FEDERAL FOIKPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 1342703?0 Tetal Deleted Pageis} 25 Page 42 ReferralfDirect; Page 43 ReferralKDirect; Page 44 ReferraliDireet; Page 45 ReferralfDireet; Page 46 ReferralfDirect; Page 4? ReferralIDirect; Page 48 ReferralKDirect; Page 103 Referral/Direct; Page 104 Referral/Direct; Page 105 ReferralfDirect; Page 106 ReferralXDirect; Page 107 Referral/Direct; Page 108 Referral/Direct; Page 109 ReferralfDirect; Page 110 Referral/Direct; Page 111 ReferralfDirect; Page 112 ReferralKDireet; Page 120 b6; Page 121 b6; Page 122 b6; Page 123 b6; Page 124 66; 610; Page 125 b6; Page 126 b6; Page 12? b6; b?C; Deleted Page{3) No Duplication Fee For this Page ww?J?df-?Wghq 13:14 (Rev. 8-: toe} 7 i ATEENTJEDN The following documents appearing in FBI ?les have hem reviewed under the provisions ofThe Freedom of information Act (POM) (Title 5, United States Code, Section 552); t?rivaey Act of 19% (PA) (Title 5, United States Code, Section 552s); undies Litigation. El eownn Litigation [3 nueeutiue Ortter Applied Requester: . Subject: .i Computer or Cese Identi?cation Number: Title of Case: Section File Serials Reviewe?: Release Location: ?File Section This ?le section has been sounned into the FOIPA Document Processing System (FDPS) prior to National Securin Classi?cation review. Please see the documents ioca it current classi?cation notion. ifwat?rantetb 6 set inquires ehout the FDPS to RIBS Service Request 10 7 File Number: #276? ?f/?eaj? Viz/?2? Section 4 . Seeie?s) Reviewed: sortie. Subject: Computer Number: 17%: J7 FOIPA Rwuester: i i File Number: Section - i Seriu?s) Reviewed: some Requester: AL inn-emu i on c: sortie Subject: unseen in I Computer Number: _nnIHEUCE ex? one I i i File Number: Saction I Seriai(s) Reviewed: 't SOFA Requester: . i 3 '3 FOIPA Subject: FOIPA Computer Number: TEES were is To ere us time tree entities. on true IFIIJLIE, BUT nee SCANNED ev ?eeuenzttese. mm: M, LAST SERIAL: 3 7 FROM IFHLE ATTENTHEJJN tee brazen. . 20 Remington Rd. Ithaca 191.142 k: 1- . en'rEe er mEeIcs I uneven lee no. ya afar- .IISOHHEL 3ECURITY .. ?ll. sections must be completed - Write none when applicable -- Trpe of print all answers. If space not adequate tor comylete answers, attach a eueplementel sheet to this torn? 1. Mu: {Li-t. Fla-It. HANS a. (can: 1:151ch 331 an: FEHILE 2- OTHER HIHES [Include maiden name, If 3- HBHE IDDRESS 0R PRINCIPIL RESIDEHCE FDR FIST 15 TEIRS Ithaca, New York l. OTHER PERHIHEHT FOR FIST 15 YEARS. {alpt- anti D. Gunilla-M. InddIlII than") wee-9 vm. Pk. Rd., Ithaca, NY since 31191.6 0. Box 1663, Santa Fe, New Meat. 10 Forest Stu, Ease. 1.2-3 1+3 1. 101 Highgete Ithaca. 1937-39 *(vhite Perk Road) i 1 .1 5 - ELL FEE-Z ES I RACE HEIGHT come EYES eaten mum .190 6. (Check suchmanna DH Home ?rEae HARRIEII CI 2 06 E. (City. County. State or County] St. aebo ee Lo ine ranee I. BITIIEHEHIF U.S.A. IF DATE CERTIFICATE HUHBER 5079501. leCE )6 Rm .Blew Km; IF ulnar. Eon 0F enter BITE REGISTRITIEH HUHBER m. DRIFT IV-A BOARD DATE 104 M- 2036 BY 12. nruunr senneeuom AHD AUDRESS York at]: SERIAL HUHBER BRANCH TU LEGAL 3mm}. 13- EDUCATION (?11 Ic?nola above E?ji? f?i; or senom AEDRESS FROM 10 an; DEGREES University of Munich Gemany Ph. D. Physics 29:1: M. Ti? .ii" Av Ill. . (?It .11 Imploymnt and 4? tux-In: 0an ifI-Eer'luex runs: In: EurLorEn mean? on meanest. since .- - 1335 me. or F'rveice Cornell University Ithaca, New York 1. Division Leader University of Galifomie, ?20. Box 1663 103 31111105 project Santa Fe, New? Me?eo . [3313?11. 1 I ll. {Cum-d.) . 1}th THE . HMIE DF EHPHHER BR 10 HEM Staff member Radiation mammary mmCambridge, Mass. meanness [rams employed). 'u is; roasts" (Sinai 193m (Exclusive of allitnry um?) CDUHTRV DATE LEFT 1" 5 England 7/35 9/35 visit. parents Germany 8: 7/36 9/36 visit parents, vacation Sammy 8/37 9/37 visit parents ?115., Gem, Swits. 7/33 9/33 visit parents, friends Canada. 7/39 3139 also shortsr? visits to friends i, I spa?cm 2 I oaa?ulinrlou IDDRESS, TYPE 0? any a?'ico hlld] Amarican Physical Society, Calumbia University, ILLS. 1935 - date Nat. ?ned. Society, Washington, D.G. 19h3 - data NJ. Acad. Society, New York City, ELY. 1939 - date American Astronomical Sociaty . 19w - {late b6 b7C 17- . RELATIVES. (parents, spouse. childrin. and listen-i, living or dead} RELITIDH HAIE 1H FULL MJDRESS r3535? rlan?s? "?Father Albrecht. Bethe, 1131.15 813., Frankfurt, Germany Germany a. mot. he France Germany . )?mre Gemany 11.3 A. SOD. 11.3.11: 136 ?03.11- Daughter U.S.A. U.S.3. Bmther Germany Germany Sister (38111141113r Germany a . REFERENCES (Nina thr-n persons. not rilltivb- 0r alpioyarl. who are null acquainted with fun} . um saunas: runs no? I - Ii; Nat. Research ngncil 1h Whahington, 5' - '5 . ?36 Physics Dept., Columbia Univ? H.343. 1979 19- (Includl all arr-It: and Final o}har.thsn minor traffic '11 I cum: um: PLACE a 91511:!" . 11 . 11 F5 .. None 1:13}- an '5 - "i=3 :6 .l i: .I- A p.11 . 5- Ln EITE RGENEY TU IFPLICRNT National Laboratory 5 iated Uniwrsitiasj Inc. Ihnuld not reveal clau-ifiad Information) Gwen-mu Sl?ll I CERTIFY THIT THE cauriluan UHDERSTIHD THAT THE GGVERHHEIT BF THE UNITED STATES HILL INVESTIGITE THE HEREIH. It? FILSE.5TETEHEHT I5 SUFFICIENT CIUSE FER REJECTIDH DF THE DR DISHISSIL AFTER muss {Job Title. and Luciana Consultant - Senior Scientist - Department of Physics, Scientific and 0F I 9F EIPLOYHEIT than Fltmon IS CORRECT IND COMPLETE TD THE BEST OF MY BELIEF- HSUAL SIGHLTURE OR HERE DF (511" Original Only} TO BE-FILLED GUT BY AGENCY OR FIRM EMPLOVINE ADDREES Ei??i 11] res E3 H0 cum untam- FILE CI FBI manna-rm: {Chuck the ?ne block applicablo] 1 - 1 nncneu masuns or FBI APPLICANT no CHIP-LETS anon anon REFERRED T0 . RECEIHED FROM F.5-I. b6 4 '7 ape-11 2, Ll AIR MAIL 6 SPECIAL DELIVERY kaL 3110:, 5' - 15 ATOMIC ENERGY - APPLICANT (La EMPLOYEE Dear Sir: You are instructed to conduct an immediate, thorough, discreet investigation concerning the character, associations, and loyalty of the aboveenamsd individual in accordance with the provisions of the Atomic Energy Act of 1945. The original and four copies of the report are to be transmitted to the Bureau by special delivery, and by air mail unless ordi[naryr mail is equally speedy, so as to reach the Bureau not later than-Will 19: 194% Present mu Perle. Fiend. Ithaca, if" 'Iork. Birthdate and 2,1906, Strasbourg, glance? orrnine, Position if-mior i-cimtiet, Breakout-n muons} inhere- Reoord from Manhattan Engineer District om?oguc, Pong Eni?rg?or?li?" Atomic Energy Commission: None Attached Record from Identification Division: None (by/Attached 1 Record from Bureau files: None Attached a r?iw oi" Eiur?u 1'13.? ?flocked that more were a timer of referential indicating mat the applicant's mm Wrote in count-cum cite-i a nail cover minuim on the applicant's mail by m. Hatter, no appeared in emotion with this #11 mar. ain?t-3t; wig-cc a: nun m, Laminates: moot-anon Hit-:6. T?asaoehusotu from :ntober 1921.2 to Harsh 193.3%. raring this cox-ion? no resided at If} Fortet E'met, Eldridge. applicant listen an a reference national ?search Council, nuhingtm, annlicant lieteo as a farenoc invoice- le'rartnento - Lil one - . or trul sure can 3 ton 1 :51. 7 next: aoaingmn Maid :ggiei h_ no ALL inro-enasion conrninsn :i?iEr? - linemen is cnotaeezsisn sane oe?oa?eoos sir Home? in semi?"u" Director - ALL QGNTAIEI-ZED .1 . I HEREIN E3 DATE 04-04?2306 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION T'Hls CASE ORIGIHATED AT Emu Fl LE NO. 116?5?) NI BR..- - 15 REPORT MADE FLT DATE WHEN MADE PERIOD FORE REPORT MADE BY WHICH MAD m: was: 4/13/47 ens/4'3 TITLE CHARACTER CASE ACT *5 SY NDFSIS OF FACTS: Referenc in thsi mad #51 men c* meis University, recommends applicant highly as to character, loyalty and associations; s. x" 'f I .2..er 4- Bureau file 1164241. 3 Bureau letter tc Albany, 4/2/47; - L..- 51; New York 01, 3 - 1551: ne'?lf 6 an in the Physics ment of Cclumbia Ur?vsrsity, 116th 3 rest and that he has the applies 11 for the past ten years. mile the applicant is of German Ens convinced that he is everything that can be desired as to country. He described the applicant as being liberal in that he bslievsd in progress but was certain that he was not radicals The applicant did not mix much in politics but was very active in the scient??ic field, were he is considered to he a. very capable scientist. Reference continued he has been active with the snplicsnt on scme very assignments and linens that he always retained the secrecy cf the infcmaticn coming into his In c?diticn, he has met applicant's wife, whom he regards highly ss sell as his two children, Referepc AND - Reference concluded by stating he would recommend the ssplicsnt highly as to character, loyalty and ??mj?ti?n?s mistcbe noted that Wis she-?In macs." reflects that was born in gastric and came to this comatry in .. GENT .35; 393*. mg an, 4w CHI-apt DD NOT WRITE IN THESE SPACES - I I a' . DOPIESOFTHIS savour a - .7 It; 111.7? I I f? Bureau - ?ew York - .I u. l. mm rum-m men NY 116?500 11 udied camel]. and calmnbia Universities and bet: ?0 Columbia in 1930, a in 193'? and a ye es Department in 1945. He was awarded the Nobel . me Physics 111 and is a member of the Advisory Board of the Atomic mergy Emission. b6 b?C UFFIGE DRIGIN FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Form No. 1 .. THIS case: omen-mm AT BUREAU FILE no. 115-1-1-94 REPORT MADE HT WHEN HAW PERIOD FOE . . . WHICH waste-teeth, e. e. ale?.4? ale?4'? EDT: em: TITLE CHARACTER. or case 6 r? eats BETHE 15 ENERGY AGT - SYNOPSIS 0F FACTS: reference, epeake highly of applicant, etatee he is entirely reliable and leyal to the United States. .1 1-1 f? 4' 3.11134.JP. 4. . . u, .- aeq?-- 4 -- unr- I 1 a. - REFEREE: Bureau File 110w3241. Bureau letter to Albany, ?ated aeril 2, 194?. S: At Washington, D1 G. Division of Physical Science, Nationah Research G01 eil, heme ad?reed I Ia?vieed that he was fermerl? ef the epar men 0- Pays as at Gernell Uhivereity, and that the applicant began instructing at Sernell in the early part ef 1935, in the Hetal Phyeiee EEpartment. ea stated that the a plieant was eat of Germany in 1933 becauae of his Jewish eatraetien. He e+ +ha+ the applicant went to England fer'abeut one year an& that he bee arranged fer the applicant te come to the United States to at Ceruell Univer?ity. He further advised that when the war hreke out the applicant started marking in eenneetien with the war effort. He ii it ?ul' A i'm?nalinm be mwnn?m THEE i. I r! I. - a- Wat?~14 x4? a? m1uw?Bureau :?iru- - i 1 ALL 1. ?an?earn ea weenlb!? 7?1024 NFC Elle ll?ull?? stated that the agplioent spent about one year, l9e? or 1943. at th? ?aesachusetts Institute of Technology. as stated that the applicant was in charge of the Theoretical Physics Espartnent at the Les Aniaas Atomic Bomb project. He statea that the a plioant's character and reputation are above reproach eat that he is reliable and entirely loyal to the United States. ?36 anther aarised that the asplioant?s wife is pres? 137fj antly residing in Be fast1r Ireland1 having also been forces out of Germany has to her Jewish extraction. He state& that the aeplieant?e father was still in Germany but he ooula not furnish any information concerning the applicant?s wife or her family. He advises that it was his Opinion that the applicant's family is reliable and did not believe that they would attempt to harm the united States. REFERRED UPON TU THE EFFICE 6F - 1'13} i 3. 16-1164.- A check ef the washingten Field Office files reflects that file 100-13401, serial 191, lists applicant as a member of the Emergency Cemrissien ef Atomic Scientists which.met en ?evemher 18, 1946, at Princeton. New Jersey, for the purpose ef educating the public to the realisation of the peril of the.stemie Bent and to the fact that the only eeluticn is an International Atomic Authority an? untimately the elimineti on of war. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION . Form No. 1 Tans case ORIGINATEJAT BUREAU FILE NO. 115.239 aspen-r "an: m- can wee?: Haul $235533; anon um av EL PASO, TEXAS [9.13, 11-7 1; a) mummuurun HP. 3?13 HEBREC HT BETHE l5 ATOHIC ENERGY AC - APPLIC ANT SYNOPSIS FACTS: BETHE employed as Division Leader in Theoretical Physics at Los Alamoa Project by University of California from helehB to l-ll?ho. His services were satisfactory, ex? tremely valuable, and terminated by his request. Neigh? borhood investigation favorable. No credit or criminal record at Los Alamos or Santa Fe, New Mexico. No deroga- tory information developed. - HELL HEREEH 33 UI-ICLASSIFEED At Loa AlannaI new Mexico I for the University of Califor an to his records and advisec that BETHE had been employed by the University, at Les Alanna, from April 1, 19h3 until January 11, l9h6. He had been Leader of the Division of Theoretical Physics. According to Mr. KELLY, there was no information of a derogatory nature contained in the Applicant's file. of the Loo Alanna Froject, a he had_been associated with Dr. EETHE at the project ?36 if?C -. ATE 04-34-2306 E's: fro-0322 for? "Fr Bureau File ens-222.1 fan. 9 Bureau letter to Albany office dated April 2, 19e7. . DETAILS: Rae. nemnam as. ??li?f?newer wangenomecor-[ssormts mar Bureau (AMSD) 4' a. W?Il?rm ml- :r?emn 13o tf7C ll?e239 since 19th and had been the Director during the last four months that BETHE was at Los Alamos. BETHB, he stated, was the Division Leader in Theoretical Physics and, in this capacity, made many major contributions toward developing the practical application of the "fission 'Iiteed in the manufacture of the atom bomb. in factj said, Dr. BETHE did as much toward the actual developmen omb as any one individual connected with the program. E9: the major part of his stay at Los Alanna, BETHE, according to would have ranked number two as senior scientist on the project, wit the Ibeing the only one to outrank .im. advised that he considers Dr. BETHE a most reliable person and an individual about chose loyalty to this Country he would have no question. He stated that he had never known of any- thing derogatory to BETHE and there had been no difficulties whatso- in connection with his services at Los Alamos. BETHE, had terminated his services at Los Alamos on his one accord because of a desire to return to work in.the educational ield. NEIGHBORHOOD it Les ?lamos, New ?exico the Housing Office were reviewed who advised that BETHE had resided in spart- men - on pro eat, from April, 19a3 until Hovember, 19h51 when he had moved into a separate house, T-112 and had lived there until January, l9h6 hen he left the post. lated that he, himself, had occupied Iafter BETHE had moved out and that none of the neighbors had ad any complaint to make about the BETHEs. He informed that all of the families living there at that time have since moved away from.Los Alamos. Also, he advised, that the housing office records contain no information_of a derogatory nature, in connection with the ApPlicant. I Iinformed that he lived hear to the Applicant from the time he occupied T?ll? until he left the project. Dr. BETHE, he advised is a loyal citizen and a person he would have the utmost confidence under any circumstances. He stated that the ioplicant was a person of good habits, devoted to his family, and a person about when he knew nothing derogatory at all. .2. 3? 116?239 When was interviewed, he anvised that he had lived next door to the Applicant for several months and had found him.to be a good neighbor in all respects, and k36 he had no comments of an adverse nature tc make concerning his. kf7c CREDIT AND CRIMINAL RECORDS at Les Alanna, new ?axicc . ladviaee that the files of his office contain no record fer the Applicant or the members of his immediate family. At Santa Fe, New Hexicc The Records of the Merchants' Credit Association were reported lto be negatiVe in respect to the Applicant. [eta Fe Police Department, and. xi te Police, each checked the names of HANS, and hgainet the files of his respective department, with negative results. REFERRED UPON COMPLETION TO THE OFFICE OF ORIGIN EP 116-239 care of the El Peso office reflect only thet the Applicant and his wife 1were mentioned in GIG report made regarding Communist Activities at the Lou elemoe Project in l9hh. This report had been made available by the Intelligence Office at Los Alamoe, and, at their request, returned to them-- so that it use not available for review. Inquiry o1 Ifor the 136 Los Alamoe Project, disclosed that. instant report had been forwarded 13713 to Oak Ridge and destroyed there. He advised that it had concerned itself with mail covere maintained by HIS and that if there mere any specific, derogatory information in eonneetion with the Applic ant that. it would be available from the central files of the MED which are maintained in 1deemingten. It is noted that. the request from the Bureau for instant investigation advised that no derogatory informs-? ticn was noted from a review of the RED file relating to the Applicant. 1' :5 l. . I b6 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION sci-moron THISCASEORIGINATEDAT BUREAU AL Inf? REPORT MADE 5T WHEN MADE PERIOD FOR REPDRT WHICH MADE sneer, sea rose 4/11/11? 4/7/3/47 TITLE .. cHanac'ran or case I if Elms ALBRECHT BETHE - 15 ENERGY ACT -- APPLICANT Records Cornell University. Ithaca, New York reflect I . applicant born Strassbourg, Alsace lorreine, - ?lice-F" France. Employed at Cornell as Professor of Physics -. from February, 1935 to present time; was on leave of H, .-4 absence from Cornell l?/l?/ez to 3/1 43 while at Mass. ., Institute of Technology, and from 5 1/43 to 2/1/46 while serving as Head of Division of Theoretical Physics, 138:?: Project, Los alamcs, H. m. Presentlr,r resides with 1sii'e at 209 White Park Road, Ithaca, H. Y. Recoros Hi?-?npreme Court. Ithaca, H. Y. reflect Bares arrived?in U. s. from Germany 2/3/35, became naturalised citizen of U. S. at Ithaca 2/10/41, peti- tion number 50?9504. BETHE is member of Executive Committee of.Asscciation of Scientists of Cornell University which is local group at Cornell affiliated with Federation of.smerican Scientists. .assooiatcs and acquaintances at Cornell state BETEE of excellent character and reputation, anti-Han, anti- Commtmiet and loyal and patriotic citizen of the U. 8. Not known to have any associates who are suspicious or questionable. Files of Identification Division of Bureau contain no information concerning applicant. Credit very good; no criminal at Ithaca, H.Y. RerC-o Reference: Bureau File lie-can Bureau letter to Albany dates 4/2/as'. 4? APPROVED AND I new FDRWAHDED: AgilJ ?if 43.37 (A. L-v- Jae- 1. DO NOT WRITE IN THESE SPACES . .. . COPIESOFTHIS REPORT . . - I, 5 Bureau (MED) .- .5 I 573411.: 3 Albany ALL msosomrioa commerce :3 snaaesaezsn fjoaws os?os?cooe Br acaciancfie?fes?eva - n. a museum unlo- '3?211'34 hL 116?196 D?t?il? k36 k36 Referenced letter from the Bureau to the Albany Field Division advised that the Identification Division of the Bureau con-- tained no previous information concerning this applicant. AT ITHKGA, NEW YORK: or the University, oomonb?' University, made available records which reflected that He ALBRECHT BETEIE had been appointed Assistant Professor of WC Physics at Cornell university on February 8, 1955. On May 1, 1937 he was appointed full Professor of Physics and has been so emnloyed at Cornell until the present time. reflected that BETHE had been on a leave of absence from.cornell university from October 16, 1942 until Harsh 1, 1945 while he was serving on the staff of the radiation laboratory, Mhssachnsetts Institute of Technology. Cambridge, mass. He was again on a leave of absence from Cornell University from may 1, 1943 until February 1, 1946 while he was serving on Project Y, DSM Project, los Alsace, heW'Mexico. stated that he was personally acquainted with Professor BETHE and had known him.since he first arrived at Darnell in 1935 and snorted that BETHE :cellent character and repute ion at Gornell University. stated that BETHE was considered a very distinguished me or of the Cornell faculty and as be of the outstanding theoretical physicists in the world. that he had never heard any criticism or comments in any way derogatory per- taining to political beliefs or sympathies pointing out that on the contrary, BETHE was a German refugee who was re- garded as being strongly anti-Nazi, anti-Communist and anti? rian being strongly pro?anerican and pro-Eamooratic. tated that BETHE is one of the most emotionally pro- American.natura1ized citizens he has ever met and stated that he had no doubt but that BETHE was entirely loyal to the Government of the United States. He added that repue taticn concerning politics was that it was very conservative, that he seldon.enpressed himself on political matters and was -2- k36 [:Eenafjment of Cornell University, BETHE is under his administrative supervision. 5 137(3 136 a1.1ls-1se hfic inclined to leave such matters to officials of the Government charged with the reasonsibility of policy making with respect to the United States and implemenv tation of scientific developments, Iof the Department as Physics, Cornell tniversity, made available the personnel file of the applicant, BETHE from'whioh the following background data.ens obtained. IE6 BETHE was born July 2, 1906 at Strassbourg, Alsace Lorraine, Fra?3f?3 He received his from.the University of Frankfert, Munich. Germany in 1933- He arrived in the united States on February 6, 1935 and became a naturalized citizen.of the united States at Ithaca, New York on February 10, 1941. The following is a chronological listgof the positions held by Professor BETHEs . 1928 - 1929 Assistant in Theoretical Physics,,Frankfort, Germany 1929 Techniske 1950 1932 Private Docent, Mhnieh, Germany 1953 - 1933 Lecturer in Physics, Tubingen 1933 - 1934 manohester, England 1934 - 1935 Research Fellow, Bristol, England 1955 Assistant Professor of Physics, Cornell University 1957 Professor of Ehysics, Cornell, U. 1942 - 1943 Radiation Laboratory, MIT 1943 - 1946 Leave of absence, DSM Project, Los Alamos, H. a. Head of Division of Theoretical Physics 1945 HamedI Cornell University. BETHE is a member of the following organizations acocrdint to data contained in his personnel filo: SIGHA AMERICAN PHYSICEL PHI ?hh?h OF ANERICAH NEE YORK ACADERI OF SCIEHCE AND ASSOCIRTIUN 0F SCIENTIETS OF CORNELL UNIVERBITY. stated that as a manner of the staff of the Physics tated that he has known BETHE ever since he first arrived at Cornell University in 1955 and that he has the highest regard for him.from the standpoint at hi ability, as a gentleman, and as a loyal and patriotic american citizen. stated that at no time has he had any cause to suspect or in any way-question ki? EETC AL llewlSE any of activities, associates or conduct. He pointed out that BETHE is in fact, a German refugee and that he fled from Germany to this country of his disagreement with the Nazi philosophyuruling Germany at that time. stated that BETHE has frequently expressed himself as being anti-Hasi, enti+commun- anti-totalitarian and very strongly prceAmerioan and proniemocratic. added that he knows BETEE is concerned over the present aggressive politi- cal tactics of Russia and that he feels that it is the responsibility of the U. S. to curb Russia in order to protect Democracy and freedom throughout the world. With respect to the disposi atomic materials and the construc- tion and disposition of atomic that BETHE is inclined not to express himself on such topics but to leave the determination of policy re? specting such matters to the officials of Gorernment. described BETHE as being quiet, conservative, and mature and deliberaee in his judgments re- specting all matters within and without the field of science and is extremely highly regarded by all of his associates. I stated that he santly resides with his wife] 0 children, htI tated that Mrs. BETHE and tea children were of excellent character and reputation; were similarly regarded as being patriotic emerican citizens and he could furnish no derogatory information whatever con? cerning the applicant or any members of his family. c. nuances, Professor of Physics and Dean of the Univer? sity Faculty; advised upon interview that he had knan HANS ALBRECHT BETHE and had been associated.with him.since arrival at Cornell in 1935. Professor MURDOCK considered BETHE to be the highest type of gentleman from a standpoint of character and reputation and an intensely loyal citizen of the United States. MURDOCK described EETHE as being typically a "pure scientist" in that he ocou~ pied himself almost entirely-with scientific research and did not associate with any individuals outside of his field. He described as being conserv- ative in his opinions, shy and retiring of personality, at times giving the im? pression of a shy, bashful boy. stated that BETEE seldom.makes any statements or comments of a political nature and when he does he is criticizing Nazi, Communist, or totalitarian philosophies and expressing himself in favor of Democracy and Americanisml He is grateful to the United States for accepting him, granting him American citizenship and permitting him to pursue his scientific endeavors in this country. Professor MURDOUK stated that he would not have the ki?C .aL 116?196 slightest apprehension over the loyalty and patriotism.of Professor BETEE. Professor pointed out that there was one member of the Physics Department's staff at Cornell who could be regarded.as going to the opecsite extra olitical expression, inm??CK stated that extremely liberal in his views, which in itself is sshmi so uncommon among scientists but thatl is highly outspoken Governmental interference and Governmental control of scientific research.Witn respect to the development of atomic energy. ?36 RMHDOCK.pointed out that while BETEE staff in the same department, they could not be regarded as close associates and that they had little or nothing in common aside from their professional associations. I bf the Cornell laboratory of Nuclear Studies, advised upon interview that he had known Professor sens since 1940 and that he had been intimately acquainted with him since early in 1943, point- that he and BETHE worked very closely together at the Los Alamos Project. stated that he had the highest regard for Professor BETHE describing him as a ?pillar of strength" among a field of scientists, many of whom.are noted for their diverse opinions in matters outside the field of science. stated that BETHE is conservative, very salsa and deliberate in h?s judgments and is highly regarded by all who knot and work with him. pointed out that in the administrative set up at university, laboratory of Nuclear Studies is Esperate from the University Department of Physics although many men at Cornell are simultaneously staff onshore in the Uhiversity Department of Physics and Research Staff members in the Laboratory of Nuclear Studies. of the laboratory andl bf the university's Physics and1:hesc two men together with Professor constitute a committee of three res onsible for coordinating the activities of these two administrative set out that it is tynical of the regard in which BETHE is held in that he is head man of this committee of three. stated that he knew BETHE to be conservative in his political opinions, seldom expressing himself on such matters being somewhat socialistic as are all true scientists, but so deeply loyal to the United States that he is content to let the appropriate Government officials determine the policy with respect to the political aspects of scientific matters. of cornell Uhiversity, advised that .AL 116-196 he lives in the same nei horhood as Professor at BETHE resides with his wife I nd two children an atl I stated that Professor BETHE and all of his Easily are regarded as being of excellent reputation and loyal and patriotic to the Government of the united States and he knew nothing whatever derogatory concerning either BETHE or any members of his family. I ITompkins County, Ithaca, New York made available the ?Record'of Petitions, Book.No. 19? wherein was filed petition for naturalization No. 1295, Supreme court of New York at Ithaca, H, Y. which re- flected that a petition of naturalization for HANS ALBRECHT BETEE was granted by that court on February'lo, 19c1. certificate of naturalization Ho. was issued. a certificate of arrival attached to this file reflected that BETHE arrived in the United States at the eert of How York from Bremen, Germany onb2 February s, 1955 on the so He has lived in Ithaca, New York- continuously since the date of his arrival in the United States. ii: In his declaration of intention, BETEE stated that he was born at b?D Strasshourg, France July'2,1906 and that he was German. He listed his last for Baden-Baden, Germany He listed the maiden name of his wife as land stated that they were married on.Snntamhar_ld._I.959 at New on ork. She was born at Munich., Germany and en? tered the United States at Hew'Yorlc city on April 50,19o6 and had not been naturalized as a citizen of the united States. 1f local Board Ho. 495, Ithaca, New York advised that her records reflected that Frofessor BETHE was a registrant of that Board and that he had been classified see, over aged. Confidential is considered a reliable source of information, advised that the applicant is a member of the Executive of the Association of Scientists of Cornell University, which is a local organization at Cornell affiliated with the Federation of american Scientists. The informant! advised that a number of the members of the latter organization, Federation of tserican Scientists, have been reported to be members or the Communist Party. The infermant stated that the only member of the Association of Scientists of cornell University who has been reported as having Communist sympathies is I let csmsil since Uctoher, 1946, who was assigned to the DSM Project at Los Alamos, Hce?hoxico from October, 1944 to September, 1946. CT 1 is considered a reliable source, kj2 advised that. was reported to have had Gommunist sympathies and to hb6 been a member of the Communist Party prior to leaving California_in_l?41, he that no'such tendencies have been ascertained on the rt of since kf?C time. No information has been received indicating thai is a GP meth?D or sympathizer since coming to Cornell University. Associates of Professor BETHE at Cornell, and re orted herein above. were stated that BETHE is not a close associate that EETEE and have no personal relationship except for occasionally attending social affairs to which all staff members are invited. Ithaca Rot *1 "redi+ ureau. advised that her records BETEE and have accounts in three l?c?l one grocery Store and two department stores and that their accounts are paid and their credit rating is very good. The credit Bureau records reflected that BETHE presently lives at 209 White Park Road, Ithaca and teat he has previously resided at 20 Remington Road, Ithaca from 19d1 to lSeE and at 101 High Gate Road, Ithaca from.1935 to 1939. The records of the Ithaca Police Department and the Tompkins County Sheriffls Office at Ithaca, New York, were checked concerning the applicant, but with negative results. REFERRED UPOE GDIFLETIQH TO TEE OFFICE DF ORIGIE ELL 1 15-196 0 OFF IDEH IAL INFORMENTS Re sort. of Special {agentl Washington, D. C. dated 1 23/4? in the case entitled 01C INFOWETION, ET AL, SECURITY b2 b6 Report of Special Agent Chicago, 111., dated lEJ/l?b7C in the case entitled ?mmom UH ET ?1071] SECURITY - c. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Form No. 1 -. THIS case omelmmn AT Bil?33.3.11 nee: no. ll 6- 33!) JAE: REPORT MHDE AT DATE WHEN MED: PERIOD FOR I MADE BY . WHICH MADE ?U?mn? TITLE CHARACTER or case BETLE 15 AEGEIC BEERGY AUT PLIUALT L.I.T., indicate epulicent and SYNOPSIS OF FACTS: ngcards Ra?ia?o ion Labora- tory, 0L310:r ei 10-1we3 te 4.5-ee, es physicist, else iniicete applicant hril who wee educatee in Germany. graduate thsice Department, has icent since 1939, when they studied together He states applicant is refugee from r. b6 b7C nncen app at Munich. nee world-wide reputetien es scientist. nothing Germ? rtiel Jewish encestry; is herriei to Enrey ?eVelqument fume. hpplicnut derogatory, Eei?heerhcc?, credit, criminal recorde negttive. I I FEQ. BY - .. 1-: 1 ..ilLal': . Lureen File llB?BE?l. Bureau Letter dete? sag?4?. 3_1: 0'3 At Boston. Lees: The reporting Agent interviewee. Bureen of Re .s ion Lehoretnry, H. I. T., Genhridge, Lees. ledvise? that his recer?s iniiceted that this epnlicant wee employee at the Radiation Leueratcry I Iron October 1, 19:3, to enrii 5, l943 as ion 5H. Physicist, enL was a eteff menher. unis was en 0. U.P nroject. This recc1d iniice.ted thet the en:licent was graduate of the Lnivereity e1 Frankfort Germany, in r1 .J. 3; '1 Physics, leeve cf receiveu eesence I'rcn .t enc thf? .t he was on Mc'nell Universit? enere he nee Prefesscr er Ehysice. he 1 eeiden wit .1 his :10 Ether at -. \IIiij Jim-Rowen AND FORWAR DED: MW IN Cl-Ll??l DO NOT WR IN THESE SPACES .- [fig .1 52:4 Wm? CDFIES OF THIS (L- lureen {116-2241} 3 3530 11011 If?? i. I I .- if!? I: ALI. ICDHTAEHED HEREEN ZS GRTE Br Fl 11'. a. we] 7?2034 - run 111"" 1C Eorest St., Cemhridge, Mass. rhe institute sppreisel of the s.pl.ctnt was thet he was an extremely valuable sen, shoes were in tee Lenoretory we: to he est en es :o?el for everyone else to follow: the? "-nt is brilli end genius tfye 01 orcfesee' -uvise? the writer test the enplic nt worked with of Physiss. ?ne reporting Agent interviewed the strted thet he has Inovn the epglicent since around 1939, she for several vc. -rs the? studied ph?eics together at Ennich, en: other nieces in I?arneny'which 1s conic not resell. He states that the :pplic;-nt has e.torle?wide reputetion as greet scientist and is ectnellv genius in the field of Physics. He S??te? th?t in connectien s1th.the development of tne Atomic Bent, tee epeiicont was one of the top-most scientists consented with it. He stated that while his easiel contact with the enplicent es been linite?, ens he has not seen him in iittle over a year, he knows thet the epplicent is not minded end hes no objectionable ct redice.l i?ee or tendencies. He states that the epplicent, seine a genius, is not I36 sockeyed genius that has goon co. -tect with the world e1 sens his, ens is neither misogynist no: he ststes that the applicant is either sec n:1f or One quarter Jewish on his mother?s side an? that thj_s resulted in his beings refngee from Germany. He stated thet right iron the heeinnic?, tile snnlicent wee with the Hitler re-ime He said that the epslicent's wiie is the 6 _Lnisrnnii .1 Stuttg e'rden, the is ienous 1_o_r his work in connegtion witnibhe deve1eyment sith.tee.ex_ray He Sf?bEdHEhPt Ehe vt?iigvn ';H1stner is?; femens En39r2een prniesgor. hr. 3 Eh could not elsoorete on this. he sunre:- up by stetiee the eeslicent i: frank, honest ten er the highest status of American ideas end ideals. a?iil er.1oloyed at the e.n licent art-1U}. iLihe, has?). '1 esi?ed et 1U Ecrest'St., The writer further fo net th?s see sixteen spertzent nonse ens e?_vised thet there is no ens pr resentlv residin* there the r- .s1 ides there et the tine the spclioant lived there. He ste.tef.1e knew the egnlicsnt ens sis wife see three-roc1.en 11t1Ln1 915, set the.t the e.n licont "so out most of the tine, ens then he 1-e~s eroin? he see sis ..rii'e sieveere? to live very quietly together. The: said r- H.e. month lent 1or this spertment. Lotte Lilo 116?325 the reoor?o of the police department in Semhridge, Mess. were ?l heartire in the name of-the Subject. Lies Gatherine Ceruleh, beseeohueette Board or Probation, rdviee? the writer there wee no reoor? in the heme of the applioent. Credit Bureau of Greeter Boston, eerieod that ?36 they he? reouest for date on the E??li?'nt in 1943. This EYTC in?ioeted that he resided at EU Beet Remington Rood, Itheoe, Her York, and had good reoutetion. Ho derogatory dete was found. UPoh' TO THE omee or ?rst: States ?warimmt of 3115* ?annel matron of Investigation Washington, a. 0L. 1H REFLV. REESE To April 22, 194? sno,mew York.City RE: 15 ATOMIC ENERGY ACT APPLIUANT (X EMPLOYEE Dear Sir: The Bureau file reflects you did not submit a report in the above-captioned ease by the deadline date. You are inetruoted to im- mediately submit a report and to explain the reason for your delay. If a report has been submitted, make a notation of the date on which it was submitted on this letter and return to the Bureau. Very truly yours, mam ALL semesters HEREIN zs earn oewoemeeoe er Report submitted i - (Jfr ii .35 Report will be submitted by John Edgar Hoover Direotor Reason for delay: fri?m?fl?f grin?'1 7?1 .150 m2} 116-2241 - $436 f: .- Butha. Hung ilhranht 12 a ?at 6 11). Bataan ?33 Wash 32 5-27-h7 A Hart-?1 of hit: ?ng??r?uu H: allow Md'i?fd?al 6w failed to ?irt-3:9 prior ?In?ll! Jail. . ?d?Gnr h; i FEDERAL. BUREAU or I ALL CGMTAEHED HEREEN :3 UHCLASSEFEED DATE BE a .T - 7115:; OF FORM APPROVED _r ?59m com-113mm $1 1* BUREAU no. . - r" :1 - IEL SECURITY QUESTION. .RE .. ?1 sections must up cumuleted Hrite none when applicable - Type or print all answers. If space not adequate for complete answers, attach a. supplemental. sheet to this form.? 1. was (Last, First. Hiddle) . (Officg 5. (Check which) HALE C3 FEMALE . an: HUGHT use.? coma 51E: coma mun 1C: Bethe, Hans Albrecht I II 2. UTHER NIHES (Include maiden name, married Iron-ran) White 5 11' 1&3 Blue Black (Check which) 5 I a a. None C3 SINGLE Cl DHORCED [m HONTH van 3. moans. Hill-1E ADDRESS 0R Pawns-M. HST i! MARRIED '21 Hanna: 1' 1 15 runs 1 (City, County, State or County} New for]: ?tme?bowg, Alsace-Imam, Germmr in ALL PERMANENT FGR PAST 15 ?I'Eh?sk No..$ttoct. City,3tata, ana?datea there} a. CITIIEHSHIP 11m BY HGtW?J-imtim IF mrumuzzm 91% Since coming to this (:0th in 1935: 2/10/31 . NUMBER 1. hr 312 Highland Road, 101 Highgata Roam, 50.?9501" ?73 10h Road, 20 East Remington Road. um (All in Ithaca, Hem Yam-k 1935 to 1911-2). Ithaca, N. IF ILIEN: PGFIT 0F ENTRY 3 10 33'th 313., Cambridge, Mass. - 1911-2 I '50 191?s. an: :14? I 1.0.6 Alanna, H. 195-1-3 to 19%. ALTEH 3209 White Lo. mam 1/h6 to te?. :2 2-3 3 1? 0 some: no. mm 10012555 W3) ?if 15mm Ithaca, New Icmk ALL FEE .ENFOEMATEGDE CGHTAEHED 11' 50?? ?mm" 3.5 12. munm SERVICE Nana mam BE mm ??359 am? To me WW ?17397 - RESIDENCE HHEH MSCHIRGED t3! schools shave elementirrj PIN-IE OF SCHOOL ADDRESS FROM T0 DEGREES {him of Hmich Mmich, Gm W26 7/23 Ih.D.-H1yaica U. of Frankfurt on?ain Frankfurt on Main, Germany tiff-21+ #26 Goethe (Ema-3.31m V15 1421* "kg-.31 $013333]: 2.13 I 1- I40 ?135 4? Ul- (List. in employment and date!) 115%? . 1-- DATE DF rum: mug on: EHPLOYER :counm on ADDRESS "FIN-arc?! 1 . 2/35 . ?4-2 Hofessor lel't?ziveraity Ithaca, New for}: {he . 11/ 3 Staff Member Hausa. Institute of Technology Cambridge, Mass. (EI'lJ-m-Cl'l th?T?- . M. . as I (Conl'do) DATE Tm 0F mm Illin- DFI ("Illega- employed) h/hg . ., .7 1&6 Scientist mum-311:3- of California. 301: 1663, Log Alma, N. H. 1/116 Professor __of 1 to Dmte Physics 33' l; Jewell University Ithaca, New York uT?i-T' - .?f?j?Tf?u live :53 PH . . F. 3.1. - 3 . e! EDEPTJ JUSTICE ?5 a '3 15. FGREIGN COUNTRPES (Since 1930.] {Excruuvc of military service) CIJUMTRT DATE LEFTU.5.A DATE 0 5 Germ 8a 7/7/35 9/20/35 Visit Parents Germany Eu Switzerland *7/30 36 9/20/36 1' Germany .. {it/1+ 37 9/22f37 - Vacation malaria, Germany and. . . Switzerland 7/20/38 9/25/38 .. cm 7/15/39 8/29/39 Vacation ?r :3 FUL E: 16. ALL onenmnnuu ?amazes?? NAME, 11009555: [Inclusive data: and any office held] American: Physical Society - Scientific - Golmbip. m1?? N. H. Y. - 1935 to Preamt. R. Academy of Science - Scienti?c - Central Park West, N. 3., H. I. - 1939 tub? Preamt. ?in. Astronomica. 1 Society - scientific - Ann Arbor, Mich. - 1914-2 to Data. 31m 31 - Scientific Honor Boo. - Cornell thin, Ithaca, H. 1935 to Bate. Phi Kappa. Phi - Academic Honor Society - 1.933 to Date. National Academy of ?cientiata - Scientific - Washington, D. C. - 19113 to Data. Mariam Philpaophical Society - scientific Philgadelphia, Pas. - Since 19M. IT. (parents, spouse, children. brothers and sisters. living or and} I RELATWH NAME Fuu ADDRESS COUNTRY OF BIRTH PRESENT w?o ethane Btrasaa Father Albracht Bathe on Main, Gem-many German: Germ anio-bher Anna. Nee Kuhn Crydera Point Beechhurat, LL, >f Spous? [Ell Stephrotham Germany Stepsister .. mam-p. - 13, REFERENCES (Nam; th??guno. not relative: or Employers. who are well acquainted with you} I ADDRESS TEARS IINDINN I "l fl . Radiation 1.511., I-I.I.T., Cambridge, Mass. 16 Physics Dept? Emmi Imiv? Cambridge, 1:105 mos. b7C R. IL. Research Lab? Princeton, H. J. 12 5F 2 ?136% 19. .URRESTS (Include all arrests and fines other Q??i?'glf? t?ff?ggoiationa) CHARGE DATE PLACE DIEPDSITIDU I Honor nF JUST- The Ilnr'rArei- er! cnr?fiels HIST {To Ppmmel ?Baf?mfnf Ellriynfgitv In}! Tammi Emir?? ?I?f-H?n Eng. 35. be: in its posses on an applicatlun Date AUG I 2947 I 34 Futhorizcd Eapreleniative. Personnel I?uli'l CERTIFICATIUH I THAT THE IHFDE-MATIDN EDNTAINED ASDUE IS AND COMPLETE TD THE BEST DF HT AND BELIEF. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE SDUEDNHENT DF THE UNITED STATES HILL INUESTISATE THE INFDIIHATIDN DDNTAINED HEREIN. AND THAT ANT FALSE STATEMENT IS SUFFICIENT CAUSE FDR DEJEDTIDN DF THE APPLIEATIDN UR DISMISSAL AFTER APPDINTHENT. BITE SIGHDTURE CIR HARE DF (Sign Gri?lnal Only-j FILLED GUT 31" GR FIRM .- 0R TU APPLICANT ADDRESS University of California, Contractor to EEG Box 1663, Loo Alamoa, H. M. ERIEF AIDE (Job Title, Duties and Location . Description IIPFLICAHT HAVEACCESS TDRE5T91CTED should not reveal classified information} E3 YES 13 ND 106 {Check the one block appl feeble} This in?ividual 15 an applicant for a. position. b7C an Consultant for Division. ATTAENED 1 ATTACHED FBI FIHSEAPHINT flLE SUEDE: :1 FBI IDENTIFIEATIDN NUNSEII ClasE -- DO NOT COMPLETE SPACE BELOW INVESTIGAT -- n. . .. .- Hepresuntutwe. Personnel Denartms?? .unnpun; ur nrrn4rini DF DEIITIFTINS AUTHDNIEA or ENPLUTNENT I TESTS 4 202 S. Court House El Peso, Texas a February 21, 1950 DIREBTOR, FBI RE: Ti - CHARACTER: AREA EP FILE NO 115.239 ALBUQUERQUE FILE NO: BUREAU FILE.NO: JJE-EZEI Dear Sir: Due to the opening of the New Mexico Office, the following indicated changes should be made in connection with the above?captioned case: Office of origin changed to Albuquerque. Ehtire file transferred to Albuquerque and this case is con? sidered Referred Upon Completion to the Office of Origin by the El Paso Division. . i 1 Following_pertinent serials forwarded Albuquerque, N.M. Iivision.and this case remains in a pending status in the El Paso Idvision. Office of origin is Bureau (latter sent to aibuq. loo-39714, pg 1011.13) 21 pg. 2,7, 11.6-17zagw131 11:6 above infonmtion is being forwarded 1- Albuquerque, ELM. Division will comprise the entire state of New Mexico beginning Dooember 195:9. You should route reports and data pertain? ing to this case, according to the reallocation of EB?tiewitoryi . 1 RECORDED PWibgh Very truly yours, cos: Albuquerque 11H m: ZALL FEE gihbvna HEREEH ES B?m?i \1 Jones osmosmeoce er eoeezinooflefoesxevn .. ..1mm: m. 5.13" a! O?ce Memor?ndum . UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO 311.11. 7'0 DATEFROM - .u j" x] lug .1950 1/ n" . . ltr. ulnar??'? SUBJECT. u- ..- g? Egg: 1i Ilr. ?an Bravery?: To your Lus?rzm??ona, I had. arcm'rcd c. Ei?mmr?" .4 . .. . m.annW summary LLJ wanna: Liza ?awed? 3 filga/concermng Lie-53m. TELLS was Saline. ed .20 .defnal Q'Lrn-Lss This amming, march. A?auc?edl is $313 ?Tile {2an of? the Emm? me. mandum in chabion. rr' r??J-?ii ?mar-Hm?? - ?8 ALL CGMTEZHEU HEREEN T5 JDLTE . 999992999 9199999 :9 BATE: 99992999 :99? . pt ?999 lbreoht 99999 was born on July 2, 1999, 9t Alsace?Lorr9inn, Germany. 99 his United 9 on 999 9ohr99ry 10, 1991, at Ithaca, 999 York. Hi! wife . 935 tf?C renorto? to h9ve been the daughter of 9 profelsor famous for his work in connection with E?rays. 1' . r1919? 9 99tho raoeivea 9 99.3. Degroo in .hysioo from the University of Trankfort, Wunioh, Germany, in 1999. 9rom 1998 to 1933, he was en- ploy?d 99 9 lecturer and teacher in Theoretical thoics in Germany. 9:99 1933 to 1993, he residod in 9951999, performing reaoaroh 9t Hancheater and ?riotol, inglan9. 91999 1935 he has boon 9 ?rofaouor of 9939199 at ?ornall Univorsity, Ethaoa. Haw York. ?rom 1949 to 1999, he was connectei with tho 99diation Laboratory at tho ?9oe9ohuoetto Institute of Technology. 99mhr1999, Massachusetts. Tram 1949 to 1946 he 99: employed 9: 9191919109 99999r in the 9h9oretioal Physics 9999 .rtnont of tho Eniveroity of 3-99i~ fornia 9t Loa ?19999, ?ew Hozioo. Since 199? he has been a consultant for the nrookhavon 99tional laboraiory 999 the Eniv?raity of Galifornia at Los .19moa, 999 991199. ?TI-ii'l 11 9=tko 9 to 9::999 been a refugo9 fro:o Germany brought to 'th9 oniteio Sg?tes in February 19 5 by 936 ormorly of the Bepartm?nt of 393319:, Goraell University. lot the Lou ilamos Project. statod that 9f9C 999 or con on: tow.999 9.9191oping 9ract1991 9p911?9h1999 of the ?fission in the n9nniaotur9 of the atom bomb. V9 ranko? oCGnd only to at t99 3o: Alamos lrojeot. 153'? <34? Iothe 999 investigated in 193?. a; an atomic :norg; Lawlio-ht for the Uooition of consult9nt at tho 1999999999 ?ational Hahor9tory. 9999 Island 999 and acnugmintgnae: repartod *9 was of ex- oollont character and reuutation, stroniqu anti-9.991 and 9.nti?Go: - Fe 99 ortedly 9.19 not 9osooiato closely with a fellow Staff member El at the ?nivEraity of Gornall who 99.9 ro9ortea to 999 worknd with the Gommunist :9rt991thou?h 9otual momoorobio in tho 99rt9 Nlah?ll ?fii Tir?wno Harbu ?ihi?n??c?n . in June? concerning his association wit who was ct one time with the Emyeice Insti? tute of the inivcrcity of Rome, Italy. atomic energy Commission, on ooril locT, advised that the 33131333 might be information regarding the atomic bomb through the services who visited the United States 1n'1ccember, 1946. Bethe stoned that he had known mocloi since %951: .jccording to Bethe, the canhottan Ercject no newer diooucoec ann. . onoarn or interest in atomic research far military inmate-m during. ivicit -n 1 146- ie ?e gonad tho-.1; hm: Amoloi one cefinitel ppoeed to communism. I tiototed ho WJE ?iciate the university c.f Puma. According we 5- "left of centch no orohabln e:?oc1o11ot, no of tho- t;roe who coco not believe in cooperation cit}: ionounistc. Innoctigction f?ilcd to substantiate the allegation that the Russians may have been attemptiny to obtain information regarding the atomic bombt j?lj. "Lu: Fens ectoe woe also in Hay, 19?? concerning his :-=eeoc1i=tion wit? an admitted communist arty- noon 1-, who was from the Loo xlamoc Atomic inergy iroject on cocr ?36 9-1 ty rie1. Lethe claimed to have new been intimately acquainte? with I although he worked in close aocociotion with him from 19cc to 1945. -He stated thot he knew nothing c? derogatory nature concorni-g ond had no reason to doubt hie loyalty to the United States. -. {Llcw Hens Bethe is reported to be clcee associate of I for the of Californie ct Lee nouns, 'Hew ?exico. or. Be he descrihe on October cs one of the most -?rcm1+ in the worlo. Te stated ?36 Ith:- -t he can TE had close coicntific ceeocietion.eince 193?. EIFC ise he no etrongly ore-democratic end anti-communietic. hitter townrd the secret control of atomic inf:r? . . one reported in 1945 to be member of organ.icnt1one inorn be an?. to how! correspon_ed with a co: '.ont {or in oc;i. . Eelichle interconto recur zoo l.o in oont:.ct wit1- of Lt lacet ?ammuniet sympat v. I on? other aoeccintec of lfnuche? for lie lov:att? to too Unitcc oteneo. a. ?a highly con?dential informant advised that in cocoon-:1, 1944., evict 1 telligence agency, wee of list of in- iivi?uals who were known to be connecte? with ozonic energ?. Included omen; the names of these inciridunlo one the cone of Reno Lethe. the rice3? 11111 on 1ebruery l1, l?r- conneetiou 1 with 1ni 11 advised he had known since 1111 1 re set him at the University of Existel in Tnglen1. 1e ethEd that I. visited him in Schenectady, ?ew fork, in the Summer of 1146, and at 136 'Ithace, '.1ee York,1n the r1 of 1943 or 1111.1e advise& that he had 3111111111: in 211111 lib-1 Summer of 1911. 11: 1111111 WC that he had never had to susges of espionage. 11 else ?etete? that he had no knowledge 1. ever attempting te elicit infor- 1I - -1 .-. . ..-. mat 1911 from lr? Stih-JL. Jim: 116 if?C wording to 1 mail eoter uleoed on employBEe oit1-e Les Elemoe frojeot on uctober 39 1943 by 1rmy Intelligen-oe Bethe received an.ep111l for funds from the Hetional 1111111111 for Conetitntionel Liberties, 1133 Hroedsay, Haw York City. The National ??eaersticn for Gonetitntionel Liberties h1s been cited by the Attorney 1enerel as being within the ~ue- view of xeoutive Order 9855. {1 -*r'1115 1ethe was a member of the ?neeutise ?omnittee of the Association of 1cisntists of ?ornell ?niversity, an affiliate of the Eederction of teericen 1o1entists. The Federation of.amcrican Goientists was reporte? to have had a number of members who uere also nemhers of the Communist Ehrty. -1r.11ns 3the wee named in an ertiele eepearing in the Hashin?ton 1Times 11re 111 f1r- M1e eruery 14 es 1 trustee of the Emergency Gommitte1 of -tomic Sci entiste, heeded Ev Ebert Einstein. The articIe r61orte? lthat the committee was attemr hing to r1ise <1 to finane e11orts to .isulme information concerning atomic energy whic?1 the 1mer1can Government 713 tryirng t0 knee secret as safeguard against international tro.1hle 1he e.rti ole quotei 1 form letter of the eonmittse as referring to the "outmoder concept of narrow nationalisme.? who letter, 1?eerdln? to the news 1rtic11, earned that there is no defenaa 111 nn goes? 1e control of this basis newer end Furthermore that there is 11 eencerning it. i 301- :11 ?13 uni-F -- . She ?Ithaca Journal? for Cctoeer P, 1345, oontrine? in 1rtic1e on 1 meeting hel? by the Association of ;cientiete u? 1orne11 Heisersity on ?etob1r 7, 1149. he prinoipal speaker Jr. Bethe was quoted as having called for.free international exchange of scientific inform1t11n shout the 'tenic bomb. Concerning Presideni ?rnmen's disclosure of en atomic ex- .;nlee1on in Russia, Bethe stnte? he law no reason why we eheul? new 1 release secret informa ion, inc1n1ing ?11 ?05 secret firure on the critioal mass nee?ed. He wee quote? as having r1111 out ?he noeeihility that security ur?nmm lerks, nut the allege? r: lease 9f Lyit signs for::1u1:. by '31 have 1ng the Izusaiguu in an;' ..3. -}115 Mt tament ts tW nci l?nt -T?aeph fundrau HE wha H13 identiz?iud in t:e ATTSE ?s ci?ntiat-T. -minharg was alliged to ha?! advised ite?e Eciscn in ?.rch, 19TH 1 c??cer?T?g fr??rimenta at t?e ??diation ?ahoratory'mt Trrkelay, i1liforn1n. eWhr was 1150 quated a: saying that the lease of basic 1103 wiT.1 not the Russigna anything they &c not In 93.331? 31.31" 9f 1-6? Han. "ff'tTi?l? collaborttmi othey 233311.031? ?f the ?edaration of am?riaan Suiantiutl in the preparatian 3f a hook Gui} "?ne ?orl? or Rona." The purpose of beak was tn give a: idi?f??l picture uf the ramificatians of the subject of atomic Wnergy. it warnsd the public that tho contrul 0f atumlc energy 1 an essential of human surviTal. The fiin rights to this bask were said t0 the ?nited Pra?uationa 0f am?rica in 3&3. 1?45- Ehr?e afficials of the 336?? organizatien H?r? reworted t3 be mambers 3f th? communist Party. {The ashington ?51111111113 11.3.11" 5111-. -ebm r1! 5. 1950. 531 article ?ucha. This article reyurts comments made by ?r..TE?ha and other scientists on ??bruzry 4. 195%, at ?olumbia Universit? WBETE a maeti?g 0f the Amarican ?h331c31 Associ?ii?n was being h91&. T3. Bathe H15 quatea as stating th ha was can Bf'tha few yaeple $u?hn asseciated with at Log 115303, ?ew ?exing, and they were v?ry-frian?ly. ?he article quote& Hethe as stating, didn't about his real opinionplayed.his role uh??l?$613 perfectly." Bethe in reparte? to h?m? als? atated that F?ucha val not prominent in urging international 91211513163 153' scientific information. Dr. Hath.a at ted that ?nchvaluable men in his division at Los 11-111; "aver -hody 11 kod hin-~- a 1111 1n extremal: gr?at cantrihutimn.? ?ancerning Fuchs? background the ar?icle quotes hr. Both: 1: stating th "His fathnr 3&6 quite Tr?min??t in as I nevrr him of anything like g"3 ?f 1T3 Ghurch his father strangly opposed Fitler a?l went to grison ?Qr in "-raany. which 1 all ta his credi . ?a was of that groan of mutapakun clergyman aphastng ?itier.? Tr. intha was 1150 qunt?? as stating th t, necd.1?lritian tu hall How we believe thaw will be shut off from cur a havt tn krew gut frien?u." T. "Journal .mrim' ?Hamper a! lieu for}: city for February 5. 1950, also carrie?. :?an article concerning Fuchl in which 311-. 'FSethe 19 quoted 9-3 9155* 113%. knew ?Fuchs well. gonaidsrad him a. first glass man. a. sci?ntific standpoint. M: the time 1 knew him, I never queaticned his layalty." Bethe is also qmtati as riding that .mriaa'a ?:15:wa guar?ed" sac-rests an hydrogen bombs are not "no longer secrets.? Las-saatJ?auinan Information was rawiwd from 9f the press mrmapon?enta that following the lacunae 0f the public statement, Eternal tn abow. ?n 4. 1950. ?Dr. Bethe muted. off the reeord. that he caul? tmdarstand why Fuchs {11:1 ihal ha did. He was raportad to have with 'ET'uchs' 'attitnae became, "Ef?e: all, a scientist is of the world and works {11' the worlds? ?ccobar LE, 22% LL smug Lumwv? mm LL .?iiz I II Wm.- awn- tbiwlevg-munLLaw-u It be a ?'b7C Wy?' I ?1..ij .- "w 1? fr . Th3 ?bnorahle in: Samara} Taghingtan, B. 0. $535k - TM LL 1LT Lmaster Genen?f ??ts mi}! acunuwisdye qur Gunman; 3? 305?, enclosing a I: I It is Hated LhaL FETG who lives in Sheratan, r53 ??bE b7C -f6r LnaL _a Ham:- Haskell? O-JII .1 :ra b'ammunf?ta. cc Lhe -rier? is name ?Inasmuch as Communist activities on Lhe parL_qf nd Lethe are of LnLereaL La Lha I?dsrul Bureau :Tufd appreciane Lain; Tf L?a name Tad T: TE in Tr?er thus arrunLeanLa can be made LT have Tarrvfewud by a qf ?ne fwderT! Buraau Jar more TampIcLs I: you desire will noL diaclase your during Lhe course 0} Ln? Trapaaed LnLerntew wiLh him. 5 4 _wl'mia? LT L?a you j'or Lringfn; Lab; naLLer mo'?yI?t?en?tbn and (rill be wt}; adviae Tf the Tr as scan TL 5 Sinaerely youra, gm; h_ Rhea the atmasLar general replies wiL_h Lua Q?gjw- Tf Til} be Jar all W?ggbje -LTL Eh hi Dosseaa concerning LL Hannah? T. and Lin?: . L33: 3; 1 LL.- 1, {Mi-Is I ??ame .4 . JEELTTL if.- II Tric. Rem? . - - . SiamIf; REL ALL HEREEN :5 ENCLASEEFEEB -w DATE 05? i9- EGGS BE I UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL nonsan or INVESTIGATION If if]; J. In seem. - nan-c. . sac; . are RE: . . some AGE - memes WTIGATIOH Dear dire Ion are instructed to conduct an immediate, thorough, discreet investigation concerning the character, associates, and loyalty of the aboveenamed individual in accordance with the provisions of the Atomic Mfg: Act Of 1946. Reports and correspondence in this case should reflect the character as AEAE. 1n? the request of the static Energ Commission the Bureau has consented to make inquiries on certain of its employees for the purpose of bringing the original applicant investigation up-to?date. These employees very sensitive positions; therefore, all inquiries met be thorough and all inclusive. The employee's entire adult Life must be accounted for. If this was not done during the original investigation it will be necessary to account for the adult life during instant investigation. . The scope of the wrrent investigation must include interviews .w - 1saith present neighbors, assocotates;r acquaintances, and whenever desirable confidential informants should be contestede Credit and criminal checks should be made on the employee. The ems checks should he made on his immediate relatives at their known plane of residence. Those asking questions pertaining to the purpose of this haves-? tigation should be advised that the inquiries are being made at the request routine nature. The original and four copies of the report are to be transmitted to the Bureau by air mail unless mail is equally speedy; The deadline in this case is i 1 Present address: . Birthdate and a? . ALL CQNTEEMED Social Security Number: - ES Firm to employ and position involved: DATE oe-ce-zece er eeszzinnc?e?ces?eva Very truly yours, . 9? John Edgar Hoover Director RE: HANS - HY - SF - 3199 A a: a Cnn?mt ?1111 inventigation ALBANY - See your ?le 100-12000, on Bring investigation up to date. .. Note: Employ-u has bong: glnveaugated as Espionage subject. with Albany office 01mm. - 0?ce.Memomndum - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO SAC, ALHJQUERQUE [Your file DATE: 11-13-53 FROM Director, FBI HANS ALBRECHT BEHHE-- HI - SF - 3199 ABA-E HIDED ~25~53 (X) he deadline in this ease has passed and the Bureau has not received a report. You are instructed to inedieteliyr submit a report. In the event a report has been submitted, you should make a notation of the date on which it was submitted on this letter and return it to the Bureau. (RE ALBANY LET e~26u53 AND Atom AIRTEL 3?26.53) Report submitted Report will be submitted Reason for ENEGEMEMDN CONTAENED HEREEN ZS UNCLAESZFEEB DATE Genoa?"sees BY ddrise Bureau re status of this case. A Advise Bureau when report may be expected. I Surep immediately. }{P1aoe your reply on this form and return to the Bureau. Note on the top serial in the case file the receipt and acknowledgment of this communication.) IHWH . - O?icej Memorandum - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO SAG. ALBUQUERQUE {Your file DATE: 10-23-53 FROM .Direotor, FBI SUBJECT: HANS AIBRECHT - NI - SF - 3199 BUDED 9?25-53 The deadline in this ease has passed and the Bureau has not received a report. You are instructed to immediately submit a report. In the event a report has been submitted, you should make a notation of the date on which it was submitted on this letter and return it to the Bureau. (REALBANI LE1: 3-26?53 AND new: AIRTEL 3-26-53) Report submitted Report will be submitted Reason for delay amt znreamamseu cenraennu as mama 34?d4?23?6 av Advise Bureau re status of this case. Advise Bureau when report may be eupeoted. I) Surep immediately. (Place your reply on this form and return to the Bureau. Note on the top serial in the case file the receipt and acknowledgment of this communication.) lp?wwd O?iCd Me??amndam - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO SAC ALBUQUERQUE [Your f1 13 DATE: 10-12-53 FROM :)Directcr, FBI SUBJECT: HANS BETHE - NI -- SF - 3199 REA-E. BUDED 9-25-53 _The deadline in this case has passed and the Bureau has not received a report. You are instructed to imediately submit a report. In the event a report has been submitted, you should make a notation of the date on which it was submitted on this letter and return it to the Bureau. (RE new ET 3?26?53 we ALBANY AIRTEL 3-26-53) Report submitted Report will be submitted . 3 Reason for delay ELL :zs ewmaesznen ease oamo-awz-ooe Etc Advise Bureau re status of this case. . Advise Bureau when report may be expected. Surep immediately. (Place your reply on this form and return to the Bureau. in the case file the receipt and acknowledgment of this commun cation.) - B's-205 O?ice Memorandum - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT To . irector, FBI {File I mm ?7 Q;gs w/o?k (F115 $90 Jig/4956b! sail?? v?4r. This case will be delinquent. Date of Bureau deadline: ?7 Sus- Reason for the (.001 rib?.77 ya E?s ?r Cb?f?wbr? due: REM iz/Aamk Date the report or WMIL 1will reach thunredu. (?1-21 ?sax HM AEC zone designation, OH, CH, etc.: (This applies only to 116 cases.) UVJD ALL CONTAERED gry. :3 UNCLAESEFIED DAEE ??m??m2096 BY UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION WASHINGTON 25. D. C. 1?an 15 1953 Honorable J. Edgar Hoover, Director Federal Bureau of Investigation U. 3. Department of Justice Washington, D. C. ?ttention' llr. G. Ca 03115:! Subjeet: LED ESIIT BETTE, Dear Mr. Hoover: the There ere attached hereto WW Personnel fingerprint card Seourity Questionnaire and FBI Form T-l FBI Form T-E for the aborednamed individual who has been inrestigated previously by'the Bureau under the provisions of the Atomic Energy Act of 1946. It is requested that a reinroetigation relative to this individual be conducted and that we be furnished with the results at your earliest oonvonionoe. Sincerelybfois, Hf- ALL FEE ENFORMRTEGH CGHTAIHEE "If HEREEN ES or" DATE: 1?34 2336 BY PVR - . ,3 fr? Francis Hammaok, Chief 11- 111.241.; H-iW-?bl JULY 2,1906 31:31; =1 2* E?nolosure: lg; ?33; New P8P to be returned to EEG by FBI. hang? (FPO, T-l or T-2 not available.) I. . i . (Ir-1049} THIS- BASE NT BUREAU OF BUREAU FILE Ha. REPORT MADE: AT DATEAISEIEINI PERIOD FOR WHICH MADE unnr AIBUQUEEQUE 12/2u/53 I CAR :16.18u20!51 TITLE CHARACTER CF cm 6 HANS ALBRECHT BETHE - HY - SF - 3199 AEA I I. r! I 5 In?! If, fl REFERENCE: Bureau letter to Albanx dated July 21', 1953 Report of 515 fitted April 11+, at ?El Puma. u. -1 931.217?? L.- I'd-pf? fad EL DETAILS: We inuru?m?an at Santa Fe, New Mexico, was conducted by an a} ELL ENFORMATEQM CGNTAEMED :3 $5 HEREEW 13 UNCLESSZFEEU a; 1; DATE 04 d4 2036 ?ig??u?nu?gf gf?fl??l??fg?? no MDT WRITE INITHESCE spaces 3Tit-?Edit . cor-ms aF'rms REPORT 7? . I: I I 5 Bureau (116?22h1) AM a - Albuquerque (116-19Lt80) II I FBI Illa; Mrs-port and Its contents are loaned distributed outside of agency to which loaned ll mmnulmr IFFIEE 13?50337-1 no 62-228 so l16-19h30 At Les Alarms, New Mexico Porsonn ty of California at Los Alemos, code available by reflect that Dr. employed as research group leader in the Theoretical Physics Division of the Los Alamos Scientific Internal-Jr April 1., 191:3, to January 11, 19h6, When he voluntarily resigned to return to his former position It Cornell University. The records reflect he has been continuously retained as consultent to the Theoreticsl Physics Division of the univer? sity of Cslifornie at Les Alsmos from April 1, 19h6, to_the present, and that in such capacity he has been physically present at Los Alnmos during the following indicated periods: Four days in l9h6 5 days in 7 days in 19h8 July to July 8, 19h9 December 28, 1950 to Jhnusry 28, 1951 February 3, 1952 to September 10, 1952 May 1, 1953, to September 12,_1953. The records further indicete that at various times between 19h6 and present Dr. BETEE hes-elso been paid for performing considerehle con- sultant work for the University of Cslifornis while be physically remained at Cornell University, Ithece, New York. He is presently peid for such services st the rate of $120.00 per day. Instant personnel records reflect that Dr. BETHE was born on July 2, 1906, st Strasbourg, Germany, and he use neturslized es citizen of the United States at Ithaca, New York, on February 10, lghl. 0n Per- sonnel Security Questionnlire executed for the University of California and end the Atomic Energy Commission under date of August 18, 19h7, he indicsted that his father, ALBRECHT BETHE was then living st Germany, and that he bed one stepsbrother end one step-sister st some Iddress as his father. He indicated that his mother. AHEETBETHE. nee . re ided in 136 Long Island, New York, and that his] was We also horn in Additionsl records in possession of the Universitr of Felifornis st Les Alsmos reflect that! less born on st Nhnich, Germany, sod that - urn zed so a citizen of the United States on November 10, 19hl, at I ork. 0n similar Personnel Security Questionnaire executed by der dots of April 17, 19k3, she indicated that her parents, PETER PAUL and ELLA EWALD, both -2- AQ 62-228 HQ :cs born in Germany, were at that time residing in Belfast, Ireland. The NC instant personnel records do not contain any information unfavorable to either Dr. or Mrs. EETHE in any respect. Theoretical Physics Division, University of California at Los Alanna, advised that he first met Dr. DETHE k36 at Los Alamos in the spring of 19h5 and that he had some but not constant contact with him during that year. From 19h6 through occasional contact with BETHE at Cornell university, and from 1950 to the present he has worked very closely with him whenever he has been at Los Alamos, with occasional consultation meetings at Cornell University or other places. He also indicated that he has had considerable social contact with BETHE and his wife and stated that he ia-cartain that he has had more contact with Dr. BETHE than anyone else presently at Los Alamoe.. stated that BETHE is ?extremely capable? as one of the outstanding physicists in the world; that he is honest and conscientious to a degree, and that he is very methodical and thorough on any type of work that he may engage in. He stated that he has never had any reason whatso- ever to question the basic loyalty of Dr. BETHE to the United States, and that he is certain that Dr. BETHE entertains a very definite feeling for the desirability of life under a free, democratic form of government. He advised that the mothers of both Dr. BETHE and his wife presently reside in the vicinity of New York City; that he is not certain as to whether either o? their fathers are now living, and that to the best of his knowledge neither of them attempt to maintain any particular contact with any possible relative or other individual presently residing in Europe that some individuals may have indicated some criticism of Dr. BETHE because of his apparent lack of active participation in the weapons development program between 19h? and 1950, and that he believes that during such period SETHE did entertain considerable hope that develop? ment of greater weapons would not be necessary, and that a way might be found for permanent peace. hut he stated definitely that he has never known PFTHE to offer any active or actual vocal opposition to development of greater weapons, specifically the H-chb, and that to the contrary EETHF was actually in favor of its development all the time, if possible, although until about 1950 he was not convinced that it was feasible or workable. He advised that a ter feeling of urgency the need for such a weapon increased, - which was about the same time that he became convinced that it was feasibleg he devoted his most sincere forts unselfishly to the pro?ect which resulted in immeasureable benefits. He also pointed out that during the period of lgso through 19h9, EETHE was very busy with his academic work at Cornell Unive sity and also performed considerable work at Knolls Laboratory near there He further stated that he personally has always found BETHE to he so 62-228 no 116-19h80 entirely cooperative in an; possible approach that he has made to him in connection with the defense or weapons programcf the United States. k36 informed that the only organizations that he has ever known BETHE to he affiliated with have been purely professional scientific k36 organizations and the Federation of American Scientists. In regard to the kaC letter organisation, he advised that BETHE has been a fairly active member for some time; that he has not held a national office only because he has refused to indicate that he would accept same if offered, and that he believes that BETHE has offered members of the organisation very "sound" advice on several instances, none of which was to the possible detriment k36 of the United States. kf7C In regard to the past or present associates of EETHE, stated that nearly all of his associates have common profession?l_interests he believes that he has been the most intimate wi+h er member of the Atomic Energy Commission] I with whom he formerly worked groseln_hnt_has_nnt_n ntacted very frequently within the past three years, an the In- stitute for Advanced Stu of Fri He also advised that BETHE has been quite friendly wit?! lover a long period of years although they sometimes do not entertain like views on some subjects. He advised that to the hiat_o?_hia1knowledge all of these individuals are entirely 1 1 Pi+ivens to visit with on one or two occasions during the time BETHE was working at Los Alamos, but that he believes that this was due only to the fact that he entertains some sympathy well as consideration and does not indicate that he has ever had any close personal association with him. Ir re BET ?s association withl I advised that has been a member of the faculty in the Department of Physics at Cornell University for the past several years and that EETHE has had considerable contact with him both of a professional and a social nature. He further pointed out that they worked together at Los Al during World war II. He stated that BETHE has undoubtedly defended right to his personal beliefs or to make statements that he desires to, with the University officials at Cornell university, probably on the basis of . his belief in academic freedom, but he has definitely never heard him indicate in any way that he personally entertained any sympathy for similar ideologies. He furthermore has never heard him offer any objection or opposition to the ac-inn of +Pe Atomic Energy Commission in revoking or removing the "clearance" for access to restricted data. He stated that he has never had 62-228 in 116-19h80 ?36 . kr?C whatsoever to believe that BETHE has in any way furnished type of possibly confidential or restricted information since - the expiration of his clearance for such accessL He further advised that he does not personally believe that there is any appreciable danger in their continued association because Dr. BETHE is such a methodi - sonality that there is very little risk that he would ever giv or any other unauthorised individual, confidential informant either in- ?36 tentionally or inadvertently. koncluded that he has never known Dr. BETHE to offer any opposition whatsoever to any type of reasonable security rules or regulations, and that he considers him to be completely trustworthy with the highest notwithstanding his continued association with In regard to the a. orementioned the"A1buquerque Journal" newspaper of May 10,1953, contained an INS article datelined Rhy 9 1953, at Ithaca, New York: stating that Prof {?remen had told ISenate Investigating sub-Committee at Boston, Fuss. on that date that "he had been a communist.? In resard to the aforementioned f41es of the House Unssmerican Aactivitiea Committee ref1.ect that testified.before that committee in the forepart of 1951 and admitted_that he had formerly been a member of the communist party. The communist party has been designated by the Attorney General of the united States pursuant to Executive Order thSO. I Theoretical Physics Division, University of California at Los Alamos, advised that he first met Dr. BETHE at Los Alamos about 19th and that he had occasional contact with him from that time to 1951. He explained that even when he, lwas not actively employed at Los Alamos he served as a member an. secre ry of the Senior Responsible Review Committee of the Atomic Energy Commission, and in such capacity also had some professional contact with him. He further explained that from.1951 to 1953 he worked very closely with BETHE at Los Alamos and.at Cornell University, but stated that irregardless of such contact he does not personally feel that he is more than casually acquainted with BETHE and described him as a very ?complex individual" who retains a certain amount of "aloofness" and ?arrogance" in his dealings with associates. He further advised that in his opinion BETHE a man who seldom changes his opinion once it is clearly formed, but that the other hand he is not one to fail to devote his best efforts to any .1 A no 62-228 so lid-1911.80 E36 work that he undertakes simply because he may not be in complete aff::d] 136 hf7C irability of any work or project. In this connection, advised that BETHE did originally oppose the attempt United States to develop the H-Bomb but that he did so only because he felt that it might not be entirely feasible and that efforts in that direction would only lead Russia to devote great efforts tOward development of a similar weapon which might someday be used against the United States. He further stated definitely that when the objections of BETHE and others were overruled and the Presidential Announcement of research in that direction was made, BETHE felt that if a whole-hearted effort was not made by nearly all of the scientific personnel in this country the project might fall short of expectations and only serve to further stimulate the Russians, a possibility which he considered to be very dangerous and undesirable. He stated that he is certain that Dr. BETHE has worked very hard on the H?Bonb project since early in 1950, and that he has conscientiously devoted his most sincere effort and has made many contributions of immeasurable value. I Istated that he has never had any reason to question the char loyalty of Dr. BETHE to the United States or the domocratic form of government in any respect. He has never known him to be affiliated with any organisations except professional societies and the FEDERAEIQN OF AMERICAN SCIENTISTS. In regard to his associates, he adr years been a close associate and ?follower" of nd that in his 0 inion he still has consider- ab. . faith inl He hgs_ngt_gnown him to hate any appreciable amount of contact wit He advised - - -Ile profes- sional and. at Cornell university and that BETHE has defends cials on the basis of academic free- kl? gem and ff a matter of principleJ although he has never known him to condone tha+ BETHE continues to -- activities in connection with communistically infiltrated organi- kaC nations or to indicate any sympathy for hi . ideologies. He added that he has actually never known BETHE and to discuss political ideologies and that he personally does not believe that they ever have en- gaged in such a discussion to any appreciable extent. He also advice? thr+ he heard BETHE state in the spring of 1953 that he has never given access to any type of confidential or restricted informatic -- the time that he was advised not to by the ABC about l9h7. stated that he has never had any reasOn to doubt this statement of EETHE, and that to the best of his knowledge BETHE has always been quite discreet in his conversations and has never discussed possibly restricted data with any unauthorized individual, or unnecessarily discussed such information with.properly cleared people. He advised that BETHE may have overlooked some minor security regulations in the past, or left them for other indi- VLduals to handle, but that he has in general been thoroughly observant and in accord with necessary security precautions. He stated that in his opinion BETHE has always had a very commendable attitude on "Classifiemion I1 Matters, and that although he has spent considerable time in thought on -6- AQ 62t228 so 116-19tao the matter, he has never actually advocated much "declassification" of pertinent material or any sharing of such data with other countries. k36 Theoretical Physics Division, Unirersits,r of California Los Alsmos, advised that he has knotm Dr. BETHE professionally and to some extent socially from 19t6 to the present. He stated that both BETHE and his wife are entirely honest, responsible individuals of good character and that he has never had any reason to ques- tion their loyalty to the United States of the democratic form of government in any respect. He has only known BETHE to be affiliated with the American Physical Society and stated that he has only known hin.to associate with scientists who are very highly regarded professionally and who to the best of his knowledge are loya' ge of BETHE's poSsihle association with or He stated that he has never known D.. - .n screet in his conversations on any type of restricted.information or to disregard security regulations or precautions in any manner. He concluded that to the best of his knowledge he is a thoroughly trustworthy person. EJU?niversity of California at Los Alamos, he studied and wor ed under Dr. BETHE's direction at Cornell University from 1950 to 1952 and that since the forepart of 1952 he has had some professional and_some casual social contact with him at Los Alamos. He stated that he has always found Dr. BETHE to be a thoroughly honest and responsible individual, of outstanding intelligence, and that he has never had any reason to question his loyalt: to the United States or the democratic form of government in any respect. xplained that because he possessed appropriate clearance while a an ng ornell Univer- sity on_an REC Fellowship grant, he was able to assist Dr. BETHE in his work with some classified data there, and that he never knew him to violate any security rules or regulations or to offer any possible opposition to such regulations. He did not know him to he affiliated.with any organisations and did not know his particular associates. He concluded that to the host of his knowledge and belief, Dr. BETHE can.be completely trusted.with the highest type of confidential information. I ITheoretical Physics Division, univer- sity of . s, as that he has had considerable pro? fessional contact with no. BETHE between 1950 and the present. He stated that BETHE is a man of "tremendous capabilities", and that to the best of his knowledge, his character, integrity and loyalty to the United States is unimpeachahle. He added that he has always found Dr. BETHE to be discreet in so eases no 1.16-1ng his conversations and scrupulous in his observation of security regula- tions. He has not had any knowledge of his Organizational affiliation or particular associates, but considers him.to be a thoroughly trustworthy individual, I iUniversity of California at Los Alamo, advised_that he has known?Dr. EETLE as a ?very'top level? scientist'and consultant at the Les Alanna laboratory since lth. He has been acquainted with Dr. wife but has never known any of his other possible relatives. He stated.that to the best of his knowledge BETHE is an individual of unim- peachable character and reputation, and that he is entirelv loyal to the United states and the democratic form of at He :ed that although BEEHE apparently believed, as di that a "great deal of thought should be given the matter? prior to any attempt to develop a type of H-Bonb or anv suc weapon of tremendous power, once the decisior was made he contributed his work and efforts unselfishly and whenever he felt that he oeuld he of value to the project. He further advised that al- though BETHE perForsed little work for the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory ?ring the period of 1946 to 19h9, he was active on other defense projects and was not requested or simply could not devote any more time or effort than he did during that period. advised that he has not had any kg? howledge of the organisational affiliatio - 1 known EYYC him to be a very close personal friend of r_doea_not_helijve that he has ever been an intimate friend de knowledge of the degree of association between BETHE an out is cognizant :f fact that BETHE has urged Cornell University officials to retain as a member of the faculty, which action he believes is only because 0 be academic ureedom and the fact that he does not now consider that could be a "security risk? in such position due to the fact that he has not had access to any restricted data for a period of several years advised that he has always found RETHE to entertain 1 ve"y commendable and cooperative attitude in all his dealings with him :rlat ive to classification and aeolrity matters, although he mav have some ten dencv to overlook minor details or leave them to someone else To the nest of his knowledge BETHE has always been discreet and methodical in his conversations relative to restricted data, and is true+ tworthv individual IUniversity of 136 California at Loo Blames, advised that in the summer of 1953 while Dr. BETHE ass at Les Alanna, he requested his assistance in obtaining information from _ahs_inaniise_neraannel_?iie of the University of California relative to explained that inasmuch as BETHE as a laboratory -8- HQ 62-228 AQ 116-19h30 official was entitled to access to such files if he desired it, he did obtain the instant personnel file and allow BETHE to examine same in his presence. He that time Dr. BETHE was apparently'attempting ?36 to determine if ad deliberately furnished false statements to conceal possible connec on with communist party organizations at hfLos Alamos during World War II. He indicated tl claimed that he had not falsified the Personnel Security Questionnaires or affidavit executed by him in connection with such employ? ment because he had only been asked to submit or indicate "current? organi- sational affiliation and he was not an bar of the communist party at that time thaEL;::if;:f;Eid not list any current or former affiliation with the communist obviously communist controlled organizations on any PSQ executed by him for the university of California even though the questionnaire clearly specified that he should have listed all former as well as current organisational membership. advised that BETHE did not make any specific comments following his exami? nation of the records, but that he received the impression that BETHE desired th?e tion only to determine the degree of support that he might giv the future in connection with his continued employh meat at Cornell University. He stated specifically that EETHE did not in any way indicate that he was ting any type of exception or objection enial of clearance to the Atomic Energy Conniesion.? could not furnish any a itional information relative to Dr. BETHE.. NEIGHBORS d?D ACQUAIHTANCES at Los Alanos, New'Mexico Resident housin si records of the Zia Company Housing Office, made available byi I reflect that Dr. BETHE and his wife have been assigned bales designated resident quarters at Los Alamos on the indicated dates: 3990-A Trinity Drive, June 30, 19h? to September 10, 19t9; 1016 - h9th Street, February 6, 1952, to September a, 1952; wit?s h6th Street, June 17, 1953, to September 11, 1953. Theoretical Physics Division Univer- city of California, advised that whenever Dr. EETEE has been at Los Alamos on other than during the above periods, he only occupied temporary'transit 1-ccouunodations at the Lodge and did not maintain any type of_pernanent 136 *osidence. tf?C Zia Company, advised that so 62-228 is 116-19hdo that he formerly resided at 3920-E Trinity Drive, and knew Dr. EETEE and his wife casually as close neighbors at that address for a period of about two months in the summer of l9h9. He stated that they appeared to be very espectable people of good character, and that he did not have any reason to question their loyalty in any way. He advised that the only particular that he was able to identify during that time was 1038 - Street, advised that he knew Dr. Bsins aaihis wife as next oor neighbors For about seven m?nthsin 1952 and had some neighborly contact with them during tlis tine He stated that he found them to be very respectable and responsible people who appeared to be entirely loyal arid patriotic citizens He did not know anything about any possible relatives of either Dr. or Mrs. DETHE_an?_a?Iiand_ihai_Ihei sociatcs in that neighborhood were andl who are e:itirely loyal citizens to the best or his ow ge. his Company, hgth.5treet, advises that he Knew ur. shine and his wife rather casually as neighbors during a period of about seven months in 1952. He stated that to the best ky? of his hr owledge they were very'res pectable and responsible individuals hf?C as well as entirely loyal and patriotic citizens. He did not know of any organisation thet either may have been affiliated with, and only knew then_to particularly associate withl also reside in the same neighborhood and are 1 se ya -s the best of his knowledge. I Tet-s sets Street, and 7T4 - Eoth Street, each advised that he knew EETHE and his wife very casually as neighbors residing at TQh-h h6th Street for a period of two or three months in the summer of 1953. Each explained that the BETHES did not have any appreciable contact with anyone in that neigh- borhood during the short time they resided there, but each.ststed that they aPPeared to be entirely responsible people of good character and he did not htve any reasOn to question their loyalty in any way. Each advised that the only person that he knew them to particularly associate with during that period.was I CREDIT At Santa Ea, New-Mexico Merchant's Credit Service, which covers AQ 52~228 AQ 116-19h80 Les Alemos, new hexico, advised that records of that agency do not contain any information unfavorable to Dr. BETHE or his wife. CRIMINAL DATA At Santa Fe, New Mexico b2 b6 The records of the New Mexico State Police were checked with kfic negative results in that they do not reflect any criminal data relative hf?D to Dr. FETHE or his wife. At Les AlomotJ new Mexico The records of the Los Alamos Police Department were checked with negative results in that they do not reflect any criminal data relative to Dr. or his wife. MESCELLAHEOUS ht Los Alamos, Heriyexico Albuquerque Confidential Informant if known reliability, advised that shortly before commencement of the trial of JULIUS and ETHEL on charges of espionage in Federal District Court at New York Citv, an attorney For the directed a letter to EARS BETHE and other outstanding scientists in the United States in which he asked a number of leading questions relative to the possible importance of informa- tion furnished Russian espionage agents by the ROSENEUEG espionage ring, and whether or not it would appear logical that GREENGLASS, in view of his lack of scientific training and background, would be able to provide sufficiently accurate information relative to the atomic weapon to he of actual detriment to the security of the United States. The advised that he did not furnish Dr. BETHE any type of advice on this matter, but that he did observe the reply personally wrote and sent to this attorney in letter form. Informant stated that in this letter BETHE advised the attorney that in his opinion the infohnation pur- tortedly furnished Russian espionage agents was quite definitely restricted data of considerable importance in the field of atomic weapons and_nas ceru tain to the detriment of security of the United States. He furthermore told the attorney that in his opinion GREENGLASS was capable of relaying such information in sufficient detail to be of great value to I pessible annoy nation. The informant stated that BETHE definitely did not furnish -11.. HQ 116-19h80 any'eid or comfort whatsoever to the defense of the ROSENEURGS, or even indicate any possible sympathy for such cause, end that the information Dr opinion offered by him.wes not utilised during such trial. To the best of the knowledge of informant, this is the only connection that BETHE ever had with the ROSENBURG espionage case or trial. Informant requested that his identity not be revealed in con- nection with this setter due to the confidential nature of his relation- ship with Dr, EETHE in regard to it. The files of the EEC Security Branch at Los Alamos reflect that in?ormstion relative to the following aforementioned associates of HANS BETHE has been previously furnished to the EEC: I1 =o1s 13511 - we . 5 11288 wn-sr use? - sr-cs-cs 3 - 12818 -RUC - -12- ll 62-228 AQ 116-19h80 RAGE INFORMANTS I le?o 3urniah?d infarmatinn to SA ht ?03 Alumna, on Decem- ber 10, 1953, and.requeste? that his idantity not be revealed in 00n- nection with the information attributed to him under instant :ymbul. b2 b6 b7C 3) 9 sac, Albany (116-196) a .uu I- a sears l3 oars os-is-zoes Br - UNITED sung GOVERNMENT TO Director, FBI {116-22t1)_ oars: 8?26-53 SUBJECT: HANS ALBRECHT - - -. Tl: new - . . 3? xk' nurse 9-25-53 .5 ex? Rebulet requesting reinvestigation of employee, who is a member of the Cornell university faculty, Ithaca, New fork. A review of material pertaining to employee-as contained in the files of the albanv Office indicates the following investigation should be conducted; NEW YORK OFFICE Columbia university, first semester of l9h8-t9 school year, while on sabbatical leave from.cornell. Consultant on theoretical physics for Brookhaven National laboratory, upton, New York (believed to be current). ?36 CREDIT.AHD CRIMINAL: Employee's His lilC mother, Hrs. ANHEJEETHE, was last known to reside at Cry?er's Point, New rorh. NOTE: Employee's residence while at Columbia is not known. ,gl EALBUQUERQUE OFFICE N3 Fullwtime earloyment with.AEc at Les Alamos from February to"September, 1952. NEIGHBOREDOD: Employee resided at lOlo?h9th Street, Les Alanos, -iate checks on employee and wife. .LUH Physics Department, university of Washington, summer of 1950. NEIGHBORHOOD: Employee resided at hT23 East 36th Streat, Seattle, Washington, during the above employment. AND CRIMINAL: Appropriate checks on employee and wife. UHCB the Albany Office will not include in its report the material J1_g;? IEPOTtede-Fer caption of ?Hans amateur BETHE - EBPIONAGE - a" ?7 (Bufile 65-60393], since it is believed that all reports in this investigati have already been furnished the ARC. Albany will conduct appropriate neigh? borhood investigation at Ithaca and Schenectady, including credit and crimi \f?f if checks, and will bring investigation of employment at Cornell university and . n- general Electric, Schenectady, new York, up to date. '1?lkfr I he." 1. f" . Albuquerque (MD) may, i353 eeyew York -E3 i settle teen) Washington Fiel: . a in m-mn am 9 8-26?53 ?x m, (mum; ?113mm BETE. m. mm mm, magnum AT 1m, n, b6 137$ MIMI 115-196 ALL CDNTAENED HE REM: EFEED Bun: DATE 4? 0 [m 6 BY 6032 2 . ?7%ii? meal FEDERAL annexe er UNITED STATES A JUSTICE 9 11 53 Trenemit the following Teletype to: BUTHEEU HANS ALBRECHT AEAE. REFERENCE IS ETDE To LAST PTEAGRTPE OF LETTER To TIEECTOE, 6/26/53.? UACB THE NYO TILL NOT INCLUDE IE ITS REPORT THE MATERIAL PEEVIOUSET EEPOETED UNDER 0F ALBRECHT (BEETLE i ELL ZS EETE ET EGEQEKEUEFLEXCEEXETE 3 BUREAU (116-22u1) 116-500 . ifApprovedTF Per Spaniel Lgent in charge BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Form No. 1 THIS case ORIGINATED AT BUREAU REPORT MADE 5:25! 8 FOR ?Rye-H MADE REPORT MADE BY I A 2 - mews,- NEW YORK 9/22/53 3?9?1 am :5 ~rrn_e sumac-res or case 7 HANS ALBRECHT BETHE - HY-SF-3199 AEA SYNOPSIS OF FACTS: Ref?rence: Bureau letter to ?lbany dated 7/27/53 Albany letter to Bureau 8/26/53 Details: AT ITHACA, NEW YORK: EMPIDYMEET Cornell University, ad the 1o ee continues as a member culty as of Physics. tated that and highly re 3 nistration, and that he has never heard of him.being connected :ith communism or sub? versive activity in any way. Confidential Informani If known reliability, advised that employee is so highly thoughto by the University by reason of his ability and general character that he is the highest paid member of the Cornell University faculty. Employee has been granted this high salary in order to keep him at Cornell. Professor'WILLIAM H. FARHHAM, Dean of the university Faculty, ad- vised that he is personally acquainted with the employee and he has never heard anything of a remotely derogatory nature concerning him. Professor FARNHAM stated he would willingly recommend employee for confidential government assignments. advised he has no record of ?1:333:51? wrm??mal n-o wan-Is IN THESE senses z?Es? ff'3 7 ?0le THIS I 5 - Bureau "1f: 1 - A lbany {116-196) e31: ALL EWEGRMATZSN CGNTAENED 1 - HEREER E3 (E 34? 36? 2036- BE @0322 EVE rnurcnu tor?mus sum-mutual. scrum anIIc hunlcma I'DISTRIBUTED OUTSIDE DF ABEHDY TD WHICH LDMI ED u. E. ICE ?5m5?2 AL 116?195 any possible subversion on employee, and, although he does not know him personally, he he is one of the highest regarded members of the Cornell faculty. laboratory of Nuclear Studies, advised he is very well acquainted with employee, both socially and professionally, and that he would unhesitatingly recommend him for confidential work with the government, as employee has done the st, because of his exemplary character, ability, and loyalty?advised that employee has been working with the Atomic Energy Co - at Los Alamos during the past summer. of Physics, and advised that he considers employee to he he knows him to be of outstanding character and ability. ded that he believed employee's past association with_the Atomic Energy Commission should speak for itself with reference to his loyalty and trust. It should be here noted that Confidential government agency, has advised that employee wasprovided with a special office on the Cornell campus during the past school year by the Atomic Energy Commission, in order NEIGHBORHUGD to conduct highly classified research. ?32 tho A Personnel Security Questionnaire previously executed by the emplo?O7C: and records of the Credit Bureau of Ithaca reflect the following Ithaca hfy? residence addresses: 1935-1939 lghOulth lshi-ishe l9h6-date It Will be 101 Highgate dead 10h Northway Road 20 Remington Road 209 White Park Road. noted that all of these addresses are in the Cayuga Heights section of Ithaca, and are located within a few blocks of each other. advised that employee and his family have resided as neighbors to her for the several years, and she considers then fine upstanding Americans. ids-ted that the BETHES keep to themselves very much, that they are on and unassuming, and she knows of nothing of a derogatory nature concerning them. Iadvised they know employee and his family as social acquaintances and neighbors and that they consider them fine people of unquestioned loyalty. Both recommended employee for work with the govern- ment. 1-2- AL 116-196 an employee of the Grange League Federation, advised that he is personally, though not closely, acquainted with.the employee. vised that he knows nothing of a derogatory nature concerning . Investigation and inquiries in the vicinity of 20 Remington Road reflected that this is a small lane and that number 20-was the only residence on the road during the early 19k0's. There were no persons available to contact concerning employee's occupancy of this residence. Cornell University, advised that employee and his family resided asl om_approximately lQhO to lth. tated emp very quiet and that he kept somewhat alo ghbors, but that he was well regarded and there was never any reason to doubt his loyalty. advised that she recalled employee and his family as neighbors a; ver any reason to doubtb2 their'loyalty by any words or actions.l tated employee was of'kjo good character and the type of person who commands considerable respect. hf?C hf?C I I advised employee occupied an apartment at this address in the late 1930's. She stated she considered him an upstanding citizen and that she would recommend him with reference to his character and loyalty. MISCELLANEOUS Confidential Informant of known reliability, a former member of the Communist Party in Ithaca, New York, advised that employee is unknown to him. CREDIT AND CRIMINAL Employee and his wife have a satisfactory credit reputation with the Credit Bureau of Ithaca. neither employee nor his wife have any record with the Ithaca Police Department or the Tompkins County Sheriff's Office. The following investigation was conducted by as AT SCHENECTADY, NEW YORK: EMPLUYMENT The fellowing records at General Electric Company were checked vita n.3- AL-116-196 negative results: Records Office IGeneral Apparatus and Sales Division Payroll General Services Division Payroll IGeneral Services, advised that the only record of the employee in.their files is a record reflecting that he was hired by the General Electric Company as a consultant in January, 19nd. Payroll Section, Knolls Atomic lower laboratory, General lectric Company, advised that their records reflect no other statis- tics other than the fact that the employee washired as a consultant in 19h6 and has been employed as a consultant to date. knolls Atomic Power Laboratory, advised that he hasknown the employee on a professional basis since 19h6, and commented favorably with regard to his character, loyalty, and associates. of the Physics Department, Knolls Atomic Power laboratory, advised that he has known the employee on both a social and professional basis for the past four years and stated the employee is completely reliable and trustworthy, of good character, and to the best of his knowledge, a loyal American. ki? I ITechnical General Section, Knolls Atomic hf?C Power Iaboratory, advised that he has known the employee on a limited pros fasional basis for the past four years and commented favorably on his character, loyalty, and associates. NEIGHBORHOOD Iadvised that they rented tieir home td Idnring the summer of 19h6 and that been informed that during this time the EEOfee resided witII:l for a period of approximately two weeks. advised that the employee is not known to her and that she knows of no one in the neighborhood who would know the employee. CREDIT AND CRIMINAL The following investigation was conducted by as Schenectady Credit Bureau, advised that their files contain no record for the employee. I ISoheneotady Police DepartmentI I I lSchenectady County Sheriff's Office, and Chief OHN T. ME GUVERN, yuna Police Department, all advised they have no record of employee. - RUB - - AL 116-196 - ADMNISTRATIUE 15' 3crnell_ University, who requested that his identity be kept confidential with respect to this information. b2 13' b6 Atomic Energy Commission, Aimee, New Mexico. b7C ial confidential source at. Ithaca, New York. 'b7D .- 5 - BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Form 161's. 1 THIS CASE ORIGINATED AT EUREIU HANS AIBRECHT BETHE FILE NO. MADE AT Ds?nm PERIOD FOR MADE REPORT MADE BY SEATTIE, WASHIHGTOH it? 21.153 mp TITLE 1 I owns-um or! can y" w. . SYNOPSIS OF FACTS: WEE: 11W latter to 31mm, dated DETAIIS: AT BETTIE, GRIN Univorsity of Washington (71550 - 3/3/50) Ithaca} kw $01111, $13136 1935 Uni?: 3/26/53. EHHDIIEHT -sity of lsshington loyalty pledge on 3/25 50 and by HP 554266800, Ithaca, New York. His personal filo contained Investigation conductors in this case in the Stats of Washington was Wat?lit}: tho oxooption of orsdit and criminal shocks uys I Payroll, advised that the aggliosntw qus captions in," 9; mi. PM a Ends-mt, Visiting Univorsity, Ithsoa, Haw fork and his looal address as F4723 E. 36th, Seattle, Washington. Tho of Academic Personnel records that the applicant was born 1906, Strasbourg, Gummy; that ho was ?played at Cornell Uhiiorsity, and prior to that. tins in El gland and rsoords also reflected that the op liount. signed tho so uirsd. APPROVED sun SPECIAL Adm IN CHARGE DO NOT WE IN THESE b6 b7C .1 I COPIES OF @?mu (116-225;) smug (no-3351;) DATE ?3151' N73 x1 WELL CQNTEENEE Z3 sswosmzass BE PROPERTY U5 CONFIDEHTIIL MID ITS CONTENTS MIE LOAHED TO YOU 3? THE FBI Ml!) FIRE HGT TO BE 13F TB WHIEH ll. 3. mml??ll? MINNIE .. . .. ?q Sh ca.mdra53 iasorahle information. Department of Physics, advised that he was not acquainted with the applicant during his captioned employment but k?es of him at the Les Alanna the project from 19h} to late. He described la applicant as one or the forecast scientists in the countrythe chief contributors to the development of the ?A?bomb . he Enid he had never heard anything unfavorable or had any reason to question the lDYiltF} Character, reputation or associations in any respect. said that tTe_anls_nersnn_nrsaantly available 136 night recall the applicant would Department of Physics, who and Iof the Department of Physics during the captioned period. DepartmeLt o1 F?isics, ad?ised that the applicant was Amos professor during the summer 1950 to give a series of lectures on nucular physics. He stated that the applicant and his family were able to secure the home of the daughter of a faculty member his was out of the corner fro said that he had no reason to question the loyalty} character, reputation, associations or integrity of the applicant or his family. He could recommend no one else available who might recall the applicant. RESIDENCE h?23 E. 36th Summer, 1950 I advised that the applicant resided at captioned address during captioned, with his family, while he was giving a series of lectures at th: - She stated that the captioned address was owned - to the applic:t Iff ?e somer- 19 not e?and her husband were in alaska. aid she was not acquainted with the applicant and his iamily hut reason to question their loyalty, character, reputation or associations in any respect. Icaptioned address, advised that she rented her home to the applicant and his family, consisting of a wife and.two children, during the summer, 1950, at the request of the University of Whehington. She stated that she did not have the opportunity to meet the applicant or his family; however} she had_heard nothing unfavorable concerning them in any respect. She could recomend no one in the neighborhood who might have been acquainted with them.in View of the fact that there was some question as to the applicant's national origin and the neighborhood is a highly restricted and class conscientious residential area. .2- II . 2 5: 2:2 5b, CREDIT The Seattle Credit. Bureau records contained no information regarding the applicant or his family. CRIMINAL The King County Sheriff?s Office am Seattle Police ?epar?bmen?b records contained recerd identifiable with the applicant or his family. ., . - BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Form NO. 1 TH CASE ORIGINATED AT BUREEH ELK REPORT AT I PERIOD FOR WHICH MADE REPORT BY 9/1,3,u,9,1c,11, 136 YORK lh-lBgl-EBKE' 3 -13. 7 TITLE GHARACTEH OF CASE s3 ~ssn 3199 Albany letter to Erector, 8/26/53. ALL IS sass s3 E?i??m?T Columbia University ll?th Street New York Citg_ Secretary's Office, advised that sees BETHE was professor of physics st Columbis'?sisersih? ?36 ens. started to teach ?in the ?DP-vs" cs Department from Juler l, 19113 bj'C to Janosry 31, 19h9. further stated that BETHE caught physics and held sest in the Faculty of Pure Science from Februsny l, l9hl to may 30, 19hl. Eersossel Office, advised the: the LLBRECHT born July 2, 1906, (Alsace) Gensasy, stayed.tsc terms in the Physics Iepertssot of 19h3. records do not reflect termination of his meet. The records further reflect that BETHE attended the ?niserh sity of Hunich during 1926?23 and was smoloyed at Cornell Univer? sity, Ithaca, New York from_Februssg-1, 1935 to date {August . .. _l AZERROJE 2:35: C. no wens: mess emcee comes ore THIS esp-cm Bosses (116u22h13 I 1e Hes Hark (116-500) \;PEP-THIS CEHHDEHTIAL REPORT MID CONTENTS ARE LOAHED DISTRIBUTED 0F AGENCY TO WHICH FDA u. 5. mimns pram: lib-W2 ribs-?u. NE 116~500 residence was-reflected as Butler Hall, Columbia University. Physics hepertmont, Columbia University, furnishes the names of the solloeing professors as individuals she hao.heen employed at Columbia University in l9h3 and.nho night recall BETHE: hi6 hf?C of?Physics at Columbia University and bf Columbia University's EEG Con- tract Gen 12, advised that he has knosn Hans ELBEEGHT BETHE since about 19hh'h5. He stated that the employee is considered one of the out- standing men in his field and, as far as he knows, enjoys an excellent redutationv state& that he and the employee hed.been joint menbers o' ate at Columbiarn?ssnsitn_snd_is such, had many discussions regarding their'nork. dvised.that he considers BETHE to be a level-headed individual and that he has never seen nor heard anything that might give him any reason to doubt loyalty to the United States. pointed out that he has never had any ?iscuesicns with.thc employee regarding politics or the like, that he has only?mst BETHE a few times socially, and that their relationship is oriesrily on a professional basis. concluded by stating he would highly recommend the enclaves Ker a position of trust. to the President of Columbia University, and former head of the Physics Department and Graduate School at Columbia University, advise?.that he has knosn I NY 116-500 stated that the eneliwee is considered one of the tap theoretical vs oists in the country, and at one time was in charge of the theorem tical Physics Department at Los Alamos. He further advised that he has never worked with the employee, but that he has had many discussions with him regarding the field.of physics. sins BEEHE for approximately twelve to ?fteen years. He advised that during his association with BETHE he has always considered him a person of good character, reputation and loyalty and would, eithout hesitation, recommend the employee for a position of trust. It is to be noted that advised that he was desirous and in fact, had made an attempt to get the employee to ?36 join the faculty-of Columbia University because of his outstanding work in the field of theoretical physics. WC I bolnmhia University, advised that he had been acquainted with Hans stresses BETHE since about 19b1 when he was a Graduate Student in the employee?s class at Columbia University. He stated that in 19h8, when.BETHi was a visiting professor of physics at Columbia University, he nae an Associate Professor of Physics in the some department. He stated.that he has never met the employee socially, but their relationship is confined to a professional basis. stated that HETHE is one of the outstanding theoret: country'and a top man in Atomic research. stated.that daring his association with the employee he has never seen nor heard of anything that might give him.reason to doubt the eels character, reputation, loyalty, or associates. I highly recommended the employee for a position of trust. MY ll?uSUU Brookhssen.setionsl Laboratory Upton, New onk The following investigation was conducted'by Si _Ji?umished the employee?s oersonnei file which reflected that the amp eyes was hired as a consultant from Loril 3, l9h6 to present on a contracE basis: his last contract dated January 1, 1953 to December 31, 1953. stated that the employee, in the capacity of a consultant, is not a full-thne employee. His present address is reflected as 209 White ?&fk 333d: Ithaca, New York, and he is employed by Cornell University. REC, Brookhaven area, advised hat the employee has clearance, which means the: E36 ans'chsuse Of his employment must be approved by the AEC. if?C Physics Jeoartment, advised that he has knom sesame? safes since about 1938. it that tin as a a . Cornell and the employee wason the staff an tudies for several years, an become well acquainted.nith.hia. He again became associated.si employee at Los alamos, sac installation, where they were fellow employees for about a year or too doring'?orld car II, and again at Cornell Universito From approximately l9h6~h9j'nhen both were working there. urther stated that he has also seen the eaeloyee since niaq ulME, at Brookhaven and.at Cornell, and has associated with him to a lesser extent. tated that most of his association with the employee has been on a professional and casual friendly basis, such as leaching together and attending social functions relating to their work. He said that the employee is broadeninded; certainly believes that the employee is loyal to the United States Government, and he Hort er ezteted that he believes that the employee's eiitioel ere Ptiu a strong oert of his life; thot he is concerned elth his Seient -Eo arofee -ion and that from +heir poet on {obj leote of oolit beliet'eg the hes no tendencieo toterd Geomeniemu edvieed.thet he Knew no employee?e about whom any question of loyalty had arisen. ooncluded. oy ete.tjng that the employee only comes to Brooktooen l-Wi?b 9: loot ureo en? research, and as for no he knew, HteHEd in ?lm Cv.eet ?ooeeji at these times. n1: ?hgeioe Hepertment, advioed that she ?es eoque.inteo I:i +h if? EMPIGVEE end etetod hhib ehe knee nothloL unfevore .Tle oonoernin the empl.ogee's anorecuur, wpu+e tine, loyeltj or eseocietee. Phyeice Jeoertment, that he has seen neeuelly oeqoeinted with the eoployee for the poet six yee.re He advised that T.he Employee 1e e. I36 Geo.erel Goo.eul.tent of? Depe.rtoent end.Livee ecte?Ee et Brookhe.ven EYYC aguewa _1 ?aLe a VEFV eon coneul+:, with eeientiete in.ehoee work he hoe professional .'nteroet et the time. He HLrted +.het the is Lomber of the "?iei+ inL committee", -rouono? do: lame-ted expelts in their flol.d whc- Lnenwot matters in the Physics genertmeot end Pee 13% to +he Boexd of Trueteeo of Uni':ereitino, Incorporated, tfie of Brookhaven ?e.lonel Laboratory} lee. that the employee only oieito ?wnogh Hen for day or several days at e.time end_thet on such occasions he st t-he Gaoet House on the ozemioee. He further advised the.t he is not socially acquainted with the e- uplofee but that he doee knee .het the employee is a leading euthor*tW' in_the fiell oi +heooet iell phyeioe end that 43 he.e a good reputation; concluded by stating that h- he no reason to question the eooloyee'o m?f?lte? UT e.esooietee, end. toE tile beet of his knowledge the emoloyee is of good IEl.eotrooio .1 t? et he has koeen the employee both no :1 3nd professional Eli-L 116-600 b6 110515 511105 193?. ".10 that be 111' never 10101.11 the to have 137,: 3111 13.0 011001 011:," 5:11:19. hioe for 111101111 1.1.1111 felt 0011:0111 that the he: no for P113 31:1 01* 00111111111111. He 10101111 of 110 :23011 to 1100 3171.00 the er1'b110*'eele 10:31:11.3 1103* 011:; 01? his eteted that he 110111-51 30001130110. the 1'01? 0. 01L .1001: 1" 0114.0 51 10:1; .1't1'1eht 0. thet he 1100 321101111 the since the time the 1-111t1-1'1'0131 the 00 from 11111 motive {1:111:1e1g', "2:01:11?: 1935- 01'. at '0th le 011.0 the 01113101100 were menhe'ee of the Ieoult; 110300.73. Univerei'" 0.110 sine-e the. time hL-e ?eet-'1 the 0'0 0. bee e" social 1.11.1101" 0f of the lete ted during; the period. the the}:' b7C 'eoth '.'rere 1'11. 1.0111011, toe 0111plegree 11:1 - 1111+. 2110:1131 ed 11 1? the?; he 111.111 maul-1111;: (111111003 011 the 0.. 1.111115. ate-ted- th'et he bed 07100111111117.0113 111101 1:10] 3110 that the eteloyee often 1101'1'101?1 over the riee of the threat posed by emu. 33013 huneeh, the lie-tie. He 3%00 that the father renamed in and tume? 1112121 e110 thet hie :110ther left hie fetter e111?. erme to the United eta-1.115 eome time around 1939. I that to the beet of his knowledge the enoloyee i151 to Gmeumiem 1111.0. 1001:1713. '00 loyal to the Unite-1?1 States. He Im'tha' 3.040121 that he 1011.: 01'? 1'0 01.11001. tee 012' TELLTHE t1'1et'1'e1'e questionable Iron a logrelty -.en.n1oln?t e110 in hiee opinion both the err-1010,1110 3110'. his wife 31101 1=1othe:1' 1.: 1:1'1: 013' {.000 elm-teeter and reputation. I $313.1? that?!? teed that he hee 1:110:01 11.3.2133. 3-121313]? about .eety?eeven 3'6 35:31. Ht" 01.11" 11.01. 110.3010 the 1131' he had been. 1.1011 -1. 1-t the 11111110; '01' 0f? 2.233.672.3311 the 51111-101. 11011. at the 11011111111; 01? -01'111 .101: II the}; .re'e 'Ielloo at 1.11? 1.005.111: 0'1 here-tow. lacs-11.50111 1:111": 110 1110.1 01? no ..1ier11..e or 30001: too :11. 1.1.10 o'ree 1:11.011: h1'11t0t 2101. 0.: loyalty had been 110111 -11101103t2101': source. 120 eta-toil Jet, Ire-'1 hi0 association with the. he 110.6. the 0111131011 that the 1.1 :0 the .1110 101.011. 30111 0.1? government and. he has no roe-1011 to qua etion hie 1. _~dx Physics group of which he geoertment, 1ov1sed tnet he met the emoloyoe in about 1935 et meetioes profesS1onn1 o1noe then, he stated, thoj Iveve been toey have oed many ?ete11ed rI-?-r -112: and fo.oot1oos. zoom to q_ue stating to .t he Jeoort? the ?nerioen -1hyeioe1 eooLo1rteo_ono also soo1ally 1n ?itn too11 at 1 reoo,s both here and at Cornell Univor31tv over too we re .1 1 totes one.he had no re associates. oonolo .dod be 3 room of good o13.roote1, reputation on:1e.. sooiotra. ?10 3 Gilt-EL k36 Here memoeis. .1. .. T. ?e Edelsed the cvisod.theu he i'eels toes BETHE is loyal stion hi iks oo? to the United lCh-o: 11th -knoon the s1noe oboot 19L3. 'm from time to time jrofossiotahly and :rould Eom11end him as to o3._soter, mixes. too employee as Jul?Print}; 11. 11311. Since '371o11 he 1 as oesoo tio on F?m ?t:1is 1i. Uni-?Gd loge-.1 and J-J. ?eJuiatiD? Butler Hell I100 'Ie st 119th ?itreet Wow Eo?l" City Iof insoeot eoertmeno~ootel oov ised that e.rovie I of the records fail since the beginning of 19uo, won re eroing the employee ever hevine resided otEoed that it is per ibleL that the one eoertment, s_no. if so, ?18 or.?ioe wool? eot ed that this house is owned by'Co1umbie ?s resu].t, (-1- 51-. to re.f1eot m1 at this hell. might have sub? ease have a record. also 351} Universitj end.:3.t bites priority to 1eoulty-menbo.s, there are num3rouo Hunters o1 the Univers?y 1aou1ty'tro have esided it this hell. stated that it is quite possib1e that too emoloroe NY 116?500 might have stayed with some of these faculty'members, and if so, his records would not indicate this. stated that he, himself does not recall the enclaves and was unable to farnish the names of any individuals aha might recall the employee. PIECES Reliable ?onfidential Informants, who are fami?ar with some of the Communist" activities in the New York area, advised ?rst they are unable to furnish any infonnation regarding the employee. a review of the files of the Bureau of Special Services a vestigation, New York City Police Department, by an] rails to reflect any information regarding the amp.oyee. kj? LREDIP hf?C dit Bureau of Greater New York, as ehecked by SE ails 1:0 ref]. regarding the sum . reflect the utase husband is a professor of physics at Columbia University, has a satisfactory credit rating. . 1 New York City Police Department as reviewed by SA fail to reflect any information regardw ing the employEe or . The files of the Brookhaven.Town - a Patchogne, I?ng Island, New rare, ascnecked by SJ I contained no record of the employee. -3- NY 116?500 EYLGE The following are the Confidential Infomente referred to in, 151113 report: contacted by centeeted by Si. contacted by SAI cont acted by EA 011 en en contacted by en conteded my on 011 b2 b6 b7D ., .. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION b5 AT BUREAU 7 REPORT WHEAT 081: Aggm mm Hanna? 10-45063 9/1,,21, 30 510/11I/KENS BETHE - 1H - 5F - 3199 ABA .. Bureau latter to Albany dated July 27, 195 3. DEE-.118: AT WASHINGTON, 9.0. ?me file's of - {In-American ?etivitiea, which were checked by were found he contain no additional pertinent. information concerning tie employee. The files of the Icontain no pertinent identifiable security information conserving the enployea' 5 wife. - ALL EQHTAZNED HEREEN :5 HNCLASEEFIED DATE 05-19?2336 BY APPROVEI: Man ens-mu. 3i mam DO NOT WRITE IN mm EPA-mas In: GDFTES OF THIS REPORT 5 - Bureau 1 Field {116.11%} martian or REPORT I13 concurs LIIMIEII :msmaurtn antenna or Tu LURHED. 31 lwm?a'z Hi3, i?huquerqne ?ll?ul?gghl Peso {llnw239} a - NY 3? - 3199 7e ilhuquerque letter to El Paee, dated 12f3/53. 5* file 116-239, cautioned as ebe dad 30 Y?u?og SPFiee en EKE ?50. The only re?erence to upeare in 5 instant file. . file lOO-L?hz, captioned, Lducetienal Foundation fersf rueleer ?eienee, Inc. Bulletin on the itemic Scientist?. ?33.1ef Forwarded to your office an 2/21/53- file 13G~h160, cautioned Federation of emerieen SCientiSt?r wee ferwerded to veer office on RUG. ALI: CGEETAIWD HEREEN IS DETE 'U?w??m20G6 BY FVR eFetlgg Bureau affix t. O?ice Memorand?igz - UNITED suites GOVERNMENT To Sac, 53AM mm: 12/15/53 mom was, Ammummz {115*l?i30} Hm. AMI-IT ASL (Remca?imtinn; Ended 9/25/53 5 Renulet, to Albany dated 8/26/53. Employee born 7/2/05 at Ibrahurg, Germany. BETHE, one of the foremost-- physicists in the: world, is regularly mployed as a profaasor at. Cornell Univer sitar, however he was enrploy?d as a top level anientist at Les i-Ilamcrs, flew MexichC and has been retained as a. cansultant tr: "Jniversity {31' California at Les Alanna sine a I: positiun he has had a considerable amount. of Contact wit. presently at the Idvermre, California labora? WIT: and it is Have a e27 my haw known each other in Europe prior tn the time- they calm to the United States. A: a ma I epurtedly is a rather c1056: associate and follower 0 am: mnrtadly voiced some oppositinn nt. of the 375m}: mior the Presidential immanent in 1950, whereas Eur-ported]: strongly uuppur-?bed such develapmmt. Elan-ever, since that as abate-naively worked 13.? on the research for such devehpment. If dammed appropriatoj?ahuul? be queried as to the apinicna of Biff-IE- on this mitten He salsa my some infanna?f tion relative to the associatian of BETTIE with a fellmv member of the of Staff at Univere? 13:; and an admitted former member 3 of CP. Your of?ce is risque: {Gec- to intervicd f? above. Albuquerque Uffice will report tha+ infomtionm has been previnusly furnished to MIC. i ALL HEREEH ES WCLAESZFEIEB - 1 (115433) (All) - 122%.an asuwuzwa .- FBI, animals-1:1:- 12/21/53 1111111111311 5111, 11.1.1111. 111.111:- 1? 1111111 1111111111 111 111311 SF 11111211 111111111 11111:. 1111111. 111111. 11:11:. 1116 (11n1111511111111111111'1 .. 111111111 31.11111 11111331111111}. .1111. .11; 11131111111111111 111311111111 1111 1:170 51' 1111111111 11:11; 1:11. . $11111. .1111: {11' 1111111 11111311:st 1111111111111 1111111111111 1:31.11; 1.121131111113111, 11011111111111 51111111111111..- 111111'11131'1'! C111 1111.11011111, 1.03 11.1105, 11111111111111.1111: 1110 1131mm 1111 311131111 111 {11111111111111.11111 TO 11111:. 1-113 {1111111111111 1111?}! 11:33:31.1 11111111 11111111 111311 P111011 11.1 11111111111111 11.3. B11118 511.131 1511;111:1111 0F 1 1111131 1111111101111111111 1111111111 {11111051111111 1111.1 11111111111111. 111.11. :11" 11 1101111 PRIOR 1111 11111 .1 11111111111111 1111111111111111111111 1' 1 11171111111 mm 11111111 15 1111-11111. 11111111011111) 5111311 11.111110111111111. b6 1171:: ?1 1111.1 1111111111113 111' 131111111111 11111-11111 1111111111 11111 1311111311110: 2111' 11111111 11111111 11 11.1.1111 '11 {1111111111 1111111113111 1111111111 11.1111 1111111111111.? 1131111111 111111 {11' CF. 13133116111111.1211 1111.11.13, 1.111121111111111, {211.111. is"; 1111110115 #0011111 1T ONE 0111111. $1 111111 1., 511111111113, 011111 1111111111. 11111: 111-1111131111 33131111111. 1 116, 1111? - .1 11 #33 1111111111an r1 ALL 1111'13R1m: 121311 311111.111 (115-22111Hk?? 1.3 [31541311112036 ET SF 116-h320? . - . 1* . ?hp-h ?1 1.1 1311fmet-# ?9 aw 1 .. FEDERMUREAU 0F INVESTIGATION TI-us case ORIGINATED AT BUREAU AT DATE PERIOD FOR WHICH MADE MADE ALBUQUERQUE 1112/51; I I cm TITLE HANS ALEECHT 3199 5.35. SYNOPSIS OF SUPPLEMENTAL REFERENCE: Bureau 37, 1953. Raporb of SA iatad April 1h, 19% at E1 Pasa- 133mm I11: Albuguerque, New Maxim: Elonfidential informants, of known reliability, who are more or less familiar with Commist activities in New Mention have advised that HANS ALBRECHT BETHEJ is uni-mom to them and that they have not heard his name mentioned in Comist Party circles. -3110- ALL HEREEN ES HECLASEEFEED 05?19?2605 NDT wm-rs IN TH-I sauces A WIES (IF THIS REPORT 5 - Bureau (116?2211;) 1 - ?lbuquerqua (116-191IBO) a? . 35% F. 21.9.; airy" ?saw-?1 1 - 14:? we I. .E- llz?i i PROPERTY OF REPORT MID ITS ARE LOMIEEI DISTRIBUTED DUTSIDE TO WHICH LBMIED. u, s. Wfll?ll?l'l' PRINTING amt: IWM AQ #116?191480 ADHIHISTRATIVE PAGE Security contacted are as follows: contacted by BA contacted by SJ contacted by Sr u- Jammry HY GGUHIER BEHVICE ALL E31 ,1 EEREIH :5 Eisnerahle ERIE BQ-EE-ZEDE BY - 0mm mammary l?th an? ?anatitutimn ?erthwaat . - ?air my lettar ?aia? ?ae?mhar E, 1?53; Hr. G??rga J. ?aul?. ?ira?tar. ?awurity ?iviai?n: 9f Dafamaa, Paaumate? an investig&ti?a at EEHB Albrenht Hakka. Wh? Em ?aim? ewnaia?red far an important agaigmment 1m Ema foiga a? the ?anrebary 9r hefan?a {Raaearuh and {?ne $1 . at aha requ@a% wf aha ?uamin ?ammissian, an invam?igatimm mf Eethe- and rapm?ta furaisha? mReferral/Direct the ?tamia hnargy ?ammiaaimn an ?ag 1, l?hT. Th? atamic Energy baa ragueata? ?hat the invm?tigmti?n a? ?ethe he hrnught my ta ??ta un?er aha reinvastigguigm urogram. ?ttaehe? Far gnu? infa?m$tian 13 a umpy ?f aha er tha invmatigetinn 0! Br. ?eth? at th? EH rwquaat mf the ?rfiae of tha ?guratarg a: 7% we furth?r invaat?gmti?n in h?i?g at i? the absemna a? mp?clfic requ??t from ?ne ?tamia Tnargg Gammissiwn. It 15 Mata-:5- Elm-t ?13 mm? taima? thaw attacl?m?' mam-mm" tuba at E?tha with] (:z1f i?jhkf a 1 Referral/Direct Th?a invagtigwtimm 53 ha tam ?h?rach?r, ?amwral atam?img Ra? anility ?r 3r. Eathm, hut mg inquiry hag beam ma?a as an Ehw a?urrm? a? hia in?ame. ?inmevaly yauva, ?tomin Energy Commi?sion ?itachmamt . --. @148? February 1951-. -. - FEM-0111M. honor-3&1: ?1 b6 BY CG'u'thh SERVICE b7C d. Mam? 2&ch am! metimtton hurrah ii. an liar Huh-:1: ?Md January 22. 1951., I ?fl-at. tin and? of In investigation oft): Allan rant-hid so on. un?t-o? time ?Iii tr, ?lls mu did not 1m nah 1?.de ehnk or nut-ail ethn- ?mum usual?. he MGM: at th- am? at Rural]. unwind no Mmuon ?was Dr. run-d- of tho 3:31:33: Division. tori: Opl?tl?nl art-in or ?u Jute-I1: Emmy emu-rial, York City, nthaud that 131'. Both- um grants"! a maturity clown-u en Kay 1. WM. n1: alumna: utrrimd on Jam-try 20. 1950. and July 21. 1953. Infomtlon contain?! in the thaw ?turd! indiuud mt Dr. km probably 0:91:th by a. Union turbid. Ind Citron ?arporatiun It ?at 3115:. Tana-nu, I. Ion-unant- to the ?at-tam Mutton manna. Inquiry has ?hominid tint. Dr. an!? I ?lament-lot I um: thin ?man: with an antenna into an Gutubtr 1., 1951. and 1:11]. tutu 39. 19511. 91*. Bethe hu Vilittl! 0th 3162;! an errata}. Walnut on two muuiom far pit-tad- at" two day: during the pin-19? of uh. contract. This eumludt: thi- intoltigntinn of En 1" 4-. . annual: ?91m!? :2 i?ik ?rxcx?? ALL FBI CGHTAIHED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIEE MAR 3 1954 . DATE BY COVER LETTER FOE BLOGHED T00 LARGE FOR FILE RECORDED THIS sum; IS TOO LARGE FOR FILE AND WILL BE as amen-HAL THIS SEBIEL THE (Data) ISSUE OF THE {name of tha_pamphlat) viz?? 2% at Ma; Egg/5:; ?72m! I big/[51; Mr: f. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ELL FEE ENEQEMATZQEE FILE HUHBER :5 DATE E3 //Q?Eg?3?zf ??47 ELL canmazw?m HEREEN 13 DATE EX - ?5790 - CHANGED Tl] 5'7 Nov 18 1954 mz/r/ ALL QGNTAEHED HEKEEN :3 UMCLASSEFEED DATE 34?05?2006 BY ?9 CHANGED TO Wm) JUL 201955 36/549; 0/ appucnm mu: b6 ALL HEREM as umr Anni. DATA _f NAMES IN 1515 .1. a. 4 .mm GR ANALYST DATE anSE RE N0 NAMES IN ISIS HATCHING THIS REQUEST THIS REQUEST In HHIMI NU NAMES IN ISIS THIS REQUEST 4" p?u F. - mum NAME FDUNU THERE ARE NO NAMES IN 1515 MATCHING THIS REQUEST 4-22 IFIW. 11-13'35} FEDERAL Sections ,19 Name Searching Unit, 4939. 121 Service Unit, 4654, 225 Special File Room, 5991, 122 Forward to File Fleuiew, 544T, 143 Attention Return to DECIDED Supervisor, Room. TLii. Ext. Scope of Search: {Check One} Automated Data Base Born 1962 and After} Restricted Search (Active Index - 5 3! 20} El Restricted Search (Active it Inactive Index - 5 30} E/Llnrestricted [Active 3: Inactive Index} Type tISearch Requested: [Check One} All Ftelerencea {Security 81 Criminal} El Security Search CI Criminal Search El Main References Only Special Instructions: {Check One} Exact Name Only {On the Nose} Buildup Variations l2 Restricted to Locality of Subject 3?51?er 1 .59 ?(Ear 3?1? Birthdate Place Address Localities Search Fiat {Date 3L Initials?m Prod. FILE NUMBER SERIAL eight-- WIS 2.12:ACTIVE INACTWE DATE 0N CARD MN CGHTEENED E3 UNCLASSEFEED ccmcemzcce ear FBIIDOJ UN HL ems: ism?seas; 911433? av: DEFLISSIEHII 251% 3 3 1 FEDERAL ur - i Recerdleperatiens Sections a . .- . I3 I If} 198?7 3?seairbhing Unit. 4939. 121 El Se ice Unit. 4654. TLii 225 Special File Ream. 5991, 122 Forward 143 ttenticn {Return to (336739. Supervisor. Ream. Ext Scope at Search: {Check One) CI Automated Data Base (ADBHIndividual Born 1962 and After} CI Restricted Search (Active Index- 5 a 20] g/Restricted Search (Active 31 Inactive Index - 5 30) Unrestricted (Active ti Inactive Index) Ty Search Requested: {Check One} All References [Security a Criminal} Security Search 1 . Criminal Search . Main References Only Special Instructions: {Check One} Exact Name Only [On the Mesa} I: Buildup m/varatlons Restricted to Locality ct Suhiect Birthdate 8; Place Address Localities :3 3'3 Date :LirL .. Initials 1 Fred. FILE NUMBER SERIAL A INACTIVE DATE ON CARD MIY K) 0 a. INFORRBT IE HEREIN IS UNCESSIFIEB WHERE. fS?i'ii'r??i OTHERWISE renew I If 4-?25. (Hew11-13-85} WCH SLIP Subject 36+ 5 93?; ?PQC/lj?f Supervisor Heem Prod. Searcher Fm: /??Lte Initials. 0 NUMBER SERIAL DJ 0 ACTIVE DATE ON CARD MW W: 4. ?x ayag?lz?m ?3:2 16"} . 4776; 5f 234i; (May ?If {Back}, 5:5? {887153, (MA) 535' EMF OHTE: RED [Za?frgg til/me ?9 SI: HERE EH ED Gemoemza?e ea: ?49m?, MW 53: 73%: Lia-?aim; gm CL: 1% we Hm: WMM New ?Wm ?mg@253 W61 MW 15 .7 ?Hum .- . NUMEH Subject . . . 4., . Supervisor Room . 3 ?g Dates Mia: at?) Pro ACTIVE INACTIVE NUMBER SERIAL DATE ON CAFID Mr"? gjp?g?f/Mj 55"" 5' was 31/54; 4,329,? i MO 3 J: 593051 #V?mlgj .- {ff-v7 1172 rm af?rm/o? 712.90% Jams/02 3:14 x? 4d,: 9252; 7y? 9/ - 01 H, 6a,! L..- x?j?a c.35? 5253'1?, 5.5" p/?f f9} Cog-U ?an 39% HEREEM ES BNCLABEEFEED DETE BEE . rr'. FBIKDDJ a - . an. imam'arln us. 1' PM Apr-raw It? hraar QN Wuhitmln ON FORM MUST BE ?Mi-.0013 inception to sundae Fain- as onna Jot iwep?nblq d" 334046 in one in: nine. - PERSONNEL 5mm myhm? t: lif?l'tldl?f mien} a ilir'STR Form HA3 TWO PARTS. .4 LL. SECTIONS OF BOTH PARTS MUST BE COMPLETED. UNLESSIHG TH PARTS A RE 1' AND PROPERLY EXECUTED. THE FORM WILL NOT BE Before any entries are made, aniillarue yourself _icith ail mention at the and of the farm. TYPE ALL RS. if more space a re aired. enter a indimu the item numbers to which the art-o'er: apply. Question: which a not apply nae-lions. Do not lign without first reading the installations anti in Item an the back of this form or ariael'l ?ftiionai id be marked ?Nanci -- 5,1? (Last, First, Middle] .ee?l?w 1. DESCRIPTION . . ?pea me new. un?t un?t Gum Cola: BEthEr Hans Albrec?ggl!? Male 5'11" 190 lb._JBlue Grey as 2. ALL OTHER NAMES {include maiden name, name: by former it. SECURITY ND. E. BIRTH Month Day You marrhges, and dates that names were used] 033_ 26- 3942 DATE July 2 1 906 None x: (hi: {i f?L all} 7. (City, County, State, and Country; . J)i .Strasbourg, Germany . ll 3. int In in Appropriate Boxiea]: Sit-isle Married Widowter) Divorced 3. PRESENT RESIDENCE rSi?reer and Number, SINCE page; and Places of marriages and if applicable, divorces Cit and grate) 20 White Park Road Jan 1946 Sept. 14, 1939, New Rochelle, NY Ithaca. NY 14350 9. ALL OTHER RESIDENCES raon T0 .5. Al? I) 1 son PAST 15 YEARS 10? CITIZENSHIP El l3 u? 5 it. It 1.1.8. Citizen, indicate whether: None a; ran: By Humiliation IS Derivative [j Alien Registration No. Date Petition No. Certi?cation No. ?It! Feb 1 . 1 941 Pin-g Certi?cation No. 5 079504 Place l. if - .. J. Ithaca 1? NY . A BJtVi-e?n?eate: s' Alien Registration No. Present Citiaemhip l- is; Date in?nity Port of Entry ALL sea conrarnrn ?in?rm? ?Ens Bunch From 1'0 [5 HEREER ZS oars as l2. II'Lisi ALI. empiornteni dates including present employment and ALL dates and addr?ses n'hen unemployed, if any' employment: reg-aired DOE security clearance or access militarization, indicate this fact after the name of the company or organization which requested the clearance. Gil-e name or names under which employed if different frail-n name now used.) am?? mutua??im Type of Work Supervisor's Name 2/35~presen: Cornell University Ithaca, NY Professor (Professor of Physics Emeritus since of Physics 4 31 6/81 NDRDITA (Nord 1 I . for Copenhagen, Denmark Res earch Theor . Atomi Physics) 11?82 3/32 California Institute of Pasadena, CA LA, Fairchild Technology Scholar (research) 1/83 2/83 Institute for Theoretical Santa Barbara, CA Research Physics, Univ. of Cal., Santa Barbara, CA - 1/85 3/35 California Institute of Pasadena, CA Fairchild Technology Scholar - (research) 1/86 Institute for Theoretical Santa Barbara, CA Research Physics, Univ. of Santa Barbara, CA 13. FOREIGN COUNTRIES VISITED fExciusiue of Military Service and U3, (internment {ifficial Travel; coma-i om belt use I Inn- Returned use Peru, Brazil Lectures, sightseeing 7/80 I 7I30 Denmark Research Gennany, England Visit relatives 4X81 ?/81 Switzerland Vacation Delmar}: Research I .{lemnair'k . 5 Research . Ge?any? ?E?gI'a'fmI Vis' relatives #84 178.4 i i I?Swit'z e?rland - Vac . ?Senneny, England Lecture. 1:151: relatwes 8/86 W33 /n1tzer1and Vacatmn - 106 u. Elementaryl b7C Ham on! school Allin!? horn To {II-pet: None 7.131% 1: f. A A b6 3.31.? ?1 ,r . 1371if: 1?5. Tl V53 (Pamela. stepper-eels. foster parents, spouse. dltorccd a use or spouses, c?lldre?n ?repower", brothers, sisters, stepbrothers. hell" brothers, halt sisters, father-intent. and mother-intent. llm'ng or end. Name of spouse should include maiden name and any other names by pI'Et'ltJH-i marriage. if spouse is an alien. a naturalized US. citizen, or it you marry sit bsenuent it) the execution of this questionnaire. will be necessary d0? your Spouse be furnished on DOE Farm Reunion - Name in Full Dial?? Address Country of Birth (Sigma-tip Fat her Albrecht Bethe 187'2 Deceased Germany German Mot her Anna Kuhn Bethe 187's Deceased Germany German Stepmother lte a. ,1 ;i 1897 Deceased Germany German 'Plife rmany USA "Son? A USA I I t'Daught er USA USA rmany German 'Ha1f?sistez rmany German Father? in?] at?: Paul P. Enald 1888 Deceased Germany Gr. Brit . Mother-in-J aw Ella Ewald 1891 108 Sheldon Rd . Germany Gr . Brit . 16. REFERENCES 1' Name Three Persona, Not Relatives of Employers, Who Are We" Ace medal 4- 7 'l Emma: Ind Home Add". and Telephone Number You! Known nae (B) 44 . [8 can Tl FICA won have read all or the above eueatlone. I certify that the lntonnation tumielred in answer to these anertlons f: correct and complete to the but at my knowledge and belle! and I understand that l?t ll of great in the can?demtlon or my eligibility for ucurfty clearance or once" authorization. I make on: statement to the LES. Department at Energy tire that it will be used by the Department in carrying not lie duty to protect the Rational ?clarity, and with knowledre that any his: statement or Omission or material fact may be gur?etent enun- for collation of my app-Election or dismissal after employment: further. that any false rtaternent herein may be punished as a felony under section tea: . Title 18. 0.3. Code. A. Betty - October 15. 1986 Ithaca. NY [Usual sweature a! Person Filling Ont Questionnaire} (Sign Original Only) {Date and Place Where Signed) TO BE FILLED OUT BY AGENCY OH. FIRM DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES (Ductinifon should not Rectal Classified information} Conn? . ADDRESS WI LL PERSON HAVE ACCESS TO: ass-raters]: can Yes No NATIONAL SECURITY tare Ye No El icitli Requesting Clearance or cecal Authorization EXCLUSION ansa Ye No SOCIATE GRDU DER SPECIALNUCLEAR mar. Ya no .. BY COURIER DATE: May 11, 1937 T0: Mr. A. Barry Dalinsky, Chief Personnel Clearance Branch. Security Division Office of Safeguards and Security Defense Programs Department of Energy General Background Investigation Unit FROM: Paul F. Nolan. Chief 1 Criminal Investigative Division SUBJECT: HANS ALBRECHT THE .. This will acknowledge receipt of your request for a reinvestigation of Dr. Bethe via letter dated March 9, 1987. The letter alleges that Dr. Bether a consultant with Los Alamos National Laboratory, was or is a member of an anti- nuclear organization. The letter also set forth information previously provided to you by the FBI regarding Dr. Bethe's association with either self-professed Communists, Communist sympathizers, Soviet Agents, or individuals affiliated with the Rosenberg's. A reinvestigation of Dr. Bethe was requested based on the above information. It is requested that the Department of Energy provide wail information in their possession which was the basis for this I request. as 31 i g: We have not instituted any investigation in thi ?3 it? starterDr. Bethe's Personnel Security package. whichnis -- missing his Personnel Security Questionnaire is attached. . r- em theirs .. L. Hint; .. Enclosure 3 Exec AD Adm. Request for BI of Dr. Bethe received dig/87, andTwasnziig?nedJ 3918f8? for additional information. The information rgqfiles :T3T*??7?as received from.DOE on 4128/37. A preliginagytizv1g?i2h are ferences to r. at HQ has disclosed several re d' 1 sad To date they have isc the rocess of being reviewed: .. :2 addigional pertinent information concerning Dr. Bethe. ll . 2 - 6 .5. main ?33 (2) a Tech. Ems. ROOM 5136 b7C Training . . . RETURN TO "hilt" fil-?q ALI. ins games ION cementum WW . Hansen rs namesarsmn Bars cs?m?zvee Br 0 Airtel Jillt: 13: .198? Acting Director, FBI SAC, Albany - Enc. Albuquerque a ?ne. Los Angeles Enc. Pittsburgh (0PM) Enc. ,w f. 5:1 sins g?lsx (Design 3199) i or senses {cos} I suosn: 3/14/3? be b7C Attached for each receiving office is a copy of P59 ans appropriate forms. A previons background investigation of this individual was conducted dosing April, 1354, and is to be brought up Captioned indiviausi is on employee of the U. S. Department of Energy, or an employee of DOE contractor, who holds security Cleo:.sncc on? a position coverso by the Atomic Energy Act. In accordance with provisions of the Act the FBI is required to con?uct the ore-employment and periodic updates background investigation, upon request from DOE. The information gethere? by virtue of this investigation is an integral port in the determination of whether or not the security clearance is to be continued. More then likely if the clearance were to change, the indivisnel's continued employment, or relationship. with DOB would be in question. The employee was advised by DOE of the necessity to up?ste the backgtouno investigation and thereafter provided executed Standard Form P30 and FD- 435 ?Authority to Belt-see Informntion.? fi- Upon receipt of this sixtel. the Special sojnt shonl? familiarize with the Manual of Investigative Operations Guidelines. Part II. Section 1? and Past 1, Section 116. It Emthn? :onln also be.he1p?ul to be censors ant with M196, Part II, Secnion Ant Dir: Adl- 5"qu 3:13. a .. .. In?. Rim-w In?ll. Lab. ROOM 13935 MNLED 22 JUN 11 9193? LII-II Cum. MI Cong. copies sent see mail lv? ELL KEEN Training {s21 - sepsis is WCLASSEFEED Tnfophm Rm. 1 mass. 6? DATE cs?is-zooe BY ensizrsoc?Lpicssvas .. ??on receipt of the DOE invostiqntive requcst and tho Pso forms for the candidate a review was mode at EBIHQ to insure all the required information was provided. Begin your investigation with review of the attached forms. If derogatory information is developed in the course of the investigation confrontational interview is not to be conductod in accordance with DGEXFBI sgrecmont. At the conclusion of the Hal's investigation and roporting of the results DOE will conduct the roquired interview. All investigation requirc? is outlined in the M106. Interviews relating to derogatory information must be recorded on forms (HASP, Part.II, Section The concidntt should be checkeu through indices in the offices covering all olscoe of residence, employment. or o?ucation. Close family members, and business entity or affiliation, and references/associstos shoulo be checked through indiccs in the offices covering their current rcsi?onco andfor employment. The indiccs to he chooses ere: generol, confioontiai, electronic surveillance and any specialised indices unique to your division (such as Woodmur}. You need not check DCIS. ?13, or ISIS which are now checked at FBIHQ. Offices conducting indiccs checks only may transmit results to FBIHQ by airtel or All other invostigetion must be transmitted in report format. Those officcs submitting reports shoulo incluoc results of indicos checks in the administrative section of the report. Current not rclatc? to the candidate must be interviewed as personal associates. Refrain from sensing the results of investigation by telotype to save typing in the field and st EBIHQ. Each office should consider Sending reports to PEIHQ Vin on overnight package express company. in lieu of teletypos, attention SPIN, Room lssi?. Major issues dovclopej that require EBIHQ participation for resolution should be communicated in writing but preceded by telephone discussion 324?2568). When field office determines the Bureau deadline cannot be not due to circumstances beyond their control, FBI Headquarters should be contacted immediately and an Fo~2ss submitton. An extension will he sought from the client agency by FBIHQ. PG: Check cos. ecu-es) FEDER. BUREAU OF INVESTQATION ?f neeonma OFFICE ance or on?nw DATE eE?Too PITTSBURGH BUREAU 07f21f87 0?/o2x37 o?x20/a? .F 1111; OF age; REPORT MA ween Eve fl IA In] I. ,g HANS ALBRECHT BETHE 7 SF 3199} CHARACTER OF CASE GBI-DOB REFERENCE: Bureau airtel to Albany dang? 06/19/87. -RUC- ADMINISTRATIVE: Individuals contacted in this matter were advised of the . . provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974. and none requested confidentiality. ALL zmeoemamzom coumazeau HEREEN E5 care ex DFULIIHL I DO NOT WRITE IN SPACES BELOW APPROVED '15 IN CHARGE BONES MADEH 1?1) ?1 I @Bure -Pittsburgh {ll?n?R?1671) ?Ea?z?e? . Kathi?1?": {5?47.53 .J minimisation Record at [alt-ch?! 5.519" Notltlons My New; arms; 1w 5mm HM. I Data Fwd. How Fwd. By Air COVER PAGE 1 nsane. -35 a; - ITED JUSTICE . norm-u Iunuu or wanton-non II- b6 "a PITTSBURGH, PA 0 7 2 1,1?3 "In 116A-R-1671 hum. I. m; . HANS ALBRECHT BETHE GENERAL BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Wit.- Offiee of Personnel Management (0PM) file negative. -RUC- DETAILS: On July 20Jr 1987 JIM SCOTT, Records Supervisor, United States Office of Personnel Management NACI Center. Boyera. IPA). advised his indiees contain no record for captioned applicant. ALL HEREIN as mama US-lg-En?a BY a?azzfaochEICPaipvn 1* hump?triu?l?hmhme-dh-m u?hthH-?tmm. I. Halli-Ill .. .11 fl'I-ur I FEI CLESEIFIES BY 3H: ESE SEGREL 4* BUREAU OF INVES HEPOBIING OFFICE OFFICE OF ORIGIN DATE INVESTIGATWE PEHIOO EUREALL 1121:37 $7 TITLE OF CASE HEPOPIT mabE er WPED BY SA hub 6 . 4" CHAR 7 HANS GENERAL BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION bf (DOE SF 3199) DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ELL EGNTAIHEG ill HEREIN IS HHERE SHEEN ETHERFIEE 1987. REFERENCE: Bureau airtel to Albany dated June 19, All persons contacted were apprised of the provisions of the Privacy Act; none requested confidentiality. For the information of the Bureau, Albany?s CPR and Elsur indices were negative regarding appliant, applicant's relatives and reference residing within the Albany Divi?ion. FOIMS and General searched b6 IanH Elsur indices searched on June 29, 1987 by indices searched on June b7C General and FOIMS indicee 0 ""l'iS'ti'Ed an urnvmu. nd'l?II I .. APPROVED WW CHARGE DO NOT WHITE- IN SPACES aEE?w COPIES MADE: r} 2? Bureau a A1.wa Albany (nan?23524) 9? ave-?3 I I Dissemination Renard Of A?qched Report Notations ?We. Agency Request Heed. Date Fwd. How Fwd. By COVER PAGE A b6 Albany was requested to conduct indiees search ofl a due to his association with Cornell University, Ithaca, New b7L York in October, 1979. Indioes negative on all individuals. FD-204 (Rev.3-3-59) EEC UNITED-STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Copy to: Report of: SA Office: Albany Date: July 21, 1937 Field Office File 116A-23524 Bureau File #:116-4010-1? Title: HANS ALBRECHT BETHE SF 3199) ALL aresamerrow conceaarn ashram as urcrasszraac oars e4-e7-2cea er Eddzz?accfrefcesxeva Character: GENERAL BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY (GBI-DOE) Synopsis: Employment verified and favorable. Neighborhood investigation at Ithaca, New York favorable. Reference interviewed and highly recommends. Credit check satisfactory. Arrest checks negative. -RUC- EMPLOYMENT: Cornell University Ithaca, New York February, 1935 - Present On July 13, 193?, DAVID YEH. Associate Director of Personnel. Cornell University (CU), Ithaca. New York, advised that Cornell University records show the applicant has been employed as a Professor at CU since 1935. Currently the applicant is a Professor Emeritus. Records reveal that the applicant would be eligible for rehire. YEH'advised that the applicant's position as Professor Emeritus indicates he still does consulting work at the University. YEH advised there is nothing derogatory in the applicant's personnel records. On July 8, 198?, LYMAN PARRATT, Professorr Nuclear StudiesIr advised he has known the applicant for approximately forty years as a member of the physics faculty. PARRATT rated the applicant as a straight A individual with an excellent reputation in character. PARRATT advised that the applicant's . i .1 e? loyalty to the United States Government is unquestionable. He described the appointee as being a very dedicated, highly rated: well respected member of the staff at the University. PARRATT rated the applicant' ability as a scientist as one of the best in his field. PARRATT advised he has never observed an sign of alcohol or drug abuse and recommended the applicant hig ly and without reservation for a position of trust and confidence with the United States Government. He has never known the applicant to be extravagant and believes he lives within his financial means. On July 14, 1987, DALE HELD, Executive Director of Nuclear Studies, CU, advised he has known the applicant for approximately two years. HELD described the applicant as a very fine gentleman who is an upstanding individual. HELD advised that the applicant is a very professional and highly qualified research scientist. He advised the applicant' loyalty and allegiance to the United States Government is absolutely unquestionable and feels the applicant is very dedicated to both his profession and serving the United States Government. HELD believes applicant lives within his financial means and has never observed any signs of drug or alcohol abuse. HELD recommended the applicant highly for a position of trust and confidence with the United States Government. On July 16, 198?, KARL BERKLEMAN, Director of Nuclear Studies, CU, advised he has known the applicant for approximately thirty?two years. advised the applicant is a Professor Emeritus but is still active in research at the University. BERKLENAN advised he is extremely impressed with the applicant's scientific achievements and his knowledge and understanding of physics. He described the applicant as being the most level headed and sensitive person he has met. He advised the applicant is a marvelous teacher who is also totally committed to the welfare of the United States. He stated the applicant has a very strong sense of public duty. He described the applicant as being a very hard working and patriotic individual. BERKLEMAN never observed any sign of alcohol or drug abuse and believes the applicant lives within his financial means. BERKLEMAN recommends the applicant highly and without reservation for a position of trust and confidence with the United States Government. On July 16, 198?, KENNETH WILSON, Director for Theory Studies, CU, advised he has known the applicant for approximately twenty- four years. He described the applicant as being of excellent character who set a fine example for the Physics Department at the University. He advised the applicant feels deeply about national issues and is very dedicated to both his profession and his service to the United States Government through consulting. WILSON advised that the applicant, although being retired, is still very active at the University and the applicant's loyalty and allegiance to the United States Government is absolutely unquestionable. WILSON never observed - ?re . - l' any sign of alcohol or drug abuse and believes applicant is not extravagant and lives within his financial means. WILSON recommended the applicant highly for a position of trust and confidence with the United States Government. b6 NEIGHBORHOOD: b7C 209 White Park Road EEC Ithaca, New York 14850 January, 1946 - Present On Julv 9. 1937, b6 I Iadvi applicant for several years as a neighbor. advised she does not know the applicant or his w'fe "er; we 1 but described them as being excellent neighbors. advised that she is well aware that the applicant ?as excellent reputation in the community as well as at CU. described the applicant a an extraordinary man and a relatively quiet neighbor. advised she could think of absolutely nothing derogatory regarding the applicant or his family. She has never observed any signs of alcohol or drug abuse lieves that applicant lives within his financial means. I advised she would recommend the applicant for a position of trust and confidence with the United States Government. On July 9, 193?, I Iadvised he has known the applicant and or approx mately twenty years. He described the applicant and his wife as bein llent neighbors who are very quiet and keep to themselves. advised that the applicant is a fine man in every way maintaining an excellent reputation in both the community and at Cornell. He described *b applicant as I being an outstanding scholar and gentleman. advised that the applicant's loyalty and aliecien to the United States Government is unquestionable. has never observed any sign of alcohol or dr and lieves applicant lives within his financial the applicant highly for a position of trust and confidence with the United States Government. REFERENCE: On July 7, 198?, BOYCE Professor of Physics and Nuclear Science at CU. advised he has known the applicant for approximately forty-seven years. advised that the applicant is currently a Professor Emeritus who frequently continues to consult and visit universities and give lectures. advised that the applicant is extremely loyal and dedicated to the United States Government. He stated that the applicant is a very public spirited individual concerned with the welfare of the United States. described the applicant as being an outstanding scholar and rated his ability and performance in his profession as being of the highest ..caliber. He stated that the applicant's allegiance to the United States Government is unquestionable. advised he had absolutely no reservations about the applicant's ability and performance in his duties as a consultant to the Government. advised he has never observed any sign of alcohol or drug abuse and stated that the applicant lives within his financial means. highly recommended the applicant and without reservation for a position of trust and confidence with the United States Government. b6 CREDIT: On July 15, 198?, Mrs. CATHERINE Bureau Incorporated, Albany, New York, advised IA F1 that a search of their files revealed BETHE has been on file withi37r that Bureau since July, 1984. She advised his file contains four trades. three of which are rated "ones", paid as agreed, and one of which is rated a ?zero", too new to rate. ARREST: On July 17, 198?, LYNN BENNETT, Ithaca Police Department, Ithaca, New York advised a review of their files reveal no arrest record for the appointee and his relatives. On July 193?, JOYCE ENGLISH, Tompkins County Sheriff's Department, Ithaca, New York advised a review of their files reveal no arrest record for the applicant and his relatives. On July 2, 1987, Sergeant MARY HDGENCAMP, New rk State Police Records Center, Albany, New York, advised that a search of her files revealed no adult criminal record identifiable with BETHE. This search only encompasses New York State Police arrests. 4* 3:35 . we 6.2-3: .f - .. 0F JUSTIGE Federal Bureau of Investigatiun Copy to: Report of: SA Office: 6 Date: EU UST 6, 1937 b7c new unite File ac; 116A-19480 Bureau 116?4010 -1 Ti+ e: HANS ALBRECHT BETHE SF 3 1 9 9 Character: Department of Energy Synopsis: Reference comments favorably and recommends .. RUG DETAILS ELL CSIJTAEHEE HEREII-E IS Gaza-20M Hf This document contains neither recommndatioas conclusions of the FBI. I: is the property of the FBI and is fanned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distnbuted outside.- your agency. . . AQ 116A-19430 SJM:mln air correlate 1 starls'ls DRTE BY REFERENCES The follo investigation was conducted by Special Agen I b6 b7C AT LOS ALAMOS. NEW MEXICO - b6 J. CARSON Iadvised on August 1, 1987 that he first became acquainted with the employee forty-one {41) years ago and since that time their acquaintance has been professional. social and personal. MARK stated that he first met the employee in l945 when they were both employed at the Los Alamos National Laboratories, in Los Alamos New Mexico and he indicated that the employee was there as a consultant for approximately twelve years. MARK stated at the time the employee was a professor of physics:at Cornell University and still is employed at Cornell University. MARK stated that he visited the employee in iUtica, New York on numerous occasions on professional matters. and he indicated that during their entire acquiantance he has been socially acquainted with the employee and they have become very close personal friends. MARK stated that he himself retired from employment with the Los Alamos National Laboratories in 1973 and since that time his acquaintance with the employee has been more personal and social rather than professional. MARK stated that the employee certainly was a Very coMpetent qualified individual and certainly was one of the foremost physicist in the entire world. MARK said that the employee's technical expertise is still of real value and that the employee does a great deal of consulting in the field of theoretical physics which is the employee's real interest, MARK commented favorably concerning the employee's moral character, honesty. trustworthiness, associates, reputation and loyalty to the United States. He said he knew of no unfavorable information concerning? the employee nor was be aware of'any drug use or alcohol abuse on the part of the employee. MARK stated that to the best of his knowledge the employee lives within his financial means and he Said he would probably recommend him for a position of trust with the United States Government. AII OF INVESTIGATION - FEDERAEBURE I HEPGHTIHGOFFSCE OFFICEDFORIGTN ?1 DATE ALBUQUERQUE BUREAU August 1. 198? OF CASE . REPORT MADE av TVPED 3" . gig I b6 .. ALBRECHT ETHE . CHAIRACTER OF CASE b7c - a! SF 3199 DOE REFERENCES: Bureau airtel to Albuquerque dated, June 19, 198?. RUC ADMINISTRATIVE: Where appropriate, Privacy Act (3) data was turnished to persons interViewed. Express promises of confidentiality, both limited and unlimited, have been noted where granted. 1 General, Confidential and ELSUR indioes checks negative within the Albuquerque Division. ALL IEFGRMATEGN oonmaznan HEREEN ES UHCLAESEFIEB naaE Ge?G??2e36 BY AC - FRETHIAL . QUIT case HAS BEEN: '30" we. oweaslou FUG. FINES surly-35 REQQVERIEs TALS PENDING oven DNEYEARI has Clue PENDING FROSECU new I . even an; MONTHS 1:1uo Mam-Roma {#0555 /Ca.ol/ no HOT WRITE IN SPACES BELOW cameswaoe: I I 2?Bureau (115-4010-1) '55. Dissemination Record of Attached Report m; 9 fa?: cm) Request. Reed. - 5? Date Fwd. How Fwd. 33' ul??lfn?B?d?g-l ara- covEnRFidi liRev. T-l5-75} FEDERALQUREAU OF INVESTIGATION b6 REPORTING OFFICE OFFIQE OF ORIGIN DATE Los ANGELES BUREAU 8/12f87 7/16/37 3/11/37 njiTLE OF CASE '33 REPORT MADE ev TYPED ev I?Jif . ?1:36 p=??ANs ALBRECHT BETHE SF 3199) CHARACTER OF CASE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY - DOE BUDED: 8/14/87 GENERAL BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY REFERENCE: Bureau airtel to ALBANVI et a1, dated June 19; 1987. RUC - 3.5.3 ijep? ADMINISTRATIVE Los Angeles general indices reviewed ?/20/87 by Support Person Confidential indices reviewed ?/16/87 by Support Person ELSUR indices reviewed 8/11/87 by Support Persod I All indices negative regarding candidate. relatIVes. and references. All individuals contacted were apprised of the Privacy Act. These requesting confidentiality have been so noted. ELI HEREIN IS UHCLASSIFIEB ACCOMPLISHEENTS CLAIMED BY E58322 Gonc. 'EIRVEETn?sllginli-?UG. FINES SAVINGS eecovenles TALS PENDING oven om: YEAH Elves [:lno Peosecunow I Oven SIKMONTHS [3140 SPECIAL AGENT Apeeoveo 1? 8 DO NOT WRITE IH SPACES BELDW 1/4/92,- IN CHARGE 16)} Bureau (Attn: SPIN UNIT, Room 13035) Eitev LOS Angeles [21:3 Dissemination Record a! Attached Report Notations em in 4. 1A 1; RAKE :73! Request Rcrd. _l Date fwd. 1' How Fwd. ?4 Mr ?If; By 7 . 1 I?ll. co'E? Ila! ll .F - in." I Ir) 5f . - 45; Foam tdev. rad-591 2" a I UNITEIJ SEATES 0F JUSTIGE Federal Bureau of luvee?gatien Copy to: . . . b6 me1?: Dame Los Angeles. California 137p Due 8/12/87 Field D?ice File 8: Bureau File b6 . HANS ALBRECHT BETHE 3199) DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY DOE BUDED: 8/14/37 GENERAL BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY qunk: Employment verified; no derogatory information revealed. References contacted and highly recommended. Arrest checks conducted no derogatory information revealed. -RUC- DETAILS EMPLOYMENT ALL CGHTAEHED Institute for Theoretical Physics .HEREEN E3 EECLASSEFEED ?Hive-?31W california' 53?? Barbaranaea 84-0?-2806 er Santa Barbara: Californnia January 1986 February 1986: January 1983 February 1983 On July 22; 1987; KIM MORGAN, Accounting. Office; University of Cal??ggpiay_??nng_?aibarar California. advised Special Agent hat her records show applicant was employed as a part?time "visiting Research Physicist" with the University's Institute for Theoretical Physics Department. Applicant was so employed on the below dates and was compensated as indicated: February 1980 - March 1980 $9100.00 January 1983 - February 1983 2904.23 January 6: 1986 - February 3r 1986 3036.00 -1- This document contains neither recommedetions nor cenelneidns of the FBI. It is the property or the FBI and is loaned to your agency: is and its cements are no: to be dissributed outside your agency. FeuooJ 5 b6 b?C LA MORGAN advised that since her records are accounting/payroll records. no disciplinary or derogatory information would be shown. MORGAN further advised that since applicant was employed for such short periods of time on a part?time basis. she could not be certain if anyone presently with the Institute for Theoretical Physics Department would be acquainted with applicant. She suggested contacting the current departmentl On July 23. 198?. BONNY SIVERS. Management Services Officer. Institute for Theoretical Ph sics. University of California. Santa Barbara. advised applicant is the foremost distinguished visiting y51cist to be associated with the Institute for Theoretical Physics. He is a Nobel Prize Laureate. involved in the Manhattan Project during World War II. and in that regard was involved in the development of the atom bomb and later the hydrogen bomb. Applicant has participated in research programs of the Institute of Theoretical Physics on three occasions and will attend another such program in January 1983. Applicant is a renowned physicist with a vast background and would be known by the entire statf. if not by personal association then by reputation. In SIVERS opinion,applicant is a gentleman of the highest moral character and those associates of applicant known to SIVERS. which would . be people at the University. are of similar high moral character.b6 Applicant has an excellent reputation and is totally dedicated to the country. SIVERS is aware of no alcohol or drug use by applicant and knows of no derogatory information concerning applicant. SIVERS would recommend without reservation. California Institute of Technology (CIT) Pasadena. California January 1935 - March 1985. January 1982 - March 1932 On August 4. 1987. SA spoke with SHARON soason. Faculty Records. and she Bald ALBRECHT BETHE is a world renowned physicist who is a Nobel Laureate. He has been a visiting Professor at CIT in 1951. 1952. 1953. 1964. 1982. 1984. 1935 and January 4. 1987 - March 4. 198?. In 1985 he was a Sherman Fairchild Distinguished Scholar at CIT. This program brings some of the world's intellectual LA llGA-76087 b6 b7C leaders to the University for teaching. seminars. lectures. and research. According to BORBON. BETHE was invited to the University on many occasions by other CIT Nobel Laureates. BORBON could furnish no other professors who could be contacted b6 due to the summer break at the University. b7C mates ROBERT C. BACHER California Institute of Technology (CIT) Pasadena. California (818)356-4218 3i Ipoke with ROBERT F. BACHER on August 4. 1987 who advised that he has known HANS BETHE since January 1935. and worked with him at Cornell University from 1935?1949: plus government positions at Los Alamos where he worked on radar and the atomic bomb. During that time: and to the present. BETHE has demonstrated his trustworthiness. maturity. knowledge: and integrity. He has demonstrated his loyalty to the United States on numerous occasions and has handled classified documents throughout his life. He maintains an excellent reputation and his associates are all of outstanding character and reputation. He does not abuse drugs or alcohol and has never been involved with any financial problems. BACHER gave his highest possible recommendation to BETHE stating that he is still able to handle confidential material without any question as to its security. ARRESTS On July 9. 198?. Investigative assistant the records of the Los engeles Police epar men and Los Angeles Sheriff's Department. No records were located identifiable with the applicant. On July 13. 1987. SAI Ireviewed the records of the Santa Barbara Police Department and Santa Barbara Sheriff's Office. No records were located identifiable with the applicant. LA On August 4, 1937. IAI records of the Pasadena Police Department. identifiable with the applicant. 4* Leviewed the b6? Ne record was locatedbTL 1 Memorandum p333: mm T0: DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY OFFICE OF SAFECUAEDS AND SECURITY GERMAN - I NUCLEAR REGULATORS CDMMISSION OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION DIVISION OF SECURITY - JAMES J. DUNLEAVY, CHIEF PERSONNEL SECURITY BRANCH FROM: IRVING A. BASSETT, CHIEF SPECIAL INQUIRY UNIT FBI HEADQUARTERS, RN. 13035 SUBJECT: HANS ALBRECHT BETHE STATUS OF INVESTIGATION: I F2 OIEPLETE COMMENTS: ALL INFORMATIQH HEREIN IS . files DATE ET 69322EEUCKLPECFEKPVH b6 b7C .. In" October 13, i987 WI .. . -PP. were LP E?thY ELCCRE CHECK 1 revise oi Fbi ois clos so the following incitionsl pertinent iniorne .tion concerning Dr. sethe: In December. 1951. 1 none check on concocteo on tr. nethe at the request of tne National Science Eounoetion. A copy or letterhead memorononm deteo December 7. 1951 containing the results of that check is enclosed. It is noted that oil intornetion ocntninoc thero1n was previously made roeileblt to the stonic Energy Commission. ?33?o] Dr. Bethe was the subject or background investigations (er) in at the request of the Atomic Energy Commission in 195% et the reoucet of the of Eetensc. and in 1958. 1"65 one 19 66 at the request of the Bihite house. memoronon containing the result of those investigations" ere cnclos so. The 194? Bi was incorporated into the 1951 hi. insse Bi' ano news check contoin iniornotion from other FBI {161-4010, 116-2241 77-60618) 3; 1! in 1962. en inve-stigttion onset the provisions of the ironic Energy Act (ABA) was conducted re geroing Dr. Bethe-. inc rise elleged the: Dr. Borne oiscloseo classific-d intormet_1on it ?1 January. 196111211cn and February, 1962 ertitie be tea on the speech. Lets ils oi that investigation are contr-.ineo neoncZHE enclosco 1965 E1. (117?24061963. another investigation once: the brovisions or the sEA-Espionegc we 5 conouoted regorcing Dr. Eethc. ?he QEC eile god that Er. Bethe discloseo classified information in Berth, 1558 msoezinr article. no notion was taken in this reger? no I mum? is in en eerrier to st involving the some iniormetion. ten Department or Justice conic eo that prosecution nos not ne?rrintcc rm. M. 68 there we re contlicting coinions on critical points in the T3 matter. inis intornstion nee nroviously furnishco :3111 Loren 15; ions. {linessm t?:1g? Or iginal to DOE by Cour is: 9?7 Taomsons.? Training DH. Llaimh 1m. 1m. 1 . RLL CGHTAIHEEI - -. 1. 111111111 11 retinas: r1rr- e111 st xii Memorandum . - DATE: 10/14/37 T0: m] DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY OFFICE OF SAEECUARDS AND SECURITY CERNANTONN MARNLAND ATTN b6 ETC NUCLEAR REGULATORY OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION DIVISION OF SECURITY . . . JI DUNLEAVT, CHIEF PERSONNEL SECURITY BRANCH FROM: IRVING A1 BASSETT, CHIEF SPECIAL INQUIRY UNIT FBI HEADQUARTERS, RM lB035 SUBJECT: HANS ALBRECHT BETHE STATUS OF INVESTIGATION: INCOMPLETE COMMENTS: ALL CGMTAENED HEREEN ES ENCLASSIFEEU DATE BE FEIIDO-