Hon Dr Megan Woods {1 . MP for ngyam i' NiristCi of Envoy, ant: Resource. Minister be lot il'lC EartthEkc Comml i . Mir'lgier'ci Pegcneratioh ei-itts Nlil'siel QfReiea'C'i malice mic 5 MAR 1015 Request for Information under the Official Information Act 1982 reler to your email dated 2 February 2018 regarding the appointment of Hon Peter Hodgson as the Chair 0! Callaghan Innovation. You requested the followmg information under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act): all advice relating to the appointment. In particular, I am interested in the person specification for the role (if any), whether the position was advertised, how possible candidates were identified, how the successiui candidate entered the process (eg. response to advertisement, selection from database, advice from Minister). how many candidates were considered, and how many were shortlisted, how many were interviewed, whether any conflicts of interest were identified. and how much they will be paid. In response to your request. please find attached two Ministerial Brielings and a list of potential candidates for the role oi Chair. which are in the scope of your request. As the attached documents show, I received a Briefing from the Ministry 01 Business Innovation and Employment dated 10 November 2017. This paper noted the key skills and experience required {or the luture Chair. On 13 November, I discussed the appointment process with officials and how that could be managed. as the Chair's term was expiring on 31 January 2018. Due to time constraints, MBIE proposed running a targeted search process and lagreed to this, Advertising the role would have delayed the appointment process by some considerable time. and making a prompt decision was desirable so that the Chair, the board, and the organisation could have certainty as soon as possible. The targeted search for potential candidates led by MBIE and with input from myself. resulted in a list ol nine candidates. The list, which contains brief details on a range of experienced people alongside Mr Hodgson, was discussed With officials at a meeting of 20 November 2017. I approached Mr Hodgson to see il he was interested in being considered lor the role, as well as instructing to identify any conflicts ol interest he might have. As per the Briefing dated 12 December 2017, Mr Hodgson completed the disclosure requirements and satisfied MEIE of any potential conflicts of interest; as such I proposed his appointment on 20 December 2017. It was proposed that Mr Hodgson would become the Chair on 1 March 2018; however this was later changed to 1 April 2018. as announced on 31 January 2018. drums in primes; pm amentfiuildinqs milligram NewZealaid ma Hz a beehieqovtnz You have also asked about remuneration for the Chair role. The remuneration for the role of the new Chair is yet to be confirmed. Please note the Briefing to me dated 12 December 2017 contains an error in paragraph six, where it refers to the fee being outside the range for a Group 3a, level 2 Board. You will see paragraph 16 of the paper submitted to the Cabinet Appointments and Honours Committee correctly notes that the current fee is outside the range of a Group 3a, Level 3 Board. Whether Callaghan Innovation should be assessed as a Level 2 or Level 3 Board is being discussed with the State Services Commission. Please note that some information within the released documents has been withheld under the following sections of the Act: 0 section to protect the privacy of natural persons; and 0 section to maintain the effective conduct of public affairs through the free and frank expression of opinions by or between or to Ministers of the Crown or members of an organisation or officers and employees of any department or organisation in the course of their duty. In making my decision to withhold information under section 9 of the Act, I did not consider that the withholding of this information was outweighed by public interest considerations in making the information available. Some information within the documents has been removed as it is not within the scope of the request. You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of my response to your request. Information about how to make a complaint is available at or by phoning 0800 802 602. Yours sincerely Hon Dr Megan Woods Minister of Research, Science and Innovation