David Reiftnan, Dept. of Planning & Development Chip ilastings, Deputy Commissioner, Dept. of Planning & Development Mark Roschen, Assistant Cornmissioner, Dept, of Planning & Development Oneida Patc, Project Manager, Dept. of Planning & Development Kimberley Bares, President, PLACT Consulting Tony Shu, President, Chinatown Chamber of Commerce Sanr Ma, President, Chinatown Square Association