Aurore 1 Office of the Superintendent Phone 303-365-7800 Schools 15701 E. First Ave, Suite 206 Fox 303-326?1280 a 3 Aurora, CO 80031 Web SENT VIA EMAIL February 5, 2018 Mark Marshall Director of Real Estate Urban Land Conservancy Mark, As you know, on January 23rd, Vega was noti?ed of my decision to deny its request for relocation from its current facility to a building located at 10180 E. Colfax Avenue. At your request, on January 29th I met with you for the purpose of hearing further argument regarding the proposed relocation. I am also in receipt of a January 24th letter from your counsel in response to my January 23rd denial of the relocation proposal. I appreciate the time you took to meet with me and to provide me with a written analysis. While I appreciate your plan and purported bene?ts of the relocation, I continue to have concerns which cause me to reaffirm my denial of your request. In our initial communication regarding the denial, we referenced concerns about the proximity of the proposed location to a recreational marijuana dispensary. As I understand it, the dispensary is roughly 300 feet from the proposed site, across an open parking lot. Since our meeting, I have taken several steps to reconsider the Vega relocation proposal. My efforts have included: Reviewing the maps and parent support letters you provided; Discussing the matter with City of Aurora of?cials; Reviewing one year of crime statistic data from the area; Reviewing the findings of 2016 and 2017 research studies regarding the theorized connection between crime and adjacency to marijuana dispensaries; and 0 Reviewing the Claire Davis Act and its possible implications in the relocation. Based upon my additional review, I have not found anything to make me change my original denial. As I indicated in our meeting, I am con?dent your board and administration are making what you believe to be the best decision for the students and families of Vega. While we differ on outcome, please know that I am also making what I believe to be the best decision for the students and families of Vega, who at the end of the day, are students and families of APS. Sincerely, 61% D. Rico Munn Superintendent