COMMONWEALTH OF COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA CRIMINAL COMPLAINT Judge .l'g?g?aill e6 ?Seo?t? . a ?Cot .39 Commonwealth of v. James Yeager I, the undersigned, do hereby state under oath or af?rmation: 1) My name is: Lt. Mark Bugieda #219, Internal Affairs Division (2) Iaecnse: James Yeager, DOB 04/251?91 Who lives at: 812 Loney Street, Philadelphia PA 191 11 With violating the Penal Laws of on or about: July 10, 2817, In the County of Philadelphia (3) The acts of the accused were: At or near 200 E. Elkhart Streets, the defendant, while acting as a Philadelphia Police Of?cer, did breach his official duty by knowingly, intentionally, and recklessly causing bodily injury and or serious bodily injury to the complainant, Kevin MedinamRovira, when the defendant slammed the complainant on a swimming pool using his ASP, without justi?cation. lo violation of Penal Laws, section and title: CHARGES: 13 P3.C.S. 2702 Aggravated Assault (Fl) - i Count 18 907 PIC (Ml) Connt 18 270i Simple Assault M2) - 1 Count 18 2705 REAP (MZ) - i Count 18 539i Official Oppression (MZ) -- I Count All of which is against the peace and dignity of the Commonwealth of (4) I ask that a warrant of arrest or a summons be issued and the accused be required to answer the charges I have made. This complaint has been reviewed and approved by ADA. Jahlee Hatched: (5) I swear to or af?rm the within complaint is true and correct, and sign it before a Philadelphia Common Pleas Court Jud P. COLEMAN. .4 We, Signeiure of Affisnt .1 ?0 3 RY 27m 2828, the above named af?ant swore or affirmed that the facts set forth were true 043m best of his/her loiowledge, infometion and belief, and signed it in my presence. I believe ?at to be a responsible person and that there is probable cause for the issoance of process. .. ?g 3:1. .gffijkg? hamby cispase: and state ag failawg: 3 . 9F E, Ph?a?alphia FQBSE Mammal: Mark Bugiada #2393 be??g ?a?y accaz?igg 1:1: Em; I am a pa?ice empigye? by me Philadelp??ia Psiice Degjzartman? and presentiy asgignaii the: Enigma}. Affairg Unit i have: been a. swam law enfercemmt office? with that Ph?adsighizg Felice: Espa?mem Since; 1%2. in my capacity as a li?uta?ani, I have bean imaivg? in arre?s and investigatimga i am a palim lieutenant empicyec? by tbs; Phiiadalphia Fakes: ?epa?mm? 3:163 asa?gng? the 1111;617:1222 Affaizs; Unit. I have: b66331 a swarm 13w Gf?m: with EEK: Phiiad?lphia Pgiice Bapa?m?im 53165: 1932. In my capaciifg as; a, lisutsm??, 1 bays- 555% involved in numaroug 333m and investigatiens. Ihavs ham cmdacting 2m investiga?an mm multipia admits in Phiiaddphia, Pennsyivania. Tine: investigatign reveeziec?i that 0:1 er 3132.33 19, 2617, Phiiadalphia pelise. afficsr Jameg YaagezBikisz Strsaigg when ha came inte contact: with Kama Medina?ovim? Durmg the: imaraciiem th?: defenda?? yank?sd Kevin Madma?avira t0 the ground? causing him :0 strii?ig his head multipia timsg. The: defendant than usad big servica ASP t0 31am Kevin Madmawkovim mm a swimming p302? causing him t0 sigma his hams}. defmdant?s 3.269133 mguitsd ?31 ?ed?y 3mm: ser?gag: badiiy mjmy Tm abm'?meniigm? fgcis 35E farm mama: mgig a? {31% pmhamg (2331325: Suppa?mg tha issuamcs: Qf 35: meg: wa?ani jam?g Efeagga ?zz} i?vag SEE 13:25:35 Sigma F?h?a?dpb?a FA 1% i 1, far Vi?iatmg {?13 Pam} Laxw af'F?mgyh?mig 2&1 if} {33% City 35:53 8:333:31? <35 Phiia?aigh?g. 335% {m ibis informaticm {hare ES pmbai?ia 6323323: $23: A via?az?? ?225? fa?ew?mg provisions 0f the Crimeg 695:2: ?135 f?mggi?g: affi?a?aiz 35$ 3% {3:2 $132355: ?3 0 912p 191130 a '30 A 5; spapmzfap 9q 011198 (W i - J6 [29$ A . A OZ l?l [egoggorpue am 399 {m 'luamm Imagoggns moK oq qans .10} Pun we} 01 Sugpmoae mm 1139!) 99 01 13W F"m M, {Hawaii}? [Wag/gown?) 1? 1w my {get/9y 10482;? 9?Mf401t g7 ?fry?/ was: 99 {id (mm um) 7 911$qu .10 1am}de sq) uodn 9m 19mm 03 (w my) Mil?f VJ ?V/?gg ?pmsm cm; 93121 01 papunwmoo 9m noA )2 sn ampq :f Jxafayoa/Gng? yJWg?tnmmowwoo was 9m u! pm; sq (sump . W/fn/?W? J36 5?3 any; i?suuad JO sq: 50 Gwen jun try ?qosxad (mum pazpoqme Jatpo Ame 10 5/29?, 17/091909 g/ij/ 1/7 01 . . JO W03 009983