FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOI/PA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET FOIPA Request No.: 1367178-000 Civil Action No.: 17-cv-01039-CRC Total Withheld Page(s) = 67 Bates Page Reference Reason for Withholding (i.e., exemptions with coded rationale, duplicate, sealed by order of court, etc.) EFF-131 b6/b7C-3; b7D-1, 4 EFF-132 b6/b7C-3; b7D-1, 4 EFF-135 b7D-3; b7E-2 EFF-136 b7D-3; b7E-2 EFF-137 b7D-3; b7E-2 EFF-138 b7D-3; b7E-1, 2 EFF-139 b7D-3; b7E-2 EFF-140 b7D-3; b7E-1, 2 EFF-141 b7D-3; b7E-1, 2 EFF-142 b7D-3; b7E-2 EFF-143 b7D-3; b7E-1, 2 EFF-144 b7D-3; b7E-2 EFF-145 b7D-3; b7E-1, 2 EFF-146 b7D-3; b7E-2 EFF-147 b7D-3; b7E-1, 2 EFF-148 b6/b7C-1; b7D-3; b7E-2 EFF-149 b6/b7C-1; b7D-3; b7E-2 EFF-150 b7D-3; b7E-2 EFF-151 b7D-3; b7E-2 EFF-152 b7D-3; b7E-2 EFF-153 b7D-3; b7E-1, 2 EFF-154 b7D-3; b7E-2 EFF-155 b7D-3; b7E-1, 2 EFF-156 b7D-3; b7E-2 EFF-157 b7D-3; b7E-1, 2 EFF-158 b7D-3; b7E-2 EFF-159 b7A-1; b7D-3; b7E-1, 2 EFF-160 b7D-3; b7E-2 EFF-161 b7D-3; b7E-2 EFF-162 b7A-1; b7D-3; b7E-1, 2 EFF-163 b7D-3; b7E-2 EFF-164 b7A-1; b7D-3; b7E-1, 2 EFF-165 b6/b7C-6; b7D-3; b7E-2 EFF-166 b7D-3; b7E-2 EFF-168 b6/b7C-1, 3; b7D-4; b7E-2 EFF-169 b6/b7C-1, 3; b7D-4; b7E-2 EFF-170 b6/b7C-1, 3; b7D-4; b7E-2 EFF-171 b6/b7C-1, 3; b7D-4; b7E-2 EFF-172 b6/b7C-1, 3; b7D-2, 3, 4; b7E-1, 2, 5 EFF-173 b7D-3; b7E-2 EFF-174 b6/b7C-1; b7E-2 EFF-175 b7D-3; b7E-2 EFF-176 b7E-2 EFF-177 b7D-3; b7E-2, 5 EFF-178 b6/b7C-1, 3; b7D-4; b7E-2 EFF-179 b6/b7C-1, 3; b7D-4; b7E-2 EFF-180 b6/b7C-1, 3; b7D-2, 3, 4; b7E-1, 2, 5 EFF-181 b6/b7C-1, 3; b7D-3, 4; b7E-2 EFF-182 b6/b7C-3; b7D-4; b7E-2 EFF-183 b7D-4; b7E-2 EFF-184 b6/b7C-1; b7D-4; b7E-2 EFF-185 b7D-4; b7E-2 EFF-186 b6/b7C-1, 3; b7D-4; b7E-2 EFF-193 b7D-1, 4 EFF-194 b7D-1, 4 EFF-195 b7D-1, 4 EFF-196 b7D-1, 4 EFF-197 b7D-1, 4 EFF-198 b6/b7C-3; b7D-1, 4 EFF-204 b7D-1, 4 EFF-208 b7D-1, 4 EFF-209 b7D-1, 4 EFF-210 b7D-1, 4 EFF-211 b7D-1, 4 EFF-212 b7D-1, 4 EFF-232 b6/b7C-3, 7; b7D-4 EFF-233 b6/b7C-3, 7; b7D-4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx X X X Deleted Page(s) X No Duplication Fee X For this Page X xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx {1161i {3 I ?3 'Pxecadenae: ROUTINE Date: 31318f2012 Tc: Los Angeles Attn: Santa_Ana RA,-Squad SA Kayla Dram: Louisville Squad 10 -Contact: SA Tracey Lg Rileyf b6 ?1 b7C -1 b7E -1 b'7A By: Dallas'wark Drafte?'?y: Riley TIACEV ?1111 -Ca3e ID ?Title: INADCEAT UNDERCQVER GROUP 11 Synaps1s* TD prQVid? evidence and deta1is regard1mg MARK 25452 Emdeg Circle, LBQUH.E. HilM CA 92653_ to Ana RA Log Angele.s Div1sion. Packaga.Copyr Being' farwarded' unda1 gepardte coVer 1s a 1 terAbyte Se?g?te hard -driV'e_ Serla] 9TEE4392 Enclesures One, 1 A canta.inin-g- a capy cf the Receipt sf iP1ope1tV 99?) and capiea -Qf the GEEK quad 9e1V1ce OrderKTermg Q1 an? a copy 31 the receipt generata.d buy Best Buy'1ocated at 14398-P1n911n9 Ch.in0, CA ?Detaila: Du January 51 20121 1 CH3 contacted SA Riley and 'a?Vised 'tAa.t 'Buy/Ea-ek Squa?,had' r'eceiVed a Aard'dllve fo-r data recaVe1'y repa11 that ?an1aimed suspected 1mages Q1 cA1ld pornagraphy Be'At Squad has a camputer rep11rfdata re-cavery cente1 located at 345 Interndt1nnal BuuleVard Suite 3306 Bra OAS eAtucky 49109 502- 955 380-0 All computexs rE-ceiVed at Best Buy stores nat10nw1de are sent to 'this 11c111tV far data. re?overy Dn January 6 2012 SA Riley pergonally V1V1ted the Kentuck'y Best EuV/Guek Squad' facilitv an? t0 the CH3 a" 1,391?" 1' 1? ha TU: LUU Pram: RU: DIXISJZSIS b7E ?1 b7A ?1 The individual who the repair Wka is: USTTUNUUISU. CirUlU Laguna??i1ls, U1 Srimary~ShUnU: .Altexnate 9199311~1521 OHS advlSEd,that thU ingUU aftU.r thU data rUpa1r-had hUUn imagUU. In UrdUr EU: tUUhn1U1an tQ dUtUrminU- that the rUpair ful thUV mu.Ut filUU LU VU11ty that filUU inLUUt In caurUU Uf Unsur.ing thU wUrU thU SUUL Bug/Geek Squad began by perfozrming for picL andfor ijgU AU thU SUUL Squad technician ch?lling through the thumaniIU he thU imagUU hU child porneqraphy TUU technician. than cwnLactUd CHS, who SA and hard It Uhmuld be noted that. SA UhUUrved thU .ingUU that thU SU UL SunyUUk Squad technician it 1mmUd1UtU_Uhv10uU_LhUL wUrU anwn CS imagUU SS RilUy thU hard driVUL the Squad anWU im.agU- Uf "Syo JUnn-y" was immUdiUtUly by SS RilU.y. ThiU imagU WUU- Uf U- fully nud.U, whitU, prUpuhUUCUnt Un her handU and anUU U11 bUd w1th a b1an Lyp-U UU-lla1 arU-und h-U1 nUUk back at thU LUuiUvillU UfflUU the .hard ?riV.U was UttUChUd. LU write blocker} a scan was pUrfo1mUd wit-h LUUI It that Un hard drimU 1U unUUr1y1ng1 that to EU EUU fUrmUttUd using that CUEVUU ingUU. the Squ.ad U1milar LU forens1c LUUJU uUUd b3! thU RCFLU it -1U nUtjpossiblU LU View ingUU U1thU-ut HUing a fUrU.nU 1U @001 he thU-ingUU. The was placed into UvidUnCS-at thU LUuiUvillU UfiiUU~Uf the Federal SurUau Uf IUVUUtigatiUn. ta.) EFF-121 To: Lag Angeles Pram: Louisville . R5: 01,5l8?f2012 -1 b7A ?1 SA Rilay'umderstands that every Unite? States Attox?ey?s Office-has different proaecutian threshaldg. if it isr determinEd that these images do mat ri?e t5 that level, and no invEstigatiVe aCtiQn is taken'by'the L05 Angles UiViSiQ?4'the Geek SquadeESt Buy requests that.the hard driva be returned ta them in Kentucky SD they are able ta completa their procesaes, Please mate item 8 under the agree-tof?r that" sactian an the Sarvice Grder farm states that theicugtamer is "on ?nmtice that any-product;containing child pcrnagraphy will be tuxned over ta thegautharities?. -Please cmntact SA Riley if there ara any'adaitianal q?estin?sf 1.51 EFF-122 To: Les Anqelas Exam: Louiaville 'Re: 01X18f2012 b7E ?1 b7A -1 Set Lead 1; {Acticn} Les Angles is raquested to-review the hard ?rive and dm?ument? enclese?-f?r case patential, If'nm case is .opened please return the har? driVQ ta'the Geek ?quad lacate? in ?KEHtuCky. EFF-123 - Harman UNCLASSIFIEB EEKEFZEEIXEJ (IE: lilifli?i1rlt?l??rICIBw mantra-mm namm?unmaum ritle: EDI TAiAphAne call with-SA Riley; Date: Jib From; L33 AILMALI b6 ?1 ?C?ntact: KALLA b7C -1 .Agpraved By? AXJSAI I Drafted??y: AAYLE LR 2L5 9Q2 I LET TENMAJIERA MARK IZR sy?opsis: AAll LILII SAL Ril?y. Full Investigation Initiated: A12331ILIA Betails: An ?2f1??2315, SA spake with hph?na. AA She mAdA A Lequeat LA hLAdquar?A A In Arfer to iocAteiAAv? Email? LI Best Buy regarding the titled case. EA t. she had uwAIAd A EAAL Buy AmplAyAA?im A_AupArviAArv AA A human AQULAA ?3}i5, SA Spoke Li?th SA .ey by p-hG?E SA Riley A HAL A EAL Ape I13A headquarters rAgardiAg email 3A RIIAL LAILAXALAA the Buy LAA AquILem ALA Anti HHS. AAL A A LlQIdl SAL AA Rilay has for two or ME ywh- UNCLASSIFIED- EFF-124 {33%an Harman Bibi 3* 1' {?296. 5 i S. 178]: Eienfranic. ?dmmuniga?an Title: C?py Qf Email Chain. Data: I b5 '1 cantact: KAKLE I b7C _1 Appraved By: Drafted By?: Gaga IQ 3GSL LA 253 98?? MAEK MART Synopsis: Czp3 Email Chain. Full Investigaticn initiated: Alf??f??l?l Enclosurats): ara.the JllOuBQb itams; 1? {53 Email ?h?l ?Details: I a Bast Buy gnu Vlaveo for tha i3 3 cmpy Qf the email _chai Mmoimypi ta SA AH '93. UNCLASSIFIED EFF- 125 FWU 5115.: 111112113111; Elauirnn?c' cammunina?un Titla: L?ad_t07 ?uis.VillE1 H1, ?Dat?: Bram: L113 LANGERE $11 ?CQHtactt 11111 b6 '1 - 1 b7C -1 hypraved'?y: I Drafte? By: 1115151331133 1111 19 1U1 MARE 1111 11111111111 L116 to 13V1 1139, R1. Full Investigation Initiated: Datails; R.11e1~nc teleali with Riley'cn L03 Angeias is 111111131 11 c1111 1:1 1:113- 1:11 11111111111 1:11.111 b7D ?2 $9 UNCLE-E13 SIFIEE EFF-126 n- .557: 3 .1 1? 1.. 1111111111 1111111111: m111111111111111'11011 131111: 1111311311- 1111111111: I 1371: -3 itelephone-numh?" 2% LmterleHPG b3 Lelaphane1 by Spaci?l b7D 4 Agent Kayle1 anm As sis ta n1 an iteqi Att1A-rne3 An11 1 M. E101.1 After- e11g': v1 'sed othhe identity 0f the 1n1?jv1ww11g ,qent an?' .th? naturr of tha interviewl MEAEE Exovided the b6 -3 b7C -3 1379 (3.31 2A. a: 1' \r?tt? mwm?uum} 11:] 1.11.111 1; .- 31 1) 1, 11! cut: .1 1-131: 1. 112.1, 111.61 .r x. J. 1 f: .111 c: . . . . - 13111111111111 1 1111111111 . .11. . 1 . ?His.? {353311111 ?11- .- ,1 1.1 ?i?fh'FPP'A?mi :1 it 3 .lw ?Fifi; 11151311111101.1111) 111111.311; 111214 1151011111111: 131911111 111111 (1131111111591! 1111151111? 3.11m 1111:1113. EFF-127 Hiwkukml??&?? . .. .. .. . "Fir-Fr Wu?: V: .Tn w. Pit"! .-: L?Onimuntmu or. l?ilj?l-m n" .tjm x33: xd Pam: Ln. b6 3 "?"b7c ?3 b7D 4 EFF-125 D?f?aui Rm? 357% 335B*Lnf tn .. ?wnlmuaiim of {513492 of ink?muwH-?t?x uh:- HE @1973. - k. 3? 3 r? 3?3. . (m Cw Pan,? u: EFF- 12:9 13/25? 3 35:3- 9? 333-1 33:43:EFF- 13-8 Erwin?; RTE-cam;- ATSNRA 5 333:}: UHCLASSIEIED BUREAU OF ENVESTEGATEQN Elecirnnin' ?ammunicalmn Title: {Hi3 AmnimAAtJ fram VA icky -Date: AAJTAEAATA Exam: NBS ANGIE LEI-ZS 6 - b7C -1 'Cia?taat-t- (YEW-LIA Appr?ved By: Arafted By: Case ID #2 AATTAA A Syn?psis: EAjy AA EH3 from KentuAAy, Full In?estigation InitiAtAd; Enclosuxets): the fallowing itAm l. AA CHE file Details: GA AEAJEGT tAr TACAT umAnAA fom1 A: 2; fr? a i A-u11u11re, Th3 dgcumAnts capiAA oi: thA en*il A CH8 f1 A UNCLASSIFIED EFF-133 I - . . - 'cm FEDERAL BUREAU GF INVEETIGATIDN 8?83- . PAYMENTREQUEST Reque?st?Type: 7 Pagym?nt Type: Cp?ti?amtiai . ., . Efficiai Bureau Name. Somali-Security Number Data at Request Rife?? 133mg; gamma? Fieid Of?ce 3 squad Casi. Ca-ntar 34 2E) L?uiw?m as;- I Fa??e? Name Sada: Security or Taxpawr Mamba: RM Tram? 7' 7 I 7 is. @335 ?ne-?rm source ?a?wnem? Nu Somme Number 3min! ?Nfumh?r - Payment Name Data of Apprmedi Pe?o? Period- Waiver?equns?t ?owered me Cave-red Ti: 1 I Burghiey 1 Financial Jufsl-i?ca?an: hmu-rm-d has 'Fisaawgar .sc?c ?agentm CH5 Cm; Expense [Jesurimi?m ESewit?a $500533 Tamin? $509.33 Vendor Mumber Grainy Numi?b?m omigmjan Number Fg?limg Lpgj?me a a? 5 4 Du?cum?nt Number Payment Reference Number Ssg?natura atL Sash?er. Date: Friar M'e'ancss Baiar?scet? This; Advance. 1.1355: RLth?: Funds. Realm-3d snafu: {1mm an Hand human! it); be Hea?mburssm: fDa?curtie-m ?umber UraftNumher' - Name Appmad By Dailag, Mark 'Datemme (sxg?fzm 1' Certi?ed. by mam I mm HE: 39:23 Of?mrEFF-134 MW?im?mm 111111511111 FEDERAL BUREAU 13F ENVESTIGATIQN Precedence: 1QQT1QQ- Date: 1511111111 10: Frc?m: "111311131311 .1311 Sqan 113 . 1: Tracey.11 Riley, Approved By: in . $31131: Dra?ted By: 'CaQe-I?i?: Title: Synopsis: TQ 11pp110val.fQ1 the 1Q11.1Q11QQ Q1 1011 with Huma? Data ails: 9Q: the CH3 PQliQy MQQ QQ1, $.31 QDprObal is er the 1&11 Q11QQ P??t1nhat10? of Hlaii. with 138?31 ?113 QpperQ be 1Q EHSFQ main f11Q. CH8 a Q111f Q11Q 11a EEIV Overt emall 15 er QQ111QQ Q1 asking er the Q1 the?r gi?mhlf UNCLASSIFXED EFF-167 - - - ?85? Him 441410? HUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Eiautranic_ cgommuniaation Title: hAAKing date Date: Pram; .LUS ANKELES 931' I b6 _1 Cantaat: I b7C ?1 Draftad I Case In K: AKTTEKKAIEK, AKAKK Synapsis; a mid*NGV?mb?f UAKA Khe ?p?mk aian heariqg KhKI:ef GEE AUS: LA.GKKQ Scaliy'xequast?d Ktai, a1 w: Full investigation Initiated: ?1f2352?? Um Angus: SE, 2315? RSH .: United SKAKKS GKeg I in Scaily Kmaiied Sail I?ld a?viSAd Kth- b5 ?1 b7C -1 deferKK Ktmunse Augg3KK ed A midw?mvember data far the suppx?eaai?n th"wg. Ther?f??ii??US? Stally?KequesKKd they vazlability for Eollqwing Hovernn-HK EST SA Tracey Riley SA b6 -1, 5 b7C 6 Task Kglice Department :iKl? Examinar . UKange?KKunKy RKgiKKai Camputer -., .2, 1: . Ful?nbi? vatin Mwa?a; Best Buy emplayee UNCLASSIFEED EFF-187 UNCLASSIEIEH ya: {31 Tantative supbr?ssion hearing ?ate 1 Ah-August 311 Z?i?g SA-Riley emailed SA and Anvised that She 001v Amt-have am? 115115 11a94u111 in HEY-afai uni ity was 1. p~rov idethc A381 8131111 dd11Awi that ha 1a?teacalng At ti1e pol?ba ac.ademy an Nevember 5.3111 AaJ?mk 11 amd is an: A1 State Nuven1ber ta $1151 H13 11:1lah1111y mus prmv1d?d Sca1ly1 '3 u: 231S, $A121y1e telep10n*?a11v -and advisad that ?anfiicts 1 U) m1m+Nuvember. Availab111ty AUSA Smally. Gm Augu?t 31, AGES, contactAd Ju.r ti Meade and l?fA ?'VQi??mail inquiring.lah0ut h.11 ava11ab111t} in-mid??uvembex, 0n Sdptember 11 2111, Meade A??_a?v13eHe??mber; 11111111 since he woxAs in 5m: 5-: exp1e$:ec the haaring Hamid be sahadu ea111er th.&n 11111_1n as rataiiers bacama busiar AA Shristmas 11earS, 1f Meade had'any prim: ?thqw ?ray-?estwial in any sacial media inqluda, but mat 5; 1,4 1'37 )4 1131 IF :51 .agram, etc. ?Meade advised that ha wmuld ?-u5 A??ounts ta if he Any Centact i We tphal. M?ads?s 111111111111 was prDvid?d Sca 1 Ga Emptambax 1, 33131 rnrr?vt?d SA adviSCd that 1% hag HD'CanliEtS avgilamil1ty wag Scallyg 111o1ma113: ?01 1 1n mid-NAVAmbere His UNCLASSIFIEB EFF-185 En: um? {Heat-541148} UNCEAASSIFIED FEBEHAL BUREAU OF SNVESTIGATIDN Elatatrunic Gammuniua?on Title: Exam e?call with Tracay .Frnm1?Qt?m .Cuntactd EATER CTETHIE, By: 'Dxa?ted'?y: EEYLET FETMINU .. WEEK RE call with Tracey-Riley; Full Inwa?tigatian Initiated: 3 item& the 45v EnclosurBISJI l. Notgs Details: the'i? archgan GE tnis are E?r Er?m.the 0 37." 33:? T1 16311. El: @153 SE T1 nacey Ri1e an T3 UNCLASSIFIED Date: T: b6 -1 b'7C MA I n" Tube-3163 EFF-189 12 1 3' .1 . . 2123 1 2? . .213 1?23 2" {7'2 2221/ 23213; {3122/ ?223212222 2 ("112? 1122? 13 2211122222223 2* 22.2-21.2 [12? 7221213 (221 22'} 2?2 2?2- 131: 2221222222 C33 212.1221? 13/2222. 5222%22225 2+2? 32?23 322 2 11?22i?32?- ?i 2 :3 I. ?ti-333 2322213223225? ?313"? ?If 2?3 222+? 3322.23 1332223313 1 3131.}? 22232221311521 22 {?2223 #2224221. 1. .3311: 3 (f 212 :3 23:12 fin-'25 3 2121/22 2'22? 15. 22111212221tf112 232211. 22' 2?41 f? 23:? Kin?" 2?22"? {15222322233123 1/3/2211? 2711332222'2?232'21122353312533;3333?35 113-11: 22-. 1 3V3 hm 4" 111:: .2 f: {21131 .321 21': :23 13122533325231 ?33 :2 332x: 3" "3 "3-3 $2232.21? 5222122225133 2212123? 12? 2 4- 22- 1332333?2122 121"?: 3322223? 2?13 2 2'22212125 2172232122 5212.? ?122" 22"? 1/222? 24'- 22 3?3 ,f 322112 41-33% .2333; M334 (3)2312? {1 2:251 ?233,331? 11!; 112113 522' 31/153? i f: (If {13 5.122? 3,3111?" i 2 - 2 23342122132? . 1 .. .1:ng 32221;? 211222413123" 0 3/11212.343312 1 21452123.: 2? *?ef?f -- g3? '33 $522353 133233152" 233 23'4?: ?3 2?3 123 3'33 2? 2123221322126? 21.4 (23.23232 3 {121 21211322272 3 3333221 tirff?f? 33?3?2? 3232?! {-1233 ?432.? $313332? {1 1112/ 2&2?11?5?; 1231261: 3 .33} 213:} {23: 2.322222%? 23.321 1.211221152- {1.232525123521912 q? 15-? 212.213 {12ft {1212212312}! EFF- 1?22} I . 1 1 3 1 515-5512111111- .112 151111?" 1111" . 1 5 Irv-F, . 1.11111 11? 21? 11111-11? 5.1 . . 131-5555 1.1 1f. {1311?- 451.31 1317.151115); 5 1? -i 1.11 1.1111 .1121.- 111? 1.71- . 1. . '6 Eric: 1 11:11.1? 1 ":21131111114121?.15 T.- 11.. .3 3:35} 1111?er .1 .1 1?1?1- 55/5 5 5 5511- 1 5111553 11% ?1 1135 5 1? 1..1 111, 11111 1555555513 5 1.11111. 1" .-- ,a '5 11:11-11 1.11.111- ?5 5-11.! .- . '5 .1155" {[553 1' '59 ,5 (Fray 17.111113711?1 1" 11111.1 51? 1?51. 5 131.151.? 1.51 11-1 ?51 ?111 1.11111 11 111.11 .1. 11:11 15.; .161 1111,.- "3123) 1112113111111 111.11.171-; full iv: .-..- NW ancmt UNCLASSIFIED 3 aw? FEDERAL BUREAU OF ENVESTEGATION ?ammun'imatiah ??3~1h1 .3 57 m; "as. 1?4 (he 1?4 1 r. 1.2 Title: Of Phone CN11 with Justin Meade; Date; 117;: Fr-Dmt' 1.051 3'31. ?>511 b6 -1 Nantact: NNT LE: WC ?1 Nyyravedf?y: Drafted By? ERTLE Saga-IDg?: INIEN JNENN 0f P?une ?a=111.with Full Investigatiun Initiated: Q11N531B12 .Enclosuxe?s): t-NmN: 1, of phgne @311 Details: EncloNNd ?or ihN 1N Nf the Ter.:hN call wit? AUSNN Tmny Eyeg Scaiiy, and SN h1y1N, or EFF-IQZ 1 I ?33: Electrunic cammunina?un uzcxs? Lain} ritle: {Ui Emails with Justin Haade'LHd-Trgy Date: b6 ?1 Westghal. 57? ?1 .Frcm ES mnt'act: Draftad By; KEYLE :35 ?11 I is: 15? 1'1} :11 [1 9?3 L3: EYE Case. In if: Emails with JuSLin HE?d?-an? Tr?y Wegtphai ?Full Investigati?n'lnitiated: G1f23f2312 Enclcaure{s}: ara thE fallUWln? itema: ?r l. Jusai?'??sd: aha Trey Westphal emails DetailS: 5,1? Le emails with Su?tin Meade and Tray 4- WCLASSIFIED EFF-IQQ Kayla, (F311 me: Justin Meadd Sent: "111111511311 January-14, 2016 12:38 PM. T11: 133111111111 Subject: Re; NEW 112311119 0319' 3111311111. not 131:. 11 problem 111911.111 311111. 10119111: updata 011: 71111115133311, 3111111111111 11-1, 2111.612 Kayla, {fLAj (131304 Justin, 1111111112AUSA 313111.113, 311313.1111151211 11111 111111 hearing 1111111111 111111111 M911davnh1ay 3016 119:00 .11 111 The 11 Off 1:11 11i11c11111a111 17111111) 1111111 11111131 arrmwemems 1111:1151: 12211.1 1111: if you have any {1111151113115 1111111111, iri- Ju?tin MeadcKayla; Giynthia' (F81). me; WEYWESEWEH b6 ?3 Sent; Thursday. January 14,2016 12:3?" PM b?7C ?3 To: Sub39c,t: Re: New Hearing Date Kay-?16, Thank yam-for the update :21 win update my requegt at'wark ta:- re?ect themw date and make travel altangem?j?fs.?c?ordi?gh?i Best. mgards, Trey b6 ?1 b7C ?1 {311.Ti1u173day, January 1'4, 201. 13, Kayla?ymhia FBI) Mme: Sca?y-a?visad tin: new hearingdate is Manday, May-23., 20,16, afgz??am The US. Aimmey?somw will contact you {Dylan travel arrangements. iifyou have'any questing; Thank you; b6 ?1 b7C ?1 EFF-231 ?A7110 Huh: Vii-S gtv-i??kufed by ?tel-E??ph?m? b7C -3 ?ssis?ant ?nited St?teg Attornav ?rown and AUJA Gr?g ?rally b7D 4 1.3 K: Jars an the-p:ome call; raf?e: h?ing??dvised 0f th& identitv Qf the Agent aw? the-nahure ?Ln; Inwaitgaimn on t. m. drafted -: a: .r x: a. bk" rm?hcf um canduaim?g ?fth: Nil: 1: :5 the pram-m? m'ihc FBI and if; inane'd yum worm-2 i1 am! it}; mnian? an: ml. he nuisiidb13.50?; EFF-232 can - . .1 1 11131131" 5 FEB R11 BU REL-1113 1T) 1N1: 1:111:01; Dun: 1.1-1 11.1111}- SGSTIN GREEK Wt: 1n?e1v19wmn by tgieghQGEL A130 grasent ?n tte ?hqne gall WhiQ Essimtant 1m: ted u1Le Rttarugya Greg Csally and Brawn: and] IGeanal Cwunsal fa: B?st E111 b6 '7 bainq ad?iS?d??E the ide?tity Qf the intagviawing??gent'an? the niture hf b7c ?7 i?tGEYi&w, MEADB pr?vi?eu Lhas?ali1wing infarmatian: b7!) 4 ?ux. ?1 158.1. -. 11111: 11x11111111111d111111111 11L: 12111111115111113 1.11 1111: 131 11' 11.: 1m: 111111112111. (.11 1111.: 131 1.1111 15 1111111111111 111111 3? 11111 11 111.111 1111c11111c111$ 11113111211 11:1 111?. Limnhaiui1111111111111 1 11111114111111} 44:1. mfg. . . EFF-235 b7D 4 ?ll/u, ?3 ?3 b6 b7C {$5221 ?It339.rf. . 3.1L (Ev? . Iffit.mng (in; .w .ul\ i a" 1). .rmn51.1. . .. . . . If): .3. .5 51.5.. Jail? 5.. it . 111.5} I: vv. . 5w . .rah? .1 .L. .r?.vl 55h. . . .. (W .Y JIMan.? .1. . u? . u. EFF-213 555 5-2-55; 5.535 5f. 5553? I55 5 {5?55 51'? 5555 5 511-555..- . 1' j-L 51;. "5 .L 1 .925?, ?1 (51.155555; 5?5 5 55: 5 555/ 5 5.5495 53? 5' (LL 5:33 1:515 515' 1135135 5 L: 555 1511 55. 55/ 5/15 15.525 55517-4-51 ?35? 55-5 55/5555 5 55- 5 55 5:5. :55 5" 55 555-55455. 51-5-5 L5 5' 5'5 1 5? 55555 or .5 .1 ER L. ?(Jug LL (LL. LL Luz Li?; LL Lawn LLELL 53- LL LL LL LL LL LAM: LL Wm? NIL (LIL ELLELL-LL LELLL17) {ii/Had Li Luffit) LLJ LL. LLVL Mai}: L. EFF-215 55 55 5555-55 L555 5 aL?5555:5195 555/1555 55 5/5/ (L 55.9 55 C??waiz 5% m5?$?5 5 55 5-5 9-5-5. 95595155"; 5:5:5555-555- 55/55 LUNL 5559555 55 515 5555551 5:35? 59-5 LL. L, 5 55555 5 5" 55-599; 5; 5, 159-5 z: .55 - 9 9-9- 55(- ?555 w? 55:9 :999- 55:55-95 :5 995:, 1,51 LL 9L 95 5?5- 55999- 5555 95: 5545959 WL5wm59, 5915 ML ?75; 959 (LL 9: L9- L9 EFF-216 31-12(11) 11511151 .. 1:11.151. 111.11 wart 111911111111!? {1 $110141 M111, 111; var? 1111+ b6 ?3 11,121?? f??ttimmL b7C ?3 9119 M1111. Wtwv-m? ?lm-?rs- nikux 11.1-11.1 19111111111 611192111111- 1" ?01:;me 811mm +11 ?Ea-1r C99 11111111113 a?jpf?amj ?afar CutegQ 1h?. 11,1;me, 19'4?" an W?j 011111;.1; 1?11; 1115.111; 1?7 9E1, BMW ??s?Hmm?-w S?amb ??r1115m14 1 111-111-1111 11> 11111-1 1-) 1,111,111, 13 1: {Elli-{11111113. 6111.11111111 1111111319ng 1.1.31? awar?w wf? 01+ 191,111.? EFF-217 I . b6 -3 mm.? 3%va MC _3 Far 4' y- Maura. at; 3,45; me I mQ many LV) Mir wif?iimij mt? 13m EFF-218 . ?reman-n 12-3.; 1 {Raw ith ?ion 1- 5a .w \n Title Phan r? 7 at ?"From 1w; -1 b6 -1 b7C Contact? _Appr?ved By IA ?n If Mr 1 Drafted Ry -nifex' 5 ?ith JSI 1 jtimn (1-3. . >11. barf ?v . a ?SYqusis- Full Investigatien Initiatgd ?Enclasuregsj metails 'thh 1123': 55%? a 0f aka: 3% by": ?4 1.5.1; 2315; HHCLASSIFIED (2h U?b?Jt?a?wvz b6 -1 b7C ?l mallow? Ww?ir :{?rzg Elm :iQ {31/ dmp?af him/um 51,3) {Jill/Mi] Jam 3?4; CFJ f: 517"- Egg/- 3.1) inh?uhx 34m 3 Fla-1333113333 {1313: (Jimmy I?elephmne numb?r was i?terv3Lde b! by Spacial ?ght :L?a Lanci??ssiwtanL b6 '3 b7C ?3 Unite? Stataa ALtUrnEys Rnthony Exgwn amu $1 eq ?caily. After 3* 1 3f the idgntitv?m?'ihe mw ?g ?gants and the naLuLL 0f the 3M Lallmxinq inf~ 3?matimn: was 3333 led wa da?umants: BELLS 8% 55. b6 -3 b7C ?3 ~8?5 and 3M "7 ?Ir-u. dp?$?ftrieFLin the iog'th d0 3m?nr3? by himSLaten 3e maslgaiiy 'mid iL 813,? 3L6. was ant: Evywn i? departmamt?fGL: s?van {?3?year sLaLLd-in Navemb?r 2311 L3 was in'tha d&ta-IQL wxerv dap?rtmerL b6 '3 Lhe-first form ha LM ogn1"e4 his han?writimq-fmr the ?53 anm-vwlce. w? an wa? dLagno?ad, ha hat a 30333 vaf?54 f?p l?l; .. a 4 a?vised E?vcr3sh scanning may have_beem f?rma Li?aweiy stated main 1? is moSt likeiy'bL ?3u3e Lha recavaLy went LS Mule 1? ??thing Ln this farm imdicat?s child powwoanphy was-LOLHd. thaL as part 95 the service request the ??chniaiLL.was L3 b6 '3 b7C ?3 diagmmge ?rive! noL ta da?xecmverygas ta?y ELEG a LQLLE waivur a Lh3* n?eu the cu?tomer the :Lgxe an d? a waivey, L-q-emtry ilf?S?E?ll 89:633?6 Pw-ca?tains hia :3 ?33 II . 4-sLaLad he.u933n have a may Lu L?3w if LE: files werE.unallmcaLQd ?r amt. ELaLed rd LG LL11 if 3 driVE apLeazs Lg b3 Legt?rg?, I Led MET mea? La EQQL 10$ 33 mumh data an Lha drive i??i ?at? 34d using F33 men 3333333 3 Camputer-and oaagcg iv put. it back in a manna: i? whi?h 3L Carv?s LIE the_beat t0 get data b?ck. ?ame gut mf'the box whan it ELFS an'attempL.Lm be brargnt baLL, 4 sLaLed i4n Lha lag e.nt Ly ?drive have 39am m?ana 3d apmeane {EiLheL Lhei?ustomer'ar Lhe prEVl?uS BELL Euv -?ema;tment} Lagtored the drive. this m?ans i han'? 'aLiy'LG tha may it wag whan it came ?at t?e Lampui r~ ?1 53339323, ?a ?u 1" 3?33?? 3 K. - .4 Dem: timi?t?d hm KRELQ.LLHT413 ibis Jams?mm twining rmuhcr my unminxmm 331' 131:: E. it 33 ?ts. rsmpuu. m? and 35 knurled 30 mm- mm is and 3'55 nM in. he: dastl?sl'mtud msisigicz 3' 33m 331mm EFF-221 33333313333 "1 Qun?nuuax3raft? .13} i x; ?4 . 33333x333 ?Dn i?i$?f?UJmu?dip.? - 31333 333 stag .. if 1.?u v.4 . .. 133! 33 he weuLL 1L L333 imaged wauld?? L33 racovary 33 that 13333 La 3, Q: ?12? ?i9 33 to 3 33333, 33 try I 3 a ?iiva drive. n. if 3: i3 3333333 it 333: 333 3: Lh? v_3333 iL. . A, . 3ii-3033Lw13 11133 3333033: di??a?thinq :3 ,3 ive? .. I {9 5'Lev33 3 ADV 13 Eur-.1133 333 L3 .Qve? if L333 333 unaligt3tau. di3k 333333331 33333 LL. ?ted 3333313333 data vi L33. L33 3333. the way 333 Qompmfar 3333333 vi?w 333:3 33 . 1713wa3jm?333 the 3LL33L 333L3L33 33.13333, nut 33 ?ne P$rti?u??l 3133 may 3L1: L3 333 $313 nwm?a 333333 driVQ he is 3313 L3 . D7 EL: {a 17.5 1 333 33 03 L33 @3333 and maka-a meLarminaticn that Lh?ra 3333333 ?n 33 undenl~zr3 3333. 3 +3 3 thar? L3 33 entryimn L33 13g that indicatas he'mr 333333 (133 lucat3d st3L33 L3333 333 Only 333 3333 3 33 saw child 333333333333333 3333 3333 Lt has. Lamemmers 33 333 3333333: Lu 33:3 :33 (Sing augh 333.333 L33 3? :0333 L313 33331.3313r 3333; PA . 5?15 EL LC: 3.34 f} :3 r? V: reaults 33 have 333. 3 wuuid 33L 1.x" 5 3' 33 3303333 was undert3ken LhaL ?heuldn?t 3333 3333 3 3813333 his ALQ.HQL33.33 ?1 a" 3033 LL the 33:33 :3 333333313 33L33 333 33L 33L*?r33333ry; iL'3 333335333 L3 .. 4 drive in't? di hi3 job 333 L3 diagnmse the dxiva and L333 33W3 on L3 L.h3. .i3 33 iz?i33t303 3f i.ra removary. he 333 the ?nLixre uvor363. 3q3383'it?ijn?L stated rdirectgd him-Lo 333333 L3: 3333:: Lh3?3 s3x3 Lmnioyam .3133 time L3 Li i 333133'333'w333 L313 33L L0 3333 ?03 they this L3 repQrL.iL Lm-iha bp3sg me where L3 3333333 .Li};3 L?m?mh 330 {an the Us 333 EFF-222 {Rm-1 v?ilnh?ii?n 12?} I 1.93 i I: 1'3 9'3? ?1 9i." 3 . :3 1 43? '31? :3 i313QQEQ DGESQSV I IQEQLQQ 1nd ham?tv Quarch thild him SQQEQQ Qes aha; EWHRLIQQIE ?SQQ tn?ught was Chlid QOQ if Q: QQLQ I IrQanlih rm in IQ :y and rdC?liS images Qu.d thumb.QQ LS, stQ-Qf qrich erQ ddmaged. I I saw QQ ?mw?w Q: 3 younger indQvidual; Qzaa; ham if maxi. writiQQ anything. *tQ+Qd it was a pag? Qf thumbnail: bu; We 2Q: ron i.Q imQ:Q and th ng PQ- 5Q QQ- what was submitth ta the iisq Qtatad Q3 that was tgna 13 indiaatin SidilQr.?i?g?QSi3a navEl any Bea: Eu; emplu S??hh?lnq b7 3 . . hard quqln? EQQ w. of eti??fa?i?fg?ne the :11i0wwnu QQ was a hQ_may be I She may?be I I MIC-Sta: EH4 ht: 3? ?1 [4.511TrQy Qa?tghdi hi Aw QQ Deiplo e? r" Chri m. IQ QQE EFF-223 -3 b6 -3 b7C if}: .. b6 -3 b?7C EFF-224 EFF-225 b7C -3, 7 b6 -3, 7 EFF-226 -3 b6 -3 b?7C EFF-227 -3 b6 -3 b?7C -3 b6 -3 b7C EFF-225 (Hm: 5-8618] Him-1R3? Bru??zs?? 0F- 1m ESTER MiaNLRB i??bb.i telephon? nummarl Ih?me emaii I was.inuerviewe? Ev talephone. ?150 . . 5? if: 11.u=a u. A- - a m? H~i ehm. 1 AuLth??L.U?ltmd Stat?? Attoxney ul?g ECgAiy. ?pvised Sf the 9f the interviewing Agent and the ?atuxe $n.4- *1 I. l?tuslEW, HANJ Dl??ld?u tna 1u?01mlewn?Esau-xix: u, vb niwk xw??qu Vx .1 unfif sq? .. in h: musii'dc ?gm? gigg?cy EFF-229 m. 3113a A ?v.2 EFF-231 ?$135? (Hm; $4141.13 FEDEHRL 0F Elaalranic: ?amm?niaa?nn, Title: Eu; Enterv1Qw-nute5 {typed} Q1 ?Frum: ?3?03a1 331 Contact: Aggroved By: REESE Case .54" Syn0?sis:_ ;*vi;w gates EnaloSUraES}: Eur; 1Q3e? 16 Typed natas m?.phmn& Anger?1ew mi -?etailsi Enclase? firstke fi1a: the tyged nat35.6f the phmue interv ?n r-r Gri- the . I In!" ., 1. {11' 21' MARK .ypei} of UNCLASSIFIED Ibatef .11 ?n3f231EFF-234 3 : Best Bay, 345 intrernatianal am. Br?aks, KY 431%. 77 Brawn]: at. store before maturing hare.- Was there in 2:311 and 2912. Mways in the facility- Came dawn'in {ate 2013?. Might have been in a different aepartme?nt that time .but?famil?iar?with phat-Essa: (if data raw-vary. b6 -3 b7C -3 Haw units get. ta Geakfiquadi cm:- and- whatit is: Repair faci?ty and ha-nd'ie tiifferaat typascsfaparations inaiuding data-raawaw. Repa?r' computers ?is anal, initiated by client at. stare. What-bar repair 'or data recovery they ate regueming Service be perfumed than shippads ta their?facillity- ta be pe?rfarrned. Beat Pam.l gear: squad pali'cy for he?s familiar with pa-licy and: there?s documentation an that- Back inzml 2:312 washef'ami?ar. 'Et?saary. simii?ar in the have the- e?xactvarbiaga. SOP based?- ajn thasesame processes 50 shauid be wary simiiar. Standard pracadma is if samehady ?ames UFJQEI CPduring the course af wark they are instructed ta immadiateiy amp-and instruct-supervisarthat they?ve encountered that. The-supawisar than contacts'law enforcamant. Since units are nationwidathair Ema-i law e-nfa'rcemant is the iatai FBI since: they have jurisdi?c?an across cauntw. The-y call F33, F355 respands and decides Elf-thaw are gaing?te take it: and ?they-?nd the praper paperwork for ?handaff and? gafram-t?ara. I Your direct management contacits the F81. it?s the sa?me?thraugh?ut the facility regardless of departmavnt. Iif sameahe dis-covers Gamay amp and rep-art. it 3w. supawisor. had. cantact with FB-iagants war the years. TraCayEanotharguy. They are contacted becausetheyarein the. lanai suffice. He- was never asked tuba an infarmantlar CHE. agents never asked him to search'?ar CF. We don?t get inwluad any. mma after tha'handa?. Agents never paid 0r ?aff?red ta pay him man-win connectian with his wark at Geek Squad. Not aware afany wag became. infarma-nts. Nat aware af-any ampiavees hazing paid by FBI. {Raa?ing? StarLa-g) ?Putti?gin? inf-afrom client'Whe?i Name-and phon?numbah First mace Moving dam-i it"s saying we caliectad a dapasit af$249 and at that point that-was a pm: set ama'un't'that had ta be attach-ad ta any unit 'thatgwas requesting- dat-asjracovew. Ease prim. Wauidn-?t. be shipped. if they weren?t-wining to pay at iaas?t $2249. Data recavew waai'd have been requested at this point because cus?tamar woueid have had ate-pay $249Whiah is a "minimum charge that they have at) agree ta hafcr-e shipping that here. I EFF-235 Shipment info the tracking- te Geek, Sana-di??ity. Same is automated-status updates. 113'25 receiving and that?s-Showing it was received into the. building.- e?hanged; status-awaitingeustemer infe. That is gaing ta take piece. in the department .513 it reached the data recovery center and it's- awaiting caste-met me: status. Checked into wet/kin progress. Staging for?stuff that?s gainggm be "worked on in data retavew. my a few statuses: for star. Not designed for data recovery. Oniy'a few Getting unitprepped fer diagnosis to get infa batik te client. Star designed for repair. They're 'nait' repairing hardware they?re-remeering data. {Why veiee waiee-r ifclient alreadyf gave permissian at beginning far tie-ta receuew} Service order gives permigignio. accesethe device ferdiagnosing-thexhar?ware. ?ts tang as diagneaihg and same repairs that-?5 eneegh but-when it comes tereeieyeing. cii?ent?s date We ma-reisensitiueend: they heme ta seek em. aneuerify data and make sure they're getting-correct results. Eecaus-e of sensitivity-thee require signed data aewiees agreement er; voice: waiver?to shew that client givers-permissiana fer them ta gethreugh info-en {?e-vice. casti?ngfme're money meaa they need a wee waiver; the Waieejr'is'hecauSe at? the fact they wiil-be? the eat.a.- A l?utef?stuff is just fer hardwererepeirend aniy needs o-rigiaai servi'Ce e?rder but data recovery is different and needs the voice waiver. 11/253 9:09PM.th shew-is that we heekea it up and diagnaein?g drixre ta- see what ?if anymeeha'nicafl issues were gating an, what it wee going to take. in order in access the. data an that drive. Gnce we find that eut- we can provide ciientiWith estimate to re?cever'that data. We are stiil awaiting- the- Waiver baa-Cause in career In 313 threughdata a he? we rify? theynee? the. waiver. SheWs'the level of cost-and. awaiting waive-rt. Le?vei advahced .retmew same kind of damage tefiieavstem that. isgeieg to be. required. in a-rder to even access data, that isn?t going be accessible just uaiag stanaar? Level'l er 2 precese. Maybe?advencee carrepiien'ar beards te; make: the driveusefui again felts under Leuei lama-need igmft-~? master file, 'tabie.- Technique? used during ievel 2 data accessible. Per-San diagaasing and tetlingrecev-ery' agea-twhatwm be needed in order to ?nish? out recavew. Appears-semis! damage t0 master file table in?this ease. Drive appears to havebeen restared means; When they're-mine the diagnesi?sa iat ottoo?ls can ioek at hex informatian and gee what the cenditienefihe drive is and see where data is missing'even theugh we can?t seethe data itseif we can see where data was an the-drive; Based: en the: iayaet that. we'see' threugh thesaftware we can see if theerive-laoks to have been fen-matted. May shew ep-asail zeroes and everything: genewon?t be: game ta recover anything. This is done during diagn?etie steamed in'ferm agent this iswhere ya-u?il need to leek ta?find data, these are some of the'issues with the-drive, etc. in arder ta get-the best resuits what we get the approval. EFF-236 Raswred means: Baas nai mean madame has-bean ?xed already. HP reaavary taais can: raatara ar rafaamat- back to factory settingsi Can?t tell by lag if?it was Bast Buy arclient did restore, but would have. been dana bafarait reaahad GEEK Squad. Wham we mmp?lata diagnasiis it?s: aniygaiagg tagiae .usa guaatimata'afwhat happened grim. Acaidental issues maid show up the Same as i'f'jaau formatted an Wa-don?t- knaw until aha client says thi-sis what I did. and have: been. restored; kind of g-aas hand in hand.- if-thara are proiailams?iwit-h icajmpijtar arpraaiems lad-sameana to restate unit we can see similar rasuits With the diagnasticiw?a have hare. Underlying data aiaible: Ha): View. Hex data! D?iagaastia toolashaw 1?5 and 0?s and? that knew they she-aid be able tog?et data 1bacause- its underlying. Underlying; if th?ra was same .carrupiia?n-ai master file. and Elie-at yau wauid data as unaiariyingbacaus-e ifs inaccessible: through normal maana of the camautar. "Is that the same as unallocated; space? Na. that?s a little: different When 'adriva iasatCUp it was up different space-S a that drive, far di?ffaren't'things, Unailacatad space if wan iarm?at far use-you're going to have 'samahit {if unail?acafed- space.- an aharcl Thadriaa iasamatiimea split between ra?sewaa space fcr'fiiaal ayatEm'and in wiil aameiimaa have space as Well an it wasn?t: necessarily maa n: thara'was a but tiara-ugh farm'atting you can?hava'sama unallacatad; unallocated by itself d?aan?t mean samathing was farmattad., if you -dalata:daia_ an camp-Liter that data lies in walla-sated spaca purtia in status Wheradata Cali be ?aw data. lsthai carre?t?? Yes, Itjwauid- ciatlaat. ifa master 'fsiia tabla-was mirrupt-eia in some-way, that aauld make it look-as if the data that used In be accessible ta a camputer Lisa-rg-iticaa?ld make it i'aak-aa if it?s in Vegan. the atm?cture "is guns: at that mint at) vau hava a io-mffiies sitting loose an that drive Tharr'ais nothing that ?iraats yam, because the names arasirippad away-i 50 everything is 'thara-hut vim dan?t anew it because there's n0 mapanymora {Jae- daasnft necessarily maa-ntha?t-tha ether happens; butsamaiihaes in-?canjamtmn with aach'athar Ibac'auaa something gait farmattednawyau mayzihava spaca because of'format?t'inga but, ?one is not a requirement far the anther. In the inig farihat'entry': That doesn?t iridiicata law a. that; th?etech was vie-wingany- type 0f canal-ant. an the drive like actual- ar ?pic?turas? Na. The Innis we typically- use review heagdata, it?s ca?dad? and 8?s; it ah?aws where data would bag Even if taala change, the way they work "is iha?samei. Data underlying doesn?t mean data ?les thamaalaas areaisihie? Right-we just k?nnWa?mathirigis 'tha?r-ai and what'h'er it?a warth it in: 't'ry'and 'ra'cavar data. EFF-237 em: indicatieri in renterT that anythi?n-gwes 'heve'been done prim? te mice waiver? Ne. Ii: ide-esn-?t- ge tr). recevery teem until voice-waiver and funds; celle?etecl. At rilegnestir: stage- there is :10 risk to prieaw because we?re enly leaking to see if data is there, net the aetuel (fete. Tl?iefe?s no one. lee-king fer-CF diagnestic stage? Neg. not at. all. it is ageihet Beg-118w .peljiey t0 he's-eerchiing- fer anything. Net searching-at any stage. Pelicies ie place and: disciplinary anti-en if it is deemed we are .seejrehing a. custemer?s cemputer. Eve'ryene learns; this through when they get unmarried.- smellsempling from client?s mission critical? list to make sure these-'pierzes are funttienal. That?s why they have the weiverte let client- knew this is what- we are gainer-e be drain-g and they give. permission.- ?They need In verify they. have greed results. Fri-veer; isge eery important piece. If there was a way; to tie it another was: they weuld do that. 11f2j3 where client rec-carried veiee waiver a-ndmiss?ien critical - meet im'ee-rtent ?les'te client. "picture-s, extei, quiekerr, etc. when; we?cemplete key in en in make sure'we're gerting They're rise-l: going t0 put effort inte- ether Verify eif? 13er net throngh recovery so. they verify this predeet is where they eepecr it in be. binning" audit. EMS. the.advancedreczoeew attempt failed. Bed blacks in drive section of drive that held date and was causing the recovery tefjeii. We and. die a full imageef?rhe drivebeimuse if?you have a bed drive, reading: and writing data, we.?r?en into? emblems with that so the bestthihg Esta image w?h?iizh is- less. stressful en the drive and better results. The imaged t?e another working herddrive so they ceuld then. attempt re? process the recevery. "That?s; Mule-224 il-ineeritew' member} if a drive lie failing and p'rebehly the reason he breught the drive in is. because the-drive was failing "bee blacks. three use a different techniquete get data unto weir-king drive an they can complete Le recevery'. Different things?ceuse date less, here 'we have data ce?rrupt?ieh due to feijlee hard drive. If they tranefer teemther drive the (late is still cerrugptee end unreadable- because we eorruptee it when it wee-failing. Se ?image tn Mule 2% i5 so we don't have to werry about thedriee railing and can then start-the re?ne-Era? precessromekexthe date useful; Eir'ewthing made it tut-he mule except for trier-smell KB eminent. Completing the recevery rm drives that had been fermetted and .due to the factthe drive Wes felling that, is-the recovery rhetwee required farmer technique: it: recreate data. end. get; it usable again. 12!29.review precess?muer have run inter-(3P because Ran-d3: Retl?iffwiee the ?ambassader at the time. Doesn?t: know TW or that signaturefmm when he wee working. Knows Randy. Wes netewere' Randy was an i?f?fl?f?lant far the 528 detriment: Trees ?Statement: date-review of format recovery" when we templere a. we go tihreugh and review that date to make sure it was able to lire put beckzinte usable. fen-net and if we de it and it?s still garbage we?re net; geing to chargesemeone a recevery cos-t izi?fth'e data "is unusable. - That?s EFF-235 why we as}; far missi?n :t?titircal 513 water?! get hack infra .tliient'is i?mkln?g?far. if. taunt-35k. for pits. anti we ?can my recover music, that?s a fatt ant}- we*re nagging-to .charge Wu. Kind; picture ?widthzalm Of ganterate. pics at same amt, the internetwtit genera-ta thumbnaits, .itunes generates alhum art; generai?ly? very smelt. What happens is if you have a I-utnf that contt?znt it?s hard tn differentiate piES aihum attend pits than. tack nitsnf?i?hile on vacation 50 we narrow saa dawn we-can fetus on things: you were pics (if by ?tting rid Uf'small ?thumb- naiis. mats til-(321w kh because if'ynu eliminatet'hat wan witl?iter nut album art and get pics that-tare meaningful tr} 3ft; u, Pits measure-d in kt: hut t?hBt?gtDt?d be mhar meansof fittering that infmmatien Out. '121?20 carreszpta'n?s withTrey?s statement. We: stop at the paint and everything is hands-off. He?s been invalued in process af bringing in: law entertament HOW are image-5 ditplayett far agent? Typita?y-we. hand? Utter-the note-5 01? this is what i was ?tting and haw i did it and where i was-and We hand merm- FEE. The}: witij gt} m. secure area. We dan?t want that viewed byanyoneetse around. Either inprivatemnferenm mam. dear (jut area at department and 'let them viewiit. Give aver the not-egan-djtet the FBI handle the search; Terry: Agent came back cm 2/3 a?er's?iting HD on Wham she tam-e back-Was she leaking at content an: imaged hard drive on Mute? .?Any insight intt) how that happened? I'm It WDUIG make sense. because wew??l sen-rice tinder up; The mute", the'p?perwurh looked ups so it makes sen-5e {if they took hard drive that they wnuldn?t hie abie to View because drive was {311th Same: prahj'em they had} when the? triad ta tompiete racuvew 50' may have tanked at data an Mittethe imagethev Ct?eateti tram original? drive?. Anything an star. ling p856 after the entry from 121.20 that woutd indicate- t'hat the Mute that was used fur the data- recovery WGCESS in this case was-?ptaced sum-a safe lucatian and there?s, nothing in the lug that SHUWS down at. mule. Status Change tr: template - metre- than [thew do new prevent that fr?mmnt?inuing- ta shew up in the queue. Btherwis??uestinns wuuld cuntinue It! $358: an that. Justin, Hans and Chrismphetwme his s?upewizsorsat?sume paint;