PHILADELPHIA #5 t: FRATERHAL ORDER POLICE I I-EJD Caroline Read, Philadelphia, PA Phil-~11 10 .1 website: mm.fep5.erg 21 5-d2'ih5135 {fast} Jehn I. Hellesby, President John Heyt, Retardng Secretaryr March 13.2013 Dear Fellow Of?cer. The beginning ef a pelice career is frent-leaded with new infermatien. The capable staff ef the Philadelphia Pelice academy will help yen assimilate and precess all that nevi.r infertnatien. Hewever. the LAST thing yen need is te be espesed te misleading er entright false er dange rens in fermatien fretn All? senrce in an appa rent pesitien efautherity. Unfertnnately, yeu have been espesed in a ridiculens and dangereus presentatien by the current district atterney ei' Philadelphia. He has intentienally senght tn endanger yenr lives by his eutrageens effect he "instruct" yeu en the use ef yenr firearm. Ten are ef?cially urged te cempletely disregard his dangerens and despicable remarks. This individual's enly knewn talent is cencecting begus but financially rewarding "settleme nts" with the ef Philadelphia in a series ef entrageens legal suits which have served te enrich him and his friends. He has experience in pretecting the public. making arrests er use ef ?rearms and he has ND right te stand befere yen and advise yen te endanger yeur lives. Please pay clese attentien tn the Academy staff during yeur training and cempletely disregard any and all advice received frem self?appeinted ?experts? who seek tn deceive er mislead yen. The public is cennting en yen in cemplete yenr training and re repert fer duty fully able in pretect them in yeur new careers. Geed luck and leek ferwarcl te Serving with yen. Fraternallyr leh . esby. President Philadelphia Ledge #5 Fraternal Drder ef Felice semen HEHBERE Vice Presidents: Enamel: L. Pep-In. Jehn I. HcGredy. Steven Helen, chlielu Dell-nil. Secretary: lelin Hey: Financial Maury: chluel Trash Treumn lehn Rune Trustees: Willi? lie-n, Austin in. Fraser. Tm'yl Held, Inner: Ill. Sen-ti, lulla- McLaughlin lie-duster: Shirl? Innis Guards: Pacer Ilsa-yids, Juan Hammett Clap-Mn: Leuhi 1. Eunpieue ?n