Jack Sawyer February 16, 2018 DOB: 03/11/1999 A611: 18 SA main: 18-2968 Amness:-- Axsionuu (mm Rosemary M. Kennedy Poultney, VT 05764 romeo omit: VSP~Rutland ommx: Der. Sgt, Todd Wilkins VlC'l'lM ADVOCATE: Shea McGee mommuo.' 1313400813 STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT UNIT STATE OF VERMONT CRIMINAL DIVISION V- DOCKET NO. JACK SAWYER INFORMATION BY STATES IATTORNUY By the authority of the State of Vermont, the State's Attorney for Rulland County, upon the oath of office charges: COUNT10F4 CHARGE CODE: CODE ID: 371 i OFFENSE CLASS: CHARGE NAME: Jack Sawyer, in the County ofiiuiland, on or about Febmary 13, 2018, willfully, deliberately and with piemeditution and with the intentto kill, slumpted to kill multiple persons, to wit: multiple students at Fair Haven Union High School, and performed an out towards the commission of the offense, lo wiif by purchasing a 12-gauge shotgun, inviolation of 13 ?9 and 13 V.S.A. ?2311(a)(3), Penalty: hnprisoncd for life and for no lesser term without the possibility ofpm'ole, COUNT 2 017 4 CHARGE CODE: 1 CODE ID: 371 i OFFENSE CHARGE NAME: 312k Sawyer, in the County of Rutlaud on or about February 13, 201%, willfully, deliberately and with premeditation and withthe intent to kill, attempted to commit a muoiel' of a law enforcement officei who would be perfomuing his official duties to wit: the School Officer Scott at Fair Haven Union High School, and pelfoirned an act towards thocommission of the offense, to wit: by purchasing a lZ-gauge shoimm, in violation of 13 very ?9 and 13 ?2311(a)(7). Penalty: Imprisoned for life and for no lesser term without the possibility of parole. COUNT 3 0T 4 A CHARGE CODE: 13V2301l 1 CODE ID: 366 OFFENSE CLASS: CHARGE NAME: MURDER 1 ST Jack Sawyer, in the County of Rutland on 01 about February 13, 2018, will??ly, delibe1ately and with premeditation and with the intent to kill, attempted tolleill anothei student, to wit: by planning to kill at least one student at Fair Haven Union High School, and performed an act towards the commission of the offe?se, to wit: purchasing a 12ugauge shotgun, in violation of 13 ?9 and 13 V.S.A. ?2311(a)(3). - attempted to cominit ?rst" degree minder by, in violation 'of 13 V.S.A. 2301. Penalty: Imprisoned. for life and for a presumlative minimum term. of 35 years. . - COUNT 4 OF 4 CHARGE CODE: 13V1024A2 CODE ID: 133 OFFENSE CLASS: CHARGE NAME: AS WEAPON Jack Sawyer, in? the County of Rutland, on or about Feb1ua1y 13 2018, attempted to cause bodily Injuly to anothe1 with a deadly Weapon, to wit: at least one student at Fair Haven Union High School after patchasing a 12?gauge shotgun, in violation of 13 V. A. 1024(a)(2). Penalty: ImpIisoned not more than 15 yeais or ?ned not Ino1e than $10, 000. 00 or both. Against the peace and dignity of-the?. State. Febmary 16, 2018- Me?s Attorney 'This information has been p1esented to me and I have found p1obable cause. DATED: - . .3 Superior Court Judge A Hold without bail. . VERMONT STATE POLICE . . STATE or VERMONT- AFFIDAWT CASE - . RUTLAND-COUNTY A Now comes Deteetitre Sergeant Todd Wi?dne, Af?ant, being ?11113? leor? ?and on eath, and says he has probable eanee to, believe that 391: Sawyer (0811_1199)has eonhnitted the effenee(s) .of Attempted. Aggravated . Murder; Attempted'First Degree Murder 8c Attempted Aggravated Assault With a Deadly?Weap?n, a. vjelatien er Title 13, Vermont Statutes Anneteted 2301 1924(e)(5). . I, Detective Sergeant Todd am-a full time ef?eer empleyed by the Vermont State Police, Bureau. of Criminal Investigations;- certi?ed. by the Vermont Grif?hlal Inetlee' Training Council; On Febmery 15', 2013 at .agpr?xitnetely 1200 home I Was informedof a peaeible plot to eheotnp and kill students at the Fairliaven Union High ?8 Che el inFair Retiree Rutland, County; ?Vermont. The felle'wing' information has been eenteye? te by Fair ?atten Felice Departme?t Detective Sheen'itlewltt and Chief William Humphjies. On February 14, 201.8 Detective Shaun Hewitt'rec eivedie rep on: from the Vermont State Peliee djep etch advis'i?gnf an. individual possibly making threats a gainet the Detective Heedtt . . ?3p nice with Jennifer Mortals 0,11 and leathecl that on Monday, Febru ary 12; 2018, Juvenile KO, who is ?'iende with Mortenson? 3 daughter? was at ?hei' residence with aele Sawyer ($11199). Mortenson teld Deteettve Hewitt that Sawyer?e 'demeaner seemed strange. Sawyer left a short time after arriving at Mortensen?e residence; After Sawyer left, Meriteneen learned ?temJuven?e 110 that Sawerhad made threats against the FHUHS in the past en? had re Gently- perches ed a ?rearm from Dick? 3 Sp orting Goods in Rutland, Vermont. Detective Hewitt learned that SaWyer had recently le? a treatment facility in Mattie; ewyer had been at this faciliw for appreximetely two years. Deteetive Hewitt lmew that SaWer made threats against individuals at the FHUHS approximately twe years-egg). Detecti-Ve Hewittlater eonteetecl Dielc?s Sfperting Gentle in ?Rutland, Yermont and learned that Sawyer purchased a shotgun on February 13.; 201-8. The .ehetgt?m was it Mererielgmedel 8,8 Saw?y, 12 83.11% WHIP Shetg'un? serial number 8. Hewitt 21150 obtained a 1.00135] 0f the for the shotgun, Which indicated there was. no. amm?tien puts ..aee.'d withihe shotgmi. 0.11 February .15, 2018, an employee of Dick?s . Si] ?Goods? ceetaeted EHPD Chief and aavised?him that Same: made 'a separate purchase of ammunifip?n-pn Februaty 13 2018. He 'pnreheaed four bexee of 1-12 gauge huelcshot .ell ee?tain?lg fire 81101; 31161le each. . On 14} 2013, FHPD Of?cer Edward Heyes spoke with Sawyers father, David Sawyer. David told Qf??l?f Hares Thai his 3.011, made threats towards FHUHS yreviously, but hidieeted been in Maine fer the past year we a half-in eresiaential treatment facility to help him 09.136 with anxiety and depression, to. David, Sawyer remdxfee? himself?'em this? facility recently and came back to Veimo?t re leek. for . aj?oh. David advised that Sawyer recently stopped taldhg medicatien that Bedheen preserihed to him The meditations Were to treat deptessi'on and AD (Attention De?cient Hyper Digerder). David advised. Sawyer seemed quite nermelainee his ?t?etuth t0 Verment. - - On February .14, 2018, Qf?ee1* Hayes, Chief Humphries' and. Hooper Craigquandlneated Sawyer Who had just . been?target shooting. Chief Humph'ries exgleihed to Same}: Why they were there, and teld Sawyer about their i?testigatien. Sawyer edvised he understood why- peeple Would be concerned. Sawyer adri?tted to .mal?ng Subscribed and Severn tebe'fere nee 0.11 This 16th day ofFebruarY; 2013 1/ Af?ant nn {1 ammo thre?ats toxNar?ds his School several years ago and wheii he We asked if he'wes still need at his schoel, Sewer said, ?kinda?. - Sawyer was ?aked why he purchased the gun ahd 'he? advised it was for target She eting and . hunting; Chief Humpln?es did not ask Sawyer about any pians to commit a violent act At this point of?eers present (3911161 1101; ?hd enough evidence ti} further their in?es?tigefaion. On Eebruagey 15?, 2918, Chief Humphries Was eenteeted; by Deputy EVa?n Treudt ofthe Dutehess County Sheriff 5 Office, 10 eated in Peugl?ceepsie, New York. Deputy Traudt advised .3, student at a lope-'1 5011901 . ?approached him reporting she had messages on?her phone ftom Sbmeoxle ., le?ing Showing at the FHUHS, The A studentWa-s Identi?ed as' Juvenile AM. Deputy Traudt to ck phetos- of these {ext meSsag'es 011 Juvenile phqne and BL. . gee-1 them to Chief Humiih?ee Chief Humph?es reviewed these photos and saw they appeared - i0 be?ecebopic Messenger meseag'es from Sawyer. The Ib?owin'g is the eonfen?c of some?mesee es? exehaeged bewieen Juveeil?e AM and Sawyer: SUN 5:01 PM (Sunday, mew 11; 2018) JUVENILE WAIT meme? 00:11 0F COLLEGE JUVENIZE Meme USIILL GONNA OPEN 1?0sz SA PV-YER Np! I dropped emf becfzuL-re I wanted 2?0 some beak to VT and I hate school and Maine 50 I den give a shit anymore. JUVENILE whyv?o jam; had seek a great?zmre cow?ozzjaek . SA WZYER re?ll do, I haven?wghted e'culimiy?ime for mo?ths enyweys. Back in ?ying in Start fresh. Just a few days ago I was an sheeting up my 9261. high echeol so. it?s not like I really wanted a fumz?e anyway; RH I?m seeihg wiiat I car: do here and If I like it so as'ofnow I 3m goIng to try 332d live here and get an aparm?nt endjob and Shit andhzeeage SA WER 53m: like #1 at SUN (Sum?ay, Nahum? 2018)- JUVENJIE 12121441531: . JUVENILE ?ame Son ?t In anythi?gg that will get you in tenable JUVENILE AMW 'i ?doe?zf wai'et to lose yeur??endship endyoy Should?ft lose the amazingperean you are re impulsf?e decigions - I I MON 3:05 PM MandamFebmary 12, 20418); Suhm?h?d, and 5?.me te hefere me on This 1 th [1313? GfEehruety, 2,013 - - Af?a?t mm #901 R- SAWYER I wouldn consider them It?s beer: the pIanfor WIS 2 years, I'bzatdan ?t warty I wen?t Ee. And see I Just don ?t want to deal with the shit We each as always we: king a shittyjob I dorz?t have ttItet'eetefor a career m) a?dt?ent and Mortgage end teem ewe, .90 It? .9 like why not end It a early, 32;:vi well, I manage I TUE Febr?tta?p 2-0I-8) JUVENILE AM ?e yeah I get I tj?e?e a?noytng JWENILE AM?juetbe mam TUE ateeseey: February 13, ems) SAWYER Yes yee thII rte worries Wienkyoe . WED 4: 52 PM (Wednesday, February I4 2018) JUVENILE AM do you see this on the new SAWY-ER Do I see what on the newe? I typteaIIy do?tt watch It JUVENILE AM me either but I ?2 03 echoaljuet got shot up WYER, fIImtis?feetagtte, 100% tt What eeheol is It JUVENILE AM you can not say that. it's not goe'djaekpee?e died . SAWYER- You can say that but I thitzk the human popt'efatton suck? so I to lied? about cases of water (A Seleetton theh humans would go extinct like ids . JUVENILE AM this tere't natural selection A SAWYER It. is Because: It?s getting rid ofthe dumb ?zekere by gettIng Shel: Widng It so only the ones who. . aetyeIIy can get out and survive getput on top?. It?ejuet natural Selection tqken up a notch VENILE Ietfe agree te disagree JUVENILE I gig out to eat Subgcribed-end sworn t6 before me on This 1 th day ofFebreary, 20-13 - . Af?ant mm Anni SA don?t know whyyoo would thief: that-IWooId think any Like you know that I was going to Shoot up my own where! so I don?t really have much, remorse. Bot alright. And 'zt?e bad because I Itve on the move moot oftIte time I woolly don't have the time or space to cook (Since I ?m to my ear woolly and Would have to eook 3 remote oetng My poeItet Etoye) I haven?t eaten eaIZy anythoeg but orecIterofor the Foot 24 ?oors This IteePS Happening too I JUVZEMISE AMP 1 worse It: expecting you ?to change your perspective tjest Wooted to Show you how More}; ?omoge 2?3 done over ones decision. but AWAYS th?at unhealthy yo ?eet(Wednesday, Febroet 14,2013) SA WEB Yes I Imow Orzo time I Went over to m?tends girl that he ?teImWorIe to hoog out with tIieot Me eke works as the receptionist to We met! ten o?tee oocI they ve got breofg?cestfoede and shit and I ate so goddamn 1 Meek Because I 3:35th eaten to like 30 hours that time it Was ereey. Like I knot? to, outpm the onlycor, end woolly I'm net to o: gooetepot to eet up my opet ottoos there WED 7: 33 PM (Wednesday, Febroory 142018) JUVENILE AM sorry I was doing kw SA WYER okay I were evoking renter; I bought a shotgun yesterday oo some be going out to shoot that a Bit. It's radical (Wedneodoy, 14 2013) SAWYER Yeah so some ?onehymoeefe?tole?eot called the cope on me because tIeey ImoW I Izod a shotgun . and they thought I was ottII ongry at my old sehool and three trooper core showed up one? I had to. talft'to them and eprotW that I i?m alright end eon it intend and they motioned they? on high eIer of the Shooting-that hoppened in FIorteIot I JUVENIEE AMA Wthe elee?ctteiyoe tell . SA WYEB Nobody other than my eloee?teede Son?eehow they Imew I quite to Ittng? my men?s and they ootd they Ve been ?ying to. tr down whet I ?ve been Become I ve .s'ott ?oating to oiled houses Subscribed and New to before me 011 Aft] ant 26th day ofFebfuaty, 2018 - .- - A M/szr", - omens hn??n - MENILE AM 11 can you even get in that email? SA WYER Well I didn?t get in trouble, peaple wetejaet cencerned so they wanted to oonte and chech'mJUVENILE ohh that 15* ea damb? I can?t believe someone salt the cape on you that? a so immata't - SA WYER I guess people at "my old eahael are alto blaming neefor the Sheeting in FL Egg]; so I guess anything IS possible to be immatat e. when it comes to my oldaahool JUVENILE AM that matte; no senee how ean you be something that happened states away? - . Anti it ?not like yoa'a eve: thieh abeat doing. something [the that now SA WEEK Yeah I Imow- exactly Like I ng'JIatneei to them that. I don ?t intend an anything and that I Just want to 'tangetpraet-iee and heath It's really stupid . JUVENILE don tyoa need a liaenee to Shoot SAWER Not in targetptaetiee. To heat-yeah a heating license.- JUVENILE AM .. Maybe ?ll? new yea ahoatd get. rid of the Shotgun #people are aaeptetoztsjaet So you ?re extra in the clear SA Ne not at all This is: Vermont litre literaiiy every body pat hae a gate and hkperj?betbt legal and 1 everything. I just-won?t tell anybody and I ?ll Zaw about even thaagh I eion? plan on doing anything bad, I Just den?t thaw attention to. niyeeh? JUVENILE AM yeah but what get impulsive and Waht to do something bad. if the guns: handy your more aabteot to make a bad decision . SA Don?t worry, I 'm extremely setfeontt oiled. h" I never did Shit? like bteah a window on hurt anybody at either or the ether treatment pt ogtam I was at, I can manage 1 I JUVENILE AM - oh obI it'aatyaajaat don ?t the anything dambt! After reviewing meesag?eS Chief Humphlie's centected Lieutenant ?ay-ah 1eque?sting the assistance. of the Vetmont State Police. A decision was Made to locate and detai? Sawyer Deputies ?om the Rutlend County Sheriff?s Depal ?uent Wale able to locate Sawye1 at 92 Tucker Road? 111 Poulmey, Vermont,8awye1 was advised Subscribed and swam to befme me on This/12111 day ofFebtuery, 201Af?ent non he was not under atreetib'ut eras being detained. Sawyer was transported to the State Police Barracks in 'Ratland. Upea arrival Det?; Sgt; Henry Alb erioo and I spoke With Sawyer. Ger interview with Sewer Was recorded and a eemplete copy is on ?le} The reeorded is ereby ineorporated as a part of this ease for the pinposes - of probable cause; . . The rehearing is a shinniary of our interview with Sawyer. -, I asked Samar to tell as aboethie life and he explained that he grew up in Pauliney and attended Pauliney Elementary Soho 01. After elemehtaiy school he went to Fair Haven Uhion High School because his parents felt it would provide him with more opportunities. Aecerding to Sawyer he spent his freshrtiah year at FHUHS and part ofhieedpho?mre?year. In December after S013 - emote year he ran .away'for about 3 day's and drove hirinself to California. After retarnin'g home his parents Sent him to a school-in Maine called horiweod. This was a treatmeht facility to help him With his aardety and depression. Sawyer 'eXplained he was in Maine until a few days. ago when he returned to Vermont. - . I asked Sawyer where he. was living and he advised he hired in his ear and was couch e?r?hg at friend-is I aslced'h?im if he lived ?With his gamete and he stated he oot?d live with his dad, but he did not Want to because he felt like he needed to be en, his own. Sawyer adrised he had been living on his own sinee returning to a Vermont on Friday (2/39/13). lashed Sawyer if hieparents had guardianship efhim and he told me that they had .?extended Saardianship? ?oi?him; heWeVei' he lit-red on his. oWll'. . . I asked SaWyer What his diagnoses Were and he advised he had a general anxie?gr disorderand depression. I aeked Sawyer ifhe took medieation for it and he stated he had stopped taking the meds about amonth prior and - art-er he stopped he felt mach better. i asked Sawyer ifhe remembered what he was presoribed and he told us he was prescribed ?Geodon? ervenee and Gahapentin. . I asked Sewer if he had any learning-disabilities and he indicated he did not. I asked him if?he had any trouble understanding things and he said, ?Mayhe Math?. I. asked Sewer: if he understood everything we were saying and all of onrqueetions and he advised he did: I told Sawyer if he did not understand anything he was asked he; just needed to let he knew. lashed Sawyer if he (I hid read and rewrite and he advised he Could. Sawyer told as . he struggled with science and math. but that was, it. Throughout my conversation With Sawyer he seemed Very . articulate and intelligent. He was quite oegahle of all our questions and appeared to completely - wideretalrd our oonhersation. At no. time ?exing my interaction with Sewer did he ,seem' confused e3; unable. to comprehend our questione. . I read Sewer his Miranda War-aim arid asked hire. him understood each .ofthoee rights, which he aolmowledged he did.? Sawyer waived his rights and agreed to speak With us. 1 dashed Sawyer whet bothered him about FHUHS and he advised-he believed it waejeet the me er ofpeeple there and he?e?h?hg?gled ?with anxiety there. Sewer indicated he struggled making friends while at I asked Sawyer why he ran away and he advised it was. just .too much to handle between school and his parents. He stated he did not want to-atiend schoolTenymore and wanted to drop out. .8 awyer explained when he retm'hed home, after running array9 his parents Sent him to the program in Maine.? Sawyer described the Subscribed and estimate before the ?en Th th day of-Februaiy; 2018 . . Af?an?t a1 - . meridian?: program as; a seho 01 where he needed to do chores. Sawyer indicated he spent 15 months in the program and than he moved-him a transitional program. which was less restrictive. .I asked Sawyer ifhe. wondered why he was at the ha?'aeks s'pealdng with :us and he. advised he had a?pretty good idea Why. .I then asked sewage tell why he thought he was here. Same}: advised he thought it was something to do with a ?bomb threat? at FHUI-IS. Sawyer then advised he thought people believed he had emething to do with the sehoei shooting in. Fletida ?iedey prior. .I asked awarer why?peeple wotdd ??hk diet - and he told us it Was because people saw him reading-am 0k about Colmnhi?e. I asked Samar if he was planning on doing sometl?ag like that and. he told us he waslplanning. on doing a shooting a couple years ago when he attended I asked fSaWyer What he was goi?g-to nee tori a gun and he stated he bought a . shotgun for $5 0 and was going to use that. Samar hidioated that; attemea' ingthe be ok ab out Columbihe he felt . it was something he wanted to eh I ?aked same: if he was pissed off-at people at the school and he told as he was just pissed off at the ?institution ofthe sohool.? Sawyer went onto to tell its he, was not. angry at one speci?c . Was everyone there. seem la?terstated he did not Want to kill any of the staff members jest the - - students thereasked Sawyer if he had used illegal, drags recently and he advised-not?ih about two years. I asked Sawyer about alcohol Use and he again dioated hehad not ?tted anyin- a long time. I asiked aeyei? ahc'mt speoitietatgets he?erahted to kill at FHUHS and he told us. he did not have Spooi-?e people he wanted to target. I asked Sawyet if'he was hullied while at FHUHS and he advised he wasn?t I ally bullied, hejust believed people didaot likahimasked Sawyer when the last time he talked with anyone about his plan was and he stated it waeahoat'a year and a half age. .I knew this waah'ot the truth based en text messages I read them Juvenile AM. . - I apolpe with Sawyer about being; huthful with tie and een?onted him about his previous statement. I informed him that We read some. texts that a friend of his shared withos. I again asked Same! when the last'titne was he talked about this with anyone and he changed his response and told usit was about 2 Weeks ago. I asked Saws-fer ifhe'tall'ced with ahjrone yesterday about the Florida so eel shooting happening. Sawyer told as he expressed to a friend how he agreed with and seppoited the person who. committed the Hedda seho 01 she otih g. Sawyer wanton to say he felt the?dead people deserved it because it 'Was- ?natural seleetion?. Sawyer explahted that game seleetionis only the strong; etc-most oapableg sutvive - I asked Sewer if he had any-mote theoghts abbot oat-tying oat-a shooti?g at EHUIIS. Sewei? advised he still had thoughts about it, but he unread}? did not want to She ot l?mself'so he did not Want to go through with it . eight-110wasked awyer'aboat his recent purchase of a shotgun from Dick?s Sporting Goods on 2/13f18. Sawyer initially told as that?the timing was bad and he just Wanted the gun to target Shoot. Later in the interview Sawyer? admitted the gun was Somethinghe planned to potohase-to Cali-Y out his plan, to sheet people at the EMIS. .S awyer explained he also putphased ammuhition for the shotgun as Well and Why he chose that speci?c ammunition. SawetvadviSed he had done 1?e5eatohoh ammunition to help him determine Whetihe best ?momunition to help him catty out his plan most effectively.- Sawyer Speei?oally talked about the .speoifio shot size and pellet size in the shot shell. Sawyer chose a #5 which he wot?cl cause greater oasualtie?s aad injuries. - - - Suheoribed and seem to before me on This 1. dag;r of Febtua'ry, 2018- . - As our conversation continued Sewer 'etientually admitted he was planning to come to Vermont to shoot up the FHUHS as recently as a week ago. SaWyer went into ?detail with as and explained his plan was to stake Out the . - school and pattern the school resource of?cer; Scott Once he knew Of?ce?1? Alkinbtn'gh?s pattern, land?when he left the building, he Would enter the school and kill people while Officer Was out. Throughout 01113 Sewer he mentiohed Columbine numerous times. I asked Sawyer if he could relate to the two shooters in Columbine. and he stated he did. SeWYer went on to tallespeol?eally about Erie Harris and Dylah KlebOId who were the two she stays in the Columbine massacre. Sawyer told as he was jest going to rise what they did as a ??fonndation sort ofthing.? Sgt; Alberioo asked Sawyer if there were things he Woold change from Colwnbine. LSawyer told Sgt. Alberioo he start in the cafeteria, go ?irough the?hallways to the library and at the end he would kill . himself. Sawyer wanted 'to. have control- and take his own life-ho did not Want law enforcement to kill him. This plan Was very similar to what Harris and Klebold did in the Columbine shooting. Sgt, Alberioo salted Samar about his oholee of Weapons he wouldnse. Sawyer told Sgt. he would use arr All-?1 5 (Assault ri?e). gt. Alberieo asked Saveyer if he had-ever shot an Ali?15. and Sawyer indioated he had because his friend had one. The conversation son inued ab out guns and Sawyer stated he wanted ?to get a pistol as Well. Speci?cally Sawyer wanted to get a 91am. SaWyer Went on to tell Sgt. Alberieo how he Would Wear a omo?j aoket insteadot a trench. coat lilre Hands and Kleh01?d. It was clear from the eontrersatioh With Sawyer thathe was going i0. use an Ali-15 ri?e, a 9mm handgun and the 12 gauge shotgun he purchased to carry out his plan. I asked Sawyer if?he felt that if there was no law enforcement intervention today if he wouldhave (retried out his plan. Sawyer stated?he would have carried 't out; heWever he was not sure wheta he Would am done it. Sawyer went on to say when he dies that is the Way he Will go out. Sgt. Albesioo asked Sawyer if he ever considered any other places and Satier advised he had not, it Was only FHUHS that Ila-wanted to hit. We talked edth Sawyer abouth?s issues with his sohodl. Senator struggled to. articulate speoi?oally what it was about school that bothered him, but was ?rm it was FHUHS setting; and experience that he was angry at. I asked Sawyer if it Was the. Columbine book that gave him these thoughts and set his. plan in motion. Sawyer told .us he was halting the thoughts before; but it was the book that helped him get started Sawyer told ?us he? did a bunch more research reheat it and read more books about Columbine and other shootings. It was Very . clear that Sawyer had spent time researching ssho o1 ?shootings and how he could execute his plan tosho at up I asked Sawyer if he knew anyone involved in the Florida sohool shooting. Sawyer told us he know have people that attended the echo 91 and were there when the shooting occurred. Sewer advised he reached ant to one of them because he Wanted to. lmow how it made her feel and what it felt like being inside the school. Sawyer told us this stuff fascinates him and he is very ?lterested in this kind-of stuff. Sawyer stated the female did foot tall; with him about it. We ?asked Sawyer if talking to her would change his mind about his plan and he told as it Would not?and when he was ready to carry out his plan he Would?de it.- . During our conversation Sawyer told; 1'15, hehada journal located in his Vol ?ole. He started writing in the journal about 3 months ago and in the journal hepatitis ab out his feelings and talks about his plans. The purpose of the journal was also so when he enacts his plan to shoot up the sehool, law enforcemerit would have something to Suhsorib ed and sworn to before (?mo 02/16/2018 lo 01: back on. I asked hind if it was to help us endorstand what was going tlnoagh his mind and he advised it Was. - . Sgt. Alberioo talked with Sawyer about other school she otings in the United States. He asked Sawyer how many casualties he wanted. Sawyer responded, ?As many as I Can SaWyet event on to tell Sgt. Albet?ioo he wanted to heel: the highest casualty count of all the other school shootings. He wanted to heat the number of deaths in the Virgir?'aflfeeh School shooting. Saw-yer talked ahoot?the ohallen'gee of that; it was, clear he put eigni?oant thooght into that; Sawyen ta?ced at) out the imp ortanee of a plan and not to be, it?ptilsivo because that does net pfoduee a high body oohnti gt; Alherioo asked Sawyer about patteming Of?oer All?inhatg. SaWyer advised he would watch. Of?cer . . for ?a week and See when he left School. When he left, that is when he'wonld go into the 3.0110 {21 ?and do the she othig. The teason for this was because Qf?eer Aliciahutg area. the only one who oot?d. Stop him Sawyer explained if he could not pattern him he wouldjust have to kill him ?rst. Sawyer described he would walk past e?tiee then return to'the of?ce and she at him in the head using the 9mm handgun because it Waa'easy to conceal. . i gt; Alberioo asked Samar if he had a date when he was going to execute his plan. Sawyer told him it was Match 14*? because that is when he Wee supposed to he. on Spring break and that Would be when he had an excuse to oome'haoloto Vennont. Sawyer later explaihed this ehahged when he found out he could sign himself out of his programio Maine; S?amei? also mentioned that he considered April 20th hoe?anae that was the day Columbine .o courted; however FHUHS was on spring break then, gt. All: eriee ?aked. Sawyer how he blew FHUHS eehedt?e and SaWYer indicated he had research Sehool Galendaif 0'11 the intemet so he lmew when the best time was to catty out his plan. - - During our oonversation With SaWyer? he told us heintended to follow through with his plan no matter What and . . this, interaetion with law enforcement was only going to delay his plan. Sawyer stated it may not be next week, next month or even neat heat, but eventually he will carry out his plan. Sawyer also talked with as about how he oodld ?disguise? himself; meaning he could oonvinoe people saeh as his oounSelot?e'that he was ?ne and did not-intend to do anything bad. Sawyer later granted us consentto selatoh his vehicle and to read his jouinal. Sateyer signed a consent form penniseion and. was informedhe could .revoke oongent an me. . . A Search of Sewers eehiole wait conducted, Inside the vehicle detectitfes located and Seized the following item: Materiel: Model 88 Shotgun, 1'2 gauge a h?aolcpaole with numexous items inside to .?inelude the 'joomalj 05181115 books on Columbine, digital camera, thumb dates, gas mask, ?Vid?? teoot?der and . otheamiscellaneousitenje. - . . . I reviewed Sawyer?sjournal and his mailings he anthored in the jem'nal. It was Very clear from Sawyer?e mitinge that he. a mass shooting of nemefeus people at the UHS The title on Sawyer?s jotnnal wae- ?fThe Journal of an Aotive Shooter.? Inside the journal were 8.1118111 pieces of paper Wl?t dates and time??rames as well as how he would ?go in a few days early and soope things (not ?rst.? There Were itemiaed lists Oh how much things oestsuoh as a 9mm Shotgun atnmo, 5.5.6 and atactioal veat._ It should be noted that 5.S6m1n ammunition is aminanition commonly used in an All?15? assault ri?e Subserlbed and sworn to ?before me on as; 3th day ofeebmay, 2013 (To nonanma 1 . Throughout. Sawyer?s journal he vents about his dislike for people-at He talks about having to push up his timeline for the shooting so that the people he Went to. sehool with don?it graduate. On 1/6218 he talks about how it was weird loiowlng he is puttir?lg? up with: eherything in his life Waiting until he is able to commit the . shooting and once thatday same nothing else would matter. On 1/11/18 he Writes, ?The big question still on my mind is, how do I go about killing Officer Scott before he can kill me or stop me.? Sawyer goes onto Write, ?My best plan is to either?wait to see ifhe leaves Sehool grounds-or to sneak upthe head point blank.? On 18 Sawyer talksin his journal about purchasing $500 worth of BIT COINS enlihe and theljmpose Of this was so ?that he oeuld purchase a Gloeh handgun on the ?darklweb.? We later talked with Sawyer about. his BIT COIN purehase. Sawyer told us he did in fact porchase BIT COINS online so that he could eventually Qurohase a G10. ek 9mm on the dark Web. Sawyer explained that When hie . purchased the BIT COIN he paid $500 . 8 Currency for them; however the BIT CQIN malket dropped and was currently only worth $300, Sawyer stated he needed to wait forthe BIT COIN market to rebound so he .had enough to buy the handgun. In Sawyer? s'joUrnal We discovered he attemptedto purchase a shotgun at Dick?s SpoitingGoods in Maine; hoWeVer he was dei?ed because he did not have a Ma?a Driver's License. We spoke with Saviyer about this" arid he advised he did attempt to buy- the sense shotgun he eventually I) ought in Vermont; hoWeVer the store would not sell it to him heoa?se he did riot have alt/lathe Lioense. Sawyer explained he planned on taking a covert trip to Veiment to purehase the gun; however that changed he realized he ceijld leave the pro gram. Throughout Sawyer?s journal he mentions Using explosives to help carry out his 'plan. When-I asked him about this he told us that he decided not to use explosives because there was no plaee he could practice detonating them. I In the beer; of Sawyer?s journal he has an ?expense. list? which list the guns and ammunition he needs to purchase to carry this outThere is also a ?Top ofthe should halts died list" andthat is alist of current and former FHUHS students. A copy of Sawyers journal is hereby ineoiperated as a paltof this eerie for the preposes of probable cause. Inside Samer?s vehicle deteothes leeated his computer. gt. Alheriee brought Sawyer in his computer and he - logged ihto it and started showihg Sgt. Alberieo information he had on the computer; Sawyer showed Sgt. Alherioo his VPN?Darlc web eooneetion and advised he used this to aveid. detection t?rorh law enforcement. SaWyer went oh to show Sgt. .Alberieo the weapons he intended to? purchase, These weapons thatched what he hadwritten in his omitted; He also sheared Sgt. Alberioo photos he had from the Columbine shooting on his . - eomputer and a ?le dedieated solely? foriinformatiori about the Columbine'shooting. . Detective gt. James Wright andDeteotive Trooper Patrick Slaney went and spoke with Sawyer?s father, Devi v, at his residehee. While there David turned over the shotgun Sawyer purehased years prior and had modified. The shotgun butt'stoelc was outdowa as was the beliel. The only reason to modify a shotgun is so .a person has the ability to conceal it. Based on the shore hiformat?ion I have probable cause to belieVe thatgfaok Sawyer committed the offenses of Attempted AggraVated Murder, Attempted First Degree Murder arid Attempted Aggravated Assault with a . deadly weapon. - . Subscribed and sworn to before me on 7th?dayofflebmahyJOlS A . . 'l semesters Alf-"front 313.01:th to Mar?le Valley Ragional Conestiohai- Facility and waa ordered held Without bail Sawyer waS later titan by an autherized court o?i?iala - Subscribed and Salem f0 'bafox?-me on Tina/16th day of February, 201;; x! . - - - 0221612013 . ?ml-n