OFFICES El {Ts?t?l?l?alsNO MECIIAEL B. LAVEWY AT CIIANCEHY SQUARE ME ?0?51. 5. . NJ 0796" LAVERY SELVAGGI ABROMITIS COHEN 00.. mm, I 9 H. {9731185 128! . . Fax (9?73) 235-1127] :0 0 00400030100 A LGRPORATION JAMES F. hxoscacnmi 100] ROUTE 517? mums? KATIHNA CAM . . a .. AME A. i I mm?, W. 0000;000:0000 I OWN, th Jam-3v 078010 imp-15.x Emmi? 000000-0000 u- n. ROBERT V. STILKS FAX (903) 85243225 av 11w: mama-court? 0F mew as A ems. "Hum, ?mailman cur N: 001:: mm mamas: on H: mm m; mm EMAIL. A W. .03! February 16, 2018 Ravindm? S. Bhalla 83'? Garden Sireel I~lol3031<203n, NJ 03?030 Dsar Ravi: Last manth, we allered you an ?Of Counsel? pexi?un all our ?rm. Since then, we have hasten in angagmd in {1.001100 discussi?ns related to the need to meet your full?time responsibilities as Mayer 01" Hobeken, New .l-arsay, which we: z??cognize will remain mu? primary responsibility. With that. in mind, we have agmed upon the following terms and canditiuns: 1. A5 previously agreed, you are designat?sd as being ?Of Counsel? to the Law Firm of Lavery, Selvaggi, Abromi?s Cohen, RC. (?Firm?) as at" February l, 2318. That designatian appears an the Firm?s letterhead and wabsite. Yam will be listed before all the ether individuals serving coumel? to the Firm. 2, In light of your responsibllitim as Mayer 9f l?lobmken, the. Firm that you will ml he availabla t0 exigagr: in the, day to day practice of law. Your services will be limited to previdlng advism?y services it} the Firm, with an emphasis on young attomeys. It. is that due to 3mm full-?time commimlem l0 Hobolqen, these services will he provided 013]}; as and when you have availabiliiy, 3. Yau will be given: an email address hearing the ? dmnain name. and will be included on all firmwide email 1310233213363 amcl announcements. Yen will also be invited to mend any Fil?l?l?i activities or meetings. 4. Ycu will receive annual compensaiien $360,000. While serving ?ol?counsel? you will not be eligible to receive health, dental, or life insurance or participate in the Firm?s 401(k) plan. The Firm will reimburse you far all reagonable and related expenses that you may incur in your ?91? counsel? positien. All such expenses must be substantiated through written documentation provided tn the Finn?s office manager which are reviawsd and approved by the Managing Partner. {005551-454} Ravinder S. Bhalla Of Counsel Agreement February 22, 2013 Page 2 of 2 5, In the event you originate clients for the Firm, you will receive additional compensation in an amount equal to 20% of all gross revenue paid by clients in excess of $60,000 up It) $750,000 (no additional compensatien will be paid for the ?rst $60,000 01? revenues), plus l5% of all gross revenues in excess of $750,000. Information regzu?ding gross revenues erigineted by you shall be provided to you on a basis for your own tracking purposes. Any additional eempeneatien will be calculated and paid to you on a quarterly basis. 6. The Firm will pay yeut annual attorney assessment to the Fund for Client Preteetien; atterney annual registration fees; bar esseeiatien dues; tuitiee for continuing legal education programs and any other related licensing or eligibility @365. Yen will also be included on the Firm?s legal malpractice policy at our Genet, in the event the Firm is nztecie a party to any claim or litigatien arising out of or eenneeted to your prior employment. as a practicing attemey with F?lerie3 Perrucci, Steinhardt Fettera LLC, you would agree to indemnify and held the Firm harmless if coverage was etherwise net available under year prior employer?s malpractice policy. 8. The Firm will engage with Hebokee?s Corperetion Counsel to ensure that any {sweetie} con?icts of interest arising out ef yeur role with the Firm and year position as Mayor are identi?ed and addressed. m. L- /ic ?e 813/ AGREED AND ACCEPTED: o: Sag/bx Revinder 3. Sheila {86555 i454}