LLS NO. Greg m? 09%? DRAFT an: Fraser . TE SP BILL TOPIC: "Expulsion Of Senator Randy L. Baumgardner" SENATE RESOLUTION lOl 102 ll 12 l3 14 15 CONCERNING THE EXPUILSION OF SENATOR RANDY BAUMGARD - NER FOR SEXUAL HARASSMENT OF A LEGISLATIVE EMPLOYEE A WHEREAS, On November 28, 2017, a fomler LegiSlative Aid the Colorado General Assembly ?led a formal 00mplaint alleging Sh: Senator Randy L. Baum gardner had grabbed and slapped her buttocks four separate occasions during the 2016 Legislative Session. and on WHEREAS, Pursuant to Rule 38 of the Joint Rules of the Senate and the House of Representatives, the General Assembly has in place a workplace harassment policy that is binding on all members of the General Assembly; and WHEREAS, That workplace harassment policy prohibits physical conduct of a sexual nature, which includes, among other things, patting pinching, or intentionally brushing against the body of a member, a legislative employee, or a third party; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to the workplace harassment policy, after a formal complaint has been made the contact person with whom a complaint is ?led may, at the contact person's discretion, elect to use an new material to be added to existing statute existing statute. Capital letters or bold italic numbers indicate Dashes through the words indicate deletionsfm aint; and . comp 1 1n ependent third party to investigate 6 under her 611915, - ?led, 2 .WHEREAS, The of the sthe complam was and 3 authorlty as the Contact ecre whom 'zation made up 0 4 selected Employer's Cougfilison ?vate Org int. and 5 funded by employers, to iIWe?tia-gaijte 00131313 3 fun . . ducted a 6 WHEREAS, The Em 1 6,15 unc?uaconlg, 2018, during 7 investigation between Decembeg 23/20 5 andJ'aI1 dividualsv including 3 which the Employer's com,Gil im?wiewe ?ll-amt; and 9 Senator Baumgardner, in regard to the al comp the victim's 0110111de tha . 10 WHEREAS, The Emphyeru, counvi; ardner, more 111(er than sions ll complaint was credible and that 3 112], Of 12 not, grabbed and slapped the viztirn's on several occa 13 during the 2016 Legislative Session; and licy also prohibits ther things, sexual 1' sexual harassment P0 among 0 lothing, bodya 0 14 WHEREAS, The workplace 15 verbal conduct of a sexual nature, including, 16 comments or innuendoes about a person?s 17 activity; and 18 WHEREAS, The Employer's Council investigation also revealed an unprofessional pattern of behavior by Senator Baumgardner, includln 2.0 inappropriate comments made in the workplace such as -- ann- AS, Senator Baumgardner?s verbal and physical conduct harassment because it was of a sexual nature and had of unreasonably interfering with an individual?s creating an intimidating, hostile, and offensive inviolation of the Workplace harassment policy in Rule 38; and Senate ?nds thatthe Vm?mbers of the Senate gstmoral, ethical, pic. and private . ?1 . :de legislative who work tar ob 1 workplace free from harassment; and DRAFT 2.1 3.18 2 WHEREAS, The Senate ?nds that Wh? xual harassrnel?lt against 3 51113311112111] 1 3 unacceptable, se Massm . 4 especially reprehensible because 0 the inherent glslative employ: ts pOWel- 15 to ?nds 1:11 dynaI-m?JS; and 5 Sena atse?ato 6 behaved inappropriately and in a maniler in rRandyL'Btillmgardner 7 standards and dignity of the Senate; and ?matters With the high 8 Th? Senate ?nds that the COnduct of 9 L. Baumgardner has failed to uph01d the bong and di Senator Randy 10 and re?ects poorly upon the State Of C010ra do and it 52:32:: the 8:11am 5; an 1 1 WHEREAS, The Senate ?nds that Senator Randy Baumgardn 12 has failed to acknowledge any wrongdoing or acce tre - - - 13 behavior during the 2016 Legislatwe Session; m3 for 14 WHEREAS, Pursuant to Section 12 of Article of the Colorado 15 Constitution the Senate may expel one of its members by a two-thirds 1.6 Vote ?of'all senators; and 1 AS,.Senator Randy L. Baumgardner's behavior rises to the . ?1an 15 the only Just remedy; now, therefore, L. Baumgardner is hereby expelled from the it his seat is hereby declared vacant. . That the Secretary'Of the Senate print this DRAFT