(J ESTADO LIBRE ASOCIADO DE PUERTO RICO DEPARTAMENTO DE ESTADO SAN JUAN PUERTO RICO Yo, GRICEL FALGAS RODRIGUEZ, Subdirectora, Registro de Corporaciones del Departamento de Estado del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico. CERTIFICO: Que. FILM INVESTMENT COMPANY OF PUERTO RICO, registro 136,391 es una cmporacic?m con ?nes de lucro organizada bajo las leyes de Puerto Rico 6] 12 de junio de 2003 a las 12:20 p.m. EN TESTIMONIO DE LO CUAL, ?rmo la presents hago estampar en ella el Gran 86110 (161 Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico, en la Ciudad de San Juan, hoy doce de (Q3@py junio del dos mil tres. @032 6% Gricel Falg?s Rodriguez Subdirectora Registro de Corporaciones GFR/crl Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico DEPARTAMENTO DE ESTADO San Juan, Puerto Rico FORMULARIO DE RECONCILIACION USO Interno Nombre: MAHO FILM INVESTMENT COMPANY Fecha: JUNIO 12, 2003 OF PUERTO RICO, INC. N?mero Registro: 136,391 Hora: 12:20 p.m. N?mero Comprobante: 2003026327 Cantidad: 110.00 ervicios Solicitados El Registro Nuevo Good Standing I: Enmiendas Existencias Fusi?n Consolidaci?n Restauraci?n Certi?caciones Certi?caci?n Negativa Disoluci?n Cancelaci?n por Informs Anual Certi?caci?n de Cancelaci?n El Otros por Disoluci?n Certi?caci?n del O?cial Evaluador: Certi?co que he cali?cado aprobado los documentos antes seleccionados, los cuales se desprenden de los expedientes solicitudes. ?x JUNIO 12, 2003 Fecha /im?el O?cial Ev-aluador Favor de incluir este formulario en el expediente de la Corporacio?n con la copia del Servicio Solicitado del omprobaute dc Reutas Internas. ?Departamento Je Btmfo San juan, Tuerto Rico . Entidad /Confines Jr: [ucro I - Dominica Sin?nas [1er fordnea Nom?re: 0 174/352, 21c. Ndmero: /36/ 3 9/ 9242511; bl 0 5/77 Hora: 30 ?Iipo Je radicacidn: I - . . @erec?os pagad?os: 5 057 A 4 Kegistra nuew 4 Compro?antes Kat?mtfo nuevamente Seffos CamEios a Enmiemfas C?equg Qisofucio'n Math) 0 m?aja J2 Capitafautan'zazfo De 0 Nom?res simi?zres a itfe?nn'w fnm'ar a' a ,ij 54/1/49 kl? Bl, Jag/9am lead], ?03 I Howe ?42/9, l?ibl?e??oof/f Tefefono: Ssz? 6300 OEjecianes comzntan'os: Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico Commonwealth of Puerto Rico CERTIFICADO DE IN CORPORACION CER TIHCA TE OFINCORPORA TION CORPORACION AUTORIZADA A EMITIR ACCIONES DE CAPITAL A STOCK CORPORA TION I PRIMERO: El nombre de la corporacion es: FIRST: The name of the corporation is: Favor hacer un circulo alrededor del t?rmino que desee para el nombre de la corporacion: Please circle the term desired for the corporation ?s nam e: Maho Film Investment Company Corporacxon of Pner?ro R1 ro Corp. 0 Inc. Corporc?ton, Corp. or Inc. SEGUNDO: Su o?cina designada en el Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico estarz?i localizada en (direccion postal ?sica, incluyendo calle, n?mero municipio). SECOND: Its designated of?ce in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico will be located or (mailing and physical address. including street, number and municipali 252 Ponce de Leon Eye., Citibank Building, 16th Floor, Hato Rey PR 00918 f/gnxra/ El Agente Residente a cargo de dicha o?cina cs Maho Fi Investment Company Of R1 C0 3 Inc - The Resident A gent is charge of said office is TERCERO: Esta es una corporacion con ?nes de lucro cuya naturaleza propositos son THIRD: This is a for pro?t corporation which nature or purposes are Investinq in film industry projects and any other lawful activity for which corporations may he organi7ed under the 199% General Corporations Law of Puerto Rico. CUA RTO: mimero clases de acciones que la corporacion esta autorizada a emitir son (indicar el valor par de cada accion si son sin valor par) FOUR TH: The number and classes of authorized capital stock of this corporation are (indicate par value of shares or if they have no par value) - 10,000 shares of common stock at a par value of $100. La denominacion, facultad, preferencia derecho de las acciones es (indicar las condicioncs, limitaciones restricciones de cada clase, si :11 guna, si la Junta de Directorcs estar? autorizada a ?jarlas mediame resoluci?n) The denomination, faculties. preferences and rights of the stock are (indicate the conditions, lim itations and restrictions of stock, if any or if they will be ?xed by the Board of the Directors by corporate resolution) Conditionsllimitations and restrictions of stock will be fixed by the Board of Directors by corporate resolution QUINTO: E1 hombre direccion postal ?sica (incluyendo calle, mimero municipio) de cada incorporador son FIFTH: The name and mailing and physical address (including street. number and municipality) of each incorporatorwe Janira Beltran Sell?s, 268 Ponce de Leon Ave., Suite 903, Hato Rey PR 00918 Luis M. Pellot Gonzalezc268 Ponce de Leon Ave.. Suite 903. Hato Rey PR 00918 Si las facultades de los incorporadores habr?n de terminar a! radicarse e1 certi?cado de incorpomcion, los nombres las direcciones (incluyendo calle, n?mero municipio) de las personas que desempe?anin como directores hasta la primera reunion anua] de los miembros hasta que sus sucesores Ios reemplacen sonz. SIXTH: if the faculties of the incorporators will end upon the ?ling of the certi?cate of incorporation, the names and addresses (including street, number and municipality) of the persons who will act as directors until the ?rst annual meeting of the members or until their successors replace them are: Paul J. Manafort, 24 N. Union St., Alexandria,VA 22309 Hector Hovos- 252 Ponce de leon Ave - Citibank Bldo. l6th_Floor. Hato Rey PR 00918 Favor indicar con una la fecha en que la eorporaci?n tendr? vigencia: Please indicate with an ?the date on which the corporation will be effective: la fecha de radicaci?n . the ?ling date la siguiente fecha (que no exceder? noventa (90) dias a partir de la fecha dc radicaci?n) the following date (which will not exceed ninety (90) days from the ?ling date) V?ase el p?rrafo del Articulo 1.02 de la Ley General de Corporaciones de 1995 para otras cl?usulas opcionales. Please see paragraph of A m'cle 1.02 of the General Corporation Law of 995 for other optional clauses. YolNosotl-os, propositode fonnarmmoorpoxaci?n conforme a la Ley General de Corporaciones de Puerto Rico, juro/juramos que los datos contenidos en este certi?cado son cienosthe undersigned, being the incorporator(s), hereinbefore named. for the purpose of forming a corporation pursuant to the Getjeral Corporation Law286?uerto Rico of 1995, hereby swear thatthe facts herein stated are true, this day of une Incorporadodes) Incomoratods) PARA OFICIAL FOR OHCML USE ONLY .1 Wm Nitm. De Registm Registration Number Certi?co que he leido rcvisado dicho documento quc Certi?co que el do do . quedo I hereby certify that I have read and revised this document and I hereby certify that on . . this cste cumple con la Ley Nam. [44 del 10 de agosto de 1995. registrado dicho docutnento luego de habcr cumplido con la Ley Nam. 144 that it complies with Corporation A ct Nam. [44 afA ugust 10. document has been duly registered in accordance to A ct Nam [44 1995. 1 del 10 de agosto de 1995 (Loy General de Corporaciones). of A ugust 10. 1995 (General Corporations Law of Puerto Rico). Fecha Firma EN TESTIMONIO DE L0 CUAL, ?rmo Ia present: estampo en ella :1 Gran Date Signature Sello do] Estado Libte Asociado de Puerto Rico. en la ciudad de San Juan. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the undersigned by virtue of the authority vested by laws. hereby issue this certificate and affixes the Great Seal of the . Commonwealth of Puen'a Rico, in the City of San Juan. Nitm. dc Comprobantc Cantidad Voucher Number A mount Fecha Secretario Auxiliar de Estado Date A ssistant Secretary of State COMMONWEALTH OF PUERTO RICO DEPARTMENT OF STATE SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO January 9, 2004 Mrs. Ursula Carrion Nevarez 268 Ponce de Leon Ave. Home Mortgage Plaza Suite 903 Hato Rey, Puerto Rico 00918 Dear Mrs. Carrion: On December 3, 2003 at 5:50 a Certi?cate of Corporate Resolution to the Certi?cate of Incorporation of FILM INVESTMENT COMPANY OF PUERTO RICO, ?le 136,391, a pro?t corporation organized under Puerto Rico laws, was ?led, amending Article IV (Peculiarities, Denominations, Preferences and Rigths, Classes and Series of Common Stock). Cordially, Corporate Registry GFR/cmo J. a. I O?jeciones 0 cmntariasi Home Mortgage Plaza, Suite 905 3 Brain Li?re modado (It T113110 Rico Departamento (IE ?Estacfo San juan, Tum-to Rico 8M2 ham 22mm Con?rms (It [ucro ffam'nm . Sin?w Je [ucra W- 5r Mada) gut/Y) 1/)radicaabn: Dams 5 V: . Compro?antas nuew 5cm? nuwamente amgias . . . a m?aja dz . 98 a WOMEN-5 ?mm 0 ?611? Ursula Carri?n N?vdrez I 3 i 268 Ponce de Ledn Ave 5 Hato Rey. Puerto Rico 00918 Tel: (787)250-6300 Fax: (787) 250-6330 A E-mail: 1 ?35ch #23? wp?/A/aj /6 57/4? a?/w M/h (@3565 0w 52/725. {03/ 670 67% ?1 '1 .. 23:, COMMONWEALTH OF PUERTO RICO 3" Department of State 53 DEC ?3 5150 CERTIFICATE OF CORPORATE RESOLUTIONS ESTABLISHING THE PECULIARITIES, DENOMINATIONS, PREFERENCES AND RIGHTS, CLASSES AND SERIES OF COMMON STOCK Maho Eilm Investment Company of The undersigned, being a director of?P?UiE??lz'tbiRilC?inl'??EE? a corporation organized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, certifies: FIRST: That the members of the Board of Directors of l'iMaho . giad?opted, in writing, without the need of a meeting, the following resolutions, creating a class and/or series common stock and/or establishing the circumstances, peculiarities, denominations, rights and/or preferences of the common stock, as authorized by Article of the Certificate of Incorporation. The resolutions in which the classes and/or series of common stock are created and/or the circumstances, peculiarities, denominations, rights and/or preferences of the common stock established read as follows: SEE COPY OF CORPORATE RESOLUTION ATTACHED IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I, Paul J- Manafort ,the director who signs this Certificate hereby swears the facts herein stated are true, this 2nd day of Decenber. 2003 . Direftorr . BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF MAHO FILM INVESTMENT COMPANY OF PUERTO RICO, INC. 1, Paul Manafort, of legal age, married, executive and resident of Alexandria, Virginia, in my capacity of Assistant Secretary of Maho Film Investment Company of Puerto Rico, Inc., Certify: That on November 25, 2003 the majority of the Directors of the Corporation approved the following Resolutions: to issue 100 preferred Class A non-voting shares in two series: 95 shares of series designated Class A and ?ve shres Of the series designated A-l. All Class A shares to be preferred, non-voting, transferability restricted to blocks of multiples of 20 shares, Class A shares shall be redeemed at the price of $25,000 per shares from the proceeds received by the Corporation from its investment in Class A shares in Tax Investment Fund, Inc., as and if such proceeds are received from time to time. Class A-l is redeemable under the same terms as Class A but only after all other Class A shares have been redeemed and only if at the redemption of the Class A-l shares the Corporation no longer owns its Class A shares in Tax Investment Fund, Inc. Otherwise, after redemption of all other Class A shares, the Class A-l shares shall receive a return equal to the distributions received by the Corporation from its Class A shares in Tax Investment Fund, Inc., as and if such proceeds are received from time to time, up to $125,000 per share. Thereafter, Class A?l shares shall receive a return on a prorrated basis equal, in the aggregate, to 25% of the distributions received by the Corporation from its Class A shares in Tax Investment Fund, Inc., as and if such proceeds are received from time to time. In Alexandria, Virginia, this 25th day of November, 2003.? That said Resolutions are in the Minutes Book of Maho Film Investment Company of Puerto Rico, Inc L, which is under the custody of the Secretary of the Corporation. I hereby also Certify that said Resolutions were legally adOpted, have not been revoked or amended, are in full force and effect, were adOpted as provided in the Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation and its By-Laws, and comply with the applicable provisions of the 1995 Puerto Rico General Corporations Law, as amended. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I issue this Certi?cation, sign it and af?x the Corporate seal, in San Juan, Puerto Rico, this 2nd day of December, 2003. PA MANAFORT ASSI ANT SECRETARY