walvv?iwi . . m. . . Qgs??WPfcm, 14.3% $Er? Cr), gf?i?z? cry/ something, I had no interest in owning a big house like my friends. But my 40-year?old self remodel, car payments, and other debts onto their mortgage. A few years ago, she lost her Emh? My" would like that very well-paying consulting . Ewe much. Not only am I now job and they teetered on struggling to get by, the edge of bankruptcy. on six figures, but I feel stuck in a starter home. A starter home worth half a million dollars on a street where neighbors have complained of see- for $580,000. For years, Kristen stayed at home She got a new position just in time, but they were several months late on bills. ?We bought before the bubble,? she told me, ?but we got into the market. I was wrong to attractions, the company of interesting multilingual neighbors, walkable public addict who openly smokes crack in the back yard and throws beer cans Ilhe Es? WEN . y. .x [$22,220 A rill I tee; Mere? ing prostitutes. sucked into the bubble I I don?t often talk much the same way about money with my other people did.? friends who bought Christine and her 35;; here long ago, but I husband inherited a 11 DC I . Ellfl?l/?l?? imagined their finances home in Falls Church I ea 9 I?lmy? to be in far better from his father; it?s 39 E?gl shape than mine. When now worth $489,000, O?be?lO It Alread?f. . I asked them about and they pay only their bills recently, I the property tax. She 3y LauraM?oser learned that, indeed, 5 runs a daycare service E1 three of them live in i there, and her husband h, wow, your house cost 5' big cities like, say, New York or San 5 33 houses worth more recently left his job with five times what your Francisco. Tried to buy a condo in the than they paid. a local beer distributor childhood BFF paid for ?gritty? Mission lately? The median i My friend Kristen to become an English hers in exurban Dallas cost of a house in the District is and her husband, who teacher. They?re sav- and it?s half the size? You pay more 2 $475,000; in Manhattan it?s $972,000, works in IT, bought a ing for retirement and taxes than most residents of Missis- and in San Francisco it?s $1 million. two-bedroom condo in putting money away for sippi earn in a year and you don?t get And again, as in all things, you get 33 Egg Silver Spring in 2004 their three kids? college a vote in Congress? What?s that you 2; what you pay for. There are still vast for $185,000, then sold funds but are feeling say?child care is eye-poppingly ex? swaths of Washington where you it just two years later cramped as a family of pensive and the public schools hit-or? can get a decent-size house for less . for $380,000. They five in a three-bed room. miss at best? Well, news flash: There?s than the cost of a one-bedroom in paid off some bills and The houses that would a term for this tragic phenomenon. It?s the West Village or Pacific Heights. used the rest of their work for them? Around called LIVING IN A CITY. 1 Maybe you won?t live within walking \V?ig huge gain for a down $800,000. But even Do you know what you get for the r: distance of any embassies, but I as- payment on a $555,000 with all the home premium you pay for living here in our sure you that?s a survivable fate. mis?g?? home in Kensington equity they?ve acquired, nation?s capital? Access to an unparal- True, I?d rather not raise my children that recently appraised they?re afraid to leap leled array of (mostly free) cultural directly next door to a deaf-mute drug Ely/Zia: i with the kids, so her assume my friends? transportation, the luxury of browsing over our fence and regularly passes . husband?s income was expenses were lower the Bill of Rights during your lunch me notes reading 1$ but it. Half of his check 8 than mine, or that they break, and excellent restaurants. That?s we all make choices in life. At least a?l . . . ?1/4/14: I goes toward their mort- ever greeted a major not good enough for you? Then move. l?m not hauling up five flights of stairs 3? gage, the other half life change worry-free On my pathetic writer?s salary, I to a railroad walkup or trudging nine ?$53 toward the rest of their 5, in this housing market. could live large in Paris, Texas, blocks to the nearest laundromat. (Af- bills. Now that Kristen?s If there?s one sentiment where my grandparents' planta- ter spending my twenties in London a romance writer, when they do have extra, it comes from her work. My friend Liz told I me she?s well aware that to our kids? schools, or increase it. (Plus I?d sooner have my in the first place! We might not have jquEE?$?y 1 today she could never just more suited to a teeth pulled out without anesthesia, much socked away for college, but WWII afford the Bethesda home she bought more than 15 years ago for $258,000. It?s now worth that unites us now, it?s that we?ve all looked around for something better?larger, closer growing family?and decided there?s no way we can afford it. Upward mobility? Not tion-style house recently sold for $129,000. Oh, but wait~my income would be a fraction of what it is here and I?d have very few opportunities to but that?s a story for another day.) Living in a city, especially one with as many big-money job possibilities as this one, comes with a heavy sur? and then New York, I?ve enjoyed those privileges plenty.) And at least, even on my family?s unspectacular house? hold income, I can afford to have kids we?ll cross that bridge when we come to it. In the meantime, our lives are challenging and full and seldom bor- ing, and I wouldn?t trade our shabby 1 rill wheew wig/ac. ir~??m . Wily/1% $695,000. But she?s no longer paying the mort- in Washington. charge?that?s just the way it goes. And the other thing: DC just isn?t rowhouse on four major bus routes for a stately manor just outside of Tulsa? xv?c mmeA/VW, ,4 AM. gage she signed up for Kerry Sheridan (ker?ryc- that pricey compared with other not for any price. in 1998, either. She and sheridan@yahoolcom) isa . i . i her husband reflna nced health and scrence reporter Laura. Maser (@lcmoser on Twitter) is coauthor of four young?adult novels ii tw1ce, adding a kitchen forAgerzce France?Presse. and a regular contributor to the Wall Street Journal. @9352)?; 4/27" ?M?s irunaway?warns?saw 4 444444444444