Good afternoon. I am available any day in the next week and a half to speak, but Erik will out of the office a fair amount over the next several weeks. If you want to meet with both of us, next Friday (May 26) may be the soonest. Next Thursday (May 25) may work too as I am available 8:30-10:00or after 2:00 and Erik said he is available that day. If the end of next week is too late, please let me know. Seth S. Greenfeld Senior Assistant General Counsel General Law Division, Office of General Counsel U.S. General Services Administration (202) 501-4560 On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 1:12 PM-OGC} (FBI) rote: SethI just wanted to give you a heads up that we a,e working with DOJ to make production requests for the information and devices related to the Preside,itial Transition Team that we had asked you preserve this email. He will be leading the effort on this back in March. I'm copying SSA-n investig.i-· ing forward as Pete has been pro moted and moved on to other ma-tters. It m.iy make o talk to you a11d/or Mr. Simmons to get a better sense of the scope of the material sense for before we mc1kespecific production reql•ests. I will be working -" - out of our Chicago Field Office for the re$t of the week, but l'v~ copie d- this email if you'd like to coordinate through legal channels. Thanks, Assi~tant General Coumcl National Security Law Branch Offic.e of the General Counsel Fedoral Bureau of lnve$tigation Confidentiality Statement: This messageis transmitted to you by the Office of the GeneralCounselof the FederalBureau of Investigation. The message,along with any attachments, may be confidential and legally privileged. Ifyou are not the intended recipient of this message,pleasedestroy it promptly without further retention or disse · erwise required by law). Pleasenotify the sender of the error by a separate e-mail or by calling From: Seth Greenfeld - LG ( b6 b7A b7C b7E Date: Any guidanceyet ? Fn , 26 May 2017 18:08 :12 ·0400 Subject: From : Janet Harney · LP £Uison • LG (l)" . Seth Greenfeld - LG Message-ID: a78821ke33922.d073572a60b367587a MOS: Eugenia: Forward ing as I d id not see you as a recip ien t. Janet ~-~ --- ~:~;~~~::· Date :~ lPM Subject : RE: Any gu ida nce yet ? To: "Lennard loewen tritt • l" Cc: "Seth Greenfe ld " , "j anet Harney " L.:an, - -tt> I w:i~ ;,l>k IO ~,,0 1tl1111,1..: •., uh tx,11 nd the Speci al Couns el. We ask 1l13tvou continue to preserve the s . ecords, and electronic media as previo usly requested in a manner tt'lilt ma,ntams tf"P. dda y. A, I 111,1 ~xpl:uu~d ... integrity ot bolt11he content and lhe ml24:adetaof the i nfo rmation , We ha•,e no obJeclion to you ,n d ic<1t-ing lo otheo who req~t the mate ri als ti-lat you are under pre~e.-vati on cb logatoon s from the Departmern of Jmt 1c e/F 8 1 A s I di scussed wi th B•ett. we hope to set up a cal I nex t w eek lo d,scvss production of 1he materials being preserved. b6 b7A b7C b7E 1:c anyquestion~ Plc~5ck r mc-l1K1 w 1t you b11 1111 ( llt'I. ( \lllllk'l!lll,·lhJICIICt' ! ·w, J N:1111111 :1I,c cun~· ,x ( yhcr 111 ,m,I, , 1ffke of th<'<;<'n er:il <0 111,, d IIVC~IIC.."1 11011 Cm1fld-,111 ialiry S1:11~111~1 1: T h l s n w.·:..~r: i s 1tc..1 f\<; rn i1tC"rt,,u l,y thr O tt ic c o l d te G c1'1C'f ;tl Co u nsc~~ ,,{ d~ ~ ~ le,o.l Bu11~•u o r I nvc'!':ti,t\ •liPn - T huu ~s;ieP , a ln11Rwith any amc ho1en1,. may br cn11fiden1i,,I .)rid IPg,ollypri11il<"tlc,I.I f you sag<>.plPit'il' dc-11roy ,1 promptly withoui f11fml'f1Mmriai o, liis~ red pic-nt of this 111e5 required by law 1. l'leasc no1Hy till' se1ldi:i ol ti!' E'flO< by ,l sq~ 1,am <' mail c. toyc ;illln,.... s- · a, (' n Subject : A nygu idance yet? -w e spoke( Tmrnp lraus itioo, l r<-' Lennard Loewe ntr it t · L <1enny.loewentrit> e4b8 30Ofdfee7 f0dc69S9e4375a51f7c I spoke w ith rom Special Counsel Muelle r' s staff. We spoke about the docu ment request from the PTI attorney and how GSAviews the records. explain ed GSA's support in Transitio n (e.g., prov ide office space, equip ment, and othe r administ rati ve support), and that GSA doe5 not view the record5 in que 5tion a5 GSA records in both a Fede ral Records 1\ct and FOIA context. Therefore, I see GSA simpl y as in custody of the documents , but that they are PTT documen ts. I also explained nor ma lly GSAwoul d destr oy t he records and w ipe the machines. but given the news cycles, GSAdecided it was prudent to inqui re about preservat ion during the machine wiping process, so w e reached out to the IG, who contacted th e FBI or DOJand got the ball rolling for GSA's preservation of records. The recor ds were copied and are on a thumb -drive so no access to anything else needs to be done right now to provide copies . nd I spoke about ot hers' access to the records and I said l saw th ree bvckets, (l) PIT , (2) I stated I saw t hese as PTI records and t hey should be given copies as I see no legal reason at this ti me to withhold the recor ds from the PTI. Then I explained that l do not th i nk th e general public has a rieht to t hese documents from GSA based on my positi on regardi ng the federal Records Act and FOIA, as well as some FOIA case law on t he t o pic. Finally, as for law enfo rcemen t access lo the records, I stated that I thoug ht a subpoena was necessary as they are not GSA's records (as deta iled before ) and that a subpoena wi ll remove evidence admissibilit y issues if t here is a prosecution of someone in th e f uture , but I ult imate ly defer to law enfo rcement on t he issue of a need for a subpoena . ..... ~ and (3) law enforcement. b6 b7C b6 b7C We also briefly spoke about 1he PTI' s reque st . I expl a1ned t hat my under standing is t hat they i nitially had a civil matter w hich they thought would be easily won by motio n, but then they received a document preserva ti on and production request whic h I was told from the Semite Intelligence Committee which led to the request for the copies. I was also tole! the PTI expected a OOJ/ FBI/ Special Counsel reque~t . In addition. I mentioned that the PTT did mention access to machines. but I explained GSAwi ll not allow t hat given the possible impact on evidence . =:r= ha nked me , sa id our conversation w as extreme ly help ful and informative. and th at he oth ers t here and get back to me regarding the PTT'sreques t and possibly what the v may want fr om us. ~ If you have any questions, please l et me know. Seth b6 b7C Folder: 2017-89~8-TLewisl219ZOl7 fe ld@gsa.gov_o Subject: E-mail for Recore' of DOJCall Fri, 16Jun 201717:22:44 -0400 Seth Greenfeld - LG From: Richard Beckler - l , Lennard Loewentritt - L To: Message-ID : MOS: 2612bfbebla504c2ec62f3d62adlddb2 Date : This e-mail documents a conversation this morning between the three of us and from the Departme ~ (Robert M~ m sending an e-mall so i t Is date and time 1 stamped. We calle ~ ell phone ~ rom Richard's office around 9:30 am and he was in the Metro system. Richard explained that GSAis i n receipt of various record hold and production request s for Presid entia l Transition Team !PTI) records that are in the physical custody of GSA based on GSA'sadm inistrat ive support to the PTI . r he requ ests are fr om DOJ/fBI, Senate Select Committee on intelligence (SSCI), and the PTT. The Agency does not co nsider them to be GSA reco rds, an d GSA does not claim ownershi p or know what information is de ta iled in th e reco rd s or subject to a claim of privilege as GSAha~ never looked at the content of t he materia l, and GSA thinks the DOJ/FBI, SSCI,White House, and PTI need to discuss how records in GSA's possession will be addressed as GSAis just like a warehouse. Those entities need to discuss review and production. Richard explained GSAwants to be cooperative but feels GSAdoes not have a claim to the records ot her ~ torying the material, which the Agency as also told that t he t hr ee of us spoke will cor1tinue Lo do until fur ther d irection i~ received. ---is an attorney representing the PTT. It was relayc,d to ~ esterday and that . hat aid the PTI has its own document hold and product ion requests from the House and Senate Intelligence Committees and they expect one from DOJ.The requests weregenerally described to us but the written request s were not actually shared with us. b6 b7C b6 b7C - xplained that the FBI and Special Counsel are working h and in hand . Up to this point, DOJ to determine what the re cords were and ot h er parameters aro und what GSA potent ia lly ha~ in its custody, and GSA has been very helpful in answering those Questions, but. that as of toda y. GSAis not being asked to send any PTTdocuments to DOJ. DOJwill decide how to proceed and if records are requested from GSA, a subpoena will be issued or a search warrant will be executed. Brief mention of classified communications between GSAand OOJwas made, and Richard explained that he still does not have his Top Secret clearance and Lenny is the point person for GSA OGC on th at. ~8 ~ sked if GSA could share copies of the letters GSA received from SSCIand Lenny informed him that the June 12, 2017. letterwas sent to--aid he will get a copy from her. also asked if he could see the documents that the PTI sent GSAthe day before regarding the creation and management of the 501(c)(4 ) which was basically the PH. ~ aid he would review the documents from nd se e if anything shou ld o r could be sent l~ ~x pressed that DOJwill discuss internall y a wav forward and get back to GSA. A.sRichard was o me a bit sharing his direct contact i nformation, the call was term inated. A message from later conveyed that he lost his cell signal while on Metro. We did not call back. If you belie ve I neg lected to capture anything relevant to the call, please let me know. Seth S. Greenfeld Senior Assistant General Counsel General La','IDivision, Office of General Counsel U.S. General Services Adminis.tration (202) 501-4560 b6 b7C Fold~12!t~~ 8-Tl.ew is12192~y -1o ewentritt@g ~~'!..Q Date: Fwd: FW: Preservatio n Lette r Wed, 28 Jun 201708:30:21 -oqoo From : To: Cc: Lennard Loewen tritt · L Duane Smit h Eugenia Ellison , Seth Greenfeld NUROxuwu WBPfo_·44y=HZQmoNWk =J9PRz3FAOvw@mail> M~ssage-10: Oatp · e , un Good mowing - I hope you had a great day off . I forw.i rcted th is nie ssage t o 0GC- th ank you for h;ivi ng Du.i nc send it. OGCwas 111o re ~pecific with n1eand wonder if yo u could perhapswcite a lett er or ernacl which provides clet~il s of the contract (e.g., a numbe r) in r1cldi1ion10 the PO C already provided by Eric Sim mons. Also . H they could give us <1uth ori zation fo r re que~ t the th ird pa rt y contractor ~lso beco mphan t w it h the FBI reques t . t hat may be imp o rta nt t~ hat 's just speculation on our p~rt but we w.1nl t his to fJJ smoothl y. I have mee tings m ost ; Richard Beckler - L <:ri chard .bec:kler@~.> ; Claudi a Nadig · LG ; Eugenia Ellison - LG Subject: Fwd: Preservat ion Letter H - Thisconfirms receipt of your email below and that GSAhas preservedany/all possibly responsive records per t he formal preservation re qu est. Kiod Regard s, b6 b7C Folder: 2017-8~-Tlewis12192017 lenny.lo~wentritt@gsa.gov_~ _______ _ Duane l. Smith Assist,mt General Counsel General Law Division, Office of General Counsel U.S.Ge~eral SetVicesAdmi~istration 1202)694-2934 CONFIOENTIAUTYNOTICE: Thise-mail messageand any auachments to this e-mailmessage may cont.iin confidential information belonging to the sender which is legBlly privileged. The information is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. Please do not forward this message without perminion. If you are not the intended recipient or the employee ,:,r agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure. cnc,ving,distribution or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this transmission is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify me Immediately by telephone or return e•mall and delete and destroy 1he original e-mail rnessagP. any a!lachtnenu. th .. reto and >II copie1 thereof. ---·-····· Forwarded message .... CD) (FBI) From: Date: Thu, Jul\ 22, 2017 at 3:41 P Subject: Preservation ro: Lennard loewentritt letter - l <..ale..,n,,.n========"-' b6 b7C Good afternoon Mr. Loewentritt- As a follow up to our request, we thought it best to send GSA an official preservation letter. Your staff has been eKtremely responsive and we appreciate their patience with our (myl questions. If you have any questions or comments regarding the attached letter, please do not hesitate to call. - Thank you, Folder: 2017_·_~9488· TL.ewis12192017-~~ Subject: Date: ~-Y -~oewentritt@gs~ov _o RE:Preservation and Production Request Thu, 6 Jul 2017 14:20:44+0000 From: To: b6 b7C Cc: Message-ID: , Brett Armstrong· DlR M05: 849e9f7cbb834103cS2Slb8a028300c1 Sorry for the dela-· n acknowled ement of the above. The email to my action officer -.,as misaddressed as nd was not delivered to him. I did not notice the addre!>Serror at that time. I have orwar e to ay o -and-Mts in my office and we wmreview as ~oon as we are <1bleand let you know of any questions, concerns, cave:atsetc. Tllanks, Bill William E. Brazis General Counsel Defense Information Systems Agencv Ft. Meade, Maryland 301-22.5-6100 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE- PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION This email may contain an attorney-client communication or attorney work product and is legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient of the communication \or an agent responsible lor delivering it to the intended recipient}, you are hereby notified that any review, disclosure or use uf the information contained herein is STRICTLYPROHIBITED.Any disclosure requires authorization of the Defense Information System~ Ai;:encvOfficeof the General CDunsel. -----0 .•• tJ· .•. From CD) (FBI) Sent: • y y • I 17 10: 00 AM To: Elrazis William E Jr SESDISAGC US Cc (WF) {FBI} Lennard Loev..entritt - L ; Brett Armstrong - DlR Subject; INon-DoD SourceI RE:Preservation and Production Request Good morningWe wanted to follow up with your agency to see if you had any questions regarding our preservation letter and request. We also want to know if you have an anticipated response date so we can plan accordingly. Thank you, Mary ----Or--· inal Messa e----From: CDJ(FBIJ Sent: T urs c1y,June , 2017 4:03 PM To: 'Brazis,William F.Jr S£SDISAGC(US)' b6 b7C Folder: 2017-89488-Tl.l!wis121920 17; Brett Armstrong - D11\ Subject: Preservat ion and Production Request Good afternoon Sir- Attached pleasefind the Federal Bureauof lnve5tigation's formal request for the preservation and production of specificinformation related to your agency'sassistance provided to the transition team last fall. Than~you for tacmtatingdiscussions last week for us to include specific information in the reque st. Once you review the requ est, p lease do oot !,esitate contacti ng m e with a ny qu est ions or co ncer-ns. -- Thankyou, SupervisorySpe cial Agent Cou Cell Des b6 b7C ~older: ptt_seth.g_r_e~_nfeld@gsa.gov_O -- ----------- Subject: Fwd:GSA Date: Frofl\: lo: Fri, L8 Aug 201, 22:25:42 ·0400 Lennard Loewentritt - L Seth Greenfeld ,, Claudia Nadig . Eugenia Ellison Message-ID: <6983290469415281118@unknownmsgid> MDS; b 7A b7E f7 Attachment s Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: b6 b7C OGC}(FBI)' Subject: Fwd: GSA P i 11 • 11i i e i ge I I e • I. II" i m f 11i em m· I i e em, 11i e G k ?t i i i •I i Ce m k • •" b6 b7C - As we discussed, here is wha t --.eeds in order to b3 b7A b7E b7A b7E I hope that makes sense but please let me know if anybody has questions. - Thanks, .. . Office of the General Counsel .. .. . vestigation . Confidentiality Statement: This message is transmitted to you by the Office of the General Counsel of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The message. along with any attachments, mavbe confidential and legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, please destroy it promptly without further retention or dissemination (unless otherwise required by law). Please notify the sender of the error by a separate e-mail or by c<1lling- b6 b?C Folder. 2.0l7-89488-Tlewisl21920 17 seth .greenfeld@gs~ ~~'!. - 0 Subject: Date: From: To: Message-ID: MOS: Fwd: GSA Sat, 19 Aug 2017 19:31:04 -0400 Len!lard Loewentrin - L Set h Greenfe ld , , Claudia Nadig , Euge nia Ellison <· 7711S65483837131830@unknownm sgid> l aO9c61611O4e8649aldadlac8cbc352 Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From OGC)(FBI)'' Date: August 19, 2017 at 1:48 :16 PM EDT . ··- :_ ·~=-_:_. b6 b7C Subject: Re: GSA I inad vertent ly left everyone. . . . From Date: 8/18/1710 . ff the email. Please al so i11clude l>im on re sponse s. Thank you, ... OGC) (FBI)" :10 PM (GMT-05 :00) b6 b7C OGC)(FBI)" Fer my previous email. please see below. Canwe please obtai n a responre to the following so we ca, sharewith - b7A b7E b6 b7C OGC) (FBI)" Folder: 20~7-~~88- Tlewis 12192017 seth_greenfeld@1isa:1,:_ov _o b6 b7C Subject: GSA - As we diicussed, here is wh a~eeds in order to b3 b 7A b 7E t hope that makes sense but please let me know ifsnybody has questions. - Thanks, federal Bureau of Investigation b6 b7C Confidentiality Statement: This message is transmitted to you by the Office of the General Counsel of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The message, along with any attachments, may be confidential and legally privil!!ged. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, please destroy it promptly without further ,~tention or di~semination (unles:. otherwise required by law). Please notify the sender crfthe error by a separate e-mail or by callinsmllllll folder: 2017-8948S-newis12l9Z~-~Y:~~~~en~ritt@g_sa.gov_O Fwd:GSA Mon,21 Aug 2017 09:22:58 Subject: -0400 Lennard Loewentritt L To: Claudi;i llladig • LG , Duane Smith Message-10: f72eS3626bSb2cbS97f024_107578288f MOS: Date: from: ..., . . ... . I . OGC} (FBI Date: Mon, Aug 21, 2017 at 9:05 AM Subject: RE:GSA To: LennardLoewentritt- L , Richard Beckler - L , Claudia Nadig - LG , Eugenia Ellison- LG From: I• - '•. Apolog.i1::.for y,·1:111,,th..:r e-mail. lllll Jue ". I t1u.,::t.;..,1tt..:-,,.. o;i,,,-ouH~,·l h• ~ (•t• I)~ ,J-.c-( )lh<:c of th.:- (1.,::th.'1·...l C*..nn:-i:d ,,f ih..: 1·..~ts. mil'{ tE to11fidentialand le!;allypmileged , fyou ,n no1U>ei•11~~1ed tP.C1p,entof th,s m5S¥e. pleasedescrov it pr:i,np!ly without fur:rie rt'!:er>bo-· • \l!nlessoltle,v,ise ty ~ S.f:l.)~tatc ~ f"l'H~;Io, by c;1Uin ~ (",,e'\l",d.;-nu;,ht~ !-)1,11.,·n,~m (<:II} (AI) , 20171:48 PM I inadvertently left-ff everyone. the email. r>kascalso include him orl rcspon~cs. Thank you. b6 b7C Folder:2017-89488TL.ewis12192017 lenny.loeweo~ritt@~.°'" sa""" .g ""'o""" v""""'" O_ ___ ---- _ Original message -·--- --- OGC)(FBI)" From: b6 b7 C Date: 8/ 18/17 10: 10 PM (GMT-O5:O 0) To: Lennard Loewentritl- L . Richard Beckler - L , Claudia Nadig - LG -~ct;iudia.nadig 11'£, sa,&ov>, l~ugenia Elli~on LG , sct h.grccn lcld:u; .g1" Subject: Fwd: GSA Per my previous c· ·· ·e see be low. Can we ple ase obtain a response to the following so b7A b7E we can share with ----- Original message - ---- From: (OGC)(FB!)" b6 b7 C Date : 8/ 18/J 7 9:42 PM (G MT--05:00) OGC) (FBI)" Subje ct: GSA IF, we discu ssed. here is wbat - eedsin o r derto b3 b7A b7E b7A b7E I bopc thamiaL:cssc11scbut plcasclct we knowif anybodyhas questions. OJD.-,: ofthcG:11cralC01wscl FcdcralBueauoflllves1ig.atio11 (onlidentialiry S1a1emem: ·n,rs mes,;ageii 1ra11s111i11ccho you byr heot'li:eoft he C'·,rneral(buns.el oft heF<=deralHlueau of Investigation. The message, along with any attachments, may be confidential and legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, please destroy it promptly without further retention or dissemination (unlMs otherwise required by law). Please natily the sender of the error by a separate e-mail or by calling - bti b7C ~0~ !;.15117·89488·TLewls l2192017 lenny.loewe ntr itt~es_a.gov_O ______ Subject : Date: From: To: Message-ID: •. . • • Fwd: FBIRequestfor Dccvments and Responsive Materials Wed, 23 Aug 2017 12:03:22-0400 Lennard Loewentritt • L Eugenia Ellison . ja net Harney <-40 263072 20100292292@unknownmsgid> MOS: 0a7d67b39lda182cbcl53572fc9478dea Attachments: NoName_l ; LHM_to_GSA_ ·_Request_l.pdf Sent from my iPh one Begin forwar ded mes sa ge : from : OGC)(FBI)" Date : August 23, 2017 at 11:59:18 AM EDT To: "brett.armstrong@gs" b6 b7C Cc: Dua ne Smith , Lennard Loew entr itt · L , Seth Greenfeld· LG Du,me Smith , Lennard loewE! nt ritt - L , Claudia Nadi - LG , Seth Greenfeld . LG b6 b7C CD) (fBI)" Message-ID ; 458e9 a44039f4 88b2 622b dd07cb3c532 Good evening, everyone. Today, ~nd I have a conversation with .... OISA OGC (and who is cc'ed ), concerning the computer equ ipment held by GSAthat D~erv ice for.ndicatecl that OISA concurs with following same procedures for obtaining that equipment ilS we have established for FBI requests to GSA; namely . it will be provided to the FBI via consent, the FBI will ma intain custodial possession only ; and then the FBI will ,;eek legal process prio r to gaining access to any device s he ld within custodial posses sion. To that end, please know thatthe FBI IIIIIFanyone has any concerns o r que stions, please do not hesitate to raise them int arrange a time for a telephone c:all. Thank you, Assistant Genera ounsel Federal Bureau of Investigation National Security and Cyber Law Branch b6 b'7A b'7C b'7E folder: 2017-89488-Tli!wis!~19~(?17 seth.greenfeld@gsa:.!l?V-~- __________ _ Subject: Fwd: Request for more Information Pate: wed, 30 Aug 201! 11:06:48 -0400 from: Erik Simmons · IORC To: Seth Greenfeld . lG!>, Steve Grewal - ID Message-ID: MDS: 952e68c50c2362740el970c2474b5692 Attachments:GSARequest.pdf fYI b6 b7C ErikWe h<1vclln aclclitional.ndivicluals we arc cum::ntly inlcrcsl.:d it. Allachcd i~ a new letter requesting the inforrnation. If possible. can you 31 least have tomorrow when r pick up the other information? You indica ted you will be out until next Tucsdav so we want to ha\·c it available when thcv swear out a warrant before then. lfvou can b7A b7E get thcj-that would b~ great but I want lo manage expectationsso just let me know what is or is not possible. I am also working on - uni ii nr.-.:1week. As we are moving this week I may not get them anr qu1:stions on the auached. Thank s for your pa1ic11cc! Pl<.:a~t:c<1II with b6 b7C N Tl · ·: T 11s email Cmcludmg any a\lac ments) is inlemled for lhe use oflhc i11d1v1dual or cn1i1yto which it is 3ddr'7sscd. It n,:>y cont~in jnforrnatton 1h~t 1s ptivikgcd. confidcntt31, or <-thc,wisc protc.'t'b;d b} apphc:)hlc lo\\. If vou are not the inte11dedrecipient l Erik Simmons - IDRC Claudia Nadig- LG , Robert Carter - D , Duane Smith . Lennard l.oewentritt - L , Seth Greenfeld - LG , Steve Grewal - ID <-6314522311849854(J81@u nknownmsgid> 01374c7e3deba69f8el8a32b10e4dlc6 Thanks E'ric Brett On Sep 1, 2017, at 09:57, Erik Simmons - IDRC wrote: Brett, -Y Si ned Acee table Uie Policy and IT Hardware Inventory Documents for individuals listed- b6 and IT Hardware Inventory Documents for individvals listed - Attached is the signed property receipt that includes the associated letters from the FBI. I have highlighted the area in the FBI letters that are associated with this property transfer. Please Note: For any items that are not highlighted in the FBt request, GSA IT either has already turned over these items or does not have access to these items. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks. Erik b7A b7C b7E UNCLASSIFIED/~ U.S. Department of Justice FederalBureau of Investigation Washington, D.C. 20535-0001 Date: 06/22/2017 To: William Brazis General Counsel Defense Information System Administration Ft. George Meade, Maryland b6 b7C From: ni 1e Federal Bureau of Investigation Subject: (U//FOUO) Formal Preservation Request and Request for Further Information (U//FOUO} The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) appreciates the Defense Information S stem Administration's DISA assistance to our investi ative efforts. lt is the FBl' s understandin tha~ (U//FOUO) As discusse · his team, the FBI has ·determined -he FBI therefore formally requests that DISA immediately preserves all Documents and Responsive Materials in thcir current format, so as to preserve their forensic integrity, which arc potentially relevant to our investigative efforts that are in the possession, custody, or control of DISA. (U//FOUO) The term ''Documents and Responsive Materials'' includes, but is not limited to, all issued electronic devices, to include computers, cellular telephones, wireless devices, and CMS devices, as well as, both in draft and final form, all emails, voicemails, documents, photos, text messages, instant messages, electronic, handwritten, arid/or hardcopy records, databases, telephone records, correspondence, transcripts, audio recordings, analyses, briefings, assessments, banner entries, user agreements, audit records, metadata, storage devices, notes, memoranda, diary and calendar entries, visitor logs, meeting attendance records, meeting room reseivations, meeting agendas, badge records, records of entry and exit to any building, room, or secure facility, safe access records, video surveillance of public and non-public areas, and access logs, including of classified information. (U//FOUO) All Documents and Responsive Materials should be preserved even if destruction of documents or records might, but for this request, be permissible. Additionally, this request to preserve Documents and Responsive Materials applies to potentially privileged material. UNCLASSIFIED//~ b7A b7E UNCLASSIFIED/~ (U//F9efc)) In additionto this formalpreservationrequest, the FBI is also interestedin obtainingfurther informationto determinewhat specificinformationDISApossesseswhich may be related to the investigation. (U//F~) The FBI respectfully requests DISA to provide the following information at this time: b 7A b7E b6 b7C b7E UNCLASSIFIED/IF~ !'~.} ............... urJ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT 011JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Receipt for Property Case ID: _3728 On (date} OSiJ1/20l7 item fs} listed be-low were: Colk-ctcdiScized Reu:ivi:d From Retum:d To Released To El D B (NameJ ~~~-~.~(-~~-~-(~:-~..~-~~(~.!~~'.~.:!~'.~ ........... -.... (Stree1AddressJ iCity) .~!,?_~E.~!:::~-~~:, ______________________ .. _Wa. ... !:,,,,f'Gru·1"i,,t1l"'~ .:CT"'SfEci.,.__,\i,-i UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE li'EDERALBUREAUOF INVESTIGATION Receipt for Property 372EI -----·-,~ ..... ---..--..-.-....-..----~- CaselD : .... On (dale} 00/2412-017 ilem(s) listedbelowwere: @ Collected/Seized Cl ReceivedFrom B (Nattie) General ServicesAdminil\Stliuion ~;hington (City) ··-···-····-···· --··-·-----··-····· -···-------- 1800 ·Nw _____ F Street ,.._ ,_..__••--·-·•"•-•"•••-••••••A,,- {S1m:t Address) ReturnedTo Release d To ..........._._, ______________________________ ,____ .......,...__.,........,. •.oc .. .~r~~-~j~~~~!~~! :ell pbon b7A b7E _____ _,__ ,_.,_ ~_........,.,. - ........ ............................... --·•Y•W•~-·w•w•---------------·----- --• ·--------- . .... -..,._ ................. .......... .. •• •-•• ••• ••••••-••••• -•• ••••••••• -•• •••-•••••-•••• -• • . •-•••••••••••• ••• .. •-•••••••••••••••••••••••• .. ••••••-••••-•••••••• ---------------··--·-------·-------..·-·-··---···---···· ..····· ..····-· ···..···-·.................-............................... - ................-.....-............... ---------·-·· ·..................... _....... ...-........... ......·-···· -·····-····· ..····..···.............. ·-····· ······-·· ............. ..._............... ,u ___ ....,_... ..,.,_,,_,_.. .................... ..,_ ........................... ........,u._ ..........__.....,,.........~..,•-..-..•-.._... ......_, ,.._u • .,..,......__• ..,, ••••• ,. _ ..... ,., ......... , ,. ..... ,. . •••••• ........ ,. .. , ..................... •-•• •• •-•\onuu .. n ••• •-• •.... • .. •••••• .. ••• .. •••-••••••H b6 b ?C Rttr.ived By: ReceivedFrom: Prioted NamrllltJe: : ··:·· ·· ,. .. : .. ·:··· : 0 "" :·- ~·,.· .. :··" "· ·r· x ":'· " ''" :· ·":· ·::·· .., ··:·· ..:" :::····"· ;· ···~··:.... -:...:;·..:-:(. «:"".......... >..~~· . .... ...... --=--:~-:..... ~.. v.-...v.-........-..-:"':"~ . ' ' . '' ,• ' ' .... ' ' . . '•'. ,• £~~- ,S ~ MM Ct'J ~ ,_ • _ :r"\ · s r~,:.;c;r.. \ a-\-1 ~"l'~r~ ~.,. ,.... .,."'<' ..w....,~ .. ' ~ ::-, ..:--,... ..,.~ ..iO',.~~ ,, .. )"l,'l.. w-:,......... -1')",(>~......, ·• . ........... ~~.. ...,,,........., ............ ~... ~... : ' ... P$~ .l···-····-······ of.)···············-· UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF I~'VESTIGATION Receipt for Properfy Case JD: .372B···········-·································································································"'"""""' 0612412017 item {s) listed below were: ····-···············------········-··················· On (date) . I!] Collected/Seized CJ Received From Retmncd To Released To B (Name} General Ser:ices Admininsiration (Street Address) 1800 F Street NW ., ..~,......... ,.,., ........ · ,,,,,,..,.,., .... ,,,, .... ,,,,,,,.,, ........................................ ·.···················--.·.·.·.--.·.·········································''''''''''''''''''''''''''"''''''''''''''''''''''""'''''''''''''''"''''''''"''''''''''''""" .............................................................................. " (City) . Wai;hington,.DC-··········---···············-····-···············--············-·······"'"""""""·"""""""""""w···········"""w.w.·.·.·.·.·.·.w.·.·.w.·.·.·.·.· ..·.·.·.· ....... ·.·................ ·....... :.:·:.:•.......................... Erik Simmons,cell phon ·······································-················""""""""""""" 'I b7A Descripdonofiiem (s}~ b7E. "........................................... ...................................................................... ................................. .................................................................................................................. ,.,., ........ ,.,.,., ........ ,.,., ........ ,.,., ........ ,.,., ........ ,.,.,., ...................... ·.············································ ................. · ......; ..; ··............................ . ............ , .. ····································································.·.·.·.· ..., .......... , ................................................ ,.......................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ , ............................................................................. .. ............................ - ................................................................... , ......, ..,. , ... ,. , ..·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.--.·.·································· ............................. , ......................................................................................................................................................................... . ............................. ·-----········----········-·· ..···.......................................................................................................................................... •··•·•·•··············•··•·····················································································································• .......................................................................................... .. ················.·.· ......................................................... , ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... , ....................................................... .., .""w . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . ...... ; ....... ················ ·.·.··············································"""•""""""""-'••"' .. •••••••••••••••••-••• ••••••••••••••••• >,,._•••••••••••••••••••••••-•••••••••••••••••• ••""•••••-·• ••-•••••••••••••••••-••••-•••••••••••••••••-••••• \,"· ·,." •••••••-••••-••••"••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••"•"""•""""""""""""•"""'·································~.·.·.·.w.·.········-:•:•:·.·.-·.·.-································.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.,····\',.. ·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.w·'""""."""•"""""""•"•"""••••••••••••••••••--••••-••••••••••••••••• ........................... .. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... - ........................ > y ;~................................................. · .................... · ·· · · · ·•·••·••.••·.·.·.··.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.w.·.·.·.·.··.·.w., ....._.__."""""•""""""""'""••-•••••••••••••••••••••••-•••••-•••••••••••••••••••••-••••••••••••••••••••••• ..••.. -••••-•••• · ........................ · ................ . '··~< •••••-•••••••••••••""•••• ,. ·••••••-•••••••••••• > '""" .. """"""""'"""""w····································· .............·...........························ ·.·.·.·.·.w.·.····························"•""""""""""""•""""""""'""'-••••••••••••• ··,.,-"'•••-••••••••••••••••• ... ._ ••••••••• ••· ••••••••••••••••••-' .... ,.. .... Rec:eiwd By: \ (J " '· b6 b 7C •~Is!!\ Rcceind From: "- PrinledName/Title: . e p_.l I( :5 t M r'V'O~. ~ ··············---- :r--r,(~c.lAL.r_s.1- 1 $..,fler"'°ISor t- UNCI.ASSIFffl)l,,"6 U.S. Department of .Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation Washington, D.C. 20535~000, Date: 06102/2017 To: Lconnard Loc\ventriH. Deputy General Counsel U.S. General Service,,;;Administration t 800 F Street, NW. Washingt(.)11, O.C. 20405 It?./ Prmn: John A, Brown ()-6 Spcciai Agent in Ch~t~c Federal Burenuof Investigation Subje.ct: (U/iro) Request for lnfr1mrntion (U/f~) Th~ Federal Bureau of hwe::.t.igation ffB() appreciates the Genernl Service.:; Administrat10n'5 (GSA) assistance to our investigative etforts. Based on ()Ur conversation on 06/0l/2017~ the FBI is interest<.~in obtaining further 1nfonnat.iont.odetennine what infrmnation you pos~csswhich may be relatedtu our inv~stigatit)O. (U//F~)j The FBI rcspt.-ctfhlty n..-qucsl~your itgcncy pmvidc the following: b7A b 7E UNCI.ASSlFIFD//FrO UNCLASS1FIED/!FOUO (U!/FOUO) 'J11cFBI is al~o interested in ynur assisfrmci, in providin g <.:ontaclin' Dcfi.:nsc lufonn ation System AclministrnHon DIS.A) to obtain infb rmation related to the b7A b7E b6 b7C b7E UNCLASSJf lED/!FOUO UNCLASSIFlED/!FOUO U.S. Department of Justice Pedcrat Bureau of Investigation Washington, D.C, 20535-UOOI Dcite.;06/22/2017 To: Leonnard L<}~wcntdtt Deputy Gcnernl Coun;;;el U.S. Ck11ernlServices Administration ! 800 F Street~NW, [JC. 20405 b6 b7C From: ·nit _ 1e F<-·tkralBureau of Investigation Subjc~t: (U!/FOUO) Formal Preservation Requ.:!st (lY!FOOO) The FederalBor~m of InvestigationffBI) greatly appreciates tho General Services Administration's {GSA) assistance to our inve~tigative effort~. (U!/FOtJO) Based on our convc1sat.ion<)fl 06/01/2017 and crn1sistenl wii.h ) mem()ran<.1a dated 06/0l/20.17. th~ FBI has detennincd 1r f)l ow u) The FBI therefore forrnarly rcque~bthat GSA immediately pres,,·vt:s a Documents nnt Rcsp<.msivcMaterials in their current frmnat,s.oa~ to preserve their forensic integrity, which ~m~ potentially relevant to our investigative dlhr!"s that ani in the posscs>ion, custody, nr control b7A b7E QfGSA. (l.l!/FO\JO) The term ··Documents and R.csponsiv~ Materials" includes, bm is n<.ltlimited to, all issi1cd ck'Cll'-oni<.: devices~ to incfodc c(>nsputcn.,(:cllular telephuncs, mid wireless devices. as well as, drnit aml final form, all entails, voicem.ails,documents,photos, text messages, instantmessages, elcclmnic, hm1dwriHcn, and/or hardcopy rec~)rds, databases, telephone rect)rds. corresprmden<.:e, transcripts, audio recordings. analyses, briefings, assessments, banner em.ries,user agreements, midi! records, mctudata, storngc devices. notes. diary a11dcalendar entries, visitor h.\gs,meeting attendance rccorr:mda, meeting agendas 1 budge rccordst n~Ci)r<.is<>fentry and exit to any bu.ilding, mom, m secure fr1cility,safo a<.:<~css records, vidt-·ui;urvcillanc:eof public '1ndnon-public are{~s,and access log'!<,induding of clasliified infi.-,rmation. (U!/FOUO) All Documents nnd Rcspt)U.r conthtut> regarding this re uest can be dimcted to UNCLASSIFIEDHFOUO UNCLASSIFIED//F.960 U.S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation Washington, D.C. 20535-0001 Date: August 30, 2017 To: Brett Armstrong Deputy Associate Administrator for Resilience & Interagency Programs Office of Mission Assurance U.S. General Services Administration 1800 F Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20405 b6 b7C From: Subject: (U/JF_9dc}) Request for Production of Documents and Responsive Materials (U//F�O) The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) greatly appreciates the General Services Administration's (GSA) ongoing assistance to our investigative efforts. As discussed in our telephone conversation onAuoust23 2017 theFBiisformall re uestin GSA to rovide theFBlwith allDocuments andResponsive b?A (U/!F jXTO) The term "Documents and Responsive Materials" includes, but is not limited to, all issued electronic devices, to include computers, cellular telephones, and wireless devices, as well as, both in draft and final form, all e-mails, voicemails, documents, photos, text messages, instant messages, electronic, handwritten, and/or hardcopy records, databases, telephone records, correspondence, transcripts, audio recordings, analyses, briefings, assessments, banner entries, user agreements, audit records, metadata, storage devices, notes, memoranda, diary and calendar entries, visitor logs, meeting attendance records, meeting room reservations, meeting agendas, badge records, records of entry and exit to any building, room, or secure facility, safe access records, video surveillance of public and non-public areas, and access logs. (U//F9M6) The individual users for this request includes the following: b6 b7A b7C !Fj)do UNCLASSIFlED/ This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. UNCLASSIFIED//Fp{('o r via telephone at - t1on, any questions•ardin e r r via telephone at lii uest can be directed t . •• UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property oflhe FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its contents arc not to be distributed outside your agency. b6 b7A b7C b7E A Office of Requester Center February 16, 2018 Mr. Jason Leopold Dear Mr. Leopold: This letter is in response to your US. General Services Administration (GSA) Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request (GSA-2018000357), submitted on December 16, 2017. in which you requested the following: All segregable Donald Trump Presidential Transition Team emails from transition team member accounts. 2. Any and all correspondence exchanged between GSA and the Office or Special Counsel Robert Mueller. This includes but is not limited to letters, emails and memos." As stated in our February 2. 2018. interim release. we are in the process of consulting with agencies with a substantial interest in the responsive records to obtain their views on disclosure and will release records on a rolling basis once a release or denial decision has been made. Please find the enclosed documents as our second interim release to your request. After consulting with the DOJ, FBI and DISA, we have withheld personal identifying information to include the names of Special Agents and contact information for FBI employees. We also withheld the names and email addresses for military personnel and federal employees in sensitive occupations, along with the name of an attorney representing the Presidential Transition Team. This is done in accordance with the sixth and/or seventh exemption of FOIA, 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(6) because public disclosure of this information would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. We also withheld information in accordance with the seventh exemption of FOIA. 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(7)(A) and because public disclosure of this information could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings, and/or would disclose techniques and procedures for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions. In addition, we withheld in full a five page document pursuant to the sixth and seventh exemptions of FOIA, 5 USC 552(b)(6) and and (E), because it is currently under seal. As we have redacted information referenced in the above paragraphs with the aforementioned FOIA exemptions, this constitutes a panial denial of your FOIA request. As such. you may Ht .. ml. \im- 1 administratively submit your appeal online via ( or by writing to the U.S. General Services Administration at the address shown below. Your appeal must be postmarked or electronically transmitted within 120 days of the date of the response to your request: U.S. General Services Administration FOIA Requester Service Center (H1F) 1800 F Street, NW, Room 7308 Washington, DC 20405 Your appeal should contain a brief statement of the reasons why you believe GSA should produce the responsive records. Enclose a copy of your initial request and this letter. Both the appeal letter and the envelope should be marked prominently, “Freedom of Information Act Appeal.” This completes our action on this second release. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (202) 219-3078 or by email at If you need additional assistance, you may also contact our FOIA Public Liaison, Ms. Audrey Brooks at (202) 205-5912 or via email at Additionally, you may contact the Office of Government Services (OGIS) at the National Archives and Records Administration to inquire about the FOIA mediation services they offer. The contact information for OGIS is as follows: Office of Government Information Services, National Archives and Records Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road-OGIS, College Park, Maryland 20740-6001, email at; telephone at 202-741-5770; toll free at 1-877684-6448; or facsimile at 202-741-5769. Sincerely, Travis Lewis FOIA Program Manager Enclosures