ESTADO LIBRE ASOCIADO DE PUERTO RICO TRIBUNAL DE APELACIONES REGION JUDICIAL DE SAN PANEL II AECOM-CPM JV, Recurridos, V. DEPARTAMENTO DE LA VIVIENDA DEL ESTADO LIBRE ASOCIADO DE PUERTO RICO, - Agencia, RISING PHOENIX HOLDINGS CORPORATION t/c/c/ ADJUSTERS INTERNATIONAL, INC., Recurrente. KLRA CASO TA: W201 800084 REVISION ADMINISTRATIVA PROCEDENTE DE LA JUNTA REVISORA DE SUBASTAS DEL DEPARTAMENTO DE LA VIVIENDA SOBRE: IMPUGNACION DE ADIUDICACION DE REQUERIMIENTO DE PROPUESTAS PARA LA GESTION DE PROGRAMAS PROFESIONALES ALEGATO EN A RECURSO DE REVISION ADMINISTRATIVA Naturaleza: Civil Materia: Derecho Administrative Asunto: Abogados de la Parte Recurrida AECOM-CPM JV Antonio A. Arias Larcada RUA 9062 Maria C. Cartagena Cancel RUA 15669 Yahaira De la Rosa Algarin RUA 18061 McConnell Vald?s LLC PO Box 364225 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936?4225 Avenida Mu?oz Rivera N?m. 270 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00918 Tel?fono: (787) 250-5604! 250-6665/ 250-2626 Facsimil: (787) 759-8282 g? :3 00:; la 833010: Impugnaci?n de Adj udicaci?n de Requerimiento de Prepuestas Parte Recurrida Junta Revisora de Subastas del Departamento de la Vivienda Maria Lafebre Llavona Secretaria de la Junta Revisora de Subastas gov Departamento de la Vivienda 606 Ave. Barbosa Edi?cio Juan C. Cordero San Juan, PR 00918 Tel?fono: (787) 274-2527 Ext. 6422 Parte Recurrida Departamento de la Vivienda Hon. Fernando A. Gil Ense?at Secretario del Departamento de la Vivienda gov Lcdo. Joel 0. Hernandez Alvarado Secretario Auxiliar del Departamento de la Vivienda gov Departamento de la Vivienda 606 Ave. Barbosa Edi?cio Juan C. Cordero, 10mo Piso San Juan, PR 00918 Tel?fono: (787) 274-2003 Abogados de la Parte Recurrida Departamento de la Vivienda Lcda. Hilda Qui?ones Rivera RUA 12370 Q.R. Asociados, LLC MCS Plaza, Suite 819 255 Ave. Ponce de Leon San Juan, PR 00918 Tel?fono: (787) 922-8083 Facsimil: (787) 725-5503 Lcdo. Carlos M. Rivera Vicente RUA 4403 Cancio, Nadal, Rivera Diaz, P.S.C. PO Box 364966 San Juan, PR 00936-4966 Tele?fono: (787) 622-2222 ext. 1234 Facsimil: (787) 759?5159 Abogados de la Parte Recurrente Adjusters International, Inc., hoy Rising Phoenix Holdings Corporation Lcdo. Eric Perez Ochoa RUA 9739 Leda. Shylene De es?s RUA 13995 Lcdo. Fabian Rodriguez Torres RUA 17133 Leda. Lourdes Arroyo Portela RUA 16985 Adsuar Mu?iz Goyco Seda Perez-Ochoa, P.S.C., PO Box 70294, San Juan, PR 0093 6-8294 Tel?fono: (787) 756-9000 Faesimil: (787) 756-9010 JV PO. Box 10914 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00922-0914 Joint Venture 9250 Baymeadows Road, Suite 350 Jacksonville, Florida 32256 (V, INDICE DE MATERIAS Pagina I. JURISDICCION COMPETENCIA DEL TRIBUNAL DE APELACIONES 1 II. DECISION DE LA CUAL SE RECURRE 1 111. RELACION DE HECHOS 2 IV. DISCUSION DE LOS SENALAMIENTOS DE ERROR 15 A. La Junta Revisora fue constituida conforme a dereoho, por lo que la Resoluci?n Final emitida es completamente valida 15 B. La Resolucion Final fue emitida dentro del t?rmino provisto por la Ley de Procedimiento Administrative Uniforme para resolver una moci?n de reconsideracion ante una agencia 16 C. La noti?caoion de la Vista administrativa por la Junta Revisora no fue defectuosa no viol? e1 debido procedimiento de ley de los demas licitadores 1 8 D. La Junta Revisora evaluo la validez de la adjudicaci?n a Adjusters/Rising Phoenix a la luz de la normativa aplicable para los procesos de RFP como el que esta en controversia 21 B. La Junta Revisora actu? correctamente a1 revocar 1a adjudicaoion arbitraria de la Junta de Subastas que no descali?co 1a propuesta de Adjusters/Rising Phoenix, aun cuando del expediente administrativo surge que no cumplia con requisitos minimos, esenciales materiales del RFP 27 1. Adjusters/Rising Phoenix no cumplio con el requisito minimo de contar con una Iinea de cr?dito y/o cuentas bancarias por $35 millones 27 2. Adjusters/Rising Phoenix es una oorporacion que no estaba autorizada a hacer negocios en Puerto Rico, ni habia solicitado autorizaci?n para e110 a1 momento de someter su propuesta . 31 3. Adjusters/Rising Phoenix no esta inscrita en el Registro Unico de Licitadores de la Administracion de Servicios Generales 33 F. Actu? oorrectamente la Junta Revisora a1 revocar 1a actuaci?n arbitraria de la Junta de Subastas de otorgar la puntuacion t?cnica de 70.06 a Adjusters/Rising Phoenix cuali?carlo para la linea de competencia a pesar que del expediente administrativo surge que no cumplio con los requisitos para obtener dicha puntuaci?n 34 G. Actuo correctamente la Junta Revisora a1 dejar sin efecto 1a adjudicaoi?n caprichosa arbitraria del RFP que no adjudic? el mismo a favor de AECOM cuando su propuesta representaba e1 ?Best Value?, seg?n surge del propio expediente administrativo 39 V. CONCLUSION SUPLICA 43 INDICE LEGAL JuriSprudencia de Puerto Rico: QM Accumail P.R. v. Junta de Subastas, 170 D.P.R. 821 (2007) 34 Aluma Const. v. A.A.A., 182 D.P.R. 776 (2011) 12 Aut. Carreteras V. CD Builders, Inc., 177 D.P.R. 398 (2009) 26 Berries v. Comisi?n de Mineria, 102 D.P.R. 228 (1974) 17 Business Tale-Communications, Inc. v. Gobiemo Autonomo de Guaynabo, KLRA200400924, 2005 WL 956919 (TCA) 26 Caribbean Communications v. Pol. De RR, 176 D.P.R. 978 (2009) 21 CM. Services, Inc. v. Junta de Subastas Administracion de Vivienda Publica, KLRA0500528, 2005 WL 3271954 (TCA) 42 First Transit of Puerto Rico, Inc. V. Autoridad de Carreteras Transportacion, er a_Z. KLRA201200782, 2012 WL 5177479 (TCA) 24, 25, 26 Gonzalez v. San Just Corp, 101 D.P.R. 168 (1973) 30 J.R.T. v. Club Nautico, 97 D.P.R. 386 (1969) 34 OF Group Inc. v. Municipio de Carolina, 013, 2010 WL 2710772 (TCA) 25 Karlan Group v. Municipio de Arecibo, KLRA200701108, WL 4623329 (TCA) 26 L.P.C. D., Inc. v. A.C., 149 D.PLR. 869 (1999) - 19 Las Marias v. Municipio de San Juan, 159 D.P.R. 868 (2003) 42 Hatton v. Municipio de Ponce, 134 D.P.R. 1001 (1994) 42 Lopez Vives v. Policia de RR, 118 D.P.R. 219 (1987) 17 Lopez Otros V. Asoc. De Taxis de Cavev, 142 D.P.R. 109 (1996) 34 Llorens V. Anibas, 184 D.P.R. 32 (2011) 35 Martinez V. Tribunal Superior, 83 D.P.R. 717 (1961) 17 Ocasio v. Kelly Servs., 163 D.P.R. 653 (2005) 32 Ortiz v. Adm. Sist. Retiro Emp. Gob., 147 D.P.R. 816 (1999) 17 P?rez Rodriguez V. P.R. Parking Systems, Inc., 119 D.P.R. 634 (1987) 17 Perez v. VPH Motors Corp., 152 D.P.R. 475 (2000) 19 Perfect Cleaning v. Centro Cardiovascular, 162 D.P.R. 745 (2004) Pons v. Rivera Santos, 85 D.P.R. 524 (1962) 16 Power, Inc. v. E.L.A., 170 606 (2007) 17, 18, 21 RBR Const., S.E. v. A.C., 149 D.P.R. 836 (1999) 18 Riego Z??iga v. Lineas A?reas Costarricenses, 139 D.P.R. 509 (1995) 31 Transcore Atlantic, Inc. v. Gila LLC, KLRA20141110, 2014 WL7745554 (TCA) 23, 24, 26 B. C. U.P.R. v. Laborde Torres otros, 180 D.P.R. 253 (2010) 16 Legislaci?n de Puerto Rico: 1. Lexes: C6dig0 Civil de Puerto Rico, 31 L.P.R.A.: Sec. 4, Articulo 4 42 Sec. 3471, Articulo 1233 37 Ley de la Judicatura del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico (2003), 4 L.P.R.A. sec. 24(6) y, Articulo4.006(c) 1 Ley General de Corporaciones, Ley N?m. 164-2009, 14 L.P.R.A. sec. 501 et seq. 31, 32 Ley d6 Procedimiento Administrative Uniforme (LPAU), 3 L.P.R.A. 866.2151 18 866.2159 19 866.2165 13 866.2166 17 866.2169 16,17,18 866.2172 18 Ley N?m. 97 d6 10 d6 junio de 1972, seg?n enmendada, conocida como la Ley Organica del Departamento de la Vivienda, 3 L.P.R.A. sec. 441 et seq. 15, 21 Plan de Reorganizaci?n de la Administraci?n d6 Servicios Generales d6 Puerto Rico de 2011, 3 L.P.R.A Ap. XIX: Articulo 40 33 Articulo 42 33 Reglamentos: Reglamento del Tribunal de Apelaciones del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico, 4 L.P.R.A. Ap. XXII-B, Regla 56 1 Reglas d6 Procedimiento Civil de 2009, 32 L.P.R.A. Ap. V: Regla 47 17 Regla 68.1 17,18 Reglas de Evidencia, 32 L.P.R.A., Ap. VI, R. 201, Regla 201(b)(1) y(2) 32 Reglamento d6 Subastas del Departamento de la Vivienda sus Agencias Adscritas, Reglamento N?m. 6106 del 25 de febrero de 2000, Articulos 4 5 1, 21, 33 Reglamento de la Junta Revisora d6 Subastas, Reglamento N?m. 6793 del 29 de marzo de 2004, Articulo 15 1, 15, 19 Legislaci?n Federal: Federal Acquisition Regulations System, 48 C.F.R.: sec. 1.101 39 sec. 15.101 39, 40 sec. 26.202 35 sec. 26.204 35 ii C7) Robert T. Sta?ord Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, Ley 93-288, seg?n enmendada, Secci?n 403, U.S.C. 5121 et seq. 2, 34 Otras Fuentes: Diaz Olivo, Cogporaciones, Puerto Rico, Publicaciones Puertorrique?as, Inc., 2008, p?gs. 59-60 30 Procurement Handbook for Publie Housing Agencies (HUD Handbook 7460.8 REV 2, dated 2/2007) 33, 40, 41 ESTADO LIBRE ASOCIADO DE PUERTO RICO DE APELACIONES REGION JUDICIAL DE SAN JUAN-CAGUAS PANEL II AECOM-CPM JV, CASO TA: KLAN201800084 Recurridos, REVISION ADMINISTRATIVA v. PROCEDENTE DE LA JUNTA REVISORA DE SUBASTAS DEL DEPARTAMENTO DE LA VIVIENDA DEL DEPARTAMENTO DE LA VIVIENDA ESTADO LIBRE ASOCIADO DE PUERTO RICO, SOBRE: Agencia, IMPUGNACION DE ADIUDICACION DE REQUERIMIENT-O DE PROPUESTAS RISING PHOENIX HOLDINGS PARA LA GESTION CORPORATION t/c/c/ ADJUSTERS DE PROGRAMAS PROFESIONALES INTERNATIONAL, INC., Recurrente. ALEGATO EN OPOSICION AL RECURSO DE REVISION ADMINISTRATIVA AL HONORABLE TRIBUNAL DE APELACIONES: COMPARECE ante este HonOrable Tribunal, AECOM-CPM JV (en adelante, por conducto de los abogados que suscriben, muy respetuosamente expone, alega solicita: I. JURISDICCION COMPETENCIA DEL TRIBUNAL DE APELACIONES La parte Recurrente invoca la jurisdicciOn competencia de este Honorable Tribunal al amparo del Articulo 4.006(0) de la Loy de la Judicatura de 2003, 4 L.P.R.A. sec. 24y(c), la Regla 56 del Reglamento del Tribunal de Apelaciones, 4 L.P.R.A. Ap. XXII-B, R. 56, 61 Articulo 5 del Reglamento de Subastas del Departamento de la Vivienda suS Agencias Adscritas, Reglamento N?m. 6106 del 25 de febrero do 2000, 61 Articulo 15 del Reglamento de la Junta Revisora de Subastas, Reglamento N?m. 6793 del 29 de marzo de 2004. II. DECISION DE LA CUAL SE RECURRE El recurso presentado solicita la reviSiOn de una Resolucic?m de la Junta Revisora de Subastas del Departamento de la Vivienda (?Junta Revisora?), 1a cual declaro ha lugar una Moci?n de Reconsideraci?n presentada por AECOM. La ResoluciOn de la Junta Revisora revocO la decisi?n de la Junta de Subastas del Departamento de la Vivienda (?Junta de Subastas?) de otorgar la buena pro de la Solicitud de Propuestas, para los Servicios de Gestion de Programas Profesionales, a la compa?ia Adjusters International, Inc., hoy Rising Phoenix Holdings Corporation (?Adjusters/Rising Phoenix?)1. La Junta de Subastas noti?co la concesion de la buena pro a Adjusters/Rising Phoenix e1 15 de diciembre de 2017. Oportunamente, el 28 de diciernbre de 2017, AECOM presento su Mocz?o?n de Reeonsz?deracidn ante la Junta Revisora impugnando la determinacion. de la Junta de Subastas. Sometido e1 oaso, e1 13 de febrero de 2018, noti?cada ese mismo dia, la Junta Revisora emitio una Resolucion Final mediante la and ordeno la revocacion de la adjudicacion del RFP la oancelaci?n de contrato suscrito entre el Departamento de la Vivienda de Puerto Rico (?Vivienda?) Adjusters/Rising Phoenix. RELACION DE HECHOS Como breve trasfondo a1 tracto prOcesal del oaso de epigrafe, disoutiremos los hechos que dieron origen a la controversia que se plantea. El huracan Maria toco tierra en Puerto Rico el 20 de septiembre de 2017, como una fuerte tormenta Categoria 4 con vientos sostenidos de hasta 155 millas por hora hasta 40 pulgadas mas de lluvia en algunas regiones que afectaron severamente miles de residencias. E1 21 de-septiembre de 2017, el Presidente Donald J. Trump aprobo una declaracion de desastre. Corno consecuencia, la Federal Emergency Management Agency autorizo fondos de Asistenoia Publica bajo la Seceion 403 del Robert T. Sta??ord Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, Ley 93-288, segl?m enrnendada, 42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq. (?Ley Stafford?) para el programa Sheltering and Temporary Essential Power para permitir que el Gobierno de Puerto Rico realizara reparaciones menores en viviendas unifamiliares. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 522)2. El 7 de noviembre de 2017, Vivienda emitio la Solicitud de Propuestas, 18-02, para los Servicios de Gestion de Programas Profesionales (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pags. 508-509) El RFP solicito propuestas de ?rmas para pr0porcionar servicios para administrar controlar e1 esfuerzo de Vivienda de proporcionar, a trav?s de contratistas cali?cados, reparaciones a miles de viviendas unifarniliares afectadas por el huraoan Maria. El valor estimado inicial de los servicios solicitados en la RFP era de $152,527,921.48, el cual seria ?nanciado por el Gobierno Federal. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 502). No obstante, 1a disponibilidad de fondos para el RFP era de $180,000,000.00. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 1361). 1 Adjusters International, Inc. estaba incorporada en el estado de Delaware. Solicito e1 cambio de nombre a Rising Phoenix Holdings Corporation e128 de diciembre de 2017, efeotivo e1 1 de enero de 2018. 2 Cuando se haga referencia a1 Ap?ndioe del Recurso de Revision Administrativa se hara bajo ?Ap?ndice Rev. E1 RFP establecia que el Comit? Evaluador evaluaria cada propuesta basado en los siguientes criterios: (1) experiencia capacidad del licitador; (2) cuali?caciones del personal clave a tiempo completo; (3) forma de abordar e1 proyecto; (4) desempe?o pasado del personal clave del licitador; (5) costo. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pags. 527-529). A cada uno de los criterios se le otorgo la siguiente puntuacion: Criterios Puntos disponibles Experiencia capacidad del licitador 20 Cuali?caciones del personal clave a tiempo completo 15 Forma de abordar e1 proyecto 20 Desempe?o pasado del personal clave del licitador 20 Costo 25 (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 527). Ademas, e1 RFP indicaba que debido a la cronologia tan agresiva, los retos geogra?cos la practica de construcci?n local, se estaria otorgando un bono de diez (10) puntos a aquellos licitadores que crearan 1111 ?Joint Venture? con un licitador local. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 529). Posteriormente, e1 16 de noviembre de 2017, Vivienda emitio el Suplemento N?m. 1 a1 RFP. En dicho documento, realiz? enmiendas clari?caciones a1 texto del RFP. (Apendice Rev. TA, pags. las mas relevantes, fueron la enmienda a los requisitos minimos de capacidad ?nanciera de los licitadores. Ahora se podia demostrar capacidad ?nanciera, ademas de una linea de cr?dito de treinta cinco millones de d?lares ($35,000,000) sin cargas, mediante con?rmacion de tercero, una combinaci?n de linea de cr?dito cuenta bancaria, igualmente con?rmada por tercero. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 602). Asi tambi?n, se enmend? la fecha limite de entrega de las propuestas para el 21 de noviembre de 2017. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 603). El 17 de noviembre de 2017, el Secretario de Vivienda design? e1 Comit? Evaluador mediante la Orden Administrativa N?m. 17-88. Dicho Comit? tenia la encomienda de evaluar las propuestas recibidas tomando en consideracion los criterios de evaluaci?n incluidos en el RFP. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 583). Llegada la fecha limite, e1 21 de noviembre de 2017, cuatro (4) entidades diferentes presentaron propuestas en respuesta al RFP: (1) GWPITTS AD JV (2) UNIPRO HGI IV (3) Adjusters/Rising Phoenix y; (4) ABCOM. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pags. 675-680). Ese mismo dia, Vivienda realize un cotejo de las propuestas presentadas evalu? la documentacion sometida conforme a 10 requerido en el RFP. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pags. 688? 765). Encontr? que Adjusters/Rising Phoenix fall? en incluir e1 certi?cado de incorporaci?n de la compa?ia, la lista de servicios realizados la declaraci?n jurada representando que la propuesta presentada no era colusoria con ninguna otra propuesta. (Apendice Rev. TA, pags. 739-743) Ademas, la hoja de cotejo indicaba que Adjusters/Rising Phoenix, supuestamente, habia presentado evidencia de una linea de cr?clito de $35,000,000 que, alegadamente, habia incluido un acuerdo de ?Joint Venture?. 1g. El 29 de noviembre de 2017, el Comit? Evaluador cuestion? mediante un correo electronico, si en efeeto se habia incluido un acuerdo de ?Joint Venture? para Adjusters/Rising Phoenix pues no constaba dieho documento en la propuesta sometida. Ademas, solicito una respuesta a una consulta. (Apendice Rev. TA, pag. 1038). Un dia despues, e1 Administrador Asociado del Area de Adquisicion Contratacion de Vivienda reSpondio que el RFP asignaria una puntuacion de bono a empresas que tengan un ?Joint Venture? con una empresa local. Expres? que Adjusters/Rising Phoenix habia entrado a un ?Teaming Agreement? con una empresa local. Indico que, alegadamente, un ?Teaming Agreement? es una modalidad de un ?Joint Venture?, que era c?nsono con 'el objetivo de la boni?cacion que otorga el RFP. Sin embargo, dejaba a la facultad del Comit? Evaluador, deterrninar si por el contenido del contrato se satisface dicho objetivo. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 1037). E1 30 de noviembre de 2017, el ?Comit? Evaluador entrego e1 Informe de Evaluacion T?cnica. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pags. 1061-1323). Dicho Comite? asigno la puntuaci?n t?cnica para cada uno de los licitadores. La puntuacion t?enica se baso en los siguientes criterios del RFP: Criterios Puntos disponibles Experieneia capaeidad del licitador 20 Cuali?caciones del personal clave a tiernpo complete 15 Forma de abordar elproyecto 20 Desempe?o pasado del personal clave del licitador 20 (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 1075). La puntuacion t?cnica otorgada a cada uno de los licitadores fue la siguiente: N?m Nombre Proponente Puntuaci?n 1 JV 77.50 2 Adjusters International, Inc. 70.06 3 JV 64.19 4 JV 62.44 (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 1282). De forma desglosada, Adjusters/Rising Phoenix recibi? las siguientes de aeuerdo a los parametros antes desoritos: fn?x 1.. Criterios Puntos otorgados a Adjusters/Rising Phoenix Experiencia capacidad del licitador 19.50 Cuali?caciones del personal clave a tiempo completo 10.50 Forma de abordar el proyecto 15.56 Desempe?o pasado del personalclave del licitador 14.50 Bono 10 Total 70.06 (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 1282). El Comit? Evaluador delineo la linea de competencia en sesenta siete (67) puntos. Es decir, solamente los proponentes que obtuviera, como minimo, dicha puntuaci?n, podrian ser considerados para la adjudicacion del RFP. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 1075) De esta manera, los ?nicos licitadores que, alegadarnente, cuali?caron para la linea de competencia de acuerdo a los puntos otorgados fueron los siguientes: Nt'nn. Nombre Proponente Puntuacion 1 JV 77.50 2 Adjusters International, Inc. 70.06 (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 1075). Pasada la fecha limite para someter las propuestas, e1 4 de diciembre de 2017, el Administrador Asociado del Area de Adquisicion Contratacion de Vivienda escribio un correo electr6nico a Adjusters/Rising Phoenix para que indicara Como su compafiia cumplia con el requisite minimo de una linea de cr?dito de $35,000,000 con fondos no gravados. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 1035). Al dia siguiente, Adjusters/Rising Phoenix respondio que, alegadamente, poseia la documentacion? para evidenciar que cumplia con el requisito minimo de capacidad ?nanciera. Enumero en un correo electronico los balances que se alegaban se encontraban en unas cuentas bancarias. Ademas, anejo los estados de cuenta de unas cuentas comerciales. Sin embargo, solo una de esas cuentas estaba a nombre de AdjustersiRising Phoenix con un balance de $2,119,887.34. Las demas cuentas estaban a nombre de Tidal Basin Holdings, Inc. Vanguard Emergency Management Housing Inspection Services, otras entidades corporativas. No incluyo documento alguno que re?ejara c?rno esas otras entidades corporativas se relaeionaban con Adjusters/Rising Phoenix. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pags. 1025-1033). El 5 de diciembre de 2017, dicho Administrador Asociado envio un correo electronico a la ?rma de CPA, para que evaluara 1a reSpuesta dada por Adjusters/Rising Phoenix en torno a su capacidad ?nanciera. (Apendice Rev. TA, pag. 1025). El CPA Anibal I over le reSpondio que si (W bien es cierto que una carta fechada 15 de noviembre de 2017, de NBT Bank con?rma un linea de cr?dito de $35,000,000, ?sta ?nicamente tiene un balance disponible de $26,000,000 a dicha fecha. Ademas, conforme a la Nota de los estados ?nancieros de Adjusters/Rising Phoenix sus subsidiarias, existe una limitacion a la disponibilidad de la linea de cr?dito al 31 de diciembre de 2016. Por tanto, e1 CPA Jover parte de la premisa que esta limitacion aplica a la linea de cre'dito existente, 1a cual es igual a1 de ,[los balances] de las cuentas [por cobrar] cornerciales elegibles segi?m de?nido en el acuerdo [de pr?stamoD? otras restricciones. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pags. 1020-1021). Cabe destacar, que el acuerdo de pr?stamo no se incluyo como anejo a1 correo electronico antes descrito a los estados ?nancieros. De hecho, los Comentarios a los Estados Financieros para el RFP indican que Adjusters/Rising Phoenix sometio un estado ?nanciero consolidado donde se habla de una linea de cr?dito sobre la cual se recomendaba obtener mas informacion. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pags. 1707-1708). El expediente administrativo no re?eja que dicha informaci?n haya sido proporcionada. Ademas, e1 CPA Jover indic? que a base de la informacion recibida de cuentas por cobrar, e1 requisite de la linea de cr?dito de $35,000,000 contenido en el RFP se cumpliria solamente si se consideran los balances de efectivo en las cuentas bancarias. Asimismo, expreso que para que se cumpliera con el requisito minimo de la linea de cr?dito, era imprescindible asurnir como un activo convertible en efectivo e1 inter?s de participacion, si alguno, de Adjusters/Rising Phoenix en el balance en efectivo de la empresa com?n Vanguard contar con el 80% de las proyecciones de cuentas por cobrar conforrne a la limitacion de la linea . de cr?dito. E1 CPA I over tambi?n mencion? que la informacion que se proveyo consiste en el efectivo que Adjusterszising Phoenix utiliza para cubrir sus gastos normales de operaci?n las cuentas por cobrar esperadas, que aunque pudieran ser correctas, para hacer un mejor analisis recomendaba como necesario obtener: (1) las cifras reales de las cuentas por cobrar al 30 de septiembre 0 31 de octubre de 2017; (2) la formula del acuerdo de pr?stamo la de?nicion de las cuentas por cobrar comerciales elegibles. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pags. 1020-1021). Finalmente, el CPA Jover indic? que el Comit? Evaluador tendria que decidir los siguientes asuntos: (1) Si se consideraria e1 balance en efectivo de las cuentas bancarias para determinar Si se cumple con el requisito de la linea de cr?dito de $35,000,000; (2) Si en la f?rrnula del 80% de las cuentas por cobrar comerciales elegibles se tomara en consideracion el inter?s de participaci?n de Adj usters/Rising Phoenix en la empresa com?n Vanguard. Sobre este ?ltimo asunto, e1 CPA I over apunto e1 t?rmino de tiempo de la empresa com?n Vanguard como factor a considerar. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pags. 1020-1021). 3 E1 6 de diciembre de 2017, el Area de Adquisiciones Contratacion de Vivienda le- solicit? a Adjusters/Rising Phoenix a AECOM, que fueron los dos licitadores que entraron en la linea de competencia que revisaran sus ofertas de costo conforme a1 analisis realizado. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pags. 1667-1668 1676-1677). Asi, e1 8 de diciembre de 2017, Adjusters/Rising Phoenix AECOM sornetieron sus ofertas de costo. Un dia despu?s, e1 9 de diciembre de 2017, Adjusters/Rising Phoenix AECOM realizaron unas presentaciones de su experiencia con el programa STEP su implementaci?n en Puerto Rico. Luego de que se solicitara someter las prOpuestas de acuerdo a una hoja de costos que uniformaba las partidas, e1 12 de diciembre de 2017, Adjusters/Rising Phoenix AECOM sometieron sus ofertas de costo ?nales. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 1360). Ese mismo dia, e1 12 de diciembre de 2017, el Area de Adquisiciones Contratacion de Vivienda emitio 1a recomendacion de la adjudicacion de1 RFP. Basado en 1as ofertas de costo ?nales que fueran sometidas por Adjusters/Rising Phoenix AECOM se le asigno 1a puntuacion de1 costo, utilizando e1 m?todo de valor absoluto segt'in establecido en el RFP. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pags. 1355-1362). La puntuacion total ?nal, incluyendo 1a puntuaci?n t?cnica la puntuacion sobre el costo fue 1a siguiente: N?m. Nombre Proponente Puntuaci?n Estimado Oferta Final T?cnica Econ?mica 1 JV 99.04 $152,527,921.48 $154,195,116.00 2 Adjusters International, Inc. 95.06 $152,527,921.48 $132,849,389.42 (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 1360). El Area de Adquisiciones Contratacion de Vivienda determino que ?se obtuvieron precios razonables para poder adjudicar lal subasta?. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 1361). Sin embargo, expreso que: ?luego de haber sobrepasado e1 cumplimiento t?cnico, e1 factor de1 costo por los servicios a prestar, es claramente e1 ?nico factor determinante para poder recomendar una adjudicacion favorable a uno de los dos proponentes t?cnicamente cuali?cados?. Iii. Ademas, se?alo que ?de la evaluaci?n realizada se puede determinar que ninguno de los dos (2) proponentes [Adjusters/Rising Phoenix tienen problemas econ?micos que les impidan realizar los servi'cios?. Esto, segfm 1a evaluaci?n ?nanciera de los licitadores preparada 3 Del expediente administrativo no surge que se haya dado seguimiento a las preguntas de la ?rma de CPA. Dicha comunicaci?n es la ?ltima que se tiene sobre el tema. por una ?rma de CPA. 191. De esta manera, se recomend? adjudicar la buena pro a Adjusters/Rising Phoenix por representar el ?Best Value? basado en su puntuacion tecnica su precio razonable?. (Ap?ndiee Rev. TA, pag. 1362). Un dia despu?s, e1 13 de dioiembre de 2017, la Junta de Subastas determino otorgar la buena pro del RFP a Adjusters/Rising Phoenix por el precio de $132,849,389.42. Seg?n la Junta de Subastas, esto representaba el ?Best Value? para Vivienda a1 tomar en consideracion todos los elementos t?cnicos de precio en consideraei?n seg?n dietado por el RFP. (Ap?ndiee Rev. TA, pags. 937-939). El 15 de dioiembre de 2017, Vivienda noti?co a todos los licitadores e1 resultado del RFP en donde se otorg? la buena pro a Adjusters/Rising Phoenix. (Ap?ndiee Rev. TA, pags. 942- 983). Espeei?camente, la carta enviada a Adjusters/Rising Phoenix 1e requeria someter en un t?rmino de diez (10) dias laborables una 'serie de doeumentos tales como: certi?caci?n del Registro Unico de Lieitadores de la Administraci?n de Servicios Generales 0, en la alternativa, una lista de documentos expedidos por el?Departarnento de Hacienda, el Centro de Recaudacion de Ingresos Municipales, 1a Administraci?n para el Sustento de los Menores el Departarnento del Trabajo Reeursos Humanos, e1 Departarnento de Estado. Atlemas, le requeria una negativa de deuda de la Corporaeion para el Fondo del Seguro del Estado, una resoluci?n corporativa de Adjusters/Rising Phoenix las p?lizas de seguro requeridas en el RFP. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pags. 953957). Inconforme, e1 18 de dioiembre de 2017, AECOM 1e solicito?a Vivienda una cita en esa misma semana para examinar e1 expediente del RFP. (Ap?ndice Opo. TA, pag. 13)4. El dia deSpu?s, 19 de dioiembre de 2017, la Junta de Subastas se?alo la revisi?n del expediente administrativo para el dia siguiente, 20 de dioiembre de 2017, a las 10:00 am. en las o?cinas de Vivienda. (Ap?ndice Opo. TA, pag. 14). El dia pautado, la representacion legal de AECOM acudio a Vivienda a examinar el expediente administrativo solicito COpia de todo el expediente de evaluaci?n de Vivienda de la propuesta de Adjusters/Rising Phoenix.S El 27 de dioiembre de 2017, AECOM dirigio una comunicaeion a la Junta de Supervision Administracion Financiera para Puerto Rico (conocida como ?Junta de Control Fiscal?) en la que suplemento una carta anterior con detalles de Como Adjusters/Rising Phoenix no habia 4 Cuando se haga referencia al Ap?ndice de la Oposici?n a1 Recurso de Revision Administrativa se hara bajo ?Ap?ndice Opo. 5 La Junta de Subastas entrego copia de parte del expediente administrativo el 26 de dioiembre de 2017. (Ap?ndice Opo. TA, pag. 30). cumplido con requisites esenciales materiales del RFP, tales como: capacidad economica, autorizacion para hacer negocios en Puerto Rico la certi?cacion de la Administracion de Servicios Generales estatal. De esta manera, AECOM se reitero en su solicitud para que la Junta de Control Fiscal paralizara la aprobaci?n de la adjudicacion del RFP. (Ap?ndice Opo. TA, pags. 33-48). Ese mismo dia, la Junta de Control Fiscal reSpondio que Vivienda habia sometido e1 contrato sobre el RFP en cuestion para su revision que cualquier queja que tuviera AECOM reSpecto a la adj udicacion de dicho RFP debia ser dirigida a1 foro adecuado. (Ap?ndice Opo. TA, pag. 32). En desacuerdo con la detenninacion de la Junta de Subastas, el 28 de diciembre de 2017, AECOM present? una Moci?n de Reconsideracz??n. Argumento que erro la Junta de Subastas al concederle la buena pro del RFP a Adjusters/Rising Phoenix. AECOM sostuvo que Adjusters/Rising Phoenix incumpli? con requisitos materiales esenciales requeridos bajo e1 RFP al momento de presentar su propuesta luego de adj udicada la buena pro tales como: (1) no mostrar evidencia de una linea de cr?dito de $35,000,000 sin cargas disponibilidad de tal suma de dinero en una cuenta bancaria, que esto fuera con?rmado por un tercero; (2) no estar autorizada a hacer negocios en Puerto Rico corno corporacion foranea; (3) no estar registrada en el Registro Unico de Licitadores de la ASG. Ademas, AECOM cuestiono el que se le concediera a Adjusters/Rising Phoenix diez (10) puntos de bono en la evaluacion t?cnica por crear un ?Joint Venture? con una empresa local, cuando del contrato ?rmado con dicha empresa local se desprendia que el mismo expresamente indicaba que el acuerdo entre Adjusters/Rising Phoenix esa empresa no debia considerarse un ?Joint Venture?. Esto tenia el impacto de que Adjusters/Rising Phoenix no tenia la puntuacion su?ciente para pasar 1a linea de competencia. Finalmente, AECOM objeto e1 criterio utilizado a1 determinar que propuesta representaba e1 ?Best Value?. Arguyo que contrario a lo indicado en el RFP la normativa vigente, unicamente tom? en consideracion e1 factor precio, Cuando debio haber considerado todos los factores de evaluaci?n requeridos en el RFP. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pags. 1-31). Por su parte, ese mismo dia, el Lcdo. Joel 0. Hernandez Alvarado, Chief Legal Of?cer de Vivienda, envio una carta a la Junta de- Control Fiscal en la que indico que PROMESA no autorizaba a ese cuerpo a paralizar la adjudicaci?n de un contrato a petici?n de un licitador perdidoso. A?adi?, ademas, que estaba a la expectativa de que la Junta de Control Fiscal completara 1a revision del contrato otorgado a Adjusters/Rising Phoenix solicito a dicha Junta de Control Fiscal que no permitiera que AECOM entorpeciera dichos esfuerzos. (Apendice Opo. TA, pags. 49-88). A1 dia siguiente, el 29 de diciembre de 2017, AECOM envio una tercera comunicaci?n a la Junta de Control Fiscal en la que reitero el hecho de que Adjusterszising Phoenix no cumplio con los requisites establecidos en el RFP. Igualmente, se?alo e1 hecho de que el licenciado Hernandez Alvarado, quien no era un miembro de la Junta de Subastas, abogara por Adjusters/Rising Phoenix, lo que creaba dudas sobre la imparcialidad del proceso de evaluaci?n. Al hacer esto, el Chief LegaZ O?icer de Vivienda contaminaba los procedimientos ante un cuerpo independiente eomo lo era la Junta Revisora. Finalmente, expreso que la Politica de Revision de Contratos de la Junta de Control Fiscal adoptada e1 6 de noviembre de 2017, posterior a1 suceso ocurrido con la compa?ia White?sh Energy Holdings LLC, aplicaba a todos los contratos por parte del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico, como el que estaba en controversia. (Apendice Opo. TA, pags. 89-92). I El 4 de enero de 2018, AECOM envio una carta al licenciado Hernandez Alvarado, en la que solicito a Vivienda para que produjera toda la documentaci?n sometida, si alguna, a la Junta de Control Fiscal en relaci?n a1 RFP el contrato pr0puesto entre Vivienda Adjusters/Rising Phoenix. Documentos que necesitaban ser evaluados por la Junta de Control Fiscal conforme a la Politica de Revisi?n de Contratos de dicho cuerpo. (Ap?ndice Opo. TA, pags. 93-136). El 10 de enero de 2018, la Junta Revisora emitio una Noti?cacion a AECOM, Adjusters/Rising Phoenix Vivienda en la que les informaba de la celebracion de una vista administrativa pautada para el 11 de enero de 2018, en relacion a la moci?n de reconsideracion. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 32). Segun pautado, el 11 de enero de 2018, se celebro la vista administrativa ante la Junta Revisora. De parte de AECOM comparecieron sus representantes legales, altos o?ciales del ?Joint Venture? compuesto por AECOM CPM PR, asi como representantes de cada uno de sus contratistas, como evidencia de que AECOM se encontraba lista para llevar a cabo los servicios requeridos en el RFP. AECOM argument? su mocion de reconsideracion reitero los argumentos alli presentados. La Junta Revisora no tuvo preguntas. (Ap?ndice Opo. TA, pag. 183). Adjusters/Rising Phoenix Vivienda declinaron replicar a la presentaci?n de AECOM en la vista. (Ap?ndice Opo. TA, pags. 193-194). En cambio, solicitaron un t?rmino para oponerse a 10 la mocion de reconsideraci?n de AECOM. La Junta Revisora les concedio hasta el 18 de enero de 2018, a AECOM hasta el 22 de enero de 2018 para replicar. (Ap?ndice Opo. TA, pags. 192- 195). De otra parte, AECOM cuestiono la producci?n del expediente administrativo por parte de la Junta de Subastas, al se?alar que faltaba la hoja de cotejo de Vivienda cuando recibi? la propuesta de Adjusters/Rising Phoenix evaluo la inclusion de los documentos requeridos en el RFP, pues dicha hoja de cotejo para los demas licitadores se habia incluido. Se indico entonces que se estaria produciendo el expediente administrativo de nuevo para bene?oio de todas las partes. (Ap?ndice Opo. TA, pags. 197-200). El 16 de enero de 2018, la Junta de Subastas noti?ed la disponibilidad del expediente completo para 511 producei?n mediante formato electr?nico. AECOM obtuvo COpia del mismo. Sin embargo, se le indico a AECOM que no podia producir los estados ?nancieros incluidos en las propuestas de los licitadores por estos ser con?denciales necesitar la ?rma de un relevo. (Ap?ndice Opo. TA, pag. 222). Curiosamente, si fue producida la hoja de cotejo para Adj usters/Rising Phoenix. Igualmente, fue producida una serie de correSpondencia interna entre Vivienda Adjusterszising Phoenix referente a las de?ciencias del rengl?n econ?mico de su propuesta, la cual no fue producida e1 26 do diciembre de 2017, cuando AECOM solicit? copia del expediente de evaluaci?n de propuestas. E1 17 de enero de 2018, AECOM envio una segunda misiva a1 licenciado Hernandez Alvarado, en la que solicito nuevamente a Vivienda para que produjera toda la documentacion sometida, si alguna, a la Junta de Control-Fiscal e11 relaci?n al RFP el contrato propuesto entre Vivienda Adjusters/Rising Phoenix. Documentos que necesitaban ser evaluados por la Junta de Control Fiscal conforme a la Politiea de Revision de Contratos. De igual manera, AECOM 1e solicit? a Vivienda que con?nnara que no estaria ?rmando el contrato con Adjusters/Rising Phoenix, hasta que la Junta de Control Fiscal tuviera la Oportunidad de ejercer su funcion revisora conforme a la Politica de Revisi?n de Contratos. (Ap?ndice Opo. TA, pags. 223-240). For su parte, e1 18 de enero de 2018, Vivienda Adjusters/Rising Phoenix presentaron sus respectivas oposiciones a la moci?n de reconsideracion de AECOM. Ambas partes presentaron argumentos muy similares en defensa de la adj udicacion de la buena pro del RFP a Adjusters/Rising Phoenix. (Ap?ndice Rev: TA, pags. 80-298). Asimismo, Vivienda 1e envio una carta a AECOM en la que arguyo que ni PROMESA 111 la Politica de Revision de Contratos dela Junta de Control Fiscal 1e otorgaban legitimacion 11 activa para solicitar a dicha Junta relacionada a1 proceso de revision aprobaci?n del contrato en controversia por parte de ese cuerpo. Esto, pues a juicio de Vivienda, la Politica de Revision de Contratos era un asunto que solo ata?ia a dicha agencia a la Junta de Control Fiscal. (Ap?ndice Opo. TA, pags. 246-247). El 19 de enero de 2018, AECOM present? una Moci?n Informative: ante la Junta Revisora. Expuso que ese mismo dia habia advenido en conocimiento que el contrato entre Vivienda Adjusters/Rising Phoenix fue suscrito el 5 de enero de 2018, Vispera del Dia de Reyes, radicado en la O?cina del Contralor e1 8 de ese misrno mes a?o. Esto es, seis (6) dias antes de la vista administrativa, donde se planted la paralizacion del contrato durante la que tanto la representacion legal de Adjusters/Rising Phoenix Vivienda, asi como el Secretario Auxiliar de Vivienda alli presente, omitieron mencionar que dicho contrato ya habia sido ?rmado. Asi tambi?n, se inforrno e1 hecho de que todavia a ese dia la Junta de Subastas continuaba produciendo documentos del expediente administrative. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pags. Seg?n ordenado, el 22 de enero de 2018, AECOM presentc') su R?plica a Oposiciones a Mocf?n de Reconsideracf?n. En su escrito, reiter? todos los planteamientos levantados en la Moci?n de Reconsideraci?n en la vista administrativa del 11 de enero de 2018. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pags. 336-454). Ese mismo dia, AECOM envi? una carta a la Junta de Control Fiscal en la que le inform? que Vivienda Adjusters/Rising Phoenix habian suscrito e1 contrato e1 5 de enero de 2018. Se informo, ademas, que dicho contrato halziia sido registrado en la O?cina del Contralor e1 8 de enero de 2018. Solicito que con?rmara si el referido contrato habia sido sometido a la Junta de 6 Cabe destacar que dicha actuacion es contraria a1 claro pronunciamiento del Tribunal Supremo en Aluma Const. v. A.A.A., 182 D.P.R. 776 (2011), segun la cual: [C]uando una agencia acoge una solicitud de reconsideracion, la prudencia aconseja que se paralice e1 procedimiento de adjudicacion de la subasta no se otorgue un contrato. Es evidente que cuando se acoge oportunamente una solicitud de reconsideraci?n la adjudicacion deja de ser ?nal, ya que la agencia esta evaluando-su propia adjudicacion. Por consiguiente, hasta que la agencia resuelva la solicitud de reconsideracion oportunamente acogida, los licitadores no podran ir en revision judicial. Ello porque la resolucion de la agencia no es ?nal. Es decir, el tiempo que tarde una agencia en resolver no operara contra aquellos licitadores que esperan para acudir en revision judicial. De esa forma, preser'vamos e1 derecho a la revision judicial, evitamos que la controversia se convierta en acad?mica y, sobretodo, protegemos el inter?s publico que enmarca e1 procedimiento de subasta. Aluma Const. v. supra, a la pag. 788. Aqui, Vivienda no ?le prudente a1 referir la Mocidn de Reconsideracio?n de AECOM a la Junta Revisora y, al mismo tiempo, ?rmar e1 contrato con Adjusters/Rising Phoenix. l2 (7 (7. Control Fiscal para su aprobaci?n conforme a la Politica de Revision de Contratos. (Ap?ndice Opo. TA, pags. 249-281). El 23 de enero de 2017, Vivienda presento una R?plica a Mocz??n Informativa en la eual alego que la Mocz??n Informativa presentada por AECOM no tenia prop?sito alguno que, supuestamente, era un burdo intento de alterar e1 expediente administrativo. Ademas, despacho este importante planteamiento aduciendo que si AECOM hubiese veri?cado e1 Registro de la O?cina del Contralor 0 10 hubiese preguntado directarnente durante la vista administrativa, se hubiese enterado que ya existia un contrato ?rmado entre Vivienda Adj usters/Rising Phoenix. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pags. E1 25 de enero de 2018, Adjusters/Rising Phoenix presento una Solicitud de Autorizacz??n para Presentar Daplica a R?plica a Oposiciones a Mocio?n de Reconsideracz?o?n Anejando Escrito de D?piica Propuesto. Aleg? que AECOM trajo en su replica argumentos nuevos a los que debia reaccionar, por lo que solicit? autorizaci?n para presentar una D?plica. Ellos son: (1) que Adjusters/Rising Phoenix no habia cumplido con el requisite de capacidad economica basado en dos correos electr?nicos; (2) que el ?Teaming Agreement? no se ajustaba a la de?nici?n de ?Joint Venture? y; (3) que la pr0puesta de AECOM representaba e1 ?Best Value?. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pags. 455-471). For su parte, e126 de enero de 2018, AECOM present? una Moci?n para que se Desglose del Expediente Administrativo Driplica a R?plfca a Oposiciones a Moci?rz de Reconsideraci?n. Argument? que Adj usterszising Phoenix no expuso cuales son 103 argumentos nuevos a los que debia reaccionar. E110, pues dichos argumentos no eran nuevos habian sido reiterados por AECOM hasta la saoiedad. De esta manera, AECOM solicit? que no se autorizara 1a presentaci?n de esa moci?n se desglosara la d?plica propuesta que fuera anejada a dicho escrito. (Ap?ndiee Rev. TA, pags. 472-475). Llegado e1 t?rmino para emitir una decision, e1 29 de enero de 2018, la Junta Revisora emitio una Noti?caci?n en la que informo que estaria haciendo uso de la extensi?n de tiempo de quince (15) dias calendarios segun diSpuesto en la Ley de Prooedimiento Administrativo Uniforme 3 L.P.R.A. see. 2165, para emitir la determinaci?n en este caso. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 476). 7 AECOM la Junta Revisora se habrian enterado de la ?rma del contrato si, conforme dicta e1 principio de transparencia, Vivienda Adjusterszising Phoenix hubiesen divulgado esta informaci?n p?blica, pertinente a la Moci?n de Reconsideraci?n, cuando e} asunto se trajo a la atenci?n de la Junta Revisora en la vista administrativa. 13 0 Dentro del marco de su jurisdicoion, e1 13 de febrero de 2018, noti?cada ese mismo dia, la Junta Revisora emitio una Resolucion Final de forma unanime mediante la eual declar? ha lugar la Mocz??n de Reconsideraci?n de AECOM. La Junta Revisora determin? que la propuesta de Adjusters/Rising Phoenix debi? haber sido descali?cada no haber pasado a la segunda ronda de evaluaci?n de propuestas. Al considerar la propuesta de Adjusters/Rising Phoenix, e1 Comit? Evaluador actuo de forma arbitraria. Por tanto, concluyo que la adjudicacion del RF a Adjusters/Rising Phoenix fue contraria a derecho nula, pues su propuesta debio haber sido descali?cada por incumplir eon requisitos de umbral mandatorios por el RFP. Asi tambi?n, dictamino que procedia 1a eanceiacion del contrato suscrito entre Vivienda Adjusters/Rising Phoenix. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pags. 479-498). Ese mismo dia, AECOM envio una carta a1 Secretario de Vivienda en la que le reitero su compromiso con el proceso de recuperacion reconstrucci?n de Puerto Rico. Ademas, destaco su inter?s de que los ciudadanos afectados puedan regresar a sus hogares lo mas pronto posible. Asi, expreso que interesaba reunirse lo mas pronto posible con Vivienda para discutir 10s proximos pasos a seguir eonforme a1 RFP. (Apendice Opo. TA, pag. 298). E1 15 de febrero de 2018, Vivienda 1e noti?co a Adjusters/Rising Phoenix 1a suspension del contrato, allanandose asi a la Resolucion Final de la Junta Revisora. m, Anejo de la Mocz??n Urgente an Auxilio do Jurisdicci?n. Inconforme, ese mismo dia, Adjusters/Rising Phoenix presento un Recurso de Revision Administrativa ante este Tribunal. Se?alo que la Junta Revisora incurrio en la comisi?n de los siguientes errores: La Resoluci?n es inoficiosa toda vez que la Junta Revisora que la emiti? fue constituida contrario a derecho. Err? abus? de su discreci?'n la Junta Revisora, al emitir la Resoluci?n fuera del t?rmino expreso provisto en ley para resolver una Moci?n de Reconsideraci?n, por lo cual actuo de forma ultra vires. Err? la Junta Revisora a1 resolver que la noti?cacion de la vista celebrada en atenci?n a la Moci?n de Reconsideraci?n no fue defectuosa no violt') e1 debido procedimiento de ley. Err? la Junta Revisora de Subastas a1 evaluar la validez de la adjudicacion del contrato a Adjusters a la luz de la normativa aplicable a la adjudicaci?n de subastas formales no conforme a las reglas aplicables a1 procedimiento informal de contratacion negociada 0 ?Request for Proposal?. Err? abus? de su discrecion la Junta Revisora al resolver que la adjudicaci?n del RFP a Adjusters fue contraria a dereeho nula, bajo la premisa incorrecta de que la propuesta de la compareciente debi? haber sido descali?cada por no cumplir con requisitos mandatorios del RFP. 14 C) IV. DISCUSION DE LOS SENALAMIENTOS DE ERROR A. La Junta Revisora fue constituida conforme a derecho, por lo que la Resoluci?n Final emitida es completamente valida. En su primer sefialamiento de error, Adjusters/Rising Phoenix alega que la Junta Revisora no tenia autoridad en ley para asumir jurisdicci?n sobre la controversia de autos, pues la misma fue ilegalmente constituida toda vez que sus miembros no fueron designados conforme a1 pr0pio reglamento. Apoyan su alegaoion en unas supuestas expresiones realizadas por el actual Secretario de Vivienda que fueran recogidas en el peri?dico El Voeero e1 14 de febrero de 2018, el dia antes de la presentaci?n del recurso de revision administrativa, en la que indico que la Junta Revisora fue con?gurada por la Secretaria de Justicia a pedido de Contrario a lo alegado por Adjusters/Rising Phoenix, la Junta Revisora fue constituida conforme a derecho. El Departamento de la Vivienda fue creado en virtud de la Ley Nam. 97 de 10 de junio de 1972, segun enmendada, conoeida como la Ley Organica del Departamento de la Vivienda, 3 L.P.R.A. sec. 441 et seq, es ?un departamento ejecutivo de gobierno? dirigido por su Secretario. 3 L.P.R.A. see. 4413. Este departamento es el organismo gubernamental responsable de elaborar ejecutar la politica publica de la Vivienda el desarrollo comunal del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico, asi como administrar todos los programas del gobierno en este campo. 3 L.P.R.A. sec. 441b. El Secretario, tambi?n, plani?oa, dirige supervisa e1 ?lncionamiento del Departamento de la Vivienda sus programas. 3 L.P.R.A. see. 4410. Ademas, bajo esa ley e1 Secretario puede delegar cualquier funci?n facultad que le sea asignada conferida por la ley organica cualquier otra ley, excepto que la facultad de promulgar reglamentos sera indelegable. E. En virtud de 103 poderes conferidos por esa ley, e1 Secretario de Vivienda promulgo e1 Reglamento de la Junta Revisora de Subastas, Reglarnento N?rn. 6793 del 29 de marzo de 2004. La Junta Revisora es la responsable de atender resolver las apelaciones que insten las personas afectadas por las decisiones de la Junta de Subastas la revision de deeisiones en el area de compras surninistros que se deleguen por-el Secretario. Artieulo 4 del Reglamento de la Junta Revisora, gm. Dicha Junta Revisora estara integrada por tres (3) personas que sean de la mas alta solvencia moral de reeonocida competencia experiencia en los asuntos en que habran de entender como miembros de este organismo. Articulo 5 del Reglamento de la Junta Revisora, sugra. Los miembros de la Junta Revisora seran designados por el Seeretario ?stos no podran 15 ser funcionarios ni empleados de Vivienda sus agencias adscritas, ni podran tener inter?s directo indirecto en empresas, negocios proyectos que realicen negocios con Vivienda sus agencias adscritas que est?n ?nanciados total 0 parcialmente por Vivienda sus agencias adscritas. 1d. De otra parte, e1 Tribunal Supremo ha establecido como norma general que los articulos de periodicos no son admisibles para probar lo que en e'stos se relata, porque son prueba de referencia. Pons v. Rivera Santos, 85 D.P.R. 524, 542 (1962). Evidentemente, los articulos de los peri?dicos con las citas de lo que alegadamente se expreso, son prueba de referencia inadmisible para probar 1a certeza de lo alli citado. U.P.R. v. Laborde Torres otros, 180 D.P.R. 253, 279 (2010). Es importante notar que el Secretario de Vivienda tiene e1 poder de delegar cualquier funci?n facultad que le sea asignada conferida por la Ley Organica cualquier otra ley. Por tanto, no esta prohibido delegar la funcion de nombrar los miembros de la Junta Revisora. Lo unico que tiene prohibido es delegar la funcion de promulgar los reglamentos de la agencia. Aqui no se esta alegando que otro funcionario que no sea el Secretario de Vivienda haya promulgado un reglamento de la agencia. Ademas, Adjusters/Rising Phoenix parece solicitarle a este Tribunal que tome conocimiento judicial de un articulo de periodico que no es evidencia que conste en el expediente administrativo. Sabido es que el contenido de los articulos de periodico no son obj eto de conocimiento judicial de su contenido, por ser prueba de referencia. De esta manera, este Tribunal no debe tomar conocimiento judicial de las supuestas expresiones del Secretario de Vivienda en el periodico E1 Vocero por 'estas constituir prueba de referencia inadmisible para probar la certeza de lo alli citado. Asi pues, Adjusters/Rising Phoenix no ha presentado evidencia alguna de que la Junta Revisora no haya sido constituida conforme a derecho. Por tanto, la Resolucion Final emitida por la Junta Revisora es completamente valida. B. La Resoluci?n Final fue emitida dentro del t?rmino provisto por la Ley de Procedimiento Administrativo Uniforme para resolver una moci?n de reconsideraci?n ante una agencia. La LPAU establece que la parte adversamente afectada por una decision sobre la adjudicaci?n de una subasta podra, dentro del t?rmino de veinte (20) dias a partir del deposito en el correo federal noti?cando la adjudicacion de la subasta, presentar una moci?n de reconsideracion ante 1a agencia. 3 L.P.R.A. sec. 2169. La agencia la Junta Revisora debera 16 censiderarla dentro de les treinta (30) dias de haberse presentado. La Junta podra extender dicho terrnino una sola vez, por un t?rrnino adicional de quince (15) dias calendarie. 193 Sabido es que, come regla general, las Reglas de Precedimiento Civil no aplican automaticarnente en procedimientos administratives. V?anse, L?pez Vives v. Pelicia de RR, 118 D.P.R. 219 (1987); Berries v. Comisien de Mineria, 102 D.P.R. 228 (1974); Martinez v. Tribunal Superior, 83 D.P.R. 717 (1961). No obstante dicha norma, reiteradarnente e1 Tribunal Supreme ha resuelto que ?nada impide que en cases aprepiades se adopten normas de las Reglas de Procedimiento Civil para guiar e1 curse del procese administrative, euando las mismas no sean incempatibles con dicho proceso prepicien una solucion justa, rapida econ?mica?. m; v. Adm. Sist. Retire Emp. Gob., 147 D.P.R. 816, 822 (1999). En 103 cases de Perez Rodriguez v. P.R. Parking Svstems, Inc, 119 D.P.R. 634, 639-4640 (1987), Ortiz v. Adm. Sist. Retire Emp. Geb., supra, e1 Tribunal Supreme aplico a procedimientos administrativos aspectos de la citada Regla 47 de Procedimiento Civil que tenian que ver con la interrupcion del t?rmino para acudir en revision judicial. La LPAU no centiene una diSposicion que establezca como se deben computar los t?rrnines en ella incluidos. Sin embargo, las Reglas de Procedimiento Civil proveen a tales efectos. Especi?camente, 1a Regla 68.1 establece que: En el compute de cualquier t?rmino concedido per estas reglas, per erden del tribunal 0 per cualquier estatuto aplicable, no se contara el dia en que se realice el acto, evento incumplirniente deSpu?s del cual e1 t?rmine ?jado empieza a transcurrir. El ultimo dia del t?rmino asi computado se ineluira siempre que no sea sabado, domingo ni dia de ?esta legal, extendiendese entonces el plazo hasta el ?n del proximo dia que no sea sabado, deminge ni dia legalmente feriado. . 32 L.P.R.A. Ap. V., R. 68.1. Adjusters/Rising Phoenix arguye que la Resolucien Final emitida por la Junta Revisora es ultra vires no vinculante porque fue emitida de manera tardia, cuando la Junta Revisora ya habia perdido jurisdiceion sobre la moci?n de reconsideracion presentada por AECOM. Elle, pues a1 haber side presentada 1a mecion de recensideracion e1 28 de diciernbre de 2017, el t?rmine de treinta (30) dias para considerarla, vencia e1 27 de enero de 2018. Aduce que el t?rmino adicional de quince (15) dias calendario para extender e1 t?rmino para considerar 1a moeion de reconsideraci?n, comenzaba a decursar e1 28 de enero de 2018, per lo que a1 memento dc emitir la Reselucion Final el 13 de febrero de 2018, lo hizo en exceso del t?rmino permitido. 3 El mecanismo de requerimiento de propuestas participa de caracteristicas adjudicativas de la misma forma que la subasta tradicional, en vista de ello, son de clara aplicaci?n les principios generales establecides en las secs. 2166 2169 del Titule 3. Power. Inc. v. E.L.A., 170 D.P.R. 606 (2007). 17 AECOM present? su Moci?n de Reconsideracio?n e1 28 de diciembre de 2017. Si se toma corno norrna, la Regla 68.1, s_upg1, e1 termino para que la Junta Revisora la considerara vencia e1 27 de encro de 2018, dia que cay? sabado. Conforme a esa misma regla, como el ultimo dia del t?rrnino asi computado caia sabado, no se debe incluir. Asi como tampoco se debe incluir el proximo dia, 28 de enero de 2018, pues este cayo domingo. De esta manera, e1 plazo se extendio hasta el lunes, 29 de enero de 2018. En ese dia, la Junta Revisora todavia actuando dentro del marco de su jurisdicci?n noti?c? su decisi?n de prorrogar el termino por quince (15) dias adicionales, vencederos e1 13 de febrero de 2018. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 476) E1 13 de febrero de 2018, la Junta Revisora emiti? noti?ed la Resolucion Final, todavia en posesi?n de su jurisdicci?n. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pags. 479-498). For consiguiente, la Resolucion Final no fue emitida de forma tardia, pues la Junta Revisora tenia jurisdicci?n para asi actuar, por lo que la misma no es ultra wires 0 no Vinculante. C. La notificaci?n de la vista administrativa por la Junta Revisora no fue defectuosa no viol? el debido procedimiento de ley de los dem?s licitadores. La LPAU dispone que los procedimientos de adj udicacion de subastas seran informales; su reglamentacion terminos seran establecidos por las agencias. 3 L.P.R.A. sec. .2169. Con excepcion de las etapas de reconsideraci?n revision judicial, que son objeto de regulaci?n particular en la LPAU, las agencias gubernamentales, como entidades con el conocimiento especializado, son las llamadas a adoptar las normas a seguir en sus propios procedimientos de adjudicaci?n de subastas. 3 L.P.R.A. secs. 2151 2172; Perfect Cleaning v. Centro Cardiovascular, 162 D.P.R. 745, 757 (2004). Ello, pues las subastas son procedimientos informales sui g?neris que gozan de ciertas caracteristicas adjudicativas. RBR Const. S.E. v. A.C., 149 D.P.R. 836, 854 (1999). El RFP, mecanismo alterno a la subasta formal, participa de caracteristicas adjudicativas de la misma forma que la subasta tradicional. Power v. E.L.A., 170 D.P.R. a la pag. 624. En contraste, la LPAU establece unos parametros guia para la celebracion de vistas adjudicativas por parte de una agencia. Estas normas se deben observar cuando por disposici?n de una ley, regla reglamento 0 de una agencia deba adjudicar formalmente una controversia, con excepcion de los procedimientos informales no cuasijudiciales como la adjudicaci?n de subastas. 3 L.P.R.A. sec. 2151. Respecto a la noti?cacion de una vista adjudicativa, la LPAU dispone que se? noti?cara por escrito a todas las partes a sus representantes autorizados interventores la fecha, hora lugar en que se celebrara la vista 18 adjudicativa. La noti?cacion se debera efectuar por correo personalmente con no menos de quince (15) dias de anticipacion a la fecha de la vista, excepto que por causa debidamente justi?cada, consignada en la noti?cacion, sea necesario acortar dicho periodo. 3 L.P.R.A. sec. 2159. De otra parte, la noti?caci?n de la adjudicaci?n de una subasta debe incluir 1a informacion siguiente: los nombres de los licitadores en la subasta una sintesis de sus propuestas; los factores criterios que 'se tomaron en cuenta para adjudicar la subasta; los defectos, si alguno, que tuvieran las propuestas de los licitadores perdidosos la disponibilidad el plazo para solicitar la reconsideracion la revision judicial. L.P.C. D., Inc. v. A.C., 149 D.P.R. 869, 879 (1999). La oportuna presentacion de una moci?n cle reconsideracion ante 1a agencia tiene e1 efecto de interrumpir e1 t?rmino para solicitar la revision judicial del dictamen administrative. Perez v. VPH Motors Corp., 152 D.P.R. 475, 484 (2000). Ann cuando explicitamente tales disposiciones no establecen que la interrupcion del termino para acudir en revisi?n decretada en virtud de que una parte presente oportuna mocion de r'econsideraci?n ante 1a agencia, bene?cia a1 resto de las partes en el pleito, ello resulta una consecuencia logica del tramite procesal a los ?nes de asegurar uniformidad certeza a las partes en cuanto al t?rmino para solicitar la revisi?n judicial del dictarnen de la agencia. Adjusters/Rising Phoenix arguye Ique e1 se?alamiento de vista convocado por la Junta Revisora para atender la Mocz'o'n de Reconsideraci?n no fue adecuado. Indica que la noti?cacion de la vista se curso a pocas horas previo al se?alamiento, no perrniti?ndole alas partes preparase adecuadamente. Ademas, aduce que la noti?cacion de la vista tampoco cumplio con el criterio de efectividad, ya que no hizo parte a los otros licitadores perdidosos. Como cuesti?n de umbral, es preciso se?alar que la LPAU su jurisprudencia interpretativa en cuanto a lo que concierne una vista adjudicativa no es de aplicacion a los procesos de subasta RFP, por estar expresamente exceptuados del ambito de la ley en cuanto a ese aSpecto. El Reglamento de la Junta Revisora nada diSpone sobre la noti?caci?n de una vista administrativa luego de presentada una moci?n de reconsideracion impugnando el procedimiento adjudicativo. De esta manera, no se suscito una violaci?n a ley reglamento alguno con la noti?caci?n de la vista administrativa por parte de la Junta Revisora. Ademas, es meritorio apuntar que a la parte que mas hubiese afectado 1a noti?cacion de la vista con ese tiempo de antelacion a la celebraci?n de la misma era a AECOM.. Sin embargo, l9 AECOM compareci? el dia de la vista junto con representantes de AECOM, CPM PR de todos los contratistas locales que trabajarian en la implantaci?n de la prOpuesta presentada por AECOM. (Ap?ndice Opo. TA, pag. 175). Alli indico estar preparada para la vista administrativa. Luego de la alocuei?n de AECOM, la Junta Revisora 1e otorg? a Adjusters/Rising Phoenix 1a oportunidad de expresarse. Adj usterszising Phoenix indico no tener comentarios indic? que la vista se habia noti?cado con poco tiempo de antelacion. (Ap?ndice Opo. TA, pag. 194). La Junta Revisora 1e concedi? un termino de una semana para presentar una Oposicion a la Mocz??n de Reconsideraci?n. E110, cuando ya habian pasado catorce (14) dias desde su presentaoion Adjusters/Rising Phoenix no habia mostrado inter?s en oponerse a la Mocio'n de Reconsideraci?n. N0 obstante, Adjusters/Rising Phoenix presento su oposicion a la reconsideraci?n y, ademas, se le autorizo a presentar una duplica a dicha mocion. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pags. 80-266 455-471). For tanto, Adjusters/Rising Phoenix tuvo una amplia oportunidad de ser esouchado por la Junta Revisora de plasmar todos sus argumentos por escritocoarto la oportunidad a esa parte de expresarse durante los procedimientos. Igual razonamiento sobre la injerencia de la LPAU a los procedirnientos de subasta RFP respecto a la vista administrativa de la Junta Revisora debe aplicar en torno a su noti?cacion al resto de licitadores perdidosos que no presentaron una moeion de reconsideraci?n. El unico requerimiento sobre esos procedimientos es reSpecto a la noti?cacion de la adjudicaci?n. Esos licitadores fueron noti?cados de su derecho a presentar una Inoci?n de reconsideracion 0 un recurso de revision administrativa. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pags. 959-967 977-983). Ademas, esas partes fueron noti?cadas de la Moci?n de Reconsideracz??n de AECOM. (Apendice Rev. TA, pags. 1-31). Fueron noti?cadas, ademas, de todos los escritos que presentaron las partes ante la Junta Revisora. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pags. 32-475). Igualmente ?leron noti?cadas de la Resoluci?n Final. Dioha determinaci?n les avisaba de su derecho a solicitar revision administrativa. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pags. 479-498). Por tanto, no se deSprende como el que no se le noti?cara de la vista administrativa afecto e1 dereoho de los licitadores perdidosos a acudir en reconsideracion revision administrativa. 20 D. La Junta Revisora evalu? la validez de la adjudicacion a Adjusters/Rising Phoenix a la luz de la normativa aplicable para los procesos de RFP como el que esta en controversia. En Virtud de la Ley Organica del Departamento de la Vivienda, m, se promulgo e1 Reglamento de Subastas del Departamento de la Vivienda sus Agencias Adscritas, Reglamento N?m. 6106 del 25 de febrero de 2000. Este dispone que la adjudicaci?n de un sera a favor del licitador que cumpliendo con los criterios de evaluaci?n, est? respaldado por un buen historial do capacidad cumplimiento que lleve a1 animo de la Junta la seguridad de que cumplira con los t?rminos del contrat?o que en su dia se otorgue, siempre cuando su oferta retina los requisitos del Secoi?n 4.1(2) del Reglamento de Subastas, m. E1 RFP requerimiento de propuestas es un mecanismo disponible para que el Gobierno adquiera bienes servicios. Su caracteristica sobresaliente es que admite negociaci?n. Power v. E.L.A., 170 D.P.R. a la pag. 621?. Frecuentemente se recurre a ?ste cuando se trata de la adquisici?n de bienes seryicios especializados ?que involucran asuntos altamente t?cnicos complejos? 0 cuando existen escasos oompetidores cuali?cados. Q, a las pags. 621-622. Aunque el procedimiento de subasta formal el RFP son distintos, no son totalmente incompatibles entre Si. Caribbean Communications v. Pol. De RR. 176 D.P.R. 978, 998 (2009). Las adquisiciones de bienes servicios que realice el Gobiemo mediante un RFP estan, como toda subasta gubemamental, revestidas de? un gran inter?s p?blico en la proteccion del erario en garantizar que dichas adquisiciones se lleven a cabo con transparencia, e?ciencia probidad. Ahora bien, debe quedar claro que 61 mecanismo hibrido del RFP no puede llevarse a cabo de espaldas a1 reglamento aplicable de la agencia ni, mucho menos, servir de subterfugio para ?soslayar los principios de transparencia de sana administraci?n que rigen las subastas gubernamentales. Li, a la pag. 1005. Como siempre, sera responsabilidad de los tribunales velar por que las agenoias las corporaciones p?blicas no se conviertan en aut?cratas en el ejercicio de la facultad extraordinaria concedida, actuando sin parametros adecuados exentos de supervisi?n alguna. Power v. E.L.A., 170 D.P.R. a la pag. 625. En el requerimiento de prOpuestas se deben enumerar los requisitos factores que se utilizaran para la adjndicaci?n del contrato en cuestion a los cuales todo licitador tiene que ser responsivo. Power v. E.L.A., 170 D.P.R. a la pag. 622. Conforme a1 RFP del caso que nos ocupa, cualquier licitador que sometiera una prepuesta aceptaba todos los t?rminos condiciones del RFP, incluyendo cualquier enmienda. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 531). Vivienda podia 21 rechazar una propuesta si e1 licitador fallaba en someter la data documentos requeridos en el paquete de RFP, si la propuesta no era conforme, no cumplia con los requisitos de presentaci?n, era incompleta, inadecuada,?condicional irregular. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 534). consono con 10 anterior, la Junta de Subastas debia realizar una revision inicial de las propuestas recibidas con el siguiente prop?sito: - 5.4 Receipt of Preposals DOH Procurement Of?ce will open the Proposals received and shall perform an initial review to determine that: each Proposal has been submitted in accordance with the requirements of this (ii) each Proposal is complete, and all required documentation was included with the Proposal. (Apendice Rev. TA, pag. 531) (Enfasis en el original). Del expediente administrativo surge que la hoja de cotejo preparada por la Junta de Subastas en la revisi?n de la propuesta de Adjusters/Rising Phoenix, denota que este licitador fall? en incluir el certi?cado de incorporaci?n de la compa?ia, la lista de servicios realizados la declaracion jurada representando que la propuesta presentada no era colusoria con ninguna otra propuesta. Ademas, la hoja de cotejo indicaba, incorrectamente, que Adjusters/Rising Phoenix habia presentado evidencia de una linea de cr?dito de $35,000,000 que habia incluido un acuerdo de ?Joint Venture?, lo cual como se discutira mas adelante no fue asi. (Apendice Rev. TA, pags. 739043). Adjusters/Rising Phoenix arguye que la Junta Revisora aplic? mecanicamente la normativa aplicable a los procedimientos dc adjudicaci?n de una subasta formal, obviando el que la contratacion aqui se hizo a la luz de un procedimiento de RFP, el cual se caracteriza por mayor ?exibilidad. Argumenta que mas alla?. de corroborarse con una hoja de cotejo si se cumplieron con las especi?caciones del RFP, la Junta Revisora debio observar si su propuesta demostraba capacidad econ?mica, conocimiento especializado t?cnico la experiencia necesaria. En apoyo, cita una serie de casos del Tribunal de Apelaciones para expresar que la falta de cumplimiento con las certi?caciones documentos requeridos en el RFP eran triviales que la Junta de Subastas podia asegurarse durante el proceso de negociacion que se cumplen con esas omisiones antes de la ?rrna del contrato. El RFP establecia de forma expresa que los licitadores aceptaban sus terminos condiciones. Esos t?rminos condiciones implicaban demostrar evidencia de su capacidad 22 C7 fox. l. estar en good standing eemo cerperacien feranea estar certi?eade per la Come se diseutira en detalle mas adelante, Adjusters/Rising Phoenix no eumplie eon demestrar que tenia la capaeidad ?nanciera requerida per e1 RFP. Este era un requisite minime, cuya falta implicaba la descali?caeien de la prepuesta. Ne existe evideneia en el expediente administrative de que se haya cumplide eon este requisite, aun deSpu?s de la ?nna del contrate entre Vivienda Adjusters/Rising Phoenix. Asi tambi?n, no cumplio estar en good standing eeme eerperaeien baje e1 erdenamiente juridiee, pues no estaba incerperada ni tampoce estaba auterizada para hacer negeeies en Puerto Rico. Adjusterszising Phoenix vine a eumplir con este requisite el dia antes de ?rmar el centrato een Vivienda luege de la adjudicaeion del RFP. Mas aun, Adjusters/Rising Phoenix no estaba registrada en el Registre Uniee de Licitaderes de la ASG, requerimiente mandateriel del RFP. Adjusters/Rising Phoenix tampoee eurnplie eon este requisite aun deSpu?s de la ?rma del contrate. Per tante, aqui no se esta discutiende e1 incumplimiento cen requisites triviales, sine een requisites que mas alla de ser requerides per e1 RFP, son requisites de ley en nuestre erdenamiente juridice. Minimizar de esa manera les requerimientes estableeides en nuestre estade de dereehe vigente implicaria que una Junta de Subastas este per eneima de la Asamblea Legislativa. Para tedes les efeetes, la Junta de Subastas adjudice un eentrate a una entidad que no estaba auterizada a hacer negocies en Puerto Rico que no esta registrada en el Registre Uniee de Lieitadores de la ASG. Le que es mas impaetante aun es que se ?rme e1 eentrate no se eerrigieren las emisienes respecte a la capacidad ecenemica al Registro Unice de Licitaderes de la ASG. Al dia de hey el centrate continua vigente, las faltas no se cerrigieren nadie tiene eerteza de la capacidad econ?mica de Adjusters/Rising Phoenix. Adjusters/Rising Phoenix arguye-que es de aplicacien a este case 10 resuelte per e1 Tribunal de Apelacienes en Transeere Atlantic, Inc. v. Gila LLC, KLRA20141110, 2014 WL7745554 (TCA). Claramente se equiveea. En Em, ?1_Ip_I_a, e1 licitader que no ?le faverecide en el RFP, per haber ebtenide una puntuaci?n mas baja en la evaluacion efeetuada per la ageneia, alego que el lieitader eseogide no presento les deeumentes requerides en la seccien 2.15 del RFP. Cen respeeto a esa eentreversia este Tribunal dispuse: Sin embargo, hemes examinado la prepuesta de Gila constatames que la empresa lieitadera presente les deeumentes requerides en la secci?n 2.15 de la propuesta que le resultaban aplicables en tante es una cempa?ia que hace negecies fuera de la jurisdicei?n. A saber: declaraeien jurada de elegibilidad, certi?cade de cumplimiente del Departamento de Estade, certi?caeion de eumplimiente con las ebligaeienes contributivas, selicitud para format parte del 23 registro de comerciantes, resoluci?n corporativa en la que se autoriza 1a presentacion del RFP. E- en En este caso, no existe controversial con respecto a que Adjusters/Rising Phoenix no incluyo el certi?cado de good standing emitido por e1 Departamento de Estado ni 1a certi?cacion de la ASG para poder hacer negocios con el Gobierno de Puerto Rico, amen de otros incumpiimientos. Por lo tanto, lo resuelto en Transoore, @913, no es de aplicacion a esta controversia. Adjusters/Rising Phoenix tambi?n alega que lo resuelto por el este Tribunal de Apelaciones en First Transit of Puerto Rico, Inc. V. Autoridad de Carreteras Transportaci?n. er a_l. KLRA201200782, 2012 WL 5177479 (TCA), apiica a los hechos de este caso. Se equivooa. Ambos casos son completamente distinguibles. De entrada, en First Transit. supra, e1 licitador perdidoso que impugnaba la adjudicaci?n, obtuvo una puntuacion total de 70.2 puntos, versus 97.8 obtenidos por el licitador agraciado, MV Transportation. E110 contrasta con los hechos de este caso, donde AECOM obtuvo una puntuacion superior a la Adjusters/Rising Phoenix. Entre otras razones para solicitar 1a revocacion, First Transit adujo que MV Transportation no habia sometido tres (3) certi?caciones requeridas en los pliegos de licitacion, relacionadas a la autorizaoion para hacer negocios en Puerto Rico. Este Tribunal deterrnino que dos (2) de las tres (3) certi?caeiones no le eran de aplicaci?n a MV Transportation. En cuanto a la certi?oacion omitida, este Tribunal deterrnino que era un error subsanable porque no era parte de los criterios de evaluaci?n: Surge de lo anterior que para pr0positos de recomendacion para adjudicaci?n se tornan en consideracion los criterios de evaluacion enumerados en los documentos de subasta 10s cuales versan sobre el aspecto sustancial de la subasta, a saber, los enumerados en la secoi?n 4.3 de los documentos de subasta no cualquier otra informacion requerida en los documentos de subasta come 10 son las certi?caciones solicitadas en la secoion 3.4. Estas ?ltimas, por su parte, condicionan 1a responsividad de la propuesta en terrninos generales de la responsabilidad del licitador por lo que versan sobre el formato de la propuesta. m. en De otra part6, en First Transit, supra, la Autoridad de Carreteras adujo que la omision cometida por MV Transportation era atribuibie a la ambigiiedad de cierto formulario suministrado por la propia agencia. 24 (73 Aqui, Adjusters/Rising Phoenix no alega que el requisito de good standing la certificaci?n de la ASG no le scan de aplicaci?n. Por el contrario, e1 lenguaje del RFP no deja lugar a dudas en cuanto a la obligatoriedad de dichos requisitos: All Respondents, if incorporated, must show they are in good standing with the Puerto Rico Department of State (DOS) (?Departamento de Bstado?). All Respondents that are foreign corporations (out-of?state) must ?le the necessary documents with the Division of Corporations of the Department of State, requesting authorization to do business in Puerto Rico, which shall have been requested prior to the date of submission of the Proposal hereunder. Failure to demonstrate compliance with this requirement may result in rejection of the Proposal without further consideration. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 540) (Enfasis nuestro). N?tese, adernas, que la ultima oracion de la Seccion 4.2 del RFP bajo e1 renglon Evaluation Criteria dice ?The ?rm be a GSA Certi?ed.? Mas aun, bajo e1 criterio de evaluacion denominado Key Sta??s and Full Time Personnel Qualifications se encuentra la certi?cacion de la ASG. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 527). Per 10 tanto, conforme a los resuelto por este Tribunal en First Transit, supra, Adjusters/Rising Phoenix incumplio con requisitos sustantivos, que eran parte de los criterios de evaluacion requeridos no meros requisitos de forma. De otra parte, en First Transit, supra, este Tribunal expres? que, en el evento de que MV Transportation no cumpliera con el requerimiento de documentacion que le formulara la Autoridad ?sta estaria facultada a con?scar la ?anza de licitaci?n prestada por MV. Aqui, a1 dia de hoy, Adjusters/Rising Phoenix carece, de la certi?cacion de la ASG, no le fue exigida una ?anza de licitaci?n ni siquiera cumpli? con el requisite minimo de contar con la linea de cr?dito requerida en el RFP. La realidad es que los incumplimientos de Adjusters/Rising Phoenix no son faltas menores. Este Tribunal de Apelaciones reiteradamente ha revocado adj udicaciones de subastas de requerirnientos de prOpuestas debido a1 incumplimiento del licitador seleccionado con la entrega de documentos requeridos en los pliegos instrucciones. OF Group, Inc. v. Municipio de Carolina, 2010 WL 2710772 (TCA) (revocando la adjudicacion porque e1 licitador favorecido omiti? presentar con su oferta e1 ?acknowledgment of surety?, documento que identi?ca a la persona que ejecuto e1 ?bid bond? presentado por el licitador; la certi?caci?n de haber leido e1 documento de ?general conditions and instructions to bidders?; un a?davit atestiguando que su oferta ha sido una genuina que no se ha puesto de acuerdo conspirado con otro licitador para de alguna fonna tratar de ?jar un precio de licitacion mayor, en perjuicio 25 del Municipio); Karlan Group v. Municinio de Arecibo, KLRA200701108, 2007 WL 4623329 (TCA) (revocando la adjudicaci?n porque e1 licitador favorecido no incluy? la ?anza de licitacion requerida, sino un cheque corp'orativo en sustituci?n de la ?anza; omitio incluir una certi?caci?n de que el edi?cio prefabricado cumpliria 1a reglamentacion requerida entreg? ?ste posteriorrnente); Business Tele?Communications, Inc. v. Gobierno Autonomo de Guavnabo, KLRA200400924, 2005 WL 956919 (TCA) (revocando 1a adjudicacion porque e1 licitador favorecido no contaba con cinco a?os de experiencia en el mercado, seg?n requerido, ni cumplio con entregar gran parte de los documentos solicitados). En resumen, los hechos en este caso son totahnente distinguibles de los heohos en Transcore, supra, First Transit, supra. Los incumplimientos de Adjusters Rising/Phoenix no son meros errores subsanables. Asi concluy? la Junta Revisora luego de un analisis exhaustive. Dicha conclusion merece gran deferencia. En vista de lo antes discutido, no surge que la Junta Revisora haya obviado que este proceso de contratacion se realizc') mediante un RFP. Al contrario, sus determinaciones de hechos conclusiones de derecho se basan precisamente en el texto del RFP los t?rrninos condiciones a111' impuestos para la evaluacion de las propuestas. B1 ente que determino qu? importancia tendrian Ios requisitos impuestos en el RFP el efeoto de la falta de cumplirniento con ellos fue Vivienda, no fue nadie mas. Es la contenci?n de AECOM, que la propuesta de Adjusters/Rising Phoenix no se conformo de acuerdo a- los parametros del RFP y, por tanto, debio haber sido descali?cada. La Junta de Subastas carecia de la facultad para oonsiderar una licitacion que, inicialmente, incumplio con las condiciones del RFP. Admitir 10 anterior vulneraria los te?rminos que regian e1 proceso de RFP laceraria, ademas, e1 principio fundamental de competencia equitativa en la contrataci?n gubernamental. V?ase, Aut. Carreteras v. CD Builders, Inc., 177 D.P.R. 398, 413 (2009). 26 E. La Junta Revisora actuo correctamente al revocar la adjudicacion arbitraria de la Junta de Subastas que no descalific? la propuesta de Adjusters/Rising Phoenix, aun cuando del expediente administrativo surge que no cumplia con requisitos minimos, esenciales materiales del RFP. 1. Adjusters/Rising Phoenix no cumplio con el requisito minimo de contar con una linea de cr?dito y/o cuentas bancarias por $35 millones. E1 RFP exigia que para obtener el contrato 1a entidad respondiente debia contar con una linea de cr?dito de $35 millones sin cargas con una entidad asegurada por el Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Especi?camente, e1 RF expresaba lo siguiente: 5.7.1 Minimum Requirements: The following requirements de?ne a responsible Respondent, and must be satis?ed for a Respondent to be eligible for award: a) Respondent shall demonstrate that it has adequate ?nancial resources to perform the services under the Agreement, and provide an unencumbered line of credit of a minimum of $35,000,000.00 with an FDIC insured ?nancial institution. The Respondent shall provide ?nancial (including audited ?nancial statements and balance sheets), and information concerning existing lines of credit and account balances, suf?cient to demonstrate the Respondent?s ?nancial capacity to undertake the services under the Agreement. Failure to demonstrate compliance with any of the abovementioned requirements shall result in rejection of the Proposal without further consideration. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 533) Posteriormente, el 16 de noviembre de 2017, el lenguaje de la sub-seccion fue enmendado para incluir entre los recursos ?nancieros a mostrar corno evidencia, ademas de la linea de cr?dito, una cuenta en una institucion asegurada por el FDIC con un balance de $35 millones una combinaci?n de ambos. Dicho texto lee como sigue: a) Respondent shall demonstrate that it has adequate ?nancial resources to perform the services under the Agreement by providing third-party con?rmation of an unencumbered line of credit of a minimum of $35,000,000.00 with an FDIC insured ?nancial institution; and/or an account in an FDIC-insured ?nancial institution with an available balance of $35 million or a combination thereof. The Respondent shall provide ?nancial (including audited ?nancial statements and balance sheets), and information concerning existing lines of credit and account balances, suf?cient to demonstrate the Respondent?s ?nancial capacity to undertake the services under the Agreement. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 602) (Enfasis nuestro). Del expediente administrativo surge que Adjusters/Rising Phoenix entreg? su propuesta de costos anejo una carta fechada 15 de noviembre de 2017, ?rmada por Michel W. Wade, ?Senior Vice President of NET Bank, la cual indicaba 10 siguiente: The Company [Adjusters/Rising Phoenix] currently has a $35,000,000 working capital line of credit and maintain deposits in the low 7- ?gure range. Present balance on the line of credit is $9,000,000. The line of credit is reviewed annually and will mature on 09/3 0_/1 8. 27 (Ap?ndice Opo. TA, pag. 12) (Enfasis nuestro).9 Es decir que Adjusters/Rising Phoenix no tenia una linea de cr?dito no gravada por $35,000,000, tal como lo requeria e1 RFP. Del expediente administrative producido por la Junta de Subastas, no surge que Adjusters/Rising Phoenix haya provisto con?nnacion de terceros de otras lineas de cr?dito disponibles con?nnaci?n de cuentas bancarias con balances disponibles a1 momento de someter su propuesta e1 21 de noviembre de 2017. Notese que el RFP requeria que dicha informacion fuera con?rmada por un tercero. De dicho expediente surge que, mucho despu?s de la fecha limite para someter las pr0puestas, e1 4 de diciembre de 2017, el Administrador Asociado del Area de Adquisicion Contratacion de Vivienda 1e requirio a Adj usters/Rising Phoenix que indicara c?mo su compa?ia cumplia con el requisito minimo de una linea de cr?dito de $35,000,000 con fondos no gravados. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 1035). A1 dia siguiente, Adjusters/Rising Phoenix respondio que poseia la documentacion para evidenciar que cumph'a con el requisite minimo de capacidad ?nanciera. Enumero en un correo electronico los balances que se alegaban se encontraban en unas cuentas bancarias. Ademas, anejo los estados de cuenta de unas cuentas comerciales. una de esas cuentas estaba a nombre de ifikdiusters/Risinar Phoenix con un balance de $2 119 887.34. Las demas cuentas estaban a nombre de Tidal Basin Holdings, Inc. Vanguard Emergency Management Housing InSpection Services, otras entidades corporativas. No incluyo documento alguno que re?ejara como esas otras entidades corporativas se relacionaban con Adjusters/Rising Phoenix. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pags. 1025?1033). El 5 de diciembre de 2017, dicho Administrador Asociado envio un correo electr?nico a la ?rma de CPA, para que evaluara 1a respuesta dada por Adjusters/Rising Phoenix en torno a su capacidad ?nanciera. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 1025). E1 CPA Anibal over 1e respondio que si bien es cierto que una car?ca fechada 15 de noviembre de 2017 de NBT Bank con?rma un linea de cr?dito de $35,000,000, ?sta tiene un balance disponible de $26,000,000 a dicha fecha. Ademas, conforme a la Nota de los estados ?nancieros de Adjusters/Rising Phoenix sus subsidiarias, existe una limitaci?n a la di5ponibilidad de la linea de cr?dito a1 31 de diciembre de 9 No queda claro del lenguaje de la carta de NBT Bank cual era e1 monto de la disponibilidad de la Iinea de cr?dito. Lo que si es evidente es que Adjusters/Rising Phoenix no tem?a una linea de cr?dito de $35,000,000 no gravada como lo requeria el RFP. Adjusters/Rising Phoenix omitio incluir esta carta en el Ap?ndice de Recurso de Revisidn Administrativa, a pesar de que la misma es parte del expediente administrativo el eje de una de las controversias principales. 28 2016.10 Por tanto, e1 CPA Jover parte de la premisa que esta limitacion aplica a la linea de cr?dito existente, la cual es igual a1 de [los balances] de las cuentas [por cobrar] comerciales elegibles seg?n de?nido en el acuerdo [de prestamoD? otras restricciones. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pags. 1020-1021). Cabe destacar. que el acuerdo de pr?starno no se incluvo como aneio a1 correo electronico antes descrito a los estados ?nancieros. De hecho, los Comentarios a los Estados Financieros para el RFP indican que Adjusters/Rising Phoenix someti? un estado ?nanciero consolidado donde se habla de una linea de cr?dito sobre la cual se recomendaba obtener mas infomnaci?n. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pags. 1707-1708) Adernas, e1 CPA Jover indico que a base de la informaci?n recibida de cuentas por cobrar, e1 requisito de la linea de credito se cumpliria solarnente si se consideran los balances de efectivo en las cuentas bancarias. Asimismo, expreso que para que se cumpliera con el requisite minimo de la linea de credito, era imprescindible asumir como un activo convertible en efectivo el inter?s de participaci?n, si alguno, de Adjusters/Rising Phoenix en el balance en efectivo de la empresa com?n Vanguard contar con el 80% de las proyecciones de cuentas por cobrar conforme a la limitacion de la linea de cr?dito. El CPA Jover tambi?n mencion? que la informacion que se proveyo consiste en el efectivo que Adjusters/Rising Phoenix utiliza para cubrir sus gastos normales de operaci?n las cuentas por cobrar esperadas, que aunque pudieran ser correctas, para hacer un mejor an?lisis recomienda como necesario obtener: (1) las cifras reales de las cuentas por cobrar a1 30 de septiembre 31 de octubre de 2017; (2) la formula del acuerdo de pr?stamo la de?nici?n de las cuentas por cobrar comerciales elegibles. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pags. 1020-1021). I Finalmente, e1 CPA I over indic? que el Cornite Evaluador tendria que decidir los siguientes asuntos: (1) si se consideraria e1 balance en efectivo de las cuentas bancarias para determinar si se cumple con el requisite de la linea de cr?dito de $35,000,000; (2) si en la f?nnula del 80% de las cuentas por cobrar comerciales elegibles se tornara en consideraci?n e1 inter?s de participaci?n de Adjusters/Rising Phoenix en la empresa comun Vanguard. Sobre ?ste ultimo asunto, e1 CPA Jover apunto e1 t?rmino de tiempo de la empresa comfm Vanguard como '0 Segt'm 1a nota en los estados ?nancieros de Adjusters/Rising Phoenix, a1 31 de diciembre de 2016, la limitacion de pr?stamo base para la linea de credito era de $16,000,000. Esta seria 1a limitaciOn hasta que culminara la linea de cr?dito en septiembre de 2017. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 2219) Esta limitacion se establece a base del 80% de 105 balances de cuentas por cobrar comerciales elegibles, segt'm de?nido en un acuerdo de prestamo que no se incluye como anejo a1 correo electronico 105 estados ?nancieros. 29 factor a considerar. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pags. No existe en el expediente administrative documento que proveyera una repuesta a las preguntas la documentaci?n requerida por el CPA ever. Tampeco se desprende que se le 'haya solicitado 'a Adjusters/Rising Phoenix preveer documentacion a tales ?nes que esta haya provisto documentacion para peder contestar esas interrogantes. Adjusters/Rising Phoenix alega qtie habia cumplido con les requerimientes de capacidad ?nanciera de linea de cr?dito estipulados en el RFP. Aduce que con el balance disponible de la linea de credito los fondos disponibles en las cuentas bancarias de Adj usters/Rising Phoenix sus subsidiarias, sobrepasaba el requisite minimo. Aduce que tiene parte de su efective otros actives distribuides en distintas subsidiarias, per le cual tiene un derecho legitimo sobre las cuentas de sus subsidiarias per ser esto de uso costumbre. En nuestre ordenamiento, a?n cuando se trate de una relacien matriz?subsidiaria, se respetara 1a persenalidad juridica separada entre ambas entidades aunque la matriz posea todas las accienes de la subsidiaria sus miernbros, les directores e?ciales sean los mismos. Diaz Olive, Comoraciones, Puerto Rico, Publicaciones Puerterrique?as, Inc, 2008, pags. 59-60. Para establecer que la corporaci?n matriz la subsidiaria son una sola entidad es necesario demostrar adecuadamente ?1a confusion entre las dos corporaciones que el reconocer la diferencia entre ambas result[a] en sancionar 1a evasion de obligaciones, e1 fraude, la injusticia la derreta de la pelitica p?blica?. Gonzalez v. San Just Corp, 101 D.P.R. 168, 170 (1973). Les balances de las cuentas bancarias provistes per Adjusters/Rising Phoenix denotan que solo una cuenta 1e pertenece a esa empresa las demas a otras compa?ias terceras eon personalidad juridica independiente de las cuales no censta documentacion alguna que valide 1a dispenibilidad de esos fendos a Adjusters/Rising Phoenix para cumplir con el RFP (per ejemplo, un contrato acuerde entre empresas que evidencie la disponibilidad de sus cuentas bancarias para el uso de una otra). Para concluir que las cuentas bancarias de las compa?ias subsidiarias son para use de Adj usters/Rising Phoenix solo se puede hacer mediante evidencia de un negocio juridice entre ambas (un contrato 0 acuerdo) porque se ha descorride e1 vele cerporativo a1 existir cen?isien entre esas cor'poraciones. Ninguna de esas instancias se desprende del expediente administrative. 1? Estes correes electronicos del 4 5 de diciembre de 2017, fueron producides per la Junta de Subastas e1 16 de enero de 2018, luege de que se levantara en la vista administrativa ante la Junta Revisora que el expediente preducide a AECOM parecia estar incomplete. AECOM no cento con el bene?cio de dichos decumentos a1 memento de presentar su Mocidn de Reconsideracidn. 30 Es importante recalcar que el CPA Jover no valido 1a informacion provista nor Adiusters/Rising Phoenix, pues su contestacion se limit? a exponer unos escenarios basados en suposiciones por falta de informacion a tales efectos. De hecho, recomendo obtener mas infonnacion para poder hacer una evaluacion. Seria desacertado concluir que el CPA I over llegc?) a una conclusion con la informacion provista, pues no es cierto. Ademas, e1 CPA over carecia de informaci?n necesaria para evaluar de forma independiente e1 balance disponible de la linea de cr?dito de Adjusters/Rising Phoenix ?bajo Ia relacion del 80% de las cuentas por cobrar comerciales elegibles. Por tanto, del expediente administrativo no se deSprende que Adjusters/Rising Phoenix haya cumplido con el requisito de proveer con?rmacion por parte de un tercero de una linea de cr?dito y/o cuenta bancaria de como minimo $35,000,000. Ello, en marcado contraste con la propuesta de AECOM, sobre la cual e1 expediente administrativo re?eja que tenia una linea de cr?dito de $1,050 millones con una disponibilidad de $368 millones. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pags. 2112-2114). Conforme a1 RFP, el no cumplir con este requisito era motivo mas que su?ciente para haber rechazado la propuesta de Adjusters/Rising Phoenix sin mayor oonsideracion. Mas signi?cativo es, que Vivienda ?rmo un contrato con Adjusters/Rising Phoenix ?sta no cumplio con el requisito de demostrar que tenia la capacidad ?nanciera segt?m requerida por el RFP. 2. Adjusters/Rising Phoenix es una corporaci?n que no es'taba autorizada a hacer negocios en Puerto Rico, ni habia solicitado autorizaci?n para e110 a1 momenta de someter su prepuesta. La Ley General de Corporaciones, Ley Nl?im. 164?2009, regula a las corporaciones organizadas en el Estado Libre Asociado Ide Puerto Rico, las corporaciones foraneas autorizadas a hacer negocios en el Estado Libre Asociado las corporaciones que hacen negocios en el Estado Libre Asociado sin obtener una autorizacion conforme a la ley. 14 L.P.R.A. see. 3501 et seq. Dicha ley 1e impone unos requisites un procedimiento a seguir a toda corporacic?m foranea que quiera hacer negocios en Puerto Rico. Asi, la corporacion extranjera que desee hacer negocios en el pais debejseguir estas reglas. 14 L.P.R.A. secs. 3801-3815. For este medio se asegura la regulacion de entes juridicos de otras jurisdicciones en relacion a sus actividades dentro de Puerto Rico, actividades que por su potencial impacto ?scal, entre otros, son de inter?s para nuestro gobierno. Riego Z??iga v. Lineas A?reas Costanicenses, 139 D.P.R. 509 (1995). 31 De esta manera una corporaci?n foranea no podra hacer negocios en Puerto Rico directamente, 0 por medio de un agente representante localizado en Puerto Rico, hasta tanto no pague a1 Secretario de Estado los derechos pagaderos, presente ante e1 Secretario de Estado los siguientes documentos: (1) un certi?cado de existencia (u otro documento similar) expedido por el Secretario de Estado otro o?cial que mantenga 1a custodia del registro corporativo en la jurisdicci?n bajo cuyas leyes esta organizada la corporacion; (2) una solicitud para hacer negocios en Puerto Rico otorgada por un o?cial autorizado de la corporacion. 14 L.P.R.A. see. 3801. A cualquier corporacion foranea que viole las disposiciones de este capitulo se le podra imponer una multa no menor de doscientos d?lares ($200) per cada violacion. 14 L.P.R.A. see. 3814. Asimismo, e1 Secretario de Justicia, por iniciativa propia 0 de terceros interesados, podra entablar accion en el Tribunal de Primera Instancia dicho tribunal tendra jurisdiccion para prohibirle a cualquier corporacion foranea sus agentes a efectuar transacciones de negocios en esta jurisdicci?n, si dicha corporaci?n ha Iincumplido con cualquieras de las secciones de la ley. 14 L.P.R.A. see. 3804. Conforme a1 RFP, todas las entidades respondientes, debian cumplir con el requisite de estar incorporadas autorizadas a hacer negocios en Puerto Rico por el Departamento de Estado, el cual debia ser solicitado antes de presentar las respectivas propuestas. El RFP establecia lo siguiente: All Respondents, if incorporated, must show they are in good standing with the Puerto Rico Department of State (DOS) (?Departamento do Estado?). All Respondents that are foreign corporations (out?of?state) must ?le the necessary documents with the Division of Corporations of the Department of State, requesting authorization to do business in Puerto Rico, which shall have been requested prior to the date of submission of the Proposal hereunder. Failure to demonstrate compliance with this requirement may result in rejection of the Proposal without further consideration. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 540) (Enfasis nuestro). La propuesta de Adjusters/Rising Phoenix no incluyo un certi?cado de good standing que re?ejara que estaba incorporada autorizada a hacer negocios en Puerto Rico. mm; Registro de Corporaciones del Departamento do Estado indica que no the hasta el 4 de enero de 2018. one dicha entidad solicito autorizaci?n para hacer negocios en Puerto Rico.12 (Apendice Rev. TA, pags. 410-412). De hecho Adjusters International, Inc. nunca solicit? autorizaci?n para '2 Los tribunales pueclen tomar conocimiento del registro electronico de corporaciones del Departamento de Estado. Regla 201(b)(1) y(2) de las Reglas de Evidencia, 32 L.P.R.A., Ap. VI, R. 201; V?ase, ademas, la primera nota al calce de Ocasio v. Kelly Servs.. 163 D.P.R. 653, 661 (2005). 32 hacer negooios en Puerto Rico. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 413). Seg?n e1 RFP, si la entidad respondiente fallaba en demestrar cumplimiente con el requisite de que esta incorporada autorizada a haeer negoeios en Puerte Rico, ello pedria resultar en el rechazo de la propuesta sin mayor consideracion. Mas cuando de la heja de ootejo realizada a1 recibir la propuesta de Adj usters/Rising Phoenix surge que esta no suministre su certi?eado de inoorporacien. Del expediente administrative no surge que la Junta de Subastas haya heohe una determinaci?n en tome a esta falta de Adjusters/Rising Phoenix a1 memento de evaluar su prepuesta. Per tanto, come minimo, la Junta de Subastas debi? haber dilucidade en terno a esta falta censiderado e1 rechazo de la propuesta de Adjusters/Rising Phoenix sin mas. Al menos debieron pedirle su certi?eade de inoorperaci?n la autorizacien para haoer negooies. Principalmente, ouande en nuestrajurisdiocion es una vielaoien de ley llevar a cabo negoeios sin' estar auterizado para ello por el Departamento de Estado. Vielaci?n que faculta al Secretario de Justieia a emprender una legal para prohibirle a cualquier oorporacion feranea efectuar de negocios en esta 3. Adjusterszising Phoenix no esta inscrita en el Registro Unico de Licitadores de la Administraci?n de Servicies Generales. E1 Registro Unico de Licitadores una inscripoien obligateria para ?[t]oda persona natural 0 juridica interesada en entrar en el mercade de adquisicien de bienes servicios de la Rama Ejeoutiva, las corporacienes p?blicas municipios del Gebierno de Puerto Rico?. 3 L.P.R.A Ap. XIX,.Articulo 40. Elle con el ?n de poder evaluar asegurar que dichos entes del gebierne solarnente contraten con personas de probada solvencia moral economica que no hayan side convietas se hayan deolarado culpable de aquellos delitos constitutivos de fraude, malversaoion apropiaei?n ilegal de fendos p?blicos. 3 L.P.R.A. Ap. XIX, Articulo 42. El RFP requeria que la entidad reSpondiente estuviese oerti?cada por la ASG (?The ?rm shall be a GSA Certi?ed?) (Ap?ndiee Rev. TA, pag. 527). El Procurement Handbook for Public Housing Agencies 7460.8 (?Procurement Handbook?), aplioable a este RFP, indiea que ?shall? signi?ca que una aceion es mandatoria requerida per estatuto reglamento.13 Sin embargo, Adj usters/Rising Phoenix no sometie evidencia de que estuviese inserita en el Registre Unice de Licitadores mismo, que estuviese oerti?cada per dicha agencia. Es un heche que Adjusters/Rising Phoenix no esta registrada en el Registro Unice ?3 El Reglamento de Subastas, supra, dispone en la Seccion 1.5 que cuando se utilicen fondos federales, como en este case, aplicarzin las disposicienes centenidas en el Procurement Handbook antes citado. 33 0 de Licitadores de la (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 414). Adjusters/Rising Phoenix no fue responsive a1 requisite establecide en el RFP de que debia estar inscrita en el Registre Unice de Licitadores de la ASG. Este requisite era mandatorie, per lo que no habia cabida para obviar el mismo. Adjusters/Rising Phoenix alega que el requisite de estar registrado con la ASG no es une de descali?cacien ya habia side atendide, pues no se le etorgaron puntes per e110. Ademas, aun si era necesario, e1 RFP preveia para permitir a los licitadores corregir fallas menores. Entiende que el cumplirniente con este requisite podia ser suministrado luege de la adjudicacion del RFP antes de la ?rma del contrato. Como discutierarnos, 1a certi?cacion de la ASG era un requisite mandaterio del RFP. Un requisite mandatorio es uno obligatorie. No da margen a variaciones excepcienes. Este es el mecanismo bajo el cual las agencias gubernamentales se aseguran de que los licitadores tengan probada solvencia moral economica que no hayan side cenvictas se hayan declarade culpable de aquelles delitos constitutivos 'de fraude, malversaci?n apropiaci?n ilegal de fondos p?blicos. Argumentar que un requisite obligaterie del RFP cuyo proposito precisamente es darle 1a garantia a Vivienda de que les licitadores estan en cumplimiento con las nermas establecidas en Puerte Rico, no es motive de descali?caci?n 0 es una falla menor, es mas que desacertado. Cabe se?alar, que a1 memento de ?rmar e1 contrate con Vivienda, Adjusters/Rising Phoenix tampoco tenia Ila certi?cacien de la ASG estatal. Por tanto, aqui no cabe hablar de una falla mener que el RFP permitia cerregir, 10 cierto es que nunca se cerrigio, ni podia cerregirse posterierrnente15 Vivienda contrato con una entidad que no tiene 1a certi?cacien de la ASG estatal. F. Actue correctamente la Junta Revisera al revecar la actuaci?n arbitraria de la Junta de Subastas de etergar la puntuaci?n t?cnica de 70.06 a Adjusters/Rising Phoenix cualificarlo para la linea de competencia a pesar que del expediente administrative surge que no 'cumplie con les requisites para ebtener dicha puntuacien. La Ley Stafford establece que en el gaste de fondes federales para limpieza de escornbros, distribuci?n de suministres, reconstrucoion otras actividades importantes de desastre asistencia de emergencia que pueden llevarse a cabe per centrato acuerdo con organizaciones privadas, empresas individuos, se dara preferencia, en la medida de lo posible, ?4 Un record publice es susceptible 'de conocimientejudicial. Lopez Otres v. Asoc. De Taxis de Cavev, 142 D.P.R. 109, 114 (1996); .R.T. v. Club Nautico, 97 D.P.R. 386, 391 (1969). ?5 V?ase, Accumail P.R. v. Junta de Subastas, 170 D.P.R. 821, 830 (2007) (resolviendo que infermacion sometida con pesterioridad a la presentacion de una propuesta no puede tener e1 efecte do convertir en responsiva una oferta que originalmente no lo era). 34 factible practicable, a aquellas organizaciones, empresas individuos que residen hacen negocios principalmente en el area afectada por tal desastre emergencia. 42 U.S.C.A. sec. 5150(a)(1). Esta preferencia puede hacerse a trav?s del proceso de evaluacion de los licitadores. 48 C.F.R. sec. 26.202. De otorgarse el contrato acuerdo a organizaciones privadas, empresas individuos que no residen hacen negocios principalmente en el area afectada, 1a decision debe estar justi?cada por escrito en el expediente. 42 U.S.C.A. sec. 5150(b)(1). La justi?cacion debe incluir la consideracion del alcance del desastre emergencia mayor los requisitos necesidades inmediatas de suministros servicios para garantizar que la Vida est? protegida, que se cuide alas victimas que se protej a la pr0piedad. 48 C.F.R. sec. 26.204. De otra parte, corno minimo, una empresa cornun (?joint venture?) se dedica a un solo negocio, que'si bien puede tratarse de una sola transaccion comercial, no necesariarnente tiene que serlo. Mas aun, e1 concepto ?un solo negocio? debe interpretarse de manera amplia se re?ere mas bien a que la empresa tiene que dedicarse a un negocio especi?co de?nido, independientemente de su complejidad duracion. Llorens v. Arribas, 184 D.P.R. 32, 62 (2011). Para deterrninar si se esta ante una empresa comun (?joint venture?), los tribunales deberan analizar 1a situacion a la luz de los factores siguientes: (1) si existe una comunidad de intereses en el cumplimiento de un proposito 00min; (2) si hay un control 0 derecho de control conjunto; (3) si hay un inter?s propietario conjunto sobre el asunto sustantivo, es decir, que arnbos accionistas aporten, ya sea con su industria, capital 0 de alguna otra manera, al logro del ?n 00min; (4) si existe el derecho a compartir las ganancias, (5) si existe e1 deber de compartir las pe?rdidas en las que se pueda incurrir. E. El RFP establecia que el Comit? Evaluador evaluaria cada prepuesta basado en los siguientes criterios: (1) experiencia capacidad del licitador; (2) cuali?caciones del personal clave a tiempo completo; (3) forma de abordar e1 proyecto; (4) desempe?o pasado del personal clave del licitador; (S) costo. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pags. 527629). Ademas, el RFP indicaba que debido a la cronologia tan agresiva, los retos geogra?cos la practica de construccion local, se estaria otorgando un bono de diez (10) puntos a aquellos licitaclores que crearan un ?Joint Venture? con un licitador local. (Ap?ndic'e Rev. TA, pag. 529). Dicha boni?cacion por crear un ?Joint Venture? con una empresa local es consona con los requerimientos de la Ley Stafford, la base legal del RF en controversia. 35 Seg?n e1 Informe de Evaluacion T?cnica de la Junta de Subastas, e1 Comite Evaluador establecio una linea de competencia entre los proponentes que obtuvieron sesenta siete (67) puntos mas. La selecci?n de la linea de competencia incluia las propuestas que razonablernente tenian oportunidad de ser seleccionadas para adjudicacion. Asimismo, e1 Comit? Evaluador asigno la puntuacion t?cnica para cada una de las ?rmas participantes, tomando en consideracion cuatro criterios de los cinco incluidos en el RFP un bono adicional para compa?ias locales foraneas que hagan un ?Joint Ventiire? con una compafiia local. (Apendice Rev. TA, pag. 1075). A tenor con 10 anterior, e1 Comit? Evaluador otorgo las siguientes puntuaciones t?cnicas a los licitadores: N?m. Nombre Proponente Puntuaci?n 1 JV 77.50 2 Adjusters International, Inc. 70.06 3 JV 64.19 4 JV 62.44 (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 1282) De forma desglosada, Adjusters/Rising Phoenix recibio las siguientes puntuaciones de acuerdo a los parametros antes descritos: Criterios Puntos otorgados a Adjusters/Rising Phoenix Experiencia capacidad del licitador 19.50 Cuali?caciones del personal clave a tiempo completo 10.50 Forma de abordar el proyecto 15.56 Desempe?o pasado del personal clave del licitador 14.50 Bono 10 Total 70.06 (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 1282) Conforme a la evaluacion del Comit?, ?nicarnente cuali?caron bajo e1 parametro establecido de linea de competencia de sesenta siete (67) puntos, AECOM Adjusters/Rising Phoenix. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 1075) Fundamentandose en evidencia incontrovertida que obra en el expediente administrativo, la Junta Revisora concluyo, correctamente, que el Comit? Evaluador no debio otorgar a Adjusters/Rising Phoenix e1 bono de diez? (10) puntos por la creaci?n de un ?Joint Venture? con un licitador local. De un examen de la prepuesta de Adjusters/Rising Phoenix, se desprende que la intenci?n de ?sta no fue crear un ?Joint Venture? con una compa?ia local. De hecho, Adjusters/Rising Phoenix incluyo con su propuesta un ?Teaming Agreement? con LinkActiv, 36 Inc., una compa?ia local. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pags. 1744-1746). Dicho acuerdo contractual establece expresamente que: ARTICLE 5? Form of Agreement. This Agreement does not constitute a partnership, ioint venture, or any other form of business association. The relationship between Team Members shall be that of a teaming arrangement. Neither Team Member is the agent of the other, and, except as expressly provided in this Agreement, neither may bind the other. No pro?ts, losses. or costs will be Shared under any provision of this Agreement. This agreement shall apply only to the Puerto Rico Department of Housing Pr0posal to support the FEMA STEP program. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 1744) (Enfasis nuestro). El Articulo 1233 del C?digo Civil dispone que si los t?rminos de un contrato son claros no dejan duda sobre la intencion de los contratantes, se estara a1 sentido literal de sus clausulas. 31 L.P.R.A. sec. 3471. De esta manera, es evidente que la intenci?n de Adj usters/Rising Phoenix no fue crear un ?Joint Venture? con una compafiia local. Si la intencion de Adjusters/Rising Phoenix en ning?n momento fue crear un ?Joint Venture? con LinkActiv, Inc., e1 Comit?i Evaluador no debio haber llegado a la conclusion que dicho licitador habia creado un ?Joint Venture?, con esto otorgarle los diez (10) puntos de bono destinados a tal proposito. De hecho, el 29 de noviembre de 2017, el Comit? Evaluador cuestion? mediante un correo electronico, si en efecto se habia incluido un acuerdo de ?Joint Venture? para Adjusters/Rising Phoenix, pues no constaba dicho documento en la propuesta sometida. Ademas, solicito una reSpuesta a una consulta. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 1038). Un dia deSpu?s, e1 Administrador Asociado del Area de Adquisicion Contratacion de Vivienda respondio que Adjusters/Rising Phoenix habia entrado a un ?Teaming Agreement? con una empresa local. Indico que un ?Teaming Agreement? es una modalidad de un ?Joint Venture?, que era consono con el objetivo de la boni?cacion que otorga el RFP. Sin embargo, dejaba a la facultad del Comit? Evaluador, determinar si por el .contenido del contrato se satisfacia dicho objetivo.l6 (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 1037). Notese tambi?n que los Comentarios a los Estados Financieros Sometidos para el RFP, se presume que para todas las demas empresas licitadoras existia un ?Joint Venture?, mientras que para Adjusters/Rising Phoenix no. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pags. 1707-1708). Es importante recalcar que de las cuatro (4) entidades que fueron evaluadas, todas menos Adjusters/Rising Phoenix tenian un ?Joint Venture? con una empresa local. '6 Estes correos electr?nicos del 29 30 de noviembre de 2017, fueron producidos por la Junta de Subastas el 16 de enero de 2018, luego de que se Ievantara en la vista administrativa ante la Junta Revisora que el expediente producido a AECOM parecia estar incomplete. AECOM no conto'COn el bene?cio de dichos documentos al mom ento de presentar su Mocz??n de Reconsiderac?idn. 37 Cabe sefialar, que la de?nicion de un ?Joint Venture? delineada por nuestro Tribunal Supremo establece claramente que en dicho tipo de acuerdo, existe el derecho entre las empresas participantes a compartir las ganancias las p?rdidas en las que se pueda incurrir. Este no es el caso en el ?Teaming Agreement con LinkActiv, Inc., pues expresamente se acordo alli que no serian compartidas entre las empresas las ganancias, p?rdidas costos. Por tanto, conforme a la de?nicion de ?Joint Venture? delineada en nuestra jurisdiccion, e1 ?Teaming Agreement? tampoco se podia catalogar como una empresa comun bajo los contornos del acuerdo mismo. Ademas, 1a Ley Stafford requiere expresarnente que cuando no se otorgue e1 contrato a una empresa local, se justi?que dicha decision por escrito. Del expediente administrativo no se desprende la justificacion de la Junta de Subastas para haber otorgado la buena pro del RFP a Adjusters/Rising Phoenix cuando esta ?rrno la propuesta sola, sin que compareciera una empresa local, conforme a los requerimientos de la Ley Stafford. Mas aun, cuando esta no creo un ?Joint Venture? con una empresa local, corno ya hemos discutido. Por tanto, a1 asi actuar la Junta de Subastas Violo la Ley Stafford. Mientras, Adjusters/Rising Phoenix arguye que el ?Teaming Agreement? era e1 tipo de acuerdo que buscaba e1 RFP, pues lo que se buscaba era fomentar la participacion de una entidad local en los trabajos. Por ello, no se podia ver el requisito del RFP de un ?Joint Venture? de manera in?exible. Sin embargo, el requisito del RFP es claro, e1 bono se otorgaba si la entidad foranea creaba un ?Joint Venture? con una empresa local. El Tribunal Supremo ha delimitado los contornos de 1111 ?Joint Venture? en nuestra jurisdiccion. No cabe mas interpretaci?n que no sea esa. Ni la intenci?n de Adjusters/Rising Phoenix ni el texto del ?Teaming Agreement? revelan que el contenido de dicho acuerdo ?lera crear una relacion similar a la de un ?Joint Venture?. Basicamente lo que Adjusters/Rising Phoenix pretende es que donde dice ?Joint Venture? en el RFP diga ?Teaming Agreement?. Como mencionaramos anterionnente, Adjusters/Rising Phoenix obtuvo una puntuacion total de 70.06, la cual incluyo los diez (10) puntos de bono por crear un ?Joint Venture? con una compa?ia local. Tal cual concluyo la Junta Revisora, lo correcto hubiese sido que el Comit? Evaluador no le hubiese otorgado los riiez (10) puntos, por lo que la puntuaci?n total de Adjusters/Rising Phoenix debio haber surnado a 60.06. Esa puntuacion estaria por debajo de la establecida para el parametro de linea de competencia de sesenta siete (67) puntos. De esta manera, Adj usters/Rising Phoenix no debio haber sido cuali?cado para la linea de competencia. 38 En marcado contraste, la pr0puesta de AECOM cumplio con el requisito de ?Joint Venture? a1 tener una empresa comun con CPM PR, De esta manera, e1 unico licitador que cuali?caba bajo el parametro de linea de competencia establecido por el Comit? Evaluador era AECOM. Por consiguiente, nunca se debio considerar a Adjusters/Rising Phoenix para el proceso ulterior de negociaci?n de costos en el que se le solicito a AECOM Adjusters/Rising Phoenix que revisaran sus ofertas. Mucho menos concederle 1a buena pro del RFP. G. Actuo correctamente la Junta Revisora al dejar sin efecto la adjudicaci?n caprichosa arbitraria del RFP que no adjudic? el mismo a favor de AECOM cuando su propuesta representaba el ?Best Value?, segl'm surge del propio expediente administrativo. El RFP indicaba que las propuestas de los licitadores serian evaluadas la buena pro adjudicada mediante e1 analisis de ?Best Value?. Especi?camente, e1 RFP establecia lo siguiente: 5.7 Award Process Award will be made to the responsible and responsive Respondent whose Proposal represents the best value to the DOH, taking all elements (including price and technical score) into consideration. Award will be made at fair and reasonable prices only. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 532) (Enfasis en el original). En Puerto Rico no existe regulacion juriSprudencia que de?na e1 ?Best Value? en un procedimiento de compra de bienes servicios de una agencia gubernamental. Por tanto, se acude a la de?nicion promulgada bajo la normativa federal. El Federal Acquisition Regulations System se establecio para la codi?caci?n publicacion de politicas procedimientos uniformes para la adquisicion de productos servicios por parte de todas las agencias ejecutivas. 48 C.F.R. 1.101. Este consiste en el Federal Acquisition Regulation que es el documento principal, los reglamentos de adquisici?n de la agencia que implante e1 FAR. it}, La Secoi?n 15.101 del FAR establece la manera en'la que una agencia debe implementar e1 analisis del ?Best Value? a1 evaluar las propuestas bajo un RFP. Dicha secoi?n dispone como sigue: An agency can obtain best value in negotiated acquisitions by using any one or a combination of source selection approaches. In different types of acquisitions, the relative importance of cost or price may vary. For example, in acquisitions where the requirement is clearly de?nable and the risk of unsuccessful contract performance is minimal, cost or price may play a dominant role in source selection. The less de?nitive the requirement, the more development work ?7 De hecho, a la vista se?alada por la Junta Revisora el 11 de enero de 2018, comparec?ieron representantes de AECOM, CPM PR de todos los contratistas locales que trabajarian en la implantaci?n de la propuesta presentada por ABCOM en el RFP. Ello es muestra de que AECOM cumple con el requisito de ?Joint Venture?. En marcado ningt'ln representante del ?Teaming Agreement? de Adjusters/Rising Phoenix comparecio a la vista. (Ap?ndice Opo. TA, p?gs. 171 175). 39 required, or the greater the performance risk, the more technical or past performance considerations may play a dominant role in source selection. 48 C.F.R. 15.101. Segun dispuesto en el FAR, existen dos procedimientos para la evaluacion del precio conforme al analisis del ?Best Value?. 48 C.F.R. 15.101?1 15.101~2. E1 primero de ellos es el ?trade-off?. Un proceso de ?trade-off? es apropiado cuando e1 inter?s del Gobierno sea considerar la adjudicacion a un proveedor que no sea e1 licitador con el precio mas bajo que no sea e1 licitador con la cali?caci?n mas alta. 48 C.F.R. Cuando se aplique este proceso se debe observar que: (1) todos los factores de evaluacion sub-factores signi?cativos que afectaran la adjudicacion del contrato su importancia relativa se indicaran claramente en la solicitud; (2) la solicitud debe indicar si todos los factores de evaluacion, ademas del costo 0 e1 precio, cuando se combinan, son significativamente mas importantes que, aproximadamente iguales signi?cativarnente menos importantes que el costo 0 el precio. 48 C.F.R. Este proceso permite ?trade-offs? entre factores de costo '0 precio factores no relacionados a1 costo, perrnite a1 gobierno aceptar otra propuesta que no sea 1a mas barata. Los bene?cios percibidos de la prepuesta de mayor precio mereceran e1 costo adicional, lajusti?caci?n de las compensaciones se debe documentar. 48 C.F.R. De otra parte, ,el segundo procedimiento para la evaluaci?n de precio es el proceso de selecci?n de fuente t?cnicamente aceptable de precio mas bajo. 48 C.F.R. 15.101?2. Este es apropiado cuando se espera obtener e1 ?Best Value? de la seleccion de la prepuesta t?cnicamente aceptable con el precio evaluado mas bajo. 48 C.F.R. El RFP no establece explicitamente que? procedimiento para la evaluaci?n del precio conforme a1 analisis del ?Best Value? se estaria utilizando. A su vez, el Procurement Handbook for Public Housing Agencies (HUD Handbook 7460.8 REV 2, dated 2/2007), diSpone dos (2) m?todos para la evaluacion del precio en un RFP: 1. Where Price is Assigned an Explicit Point(s). Under this method, the PHA may award price a speci?c number of points. For example, the PHA may rank pr0posals on a IOU-point scale. Of the total points, the PHA may award, for example, 80 points for technical merit and 20 points for price. In using this method, the PHA will need to determine the weight given to price versus technical factors and how to convert price into a point scale. 2. Where Price and Other Technical Factors are Considered. Under this method, technical factors are ?rst determined and offerors are ranked. Then, prices are evaluated. The PHA can award to the offeror whose price and technical factors are the most advantageous to the PHA. This method is also known as the ?trade-off? method in that the PHA trades-off, or weighs the importance of, price versus technical factors. All amendments must be in writing. 40 Secci?n del Procurement Handbook for Pubec Housing Agencies (HUD Handbook 7460.8 REV 2, dated 2/2007). En su proceso de evaluacion, la Junta de Subastas asigno unas puntuaciones maximas a los factores t?cnicos. Luego de evaluar las pr?opuestas basado en estos factores t?cnicos, asigno puntuaciones a los licitadores design? una linea de competencia. Establecida 1a linea de competencia se eliminaron los licitadores que quedaron por dcbajo de la puntuacion establecida para ese parametro se procedio a evaluar los licitadores que cali?caron bajo el factor costo. El RFP establecia que las propuestas de costo de los licitadores serian evaluadas bajo el criterio de puntuacion absoluta. Los puntos para el costo se asignarian mediante un proceso de evaluacion basado en el calculo de los coctos totales del precio presentado por cada licitador. El RFP asigno la puntuacion maxima de veinticinco (25) puntos al factor costo. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pags. 528-529) E1 area de Adquisiciones Contratacion del Departamento de la Vivienda fue el encargado de evaluar e1 criterio del costo. Luego de un proceso de negociacion se asigno la siguiente puntuacion total, que incluia la puntuacion t?cnica la puntuaci?n de costo:18 N?m. Nombre Proponente Puntuaci?n Estimado Oferta Final T?cnica Econ?mica 1 JV 99.04 $152,527,921.48 $154,195,116.00 2 Adjusters/Rising Phoenix 95.06 $152,527,921.48 $132,849,38942 International, Inc. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 1360). De lo anterior se deSprende, que los licitadores ?leron evaluados bajo e1 factor costo mediante 1a asignacion de una puntuacion. Bajo ese m?todo, AECOM result? ganadora a1 obtener la puntuacion total mas alta, que incluia una combinacion de factores t?cnicos costo, por encima de'Adjusters/Rising Phoenix. to que es mas, la Junta de Subastas expreso que ?[u]na vez analizadas todas las ofertas ?nales se determino que se obtuvieron precios razonables para poder adjudicar la subasta?. (Ap?ndice Rev. TA, pag. 1361). Sin embargo, la Junta de Subastas dctermin? otorgar el contrato a Adj usters/Rising Phoenix porque ?luego de haber sobrepasado e1 cumplirniento t?cnico, e1 factor del costo por los servicios a prestar, es clararnente e1 ?nico factor determinante para poder recomendar una adjudicacion favorable a uno de los dos proponentes t?cnicamente cuali?cados?. lg. ?3 No se provcyo en el expediente administrativo' producido por la Junta de Subastas, la hoja en donde se tabulo individualmente la puntuaci?n otorgada para el criterio costo. 41 La reglamentacion exige que se adj udique la subasta a la propuesta mas ventajosa (?best value?) tomando en cuenta los factores t?cnicos economicos. Vease, Services, Inc. v. Junta de Subastas Administracion de Vivienda Publica, KLRA0500528, 2005 WL 3271954 (TCA). Por ende, no necesariamente la prepuesta de mas bajo costo resulta ser la mas ventaj osa, que es un asunto que tiene que dirimir la agencia a1 adjudicar la subasta. Un licitador puede tener una calidad excelencia en los aspectos de rendimiento en proyectos anteriores experiencia en proyectos similares que Naotico puede dar margen a ser favorecido, a?n ofreciendo un costo mayor. 1g. Como disenti?ramos, el RFP clararnente establecia que la buena pro se otorgaria basado en el ?Best Value?, el cual tomaria todos los factores t?cnicos de costos en consideraci?n. Sin embargo, 1a determinacion de la Junta de Subastas fue completarnente contraria a1 RFP a la normativa aplicable. Ello, pues indic? que el unico factor determinante al adjudicar e1 RFP era e1 precio/costo. Mas aun, cuando luego de otorgarle a1 costo un valor mediante puntuacion, obvia dicho m?todo de evaluacion donde AECOM resulto ser ganadora. Esto, luego de cali?car e1 precio de AECOM como razonable, lo cual era requerido por el RFP para adjudicar la buena pro, pues decia que .la misma seria adjudicada a precios justos razonables. Luego la Junta de Subastas volvio a evaluar- el costo de forma independiente. La Junta de Subastas se apoyo t?micarnente en el costo ?nal, independientemente del total de puntos obtenido por la combinacion de puntuacion t?cnica economioa, tal como lo establecia el RFP. Con el procedirniento tal cual lo llevo la Junta de Subastas, pareciera que a1 factor costo se le evaluo dos (2) veces, lo que no esta permitido. Lo correcto hubiese sido que luego de otorgarle puntuaciones por los factores t?cnicos economicos, se hubiese adjudicado la buena pro a1 licitador con la puntuaci?n mas alta, que fue AECOM. Dicha actuacion por parte de la agencia fue, a toda luces, caprichosa arbitraria. A pesar de todas las de?ciencias irregularidades antes discutidas en la adjudicacion del RFP, Vivienda otorgo el contrato con Adjusters/Rising Phoenix el 5 de enero de 2018. Ello, a pesar de que en el proceso se cometio la violacion a varias leyes, como la Ley Stafford la Ley General de Corporaciones, a los requerimientos del mismo RFP, Sabido es que son nulos los actos ejecutados contra lo dispuesto en la ley. Articulo 4 del Godigo Civil, 31 sec. 4. V?anse, Las Marias v. Municipio de San Juan, 159 D.P.R. 868 (2003); Hatton v. Municipio de Ponce, 134 D.P.R. 1001 (1994). Por tanto, procede que este Honorable Tribunal con?rme la 42 Reselucien de la Junta Revisera, que reveca la adjudicaeien del RFP a Adjusters/Rising Phoenix declara nulo e1 centrate su?erite entre Vivienda Adjusters/Rising Phoenix. Asimisme, precede que este Honorable Tribunal le erdene a Vivienda a suscribir e1 contrato con AECOM, quien ?le e1 {mice licitador responsive que eumplie con todes les requisites del RFP. V. CONCLUSION La Junta Revisera aetu? cerrectamente al deelarar con lugar la Moci?n de Reconsideraci?n de AECOM. Dieha determinaci?n no afectara la prestaoion de les servicies requerides en el RFP puesto que, come ha quedado demestrade, AECOM cuenta con la capaoidad ?nanciera t?cnica, asi come la experiencia necesaria. A tono con la urgencia que requiere este preceso, AECOM ha aetuade diligenternente durante la revision administrativa judicial, cernpareciende muche antes de las fechas limites requeridas, mediante argumentes ineuestienables que surgen del prepie expediente administrative. Asi quedo demostrade ante la Junta Revisera, evidenciande que, en este case, el procedimiento instituide per la propia agencia para salvaguardar el inter?s p?blico ?mcien?. El ?Joint venture? censtituide per AECOM CPM PR, asi come sus contratistas estan prestos a o?ecer sus servioies. Respetuesamente sestenemes que no debe permitirse a un licitader que incumplio crasamente con les requisites del RFP establezea las pautas, se le premie con la eportunidad de preveer sus-servieios baje este pregrama tan impertante para Puerte Rico trate de infundir temer utilizando come pretexte que los servicies se veran afeotades. La manera de preteger no afeotar les servicios a la ciudadania salvaguardar la fe en las institucienes el alto inter?s publiee que reviste el procese seran mejor servides mediante la seleecien del licitador mas oapacitade, que prevee e1 ?Best Value? que cumpli? con tedos 10s requisites del RFP: AECOM. POR TODO LO CUAL, reSpetuesamente se solicita a este Honorable Tribunal que dicte Sentencia denegande el Recurse de Revision Administrativa cen?rme la Reselucien de la Junta Revisera de Subastas del Departamente de la Vivienda ordene a dioha agenoia a que adjudique e1 RFP a AECOM-CPM JV per ser el {mice lieitader que oumplio eon les requisites. RBSPETUOSAMENTE SOMETIDO. CERTIFICAMOS: Que en esta misma feeha se ha enviade per corree certi?cade eepia ?el exacta de este esorite a: Junta Revisera de Subastas del Departamente de la Vivienda, 606 Ave. Barbosa, Edi?cie Juan C. Cerdere, lOrne Pise, San Juan, PR 00918; Junta de Subastas del Departamente de la Vivienda, 606 Ave. Barbesa, Edi?cio Juan C. Cordere, 43 T3 TV 10m0 Piso, San Juan, PR 00918; Hon. Fernando A. Gil Ense?at, Secretario del Departamento de la Vivienda Lcdo. Joel 0. Hernandez Alvarado, 606 Ave. Barbosa, Edi?cio Juan C. Cordero, 101110 Piso, San- Juan, PR 00918; Leda. Hilda Quifiones Rivera, Q.R. Asociados, LLC, MCS Plaza, Suite 819, 255 Ave. Ponce de Leon, San Juan, PR 00917; Lcdo. Carlos M. Rivera Vicente, Cancio, Nadal, Rivera Diaz, P.S.C., PO Box 364966, San Juan, PR 00936?4966; Lcdo. Eric P?rez Ochoa, Iicda. Shylene De esus, Lcdo. Fabian Rodriguez Torres Leda. Lourdes Arroyo Portela, Adsuar Mu?iz Goyco Seda Perez-Ochoa, P.S.C., PO Box 70294, San Juan, PR 00936-8294; JV, P.O. Box 10914 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00922-0914; V-Joint Venture, 9250 Baymeadows Road, Suite 350 Jacksonville, Florida 32256. 44 En San Juan, Puerto Rico, a 21 de febrero de 2018. MCCONNELL VALDES LLC 270 Avenida Mu?oz Rivera Hato Rey, Puerto Rico 00918 PO. Box 364225 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936-4225 Tel?fono: (787) 250-5604/ 250-5665/ 250-2626 Fax: (787) 759-8282 I Antonio A. Arias Larcada RUA 9062 aw RUA 15669 Yahaik ka be la R63a a\Algarin? RUA 18061 5120 $102.00 Sella de Rentas Intemas 30043-2013-0220?36011018 45 ESTADO LIBRE ASOCIADO DE PUERTO RICO TRIBUNAL DE APELACIONES REGION JUDICIAL DE SAN JUAN-CAGUAS - PANEL II ABCOM-CPM JV, CASO TA: KLAN201800084 Reeurridos, REVISION ADMINISTRATIVA v. PROCEDENTE DE LA IUNTA REVISORA DE SUBASTAS DEL DEPARTAMENTO DE LA VIVIENDA DEL DEPARTAMENTO DE LA VIVIENDA ESTADO LIBRE ASOCIADO DE PUERTO RICO, SOBRE: Agencia, IMPUGNACION DE ADIUDICACION DE REQUERIMIENTO DE PROPUESTAS RISING PHOENIX HOLDINGS PARA LA OESTION CORPORATION t/e/e/ ADIUSTERS DE PROGRAMAS PROFESIONALES INTERNATIONAL, INC., Recurrente. DEL APENDICE Paginas 1. Doeumentos de Tramite del Departamento de la Vivienda Sobre Contratos de Servieios Profesionales 0 de Servieio en RelaeiOn a POlizaS de Seguros del 31 de octubre de 2017 1-5 2. Propuesta de Costos de Adj uste'rS International del 17 de noviembre de 2017. 6-12 3. Carta de los licenciados Antonio A. Arias Larcada Maria C. Cartagena Cancel en representaciOn de AECOM-CPM JV al Departamento de la Vivienda del 18 de dieiembre de 2017 13 4. Carta de la Ing. Luz M. Acevedo, Seeretaria de la Junta de Subastas del Departamento de la Vivienda, a1 Ledo. Antonio A. Arias Lareada del 19 de diciembre de 2017. 14 5. Hoja de Tr?mite del Departamento de la Vivienda a la Leda Maria C. Cartagena sometiendo dooumentos del 20 de dieiembre de 2017. 15 6. Carta de lieenciados Antonio A. Arias Lareada Maria C. Cartagena Cancel en representaeiOn de JV a la Junta de SuperviSiOn Fiscal del 20 de dieiembre de 2017. 1629 7. Hoja de Tramite del Departamento de la Vivienda a la Leda Maria C. Cartagena sometiendo doeumentos del 26 de dieiembre de 2017 30 8. Hoja de Tramite del Departamento de la Vivienda a la Leda Maria C. Cartagena Yahaira De la Rosa sometiendo doeumentos del 27 de dieiembre de 2017. 31 or 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Paginas Carta del Lcdo. Hermann D. Bauer en representacion de la Junta de Supervision Fiscal a los licenciados Antonio A. Arias Larcada Maria C. Cartagena Cancel del 27 de diciembre de 2017 32 Carta de los licenciados Antonio A. Arias Larcada Maria C. Cartagena Cancel en representacion de AECOM-CPM JV a la Junta de Supervision Fiscal del 27 de diciembre de 2017. 33-48 Carta del Lcdo. Joel 0. Hernandez a la Junta de Supervision Fiscal del 28 de diciembre de 2017. 49-88 Carta del Lcdo. Antonio A. Arias Larcada en representacion de CPM JV a la Junta de Supervision Fiscal del 29 de diciembre de 2017 89-92 Carta del Lcdo. Antonio A. Arias Larcada en representacion de AECOM- CPM JV para el Lcdo. Joel 0. Hernandez del Departamento de la Vivienda del 4 de enero de 2018. 93-138 Contrato entre cl Departamento de la Vivienda Rising Phoenix Holdings suscrito el 5 de enero de 2018. 139-169 Certi?caci?n Negativa emitida por el Departamento de Bstado dc Adjusters International, Inc. del 9 de enero de 2018 170 Transcripci?n de Vista Administrativa celebrada en el Departamento de la Vivienda e1 11 de enero de 2018. 171?202 Carta de los licenciados Antonio A. Arias Larcada, Maria C. Cartagena Cancel Nayuan Zouairabani a1 Lcdo. Herman D. Bauer de la Junta de Supervision Fiscal del 12 de enero de 2018. 203 -210 Correo electr?nico de Maria I. Lefebre Llavona a las partes en el caso sometiendo ?Adjusters Checklist? del 16 de enero de 2018 211-221 Hoja de tramite del Departamento de la Vivienda a Michelle Alonso sometiendo documentos a AECOM del 16 de enero de 2018 222 Carta de los licenciados Antonio A. Arias Larcada Nayuan Zouairabani a1 Lcdo. Joel 0. Hernandez Alvarado del Departamento de la Vivienda del 17 de enero de 2018. 223?240 Certi?cacion del Departarnento dc Estado certi?cando copias certi?cada de documentos del 18 de enero de 2018. 241-243 Certi?caci?n Negativa de la Administracion de Servicios Generales emitida e1 18 de enero de 2018. 244 Hoja de Tramite del Departamento de la Vivienda a Michelle Alonso sometiendo documentos a AECOM del 18 de enero de 2018 245 Carta de la Leda. Hilda Qui?ones Rivera en representacion del Departamento de la Vivienda a1 Lcdo. Antonio Arias del 18 de enero de 2018. 246-247 Ccrti?cacion del Departamento de Estado de Delaware sobre enmienda para Rising Phoenix Holdings Corporation del 19 de enero de 2018. 248 Carta de los licenciados Antonio A. Arias Larcada Nayuan Zouairabani a la Junta de Supervision Fiscal del 22 de enero de 2018. 249?281 27. 28. 29. 30. Paginas Carta de los licenciados Antonio A. Arias Larcada Maria C. Cartagena Cancel en representaci?n dc AECOM-CPM JV a1 Departamento de la Vivienda del 30 de enero de 2018. 282~295 Carta de la Lcda. Hilda Qui?ones Rivera a los licenciados Maria C. Cartagena Cancel el Lcdo. Antonio Arias del 1 de febrero de 2018 296?297 Carta de Vahid Ownjazayeri Yamil D. Cirino de AECOM-CPM JV a1 Departamento de la Vivienda del 13 de febrero de 2018. 298 Correo electr?nico de la Lcda. Hilda Qui?ones a1 Lcdo. Antonio Arias del 15 de febrero de 2018. 299 005FA-78-5 DEEARTAMENTO DE LA VIVIENDA SECRETARIA AUXILIAR PARA ASUNTOS LEGALES SECCION DE SEGUROS CONDICIONES ESPECIALES SOBRE SEGUROS FIANZAS oegnvumos PROFESIONALES gas ov (X) AVP Contra tis ta: PROYECTO: POLIZAS DE SEGUROS Previo a la realizacion del trabajo ?El Contratista"se compromete a obtener mantener en vigor durante el tiempo de la vigencia del contrato. las siguientes polizas (X) que deber?n ser aprobados por la Seccion de Seguros del Depanamento de la Vivienda. (X) 1. Poliza del Fondo del Seguro del Estado. a tenor con la Ley de Compensaciones porAccidentes del Trabajo, Ley Nam. 45 del 13 de abril de 1935 segL'm enmendada. (X) 2. Responsablilidad General Comprensiva (Forma Ampliada) Comprehensive General Liability, (Broad Form), incluyendo las siguientes cubiertas: (X) a. Local Operaciones (Premises and Operations) (X) b. Contratistas lndependientes (Independent Contractor?s) (lf Any Basis) (X) c. Operaciones Terminadas (Completed Operations) (X) d. Contractual (Contractual Liability) (X) e. Relevo de Responsabilidad (Hold Harmless Agreement) TA Opo. 1 (X) f. Los llmites para estas polizas deber?n ser los siguientes: (X) B. l. 1,000,000 POR OCURRENCIA (X) P.D. 1,000,000 POR OCURRENCIA (X) 3. Responsabilidad Comprensiva de Automovil (Comprehensive Automobile Liability Form) incluyendo las siguientes cubiertas: (X) a. Cubiertas limites para vehiculos propiedad, no propiedad alquilados (Non-Owned and Hired Vehicules If any basis when applicable) (X) b. Lesiones Corporales $250,000 per persona $500,000 por ocurrencia Da?os a la propiedad ajena (P.D.) $250,000 por ocurrencia (X) 4. Poliza de Responsabilidad de lmpericia Profesional Responsabilidad por errores omisiones (X) a. Riesgo, inter?s, (X) i. Descripci?n del trabajo a realizarse (X) ii. Cada reclamacion U.S. $1,000,000.00 Agregado US. 500,000.00 Deducible U.S. 2,500.00 Certi?caci?n de que el contrato de seguros ha sido otorgado como cubierta de lineas excedentes con arreglo al codigo de Seguros del E.L.A. cuando aplique. TA Opo. 2 (X) 5. Las palizas a obtenerse deberan contener Ios siguientes endosos: (X) a. Cancellation Clause (60 days) (X) b. Waiver of Subrogation Clause (X) 0. Additional Insured Clause: 1 . Departamento de la Vivienda 2. Administraci?n de Vivienda delica 3. Estado Libre Asociado (X) 6. Las companies aseguradoras al emitir las p?lizas las ?anzas deben estar autorizada para hacer negocios en Puerto Rico, tener una s?lida reputaci?n econ?mica estar clasi?cadas como por el ?Best Key Rating Guide" We ser aceptadas por la agencia oontratante a trav?s de la Secci?n de Seguros. (X) 7. El contratista antes de comenzar los trabajos 0 de recibir comunicaci?n escrita para proceder que le sea permitido empezar a trabajar, debera someter a la agencia contratante para revision aprobaci?n por Seccion de Seguros. original 0 copia certi?cada de cada una de las polizas y/o fianzas mencionadas incluyendo todos Ios endosos acuerdos segun lo requerido acordado bajo las Condiciones Contractuales Especiales de Seguros segun se describe en este anejo. 8. OTROS: (X) 9. Certi?cacic?m por la Secci?n de Sequros del Degartamento de la Vivienda CER TIFICA CION Certificamos que, a nuestro mejor saber entender, hemos preparado las antes menclonadas ?Condiciones Especiales sobre Seguros y/o Fianzas. Formulario DV- OSPA-78-5. REV. FEBRERO 1997, que consta cuatro (4) paginas. despu?s de una propia evaluaoi?n de los riesgos relacionados. basandonos en la informaci?n sobre la TA Opo. 3 naturaleza del proyecto la descripci?n sometida a nosotros por el programa contratante a trav?s de una solicitud escrita. DESCRIPCION DE LOS SERVICIOS PROYECTO A DESARROLLARSE: 31 de octubre de 2017 FECHA PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES Arlyn Radn'guez Fuentes Encargada d9 Seguros Secretarla para Asuntos Legales (787) 274-2527 Ext. 6311 TA Opo. 4 tn the event the ?rm was aware of an organizational con?ict of interest before the award of this contract and did not disclose the conttict to the Contracting Of?cer. the DOH may terminate the contract for default. The provisions of this clause shall be included in all subcontracts and consulting agreements wherein the work to be performed is sim?ar to the service provided by the Firm. The firm shall include in such subcontracts and consulting agreements any necessary provision to eliminate or neutralize conflicts of interest. - I 7-18-02 FOR PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES Page 27 of 27 TA Opo. 5 WADJUSTERS INTERNATIONAL Cost Proposal for STEP Pilot Program Government of Puerto Rico COST PROPOSAL FOR PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES Sheltering and Temporary Essential Power (STEP) Pilot Program Submitted by Friday, November 17, 2017 4:00 to: Government of Puerto Rico 6th Floor of the Department of Housing Avenida Barbosa 606 Edi?cio Juan C. Cordero San Juan, Puerto Rico Respondent?s Name Adjusters International, Inc. 126 Business Park Drive Utica, NY 13502 I Phone: 800-382-2468, 315?797-3035 Fax: 315-272-2174 Contact Person: John Marini, President CEO 315-415-2963 cell Responding to every major disaster and catastrophic event in the US. for the past 20 years. Adjusters international 1 TA Opo. 6 MADJUSTERS INTERNATIONAL Cost Proposal for STEP Pilot Program Government of Puerto Rico COST PROPOSAL Adjusters International and its partner ?rms meet all ?nancial criteria requested in the RFP. Attached you will ?nd: 0 Cost Proposal 0 Proof of our $3 5,000,000.00 line of credit 0 Audited ?nancial statements and balance sheets Responding to every major disaster and catastrophic event in the US. for the past 20 years. Adjusters international 2 TA Opo. 7 ?a At. INTERNATIONAL Cost Proposal for STEP Pilot Program Government of Puerto Rico 1. Cover Letter November 17, 2017 Government of Puerto Rico Department of Housing, 6th Floor Avenida Barbosa 606 Edi?cio Juan C. Cordero san Juan, Puerto Rico Greetings Ms. Abigail Romero, Purchase Of?cer: Adjusters International (AI) appreciates the opportunity to present our cost proposal in response to the Request for Proposals (RFP) to provide the Government of Puerto Rico Department of Housing (DOH) with Professional Program Why the team, Management Services. We have designed a is the Best (12h nice 20+ years of experience and customized strategy and approach to help OH pmven capabilities with the . . . .lr?lilViA PA program?; FEMA funding of the Sheltering and A world-class team with. past experience assembled Temporary Essential Power (STEP) Pilot Program. speci?cally farthis project We have helped our clients recover from many of 3&1!th i 9 Program design and the worst natural and man-made disastersfoundation of client advocacy, We have built our reputation for program management of disaster grant funding. We have a comprehensive knowledge of the federal laws, regulations and policies governing the various post-disaster funding programs. Adjusters International takes an active Responding to every major disaster and catastrophic event in the us. for the past 20 years. Adjusters international 3 TA Opo. 8 INTERNATIONAL Cost Proposal for STEP Pilot Program Government of Puerto Rico role in shaping national-level policy discussions through our involvement with professional associations; our engagement with legislative policymakers; and our advocacy efforts on behalf of our clients. This provides our ?eld staff with information regarding regional trends and national policy shifts. AI has assembled a team with a proven history of rebuilding communities after disaster. Joining Adjusters International as our partners in this pursuit are Atkins, LinkActiv, Inc, The Servium Group, Inc., and Buffalo Computer Graphics, Inc. They are familiar teammates that have played critical roles in our team?s past successes. They were selected for their expertise in their speci?c areas, along with their past STEP experience. Our combined core expertise with the FEMA PA program speci?cally the STEP Program, history of client advocacy, STEP experience, local geographical knowledge and experience, and dedication to enabling a full and efficient ?nancial recoverywmake us the ideal addition to your emergency response and recovery team. The AI Team; stands ready to assist with sound ?scal management, recovery, and consulting services to support the organization, management, and administration of post?disaster grant funding through the STEP Program. We are con?dent that the unique combination of our national expertise and resources will prove to be the best value for the DOH. Sincerely, President and CEO Responding to every major disaster and catastrophic event in the US. for the past 20 years. 4 TA Opo. 9 DEPARTMENT OF ATTACHMENT REVISED COST PROPOSAL RPP-DOH-T 7-13-02 PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM MANAGER SERVICES NUMBER OF NUMBER Ol= HOURS PER T. POSITIONS . 2 3 (5) TOTAL (estimate) Principal I60 290.00 46,400.00 Project Manager 640 255.00 l63,200.00 Customer Serv. Rep 20 640 135.00 1,728,000.00 Case Manager 20 640 l35.00 1,728,000.00 Clerical ?0 640 5 45.00 288,000.00 Special ?0 640 205.00 l,3l 2,000.00 IT Management 2 200 300.00 120,000.00 Accounting 6 640 mm 672,000.00 Sub-Total Part 1 6,057,600.00 2. INSPECTIONS RATE PER 7 INSPECTION5 (S) (estlmale) Tom TYPE OP INSPECTION Initial Site (Property) Visl?r 1,425.00 751000 106,875,00000 Final Inspection :5 875.00 75000 65,625,000.00 Sub-Total Perl 2 l72,500,000.00 3. OUTREACH CAMPAIGN, INCLUSIVE OF ALL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (lump sum) 450,000.00 4. CALL CENTER MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION, INCLUSIVE OP ALL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (lump sum) 33 1,668,300.00 TOTAL PRICE8 l80,675,900.00 TA Opo. 10 i For evaluation purposes only. The Succestul Respondent shall be responsible for providing the actual number of personnel and job classes required to successfully meet the contract requirements. 2 Hourly rates proposed by the Respondent must be inclusive of travel time and travel expenses. 3 The total for each position will be determined by multiplying the number of employees times the number of hours per employee times the hourly rate. 4 For special inspector services only, which do not include inspections to be performed on a unit cost basis. 5 The rate proposed by the Respondent for of inspection shall be inclusive of all direct and indirect costs to be incurred by Respondent in relation thereto. 6 For evaluation purposes only. Does not constitute a representation as to the actual number of inspections to be performed by the Successful Respondent. 7 The total for each type of inspection will be determined by multiplying the rate for each inspection times 75,000 (the estimated number of total inspections for each type). 8 The "Total Price" of the Proposal shall be determined by adding the Sub-Total for Part l, the Sub-Total for Part 2, the lump sum price for Part 3, and the lump sum price for Part 4. As an attachment to this Cost Form, the Respondent shall submit an itemized budget for the services required under the Agreement and included in its Proposal, which shall be identi?ed as "Attachment Failure to submit the itemized budget may result in rejection of a Proposal. Auguste? Intemationa? Inc. Daniel A. Craig Respondent Name Respondent Representative Name 1 l/21/2017 Date TA Opo. 11 November 15, 2017 Adjusters International, Inc. 126 Business Park Drive U?ea, New York 13502 To Whom It May Concern: I Adjusters International, Inc. is a client in good standing with NET Bank, NA. We provide deposit and credit services to the company. The Company cuttently has a $35, 000 ,000 working capital line of credit and maintains deposits in the low 7-?gure range. Present balance on the line of edit' IS $9 000, 000. The line of credit is reviewed annually and will mature on 09/30/ 18 All loans have been handled in a satisfactory manner. Sincere y, WW e1 W. Wade Senior Vice President Regional Commercial Banking Manager Uticn Financial Center - 270 Sheet, Utica, New York 13502 Branch Phone: 315.738.8701 Fax: 315.738.1834 - Financial Center Phone: 315.738.8700 Fax: 315.738.8720 TA Opo. 12 McConnell a. Vaid?5% December 18, 2017 WA ELECTRONIC MAIL Government of Puerto Rico Department of Housing Rafael V?zquez Mu?iz, Esq. RHVazquez?lat/dorqov 270 Munoz Rivera Avenue San Juan, Puerto Rico 00918 PO Box 364225 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936 787.759.9292 Re: Access to Administrative File of Request for Proposal Professional Program Management Services Dear Mr. V?zquez: Our Firm represents JV in connection with the above-referenced Request for Proposal On December 15, 2017, the Department of Housing (?Department") notified the award of the RFP in favor of Adjusters international, inc. Pursuant to 32 L.P.R.A. 1781, AECOM respectfully requests access to the administrative records, including Adjusters? proposal and all evaluations conducted by the Department. The purpose of this request is to obtain the necessary information to file a motion for reconsideration before the Department within the applicable term. Please, contact the undersigned to inform the more convenient time to visit your office this week to examine the records. Thank you for your assistance on this matter. Tm ours; Kg! weak. Antonio A. Arias Larcada Marta C. Cartagena Cancel c: Eng. Luz Acevedo Pellot, P.E. - Secretary of the Board? Mr. Carlos Maldonado, Auxiliary Secretary? Cmaldonado@vivivienda.proov Puerto Rico Washington. DC 1 TA Opo. 13 GOVERNMENT OF PUERIU RICO Department of Housing December 19, 2017 Antonio A. Arias Larcada c/o Ms. Maite T. Vilella Janeiro McConnell Vald?s 270 Munoz Rivera Ave. San Juan, PR 00918 By e-mail: Re: Request for Proposals, DOH-RFP-17-18-O2 Professional Program Management Services Dear Mr. Arias: We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated December 18, 2017, related to DOH-RFP- 17-18?02. Your letter is received as a request for access to the procurement file of RFP-17-18-02. You are hereby notified that the procurement file will be available for examination on Wednesday, December 20, 2017 at 10:00 am. at the Office of the Department of Housing's Bids Board, 606 Barbosa Ave., Edificio Juan C. Cordero, 101h Floor, San Juan, Puerto Rico. No more than three (3) people will be allowed to participate in this inspection, and no photos may be taken during the same. Any request for reproduction of documents that does not exceed fifteen (15) pages may be processed on-site. Please be advised that a motion for reconsideration in relation to any award shall be filed with the Department of Housing?s Bids Review Board (the ?Review Board") pursuant to Section 3.19 of Act 38-2017, the Puerto Rico Administrative Procedures Act, and the Regulation for the Bids Review Board, Reg. 6793, dated March 29, 2004. You may contact me at (787) 274-2527 ext. 6101 in connection with this letter. Sincerely, . Lu: M. Acevedo retary Puerto Rico Department of Housing Bids Board 606 Barbosa Avenue, Building Juan C. Cordero D?vila, Rio Piedras, PR 00918 I PO. Box 21365 San Juan, PR 00928 Tel: (787)274?2527 HOUSING TA Opo. 14 DEPARTAMENTO DE LA VIVIENDA Goblerno de Puerto Rico OE HOJA DE TRAMITE RECIBIDO POR: FECHA: REFERIDO A: Inicialesl fechal hora I Maria C. Cartagena Cancel Income Member RI (787) 250-5665 (787) 307-3982 20 McConnell mmcmom .1 9 AWMemb-er Tromi?rodo por: Ing. Luz M. Acevedo Pello?r, Secretorio de la Junta I DE: Ing. Dennis G. Gonzdlez Ramos Presiden?re JunIo de Subos?ro ASUNTO: COST PROPOSAL FOR PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES, SHELTERING AND TEMPORARY ESSENTIAL POWER (STEP) PILOT PROGRAM (Copy) EVALUATION CRITERIAL DOH-RFP-I 7-18-02 (Copy) Para su ofenci?n occi?n correspondienfe CI Poro su informaci?n Pom su revisi?n Informer por escri?ro ges?riones reolizados Rehocer con Ios combios indicodos COMENTARIOS: #Con?rrol de correspondencio: Avenida Barbosa 606, EdificIo Juan C. Cordero, Hato Rey, PR 00918 - PO Box 21365 San Juan, PR 00928-1365 Tels.: (787) 274-2527 TA Opo. 15 270 Munoz Rivera Avenue San Juan, Puerto Rico 00918 PO Box 364225 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936 787.759.9292 787.250.5604 787.759.8282 Antonio A. Arias Larcada Capita! Member McConnell Vald?s a December 20, 2017 HAND DELIVERED FINANCIAL AND MANAGEMENT BOARD FOR PUERTO RICO. Mr. Jose B. Carrion Chair World Plaza Building 268 Munoz Rivera Ave. 11"?Floor . .7 :f PO. Box 192018 San Juan, PR. 00919?2018 Re: Request for Stay of Award in Reference to Request for Proposal DOH-RFP-17-18- 02, pending administrative review. Dear Mr. Carrion and Members of the Financial Oversight and Management Board: On November 7, 2017, the Puerto Rico Department of Housing issued Request for Proposals, for Professional Program Management Services The RFP seeks proposals from firms to provide services to manage and control PRDOH effort of providing, through qualified contractors repairs to thousands of single- -family owner?occupied properties impacted by Hurricane Maria. The initial estimate value of the services requested in the RFP Is $152 527 921. 48 which will be funded by the Federal Government. Our client AECOM- CPM JV submitted a thorough and comprehensive proposal in response to the RFP AECOM has been in Puerto Rico for over fifty- four (54) years and its partner CPM over twenty five (25) years AECOM is a multinational engineering firm that provides design consulting, construction, and management services to a wide range of clients and is listed on the Fortune 500 as one of America?s largest companies. The PRDOH performed an evaluation of the various proposals submitted in the RFP in which AECOM obtained the highest final score (99.04). Additionally, technical score was 7.44 points higher than the next higher score while the final score was 3.98 points higher. CELEBRAWNG 70 YEARS OF Puerto Rico Washington, DC TA Opo. 16 Letter to Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico Page 2 i December 20, 2017 Despite the foregoing, on December 15, 2017, the PRDOH notified the award of the RFP (?Notice of Award?) in favor of Adjusters international, inc. AECOM respectfully submits Adjusters lacks experience in professional program management services, such as the experience required in the RFP, and did not have authorization to do business in Puerto Rico until November 1, 2017, Le, only six (6) days prior to the issuance of the RFP. Previous experience of the respondents was an essential requisite of the RFP. According to the Notice of Award, the notification is subject to the approval of the Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico, in accordance with the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management, and Economic Stability Act 48 U.S.C. 2101 et seq. Attachment 1. Further, the Notice of Award indicates that any respondent that considers itself adversely affected by the adjudication of the RFP may, within twenty (20) calendar days from the notification, fits a motion for reconsideration with the PRDOH. Accordingly, on December 18, 2017, AECOM requested access to the records and informed PRDOH that it will exercise its right to file a motion for reconsideration within the applicable term. 53, Attachments 2 and 3. Pursuant to section 212 of PROMESA, the Oversight Board may intervene in any iitigation filed against the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and/or any of its instrumentalities, 48 U.S.C. 2152. The Oversight Board has significant powers to request injunctive relief, including, the stay of any litigation. in view of the importance of the RFP and the magnitude of the contract, which involves hundreds of millions in federal funds, AECOM understands an immediate stay of any approval of the Notice of Award is appropriate until the conclusion of all administrative review. An expeditious review of the RFP's adjudication will avoid unnecessary expenditures and the potential for the cancellation of a major federally funded contract, when the RFP process is being reconsidered by a respondent. proposal represents the best-value, as required by the RFP and the applicable regulations, and it will vigorously pursue all available remedies to reverse the award. in light of the above, and according to section 212 of PROMESA, AECOM respectfully requests the Financial Oversight and Management Board to stay the approval of the Notice of Award until the motion for reconsideration is adjudicated. Respectfully, . Antonio A. Arias Larcada a C. rtegena (Dancer Puerto Rico Washington, DC I Miami TA Opo. 17 Letter to Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico Page 3 December 20, 2017 We hereby certify that a copy of this letter has been sent to: Adjusters International, Inc. 126 Business Park Drive Utica, NY 13502; JV, PO. Box 10914 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00922-0914; Joint Venture, 9250 Baymeadows Road, Suite 350 Jacksonville. Florida 32256; Luz N. Acevedo?Pellot, P.E., Secretary of Puerto Rico Department of Housing Bid Board, PO. Box 21365 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00928-1365 and to in addition, the letter will be notified by email to the following recipients: Oversight Board, comments@oversiqhtboard.prgov; Counsel for the Oversight Board: Mr. Martin Bienenstook, mbienenstockfc? and Mr. Paul V. Possinger,, and Mr. Hermann D. Baurer, Puerto Rico Washington, DC Miami TA Opo. 18 Attachment 1 A . GOVERNMENT OF PUERTO RICO ~57: Department of Housing REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS - 7-l s02 PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES NOTICE OF SELECTION December l5, 20l 7 E-mall: Mr. Vahid Ownjaza'yeri Execufive Vice Presldenf JV 954 Ponce de LeOn Ave. Suife 304 San Juan, Puerfo Rico 00907 Re: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL: PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES Dear Mr. Ownjazayeri: On November 7, 20l 7, fhe Puerfo Rico Deparfmenf of Housing issued Requesf for Proposals, for Professional Program Managemenf Services seeking proposals frOm firms fo provide Professional Program Managemenf Services. The services will help manage and confrol effori Of providing, fhrough qualified confracfors, repairs fO fhousands of single?family owner occupied properlies fO make fhem funcfional and habiiable' in an expedifed manner. These repair works are fully financed wifh federal funds in connecfion wifh lhe Shelfering and Temporary Essenfial Power (STEP) PilOf Program under Seciion 403 Of Siafford Aci, which is being implemenfed in Puerfo Rico under The name ?Tu Hogar Renace". ln response fO your firm, JV, submified a proposal lo fhe PRDOH on November 2i, 20l7. - 606 Barbosa Avenue, BuildingJuan C. Cordero D?viia, Rio Piedras, PR 00918 i P.O. Box 21365 San Juan, PR 00928-1365 Tel: (787)274-2527 TA Opo. 19 NoTice of Seleciion JV 7?18?02 Professional Program Managemenf Services December TS, 2017 Page 2 of 4 Pursuani To 2 C.F.R. Pari 200, ArTicle 4 of The DeparTmenT of Housing?s Bid RegulaTions, daTed February 25, 2000, and The provisions of The PuerTo Rico DeparTmenT of Housing Bid Board (The ?Bid Board?) in Resoluiion daTed December 13, 20l7, has deTermined To award The Professional Program Managemeni Services agreemeni To Adjusiers lnTernaTional,- Inc. {The ?Successful Respondenf") for The Conl?raci Price of $l32,849,389.42. l) The LisT of Respondenfs, which is aTTached hereio and made an iniegral parT hereof as ExhibiT ll, deiails The names, addresses, score and conTacT informaiion of all Respondenis Thai submiTTed a Proposal in response To Your firm?s Summary, which is aTTached hereTo and made an 'iniegral parT hereof as Exhibii deTails The ToTal score obfained by your firm pursuani To 7-l 8?02. Any Respondeni Thai considers iTselT adversely affecied by This NoTice of Award may, wiThi?n TwenTy (20) calendar days from The daTe of deposii of This noTice wiTh The 0.3. PosTal Service, file a moiion for reconsideraiion wiTh The Deparimeni of Housing?s Bids Review Board (The ?Review Board") in person aT Floor 10fh Juan C. Cordero Davila Building 606 Barbosa Ave. San Juan, PuerTo Rico, or via ceriified U.S. Mail aT Box 2l365, San Juan, PuerTo Rico 009284365, pursuani To Seciion 3.l9 of 38-20l7, The PuerTo Rico Adminisfraiive Procedures ACT. The Review Board shall consider The moTion for reconsideraiion wiThin Thirly (30} calendar days from The daTe of filing Thereof, which Term The Review Board may exTend once forjusT cause for an period of fifieen (l5) calendar days. if The Review Board issues a decision on The moiion for reconsideraiion, The Term To file a requesT forjudicial review before The CourT of Appeals will begin as of The daTe of deposii of a copy of The corresponding noTice wiTh The US. Posial Service. if The Review Board does noT issue a decision on The moiion for reconsideraiion wiihin The Term allowed by law, The moTion will be deemed denied as of righT, and The Term To file a requesi forjudicial review will begin To run as of The daie Thereof, as provided in SecTion 3.l9 of AcT_38-20l 7. An original and Two copies of The moTion for reconsideraiion shall be filed To The SecreTary of The Review Board, and a copy Thereof shall be filed wiTh The Bid Board. TA Opo. 20 NoTice of Seieciion JV Professional Program ManagemenT Services December 15, 20i7 Page 3 of 4 Any RespondenT ThaT considers ii'seif adversely affecTed by This NoTice of Award or The deTerminaTion of The Review Board on a requesT for reconsideraTion, may file a requesT for judicial review before The CourT of Appeals wiThin Tweniy {20) calendar days from The daTe of deposiT of The corresponding noTice wiTh The U.S. PosTal Service, or wiThin TwenTy (20) days from The daTe of expiraTion of The Term, hence deemed denied! as of righT, seT forTh in SecTion 4.2 of 38?201 7. The filing of a requesT Tarjudiciai review will noT resuiT in The auTomaTic sTay of The award process. Any moTion Tor reconsideraTion or reauesT for judicial review, as The case may be, shall be noTiced To all Respondenis of record in accordance wiTh The applicable regulaTory requir'emenis. This NaTice of Award does noT represenT a conTracT or cansTiTuTea conTracTual reiaTionship beTween The DeparTmenT of Housing and your firm. This noTificaTion is subjeci To The approval of The Financial Managemeni and Oversighi Board in accordance wiih The PuerTo Rico OversighT, Management and Economic ACT You may coniacT me aT (787) 274?2527 exT. 6iOi connecTion wiTh This NoTice of SeiecTion. Sincerely, Mr. Car . onado Auxili SecreTary DeparTmenT of Housing Annex TA Opo. 21 Nofioe of Selecfion AECOM-CPM JV 7?18-02 Professional Program Managemenf Services December 15, 2017 Page 4 of 4 Copies: - Dennis Gonzalez, Presidenf Bid Board . William O. Rodriguez?Rodriguez, Esq. Subadminislralor - Joel Hernandez Alvarado, Esq. Chief Legal Officer - Rafael H. dequez Mu?iz, Esq. Associafe Adminislrafor, Procuremenf Area . I hereby fhis nofice of award was delivered fo all Respondenfs lisfed in Exhibif ll. Recelpl Number: 7014 0150 0001 1631 4837 TA Opo. 22 EXHIBIT I BID BOARD RESOLUTION OF AWARD REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS 748-02 PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES Date: December l3, 20W Time: 6:27 pm. The Bid Board of the Puerto Rico Department of Housing (the ?Board"l, with quorum duly constituted, and pursuant to Article 4 of the Regulation for Bids of the Department of Housing and its Related Agencies, Reg. 5106, dated February 25, 2000 (the ?Bid Regulation"), upon evaiuation at the proposals, documents and information submitted to the Board, has determined to award the Request for Proposals for Professional Program Management Services, dated November 7, 2017 (the to Adjusters international, the for the Contract Price which represents the. best value to the Department of Housing, taking all elements (including price and technical score) into consideration, as set forth in Section 5.7 of the RFP. The following Respondents submitted proposals in the response to the RFP and their respective Proposals received the total scores speci?ed therein: - No. Company Name Economic DOH Estimate Technical vs. DOH Proposal(EP) Score estimate 1. Architects $60,477,263.02 $152,527,92l.48 64.19 Engineers 2. $6i,246,986.47 $152,527,92148 62.44 3. Adjusters $i80,675,900.00 $152,527,92i.48 70.06 18.4% international, inc. 4. AECOM-CPM $205,837,484.00 77.50 34.9% The proposals were evaluated based in Experience and Capacity of the Respond (20pisi, Key staff?s and Full Time Personnel Qualifications {15 points}, Project Approach (20 paints), Past Performance of Key Staff and Respondent [20 points), Economical Proposai (Cost) {25 points) and Bonus (Joint Venturellio points]. I ?h I :3 606 Barbosa Avenue, Buildingiuan C. Cordero D?viia, Rio Piedras, PR 00918 i P.O. Box 21365 San Juan, PR 09928-1365 Tel: (787)274-252? i mum??; Opo. 23 BID BOARD RESOLUTION OF AWARD REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS 7?18?02 PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM MANAGEMENTSERVICES PAGE i 2 The Secretary of Housing designed a committee for the technical evaluation of the proposals and an Accounting Firm evaluated the ?nancial capacity of them. The technical committee a competitive range based on the mentioned criteria of 67~85. All respondents with a score of 67 or more in the technical area and ?nancial capacity would be considered. After evaluation, the following proposals had the required score in their technical evaluation and sent their final offer. The Final Score includes the score using the Absolute Score Calculation as per the RFP. A negotiation process was held with the two companies within the competitive range. The cost offers were reduced after two negotiations. AECOM's offer went from to $154,i95,i i630. Adiusters's offer was reduced from $i80,675,900.00 to $132,849,389.42. Company Final Original Cost Revised Cost DOH Estimate vs Name Score DOH (110mm) 99.04 5320533148400 $754,195Ji??o $i52,527,921.48 i.i% Adjusters 95.06 $l80.675,900.00 $t32,849.389.42 $152,527,92i.48 international, . inc. Both. proponents have the experience and the capacity for the program implementation, but the final offer of Adjusters international represents savings of $1,345,726.58 in comparison with AECOM final offer. Also. this represent $9,678,532.06 or 12.9 under DOH estimate. The Bid Board of the Department of Housing. taking technical score and price, has . determined to award the Request for Proposal For Professional Program Management Sen/toes to Adjusters international inc since it represents the best value after. The contents of this resolution will be notified to all Respondents that submitted Proposals in response to the RFP. pursuant to Article 4.5 at the Bid Regulation. The notice of award'to be deiiVere-d to all Respondents shall include notice that any Respondent that considers itself adversely affected by the determination of the Bid Board may, within twenty (20) calendar days from the date of deposit of the award notice with the U. 3. Postal Service, file a motion for reconsideration with the Department of Hoaslng' ids Review Board (the "Review Board") in person at Floor to or via certified U. 8. mail at Box 21365, San Juan, PUerto Rico 00928 i365 pursuant to Section 3 i9 ofAci 38 201 7, the Puerto Rico Administrative Procedures Act, and Article 5 of the Bid Regulation. The Review Board shall consider the motion for reconsideration within thirty [30) calendar days from the date of filing thereof, which term the Review Board may extend once for just cause for an additional period of fifteen (15} calendar days. TA Opo. 24 BOARD OF AWARD REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS 748-02 PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM MANAGEMENT PAGE 3 lithe Review Board issues a decision on the motion for reconsideration, the term to tile a request toriudicia'l review before the Court of Appeals will begin as of the date of deposit of acopy of the corresponding notice with the U5. Postai service. it the Review Board doesnot issue a decision on the motion for reconsideration within the term provided by law, the motion will be deemed denied as of right, and the term to file a request for Judicial review will begin to run as of the date thereof, as provided in Section of Act 38~20i 7. An original and two copies of the motion for reconsideration shall be flied with the Secretary at the Review Board. Any Respondent that considers itself adversely affected by this determination of award or the determination of the Review Board on a request for reconsideration, may file a request for Judicial review before the Court of Appeals within twenty (20) calendar days from the date of deposit of the corresponding notice with the U.S. Postal Service, or within twenty (20} days from the date of expiration of the term, hence deemed denied as of right, set forth in Section 4.2 of Act 38-20 i 7. The mere filing of a request ioriudicial review will not result in the automatic stay of the award process. quest for judicial review, as the case may be, shall Any motion for reconsideration or re . pondents of record in accordance with the be noticed to the Bid Board and all Res applicable regulatory requirements. Approved by: Eng. Dennis G. Gonzalez Ramos, RE. . . wQ Lg?; Chairman [4 2 Ms. NiiJrka E. Rivera Rivera - . Mr. Joel Ayala Martinez, Esq. (l Mr. Jose Torres Echevarria Mr. Cesar Candeiario Candeiarlo i hereby certify that I have delivered the original of this Award Resolution to Mr. Carlos Maldonado, Assistant Secretary for Administration at the Puerto Rico Department of Housing, on this 14 day of December, 2017. Secretary Bid Board TA Opo. 25 GOVERNMENT OF PUERTO RICO EXHIBIT II Department of Houslng LIST OF RESPONDENT AND SCORE . PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES TECHNICAL POSTAL ADDRESS PROPONENTS NAME 126 Business Park Drive U?rico, NY 13502 9250 Boymeadows Road, Suite 350 Jacksonvifle, Florida 32256 A?v Joint Venture TA Opo. 26 GOVERNMENT OF PUERTO RICO ?Department of Housing EXHIBIT PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES EVALUATION CRITERIA SUMMARY JV DESCRIPTION MAXIMUN POINTS SCORE POINTS O?Key Staff and Full Time Personnel Qualifications 15 14.25 IPasIPerfoImance ofKey Staff and RespondeniL 20 I 5.00 53? Technical Propoggl Tofcrl . EWWZZESWQM TA Opo. 27 Attachment 2 JV ?0 (l T787.723.3332 954 Ponce de Leon Ave. 8132873591 Suite 304 It . San Juan, Pucrto Rico 00907 -- ?t ?tJ l- . . 2111101le I8 3 20 gin-m December 18, 2017 Via Hand Delivery Carlos Maldonado Auxiliary Secretary Department of Housing Floor 10?1 Juan C. Cordero deila Building 606 Barbosa Avenue San Juan, Puerto Rico 00928?1365 Subject: Professional Program Management Services; Notice of Intent to File Motion for Reconsideration by AECOM-CPM JV Dear Mr. Maldonado: AECOM-CPM JV is in receipt of the Notice of Selection dated December 15, 2017 for the referenced RFP. Please allow this letter to serve as notice of JV's intent to ?le a motion for reconsideration of the award ofthe subject agreement to Adjusters International, Inc. As indicated by the Notice of Selection, JV received the highest score. AECOM- CPM JV considers itself adversely affected by the award and has concerns with re5pect to the procurement process which warrants the ?ling of a motion for reconsideration. will ?le said motion within the time frame required. Sincerely, wee? Vahid Ownjazayeri Executive Vice President/AECOM TA Opo. 28 Attachment 3 270 Munoz Rivera Avenue San Juan, Puerto Rico 00918 PO Box 364225 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936 787.759.9292 McConnell ll: Vald?ss December 18. 2017 VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL ,33?3 $3.33? are. ti Government of Puerto Rico War Department of Housing Rafael vazquez Mu?iz, Esq. RHVazquez?avpproov Re: Access to Administrative File of Request for Proposal Professional Program Management Serwces Dear Mr. vazquez: Our Firm represents JV in connection with the above-referenced Request for Proposal On December 15, 2017, the Department of Housing ("Department") notified tre award of the RFP in favor of Adjusters international, inc. Pursuant to 32 L.P.R.A. 1781, AECOM respectfully requests access to the RFP's administrative records, including Adjusters' preposai and all evaluations conducted by the Department. The purpos?e of this request is to obtain the necessary information to file a motion for reconsideration before the Department within the applicable term. Please, contact the undersigned to inform the more convenient time to visit your office this week to examine the records. Thank you for your assistance on this matter. Trul? yours. Antonio A. Arias Larcacia W76. Cartagena Cancel c: Eng. Luz Acevedo Peliot. PE. Secretary of the Board? LMAcevedo?vivienda.prqov Mr. Carlos Maldonado. Auxiliary Secretary? Puerto Rico Washington. DC TA Opo. 29 a G9 DEPARTAMENTO DE LA VIVIENDA Gobierno de Puerto Rico OFICINA UN TA DE UBAS TAS HOJA DE TRAMITE . RECIBIDO POR: FECHA: REFERIDO A: lnicioles/ fecho hora Lcdd. Marlo C. Cortdgeno McConnell Vold?s DE: . Sece 26/diC/20l 7 Acevedo Pellot to lo ASUNTO: Solicitud de Informoci?n DOH-RFP-17-18-02 COMENTARIOS: Adjunto segL?Jn solicitodo los documentos digitolizodos (USB) segun Ios expedientes de lo Junta de Subosto: Propuestd T?cnico Adjusters Interndtiondl lnc. Bid Boord Recomenddtion Procurement File Evol. Com (Vol. 3 of 3) Procurement File (Vol. 2 of 3) Procurement File (Vol. of 3) .01.?pr Avenida Barbosa 606, Edificlo Juan C. Cordero, Hato Rey, PR 00918 PO Box 21365 San Juan, PR 00928-1365 Tels.: (787) 274-2527 TA Opo. 30 DEPARTAMENTO DE LA VIVIENDA Goblerno de Puerto Rico OFICINA UN TA DE UBAS TAS HOJA DE TRAMITE RECIBIDO FOR: FECHA: REFERIDO A: Iniciales/ fecha hora Lcdo. Mario C. Coriogeno 27/diC/2017 Lcdo. Yohoiro De Io Roso McConneil Vold?s i DE: Izg. Luzg. Acevedo Pello?r Secretorio ASUNTO: Solicitud de lnformaci?n DOH-RFP-17-18-02 COMENTARIOS: Adjun?ro (USB) con copio digi?rolizodo ole Io corpe?ro 2 de 3 del Procuremen?r File, En revision de Ios documenios enviodos nos perco?romos que por error odminis?rroiivo no es?robo complete. 1. Procurement File (Vol.2 of 3) Avenida Barbosa 606, Edificio Juan C. Cordero, Hato Rey, PR 00918 - PO Box 21365 San Juan, PR 00928-1365 Tels.: (787) 274-2527 TA Opo. 31 BORGES LLC AMERICAN PLAZA, SUITE 800 250 MUROZ RIVERA AVENUE SAN JUAN, PUERTO Rico 009l8-18 3 HERMANN D. BAUER-ALVAREZ TELEPHONE: (787) MEMBER TELECOPEER: (787) 753?8944 (787)282?5723 December 27, 2017 By E-Mail Antonio A. Arias Larcada, Esq. Maria C. Cartagena Cancel, Esq. McConnell Vald?s, LLC 270 Mu?oz Rivera Avenue San Juan, PR 00918 Re: Request for Stay of Award in Reference to Request for Proposal pending administrative review Dear counsel: The Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico has asked me to respond to your letters dated December 20 and 27, 2017. The Puerto Rico Department of Housing had submitted to the FOMB 02 for review pursuant to the Contract Review policy, a copy of which can be found at Any grievances that your client may have in connection with the award of 18-02 should be addressed to the appropriate forum. Sincerely, I _1 ?tiling/m5 Hermann D. Bauer Alvarez 0. Jaime A. El Koury, Esq. TA Opo. 32 27?0 Munoz Rivera Avenue San Juan, Puerto Rico 00918 PO Box 364225 San Juan. Puerto Rico 00936 787.759.9292 McConnell Vald?ss Certified Mail No. 70171000 0001 1091 9106 FINANCIAL OVERSIGHT AND MANAGEMENT BOARD FOR PUERTO RICO Mr. Jose B. Carri?n Ill, Chair World Plaza Building 268 Munoz Rivera Ave. 11th Floor PO. Box 192018 San Juan, PR. 00919-2018 December 27, 2017 Re: Supplement to Request for Stay of Award in Reference to Request for Proposal pending administrative review. Dear Mr. Carri?n and Members of the Financial Oversight and Management Board: On December 20, 2017, JV submitted, for the consideration of the Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico, a request for stay of award in reference to request for proposal pending administrative review (?Request for Stay"). In the Request for Stay, AECOM expressed that the Puerto Rico Department of Housing decided to award a multimillion-dollar agreement to Adjusters International, Inc. (?Adjusters?), a company that lacks experience in professional program management services, such as the experience required in the RFP, and did not have authorization to do business in Puerto Rico. Based on the forgoing and for the reasons set forth below, AECOM will imminently be filing a motion for reconsideration within the prescribed time period. in light of the above, and according to section 212 of PROMESA, AECOM respectfully requested the Financial Oversight and Management Board to stay the approval, of the award until motion for reconsideration is adjudicated. Further to the Request for Stay and, in preparation for filling the motion for reconsideration, AECOM reviewed the records finding that Adjusters did not comply with additional material terms?and conditions of the RFP. Mir, Puerto Rico Washington, DC TA Opo. 33 Adjusters did not comply with Section 5.1.7 of the RFP of providing an unencumbered line of credit of a minimum of $35,000,00000 Exhibit 1. The evidence submitted by Adjusters shows that the present balance on its line of credit is $9,000,000.00 Exhibit 2. According to this Section, failure to comply with this requisite shall result in rejection of the preposal without further consideration. Adjusters? failure to comply with this requisite poses a high financial risk, which was ignored by the PRDOH. it is worth noting that 2 CFR 200.05 states that, prior to making a federal award, the awarding agency is required to evaluate the risks posed by applicants and considered, among other things, its financial stability. Additionally, Adjusters did not comply with the good standing requisite contained on Part of the General Requirements, which non-compliance ?may result in rejection of the Proposal without further consideration.? See, Exhibit 3. Further, Adjusters did not comply with the requisite of being GSA certified, as required under the ?Key staff?s and full time personnel qualifications? criteria and Section 4.2 of the RFP (?the firm shall be GSA certified"). Exhibit 4. certification is a status used to describe organizations that have been approved to sell or provide services to the Government of Puerto Rico. Adjusters? score under this sub?factor was zero (0) inasmuch as it did not submit the required certification. Exhibit 5. The Procurement Handbook for Public Housing Agencies 7460.8, applicable to this RFP, indicates that ,?shali? and ?must,? mean that an action or item is mandatory and is required by statute or regulation. Therefore, Adjusters? proposal should have been disqualified. AECOM complied with all the above requisites. AECOM Caribe, LLP has been in Puerto Rico for over fifty-four (54) years and its partner CPM, over twenty-five (25) years. AECOM Caribe, LLP is a subsidiary of a multinational engineering firm that provides design, consulting, construction, and management services to a wide range of clients and is listed on the Fortune 500 as one of America?s largest companies. AECOM's proposal contains good standing certifications for AECOM Caribe, LLP and its partner, CPM. Both certificates clearly show that the companies were in good standing prior to submitting the proposal. in sharp contrast with Adjusters? bid, AECOM included in its proposal a letter from Bank of America Merrill dated October 31, 2017, evidencing a line of credit of $1 billion with approximately $368 million currently available to draw. See, Exhibit 6. This far exceeded the material financial requirement of the RFP. Nevertheless, despite Adjusters? non-compliance with the above material requisites, its proposal was not disqualified as required by Section 5.1.7 of the RFP. On the contrary, its proposal was evaluated as it if was a responsive respondent. The PRDOH performed a technical evaluation of the proposals in the RFP in which AECOM obtained the highest score (77.70), that was 7.44 points higher than the next higher score: Puerto Rico Washington, DC TA Opo. 34 December 27, 2017 Criteria AECOM ADJUSTERS UNIPRO GW Experience and 19.25 19.5 16.5 15.25 Capacity of Respondents Key Staff?s and Full Time 14.25 10.5 9.75 10.38 Personnel Qualifications Project Approach 19 15.56 18.94 1881 Past Performance of Key 15 14.5 9 8 staff and Respondent TOTAL 67.5 60.06 54.19 49 Bonus 10 10 10 10 TOTAL PLUS BONUS 77.5 70.06 64.19 62.44 Following review of AECOM's proposal, the PRDOH interviewed AECOM on December 8th, 2017, at the PRDOH office in San Juan Puerto Rico. Following the interview, PRDOH contacted AECOM multiple times to clarify the price and instructed AECOM to provide a revision based on a PRDOH provided number of hours for each person working on the project and separating out other direct costs that were included in the roll up of individual rates. After following the procedures in the RFP, the following scores were recorded in the Notice of Selection Letter dated December 15, 2017 with AECOM ranking the highest based on the RFP evaluation criteria. Final . . . PRDOH vs Company Name Score Original Cost Revrsed Cost Estimate PRDOH 99.04 $205,837,484.00 $154,195,11epo $152,527,92148 1.10% Adjusters - international 95.06 $180,675,90000 $132,849,38942 $152,527,921.48 12.90% Going against its own evaluation criteria, the did not select AECOM on the evaluation score but rather a lower ranking respondent. On December 15, 2017, the PRDOH awarded the RFP to Adjusters. In this case, PRDOH awarded a multimillion-dollar agreement to a company that: (1) was not in good standing to do business in Puerto Rico at the time its proposal was submitted; (2) lacks the required certification to provide services to the Government of Puerto Rico and; (3) did not demonstrate that it has adequate financial resources to perform the services. Consequently, the PRDOH failedto disqualify Adjusters? proposal for failure to meet material RFP's requirements. Puerto Rico Washington, DC TA Opo. 35 rrupusal December 27, 2017 In light of the above, AECOM respectfully reiterates its request for an immediate stay of the approval of the RFP, the disqualification of Adjusters as a non?responsive respondent and, the reversal of the award of the RFP to AECOIVI inasmuch as its proposal represents the best value. Respectfully, 62% Antonio A. Arias Larcada CERTIFICATION: We hereby certify that a copy of this letter has been sent by certified mail to: Adjusters International, Inc. 126 Business Park Drive Utica, NY 13502; UNIPROIHGI JV, PO. Box 10914 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00922-0914; WGPITTSIAD Joint Venture, 9250 Baymeadows Road, Suite 350 Jacksonville. Florida 32256; Luz N. Acevedo-Pellet, P.E., Secretary of Puerto Rico Department of Housing Bid Board, PO. Box 21365 San Juan, Puerto Rico 009284365 and to In addition, the letter will be notified by email to the following recipients: Oversight Board, comments@oversightboard.orgov; Counsel for the Oversight Board: Mr. Martin Bienenstock, and Mr. Paul V. Possinger,, and Mr. Hermann D. Baurer, WM .Cart ena Cancel Puerto Rico Washington, DC I 4 TA Opo. 36 EXHIBIT 1 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING Government of PuerIo Rico REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES SHELTERING AND TEMPORARY ESSENTIAL POWER (STEP) PILOT PROGRAM DEPARTMENT OF Government of Puerto Rico DOH-RFP-I 7-18?02 November, 2017 TA Opo. 37 5.7.1 Minimum Requirements: The following requirements define a responsibte Respondent, and must be satisfied for a Respondent to be eligible for award: (1) Respondent shall demonstrate that it has adequate financial resources to perform the services under the Agreement, and provide an unencumbered line of credit of a minimum of $35,000,000.00 with an FDIC insured financiat institution. The Respondent shall provide financial (including audited financial statements and balance sheets), and information concerning existing lines of credit and account balances, sufficient to demonstrate the Respondent?s financiai capacity to undertake the services under the Agreement. Failure to demonstrate compliance with any of the abovementioned requirements shali result in rejection of the Proposal without further consideration. 5.7.2 General Requirements: b) Ability to obtain required insurance with coverage values that meet minimum requirements evidenced by a ietter from an underwriter confirming that the Respondent can be insured for the required amount. c) Evidence that the human and physicat resources proposed are sufficient to perform the contract as specified and assure the level of service required. d) Evidence that the Respondent possesses the qualifications and experience necessary to perform adequatety and meet contract requirements. Evidence should be based on past performance and references. Failure to demonstrate compliance with any of the abdvementioned requirements may resuit in rejection of the Proposai without further consideration. It the Procurement Office is satisfied with the Price offer of the top-ranked Proponent, it witl recommend to the Bids Board Secretary that a contract be awarded to that Proponent. Both the award of the contract and the challenge of the same wilt be ruled by the Department of Housing's Bid Board. 5.8 Award without Negotiation If, after the initial evaluation of Proposals, there is a clear winner, and there is no need to negotiate or obtain further clarification or information from that Respondent leg, the price is reasonable), the Bids Officer may proceed directly to award. 5.9 Award with Negotiations if the Procurement Office is not satisfied with the Price offer of the Respondents in the Competitive Range, it will recommend further discussions/negotiations. Negotiations are exchanges (in either competitive or sole source environment) between the DOH and Respondents that are under taken with the intent of allowing the Respondent to revise its Proposal. The primary object of discussions is to maximize the ability to obtain best vatue, based on the requirements and the evaluation factors set forth in the RFP. Procurement Office requests and receives best and final offer. DOH-RFP -i7- i8-02 FOR PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Page it! of 28 TA Opo. 38 November 15, 2017 Adjusters International, Inc. 126 Business Park Drive Utica, New York 13502 To Whom It May Concern: Adjusters International, Inc. is a client in good standing with NET Bank, NA. We provide deposit and credit services to the company. The Company currently has a $35,000,000 working capital line of credit and maintains deposits in the low 7e?gure range. Present balance on the line of cr'edit IS $9 000 000. The line of credit is leviewed annually and will mature on. 0980/ 18 All loans have been handled in a satisfactory manner. Sincere y, MQV e1 Wade Senior Vice President Regional Commercial Banking Manager Uticu Financial Center - 270 Sheet, Utica, New York l3502 Branch Phone: 315.738.8701 Fax: 315.738J834 Financial Center Phone: 315.738.8700 Fax: 315.738.8720 in?; Exhibit 2 TA Opo. 39 Exhibit 3 Vii. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS DOH Department Requirements All Respondents, if incorporated, must show they are in good standing with the Puerto Rico Department at State (DOS) (?Departamento de Estado?). All Respondents that are foreign corporations iout-of-state) must file the necessary documents with the Division of Corporations of the Department of State, requesting authorization to do business in Puerto Rico, which shalt have been requested prior to the date of submission of the Proposal hereunder. Failure to demonstrate compliance with this requirement may result in rejection of the Proposal without further consideration. Debarment List: Law No. 458 and other requirements if any of the Respondent's principals, officers, directors or partners has been debarred, suspended or otherwise lawfully precluded from participating in any public procurement activity, the Respondent shall disclose that information in its offer. Faiiure to provide such information or to complete the Limited Denial of Participation (LDPl/Suspension or Debarment Status Certification (Attachment D), shall result in the rejection of the offer. DOl-i will corroborate this information. Each Respondent's principals, officers, directors and partners must be in good standing with DOH, and with any Federal or local agency that has or had a contractual relationship with the Respondent or any of its principals, officers, directors and partners. Therefore, if a DOH, federal or local agency has terminated any contract with a Respondent for defauit: the Respondent will not be eligibie to submit a Proposal in response to this RFP. in addition, each Respondent shall certify that none of its principals, directors, officers or partners have been convicted or are under any investigation by any state, federal forum, or in any other country, of the crimes identified under Law No. 458 of December 29, 2000, as amended (Attachment Mandatory disclosures in addition, the Respondent must disclose the following information in Attachment I: Actual, apparent and potential conflicts Ownership interests identification of officers and directors of bidding entities Overlapping ownership interests or directorships in other companies Mandatory Proposal Forms The Respondent shall comply with all the provisions and requirements of this RFP in the presentation of its Proposal. The Respondent shall complete, sign, initialize and/or notarize the documents indicated in Attachments A-O. DOH-RFP - 7- 18-02 FOR PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES Page 21 of 28 TA Opo. 40 Exhibit 4 IV. EVALUATION CRITERIA The Evaluation Committee will evaiuate each proposal based on the criteria listed below. . . Points CriterIa Availabte Experience and Capacity of the Respondent 20 Key Staff's and Full Time Personnel Qualifications 15 Project Approach 20 Past Performance of Key staff and Respondent 20 Cost 25 TOTAL Bonus l0 TOTAL PLUS BONUS 4.1 EXPERIENCE or THE FIRM: MAXIMUM: 20 Forms Experience and capability of the firm in providing Services in the housing industry simiiar to those described in this RPP: experience of completed projects with similar size and approximate dollar vaiue as the one identified in this RFP: how long the firm has been in operation; references provided by previous clients; and their familiarity with FEMA programs and regulatory requirements inciuding personnel that may be experienced with aspects of simitar rehabilitation projects. The Program Management Firm shall demonstrate capability to provide the staffing with the quaiitications required in this Request for Proposals throughout the term of the contract resulting from this soticitation; capability to interact with equipment and software requirements of the DOH: capability of the central office to provide support with knowledge and resources to the on-site persOnnel. 4.2 KEY AND FULL TIME PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS: MAXIMUM: 15 POINTS Experience of Key Staff as requested and their capability of satisfying aspects indicated. The Respondent shall submit all information, including an organizationai chart identifying team members and flow of authority, along with all resumes of major participants. The resumes submitted by the Program Management Firm shall emphasize the experience of Key Staff, consultants, new hires or other members of the Program Management Firm with the project management and project inspection housing rehabilitation, residential development or federal housing projects; experience of staff in construction scheduling and cost control: experience of staff in estimating construction costs: experience and capability of staff with oil regulatory compliance, accessibility regulations, requirements for shelter projects, displaced person relocation and quality control systems. The firm shall be a GSA Certified. i. A description of alt of the Program Management Firm?s staff (including names, DOH-RFP - 1 7-18-02 FOR PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES Page 8 of 28 TA Opo. 41 Exhi it 5 Housing PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES 8-02 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL EVALUATION CRITERIA ADJUSTER INTERNATIONAL, . SCORE .FV JV - EM JV - DESCRIPTION AIExperience and Copocily of the Respondent I COMMITIEE MEMBERS a TOTAI. TOTAL rorAL a tour Experience and n1 Ihe ?rm In providEng Services In Ihe housing IndusIry and experience a! compleied projecis wiih slmilur she and 5 Pomis Score Obiolned 5 4 5 5 4.3.25 4 5 5 5 4.75 rapproximole dollar value 2~ Hawiong 111-: mm has been In opem?un 4 Poinis Score Obioined 3.75 4 4 4 4 4 iLReIerences provIded by previous clienis 2 Score Dblalned 1.FamiIIurI FEMA programs 4 POIHIS Score Obtained 1.75 2 4 4 3 3.Personnel experienced wiih aspecis 01 similar rehobilifo?'on projecls. 2 P011115 Score ObIaIned 2 I 2 2 1.75 I 2 2 0 1.25 2 2 I 2 1.75 2 2 2 2 2 6?I'Ihe F-Irm shall demonslroie 10 provide 111: slai?ng wIIh iha 2 Points Score Othln ed 2 I 2 2 1.75 2 I 2 2 1.75 2 1 2 2 1.75 2 1 2 2 1.75 quula?coiions Ihraughaui Ihe farm of ihe coniruc! In Inieruei wIIh equlprneni and so?ware requiremenis o! the 7- 00H: capobliify a? Ihe cenIroI office in provide suppoti wIIh knowledge I Poinls 3Com Ohioined and resources in Ihe arr-:lie personnel. Sub-T0151 20 Points Score Obinineti 20.00 17.00 20.00 20.00 ?i 9.25 15.00 1.4.00 20.00 12.00 15.25 1 6.00 19.00 16.00 15.00 16.50 1 9.00 1 9.00 20.00 20.00 19.5_0_ 5- Key 5100's and Full Time Personnel QUoIIfIcolInns ($121,331) COMMITTEE MEMBERS TOTAL TOTAL 1_ r?rd?yan argonho?onul chnri IdenIEfying Ieom members and Ilow o! 3 Poinis Score Obtained 2:Resume of projeci managers, lnspecior, key consulioni. new members. new hires, sobconirnciors (IhoI would be assigned 10 Ihe projecis) and oiher members 0! lhe Program Firm Egaegzgnence rn residenirol development orfederol housrng I Poinis Score ObIalned experiencein consiruclion scheduling and ?3051 conIroI P0 Score Obloined experience in sioff in esfimoiing consiruc?on cosIs Po n15 core ObIDIned experience and wilh oil compliance F0 n15 core ObIaIneri e-experience in accessibllriy 1 F0 n15 core Obialned 0.0.25 1- ?De?ance in sheller project 2 Po core ObIoIned 2 I 2 2 1.expenence in rsploced person relocuhon and qualify conIroI I Foants Score Obiolned i I I 0.5 0 0 0.375 1 1 1 1 I i syslems I I I I 3- Provide an nrgonizoiionoi chorI describing Ihe reiniionships between all 2 Score Obtained 0.75 oi ihe Program and 4- the ?rm shail be a GSA Cer??ed 2 Points Score Obiuined Sub-Total 15 Polnis Score Obiuined 15.00 12.00 ?i 5.00 15.00 14.25 12.00 7.50 12.00 10.00 10.38 10.00 9.00 10.00 10.00 9.75 10.00 .00 10.00 11.00 10.50 Evaluation CommIttee Form Page 1 of 6 TA Opo. 42 GOVERNMENT OF PUERIU RICO Department of Housing REQUEST FOR FROFOSAL PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES DOH-RFP-17-18-D2 TA Opo. 43 EvALUArrorv ADJUSTER INTERNATIONAL. scone :v . . JV INCNANGUARDEMJV DESCRIPTION 20 points Ft ?9195* Approach MEMBERS TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL Contract Administration Plan Laoralna't?v'i?fh l-tMA. bt?K's agencies. local governments and otherstukeh?lders for approprime venues 0.50 Points Score Obtained 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 and opportunities to conduct outreach and accept applications for assistance and to provide mobile application intake services at such locations and events: .4 b-J?rovrcle web~bosed application outreach and InTake services: the GPR may provide on established website or Portal for this purposez Controctorwiit be responsible for 0.50 Points Score Obtained 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 .55 0.5 0.5 0.375 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 integration with any previously established intake system and its data: c- For any information system, URLs. documentation, and technical assets established in the performance of this contract. all rights and licenses to the systems. and all data contained within the systems. shatl belong to the GPR and be translerred to the GPR upon contract completion: 0.50 Points Score Obtained 0 0 0.5 0.5 [1Provide local and bilingual [Spanish/English) call center services fartmpacted citizens to communicate regarding the STEP ro ram: the contractor ma establish the call center numgerg}: it the Contractor the coil center 0.50 Points Score Obtained {3.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.2.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0,5 0.5 0.5 (3.5 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.2.5 0.25 0 {3.1875 numbers, alt rights for use of said numbers shall belong to the I GPR: it the Contractor establishes a Post Office Box. all rights for use at the PO. Box shall belong to the GPR: e- Process applications and verify applicants' eligibility in compliance with the FEMA STEP program guidelines and the Sheltering and Temporary Bsential Power Pilot 0.50 Points Score Obtalned 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.375 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Program Guidance for FEMA 4335 irrna and FEMA 4339 Maria {Attachment as may be amended and as limited by the FEMA program guidelines and contract scope of work: t- ii it in In compilance With 6 0.50 Points Scare Obtained 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 2 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Evaluation Commlnee Form Page 2 of 5 GOVERNMENT OF PUERTO RICO Department of Haustng REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL . PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES TA Opo. 44 EVALUATION CRITERIA ADJUSTER INTERNATIONAL, - scorers 1v swam/now JV . JV JV DESCRIWION 9- Perform inspections of damaged property to verify and document damages, etig ity of property and scope measures to be performed on the dwel ng and appiicont's selection at small a liance 5 in compliance with the FEMA STEP program guide-$85 and tlhe Sheltering and Temporary 0.50 Points Score Obtained 00.5 0.5 0.375 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Essential Power Pilot Program Guidance for FEMA 4336 and 4339i Attachment it. as may be amended; The checklist that will be used for purposes of this impaction is attached as Attachment N. subject to amendment. 21- Have the a Right of Entry form prior to execution of any inspection or repair work in the home. 0.50 Points Score Obtained 00.5 0.5 0.375 0tdentl on do Irc E?nancrat ass i nce. it an prom)"; b: ,hep?acf'fmd Ad. '5 a 0.50 Points Score Obtained 00.25 j- Ensure appropriate environmental review and release has 0.50 Points Score Obtained 00.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.5 0 0.3125 been performed by the entity performing those services: IE- Eiecufe STEP agreement, of access and indemni?cation form information disclosure authorization. 0.50 Points Score Obtained 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.4375 subrogotion agreement and associated documents: Create and utilize a comprehensive tnforrnottan the GPR may require use of systems atreudv owned by or available to the GPR: in the event that 0.50 Points Score Obtained 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.0.3125 the Contractor establishes the system. the license for such system shall be assignable to the GPR at its option: m- Assign projects to STEP contractors in a way that . . . 0.5 . 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 maximizes ef?ciency at delivery of services: 0.50 Fatnts Score Obtained 0Track progress of work on home repair prajects. in accordance with the Sheltering and Temporary Essentiai Power (STEP) Pilot Guidance tor FEMA: ensuring 0.50 Points Score Obtained 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 05 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 projects remain on schedule. in comptiance. and within budget and scope: 0- Ensure contractors handle debris in compliance with . . . . poiicy: 0.50 Fotnts Score Obtained 0Ensure all work completed by STEP repair contractors in furtherance of this project is performed in compliance with 0.50 Points Score Obtained 0prevailing wage rates. q- Conduct a ?nal Inspection within three days of noti?cation by contractors that wort: is complete on individual home repair projects and certify that repairs are in 0.50 Points Score Obtained 00.3125 00.125 compliance with program guidelines and that the dwelling is safe tarshettering: r- Process contractor payment requests in compliance with - . . . . . .STEP program gutdetines; 0.50 Paints Scare Obtained 0Evaluation Committee Form Page 3 of 6 . GOVERNMENT OF PUERTO RICO S?Dapartment or Housing REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES DOH-RFF-I7-IB-D2 EVALUATION CRITERIA ADJUSTER INTERNATIONAL, SCORE JV JV EM JV DESCRIPTION 5- Track overall performance of contractors' conducting repairs for quatity. timeliness. completeness. and constituent 0.50 Points Scare Obtained 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 complaints: t- Manage and resotve constituent complaints and . . contractor disputes; 0.50 Paints Score Obtained 11- Provide program reporting services as may be required program (lemmas; 0.50 Paints Score Obtained 0rovr cus omerservrce and communrcotran servrces so that oppticants can inquire about the status of their individual ?tes; All pubticty accessible systems shall maintain 993% Upiime over a contiguom 3&de window; 0.50 Points Scare Obtained 00.5 0.25 0 0.1375 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.3r25 Contractor shall provide the GPR with colt center. application, and system performance metrics weekly and upon request: and w- Create written policy and process documents torthe STEP program and the above described tasks. as welt 025 3'25 quality control. onti?trouct waste and abuse, and duplicanon 0 Paints Score Obtained 0bene?ts. x~ Creole, manage and implement an outreach campaign. 0.50 Points Score Obtained 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4375 taking over the campaign designed by the DOH. 2 Work Phases Phase 1: Deployment Points Scare Obtained Phase 2: Outreach Points Score Obtained Phase 3: Participant Registration and Etig Points Score Obtained Phase 4: Construction Task Order Assignment Points Score Obtained Phase 5: Site Visit Points Score Obtained Phase 6: Task Order Project Management Points Score Obtained Phase 7: Ciase Out Points Score Obtained 1.75 I 2 I I 1.25 Sub-Total 20 Points Scare Obtained 19.00 19.00 17.00 19.09 19.50 19.25 19.00 15.3 13.00 19.50 19.25 19.00 18-94 15.50 17.75 15.00 14.00 15-56 0 Past Performance at Key Staff and Respondent COMMITTEE MEMBERS 11 TOTAL rorAL 3 TOTAL Propanentshatt demostrote successfut past performance [such as timely completion of work. minimcrt change orders and good references} in providing services substantiotty to those being requested herein. 1 Proponent provided simltar experience otiobs herein solicited: 10 Points Score Obtained Five jobs and over performed {10 points) b- From tour to three jobs perton'ned {5 points) c- From two to one (i 1 jobs perlormed (2 points) d- Nojobs performed [Cl points} Evaiuattan Committee Form it?? W?c? new. TA Opo. 45 GOVERNMENT OF RICO I REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL if a 5 MANAGEMENTSERWCES DOH-RFP-17-18-O2 EVALUATION . . - . - - ADJUSTER INTERNATIONAL, scone DESCRIPTION I Proponent provided amount oi references given at previous jobs provided that are similar in nature to the one solicited 5 Porn 5 core in ne 0- Five (5) or more relerences (5 points) b- From three to tour references (3 points) c- From one [it to two (2) references (2 points) d- No relerences {0 points) Proponenl provided a genera: description at m: past performance . 0 0 3' with regards to how change order are handled 5 POMS Score Obtained Sub-Total 20 Points Score Obtained 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 7.00 10.00 7.00 8.00 8.00 10.00 10.00 8.00 0.00 9.00 13.00 15.00 15.00 15 14.50 5- COST 25 COMMITTEE MEMBERS TOTAL TOTAL 3 TOTAL a TOTAL (maximum 1- Houriy Tee basis ior labor a- provide the hourty rate by labor classi?cation to provide . the services described by the Scope of Services listed on ID PoInls Score Obtained Attachment 0. Cost Form 2- Unit-based Services a- provide the proposed rates for each unit price task listed 5 Points Score Obtained on Attachment 0. Cost Form. 3- Lump sum service a- development, administration and execution of the 5 Points Score Obtained Outreach Campaign development and operation of the CALL Center (include a" diJ'ECi C058) 5 Potnis Score Obtained Sub-Total 25 Points scare Obtained - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . 1 TOTAL . - 100 "-Pdints I - - A 69100 .l 63.00 59.00 169.00 I 67.50 i 53:50: 5025;] ~1493.007. ' 52.44-11- 54.00 57.504. 53:25-1- =52.00' -l 54.19] 57.501 02.75%; 1 50.001 50.00. 40.05.] F- BONUS ($151113; COMMITTEE MEMBERS TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL Due to the aggressive timetine, the geographical challenges and the local construction practices. the 00H shall give 010 Points I0 Points Score Obtained bonus to local Respondents or to foreign Respondents (Out oi state Respondents) with a Joint Venture with a loco; Respondent. Sub-Total 10 Points Score owed Points 7.9.00 73.0w 77.00179001-27150 {.5150 t- 59.001. sais't 59.001 152.441 64.00 367.50.! ?53.2? 11001-6439] 67.501 72.75 i: $0.00. .7000 anew-1740.02 i? 5 Evaluation Committee Fom': . Page 5 of 4 TA Opo. 46 GOVERNMENT OF PUERTO RICO FR REQUEST FOR OPOSAL PROFESSIONAL DOH-RFP-17-18-02 EVALUATION CRITERIA ADJUSTER SCORE EMJV DESCRIPTION 'l?Ickrnorks: - Michelle DICIZ Navedo Karen Ortiz Freda - Edner Ayala Norvdez - Rodum?s Camus Segorrc Signolure: ?99 7 Michelle Dial Novedo Dale /5Tea-6?Iiz TIrcIdo DOIG Evaluation Commillee Member Evaluulion Committee Member 34' ?at/r 3057 M?z/Kg II 630* Radom?s Comes Segarrc Dole Ea?'er?Kyolu Narv?ez Dale Evaluation Commiliee Member Evaluation Memy? Evaluation Committee Form Page 6 of 6 TA Opo. 47 Exhibit 6 Bank ommeriea Merrill Wholesate Credlt Bank of America. it A .315 Montgomery Street, Floor October-31,2017 San Francisco, CA 94104 Christopher G. Faltone Associate Wholesaie Credit PH: (415) 913?4793 Fat-t: (4i5) 9 l3?2355 Re: AECOM To Whom it May Concern: This letter serves as a reference to AECOM (the ?Company?) and its subsidiaries. The Company has maintained a banking relationship with our bank since l970. it is well known to us and has maintained its relationship with us in a satisfactory manner. In addition. Bank. ofAmerica, NA. is the Administrative Agent fer a 3! ,050 million secured credit facility provided to the Company by a group (the ?Credit Facility?). This Credit Facility is not fully utilized, with approximately $368 million currently available to draw. The availability of funds under the Credit Facility is subject to the cenditions that the Company not be in default under the terms ofthe Credit Facility and the Company?s representations and warranties contained in the agreement governing the Credit Facility be true and correct in all material reSpects as ofthe date ofthe borrowing. Please note that the information set forth in this letter is subject to change without notice, and is provided in strict con?dence, without any responsibility or liability on the part of Bank of America, N.A., its af?liates or any of its or its af?tiates' directors, officers or employees. Bank ot?America, NA. undertakes no responsibility to update the information set forth in this letter. Very truly yours, BANK By: Name: Gitristopher G. Failone Title: Associate 31 5 Montgomery Street. 61h floor San Francisco. 9mm 4: Recycled Faper TA Opo. 48 -. GOVERNMENT OF PUERTO RICO Department of Housing December 28, 20l 7 Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico Mr. Jose B. Carrion Chair World Plaza Building 268 Munoz Rivera Ave., Floor PO. Box l920l8 San Juan, PR. 00919-20l8 Re: Request for Stay of Award Department of Housing Request for Proposals DOH-RFP-17-18-02 Dear Mr. Carrion and Members of the Financial Oversight and Management Board: Reference is made to letters dated December 20 and 27, 20l7 (the letters?) from JV through their legal representation, to the Federal Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico requesting a stay of the award of the Request for Proposals for Professional Program Management Services, issued by the Puerto Rico Department of Housing in connection with a disaster recovery program to be funded by FEMA. In its letters, AECOM admitted that as of December 27, it had not filed a motion for reconsideration or request for judicial review as allowed by the Puerto Rico Uniform Administrative Procedures Act, Act 38-20l7, in relation to the PRDOH's award of the RFP. Prior to submitting any request for relief before the appropriate entity, it submitted the AECOM letters to the FOMB, requesting actions that are outside the scope of PROMESA. Contrary to the statements in AECOM's letters, Section 212 of PROMESA does not grant the FOMB the authority to stay the award of a public contract upon the request of an unsuccessful respondent. The extensive interpretation of Section 21 2 of PROMESA by AECOM is incorrect and is intended solely to protect its own interests. AECOM's letters include arguments based an incomplete documents, specifically in relation to AECOM's allegation that Adjusters International, inc. (the Successful Respondent) did not demonstrate compliance with a minimum requirement of 606 Barbosa Avenue, Building Juan C. Cordero D?vila, Rio Piedras, PR 00918 i P.O. Box 21365 San Juan, PR 00928-1365 Tel: (787)274-2527 ?g 07% I TA Opo. 49 Financial and Management Board for Puerto Rico December 28, 2017 Page 2 The RFP. In iTs leTTers, AECOM convenienTIy omiTs Thai The Terms of The required line of crediT were modified by Addendum I of The RFP. (See AITachmenf I.) By doing so, AECOM creaTes The misTaken impression ThaT AdjusTers InfernaTional, Inc. did noT comply wiTh The applicable minimum requiremenf, when in facT if did. The FOMB is noT The proper forum for review of The PRDOH's award deTerminaTion. The righTs of all respondenfs To The RFP and The procedures To seek remedies relaTed To The award process are clearly spelled ouT in The NoTice of Selecfion delivered To AECOM and all RFP parTicipanTs. requesf is a misguided inTenT To converf The FOMB inTo an adjudicafive agency of claims beTween ciTizens and The Governmenf of PuerTo Rico. The PRDOH objecfs To AECOM's requesf To The FOMB To sTay The award process because such acTion is noT auThorized by PROMESA, and consTiTuTes an undue inTervenTion by a Third parTy in The relafionship beTween The Governmenf of PuerTo Rico and The FOMB. On December 28, 2OI 7, AECOM filed ifs mofion for reconsideraTion before The Bids Review Board of The PRDOH. The filing of The moTion for reconsiderafion is The available legal recourse for AECOM To confesi PRDOH's award deferminaiion. The adminisfrafive process provided bylaw, regulaTions and jurisprudence should be allowed To conTinue. This was The rouTe ThaT AECOM should have Taken To raise iTs claim, noT The FOMB. requesT To The FOMB should Thus be rejecfed. The PRDOH is looking forward To The complefion of ifs review of The confracf awarded To Adjusfers InTernaTional, Inc., in order To proceed wiTh The implemenTaTion of The Shelfering and Temporary EssenTial Power (STEP) federal assisfance program, as parT of The disasfer recovery aid granfed To PuerTo Rico by The U.S. governmenf in The affermafh of Hurricanes Irma and Maria. As sTaTed in The Policy for Review of ConTracTsI: In esfablishing This Policy, The FOMB is mindful of Secfion 204{d) and does noT infend To impede The implemenfafion of any federal programs, parficularly Those relafed To disasfer response and recovery. To The confrary, The FOMB esfablished This Policy in large parT To supporf The implemenfafion of federal programs, including, for example, To ensure Thai confracfs are consisfenf wiTh The requiremenfs of federal programs, parficularly Those relafed To funding and reimbursemenf for disasfer aid spending. I TA Opo. 50 Financial and Management Board for Puerto Rico December 28, 2017 Page 3 The contract currently before the FOMB is expected to benefit about 75,000 families whose homes were ravaged by the passage of Hurricanes Irma and Maria. For this reason, the PRDOH respectfully requests the FOMB to continue its review process, without allowing AECOM to stop assistance to needy residents while pursuing inappropriate remedies. If you need further information regarding the RFP or the award, please contact the undersigned at your convenience. Respectfully, CERTIFICATION: We hereby certify that a copy of this letter has been sent by certified mail to: Adjusters International, Inc. I26 Business Park Drive Utica, NY 13502; JV, PO. 10914 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00922-0914; Joint Venture, 9250 Baymeadows Road, Suite 350 Jacksonville, Florida 32256; Luz N. Acevedo-Pellet, P.E., Secretary of Puerto Rico Department of Housing Bid Board, PO. Box 21365 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00928-1365; McConnell Vald?s, LLC PO. Box 364225, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936 and to In addition, the letter will be notified by email to the following recipients: Oversight Board, comments@oversiahtboard.Droov; Counsel for the Oversight Board: Mr. Martin Bienenstock, and Mr. Paul V. Possinger, and Mr. Hermann D. Baurer, and Mrs. Maria C. Cartagena and Mr. Antonio A. Arias and McConnell Vald?s, LLC Wnandez Alvarado TA Opo. 51 of Houslng ADDENDUM NO. I PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES This addendum consists of thirty seven {37) pages. Respondents are hereby notified that the following changes, clarifications and additions have been made and shall be taken in consideration for the above referenced project. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SECTION SCOPE OF SERVICES All references in bullets 5, 7 and 18 to STEP program guidelines" and program guidelines" should be substituted for STEP program guidelines" and program guidelines". IV. EVALUATION CRITERIA The following changes have been made: 4.5 Cost: Hourly Fee Basis for Labor (page 9): The Respondent shall use Attachment 0, Cost Form, to provide the hourly rate by labor classification to provide the services described within Exhibit A: Scope of Services, with the exception of inspections and outreach campaian, which costs are included in separate cateaories. The Respondent should anticipate that personnel will work a maximum of 40 hours per week onsite to complete the assigned tasks. Any hours above 40 per week will paid at the some agreed? upon hourly rate listed in Attachment 0, Cost Form. (If 606 Barbosa Avenue, Building Juan C. Cordero D?vila, Rio Piedras, PR 00918 I P.0. Box 21365 San Juan, PR 00928-1365 DEWMNIJF Tel: (787)274-2527 TA Opo. 52 of Housing Unit-Based Services (page 10) The following paragraph is added: Lump Sum Services The Respondent shall provide the proposed lump sum prices for the following two (2) components of the services: (it development, administration and execution of the Outreach Campaign, and (ii) development and operation of the CALL Center, both of which shall include all direct costs to be incurred by the Respondentin relation thereto. V. PROCUREMENT AND AWARD PROCESS The following changes have been made: 5.6 Evaluation of Proposals (page 13) An Evaluation Committee will evaluate and rank all Proposals (and/or BAFOs) received from the Procurement Office, according to the Evaluation Criteria set forth in Section 4, above. The Evaluation Committee willassign each Proposal a numerical score corresponding to the result of the evaluation of the Proposal based on the Evaluation Criteria. Factors not specified in the RFP shall not be i considered. If the Evaluation Committee determines that a Proposal is significantly deficient or does not comply with the RFP, it is not required to review or evaluate said Proposal, and may refer it to the Procurement Office for possible disqualification, therefore allowing the Evaluation Committee to consider only substantially complete Proposals. (a)Competitive Range Once the Evaluation Committee has completed the technical scoring, they shall determine which proponents will be considered in the Competitive Range and will have a reasonable chance of award, price and other factors considered. ., l' 506 Barbosa Avenue, Building Juan c. Cordero D?vlla, Rio Piedras, PR 00918 I P.O. Box 21365 San Juan, PR 00928-1365 Tel: (787)274-2527 i TA Opo. 53 a) GOVERNMENT OF PUERTO RICO Department of Houslng The Evaluation Committee shall then prepare a written evaluation report to document the ranking of the Proposals. The Evaluation Committee Report will be submitted to the Bids Board Secretary. At DOH discretion, DOH may negotiate with Respondents determined to be within the competitive range and/or may request best and final offers from such Respondents. 5.7.1 Minimum Requirements (page 14) The following changes have been made to subsection which should be replaced by: 0) Respondent shall demonstrate that it has adequate financial resources to perform the services under the Agreement by providing third-party confirmation of an unencumbered line of credit of a minimum of $35,000,000.00 with an FDIC-insured financial institution: and/or an account in a FDIC?insured financial institution with an available balance of $35 million or a combination thereof. The Respondent shall provide financial (including audited financial statements and balance sheets), and information concerning existing lines of credit and account balances, sufficient to demonstrate the Respondent's financial capacity to undertake the services under the Agreement. 5.9 Award with Negotiations (page 14) The following changes have been made: As it determines appropriate and in compliance with regulatory requirements, Procurement Office may recommend further discussions or negotiations with Respondents. Negotiations are exchanges (in either competitive or sole source environment) between the DOH and Respondents that are undertaken with the intent of allowing the Respondent to revise its Proposal. The primary object of discussions is to maximize the ability to obtain th_e best value, based on the requirements and the evaluation factors set forth in the RFP. The Procurement Office requests any revisions to Proposals. in the event that the Procurement Office, requests and receives revised Proposals, it will prepare a report (Best Value) incorporating the .. 606 Barbosa Avenue, Building Juan C. Cordero D?vila, Rio Piedras, PR 00918 I P.0. Box 21365 San Juan, PR 00928-1365 Tel: (787)274-2527 I 0 TA Opo. 54 GOVERNMENT OF PUERTO RICO Department of Housing Evaluation Committee report and corresponding price analysis. This report will be presented to the Bid Board Secretary. The Bid Board Secretary will review the recommendations to ensure compliance with this RFP and regulatory requirements and forward them to the Department of Housing Bid Board for consideration. V. PROCUREMENT AND AWARD PROCESS Section 5.3 Deadline for Submission of Proposals The new proposal due date is Tuesday. November 21,2017 at 3:00 pm. at Juan C. Cordero Davila Bldg. Barbosa Avenue #606, Sixth Floor. Purchase Division. ATTACHMENT SECTION Attachment Program Management Proposal Fee This attachment is eliminated. Attachment 0 Cost Form A Revised Attachment 0 is herein included (2 pages). EXHIBIT CONTRACT DRAFT The contract draft is included as part of the RFP Package. (31 pages) All other requirements and provisions of the RFP Documents shall remain in full force and effect. Each Respondent shall make reference in his RFP to all Addenda to the RFP Documents. Rafael H. mum; Esq. Associated Administrator Procurement Area San Juan, Puerto Rico November to, 2017 r; -- It 606 Barbosa Avenue, Building Juan C. Cordero D?vila, Rio Piedras, PR 00918 I P.O. Box 21365 San Juan, PR 009284365 0mm?; Tel: (787)274-2527 TA Opo. 55 GOVERNMENT OF PUERTO RICO DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES 8?02 FEMA DISASTER RECOVERY PROGRAMS SHELTERING AND TEMPORARY ESSENTIAL POWER PROGRAM This AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES (the ?Agreement?) is entered into in San Juan, Puerto Rico, this of November, 2017, by and between the PUERTO RICO DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING a public agency of the Government of Puerto Rico created under Act No. 97, dated June IO, I972, as amended, known as the Department of Housing Organic Act ("Organic Act?), with principal offices at 606 Barbosa Ave., San Juan, Puerto Rico, represented herein by its Secretary, Hon. Fernando A. Gil- Ensenat, of legal age, attorney, married, and resident of Guaynabo, Puerto Rico; and (?Program Manager?), with principal offices in Puerto Rico, represented herein by its of legal age, [profession], [civil status], and resident of [City, State], with the legal capacity to appear herein as evidenced during execution hereof. REC ITALS WHEREAS, on September 20, 20I7, Hurricane Maria slammed Puerto Rico causing catastrophic damages, knocking out power, water and telecommunications for the entire island and its island municipalities. Hurricane Maria caused major landslides and downed the vast majority of electrical distribution lines. WHEREAS, Hurricane Maria's I50 winds and record?breaking rain, along with widespread landslide, leveled tens of thousands of homes, causing an immediate and substantial need for temporary shelters for thousands of families across the island. WHEREAS, on September 21, 20I7, U.S. President Donald J. Trump issued a Major Disaster Declaration for Puerto Rico, ordering federal assistance to supplement the Government of Puerto Rico's recovery efforts and authorizing federal funding for emergency works in all 78 municipalities of our island, in order to begin to recover from the effects of this catastrophic disaster. TA Opo. 56 7?18-02 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerio Rico Department of Housing PAGE 2 of 31 WHEREAS, due to The disaster caused by Hurricane Maria, the Government of Puerto Rico is interested in performing essential repairs at tens of thousands of homes to be used as shelters in place for families affected by the aforementioned natural disaster. WHEREAS, FEMA has authorized funding to Puerto Rico under Section 403 of Stafford ACT for The implementation a Sheltering and Temporary Essential Power Program To enable The Government of Puerto Rico to perform minor emergency repairs in single?family owner-occupied residences so They can become habitable as shelters in place, with work thereunder slated to start immediately, which shall be implemented as "Tu Hogar Renace". WHEREAS, The Government designated The DOH to manage and administer ?Tu Hagar Renace" in compliance with The provisions of STEP. WHEREAS, The DOH is interested in contracting a professional program manager to provide services to ensure The successful implementation of STEP, in full compliance with applicable FEMA requirements. WHEREAS, accordingly, on November 6, 2017, The DOH issued 18-02 for Professional Program Management Services, which is attached hereto and made an integral part hereof as Exhibit I (The requesting proposals from firms with previous experience in FEMA disaster recovery programs interested in providing program management services to The DOH. WHEREAS, on November 17, 2017, the Program Manager submitted a proposal in response to the RFP (the "Proposal"), which fully complied with the requirements set forth by The DOH. WHEREAS, the Program Manager is a firm with experience managing and coordinating full construction activities for rehabilitation projects with specific experience in disaster recovery projects fully funded by FEMA. WHEREAS, after having reviewed and evaluated the Proposal, the DOH determined the Program Manager to be The best technically acceptable, responsible and responsive Respondent with a reasonable cost proposal for the services required under The RFP and This Agreement (The "Services"). WHEREAS, The DOH has accepted the Proposal, and, Therefore, desires to enter into a professional services agreement with the Program Manager for the performance of The Services, and the Program Manager has represented that it TA Opo. 57 7?18-02 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 3 of 31 is ready, willing and able to provide the services in accordance with this Agreement and applicable law and regulations. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and the terms and conditions set forth herein, the DOH and the Program Manager agree to execute this Agreement subject to the following TERMS AND CONDITIONS I. SCOPE OF SERVICES A. The Program Manager will provide the Services described in this Agreement and the Proposal, which is incorporated hereto and made an integral part hereof as Exhibit ll. - B. The Professional Program Management Services to be provided by the Program Manager in relation to ?Tu Hogar Renace? shall include, without limitation: . Contractor shall develop policies and procedures, provide outreach and communication services, receive and process program applications, determine applicant and dwelling eligibility, and manage the repair contractors performing the shelter at home measures. - Coordinate with FEMA, Government agencies, local governments and other stakeholders for identification of appropriate venues and opportunities to conduct outreach and accept applications for assistance and to provide mobile application intake services at such locations and events: . Provide web-based application intake services; the Government may provide an established website or portal for this purpose; Program Manager will be responsible for integration with any previously established intake system and its data; . For any information system, URLs, documentation, and technical assets established in the performance of this contract, all rights and licenses to the systems, and all data contained within the systems, shall belong to the GPR and be transferred to the DOH upon contract termination, expiration or completion: TA Opo. 58 7-18-02 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 4 of 31 Provide call center services for impacted citizens to communicate regarding the STEP program; the Program Manager may establish the call center number(s); if the Program Manager establishes the call center numbers, all rights for use of said numbers shall belong to the Government; if the Program Manager establishes a Post Office Box, all rights for use of the PO. Box shall belong to the Government; a Process applications and verify applicanfs' eligibility in compliance with the STEP program guidelines for and (Exhibit as the same may be amended and as limited by the Government's program guidelines and contract scope of work; 0 Collect and store all information in compliance with the Government's . information Security Policy . Perform inspections of damaged property to verify and document damages, eligibility of property and scope of STEP measures to be performed on the dwelling and applicant's selection of small appliance(s) in compliance with STEP program guidelines for and (Exhibit as the same may be amended. . Ensure compliance with the checklist for property inspection (Exhibit IV), subject to amendment. . Have the homeowner sign a Right of Entry form prior to execution of any inspection or repair work in the home. . identify any duplicate financial assistance, if any, prohibited by the Stafford Act: . Ensure appropriate environmental review and release has been performed by the entity performing those services: . Execute STEP agreement, right of access and indemnification form, information disclosure authorization, subrogation agreement and associated documents; . Create and utilize a comprehensive information management system; the DOH may require use of systems already owned by or available to the in the event that the Program Manager establishes the system, the license for such system shall be assignable to the DOH at its option: TA Opo. 59 7?18-02 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 5 of 31 Assign projects to STEP repair contractors in a way that maximizes efficiency of delivery of services; Track progress of work on individual home repair projects, in accordance with STEP guidance; ensuring projects remain on schedule, in compliance, and within budget and scope; Ensure STEP repair contractors handle debris in compliance with FEMA policy: Ensure all work completed by STEP repair contractors in furtherance of this project is performed in compliance with prevailing wage rates. Conduct a final inspection within three (3) days of notification by STEP repair contra?tors that work is complete on individual home repair projects and certify that repairs are in compliance with program guidelines and that the dwelling is safe for sheltering: Process STEP repair contractor payment requests in compliance with STEP program guidelines and applicable federal and local regulations; Track overall performance of STEP repair contractors' conducting repairs for quality, timeliness, completeness, and constituent complaints; Manage and resolve constituent complaints and STEP repair contractor disputes in accordance with the corresponding agreements and regulations; Provide program reporting services as may be required by the Government regarding status of program activities: Provide customer service and communication services so that applicants can inquire about the status of their individual files; All publicly accessible systems shall maintain a 99.9% uptime over a continuous 30?day window; Program Manager shall provide the DOH with call center, application, and system performance metrics weekly and Upon request; and Create written policy and process documents for STEP and the above described tasks, as well as for quality control, anti?fraud waste and abuse, and duplication of benefits. TA Opo. 60 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 6 of 31 Any other services and duties related to field supervision. execution and related matters as may be required by the DOH from time to time during the term of this Agreement. C. Deliverables. As part of its material obligations under this Agreement. the Program Manager shall deliver to the DOH all of the following: i. A detailed work plan identifying specific tasks and timelines to accomplish the tasks and services detailed above. to be agreed upon by the Program Manager and the DOH. and which may be revised by mutual agreement from time to time as necessary Due five (5) days after the date of execution of the Agreement. Proposed changes to the work plan and timelines may be submitted to the DOH for approval. 2. Chart of Organization detailing all of Program. Manager's staff, including subcontractor staff. performing services under this Agreement Due five (5) days after the date of execution of the Agreement. Proposed changes to the Chart of Organization that may be needed due to change of personnel or organization structure shall be provided to the DOH for review and approval 3. Bi-weekly status reports detailed by individual client an applicant status and activities underway and/or completed related to the tasks and services detailed above. 4. Program Manager will provide to the DOH an acceptable Outreach Campaign Plan within five (5) days of the date of execution of this Agreement. 5. Bi-weekly status reports on the progress and performance of STEP repair contractors DELIVERABLES TO BE DEVELOPED DURING THE AGREEMENT NEGOIATION D. No Additional Services: This Agreement does not authorize the Program Manager to perform any additional services without the prior execution of the corresponding amendment. TA Opo. 61 7-18-02 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 7 of 31 E. Compliance with FEMA regulations: I. In the performance of the Services hereunder, the Program Manager binds itself fully to comply with applicable FEMA rules and regulations. For informative purposes only, Recovery Program Guidance, Sheltering and Temporary Essential Power (STEP) Pilot Program for and dated October 25, 2017 is attached hereto and made an integral part hereof as Exhibit In the event that Program Manager?s non?compliance with FEMA requirements impedes in whole or in part any reimbursement of costs incurred by the DOH in relation to this Agreement, the Program Manager acknowledges It will not be compensated for any costs or fees incurred that are disallowed by FEMA. 3. The DOH may withhold any payments to the Program Manager for the II. purpose of off-set or partial payment, as the case may be, of any amounts owed to the DOH by the Program Manager. TYPE OF CONTRACT A. Contract Type: This is a ?Not to Exceed" Agreement with hourly, unit price and lump sum components. Under this Agreement, the Program Manager shall submit invoices to the DOH in compliance with this Agreement. B. Exhibits Incorporated: The following exhibits are incorporated into this Agreement by reference and made an-integral part hereof: EXHIBIT DOH Request for Proposals 7?18?02. EXHIBIT ll Proposal, dated 20I7 (the ?Proposal?). EXHIBIT FEMA Recovery Program Guidance, Sheltering and Temporary Essential Power (STEP) Pilot Program for and EXHIBIT IV Checklist for property inspections. EXHIBIT Itemized project budget. EXHIBIT VI Insurance Requirements, issued by the DOH on November 7, 2017. TA Opo. 62 7?18-02 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 8 of 31 All Exhibits hereto shall be complementary in such a way that whatever is stated or shown in them shall be as binding as any term or condition of this Agreement. Should any inconsistency occur between the Proposal and this Agreement, this Agreement shall prevail. TERM OF AGREEMENT A. Term: This Agreement shall be in effect and enforceable between the IV. parties for a period of twelve (l2) months from the date of execution hereof (the ?Term"). Contract Extension: The DOH may, at its sole discretion, extend the Term as it may deem necessary or convenient subject to the execution of the corresponding written amendment by both parties hereto and otherwise in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. PROGRAM REPRESENTATIONS By execution hereof, the Program Manager represents and warrants as a material condition of this Agreement, as follows: i. The Program Manager has a thorough understanding and mastery of plans, specifications, options, paperwork and processes applicable to ?Tu Hogar Renace?/STEP. The Program Manager has thoroughly examined and fully understands the laws, rules and regulations applicable to this Agreement, and ?Tu Hogar Renace?/STEP. The Program Manager will ensure that all individuals or firms engaged to perform any regulated professional services under this Agreement shall be and shall remain throughout their performance hereunder in compliance with applicable legal provisions. All costs to be invoiced under this Agreement are reasonable, allocable, and within the terms of this Agreement and applicable federal regulations. The Program Manager acknowledges that FEMA financial assistance will be used to fund this Agreement. Accordingly, the Program Manager expressly binds itself to comply with all applicable federal laws, regulations, executive orders, FEMA policies, procedures and directives. TA Opo. 63 7-l 8-02 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 9 of 31 6. The Program Manager has not been and is not currently debarred or con?act engagement or procurement. During the term Of this Agreement the Program Manager is expressly required to report to the DOH immediately of any change in this representation. otherwise impeded from participating V. COMPENSATION AND PAYMENT in any federal A. Rates and Fees: The DOH shall pay the Contractor for the Services rendered under this Agreement in accordance with the rates, unit prices and lump sum prices set forth below and the project budget: NUMBER OF NUMBER OF HOURS PER HOURLY 1' EMPLOYEES EMPLOYEE RATE TOTAL (estimate) Principal Project Manager Customer Service Representative :3 Case Manager Clerical/Administration Special Inspector IT Management Accounting 2. RATE PER INSPECTION TOTAL (5) (estimate) TYPE OF INSPECTION Initial Site (Property) Visit 75,000 TA Opo. 64 DOH-RFP-I 7-18-02 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 10 of 31 Final Inspection 75,000 3. OUTREACH CAMPAIGN. INCLUSIVE OF ALL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (lump sum) 4. CALL CENTER MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION, INCLUSIVE OF ALL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (lump sum) All hourly rates are inclusive of travel time and travel expenses. Special Inspector services to be invoiced on an hourly basis do not include inspections to be performed on a unit cost basis (Initial Site Visit and Final Inspection. The rates set forth above for each type of inspection. are inclusive of all direct and indirect costs to be incurred by Contractor in relation thereto. An itemized budget for the services to be performed under the Agreement is attached hereto and made an integral part hereof as Exhibitv. B. Cost Allowability: The cost principles and procedures set forth in 48 CFR 31 .2 and FEMA supplements shall be used to determine allowable costs under this Agreement. Neither FEMA nor the DOH shall make any payment or reimbursement to Program Manager for unallowable costs. C. Maximum Contract Amount: The DOH shall pay the Program Manager, for services performed during the term of this Agreement. a maximum amount not to exceed dollars (the ?Maximum Contract Amount"). Payments hereunder shall be charged to Account .0000. Such payment shall constitute compensation for all services required. performed and accepted under this Agreement. D. Invoices I. The Program Manager shall submit invoices to the DOH for services rendered under this Agreement. which shall be payable within thirty (30] days from the date the invoice is reviewed and approved by the DOH. 2. Each invoice shall be certified and supported in such detail as required by the DOH. iO TA Opo. 65 7-18-02 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 11 of 31 3. The DOH will review the invoices and ascertain if the services have been properly provided during the invoiced month and, if so, will proceed with payment. The DOH reserves the right to review the invoices and conduct the necessary audits. Payments to the Program Manager shall be made by check or electronic funds transfer (EFT). In order for the Program Manager to receive payment for any work performed hereunder, the following certification must be included in each application for payment or invoice submitted to the DOH for payment: Under penalty of absolute nullity, I hereby certify that no public servant of the Puerto Rico Department of Housing is a party to or has an interest in the earnings, profits or benefits that may be the product of the contract Upon which this invoice is based, and in the event that any such person is a party to or has an interest in the earnings, profits or benefits resulting from the contract upon which this Invoice is based, a valid waiver or dispensation has been granted. I further certify that the sole consideration for the furnishing of the contracted goods or the performance of the services under the contract is the payment agreed upon with the Puerto Rico Department of Housing. Further, the amount of this invoice ls true and correct, all work and services invoiced have been performed and the products have been delivered, and the services rendered, and no payment has been received for them. 6. An authorized representative of the DOH will review each invoice and. if adequate, will approve and process its payment. DOH reserves the right to conduct any audit it deems necessary. E. PAYMENT TERMS. The Program Manager's invoices shall be evaluated on the following terms: 1 . If progress and/or completion to the reasonable satisfaction of the DOH are obtained, the Program Manager shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred. Program Manager shall submit invoices which shall outline the expenditures requested for reimbursement by the Program Manager and its subcontractors for services rendered during the TA Opo. 66 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 12 of 31 previous period. Such invoices shall itemize expenditures based on the line items provided in the budget in Exhibit of this Agreement. These line items shall be inclusive of the Program Manager and its subcontractor's salaries, benefits, travel, equipment, operational costs, and other direct costs, etc. 2. Program Manager and its subcontractors shall be reimbursed for travel and related expenses in accordance with applicable regulations. In addition, Program Manager and its sub-contractors shall be reimbursed for operational costs at the rates approved by FEMA. 3. Program Manager and its, subcontractors are required to maintain effective accountability for funds, safeguard assets, and ensure that funds are only used for authorized purposes per2 CFR 2.00. Effective control requires current, accurate, and complete disclosure of budgeted and actual outlays related to contract objectives. The DOH is accountable for the appropriate use of Federal funds. Financial reporting requirements are outlined in the Code of Federal Regulations, 2 CFR 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards. VI. OWNERSHIP OF CONFIDENTIALITY AND NON- DISCLOSURE A. Ownership of Documents: With the exception of the Program Manager's working papers, the Program Manager acknowledges the DOH's ownership of all information, drafts, documents, reports, papers and other materials developed and prepared by the Program Manager, its agents or representatives, for purposes of performing its obligations hereunder. B. Return of Documents: Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement or at the request of the DOH, the Program Manager shall deliver to the DOH such information, drafts, reports, papers and other materials, in document form or as computer program data. and the Program Manager recognizes the right to request such documentation or computer program data. If the Program Manager fails to deliver said information, the DOH may seek a judicial order to enforce its rights. Upon receipt of written request from the DOH, Program Manager will return to DOH all copies or samples of Confidential Information which, at the time of the notice are in Program Manager?s or its agent's possession. Program Manager reserves the right to retain a set of its work papers. I2 TA Opo. 67 7?18-02 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 13 of 31 C. Confidential Information; Definition: The term Confidential information as used throughout this Section, means any information concerning DOH operations and that of its Program Manager leg, the projects, computer processing systems, object and source codes and other DOH business and financial affairs). The term Confidential Information shall also deem to include all notes, analysis, compilation, studies and interpretation or other documents prepared by Program Manager, its agents or representatives, in connection with DOH operations. D. Non-Disclosure: The Program Manager agrees to take all reasonable steps or measures to keep confidential all Confidential Information and will not, at any time, present or future, without DOH express written authorization, signed by the Administrator of the DOH, use or sell, market or disclose any -=Confidential Information to - any - third party, Program Manager,- corporation, or association for any purpose whatsoever. Program Manager further agrees that, except as they relate to the normal course of the service, the Program Manager will not make copies of the Confidential Information except upon DOH express written authorization, signed by an authorized representative of DOH, and will not remove any copy or sample of Confidential Information without prior written authorization from DOH. Program Manager retains the right to control its work papers subject to these confidentiality provisions. E. Equitable Relief: The Program Manager acknowledges and agrees that a breach of the provisions of subparagraphs B, and D, above, will cause DOH to suffer irreparable damage that could not remedied or compensated adequately only by mere monetary retribution. Program Manager further agrees that money damages may not be a sufficient remedy for any breach of this Section. Accordingly, the Program Manager agrees that DOH shall have the right to seek injunctive relief and the specific performance of the provisions of this Section to enjoin a breach or attempted breach of the provision hereof, such right being in addition to any and all other rights and remedies that are available to DOH at law, in equity or otherwise. VII. TERMINATION A. Termination for Cause: The DOH may terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part, for the Program Manager's failure to fulfill its material obligations hereunder. The DOH shall terminate this Agreement by delivering to the Program Manager a thirty (30) day notice of termination specifying the extent to which the performance of the service under this Agreement is I3 TA Opo. 68 - 1. Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerlo Rico Department of Housing PAGE 14 of 31 terminated, the reason therefore and the effective date of termination. Upon receipt of such notice the Program Manager shall immediately discontinue all services and deliver to the DOH all information, notes. drafts, documents, analysis, reports, compilations, studies and other materials accumulated or generated in performing the services contemplated in this Agreement, whether completed or in process. B. Termination for Convenience: The DOH may terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part, whenever the DOH determines that such termination is necessary or convenient to the DOH. The DOH will terminate this Agreement by delivering to the Program Manager a thirty (30) day notice of termination specifying the extent to which the performance of the work under this Agreement is terminated, and the effective date of termination. - Upon receipt of such notice,= the Program Manager shall immediately - discontinue all services affected and deliver to the DOH all information, studies and other materials property of the DOH. In the event of a termination by Notice, the DOH shall be liable only for payment of services rendered up to and including the effective date of termination, without consideration of any additional costs incurred by Program Manager as a result of said termination for convenience. C. Termination by Unilateral Abandonment: The DOH will consider this Agreement immediately terminated, if the Program Manager unilaterally and without prior notice, chooses to abandon (in any shape, form or fashion), cease or desist in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement. Upon the knowledge of such event, the DOH will not be held liable and will immediately, automatically and retroactively deduct from any future reimbursement, all funds from the day such unilateral abandonment took place. The DOH will not be compelled to continue the performance of the Agreement, should the Program Manager breach the Agreement by unilateral abandonment. In addition, the DOH reserves the right to claim damages against Program Manager as a result of its abandonment of the work or services. D. Suspension: The DOH may suspend this Agreement in whole or in part at any time for the DOH's convenience. The DOH shall give the Program Manager five (5) days' written notice of such suspension. Upon receipt of said notice the Program Manager shall immediately discontinue all Services so suspended. l4 TA Opo. 69 7?18-02 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 15 of 31 E. Immediate Termination. In the event the Pregram Manager is subjected to a criminal or civil action, suit, proceeding, inquiry or court of applicable jurisdiction, or any governmental agency, or the Program Manager shall be subject to an order, judgment, or opinion, issued by any federal or local authority, a court of applicable jurisdiction, or any governmental agency, in connection with the execution, delivery, and performance by the Program Manager of this Agreement or the Program Manager of this Agreement has been noncompliant, breach, inaccuracy of any representation, warranties, covenants, or the certifications provided herein, whether the noncompliance, breach or inaccuracy takes place before or after the execution of this Agreement, the DOH shall have the right to the immediate termination of this Agreement notwithstanding, any provisions to the contrary herein. This section will apply in the event of any judgment that may obiigate the DOH to terminate the Agreement pursuant to Government of Puerto Rico Act No. 458 of 2000 as amended, and/or by Act No. 84 of 200], as amended. F. Termination Clause: The Chief of Staff of the Governor of Puerto Rico (Secretario de la Gobernacion) shall have the power to terminate this Agreement at any time, as provided in Memorandum No. 2017?001: Circular Letter l4l?i7 of the Office of the Chief of Staff of the Governor of Puerto Rico and the Office of Management and Budget. LIABILITY In no event shall the DOH be liable for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages, or damages for loss of profits, revenue, data or use, incurred by either party or any third party, whether in an action in contract or tort, even if the other party or any person has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Third parties operating under this program, with their agency, will have their own general civil and criminal liability imposed by law towards the DOH, the Program Manager and any third party. IX. INSURANCE A. Required Coverage The Program Manager shall carry the insurance as are required by law and this Agreement. The Program Manager shall furnish DOH certificates of insurance as evidence of compliance hereof. 15 TA Opo. 70 7?18-02 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 16 of 31 The Program Manager shall keep in force and effect for the period beginning from the execution of the Agreement and ending at the completion of all services to be provided hereunder, insurance policies in compliance with the DOH's requirements, as set forth in attached hereto and made an integral part hereof as Exhibit Vl.. i. State Insurance Fund Statutory amount. 2. Comprehensive General Liability insurance, with the limits of liability for bodily injury and/or death of no less than $1,000,000.00 for bodily injury and/or arising out of any one occurrence and $2,000,000.00 general aggregate. The limits of liability for property damage shall not be less than $1,000,000.00 for each occurrence and $1,000,000.00 in the "aggregate: shall be named as additionalrinsured on=-the insurance policy; Worker's Compensation and Employer?s Liability is covered under the Comprehensive General Liability insurance with the same limits. The Comprehensive General Liability shall include the following coverage: Premises and Operations; Independent Contractors; Completed Operations; Contractual Liability; Hold-Harmless Agreement. 9909'? 3. Comprehensive Automobile Liability insurance, including hired cars and non-ownership coverage, covering bodily injury, death and property damage, with single and aggregate limits of liability of $1,000,000.00. DOH shall be named as additional insured on the insurance policy. 4. Professional Liability: the Program Manager shall present Professional Liability insurance with minimum limits of liability of $5,000,000.00 per claim and in the aggregate written on a "claims made basis" said coverage must provide coverage for an Extended Reportina period jTgil) of at least seven (7) years. 5. Personal injury Liability: Personal Injury Liability Endorsement including libel, slander, etc., with a limit liability of $5,000,000.00, including removal of any exclusions pertaining to contractual liability and claims 16 TA Opo. 71 7- 802 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 17 of 31 by Construction Inspection Contractors employees DOH shall be named as additional insured on the'insurance policy. 6. Umbrella: $i 0,000,00.00. 7. Cyber Liability: $3,000,000.00. 8. Payment and Performance Bond: 100% Upon the execution of this Agreement, the Program Manager shall furnish DOH with copies of the above~described insurance policies and any other evidence DOH may request as to the policies' full force and effect. Any ded?uctible?amount, under any of the policies, will be assumedin whole by the Program Manager for any and all losses, claims, expenses, suits, damages, costs, demands or liabilities, joint and several of whatever kind and nature arising from the Agreement resulting from this solicitation by and between the Program Manager and DOH. The DOH shall not be held responsible under any circumstances for payments of any nature regarding deductibles of any insurance coverage required under this Agreement. B. Endorsements Each insurance policy maintained by the Program Manager must be endorsed as follows: i. DOH and its officers, agents and employees are named as additional insured (except Worker?s Compensation) but only with respect to liability arising out of operations performed for such insured by or on behalf of the named insured. 2. To provide waiver of subrogation coverage for all insurance policies provided or herein in favor of DOH and its respective officers, agents and employees. 3. The insurer shall be required to give DOH written notice at least ninety (90) days in advance of any cancellation or material change in any such policies. 17 TA Opo. 72 DOH-RFP-I 8-02 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 13 of 31 The Program Manager shall furnish to DOH, prior to commencement of the work, certificates of insurance from insurers with a rating by the AM. Best Co. of A and 5 or over on all policies, reflecting policies in force, and shall also provide certificates evidencing all renewals of such policies. Insurers shall retain an AM. Best Co. rating of A and 5 or over on all policies throughout the term of this Agreement and all policy periods required herein. The insurance company must be authorized to do business in Puerto Rico and be in good standing. C. Related Requirements The Program Manager shall furnish an original Certificates of insurance evidencing the required coverage to be in force on the Effective Date of Agreement. THE REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION MUST BE RECEIVED PRIOR TO PERFORMANCVE HEREUND-ER. PROGRAM - MANAGER NOR ANY OF ITS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES ARE TO BEGIN THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES UNDER THE AGREEMENT PRIOR TO FULL COMPLIANCE WITH THIS REQUIREMENT AND NOTIFICATION FROM DOH TO PROCEED. Renewal Certificates of Insurance or such similar evidence is to be received by the Procurement Department prior to expiration of insurance coverage. At DOH's option, non?compliance will result in one or more of the following actions: (I) The DOH will purchase insurance on behalf of the Program Manager and will charge back all cost to the Program Manager; (2) The Program Manager will be immediately removed from DOH property and contract revoked; (3) all payments due the Program Manager will be held until the Program Manager has complied with the contract; and/or (4) The Program Manager will be assessed Five Thousand Dollars for every day of non?compliance. The receipt of any certificate does not constitute agreement by DOH that the insurance requirements in the Agreement have been fully met or that the insurance policies indicated on the certificate are in compliance with the requirements of the Agreement. The insurance policies shall provide for ninety (90) days written notice to be given to DOH in the event coverage is substantially changed, cancelled or non-renewed. The Program Manager shall require all subcontractors or consultants to carry the insurance required herein or the Program Manager, may provide the coverage for any or all of its subcontractors and if so, the evidence of insurance submitted shall so stipulate and adhere to the same requirements and conditions as outlined above. I8 TA Opo. 73 7?1802 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 19 of 31 The Program Manager expressly understands and agrees that whenever the Program Manager is covered by other primary, excess, or excess contingent insurance that, any insurance or self-insurance program maintained by DOH shall apply in excess of and will not contribute with insurance provided by the Program Manager under this Agreement. D. Hold Harmless The Program Manager and its affiliates, its successors and assignees will indemnify the DOH from any damages and/or losses arising out of personal injuries or property damage resulting from any act of negligence by the Program Manager and its affiliates in connection with this Agreement. in the event of a fire, flood, earthquake, natural disaster, hurricane, riot, act of governmental authority in its sovereign capacity, strike, labor dispute or unrest, embargo, war, insurrection or civil unrest, any act of God including inclement weather, herein collectively referred to as Force Majeure during the term of this Agreement, neither the DOH nor the Program Manager shall be liable to the other party for nonperformance during the conditions created by such event. The Program Manager shall notify the DOH, as soon as possible, of the occurrence of the Force Majeure event and describe in reasonable detail, the nature of the Force Majeure event. XI. NOTICES All notices required or permitted to be given under the Agreement shall be in writing, and shall be deemed given when delivered by hand or sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the address as follows: To: DOH Hon. Fernando A. Gil-Ense?at Secretary Department of Housing PO Box 3631 88 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936?3188 606 Barbosa Ave. Juan C. Cordero Building lOih Floor) San Juan, Puerto Rico 00919 1? TA Opo. 74 7-18-02 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 20 of 31 To; PROGRAM MANAGER XII. THIRD PARTIES Nothing contained in this Agreement shall create a contractual relationship with, or a cause of action in of a third party against either the DOH or the Program Manager. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH LEGAL REQUIREMENTS A. Tax Obligation Compliance: Pursuant to Executive Order No.- dated June 18, 1991, the Program Manager certifies and warrants that at the signing of this Agreement it has filed all the necessary and required income tax returns to the Government of Puerto Rico for the last five (5) years. The Program Manager further certifies that it has complied and is current with the payment of any and all income taxes that are, or were due, to the Government of Puerto Rico, Prior to execution hereof, the Program Manager shall provide to the DOH, evidence satisfactory to the DOH of its compliance with this clause. During the term of this Agreement, the Program Manager agrees to pay and/or to remain current with any repayment plan agreed to by the Program Manager with the Government of Puerto Rico. B. Payment of Unemployment Benefits, Workers? Compensation and Chauffer Benefits: Pursuant to Executive Order No. 1992?52, dated August 28, 1992. amending the Program Manager certifies and warrants that it has made all payments required for unemployment benefits, workmen's compensation and social security for chauffeurs, as applicable, or that in lieu thereof, has subscribed a payment plan in connection with any such unpaid items and is in full compliance with the terms thereof. Prior to execution hereof, the Program Manager shall provide to the DOH, evidence satisfactory to the DOH of its compliance with this clause. The Program Manager accepts and acknowledges its responsibility for requiring and obtaining a similar warranty and certification from each and every consultant or subcontractor whose service the Program Manager has secured in connection with the services to be rendered under this Agreement and shall forward evidence to DOH as to its compliance with this requirement. 20 TA Opo. 7- I 8-02 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 21 of 31 C. Municipal Revenue Collection Center (CRIM): The Program Manager certifies and guarantees that as of the execution of this Agreement, it has no current debt for property taxes with the Municipal Revenue Collection Center ("Centro de Recaudacion de lngresos Municipales" in Spanish). The Program Manager further certifies to be current with the payment of any and all property taxes that are or were due to the Government of Puerto Rico. Prior to execution hereof, the Program Manager shall provide to the DOH, evidence satisfactory to the DOH of its compliance with this clause. During the Term of this Agreement, the Program Manager agrees to pay and/or to remain current with any repayment plan agreed to by the Program Manager with the Government of Puerto Rico with regards to property taxes (for real and personal property). D. Income Tax Retention: The DOH will retain the corresponding amount from all payments made to the Program Manager hereunder as required by the Puerto Rico internal Revenue Code. The DOH will deliver such withholdings to the Puerto Rico Treasury Department. The DOH will adjust such withholdings provided the Program Manager produces satisfactory evidence of partial or total exemption from withholding. E. Child Support Administration: The Program Manager certifies and warrants that the Program Manager does not have an outstanding debt or obligation to the Puerto Rico Child Support Administration by its Spanish acronym). Prior to execution hereof, the Program Manager shall provide to the DOH, evidence satisfactory to the DOH of its compliance with this clause. F. Social Security Withholding: The Program Manager will be responsible for withholding and paying applicable Social Security obligations resulting from this Agreement. G. Government Ethics Act: The Program Manager hereby certifies that in signing this Agreement it is in compliance with Act 1 of January 3, 2012, as amended. known as the Ethics Act of the Government of Puerto Rico, which in connection with the possibility of a conflict of interest, stipulates that, no employee or executive of the Program Manager, nor any member of his/he immediate family (spouse, dependent children or other members of his/her household or any individual whose financial affairs are under the control of the employee) shall have any direct or indirect pecuniary interest in the services to be rendered under this Agreement, 21 TA Opo. 76 7-18-02 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 22 of 3] except as may be expressly authorized by the Governor of Puerto Rico in consultation with the Secretary of Treasury and the Secretary of Justice. H. Consequences of Non?Compliance: The Program Manager expressly agrees that the conditions of this Section are essential requirements of this Agreement; thus, should any one of these representations, warranties or certifications be incorrect, inaccurate or misleading, in whole or in part, that shall constitute just cause for the DOH to render this Agreement null and void, and the Program Manager shall be required to reimburse to DOH all moneys received under this Agreement. XIV. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY During the performance of this Agreement,- the Program Manager agrees as follows: i. The Program Manager will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The' Program Manager will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to the following: Employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination: rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Program Manager agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the contracting officer setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. 2. The Program Manager will, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the Program Manager, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. 3. The Program Manager will send to each labor union or representative of workers with which he has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding, a notice to be provided by the agency contracting officer, advising the labor union or workers? representative of the Program Manager?s commitments under section 202 of Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and shall post copies of the notice in 22 TA Opo. 77 7-18-02 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 23 of 31 conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment. 4. The Program Manager will comply with all provisions of Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and of the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor. 5. The Program Manager will furnish all information and reports required by Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and by the rules, regulations, and orders of the Secretary of Labor, or pursuant thereto, and will permit access to his books, records, and accounts by the contracting agency and the Secretary of Labor for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with such rules, regulations, and . ord ers, 6. In the event of the Program Manager?s noncompliance with the nondiscrimination clauses of this contract or with any of such rules, regulations, or orders, this contract may be canceled, terminated or suspended in whole or in part and the Program Manager may be declared ineligible for further Government contracts in accordance with procedures authorized in Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and such other sanctions may be imposed and remedies invoked as provided in Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, or by rule, regulation, or order of the Secretary of Labor, or as otherwise provided by law. . 7. The Program Manager will include the provisions of paragraphs (1) through (7) in every subcontract or purchase order unless exempted by rules, regulations, or orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to section 204 of Executive Order 1 1246 of September 24, 1965, so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. The Program Manager will take such action with respect to any subcontract or purchase order as may be directed by the Secretary of Labor as a means of enforcing such provisions including sanctions for noncompliance: Provided, however, that in the event the Program Manager becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or vendor as a result of such direction, the Program Manager may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the United States. 23 TA Opo. 78 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 24 of 31 XV. SUSPENSION AND DEBARMENT A. This contract is a covered transaction for purposes of 2 C.F.R. Part 180 and 2 C.F.R. pt. 3000. As such the Program Manager is required to verify that neither the Program Manager nor any of its principals (defined at 2 C.F.R. 180.995) or affiliates (defined at 2 C.F.R. 180.905) are excluded (defined at 2 C.F.R. 180.940) or disqualified (defined at 2 C.F.R. 180.935). B. The Program Manager must comply with 2 C.F.R. Part 180, subpart and 2 C.F.R. Part 3000, subpart and must include a requirement to comply with these regulations in any lower?tier covered transaction it enters into. C. This certification is a material representation of fact relied upon by the DOH. if it is later determined that the Program Manager did not comply with 2 C.F.R. Part 180, subpart and 2 C.F.R. pt. 3000, subpart C, in addition to remedies available to the DOH, the Federal Government may pursue available remedies, including but not limited to suspension and/or debarment. XVI. CLEAN AIR ACT The Program Manager agrees to comply with all applicable standards, orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 7401 etseq. The Program Manager agrees to report each violation to the DOH and understands and agrees that the DOH will, in turn, report each violation as required to assure notification to the Government of Puerto Rico, through the Environmental Quality Board, FEMA and the appropriate EPA Regional Office. The Program Manager agrees to include the above requirements in any subcontract exceeding $150,000.00, which is financed in whole or in part with Federal assistance provided by FEMA. XVII. WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ACT The Program Manager agrees to comply with all applicable standards, orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, 33 U.S.C. 1251 etseq. 24 TA Opo. 79 7?l 8-02 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 25 of 31 The Program Manager agrees to report each violation to the DOH and understands and agrees that the DOH will, in turn, report each violation as required to assure notification to the Government of Puerto Rico, through the Environmental Quality Board, FEMA and the appropriate EPA Regional Office. The Program Manager agrees to include the above requirements in any subcontract exceeding $150,000.00, which is financed in whole or in part with Federal assistance provided by FEMA. SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL ACT In the performance of this Agreement, the Program Manager shall use products composed of the highest percentage of recovered materials practicable (and ?in the case of paper, the highest percentage of the postconsumer recovered- materials practicable), consistent with maintaining a satisfactory level of competition, considering such guidelines. The decision not to use such items shall be based on a determination that such products cannot be acquired because: (8) are not reasonably available within a reasonable period of time; (C) fail to meet the performance standards set forth in the applicable specifications or fail to meet the reasonable performance standards of the procuring agencies; or (D) are only available at an unreasonable price. Information about this requirement, along with the list of EPA- designated items, is available at EPA's Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines web site, program#change. XIX. BYRD ANTI-LOBBYING AMENDMENT The Program Manager certifies, to the best of his or her knowledge, that: i. No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of an agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering 25 TA Opo. 80 8-02 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 26 of 3] info of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. 2. if any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or Current as of 1?9?1 7 ll cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form, ?Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying,? in accordance with its instructions. --3. The-Program Manager shall require that-therlanguage of this certification be included in the award documents for all subawards at all tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that all subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by 31, U.S.C. 1352 (as amended by the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995). The Program Manager acknowledges that any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. The Program Manager certifies or affirms the truthfulness and accuracy of each statement of its certification and disclosure, if any. in addition, the Program Manager understands and agrees that the provisions of 31 U.S.C. 3801 et seq., apply to this certification and disclosure, if any. XX. ACCESS TO RECORDS A. The Program Manager agrees to provide the DOH, the FEMA Administrator, the Comptroller General of the United States, the Comptroller of Puerto Rico and any of their authorized representatives access to any books, documents, papers, and records of the Program Manager which are directly pertinent to the execution of this Agreement for the purposes of making audits, examinations, excerpts, and transcriptions, and to allow said parties to reproduce by any means whatsoever or to copy excerpts and transcriptions as reasonably needed. 26 TA Opo. 81 DOH-RFP-I 7-l 8-02 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 27 of 31 B. The Program Manager shall not impede the DOH, the FEMA Administrator and their respective authorized representatives access to construction or other work sites pertaining to the services being performed under this Agreement, including all sites where the STEP programs are being implemented. C. In addition, the Program Manager shall make available to the DOH as requested proof of payment of any expenditure incurred under this Agreement. D. The Program Manager agrees to maintain accurate records and files of all contract documents, correspondence, book estimates, bills and other information related to the Program Manager account. These documents shallbe. openfor DOH examination at all reasonable timeser a periodof . six (6) years after expiration of the term hereof. XXI. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY SEAL, LOGO AND FLAGS The Program Manager shall not use the Department of Homeland Security seat. logos, crest, or reproductions of flags or likenesses of DHS agency officials without specific FEMA pre?approval. XXII. NO OBLIGATION BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT The Federal Government is not a party to this contract and is not subject to any obligations or liabilities to the non-Federal entity, contractor, or any other party pertaining to any matter resulting from the contract. PROGRAM FRAUD AND FALSE 0R FRAUDULENT STATEMENTS OR RELATED ACTS The Program Manager acknowledges that 3i U.S.C. Chapter 38 (Administrative Remedies for False Claims and Statements) applies to the Program Manager's actions pertaining to this contract. XXIV. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement and all exhibits hereto represent the entire and integrated agreement between the DOH and the Program Manager and supersede all prior negotiations, representations, agreements and/or understandings of any kind. 27 TA Opo. 82 7- i 8-02 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 28 of 31 XXV. MODIFICATION OF AGREEMENT Any modification of this Agreement or additional obligation assumed by either party in connection with this Agreement shall be binding only if written and signed by both parties, and its authorized representatives. XXVI. BINDING EFFECT This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of DOH and the Program Manager, their successors and assigns. XXVII. ASSIGNMENT OF RIGHTS The, rights of eachparty hereunder (are personaito that party and, may not be assigned or otherwise transferred to any other person, contractor, corporation, or other entity without the prior, express and written consent of the other party. NON-WAIVER The failure or delay of either party to insist upon the performance of and/or the compliance with any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of such terms and conditions or the right to enforce compliance with such terms and conditions. XXIX. GOVERNING JURISDICTION This Agreement shall be governed by, interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of the Government of Puerto Rico and any applicable federal laws and regulations. The parties further agree to assert any claims or causes of action that may arise out of this Agreement in the Puerto Rico Court of First Instance, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Judicial Center, notwithstanding jurisdiction may be averred in any U.S. District Court, including for diversity of citizenship. SEVERABILITY If any provision of this Agreement shall operate or would prospectively operate to invalidate the Agreement in whole or in part, then such provision only shall be deemed severed and the remainder of the Agreement shall remain operative and in full effect. 28 TA Opo. 83 7-18-02 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 29 of 31 COUNTERPARTS This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of whom shall be deemed to be an original, however, all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. GOVERNMENT ETHICS CLAUSE A. No employee or officer of the DOH as well as any member of their families can have any interest in the earnings or benefits from this Agreement. according with Law No. 84, June 18, 2002. B. The Program Manager acknowledges receipt of the Ethics Code for Contractors, Suppliers, and Applicants of Economic Incentives from the Government of Puerto Rico Agencies ("Codigo de Etica para Contrafisfas, Suplidores Solicitantes de Incentives Economicos de las Agencias Ejecufivas de Puerto Rico? in Spanish). CONFLICTS OF INTEREST The Program Manager shall comply with the ethics requirements set forth herein and warrant that to the best of its knowledge and belief and except as otherwise disclosed, it does not have any organizational conflict of interest which is defined as a situation in which the nature of the work under a DOH contract and Program Manager?s organizational, financial, contractual or other interest are such that: a) Award of the contract may result in an unfair competitive advantage; or b) The Program Manager's objectivity in performing the contract work may be impaired. The Program Manager agrees that if after award he or she discovers an organizational conflict of interest with respect to this contract, it shall make an immediate and full disclosure in writing to the Contracting Officer, which shall include a description of the action, which the Program Manager has taken or intends to take to eliminate or neutralize the conflict. The DOH may, however. terminate the Agreement for the convenience of DOH if it would be in its best interest. 29 TA Opo. 84 7-18-02 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 30 of 31 In the event the Program Manager was aware of an organizational conflict of interest before the award of this Agreement and did not disclose the conflict to the Contracting Officer, the DOH may terminate the Agreement for default. The provisions of this clause shall be included in all subcontracts and/or consulting agreements wherein the work to be performed is similar to the services provided by the Program Manager. The Program Manager shall include in such subcontracts and consulting agreements any necessary provision to eliminate or neutralize conflicts of interest. DRUG FREE WORKPLACE The Program Manager shall establish procedures and policies to promote a Drug-Free- workplace. Further, the Program Manager should notify. all employees of its policy for maintaining a Drug?Free workplace, and the penalties that may be imposed for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace. Further, the Program Manager shall notify the DOH if any of its employees is convicted of a criminal drug offense in the workplace no later than ten [10) days after such conviction. EADINGS The titles to the paragraphs of this Agreement are solely for reference purposes and the convenience of the parties and shall not be used to explain. modify. simplify, or did in the interpretation of the provisions of this Agreement. INTERAGENCY SERVICES . The contracting parties acknowledge and agree that services retained may be provided to any Executive Branch entity with which the DOH executes an interagency agreement or by direct instruction of the Office of the Chief of Staff of the Governor (Secretario de la Gobernacion). The services performed thereunder will be subject to the same terms and conditions as set forth in this Agreement. For purposes of this clause, the term ?Executive Branch entity" includes all agencies of the Government of Puerto Rico, public instrumentalities and corporations, and the Office of the Governor, as set forth in Memorandum No. 2017-001, Circular Letter 141?17 of the Office of the Chief of Staff of the Governor and the Office of Management and Budget. COMPTROLLER REGISTRY 30 TA Opo. 85 7?18-02 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 31 of 31 The DOH shall remit a copy of this Agreement to the Office of the Comptroller for registration within fifteen (i5) days following the date of execution of this Agreement and any subsequent amendment hereto. The services object of this Agreement may not be invoiced or paid until this Agreement has been by the DOH to be registered at the Comptroller's Office, pursuant to Act No. i8 of October 30, 1975, as amended by Law No. 127 of May 3i, 2004. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the par-ties hereto execute this Agreement in the place and on the date first above written. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING PROGRAM MANAGER Hon. Fernando A. Gil-Ense?at Name Secretary President Tax Id No: 660?55-857?9 Tax ID. Number 3] TA Opo. 86 Gill-ll II) DEPARTMENT OF ATTACHMENT 0 REVISED COST PROPOSAL RFP-DOH-I7-18-O2 PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM MANAGER SERVICES NUMBER OF 1. POSITIONS HOURLY (5) TOTAL3 (esilmaie) Principal Project Manager . Customer Serv. Rep Case Manager 30 Clerical Adminislraiion Special lnspecior" IT Management Accounilng Sub-Toial Purl 1 2. INSPECTIONS 6 TYPE or INSPECTION magic? (5) inillal Siie (Properly) Wall 75,000 5 Final Inspection 3; 75,000 Sub~Toial Part 2 3. OUTREACH CAMPAIGN, INCLUSIVE OF ALL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS sum) 4. CALL CENTER MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION, INCLUSIVE OF ALL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (lump sum) 35 TOTAL 3; TA Opo. 87 Notes: 1 For evaluation purposes only. The Succesful Respondent shall be responsible for providing the actual number of personnel and job classes required to successfully meet the contract requirements. 2 Hourly rates proposed by the Respondent must be inclusive of travel time and travel expenses. 3 The total for each position will be determined by multiplying the number of employees times the number of hours per employee times the hourly rate. 4 For special inspector services only. which do not include inspections to be performed on a unit cost basis. 5 The rate proposed by the Respondent for each type of inspection shall be inclusive oi all direct and indirect costs to be incurred by Respondent in relation thereto. 6 For evaluation purposes only. Does not constitute a representation as to the actual number of inspections to be performed by the Successful Respondent. 7 The total tor each type of inspection will be determined by multiplying the rate for each Inspection times 75,000 (the estimated number of total inspections for each type). 8 The "Total Price" of the Proposal shall be determined by adding the Sub?Total for Part 1. the Sub-Total for Part 2, the lump sum price for Part 3. and the lump sum price for Part 4. As an attachment to this Cost Form, the Respondent shall submit an itemized budget for the services required under the Agreement and included in its Proposal, which shall be identified as "Attachment 04". Failure to submit the itemized budget may result in rejection of a Proposal. Respondent Name Respondent Representative Name Date Respondent Representative Signature TA Opo. 88 270 Munoz Rivera Avenue San Juan, Puerto Rico 00918 PO Box 364225 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936 787.759.9292 Vald?s a VIA CERTIFIED MAIL OVERSIGHT AND MANAGEMENT BOARD FOR PUERTO RICO Mr. Jos? B. Carri?n Chair World Plaza Building 268 Munoz Rivera Ave. 11th Floor PO. Box 192018 San Juan, PR. 00919?2018 December 29, 2017 Re: Request for Stay of Award in Reference to Request for Preposal 02, pending administrative review. Dear Mr. Carrier: and Members of the Financial Oversight and Management Board: On December 20, 2017, as supplemented on December 27, 2017, JV (hereinafter submitted before the Oversight Board a request for stay of award pursuant to section 212 of PROMESA. in addition, and in compliance with the state law, a ?Motion for Reconsideration? was filed on December 28, 2017 before the Puerto Rico Department of Housing Today, a copy of a reply to ?Request for Stay of Award in Reference for Proposal (hereinafter ?Reply?) was received. In essence, and due to the unchallenged disqualifying factors which doomed the reaponse by Adjusters International, Inc. (hereinafter "Adjusters"), AECOM is urged to and diligently address two (2) issues of utter importance for the Oversight Board to consider while it conducts its process of evaluation. First, Adjusters has failed to provide evidence of compliance with the minimum requirements established by the RFP. For example, and as discussed before in our Supplement, section 5.7.1 of the RFP in question provides that ?[r]espondent shall demonstrate that it has adequate financial resources and provide an unencumbered line of credit of a minimum of $35,000, 000.00 with an insured financial institution.? in turn, and as per Addendum No. 1 submitted by PRDOH in its Reply, section 5.7.1 provides that "[r]espondent shall demonstrate that is has adequate financial resources by providing third-party confirmation of an unencumbered line of credit of a minimum CELEBR ATEMIZ 7O ?t?tm?tiig. (3i? lif?itvi' E?R?f?it?ii?xi Puerto Rico Washington, DC TA Opo. 89 Letter to the Financial Oversight and Management Board Page 2 December 29, 2017? of $35, 000,000.00 with an FDIC?insured ?nancial institution and/or an account in a FDIC-insured financial institution with an available balance of $35 million of a combination thereof.? 1 Adjusters failed to demonstrate its adequate financial resources as required by the RFP, even as amended. Per the public records production done by request of AECOM, it appears that Adjusters only submitted evidence of a line of credit of $26,000,00000. Said evidence was the only document produced by the PRDOH regarding Adjusters? financial resources. When given the opportunity to supplement the record before the Oversight Board with the Reply, PRDOH failed to do so. As per the original RFP, and as per the Addendum whereas "all other requirements and provisions of the RFP Documents shall remain in full force and effect?, failure to comply with the adequate financial resources shall result in rejection of the proposal without further consideration. There is no evidence on records to overcome this result. As a second matter of discussion, it is important to point out that the Reply was subscribed by Joel O. Hernandez-Alvarado as Chief Legal Officer of the PRDOH. Mr. Hernandez-Alvarado is 139: a member of the Bid Board of the PRDOH. His advocacy on behalf of Adjusters, which did not meet the minimum requirements of the RFP, as amended, casts a shadow on the impartiality of the evaluation process. This sudden race to pressure the Oversight Board to sign off on the contract with Adjusters in clear prejudice of AECOM is unwarranted. Chief Legal Counsel glosses over solid grounds to stay any contract signing with Adjusters. By ignoring evidence on the record which disquaiifies Adjusters as a responsive proponent, Chief Legal Counsel is poisoning the proceedings before what is supposed to be an independent Review Board which has not even considered the motion for reconsideration. in fact, this show of capriciousness is sufficient grounds to stay the contract, disqualify Adjusters and award the RFP to AECOM. in summary, Adjusters has failed to demonstrate that it is a corporation in good standing to do business in Puerto Rico, it lacks the required certification to provide services to the Government of Puerto Rico and has failed to comply with the minimum financial requirements established in the pertinent RFP. The Reply fails to address the uncontested facts. PRDOH should have disqualified Adjuster's proposal for failure to meet material RFP's requirements. It also fails to mention that AECOM scored higherthan Adjusters in the scoring process designed by the PRDOH. A multimillion? dollar agreement was awarded to a non~compliant company that lacks experience in professional 1 At this juncture, a brief timeline is illustrative. As per the case?s records, the letter from NBT Bank confirming Adjusters? credit line of merely $26,000,00000 is dated November 15, 2017. The Addendum No. 1 to the RFP, whereas section 5.7.1 was modified as to the financial resources requirements, is dated November 16, 2017. In turn, Adjuster's bid was submitted on November 17, 2017, just one (1) day after the Addendum was modified. This turn of events appears not oniy suspicious, but accommodating to a non-compliant bidder. Puerto Rico Washington, DC A TA Opo. 90 Letter to the Financial Oversight and Management Boardl Page 3 I December 29, 2017 program management services. This is precisely the type of services and contracts, of deep financial impact, that are under the supervision, control and approvai of the Oversight Board. As per section 101 of PROMESA, the main purpose of the Oversight Board is to provide a method for the Government of Puerto Rico to achieve fiscal responsibility and promote?market competition. in order to achieve this milestone, and in the pertinent part, the Board was granted ample powers and authority to review governmental contracts. It was Congress? intention in enacting PROMESA to promote the transparency in governmental contracting and the establishment of policies through the Oversight Board designed to the make the process more effective, see section 204 of PROMESA. The Oversight Board's Policy regarding the review of governmental contracts was established on November 6, 2017 and it applies to ?any contract that is proposed to be entered into by the Commonwealth or any covered instrumentality.? (Emphasis ours). AII contracts must also be: the result of a competitive and transparent procurement and tender process; and/or 2) consistent with relevant federal regulations. (Emphasis ours). In light of the above stated, and pursuant to the powers granted to the Oversight Board, AECOIVI reiterates its request to at a minimum stay the approval of the award until its motion for reconsideration is adjudicated or, more conclusively, the disqualification of Adjusters and the award of the RFP to AECOIVI. Respectfully, ?A/j Antonio A. Arias Larcada CERTIFICATION: We hereby certify that a copy of this letter has been sent to: Adjusters International, Inc. 126 Business Park Drive Utica, NY 13502; JV, PO. Box 10914 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00922?0914; WGPITTSIAD Joint Venture, 9250 Baymeadows Road, Suite 350 Jacksonville. Florida 32256; Luz N. Acevedo-Pellot, P.E., Secretary of Puerto Rico Department of Housing Bid Board, PO. Box 21365 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00928-1365 and to; and Joel 0. Hernandez? Alvarado, Chief LegaI?Officer-of Puerto Rico Department of Housing, PO. Box 21365 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00928-1365. In addition, the letter will be notified by email to the following .Puerto Rico Washington, DC TA Opo. 91 Letter to the Financiai Oversight and Management Boardi Page 4 i December 29, 2017 recipients: Oversight Board, comments@oversiqhtboard.proov; Counsel for the Oversight Board: Mr. Martin Bienenstock, and Mr. Paul V. Possinger,, Mr. Hermann D. Baurer, herman.bauer?oneiilborqesoom Puerto Rico Washington, DC TA Opo. 92 270 Munoz Rivera Avenue San Juan. Puerto Rico 00918 PO Box 364225 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00938 787.759.9292 McConnell Vald?ss D. 787.250.5604 Antonio A. Arias Larcada Capital Member January 4, 2018 EMAIL COMMUNICATION AND CERTIFIED MAIL PUERTO RICO DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING c/o Joel 0. Hernandez Alvarado 606 Barbosa Ave. Building Juan C. Cordero Davila Rio Piedras, PR 00918 PO Box 21385 San Juan, PR 00928-1385 Re: Compliance with the Approved FOMB Review of Contracts Policy in Reference to Request for Proposal pending administrative review. Dear Mr. Hernandez Alvarado: Reference is hereby made to your communication of December 28, 2017, in which the Puerto Rico Department of Housing states that is looking forward to the [Financial Oversight and Management Board?s (the or the completion of its review of the contract awarded to Adjusters International, Exhibit 1 at page 2. Reference is also hereby made to the FOMB's December 27, 2017 letter recognizing that the had [sic] submitted to the FOMB [(the ?Proposed Contract")] for review pursuant to the Contract Review _S_ee, Exhibit 2. As you are aware, section 204(b)(2) of the Puerto Rico Oversight Management and Economic Stability Act authorizes the FOMB to establish policies to require prior Board approval of certain contracts, inciuding contracts that are proposed to be executed by the territorial government (PRDOH included) ?to ensure such proposed contracts promote market competition and are not inconsistent with the approved Fiscal Plan.? 49 U.S.C. 2144(b)(2) (Emphasis added). Section 204(b)(3) of PROMESA further states that these contract review poiicies are to be designed to, among other things, ?make the government contract Mt ii ti i i Puerto Rico Washington, DC I TA Opo. 93 a: Joel 0. Hernandez Alvarado Page 2 I January 4, 2018 process more effective? and ?to increase the public?s faith in this process?. at (Emphasis added). Finally, section 204(b)(5) empowers the FOMB to take such actions as the Board deems necessary should a contract not comply with these review policies the execution or enforcement of the contract". at (Emphasis added). As you are further aware, in accordance with its authority under section 204(b)(2) of PROMESA, the FOMB adopted the Contract Review Policy (the ?my? attached hereto as Exhibit 3, which Policy became effective on November 6, 2017. This Policy "applies to any contract that is proposed to be entered into by the {Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (the ?Commonwealth")] or any covered instrumentality", and those in which the Commonwealth or any covered instrumentality is a counterparty thereto. gig, Exhibit 3 at p. 1. The Policy specifically mandates that ?[a]ll contracts or series of related contracts, inclusive of any amendments or modifications, with an aggregate expected value of $10 million or more must be submitted to the for its approval before execution", and must include in its submission the following documentation: i. Existing procurement policies ii. RFP package issued Documentation regarding posting of RFP iv. internal independent cost estimate prepared as part of issuing the RFP v. Evaluation criteria vi. Copies of the responses to PEP received vii. Copies of correspondence with bidder BAFO discussions, etc.) Names of individuals who are part of the evaluation team(s) ix. Signed certification that all applicable conflicts of interests laws, regulations, and policies have been complied with x. A formal estimate of the impact that the contract will have on compliance with the certified Fiscal Plan xi. Proposed evaluation and scoring records xii. Recommendation to award memo or other document containing rationale for the award Drafted contract with pricing information xiv. Any risk assessment performed on the entity entering into the contract xv. Any addenda or extensions issued (including supporting independent cost estimates) xvi. Any other information, communications, or documentation that helps support or explain the procurement and resulting contract (Collectively, the ?Evaluation Criteria"). l_d. at pp. 2?3. Puerto Rico (Washington, DC Miami 1 TA Opo. 94 33% Joel 0. Hernandez Alvarado Page 3 I January 4, 2018 The Policy further states that, within seven (7) business days of receipt of the prOposed contract and the Evaluation Criteria, the FOMB will respond as follows to the Commonwealth or the covered instrumentality (PRDOH included): i. ?No observations" because the review is complete and FOMB has not identified areas of risk. ii. "Observations, Feedback not Required" because FOMB has identified areas of risk. However, areas of risk are not considered high and do not require feedback from the contracting party. It is the contracting party?s responsibility to take corrective action based on the observations provided and proceed with the procurement as they see fit. "Observations, Feedback Required? because FOMB has identified areas of risk where additional clarity is required from the contracting party, or where modifications need to be made to the documentation and/or awarding decisions and FOMB needs confirmation of the modifications. In instances where this response is issued, the contract may be able to proceed once the observations are responded to and required actions are completed. However further rounds of review by FOMB may be required. iv. ?Requires Further Review? because the FOMB has identified areas of risk which required additional time for review. FOMB may require additional documentation to complete its review. v. ?Non-Compliant? because the proposed contract is inconsistent with this Policy and significant changes or potential RFP re-issuance may be required. (Collectively, the ?Response"). at p. 3. The Policy clearly applies to the Proposed Contract given that the aggregate expected value is greater than $10 million; (ii) the Commonwealth (by and through the PRDOH) is a counterparty to the Proposed Contract; and the potential execution date of the Proposed Contract is after the effective date of the Policy. This fact has been confirmed by the Board at its December 27, 2017 letter. S_ee, Exhibit 2. in order to ensure that PRDOH has, in fact, met its burden under the Policy which, in turn, will have the effect of ensuring that the FOMB has been placed a position to fully and responsibly evaluate the Proposed Contract in compliance with their duties under section 204(b)(2), and of PROMESA, AECOM hereby requests the PRDOH to remit a full and exact copy of all the Evaluation Criteria submitted to the FOMB for review and consideration of the Proposed Contract under the Policy (including any and all cover letters, memoranda, or other supporting documents remitted contemporaneously thereto) (jointly, the ?Submitted Documents?), which Puerto Rico Washington. DC I Miami TA Opo. 95 Joel O. Hernandez Alvarado Page 4 I January 4, 2018 Submitted Documents were referenced (in part) at the December 27, 2017 letter attached hereto. Exhibit 2. AECOM also requests that PRDOH remit and forward copies of any and all Responses that have been provided by the FOMB in relation to the potential execution of the Proposed Contract. The Submitted Documents and the Responses are to be received by AECOM at no later than January 9, 2018. The requested documentation is neither burdensome nor onerous for PRDOH to produce since, as implied in your December 28, 2017 letter, the PRDOH should have already compiled and submitted the same for the review. See, Exhibit 1. We invite PRDOH to embrace request as production of the requested documentation will only serve to ensure that award process indeed ?make[s] the government contract process more effective? and will ?increase the public?s faith? therein, as well as guaranteeing that any potential approval and/or sub-sequent execution of the Proposed Contract was due to ?promote market competition?. Sega, 49 USC. 2144(b)(2) and We await your response hereof by the above?mentioned deadline. Respectfuliy, Antonio A. Arias Larcada We hereby certify that a copy of this letter has been sent to: Adjusters international, Inc. 126 Business Park Drive Utica, NY 13502; JV, PO. Box 10914 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00922-0914; Joint Venture, 9250 Baymeadows Road, Suite 350 Jacksonville. Florida 32256; Luz N. Acevedo-Pellot, P.E., Secretary of Puerto Rico Department of Housing Bid Board, PO. Box 21365 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00928-1365 and to lmacevedo@vivienda.proov; and Joe! 0. Hernandez- Alvarado, Chief Legal Officer of Puerto Rico Department of Housing, PO. Box 21365 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00928-1365. in addition, the letter will be notified by email to the following recipients: Oversight Board, comments@oversightboard.prgov; Counsel for the Oversight Board: Mr. Martin Bienenstock, and Mr. Paul V. Possinger,, Mr. Hermann D. Baurer, Puerto Rico Washington, DC Miami I TA Opo. 96 EXHIBIT 1 of Housing December 28, 20l 7 Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico Mr. Jos? B. Carrion Chair World Plaza Building 268 Munoz Rivera Ave, i Floor PO. Box l920l8 San Juan, PR. OO9l9-20l8 Re: Request for Stay of Award Department of Housing Request for Proposals Dear Mr. Carrion and Members of the Financial Oversight and Management Board: Reference is made to letters dated December 20 and 27, 2017 (the letters?) from JV through their legal representation, to the Federal Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico requesting a stay at the award of the Request for Proposals for Professional Program Management Services, issued by the Puerto. Rico Department of Housing in connection with a disaster recovery program to be funded by FEMA. In its letters, AECOM admitted that as of December 27, it had not filed a motion for reconsideration or request for judicial review as allowed by the Puerto Rico Uniform Administrative Procedures Act, Act 38-20l7, in relation to the PRDOH's award of the RFP. Prior to submitting any request for relief before the appropriate entity, it submitted the AECOM letters to the FOMB, requesting actions that are outside the scope of PROMESA. Contrary to the statements in letters, Section 2l2 of PROMESA does not grant the FOMB the authority to stay the award of a public contract upon the request of an unsuccessful respondent. The extensive interpretation ofSection 212 of PROMESA by AECOM is incorrect and is intended solely to protect its own interests. AECOM's letters include arguments based an incomplete documents, specifically in relation to AECOM's allegation that Adjusters international, Inc. {the Successful Respondent} did not demonstrate compliance with a minimum requirement of 606 Barbosa Avenue, Building Juan C. Cordero D?vita, Rio Piedras, PR 00918 I P.O. Box 21365 San Juan, PR 00928-1365 Tel: (787)274-2527 DEPARTMENT CF 0 HERE TA Opo. 97 Financial and Managemeri: December 28, 2017' Page 2 the RFP. In its letters, AECOM conveniently omits that the terms of the required line of credit were modified by Addendum 1 of the RFP. (See Attachment I.) By doing so, AECOM creates the mistaken impression that Adjusters International, inc. did not comply with the applicable minimum requirement, when in fact it. did. The FOMB is not the proper forum for review of the PRDOH's award determination. The rights of all respondents to the RFP and the procedures to seek remedies related to the award process are clearly spelled out in the Notice of Selection delivered to AECOM and all RFP participants. request is a misguided intent to convert the FOMB into an adjudicative agency of claims between citizens and the Government of Puerto Rico. The PRDOH objects to request to the FOMB to stay the award process because such action is not authorized by PROMESA, and constitutes an undue intervention by a third party in the relationship between the Government of Paerto Rico and the FOMB. On December 28, 20] 7, AECOM filed its motion for reconsideration before the Bids Review Board of the PRDOH. The filing of the motion for reconsideration is the available legal recourse for AECOM to contest PRDOH's award determination. The administrative process provided bylaw, regulations and jurisprudence should be allowed to continue. This was the route that AECOM should have taken to raise its claim, not the FOMB. AECOM's request to the FOMB should thus be rejected. The PRDOH is looking forward to the completion of its review of the contract awarded to Adjusters international, lnc., in order to proceed with the implementation of the Sheltering and Temporary Essential Power (STEP) federal assistance program, as part at the disaster recovery aid granted to Puerto Rica by the US. government in the aftermath of Hurricanes Irma and Maria. As stated in the FOMB's Policy for Review of Contractsi: in establishing this Policy, the FOMB is mindful of Section 204ld) and does not intend to impede the implementation of any federal programs, particularly those related to disaster response and recovery. To the contrary, the FOMB established this Policy in large part to support the implementation of federal programs, including, for example,- to ensure that contracts are consistent with the requirements of federal programs, particularly those related to funding and reimbursement for disaster aid spending. I TA Opo. 98 Financial and Manageme rd for Puerto Rico December 28, 2017 Page 3 The contract currently before the FOMB is expected to benefit about 75,000 families whose homes were ravaged by the passage of Hurricanes irma and Maria. For this reason, the PRDOH respectfully requests the FOMB to continue its review process, without allowing AECOM to stop assistance to needy residents while pursuing inappropriate remedies. if you need further information regarding the RFP or the award, please contact the undersigned at your convenience. Respectfully, {2?2 Alvarado CERTIFICATION: We hereby certify that a copy of this letter has been sent by certified mail to: Adjusters international, inc. iQ? Business Park Drive Utica, NY i3502; JV, P.O. 109M San Juan, Puerto Rico 00922-09i4; Joint Venture, 9250 Baymeadows Road, Suite 350 Jacksonville, Florida 32256; Luz N. Acevedo-Pellot, P.E., Secretary of Puerto Rico Department of Housing Bid Board, PO. Box 21365 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00928-?i365; McConnell Vaid?s, LLC PO. Box 364225, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936 and to Imacevedo?vivienda.praov. In addition, the letter will be notified by email to the following recipients: Oversight Board, comments@oversiahtboard.oraov; Counsel for the Oversight Board: Mr. Martin Bienenstock, and Mr. Paul V. Possinger, and Mr. Hermann D. Baurer, and Mrs. Maria C. Cartagena and Mr. Antonio A. Arias and McConnell Vald?s, LLC Mnandez Alvarado TA Opo. 99 GOVERNMENT OF PUERTO RICO Department or Housing ADDENDUM NO. 1 DOH-RFP-T7-18-02 PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES This addendum consists of thirty seven {37) pages. Respondents are hereby notified that the following changes; clarifications and additions have been made and shall be taken in consideration for the above referenced project. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SECTION SCOPE OF SERVICES All references in bullets 5, 7 and 18 to STEP program guidelines? and program guidelines" should be substituted for STEP program guideiines" and program guidelines?. IV. EVALUATION CRITERIA The following changes have been made: 4.5 Cost: Hourly Fee Basis for Labor (page 9): The Respondent shall use Attachment 0, Cost Form, to provide the hourly rate by labor classification to provide the services described within Exhibit A: Scope of Services, with the exception of inspections and outreach campaian, which costs are included in separate categories. The Respondent should anticipate that personnel will work a maximum of 40 hours per week onsite to complete the assigned tasks. Any hours above 40 per week will paid at the same agreed upon hourly rate listed In Attachment 0, Cost Form. 606 Barbosa Avenue, Bulldingiuan C. Cordero D?vlla, Rio Piedras, PR 00918 I P.O. Box 21365 San Juan, PR 009284365 ?mandi?g?'! Tel: (787)274-2527 I 0 SJ 5 I TA Opo. 100 GOVERNMENT OF PUERTO RICO Department of Housing Unit-Based Services (page 10) The following paragraph is added: Lump Sum Services The Respondent shall provide the proposed lump sum prices for the following two (2) components of the services: it) development, administration and execution of the Outreach Campaign, and (ill development and operation of the CALL Center, both of which shall include all direct costs to be incurred by the Respondentin relation thereto. . V. PROCUREMENT AND AWARD PROCESS The following changes have been made: i 5.6 Evaluation of Proposals (page 13) An Evaluation Committee will evaluate and rank all Proposals {and/or BAFOs) received from the Procurement Office, according to the Evaluation Criteria set forth in Section 4, above. The Evaluation Committee will assign each Proposal a numerical score corresponding to the result of the evaluation of the Proposal based on the Evaluation Criteria. Factors not specified in the RFP shall not be i considered. if the Evaluation Committee determines that a Proposal ls significantly deficient or does notcomblv with the RFP. it is not reauired to review or evaluate said Proposal, and may refer it to the Procurement Office for possible disqualification, therefore allowing the Evaluation Committee to consider only substantially complete Proposals. (a)Competitive Range Once the Evaluation Committee has completed the technical scoring, they shall determine which proponents will be considered in the Competitive Range and will have a reasonable chance of award, price and other factors considered. (I 25;) 606 Barbosa Avenue, Building Juan C. Cordero D?vila, Rio Piedras, PR 00918 P.O. Box 21365 San Juan, PR 00928-1365 Tel: (787)274-2527 i 1.5% "nuns!" CZ am i TA Opo. 101 GOVERNMENT OF PUERTO RICO Department of Housing The Evaluation Committee shall then prepare a written evaluation report to document the ranking of the Proposals. The Evaluation Committee Report will be submitted to the Bids Board Secretary. At DOH discretion, DOH may negotiate with Respondents determined to be within the competitive range and/or may request best and final offers from such Respondents. 5.7.1 Minimum Requirements (page 14) The following changes have been made to subsection which should be replaced by; a) Respondent shall demonstrate that lt has adequate financial resources to perform the services under the Agreement by providing third-party confirmation of an unencumbered line of credit of a minimum of $35,000,000.00 with an FDIC-insured financial institution: and/or an account in a FDIC-insured financial institution with an available balance of $35 million or a combination thereof. The Respondent shall provide financial {including audited financial statements and balance sheets), and information i concerning existing lines of credit and account balances, sufficient to demonstrate the Respondent's financial capacity to undertake the services under the Agreement. 5.9 Award with Negotiations (page 14) The following changes have been made: As it determines appropriate and in compliance with reaulaton/ requirements: Procurement Office may recommend further discussions QC negotiations with Respondents. Negotiations are exchanges (in either competitive or sole source environment) between the DOH and Respondents that are undertaken with the intent of allowing the Respondent to revise its Proposal. The primary object of discussions is to maximize the ability to obtain the; best value, based on the requirements and the evaluation factors set forth in the RFP. TIE Procurement Office small requests any revisions to Proposals. in the event that the Procurement Officepreauests and receives revised Proposals, it will prepare a report (Best Value) incorporating the 506 Barbosa Avenue, Buildingiuan C. Cordero D?vlia, Rio Piedras, PR 00918 I PO. Box 21365 San Juan, PR 00928-1365 i Tel: (787)274-2527 I 5 lg; drum-um! slP-ur TA Opo. 102 GOVERNMENT OF PUERTD RICO Department of Housing repori and corresgonding price analysis. This repori will be presenled lo ihe Bid Board Secreiary. The Bid Board Secreiary will review The recommendailons lo ensure compliance wlih This RFP and regulatory requiremenis and forward ihem io ihe Deparimeni of Housing Bid Board for considerafion. V. PROCUREMENT AND AWARD PROCESS Secilon 5.3 Deadline for Submission of Proposals The new proposal due daie is Tuesday, November 21,2017 at 3:00 pm. of Juan C. Cordero Davlla Bldg. Barbosa Avenue #606, Sixih Floor, Purchase Division. ATTACHMENT SECTION Aiiachmeni Program Managemeni Proposal Fee This ai?rachmeni is eliminaied. AttachmeniL Casi Form A Revised Aiiachmeni is herein included (2 pages). EXHIBIT ll CONTRACT DRAFT The coniraci drafi is included as pari of ihe RFP Package. (31 pages) All oiher reauiremenfs and provisions of The RFP Documenis shall remain in full force and effecf. Each Respondenf shall make reference in his RFP fo all Addenda to The RFP Documem?s. Rafael H. a quez Mu?iz, Esq. Associaied Administraior Procurement Area San Juan, Puen?o Rico November 16, 20i7 l. 606 Barbosa Avenue, Building Juan C. Cordero D?vlia, Rio Piedras, PR 00918 I P.O. Box 21365 San Juan, PR 00928?1365 usrnn'rMEl-iror Tel: (787)274-2527 3 I hurmunll?uul- lug- TA Opo. 103 GOVERNMENT OF PUERTO RICO DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES 7-I 8?02 FEMA DISASTER RECOVERY PROGRAMS SHELTERING AND TEMPORARY ESSENTIAL POWER. PROGRAM This AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES (ihe ?Agreemenf") is enfered info in San Juan, .Puerio Rico, fhis of November, 2017, by and befween fhe PUERTO RICO DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING a public agency of fhe Governmenf of Puerfo Rico crealed under Aci No. 97, daied June IO, I972, as amended, known as fhe Deparfmeni of Housing Organic Acf (?Organic Acf?), wilh?princlpal offices of 606 Barbosa Ave., San Juan, Puerlo Rico, represen?red herein by ifs Secrefary, Hon. Fernando A. Gil? Ense?af, of legal age, ailorne'y, married, and residenf of Guaynabo, Puerfo Rico: and (?Program Manager"), wiih principal offices in Puerfo Rico, represenfed herein by ifs of legal age, [profession], [civil sfafus], and residenf of [Ciiv. Sfa?re], wifh fhe legal capacify fo appear herein as evidenced during execution hereof. REC ITALS WHEREAS, on Sepfember 20, 20I7, Hurricane Maria slammed Puerfo Rico causing cafasfrophic damages, knocking ouf power, wafer and ielecommunicaiions for fhe enfire island and ifs island municipalifies. Hurricane Maria caused major landslides and downed fhe vasf majorify of elecirical dislribufion lines. WHEREAS, Hurricane Maria's I50 winds and record?breaking rain, along wifh widespread landslide, leveled fens of fhousands of homes, causing an Immediafe and subsianiiai need for temporary shellers for fhousands of families across lhe island. WHEREAS, on Sep?rember 2i, 20I7, U.S. Presidenf Donald J. Trump issued a Major Disasfer Declaralion for Puerfo Rico, ordering federal assislance io SUpplemeni fhe Governmenl of Puerfo Rico's recovery efforfs and aufhorizing federal funding for emergency works in all 78 municipalifies of our island, in order Io begin lo recover from ihe effecls of ihis cafasfrophic disas?rer. TA Opo. 104 7-18-02 Agreement for Professionai Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 2 of 31 WHEREAS, due to the disaster caused by Hurricane Maria, the Government of Puerto Rico is interested in performing essential repairs at tens of thousands of homes to be used as shelters in place for families affected by the aforementioned natural disaster. WHEREAS, FEMA has authorized funding to Puerto Rico under Section 403 of Stafford Act for the implementation a Sheltering and Temporary Essential Power Program to enable the Government of Puerto Rico to perform minor emergency repairs in single-family owner?GCCUpied residences so they can become habitable as shelters in place, with work thereunder slated to start immediately, which shall be implemented as ?Tu Hagar Renace". WHEREAS, the Government designated the DOH to manage and administer ?Tu HogarRenace" in compliance with the provisions of STEP. - WHEREAS, the DOH is interested in contracting a professional program manager to provide services to ensure the successful implementation of STEP, in full compliance with applicable FEMA requirements. WHEREAS, accordingly, on November 6, 20i 7, the DOH issued i8~02 for Professional Program Management Services, which is attached hereto and made an integral part hereof as Exhibiti (the requesting proposals from firms with previous experience in FEMA disaster recovery programs interested in providing program management services to the DOH. WHEREAS, on November i7, 20i7, the Program Manager submitted a proposal in response to the RFP (the ?Proposal"i, which fully complied with the requirements set forth by the DOH. WHEREAS, the Program Manager is a firm with experience managing and coordinating fuii construction activities for rehabilitation projects with specific experience in disaster recovery projects fully funded by FEMA. WHEREAS, after having reviewed and evaluated the Proposal, the DOH determined the Program Manager to be the best technically acceptable, responsible and responsive Respondent with a reasonable cost proposal for the services required under the RFP and this Agreement (the ?Services?). WHEREAS, the DOH has accepted the Proposal, and, therefore, desires to enter into a professional services agreement with the Program Manager for the performance of the Services, and the Program Manager has represented that it TA Opo. 105 DOH-R 7-18-02 Agreemenf for Professional Program Managemeni Services Pueria Rica Deparimeni of Housing PAGE 3 of 31 is ready, willing and able To provide The services in accordance wiih This Agreemeni and applicable law and regulaiions. NOW THEREFORE, in consideraiian of The muTual promises and The Terms and candiTians seT forTh herein, The DOH and The Program Manager agree Ta execuie This Agreemeni subjecT To The following TERMS AND CONDITIONS I. SCOPE OF SERVICES A. The Program Manager will provide The Services described in This Agreemenf and The Proposal, which is incorporafed hereTo and made an 'inTegral parf hereof as Exhibit ll. 8. The Professional Program Managemeni Services To be provided by The Program Manager in relaiian To ?Tu Hagar Renace? shall include, wifhoui IimiTaTian: ConTracTor shall develop policies and procedures, provide ouireach and cammunicaTlan services, receive and process program applicaiions, defermine applicani and dwelling eligibiliiy, and manage The repair conTracTars performing The shelTer aT home measures. . Coordinaie wiTh FEMA, Governmeni agencies, local gavernmenfs and aiher sTakehalders far idenfificaTlan of appropriafe venues and appariunifies To canducf auireach and accepT applicaiians for assisTance and To provide mobile applicalion infake services of such iacaiians and evenTs; . Provide web?based applicaTian inTake services: The Governmeni may provide an websife or parfal for This purpose: Program Manager will be responsible for inTegraTion wiih any previously esiablished inTake sysiern and HS dala; . For any informaiian sysiem, URLs, documenTaTion, and Technical asseTs esiablished in The performance of This coniraci, all righis and licenses To The sysTems, and all dafa coniained wiThin The sysfems, shall belong To The GPR and be Transferred To The DOH upan canTracT Terminaiian, expirafion or compleiian: TA Opo. 106 7?t 8-02 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerio Rico Department of Housing PAGE 4 of 31 Provide call center services for impacted citizens to communicate regarding the STEP program; the Program Manager may establish the call center numberis); it the Program Manager establishes the call center numbers, all rights for use of said numbers shall belong to the Government: if the Program Manager establishes a Post Office Box, all rights for use of the P.O. Box shall belong to the Government; a Process applications and verify applicants' eligibility in compliance with the STEP program goideiines tor and FEMA-4339- DR-PR (Exhibit ill), as the same may be amended and as limited by the Government's program guidelines and contract scope of work; 9 Collect and store all information in compliance with the Government's . information Security Policy . Perform inspections of damaged property to verify and document damages, eligibility of property and scope of STEP measures to be performed on the dwelling and applicant?s selection of small applianceis) in compliance with STEP program guidelines for and (Exhibit as the same may be amended. 4: Ensure compliance with the checklist for property inspection (Exhibit iV), subject to amendment. a Have the homeowner sign a Right of Entry form prior to execution of any inspection or repair work in the home. . identify any duplicate financial assistance, if any, prohibited by the Stafford Act: . Ensure appropriate environmental review and release has been performed by the entity performing those services: - Execute STEP agreement, right of access and indemnification form, information disclosure authorization, subrogation agreement and associated documents; . Create and utilize a comprehensive information management system: the DOH may require use of systems already owned by or available to the in the event that the Program Manager establishes the system, the license for such system shall be assignable to the DOH at its option: TA Opo. 107 7?18-02 Agreement for Professionai Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 5 of 31 Assign projects to STEP repair contractors in a way that maximizes efficiency of delivery of services; . Track progress of work on individual home repair projects, in accordance with STEP guidance; ensuring projects remain on schedule, in compliance, and within budget and scope; Ensure STEP repair contractors handle debris in compliance with FEMA policy: 0 Ensure all work completed by STEP repair contractors in furtherance of this project is performed in compliance with prevailing wage rates. a Conduct a final inspection within three (3) days of notification by STEP repair contractors that work is complete on individual home repair projects and certify that repairs are in compliance with program guidelines and that the dwelling is safe for sheltering; a Process STEP repair contractor payment requests in compliance with STEP program guidelines and applicable federal and local regulations; a Track overall performance of STEP repair contractors' conducting repairs for quality, timeliness, completeness, and constituent complaints: 0 Manage and resolve constituent complaints and STEP repair contractor disputes in accordance with the corresponding agreements and regulations; . Provide program reporting services as may be required by the Government regarding status of program activities; . Provide customer service and communication services so that applicants can inquire about the status of their individual files; All publicly accessible systems shall maintain a 99.9% uptime over a continuous 30?day window; Program Manager shall provide the DOH with call center, application, and system performance metrics weekly and upon request: and . Create written policy and process documents for STEP and the above described tasks, as well as for quality control, anti-fraud waste and abuse, and duplication of benefits. TA Opo. 108 7-18-02 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerlo Rico Department of Housing PAGE 6 of 31 Any other services and duties related to field supervision, execution and related matters as may be required by the DOH from time to time during the term of this Agreement. C. Deliverabies. As part of its material obligations under this Agreement, the Program Manager shall deliver to the DOH all of the following: i. A detailed work plan identifying specific tasks and timelines to accomplish the tasks and services detailed above, to be agreed upon by the Program Manager and the DOH, and which may be revised by mutual agreement from time to time as necessary Due five (5) days after the date of execution of the Agreement. Proposed changes to the work plan and timelines may be submitted to the DOH for . approval. 2. Chart of Organization detailing all of Program, Manager's staff, including subcontractor staff, performing services under this Agreement Due five (5) days after the date of execution of the Agreement. Proposed changes to the Chart of Organization that may be needed due to change of personnel or organization structure shall be provided to the DOH for review and approval 3. Bi?weekly status reports detailed by individual client an applicant status and activities underway and/or completed related to the tasks and services detailed above. 4. Program Manager will provide to the DOH an acceptable Outreach Campaign Plan within five (5) days of the date of execution of this Agreement. 5. Bi?weekly status reports on the progress and performance of STEP repair contractors DELIVERABLES TO BE DEVELOPED DURING THE AGREEMENT NEGOIATION D. No Additional Services: This Agreement does not authorize the Program Manager to perform any additional services without the prior execution of the corresponding amendment. TA Opo. 109 7-l Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 7 of 31 E. Compliance with FEMA regulations: i. II. In The performance of The Services hereunder, The Program Manager binds itself fully To comply with applicable FEMA rules and regulations. For informative purposes only, Recovery Program Guidance, Sheltering and Temporary Essential Power (STEP) Pilot Program for and dated October 25, 20l7 is attached hereto and made an inTegraI part hereof as Exhibit In The event That Program Manager?s non-compliance with FEMA requirements impedes in whole or in part any reimbursement of costs incurred by The DOH in relation To This Agreement, The Program Manager acknowledges it will noT be compensated for any costs or fees incurred that are disallowed by FEMA. The DOH may withhold any payments to The Program Manager for The purpose of off-set or partial payment, as The case may be, of any amounis owed To The DOH by The Program Manager. TYPE OF CONTRACT A. Contract Type: This is a ?Not To Exceed" Agreement with hourly, unit price and lump sum components. Under This Agreement, The Program Manager shall submit invoices to The DOH in compliance with This Agreemeni. B. Exhibits Incorporated: The following exhibits are incorporated into This Agreement by reference and made an-integral part hereof: EXHIBIT I - DOH Request for Proposals EXHIBIT II Proposal, dated 20i7 (The ?Preposal"). EXHIBIT Ill FEMA Recovery Program Guidance, Sheltering and Temporary Essential Power (STEP) Pilot Program for and FEMA-4339-DR-PR. EXHIBIT IV Checklist for property inspections. EXHIBIT Itemized project budget. EXHIBIT VI Insurance Requirements, issued by the DOH on November 7, 2017. - fezm-q?mm?M TA Opo. 110 748-02 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 8 of 31 All Exhibits hereto shall be complementary in such a way that whatever is stated or shown in them shall be as binding as any term or condition of this Agreement. Should any inconsistency occur between the Proposal and this Agreement, this Agreement shall prevail. TERM OF AGREEMENT A. Term: This Agreement shall be in effect and enforceable between the W. parties for a period of twelve (i2) months from the date of execution hereof (the ?Term"). Contract Extension: The DOH may, at its sole discretion, extend the Term as it may deem necessary or convenient subject to the execution of the corresponding written amendment by both parties hereto and otherwise in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. PROGRAM REPRESENTATIONS By execution hereof, the Program Manager represents and warrants as a material condition of this Agreement, as follows: i. The Program Manager has a thorough understanding and mastery of plans, specifications. options, paperwork and processes applicable to ?Tu Hogar Renace?/STEP. The Program Manager has thoroughly examined and fully understands the laws, rules and regulations applicable to this Agreement, and ?Tu Hogar Renace?/STEP. The Program Manager will ensure that all individuals or firms engaged to perform any regulated professional services under this Agreement shall be and shall remain throughout their performance hereunder in compliance with applicable legal provisions. All costs to be invoiced under this Agreement are reasonable, allocable, and within the terms of this Agreement and applicable federal regulations. The Program Manager acknowledges that FEMA financial assistance will be used to fund this Agreement. Accordingly, the Program Manager expressly binds itself to comply with all applicable federal laws, regulations, executive orders, FEMA policies, procedures and directives. - TA Opo. 111 8-02 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerio Rico Department of Housing PAGE 9 0f 31 6. The Program Manager has not been and is not currently debarred or from participating engagement or procurement. During the term of this Agreement the Program Manager is expressly required to report to the DOH immediately otherwise impeded of any change in this representation. V. COMPENSATION AND PAYMENT A. Rates and Fees: The DOH shall pay the Contractor for the Services rendered under this Agreement in accordance with the rates, unit prices and lump sum prices set forth below and the project budget: in any federai contact NUMBER OF NUMBER OF HOURS PER HOURLY 7' POSITIONS EMPLOYEES EMPLOYEE RATE (3) TOTAL (estimate) Principal Project Manager 33 Customer Service Representative Case Manager Clerical/Administration :5 Special inspector ii Management Eli Accounting 2. INSPECTIONS RATE PER $31338 TOTAL TYPE OF INSPECTION initial Site (Property) Visit 75,000 TA Opo. 112 7- 8-02 Agreement for Protesslonat Program Management Services Puerfo Rlco Department of Housing PAGE to of 31 Final Inspection 75,000 3. OUTREACH CAMPAIGN, INCLUSIVE OF ALL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (lump sum) 4. CALL CENTER MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION, INCLUSIVE OF ALL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (lump sum) 33 All hourly rates are Inclusive of travel time and travel expenses. Special Inspector services to be invoiced on an hourly basis do not include inspections to be performed on a unit cost basis (Initial Site Visit and Final Inspection. The rates set forth above for ?each type of inspection. are inclusive of all direct and indirect costs to be incurred by Contractor in relation thereto. An itemized budget for the services to be performed under the Agreement is attached hereto and made an integral part hereof as B. Cost Allowabliity: The cost principles and procedures set forth in 48 CFR 31.2 and FEMA supplements shall be used to determine allowable costs under this Agreement. Neither FEMA nor the DOH shall make any payment or reimbursement to Program Manager for unallowable costs. C. Maximum Contract Amount: The DOH shall pay the Program Manager, for services performed during the term of this Agreement, a maximum amount not to exceed dollars (the ?Maximum Contract Amount?). Payments hereunder shall be charged to Account .0000. Such payment shall constitute compensation for all services required, performed and accepted under this Agreement. D. Invoices l. The Program Manager shall submit invoices to the DOH for services rendered under this Agreement, which shall be payable within thirty (30) days from the date the invoice is reviewed and approved by the DOH. 2. Each Invoice shall be certified and supported In such detail as required by the DOH. IO TA Opo. 113 DOH-R 7-i 8-02 Agreement for Professionai Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE it of31 3. The DOH will review the invoices and ascertain if the services have been properly provided during the invoiced month and, If so, will proceed with payment. The DOH reserves the right to review the invoices and conduct the necessary audits. 4. Payments to the Program Manager shall be made by check or electronic funds transfer (EFT). 5. In order for the Program Manager to receive payment for any work performed hereunder, the following certification must be included in each application for payment or invoice submitted to the DOH for payment: Under penalty of absolute nullity,? hereby certify that no public servant of the Puerto Rico Department of Housing is a party to or has an interest in the earnings, profits or benefits that may be the product of the contract upon which this invoice is based, and in the event that any such person is a party to or has an interest in the earnings, profits or benefits resulting from the centract upon which this invoice is based, a valid waiver or dispensation has been granted. 1 further certify that the sole consideration for the furnishing of the contracted goods or the performance of the services under the contract is the payment agreed upon with the Puerto Rico Department of Housing. Further, the amount of this invoice is true and correct, all work and services invoiced have been performed and the products have been delivered, and the services rendered, and no payment has been received for them. 6. An authorized representative of the DOH will review each invoice and. if adequate, will approve and process its payment. DOH reserves the right to conduct any audit it deems necessary. E. PAYMENT TERMS. The Program Manager's invoices shall be evaluated on the following terms: i. If progress and/or completion to the reasonable satisfaction of the DOH are obtained, the Program Manager shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred. Program Manager shall submit invoices which shall outline the expenditures requested for reimbursement by the Program Manager and its subcontractors for services rendered during the i TA Opo. 114 7?1802 Agreement for Professionai Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 12 of 31 previous period. Such invoices shall itemize expenditures based on the line items provided in the budget in Exhibit of this Agreement. These line items shall be inclusive of the Program Manager and its subcontractor's salaries, benefits, travel, equipment, operational costs, and other direct costs, etc. 2. Program Manager and its subcontractors shall be reimbursed for travel and related expenses in accordance with applicable regulations. in addition, Program Manager and its sub-contractors shall be reimbursed for operational costs at the rates approved by FEMA. 3. Program Manager and its. subcontractors are required to maintain effective accountability for funds, safeguard assets, and ensure that funds are only used for authorized purposes per.2 CFR 200. Effective control requires current, accurate, and complete disclosure of budgeted and actual outlays related to contract objectives. The DOH is accountable for the appropriate use of Federal funds. Financial reporting requirements are outlined in the Code of Federal Regulations, 2 CFR 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards. Vi. OWNERSHIP OF AND NON- DISCLOSURE A. Ownership of Documents: With the exception of the Program Manager's working papers, the Program Manager acknowledges the DOH's ownership of all information, drafts, documents, reports, papers and other materials developed and prepared by the Program Manager, its agents or representatives, for purposes of performing its obligations hereunder. B. Return of Documents: Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement or at the request of the DOH, the Program Manager shall deliver to the DOH such information, drafts, reports, papers and other materials, in document form or as computer program data, and the Program Manager recognizes the DOH's right to request such documentation or computer program data. if the Program Manager fails to deliver said information. the DOH may seek a judicial order to enforce its rights. Upon receipt of written request from the DOH, Program Manager will return to DOH all copies or samples of Confidential information which, at the time of the notice are in Program Manager's or its agent's possession. Program Manager reserves the right to retain a set of its work papers. 12 TA Opo. 115 8-02 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerio Rico Department of Housing PAGE 13 of 31 C. Confidential Information; Definition: The term Confidential information as used throughout this Section, means any information concerning DOH operations and that of its Program Manager the projects, computer processing systems, object and source codes and other DOH business and financial affairs). The term Confidential information shall also deem to include all notes, analysis, compilation, studies and interpretation or other documents prepared by Program Manager, its agents or representatives, in connection with DOH operations. D. Non-Disclosure: The Program Manager agrees to take all reasonable steps or measures to keep confidential Confidential Information and will not, at any time, present or future, without DOH express written authorization, signed by the Administrator of the DOH, use or sell, market or disclose any "Confidential information to - any -- third party, Program Manager, corporation, or association for any purpose whatsoever. Program Manager further agrees that, except as they relate to the normal course of the service, the Program Manager will not make copies of the Confidential information except Upon DOH express written authorization, signed by an authorized representative of DOH, and will not remove any copy or sample of Confidential information without prior written i authorization from DOH. Program Manager retains the right to control its 3 work papers subject to these confidentiality provisions. E. Equitable Relief: The Program Manager acknowledges and agrees that a breach of the provisions of subparagraphs B, and D, above, will cause DOH to suffer irreparable damage that could not remedied or compensated adequately only by mere monetary retribution. Program Manager further agrees that money damages may not be a sufficient remedy for any breach of this Section. Accordingly, the Program Manager agrees that DOH shall have the right to seek injunctive relief and the specific performance of the provisions of this Section to enjoin a breach or attempted breach of the provision hereof, such right being in addition to any and all other rights and remedies that are available to DOH at law, in equity or otherwise. Vii. TERMINATION A. Termination for Cause: The DOH may terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part, for the Program Manager's failure to fulfill its material obligations hereunder. The DOH shall terminate this Agreement by delivering to the Program Manager a thirty (30) day notice of termination specifying the extent to which the performance of the service under this Agreement is i3 TA Opo. 116 8-02 Agreemeni for Professional Program Managemenf Services PuerfoRioo Deparimeni of Housing PAGE T4 of 31 TerminaTed, The reason Therefore and The effecTive daTe of Terminafion. Upon receipT of such noTice The Program Manager shall immediafely disconTinue all services and deliver To The DOH all informafion. nofes, draTTs, documenfs, analysis, reporfs, compilafions, sTudies and oTher maieriais or generaied in performing The services conTemplaTed in This Agreemenf, wheTher compleTed or in process. B. Terminafion for Convenience: The DOH may Terminafe This Agreemenf, in whole or in parf, whenever The DOH deTermines Thai such Terminaiion is necessary or convenieni To The DOH. The DOH will TerminaTe This. Agreemenf by delivering To The Program Manager a Thery (30) day noTice of Terminafion specifying The exTenT To which The performance of The work under This Agreemeni is Terminafed, and The effecTive dafe of TerminaTion. - Upon receipT of such noTice,- The Program Manager shall immediaTeiy disconTlnue all services affecied and deliver To The DOH all informafion, sTu?dies and oTher maferials properiy of The DOH. in The evenf of a Terminafion by NoTice, The DOH shall be liable only for paymenf of services rendered up To and inciuding The effecfive daTe of TerminaTlon, wiThouT consideraTTOn of any adleional cosTs incurred by Program Manager as a resulf of said Terminaiion for convenience. C. TerminaTion by Unilaferal Abandonment: The DOH will consider This Agreemenf immediafely Termina?red, if The Program Manager unilaTeraily and wiThouT prior noTice. chooses To abandon (in any shape, form or fashion), cease or desisT in The performance of ifs obiigafions under This Agreemenf. Upon The knowledge of such evenT, The DOH will noT be held liable and will immediafely, auTomaTicaily and reTroacTiveiy deducT from any fuTure reimbursemeni. all funds from The day such unilaieral abandonmenf Took place. The DOH will noT be compelled To conTinue The performance of The Agreemenf, should The Program Manager breach The AgreemenT by unilaierai abandonmenf. in addifion, The DOH reserves The righT To claim damages againsf Program Manager as a resulT of iTs abandonmenT of The work or services. D. Suspension: The DOH may suspend This AgreemenT in whole or in parT of any Time for The convenience. The DOH shall give The Program Manager five (5) days' wriTTen noTice of such suspension. Upon receipf of said noTice The Program Manager shall immediafely disconTinue all Services so suspended. l4 TA Opo. 117 7-I 8-02 Agreement for Professlonai Program Managemeni Services Puerio Rico Deparimenf of Housing PAGE 15 of 31 E. lmmediaie Termination. In ihe evenf fhe Pragram Manager is subjecfed fo a criminal or civil aclion, suii, proceeding, inquiry or courf of applicable jurisdicfion, or any governmenfal agency, or ihe Program Manager shall be subjeci i0 an order, judgmeni, or opinion, issued by any federal or local auihoriiy, a courf of applicable jurisdiciion, or any governmenial agency, in connecfion with ihe execuilon, delivery, and performance by ihe Program Manager of ihis Agreemenf or fhe Program Manager of ihis Agreemenf has been noncompliani, breach, inaccuracy of any represenfafion, warranfies, covenanfs, or fhe cerfificaiions provided herein, whefher fhe noncompliance, breach or inaccuracy lakes place before or offer fhe execuiion of ihis Agreement, fhe DOH shall have ihe righi io ihe immediaie ferminaiion of fhis Agreemeni noiwiihsfanding, any provisions lo ihe confrary herein. This secfion will apply in ihe eveni of any judgmeni fhai may 'obligaie fhe DOH io ierminaie -ihe Agreemeni pursuanf i0 Governmeni of Puerfo Rico Aci No. 458 of 2000 as amended, and/or by Aci No. 84 of 200], as amended. F. Terminafion Clause: The Chief of Siaff of fhe Governor of Puerfo Rico (Secrefarfo de la Gobernaci?n) shall have ihe power io ierminaie ihis Agreemeni of any fime, as provided in Memorandum No. 20l7?001; Circular Leifer l4l-i7 of ihe Office of ihe Chief 0foan of ihe Governor of Puerfo Rico and ihe Office of Managemeni and Budgef. LIABILITY in no eveni shall ihe DOH be liable for any indireci, incidenial, special or consequeniial damages, or damages for loss of profiis, revenue, daia or use, incurred by eiiher pariy or any fhird pariy, whefher in an aciion in confraci or fcri, even if fhe oiher parfy or any person has been advised of ihe possibilify of such damages. Third parfies operaiing under ihis program, wifh iheir agency, will have fheir own general civil and criminal liabiliiy imposed by law Towards ihe DOH, ihe Program Manager and any fhird pariy. lX. A. Required Coverage The Program Manager shall carry ihe insurance as are required by law and This Agreemeni. The Program Manager shall furnish DOH cerfificafes of insurance as evidence of compliance hereof. I5 TA Opo. 118 7-18-02 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 16 of 31 The Program Manager shall keep in force and effect for the period beginning from the execution of the Agreement and ending at the completion of all services to be provided hereunder, insurance policies in compliance with the DOH's requirements, as set forth in attached hereto and made an integral part hereof as Exhibit VI.. 1. State Insurance Fund - Statutory amount. 2. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance, with the limits of liability for bodily injury and/or death of no less than $1,000,000.00 for bodily injury and/or arising out of any one occurrence and $2,000,000.00 general aggregate. The limits of liability for property damage shall not be less than $1,000,000.00 for each occurrence and $1,000,000.00 in the ?aggregate." shall be named- as 'additionalrinsured onr-the insurance policy; Worker?s Compensation and Employer's Liability is covered under the Comprehensive General Liability insurance with the same limits. The Comprehensive General Liability shall include the following coverage: Premises and Operations; Independent Contractors; Completed Operations; Contractual Liability; Hold-Harmless Agreement. 9.0?9.5? 3. Comprehensive Automobile Liability insurance, including hired cars and non-ownership coverage, covering bodily injury, death and property damage, with single and aggregate limits of liability of $1,000,000.00. DOH shall be named as additional insured on the insurance policy. 4. Professional Liability; the Program Manager shall present Professional Liability insurance with minimum limits of liability of $5,000,000.00 per claim and in the aggregate written on a ?claims made basis? said coverage must provide coverage for an Extended Reporting period Hall) of at least seven (7) years. 5. Personal injury Liability: Personal injury Liability Endorsement including libel, slander, etc., with a limit liability of $5,000,000.00, including removal of any exclusions pertaining to contractual liability and claims TA Opo. 119 7-18-02 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 17 of 31 by Construction inspection Contractors employees DOH shall be named as additional insured on the'insurance policy?. 6. Umbrella: $10,000,00.00. 7. Cyber Liability: $3,000,000.00. 8. Payment and Performance Bond: 100% Upon the execution of this Agreement, the Program Manager shall furnish DOH with copies of the above-described insurance policies and any other evidence DOH may request as to the policies' full force and effect. 'Any deductibie'amount, under any of the policies, will be assumed-in whole by the Program Manager for any and all losses, claims, expenses, suits, damages, costs, demands or liabilities, joint and several of whatever kind and nature arising from the Agreement resulting from this solicitation by and between the Program Manager and DOH. The DOH shall not be held responsible under any circumstances for payments of any nature regarding deductibles of any insurance coverage required under this Agreement. B. Endorsements Each insurance policy maintained by the Program Manager must be endorsed as follows: i. DOH and its officers, agents and employees are named as additional insured (except Worker?s Compensation) but only with respect to liability arising out of operations performed for such insured by or on behalf of the named insured. 2. To provide waiver of subrogation coverage for all insurance policies provided or herein in favor of DOH and its respective officers, agents and employees. 3. The insurer shall be required to give DOH written notice at least ninety (90) days in advance of any cancellation or material change in any such policies. TA Opo. 120 7?18?02 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 18 of 31 The Program Manager shall furnish to DOH, prior to commencement of the work, certificates of insurance from insurers with a rating by the AM. Best Co. of A and 5 or over on all policies, reflecting policies in force, and shall also provide certificates evidencing all renewals of such policies. Insurers shall retain an AM. Best Co. rating of A and 5 or over on all policies throughout the term of this Agreement and all policy periods required herein. The insurance company must be authorized to do business in Puerto Rico and be in good standing. C. Related Requirements The Program Manager shall furnish an original Certificates of Insurance evidencing the required coverage to be in force on the Effective Date of Agreement. THE REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION MUST BE RECEIVED PRIOR TO MANAGER NOR ANY OF ITS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES ARE TO BEGIN THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES UNDER THE AGREEMENT PRIOR TO FULL COMPLIANCE WITH THIS REQUIREMENT AND NOTIFICATION FROM DOH TO PROCEED. Renewal Certificates of Insurance or such similar evidence is to be received by the Procurement Department prior to expiration of insurance coverage. At DOH's option, non-compliance will result in one or more of the following actions: it) The DOH will purchase insurance on behalf of the Program Manager and will charge back all cost to the Program Manager; (2) The Program Manager will be immediately removed from DOH property and contract revoked: (3) all payments due the Program Manager will be held until the Program Manager has complied with the contract; and/or (4) The Program Manager will be assessed Five Thousand Dollars for every day of non-compliance. The receipt of any certificate does not constitute agreement by DOH that the insurance requirements in the Agreement have been fully met or that the insurance policies indicated on the certificate are in compliance with the requirements of the Agreement. The insurance policies shall provide for ninety (90) days written notice to be given to DOH in the event coverage is substantially changed, cancelled or non-renewed. The Program Manager shall require all subcontractors or consultants to carry the insurance required herein or the Program Manager, may provide the coverage for any or all of its subcontractors and if so, the evidence of insurance submitted shall so stipulate and adhere to the same requirements and conditions as outlined above. I8 PERFORMANCVE HEREUNDER. PROGRAM TA Opo. 121 7-i 8-02 Agreement for Professional Program Managemeni Services Puerio Rico Deparimeni of Housing PAGE 19 of 31 The Program Manager expressly understands and agrees ihai whenever ihe Program Manager is covered by oiher primary, excess, or excess coniingeni insurance ihai, any insurance or self?insurance program mainiained by DOH shall apply in excess of and will noi coniribuie wiih insurance provided by ihe Program Manager under ihis Agreemeni. D. Hold Harmless The Program Manager and iis affiliates, iis successors and assignees will indemnify ihe DOH from any damages and/or losses arising of personal injuries or properly damage resuliing from any aci of negligence by ihe Program Manager and lis affiliaies in conneciion wiih ihis Agreemeni. . -. x. - in ihe eveni of a fire, flood, earihquake, naiurai disasier, hurricane, rioi, aci of governmenial auihoriiy in iis sovereign capaciiy, sirike, labor dispuie or unresi, embargo, war, insurreciion or civil unresi, any aci of God including inclemeni weaiher, herein colieciively referred io as Force Majeure during The ierm of This Agreemeni, neiiher ihe DOH nor ihe Program Manager shall be liable io ihe oiher party for nonperformance during the creaied by such even?r. The Program Manager shall ihe DOH, as soon as possible, of ihe occurrence of ihe Force Majeure eveni and describe in reasonable deiail, ihe na?rure of ihe Force Majeure eveni. XI. NOTICES All noiices required or lo be given under ihe Agreemeni shall be in and shall be deemed given when delivered by hand or seni by regisiered or mail, reiurn receipi requesied, io ihe address as follows: To: DOH Hon. Fernando A. Gil?Ense?ai Secreiary Deparimeni of Housing PO Box 363i 88 San Juan, Puerio Rico 00936-3188 606 Barbosa Ave. Juan C. Cordero Building (lOih Floor) San Juan, Puer?ro Rico 009i? TA Opo. 122 7-l 8-02 Agreement for Professionai Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 20 at 3T To; PROGRAM MANAGER XII. THIRD PARTIES Nothing contained in this Agreement shall create a contractual relationship with, or a cause of action in of a third party against either the DOH or the Program Manager. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH LEGAL REQUIREMENTS A. Tax Obligation Compliance: Pursuant to. Executive Order No.- dated June 18, 1991, the Program Manager certifies and warrants that at i the signing of this Agreement if has filed all the necessary and required income tax returns to the Government of Puerto Rico for the-last five (5) years. The Program Manager further certifies that it has complied and is current with the payment of any and all income taxes that are, or were due, to the Government of Puerto Rico. Prior to execution hereof, the Program Manager shall provide to the DOH, evidence satisfactory to the DOH of its compliance with this clause. During the term of this Agreement, the Program Manager agrees to pay and/or to remain current with any repayment plan agreed to by the Program Manager with the Government of Puerto Rico. B. Payment of Unemployment Benefits, Worlcers? Compensation and Chauffer Benefits: Pursuant to Executive Order No. l992-52, dated August 28, 1992, amending 051991?24, the Program Manager certifies and warrants that it has made all payments required for unemployment benefits, workmen's compensation and social security for chauffeurs, as applicable, or that in lieu thereof, has subscribed a payment plan in connection with any such unpaid items and is in full compliance with the terms thereof, Prior to execution hereof, the Program Manager shall provide to the DOH, evidence satisfactory to the DOH of its compliance with this clause. The Program Manager accepts and acknowledges its responsibility for requiring and obtaining a similar warranty and certification from each and every consultant or subcontractor whose service the Program Manager has secured in connection with the services to be rendered under this Agreement and shall forward evidence to DOH as to its compliance with this requirement. 20 TA Opo. 123 7-18-02 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 21 of 31 C. Municipal Revenue Collection Center (CRIM): The Program Manager certifies and guarantees that as of the execution of this Agreement, if has no current debt for property taxes with the Municipal Revenue Collection Center (?Centre de Recaudacion de lngresos Municipales" in Spanish). The Program Manager further certifies to be current with the payment of any and all property taxes that are or were due to the Government of Puerto Rico. Prior to execution hereof, the Program Manager shall provide to the DOH, evidence satisfactory to the DOH of its compliance with this clause. During the Term of this Agreement, the Program Manager agrees to pay and/or to remain current with any repayment plan agreed to by the Program Manager with the Government of Puerto Rico with regards to property taxes (for real and personal property). D. Income Tax Retention: The DOH will retain the corresponding amount from all payments made to the Program Manager hereunder as required by the Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code. The DOH will deliver such withholdings to the Puerto Rico Treasury Department. The DOH will adjust such withholdings provided the Program Manager produces satisfactory evidence of partial or total exemption from withholding. E. Child Support Administration: The Program Manager certifies and warrants that the Program Manager does not have an outstanding debt or obligation to the Puerto Rico Child Support Administration by its Spanish acronym). Prior to execution hereof, the Program Manager shall provide to the DOH, evidence satisfactory to the DOH of its compliance with this clause. F. Social Security Withholding: The Program Manager will be responsible for withholding and paying applicable Social Security obligations resulting from this Agreement. G. Government Ethics Act: The Program Manager hereby certifies that in signing this Agreement it is in compliance with Act of January 3, 2012, as amended, known as the Ethics Act of the Government of Puerto Rico, which in connection with the possibility of a conflict of interest, stipulates that, no employee or executive of the Program Manager, nor any member of his/he immediate family (spouse, dependent children or other . members of his/her household or any individual whose financial affairs are under the control of the employee) shall have any direct or indirect pecuniary interest in the services to be rendered under this Agreement, TA Opo. 124 DOH-R FP- i 8-02 Agreemeni for Professional Program Managemenf Services PuerTo Rico Deparimenf of Housing PAGE 22 of 31 excepf as may be expressly aufhorized by The Governor of Puerfo Rico in consuiTaTion wiTh The SecreTary of Treasury and The Secrefary of JusTice. H. Consequences of Non-Compliance: The Program Manager expressly agrees Thai The condiTions of This Secfion are essenfiai =reauiremenfs of This Agreemeni; Thus, should any one of These represenfaiions, warranTies or cerTiTicaTions be incorrecT, inaccuraie or misleading, in whole or in parf, Thai shall consfifufe jusf cause for The DOH To render This AgreemenT null and void, and The Program Manager shall, be required To reimburse To DOH moneys received under This Agreemenf. XIV. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY During The performance of This Agreement The? Program Manager agrees as follows: i. The Program Manager will nof discriminafe againsf any employee or applicanf for employmenf because of race, color, religion, sex, or naiionai origin. The? Program Manager will Take affirmaiive acTion To ensure Thai applicanTs are employed, and Thai employees are TreaTed during empioymenT, wiihouT regard To Their race, color, religion, sex, or naiionai origin. Such acfion shall include, buT nof be iimifed To The following: Empioymenf, upgrading, demoTion, or Transfer, recruifmenf or recruifmenf adverfising; layoff or Terminafion; raies of pay or oTher forms of compensafion; and seiecTion for Training, including apprenficeship. The Program Manager agrees To posT in conspicuous places, available To employees and applicanfs for empioymenf, noTices To be provided by The confracfing officer seTfing forfh The provisions of This nondiscriminafion clause. 2. The Program Manager will, in all soiiciTaTions or adveriisemenfs for employees placed by or on behalf of The Program Manager, sTaTe Thai all qualified applicanfs will receive considerafion for empioymenf wifhouT regard To race, color, religion, sex, or nafionai origin. 3. The Program Manager will send To each labor union or represenfafive of workers wifh which he has a coiiecTive bargaining agreemenf or oTher conTracT or undersfanding, a noTice To be provided by The agency confracfing officer, advising The labor union or workers' represenTaTive of The Program Manager's commifmenfs under secTion 202 of Execufive Order ii246 of Sepfember 24, 1965, and shall posf copies of The noiice in 22 TA Opo. 125 7-18-02 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerio Rico Department of Housing PAGE 23 of 31 conspicuous. places available to employees and applicants for employment. 4. The Program Manager will comply with all provisions of Executive Order i1246 at September 24, 1965, and of the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor. 5. The Program Manager will furnish all information and. reports?required by Executive Order ll246 of September 24, l965, and by the rules, regulations, and orders of the Secretary of Labor, or pursuant thereto, and will permit access to his books, records, and accounts by the contracting agency and the Secretary of Labor for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with such rules, regulations, and ordersthe event of the Program Manager?s noncompliance with the nondiscrimination clauses of this contract or with any of such rules, regulations, or orders, this contract may be canceled, terminated or suspended in whole or in part and the Program Manager may be declared ineligible for further Government contracts in accordance with procedures authorized in Executive Order H246 of September 24, l965, and such other sanctions may be imposed and remedies invoked as provided in Executive Order i1246 of September 24, T965, or by rule, regulation, or order of the Secretary of Labor, or as otherwise provided by law. 7. The Program Manager will include the provisions of paragraphs (1) through (7) in every subcontract or purchase order unless exempted by rules, regulations, or orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to section 204 of Executive Order 1246 of September 24, 1965, so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. The Program Manager will take such action with respect to any subcontract or purchase order as may be directed by the Secretary of Labor as a means of enforcing such provisions including sanctions for a noncompliance: Provided, however, that in the event the Program Manager becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or vendor as a result of such direction, the Program Manager may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the United States. TA Opo. 126 7?18-02 Agreemenl for Professional Program Managemenf Services Puerlo Rico Deparlmenl of Housing PAGE 24 of 31 XV. SUSPENSION AND DEBARMENT A. This conlraci is a covered iransac?rion for purposes of 2 C.F.R. Part 180 and 2 C.F.R. pi. 3000. As such Ihe Program Manager is required To verify iha?r neilher The Program Manager nor any of i?rs principals (defined of 2 C.F.R. 180.995) or affiliaies [defined a1 2 CPR. 180.905) are excluded (defined af 2 C.F.R. 180.940) or disqualified (defined al 2 C.F.R. 180.935). B. The Program Manager musl comply wilh 2 C.F.R. Par?r 180, subpar?r and 2 C.F.R. Par?r 3000, subpari and musi include a requiremen?r To comply wi?rh ihese in any lower-iier covered fransacfion if en?rers info. . C. This cerfificaiion is a maleriai represen?ra?rion of fac?r relied upon by ?rhe DOH. if if is him delermined fhal ihe Program Manager did her comply wilh 2 C.F.R. Parl 180, subpari and 2 C. FUR pl. 3000, subparl in addilion lo remedies available la The DOH, ?rhe Federal Governmenl may pursue available remedies, including but nol Iimiled ?ro suspension and/or debarmenf. XVI. CLEAN AIR ACT The Program Manager agrees ?ro comply with all applicable slandards, orders or regulalions issued pursuani ?ro ihe Clean Air Acl, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 7401 efseq. The Program Manager agrees io repor?r each violaiion lo fhe DOH and undersiands and agrees ?rha?r ihe DOH will, in lurn, repori each violalion as required 10 assure no?rifica?rion lo Ihe Governmem? of Puerlo Rico, ?rhrough ?rhe Environmenlai Qualify Board, FEMA and ihe appropriafe EPA Regional Office. The Program Manager agrees lo include The above requiremenis in any subconlrac?r exceeding $150,000.00, which is financed in whole or in parl wiih Federal assislance provided by FEMA. XVII. WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ACT The Program Manager agrees lo comply wi?rh all applicable s?randards, orders or reguialions issued pursuanl lo lhe Federal Wafer Conlrol Aci, as amended, 33 U.S.C. i251 er seq. 24 TA Opo. 127 7-i 8-02 Agreement for Protessionat Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 25 of 31 The Program Manager agrees to report each violation to the DOH and understands and agrees that the DOH will, in turn, report each violation as required to assure notification to the Government of Puerto Rico, through the Environmental Quality Board, FEMA and the appropriate EPA Regional Office, The Program Manager agrees to include the above requirements in any subcontract exceeding $l50,000.00, which is financed in whole or in part with Federal assistance provided by FEMA. WASTE ACT in the performance of this Agreement, the Program Manager shall use products composed of the highest percentage of recovered materials practicable (and ?in the caserof paper, the highest percentage of- the-postconsumer recovered materials practicable), consistent with maintaining a satisfactory level of competition, considering such guidelines. The decision not to use such' items shall be based on a determination that such products cannot be acquired because: {Bi are not reasonably available within a reasonable period of time; (C) fail to meet the performance standards set forth in the applicable specifications or fail to meet the reasonable performance standards of the procuring agencies; or (D) are only available at an unreasonable price. information about this requirement, along with the list of designated items, is available at EPA's Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines web site, XIX. BYRD ANTI-LOBBYING AMENDMENT The Program Manager certifies, to the best of his or her knowledge, that: i. No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of an agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering 25 TA Opo. 128 748-02 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 26 of 31 info of any cooperative agreement. and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. 2. if any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or Current as of iu9-i7 ii cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form, ?Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying.? in accordance with its instructions. -3. The-Program Manager shall require that-thetlanguage of-this- certification . be included in the award documents for all subawards at all tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under grants. loans, and cooperative agreements) and that all subreciplents shall certify and disclose accordingly. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by 31, U.S.C. 1352 {as amended by the Lobbying Disclosure Act of i995). The Program Manager acknowledges that any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $l0,000 and not more than $iD0,000 for each such failure. The Program Manager certifies or affirms the truthfulness and accuracy of each statement of its certification and disclosure, if any. in addition, the Program Manager understands and agrees that the provisions of Bi U.S.C. 380] et seq, apply to this certification and disclosure, if any. XX. ACCESS TO RECORDS A. The Program Manager agrees to provide the DOH, the FEMA Administrator, the Comptroller General of the United States, the Comptroller of Puerto Rico and any of their authorized representatives access to any books, documents, papers, and records of the Program Manager which are directly pertinent to the execution of this Agreement for the purposes of making audits, examinations, excerpts, and transcriptions. and to allow said parties to reproduce by any means whatsoever or to copy excerpts and transcriptions as reasonably needed. 26 TA Opo. 129 DOH-R PM 7-1 8-02 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 27 of 31 B. The Program Manager shall not impede the DOH, the FEMA Administrator and their respective authorized representatives access to construction or other work sites pertaining to the services being performed under this Agreement, including all sites where the STEP programs are being implemented. C. in addition, the Program Manager shall make available to the DOH as requested proof of payment of any expenditure incurred under this Agreement. D. The Program Manager agrees to maintain accurate records and files of all contract documents, correspondence, book estimates, bills and other information related to the Program Manager account. These documents shallbe. openfor DOH examination at all reasonable timeser a periodgf, six (6) years after expiration of the term hereof. XXI. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY SEAL, LOGO AND FLAGS The Program Manager shall not use the Department of Homeland Security seal; logos, crest, or reproductions of flags or likenesses of DHS agency officials without specific FEMA pro?approval. XXII. NO OBLIGATION BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT The Federal Government is not a party to this contract and is not subject to any obligations or liabilities to the non-Federal entity, contractor, or any other party pertaining to any matter resulting from the contract. PROGRAM FRAUD AND FALSE OR FRAUDULENT STATEMENTS OR RELATED ACTS The Program Manager acknowledges that 3i U.S.C. Chapter 38 (Administrative Remedies for False Claims and Statements) applies to the Program Manager's actions pertaining to this contract. XXIV. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement and all exhibits hereto represent the entire and integrated agreement between the DOH and the Program Manager and supersede all prior negotiations, representations, agreements and/or understandings of any kind. 27 TA Opo. 130 7- i 8-02 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerio Rico Department of Housing PAGE 28 of 31 XXV. MODIFICATION OF AGREEMENT Any modification of this Agreement or additional obligation assumed by either party in connection with this Agreement shall be binding only if written and signed by both parties, and its authorized representatives. XXVI. BINDING EFFECT This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of DOH and the Program Manager, their successors and assigns. ASSIGNMENT or moms The. rights. hereunder. are personalto that party and- may not. be. 4 assigned or otherwise transferred to any other person, contractor, corporation, or other entity without the prior. express and written consent of the other party. NON-WAIVER The failure or delay of either party to insist upon the performance of and/or the compliance with any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of such terms and conditions or the right to enforce I compliance with such terms and conditions. XXIX. GOVERNING JURISDICTION This Agreement shall be governed by, interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of the Government of Puerto Rico and any applicable federal laws and regulations. The parties further agree to assert any claims or causes of action that may arise out of this Agreement in the Puerto Rico Court of First instance, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Judicial Center, notwithstanding jurisdiction may be averred in any U.S. District Court, including for diversity of citizenship. SEVERABILITY If any provision of this Agreement shall operate or would prospectively operate to invalidate the Agreement in whole or in part. then such provision only shall be I deemed severed and the remainder of the Agreement shall remain operative and in full effect. 28 TA Opo. 131 7?t 8-02 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 29 of 31 COUNTERPARTS This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of whom shall be deemed to be an original, however, all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. GOVERNMENT ETHICS CLAUSE A. No employee or officer of the DOH as well as any member of their families can have any interest in the earnings or benefits from this Agreement, according with Law No. 84, June H3. 2002. B, The Program Manager acknowledges receipt of the Ethics Code for Contractors, Suppliers, and Applicants of Economic incentives from the Government of Puerto Rico Agencies (?Codigo de Etica para Contratistas, Suplidores Solicitantes ole Incentives Economicos de las Agencias Ejecutivas de Puerto Rico? in Spanish). 0F The Program Manager shall comply with the ethics requirements set forth herein and warrant that to the best of its knowledge and belief and except as otherwise disclosed, it does not have any organizational conflict of interest which is defined as a situation in which the nature of the work under a DOH contract and Program Manager?s organizational, financial, contractual or other interest are such that: a) Award of the contract may result in an unfair competitive advantage; or b) The Program Manager's objectivity in performing the contract work may be impaired. The Program Manager agrees that if after award he or she discovers an organizational conflict of interest with respect to this contract, it shall make an immediate and full disclosure in writing to the Contracting Officer, which shall include a description of the action, which the Program Manager has taken or intends to take to eliminate or neutralize the conflict. The DOH may, however, terminate the Agreement for the convenience of DOH if it would be in its best interest. 29 TA Opo. 132 7-38-02 Agreement for Professionat Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Homing PAGE 30 of 31 in the event the Program Manager was aware of an organizational conflict of interest before the award of this Agreement and did not disclose the conflict to the Contracting Officer, the DOH may terminate the Agreement for default. The provisions of this clause shall be included in all subcontracts and/or consulting agreements wherein the work to be performed is similar to the services provided by the Program Manager. The Program Manager shall include in such subcontracts and consulting agreements any necessary provision to eliminate or neutralize conflicts of interest. DRUG FREE WORKPLACE The Program Manager shall establish procedures and policies to promote a Drug?Free. workplace. Further, the Program Manager should notify. all employees of its policy for maintaining a Drug-Free workplace, and the penalties that may be imposed for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace. Further, the Program Manager shall notify the DOH if any of its employees is convicted of a criminal drug offense in the workplace no later than ten (l0) days after such conviction. HEADINGS The titles to the paragraphs of this Agreement are solely for reference purposes and the convenience of the parties and shall not be used to explain. modify, simplify. or aid ln the interpretation of the provisions of this Agreement. INTERAGENCY SERVICES The contracting parties acknowledge and agree that services retained may be provided to any Executive Branch entity with which the DOH executes an interagency agreement or by direct instruction of the Office of the Chief of Staff of the Governor (Secretario de la Gobernacion). The services performed thereunder will be subject to the same terms and conditions as set forth in this Agreement. For purposes of this clause, the term ?Executive Branch entity" includes all agencies of the Government of Puerto Rico. public instrumentalities and corporations, and the Office of the Governor. as set forth in Memorandum No. 2017-00]. Circular Letter i4i-i7 of the Office of the Chief of Staff of the Governor and the Office of Management and Budget. COMPTROLLER REGISTRY 30 TA Opo. 133 7~l 8-02 Agreement for Professional Program Management Services Puerto Rico Department of Housing PAGE 31 of 31 The DOH remit or copy of this Agreement to the Office of the Comptroller for registration within fifteen (i5) days following the date of execution of this Agreement and any subsequent amendment hereto. The services object of this Agreement may not be invoiced or paid until this Agreement has been by the DOH to be registered at the Comptroller's Office, pursuant to Act No. i8 of October 30, i975, as amended by Low No. 127 of May 3i, 2004. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto execute this Agreement in the piece and on the date first above written. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING PROGRAM MANAGER Hon. Fernando A. Gil-Ense?ot Nome Secretory President de id No: 660?55-8579 de lD. Number 3i TA Opo. 134 ?Ei?Al?i OF 0 SIN hmrmuhlhmaln ATTACHMENT 0' REVISED COST PROPOSAL REP-D0114 7-13-02 PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM MANAGER SERVICES NUMBER OF NUMBER OF HOURS PER 2 3 POSITIONS EMPLOYEE1 HOURLY RATE TOTAL {estimate} PrinpraI Ptaleat Manager 5 Customer Sew. Rep Case Manager Ciericai Administration 3 Special Enspector? Management Accounting 5:3 Sub-Total Pan 1 - 2. INSPECTIONS RATE PER msvacnaws? 7 INSPECTIONS (estimate) TOTAL TYPE OF initial Site (Property) Visit 75,000 35 Final Inspection :5 75,000 Sub-Total Part 2 3. OUTREACH CAMPAIGN. INCLUSIVE OF All. DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (tump sum] 4. CALL CENTER MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION, INCLUSIVE OF ALI. DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (iump sum) 35 row. TA Opo. 135 LC motes: For evaluallon purposes only. The Succesful Respondent shall be responsible for the actual number of personnel and Job ctasses requtred to successfully meet the contract requlrements. 2 Hourly rates proposed by the Respondent must be tncluslve of travel time and travel expenses. 3 The total for each will be delermlned by the number of employees tlmes the number of hours per employee tlmes the hourly rate. 4 For special lnspeclor servlces only, do not Inctude lnspecllons to be pedormed on a unlt cosl hosts. 5 The rate proposed by the Restpondent for each type ol Inspection shall be Incluslve of all dlrect and costs to be incurred by Respondent In relallon thereto. 6 For evaluatlon purposes only. Does not constitute a representatlon as to the actual number of tnspecltons to be pertormed by the Successful Respondent. 7 The total tor each type of Inspection be delermlned by multiplying the rate for each lnspecllon times 75,000 (the esllmated number of total Inspectlons for each type). 8 The "Total Prtce" ot the Proposat shall be determtned by adding the Sub-Total for Part I, the Sub-Total for Part 2, the lump sum prlce for Part 3. and the lump sum prlce for Part 4. As an atlachmenl to this Cost Form. the Respondent shall submlt an ltemtzed budget for the servtces requlred under the Agreement and Included In Its Proposal. shall be ldentifted as "Attachment Fallure to submlt the ltemlzed budget may result In releclton of a Proposal. Respondent Name Respondent Representative Name Dale Respondent Representative'SIgnalure TA Opo. 136 Page 2 reflected in existing ?scal plans but may be integrated into revised ?scal plans as deemed appropriate by the FOMB To the extent the OMB determines any of the following are applicable, all contracts to which this Policy applies must also be: ii. The result of a competitive and transparent procurement and tender process; and/or Consistent with relevant federal regulations, including those pertaining to procurement, scope, documentation, and payment terms, to ensure eligibility for and receipt of federal funding and/or reimbursement. All contracts or series of related contracts, inclusive of any amendments or modifications, with an aggregate expected value of $10 million or more must be submitted to the FOMB for its approval before execution.2 contract counterparties, including federal government agencies, about this Policy and the requirement that the OMB approve any contract pursuant to this Policy before execution. The Commonwealth or any covered instrumentality must inform potential Process All contracts or series of related contracts, inclusive of any amendments or modi?cations, with an aggregate expected value of $10 million or more must be sent before execution to the FOMB at In addition, the Commonwealth or covered instrumentality, as applicable, must include in its submission, to the extent applicable, the following: i. Existing procurement policies ii. RFP package issued Documentation regarding posting of RF iv. Internal independent cost estimate prepared as part of issuing the RF v. Evaluation criteria vi. Copies ofthe responses to RPP received vii. Copies of correspondence with bidder BAFO discussions, etc.) Names of individuals who are part of the evaluation team(s) ix. Signed certification that all applicable conflicts of interests laws, regulations, and policies have been complied with x. A formal estimate of the impact that the contract will have on compliance with the certified Fiscal Plan xi. Proposed evaluation and scoring records 2 The FOMB retains the authority to adopt other methods, such as random sampiing of contracts below the $10 million threshold, to assure that they ?promote market competition? and ?are not inconsistent with the approved ?scal plan.? TA Opo. 137 Page 3 xii. Recommendation to award memo or other document containing rationale for the award Drafted contract with pricing information xiv. Any risk assessment performed on the entity entering into the contract xv. Any addenda or extensions issued (including supporting independent cost estimates) xvi. Any other information, communications, or documentation that helps support or explain the procurement and resulting contract In all events, within seven business days of receipt of a proposed contract and the required supporting documentation as described above, the OMB will respond: i. ?No observations? because the review is complete and OMB has not identi?ed areas of risk. ii. ?Observations, Feedback not Required? because FOMB has identi?ed areas of risk. However, areas of risk are not considered high and do not require feedback from the contracting party. It is the contracting party?s responsibility to take corrective action based on the observations provided and proceed with the procurement as they see ?Observations, Feedback Required? because FOMB has identi?ed areas of risk where additional clarity is required from the contracting party, or where modi?cations need to be made to the documentation and/or awarding decisions and FOMB needs con?rmation of the modi?cations. In instances where this response is issued, the contract may be able to proceed once the observations are responded to and required actions are completed. However further rounds of review by FOMB may be required. iv. ?Requires Further Review? because the FOMB has identified areas of risk which required additional time for review. FOMB may require additional documentation to complete its review. v. ?Non-Compiiant? because the proposed contract is inconsistent with this Policy and signi?cant changes or potential RFP re-issuance may be required. If the OMB responds ?Observations, Feedback Required? or ?Requires Further Review,? the requested responses and/or additional documentation must be provided within five business days. The OMB will provide a revised response within ?ve business days of receipt of the requested responses and/or additional documentation. To ensure the OMB is able to review the proposed contracts expeditiously and to increase the likelihood that the FOMB will determine that the proposed contracts are consistent with this Policy, the FOMB encourages the Commonwealth or covered instrumentaiity, as applicabie, to provide the relevant documents on an ongoing basis. For the avoidance of doubt, the Code of Conduct applies to this Policy. TA Opo. 138 GOVERNMENT OF PUERTO RICO DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING cm AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES Huffman DOH-RFP-I 7-18-02 FEMA DISASTER RECOVERY PROGRAMS SHELTERING AND TEMPORARY ESSENTIAL POWER PROGRAM This AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES (the ?Agreement"l is entered into in San Juan, Puerto Rico, this of January, 2018. by and between the PUERTO RICO DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING a public agency of the Government of Puerto Rico created under Act No. 97, dated June 10, 1972, as amended, known as the Department of Housing Organic Act (?Organic Act"). with principal offices at 606 Barbosa Ave., San Juan, Puerto Rico. represented herein by its Secretary, Hon. Fernando A. Gil-Ense?at. of legal age. attorney, married. and resident of Guaynabo, Puerto Rico: and RISING PHOENIX HOLDINGS CORPORATION. formerly known as Adjusters International, Inc.. a Delaware corporation (?Program Manager?), with principal offices in Utica, New York. represented herein by Andre Lebianc, Program Manager, of legal age. manager, married, and resident of Birmingham, Atabama, with the legal capacity to appear herein as evidenced during execution hereof. RECITALS WHEREAS, on September 20, 2017, Hurricane Maria slammed Puerto Rico causing catastrophic damages, knocking out power, water and telecommunications tor the entire island and its island municipalities. Hurricane Maria caused major landslides and downed the vast majority of electrical distribution lines. WHEREAS, Hurricane Maria's l50 winds and record-breaking rain, along with widespread landslide, leveled tens of thousands of homes. causing an immediate and substantial need for temporary shelters for thousands of families across the island. WHEREAS, on September 21, 2017, US. President Donald J. Trump issued a Major Disaster Declaration for Puerto Rico, ordering federal assistance to supplement the Government of Puerto Rico's recovery efforts and authorizing federal funding for emergency works in all 78 municipalities of our island, in order to begin to recover from the effects of this catastrophic disaster. WHEREAS, due to the disaster caused by Hurricane Maria, the Government of Puerto Rico is interested in performing essential repairs of tens of thousands of homes to be used as shelters in place for families affected by the aforementioned natural disaster. WHEREAS, FEMA has authorized funding to Puerto Rico under Section 403 of Stafford Act for the implementation a Sheltering and Temporary Essential Power Program to enable the Government of Puerto Rico to perform minor emergency repairs in single-family owner?occupied residences so they can become habitable as shelters in place. with work thereunder slated to start immediately, which shall be implemented as "Tu Hogar Renace". WHEREAS, the Government designated the DOH to manage and administer "Tu Hogar Renace" in compliance with the provisions of STEP. WHEREAS, Act 20-20l7 designates the DOH as the public agency with the responsibility to manage and operate provisional housing of every nature. TA Opo. 139 Puerto Rico Departmeni'of Housing Agreement for Professional Program Management Serv'1es DOH-RFP 17-18-02 PAGE 2 including temporary shelters, for individuals who been relocated or displaced from their homes due to emergencies or disasters. WHEREAS, the DOH is interested in contracting a professional program manager to provide services to ensure the successful implementation of STEP, in full compliance with applicable FEMA requirements. WHEREAS, accordingly, on November 6, 2017, the DOH issued DOH-RFP-17- l8-02 for Professional Program Management Services, which is attached hereto and made an integral part hereof as Exhibit 1 [the requesting proposals from firms with previous experience in FEMA disaster recovery programs interested in providing program management services to the DOH. WHEREAS, on November 17. 2017, the Program Manager, under its prior name. Adjusters International, Inc., submitted a proposal in response to the RFP (the ?Proposal"), which fully complied with the requirements set forth by the DOH. WHEREAS, Adjusters international. Inc. changed its corporate name to Rising Phoenix Holdings Corp, via a Certificate of Amendment to the Third Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation. effective as of January 1. 2018. WHEREAS. the Program Manager is a firm with experience managing and coordinating full construction activities for rehabilitation projects with specific experience in disaster recovery projects fully funded by FEMA. WHEREAS, after having reviewed and evaluated the Proposal. the DOH determined the Program Manager to be the best technically acceptable, responsible and responsive Respondent with a reasonable price proposal for the services required under the RFP and this Agreement (the "Services"). WHEREAS, the DOH has accepted the Proposal, and, therefore. desires to enter into a professional services agreement with the Program Manager for the performance of the Services, and the Program Manager has represented that it is ready, willing and able to provide the services in accordance with this Agreement and applicable law and regulations. WHEREAS. this Agreement is subject to the provisions of Executive Orders Number OE-2017-047. dated September W, 2017, and OE-2017-053, dated September 28, 2017, as amended by dated December 8, 2017, issued by the Governor Puerto Rico Hon. Ricardo Rossello-Nevares in relation to Hurricane Maria. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and the terms and conditions set forth herein, the DOH and the Program Manager agree to execute this Agreement subject to the following TERMS AND CONDITIONS I. SCOPE OF SERVICES A. The Program Manager will provide the Services described in this Agreement and the Proposal. which is incorporated hereto and made an integral part hereof as Exhibit 11. B. The Professional Program Management Services to be provided by the Program Manager in relation to "Tu Hagar Renace" shall include. without limitation: TA Opo. 140 Puerlo Rico DepanmenTof Housing Agreement for Professional Program Management Services PAGE 3 Program Manager shall develop policies and procedures, provide outreach and communication services, receive and process program applications, determine applicant and dwelling eligibility, and manage the repair contractors performing the shelter at home measures. Coordinate with FEMA, Government agencres, local governments and other stakeholders for identification of appropriate venues and opportunities to conduct outreach and accept applications for assistance and to provide mobile application intake services at such locations and events: Provide web-based application intake services: the Government may provide an established website or portal for this purpose; Program Manager wilt be responsible for integration with any previously established intake system and its data: For any information system, URLs, documentation, and technical assets established in the performance of this contract, all rights and licenses to the systems, and all data contained within the systems, shall belong to the Government and be transferred to the DOH upon contract termination, expiration or completion: Provide call center services for impacted citizens to communicate regarding the STEP program; the Program Manager may estabfish the call center numberls); if the Program Manager establishes the call center numbers, all rights for use of said numbers shall belong to the Government: if the Program Manager establishes a Post Office Box, all rights for use of the PO. Box shall belong to the Government; Process applications and verify applicants' eligibility in compliance with the STEP program guidelines for FEMA-4336-DR-PR and FEMA-4339-DR-PR (Exhibit ill), as the same may be amended and as limited by the Government's program guidelines and contract scope of work; Collect and store all information in compliance with applicable security policies: Perform initial site visits of damaged property to verify and document damages, eligibility of property and scope of STEP measures to be performed on the dwelling and applicant's selection of small appliancels) in compliance with STEP program guidelines for FEMA- and FEMA-4339-DR-PR as the same may be amended. Ensure compliance with the checklist for property inspection (Exhibit IV), subject to amendment. Have the homeowner sign a Right of Entry form prior to execution of any inspection or repair work in the property (Exhibit VII). Identify any duplicate financial assistance. it any, prohibited by the Staftord Act: Ensure appropriate environmental review and release has been performed by the entity performing those services: Execute all necessary STEP agreements, documents, right of entry permits, indemnification forms (if any), information disclosure authorization, subrogation agreement and associated documents: TA Opo. 141 Puerta R-ca Department of Hous?ng Agreement for Professional Program Management Services F-l 8-02 PAGE 4 - Create and utilize a comprehensive information management system: the DOH may require use of systems already owned by or available to the DOH: in the event that the Program Manager establishes the system. the license for such system shall be assignable to the DOH at its option: - Assign Task Orders to STEP repair contractors in a way that maximizes efficiency of delivery of services: . Track progress oi work on individual home repair prolects. in accordance with STEP guidance: ensuring projects remain on schedule. in compliance. and within budget and scope: - Ensure STEP repair contractors handle debris in compliance with FEMA policy: 0 Ensure all work completed by STEP repair contractors in furtherance of this project is performed in compliance with prevailing wage rates: - Conduct a final inspection within three (3) days of notification by STEP repair contractors that work is complete on individual home repair projects and certify that repairs are in compliance with program guidelines and that the dwelling is safe for sheltering: . Process STEP repair contractor payment requests in compliance with STEP program guidelines and applicable federal and local regulations: Track overall performance of TTEP repair contractors' conducting repairs for quality. timeliness. completeness. and constituent complaints; . Manage and resolve constituent complaints and STEP repair contractor disputes in accordance with the corresponding agreements and regulations: - Provide program reporting services as may be required by the Government regarding status of program activities: . Provide customer service and communication services so that applicants can inquire about the status of their individual files or applications; All publicly accessible systems shall maintain a 99.9% uptime over a continuous 30-day window: Program Manager shall provide the DOH with call center, application, and system performance metrics weekly and upon request: . Maintain organized records of all transactions made under this Agreement. including all ROE's. task orders, contracts and related documents: and . Create written policy and process documents for STEP and the above described tasks, as well as for quality control, anti-fraud waste and abuse. and duplication of benefits. Any other services and duties related to field supervision, execution and related matters as may be required by the DOH from time to time during the term of this Agreement. C. Deliverables. As part of its material obligations under this Agreement. the Program Manager shall deliver to the DOH all of the following: i. A detailed work plan identifying Specific tasks and timelines to accomplish the tasks and services detailed above, to be agreed upon TA Opo. 142 ill Puerto Rico Department of Housing Agreement for Professional Program Management Serv ces DOH-RFP- I 7-l802 PAGE 5 by the Program Manager and the DOH. and which may be revised by mutual agreement from time to time as necessary - Due five (5) days after the date of execution of the Agreement. Proposed changes to the work plan and timelines may be submitted to the DOH for approval. Chart of Organization detailing all of Program, Manager's staff, including subcontractor staff, performing services under this Agreement Due seven (7) days after the date of execution of the Agreement. Proposed changes to the Chart of Organization that may be needed due to change of personnel or organization structure shall be provided to the DOH for review and approval Bi-weekly status reports detailed by individual client an applicant status and activities unden/vay and/or completed related to the tasks and services detailed above. Program Manager will provide to the DOH an acceptable Outreach Campaign Plan within five (5) days of the date of execution of this Agreement. Daily status reports on the progress and performance of STEP repair contractors. Any such additional reports or submittals that may be required by the DOH or the Oversight Manager from time to time to ensure compliance with program requrrements. D. No Additional Services: This Agreement does not authorize the Program Manager to perform any additional services without the prior execution of the corresponding amendment. E. Compliance with FEMA regulations: . In the performance of the Services hereunder, the Program Manager binds itself fully to comply with applicable FEMA rules and regulations. For informative purposes only, Recovery Program Guidance. Sheltering and Temporary Essential Power (STEP) Pilot Program for FEMA- 4336-DR-PR and dated October 25. 20] 7. is attached hereto and made an integral part hereof as Exhibit Ill. . tn the event that Program Manager's non-compliance with FEMA requirements impedes in whole or in part any reimbursement of costs incurred by the DOH in relation to this Agreement. the Program Manager acknowledges it will not be compensated for any costs or fees incurred that are disallowed by FEMA. 3. The DOH may withhold any payments to the Program Manager for the purpose of off-set or partial payment, as the case may be, of any amounts owed to the DOH by the Program Manager. 4. The only allowable advertising costs are those which are solely for: a. The recruitment of personnel required by the non?Federal entity for performance of a Federal award: b. The procurement of goods and services for the performance of a Federal award; TA Opo. 143 Al Pueno Pica Department of Housing Agreement for Professional Program Managemen' Services i 7- i8-C'2 PAGE The disposal of scrap or surplus materials acquired in the performance of a Federal award except when non-Federal entities are reimbursed for disposal costs at a predetermined amount; or Program outreach and other specific purposes necessary to meet the requirements of the Federal award. 5. The only allowable public relations costs are: 0. b. Costs specifically required by the Federal award: Costs of communicating with the public and press pertaining to specific activities or accomplishments which result from performance of the Federal award (these costs are considered necessary as part of the outreach effort for the Federal award); or Costs of conducting general liaison with news media and government public relations officers, to the extent that such activities are limited to communication and liaison necessary to keep the public informed on matters of public concern, such as notices of funding opportunities, financial matters, etc. 6. Unallowable advertising and public relations costs include the following: a. All advertising and public relations costs other than as specified in paragraphs 4 and 5, above; Costs of meetings, conventions, convocations, or other events related to other activities of the entity, including: costs of displays, demonstrations, and exhibits: lii) costs of meeting rooms. hospitality suites, and other special facilities used in conjunction with shows and other special events: and salaries and wages of employees engaged in setting up and displaying exhibits. making demonstrations, and providing briefings; Costs of promotional items and memorabilia. including models, gifts, and souvenirs: . Costs of advertising and public relations designed solely to promote the non-Federal entity. TYPE OF CONTRACT . Contract Type: This is a "Not to Exceed" Agreement with hourly. unit price and lump sum components. Under this Agreement, the Program Manager shall submit invoices to the DOH in compliance with this Agreement. Exhibits incorporated: The foilowing exhibits are incorporated into this Agreement by reference and made an integral part hereof: EXHIBIT DOH Request for Proposals 7-18-02. EXHIBIT ll - Technical Proposal for Professional Program Management Services submitted by Adjusters International, lnc., dated November 17. 2017, as amended during the RFP process [the ?Proposal"). TA Opo. 144 it it t. l1 UI Agreement for Professional Program Management Services DOH-RFP l7 I8-02 PAGE 7 - EXHIBIT FEMA Recovery Program Guidance, Sheltering and Temporary Essential Power Pilot Program for and FEMA-4339-DR-PR. . EXHIBIT IV Checklist for initial site visits and final inspections . EXHIBIT Schedule of Fixed Unit Prices. Fixed Rates, and Lump Sums . EXHIBIT VI Insurance Requirements. issued by the DOH on November 7. 2017. . EXHIBIT VII Right of Entry Permit (Spanish and English) . EXHIBIT - Teaming Agreement between Adjusters International, Inc. and LinkActiv. Inc.. dated as of November I l. 2017. All Exhibits hereto shall be complementary in such a way that whatever is stated or shown in them shall be as binding as any term or condition of this Agreement. Should any inconsistency occur between the Proposal and this Agreement, this Agreement shall prevail. TERM OF AGREEMENT A. Term: This Agreement shall be in effect and enforceable between the parties for a period of six (6) months from the date of execution hereof [the "Term"). B. Contract Extension: The DOH may. at its sole discretion. extend the Term as it may deem necessary or convenient subject to the execution of the corresponding written amendment by both parties hereto and otherwise in accordance with appiicable laws and regulations. IV. PROGRAM REPRESENTATIONS By execution hereof. the Program Manager represents and warrants as a material condition of this Agreement, as follows: I. The Program Manager has a thorough understanding and mastery of plans. specifications. options. paperwork and processes applicable to ?Tu Hogar Renace"/STEP. 2. The Program Manager has thoroughly examined and fully understands the laws, rules and regulations applicable to this Agreement. and ?Tu Hagar Renace"/STEP. 3. The Program Manager will ensure that oli individuals or firms engaged to perform any regulated professional services under this Agreement shall be and shall remain throughout their performance hereunder in compliance with applicable legal provisions. 4. All costs to be invoiced under this Agreement are reasonable. allocable, and within the terms of this Agreement and applicable federai regulations. 5. The Program Manager acknowledges that FEMA financial assistance will be used to fund this Agreement. Accordingly, the Program Manager expressly binds itself to comply with all applicable federal laws. regulations. executive orders, FEMA policies. procedures and directives. 6. The Program Manager has not been and is not currently debarred or otherwise impeded from participating in any federal contract. TA Opo. 145 Puerto Rico Departmentwof Housing Agreement tor Professional Program Management Services DOH-RFP-I 7-18-02 PAGE 8 engagement or procurement. During the term of this Agreement the Program Manager is expressly required to report to the DOH immediately of any change in this representation. V. COMPENSATION AND PAYMENT A. Fixed Unit Prices and Fixed Rates, Lump Sum Prices and Allowance: l. The DOH shall pay the Program Manager for the Services rendered under this Agreement in accordance with the fixed rates, fixed unit prices, lump sum prices and allowance set forth in Exhibit V, Schedule of Fixed Unit Prices, Fixed Rates and Lump Sum Prices, which is attached hereto and made an integral part hereof. The fixed ?Base Hourly Rates" for Main Servrces specified in Exhibit are inclusive of travel time and travel expenses. Main Services shall be invoiced on a ?straight time" basis based on time incurred by each category of personnel during the invoice period. The parties acknowledge that Base Hourly Rates. Overhead Rate, and Profit Rate as specified in Exhibit were mutually negotiated and fixed. Any adjustments to Base Hourly Rates. Overhead Rate, or Profit Rate as specified in Exhibit shall only be made in accordance with Paragraph XXV herein, "Modification of Agreement." . The DOH shall pay the Program Manager for the ?Inspection" Services based upon the fixed unit pr:ces set forth in Exhibit V. The parties acknowledge that the total number of initial site property visits and final inspections may be more or less than the estimated amount: provided. however. that any increase to the amount established for "Sub-Total Inspections" will require an amendment to the Agreement. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth elsewhere in this Agreement, the unit prices for Inspection Services (for Initial Site Property Visit and Final Inspection) are inclusive of all direct and indirect costs to be incurred by Program Manager in relation thereto. . The DOH shall pay the Program Manager for the Call Center Management Services in accordance with the Lump Sum prices set forth in Exhibit V. The DOH shall pay the Program Manager for the Outreach Campaign Services in accordance with the Lump Sum prices set forth in Exhibit with the exception of the line item, "Allowance (Media Spots)," which shall be paid on the basis of Program Manager's incurred, allowable costs and the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Regarding the Inspection services set forth in Exhibit V, the Program Manager shall be paid for each unique inspection performed. A unique inspection is an inspection that is completed in full in order to determine eligibility or develop the scope of work for repairs (initial site property visit) or to accept or reject repair work performed by the corresponding contractors (final inspection). Special inspectors shall be invoiced under ?Main Services" as set forth in Exhibit V, and will be utilized for unusual inspections requiring a specialty capability. structural, dispute resolution inspection or appeal inspection. Special Inspector services to be invoiced on an hourly basis do not include inspections to be performed on a unit price basis (initial Site Property Visit and Final Inspection). TA Opo. 146 it if c-x Puerto Rico Department of Housing Agreement for Professional Program Management Services PAGE 9 8. Nothing in this paragraph or elsewhere in this Agreement shall preclude Program Manager from entitlement to an equitable adjustment in fixed rates, unit pricing. or lump sum pricing arising from DOH's material changes to the general scope of this Agreement. including: the description of the services to be performed; (2) the time of performance. or; the place of performance of the services: provided, however. that such adjustment would be subject to the execution of the corresponding contract modification. . The Program Manager shall provide prompt, written notification to DOH that is has performed 80% of the estimated quantity of inspections for each line item under ?Inspection" Services as set forth in Exhibit V. Absent modification of this Agreement pursuant to Section XXV, herein. ?Modification of Agreement.? Program Manager shall not perform any inspections beyond the estimated quantity set forth under "Inspection" Services in Exhibit V. to. Until and unless the Program Manager exceeds the estimated quantity of Inspections for each line item under ?Inspection" Services as set forth in Exhibit V. Program Manager acknowledges that the price to be paid per visit and inspection will not be altered regardless of the number of such visits and inspections actually performed during the term of this Agreement. B. Cost With respect to the ?Allowance (Media Spots)" line item under the Outreach Campaign Services set forth in Exhibit V, the cost principles and procedures set forth in 48 CFR 31.2 and FEMA supplements shall be used to determine allowable costs under this Agreement. Neither FEMA nor the DOH shall make any payment or reimbursement to Program Manager for unailowable costs. C. Advertising and Public Relations Services. The following terms shall apply to the processing of invoices for advertising and public relations services: 1. Volume Discounts. The Program Manager shall honor any volume discount granted by media outlets or production companies to the Government of Puerto Rico, which is in force or comes into effect during the term of this Agreement. Said media purchases and subcontracted services shall be invoiced to the DOH by the Program Manager at the rate invoiced to the Program Manager, including the applicable volume discount (if any). . Commissions. The maximum commission payable to the Program Manager under this Agreement for: (it its professional services in relation to the outsourcing of services: or the performance of services as an intermediary with media, production companies or any other supplier of advertising goods or services. shall not exceed 15% of the gross cost billed to the Program Manager by said media outlet, production company or supplier. in no case, will the DOH make commission payments in excess of l5% of the gross amount of the corresponding cost. . Prompt Payment Discount. The Program Manager acknowledges that advertising agencies shall grant a 2% discount for prompt payment to any invoices that are paid by the DOH within thirty (30) days of receipt of the corresponding invoice, as provided in Treasury Circular Letter CC l300-02?l 2. dated as of August i2, 201i. TA Opo. 147 Puerto Rico Department of Housing Agreement for Professional Program Management Services DOH-RFP l? l8-02 PAGE to D. Act No. 48-2013. According to Act No. 48-20l3, all payments for services made to the Program Manager under this Agreement shall be subject to a special assessment of 1.5% of the amount invoiced. This assessment will go to the Generot Fund of Puerto Rico Treasury. The Program will submit a certification that lists all of its contracts with any agency or instrumentality of the Government of Puerto Rico and their respective contract amounts, in compliance with the provisions of Act No. 48~2013, cited above. E. Maximum Contract Amount: The DOH shall pay the Program Manager. for services performed during the term of this Agreement, a maximum amount not to exceed One Hundred Thirty Two Million Eight Hundred Forty Nine Thousand Three Hundred Eighty Nine Dollars with Forty Two Cents (the ?Maximum Contract Amount"). Payments hereunder shall be charged to Account El230-222-0780000-06F-20i8 Project/Grant (O78-4339SU00206). Such payment shall constitute compensation for all services required, performed and accepted under this Agreement. F. Invoices l. The Program Manager shall submit invoices to the DOH for services rendered under this Agreement, which shall be payable within thirty (30) days from the date the invoice is reviewed and approved by the DOH. 2 If, for any reason, DOH withholds payment of any item, part, or portion of an invoice. this shall not be a basis for DOH's withholding timely payment to Program Manager for invoice items reviewed and approved. 90 Each invoice shall be certified and supported in such detail as required by the DOH. Such invoices shall itemize services performed during the invoice period based on the items set forth in Section VlAl, above. 4. The DOH will review the invoices and ascertain if the services have been properly provided during the invoiced month and. if so, will proceed with payment. The DOH reserves the right to review the invoices and conduct the necessary audits. 5. Payments to the Program Manager shall be made by check or electronic funds transfer (EFT). 6. In order for the Program Manager to receive payment for any work performed hereunder, the following certification must be included in each application for payment or invoice submitted to the DOH for payment: Under penalty of absolute nullity, hereby certify that no public servant of the Puerto Rico Department of Housing is a party to or has an interest in the earnings, pro?ts or bene?ts that may be the product of the contract upon which this invoice is based, and ln the event that any such person is a party to or has an interest in the earnings, pro?ts or bene?ts resulting from the contract upon which this invoice is based, a valid waiver or dispensation has been granted. I further certify that the sole consideration for the furnishing of the contracted goods or the performance of the services under the contract is the payment agreed upon with the Puerto Rico Department of Housing. Further, the amount of this invoice is true and correct, ali work TA Opo. 148 Ere Puerto R?co Department of Housing Agreem ent for Professional Program Management Servrces DOH-RFP-I 7- I802 PAGE ?1 VI. and services invoiced have been performed and the products have been delivered, and the services rendered, and no payment has been received for them. 6. An authorized representative of the DOH will review each Invoice and. if adequate, will approve and process its payment. DOH reserves the right to conduct any additional review or audit it deems necessary. 7. The Program Manager shall maintain effective accountability of funds disbursed under this Agreement to safeguard assets and ensure that funds are only used for authorized purposes per 2 CFR 200. OWNERSHIP OF CONFIDENTIALITY AND NON-DISCLOSURE . Ownership of Documents: With the exception of the Program Manager's working papers, the Program Manager acknowledges the ownership of all information, drafts, documents, reports. papers and other materials developed and prepared by the Program Manager. its agents or representatives, for purposes of performing its obligations hereunder. Return of Documents: Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement or at the request of the DOH, the Program Manager shall deliver to the DOH such information. drafts, reports, papers and other materials, in document form or as computer program data, and the Program Manager recognizes the DOH's right to request such documentation or computer program data. It the Program Manager fails to deliver said information, the DOH may seek a judicial order to enforce its rights. Upon receipt of written request from the DOH, Program Manager will return to DOH all copies or samples of Confidential Information which. at the time of the notice are in Program Manager's or its agent's possession. Program Manager reserves the right to retain a set of its work papers. . Confidential Information: Definition: The term Confidential Information as used throughout this Section. means any information concerning DOH operations and that of its Program Manager leg. the projects, computer processing systems. object and source codes and other DOH business and financial affairs). The term Confidential Information shall also deem to inctude all notes, analysis. compilation, studies and interpretation or other documents prepared by Program Manager. its agents or representatives. in connection with DOH operations. Non-Disclosure: The Program Manager agrees to take all reasonable steps or measures to keep confidential all Confidential Information and will not, at any time. present or future, without DOH express written authorization, signed by the Administrator of the DOH, use or sell, market or disclose any Confidential Information to any third party, Program Manager, corporation, or association for any purpose whatsoever. Program Manager further agrees that, except as they relate to the normal course of the service, the Program Manager will not make copies of the Confidential Information except upon DOH express written authorization. signed by an authorized representative of DOH, and will not remove any copy or sample of Confidential Information without prior written authorization from DOH. Program Manager retains the right to control its work papers subject to these confidentiality provisions. Equitable Relief: The Program Manager acknowledges and agrees that a breach of the provisions of subparagraphs B, and D. above, will cause DOH to suffer irreparable damage that coutd not remedied or TA Opo. 149 tit Puerto Rico Department of Housing Agreement for Professional Program Management Services DOH-RFP- 7-18-02 PAGE 12 compensated adequately only by mere monetary retribution. Program Manager further agrees that money damages may not be a sufficient remedy for any breach of this Section. Accordingly, the Program Manager agrees that DOH shall have the right to seek injunctive relief and the specific performance of the provisions of this Section to enjoin a breach or attempted breach of the provision hereof, such right being in addition to any and all other rights and remedies that are available to DOH of tow, in equity or othen/vise. VII. TERMINATION A. Termination for Cause: The DOH may terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part, for the Program Manager's failure to fulfill its material obligations hereunder. The DOH shall terminate this Agreement by delivering to the Program Manager a thirty {30) day notice of termination specifying the extent to which the performance of the service under this Agreement is terminated, the reason therefore and the effective date of termination. Upon receipt of such notice the Program Manager shall immediately discontinue all services and deliver to the DOH all information, notes, drafts, documents. analysis, reports, compilations, studies and other materials accumulated or generated in performing the services contemptated in this Agreement, whether completed or in process. B. Termination for Convenience: The DOH may terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part. whenever the DOH determines that such termination is necessary or convenient to the DOH. The DOH wilt terminate this Agreement by delivering to the Program Manager a thirty (30) day notice of termination specifying the extent to which the performance of the work under this Agreement is terminated, and the effective date of termination. Upon receipt of such notice, the Program Manager shall immediately discontinue all services affected and deliver to the DOH all information, studies and other materials property of the DOH. In the event of a termination for convenience, Program Manager shall be fairly compensated for the work and services performed as of the termination date and for preparations made and costs already incurred in relation to the terminated portions of the Agreement, including a reasonable amount for demobilization costs and profit on costs related to termination, consistent with principles of United States federal procurement law. The Program Manager specifically acknowledges that the DOH will not pay profit on terminated portions of the Agreement. The primary objective of the parties shall be to negotiate a settlement by Agreement. In the event that parties are unable to reach a settlement, Program Manager may assert a ciaim for payment of its termination costs. consistent with the terms of this Agreement. .Termination by Unilateral Abandonment: The DOH will consider this Agreement immediately terminated. if the Program Manager unilaterally and without prior notice, chooses to abandon (in any shape, form or fashion), cease or desist in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement. Upon the knowledge of such event, the DOH will not be held liable and wili immediately, automatically and retroactively deduct from any future reimbursement, all funds from the day such unilateral abandonment took place. The DOH will not be compelled to continue the performance of the Agreement, should the Program Manager breach the Agreement by unilateral abandonment. In addition, the DOH reserves the right to claim damages against Program Manager as a result of its abandonment of the work or services. TA Opo. 150 til it I Puerto Rico Department of Hous:ng Agreement for Profesmonal Program Management Services 7-l 5302 PAGE 13 D. Suspension: The DOH may suspend this Agreement in whole or in part at any time for the DOH's convenience. The DOH shall give the Program Manager five (5) days' written notice of such suspension. Upon receipt of said notice the Program Manager shall immediately discontinue all Services so suspended. E. immediate Termination. In the event the Program Manager is subjected to a criminal or civil action. suit, proceeding. inquiry or court of applicable jurisdiction, or any governmental agency, or the Program Manager shall be subject to an order, judgment, or opinion, issued by any federal or local authority, a court of applicabie jurisdiction. or any governmental agency. in connection with the execution. delivery. and performance by the Program Manager of this Agreement or the Program Manager of this Agreement has been noncompliant. breach. inaccuracy of any representation, warranties, covenants, or the certifications provided herein, whether the noncompliance. breach or inaccuracy takes place before or after the execution of this Agreement, the DOH shall have the right to the immediate termination of this Agreement notwithstanding, any provisrons to the contrary herein. This section will apply in the event of any judgment that may obligate the DOH to terminate the Agreement pursuant to Government of Puerto Rico Act No. 458 of 2000 as amended, and/or by Act No.84 of 2001. as amended. F. Termination Clause: The Chief of Staff of the Governor of Puerto Rico (Secretario de la Gobemacion] shall have the power to terminate this Agreement at any time, as provided in Memorandum No. 2017?001: Circular Letter i4i-l7 of the Office of the Chief of Staff of the Governor of Puerto Rico and the Office of Management and Budget. Vtii. LIABILITY in no event shall the DOH be liable for any indirect. incidental. special or consequential damages, or damages for loss of profits. revenue. data or use. incurred by either party or any third party, whether in an action in contract or tort. even if the other party or any person has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Third parties operating under this program. with their agency. will have their own general civil and criminal liability imposed by law towards the DOH. the Program Manager and any third party. IX. A. Required Coverage The Program Manager shall carry the insurance as are required by law and this Agreement. The Program Manager shall furnish DOH certificates of insurance as evidence of compliance hereof. The Program Manager shall keep in force and effect for the period beginning from the execution of the Agreement and ending at the completion of all services to be provided hereunder, insurance policies in compliance with the DOH's requirements. as set forth in OSPA-78-5, attached hereto and made an integral part hereof as Exhibit VI. 1. State Insurance Fund - Statutory amount. 2. Comprehensive General Liability insurance, with the limits of liability for bodily injury and/or death of no less than $1,000,000.00 for bodily injury and/or arising out of any one occurrence and $2,000,000.00 general aggregate. The limits of liability for property damage shall not be less than TA Opo. 151 Puerto Rico Departme?nrot Hous'ng Agreement for Professional Program Management Services i8?02 PAGE l4 $i 00000000 for each occurrence and $i 000,000.00 in the aggregate. DOH shall be named as additional insured on the insurance policy: Worker's Compensation and Employer's Liability is covered under the Comprehensive Generat Liability Insurance with the same limits. The Comprehensive General Liability shall include the following coverage: a. Premises and Operations: b. independent Contractors: c. Completed Operations; d. Contractual Liability: 9. Hold-Harmless Agreement. 3. Comprehensive Automobile Liability insurance, including hired cars and non-ownership coverage, covering bodily injury, death and property damage, with single and aggregate limits of liability of $i,000,000.00. DOH shall be named as additional insured on the insurance policy. 4. Professional Liability: the Program Manager shall present Professional Liability insurance with minimum limits of liability of $5,000,000.00 per claim and in the aggregate written on a ?claims made basis" said coverage must provide coverage for an Extended Reportina period M) of at least seven years. 5. Personal Injury Liability: Personal injury Liability Endorsement including libel, slander. etc., with a limit liability of $5,000,000.00, including removal of any exclusions pertaining to contractual liability and claims by Construction inspection Contractors employees DOH shall be named as additional insured an the insurance policy. 6. Umbrella: $l0,000.00.00. 7. Cyber Liability: $3,000,000.00. Upon the execution of this Agreement, the Program Manager shall furnish DOH with copies of the above?described insurance policies and any other evidence DOH may request as to the policies' full force and effect. Any deductible amount, under any of the policies, will be assumed in whole by the Program Manager for any and all losses, claims, expenses. suits. damages. costs, demands or liabilities, joint and several of whatever kind and nature arising from the Agreement resulting from this solicitation by and between the Program Manager and DOH. The DOH shall not be held responsible under any circumstances for payments of any nature regarding deductibles of any insurance coverage required under this Agreement. B. Endorsements Each insurance policy maintained by the Program Manager must be endorsed as follows: i. DOH and its officers, agents and employees are named as additional insured (except Worker?s Compensation) but only with respect to liability arising out of operations performed for such insured by or on behalf of the named insured. TA Opo. 152 61 Puerto Rico Department of Housng Agreement for Professional Program Management Services 118-02 PAGE IS 2. To provide waiver of subrogafion coverage for all insurance policies provided or herein in favor of DOH and its respective officers. agents and employees. 3. The insurer shalt be required to give DOH written notice at least ninety (90) days in advance of any cancellation or material change in any such policies. The Program Manager shall furnish to DOH, prior to commencement of the work. certificates of insurance from insurers with a rating by the AM. Best Co. of A and 5 or over on all policies, reflecting policies in force. and shall also provide certificates evidencing all renewals of such policies. Insurers shalt retain an AM. Best Co. rating of A and 5 or over on all policies throughout the term of this Agreement and all policy periods required herein. The insurance company must be authorized to do business in Puerto Rico and be in good standing. C. Related Requirements The Pragram Manager shall furnish an original Certificates of Insurance evidencing the required coverage to be in force on the Effective Date of Agreement. THE REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION MUST BE RECEIVED PRIOR TO COMMENCENT OF PERFORMANCVE HEREUNDER. NEITHER THE PROGRAM MANAGER NOR ANY OF ITS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES ARE TO BEGIN THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES UNDER THE AGREEMENT PRIOR TO FULL COMPLIANCE WITH THIS REQUIREMENT AND NOTIFICATION FROM DOH TO PROCEED. Renewal Certificates of Insurance or such similar evidence is to be received by the Procurement Department prior to expiration of insurance coverage. At DOH's option. non-compliance will result in one or more of the following actions: (I) The DOH will purchase insurance on behalf of the Program Manager and witl charge back all cost to the Program Manager; (2) The Program Manager will be immediately removed from DOH property and contract revoked: (3) all payments due the Program Manager will be held until the Program Manager has complied with the contract: and/or (4) The Program Manager will be assessed Five Thousand Dollars for every day of non-compliance. The receipt of any certificate does not constitute agreement by DOH that the insurance requirements in the Agreement have been fully met or that the insurance policies indicated on the certificate are in compliance with the requirements of the Agreement. The insurance policies shall provide for ninety (90) days written notice to be given to DOH in the event coverage is substantially changed. cancelled or non-renewed. The Program Manager shalt require all subcontractors or consultants to carry the insurance required herein or the Program Manager, may provide the coverage for any or all of its subcontractors and if so. the evidence of insurance submitted shall so stipulate and adhere to the same requirements and conditions as outlined above. The Program Manager expressly understands and agrees that whenever the Program Manager is covered by other primary. excess. or excess contingent insurance that, any insurance or self-insurance program maintained by DOH shall apply in excess of and will not contribute with insurance provided by the Program Manager under this Agreement. D. Hold Harmless The Program Manager and its affiliates, its successors and assignees will indemnify the DOH from any damages and/or losses arising out of personal injuries or TA Opo. 153 Puerto Rico Department-at Housing Agreement for Professional Program Management Servrces DOH-RFP PAGE I6 property damage resulting from any act of negligence by the Program Manager and its affiliates in connection with this Agreement. X. FORCE MAJEURE In the event of a fire. flood, earthquake. natural disaster, hurricane, riot, act of governmental authority in its sovereign capacity, strike, labor dispute or unrest. embargo, war. insurrection or civil unrest, any act of God including inclement weather, herein collectively referred to as Force Majeure during the term of this Agreement. neither the DOH nor the Program Manager shall be liable to the other party for nonperformance during the conditions created by such event. The Program Manager shall notify the DOH. as soon as possible, of the occurrence of the Force Majeure event and describe in reasonable detail, the nature of the Force Majeure event. XI. NOTICES All notices required or permitted to be given under the Agreement shall be in writing, and shalt be deemed given when delivered by hand or sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested. to the address as foitows: To: DOH Hon. Fernando A. Gil-Enser?tat Secretary Department of Housing PO Box 3631 88 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936-3188 606 Barbosa Ave. Juan C. Cordero Building (10"1 Floor) San Juan, Puerto Rico 00919 To: PROGRAM John Marini MANAGER CEO and President Adjusters International. Inc. I26 Business Park Dr. Utica. NY 13502 XII. THIRD PARTIES Nothing contained in this Agreement shall create a contractual relationship with. or a cause of action in of a third party against either the DOH or the Program Manager. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH LEGAL REQUIREMENTS A. Compliance with Article 19 of Act No. 103 of May 25. 2006, Fiscal Reform Act of 2006 and Circular Letter 1300-02-12: The Program Manager acknowledges that the Government of Puerto Rico negotiates volume discounts with media outlets in Puerto Rico and agrees to honor such votume discounts to the benefit of the DOH. 8. Tax Obligation Compliance: Pursuant to Executive Order No. dated June I8. the Program Manager certifies and warrants that at the signing of this Agreement if has filed all the necessary and required income tax returns to the Government of Puerto Rico for the last five (5) years. The Program Manager further certifies that it has complied and is current with the payment of any and all income taxes that are, or were TA Opo. 154 Puerto Rico Department of Housing Agreement for Professional Program Management Servrces DOH-RFP l7-18~02 PAGE i7 due, to the Government of Puerto Rico. Prior to execution hereof. the Program Manager shatl provide to the DOH. evidence satisfactory to the DOH of its compliance with this clause. During the term of this Agreement. the Program Manager agrees to pay and/or to remain current with any repayment plan agreed to by the Program Manager with the Government of Puerto Rico. C. Payment of Unempioyment Bene?ts, Workers' Compensation and Chauffer Bene?ts: Pursuant to Executive Order No. 1992-52, dated August 28, 1992. amending 991?24, the Program Manager certifies and warrants that it has made all payments required for unemployment benefits, workmen's compensation and social security for chauffeurs, as applicable. or that in lieu thereof. has subscribed a payment plan in connection with any such unpaid items and is in full compliance with the terms thereof. Prior to execution hereof. the Program Manager shall provide to the DOH. evidence satisfactory to the DOH of its compliance with this clause. The Program Manager accepts and acknowledges its responsibility for requiring and obtaining a similar warranty and certification from each and every consultant or subcontractor whose service the Program Manager has secured in connection with the services to be rendered under this Agreement and shalt forward evidence to DOH as to its compliance with this requirement. D. Municipal Revenue Collection Center (CRIM): The Program Manager certifies and guarantees that as of the execution of this Agreement, it has no current debt for property taxes with the Municipal Revenue Collection Center ("Centre de Recaudacion de ingresos Municipales" in Spanish). The Program Manager further certifies to be current with the payment of any and all property taxes that are or were due to the Government of Puerto Rico. Prior to execution hereof, the Program Manager shall provide to the DOH. evidence satisfactory to the DOH oi its compliance with this clause. During the Term of this Agreement. the Program Manager agrees to pay and/or to remain current with any repayment plan agreed to by the Program Manager with the Government of Puerto Rico with regards to property taxes (for real and personal property). E. Income Tax Retention: The DOH will retain the corresponding amount from all payments made to the Program Manager hereunder as required by the Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code. The DOH will deliver such withholdings to the Puerto Rico Treasury Department. The DOH will adjust such withhoidings provided the Program Manager produces satisfactory evidence of partial or total exemption from withholding. F. Child Support Administration: The Program Manager certifies and warrants that the Program Manager does not have an outstanding debt or obligation to the Puerto Rico Child Support Administration by its Spanish acronym). Prior to execution hereof. the Program Manager shall provide to the DOH. evidence satisfactory to the DOH of its compliance with this clause. G. Social Security Withholding: The Program Manager will be responsible for withholding and paying applicable Social Security obligations resulting from this Agreement. H. Government Ethics Act: The Program Manager hereby certifies that in signing this Agreement it is and shall remain in compliance with Act 1 of January 3. 2012, as amended, known as the Ethics Act of the Government of Puerto Rico, which in connection with the possibility of a conflict of interest. TA Opo. 155 At tit t? PLserta Rica Deponment or Housing Agreement for Professional Program Management Sewices 7- l8-02 PAGE 18 stipulates that, no employee or executive of the Program Manager, nor any member of his/he immediate family (spouse, dependent children or other members of his/her household or any individual whose financial affairs are under the control of the employee) shall have any direct or indirect pecuniary interest in the services to be rendered under this Agreement. except as may be expressly authorized by the Governor of Puerto Rico in consultation with the Secretary of Treasury and the Secretary of Justice. Consequences of Non-Compliance: The Program Manager expressly agrees that the conditions of this Section are essential requirements of this Agreement: thus, should any one of these representations. warranties or certifications be incorrect, inaccurate or misleading, in whole or in part. that shall constitute just cause for the DOH to render this Agreement null and void. and the Program Managershall be required to reimburse to DOH all moneys received under this Agreement. . Executive Order OE-2017-053, dated September 28, 2017. extends the period granted to the Program Manager to present or supplement the documents and certifications required under this Section The additional time periods established therein shalt apply to this Agreement. XIV. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY During the performance of this Agreement, the Program Manager agrees as follows: i. The Program Manager will not discriminate against any emptoyee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The Program Manager will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race. color, religion, sex, or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to the following: Employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Program Manager agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the contracting officer setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. . The Program Manager will, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the Program Manager. state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. . The Program Manager will send to each labor union or representative of workers with which he has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding. a notice to be provided by the agency contracting officer, advising the labor union or workers? representative of the Program Manager's commitments under section 202 of Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and shall post capies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment. . The Program Manager will comply with all provisions of Executive Order 1 1246 of September 24, 1965, and of the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor. TA Opo. 156 AL [It/tit Puerlo Rico Department of Housing Agreemenf for Professional Program Management Services 7-l8-02 PAGE 5. XVI. The Program Manager will furnish all information and reports required by Executive Order ii246 of September 24, 1965, and by the rules, regulations, and orders of the Secretary of Labor, or pursuant thereto, and will permit access to his books. records, and accounts by the contracting agency and the Secretary of Labor for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with such rules. regulations, and orders. in the event of the Program Manager's noncompliance with the nondiscrimination clauses of this contract or with any of such rules, regulations, or orders. this contract may be canceled. terminated or suspended in whole or in part and the Program Manager may be declared ineligible for further Government contracts in accordance with procedures authorized in Executive Order l246 of September 24, i965, and such other sanctions may be imposed and remedies invoked as provided in Executive Order H246 of September 24. l965, or by rule, regulation, or order of the Secretary of Labor. or as otherwise provided by law. The Program Manager will include the provisions of paragraphs (it through (7) in every subcontract or purchase order unless exempted by rules. regulations, or orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to section 204 of Executive Order 1 1246 of September 24, 1965, so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. The Program Manager will take such action with respect to any subcontract or purchase order as may be directed by the Secretary of Labor as a means of enforcing such provisions including sanctions for noncompliance: Provided, however, that in the event the Program Manager becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or vendor as a result of such direction. the Program Manager may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interests at the United States. SUSPENSION AND DEBARMENT A. This contract is a covered transaction for purposes of 2 C.F.R. Part 180 and 2 B. XVII. CPR. pt. 3000. As such the Program Manager is required to verify that neither the Program Manager nor any of its principals (defined at 2 C.F.R. l80.995) or affiliates (defined at 2 CPR. 180.905) are excluded (defined at 2 C.F.R. i80.940) or disqualified {defined at 2 C.F.R. i80.935l. The Program Manager must comply with 2 C.F.R. Part 180, subpart and 2 C.F.R. Part 3000, subpart and must include a requirement to comply with these regulations in any lower-tier covered transaction it enters into. . This certification is a material representation of fact relied upon by the DOH. it it is later determined that the Program Manager did not comply with 2 C.F.R. Part l80, subpart and 2 C.F.R. pt. 3000, subpart C, in addition to remedies available to the DOH, the Federal Government may pursue available remedies, including but not limited to suspension and/or debarment. CLEAN AIR ACT The Program Manager agrees to comply with all applicable standards. orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act. as amended, 42 U.S.C. 740i et seq. The Program Manager agrees to report each violation to the DOH and understands and agrees that the DOH will, in turn, report each violation as TA Opo. 157 Puerto Rico Department of Housing Agreement for Professionat Program Management Services 7- 8-02 PAGE 20 required to assure notification to the Government of Puerto Rico, through the Environmental Quality Board, FEMA and the appropriate EPA Regional Office. The Program Manager agrees to include the above requirements in any subcontract exceeding $l50.000.00, which is financed in whole or in part with Federal assistance provided by FEMA. WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ACT The Program Manager agrees to comply with all applicable standards, orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, 33 U.S.C. i25i etseq. The Program Manager agrees to report each violation to the DOH and understands and agrees that the DOH will, in turn, report each violation as required to assure notification to the Government of Puerto Rico, through the Environmental Quality Board. FEMA and the appropriate EPA Regional Office. The Program Manager agrees to include the above requirements in any subcontract exceeding $l50,000.00. which is financed in whole or in part with Federal assistance provided by FEMA. SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL ACT In the performance of this Agreement, the Program Manager shall use products composed of the highest percentage of recovered materials practicable (and in the case of paper, the highest percentage of the postconsumer recovered materials practicable), consistent with maintaining a satisfactory level of competition, considering such guidelines. The decision not to use such items shall be based on a determination that such products cannot be acquired because: (B) are not reasonably available within a reasonable period of time; (C) fat! to meet the performance standards set forth in the applicable specifications or fail to meet the reasonable performance standards of the procuring agencies: or (D) are only available at an unreasonable price. information about this requirement, along with the list of EPA- designated items, is available at Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines web site. XIX. BYRD AMENDMENT The Program Manager certifies, to the best of his or her knowledge. that: i. No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of an agency. a Member of Congress. an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract. the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering info of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation. renewal. amendment, or modification of any Federal contract. grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. 2. ti any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer TA Opo. 158 3uerto Rico Department-of Housing Agreement for Professional Program Management Serwces 748-02 PAGE 2t or employee of any agency. a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or Current as of l-9-i7 it cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form, "Disclosure Farm to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions. 3. The Program Manager shall require that the language of this certification be XX. D. XXI. included in the award documents for all sub-awards at all tiers (including subcontracts, sub-grants, and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that all sub-recipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by U.S.C. 1352 (as amended by the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995]. The Program Manager acknowledges that any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $i0,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. The Program Manager certifies or affirms the truthfulness and accuracy of each statement of its certification and disclosure. if any. In addition, the Program Manager understands and agrees that the provisions of 31 U.S.C. 3801 et seq., apply to this certification and disclosure. if any. ACCESS TO RECORDS . The Program Manager agrees to provide the DOH. the FEMA Admlnistrator. the Comptroller General of the United States, the Comptroller of Puerto Rico and any of their authorized representatives access to any books, documents, papers, and records of the Program Manager which are directly pertinent to the execution of this Agreement for the purposes of making audits. examinations, excerpts, and transcriptions. and to allow said parties to reproduce by any means whatsoever or to copy excerpts and transcriptions as reasonably needed. . The Program Manager shall not impede the DOH, the FEMA Administrator and their respective authorized representatives access to construction or other work sites pertaining to the services being performed under this Agreement, including all sites where the STEP programs are being implemented. . In addition, the Program Manager shall make available to the DOH as requested proof of payment of any expenditure incurred under this Agreement. The Program Manager agrees to maintain accurate records and files of all contract documents, correspondence, book estimates, bills and other information related to the Program Manager account. These documents shall be open for DOH examination of oil reasonable times for a period of six (6) years after expiration of the term hereof. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY SEAL, LOGO AND FLAGS The Program Manager shall not use the Department of Homeland Security seal. logos crest, or reproductions of flags or likenesses of OHS agency officials without specific FEMA pre-approval. TA Opo. 159 Puerto Rico Department of Housing Agreement for Professional Program Management Serv'cr._ 18-02 PAGE 22 XXII. NO OBLIGATION BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT The Federal Government is not a party to this contract and is not subject to any obligations or liabilities to the non-Federal entity, contractor. or any other party pertaining to any matter resulting from the contract. PROGRAM FRAUD AND FALSE OR FRAUDULENT STATEMENTS OR RELATED ACTS The Program Manager acknowledges that 3] U.S.C. Chapter 38 (Administrative Remedies for False Claims and Statements) applies to the Program Manager's actions pertaining to this contract. XXIV. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement and all exhibits hereto represent the entire and integrated agreement between the DOH and the Program Manager and supersede all prior negotiations. representations, agreements and/or understandings of any kind. XXV. MODIFICATION OF AGREEMENT Any modification of this Agreement or additional obligation assumed by either party in connection with this Agreement shall be binding only if written and signed by both parties, and its authorized representatives. XXVI. BINDING EFFECT This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of DOH and the Program Manager, their successors and assigns. XXVII.ASSIGNMENT OF RIGHTS The rights at each party hereunder are personal to that party and may not be assigned or otherwise transferred to any other person, contractor, corporation, or other entity without the prior. express and written consent of the other party. NON-WAIVER The failure or delay of either party to insist upon the performance of and/or the compliance with any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of such terms and conditions or the right to enforce compliance with such terms and conditions. XXIX. GOVERNING LAW: JURISDICTION This Agreement shall be governed by, interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of the Government of Puerto Rico and any applicable federal tows and regulations. The parties further agree to assert any claims or causes of action that may arise out of this Agreement in the Puerto Rico Court of First Instance, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Judicial Center, notwithstanding iurisdiction may be averred in any U.S. District Court, Including for diversity of citizenship. SEVERABILITY If any provision of this Agreement shall operate or would prospectively operate to invalidate the Agreement in whole or in part. then such provision only shall be deemed severed and the remainder of the Agreement shall remain operative and in full effect. COUNTERPARTS TA Opo. 160 Puerto Rico Department of Housing Agreement for Professiana Program Management Services 8-02 PAGE 23 This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts. each of whom shall be deemed to be an original, however, all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. OF INTEREST The Program Manager shall comply with the ethics requirements set forth herein and warrant that to the best of its knowledge and belief and except as otherwise disclosed. "t does not have any organizational conflict of interest which is defined as a situation in which the nature of the work under a DOH contract and Program Manager's organizationat, financral. contractual or other interest are such that: 0) Award of the contract may result in an unfair competitive advantage: or bi The Program Manager's objectivity in performing the contract work may be impaired. The Program Manager agrees that if after award IT discovers an organizational conflict of interest with respect to this contract, it shall make an immediate and full disciosure in writing to the Contracting Officer, which shall include a description of the action. which the Program Manager has taken or intends to take to eliminate or neutralize the conflict. The DOH may, however, terminate the Agreement for the convenience of DOH if it would be in its best interest. In the event the Program Manager was aware of an organizational conflict of interest before the award of this Agreement and did not disclose the conflict to the Contracting Officer. the DOH may terminate the Agreement for default. The provisions of this clause shall be included in all subcontracts and/or consulting agreements wherein the work to be performed is similar to the services provided by the Program Manager. The Program Manager shalt include in such subcontracts and consulting agreements any necessary provision to eliminate or neutralize conflicts of interest. GOVERNMENT ETHICS CODE OF ETHICS FOR CONTRACTORS A. The Program Manager acknowledges that in discharging its obligations hereunder it owes complete loyalty to the DOH, including not having adverse interests to those of the DOH. In the performance of this Agreement, on adverse interest may include the representation of clients that have or may have conflicting interests with those of the DOH. including all circumstances surrounding the Program Manager's relationship with clients and third parties, as well as any interest which might influence upon the DOH at the time of the execution of this Agreement or during the term of the Agreement. B. Neither the Program Manager nor any of its directors. officers, members, partners or employees, has any interest nor shall they acquire any interest. directly or indirectly, in cases or issues which may conflict in any manner with its performance under this Agreement. C. To the best of the Program Manager's knowledge. it) no public official or employee of the DOH has participated in any decision relating to this Agreement which affects such official's or employee's personal or economic interest or the interest of any entity or business in which such officer or employee or any member of its family has or has had an economic interest, directly or indirectly, and no official or employee of TA Opo. 161 ?25? Puerto Rico Department of Housrng Agreement for Professional Program Management Services PAGE 24 the Commonwealth has any interest. direct or indirect, in this Agreement or any proceeds thereof. D. No public servant of the DOH or any government agency or public corporation has accepted or solicited. directly or indirectly, for him or any member of his family unit, or any other person, any gifts, favors, services. donations, loans or anything of monetary value. E. As of the date of this Agreement. neither the Program Manager, nor any of its directors. officers or members has been convicted, or has knowledge of being indicted or investigated in a criminal procedure for offenses against public integrity, embezzlement of public funds or for the felonies or misdemeanors mentioned in Act No. 458-2000. as amended. in the courts of the Government of Puerto Rico, federal courts, or any other court with jurisdiction. It is acknowledged by the Program Manager that this certification is an essential condition of this Agreement. If this certification is not correct in whole or in part. it shail constitute a material default and a cause for the DOH to terminate this Agreement. The Program Manager shall immediately notify the DOH in writing if either the Program Manager or any of its directors. officers or members becomes indicted. is convicted or is under investigation in a criminal procedure for any type of offense mentioned above. Failure to comply with this notice shall constitute a default under this Agreement and shall serve as cause for the DOH's immediate termination hereof. F. The Program Manager. its officials. directors and members hereby certify that. prior to the date of execution hereof. they do not have any contractual relationship with the Commonwealth, and that they will not participate or get involved in any act or agreement that will create or constitute a conflict of interest with the DOH. G. The Program Manager, its officials, directors and members hereby certify that none of them or their families receive payments or compensation of any class for regular services under any contract or as empioyees in this or any other department. government agency or public corporation. H. The Program Manager that this Agreement is not with or for the benefit of any person who has been a public officer or employee of the DOH at any time during the two years prior to the date of execution of this Agreement. l. The Program Manager acknowledges, represents and warrants that no official or employee of the DOH has a direct or indirect economic interest in the Program Manager's rights under this Agreement in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 1-2012, as amended also known as the Ethics Act of 201 l. J. No employee or officer of the DOH as well as any member of their families can have any interest in the earnings or benefits from this Agreement. according with Act No.84, June 18, 2002. K. As a material condition to this Agreement, the Program Manager agrees to be bound by the provisions of the Code of Ethics for Contractors. Suppliers and Applicants for Economic Incentives from the Government of Puerto Rico Agencies (?Codigo de Etica para Confratistas, Suptidores Solicitantes de lncentivos Economicos de las Agendas Ejecutivas de Puerto Rico? in Spanish) as set forth in Act 84. dated June 18, 2002, as TA Opo. 162 ll? Puerto Rico Department of Hous ng Agreement for Professional Program Management Services DOH-RFP- I PAGE: L5 amended. The Program Manager acknowledges receipt of a copy of the above?mentioned Code of Ethics. DRUG FREE WORKPLACE The Program Manager shall establish procedures and policies to promote a Drug- Free workplace. Further, the Program Manager should notify alt employees of its policy for maintaining a Drug-Free workplace, and the penalties that may be imposed for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace. Further, the Program Manager shall notify the DOH if any of its employees is convicted of a criminal drug offense in the workplace no later than ten (10) days after such conviction. HEADINGS The titles to the paragraphs of this Agreement are solely for reference purposes and the convenience of the parties and shall not be used to explain, modify. simplify. or aid in the interpretation of the provisions of this Agreement. INTERAGENCY SERVICES The contracting parties acknowledge and agree that services retained may be provided to any Executive Branch entity with which the DOH executes an interagency agreement or by direct instruction of the Office of the Chief of Staff of the Governor {Secretario de la Gobernacic'm). The services performed thereunder will be subject to the same terms and conditions as set forth in this Agreement. For purposes of this clause, the term ?Executive Branch entity? includes all agencies of the Government of Puerto Rico, public instrumentalities and corporations, and the Office of the Governor. as set forth in Memorandum No. 2017-001, Circular Letter l4l-l7 of the Office of the Chief of Staff of the Governor and the Office of Management and Budget. ELECTRONIC PAYMENT PORTAL Act l03-2006 establishes the policy of the Government of Puerto Rico to promote the use of technology by encouraging that disbursements of public funds be made by electronic methods. As part of this initiative, suppliers of the Government of Puerto Rico shall register in the Electronic Payment Portal to Suppliers in order to receive their payments electronically. The Program Manager shall access by clicking on the section of Hacienda Virtual and selecting the option of Electronic Payment Registration of Suppliers. You must provide your supplier number. a canceled check or bank account verification letter from the financial institution where you own the bank account. The portal will allow you to register a bank account in which the disbursement will be made by electronic transfer. This registration process in the Electronic Payment Portal is compulsory. OGP MEMORANDUM NO. 452-17 The parties recognize the need to speed up communication and processes among consultants, suppliers and agencies of the Government of Puerto Rico. In addition, they accept the duty to protect and guard the record of official activities and notifications between them. withoutjeopardizing the Government's information systems and ensuring their safety. Therefore, they agree that any natural or legal person who provides services to the Government, will be required to request and use the email account provided by the Government with suppliers' written and ofticiai communications with the DOH, except as otherwise required by the DOH. This will be the only authorized method of communication and notification, for etectronic communications, as long as the contract is in force. The TA Opo. 163 :Sg? Puerto Rico Department of Housing Agreement for Professional Program Management Serv ces DOH-RFP-I I- 18-02 email account provided will serve to carry out any official communication with the Government, using the domain .3. VendorsPR. Gov. These charges will be activated when perfecting the contract, will remain active during the contractual relationship and will be deactivated at the expiration of the contract. In addition. they may be reactivated, with the renewal of contracts, after the corresponding notification to the Office of Management and Budget, by the DOH. COMPTROLLER REGISTRY The DOH shall remit a copy at this Agreement to the Office of the Comptroller of Puerto Rico for registration within fifteen (15) days following the date of execution of this Agreement and any subsequent amendment hereto. The services object of this Agreement may not be invoiced or paid until this Agreement has been by the DOH to be registered at the Comptroller's Office, pursuant to Act No. i8 of October 30, 1975, as amended 2004. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto execute this Agreement in the place and on the date first above written. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING PROGRAM MANAGER Hon. Fernando A. Gil-Ense?at Andi/e LeBIanc Secretary Authorized Representative Tax Id No: Tax ID. Number TA Opo. 164 Agreement TA Opo. 165 uer Hne 05 en exped?er?de Exhibit DOH Request for Proposals DOH-RFP-17-18-02 TA Opo. 166 Exhibit II Proposal AheJog en el TA Opo. 167 A e?f Exhibit EMA Recovery Program Guidance TA Opo. 168 @?zs Exhibit IV Checklist for initial site ML visits and final inspections it 31?3? Lit? TA Opo. 169 Gobierno de Puerto Rico San Juan, Puerto Rico CERTIFICACION NEGATIVA Y0, LUIS G. RIVERA Secretario de Estado del Gobierno de Puerto Rico, CERTIFICO: Que de acuerdo a nuestros archives, al 9 de enero de 2018, no aparece entidad alguna registrada bajo el nombre INTERNATIONAL, EN TESTIMONIO DE LO CUAL, firmo Ia presente estampo en ella el Gran Sello del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico, en la Ciudad de San Juan, hoy, 9 de enero de 2018. LUIS G. RIVERA LG RM/jar Secretario de Estado TA Opo. 170 Transcripci?n Audio-Vista Administrativa Moci?n de Reconsideraci?n AECOM v. Dpto de la Vivienda Adjusters International, Inc. 7-18-02 (Professional Project Management Services) Jueves, ll de enero de 2018 Lugar: Salon de Conferencias 4to Pisa (Departamento de la Vivienda) Hora: 10:00 11:07 am. Presentes: . Lcdo. Godohaldo P?rez Torres: Presidente Junta Revisora de Subastas . Lcdo. Juan A. Barrios Molina: Miembro Junta Revisora de Subastas . Lcda. Nivia M. Candelaria Martes: Miembro Junta Revisora de Subastas . Lcda. Maria C. Cartagena Cancel: Representaci?n legal AECOM-CPM JV (McConnell Vald?s) . Lcda. Yahaira De La Rosa: Representaci?n legal AECOM-CPM JV (McConnell Vald?s) Lcdo. Antonio Arias Larcada: Representaci?n legal AECOM-CPM JV (McConnell Vald?s) 0 Robert A. Roberts: AECOM . Srinivas Krishnaswamy: AECOM Lcdo. Fabian Rodriguez Torres: Representaci?n legal Adjusters International, Inc. (Adsuar Mu?iz Goyco) Lcda. Lourdes Arroyo Portela: Representaci?n legal Adjusters International, Inc. (Adsuar Mu?iz Goyco) Lcda. Hilda Qui?ones Rivera: Representante legal del Dpto. de la Vivienda (GR 8. Asociados) . Lcdo. Joel 0. Hernandez Alvarado: Secretario Auxiliar-Divisi?n Legal del Dpto. de la Vivienda . H?ctor J. Rivera: CPM Francisco J. Martinez: CPM . Maria I. Lefebre Llavona: Secretaria de la Junta Revisora de Subastas Presidente de la Junta: Revisora de Subastas. Estamos aqui presente para atender Ia reconsideracion que presentara AECOM-CPM Joint Venture vs. El Departamento de la Vivienda, con relaci?n a un Request for Proposal donde ellos no fueron Estan presente como miembros de la Junta, Ia Lcda. Nivea Candelaria, el Lcdo. Juan Barrios; tambi?n, esta presente Ia Secretaria de la Secretaria de la Junta: Maria Lefebre. TA Opo. 171 Transcripcion Audio-Vista Administrativa Mocion de Reconsideracion AECOM v. Dpto de la Vivienda Adjusters international, Inc. 8-02 (Professional Project Management Services) Jueves, ii de enero de 2018 Lugar: Salon de Conferencias - 4to Piso (Departamento de la Vivienda) Hora: 10:00 am. 1 1:07 am. Presidente de la Junta: Okay. Les voy a pedir ahora a Ias partes a sus representantes legales que se, que se presenten, para que quede constancia de que estan presente aqui, en la grabacion de la vista. Lcda. Cartagena Cancel (AECOM): Si, buenos dias a todos. Con mucho respeto se dirige Ia Lcda. Maria Consuelo Cartagena Cancel, yo represento a AECOM- CPM Joint Venture, to parte que ha promovido la Mocion de Reconsideraci?n. Me acompa?a en el dia de hoy, Bob Roberts, de AECOM, Srini Kris, tambi?n de AECOM, Ios representantes de Ios diferentes compa?ias del Joint Venture. Presidente de la Junta: Okay. Lcda. De La Rosa Algarin (AECOM): Buenos dias a todos Ios presentes. Se identifica para fines del registro, Ia Lcda. Yahaira De La Rosa Algarin, en representacion de la parte que impugna la subasta, AECOM-CPM Joint Venture. Lcdo. Arias Larcada (AECOM): Buenos dias a todos, Antonio Arias Larcada, en representacion de AECOM. Presidente de la Junta: Si. Lcdo. Rodriguez Torres (Adjusters): Muy buenos dias a todos, se dirige el Lcdo. Fabian Rodriguez Torres, en representacion de mi cliente, Adjusters International. Inc., hoy conocido como Rising Phoenix Holdings Company, que es la parte 0 la que se Ie adjudico Ia subasta. Lo hacemos mediante una comparecencia especial, luego de recibir a las 2:15 de la tarde, la notificacion de esta vista. Lcda. Arroyo (Adjusters): Buenos dias, Ia Lcda. Lourdes Arroyo. tambi?n, en representacion de Adjusters International lnc., ahora conocido como Rising Phoenix Holdings Company; tambi?n, hacienda una comparecencia especial por parte de la parte a la que se Ie adjudico Ia (ininteligible). Lcda. Qui?ones Rivera (DV): Si, buenos dias. La Lcda. Hilda Qui?ones Rivera, en representacion del Departamento de la Vivienda. Lcdo. Hernandez Alvarado (DV): Muy buenos dias a todos, un placer. Lcdo. Joel Hernandez Alvarado, Secretario Auxiliar del Departamento de la Vivienda. Muy buenos dias a todos nuevamente. TA Opo. 172 Transcripcion Audio-Vista Administrativa Moci?n de Reconsideraci?n AECOM v. Dpto de la Vivienda Adjusters International, Inc. (Professional Project Management Services) Jueves, 1 1 de enero de 2018 Lugar: Salon de Conferencias 4to Piso (Departamento de la Vivienda) Hora: 10:00 am. 11:07 am. H?ctor Rivera (CPM): Buenos dias. Mi nombre es Hector Rivera, (ininteligible), en representacic?m de CPM. Francisco Martinez (CPM): Buenos dias. Francisco Jos? Martinez, en representacion de CPM. Presidente de la Junta: Okay. Esta bien. Habi?ndose presentado todos, vamos a dar comienzo a la vista. Como saben, esta es una vista informal, se tiene que realizar, conforme a Ias disposiciones del Reglamento del Departamento de la Vivienda de la Ley de L.P.A.U. Estamos aqui, entonces, para escuchar los planteamientos que va a hacer Ia parte que esta impugnando Ia subasta. Luego de eso, entonces, daremos participacion a Ias otras partes, para que reaccionen presenten la prueba vayan a presentar. Lcda. Cartagena Cancel (AECOM): Bien. Con respeto, nuevamente, con la venia de la honorable Junta, Ia Lcda. Cartagena. Tenemos presente, segOn dijimos, para que conste para record, el int?rprete que esta hacienda la traduccion a los se?ores Bob Roberts Srini Kris, asi que pedimos permiso para que esta asi sea. En la medida que esta es una vista informal, tambi?n, licenciado, quisi?ramos pedir permiso para beneficio de la Junta, poder proyectar algunos de los datos que se discuten en nuestra Mocion de Reconsideracion, que puedan verlo proyectado que todo el grupo tenga el beneficio de eso tambi?n, que fluya mejor la presentacion. Presidente de la Junta: Esta bien. Con respecto a la peticion del traductor, no tenemos reparos. Definitivamente, es importante que la parte pueda entender los procesos, dado que los mismos se dirigen en espa?ol. Con respecto a la proyeccion de Ios datos, pues, definitivamente no tenemos reparos, en la medida en que sean pertinentes a la controversia que tengamos atender. Lcda. Cartagena Cancel (AECOM): Ciertamente to son. Muchas gracias. Presidente de la Junta: Okay. Lcda. Cartagena Cancel (AECOM): Agradecida. Lcda. Qui?ones Rivera (DV): Por el Departamento de la Vivienda, si nos permite, glos procedimientos se estan grabando tormalmente? TA Opo. 173 Transcripci?n Audio-Vista Administrativa Mocion de Reconsideracion AECOM v. Dpto de la Vivienda Adjusters international, lnc. 7-18?02 (Professional Project Management Services) Jueves. 1 de enero de 2018 Lugar: Salon de Conferencias 4to Pisa (Departamento de la Vivienda) Hora: 10:00 am. 11:07 am. Presidente de la Junta: Si, se estan grabando. Lcda. Qui?ones Rivera (DV): 3Par el panel? Presidente de la Junta: Si. Lcda. Qui?ones Rivera (DV): Entonces. la pregunta que tendria seria sabre esta proyecci?n para ilustrarnos gesa se va a considerar prueba?, gha sido notificado a Ias partes?eI, ?es parte de la radicacian de la Macion de Recansideraci?n? Este, gqu? es lo que estamos prayectanda? Lcda. Cartagena Cancel (AECOM): Si. Todo el cantenida de esta prayeccian esta en la Macian de Recansideracion de una manera un poco mas digerida, en letras mas grandes. para que puedan seguir Ias eventos coma ocurrieron, Ias hechos en el RFP. No se trata de prueba nueva. Presidente de la Junta: Okay. Pero. una pregunta, esta presentacian. si alguien Ia solicitare, gestaria disponible para ser reproducida? Lcda. Cartagena Cancel (AECOM): Totalmente. tenemos algunas capias aqui tambi?n. Presidente de la Junta: Okay. 3A alguna de las partes le interesaria que se Ie praveyera, ya fuera durante la vista 0 posteriarmente. la presentaci?n formalmente? Lcda. Qui?ones Rivera (DV): Ciertamente no la hemos vista, 3verdad8 Asi que no podria decir que no. Eh, crea que, si nos permite el Presidente, este seria un buen momenta para apuntalar la siguiente: el Departamento de la Vivienda esta aqui, de conformidad con la citacion emitida en la tarde de ayer. Sin embargo. estamos levantando objecian a la insuficiencia de la natificacion, tanto por el momenta en que se noti?co, verdad, para una vista para celebrarse 16 horas mas tarde; y, parque no se esta notificanda a todas Ias partes del procedimienta. Presidente de la Junta: Mhm. Leda. Qui?ones Rivera (DV): Solo queriamas que eso constara para el record. Presidente de la Junta: Esta bien. Anotado para el record to objecian que presenta el Departamento de la Vivienda. TA Opo. 174 Transcripcion Audio-Vista Administrativa Mocion de Reconsideraci?n AECOM v. Dpto de la Vivienda Adjusters International, Inc. DOH-RFP-I 7?18-02 Professional Project Management Services) Jueves, I I de enero de 2018 Lugar: Salon de Conferencias 4to Piso (Departamento de la Vivienda) Hora: 10:00 am. I I: 07 am. Lcdo. Rodriguez Torres (Adjusters): En representacion de Adjusters International, nosotros suscribimos el mismo planteamiento de la insuficiencia de la notificacion. Lcdo. Barrios (miembro Junta): Con la venia del se?or Presidente. Lcdo. Barrios, miembro de la Junta, para propositos del registro. Queria preguntar a ambas partes que acaban de hacer alocucion, gaparte de ese planteamiento, han hecho algun otro planteamiento escrito sobre Ios elementos sustantivos de la petici?n de reconsideraci?n? Varios: No. Lcda. Qui?ones Rivera (DV): No, no se ha presentado ningun escrito ante la Junta. Presidente de la Junta: Okay. Pues, siendo asi, continue, entonces, con la presentacion de la prueba. Lcda. Cartagena Cancel (AECOM): Bueno, primero que nada, agradecidos a la Junta por haber considerado Ia Mocion de Reconsideracion, haber se?alado esta vista. Nosotros estamos completamente preparados para discutir Ios m?ritos de la Mocion de Reconsideracion, contestar cualquier pregunta que ustedes tengan a bien hacer: asi como, replicar cualquier argumento en contra que tengan las partes opuestas a esta Moci?n de Reconsideracion. Nosotros estamos confiados en que, aI finalizar nuestra presentacion, nuestra argumentacion, al ustedes considerar en Ios m?ritos la Mocion de Reconsideracion la totalidad del record, no va a quedar duda de dos hechos: el primero, Adjusters no fue responsive a los requerimientos del RFP. debio haber sido descalificado. Su propuesta no debio haber sido ni tan siquiera considerado para una evaluaci?n ulterior, porque no cumplio con requisitos materiaies del RFP. dos, al finalizar esta vista, nosotros confiamos que ustedes, al igual que nosotros, van a concluir que mi cliente, AECOM-CPM Joint Venture, fue el licitador con la oferta responsiva que representa el mejor valor, taI cual esta definido en Ios requisitos de la subasta. Como habran notado, aqui tenemos una gran presencia de CPM, de AECOM de todos los contratistas que participarian en este proyecto. La presencia de todas estas personas aqui, es prueba del gran inter?s que tiene este proyecto. que estan prestos a comenzar eI proyecto cuando ustedes se TA Opo. 175 Transcripcion Audio-Vista Administrativa Mocion de Reconsideracion AECOM v. Dpto de la Vivienda Adjusters International, Inc. DOH-RFP-17-18-02 (Professional Project Management Services) Jueves, 1 1 de enero de 2018 Lugar: Salon de Conferencios - 4to Piso (Departamento de la Vivienda) Hora: 10:00 11:07 am. convenzan, al igual que nosotros, que mi cliente representa la mejor oferta. Quisiera comenzar se?alando cual va a ser Ia agenda, 0 Ios temas que vamos a tocar, que son Ios mismos que estan en la Moci?n de Reconsideracion. Primero, este, un breve trasfondo de qu? se trata esto, de dc?mde surge el RFP, cuales son sus objetivos. Segundo, cuales eran Ios requisitos contemplados en el RFP, eso esta en el record. Dos, vamos a discutir el hecho que el licitador seleccionado no cumplio con los requisitos del RFP. vamos a ir punto por punto, por que no cumplio con ellos, en qu? consiste el incumplimiento cual es la magnitud, eh, la naturaleza de ese incumplimiento. Luego, vamos a ver que AECOM-CPM JV recibio Ia puntuacion mas alta del RFP, este era una RFP que se decidia por puntuacion. Y, finalmente, vamos a hablar de cual es el remedio que estamos solicitando. Huelga decir, verdad, que el Huracan Maria nos afecto a todos, a qui?n no nos afectc?), el 20 de diciembre (sic), fue un evento tan devastador que 01 dia siguiente ya teniamos una declaracion de emergencia. Y, subsiguientemente, FEMA autorizo fondos, bajo Ia Seccion 403 de STEP, para comenzar a hacer, verdad, trabajos de restauracion a las residencias. Se estima que sobre 75 mil residencias fueron afectadas, ese nOmero pudiera aumentar. A esos fines, en noviembre 7, el Departamento de la Vivienda emitio an RFP, un Request for Proposal, buscando entidades cualificadas para proveer el Lcdo. Barrios (miembro Junta): ContinL?Je licenciada. Presidente de la Junta: Si, continUe, si. Leda. Cartagena Cancel (AECOM): para proveer el servicio de reparar miles de viviendas en Puerto Rico, impactadas por el Huracan. Si revisamos el record de la subasta, especificamente, Ia notificacion de la adjudicacion, dice que el estimado inicial del Departamento para este proyecto eran $152.5 millones, aproximadamente, que serian sufragados por el gobierno federal. Tambi?n, del record de la subasta surge, especificamente, eI Exhibit 12 del lnforme de Adjudicacion del RFP, que el presupuesto que FEMA asigno para este proyecto son $180 millones de d?lares. Esos nL?Jmeros son importantes relevantes para lo que vamos a ver subsiguientemente. Lcda. Qui?ones Rivera (DV): Si, si me permiten; con la venia, senor Presidente, si se le podria solicitor a la Lcda. Cartagena, si es tan amable, cuando hace TA Opo. 176 Transcripcion Audio-Vista Administrativa Moci?n de Reconsideraci?n AECOM v. Dpto de la Vivienda Adjusters International, Inc. (Professional Project Management Services) Jueves, 1 1 de enero de 2018 Lugar: Salon de Conferencias 4to Piso (Departamento de la Vivienda) Hora: 10:00 11:07 am. referencia a Exhibits documentos, que indique en donde en la Moci?n de Reconsideraci?n es que se refieren (initeligible). I.cda. Cartagena Cancel (AECOM): Bueno, estan en el record de la subasta. Lcda. Qui?ones Rivera (DV): Pero, 3no en la Mocion de Reconsideraci?n? Lcda. Cartagena Cancel (AECOM): Algunos lo estan, otros no. Pero, todo esta en el record de la subasta. Lcda. Qui?anes Rivera (DV): Ah, ok. Como habia preguntado si era parte de la Mocion de Reconsideracion, me dijeron que si, pues, pens? que era, que eso era correcto. Lcda. Cartagena Cancel (AECOM): Pero, todo, que conste, todo esta en el record de la subasta. Lcda. Qui?ones Rivera (DV): No, claro, claro: pero, en la Mocion de Reconsideracion no. [Silencio] Lcda. Cartagena Cancel (AECOM): Bueno, ahora vamos a ver cuales fueron los requisitos. Habia unos requisitos que se llaman requisitos de umbral. T0 no puedes entrar a este RFP, no puedes entrar por esta puerta si no cumples con unos requisitos de umbral. No es de sorprender, que el primero de esos requisitos sea que el proponente tenga suficiente solvencia financiera, que pueda sufragar este tipo de proyecto. De hecho, eh, las personas que practicamos en el area de las subastas, eh, podemos dar fe de que, en la inmensa mayoria, todas. yo no he visto ninguna que no la tenga, todas las subastas todos los RFPs piden diferentes tipos de garantias de que el licitador puede proveer el servicio, en la forma de una fianza, bid bonds, execution bond. En este caso, Ia Agencia, la prerrogativa que se tomo, fue pedirle una confirmacion de parte de una tercera persona, de una linea de cr?dito de no menos de $35 millones de d?lares; o, que tambi?n, tuviese una cuenta en un banco, eh, no cualquier banco. FDIC insured, con un balance de $35 millones. No dijeron 34, no dijeron 26, no dijeron 16. El m?Jmero fue 35, eso es lo que esta especificado en el RFP. Tambi?n, se deberia proveer estados financieros informaci?n concerniente a las lineas existentes de TA Opo. 177 Transcripci?n Audio-Vista Administrativa Moci?n de Reconsideracion AECOM v. Dpto de la Vivienda Adjusters lntemational, Inc. DOH-RFP-17-18-02 Professional Project Management Services) Jueves, 1 1 de enero de 2018 Lugar: Salon de Conferencias - 4to Pisa (Departamento de la Vivienda) Hora: 10:00 11:07 am. cr?dito. Este es un requisito de umbral. gPor que? El Gobierno no contrata con cualquier persona. El Gobierno tiene la misma logica al contratar que la que tendriamos nosotros los ciudadanos. Nosotros Ios ciudadanos, no dejariamos entrar a cualquier contratista a nuestras casas. Por qu?, porque nos puede dejar el trabajo a mitad si no tiene Ia suficiente solvencia econ?mica. la situacion en la que se encuentra hoy en dia el Gobierno de Puerto Rico, es de vital importancia que contratista que entre a hacer un trabajo para el Gobierno pueda hacer el trabajo, una de Ias maneras de garantizarlo es mediante la prueba de que hay suficiente solvencia economica. Asi que, el Gobierno no hace nada distinto a lo que haria el ciudadano comL'in. Un requisito de umbral. Otro de los requisitos de umbral que dispuso el RFP es que el promovente tenia que tener ?good standing". Y, gc?mo se definia el ?good standing"? Bueno, si eres una corporaci?n de Puerto Rico, tenias que estar incorporado, demostrarlo mediante el correspondiente certificado de incorporacion. Si eres una corporacion extranjera, pues, tenia que haber hecho Ios arreglos con el Departamento de Estado, previo a la subasta, no despues de la subasta. Mas bien era, previo a presentar Ia propuesta. gokayg Y, cualquier falla, la falla en demostrar que se cumpliera con este requisito podria acarrear que se rechazara Ia propuesta. Quiero recalcar que aqui (refiri?ndose a la presentaci?n/proyecci?n) utiliza el t?rmino ?must" en dos ocasiones, el t?rmino "shall" en una ocasion, en el requisito anterior tambi?n aludia al t?rmino ?shall". el requisito ?shall" ?must", esos t?rminos denotan que es un requisito indispensable, que es una exigencia, que no hay margen para cambiarlo, es lo haces no lo haces. No es una media certificacion, no es una certificacion traida dos dias despu?s, no es una oportunidad adicional para traerla mas tarde. Son 35 millones, no 34, no 26. Otro de los requisitos de umbral era tener autorizacion: y, como aqui se podia presentar propuestas de diterentes formas: por partnerships, por corporaciones por joint ventures, cada una de esas propuestas, en la forma en la que se hiciera, tenia que tener Ia correspondiente autorizacion. Si era un partnership, tenia que estar autorizada firmada por todos Ios socios. Si era una corporacion, la correspondiente resoluci?n. Si era un joint venture, todos los miembros del joint venture tenian que firmar la propuesta. Eso es importante para alga que vamos a se?alar mas adelante. [Pausa] Otro de los requisitos de umbral, GSA Certification. Esa es la certificacion de servicios, eh, TA Opo. 178 Transcripcion Audio-Vista Administrativa Mocion de Reconsideraci?n AECOM v. Dpto de la Vivienda Adjusters International, Inc. 7?18-02 (Professional Project Management Services) Jueves, I I de enero de 2018 Lugar: Salon de Conferencias - 4to Piso (Departamento de la Vivienda) Hora: 10:00 am. I 1:07 am. General Services Administration. Para hacer negocios con el Gobierno de Puerto Rico. segun nuestra ley, que es la Ley de Registro Unico de Licitadores de la Administracion de Servicios Generales. hay que estar inscrito. RFP. en la Seccion 4.2, dice cito ?shall be GSA certified", no da margen para no traerla. Es importante estos tres t?rminos: primero, el RFP. describe define que es un responsible que es un responsive respondent. En t?rminos generales. un responsible respondent es aqu?l que tiene Ia capacidad de ejecutar el trabajo, basado en Ios t?rminos definidos en el RFP: solvencia economica, capacidad t?cnica. etc?tera. Mientras que un responsive respondent es aqu?l cuya propuesta se ajusta, el t?rmino que utiliza es "exactly?, exactamente, a los requerimientos del RFP. Eso se puede encontrar en la seccic?m, en la pagina 5 de la seccion de definiciones del RFP. [Pausa] estos eran Ios factores que iba a utilizar Vivienda para adjudicar. Bueno, eran 6 factores en total, un total de 110 puntos. Cinco de ellos, eran factores no relacionados al precio. uno relacionado al precio. gCuales eran Ios factores no relacionados al precio? Experiencia capacidad, project application, past performance; y, el costo tenia un renglon aparte de 25. Ademas, habia una seccion de bono de IO puntos. En resumidas cuentas, 22% era costo 77.3% era el balance. todos los demos criterios; incluyendo. un bono de 10 puntos del cual vamos a hablar horita. [Pausa] El bono. Los t?rminos de este proyecto son bastante agresivos. Se necesita un grupo de trabajo que comience a operar inmediatamente. dada la magnitud de los da?os. Asi es que, si el proponente que fuera extranjero, foreign respondent, se unia con un joint venture con un local respondent. entonces. la Seccion 4.6 permitia darle IO a esta propuesta. Por ejemplo. AECOM. mi cliente, hizo un joint venture con ambos firmaron la propuesta, AECOM. siendo extranjero. CPM, siendo local, ahi tenemos eI joint venture que Ios hace acreedor de los IO puntos. [Pausa] Se establecio un Comit? de Evaluacion, que se suponia que utilizara todos Ios criterios antes establecidos. que ya hemos discutido otros mas, que, a base de cada score, hiciera una evaluacion. Es importante el segundo punto aqui. SI el Comit? de Evaluacion determinaba que la propuesta era significativamente deficiente en cuanto a la documentacion requerida, entonces. podia rechazar debia rechazar esta propuesta. Ese es el primer analisis. Esta propuesta, gtiene todo lo que pedimos? Si no tiene todo lo que pedimos, no pasa a la siguiente evaluacion. Al mismo TA Opo. 179 Transcripcion Audio-Vista Administrativa Moci?n de Reconsideracion AECOM v. Dpto de la Vivienda Adjusters International, Inc. DOH-RFP-I 7-18-02 (Professional Project Management Services) Jueves, I I de enero de 2018 Lugar: Salon de Conterencias 4to Piso (Departamento de la Vivienda) Hora: 10:00 am. I I: 07 am. tiempo que el Comit? evaluaba Ios aspectos t?cnicos, entonces, el area de Procurement, de Compras, estaria evaluando Ios precios. El proceso en este RFP, se suponia que fuera eI best value. Best value no es lo mismo que best cost. Best value es mucho mas amplio, porque es el valor visto desde el sentido mas amplio, eh, staffing, la calidad del servicio, Ia experiencia, Ia capacidad financiera. unido al costo, que da una puntuacion total como vimos antes. [Pausa] Vamos a ver qu? fue lo que sucedio con la propuesta de Adjusters. Ya tenemos cuales fueron Ios requisitos, vamos a ver ahora cual fue Ia propuesta, cuales fueron Ios incumplimientos. Los refiero, respetuosamente, a la seccion que fue por la que empezamos, Ia linea de cr?dito de 35 millones. SegL'Jn Ios documentos de la subasta, segun Ia propuesta de Adjusters, eI present balance of the line of credit is $9 million dollars. Eso no lo decimos nosotros, Io dice el record de la subasta. Por otra parte, en la evaluacion que hizo el Comit?, se indica, por parte del CPA que hizo la evaluacion, que Ios estados financieras de Adjusters presentan una linea de cr?dito de solamente 35] 6 millones de dolares, dos de las cuales estan siendo utilizadas para satisfacer una obligacion, porque adquirieron una compa?ia. Y, esa evaluacion, hace ?nfasis aI hecho de que Adjusters ha tenido p?rdidas financieras durante dos a?os consecutivos. Los invito a ver la misma porcion para AECOM, un billon de dolares en linea de cr?dito, casi 400 millones en balance en su linea de cr?dito, ningL'm se?alamiento en cuanto a sus finanzas, absolutamente ninguno. En cuanto 0 I05 requerimientos generales, horita vimos que la compa?ia tenia que estar en ?good standing". Esta abogada reviso Ios documentos, el expediente del RFP, reviso Ia propuesta de Adjusters. Esta abogada, en conjunto con la Lcda. Yahaira De La Rosa, no pudimos ver alli. Vivienda no nos produjo ninguna documentacion que certifique que Adjusters esta en ?good standing". Los invito a ver, en la propuesta de AECOM, el certificado del Departamento de Estado, donde indica que mi cliente esta en ?good standing", CPM esta en "good standing". Lo que, es mas, nos dimos a la tarea de ir aI Departamento de Estado, obtuvimos certificaciones negativas de Adjusters. Asi es que, Adjusters no esta en ?good standing" en Puerto Rico. Este requisito es tan importante como el de las tinanzas. Igualmente, que no cualquiera deja entrar a su casa a trabajar a cualquier contratista; eI Gobierno, como politica pL?Jinca establecio que no cualquiera puede venir a hacer negocios en Puerto Rico. Eso esta contemplado en la Ley de Corporaciones. IO TA Opo. 180 Transcripcion Audio-Vista Administrativa Mocion de Reconsideracion AECOM v. Dpto de la Vivienda Adjusters International, Inc. 7-18-02 (Professional Project Management Services) Jueves, 1 de enero de 2018 Lugar: Salon de Conferencias 4to Pisa (Departamento de la Vivienda) Hora: 10:00 1:07 am. Tiene mucha importancia. 3A qui?n le cobran las contribuciones cuando se le pague a este contratista? Ademas de eso, era un requisito del RFP, el RFP contiene Ios criterios de evaluaci?n. Secci?n 4.2: la firma debe tener una certificacion de la Administraci?n de Servicios Generales. Adjusters no sometio tal certificaci?n, los invito a ver Ios informes del Comit? de Evaluaci?n, Ios cuales le dieron cero a Adjusters, bajo ese renglon. si recordaran, la Seccion 4.2 utiliza Ia expresion ?shall"; 0 sea, que no hay margen. Si Adjusters no esta certificado para hacer negocios con el Gobierno de Puerto Rico, huelga decir que tampoco lo esta para hacer negocios con el Departamento de la Vivienda en un proyecto tan importante. Importantisimo, Adjusters recibio 10 puntos de boni?cacion; sin embargo, Adjusters no sometio una propuesta bajo un joint venture. Los invito a ver, en el record de la subasta, el bidding agreement sometido por Adjusters LinkActiv, lnc.; y, especificamente, el Articulo 5 dice: this agreement does not constitute a partnership, joint venture, or any other form of business association. Lo que, es mas, Adjusters fue el Onico que firma esta propuesta. Asi que, si Adjusters fue el Onico que firmo la propuesta, no firmo como un contratista local. sino como un contratista extranjero que no presento una propuesta con un joint venture. Por supuesto, los 10 puntos no le correspondian. Y. saben qu?, sin esos lO puntos, Adjusters no hubiera recibido suficientes puntos para ser considerado dentro de lo que el Comit? Ilamo el competitive range. El competitive range era algo asi como, si no llegas a esta puntuacion, no vas a llegar al siguiente paso: 67 puntos eran los que tenian que tener como minimo. Vamos a ver horita que, sin esos l0 puntos, Adjusters no llegaba a esa puntuacion. Asi que, dado todo esto, es evidente que Adjusters debio haber sido notificado; para empezar, no tenia ?good standing" para hacer negocios en Puerto Rico al momento en que su propuesta fue presentada. No tiene la certificacion requerida para hacer trabajos con el Gobierno, no demostro suficiente capacidad financiera para poder Ilevar a cabo este servicio, y, segL?m Ia Seccion 5.6, las propuestas debian ser rechazadas, si la documentaci?n sometida era deficiente. Asi es que, respetuosamente, sostenemos que la Junta de Subasta adjudico erroneamente esta subasta a favor de Adjusters; lo cual, esta honorable Junta Revisora tiene la oportunidad de revisar corregir, porque para eso es que esta el proceso, tenemos confianza en que, luego de ver esta informacion, puedan ustedes llegar a la misma conclusi?n. [Pausa] Fijense que en la evaluacion del Comit?, en esa 1] TA Opo. 181 Transcripcion Audio-Vista Administratlva Mocion de Reoonsideracion AECOM v. Dpto de la Vivienda Adjusters International, Inc. 7-18-02 Professional Project Management Services) Jueves, I de enero de 2018 Lugar: Salon de Conferenclas - 4to Piso (Departamento de la Vivienda) Hora: 10:00 am. I 1:07 am. primera tase de la evaluacion t?cnica, Adjusters (sic) obtuvo la puntuacion mas alta, 7.44 puntos antes, 0 mas, que Adjusters. Y, si se fijan, me voy a acercar un momentito para que lo vean, si no hago mucho revolu aqui. Horita hablamos que hacia falta 67 puntos para poder entrar a la siguiente fase. El total de puntos de Adjusters fue 70.06. Sin estos lO puntos, Adjusters se quedaba con 60, no llegaba a los 67, requisito de umbral nuevamente. [Pausa] AECOM, no cabe duda, fue el ganador en la parte t?cnica, vamos a ver que subsiguientemente, tambi?n. AECOM obtuvo la mayor puntuacion. Combinaron ambos, costos evaluacion t?cnica; y, aL?Jn con los 10 puntos de ventaja que le dieron, que no Ie debieron dar: y, aun no habi?ndolo descalificado, mi cliente obtuvo 99.04. Sin embargo, la adjudicacion fue a favor de Adjusters. aBasado en qu?a, En costos. Asl es que, respetuosamente, sostenemos que aqul se echo a un Iado, no se aplicaron Ios propios criterios de evaluocion de la subasta, no se selecciono basado en la puntuaci?n, como dice el sino, que se adjudlco a un licitador que obtuvo una puntuacion baja, se pasaron por alto diferencias significativas entre Ias propuestas: mas lmportante aL?Jn, que Adjusters no fue responsivo. [Pausa] En este caso, en la medida en que Vivienda adjudico basado en precio, penalizo por partida doble a AECOM por el precio. Le dio una puntuacion por el precio despu?s, al final, adjudico basado en precio. Doblemente penalizado. Por qu? no lo hicieron con el aspecto t?cnico, si ese era el que tenla a coma con el 77% del score. De acuerdo con el Informe de Adjudicacion del RFP, el Comit? encontro, cito, pueden verlo en la pagina 6, que la propuesta, en cuanto a precio, de AECOM, era razonable. Asi es que, no estamos hablando aqui de que el Comit? penso que fuera irrazonable el precio que dio AECOM. Mas aL'Jn, la propuesta de AECOM es 24 millones mas baja del presupuesto asignado por FEMA. gQueremos corremos el riesgo con un licitador que no tiene capacidad financiera, no esta en "good standing? no esta autorizado para hacer negocios en Puerto Rico? gQueremos entrar, a que vayan a hacer trabajos de reparacion en la casa de 75 mil ciudadanos? [Pausa] que, Ie pedimos a la honorable Junta, que estos hechos son contundentes. La esta a favor nuestro. El RFP establece Ios criterios, una vez que el RFP establece Ios criterios, la Agencia tiene que ce?irse a ellos. Hay toda una, un conjunto de casos en Puerto Rico muy bien conocidos, que indican que la Agencia actua de manera arbitraria caprichosa si no se Cine a sus propios reglamentos; y, en el caso de 12 TA Opo. 182 Transcripcion Audio-Vista Administrativa Mocion de Reconsideracion AECOM v. Dpto de la Vivienda Adjusters International, Inc. 7?18-02 [Professional Project Management Services) Jueves, I I de enero de 2018 Lugar: Salon de Conferencias - 4to Piso (Departamento de la Vivienda) Hora: 10:00 I 1:07 am. las subastas RFPs. a las propios requisitos del RFP. Asi que, con mucho respeto. entendemos que fue arbitrario el no adjudicar Ia subasta a favor del RFP, a favor de AECOM, en la medida en que cumplio con los requisitos del RFP, no habia margen para que la Agencia se desviara de las criterios alli establecidos. Aqui entendemos, respetuosamente, que se alteraron Ios criterios de decision se cometio el error de adjudicar a un proponente que no cumplia con las requisitos del RFP. Asi que, nosotros, respetuosamente solicitamos al Departamento que deje sin efecto Ia adjudicacion de la subasta a favor de Adjusters, adjudique Ia subasta a favor de AECOM que, claramente bajo Ios criterios del RFP, fue el ganador en este RFP. [Pausa] Estoy abierta a preguntas. Lcdo. Arias Larcada (AECOM): gTienen alguna pregunta. Ios miembros del Comit?? Presidente de la Junta: Para fines del registro. el Lcdo. Godohaldo P?rez Torres. Con respecto a la presentacion lo que aparece en la Moci?n de Reconsideracion, no tengo preguntas. Entendi el planteamiento que hace AECOM. No s? silos compa?eros de la Junta tienen alguna pregunta que hacer. Lcdo. Barrios (miembro Junta): No, no. Lcda. Candelaria (miembro Junta): Por mi parte, ninguna. Presidente de la Junta: Okay. Siendo asi, entonces. gno van a abundar nada mas? gSe termino su presentaci?n? Lcdo. Arias Larcada (AECOM): Bueno. nos reservamos un turno dependiendo si va a ver un tipo de discusi?n posterior en esta vista. Presidente de la Junta: Esta bien. Okay, muy bien. Lcdo. Arias Larcada (AECOM): Ahora, lo que si queremos dejar planteado como, eh, como regla de juego en este asunto; nosotros entendemos que esto es una vista administrativa Presidenfe de la Junta: Si. Lcdo. Arias Larcada (AECOM): que se esta citando despu?s de que se llevo a cabo, eh, el TA Opo. 183 Transcripcion Audio-Vista Administrativa Moci?n de Reconsideracion AECOM v. Dpto de la Vivienda Adjusters International, Inc. 7-18-02 Professional Project Management Services) Jueves, 1 de enero de 2018 Lugar: Salon de Conferencias - 4to Piso (Departamento de la Vivienda) Hora: 10:00 11:07 am. Presidente de la Junta: Mhm. Lcdo. Arias Larcada (AECOM): eh, toda la informacion que tenia que ser sometida por los proponentes, para cumplir con Ios requisitos del RFP, se tenian que haber sometido en noviembre, cuando fue que se cerro el RFP se tomo to decision. Presidente de la Junta: Mhm. Lcdo. Arias Larcada (AECOM): Estamos revisando una decision tomada en base a prueba documentos que se sometieron para noviembre, cuando se cerro el RFP. Eh, por tanto, nosotros tenemos una objeci?n, eh, a cualquier intento de someterle a esta Junta de Revision, eh, cualquier tipo de prueba, documentaci?n, argumentaci?n legal que tenga que ver con cosas que que, que, se generan despu?s de que se cerrc?) el RFP. Porque no es, esta vista, no debe entenderse que esta vista es una oportunidad para una, eh, un segundo mordisco a la manzana. No es para subsanar detectos que ya est?n establecidos, que han sido un?con-tes-ted, porque no han sido subsanados, ni fueron subsanados, indujeron a error a la, a la Junta, eh, de Subastas. ese es nuestro planteamiento, nos reservamos el derecho de objetar cualquier intento de subsanar el record 0 arreglar el record para una parte, eh, eh, que comparezca en este procedimiento. Presidente de la Junta: Tengo claro la objecion que presenta Lcda. Cartagena Cancel (AECOM): con la Presidente de la Junta: Si, (ininteligible). Un momentito. Que, dado, que el compa?ero hablo, no se identi?co, que se Lcdo. Arias Larcada (AECOM): Ah, ok. El, eh, Antonio Arias Larcada, en representacion de AECOM. Presidente de la Junta: Eh, simplemente para que (ininteligible) del record, para que est?n claros que toda alocucion fue hecha por el licenciado. [Pausa] Puede hablar, compa?era. Lcda. Cartagena Cancel (AECOM): Si, nuevamente, la licenciada Cartagena. En la misma linea del licenciado Arias, ya han transcurrido 13 dias desde que l4 TA Opo. 184 Transcripcion Audio-Vista Administrativa Mocion de Reconsideracion AECOM v. Dpto de la Vivienda Adjusters International, Inc. 7-18-02 (Professional Project Management Services) Jueves, i 1 de enero de 2018 Lugar: Salon de Conferencias - 4to Piso (Departamento de la Vivienda) Hora: 10:00 11:07 am. presentamos nuestra Mocion de Reconsideraci?n, eh, se ha llevado a cabo esta vista. Hasta la fecha, nadie se ha opuesto a nuestra Mocion de Reconsideracion. En Ios procesos de RFPs, subastas, Ios t?rminos, una de Ias caracteristicas es que corren de manera mas rapida de lo que comunmente corre cualquier otro procedimiento; y, entendemos, que el t?rmino para oponerse eran iO dias. eso no ha ocurrido. Asi que, lo que estariamos indicando, sometiendo a la consideracion es que nuestra Mocion de Reconsideraci?n, eh, se d? por sometida sin oposicion. Presidente de la Junta: Okay. Tomamos nota de ese planteamiento que hace la, la parte, si, lo que solicitaria entonces, es que me lo sometan por Lcda. Cartagena Cancel (AECOM): Si. Presidente de la Junta: que (ininteligible) formalmente ese planteamiento, a pesar de que en la vista se ha hecho. Lcda. Cartagena Cancel (AECOM): Muy bien. Presidente de la Junta: el planteamiento que hizo el compa?ero con respecto al asunto de que no se debe permitir que, que se traiga prueba distinta a la que se hubiera sometida en noviembre, que tambi?n me haga el planteamiento por escrito, cosa de que conste en record; y, asi. si alguna parte quiere reaccionar a eso, pues, entonces que lo haga. Saben, lo que Ie voy a pedir es que lo sometan por escrito, entonces Ios circulen a Ias partes, este. correspondientes, cosa de que si van a reaccionar a eso, pues, que lo hagan. Lcdo. Arias Larcada (AECOM): El, el otro EI licenciado Antonio Arias Larcada. Presidente de la Junta: Si, si me permite el compa?ero. Lcda. Qui?ones Rivera (DV): Como se han hecho muchisimos planteamientos, no queremos que, que el record, Presidente de la Junta: Si, licenciado, si se puede identificar primero. Lcda. Qui?ones Rivera (DV): Claro que si. La licenciado Hilda Qui?ones Rivera. con el Departamento de la Vivienda. Como Ios compa?eros han hecho varias 15 TA Opo. 185 Transcripcion Audio-Vista Administrativa Moci?n de Reconsideracion AECOM v. Dpto de la Vivienda Adjusters International, Inc. DOH-RFP-I 7-l8-02 (Professional Project Management Services) Jueves, I de enero de 2018 Lugar: Salon de Conferencias - 4to Piso (Departamento de la Vivienda) Hora: 10:00 am. - I I: 07 am. argumentaciones: antes de que continL?Jen, pues, queremos que, que el record refleje Io siguiente. El licenciado Arias levanta una objecion, utilizo el t?rmino object?n a subsanar el record a arreglar e record. Vamos, primero, con el t?rmino arreglar, el Departamento de la Vivienda toma excepcion a la utilizacion del vocablo. Ciertamente, puede hacer un planteamiento sobre el tiempo, verdad, en qu? momenta se pueden someter documentos. Ahora, Ia utilizacion del verbo arreglar el record, ciertamente, no es algo que el Departamento de la Vivienda haria, eh, ni se pretenderia hacer en este caso. En cuanto 0 en qu? momento se pueden someter documentos qu? documentos se pueden someter, eh, eso, depende, obviamente, del reglamento que rige el procedimiento (ininteligible) a la Junta Revisora; si, le compete, verdad, a la Junta Revisora determinar qu? prueba va a solicitar, cuando Ia va a solicitor, que parte va a solicitarle prueba demos; y, eso, pues obviamente, lo dejamos en las manos de la determinacion que haga en su momenta la Junta Revisora. En cuanto al planteamiento de la Lcda. Cartagena, a las etectos de que nadie se ha opuesto a nuestra Mocion de Reconsideracion que el t?rmino abreviado aplicable en este caso es de IO dias, eh, pues, eso no es correcto. El Reglamento no dispone que haya un t?rmino para oponerse a la Mocion de Reconsideraci?n ante la Junta Revisora. Y, como bien conoce Ia Lcda. Cartagena, de todos modos, la Ley de Procedimiento Administrative Uniforme fue enmendada: eh, estos t?rminos, antes abreviados, ahora son t?rminos de 30 dias. Pero, en este caso, el Reglamento no establece un t?rmino para oponerse a la Mocion de Reconsideracion. Asi que, en el caso de que se fuera a presentar una una oposici?n en contra de esa Mocion de Reconsideraci?n, pues, se presentara dentro del, de las parametros que el Reglamento dispone. Presidente de la Junta: Okay. Voy a solicitor que esos planteamientos que ha traido el Departamento de la Vivienda, Ios sometan por escrito, porque dado que la pedi a las partes, este, AECOM, que los sometan por escrito: a su vez, entonces, quiero que me sometan Ios planteamientos con Ios fundamentos en Derecho, reglamentacion que respalden esos planteamientos que se estan hacienda. TA Opo. 186 Transcripcion Audio-Vista Administrativa Mocion de Reconsideracion AECOM v. Dpto de la Vivienda Adjusters International, Inc. DOH-RFP-17-18-02 (Professional Project Management Services) Jueves, 11 de enero de 2018 Lugar: Salon de Conferencias - 4to Piso (Departamento de la Vivienda) Hora: 10:00 o.m. Lcda. Qui?ones Rivera (DV): Okay. Solicitariamos al (ininteligible), obviamente, que seria en oposicion, verdad. a lo que en su momenta radicara AECOM, porque ciertamente nuestra reaccion es 0 lo que ellos han planteado Presidente de la Junta: Esta bien. Bueno, pues, okay, pues, una vez que ellos presenten su gcuanto tiempo usted entiende que necesita para presentar por escrito esto lo que ustedes hon planteado? Lcdo. Arias Larcada (AECOM): Para ma?ana. Lcda. Cartagena Cancel (AECOM): Un dia. Presidente de la Junta: Okay. Bueno, dado que ellos entienden que en un dia pueden someter eso. yo, yo le dejaria a ustedes hasta el jueves de la semana que viene para que nos sometan el planteamiento. Lcdo. Barrios (miembro Junta): Con la venia, se?or Presidente, si me permite inquirir al Departamento de la Vivienda sobre este asunto. Quisi?ramos para record, sucintamente brevemente, establezcan, dentro de lo posible, su posicion con respecto a lo planteado en la oposicion de la, en la Mocion de Reconsideracion, que sustentaran en el escrito que ya se les pidio. Lcda. Qui?ones Rivera (DV): Pues nosotros, verdad, con la venia, el respeto al, a la Junta. Como planteamos al inicio de la vista, nosotros no estamos preparados para ver esta vista. Esta vista se notifico hace, verdad 15 horas. Asi que, en este momento, el Departamento de la Vivienda no esta en posicion de someter Ia posicion de, en contra de la Mocion de Reconsideracion. Si se concede un t?rmino para oponerse a la Moci?n de Reconsideracion, claramente, pues, entonces, Io Presidente de la Junta: Okay. Tengo, entonces, una pregunta. Para fines, del registro, el Lcdo. Godohaldo P?rez Torres, acuando, entonces, Ia Agencia tuvo conocimiento de la Reconsideracion sometida por Lcda. Qui?ones Rivera (DV): Bueno, esto abogada tuvo conocimiento, el, el lunes de esta semana. Lcda. Cartagena Cancel (AECOM): Para record, 51 me permite. fue presentada el 28 de diciembre. l7 TA Opo. 187 Transcripcion Audio-Vista Administrativa Moci?n de Reconsideracion AECOM v. Dpto de la Vivienda Adjusters International, Inc. 7-18-02 (Professional Project Management Services) Jueves, ll de enero de 2018 Lugar: Salon de Conferencias - 4to Piso (Departamento de la Vivienda) Hora: 10:00 11:07 am. Presidente de la Junta: eso, eso Lcda. Cartagena Cancel (AECOM): Hace (ininteligible). Presidente de la Junta: Esta bien. Para, (ininteligible) compa?era. Lcda. Cartagena Cancel (AECOM): Si, Ia Lcda. Cartagena. Se present?, eh, en persona, aqui, se se notifico a la mano como indica el Reglamento. Lcda. Qui?ones Rivera (DV): Si, para que (ininteligible), Lcda. Qui?ones. La. contestaci?n que Ie dies esta abogada. No hice una representaci?n de que se hubiera presentado en memento 0 se hubiera presentado eI lunes. Esta abogado tuvo conocimiento el lunes (ininteligible). cuando se reanudaron los trabajos en la Agencia, luego del receso de Lcdo. Hernandez Alvarado (DV): del receso Lcda. Qui?ones Rivera (DV): la primera semana (ininteligible). Lcdo. Arias Larcada (AECOM): Para proposito de Presidente de la Junta: Si se puede identificar primero. Lcdo. Arias Larcada (AECOM): Lcdo. Antonio Arias. en representaci?n de AECOM. Presidente de la Junta: Si. Lcdo. Arias Larcada (AECOM): Eh, eh, lo que quisiera plantear son dos asuntos. eh, porque hay una, una, una preocupacion de parte de la parte promovente, que es, esta subasta. este RFP, eh. la firma del contrato, esta sujeta a la aprobaci?n de la Junta de Control Fiscal, el caso de PROMESA. El dia siguiente a la presentacion de la Moci?n de Reconsideracion por parte de AECOM, el abogado interno de Vivienda, que esta presente en la vista se presento para record, envio una carta a la Junta de Control Fiscal, eh. confirmando que AECOM habia presentado su Moci?n de Reconsideracion, acompa?o el borrador de contrato, planteo que la Moci?n de Reconsideraci?n, despu?s de haber sido evaluada por la Division Legal, eh, este, no era meritoria porque, segL?m el Departamento de Vivienda, Adjusters habia cumplido con los requisitos minimos ,eh, del sin mas nada. No se plante? ningun hecho en apoyo a 18 TA Opo. 188 Transcripcion Audio-Vista Administrativa Mocion de Reconsideracion AECOM v. Dpto de la Vivienda Adjusters International, Inc. (Professional Project Management Services) Jueves, 11 de enero de 2018 Lugar: Salon de Conferencias - 4to Piso (Departamento de la Vivienda) Hora: 10:00 am. 11:07 am. ese planteamiento legal, de que Adjusters cumplio con los requisitos minimos, punto. Y, le pidi? a la Junta de Control Fiscal, que tiene desde el asunto de Whitefish, eh, ha establecido una politica de revisi?n de contratos, Cualquier contrato que vaya a hacer con el Gobierno sobre 10 millones de dolares, tiene que ser evaluada por la Junta. Eh, hay un procedimiento establecido por ese, eh, por ese, eh, procedimiento de evaluacion de contratos, que le requiere a la Agencia que ha adjudicado un RFP, que tiene un contrato para firmarse, que le someta un, eh, una lista de documentos de informaci?n las justificaciones que apoyen la firma de este contrato; y, eso, detona un t?rmino de 7 dias calen, eh, calendarios para que la Junta emita unas observaciones, ninguna observacion, deniegue la firma del contrato, Ievante excepciones, devuelva el asunto a la Agencia. Eh, nosotros Ie solicitamos al Departamento de Vivienda, eh, que nos certificara si habia hecho, eh, habia dado cumplimiento oi, al, a la, a esta, eh, eh, este reglamento de revision de contratos, qu? informacion qu? documentos, cuando le habia sometido a la Junta de Control Fiscal. Nosotros desconocemos en este momento si ese t?rmino de 7 dias ya empezo a correr, si no ha empezado a correr, si, donde estamos en eso. La preocupacion del promovente es que, mientras nosotros estemos aqui en esta vista administrativa, estemos preparando documentos por escrito, a solicitud de la vista de, de, de este Comit?, estemos esperondo por reacciones del Departamento de Vivienda, aqui no hay una paralizaci?n de la firma de un contrato. Eh, la solicitud que le estamos hacienda a la honorable Junta de Revision es que, como estamos pendientes en este procedimiento, hemos terminado de hacer una presentacion en base a nuestra Mocion de Reconsideracion, que a esta, a esta fecha no esta opuesto, que estamos escuchando que la representacion legal de Vivienda, de que estan considerando oponerse y, de hecho, se Ies esta ya dando un t?rmino para la semana que viene, para responder a un escrito que nosotros radicaremos en 24 horas; que, mientras este pendiente este procedimiento de revision ante esta honorable Junta, se instruya al Departamento de Vivienda de que se paralice cualquier firma de contrato con Adjusters, porque nosotros estamos en medio de agotar nuestros remedios administrativos. Lcda. Qui?ones Rivera (DV): Permitame (ininteligible). Cualquierargumentacion del proceso ante la Junta de Supervision Fiscal es inmaterial en este caso. La TA Opo. 189 Transcripcion Audio-Vista Administrativo Mocion de Reconsideraci?n AECOM v. Dpto de la Vivienda Adjusters International, Inc. 7?18-02 (Professional Project Management Services) Jueves, 1 1 de enero de 2018 Lugar: Salon de Conferencias - 4to Piso (Departamento de la Viviendo) Hora: 10:00 am. - 1 1:07 am. Junta Revisoro de Subastas del Departamento de la Viviendo, que tiene el rol definido, segL?m el reglamenta que le aplico. Los procedimientos de contratacion ante la Junta de Supervision Fiscal no involucran a AECOM, muy a pesar de que AECOM hizo todos los intentos de involucrarse, este, comunicondose directamente con la Junta, con relacion al, a lo adjudicacion del contrato. el proceso de contratacion, no tiene que ver con el proceso de reconsiderocion de la adjudicocion. La determinaci?n de AECOM de, de, de impugnar esta subasta mediante Mocion de Reconsiderocion a la Junta Revisora, Ios amarra a cumplir con los parametros de la Junta Revisora; la Junta Revisora, respetuosamente. argumentamos que no tiene, eh, autoridad reglamentaria para parolizar los procedimientos de la adjudicaci?n de subastas. Eh, asi que, como bien dice el compa?ero, estamos ante un procedimiento odministrativo que tiene que correr su curso. el procedimiento administrative se rige por el, lo Ley de Procedimiento Administrativo Uniforme por el Reglamento 6106, correro su curso. Y, en su momento. se tomara Ia determinacion que se tome, continuaran los procesos que opliquen. Presidente de la Junta: Okay. Sobre ese asunto, menos que la compa?ero quiero abundar en 0190. Lcda. Cartagena Cancel (AECOM): Por favor, odelante usted. Presidente de la Junta: Okay. Se dirige el Lcdo. Godohaldo P?rez Torres, Presidente de la Junta Revisora de Subastas. Sobre ese asunto que nos est?n solicitondo que, de alguna forma, emitamos una orden, este (ininteligible) una instrucci?n a Vivienda para paralizar los procesos de contratacion eso: ciertomente, el Reglamento de la Junta Revisora no nos do esa facultad. Nosotros lo que podemos es continuar con los procesos de revision, eh, este, determinar si, ciertomente, lo que ustedes estan planteando en su dia tienen razon, lo que entonces conllevaria el que se revocaro la determinacion que hobian hecho en lo subasta; pero nosotros. mientras, no tomomos una determinacion, el Reglomento no nos provee la facultad de darle un remedio intermedio, eh, que pueda, este, paralizar Ios procesos que este realizando Ia Agencia, con respecto a lo contratoci?n. Sabe, se Ios quiero decir. este, de esta forma para que estemos claros en ese sentido. ese es mi parecer sobre este asunto. No s? silos compa?eros miembros de la Junta, este, coinciden conmigo; 20 TA Opo. 190 Transcripcion Audio-Vista Administrativa Mocion de Reconsideracion AECOM v. Dpto de la Vivienda Adjusters International, Inc. 7-18-02 Professional Project Management Services) Jueves, 1 de enero de 2018 Lugar: Salon de Conferencias - 4to Piso (Departamento de la Vivienda) Hora: 10:00 11:07 am. pero, yo he chequeado el Reglamento y, lamentablemente, no veo Ia facultad de yo poder, este, poder conceder lo que me estan pidiendo en ese sentido. Como emitir una orden paralizando los procesos de contratacic'm de parte del Departamento de la Vivienda. Yo sl, lo que puedo es seguir dando curso, dentro de los t?rminos que tengo para atender la reconsideracion, tomar Ia determinacion que corresponda, conforme a la prueba que se me presente. Lcdo. Barrios (miembro Junta): El Lcdo. Barrios, para aprovechar (ininteligible), con la venia del senor Presidente. Estamos contestes can, con esa posicion. Entendemos que la posicion de este organismo, en este momento, es atender el planteamiento que esta haciendo la parte promovente de la Mocion de Reconsideracion, adjudicar en el marco estricto exclusivo del procedimiento que se esta evaluando en este momento, sobre si la subasta se adjudico de buena manera, conforme a Derecho; hay unas provisiones unos remedios que procederian, de adoptarse la posicion de la parte, eh, que promueve la Reconsideracion; mas no, de acuerdo a las disposiciones de esta, ole que rigen este organismo, mas no, uno de caracter digamos provisional, este, con respecto a algL?Jn procedimiento interno que conduzca el Departamento de la Vivienda. con respecto a la forma manera que Ileva a cabo contrataciones formaliza relaciones contractuales. En ese contexto, se esta atendiendo el planteamiento con respecto a la subasta, la forma en que se adjudico de la manera en que se adjudico. Eso, obviamente, va a tener unas consecuencias, eh, si las tuviese, en la forma en que se resuelva; pudiese no pudiese tener unas consecuencias en cuanto a eso. Pero, Ia facultad de establecer un medio provisional 0 un remedio provisional, este organismo no lo tiene. Lcda. Cartagena Cancel (AECOM): Respetuosamente, escuchamos, entendemos, eh, si, Lcda. Cartagena, disculpen. Tengo que acostumbrarme, somos muchas personas es necesario que el record est? claro. Entendemos la posicion. Lamentablemente, pues, entendemos que es de grave da?o a nuestro cliente. Notaran, lo habrc?zn notado, a trav?s de la presentacion, que nuestro cliente tiene un caso meritorio, extremadamente meritorio, que envuelve la utilizacion de cientos de millones de dolares de fondos del gobierno, que iran 0 un proyecto que es de crucial envergadura para los residentes de esta isla. no esta envuelto nada mas aqui, el contrato no contrato a AECOM, a el contrato 2] TA Opo. 191 Transcripci?n Audio-Vista Administrativa Moci?n de Reconsideraci?n AECOM v. Dpto de la Vivienda Adjusters International, Inc. 7-18?02 (Professional Project Management Services) Jueves, i 1 de enero de 2018 Lugar: Salon de Conferencias - 4to Piso (Departamento de la Vivienda) Hora: 10:00 11:07 am. 0 no contrato a Adjusters, aqui estan envueltos fondos publicos, aqui estan envueltos proyecto, un proyecto de gran envergadura para este pais. lo que escucho, lamentablemente, aunque lo entiendo y, respetuosamente, eh, contesto a ello. Entiendo que, entonces, la determinaci?n es dejarnos desprovistos, eh, de un remedio porque, me voy a explicar; en estos 10 dias, los que queden, para que, este, esta Junta emita su determinaci?n, bien podria el Departamento acelerar los procesos firmar el contrato con un, con un licitador no responsivo, que no tiene la capacidad financiera, que no cumple con requisitos minimos para hacer negocios en este pais. nuestro pais no necesita una situacion incomoda adicional, luego de todo lo que hemos pasado. Aqui los hechos estan claros. Nuestro cliente fue el ganador, el record lo dice, evidencia sustancial que obra en el expediente de la subasta. si esta honorable Junta va a tomar la determinaci?n, la cual respeto, aunque difiero respetuosamente, mi pedido es que acelere su determinaci?n dentro de los t?rminos provistos, y, si posible, antes de que terminen. Porque aqui esta en juego mucho, eh, entendemos que es meritorio nuestro caso. Respetuosamente. Presidente de la Junta: Nuevamente, para fines del registro, el Lcdo. Godohaldo Perez Torres. Este, con respecto a lo que planteamos, nos reiteramos. El asunto es que, realmente, no podemos emitir una orden de la cual no tengojurisdiccion para poder emitirla. Nosotros si es el compromiso de atender la Reconsideracion con prontitud, y, darle una resolucion a este asunto, dentro de los t?rminos que concede la reglamentacion. Ese es nuestro compromiso y, asi, nos estamos dirigiendo a eso. Dicho eso. este, si no hay ningun otro planteamiento de parte de AECOM, entonces, me interesa que Vivienda reaccione, me diga cuando, este, va a reaccionar a la Moci?n de Reconsideracion que, presentada por AECOMreaccionar, qu? t?rmino estaria solicitando. Advierto a Vivienda a que el t?rmino tendria que ser bien corto, porque a nosotros, realmente, este, nos interesa cumplir dentro de los parametros el tiempo que nos da la reglamentaci?n para hacer una determinaci?n con respecto a este asunto. Lcda. Qui?ones Rivera (DV): Eh, si, su se?oria, este, podemos presentar nuestra posici?n el mismo jueves, el t?rmino que se nos concedio para, eh, expresarnos en cuanto a los escritos que va a presentar la 22 TA Opo. 192 Transcripcion Audio-Vista Administrativa Mocion de Reconsideracion AECOM v. Dpto de la Vivienda Adjusters International, Inc. DOH-RFP-17-18-02 (Professional Project Management Services) Jueves, 11 de enero de 2018 Lugar: Salon de Conferencias - 4to Piso (Departamento de la Vivienda) Hora: 10:00 a.rn.? 11:07 am. Presidente de la Junta: Okay. El jueves, entonces, usted estaria reaccionando a los escritos de ellos con respecto a las objeciones que han levantado, estarian presentando, entonces, su reaccion, con respecto a la Mocion de Reconsideracion. Lcda. Qui?ones Rivera (DV): nuestra posici?n, en cuanto a la (initeligible). Correcto. Si Ie Presidente de la Junta: Okay. Entonces, la pregunta que les hago es que en el dia de hoy ustedes no estarian presentando ningUn tipo de evidencia. Lcda. Qui?ones Rivera (DV): No (initeligible). Presidente de la Junta: Okay, bien. Y, basado en los objeciones que ellos levantaron, gustedes no tienen nada mas que plantear. en la vista hoy? Lcda. Qui?ones Rivera (DV): No, 105 objeciones que hemos planteado, eh, nos ce?imos a (initeligible). Presidente de la Junta: Okay. Lcdo. Barrios (miembro Junta): Con la venia, se?or Presidente. Para record establecer que la fecha limite para la presentacion de ese escrito, por parte del Departamento de la Vivienda, seria el jueves, 18 de Lcda. Qui?ones Rivera (DV): 17 Lcdo. Hernandez Alvarado (DV): 317 18? Varios: 18. Lcdo. Barrios (miembro Junta): 18 de enero. Lcda. Qui?ones Rivera (DV): Ah, 18, disculpen. Lcdo. Hernandez Alvarado (DV): Gracias. Lcdo. Barrios (miembro Junta): Se?or Presidente. con la venia, para que quede claro que hasta esa fecha tiene el Departamento de la Vivienda para presentar, este, escrito con respecto a las posiciones planteadas, este, por la parte que solicito la Reconsideracion. 23 TA Opo. 193 Transcripcion Audio-Vista Administrativa Mocion de Reconsideraci?n AECOM v. Dpto de la Vivienda Adjusters International, Inc. 7-18-02 (Professional Project Management Services) Jueves, de enero de 2018 Lugar: Salon de Conterencias - 4to Pisa (Departamento de la Vivienda) Hora: 10:00 am. 11:07 am. Lcda. Qui?ones Rivera (DV): Asi sera. Lcdo. Hernandez Alvarado (DV): Gracias por la aclaracion. Presidente de la Junta: Okay. Nuevamente, el Lcdo. Godohaldo P?rez Torres. Para que estemos claros, ese dia, tambi?n, tienen que circular sus escritos a las partes involucradas en la Reconsideracion; este, la presentacic?m formal ante la Junta, ocu?rdense que es ante Ia Secretaria. Lcda. Qui?ones Rivera (DV): Ante la Secretaria de la Junta Revisora. Presidente de la Junta: Exacto. Entonces. ella es la que nos harc?: llegar, entonces, el escrito a las miembros. Eh, dicho eso, entonces, lo Unico que me falta es, seria. con respecto a Adjusters, que esta presente, si ellos van a hacer alguna presentacion de algL?m tipo de escrito sobre este asunto. Lcdo. Rodriguez Torres (Adjusters): Eh, se dirige el Lcdo. Fabian Rodriguez Torres, en representaci?n de Adjusters International, que es la parte 0 la que se le adjudico la subasta. Ciertamente, nosotros tenemos. eh, todo el inter?s del mundo en defender este, esta contratacion, esta adjudicaci?n; y, segun el honorable Presidente de la Junta expreso, al concederle el t?rmino hasta ma?ana al promovente, para presentar el escrito sabre, eh, dar por sometida la Mocion sobre el expediente. Eh, nosotros tambi?n nos estariamos reservando el derecho de expresarnos en torno a eso en el mismo t?rmino que se le reconocio al Departamento de la Vivienda, que seria el jueves, 18 de enero, presentandolo ante la Secretaria de la Junta, notificando a todas las partes involucradas. De nuevo, esto lo hacemos sin perjuicio del planteamiento inicial que hicimos de que la notificacion de esta vista es inoficiosa, por las dos razones de que no es adecuada, porque no nos brindo el tiempo necesario para poder presentar aqui evidencia: y, ademas, porque faltan partes indispensables. Aqui, hubo un total de 4 licitadores, de los cuales, solo estan presente, eh, una de las partes perdidosas. AECOM, nuestro representado, que es 0 quien se le adjudico la subasta. Presidente de la Junta: Okay. Nuevamente, para fines del registro, el Lcdo. Godohaldo P?rez Torres. Con respecto a esos planteamientos que se levanto 24 TA Opo. 194 Transcripcion Audio-Vista Administrativa Mocion de Reconsideracion AECOM v. Dpto de la Vivienda Adjusters international, inc. (Professional Project Management Services) Jueves. 1 1 de enero de 2018 Lugar: Salon de Conferencias - 4to Piso (Departamento de la Vivienda) Hora: 10:00 11:07 am. Adjusters al principio de la vista, voy a solicitor que las sometan por escrito para para que puedan ser considerados, Lcdo. Rodriguez Torres (Adjusters): Si, como parte del objeto de la Mocion que pretende presentar AECOM ma?ana es, precisamente, es dar por sometido su escrito de Reconsideracion, el t?rmino que se nos concedio fue hasta el jueves, para hacer ambas cosas: eh, nosotros estaremos expresandonos en la misma fecha, jueves, 18 de enero. Presidente de la Junta: Okay. Pero, dicho eso, este. para ser, este, realmente justo, entonces, con AECOM, yo le tengo que dar una oportunidad a ellos de reaccionar a los escritos que ustedes van a presentar el jueves. Lcdo. Rodriguez Torres (Adjusters): No tenemos objeciones. Presidente de la Junta: Entonces, Ie pregunto a AECOM, gqu? tiempo ustedes necesitan para reaccionar a los escritos que ellos presenten? Lcdo. Arias Larcada (AECOM): El lunes despu?s del jueves. que enero 22. Lcdo. Barrios (miembro Junta): 22 de enero. Presidente de la Junta: Okay. Lcdo. Arias Larcada (AECOM): Si lo recibimos el jueves. el lunes 22. Presidente de la Junta: Okay. Lcdo. Arias Larcada (AECOM): El Lcdo. Antonio Arias. en representacion de AECOM. Presidente de la Junta: Perfecto. Eh, ya una vez que AECOM reaccione a los escritos que van a someter, este, Vivienda Adjusters: eh, si alguien quiere someter algo adicional, va a tener que pedir permiso a la Junta, nosotros determinaremos 51 lo permitimos no. gEstamos claros? Saben, lo que quiero decir con esto es que todo lo que vayan a argumentar alegar, hoganlo en 9505 escritos, porque no podemos seguir dando tiempo de que uno presenta un escrito. el otro reacciona, porque entonces no terminamos nunca. Asi que, lo que les quiero informar a las partes es que todo lo que quieran argumentar 25 TA Opo. 195 Transcripcion Audio-Vista Administrativa Mocion de Reconsideracion AECOM v. Dpto de la Vivienda Adjusters International, Inc. 7-18-02 [Professional Project Management Services) Jueves, de enero de 2018 Lugar: Salon de Conferencias - 4to Piso (Departamento de la Vivienda) Hora: 10:00 am. 11:07 am. presentar, lo hagan en esos escritos, que ya se calendarizo como se van a presentar. Si, de alguna forma, algo que presenta AECOM, Adjusters Vivienda, entiende que tiene que reaccionar del escrito que van a someter el Voz femenina: El 22. Presidente de la Junta: 22. Sometan una mocic?m solicitando autorizacic?m, el fundamento de por qu? entiende que tiene que reaccionar en algo, nosotros resolvemos. Pero, les advierto que el t?rmino va a ser bien, pero que bien corto; va a ser particularmente a lo que, a lo que nos traigan a la atencion, si lo autorizamos. Porque, si entiendo que realmente seria mas repetir mas de lo mismo; realmente, pues, les advierto que no, no se va autorizar. Porque si no, no terminamos, este, de resolver este asunto. Lcda. Qui?ones Rivera (DV): Y, su se?oria, solo para aclarar para efectos, verdad, de, en consideracion de los breves t?rminos, estariamos radicanclo, obviamente, el original del escrito con la Secretaria; eh, pero, entonces entendemos que no habria objecion a que se notifique todo electronicamente a las partes. Lcda. Cartagena Cancel (AECOM): Ninguna. Presidente de la Junta: No, no, no. No. 0 sea, lo Onico otro que si voy a solicitor, que Vivienda va a tener que cumplir, es que yo quiero que me provea el Request for Proposal que se circulo a las partes para que compitieran con respecto, hicieran su oferta. Porque, ciertamente, la Mocion de Reconsideracion ha hecho, ha hecho mencion a secciones del Request for Proposal. Me imagino que ustedes haran lo mismo. Pero yo, realmente, la Junta quiere tener el beneficio de poder revisar el Request completo, para poder estar en posicion de adjudicar el asunto. no s? si alguno de ustedes pretende, pretende presentarlo completo: pero, esta Junta asi lo quiere. Lcda. Qui?ones Rivera (DV): Con la venia, eh, es totalmente logica la peticion. Lo que, quizas, quisi?ramos recomendar, porque nos pide el RFP, Presidente de la Junta: Si. 26 TA Opo. 196 Transaripcic?m Audio-Vista Administrativa Moci?n de Reconsideracion AECOM v. Dpto de la Vivienda Adjusters International, Inc. 7-18-02 (Professional Project Management Services) Jueves, 1 de enero de 2018 Lugar: Salon de Conferenaias - 4to Pisa (Departamento de la Vivienda) Hora: 10:00 11:07 am. Lcda. Qui?ones Rivera (DV): pero. no s? si en realidad lo que debe tener es el expediente de adjudicacion. Entonces. eh, (ininteligible) si la Junta Revisora le ha solicitado a la Junta de Subastas el expediente de adjudicacion. Presidente de la Junta: No, no. No lo hemos sometido. No lo hemos solicitado. Pero, podemos hacer la peticion. Lcda. Qui?ones Rivera (DV): Quizas, quizas para efectos de que est? completo el expediente, verdad, porque el RFP es una cosa, entonces, las propuestas es Presidente de la Junta: Okay, esta bien. Pero, entonces. para evitarnos problemas, que despu?s queramos algo adicional, lo que vamos a hacer es una solicitud formal a Vivienda, de que nos someta, entonces, el expediente de la vista, este, Lcda. Qui?ones Rivera (DV): (Ininteligible) adelantar el expediente, para que lo vayan trabajando: pero, me parece que, quizas, la solicitud formal, pues. se puede hacer a trav?s de la Secretaria de la Junta. Presidente de la Junta: Si. Si, le vamos a dar instrucciones a la Secretaria de la Junta, que haga esa gestion, solicite formalmente que se nos provea el expediente administrativo con relacion a este RFP. asi entiendo que deberia estar todo lo que se considero, nos evitariamos estar solicitando algo adicional. Lcdo. Arias Larcada (AECOM): Con la venia del se?or Presidente. el Lcdo. Antonio Arias, en representacion de AECOM. Que conste para record, que nosotros, eh, lo primero de lo primero. de Ios primeros ejercicios que hicimos fue venir a la, al Departamento de Vivienda, solicitor inspeccion de expedientes. esto fue en navidades. El Departamento de la Vivienda, eh, se movio nos nos produjo, eh, el expediente, eh, solicitamos el expediente completo, se nos produjo el expediente completo de adjudicacion, para nosotros basar nuestra Mocion de Reconsideracion. Presidente de la Junta: Estamos conscientes de eso. entiendo que la preocupacion de ustedes es que, posteriormente a ese ejercicio, se haya podido proveer, quizas, algun documento que no estaba inicialmente ahi. Ese seria el, realmente, Ia preocupacion de ustedes. 27 TA Opo. 197 Transcripcion Audio?Vista Administrativa Mocion de Reconsideracion AECOM v. Dpto de la Vivienda Adjusters International, Inc. 7-18?02 (Professional Project Management Services) Jueves, ll de enero de 2018 Lugar: Salon de Conferencias 4to Piso (Departamento de la Vivienda) Hora: 10:00 11:07 am. Lcdo. Arias Larcada (AECOM): Solamente, este, solamente pidiendo por la pureza de los procedimientos. Presidente de la Junta: Esta bien. Okay. Lcda. Cartagena Cancel (AECOM): De hecho. eh, la Lcda. Cartagena. para propositos de registro. En nuestro, eh, revisic?m de ese expediente, uno de nuestros hallazgos, aprovecho que estoy aqui esta el Departamento de la Vivienda, es que el coda, cada, eh. propuesta era evaluada con un ?checklist", a cada, eh, proponente se le asign? un numero. A nosotros se nos dio copia del "checklist" de todos los pr0ponentes, excepto Adjusters. Una de dos, 0 es un documento que se extravio de alguna manera, se traspapelo, no existe. lo que quisi?ramos es que, este, Vivienda certifique la existencia de ese documento, que es critico, porque el ?checklist" es algo asi como el listado de todos los requisites, la marca que hace el evaluador de si el documento requerido. el requisito contenido en el RFP, estaba no estaba. De todos estaban, menos el de Adjusters. Presidente de la Junta: Okay. Para fines del registro. nuevamente. el Lcdo. Godohaldo P?rez Torres. Le pregunto. gesa petici?n no se hizo cuando se hizo el examen del expediente de parte de ustedes? Lcda. Cartagena Cancel (AECOM): Cuando nosotros hicimos el examen del expediente, pedimos la. todo el expediente que genera el Comit? Evaluador; y, cuando llego, encontramos los ?checklists" para todas las propuestas, menos para Adjusters. Presidente de la Junta: Esta bien. Okay. 3Cua es la postura de Vivienda con respecto al, los, lo que estan solicitando? Lcda. Qui?ones Rivera (DV): Ciertamente, verdad, yo no. no puedo saber si esta no e516vio, qu? estaba, verdad, porque no tengo el expediente, verdad, memorizado. Pero, me parece que la mejor manera de atender el asunto sera cuando el expediente administrative, verdad, suba a la Junta (initeligible). Lcda. Cartagena Cancel (AECOM): Pero, quisi?ramos saber si existe tal copia no, porque si existe para los demos, logicamente, deberia existir para Adjusters. 28 TA Opo. 198 Transcripcion Audio-Vista Administrativa Mocion de Reconsideracion AECOM v. Dpto de la Vivienda Adjusters international, Inc. 7-18?02 (Professional Project Management Services) Jueves, ii de enero de 2018 Lugar: Salon de Conferencias - 4to Piso (Departamento de la Vivienda) Hora: 10:00 11:07 am. Lcda. Qui?ones Rivera (DV): Entiendo la solicitud. Por eso Ie digo, si existe, verdad, el documento, pues, estard en el expediente administrativo, cuando suba el expediente administrativo integro, que es la posicion nuestro, verdad, para que el record est? claro. Sabe, no le, no le puedo decir qu? que hay un papel particular que e516: 0 no esta en los documentos, porque no conozco el expediente. El expediente son, verdad, muchas carpetas. Lcda. Cartagena Cancel (AECOM): Bueno, pues, para el registro la Lcda. Cartagena. Yo me pondr? en comunicacion con la Lcda. Qui?ones para dejarle saber qu? documento en particular es, de manera que puedan, este, localizarlo, si es que el documento existe. Lcda. Qui?ones Rivera (DV): No, no tengo objecion. Lo que creo que estoy tratando de decir es, eh, como esto es un procedimiento administrativo. pues. es un poquito, eh, distinto en la forma en que se trabaja. Lo que estoy tratando de exhortarles es que, cuando suba el expediente, ahi estara la contestacion a su pregunta; no solo sobre el ?checklist", sino sobre cualquier documento. ese es ese expediente tiene que contener todos los documentos que fueron parte del expediente administrativo. Eh, lo que yo le pueda decir no decir, pues, el, el expediente es el que habla. Lcda. Cartagena Cancel (AECOM): Seguro, pero el expediente va a ser elevado a la Junta, no va a ser notificado a las partes. Lcda. Qui?ones Rivera (DV): usted podrl?a solicitor que lo tuera. Lcda. Cartagena Cancel (AECOM): Pero, ya se solicito. Lcdo. Arias Larcada (AECOM): Bueno. vamos a solicitar ma?ana, en nuestro escrito, un aparte, ese ?checklist", para que est?, Lcda. Cartagena Cancel (AECOM): 0 sea, mi punto es ya todo el expediente se solicito, ergo deberia de estar: entonces, ?por qu? tengo que solicitarlo de nuevo? Lcda. Qui?ones Rivera (DV): Pues, (ininteligible), yo creo que, vamos a coger entonces la recomendacion de su compa?ero, 29 TA Opo. 199 Transcripcion Audio-Vista Administrativa Mocion de Reconsideracion AECOM v. Dpto de la Vivienda Adjusters International, Inc. DOH-RFP-17-18-02 (Professional Project Management Services) Jueves, 1 1 de enero de 2018 Lugar: Salon de Conferencias - 4to Pisa (Departamento de la Vivienda) Hora: 10:00 11:07 am. Lcdo. Arias Larcada (AECOM): Si no existe, que se lo certifique; y, si existe, que se nos produzca; y, si se produce, no se produjo cuando pedimos el expediente originalmente, gpor que? Esa va a ser nuestra solicitud. Presidente de la Junta: Esta bien. Okay. Cuando ocurra lo que vaya a ocurrir, entonces, haran los planteamientos pertinentes, porque no nos podemos adelantar a lo que va a pasar. $1 va a aparecer el ?checklist" no. Okay. Les pregunto, galgun otro planteamiento que vaya a hacer alguna de las panes? [Silencio] Presidente de la Junta: Lcda. Qui?ones Rivera (DV): Todo por nuestra parte. Presidente de la Junta: 3Viviendae Lcdo. Hernandez Alvarado (DV): Por nuestra parte, ninguna. Presidente de la Junta: Lcdo. Arias Larcada (AECOM): Agradecemos a la Junta, eh, que nos haya atendido en esta ma?ana, eh, nos reservamos cualquier planteamiento legal, continuara e1 procedimiento. Pero, agradecemos, agradecemos su atencion, me uno a los planteamientos de mi socia, la Lcda. Cartagena, de que se atienda nuestra petici?n. Muchas gracias. Presidente de la Junta: Muy bien. Secretaria, gme puede decir qu? hora es? Secretaria: 1 1:07 Presidente de la Junta: Pues, siendo las 11:07 de la ma?ana, damos por terminada la vista administrativa, este, esperamos el fiel cumplimiento de aquellas ordenes que se emitieron, que se presenten los escritos dentro del t?rmino que se que se concedieron. Una vez que se haga eso, se quedara sometido el caso y, entonces, dentro del t?rmino que provee, este, Ia Reglamentacion, estariamos tomando nuestra decision, 051, 10 informaremos a las partes, cual seria la adjudicacion que de esta Junta Revisora. Muchas gracias por venir, este, Ie agradecemos la comparecencia. Varios: Muchas gracias. 30 TA Opo. 200 Transcripcion Audio-Vista Administrativa Mocion de Reconsideracion AECOM v. Dpto de la Vivienda Adjusters International, Inc. 7?18?02 Professional Project Management Services) Jueves, I 1 de enero de 2018 Lugar: Salon de Conterencias - 4to Pisa (Departamento de la Vivienda) Hora: 10:00 11:07 am. Certificado por: r' Maria 1. Lgebre Llavona Secretaria Junta Revisora de Subastas 3] TA Opo. 201 TA Opo. 202 270 Munoz Rivera Avenue Mcconne" 70E San Juan. Puerto Rico 00918 PO Box 364225 vald?s a San Juan. Puerto Rico 00936 787.759.9292 0. 737.250 5604 Antonio A. Arias Larcada Capital Member January 12. 2018 EMAIL COMMUNICATION AND CERTIFIED MAIL Financial Oversight and Management Board 010 Hermann D. Bauer. Esq. O'Neill Borges LLC 250 Mu?oz Rivera Ave, Suite 800 San Juan. PR 00918 Re: Guidance on Interpretation of Contract Review Policy in Reference to Request for Proposal pending administrative review. Dear Mr. Bauer: As you are aware, AECOM-0PM JV has initiated an administrative review proceeding to determine the validity of the Puerto Rico Department of Housing?s award of the DOH- RFP-17-18-02 (the "Proposed Contract") to Adjusters International. Inc. ("Adiusters") due to irregularities that have transpired during the Proposed Contract's bid award process (the "Administrative Review?). These irregularities were highlighted in our December 20 and 27. 2017 communications to the Financial Oversight and Management Board (the or the "Board"). PRDOH's bid review board (the "Review Board") held an informal administrative hearing on January 11. 2018 (the "Hearing") to consider the issues raised by AECOM in the Administrative Review. At the Hearing, the Review Board informed AECOM that it does not have the authority to stay or delay the execution of the Proposed Contract during the pendency of the Administrative Review process; Thus. the Proposed Contract could potentially be executed and signed by PRDOH at any time during the near future. As you are further aware, the FOMB adopted a Contract Review Policy (the "Policy") pursuant to its inherent authority under section 204(b)(2)1 of the Puerto Rico Oversight Management and Economic Section 204(b)(2) of PROMESA empowers the Board to establish policies to require prior FOMB approval for the execution of certain contracts. including contracts that are proposed to be executed by the territorial government (PRDOH included}. "to ensure such proposed contracts promote market competition and are not inconsistent with the approved Fiscal Plan.? 49 U.S.C. 2144(b)(2). Puerto Rico Washington. DC TA Opo. 203 Hermann D. Bauer, Esq. Page 2 January 12, 2018 Stability Act which Policy became effective on November 6, 2017. This Policy "applies to any contract that is proposed to be entered into by the [Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (the "Commonwealth")] or any covered instrumentality", and mandates that contracts or series of related an aggregate expected value of $10 million or more must be submitted to the FOMB for its approval before execution". which submission must contain specific documentation outlined in the Policy (the ?Evaluation Criteria"). The Policy further states that. within seven (7) business days of receipt of the proposed contract and the Evaluation Criteria, the FOMB will respond as follows to the Commonwealth or the covered instrumentality (PRDOH included): i. "No observations" because the review is complete and FOMB has not identified areas of risk. ii. ?Observations, Feedback not Required" because FOMB has identified areas of risk. However, areas of risk are not considered high and do not require feedback from the contracting party. It is the contracting party's responsibility to take corrective action based on the observations provided and proceed with the procurement as they see "Observations, Feedback Required" because FOMB has identified areas of risk where additional clarity is required from the contracting party, or where modifications need to be made to the documentation and/or awarding decisions and FOMB needs con?rmation of the modi?cations. In instances where this response is issued, the contract may be able to proceed once the observations are responded to and required actions are completed. However further rounds of review by FOMB may be required. iv. "Requires Further Review" because the FOMB has identified areas of risk which required additional time for review. FOMB may require additional documentation to complete its review. v. "Non-Compliant" because the proposed contract is inconsistent with this Policy and significant changes or potential RFP re-issuance may be required. (Collectively, the ?Response"). The Policy applies to the Proposed Contract as confirmed by the Board in its December 27, 2017 letter (Exhibit 1) and the PRDOH at its December 28, 2017 communication (Exhibit 2). However, the Review Board's recent statements at the Hearing, coupled with the Policy's application to the Proposed Contract, raises material questions as to what effect, if any, would the Board's Policy have under the following scenarios: lack of Response to the execution of the Proposed Contract within the seven (7)-day period ("Scenario and (ii) the interplay between a potential Board-approval of the Proposed Contract and AECOM's rights in the pending Administrative Review proceedings Puerto Rico Washington, DC Miami corn UH TA Opo. 204 Hermann D. Bauer, Esq. Page 3 January 12, 2018 ("Scenario and jointly with Scenario 1, the "Scenarios?). Neither the Policy nor PROMESA's permissive language under section 204(b)(5)2 specifically address these Scenarios. In the case of Scenario 1, AECOM hereby requests guidance from the FOMB as to the application and interpretation of the Policy should no Response be received from the Board within the required seven (7)-day period. Particularly, whether PRDOH, in the absence of a timely Board Response, is authorized to execute and sign the Proposed Contract with Adjusters. The guidance being sought herein is crucial for determining AECOM's rights in the pending Administrative Review process. the PRDOH could interpret the Board's lack of a timely Response as a tacit approval under the Policy and pmceed to immediately execute and sign the Proposed Contract with Adiusters. With regards to Scenario 2, AECOM hereby seeks the Board's position as to what interplay and/or effect does the potential approval of the Proposed Contract by the FOMB under the Policy have on the disposition of the Administrative Review process. Given that the Policy stems from PROMESA (a federal statute) whereas the Administrative Review process arises from applicable state law, AECOM would like to understand what effect does the FOMB's decision under the Policy have on the parties' state-law remedies to dispute award proceedings of governmental contracts subject to consideration under the Policy. During the Hearing, the Review Board granted Adjusters until January 18, 2018 to state their position with regards to Administrative Review, and allowed AECOM until January 22, 2018 to reply accordingly. In view of these recent events, and the Review Board's statements on lack of authority to stay the execution of the Proposed Contract, AECOM respectfully request that an opinion and/or interpretation as to the application of the Policy under the above-referenced Scenarios be submitted to us by no later than January 19, 2018. Ultimately, AECOM believes that the Board?s application of the Policy on the execution of the Proposed Contract should err in the side of caution due to the deficiencies outlined in our letters of December 20 and 27, 2017. AECOM understands that, at a minimum, PRDOH should not be allowed to sign the Proposed Contract with Adjusters until such time as the Board has had the opportunity to fully review thejvaluation Criteria and issue the corresponding Response, however long that may m. We consider that this approach is fully consistent with the Policy's objective to "ensure [that the] contracts promote market competition", as well as to "make the government contract process more effective" and "increase the public?s faith in this process". 49 U.S.C. 2144(b)(2) and 2 Oversight Board may take such actions as it considers necessary to ensure that such not adversely affect the territorial government's compliance with the Fiscal Plan, including by preventing the execution or enforcement of the 48 U.S.C. {Emphasis added . Puerto Rico Washington. DC Miami HO: TA Opo. 205 Hermann D. Bauer. Esq. Page 4 January 12, 2018 We thank you in advance for your response to the inquiries raised herein and look forward to the Board's guidance on this matter. Respectfully, CERTIFICATION: We hereby certify that a copy of this letter has been sent to: Adjusters International, Inc. 126 Business Park Drive Utica, NY 13502; UNIPROIHGI JV, PO. Box 10914 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00922-0914; WGPITTSIAD Joint Venture, 9250 Baymeadows Road, Suite 350 Jacksonville. Florida 32256; Luz N. Acevedo-Pellet, P.E., Secretary of Puerto Rico Department of Housing Bid Board, P.O. Box 21365 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00928-1365 and to Imacevedo@vivienda.grgov; and Joel 0. Hernandez- Alvarado, Chief Legal Officer of Puerto Rico Department of Housing, PO. Box 21365 San Juan. Puerto Rico 00928-1365. In addition, the letter will be notified by email to the following recipients: Oversight Board, comments@oversightboard.prgov; Counsel for the Oversight Board: Mr. Martin Bienenstock, and Mr. Paul V. Possinger. Mr. Hermann D. Baurer, Puerto Rico Washington. DC Miami Uh TA Opo. 206 EXHIBIT 1 BORGES ac AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL PLAZA, SUITE 800 250 Munoz RIVERA AVENUE SAN JUAN. PUERTO Rico OOSIB-IBIS HERMANN D. BAUER-AWARE: TELEPHONE: (787) 764-BIBI MEMBER ER: (787) 753-5944 (767)232-5023 December 27, 2017 By E-Mail Antonio A. Arias Larcada, Esq. Maria C. Cartagena Cancel, Esq. McConnell Vald?s, LLC 270 Munoz Rivera Avenue San Juan, PR 00918 Re: Request for Stay of Award in Reference to Request for Preposal pending administrative review Dear counsel: The Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico has asked me to respond to your letters dated December 20 and 27, 2017. The Puerto Rico Department of Housing had submitted to the FOMB DOH-RFP-17-18- 02 for review pursuant to the Contract Review policy, a copy of which can be found at Any grievances that your client may have in connection with the award of 18-02 should be addressed to the appropriate forum. Sincerely, I ff 4' -- I-lennann D. Bauer Alvarez Jaime A. El Koury, Esq. TA Opo. 207 EXHIBIT 2 OVERNMENT OF PUERTO RICO apartment of Houslng December 28, 2017 Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico Mr. Jos? B. Carrion 111. Chair World Plaza Building 268 Munoz Rivera Ave.. 11th Floor PO. Box 192018 San Juan, PR. 00919-2018 Re: Request for Stay of Award Department of Houslng Request for Proposals DOH-RFP-17-18-02 Dear Mr. Carrion and Members of the Financial Oversight and Management Board: Reference is made to letters dated December 20 and 27, 2017 (the letters") from JV through their legal representation. to the Federal Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico requesting a stay of the award of the Request for Proposals for Professional Program Management Services, issued by the Puerto Rico Department of Housing in connection with a disaster recovery program to be funded by FEMA. In its letters, AECOM admitted that as of December 27. it had not filed a motion for reconsideration or request for judicial review as allowed by the Puerto Rico Uniform Administrative Procedures Act, Act 38-2017. in relation to the PRDOH's award of the RFP. Prior to submitting any request for relief before the appropriate entity, it submitted the AECOM letters to the FOMB, requesting actions that are outside the scope of PROMESA. Contrary to the statements in AECOM's letters, Section 212 of PROMESA does not grant the FOMB the authority to stay the award of a public contract upon the request of an unsuccessful respondent. The extensive interpretation of Section 212 of PROMESA by AECOM is incorrect and is intended solely to protect its own interests. AECOM's letters include arguments based an incomplete documents, specifically in relation to AECOM's allegation that Adjusters International, Inc. [the Successful Respondent) did not demonstrate compliance with a minimum requirement of 606 Barbosa Avenue, Juan C. Cordero D?vila, Rio Piedras, PR 00918 i P.O. Box 21365 San Juan, PR 00928-1365 Tel: (787)274-2527 1 {jg I TA Opo. 208 Financial and Management Board for Puerto Rico December 28. 2017 Page 2 the RFP. In its letters. AECOM conveniently omits that the terms of the required line of credit were modi?ed by Addendum I of the RFP. [See Attachment I.) By doing so. AECOM creates the mistaken impression that Adjusters International. Inc. did not comply with the applicable minimum requirement. when in fact it did. The FOMB is not the proper forum for review of the PRDOH's award determination. The rights of all respondents to the RFP and the procedures to seek remedies related to the award process are clearly spelled out in the Notice of Selection delivered to AECOM and all RFP participants. AECOM's request is a misguided intent to convert the FOMB into an adjudicative agency of claims between citizens and the Government of Puerto Rico. The PRDOH objects to AECOM's request to the FOMB to stay the award process because such action is not authorized by PROMESA. and constitutes an undue intervention by a third party in the relationship between the Government of Puerto Rico and the FOMB. On December 28. 20] 7. AECOM ?led its motion for reconsideration before the Bids Review Board of the PRDOH. The filing of the motion for reconsideration is the available legal recourse for AECOM to contest PRDOH's award determination. The administrative process provided bylaw. regu?ations and jurisprudence should be allowed to continue. This was the route that AECOM should have taken to raise its claim. not the FOMB. AECOM's request to the FOMB should thus be rejected. The PRDOH is looking fonrvard to the FOMB's completion ofits review of the contract awarded to Adjusters International. Inc. in order to proceed with the implementation of the Sheltering and Temporary Essential Power federal assistance program. as part of the disaster recovery aid granted to Puerto Rica by the U.S. government in the aftermath of Hurricanes Irma and Maria. As stated in the FOMB's Policy for Review of Contracts]: ln establishing this Policy. the FOMB is mindful of Section 204(d) (2) and does not intend to impede the implementation of any federal programs. particularly those related to disaster response and recovery. To the contrary. the FOMB established this Policy in large part to support the implementation of federal programs. including. for example. to ensure that contracts are consistent with the requirements of federal programs. particularly those related to funding and reimbursement for disaster aid spending. TA Opo. 209 Financial and Management Board for Puerto Rico December 28, 2017 Page 3 The contract currently before the FOMB is expected to benefit about 75.000 families whose homes were ravaged by the passage of Hurricanes Irma and Maria. For this reason. the PRDOH respectfully requests the FOMB to continue its review process. without allowing AECOM to stop assistance to needy residents while pursuing inappropriate remedies. if you need further information regarding the RFP or the award. please contact the undersigned at your convenience. Respectfully. -z Alvarado CERTIFICATION: We hereby certify that a copy of this letter has been sent by certified mail to: Adjusters International. Inc. 126 Business Park Drive Utica. NY 13502: JV. PO. 10914 San Juan. Puerto Rico 00922-0914; 8. Joint Venture, 9250 Baymeadows Road. Suite 350 Jacksonville. Florida 32256: Luz N. Acevedo-Pellet. P.E.. Secretary of Puerto Rico Department of Housing Bid Board. P.O. Box 21365 San Juan. Puerto Rico 009284365; McConnell Vald?s. LLC P.O. Box 364225. San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936 and to In addition. the letter will be notified by email to the following reclplents: Oversight Board. comments@oversightboard.prgov: Counsel for the Oversight Board: Mr. Martin Bienenstock. mbienenstock? and Mr. Paul V. Possinger. ppossinger?proskauengom and Mr. Hermann D. Baurer. and Mrs. Maria C. Cartagena Mcc@mcvor.corn and Mr. Antonio A. Arias and McConne'l Vald?s. LLC Wnandez Alvarado TA Opo. 210 Janice M. Diaz Mangual From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Maria Lefebre Llavona Tuesday, January 16, 2018 1:51 PM Maite T. Vilella Janeiro; ''; Joel O. Hernandez Alvarado; ''; '' Maria C. Cartagena Cancel; Antonio A. Arias; Godohaldo Pérez Torres; Godohaldo Perez Torres RE: AECOM-CPM JV vs. Puerto Rico Department of Housing vs. Adjusters International, Inc. Adjusters'Checklist.pdf Saludos, Para beneficio de todas las partes, adjunto copia del documento solicitado. Que tengan todos una excelente tarde. Cordialmente, María I. Lefebre Llavona, J.D. Secretaria Junta Revisora de Subastas T: 787.274.2527 Ext. 6422 From: Maite T. Vilella Janeiro [] Sent: Friday, January 12, 2018 5:35 PM To: '' ; Joel O. Hernandez Alvarado ; Maria Lefebre Llavona ; '' ; '' Cc: Maria C. Cartagena Cancel ; Rosamar García Fontán ; Antonio A. Arias ; Jacqueline Arce ; Yolanda Castro Ramírez Subject: AECOM-CPM JV vs. Puerto Rico Department of Housing vs. Adjusters International, Inc. Good afternoon, On behalf of Attorneys Cartagena-Cancel and Arias-Larcada, enclosed herein Motion For Orders Regarding Administrative File, filed today before the Department of Housing Bid Review Board. Cordially, Maite Vilella Janeiro Legal Assistant T (787) 759-9292 ext.3319 M 1 TA Opo. 211 This e-mail and its attachment(s) may be privileged, confidential, and protected from disclosure. If you received this communication in error, you are advised that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or the taking of any action in reliance upon this communication is strictly prohibited. Unintended recipient(s) must immediately delete the e-mail and attachment(s), and notify the sender. The information contained in this communication and its attachments, including discussion of U.S. federal income, Puerto Rico income or other tax related matter, is limited to the statements specifically set forth herein, and such statements are intended for the sole use and benefit of our client and are not intended to be relied upon by any other person. The discussion of tax related matters was not intended or written to be used, and it cannot be used, for purposes of avoiding U.S. federal, Puerto Rico or local tax penalties. 2 TA Opo. 212 . I Government of Puerlo Rica DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING PROCUREMENT OFFICE TECHNICAL PROPOSAL CHECKLIST 5" PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES Firm Name: ?1;sz 21 de noviembre de 2017 Technical Proposal: 1 Original and 3 Copies Economical Proposal: Original and 1 Copies ATTACHNIENTS Answer all questions by checking the appropriates box YES NO 2. Attachment .- Non-Collusive Af?davit did the ?rm ful?lls all its part, signed and sworn by a public notary. Signed Notarized . Attachment -Lirnited Denial of Participation Suspension or Debarment Status Certi?cation signed by the principal of the ?rm and signed by a public notary? Signed Notarized Page 1 of 5 TA 213 . DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING PROCUREMENT OFFICE TECHNICAL PROPOSAL CHECKLIST 5 DOH-RFP-17-18-02 PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM MANAGENIENT SERVICES Answer all questions by checking the appropriates box YES NO 6. Attachment F?Authorization to seek background and/or Financial Information, signed by the principal of the ?rm. S_-ied 8. Attachment Listing of Personnel and Sub-Contractors I I 10. Attachment - Proposal Fee (eliminado en Addendum NIA NIA 3? . 12. Attachment - FEMA Guidance Hm 14. Attachment - Punch List 2W4 Page 2 of 5 TA Opo. 214 0 'i?ious. NG Government of Puerto Rico DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING PROCUREMENT OFFICE TECHNICAL PROPOSAL CHECKLIST 6) PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES COST PROPOSAL FORM Answer all questions by checking the apprOpriates box YES NO FINANCIAL INFORMATION Answer all questions by checking the appropriates box YES NO 2. Types of Business Organization 0 Corporation 0 Incorporation Er" Moint Venture Agreement 0 Society Page 3 of 5 TA Opo. 215 GD . NG Government of Puerto Rlco DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING PROCUREMENT OFFICE TECHNICAL PROPOSAL CHECKLIST PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES Answer all questions by checking the appropriates box YES NO 4. Other Documents: Certi?cate Of Incorporation TECHNICAL PROPOSAL Answer all questions by checking the apprOpriates box YES NO Past Performance Of Key Staff and Respondent '3 CHECKLIST FOR LDP AND EPLS Answer all questions by checking the apprOpriates box YES NO 2. Excluded Parties List System a) Did EPL by company name search produce a match? El b) Did EPL by princil?ls ame search produce a match? El ll 1 I c) Date printed 21?? Page 4 of 5 TA Opo. 216 GD DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING Government of Puarlo Rico DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING PROCUREMENT OFFICE TECHNICAL PROPOSAL CHECKLIST PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES 7 Reviewed By J?q$ ?(g/v74 411? Elie-:5 12"? Name ISignature Date: 7/0! 7? Page 5 of 5 TA 217 6 11127l2017 Search Results System for Award Management Username Password 0 Forgot Username? Forgot Password? Create an Account Search Results Current Search Terms: adjusters* international* Your search for ?adjusters* international" returned the following L?otioe: printed document represents only the ?rst page of your SAM search raults. More results may be available. To print your complete search mulls, you can download the PDF and print lt. Adjusts: Interna?onal, tor. Status: Active Uzi DUNS: 144506656 CAGE Code: 5NJP2 View Details I-las Ac?ve Exduslonh No Explratlon Date: 0611212018 Debt Subject to Offset? No Purpose of Registration: All Awards GSA . . . 1f 1 TA Opo. 218 11127l2017 Search Results System for Award Management Username Password Forgot Username? Forgot Password? Create an Account Search Results Current Search Terms: john* marini* Notice: This printed document reprsenls only the ?rst page of your SAM search rsulls. More rsulls may be available. To print your complete search mulls, you can download the PDF and print It. No records found for current search. . .. 1H TA Opo. 219 11127l2017 Limited Denial of Participation and Voluntary Abstention List US. Department of Housing and Urban Development 0 Limited Denial of Participation, HUD Funding Disquali?cations and Voluntary Abstentions list as of 11/27/2017 Search Criteria: Adjusters International Records Found: 0 Sugigct 1 Af?liate Address 832: of Disguall?cadon Start Disgunll?cation End Disguali?ca?on List Office Contact Contact Of?ce - Contact Digguall?catlon Date Date Date Pagan Phone Email 1? TA Opo. 220 Limited Denial of Participation and Voluntary Abstention List US. Department of Housing and Urban Development Limited Denial of Participation, HUD Funding Disquali?cations and Voluntary Abstentions list as of 11/27/2017 Search Criteria: John Marini Records Found: 0 Sublect 1 Af?liate Address Scope of Digguall?cation Start End Disgunli?ca?on List Of?ce Contact 7 Contact Office Contact Disgualj?catian Date Date Date Person . Phone Email TA Opo. 221 DEPARTAMENTO DE LA VIVIENDA Gobierno de Puerto Rico @951 HOJA DE TRAMITE RECIBIDO POR: FECHAI REFERIDO A: Inicialesl fecha I hora Sra. Michelle Alonso l?/enero/QOT 8 Paralegal mm mama?s. McConnell Vald?s va~ Tramitado por: Maria I. Lefebre-Llavona DE: Maria I. Lefebre Llavona Secretaria-Junta Revisora de Subastas ASUNTO: Entrega de Expediente de Subasta en formato digital (USB Flash D?ve) (Profesional Project Management Services) COMENTARIOS: Se incluyen los expedientes digitalizados de la subasta de reterencia. ?2 Procurement File (Vol. 1 of 5, Tab l) Procurement File (VolVl) Procurement File (Vol. 3 of 5, Original Evaluation Committee Report) Procurement File (Vol. 4 of 5, Bid Board Recommendation) Technical and Economic Proposals of: Adjusters International, Inc. 0 UNIPRO HGI JV 0 JV 0 WGPITTS AD JV Avenida Barbosa 606, Edificio Juan C. Cordero, Hato Rey, PR 00918 - PO Box 21365 San Juan, PR 00928-1365 Tels.: (787) 274-2527 TA Opo. 222 270 Mu?oz Rivera Avenue San Juan, Puerto Rico 00918 Mcconr?lel] 70 PO Box 364225 Valdes 3 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936 787.759.9292 L1: .u 787.250.5604 787.759.8282 Antonio A. Arias Larcada Capital Member EMAIL COMMUNICATION AND CERTIFIED MAIL PUERTO RICO DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING c/o Joel 0. Hernandez Alvarado 606 Barbosa Ave. PO. Box 21365 Building Juan C. Cordero Davila San Juan, PR 00928?1365 Rio Piedras, PR. 00918 January 17, 2018 Re: Compliance with the Approved FOMB Review of Contracts Policy in Reference to Request for Proposal DOH-RFP-17-18-02, pending administrative review. Dear Mr. Hernandez Alvarado: Reference is hereby made to our communication of January 4, 2018 (Exhibit A) in which we requested that the Puerto Rico Department of Housing submit to AECOM-0PM JV a full and exact copy of all the Evaluation Criteria1 submitted to the Financial Oversight and Management Board (the or the "m0 for the Board's consideration of the 17-18-02 (the ?Proposed Contract") under the Contract Review Policy (the adopted by the FOMB pursuant to section 204(b)(2) of the Puerto Rico Oversight Management and Economic Stability Act including any and all cover letters, memoranda, or other supporting documents remitted contemporaneously thereto (the "Submitted Documents"), as well as any and all Responses that have been received by the PRDOH from the FOMB in relation to the potential execution of the Proposed Contract (jointly with the Submitted Documents, the ?Documents"), which Documents were to be received by AECOM by no later than January 9, 2018, but were not (the "Deadline"). As you are aware, PRDOH's bid review board (the ?Review Board") held an informal administrative hearing on January 11, 2018 (the ?Hearing") to consider the irregularities raised by AECOM on the 1 Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning ascribed to them at our January 4, 2018 letter. Puerto Rico Washington, DC TA 223 PR Department of Housing January 17, 2018 validity of PRDOH's award of the Proposed Contract to Adjusters International, Inc. (?Adiusters") (the "Administrative Review"). During the Hearing, the Review Board granted Adjusters until January 18, 2018 to state their position with regards to Administrative Review, and allowed AECOM until January 22, 2018 to reply accordingly. Given failure to provide the Documents by the January 9, 2018 Deadline, and in light of the timetable recently imposed by the Review Board, AECOM is making a second good-faith request for PRDOH to provide the requested Documents by Thursday, January 18, 2018, at 3 PM. Atlantic Standard Time (the ?Reguest timing of this request becomes even more paramount in light of AECOM's recent discovery that PRDOH withheld from AECOM certain documents from the administrative file corresponding to the award process of the Proposed Contract to Adjusters, and which files were not received by AECOM until yesterday, January 16, 2018. This situation not only directly impairs AECOM's rights and remedies under the pending Administrative Review, it raises serious concerns on whether PRDOH has satisfied its legal obligation of remitting the full Evaluation Criteria to the FOMB for the appropriate analysis of the Proposed Contract under the Policy. AECOM is hereby affording PRDOH with ample opportunity of providing sufficient public transparency on the events surrounding the award of the Proposed Contract, as well as to evidence PRDOH's compliance with its duties under the Board's Contract Review Policy. Failure to timely respond by the Request Deadline will only raise additional questions as to whether PRDOH did, in fact, properly submit the Evaluation Criteria to the FOMB for consideration under the Policy, and whether the award process of the Proposed Contract indeed, ?makes the government contract process more effective?, increase the public?s faith" therein, and/or truly ?promote[s] market competition". 49 U.S.C. 2144(b)(2) and Lastly, given the legal questions identified by AECOM at our January 12, 2018 letter to the FOMB (Exhibit B), the Board's January 15, 2018 declination to respond to these concerns (Exhibit C), along with refusal to clarify these issues at their January 16, 2018 communication (Exhibit D), AECOM hereby seeks immediate confirmation by PRDOH that it will not sign and execute the Proposed Contract with Adiusters until such time as the Board has had the opportunity to fully review the Evaluation Criteria, and issue the corresponding Response, however long that process may take. Please confirm receipt of this letter and whether PRDOH will issue the correSponding responses and provide the requested documentation by the above-mentioned Request Deadline. Respectfully, a uan Zoual .. Puerto Rico Washington, DC HO: TA Opo. 224 PR Department of Housing January 17, 2018 CERTIFICATION: We hereby certify that a copy of this letter has been sent to: Adjusters International, Inc. 126 Business Park Drive Utica, NY 13502; UNIPROIHGI JV, PO. Box 10914 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00922-0914; WGPITTSIAD Joint Venture, 9250 Baymeadows Road, Suite 350 Jacksonville. Florida 32256; Luz N. Acevedo-Pellot, P.E., Secretary of Puerto Rico Department of Housing Bid Board, PO. Box 21365 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00928?1365 and to; Joel 0. Hernandez-Alvarado, Chief Legal Officer of Puerto Rico Department of Housing, PO. Box 21365 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00928-1365; and Hilda Qui?nes-Rivera, PO. Box 368010, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936-8010 and In addition, the letter will be notified by email to the following recipients: Oversight Board, Counsel for the Oversight Board: Mr. Martin Bienenstock, mbienenstock@groskauer.corn and Mr. Paul V. Possinger,, Mr. Hermann D. Baurer, Puerto Rico Washington, DC Uh TA Opo. 225 EXHIBIT A McConnell ?9 Vald?ss 270 Mu?oz Rivera Avenue San Juan. Puerto Rico 00918 PO Box 364225 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936 787.759.9292 Uh D. 787.250.5604 Antonio A. Arias Larcada Capital Member January 4, 2018 EMAIL COMMUNICATION AND CERTIFIED MAIL PUERTO RICO DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING c/o Joel 0. Hernandez Alvarado 606 Barbosa Ave. Building Juan C. Cordero Davila Rlo Piedras, PR 00918 PO Box 21365 San Juan, PR 00928-1365 Re: Compliance with the Approved FOMB Review of Contracts Policy in Reference to Request for Proposal pending administrative review. Dear Mr. Hernandez Alvarado: Reference is hereby made to your communication of December 28, 2017. in which the Puerto Rico Department of Housing states that is looking forward to the [Financial Oversight and Management Board's (the or the completion of its review of the contract awarded to Adjusters International, S_e_e, Exhibit 1 at page 2. Reference is also hereby made to the December 27, 2017 letter recognizing that the had [sic] submitted to the FOMB DOH-RFP-17-18-02 [(the "Proposed Contract")] for review pursuant to the FOMB's Contract Review E, Exhibit 2. As you are aware, section 204(b)(2) of the Puerto Rico Oversight Management and Economic Stability Act authorizes the FOMB to establish policies to require prior Board approval of certain contracts, including contracts that are proposed to be executed by the territorial government (PRDOH included) "to ensure such proposed contracts promote market competition and are not inconsistent with the approved Fiscal Plan." 49 U.S.C. 2144(b)(2) (Emphasis added). Section 204(b)(3) of PROMESA further states that these contract review policies are to be designed to, among other things, "make the government contract EL MlPuerto RicolWashington. DC TA Opo. 226 Joel 0. Hernandez Alvarado I Page 2 January 4, 2018 process more effective" and "to increase the public?s faith in this process". at (Emphasis added). Finally, section 204(b)(5) empowers the FOMB to take such actions as the Board deems necessary should a contract not comply with these review policies the execution or enforcement of the contract". at (Emphasis added). As you are further aware, in accordance with its authority under section 204(b)(2) of PROMESA, the FOMB adopted the Contract Review Policy (the "Eiicy?d attached hereto as Exhibit 3, which Policy became effective on November 6, 2017. This Policy ?applies to any contract that is proposed to be entered into by the [Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (the "Commonwealth")] or any covered instrumentality", and those in which the Commonwealth or any covered instrumentality is a counterparty thereto. Exhibit 3 at p. 1. The Policy specifically mandates that "[a]ll contracts or series of related contracts, inclusive of any amendments or modifications. with an aggregate expected value of $10 million or more must be submitted to the FOMB for its approval before execution", and must include in its submission the following documentation: i. Existing procurement policies il. RFP package issued Documentation regarding posting of RFP iv. Internal independent cost estimate prepared as part of issuing the RFP v. Evaluation criteria vi. Copies of the responses to PEP received vii. Copies of correspondence with bidder BAFO discussions, etc.) Names of individuals who are part of the evaluation team(s) ix. Signed certification that all applicable conflicts of interests laws, regulations, and policies have been complied with x. A formal estimate of the impact that the contract will have on compliance with the certified Fiscal Plan xi. Proposed evaluation and scoring records xii. Recommendation to award memo or other document containing rationale for the award Drafted contract with pricing information xiv. Any risk assessment performed on the entity entering into the contract xv. Any addenda or extensions issued (including supporting independent cost estimates) xvi. Any other information, communications, or documentation that helps support or explain the procurement and resulting contract (Collectively, the "Evaluation Criteria"). l_d. at pp. 2-3. Puerto Rico Washington. DC Miami TA Opo. 227 Joel 0. Hernandez Alvarado Page 3 I January 4, 2018 The Policy further states that, within seven (7) business days of receipt of the proposed contract and the Evaluation Criteria, the FOMB will respond as follows to the Commonwealth or the covered instrumentality (PRDOH included): i. "No observations" because the review is complete and FOMB has not identified areas of risk. ii. "Observations, Feedback not Required" because FOMB has identi?ed areas of risk. However, areas of risk are not considered high and do not require feedback from the contracting party. It is the contracting party's responsibility to take corrective action based on the observations provided and proceed with the procurement as they see fit. "Observations, Feedback Required? because FOMB has identi?ed areas of risk where additional clarity is required from the contracting party, or where modifications need to be made to the documentation and/or awarding decisions and FOMB needs confirmation of the modifications. In instances where this response is issued, the contract may be able to proceed once the observations are responded to and required actions are completed. However further rounds of review by FOMB may be required. iv. "Requires Further Review" because the FOMB has identified areas of risk which required additional time for review. FOMB may require additional documentation to complete its review. v. "Non-Compliant" because the pr0posed contract is inconsistent with this Policy and significant changes or potential RFP re-issuance may be required. (Collectively, the ?Response?). at p. 3. The Policy clearly applies to the Proposed Contract given that the aggregate expected value is greater than $10 million; (ii) the Commonwealth (by and through the PRDOH) is a counterparty to the Proposed Contract; and the potential execution date of the Proposed Contract is after the effective date of the Policy. This fact has been confirmed by the Board at its December 27, 2017 letter. gag, Exhibit 2. In order to ensure that PRDOH has, in fact, met its burden under the Policy which, in turn, will have the effect of ensuring that the FOMB has been placed a position to fully and responsibly evaluate the Proposed Contract in compliance with their duties under section 204(b)(2), and of PROMESA, AECOM hereby requests the PRDOH to remit a full and exact copy of all the Evaluation Criteria submitted to the FOMB for review and consideration of the Proposed Contract under the Policy (including any and all cover letters, memoranda, or other supporting documents remitted contemporaneously thereto) (jointly, the "Submitted Documents"), which Puerto Rico Washington, DC 1 Miami TA Opo. 228 L) 0 Joel 0. Hernandez Alvarado I Page 4 I January 4, 2018 Submitted Documents were referenced (in part) at the FOMB's December 27, 2017 letter attached hereto. gag, Exhibit 2. AECOM also requests that PRDOH remit and fonrvard cepies of any and all Responses that have been provided by the FOMB in relation to the potential execution of the Proposed Contract. The Submitted Documents and the Responses are to be received by AECOM at no later than January 9, 2018. The requested documentation is neither burdensome nor onerous for PRDOH to produce since, as implied in your December 28, 2017 letter, the PRDOH should have already compiled and submitted the same for the review. 3?652, Exhibit 1. We invite PRDOH to embrace request as production of the requested documentation will only serve to ensure that PRDOH's award process indeed ?make[s] the government contract process more effective" and will "increase the public?s faith" therein, as well as guaranteeing that any potential approval and/or sub-sequent execution of the Proposed Contract was due to "promote market competition". S_eg 49 U.S.C. 2144(b)(2) and We await your response hereof by the above-mentioned deadline. Respectfully, Antonio A. Arias Laroada CERTIFICATION: We hereby certify that a copy of this letter has been sent to: Adjusters International, Inc. 126 Business Park Drive Utioa, NY 13502; UNIPROIHGI JV, PO. Box 10914 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00922-0914; WGPITTSIAD Joint Venture, 9250 Baymeadows Road, Suite 350 Jacksonville. Florida 32256; Luz N. Acevedo-Pellot, P.E., Secretary of Puerto Rico Department of Housing Bid Board, PO. Box 21365 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00928-1365 and to; and Joel 0. Hernandez- Alvarado, Chief Legal Officer of Puerto Rico Department of Housing, PO. Box 21365 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00928-1365. in addition, the letter will be notified by email to the following recipients: Oversight Board, Counsel for the Oversight Board: Mr. Martin Bienenstock, and Mr. Paul V. Possinger,, Mr. Hermann D. Baurer, Puerto Rico Washington, DC Miami TA 229 EXHIBIT . 270 Malta: Rivera Avenue Mcconne? 70:; San Juan. Puarto Rico 00918 t: PO Box 364225 I Valdes a San Juan. Puerto Rico 00935 787.759.9292 D. 787.250 5604 Antonio A Arias Larcada Capital Member Wm January 12, 2018 EMAIL COMMUNICATION AND CERTIFIED MAIL Financial Oversight and Management Board clo Hermann D. Bauer, Esq. O'Neill Borges LLC 250 Munoz Rivera Ave, Suite 800 San Juan. PR 00918 Re: Guidance on Interpretation of Contract Review Policy in Reference to Request for Proposal pending administrative review. Dear Mr. Bauer: As you are' aware, AECOM-0PM JV has initiated an administrative review proceeding to determine the validity of the Puerto Rico Department of Housing?s award of the DOH- RFP-17-18-02 (the ?Proposed Contract?) to Adjusters International. inc. ("Adjusters") due to irregularities that have transpired during the Proposed Contract's bid award process (the "Administrative Review?). These irregularities were highlighted in our December 20 and 27, 2017 communications to the Financial Oversight and Management Board (the or the PRDOH's bid review board (the ?Review Board") held an informal administrative hearing on January 11, 2018 (the "Hearing") to consider the issues raised by AECOM in the Administrative Review. At the Hearing, the Review Board informed AECOM that it does not have the authority to stay or delay the execution of the Proposed Contract during the pendency of the Administrative Review process; Thus. the Progosed Contract could gotentially be executed and signed by PRDOH at_?nv time during the near future. As you are further aware, the FOMB adopted a Contract Review Policy (the ?Policy?) pursuant to its inherent authority under section 204(b)(2)? of the Puerto Rico Oversight Management and Economic Section 204(b)(2) of PROMESA empowers the Board to establish policies to require prior FOMB approval for the execution of certain contracts. including contracts that are proposed to be executed by the territorial government (PRDOH included). "to ensure such proposed contracts promote market competition and are not inconsistent with the approved Fiscal Plan." 49 08.0. Puerto Rico Washington, DC TA Opo. 230 Hermann D. Bauer, Esq. Page 2 January 12. 2018 Stability Act which Policy became effective on November 6, 2017. This Policy "applies to any contract that is proposed to be entered into by the [Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (the "Commonwealth")] or any covered instrumentality". and mandates that contracts or series of related an aggregate expected value of $10 million or more must be submitted to the FOMB for its approval before execution". which submission must contain speci?c documentation outlined in the Policy (the ?Evaluation Criteria"). The Policy further states that. within seven (7) business days of receipt of the proposed contract and the Evaluation Criteria, the FOMB will respond as follows to the Commonwealth or the covered instrumentality (PRDOH included): i. ?No observations" because the review is complete and FOMB has not identi?ed areas of risk. ii. ?Observations. Feedback not Required" because FOMB has identi?ed areas of risk. However. areas of risk are not considered high and do not require feedback from the contracting party. It is the contracting party's responsibility to take corrective action based on the observations provided and proceed with the procurement as they see "Observations, Feedback Required" because FOMB has identi?ed areas of risk where additional clarity is required from the contracting party. or where modi?cations need to be made to the documentation and/or awarding decisions and FOMB needs con?rmation of the modi?cations. In instances where this response is issued, the contract may be able to proceed once the observations are responded to and required actions are completed. However further rounds of review by FOMB may be required. iv. ?Requires Further Review? because the FOMB has identi?ed areas of risk which required additional time for review. FOMB may require additional documentation to complete its review. v. ?Non-Compliant" because the proposed contract is inconsistent with this Policy and signi?cant changes or potential RFP re-issuance may be required. (Collectively. the "Response"). The Policy applies to the Proposed Contract as con?rmed by the Board in its December 27. 2017 letter (Exhibit 1) and the PRDOH at its December 28. 2017 communication (Exhibit 2). However, the Review Board's recent statements at the Hearing. coupled with the Policy's application to the Proposed Contract. raises material questions as to what effect. if any, would the Board's Policy have under the following scenarios: lack of Response to the execution of the Proposed Contract within the seven (7)?day period (?Scenario and (ii) the interplay between a potential Board-approval of the Proposed Contract and rights in the pending Administrative Review proceedings Puerto Ricol Washington. DC Miami HO: TA Opo. 231 Hermann D. Bauer. Esq. Page 3 January 12. 201B (?Scenario and jointly with Scenario 1. the ?Scenarios"). Neither the Policy nor PROMESA's permissive language under section 204(b)(5)2 specifically address these Scenarios. In the case of Scenario 1. AECOM hereby requests guidance from the FOMB as to the application and interpretation of the Policy should no Response be received from the Board within the required seven (7)-day period. Particularly. whether PRDOH. in the absence of a timely Board Response. is authorized to execute and sign the Proposed Contract with Adjusters. The guidance being sought herein is crucial for determining AECOM's rights in the pending Administrative Review process. pp the PRDOH could interpret the Board's lack of a timely Response as a tacit approval under the Policy and proceed to immediately execute and sign the Proposed Contract with Adjusters. With regards to Scenario 2. AECOM hereby seeks the Board?s position as to what interplay and/or effect does the potential approval of the Proposed Contract by the FOMB under the Policy have on the disposition of the Administrative Review process. Given that the Policy stems from PROMESA (a federal statute) whereas the Administrative Review process arises from applicable state law. AECOM would like to understand what effect does the decision under the Policy have on the parties' state-law remedies to dispute award proceedings of governmental contracts subject to consideration under the Policy. During the Hearing. the Review Board granted Adjusters until January 18. 2018 to state their position with regards to AECOM's Administrative Review. and allowed AECOM until January 22. 2018 to reply accordingly. In view of these recent events. and the Review Board?s statements on lack of authority to stay the execution of the Proposed Contract, AECOM respectfully request that an opinion and/or interpretation as to the application of the Policy under the above-referenced Scenarios be submitted to us by no later than January 19. 2018. Ultimately, AECOM believes that the Board's application of the Policy on the execution of the Proposed Contract should err in the side of caution due to the de?ciencies outlined in our letters of December 20 and 27. 2017. AECOM understands that. at a minimum. PRDOH should not be allowed to sign the Proposed Contract with Adjusters until such time as the Board has had the opportunity to fully review the Evaluation Criteria and issue the corresponding Response, however long that may m. We consider that this approach is fully consistent with the Policy's objective to "ensure [that the] contracts promote market competition". as well as to ?make the government contract process more effective? and ?increase the public's faith in this process?. 49 U.S.C. 2144(b)(2) and 2 Oversight Board may take such actions as it considers necessary to ensure that such not adversely affect the territoriai government?s compliance with the Fiscal Plan, including by preventing the execution or enforcement of the 48 U.S.C. 2144(b)t5l (Emphasis added . Puerto Rico Washington. DC Miami TA Opo. 232 Hermann D. Bauer. Esq.[ Page 4 I January 12. 2018 We thank you in advance for your response to the inquiries raised herein and look fonivard to the Board's guidance on this matter. Respectfully. CERTIFICATION: We hereby certify that a copy of this letter has been sent to: Adjusters international. Inc. 126 Business Park Drive Utica. NY 13502; UNIPROIHGI JV. PO. Box 10914 San Juan. Puerto Rico 00922-0914; WGPITTSIAD Joint Venture. 9250 Baymeadows Road. Suite 350 Jacksonville. Florida 32256; Luz N. Acevedo-Pellet. P.E.. Secretary of Puerto Rico Department of Housing Bid Board, PO. Box 21365 San Juan. Puerto Rico 00928-1365 and to Imacevedo@vivienda.grgov; and Joel 0. Hernandez- AIvarado. Chief Legal Of?cer of Puerto Rico Department of Housing. PO. Box 21365 San Juan. Puerto Rico 00926-1365. In addition. the letter will be noti?ed by email to the following recipients: Oversight Board. comments@oversightboard.prgov; Counsel for the Oversight Board: Mr. Martin Bienenstock. mbienenstookQQroskauer.corn and Mr. Paul V. Possinger. Mr. Hermann D. Baurer. Puerto Rico Washington. DC Miami I 05 TA Opo. 233 EXHIBIT 1 BORGES 11c AMERICAN PLAZA, Sun: 500 250 Mu?oz AVENUE SAN JUAN. Puenro Rico coals-I813 HERMANN D. TELEPHONE: (767) 764v6l81 Memaea ER: (787) 753-5944 (787)232-5723 HERMANNJAUEnaonemaonozsmon December 27, 2017 By E-Mail Antonio A. Arias Larcada, Esq. Maria C. Cartagena Cancel, Esq. McConnell Vald?s, LLC 270 Mu?oz Rivera Avenue San Juan, PR 00918 Re: Request for Stay of Award in Reference to Request for Proposal pending administrative review Dear counsel: The Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico has asked me to respond to your letters dated December 20 and 27, 2017. The Puerto Rico Department of Housing had submitted to the FOMB 7-18- 02 for review pursuant to the Contract Review policy, a copy of which can be found at Any grievances that your client may have in connection with the award of 18-02 should be addressed to the appropriate forum. Sincerely, a 37/ h. Hermann D. Bauer Alvarez c. Jaime A. El Komy, Esq. TA Opo. 234 EXHIBIT 2 OVERNMENT 0F RICO apartment of Housing December 28, 2017 Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico Mr. Jos? B. Carrion Chair World Plaza Building 268 Munoz Rivera Ave., lith Floor PO. Box 192018 San Juan, PR. 00919-2018 Re: Request for Stay of Award Department of Housing Request for Proposals Dear Mr. Carrion and Members of the Financial Oversight and Management Board: Reference is made to letters dated December 20 and 27. 2017 (the letters") from JV through their legal representation, to the Federal Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico requesting a stay of the award of the Request for Fraposals for Professional Program Management Services, issued by the Puerto Rico Department of Housing in connection with a disaster recovery program to be funded by FEMA. In its letters. AECOM admitted that as of December 27, it had not filed a motion for reconsideration or request for judicial review as allowed by the Puerto Rico Uniform Administrative Procedures Act, Act 38-2017, in relation to the PRDOH's award of the RFP. Prior to submitting any request for relief before the appropriate entity, it submitted the AECOM letters to the FOMB, requesting actions that are outside the scope of PROMESA. Contrary to the statements in letters, Section 2] 2 of PROMESA does not grant the FOMB the authority to stay the award of a public contract upon the request of an unsuccessful respondent. The extensive interpretation of Section 2! 2 of PROMESA by AECOM is Incorrect and Is intended solely to protect its own interests. AECOM's letters include arguments based an incomplete documents. Specifically in relation to AECOM's allegation that Adiusters International, Inc. (the Successful Respondent) did not demonstrate compliance with a minimum requirement of 606 Barbosa Avenue, Building Juan C. Cordero D?vtla, Rio Piedras, PR 00918 I P.0. Box 21365 San Juan, PR 00928-1365 Ct' Tel: (737 1274-2527 I 0 US TA Opo. 235 Financial and Management Board for Puerto Rico December 28, 2017 Page 2 the RFP. In its letters, AECOM conveniently omits that the terms of the required line of credit were modi?ed by Addendum I of the RFP. [See Attachment I.) By doing so. AECOM creates the mistaken impression that Adjusters International. Inc. did not comply with the applicable minimum requirement. when in fact It did. The FOMB is not the proper forum for review of the PRDOH's award determination. The rights of all respondents to the RFP and the procedures to seek remedies related to the award process are clearly spelled out in the Notice of Selection delivered to AECOM and all RFP participants. AECOM's request is a misguided intent to convert the FOMB into an adjudicative agency of claims between citizens and the Government of Puerto Rico. The PRDOH objects to AECOM's request to the FOMB to stay the award process because such action is not authorized by PROMESA. and constitutes an undue intervention by a third party in the relationship between the Government of Puerto Rico and the FOMB. On December 28, 201 7. AECOM ?led its motion for reconsideration before the Bids Review Board of the PRDOH. The ?ling of the motion for reconsideration is the available legal recourse for AECOM to contest PRDOH's award determination. The administrative process provided by law. reguiations and jurisprudence should be allowed to continue. This was the route that AECOM should have taken to raise its claim, not the FOMB. AECOM's request to the FOMB should thus be rejected. The PRDOH is looking forward to the FOMB's completion ofits review of the contract awarded to Adjusters International. lnc.. in order to proceed with the implementation of the Sheltering and Temporary Essential Power federal assistance program. as part of the disaster recovery aid granted to Puerto Rica by the US. government in the aftermath of Hurricanes Irma and Maria. As stated in the FOMB's Policy for Review of Contractsl: in establishing this Policy. the FOMB is mindful ofSection 204(d) (2) and does not intend to impede the implementation of any federal programs. particularly those related to disaster response and recovery. To the contrary. the FOMB established this Policy in large part to support the implementation of federal programs. including, for example. to ensure that contracts are consistent with the requirements of federal programs, particularly those related to funding and reimbursement for disaster aid spending. TA Opo. 236 Financial and Management Board for Puerto Rico December 28, 2017 Page 3 The contract currently before the FOMB is expected to benefit about 75,000 families whose homes were ravaged by the passage of Hurricanes Irma and Maria. For this reason, the PRDOH respectfully requests the FOMB to continue its review process. without allowing AECOM to stop assistance to needy residents while pursuing inappropriate remedies. If you need further information regarding the RFP or the award, please contact the undersigned at your convenience. Respectfully, Alvarado CERTIFICATION: We hereby certify that a copy of this letter has been sent by certified mail to: Adjusters lntematlonai, Inc. 126 Business Park Drive Utica. NY 13502: JV. P.O. i09l4 San Juan. Puerto Rico 00922-09i4: 8. Joint Venture, 9250 Baymeodows Road, Suite 350 Jacksonville. Florida 32256; In: N. Acevedo-Pellet, P.E., Secretary of Puerto Rico Department of Housing Bid Board, P.O. Box 2i365 San Juan, Puerto Rico 009284365: McConnell Vald?s, LLC PO. Box 364225, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936 and to Wow- In odciition, the letter will be noti?ed by email to the following recipients: Oversight Board, my: Counsel for the Oversight Board: Mr. Martin Blenenstock. and Mr. Paul V. Possinger, 092W and Mr. Hermann D. Bourer. and Mrs. Maria C. Cartagena and Mr. Antonio A. Arias MW and McConnetl Vald?s, LLC Wagon Wnandez Alvarado TA Opo. 237 EXHIBIT BORGES no AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL PLAZA. SUITE 800 250 MuNoz RIVERA AVENUE SAN .JUAN. PUERTO RICO 009I8-I8I3 HERMANN D. BAUER-ALVAREZ TELEPHONE: (787) 764-818] MEMBER TELECOPIER: (787) 753-8944 (787)282-5723 January 15,2018 By E-Mail: Antonio A. Arias Larcada, Esq. Maria C. Cartagena Cancel, Esq. McConnell Vald?s, LLC 270 Munoz Rivera Avenue San Juan, PR 00918 Re: Request for Stay of Award in Reference to Request for Proposal pending administrative review Dear counsel: I write to you on behalf of the Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico in response to your letter dated January 12, 2018. The FOMB declines your invitation to provide you advisory opinions concerning the award of DOH-RFP-17-1 8-02. Puerto Rico law clearly sets forth the proper procedures available to parties that desire to challenge RF awards. Any grievances or remedies sought by your client in connection with the award of should follow the procedures available under Puerto Rico law. Sincerely, He arm D. Bauer Alvarez c. Jaime A. El Koury, Esq. TA Opo. 238 EXHIBIT Hllda Qul?onas Rivera PO Box 353010 San Juan, PR 00935-0010 Attorney and Counselor At Law Tel; 787-763-3472 Fax: 787-763-3471 CEI. 787-922-8083 hqulnoneseqralawxom January 16, 2018 Mr. Hermann C. Bauer, Esq. O?Neill Borges LLC 250 Mu?oz Rivera Ave., Suite 800 San Juan, PR 00918 Re: Guidance on Interpretation of Contract Review Policy in Reference to Request for Proposal Dear Mr. Bauer: We are in receipt of a letter dated January 12, 2018, addressed to you by JV through their legal counsel, purporting to request ?guidance? from the Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico on the application of the Contract Review Policy (the ?Policy?) to the administrative challenge filed by AECOM in relation to Request for Proposal for Professional Program Management Services, RFP-DOH- 17-18?02 issued by the Puerto Rico Department of Housing in connection with a disaster recovery program to be funded by FEMA. This is not the first time that AECOM attempts to convert the FOMB into an adjudicative agency for claims between the Government of Puerto Rico and a private corporate citizen. As stated in your letter to AECOM of December 27, 2017, the FOMB is not the appropriate forum to challenge the award of the RFP. That fact remains unchanged. On December 28, 2017, AECOM challenged the award of the RFP before the Department of Housing?s Bid Review Board (the ?Bid Review Board?). The processing and eventual adjudication of this challenge are governed by applicable state law, regulations and jurisprudence. TA Opo. 239 Mr. Hermann C. Bauer Alvarez January 16, 2018 Page 2 On January 11, 2018, the Bid Review Board held an informal administrative hearing on the award challenge. The PRDOH was granted until January 18, 2018, to file its opposition to the challenge. During the hearing, the Bid Review Board rejected request to stay execution of the program management contract at issue. attorneys should not be allowed to hinder the administrative review process, which AECOM chose to initiate, with requests for ?guidance? that are nothing more than the reiteration of a request for stay of execution of the contract which has already been rejected by the FOMB and Bid Review Board. letter constitutes another undue intervention in the relationship between the Government of Puerto Rico and the FOMB. Accordingly, it does not warrant a response from the FOMB. If you need further information regarding the above, please contact the undersigned at your convenience. ilda Qui?ones Riv Cc: Eng. Dennis G. Gonzalez Ramos, P.E. Joel 0. Hernandez Alvarado, Esq. Eng. Samir El Hage, P.E. Antonio A. Arias Larcada, Esq. Maria C. Cartagena Cancel, Esq. TA Opo. 240 Go?iemo d'e Tue'rto Rico Deparmmento cfe Estacfo Sam Juan, ipuerto Rico COPIA CERTIFICADA Y0, LUIS G. RIVERA MARIN. Secretario de Estado del Gobierno de Puerto Rico, CERTIFICO: Que, las copias adjuntas son copia exacta de los documentos que constan en el Registro de Corporaciones de: PHOENIX HOLDINGS Registro n?mero 403049 que consiste de 2 EN TESTIMONIO DE LO CUAL, ?rmo la presente estampo en ella e1 Gran Sello del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico, en la Ciudad de San Juan, hoy dia 18 de enero de 2018. LUIS G. RIVERA MARIN Secretario de Estado 2018-5732801213.00 TA Opo. 241 Gobierno de Puerto Rico Departamenio de Estado Fecha de la Transaccion: D4-ene-2018 Registra: 403049 NEW. Recibo; 1345085 Gobierno de Puerto Rico Certi?cado de Autorizacion para hacer Negocios de una Corporacion For?nea . .I.. in": Rising Phoenix Holdings Corporation es una Corporacion Foranea Con Fines de Lucro organizada bajo las Ieyes de Delaware debidamente autorizada hacer negocios en Puerto Rico como RISING PHOENIX HOLDINGS CORPORATION. El nombre incluye el t?rmino: Corporation Articqul- Nombre _de la Corporacson gALp?j?j? W??m a: 5'4 Articnlb 'Il DetETles ET Su estado de procedencia es Delaware. Su fecha de organizacion, registro estabiecimiento en Delaware es 22-may-1985, el t?rmino de existencia es Perpetua. La direcci?n fisica de su domicilio corporativo es: Direccion Fisica 126 business park dr, UTICA, NY, 13502 _Articqu O?cma DeSIgnadaIy Agente ReSIdentE?f Su o?cina designada en el Gobiemo de Puerto Rico estara localizada?i en: Direcci?n Fisica 252 Ponce de Leon Ave, Floor 20, SAN JUAN, PR, 00918 Direccion Postal 252 Ponce de Leon Ave, Floor 20, SAN JUAN, PR, 00918 Tel?fono (800) 382-2468 El nombre, direcci?n fisica postal del Agente Residente a cargo de dicha o?cina es: Nombre Fast Solutions, LLC Direccion Fisica 252 Ponce de Leon Ave, Floor 20, PR, 00918 Direcci?n Postai 252 Ponce de Leon Ave, Floor 20, SAN JUAN, PR, 00918 Tele?fono (302) 636-5400 Correo Electronico 'Articqu v' . Los nombres las direcciones usuales de negocios de sus actuales o?ciales son: Nombre surace surace, stephen Posicion Vicepresidente Direccion Fisica 126 business park dr, Utica, UTICA, NY, 13502 Direccion Postal 126 business park dr, Utica, UTICA, NY, 13502 Correo Electr?nico Certi?cado de Autorizacion para hacer Negocios de una Corporacion Pagina 1 de 2 Foranea TA Opo. 242 RISING PHOENIX HOLDINGS CORPORATION Corporacion Foranea Fecha de Expiracion lnde?nido Articulo Vl- Activos Pasivos Adfc?lo Vll"- D?scripci?ri dial-Negocio La descripcion de Ios negocios que propone hacer es Ia siguiente: Professional Services Articulo Wilkinorizaci?n Esta corporacion est? autorizada a lievar a cabo eI negocio descrito en el Articuio VII en su jurisdicci?n de incorporacion. . Attic-nib Autor?izada J3 39m El nombre la direccion ?sica de la persona autorizada para registrar el Certi?cado de Autorizacion para hacer Negocios en Puerto Rico son Ios siguientes: Nombre surace surace, Stephen Direccion Fisica 126 business park dr, Utica, UTICA, NY, 13502 TeI?fono (315) 797-3035 Correo Electronico -. .3. a; EI t?rmino de existencia de esta entidad sera: Perpetua La fecha en que la entidad tendra vigencia: O4-ene-2018 . Documentoside Apoy Documento I_f? DECLARACION BAJQ PENA DE PERJURIO J.. EN TESTIMONIO DE LO CUAL, Yo Nosotros surace surace, stephent eI suscribiente, con 91 proposito de hacer negocios en Puerto Rico conforme a Ias Ieyes de Puerto Rico, que los datos contenidos en este Certi?cado son ciertos. Hoy, 4 de enero de 2018. Certi?cado de Auton'zacion para hacer Negocios de una Corporacion Pagina 2 de 2 Fora'nea TA Opo. 243 Hon. Ricardo Rossello Nevares GO I ERN 0 DE PUERTO RICO Gobernador a Adm?msmc??" 5mm? Genera'es Miguel A. Encamaci?n Correa, MPA Administradm' CERTIFICACION NEGATIVA Yo, Sandra I. P?rez Adorno, Directora del Registro Unico de Licitadores de la Administracion de Servicios Generales, certifico: Que luego de realizar una bL?isqueda en la informaci?n disponible en la plataforma del sistema del Registro Unico de Licitadores, podemos indicar Io siguiente: Que las siguientes empresas no aparecen inscritas en el Registro Unico de Licitadores de la Administraci?n de Servicios Generales: Rising Phoenix Holdings Corporation 0 Adjusters International, Inc. En testimonio de lo cual expido ?sta certificacic?m bajo mi firma, a peticion de la Sra. Yahaira De La Rosa Algarin, de McConnell Vald?s. En San Juan, Puerto Rico, a 18 de enero de 2018. Cordialmente, ndra l. P?rez Adorno Directora Registro Unico de Licitadores ?'69 Act-mm?: San-mt 50::an! rum: than: M: Ave. Barbosa, Esq. Quisqueya, Hato Rey PO Box 195568, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00919-5568 Tel. (787) 759-7676 Fax -(787) 753-6160 TA Opo. 244 DEPARTAMENTO DE LA Gobierno cle Puerto Rico fail/31% HOJA DE TRAMITE . RECIBIDO POR: FECHA: REFERIDO Inicialesl fecha I hora Bra. Michelle Alonso WMM iB/enero/20l 8 Paralegal Ii McConnell Valdes 133le- Tramilado por: Maria l. Lefebre?Llavona ,91/ DE: Marif?Jli/Lefebre Llavona Secrelaria-Jun?ra Revisora de Subaslas ASUNTO: Enlrega de Carpela ills-ProcuremenlL (USB Flash Drive) 7-18-02 (Professional Projeci? Management Services) COMENTARIOS: Se enlrega copia digi?ral cle Carpela #5 de Procurement (Eslados Financieros). Control de Correspondencia: Avenida Barbosa 606, Edificio Juan C. Cordero, Hato Rey, PR 00918 - PO Box 21365 San Juan, PR 00928-1365 Tels.: (787) 274-2527 TA Opo. 245 er Hilda Qui?ones Rivera PO Box 353010 San Juan, PR 00936-3010 Attorney and Counselor At Law Tel.: 787-763-3472 Fax: 787-763-3 471 Cel. 787-922-8083 VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL January 18, 2018 Mr. Antonio A. Arias Larcada, Esq. McConnell Valdes LLC 270 Munoz Rivera Ave. San Juan, PR 00918 Re: Compliance with the Approved FOMB Review of Contracts Policy in Reference to Request for Proposal pending administrative review Dear Mr. Arias: We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated January 17, 2018, addressed to Mr. Joel 0. Hernandez Alvarado, Assistant Secretary of the Puerto Rico Department of Housing In the aforementioned, you purport to demand documents and/or information related to the compliance with the Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico Contract Review Policy (the ?Policy?), in connection with the Professional Program Management Services Agreement awarded to Adjusters International, Inc. (the ?Agreement?). Despite two (2) separate letters to you from the Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico stating that JV should address its claims in the appropriate state?law forum, you continue to insist on interfering in the relationship between the PRDOH and the FOMB. Neither PROMESA nor the Policy grants legal standing to AECOM to make the request contained in your letter. The PRDOH's compliance with the Policy is a matter involving only the FOMB and the PRDOH. TA 246 Mr. Antonio A. Arias LarcadaJr Esq. January 18, 2018 Page 2 The Policy has no bearing upon the procurement Challenge you chose to litigate before the PRDOH Bids Review Board. Sincerely, Hilda Qui?one ivera Cc: Jeel O. Hernandez Alvarado, Esq. TA Opo. 247 Delaware The First State I, JEFFREY W. BULLOCK, SECRETARY OF STATE OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SAID INTERNATIONAL, INC. FILED A CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT, CHANGING ITS NAME TO PHOENIX HOLDINGS ON THE TWENTY- EIGHTH DAY OF DECEMBER, A.D. 2017, AT 2 P.M. AND I DO HEREBY FURTHER CERTIFY THAT THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE AFORESAID CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT IS TIE FIRST DAY OF JANUARY, A.D. 2018. WSQ whammy uu'iiocl Sundry a! 51m 2062483 8320 20180350487 You may verify this certificate online at Authentication: 201997862 Date: 01?19-18 TA Opo. 248 270 Munoz Rivera Avenue San Juan, Puerto Rico 00918 Mcconnell Ft PO BOX 364225 Valdes San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936 787.759.9292 787.250.5604 787.759.8282 Antonio A. Arias Larcada Capital Member EMAIL COMMUNICATION AND CERTIFIED MAIL Financial Oversight and Management Board clo: Hermann D. Bauer, Esq. O'Neill 8. Borges LLC 250 Mur?ioz Rivera Ave., Suite 800 San Juan, PR 00918 January 22, 2018 Re: Execution of Proposed Contract by PRDOH in Reference to Request for Proposal pending administrative review. Dear Mr. Bauer: As you know, AECOM-0PM JV has kept the Financial Oversight and Management Board (the or the "Board") informed about the developments regarding the Puerto Rico Department of Housing's bid process for DOH-RFP-17-18-02 (the "Proposed Contract?), which resulted in the award of the Proposed Contract to Adjusters International, Inc. ("Adiusters"). In light of the FOMB's adoption of its Contract Review Policy (the "Policy") under section 204(b)(2) of the Puerto Rico Oversight Management and Economic Stability Act we requested guidance from the Board as to how to proceed regarding the Proposed Contract. The FOMB declined to provide the requested guidance through your letter of January 16, 2018. For the reasons that we have expressed in our previous communications to the FOMB, AECOM has serious concerns that the PRDOH did not satisfy its legal obligation to submit the Proposed Contract for approval under the Policy. Adding to concerns, we learned yesterday that the Proposed Contract was executec?av PRDOH ang?iusters on January 5. 2018. and was ?led with the Puerto Rico Compt_roller's Of?ce on January 8. 2018. This fact was con?rmed by both PRDOH and Adjusters in their January 18, 2018 filings before the Administrative Review Board. E, Exhibit A. Neither the PRDOH nor Adjusters informed AECOM or the Administrative Review Board that the Proposed Contract had been executed during the hearing held before the Board on January 11, 2018. Puerto Rico Washington, DC TA Opo. 249 Proposal Page 2 [January 22. 2018] In view of this recent discovery, AECOM respectfully requests the FOMB to confirm whether the Proposed Contract was submitted to the FOMB pursuant to the Policy and, more importantly, whether the FOMB approved the execution of the Contract. If the Proposed Contract was indeed submitted to the FOMB and approved by the Board, we respectfully ask that a copy of the FOMB's response be provided to AECOM. On the contrary, if the Proposed Contract was not submitted to the FOMB and the Board did not act upon the same. we respectfully ask for con?rmation from the Board that such was the case. We thank you in advance for your attention to this matter and look forward to the Board's response to the inquiries raised herein. Res ectfully, CERTIFICATION: We hereby certify that a copy of this letter has been sent to: Adjusters International, Inc. 126 Business Park Drive Utica, NY 13502; UNIPROIHGI JV, PO. Box 10914 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00922-0914; WGPITTSIAD Joint Venture, 9250 Baymeadows Road, Suite 350 Jacksonville. Florida 32256: Luz N. Acevedo-Pellot, P.E., Secretary of Puerto Rico Department of Housing Bid Board, PO. Box 21365 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00928-1365 and to; and Joel 0. Hernandez- Alvarado, Chief Legal Officer of Puerto Rico Department of Housing, PO. Box 21365 San Juan. Puerto Rico 00928-1365. In addition, the letter will be notified by email to the following recipients: Oversight Board. Counsel for the Oversight Board: Mr. Martin Bienenstock. and Mr. Paul V. Possinger,, Mr. Hermann D. Baurer. herman.bamoneillborgescom. Puerto Rico Washington. DC HO: TA Opo. 250 an: 1% gore-0mg? JAN - a 2m GOVERNMENT OF PUERTO RICO DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING 05.0mm . AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES ?Intense. FEMA DISASTER RECOVERY PROGRAMS SHELTERING AND TEMPORARY ESSENTIAL POWER PROGRAM AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES [the "Agreernent" is entered into In San Juan. Puerto Rico. of January. 20i8. by and belween the PUERTO RICO DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING a public agency of the Government of Puerto Rico created under Act No. 97. dated June to. 1972. as amended. known as the Department of Housing Organic Act ("Organic Act"). with principal of?ces at 606 Barbasa Ave.. San Juan. Puerto Rico. represented herein by its Secretary. Hon. Fernanda A. Gil-Ense?at. of legal age. attorney. married. and resident of Guaynabo. Puerta Rico: and RISING PHOENIX HOLDINGS CORPORATION. formerly known as Adiusters International. inc.. 0 Delaware corporation ("Program Manager"). with principal ottices in Utica. New York. represented herein by Andre Leblanc. Program Manager. of legal age. manager. married. and resident of Birmingham. Alabama. with the legal capacity to appear herein as evidenced during execution hereof. RECITALS WHEREAS. on September 20. 2017. Hurricane Maria slammed Puerto Rico causing catastrophic damages. knocking out power. water and telecommunications for the entire island and its island municipalltles. Hurricane Maria caused major landslides and dawned the vast majority of electrical distribution lines. WHEREAS. Hurricane Maria's 150 winds and record-breaking rain. along with widespread landslide. leveled tens of thousands of homes. causing an immediate and substantial need tar temporary shelters for thousands of families across the island. WHEREAS. on September 21. 20l7. U.S. President Donald J. Trump issued a Maior Disaster Declaration for Puerto Rico. ordering federal assistance to supplement the Government of Puerta Rico's recovery efforts and authorizing federal funding for emergency works in all 73 municipalities ot our island, in order to begin to recover tram the eftects of this catastrophic disaster. WHEREAS. due to the disaster caused by Hurricane Maria. the Government at Puerto Rico is interested in performing essential repairs at tens of thousands of homes to be used as shelters in place for families affected by the atorementioned natural disaster. WHEREAS. FEMA has authorized funding to Puerto Rico under Section 403 of Stafford Act for the implementation a Sheltering and Temporary Essential Power Program to enable the Government of Puerto Rico to perform minor emergency repairs in single-tamily owner-occupied residences so they can become habitable as shelters in place. with work thereunder slated to start immediately. which shall be implemented as "Tu Hogar Renace". WHEREAS. the Government designated the DOH to manage and administer "Tu Hagar Renace" in compliance with the provisions of STEP. WHEREAS. Act 20-20t7 designates the DOH as the public agency with the responsibility to manage and operate provisional housing at every nature. TA Opo. 251 all Puerto Rico Department of Housing Agreement for Professional Program Management Serv'ces 7- I8-02 PAGE 2 including temporary shelters, for individuals who been relocated or displaced trom their homes due to emergencies or disasters. WHEREAS. the DOH is interested in contracting a professional program manager to provide services to ensure the successtul implementation at STEP. in full compliance with applicable FEMA requirements. WHEREAS. accordingly. on November 6. 20t 7. the DOH issued 18-02 for Professional Program Management Services. which is attached hereto and made an integral part hereot as Exhibit [the requesting proposals from ?rms with previous experience in FEMA disaster recovery programs interested in providing program management services to the DOH. WHEREAS. on November t7. 20t7. the Program Manager. under its prior name. Adjusters International. Inc.. submitted a proposal in response to the RFP [the "Proposal"). which tully complied with the requirements set forth by the DOH. WHEREAS. Adiusters international. inc. changed its corporate name to Rising Phoenix Holdings Corp.. via a Certificate of Amendment to the Third Amended and Restated Certi?cate of Incorporation. etfective as of January 1. 20t8. WHEREAS. the Program Manager is a firm with experience managing and coordinating tull construction activttles tor rehabilitation protects with speci?c experience in disaster recovery protects tully funded by FEMA. WHEREAS. after having reviewed and evaluated the Proposal. the DOH determined the Program Manager to be the best technically acceptable. responsible and responsive Respondent with a reasonable price proposal for the services required under the RFP and this Agreement [the "Services"). WHEREAS. the DOH has accepted the Proposal. and. therefore. desires to enter into a protessional services agreement with the Program Manager tor the performance of the Services. and the Program Manager has represented that it is ready. willing and able to provide the services in accordance with this Agreement and applicable law and regulations. WHEREAS. this Agreement is subiect to the provisions at Executive Orders Number 0E-2017-047. dated September t7. 20t7. and 052017-053. dated September 28. 2017. as amended by 052017-072 dated December 8. 2017. issued by the Governor Puerto Rico Hon. Ricardo Rossello-Nevares in relation to Hurricane Maria. NOW THEREFORE. in consideration of the mutual promises and the terms and conditions set forth herein. the DOH and the Program Manager agree to execute this Agreement subject to the following TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. SCOPE OF SERVICES A. The Program Manager will provide the Services described in this Agreement and the Proposal. which is incorporated hereto and made an integral part hereot as Exhibit it. B. The Protessionai Program Management Services to be provided by the Program Manager in relation to ?Tu Hagar Renace" shall include. without limitation: TA Opo. 252 Puerto Rico Department of Housing 6% Agreement for Professional Program Management Services DOH- 7- 8-02 PAGE 3 Program Manager shall develop policies and procedures. provide outreach and communication services. receive and process program applications. determine applicant and dwelling eligibility. and manage the repair contractors performing the shelter at home measures. Coordinate with FEMA. Government agencies. local governments and other stakeholders for identification of appropriate venues and opportunities to conduct outreach and accept applications tor assistance and to provide mobile application intake services at such locations and events: Provide web-based application Intake servrces: the Government may provide an established website or portal for this purpose: Program Manager will be responsible for integration with any previously established intake system and its data: For any information system. URLs. documentation. and technical assets established in the performance of this contract. all rights and licenses to the systems. and all data contained within the systems. shall belong to the Government and be transferred to the DOH upon contract termination. expiration or completion: Provide call center services for impacted citizens to communicate regarding the STEP program: the Program Manager may establish the call center numberts): it the Program Manager establishes the call center numbers. all rights for use of said numbers shall belong to the Government: it the Program Manager establishes a Post Of?ce Box. all rights tor use of the PO. Box shail belong to the Government: Process applications and verify applicants' eligibility in compliance with the STEP program guidelines for FEMA-4336-DR-PR and FEMA-4339-DR-PR [Exhibit lttl. as the same may be amended and as limited by the Government's program guidelines and contract scope of work: Collect and store all information in compliance with applicable security policies: Perform initial site visits of damaged property to verify and document damages. eligibility of property and scope of STEP measures to be performed an the dwelling and applicant's selection of small appliancets) in compliance with STEP program guidelines for FEMA- 4336-DR-PR and FEMA-4339-DR-PR as the same may be amended. Ensure compliance with the checklist for property inspection tVt. subject to amendment. Have the homeowner sign a Right at Entry form prior to execution at any inspection or repair work in the property (Exhibit Vtt). identify any duplicate ?nancial assistance. it any. prohibited by the Stafford Act: Ensure appropriate environmental review and release has been performed by the entity performing these services: Execute all necessary STEP agreements. documents. right of entry permits. indemni?cation forms (if any). intormatian disclosure authorization. subragation agreement and associated documents: TA Opo. 253 Puerto Rico Department of Housing Agreement for Professional Program Management Eurvf: es PAGE 4 . Create and utilize a comprehensive information management system: the DOH may require use of systems already owned by or available to the DOH: in the event that the Program Manager establishes the system. the license tor such system shall be assignable to the DOH at its option: . Assign Task Orders to STEP repair contractors in a way that maximizes ef?ciency of delivery of services: . Track progress of work on individual home repair projects. in accordance with STEP guidance: ensuring projects remain on schedule. in compliance. and within budget and scope: . Ensure STEP repair contractors handle debris in compliance with FEMA policy: . Ensure all work completed by STEP repair contractors in furtherance of this protect is performed In compliance with prevailing wage rates: . Conduct a ?nal inspection within three (3) days of noti?cation by STEP repair contractors that work is complete on individual home repair protects and certify that repairs are in compliance with program guidelines and that the dwelling is safe for sheltering: . Process STEP repair contractor payment requests in compliance with STEP program guidelines and applicable federal and local regulations: .- . Track overall performance of STEP repair contractors' conducting repairs tor quality. timeliness. completeness. and constituent complaints: . Manage and resolve constituent complaints and STEP repair contractor disputes in accordance with the corresponding agreements and regulations: - Provide program reporting services as may be required by the Government regarding status at program activities: . Provide customer service and communication services so that applicants can inquire about the status of their individual ?les or applications: All publicly accessible systems shall maintain a 99.9% uptime over a continuous 30-day window: Program Manager shall provide the DOH with call center. application. and system performance metrics weekly and upon request: . Maintain organized records of all transactions made under this Agreement. including all ROE's. task orders. contracts and related documents: and - Create written policy and process documents for STEP and the above described tasks. as well as for quality control. anti-fraud waste and abuse. and duplication of benefits. Any other services and duties related to field supervision, execution and related matters as may be required by the DOH from time to time during the term of this Agreement. C. Detiverabies. As part of its material obligations under this Agreement. the Program Manager shall deliver to the DOH all of the following: i. A detailed work plan identifying speci?c tasks and timelines to accomplish the tasks and services detailed above. to be agreed upon TA Opo. 254 re Puerta Rica Department of Housing Agreement tor Professional Program Management Services PAGE 5 by the Program Manager and the DOH. and which may be revised by mutual agreement tram time to lime as necessary Due ?ve days after the date of execution at the Agreement. Proposed changes to the work plan and timelines may be Submitted to the DOH tar approval. Chart ot Organization detailing all at Program. Manager's staff. including subcontractor statf. performing services under this Agreement Due seven 7) days alter the date at execution of the Agreement. Proposed changes to the Chart of Organization that may be needed due to change of 'personnel or organization structure shall be provided to the DOH for review and approval Eli-weekly status reports detailed by individual client an applicant status and activities underway and/or completed related to the tasks and services detailed above. Program Manager will provide to the DOH an acceptable Outreach Campaign Plan within ?ve days of the date at execution of this Agreement. Daily status reports on the progress and performance of STEP repair contractors. Any such additional reports or submittals that may be required by the DOH or the Oversight Manager from time to time to ensure compliance with program requirements? D. No Additional Services: This Agreement does not authorize the Program Manager to perform any additional services without the prior execution at the corresponding amendment. E. Compliance with FEMA regulations: t. In the performance of the Services hereunder. the Program Manager binds itself fully to comply with applicable FEMA rules and regulations. For intormative purposes only. Recovery Program Guidance. Sheltering and Temporary Essential Power (STEP) Pilot Program for FEMA- and dated October 25. 20l7. is attached hereto and made an integral part hereof as Exhibit llt. . In the event that Program Manager's non-compliance with FEMA requirements impedes in whole or in part any reimbursement of costs incurred by the DOH in relation to this Agreement. the Program Manager acknowledges it will not be compensated tor any costs or fees incurred that are disallowed by FEMA. 3. The DOH may withhold any payments to the Program Manager tor the purpose of off-set or partial payment. as the case may be. of any amounts owed to the DOH by the Program Manager. 4. The only allowable advertising costs are those which are solely for: a. The recruitment of personnel required by the non-Federal entity for performance at a Federal award: b. The procurement of goods and services for the performance of a Federal award: TA Opo. 255 AL I ?t i? Puerto R'co Department at Hor..sing Agreement for Professional Program Management Services DOH-RFP- I 18-02 PAGE 6 c. The disposal ot scrap or surplus materials acquired in the performance at a Federal award except when non-Federal entities are reimbursed for disposal costs at a predetermined amount: or d. Program outreach and other speci?c purposes necessary to meet the requirements of the Federal award. 5. The only allowable public relations costs are: a. Costs speci?cally required by the Federal award: b. Costs of communicating with the public and press pertaining to speci?c activities or accomplishments which result from performance at the Federal award [these costs are considered necessary as part- at the outreach etfort for the Federal award); or c. Costs of conducting general liaison with news media and government public relations officers. to the extent that such activities are limited to communication and liaison necessary to keep the public informed on matters at public concern. such as notices of funding opportunities. financial matters. etc. 6. Unollowable advertising and public relations costs include the following: a. All advertising and public relations costs other than as specified in paragraphs 4 and 5. above: b. Costs of meetings. conventions. convocations. or other events related to other activities of the entity. including: costs of displays. demonstrations. and exhibits: (ii) costs of meeting rooms. hospitality suites. and other special facilities used In coniunction with shows and other special events: and (lit) salaries and wages of employees engaged in setting up and displaying exhibits. making demonstrations. and providing brie?ngs: c. Costs of promotional items and memorabilia. including models. gifts. and souvenirs: cl. Costs of advertising and public relations designed solely to promote the non-Federal entity. TYPE OF CONTRACT . Contract Type: This is a "Not to Exceed" Agreement with hourly. unit price and lump sum components. Under this Agreement. the Program Manager shall submit invoices to the DOH in compliance with this Agreement. Exhibits Incorporated: The following exhibits are incorporated into this Agreement by reference and made an integral part hereof: . DOH Request for Proposals . EXHIBIT tt - Technical Proposal tor Professional Program Management Services submitted by Adjusters International. Inc.. dated November t7. 2017. as amended during the RFP process (the "Proposal"). TA Opo. 256 24L Puerto Rico Department of Housing Agreement for Professional Program Management Services 3412 PAGE 7 . EXHIBIT FEMA Recovery Program Guidance. Sheltering and Temporary Essential Power (STEP) Pilot Program for FEMA-4336-DR-PR and . IV - Checklist for initial site visits and ?nal Inspections - EXHIBIT - Schedule of Fixed Unit Prices. Fixed Rates. and Lump Sums . EXHIBIT Vt - Insurance Requirements. OSPA-78-5. issued by the DOH on November 7. 2017. . EXHIBIT - Right of Entry Permit [Spanish and English) . - Teaming Agreement between Adiusters International. Inc. and UnkActiv. Inc.. dated as of November l. 20t 7. All Exhibits hereto shall be complementary in such a way that whatever is stated or shown in them shall be as binding as any term or condition of this Agreement. Should any. inconsistency occur between the Proposal and this Agreement. this Agreement shall prevail. TERM OF AGREEMENT A. Term: This Agreement shall be In etfect and enforceable between the parties tor a period of six (6) months from the date of execution hereof (the ?Term"). B.-Contrcict Extension: The DOH may. at Its sole discretion. extend the Term as It may deem necessary or convenient subiect to the execution of the corresponding written amendment by both parties hereto and otherwise in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. PROGRAM REPRESENTATIONS By execution hereof. the Program Manager represents and warrants as a material condition of this Agreement. as follows: i. The Program Manager has a thorough understanding and mastery of plans. specifications. options. paperwork and processes applicable to ?Tu Hogar Renace?/STEP. . The Program Manager has thoroughly examined and fully understands the laws. rules and regulations to this Agreement. and "Tu Hogar Renace"/STEP. . The Program Manager will ensure that all individuals or ?rms engaged to perform any regulated professional services under this Agreement shall be and shall remain throughout their performance hereunder in compliance with applicable legal provisions. . All costs to be invoiced under this Agreement are reasonable. allocable. and within the terms of this Agreement and tederal regulations. . The Program Manager acknowledges that FEMA tinancial assistance will be used to fund this Agreement. Accordingly. the Program Manager expressly itself to comply with all applicable federal laws. regulations. executive orders. FEMA policies. procedures and directives. . The Program Manager has not been and is not currently debarred or otherwise impeded from participating in any tederal contract. TA Opo. 257 Puerlo Rico Department at Housing Agreement for Professional Program Management Services DOH-RFP-I 7- l8-02 PAGE 5 engagement or procurement. During the term at this Agreement the Program Manager is expressly required to report to the DOH Immediately at any change in this representation. V. AND PAYMENT A. Fixed Unit Prices and Fixed Rates. Lump Sum Prices and Allowance: l. The DOH shall pay the Program Manager for the Services rendered under this Agreement in accordance with the ?xed rates. ?xed unit prices. lump sum prices and allowance set forth in Exhibit V. Schedule of Fixed Unlt Prices. Fixed Rates and Lump Sum Prices. which is attached hereto and made an integral part hereof. 2. The ?xed "Base Hourly Rates" for Main Services speci?ed in Exhibit are inclusive of travel time and travel expenses. Main Services shall be invoiced on a "straight time" basis based on time incurred by each category of personnel during the invoice period. The parties acknowledge that Base Hourly Rates. Overhead Rate. and Pro?t Rate as speci?ed in Exhibit were mutually negotiated and ?xed. Any adiustments to Base Hourly Rates. Overhead Rate. or Pro?t Rate as speci?ed in Exhin shall only be made in accordance with Paragraph XXV herein. "Modi?cation of Agreement." 3. The DOH shall pay the Program Manager tor the "inspection" Services based upon the ?xed unit prices set forth in Exhibit V. The parties acknowledge that the total number at initial site property visits and ?nal inspections may be more or less than the estimated amount: provided. however. that any increase to the amount established for ?Sub-Total inspections" will require an amendment to the Agreement. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth elsewhere in this Agreement. the unit prices for Inspection Services [for initial Site Property Visit and Final Inspection) are inclusive of all direct and indirect costs to be incurred by Program Manager in relation thereto. 4. The DOH shall pay the Program Manager for the Call Center Management Services in accordance with the Lump Sum prices set torih in Exhibit V. 5. The DOH shall pay the Program Manager for the Outreach Campaign Services in accordance with the Lump Sum prices set forth in Exhibit with the exception of the line item. ?Allowance [Media Spats)." which shall be paid on the basis of Program Manager's incurred. allowable costs and the terms and conditions at this Agreement. 6. Regarding the inspection services set forth in Exhibit V. the Program Manager shall be paid for each unique inspection performed. A unique inspection is an inspection that is completed in full in order to determine eligibility or develop the scope of work for repairs (initial site properly visit) or to accept or reject repair work performed by the corresponding contractors [?nal inspection). 7. Special inspectors shall be invoiced under "Main Services" as set forth in Exhibit V. and will be utilized tor unusual inspections requiring a specialty capability. structural. dispute resolution inspection or appeal inspection. Special inspector services to be invoiced on an hourly basis do not include inspections to be performed on a unit price basis (initial Site Property Visit and Final Inspection). TA Opo. 258 it Puerto Rico Department of Housing if? Agreement for Professional Program Management Services PAGE 9 8. Nothing in this paragraph or elsewhere in' this Agreement shall preclude Program Manager from entitlement to an equitable adiustment in tixed rates. unit pricing. or lump sum pricing arising from DOH's material changes to the generat scope of this Agreement. including: the description of the services to be performed: (2) the time of performance. or: (3) the place of performance of the services: provided. however, that such adjustment would be subiect to the execution at the corresponding contract modi?cation. The Program Manager shatt provide prompt. written notification to DOH that is has performed 80% ot the estimated quantity of inspections for each tine item under "inspection" Services as set forth in Exhibit V. Absent modi?cation of this Agreement pursuant to Section XXV. herein. "Modi?cation of Agreement." Program Manager shatl not perform any inspections beyond the estimated quantity set forth under "inspection" Services in Exhth V. to. Until and unless the Program Manager exceeds the estimated quantity of inspections for each line item under "Inspection" Services as set forth in Exhibit V. Program Manager acknowledges that the price to be paid per visit and inspection will not be altered regardless of the number of such visits and inspections actually performed during the term of this Agreement. a. Cast Attowabtt?y: With respect to the "Allowance (Media Spots)" line item under the Outreach Campaign Services set forth in Exhibit V. the cost principles and procedures set forth in 48 CFR 3i .2 and FEMA supplements shall be used to determine altowabie costs under this Agreement. Neither FEMA nor the DOH shall make any payment or reimbursement to Program Manager for unaitowabie costs. C. Advertising and Pubttc Retations Services. The following terms shall apply to the processing of invoices for advertising and public relations services: 1. Volume Discounts. The Program Manager shall honor any volume discount granted by media outlets or production companies to the Government at Puerfo Rico. which is in force or comes into effect during the term of this Agreement. Said media purchases and subcontracted services shalt be invoiced to the DOH by the Program Manager at the rate invoiced to the Program Manager. including the applicable volume discount (if any). Commissions. The maximum commission payable to the Program Manager under this Agreement for: it) its professionat services in relation to the outsourcing of services: or the performance of services as an intermediary with media, production companies or any other supplier of advertising goods or services. shalt not exceed 15% at the grass cost billed to the Program Manager by said media outlet. production company or supplier. in no case, will the DOH make commission payments in excess of 15% of the gross amount at the corresponding cost. Prompt Payment Discount. The Program Manager acknawtedges that advertising agencies shat grant a 2% discount tor prompt payment to any invoices that are paid by the DOH within thirty (30) days of receipt of the corresponding invoice. as provided in Treasury Circular Letter CC 1300-02-12. dated as of August 12. 201 1. TA Opo. 259 Puerto Rico Department of Housing Agreement for Professional Program Management Services DOH-RFP- 17-18-02 PAGE to D. Act No. 48-2013. Accordind?to Act No. 48-2013. all payments for services made to the Program Manager under this Agreement shall be subiect to a special assessment at 1.5% of the amount invoiced. This assessment will go to the General Fund of Puerto Rico Treasury. The Program will submit a certi?cation that lists all of its contracts with any agency or instrumentality at the Government of Puerto Rico and their respective contract amounts. in compliance with the provisions of Act No. 43-2013. cited above. E. Maximum Contract Amount: The DOH shall pay the Program Manager. for services performed during the term of this Agreement. a maximum amount not to exceed One Hundred Thirty Two Million Eight Hundred Forty Nine Thousand Three Hundred ?ghty Nine Daliars with Forty TWO Cents [the "Maximum Contract Amount"). Payments hereunder shall be charged to Account Proiect/Grant Such payment shall constitute compensation for all services required. performed and accepted under this Agreement. F. lnvoic es 1. The Program Manager shall submit invoices to the DOH for services rendered under this Agreement. which shall be payable within thirty (30) days from the date the Invoice is reviewed and approved by the DOH. 2. if. for any reason. DOH withholds payment of any Item. port. or portion of an invoice. this shot] not be a basis for DOH's withhoidlng timely payment to Program Manager for invoice items reviewed and approved. (a . Each invoice shall be certified and supported in such detail as required by the DOH. Such invoices shall itemize services performed during the invoice period based on the items set forth in Section VIA). above. 4. The DOH will review the invoices and ascertain if the services have been properly provided during the invoiced month and. if so. will proceed with payment. The DOH reserves the right to review the invoices and conduct the necessary audits. 5. Payments to the Program Manager shalt be made by check or electronic funds transfer (EFT). 6. in order for the Program Manager to receive payment for any work performed hereunder. the iailowing certi?cation must be included in each application for payment or invoice submitted to the DOH for payment: Under penaiiy of absolute nuitity, hereby certify that no pubiic servant of the Puerto Rico Department of Housing is a party to or has an interest in the earnings. pro?ts or benefits that may be the product of the contract upon which this invoice is based, and in the event that any such person is a party to or has an interest in the earnings. profits or bene?ts resulting from the contract upon which this invoice is based. a vaitd waiver or dispensation has been granted. further certify that the sate consideration for the iumishing of the contracted goods or the performance of the services under the contract is the payment agreed upon with the Puerto Rico Department at Housing. Further, the amount at this invoice is true and correct, ail work TA Opo. 260 ass as is Puerto Rico Department of Housing Agreement for Professional Program Management Services 7- I8-02 PAGE 1 I VI. and services invoiced have been performed and the products have been dettvered. and the services rendered._ and no payment has been received for them. 6. An authorized representative of the DOH review each invoice and. if adequate. will approve and process its payment. DOH reserves the right to conduct any additional review or audit it deems necessary. 7. The Program Manager shati maintain effective accountability of funds disbursed under this Agreement to safeguard assets and ensure that funds are only used for authorized purposes per 2 CFR 200. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS: CONFIDENTIALITY AND NON-DISCLOSURE A. Ownership of Documents: With the exception of the Program Manager?s working papers. the Program Manager acknowledges the DOH's ownership of all information. drafts. documents. reports. papers and other materials and prepared by the Program Manager. its agents or representatives. for purposes of performing its obligations hereunder. . Return of Documents: Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement or at the request of the DOH. the Program Manager shall deliver to the DOH such information. drafts. reports. papers and other materials. In document form or as computer program data. and the Program Manager recognizes the DOH's right to request such documentation or computer program data. if the Program Manager faiis to deliver said information. the DOH may seek a iudicial order to enforce its rights. Upon receipt of written request from the DOH. Program Manager will return to DOH ati copies or samples of Confidential information which. at the time of the notice are in Program Manager's or its agent's possession. Program Manager reserves the right to retain a set of its work papers. . Con?dential Information: Definition: The term Con?dential information as used throughout this Section. means any information concerning DOH operations and that of its Program Manager te.g.. the projects. computer processing systems. obiect and source codes and other DOH business and financiai affairs). The term Confidential Information shaii also deem to include all notes. analysis. compiiation. studies and interpretation or other documents prepared by Program Manager. its agents or representatives. in connection with DOH operations. . Non-Disciosure: The Program Manager agrees to take all reasonabie steps or measures to keep con?dential ati Con?dential Information and wit not. at any time. present or future. without DOH express written authorization. signed by the Administrator of the DOH. use or sell. market or disclose any Confidentiaitnformation to any third party. Program Manager. corporation. or association for any purpose whatsoever. Program Manager further agrees that. except as they relate to the normal course of the service. the Program Manager not make copies of the Confidential information except upon DOH express written authorization. signed by an authorized representative of DOH. and wiit not remove any copy or sample of Con?dential information without prior written authorization from DOH. Program Manager retains the right to control its work papers subiect to these con?dentiaiity provisions. Equitabie Relief: The Program Manager acknowledges and agrees that a breach of the provisions of subparagraphs B. and D. above. cause DOH to suffer irreparable damage that could not remedied or TA Opo. 261 it Puerto Rico Department of Housing Agreement for Professional Program Management Services DOH-RFP- I 7-18-02 PAGE 12 it? compensated adequately only by mere monetary retribution. Program Manager further agrees that money damages may not be a suf?cient remedy for any breach of this Section. Accordingly. the Program Manager agrees that DOH shall have the right to seek injunclive relief and the specific performance of the provisions of this Section to en)oin a breach or attempted breach of the provision hereof. such right being in addition to any and oil other rights and remedies that are available to DOH at law. in equity or otherwise. Vli. TERMINATION A. Termination for Cause: The DOH may terminate this Agreement. in whole or in part. for-the Program Manager's failure to ful?ll its material obligations hereunder. The DOH shall terminate this Agreement by delivering to the Program Manager a thirty (30) day notice of termination specifying the extent to which the performance of the service under this Agreement is terminated. the reason therefore and the effective date of termination. Upon receipt of such notice the Program Manager shall immediately discontinue alt services and deliver to the DOH all information. notes. drafts. documents. analysis. reports. compilations. studies and other materials accumulated or generated in performing the services contemplated in this Agreement. whether completed or in process. B. Termination for Convenience: The DOH may terminate this Agreement. in whole or in part. whenever the DOH determines that such termination is necessary or convenient to the DOH. The DOH wilt terminate this Agreement by detivering to the Program Manager a thirty (30) day notice of termination specifying the extent to which the pertormance of the work under this Agreement Is terminated. and the effective date of termination. Upon receipt of such notice. the Program Manager shall immediately discontinue all services affected and deliver to the DOH all information. studies and other materials property of the DOH. tn the event of a termination for convenience. Program Manager shall be fairly compensated for the work and services performed as of the termination date and for preparations made and costs already incurred in relation to the terminated portions of the Agreement. including a reasonable amount for demobilization costs and profit on costs related to termination. consistent with principles of United States federal procurement law. The Program Manager speci?cally acknowledges that the DOH will not pay pro?t on terminated portions of the Agreement. The primary obiective of the parties shall be to negotiate a settlement by Agreement. in the event that parties are unable to reach a settlement. Program Manager may assert a claim for payment of its termination costs. consistent with the terms of this Agreement. . Termination by Unitaterat Abandonment: The DOH will consider this Agreement immediately terminated. it the Program Manager unitateratty and without prior notice. chooses to abandon [in any shape. form or fashion). cease or desist in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement. Upon the knowiedge of such event. the DOH wiil not be heid liabie and will immediately. automatically and retroactively deduct from any future reimbursement. alt funds from the day such unitaterol abandonment took place. The DOH will not be compelled to continue the performance of the Agreement. shoutd the Program Manager breach the Agreement by unilaterai abandonment. In addition. the DOH reserves the right to ctaim damages against Program Manager as a result of its abandonment of the work or services. TA Opo. 262 ill fir Puerto Rico Department of Housing Agreement for Professional Program Management Services PAGE 13 D. Suspension: The DOH may suspend this Agreement in whole or in part at any time for the DOH's convenience. The DOH shall give the Program Manager ?ve (5) days' written notice of such suspension. Upon receipt of said notice the Program Manager shall immediately discontinue all Services so suspended. E. Immediate Termination. In the event the Program Manager is subiected to a criminal or civil action. suit. proceeding. inquiry or court of applicable iurisdiction. or any governmental agency. or the Program Manager shall be subiect to an order. judgment. or opinion. issued by any federal or local authority. a court of applicable iurisdictlon. or any governmentat agency. in connection with the execution. delivery. and performance by the Program Manager of this Agreement or the Program Manager of this Agreement has been noncompliant. breach. inaccuracy of any representation. warranties. covenants. or the certi?cations provided herein. whether the noncompliance. breach or inaccuracy takes place before or after the execution of this Agreement. the DOH shalt have the right to the immediate termination of this Agreement notwithstanding. any provisions to the contrary herein. This section wilt apply in the event of any iudgrnent that may obligate the DOH to terminate the Agreement pursuant to Government of Puerto Rico Act No. 458 of 2000 as amended. and/or by Act No. 84 of 2001. as amended. F. Termination Ctause: The Chief of Staff of the Governor of Puerto Rico (Secretario de la Gobernacionl shall have the power to terminate this Agreement at any time. as provided in Memorandum No. 2017-001: Circular Letter 141-1 7 of the Office of the Chief of Staff of the Governor of Puerto Rico and the Of?ce of Management and Budget. In no event shall the DOH be liable for any Indirect. incidental. special or consequential damages. or damages for loss of profits. revenue. data or use. incurred by either party or any third party. whether in an action In contract or tort. even if the other party or any person has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Third parties operating under this program. with their agency, witl have their own generat civit and criminat liability imposed bylaw towards the DOH. the Program Manager and any third party. IX. A. Required Coverage The Program Manager shall carry the insurance as are required by tow and this Agreement. The Program Manager shall furnish DOH certi?cates of insurance as evidence of compliance hereof. The Program Manager shalt keep in force and effect for the period beginning from the execution of the Agreement and ending at the completion of all services to be provided hereunder. insurance policies in compliance with the DOH's requirements. as set forth in OSPA-78-5. attached hereto and made an integral part hereof as Exhibit VI. 1. State insurance Fund - Statutory amount. 2. Comprehensive Generat liability insurance. with the limits of liability for bodily iniury and/or death of no less than for bodily iniury and/or arising out of any one occurrence and $ generat aggregate. The limits of liability for property damage shalt not be tess than TA Opo. 263 42% Pueria Rica Department at Housing Agreement for Professional Program Management Services 748-02 PAGE 14 $t.000.000.00 for each occurrence and $1,000,000.00 in the aggregate. DOH shall be named as additional insured on the insurance policy: Worker's Compensation and Employer's Liability is covered under the Comprehensive General Liability insurance with the same limits. The Comprehensive General Liability shall include the following coverage: a. Premises and Operations: b. Independent Contractors: c. Completed Operations: d. Coniractuai Liabi?ty: e. Hoid-Harmiess Agreement. 3. Comprehensive Automobiie insurance. including hired cars and non-ownership coverage. covering bodily injury. death and property damage. with single and aggregate limits of liability of $1,000,000.00. DOH shall be named as additional insured on the insurance policy. 4. Professionai Liabitily: the Program Manager shall present Professional Liability insurance with minimum limits of liability of 555.000.000.00 per claim and in the aggregate written on a "claims made basis" said coverage must provide coverage for on fl'g?l of at least seven years. 5. Personai injury Liabiilty: Personal lniury Liability Endorsement Inciudlng libel. slander. etc.. with a limit liability of $5,000,000.00. including removal of any exclusions pertaining to contractual liability and claims by Construction inspection Contractors employees DOH shaii be named as additional insured an the insurance policy. 6. Umbretia: $i0.000.00.00. 7. Cyber Liability: Upon the execution of this Agreement. the Program Manager shall furnish DOH wrih copies of the above-described insurance policies and any other evidence DOH may request as to the policies' full force and effect. Any deductibie amount. under any of the poiicies. will be assumed in whole by the Program Manager for any and all losses. ciaims. expenses. suiis. damages. costs. demands or liabilities. ioint and several of whatever kind and nature arising from the Agreement resuiting from this solicitation by and between the Program Manager and DOH. The DOH shall not be held responsible under any circumstances for payments of any nature regarding deductibles of any insurance coverage required under this Agreement. B. Endorsemenfs Each insurance policy maintained by the Program Manager must be endorsed as toiiows: l. DOH and its of?cers. agents and employees are named as additionai insured [except Worker's Compensation) but only with re5pect ta arising out of operations performed tor such insured by or an behalt of the named insured. TA Opo. 264 tie Puerto Rico Department of Housing Agreement tor Professional Program Management Services 7- I 8-02 PAGE I5 2. To provide waiver ot subrogation coverage for all insurance paliCi?es provided or herein in favor oi DOH and its respective of?cers. agents and employees. 3. The insurer shall be required to give DOH written notice at least ninety (90) days in advance of any cancellation or material change in any such policies. The Program Manager shall furnish to DOH. prior to commencement of the work. certi?cates of insurance from insurers with a rating by the A.M. Best Co. at A and 5 or over on all policies. reflecting policies in force. and shall also provide certi?cates evidencing all renewals of such policies. Insurers shall retain an A.M. Best Co. rating of A and 5 or over on all policies throughout the term of this Agreement and all policy periods required herein. The insurance company must be authorized to do business in Puerto Rico and be in good standing. C. Related Requirements The Program Manager shall furnish an original Certi?cates of Insurance evidencing the required coverage to be in force on the Eifeciive Date of Agreement. THE REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION MUST BE RECEIVED PRIOR TO COMMENCENT OF PERFORMANCVE HEREUNDER. NEITHER THE PROGRAM MANAGER NOR ANY OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES ARE TO BEGIN THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES UNDER THE AGREEMENT PRIOR TO FULL COMPLIANCE WITH THIS REQUIREMENT AND NOTIFICATION FROM DOH TO PROCEED. Renewal Certi?cates of Insurance or such similar evidence is to be received by the Procurement Department prior to expiration of insurance coverage. At DOH's Option. non-compliance will result in one or more of ihe following actions: it) The DOH will purchase insurance on behalf of the Program Manager and will charge back all cost to the Program Manager: (2) The Program Manager will be immediately removed from DOH property and contract revoked: all payments due the Program Manager will be held until the Program Manager has complied wiih the contract: and/or The Program Manager will be assessed Five Thousand Dollars [55.000.00) for every day of non-compliance. The receipt of any certi?cate does not constitute agreement by DOH that the insurance requirements in the Agreement have been fully met or that the insurance policies indicated on the certi?cate are in compliance with the requirements of the Agreement. The insurance policies shall provide for ninety (90) days written notice to be given to DOH in the event coverage Is substantially changed. cancelled or non-renewed. The Program Manager shall require all subcontractors or consultants to carry the insurance required herein or the Program Manager, may provide the coverage for any or all of its subcontractors and it so. the evidence at insurance submitted shall so stipulate and adhere to the same requirements and conditions as outlined above. The Program Manager expressly understands and agrees that whenever the Program Manager is covered by other primary. excess. or excess contingent insurance that. any insurance or self-insurance program maintained by DOH shall apply in excess of and will not contribute with insurance provided by the Program Manager under this Agreement. D. Hoid Harmless The Program Manager and its af?liates. its successors and assignees will indemnify the DOH from any damages and/or losses arising out of personal iniuries or TA Opo. 265 Puerto Rico Department of Housing Agreement for Professional Program Management services DOH-RFP- I 7-18-02 PAGE t6 property damage resulting from any act of negligence by the Program Manager and its atfiliates in connection with this Agreement. X. FORCE MAJEURE In the event at a ?re. flood. earthquake. natural disaster. hurricane. riot. act of governmental authority in its sovereign capacity. strike. labor dispute or unrest. embargo. war. insurrection or civil unrest. any act of God including inclement weather. herein collectively referred to as Force Maieure during the term of this Agreement. neither the DOH nor the Program Manager shall be liable to the other party for nonperformance during the conditions created by such event. The Program Manager shall notify the DOH. as soon as possible. of the occurrence of the Force Maieure event and describe In reasonable detail. the nature at the Force Maieure event. XI. NOTICES All notices required or permitted to be given under the Agreement shall be in writing. and shall be deemed given when delivered by hand or sent by registered or certi?ed mail. return recelpt requested. to the address as follows: To: DOH Hon. Fernando A. Gil-Ense?at Secretary Department of Housing PO Box 363188 San Juan. Puerto Rico 00936-3188 606 Barbosa Ave. Juan C. Cordero Building (10"1 Floor] San Juan. Puerto Rico 00919 To: PROGRAM John Marini MANAGER CEO and President Adjusters International. inc. t26 Business Park Dr. Utlca. NY 13502 XII. THIRD PARTIES Nothing contained in this Agreement shall create a contractual relationship with. or a cause of action in of a third party against either the DOH or the Program Manager. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH LEGAL REQUIREMENTS A. Compliance with Article 19 of Act No. 103 at May 25. 2006. Fiscal Reform Act of 2006 and Circular Letter 1300-02-12: The Program Manager acknowledges that the Government of Puerto Rico negotiates volume discounts with media outlets in Puerto Rico and agrees to honor such volume discounts to the benefit at the DOH. 5. Tax Obligation Compliance: Pursuant to Executive Order No. 1991?24. dated June IS. 1991. the Program Manager cerlities and warranls that at the signing at this Agreement it has filed all the necessary and required income tax returns to lhe Government at Puerto Rico tor the last five (5) years. The Program Manager further certi?es that it has complied and is current with the payment at any and all income taxes that are. or were TA Opo. 266 Puerto Rico Depcn'tment at Housing Agreement for Professional Program Management Services 8-02 PAGE l7 due. to the Government of Puerto Rico. Prior to execution hereof. the Program Manager shall provide to the DOH. evidence satisfactory to the DOH of its compliance with this clause. During the term of this Agreement, the Program Manager agrees to pay and/or to remain current with any repayment plan agreed to by the Program Manager with the Government at Puerto Rico. . Payment of Unemployment Bene?ts. Workers' Compensation and Chautter Bene?ts: Pursuant to Executive Order No. 1992-52. dated August 28. 1992. amending 05-] 991-24. the Program Manager certi?es and warrants that it has made all payments required for unemployment bene?ts. workmen's compensation and social security for chauffeurs. as applicabte. or that in lieu thereof. has subscribed a payment plan in connection with any such unpaid items and is in fuit compliance with the terms thereof. Prior to execution hereof. the Program Manager shalt provide to the DOH. evidence satisfactory to the DOH of its compliance with this clause. The Program Manager accepts and acknowledges its responsibility for requiring and obtaining a similar warranty and codi?cation from each and every consultant or subcontractor whose service the Program Manager has secured in connection with the services to be rendered under this Agreement and shall forward evidence to DOH as to its compliance with this requirement. . Municipat Revenue Coitectlon Center The Program Manager certi?es and guarantees that as of the execution of this Agreement. it has no current debt for property taxes with the Municipal Revenue Collection Center ("Centro de Recaudocion de Ingresos Municipaies" in Spanish). The Program Manager further certifies to be current with the payment at any and all property taxes that are or were due to the Government of Puerto Rico. Prior to execution hereof. the Program Manager shall provide to the DOH. evidence satisfactory to the DOH of compliance with this clause. During the Term of this Agreement. the Program Manager agrees to pay and/or to remain current with any repayment plan agreed to by the Program Manager with the Government of Puerto Rico with regards to property taxes (for real and personal property). . income Tax Retention: The DOH will retatn the corresponding amount from all payments made to the Program Manager hereunder as required by the Puerto Rico internal Revenue Code. The DOH will deliver such withhotdings to the Puerto Rico Treasury Department. The DOH wilt adiust such withholdings provided the Program Manager produces satisfactory evidence of partial or total exemption from withholding. . Support Administration: The Program Manager certi?es and warrants that the Program Manager does not have an outstanding debt or obligation to the Puerto Rico Child Support Administration by its Spanish acronym). Prior to execution hereof. the Program Manager shati provide to the DOH. evidence satisfactory to the DOH of its comptiance with this clause. . Social Security The Program Manager will be responsible for withholding and paying applicable Saciot Security ob?gations resutting from this Agreement. . Government Act: The Program Manager hereby certifies that in signing this Agreement it is and shall remain in compliance with Act 1 of January 3. 2012. as amended. known as the Ethics Act of the Government of Puerto Rico. which in connection with the possibility of a conflict of interest. TA Opo. 267 At, It is is Puerto Rico Deponment of Housing Agreement for Professional Program Management Services DOH-RFP-I 743-02 PAGE IS stipulates that. no employee or executive at the Program Manager. nor any member of his/he immediate family (spouse. dependent ch?dren or other members of his/her household or any individual whose ?nancial affairs are under the control of the employee) shall have any direct or indirect pecuniary interest in the services to be rendered under this Agreement. except as may be expressly authorized by the Governor of Puerio Rico in consultation with the Secretary of Treasury and the Secretary of Justice. Consequences of Non-Compttance: The Program Manager expressly agrees that the conditions of this Section are essential requirements of this Agreement: thus. should any one of these representations. warranties or certi?cations be incorrect. inaccurate or misleading. in whole or in part. that shall constitute iust cause for the DOH to render this Agreement null and void. and the Program Manager shall be required to reimburse to DOH all moneys received under this Agreement. . Executive Order dated September 28. 2017. extends the period granted to the Program Manager to present or supplement'the documents and certifications required under this Section The additional time periods established therein shall apply to this Agreement. XIV. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY During the performance of this Agreement. the Program Manager agrees as follows: I. The Program Manager will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race. coior. religion. sex. or nationai origin. The Program Manager will take af?rmative action to ensure that appiicants are employed. and that employees are treated during employment. without regard to their race. color. religion. sex. or national origin. Such action shali include. but not be itmited to the following: Employment. upgrading. demotion. or transfer. recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation: and selection for training. including apprenticeship. The Program Manager agrees to post in conspicuous places. available to employees and applicants for employment. notices to be provided by the contracting of?cer setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. . The Program Manager will. in ali soiicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the Program Manager. state that ali qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race. coior. religion. sex. or national origin. . The Program Manager will send to each labor union or representative of workers with which he has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding. a notice to be provided by the agency contracting of?cer. advising the labor union or workers' representative of the Program Manager's commitments under section 202 of Executive Order 11246 of September 24. l965. and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment. . The Program Manager wiil comply with all provisions of Executive Order H246 of September 24. I965. and of the ruies. reguiations. and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor. TA Opo. 268 iiL Jill ii are .i Puerto Rico Departmen of Housing Agreement lor Professional Program Management Sewices PAGE 19 5. The Program Manager will furnish all information and reports required by Executive Order 1 1246 of September 24. 1965. and by the rules. regulations. and orders at the Secretary of Labor. or pursuant thereto. and will permit access to his books, records. and accounts by the contracting agency and the Secretary of Labor tor purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with such rules. regulations. and orders. 6. in the event of the Program Manager's noncompliance with the nondiscrimination clauses of this contract or with any of such rules. regulations. or orders. this contract may be canceled, terminated or suspended in whole or in part and the Program Manager may be declared ineligible tor further Government contracts in accordance with procedures authorized in Executive Order l1246 of September 24. t965. and such other sanctions may be imposed and remedies invoked as provided in Executive Order 11246 of September 24. 1965. or by rule. regulation. or order of the Secretary of Labor. or as otherwise provided by tow. 7. The Program Manager will include the provisions of paragraphs through in every subcontract or purchase order unless exempted by rules. regulations. or orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to section 204 of Executive Order ti246 of September 24. 1965. so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. The Program Manager will take such action with respect to any subcontract or purchase order as may be directed by the Secretary of Labor as a means of enforcing such provisions including sanctions tor noncompliance: Provided. however. that in the event the Program Manager becomes involved in. or is threatened with. litigation with a subcontractor or vendor as a result of such direction. the Program Manager may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the United States. SUSPENSION AND DEBARMENT A. This contract is a covered transaction for purposes of 2 C.F.R. Part t80 and 2 C.F.R. pt. 3000. As such the Program Manager is required to verify that neither the Program Manager nor any at its principals [de?ned at 2 C.F.R. 180.995) or af?liates [de?ned at 2 C.F.R. t80.905) are excluded [de?ned at 2 C.F.R. 180.940) or disquali?ed [de?ned at 2 C.F.R. 180.935). 3. The Program Manager must comply with 2 C.F.R. Part 180. subport and 2 C.F.R. Part 3000. subport and must include a requirement to comply with these regulations in any lower-tier covered transaction it enters into. C. This certi?cation is a material representation of fact relied upon by the DOH. if it is later determined that the Program Manager did not comply with 2 C.F.R. Part t80. subport and 2 C.F.R. pt. 3000. subport C. in addition to remedies available to the DOH. the Federal Government may pursue available remedies. including but not limited to suspension and/or debarment. XVII. CLEAN AIR ACT The Program Manager agrees to comply with all applicable standards. orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act. as amended. 42 U.S.C. 740i et seq. The Program Manager agrees to report each violation to the DOH and understands and agrees that the DOH will. in turn. report each violation as TA Opo. 269 Puerto Rico Department of Housing Agreement for Professional Program Management Services DOH-RFP-I 8-02 PAGE 20 required to assure noti?cation to the Government of Puerto Rico. through the Environmental Quality Board. FEMA and the appropriate EPA Regional Of?ce. The Program Manager agrees to include the above requirements in any subcontract exceeding 5515000000. which is financed in whole or in part with Federal assistance provided by FEMA. WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ACT The Program Manager agrees to comply with all applicable standards. orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act. as amended. 33 U.S.C. 125] efseq. The Program Manager agrees to report each violation to the DOH and understands and agrees that the DOH will. in turn. report each violation as required to assure noti?cation to the Government of Puerto Rico. through the Environmental Quality Board. FEMA and the appropriate EPA Regional Of?ce. The Program Manager agrees to include the above requirements in any subcontract exceedlng $150,000.00. which is ?nanced in whole or In part with Federal assistance provided by FEMA. SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL ACT In the performance of this Agreement. the Program Manager shall use products composed of the highest percentage of recovered materials practicable [and in the case of paper. the highest percentage of the postconsumer recovered materials practicable). consistent with maintaining a satisfactory level of competition. consldering such guidelines. The decision not to use such items shall be based on a determination that such products cannot be acquired because: are not reasonably available within a reasonable period of time: (C) fail to meet the performance standards set forth in the applicable speci?cations or fail to meet the reasonable performance standards at the procuring agencies: or (D) are only available at ari'unreasonable price. Information about this requirement. along with the list of EPA- designated items. is available at EPA's Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines web site. Wm th. BYRD ANTI-LOBBYING AMENDMENT The Program Manager certifies. to the best of his or her knowledge. that: i. No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid. by or on behalf of the undersigned. to any person for Influencing or attempting to influence an of?cer or employee of an agency. a Member of Congress. an officer or employee of Congress. or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract. the making of any Federal grant. the making of any Federal loan. the entering into of any cooperative agreement. and the extension. continuation. renewal. amendment. or modification of any Federal contract, grant. loan. or cooperative agreement. 2. it any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an of?cer TA Opo. 270 Puerto Rico Department of Housing Agreement for Professional Program Management Services DOH-RFP-17-13-02 PAGE 2 XXI. or employee of any agency. a Member at Congress. an of?cer or employee of Congress. or on employee of a Member at Congress in connection with this Federal contract. grant. loan. or Current as of 1-9-17 ll cooperative agreement. the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form. "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying." in accordance with its instructions. 3. The Program Manager shall require that the language of this certi?cation be Included in the award documents tor all sub-awards at all tiers [including subcontracts. sub-grants. and contracts under grants. loans. and cooperative agreements] and that all sub-recipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. This certi?cation is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certi?cation is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by 31. U.S.C. t352 [as amended by the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995). The Program Manager acknowledges that any person who fails to file the required certi?cation shall be subiect to a civil penalty of not less than $10000 and not more than 5100.000 for each such failure. The Program Manager certi?es or al?nns the truthfulness and accuracy of each statement of its certi?cation and disclosure. it any. In addition. the Program Manager understands and agrees that the provisions of 31 3801 et seq.. apply to this certification and disclosure. if any. ACCESS TO RECORDS . The Program Manager agrees to provide the DOH. the FEMA Administrator. the Comptroller General of the United States. the Comptroller of Puerto Rico and any of their authorized representatives access to any books. documents. papers. and records of the Program Manager which are directly pertinent to the execution of this Agreement for the purposes of making audits. examinations. excerpts. and transcriptions. and to allow said parties to reproduce by any means whatsoever or to copy excerpts and transcriptions as reasonably needed. . The Program Manager shall not impede the DOH. the FEMA Administrator and their respective authorized representatives access to construction or other work sites pertaining to the services being performed under this Agreement. including all sites where the STEP programs are being implemented. . In addition. the Program Manager shall make available to the DOH as requested proof of payment at any expenditure incurred under this Agreement. D. The Program Manager agrees to maintain accurate records and ?les of all contract documents. correspondence, book estimates. bills and other information related to the Program Manager account. These documents shall be open tor DOH examination at all reasonable times for a period of six years after expiration at the term hereof. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY SEAL. AND The Program Manager shall not use the Department of Homeland Security seal. logos. crest, or reproductions of tlags or likenesses of OHS agency of?cials without specific FEMA pre-opprovat. TA Opo. 271 i3 Puerto Rico Department at Hous-ng Agreement for Professional Program Management Services DOH-RFP- I7- l8~02 PAGE 22 XXII. NO OBLIGATION BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT The Federal Government is not a party to this contract and is not subject to any obligations or liabilities to the non-Federal entity. contractor. or any other party pertaining to any matter resulting from the contract. PROGRAM FRAUD AND FALSE OR FRAUDULENT STATEMENTS OR RELATED ACTS The Program Manager acknowledges that at U.S.C. Chapter 38 [Administrative Remedies for False Claims and Statements] applies to the Program Manager's actions pertaining 'to this contract. XXIV. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement and all exhibits hereto represent the entire and integrated agreement between the DOH and the Program Manager and supersede all prior negotiations. representations. agreements and/or understandings of any kind. XXV. MODIFICATION OF AGREEMENT Any modi?cation of this Agreement or additional obligation assumed by either party in connection with this Agreement shall be binding only if written and signed by both parties, and its authorized representatives. XXVI. BINDING EFFECT This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the bene?t of DOH and the Program Manager. their successors and assigns. ASSIGNMENT OF RIGHTS The rights of each party hereunder are personal to that party and may not be assigned or otheMise transferred to any other person. contractor. corporation. or other entity without the prior. express and written consent of the other party. NON-WAIVER The failure or delay of either party to insist upon the performance of and/or the compliance with any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver at such terms and conditions or the right to enforce compliance with such terms and conditions. XXIX. GOVERNING LAW: JURISDICTION This Agreement shall be governed by, interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of the Government of Puerto Rico and any applicable federal laws and regulations. The parties further agree to assert any claims or causes of action that may arise out of this Agreement in the Puerto tho Court of First Instance. San Juan. Puerto Rico. Judicial Center. notwithstanding jurisdiction may be averred In any U.S. District Court. including for diversity of citizenship. SEVERABILITY If any provision at this Agreement shall operate or would prospectively operate to invalidate the Agreement in whole or in part. then such provision only shalt be deemed severed and the remainder of the Agreement shall remain operative and in full ettect. COUNTERPARTS TA Opo. 272 i=3 Puerto Rico Oepartment of Housing Agreement for Professional Program Management Services 7-18-02 PAGE 23 This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts. each of whom shall be deemed to be an original, however. all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. OF The Program Manager shall comply with the ethics requirements set forth herein and warrant that to the best of its knowledge and belief and except as otherwise disclosed. it does not have any organizational conflict of interest which is defined as a situation in which the nature of the work under a DOH contract and Program Manager's organizational. ?nancial. contractual or other interest are such that: a) Award of the contract may result in an unfair competitive advantage: or b) The Program Manager's objectivity in performing the contract work may be impaired. The Program Manager agrees that if after award lT discovers an organizational conflict of interest with respect to this contract. it shall make an immediate and full disclosure in writing to the Contracting Of?cer. which shall include a description of the action. which the Program Manager has taken or intends to take to eliminate or neutralize the conflict. The DOH may. however. terminate the Agreement for the convenience of DOH if it would be in its best interest. In the event the Program Manager was aware of an organizational conflict of interest before the award of this Agreement and did not disclose the conflict to the Contracting Of?cer. the DOH may terminate the Agreement for default. The provisions of this clause shall be included in oil subcontracts and/or consulting agreements wherein the work to be pertormed is similar to the services provided by the Program Manager. The Program Manager shall include in such subcontracts and consulting agreements any necessary provision to eliminate or neutralize conflicts of interest. GOVERNMENT ACT: CODE OF ETHICS FOR CONTRACTORS A. The Program Manager acknowledges that in discharging its obligations hereunder it owes complete loyalty to the DOH. including not having adverse interests to those of the DOH. in the performance of this Agreement. on adverse interest may include the representation of clients that have or may have conflicting interests with those of the DOH. including all circumstances surrounding the Program Manager's relationship with clients and third parties. as well as any interest which might influence upon the DOH at the time of the execution of this Agreement or during the term of the Agreement. B. Neither the Program Manager nor any of its directors. of?cers. members. partners or employees. has any interest nor shall they acquire any interest. directly or indirectly. in cases or issues which may conflict in any manner with its performance under this Agreement. C. To the best of the Program Manager's knowledge. [it no public of?cial or employee of the DOH has participated in any decision relating to this Agreement which affects such official's or employee's personal or economic interest or the interest of any entity or business in which such of?cer or employee or any member of its family has or has had an economic interest. directly or indirectly. and no official or employee of TA Opo. 273 ?er? in Puerto Rico Department of Housing Agreement for Professional Program Management Services 8-02 PAGE 24 the Commonwealth has'any interest. direct or indirect. in this Agreement or any proceeds thereof. D. No public servant of the DOH or any government agency or public corporation has accepted or solicited. directly or indirectly. for him or any member of his family unit. or any other person. any gifts. favors. services. donations. loans or anything of monetary value. E. As of the date of this Agreement. neither the Program Manager. nor any of its directors. of?cers or members has been convicted. or has knowledge of being indicted or investigated in a criminal procedure for offenses against public integrity. embezzlement of public funds or for the felonies or misdemeanors mentioned in Act No. 458-2000. as amended. in the courts of the Government at Puerto Rico. federal courts. or any other court with jurisdiction. it is acknowledged by the Program Manager that this certi?cation is an essential condition of this Agreement. if this certi?cation ts not correct in whole or in part. it shall constitute a material default and a cause for the DOH to termtnate this Agreement. The Program Manager shall immediately notify the DOH in writing if either the Program Manager or any of its directors. of?cers or members becomes indicted. ts convicted or is under investigation in a criminal procedure for any type at otfense mentioned above. Failure to comply with this notlce shall constitute a default under this Agreement and shall serve as cause for the DOH's immediate termination hereof. F. The Program Manager. its of?cials. directors and members hereby certify that. prior to the date at execution hereof. they do not have any contractual relationship with the Commonwealth. and that they will not participate or get involved in any act or agreement that will create or constitute a conflict of interest with the DOH. G. The Program Manager. its of?cials. directors and members hereby certify that none of them or their families receive payments or compensation of any class for regular services under any contract or as employees in this or any other department. government agency or public corporation. H. The Program Manager that Agreement is not with or for the bene?t of any person who has been a public of?cer or employee of the DOH at any time during the two years prior to the date of execution of this Agreement. I. The Program Manager acknowledges. represents and warrants that no of?cial or employee of the DOH has a direct or indirect economic interest in the Program Manager's rights under Agreement in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 1-20 t2. as amended also known as the Ethics Act of 20! i. J. No employee or of?cer of the DOH as well as any member of their families can have any interest in the earnings or benefits from this Agreement. according with Act No.84. June tB. 2002. K. As a material condition to this Agreement. the Program Manager agrees to be bound by the provisions of the Code of Ethics for Contractors. Suppliers and for Economic Incentives from the Government of Puerto Rico Agencies ["Ccidigo de Etica para Contratistas. Suplidares So?cr'fontes de incentivos Econcimicos de ias Agencias Ejecufivas de Puerto Rico" in Spanish} as set forth in Act 84. dated June 13. 2002. as TA Opo. 274 Puerto Rico Department of Housing Agreement for Professional Program Management Services DOH-RFP- I 7- la-02 PAGE 25 amended. The Program Manager acknowledges receipt of a copy of the above-mentioned Code of Ethics. DRUG FREE WORKPLACE The Program Manager shall establish procedures and policies to promote a Drug- Free workplace. Further. the Program Manager should notify all employees at its policy for maintaining a Drug-Free workplace. and the penalties that may be imposed for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace. Further. the Program Manager shall notify the DOH if any of its employees is convicted of a criminal drug offense in the workplace no later than ten [10) days after such conviction. The titles to the paragraphs of this Agreement are solely for reference purposes and the convenience of the parties and shall not be used to explain. modify. simplify. or aid in the interpretation of the provisions of this Agreement. INTERAGENCY The contracting parties acknowledge and agree that services retained may be provided to any Executive Branch entity with which the DOH executes an interagency agreement or by direct instruction of the Of?ce of the Chief of Staff of the Governor [Secretario de la Gobernacion). The services performed thereunder will be subject to the some terms and conditions as set forth in this Agreement. For purposes of this clause. the term ?Executive Branch entity" includes all agencies of the Government of Puerto Rico. public instrumentalittes and corporations. and the Office of the Governor. as set forth in Memorandum No. 2017-001. Circular Letter l4i-i7 of the Office of the Chief of Staff of the Governor and the Of?ce of Management and Budget. PAYMENT PORTAL Act l03-2006 establishes the policy of the Government of Puerto Rico to promote theuse of technology by encouraging that disbursements of public funds be made by electronic methods. As part of this initiative. suppliers of the Government of Puerto Rico shall register in the Electronic Payment Portal to Suppliers in order to receive their payments electronically. The Program Manager shall access by clicking on the section of Hacienda Virtual and selecting the option of Electronic Payment Registration of Suppliers. You must provide your supplier number. a canceled check or bank account veri?cation letter from the financial institution where you own the bank account. The portal will allow you to register a bank account in which the disbursement will be made by electronic transfer. This registration process in the Electronic Payment Portal is compulsory. OGP MEMORANDUM NO. 452-17 The parties recognize the need to speed up communication and processes among consultants. suppliers and agencies of the Government of Puerto Rico. In addition. they accept the duty to protect and guard the record of official activities and notifications between them. without jeopardizing the Government's infon'nation systems and ensuring their safety. Therefore. they agree that any natural or legal person who provides services to the Government. will be required to request and use the email account provided by the Government with suppliers' written and of?cial communications with the DOH. except as otherwise required by the DOH. This will be the only authorized method of communication and notification. for electronic communications. as long as the contract is in force. The TA Opo. 275 Puerto Rico Department of housing Agreement for Professional Program Management Services 7-18-02 email account provided will serve to carry out any otticlal communication with the Government, using the domain Vendors.PR. Gov. These charges will be activated when perfecting the contract, will remain active during the contractual relationship and will be deactivated at the expiration of the contract. In addition. they may be reactivated. with the renewal of contracts, after the corresponding notification to the Office of Management and Budget. by the DOH. COMPTROLLER REGISTRY The DOH shall remit a copy at this Agreement to the Office of the Comptroller of Puerto Rico for registration within ?fteen lt5) days following the date of execution of this Agreement and any subsequent amendment hereto. The services obiect of this Agreement may not be invoiced or paid until this Agreement has been by the DOH to be registered at the Comptroller's Of?ce. pursuant to Act No. 13 of October 30.- i?75,_ as amended by Act No. 127 of May 2004. IN WITNESS THEREOF. the parties hereto execute this Agreement in the place and on the date first above written. DEPARTMENT or HOUSING PROGRAM MANAGER Hon. Fernanda A. th-Ense?at An'dr? LeBtanc Secretary: Authorized Representative Tax d No: Tax ID. Number TA Opo. 276 WV Agrgement TA Opo. 277 1% Exhibit I DOH Request for . Proposals DOH-RFP-17-18-02 TA Opo. 278 Exhibit 'll Proposal LICF HheJog an a] tip. TA Opo. 279 Exhibit EMA Recovery Program ML Guidance ?y TA Opo. 280 Exhibit IV Checklist for initial site 3% visits and ?nal inspections . it 3% TA Opo. 281 270 Mu?oz Rivera Avenue Mcconne? San Juan, Puerto Rico 00918 PO BOX 364225 val d?s San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936 787.759.9292 D. 787.250.5604 Antonio A, Arias Larcada Capital Member January 30, 2018 EMAIL COMMUNICATION AND CERTIFIED MAIL FERNANDO GIL ENSENAT, Eso. SECRETARY OF THE RICO DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING c/o Joel 0. Hernandez Alvarado, Esq. 606 Barbosa Ave. Building Juan C. Cordero Davila Rio Piedras, PR. 00918 PO. Box 21365 San Juan, PR 00928-1365 Jhernandez@vivienda.proov c/o Hilda Quinones Rivera, Esq. QR. Asociados, LLC MCS Plaza, Suite 819 255 Ponce de Ler'Jn San Juan, PR 00917 Re: Request for Stay of Contract?s Implementation Pending the Ruling of the Review Board Dear Mr. Hernandez-Alvarado and Mrs. Qui?ones?Rivera: On November 7, 2017, the Puerto Rico Department of Housing issued Request for Proposals for Professional Program Management Services to manage and control effort of providing, through qualified contractors, repairs to thousands of single?family owner-occupied properties impacted by Hurricane Maria. On December 15, 2017, the PRDOH Bid Board notified the adjudication of the RFP award in favor of Adjusters lnternational, lnc. (?Adjusters?). The Notice of Award indicated that any respondent that considers itself adversely affected by the adjudication of the RFP may, within Puerto Rico Washington, DC TA Opo. 282 Joel 0. Hernandez Alvarado, Esq. Page 2 January 30, 2018 Hilda Qui?ones Rivera, Esq. twenty (20) calendar days from the notification, file a motion for reconsideration with the Bids Review Board (?Review Board?). immediately after the notification, AECOM-CPM JV announced its unequivocal intention of seeking reconsideration of the award before the PRDOH. Accordingly, on December 18, 2017, AECOM requested access to the records and informed PRDOH that it would exercise its right to file a motion for reconsideration within the applicable term. AECOM has diligently pursued its right to administrative review. On December 28, 2017, seven (7) days before the expiration of the 20-day deadline, AECOM filed its Motion for Reconsideration before the Review Board and notified the PRDOH's Bid Board with said motion. Pursuant to the applicable Regulation, the Review Board is an independent body that reviews Bid Board awards as a matter of right. E, P.R. Regs. VIVIENDA REG. 6793. Therefore, there is no doubt as to the fact that, when AECOM's Motion for Reconsideration was filed on December 28, it would be entertained by the Review Board. Pursuant to Section 3.19 of the Uniform Administrative Act, 4 L.P.R.A. sec. 2169, the Review Board had until January 29, 2018, to issue its Resolution. Nevertheless, on that same date, the Review Board notified that the term was extended for fifteen (15) additional days, as allowed by Section 3.19, pushing the deadline to February 13, 2018. The Puerto Rico Supreme Court has held that, in a government procurement process, when a motion for reconsideration is entertained by the agency, it is advisable to stay the execution of the contract until the motion is finally resolved. The Puerto Rico Supreme Court?s guidance pursues three fundamental objectives: (1) preserve the right to judicial review; (2) avoid that the controversy becomes moot and; (3) protect public interest. In the words of the Supreme Court: However, it is important to point out that when an agency entertains a motion for reconsideration, prudence advises that the award be stayed and no contract be awarded. It is clear that when a motion for reconsideration is timely received, the adjudication is not final, because the agency is evaluating its own adjudication. Therefore, until the agency resolves the request for timely reconsideration, bidders cannot pursue judicial review. This is because the resolution of the agency is not final. in other words, the time it takes an agency to resolve will not operate against those bidders who wait to pursue judicial review. In this way, we preserve the right to judicial review, avoid that the controversy becomes moot and, above all, protect the public interest that frames the bid procedure. See, Aiuma v. A.A.A., 182 D.P.R. 776, 788 (2011) (emphasis and translation ours). Exhibit 1. Puerto Rico (Washington, DC Miami LM TA Opo. 283 Joel 0. Hernandez Alvarado, Esq. Page 3 January 30, 2018 Hilda Qui?ones Rivera, Esq. Despite the foregoing, AECOM learned on January 22, 2018 that the contract was executed by PRDOH and Rising Phoenix Holdings Corporation (formerly known as Adjusters) on January 5, 2018, and was filed with the Puerto Rico Comptroller?s Office on January 8, 2018. This fact was confirmed by both PRDOH and Adjusters. Neither the PRDOH nor Adjusters informed AECOM or the Administrative Review Board that the Proposed Contract had been executed during the hearing held before the Board on January 11, 2018. It appears that the contract has not been approved, as required, by the RFP, by the Financial Oversight and Management Board. The execution of the contract has adversely affected right to judicial review and the public interest. In light of the above, AECOM respectfully requests that PRDOH protects right to due process and the public interest and, consequently, stay the implementation of the Contract until AECOM fully exercises its right to administrative and judicial review. Given the utmost importance of this issue, AECOM respectfully request Secretary to immediately stay the implementation of the Contract and inform so to the Review Board within the next two (2) days. Respectfully, -. Antonio A. Arias Larcada CERTIFICATION: We hereby certify that a copy of this letter has been sent to:. Eric Perez Ochoa, Esq, Fabian Rodriguez Torres, Esq. and Lourdes Arroyo Portela, Esq., Adsuar Mur?iiz Goyco Seda Perez?Ochoa, P.S.C., PO Box 70294, San Juan, PR 00936-8294; JV, PO. Box 10914 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00922-0914; Joint Venture, 9250 Baymeadows Road, Suite 350 Jacksonville, Florida 32256. Puerto Rico Washington. DC Miami I TA Opo. 284 Aluma Const. v. A.A.A., 182 D.P.R. 776 (2011) 201 1 SPR 132 182 D.P.R. 776, 2011 WL 4449678 (RR), 2011 TSPR 132 ALUMA CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION, recurrente ape1ante, v. AUTORIDAD DE ACUEDUCTOS ALCANTARILLADOS DE PUERTO RICO, recurrida apelada; CIDRA EXCAVATION, S.E., licitador agraciado. En El Tribunal Supremo De Puerto Rico. Namero: Synopsis APELACION para solicitar la revocacion de una SENTENCIA de Erik .1. Ramirez Nazario, Luis R. Gonzalez Felix Figueroa Cabari, JS. del Tribunal de Apelaciones, en la que se declaro sin jurisdiccidn para atender un recurso de revision judicial al sostener que, a base de la Sec. 3.19 de la Ley de Procedimiento Administrative Uniforme del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico, 3 L.P.R.A. see. 2169, la Autoridad de Acueductos Alcantarillados de Puerto Rico tenia solo 10 dias para disponer de la solicitud de reconsideracion desde la fecha cuando esta se presento. Conforme a lo anterior, el foro apelativo intermedio expuso que el t?rmino para ir en revisidn ante dicho foro culmino el 9 de marzo de 2009. Se revoca {a sentencia del Tribunal de Apelaciories se devaelve el caso a dicho tribunal para que el misma sea evaluado en las me'ritos. Luis A. Rivera Cabrera Ricardo Arturo Perez Rivera, abogados de la parte recurrente apelante; Lemaei Cancel Mendez Eileen M. Rivera Amador, abogados de la parte recurrida apelada. EL JUEZ ASOCIADO SENOR KOLTHOFF CARABALLO emitio la OpiniOn del Tribunal. El presente caso nos permite deterrninar si existe un plazo para que una agencia entidad apelativa resuelva en los m?ritos una solicitud de reconsideraci?n de adj udicaci?n de subasta, una vez esta es acogida dentro del plazo de 10 dias que dispone la Sec. 3.19 de la Ley de Procedimiento Administrativo Uniforme (L.P.A.U.), Ley 170 de 12 de agosto de 1988.' Por considerar que no existe un plazo determinado en la ley para que se resuelva dicha solicitud, revocamos. TL RW =20} 2?s} Rama-Lira. Na ciaim ta ar?g?aa? 31:111. EXHIBIT 1 I La controversia en el caso de autos se centra en su aspecto procesal; por ende, nos limitaremos a exponer los hechos incontrovertidos pertinentes a dicho aspecto. El 3] de mayo de 2008 la Autoridad de Acueductos Alcantarillados de Puerto Rico (A.A.A.) publico en dos peri?dicos del pais el aviso de subasta para el proyecto ?Water Supply System Sanitary Sewer System Aguirre-Montesoria Communities, Salinas, Once licitadores sometieron sus propuestas para el referido proyecto, entre los cuales se encontraba Aluma Construction *780 Corp. (ALUMA). El 9 de octubre de 2008 se celebro la apertura de dicha subasta. Tras varios incidentes caracteristicos del proceso de subasta ?como la evaluacion de las propuestas sometidas por los licitadores el analisis del cabal cumplimiento de los requerimientos administrativos? la Junta de Subastas de la A.A.A. (Junta) recomendo al Director Ejecutivo de dicha corporaci?n pl?Jblica la adjudicacion de la subasta a! licitador Cidra Excavation, SE. (CIDRA). Conforme a ello, 'el 6 de febrero de 2009 la Junta emitio una carta de adjudicaci?n en la que noti?co que la buena pro de la subasta se le otorgo a CIDRA. Insatisfecha con la referida adjudicacidn, ALUMA presento oportunamente una solicitud de reconsideraci?n ante la Junta e1 17 de febrero de 2009. ALUMA arguyo que el proceso adjudicativo estuvo plagado de serios errores evaluativos que, ademas, la actuacion administrativa fue arbitraria, irrazonable caprichosa. Asimismo, ALUMA sostuvo que fue el licitador mas bajo de la subasta. El 27 de febrero de 2009 la Junta acogi? la solicitud de reconsideracion presentada por ALUMA para su resoluci?n correspondiente. Luego de varios meses sin que la Junta tomara una decisit?m con relacidn a la reconsideracion, el 1 de junio cle 2009 ALUMA acudio a la Junta para examinar el expediente administrative con el propOSito de preparar una eventual solicitud de revisic?m judicial. En dicha ocasion se le noti?ed a ALUMA que no permitirian acceso a1 expediente administrativo hasta tanto culminara el proceso interno en torno a la reconsideracion. Asi, pues, e1 4 de junio de 2009 ALUMA presento? un recurso de revisibn judicial ante el Tribunal de Apelaciones. Sus argumentos se fundamentaron en una decisiOn previa del Tribunal de Apelaciones en otro caso de similar controversia para sostener que la A.A.A. tenia un termino de 90 dias para diSponer de la *781 solicitud de reconsideracic?m.2 Ante la falta de accion en esos 90 dias, ,m 1a: .. ~12: eva; mm; a 95.3.3 as. TA Opo. 285 2011 TSPR132 ALUMA entendio procedente acudir a1 Tribunal de Apelaciones mediante un recurso de revisi?n judicial. El 8 de junio de 2009 la Junta ?nalmente emitio una resoluci?n sobre la solicitud de reconsideraci?n sometida por ALUMA en la que con?rmo la adjudicacic?m de la subasta a CIDRA. En esa resoluci?n, la Junta notifico a ALUMA que, de no estar satisfecha con la determinacion, tenia diez dias calendario para recurrir al Tribunal de Apelaciones a trav?s de un recurso de revision judicial. Al dia siguiente, el Tribunal de Apelaciones emitio una Sentencia en el recurso de revisic?m judicial que ALUMA habia presentado unos dias antes. En dicha sentencia el tribunal se declare sin jurisdiccion para atender e1 asunto al sostener que, a base de la Sec. 3.19 de la la A.A.A. tem?a solo. diez dias para disponer de la reconsideraci?n desde la fecha cuando esta se presento. Conforme a lo anterior, e1 foro apelativo intermedio expuso que el t?rmino para ir en revisi?n ante dicho foro culmino el 9 de marzo de 2009. El 12 de junio de 2009 ALUMA acudio de nuevo ante el Tribunal de Apelaciones mediante un recurso de- revision judicial. En esa ocasion, ALUMA sostuvo nuevamente que una decisi?n de otro Panel de dicho foro apelativo reconocio que el t?rmino para ir en revisi?n judicial comienza a partir del momento en que una agencia emite un dictamen ?nal ?rme, resolviendo la reconsideracion.4 Ahora bien, el mismo Panel del Tribunal de Apelaciones que desestimo el primer recurso de ALUMA, emitio una Sentencia e] 18 de junio de 2009 para disponer de ese segundo recurso se *782 declaro nuevamente sin jurisdicci?n sobre los mismos fundamentos expuestos en la Sentencia previa. Inconforme con esa determinacion apelativa, ALUMA presente oportunamente ante este Tribunal un recurso de apelacion en el que arguyo que la controversia planteada en el caso ha sido resuelta en el Tribunal de Apelaciones de tres formas distintas. Su planteamiento principal es el siguiente: ERRO 'el Honorable Tribunal de Apelaciones a1 dictaminar que en los casos de subastas gubernamentales, e1 te?rmino para acoger resolver en los m?ritos la solicitud de reconsideraci[o]n es de diez (1.0) dias a partir de su presentaci?n de conformidad con las Secciones 3.1 3.19 de la Ley de Procedimiento Administrativo Uniformeagosto de 1988 (L.P.A.U.), 3 L.P.R.A. 2151 2169, a pesar 2018 themaon No e?ain?; to angina? Govarnmamt araierka. de que la Seccic?m 3.19 de la L.P.A.U. no provee t?rmino alguno para la resoluci?n de una solicitud de reconsideracion una vez ?sta sea acogida por la agencia entidad administrativa dentro del t?rmino de diez (10) dias a partir de su oportuna presentacion. (Enfasis en el original.) Apelacion, pag. 9. E1 30 de junio de 2009 acogimos el recurso como un ?certiorarf? expedimos. Asi, con el bene?cio de las comparecencias de las partes, procedemos a resolver el recurso. ll Las subastas son invitaciones que efectt?ra una entidad para que se presenten ofertas para la realizacion de obras adquisici?n de bienes serviciosf- Este procedimiento es el que mayormente se utiliza en el Gobiemo. Las subastas son esenciales para la buena administracion publica, ya que asi el Gobiemo puede llevar a cabo sus funciones como comprador de una forma e?ciente, honesta correcta para proteger los intereses el dinero del *783 pueblof" Es por esta raz?n que el Gobiemo realiza subastas para la adquisici?n de los materiales servicios que necesita 0 para la construccion de obras publicas. Hemos sostenido consistentemente que ?las subastas gubemamentales buscan proteger los intereses del pueblo, procurando conseguir los precios mas bajos posibles; evitar e1 favoritismo, la corrupci?n, e] dispendio, la prevaricacion, 1a extravagancia; el descuido a1 otorgarse los contratos, minimizar los riesgos de incumpli miento?? Para lograr los propositos antedichos es que el proceso de subasta gubemamental se debe caracterizar por fomentar la competencia libre transparente entre el mayor numero de licitadores posibles asi, pues, adjudicar la subasta a1 mejor postor.? Ademas, es importante tener presente que todo el proceso de subastas, el cual consiste de varias etapas,9 debe estar supeditado al inter?s publico de proteger los fondos del Pueblo de Puerto Rico.?? Ahora bien, no existe una ley que regule los procedimientos de subasta con uniformidad. Precisamente, la L.P.A.U. solo establecio que dichos procedimientos -?con excepcion de las etapas de revisi?n judicial la reconsideracion *784 son de naturaleza informal, delego a las agencias la facultad para aprobar los reglamentos necesarios para establecer sus normas condiciones.? 3x; TA Opo. 286 2011 TSPR 132 Con relaci?n a la solicitud de reconsideracion dentro de un procedimiento de adjudicacion de subasta, la Sec. 3.19 de la L.P.A.U. (Sec. 3.19 de la L.P.A.U.) dispone que [l]a parte adversamente afectada por unadecisi?n podra, dentro del t?rmino de diez (10) dias a partir de la adjudicaci?n de la subasta, presentar una mocion de reconsideracion ante la agencia la entidad apelativa de subastas, de existir una en la agencia, segun sea el caso.- La agencia la entidad debera considerarla dentro de los diez (10) dias de haberse presentado. Si se tomare alguna determinacion en su consideracion, el te? rmino para instar e! recurso de revision judicial! empezard a contarse desde la fecha en que se archiva en autos ma copia de [a notificacion de la decision de [a agencia {a entidad apelai?iva resolviendo [a mocio?n. Si la agencia la entidad apelativa dejare de tomar alguna acci?n con relacion a la mocion de reconsideracion dentro de los diez (10) dias de haberse presentado, se entendera que esta ha sido rechazada de plano, a partir de esa fecha comenzara? a correr el t?rmino' para la revision judicial. (Enfasis suplido.) 3 L.P.R.A. sec. 2169. La seccion antedicha se?ala claramente que el t?rmino para presentar una mociOn de reconsideracion es de diez dias a partir de la adjudicacion de la subasta. Una vez presentada, la agencia la entidad apelativa tendra un t?rmino de diez di?as para considerarla. De no tomar alguna accion en dicho t?rmino, se entendera que la mocic?m ha sido rechazada de plano. A partir de la fecha cuando se ha entendido e1 rechazo de plano, comenzara el t?rmino para la revisi?n judicial. Por otro lado, la seccidn transcrita expresa que si en el t?rmino de diez dias para considerar la mocion de reconsideracidn la agencia toma alguna determinacidn, el *785 t?nnino para instar el recurso de revision judicial comenzara a contarse desde la fecha cuando se archiva en autos una copia dela noti?cacion de la decision de la agencia 0 de la entidad apelativa que resuelve la moci?n. 2818 Tnca?naen ?Rats in; eta-ain?t to angina-2% 25.35;. ?rm-aremant Worm. My Es decir, en la Sec. 3.19 de la L.P.A.U. e1 legislador aseguro que el t?rmino para solicitar la reconsideraci?n, la fecha para acogerla el plazo para solicitar la revision judicial, queden fijados por ley, de forma que no est?n sujetos a la discrecion administrativa.?2 Sin embargo, es evidente que la Sec. 3.19 de [a L.P.A.U. no establece un plazo para que la agencia entidad apelativa resuelva en los m?ritos la mocion de reconsideraci?n oportunamente acogida. Dicha secci?n solo menciona que, una vez acogida, el t?rmino para instar un recurso de revisi?n judicial empczara a contarse a partir de la fecha cuando se archiva en autos una copia de la decision de [a agencia 0 de [a enti'dad apelan'va que resuelve [a mocion. Lo anterior debe examinarse en conjunto con 10 dispuesto en la Sec. 4.2 de la L.P.A.U., 3 L.P.R.A. sec. 2172 (Sec. 4.2 de la L.P.A.U.), la cual, en lo pertinente, expone que [e]n los casos cle impugnacion de subasta, la parte adversamente afectada per una orden resolucion ?nal de la agencia, 0 de la entidad apelativa de subastas, segun sea el caso, podra presentar un recurso de revision ante el Tribunal de Apelaciones dentro de un t?rmino de diez (10) dias contados a partir del archivo en autos de la copia de la noti?cacion de la orden resolucidn ?nal de la agencia la entidad apelativa, dentro de diez (10) dias de haber transcurrido el plazo dispuesto por la [Sec 3.19]. La mera presentaci?n de un recurso de revisi?n judicial al amparo de esta seccic?m no tendra el efecto de paralizar la adjudicacidn de la subasta impugnada. Segt?m la Sec. 4.2 de la L.P.A.U., el t?rmino para ir en revisi?n judicial a1 Tribunal de Apelaciones en los casos de impugnaci?n de subasta es de diez dias. Dicho t?rmino comenzara *786 a partir del archivo en autos de la copia de la noti?caci?n de la orden 0 resolucion ?nal de [a agencia emidad apelariva, despu?s de transcurria?o e! t?rmino de diez dfas que dispone In Sec. 3.19 de [a L.P.A. can relacio?n a ma solicii?ud de reconsideracion. Asi, a1 examinar ambas secciones de la L.P.A.U. en conjunto, podemos sostener que el t?rmino de diez dias para presentar un recurso de revisi?n judicial ante el TA Opo. 287 Aluma Const. v. A.A.A., 182 D.P.R. 776 (2011) 132 Tribunal de Apelaciones puede comenzar en dos espacios diferentes. Como primer escenario esta aquel que tiene su genesis en la fecha cuando se rechaza una solicitud de recon sideracic?m. Dicho rechazo podri?a darse expresamente mediante un dictamen dentro del t?rmino de diez dias que tiene la agencia entidad apelativa para considerarla 0, en el caso de que culmine e1 t?rmino de diez dias sin que se haya tornado alguna accidn, en el momento en el que se entiende que hubo un rechazo de plano. A partir de cualquiera de las dos fechas, segi?m sea el caso, comenzara el t?nnino para acudir al Tribunal de Apelaciones en revisidn judicial. Por su parte, el segundo escenario se re?ere a las situaciones en las que la agencia entidad apelativa emita una orden resolucion ?nal. Lo medular en ello es que la orden resoluci?n dictada sea ?nal. De esa forma, estamos ante un escenario en el que la agencia entidad apelativa acogio oportunamente la solicitud de reconsideracidn la resolvio en los m?ritos. A partir del archivo en autos de la copia de la noti?cacion de dicha orden resolucic?m ?nal comienza a contarse e1 t?rrnino de diez dias para ir en revisidnjudicial. Ahora bien, en lo pertinente a esta controversia, gjexiste algun plazo para que una agencia entidad apelativa resuelva en los m?ritos una solicitud de reconsideracion de adjudicacion de subasta, una vez esta es acogida dentro del plazo de diez dias que dispone la Sec. 3.19 de la Contestamos en la negativa. *787 Como ya hemos visto ni la Sec. 3.]9 ni la Sec. 4.2 de la L.P.A.U. establecen un plazo para que una agencia entidad apelativa resuelva una mocion de reconsideracic?m acogida. Ciertamente, la unica seccion que hace mencion de un plazo en la disposicidn de una solicitud de reconsideracidn es la Sec. 3.15 de la L.P.A.U, 3 L.P.R.A. sec. 2165 (Sec. la L.P.A.U.). Esa seccion dispone todo lo relacionado a la reconsideracion de drdenes resoluciones ?nales emitidas por las agencias en los procedimientos adjudicativos formales. En ese sentido, se?ala que si una agencia acoge la moci?n de reconsideracidn pero no la resuelve dentro de los 90 dias desde que esta fue presentada, perdera jurisdicci?n sobre la misma. E1 plazo para solicitar 1a revisi?n judicial comenzara a partir de la expiracidn de dicho termino de 90 dias, salvo que la agencia, por justa causa dentro de esos 90 dias, prorrogue e] te'rmino para resolver por un periodo que no sera mayor de 30 dias adicionales. No obstante, claramente las disposiciones anteriores aplican solo a los procedimientos adjudicativos formales no a los informales, como las subastas. Precisamente, la Sec. 3.1 de la expresa que [a 33333333533333 3122?? Thaarmon Ra?ars. No 333333233 333 3333333333333-3331 Works. reconsideracion de las decisiones emitidas en los procedimientos adjudicativos formales se regira por lo dispuesto en la Sec. 3.15 de la L.P.A.U. En cambio, la propia Sec. dispone que las reconsideraciones relativas a las subasta-9 solo se regira?n par 10 disjnuesro en [a Sec. 3.19 de la Por consiguiente, el legislador denego expresamente la extension del t?rmino de 90 dias a los procesos de subasta. Como ya expusimos, en la L.P.A.U. el legislador pretendio simpli?car los procedimientos adjudicativos de subasta solo considero como procedimientos formales la reconsideracidn la revisic'm judicial. De esa forma, se obviaron los requisites del Capitulo de la L.P.A.U. en todos los *788 procesos anteriores a la reconsideraci?n y, asi, se limitaron los procesos formales a la prepia mocic?m de recon sideracion. Asimismo, se dejo a las agencias el ?disponer por reglamento todo lo relativo a1 proceso de subasta, asi como a1 procedimiento de Evidentemente, la L.P.A.U. no establece un plazo para que una agencia entidad apelativa resuelva en los meritos una solicitud de adjudicaci?n de subasta acogida oportunamente. Las agencias gozan de una amplia discreeidn para atender la reconsideracidn acogida. Por ende, las agencias pueden reglamentar establecer un t?rmino para ello, lo cual es consono con la informalidad que permea los procedimientos de subastas. Ahora bien, es importante se?alar que cuando una agencia acoge una solicitud de reconsideracion, la prudencia aconseja que se paralice el procedimiento de adjudicaci?n de la subasta no se otorgue un contrato. Es evidente que cuando se acoge oportunamente una solicitud de reconsideracion la adjudicacion deja de ser ?nal, ya que la agencia esta evaluando su propia adjudicacidn. Por consiguiente, hasta que la agencia resuelva la solicitud de reconsideraci?n oportunamente acogida, los licitadores no podran ir en revision judicial. Ello porque 1a resolucion de la agencia no es ?nal.16 Es decir, el tiempo que tarde una agenda en resolver no operara contra aquellos lic-itadores que esperan para acudir en revision judicial. De esa forma, preservamos e] derecho a la revision judicial, evitamos que la controversia se convierta en acad?mica y, sobretodo, protegemos e1 inter?s publico que enmarca e1 procedimiento de subasta. *789 Ill En el presente caso, e1 17 de febrero de 2009 ALUMA presento oportunamente 1a solicitud de reconsideracidn de la adjudicacion de subasta ante la Junta. El 27 de febrero del mismo a?o, decimo ultimo dia del plazo en ley para acoger la referida solicitud, la Junta ?nalmente la acogio. Posterionnente, el 4 de junio de 2009 ALUMA presento un recurso de revisi?n judicial en el Tribunal de Apelaciones ante la ausencia de una determinacion ?nal TA Opo. 288 2011 TSPR 132 de la Junta con relacic?m a la solicitud de reconsideracion. No obstante, e1 8 de junio de 2009 la Junta emitio un dictamen sobre la reconsideracion en cuestion, en el que con?rmo la adjudicacion de la subasta. El 9 de junio de 2009 el Tribunal de Apelaciones emitio una Sentencia en la que se declaro sin jurisdiccion para atender e1 asunto. Sostuvo que, a base de la Sec. 3.19 de la L.P.A.U., la Junta tenia solo diez dias para acoger resolver en los m?ritos la solicitud de reconsideracidn presentada por ALUMA. Posterionnente, ALUMA presento un nuevo recurso de revisi?n judicial en el Tribunal de Apelaciones el 12 de junio de 2009. Esa vez ALUMA sostuvo que dada 1a decision ?nal que tomo la Junta e1 8 dejunio de 2009, el t?rmino de diez dias para ir en revisidn judicial comenzaba a transcurrir a partir del archivo en autos de una copia de la noti?cacion de la decisi?n de la Junta. El Tribunal de Apelaciones emitio una Sentencia el 18 de junio de 2009 en la que nuevamente se declaro sin jurisdiccion sobre los mismos fundamentos de la primera Sentencia. De entrada, es preciso se?alar que los fundamentos que utiliza e1 foro apelativo intermedio para su dictamen son desacertados. Como ya hemos visto, la Sec. 3.19 de la L.P.A.U. dispone un te?rmino de diez dias a partir de la adjudicacion de la subasta para que se presente una solicitud *790 de reconsideracion. Una vez se presenta dicha solicitud, la agencia entidad apelativa tiene un nuevo t?rrnino de diez dias para acogerla rechazarla. No obstante, la seccion antedicha no dispone de un t?rmino determinado para que la agencia entidad apelativa resuelva en los m?ritos la solicitud de reconsideracidn acogida. Por ende, determinar que el t?rrnino de diez dias que dispone la 860.. 3.19 de la L.P.A.U. para acoger 1a solicitud de reconsideracion abarca tambien tener que resolverla en el mismo plazo, implica la aplicacion de un t?rmino que claramente la L.P.A.U no contempla. Al igual que el Tribunal de Apelaciones, reconocemos que los t?rminos contemplados por la L.P.A.U. sobre los procesos de subastas son mas cortos promueven la celeridad. Sin embargo, consideramos que lo anterior no es una razdn para que se incluya dentro del t?rmino que tiene una agencia entidad apelativa para acoger una solicitud de reconsideracion, su eventual resoluci?n en los m?ritos. En primer lugar, lo anterior no surge de la letra de la ley. En Segundo lugar, sostener lo contrario podri?a acarrear el absurdo de que una agencia entidad apelativa acoja una solicitud de reconsideraci?n el decimo dia y, automaticamente, tenga que tomar una determinacidn en los m?ritos ese mismo dia. No podemos perder de perspectiva que cuando la parte adversamente afectada a; 2018 Thomson ?(aims No air-ain?t to on; por una adjudicaci?n de subasta presenta una solicitud de reconsideracidn, lo menos que espera de la agencia entidad apelativa es que su reclamo sea atendido con seriedad, responsabilidad detenimiento. Asimismo, debemos ser conscientes que los procesos de subastas suelen contener asuntos tecnicos complejos que ameritan una consideracion administrativa razonable. Ello en union con la obligacion ministerial de las agencias entidades administrativas de siempre velar por el buen uso de los fondos pL?iblicos. De esa forma, la celeridad administrativa en la resolucion de una reconsideraci?n *791 debidamente acogida dependera de la complejidad de los asuntos tratados en cada caso. Por otro lado, ALUMA trae a nuestra consideracion los fundamentos que se utilizan en otro dictamen del Tribunal de Apelaciones de controversia similar para sostener que el t?rmino de 90 dias expuesto en la Sec. 3.15 de la L.P.A.U. puede extenderse por analogia a las reconsideraciones de adjudicaciones de subastas.? No obstante, consideramos que tal extensidn por analogia es improcedente, ya que es un t?rmino que el legislador Clara expresamem?e excluyo de su aplicacic?m a dichos procesos de subasta. Finalmente, en este caso la Junta resolvio en los m?ritos 1a solicitud de reconsideracidn de ALUMA e] 9 de junio de 2009, noti?cada ese mismo dia. A partir de esa fecha comenzo el plazo de diez dias para ir en revision judicial. Es decir, ALUMA tenia hasta el 19 de junio de 2009 para presentar su recurso cle revision judicial a1 Tribunal de Apelaciones. ALUMA presento su recurso el 12 dejunio de 2009. N0 obstante, el Tribunal de Apelaciones desestimo el recurso. Sostuvo que no teni?a jurisdiccidn para atenderlo porque entendio que la Junta tenia que acoger resolver la solicitud de reconsideracion de ALUMA dentro del t?nnino de diez dias expuesto en la Sec. 3.19 de la L.P.A.U. Tal proceder es incorrecto. En vista de que las agencias entidades apelativas no cuentan con un t?rmino determinado para resolver en los m?ritos las solicitudes de reconsideracion cle adjudicacion de subasta acogidas oportunamente, consideramos que ALUMA presento, dentro del plazo correspondiente, su solicitud de revision judicial. Asi, pues, creemos que a] resolver como hemos resuelto en el caso de autos, sin ir mas alla, atendemos un vacio legislativo de manera necesaria su?ciente. En estas circunstancias, imponer judicialmente *792 um t?rmino a las agencias administrativas constituiri?a un acto de legislaci?n judicial 0 de indebida intromision en los deberes poderes de la Rama Legislativa. Por otro lado, no debemos pasar por alto que el silencio del legislador pudiera no deberse a una inadvertencia. Nos explicamos. En primer lugar, contrario may", r} 13;; . c} mania-{7311: . a $03. TA Opo. 289 Aluma Const. v. A.A.A., 182 D.P.R. 776 (2011) 2011 TSPR 132 procedimientos adjudicativos formales, en el proceso de adjudicacic?m de subastas, antes de la otorgaci?n del contrato, no hay intereses propietarios reconocidos a las partes mas alla de los intereses que se le reconocen al ente administrativo. Tan es asi, que hemos reconocido reiteradamente que una agencia tiene e1 derecho de revocar una adjudicaci?n de una subasta antes de que se formalice el contrato.? En segundo lugar, debemos tener presente que los procesos de subastas en las agencias pdblicas pueden contener asuntos altamente tecnicos 0 de alta participaci?n de licitadores. Esto provoca que en ocasiones una agencia opte por acoger mas de una mocion de reconsideracion, para resolver puntos diversos complicados. En vista de lo anterior, entendemos que son las propias agencias las que se encuentran en mejor posicion para establecer un t?rmino reglamentario ?si es que lo entendieran necesario?w en la resolucidn de una reconsideracion que ha sido acogida. IV En armonia con 10 antes se?alado, revocamos la Sentencia del Tribunal de Apelaciones en la que se declare sin jurisdiccion devolvemos el case a dicho tribunal para que el mismo sea evaluado en los meritos. dictarci Sentencia de conformidad. La Juez Asociada Se?ora Rodriguez Rodriguez emitio una opinion disidente. *793 Opinion disidente emitida por la Juez Asociada Se?ora Rodriguez Rodriguez. Disiento de la determinacidn del Tribunal de no especificar un t?rmino para que las agencias resuelvan las mociones de reconsideracidn de adjudicaci?n de subastas acogidas oportunamente. Ello hace que el fallo dictado por el Tribunal imparta una Justicia a medias. No puedo coincidir con una determinacion cuyo dictamen es incompleto que no resuelve, verdaderamente, la problematica que genero el caso ante nuestra consideraci?n. Respetuosamente, estimo que con este proceder claudicamos a nuestra obligacion de procurar un ordenamiento basado en derecho (rule of law) que resuelve las controversias meritorias que se nos presentan. Me explico. La naturaleza de la controversia que examinamos hace innecesario reproducir los hechos que ya han sido presentados en la Opini?n del Tribunal. Basta apuntar que la peticionaria, Aluma Construction Corp, presento oportunamente una reconsideraci?n ante la Junta de Subastas de la Autoridad de Acueductos Alcantarillados (A.A.A.) tras no resultar favorecida en la adjudicacidn de la licitacic?m en la cual participo. A pesar que 10 dias despu?s la Junta de Subastas acogio la reconsideracion, transcurrieron varios meses sin que dicha entidad emitiera una detemiinacion sobre esta. Ante tal escenario, ya pasados 97 dias desde que fue acogida la moci?n de reconsideraci?n, la peticionaria presento un recurso de revision judicial ante el Tribunal de Apelaciones. Dicho foro se declaro sin jurisdiccidn. No obstante, mientras e1 recurso estaba ante la consideracion del foro apelativo intermedio, la Junta de Subastas emitio una resolucic?m declarando ?no ha lugar? la mocion *794 de reconsideracic?m. Ello ocurrio 101 dias despu?s de haber acogido la referida reconsideracic?m 111 dias luego haber sido presentada. lnconforme aun, la peticionaria presento un segundo recurso ante el Tribunal de Apelaciones, 4 dias despu?s de la determinacidn de la Junta de Subastas. Nuevamente, el foro apelativo intermedio se declaro sin jurisdiccidn. Expuso que el ente administrative tenia tan solo 10 dias para disponer de la mociOn de reconsideracion a partir de la fecha cuando le fue presentada. Per 10 tanto, concluyo que el t?rmino para acudir en revisidn judicial de la subasta habia vencido hacia ya varios meses. Acude entonces la peticionaria ante este Foro solicita que revoquemos la determinacion del Tribunal de Apelaciones. Su recurso nos presenta la interrogante respecto a qu? t?rmino tienen las agencias cobijadas por la Ley de Procedimiento Administrative Uniforme del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico (L.P.A.U.), 3 L.P.R.A. sec. 210] er seq, para resolver una mocion de reconsideracion acogida por la agencia oportunamente. Ello dentro del marco de la adjudicaci?n de subastas. Veamos entonces las disposiciones legales pertinentes. II A. La L.P.A.U. fue promulgada con el fin de establecer sistemas de gobernanza ?exibles agiles a trav?s de gran parte de las instituciones del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico, sin obviar la proteccion de ciertos derechos minimos que deben garantizarse a la ciudadania. Dentro de la informalidad que caracteriza todos los procesos dispuestos en esta legislacion ?frente a la formalidad de la adjudicacion judicial la regulacidn legislativa? el propio estatuto reconoce procedimientos administrativos formales informales. va??ii?imma is?) 12058 . in engine-3% {Ewernrneni Works TA Opo. 290 Aluma Const. v. A.A.A., 132 D.P.R. 776 (2011) "?611 TSPR 132 Como sabemos, parte de los procedimientos formales que el legislador establecio uniformo en la L.P.A.U. son *795 103 procedimientos de reglamentaci?n, los adjudicativos la revision judicial. 3 L.P.R.A. secs. 2121?2177. Fuera quedaron la concesi?n de becas, pr?stamos premios, la adjudicacic?m de subastas, entre otros procedimientos catalogados como informales. 3 L.P.R.A. sec. 2151(a). Sin embargo, en 1989 se enmendo la ley para incluir diSposiciones especi?cas que uniformaran la reconsideraci?n la revisionjudicial de la adjudicacion de subastas. V?ase Ley Nam. 43 de 5 de agosto de 1989, 3 L.P.R.A. secs. 2105, 2128, 2133, 2135, 2136, 2165, 2169, 2172 2177. Fue entonces cuando se integro 1a Secci6n 3.19 de la L.P.A.U., 3 L.P.R.A. see. 2169, la cual diapone: L05 pracedz?mienras de aa?udicacion de subastas seran pracedz?mienias in armales; su regiamentacion te?rminos seran establecidos por las agencias. La parte adversamente afectada por una decisi?n podra, dentro del t?rmino de diez (10) dias a partir de la adjudicaci?n de la subasta, presentar una mocic?m de reconsideracion ante la agencia la entidad apelativa de subastas, de existir una en la agencia, segun sea el caso. La agencia la entidad debera considerarla dentro de los diez (10) dias de haberse presentado. Si se tomare alguna determinaci?n en su consideracion, el t?rmino para instar e] recurso de revisi?n judicial empezara a contarse desde la fecha en que se archiva en autos una copia de la noti?cacic?m de la decision de la agencia la entidad apelativa resolviendo la mocion. Si la agencia la entidad apelativa dejare de tomar alguna accion con relacion a la mocion de reconsideracic?m dentro de los diez (10) dias de haberse presentado, se entendera que esta ha sido rechazada de plano, a partir de esa feeha comenzara a correr e1 te'rmino para la revisic?m judicial. (Enfasis suplido.) Esta seccion otorgo formalidad a la reconsideraci?n de la adjudicaci?n de subastas, proveyendo terminos breves para la presentaci?n de la moci?n la determinacion de la agencia de acoger no la solicitud de reconsideracion presentada. V?ase lnforme de la Comisic?m de lo Juridico del Senado sobre eljunio de 1989, llma Asamblea Legislativa, 1ra Sesi?n Ordinaria, pag. 6, citado en Cotto v. Depia. de Educacian, 138 D.P.R. 658, 663 (1995). Esta secei?n, sin embargo, no establecio un t?rmino *796 dentro del cual e1 foro administrative debe resolver Ia solicitud de reconsideraci?n presentada acogida. Por otro lado, no obstante lo expresado, la Seceion 3.19 dejo claro que ?a excepcic?m de la reconsideracion la revision judicial? las subastas son procedimientos informales. Id. Ahora bien, podemos apreciar que la primera oraci?n de la Seccion 3.19 creo un mandato claro dirigido a todas las agencias que celebran licitaciones para que establezcan reglamentos con [05 t?rminos que regircin la adjudicacidn de sus subastas. V?ase, ademas, lnforme de la Comisi?n de lo Juridico del Senado, supra, pag. 5 (la Secoi?n 3.19 ?instruye a las agencias aprobar reglamentos para el establecimient[o] de las normas, condiciones, especi?caciones t?rminos de las subastas Parece razonable concluir que el t?rmino para resolver una moci?n de reconsideraci?n de adjudicaci?n de subasta que fue presentada acogida por la agencia es un t?rmino que debe constar en la reglamentacidn que apruebe una agencia sobre sus procesos de subasta. Dicho de otra manera, las agencias autorizadas a celebrar licitaciones estan obligadas a diSponer mediante reglamento las condiciones e] procedimiento que regiran la adjudicaci?n de sus subastas, lo que incluye, sin dudas, lo relativo a1 t?rmino para atender la reconsideraci?n de la adjudicacion. Los detalles de la adjudicacion de subastas que no han sido previamente regulados por la ley quedan, entonces, bajo 1a discrecion de cada una de las agencias. Ahora bien, debemos aclarar que las agencias gozan de discreeic?m para formular disei?iar los pormenores de la adj udicaei?n de la subasta, no para decidir si 103 adoptan no. La Asamblea Legislativa ya decidio que los entes administrativos crearan reglamentos que establezcan los t?rminos las condiciones de las subastas, de manera que solo resta determinar cuales seran dichos t?rminos condiciones. V?ase Informe de la Comision de lo Juridico del Senado, supra, pag. 5. *797 La L.P.A.U. ha dejado en manos de las agencias el t?rmino que estas tendran disponible para resolver una moci?n de reconsideraci?n de una adjudicaci?n de subasta que fuera acogida previamente. Este t?rmino debe estar claramente descrito en la reglamentaci?n pertinente de la agencia, ya que incide sobre la disponibilidad del remedio de revisi?njudicial. V?ase 3 L.P.R.A. secs. 2169 2172. Siendo asi, no puede quedar a1 arbitrio de las agencias, mediante una adjudicacion de caso a caso, determinar cuando las partes afectadas por una decision administrativa podran acudir a los tribunales en busca de auxilio. Se trata a1 ?n de cuentas del debido proceso de ley. V?anse: Asoc. Fcias. Com. v. Depro. de Salud, 156 D.P.R. 105, 131 (2002), citando a K.C. Davis R.J. Pierce, Jr., Administrative Law Treatise, 3ra ed., Nueva York, Aspen Law Business, Supl. 2000, Sec. 6.7 (?cuando las agencias promulgan reglamentos, se promueven, en t?rminos generales, 1a justicia la igualdad?); Soto v. Srio. de Justicia, 112 D.P.R. 477, 499 (1982), citando a SI. Board of Phy. v. Cohen, 292 A2d 277, 282 (1972) (?Como se sabe, el ejercicio de poderes administrativos a base de consideraciones caso por caso, no a base de una ley 0 de 2038 Warmers. Rainfars. Na air-aim to angina? 3.5.8. @oearnmant ifa?oraa. TA Opo. 291 Aluma Const. v. A.A.A., 182 D.P.R. 77a (2011) 2011 TSPR 132 un reglamento, adolece del defecto constitucional de ambig?edad (vaguehessf?). Por ello, estimo que este Tribunal debe resolver que la L.P.A.U. ordena que las agencias dispongan mediante reglamento los te'rminos las condiciones de la adjudicaci?n de subastas, incluyendo cuanto tiempo tendra la agencia para tomar una determinacion que resuelva en los m?ritos una moci?n de reconsideraci?n acogida oportunamente. Pasado dicho te?rmino sin que la agencia emita una determinacion que resuelva la reconsideracion, se debera entender denegada comenzara entonces a transcurrir el te?rmino para acudir en revisionjudicial. Al negarse a tomar esta determinaci?n, la respuesta que ofrece este Tribunal es claramente insu?ciente. Con su *798 silencio, e1 Tribunal rati?ca tacitamente las malas practicas administrativas que solo pueden producir desavenencias injusticias. Tambie?n da al traste con la politica publica que inspiro la aprobaci?n de la L.P.A.U., a los efectos de que ?los procedimientos administrativos se efectuen en forma rapida, justa econ?mica que aseguren ma solucio'n equirativa en los casos bajo 1a consideraci?n de la agencia?. (Enfasis suplido.) 3 L.P.R.A. see. 2101. El Tribunal debio hacer efectivo e1 llamado de la Seccic?m 3.19 para que las agencias regulen los pormenores de la adjudicacion de las subastas de forma que se mantenga la discrecion de las agencias dentro de los limites de la arbitrariedad. B. Como apuntamos antes, cada agencia debe disponer en su reglamento sobre adjudicaci?n de subastas cuanto tiempo tendra para resolver una moci?n de reconsideraci?n una'vez esta es acogida. En este aspecto, es la agencia quien mejor puede determinar cual es el t?rmino idea] para que la entidad revise la adjudicacion original, los nuevos argumentos de las partes, emita posteriormente su dictamen ?nal. No obstante, 1a seleccion de este t?rmino por la agencia debe realizarse dentro de los limites que representan e1 dise?o eSpiritu de la L.P.A.U. Al respecto, la L.P.A.U. brinda alas agencias 90 dias para resolver una moci?n de reconsideracion, a partir de su presentaci?n, en los procedimientos adjudicativos formales. 3 L.P.R.A. see. 2165. Este termino abona a que los procedimientos administrativos se efectuen en forma rapida, justa economica, lo cual es una de las aspiraciones principales de la L.P.A.U. 3 L.P.R.A. sec. 210]. Siendo dicho t?rmino adecuado para la reconsideracion de una adjudicaci?n formal, es forzoso concluir que la reconsideracic?m de un procedimiento informal como las subastas no requiere un termino mayor. No tiene sentido que la reconsideraci?n de un procedimiento informal requiera mas tiempo que la reconsideracion de uno formal plagado de garantias tipicas de los procedimientos cuasijudiciales. For *799 ello considero que las agencias ?en el ejercicio de su deber de regular la adjudicaci?n de las subastas? estan impedidas de adoptar un t?rmino mayor a 90 dias para resolver una mocion de reconsideraci?n de adjudicaci?n cle subasta, a partir de su presentacion. No obstante, ya que son muchas las agencias que actualmente no proveen este t?rmino en sus reglamentos, en miras de evitar que el vacio juridico ocasione lesiones a las partes involucradas a la mejor administracion de los recursos del Estado, es necesario que concluyamos que mientras las agencias dan cumplimiento a1 mandato legislativo de regular los procedimientos de subastas, especi?camente el t?rmino dentro del cual la agencia debera resolver una reconsideraci?n acogida, tendran que resolverla dentro de 105 90 dias de haber sido presentada. Para ello, tomamos como referencia e1 t?rmino de 90 dias provisto por la Secci?n 3.15 para la reconsideraci?n de procedimientos adjudicativos. 3 L.P.R.A. sec. 2165. A pesar de que esta seccion no aplica directamente a las subastas, nada impide que, ante la omision reglamentaria por parte de las agencias, utilicemos este t?rmino dispuesto por ley, para asi proveer claridad orden al proceso de adjudicacion de subastas. Despu?s de todo, como vimos, tanto la reconsideraci?n de los procedimientos adjudicativos Como la reconsideracion de las adjudicaciones de subastas, son procedimientos formales regulados parcialmente en la L.P.A.U. No se trata de que el t?rmino de 90 dias sea siempre e] mas conveniente ello debe ser determinado por cada agencia? sino que es necesario proveerlo como medida transitoria para evitar los menoscabos de 1a incerti dumbre.' De lo contrario, las agencias podrian actuar arbitrariarnente al no regular sus procedimientos abusar de su discreei?n a1 dejar en el limbo a los licitadores que han presentado sus posturas sobre la reconsideracion. *800 No considero razonable la solucion que propicia la mayori?a. La decision mayoritaria propone que las agencias pueden posponer inde?nidamente la consideracion de la solicitud de reconsideraci?n, al punto de que logren detener el proceso de revisic?m judicial mientras las obras subastadas no estari?an paralizadas. E110 derrota el propOSito de la L.P.A.U. de permitir una revisi?n judicial expedita cuando se trata cle un proceso informal. Lo adoptado por la mayori?a permite que la agencia tome en acad?mico un cuestionamiento sobre la adjudicaci?n de una subasta que el proceso de revisic?m judicial sea meramente ilusorio. Como sabemos, la regulaci?n de los procesos de subastas persigue evitar wasrraw 2?818 ?friemsea Miami?s. No eia?m 2o originai {Ermasrnraaei Works. 5:3 TA Opo. 292 Aluma Const. v. A.A.A., 182 D.P.R. 776 (2011) favoritismo, preferencias, parcialidad la proteccion del erario. Siendo ello asi, nuestra obligaci?n ministerial es actuar, llenando e1 vacio existente en garantia de tales principios, hasta tanto las otras ramas de gobiemo se expresen. Con ello no estamos usurpando funciones de las otras Ramas de Gobierno ni legislando desde el estrado. Todo lo contrario. Si e1 Tribunal hoy adoptara esta posicion estaria interpretando la legislaci?m para el mejor servicio de nuestras instituciones gubemamentales, dandoles claridad seguridad en cuanto a los deberes que les impone 1a ley. A su vez, evitariamos, ademas, que las agencias se impongan t?rminos excesivamente amplios para estos procedimientos infomales, en perjuicio de los licitadores el mejor inter?s publico. No seria la primera vez que, ante un vacio reglamentario que perjudica e] intere?s publico, cumplamos con nuestro mandate de resolver los casos ante nuestra consideracion impartiendo cumplida Justicia. En varias ocasiones este Foro ha tenido que interpretar e1 estatuto bajo estudio para alcanzar una soluci?n justa. A veces, incluso, hemos tenido que leer mas alla del texto aprobado por la Legislatura para poder garantizar derechos de nuestros ciudadanos el mejor funcionamiento del *801 andamiaje administrative. Brevemente, por ejemplo, en RBR Const, SE. V. AC, 149 D.P.R. 836 (1999), extendimos a los procedimientos de subastas los principios generales de la Seccion 3.16 de la L.P.A.U., 3 L.P.R.A. see. 2166, aplicables a los procedimientos adjudicativos formales. Por otro Iado, en L.P.C. 0., Inc. V. AC, 149 D.P.R. 869 (1999), creamos los elementos minimos que debe contener una noti?caci?n de adjudicacion de subasta. De forma similar, en Power v. E.L.A., 170 D.P.R. 606 (2007), concluimos que el mecanismo de requerimiento de propuestas utilizado por muchas agencias, esta incluido en la referencia a subasta publica de la Seccion 3.19 de la L.P.A.U., 3 L.P.R.A. sec. 2169. En todos los casos ya citados, este Tribunal ha decidido asumir su responsabilidad como maximo interprete de nuestras leyes ha dispuesto de las controversias para impartir justicia yestabilidad en nuestro sistema de derecho. Sin embargo, hoy la mayoria de sus integrantes se alejan de dicho proceder se niegan a ejercer cabalmente su cargo. Lamentablemente, si las agencias del Estado no dan un paso a1 frente regulan sus procedimientos de subastas Como exponemos, e1 resultado de la Opinion del Tribunal, veremos, sera e1 reino del desorden la arbitrariedad en los procedimientos administrativos de adjudicacion de subastas. Lo cierto es que en el pasado hemos resuelto, reiteradamente, que tenemos facultad inherente para suplir procedimientos cuando no existan cuando hayan sido ?jados inadecuadamente por el estatuto, siempre cuando lo que determinemos sea consecuente con las disposiciones de la ley. V?anse: Rivera v. Dir. Adm. Trio, 144 D.P.R. 808, 814 (1998); Urrw?ia v. AA. A, 103 D.P.R. 643, 651 (1975); Gonzcilez v. Tribunal Superior, 75 D.P.R. 585, 619 (1953). De otra parte, el Articulo 7 del codigo Civil, 31 L.P.R.A. sec. 7 ?obviado tambi?n por la mayoria? nos ordena a que ante *802 e] silencio, obscuridad insuficiencia de una ley, resolvamos atendamos el reclamo ante nuestra consideracion, supliendo esas de?ciencias. Sabiamente, hace 35 a?os indicamos: ?Para adjudicar satisfactoriamente las cuestiones juridicas que diariamente se plantean ante este Tribunal, no podemos ce?imos a un enfoque de infertilidadjudiciai por temor a! pretendido argumenro de que ello represenra una indebida intromision en [05 poderes de las otras romas de Gobierno.? (Enfasis suplido.) Mel?ndez v. Levitt Sons of P.R., 104 D.P.R. 797, 809 (1976). Nuestra responsabilidad de propiciar un sistema judicial que solucione casos de forma ?ordenada, justa prontamente, no se satisface a plenitud con trasladar periddicamente e] problema a1 ambito legislativo [o ejecutivo]; esta area exige un enfoque jurisprudencial dinamico que propenda a Iograr de manera balanceada los prop?sitos constitucionales enunciados?. ld., pags. 809?810. 111 E1 Reglamento Num. 2732 de 31 de marzo de 1980, sobre la adj udicacion de subastas de la Autoridad de Acueductos Alcantarillados, segun enmendado, no dispone cual es el termino en el que la agencia debe resolver definitivamente una mocion de reconsideraci?n de la adjudicacidn de una subasta que ha sido acogida por la agencia. Tras no asumir su deber de regular este asunto, en el caso de autos la A.A.A. resolvio la mocion de reconsideraci?n de la adjudicacion de la subasta 111 dias despu?s de que esta fuera presentada. Ello me lleva a concluir que nada impide que suplamos la laguna existente en el regZamem?o de subastos de lo Autoridod de Acueductos Alcantariliados, to! como Io hemos hecho en elpasodo. V?anse: Power 12. E.L.A., supra; J.A. Cuevas Segarra, Tratado de Derecho Procesal Civii, 2da ed, San Juan, Pubs. JTS, 2011, T. IV, pag. 1492. *803 Siendo asi, si aplicaramos la norma expuesta anteriorrnente a 105 hechos del caso de autos, tendriamos que concluir que la A.A.A. perdio jurisdiccidn sobre la moci?n de reconsideraci?n a los 90 dias de haber sido presentada. Desde entonces comenzo a transcurrir e1 t?rmino de 10 dias para la revisi?n judicial ante e1 mama-w 2.018 ?(Manson Rantars. No o?a?m to original 2.5.8. Gowmmant Razorks. 9 TA Opo. 293 Aluma Const. v. A.A.A., 182 D.P.R. 776 (2011) 2011 TSPR 132 Tribunal de Apelaciones. 3 L.P.R.A. see. 2172. lgualmente, ya que la peticionaria acudio al foro apelativo intermedio 115 dias despu?s dc haber presentado su mocion de reconsideraci?n ante la agencia (es decir, transcurridos los 90 dias en los que la agencia podia resolver la moci?n, los 10 dias disponibles para la revision judicial 15 dias adicionales), seria forzoso concluir que para ese entonces ya dicho foro carecia cle jurisdiccion. A tenor con ello, procederia con?rmar la determinaci?n recurrida. Sin embargo, factores de usticia nos mueven a proponer las normas hasta aqui esbozadas con caracter prospectivo. La controversia que atendemos no puede resolverse contra la parte peticionaria, quien fue proactiva en procurar su remedio ante el foro judicial cuando no existia certeza sobre los t?rminos aplicables al caso de autos. Por las razones antes expuestas, debo disentir del camino por donde marcha el Tribunal. Footnotes 1 3 L.P.R.A. sec. 2169. 2 Sentencia del Tribunal de Apelaciones de 31 de agosto de 2006, Trans Ad v. Junta de Subasta, KLRA200600560. 3 3 L.P.R.A. sec. 2169. 4 Sentencia del Tribunal de Apelaciones de 20 de noviembre de 2008, Maptre Life lnsurance Co. v. UPR, KLRA200800910. 5 Perfect Cleaning v. Cardlovascular, 172 D.P.R. 139, 143 (2007). 5 Cordero V?lez v. Mun. de Guanlca, 170 D.P.R. 237, 245 (2007). 7 Accumar?l PR. v. Junta Sub. A.A.A., 170 D.P.R. 821. 827 (2007). V?ase Perfect Cleaning v. Cardiovascular, supra, page. 143?144. 8 Accumar?l PR. v. Junta Sub. A.A.A., supra; Cordero V?lez v. Mun. Guanlca, supra; Empresas Toledo v. Junta de Subastas, 168 D.P.R. 771 (2006). 9 El elemento formal del proceso de subasta consta de varias etapas; en terminos generales, estas son: Ia preparacibn por parte del ente gubernamental de Ios pliegos de condiciones especificaciones, el aviso de subasta al pinlico. el recibo posterior apertura pL'Jblica de las propuestas selladas recibidas, la evaluacion el estudio de las mismas por un comite evaluador, Ia recomendaci?n del comite respecto a la adjudicacion de la buena pro, Ia adjudicacion de ?sta la noti?cacion a todos Ios licitadores. Una vez sometidos Ios pliegos de licitacion abiertos ?stos, Ios mismos no admiten modi?caciones. La aperture de los pliegos de licitaciOn se efectua pL?iblicamente ante todos Ios Iicitadores. No hay cabida en este proceso para la negociacicn de los t?rminos sometidos entre agencia licitador.? a Power v. E.L.A., 170 D.P.R. 606, 621 (2007). 10 Cordero V?lez v. Mun. o?e Guanlca, supra. 11 3 L.P.R.A. secs. 2151, 2169 2172. V?anse: Trans Ad. de PR. v. Junta de Subastas, 174 D.P.R. 56, 66 (2008); Perfect Cleanlng v. Cardiovascular. supra, pag. 757. 12 Cotto v. Depto. o?e Educaclon, 138 D.P.R. 658, 663 (1995). 13 3 L.P.R.A. sec. 2151. 14 Id. 15 V?ase Informe del Senado sobre junio de 1989, 11ma Asamblea Legislative, 1ra Sesion Ordinaria. page. 5?6. 16 V?ase Sec. 4.2 de la L.P.A.U., 3 L.P.R.A. see. 2172. Stilt": is 69W Reuters. Ne cit-23m ta anginaan. as: newOpo. 294 Aluma Const. v. A.A.A., 182 D.P.R. 776 (2011) 2011 TSPR 132 . 17 Sentencia del Tribunal de Apelaciones de 31 de agosto de 2006. Trans Ad v. Junta de Subasta, KLRA200600560. 13 Cordero V?lez v. Mun. de Gu?nica, supra, p?g. 248; Justiniano v. E.L.A.. 100 D.P.R. 334. 340 (1971). Idealmente, el t?rmino deberia ser menor, por tratarse de un procedimiento informal de subasta. End of Dowment 2018 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original US. Govornment Works. 1.217318 "foormoo Romom. No {?g-31m io oa??gmoi 1.1.8, Gowmmoz? Xi??orm TA Opo. 295 A. Hilda Qui?ones Rivera PO Box 368010 San Juan, PR 00936?2301 0 Attorney and Counselor At Law Tel.: 787-763-3472 Fax: 787-763-3471 Cel. 787-922-8083 hquinones? VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL February 1, 2018 Ms. Maria C. Cartagena Cancel Mr. Antonio A. Arias Larcada McConnell Valdes LLC 270 Munoz Rivera Ave. San Juan, PR 00918 Re: Request for Stay of Contract?s Implementation Pending the Ruling of the Review Board Dear Ms. Cartagena and Mr. Arias: We acknowledge receipt of ybur letter dated January 30, 2018, addressed to Housing Secretary Fernando A. Gil Ense?at, through Mr. Joel 0. Hernandez Alvarado, Assistant Secretary of the Puerto Rico Department of Housing and the undersigned. In the aforementioned, you request the stay of the implementation of the Professional Program Management Services Agreement (the ?Agreement?) executed by and between. the PRDOH and Adjusters International, lnc., now Rising Phoenix Holdings Corp. (?Adjusters?), ?until AECOM fully exercises its right to administrative and judicial review." Your request constitutes another attempt to circumvent the administrative process initiated by JV on December 28, 2017 through the filing of a Hmtion for reconsideration before the PRDOH Bid Review Board (the ?Review Board?). TA Opo. 296 Ms. Maria C. Cartagena Cancel Mr. Antonio A. Arias Larcada February 1, 2018 Page 2 As you are well aware, similar requests to the Federal Oversight Management Board and the Review Board have been summarily denied. Contrary to the facts in Aluma v. A.A.A., 182 D.P.R. 776 (2011), which is inapplicable to the pending matter, the ?Tu Hogar Renace? program (the ?Program?)requires expedited implementation, in order to provide vital assistance to tens of thousands of families whose homes were significantly damaged by hurricanes Irma and Maria. Anything less would be profoundly detrimental to the public interest. Compliance with your request would impede the Program, only to cater to economic interests. That is unacceptable. right to due process is being duly protected by the Review Board, which held an administrative hearing and allowed written pleadings from all parties that participated therein. AECOM cannot reasonably' complaim1 because: the RevieW' Board. has exercised its prerogatives under applicable law and regulations when the unsuccessful respondent chose the administrative route, in lieu of seeking timely judicial review of the award.1 In light of the above, we reject your request and again urge AECOM to allow the administrative process to continue its legally mandated course. Sincerely, Hilda Qui?ones era Cc: Jeel O. Hernandez Alvarado, Esq. 1 Inexplicably, AECOM also complains that the undersigned did not disclose until January 18, 2018 that the Agreement with Adjusters had been. executed. on January 5, 2018. As admitted. in your letter, the Agreement was registered with the Comptroller?s Office on January 8, 2018; thus, it was available for public review. Neither the PRDOH nor the undersigned bears responsibility for failure to exercise due diligence sufficient to uncover facts in the public domain. TA Opo. 297 JV 787.723.3332 954 Ponce de Leon Ave 813.287.859l Suite 304 San Juan, Puerto Rico 0090'? February 13, 2018 Hon. Fernando A. Gil-Ense?at, Secretary Department of Housing PO Box 363188 606 Barbosa Avenue Juan C. Cordero Building (10th Floor) San Juan, Puerto Rico 00919 Re: Tu Hogar Renace Dear Mr. Secretary, On behalf of the AECOM-CPM JV we would like to thank you for your leadership and diligence during the administrative review process. We are grateful for the opportunity to have gone through your process and explain our concerns regarding the Tu Hogar Renace contract. Like you, we are committed to the immediate recovery and rebuilding efforts in Puerto Rico. We share a similar goal to get the people of Puerto Rico back into their houses as soon as possible. Indeed, we would appreciate the opportunity to meet with PRDOH at its earliest convenience to discuss next steps in accordance with the terms of the RFP. Again, thank you for your continued leadership in Puerto Rico. Your efforts make all the difference to the people of Puerto Rico during these dif?cult times. We look forward to hearing from you and support Puerto Rico?s rebuilding together. My are Vahid Ownjazayeri Yamil D. Cirino Executive Vice President Chief Operations Of?cer AECOM CPM PR, LLC TA Opo. 298 From: Hilda Quinones Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2018 6:11 PM To: Antonio A. Arias Cc:; Joel 0. Hernandez Alvarado Subject: v. Departamento de la Vivienda (344.002) Soludos, componero. Por lo presente se dejo sin efecio Io reunion enire AECOM esto dbogodo, poutddo pdro monono, 16 de febrero de 2018,0105 10:00 om. El Lcdo. Carlos Rivero Vicente, quien copio de este correo, se estorc?: hociendo corgo de ICI del procedimiento de referencio. Su tel?fono es (787) 622?2222 ext. 1234. Buenos tordes! Hilda Qui?ones Rivera Q.R. Asociados, LLC MCS Plaza. Suite 819 255 Ave. Ponce de Ledn San Juan, PR 00917 Tel. (787) 922-8083 Fax: (787) 725-5503 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail transmission and any documents. ?les or previous e-mail messages attached hereto, may contain con?dential information that is legally privileged. Do not read this e-mail if you are not the intended receipt. If you are not the intended recipient or a person responsible for delivering this communication to its intended recipient. you are hereby noti?ed that any use. disclosure, copying or distribution of any of the information contained in or attached to this transmission is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. if you have received this transmission in error. please notify sender immediately by reply e-mail. Kindly destroy the original transmission and its attachments without reading or saving any of them. IRS Circular 230 Disclosure: To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the IRS. we inform you that any US. federal tax advice contained in this communication (including any attachments) is not intended or written to be used. and cannot be used. for the purpose of avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or (ii) promoting, marketing, or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed herein. Thank you. TA Opo. 299