_ Council of the European Union Brussels, 27 April 2016 (OR. en) 1116 lnterinstltutional File: 2016l0084 (COD) ENT 1 Ml 1 AGRILEG 1 ENV 1 CHIMIE 1 IND 1 CODEC 1 NOTE From: General Secretariat of the Council To: Delegations _ Subject: Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL laying down rules on the making available on the market of CE marked fertilising products and amending Regulations (EC) No 1069/2009 and (EC) No 11071200!) Delegations will find attached the Presidency version of the text of the proposal. At this stage, all delegations maintain a scrutiny reservation of the text. 1/16 AW/ap 1 DGG3A EN 2016/0084 (COD) Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL laying down rules on the making available on the market of GE—marked—EU fertilising products and amending Regulations (EC) No 1069/2009 and (EC) No 1107/2009 [Text with EEA reievance) THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article '1 14 thereo f, Having regard to the proposal from the European Commission, After transmission of the draft legislativo act to the national parliam'ents, Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee , Aeting in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure, Whereas: 1/16 " AW/ap 2 DGG3A EN PFC 1: FERTILISER …A fertiliser shall be a GB—masked—EU fertilising product the function of which is to provide aimed—at—p+eviding nutrients to plants or mushroonm.247 PFC ¡(A): Organic fcrtiliser 1. An organic fertiliser shall contain - organic carbon (Corg!248 and ' nutrientsºº'º of solely biological origin. Organic fcrtiliser may contain leonardite and lignite. but e*elading nº other material which is fossilized or embedded in geological formations.250 Contaminants must not be present in the GE—marked—EU fertilising product by more than the following quantities:25l 246 247 248 249 250 251 &: Should read for the purposes of this Regulation (or similar). _P_I: Add “in an efñcient manner“. NL/Fi: Replace "organic carbon" by "organic matter". _Ej: Add an obligatory ratio "CIN". B_T_: Use w'ording “other nutrients". íl._.: Add: "…excegt, if this material is a by-product of other, non-fertilizer related, cxcavation processes” ¿Al:_ Add: "In case of CMC3, CMC4 and CMC5 the maximum amount of additives as defined in Annes II, Part II may be added as input materials". EB: Include an efficiency criterion. E: Refer explicitly to peat. DEI/AT: Contaminants and hygiene levels for all PFCs (and CMOS) should be organised in one big table in order to simplify, to harmonise across the board as far as possible and to give an overview on remaining differences. D_E: Especially heavy metals limits should be identical for al 1PFC5. QE: Add limit values for organic contaminants such as dioxines and PCBs maximum levels for other relevant substances should be included in the new EU fertiliser regulation, such as maximum levels for thalium (TI), perf1uorinated tensides (PPT), dioxines and dl—PCB. DE proposes: Thalium (Ti): (),l mg/kg dry matter; Perfluorinated tensides (PPT): 1,0 mg/kg dry matter; Sum of dioxines and dl-PCB: 30 ng/kg dry matter.. _Ll: Add contaminants from drugs, pesticides etc. &: Add limit values for PAH, TPH, PCB, PCDD. %: Not necessary, as sewage sludge is not considered an organic fertiliser. 1/16 AW/ap 90 ANNEX ] DGG3A EN - Cadmium (Cd) 1.5 tng/kg dry matter.252 ' Hexavalent chromium (Cr VI) 2 mg/kg dry matter,253 - …eea_———wº-me&ed… 254 255 - Mercury (Hg) 1 mg/kg dry matter, ' Nickel (Ni) 50 mg,/kg dry matter,256 - Lead (Ph) 120 mg/kg dry matter257, and LBiwet—(GEH5N—3929——————º—gtk%…&tt€ff ' Arsenio (As) 40 ¡nn/ke drv matter _ - ¡““—“er ¡“C-.:“ 39€Lm . UVI! iinºzt£t º"“ “º ”” LJI.I UUV lu __... 'I'—J '.)I I-J QI'/Bli/P'I': Suggests 3 ¡ng/kg. U: Suggests 2 mg. &: Suggests 4 mg. LT : ln any case. align e ween orgamc e 1 ¡sers and soil improvers. l¿/_: Specify the test method for liquid t'crtilisers. Furthermoré. il'the phosphorus content in liquid inorganic t'crtilizers does not exceed l.5% then it should not be necessary to determine their ("admium content. 253 E: Hexavalent chromium should be required below the detection limit. (throughout the PFCS). … ln favour of "Total chromium" limit: SKISE/HU/DK/BEICZIFI/PT/EL/FR. Only labelling of total chromium: Cion/DEFUK/NL/LV/LT/IT/BG/AT/RO. Other delegations flexible, if the threshold is not too strict. See also compromise suggestion on lubelling in Annex IV. 255 g: Cr VI does not make sense for organic fertilisers, as it is reduced to Cr Ill. &: Limit value should be higher. 255 1_ºtl : Level ¡5 too strict, suggests 80 mg. 257 $: Should be 60 mg/kg. H_U: Lead should be 100 mg. 258 Presidency compromise (WK 1625/2016) to set strict limits, but with an exception where Copper and Zinc are intentionallv added as micronutrients. In the latter case, the labelling provisions of Annex … concerning PFC 1 (B) and PFC I (C) would apply. Against this solution: IT/DK/BG/UK. 1/16 AW/ap 91 ANNEX I DGG3A EN ' 1 % bv mass of total nitrogen (N). or ' 1% bv mass of total nhosphorus pentoxide (P205). Or ' 1% bv mass of total notassium oxide (K20) and - 3% by mass of total sum of nutrients .… 3. Organic carbon (Cm) shall be present in the GE—marked—EU fertilising product by at least 5% by mass.ºº5¿ ……m…e…ú&……… …… PFC [(B): Organo-mineral fertiliscr An organo—mineral fertiliser shall be a co-formulationºº" of - one or more inorganic fcrtilisers, as speciñed inPFC 1(C) below, and - one or more & materials 238containing — organic carbon (Cºg) and — nutrients239 of solely biological origin, , including leonardite and lignite, but excluding other material_s which ¿alg is—fossilized or embedded in geological formations.ººº 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 &: Should be 4 % as for solid organic fertilisers. ¿[ : Suggests 2 % for organic carbon. SK/FR: Add " ln liquid fertilising products designed for foliar application shall not be present in any developmental stage endo (exo) parasites of humans. " H: Add "in fresh matter". C_iop_: After due reflection a reasonable limit value could not be fixed. DE: The current limit would exclude liquid digestate from the scope of the regulation. Against deletion of this provision: _E_S_. &: Define "co-fonnulation". Not very clear. Qi_o_n : Means that the organo—mineral fertilisers are complex organo—mineral fertilisers and not blends of organic and inorganic fertilisers. Reworded following 11 suggestion. H: Use "other nutrients". _E_S: Add a ratio "CIN". New wording following remarks by several delegations. 1/16 AW/ap 97 ANNEX 1 DGG3A EN Where one or more of the inorganic fertilisers in the co-forrnulation is a straight or compound solid inorganic macronutrient ammonium nitrate fertiliser of high nitrogen content, as specified in PFC l(C)(I)(a)(i ii)(A), the GE—mat=ke€i—EU fertilising product shall not contain 1—5;?5 _lº %2-º'I by mass of nitrogen (N) as a result of ammonium nitrate (N H4N03). Contaminants must not be present in the GE—marked—EU fertilising product by more than the following quantitics: (a) Cadmium (Cd) (1) Where the GE—marked—EU fertilising product has a total phosphorus (P) content of less than 5 % phosphorus pentoxide (P205)-equivalent by mass: 3 mg/l ??), PT/UK (80 => 60 => 40): D (75 =>— '?'?): EQ: (80 => '?'?): [[ (higher than 60 => ??): EQ: (60 => review clause): H:;: (60 -> hi ghcr than 20): E_lg: (60 => higher than 40 cndpoint); QE (60 => endpoint with ohligalory labelling of actual Cd-contcnt): EL ('?'? => 40 cndpoint : and should be expressed por ha). he following delegations can accept phasing—in-as proposed by the Cion: LVÍN [.,/l fl”/M'l”/DK/HR/CY/SKJCZ/SI/FI/EE/SEKHU/LU/AT/DE/IE. The f llowing cl- =gations insist on a starting point with_75 mg or higher: Pl,/ -ZS R()/U PT BG. & could accept this as well. Starting with 60, but having 20 only as labr?l“lhrg oh]igat13n, not as limit values (Pres suggestion from WK 1625/2016): IE/AT/DE/BE/FR/NL/lE/HR/EE. Nine delegations presented a compromiso keeping the possibility for stricter national limits in WK 2071/17: DK. SE, LT, HU, FI. Si. SK, CZ. NL. To this solution, the following delegations could also give agreement: LV/ATÍEL/BE. 1/16 AW/ap 98 ANNEX 1 DGG3A EN ' As of [Publications office, please insert the date occurring twelve years after the date of application of this Regulation]: 20 tng/kg phosphorus pentoxidc (P205 ), (b) Hexavalent chromium (Cr VI) 2 mg/kg dry matter, ! , £ ! ! . EE ] 199 ¡¡¡¡E rl¡=t=matterººº (e) Mercury (Hg) ] mg/kg dry matter, (d) N¡ºkºl (Ni) 50 tng/kg dry matter, andº” (e) Lead (Pb) 120 mg,/kg dry matter.298 (ea) Arsenio (As) 40 tng/kg drv matter … &&tar' “ ¿… (ed) Biuret (C2H5N303 12 g/kg dl_'1 matter 296 297 298 299 lºurthcrmore. DK/HUÍLT/Sl—l/lºl/Sl are interested in a derogation allowing them to keep hanning l'ertilisers that are not in conformity with their own strictcr standards at least ['or a transitory period.. Cion and Legal Services will further explore the legal possibilities for following options: Explicit derogation as such: Activation ot'the saléguard clausc by individual countries and then court decision; User restrictions and its relationship with the free movetitent clause (Art. 3): Obligatory labelling ol'high or t-'oluntary labelling of low cadmium content and enforcement ol" this require1nent by market surveillance authorities. Inserted following SK/IE/ & suggestions. Situation on total chromium limit see under PFC 1 (A). ¿I : On nickel and bacteria see identical footnotes on PFC ] (A) (I). $: Supports AT suggestion for bacteria (presence in sample). &: Suggests 190 mg/kg. LI: Supports AT for need of testing method. E: Nickel 100 mg. EL: Arsenio 2 mg/kg dry matter. H_U_: Arsenic should be 10mg. S_E: Lead should be 60 tng/kg. FI/I—IU/LT/SI: Lead should be 100 mg, Arsenio 25 &: Add values for Selen. 1_—I_U_ : Add limits on PAH, TPH, PCB, PCDD as well as for Co and Se. &: Zn should be 800 mg/kg. LI: Lower levels of Cu and Zn are better. Presidency compromise (WK 1625/2016) to set strict limits, but with an exception where Copper and Zinc are intentionallv added as micronutrients. In the latter case, the labelling provisions of Annex III concerning PFC 1 (B) and PFC 1 (C) would apply. Against this solution: IT/DKJBG/UK. 1/16 AW/ap 99 ANNEX ¡ DGG3A EN JJ. ] PFC 1((Í)(1): 1norgauic maeronutrient fertiliser332 An inorganic macronutrient fertiliser shall be aimed at providing plants with one or more of the following macronutrients: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca) magnesium (Mg), ea1%i—um—€G&),—SH—l—ph&'—(—SW sodium (Na) or sul hur S .333 Contaminants must not be present in the Gli—marked—EU fertilising product by more than the following quantities: (a) (."admium(('d) (£) Where the GE—marked—EU fertilising product has a total phosphorus (P) content of less than 5 % phosphorus pentoxide (P205')—equivalent by mass: 3 mg/kg dry matter”º, or (ij_2) Where the GE—marleed—EU fertilising product has a total phosphorus (P) content of 5 % phosphorus pentoxide (PZOS)—equivalent or more hy mass ('phosphate fertiliser'):335 ' As of [Publications office, please insert the date ot'applieation ol'this Regulation]: 60 ¡ng/kg phosphorus pentoxide (13205). 331 332 333 334 335 El Scrutiny reservation on 1% threehold and on necessity of pathogens requirements. $: Keep distinctión into primary, secondary and micronutrient from 2003/2003. lº: Keep category of meso—nutrients or secondary nutrients (Magnesium, Calcium, Sulphur, Sodium). _Ci_on: Distinction would have no practical difference as we deñne our minimum contents. EE: Definitions ofinorganic fertilisers and subgroups have severe repercussions on other parts of EU legislation. El: All sodium containing products should be in a special category PFC 7. _EQ: Definition is not clear, can the PFC 1 C 1 contain micronutrients ? Is the definition consistent with Annex III ? S_E_: Suggests 2 mg,/kg. FI/BE: 1,5 mg. &: Should be lower than 3 mg. _C_L: Refer to fresh matter, not dry matter. _(_Zio_n: Would have little impact on having to fulfill the limit values. &: Reservation on the links to phosphate. [li/PT: Suggest to start at 80 mg/kg and reduce to 60 tng/kg within three years. %: Do not start above 48ntg/kg. 1/16 AW/ap 108 ANNEX 1 DGG3A EN — As of [Publications office, please insert the date occurring three years after the date of application of this Regulation]: 40 mg!kg phosphorus punto:—¿ide (P2()5). and”º - As of [Publications office, please insert the date occurring twelve years after the date of application of this Regulation]: 20 mgr“lsg phosphorus pentoxide (P205). (b) Hexavalent chromium (Cr Vl) 2 mg/kg dry matter,º37 ……f€ñ————… 0mgnea—dH'—nmttef33º (º) Mercury (Hg) l.2 tng/kg dry matter,339 (d) Nickel (Ni) ¿gº 420 tng/kg dry matter,34º (º) Lead (Pb) 12_0 4—er Ing/kg dry matter,34l (f) Arsenic (As) º_60 mg]kg dry matter,”2 ffs”; Cep p er ¡, Cu) … Eme“: Z.rc ',Zn) 1599 mg”…mttep343 ”“ ¿liz Phasing-in ol'stric'ter limits should not go below 40 mgjkg. Ll¿: Phasing in until 80 mg!kg is no problem… stronger reductions have to be scientiñcally evaluated further. no linal position yet. &: Do not go below 90mg/k !… ¡_Xl : 40 mg!kg is too ambitious ' ”AT/B(ifll£: Do not to be -'ond 60 tng/k ! S: 75_ tng/kg. W1t nn [we years do a review. but without £xing a new limit at this stage. H_Ll: Keep end-point 20mg. … _L'L: Hexavalent chromium s ould be 1 mg. 333 ES: Sugge'sts 300mg. Situation on total chromium limit see under PFC 1 (A). ”º & Mercury 1 mg, NÍCkel 100. Lead 100, Arsenic 25. &: ln general contaminant limits for inorganic fertilisers are too high. 34" B_L_: Suggests 190 tng/kg. SK/DE/HU: Suggests 50 mg/kg. LI: 60 mg. 3'" $: Lead should be 60 mg. 25: Lead 120 mg/kg. I—IU/LT: Lead 100 mg. … _E_L_: Suggests 90 mg (Nickel), 120 mg (Lead), 6 mg (Arsenic). %: Arsenio 40mg. HU/SK: Arsenio 10mg. SE/SK: Include value for total chrome (50mg, SE, 100 mg SK). Fl/AT/HU: Add selenium. Cien: For the moment we do not have clear limit values for Selenium. … PL/EL: No need for Cu and Zn values in the inorganic macronutrient fertilisers. BE: Higher limits for Cu and Zn would be preferablc. DL(_: Against deletion. Cu and Zn are nutrients for the micronutrient type only, not in general. S_E: Zn should be 1000 mg/kg. Presidency compromise (WK 1625/2016) to set strict limits, but with an exception where Copper and Zinc are intentionally added as micronutrients. In the latter case, the labelling provisions of Annex lll concerning PFC 1 (B) and PFC ] (C) would apply. Against this solution: IT/DK/BG/UK. 1/16 " AW/ap 109 ANNEX 1 DGGBA EN (g) Biuret (C2H5N302)344 12 g/kg dry matter, and (h) Perchlorate (ClO4-) 50 mg/kg dry matter?“ 3“ CZ/PT/PL/FR/EE: There is no need for a biuret limit value in inorganie fertilisers. Delete or restrict it to cases, where urea is added to the product. gm; It does not harm, as manufacturers in general do not have to verify the limit value when it is obvious that biuret cannot be contained, no need to single out every case for every contaminant. EE: Would synthetic urea qualify as organic or inorganic fertiliser ? 345 %: Reservation on the perchlorate limit value. El: The requirement should be restricted to sodium nitrate based fertilisers. PL/BEIDE: There is no analytical method to secure the limit value. C_ion: Flexible on the limit value, but a method is being developed right now. 1/16 AW/ap ¡ 16 ANNEX r DGG3A EN