f" f. Numb?i' Tag I d; . E-FILED 2016 JAN mm?mpA??gpF DISTRICT COURT IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR STORY COUNTY THE STATE OF IOWA Before Magistrate COUNTY OF STORY Criminal Number Vs APD Case 15-006018 CLAGUE, BENJAMIN DALE DOB: 06/05/1992 309 GRETTEN WMA AMES, IA 50105 COMPLAINT AND AFFIDAVIT The defendant is accused of the crime of LEAVING THE SCENE OF A PERSONAL INJURY ACCIDENT in violation of section 321.2630) REF 321.261 of the Iowa State Code in which said crime is a CLASS 1) FELONY and that the defendant on or about the 14? of DECEMBER, 2015 at approximately 0702 HRS at ASH AVE. LINCOLN WA Y, AMES 1A., did unlawfully FAIL TO REPORT AN ACCIDENT RESULTING IN THE DEA TH OF ANOTHER PERSON LAW ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITIES, AND FAILED TO IMMEDIATELY RETURN TO THE SCENE OF THE ACCIDENT 0R INFORM THE LA ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITIES WHERE THE SURVIVING DRIVER CAN BE LOCA TED. THEREFORE, Complainant requests that the said Defendant, subject to bail or conditions of release where applicable, (1) be arrested or that other lawful steps be taken to obtain Defendant?s appearance in court; or (2) be detained, if already in custody, pending further proceedings; and that said Defendant otherwise be dealt with according to law. Complainant A.JOHNSON STATE OF IOWA, AFFIDAVIT I, the undersigned, being duly sworn, state that the following facts know by me or told to me by other reliable persons form the basis for my belief that the Defendant committed this crime. 0n the above date and time, Emmalee Jacobs was walking across the intersection at Ash Ave. The defendant BENJAMIN who was driving a Cy-Ride bus, struck and killed Emmalee and continued to complete his scheduled shifts. GPS data shows the bus Clague was driving crossed through the intersection at Ash and Lincoln Way during the narrow time window Emmalee was struck. Emmalee ?s injuries as well as the location she was found is consistent with her being struck by a bus travelling in this manner. During an interview with Clague, he admitted to hearing an audible thud when he drove through the intersection. At the next bus stop, Clague performed a non-scheduled exterior check of his bus. Cy-Ride video con?rms this. Text messages from Clague the day of the incident show he was aware that a fatality had occurred and he had just ?went two hours thinking I was involved. Clague met with a ?iend the day after the fatality and told him that he thought he had struck and killed Emmalee. Clague did not inform law enforcement authorities of his involvement or location. Clauge did not report the accident to law enforcement. Clauge rerouted his bus and therefore avoided returning to the scene of the accident. Signature of Complainant A.JOHNSON Subscribeg?and sworn to me before me by the person(s) signing this complaintLandaf?daviKsD on this the CO day of JAN, 2016. - . Signature of Notary Complaint and af?davit(s) ?led and probable cause found that the defendant committed the offense (.1. can?t" 7. Magistrate m'i .JJU ?an Emmott Wit? . a . . .5- new? a. a .. .Muh? .-