FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOI/PA # 1367178-000 DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET Civil Action# 17-cv-01039 Total Withheld Page(s) = 7 Bates Page Reference 58 60 79 80 81 82 107 Reason for Withholding (i.e., exemptions with coded rationale, duplicate, sealed by order of court, etc.) b6 -1; b7C -1; b7D -2; b7E -1 b6 -1; b7C -1; b7D -2; b7E -1 b6 -1, 2; b7A -1; b7C -1, 2; b7D -1; b7E -1 b6 -1, 2; b7A -1; b7C -1, 2; b7D -1; b7A -1 b6 -1, 2; b7A -1; b7C -1, 2; b7E -1 B6 -1; b7C -1; b7D -3; b7E -1, 2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx X X X Deleted Page(s) X No Duplication Fee X For this Page X xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ·.• ~~· ·:·>:·>'.->'. .t '. ·<:~::-: '~:1.=,:t:};,~;,~~l.:.ii\~::hff7.t.•tru.!l'. Date: cn/H L-1_ _ _ ___.I'· ... L - 1_ _ _ _ _ _ : ~ ~· ____.! rtb b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -1 : .{ 2009, '~' CHS ccn1tacted BA I <:md b6 -1 b7C -1 (;ee}t ti:1.n;:>d ima9~:n of child pnrno9r·aphy, hK i c)r1a l b.{)~J 1 ~~~J'·a r·rI / Sti· i tf:: B.1~C)C.f}rq , w .'H'; :~a id the hard drive ""'as inH:iaJ.ly recE.:d.vcd by :3t·::t;•: Locat:<.~d at: 2015 Birch E'.oad, Chu.la Vista, >i '~ ::)t:S, 619·"397 --40SCL Best Buy Chul<.:1 V.iut:a then ,.'.. u ... t::·:· ctr: l:(.) t:Jte fdcJJj_t:)1 irr :BT~()Ok.i~~ ~·:t~ c~-r.J"\t(: ,_:J Y."Y . l..t()\.~.iG:\:-j.:11~:: ca.r;t.:~. HCT-- Lotdsvtl J ,,, the (090 t11 }t(:~ l·.t~:~t··1J cli:"iv:c~ v.1~1~:·;· PP'''d t.Iw~ hanJ ch:i vc to f.~>ct: tJHt aLL D:Lvision . b7E -1 EFF-1 07/14/2 I.._________ ?. .,__.,·~ '-' '-· ' ·l'"'i' ' •'' "' • ,. "' "'-' r~ ,, '~ c+eek SqU<'id had recE;.i ved a computer hard ~rn 0. ~·, H • , containc"'d l·J;.>~1. t~>'~' b6 -1 b7C -1 ' :LrrkLSJ(~s <~·:1·• •l''()"'l')l' ·~~ •, u~I::- '.(, f· \.:•, t_,,.,.. .... ,;J..• r'r~a.ti·~:J11a.1 of child .,...,~>'' '' ~L ...... t' t·'/··'l"" 1_:-t ( •• 'A". .... {. ... I~·CHJ.l~~-:v;_~\r·tl.,. o ·. • ..... porno;:1r~~phy, '.l'..'"("~.,,-..,,,1'' . ...... ~.,~ "" .... ~·.· •}l . S1tit:.E.!- JOO, ·(''PF'!·,,..., ;...... , •;~ ,_ "':.:· "'-•.• J3.~C<)()·k··s, the heird VE~ waf'; :i.nH: ially received by Lc-c<:1ted ;;tt 2015 Bit·ch Road, Chula Viuta, ~i·!<~~:}S, a·19···397-:-•4.0SO~ Bt?;fJt f·3-~~~7i C~}:_tiJ_. .:.t ·\ti~~tn Luisvil:l.e .D:i.vi~~ion. Writer requet::t:n t.he .Losed due to the f<.:lcb bh;::~t al.l Lhe ·~~vi clence Le th·~ Bt:ni !Jieqo Divii::>ion. EFF-2 t: 8 \ ·>D• ~\h: ;·~q: · :nh~,~:{~::~;:;firth0SiJ8h . ~'.~: Date: 05/ 06/2 (J(}'J Attn: ______ ...__ ___,v~' b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -1 l) ;\ a. Enciosed for San Di(::go Di v.i.Hicm 11t:~ (1e.rr1t:air1ir19 a ~~or~y ·<)f tl1e f·i~Je (.5) 2ek Squad hEKl received a computer y,~P'Ll t' that contt:tined Jmaq!'!~3 of ch.l.ld pornog:taphy. Dquad ha1:.i ~l comput:E::r r(~p<:t:ir/data :r·N~ove.ry cente:t: Int ;.n:national Boulevard, Elu:i.t(:~ 300, Bronkn, :0;>.-955·3800. A11 computers receivt~d at B1?.s:"t Buy ment: to this facility for data .recovery. b6 -1 b7C -1 :h;'' '"IF ::;,xi.d the hard d.ctve w,~s initially rec.eived by .'\Lc:):e :Located ;201s Birch Road, Chula Vista., ~'-'',)'/ 619 .. 397 .. floso. Best Bu,,.,, Chn1d Vista. then (,:,· hard drive to t,he facilit.y i.n i&p:ioks, .cecovery, The indi,1:Ldua1. who requflsfed the b6 -2 b7C -2 b7E -1 EFF-3 'f()·~ ·:. ' Sai.1 - f}ie~j{) i'ton:i: Louisv'i 1 le OS/06/2009 On Ms-1v OS, 2009., SA ~3uy I Iperson;;1lly visited the Geel:\,~:;q\,1~'..(~.i .. ,~'.rc7•~ity .~;:t'.1_,spok: 0 t·~'~t:1i; c,·:rn ... s~I <>l:)ft(~r··~..t·'.:~(1 L~:--.-. . .~ .. l~(.~~it~d:) .1.~l caueo1...1f..,...J1~_ _1~ftt.J. V.le\if.:t.-Ilg A. __ .lJllct9-:-S ()1: .~l Best: b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -1 -i. _ c_ . J .. ~ld I . . I seized the·. computer hard dr:Lve as t:c.::in:: .port:ed the hard drive back to the r~ouisville the i''i:;.JeYa1 Bureau of Investigation 1 and placed the :_n•:. :> ev:i ck:nce. S;\ l I. •- ' lt: :cdlcnJd be noted that SA I I only obser"red the '1•J>=-•t· nc::i~: Buy -.Geek.Squad.· observed. l SA d d --~- - technician. ~- -_ -_ 'l . .ncl. ::}YJrnLi.ne tnE~ ha:r · r:LVE} in any otder m~nner cue to .L _ck of it "''"-arch v1atT<'l.nt:. Writer h.~s provided a. CD of nine ·>Nt'('"""' -> ~he -•.. " ' :- " ' " • ' b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7D -1 b6 -1 b7C -1 L caae agent's revtew. These images are a sa1nplin9 im<19t;:t.o ob~;;;:rv\~d by the techn.tciah and SA I I \·J:::·it<,;x understands that every United States Attorney's Off.:.ce hau d:i. tfu:-enl pros.ecution thresholds. If it is determined tl-1<':.t t hesc do not rise to that level·' and no investigative San Die o, it is requested that the computer l;(; ·.irned to Best Buy -- Geek Squad has not L l:e d'-" regur;rntec by I I 2 EFF-4 b6 -2 b7C -2 To: :r.:. ~:~ e San D:i e q -:.:; Fr6 m: ; houi svi11e. b7E -1 05/06/2009 I;J_!!£i1 ) - ~ -,~; _ }- -: (rH.scretionary) R<:.~ Vir:~w .)r:- (.J s c c~t1 t i .()ft t ;:j J1 E 1~;0 it iB i 1naqe s and .:1.r.~1):t..{)P r n:~( ue.~;t:.ed ·itt"t e ·: . deti.:~rmine i i investigat ion <:md :Cf prQsecution is not pu:csued by SAN that the computer hard drive be returned Squad has not completed l:he wor k a ~;; b6 -2 b7C -2 3 EFF-5 - n ~;)J .;.;· ~~ :~ <1 ~t \::t::1·i r;:~(1.::lh~thDSD 6f.t·c 0!3/C6/20Q9 ]~j()U _i ·~~r\t J. 'f .} (! E\~ u~~.:,~j 3 b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -1 - - - - - - - - - - . i :n f Bv.: :.ctb ·' 2009, .:1 CHS contacted SAi b6 -1 b7C -1 1.llY}L't•rc.i'-. 'r'"'P"'' '"'/·--'·1t· ., ......rp.cr-•~"""">""\r :.,"nt· !>t.J.~:·-·· • . . .__ ··!:"· . . _ ·.,,.... ........ --'"'·""·..L..-1~· Ll-:.._. __ <.~ ,,,..-__ .. 1..~:1:t. ~"· l:_,........._._.,._.. :-'1.,n·· ...... ,... J;;t:erm:tb.onal Boulev•J.:ed, St1ite 300, Brooks, ""'9~"i5-3800. All computers .n.:!c.(2~ived al: Best Buy E;"t:~r1t tc) t11is f:ac:ilit.y~· for :t{:!IJ-~lir.·: . ·C.(. •°h"-•· .. •.•. d the hard. drfv('.! 1.~·as initially received by L·c'·d at 2015 Bi.rch Ro.::i.d, Ch11J.a V.ista 1 California ·4050. Best Buy Chula Vista then t'lhipped t:he 1 :Lty :i.n Brooks, Kentucky, for data r6co\•ery. requested th.;.; repair wo:ek is: b6 -2 b7C -2 i !' 'i .. ~~----------~~~~"/.,......~~~~~~~~~--~___, 2009, SAi Ipe:csona11y v:i.s:i.t:ed the fk•~'jt fi:tcLlity and spoke to the CHS. Sh I I i1n-: 0 >L~"' in question. /\ft(~r viE!w.i.ng itm:r~:res. of: child 1\h I I nei.::.cd the computer hard dri,,re as l:T<'t E:::0.~::;t Buy - Ge:ek Squad had receive* a comput.er hard b6 -1 b7C -1 drive for T>:.:fx:L :i::· that contained images of child pornography. ~;e;:il:. Buy -- Ge;;:k Uqu<:td has a computer: repair/data recovery center .l.ocntud at ,'3<15 :tnt.ernational Boulevard, .Suite 300, Brooks, &ct~t'-~.cky 401.09, ;:,02--9'55-3800. All computers received at Best Buy sto:;:eo3 na.ticnv.r ,xre sent to this .facility for repair. the hard drive wa.s initially received by at 2015 Birch Road, Chula Vista, Californi<::l. :~:LSJ~),,.:z:o·.15~· ··?.97·--(lOSO.. B"E;st B11y· Cl1ul.a Vista .ther1 sl1i.r>1)ecl -tl1e computer tc Lh,c: ilit:y in Brooks, Kentucky, for data recovery. The individual who n3quested th€.~ repair wo:ck is: b6 -2 b7C -2 I I On May ns, 2009, SA personally visited the Bost Buy Geek Sq11;>d iiit:y and spoke to. the CHS. SA obscn:vcd th;~ i.rnacen in question... After viewing images of child po:cncr-:n:';'tphj' SA I I seized the compl..lter hard drive as ccm.trc.d:;and t:.i:armported the hard drive back to the r.ouisville ce of ::he ?cdcud. Bureau of Investigatton, and placed the h ."lrd cb::-ivc inLo '' vi.dencn. I . . ·. I EFF-7 b6 -1 b7C -1 D: -· c··Dtl t <:t ~.\ L: ·_ b7E -1 ( l?(~n' .i :-~:~I.-~·- ~ ·t ~ ~~-3 f~-_tTB ( : .i ) CCC" IJ hl:C b7E -1 OJ 11~ One I :t; I b6 -2 b7C -2 ·:o;:.y of FD ·- 302 of lnterv ievl -:·,)p / of PD- !:-H 1 consent to search computer :"<·•p\' (:i f FD "' 3 Q2 return of prope:Y.ty ( ·l l o:··<:ip y .of F!T-597 ptoperty receipt . ( t·t:?:·:.~?- .:~. - ~t~~~·- . Lc n~ . ~,,,.1 ·L f\!~i ]){~- : ::· '}r··;:~~-1lc. ed elec.troiii-c c·omn1t1nicat-· i Ott.-, tlte 'c: Di '/iDL>'' 'Ni. ,~ .. c'--~. . · , •·t··..11E" ~1 .__C_(} f; lf~-li-l_:-ff;:· I I .:) ::·=:':!:; n~:iL view ·c hild - pornography . I I ex;·i ';;;;j n·=~d t.n a :: :·: l :=. J '> yea r old son has used the t.imE!wite P2 P fi le un o '' / ). I '~:on:::: c n <:. i # -.1,.., eh<:t::· .. .. J. , . •. , -t_ .• ('uwntqa.d music . r}r:t ~~ . • b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 ()_:-. el1':.. -~- ~:} J -· ~:~/ · :~: (;) tJ , -f!() :::~ .-:"" t)•.) ::·.'< -:. r~t '}:") 'l :; / '/ ;" . :) ;~;A .rO\rj_.{::Vl '.'"lf ._I_ _ _ _ _I tl1e }·1itr(i 11t.\fi:tlt.:~ ility for dctta recovery. b6 -2 )b7C -2 i ( J .-------------.1 EFf- b6 -1 b7C -1 b7D -1 I !b7E -1 I b7E -1 I b6 -1 b7C -1 b7D -1 b6 -1 b7C -1 he noted that S A i i and SA._l_ _....lonly · nHqe~> that the techni~served. b6 -4 b7C -4 "H:w.i.ng the ~tbove detailed images .of child the hard drive as contraband and t:an:l drive back to the Louisvi1Je Divison o.f the ::::J.vestigation. .___.,.....I seized !::' r<,_; b6 -1 b7C -1 :in'-f<:::st:tgative action is taken t.he l.iouisvillE! that: the equ.:Lpment be returned so that it can CHS to complete the processes as :requested by 2 EFF- r_·;· b7E -1 ~''T t: t · q,,, :. i i :cpvestigate information ancl evidence as ·' : -::t' ''·' hy your ('l. ivision. The Louisville Division UJ: '' (lu .i.pment he promptly returned if no :1 ·. : is take..n _ J>.T EVIDENCE: CONTROL__ , c:rw_:_rER Trt:msfer HP compul:eY b6 -2 serial 4L..______.lto b7C -2 Eff- 12 UNGI.ASS!FIED Date: OH/22/201.:t b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -1 L...-----""'""1·· .----------..;...;.....__,smt(>'.':<( o f,: :n .t: I I':tnd w:lvi nE~d bard drive tor data of child pornography. Hes:t 2 011 . a CHS cont. acted SA ~;quad had received cunt<.:d.ned :i.rn· I I .frid SA I Ionly r,quad •techrnc::.an b6 -1 b7C -1 b7D -1 ob~_:;;;;rved b6 -1 b7C -1 the ~.:he \~··,,,,;. ' .;···· /(:':Vi< ob~;erved. SA I i maJ:.~d L~A t c·.G1mXne the hard drive in any other manner due to .._c""":-·~-.:,.-,..-.,-ck c:i :Ji· c»ch warrant:. ···'·f;:lJ' , :·;i•1....._ S·'.· let'' ___.I v.1:: .'t:•: f'~ dcrnc:r.i.pt ions of the images viewed by SAL.I____, !1 the source at Be";t Buy/Geek Squad. b6 -1 b7C -1 b6 -4 b7C -4 i~i:.·.1'· ·r:i,:;·wing the imagies child pornography, SA II :;,t·d :;,: I l<=r zed the ha.rd drive a.n contraband and transp~ :~.n:;· >1'::1.. ·:<....:t-,-.--.,-r,..., > .. H.:i·: to the l.:()lJ:Urvi11e off:ic!~ of t:hc FE:de:nd i'·,,,;c.it. .ion, and placed the hal:'d drive Lnt:o evidence:. UNCLASSIFIED 2 EFf- .b6 -1 b7C -1 UNChASSIF'IED 'C.()U.'i. ,,,,,. i . ) ::~ cirom: LoU isv iile ~ "'/ ·2 X(' ., 1 \)o .• ,.,j L. •..• " ) J..< b7E -1 :')ll. i~~1a- s J:~eqt1es t .eci t:t) re vi e·\~1 tl1e l1ct.t·d dJ:""i~v:e ancl ,Jc;c:.1H:'.:nt;:;::. p; C'\; 1,,:,:::d. Lo th<.~m for case potential. . Bo1~1to n haB opened ,., ne''' J ..::ai ls (>'HF.· l I Hv i:·•~t ;:::>:re , If rom the inf.ormat.:i.on ptbvided by :i..t. is reque sted that thi s C:at:ie be closed . UNGLASSIF'IED 3 Eff-15 ~ ~~ ..\· ,;.. , :: . ''<:!-~::.:: v.~: 1 1 ~·,:'::i··· ·· ?::~ ·" ... ~:~.:·. ,; ··:.; ;,::H H: ··:::,~.::F·' Date: Attn: ~ ' .: : . : - Cyber, C·- L----------(-P-e-.,.-.i,..J i : '~ ·•L -. .... f()!:'~,rnr-·ci·,~~r! I u.ncif~·r I Model S'-:.~r~·:.:.trate (~:cY\fUr i.::~ {lt'::O t~1d.XL(}:c ff 6Y16DPCO(l2?4I. ; A contaLninq the EE.~ce.Lpt of Propeu:ty (flJ-'.19 :''~·- :·.: ~; ·. S..)· l' 1.'-,(,f' 0 a.~}at:.e+ '-:..I.r J 1· ' ' " , . ·l-{;i, I b6 -1 b7C -1 b7D -1 I be noted tb.;i.t. SA I land Si\ cml y t:hat. the Best. Buy1r;;eek Squad techt1Jc:Jan SA did not. examine the hard drive ::..,.-.-,-:.-1<:-,-c-due to the lack of a seacch warrant. .• u,;;v=: I I hnd b6 -1 b7C -1 I ·,·; 1:>1jn9 the ima9c!> of child pornography, SA I I the hard dY.i.ve as contr~)ha.nd and trans\~ '· ;; l:o th12: Louisv:i.lle office of the E'edera1 ion, and placed the hard drive Jnto evidence. "' .?\t \I .n _I ~. f: sAJ b6 -1 b7C -1 ki.nde.rsLand that every On.i t:ed -.,--..,,utttc(:· ndc:: different p.rosf::cut:ton tbl:·esbo1ds. 1.. ·.•. ··t: ··: _·; ,a-:c~ ~ '·' ::·;(.1::_ that i' i 'h'. act th.est:: :i.n)agc:s (it.) r1cJt . ri~;e t:(J ~~:11.at . b6 -1 b7C -1 l"e\.. . f:~1:~ Lon is taken by the EkJSton Div:i.::>ion, the requests that Bostc·in reb.u~n the hard drive to ''<> they a:r(:? ah.1.e to compl1:.;te their prcict::~3S{~S. note item 8 und{'::r the "I agree to/or that'' rvi.ce Order form that states that the customer '"' n :':l.ny product: containin9 child p()rno9r,:1phy w.ill '~c autbor:L ~: .i.(~S" . Plea sf;~ cont.;::c:t SA t f > L u:mal quem::tons. >' .2-.=:::'' ;;i>.~·;·x; L'> · ;.,; o i.,. ;>n=. t . .; .1· "··" ,.._. I b6 -1 b7C -1 2 EFf- b7E -1 E~oston .~:.n ( ,~!t;cu r::: :;r; :'.': \ L it h,:, , f, ..{: J >,De d far ; ct>!(~ chi ld .Ls l':'f"(,tl.Jest•~c! to CclS(~ po t~~n t: ia l •• porn o9 :taph y CdLle t:(::JView the hard drivo Loui::-;v:Ul<:.:- believ.~s with thi s 1ead. 3 Eff- 18 ~' f:·. ~ : .. Date: b6 -1, 2 . b7C -1, 2 .·. b7E -1 /:: :, . . . .'·~ "~ ;i I . ·i t: t\:>pJaces.I I of I o'tif.' n (;J~/ ca ,:H.:~ J) f._? ec~~ ~,.,. """""t"":(""">....,.,t:.:""'.("""..' -,""Q"".r~~t~11 ~:2c.~"'f""""'1)-t:-._:___.,.-:~··-c-.·-.r-.·~-.=]--t~-J-,l..,:.i,.... ~:-,it. -·~:..... n c·~· ()n f~1·a ~cz:: }':; 2 3 r 2 l a c:Hs .~:~f:J"nta.c>tl:~:j S}\ ES(:~s t Bu.y /G;et~~_k SCJU<.Jd. h.(:1<.i ;t"{:!'(::~~~i '\l~~(i, .Ct 1 b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -1 ,, •.: .! ; b7E -1 f EFF-19 Lou i , ,,.. ;...,..... ,.,.1•· .......-...-...----------1 ' . " ·.. r r'·1·; ,..., .l· ._~_' . '''i /Orl/'.<•Oll 1 .: t '':d ,. i ..,., b7E -1 . ,. '-'0 .!._ ' ..-, ,. ,)t•._....,..___,__. <' "·'· I I anr.,.·~ SA I l ·1 y /':~, ,,, p€.:!'~'H.ff12 ... ,, : ,... ·~v Best Huy/Geek Squad faciLi ty and Hpoke to . l ,: ''' \i ·~1 .<.l. ·'· ,-, v - •··'- - . ,,_ I b6 -1 b7C -1 I b6 -2 b7C -2 b7D -1 l b6 -1 b7C -1 b7D -1 b6 -1 b7C -1 b6 -1 :b7C -1 . ,. " I_____. assJ.gn case to SA ... 2 EFF-20 . ·'.. H' Date.: Attn: I_________ S·S;\ .. b6 -1 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -1 lt1 ----====~1 : ~ ; .. evidenci:.~ . and. detfai ls re captioned subject forwa..r:ded under separate cover ::..s a 60 GB '"'mr· · .,~ l#'.· T I 1-n~l <:i.':'J...:,. ...-. 1. d <~~ ~ .:l{:, ••• _[ :J ._•• ::._ ~l ::- ·ir•u"'""r"r::n.• .J:., '.!. t .l ·~ f'1lr.:,_: ~.:... ~:. l~' ~):·\../ t_" ~· .!~1\II);:~I~e(.i1Jrv:la.r1t }\J:-:r:a.y.. f:}~~~: •;.: i\ conil)i118.(i tt:-r En~~J~ff c'.t .. Iot1t~_x_pt?rtg~L"\t\:~ L).LSk:s (>nE~ i u.~n.it'} conta :Lnin9 t.h<:! Receipt of Prc:ipcrty (FD-~597) sc111acl :(i~~r\1':.Lce ():rrie·:r .c111cl T\:::E::tns (lf SE~:1~v-.i:(;(i , II b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 :,,, 2$, 20.11, a CHS cor'lt:acted SA .and /Geek Squad had received a i:la~ive for that contained imagt?.S. of child pcn:·nography. i·ta.i:; a computer cn1~~·1 (:~. repair/dat<~, }3i)l1lt_:~·~/a:r~cl 1 St1it(~ I recovery cent.er 300.~ t3.rcicJks i <.~t Best: B·tl}'"" .. re Hent: t:o this fdci.lity for dat.a recovt:.:ry. r equc-:sr.on t:h~~ :repair work i:;>: 0 :,: · 9 ~):~~ ~~-· 380 0 . ·.; l\J.1_ C()ffiptfti?.J:~s 1.~t2~(~f~j_\r~~(i. I } I' I I I !b7E -1 i EFF-2.1 TlYC l ': '>rn: Louisville ~· T 1 0. 1~ / '? J11· _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___. .L,./ "' l. .. I b7E -1 <'"I '·'''"1·,.,., ~;.,111 Ir~· ; 't:epoke to the CHS. ,·:;,~ advised that (see Service OrdP.r) f 1:.c :Ji:i. advised t:hatl ,. :• : : ~.: " " .::-·. b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7D -1 I 1 be noted thclt SA I I only b6 -1 b7C -1 b7D -1 b6 -1 b7C -1 observed t:he ..::.:.-.~~-.-,_, J3uy·/(jee.l~ scruad· tec!Jr1ici.c111_ obsef~\,ed, 'nd ne the hax·d driv~~ in any oth(!:r inan.ner SA. due t.o ;z,wing .images of child pornography, SA I I ~L·~t(: a.r:t t:.:·orrt1~t:l.l)~:a11'' I ..... . .. I..ou.i.sv:U.le :t110112011 ~. b7E -1 Iuriderst~'.l.Dds b6 -1 b7C -1 that every Ur1ited Stc:ltes iit ~·.c .: ncy 1 : ,}I' r ~' h.=:u1 d.i.ffe.rent prosecution thresholds. If i.t is u, ~ , 1;::' n:i o e::t i ;,,, Jie:'H~ imag1eJs do not rise to that level 1 and nq n:- ·~,':>~ iqa . ~ ==> ,,';_( ': F.>n :i.s taken by the CoJ.uni.bia Division, t:he Geek :~qi.\1:,,;:_1 ~3~~,3 . :: ''" quest s that. Columbii;t return the hard dr:i.ve t6 :_n rt.: :.. ' "-'''. :::c· they are able to corr1p1ete the.ir processes. :ec i:.i · n o • •i ov (::· under the ":r agr€:e to/or that 11 fo:r:rn stat et~ that the cus t otne :r J. s "on · ,' / ':\=:.l\.ict cont aining child po1-nogra.phy will he . v: =:ut;hor:i.ties •: . Pleas.e c ont;;;.ct SA I if .=,c:dTt: ·i ona1 quE:st::i..ons. :> L+~,, :~;r· nc.i !.: e item $ ; :;; ::· v l ee Ord.er d.Xf.: ::i .:: 'r' b6 -1 b7C -1 _: ,:;<· i. lU:~ <'H believes Columbia has a viable child ,,,•i lb this lead. · 3 Eff-23 I <«:i1 \.J<:.(~ : <') ·''') . '> ('! . T:oui ""-Y~ J ·1 E~ . . ·11i /01/2oi:1: - b7E -1 Columbia, ls requested to review the hard :~ :::;e, please notify SA I Iof If or when si'.l!ne. b6 -1 b7C -1 4 EFF-2.4 Date: 11/01/2011 Sl'>:. i\p:pc,>red \( · 'h. ,.\ I J ---------........!!~ L.. lh·::di';;,d :;s' llr· b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -1 l··A cont.ainin9 thf.; Receipt of Property (FD··S97} '· ~); .· ·-~ (i}:~~}!}l(, Sqt,llEt(i Si:.?:'.:C'~J'.iij(~· c~~t:<.lel:"' ·(:t!1.d 1:rer:TlS ·CLf S·t:!L:·vi.ce ~ 28, 2011, a CHH contacted S A i i and Pcty./Gt.~ek Squ~~d l1¢td received a lv~J.ve fu_r· ; i<,Jr that. contained imagl'::S ot child pornography. has a computEff repair/data rE;covt·n-y center nrnat.ional Boulevard, Sui.ts 300, Brooks, ·· 9S5-3BOO. All computE·o:x«~ :n~c(,:}"1.n:.,,d at Bf.Wt Buy to th.i.s facility .fen:· d<.:1ta recovery . ....'.:_~:':'..~1!:~::.~~!:~::;;l···(hc repa.:i.r 'dork :i.s: b6 -1 b7C -1 b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 "· \ L-----""'7------------;:====:::!..-.J :····, 2011, SA personally .risited the Sq1Jad f<':tc:Llity and Bpoke UK~ CHS. T• EFF-2.5 To~ ':Ol.Lt':\- _, •- '' l~f~ ·; L--_ _ _ _ __.I LCJuisvLlle l i/01/2 011 ic I di<:: :it "'-c_f_ir-,,-,_...,:,,c_k -'\ ·:;: _I b6 -1 b7C -1 only obse:i:-ved the Buy/Geek Squad technician observed. Sh the hard drive in any other manner due to ··n:-ch warrant. v i.<~·,,ing imas:;es of child pornography, SALi,,...--..,...-..1 , a~~, c~mtral2<;ind and transpo:i:·ted thE, harq Lo11.1sv1.l1e oftrce of the Federal Bureau of placed the hard d:cive :i.nto evidence. b6 -1 b7C -1 _ a.ssign case t:o SA LI_ _ __ . EFF-2.fi ..... .._., UNCLASSIFIED Fm~t:'.l!!f~t~:f.Jh.r.... BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION l?receden.c e .~ From: Date: :L.ou .i-~:v 09/09/200B U.J ,,: S>:1i,t.:d ::; b6 -1 b7C -1 C'.)f!l:;'i.c :': : L.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,tr•l I bl J L...-_ _ _ _ _ _..... Case ID #: 'tit1€~; CYGBP. "/IC.F'.I\ING GROUP; LQU::SVTtLE DIVISION Synopi:ds: (': 9 / (')..c,-"'i/ ')••. f){' -~· , .. .J .<.J .• W".' )f1d.'\- L3 -C71675-u'"!>{Pt::mcling) ./: 0 <' <::~' .·- .:'·~ -· ~~ ~.' ,,;::. ..... ·:... (_.. r ~'716~7r~ . ·. ·. : ..:> ·:~... LI""" . ' .t·'t." l <:'ON ~.) ' . ,,,,.. 6 - ~·q Ju :wm.mt Cyber Worki.n9 Group meeting held on 0 ' 1:.;:; / ;-:9 /2008, the ljcitdsville Di.visir.>n 1 s Cybe1~ WQrking Group h~ 1.d -'i tin9 at the Ge€:k Squad's repair facility, 345 Intet"naU.on,Li. ':'d . .- S uite 300, brook!3, Ker1tuc?ky '10109. Cyb'"fr Wd:cking G2·--:Ytp '-W·'"·11b~~rB we-re provided a tour of the f:'ac:l.l i ly by Geek ;:;qu.~d ,,·cp1:-e i::ontati.ves, The facility is the princip,:>.l repair loC<-1t :ion fq:: <'d l Best Buy computers east of the Roc~ky Mont1t.ains . Comp\;ters t-',< kn:-( ;:::> Jocal Best Huy ret ail outJet::s .West o f the Details! Rocky Mcur ~ L.,i.Lr: ::; < ..ce sent t.o a repair facility in Chino , Cali forn:i. ,:2 . T::~rk t h.''n the Chino facility. 'L·t ~~ ::'::;·::>nk ~; :EaciJ.ity t'epairs and c::ori.clucts data recovery en thous.:nda of cqrnputers every day. 'l'he Louisvi1Je Division h a s ma:-i.nt.<).inE~ct clr.•:c:e '.liaison wi.t h the Geek Squad •.1: 1 management in <:n1 r:.ith::rrt~ t.o sr:L ~" ''' , :.: ar:;c iu it:i.ati..ons and to support: the d:l.v.i.s j.onj s Ccm1p;.:ter Jr~ · .: i:-:._ ;.:·.:i. :.•f• . and Cyhi:.~r Crime prog:t·arrts. UNCLASSIFIED EFF-2.7 Page 1 of l -~· Cyber Crime$ \Mtirhilng Group Meeting Sept. 9, 2008 b6 1 f 5, 6 f 7 b7C 1, 5, 6, 7 I SE!nt: Tuesday, Sqitun:i,;r.o;~ 2!: JS J:J1 PM lo: ====;------.----- ' r = = I ,,.: I..._______. Good afternoon, Yo~i.are invited lo a Cvber c: rnes \Marking Group meeting to be held on Sept 9, 2008, at the Best Buy'sGeek Squad facility in Bmof;s, The meeting wll! beg.in at 9 :· .(~:ii' 51:·. s~IC' A!$ m ~~·'···--~·.('.· ~:·.q:,: :· .. _;_._·)~.::.~~._.. ~ll n""~~-~ ,.-la''' H''l1<1!1!~· 1uu1yieC!T11"""" .m~11~111)i.11 ""r' s;;..~· : ·~MB B""I" Date: L . . . - -_ _ ! __.r· ~ 1 b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -1 ....I __________.Ir t:b I .t'\_ :. .~ ' ' -~. ;· ~ 1)/ CL!ILD PORNOGRAPHY :::~· ~ 2008 ( a co11ti~ct.:(~-(:1 <.:'1:t:t. t . (~~c argJ_ at1·\tis~_::d nquad had r"~cr~iv~o!d a computer for n~pa:i.r rJf t:.::r-1.i 1.ti !)O~rr1oi;grctr~l1_y· ~ tlt~st. Tlu.jt -,- <3t~~t~J.:: :Ft.:?1Ja.i_1: /·c~z:tta· : ... X-:\:.tc~~-i:1~ _t'(::r;<:::- 'l(~·r·-~y· _c.0n.t:.(~:t $tlit(.: 300, Et~:'C).. re(~:rt es tn.d tl!t}fllHf)Lttfl tC::.~~rltttCk:}·l', tn tJ~(;:~ W<~S: r·e:J;)t:~tr b6 -2 b7C -2 t() the ni_i,~; on Nnvemlx.:r 7, :l.J}\/t~~st:.J:;;ra t.(~ ir1 t1'-tt~~ PA, I . (J\1· i ~'>.\ri 1.1 f} -c ~::~ r~ <:? l)E? b7E -1 EFf-29 Date; Cll/05/2009 b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -1 :::11\ L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' L....--------'~Jd App;r:Qved L.-----------___.lrtb (:mr' Tltle~ !X>:::;i:'.r: tJ1c._~t. (;(~(lt?: e 'a :d l:he cornput.{:ff was initially received by the ,:t: Sout:h Bn.mswick, 4180 US HWY 1, Mcxmnouth JC'.P, ·; ':>. i:JG-.5790. Best Buy Monmouth J'C:T then sbJppGd : hn facility :i.n !Jr:ooks, Ki2?ntucky, fQr data .u .d:.vidual v_iho requested t:he repair work was: 13ost H·u::1 ~:he ..:g OF CHILD PORNOGRAPHY 3, 2008, a CHS contact.eel wri Le1:· and advised Squad had received a ccnTtput:o:c fo:t rt~pair of child pornogr-:rphy, Best Buy - Gf!ek r.op1'ti:t:/ daL.'t 1:"ecovery center locat:~:d .3t. 3 45 Su:Lt:n 300, IJt·ocibs;, KE~ntucky 110109, 502·- :"kJUad bhJ SQUM) 08B~)2'·· co;:npu t:;?· b6 -2 b7C -2 Loui S\-' i. '::loscd. (:;' ' .. all t::.he evidence in this casE~ and ;) lc:ad to FrankLi.n 'l'owri:ship IV\, on Nov.ember 'J, 2008. the:r.·e J,s nothi.nq t:o invest:[9<.:tto in t:he :! l: is :nacommended the !.• ouinvi lle ca so be EFF-30 II I' f: Date: Attn: t~ 11 Franklin Township .RA fl b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -1 L-----------lli'"li Case JD # ~ ! L---------------'~· tb nraft:H:l Hy; t ! I L.I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ , I I t [= Nc~·nn·k to Bnclnf:'ur.·1:~ ( ,; : .·.. 1. h ~c 1(>~::~;ecl L:·· f Division, Frankl.in "J:own::;hip HA . ot~-: t~dt.qal~Jc. t::·.::~.\rt:~J.C)J;>t:.: StiC/(~r;li~).CJ1~ <:n\r(~lf)r)e :I)i.\ri. ~3 :L·ort· .c.~x-o t!-1)~~. c~ctt1t(~ir1iri3J t:J;,i:~ f() 11c)1,~;.i.nq .; FD~·· =~sv1 Hlt:/ ~1e.t~~}: StJtl<-J(li C.(Jf1t:.;:i.inirtg· a co )V Cif tl:it~ t:I11n(~e .fcrc I-J~!·1:1t ()l:'":i.~~·.Lnia:J Gi9-r1<~Cl l b6 -2 b7C -2 n• {. 3; l ! ~l 1('.l I [-3()~:."L C~.i ~-.~.f: p:t:O\'ided by Best Hny, t~:; '· GOflt:.f;n 3 £ 1 f.cl1i::1t:~r, 1.JrHJe:r, s~:~i)a. :r'.at.t~ c~()\lJ:~.:t l~:i-l f CllS c:crntCt(~t<:.~(j ~.:~lx:-·it~E:.:t· ,:=i:r1ci n.ci'\fint~('i received a <,:on1pti.t(::i:· Len .tcp<:d.r of child po.t-r109n~tphy, Ber::t: Buy ,, L·;:~pclir /data . recovery cent~er loc.~t..;xl at: Suit\:: 300, Brot'lk::J, Kentucky 40109, 2008 ~ G.(~r1t ! cont:<::tinin\; the ~1 '302 the co111pute:r wa:;.; ini t.ial1y re.eel. ved by tht:' 41BO US fWff 1, Monrnout:h ,JC''.!1 , t:h Brunswj.ck, ~: .; ' ' Best }3't.1y..· '!'~;1:.::)rn1~ou.t.1:t ~J(~fI' tJ1r:'!-r1- ~;!-;,.ift})(:.:cl i.t1 :B·:cC:>o}:~s ~- Ker1t~·uc:k~l, f (Ji-- (lc:itd ~111r) r~fH)U.(~stE=-~J tf10: :c-e}.;J~~:Lt.. \,q·Qrk. if:.-: b7E -1 EFF-31 b7E -1 He: b6 -2 b7C -2 Or: E·f\.u·mhc~· Oel. 2008, wri.tt:::r- pe.i~sonally visitecl the Best Huy f:'c :'< ~;q;tad faciJ:ity and f.;poke to .the CHS. Writer obse.cvcd t ·"' ... '!.i't i in question. Aft:er v.iewinq two videos appeai:·ic'q :r' :n!derage children, writer sEd.. zed tht~ computer as C'.t:)rttJ:~ 1 ~1,1:::.~.r!t,::~ off:i.cu of t:r·(Jt1spc):Ctt~:d c:~'''~''-"1. .L''' .1:''> t.c1 ct)rn-~)llL(?.r th:e 9o:mt)l1te~1~ bacJ~~· l:(J tlrE~ ·Lt)uisv·.il.le Bureau of Investigation, and placed the <:l~~~nce -~ ··: -'v l detailed to writer:J Th:'' ~tionary) \lppropr iate, If prosecution lB no t t:: is tfJgu.r s.ted Uw t. \:he COI!l!·)·t..·tt. e.r: and r,110 b.red :n1,;: , Drafted. E;(r ~l'itle: L -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BES'!' _!'.;; • Y / __.t:rt:b G t'.:EK SQUAD I Synopsis~ DE~taiJ.1~: ::rn_bet· 3, 2008, a CHS contacted writer and. advised ::<:::ek Squad held received a cornputer for repair ., k>U"~s. of <:ch.Ltd pornography, Best B11y -- Geek ScJlJiSi.c1 I1as. l_~~ ~:rf::1L~.l ~.. ~(}!"' re1pair/cla. t:a. r·ecove·r-y: c~:!1t.:r~~·:t:' loc~·ctt.t}tl. ~ft 34·5 Inte:i:-naJ:ic::iaJ levard, Suite 300, Rrooks, Kentucky 40109 1 S02 ·· 955 ..:rnoo. :::hat:. Best '.~.hc;lt conu:. d the computer vms ini tial1y received by the i30st Euy lo•:ar··d t: South B:cunswick, 4180 US HWY 1, Monmouth JC'r, NJ 08B52··oJ 901}. '.l ! :? --4J 8-5790. Best Buy Monmouth• JCT then shipped '.:he comput,21,· l:.c ,h(~ facility :Ln Brooks, Kentttcky, for da.ta rE~covery. ·' :Ldual who reqp1ested trh~~ repair work is: b6 -2 b7C -2 N···~rc·mb;;~r· 05, 2008, '"'rite:r Pt':!:rsonally visited thE! 13f:S·t }3Ll)l •::e-:•ok Squad fe.ci.I:\.ty and spoke to the CHS. Writer observ·c:.><.1 i:.hc: in quest.ion. After; .viewi119 two vichws <.:;ppe~n:ing tn .. t\ndoragl'! children, writer seized lho computer <:;~{ t'.C.r1trabwd , n t:TansportE~d tho ccirnptJt:(~r back t.o the bouisvi lle otf:icc of ·'H:'<::1:td_ Bureau Of lnvestiqation, and plac.~d the EFf-35 Date: 't'o: b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -1 L.---------''O' b'.'tb L-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. 'J':i.tle: rru~s ? 1 (:;.E:J:::K i:;t · ~. 1 -"""""""-'~--------...............-;' ·: l-'(Y;:-;~.:~;:;: O[\J ·~;cnJt~J) . ' CiF CHILD POFU:·.)OGRA!?HY 3. 2GGH, Squa.d 21 (~I-IS c().n.tact(:H:l \~t.r~~i.t:.fJr i1llti a.t:1,li~~:'=~(J received a ccmipute:r for repair po:rnnsrra.phy, l:hH:> t:. I:luy ·· G•l:ek :ec~:r>~tir/t1ata .::::·c~c:<)V{:~:C.}-' 'C~C"':r1LCLC .1()(:i~il.E!(l ~:~t S"t.1:i t(::~ 3 OQ .j fJt()Cl}ti::> ~. !<"•2r1.ttu::~.k.·y 4 0109, ~,;.:-d. d th~' ~:>out.h f3est. B\:· . Be~> t d.;"S> Huy · .· 2(}0i], Writer ' . ' -''·' ·() ':'.'· personally 1.t:1sit10;~d the :>Fu.d facJ .Li ty and npoke t.o the CHS. wr·.L Lor in CfU{~·~:;t:.i~)rl.~ P.. ft.c~y·.· ~'vir::~\~ti:r1~1 . .t.vtO. -~,.1·~:;r.leclg ~.1Jii5E:~:ca~;re· cliil(l.rer1, t.\j~·~t·:l.t:·E:1; s~:?.i Z.JJ.,j tl1t:~·· t~"<).rnr~~.t t:et~ ~ t.:c_t:.rYSf.""><):t~tecl t:1~e CO!Hf:'~LttE~T· ])a.(~k ·tr> t:JlE:~ r~·f)l.liS\ti1.1e B'U:l~e.{C:~ll () f Irr\.~{~~~. t.5..~-1£~ t: i c~i'1 I ~3t.T~\j rxJ..a. ~:?6~~:1 tl1{~ 1ib7E f EFF-Jfi -1 Date: Approved By: L.-_ _ _ _ _ _ By~ nraft,'8d b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -1 __,lf-1' 1J 1....-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __.t rth~:;/ 'l'.i tle: Synopsis: case, 2008, a source contacted 'N.ritis~r and advised GcJU.i3d, J3rooks, Kent.ucky, had rece:i.vi~d a. hard ,{ l, L b·:ctt:. l?:·(~.s t. (Lr i.\r.e i:f)J:"" \~. Soun Hest t:u:y 1179-~41-JA- l 0'.~ ~'. t.h.'2.~. f~Jzfili ~Lr1:_:r(1is..-...rillf~- Di'vis.i<)t1 1 is rE:cornmended the l"""'--"""'"""'"'"'"""""'"----1 11t~? :~~l~>~.::·: t. f~-t~ clO:st--!tl~ b7E -1 EFF-3"7 PrecedHnc1.;; : Date: 05/29/2008 Prom: L...-_ _ _ _ _ b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -1 _.I \.0 \\If;\.'( Case Hl #.: CHEK SQUAD <'"lid the computer was initially J.-ec1?ived by the at 6201 Rogers !-\,re, Fort Smith, Arkansas, 72903, frt. Huy Fort Smith then shippod tho computer to F<):;)}{~} / I source. W:citer observed th<:) :} ;LfftagE~G i.rl of child r1 ncl t J:·:.:i11:Sfl() ~.-~t, ~:"~ ::± !:he Fed.:;:ra l into 1 Aftt±:r- -~.rierNii1g _severc~l irna:ge.s E:.1'1.1pea1~i.11Gf to. J),3 writer seized the ha.rd drive as contr:aba.nd hard drive back to the L011i~nri11e otHce o:t Tnv·t~:::>t.iqat:ion, and placed Lhe hard dr:LvE.: cvidc~·,c,:?, b7E -1 I EFF-JB BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION J?:t.·ecedence : l?i:·om·~ Date: 05/29/2008 LH\ti. l 'J'. :2 [i(/U.. St~V. Cl·J ~:. (fonb:ri:: t : SA L-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--' l\.pproved By : l>rafted By; Gase ID '1'itle: b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -1 ..___ _ _ _ _ _ _~t}.) ~ #: ,....i..:.....i..:...;.---1.;;.{"'J..,'!~ . _._......,"""'"......., SQUAD ULD PORNOGRAPHY De1tails; Or: }l,'~Y 2 1, 2 008, a sourc.e contacted writer and advised that He::s t. 3uy -- :::eek Squad had rec:eived a hard drive for repair i:hat contain1::d iT::!_i:· {'\ -~1: -~--c::i.v. . ;·"'1 _·1'",~ ,~_ J1~iF·-:~· .~".'<,.,: ..:::-.~"': --:"~,; l: -'.·· . ,_. ~·-·,.. _,,\\ _.:--l: :.,.h~. . tb"·'·"' o.r.,_v(:. .,..ie. b.o:""r" ,)q\lr.>'. J_fl <>p: ed from an ima9(~ khey had sk.n:ed en t.h6ir (.""r ___ :r: (_: iJ ..-y..·.. i·-··~1-c~~y·\",·=~ c:~-~:-ck S{}lJl n ..__--II L ~-:~ .: >::-: y· ... II •T~C)UiS'en t to the Oa. kland H1\ 1 but ,,;:f'/.··:_:_: . .-._i. __ . - .· ._,_, tunct ional. both l ! b6 -2 b7C -2 ll ~ I I w.dte.r cor:tact0d Th. 23 a new drive with the ima9e h'<~ sent to rE.:w dri v~~ imaqc was sont to the Oakla Lf) 10 HL<.J<:..t.Lc rI.l(:n tj.}"(!·t.r·~· cLi_~:·ctrv·crc~.c{· dur.Lnq· :.:.he f¥"i_ti l\.n. a.~rreen1~~:rlt tia.s rnt:tzie \..;.ith his Tht! I 1 t I ! UNCLASSIE'IEO ! i ! I I b7E -1 EFF-40 l I UNCLASSIFIED 'X () : f ib7E -1 ~. lL~c.:; t he ha·r·d··. driv . ·e.·.· r.) r. ovided·· . ·b .y.. · The >on~ oqraphy Gc··*".~. k. :rguad I the write.r had cymi.ed daL:i. had :n~;qtH\ ' ;\::.·d err·: J) ::\ DVD anq cl.id not prqv.i de 1wi th t:h~~ hard dcl.v•,:·. r::: 1c ,,, I h·nrs s .q t.i s f:i. e d he. h ad all hi s data , h (! 1~ontti c ted HH: t.; 1 i Lt:~L an d a dvised t he hard dr ive cou l d be wi ped, S .;}:. .,:-;''~ <: : H ' ·1rJ v, tfH~ writer ·used a CAH'J' drive wipinq 1Jti.L.~·.y 0 : ;~ u i p~,1 t:he drive on :L0/2;~/2008. <::oht..,Lined e n! l d jb6 -2 lb7C -2 b6 -2 Fddi ·. ·:naUy the write r p reviou s l y sugge sted .to ._I___, y•: ..i, nJd grandson ge t help to pr evenL an y futtl r:e prob J mM •,n. tJ~ i Jd por.n ograph~iands on .. off ens .e {; .aqa inst. c l1.i. l d:;::en. Th·: ~ , c,; L:~~r informc~dL___J cicf the quc' n t it y of rn ci v~i.e !: ·/ ;>-: ···' r ch~Ll d potnoqraphy cli s coviYred Ni the ha rd b7C -2 i>hat th e I I i .. f:r• .n :::quest.s that E:CT r· ~~turn :;1 ,0rnd 182 t .o the Lou i s...··,t.,.. i ..,..l"".1.e-. - ct '"··"...i -v""'i-s-1'·""0-..-n-."'. "' The Oak.1.an.d F:!; ·>:: ~···.,;: ,,:k.~ 1: :~; t:h is :lead covered . 'li'n evid1.::r>ce : !·. ;''''il'.: b6 -1 b7C -1 UNCLA.SSlFIED 2 EFF-41 UNCLASSIFIED Date ; 'J!o: (Otl i '.~; an :; ·i; .: l ·':c ···-:-::~-~ : (<. Attn: i'>.t tn: - ~·..:: lJJ-/ 3{)/ 2 OllB· ~:m ._1_______IL., ECT ___.I Ji'rcm c .·...· ...... . Dra f <::::;d Case b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -1 ._I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..__________.I :l rs n:•" : :m 4!' : .· L ll!ncl<> :sun'>\<>J ·~ .~ ~\ , . . ,--,. _.~> - '\+ -~·:- , .."'C ~- ~\'.. Ct.= ~ =.t~.:...:l ~ -~ J .· ~ ~._t '".)·"'."'··· l \ D I,.'" \ ..... . . ............ ""-."-lJ , ••• •_.-- !<·:,'.:};):'>ed for Lol.. .;_)nd l:haL lie was .fine wJ.tn d:.<.~ wrtte.r Lo il'd \l .i -s c - _ fl~::~ ·h ~:i· c:l that tht: w.c U: nr :Lmaq <• sc ,:c:i .Lt. em:.• 1H .Li >oth driv:':,,.: a.n. ··'. t). ~:/ t.J1n ~,/r .i ':t ~~ t' .. s i~.ri · - ~~ (¥ r E~{~rne-rrt t~a. ft1:C:t<.i !t~ t:.t [}V D . . ·:.< · cl.d ~:.: (.J · f ~C(Hn lli ·~J· l\~:-rr·(J :(ll\L Vi~? cnt :c~ Tl'')~ .i. th Ut~CLASSIFIED EFF-42 UNCLASSIFIED Lou .L :v \ .:.:· J·'({)tr: .: S;.iri Fra ncisco b7E -1 10/30/ 7- 008 b6 -2 b7C -2 D b6 -2 b7C -2 . .. _ :lnal;J,.Y th(':! . w.cLter prev i ously $ugg€)sted to ;:h ""-.tr.·-.,.,.rob ·' ....... ·'. ~;..1•1<' . '·.I;. .i·'-1 1 '·l··· · •. i. · 1··. ··i .. r)c·r ··· .'"'·. 0.'.·1 ·\· ~ "' T.:·) · t.1.w· '). !.' 1-. -·rn. c•i· R. . (). ·. n ·· .. o· f.' fe ."'n.··.-p.".· · ·.a.n. a_,i • n~.,._. t-.·_., . chi ld~:<}n . T'·:•'! k' ··:it•::\ .r info r med of the quanti t y of mc.wt e fLlen and o child poxnograpny discovered on th~~ hard dr.:Lvt: , , ~ ~ "!' _ _ -_ \.. -. Ji. ... .... -~ b6 -1 b7C -1 UNCLASSIFIEI) 2 Eff-43 Date: 10/0ff/2008 Lou.i::::,/i l ... -.. SqUi'.id .·1 li':t:om; b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -1 SA l~:pprnved Hy~ lJ:i:aftsd By~: '1'ith~~ BEST L ________,lfll . .'~IJ':" POSSE,:::;: Deta.:t1s: that l-3ei;:t F.uy tlv> t con /'') ! I....__________,~:t!:L~ / 1";-N ! ~ GEEK SQUAD I OF CHILD PORNOGRAPHY 2008,- ct source contacted writer .and advised Squad ha.d received a hard dri v\~ for t'€~P·'iir .:. :lki.~;g2:s of child pornography. received by the 4t320 Dubl.Ln Blvd., Dublin, CA, 94568, 925DubJ. in then mhipped the computer to the Hes.I: lity in Brooks, Kex"ltucky, for data recovery. ;r.;Ti.d the computc:r v;ras initially nest Buy ~,,t: 829---7041. Buy ·- Ge<0~k 2008, writer personally visited the Best Buy 15J.y and spoke to so1.u::ce. l-\.ftcn:' vie<.dng s.ever-,:_i:l b(? of child porn.ography, writ:er seized the cuened a Louisville case. The hc1rd ch·ive was EC'r-Lou:isvi11.e shipped the hard driv(:: to Di.vision~ Ha:yward R.l'\ • 'I'he hard drive was :_o <3! Best Buy -- Geek Squad stor•~ in the San C•ri !''kt} -· Ge c-k S qn a.d _Lrnafr(:_~_-'.s ar.;~:>e:-:;i,.x~ hard dd.·ve placed intc l:h-.:' ;3;_1n FFa i)rigi.r1alJ / ~~l:"Clnf::: i-~~:C() Thf' 1Jndt:?:ttakei> in no add:l. ti<:n1al investigations that car1 to Louisville Division. W.d.!:er. rec._ruests the San Franc.i.sco Li:i-;r:[ :>: -:>n lead be cl~~<:u:-Eki and t:hE.! LOUi!:.nd.llE? case he closed, due ::: ' f:a<:::t that all the evidence has been t:·:· : :Je Gan F'rancisco Division. EFF-44 H~' !tlt'Bl!;!::mtU~),~,_. BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date: 07/31/2008 I __________ I-Iay•i,-;a:rd Attn: SA ... H1\ b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -1 ..___ _ _ _ ____.~ pjj (~ ...___________.ITth\2\1 .u,. ".-. (!ase ID 11· HES'l ' DI .' V / GPEK SQUAD ....-.--------------1 . .. . . POS~ ;yi: : : .I f >M OF CHTLD -PORNOGRAPHY To f(y:·c·:a ;:-d hard drive at tb~ request:. of BAI i.- r-.'ir:c:_fo:co Div:Ud.on, Haywa.rd RA. ----- Hynopsi.s: b6 -1 .._______.I ::;,,,,; ~'.~:o.clo.sure b7C -1 !i:::c:iosed for San Francisco Division are the ( ;:i; :; ~.:(}11 cr0>.ir1~J·.: J) !\ 1." <':nvel op-e containi.rii;r the o.rigirwl FD--597 signed b6 -2 b7C -2 n ;_t -'";"(;,;wnd ht:lr.d drive is being fot·warded at th~ . x't-1"1' ;- -.,,..,.- or·i• ct'1"·"l l,_ .;,...J.. J.u .1r f (;rwan:led G-'~; n ; ' c.,ncicsco lXLvision a hard drive containinq · an exact l. mage of t.!H i o;;ed hard d:dNE! in ffune of this y~ar, For ;tnkno•,,'n t't'li.'l~'on: . :,Jin T\ririina1 h<.l:n:l drive was inoperable once it Detail!::; 'T'l1ii ·-)f - 1·, 1'1 l.,,. '<;, ·-,,._; ;'r"•nc·; ·~c·q ''1°-.,1o.s ·1·~ --01~ • - , ,,.l ~- ~ ... __ ._I... _ ~ _- ~ -. -~ _,.,.. . ... . l .,,,,,·i'l"•<' '"':;"- _- \.':• ':':· 1-.- - _'I. ~ ,': ~l : ~e~.r.i·c} r:::~cJ tl1~~! I .o· f)f i!···: L..:.:ch:nicii.:m ,) i1; ():t iq:Lcal b ::u d ~:J :t· it-(:-.c lici -~:~ :-:<-t· · r~~- ft(~:L.scc) ~ Vii:-: . ·~'k.;..,.._. _- JfoJ: ll13r;t Buy -- Gcok S:>quad, and ima9e of tho Division. b6 -3 (iri..,/E:~, l b7C -3 b7E -1 t l':kttde \.\tCrb ab e t.o make an exact. ; [r- ; ve fo1::-i;•1<:.ird{~d to th<~ San Francd.sco :t:11~~ I IJivis- iort . ~ 1 ; . ·n _() t°_ : -;> } t:" ~~::.!-e{i I :h.a rd EFF-45 b7E -1 Cr7/ 31/~;008 .. ··~ ~-· ( ~ {D'i:'<:!:t:8t ionary) For'.VI>Ui .lu: 12< r:c· ~p d~~;- i ve, l'£ power cor·d, USB cord, <'Hld sti::1nd to S:::tr1 :F')::\;1 ~~t(~i;~:.c~~·· . EFF-46 Da.te: GC./02/ 2D>GH Attn: b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -1 ..______. . .I .<·~pprov>:id : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :=r1:{~:1) f .I CH I.J:,D PORNOGFU\PHY L> ::::1;:)~~~~1:c1 ft)~C l?1:--·arv::~isco Division are the fo1low:inu; by ..______l""';'""·_!·_\_.._'_.__e_I_·;_v_(._::-'1-c._.Tlo~o~~~:tn~·~~ tl1e· 01~i9.in.a.J_ 1?1)~_597 si~111.(S!:Cl ·· Geek Gq\>i.-ld, 1 A; ,:: J.,, l'.}11\l('~lop(;} cont:.<:dnincr a co.)' of \:he s:i.gnE:d LLve ~~ e :L\t1 . _-'.(:; d. -t~_"","'_i""n""_F""_-:,.-"'~-""'-J""'.l""x:"'" . ....,,r"'r"'.1"'~r"'·1""n~!~; irrn{}(i 1J ~l cnfErrr~t1<:~-ed 11ft1:-(l c1:ti~7C~.s-,. cavq,.lry •e;.:t•.:::t'.:nal bBrd drive ~){J~-'ler fH:ttaiL~i: B •":' S/NI tJ:TP co:rtlG, 11(.=::.:r<:l d1~ivr~· ·stnr1c1 ~111<.:t ~~i :.'. r::.:.>,:t .:. %t:E.:· CC)ver l:::y- L:crui $\ti ..t 1.e r~:'I'(~, 1} V-Jr~~;t:(}:;::r1 I)irri t.a_·l J1cr.rcl c1.t·i\r(} S cover by Lou+sville ETC. .f ! b6 -2, 3 b7C -2, 3 I tJT~~ti1lltit..Lot1 ZOOB, a source contacted iHrit.er a.i1d a_dv:i.sed Squad had :r:0ceived a hard dd.ve :for :cep~lir of child por:no9:rapby. .Be~3.t: Buy ... Geek repaj..r/data :u~covery cent:.•~r Iocat!~~d .at :Ht5 l:~-(~:_.:}.~::\.>-·(~i:r:-·(1: Suit(~ 300~ B·:rcl<)}:::s, !(e-r1i:~>.i<':!k~'( 40109} :i.02~, f} 0 ; ~~}:·: -~ t1 L}I(~. CCJrHI/llt: t~r ·~·l<:t.S ;\ '''~:en District of Kentucky. Th(~ movies child pornography. Writer observed three !. n~~d child pornography, wt·i ter observE:d about movies t:hat has titles associated with child i»;lphv th.tee movies 1,.,,.•r:i.bn:- observed were cop.i.ed to a :':lash drive l herr: copies to a CD, wh.ich .i.s enclo~ied. Writi:.n· hi:1·c1 t:.c\ .Sflf/t't.(::lJ t: ·;:~ name of: two of the movies bE~canso the CD 1:~opy:Lc~q ,·,ould only allov.r a nam•:! of shortr2x· than HJB charter~::, pv:cpose of to~ possible search wa:ria:mt, in the t:he movi<;:!S cont:nined imaqes of ch:LLd the movies L I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' b6 -4 b7C -4 I 2 EFF-48 ; i· r<:::'.vil J(.; b7E -1 06/02/2008 b6 -4 b7C -4 'f})_,(:: "incomplete'' , 00134 ···943) 7) :~ o:, that the images were located in iG tit:·lflC.i p<'ll:h is as follows; from start up scene click noc Set t.ir1gs ·- owner -- ineornp1ete. .1 ovcst.Lgat.ive <:Wt ion is taken, it is recommended. iveh be wiped and :returned Lo the referenced Best .cequested work has not been completed by Best a\.·Hire the hard drivt:s have .beEn1 std.zed, No i ~-> ( ) f tJ1(~ 11ard d.r.i.'-res l1a·ve b:eet1 at tt3n1i:JL0(1 c..1tit~ to warTant:. 3 EFF-49 b6 -2 b7C -2 To: '!:km ·'r:i:d c c, :,,,:,) ~e : Lord.sville 06/02/2008 F.n;mn b7E -1 (X:i c:H:'.:i:-et.ionary) For: •.d\•'' ::e;,t;:;~r a.c titm dHetned appr.op1~iate. If p :t:'OBC?Cubion b ·,. S.2>,N FRANCISCO, :Lt is requested that the ha:r:d l'·(~·turnect t .o· t:h:E:~ B.e s.t . EJtiY lO'(~at t~cl 2t t: 4J120 Blvd . , fi, CA, 94~i68. , 9~t5.,,829·~7041, for ret.tu:'n to ~· nor:. pU .t 'S 11;:d di~. ±"~..r.e !]e v{iJ. >.~<1 an l l b6 -2 b7C -2 1): ~· 4 EFF-50 Date: b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -1 ,• L-----------'·'t ..( ~\ Ii\·~\. ~ I ~ :~;ooa, ' l Ct s.ott1~c{~ >c:.0J1t·act~~!-(l \4i~itt~r t~x1cl ~:tc1\r.if;€~t! Hquad had received a hard drive for :cq:.iair of child po:enog:irnphy. Best Buy - Geek I i repair/data reti()Very center :Located <::) 'J. . i I cl t}I(:' C\Jrn_pu.t~{:;r "~·1a·s i.11i_t:-:i_.H. 1 ~1}~- l?(~c:ei:~./ecl l)~t tl1e jf320 !)t1.1J1.:i.11_ I31~l~i~ ~ :!)u.JJliri, (1l\, 94S6H:( 92:).. ~~ :1u.bli11 thon !Jhipped the ccmpu b:;. the -~{r:rJt:tJ.r)k.~/·, \~1UJ:' 1<: f()r clt:1ta r..·e.C·(JV(}I"\·i:-; ·~rl1f:~ I ! :i.t1cl_i_\r:ic:ft.1:a.J I :LS : lb6 -2 ~ !b7C -2 l i ~ ! 2008:, \·,r r:itt:·r rH.~·rSCHl<.)11)1 \l_isit-~~~({ tTlC: Bl.J.~/ t,~Jr:i i:'.cr~ cd)~J(:.i:·\rc:cl Lhe /\f t3:~:t~· '\t.~_ ~:~~v::i.rl{f ft(:-·1..t:t:::.r~.:11 irar:t~rr:as af)I)E~·arJ r~~I t.c~ l:Jt:~ vi1'ite1'· sei(~~~d. tl1c~. t~_ard. ·[JJ:.;·i-\Tt~~ i:~G co11t::t·a!:1i:~tt1(J \t ~:l11cl :~rf)()~ke L() :not1t:-C(: ~1 nDrd dtGtrd drive I ! i lb7E -1 EFF-51 BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date: 06/02/2008 b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -1 I ___________._l d:b .... l+~-.) \..\.,.,..} I Cc\Se ID #·~ .,....;'!.:;;;:·~.;,;;E,;,,;;: ;:-.:../;;..l'....;,,,;!?;.;.;'.:..'I:,;,.'....;.l.......;<;.;.;;f~!:;:;;:,E~r SQUAD PGS~::;:;;:; rr:r\J ())-' CHILD <.:Hid PORNOGRi\PHY assign to wr.i. i:.er. ?9, 2008, a souxco contctCted writer a.nd advised t·'.ff'Y . ''er: Squad had received a ha.rd drive for repair i;hat containe!: .. of• child pornography. nest Buy ·- Geek :3quc..'t.d h;;w C:i. curp;t:nr r1:Jpai:c/data rr2cove.ry cent:er located at 345 ~nte:cnaXi1:.>nDl l!<:H J:smrd, Suite 300, B:eoc-.iks, ·Kentucky, 40109, 502··· DEita:Lbi: ::hat E>·::~st J::,5-· 0. tk :;a id the computer was .Lnit.ic'l.lly received by th~~ 4£320 Dublin H.lvd., Dublin, CA, 94568, 925'Y Dublin t:hen shipped the comput:or t:o the Kentucky :(:t~J}air I ~lo.erk for data .r·ecovery. rr:h•El :i.ndividual is:; b6 -2 b7C -2 :woe, writer per:sonally visited the J3e::.;t Duy and spoke Lo soun~E!. and t: .~vid'"'nc'~' EFF-52 Date: . _ _ I_ I _ _ GB./01/20CB b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -1 __.t 7 "' I lnJ-, ~9 =====-___. II L-;:I G~ c: l t~~i:3_. r(~<:t .1 t~.::u.i :_ft-r.:Jrn t11r,;_: [;J{:~\q·<1:c:k tii "i/ i ~~ :L C)r1 :.nt.ervim1'€'d the current owner of i'..hU cc•rnputer tJf clli.J.(i -r>n:t'tl<)q.ra_pl1:y·_~ :·· .>:·<::~~~ .i \1'"'·(~·tl :~:{) :t·· :::-~· :r~: r,'i: ·~'.:: .::~t ~ ..(:; (.}r~e}:: :Sc}lJ.:lc1/B<.:~:::.t. r~.r~~{ t:b.(~ (;e-~2k. S(~{_U.:=:-~cl'_ fclc.:L ccq-1·t.:act:i:~d \~re l:L t._y i:n }3r\)()_k:~; ~ ~qJ1r?n. ·Rer~t:.11c·}:_:~-~ :· ~. f.)}:)sl~?t~\rt:~~J. t.:.11(~ iJ[l1:i~Jet~- t)f c11..1. :LC] j;)C/Ftl()qL\:tf~-1-nt'" / unl o a en, and sent th•:} CD and a lr~nd t() C{JJ:l\lU·C~ Lct-1 ·a. :CC?""~ti<~~~; ~) f l:J:lb CCHT!f?\l t. c:c- <_:ir.lc1 , c<.1nLttinqcl tiy". cont:,"lnt:B of: k:ompnt<.C?r, ~\' 1ma•:{E':n ot Gh1.ld pnr:-1oqraph~l.._•.--!-u-·;-.-i-J.... result. it I ·:~ (~a.~~t:: .·b:E~ b6 -2 b7C -2 clt)~;etl~ I b7E -1 EFF-53 I Attn: I ! L..--_ _ _ _ b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -1 ___.l'J :; ! L--------------' rt: b PUUc.>\.:;,;: 1 <.:N >)f;' CHILD PORNOGRAPHY -2, 3 -2 f 3 I, ~ II ! Seaqate I~r.)t1 :1. f)y· Ia.pt.op cornplJter f>/NLI___________. ·:::ever by Lotli svi .U. e ETC, Gat~:~w<.«y ~ ~too Hf a. sc)u~r<~i~! ·c~:)t1t.ctr.;t:etl (jt_~u}~.: s·,JtJa.d. l~lt:ld ~t(~:..;jei·\retl %:··1:--i t.~~::r· and (:t -C~C)tn~)U.t:e1~ f()J::' '\fidE~C)O c~:f l?(J~iBi}Jlc c~l1i~td f)C•XTl<)sf:rCtfltl~/·, C<)n:t.Yt1t·er· :~:'t:~ f)<;t :i I"'/ (:La La t l:~.(~() \re r\t (~~~~:n.t e :t~· :L<:>rtal ·l-3::)l.11 e·t)~f.l:J:~(:r l ~>u.i t.t~~ JOO . l~-.r:-·c~c(k.E:., I-lest c.:.~:t>Br}I1-~ I: h<': computer y'i.~~C(J-io~·e1~~( ~ Lo ~r11(: Nt~t.~l ~Je:rsE:\t _.. t: he tac.U ity Irn1:Lv·icll.t.~:tl r..~;l1r) ~r11~::·. 13(~:st Bl!Jr :B}"'(J(}}·~·:~~; { 1:·~~-!Qtt-t~E~ted. t.tre ~ !! i I b7E -1 EFf-54 b6 -2 b7C -2 b7E -1 ~ < ' .'-'- ...........-..:-..,,,,,,..,,..,,.....,,,:~ )J, :~ooa.: v..r1:-it..c~1''."'. f)C!t~:!~;c\r1all.:l ~:: ~:s<~ :l .1. :Lt.~t f1r1::.i D!)C~l<:"·e Le) !':J()ttr-c;(~ ..~ [f:..l~/ t:b{~ ·Bc~st \·"'1r_fter ·c~·b.~~f.:-:1--·~t(::{_i i\f'ter >.riewin:3 t.hu vizfoos, 1Hhicb ~)ppo:.>.<.'i.r-ed i:::'i{~ Lo )-_,;;: \t ..ff.~.i.t.·ec:l :if ~,..r:t~it<~~T· fj(~i :z:r~ci t.l·rc i t~<.:n1H. d·~~ c-:J.rtt r'·:;fl)r~t'r1cl .art(1 t:o the Lou.hrvil1t;; of:E.i.c(~ of the iqat:ion, and pl.aced th~ ha.r:d driVE! into l _£.::;. Ek;::. t.1ke <::.ll . (:J<:x:.k :< :\rc:v.:~~ ! .. ~3~ (~<::u~··.-=: ~.;;· b6 -2 b7C -2 b7D -1 G"'ek £iquad w,:tr:1 r0quest•2d. by the C\a:;t:unwn:· Ln Lrorn t:he Jvu:.«:5 drive and plac-:: :1.t on CDf.;, Be1:;t nmpl 12t:ed the job and placed the data on \.l:1(:·, I:,~)\JiS'li~1.1.(~· I~·!~rc~. If 11(} ,~lc~t.:Lc1r1 is ta.k_f~r.l fsy· ~>(: {~~1)~:~/l1 1:1tcl d.:r~.L\tf;, <).s ~:rr*r)i:·o1)1::-tcrti~~, '1r1(l -:t:{:~t:1rrT1 tc.:) \t.i.~~1V~~~(1, tl~-H~ :'.tid.f~()fJ tJ:.:1.t ~VQ.~C{~ f i.rf:! t ·~ti {~\q(~Cl tJ)t ltu. y ·~ c;~:! e :I-;:. s <.Jtta.tJ (:.; ru<~z)nl(:-·~cG tc). s:i·~J11 a. C~)n.s.(~r1t t()rrn Ol)i2~fc}.t'e} tl1u· ~4(Jr:J.:: Two of the \d.deoi:; c<. mtaJnf>d t..i.t.1es that <~hi1d porno:v~aphy. A third contaJiwd i.magc~1 '"l.Lth .<'l d.n.i~med f•em<'.tle. It is unknown :i.f part j c:Lpdnl:. Scrt..1et t:i · .t. (~ci l~tn. i c ia. n. ~ I3~::: B t. b6 -4 b7C -4 I I ! ~ EFF-55 : :'.ti:i~ : 1....-_ _ _ _ _ _ __.l :U)uJ.svtJle 0 11/ 2 l/2 0 0B b7E -1 ,:;idvised and instn.1cted source to en$Ut'e that the .'. .rnagn::; on t. (; =>~ u x :;dr: ··· machine be thoroughly •removecL ·. · Soun.:e advised that :::he c~x:irn :·rit..: u :r1e :'. F hard drives. ~tc::... t .:)1 nn1 y obse1:'Ved t:h(:: tht:ee Videos. The enclosed CD cont ~ t j. n.~3 ::;-, ,;: :. :,11::· ~ \~!:Cl . The videc)s cc>n tain if11c(9e~~ ()f fE:males e:: 1 9aq·;~d :tr, ·::e.:q ;;:: l. ;e~c ts with adul t mal es . Whi le it i.H difficu lt L•:i ck' .. enn.i.rn: Li:~: ;~ (::na. 1.es exact <,tges in the two videos it appeat's L'.:1ey in<:ly ·be 1.tr::h .nqc . \•lritcr c ncloi;;ed the CD for the case a9ent L·~: · ii.in c~ Lo v: ,,,w what ac.tion, if any, is wattarited . did not look ;:1t any otlrn!r fo1dt~:i:s on the hard .1:16 :.!· .on<::l nrkllyuis Qf the hard drive h a s been cbc L c th::' lac}~ of a sE:~ri:~ch war·rt.:trlt. \·1(f t 'n d:dvf: , r~o ~;·.~-tempt ed 3 EFF-56 l.it:Ri.is ville \Jtl /21 / 2POH l1H!liJJ ( i3) b7E -1 : : ; cn:~ti onary) r..f p1~osecut..i.or1 is not .i.t is reqvested that the hard drive b e wiped :t •:!tu:r.! led l' ·'' : l;(; nest Buy Patt e rs.on I NJ" store for return to Fen :' :i c \C>H deemed appropriate. pursufrd b y '\le:.·; :1-;::~nd Forward c<:)fi'p~i-~:r~.r, b6 -2 b7C -2 hard drive, and CD{; to ECT NEWARK . 4 EFF-57 Date: b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -1 SJ\ ________ ...._ F·\f ___. L-----------_..... n:h (f DF CHILO PORNOGRAPHY ::JBtH.i). ~3 .: .:~-::l\r'i .r:=~~'fi e{:: 1;)a..~ ·-:::~ ·:.;~-- ":\T . ~·· ....~.-1 L<)(~a t: c:cf ')\1 g, 2001-3, a fl()Urcc contacted. writer and t: h.a.t: 1-k'/ " Geek Squad had :cece.tvcd u computer t h:2:t t c·:;>\':: :t u-u.'d vi(Jeos of possible chU.d pcn:nosp~<'tphy. '.d .:;: computer repair/data :cecovery cEmte:t J:n:;,;,rna.tional Bouleva:ed 1 Su.1.t:e 3.00 , Brook<::, d Ure computer wttG init:La1.Iy· rec~d.ved by the t 1T(~ l-~1 t~~ t) t I;\a Lt t;; :rs ()11·, l>Jc:\~l -"]. e J:~ $ e .~' i:tJ:·{~ a ~ n.1-::i:ptflf~·(I .tl't~~--- \'.:~cjn~r~tftf?.t' to- tt1(~• ·:ft1c:L1it.y: fer winq tfo~ videos which appeared \>'r:Lter seized t.he hard dr.1.vc .:rn ccintr;:::.band \J10 !1.:l:td drive bdck to t:h<2 LouisvL!J.(~ ofLi.co of :i:.nvent.iqaU.on, and placed the hard drive b6 -1 b7C -1 b7E -1 EFf-59 BUREAU OF INVE.STIGATION Date: Attn: 01/10/:?.008 Bldomington RA !''rorn: r:->11 t :,,, ... b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -1 .._________....f.ii ....-------------, rtb•~\\) 'l'.i t112 ; ;~ynopn.i::i: ~.'l\J<:.''I' ' .!li v j :'o Le<.'v5 to Sprin9f ield D.i vision, ,,,,,: Bloomington RJ\, :3 t . )fl ' t.:nclcHun~ l:::·!osed .fo::;n:- Sp:ci.ngfield Division <:'tre the i'ol nne corH:<:tining the original Fk S97 sismed for Best Buy -- Geek Squad, ..._____~2:""':--_,_,-:-1_'"";\-!0-,.t-1-v-E"""d'l""o-pe contain± n co y of the four (4 l pa.go i:;;_, tween and Be!e>t Buy, l. o) CDs prov:u.1ec >Y Best Buy containing the drive, sent under HE!pa:n-:ttc~ . cover l:iy I' -~)YI .!1 i ;, •'l!Vf'l I b6 -2, 3 b7C -2, 3 I I-Li t.achi GOGH hard drive S/N by Louisville BTC. ...._______... :01~ta:i).~.:;; Un 3.(i"'·i/.it::r;_~ct tt~rv< .::·3?::.~ L 2008 1 a ~30t_n:cc contacb~d writer and S(1nad 111~d t~ec~ei."'1ecl a. l1clX.'Cl clr:j;·ve~ f()l~ cc 1L.1 .i ned a video of child pornogr~lpby. Best Buy ·· r.·epa ir ,~;~~~k 02, ·~ c~r;{~k !;;; i ,.']:~~;:{~1t~~~rd~p~~{~;a~~o ~~e~~~~~~, c~~~;i~~~c~jc:~G~~9~1t Gqtw.d 'S 02 ·· c:, Yt3ui,~c01l Bureau of Invest:i9at ion, and placed the dence. .F:cy .04, :L'.' ta:i.1ed t.o writ.erJ 1 b6 -2, 4 b7C -2, 4 b7D -1 L :n ·:;:n.i.y v.tewed the video that was first: viewed by L.J-1e ~:q;)1)x:cf::~~irna b6 -4 b7C -4 .. Geek: Squad was requested by the cust.orn!'..~r Lo t';-:·orn the hard drive i'tnd place it on CDs. Hc~.st completed the job and placed the dat.a ant.he L,ouisv:i..lle ECT. BllY t..ved and writ t.en ovr.:.t' three t :Lrnet~ and then custorne t ' s hard dri.v(?.G. not look at any other' folders on t:he hard analysis of the hard drive has been Tack of a search wz11-rant. EFF-62 b7E -1 i {;; ni:.;t: pu:·fr•1c<~ -:l::,i.~l~· .bf: ,..,~t 1·,,,·n .l.;.I> ,... · '1 •.· .· .. _..._.,., ______ I vr:L;.)f:(.:~ . "'··'· I.___ ~ 1.,;... act.ion deemed appropri<:1.t:e. If prosecution Springfield, it is requested that the hard 1::~·-rc~_ ):~~· t .ttr~·r1(~"C.1 to tJ1e · r1e~t: -Buy :BJ..oc)tni-11.gtorr : s.t::t):r-e: for·· i;,,, b6 -2 b7C -2 _. F'o1:w L:: I======::::!...,1 ::r.;r.w flOUAD ur::3·c ::= :·~·· L-,..-~~~~,..-~1· I)C::~-~: .J}<>~ . ··:.t (. C~HII~I) >:·· 1 :"lF Ci2, Pi t~~-r ~t11d. 200B r -- Gei2k Squ.ad had receiv!~d a har.cl drive for i.n(:rl Ct \t.icl~~rJ ot cl1.i1d 1:k)t'"nc;s11>;~1.rJJTy~-~ .!-3.e~-~t Bt1}' <"::')L'lfHJ.ter :r."E~.P~ii .r/ t1<.1ta .t~et;.r)·'"v"e:r'_x:r C!E~ti't.t!.t' 1 c:.:c~ettE:ci -a.L t>>ult::vctrd, Su.ite 300, Bronkfl, Kentucky 10109, ;>uy C;<.~:cl: C>: j 2Q08! \~rr_it.e.~r fJe:.t'sOr1a11~( ~;-1 )} .. c~ ! ·:: teci •tt1-t~!- JJt~Ht ·.scf~Jt~(5(~,, iqt· ft(~J~ c~l)!}(:"::C\tC(f !~.ft.er ~Ii!3tN_i.n.~) tlle \r_Ld.e·C) \..;fricJ1 af)f~na.Tt~~d tc~ ;L ;_ ~:~n ~ r t() S(:~ized the hard dr:ive a:" t: f}(;. l1ard. d rj. ·\re l:;ack: t:.cl tlit:~ L..-.:)lJii~~~,til l I3·ttl:Y::tlJ): C)f .Irr~./{:=st:.:i~:F~~t.i{)rl,, a.nxi f~la.C~{:::ci tl;_e , wr:ite.c ) ~. t:c:: . r.·.- SfH)J.'.~t~ ity :<:) ·~.:u1·~:·.pc:;:t'·t:eci ~-:· h:: >: dJ {~ Louisvi.llE~ shipped tho hard db_'.'{'~ The ha:i::d drive ~;a~~ oriqi nal l.':/ nent fttc~·:r·(; ;.:· = r ~-~:~ .. ~ · c,~ j_ ri- t.fte B1<)6111.i.r1s1t.or1 arf~a ~ ~-H) e~.rldit:.~~(rt\a.1 i:trv··r~~}t.i'.~f:~tL;ic~.r1s t11a.t {~~-·~ltl t ( ) s·\ri 11.c~ I) :i. -;,r i__ ~:::i <..)r1 . t~l:r t 't (':~ j:;- - L·:c:.~~ ~~0.(~ n t f{ tJ1{:; c.:-}()·BE~{i {it.Je~ t:() th(:~ f(::lc:t: _t:J1~:tt a_.11 L1n:~ \~\t'.i_(i.(~J](-:°C ·:·-.:_)c~ t.() t:l.1c~ S·pT~i.nt:rf~~~~:lc1 [l:f_\risi().tl~ b7E -1 EFF-64 '(ikv. Date: b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -1 t ~ lrtb C?F CHILD PORNOGRAPHY ~-r.=:>~u . ~; v 20f}l~~ 02r ·~- :Gt3trt:c~(~ c.c;.rJt:(:tc~·t:{:~(l vr1::-.i.tf:·x, ~xrrd /t Li<.:t.t~ti :> of chi }d po:t~no~;p:'<;1phy. n::pai. r/data 1:ecovery ::.:;i:rput:t:u? ;:~.(·~~~1~l.e ..~r~~1~(1,. St1J_t·t~_! 3 no, E~J~C)()kn / ~·11z: c·cnnrrutr:.~l:: :···.(~~,;o~~tf~J~}"·· t()_ Illinois a.rea. t.l_~E:~ t~1:::.~ility· i1Jt:!j_-\r:i-<3Lt<~l-_ \•1l1.-uy -- Geek Squad had received a hard drive for· t lli.:1 t cc :.~ : ) ned <-i. video o.f chLld pornography .. Best Euy o '::::mtputer r..:~pair/data n~covory center .1.9cated at · 8ou1eva.rd, .Suite 300, B):·ook<3, Kentucky 4CU09, th.a :: .Ld the computer w<:ts initially received. hy t.hE' Ll the Bloominqton, Illinois ax·e.a, The Be::1t Buy :.he~ compuu:::i:~ t.o the IaciJ. ity in Brookf:.l, i:·ecovery. Tht:.: :i.ncUv.idual who requested t:hE" tHi {f).n.t.t\C~.k:1r,.. ~:'.f~f~H Vl(J:L··l~ b6 -2 b7C -2 rd 04, 20011, w:rit::er personally visited t:he B~~1:it ity and sp()ke t:o source. Wri !.:er obGet'Ved After vi.ewing the video which appet>:t'(~d to Ud, writer !'t(~:i.zed Uw~ bard drive as the hard drive back t:o Lhe T..Qtd.Gville of Invest:i~~<;ltion, and placed thE~ EFF-65 Date: Attn: 09/:~0/2010 Long BC<:tch RA, I I b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -1 l r1if~_J ij L-~~~~~~~~~-'- L-----------lltl,1::_ l_-:·-rn_c)<:!-0.r1t Irnages: .. ·-::() I;c~f; iin~re·:~_~:~ '.: '! '\-~}:~:<'j/ .;:: r;~ ~3 t B11 ~-l / (;~:;~ n}:. L()(::.~tt: t:~.c1 <011t:~.1c}:;:~t .~:tore~> ~it ...; ::·~ ': ~~ T'et:~ei-,rec:l tl b6 -1 -1 land ! b7C fc>:r ,r_, that contained :Lmages of child po:r:noffraphy. .;i_d has a_ computer repair/datd: 1:·ecovE~ry center i.<:n:nat:i.ona1 BQUh::vard, SUite 3 00, BrookH, · J~)S--::rnoo, P..ll comput;,;;rs received at: Best Bnv ,'n<:- sent to this facility for data recovery . ·f1t1ci ila :c. hard dci.vc wa:; :in:Lt:L•.'illy Buy store #J.09, locau:~d at. 11301 Wf:~iH: Pico :\'l_l:lfornia. 90064. Befft Huy rcitore #109 l:hen b7E -1 EFF-67 To,: Re: Los Louisville 09/2-0/2010 Anqo:~J,,_,, :·'Yom: :d: b7E -1 :ve to. the. facility in. Brookst Kentucky, . for individual who requested the repair work is: ;b6 -2 b7C -2 !- er·t}){~r· "(entucky . t~ .',· / ::~cc~l~- 9, 2010, SA I I personally visited the Squc"d f' J.d. be nohd that · · sAI I only l b6 -1 b7C -1 b7D -1 observed the b6 -1 b7C -1 ". \:.kv.:ti. ~:Ji: • '•.'>1·;\ Bl\y./Ge.ek.S~u<~d t~chnicianob.se.rved, SA d:uJ n:;t :::;r ,·,:u.::\·~ the hard drive in any other manner due to ick .;:, Ti:·:";": '••hat SA I...____.I warrant, '..>. :tm,,.ing . jpg ima.ges and details are just some of •: J:' c b6 -1, 4 b7C -1, 4 1: \i.;::d with the CHS: 2 EFF-68 J_.rJs 'f<>·.! i\n.Q· ·:~· : 1°·.~. ~·._; :{-::~·= ·1,· .c(>tn; L·ot1isvi1.1e b7E -1 09/20/2010 ,' · 0 lg the above detailed images of child seized the hard drive as contraband and . . 1 . drive back to t.he Louisville office of the ::"edei:al Hun'..::n) :~ ·i :;: . Ln v·es:t -ig~tiori, .a nd pla·c ·e d tlie . lia1-·d dri·ve.· itito. )QY.'nC·']' l'i'llJh,'):" .. =1~i":l-nsrmrt ,2d b6 -1 b7C -1 :?: ·vid~:· n c~~ - . I i.mclerstandE; that every United States Ot t c~ .::i.zq different. prosecution thresholds. Jf .it is ,foterm:Lned. '. :.h<.' : ·· te;:;:~:. images do not r:l.$e to that level, and ho b6 -1 b7C -1 $<\ I Attoxney' ~, ' · ;:9.,,·1· ·(•..:;"' ·::'" o .r•.· ;-. ·L' ~t-_ ) ·-_ . r._,__,.I-1 - J..J ~'y· t.. · c)~ < · .n ·i. ·~, .; .,_.·; .Otl "l..ti.1'' l. XlV'"•·"-' :l" .L:- (: ... ·'" ~ . ,. c. · "· · ·•· ·: ·· ."\= . ... , •.s .··t- -C. . .·h . ·.e• .L ~ .A . .· 11c~e· _:··. ;:J . le· to.> v _...L~.J... : ~: ::~qua d /'t·>''' ~:: · •:";- :i i:' t:.~que.st s th<:tt I,os Angeles return the ha:ed . 'l.;. .. .,_• . ;? eek , ;iJ~:i, ;.r;;; l:o U).1.,::r\ . n Kentucky so !.:hey are able to complete their EFF-69 To,~ :~:.e: LO:t5 }t.>t:w l , , t: Lotlisville :)9/20/2010 T« i ·,)tn ~ b7E -1 (:C.m.tirfl..le investigation on captioned subject. 4 EFF-70 Date: .l. ,.<:·:' F:i:-om: b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -1 rl:r.uf i .1xl I .---1L.-------------1Jsm t p,;:nr·H·nq)D P~~?Ild ir~ ~}) I l l I . , . : t .~: ni.tHJ l:has~~: n6~{_?th:3 t() L(\n -i- CJri f~1a.t c~:ti 2 .3, :. } ~:. :3 t _Bt;.?·~~t Btl\.t/{:;e·ek Property ( F'D··· o.f s~~~l?'\l.i (:$ - ·1t(::rin~-; I b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -1 t):f .clue f)e ()jJenEu:i .1>(::·.t"o:r-·e c:·1.lJ,::Jt~~i1!-::t~; 2011, a (:.HE c;or1 t~:tc:t.:e_d_ Sl\ :c~:!cej_ ~,r~::(i a ha rd imaqes of chUd /c:;·(~r:~k _t3q_u.C.t(J. t1~:.ts a <2:()tn[)Ut~~:-r.· .re~)ai~r/d.a. ta 34b Ii1terhat..i.C1T1~~J. B.(n.1I.~~varci, .St1.i ~:j02~-s;5_~?·~~:3f300-~ !\.1} c:<.>tnr~.ut-t~:rs r~~-:s n~:rt.i\"Jnh~:-Lclf; a r"~~ s~-~~rrt· t-\~i- t.h.i:s 1 . 1-·t.y {rbj_:::- .In-cL~~:\l'iclu~.:i:-1 \~llTt) r.(:q_\J{~stect thr.~ -_Eefia5.J~ '<.oYy .rept.~.i.L ~3qt1acl had that cont,a b7E -1, 3 EFF-71 i,ouk;ville 03/25/2011 Ee: b7E -1 b6 -1 b7C -1 the CHS. b6 -2 b7C -2 b7D -1 I C)bS(~t'-i;,lE:·d obse l:·v<':d. in any hi2 noted that. SA I . I and SA I I only w c: (!'" ~; t:h<:tl: t:he Best Buy/Geek Squad teclm.1c iE.1n •;,·:d land SAi . ldid not examine the hard drive :.1;;:,;· n'::.t. due to the Lack of a secu:ch warra.nt. b6 -1 b7C -1 }\tl:····r \·.icwing the images of child pornosrraphy, SA~ ··°'; ·.· .- ...... _.~,·-" -~-:-~-·~. -~ -_ -.::-. r· ···~1 - ~-- +- ........._·""· M .-,..,..1'-.-: ·:·.-::-. •· LLc La.i.S d11.:re .a,, cont1.,:1.-:k::i·. .tJ.J c,rnJ ... ,.d,'L•P\e.·''~nu; they .:.t:t'0 t:ib.Lc to complete Uk:ir prOCt'.~nse~::, f:H~c:t:i.on ·::J11 is it.ern 8 under the "I agree to/or th.sit" Order form t:hat stateG that the customer DSl'{' J1:rfjtl1Jc:t co!1,t. <:tir1i.n.g c~l1.ild_·-rJ01~110~Jra.Flhy vr:L11 i,"'·'· ··"'- ;_·:' ·"·' •""'"' -~.'··'.•'.',"',,.,.··' "-' ...-. .•• .. •. • ··o • . •·1·'"' <.. h. thexe 2n·,~c b6 -1 b7C -1 ·'t"·l·1•)1~1't··1'""'~" «,.. '- . . . '·"·"' , <~ p.J;:;;ace·co·'1t"ct q·' I ,.•.•.... > _. ···'• • .. •<~.·. ~-H .; " ...,;. a:kUt.i.onal questions. EFf-Tl b6 -1 b7C -1 b7E -1 Bo::;:·: .\l: .1.D <)ocu~renb'' o.1cl :-~ost:cn tiven o child po1~nography case with this lead. 3 EFF-73 Date: ·1 ·i .. "": I t.~YJ·--l' ~-., 0 J._, .,":.. To.: b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -1 Sl\ L...-_ _ _ _ (' - : ·.: ::~tllC 1 conta.ird.n~:.1 iJH': 8qnad l:.l1~Jt: }{~!~Jlt>J (>}~;:~{ ~rl1e ,:~ l:l(~~r f: :> '.~; ,! \)'_ { . .1nd -3-t.'()f·,:~;~) ____.t:J. Receipt of Prope1;ty (FD-- 597} <;uv:l Terms of Gervice . 8t5~:t:-vix_~(' Order: C:C)1JLai1].E~c1 ~tnk:t~JeS (),f lb6 -1 lb7C -1 c~t~.i._lcl ,t:)0I..'..t1C1SJL":-~1.f)}l~!. ,. · :d i·H::; a computer rep,erir/d<.:tta recover:z cent.er ,, cna.tio,ri;:Ll Bouleva.rd, t;utte 300, Brooks, - ff.-: 9SS-3.t~OO. A11 computer;.:; recF..~ived at Bet:1t Buy ~; .,n,:, sent to t:hJ~,i Lwility for d:<.'ita recovery. .)'__ ·:·;. :·(~t.~p..1r~St(:::d II i< tl1e. re.:rJ.:ti_r· vt(J:ck: is! b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 I I EFf-74 ""'I"".,o ... ··...,u.....'.-.·r'""'.;'.._;... :. _..........._1~ .________. .I Tb:; ·H · om: I.iou-1. svi 11 e b7E -1 01/20i1 i'1.dvised that b6 -2 b7C -2 b7D -1 L...-\~-~-e-e-.-F~Je-,-r-.~-ri~c-,-e-•~O~r-.d~-e-r~)..----------1 J b6 -1 b7C -1 b7D -1 ::!1; bt~; noted that S A l l o n l y obsf:irved the imaq.:~:: t:°!1dt i.J 1-;e;:.t Buy/Geek Squad t~;.i.an obse:rved. SA L...,-..---.-11 did r t.'i( ....:;.m:_ne the hard dxive in any other manner due to the L:o:.ck . _ warrant, "/): c·d:i.ng ir.na•_::Je.s of ·~.·~h.LL..d p. or_n_.o_•gra_"P_.hy.·, ·.S.l\_.I_ .I ,re aD contraband and tr;ansporu~d the~ d.1'.'-i 't\l"··:~ Lnve b6 -1 b7C -1 i9at· b6 -1 b7C -1 t.ouisvi11e off.ice of the Federal BUt'e2ru of ;.iJaced tl"H~ hard tlt·iv~~ :1.nt:o evidence. 'U;rsi.gn case to SA._I____, H· 2 EFF-75 ·-. ·,, . o~~/07 /2o:n Date: To: Attn: Attn: i. SS/1. Cyber / ECC TINT :i b6 -1 b7C -1 b7E -1 :}l\ 1....-_ _ _ _ _ __.l:i ak r:i.t1.r:- >>r< .:: ca.se .and. provide inf:'ormation/ev:Lder1ce. York, 1"-A containin9 the H.ece:i.pt of P1·operty .'< of the GE:rtK Squad Service Order and Tennr:.: of I D1l"!l::1:>il~• ; I· eques.U:; b6 -1 b7C -1 opening a new case LLLe for t:i:«:nw fer J):fonna\: i.o .._c-,_,__,.c-...,;:;... <::-v{dence lo New York Divi:o:;ion. l' ,.T :; I !b6 -1 Jb7C -1 I ·.: ·n ~ ac tt:d SA land advised tha..t Be st :·ece:tved a con1puter for data. recovery repair of child poi·nography, Best Buy /Geek l~quad Lr/data recovery CE~nter loc<).ted at 34 S "~'},:;u·d.; Su.i t.e JOO, Brooks, Kentuckv -'10109. 502-1. '"r'~ .,.. ('"··~• ~ •\rnc'l ·~ •·r)"'"'"' 0 'l'" ."'l'o1··1,,;. ·1·1·"t· ·r.'c0 ,·r1'"·;c~e _c")...,_.J. . \' ::.:: :LJity for data recow2ry. .,,. .... ~ . ......, ...~ ,.i.:, ....... -~~ .. "..,.. ~ <~>""" .,.;i'l;.;.~j!..,)L~ :.;_I_, •• ..-..!'.:~ . .:;:;.<:,. ·~ ·. . . .. ~T~J:.., I ! ,.{...., I !b6 -2 lb7C -2 l I ib6 -1 ! b7C -1 b7D -1 II I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . 1 1 r 7 E -1 EFf-7fi ?o: Louisville 02/07/2011 b7E -1 b6 -1 b7C -1 b7D -1 xt :ibservi;~d I I he noted that SA and s~ ._I____,I only .r::i,F.';:: that the technician observed. '.c: ·H-::. b6 -1 b7C -1 >·:A. ion of observed im<.iges are as follows. f'. b6 -4 b7C -4 ·<.::cwing the above. detailed images of child seized the. hard drive as contraband and t:rannport1~{i t:t" ~1rive baGk. to the Louisville D:i.v:Lson of the riwestigation. h i: pornograr. hy 1 1 It t': DlvL:ion r-1 !H~:~fftig:ati·ve b6 -1 b7C -1 action is taken the Louisville t:.11at the equipment be returned so th<';.t it can CHS to complete the processes as requei:1ted by 2 EFF-Tl '' 1 ·:{ { ) : ' b1c_)\'{- ":(() JJ<. : ~1~; r I :::hj -. '.. l ............ I~ t~n.1i-s vi 1 l:e b7E -1 02/07/2011 Investigate informat.:ion and evidf.!nce ais; i:~. ~;l.:::_r-1c~ ._.,_________....__..... (r _....,________""'I'"____ ::~ ~ ~..: ~ ::,nd5 nq) b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -1 Li<)neti : ;j;,·: : ~ - :~- :.·:;.:.Jr t~(.s ~:J~~ o.~)-(:n· ~-~!-\..i t:() -t: h~~ :.:~ h::.:1 t:c~ t'(? 1<~<-:t · sc: ~:1 n:ci :~;.-r~-(~~~ n sl)~i~:~:-(::- Hi\ .c{f b6 -2 b7C -2 1 . wr1 t;;.:i ··;ri: ~; .~~ ~: :L :~~! P.~n~i\'. ~ R~; t . ~I f£ ,_:~eek ~;qu<'l·~ ~, ;::<::~c: ·<·:; ~: · : ·'l·':> Int ("rr:n a ~:: .i. onaJ t>~)1,, ls. " .,~" ..t, ,;u ·'· t.~; ·'. 0.'·.· , t> ....r...,.}K. ,,. , f{?<..i t11a t n'~<:~(';ived J'.(:ix rcp~ii r t:h.::l tv.~ bcL«iv~~d thJ$ c: UJd <;·(:= ~~ k :i- cont ai n '' •:-.: f : '. •• , t :u. .r.n e cl v·c::: \):tjvc~ L·· t ·\) ! b6 -3 b7C -3 I l i t fl~~ I t t ~:1:01,,cd ;);; . Z)/~~.; i:c:d-~.J(;~:.: ~. :. \: r_:__: c::: ft· h.f: .t· ~~~t~l ..--:1la.~;1c~ ~; ~i:~:: t:~ :· r;h -: :::- :'~ ~->- ~': c~ir- 1-__~3 :, -:Jf :) .;~: ~ : h .\ h ~< ·J · L L LJ i a _~·~ ~ -~ :·:: ;: .y : :.J".~; =- ~~ .:- (9r:ey Ac:e:r .l.<.1ptop, a r1(i t :cr tJrc: s;.:iq.ht c :.f th~~ ... st>~t::·e(~.n. a t~ e{~: ·.l t~JO k a f~~!\~f rrt:i..n:rt-t::(rS tC} ] __ {).:.1 (1 ) 1:fb{~~- wriL k:r the c:ornp,~tcr 0 b6 -2 b7C -2 I 9' dJ)r~r<)}:~irnirt<::-:1y urH:lt~1 :r- t_flf~. ~~~\J:e _ .oi~ ~LO)' l (:t.nc~ C::;·~·. 0C t.i t i.n · ~r . in~:~ r\~~~J; c::~ r~ ri~~-t: e t H.lHJqf~·{>t~:j V(~ : ·~~=.:-r:: ::rXer~c: (J ih s~~~.r:vJc e l:·· (:pa .t:r : - c~:~ ~)lfic~'(~t - i ·\-..rh(.~!1 h_ r~ ·h .:l -s - :~; ·e \~:n in~aq~~~:~ _, l :Lke I trNCLA.$ SJ:l!' IED Eff-,8 3 UNCLASSIFIED b7E -1 :'.id.ld erot~ica) t:'ies:;: i:rvp :t .>;i } nvt .L~:: :..: o us 1 t!v) t the svi>tem has mor e !:J;; ·• ·· ·' ' Lrir; hard d riv e: . Ra Lli tf. ~1dv ised and ' ' <:' <:ornput.E~ J'.' ncech~ to be aiE.ilyzod fu rth e r: .' I' t:hr~.re axe irrd(c~(~ d images of c h .Ud f:J·)1:·n · ~) >:::_~ ' ~ ; HKl tn g th<:J computer to thE:1 Cb a.tlotte D iv L~;:_o n u· n c> :>:i ...'.:! ·d1iat to!VC!r log i<;,;~1 in v est.i.gat .Um .i.s de•am(:.d rr;·~:c. <~- .(::.-~~: 1.~ ~- .c y . UNCLASSIFIED 2 EFF-84 UNCLASSIFIEO :. :';,_i l..t · ,-...J,ou ......--. ...................__Fr·:mi ......,I (' :··; ··, oLouisville / ')t ·)c b7E -1 - ,b , ,)"' ~. .JIJ) F\.r nv.l ih:r: ce , C'~ar Grc(~n oL .\<' I i. v ~ b6 -1 b7C -1 SGT, to re l ease a.nd send . . ... .. ·. ; E0 3Sl75 115 9 , td the Green~>bo rc HA of th~: '' ; >1) 1 -:>rlcfre:o:s: 1801 Stanley Road, Su.i.Le 302, 77tl07. UNCI.ASS IIt!ED 3 EFF-85 . , .,.,.,_,,,..., ..,,. ......-. . ~ ...--_.__-.......__ . ···•····•••·•--••· ·•- •• · ~--~ --~ ~·· ~~•,,;. •.,•••·~··· ~·· • •• ••••••• • • • <'• • • • • • ••••N•.,••• • ••• ••• •·-···•·• · -· •• •• · ···· · - -·····••·• ••••• • ••••. ••••••••••••• -··•.·•-• ........... .•. . .. ., . ... ,..,....,. • ., • • •• ••• . , . ... .• • . •••.• ..• _ . , , . • •. ...._..,.•,,..., ...... n•.u .•.•••.o..-.-n.·"•·'-'.-n ·•_._._,., . . ... .... ......,,1 ~ -.· 12/21/16 view case ICMCM002 14:02:22 Page 1 of 3 case migrated (view sentinel for re.cent information)1 then oress Enter case ID. . . . . . . : class• L.....-------------------' status . . . . . . . : P PENDING I I J I • I • : squad . . . . . . . . : 3 sou rce . . • . . . . : 11 originated From Case ID : VCMO OTHER case Type. . . . . . : opened . . . . . . . .: 11/30/2011 Title serial ... : Identity Theft : N summary 1 Command • . > ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . + Fl=Help,F3=Exit,F4=Prompt,F6=MUltv,F7=Bkwd,F8=FWd1Fll=NeXtPg,Fl2=Cancel F13=Listserial 4A0 ~ - -·· ······~-- ·-· .··-· · ·-··-···~-~~----•N•-·..-.·-"··-·~-..... 03 ,074 ..............H· •· · · · ······· · · ····-~· .. · · ·· ····· · · ··· ···· ······ --.----- --- ~----·---· --· ·· ······-·········~~~~-·~ ·· ·· •.•.•-. __--JNN.-~ .......... _. _ _ ...................................... ···-····-----------··· . . . . . - ···,'·. .····.-r.-............... _-.-~1r EFF-.86 b7A -1 b7E -1 12/21/16 View Case 14 :O5:13 case mi grated (view Sentinel for recent information). then oress ICMCM002 Page l of 3 Enter•· ~~:~o: status . : . : . : . : : : ~!~--------------~PENDING r • • : p Squad. . . . . . . . : 3 source . . . . . . . originated From case case Type . . . . . . opened . . . . . . . b7E -1 : 11 ID : VCMO OTHER Seri al. . : : c : 02/17 /2011 Identity Theft : N Title INNOCENT IMAGES COORDINATOR summary 1 command. . ' > ..•..... ' ...... ' .....•....................•.................. ' . • . • . + Fl=Hel p, F3=Exit, F4=Prornpt, F6=Mu 1tv, F7=Bkwd, F8=Fwd, Fll=NextPg, F12=Cancel F13=Listsertal 03 ,074 4A0 ".-·.-- .. •·······c (FD·· s·e J:''\t ~; c:l'~~- ~' forwa.rded dx::ive, t.inclc:~:r s1::parate cove:r :i.s a 1 Seri.al # 9TB243V2. ·A containing a copy of. the Receipt of Propert;.y of the GEEK Squad Servic<.~ O:t:-der/'l'erms of the receipt generated buy Best Buy located Chin<.), CA. S, 2012, a CHS cont.acted SA R:i.h.!y and Eb)·/Gec~k Squad had n~ce:lvt:~d a hard drive for :- that: ccmt:a:\n!?.d ~"-uspectE::::d itna.qes of child Huy/Geek Squad has a compute:r repair/d<;tt:a cat:ed fat: 345 International Ho11l.evard, Suite l':ni:uc.;-:y 'i0109, ~.02 955--3BOO. A11 computers 8k stores nat::Lomvide are sent to l:.his facility 2012, SA Riley pe:rsonall.y visited the Squad f.a.ci1ity and apoke t.o th<:: CHS. b7E -1 b7A -1 t I Lcmisvill e 01 / 18/2 01 2 b7E -1 b7A -1 the repa.ir work · ;~:;):;T- E~ N.l;(!AI I·n~ ~: : <:>~J c~c~ (~ -i :t~c~J.-.E~ 1 C:l'\ 9 ·2 ·6S3 L:LiJ:!iL,:~x:__L~!:\Qrt'iI~----.2.~iJL:..2 o~~z.:.29Xf..._ .::_.::~:;::-~i ,:.;. r,! ,~ F>~ . .:~ 1 . ~_~$ Phone: --,..: ,_a Ls.:..................... :\T!_ :, .......... .;;.;.. ~ ....-.-:-_................. ~ _~ - . . . . . ................ .. ......949 c)·-r\~i {:·t' ~- t.~{::(:~· -~j ~LS.f \::. } \'~. t~~~- - ~:~ -~)f~::l~- . . t· t·~1 . ld\... . -··8 . 31 -1624 ', :" .:Q . ~ b·: ;. , ~.- . --_ · ·~ ' ~- - --~-.-~- -~ ,,i:s.E. que "~t..J.O .-i <3. Je .1rnagew N<;;..,.f::. dat:~l nscovery repa :b~ had been m,: lde for irnaqes. t ('~ >.~hnlcian t.o. deterrnine, t.hat the rep i'i.i r w~::.s mL;:,:t: a cce:.:s s the f .i.Jes to verify tJ.rat the fi:Le.!~; ··~ .~- ~ , . ~ ~-~ - 4 "~-" ·'- -----~~ L-ri • f- ~~c.~(:>'/~~~:t>e~) .:: f\) r·:r: t :=:'~:~·::; +--l - -~- -.. . -.... Tri- ti·::e- -cotirse -c>f E.~risl1ri!1.g _ t11e t"e-p aii... $ Buy/G<:!(~k Sqttad. technj_c:ian began by tor p :LctureH and./<>r; Jpe~J8. 1\~~ the B~'?st 1._ r r::: <::i<.~t> , ,,_,,'"'°''' Ek'. S L l r ·· ;: ~cli nt c i.an w as ::-:c:tol.J i nq through t:b.E' thurnbr.1:a.i ls ~:~ tr_y / (~:;(~~~-H: · ' :1-<-:c:> he suB"oected we.r'e child po1;ndqraphy. The ;:,\ :\! actt~d thl2! CES, who contacted SA Riley and Si~!-·(! U t'_·r~ ¢l' t:~b~·;.~ i·.L.. r··,·· !. (:.:t-: :~ :".[t~ . 1 ~ that SA Rl l ey obs e:tved t he images Bi.:':cause .it ~>~1t1f.ifl t: <:.~chflician obse:rved . there wen.~ kn.O\-'ln CE' images, SA Ri.1.ey t:h·~ Geek Sqtnd a krKwm ima:ge of 11 9yo S cmny" ,,;: ,,:K~ rved by SA R:i.l E":'{. Thi s pa rti . cu Lu~ .trnaqe W.~ic tool t::hat: carves jp9 ima9e s. 8 .i nee the GEiffk ~>:.r,u~d iiFv ,, r,;j_mi lar t o fo:re n ,s.:Jc tools used by the FH! ' s .R(~F' ~ .: :~i-- i'. t .i.::~: t\~~·:· ~~- t) :::-~:~:- ~::~ :r .t):~Le · tt;"l .,..,ri-et~t itn~ig~~:s \\'.i t.l1out tt~:)i.bg a fot;.:erTsi(-:. t~t~ t~ ,~~.(;l-~F:3(\ tJ :~ :.:} F·:r-c~"V i<~;\1.t t:.c) ;.:)_·1h -:(\L j_, ·:: •.ttive was tht:n p1ac;"2d int o ev:i.df: nc"~ - .J.t tJK! n~. the Fedt:·ffal Bur~~t ~ hcsc: images do not rise to that ltZ!v61, arid ho inves t. iga t: fv<~ .J >.~:Le n i s te.ken by the. Los Angles D ivi ~;; ion, t he ~3e·e}: S.CJLli~rt:i/.Ef~~:(~ IJt.~~( r{~ ql1es.ts t.hat:. t.h.e -h.ard. dt.'"i Ve b e ::t~:0tt1rne:d l:c) t hero in K<': n tur: (:a:> they a re ~ble to. comple te t heir .P .t'Ot:esses. l\tt(:irney · '"' :.·Eis Plc'.: ~""' n o te item 8 under the "I agre~ to/or t hatc" :;ecU.on c;ii Lh c ><'.·1:"'-'.tce Orde.r form s tates that the ctistorne 'r is "on not )..:~ (: t .l.:n:vJhct cont:a.J n:ing child pornog.:i;·aphy will be t: urrn~d (~m,:: r' ; n·~· author.'i ties 11 • J?lease contact SA Ri ley if t he l:~e <:l't'C ,>,n y· •. : -L onµl quer:;tions. 3 EFF-'90 To: IoH A::qcJ ','.~· ~~.e: FTom: Lotiisvi 1le Ol/18/2012 Jjos Angles i.s requested to review the hard ~·:ici.v ,:~ £ind. doc:.. 'l''· ;o:u; enclo.sed for case poU::!ntial. I f no case is :'.)pen,::-d g l ea :::.( ~ ;::-, t 1..;cn l:ht3 hard drive to the Geek Squad located in K.E:nL'.lcky . 4 b7E -1 b7A -1 l Scryke O:rd1::t: ,, ''l01R966536638 11120/2011 1mnmn11 111rn Hili 1n C/\1~tF()Rl': '. A, SVC ,C ustomer Infonnation: M":!rk Ret.knmaii:r 1439! PlPiiLlNB !\VB Ctlrt\O, C 1 • 917llki64 ;~ ::5'!.:51 Rodeo Cir C1gur>a. Hll1!>, CA 92653 . Prrniary Phoue: {949) 705•9015 ~ . .. ' • : J\oh:rnatePhonc: {949) 831-1624 Prod11tt fo:'-.)!-;;-1·ii1.t1011~ Pt'oduct J;ni,~: DUtV:'tv1Y SKU : GSS Ol>1C1! Iirnud; GENERICPRODUCTSO(t'RCEC Mm.M: ;;:;s;: ONLY ~i<:d11l #~ 91E243V2 SKU: 768 '.fiU lht.;: OfJ~ir~hasc: 111201200$ BTI•iltumh•:·r: l,.;;.IJndParts Coverage: COD COD ! ' • • . I ' nnYill11UIJl!lll IJllll llf 1 llHll L•\bo1/Ptt1"ts End Date.: 11120120(18 l ll20/W08 WCP Expiration D<\te: Condition : Drh.~r i~ptd fy 'i V~ty slighHl' •:' 3('J , ' . ·n>~iioc~it f.~~eptcd: $34~95 , K5linH1ted«:ompletton Dute: t?./06/20U [] ;;~:plOJm' . sopHt>''\~ ~"~''iq, DBYllllUll lllllf IUllfJI 111IH111 · ~;·' Client DAI) !or !ntmMi :1 :; ';>(!'i•l 1 i ;:; i'2CO RPM !)rhe. p!m:mlin!orrn cHontt>f nstimato .and ptt:cc;~i:;ll-!j~)~· . r~wf~r•>m' D!sclaim•.J j I 111.ltttc: til:.;- B" s! suy/G~~~; Sqtrno ("Her; t Ell:·»"} ,.-., L Pc-.,:.1t1;; ~ht •·11v!ctl~ • <>C)ne~le!/i,.· :-d\i.;to; ('pi<>dvcl•) nndl {lrant;lci:;esp'3;:re~1. -~~fe~t1i - 1denl:!J~d~JY f:$b::t !.3_r;~1 ory my ptn~iuct._. _ · · -_ _ · -· 3, U:;o rmw <::' :r.hul~ rupt~c""~"r;; par!<> !h&t p cc:lr.:Y; <•> .he- <'nc.twy !lP!lr3!1(inni •pnr.i!l!:f~.t f>J<:>:<>,>Mi:l ~:n(l llt> '"Y bl!l!att), ut:liNe) !hr) :1>!n:m1mrnpprovr:d a•1101Jn! sr~ted on !M s.orvice mderbetori,: my prod•Jt11~ l:f>t~~lt~>~.\'Vl j ~~.: rf~turr:. 1h..:! . ilf1. f~.!i~~th1J p:':>t"ti~l.·: · t:l· . fl~n· <~tl.:f ~ oU_·J()entt~m ·!f j do· not a~i.prp~"ff $_ll:Ch r~p~.tt. J':, , i i mv j i • auy 6.. Stt~;:I c~" ""f"w"' ':i:i~· i , ;;IJllWg<> Hnr.t may clli!11jjo thatdal!l. · 7. NQT bndt ,_;> ""~'. . ;lat~ . rrr;dv;i! ,,,,fo~ '>I ''>"' '~"~'':(>' rnctuos! t)ast auy 10 leu PRIOR 10 tfl<>. porfmm~ncc o! mjy ~c!Vice. B.. ~_ci.tfri·t:~~·,.. ~ ~·t;-n _ tho s~uvic:);H'n1m-;'.· p~·fH~{.;c~ _ ~~- - ~ti 1·~~~nr1n::~~'·1!=1k•._t~.d.. _--. __ __ _- · -_ - _ _- · · _ _ · · 9. CcrN·:I, le: r.t:i.~.:t,; h """kni:nd1;p of tho repa1r smvi ~cs for hardware {llxdutif(!tl vfru·(.:~.y~ frOm !h i;• d~:ttil : P~ pi:;:.:: t1p. -··· · · .· · · ti.n "'>' 1 ~ ! ~ I 1 agrtsD tu/or t ~: ~1: · 1. Rete ' to th'! hm_l1!ltmd ~ont!1fll.N1r; <1! ':''! pw'.f' or serv!CC1 co•1trscrfor inlooJu\llofl about covurauo ond 11pplfoabltt charnes, 2. Pay ;1 non: :! !:mdab!u o"µM1t oti scfl''c"/,;r.1>m' <:rwerr.d. :fM dt~posltis aw1:ee tr; !he cor.U! tl•o ~oMc il; not covi!reti. 3. Pay, w:tt-:o<:! ~;ng notliled, tip to. tlw m:n;m,_- ~ :i :: :11M·d amou11! i;ia!edon ·tha -!ltHYk:D nrdor.. . · .. 4 Pay Jcr se<'1fr:~1tl<>\:)ri,:; J.'Ml~ <1nd !l ~'"''""""' '!•:s ;t1·~1l:>il.<>lCJ 10 when pldi.l!'\(l _llp fll)'Jltt>duc~ s . W ntv'- ztw ; 13.rr~:. "'l'1rI my !"'IKl1Jct .f: rlu · ·< ·! "' ,, "'\' ;,rt;c11c:! vp within 30 (fays ol bc'ng no!lrle :'" l' d.>!mt: lQ my product, !11r.!uc!n9 llll dnta and lnform-nllon on l'>lY'J"'lducl. a. I am Jr. <"c\ ,,,, that 1rny P' oduct c<;m:;' wlll bHALI. '! VifY us ,_:,-11:.;.i: f'<:lR l\NY .LOSS, ALTE!'lATION OR CO~AUPTlON OF ANYOATA. OR.LOSS Of ANY MEDIA fROM MY PHODl)CT. ! I 11, WRl•c· an;. 1H1scqt.•ent:31 u lm:ktcn!r:I !In« '1'.i"· : ;'']'~ r.m a~puy tMI rmiy occut ilSl ol n'lslJlt of !hi~ Ml'\lkll. 1:Z. l v1t 'll~' tt. ,11ha;·"1<~.>rl :i~;t"<>$ I<:} llv· '"'' ' " <1t !Sllt.Sf.tVlc<> Otder O!~cl;i!m~r :md 1flat I a name addr.,,,,; 11nd ~·i t1mttt~1'.; i :.l1.1d ;.tw"e 1,, t~n ( :,::\l" r "->}Y l~'.1!'"~,~-S1tctlan ls o:icemale, . ""<1 . , .- , . 4' , , ·' . ·"" t.i-" /J ( :usttr mr Slg1:rntum:~,l.L{(J/.:; j'.'.(f•;J :, ,.;~'.~'.:::::.-,:::.~=""'----~ Da_!S; . , \/'1·-" · ''(' .> i ! ---~ £1111>1c ;cc f•lgrmlurn;__,_ __£;.'~2:::.'.J::;2::::::::=-- ~ oatQ:' : e;:i:jj;j/frii:~; l'tE~uiru;ti-~i(;1)(.\N';ii;;: ;-;:;rciilJi:;,;miJl\ BUSINESS AND f'flOF.ESSIONS COPE) FOR REPAIRS SHALi.. GIVEN TO WE CUSTOMER DY Ttie srnwc:: !)Eii\LER l N \.';'RITlftG, Mm'(;!!: 'i\IRS, SACRAMENTO 9561 '1, A buyu.' ol' thl» P•<•duct :n G1'1lfoml" ""~ n "' ·tsM 1q lhf:so prodt.i ct s":TVlr.'1.i or r~P•Jred during th;, w1m'unty pl>rlod. Th" watr;snty ll!lrlod w·rn b,, _cxtendl!d ror · 1~11. n,;,r'it ,... v.-r.o\l:< >1~?~ thM UN· pm; N » mly perhid, Iha warrnnty will riot e:xplm :mff >f·,u dct,;1:l hN: Q!illl' ih<~d. ~· .· '~ '' '"n :mt:f pNfod wlll Jll:J;O bo 0>ctemlad rt !flu warranty repairs h;sv" not be.on perlorml>d dli11 lo dolays l:tJUSed by ::Jr cum :1i't''"'' ~- hj 1yon d th" ,:t>r;1 re..) ·~I t!»i hf;<•1 "r ...,, t HU<'' w~ mmty rop3// a rild n otr131n.,dy lh o wlU1ln M d")/" <>r!«t ii"''!· "'·:! ''-· ''"'"/Jl<>lvd. II, >1lh>r 4 re;iaomib1o number of att~plfl, th" defect haa net beer1 ll)too, the bUY11!n1~cm'~ '•lnr "mi\"W -~Hbj ("<: c, ;,, ·~Hf' •:o'HMO• dedueUcn ol 11 ri:u.som•blo cllnrg1t fQr'Us11go. Tills l!m" exJMslon dllt>s not ;slt~lll'l!I: pr(lteclion'> a# !AN h'""' o:r re·;n(·~1iu_~_ Ht} :CU)'&r ?Nu u~~~dur _ut!~:.:)r S.i'\w~· :. EJ-e~l _6 ll/ :C11 1; ~u;.nln lo ~bstb~( i i M_ n:MJ~r· H~gl~ ~ rnH .•:..r; Nl~·.: r b ~> ! E>a.;i-;!:"-6 -----·--------"'-- , l Eff-92 .It ( \!r,~···' I ·1 ,..._~--\~ . ....._........_.....__._.__ __...____-"'-~3:.-6__6__...~'---~ Service order; °tat: Cc: dc SlatHs: 001()1-966536638 [::::::::•:•=·::•::.•· ·:~:., .-, ;~;-~~;;f-:.-~'.;-~;-3,-A,-_ s----i Mnm;f:.1,:n1rcr: MorkL --<··~· ·· .. . ·-·."•" ... .. .......... -·- · -~-. · -~------! ----1 ':'T1243V2.......... . .. ....... .,, ..... . o.. ..•~..... ~ · _ · · •... ·nard Drive L .. .... . ._ ..... ...... ............. .........-·-~-----' .......................---·---·--·-................ . ..... ··- . . ......... . . ..... ... ,. ;, .;,.~ .n..; .. ,.; ........,._ · _~•• ... ;- :.._,.........._._ ... ...,..~~· ·.; .._.........,. ;. '""-"~, g_e_n__ ·---~--.-IA. .............. t_N_a~m-e-----·--..---------- .~·.-; , •. ••··u~•· ••' ,. ••·.•·•..,.....-,-~--_.... . ....-"--~-~-----...-..--.........-----........,.-~ L{:g ;fotcs-dknt :tpprc •;( d UP:·, ~J:-. r\" (:t for internal 3.5'' seagate l TB 7200 RPM drive. please inform clientof estimate. \ \\ ·i .:ml proceed {i.ppropiafi.!IY. qtiqtcd 2;.3 weeks. / ; .. _s· /--< · b U ,.,, ·H :./ --_- . ._-c··~-; -?; r ~: ··7 ·. . . ... / '\.i;1f , ll. ...... ' f., . ~J ··7. •. ·. I :J ...,---···---------. . .. -- \,JO t cJl __.... .., ....... _..,. ... . .................... ijjl~illlll:llltllliil!~~ __________________ ____________ ........... l'.~t . 'leus: ~· . GEEKSQU4D.COM @ . 1 .. soo .. GEEKSQUAD __. . vvhilr:! perrorn•ing ~:1 Ji1 i:: t"t:View of the format recovery that was ran, I looked for client mission critkals of Pictur~:;. and Vich! :i" Wtt!:1; the search information populated, I noticed -a lot of Album Art pictur~s coming up - N1th I " 'it ikdded to filter "them otitby ravlslrig my seatth to "kind: picture width:>200". 1 we; re a kn ol i:t''"l'UFt hnages, buU.can across some which I felt needed be revi~wed due to whFP•':re Eff-'9 4 i l~f .... ...... J:~ ......... ... ......... . '-<...,~ ~·· , ;:.:) STATES DEPARTMENT OF JlJSTICE : >P?~ AL fH.JRFAU OF INVESTIGATION <'ro~HWl:y g. ccci ved/Rcturn ed /Released/Seized it~m(~~) listed below were: R_,_eceivcd.• ~rom i_:· f_' l [J Rdurued 1 o [ '] Rdeased To tJ Sei.zed f'. ?L__j.J~.------~'!::...::'.kt~2----------.------ ,:,·.: ..:::iLd,,_1__2'.:::.L::'.:.-t,__)f+_1· ·\/ . .... l . .............- -.. ---................. _.. _. .................... ~ -- ...__...................,..,_______ .............................. . .....·....•.-.-.-.- ....·...: ....: . .....................................:.............. _ _................ ... / ~-----· · ·····---------- ·--- ·· ··-· ·------ --------···· ----· --·· ····· ··--- . L... ::~T;-;_:~...L~L~-!-;l~~E:----~-u:h_,_____ _:~l>. 1 ____:j::x.~.r ·') 2. 1_::-:.__ },~,;-~-l I ......... ........_ .... ...... .... !..!... .,...........................~--~ ....- .................-._............................. H ... " ........................... ~~· · • ·:- ···· ......--...-:..:-..... •••> > >'> • ........ ................ .......... ..................,.. -.-~ -·--- -~-----· • · · - ......-.•.•.-.-....... .. ___ . .........................._. .............. ._ . --~ - ·~·-··· · ·- ................... ··· : .·• . ·• ._._........... ...... _ _ _ ._ ,.· - •• .•• •-•..-.- -. · .·.·~-~ . _ _ __ ._ ..... . ,.. ..... ...;.,, ............ --- ~ .. •• n •• • "".••"'"'-+ •.•.•.•............:..: ... ., ........., .. .. _ _ ._ ••• ••• •• ..,..•. • ,.,.,.,.. ......· ··· ·······-----------·-·- ·-.·.---.------'---'-···--~ ------------------·-- ··· · · · ···· -··· ·- -------------·····-·.·------ .·--.>,. . . . , ........ . ....,. ..;,. . . . . . . . . . . . . ., ~ ., ~~ - . . . ,,. . . .............. .,. ....._. ___ . ..........·---·••.-..-..-.- -.-................. .... . ...... . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . __ ~ ~ ~ ... : •.. · -~-::~~---.- . ......~ ..... .....,;,~.;. ...~:":"".•~-~--------...-...:. .;.......---·" ''""'''''"'"""";..:.............................................. ~.. ~ .............. ....... ... . . .................... . ..... ...~.... '-..... ,_, __ . . . . ........ ........ ... ~ : ··..... . ,. .................--~---· ····· ""- _ .............. __ .....:.... . . ....... . . . . . ........................... ~"··......... -- .............................'".....~....~~........._ ........ . . . -- ---··- · - - --~-::_4L~:.:~:. . - ___ _ _ _ ______. . . _.. . . . . . . . . .. . .;.. &•. • .-'· ~ ······ ·.·.-- - ------- ·-······· ······ ·· ....... ...... ....... ... ........~---···· ·· ···-·- -···· ---..-.. ..~ ·....... _;c••---~~---- ··--· ·· ··----------· · • · • .. • • •• ••.,••• · · ··· .· · • ••.•.• .. ,,....._ ..,, ...,...__.. _ _ , ,._ , .. -. • . . . . .. . .. . .. , ._._. . ..,.._._._.,..,._.,-: ~· • ' "'" '' " "" '••••••,•, ••.--~ • .. --~• '>••• •• ..-.~ •.n·• - · . . .. _..._..._._._ .. -~...... ..:-: ;: ":": "···• .. ····· '· .................. --~--·--·--------,---··-----------:..:·,•···==:_.:.:......~::.::::.+~:..7[ ::.'.:~------··· ....... . .-. . ..· · ·· Rct:eivcd From; ,,:. ::~ -· ·-;·:_ :·< I .. ·-.. ~:-2't--. /\ _. / ,_ _. .,..:::~·-·. .. ' ~.~~~:~:;:;:-·······----------·::-7{ S{}i'ii-~itii:1:~;) ..."" "=.o:~::~~::: :::·~:::, ... ' Eff -95 ! Da t e: Attn: St111t:.a.:. J\11a: ·1~1~. i SA Cynt h ia :~ ~-- ~~l':.: cr~r ~:re ey I 01/lH/2012 Sr;{1.i·ar.1 Kayl \::~ It I ~6 -1 lb7C -1 lb7E -1 1-,.. ' . ' .i.-i·'· e-..• :~{ I....__ _ _ _ _ _ ___. ·x Ma:ck : :i. ·, : ...... ~7A -1 l ::;,-. , L'F GROUP 11 nq forw;ti:ded under m~par<..'ltE.l cover .1 s a 1 l·>~. ;;d drlve / }.'.}er:LE\l ff. 9TE24JV2. E:tl-C \·~)S~-ll)~-(f:: i -~ (r-r0 w ._ l~~ ~x '7 ; 2 (~~ :t:•\/ i (: (~: ) ;~lt:. J :13 9 -~:; ci dv:iY~;~d :· ~i - ~ conta:Lnin~J a copy of tb(:;; 1-1'1a l Bouleva rd, Sui t e : x:k.y 4010 Q, 5 0 :.?.-9Sb '- 3800, All computen;:. ,;;to.r:E~ff nat:..i.<.)nw:Lde ctre sent: t:('.I t his £.~o.i.1 ity c H1:1y-/G(~ek scru<.'uJ :;·eco ;/nry <:: '. enL•: ( Hn:>n}:::: , :, ;: ~, . .Y ~ G, 201~~. SA IUley perscm aJ. Jy v :i.s:i.Le<:t t he Squ;:id f<:~J :.; L i :lk~ Best Buy /GG.;ek Squ<.i.d t:echnic:Lan be9,:n1 by i_:)(~:Y'f•.g:-mi.>·1(:: .::: ;>,c-':~·1 for pictu :te~~ and/or jpegs. As the .Best ::>bm~' ·:·ve-::'i :Jt<.y/'>~ek •:)b::.il:: · t:· \ti,~;;J '··: :::l: :d.c:Lan \•!as Hcro:U :i.n~r throus_ih the Lhumbn.:;_:;.;;: u ,. , ;·,,' :~ ··:· : .. ~ l :::LL. : ~ ·v·(~! ,. noted th;:~t SA Ri ley obser Vf:d the 1rna9•2s )·~ .r ~/' / (}~}(:~ k_ Sc1'i.J <.~l(.1 t.t~:c .11r1i .cj~ar1 o·b se r·vE::zi ~ I3•jcat1~)f:~ i. t: v:<:i ~~ :·~: ~ ~~ L·.~: H~t tl1e1~e ~~JE:l'"e kr1c)\· lr1 c·11 :in1a9·es, .SA R·:i.lr:~)' J .. :,, ) •:/<~~ , ·~.:: ::.: :.::..J..(t i rntn ·~~~.:1 .i.<::. t :~:::: ;~;. (:; j_:~..-:::?cent · fema.J e on her hcu1ds and ,.,,: \. h a bt·own choher' type col la:::.- around her neck . : :•J:-:::; ~ ,rv·ed ·· •:;nc>Jt! write b l ()Ckt=;,r 1 a scan w•as pexformed with a ...,'.•t::; d ete :t: mined thcf:·~ 1~~}~ · ~(r1~3 t~I1at a. ~'C! i~ri .r1(~£~?ds t o tH~ d:ciilE: fo::t t:(.Jl"' nt2rttt=icl '· ' : · <;· i ~n.ic tool tha t. c.a.:rveB . jp9 :iittcAg(: ~~, Since th(~! '"·-'c·L G ::-.:irnilar ~:o forensic tools 1.rnnt tlw FE~ der..:11 Hu;::.ef1U o f J nvest.i.uation. nt Lhe II I I l !; iI 't: : ! I I 1 ; I to: :qe = L:o~,'i l\.nn.;: _: in~ F:c:m1: I Louisville I I 01/1s12012 b7E -1 b7A -1 ..._~~~~~~~~~~~~~--- d i\ rnKle1'stands that every l.Tnited States /\ttn !~''. le'{' s Of: ><~S different prosecution thresholds. If i.t is -:lE:teYrni:·1c;;:\ th :<:- :_L_1::::.:e irnaqes de) not rise to that level, and no j.r~vc 2~t i9<:1t ~. ve ,,,, ::·£on ii:i taket:i by the lios Angles D:i.vi.sion, the <.r E~ek ''-'qU<'td/Ber _ hv.y requests that the ha;rd d1:·i ve be ret.1Jrned to :: hem Lo Ke11 tu: r:,(> t:J110.w atr-1 able tb complete thE.d.1:- processes. eJ e:' sect: i.cn on nc t.5. ::.:•': U i<'~~:: ti..1:r.n3d (>V(-::Y t~h""r,:: af(o? ~: ht. ar 2/ r·o te it em 8 under the ''I agree to/or that 11 Order form states that the custome.r is "6r1 U <~rv ::. ce p J'.·oduct containi.i1g child pornography will be ·hi::· a utho:idties". Please contact SA Ri ley if d tt::.ona1 questions. 3 EFF-9B Dat . Cynthia Kayle 1 ., .Ll b6 -1 b7C -1 b7E -1 b7A -1 > J Je ev; nence and deta.i lt~ regarding MARK ko deo Circle, : ~.: , /\ ~: r~~~ f..~ 1 e s i) _i \ri·$ i Pa.ck.:;;;~r-:::: r:: e:i:- ;;{:~;y:::c ( « J :t~~~.·9.:::. t.o J A coht•"lini.n9 .a copy Of the Receipt of Property of the GEE!( .s;qua.d Service Order/'l\::rats of ot the re ceipt generated buy Be:Jt Buy J.ocat.~:'d (FD · ·:, .S l l <3nd ~~1· t Hi11H, CA 92653 , Gcpy > ' : .· . :. nq forwarded under t:ieparate cove t· 1.s a :L :S : ·:-1.U< d .. :. · i :~=\ rd drive, Het' .1.a l iJ .9TE24 3V2. :Sncl·:ii-:1u ;n::rn '· S(~rv La~;tm.a 0·~1 ~ .:~nd , l:· J ·::. !· :J:~ }\\rt:~ . , (:.t1).!}(),. C~A.· . :Jet<'. i.1.$ ~ '··' :n;= ., .'.l ·:i, 2012 . a CHS cc:mta cted Si\ Riley and .:..dvi :v·d th.it :. ':; ; :t H·: iy/GE:ek squ;;:>.d had rt~C(Yi.Vl'3d <:1 hard drive for da.t ,::! Ff'c:··,\r:.: T')-' , :.- ;:i=1:!1.' t:ha.t contaJ.ned suspe~cted images of child qorr:oqr<:q)h°'1. j~· ', . :·. .Buy/Geek· Squad h~rn a .compute:r repair/data :rt::c o-r;::r'/ ccn\::(' :: \ :::c a.ted . at 345 International Bou1(::vard, Suite 3 GO, Er·::: ~:rk.0;. V. i~>~ i: uc \y 4 0109, 502 -95~?<.HWO . All <::emputers .C-'"' _ -....._ •""' ..__ .1'. '. _'·· }•:>· . ~ ;·_;.,·.· ,·:.;1 L<':8 i". . .ti: : :. ;,.'.'..!·· , .,•· 0 · ~•·:n>-r..><:> "'-·· L .... .,..~- ·S ./::.;(:el\. i··<;>"· ' c_·'.-.\•f"l. .., ..-4- ....._ ,:i. ,...J..il..'· · Cl'"" ·'--· 2012, Squ~•d 'l."c"'• 1;..;.t.~_\.-• L.,·:'>1·1f· .;::~\.:.:~ --- "-- ·t". . · '<'· )· j·· t, .i .... J..i. ....... ,. ~ '...f:~(··i' ~ .._ ,\..,.·.·1 1 l·~-- v;). ~31~ Riley po::.:rsnnalJ.y v .isit:ed the fa.ci.Lity and spoke to th~~ CHS . EFF-'99 To: L).Js:: j\y:~ qf-~ · ~~'.~.: · t' : · r ~)n1..~ 1JOtt.i.sv.i1.le 01/18/2012 Re' b7E -1 b7A -1 MAR :' > F'fT EHMAJER .:.~ ~J:.·~t ( ·:: r~_(1(~ -~"}r..) b~'hone: 949-831·-1624 t ht) advised that the questionable F 1:·:i.Ti :" i' "Y im~9es we:r:e GbsE:: cv-~d. <:~ ft:ei' data recovery repair had been made ten~ i.rna.9(~G. Tn o ~~d~t' f::>r .1 h, = z: (o~chnician to. dete:rrn:i.ntZ that the repair was H ttc~cr::~;~;~>.t b .. l B0st Buy/Geek.. Squad technician began by f>(i!X f?f'.rii r;~; a . , ~:m:" pictures and(or jp-egs . .·. l\~ the Best. :;uy /u,:.~t'.1\. B q~.1<.:t:. , ; '' ~cnn.1c.1an was scrollJ.ng throu9h tne thumbnails he ~:.bs e-r1;·<:: d t: ;.,,,~ · :1"'' i~.f(''~.-.~ • . he ..- sn. t::pE.~ct.e. d vibr. e ch.ild...por.no9·r · ·a pl·W·.. The ·t e chn i cian n cunt.acted the CHS 1 who contacted SA, Riley cir1d S <-~- c?t~ ~r·~~·:i t: b::: lt ..:. ( ::.: c·· }__~;:(~- .. noted .that SA Riley observed the images .. . .i'nlrri(-:~ d.i ~;l L ~:..s. -~.)trv~. ~~:i ·;_ ~ . ;~~ ~ieiz=C:·d ~•as ·:~ f a . . L J 1a. ~: ,., Squ<;1d technician observed. Because it was the.r e were known CP imag:es t SA H.iley U"\e ht:, :'i d :r·:i.\tE; . :C•Y U1·~ Gr:i{~ k Squad a known imaqe of: ''9yo Jenny" : .• b::> ~}rved by SA Riley. Tlri.1~ pa:rt:Lcular inia~JC was n11{ :,:;;. ~c'lhLte, prepi.1bescent female on hel: hands and \ ii::. i irnrfl-l'; dj 'lL6.i i'u:11y knees on ;} =~· :i th a brown choker type coJ. lar aY.c,und her neck. at the r,ouisv:Ule office the hard drive w<.:1s. ff . :·e nn..1.C write blocker, a scan was performed with a i 1 wmJ dete:::.-i1i:i.ncd that the data on the hard c.h·ive ·;,,. '",·)/l ·:>r -l'1< n.·" ,,.,,,,_,,, ,· ,-1q that ·-:- sc·:i''l:nePd~to be tionefor format""ed 0 :;;. ~·'1 ::: ·: .~-··· '·: . ~--~-: } .•., x_ :;-· ~~: '·)--~-:~ ,:~ : . ~ -::·~~·:~. - ~ - . ·.:·· _ .r.;h~- .. ,.~: Ct- 4 · -~- · .·: . . ""-,; t-<~. R.:i · :::··"- . : ~ _. " ..... _- - .. ,,1.,_t:. ,,.,. \ ,:.., J. ,,,, ,_.,_._,,, . ,,~q.<. .. Loo] t;. ..-. t ca1.\i;_,_, JP9 1rnagE-~" .... ~nee t.1e att.:::i.c.=·.~ed Le ::~ c:n3v.J ·::~w t:.:i<,>L . (.. ,1,- Gl'!Ck .Squ:::;r) (~(:FI,~,. it: i. ... . t. on~= n: ,t n similar to forensic tools used by the FBI 1 s p1:.:::uib1e t.o view images with.out, using a forensic .iinaqes. T'he \• , L,ou .:~ -~;vL .l ::T (:U;ive was then placed into evidence at the. Le Qf : ,l•, e of the Feder al Bureau of InvesU.9at:i.on. 2 EFF- 100 ~r,<1 : . r.:r.) ~~~ J)~l:"~ ~{r~ - ~ . ( :::\ r) r·r)]Tl ; Louisville Re: b7E -1 b7A -1 0 1 /18 /2 012 undc:cstands l:hat every United States thresholds. If i t is determine1.1 .. t .h':'L~c,: intages do not rise to that level, and no in\n:n~Li:.v• t: ;vc- ,;H i . i s taken by the Los Angles Division, the Ced;: Squ,C". d/Be: ·i:~. tsu·y :re que~3t$ t .h a.t the hard drive b e returned to •• 1 Att orrK~ y':':' t. h~· J ll :L:. ~,.= }c;1:'> diffel~entprosecutiC>n i n Ji:l;;-,,t;: .:\·.- HC< Lh ~~Y 4rG a bl e to (;omplete theit processes: nct!.:.n item 8 under tho u1 a9 n::e to/ or that: 11 i':ec:t i. on on •;;,;ff'Fice Order f orm st.':ltes that the custi:)iner is not ~.ce t}·!i'•'·: n. :y ::n··:, cllic t ci;in ~aining child pornography. ~>il l _ ~e t ll1:··1·1_: f~ 'd ()\ /~::~ ·: -- ;.:n 1: ..: K~ aut.horit ..les ~•. :Plef.lse cont.:a.c t SA. Ihley if Lb er f: Ht 'l'~ .'.1 ·!() i l~ ' i ona I qi.iest:.:Lons, non 3 Eff- 101 b6 -1, 2, 5 b7C -1, 2, 5 l{USACAC} 4 From: Sent: .___ _ _ _ ____,!(LS) {FB!) ".....___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____. To; ~~----i(USACAC} 4 Frida , Dcn~mber 23, 2016 7:11 AM ___ RE:...._ Subject: Attachment$: _, Certification Upd.~te.pdf Here are the files tfa~t I found this morning with the 2 additional names added to the string, The rest should arrive this am vlt to be dislllbmed ur •g~ncy This ,Jocmnrnt it nm! it:; of the· Fill. !t is• the property of ------------th~ FBI anJ is klancd IQ y6\or :f !he FB!. ii ""'l 11, cantcn!s Ml: •1<1l !o ht dfatrihut~d nul.Sl•ln. c:c FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: To: Data~ ROUTINE Boston From: Attn: Louisville Squad 6 Contact: Approved By: Drafted By: Case ID #: 04/2Q/20ll SA I...____,.--_______________, -----------.vfY . . . - - - - - - - - - - -...... J._________. b6 -1, 2 b7C -1, 2 b7E -1 sm~ {PendingD . Title; CCP-IINI; Synopsis: To provide additional details regarding captioned subject to Boston. Details,...:'-.___.B.... 'e""•1""·ow are descriptio.ns of t:he images viewed by and SA I I with the source at Best Buy/Geek Squad. sAI____.... b6 -1 b7C -1 b6 -4 b7C -4 b7E -1 EFF- 'TO: Re : Boston Prom:...,..,..· Loitisville I...._ _ _ _ __....I 04/0