t Return of Private Foundation Ð90-PF '-- I > Depåtlms{ of the Treasury ùìlenrsl RevenuÊ Sêrvrs Do tìot enler socral securtty nurnbers on thrs form > lnformatron âboul Fonn 201û ortar For OMB No 1û¡5 ¡s 0052 (016 or Secfi on 4947(aX1 I Trust Tre€tsd ås Pflvatê Foundaton tt mây be medê ütÈrÌ to Ft¡hllc 20'l 20 änd e THE L /NÞE ANÞ HÄRÉY BRÀAtË,Y ËOUNOATION INC slrqcf oox rrualbÈr !6 ñol dåirv€rËd lo Ëlreel Fìoorn/r'Jrl€ 29t 9915 I241 N FNANKLIN PL or lown 0f PlövrfiCg cri 0r pendrng checl here> ÀI LV.iAUKEE Wl 53202 2S01 ô tl I Clrock all that apply lnrtral retum Ü f, Êrnal return Address lnrtral return of a former Arnended retr.rrn g¡trr¿¡lrOnS ClìËck htsrr¡ Narne Seclron 501(cX3) oxempl pnvale Sec trus[ Ollrer laxaÞle Få,r rnarkÊt value ol all åssels åt Accounùng method end of year (rom Parl ll, col (c), Öther (specrfy) lrne T0) Þ mus( þe B{9 rtz6 516 calumn $ glstús Þ/äs lëlflrrfiä(sd vñdsr fl ôA fdl Otsbursemenls rol for clEillflþlE purÞosôs (oash bôsr5 only) ll?9 ârnpOnt$ ln coiJdlû (a) (s?ê fistruchaþs) ) ö Çonlrrbulrons, grlts, grants, elc , recerved f llìeia¡&tlmrsnot requled lo Check 3 4 5a lnlereÊt on sâvllgs and temporary cash rnvestäibnts DrvrdëndÉ and rnlerÉsì fiom secuillros Gross rerrls 1 Íl tu Ð L, 2 (allach all 2 >l le) B 7 0û1 s66 ': r{# ?'.i BtÌ b Nel renlal :ncomg or (looe) (J 8a b U) CaprtÊl gatn rìet tnsorno (from Part lV, ne 2) Nel shorl{erm câpltål lnççme nodrllcatrons 10â b c 'ü '12 tt 13 ø 14 Ê (¡, CL X UJ q, ¡ 15 16a b E Q 1A s tË ; ¿ - r- olfrcers, and beneftts trustees, elc r I 19 i 'rilil.L.1l 'i!4il.ll 1 030 3ds 35 ô42 r95 2 559 3?0 30t 602 1241,778 2d 0e5 121 B4 760 2.83'l I ü 60 400 lB 20c û 3 759,123 3 6ð6 280 0 1 227. 531 g0 375 II o 0 s 0 0c,B 586 22511 !98 656 98 656 374 sÐ5 12 894 61.691 2 314 56 379 30ô 78ú 59 377 27 115 1 5952¿ì and adm¡nrstratrve expenses Tolal Add lrnes 4 326 820 1 2,671 ,5t7 nt \¡ 37 038 0ô8 €ltr-eryÈ 23 grfts, granls pard Total li,Nftu.rtn ,l¡ I.l.¡ ,_ì {ti-åi,f selreduìe) 25 26 27 RË.L;ClVÌ!17 r--Ir:."f 31 657 1e4 1 24 f.i lh 3?:L ',-- t. '--6'¡ ii---"--:.I il-lq' ; l-.--s'' .-"1{ 306 582 ånd depletlon _ rï, l.'-l- 700 6ti7 schedule) q) 0 _-r.¡ì{1. J ;;- 2t Tst Legal ônd o [r,11 o .-1.- g) tü : r;:i-- 40 890 Other lncome Total Add rneetrngg fi r fl*x t ¡n-t- Less Çosl of goods Gross profrt or (loss) schedule) 1T *"'" .---C F-l{r;;.': , .tflå.: r 5S.-J Gross saleg le$s relurns Other Perìsron plans, - *€r., 'r'l<- [ -- +þ, 23'993 893 - B 9 o Nel garß or (lose) from sale ol Gross sales prce l0r alt asset$ on ltne 7 ü ril seËlron 507(b)(flt6) check nere {c) Àdlusled lncÕm& f:l "n chrck hérs Analysrs of Revenue änd Expenses itrnounls fi coLrfi¡ns (bJ, þ), and (d) ma! no¿ neccs$ildjl *g.ral È- > qrganrzahons nre€lrhg tlre 85r4 lesl hËrð ånd ôltåch ro,?'lgul4trcn Erl Chsck lype of organrzatron J t\. a êJ I fì [ 36,3,(0 4..r 't.51 295 and Sublracl lrne 26 {rom ftno 7 0?ö s3s 37 12Å 360 $ 12 a E¡cèss of revanr¡e ovêr expônses and drcþurse¡nents b o Not rnveslment rnromÊ (rf negalrve, êfìtêr -0-) 3r 515 375 WffiT T:, net fncome Car No 11289X For iaperulork flodücton Act Notrce, seo rnsl¡ucllon¡ Folñ 11115117. SUPERSËDES RËTURN FILËD J AIIú f2û1 6) a J 1/1 411 I .4 ) t o Ferm 990-fF (2o1 B) f,I[III 1 2 3 ID U' ø I 9 ' b o 'tt Olher not¿s and loans recervable{attach schedule} 0 Lesç' allowance fordoubtful accounls 0 lnvestments-corporatê stock (attach schedule) lnvestmenls-corporale bonds (attach schedule) 0 -i..l.'r;j:lf ¡n 0 0 0 0 53-gJ¿40,874 írt2,768.732 732 ,r- . l) ¡t,811.730 4,433,û01 , ...::;! 12ü,932 1û1.?73 845,13S,?8Ð 849.426.5r6 1,848.073 0 0 21 Mortgâges ând other Olher llahlûree (descrrbe . , 2ô other ) and 31. 0 0 2,370,102 4,63Q,774 I 1,620,ô14 14,339,954 >m Unreslncted Temporarrly 717,395,745 1 71 16. r23,430 1 9,36s.863 15.720.699 Permaîenlly FoundatJons and f 17, chack homÞ E funds and equrpment fund 2g 29 o 3't 730 J01 . Loans from officsrs, drrectors, Ëoundations that follow and complele 24 221 0 Land, burldrngs, and equrpment; basrs Lêss: accumulated deryeciallon (attach , rncomê, endowment, or other funds 30 (seo tnslructions) 833,519.17õ 835.086.562 845,139,709 849.426,516 agûet$1fund balances (see Totâl Part t[[ fn at begrnnrng of yëäÌ- or 30 agree with on pnoryear's return) 2 E¡ler 3 Olher 4 Add lrnes l, 2, 5 Decreases 6 0 o ':i;;;i;f.;;;:):i!11¿L. lnyestmente-other(attachschedule) , 0 22{,168,592 7,861.107 l¡ o 27 g, at i,:.':' 7.45?,¡50 (! 2S { ".,;,1,.,1 I i:,-::;::: Orants payable Ðeterrsd revenue (¡¡ rl, 0 1.798,156 a¡, cn 0 Accourls payable and accrued o tC n 226,149":Ìt4 , Totel liabìlities ßt 1r_ 5,194.,{43 0 Lessr accumulated depreonhon (altæh sohedule) lnvôStmBnts*mortgage loans ;::T:,!:íït 1T 18 19 29 22 Ë Market Valus ¡liriiil04.4?6,24r =:!' ' lnveslmenls*land, buìldings, and equrpment basis rnglructrons, Also, s€e page 1, rtôm ,(¡ {Þ}Qqok Vslue 1 14,792,11 lnventol,rêô for sâlo or usô Prepatd exp€nses and defered charges lnvostments-U,$, and slate government obhgations {atlach 1S Other assets (descrrbe 16 ïotal assols (to be compleìed all frlers-see lhe a q' {äl BÖgk Vâluq Þ 'l0a 12 19 14 EÍI 61.6S7.C3 Savrngs and temporary oash tnvestments . 5,194,443 Aocounts recervable Lessr allowance for doubtful accourits Ð05,000 Pledges receivable Less: allowance for doubtful accoûnle Gränls rêcervable Rece¡vables duø {rom offrcers, drrectore, trustees, and olher dtsquahfted persons {altach schedule) {see rnstructrons) 5 6 ut Bahnce Sheets Bogrnnrng of year Cash-non-rnlerest-bearng 4 ? 2 Poge Atlaúed sd¡edules and ¡mwnìs tn the dêscnplon colt¡nn slrH,ld bt lo Ênd-oÊyerr artowrts ordy (Sæ nslruclmns.) 2 rn lrne 2 (lemrzo) n line 2 (ilemlze) Þ Total net assels orfund balances at end of 175 1 I,li¡ø27a hne 4 m¡nus hne 5)- column lne 3O 3 4 5 6 19.819,858 0 Fo¡m 11115117 - I (?016) SUPËRSFÐES RETURN FILED 11114117 o o Fòrm Ð90"FF 3 Part lV on me (b) l{ow åcqurrod (ål Lrsl ând descíbð the klrd(s) of proprrty sotd (å 0 , ñ'åi òstàlê, 2"ëtofy hËk wtrÊhouss, ói cornmoñ slock, 200 shs MLC Cq) SFf; PART IV SGHEDULE. PACE P-Purchaso D-Dônalþn lþ equkèd , da¡ yr.i D¡la sold . dôy, yr ) rous PURCHASE ?OO (fl DogÊeaìror! qllowËd (or sllc ilsblè¡ {ol Gross salos pnce ôr (lossl mraus þ t0,0'r 3,637 âssels I'IFMV 27 tn 0n1 (0 Ga¡ns (h) garn rnlnus no1 l€s¡ orân.0"1 or {Col cof (l), bul Adtustsd bâsÞ es of 12/31/69 {¡) âsof12/41169 Lossqr(6þ¡ïcÒl (h) 27 c ¿ € 2 3 Qapùal gain net rncoms or (nat cap[al loss) Nôl shôfi"tôrm Çåpttal gan or (loss) as lf garn, also enter rn Part I, ltne 8, Part I, lrne Irne 7 hno 7 lf (loss), ZT rn $êclron$ 1222(51 efit@r I -0- rn 0 Part V on (For opl¡onal use by domastrc private loundatnns sub¡ect 49aû(a) tax on net rnvsstmen? rncorneJ lf seÇtron 4940(dX2) apples, leave Was tha foundatron hable for thê tf " tho loundätrÖn dÒes not amount of any year rn the bass Do nol complø¡e thts part. 4942 under $ee buuong 2 the col. 878.111.679 0 053571 0 059763 {0.380.856 591,683.474 0 41,259,230 608,42:7,760 0 0ô7813 s-y.å, o".u plnoa-oiucu tlu iotår on hâ9 Þeen ln exrEtenÇF f No rsth 671 ,878.358 1, column nufnber 4 (c, Not valuo ol no¡chsrrtåb¡å-uÉê ä990t9 40,1 53,715 201 @ tnstruoltons 46.934.929 2014 ratlo Yes o.0569t7 49.?95.340 Total fl 866,090"935 2015 3 period? lr.ä ¡v i, o, ol, tr. less than 5 yøârs 2 0 30ô31 3 0 1 assels for 2016 lrom Pãd X, lino 5 the net byl 6 Enter 1% of 7 Add lrnes 5 I rncome (1% ot Palr't I, lrne 27b) 5 D 50,457,208 7 6 Enter quâlifyrng drstflbutions lrom Parl Xll, lrne 4 lf llne rs equal lo or greater than lrne 7, check lhe box rn Part Vl, Ine 1b. and complete that Pa¡t Vl rnstruolrons, I å 4 usrng a I % tâx rale, S6e th6 ronn 11115117 3 154 980-PF {aoro) - SUPERSEDf;S RHTURN FILED 11114117 I o Fotrn gS-ÉF (2oie) 4 Part Vl 1a b c on and onter uN/4" on lño necessary-soe Part V, cheok Exempt opêràting foundalions descnbd rn serton 4940(d)(2), chæk here Þ Þate ol ruhng or determ¡nahon Ìrti.t,".",,._.._"..,...".. (attach copy ol letlof il Domestc foundalrons that meet tho sectlon 4940(s) requrremants h here Þ ånd enter 1% ol Paft l, lrne 27b All olher domestlc foundat¡ons erÍet zVo ol ltne 27b. Exempl foreígn organrzattons Part l, hne 12, col. (b). D 2 lax under sectron 511 (domestc seclÍon s Add linss 1 and 2 4 Subtrtle A {rncome) tax (domestrc sechon 4947(a)(1) trusts and taxable Tâx þâsÊd on invoslment income. Subtrapl lin€ 4 lram ltne 3. lf uero 5 I """ilt.i, F of ''t:at:.:' ltl2 a947ta)(1) trusls and taxable foundations only, 630,308 Olhers or Credrts/Payments: a 2016 ostlmaled tax pãyments and ?015 oyerpayment credúed to 2016 b Exempl lorergn organrzatron$*tal( wrthheld äl sourc€ jl,l ãgì c Tax paid wrth appllcation for extensron oI ùme to frle (florn d Backup wlthholding erroneously wilhheld €d vli2.:í;;¿;::,:.". -,.:,;,;;: I 7 Toläl cr€drts and paymenls. Add lines 6a through 6d Enter any penalty for underpayment of ostlmaled tax, ls atlached Ø ïax due, lf lhe total of llnes 5 and I is more than lrnê 7, ênlôr 10 Overpayment. lf [ne 7 ís more thaû the total of hnes 5 and I, amount Enter lhe amounl of l¡ne '10 lo be: C¡edited to â017 11 tax I I 4'"t 5 630,300 7 918.807 I 0 s 0 1û 28ô,589 11 Part Vll-A 1a b During the tax year, pãrtlcrpatê or rntêryêne rn any pollrcal or local legrslalron or dld Drd rt spend more than $100 dunng the year (eûher lor pofttcal purposes lnslructrons lor the defrrutron)? lf lhe answer ts "Yos' 1a ô 2 ô Drd the foundatron frle Form tb not prevrously been reported to the IRS? aciivrlÌes of the attach a detaìled /êÞortÊd to thë lRS, in its gov€míng inetrumonl, arttcles öf oYes,n attach a conlotmed copy of lhe cåanges rncomÊ of $1 ,000 ôr rnore duíng thô year? retum on forthu year? Gënerøl lnstuct¡on n lEgrslâtron the stato law Drd the havs at the . 5 T. lo secttons 4941 through 4945) salisfred either: or arnends lh€ gôvêrning lnslrument so lhat no mandatory dtrÉcttons that rn lhe govÊrnrng instrument? 6 ll "Yes,' conplele Pad ll, col. (c), and Parl ){/ 7 n assots at any trme dunng the year? rsports or wílh which rt rs reglstered (see rnstructrons) Þ rs ls the Ð90-T 3 4å 4b or $ubstantral conlrartron dufing lhe year? Are the .By rBy 2 ll lf "Yes," (or 10 managers Þ $ {?} Has the fouñdatþn incorporalron, or 8å 9 împosed durlng the year: lhe yêar for polrlical êxpendtturê låx lmposed Has the loundatlon conl[ct 7 1r lhis 1 Enl€r the rermbursement (lf on foundat¡on managers. Þ 4a Drd the b lf "Yes," has rt 5 Was thore a ô acilvltles and copløs ol any matønøls døscrÌplion v'ttth the Ént€r thê amount (l any) of tax on pobtical 11) On the foundatron. Þ $ lf "Yes," (see . lo la ar lb, publtshed ordrctnbuted by the c d rt of to lurnlshed ft;pt as required by Ganeral lnstructøn G? or i:¿,l,m :5öó-ÞCiö tx;-Äi¡or;äf lf "No," allach explanaûan öñtäi 8b slalus as å pnvatê ôperating foundalton w¡thtn the meâning of section a042fi(3) or a9a2!)(5) for year 2016 or the taxable year begrnnrng rn 201 6 (see rnslruolions for Pari XIV)? ll "Yes," çomplete Dtd any become substantral contributors durlng the tax yean "Yes," atlach a schedule fsfrng theri names end eddrosses , I I t0 Fgrtn 11115117 1 120101 - SUPFRSHÞES RETURN FILED 11114117 o o Fôm 900-FF (2û16) õ Part Vll-A Yos At any tlme dunng the year, did the foundalron, drrectly or rndtreclly, own ¿ controlfed 11 12 meaning of sectton 512(b)(13)? lf "Yes," atlach schedule (see tnstructtons) 0rå Þid the foundatlon makg a dlstnþutron to a donor advlsed lund over which the person had advrsory prvileges? lf "Yes," atlach statement (see rnstructions) . 13 Drd the lôundatron comply wtth the publrc tnspeëtßn requtrements for 14 WWWBRADLãYFÐN ORG Webslte address The books are rn carÊ of CYNTHIA K FRIAUF Located 15 Soctron } { ,tl3 ils annual returns > 291-99J5 53202-?901 ¡n lteu and enler the amount of täX-öx€mpt int€rest recelved or gccrued At any tffìe during calendaf yêâr 20'16, dld the foundatlon have an ever a Þank, secunttes, or ÕlhÉrftnånçlal äËcounl ln a forergn country? See the rnEtructrons for exceplrons and frtng requtremênls for the forergn country Þ 10 No wrtfun yêer inora other Yçs 16 lf "Yes,' thê nåmô Part Vll-B 1a File Form 4720t1 any llem ls checked ln lho ',Yeen Dunng the yoär dtd thê foundatton (êtthôr dlr€cily or (1f Ëngage in the sale or exchangg or leasrng of propedy wrth a (2) Bonow monây from, lend mônoy to, ût Öxtôñd rrÖdit t0 (0r person? d¡squal¡fiêd c 2 foundatron agreed 1o make a l€rmrnatron ef governmqnt serrc6, person? avarlable for Check "No" rl tho lor a parrod after 90 dd any ol the acts lf any answer ls "YesÞ to 1a(1)-(ö), seclron 53 4941(d)-3 or ln a (roìatrng to pilor (section any undistributed income {lines 6d and 20 for of rn 2a lf lhe al any "Yes," d¡d the b Elllo fl voa H lvee ElNo ¡,to 1b 1c lves Ø¡,to 20 the foundatlon is no1 applying the provisions of sectlon 49a?(e[2) the year's undrstnbuted rncome? (lf applyrng sectlon a942(a[2l lo lnstrucltons.) , borng applred to ány of tho years lrstad in 2a, lrst lhe years hêrø. 2h N/A 2t 3a ùd tho 4a EJr.lo Yeg E ln all c Eto Yee check here of descr¡bed rn 1a. olher lhan excepled acls, lhat begínning in 2016? (does not apply for yeaß th€ Toundatron was a pnvale 6e, Pert Xlll) for b Yes fl the exceptrons descnbed rn Flegulahons (sse rnslruclrons)? regardng At the end of lax lf "Yes," hst lhe Are therg any Ë >E Organizalions relying on a Drd the foundatlon engage wers îot conscled before Taxes on farlure to drstnbuto operatrng foUndatron a omploy lhe No Ë Yes Hlt'¡o a (4) Pây compénsätton to, or pay or reimbgrse the ($) TransTer any lncome or assets to a drsqualdred person (or the beneht or uee of a drsqualtfred (6) Agree to pay money or prop€rty to ofI¡cral? Yes lrom) a - (Q Furnsh goods, servrces, or factltt¡es lo (or b appliss. Drd the Ord the chantable lhan a ?Yo drfect or rndrrect rnterest tn any bustnes$ ênterpnse 'no,O'nn",n pro*;, ;r;rr?;":.,3:; ¿Olg as a resulf ol trl ,n, 26, 1969; {2) th6 lapse of the S-year period (or longor penod âpprovêd by thê under sectron ¿943(cX7)) to drsposö of holdrngs acquired by gift or bequesti or (91 the lagse of lhe or frrst phase holdrng ganod? {Usa Schedule C, Form 4720, to determ,na þusiness holdngs n 2018.) during the year any amount ¡n a manner thal would ¡eopardize ¡ts charilaþle purposes? make any tnve$lment tn e prlor ysâr (but atter Decombsr 31, 1969) that could jeopardtzo tls rn 2016? that had nol been removed from ¡eopardy before ìhe ftrsl dåy of the tax year i 3b N/A 4a 4b 990-PF 6otø¡ ronn 11115117 5 - SUPERSEDES RETURN FILED 11114117 I I 6 Fdm 9Ð"PÊ (2016) Part Vll-B 5a Duflng the yèar drd thê föundâlion pey or ¡ncur any ¿mounl tol (t) Carry on propaganda, or othôrwrse atlempt to rnlluence lesrôlalron (section 4945{e)? (2) lnfluence ìhe outoome of any specrÍlc publrô elsctron (6oe sootron 4955); or to carry on, drrectly or indrreclly, any voier regrstraton dnvo? (Q Provrde a grant lo an tndivrdual for lravel, sludy, or other simrlar purposes? (4) Provrde a grant to an organrzätron otherthan a charitable, elc., organlzâtlon sectron 4945(d)(4XA)? (see rnstruclrons) , (5) Provide for any purpose other lhân religíous, ôharitâble, scient¡frÖ, l{Ërâry, or purposes, or for the prevenìton ol cruelty 1o chlldren or anrmals? lf dny ans\ /er 15 "YeSo tg 5a(1H5), dld any Of the transactrons farl to Regulalrons sectlon 53,4945 or ln a current noltcê rêgardtng d¡sastêr {sse here Organizalions relyrng on a current nolÌco regardrng drsasler assrstanoe lrom th6 lf tho answer is "Yeo" to questrorì 5â(4), does the foundaìron clarm because il marRlärned expendrture responsrbrhty for lhe grenl? b c 8â 7a EHo üNo descnb¿d in >û 5b Yes ÜHo lf "Yes," attaâh th6 Stâtemenl reqlred þy Regulâlrüns sectlon Drd ihe foundatron, durrng lhð yeâr, rôceNe any funds, ff Y*u Ëlwo on a personal beneft contract? b No fiver , 0'd the foundatron, during thÞ year, pây premrurns, drrectly or lf "Yeç" to 6þ, lile Fom 8870 Al âny trmê durng the tax yoàr, vyas thÞ tt loundâtiôn â ^ I â p/Öhbrted tâx sh€llêr b ll "Yes," d¡d the foundation reoelve Part Vlll 8b ves E]tto lo th$ trailsäÖtlon? net rncom0 ?b N/A Hishly {bl Tr[e, and evÊrag€ hou 5 p€r wesk devôlêd lô bÐ$lron (a) Name and address benêfit cÖntract? r: lcJCompënsalþn :'(lnottald, l¿r" (ol Êrpàn56 äccounl, qthEr allìvraô06t ûntôr-O'l i SEE ATTACHEDSTATFMENT ti)::a;1 += i;-ii,,,--¡¡¡---t¡i' ìl:i th0só 2 {b} Trtle, and average hourg per wegk dçvâtðd ro pgsllon (al ,l1!:ïS-,....r,.o., tN - -----"...å-"".^-*,¡,.ii;".,-.*!!p::r¿.,,. K EËilt/I. $33S213901 KLll¡¡' Bl-; l\¡lËf$,ÀU :L HARffi4ANN .---r---*t+-r----! '].'' on ll {d} cÕrìt iruJ. iroris þ!.fompsnsatbn, VhF,lçll( l{t{!J(iÍ{Ãfrl ÕFFIGËR" 4O none, entor io smplôyeÞ benofit plâns snd delerred compensBrtlÛn ,16d.000 24i6û0 72{ 145,000 ?1¡75{) ì64 r23,000 10,450 351 i23,000 18,450 82 82,r00 12,525 32 SENT0R PROçRAM oFFtç€R,40 FRÀNKLIIi¡ PL. MILWAUKËË, WI 53202.2901 FNOSFÀM 9FFIçEfi,. 4t \,,IANNING'=,,.,itit,,,,,.. *5â9 PXU(jt{AM OtFtgËR, "..,,u;iiír' laaNKLtN PL, MrLWÂrJl(ÊË, 40 Wr' 53202-2C0r stNl(Jl{ ATOOUNTÂNI"45 over 5 ronn 11115117 6 990-PF ¡aota1 - SUPERSEDES RÉTURN ËILHP 11/14/17 I I Fotrm 99{t-ÊP (¿016) Þogo Part Vlll 7 on nd Contractors ènter of aaah gatson pad more lhan $50,000 and INVb:' t MþN ¡ 671,060 MA ARTISAN PARTNÉRS LIMITËD PARTNËRSH'P M 517,915 WI OFI INSTITUTIONAL MANAGEMENT 466,939 NËW YORK, NY ÐNY METLON PITTSBURGH, PA 354,895 288,424 MA Total over liElïlFätlf I seryrces Summary of Direct Gharitable Activities 6uch as tho numbör of 1 Ëxpên5Bj WlSCONSINCONFËRËNCË SËËATÏACHËD STATËMËNT 145,701 2 BRADLEYSYMPOSIUM SEEATTACHEÞSTATEMËÑT 22,819 3 4 Pa¡t lX-B the lax oescnbg lhe nro largesl on lrnos I Amounl and 2 1 2 A.ll o(her program-rslated Se6 3 Fo¡m 11115117 7 1201 6) - SUPERSËÞES RETURN FILED I1I}4117 o o I Forrn ÐgO'PF (201 6) a$sets nol u for out tn purposês; a b c d € Average monthly farr market value of secufltres Average of monlhly cash balances Fårr market value oT åll olh€r âssèts (sos lnstructrons) Total (add Itnes 1a, b, and c) Rèdtlct¡on c[arm€d for Þlockage or other faotots reported on lines 1a and 3 1c (attach detarled explânatron) Acqutsrtton rndebtedness apphcable Subtracl hne 2 from lrne 1d 4 Cash deemad held for chantable activities, Enler 2 iô lne 1 assets ¡ 1b Ir 'td 2 . 1tlzVo of l¡ne 3 3 {f.or greater rnstructr0ns) Net value of noncharitable-use assets, Subtract hne 4 from Minimum inveqtment retum. Ente/ 5% of lino 5 5 6 Enter herå on 1 Za b c 3 4 5 0 7 I a b 2 1 5 . t lncome tâx for 2016. (Thrs does not include the tax from Part Vl.) Add lrnes 2a and 2b Orstrrbulable amounl before ad¡ustments, Sublraot lne 2c lrom lrne 1 Becoverres of amounts tréated as qualfyrng drslrrbulrons , Add lrnes 3 and 4 Deduction lrom drstnbutable âmount f,pfm lne 6 lrom }ne S 3 4 Ènt", iere àr'i on pa.t ittt, 1 a Þ 4 5 42.226 5 6 177 r09 7 40,1 77,109 1a 1b 151 ,295 Qualifying Distributions (see Amounts pard (rncludrng lo Ëxpenses,contíbutrons, Program-related Amounts pard lo acqurre Pârt I, charilable, el0, purposss: {d), Ine 26 from 0 use) drroctly tn cany¡ng out chantable, etc., usod (or purposes 3 28 this Minlmum rnvestmênt rêturn from Parl X, line 6 . Tax on inveslmenl lncome ior 2016 Írom Pa¡t Vl, llne hne 1?,464,245 5 s check Distributable amount as ad¡usted. 4 6 Part Xl and cerlain 76,051,933 2 Amounls sel âsid6 såtrely ìho: Suitabrlrty test (ãtlâch Cash drstnbulron Quallfying Add lines 3b Ënter here and on Parl V, lrne 8, and Part Xlll, line 4 Foundatrons thal qirâlfy. under sect¡on 4940(e) for lhe reduced lato ol tax on net tnvastmenì rncome, 19 3a 3b 0 4 4 5 6 11115117 å - SUPERSEDES RETURN FILED 11114117 I o 9 Fþrm 990-PÊ (2013) Part Xlll 1 fa) 0rstr¡bulablo amount for 2016 from Part Xl, Corpue (ù) (d) Yêåre pror lo 2015 20r6 ltne 7 2 a b 40,'177,109 Undrstnbuled incomo, tf any, as of the end of 2016: à Enter amount lor 2015 only , Total for prior yèats' 20 12 ,20 13 ,20 14 Excess drstnbutrons carryover ú any, to ?0161 From 201 1 1t ,oIttlt b From 2012 s I 1,64?,926 c From 2û13 d From ?01 4 e f 4 a b c B 7,666,305 4,110j28 From 201 5 6,671.ô88 Toisl of linos 3a lhrough 41,572,474 e Qualrtyrng dislnbutrons for 2016 f¡om Part Xll, tlne4:Þ ¿¿.els,çr+ Apphed lo 2015, but not more than lrne 2a Apphed to undtslfibuted tneome of pnor years (Electlon requlrÉd -see Inslructions) $ 0 Ïrealed as drslrrbutrons out of corpus (Ëlection requ tred d € 5 ( - s€€ rnstructrons) Apphed to 2016 drstrbutable amount Rematning amount drstrrÞuted out of corpus Excess distributions cârryovêr applred to 2016 (lf an amount appears n column (d), Iha sama amount must be shown n column (a),) Enter lhê n€t totâl of 40,1 77,r09 0 each lndicated below: a b Corpus. Add hnes 3f, 4c, and 4e. hne 4b f¡om c Ins 2b 0 Ënter the amounl of prior rncome lor whrch a notrÇe been rssued, or on whrch lax has been prevrously d 5 Pnor years' undrstnbuted rncome, Subtraot Subtract hne defrcroncy 6c amount-seô e Undistlrbuled 4a lrom line 0 for Taxable see rnslructions 0 7 0 appltëd on lrne 5 or lrne 7 (see rnstrucltons) to . 11,481 ,427 2017, 34,729,552 10 11 b c d e Excess lrorn 2013 Excess {¡om 20'14 Excess fom 2015 Exoess from 2016 7,666,305 4,1 10,128 6,671,688 4,638,505 Fonlî 11115117 - {2016) SUPFRSEDES RËTURN FILËD 11114117 I o 10 Form 990-PF (2O1ô) Part XIV 1a b 2a b ö d ll thô has rêcerved a rulrng or determinâllon letter that rt rs a pÍvate operatlng foundatlon, and the rulrng rs eflective lor 20'16, enler lhe date of the rulng . Gheck box to rndtoats wholher lhe foundahon rs a Joundatton descnþed ln Ënter thô to$$èr ot lhô ädjustêd nët Tax yeaf income from Fart I or thè mrnrmum investment relum from P¿á X for gach year lsted 85% of line ?a Qualfirng drstnbuhons lrom Palt Xll, Ine 4 lor each year lsted 3 fottl 20f3 1:., ì Amounts ncluded in üne 2c rþt used drcctly for acûve o (cl 2015 lôl 201 E cøduct of exempt aclpiles , E Ouahlyrng drstrbullons made dlrectly for actve conduct of exempl ârlÍvthes, Subtract Ine 2d lrom Ûne 2c Completê 3å, b, or c lor ., :\, l';',:. till...-i, r",- 't:-.:;: lhô alternatMe tesi reÌed upon, a b c "Assets" allematrve lest*enten (1) Value of åll åssêls (2) Value of assots qualrtyrng undêr section 4942{)(3XBXr) "Endowmenl" alìêmâtlve tesì-eñter / ef mlnrmum lnveslment relum sholrrn tn Part X, lne ô for each year lstod . "SupÞort" altemativo togt*onton , p (1) t:y:-l gro$e t t€reslì qn ççlrçn ts o (2) Support lrom genêral ând 5 o¡ morô pubhc €xempt {0) Largest amount of '4..:i1. ,f!.rl ..:j:::aa::a:a::r, ':j.i:.i.ì.i ân exempl organlzâtron Gross rnvsstment rncome part Part XV 1 Ð or more timë assets at lnfonnalion U$t any before the close the täx yêar rf Çontíbuted more than ?% pf the lotal Çonlnbutrons recevod by lhe foundation lhey have oonr{tbuted mors ihän $S,OOO¡. (Ses sectlon 507(dX2).) NONE b Lrst any OWn 10%o 0r mOr€ I an ponion of wh¡ch lhe foundatlon has a 10% or greal€r interest. NONE 2 Çheck E rf the Tor other Grant, G¡ft Loan, Scholarship, otc., Programs: only makes conlflbuttons to preËêl€ctêd chântâþle orgânt¿åttons ând dós€ not âocépÌ lT the foundatlon fnàkes gifls, grants, etc, (åsê rnstruohons) to tndtvlduals or orgâili¿attons under 2a, b, c, and d. numbôr or ê-marl addtess ol thê porson to whom appltcattons should be addressed; IñE 50r(cx3), stE tRs v4/ww c Any deadlrnss: 11/'t5/17- ÊUP 10 1t1 t I It Form 990-PF (2U161 Fart XV Grant Recipront Nâms Foundâtþn ôtåtrii çt RßtpËnt (home or busmess) Alnouñl year a SËÉATTACHËD $TATäMËNT, PAGË 294 b Approvedfor sËË Ëom (20r 61 1'1115117. SUPERSEDÊS RETURN F]LED 11114117 11 t I Form 99O-ÊÊ (2016) "12 Part XVþA Unrelated busüì6ss rncoÍnè Entêr gross amounìs unlêss othêrwise ind¡cåted. f {al tb) Busrness code Amounl Fr{cftded Ð512,513, d,"5' bû/ êe (al iì:j: ri: Ëxclusron code Progfam seFvtce rêvënue: a lt 1.,.1-,. ld!,,,rlii.lf " (e) :tiä I l! ,*ln.ç-U,pr '.;= -. b c d e f g l:4 Fees and contracts from govêrnment agencles 2 Membershíp dues and assessments I t::::::.:: lnterest on savrngs and temporary cesh rnv€stments 4 Divldends and rnl€resl lrom securlties 5 Nôt rentäl lflcorflè or (¡o6s) lrom rôal ôstal€: Debl-frnancedproperty Not debt-frnanced properly 6 N@t rêntal rncomo or (loss) ftom personal property 7 Other lnvestmenl rnÇome 14 8,'t 12,098 18 ?3.993,093 16 36.340 14 4,500 a b I I Net rncome or (loss) from specral Êveflls 10 Gross profrt or (loes) ftom salos of lnventory 11 r Gãm ar (toss) from sales of assels other than tnventory â t' , RENTAL INCOME Other rêvênuei b INCOMÉ FROM TRUSÏ c d FMPIOYÉE JURY ÐUTY PAY 50 1 e l2 $ublolal, Add columns {b), (d), and (e) 0 13 Total. Add tn¿ 12, columns (b), (d), and (e) {See wçrksheet rn lrne 13 rnstruçtrons Part XVI-E Llne t{o, Y 32.r46,8ûr 13 0 32,14ö,t81 Helslionshio of r n EtÞlatn below how e column (e) of Part XVI-A contnbulèd rmÞorlantly - ta the provrdrng fundsi lor such purposos) (See rnstruclíons accomphshment of the ) 1...':1;-:.j..:.a :' 11115117. SUPERSFDES 12 1 I a Form g9O.PË (?0'lt) 13 Part XVll I Drd the organtzatton dtfectly or tndlreclly engags rn any of thê lollowing wûh any olhêr rn seçtton 501{c) olthe Çodo (olherthan sêÖtrûn 501(cX3) orgânEâtrons) or tn soctron 527, Yes orgEnlzâttoñs? a b c d Transfere lrom lhe /êportlng foundaton 11) Oash b a nonchanlaÞte exempt organrzahon ofl (2) Other åssels Other trån$âclrons' (11 Safes of assets lo a nonoharrtable exempt organlzaìron (2) Furchâ$es of assets from a nonchantablê êxêmpt organtzâlton (3) Renlal of facrlrtes, equipmelt, or other aÊsets (4) Reìmbureemenl arrangements . {5) Loans of loanguåran¡êos (6) Performance ol servtces or memþership or fundrasrng Sharing of factltltes, equipment, marhng lsls, olher assets, or lf the answer to any of the above is '*Yes," complete the value of tho goods, othera€sols, ofservtc€€ grven by the vãlue ln any transactlon of shanng show in Lrne no 2a lo (bl Amount rnvolvod lo) Name ol nonchgnlablo ox4rnpl ls Þlganlzaìþn o( 1af2ì rbllì rbl2ì 1bl3! lbl4t f blsl I b{6ì lo ¿' '' always show the faìr market foundatron received leçs lhan lair markel olhor assete, or sørvÍcog recerved (dlDsscnpt transforg, lranSâclton$1 Ênd oile or more tax-ex€mpt organt?åhons ' EYosØt¡o sectron S01(c){3)) or tn seclion 527? lf "Yes," Name ol fb) Typg ot orÊanEatÞn (c) 06scnptrgn ol.Glal¡mshlp rel[Fn, ac€ç{npánylng (oth6rlùðn lâxÉåyer, rr ba3ëd oñ dl filoÌmalþn ot trhÉh ptôpá?ar has ûîy î{nôwlqdgg rñy ) PRESIOENf & CEO or (ìs Ð*¡ætbo4? øYosnNo Tr¡1È Chôck Preparer Use Only iru9, rt lfs dEöu¡! lhlq ¡clum \4rlh thô gúpúrsr ðhown bclow May Itrê ¡f F00966076 8S1065772 OELOITTË TAX LLP Ë 27 1 -3óC0 1400 Form 13 (20f6) I Schedule B (Ëorm 990,990-EZ, or 990.PÐ D€p€¡lmânl þl (hð Troa$ry lûlemâl Böv€nu6 Se¡vlco > > Schedule of ôontributor$ Attrch to Form lnlormalloñ sbout Schodulo I 0Ðû, Form o OMB No, 1545-004t 2016 0!0-Ë2, or Form ggo.PF. {Form 900, 0S0-Ë4 or 990"lFl ånd rts astructfonr b Nämë of thê orgånl:âüon THE LYNOT AND IIARRY SRADLËY ËOUNDATION, INÖ. numbor Organizalion type (check ono): Fllers of: Section: Form 990 or 990-EZ Form 990-FF fl SOtlc¡1 il ¿S¿Z(aXl) nonexempt chantable trust not treatËd as a private D SZI polrtical organization E sol(c)(sl ! +sazla¡¡ [ ¡oticxs] ) (enter number) organrzatron fcundetián Check if your orgänrzatroî rs covored by the Genaral Eule Note: Only a sec'tion 501(c)C , inslructions. Futa. for both tñe F), or (10) organizalion can Rule and a Specral Rule, See General Rulç Ø For an organizatron liùng For.n 990, or morè itn money or property) from contributor's totaì contributions. contrìbutrons lotâling $5,000 ¡nstruollons for delermining a Special Rulos n Ü For an organÍzation described in section S01(cXå) filing Form 990 or 990-EZ that met the 33rls % support test of the rogulatrons undör soölions 509{a){1) and 170(b)(1}þ)(vi), thal cheËked Schedqle A (Ëorm gso or 990-EZ), part ll, line 13, 10a, or 16b, and lhâtrêcÊived lrom åny one conlributor, dunng the year, toläl contflbutionsof the greaterof (1) $5,00û or l2l 2% ol'ttrc åmount on (r) Fsrrr¡ 990; Part Vlll, hne t h, or flr) Form 990-EZ, line 1 . Complete Parls I and ll. For an organlzatron descnbed in section 501(c)(7), {S), or (10) fìling Ëorm 990 or 990-EZ lhal recelved from any one $1 ,000 excluslveÌy tor rÊlloious, charllaþle, solenlilic, literaly, or educalional purposes, or lorlhe prevenllon of cruelty to chlldren or anlmals. Complete Parts l, ll, and lll. conlrlbutor, during tho year, total cantiibutlÕns of more than n Êor an organizatrofl deærlb€d in sectlon 501 (cX?), (8), or (10) f iling Form 990 or 990-EZ that received from any qne €ontnþultr, durtng the yeat, contrrbuttons oxclusiyefy lor reltgrous, cñaritable, elo., purposes, but no such contribuiions tolaled moro than $1,000, lf this box is chscked, ênter herê lhe lotal oonlributions lhat were received during the yea¡ for an exctusívely religious, charitable, elc,, purpose. Don't cornplete any of ìho parts unless the General Rulo appliee to this organlzalion b¿cause it received nonexclustvoly religrous, charilable, etc., conlribulions totaling $5,000 or rnore during the year > $ Car¡tlon: An orgailruatton thal rsn'1 covered bythe General Fule ancl/or the Special Rules doesn'l file Bcheduleì B (Form 990, S90-EZ, or 990-PÐ, þüt it musl an$wer uNo" on Parl lV, llno ?, of ils Form 990: or cheok th€ Þox on lino H ol ils Forrn 990"82 or on its Form 990-PF, Part l, line 2, to cortify that it doesn't moel tho filing requirements ol Schedule B (Form 9S0, 990-EZ, or 990-PR. ForÞaperworlÂoductionActNottcB,Ëåeth6lnsùucÈoneforForîì990,990-EZ,orü90-PF. Csl N0,30ôl3X SchodulöBlForm980,gÐo-EZ,orÐgo-Pnt20fs) *1611115117. SUPERSEDËS RËTURN FILED 11114117 Schodulo B (Form 980.990-EZ, or 090+D (2016) t O Raqo 2 of org€hilatron THE LYNÞE AND HARRY BRADTEY FOUNPATION, INC, Iäil Contributors (See instructions), Uso duplicate copies of Part t if additional No (b) (cÌ Nam€, address, and ZIP + 4 Tötâl contr¡bst¡oñs m FAMILY ú n 610 NSWPORT CÊNTÉR DR. SU}TË å40 Pârl ll lor NEWPÖRT B EACH, CA 92660 No. 2 noncâsh conlr¡bulrons.) Type ol contribution Name, addrass, and ZIP + 4 .9åß9!l[E P".95åP!5.Y_$F.?]9 y.åAy.ISy.9l_9-$Eq.Z¿]St,e.!1 . -... ÏHË NORÏHËRN TRUST COMPANY, TRUSTËE. P O, BOX 8M298 cHtcAGo, tL 60680 {b) No. Type of contrlbutlon Neme, oddrese, and ZlP + 4 {c} Totâl contr¡bul¡on$ Type ol contr¡bution (cÌ Total contrlbutions No. fype of contriþution $ _."^.-_-_-. (b) (c) Name, addret$, and älP + 4 Tolal contrlbutlons Type of conþibutlon ù Schodulo B (Form 990,99ù.ËZr o? 990-PF) (20!61 11,15117 - SUPËRSEDES RETURN FILED 11114117 sohodu¡o B (Forñ 990, 990"82, or 9904F) (2010) I o Fago 3 Name THE LYNDE AND HARRY SRADLFY FOUNDAT1ON, ING f,lflIfi Nonoash Property (See instructìons). Use duplicato cop¡ês of Part ll if 't::. (a) ¡¡o, from Part I {a) No. ftom Psrt I {a} No. frÖm Part I ts (b) Doscription o1 FMV {or Ë$tirnåtÊ} (Ses lnÊtrusg"ß$l noncash proporty gívail (b) Descriplion of nonçash properfy givon lb) : : ":'::.'::::'' ' Descriptlon of nonca¡h proporty g¡ven '..ËMV {cl Dato fd) {orsetimats}, Date recoived {c} FMV {or rstimato) - . {$ss lastrucllonel Date recelvod ,{toa lnstructlons} ',, td) E (a)No. from Part I {c) (bt FMV (or 6stlmâteÌ (Seé ínstrutl0nsf Þescrlptlon cf,no¡ca*h BloB*rty glvan '' (a) No, (c) from FMV (or ostimoto) Part (Sêo inBtructlonsl I {d) Date rscoived (d) Date received q (al lrom Pårt t (cl (b) n ofnoncaeh propsrty givon FMV {ór 6stlmatå) (Ssr lnstructlonsl {d} Þato received schodulô B (Fo7rn ûso, Èeo.Ez, o.980-PF, l?oltl -1811115117. SUPERSEDES RETURN FILED 11114117 $chodulc B (Form 990,980-EZ, or 990-PÐ (2018) I o 4 ol orgânlzä1¡on THE LYÑDE AND HARRY BRAOLEY FOUNDÂTION, INC. or (e)and to organl:ations etc., {10) that total more than $'l 1000 for tho year from any one oontrlbutor. th€ fÖl¡twíng line entry, For organizatlons completing Pârt lll, entêr lhe total of contíbutlons of $1,000 or less for the year. (Ënter thls informatÌon once" See Þart Ë,xclusively religious, is needed, of Part lll if a Use etc., ls held of Transferçe'a name' (Þ) ol and ZIP + 4 {d} Doscfiption of how gif: is held (c) Use ot Purposo of gift of lransleror to transforoo 4 Transferoets name, lo ùonsferso {dl Descrlpllon ot how gift is held ol transleror to lranslereo ZIP+4 (d) (c) Use of g¡ft m Trgnsferoe's name, addtass, snd ZIP + Description ol how glfi ls hold RelatlonshlP of transferor to lrsnslsree 4 -19 3chedul¿ ð (Ëorm 990. * 11115117 99Ge' or 990-PFl (ã0151 - SUPËRSEDES RETURN FILËD 11114117 I ; The Lynde and Harry ßradley FoundaTionr lnc. Attachmentto Fonn 990-pf, Schedule Forthe Ys¿r Énded \2lltlâOl;fi I ThE amount listod on Sch¿dule 8, Part I is reported on a cash btsis, ilradley Foundation, lnc,'s tax method of accounting used ìo complete form 990-PF, Part l, column (bl and {d}. Fopm consistent w¡th Thë Lynde and Harry Bradley Ëoundatlon, lnc.'s on a GAAP accrual basis, Schedule B, Part I reports cash reported on Ëons 990-PF, Part l, Llne l(af includes adjustments coiltributlon receivable amount was adjusted downward lna valuation and ¡ reductlon of cash to be recelved. Thls Form 990-Pt, Part l, Line 1(a), H:\Flnance\185-Tâx\?016\2016 Schedul¿ I Harry and as indicated on Form J hlch is cornpleted thß amaunt Ìe tûå amounts. The propert¡r ðmount on Aüachff ent,Dorx _2a_ ,11115117 - SUPERSÉDES RETURN FILED 11114117 The Lynde and Harry Bradtey lr,**n*037s26 founOrt Summary Schedule of RealÞed Gains (Losses) Ëorm 990-PF Farl lV 8y lnvestment Managor Year Ended December 31, 20't6 ¡NVËSTMËNT MANAGËR Afr¡0U-1,¡T ARTIOANPARTNFRS BAITLIEGIFFORD 312 314 BAIRD AGGREGATË BOND'FUND EAIRO SIIORT.TËRM ËOND FUND BAIRD ULTRA SHORT BOND FUND I { 316: slp CAMBRIÐGE HEDGq FUNÞ$, t CAMBRIDGËTIMgËR ì cÂål't AöË0uNT' s23 öÞLUMBTA ùIANAGËMEÑT '932 NÐTUry 384 FIOUCIARY MANAGEMËNT :34f þIANCOCKTIMBHRLANN TEGACY PRIVATË ËOUITY I ¿ t PIMgo ADVISORS ,ïnz RSTHSCHItD: ,S$0. 364 VANçUARÐ U8 REìT .3rq 3S8 ù WELLINGTON WELLINGTON GLOBAL WËLLS CAPITAL 391 TotalRealized 2¿$,390,735.90 Other JJåT.EO Securities Trust 3Í1q4,fi,p,+q Amounts 2åS."37€4S I 392 t 27)75A321.49 :' Fer K-:l's and Oâin/loss.on saleE/write.off Þetailed lrsting of reallzed gains{psoes i,s a[ the end of the rêtuflì, -'206,H i \Fln8nætltsS.îaìruoï6l2ol6,Reellzed QanÈpsç xhx\Reall¡ed Gârn LÉl-:Tår.tf4,ñÍ5/ì ? ;,SUPERSËÞËS, RETURN Ff LËD, l1il14ll7 I o Part Lirle 'l '¡ Dåsèfiôll,òñ OlhËr lnöömÊ aaì ÉlåEñta âñ¡l avn¡nøq t1l tNcoME FROM K-.ls azt RENTAL ltìlOOillE 13! INTt}ME ËRôMTRU61 ¿ {fìô ã0 (5} SËCTION 1258 MARK TO MARKËT TT:IAL ?fi3.R8 , ge ä¿ll {4I EMPLOYEE JUNY DUTY PAY tclX$ffiid fbl Nel lnvsslmenl lr¡cometr {l o 40.t90 fta qLô t"ERuzz Wb¡ol net lnaarn¡ ni% ffw \å Ð ffi Æ Y ô s6.s¡n 0 I o I 0 3â.3itfl i I '*,2Q71.,1/{,61tfr -'SUFEB$EÞ,ËS .RETII.HN ËlIEq:'lr;/r4n 7 I Fart l. Li¡rr,¡ 16a öåBcrlptloô I l¡ôs (a) Revonuo and (ù) Net ltwaslmerìl lncome úme (olAdlu3têd ne¡ êxóå11så3 fII FOTEY & LARDNER TOTAT 6t¡ 2_831 2åË ñ9ô 2,A31 265 I -l I! *20t11t15t17 - SUFERSEÐ*S RETURN FILEO 11114t17 I ü Faû Daecdpllon (a) Reeanue ond åtù6 laås {b) Nþt lnvestment lncomÊ {c) AdJurtðd n-å¡ l (.I} DË,LOIÏTE I TOUCHE LLP {2I OELO]TIË ÏAX LLÞ 5û_000 4fià n 32.50û ÏÔIAL 6f!.¿ûô 38_200 Ë.?û0 0hüitåblå I -:*{'g* 11/rs./r7.'S-U,PËRSç,0çS.nmURñ'Ëf LËUt:itt{t't,? Part t 16c Deecrlptlon (1) INVËSTMËNT MANAGEMENT FEES I?J.GUSTODIAN FË8.5 t3) ÖoNsuLTlNG pËËs - FlñÀÀtcF (4} ßENERAL CONSULTINO FEES (6) GRANT RËLATËD öONSUtTtNc FEES (8) coMMtsstoN REcAPTURE RËVENUE TOTAL t feæ Olhor (e) Rovonuo ard axDôn*äa 2,56A,152 (b) Net lnwstmant lncomo neSonre ¿,5å0,ss1 3S7.O8 sßá2 0 êT't.oßt'l 6ï't fì 1,S00 0 (20,837) ^ úr öËft ß¿,âaa 31Ë5.723 (c) Ad¡ustsd 1,1 11fit17 ! LÐ. txg 0 b- I ßôâffi t- JT 7n 'Ð.Wd -, t! Ç 0 6n E o ire.6g¿ 0 t SIIFERSEÞHS]HFTUR$I' FILËÞ 0 rrn 1 1 t1 31'! 4t17 I Part I Line 18 Deeulptlon llì ËxôrÈËfÄxÊs {2I FADËRÂL INÖOMË I'AXËô {SI sTATfi INCOME TAXFS Td} FOR.E¡GN TAXSS FÁ,ID fÓTÄI ; Taxe¡ (b)ll¿tlnv€Etmenttncomel (e) Revonue attd årutsn3es (c)Adþatodn nI 6fm.0ûo 'tðü.000 oI ol 5fl 867 ^Õ" ?nn 6At rt L"ó La E tgo-szsl T*^ rso.gzsl ¡l 'L* 0 e at o ^d o o æ n ,& v ö o -âLT+ 11 n:5 117 .'$UFËRSËÞ ES RETU RN,Ëtt-ËÞ. 1 1 l1'4¡ 1'1 o Parl I Desurlpllon o OthÊr ia) Rev*nue and (b) Net investmenl lncome e)aD8n86S i1) PORTFOT¡O MANAGEMENT FEES {2} FOUNDATION AUTO EXPENSË (3)_OFFtCË SUFPLIES, POSTAGÊ, Mtsc {4} TELEPHONE (5) ORGAN]ZATION DUES & FEES (0) GRANT CHËCKtNG SËRV CE CHARGE {7) TRAVEL FOR GRANTÉE EVËNTS (8} VIDEO PROOUÇTION A2 à43 1.958 2.886 o 44,615 2,453 7.366 405 53.538 1 725 5,7S7 0 I 64.14S 1) GRANTEE EVENTS . MAN,AGEMËNT SFRVICtrS 172,0?A 1 8.961 5l 56,2tt {J4I SYMPOSIUM 2? Ê19 (15) COMPUTEfl ANÞ OFFICÉ EOUIPMEÑT I16I trAYROLT. SËRVICF CHARGF 5.797 164 0 172,t26 0 1 13.764 0 56,268 0 0 647 4s,695 0 267,595 1â3 0 2.51d 0 182_318 129.605 0 I 29 605 27,1 1 5 ¿Â 821 10.1 56 0 û I21I GRANTEF RFI ,ATFÐ FXPFNSFS 0 0 27 115 2.062.542 14.q t BROADCASTING TOTAL 86,8?2 0 d5â.7s6 (20) GRANTÊE EVENf 813 8D A4q 13,764 EVEÑTS (13) CONSUL TING FOR GRANTES EVÈNT {17} ËXTËRNAL RËLATIONS 118I GRANÍFF REI.ATFD ÉXPEN.SFS (19) RENTAL PROPÉRTY EXPËNSËS 42,1 53 189.3s2 86,622 (10) OFFSIIE FACILITIES RENTAL (12) MATERIALS. SUPPLIES, AND SUPPORT FOR OFFSITE GRANTEE 0 fin a¿q 'l8s 352 (9) RÊçÊPTION ANO GRANTÉÉ EVENT ËXFENSËS (1 n 56 37q 3.103 I 59.5 28'l 11115117. SUPËRSËDËS RËTURN FILED 11114,'17 I ü The Lynde and Harry Bradley Ëoundstþn, lnc. 3s-6037928 Part ll. Líilp 10h {9,9Q:PFI - Investments - Coreqrete S"tqçE Valuation of Year Method 132,638.000000 A88 LTD 6,126 000000 AccãNluRË PLc 17,353 000000 ADËCCO GROUP AG ss,003.000000 AKER soLUTloNs AsA 91,548.OOOOOO AMEC FOSTER WHEÊLER PLC '11,720.000000 AoN PLc 37.8$9 OOOOOO ARCII CAPITAL GROUP LTD 16,730,000000 BATDU tNc ADR 16.841 OOOOOO CARLSBERG Ä/S 22,875 OOOOOO CIE FINANCIERE RICHEMONT SA FMV ,971.61 ,353.33 FMV 24,s74 000000 GR0UPH BRUXHLTËS 44,409 000000 lMt PLc 39,197.000000 IMPeRIAL Ort LTÐ 206,999,000000 rNG GROEP NV 51,383 000000 lss ÊJs 13,383.000000 KtA MOTORS CORP 2,099,544.000000 LLÖYDS BANKTNG FMV FMV ËMV FMV FMV 28,'t s3.000000 MEDTRoNtc PLc FMV NÔVARTIS AG 99,000.000000 0RKLA AsA 1 3,93û 000000 2,814 OCOOßO PARGESA FMV FMV ËMV 22,8O5.OOOOOO H FMV ËMV FMV NG SA PLC 118,949,000000 848,499 000000 2,247.000000 5,430.000000 GROUP P NICS CO LTD 44,40Q LTÐ 2.600 TD TRASIL SA ADR 30,437. 1S1,383. 810,230 ïËsco HOPHYSICAL COASA LTÐ AG UN ,947 57, s31,670.05 ,131.60 ,404.07 176,05t 000000 coMPASs GRoUP PLc 2210A 000000 cRE0tT sAfsoN Ço rTD 20,275.000000 DtAGEo PLC 98,28r.000000 0lNËïlô G 2î,54A 000000 RäLX 2,803,231 41 717,539 3g EVER PLC ADR pLc ON BLIZZÂRD INC ITY BRANDS INC 9,482.000000 ADOBE SYSTEM$ tNC 8,71O.OOOOOO ALËXION PHARMACEUTICALS INC 13.148.OOOOOO ALIBABA GROUP HOLDING LTD ADR 2,005.000000 AMAZÖN"coM lNc 30,e80 2, 2,S19,1 01 ,45 1,737,t58,03 434,908.90 I,621,097.89 2,005,338.19 1,6ö2,665.91 899,4û4"03 f ,743,391 55 183,5Ê6.88 319,146 73 397,012.75 rMV 2J29,730,52 FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV 2,354,813.73 3,352,455.48 FMV 2,108,675,36 2,025,504.54 2,070,900.91 73,827.12 ËMV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV 626,1 11,41 '1,2'18,255.98 123,942.22 1,46-7,805.59 FMV 3,537,169,68 ã96,336.40 576,115.00 1,092,888.07 1 ,'t I 5,076.80 633,018.12 976,171"90 FMV '1,065,668"50 FMV 1 ,1 FMV SA 79.30 ,456,0ö3.0û 1,518,097 85 3,260,917.4ô 393,549.98 737,191,88 2,099,930.55 570,089 40 1,365,267.42 FMV FMV É,MV FMV 54,525-88 1,503,489.35 1,137.971 61 2Ê4,353,33 531,670.05 1,307,131.60 3,262,404.07 ?,750,579,30 1,45ô,063.CIg 1,518,097.85 3,260,9t7 45 393,549,98 737,191.88 ?,099-930,55 570,6€9,40 1,36ö,267.42 ?,919,101,45 1,?37,858,03 434,908 90 1,021,697.89 ?,005,338,'t9 1,662,685,91 899,404 03 1,743,391 55 183,566"88 319,140.73 397,012 75 ?,'i29,73A.52 2,3$4,913.73 3,352,¡155.48 626,11 1.41 1,216,255 88 123,942.22 2.108,075.36 2,025,504.54 2,070,900_91 73,627.12 1,4ô7,805,59 3,537,189.68 596,336,40 576,1'15,00 1,092,888,07 1,1 15,076.80 633,018.12 976,171,00 1,065,ô68.60 1,154,5?5,88 1,$03,499.35 -213* 11115117. SUPERSËDËS RETURN FILÊD 111'14117 I a The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, lnc. 3S-0037S28 Valuation 3,352 000000 BIOGEN INÇ 27,963.ö00000 BRISTOI..MYERS SQUIBB CO 1 2,096.000000 GËLGENH CORP 26,880,0CI0000 CHARLES SCHWAB CORP/THE 4,740.0û0000 COSTCO WHOLËSALË CORP 10,227.000000 DEXCOM INC 7,792.000000 ËDWARÐS LIF*SCIËNCHS CORP 10,505.000000 FACEtsOOK INC 7,674.000000 ¡ILUMINA fNC 7,830.000000 INTERCEPT P I-{ARMACEUTICALS IN 17,760 OOOOOO INTËRCONTINËNTAL ËXCHANGË INC 5,147.000000 MERCADOLIBRE tNe 30,61 0"000000 M08tLËYË NV 24.363 OOOOOO MONËTËR BEVËRAGË TORP 26,169.000000 NIKE tNC 4,1 00,000000 NVIþtA coRP 8,460,000000 pALo ALTo NEl^/oRK8 tNC 040.000000 pRtcËLtNt GROUP I 15,972,000000 $AtEsFoRÇF,coM I 1 2,686.000000 sERVlcENow tNc 3,772.000000 4,087.000000 sHlRÉ PLc 19,282.000000 SPLUNK 25,770 000000 STAR 1,520 000000 ULTA 14,849.0000G0 VERTËX 13,815,000000 vtsA NËW YO 14,150. 16,425, 32,150, Y INC HA F'MV DOLLAR 1,166,E53.20 1,0E0,255.42 1,330.170.2? tNc HO INTERNATIONAL OF WA INTÊRNATIONAL INO cþrAsE & ,925 14, 11,900. 17, co 982,578 96 850,729.50 1,002,019,20 803,652.58 1,166,853.20 1,O80,255.42 1,330,170.27 ËMV FMV '1,231,490,40 '1,231,490,40 1,û93,443.12 FMV FMV FMV FMV 943,077,24 1,013,687.28 FMV f ,430,750.40 3S7.508.80 1,430,750.40 FþV ÊMV 1,093,92.S.83 FI\JM 1,077,846,30 1,ð30.156.25 1,093,925.83 1,077,846,30 1,830,15Ê.2S 1,222,320.00 1.401,555.75 FMV FMV FU¡V 1,093,443.12 696,343.06 986,274.30 1,22?.3â0.00 1,401,555.75 1,628,ô87.50 2,306.107.00 778,þ52.25 2,219,957.50 943,077.24 1,013,687.28 39ô,343.0ô 98ô,274.30 387,508.80 't,ô28,687.50 2,306,167 00 778,052 25 2,?19,957,80 1,424,904.A0 1,9e2,8S5.00 1 ,609,198,00 1,424,004.00 FMV FMV FMV 1,572,912.00 F'MV 1,914,421.25 1,790,989.25 1,0'10,253.00 1,572,912.00 1,914,421.25 FMV FMV 915,011,50 855,312,50 1,506,447,00 868,008 75 ËMV FMV FMV 1,53ö,'197.50 1,508,253.75 1,400,475.00 ËMV 22,575 000000 ôRACLË CORP 24,025 000000 PAccAR lNc 83,375.OOOOOO POTÂ.SH CORP OF SASKATCHEWAN IN 39,45O,OOOOOO PROGRESSIVÊ CORP/THE 1,200.600,25 437,634.00 807,823.00 FMV FMV CORP STLË SA ADR IÇOM GROUP INC 1,080,953.60 758,921,40 610,551.90 729,173,40 437,634.00 807,823.00 FMV 3 COMMUNICATIONS ¡NC 1,ø34,157 72 1,399,996,25 FMV FMV FMV CORP CORP 996,25 953.60 758,921"40 10,551.90 173 40 08,600.25 982,578 96 8s0,729.50 1,002,019.20 803,652.s8 FMV FMV FMV co 3l,200 28,500. 54,200 CORP MËLLON CORPiT 950,56016 FMV FMV CAN Value 1,962,855 00 1,ô09,198 00 1,796,989 25 1,010,253.00 915,011,50 855,312.50 1,ô0ô,447.00 868,008 75 'l,535,197.50 '1,509,253,75 1,400,475.00 -2t411115117. SUPËRSËDHS RËTURN ËILED 11114117 t o The Lynde and llarry Bradley Foundatlon, lnc. 39-6037928 Part ll. [ine,1,0b l990.PF) . lnvestmqnþ - Corporate StoçK Veluatlon 3,85O,OOOOOO RCIGKWELL AUTOMATION INC 13,3s0 000000 Ross sToREs tNc 21,375,OOOOOO SCHLUMBFRGER LTD 12.125.OOOOOO STANLEY BLACK & DECKER INC 23.175 OOOOOO TE CONNECTIVITY LTD 22,750 OOOOOO TWENry.FIRST CENTURY FOX INC 47,075 OOOOOO TWENry.FIRST CENTURY FOX INC 22,425.OOOOOO UNILEVER PLC ADR 12,75Q OOOOOO UNITËÖHEAITH GROUP INC 5,680,000000 AAR coRP 3,818,000000 ABM tNDUSTR E$ tNC 6,OB3,OOOOOO ACORDA THERAPEUTICS INC 5,6ö0,000000 AcxtoM coRP 8,380.OOOOOO AG MORTGAGE INVËSTMENT 11,210 OOOOOO AIR TRAN$PORT SERVICES 25,210 OOOOOO AK STËEL HOLDING CORP 3,31 0.000000 ALLETE INC 3,850 000000 AMËDlsYâ tNc 8,7gO,OOOOOO AMERIÇAN EAGTF tñc 2,470.000000 AMERIcAN 9,6e0,000000 APoLLo 2,92ô OOOOOO ARGCI GROUP 4,878,000000 AVlsïî Ç0 3,750,000000 BANNER INÇ s,970,000000 BARNHE 2,040.000000 BEAcoN SUPPL 5,A70 000000 4,920,000000 B 3;217 000000 1 1,1 90.000000 1,e80,000000 CORP rNc 1,340 12,180, 2,730. 0,400 7,180 6,660 E CORP NËRAI BANCORP CEDAR TRUST INC BANKS INC 000000 LABORATORIES INT rNc c o FACTORY INC/THE cl-{ URS CO/THE 1 DREN'S PI-ACE INC/THE 7,650 CORP TER PAPER CORP 3,110, 8,870.000000 cNo FTNANCTAL GRoup tNc 4.200 OOOOOO COMMVAULT SYSTEMS INC 5,920 000000 CoNVERGYS coRP 2,29O,OOOOOO COOPËR.STANÞARD HOLÞINGS INC Value ËMV 517,440 00 875,760 00 ,25 '1,794,431.2,5 ,616.25 ,564.00 ,910,00 793.7s ?,697,50 1,390,616.25 1,ô05,564,00 1,282,793,f 5 912,697.50 ,040,510 00 2,040,510.00 FMV FMV 187,724A0 197,724.0Ð 155,927.'t2 155,92712 114,360,40 114.3€0 40 f 51,420.00 J51,420.00 43,381.80 143,381.80 f FMV FMV 637,910.00 178,911.60 178,91 ?57,394.10 212,468,90 FMV 257,394,10 212,488.90 164,125 50 132,434,10 FMV FMV 185,8Ê7.50 161,047"80 185,867.50 Fil¡V 192,823,40 ËMV ËMV ËMV 195,07122 209,2t7.50 ËMV Fh4V FMV FMV Ëf\Ív FMV F¡JIV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV ËMV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV 283,097.40 93,982.80 216,309.50 247,033.20 197,330 70 201.755_70 125.076 60 166,562.00 124,114.2Q 148,976.10 243,392 00 46,885,40 167,ô32,2û 250,665,10 '159,508,60 174,250.80 18S,881.40 180,700.50 18ô,736.50 203,860.50 169,860.50 215,880.00 145,305,20 238,740.20 1 .80 164,125 50 132,434,',t 0 r61,047.S0 92,823 40 195.071,22 1 209,287.50 283,097.40 93,0t2.80 216,309 50 247,033 20 I97,330.78 ?01,755,70 125,076,60 160,562,00 124,114.20 148,976,10 243,392.00 46.885.40 1ô7.632.?0 250,665,10 159,568,60 174,250.80 186,8ð1,40 180,700"50 't86,736.50 203,860,S0 16e,860.50 215,880,00 145,395.20 236,740.20 -2t 5* 11115117 - SUPfrRSËDES RËTURN FILËÐ 11114117 o o The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundallon, lnc, 39-6037928 Valuation SharesiPar 4,990,000000 cYNo$uRfr tNc 12,540.000000 DËAN FOöDS CO 3,893,000000 nËtuxE coRP 8,340.0000G0 DEPOMED tNC 7.2OO,OOOOOO DËVRY ËÞUCATION GROUP INC 6.300,000000 DtEBOLD N XDORF tNC 7.1SO.OOOÛOO ÞUPONT fABROS TËCHNOLOGY INC 5,797,000000 EMcoR GRoUP INC 3,875,000000 ENERSYS 4.88O.OOOOOO ËNTERPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES 9,260.000000 FXPRESS tNC 8,79O,OOOOOO FEDERATED NATIONAL I{OLDING CO 4,270.0000û0 FtBR0GËN tNC 10,160 000000 FlNtsAR coRP 6,99O.OOOOOO FIRST MERCHANTS CORP 4,660 CIOOOOO 4,750.000000 7,720.000û00 6,301 000000 8,54û.000000 7,380,000000 FMV FMV FMV FIV¡V FMV FMV HANMI FtNANCtAL FMV HeALTt-tsouTþl FMV HERITAGË iNsu IN t.tFF tNc ËMV FMV FI\ñV Ést 2,111000000 tcu NC HOLDIN & 3,730.000000 lNc 1,570.000000 tNF N TY 2 760.000000 I c FMV ËMV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV 1,090 FMV ËMV RP FMV FMV FMV FMV tNc tNc FMV FMV lNc 2,994 4,540 tNt LI REALTY CORP IÛTT VACATIONS WORLDWIDE C CORP 4,980.000000 MASTEC tNC 12,O4O.OOOOOO MED]CAL PROPERTIES TRUST INC 8,300 OOOOOO MERIT MEDICAL SYSTËMS INC s,380.000000 MtcRosEMt coRP t 777.73 50,286.80 00 58,445. 00 099, 50 10,195.72 302,õ37,50 209,E40.00 99,637.60 164,285.10 91,378.00 307,543.?0 G.IlIAPPARËL GROUP tTD GENSRAC þ,toLDtNcs tNc 14,1rt 000000 HoRtzoN 7,500 000000 HuÐsoN 730 12.370 Value Method FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV F[4V FMV 263,'1?3.50 137,749 60 193,51 5.00 269,426.00 259,853.24 133,821 80 223,245.00 228,299.80 260,850.00 311,055.85 198,198.00 138,003.00 185,389.2{¡ 227,544.00 273,'t21.20 278,777"73 150,286.80 224,640,00 158,445.00 314,099,s0 410,195 72 302,837.50 209,840.00 99,8$7.60 104,285 10 91,378,00 307,543.20 263,173 50 137,749.60 1S3,515.00 269,428 00 259,853.24 133,821.80 223,245"00 228,299.80 260,850.00 311,055.85 196,198.00 138,003,00 185,389.20 265,353.t0 't7f ,045.60 265,353 00 31S,680.90 315i68t.60 168,048.70 168,648.70 145,438.7û 319,E38 00 217i23A.00 214,454 40 190,û41.60 r 56.751.00 105,862.4û ?30,455.40 291,398,40 360,131.50 358,977.40 254,040.90 305,996,00 190,4ô5.00 148,092.00 219,950.00 290,358.60 171,045,60 145y'38.70 319;83t 0o 217,%0.40 ?14,454,40 190,041.80 156,751.00 r05,892 40 230,455.40 291,398,40 360,131.50 358,977.40 254,040 90 305,996"00 190,48s.00 148,092 00 219,950,00 290,35ô.60 *2L611115117 - SUPERSËDËS RËÏURN ËItËD 11114117 t o The Lynde and Harry trâdlêy Foundatron, lnc. 39-6037928 *,fl,,f-t,,1,!, Llne 1P",h",.(990-PF) I llrvestrnents - Gorporate Stock Valuatlon 950.t00û00 MIôROSTRATËGY INC FTúV 3,400 000000 4,180 000000 10,800,o00000 11,900,000000 4,010 000000 6,833 000000 5,700 000000 9,730.000000 11,740,000000 MINERALS TECHNOLOGIËS INC MOTINA HTALTHTARE ING NATIONAL STORAGE AFFILIATES TR NËKTAR THERAPEUTICS NETGEAR INC NEUSTAR INC NUVASIVË INC OLO NATIONAL BANTORP/IN OM ASSËT MANAGEMENT PLC 3,204.00oCI00 PAPA JOHN'S INTERNATIONAL INC 3,934,000000 PAREXEL INTERNATIONAL CORP 1,640.000000 PDc ENERGY tNC 4.e20 000000 PËGAsYsïFMs tNc 21 004000 Õ00üf'0 stL rNc FMV FM\/ CORP CORP 4,60t, '11,500. 6, 1,910 rcÂLs tNc N co SYNNEX SOFTWARE 8, NG CORP ,458. BANCSHARES 8,400 000000 9,180 OOOOOO 2.290 OOOOCIO 2,670,000000 2,250,000000 tNc HOLDINGS CORP UNITÊÐ COMMUNITY BANKS ÍNC/GA UN]VËRSAL ËORËST PRODUCTS ING us coNcRETE tNc us slLlcA HoLDtNGS FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV 274,19t,32 258,542.48 119,031.20 258,542.49 119,031 20 177,120.00 177,120.00 121,567,20 INC 17ö,599 50 170,230,00 r71,157.00 3Q1,176.0Û 5ô,935 55 18$,180"40 åeg,ggs.zo 90,024rQ0 387;109.40 ?3q100"00 88;076 00 215,993.50 154r89450 2tå'8ã3,ü0 137,800.00 151¡å64.50 13'7,80S.0ü 2e8,467.50 268,467.50 161,109"00 188,380.06 1 58,1 30.00 183,147.25 161,109.00 188,380,06 229,770.00 292,õ47.50 i58,130,00 183,147.26 229,77A,00 292,û47,50 154,929.00 154,929.60 231J4ø.20 231,148.20 411,571.50 271,830.00 FMV FMV 411,571.50 ?71,830.00 243,824.00 2e2,430.88 FMV FMV 197,872.2Ð 120,$55"40 1g"t,672.20 1?0,655 40 FMV FMV FMV FMV Flvlv 207,060.00 271,911.60 233,992.20 207,060 00 221,585 22 271.911,60 233,992,20 174,8å5.00 127,530.00 174,885 00 127,530.00 F$/ìV BANCSHARES INC TEXAS ROADI-IOUSE INC 11,799 FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV 146,013.00 217,943.50 228,222,20 383,952 00 176,599 50 170,230,00 274,'199.32 .il21,587,20 J71,1$7.00 9,400 000000 PoLYCINF coRP 1,.å6? 000ü00 ffoRp 2,744 POWËR å,0s0.0ûû0ûü 4,4?0 t00000 7,100 000t00 1,800 000000 5,123. 146,013.00 7,943 50 20 4,990.0CI0000 PNM RESOUR0ËS tNC ,,12t 187,600.00 262,6S0,00 226,806"80 238.3s6.00 FMV 2,220.00t000 Pt¡NTRoNlcs rNc 1'?,,X50 Value FMV 221,585.22 243,824,Ð0 292.4s0,88 -2I7 11115117. SUPERSEDES RETURN FILED 1'1114117 I o ïhe Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundalion, lnc, 39-6037928 Valuation 3,375.000000 vlAD coRP VISHAY INTERTECHNOLOGY INC 12,51 O.OOOOOO WABASH NATIONAL CORP 6,010.000000 wEB.cÖM GRÖUF tNC 3,970 OOOOOO WINTRUST FINANCIAL CORP 3.530 OOOOOO WOLVERINE WORLD WIDE INC 1,500.000000 wsFS FtNANCtAL oORP 31,700 000000 AMc NETWORKS tNC 27,400.000000 BWX TËcHNoLoGtÉS tNC 12,900 OOOOOO CABOT MICROELHÇTRONIÇS CORP ô3,900,000000 cALGoN cARBoN CORP 64, I 00.000000 oHANN Et_ADVtsoR CORp 22,1 00.000000 coMPAss MtNERALS NAL I,900,000000 csT BRANDS lNc 48.f 00.000000 DtG TALGLoBË tNC 14,320.000000 DoLBy LASoRATOR ËS tNC 65,300.000û00 ENTEGRtg lNc 120,300 000û00 F RËËYË tNc 46,100 000000 FL R sYgTEMs tNc I 9,OOO,OOOOOO HALYARD HTATTH 10,408 000000 HYSTER-YALÉ rúA 100,800 000000 KNowLÊs 12,800,000000 UNDSAY 40,000,000000 tfoNs c 40,000,000000 HoNS CORP 99,000.000000 LtvE tNc 26,400 000000 Now Value FMV 148,837.50 14,44O.OOOOOO INÕ 233,92t.00 ,e08.20 FMV FMV ËMV FMV FMV FMV s,100. 13,639, 3,100, ROOËING SUPPLY INC NE INC SÍOCK HOLDINGS INC SOTTWARË INC PING WORLÐ HOLDINGS INÇ s.090,000000 cAVtuM tNc 34,530.000000 cERUs coRP 4,01 O.OOOOOO COMMVAULT SYSTËMS INC 1.290 OOOOOO COOPHR-STANDÂRD HOLDINGS INC 1,086,300,00 r19,835,00 s19,835,00 1,731,535.00 1,731 ,53S,00 426,,535 00 42å,536.00 1,378,065.00 647,120.E0 1,168,870.00 1,431,670-00 1,668,35S 00 702,920.00 6æ,718.16 1,ô84,369.00 956,008.00 1,076,000"00 981,600.00 1,569,40û,0û 1,378,065.00 647,120 80 1,168,870.00 1,431,S70.00 1,568,359.00 702,620,00 603,718,16 1,684,368.00 955,008.00 't.076,000.00 981,600,00 1,569,400"00 540,408,00 FIIiIV 4tð,639,00 FMV FMV FMV '1,201,408.00 1,091,5A5,00 912,625,00 ËMV t64,556.00 FMV 1,547,334-00 FMV rNc 288,102.90 77,483 50 69,525,00 1,659,178.00 1,087,780.00 814,993.00 525.00 178.00 ,0t7,780 0û 814,993,00 1,086,300,00 FMV FMV 11,340 t?7,111.50 102 90 77,483.5û FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV 197,908.20 ,11 1.50 FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV 224,617.50 82,256:40 375,35¡1,00 f26,1ô5't8 FMV 107,120,00 282,790,84 319,265.10 27,514,74 177,450 00 ËMV 229,135.20 FMV FMV 101,029.00 317,819.6ü 1ö0,205 50 224,817 50 82,256,40 375,354.00 12ö,f 65,16 107,120,00 282,796.90 319,205.10 27,574.74 177,450,00 229,135 20 101,029.00 3't7,819.60 FMV FMV 206,114.00 150,205.50 206,'t 14 00 FMV 133,360.20 133,380,20 *218* 11115117. SUPERSEDES RETURN FILEÞ 1'I¡141'17 t I The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, lnc 39-6037928 P*tt ll-Llne l0b 1990-PFl - lnvestments - Corporate Stock Valuation 3,442.000000 COUPA $OFTWARE INC Value FMV 86,084.42 DRÉW INÞUSTR¡ËS INC DYCOM INDUSTRIËs ¡NC ENTELTUS MEDICAL INC ENVËSTNET INC ËXTRACÏION OIL & GAS INC FINANTIAL ËNGINES INC FIVE BEIOW INC F]VH9INC GLAUKOS CORP GRAND CANYON HDUCAÏION GRANITE CONSTRUCTION GUIDEWIRE SOFÍWARË HABIT RESTAURANTS I{EALTHEOUITY INC FMV FMV 368,095.00 438,939.20 204,725 00 203,936.80 HËICO CORP HESKA CORP HUBSPOT INC ICON PLC IMAX CORp FMV 8,090.0000t0 CYBËRARK SOËTWARE LTD 9,5E2.000000 1,900.000000 2,$40.000000 8,602.000000 14,619.000000 2,044 000000 ,9,340 000000 3,857 000000 1CI,t30.000000 11,444,000000 6,450,000000 4,150,000000 1,S50 000000 15,?87 û00000 1 1,250 000000 2,360 000000 2,040 000000 7,453 Ð00000 2,980,000000 12,820.000000 8,064.f,00000 4,360 000000 4,590,000000 13,680,000000 5,476 000000 5,130.000000 4,888.000000 4,814 000000 6,019,000000 GYNOSURE INC tNc 154,125,72 150,839.70 382,529"20 FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV tNc FMV INOGËN INTFGRA INÏERXION 725.00 203,936.60 26,757 54 5,319.75 40,961.76 343,245.00 FMV FMV FMV ENC ING NV JO tNc 377,002.50 ?28,250 00 96,193.50 263,355,75 455,850 00 182,074.t0 189,024.00 350,291,00 224,098.00 402,548.00 4?4,166.40 202,8ô1.20 393,776.10 479,757.60 126,757.54 515,319.75 40,901.76 343,245.00 1ã4,12õ,72 150,839.70 392,5?9,20 377.002,50 228.250 00 s6,193,50 2ã3,355,75 455,850,00 ß2,474.00 109,024.00 350,291.00 224,096,00 402,548.00 424,166.40 292,861.20 393,776.10 4?9,757.90 1ö4,280.G0 1fr,?80,00 FMV 440,923.50 440,923,50 FMV FMV 160,?40.89 106,240.88 487,898.90 4t7,898 90 FMV $1 1,285.76 611,285.76 ô,970, 550, FMV 384,41510 3t4,415,10 FMV 83,473.50 83,473 50 5,170 rMV 49Ð,163.50 499,1S3 50 FMV 699,339.20 ô99,339.20 FMV 148,223.04 192,515.80 1?1,436,82 85,522r60 148,223.04 192,S15,80 121,43ô,8? HOLDINGS INC 4,760 5.754. co rvTAT FMV FMV 8,831 000000 NGS INC SY$TËMS INC SEM¡ CORP 211 5,240. 14,180 920, HOLÞINGS CORP POWER SYSTEI\/IS INC WATHR PROÞUCT$ INC R CORF s,240 000000 NATUS MËÞrcAL tNc 1?,0t0.000000 NAUTILUS lNc 5,160.000000 NEVRO CORp 19,990,000000 NXSTAGE MËDtCAt lNc FMV 408,552.00 246,120.93 429,313.?0 85.522,ô0 408.552,90 246.120,93 4?9,313,20 188,735,80 ÊMV FMV FMV FMV 18E,735.80 FMV 71.392.00 71,392.00 ËMV 182,3S2 00 182,352.00 FMV FMV 223,480.00 374,925,60 s23,937,90 223,4ô0,00 374,925 60 523,937,90 FMV -2L9* 11115117. SUPËRSEDËS RETUñN FILËD '11114117 o o The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundatlon, lnc. 39-6037928 Part ll. L-ine l0b lgg0-PF) * lnvestments - Gorporate Stock Valuation of Yea¡ B,23O.OOOOOO OLLIE'S BARGAIN OUTLET HOLOING FMV 234,143,50 834,624.00 364,829,80 131,383.78 3ô4,351.€0 223,532.10 18,900 000000 8,020.000000 4,378.000000 5,020,000000 1 1 ,1 21 .000000 9,410 000000 22,932 000000 5,206 000000 664,816.50 661,588.20 94,384.78 1?9,263 97 299,262.20 260,93E.80 248,436.00 454.677,80 265,356.00 154,690.00 593,733.00 200,438.94 3,3S9.000000 9,710 000000 I 3,320 000000 12.060 000000 10,190,000000 7,280 000000 3,100.000000 24,234.000000 21,346 000000 9,721.000000 5,350,000000 7,510 000000 7,227 040000 6,979.000000 2,830 000000 738 OOOOOO TYLER TÉCHNOLOGIES INC 2,696.OOOOOO ULTRAGENYX PHARMACEUTICAT INC 1, 1 OO OOOOOO UNIVERSAL ELETTRONICS.INC 8,696,000000 WAGEWORKS tNC 8,903,00û000 wlN0sToP tNc 1 1,984,000000 XAôTLY CORP 10,740.000000 zELTtg AEsTt-lETtcs INc 22?.OOOOOO SAMSUNÊ ÊLECTRONICS CO LTD ïotal lnvestments - Corporate Stock ô79,40û 69 84,7Ð7.50 FMV FMV FMV FMV 105,364 26 '189,555 76 FMV 71,005.00 â30,460.00 2ø3,435.77 FMV 131,8?'¿f FMV 407,404.80 263.393.06 FMV .00 287,633,00 160,439.40 115,153 50 81,645.50 105,364.26 189,556.76 71,005.00 ô30,460.00 263¡439.77 131,824,00 487,404.80 2Ê3,393.06 221,1ô8,592.33 221,168,592,33 111151J7. SUPERSËÞËS RETURN FILËD 11114117 I o The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundalion, lnc. 39-6037928 Part ll, Line J3,f,99,0-PË) - lnvestments -,Othe,r : Valuatíon Method Shares/Par Value Fixed lncome Mutual Ëunds 1,872,A96 28 BAIRD AGGREGATE BOND FUND.IS 4,257,115 48 ÐAIRO SHOftT TËRM BÖNÞ FD.INS 20, ïotal Frxed Income Mutual Funds t1J,ü3,?25.77 CornmÍngled Funds/Mutual Funds 526,971.21 ACACIA INTL FARTNERSLP ô,032,943 07 BAILLIE GIFËORÐ - INTL. LO 11,543,99 oFt - FM 2,2Ô4,792 73 PIMCO REAL RETURN FUND-INST 145,841,Aâ VANGUARD GLX-US RL EST-INST 840,654.38 VANGUARD RÊIT INDEX FUÌ{D-INS 4,336,51 7.09 WËLLINGTON COMMODITIËS 1,890,919 04 WELLINGTON . GLOBAL i ..1:i FMV ËMV FMV PMV rMv rMV FMV FMV . I rotal Çommingled Funds ö1,163,72S.?7 :. s2ü,971.21 çü,9s9,T93.1 1 41,A36,797.79 24,07ê,33S.Så 14,649,å64,3ì 15,207,437 ?t 30,2ô8,889,30 18,512,10ô,19 5?È,97't,21 60,959,123,f 1 41,836,797 79 24,076.336 58 't4,648,354 31 15,2A7,437,70 30,268,889.30 18,512,106 19 205,936,016,19 205,936.016.19 Hedge Funds 2,096,03 744.25 5,383,47 5,430.78 169.51 .17 4,351"08 4,180.22 3,429.08 207 1 10.99 34,154.39 Hedge Fund #2 Hedge Fund #3 rMV Hedge Fund #6 Hedge Fund #8 Hedge Fund #10 Hedge Fund #12 Hedga.Fund #13 Hedge Fund #14 Hedge Fund #18 F{edge Fund #?0 Hedge Fund #22 Hedge Ëund #23' rMV . .?7.çñ ' 1?,tg ltadge F.ur¡d #äÈ. :::: 42.25 lledge".Fund #29 ' 5364"58 Hedge Fund #3â FMV FMV FMV FMV rMV FMV FMV FMV FMV rMV ,. FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV 3,648.38 Hedge Fund #31 5;7f3 30 Hedge,Fund #32 3,700.00'ltedge Fund #33 6,000.00 Hedge Fund #34 3,84'1,213.00 5,837,7S0.00 5,064,333.35 7,848,438,00 1 55,1 88,1 4 3,031,?50.00 s,864,671.16 6,333,584.7S 3,999,ô18.82 16,568.40 12,021.93 1 1,00ô,64 29,932 86 4,569,990.00 6,000,769.00 5,371,946,39 5,962,943.03 1 1 73250,178,34 3,841,213.00 5,837,790.00 5,064,333.35 7,848,438.00 1 S5,1 EE.14 3,031,?50.00 5,864,671.,l6 6,333,564.76 3,99s,618.82 16,568.40 1?,021,93 11,006.64 29,932,46 4,568,990.00 6,000,769,00 5,37't,946.39 5.9ô?.943.03 1J 73,250,f78.34 *22L11N5117 - SUPËRSEDES RETURN FILED 11114117 t o Ihe Lynde and Harry Sradley Ëoundalion. lnc, 39-60e7928 valuåtion M Lrmrted Partnershrps 7,232,782,Ð0 Llmrted Partnershþ #1 2;816,602 00 Limited Partner;hrp #Z 2,15Ð,062 00 Limited partnership #O 1,93S,684.00 Limited Partnershp 3,605,773.40 limited Parlnership 928.342,35 Llmfted Pârtnership 1,319,960 00 Limited Partnershrp 1,823,473,00 [imited partnurshrp #4 #5 #0 #7 #t 1,7'88,296 00 LÍmlted Partnershtp #g 15,680,00" limited Partnership #1 0 248,093,00 Umitêd Partnershtp #11 ,944 96 Ltmtted Partnershrp #12 42,832.AA Limited Partnershrp #1 3 1,902,987 30 Umited Parlnership #14 736,009.04 Umited Partnership #16 2,951,171 35 Limited PartnershÌp #16 1,86A,927.42 Limited Partnership 7 '168,564.06 Limited 2,758,407.48 Limited 1,939,025 66 Llmited 8,47 8,ç42,48 [imited Partnershîp #2 1 3,556,574 00 Limited #22 AET ,7 5'18,474 FMV Ff\4V F[4V 00 Limited 1,ö64,141.68 Limited 1,186,7A4.28 Limlted 723,59200 '1,606, 579, 932,0 333, 8l #30 1,836,1?4,00 #31 00 65 #32 #33 #34 #35 5 24 2,554, 2,378, #ß6 Li #37 #38 3,00 35 1 s,419 3,081 Limited Limited 1,234,603.00 Lfmited Partnarship #45 1,958,503.00 Limlted Partnershlp #46 928,79'1 .00 Lirïitèd Partnership ll47 862, 81 1. 00 3, 14 1 151, 00 2,?;A7,837, 00 282,715.00 2,542,51 o, 00 2,0¿9, 706 00 FMV FMV 'l,588,887.00 8,828,09â, 00 3,797,065. 00 783,1 10. 00 709,325. 00 1,589,887, 00 '1,254,90'1,00 1,254,901 00 FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV ËMV FMV FMV ËMV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV 745,212.00 1,697,140.00 s90,042.00 330,126,00 1,823,061.00 918,268.00 Ê,623,?95.00 5,029,196.00 858,S90.00 368,853.00 2,A43,022"00 2,508,750.00 1.769,863.00 3,275,9?7.00 389,920.00 50s,931.00 s,355,f 75.00 3,382,982,00 1,133,0e9.00 1,993,796.00 942,521.00 745,212 00 1,097,143. 00 s90,042, 00 330,1 20. 00 1,823,061, 00 918,268. 00 6,623,795. 00 5,029,196, 00 858,560. 00 368,853 0û FMV FMV FMV 489,451 O0 Limited 2,100,097,00 862,811 00 3,'141,151.00 2,207,S37.00 282,715.00 2,542,516,00 2.029,706.00 8,828,096.00 9,797,065.00 783,110.00 709,325.00 2,443,022,00 2.508,750. 00 1,769,063. 00 3,275,521.00 389,920 00 508,93 1 00 5,355, 75 00 3,382,982. 00 1 33,029 00 1 .993, 7e6.00 942 521 00 *222* 11115117 - SUPËRSEDES RETURN ËILËD 11114117 I I The Lynde and Harry Bradley Ëoundation, lnc, 39-6037928 Part ll, Line 13 1990-PFl - lnvestmentq - Othçr Valuation Shares/Par 414,073.00 16,861,638.00 5,124,430.33 154.00 3,397,28 23,368.00 63,678 00 50,523.00 LrmÉed Partnership f4E ËMV FMV Limiled Pêrtnersh¡p #49 Llmrted Limited Limited Limited Limited Limiled 2,1t0,802 28 Llmiîed gf 2,736.00 Limited 2,658,034.00 Limiled 1 ,299,774 Ð0 limlted 3,129,121.50 Limited 2,547,580.00 LimÌted 642,765.00 Llmiled 1,'192,756.00 hmúed 1,709,407.00 Limiled Partnershìp Partnershrp Partnershlp Partnership Parlnershfp Partnershíp Partnership Partnership Partnersh¡p Partnership Partnershlp Partnershíp Partnership Partnership Partnership Partnershrp #50 #52 #53 #56 #62 5, 0.00 0.00 #63 ËMV #6+ #65 #66 #67 MV FMV FMV FMV #68 #69 #70 #71 #72 3,045,69Ð.13 Limited 4,757,434.44 Limited 3,7?1,900.00 Limiled 39,140 97 Limlted 1,610,234.00 Límited Parlnership #77 3,370,2'18,00 Limitéd FMV FMV ËMV FMV ilmiled FMV 1,8S5,504"00 Limiied 1,5ô2,662 00 Lrmiled 258,326 00 Lirnrted 1,703,51ô.80 FMV 2,3',16,795.1V rMV FMV FMV FMV FMV 351,770 3,361,"t84 514,251.35 21 000 00 .00 1 .00 Li 367 95 376 85 1 #86 #87 #88 #49 #90 FMV FMV #91 FMV il92 FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV FMV #93 hlp #94 Partnershrp #95 ï 962,708.00 2,690,776-00 1,442,46S.00 3,120,570"00 2,481,399 00 642,367.00 f ,204,d54.00 1,809,Ë48.00 3,838,437.00 4,931,526.00 3,792,534.00 146,113,00 1,593,ô5õ.00 4,239,978.00 2,126,166,0û 1,889,7,l7,00 1,663,62S,00 27?,469,00 1,723,121.00 821,1S2,00 441,282.00 a,717,044.00 520,525 00 189,684.00 228,â23.00 ' 282,73t,0! 3,072,00 145,450,00 447,709.00 1,417,188 00 196,018 00 4?3.87S.00 ,3d9,995.00 5,112,7ô5.00 0.00 0,00 18,385.00 63,678.00 55,542,00 2,100,e02,00 9ô?,708.00 2,690,77S.00 1.442,469 00 3,120,570 00 2.{t1,39S.00 ô42,367,00 1,20*,454 00 1,809,64t 00 3,ô38,{37.00 4,931,526.00 3.792,534 00 146, T 13,û0 1,593,655 00 4.235,978,00 2,126,16ô 00 1,886,717.00 1,663,625.00 272,469.00 1,723,121.00 8?1,152,00 44't,2ð2,00 3,7f 7,044.00 520,525.00 1s9,684.00 228,623,00 282,757.00 3,072.00 145,450.00 447.709.00 1,417,188.00 196,018.00 172J20,?75.00 172J20,775,00 Other 13,534 82 FIDELITY BALANCED FMV TotalOther Total lnvestments - Other 298,036.85 298,036,85 298,036,85 298,036 85 512,768,732.15 51?,768,732.15 -223- ' 11115117 - SUPERSËDËS RËTURN FILED 1'1114117 t Fart ll. l-ine 15 (Colunr ¡ <1r glhrrÁ¡ssts t (rontlnuod) Cc¡lr¡mn b & colurnn Descrlollon Eook Valus BOY Iil¡TAN6IBLË8 ,â¡rn INTANSIBLË$ ì "AMOSTIZED ga,Ð"t2 TOTAL "r2{t.832 Book\¡lM¡ EôY Ë. -wrsorr ^. rdTÞ,? lllt Õ/{ 7' -,8UPËRSË.ÞËS.RËTU RN FILEÞ: r 1 I 1 4t 1:l Liiitþli b,L'Ãiã-tlj NH nJisH sã 0gS Uãd nS - ¿ t/g t t¿ t I, 0Þ¡BoJtst ¡ôrno ü c äull 'il ¡rPd lt Nar¡e Addroso T tla, ånd avôrâgÉ hourg p€r week dåvoted lo posillon MICHAËLW GRËäË 12¿1 N ËRANKLìN PL, LWAUKËË. WI 53202.2901 PRESIÞENT,50 TTHROUGH T)17DA1ß\ Mf RICHARD W GRABER (BEGTNNtNG 7/'r8i20't6l 1241 N FR¡NKLIN PL, MILWAUKEE, WI 53202"2901 PRËS ÐËNÎ, 50 0 ï T 1241 N FRANKLIIJ PL, MILWAUKEE. Wr 53202-290f R 1241 N FRANKLIN PL, MILWAUKEE. WI 53202.2901 DIRECTOR, 2 GËORÖE R GRABER (ÍHROUGH 7t1 7t20161 I{ANSON 0 0 MlLwArjKËË Wt sstôr-?qnl 0 û 0 0 1241 N FRANKLIN PL, G WILL. DANI€L CYNTHIA K R 24,924 SECRETARY & MILWAUKEE. WI 53202-290 I DIRECTOR. 2 O 0 0 0 1241 N fRANKLIN PL, MILWAUKËË. Wr 53202-2Ðû.1 0 0 0 40,000 0 0 3s,000 0 0 18.121 0 0 32r,000 48.150 "r24 222,000 33,3{10 180 2ã5,000 38,250 752 155,000 27,250 0 140,000 21,000 153 I 05,000 15,750 39ô 78,706 o 245,000 0 & 1 0 1241 N FRANKLIN PL, P SCHMIDT F O MtLwAUKÊ8. Wt 53202-2901 1241 N FRANKIIN FL, MILWAUKCT. Wl 532û2-290f PARTIAL VEÅR JEBCICA DIREGTOR, 3,0 0 MITGHETL UIHLEIN DTAN 1241 N FRANKLIN PL. ÅJ., M tLW.AU KËË. Wt 532n?-,90n1 ÞIRECTOR, 2 O ..ií FRANKLIN 5 901 1241 N MILWAUKEG. WI 124.' N TRANKLIN PL, MllwAUKÉE. Wr 53202-290'l FRIAUÊ MICHAET LEMPKf MANDYL HËSS ÏËRRI L FAMER MICHAËL W GREBE DEFERR€,8 COMPENSATION PAYMENT 0 0 Ç POPË 0 0 1241 N FRANKTIN P[, MTLWAUXeE. Wt ss202-2901 1241 N FRANKLIN PL, HENORIÇKS JA 330 0 D O KUESÍER 0 0 1241 N FRANKLIN PL. t\,,l I LWAUKEE. Wl 53202-2901 ù 0 O 1241 N FRANKLIN PL, coN$fÞtNE MILWAUKEE. WI 53202-2901 ÐIRECTOR, 2 0 ,I241 N FRANKTIN PL. CULVËR. PARTIAL YÉAR MILWAUKEE. WI 53202.2301 DtRËCïOR,2,0 P ãNGLÍSH V Componoâtlon {lf not pård, ontor "0") 1241 N FMNKLIN PL, MILWAUKËE. Wt 53202-2so1 1241 N FRAT{KLIN PL, MILWAUKEE) WI 53202-2OO,I 450 11115117. SUPERSEDES RETURN FlLÉ,D 11114117 o Su lnformaliorr FARTXV, gEO ÞF PART XV lnform¡tlon. addltlonal lnformaUon TEAM " TI,If; tYNÞÊ AND HARftY BRÂOIÉY TOUNDÂTION, INC,, 53202, {{14} 291,99{S NÕRMALLY AWAROS GRANTS ONLY TO 50r{cx3} oF THE NTTRNAL REVENUË COoË t2l,, et:Q,g+ 1'1 l:t 5/1 7,,. SU P:E Rg HD Ë$ : RËTU RN fJ LE V, l'tr 11 4l 1 V Ihe Lyrdo and Harry Aradfey Fo¡m 990-Pf, aût Vn€. lac. E$tt 39€S37928 L¡ne Sc Erpênd¡ture fusgonsihitlty Gra*1s For üra y.ear ended Ðecçmbe¡ 3t The Foundatoo msponsrh¡rù7 teEble from the forswlr tèæãtú Fom grantees. none rê¡iah*ty of the grånlee repôrts. Grantee Name and Âddress reporld corlâned m SecfÐft 4945{d){a[8] oflhe Intemel Revenue Code furthe graots lisled beù¡rv because rt marntåüed ependrfure such gt3rús requretl bry fiegLdatæs SectÐn 53 4945-5(d) To lhe krodedge ôl Ihë FoDRdaùÖn. afid bäæd on retortg ItEf€ dñreded kom Ë¡e gjtpûsB lø wh¡dt ffue grånt sE5 nräde fhe Foundatpn tráF Íü rBãsoñ to doubt the acarracy or of lhe ¡¡¡es made .w G¡ant Awarded Amounte Reported Payment Ðaúe{sl Âßeü$t Report a8 and Ðatê Receivad $1,W0-0ffi 3n8nafi Report Reguest Datel$tatus Expended s3.4e4s€tdx2) (i) Ënccunterfor Culture and Ëdr¡catron, lnc s0û BrÕädwây, Su¡tè601 r NewYork, NY 1ûû03-f239 (i¡:! Io support {iv) 1 8/2015 Encounter B for 2û16 {vl) vâriÕus kt 2û'fÊ (v¡il Request señt 3-16-17, report states all funds expended Þ Iohn W. Pope Ciwtas lnstitute f 00 Sûuth Harington Street J To support a litçalon center 2n3 Þ 4{11nûfi Reqüest sent 3-1&f 7, reFod $50,00û states all funds expended Rdeigh, NC 27603 (¡ \¡ I cl) C, .lJ fïÎ 7 U) m o m U) n 1T' -l c v .t¡ f' fn I J + \¡ b* John W Pope Civilas lnstitute 100 South Hardngton Street Raleirgl¡, NC 27603 To stryporl a cornmun¡cations proi€ct seftt 3-16, 6t212C15 $1,500,000 Eß9117 $47,423.U , Þpofts sernã¡ns t I GRANT$ ÊAID OAIËT.¡OAR YËAR, 2O'I8 The Lyndeand llarry Hradley Ëoundatlon, Inc. NstÈ 6t6nli palç reptÞåûm þãymñis lìor rolbiÖuù, drån!¡!r âå dêû(ilfód ¡n e¿utgn¡ Sôû(nxll,(l),(8, ndqF$tÐút{ú, ot ütrilEf çlþrrtehh Þf¡?ri0s, Exodpl 6å dôt4{ 1¿,rü ng tolblr#}t Ëonn PÉrt ¿¡d FaÉ xv E AþovB lhe Cl0udÐ; lnc, P,O Ëox18122 M¡lwaute€, ìM 6321 lo fry ¡RS C¡d¿ 815.000 ?ç i75.000 FC ð'01 22 aupporl generd operalrons .&Accålênab lngttuts 0*3 w Jact$on Blvd, suilä 000 Clc¿go, lL t0ô07 To support tho Ryåß F€lfowshrp program Açton lñðtrlutã l0r thg Str¡dy of Rolrgron and kbo¡ly 98 EãBt Fulton ÊFÊât Grand Rapde, Ml 49503 Io support ganeral operatrons 5/f012019 $75,000 PC A,ç1on lffi trluþ for Ble Etudy Ð8 Fa¡t FuRon Skest 3n6n01å 975,O00 Pç ft13nÐ14 50,0Ð0 Pç snnola s90,000 PC 3116/2016 sÍ5,000 PC T1ËnD1A s50,000 po 1.?Jun016 $r,000 PC of Retgon and Êrgnd Râp¡d$, Ml 4t509 ïo rr:pporl generd opentron¡ ACÎS to¡nnuruty Þevelopment e414W Vltet Streel Mtl'Jvâuk6q, 1 í 5$e06 To aponnoran ovent AÇTS CglfiFìunrty 2414 W. V$çt Slrçet Mtlweukoo, W 53206 To eupport genar4 Albxander Hamrlton The 21 Wo$t Cllnton, NY To âupport Civ¡lhgtlon on ûâtlonâl sâcuflty AlèrÐndar 1873 d Communtbe$, lnc, te 425 Thâ LìhdË ðnd H!rry ¡rrtff(Y touidn&rr ¡94ô!7t:S -243* 1'1Í15117. SUPËRSEDËS RËTURN FILED 111'14117 t I 17th Floor Amoricån Civrl Rlghlr ln¡tltute P O 8ox 18û350 I $acramento, CA 9581 To supFort g6nerâl operatone 1 s75.000 PC 820.000 FS 3 öuke Streel lå625 vA 22314 support the El€cùon lflt€grity De?ense Project and M Strê€t NW. $uúa 800 Þc 2003€-451 I SUpport general operatrons Americg4 Council qn Sclence ånd Heðlth 1995 Broadway, Sutte 202 Naw York, NY I 0023-õS60 Ïo tupport general operatona 7t2onî18 s30.000 Pô Amarican €nterpfl!ð lns¡ltte for Fubllc p0llôy Ro.reaÍch 1789 MâseËohusott¡ Avønue, NW Washlngloñ, 0C 20030 To eupport tho tducallon lolicy Studies 7n0no16 5100.000 PG 12n1nO16 s1 00,c00 Pç srTn016 510tÌ,00û pc 10t5t20'.t6 5ll,000 FG 11Ing't6 $100$00 PC 9ntzo16 s1 s0,0 00 PC the Bradley Am€ûcån lslaûìtç 1718 M S:reet Wa To Çouncll prolect liË lyrdê rnd ¡'iôny 8 Ãd¡ët Folndatton J9-ÈD37928 -24411115117 - SUPÊRSËÞfS RËTURN FILED 11114117 I I Añsncen LggrsteuvB Excnångê gounøl 12l?Jte01ê 2900 CryËlâl OnvE, Sut€ 000 Arllnglon, VA222AL To ¡uppo¡t a rþåáBrch prqect Arnänff ñ LËgrälätivå r counctl Exâft ängê 2É00 Cryelål Dnv€, Surtô 000 Arffngton, VA 22202 1o support lhe Csnter lor $tato r h WI flsçel R€lorm % Arneflctn MËjo,tty, I nc P O 8oxE7 % ArüËnçån MâjofiV* hc P O.8üx 8T Purcelfulle, VA 20134 To *upport a Wsaonsrn chapÞr ry Amôn¡ón Malonty, lna PO ôoxö? ?c sr10.û0! Fç sn/2oß $110,000 FO 10/5/?010 875.q00 PC sfl{2ç1ã ¡10,0m PG 17,[7nA1ö sr45.000 ?c ¡neaCI1f $tlã.w0 Fç 7t201201a t40.000 PC 1A7nA1A s?0.0f1ç PC W kw r 51?s,000 æ Purcellvllle, VA 20134 To euppoÉ actlvrliaa n Golorado Puroêllvlllë. Pç d VA20t34 To supporl a Wraconsrn chapter AflrËnoân Prlfi Ë$lçi PrÖJöcl 1f 3û tonnosttsrtAvänsÐ NtrV#425 Washnglon, Þg å0U38 To supporl genøral operatons Laaguo of Afl enmn QriùËetlsa 33 Weat fiolh Slrset, 5û FlÖor NawYot{t. illY J002þTg0g Tc suppart gonslEl oporålþne & ruw ftnêricafìg for Pregp€flv Fôunftlon 131û N, CÖurthauso Rûtd, Arlmg{on, V422201 ïo supporl a Wnoons¡n Ænerlcang for TåI 722 Twelnh WEshrnglon, lo support AmqriçanË rn 460 9r¡nnEn Tba Lyîdê ¡nd lllrì årrdlËfl Pqurrdrüon 39.603T928 *2451' 115117 - SUPERSËDËS RËTURN FILËD 11114117 t I Ardldrocäs6 ol Mfwåukêê 350'l $outh Lake Þnve PC & O Box 070812 Mrlwâuk€e, \rvl $3207d9T2 To *upport lha Pelllum Leçlr¡re ¡enoe P q 483il gurldôfi of rçìm6ßcâ, lñq, 1213 North Shêrmãn Avenue, #'f g5 MadHon, Wl õ0704 To aupport general opere{lons $40.000 .d YO Ae6oüËlþn fof lhË Study of tbs Mddle Ëral and Afnca 2100 M $lrset NW S31I.000 PC s75,000 FC t1nÍ2416 srzã,000 FC 1421t2010 $50.000 pc 1?nn01ç $?s.0m PC 17.ñÃnS7ç s15,000 30 ilt 7 Ë170-?91 Wåehrlgton. DC 20037 To support tfie annuel qonfsronce Assodalroñ ol Grôduâtês ol the Ufitêd Stsleô MilrÞry ¡¿e¿s., 890 Mrllc Road Wðst Pornl NY 109SO1607 To oupport t.lo Comhaûng TaÍon¡m Centsr AssoqáUon of Grådusto8 Of Ëìs Unltgd slåtês M¡ffiäy Acêdåmy t08 Mllls Eoad W€Ët Polnt, NY 1 0S90-'1607 To supportthe Çombalng Tenoriam Genter & Aösoffúlüon 0t çf6dudt€ä of lhû Unrtod Slat€s MrlrlälyAüådglny 898 î¡lllle Road West Êo¡nt Ì.lY 109S8-1607 To rupport the 6omheün0 Terforlsm Cmtet & At¡á$ EûônÖñro Rðsöårc#r Fûufrdåüon 1201 L Stå€tNW Washrn¡lon, DC 20005 To Ðu¡poil a çãpauty"buildrng Aurorå Heälth CErÐ, lnc. 7$0 W Vrgrnra Street F0 Box 34'10t0 Mrlwauk6e, Wl 53234. To 6upp0rt gemral FI Aualrn lngütute lor the 3r1õ/?Otq são,0oo FC zßna\q E500 PG 'lznngß ¡riu$r¡{¡ Pç 2t23 Austrfl. TX To euppoil 1200 New Waahrnglon, ÞC To eupporl NW, Sutte700 fhc !tnd" ånd tlúíy g(odltY lryndÐrlon t9.@3?928 -2461111511? - SUPËRSËDES RÉTURN FILED 111141i.7 t t Noruood lrve , co ú0304 guppod g€nÊrâl opÊratons d r" s20,0{¡g 150 North 9rþådrvðy wl s3202 support genertl operaüon9 -F 8ox €10,001 Arfort, Tx 010401 eupport general ope€tlons unM¿ft rv at ì¡vrff Ënün-MadFon 1å60 Van l.llrö l.läll f220 L¡nden D¡ e4s,000 Fç vl/2016 ela.500 vç 12/¡7nA1E ül¿rã0ß ?ç lWnOIï $110,000 FC 1?!?lnO18 s100,000 PC 12J21n0$ t100,00ç Pg 3¿016 ¡12,600 PO pnno16 012,ã00 PC Maû*on, Wl ä3706 To support lhe Çenter tor fflê Sürdy ot the Anoflcan Gonsliürtlon ,ry Unrv€rsrV 0f l/MEçþngrn*Msd rsÐn 18â0 Ven Hrae Hall l2?0 Lrndon Dr Medlson, Wl 537W To åWport the Bradley Gnndu¡te and þoal.Graduaùe 4 Uruv€rsrty ot WsGonfl n-Madrson f â60 V¡n l'lne Háll 't220 lmdün Dr Mådøon, Wl 53708 To suppofithe Bradley GraduaÞand Program A* unlverErty of wâcontrn-Madrs0n 1$d0 Van Hlsç Hall 1220 tJnden Dr M¿dr¡on, Wl g?70ü To suppod The Documênlary the Ëil of Þrnhh 17fi7-l?01 Unrv8t?rw of Wr$cgnsln-Madr$gn 1080 Van l{rcç þ{all 1220 hñdên ör. Maduqn, WÌ 5370ð lo aupport the Uñrvorsrty of 106S Van l-lwa 1 hberal Dømocracy Itall ?2{l Llnden ll¡ladl*n, Wl ïo iuppoil Ëconomrc Pollcy Boston JÈsurt E il f¡, MA the Foat-Grgduate Fellowshlp Progr:rn fff#ten JËaurt Ch6ttnut Hill. MA ïo supÞort lhË tùc LVûù rñd Hsrry äfl d Postr3raduato Fellowshrp ttognâm à.rdhy fdrnd¡tton it40¡?92ð *247* 1\1151''7. SUPËRSËÞËS RETURN FILËÞ 11114117 t I NoÉh Franklin Place wr 53202 ¡upporl dofior ådv}83d f und 8rãdlêy lmÞâü Fund, lnc. 1249 North Ffånklln Placs Mllw¡ukes, Wf $3202 ïo support donor advr¡od fund Fr0,00q Bfadloy lmiläct Fund, lnc 1249 North Fnnklrn Place Mrlwåulree, Wl $320? fo eupport donor advrsed fund $o,qoo PO Bntd¡åy tmpårt Fund, tnc. l2{9 Notth Êranklh PiEce *1S,Soe Ir0 illg/zqlõ $10,000 PC Br¡dtey lmFaot Fufld, lnÊ 1249 Noñh Fm¡kl¡n Placo Mûlt,ìf,ukôç. Wl 5320? f¿ oupporl donor ËdvË6d fr¡nd õ/tB/7016 110,000 PC Bradley lrnpact Fund, lnc, 1?40 North Frenklln Pleca Mrlwruksn, Wl S3¿0? lo rupport donor advÊed fund Snonols ¡1ü.OOo pe Brâdley lmpå,ot Fund, lnc 1?,{9 North Frunklln Placc Mrlwaukse, Wl 53202 3/10U016 õ1O¡0lxl PC 3/191201€ ü1O,O9o PG il18n016 tlo,ûoo PC ,a/16/?010 $10,000 PC 4 Milw¡ukoa, Wlõð202 ïo ruppoil donor edvlsed fund BraCIay lmpf,ct Y Ftm{. lnc 1249 North Franklln Plaqp mtueaulôe, Wl53202 ïc aupport donor sdvued fund d fo support Bradley lmpaot Fund, Inc 1249 North Mihraultee. To ¡upport Bradley 1249 Noïîh 1249 North Milwaukee, Wl To suppûrt donor Ths [yndc ¡nd Hxry ð6dÌï fund tó!¡ôdûlan å9.d0å?lï8 -248* 11115117 I - SUPER$ÊDES RËTURN FIIÊD 1111411'T I o LôêrÞurg Fßö, Suúe 2¡t1 Church, VA 220¿3 auppoñ general oPoratlon* Loosburg Prks, $uttg 23t Ghvrah, V422043 suppoÊ general oPsradono Streôt NW, Suúq450 DC 20036 svpport The gtrâtegy snd Stålêcrâft Pro¡ect 1225 su¡ts 600 1629 K Strrå$t Ðç 20006 $Ðporttrê ìãffonaÌ 1! OQ aaorntY Program Connåfùcut AvBnuâ, N W., gulte 6?õ Dc 20036 To support genoral oporallons 100 õonnscl,ctlt Avonun, N W ' SultB ð25 DÕ20Ð38 si¡pport genèIel opËreüüng EEsox Lanå, Sults 1200 ÎXflA27 suppott ths Renduthullalng Po Box48$€S Þ0 euppoil the 1000 K StreÉt, N gulê supporl Wayzata Vallây regean*i Fox I Sr¡lls thê effeüts oTfamlþ ftagmentudon wl suppod gensral Tt'¿ (vnd. ¡nd Htna t,¡dhY fùrndollqñ 39"603792t *25L* 11115117. SUFËRSËDES RETURN FILËD 11114117 t o Chr,åt Pfotsåtånl EÞtscopäl thurch 5Söã N, Lalte Dnve Whfollsh Bay. Wl 532!7 ïo eupport genÞral op€ratons 12frà1t201e PC d r 3roo,o00 pg æq000 FC u17WÍs sü,o00 Frg fifinua €$0,000 Fç 7nonr16 õ1qt'900 Fß 12nnlJ16 D3ãiO00 PC 81312ç10 ü1?.ã00 FC 12fing\g It2.50l¡ PG 8/3'2018 ¡1?.501¡ PC h C.ly Ph A l'lrll, lnc. t't.000 2224 Wêsl lúlboun Av€nuê Mrlweukee, Wl 53233 To supp6rt 0énêral opê¡â1rcn8 I Crly Ofl A Hrll, lnc. 2224 West Klboun Avonua Mlh¡¡aukçe, W 53?33 Ta suPpoft å ca¡lal campaqn CrV Or A Hrll. lnÖ. 222{ West Klboum Avsnue Mrlwaukee, Wl 53233 To suppprl general operaüono clly Yeâ1, hç. 267 Cqlumbu¡ Avenqe Boelon, M402116 { 1o sponsor an event C:ty Yeår, lnc. zq7 Côlumbu6 Avônue üoslon, MA02116 To support Çity Yesr Mrlwaukoe .5 çråramont tnsututB lof üB shtüy of $tatgåmf,n$htp and ,t31? W Foothrlt Blvd, $uþ 120 Uplsnd. CA 91788.3075 lc support general operaùonÐ Çlarsmont lnettute for tha Sildy 0f 1317 W Ëoothrll Bfvd, Upland, CA 9{78ê-9675 Tç aupport tha Phllosophy GlËrÖmont MêKeinnã Bêuo/ Centår 600 Ëesl Cleremont, To eupport PosþGraduatÞ Fello$tsl$p Prográrn Çláfôm0nt 9r7r Brrdley ând PosþGraduâte Fellowshrp ProÉratìî åte and Post-GÉduale Fellowshlp Ptpgtem thr Ly,}dr .nd Hrr¡y Br¡dkl Fooh¿.tlon 39,ñ37929 -252,11115117. SUPERSEDÉS RËÏURN FILED 11114117 t t ctsrgmôû HtcKênnq Goilqge Eauel cÊnlsr 12rftz91E PC itlO Ëast Nlnth Slrset Clarçmont, 6À 9t 711{400 To sup¡orl th6 8râdley Gläduel€ ênd PoeþGr€duàte Fêllowshtp Pr9grâm Claeerqüï, lnn $7ã,0o0 I d F- 245 Ftñh Avenuo, Floor20 New York, NY 10016 To support generaf operallons # Clemåôn Unlvorslty Foundrtlon PO sox 1 Ë89 950.0!0 PG õsil.09{ Pç 9rr?010 ü15,000 PC 5r18/201€ s7s,000 PC 416r?016 t75.000 PC 3n0n0t0 tl00,000 FC CgmmunrüoÐ FouNålrän 5500 Caruth 9¿1/?01€ 6100.000 Pq. çornrnuñrV 521 South 9th ¡r10n01Ê ôf00.000 Pq t 011 9/201 6 $500 Pç ffi Clemson, gC 2S33.1E69 fo supporl lhe ClerrEon lilstrtutê for hÊ Sludy of C¡pilallsm qM_ "w G9? Çoalltpn, lno 1ö21 Norih KBnt Sf€öt, Surte ô03 iddtngton, VAU2i9 To avppori goneral oparatons s .ffi# Co1ôtä+0 Chñetran Unlvsrßrty 87!7 WÖst Alörnede Avenue tû 80226 To eupgort The Cantcnnl¡l lr¡sùlute's WèstÊm % w Colleglåtå Culìurål Fcurìdäbon 21ð Weet$tâte SBeet Mêdlå, pA r9063 To supporl the Lgv6 and f,rdelrty Nefwork programs w \W W # Lrkowþod, Summt À Unlvef$ly of ÞBnvsr ?2öS East Evåns AvåñuÊ Denvsr, C0 B0?0$ To oupport a pro¡act on famtly Camrilttee for a Responsrbfe Fcdet¡l 1900 M 6tr€ötNW Sultr Waahrnglon, ÞC 20038 To support the Frcal Þallae, ïX To suppart lhe Lyìdc¿îC lioJ¡y ¡r¡dsy Ëoü^d.lþn t9'601t9¿8 -25311115117. SUPËRSËDËS RËTURN FILED 11114117 t t Ccmo¡l UflrverE[y pc E/l 7/¿01 0 Doperùnanl ofHnlory Mcßrew flall Itltãca, NY 14t53.4001 Io ovppotl tho åradlÇ? Grâduf,lo and Þoet Graduak Follor*hrp program Å & I I d f' Çou¡cl, for Nätlond Po¡lcy, lna 444 Nonh Câplto¡ Slrêôt NW $ulto E30 Washlnglon, DC 2@01 To supporl lhe Coneawalive Achon Pro¡ed s50,ul¡0 PC ooutìct¡ on For€¡gn R6lrtþn3 58 Easl S0th Slreet Nel^rYorlr, NY10085 To support a Senror Fello¡v*hÐ ¡15.00û PC $F,zA1A 9S0.000 FC 7'?ot2018 õ10,000 PC 1015801q sl00,0fxl PC 12i21n019 sl00.000 PC 8/e1l¿016 $10.000 Fç 1U7nUô s9û,000 PC 1Zn{ZA1É õzorooo PC gomåll un¡vÉfslly 0åpåñrîênt gf l.llitory st¿.59c McGrawHall Ithaoa, NY 14853-4601 To ouppøt tha Bradle.y Çraduata and PqoþGrfduf,b FÊildvrhlp prcgram crimó Pr6vônn0n ff,ês6ar.h cênlêî ?12 L8fåyêltê Avêfiuå Swarlhmore, PA i90ú1 fo support rerearch on ørme Chlld Cnfls Aírönã ÞlroenuQfrlce 2334 East Polk Sltsat Phoenu, AZ t5t06 Io eupport goncral âpcrâtßns Crlsto Rey Jerult ftlgh Srhool 1215S {SthSka¡l Wêst Mrhvåukðr, Wl ö3214 To suppod general opera[ono DRVtd HAföffn Ffgedçú çgnlâr 1¿724 VÊnlul-gglvd , Su¡lÞ Shermgn Oaks, CA Yo support p¡ogram DlåcQvsry lilßülutg 200 tolumþla Seatue, WA fo support Dleoovory 500 North Drcrnê Såvr h EqhQql 4257 North Mrlwaukoc, To support Thc Lyûd! 6d ¡¡'ry Mllwaukeê Sahöôl chorc¿ Program Bmdfry Ëdrldätlôn 3l-80¡ts1l -25411tl5t17 - SUPËRSËÞES RËTURN FILËÐ 11114t17 t o D09Um€nþry FouncÊuon 12n1fi¿A\g 2455 Stlvêr Lâk€ Blvd. Los Angelo¡, CA 90039 To supppoft a dooum€nbrylilm Þogta$ Ssl(6ry lnc, 1225 lgth Stteet, Sulle 3?0 F" l¡W WeshlngÍon, þÇ ?003S To support gsn6ral oÞnrtüonq w DomrnrÊåñ Hrgb School 120 Ëast Srlver Spnng örue Whltollgh Éay, Wl 63217 1o support pertcJpeüon ln tñs Mrlweukss PaÞnlal Gho$e Progrãm V szo'ûoo PU 3/1gr¿æE 5ír,00! PO Trzou.olS s!5.000 FC g/ef /201B 8t2,500 Pç nnn01a !12,50! PC Ð/3re01ü 920.fx¡0 PC zl¡/zua ss00 PC Ðnlno1a $59.000 PC 1WnOlA 915{t,000 PC # ãffi Wr W Donors Truat 1800 0ugonal Road, 9ulte 280 Alexåndae, VA 22314 Tq $uFport ff,lönt Mârt(ðt &- W qM 'q' Dvt(9 ufilvðrsrty Office sf Rssearch SuppÖrt 22û0 W Maln Street guúe 710 Durham, NC 27705 Tâ ôr r^Rñr+ ã mni¡a¡¡a Dqko UfiNsr6rty Oflïce çf RasE*rô $uppwt ?å;gtw Märn ûtrþet Êuitç T'10 Þ$rham, NÇ ?770ö ?â ôrrñbñr+1+rô Aal{l¡v ê¡od¡¡qla Duks Unrvêr*lty Offca ol R¿seåoh Support 2?0t W Mårn Sþ€et 9uÉe 7''l0 Durham, NG 27705 f^ 5r lLÉ flr¡rllaw 'Fhtó êraá an¿l t¡l¡ Eâthrooh Aôådemy 5375 Nortù Gruen Bay Mrlwaukeð, Wl 55209 ïo suppoil general Elmbroal( Shurçh 777 goulh Brooklleld, 1o aupport Emptre 100 State NY gsosrr¡l FöurdäüÞr't 1090 Vermont Wåshrngton, Þ0 To supporl the ThR tyñd! änd , suilë 800 Pollcy Alllance Hlrty orûdlÈy Fouôdrùor 39.60!?928 *25511115117. SUPËRSËDËS RETURN FILËD 11114117 I o Eilcüunrgrfor qururÊ an0 Edgû{¡hgn, hc, aMÀs1Ë 900 Eroadwey, Êurte 601 New York, NY 10003-1239 To aupporl Ëncounter BaokE J fi T Enoounþr fur Cr.dturè ånd Educatlon, lnC 900 Ðroadway, Surtô 601 New York, NY 10003-1239 To supporl äacounterBooks 4 Encountêr lÞf q1l ulfå snû Educåuon, hc. 900 BrcEdway, fuit€ 601 NswYork, NY 1000$-1234 To rupport Hnmr¡nter Eook! $'lû0,0w POF 5nçounler for Cvltllrö and Educatron. lnc 900 lrcadvrey, $ulte B0l New York, NY 10003-1239 ïo suppoú ãnaouûter Books !100,000 POF 8l17t2ç1{l ¡150,00! POF 8ß/4018 Ê100.000 PQF 7ßnaß t100,000 POF 11/', 6/2010 81sU.{¡sU POF 10/5f2016 E100,000 POF 1AInt1ø $50.000 PC 8/:l/zo1õ s10.000 PC EñCOUntêr lot çlUltJrS änd ECIUCåffOn, -q, lnê 9ö0 Broadwa¡ 9u¡te ð01 N¿r¡r York, NY 1 0ôöS-1 239 To support EnmuntËr Boohs @ f;noountor for Gullr¡¡¡ and Educaþon, luc 000 Broâóñrây, Suttê 601 Neryv York, NY lû00þ1239 To support Ëncounter Books A. Ëncquntsr for Cultura and Educâùon, lnc 900 Eroadray, Suûo 001 NawYot*. NY 1@03'1239 To rupport Ëncounler Ëoolg Encöuñtôr lor Culü¡rs ånd Êdunåfi{n, 000 Brotdwny, Sultr 601 NêwYorÌ, NY 10003-l To support Encounter Eínçouttter for QqlluÞ 900 BroädÍvÉy, Now Yprk, NY To 6upporl 1238 s Mllr¡aukee, To support W Thê Lyndê öfd ilÉr4 8ôdlcf FflddåUoô 1r#03192â *256* 11 115117 - SUPËRSEDES RETURN TILED 11114117 t' I EûPntde Çorps Fr9{uÇtsnr, hç, 905 MäsÐächusetls AyBnu6 NE Washmgton, tô 20002 ïo Tnar\ola Pg oupport e doarmonte¡Ï filrn 8ü'ìtæ and Fr¡blic Pallr!, çêntar, 1700 M SlroêlNW, Sufte 0'10 k hö ¡10,100 Washlngtirn, ö0 2003t 1o sponsor an ovent F" MU T r----Tõ$¡õã 1730 fvl ghest NW Sultê 91 0 WËehrnEtorl¡ DC2009ô ïo eupport the wurk of a lellow Ethlös and Füþho Fçlmy çentãfr lnc 1730 M Str€€t NW, Suite 0'10 WâshíngÌon, UC 90038 Þ16,400 FC 10/5/201€ Ð125,t¡00 AG TP:OaÐ1Q $150,000 PC t0/1i1fi¿01û ï5,n2 FC 12nnola 875,O00 PC 7/ör2glt ss00,000 PC sffEr2016 t250,000 PO 5/r€,¡'¿016 $2ã0,000 fG ïo sponsor a sympo$um Ëtbrcs and PublË Polrcy Cèntff, 1730 M Sh€6tNW. Suiþ910 Washrnglon. DC 20030 Tq supporl genèrãl opÞr€hons Y hö euìlÇs ånü ¡'uþllc Ponoy ç9nßf, lnc. 1790 M $lrEst NW, $urt6 910 Wâ$hrngloñ, DC 2003t To euppoil general opåräUönô v ô- F$þ9 and Fub¡lc PollfÏ çenter, hc 1730 M Streel NW Suite I'10 Wåshü'gtÖd, DC 20030 T0 ðponror ä syrnpoÐrum Ethrco end Publre Polrcy Çêntåf, lnc 1730 M Str€êtNW, gultê 9l Wsehrogton, OC 2003ô ïo supportthe worh of Fråêdom FourtdÊbÖft P O tsox 552 Olympe, WA To oupport Pro¡acl Fr€edom P.Q. Box $52 WA E Reform ProJect ïlansparancy Tha Lvrde ård fiü/t¡rtdlËy t Rofom ProJËct Föund.dðrr 39-6ôts792t -257 ,111151"17 - SUPËRSEDES RETURN FILED 11114117 I I Fefifrry R0sçãÌç11 GÖu0ctl, lflc Pç 4120,ìã018 ð0ì Õ Stre€t, NW Waalrtngton, DC 20001 To oupport the Mamage & Religlon Roaeanh lnsùtute Famdy Roäôardr Counstl. l¡c 8ô1 € Slrset, l.lw Waahrngton, DC 20001 Ïo rupport general operalrone s100,{¡00 d 7" Fell0l't $hip of chrlsüôn AthiËtèt Ë O. Box 425 $zõpso FC s?5,000 PC 0nTn0ß s?s,00{r Pç 1U7nQ1ñ 84,qoil Fç üõ&01õ $95,000 PC EJ3/2016 5llõ,sw Pç 1A2lp91B 9150.000 PC ßR1n0ß $500 Pç 4tzIlnolg $5,000 PC Pewaukea, Wl ä3072 fo support program adMt¡es FôllÖ!'/ðhrË öf 41 8t .JsT$ôs 25 Wcst Nawporl Âvenuc 9hnago, lL 6064'l ïo support general operallone Y Fr€t Stsga çiddrên'E Theåt€r 325 West Walnut Sbôôt Mllwaukeå, Wl 53212 ïo srtppotl general oporaüone ,df Flage for Fê'lon MúùFry FÓ FOX44ö7ð Eden Frarr¡o" MN $0344 To support flag pola lnclallaüon "ò. ÇpéÎ* çömpany, tnô, Burloqh $tretl FrÖfennñÊ t 930 Lowår Lövôl Mrhusukëå. Wì 8321? To support genaral operaions ãø Forörgî Pofoy RosBa¡ch lnstltutð 1õ28 Wålnr¡t Srôst, Suûå PhllÉdËlphlâ. FA 1 To support a Seruor For$gn Fo¡lcy FtE.r6drch 1528 Wáln¡Jt Philadßlphla, To supporl and ttle West Foundalrrn 10 Mäfllffi NJ Ntt general lñc 900 nraddway, NewYork, NY1 To sponeor an Yh¡ ly¡lé.nd Hr.ry Êndlï Ëo]ndâllod 3¡"dottr:b -25811115117 - SUPERSEDË$ RËTURN FILED 11114117 t I Füundâton für Cullural Revre$r, lno. 900 Sroadway, gulte ö02 Na¡ PC Yor&, NY 1000$1239 To ¡upport The New Crlþ¡lnn Fourdållôn for Eoonoms EducalÖn, lnc 1ð10 PêâohtreF Roed NË Surte 300 Atlanta, GA 30300 To suppörl gËn6råf ôDËräüönr 575,S00 Æ Foundaùon forGovernm€nt Acroumabrltty ,l527S tslvd SuiÞ 20t-279 Wv r" 9¿o0,ooo PC $I5ü,000 FC 9¡7'2018 $85.0W FC rn91201E ü20,00{ PA 12nno10 [ãfr.oa0 Pç wHnu$ ügQ,ç90 PO lnü" a1u2s18 $s,000 Pç Fourldãhón, Inc 917/?0t6 îr00,000 Pç ¡/'t0/2013 tr00.000 Pç W wx Colller , Naplår, F[ 341 I Iô support a prÐIsct ofi wålfere md,açrk I w" w FoundËton for G{ñrefnfiènl Acaounbbrhv 15275 Colller Elvd , Suile 2ül-279 I Naplc¡, FL 341 1 To âupport s projFçl on \flållsr€ ånd ïvqrk FoundðUón for lildtvrduål RlghtË ln Educätlon, Inc, 510 Welnul Slmet, $urto 12$0 Phladelphn, PA tgf0B To çupport qenaral opemt¡ons 4 FÈundålrðn forRegë8rch ofi FêOnþû${ õ thô Enûroflmsnt P.O Box 5S5 GåflBtrn Gat€ùvêy, MT 59730 Ïo suppoÉ general operaltons  w Foundâtlôfl for thè Dofônee oi Demo¡¡actÊB. lnc 1t00 M Ströêt NW, Surte 8005 Wâshrngton, ÞC e003&587S To suppod poùcy ovonto ånd a Fîânklln Contof forcovommãnt & 107 S, West St, Sullê 71t AJe¡sndfia, VA 22314 ïo åupport WEcûniln Frgo Congrcso Rtgeârdr 9ût N Alexåndra, To sponsor Froe 901 N. VA generâl fund Fffisdom P.O Box 9820 Raneho $ants Ëe, ï0 support fho Lyoda tnd Hüry EñdlËf fqndsüon 19-60l?9lt -25911115117 - SUpËRSËDES RETURN FTLED 11t14t17 I I Frëedömð Poundebon ãt vållêy Forgê 1601 ValleyFøge Road PC PO Box67 Vall*y Fotga, PA 1 9402-0700 lo eupporl the U S ltðtory Educaüon Êroloct Frêèdomworlrå Foundellon 400 North Captol $lre€t ñW, Surte 7ô5 Wàshlnglon, Ðc ?0001-156¡t 1o rupportthe RËgulåtoly Acfiôn Center fl00,000 { tr" v Grlôn fnstrlulê PO 175,{x¡o PC s75.0æ PC 4t20li¿o1a 520,004 FC õru&O18 $12,600 PC 1An-¿I1B ¡l2,5oo PC nnfrLaß 575.00! PC 11ít1201ø t75.U00 PC 12n1nOß 592,150 FC Ttgnç16 $500,000 PC Êox320010 Nsxandnr, VA 22320 To aupÞoñ å followûhp åôd Ê rpêüâl projèct Galafi ltÐïtute P O, Box 320010 Alexandñe, VAAãS?:0 To suppÞn s fällôh,sñtp ând ä åþ0ôÉl prdjåct Gery Slnfse Cherrt¡ble Foundskon P O Bor 5û008 Sludto Crly, CA 91804"5001 To support generel oflÐr*ïons & 6ê0rge Mêson Unrv€fstty FoufldållÖn, lilc, 3301 North Farrfax Ðnve, Surte 450 Arlrngton. VA 42U"4498 To eupport thç Bradlay Gradunte and (iôorgs MðEon unNerßtty Foun6f,t¡on- lng. 3301 North Ëurhx Dnve. Sulþ450 Aríngton, VA 22201-449t Progrârn .ô To support the Brãdlðy GrËduate GeorgË MEtõn Uñ¡versrty Foundâton, 9301 North Faúaxtnve, Arilngton, VA fo support ìhe Antontn Law of tlì€ AdmrnrÉUâlrv€ Stãto Georgetown UntversrV 37th and 0 Sts W¡shrngton, 1o euppor{ Öeorgetown 3?lh and O StB Thr Lvfrdß ånd N¡r.y Br.dley fourdDtloô 19.60å13ül -260 11t15117 - SUPËRSEDËS RËTURN FILËD 11¡14117 t o Germån Msrshrll Fuhd of lhe Unrtgd 6iatês po 8/3/2016 1744 R $treetNW Waahinglofr, DG ?0000 Ìâ ruppo{t ha TränsåfånhÇ rqç¡dgmy b ,b- scouh of w¡8ccn5tn soutlleÊól. Inc 131 Souh ô9lhStreet 950! Grt'l w P.O Box 1499å Mllweukee, W 5321{"0999 To Eupport gensrål prþgrBm ächvtuöå 4 Y $100,000 PC $ö0,0fxt pc sr.000 PC lWRgIç s1û.Ðt0 ?ç 12n1nO1A 650$0[ Pç I?'fr2A1ã $12,50{ PA 8t!.7t2016 s1a50u PC 12nt¿91ø sre$00 PO f 0/1 9t2010 t1e500 fc rg Mles¡ûn Ogke Blvd manllq, GA93012 sufport Movisgqide Falth and Frogdom Avyar¡d,?: 17 101 W€st Plêâssnt, Surte 210 Milwsukeo. Wl 53212 To suF$an th6 ò¡ôflpKrfit il, åñâgörn¿flt Fund Grèen Lâks PropeÈy Owners Assoo¡alron of Waohlnglol County P O Box272 Newburg, Wl 58000 T,o suFport general operattonr tofi9r¿o16 q guê$t l"lûusa ql Mrlwaul(Bg, lnc 121t f'lorth tr3th Streot Mútu¡ukee, Wl 5320ö To suppoil a oapllal campalgn b Hrl¡$dälê çûllêge 33 Eâsl College Sfö€t lìrilsdåle, Ml49242 To slFport ïhe Ghurohtll Harvárd unÈ/þt&ly 10t3 Må$åehurôtts tambndge, MA 01138 lo Program supperl lhe ßrádl€y l{aruard Unnrereúy I 033 Cambndge, To aupport Feflourship Pmgram Hervard Un 10å3 Masss oßþ6raduate Fêllowshrp Pro0rom Hftvård f03¡ Cambndge. MA fa eupsort thè ?hÊ Su¡t¿ 3 and Post-Grsd¡rale Follorvthtp Progrem LyÍdc ¡¡d ilar¡V Ertdletfoundttlôn 39,û1r9r8 -26t1111611? - SUpËRSËDES RËTURN FTLED 1'1',t4t17 t o þr Rofom ånd Ëdurâl¡oflal Opüons 4095 Stäte Road 7, $uûe #151 Welllngùon, FL 33440 To support outreäú progtåfllf, snEv6 l,lrsÞðnrc C0unc¡l Pç d tr T A. Hlgpântc$ lfi gdlaot Chotc€ 1727 South Ntnlh Street Mrlwaul(e6, Wl 53204 Ïo support general operahone r' t2ð,ooo pê e3û,000 PC 7noP.o16 5175.Off¡ PC TRD ¿01ç ¡?Þ,000 PC 7120t2916 ¡35,q00 pc 9t7t:¿O1g 5"t00,000 FG snnoß s55,000 P9 nnnua t06,130 7ç 1U7nO\ß 52ã,O00 Fç Y Hopê Sùêêttrálnrshôs, lnc. 2522 Weel Caphl tm¡s Mllìreaütee, Wl S3?0û lo oupport genoral og€rÐtrcns Hud;on lnsütutÞ, lnc, 1201 Fennoylvantâ Avênuô, N W. $u[€ 400 Waohrnglon, DC 20004 Tc cupport lhe Çcnter for Arneñçan Cornrilon Culture þludson lneùtute, lno. {201 FennsyfuanräAvenuê, N W., Sutte4û0 Wåshrnglon, ÞC:0004 d To Ðupport the Conter on lËt*m, Þêmocrâ¡y and tha Fufurs l'llfdron lilÐttütô, us lâ01 Ëenneylvan¡a Avqnuo, N W, Surh.C00 Wsahrngton, Þ0 200ö4 To support an adJun6't i6llowshfp ^ò l"ludson IfÏ¡lltute, lnc 1201 Penneylvanla Avenue, N, W, Wsshrngton, OC â0004 Io aupport research and wnhng I'lud8ôn lnotrtulË, lñC, 1201 Êennsytuenre Weshrngton, OC ?0004 Tg supponüê Cente¡ þJuüaon lnsltqte, lnç. 120f Weshrngton, To eupport l,{udson 400 T201 ¡e8aåfçh and educâüon proleêt rC&icg 1035 CámbndgÐ, MA To suFport general 2'tB th? ]y¡dÊ ¡nd H¡rrt 8r¡dlqr tound'lloh 19-6067928 -26211115117. SUPËRSËDÊS RÉTURN FILË.Þ 11114117 ; ) lllrnors Foltcy lnsùlotå 190 La Salle Strcot, $ufte 1S00 Chicago, lL 60603 10 support â Crsnrn$l JuslrçË C€ötsr 1 ffi &"q Independonco lnebtuto 727 Ëast $lxteenlh Avenus Ðenver, CO C0?03 â Þulllc*èducåfuon !þtBd To $upport 7ç 3t16&016 % lndèpëndånæ ¡nsùþtè 727 Êagt $lxtsenlh Avenue Þenver, CO 80?03 To gupport a !ubhc-educalron prqoct M ffi ffi w sl00,000 4 V" r ¡tso,000 Pç M. 3tltr¿CIffi ¡80,0û0 PG k Ttzwzalg ¡¿$.000 Pg 720nva $10o,ooo Ptr lildoÞöndónt WomËnl ForuïT 1È75 Slrþet NW, Surltc 5@ Washrnglon, ÞC 2000e.5426 To ouppott lhq Worlrng forWomen 10/st201E t100,000 PC nslllule for Eduoalional Àdvånc€mcnt 56s 6outh Marengo Pasedena, CA 91 101 To suBpert g€neral y16te010 s265,000 FC u/1 E/201 € t4,925,000 Fø 9n1/?018 59?,300 Pç l?ftno18 f75.000 PC lndependencs lnstlute 727 Ëasl $ßteenh AvènuÊ Þanver, CO 80203 To aupport the Edr¡cabon Labor Pro¡ec't nd6pèndðncå Irlstrt!te 727 eeú SxleenlhAvenue Denuer, CO 80203 To suÞport lhe Ënergy Polrcy eentçr I W d ÌndcpeñdÖfl t Worîðn'B Fitrùrn íBTS I Swdot NW, SultE 600 Wa*hrnglon, DË 2000&54?5 To s¡ppqrt lhe Worlung hr Women Messaga & f the Publlc Polrcy lnstrlute tnslitulô fôÎ Educålrcnf,l S89 $outi P¡ugdsna, To supporl program and lhe Bradley Seminar lnrhtutå for 6€9 South naüonal poll Tha Lvñde änd tlrrrv ôrãdby Feqndð$qn ¡9{q}79f8 -263* 1'IN5I17 - SUPERSËÞËS RETURN FILED 11114117 I I rnsutute for Forårgfl PoltQy Anäly$q, hs. PO Eox 390980 770 Massacl¡u¡ettr Av€núð Çombrldge, MA 021 38"9998 ?o suppoÌl tlìa Làt¡n Amðrlcð 8ömtn¿trgêflörr 7lztJr¿tJlq ¿ I lnåfftute for Fer$gn Pollcy Anäly,slå, lnö PO Êox 390960 770 MsåssGhuseïs Avenue Cômbddgo, M^ 02130.99Sû lo support the Wa¡hrnoton Ð G. oñlar Waehlngton Blvd, MS I tS ngton, VA 2220'[ suppor.t geærai oDÊra$onê 14 lnÊtrtutO lor JuËllcË t100,0{t0 PC 10/ñ/:0rç s100.900 Pq õrlwzqrõ s50,000 PC rnsr¿Qr9 E30,000 PG lñstrlut€ fÒr Truth ln AccounlhÐ 118 Nörth Clnlün SlrêÉt, Chioågo, lL ôû601 To $rlppóft the $tãt€ Tnal2.ç14 57t,0s{¡ PG lntolloctuel Tåh*0rjt 8011 34t¡ ?12012016 t20.00Q PC 3/16¡?01õ 5100.000 fc süu,uuu PG 001 North Glebe Rosd, $ulle 900 ArÌlngton, VA 2?A0S To support gençra¡ operåtione hsutute for JUBtcô 901 Norlh Glebo Roãd, Surtg 900 Arltngton, VA2220e Ïo oupport generat opora$on* s lnatltutê fof lhe Srudy 0l SttËtêgy ånd Folrtre{ 2205 Nörth Ërlmors Sl¡eel AÍlrngton, VA22201 To evpport a confeænes on pohçy sbat€gy À 1nBüatt6 fcr lhg sludyol war, lnc 1400 $lxtsentñ stregt NW, gurtè 515 Washrnglon. DC 20036 To support general operahons Surte C-1 1 1901 5t1êno1s lnc 3901 Wrlmhgton, ÞË Îq support I thè Lynd€ rnd Hatryir¡dfct foundrtlon !edoJ?9ll *26411118117. SUPERSEDES RETURN FILED 111141'17 I ; lnlernÉtonÐl ComËr tol Blô Stridy of VrÖleît Ë¡(fåmtsm 1ô46 Golonfal Hrlls Dnve Mcl¿en, VÂ.?,2102 fo suppnrl r pro¡ect 12nXû¿O'lg FC Å r À. r" Jack Mrllor Contsr Three Bala Plsza W€st Surte 4û1 HÐla Cynwyd, PA 19004 Tâ st¡pporl thå 2017 tsladley Gråduåtå and Post4radu*tâ Fôllowshrp Progmm confurence F es Bala Pla¿q Wesl, Sults 401 a Gynwyd, PA'1S004 suÞpqrt thË e017 Bredlay Greduate Frut Foilþçraduâte Fo,low¡hlp Progrâm W k Jew¡eh lnslûqle fur Nalronal Seounty Alarrs 1101 141h $treel. l',lW Suita f 1'10 Wâohlnglon, ÐG 20001 To support tho Cybor Talk Forco $r40,000 Pg úflüe0f0 ¡70,{lf¡t pc u1wzo18 s1m,000 FO õr1R01ü t900,000 POF 4/8¿018 t,þ0,000 POF 8/3/2010 Íf2,õoo PC 1?nnaß $12,ã00 PC snnaß $30,090 PC ffi John K. Mgölvêr lnåìltul€ for Publlo PolrEy¡ lnc, 44 Ëagt Mrfñrn Strcot, Êurto 201 Madlson, W 53703 To cupport general opêrâüens "w w John K, Mâglver instúutô fur Publlc Polu¡r, lne, Eås! Mrfff¡n StrÉ€ì, Ûuiþ 201 '14 Mad¡son, Wl 53703 To support geneml operatons Æ w "ò John W, Pope Çrutaç lns[Me 805 Sprlng Forsst Roed Sulte'100 Ralelgh, NO 27809 To eupport publlc educethn JÞhn W. Pope Civ{as lnsüluta 805 Spnng Fomst Road Svlte'100 REleþh, NC 27609 T0 9uÞÊorllhf CênlÊr Jdrns Hopkns Unrvôrstty 1740 WËshrnglon, To euppsrl Feüowahtp Program Johns 1740 0c the Po€t-GradUate ËÊtlq\r/ÐhD Pmgram Thstyndâ rÉd Horry grödl"l fflrid.$on 39-60!r!2t -265* 11118117. SUPËRSËDËS RËTURN FILED 11114117 t ; Soulh Ðnve wt 53073 qupport laeálño HËôñ0mlcçln Am{ftcån Hlstofy rc N 76th Street w ¡3223 aupport gnneial op+raflona Y te5.qoo PC t7s,000 Pû Stto/z0rÉ s7õ.000 PC 4/8.,'201ü ¡rto,0t0 PC ¡flEt201S tls,oüI FC 3n6nù{6 5?O,OO{¡ PO 1U21nOß $60.000 PC 4ßAO1A szo,o00 FC 10/5fz01E sl00,000 PC Y Hunl¡ngton ÂvenUe, Sutle 100 vA ?2300 Êuppürt gênêrÊl opeËùÖns F.J Wood Bulldlf g 1 101 NorÌh I'llghlånd Strðet vA 24201 ðuppoft a o¡ogøphy prtject Y South Harasôn Slreot, Su¡te 807 co 80Ê10 support g0nffal operahcns Nor{h 68tb SlrEot wrõ321å rupport gBnerål operationå õ55 N FlanhlnlonAvÊnu€ $ltilwaukae. Wl 53209 çuppori genôral operadone Grêênwåy Blvd. w 53ã62 åupport program North supporl Wgst IL gêneral n Mtlwau¡(ea WI supporl âl lfie lfiree çámpusÞi Tha lyndc and Ìta[y С¡dlry fou¡d!l,on 38.60Jt9¡8 *266* '11115117. SUPËRSËDËS RËTURN ËILED 111'I4II7 t o West GaprlolDnve wl 5320õ ÖuÞpcrt 96ñâîâl ÒpåråtoñÊ at M H.S.. lno. tfq thrue câmpu$ÈÊ .. Messmer Catñohc Gchools 742West Caprùrl Þnva M* Mrlwaukee, Wl 53206 Tp suppprt lha 6uildlng2Lçûm ConðoËlürï The MaclfinåcCenlËr 140 WestMârn Strêet P.O. Box 16ô Mídland, Ml 48640{5û8 Te gupport the MadrnEc Centet 7 r ¡tõ.ooo FC $100.u00 Frc 9/31/201€ se000 pc 7tøt201ê ü250,ûü0 FC Månhåltän $sûtult fur Fpllcy Rþåoätçh, 52 VanderÞrltAvenus Na,v York, ñY '10017 To support th6 t6ntôl tbr Enôrgy ånd thê $/16¿01t $200,000 FC MtBhâttåb lnlttute for Pollcy 32 Vanderhlt AvsnuE sr16120f6 $z!0.0p0 pc aflt2a1a â75,000 FC 7t?tt?a1e $20,000 FC 1WEO1ø It?,500 PC br Public Polrca w The Med